Allie’s Story

Site created on March 16, 2018

Welcome to Allie's CaringBridge website, we are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. It all started when Allie called me in January, frustrated and worried after discovering a mass in her neck over the holidays. Each new scan and test just seemed to be leading to another. Our sister-in-law Katya is a nurse, and took charge of getting the appointments for the biopsy, PET/CT scans and MRI’s to get to the center of the problem.  She single handedly got Allie in front of UCLA’s best doctors and seemed to get tests expedited every time. On Tuesday, January 30th, the doctors told us that Allie has cancer.

Allie has a large mass in her neck above her collarbone, along with several other masses in her lymph nodes, thyroid, mediastinum and pushing down on her left lung. What was originally diagnosed as Hodgkin's disease was then (after the biopsy) diagnosed as a rare type of lung cancer.  Then, after several more tests, we were given the final diagnosis: Medullary Thyroid Cancer.  To sum it up, Allie has a rare form of cancer that wasn’t easy to diagnosis.  The best treatment is surgery - most likely followed by radiation and, if needed, a pill form of therapy called targeted therapy.

The surgery will not be a simple one. Three surgeons are involved in the 6-8 hour surgery: a head-and-neck surgeon, a vascular surgeon, and a cardiothoracic surgeon. They will remove her thyroid and the involved lymph nodes in the neck. Next they will remove her collar bone and the cancer that is wrapped around her subclavian artery. In order to do this they will need to remove part of the artery itself and bypass it with prosthetic material. Next, they will most likely need to enter into her chest cavity through her sternum. They will remove all the cancer they can in her chest and budding up next to her left lung. The operation will take place at UCLA, hopefully the week of March 11th. Allie will most likely spend her first couple of days after surgery recovering in the Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where Katya works, (lucky us!!).  After that, she will be transferred out of the ICU to the main floor. She will probably be in the hospital for about a week and will have many obstacles to overcome.

After she returns home she will still have a few more weeks until she is back on her feet and another few months until the healing from surgery is complete. Her UCLA team will be following her numbers closely, and when able, she will begin radiation (probably 3-5 weeks after returning home). The next few months are going to be long and arduous, but I can't imagine anyone stronger and more capable of overcoming this than my sister.

It is hard to put into words what my sister means to all of us but it is easy to see how much she affects the lives of those around her. I have watched her perform selfless acts all my life and remember vividly the times I’ve seen her give of her time and energy to help others in times of need and happiness. She is constantly dragging me to the store to pick out the perfect gift to give someone on their birthday or asking me to bake cookies so we can hand them out to people who need a smile. Her heart is all about others.  Through all of this, Allie has voiced only once concern, “I’m sorry I am putting you guys through this!”  Truly. Selfless. You never expect cancer to happen to you or those you love.  Seeing it in my 29-year-old sister has just made us all the more determined to eradicate it. She is focused and determined, wanting only to kick cancer’s butt and come out the other side triumphant.

Once the surgery is over I will be putting up a website which will allow friends and family to drop a meal off, or have one delivered.  Once radiation begins I will have another website where you can sign up to help with drives to and from appointments – imagine the quality time spent with Allie!   For those that have already reached out with your love and support, we can’t thank you enough.  And another thank you for those that will.  It means the world.  Allie can’t wait to be through this valley and able to thank you all herself.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Allyson Pile

I normally don't post twice in the same month but I just had to share the news!! 
Two weeks ago I woke up and I received a text alert from my hospital about my new numbers. It read, '175.' I most definitely thought I was dreaming because it was fairly early in the morning so I wiped my eyes and looked again. Then I thought it said '1175' which would have meant my numbers went up so I tried telling myself that it's alright and I just need to stay positive. But upon looking at that small screen one more time I realized it definitely was 3 beautiful numbers. So I involuntarily let out a squeal/squeak type sound then immediately called both my doctors. They of course did not answer the phone, but one did text me saying she was in a meeting but wanted to make sure I was alright. I most definitely was not alright! I needed to make sure blood tests couldn't be wrong... Do they make mistakes on those? So I asked. She laughed and said no she's very excited about the numbers as well! 

It was in that moment that I screamed, danced, cried, laughed, sang, ran around and quite literally lost my mind. I called my sister and mom who stopped working so they could do the same with me on the phone. I most definitely couldn't believe it. 700 points down in 7 days!!! I kept saying it out loud, 'this is unreal, this can't be true, I just can't believe it.' In that moment God spoke very clearly to me, 'You've been praying for miracles exactly like this.. But when it actually happens, you don't believe Me?' and I just laughed. Well yeah I believe in miracles but they usually don't happen to me! Apparently this season in my life is going to be very different! I truly don't know what else to say except that I am ever so blessed by my God who has healed my back so that I can walk, is taking my pain away and shrinking Helga right out of my body. 

I had the privilege to travel to Texas this week (because I'm finally feeling well enough to travel, woot!). While I was there I got the news that my numbers went down AGAIN! So I am currently sitting at 95.6!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Dear friends and family-I could not do this without your faithful love, support, prayers, comfort and good vibes❤️ Thank you thank you thank you!!! It's been an honor traveling this journey with you and I am simply believing it'll be over soon and my numbers will be at zero and my next scan on the 16 of May will come back completely clear!!! The doctors told me this particular cancer is actually incurable, they can contain the disease but not eradicate it. I said 'bullocks' to that!!! My plan has always been to completely kick her butt and send her packing never to return again. 💪🏻 

I do have one small prayer request, my left eye has been giving me quite a bit of trouble and it seems like the doctors can't do much about it. Honestly other than that though, I have no pain!!! It is still so unbelievable every time I get out of my bed and subconsciously expect to have all the chronic pain come rushing back. I am grateful for every single ouch-free second that I receive. These last few weeks have been filled with such unspeakable joy and promise, I am exceedingly and abundantly blessed. 

Thank you to the lovely ladies at my mom's work who got me these fantastic balloons, a sweet card and wonderful presents❤️ love love love

Hope you celebrate something today. Big or small. Go out and buy yourself a balloon! You deserve it. 
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