Abbie’s Story

Site created on December 27, 2019

On December 22nd Abbie was hospitalized for kidney failure. Her parents are young, hard working folk from small-town Wisconsin. This was a financial blow that nobody could have expected, and high medical deductibles are making this already terrifying situation something that has left the family grappling with how to make ends meet.  All of this came to a head right at Christmas, and although theirs was spent at the Masonic Children's Hospital, I've never seen a family come together like my brother and his wife did for their daughter. This is a story that nobody wants to have to experience, but we hope that you'll read the journal entries and give what you can to help get them through this horrible time. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Sasha Rickerd

FYI: These journal entries are posted newest to oldest, so if you want to start at the beginning of Abbies journey, scroll down to the bottom for the first entry. 

Abbie has been discharged!!!! Her creatinine level was down to a 1.4 and doctors are confident that she will continue to improve over the next few days. She has several follow-up appointments as well as a few blood tests for which we're waiting on results but Mitch, Dani, Alexe and Abbie get to go home. This has been a harrowing time but it has also helped us to appreciate what we have and not to take anything for granted. I think about how I felt the day Mitch called and told me that Abbie was in kidney failure. The entire world stopped for a second. The only thing in my life that mattered in that moment was my niece. I'm not a parent myself, so I can't even begin to imagine the hell that my brother and his wife experienced at the onset of this ordeal. All I can say is that we will all sleep tightly tonight knowing that we have each other and that Abbie is home.  
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