Allyson’s Story

Site created on February 22, 2018

On 12/15/2017 I got some unwelcome news, I was diagnosed with Stage 2A breast cancer. The MRI revealed it is on the right side a 1.7 cm tumor and 8- 10 lesions. There is no obvious chest wall or skin involvement and no lymph node involvement from the MRI.  I am encouraged that we have discovered this early and by the many survivor stories that are shared with me. I told Ella God did not cause me to have this, AND we are going to watch what He does through this. 
Working with a great team of doctors: Dr. Robin Williams, breast surgeon at St. Thomas Midtown; Dr. Jamie Peyton, oncologist, TN Oncology Lebanon, TN (he treated mom briefly); Dr. Jason Wendel, plastic surgeon.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Allyson Collinsworth

Hello all!
So last week I had a PET scan. Today I visited Dr. Cohen, radiation oncologist, to review the results and set up my radiation. GREAT NEWS THE PET SCAN IS CLEAR! I will still have radiation for five weeks starting August 9, Monday through Friday. This is an insurance policy he said. 

Now for the funny part. At the end of my PET scan, they gave me a cd of the images. I got to sit with them for a week without doctor feedback. Against Mike's advice, and reminder I am NOT a doctor, I poured over them for days and googled myself into a diagnosis of completely different disease. 

I was loaded with questions for Dr. Cohen and  he found it all very amusing. He asked if I billed for my analysis, then reminded me an educated radiologist reviewed these same images, and declared them clear. He initiated a fist bump with Mike on their agreement of my aggravating behavior. Then when I asked for the written PET scan report he said, "What, you don't want to dictate it yourself?"

So I am thankful for the excellent report and for a doctor with a sense of humor. Happy I can entertain Mike and inspire him to write songs about Allyson, medical woman, making her own diagnosis and driving her doctors mad. (sung to the tune of Witchy Woman).

Thank you for your prayers and please continue as radiation begins next week.
Much love,
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