Tina’s Story

Site created on April 18, 2018

Welcome to our site!!!

Hi, this is Tina.  In October 2016, I was told I had Stage 4 Kidney disease. This is when the journey to find a donor began.  My brother and husband both were tested and….BOTH WERE A PRELIMINARY MATCH (pending further testing, of course)!!!!  My brother was then deemed a suitable donor and surgery was scheduled for 10/24/17.  Unfortunately, there were some additional complications and my brother was eliminated from donating.  My husband, Tex, then began further testing and…he is a suitable donor!  Praise God!


So here we go again. Lol. I have a surgery date of 4/24/18. Since Tex is my husband and we have a 15 year-old daughter, Olivia, you can imagine how this brings its own set of complications. We would never be able to get through this (or the past year and a half) without God, our family and amazing friends. Through the ups and downs God’s goodness remains unchanged and He isn’t surprised by any of this.

Can’t write this story without saying how grateful I am for Tex’s willingness to donate. I jokingly say “he didn’t have a choice” but he did. We didn’t enter into this decision lightly and he has never waivered. Couldn’t have weathered this storm without him. Love you babe!!♥️♥️♥️♥️

We have a few weeks ahead of us that will be challenging and ever-changing. Please, please, please keep us in your prayers. Please especially pray for Olivia. She is so supportive and strong but this is a lot for a 15 year old to face.

 Thanks so much in advance for your prayers and support.  This page will be updated with our progress. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Tex Reese

Today marks the 90 day mark since our surgeries. As for me, I get the easy road and am almost 100% back to normal. I still have some sensitivities at my incision area, but that's really all.

Tina's road still has ups and downs. As for the Ups, her new kidney is working like a Notre Dame lineman: Hard, fast and strong!

The Downs are that all of the medications Tina has to take affect her in so many ways and usually in not good ways.

We still have to go to monthly clinics but at least it's not weekly like they used to be.

Overall, we are still thankful for what God has done for us and the amount of support, gift cards!, prayers, and counsel has been overwhelming and a blessing.

We will still continue to update as things progress in a positive manner for Tina. Hopefully by next year, the amount of drugs she has to take will either be eliminated, reduced or both but she'll be on anti-rejection meds for the rest of her life.

Thanks to everyone! Please keep us in your prayers!
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If you donate by May 12, your gift will be doubled, up to $10,000, thanks to a gift from Living Water Foundation.

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