Al’s Story

Site created on May 6, 2024

Note: if you make a donation to caringbridge you are donating to the website platform, not to the family. The family is not seeking financial donations just prayers, thankyou. 
Thank you for coming to pray and support Al. In early April Al began to notice during his regular gym time working with his new prosthesis that he was growing significantly weak and his abdomen was swelling. After a month of tests on April 29th he was admitted to University of Michigan Hospital and on May 3rd he received the very difficult diagnosis of Liver Cancer. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Alexis Love

Al is home! His homecoming was wonderful. As we were zipping up his suitcase the chaplain came into the room and offered him the Eucharist. "Bread for the journey." Next, the nurses, PTs, OTs, aids and staff all came into the rehab room and clapped him out. Some had tears in their eyes and I certainly did - he has come such a long way since he first entered the hospital 4.5 weeks ago. He gave a little speech thanking them for their kindness, patience and mostly, for their competence. He made a lot of beautiful connections over his time there. As we drove up to the house we turned a curve in the driveway and he was surprised by nearly all of his 21 grandchildren lining the driveway cheering as if he was one of the Beatles. It was a delightful moment that no one will forget anytime soon.
Almost immediately he and Sally have gotten to work navigating the barrage of appointments and outpatient therapies and managing the needs that are appearing. There are many decisions to make and he's got great support from his kids - all of whom are eager to ease this transition and spend time with him.
One praise report I'd like to share is that the doctors seem to have found a medication that's is 90% effective for his hand spasms. It is a major victory to see that receding from his daily life so thank you so very much for your specific prayers for that.
Now that he is home we are aware of a need that we would love your help with. Al's diet is very specific. He needs to keep his sodium levels very low. If he has too much sodium his kidneys cannot function well. With his liver being compromised by the tumor the kidneys have a starring role that we need to preserve. With all of the other transitions happening at the moment we would love to take this task off of Sally's very full plate and be able to provide meals. I'm going to link to a mealtrain that has details for the kind of meals he needs.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers and your practical help. We are surrounded by the best of people. ~Alexis 

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