Aaron, Kim, Morgan & Caleb Tobias Tobias Family

First post: Apr 27, 2019 Latest post: Apr 29, 2024
On the morning of March 6, 2019, Clearwater school teacher Kimberly Tobias, daughter Morgan (14), son Caleb (13), and foreign exchange student Didrik (17), were on their way to school when their Toyota Corolla was T-boned by a Ford Expedition, leaving them severely injured.  The Ford Expedition had been traveling at a high rate of speed when its driver failed to observe a stop sign.  (News Article (https://www.kwch.com/content/news/Emergency-crews-working-crash-in-southwest-Sedgwick-County-506758231.html)) Meanwhile, Kim’s husband, Aaron, was overseas when he learned that his entire family had been in the accident and then endured 32 hours of travel to get home. 

Kim, Caleb, and Didrik sustained critical injuries and Morgan had serious injuries.  By God’s grace, all of them survived the accident.  Morgan was able to transition her recovery from the hospital to home after just over a day in the hospital, while Didrik required an extensive surgery and a week-long stay in the ICU.  With sixteen different broken bones, including severe compound fractures requiring three reconstructive surgeries so far and six blood transfusions, Kim has exceeded all expectations and after 23 days in the hospital is now on the road to recovery at home with the help of family and friends.  Kim still faces at least one additional surgery and the challenge of learning to walk again after more than three months in a wheelchair.

While Kim, Morgan, & Didrik make solid progress in their recoveries at home, Caleb remains in the Pediatric ICU (PICU) fighting for his life, as he has yet to regain consciousness. After sustaining massive facial and cranial injuries and pelvic fractures, a series of miraculous interventions, eight blood transfusions, five surgeries (with at least two more planned), and many answers to prayer have lifted him to a slow, steady improvement as he continues to show signs of progress. Although his prognosis is uncertain, what is certain is that the road to recovery is very long.  While we look forward to Caleb returning to his vibrant spirited young personality, he is expected to remain in the PICU for another few weeks, then he will likely transfer to a pediatric neurological rehabilitation hospital hundreds of miles away for an unknown length of time.

Please pray for the Tobias family, as they continue to be sustained through these extreme trials by the restorative power of prayer through our Savior Jesus Christ.