Ramona Bliss

First post: Mar 3, 2021 Latest post: Oct 30, 2023
Welcome to Ramona's CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement! Thank you for visiting.

After a routine screening mammogram,  Ramona was recently diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer.  The good news is that the tumor is small and treatment is beginning soon. Ramona will have surgery on March 10 with chemo and radiation to follow. 

So many wonderful family and friends have reached out to offer encouragement and support - from prayers and meals to friendly visits and  gifts. This may feel like a long journey ahead but the outpouring of love is truly helping. 

Ramona is a glass half-full kinda gal and is ready to fight! Her family will post updates here as she goes through treatment. If you would like to encourage her or help out in any way, please feel free to reach out to her daughters  - Angie, Misty or Punkin.

Please remind your loved ones to get their mammograms!

If you'd like to reach out to our family to offer support to Ramona, you can reach her daughters at 216.250.2998 or angie.smith1003@yahoo.com.