Charlie Ramos Charlie Ramos MM Blog

First post: Jan 15, 2020 Latest post: Mar 30, 2020
A quick story on how things led up to what i now have, Multiple Myeloma . I had a huge sneeze during allergy season here in sac (Late April). I felt a sharp pain in my lower back & it hurt badly! I saw the Dr for several months with him telling me it was a muscle spasm & it can last 4-6wks. I continued with physical therapy & things just got worse.
So long story short. I was hospitalized for almost the entire month of August. As you can probably tell in recent Facebook photos, i lost hella weight (40+ lbs)!
I was diagnosed with a very rare, non hereditary & non contagious, disease called "Multiple Myeloma", which I'm now at stage 3 :(
Doctors say it's not cureable at the moment but it is treatable. You can google it to see more in depth about the disease:( Per statistics, Im suppose to have a deadline on life (26 months) , but will do my best to beat the odds & extend my life way longer than 26 months!
I'm staying strong, confident & going to fight this for my kids to see that, "giving up is not an option!" But deep inside, I have my moments of anger, sadness, depression & lost of thought. I do have tons of support & a strong team of friends & family w/ many prayer warriors :) So wish me luck, thank you all for your support & please continue your prayers for me.