John Nelson John Nelson

First post: Oct 17, 2018 Latest post: Oct 23, 2018
On Wednesday, October 10th, my brother, John, was involved in a very serious accident at work, which resulted in a skull orbital fracture, multiple face fractures, multiple rib fractures, broken back, shattered pelvis, broken femurs, and a broken ankle, as well as multiple internal injuries. He was first rushed to Liberty Hospital, only to be rushed again to the Trauma and Critical Care Center at the University of Kansas Health Systems. They had to stop the bleeding, and stabilize his blood pressure before they could perform any kind of surgery, but they could not get him stabilized enough to do that. Other than the initial emergency surgery to stop the bleeding, October 12th was the first of many surgeries that my brother will have in order  to repair his many injuries. Received a call from our mom at 2 am that morning, and said he is scheduled to begin his journey. So, for the family and close friends that have known and prayed, please continue to pray. For those of you that are reading this and hearing of this for the first time, please send your thoughts and prayers up for our family! I will do my best to keep you all posted. He was a hardworking dad that loves his kids, loved to ride his motorcycle and race cars  with our parents, who would do ANYTHING for ANYONE, and just plain loved life, so PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LEAVE YOUR PRAYERS, COMMENTS, OR EVEN YOUR THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY to show your love and support!! Have any pictures of my brother? Load those as well!! My brother WILL read them one day!!! #ihavefaithdoyou