Alan’s Story

Site created on May 10, 2023

On May 3, 2023, Alan went to the ER for shortness of breath (or a feeling of drowning to be more accurate). On the morning of May 4, 2023 fluid was drained from his left lung and he landed in the oncology ward. On May 6, 2023 more fluid was drained from his lungs, putting the total up to 4 liters. Labwork on this fluid revealed Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma cancer.

Please be praying this prayer alongside Alan:

"Let the warmth of Your healing love pass through my body to make new any unhealthy areas so that my body will function the way You created it to function. And, Father restore me to full health in mind and Body so that I may serve You the rest of my life."

Newest Update

Journal entry by Katie Rivers

"Nobody dies of diarrhea anymore," said the oncologist when we met with him three weeks ago. *

The ever-elusive, pending Side Effects that could hit at anytime, but hard to say when, arrived a few hours after the third immunotherapy treatment at the end of June (six weeks ago). The oncologist paused the immunotherapy treatment in July with the plan to manage the colitis and resume treatment on Aug 10th. 

Yesterday, Alan went back to the hospital, at the direction of the oncologist, for the second time in six weeks due to colitis. We won't resume immunotherapy tomorrow, meaning the Plan A cancer treatment is now on hold indefinitely.  The colitis has to be dealt with first, probably using a heavy duty steroid treatment. 

So the plan is this: A colonoscopy is scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday). That will probably confirm the GI doc's suspicion (always room for a surprise though) that the colitis is an immunotherapy side effect and not an infection. This information will allow us to get to the next part of the plan with the GI doc and the oncologist. 

During that past six weeks, we have tried everything to find food that agrees with his system and there is nothing. He's also gone in regularly for hydration infusions. Needless to say the last six weeks have been overall rough (with some good days thrown in the mix) on Alan and Joan. In someways being in the hospital is a relief and a support at this time.

My overall energy has been down and I haven't been able to write here much. 

I will do my best to keep folks updated at this time when plans are changing. 

*This is true in industrialized countries with reasonably reliable health care. Anyone who has been in a remote part of the world, places without reliable access to clean water, knows people (often children) do still die of diarrhea due to dehydration. 
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