Help Amelia Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Amelia’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 12 donors who have made a donation in honor of Amelia.

Amelia, you have been in my prayers since the beginning of your difficult journey. Your godly testimony, through your illness, has been such an encouragement to many of us. May the Lord bless you with a full & speedy recovery!
Mrs. Jill Winters | Mar 10, 2022
My love and prayers are with you and your family. This is a long road. With set backs and strides. But with each step forward, back and forward again, he is with you.
Love, Kristine Faulkner | May 26, 2021
Peace I leave with you. Chaplain Michael Gibson
Michael Gibson | Mar 13, 2021
You are such a beautiful testimony to God's faithfulness. Ty for sharing
God Bless You And Your Family Julie Ruffer | Feb 28, 2021
Rick Gosselin | Feb 24, 2021
Prayers are still being made for you as you continue the journey on the path and for healing.
Your Sister in Christ, Diana Maloziec | Jan 29, 2021
Diane & Tom Zimmerman | Dec 16, 2020
We never stop thinking about you as well as praying for you to have a blessed journey.
Jerry & Carol | Dec 5, 2020
I will be praying for you and your family as you go through your treatment. Caring Bridge is a great way to keep people updated. We started one for Hope years ago when she was seriously ill. When it is safe to do I would love to get together with you.
Corrie Shanahan | Nov 26, 2020
You are going to kick cancer's butt! In the meantime, I love being able to get updates on your journey. I'm happy to sponsor a month worth of updates! Thanks for keeping us in the loop. I love you so much!
Love, Maryann and Stephen Nabholz | Nov 24, 2020