
Patients and family caregivers have shared their stories hoping that you, too, may believe healing is possible, and valuable, no matter the health outcome.

Dog Named Halo Becomes Family’s Godsend

She’s not just a dog. She is my angel dog. If she weren’t here for me, and being as calm and easygoing as she is, I’m not really sure how far I would be on my recovery at all.


Therapy Chickens Deepen Healing of Therapist

I had to take care of the chickens. I had to physically go outside to be with them. They helped me forget what I was going through. It put me into the present in a different way.


A New Liver—and Mindset—Bring About Healing

Healing starts from within yourself. The process is aided by the surroundings and people you choose. You want to make choices that are healthy, mentally and physically, for your mind and body.


Home is Where Healing Happens

For so many months, he was so sick, and unable to even move his arms and legs. He used to get mad watching his sister play because it was like, ‘Why can’t I do that?’ And now …
