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Jun 02-08

Week of Jun 02-08

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An update from the scans.  Alex had all his scans and we received the results Wednesday morning.  The results from the PET scan are that there is still activity in his shoulder.  The tumor has shrunk considerably but we don’t have the all clear yet.  The good news is that the Ewings has not spread and the spot on his right shoulder blade is gone.   The chemo is working but slooowly.  We were thinking the radiation would disintegrate the tumor but it didn’t seem to get it all.  I’ll do my best to explain it but in December when we started the PET reading was at 6.5 (the higher number and brightness in the scan is the activity level of the cancer).  In Feb the PET reading was at 3.7 and we are at 3.2 now.  That 3.2 should be 0 so that is why we are needing to continue with treatments.  There are 2 spots in his lungs but no mass so they are thinking those are inflammatory from allergies and asthma so we will repeat chest CT in 6 weeks to keep an eye of them.  Ewings like to travel to the lungs and with Alex’s asthma the lungs are always under watch.

The recommendation from the doctors are to continue with 3 more treatments like we have been doing and then scans.  We are still discussing if we will do more radiation and what that looks like, but will know after scans.   We were hoping to start chemo July 5th but the docs didn't want to wait that long as we would lose the momentum. So today we are at the hospital for chemo.  A change in plans for our Friday but a remimder we are not in control.  In the spirit of all our friends fighting the fight, we are wearing our shirts for Kailey Peters today and sending special prayers up for another friend receiving her first chemo today.  There is way too much cancer in this world.   We came home Wednesday from the doctor appointment to the Team Hope flamingo in our yard.  Some how that flamingo made it to our house from Cascade.  We are welcoming Mr Flamingo to hang out in our yard for a little while.   I told Alex those nurses at the BIC unit just haven't gotten enough of him yet.  So round 7 is underway.

The next treatments will be July 12 and Aug 7th before heading back to college.   We will have to have a flexible fall.

Oh, by the way, I am proud to say I won my first game at Sequence with Alex today.  The nurses were all cheering for me!

Happy Father's Day to all those awesome dads out there.  

Blessing from the Lynch Crew


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