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Jessica cook <Mmdjdjdjdjd@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 27, 2013 10:30 PM CST
My barely 2 year old nephew was diagnosed last month with a rare childhood cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma. This has been very devastating to our family and is very heartbreaking. You can't feel how much pain it is unless it happens to you.
Unfortunately, there isn't much attention in Childhood Cancers since most of them are rare cancers. In effect, there isn't much studies and research done for their cure.
I signed the petition "Cure Childhood Cancer - Another Inconvenient Truth". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 1,000,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts. Thank you!

Cure Childhood Cancer - Another Inconvenient Truth
News media (e.g. 20/20, Dateline, 60 Min.) - we need to tell our story!
Sponsored by:
CureSearch & Texas Children's Hospital

Childhood Cancer Facts

- Childhood cancer is the #1 killer disease of our children, more than from asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, congenital anomalies, and pediatric AIDS combined

- 1 in 300 children will be diagnosed with cancer before age 20
- Each year 3,000 children die, and 35-40,000 are in treatment

- The National Cancer Institute's (NCI) federal budget was $4.6 billion. Of that, breast cancer received 12%, prostate cancer received 7%, and all 12 major groups of pediatric cancers combined received less than 3%


-Deliver signatures to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and Fox and challenge every prime time, investigative or news media to produce a special devoted solely to childhood cancer.

- The show will RAISE AWARENESS OF THE PROBLEM and show how special these kids are. Show how they face fear, pain, boredom and the unknown, many times for years on end. They may live or die, yet each will forever impact those around them in ways beyond their years.

You can make a difference. You can help. Please sign.


- Tuesday, October 14, 2008 11:19 AM CDT
Keep up the good work, Sierra! You are obviously an inspiration to other people who are going down the same long road. You let them know that there is hope down there. You are a dear and we love you.
Grandma W <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
- Friday, November 9, 2007 5:31 PM CST
Dear Team Sierra,

I think it's great your family keeps active suporting cancer awareness and fundraising, I too hope that cancer will go the way of other diseases and become virtually extinct like small pox. Keep up the good work! With Love,

Uncle Doug
Salt Lake City, UT Land of Zion - Saturday, October 6, 2007 3:39 PM CDT
Sierra's Family,

I read about your story and it gave my family hope. Sierra, I wish you all the best and your story is touching. You are a trooper!!

Caroline Ngwira
Atlanta, GA USA - Sunday, September 16, 2007 10:05 PM CDT
This is my first visit to Sierra's site. What a lovely young girl! 3 years OT is quite an achievement. I like to hear great stories like yours. They give the rest of us hope. Good Luck in you play-I'm sure you'll be a smash!

Lynn Elizabeth's mom 6 dx 1/06 ARMS II primary foot tumors, relapsed 1/07 <pickwicknt@optonline.net>
Yorktown Heights, NY USA - Sunday, February 18, 2007 8:19 PM CST
Dear Team Sierra,
I am very excited to hear you and Team Sierra got some awesome skiing and off trail terrrain jumping at Silver Star in Canada. How about those Olympics, Julia Mancuso's gold medal win in Giant Slalom and Ted Ligety in the Combined. Very Cool, Think Snow (snowed 4 inches last nite, have to go shovel after this e-mail) Go U.S.A.and keep thinking Snow.
Love, Uncle Doug

DWF <douglas_w-fuller@juno.com>
Salt Lake City, UT Land of Zion - Sunday, March 12, 2006 2:39 PM CST
What a great photo shoot!! The "cover" picture is lovely and the ones with Gr8 G'ma Wiggs are so sweet. Can't wait to see Fluff.
Love Grandma & Grandpa W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, February 25, 2006 2:40 PM CST
Hi Fullers!
How nice it is to read that you are all happy and well. But you MOVED! I'm glad you have found a home that suits you so well, but you will be missed around Duvall for sure!!! I was wondering why my Christmas card came back, but thought I must have transposed numbers or something. Your new neighbors are lucky to have you!
I just showed Calyse the updated picture of Sierra -(sooo pretty!)- on the site. She wants to come visit some afternoon to see the Polly Pocket town. (She LOVES Pollys). We would both really like to see you all, and your gorgeous new house some afternoon SOON. It would be nice to catch up.
To see what I've been up to (besides family -Taryn is 2 now so she takes a lot of my energy!) please check out the website www.newdayforchildren.org to read about an African orphanage project that I am involved with. It is just getting started, but things are looking very promising and I think we will make a real difference for some children who really need help. Suggestions or ideas? Please let me know!
Take care! I don't know how often you get these entries, but I hope it's soon so I will hear back from you. My email is below:
Christine and family

Christine, Jonah, Calyse and Taryn Tapert <christine@newdayforchildren.org>
Carnation, WA - Sunday, February 19, 2006 11:31 PM CST
I heard that you all got to go skiing...finally after last year's drought you got some snow. We also heard about the rainy weather out there but I guess if it rains in the mountains it makes snow and you can ski. That is fine and dandy. Did you pick up where you left off the year before? Will you be going skiing again soon? Take some pictures so I can brag about my grandchildren on the slopes! love, Grandma W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:38 PM CST
Happy New Year! This is going to be a wonderful year...with a role in "Honk"... long, wavy hair...gorgeous red glasses...a fascination with reading great books, including the Royalty series and Nancy Drew, you are going to have a great year! Celebrate and have fun. Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Friday, December 30, 2005 7:58 PM CST
Happy New Year! This is going to be a wonderful year...with a role in "Honk"... long, wavy hair...gorgeous red glasses...a fascination with reading great books, including the Royalty series and Nancy Drew, you are going to have a great year! Celebrate and have fun. Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Friday, December 30, 2005 7:58 PM CST
Happy New Year! This is going to be a wonderful year...with a role in "Honk"... long, wavy hair...gorgeous red glasses...a fascination with reading great books, including the Royalty series and Nancy Drew, you are going to have a great year! Celebrate and have fun. Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Friday, December 30, 2005 7:58 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving, pumpkin eater!! Hope you had a wonderful day with your Grandma and Grandpa Fuller. Loved the Pilgrims on your website. We can't wait to see you. Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Friday, November 25, 2005 9:02 PM CST
We are so happy to hear your scans are clear and you only have to go back every six months!!!! Such good news! :-) Let us know when your play is so we can come see it!!
Team Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Thursday, November 24, 2005 9:18 PM CST
WOW a part in the play! We are so proud of you, pumpkin! An actress...don't think there are any actresses or actors on this side of your family. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy...
Love, Grandma & Grandpa W

EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Sunday, November 13, 2005 6:21 PM CST
hey sierra... i love the pictures of you in action on the soccer field. you are still my favorite smart, beautiful and brave young lady. i miss you...i wish you enough. love...joyce
joyce <joycegannon@msn.com>
monroe, wa usa - Sunday, November 6, 2005 1:43 PM CST
Wow Sierra, you look just like your mom and your Aunt Cathie out there on that soccer field! You are so strong and competitive! Way to go...it looks like you are out there to play as well as you can. Wish we could be there to see another game...but we think about you all the time and are glad to see you out there on that field again! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Saturday, November 5, 2005 5:07 PM CST
What a great 4th grade photo! (Check out the length of that hair, would you???) You look wonderful in that photo Sierra....looks like Madrona School is agreeing with you. I'm glad that the new Scout leader recognized the super experience that you got in the Duvall troops, both Brownie and Girl Scouts, and that you are a veteran Scout. Like Coach Paige says, "you go, girl"...in everything you do! We are so proud of you. With lots of love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Monday, October 24, 2005 7:11 PM CDT
ahhh phew!
I was just rereading your last entry realizing I had "missed" the day of your last scans and had so wanted to send you visions and vibes of all clear. LUCKILY, your grandparents just signed your guestbook saying "all clear!" so the worry just poofed away.

Sierra, I came and read your website and followed you through treatment - always inspired and encouraged by your smiles and spirit. I'm so so happy for you that life is "getting on", you've got a new lens, seeing great, clear scans and you're just beaming.

That's all I could ever wish for for you.
All the happiness, health and joy in the world.
Keep on being you - you're great :)

Much love,

P.S. Your brother seems pretty spectacular too!

Eliza <ebell_bt@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA - Saturday, September 10, 2005 10:50 AM CDT
Clear scans! YEAH! Now it's time to get ready for school and lots of fun times ahead. See you soon! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
- Friday, August 26, 2005 8:26 PM CDT
Sending a Tinkerbell kiss your way,

Love Viks

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Friday, August 19, 2005 5:02 PM CDT
Sierra - We are so happy that your eye surgery went so well! Good - o! We will put a little box on your porch in the a.m. for you to know we are thinking of you! (Soon it will be a longer drive to your porch,eh?) :-) Brave girl, you rock!
Paige <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Friday, August 12, 2005 11:34 PM CDT
Sierra...we are so proud of you! You had to wait the WHOLE day for your surgery and you did it with grace. I'm glad they let you pick the kind of anesthesia that you wanted and you picked root beer...good stuff, root beer. Grandpa says Welcome to the Cataract Club...it is a very exclusive club, you know. Only very special people get into it. He wants you to know that the other members are proud to have such a charming young girl in their exclusive club. Wear that pink patch with pride! Much love from Grandma and Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 7:22 PM CDT
Hi Fullers!
I was so happy to see Chris in the paper that arrived today. Wow! $100! Way to go Chris!
My love to all of you,

Christine, Jonah, Calyse and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:40 AM CDT
Woohoo! Great job on the telethon baby! Cute blue bows in the hair too! You guys do so much to help others - Wow!

Paige Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa 98019 - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 9:43 AM CDT
Dear Sierra:

Your Dad sent me a copy of your new ad. You looked great and I liked your glasses!!!

That is wonderful that you are willing to help the Children's hospital raise money to help other kids. As you know, we live in the Tri-cities, which is called that because we have triplet cities next to each other-- Richland, Kennewick and Pasco. Even though the Tri-cities is a three and a half hour drive from Seattle, I have met several kids from here who have been traveling to Seattle to get treatment at Children's. So, you have been helping kids from all over Washington, not just Seattle!!!!

I hope you have a great end of the school year and wonderful fun summer!!!


Aunt Leslie

Aunt Leslie <SmithLeslieK@aol.com>
Kennewick, WA USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 9:05 AM CDT
Wow! I made your journal! Thanks for typing about me! I know who is the family of the year! THE FULLERS! I think of you every day - much love,

Paige Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa usa - Sunday, May 29, 2005 0:30 AM CDT
Sierra- you guys look like you've been having tons of fun! Congratulations on your one year mark! keep smiling!
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, May 16, 2005 3:13 PM CDT
YEAH Sierra! Yeah for one-year-off-treatment and yeah for "your team" winning the NASCAR race (I didn't know you were into NASCAR too!) We had a wonderful time on that road trip to Oregon and I will never forget pedaling that surry in the pouring rain trying to get up the hill to the ocean! A warmer memory was the dinner in Astoria...you are a princess...in our clan that is. Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, - Sunday, May 15, 2005 8:59 AM CDT
Hi Sierra! I'm just stopping by to say hi and let you know that I'm thinking of you!! I am your neighbor to the south! I live in Oregon! :) My sister lives in the Seattle area though! I hope you have a GREAT weekend! God bless and *warm hugs* ><>†<><
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Lighting Children’s Lives
Caged Kids
Raise Awareness

*Jennifer C* from Lighting Children’s Lives, Caged Kids & Friends of Allie/Raise Awareness <jenniferc@ilovetcolor.com>
Eugene, OR USA - Friday, April 29, 2005 11:39 PM CDT
Hi Sierra,
I'm just checking in to see how you're doing and I'm delighted that you're doing so very well! You make a very beautiful Dolly Madison and I think Dolly would have been very happy that you were impersonating her in that beautiful dress and with all that pretty hair. Perhaps you're headed for the White House to be President some day. I'll vote for you!

I am happy to report to you that my year 2 check up with the doctors was really good too and I felt like celebrating. I think of you each time I go to the University of Washington Medical Center and wonder how you are. Now I know- you're growing up and having lots of fun as you should be.

Take very good care of yourself- and please keep having fun- but not too much...if there really was such a thing as TOO much fun! I don't think so! :-)
I admire your courage Sierra.
Say hello to your Mom for me,
From one of your faithful "fans"
Emi Fredlund

Emi Fredlund <e.danska@earthlink.net>
Everett, WA - Monday, April 25, 2005 0:36 AM CDT
HEY Sierra! ++ fam :)
just dropping in to say I'm am so glad there is no update since the beginning of February - no news is good news!

I have followed you through treatment and still come by every so often and am so very happy you are out and living life!

May all your days to come be healthy and abundant.
Much love.

eliza <ebell_bt@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA Untied States of America - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:20 PM CST
I hear that you are riding your bikes all over Duvall and surrounding towns these days! You are so lucky to have nice weather out there. Livestrong! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Sunday, February 27, 2005 4:47 PM CST
Sierra- Just wanted to let you know that you look great! I also wanted to let you guys know that I was thinking of you and checking in to see how you were doing!
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, February 25, 2005 12:57 AM CST
We were in your shoes 30 years ago and we just want you to know there is life after rhabdo! Our Matt was diagnosed in August of 1975, back then he lost his right eye to the disease, had radiation and the same three drugs they're still using today. Today he's 33 and still cancer free. He's been married for nearly 13 years and has two beautiful children. The journey is life-changing but not something we regret having gone through - we grew individually and as a family. God is good, we wish only the best for you and your family from here on.
Sherry Hubbard <mshubb@route24.net>
Bloomington, IL USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 11:31 AM CST
Sierra You look great! That Dolley Madison dress is so pretty. We love your pony tails too and the rosy cheeks that go with them. Happy Valentines Day! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, February 10, 2005 8:08 PM CST
Dear Sierra and Family,
I was SO glad to see an update - and even more wonderfully rejoicing that your scans were clear! Go Sierra! I totally agree with the nurse - and you KNOW you have to follow order and prescriptions ;-)

Just checking in and so very happy all is great!

eliza <ebell_bt@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA Untied States of America - Thursday, February 10, 2005 5:49 PM CST
WOOHOO! Feel the floor shaking? The Denisons are doing the "clear scans" dance --- all we need is a drum solo! Watch out world! xoxoxoxoxoxoox
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, wa usa - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 11:45 PM CST
Great Costume! Beautiful hair! History was never so much fun when I was a kid.

Is it possible that it has been almost a year since my visit to Seattle for your End-of-Kemo Party? I'll have to start checking flights for my next visit!

Much love,

Aunt Sallye <sbroome00@comcast.net>
Arlington, VA - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 10:47 AM CST
Dear Sierra,

We love the picture of you in the Dolly Madison dress. Hope you had fun at school wearing it and that the kids appreciated "your" saving George Washington's picture. Did you know that some people wanted George Washington to be king, not president?

Grandma Fuller

Margaret Fuller <wmfuller@ruralnetwork.net>
Weiser, ID 83672 - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 2:09 PM CST
Dear Miss Madison,
On behalf of the Brothers of the American Revolution we want to extend our warmest thanks for your valiant effort to save the only painting of our First President and most gallant general, President George Washington....(Opps, the time machine stops, present time begins again)... Hi!gh Sierra, It great to hear about your clear scans, your "stay up late" nurse, your ponytail, your new interst in drums and your family's long bike tour with your new bike. I'll be thinking snow for Washington so hopefully you can have some fun skiing. Love, Uncle Doug

Doug Fuller <douglas_w_fuller@juno.com>
Salt Lake City, Utah Land of Zion - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 11:44 AM CST
Hi Fullers!
I was just thinking of you and thought I'd say Hi! Thanks so much for the Christmas card and the great picture. I sent you one, but it was returned. Somehow I have your address wrong in my book. Please email it to me whenever you get the chance so I have it for next year. We are FINALLY getting our new kitchen cabinets this week/month? and are SOOO happy with how they look. We'll have to have you over to see them, and how the space that was the preschool has been remodeled. Don't worry, the castle is still there-only better! Jonah added fake stones to the front for a more realistic look, made a taller railing, and completely carpeted and illuminated the downstairs. There's even a tube/tunnel out the side, (made from what was the turret).
Please take care and know you are in our thoughts!

Christine, Jonah, Calyse, and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Friday, February 4, 2005 8:18 PM CST
Sierra and Chris, Wow, what an accomplishment that Team Eagle Rock made 100 chemo caps. That will be 100 happy children. The picture of you from King 5 TV is great and I'm sure the message you gave will help others. Can't wait to see you soon in Virginia. Love Aunt Margaret
margaret moore <luckmoore1@aol.com>
manassas, va - Monday, December 27, 2004 10:32 AM CST
Sierra and family- Just wanted to say thank you again for the wonderful hats!!!!! you guys are always so thoughtful and amazing. Have a wonderful holiday season!!
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Saturday, December 25, 2004 11:45 AM CST
MERRY HO HO TEAM FULLER! May 2005 be full of new adventures, good health and great joy!
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, wa usa - Thursday, December 23, 2004 5:08 PM CST
sierra, you look great!!! we made it kiddo, and we are getting hair back, and doing great stuff. hope you have a wonderful christmas !!!!!
joyce <joycegannon@msn.com>
monroe, wa - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 9:45 PM CST
I'm thankful for Caringbridge website so I can see first hand how wonderful you are doing Sierra and the many things you are doing to help other children. Christopher you are a handsome boy. XOXO Great Grandma Wiggs
Isabelle Wiggs <luckmoore1@ aol.com>
Manassas, va - Saturday, November 27, 2004 12:29 AM CST
Very gorgeous picture! So happy that you are taking some relaxing moments at this "giving thanks" time of year. You can bet we will be thinking of you all this morning as we run the Seattle Kids Marathon! Looking forward to hanging out and decorating those gingerbread houses with you tonight! We are so happy and proud to be part of your extended family --Team Fuller rocks! :-) xoxoxoxooxoxox
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, wa usa - Saturday, November 27, 2004 9:30 AM CST
Hi Fullers!
I just think this site is wonderful. I just love to read about how you are doing and to see the great pictures. We had a nice Thanksgiving. It was Taryn's first birthday and she took her first steps for everyone. What a show off! Calyse will be four in two weeks, the age Chris was when we first met.
I'm so happy to read that you are all well. Have a merry holiday season!

Christine, Jonah, Calyse and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA USA - Friday, November 26, 2004 10:44 PM CST
Sierra, you look simply marvelous with your dark curly hair and red glasses that match your red dress...and oh, I noticed the dangling earrings you told me about. My you are looking mighty fine! Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the tree lighting ceremony. Have a lovely, quiet Thanksgiving. We will be enjoying turkey day (without the turkey...is that allowed?) with Aunt Hilary, Uncle Scott, Ivy and Grace as well as Aunt Sallye, Uncle Jon, Michael and Jessica, Gordon and Miella. But no bird in the oven! I remember last Thanksgiving when we went to that fabulous restaurant with the fantastic view....oh that was so nice! Can't wait to see you this Christmas. Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, November 24, 2004 2:07 PM CST
As my too-cool-for-school sister in NYC would say, "Fab hairstyle." And who's the handsome dude next to Sierra? All our best for continued happiness and health in the holiday season. Christy, Chip & Charlie Bergstrom
Chip Bergstrom <cbergstrom@riverinc.com>
Wellesley, MA USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 2:01 PM CST
Your hair is longer than mine! (but mine is grayer than yours!)

You look as beautiful as ever. I can't wait to see you, Chris, and your Mom and Dad at Christmas here on the East Coast.
Love, Aunt Sallye

Sallye Broome
Arlington, VA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 12:02 AM CST
Sierra, You look beautiful dressed up for your Royal Breakfast. Even your cheeks are rosy. Mommy, you are a wonderful advocate--keep it up. Love Aunt Bugs
Margaret Moore <luckmoore1@aol.com>
Manassas, VA - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 9:24 AM CST
Happy Halloween! Hope you have a fun time trick or treating. As usual Grandpa and I bought some candy just in case but so far no one has ventured down the driveway to knock on our door. Maybe next year!

While I was waiting I made the Brushetta recipe from the Fuller Family Cookbook that you all made a few years ago...it smells so good! Next I want to make the apple crisp. Your grandpa will like that after we come back from one of our loooooooooong walks. He is trying to Livestrong and walks to the mailbox every day and down the pipeline as well. We are following your lead, Sierra, and being active and eating healthy, just like you do. Miss you all...love Grandma W

Edythe Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls , VA - Sunday, October 31, 2004 4:49 PM CST
Hoo-ah! We are doing the "clear scans" dance here at Casa Denison! Happy Feet Happy Feet! XOXOX
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, wa usa - Sunday, October 24, 2004 9:45 PM CDT
Hey! You look fabulous! I was siked to see you and Chris knitting! I just learned to knit last year, but it is actually a tradition in our family. Your great-grandma Broome was a champion knitter, as are aunt Sallye and aunt Joan. In fact, I think your mom might even have some skills in that area. Glad you guys are carrying on the tradition! Hope to see you in VA over the holiays. Lots of love from your cousin Jessica
Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Saturday, October 23, 2004 8:15 PM CDT
Dear Sierra and family,

I was thrilled to see the photos and read the writeup of our wonderful vacation with you in the Sawtooths! It was heartwarming to know you enjoyed it as much as Grandpa and I did. I didn't realize you were still on the Caring Bridge site now that you are well, so I hadn't looked at it for awhile. Glad you were able to get to meet Hilary Duff!
Grandma Fuller

Margaret Fuller <wmfuller@ruralnetwork.net>
Weiser, ID USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 6:00 PM CDT
Hello,I hope this message finds you well. I am very glad to have found your web site. You are a remarkable young lady!!
You have been a great insperation for me,as I just found out that my 7 year old niece Gabriella has been diagnosed with Rhabdo in her left eye cavity. I was doing research on the internet and your Moms journal of your story and your courage has lifted my spirits and given me hope that Gabriella will be a survivor also. Thank You!!
God bless you and your family.

Frank Boncore <bonk@sunlink.net>
Pottsville, pa USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 8:02 AM CDT
Dear Sierra
I hadn't been by to "check up" on you for some time - SO long that the last time I saw a pic of you, you still had barely visible fine wispies on your head!

Sweety, I've been one of the many silent followers of your brave supergirl fight over the last year and a half. To look at you know I am filled with awe. You have come through it with your smile intact and I can't think of a more important thing (other than your health that is ;).

Sending you lots of love

Eliza <ebell_bt@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA - Sunday, September 19, 2004 9:47 AM CDT
What a fantastic, spectacular, supportive town you live in! Their gathering to make your Wish a joyful occasion brought tears to my eyes. Community takes on a whole new meaning when you read your webpage, Sierra. Thank you, Eagle Rock and Duvall, from the far-flung parts of Sierra's family. Love to you all, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, September 12, 2004 3:48 PM CDT
Dear Team Sierra,
Thanks for inviting me to be your guest at your house and at the Candlelighters Event with barbeque, bingo and soceer. Sierra, it was great to hear about your make-a-wish coming true to see Hilary and Haley Duff in concert in Seattle. I was amazing that your whole neightborhood came to cheer on and gave you such inspirational signs, like the "cancer is so yesterday". Chris, Great job on being my goalie/forward/scorer team mate in our FIFA world championship soceer match with Channa and Tyler at the barbeque. The crowd is still shouting "G-O-A-L", "G-O-A-L" or maybe it was "B-I-N-G-O". Love,

Uncle Doug <douglas_w_fuller@juno.com>
Salt LaKe City, UT Land of Zion - USA - Sunday, September 12, 2004 12:25 AM CDT
I have missed the news from all of you while you've been on vacation. Fortunately, I was able to check in with your Grandma Wiggs for brief updates. I love your glasses! I love your haircut (It's a lot like mine)! I hope you have a fun and uneventful year at school.
Much love from Virginia,

Aunt Sallye
- Friday, September 10, 2004 4:09 PM CDT
Sierra, you look fabulous!!! Your grandma Wiggs told me about your super-trendy haircut and glasses when I saw her on Sunday, so I had to check out the pictures. Wow, I say! When are you coming to VA?? (or NYC!!!) Lots of love and hugs from your cousin Jessica
Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 9:37 PM CDT
Hi Sierra
I was thinking about your new glasses with the red frames...how pretty! I remember when I got my first pair of glasses...mine were black...and I kept poking my finger in the glass! Of course they were always smudgy. I hope your mom still has some of those glasses cleaners she gave to grandpa W and can give you one...if you treat yours like I treated mine, it will come in handy. I hope you will have some pictures for us to see on Caringbridge! We love to see pictures. Love, Grandma & Grandpa W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
- Friday, September 3, 2004 5:08 PM CDT
Hi there 3rd Grader! Lots of exciting things to look forward to in 3rd grade! Will you be learning cursive...actually I think you know some cursive already, but maybe Mr. A will help you learn some more... how about multiplication and division? Learn those math facts!

We had a wonderful time in Idaho with you and Chris. I still talk about going horseback riding, white water rafting, hiking and mountain biking...all to keep up with you!! As you said, you are STRONG! I agree with that...it was all I could do to keep up with you! It was wonderful and now I can't wait to do it again!
Love, Grandma W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 6:48 PM CDT
Wow Sierra! Your hair has grown sooooo much! It's so pretty! Love the Campfire Oven that you made Chris. We'll have to try that next time we go camping. Hope you're all enjoying your last few weeks of summer.....where did the time go? Can't believe that it's almost school-time again. See you back at ERMA, if not before.
Love ya,
Karen, Andre, Katie and Maggie :-)

The Gronberg Family
Duvall, Wa USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 10:16 PM CDT
hi there guys...it's me again, joyce, your sister in survival!!!!! i also am running around without a wig or hat or head cover. i just had my reconstructive surgery, and everything went beautifully. it was better than anyone imagined it would turn out.

happiness and health..

joyce gannon <jegannon2002@aol.com>
monroe, wa - Thursday, August 12, 2004 0:53 AM CDT
Hi Fullers!
I'm so happy to read that you are having such a wonderful summer. Your family gets to do such fun things! I hope you have a wonderful time in Idaho.
Congrats to Chris and Sierra for another new school year beginning. All the best from a teacher who KNOWS that you will both do GREAT again this year.

Christine, Jonah, Calyse, and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 4:22 AM CDT
Sierra & Family
I'm sooo happy to hear your doing great.I hope your enjoying your summer,sounds like you have been busy.And if people are giving you lots of stares if because your a beautiful girl.100 % all girl to me.I know the eye goe is a pain but hopefully that will eventually end.Sydney is now 2 yrs and 5 months off treatment and doesnt need anything now.Congrats on the clear scans !! And lots of prayers for clear scans always.Isn't that such a great word.Many happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way.
Hugs Rachel mom to Sydney Orbital Arms dx 3/01 Ot 1/02 "http://www.caringbridge.org/mi/sydney"

Rachel Nickisher <Nicky94@webtv.net>
Quakertown , Pa USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:31 AM CDT
Sierra, you look beautiful with the gorgeous scenery behind you! Such a beautiful place for a beautiful girl! It sounds as if you are having a wonderful summer doing all sorts of things. We can hardly wait to see you in Idaho this Saturday! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, August 4, 2004 4:44 PM CDT
Dear Team Sierra,
Looking forward to seeing you guys at Cabin Week. Grandma Fuller tells me you guys are leaving Saturday Aug 8th to travel to Idaho via McCall to visit Betsy and then on to the Cabin. I hope you bring your fishing poles, cause it'll be some kind of fun with you guys to catch some wild trout again! Till we meet in the Heart of Idaho...7,ate,9
Love, Uncle Doug

Doug Fuller <douglas_w_fuller@juno.com>
Salt Lake City, Utah Land of Zion - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 3:21 AM CDT
We biked at Greenlake yesterday and picked up our Lance/Sierra bracelets! :-) So we can always keep your strength close with ---- Hugs!
Paige Josh Miles <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, wa usa - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 3:04 PM CDT
What wonderful pictures! Sierra, it looks like you are having a great time on that Harley!! I'm glad your cousins got to come out to Washington to see you. I'm sure they enjoyed seeing the Rocky mountains. "Our" east coast mountains are very different from "your" mountains. See you all soon! Love, Grandma and Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Monday, July 26, 2004 7:35 PM CDT
I saw a Livestrong bracelet at the store this afternoon and bought one...now we have matching yellow bracelets! It's cool...I'm glad that you have one, Sierra, otherwise I would never have noticed it on the counter.

I know you all are having a wonderful time on Whidbey Island. What a wonderful experience! Your mom is great at finding experiences for you and Chris that are fantastic.

We can't wait to see you all in Idaho! Gordon is getting ready to reel in some big fish...can you reel in more than he can? We'll see!!! Love, Grandma and Grandpa W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, July 20, 2004 6:38 PM CDT
HOORAY HOORAY! WE ARE DOING A VICTORY DANCE TO CELEBRATE YOUR GOOD NEWS! Enjoy camping on Whidbey and let's play soon! xoxoxo
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, wa usa - Tuesday, July 20, 2004 10:17 AM CDT
Hi Sierra!
It was so nice to see you and your mom Friday. Thanks a bunch for helping to cheer me up. How can I look at you and not feel better about anything sad? You are such a special girl, with so many exciting and wonderful experiences ahead of you in your life. Thanks for being my good friend.
Have a GREAT time camping. Hopefully the weather will be nice and you will get sunshine during the day and lots of shooting stars at night. May all your wishes come true!

Christine, Jonah, Calyse, and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Monday, July 19, 2004 4:37 PM CDT
Hello all,
What's up?? All is well here. I went to Virginia for your grandpa Wiggs' birthday party a few weeks ago. It was great to see him, grandma, aunt Cathie,and everyone else but you guys were sorely missed! Can't wait to see you again! Lots of love and hugs,

Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Monday, July 12, 2004 7:46 PM CDT
WOW! Camp Goodtimes is the best! What an experience for both you and Chris. How fortunate you are to live in a place that has Goodtimes! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W (back from W.VA)
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, June 29, 2004 8:53 PM CDT
Greetings from West Virginia! We are having a wonderful time hiking and exploring in "our" mountains but can hardly wait to come west and explore your mountains. We are so glad that you can travel now! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
- Monday, June 28, 2004 4:37 PM CDT
Sierra and Family...imagine my surprise when a letter arrived from Children's Hospital today, and that letter was all about YOU :-) I was talking out loud to that piece of paper, saying "hey, this is about Sierra, I know her, I know her incredible story, I know her Mom, Maria, we all went to school together in Duvall ;-)" And there was your beautiful smile...

My heart is so happy to hear that your treatments are complete and have been successful! You are a light dear Sierra, and not just of one candle, more like a blazing sun of light, warming us all.

Have an absolutely fantistic, fun-filled, festive Summer...and when your class goes to Islandwood for your week at nature camp, see if you can't sneak in a visit to us here!

Happy Hugs from

Señora and the Brownlow boys
- Sunday, June 27, 2004 1:48 AM CDT
Great pictures - thanks for sharing. Marcus looks forward to being in Sierra's classroom next year at school. Hope to see ya guys around town. Hugs from, Marcus, Deborah, and Mark Lawrence
The Lawrence Family
Duvall, WA - Saturday, June 26, 2004 9:47 PM CDT
What a great photo album! Loved the way that you collaged them...lots of art going on there. Enjoy these few days...they will slip by in a flash and Sierra and Chris will have such good memories. Wish we had been there! Love Mom and Dad W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
- Monday, June 21, 2004 8:09 PM CDT
Arizona was AWESOME! We had such a wonderful time with you and Chris and your mom and dad! We will have so many great memories of this trip including taking you and Chris out to dinner, being so proud of you when you were interviewed for the Make a Wish Foundation auction, going to the Grand Canyon and seeing the majesty of that place with you, going to the great steak house and watching the sun set in the Grand Canyon while sharing steak and good times, swimming...oh how much we loved the swimming! Those lazy rivers and the wave pool! What great fun....I'm glad that you and Chris liked the water slide, and I loved watching you dance and sing every time you had an opportunity...."oh yeah"! It was a great trip...can't wait for Idaho. Love, Grandma and Grandpa W
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Saturday, June 12, 2004 0:01 AM CDT
Sierra -
Have fun in the Arizona sun next week! We'll all be thinking of you.
Much love,

Aunt Sallye
Arlington, VA - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 3:00 PM CDT
Your strength and courage amaze us, and our prayers continue to be with you.
Ned and Cass Freer <esfreer@hotmail.com>
Medina, WA USA - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 2:07 PM CDT
YAY SIERRA!!!!!! i am so proud of you!!! i heard you took your hat of..what a big step for a very brave young lady. WHEW!!! i bet it's a relief now, huh?? well, little miss, you are braver than me, because i still don't have the courage to do that...but when i am ready, i will think of you and say"this one is for sierra" lotsa love
joyce <jegannon2002@aol.com>
monroe, wa - Sunday, May 30, 2004 10:12 PM CDT
Thinking of all of you and sending continued love and prayers...
Terry Snyder (Angel Jalen's "Am-Maw") http://www.caringbridge.org/fl/jalen <vix207@aol.com>
Royal Palm Beach, FL - Sunday, May 30, 2004 11:36 AM CDT
Way to go Sierra! I heard that you took your hat off today at school! That's a hard-won milestone. Your class, and your school, has been so supportive this past year. Grandpa and I are so glad that you have Eagle Rock and all of the teachers and staff there. They are wonderful folks and we really appreciate all they have done for you, for Chris and for your mom and dad. We couldn't be there much but we always knew that you were well taken care of by all the people in Duvall. Eagle Rock ROCKS and so does Duvall! See you soon in Phoenix! XXXXXXOOOOOOO, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Friday, May 28, 2004 6:07 PM CDT
hey sierra,
i hear you were fabulous in the walk for life. i am so proud of you. well, we got our wish little buddy.....i am also in remission. no more kemo for me either...hows that??
we must have broken the curse when we traded ribbons with each other. whatever it was, we beat it!!!! keep in touch with me, i miss you already.

joyce <jegannon2002@aol.com>
monroe, wa - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 3:47 PM CDT
Hi Sierra (et al) -
I'm checking in to be sure you don't forget all the fun we had last month! We're having a different kind of fun in Virginia these days. It is HOT, and the 17-year cicadas have emerged. Giant bugs are droning in the trees - and occasionally flying into the hair of passersby. (How would I know??) Where will you be the next time they emerge?
2021 sounds like a long time away, but it'll be here before we know it!

Aunt Sallye
Arlington, VA - Monday, May 24, 2004 11:41 AM CDT
Hi Sierra (aka Queen of the SURVIVORS!),

Wow! You were AWESOME at the Relay For Life Cancer walk! You were just beaming ear-to-ear as you walked around the track carrying the banner! What a wonderful VICTORY LAP for you, and your family! Can't wait to get my pictures back from being developed! We are soooo proud of you!
Love ya,
Karen Gronberg :-)

Karen <akkmgronberg@aol.com>
Duvall, WA - Monday, May 24, 2004 3:49 AM CDT
Hi Fullers!
The pictures with the tulips are beautiful. I missed them again this year...
What a challenging, but triumphant year it has been for all of you. Thanks for sharing it through this website with those of us who love Sierra too.
Hugs for all,

Christine, Jonah, Calyse, and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 2:38 AM CDT
Hola Sierra,
I just wanted to say hi... Hi!
I love the picture of you and Chris and my mom (AKA Aunt Sallye). You all look so happy! I have to say I like it better than the one of you in your costume...that one scares me! Give your mom a big hug from me and have a great summer! Love and hugs from your cousin Jessica

Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Monday, May 17, 2004 9:27 PM CDT
Make way, Broadway, here comes the newest thespian, Sierra! WOW...that is a truly impressive make-up/costume, Sierra! I'm sure the play was absolutely wonderful, like your mom said. I hope that the next time you are in a play we can be there to see it.
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:44 AM CDT
Hey there Sierra! Good luck in the play Thursday! "break a leg" -- we'll be clapping for you!!!!!
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, wa USA - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 11:32 PM CDT
Hey Sierra, Chris, Maria and Neal,
We're soo happy that things are back to "normal" in your household! And Sierra, we look forward to you taking your "Victory Lap" as a Cancer Survivor at the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life walk in Issaquah. It's really a blast! Katie and Maggie will be there and we'll all be cheering you on! Let's pray for sunshine!

Can't wait for the Play either! You did a super job today in practice...keep up the great work!

You have been such an inspiration to all of us!
Love ya,
Maggie, Katie, Karen and Andre Gronberg :-)

Karen Gronberg <akkmgronberg@aol.com>
Duvall, Wa - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 3:14 AM CDT
Hi guys. If you need a hand to get your banner on the page just let me know.
HelenH <geordielass999@hotmail.com>
uk, - Monday, May 10, 2004 12:35 AM CDT
Seeing the picture of us with the tulips made me wish I were back with all of you! It was a great trip. Thanks for the memories...

Aunt Sallye
Arlington, VA - Monday, May 3, 2004 12:02 AM CDT
So glad your computer is up and running again Maria and Neal! Sierra, you are doing great! It is so super to see you running everywhere! I love the picture of you and Chris and Aunt Sallye with the tulips!

Paige <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, wa USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 7:27 AM CDT
Wow, look at those fish!! you are quite the fisherwoman, Sierra. Gordon will be proud of you when he sees those pictures. He has been getting his fishing gear together for the Idaho trip but you may be able to teach him a thing or two about catching fish! That sunset picture is one of the most spectacular pictures I have seen in a long time...I remember the evening so well. We went to Christopher's Restaurant for dinner and walked out on that long pier. Wonderful memories! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Friday, April 30, 2004 6:29 PM CDT
Hi Sparkle Plenty...glad that polly is out and you did so well! We are proud of you...XOXOXOXOXO, Grandma & Grandpa W
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:47 AM CDT
Sierra, I'm back in Virginia now. Thanks for all of the IN PERSON hugs I got on my trip to visit all of you. I had a great time, and now I know that you really do know who I am!
Much love (and more hugs),

Aunt Sallye
- Sunday, April 18, 2004 7:58 AM CDT
Congrats!!! This is the best news I've heard in a long time. You are a true inspiration. Look forward to seeing you again in the near future. Leta still has the box of barbies waiting to be delivered to you.
Jason, Kristine, & Leta <gullink@yahoo.com>
- Friday, April 16, 2004 3:15 PM CDT
Sierra, Hope your party went well! I know you must have been beaming! Congrats on finishing everything! So happy to hear it is behind you! I will continue to send warm thoughts! Hello to your mom from me! Love, Wacky Jackie
Jacklin (Messer) Kelly <JKelly@GreatBeach.com>
Charleston, SC - Thursday, April 15, 2004 2:42 PM CDT
hi sierra,
you are a BEAUTIFUL young lady. congratulations on making it all the way through. i hope to be as strong as you have been through all this.
i was so happy to finally meet you, you are a very special girl, and you stay strong....love you...joyce

joyce <jegannon2002@aol.com>
monroe, wa - Sunday, April 11, 2004 6:23 PM CDT
We're sorry we weren't able to be at your party, but we were thinking of you yesterday! We're glad there was such gorgeous weather for your celebration. We also gave a cheer for you back on 3/26, when we knew you were having your last treatment. We're all thrilled at the progress you've made, and inspired by your many spiritual and physical strengths. You have a lot to be proud of.
Much love,

Karen, Janet, Jack, and Rosie Howell-Clark <klhc@msn.com>
Seattle, WA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 3:07 PM CDT
Hey TEAM SIERRA, Congratulations on finishing your treatment. Your smile and courage is an inspiration, you now have started on the path to sharing your experience and helping those who are in treatment. TEAM SIERRA: Sierra, Neal, Maria, Chris and all your friends and family at Eagle Rock Multi-age, a JOB well done. Your support was amazing! Have fun at your party today! Love, Uncle Doug

Doug Fuller <douglas_w_fuller@juno.com>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 6:30 PM CDT

GREENVILLE , SC - Thursday, April 8, 2004 6:14 AM CDT
Sierra, I can't wait to give you a hug IN PERSON when I get to Seattle tomorrow!
Aunt Sallye <sbroome00@comcast.net>
Arlington, VA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 11:03 AM CDT

Congratulations on the end of your treatment! Your strength and courage was always amazing - you are a role model for any of us facing an illness like you did. We're sure the next phase of your life will be filled great deeds and joyful times. Perhaps we can come and help plant organic veggies this spring- just for the fun of it! See you Saturday.


Sue, Dirk and Nick

Sue Juhre Dirk and Nick van Veen <vanveens@ncplus.net>
Duvall, WA USA - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 11:33 PM CDT
Congratulations, Sierra! Christy and I are so happy to know you're done with all your treatments. We think of you every time we bite into a Thin Mint :) Thanks again for the cookies.

Chip and Christy

ps. I think I told your Mom, but I wasn't sure if she told you - I'm going to be a Dad! My wife, Christy is pregnant and due on September 28th. Last week Christy had an ultrasound and we got to see a picture of the little being. So good news from Coast-to-Coast, right?!

Chip Bergstrom <cbergstrom@riverinc.com>
Boston, MA USA - Saturday, April 3, 2004 6:33 PM CST
Dear Sierra,

Congratulations on finishing your treatment and being on TV again! Grandpa and I hope you have a wonderful party on April 10. We are looking forward to seeing you and your family in May.


Grandma and Grandpa Fuller

Margaret Fuller <wmfuller@ruralnetwork.net>
Weiser, ID USA - Saturday, April 3, 2004 9:48 AM CST
Hi Sierra, Wacky Jackie checking in! I have tears and a huge smile, so proud of you and your family for all you have gone through! You are an inspiration to me and I hope to tell you that in person one day- not just write it in your log book! Congrats, you are such a wonderful person!
Enjoy your party, it is well deserved!

Jacklin (Messer) Kelly <JKelly@GreatBeach.com>
Charleston , SC - Friday, April 2, 2004 2:41 PM CST
Hi Sierra,

I just learned of your very own home page this week. You indeed are victorious and a champion. Your mom told me the happy news - no more chemo which means school not missed on Fridays (Rah), a huge celebration April 10th (another rah), and on top of that you're 8 years old. Yipee!

Your courage is amazing. Our world is blessed because you give hope to many. (Children AND adults) WOW that's a lot for anyone, but then, you are blessed as there is so much love surrounding you from family, friends and acquaintances.

I understand you're going to have some special times this summer with your mom, dad and Christopher. Enjoy and have fun. Perhaps you'll get to Portland some day. Weather permitting, I'd like to take you and your family on a boat trip on the Willamette or Columbia Rivers. It will be different than the one we went on Lake Washington when I lived in Kirkland, AND we should have another good time.
Hugs, Eileen Elliot

Eileen Elliot
Portland, OR USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 1:00 PM CST
hi sierra//& the sierra team
congratulations...you made it just in time for Passover...the children of Israel were finally released from bondage and went to the promised land...now we have had a few bumps on the way but from all of us here ..on this side of the world..our hopes,thoughts and prayers are that your journey will now be smooth sailing...

zoli <zymd@yahoo.com>
mevaserret, Israel - Friday, April 2, 2004 9:57 AM CST
Yay! Hooray for you Sierra! I'm Pat Foster and I went skiing with your Dad last January.Thank you for the Girl Scout Cookies. Your uncle Stu will be forwarding the payment for them back to you. I'm thrilled to hear you're doing so good and this part of the story is at a close. I work with an organization here in Helena, MT called the Lost & Foundation, (http://www.lostandfoundation.com/) and we just did a benefit for a 7 month old boy with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. He's doing really well, just like you!
Anyway, my best wishes to you. Have a great rest of your school year and have a delightful summer when it comes!
P.S. Say Hi to your Papa for me.
- Pat

Pat Foster <patfoster@earthlink.net>
Helena, MT USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:40 AM CST
Sierra...I am so happy that your days of blood counts, chemo, radiation and meds are behind you. You have been so brave and have shone brilliantly, as we've read in your mother's beautiful writing. My daughter, Alanna, finished her rhabdo treatments last summer and she really enjoyed her party! It's such a special time to gather together to celebrate and thank all the special people who came along to make this road more manageable. Soak it all up and enjoy every minute of it.

God bless you and your wonderful family. Thank you for sharing your story so beautifully!

Jody Schwartz <schwartz5@shaw.ca>
Calgary, AB Canada - Monday, March 29, 2004 10:19 AM CST
We are so happy for you and so proud of how strong you and your family have been throughout this year! What an amazing family you are! Can't even put into words how cool you all look zooming around in that bright yellow droptop! LIke sunshine on wheels! - Gotta' put a picture of that on the site, Maria and Neal! :-) We love you guys!
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, wa USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:28 AM CST
Hi Sierra!
YAY! YOU ARE DONE! Wild horses couldn't keep us from your party, so please count us in! I can't wait to see you then!

Christine, Jonah, Calyse, and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 0:29 AM CST
It must feel good to be all done with chemo! It will be nice to have you stay ALL day at school on Fridays!
Katie Gronberg

Katie Gronberg
Duvall , Wa USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:55 PM CST
Now you won't have to leave early on Fridays!!!!!!
Well, see you on Monday!

Maggie Gronberg
Duvall, Wa USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:52 PM CST

We're soo proud of you, and for your long "journey" that is now coming to an end! You have been such an inspiration to all of us, and we can now say we know a "celebrity" due to all your media coverage!!! We've got June 12th marked down on our calendar and will watch for you on KOMO's Children's Telethon.

Way to go sweetie!
Maggie, Katie, Karen, and Andre Gronberg

The Gronbergs
Duvall, Wa - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:42 PM CST
Hi, Sierra, it's Giovi again. I hope your birthday was very happy and I guess today is your last worst day, so it will be a very happy day too. I wish I could come to MacDonald Park to your party, because I really like to fly my kite there and try to make the bridge bounce. Right now I am in Colorado at Vail. We went skiing and snowmobiling and tubing, but it has been hot here and there is not much snow left. I got to drive my own kid-size snowmobile and that was awesome. And then I rode with my mom and she's a really crazy driver. Let me tell you, she was driving very fast. Well I will be 8 on May 4th. Instead of a swimming party I will have a cooking party that my friend Chef Kelly will do for me. You are invited and I wish you could come! Guess what one thing they do here in Toledo with Girl Scout cookies? There's a great ice cream store and they make Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookie Ice Cream right now. It's really, really good. Well, goodbye from Giovi and happy birthday again.
Giovi Orecchio
Vail, CO USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:47 AM CST
yahooooo!!!!! you rock!
love, jessica

Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Friday, March 26, 2004 7:31 PM CST
YOU DID IT!!!!CONGRATULATIONS!!!! WE ARE SO, SO PROUD OF YOU! Everybody at NIH was smiling and happy today when they asked how "my grandbaby" is doing and I told them today is the last day of chemo. They wanted you all to know that they've been thinking about you.

See you soon! Can't wait for the party...what a day that will be! Love and kisses, Grandma & Grandpa W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Friday, March 26, 2004 4:17 PM CST
Sierra! YOU DID IT!!!!! :-). CONGRATULATIONS on your last chemo! i'm so proud of you and i'm sure your whole family is too. we'll miss seeing you (even though i didn't get to see you that much). and happy birthday 8 year old! what a great way to celebrate! thinking of you! ~Julie
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 10:25 AM CST
Team Sierra, o/~(music note)"You Did It, You Did It, You Did It, Did It, Did It!" We are thrilled for you Sierra--you have that sticktoitivity! Thank all those wonderful Doctors and Nurses. I'm sure they will miss such a wonderful patient as you. Well I'm off to Great Gma's and I'm taking a copy of you story, but I bet your Gpa has already taken it. We are getting permanents today at GGma's. We will be thinking of you! Love A. Bugs & U. Shirrell.
Margaret Moore <luckmoore1@aol.com>
Manassas, Va - Friday, March 26, 2004 9:40 AM CST
The pictures are wonderful! Gifts from Lance Armstrong...pretty cool, I'd say! But really the one I liked the best was the rock climbing picture...maybe because I am SO envious! You are so strong and brave to climb up there like that! I'm really impressed. It is also very impressive that the Girl Scouts in your group have been able to make so many gifts for the children at Children's. We all know how important things like that are when kids are in the hospital. Today, at my hospital, we had 3 clowns who visited the inpatient unit! They were funny clowns...not as musical as the ones that came to see you at Children's though. I remembered those clowns and how we laughed and laughed that day. Remember the "Cat scan"?!!! Remember when Grandpa got pulled into the act?! Laughter is gr8 medicine, isn't it? Come Friday and the end of Kemo will be here. We are looking forward to partying with you! XOXOXO, Grandma and Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:26 PM CST
Sierra! I can't wait to hear all about your spa party! I'll see you this afternoon - we are going to get strong doing strength training with a little kickboxing and aerobics thrown is for good measure. See you soon!
Paige <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, wa USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 7:55 AM CST
Happy happy birthday birthday, Sierra Sierra!
Love, Jessica

Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Sunday, March 21, 2004 9:00 PM CST
Happy Birthday Sierra. Hope you have a great day!!!

Love, Hilary, Scott, Ivy and Grace

Hilary Renner <hsirenner@yahoo.com>
Mexico City, D.F. Mexico - Sunday, March 21, 2004 2:18 PM CST

8 is GR8! C U soon! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Sunday, March 21, 2004 8:36 AM CST
Hi Sierra!
Your birthday is coming up, isn't it? I can't believe you will be 8 soon! I always think of you when winter turns to spring. I just LOVE this time of year! Calyse just learned the difference between daffodils, tulips, and crocuses. They are all so pretty! Which one is your favorite? I used to like daffodils more because there are so many different kinds. But since tulips come in so many colors, they are my new favorites. I saw one the other day that was yellow, orange, and red and BIG. You know how crazy I am about flowers.
Your mom says no news is good news, so I'm glad there's nothing new in the journal. You must be really busy planning your birthday and then BEFORE YOU KNOW IT your Chemo Party will be here and we can all CELEBRATE!!!
Love to you and your wonderful family!

Christine, Jonah, Calyse, and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Thursday, March 18, 2004 3:58 PM CST
ONLY two more...wonderful! And you made it into the 64.40 Club...that is very special. Only the very best people can get into the 64.40 club...just ask around and you'll see that hardly anyone makes it (your Grandpa W did, though)...you know there are different ways to get in, and still hardly anyone gets in but once you're in your are IN! So Congratulations, Sierra!
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Saturday, March 13, 2004 4:22 PM CST
Sierra, everyone in Texas is thinking about and praying for you. I love the picture of the new bike. I'll bet you are so excited about not having to go for KEMO!!!!
John and Chris send their love and best wishes and the entire Garofoli clan is rooting for you!

Liz Garofoli <pgarofoli@scbglobal.net>
Round Rock, TX USA - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 5:44 PM CST
Sierra, you are almost there! you've done such a great job! you sound like you are having lots of fun this winter. keep smiling! ~Julie
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 4:26 PM CST
Dear Sierra,
Wacky Jackie here... checking in to see how you are doing, and the news is great! Only 4 weeks to go, plus a big birthday just a few days away.... You are doing fantastic! I am so glad to hear it. You're an inspiration to me!! Hang in there and please give a warm hug to your mommy from me!!!!!

Jacklin (Messer) Kelly <JKelly@GreatBeach.com>
Charleston , SC - Monday, March 8, 2004 10:02 AM CST
Dear Sierra,

We leave for Hawaii tomorrow and we'll be thinking of you all the time we are there. Hope you have a great birthday! I have to put in eyedrops three times a day always; and although it is boring to have to remember them, what is fun is after I put them in I put my fingers in the corners of my eyes and make faces!


Grandma Fuller

Margaret Fuller <wmfuller@ruralnetwork.net>
Weiser, ID USA - Sunday, March 7, 2004 2:45 PM CST
Dear Sierra:

I love you. You are my best cousin. We have a new little plastic house at school. Do you want to come and visit me?

Love, Ivy

Ivy Renner (by mom Hilary Renner) <hsirenner@yahoo.com>
Mexico City, Mexico - Sunday, March 7, 2004 10:50 AM CST
Hi Sierra,
My girl scout cookies arrived today! I can't wait 'till dessert. Your joke was very funny - made me and Christy laugh :)


Chip Bergstrom <cbergstrom@riverinc.com>
Boston, MA USA - Saturday, March 6, 2004 8:50 PM CST
Hi Sweet Pea!
I'm thinking about you!!!
Love, Jessica

Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Thursday, March 4, 2004 6:35 PM CST
Hi Sierra and family!
We are thinking of you as the weeks fly by.....!
Christine, Jonah, Calyse & Taryn

Christine, Jonah, Calyse, and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Monday, March 1, 2004 2:14 AM CST
4 3 2 1 0 00000000! YEAH! You are gr8 and you're almost 8 too...C U Soon. Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Saturday, February 28, 2004 7:07 PM CST
Dearest Sierra, You sure look pretty in your Valentine outfit. This is the perfect shirt for you because you have a beautiful heart. I like those green eggs Chris is having. When I saw the Beanies I thought it was your fan club, but then I realized I should be looking at the pretty fan. You Grandpa W. is here helping us fix up the Rec (wreck) Room. Last week, when he put the new backdoor in I was like Snoopy--"Happiness is a New Backdoor." Well, after looking at the picture of the cookies, I feel like making some. We will be thinking of you on Friday and marking off the 5th treatment. We will be thinking more of what a brave girl you are with your treatment. And what an inspiration you are to our family! Love you Sweetie, Aunt Margaret (Bugs) and Uncle Shirrell.
Margaret Moore <luckmoore1@aol.com>
Manassas, VA - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 10:58 AM CST
Long time no see! You are so close to being finished!! yey! I hope that you had a great Valentine's day party at school. I really liked your outfit. Keep Smiling, you're almost there! ~Julie

Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, February 19, 2004 1:55 PM CST
Dear Sierra,

Your Valentine's Day shirt is beautiful! Did you decorate it yourself? Congratulations on helping raise so much money by speaking on the radio to fight cancer!


Grandma Fuller

Margaret Fuller <wmfuller@ruralnetwork.net>
Weiser, ID USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 10:46 AM CST
Girl...you look GOOD in that new hat!!! Mom you are KILLING me with those cookies!!! Those look great!
Monica Rhodes www.caringbridge.org/tx/stephen <mrhodes@1starnet.com>
Sumner, Texas USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 5:05 AM CST
Hi Sierra, I'm glad to know you, through your Great Aunt Doris Cabrera, We are friend of over 35 years, You are very beautiful young girl, have pretty smile, I looking forward meet you some days,
Love , Theresa (Your Great Aunt Doris Cabrera's friend)

Theresa <theresawertz@yahoo.com>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 9:05 PM CST
Sierra, you are the prettiest Valentine I have seen in years! It looks like you all are having a great time...green eggs and ham! And your fan is quite beautiful, Sierra. Have a wonderful week! Love and kisses, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Sunday, February 15, 2004 8:21 PM CST
Dear Sierra, Chris, Maria, and Neal
What a delight to see the pictures of the two of you. You are growing up so well. I hope you remember me as you were a lot younger the last time I saw you. Are you going to send me a sample of your fans and cookies??? I will send a card soon. Look forward to receiving it in the mail.
Love, Lori

Lori Hansen Hensley <lhansen1@sc.rr.com>
Pawleys Island, sc usa - Sunday, February 15, 2004 7:36 PM CST

I am so PROUD of you, brave girl! You are getting stronger every day, and your sit-ups during PE proved it! Happy Valentine's Day to the girl that makes everyone's heart smile!

Paige <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, wa USA - Saturday, February 14, 2004 8:17 AM CST

Happy Valentines Day, From Everyone at Post Pals

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Friday, February 13, 2004 12:24 AM CST
Hi Sierra! I love the latest pictures-- especially the one of you skiing! Only 6 more weeks of chemo... I bet you could do that standing on your head! It will be over before you know it. As always, you're an inspiration. Give your mom a hug from me. Love, your cousin Jessica
Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Friday, February 13, 2004 11:30 AM CST
Hi Sierra, this is Wacky Jackie, friends with Aunt Cathie. Great job, man... you are getting through all of this like a real champ! What a special person you are! I am so proud of you and can't wait for you to be done and have a big party in April! You look beautiful in your latest pictures. I enjoy reading your website and I sure am proud of you and your mom, too!
Jacklin (Messer) Kelly <JKelly@GreatBeach.com>
Charleston, SC USA - Thursday, February 12, 2004 2:56 PM CST
Hi to all! It has been a while since we have written to you but it doesn't mean that we don't think of you often. I was going through Thanksgiving pictures from 2000 (Payton's first Thanksgiving) and it was so neat to see Sierra being so loving of Payton. We can't wait to see you again so we can give you some love. We are also glad to see you so active and starting your count down. WOW! What an accomplishment to get this far. Good luck and take care!! We praying for you!
Kathy Moore <kathysbmoore@cox.net>
Centreville, VA - Thursday, February 12, 2004 2:29 PM CST
Hi all!
Again I am so glad to read how GOOD Sierra is feeling! YAY! And it's nice to see that Giovi and her family are doing well. If you have an address (email or snailmail) for them please LMK. Taryn is growing so FAST. the same thing happened to Calyse, so I don't know why I am surprised, but it seems like yesterday she was a little pink squirmer. Now she's full of smiles. She just discovered her hands and her voice are HERS. Very cute... I hope we get the chance to hang out together soon so you can see for yourself. Calyse asks me all the time if we can come by to play Polly Pockets sometime. That would sure be nice.
Keep up the good work, all of you. You're never far from my thoughts.

Christine, Jonah, Calyse, and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, - Thursday, February 12, 2004 1:59 PM CST
Hi Sierra. It's Giovi in Toledo, Ohio. I wanted to say hi and I hope you're feeling good. I'm going skiing next month in Colorado because there are no mountains here, but there is snow though. I miss Duvall and Carnation all the time, so please say hi to Sparkle at The Odditorium from me. I am not doing Brownies anymore but I'm doing a theater workshop for kids and you would really like it. Also a swim team and softball which is a big sport for girls here and is fast pitch. My school is really good and I like it a lot. Last night the eighth graders and the teachers played basketball and the kids won by 1 point, but I was cheering for the teachers because nobody else was cheering for them. We are building a new house and there is a huge huge huge hole there where they will build it, but my mom will not let me play in it because the dirt piles are too high. My mom and my dad call it the Money Pit but someday you should come see it. In the summer the thing to do here is to go to Cedar Point and ride all the roller coasters, and the best one is the Raptor if you are 54 inches tall. Goodbye and say hi to Kaitlyn Waddington at your school from me. My mom will type this e-mail for me, and she says hi to your family too. From Giovi.
Giovi Orecchio
Toledo, Ohio USA - Saturday, February 7, 2004 11:23 PM CST
Dear Sierra
On the radio!!! WOW! Now I know someone who has been in the newspaper (above the fold, no less, and on Thanksgiving Day), on TV, not once but TWICE, on the internet seen around the world, and now on the radio. What's left? HOLLYWOOD! WASHINGTON, DC! NEW YORK CITY! PARIS! Look out, world, here comes Sierra and she is one brave girl! We are so proud of you! Love, Grandma W

EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Friday, February 6, 2004 8:02 PM CST

That is great you are almost done with Chemotherapy. Keep up your great attitude. Ivy had two Dora the Explorer birthday parties last week - one at school and one at home. For home, we even rented a plastic giant bouncy castle. The kids had lots of fun playing in it. She also had a Powerpuff Bubbles Pinata.

She has pictures of you and her playing dress-up in the Children's Museum in her room.

Take Care, Aunt Hilary, Uncle Scott, and Cousins Ivy and Grace.

P.S. Grace now points and squeals for things - especially food.

Hilary Fuller Renner <hsirenner@yahoo.com>
Mexico City, Mexico - Thursday, February 5, 2004 1:05 PM CST
Eight weeks will go by in NO TIME at all! Taryn is 10 weeks old already and it seems like just yesterday that she was born!
I think about you all the time and am so glad to read that you are having a good week. Keep up the good work!

Christine, Jonah, Calyse, and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:35 PM CST
Sierra- I'm glad that you had fun skiing! I can't believe that you are on the final stretch with your chemo. The next two months are going to fly! you should be so proud of yourself. i will listen for you on the radiothon! keep smiling and hopefully i can see you soon! -Julie
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 7:18 PM CST
Dear Sierra,

It is wonderful that you were able to go skiing! By going and doing so many active things (running, skiing, going to school almost all the time) you are showing other kids who are taking chemotherapy that they can still have fun if they just get out there and do it. Congratulations on being a role model!


Grandma Fuller

Margaret Fuller <wmfuller@ruralnetwork.net>
Weiser, ID USA - Monday, February 2, 2004 11:17 PM CST
World Class skiers Sierra and Chris Fuller were seen skiing at Snoqualimie Summit. Their father Neal Fuller denied using super secret special speed wax on their skis, however recreational skiers nearby commented on how quick and graceful the two skiers appeared as they streaked by. Unknown U.S. ski team scouts are in a quandry whether it's Neal's wax or exceptional raw talent. Stayed tuned to more details...on www.futuregreatskiers.com/fullerkids.
Reporting to you via the internet your Unconfirmed Uncorrespondent for Ski Racing Magazine...

Uncle Doug <douglas_w_fuller@juno.com>
Salt Lake City, UT - Sunday, February 1, 2004 5:47 PM CST
AMAZING! It is so cool to see you guys on skis. I am so proud of both of you! You are so fortunate to be so close to a ski area and so, so fortunate to have a dad who introduced you to the sport early on. Having raised your mom, I know she couldn't have introduced you to skiing! The pictures are absolutely beautiful...love that Princess dress, Sierra! I wonder if Aunt Tracy and Uncle Andy will recognize it? Enjoy!
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, - Sunday, February 1, 2004 11:59 AM CST
WELCOME TO THE 62 AND A HALF CLUB, MISS SIERRA. We are so pleased to have you as a new member and promise you that you will enjoy your membership in our club. We are a very special club, as I am sure you have figured out. We welcome you and are so glad that you are a member now! Your membership certificate will be sent soon.
Signed: President 62.5 Club

EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Friday, January 30, 2004 8:08 PM CST
We are still shivering here in the northeast...and they used to tell us that Virginia was a southern state! NOT! The schools have been closed for 3 days now (Jane is really happy!). We loved the pictures of the M.L.King Birthday Bash! You look like you could be on stage, Sierra! What a great smile and that twinkle in your eyes! Even in a photo we can see that sparkle and can almost hear you belting out Happy Birthday to You! Come to think of it, we wish you had been here to sing at Great Grandma's birthday party...oh my, the only one who could sing was Peyton but everyone was trying! You can imagine what it sounded like! Oh well, it was the spirit of the celebration that made the party. Can't wait to see the picture of the dinner party you had the other night. Who said that bridemaids dresses can never be worn again??? Have a gr8 day! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:50 PM CST
Greetings from the freezing cold northeast! We are shiverin' here and wishing we were in Seattle with you. It sounds like you have been having a wonderful break, full of fun and lots of activity. We read about your celebration of Martin Luther King's 75th birthday. I'm sure you both learned a lot about the wonderful work that Rev. King did. We are getting ready to celebrate a birthday too: your Great Grandma's 89th birthday! We are having a birthday party with a cake too. We have an 8 candle and a 9 candle to put on the cake! Be strong, little one, we are all cheering you on just like we did at the marathon. Much love, Grandma and Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 7:50 PM CST
hey sierra! i hope that you are enjoying your break. what fun things have you been doing? maria....i just sent you an email about something, let me know if you got it! keep smiling! ~Julie :-)
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 8:00 PM CST
Sierra & Family
Hi ! I wanted to drop you a message,and tell you how brave you are.We've never met but your mommy found my daughter Sydney's site and she had the same kind of cancer and in almost the same spot.(Syd's was her left eye)
I'm glad you enjoyed your time off from that yucky medicine.It's an awsome felling when ou can start to count the weeks down for ending treatment.So keep on kicken that rhabdo butt. Please know you have prayers coming from across the globe for you and your family.
God Bless
Oh one more thing Sydney is now 2 yrs off chemo.and doing just wonderful.
Rachel mom to Sydney orbital Arms dx 3/01
OT 1/02

Rachel Nickisher <nicky94@webtv.net>
lansdale , pa USA - Monday, January 12, 2004 11:45 PM CST
Hope you made it through the storm(s) OK. We are fine, but our yard took a real beating. The snow and ice smashed several of my pretty maples, but luckily all the big trees are still standing.
Taryn is growing like a weed and is now 6.5 weeks old and weighs just over 9 pounds. Every now and then I'm even starting to get 5 or 6 hours of sleep at a time. Calyse now has a bunch of Polly Pockets dolls that she just loves. She saw them for the first time at your house and now they are her favorite too. She decided to be fully potty-trained so she could have the stable set with the horse. (A good deal! Yay!) So, thanks for the idea Sierra. But now I have teeny tiny shoes and hats and clothes and... all over. They will have to be kept in Calyse's room once Taryn starts to move about because you can't get much more dangerous than a Polly Pocket cowboy hat with a baby!
I love the poem. April will be here in no time at all and we can all celebrate!
Love and hugs,

Christine, Jonah, Calyse, and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Sunday, January 11, 2004 8:55 PM CST
Sierra, since you wrote your last entry, I thought it would be fun if I signed your guestbook! You are doing so great on your break. I am glad to be able to take you downtown Duvall to the espresso stand at 9 am to drop off Chris for Cub Scouts and have you order a large bowl of chocolate ice cream!! Also, it is so great to see you be so excited about the start of Girl Scout Cookie Sales. I didn't get to talk with you much this morning because you were either illustrating the book your are writing or calling relatives to see if they wanted to buy cookies. I need to put in my order: 3 boxes of thin mints, 1 box of Samoas and 3 boxes of your favorites. Do they really have Girl Scouts in them and do they freeze well, too? Lots of Love!
Your Mommy <mariafrances253@hotmail.com>
Duvall, WA - Saturday, January 10, 2004 2:01 PM CST
Hi! What a great website! My name is Bryanne Weaver and I am a part of an organization called Quilts of Love. We make virtual online quilts for kids with cancer and other illnesses. Come on by and check us out.

Bryanne Weaver <weaverbj@nsuok.edu>
Tahlequah, OK USA - Friday, January 9, 2004 6:58 PM CST

...And I heard that you all had 2 hours late start for school today...Wow, sounds like icing on the cake! Enjoy. Love, Grandma & Grandpa W

EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Friday, January 9, 2004 4:53 PM CST
Hi Sierra, What a great website and way to see pictures of you! I am Wacky Jackie, I met you at Aunt Cathie's wedding! She made get up and give a toast- do you remember? I loved seeing your website and glad to hear you are on break! Just wanted to touch base and say hi and tell you that I am proud of you!! Also, wanted to say that it looks COLD with all of that snow out the back door! Please tell you mom and Grandma and Grandpa Wiggs hello from me! I will write in another day! Happy Late Holidays!!!!!!
Jacklin (Messer) Kelly <JKelly@GreatBeach.com>
Kiawah, SC USA - Thursday, January 8, 2004 1:13 PM CST
I'm so glad that you have a break! and i was thinking this morning that you will be finished before you know it! did you get tons of snow? you probably have a lot of snow days! we even had a snow day from work yesterday! Keep smiling and have a GREAT break! ~Julie
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 5:55 PM CST
Dear Sierra, What a great way to start a break! And I heard that there was no school today...Whoppee...2 breaks in one! Those pictures are really wonderful, Sierra. You look like you are having a wonderful time in the snow. The view from your back door looks like it came from a post card! Wish we were there! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W.
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 7:06 PM CST

Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Sunday, January 4, 2004 7:44 PM CST
Hey Sierra (and Team), I was glad to see you had such a family- and fun-filled Christmas! I heard you loved your new Barbie dolls-- yay! I had dinner with your grandma and grandpa Wiggs when they came back to Virginia, and they filled me in on how you are doing. They are looking forward to the "end of kemo" party, as I'm sure you are too! Keep on keepin' on! Love and hugs from your cousin Jessica.
Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Sunday, January 4, 2004 8:35 AM CST
Happy Holidays Sierra and Family! Sorry I haven't written in awhile. The holidays are always a busy time. I hope that Santa treated everyone well and that you had a wonderful time being with your family! I am only at the clinic on Mondays now so we'll have to find a time to get together! Keep smiling and I hope to see you soon! Love, Julie
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, January 2, 2004 1:24 PM CST
Sierra: Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year! Ivy, Grace, and Scott and I are back from Colorado where we had a very nice time. Grace can walk really around well and is jabbering all the time - sounds mostly like adah, adah. Ivy got a really nice doll house from Santa for Christmas. Take Care, Hilary, Scott, Grace, and Ivy
Hilary Fuller Renner <hsirenner@yahoo.com>
Mexico City, Mexico - Thursday, January 1, 2004 9:50 PM CST
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hey, did you all get snow on new year's eve eve? Sounds like fun. Enjoy...love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 7:37 PM CST
Hi Everyone! We have all been sick most of break but are on the mend (except Daddy!) and almost ready to play with our buddies again! Woke up this morning to snow! Cross your fingers for a white New Years Eve - we all want to be out there playing in it to ring in 2004! May it be a happy and healthy one for the wonderful Fuller family! Love
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 9:36 AM CST
Hi Sierra
What a week it was! Grandpa and I were so happy to be there with you and Chris when Santa came to your house! Grnadpa took the present you bought for Geat Grandma when we went shopping before Christmas...she said the same thing you did: "It smells SO good!" That candle was a great gift for her, Sierra. She really enjoys it.
It has been warm and sunny here...in fact you might think it was spring if you didn't know spring won't be here until Sierra's birthday. I hope it stays winter long enough out there so that you can go skiing this winter.
It's almost New Year's and Grandpa and I hope you have a gr8 2004. Much love, Grandma W.

EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Tuesday, December 30, 2003 6:55 PM CST
Hi Fullers!
Thanks so much for the Christmas card. I hope you had as nice a Christmas as we did. It's so nice to relax with family and friends. Calyse really enjoyed getting her picture taken with Santa this year. Last year she didn't like anything about the experience except the candy cane, and it showed clearly in the photo. Taryn is getting so big already! Us girls would like to come visit soon if that's OK. Just call or email to let me know when will be good for you. Great Grandma Gladys has finally moved in with us, so T, W, or Th afternoons are best for us.
Love and hugs,

Christine, Jonah, Calyse and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Saturday, December 27, 2003 2:15 AM CST

Love everyone at Post Pals

Cori <info@postpals.co.uk>
- Wednesday, December 24, 2003 6:02 AM CST
Merry Christmas to you all from Ohio. We are not having a white Christmas here so far --- but we're hoping. Giovi sends Sierra her best wishes for a happy and healthy 2004.
Debbie, Mike and Giovi Orecchio
Toledo, OH USA - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 11:28 PM CST
Hi Sierra, Shane and Austin were here yesterday but when we were ready to see your website someone was on the phone; what a surprise when we could hear them talking through the computer. They wanted to tell you and Christopher "Merry Christmas and to be looking for Santa." Love Aunt Bugs
Margaret Moore <luckmoore@aol.com>
Manassas, VA - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 6:41 AM CST
Hi Sierra, Christopher, Maria and Neal, We loved seeing all the new pictures. You all look like you are having so much fun this Christmas!! The tree is beautiful! Molly and Anna have a much smaller tree which has so many decorations that I can;t believe it;s still standing! We enjoyed your Christmas letter. It has been quite a year this year, and we are continually inspired by you and your families' ability to find the fun and happiness in everything that you do. Have a wonderful Holiday with your G'ma and G'pa and aunts and uncles. Can't wait to see you again!! Love, Tracy, Andy, Molly and Anna
Tracy Kosiarek <kosiarek@cinci.rr.com>
Mason, OH - Saturday, December 20, 2003 4:44 AM CST
Sierra and Family,
I hope that all of you have a WONDERFUL holiday season these next few weeks. Enjoy all of the time with your family! ~Julie

Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, December 18, 2003 11:22 AM CST
Hey Sierra! Picked up the Valley View and there is a big picture of one of my favorite runners on the front! Guess who??? (smile)
Paige Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 7:47 PM CST
Hi Sierra! I just heard about your website--too cool. I love the pictures the most--or maybe I love the journal entries you write the most. What is your favorite part?
It looks like you are having fun getting ready for Christmas. I'm trying to--but the Christmas tree is still in the garage!!! What is your favorite ornament?
I hope you are having a good day today, and will have an even better one tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow...

Cindy McNitt <mcnitt@charter.net>
Slidell, LA US - Monday, December 15, 2003 4:07 PM CST
Dear Sierra, Santa Claus is comin' to town! We'll be there soon so we can celebrate the season with you and Chris. It looks like you are getting ready! Love the hat! Maybe we can make a gingerbread house this year like we made last year. I hope you have some snow in the mountains because I hear that everyone wants to go skiing too. Can't wait to see you all! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Sunday, December 14, 2003 10:33 AM CST
Sierra, I feel humbled that you would share this extraordinary journey with the world and with me. While you and I have met only briefly, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Karen Wallin
Duvall, WA USA - Friday, December 12, 2003 6:32 PM CST
Hi Sierra,
It is so nice to see your Christmas pictures on your website. I'll miss you over the Christmas break...

Mr. A. <billalsdurf@hotmail.com>
Duvall, WA 98019 - Friday, December 12, 2003 2:38 PM CST
Hi Sierra! It looks like you are getting all ready for Christmas. I liked the new pictures in your album. What are you going to do over your Christmas break from school? Hope to see you soon! Hopefully this Friday! ~Julie
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 11:16 AM CST
Your tree is beautiful! We need to decorate gingerbread houses and go skating! See ya tomorrow!
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Tuesday, December 9, 2003 11:43 PM CST
Hey Sierra!
What's up? Your grandma was right-- here in New York we got over a foot of snow. But I didn't even miss a day of school (BUMMER!). Hope you're looking forward to Christmas and getting to see your grandparents again! Lots and lots of love and hugs from your cousin Jessica.

Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Tuesday, December 9, 2003 1:19 PM CST
Sierra, thanks for continuing to inspire me. The articles in the Seattle Times and the Eastside Journal were great. Congratulations on doing the marathon. Our son did it a few years ago and it was a major achievement in his life, and to think this is your third, WOW!!! Our prayers continue to be with you.
Ned & Cass Freer <edward.freer@usbank.com>
Medina, WA - Tuesday, December 9, 2003 9:47 AM CST
Everyone at my office has seen the Seattle Times and sends their CONGRATULATIONS, Sierra! We are so proud of you and Chris and so thankful to Coach Paige for getting you all involved in the Children's Marathon. I hope someday that the idea will spread to the East Coast. We in Virginia been having fun in the snow. Since we only had about 6 inches, it was fun. Your cousins in New York and Rhode Island probably didn't think it was so much fun, though, since they got FEET of snow, not inches! Have a great time these last few weeks of school before the holidays. Love & kisses, Grandma W.
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Monday, December 8, 2003 8:50 PM CST
Sierra, Congratulations on your run. I will be sending your story on to everyone that I know, you and your family are quite an inspiration.
Angela Evans

Angela Evans <evansclan5@yahoo.com>
Duvall, - Sunday, December 7, 2003 8:21 PM CST
Hi Sierra! I hope that you are having a great week! Are you getting all ready for the holidays? I'm glad you got to see the movie elf, I remember you telling me that you wanted to see that. Good job with the kids marathon!! You should be so proud of yourself. Keep Smiling! ~Julie
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, December 4, 2003 11:25 AM CST
Hi to Sierra, Chris, Neal and Maria, from TOLEDO, OHIO ... home of the famous Mud Hens. And home of the Orecchios now, too. Best wishes to you all. We love this website, and look forward to checking in with you often. Sierra ... Giovi misses you! I will have her write you a letter and tell you all about her new school, and life in Ohio. No snow here yet!
The Orecchios (Debbie, Mike and Giovi) <demigio@buckeye-express.com>
Holland, OH - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 1:22 PM CST
I just saw you on TV on Sat. night too! you really are a celebrity!
- Monday, December 1, 2003 11:50 AM CST
Maria and Neal: We saw the TV story and it was the first we had heard of Sierra's travail. Our thoughts are with your family as you cheer her on to complete health.

Jack and Maxine Orr

Jack Orr <OrrRx@aol.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, November 28, 2003 11:27 PM CST
Hi Team Sierra!
This is Julie, who used to work at the Family Grocer. I want to thank you for the wonderful presents! I'm having lots of fun at the police academy and I just finished my twelfth week. So far I've learned all about the Washington state laws, how to pull someone over with my lights and sirens, how to write a traffic ticket and I even got to learn how to patrol a neighborhood while on a bicycle. That was lots of fun because my whole class (a lot of whom are from the big city) got to go ride our patrol bicycles out on the Snoqualmie Tunnel trail on Snoqualmie pass. Some of them had never even been out on a mountain pass before. By February I'll be able to go out and patrol all over Redmond in my police car and on my bicycle.

I was happy to see Sierra on the cover of the paper, and on the news website! I wanted to let you know that the first thing I do every weekend when I get to come home is check this website, and I'm always thrilled to see so many smiling faces in the pictures! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that your holidays are extra special this year.

Julie Beard <jlbeard@u.washington.edu>
Duvall, WA USA - Friday, November 28, 2003 3:21 PM CST
Run like the wind on Saturday, Sierra. Your story in the paper made me smile and cry all at the same time...and that's the best kind of smile. You are a brave little girl with a beautiful family. My daughter came through rhabdo surrounded by so much love, and I know you will do the same! God bless you, honey and keep smiling. Your friends in Canada, Jody Schwartz and Alanna (7 years old, finished treatment in July/03)
Jody Schwartz <schwartz5@shaw.ca>
Calgary, AB Canada - Friday, November 28, 2003 1:58 PM CST
Hello Celebrity Sierra!
I saw your article on the front page of the Times yesterday and I was so proud of you! You are such an inspiration!! I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving with your family! ~Julie :-)

Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, November 28, 2003 11:14 AM CST
Hi Superstar!
Wow! I was VERY excited to see you in the paper yesterday after your grandma Wiggs told us about it. I hope you bought up all the copies of you could find! Please tell your grandma I missed her very much yesterday-- I even tried to make her rolls, but they were not as good. Have fun in the race on Saturday! Lots of love from your cousin Jessica.

Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Friday, November 28, 2003 10:48 AM CST
Hello Team Sierra,
I, too have taken notice! These past few weeks I've been involved in helping to generate awareness for the Candlelighters and the Seattle Kids Marathon. And even though I'm doing it all from 3,000 miles away (Boston, MA) I almost feel like I'm right there beside Sierra and all her teammates. Good luck tomorrow and best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season. - Chip Bergstrom

Chip Bergstrom <cbergstrom@riverinc.com>
Boston, MA USA - Friday, November 28, 2003 10:31 AM CST
Dear Sierra,
I have been reading your story and checking to see how you're doing,but had'nt left a you a note before now.I am a NW native also(Kent,WA) and was so surprised to see you on the front page of the Seattle Times today-YOU"RE FAMOUS!!!
I wish you best of luck in your run on Sat.I hope you are having a happy turkey day!!Thanks for sharing your story,I'm very impressed with your "I can do it" attitude.I hope we get some more snow soon too!!It sparkles just like you!!

Nancy O. <njobrigewitsch@hotmail.com>
Kent, WA USA - Friday, November 28, 2003 0:17 AM CST
Hi Sierra & Fuller Family ~
You probably don't remember me, but I'm a friend of your mom's....I saw you on the FRONT PAGE of todays Seattle Times!!! WOW, you're FAMOUS!!! I also saw you on the news the other day! Shheeeze, tooooo cool miss!
Well I just wanted to tell you & your family HAPPY THANKSGIVING and let you know I read your website updates regularly! We're praying for you!
Take care & gobble-gobble!
~Brenda Mock

Brenda Mock <brendamock@aol.com>
Duvall, WA USA - Thursday, November 27, 2003 7:46 PM CST
Baby Taryn was born Tuesday at 1:05pm and she and I are doing great. She weighed 6lbs 5oz and was 19.5in long. We are happy to be home and Calyse is being a wonderful big sister. Last night I got lots of much-needed rest so I feel great, and Taryn is happy to be sleeping all the time. She looks a lot like her sister did at birth- lots of dark hair that will probably fall out soon. I'll let you know the link for a site where you can see her picture soon.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. That's so great that you have so many loved ones together this holiday. We all have so much to be thankful for!

Christine, Jonah, Calyse and Taryn Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Thursday, November 27, 2003 3:59 PM CST
You and your running partners did a super job again today! Did you see how fast you were when you watched yourself on the news! WOW! You go girl! You are very very strong! "Coach" paige
Paige <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 11:39 PM CST
I just looked at the pictures in your album. The one of Mr. A is funny! It was great to see you the other day. I hope that you have a happy Thanksgiving! ~Julie

Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, November 24, 2003 8:42 PM CST
Dear Sierra,
I loved it that you typed your own journal entry on the website. It is so funny that you had only 45 minutes of school because IT SNOWED! I tried to write you a guestbook e-mail yesterday and guess what? The internet ate it! Grandpa and I are looking forward very much to seeing you on Wednesday!

Grandma Fuller

Margaret Fuller <wmfuller@ruralnetwork.net>
Weiser, ID USA - Monday, November 24, 2003 8:28 AM CST
Team Sierra,
Time to wax your skis... Think SNOW!
See you at TEAM FULLER Thanksgiving in Duvall...
Via..Mexico City, Salt Lake City, Helena, Weiser and Kenewick. See you in a few days.
Love, Uncle Doug

Doug Fuller <douglas_w_fuller@juno.com>
Salt Lake City, UT Land of Zion - Sunday, November 23, 2003 10:42 PM CST
It looks like you got a lot of snow! Are you getting excited for Thanksgiving? I hope that you have fun with your family! I'm looking forward to seeing you this afternoon in clinic! Keep smiling! ~Julie

Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, November 21, 2003 11:24 AM CST
Geee Sierra, how nice it must be to play in the snow. It was 84 in the house yesterday so I had to turn the air conditioner on. Of course we don't enjoy snow days either. Once in a while they will close the school if a hurricane is near, but that didn't happen this year. Once in 1975, when I was in the 10th grade, it snowed and the schools closed. It barely covered the ground but these crazy Floridians didn't know how to drive in it. I wouldn't know how. But I sure would like to see some real snow. We saw a couple of inches of snow last year in Atlanta, we got out of our car at a gas station and we all played in it. Silly, huh?
Kim Lawson <www2b@earthlink.net>
Dover, Fl USA - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 6:38 PM CST
Dear Sierra
This is Grandma W typing! I loved the picture of you and Chris in the snow and what a surprise to go to school for 45 minutes! That has to be a record short day. No, it is not snowing here but it is raining cats and dogs! In fact if it rains much more it is going to be raining lions and tigers too. 6 more days til we come to Duvall...do you think we should bring our boots and our snow jackets? Love, Grandma & Grandpa W

EAWiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 4:50 PM CST
HI Skategirl! You did awesome at the rink yesterday! We will go again soon and take Chris too! What fun! Love ya' "Hairy"! (smiles) Paige
Paige <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Monday, November 17, 2003 8:18 AM CST
Hi Sierra
We will have Winnie-the-Pooh fly out to Duvall with us! If anyone on the plane asks where Winnie is going, I'll tell them he is coming for a visit to see Sierra for Thanksgiving. I know he will be very happy to see you. He has known you since you were very, very little...maybe 2 years old... and I'm sure he misses you too. We'll see you soon! Love and kisses, Grandma W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Friday, November 14, 2003 8:16 PM CST
Sierra, I'm sorry i wasn't able to see you today!I hope that you have a great week and I will look forward to seeing you next Friday. I'm giving you a huge promise that I will be there to see you next week so we can hang out! ~Julie :-)
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, November 14, 2003 3:53 PM CST
Hey Toots--
I'm thinking about you, today and most every day. Sending you big hugs from NYC, your cousin Jessica

Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 8:37 PM CST
Dear Sierra,

We are sorry to hear that you had a bad weekend, and hope the next one will be much better. Have you read any books about girls (or women) who have gone through hardships? Maybe reading about some of them will help you get through the next few months. I used to love to read about girls on the Oregon Trail. I think I still do because now I am reading about an eastern Washington woman who walked across the United States with her daughter 100 years ago to get money to save her farm. Perhaps your Mom can find some books at the library for you. Grandpa and I are looking forward very much to seeing you at Thanksgiving. We'll be there the day before.


Grandma Fuller

Margaret Fuller <wmfuller@ruralnetwork.net>
Weiser, ID US - Monday, November 10, 2003 10:23 PM CST
Sierra we are so proud of you! Your mom said that you were brave and strong when you had to go to the hospital last night...that's our girl! We know you are wonderful and can conquer anything as long as you have your family and your good doctors there. I remember Boots too! He was great and I'm so glad that he was on duty last night to see you.
Check out that full moon tonight...wow, it's a big as a pizza! We saw a lunar eclipse the night before last which was cool.
How are you doing in spelling? I'll be ready to ask you your words when I get out there. Love you dearly, Grandma and Grandpa W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Monday, November 10, 2003 7:23 PM CST
I hope that you are feeling better! i'm sad i didn't get to see you last Friday but I'll definately be here this week so i'm excited to see you! have a great week and hang in there!! ~Julie

Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, November 10, 2003 11:56 AM CST
Hi All!
I'm sorry to read that Sierra does not feel well today. I hope that goes away very soon.
The party is next Sunday at 1:30, so unfortunately it sounds like Sierra is already booked, but it would be great if Maria can make it. We all understand completely if she can't because we know how busy she is too.
I can't believe the new baby will be here in a month! Time is really flying by...March will be here in no time!
Hugs for all 4 of you!

Christine, Jonah, and Calyse Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Sunday, November 9, 2003 6:09 PM CST
Hi Sierra:

Can not wait to see you in a two weeks. Hope you had a great Halloween. Ivy was Ariel and Grace was Dumbo for Halloween. Grace is now cruising around on the furniture almost walking. Ivy can now draw princesses really well. Ivy and Grace can now play together, of course, everything Ivy does is hilarious to Grace.
Hope you have a great week at school.

Take Care. Love, Aunt Hilary, Uncle Scott, Ivy and Grace.

Hilary Renner <hsirenner@yahoo.com>
Mexico City, Mexico - Sunday, November 9, 2003 3:55 PM CST
tracy,andy,molly and anna say hi!! Anna was typing the note but is now off to other things. We hope you are all having a nice Fall. I bet there are lots of leaves to jump in. We had a very small pile from our very small maple tree. Have a nice rest of the day on Sunday.
The Kosiarek's <kosiarek@cinci.rr.com>
- Sunday, November 9, 2003 1:17 PM CST
I am glad to hear that you are growing hair again.
form arthur

arthur ish <babaaish@cablespeed.com>
Carnation, wa. u.s.a. - Sunday, November 2, 2003 8:41 PM CST
Dear Sierra,
It was great to see you on Halloween! I loved your witch outfit. You looked really beautiful and not at all scary. Abby would like to have you come over for a play date soon or maybe even a sleepover if you're up to it! We would love to have you visit.
Take care and see you soon!

Love, the Hassebroeks: Jack, Dawn, Abby & Maggie <grneydwtch@att.net>
Duvall, WA USA - Sunday, November 2, 2003 7:38 PM CST
Hi Sierra,
I really enjoy reading the journal that your mom puts together about how you are doing and what is going on in your life! I bet that having a break from medication feels wonderful. When I see you at school your smile brightens my day!!! All of your friends are so happy to have you there. I'll see you at school this week. Enjoy your day!
Love Julie Patsy

Julie Patsy <stossel@msn.com>
Carnation, wa King - Sunday, November 2, 2003 9:10 AM CST
Hi Sierra,
It was fun to see you on Halloween - you were a great nice witch! We were happy to be the first trick or treaters to come to your house. :) Hope the picture we took turns out. We will give you a copy.
Let's reschedule our play date soon!
Love, Kenzie, Rylie and Kirsten

Kirsten Gunderson-Dick <mjdandkgd@aol.com>
Duvall, WA USA - Sunday, November 2, 2003 2:29 AM CST
I hope you had a great Halloween! Calyse spent the last week sick, but was well enough yesterday to go out. She dressed up as a mouse and we went to Bellevue Square for some warm indoor fun. She had a blast seeing all the other kids in their costumes. And getting candy from all the shops was something new and very fun.
We'd love to come by again to play sometime soon. Calyse thought the Polly Pockets were the greatest.
Take care!

Christine, Jonah, and Calyse Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Sunday, November 2, 2003 1:17 AM CST
Dear Sierra
Thank you for reading The Grandpa Tree for the service this morning. Your reading was lovely and the story was wonderful. We loved seeing you on video and can hardly wait to come back out to Duvall to see you and Chris. Love & kisses, Grandma W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Saturday, November 1, 2003 8:04 PM CST
Dear Sierra,
I miss you!!! Wish you were here! It was good seeing your Mom.

Tell Christopher Hi for me. Don't eat too much candy.

I look forward to seeing you when your treatment is over in the spring.

Love, Great Grandma

Isabelle Wiggs <j_wiggs@yahoo.com>
Vienna, WA USA - Saturday, November 1, 2003 3:01 PM CST
Hi Sierra and Team,
What nice pictures you guys have taken.
Sierra you look great! It sounds like you have had a couple of wonderful weeks. Leavenworth has always been a special place to me and the sunrise sounds like a wonderful message from your Great Grandfather, something you will never forget! Take care! I hope I will see the nice witch on Halloween.

Leann <steve.barrett@gte.net>
Duvall, Wa - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 6:17 PM CST
Hi Sierra & Team,
Glad to see you all are doing well. I was happy to read about the sunrise that great-grandpa sent to you... I know he loves you and Chris very much. He always called you two "the greats--" because you are!! Have a happy Halloween! Love always, your cousin Jessica

Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Monday, October 27, 2003 9:15 PM CST
Hello Sierra (and Team Sierra too!),

Sounds like you had a nice visit in Leavenworth. We stayed in the same B&B in September. Hope your breakfasts were as good as ours. Yumm!

What good news to be done with round two! We think about you and your family often, and keep you in our prayers at home and at our church. Keep getting better.

The Bronsdon Family

Mike Bronsdon <michbr@microsoft.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, October 24, 2003 11:25 PM CDT
Sierra- It sounds like you had a great weekend away. I'm sorry to hear about your great-grandfather but he'll stay with you in your memories. I hope that you are enjoying your break! ~Julie
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, October 24, 2003 1:30 PM CDT
Hi all!
I'm very sorry to hear about Great-Grandpa Broome. I have really enjoyed reading his journal entries. It's really wonderful that he was able know his great-grandkids and how GREAT they are.
See you soon!

Christine, Jonah, and Calyse Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Friday, October 24, 2003 1:31 AM CDT
Hi all!
I love the new pictures. Leavenworth is such a beautiful area. Jonah and I are considering moving there someday to open a Bed & Breakfast, but we have lots of other ideas as well...
We had such a great time over at your house. I hope we can do it again soon. Calyse keeps telling me what a nice girl you are-- as if I didn't already know that! She doesn't realize how well I already know you. Maybe next week? Call or email so we can set it up when you think you have a spare evening.
Take care!
Love, Christine

Christine, Jonah, and Calyse Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 10:16 PM CDT
Hi Sierra,
It's Emi checking in on you just to say "Hi". Your picture at the creek looks like you're having lots of fun! Good for you.
I hope you're reading lots and lots of books this year. And, I hope you are practicing your giggling,too.

Are you dressing up for Halloween? I think it's a really fun day and I always have lots of candy for the kids who come to my door. I hope you get lots of candy. But, be careful not to scare anybody! BOO!

Take care of yourself and keep up the good work healing.
So many people love you and are thinking about you.

Emi Fredlund <e.danska@earthlink.net>
- Tuesday, October 21, 2003 10:10 PM CDT
WOW! When we come out again, will you take us to Icicle Creek? That looks beaut-ti-ful beyond words! And the flowers on the deck...they are gorgeous. And you kids look wonderfully happy and full of spunk! I heard more about your trip and it sounded so much fun...wish we were there! C U soon! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Geat Falls, Va - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 6:42 PM CDT
We had such a great time visiting with you, Sierra. You are very brave and strong and I am very proud of you. It was so much fun to go to the manicure place and get our nails done. You have beautiful hands and now they are glamourous as well! We got home late last night but it was ok because we felt like we were on west coast time. I went to see great-grandpa today and took him pictures and the painting your mom did for him. He was very appreciative. Have fun getting ready for Halloween.
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Geat Falls, Va - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 7:38 PM CDT
Hi Sierra, I'm so glad you are doing so well. I knew you would. I sure wish we had apples here. I even bought one of those peeler, corer, slicer gadgets. I never use it though. All we have are oranges. We don't even eat oranges around here. We don't have pumpkin patches either. We have pumpkin stands on the side of the road. I'm going to have to buy Josh a pumpkin soon, so we can carve something in it. I see you all are bundled up already. Is it cold up there? We are still in shorts with the a/c on. I'll be glad when it cools off. Have a fun Halloween.
Kim Lawson <www2b@sbcglobal.net>
Dover, Fl USA - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 10:00 AM CDT
Sierra- I love the new pictures! Congratulations on being finished with round 2! That's a big step! I'm sorry I missed you last week, but thank you so much for the note! Hopefully I will get to see you this week. Keep Smiling! ~Julie
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, October 13, 2003 12:34 AM CDT
Hi Sierra!
I'm so glad you are on a break from chemo. It must be so nice to be one step closer to being DONE with it.
I can't wait to come visit you on Thursday. You will not recognize Calyse because she has grown so much. (As have I! I have less than 2 months left in this pregnancy.)
Jamie will be coming home sometime this week and his grafts are healing very well. Of course he can't wait to be home.
I just love the photo of you and Chris picking apples. Yum!
:) Christine

Christine, Jonah, and Calyse Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Monday, October 13, 2003 2:37 AM CDT

Random Acts of Kindness

Dana Sanford <pooh_n_tigger2002@yahoo.com>
Jackson, Mi - Friday, October 10, 2003 0:52 AM CDT
Dear Team Sierra,

Your quilt is absolutely beautiful! Loved your joke about the outhouse. There used to be a two-storey outhouse at a ghost town in Idaho called Silver City. I will see if I still have a picture of it.


Grandma Fuller

Margaret Fuller <wmfuller@ruralnetwork.net>
Weiser, ID USA - Thursday, October 9, 2003 11:46 AM CDT
Hi Sierra!
I LOVE the colors in your quilt. Calyse and I can't wait to see it in person next week! And you look GREAT in the pictures.
That's exciting that you got to meet with the people from "Make a Wish". (Don't they have great jobs!) It would be so cool to get any of your wishes!
Jamie is getting better, and he wanted me to say hello.
Take care!

Christine, Jonah, and Calyse Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 2:25 AM CDT

Hi Sierra I have some more jokes,#1. wich pirate was the warmest in winter? Long john silver!#2.What did the monster say after the brain transplant? "Wait! I changed my mind!" #3.What goes "ha ha ha clonk"? A man laughing his head off! Thats all I have for today Goodby

-Chris <*}}}}}>< XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX?!@#$%^&*()_+xzcz

3 8 18 9 19 6. <C2itfuller@yahoo.com>
duvall, wa u . n . s . o . a . - Thursday, October 2, 2003 0:25 AM CDT
Hey Sweetest Smiling Sierra, I was so happy to read your insight that you don't have to have hair to be pretty! In fact, if you can believe it, I once shaved off all my hair! It's true! I hope school is going well for you and that you have BIG FUN with your grandma and grandpa! Lots and lots of love from your cousin Jessica.
Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 7:48 PM CDT
Hi, team Sierra,

Glad to hear you are doing so well. I am eager to know what trip you and the Make a Wish people decided on. Your quilt sounds beautiful. Are you going to have your parents take a picture of it for the website? As I told you in the letter I sent recently, Grandpa and I are back from the cabin and enjoying the fall weather in Weiser. We loved your jokes --

Love, Grandma and Grandpa Fuller

Margaret Fuller
Weiser, ID USA - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 3:58 PM CDT
Sierra, It was great to see the picture of you at ballet and to read your wishes. i hope that they come true!! Hopefully I will see you next time you are at clinic! Keep smiling!
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 12:42 AM CDT
Hi, I like your website. My daughter had rhabdo in her right orbit also. She is seven years off treatment now and doing great--hang in there!

Melanie <melnickless@lycos.com>
Gardiner, ME USA - Monday, September 29, 2003 9:23 AM CDT
Hi Sierra,
I go to TJ Dance too. I also have Peggy for a teacher! I really like seeing your pictures and reading about how good you are feeling. I'm glad we are in Mr. A's class together.
Your friend,

Maggie Gronberg <akkmgronberg@aol.com>
Duvall, WA USA - Sunday, September 28, 2003 4:06 PM CDT
Dear Sierra, I miss seeing you!!!! I hope we can see you very soon!!! I had so much fun when you came down this summer!!! I hope you are having fun in 2nd grade. My teacher's name is Mrs. Click. She is very nice. My mom and I love the hat that Mr. A made for you. YOU are one of my very best friends!!!!
Say Hi to Eagle Rock for me!!!!! I'm getting ready for the marathon. I hope we can run it with you guys...YOU, Coach Paige and the rest :).....I'll be there unless we move into our new house that day! I can't wait to see you sometime soon!!!!
Love, Christina

Christina Fischer <karenlfischer@comcast.net>
Olympia, WA - Saturday, September 27, 2003 8:06 PM CDT
Sierra when I saw the picture of you at ballet I remembered all of the ballerina books we used to read together when you were little. Remember Tanya, the ballerina, and the one about the girl who wanted to wear her tutu every day! You look like a real ballerina in that picture and I'm so glad that you are taking lessons and learning so much. I hope I can peak in on your lesson when Grandpa and I come out to see you in October. We can't wait to see you! We will have a great time together and we can't wait to meet your teacher and all of the wonderful people in Duvall who have been so wonderful! What a great town to live in!

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Friday, September 26, 2003 9:06 PM CDT
Hello Sierra, I'm glad you are doing so well, sweetie. Keep up the good work. You sound very busy, but I hope you have time to stop by and see us.
Dr. Suzan

Dr. Suzan Grimm <eyecare@duvalleye.com>
Duvall, WA USA - Friday, September 26, 2003 10:58 AM CDT
Hi All!
I hope you are having another good week. It's sure gorgeous outside, and we all know that fresh air is great medicine.
I hate to be bringing you bad news, but Jamie had a bad accident. He'll be OK after a lot of healing, but his pillow and foam mattress caught on fire camping this past weekend, leaving him with very bad burns on his left arm and side. Fortunately his face was completely spared and he has only small burns on his hands. He's lucky, considering how bad it could have been. We visited him yesterday at Harborview and he's in great spirits, considering. He's a tough one. He'll be there for at least two more weeks.
On a lighter note, we started construction in the former school area this week, (although at this point it's more de-struction). So we are living in a construction zone again, but I'm pretty used to that by now. Calyse doesn't seem to mind much, but she did ask "where'd my house go?" when she first saw the school empty. We had to clear it out because we are raising the floor and carpeting to make it much warmer in the winter. I'm sure you all remember how chilly it used to get with the concrete floor.
I'm so glad to hear that Sierra has not missed any school. She's a real trooper.
All the very best wishes and lots of hugs,
:) Christine

Christine Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Thursday, September 25, 2003 4:32 PM CDT
It is so good to see your smiling face at school Sierra.
Whenever you would like me to paint your fingers and toes again - you just give me a call!
Lots of hugs,
(Marcus' mom)

Deborah Lawrence <lawrence-s@msn.com>
Duvall, WA USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:22 PM CDT
Wow Sierra! You have great form in ballet - and look at those buff leg muscles. You are a very strong girl! Josh will be glad to know you ate pancakes at the firehouse today! It was fun seeing you there - see you tomorrow! Love, paige
Paige Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Sunday, September 21, 2003 11:30 PM CDT
Great Grandpa says thank you very much for the fax, Sierra. He is happy that you enjoy the cookbook. He said that it was a "community cookbook" kept by his mother with contributions from her friends in New Jersey. It sounds like it was great fun to read the brown paper!! He is glad you like historical things.
EA Wiggs (scribe for JJB) <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Geat Falls, Va - Friday, September 19, 2003 4:44 PM CDT
We are so glad that you get to swim IN SEPTEMBER OUTSIDE...can't believe it! On the east coast we can't swim now...especially not today since we are having a hurricane! The wind and rain come off of the Atlantic Ocean and clean everything off! Our electricity keeps going off too but we are warm and cozy and have fun "roughing it". We know you are having fun as well and that makes us very happy. We'll C U soon! Luv, G'ma & G'pa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Thursday, September 18, 2003 4:23 PM CDT
Hi all!
Yay! Another good week! I'm so happy to hear that! We celebrated Calyse's Great-Grandma's 94th birthday last night, and next week we start the construction on her room. Sometimes it seems like our house will never be complete with all the projects we have going on now...but someday... I can't wait to show you then.
Thanks again for keeping us informed. We love to hear about all the progress Sierra is making.
Christine, Jonah and Calyse

Christine Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Thursday, September 18, 2003 3:19 AM CDT
Hello Sierra Darling!! How's my girl? It sounds like your off to a great start at school. I remember when I was really excited about homework-enjoy it while you can-you'll get over it by high school. I must have a fairy photo of you. MUST MUST MUST. I want a big one and hang it on my wall. (I'll send mom some money but make sure she gets on it because I'm very impatient when it comes to picutres of my beautiful niece.) Brian and I are coming to visit in November and we can't wait. We love you and miss you so much!
Aunt Cathie
Corte Madera, CA Marin - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 10:44 PM CDT
Sierra and family
I've been catching up on your reading your journal these past couple of weeks...we've been so busy settling into our new house and the Island way of life, that I haven't had a chance to say HOLA to many friends...and then, my Cousin says she MET you while you were at swim lessons!

It sounds like your life is VERY busy right now, and that is wonderful! If you want something extra 'yummy' to do, get yourselves to Woodinville and try out "Oobas Mex Grill" (there is also one in Redmond) and if you're like me, you'll enjoy the fresh mexican food (and maybe even gain a few more ounces) y por favor, hablan en español cuando van a los restaurantes mexicanos!

Saludos cariñosos

Señora Shelley Brownlow
- Tuesday, September 16, 2003 11:58 PM CDT
Hi Sierra,
We're so glad to hear you're doing well! The summer flew by, didn't it? Happy 2nd grade! Do you like your new class? Mr. A sounds like a terrific teacher and you should have a lot of fun in his class. We really miss seeing you at school, but at least we can see you around the backyard. :-) Keep up the great work!

The Robkins <jrobkin@zipcon.net>
Duvall, WA USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 0:00 AM CDT
Love to you beautiful Swan xoxox
The Parrish Family <earthsteward@hotmail.com>
Duvall, Wa 98019 - Sunday, September 14, 2003 9:32 PM CDT
Hi Sierra and Chris,
I'm glad you are enjoying school and "Mr. A" does sound special. Second Cousin Payton went to her 1st day of Preschool at the Methodist Church Tuesday. Those are nice pictures in the album. Chris, I will tell Uncle Shirrel to get some yarn for Lucky and Sunshine (neighbor) to play with. Looks like you had a nice visit with Tracy. I am printing the story off to take to Gma Wiggs, just incase Granddad didn't. I can't wait to see your Hip Hat! Love, Aunt Bugs and Uncle Shirrell

Margaret Moore <luckmoore1@aol.com>
Manassas, VA - Saturday, September 13, 2003 2:47 PM CDT
Hi Sierra - We have been thinking about you all this week and hoping that you are still having a good week. I really enjoyed seeing you last weekend. You are such a great reader, the stories sounded really terrific when you were reading - like I was at a drama show!! We love you! Tracy, Andy, Molly, Anna
Tracy Kosiarek <kosiarek@cinci.rr.com>
Mason, OH USA - Saturday, September 13, 2003 1:20 PM CDT
Sierra, I'm glad that you are having fun at school. I'm sure it feels good to start a new school year. I'll be back at the clinic part time in a few weeks so hopefully i'll see you there!
Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, September 12, 2003 5:18 PM CDT
I am acting as a scribe for Great Grandpa Broome. He sends his love to you all and thinks about you frequently...especially when it comes to things like sticks. He says it makes it more bearable to think of you, Sierra. He is going to physical therapy (that is, "going to the gym" for a "workout") twice a day and working very hard to regain his strength. He's going to ask if there is a computer on-site that he can use to check up on the web-site. Until then he appreciated the fax very much.
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Friday, September 12, 2003 3:54 PM CDT
Hi all!
We are back from our trip to beautiful Mt. Baker and would LOVE to come over after school someday soon! Does Thursday or Friday work for all of you? I hope so because Calyse and I are available then.
I am so glad to read that Chris and Sierra have such great teachers again this year. That makes school so much more fun! I can't wait to hear about what you will both be learning this year.
Mt. Baker was beautiful and the wedding we went to was a lot of fun. Calyse loved the dance floor, the fruit punch, and of course the cake. We went to see Nooksack Falls in the POURING rain. It was beautiful and very LOUD.
I hope to talk to you all soon! Please take care!
Love and hugs,

Christine Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 2:35 AM CDT
I am so glad to hear that school is off to a great start and that your teacher is excellent. You will never forget your teachers, I really like your painting on the fence-it's really cool that they let you do that. It sounds like you had a nice visit with cousin Tracey. I'm sure she was so happy to be able to spend a little time with you all. Hope to talk to you soon and I love you.
Aunt Cathie <cathiewiggs@hotmail.com>
Marin, Ca - Monday, September 8, 2003 1:30 PM CDT
We are so glas to hear that Team Sierra is doing well!
This is always my favorite time of year with the begining of school and the promise for fresh apple pies in the weeks to come.

Have fun at school Chris and Sierra ... The Truxell-Svensons

Tenley, JVS and Sophia Truxell-Svenson
Potomac Falls, va - Monday, September 8, 2003 12:57 AM CDT
Hi Team Sierra!

I'm so glad to hear that things are going well! It's sounds like you had a wonderful vacation in the mountains. What awesome news about the tumor being gone! I'm so proud of you, Sierra, for being so brave! I look forward to seeing you when Brownies start up again next month!

Much love from,
The O'Connors, Sean, Deanne, Kelly and Lisa

Deanne O'Connor <d.oc@gte.net>
Duvall, WA USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 11:46 AM CDT
Hi Pumpkin! School days are here once again and fall is coming soon. Have you noticed that it is getting darker earlier? Pretty soon it will be October and we will be coming out to see you. We can hardly wait! Have a great time in school. Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Geat Falls, Va - Saturday, September 6, 2003 9:24 PM CDT
Sounds like the Fuller family had a great summer hiking in the mountains. Like you, the Longhurst family spent several days at Mount Rainier, camping at Ohanapacosh. Was wonderful.

Glad to read that Siera is doing well. Chris and I think of you often.

David Longhurst <DaveLonghurst@msn.com>
- Saturday, September 6, 2003 5:11 PM CDT
Dear Sierra,

I enjoyed hearing about your recent hike and your participation in your play!!! What was your part in the play?

Your cousin Ryan started 7th grade at St. Patrick's Catholic School on Monday, August 25th. His school requires him to wear a school uniform, which consists of a solid polo shirt, (any color), and navy blue or khaki pants. He only has 13 kids in his class and is taking all the normal subjects-math, science, language arts, social studies, PE, plus computers, religion and Spanish. Ryan has a friend, Joey Oord, who is also in 7th grade at St. Patrick's School. When Ryan gets done with school at 3:00 p.m., he walks about six blocks to my law office where he stays in the kitchen or conference room and does his homework. (Of course, when Mom is not looking, he draws pictures, does art projects and reads books.)

Did you start school yet? How is it? I bet you are happy to see your friends again at school after the summer break.

Love, Aunt Leslie, Uncle Brett and Cousin Ryan

Leslie Smith <SmithLeslieK@aol.com>
Kennewick, WA USA - Thursday, September 4, 2003 8:32 AM CDT
Hello, hello, I'm thinking about you all! I hope school is going well. I was down in Virginia last weekend and got to see (great) grandpa Broome a few times. Now I'm back in New York and back to school, too! Love and Hugs, Jessica
Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 5:56 PM CDT
I love the new pictures! How was the first day of school? I hope that you are doing great! ~Julie :-)

Julie <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 10:47 AM CDT
Hi all!
I'm so glad to hear the chemo went better this time. I love the picture with the wildflowers. I hope there are plenty left next weekend when we get away to Mt. Baker. I'm so glad you have been able to enjoy this summer and take care of what you need to do for Sierra's recovery. Thanks again for keeping us all posted on the progress. Calyse particularly enjoys the picture updates.
I am getting bigger and bigger all the time with a little bit more than three months to go...
Love and hugs,

Christine Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA 98014 - Monday, September 1, 2003 10:05 PM CDT
Greetings, Team Sierra. I was thinking of you, and had to check up on things before school starts. Sounds like you guys are doing great!
Lots of love,

Emily Roalkvam <roalkvam@centurytel. net>
North Bend , WA USA - Saturday, August 30, 2003 1:51 PM CDT
I predict that SuperGirl is destined for a show biz career when she gets around to it. How is Team Sierra to prepare Hollywood, Broadway, Cannes, Edinburgh for the onslaught? Warn them to run to safety and hold on to their hats.

the mind boggles!

Jon Broome Sr <jjbsrva@worldnet.com>
Vienna, VA USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 11:11 PM CDT
Looks like Polly Pockets Paradise there in the living room! What a wonderful vacation at Ranier too...it sounds like a perfect place for re-creation. Soon school will be starting and you'll be with all of your friends every day...g8! Can't wait to come out west...with love, Grandma W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Geat Falls, - Friday, August 29, 2003 8:26 PM CDT
Hi Sierra, It looks like you had a beautiful place to visit on your vacation! We sure enjoyed your visit a few weeks ago - I hope you and Chris can come back soon! "Hi" to your mom! Hugs, Joan, Peter, Andy, Michael and James
Joan <jkeltgenlo@aol.com>
Puyallup, Wa Pierce - Thursday, August 28, 2003 6:41 AM CDT
Hi Sierra - It was so wonderful to hear that you had a nice vacation in the mountains. Here in Ohio the highest mountain we have is the pile of dirt sitting in our driveway that Andy ordered from the local hardware store!! I am so excited that I can come visit with you and your family on Saturday, Sept 6th. I sent your mom my flight schdule but not sure it arrived so here are a few critical details - NorthWest Flight 7008 arrives at 8:15am. Have a super terrific week! Love, Tracy, Molly, Anna and Andy
Tracy Kosiarek <Kosiarek@cinci.rr.com or Kosiarek.tw@PG.com>
Mason, OH - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:12 PM CDT
Hi Team Sierra!
I hope you are having another wonderful vacation at beautiful Mt. Rainier. The fresh air there is magical. You are all in our thoughts!
:)Christine, Jonah, and Calyse

Christine, Jonah, and Calyse Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Monday, August 25, 2003 5:59 PM CDT
Notes and comment from Vienna around Aug 22-24
Jon Broome Sr <jjbsrva @ world net.com>
Vienna, VA USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 6:05 PM CDT
Wow! What fantastic scenery...you guys are so lucky to live out there where the mountains are so beautiful. And those starfish...I have never seen a starfish before (except in a souvenir shop!) Sierra you look like you are really engrossed in your writing project. That is a wonderful opportunity as well. You all have a really great summer. Love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Thursday, August 21, 2003 4:19 PM CDT
Sierra & Family:

What a great report to be 'CR'! Nice to hear about your trip to Mt. Baker too. We keep praying for you in our family, and at Woodland Park Presbyterian Church.

The Bronsdon Family (Mike, Cathy, Grant, and Colin)

Mike Bronsdon <michbr@microsoft.com>
Seattle, WA - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 11:40 PM CDT
Dear Sierra,

Loved your photos of Mt. Baker. Grandpa and I are very glad to hear that your rhabdo has diappeared already! We are also happy that you and your family got to go to the mountains. You would have had fun throwing sticks for Stuart and Carla's dogs last week up here. But maybe you wouldn't have liked our wild goose chase hike to North Fork Lake. It was a beautiful lake and we got there, but because we followed a trail built by volunteers part of the way we ended up climbing some steep, difficult slopes when the trail disappeared. Glad to hear that you went to a writing camp! I'd love to read some of your stories.


Grandma Fuller

Margaret Fuller <wmfuller@ruralnetwork.net>
Stsnley, ID USA - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 12:15 AM CDT
Sierra- I am so excited to hear the good news about your scans! April will be here before you know it. I'm glad that you had fun at writing camp too. Hang in there, you're doing GREAT!! ~Julie
Seattle, WA USA - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 11:16 PM CDT
Hi Sierra, I really liked your comment about the Tartar Sauce. It tells me that you have a lot of spice in you and that is great. We continue to pray for you and wish you the very best.
Ned & Cass Freer
Medina, WA - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 6:09 PM CDT
Hi, Sierra.
I just read the last few entries of your journal. So glad you are feeling well and having some fun now! It looks like you really enjoyed shopping for school clothes - and also seeing your friend who moved to Olympia. What great news that your scans are clear - and that you didn't have pain on entry/exit of your chemo.

Ken and I think of you often. We saw your Aunt Cathie a few weeks ago and she filled us in on how you're doing and gave us your website.

Have fun in school this fall!

Jeanne and Ken, SF

Jeanne Tillemans <tilleman@pacbell.net>
San Francisco, CA SF - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 10:51 AM CDT
Congratulations Sierra!! That's wonderful news about your CT and MRI!! We're so glad to hear that you are doing a lot better and having a fun summer. It sounds like you and Leta like to shop in some of the same stores. We're always going into Limited Too. Ya'll will need to shop-til-you-drop together sometime soon.
Jason, Kristine and Leta <anacleta92@yahoo.com>
seattle, wa - Monday, August 18, 2003 6:40 PM CDT
Hi Sierra, Molly, Anna, Andy and I are so excited about your great news! Even little Anna is understanding that you are getting better thanks to all the information that we can read and see on your website. Thank your Mom for keeping us up to date. What a great photo! You look like you are a movie star. Yesterday we went to a new church and Molly bumped into her best friend from school so they both had a great morning in sunday school together. I will ask Molly to send you a separate note and update you on all her summer fun! Have a wonderful week. We love you very much and think of you often.
Love, Tracy

Tracy Kosiarek
Mason, OH USA - Monday, August 18, 2003 6:03 AM CDT
CR!!! That's the best news!!! I am so happy I have tears in my eyes! That just proves how strong Sierra really is, and how much LOVE is being sent your way.
That writing camp sounds GREAT. I'd love to hear some of those stories. What a wonderful way to express your creativity, Chris and Sierra.
I'm sure you are having a fantastic weekend. Mt. Baker is so beautiful. We are headed there in a few weeks for a friend's wedding and I can't wait.
Sometime very soon Calyse and I would like to get together to play. Until then you all take care! I can't wait to tell all the people I know who care about you what I read in your journal update tonight. Thanks for making all of our day!
:)Love, Christine

Christine Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Saturday, August 16, 2003 3:02 AM CDT

My mother, Doris Cabrera, (who is also your great aunt) gave me your website address so I thought I would stop by this evening and see how you are doing. Congratulations on the wonderful results of the CT scan and MRI!! Stay the course and April will be here before you know it. Our family prays for your recovery everyday.

Our best to you,

Russell, Taeko, Natasha, and Elaina DeMeyere

P.S.: Great Aunt Doris send a big hug to you as well!

Russell DeMeyere <rdemeyere@aol.com>
Woodbridge, VA USA - Friday, August 15, 2003 7:47 PM CDT
Celebrate Good Times-Right On! I am soooo overwhelmed with joy to hear that Seirra's test results came out so good!! You are an inspiration to all. We love you!!
Aunt Cathie
Corte Madera, Ca Marin - Friday, August 15, 2003 10:20 AM CDT
Dear Sierra,
Hi there. LOVE the photo (both the photo of you and the photo of you with the photo of you if you know what I mean). OK. So I'm back in Athens now for another week and then I come back to the USA for school. This fall I'm teaching Greek History to the college kids at Brown. I'm hoping they will learn something heehee.

Before I got back to Athens I was in Milos, which is an island in Greece in a group of islands called the Western Cyclades. It's a volcanic island, which basically means that somewhere near the island under the water is a volcano which is not (probably) going to erupt again. But it erupted several thousand years ago, and left a lot of volcanic rock on the island. Around 5,000 years ago, people living on Milos built a city out of the volcanic rock, and you can still see some of it today. The roads and walls are made out of beautiful black stone, unlike anything I've ever seen before. This island was really important at that time because the volcano left a special kind of volcanic glass called obsidian, that the islanders sold to other islands and other countries as far away as Spain and Egypt, and so they became very successful. (Back then before people knew how to make tools out of metal, they used obsidian to make cutting tools.) There's a great museum on Milos with lots of examples of this stuff. There's a little statue that they found in the ancient city that's thousands of years old that is a model of a house, and it's really neat because we can see what kind of houses people lived in 5000 years ago. There are some beautiful beaches there. I'll send you some pictures on email when I get back to the US next week. I took a lot of pictures.

Well now I'm in Athens again, like I said, and I'll be here until next Monday and then I"ll be on an airplane for 14 hours and then I'll finally be back in the USA.

I'm so glad you had a great vacation. I hope it gave you lots of renewed energy. You've got so much courage, it certainly makes me braver when I'm wandering around Greece by myself to think: If Sierra can be so courageous I can be too!

Love, Heidi

Heidi Broome-Raines <Heidi_Broome-Raines@Brown.edu>
Athens, Greece - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 4:01 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,

I really like your photo shot. Your smile is just right and the pearls add a nice touch. I bet it was fun swimming. We are going to the beach and the house has a pool so I bought me a bathing suit from Lands' End hopefully I will get up the nerve to get in the water. I can float and dog paddle but I never learned to swim. Remember, I just took pictures when we all went to the hotel in Virginia. That was fun! You and Chris and Shane were racing. Adison, Payton, Austin, Shane and their Moms & Dads are going too. I'm excited, just like your Grandma and Granddad are when they come to see you and Chris. What a nice Zither--I can imagine the nice smooth sounds you are making by looking at the picture. Hugs, Aunt Bugs

Margaret Moore <luckmoore1@aol.com>
Manassas, VA - Monday, August 11, 2003 6:24 PM CDT
Hi Sierra!
The Photazz picture of you is just GORGEOUS! I'm not at all surprised that they wanted to display it. I hope you are getting through the chemo OK this time. I miss you and really look forward to when you are all done. Won't that be nice!
Lots of love,

Christine Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Sunday, August 10, 2003 11:48 PM CDT
Hi Sierra! What a beautiful picture of you! I hope that you had fun shopping and are getting ready for school. It will be here before you know it. Good job with the port accesses. Each one will get easier. Hang in there, you're doing great! Love, Julie
Julie Lieberman <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Sunday, August 10, 2003 11:28 PM CDT
Dear Sierra: How are you? I just wanted to let you know that Grace can now clap her hands besides shake her head no, no. Ivy rode a roller coaster for the first time on Saturday. She had so much fun at Six Flags here in Mexico City. I am hoping you are doing well with this next round of chemotherapy. We are thinking of you and want to visit some time this fall. Love, Scott, Hilary, Grace and Ivy
Hilary, Scott, Grace, and Ivy Renner <hsirenner@yahoo.com>
Mexico City, Mexico - Sunday, August 10, 2003 8:28 PM CDT
WOW! Sierra, that picture deserves to be front and center at the photo shop...it is BE U TI FUL! I bet they will do a whole lot of business because of that picture because it is obvious that you are very happy having your picture taken! And that gown...that is gorgeous...you have very good taste (and you didn't have to leave home to get it (taste that is) if you know what I mean!) Enjoy, enjoy and thanks again to all the wonderful people out west who are making such great moments for our Sierra. Grandma W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Geat Falls, Va - Sunday, August 10, 2003 2:14 PM CDT
Can't wait to see some pictures of this new 'stylin' look! Oh, how hard it is to be so far away. But reading all of the messages in this guestbook tells me that you all are very well cared for out. Those of us "back east" are extremely grateful to all of the folks in Duvall and vicinity for taking such good care of our family. Love to all of you from Virginia!
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Geat Falls, Va - Saturday, August 9, 2003 3:47 PM CDT
Hi Sierra! We are so glad your appointments went well on Friday! Can't wait to see more of your new stylin' outfits - (love those jeans and belt!!!) Thanks for coming and taking care of me with your Mom this week!!!! You are such a nice friend and a great teacher/nurse! Oh yes, and a very very snappy dresser!! :-D Love, Paige
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Saturday, August 9, 2003 1:46 PM CDT
Hello! All of us here at the Duvall Family Grocer wanted to do something special for Team Sierra! We have a little present here at the lotto booth waiting for you guys whenever you can come pick it up. We all want Sierra to know that we are very proud of how well she is doing and are very happy to see her smiling face on the website.
The Family Grocer Crew
Duvall, WA USA - Saturday, August 9, 2003 0:05 AM CDT

Our prayers and love continue to pour out for you each and
every day. We know that God can do miracles and we are
praying for one for you. Keep up the good work in healing
and you look beautiful in your pictures. Enjoy and love
deeply each day that Jesus gives you.

Love-one nurse to a future nurse!
Aunt Doris!

Doris J. Cabrera <righteousbabe61@hotmail.com>
Mays Landing, NJ USA - Friday, August 8, 2003 6:25 PM CDT
Hi Sierra! I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well! I hope that you are enjoying your summer and having fun on your mini-vacations! Love, Julie
Julie Lieberman <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, August 7, 2003 11:59 PM CDT
Sierra, Sounds like you had a great visit with Christina and her family. I wish I could have gone with you. Hope to see you soon. Take care.
Julie Taylor <juliedayne@aol.com>
Brier, WA - Thursday, August 7, 2003 8:45 PM CDT
Hi Sierra,
It's Emi Fredlund looking in on you! I'm so glad that you're home and playing with your friends, and that your radiation therapy is finally over!!! Yeah!!!

I think of you every day and I know that you'll get stronger and better each day. You have a wonderful spirit and so many people love you.

Take good care of yourself keep having fun with your friends and family. A "BIG HELLO" to your wonderful Mom, too.
Smiles and Hugs,

Emi Fredlund <e.danska@earthlink.com>
Everett, WA USA - Wednesday, August 6, 2003 11:24 AM CDT
Dear Team Sierra,

I'm glad to hear that you were able to go swimming, visit friends in Olympia, go fishing, and leave toys all over the living room! Hope you have a great trip to see Mt. Rainier. I have spent most of the last week taking books around to stores while Grandpa has been working on cases for legal aid. We are looking forward to Doug, Stuart, and Carla visiting us next week at the cabin.


Grandma Fuller

Margaret Fuller
Ketchum (now) , ID U.S.A. - Monday, August 4, 2003 9:26 PM CDT
Dear Sierra and Chris,
Looks like you are enjoying your summer vacation especially swimming and traveling. Glad that you learned to swim so young--just obey the rules! Ask your granddad John Wiggs how old he was when he started swimming. GreatGrandma Wiggs alias Great Belle sends you a big HUG. Does the bonnet that Great Belle sent you fit? How do youlike it?
Molly and Anna visited us in Vienna for a week of Bible school. They had fun and did a lot of swimming. Molly is a good swimmer and Anna is an almost swimmer. Give our best wishes to your Mom and Dad. Love ya, Uncle Arch and Aunt Charlotte..

Archie Wiggs <ajwiggs@aol.com>
Vienna, VA usa - Monday, August 4, 2003 8:19 PM CDT
Hi All!
I am SOOOO happy to read you are finally having the GREAT summer you deserve. That museum sounds wonderful! I want to go see (and touch) it too! I always knew Sierra was a very strong girl, but those rocks sure prove it! HA HA!

Christine Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Monday, August 4, 2003 2:38 PM CDT
Hey Supergirl, How's it going for you? I hope you're enjoying August and looking forward to September and school! Hugs and kisses for you, Chris, mom and dad from your cousin Jessica.
Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Sunday, August 3, 2003 2:19 PM CDT
Dear Sierra
I heard that you went on a road trip today to Olympia! That's gr8! Did you get to go to the hands-on museum there? I know you went swimming at 9 o'clock at night. What a treat to be able to stay up SO late to go swimming! It sounds like you are enjoying your vacation. Have a good time! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Saturday, August 2, 2003 8:52 PM CDT
Dear Sierra, I'm a friend of your Grandma Edythe's and she has told me all about you! You sound such like a wonderful girl! Thank you for sharing your photos and your drawings! Fondly, Pamela Forman
Pamela Forman <lilacsky@comcast.net>
Chevy Chase, MD USA - Thursday, July 31, 2003 6:43 PM CDT
You did awesome at runclub today! I'm so glad that you and Chris came! Want to go on a bike ride?

Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Thursday, July 31, 2003 1:00 AM CDT
These recent few days have been a tempest in a teapot in Vienna. My computer abruptly went on strike, decided not to go on-line. E$verybody who came along was enlisted to try finding the problem, THEN trying to solve it. We worked it down to the telephone lines involved; their servicre techniian finally straightened out a "mix-up of the two connections, and today things returned to normal. so now I can greet your news of Super-Girl Sierra esith bells a-ringing and sirens whooping! Who knows...maybe I'll even stop making typos. I wish I could speak with her on the telephone, but that must wait until I get your permission. In the meantime, keep the news coming!
Jon Broome Sr
Vienna, VA - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 11:59 PM CDT
Hi Sierra!
I'm so happy to know you are doing so well. I check your website all the time so I know what you're up to. I have a cold, STILL. And now Jonah has it too. Even so, we took Calyse to the lake today to cool off. That was lots of fun. I'm glad you can go swimming too. If you and your family would like to go swimming with us PLEASE call. (We should be better very soon.) That would be REALLY fun!
Big Hugs,

Christine, Jonah, and Calyse Tapert
Carnation, WA - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 11:31 PM CDT
Hi Maria and family!!
I'm sorry for the delay in getting in touch with you since I heard about Sierra's illness. I know you've been a very busy mom lately and it's hard to catch you on the phone. I just wanted to extend my thoughts and prayers to Sierra and all of you. This is a great website and I'm happy to hear of Sierra's progress and see some pictures! If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I will try to contact you again soon! I hope you all enjoy the rest of summer! Take care. Kim

Kim Klingenberg <Guglielmelli@msn.com>
Carnation, WA USA - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 1:21 PM CDT
Dear Team Sierra - Sierra, Maria, Chris and Neal:
Graduation from radiation and a port for swimming, things are looking better. Hey, how's your Smokey (the) Bear? Last Week I found my Smokey talking to the clock radio ordering more smoke jumpers. Yesterday while I was mowing the Lawn and found him the the garage with Eyore (the donkey from Winnie-the-Pooh)recruiting the shovel,axe and water bucket to saddle up and head out West and "Fight Fire". Fortunely on the way back into the house the sprinklers soaked Smokey and dripped some sense back into him. Drop me a line or e-mail some time to let me know what your Smokey Bear has been doing. Hope your rest of your summer is lots of fun!

Uncle Doug <douglas_w_fuller@juno.com>
Salt Lake City, UT Zion - Monday, July 28, 2003 6:55 PM CDT
Hello sierra

nice website it’s so cool I like the pictures and stuff
now I have to go work on my website


chris456535632594 <c2itfuller@yahoo.com>
!@#$%^&*(), lx. ?????????????/& - Monday, July 28, 2003 10:54 AM CDT
Hello Sierra and Family,
This is Deborah and Marcus. We have been thinking of you a lot and are happy to hear you have gone swimming this Summer. We hope to see you soon. Love the Lawrence Family

Deborah and Marcus <lawrence-s@msn.com>
Duvall, WA USA - Monday, July 28, 2003 10:39 AM CDT
Dear Sierra,

Grandpa and I are very glad to hear that you have finished your radiation and that you are feeling good. On the website we noticed your Dad, Mom, and brother Chris all have their own e-mail addresses. Do you have a way to write people e-mails yourself if you want to? Or do you just write part of the Website updates yourself? If you do that, maybe you could sign those parts with your name so the people will know which parts are from you personally.


Grandma and Grandpa Fuller

Wayne and Margaret Fuller
Weiser, ID USA - Sunday, July 27, 2003 3:57 PM CDT
We are so happy you are doing well. We pray for you every day. Grandpa Wayne wrote us about their visit. Send us a picture of all the family, if you get a chance to.

The e-mail was sent from Arleigh's daughter's home. This is her e-mail address.

Arleigh and Frances <phopkins@cox.net>
Whitewater, Ks USA - Sunday, July 27, 2003 12:28 AM CDT
Hooray for you, Sierra! You have been SO BRAVE!! I was glad to see you at your celebration last night (so were Jo and Kaela - who were also happy to receive and dispense "huggies"). Lots of people were there to celebrate with you - LOTS of people love you!
This is by far the best way I have ever used the Internet.
Go Team Sierra!!

Barb Hill (Jo's Mom) <barbhill@mac.com>
Duvall, WA - Friday, July 25, 2003 4:12 PM CDT
Sierra Team,

We read you story and learned that it was your last day of radiation. I asked Austin what we should say to Sierra and he said:

"God thank you for this wonderful day!! Sierra get better soon."

Now that I can see (tears) to type, I want to say how happy I am for you and thank God too.

Love, Your Cousin Austin and Aunt Margaret

austin & mmargaret <luckmoore1@aol.com>
Manassas, VA - Friday, July 25, 2003 2:36 PM CDT
Hi What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
I just found your web page,and wanted to tell you how brave I think you are.Stay strong and keep on kicken that rhabdo butt.My daughter Sydney also had orbital Rhabdo and I'm happy to tell you she finished all her chemo and is 18 months off treatment,and doing wonderful.Please know you have many happy thoughts and prayers coming your way.God Bless
Rachel mom to sydney dx orbital Arms 3/01 OT 1/02 "http://www.caringbrdge.org/mi/sydney

Rachel Nickisher <Nicky94@webtv.net>
Lansdale , Pa USA - Friday, July 25, 2003 12:53 AM CDT
Hoorah! No more radiation. Sierra things will be so much better for you now. Every since my son Josh finished with radiation, he hasn't had any problems. He feels so much better and has not had a fever since. I'm sure you will do just as well. Just eat like a pig when you can and keep up your good spirits.
Kim Lawson <www2b@sbcglobal.net>
Dover, Fl USA - Friday, July 25, 2003 6:31 AM CDT
It's very early on the east coast, so I suspect that you are all still asleep. I want to be the first to say "Today is the last day of RADIATION! Congratulations!!" Keep sparkling! Much love, Aunt Sallye

Sallye Broome
Arlington, VA - Friday, July 25, 2003 6:20 AM CDT
Hi Team Sierra!
Yay! Yay! Yay! Tomorrow is the day! I'm so impressed by how well Sierra is handling all that has been thrown at her! Have a wonderful celebration and a weekend full of fun to follow that!

Christine Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, - Thursday, July 24, 2003 10:22 PM CDT
Congrats to one of the bravest big little girls I know. I knew you was special and a fighter when I first seen you. I am glad that you are just about finished but I will miss that spunk of yours. Keep your head up and shoot for all the stars.

Krissy <krjd82900@yahoo.com, swain@u.washington.edu>
Seattle, Wa usa - Thursday, July 24, 2003 4:02 PM CDT
Sierra- Congratulations on almost being finished with radation! How exciting!! And I hear that you were AWESOME with your first port access! That is only going to get easier. Pretty soon you are going to be helping other kids with thier port access because you are going to be such a pro. And I bet you love Polly now that you can swim. Hang in there until Friday. I'll be thinking of you! ~Julie :-)
Julie Lieberman <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, July 23, 2003 8:24 PM CDT
Congratulations to a brave little girl who is completing her chemo this week! We really enjoyed meeting your family & keeping current with your daily activities thru Sierra's page! Thanks for sharing & have a great summer! Love from Paige's parents

Bae & Rock Sgarro <rrsgarro1@webtv.net>
Beavercreek , Oh USA - Wednesday, July 23, 2003 7:36 PM CDT
We sure wish we could be there to celebrate the end of radiation with you but we will party here, ok? So you can think of your celebration taking place ALL ACROSS THE COUNTRY! From the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean we are celebrating with you Sierra!

We are so glad that you have a pool to swim in and warm enough weather too. Outdoor pools are cool in more ways than one, right? Remember when we went to the water park here? We'll have to put that water park on our list of things to do next summer when you come visit Virginia.

Have a GR8 time celebrating! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, - Wednesday, July 23, 2003 4:24 PM CDT
I'm not sure I am doing this properly, so I'm going to do it again. Just read the BIG NEWS. Three cheers for a brave, setermined young lady! And three more for for her parents and her brother for their strength and courage. You've told us all what love,faith, and heart will do.
Jon Broome Sr
Vienna, VA - Tuesday, July 22, 2003 10:17 PM CDT

I'm so proud of you and Chris swimming like fish! That's a great workout and really fun! You go girl!

Paige Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Tuesday, July 22, 2003 7:32 PM CDT
hope that all is well and that i can see ya soon. i pray for you each nite and hope that you overcome all that you have been through.:)
stay strong and healthy.

Michelene Duvall <michelend2001@yahoo.com>
Duvall, WA USA - Sunday, July 20, 2003 1:02 PM CDT
Hi Sierra,
We were glad to hear that you're home with your new port and able to go swimming! Shane and Austin love to go swimming and are getting very good at it. Hope you continue to get better. Have a great day!

Tim, Kathy, Shane and Austin <r2brats@att.net>
Spotsylvania, VA USA - Sunday, July 20, 2003 12:19 AM CDT
Hi Sierra,
Just wanted to let you know that my little boy Stephen worried about his eye being red too! It still gets a little red depending on what he is doing (spending time in the pool, watching T.V. etc...) but it gets better everyday! I will tell you a funny story. Stephen was in a wedding a few weeks ago, we were talking to a man that was not aware that Stephen had cancer (I guess the bald head and no eyebrow did not clue him in) and that was when his eye was REALLY red. The man said "hey buddy, what happened to your eye, did you get hit with a baseball?" Stephen never missed a beat..he said "No! I have cancer!! I had radiation"! That poor guy! Ifelt so sorry for him! I think he wanted to crawl into the dirt! It didnt bother Stephen! Stephen is also looking forward to school starting. We just finished our 2 weeks off of chemo and next friday it is back to the grind. Visit our page if you want. I think I left it when I posted before but I will leave it again. www.caringbridge.org/tx/stephen,.
Good luck to you and God Bless you!

Monica Rhodes <mrhodes@1starnet.com>
Sumner, Tx USA - Sunday, July 20, 2003 7:21 AM CDT
Sierra, boy do you look great! The picture of you at your friend’s house with the sprinkler shows off your arm muscles well. What is your secret?! I had to laugh when I saw you eating carrots like a bunny. I think that is my favorite photo of you so far. Enjoy your family vacation; I cannot wait to hear all about it.

Thank you for the smile and the laughs, Tenley

Tenley, JVS and Sophia Truxell-Svenson <tekai@hotmail.com>
Potomac Falls, VA - Saturday, July 19, 2003 10:33 PM CDT
Dear Sierra,
I'm back in Athens now after an 8-day roadtrip to Northern Greece. I wrote you some postcards but I have to send them all at once so you might get several at one time. We had a great time, although our bus was extremely slow (no more than 30 mph and we had to stop a lot so it could cool off). It's been around 110 degrees every day though so I can understand that the bus was hot, but still.... anyway I didn't just sit on the bus the whole time, luckily. I think the best place we went was a town called Makrinitsa which is in the mountains above Volos, a pretty big city. Makrinitsa is so old-fashioned that the streets are too narrow for cars, so we had to leave our bus at the entrance to the town and walk up to the hotel and around the town. The town specializes in honey and folk art, which was really interesting. We had dinner in a beautiful square that was surrounded on two sides by fountainheads for natural mountain springs. When we asked the waiter for more water, he carried our pitcher to the fountain in the wall and filled it from there, and it was ice cold and delicious. After dinner, a traveling dance group starting performing in the square, playing traditional music and dancing in bright dresses. We sat in the square watching them dance and listening to them sing, and eating watermelon and honeydew that is the traditional gift in Greece from the restaurant when you eat dinner in the summer. From way up on the mountain we could lean over the wall of the square and see the lights of the city of Volos way down at the foothills of the mountain, and right beside it, the sea, which sparkles purple at night: there was a full moon. The foutains in the square were separated by ancient olive trees (several hundred years old at least) and some of the balconies of the houses were built around the branches so they didn't have to be cut. When we finished watching the dancing, we went back to our hotel and went to sleep: even though it was over 100 degrees all day at sea level, it was in the 60's up in Makrinitsa, so we didn't need air conditioning and we slept with the windows wide open. All the hotels in Makrinitsa are so tiny and old fashioned that we had to share beds, so we had a pajama party just like you and Cathy. It was great and we slept very well with the mountain air, and I forgot to mention that the food was amazing. The next morning at 6:00 we had breakfast (fresh-squeezed orange juice included) and left Makrinitsa to drive up to Thessaloniki (the 2nd largest city in Greece).

The next day, we went to a place called Mieza (which no one, even in Greece, has ever heard of). There isn't really anything there, except for the Nymphaion, which is a sanctuary dedicated to the water nymphs (which is what archaeologists call fairies) who live in the mountain spring in Mieza. I had to give a lecture to our group about the Nymphaion, which is why I'm telling you about it. It was beautiful--there were three caves that were cold and deep, and the spring is right there. The place is famous becuase the philosopher Aristotle used the Nymphaion as a school to teach Alexander the Great (now we're talking about more than 2000 years ago). Before I gave my lecture, we all had a picnic on the Nymphaion and gave our leftovers to a dog who lives in one of the caves. After my talk, we all went for a dip in the spring--the water was COLD but it felt great because it was a HOT day.

Then, we did something even better--we went to see some ancient Macedonian tombs, which are built underground and look exactly like normal Greek temples, with columns, and painted scenes, and heavy marble doors, and even though they are 2400 years old, they are in an almost perfect state of preservation--even the paint survives (paint usually chips away fairly quickly). We went as a group of 21 to see several of them, and then there was one more that, according to the Greek Archaeological Service rules, only 3 people could enter. Normally no one at all can go in, but our group had permission from the Greek government for 3. It is the best preserved, but in a very fragile state. We all wanted to go in, but there were 21 of us. So we drew straws, and guess what? I was one of the lucky 3! In order to see this beautiful place, we got in the back of a pickup truck with the archaeologist, drove a few kilometers down a dirt road, he opened up a trap door in the earth, and we climbed down an old, rusted iron ladder, very far underground. It was completely dark, and the opening in the earth was barely big enough for a person to fit through, and the ladder was just rusted iron stakes. But we made it down! Once inside, the archaeologist turned on a flashlight and we could see that we had climbed down through a hole in the roof of the room, and we were inside the chamber, which was covered with beautiful paintings. Remember this is 2400 years old! And we could see all the pictures: the paintings showed a beautiful green garland going all the way around the room, with pomegranates hanging off of it, and there were helmets, swords, and a shield with a big star at one end, and some beautiful ladies' dresses painted at the other. The names of an entire family were written in red paint on the walls, and we read them all and figured out their family relationships based on their names (in Greek you can do that). Finally we had to leave, because if we had stayed down too long, the heat and moisture from our breath and from the trapdoor being open would start to damage the paintings. So we came back up, took the pickup truck back to our group and told them all about what we saw. It was the oppportunity of a lifetime and I'm so glad I got to see it.

Whenever we went swimming I thought of you and said to myself "Now Sierra can go swimming too, perhaps she is swimming RIGHT NOW" and that made it even more fun.

I am so happy to hear that you are back home and I hope that your tummy feels much better by the time you get this. I will write to you again very soon to tell you about more adventures.

Love, Heidi

Heidi Broome-Raines <Heidi_Broome-Raines@Brown.edu>
Athens, Greece - Saturday, July 19, 2003 10:16 AM CDT
Way to go, Sierra!! We are so happy that your polly was ok and that it didn't hurt too much! You are wonderful and we are so happy that you are able to run in the sprinkler without even thinking about it!! GREAT (or as I like to say) GR8! Love, Grandma and Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Geat Falls, Va - Friday, July 18, 2003 8:35 PM CDT
Thanks for letting me come with you yesterday and showing me all you do at radiation, Sierra! Almost done - Hooray! You did a great job and are very brave and strong! Do you still have your little weight to remind you how strong you are? :-) Stay spunky! XOXOX
Paige Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Friday, July 18, 2003 7:03 AM CDT
Hi Sierra!
I am trying to get over my cold ASAP so I can visit you again! It's the 17th, so does that mean you can swim? I HOPE SO! It's a beautiful day for that! Take care, and know that I am thinking about you!

Christine Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Thursday, July 17, 2003 2:46 PM CDT
Dear Sierra,

That was a great picture of you with your Grandma Wiggs on the website. We hope you are feeling better and will soon be able to go swimming if you haven't already. Since Sunday Tom and Debbie have been visiting us here at the cabin. One day we went to Sun Valley, and one day we rode the boat to the end of Redfish and hiked to the Lily Pond. Then yesterday we hiked to Silver Lake in the Boulder Mountains although Grandma didn't go all the way and painted a picture while waiting for the others to come back. But Tom and Debbie's little black dog Arby walked all the way to the lake.


Grandma and Grandpa Fuller

Wayne and Margaret Fuller <wmfuller@ruralnetwork.net>
Weiser, ID USA - Thursday, July 17, 2003 11:54 AM CDT
Hi Sierra! I am glad to hear you are out of the hospital and enjoying being home. I am going out to school on Thursday and I will also be there on Tuesday, the 22nd. Maybe we can get together one of those days and meet Mr. A., your new teacher. Let me know. Take care.
Julie Taylor
Bothell, WA - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 10:55 PM CDT
hi Sierra! i'm so excited you got your port! now you can go swimming! Come and visit me in the playroom next time you are at the hospital. We'll find something fun for you to do!
Julie L <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 8:46 PM CDT
A BIG HELLO to Sierra from Emi. I hope your day went OK. I like the tag you gave me that said "Believe" and I have it attached to my computer. Each time I look at it I will think of you.
When I saw you this morning I heard that you were worrying about what would happen. Each day brings new adventures. You have been through a lot Sierra and you are a very strong and courageous girl. I am so glad that I met you and your Mom.
I love your webpage and your picture with your grandmother is really good! I'll check in again soon to see how you're doing. SIX days more of radiation for you. You go girl!
Lots of Smiles and lots of hugs,

Emi Fredlund <e.danska@earthlink.net>
Everett, WA USA - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 7:52 PM CDT
Hi Sierra! Do you need some more raspberries to eat? If you need anything - just call! OXOXOXO
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 8:51 AM CDT
Hi Sierra - Molly, Anna, Andy and I are so happy that Cathie, Gordon and your G/ma and G/pa have been visiting you. We wish we were closer so we could give you a great big hug and kiss!! The girls really want to see you and hope that you will be all better very soon. We wish we were on StarTrek and could beam over all the states to be with you. We are getting excited about seeing my mom and dad and grandma this weekend. We are really proud of you!! Love, the K's
Tracy K.
Cincinnati, OH - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 6:18 PM CDT
Hi Sierra, I read that you can start swimming the 17th!!!
I hope you, Chris & your Mom can come over and swim in our pool. It is a lot of fun! We have floats and noodles to play with and a big ball!
I LOVE your hat that your Aunt Cathie gave you! It looks great on you! You have a very special family!!!
Hope to see you soon!
Tell your Mom I want to take her SHOPPING or do some CLEANING for her this week while my kids are at Bible Camp!!!! She can't say No!
Love, Leann, Kyle & Connor

Leann <steve.barrett@gte.net>
Duvall, Wa usa - Monday, July 14, 2003 4:11 PM CDT
Dear Sierra, We are glad to hear your new port is in and you will be able to swim now. We are impressed with your courage and vigor. Your smile brightens our day. Hugs and kisses to you and your family!!
Kathy, Ted, Payton and Adison

Kathy Moore <kathysbmoore@cox.net>
Centreville, VA USA - Monday, July 14, 2003 10:12 AM CDT
Hi Sierra,
I hope your eye is feeling better. Maybe you and Chris can come over in a few weeks and go swimming.

Kenny DePrez <deprez_home@w-link.net>
Duvall, WA 98019 - Sunday, July 13, 2003 10:53 PM CDT
Hi Sierra!
I was hoping to visit Friday, but I'm kind of glad you didn't call because that means you are spending some quality time with your family. It must be so nice to be home! I am close by anytime you want to see me.
Take care my friend!

Christine Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Saturday, July 12, 2003 1:54 PM CDT
Next to being there. reading of your happy homecoming is the best of all tonics! What a gladsome day! And soon, Sierra goes swimming! I can see her stroking up, down, and all around; I hear her whooping and I share her joy. Please tell me a good time to telephone her; her voice will sing to me. Sierra...of course everybody loves you! Here is much love from your Ggpa.
Jon Broome Sr.
Vienna , VA - Friday, July 11, 2003 4:51 PM CDT
Dearest Sierra: As each edition of Sierra's Story comes to me, and I read of your bravery and good cheer while you're being treated, I feel proud of you! I'll bet you are a star patient at the hospital. The friends you've made must love to see you come zipping along in your wheel chair, telling them how to handle their radiation treatments and all the things that go with it. Please send me an e-mail and tell me how you're doing. Much love from Ggpa Broome
Jon Broome Sr.
Vienna , VA - Thursday, July 10, 2003 2:19 PM CDT
Dear Sierra,
Wow what a beautiful and strong girl you are! You are truly an inspiration. My name is Matt...I am 18 ab=nd have Osteosarcoma. Keep on fighting and kicking cancers butt! You're awesome! Get well soon. Take care and God Bless.

Matt Jacobs <Seizetheday8503@yahoo.com>
Manhattan, NY USA - Thursday, July 10, 2003 1:08 PM CDT
HOORAY! We are so glad that you got your port-so-now-you-can-swim! See you at home soon! HOORAY!
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Thursday, July 10, 2003 7:28 AM CDT
Dear Sierra Sunshine,

You remind me of a ray of sunshine with your smile. I'm glad you have your new Polly. Your pj party with Aunt Cathie sounded like fun. I mailed a package to you and Chris yesterday--it is from Great Gma. We love you. A.Bugs

Aunt Margaret <luckmoore1@aol.com>
Manassas, VA - Thursday, July 10, 2003 5:51 AM CDT
Dear Sierra,
We are soo excited that you got your Port-so-you-can-swim in!! It'll be a lot easier and more comfortable than your Hickman line. When my sister had her chemo, she got her medicine through her port, and there were others in the room that didn't have one, but wanted one!!

I love your red, white, and blue hat....so stylish! It's been so great to catch up on how you're progressing, and I was in tears reading about your wonderful generousity with Helen and your ACTIVE KINDNESS. I'm going to do that to someone this week and tell them how YOU inspired me!! Then I'll tell them to pass it along to someone else too. You'll have a whole crew of ACTIVE KINDNESS members! :-)
We'll be so honored to be a part of your crew. Keep smiling Sierra!
We love ya bunches,
Karen, Maggie, Katie, and Andre Gronberg

The Gronbergs
Duvall, Wa USA - Thursday, July 10, 2003 3:21 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie!
I was glad to get to see you today, even though you were not your usual self. I have really missed you too.
That's so exciting that you have your port in and you'll be in the water in NO TIME! Calyse loves the water too. Maybe you can come to Lake Marcel sometime to play with us at the park. (Remember the one where we had the class picnics?)
I look forward to coming over once you are ready to have visitors at home, and this time I will bring Calyse. If you want I'll bring the ultrasound video so you can have a sneak-peek at our new baby girl.
By the time you read this the countdown will have begun: 10, 9, 8, ....
:) Christine

Christine Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Thursday, July 10, 2003 2:25 AM CDT
Hi Sierra, it's Julie (who used to work in the clinic and now works in the playroom). I just wanted to say great job with everything so far! you are a great girl and you are so close to being finished radation! your EDFR is going to be here before you know it! Keep smiling! See you later! ~Julie :-)
Julie Lieberman <julie.lieberman@seattlechildrens.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, July 9, 2003 10:23 PM CDT
Hello to Sierra from Virginia,
Your 4th of July Hat looked great, especially on such a pretty girl. Your flag artwork really captured the spirit of Happy Birthday - America! Keep smiling and you will be home with neighborhood kids soon.
Great Belle (your great-grandma Isabelle) sends her very best with a hug and a kiss.
Molly and Anna are coming to Vienna on the 19th to go to Bible School and visit.
Love to you, Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Archie

Archie Wiggs <ajwiggs@aol.com>
Vienna, Va usa - Wednesday, July 9, 2003 10:42 AM CDT
Dear Sierra,
My mom (your Aunt Joanie) finally sent me the address for your website so I can fill you in on my adventures.

As someone may have told you, I've been in Greece for 2 months now. Greece is just a little farther away from the United States than Italy is. It's so beautiful that I really think I have to describe it so you can imagine what it looks like. I live in the capital of Greece (Athens) on the side of the highest mountain in the city. From where my house is, I can see the whole city! There is a pretty little church at the top of the mountain, and a big green forest next to it, and on the other side there are houses. I can walk to ancient temples (some of the ancient things in Greece are over 4,000 years old!!). Every other week, I leave my house in Athens and I go to other parts of the country.

For the first three weeks, Aunt Joanie and I went to some islands, and if you haven't heard about that yet, I'd be surprised! To get to the islands you have to take a huge ferry, and then when you get to the island, you walk around until you find a hotel, then you drop off your stuff and run down to the beach. The beaches in Greece are really beautiful and the water is perfectly blue and so clear you can see right down to the bottom. One beach we went to, on an island called Zacynthos, had an old shipwreck right on the beach!

After Aunt Joanie went home, I went to the big island of Crete, where I went to almost every town on the whole island!! I was there for eight days, and every day I got up early and went exploring. Last week, I went to a part of Greece called the Peloponnese for ten days. The Peloponnese wasn't an island until 100 years ago-- Then they cut it off of the mainland and turned it into an island! To get there, we had to drive over a long bridge over the part that they cut through. They cut it off so that ships could sail right through to the bay on the other side, instead of having to sail all the way around the Peloponnese.

When I was in the Peloponnese I discovered some really beautiful places. My favorite place is called Mani, and it's a region with many little villages sprinkled over the mountains, right beside the sea. The houses in these villages are all high stone towers (exactly the same kind of tower that Rapunzel lives in!). When I went to the end of the Mani, I was standing on the Southern-most point in Europe!!

Well, in order to write to you about more adventures, I have to go out and explore some more. On Friday, I'm leaving Athens for eight days to go to the northern part of the country, and I'm sure I will have lots of things to tell you about that!

I'm so proud of you, and I think about you all the time. I will send you photos from Greece over email as soon as I get back to America (August 18)!

Love, Cousin Heidi

Heidi Broome-Raines <Heidi_Broome-Raines@brown.edu>
Athens, Greece - Wednesday, July 9, 2003 10:25 AM CDT
Hello from Maine!
After reading your journal entries I feel like your family and your life is a lot like ours only on a different coast. Our kids are the most important thing in our lives just as yours seem to be to you.
We will all be sending Sierra lots of healing thoughts across the county from Maine to Washington.
Mary, Bob, Madeline(12), and Parker(9) Weyer
p.s. I run a small public library and my kids LOVE audio books too.

Mary Weyer <mweyer@salmon-falls.lib.me.us>
Hollis, ME USA - Monday, July 7, 2003 9:28 PM CDT
Hi Sierra! I wanted to tell you about a hike we took yesterday. We went on a "Crystal Kid" Hike with a really nice geologist from Canada named Andy. He was funny and smiled all the time - you would really like him! We hiked on some rocky old logging roads before taking muddy little switchbacks down to an old silver mine. Once there, he gave us tools and we got to dig wherever we wanted to! We found lots of quartz crystals - we will bring one to you and Chris too! We also went in a pyrite cave that was wet and glittery. When we left, we looked like a Tide commercial because we had dirt that was red from all the iron all over us! I hope to come see you this week and get to play or read together for awhile. Are you still listening to Harry Potter? See you soon! Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Sunday, July 6, 2003 3:32 PM CDT
Sounds like a hard week for all. Let me know if we can have Chris over, or anything else that might help. Thinking of you.

Betsy MacWhinney <betsyjm@cablespeed.com>
- Sunday, July 6, 2003 11:47 AM CDT
Dear Sierra, I just got an e-mail from your Grandma Fuller telling us that you have your own web page. This is the first time I have written to someone who has her own web page. Congratulations and for learning how to type. Your Great Uncle Pete and Aunt Dodie send you and your family lots of love.

You would have loved the musical we saw today, The Sound of Music at the Seagle Music Colony in Schroon Lake. Be sure that your family shares the video with you. The songs "Climb Every Mountain," "Edelweis" and "Do Re Mi" are
really pretty. Your father's cousin Tom and Charley were in it long ago, so it was fun to see their reactions. They were the youngest two of 5 children and were 5 and 7 then.

We learned two new games over the 4th of July that you might like. One, you undoubtedly know, "Who am I?" Where you think of someone and then the people guessing ask questions that can only be answered yes or no," until they guess who the person is. The other one is you say, "I can do the paddle dance, paddle dance, paddle dance, can you?" You can do it holding a doll and waving it round and round e.g. "I can do the doll dance, doll dance, can you?" Your family and/or friends try to copy what you do? What you do is to pretend to cough once before you start to speak the words. Everyone is so busy watching you that most people don't know about what you do first. Once they know what you've done, they keep quiet until everyone has tried to do the doll dance.

We are all up at Schroon Lake over the 4th of July. Our son Tom, whom you've met and his wife, Meghan are on vacation. Our son Charley and his girlfriend Delia are visiting from New York City. And , our son Jim is here.

Thanks for having your web site. We will try to follow all your activities.

Lots of love, Great Aunt Dodie and Uncle Pete

Dodie and Pete Seagle <jpseagle@earthlink.net>
Delmar, NY USA - Saturday, July 5, 2003 10:03 PM CDT
How are you doing with the origami? Did anyone figure out how to do it? I would like to come see you on Tuesday. We can stick with Polly Pockets or find an activity to do at the resort. Take care.

Julie Taylor <juliedayne@aol.com>
Bothell, WA - Saturday, July 5, 2003 10:00 PM CDT
Dear Sierra,

Grandpa and I are very sorry to hear that you are having to spend some time in the hospital. Your dad said you had been doing some weaving and that it was very pretty. We came up to our cabin yesterday. Uncle Doug caught a whole bunch of huge fish today, including a 21-incher, the biggest fish he ever caught outside of the ocean. I have painted two watercolors since I arrived. Do they have paints at the hospital so you can do some art? We had a great time visiting you. Hope you get better soon!


Grandma and Grandpa Fuller

Wayne and Margaret Fuller <wmfuller@ruralnetwork.net>
Weiser, Idaho U.S.A. - Saturday, July 5, 2003 8:47 PM CDT
HI Sierra: Aunt Joanie and I are thinking about you and hope that you will be home soon. I still have my central venous line and can confirm that it has been a good way to get my medicine. I look forward to hearing good things about your progress. Love, Uncle Arthur and Aunt Joanie
Arthur Raines <rainesa@erols.com>
Lovettsville, VA USA - Saturday, July 5, 2003 8:13 PM CDT
Dear Sierra,
Happy 4th of July! You out-sparkle the sparklers!!

Much love,

Aunt Sallye and Uncle Jon <sbroome00@comcast.net>
Arlington, VA USA - Friday, July 4, 2003 6:20 PM CDT
Hi Sierra! I've missed you this week! I wish this cold would go away so I could come visit you at the hospital today and see how Chris paints you up for the 4th of July! :-) We will go pick you some raspberries today and put them in your fridge so Mom can bring them to you. I'm so excited that soon you will have your port and can swim!!! We have some water games to catch up on, remember? :-) We love you! Paige Steve Josh and Miles
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Friday, July 4, 2003 7:37 AM CDT
Hi Sierra:
I am Herbert's mother, Mrs. Van Patten. I just love the picture of you and Herbert. Isn't he a wonderful guy? Between you and I he is my baby boy and I just love him to pieces. I love the way you are watching him making fly-ties for fishing. You might want to learn and help him make them. I saw your beautifuly painted Christmas plate.... what a artist you are! We live in Mexico in a village called Ajijic. It is a small village and I get to talk with lots of Mexican children and they are all so beautiful just like you. We would like to invite you and your family to come visit us. If you want to look it up on the Internet go to web site. www.ajijicjalisco.com you will find out a lot about this village. OK? Love you, Mrs Van Patten

Kimi Van Patten <kimibob@laguna.com.mx>
Ajijic, Jalisco Mexico - Thursday, July 3, 2003 1:28 PM CDT
Hello sweet Sierra,
My name is Angel Moo and I am with a special group
called Quilts of Love..We make virtual quilts for children :)
We would be honored to make you one....
so when you get a free moment...grab mom by the hand and
come on over for a visit...
Hope your having a good day sweetie!
Leaving you with Lots of Love n Snuggles!!

Angel Moo <moomoo@citlink.net>
WV - Thursday, July 3, 2003 6:28 AM CDT
Dear Sierra,
Hi! My name is Mr. Alsdurf, and I'm going to be your teacher next year. I can't wait to meet you this summer and I hope you are feeling better for the 4th of July. Do you like watching fireworks? Which kind are your favorite? I like the gold kind that change to white sparkly stars at the end. Send me an e-mail if you like and let me know how your 4th of July was.

Bill Alsdurf <billalsdurf@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, July 2, 2003 9:27 PM CDT
Dear Sierra
Grandpa, Aunt Cathie & I will be hopping into a rental car on Friday and driving from the airport to see you...we are counting down the days! Rest well and we'll see you SOON! Love, Grandma W

e <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Va - Wednesday, July 2, 2003 8:42 PM CDT
Hi sweet, smiling, stunning Sierra! I've been looking at your website alot. I love the picture of you in the sprinkler! I hear your grandma and grandpa Wiggs are going to visit you over the 4th of July. I know you will have a great time! Did you know that your grandpa is my uncle... and when I was your age he built me a bed that I could stand up under? Yup, it's true. Maybe if you're lucky he will tell you about it... and recite all the counties in West Virginia for you! Have a wonderful time with them-- I can't wait to hear about it. Much love from New York City! Hugs and kisses, your cousin Jessica
Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Tuesday, July 1, 2003 7:54 PM CDT
I had fun spending time with you on Friday. You are an expert teacher and Clue player. Hope to see you again soon. Take care.

Julie Taylor <juliedayne@aol.com>
Bothell, WA - Tuesday, July 1, 2003 1:27 PM CDT
3 more days till the troops (me, grandma and grandpa) arrive!!!!I can't wait for you to tell me more about your adopted Grandma. She is very lucky she had you to fill her heart and lift her spirits. Are you president of the Spirit Committee?
Aunt Cathie <cathiewiggs@hotmail.com>
Corte Madera, ca usa - Tuesday, July 1, 2003 11:07 AM CDT
Hi Sierra,
I just wanted to tell you that we know some of your doctors, nurses and child life specialists - because our very good friends have a daughter named Tarrah who got treatment for leukemia at Children's a few years ago. She was ten years old when she found out about her leukemia and started chemotherapy. Her hair fell out just like yours has. She had to have some of the same treatments that you have. Sometimes she got fevers and had to go in to the hospital. Kenzie and I sometimes went with her to keep her company during her time there. I bet we have even sat in some of the same chairs that you sit in when you visit the doctors there! Tarrah is 14 years old now and is 100% better! Of course her hair grew back - she can go to school every day - she is back to all her old activities - she is just as beautiful as always. When you come to our house to see our new baby Lexie, I will show you pictures of Tarrah without hair when she was in treatment and pictures of her now. Just like Tarrah, you are beautiful with or without hair!
We think of you often and hope to see you very soon.

Kirsten, Marty, Kenzie, Rylie and Lexie <mjdandkgd@aol.com>
Duvall, WA USA - Monday, June 30, 2003 5:03 PM CDT
Hello Sierra,
I love your web site. It seems like you are doing well...that makes me happy. I enjoyed reading the Helen story, it was touching and very kind. I remember when you were young we were in a park - there was a little girl who was afraid to go down the slide. You helped her with your reassuring and kind words. I bet she will never forget.
Will see you soon
Love, Gordon

Gordon, Maria, & Jane <gordon@hpva.org>
Potomac Falls , VA USA - Monday, June 30, 2003 12:01 AM CDT
Dearest Sierra: let me tell you about the time I was in an earthquake. I was living in Los Angeles, in a boardinghouse downtown. Early (and I do mean early! it was still dark!)one morning I was wakened by something but I couldn't think what. TThe foot of my old-time brass bed was near the window; when I looked up, the bed was moving toward the far wall but there was nobody there moving it! In a minute, I guess, it stopped. I jumped up, put on my clothes, and ran down to the street. A man was walking by, and I said "what happened! What's going on! He said "we just had an earthquake. But it was just a little one."
Well! I looked across the street and saw broken glass all over, where store windows had fallen out! 'Just a little one' he said. Well I sure didn't want to be in a big one. That's the only earthquake I've ever been in. Much love from Ggpa Broome.

Jon Broome Sr.
Vienna, VA - Saturday, June 28, 2003 2:36 PM CDT
HI Sierra,
Sending you lots of love from Olympia!!!!
We went to the Hand's-on Children's Museum last week. YOU were right...It's great. I hope you can come down to see us and we can go there together. We thought of you as we played with all the cool things they have there. Christina loved the restaurant area and Ryan loved pushing the buttons that sound like burps.:) We got lots of funny looks every time he pushed one of the buttons.:)
We think of you and your family often!!
Big hugs and warm thoughts to You, Chris and your Mom and Dad!!!!
Love, The Fischer's (Christina and family):)

Christina Fischer and Family <bkcrfischer@aol.com>
Olympia , WA USA - Friday, June 27, 2003 1:41 AM CDT
Hi Sierra!

Just a quick note to let you know that we're thinking about you. You're such a brave girl!

Sorry it took me so long to return your apron. : )

Jason, Kristine and Leta
- Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:03 PM CDT
Hi Sierra!! My little boy is 6 years old and his name is Stephen. He was diagnosed with Rhabdo on April 18 2003. His was in his left eye and sounds alot like yours. Stephen has a port instead of a hickman. Keep up the fight and our prayers are with you!

Monica Rhodes <mrhodes@1starnet.com>
Sumner, Tx USA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 10:32 AM CDT
Sierra - Remember to bring your ice cream money for run club next Wednesday! We're gonna have fun on our "trail run/walk/skip/hop/jump/dance - move!" Do you think the sprinklers will be on at Remlingers? What kind of ice cream will you get? I've got a new game to play with you and all the other kids after lunch! Hey! Your Mom tells me you are going to do the 5K! Wow! That's great! xoxo Coach P
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 9:33 AM CDT
Sierra...I have finally finished the new Harry Potter book and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! If your dad is still reading it outloud, no doubt his voice is rather scratchy by now :-D It does make me wish though that we were still at school and could have a Classic Book Discussion Group about this title...hope you find lots of exciting things to read this summer!

Con cariño

Señora Shelley Brownlow
Duvall, WA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 1:54 AM CDT
Hi Sierra,

We really enjoyed seeing you in Virginia last month at your Grandma's party. Molly and Anna say "Hello" and wish you happy days and a speedy recovery. Molly is taking swimming lessons now, and she's getting better every week. This week she started doing the backstroke. Anna keeps telling us how fat she is getting because she is eating a lot so she can grow bigger like her sister. She asked me if I would teach her to drive the car pretty soon (I had promised Molly I would take her to a deserted parking lot and give her a lesson). We miss you and can't wait to see you again.

Love You!

Tracy, Andy, Molly, & Anna Banana

The Kosiarek Family <kosiarek@cinci.rr.com>
Mason, OH USA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 8:46 PM CDT
Hi Sierra! We're so glad to hear that you're doing great! We'll see ya next week at the running club. And we've picked a date for the girl's summer fun party...July 17th, so we'll be sending out info to all your friends in your class too! Take care and keep smiling! Brennah & family
Sheila Houlihan <>
- Wednesday, June 25, 2003 8:42 PM CDT
Sierra, I found out today that I will have a computer training class in Kirkland, August 18th - 22nd. That means I get to visit you!!! Wahoo!!
Uncle Stuart
Helena, MT - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 6:46 PM CDT
Dear Sierra

I know you probably don't remember me at all, but I keep a picture of you and Christopher in one of photo albums. Its been a very long time since I have seen your family and I was surprised at what beautiful girl you have grown up to be.

You have a beautiful smile that is contagious. Take care and keep on smilin'.

Many wishes,
Sarah Hall-Peralta

Sarah Hall-Peralta <slhall435@hotmail.com>
Richfield, UT USA - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:41 PM CDT
Hello Miss Sierra, I love your butterfly skirt-where did you get it? And nice work on Italy-it looks like a boot. I am so excited to come up and visit you July 4th weekend!!!!and Chris!!!!!and mom!!!!!and dad!!!!! I can't wait to have late night disco dance parties on the bed. I got some great disco CD's for us. Love, Aunt Cathie
Hello Sierra, I am so bumbed that I can't make for July 4th. I start a tour that weekend (with American Idol-yea ha). So I will be in Seattle August 27. Do you want to go to the show? I'm thinking about you and can't wait to see you. Love you, Uncle Brian

Cathie and Brian <cathiewiggs@hotmail.com>
Corte Madera, Ca 94925 - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:16 PM CDT
Move over Mona Lisa, here comes Sierra! You look fabulous and I love your red hat. It is very Italian Renaissance. How appropriate for your Italian display at the Heritage Festival. Did you have any of the biscotti left at the end of the day? I hope you have a good week and enjoy the new Harry Potter book.

Lots of long distance hugs … Tenley, JVS and Sophia Truxell-Svenson

Tenley, JVS and Sophia Truxell-Svenson <ttruxell@lotusbp.com>
potomac falls, va - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:17 PM CDT
Sierra, WOW! I was so happy to see you and your Mom at day camp today! As you figured out, we have lots of cool things to do this week and sure hope you can make it back for some more crafts, cooking and camp skills. Your Brownie Buddies in Unit B1 will make sure that they save some of the treats for you!
Yours, "Daisy" (better known as Alison - Laura & Kate's Mom)

Alison Taylor <taylor.family2@verizon.net>
Duvall, WA 98019 - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:53 PM CDT
It is nice to read about all you are enduring and Sierra's resiliency. Thanks, jch
Chris Hall <chall@casey.org>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, June 23, 2003 6:17 PM CDT
Hi Sierra, I thought your Father's Day picture was extra special as your father loves you so much. Our prayers are with you daily.
Ned & Cass Freer <esfreer@hotmail.com>
Medina, WA USA - Monday, June 23, 2003 11:50 AM CDT
Dear Sierra, we got your web page from Aunt Edie, your Grandma W. Uncle Robert is your great uncle, Grandma's youngest brother. I am Aunt Ruth, his wife, and we have 3 children who are your first cousins once-removed. Travis is 21 and a senior at Auburn University applying to medical school this summer, Rebecca is 18 and will be a freshman at Auburn in the fall in the pre-architecture program, and Jonathan is 12 and a 7th grader and plays first chair alto sax in the band. I will send a picture of us at Rebecca's graduation and so you can see who we are.
I am very impressed and happy to see how well you and your family are dealing with the difficulties and challenges facing you. I particularly liked the story of the lady who offered you Cripsies when you were preparing for a treatment session and how the random act of kindness got passed along. Know that we will be praying for you and keeping tabs on how you are doing.
We didn't go to Cathie's wedding because Rebecca was graduating from high school that weekend. It sounded very nice and clearly you made a wonderful flower girl. It sounds like you have a bit of experience with this - hadn't you been a flower girl for someone else, too?
Have a great day and week, love, the Louisiana Broomes

Ruth Broome <Ruth.Broome@SoftHome.net>
Slidell , LA USA - Monday, June 23, 2003 10:12 AM CDT
Hi Sierra! I miss you! Come on over and I'll teach you to make my (shhhhhhh!!!!) very secret biscotti recipe and you can beat me at lego soccer some more! I love you! "Coach" Paige

p.s. Miles Josh and Steve all say "hi!" :-)

Paige Denison <paigedenison@yahoo.com>
Duvall, Wa USA - Sunday, June 22, 2003 11:10 PM CDT
Dearest Sierra: I have just started reading the update of your story.It is late so I'd best stop for the night and get back to you later today (Sunday}. But first....about supportive books, videos, and such via the Scial Worker: I want to join in the funding. Ask your Mom how I can do so. I'm not able to come there in person, but I want to be part of the project. It will be important to me. 'Til later, much love from Ggpa Broome
Jon Broome Sr.
Vienna, VA USA - Sunday, June 22, 2003 11:19 AM CDT
Hi again!
Great job with your reading - and of course I loved seeing your Italy presentation. I don't think I know anyone who doesn't like spaghetti. I'm curious how many kids in your class said that they don't.
I'm so glad to read that you are doing better with the medicine this time. Thanks so much for the great web page so we can all keep up with everything you are doing. GREAT pictures too... but whoever took them did have great models.
You are really lucky to have such an amazing family. Please give them hugs from me.
:) Christine

Christine, Jonah, and Calyse Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Sunday, June 22, 2003 2:23 AM CDT
Hi Sierra
Great Grandma Leonzio Wiggs will love to see the picture of your poster. Did you know that Gordon and Miella went to Italy this week? They went to Rome first and then they are going to Venice. Did you put Rome and Venice on your map? I hope they bring something very Italian back with them that we can bring it out to Duvall when we come. Your poster is amazing! I was looking at your butterfly shirt and skort and it reminded me, did you know that butterflys taste with their feet? Just thought you might like to know! And did you know that elephants can't hop? And that cows can go UP stairs but not down? (Do you think that's true? Next time you go to the dairy, ask, ok?) Enjoy your visit with your Grandma & Grandpa F. love, Grandma W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Saturday, June 21, 2003 6:57 PM CDT
Hi Sierra!
Calyse and I had a playdate at the park with Rachel and Joe Shultz today, but it rained so unfortunately we couldn't go. I haven't seen them in a long time too. Maybe next week. I'll let you know when so maybe you and Chris can come. I really enjoy all the pictures on your website. You have such a beautiful smile! It brightens my day!
Love, Christine

Christine Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Friday, June 20, 2003 2:28 PM CDT
Deer Sierra

Don’t believe your eyes...listen with your ears two... Sum things are knot watt they seam. Sum
thyme watt ewe sea is knot watt ewe get! this is a tail eye rote four ewe Wee r sew happy ewe r
dew-ing sew well. Eye sea ewe one a trophy four teaball (dew u put lemon & sugar in it two?)!
Eye here ewe play goodmitten too...and that ewe r a gr8 athlete. Butt the gr8est is that u are brave
and their’s know other weigh to say that! Wee’ll fly a plain too sea ewe and Chris in July. Bye
now. Love, Grandma & Grandpa W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Thursday, June 19, 2003 5:31 PM CDT
Hi Sierra, we're thinking about you and look forward to seeing you and your family this summer!

Your Seattle Friends, the Bronsdons (Mike, Cathy, Grant, and Colin)

Mike Bronsdon <michbr@microsoft.com>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 11:49 PM CDT

I just love your smile! It is the best!!! It just lights up my whole face when I see that grin from ear to ear. I'm so proud of you. You are certainly one of the strongest individuals I know. Megan, Curt, Andy and I are so-so-so lucky to have you around!!!!

Heather Nelson
Duvall, WA USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 5:05 PM CDT
Dearest Sierra: Your grandma and grandpa Wiggs came to see me today. They come most every Sunday to help me keep house.We went out to check on my garden (some garden! Three tomato plants, and that's it!) The plants are growing to beat the band. They have little flowers now, which will become tomatoes. I learned that tomatoes are NOT vegetables; they are fruit! Well I like to eat fresh fruits, so that's okeh with me. Your website gets to be more interesting every time you and Mom update it. It tells me about the great progress you're making and that's what I love to hear. Much love from Ggpa Broome
Jon Broome Sr.
Vienna, VA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 3:41 PM CDT
Sierra, What an honor to meet you and your family. You are a beautiful, bright splash of strength and courage. Thank you for having us over. Will you come to my house for a party September 6th? You can bring your parents and your brother!

Brooke Pennock <boujou1@ix.netcom.com>
Snohomish, WA USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 11:03 AM CDT
WOW, Sierra, You look GR8!...I love those hats and the earrings...aren't you glad your mom got your ears pierced? I'll have to get out some of the earrings she and Aunt Cathie wore when they were your age and bring them out to you. It looks like you were having a great time with Brooke and it sounds like the songs she knows are excellent songs! I can't wait to hear them. Grandpa and I are glad that you had such a good week at school and Brownies and T-Ball (Assistant Coach Sierra). Here you are getting to the last week of the first grade...pretty soon you will be a second grader! We are so proud of you and Chris for doing so well in school this year. C U soon! love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 7:07 PM CDT
Hi Sierra!
I was so happy to see you at Brownies the other day! I love your pink hat. That's so cool that you get to shop for different ones. I'm glad we can read about how you're doing with your journal. It's really cool! Kelly and Lisa send their love!


Deanne O'Connor <d.oc@gte.net>
Duvall, WA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:43 PM CDT
Hey Sierra: Now that you are in charge of family hairstyles, maybe you can convince your Daddy, Mommy, and Christopher to change their hair styles - maybe they could shave their head in solidarity with you. I have heard of a lot of families doing that when a family member has had cancer and gone through chemotherapy and radiation. What do you think?

Ivy and Grace are fine. Ivy is finally potty trained but took off all of her clothes yesterday and went peepee and poopy in the park. She is so fast at stripping off all of her clothes. Grace goes around doing rasberries all the time. So you have to look out or you get sprayed.

Take Care. Love, Aunt Hilary, Uncle Scott, and Cousins Ivy and Grace.

Hilary Fuller Renner <hsirenner@yahoo.com>
Mexico City, - Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:17 PM CDT
Hi Sierra! I've been checking in every day to see how you are doing. We think about you a lot and hope we can see you again soon. You looked so pretty at the wedding! I hope you are enjoying your summer. Love, Dan & Stacy
Stacy Ochsman <bookgirl315@hotmail.com>
Silver Spring, MD USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:26 AM CDT
Hi Sierra!
I sent an email to you and your family yesterday, but wanted to say a special "Hi!" just to you now. SO much has happened in the last few weeks, and I just had no idea until Sean's and Emily's moms were so sweet to call me. Congratulations on your progress, and keep up the good work!
I was SOOOOO happy to hear that you want to see me! I sure hope that can be soon - you just let me know when's good for you and I'll be there! Calyse would like to come too. You won't believe how big she is now! She drew a pretty picture for you that I'll give you when we see each other. We are expecting a brother or sister for her in December, (we will find out soon which), so I have a big tummy again - and getting bigger all the time!
I'm sending the biggest of hugs with this note, and I can't wait to hug you in person!
Lots and lots of love from all of us!
Christine, Jonah, and Calyse Tapert

Christine Tapert <mom2calyse@yahoo.com>
Carnation, WA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 0:44 AM CDT
Dearest Sierra: Today a friend told me the story of her dog's adventure with a squirrel. There is a big old oak tree in her backyard and her dog chased a squirrel around til the squirrel ran up the tree and hid. Well the dog kept jumping up, trying toclimb thatmntree I guess. Maybe he didn't know that dogs can't climb trees!! And the next thing you know, the squirrel started throwing acorns and twigs down at the dog! Do you believe my friend's story? I do. Dogs do crazy things, so why can't squirrels. If something else happens around here I'll tell you about it. Much love from Ggpa Broome.
Jon Broome
Vienna, VA USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 1:47 PM CDT
Dearest Sierra: I hope you like tomatoes! I took a look at my garden this morning and the plants are busting out of the tops of their cages. You know the story of Jack And The Beanstalk. Well, pretty soon he'll be able to climb them. That's provided he's not TOO big! I keep boasting about my little garden patch but wait til you see your aunt Joan's place! She has a big greenhouse full of stuff. I love reading your journal and keeping up with how you're doing. I'll keep in touch. Much love from Ggpa.
Jon Broome Sr
Vienna, VA USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:51 PM CDT
Hi Sierra, we loved looking at the pictures on your web page and Payton loves the ballons along side of your journal. We just loved seeing you at Aunt Cathie and Uncle Brian's wedding. You looked beautiful!!! We can't wait to see all the pictures. Lots of hugs and kisses!
Ted, Kathy, Payton and Adison

Kathy Moore <kathysbmoore@cox.net>
Centreville, VA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 12:21 AM CDT
Sierra...I love your pink hat! It looks so soft and frames your smiling face, just adding to your glow :-) I was lucky today, there you were, knowing all those answers in Spanish class, and I got un abrazo too :-)

Thank you for sharing your story...even though we will be moving sometime this summer, we'll keep in touch through your website. I can't wait to see those photos you had taken last Friday.

Abrazos fuertes y cariñosos

Shelley Brownlow
Duvall, - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 0:45 AM CDT
Hi Sierra,
Your web site is so cool! It must be fun reading all your emails every day! I started to cry reading about everything you have been through, but when I saw you today you looked as normal and happy as ever!! You and your family are so amazingly brave!! Keep smiling :):):) Leann, Steve,Kyle and Connor

Leann <steve.barrett@gte.net>
Duvall, Wa USA - Monday, June 9, 2003 11:12 PM CDT
Dear Sierra, Did you all get the pictures from Cathie & Brian's wedding from Aunt Margaret yet? They are wonderful! You were the perfect flower girl...so poised and so practiced...you must have learned a lot about being an excellent flower girl at your Aunt Leslie's wedding...you learned well! And Chris was an absolutely wonderful ring bearer. The pictures turned out so nice. I'm sure you'll get yours soon if you haven't gotten them already so you can see for yourself. I took them to the office this morning and showed them off to everyone. Everyone agrees, you looked regal! Love, Grandma W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA - Monday, June 9, 2003 6:39 PM CDT
Dearest Sierra: this morning I went out on my porch to toss bits of bread around for the birds. I often do that and I think the birds have gotten to expect it! Well!! Two squirrels showed up and tried to grab some. A couple of birds promptly dive bombed them, chirping and squawking like mad. Those birds skedaddled up a tree and took cover. What a show. You would have laughed as much as I did! Much love from your Ggpa Broome.
Jon Broome
Vienna , VA USA - Monday, June 9, 2003 4:26 PM CDT
I'm glad that your web page was forwarded to me. The entries are a wonderful way to keep up to date! Sierra, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Keep positive and please keep that beautiful smile!
Lisa Burnham <jackandclem@aol.com>
Stow, OH - Monday, June 9, 2003 11:13 AM CDT
I loved Sierra's story!
Emily Roalkvam <roalkvame@riverview.wednet.edu>
Duvall, WA USA - Monday, June 9, 2003 10:51 AM CDT
Sierra and Family,
We love your journal! The shopping sounds like an awesome way to "skip" school. We should all have as much fun as you and your mother did! You are in our daily prayers girl and I prayed a special one for you today at Mass. God Bless you and your family.

Love, The DePrez Family <deprez_hom@w-link.net>
duvall, wa 98019 - Sunday, June 8, 2003 10:18 PM CDT
Dearest Sierra: I've been sending you e-mails the old-fashioned way, but now with your own website it'll be cool! Here in Vienna it's been raining so often that the birds are carrying umbrellas. When I go out I wear windshield wipers on my glasses. I'm growing tomatoes in the backyard. The plants are getting so well watered I bet that when I get to picking the tomatoes they'll be as big as melons! Stay tuned for more news from Ggpa Broome.
Jon Broome <jjbsrva@worldnet,att.net>
Vienna , VA USA - Sunday, June 8, 2003 3:30 PM CDT
Hello Sierra, you don't know me but I grew up with your Daddy. I'm so glad that a friend sent me this site so I could learn about you and what an incredible girl you are. Please give your Daddy a big hug from me and maybe I'll get to meet you sometime, that would be fun. I have two little girls who I bet would thing you are really cool. Bye for now! Sue
Sue Sanford (Weston) <suesanford@attbi.com>
Sammamish, WA - Sunday, June 8, 2003 11:25 AM CDT
Sierra, Chris, Maria and Neal:
I've been checking the website every day since Grandma Wiggs told us about it. I really love knowing what's going on with you, and how you're all getting through this tough time. Much love,

Aunt Sallye and Uncle Jon <sbroome00@comcast.net>
Arlington, VA USA - Sunday, June 8, 2003 11:20 AM CDT
Hello Miss Sierra,
Did you know that you are a shining star!! and that you are absolutely beautiful. Did you know that when you smile like that everyone smiles too. You don't just smile with your mouth, you smile with your eyes and your heart and your whole face lights up. Thank you so much for coming to Virginia. We were so honored to have you as our queen flower girl. You made our wedding day so very special! WE LOVE YOU and MISS YOU. Hugs & Kisses to you and give some to Chris, Mom and Dad.
Love, Aunt Cathie

Aunt Cathie and Uncle Brian <cathiewiggs@hotmail.com>
Sausalito, Ca USA - Saturday, June 7, 2003 1:19 AM CDT
Hi Sierra!
I cannot wait to see the photos from your recent photo shoot! I could tell at the wedding that with your wonderful bone structure you would be very photogenic. Keep flashing your radient smile and have a great weekend.

Tenley, JVS and Sophia Truxell-Svenson <ttruxell@lotusbp.com>
potomac falls, va - Friday, June 6, 2003 7:31 PM CDT
Hey Sierra...those clowns at the hospital were right...you're a star! Can't wait to see those pictures from the photo shoot...love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA USA - Friday, June 6, 2003 6:34 PM CDT
Hi Sierra!
I just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you and missing you! I hope that you can make it to Brownies some time soon. All of the girls have been asking about you! Your web journal is great. I really enjoy being able to keep up with you in this way. I especially liked reading about your mall shopping trip and Photo shoot. I hope that we can see the pictures soon!

Love, Lacey and Salena <ShaneandLacey@1stconnect.com>
Duvall, WA - Friday, June 6, 2003 3:55 PM CDT
Hello Sierra and family from Baltimore, MD! I am a friend of your father's and wish you well. Thank you for keeping us updated on your progress and keep smiling!
David Wagner <david_wagner@troweprice.com>
Baltimore, MD USA - Friday, June 6, 2003 10:04 AM CDT
Sierra, Chris, Maria and Neal,
What a wonderful website and what a special way to journal Sierra's progress!! Sierra, you truly are such a beautiful girl and everyone that looks at this website will see not only your outside beauty, but your inner beauty as well. We pray for you daily and ask God to help you feel better. It's soo good to see you at school! You are such an inspiration to sooo many!!!

Maggie, Katie, Karen and Andre Gronberg <akkmgronberg@aol.com>
Duvall, WA - Friday, June 6, 2003 2:48 AM CDT
I hope you get better soon and plant a hair tree! Thank you for helping me know what is happening to you.

Bessie Ish
Carnation, WA USA - Friday, June 6, 2003 0:03 AM CDT
I really liked being a flower girl with you. Hope you get better soon.


Molly Rose Kosiarek <Kosiarek@cinci.rr.com>
Mason, Ohio USA - Thursday, June 5, 2003 8:15 PM CDT
Dear Sierra -
I am sorry that you are not feeling your best, and I hope every day you feel better and better. Your classmate - Marcus

The Lawrence Family <lawrence-s@msn.com>
Duvall, WA 98019 - Thursday, June 5, 2003 7:40 PM CDT
Sierra: You have such a wonderful smile! Hang in there! We're really proud of you and are sending you lots of good wishes. Let us know when you feel like playing - Kevin says he's got some more cards for you & is looking forward to "battling orcs" with you again. Love from Kevin, Alex, Kathy & Jeremy
The Robkins <jrobkin@zipcon.net>
Duvall, WA USA - Thursday, June 5, 2003 7:22 PM CDT
Hey Sierra! Brennah is planning a party very soon for all the girls in your class. We haven't figured out when it will be yet, but we'll be sure to send an invite your way...we're hoping all the girls in your class can come!Wishing you well with love and prayers. Sheila, John, Shaemus and Brennah.
Sheila Houlihan <houligirl@juno.com>
Carnation, Wa - Thursday, June 5, 2003 6:55 PM CDT
Hi Sierra - You are so Brave!

Devin wishes you the best - the Brownies cant wait to see you soon. I sure enjoyed selling Girl Scout cookies with you! You and your whole family are in out thoughts & prayers!

Kelly Stevens
Duvall, WA - Thursday, June 5, 2003 6:06 PM CDT
Hi Sierra, I can't wait until I see a picture of you in your new red hat and scarf. I bet you look GREAT. Our prayers are with you and your mom and dad and Chris.
Ned & Cass Freer <esfreer@hotmail.com>
Medina, WA USA - Thursday, June 5, 2003 5:55 PM CDT
Sierra, Chris, Maria and Neal - We love you guys!
Paige, Steve, Josh and Miles Denison
Duvall, Wa - Thursday, June 5, 2003 4:48 PM CDT
Sierra...I was very happy to see you at Spanish class on Monday, did you like the story and demonstration of "Xocoatl" Mexican Hot Chocolate? I hope you got to try a little taste! We have one last Spanish class next Monday and I will be waiting to hear your voice say "Hola," and to see your smile

Sé valerosa querida amigita...
con cariño,

Shelley Brownlow
Duvall, - Thursday, June 5, 2003 4:22 PM CDT
Our whole class is thinking about you! I hope you are better soon. It has been a wonderful time seeing you! You are great!
Your friend,Kenzie :)

kenzie <mjdandkgd@aol.com>
Duvall, WA USA - Thursday, June 5, 2003 11:16 AM CDT
We are thinking of you all! Get well soon Sierra!
Karen, Kaitlyn and Mark Waddington <kwaddington@earthlink.net>
Duvall, Wa UAS - Thursday, June 5, 2003 11:09 AM CDT
What beautiful pictures! Sierra you have the most gorgeous smile! If we ever have a power outage your smile will light up the room!
Hope you're having a great time at the end-of-the-school year festivities. Love, Grandma & Grandpa W

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA USA - Thursday, June 5, 2003 7:51 AM CDT
Hello Sierra from Virginia,

We were so happy to see you at Cathy's wedding. Your smile and pretty face added to this special event. You were a super flowergirl.
Next week we are going to visit Molly and Anna. We will show them your web page and send you a note.
We love you, Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Archie.

Archie Wiggs <ajwiggs@aol.com>
Vienna, VA usa - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 10:49 PM CDT

Keep on being brave. It is hard but some day the treatments will be finished and you will be better. Scott, Ivy, and Grace are fine and say hello. Take Care. Love, Aunt Hilary

Hilary Fuller Renner <hsirenner@yahoo.com>
Mexico City, DF Mexico - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 9:25 PM CDT
Hello Sweet Sierra,
It was wonderful to see you at your aunt Cathie's wedding. I've never seen such a beautiful flower girl! You were so kind and generous to share your chicken fingers with me at lunch. Much love and a million hugs and kisses from your cousin Jessica.

Jessica Broome <jessicasusan76@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 7:28 PM CDT
Team Sierra,
Sending happy thoughts to Duvall, WA ...
Many sandcastles to build at Redfish Lake!
With much Love,
Uncle Doug

Uncle Doug <douglas_w_fuller@juno.com>
Salt Lake City, UT Land of Zion (Utah) - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 7:28 PM CDT
Dear Sierra:

You were a beautiful flowergirl at our wedding and you are still beautiful even though you temporarily cut your hair.
It will grow back later. In the meanwhile, remember that your real beauty is inside you---its your beautiful,fun personality and spirit and nothing, not even some doctors, can take that away.

In the meanwhile, Sierra and family, we are praying daily to God for a swift recovery for Sierra and for God's peace for the rest of the family members.

Leslie, Ryan and Brett <SmithLeslieK@aol.com>
Kennewick, WA USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 2:25 PM CDT
Thinking warm thoughts... Carla and dogs (Duncan, Rupert, Jane, and Sprocket) say hi!
Uncle Stuart and Aunt Carla
Helena, MT - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 11:02 AM CDT
Sierra is a brave girl!

With love,

Grandma Fuller

Margaret Fuller <wmfuller@ruralnetwork.net>
Weiser, ID USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 8:55 AM CDT
Hi Sierra
Everyday Grandpa and I look for something new on your website. Can you write in the journal or draw a picture and have your mom take a picture of it and put it on the website? We would love to see what you are doing. We think about you every day and miss you and Chris and your mom and dad so much! School must be almost out and I'm sure you are busy with that...BUT we'd still love to hear about your activities!! Love, Grandma & Grandpa W.

EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA USA - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 7:52 PM CDT
Hi Sierra...that is a great picture of you on Field Day...you look like you were having a great day! And I love the "royal wave" look there! Your smile lights up our lives...love, Grandma & Grandpa W
EA Wiggs <vaedythe@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, VA USA - Sunday, June 1, 2003 4:22 PM CDT

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