Adelyn Rose’s Story

Site created on June 29, 2018

Thank you for taking the time to follow the story of our Sweet Adelyn Rose  #cdlswarrior #ecmosurvivor #trachwarrior #tinysuperhero

Newest Update

Journal entry by Mandi Johns

Be joyful in hope,
patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12

For the first time, Adelyn has made it through a surgery without any issues! Praise God!!!  As I sit here by her side, I feel an incredible amount of comfort, hope and love. She looks so peaceful. Not struggling to breathe as she sleeps. No pauses, no desats, no issues.  This girl... 🥰. She’s is so small, but SOO incredibly strong. She amazes me everyday.  
Along with the comfort, Hope, and love, Jason and I both have both grieved over this situation. We talked, I cried, we talked some more, I cried again. I can’t help to think of how much things are going to be different. How much I will miss that sweeet, low toned, most precious and genuine giggle. Her little coos as I talk to her and she attempts to do the same. But, that sweet smile will still be there. She always smiles through it all. She has taught me so much. She serves a great purpose. God has a plan for her, and it’s one heck of a great one!
I feel like a weight has been lifted, but at the same time another added.  I know, this makes no sense.  We have an OVERWHELMING “to do” list as we prepare to go home.  Which, by the way, could take a month or more as we get everything to fall into place.
Adelyn’s case manager and I are going to get to know eachother veryyyy well, as we work through everything.  There is a lot of teaching that Jason and I must complete, together, here at the hospital. So many forms must be submitted to insurances to get a lot of approvals for medical supplies, etc. It is also required for trach patients, to be sent home with a nurse. So, we have to figure out the desired hours we want for that, get it all cleared, and then basically put an ad out there to find the right nurse for her.  (Anyone know of any home nurses in the area that want to help care for the sweetest girl around?? 😁) There’s just so much.  Getting it all done, being here with her, making it back to see and love on Landon, Cameron and Brooklyn as much as I can, is going to be difficult.  But, we’ve been through so soo much already, I know that somehow, we will make it through this.  We always do. Thanks to everyone that supports us and loves and prays for sweet Adelyn, near and far. 

We are tremendously blessed. 

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