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Apr 28-May 04

This Week

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HI my name is Joan  I'm a wife and  mother of two beautiful babies!i i dont have much but what i do have i count my blessings!  I was recently diagnosed  with a mass on my thyroid that's closing in my windpipe that they think maybe cancer , i did everythings i can think of to start to treat my problem so i can live and be healthy for my babies and husband , but  unfortunately I was told today  that  no insurance would cover  my treatments or  my surgery  because they consider it a pre-existing  health problem! ive  applied for help threw Medicaid and I was told because i make 450 a month i was  denied coverage. so i am reaching out for any blessings i can get to help with the cost of treatment and  surgery.  I appreciate anything that can be given even if it's just a prayer! thank you!❤❤❤

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