Jason and Courtney Crowe

First post: Jan 23, 2021 Latest post: Jan 23, 2021
Jason tested positive with COVID between Christmas and New Year's. In less than a week he was diagnosed with pneumonia and three days after that he was admitted to the ER at Prisma Health Oconee Memorial. Jason was vented, but later that evening he was flown to Memorial Health University Medical Center in Savannah, GA to begin drastic life-saving measures. His medical team has started an ECMO procedure to purify and oxygenate his blood and they continue to use all available to them to save this husband, father, son, friend. We are hurting and uncertain of the days ahead, but we have seen our Father at work and have felt a peace when we shouldn't have. We have witnessed with our own eyes tangible results from specific prayers that leave us speechless with our hands raised and giving praise to the only ONE WORTHY and ABLE! We find overwhelming comfort in every single form of outreach to our family. We covet and crave your prayers as we wait on His mercies each day.