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Monday, January 1, 2007 9:26 AM CST

I hope 2007 will be a good year. We were lucky enough to have a great 2006. Mitch was diagnosed in 2003 so he is moving on to his 4th year with no tumor reccurance. The more time that passes the more hope I have that this whole thing is behind us. They say the 5 year mark is a determining factor, if you make it that long your chances increase that it won't come back. At the 5 year mark I think we will have a celebration of some kind.


Sunday, December 10, 2006 7:41 PM CST

Merry Christmas Everyone. We have been blessed with another wonderful year full of fun and memories. Our family is so lucky to have eachother, health and happiness.
Not to say it's all perfect, but non the less we are so lucky.
I hope everyone can have a Merry Christmas like we are sure to have.


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 8:51 AM CST

We went to Mitch's school last night for his AVID class presentation. This is a program that helps kids prepare for college. He will be in it every year until graduation. He had to give a presentation on what college he wants to go to. He does not like public speaking at all, but he did a great job. I was so proud of how he got up there and spoke with a loud confident voice. He suprises me all the time.

Happy Halloween.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 2:50 PM CDT

Last weekend was Matthew's 5th Birthday party. We all had a great time.
Then that night was my 20 year high school reunion, and David and I had a great time at that as well.
Mitch is doing great in school. I am really proud of him. He's getting all A's and B's. Pretty good for a kid who can't write very fast. He is getting to be such a teenager though. All he does is listen to music and talk on the phone. It's pretty funny. That's all I can think of to update for now, but I wanted to post some new picture. Take care.


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:44 AM CDT

Mitch's MRI was yesterday and it was good. No changes. We are so lucky.
We did however have to spend the day in the Emergency. Not with Mitch but with Matthew. He was having extream asthma problems. I was up all night with him giving him his breathing treatments and it wasn't helping, so when we woke up for Mitch's MRI appointment, I took Matthew along and the nurses checked him out and said go to emergency. Which we spent about 6 hours trying to get him breathing better. The steroid they gave him finally kicked in and they let us go home. It was a exhausting day to say the least.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 1:46 PM CDT

Mitch has been having nausea for the last coulple of weeks only in the morning.
I called his Dr. and they want to get him in for an MRI.
I am a little nervous but trying not to worry.
The MRI is scheduled for Monday 8:00am.


Sunday, September 10, 2006 10:26 AM CDT

School started. Mitch is in the 7th grade this year. He decided he didn't want to ride the special needs bus anymore, so he's walking down the street to the regular bus stop. He doesn't want the stigma associated with the special bus, and I can't say I blame him. So far so good.
Hopefully he'll do well this year. He still has alot of difficulty with his writing, but that's just the way it's always going to be. He will be working with occupational therapy on the computer alot so that may be the answer someday.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:52 PM CDT

We just returned from our annual trip to Priest Lake. We had a great time as always. Mitch got alot of sun and did alot of swimming. He also got to ride his quad that he got for Christmas. He really enjoyed that. School will be starting before you know it and I can't believe he's going to be in the 7th grade. He was at the end of 3rd grade when he was diagnosed. He had definately come a long way.

I have added a link below for a little boy named Keaton who was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. I grew up in Spokane with his dad. Please stop by his website and wish them well.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:37 AM CDT

He had a nice time at the Ranch. He said he liked it but there were a few things that were hard. He wasn't super fond of the food (All vegetarian and organic). He did like the horses though. He said Don Imus was kinda mean, but his wife was nice. Anyway we're thrilled to have him home. I will post some pictures when I get them developed.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006 8:04 PM CDT

Mitch is of to New Mexico "The Imus Ranch." I took him to the airport this morning and he called a little while ago to say he got there o.k.
I miss him already, but I know it's going to be a great experience for him. I probably won't hear from him the rest of the week, but I will post an update and some pictures as soon as he returns.


Thursday, May 11, 2006 7:19 AM CDT

Wed. May 24
Mitch had his MRI yesterday. The results came back stable. No changes.

Mitch has an incredible opportunity that has come our way. He has been invited by Doernbecher's Childrens Hospital to go with 9 other kids to the Imus Ranch in New Mexico for a week long camp.
The Imus Ranch host kids with cancer and blood diseases for a week long working camp. It's a working cattle ranch and the kids will have plenty of chores to do. Each kid will have their own horse that they are in charge of for the week.
Don Imus and his wife are the owners of the Ranch. Don Imus is a radio talk show host and has a show on MSNBC called "Imus in the morning." Some of you may have heard of him. Anyhow we are all very excited about it, Mitch will be going on June 20th. If you want to learn more about the Imus ranch just do a google search for Imus Ranch and you'll find plenty of info.


Sunday, April 30, 2006 8:59 AM CDT

Yesterday we went up to the mountains and rode 4 wheelers. Mitch got alot of practice on his, and is doing a great job of riding. He had a lot of fun. Sometimes it's hard to pull him away from his game boy stuff, but he really enjoyed being up there and riding. We had a great time.
Mitch is really loving having his new kitty too. He sleeps with him everynight and takes great care of him. His big thing is protecting the kitty from Matthew. That's all for now.


Monday, April 24, 2006 9:10 AM CDT

New picture of Mitch and his new kitten "Mr. Squeekers".
He just loves him. He is the cutest thing.
Mitch has been wanting his own pet for a long time now, so he finally got it. We have 2 other cats, but they spend most of their time outside and don't like to hang out in Mitch's room much.
Mitch is doing well. I'm trying to figure out what to do with him all summer so he doesn't go crazy with boredom. I'm thinking maybe some day camps at the YMCA.
He has an MRI scheduled for May, and then he won't have to have one for another 6 months.


Sunday, April 2, 2006 9:54 AM CDT

Mitch has been doing really great lately. Friday he had his friend Lucas (Isaac's brother) stay the night and they had a great time and last night he stayed at his house. I'm sure they're still haveing a great time.
This May it will be 3 years since his diagnosis and surgeries. It seems alot longer, but yet it's not until that magical 5 year mark that we can breathe a little easier. I feel like we are almost out of the woods for having a recurrance, but they say 5 years is kind of the key time frame.
When I'm around Lucas, it makes me think of his brother who was such a sweet boy and was robbed of his life and it makes me so mad and sad. It also makes me think that it could of been Mitch, and I'm so glad Mitch is still here. I guess I'm kind of rambling now so I will sign off.


Monday, March 20, 2006 9:35 AM CST

Turns out Mitch had an O.K. time at the dance. He met up with his pal Jacob and they just hung out. They didn't dance. (not surprising)
My neighbor is going to be painting a mural on Mitch and Matthew's bedroom walls. It's going to be the ocean and all the creatures. It is going to look so cool.
Everything is going great for us and I am very thankful. Mitch goes back for his 6 month MRI in about 2 months, I'm sure it will be fine. We are so lucky.


Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:29 PM CST

Tonight Mitch sprung on me that he wanted to go to a dance at his middle school. He wanted to go because his buddy Jacob was going. So I said that's fine.
I dropped him off about 20 minutes ago and I have not stopped crying since. Not because my baby is growing up, but because he's just so immature for this sort of thing. I don't know how to explain it, but it's like he's still a little boy. He's been to hell and back and that may have something to do with it. He has speech problems and balance problems and that may also have something to do with it.
All these kids at the dance looked so mature and "cool". And I don't know how else to put this, but Mitch is just not "cool"...he's kind of the geeky brainiac kid. I guess I'm crying, because I don't want him to get hurt. I want everybody to like him and I'm afraid that's not the way it's going to be. I just hope he's strong enough to take any crap that comes his way.
That's all for now, I just needed to vent.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 7:20 AM CST

Mitch is such a good kid. When I was sick (which lasted 2 weeks) he was always asking if he could get me anything. When he'd get home from school he'd say "Mom, are you still sick?" and of course I was, so he'd ask if there was anything he could bring me. I would usually ask for water of juice. He was so helpful.
Then I told him if he really wanted to help me all I needed him to do was get along with his brother. That request was a little harder for him. Matthew drives Mitch totally crazy. I guess 4 year olds and 12 year olds just don't have alot in common. And not to mention, Matthew tries very hard to irritate his brother. I'm sure it's just for attention, but still it drives Mitch crazy.
Anyway today is my first day back to work in 2 weeks and I am actually looking forward to it.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 9:04 AM CST

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I have been sick for the last week and a half. Whatever I had turned into broncitis. I don't think I've ever been this sick in my life. Anyway I'm getting better now.
Thank God no one else in the family has got sick.
Mitch is doing great. He is still saving money to buy his new gameboy DS. It won't be long until he'll have half. He is starting to get anxious thought, starting to talk about buying a new game or something with part of the money, so I have to keep him on track.
School seems to be going well for him too. He still likes going to teenquest after school and I think it's good for him as well.
That's all for now.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:54 AM CST

Mitch is very upset. He had his gameboy DS and his wallet stolen out of his backpack at school yesterday. Those of you who know Mitch know that his gameboy is very important to him. His first mistake was bringing it to school. He brought it because he has teen quest after school and they can play games and stuff there. I have no idea why he brought his wallet. He had only $5 in there and a gift card for $40 to target.
I told him it's a tough lesson learned and he will have to earn half the money to buy a new one and I will pay the rest. It's just a total bummer for him, but he will know not to bring valuable things to school anymore. Like I said, tough lesson learned.


Monday, February 6, 2006 9:58 AM CST

Mitch seems to be a better. He missed all last week of school, but he made it this morning. Hopefully he won't be dizzy or feel sick. I sure I will hear from him if he does.
He told me last night he was feeling sad. I asked him why and he couldn't really tell me. He said he was just a little sad about alot of things. Then after probing him for a while, it turns out he was sad because he had a really boring weekend and he missed Miranda because he hasn't seen her in a while. So I am going to call Kelli to make sure Miranda can come over this weekend. I'm sure he'll be happier now that he made it back to school.


Friday, February 3, 2006 11:24 AM CST

Mitch has been sick the last few days. I am pretty sure it's just the flu bug, but his symptoms are a little concerning to me.
He had a headache 2 days ago and then he has been dizzy for the last 2 days and has thrown up in the morning 2 days in a row. He said he feels o.k. when he's laying down but when he is up and walking he feels dizzy and like he is goint to throw up.
I put a call in to Dr. Lamkin (His oncologist) just to get his opinion if it sounds like just the flu or more. The reason I am sure it's the flu is because his brother was sick on monday..but his was much shorter lived that Mitch's. It's just a little strange..


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:05 AM CST

I haven't updated in a while because there really hasn't been much going on.
Mitch stayed the night with Lucas (Isaac's brother)last weekend and had a great time.
We went to a birthday party at the roller skating rink last weekend and attempted to teach Matthew how to roller skate and he loved it. Mitch, however, refused to skate.
Mitch is going to start going to an after school program called tean quest with his buddy Jacob.
We have taken the new 4 wheelers out to the field a few times to ride them. They are so much fun and the kids really enjoy it. Matthew hasn't learned to ride his by himself quite yet, but he's getting there.
That's a quick summary of what's been going on with us the last couple of weeks. Oh and we're getting new laminate floors with our income tax money. I can't wait.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:40 PM CST

Last night Mitch told me that he had to give a speech today in his drama class and that he was a little nervous about it. So he practiced on me and he did a great job. I just reminded him to talk loud enough so everyone could hear him.

He came home today with an A+ on his speach. I am so proud of him. Who would of thought a shy kid like Mitch who has problems with slurring his words would get an A+. He is capable of so much, I need to remember that, instead of focusing on his disabilities.
He is pretty proud of himself too. And he should be. Thanks for checking on us.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 6:17 PM CST

I have a funny story....At least I thought it was pretty funny.

I was commenting on Mitch's new back pack today, He some pencils on the side of it in a pencil holder I had never noticed before. I said to Mitch "Oh, this is pretty cool having your pencils in the holder like this."
He replied very sarcasticly
"Yeah, Mom, It's real cool, it makes all the chicks want me."
It was so dang funny. I have never heard him comment on chick's before.
He was pretty amused with himself too, because I was laughing so hard, he tried to keep the joke going for a while, but nothing was as funny as his initial comment.


Friday, December 30, 2005 12:15 AM CST

We've seen the passing of another year.
For many it's been filled with pain and tears.
We've seen our loved ones in their decline.
We've had to accept that they won't be fine.

Some of us have had to say good bye,
to a long time loved one, and we've all cried.
But there have been times in this past year,
that certain events have brought us cheer.
There are so many friends that are on the list,
and I know there are names I will have missed.
But better friends I could not have bought.
And here is just a New Year's thought.

If it were possible that a wish could come true,
then this is my New Year's wish for you.
May the coming year be full of hope,
and may we be given the strength to cope.
Let courage, faith and patience abound,
and let us pray that a cure will be found.
And now at the close of another year,
I wish you a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 7:34 PM CST

We had a wonderful Christmas. As you can see from the pictures, the boys got 4-wheelers for Christmas. They think it's pretty cool. Now we will be practicing with them.
I feel very fortunate to be able to spend Christmas with my wonderful family and to have everyone healthy. I wish I lived a little closer, but we made it in 5 and 1/2 hours which isn't too bad.

Merry Christmas


Monday, December 19, 2005 10:00 AM CST

Well Christmas is almost here. We are going to Spokane to be with my family and we are excited. Mitch and Matthew are both getting Very Big suprises for Christmas. They will be so shocked.
Mitch is doing great. He is out of school for the winter break and that makes him very happy. I am still waiting for his report card to be mailed however.
Also I just wanted to say I am thinking of all the families I have come to know who no longer have their children with them and the families who's children are very sick. I pray for you all.
Take care.


Sunday, December 11, 2005 7:26 PM CST

Mitch had his birthday party today. He and his friends had a great time. We played some games and gave away prizes. His friend that he hasn't seen since the 3rd grade (Jessica) came and she is such a cute girl. Mitch got lots of money and gift certificates. He also got a cell phone. He totally wasn't expecting that, because I have told him all along how kids don't need cell phones. But its just a pay as you go one and I'm sure he won't be using all that much, but at least he can call me at work if he wants. Anyway it was a great day.


Thursday, December 8, 2005 7:28 AM CST

Mitch is doing great. He is almost all healed up from his fall last week.
Today he didn't want to go to school because they have to give a speach. He is nervous. I told him he would be great, and that every other kid in his class is nervous too.
He is done with typing class, so he's happy about that, but now his new elective is Drama. He thinks it will be fun, but he's so shy I don't think he realizes he's going to be having to do stuff in front of other people. It will be good for him.
His birthday is coming up and he is excited about that. 12 years old, hard to believe.


Friday, December 2, 2005 10:45 PM CST

Mitch took a tumble a school today. Apparently he was walking in the hallway and lost his balance and fell against the corner of the wall. The school called me to tell me he was hurt.
I rushed up to the school and he has a nice sized bump and scrape on his forhead. He also has a gash on his hand. According to the teacher that heard it, he must of hit pretty hard.
He was pretty upset went I went to get him. But we got him all fixed up and he's o.k. now.
Mitch has had balance issues since his surgery so it's not really suprising for him to have an accident, but of course it still concerns me.


Sunday, November 27, 2005 9:30 AM CST

I was looking at a picture of Mitch the other day, when he was in the hospital after surgery. I cannot believe how much he has grown up since then.
His birthday is Dec. 23rd and he will be 12 years old. He is starting to act a little like a pre-teen with his attitude at times. But most the time he's a good kid.
It's just amazing how time flies. When he was first diagnosed he was just a little kid, and now he's almost a teenager.
Mitch is doing great. He is doing well in school. He is taking typing and he hates that, but we're hoping it will pay off in the end since he has a hard time with his handwriting. That's all for now.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005 3:12 PM CST

Nothing new to report from the Hinckle home. Mitch is doing great. Actually we are all doing great. Just getting ready for the upcoming holiday's. I hope everyone has a great holiday season.


Saturday, November 12, 2005 5:25 PM CST

All is well with Mitch and the rest of our family. Knock on wood. Mitch had a friend spend the night last night and tonight he's going over to his house to stay. School is going alot better for Mitch. He hasn't been teased lately so that's great.

I did want to mention that one of my good friends has been diagnosed with MS, so if anyone knows information on the disease that might be helpful please email me. Thanks.


Thursday, November 3, 2005 10:53 PM CST

In my last journal I wrote about Mitch's great MRI results. I also wrote that we are so blessed.

I decided that is not the way I want to word that. To say that we are blessed insinuates that others are not blessed. And that is not at all what I believe.

I think that Mitch is incredibaly LUCKY. I have yet to come up with a reason that Mitch gets to live and other precious children have to die. I'm not at all sure why that would be. I am eternally grateful that Mitch is so lucky, but It makes no sense to me that other kids aren't.

I just thought I should clarify that, because I don't want anyone reading that to think that I feel we are more blessed than they are.


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 8:12 PM CST

Mitch had his MRI today..
We met with his oncologist (Dr. Lampkin) after and he was very glad to see Mitch. He said seeing Mitch was good therapy for him. I'm sure he see's alot of kids who don't do as well as Mitch and I'm sure that's hard for even a doctor.
The radiologist read the MRI in record time, because before we were even done with our appt. the MRI report came in.
"No residule or reccurent tumor"
We are so blessed.
Dr. Lampkin said one of the things we will have to be looking out for in the future is his development. (Puberty) He doesn't think it's going to be a problem but there is a slight chance it could be. So he said we will won't even think about that until next year and just watch to make sure he's on track. We are just so lucky to have Mitch around to go through puberty.

Thursday, October 27, 2005 7:24 AM CDT

Mitch's next MRI is scheduled for next Tues. Nov.1st. I'm sure everything will be fine but there is always that little piece of anxiety in the back of my mind.
Mitch has been doing great. He has been working hard at school and as far as I know there hasn't been any more problems on the bus with kids bothering him. The bus driver made the seat in the front available for Mitch to sit in so I think that solves alot of the problem right there.
I will update as soon as we get the results of Mitch's MRI.


Monday, October 24, 2005 10:36 AM CDT

Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch for Matthew's Birthday Party. He is a big 4 years old now.
We had a great time. Mitch had alot of his friends there, so they had fun.
Mitch ended up getting strep throat over the weekend. But he is on anti-biotics now and feeling much better. I am feeling much better too, since I'm on my second time on anti-biotics for strep.
Thanks for checking on us,


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 9:03 AM CDT

I met with Mitch's school yesterday, his IEP team. And one thing they are going to do is get him a laptop and work on his typing again, so he can use that instead of having to write. Writing is one of his challenges. He can do it pretty well if he puts his full concentration into it, but it is very slow that way. Otherwise it's very sloppy and hard to read. I have noticed that he eats with his left hand now, I guess it's just easier.
I have to run up to the Dr. now because I think I have strep throat again. I just finished the anti-biotics from last time 2 days ago, and now my throat hurts again. Great.


Friday, October 14, 2005 6:40 PM CDT

Mitch is coming up on 6 months since his last MRI. He will get one in November. Wow, 6 months sure flies by. I am sure his MRI will be fine, he's been doing great and feeling great, thank God.
School seems to be going o.k. No problems this week with the kids on the bus who have been bugging him. Maybe it will die down.
All is well with us. Thanks for checking.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 4:30 PM CDT

2 nights ago, Matthew threw up in bed in the middle of the night unexpectedly. He's not sick and he hasn't done it since. A normal person would think, oh maybe he ate too much junk or something, or maybe something just didn't agree with his tummy. But, not me.
My first thought is that Mitch threw up several times unexpectedly before he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and vomiting is a sign of intercranial Pressure.
Of course I know the chances of Matthew having a brain tumor are almost none, I hate that I have to live in that world where a little sickness puts panic into my bones. I still am watching him like a hawk just to make sure he's o.k. I know it's paranoid and illogical, but I can't help it.
It's just sad that the innosence is gone. I now know, personally, how many kids are effected by brain tumors. I know parents who have lost their children to brain tumors. I know one special kid who is surviving his brain tumor. (Mitch)


Saturday, October 8, 2005 9:40 AM CDT

Mitch's friend Jennifer said that the kids are still being mean to Mitch on the bus. When we ask Mitch about it, however, he seems oblivious to the whole thing. Last night I tried to have a heart to heart with him and he told me he didn't really know that they were being mean to him. He says he doesn't pay any attention. So it seems like it's bothering Jennifer more than it's bothering Mitch. So for now I'm going to get a message to the bus driver to please pay special attention that he's not being harrassed and Jennifer is going to keep us updated on what she sees.
Mitch is such an easy going kid, he is just the greatest.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:17 AM CDT

My babysitters daughter, who goes to the bus stop with Mitch informed us that there were some kids being mean to Mitch there.
She said the would act like the were gay (whatever that means) and say Mitch's name. Insinuating that Mitch is gay. Then they would call him Mitch the Bitch. (I knew that one would come soon, the day I named him, I knew that.)
Needless to say we are going to change the bus stop that they are going to.
When I asked Mitch about the situation, I couldn't get him to say much. I asked what the kids were saying to him and he said he didn't know. I asked him if they called him Mitch the bitch and he again said he didn't know.
Its a good thing we have someone looking out for him, because Mitch would probably never say anything if you left it up to him.


Sunday, October 2, 2005 5:19 PM CDT

Today we went to the Ride for Kids event in Portland. It was very cold, but a really great cause(The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation).
Next year we hope to get a little more involved. It's a motorcycle event, so maybe even David might ride.

We went with Melanie who you all probably know lost her son, Isaac, to a brain tumor last year. I'm sure attending such events is very emotional for her, but she always handle's them like a champ. Mitch and the other kids were a little whiney, because it was so cold and not alot for them to do, but we all went out for Pizza after and they had a great time.
If anyone feels the need to donate to a charity that in my book is one of the most important charities you could possibly donate too. It is The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. You can find them online.


Tuesday, September 27, 2005 6:00 PM CDT

My mom and my sisters just left. We had a very nice visit. Mitch and Matthew got lot's of attention from their grandma and Aunts. They also got a couple of gifts.
Anyway while they were here I got a new tattoo. I know I must be crazy but this is my last one. But I love it. It's a rose next to my butterfly on my back.
Mitch is doing o.k. in school. He is pretty forgetful and that's a little frustrating to me sometimes, but hopefully he'll get a little more resposible while he adjusts to Middle school.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:03 AM CDT

We went to see Mitch's cancer counselor yesterday and we determined school is going really well for him, his only thing is that he feels weird in P.E. class, because he can't do all that the other kids can do. But he said he feels fine in all the other classes and even at lunch. So that is great. Not much we can do about the P.E. situation. He has adaptive P.E. which means he has a teacher that helps him out when he can't do the things that are going on in regular P.E.
Over all his couselor thinks he's doing great and so do I.
Middle School is going way better than I ever expected.
This weekend my mom and my sisters are coming to visit, so that will be nice. We are all looking forward to it.


Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:28 AM CDT

Yesterday Mitch missed his bus home from school. The school called me at work and told me.
The reason is because, he is going back to his the babysitter on the days I work and yesterday was his first day. He is riding the regular school bus on those days with my babysitters daughter. We forgot to check the bus number, because I just assumed he would find Jennifer and ride the bus home with her. Well it didn't work out that way. Anyway, now he knows his bus number.
We were going to have Mitch be a big kid and come home by himself after school for a couple of hours until Dad got home, but Mitch decided he wasn't ready for that yet. So that's why he's at the babysitters again. Gives me less to worry about too, so it's fine with me.

I just got a e-mail from Melanie about the Ride for Kids event in Portland on Oct. 2nd. It is to raise money for the pediatric brain tumor foundation. We will be attending and am looking forward to it. Melanie said her boss is going to be riding in it (Motorcycles). If anyone is intersted in donating please e-mail me. The money goes to a wonderful orginization.


Sunday, September 11, 2005 5:41 PM CDT

Mitch has completed his first week of school and has had no complaints. He said he likes it alot. I am thrilled and hope he continue's to like it.
One of his homework assignments was a little bio of yourself, and one of the questions was "who is your hero-or someone who inspires you?" And Mitch put My Mom. What a way to make a mom feel like a million bucks. I have been gushing over it all weekend. He's suppose to write an article of why he thinks that and he hasn't done that part yet. I'm sure I'll gush over that too.
Thanks for checking in on our family and all the prayers. All is well and we are very thankful.


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 9:37 AM CDT

The first day of school was yesterday. It went fine for Mitch, however he has had a sore throat for a few days, so he's a little under the weather. I took him to get a strep test and it was negative, so it's just a virus.

My day care provider (Shelley) said that her daughter Jennifer was standing in the lunch line a little ways behind Mitch and there were some kids making fun of him, (Mitch didn't know) so she told them that she knows Mitch and he is really cool. It totally crushes my heart to think of those little brats making fun of him. I know it happens to alot of kids, but I just can't stand it when it happens to mine. I pray for a smooth school year without too much teasing and that Mitch will be happy.


Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:53 PM CDT

We went to Mitch's new middle school yesterday to make sure that they had all of his medical information. The school nurse just happened to be at the office, so I was talking to her a little bit.
I was telling her about Mitch having brain surgery 2 years ago to remove a brain tumor. She asked me "Did it have hair and teeth?" I said "Excuse me?" She again asked "Did his tumor have hair and teeth?" I gave her a weird look and said "No, that would be very disgusting." She said "Oh, well I've heard of alot of tumors in the head having hair and teeth." I said, "that's a new one to me."

I found this very odd. First of all, I've done alot of research on brain tumors and I must say I have NEVER run across one with hair and teeth, so I'm not sure where she's getting her information.
Second of all Why would you ask somebody that? Even if it did have hair and teeth, I sure wouldn't be telling a perfect stranger. All in all, I had to laugh, because it was so stupid and so strange. It worries me a little, however, that this is Mitch's new school nurse. I thought some of you would get a kick out of this story.


Wednesday, August 31, 2005 7:17 AM CDT

Mitch had a speech therapy appointment the other day, since they released him from the school speech, I thought I'd take him back to Kaiser. Anyway she thinks he needs to see her at least a couple of times a month, and that they can help him. She said alot of his problem is that he talks to quiet and mono-tone. It makes his slurred words sound alot more slurred.
School starts next week, and Mitch is not really too excited about it, but hopefully he'll like it. We'll see.

Take care everyone.


Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:30 AM CDT

All is well at our house. Mitch had the pleasure of playing with Lucas (Isaac's little brother) a couple of times this week. He really enjoys that. Lucas is a few years younger than Mitch, but Mitch doesn't seem to notice. They get along great.
School will be starting very soon, and it's going to be alot different for Mitch going to middle school. I am hoping for the best. Mitch got a little lazy last year with his school work, so I told him to be prepared to work alot harder this year.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 7:34 AM CDT

I don't know what happened to my last entry, it was there for a few days and then when I added something to the page it dissappeared.
Anyway we had a great time on our trip to Priest Lake, Idaho. This weekend we are going back to the coast to go camping, so that will be fun too. Miranda is going with us, so Mitch is thrilled.
We are very blessed to have Mitch doing so well and enjoying life.


Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:46 PM CDT

We had the best time camping. Mitch and Matthew loved the ocean and played there constantly. We had lots of good food, good friends and a good time. I can't wait to do it again.


Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:46 PM CDT

We had the best time camping. Mitch and Matthew loved the ocean and played there constantly. We had lots of good food, good friends and a good time. I can't wait to do it again.


Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:51 PM CDT

Mitch is doing great. He's been a little bored this week, but we should make up for it this weekend when we go camping. We haven't been camping in so long I think I forgot how. We used to go camping almost every weekend in the summer when Mitch was little and for some reason we just don't anymore. Mitch's comment to that was "Sure, you go camping and have fun all the time when I was too little to remember it." I told him hopefully we'll start camping alot more now and he's definately old enough to remember.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005 8:23 AM CDT

Mitch went to his first day of day camp at the ymca yesterday and he loved it. I am so glad. Today they get to go swimming so I'm sure he'll love that too.
He is learning to entertain himself a little bit this summer. Mitch has always been kind of a loner so he doesn't have a lot of friends. And when Miranda's gone he's really at a loss for friends. So I am really proud of the way he's doing o.k. by himself. He's even played with his little brother a little bit without fighting. That is truly amazing. Thanks as always for checking on us.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005 9:16 AM CDT

Beautiful little Ryan Brown passed away yesterday. Please pray for his family during this very difficult time. Ryan's link is listed below.


The above photo is from last weekend when we went fishing. We didn't catch anything, like always. But we had a nice time. My husband is a fishing fool, but it seems like everytime he drags the family with him we have no luck. Don't ask me why.
Mitch is doing great. He is loving summer and sleeping in. His average time for getting out of bed is 10:30. Next week he has the day camp though so he'll have to be up much earlier. Take care everyone.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 4:17 PM CDT

Mitch is signed up for a week day camp at the YMCA in a couple of weeks, to try to keep him a little bit busy this summer. The camp is a make it yourself camp. They will be making bird houses and different things, and learning how to use tools and measure. This is right up Mitch's alley. He can't really do any of the sports camps so this will be great.
He is doing well, and enjoying sleeping in this summer. The other day he slept until 11:00 am. He has been swimming a lot also, which is great for his muscles. All is well and I'm still giving thanks for that.


Saturday, July 2, 2005 8:31 AM CDT

One of Mitch's gold fish died. I have been telling Mitch it was going to happen and not to get too upset when it died. Mitch and dad have been laughing at me and told me that nobody is going to get upset when the fish dies except me. Figures.
Mitch and Dad had quality time together yesterday while I was at work and Matthew was at pre-school. Mitch said he had a really good day with his dad. They played video games and went shopping and played more video games.

Overall I don't have much to update. When things are going so well, there's just not much to write about except for how grateful I am.


Tuesday, June 28, 2005 10:40 AM CDT

Well, summer vacation has begun and Mitch is already running out of things to do. This week his cousin Alex is coming over to stay with him while I go to work, so I'm sure he'll enjoy that.
Mitch is doing great. He looks good, he feels good, and he's back to normal as much as can be expected. Normal is never going to be what he was before brain surgery, it's a new normal now. And that's o.k...


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 3:02 PM CDT

Mitch is feeling much better now. Today was his last day of school, so he has graduated from Elementary school and moving up to middle school. Hard to believe. He is such a big kid now. He was only in 3rd grade when he was diagnosed with his tumor. How time has flown by. I thank God everyday that he's doing so well. Even though he has some issues, it's nothing compared to what so many other kids have endoured. He has a chance to live a long life, and for that I am sooooo grateful.

Please pray for Ryan Brown. His prognosis is not good.


Monday, June 20, 2005 3:46 PM CDT

I took both kids to the Dr. today. Turns out Mitch has strep throat, and Matthew just has rashy skin that we are trying to control. Hopefully he won't get strep throat too. Mitch is in bed sleeping and feeling crappy. Hopefully he'll feel better by tomorrow when the antiboitics kick in.

Please pray for Ryan Brown, and his family.

Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:32 AM CDT

Mitch has his own e-mail now. He thinks it's pretty cool when he get's mail, so if anyone would like to e-mail him.

Please pray for little Ryan. He really needs a miracle right now. His link is at the bottom of this page.

Mitch is doing great. This is his last full week of school. He gets out next Wednesday. He is very excited to be out of school. He has an appointment with his cancer counselor next week. He loves to go see her.
Everything is going great with us. I count my blessings every single day.


Monday, June 13, 2005 9:28 PM CDT

Miranda came over after school today and the kids are having a great time. The sun is out so they're having fun outside. Matthew just loves Miranda. She has to go spend the summer at her dads in California, which is a total bummer for us. We are going to miss her. We do every year.
Mitch is doing great. He can't wait for school to be out, which is next week. I'm afraid he's going to get bored over the summer though, especially with Miranda gone. Hopefully he'll keep himself occupied with the pool.


Tuesday, June 7, 2005 9:11 AM CDT

It is just amazing how far Mitch has come. 2 years ago today we were living at the hospital. Mitch couldn't talk, or walk on his own, or eat, or dress himself. Now he's swimming, wrestling with his brother, and doing good in school.

It seem like a lifetime ago that we were back in that place and it was only 2 years ago. Wow, that's mind boggeling. I can't even imagine doing it all over again. That's one of my worst fears besides losing Mitch, is him having a recurrance and having to do another surgery. Please pray that that never happens. (Not to mention doing chemo again)

If he could just continue on his life and look back one day and say "Wow, I had a brain tumor when I was a kid." and that will be the end of it. That is my dream and hope.


Thursday, June 2, 2005 7:28 AM CDT

Not much to report at our house. This is Mitch's last week of going to the baby sitter. Then grandma (David's mom) will be coming over for the summer to stay with him. Matthew will be moving on to a pre-school day care, so grandma can't spoil him too rotten.
We got our pool set up for the summer, but of course the weather took a turn for the worse. Mitch can't wait to get out there and swim. Hopefully we will have a nice summer so he can get plenty of swim time in.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005 7:17 AM CDT

I met with Mitch's speech therapist from school the other day and she is going to be releasing him from therapy. I found this very odd at first because this is one of his biggest problems. His speech is slurred and hard to understand. But as she explained it to me, from an academic standpoint it is not effecting his learning.
I suppose this is true. He will still be recieving occupational therapy and I haven't met with the physical therapist yet. But as far as speech he is done. I could look into taking him back to his Kaiser speech therapist, and we may do that. We'll see.

Everyone is doing well here. Summer is fast approaching and it's suppose to be 85 degrees today. We need to get our fence up so we can set up our pool for the summer. I can't wait and neither can Mitch.


Saturday, May 21, 2005 9:33 AM CDT

Everything is going well at our house. Mitch is still enjoying his new fish. Actually we all are. They are a lot of fun to watch.
Mitch wanted me to make him a CD of music he likes from his Tony Hawk game so he brought me a list of songs and artist. I had to laugh, because some of them are from when I was in high school. "The Ramones" and "Moterhead". I told Mitch if he saw what these guys looked like he might change his mind. He reminded me that some of the groups I like look gross too.
Matthew is doing swimming lessons and he's doing great. Next week will be his last session, so I'll have to sign him up for more. This kid is fearless in the water. Well actually he's fearless at most things.

Thanks for checking on us...


Suffering and Joy teach us, if we allow them, how to make the leap of empathy, which tranports us into the soul and heart of another person. In those transparent moments we know other peoples joys and sorrows, and we care about their concers as if they were our own.
Fritz Williams


Monday, May 16, 2005 9:27 PM CDT

Today Mitch's dad and I redid his entire bedroom and part of that was we bought him a little aquarium with 3 new fish. They are a really cool looking kind of goldfish. I can't remember what they're called. He named them Mitch Jr., Matthew Jr. and grandma Jr. O.K. whatever.
The room looks much better and he loves it. Of course he still shares it with Matthew which is part of the reason we redid it. Mitch needs some of his own space. Hopefully we kind of accomplished that. He see's his cancer counselor tomorrow. Her name is Izetta and she is wonderful. Isaac's little brother Lucas goes to her too and I believe she has been a big help to them as well. That's all for now.


Sunday, May 15, 2005 9:12 AM CDT

Today is the 2 year anniversary of Mitch's diagnosis. 2 years ago our lives were changed forever. I can't say all in a negative way either. We have met some amazing people because of all of this and have a new out look on life.

Last night Mitch and Miranda were drawing and I told Miranda how talented she was and that meant that she was born with a gift. Mitch said "Yeah, and all I was born with is a stupid tumor." I told him he was born with a whole lot more than that. He was trying to be funny, but it was kind of sad.


Friday, May 13, 2005 8:18 AM CDT

Can a person properly function on 3 hours sleep? I guess we will find out today. Last night Matthew has some athsma stuff going on and kept me up all night. Trying to get him to use his inhaler is almost impossible. He is doing much better this morning but I am exhausted. And I have a 10 hour work day ahead of me.
I was tired yesterday too and noticed I was a little crabby with the kids. My husband is out of town for 6 days so it's all me. Matthew can wear a person out. Mitch is always a good boy, but sometimes he can drive me crazy too. Especially when he's bored. He wants me to find things to entertain him. Hopefully we will all get a good night sleep tonight.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:19 PM CDT

Mitch wanted me to post that picture of Miranda. I told him I already had one up of them together, but he wanted that one. Probably because she looks so beautiful. Anyway I thought it was very sweet that he wanted it on his website so there it is.
So we've got a plan for next year (Middle school). We are going to give it a try. We are going to have the special ed bus (or whatever is politically correct to call it) pick Mitch up and bring him home straight to our house. That way he can avoid the kids that harass him on the bus. Hopefully we won't have any major problems or we will have to look into alternatives such as home school or something like that. I can't believe how old he's getting. Time flies.


Sunday, May 8, 2005 8:42 PM CDT

Well Mother's Day is almost over and I had a very nice one. Mitch made me a key chain at school that says "#1 Mom"
and both kids made me beaded necklaces at the day care. We have had a pretty relaxing day, David has been busy as usual with our boat because he's leaving on a 6 day fishing trip to go halibut fishing in a few days. He did manage to take some time out to spend with us and we all watched a movie together. We also had a very nice lunch. I hope everyone had a nice mothers day too.


MAY 9th, 2005..................

I just realized it is excatly 1 year ago today that Mitch had his last dose of chemo. Wow, how time flies.
Next Sunday May 15th, is his 2 year anniversary of diagnosis.


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 3:18 PM CDT

Today was MRI day. Mitch had some troubles holding still this time, so we had to redo a few and it took a little longer than usual.
After we went up to see the oncologist. We talked alot about the long term effects of the chemo Mitch was on. The 2 main ones are secondary malignancy and infertility. According to the Dr. the secondary malignancy is usually leukemia, and happens about 10 to 12 years out of treatment. He said his chances aren't super high, but definately higher than the general population. And as far as infertility, we will worry about that when the time comes, and he will have to be tested.
He also had a hard time reading his scan. He said there are alot of anatomy changes in there, so it makes it hard to compare scans. He did say however, that he didn't see any "gross" changes, he won't say much more until the radiologist reads the MRI. That's fine because I think the same thing happened last time and I almost gave myself a heart attach with worry. I am not going to do that this time. So I should have the official radiology report by sometime tomorrow.


UPDATE: May 4, 2005

The Dr. called last night and the official radiology report came back with "no changes". Next MRI not for 6 months. Thank you God, and whoever else is up there looking out for Mitch.

Sunday, May 1, 2005 8:15 PM CDT

Today we went to Melanie's house again to visit because Sandi and her husband came to visit. They lost their son Eric to a brain tumor about 4 years ago and live near by. I met them once before at Isaac's memorial service and have talked to Sandi several times on the phone. They are really nice people.
Mitch had a good time as always playing with Lucas. Matthew likes going over there too and playing with all of their toys. Melanie is always a great host making everyone feel at home.
(Mitch is standing over my shoulder trying to tell me how to type, he keeps telling me to push tab)--Thanks for the tip Mitch.
Anyway we had a nice day.
Mitch has an MRI coming up tuesday. I'm sure all will be fine.


Friday, April 22, 2005 7:25 AM CDT

We had a wonderful visit with Melody's family. Rob, Deb, and Devin. They told us all about their visit with the other stops they had. (Cheyenne's family, Savanna's family and some others that I don't know from caringbridge.)
Mitch and I basically spent the day with Melanie and Lucas until we went to pick up Rob,Deb and Devin from the RV park in the afternoon. We all went back to Melanies and talked and got to know eachother. Later, Linda and Katelin came and Rayanne's mom (Crystal) came, so Melanie had a house full.
Mitch, Lucas and Devin played together really well. They were having a great time. Matthew was a little left out of the action and Katelin wanted no part of playing with the boys.
The visit was sad at times, but not always. There was still laughter and fun, even though 3 of the families there had lost their babies. I am still in awe of the extent of the pain these people must feel, and yet they have no choice but to go on living.
Anyway it was great to get everyone together like that.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:14 AM CDT

Melody's family is coming through town..(She is a little girl who passed away from a brain tumor).. Her family has taken an R.V. trip around the country visiting other caringbridge families that they have met. They were in Texas visiting Cheyenne's family a couple of weeks ago.
Anyway we are going to go over to Melanie's house (Isaac's mom) and meet with them. Hopefully Katelin's mom Linda, will be able to make it too. It should be a very nice visit.
Mitch is feeling alot better, still a little under the weather though.


Melody's web site is:


Thursday, April 14, 2005 7:57 PM CDT

Well, now Mitch is sick too.
Last night I took Matthew up to urgency care, because he still had a fever and he was saying that his ears hurt, and sure enough he had developed an ear infection. So I thought if we get him on antibiotics right away I can probably still make it to work. Then last night Mitch was coughing a little bit and said his throat hurt, but was still o.k. This morning, the same thing. So I loaded the kids up to daycare and I went off to work. Shelley (my day care) called me right before Mitch was suppose to go to school and said he is really not feeling well, should she send him to school. I said absolutely not, but what did she want me to do. She said just stay at work and we'll make Mitch comfy here on the couch. She called a few hours later and said he has a high fever and he just threw up. So I had to leave work (of course) and I really doubt I will be able to work tomorrow. Maybe someday I'll be able to save up some sick time again. I only have like 2 days on the books and then I'm out. But that's life when you have kids. Mitch seems to be feeling a little better now, but it's probably the Motrin. That's what's going on in our world at the moment. Fun, huh.


Monday, April 11, 2005 9:35 PM CDT

Well, we've made a big mistake. We showed Mitch how to shop on E-bay. He has now decided he is into Yu-Gi-Oh cards again and he wanted some certain ones, so I suggested looking on E-bay. We have created a monster. He has been shopping on e-bay for 2 days straight. Tonight we are bidding on the auction he wants and hopefully we will get it so we can put this to rest for a little while.
Matthew has been a little sick, he's running a little fever and has a cough. Hopefully nobody else in the house will get sick.

Take care all.


Friday, April 8, 2005 7:27 AM CDT

Yesterday was a really bad day for me. I have a friend at work who is mad at me for something I didn't even say. So she is not speaking to me, and when I tried to talk to her she just blew me off, so I had a very stressful day at work yesterday.
But when I came home and my whole family was in a good mood, and Mitch is excited about going fishing with his dad tomorrow and Matthew is so darn cute, I remembered to not sweat the small stuff. And I am certainly not going to let work place gossip and high school games get me down. So today when I go into work, I am just going to rise above it all and be happy. That is my plan.


Saturday, April 2, 2005 3:41 PM CST

Our mystery Easter Bunny was the kids babysitter. She finally fessed up.
We are still working on getting the brain tumor support group up and running. Hopefully we will be meeting up at Doernbechers children's hospital. They said they may have some room for us. Until then we may just meet at someone's house. I am excited to get things going. I will keep everyone posted on what we come up with.

Mitch is doing well by the way. We are going to Melanie's house tonight so he can play with Lucas. (Isaac's little brother). He alway's loves going over to their house. They have lot's of cool stuff to play with over there.


Sunday, March 27, 2005 12:15 AM CST

We have had a mystery Easter Bunney visit our house. When we woke up this morning there were eggs hidden all over our front yard. (And I didn't do it) I have asked the people I suspected would do it and they have all said It wasn't them. So whoever it was "Thank You" It was a very special Easter suprise for the kids. We will do our own planned Easter egg hunt this afternoon.
Happy Easter Everyone.


Friday, March 25, 2005 1:31 PM CST

Mitch is doing great. I can actually see physical evidence of him gaining weight. Finally! His face is starting to fill out a little and his arms are looking a little bigger. He still has a problem with his posture and holding his head up straight, but that is a minor thing. His balance and speech will always be an issue, but again in the scheme of things, just a minor thing. I am very grateful for his current health. Life for us is good.
Thank God.


Monday, March 21, 2005 5:14 PM CST

I have been talking to Katelin's mom (Linda) about starting a support group in the Portland area for parents of kids with brain tumors. Actually it was Linda's idea and I am jumping on board to help. I think it is just what I've been looking for, something to get involved with that might actually help someone or make some difference in someone's life.
I know if I would have known about any support groups when Mitch was first diagnosed I would of signed right up. But there were none except for online. And thank God for that.
Linda and I are both lucky that both of our kids are currently doing well. It would feel really great to help someone who is new to all of this brain tumor stuff or that doesn't have the family and friend support that I had during our ordeal. I will keep everyone posted on what we come up with.

Katelins site is: www.caringbridge.org/or/katelin


Friday, March 18, 2005 7:22 AM CST

I finally got music added to Mitch's website, thanks again to Melanie.
I choose this song because it represents my overall feeling of hope for the future. 2 years ago we had such a nightmare hit our family and I remember the feeling of pure terror at the thought of losing Mitch. I felt like I can't believe this is happening to us.
Now I feel like we are the luckiest people in the world. Mitch has a chance at life. He is happy and for the most part healthy and tomorrow is looking pretty darn good.


Monday, March 14, 2005 10:13 AM CST

Yesterday we went over to Melanie's house (Isaac and Lucas's mom) to visit and she showed me how to add additional pictures to Mitch's web site. Thanks Mel..

Mitch had a great time playing with Lucas. He loves hanging out with him. Mitch also told me when he grows up he's going to buy a big house like they have. I guess our house is too small for him. Oh well, too bad.

Melanie and her husband will be attending Rayanne's funeral today and I know it's going to be hard for them.
And I am sad to say that another young girl has lost her battle and joined the others in heaven:

Emerald Isle.

her site is. www.caringbrige.org/mi/emeraldisle

I give thanks everyday for how lucky we are to have Mitch still with us and doing so well and having such a great chance of living a long life.


Thursday, March 10, 2005 7:16 AM CST

I just learned another child has gone to heaven after battling her brain tumor for 13 months.

Rayanne: www.caringbridge.org/ca/rayanne

My thoughts and prayers are with her family.

Mitch told me the other day that he didn't want to ride the regular school bus anymore, (which he only does on mondays, and tuesdays) because a kid on it makes fun of him. This is one of the kids that we have had a problem with before. It makes me so angry that these 2 kids won't just leave Mitch alone. I have already talked to the bus driver once about the other kid that bugs Mitch, but Mitch said they have had a substitute driver and she doens't know anything. So I will have to make some phone calls to make sure Mitch isn't being harassed on the bus anymore.
Other than that Mitch is doing great. He is for the most part happy and feeling good, and that is something I am forever grateful for.


Saturday, March 5, 2005 9:02 AM CST

Lately it seems almost every caringbridge kids page I visit has bad news. I am so sorry for these kids and their families. And I am forever thankful that Mitch is doing so well. I thank God everyday for our blessings and pray that they continue. Some children who are in desperate need of prayers are:

Ryan www.caringbridge.org/ky/ryanbrown

Emerald www.caringbridge.org/mi/emeraldisle

Rayanne www.caringbridge.org/ca/rayanne

I do not know how to put links on this page. I wish I did, can someone tell me how??

Anyway Mitch is well, he stayed the night at his friend Edison' house last night and they are coming over here tonight to stay. He has been eating alot better and I am hoping we can get some weight on him. Love to all


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 9:31 AM CST

David and I went to Victoria, B.C. for the weekend and we had a great time. We left the kids home with grandma and it sounds like they had a good time too.
Except Matthew locked him and grandma out of the house so they had to go to the neighbors house to call a locksmith to let them back in.
I sure missed them while we were gone. Mitch is doing well. His new thing is he wants to take a shower in the morning before school and he wears deoderant now too. He is growing up. All is well here, knock on wood.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 11:13 AM CST

Mitch's MRI report is back.

No significant interval change since 11/30/04. No definite tumor recurrence.

Next MRI in 3 months and then we will switch to every 6 months....

Could it be that Mitch will be one of the few kids who will actually beat this? Wouldn't that be amazing. The more time that goes by without recurrence the more hope I have that this stupid tumor will never return. Right now we are almost 2 years out from surgery, so I know 5 years is the golden time marker, but we are slowly getting there.


Friday, February 18, 2005 7:12 AM CST

The other day Mitch's occupational therapist from school called me to tell me they were teaching Mitch how to type. She was telling me how good he was at it, and we both agreed it may help him since he gets so fatigued when he is writing. Anyway I had him sit down to show me how he could type and I was amazed at how fast he has picked it up. He has correct finger placement and was pretty darn fast. He still has to look at his fingers and forgets where some of the keys are, but for only working on it for a couple of weeks he is very good.
MRI is next tuesday and I am confident there will be no changes since there are no symptoms. He has been complaining about his double vision with small print stuff, but that is really nothing new. It may be something he will always have. I will be sure to let the Dr.s know about it though.


Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:06 AM CST

Mitch had a very nice Valentines Day. He had a party at school and then after school both boys had a party at their daycare. They had a great time.
The other day Melanie (Isaac's mom) and Lucas came over to visit. It was nice seeing them again. I swear I don't know how she does it, but I'm sure it's just a choice to get up everyday and go on. Mitch really likes Lucas and asks about him alot.
Mitch has been asking to go see Izetta (cancer counselor) so I made him an appt. in a couple of weeks. I'm not sure why he wants to go, maybe he needs to talk about some things or maybe he just likes her. Who knows but we will see.


Saturday, February 12, 2005 7:42 PM CST

Mitch did a great job at his concert. He had a couple of paragraphs to say to introduce the song and he did fantastic. I could tell he was trying very hard to speak clearly and he did.
On another web site (Rayanne's), her mom posted a letter that she wrote to her brain tumor. It was all about how mad she was at the tumor and it was very moving.
I asked Mitch if he was to write a letter to his brain tumor what would he write. He said "Well, I wouldn't have to write much, I would just say YOU SUCK." I normally would tell him not to talk like that, but I figured he had summed it up in a nutshell.


Thursday, February 10, 2005 7:09 PM CST

Mitch is feeling much better. Let's hope he stays healthy for a while now.
He has his 5th grade concert tomorrow and he has a speaking part where he introduces the song. He is very nervous about it, but I'm sure he'll do great. Hopefully everyone will be able to understand him since his speech is a little slurry. I told him there is no reason to be nervous because it's just going to be a bunch of parents in the audience who all love the kids.

MRI is on Feb. 22nd-praying for good results.


Tuesday, February 8, 2005 5:57 PM CST

Mitch is once again not feeling well. This time he has diarrhea. The school called me to pick him up early. Hopefully this won't last long. I find it very strange for him to be sick so many times lately. His immune system just doesn't have a chance to recover between sicknesses. His MRI is coming up on Feb. 22nd. I can't wait to get that over with.
I took Matthew to OMSI today and we had a good time. He is at that age where everything is so exciting to him. He loved it. Good thing we were done with that by the time the school called. That's all for now.


Thursday, February 3, 2005 1:52 PM CST

Mitch finally made it to school today. He is feeling better and looking better. Poor kid. He probably has alot of makeup work to do for school, which is always difficult for him, because his hand gets so tired and sore when he's writing.
Overall though, in the big picture I am so thankful for how well he is doing and I pray everyday that his tumor NEVER returns.


Wednesday, February 2, 2005 10:35 AM CST

Mitch is still very under the weather. He has still not made it to school, he is too tired and weak. Actually there is no school today so that is great, it gives him one more day to recover. He is sooo skinny, it really makes me worry. When I look at him it actually scares me. It's just not normal to be that skinny. It sure doesn't help when he is sick 2 times in a row and won't eat a thing when he's feeling crappy. Hopefully he will stay healthy for a while so we can once again try to get some weight on him. We have been trying for almost a year now and have not made much progress.


Monday, January 31, 2005 9:18 AM CST

Mitch was very sick again yesterday. He spent the night at his friends house and woke up in the middle of the night throwing up.
When he got home he was very tired and had a fever of 103 degrees. I know there is this virus going around so I wasn't super worried until I remember the meningitis outbreak in the area. It did cross my mind for a minute to panic but I talked myself out of it. I did however, keep checking his body for any type of rash.
He didn't throw up anymore but he did sleep alot. He is feeling much better this morning. I took his temp. and it's normal. So today he'll just stay home to recoup.


Thursday, January 27, 2005 7:01 PM CST

At Mitch's school there has been a kid identified as having meningococcal meningitis. I called to school to see how concerned I should be and they said they are pretty sure it's very contained to a limited amount of children, but to call the health dept. for more info.
So I called the health department and a lady called me back a couple of hours later. She was soooo rude. I can't believe how rude she was. She wouldn't answer any of my questions and kept saying things like "I would have no way of knowing that." And she said it with a very snotty attitude. I'm sure they are overwhelmed with phone calls since this has been on the news, but come on. I don't think anyone at the health dept. should be that rude. I am going to write a letter to them letting them know how truly unhelpful they were. Oh I am so mad.
That's all for now.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 3:42 PM CST

I finally made it to work, after missing 2 days last week with sick kids, it was actually nice to get back. Mitch is feeling pretty good, like I said before he's looking super skinny, but he's getting his appitite back a little now. He has also been very off balance lately. Not sure why that's happening, maybe he's just not paying attention to what he's doing, but he's actually fallen over a couple of times lately. Could be just from not feeling good and being a little weak. Other than that, he's been doing very well.


Sunday, January 23, 2005 1:02 PM CST

Mitch and Matthew are both feeling MUCH better. Thank goodness. Mitch I can tell has lost a little weight while he was sick. He hasn't been eating very well at all. With him just a few pounds is very noticable. He looks extreamly thin.. I will be trying to pack some pounds on him the next few weeks. I wish there were such a thing as a fat transplant so I could give him some of mine. Lately I feel like I have pleanty to spare.. Oh well.


Friday, January 21, 2005 12:03 AM CST

Well, let's see..I am going on about 2 to 3 hours sleep today. Mitch started coughing last night and not 5 minutes has gone by without a cough. He is going to the Dr. today in about 1 hour. But on top of that Matthew decided to get sick and has been vomiting. He woke up at about 1:00am (in my bed of course) and proceeded to throw up all over the bed. So in the middle of the night, I am changing bedding and listening to coughing and Matthew crying. Let's just say nobody at the Hinckle house got much sleep. Today after Mitch's Dr. appt. we are ALL going to take a nap. Now I just have to hope Matthew doesn't throw up all over while we are at Mitch's appointment. It should be interesting. Needless to say I am suppose to be at work today, but that is just not going to happen. I'm hoping for a more restful weekend.


Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:41 AM CST

Mitch is definately sick. He has been running a temp. of 101.5 and he just feels crappy. I took the day off work and we will just hang out today.
Last night I was thinking of what it was like when Mitch was diagnosed, probably because I was just talking about it with Katelin's mom, Linda. But my thoughts were just so intense, and I sat there and thought "I just can't believe this has all happened." It wasn't too long ago that I didn't even know children could get brain tumors. And I sure didn't know how many kids a year die from them.
I was always thankful for having healthy children, but I guess I didn't really know what that meant. Now I am thankful for many other things, like having my son alive and having a chance at a future. I am thankful for having my eyes open to what is really important in life. The world is a different place than I used to view it. Don't sweat the small stuff. Life is short and way to precious.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:24 AM CST

Yesterday we had a nice visit with Katelin and her mom Linda. They came over from Beaverton to visit. Katelin has an inoperable low grade brain tumor. You can read her story at

Mitch started coming down with a cold or something and he hasn't been feeling very well. I think I will keep him home from school today.
Matthew has a dentist appt. today to get a small filling done. This should be VERY interesting. He did great at his first dentist appt. But this one may be a little different. We will see.


Saturday, January 15, 2005 4:28 PM CST

Well, the Vancouver, Portland area has been hit with freezing rain. The roads out there look pretty bad accourding to the news. Outside my house it looks like it's starting to melt, but in other areas, it's a sheet of ice. Mitch is at his friend Edisons, and will probably be stuck there until the roads clear up.
Other than that all is well with us.

Go to www.choosehope.com to get your grey wristband, to help raise money and awareness for brain cancer.


Thursday, January 13, 2005 7:24 AM CST

I put the information above for everyone to go to
www.choosehope.com where they have cancer specific
awareness wristbands. The grey one is for brain
cancer. Spred the word so we can get as many people
wearing them as possible.

Mitch is doing well by the way. He is no longer
grounded from his game cube and has been a very
nice boy.


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:44 PM CST

Mitch is grounded tonight from playing his game cube. He was talking to me with a very smart mouth when I was trying to get him to do his homework so now he is grounded. You would think it's the end of the world. We have had tears like you wouldn't believe. We keep telling him, "Jeez, it's just a game" but he is very upset.
It's probably because this is really the first time he's been in any kind of real trouble for a very long time. Mitch is by nature a good kid and doesn't get in trouble much, but I'm afraid I have spoiled him a little too after this whole brain tumor thing. And now with him getting a little older I have to make sure I don't lose control and let him start being a smart mouth brat. I just won't have it. Anyway he has finally stopped crying and is watching T.V.
I don't think people understand how hard it is to balance what is the right amount of dicipline when you have a child with a serious illness. You want them to be happy and have the world, but you can't risk them turning into selfish brats. Another challenge for us parents dealing with this lovely thing called childhood cancer.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 8:48 AM CST

Mitch lost a tooth last night. I think it's one of his last baby teeth. So he was excited and wanted to make sure the tooth fairy would come. And of course she did.
We just scheduled Mitch's next MRI for the middle of February. I don't know when they are going to switch us to every 6 months instead of every 3 months but I think it will be soon. Anyway all is well for now.


Sunday, January 2, 2005 9:53 AM CST

Happy New Year everyone. We did nothing for New Year's Eve. In fact I was asleep by 10:00pm. Luckily Mitch went over to stay the night at his friends and the rang in the New year with making lot's of noise and confetti. He had a good time.
Mitch has been feeling pretty good lately. He was playing with Matthew yesterday and it is so evident how unflexable he is. We will keep working on his stretches. One thing he did do and I couldn't believe it. He walked in the room with Matthew on his shoulders. I almost panicked but everything looked under control. He let Matthew down on the bed and said "That was hard" I said "You bet it was, that kid is heavy." I told him he must be getting much stronger to be able to do that. Anyway that's all for now,


P.S. A special note to Isaac's family and Cheyenne's family. You guys are in my thoughts everyday. I will never forget your spectacular children.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004 5:00 PM CST

We are back from Spokane, and we had a very nice Christmas. I am glad to be home however. I just wish my family lived a little closer.
Mitch got everything he wanted as far as I could tell for Christmas. He has some money so he's trying to decide what to buy. He said he wanted to buy something for his friend Miranda. I thought that was sweet.


Monday, December 20, 2004 8:50 AM CST

Yesterday we went to see Santa, who arrived on an old Steam Engine train at the train station. It was really cute. Mitch, however, refused to sit on Santa's lap. He said he didn't know what to say. We tried to force him, but it just wasn't working. I guess he is just getting to old for that sort of thing. Matthew sat on Santa's lap and didn't say a word. I think he was terrified. Anyway it was a nice day for the kids. Friday morning we are off to Spokane to spend Christmas, we are all looking forward to it.
Merry Christmas Everyone.


Wednesday, December 15, 2004 3:14 PM CST

Mitch had a very nice birthday party last weekend, even though most of the family was sick with colds. His real birthday isn't until Dec. 23rd, but we always have his party a little early to get it further away from Christmas.

We are going to Spokane to spend time with my family for Christmas and I am really looking forward to it. Mitch is too. He keeps bugging me to tell him if there really is a Santa or not. He says he is starting to think maybe there's not. I told him I think Santa is as real as you think he is, and he's magic. I think Mitch may possibly be the last 5th grader to still somewhat believe in Santa, so I just want him to have one more Christmas of the magic of believing. After this Christmas I don't think we will be able to keep the truth from him much longer.


God Bless all you parents out there suffering through these holiday's without you precious children. I hope you have some peace and happiness this Christmas.

Monday, December 6, 2004 10:41 AM CST

Yesterday Mitch went to play with Isaac's little brother Lucas for a while. He had a good time. He really likes Lucas. He really liked Isaac too. He has been bugging me since the last time he saw Lucas to play with him again, but they went to London for 2 weeks. So when they got back Mitch made sure I called to see if Lucas could play. Luckily he could. Melanie (Isaac's mom) and I had a nice visit also.

Next week is Mitch's birthday party and he is counting down the days. Today he is not feeling well and has a little headache, so he's going to stay home from school and hopefully he'll be fine tomorrow, or at least by this weekend.


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 12:43 AM CST

MRI results are back and I am so relieved.

No evidence of recurrent or residual tumor.

Thank you God once again.


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 4:21 PM CST

Mitch's MRI was today, we haven't got the official radiology report back yet but we went to see his oncologist right after and he looked it up on the computer. He said he didn't see any big obvious changes, so he thought that was good. A normal person would take this as good news, but as many of you know I am not normal. So, my first thought is, no "big" changes, does this mean there are some small changes? And in the past he has been alot more sure of himself when telling me it looks good and there are no changes. This time he sounded a little different. Could it just be his mood? Who knows, but I will tell you this, I'm sure I will spend the next 24 to 48 hours stewing on it. Hopefully I will get the official report tomorrow so I can put my mind at ease. Until then, just call me paranoid.


Monday, November 29, 2004 9:00 AM CST

MRI day is tomorrow. I can't wait to get it over with. I always get a little freaked out around MRI time.
Mitch is doing well, so I am confident that the MRI will be fine. I will update as soon as I get the results.


Friday, November 26, 2004 8:42 AM CST

We had a nice Thanksgiving. We ended up with a change in plans at the last minute, because the night before Matthew started throwing up. He threw up about 3 times, so the next morning I called Genise to tell her that Matthew was sick and it was up to her if she wanted to expose her child to Matthews germs and she chose not to. (I don't blame her) So we went to Davids sisters instead, which was probably a good thing, because they had a ton of food and nobody coming over. I brought my stuffing and a pie. I am still full. Mitch ate alot, because he said Jenny's mashed potatoes were super good. Matthew stopped throwing up, thank goodness, but he sure didn't eat much.
Now it's time to get ready for Mitch's birthday and Christmas. Mitch is anxiouse, he has something he really wants for his game boy and says he just can't wait until his birthday. Bummer.


Monday, November 22, 2004 9:12 AM CST

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. The Holiday's always make me wish I lived closer to my family. We are about 380 miles apart. It's not that far, but enough to make it difficult to get together as often as I would like.

Mitch is doing pretty darn good, he's been slacking off on doing his exercises so I am going to have to get after him again, because it really does make a difference. He has an MRI scheduled for next week, I have my fingers crossed for another good result.

This Thanksgiving I am so thankful for how lucky we are and all the blessings we have been given. My heart goes out to those I have met with not as much to be Thankful for. I'm not sure how you can be Thankful for anything after you have lost a child. There are so many kids that have gone to heaven this year and my heart and prayers truly go out to their parents. God Bless.


Friday, November 19, 2004 12:12 AM CST

All is well at the Hinckle home. Mitch is doing good, I think we have the bus situation handled. I talked to the school and the bus driver and the kid who was bugging Mitch has been told to stop. He agreed that he would, so we will see.
I have been very busy at work and that is good because it takes my mind off of worrying about brain tumor stuff. I feel like lately I need some relief from the brain tumor world. Not that that's really possible, but my mind can take a short rest from it hopefully. I continue to pray for all the kids and families out there dealing with this struggle.


Monday, November 15, 2004 3:16 PM CST

Mitch told me last night that there is a kid that has been harassing him on the school bus. This is the same kid Mitch had troubles with last year, and what really gets me is this kid was kind of friends with Mitch before and shortly after his brain surgery, so he knows all that Mitch has been through. Anyway he has been teasing Mitch on the bus and trying to get the other kids to do the same. Mitch says he just ignores them but asked if he could quit riding the bus. I told him, we need to do something a little more permenent to solve this problem. So I called Mitch's school and the transportation people. They have all assured me that they will take care of it and will not stand for that kind of behavior. They all have a special place in their heart for Mitch and have been very supportive of everything. So I am sure it will be handled properly. If it doesn't stop, I do know where this kid lives and I will go have a chat with his parents. We'll see what Mitch has to say after his bus ride home today.


Sunday, November 14, 2004 9:21 AM CST

Mitch is doing well, I have been trying hard not to smother him, after the loss of so many kids lately, I've just wanted to be with him all the time. Mitch, however, would much rather go to a friends house and hang out. Friday night he stayed the night with his friend Edison and last night they came over here to stay. I like it much better when they are here. MRI is scheduled for the end of the month. Pray for another good one.


Monday, November 8, 2004 9:02 AM CST

Last night Matthew was on the couch and Mitch was sitting on the floor in front of the couch and I guess Matthew decided to kick Mitch in the back of the head. Matthew got in big trouble and Mitch cried for about 1/2 hour. He is pretty sensitive in the back of his head so I'm sure it really hurt. We made Matthew tell Mitch he was sorry, so he did and then he said "I wuv Mitch." So I told him if you love Mitch you have to be nice to him. So he said "O.K." He is so darned cute it's hard to be too mad at him. Although Mitch has no problems being very mad at him..

Friday, November 5, 2004 7:23 AM CST

I finally got the guts up to tell Mitch about Cheyenne. He just looked so sad when I told him. Just like when I told him about Isaac. I have no idea what his real deep thoughts are about it but I'm sure he has many. I was sure to tell him Cheyenne had a different tumor than him and it was the same one Isaac had, and now they are both in heaven. He just stood there looking at me, so instead of crying I said "Hey, can I have a piece of your Halloween candy." and that was that.


Wednesday, November 3, 2004 5:21 PM CST

Well, I'm still feeling down in the dumps and completely terrified about Mitch's future. In a way I think it's silly, but in a way it's not silly at all. My husband asked me why I was scared because Mitch has beat this thing. I told him how the hell do you know? We are not out of the woods yet. Look at all these kids whose tumors come back. Who's to say Mitch's won't? It's only been just over a year. 5 years tumor free is the magic number for being maybe cured. If there is such a thing.

I had one friend tell me she was praying for the election, and I bit her head off telling her "Why don't you pray for something worthwhile, like kids who are dying from cancer or something, God is a little too busy to worry about the stupid election." Sorry Jennifer. Then I have another friend calling me up crying about her breakup with her husband that has been going on for about 2 years and I snapped at her that she needed to buck up and be glad she doesn't have some real problems like the death of a child. Sorry Kelly. I feel like I am ready to snap at anybody these days. And God help my husband if he says the wrong thing again.

Like I said in my last journal I haven't wanted to let Mitch out of my site. I even went as far as to talk him out of going to outdoor school, because I couldn't bear to have him away for 3 whole days. (Although, I do think it would have been hard for him), but the real reason is I just simply didn't want him to go!! I have been hugging him way too much lately and quit frankly I think he's getting sick of it. I have been doing the same to Matthew but he doesn't mind. Like I said I need to get a grip, this is not how I want to be. I feel like there is this unending pit in my stomach whenever I think about the kids who have died and the future of my son.

Tuesday, November 2, 2004 8:11 AM CST

It seems as though almost every kid I started out following on caringbridge has passed away. This is so depressing to me and once again I am in a phase of overwhelming fear of losing my own child. Even though he is doing well and his last MRI was great, I fear the worst (relapse). I know it's because another child has died, it just brings it out in me, but sometimes it is so overwhelming I just don't want to let Mitch out of my site. I don't want him to leave for school, I don't want him to leave my side. How stupid is that? Poor kid, he has know idea what a freak his mother is. I need to get a grip, this is no way to live. I just wish someone could guarentee me that he is going to survive this. I wish I had a crystal ball to look into the future so I could quit worring.

Please as always remember Isaac's family in your prayers and our newest angel Cheyenne's family as well.


Saturday, October 30, 2004 12:47 AM CDT

I am very sad to announce that Cheyenne Fiveash lost her battle with fighting this horrible disease last night. I am sure her parents are beside themselves with grief, so if everyone could just say a little prayer for them.
I also know Isaac's parents are having a hard time lately with the first Halloween coming up without their beautiful son. There is just so much sadness around, it's hard to be happy. It really makes you think about the big picture of life.


Monday, October 25, 2004 9:58 AM CDT

Matthew had a wonderful bithday. We had a little party at McDonalds and he had a blast playing in the play land. He got lot's of cool new toys and as you can see by the above picture, I think Mitch and Miranda had as much fun with his stuff as he did.
Today is my parent-teacher conference with Mitch's teacher. I know she thinks he's great so I'm sure there will be no suprises. The first week of November is outdoor school and I'm a little nervouse about Mitch going. I just hope he doesn't get to tired out.
I noticed while I was browsing through caringbridge sites that there are alot of kids out there in need of prayers. I don't have links to all of them, but I have a link to Cheyenne's site and her site links alot of them. She is also in need of prayers herself. Please stop by and offer some words of encouragement. Love to all,


Saturday, October 23, 2004 9:33 AM CDT

Today is little brothers (Matthew's) birthday. He is 3 years old. I just can't believe it. He was just over 1 year when Mitch was diagnosed. I spent many nights away from him that I can never get back, but I had no choice. Thank God for Grandma's.
Mitch is doing well and working daily on doing stretches and exercises to try to get more flexible. That's all for now, got to get ready for Matthew's birthday party.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:33 AM CDT

I went to a meeting at Mitch's school on Monday to talk with his therapists. They are very concerned about his range of motion, and his flexibility. I am too. I guess I just figured when he got done with chemo, everything would get better, but it's just not happening. He is very stiff and tight. We are going to start doing some stretches and things at home to try to help. I don't know if it will get better or not, but I sure hope it will. I know some of the chemo damage is permenant and it just makes me sick that we will never really know if it was a totally necessary thing for him to go through. The damage that has been done almost worse than the damage from brain surgery. Well, I guess it does no good to dwell on it. What's done is done, and now it's time to look to the future and what we can do to improve things today.


Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:41 AM CDT

We all went to the pumpkin patch yesterday and had a great time. We went through the corn field maze and it took quite a while to find our way out. Mitch was so tired by the end that David had to give him a piggy back ride to get him out. The problem with giving Mitch a piggy back ride is his legs are so sensitive and stiff that he can't just jump on your back like a regular kid. It's like a major ordeal to get his legs apart enough to hold on. Anyway, we made it out and Mitch just wanted to go home after that. Well, too bad, we hadn't picked out our pumpkins yet. He didn't care about that at all, but we forced him to. Needless to say, we didn't spend a whole lot of time picking out our pumpkins.


Friday, October 15, 2004 10:26 AM CDT

Mitch has decided to quit band. It just wasn't for him and I am not a bit suprised.
This weekend if it's not too rainy we are going to try to go to a pumpkin patch. Mitch is doing well, and we are cutting down his migraine meds again, hoping to eventually stop them all together, we will see.


Tuesday, October 12, 2004 9:16 AM CDT

Last week Mitch's band teacher told him that he thinks he would be better playing the trombone than the trumpet. He told him to tell his mom to switch instruments to a trombone. Something about his face structure. What a bunch of bull. I asked Mitch how many kids were playing the trombone and he said none. O.K. so they need some trombone players, but Mitch doesn't want to play the trombone. He can barely carry the trumpet case, let alone a trombone. He just now started making the trumpet sound o.k. and I think he deserves a chance rather than switching intruments on him. He also thinks band is very inconvenient and will probably not last long, so do I really want to go through the trouble of going to the music store and switching intruments for a kid who probably isn't going to stick with it anyway?? No, I do not.

Mitch is feeling pretty darn good these days. He still has very sensitive skin, I went to tickle him yesterday and he freaked out. Let's just say it didn't tickle. I told him I was so sorry, I just forget how sensitive he is. He is still enjoying school and seems to be handling the full days just fine. Take care everyone.


Saturday, October 9, 2004 2:52 PM CDT

Today I had to drag myself into work after about a whole 2 hours sleep last night. My other son "Matthew" was sick. He is almost 3 and he was soooo sick. He was caughing, sneezing, sniffing,wheezing, and of course crying all night long. David is home with him today and I sure hope they are doing o.k. If it were any other day other than a Saturday I would of called in sick, but on Saturdays, it is just unheard of to call in sick becasue there is no one to take your place. I work the fronT office of a dental clinic. But let me tell you I was tempted. I don't think I've ever been this tired, oh I take that back, when Matthew was an infant I was probably this tired, "BUT I DIDN'T HAVE TO WORK"
Mitch is home with dad today too, so I'm sure he's bored out of his mind. He always wants to be at a friends house on the weekends, but this weekend nobody was available.
That's all for now....


Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:40 AM CDT

Nothing new is happening on the mountain lately. We will be keeping our eye on it though.
Mitch is already growing tired of the trumpet. He hates carrying it and he has to leave recess 10 minutes early to get to band class. I told him he has to stick it out the rest of the month, because I didn't rent that trumpet for nothing. He also is going to be going to outdoor school the first part of November for 3 days and 2 nights. It will be fun for him. He's been feeling pretty darn good lately too.


Sunday, October 3, 2004 8:08 PM CDT

We've been waiting around all weekend for the mountain (St. Helens) to do something more, but it hasn't happened yet. We have a perfect place right down the road to see the mountain so if it blow's we can watch it. It would be really cool to see, I mean I saw it once in 1980, but I was only 12 years old then.
I just hope if it does blow, we don't have alot of problems with ash. The are saying to avoid driving in case of ash because it could mess up your engine. I guess that would be a good excuse not to go to work. Now that would be great. (Ha-ha)
Mitch is doing well, he spent the night at a friends house last night and now he has another friend over today to play with him. He told me he had a little headache this morning, but id didn't amount to anything. He has an appointment with Izetta tomorrow (the children's cancer counselor) and he is looking forward to that. He loves to go see her. Anyway I will update if and when the mountain blows.


Thursday, September 30, 2004 7:31 AM CDT

Update: Oct. 1 2004

Our Mountain (Mt. St. Helens) put out a little burp today. It wasn't much, but kind of cool to watch. The future of the mountain remains to be seen.......

Mitch's P.E. teacher called me yesterday to tell me that he just does not feel comfortable having Mitch doing regular P.E. Last year Mitch didn't do regular P.E., but we thought maybe this year he could. I guess not. So our plan is to have Mitch be the P.E. teachers helper, he get's to blow the whistle and do some other cool stuff.

The other day I got together for coffee with Melanie (Isaac's mom) and it really got me thinking about all that they have been through, and all that we have been through, and all that so many others have been through. I wonder if any good can come out of it all. Maybe. But, really, I think it is all just extreamly crappy.

I put up the picture of Mitch from 2003, because I was remembering back to those days of being in the hospital. It seems like a lifetime ago in one way and in another it's like it was yesterday. Does that make any sense at all?? Anyway, he has sure come along way since then, but it's like he's a totally different kid now. Part of me misses the old Mitch that he used to be, and I know he will never be back. The other part is just so damn grateful to have my son alive. I remember during surgery, I prayed for him to live, I didn't care if he was brain damaged, or paralized or whatever else, I just wanted him to live. Well, he did. Thank God. O.k. I am rambling now. I think I will sign off.


Monday, September 27, 2004 8:46 PM CDT

Well Mitch has decided on an instrument. He is going to give the trumpet a try. So far it's pretty funny watching him try to get some noise out of that thing. Tomorrow is his first day of band class, so I hope he likes it.
He went on a field trip with his class today to some camp, so he is one tired boy tonight. He doesn't do too well walking for long periods of time.
Little brother Matthew is finally potty trained, so that is a very good thing. Big savings on diapers. Well, that's it for now.


Friday, September 24, 2004 3:37 PM CDT

Tomorrow will are going to the music store to decide which instrument Mitch will be playing in the school band. And then it's off to his best buddy Miranda's birthday party. It should be fun for him.
Miranda had some birthday money and already spent it and she decided to buy Mitch a coulpe of presents, just because she loves him so much..She's going to give him his gifts tomorrow at the party.
To conclude, Mitch is well, and all is well at the Hinckle home. Knock on wood.

Please remember all the other kids out there who are not doing as well as Mitch, there are so many.
And Please remeber all the parents who are trying to cope with life after losing their beautiful children to this terrible disease.


Monday, September 20, 2004 7:30 PM CDT

Mitch is still enjoying school. He is wanting to join the school band, so were are deciding on an instrument. We are going to the music store Sat. to try some out. Probably a trumpet or a trombone. I'm not sure how musical Mitch is but I guess we will find out. I was always in the school band and I loved it, hopefully he will too.

There is nothing new medically going on with him. He has all the same old issues-(balance, coordination, and speech) He started his physical therapy at school again, so that's good.


Please remember Cheyenne, Ryan, Emerald and Isaac's family in your prayers.

Monday, September 13, 2004 10:13 AM CDT

Mitch is still enjoying school. He is doing good, and feeling good.
Which brings me to my "What the hell is wrong with me?" question. I found myself looking into the future the other day, on what Mitch would be doing in highschool, and a pit in my stomach overwhelmed me. I thought well, that will probably be about the time his tumor will come back. I keep going over the words of his oncologist, that it would be unlikely for it never to come back. I hate him for saying that, because maybe it never will and I will spend the rest of Mitch's life worrying about it. Anyway off of that subject, I better go and get Mitch up for school.


Don't forget some extra prayers for Cheyenne, and don't forget Isaac's family.

Wednesday, September 8, 2004 7:37 AM CDT

Well, Mitch loved his first day of school. He said "I can't wait to go back to school." I said "your kidding?" and he said "No, it was so much fun and it went by really fast." So I guess that means he really enjoyed it. I am so glad. He also said "I bet I will do better in physical therapy this year." and I told him of course you will, because you just keep getting stronger and the longer you go without chemo, the better you'll feel. Then he had to show me his muscles. He actually has some now.


Monday, September 6, 2004 8:12 PM CDT

We spent the weekend on the river on our new boat. It was pretty cool. I never stayed the night on a boat before and even when I got home I felt like I was still rocking back and forth. The kids had fun. We brought our portable DVD player and they watched movies, we fished, and there were 3 other boats that we were with and we all just visited and had a good time.
School starts tomorrow, Mitch isn't very excited about it, but hopefully he'll like it anyway. Please remember Isaac's family in your prayers as they start the school year without their beautiful son. And remember Cheyenne in your prayers also.


Wednesday, September 1, 2004 11:49 AM CDT

Mitch's MRI report is in.................
drumroll please....................

Stable postoperative appearance of the brain without evidence of recurrent tumor!!!

Our prayers have once again been answered.


Monday, August 30, 2004 8:03 PM CDT

MRI Day is tomorrow...
The Dr.s aren't in that day, so we won't be able to get results until the next day.
We are praying for a clear scan just as the last 3 have been. Mitch is doing well, his legs still hurt off and on and he still has a lot of balance problems. But school starts next week and he'll be all ready to go.

Please pray for all the other children out there who are in need.


Thursday, August 26, 2004 5:57 PM CDT

Well, MRI time is coming again. Next Tuesday. I'm am sure everything will be fine, but my fear is starting to raise it's ugly head. The what if's:

What if Mitch's tumor comes back?
What if the cells were left in the brainstem start growing?
What if he has to go on chemo again?
What if this nightmare gets worse instead of better?
What if he needed another surgery?
What if there is no beating this cancer?
What if I lost my beautiful son?

I guess this is my new life, a life full of "what if's." Maybe I'll get used to it, but I doubt it.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 8:59 AM CDT

I really don't have much to write these days when Mitch is doing so well.
Have you ever heard of a thing called survivors guilt. I guess that's what you call what I have, since Isaac died, I just can't understand why we are so lucky and he wasn't. It's so unfair. I am so grateful and happy that Mitch is doing so well, but then I think about Isaac's family and what they are going through and I almost feel guilty. Wierd huh.
Anyway those are my thoughts for today.


Friday, August 20, 2004 4:33 PM CDT

The above picture is of Mitch and his best buddy Miranda.

Mitch still doing well, getting geared up to go to school again in a couple of weeks. He will be in the 5th grade this year at his same elementary school. Next year (middle school) we are going to look into some sort of homeschool program, since I think the kids would not treat him very well, and he's been through enough in his life he doesn't need to be teased also. I feel confident this is the right decision for him. He thinks it's a good idea too. My husband however, is not so sure. I'm sure he'll see it my way soon. (Ha)
Take care everyone.............


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 4:20 PM CDT

We are home !! I love vacations, but not as much as I love coming home. I love sleeping in my own bed and just being able to relax. Ha, that is a joke, I have been doing laundry and cleaning since we got here.

Mitch had an appt. with the neurologist today, and we are going to keep using the medications he is on for his migraines for another 6 months and then start weening him off. He has gained 1 lb. so that is a step in the right direction. He has an MRI scheduled for the end of this month so if everyone could say a prayer for a good result that would be great.

Please keep all the other caringbridge kids in you prayers also, especially Isaac's family, Cheyenne, Ryan and Emerald.


Sunday, August 15, 2004 5:36 PM CDT

We are not offically back from our vacation yet. We came into Spokane from the lake and are going to head home tomorrow. We had a great time with my family this week, and had lots of sunshine, boating, swimming and camp fires.
Mitch had a scare in the water one day. He has always been such an excellent swimmer, but since surgery he has just lost his confidence and doesn't like swimming where he can't touch. He was out by some boundary ropes where he could almost touch but not quite, and the kids were all playing on the rope, and someone stood on it and sunk the rope down, and Mitch went down with it. When he came up for air he was completely freaked out. He was screaming "Mom, help" So of course I jumped up and with my cover up and all jumped off the dock to help him, some other people got to him before I did and helped him. When I got to him he was crying and very scared. He said he never wanted to swim again, but by later that night he was back in the water.

Check out the new photo's in the photo album


Thursday, August 5, 2004 7:21 AM CDT

We are going on a much needed vacation this weekend to beautiful Priest Lake Idaho to spend a week with my family. I am looking forward to it. David isn't going, because his vacation time at work is all used up, so I am driving the kids and we are taking an extra kid, Mitch's best buddy Miranda.
Mitch is doing well. He has an MRI scheduled at the end of this month, and another appt. with the neurologist right when we get back. I am happy to say, the medications he is on seem to be helping with his migraines.

Please remember Isaac's family in your daily prayers.


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 9:09 AM CDT

Yesterday was the memorial service for Isaac. It was a very beautiful tribute to a very beautiful little boy. There were alot of children there and the kids all handled it very well. Gary and Melanie showed tremendous courage.
No one should ever have to have a memorial for their 8 year old. It's just not right. There were bag pipes playing at the end and a release of balloons up into the heavens. Very emotional. I don't think it's anything I will ever forget. Please say an extra prayer for Gary and Melanie that they find some comfort and peace to go on with the rest of their lives.

Sunday, August 1, 2004 8:29 PM CDT

Mitch is doing well. He had a short lived episode on Friday. He woke up in the middle of the night to throw up and then slept half the day away. When he woke up he had a headache. I gave him his meds plus a tylenol and he was fine about 45 minutes later. And that was it. So if thats as bad as it get's I'll take it. Hopefully his meds will keep these episodes in check.

Tomorrow is the memorial service of Isaac Tropple. From talking to Melanie, it sounds like it's going to be a wonderful tribute to him. Mitch was a little worried about going because he thought it would be soooo sad, but after I told him that it's going to be a celebration of Isaac's life and there will be games and ice cream he decided he would go. I think no matter what it will be sad because of why we're there, but I would love to be part of anything that will honor Isaac.


Wednesday, July 28, 2004 1:01 PM CDT

Mitch has been doing better lately. No fevers or headaches, and he is starting to pick up a little more energy. We have decided that next year (5th grade) he will go back to his elementary school, but for the following year (middle school) we are going to be checking into some type of home schooling situation for him. I just don't think he can handle a new school with all the class changes and I am very afraid kids will harass and tease him. He doesn't need that after all he's been through. He is not a very social kid anyway, so I don't feel he'll be missing out on that and we will find some other ways to have him be with other kids.

Monday we will be attending the memorial service for Isaac. Please keep his family in your prayers as they try to adapt to a life without their beautiful son.


Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:58 AM CDT

Mitch is doing well, no fevers or headache's lately.

Monday we will be attending the memorial service for Isaac. Please remember his family in your prayers as they try to adapt to a life without their beautiful son.


Sunday, July 25, 2004 9:05 AM CDT

As I sit down to write about how Mitch is doing, all I can think about is sweet little Isaac who is now flying free in heaven. Every morning when I wake up I think about Isaac's mom (Melanie), and how it must feel to wake up without your beautiful son. I can only imagine the empty pit that she must have. I had the pleasure of getting to know Isaac a little bit and he was such a sweet boy. He reminded me alot of Mitch. I just can't believe how unfair and cruel this life is. How are people suppose to carry on after such a loss. It's just too much. The only way I can think of it with any justice, is that this life is just a brief period like a blink of an eye, and it really begins when we all go to live in paradise with all of the ones we really love and have eternal happiness.

Besides that Mitch is doing o.k. now, his fever is gone again. He isn't eating very well, and he still has alot of pain in his legs. But he's doing o.k.


Friday, July 23, 2004 7:34 AM CDT

I just learned that Isaac passed on into God's loving arms last night. Words can't express my broken heart. Please remember his family in your prayers as they try to get through this.

Well, Mitch's fever is back! He had a fever on Mon, and Tues. then it went away and Wed, and Thurs, he was feeling much better. Well Thursday night he started getting the chills so I took his temp. and sure enough 101.5 This seems very odd to me, and really I can't deal with another mystery illness with this child. It is lately just one thing after another. So again I will call the Dr. and ask what to do. I worry so much that there is something going on with him that they aren't checking and it's one day just going to blow up in our faces. Since he has been off chemo he has actually declined instead of getting better. Very frustrating. But to put it into prespective, there are kids out there with much bigger problems and please keep them in your prayers.


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 3:07 PM CDT

Mitch is feeling better. His fever is down and he has a little more energy. He still has alot of pain in his legs however. I sure hope that gets better with time, he really struggles to walk, especially when he first gets up. Through it all he still has a great attitude towards life and is such a trooper. I tell him as often as I can remember how proud we are of him and what a great kid he is. I also tell him every night that I love him and the other night he asked me how long I was going to tell him that every single night, so I said, "forever" and asked him if he had a problem with that, he just laughed and said "not really."

As always remember all the other sick kids out there in your prayers, especially Isaac, Cheyenne, Ryan and Emerald to name a few.


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 1:23 PM CDT

Mitch is feeling a little bit better now, his fever has gone down and he wants to play video games again. That's when you know he's really sick, when he doesn't even want to play his games. He still has alot of leg pains in his thigh area and I don't know if that will ever get any better, hopefully when he builds up some muscles it will help.
Please remember Isaac, Cheyenne, Ryan and Emerald and all the other sick kids in your prayers. There are just too many of them


Tuesday, July 20, 2004 11:03 AM CDT

Mitch started running a fever yesterday, and he is one sick little boy. I have an appt. to take him to the Dr. this afternoon. He probably just has a virus, but who knows. His legs are hurting so bad he can hardly walk. He has been sleeping for about 20 hours now. Hopefully it's short lived and he'll be better soon.


Monday, July 19, 2004 8:37 AM CDT

Mitch is still doing pretty darn good. He has not had a headache in almost 2 weeks. His biggest problem lately, and for a while now is that his legs hurt. Mostly in his thigh area. I'm sure this is from the chemo, and I hope it goes away, some side effects can be permenent and I hope this isn't one of them. He walks like a 90 year old man. It's pretty sad. I am also going to be looking into acupuncture to see if that might be helpful.

Please remember Isaac, Cheyenne, Ryan and Emerald in your prayers.


Wednesday, July 14, 2004 2:11 PM CDT

Mitch seems to be feeling pretty good. He has had more energy in the last 2 days than I have seen him have in months. He has been doing alot of swimming, which is great for him to build up his muscles again, and he has been eating pretty good. This could be that the periactin is working to stimulate his appitite.
His balance has not been good however, and I'm not really sure why. He also has alot of pain whenever he is touched too hard. And this doesn't take much, let me tell you. His skin is extreamly sensative. One little touch and he's in tears. It's really wierd. I hope that goes away, it may be an after effect of the chemo. He also has very weak legs, this is definately from the chemo..

Please remember Isaac and his family in your prayers, also Cheyenne, Ryan and Emerald.


Monday, July 12, 2004 8:57 AM CDT

Mitch is doing pretty well, he hasn't had a headache in a few days and has been eating a little better. Let's hope this new medication does the trick. I am also going to look into acupuncture for him. That might be a nice alternative.

Please remember Isaac in your prayers as it seems his is nearing the end of his journey. His mom says he is no longer able to speak. That just breaks my heart. We have had the pleasure of getting to know Isaac a little bit over the last few months and he is one special kid.


Friday, July 9, 2004 11:11 AM CDT

Mitch saw the neurologist yesterday and we finally got a diagnosis. They are calling this a basilar migraine. It's a migraine that originates near the brain stem, actually caused by a spasm of the basil artery. Anyway I have been reading up on it and alot of the wierd symptoms Mitch has been having seem to fit with the symptoms of a basiar migraine. We were given a new med. to add to the one he is already on, and hopefully it will help prevent the frequency of these. Today he is feeling pretty good.

Please remember Isaac, Cheyenne, and Ryan in your prayers


Wednesday, July 7, 2004 9:22 PM CDT

Mitch finally got an appointment with the neurologist tomorrow at 3:00pm. I guess all my nagging finally payed off. Mitch is still having problems. He is weak and he is having a hard time getting his thoughts out. I decided to ask him if he could say his ABC's and he could only get to E and then would start over. This happened several times. I asked him to count backwards from 10 and he couldn't do that either, he would start at 10 and then go to 11. I don't know if this is migraine related or what. He also told me tonight that he couldn't see out of part of his eye, it is like a black spot. I have no idea what that's all about, but it reminds me of before he was diagnosed with his tumor he complained about something similar. However, now he has no tumor, so what is causing this???????????????
I sure hope the neurologist can offer us some hope of getting him better, but I have a feeling it's going to be alot of trial and error in medications to try to control this. We'll see.

Please remember Isaac, Cheyenne, Ryan, and Emerald in your prayers.


Tuesday, July 6, 2004 9:00 AM CDT

Tues. night update.
Mitch is having problems again. Throwing up, headache, and crying in pain. Migraine I'm sure. I am getting very fed up with waiting for a call from the neurologist to get in sooner than July 20th. I am really at my wits end. I called Mitch's oncologist again, and told him I am very frustrated, and he said he would do everything he could to speed things up with the neurologist. It is quite obviouse that the medication we were given is not working. I feel so bad for Mitch, he had a friend over when his headache came on, so I had to call his friends mom to come get him. He wanted so much to be able to play with his friend, but he just couldn't.

Last night Mitch asked me when he is going to be normal again. I told him I think he's pretty normal right now. He said "No, mom I am not normal." O.k. he has a point. I told him I didn't know. It breaks my heart that he worries about that. I really don't think he'll ever be "normal" but he sure has come a long way and that's good enough for me. The problem is maybe it's not good enough for Mitch. I pray as he get's older he learns to accept his deficits and use what he's been through to help other kids.
Mitch hasn't had a headache for a few days and we are hoping it stays that way. His appointment with the neurologist isn't until July 20th. Alot could happen between now and then.
Please remember Isaac, Cheyenne, Emerald and Ryan in your prayers.


Tuesday, July 6, 2004 9:00 AM CDT

Last night Mitch asked me when he is going to be normal again. I told him I think he's pretty normal right now. He said "No, mom I am not normal." O.k. he has a point. I told him I didn't know. It breaks my heart that he worries about that. I really don't think he'll ever be "normal" but he sure has come a long way and that's good enough for me. The problem is maybe it's not good enough for Mitch. I pray as he get's older he learns to accept his deficits and use what he's been through to help other kids.
Mitch hasn't had a headache for a few days and we are hoping it stays that way. His appointment with the neurologist isn't until July 20th. Alot could happen between now and then.
Please remember Isaac, Cheyenne and Ryan in your prayers.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 8:05 AM CDT

I really wish I knew how to add links to this page.. Can anyone tell me? There are some special kids that I would really like to set up links for, but I just have no idea how. Anyway speaking of special kids, there is Cheyenne who is undergoing a new chemo protocol and it's not going to be easy, so she could use everyone's prayers. And there is Isaac who is the sweetest little guy and is having a tough time with his fight against this terrible tumor. There are some new friends too, Ryan who has a brainstem tumor, and Emerald who has the same type of tumor as Mitch, and Katelin, who lives in the area and has a tumor that is low grade but inoperable. All these kids and more need prayers and people's awareness of this terrible disease. For right now, Isaac and Cheyenne have their links below, but the rest of the kids you can find in our guest book when they have signed they leave their web pages. Thank you.

Mitch seems better. He had a little headache yesterday, but it didn't amount to much. We are still trying to get him to eat more, he is sooooo skinny. We are spending the 4th of July at his friends house and he is so excited about that. It should be a fun day.
Happy 4th of July everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2004 7:07 PM CDT

Mitch had another episode this morning. His babysitter called me in a panic here at work and said Mitch was throwing up and his whole right side was numb. I called the Dr. and rushed home to get him, by the time I got there he was feeling a little better. I called the Dr. back to tell him I thought he was feeling better, so he was actually disappointed that he wasn't having his episode because he was going to send him to the neurologist so he could wittness it. Anyway, his balance was off big time, but his numbness was going away pretty quickly. Now he is feeling good, I actually came back to work for the afternoon.
Please remember all the other caringbridge kids in you prayers, if you stop by to sign the guest book check out some of the other kids sites, alot of them are in alot worse situation than we are and need lots of prayers.

Besides all that we recieved Mitch's report card and he got amazing marks in everything. I am so proud of him. A kid who has the energy level of a slug, can pull of getting better grades than most of the kids I know. He is a true champ.

Paula (Mitch's mom)

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 9:06 AM CDT

Mitch is actually starting to feel better, he hasn't had a headache in 2 full days. Maybe this medication he is on is actually going to work. I can only hope we don't have anymore episodes and he can move on with his recovery.
There are many kids out there that are in need of prayers and good thoughts, I don't know how to put links on this page so I will just have to list a few of them.

Isaac (link at bottom of page)
Cheyenne (link at bottom of page)
Ryan www.caringbridge.org/ky/ryanbrown
Emerald www.caringbridge.org/mi/emeraldisle
Cameron www.caringbridge.org/wa/cameronboyd

These are just to name a few.


Sunday, June 27, 2004 5:46 PM CDT

Mitch is still battling headaches and nausea. Yesterday he threw up about 4 times and had 2 headaches. Today there has been no vomiting, but he has had a couple of headaches. Poor kid. He just wants to be able to play with his friends and have fun, but he can't because he feels like crap all the time. I wish I could do something more for him.


Saturday, June 26, 2004 8:43 AM CDT

Well, I tried to go to work yesterday, but that didn't last long. I got a call from Mitch's babysitter (who is wonderful by the way) that he woke up and is vomiting. So, I told her lets see if it goes away, well then she called me back and he now had a headache and was still vomiting. Anyway, so I called his Dr. and they said bring him in. I don't know why, because they did nothing. We just talked again about how frustrating this is. I could actually accept the migraine thing for yesterdays episode, but I still have a feeling there is somthing more going on. We got home and Mitch was feeling much better, and then out of the blue he vomited again. He said he didn't even know it was coming. I am hoping he is better today. He had lost more weight also and I am getting very concerned about that.


Thursday, June 24, 2004 9:16 AM CDT

I forgot how much I don't like staying up at the hospital. It's just not fun. Mitch continued to improve throughout the day yesterday and they figured there was nothing much they were doing for him there, so they sent us home. He is still not doing great. He can't walk unassisted, his speech is slurred and his eyes are very droopy. He actually fell in the bathroom and hit his head last night. I was right there, but let go of him for a second and that all it took.
O.K. now the frustrating part. They don't know what this is, and are calling it a complex migraine by default that it's nothing else. Like I said, all test came back good. (still waiting for the results of the EEG however). I just dont see how a migraine could cause this much trauma. I mean, I'm no expert, but I do have eyes and can see he has something neuroligical going on. We will be following up with neurology and hopefully we can get to the bottom of this. They did give us Topomax, a new preventative migraine drug, to give him every day. I guess if it happens again, we will know that it's probably not a migraine.
Thanks everyone for all your thoughts and prayers and checking in on us. I thought all our traumatic events were over, but I guess not.


Tuesday, June 22, 2004 9:23 PM CDT

Update Wed. afternoon.
Mitch finally woke up. He is very confused and tired, but at least he's awake and making some communication. He is slowly improving as the day goes on. We are still waiting for the results of the EEG. The neurologist still thinks this is most likely some kind of complex migraine. His oncologist is skeptical of that diagnosis and so am I. But we are not neurologists. His oncologist thinks it's either migraine or some complex siezure. We may not ever know for sure. They are going to send us home, probably tonight if Mitch continues to improve. They are thinking of prescribing Topamax (spelling?) an anti seizure med. that works for migraines in low doses as a preventitive. We'll see. I'm just so glad my baby is back in the real world.

Wed. June 23
Mitch's MRI revealed no new tumors, and no permenant brain damage due to stroke, or a bleed or anything like that. His lumbar punture was good also. He is still however for the most part unresponsive. We will be meeting with the neurologist this morning sometime and going from there. He is also running a temp. now. The Dr. on duty just keeps saying how strange this is. Yes, very strange.

Well, here we are back up at Doernbecher's as in patients. I never thought we'd be doing this again so soon, but we are.
Mitch has something very strange going on. It is very possibly seizures, but they just aren't sure. He has been non-responsive since 1:00pm today, it is now 7:30pm. They gave him some ativan, so he is very sleepy right now. We will be doing an MRI tonight and an EEG sometime either tonight or in the morning.
His episode started out with the arm not working like before, but this time he had no headache. He took a 2 hour nap and woke up crying and acting very strange. He was trying to get off the couch, but had no where to go and couldn't get his body to work right. He has not been able to speak since then also. I kept asking him what was wrong and to give me a sign for yes or no and he just couldn't do it. We brought him up here and he had calmed down, and then it happened again in front of the whole staff, so they said we are definately keeping him. He has been pretty much sleeping since. I am scared but not panicing yet. Hopefully it is something that can be controlled with medication. They are also going to do a lumbar puncture tonight to test for any infection there. I will update as we know more.


Tuesday, June 22, 2004 4:16 PM CDT

We had another episode with Mitch. This time it was his right arm that wasn't working and he didn't have a headache to go with it. He was very upset and crying, and couldn't get his arm to work right. I had him lay down and rest to calm him down and he fell asleep. I am still waiting for him to wake up, but I have a strong feeling when he does his arm will be working again. The other times this happened, it only lasted about 1 hour or so. Very strange. We have confirmed it's not tumor related, since his tumor is gone and there is no reccurance, so what the heck is it?? Who knows. I guess we will keep our appointment with neurology and try to find out.


Monday, June 21, 2004 9:12 AM CDT

Summer has arrived finally! Mitch has been swimming like a little fish. He loves it and it's great exersise for him. He has not had anymore headaches and has been feeling pretty good. I really don't have much to report these days, things are good. I do however want everyone to keep the kids who aren't doing so good in their prayers. Isaac and Cheyenne have both had tumor growth recently and there are many others out there in need of prayers.


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:57 PM CDT

Not much new to report..Mitch hasn't had another headache for a while, he has an appointment at the end of July to see neurology, but if his headache's stop I will cancel that. I am hoping there are no more.
Mitch said he doens't feel any different yet since stopping chemo. He still doesn't have the best appitite, his skin still hurts, and he is very shakey. I am wondering when he will start feeling better??? His skin color looks better though, he doesn't look so gray and pale.


Monday, June 14, 2004 8:33 PM CDT

I just found out there is a special little boy in need of good thoughts and prayers. He is Isaac, he is in the hospital tonight with pneumonia and is having an MRI later to see if his tumor is changing. He is a very special little boy and I am praying for good results from his MRI.


As far as Mitch he has been good, no headaches since last monday, and he is feeling better these days. His color is even looking better to me. It's hard for me to get too happy when I know sweet little Isaac is in the hospital suffering. Take care all,


Thursday, June 10, 2004 11:18 AM CDT

Well Mitch hasn't had a headache since Monday, so that is a good...We are hoping they will not come back. Mitch hasn't gained any weight yet, and he really needs to. He is one skinny boy. He has a field trip at school today and he was looking forward to it so I pray he feels good all day.


Monday, June 7, 2004 4:54 PM CDT

Well, it happened again today, Mitch had a headache and his arm was not working right. So I called Doernbechers and they said bring him in, which I did. They don't want to do any more scans, because we already have done that. His Dr. thinks it's one of 2 things, either migraines or seizures. He is leaning toward migraines. We are going to be referred to a neurologist to see what they think. It is possible it will stop we just don't know. I guess time will tell. In the mean time I am very glad it is not tumor related, but very annoying none the less.


Saturday, June 5, 2004 9:07 AM CDT

Mitch had another bad headache last night. I just can't figure this one out. We took him to emergency last Monday and the CAT scan was fine. His latest MRI was only about 2 weeks ago and it was fine. So why these new headaches?? It is really stressing me out. I guess I will call his Dr. on Monday and tell him he had another one and is there something we should be doing. Other than that he's feeling good. His appitite is slowly returning.


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 1:27 PM CDT

Mitch's Dr. think that his episode the other day was not related to any tumor activity. They think maybe he was having a migraine headache possibly. We are going to see if it happens again and if it keeps happening, we will do further testing. Hopefully it was a 1 time episode...


Tuesday, June 1, 2004 7:17 AM CDT

We spent a fun filled evening at the ER last night. Mitch was feeling kind of crappy the whole day, and then around dinner time he threw up. Nothing too unusual about that, but then he went and laid down and said he had a headache. O.k. no biggy, we've done this before. Well, the headache was getting really bad and he started crying and really making a fuss, and pretty soon he got really scared and said "Mom, my hand isn't working." This is not normal. So, I tried to get him to show me, and sure enough, it just wasn't working right. He couldn't even get his arm in his coat so we could leave to the Emergency room.
Anyway we went up to the closest hospital and they did a CT scan and sent it to OHSU where we usually go, and they said it looked about the same. He also had an MRI 2 weeks ago, so I can't imagine a tumor could grow that fast from nothing. Anyway, his symptoms are now gone. They just kind of faded away as the evening went on. We are going to call his Dr.'s today and see what they think. So much for going on with life and not worring about this tumor stuff anymore.........

Monday, May 31, 2004 8:51 AM CDT

We are still waiting for Mitch to start eating more and feeling better. He said he thinks food is starting to taste better so hopefully soon he will be eating more. I can not wait for this kid to put some weight on. He is generally feeling pretty good, not as tired as he usually is, so that is good. Today is memerial day and we have no plans. Mitch has been playing with friends all weekend, so today he gets to hang out with the family.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 7:44 PM CDT

Hallalujah--Mitch's MRI appeared unchanged since the last one. We haven't got the official report, but the Dr. said he's pretty confident that it's unchanged. He also said he was optomistic about Mitch's future. I feel so much better. We don't have to go back there for 3 months, so we can somewhat be like normal people. How weird.
Mitch did however throw up right as we got out of the elevator, and the reason for his little headaches is unknown. But as long it's not tumor related I'm more than happy....


Monday, May 24, 2004 9:08 AM CDT

Mitch has been feeling pretty good lately. He had a boring weekend because all of his friends had other plans, so he was stuck hanging with the family. I enjoyed having him all to ourselves. Him and his dad went and bought some new video games, so they spent alot of time playing those together.
Mitch has an appt. to see his counselor today, which is probably good since his little breakdown last week, and he has his MRI tomorrow. I am nervous about this MRI, I just want to get it over with so we can go on for a few months with no Dr. appt's., and I was going to say no worries, but I know that won't happen because I'll worry anyway.


Friday, May 21, 2004 4:55 PM CDT

1 year after diagnosis, I finally got copies of Mitch's official pathology report. (Thanks Melanie) Our conversation reminded me to get them. Any way I was a little suprised by what I read. I have always thought Mitch's tumor was an oligodendroglioma and they only called it a mixed glioma because of the location. But accourding to the pathology report it is not certain that it's oligo at all, and it could be a variant of JPA. Here's how pathology reads:
The morphology of this tumor differs from the typical childhood cerebellar juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma (JPA) in several ways. The tumor is infiltrative and contains entrapped neurons (Neun positive), presumably from the deep cerebellar nuclei. The predominant morphology is oligodendroglioma-like. The minor astrocytic component is diffuse, not pilocytic. While oligodendroglioma-like areas are often focally present in JPA's, it is rarely this prominent, especially in large excisions such as this one. There is minimal nuclear atypia, mitosis are not seen, and the Ki-67 proliferative index is extremely low. However, in other locations, this tumor might be classified as grade II. There is some controversy about the prognostic significance of diffuse gliomas of the cerebellum. Some believe they have worse prognosis, others believe this is true only if they are cytologically high grade. Immunostains for GFAO and S-100 are both diffusely positive, but do not aid significantly in addressing the issue of wether this tumor is a JPA variant or not.

O.k. So this is not helping in my research on wether this tumor is likely to reccur. First of all I don't think they know what type of tumor this is. Well, I guess we'll just pray it never comes back and then we won't have to worry about it.................By they way Mitch is feeling pretty good lately.


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:14 AM CDT

Well Mitch had a little breakdown yesterday. He was in his bedroom playing video games and he was getting very upset at the game, and he was yelling at the game. I thought I heard a bad word in there somewhere, so I said "Mitch, what did you just say." Well, that started him off crying. He said he doesn't like being accused of saying bad words, I told him I just asked what he said. He cried for about an hour. I'm sure there is alot more too his crying than me asking what he said. At first he wanted to be left alone, and then I went in later and gave him a hug and he just hugged me and cried. I felt so bad for him, but I also think it was good for him to vent a little. He goes to see his cancer counselor next week so maybe he can get some things off his chest.
He has an MRI scheduled for next week. Please pray for good results.


Monday, May 17, 2004 11:09 AM CDT

Well Mitch's "No more chemo" party was a success. Even though the weather was not great the kids had fun anyway and a couple of them even got in the pool (crazy). It was very nice to have everyone gathered around celebrating Mitch being done with his treatment. Now it's just a waiting game for when he really starts to feel better. Thank you everyone for coming.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 7:14 AM CDT

O.K. he made it. He is done with chemo, and just in the nick of time too. His weight is at an all time low and his platlets were lower than ever too. He is just so glad to be done. It was really wierd leaving there without making a follow up appt.
However instead of being filled with happiness, I spent most of yesterday being annoyed and angry. First of all I couldn't find a parking spot when we got there, and that really annoys me, and then when we asked if Mitch could get some numbing cream for his injection, the nurse who did it acted very annoyed that Mitch doesn't have a port. Well, I told her this is his last time and she said something like oh that's good for us too. (Excuse me, I'm sorry if we've inconvienced you). Then later when the Dr. was in the room we were talking about getting Mitch's weight back up and he was saying something about endocrine levels after radiation, so I said Mitch didn't have radiation. He said Oh that's right we went straight into chemo. He said something about steroids also, so I told him Mitch only had steroids for a short period in the hospital after surgery. (Oh yeah, that's right.) I am starting to get the feeling noone has taken much of a personal interest in Mitch. I know they have alot of kids to treat up there, but my God, can we get our stories straight before we talk to the parents. Like I said I am annoyed and angry. I also can't get any answers about the likely hood of his tumor coming back, because all they give me are statistics of any low grade glioma, they don't know diddly squat about oligodendroglioma's. I guess I will just continue to research it on my own.
Anyway don't get me wrong, I am grateful for the care Mitch recieved over the last year, and I am so grateful to be done and please pray that Mitch is done forever with treatments.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004 11:46 AM CDT

Today we go in for Mitch's last chemo treatment. What a thrill. I just pray we never have to do it again. We are having a big party for him this weekend to celebrate.
May 14th is also the year anniversary of his diagnosis. It has been a long year. My husband thinks it has gone by really fast, but to me it seems like it's been several years. Of course he's not the one who has to take Mitch to all his appointments and deal with all the hassles that go along with that. That has all been on me. And I must say I am glad it's going to be over. What will I do not having to go up to Doernbecher's children's hospital every 2 weeks. Well I guess I'll find something much more fun to do with all that spare time. Please pray for all the other caringbridge kids that they can also be done with treatment soon and go on with their lives.

Sunday, May 9, 2004 9:44 AM CDT

Today is Mothers Day, we don't have any big plans. Mitch made me something that he hasn't given me yet and Matthew's day care had him make me a little brownie that he frosted himself. It was messy but good.
Tuesday is Mitch's last day of chemo, we are so happy about that. I pray every day that we don't have to go through this again and that he can beat this tumor and move on with his life.


Saturday, May 8, 2004 11:46 PM CDT

Today I found out about yet another caringbridge kid who has passed on and became an angel. Her name is Maddie and her site is www.caringbridge.org/mn/maddie
This is just becoming overwhelming for me, there are just too many kids that I have encountered over this last year who have lost their fight with this terrible thing called cancer. I breaks my heart in so many ways. It also makes me lose hope that my own son will survive this beast. I don't ever want to lose hope, but with each child that loses their battle my hope fades. I think about how these parents deal with the death of their child and think how I could, and let me tell you I could NOT!!!! I would lose my mind and be no good to anyone around me, including my husband and my other son, so God, I plead with you please don't take my son.. Let him have complete healing and grow up to be a man. I also pray very hard for some other kids I have come to know which are Isaac and Cheyenne. They both have been diagnosed with diffuse pontine gliomas. Please God let them be the exception, and survive this terrible tumor. Let them survive and live their lives.
Ok now I am writing the thoughts that only live in my head, but I want these kids to make it. I don't want any more of the kids I have come to know to die. Please God hear my prayers and help heal these children. Amen.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 8:37 AM CDT

As we approach the end of Mitch's treatment I find myself obsessing over trying to find out the chances of the tumor reccuring. And I must say the research I have done is not very encouraging. I will be talking to the Dr.s about this. I am so mad at myself for not just enjoying the fact that we are going to be done and try to live life like normal people. I just can't get the fear out of my mind. I have read about too many kids whose tumors came back a year or 2 later.
As for Mitch he is skinny as ever and he is very excited to be done with chemo. He also tells me almost every day he has a headache, but when I give him ibuprofen and ask him about an hour later he says it's gone, so I have been trying not to worry too much about that.
We bought one of those big soft pools for our back yard so Mitch can swim. He loves it. Even though the water is still very cold he has been in it every day since we got it.

Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:09 AM CDT

Mitch has been feeling pretty good lately and for that I am very grateful.
Actually I am grateful for alot of things, for having my son alive, for having him almost done with treatment, for him recovering so well from such a dramatic surgery, for having such a sweet and loving son, for having a healthy 2 year old, for having friends and family that support and love us, for having the many blessing that we have in our lives. When I go to list them, there are just too many, we are a family truly blessed.

May 11th is Mitch's last chemo treatment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:09 AM CDT

Mitch has been feeling pretty good lately and for that I am very grateful.
Actually I am grateful for alot of things, for having my son alive, for having him almost done with treatment, for him recovering so well from such a dramatic surgery, for having such a sweet and loving son, for having a healthy 2 year old, for having friends and family that support and love us, for having the many blessing that we have in our lives. When I go to list them, there are just too many, we are a family truly blessed.

May 11th is Mitch's last chemo treatment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 9:14 AM CDT

Today Mitch has an appt. for chemo. 2nd to the last time. I will be so glad to be done with this, you have no idea. Mitch hasn't been feeling great lately. He also has been having some headaches which worries me. We will mention it to the Dr. and see what he says. Mitch just had a CAT scan not too long ago, so I'm sure everythings fine. (I hope). We are planning to get an above ground pool in the back yard, since Mitch's favorite thing in the world is swimming. He is very excited. Hopefully we'll have it up in time for his "NO MORE CHEMO PARTY".

Friday, April 23, 2004 12:13 AM CDT

Mitch seems to be feeling better, he hasn't thrown up in 24 hours. I think the other day when he was dizzy and stuff he was dehydrated. We have been pushing the liquids pretty hard on him and he is holding them down now. So onward and upward. Next chemo is Tues. and then 1 more after that and it's the end. Yipee.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:54 PM CDT

Well today is no better for Mitch. He went to the babysitter this morning and threw up there. She went ahead and sent him to school, because they had some anti nausea pills at the school for him, so they gave him one as soon as he got there, but he threw it up right away. So I talked to them and told him to give him another one and I'd call in 20 minutes. When I called back they said he wasn't doing well, so I went and picked him up and took him back to Shelley's (babysitters) house.
I called her and she said she he still isn't doing well, she said he is really out of it. His balance is really bad for some reason. She said he is very tired and lathargic. I am worried. I am going to call the oncologist. I always have in the back of my mind the nagging feeling that it could be something terrible (Like tumor activity), but most likely I think that the chemo is taking it's toll. He has 5 weeks left of chemo........................


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:25 AM CDT

Mitch had a hard morning yesterday, he said his legs hurt and he was too tired to go to school. I knew it would pass, so I told him he had to go to school because they were doing WASL testing and it was very important. Well this brought on the tears, and next he threw up. So I told him, go lay on the couch and we'll see how the morning goes. I gave him an anti-nausea pill and soon after I could tell he was feeling better, he was still resisiting school, but I talked him into it. He made it through just fine. Let's hope today is a better morning.


Sunday, April 18, 2004 10:38 AM CDT

Mitch is doing well, he got a little sick this round of chemo, but that is to be expected. He doesn't feel much like eating, so he's only been eating snacks once in a while. Hopefully he won't loose too much weight.
He wrote something really cool on one of his school papers. He had to answer questions about a story he read about hidden treasure and one of the questions was "does this story make you want to search for hidden treasure?" Mitch's answer was "No, we don't need to be rich, because we have everything we want and need." I thought that was a great answer. Although I wouldn't mind being rich myself. Ha.


Thursday, April 15, 2004 11:02 AM CDT

Mitch started his 8th and final round of chemo on Tuesday. He is on the oral chemo right now and I just keep thinking this is the last time we will have to set the alarm for 3:00am to give him his pills (Ever). He has 2 I.V.'s left after this and we are done. Very exciting. It has been a long year.
Still there is a blanket of fear that lies in me that once we're done with chemo there will be nothing stopping the tumor from recurring. We will go back to using protocel, but the fear is still there. I have found very limited information on the likely hood of this tumor coming back. Once Mitch's Dr. said to me, he would be suprised if it didn't come back with in 5 years, and then he kind of back tracked and said maybe it won't come back at all. But of course the 5 year thing sticks in my mind. Well, time will tell I guess. I just get to live in fear the rest of my life. How fun. I know I'm not the only one and others live with alot more fear than I do, so I should stop my whining right now. Take care everyone.


Monday, April 12, 2004 8:36 AM CDT

6 weeks left of chemo and counting.........................

We had a very nice Easter. Mitch's best buddy Miranda came over to spend it with us because her mom was out of town so we had an egg hunt and then went to church and then we came home and the kids played outside in the great weather we've been having.
Mitch starts his last round of chemo tomorrow. He is on the pills (every six hours around the clock), and I just keep thinking this is the last time we have to do this. How great is that. Pretty darn great. Mitch has been feeling good lately, he looks pretty tired but other than that he's o.k.


Friday, April 9, 2004 7:17 AM CDT

As I wrote yesterday a beautiful little boy lost his battle yesterday morning and went to live in heaven. His name is Jake Griffin and I didn't know him personally, but through caringbridge, he was an adorable little guy. His web page is

6 1/2 weeks of chemo left and counting

Mitch is doing really good this week, he has been eating fairly well and feeling overall pretty darn good. I love it.
I just found out a little boy at Matthew's day care is going in for a CAT scan today because they think he may have hydrocephalus. I'm not sure what all his symptoms were, but I'll try to find out today. I pray it's not another family entering in this journey.
Mitch is going to spend the night with his buddy tonight. I sure do miss him when he's gone. When I hear of other kids passing on it makes me hold on to him just a little tighter.


Tuesday, April 6, 2004 10:02 AM CDT

Thursday, April 8, 2004

I just became aware that a sweet little boy passed on this morning. His name is Jake Griffin and fought a good fight. May God be with his family during this very painful time. His webpage is www.caringbridge.org/page/jakegriffin


It is so hard to believe we are coming to the end of the chemotherapy crap. When we first started it seemed like it would go on forever (48 weeks to be exact). Now we only have 7 weeks left and it's done. We all can't wait.
It is going to be so strange not having to go up to the hospital every 2 weeks. It will be nice, but strange.
Mitch has alot of pain in his legs from the chemo and I pray it goes away soon after we stop. He also has very sensitive skin, I mean if you touch him wrong he is in tears, so we have to be very careful even just playing around. I also hope he can start enjoying food again soon after. The kid needs to put on some weight big time.

Paula (Mitch's mom)

Saturday, April 3, 2004 9:30 AM CST

7 1/2 weeks of chemo left and counting...........

We got Mitch's report card and we couldn't be prouder. His teachers all just love him. He got great grades and most importantly good marks in behavior. He is also improving a little in his speech therapy, and physical therapy. They both said that he has been very tired lately however.

Mitch went to stay the night at his good friends house last night, so I'm sure they will have fun.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 9:44 AM CST

8 weeks of chemo left and counting...........

Mitch and I went to another caringbridge kids (Isaac's) Make a Wish party on Tuesday and had a nice time. Isaac is going to Sea World for his wish to swim with the Dolphins. I was glad Mitch and Isaac finally got to meet.
Mitch stayed home from school yesterday because he wasn't feeling very well, but he is better today. He maintained his weight at his last chemo appt. so that is good. Nothing else much new to report today...


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:47 AM CST

This week Mitch started his 1/2 days at school. We all decided that it would be best for him not to go all day anymore since he has absolutely no energy. He will be done with chemo about the same time he's done with school.
Today we have a chemo appointment, so he will get weighed and I am praying he hasn't lost any more weight.


Sunday, March 28, 2004 8:54 AM CST

Well I've been a little depressed lately and this morning it really came full blow. I went to check on some of the caringbridge kids that I've come to know and saw that Maxie lost his battle last night. www.caringbridge.org/va/maxie
And so many of the others are coming very close. I don't know how much more of this I can take. It breaks my heart in so many ways and I just don't know how to live life as a normal person anymore now that I know children who are dying and that it could be my own child. I used to take my kids health for granted. Don't get me wrong, I used to always thank God for healthy kids, but I also assumed they would always be that way. Now I know at anytime our kids can be taken from us and that is just too much for me to bear. And I don't know how these parents who have lost there kids can go on. I don't think I could. I am just in a bad place right now.

Mitch is doing good, he got a new video game that he loves and has been playing it alot. My parents are in town and he has been loving that too.

Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:27 AM CST

9 weeks left of chemo and counting....................

Mitch has been running low on energy these days. He is just always tired and not feeling very well.
His teacher e-mailed me and we are thinking about having him only go to school for 1/2 a day. She has noticed how tired he is too. I think it would be a good idea. He is on his last stretch of chemo and we should make it as easy on him as we can.
My mom and dad are coming to visit this weekend, they are going to stay up the road at a motel with a pool so the kids can swim. They will love it.


Monday, March 22, 2004 9:39 AM CST

9 weeks of chemo left and counting.

Mitch has been feeling better, but Matthew got sick on friday. He has been throwing up. He also threw up in my car so that makes twice in 1 week. David calls it the puke car. So anyway I now wonder if all the vomiting Mitch was doing was chemo related or maybe a virus. Hard to tell. Well time to get Mitch up and ready for school.


Friday, March 19, 2004 7:21 AM CST

Mitch is participating in some games from his school for the kids that are in therapy. He is going to be running in a race. It's kind of like a mini special olympic's for kids in Physical therapy. He is excited about it.
His teachers are concerned about how tired he has been lately and frankly so am I. I am not sure what to do about it, he get's plenty of sleep. I think it's the chemo just catching up with him. 10 weeks to go and counting. Thanks for checking in on him.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 5:54 PM CST

Today has been a very frustrating day to say the least. It started out with both kids being kind of brats. Yes believe it or not Mitch can be a brat sometimes. Anyway then we headed out to go to our chemo appointment and on the way Mitch said can we go to McDonalds. Sure!! Well about 10 minutes later as we're driving down the freeway, out of the blue he thows up in his McDonalds bag. Well as you know these are thin paper bags that were not meant to hold this kind of load. So anyway the bag falls apart, there is throw up all over Mitch and I am driving down the freeway. I took the first exit and tried to clean up as good as I could but I only had 3 napkins and a couple of baby wipes. I figured I wasn't far from my work so I called and asked them to get me some towels ready so I could run in and grab them. Well, of course we can't go to our appointment with throw up all over, so I have to run to the mall and buy a new outfit for Mitch. Well, by this time we are about 15 minutes late for our appt. I ran in with Matthew to buy new pants and shirt, the closest store was Nordstroms, and ended up spending about $50 bucks for a lousy T-shirt and some pants. As we were in there Matthew decided to hide, so I had a freak out attack and started yelling his name and then screamed "has anyone seen a little boy." Well, someone saw him under a clothes rack. So I pay for the clothes and run to the car and have Mitch change in the car. The smell is not good by the way. We finally make it to our appt. and tell the Dr. why we're late. He askes about Mitch's vomiting and I told him he has been throwing up in the morning and then seems fine the rest of the day. He say's that's not what he likes to hear because of the pattern. He asked if Mitch has had any headaches, and he has the last couple of days, so he wants to order a CAT scan. So, I am a little freaked out by this, just because the day we were having I knew the news wouldn't be good. But is was. Every thing was fine with the scan, so on to our next appt. at the Cancer counselor. Mitch loves to see her, so I spent the hour chasing around Matthew who has more energy than any 2 year old I have ever known. Now I am home and just got threw cleaning out my puke filled car. I need a hot bath and a nap.
Oh and I forgot to tell you Mitch has lost 3 pounds. Not good.


Sunday, March 14, 2004 7:46 AM CST

Today is the Shamrock run in Portland. It is a fund raiser for Doernbecher's childrens hospital. I am going with some girls from work. Should be fun.
Mitch is doing well. He had a friend stay the night with him last night and they have been playing alot of video games. He wants now to get a game cube. He already has a playstation and a nintendo 64, but I guess the game cube has the games he really likes. We'll see.


Thursday, March 11, 2004 7:06 AM CST

Mitch has been doing good the last couple of days. The other day he asked me if I smoked cigarretts or drank alcohol when I was pregnant with him. I told him of course not! Well, in school they are learning about how mothers can endanger the fetus by smoking and drinking and using drugs. He was wondering if maybe that is what caused his brain tumor. I told him I wish to God I knew what caused his brain tumor, but I tried my hardest to have a healthy baby. He then asked if maybe I ate too much salt when I was pregnant. (ha-ha) I said probably, but I know that doesn't cause brain tumors.


Monday, March 8, 2004 9:24 PM CST

Today before school Mitch threw up so he ended up staying home. He felt better as the day went on. He gets away with alot these days, but I figure what the heck. Next year he won't be on chemo anymore so it will be a different story.


Sunday, March 7, 2004 1:50 AM CST

Today I went to the funeral of my best friend Kelli's dad. I have known him since I was 9 years old. He had a heart attack last weekend and died suddenly. His name was John Tarter, and I am going to miss him very much. Kelli is Mitch's best friend Miranda's mom and we are all very close. I am so sorry for the loss of John and can tell you he will be deeply missed. He was a dear good man.


Friday, March 5, 2004 10:07 AM CST

Mitch and family at California Adventure in picture.

7th round of chemo started tuesday and so far so good. No sickness. Only 11 weeks to go for chemo and we are done.
Mitch's legs hurt and his skin still hurts but other than that he's doing well. I told him I would pay him $20 if he gaines a pound. He has been trying to eat. We'll see.


Friday, March 5, 2004 7:26 AM CST

The latest picture is at California Adventure. Mitch and all of my family, execpt my parents. We had so much fun.

Chemo is going o.k. this time. No sickness yet. Yipee. I told Mitch I'd give him 20 bucks if he gained a pound, so we'll see if that works. He's been trying hard to eat. His legs and skin still hurt alot, but other than that he is doing good.


Wednesday, March 3, 2004 7:15 AM CST

Mitch had his chemo appt. yesterday. He is on his oral chemo this time, pills every 6 hours around the clock. He didn't lose any weight, so that was a really good thing. The Dr. told me of course that yes we need to finish all 8 rounds. I really wanted to stop early. He said I am not the first person to ask this. At this point it gets really old. 12 more weeks, he can do it, he's a strong kid.
Again to anyone thinking about going to see "The Passion of the Christ", you should. Bring your Kleenex and prepare yourself for an intest movie. Thumbs up.


Tuesday, March 2, 2004 9:03 AM CST

Today is Chemo day. We are so sick of this chemo stuff I can't even tell you. The effects of it are really starting to catch up with Mitch. I am going to talk to the Dr.s about finishing this round and being done. I'm sure they will say no. But if he gets any worse it's not going to be up to them it's going to be my decision.

David and I went to see "The Passion of the Christ" on Sunday and let me just say WOW. It was very intense and a movie that everyone should go see to remind us all how much Jesus must have suffered for all of us. And bring your tissue because your going to need it.


Monday, March 1, 2004 5:22 PM CST

I can't get my Disney pictures to load up on the picture page for some reason so I guess I'll just add a new home photo every so ofter.
Chemo day tomorrow.


Monday, March 1, 2004 5:07 PM CST

Mitch has chemo tomorrow and I will be interested to check his weight. I am pretty sure that he has lost. He has not been eating well and looks very thin. He went to school today, first day back in 2 weeks, I hope he did o.k., he's been very tired lately. Check our our Disney Pictures.


Saturday, February 28, 2004 8:56 AM CST

We had the greatest time at Disneyland.. The first day Mitch was a little sick, he caught a cold right before we left so that was a real bummer. He managed to have some fun anyway however. His favorite ride was Splash mountain. He went on it several times. We had my whole family meet us there too, so it was great to have everyone around and helping with Matthew.
Mitch's final report from his MRI was good. No new enhancement and no new growth. Very stable. I am going to talk to the Dr. about not doing the last round of chemo. Mitch has lost more weight and his skin hurts and his legs hurt. I just wonder how crucial the last round of chemo could be. We are starting the 7th round on tues. and he has a total of 8 rounds. We'll see.


Thursday, February 26, 2004 7:54 PM CST

Disney was a Blast. I will update later. Way too tired tonight.


Thursday, February 19, 2004 6:23 PM CST

Mitch had his MRI today. He managed to do it without sedation which was good. It started out a little rough, we had some tears. But he made it through and when it was over he said "That didn't take as long as I thought." So next time we're going to try again without sedation. It's much easier to deal with after he's done. He had chemo right after the MRI so they got to use the same I.V. which he was very happy about. His Dr. looked at the scan and said it looks the same to him. He said it we're not really looking at what's there, but rather what's not there. Which is a big space where his tumor used to be that is filled with spinal fluid. So really in a nut shell, Mitch is tumor free except for what ever microscopic cells may be left and all we really have to worry about is the tumor not recurring. I can't find much information about pediatric oligodendrogliom's recurring on the internet, because there just isn't very many of them. Oh well, I feel confident this stupid tumor is not coming back.


Wednesday, February 18, 2004 12:57 AM CST

Mitch is doing good. He is getting over a cold and says his throat is scratchy. We are hoping he is doing well for our trip on Sunday. His MRI is tomorrow and we probably won't know the results until we get back from Disneyland. I am pretty sure the results will be good. Matthew is finally over his sickness, but had an allergic reaction because he touched a peanut this morning. He found a peanut in dads drawer, that must have been there forever and his hand swelled up and he broke out into hives. He is extreamly allergic to them and it is a new experience for us to have to deal with this allergy. He is a high maitenance child, but we love him. (ha-ha).


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 9:45 AM CST

Picture from Mitch's Make a Wish Bon Voyage party.

2 days until Mitch's MRI, and 5 days until Disneyland.
Pray for good MRI results.


Monday, February 16, 2004 8:09 AM CST

The latest picture is at Mitch's Bon voyage party from the Make a Wish foundation. We are so excited about our trip next week.
Mitch is doing well, but brother is still sick. Hopefully everyone will be well by trip time.


Friday, February 13, 2004 8:44 AM CST

9 days until Disneyland....

Mitch's baby brother got really sick with a 103 degree temp. yesterday. So I left work early and took him to urgency care. He is feeling a tad better this morning, but I again will not go to work to stay home with him. You know when Matthew is really sick, because he is so calm and quiet. Usually he is like a little monkey-nonstop.. I guess it's good it's now and not the week we're going to Disneyland. I am praying we are all healthy when it's time to go. Especially Mitch.


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 7:30 AM CST

11 more days until Disneyland....
And I caught a cold, but I'm glad it's now and not when we are leaving.
Mitch has been having pain in his legs lately. They told us this was a side effect of the vincristine, it's just funny that it waited for his 6th round of chemo to happen. He said it feels like a throbbing pain on the insides of his legs. Poor guy. Other than that he's been doing well.


Monday, February 9, 2004 5:34 PM CST

Mitch is doing pretty good these last few days. Today during P.E. class he gets to go be helper for the kindergarden class and he is really excited about that. He hasn't been eating very well lately and it seems like all I do is get on his case about eating. I really hate having to do that, it is so exhausting.
13 days until Disneyland.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 9:49 AM CST

Mitch has been gone all weekend staying at Miranda's house one night and his other friend Edison's the next. I sure do miss him. He has been feeling good and we are all getting excited about Disneyland. Make a Wish is throwing him a Bon voyage party next weekend, and then the next week it's off to Disneyland.


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:22 AM CST

Mitch had chemo yesterday, and his weight has stayed the same, so that is good. He has been having alot of pain in his legs which is a side effect of the Vincristine. He has an MRI scheduled for February 19th. Right before Disneyland. Maybe that will help me keep my mind off of it. I'm sure the MRI will be fine, but there is always that fear.

Monday, February 2, 2004 8:54 PM CST

Tonight after dinner Mitch threw up without any warning. He didn't even know it was coming. It scares me because that's what used to happen when he was having tumor symptoms. But I am sure that it is just chemo related.. At least I sure hope so. He has chemo tomorrow so I will talk to the Doc about it. We are on our countdown to Disneyland. February 22nd is when we leave. I can't wait.


Saturday, January 31, 2004 6:22 PM CST

Mitch has been feeling good lately. Miranda was here playing today and he went to their house to stay the night. He has been eating o.k. lately so when we go in for chemo on Tues. it will be interesting to see if he gained any of his weight back. I sure hope so.
He is getting so tall and looking so grown up. He is getting very handsome too. I just love that kid and I can't get enough of him. I always miss him when he's gone, but he loves to go and have fun with his friends. Today he combed my hair for me for about 20 minutes and when he was done he informed me he charges one dollar for that, so now I owe him a dollar. I guess that's fair.


Thursday, January 29, 2004 11:29 AM CST

Mitch recieved his courage award from school. He was so proud. And his teachers came up with a plan for him to do during regular P.E. class, since he can't really participate. He is going to go help with the kindergardners and 1st graders during P.E. time. Mitch is very excited about this and immediatly started working on some papers he was going to have for the kids. He will be great with the kids. He has been feeling good lately, no sickness in the last few days.


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:13 AM CST

Mitch came home from school early yesterday, because he threw up in the nurses room. Thank God he made it there instead of in the class room. He seemed to be o.k. after I got him home and wanted to eat something.
Today is when he gets his award at school for courage. I hope he doesn't get sick again. I asked him if he knew why they are giving him this award, and he said something about going through his surgery. But I told him it's much more than that, it's the fact that even though his body doens't work like it used to, he keeps pressing on and trying his hardest, and even though he feels sick sometimes he still goes to school and makes an effort. He is a courageouse young man.......


Sunday, January 25, 2004 8:53 AM CST

Mitch is getting a life skills award at school on Wednesday for courage. He thinks that is pretty cool and so do we. I will take off a couple hours from work to go and watch him accept it.
He's been feeling pretty good through this last round of chemo. He seems extra off balance though. Probably just because he's tired. He is constantly running into the walls and things. He has a hard time keeping his head up when he's tired too and walks around with his head down, which probably doesn't help the balance.
I just wanted to add that Isaac (link at bottom), is having surgery on Tuesday, so if everyone could say a little prayer that all will go well for him. Thanks


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 12:15 AM CST

Mitch has his chemo appt. yesterday and he has gained back one pound. So that was good news. He is on his oral meds this week so it's every 6 hours of pills. These tend to make him a little sicker that the I.V. form. Hopefully he will do o.k.
We are still so stoked for our Disneyland trip. We keep going to the web site to see all the attractions we want to go to. Mitch loves to do the browsing.


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 12:43 AM CST

Chemo day today. This is our 6th round out of 8. We are getting there.
We heard from Make a Wish and we are all reserved for our Disneyland trip on Feb. 22nd. We get to stay at the Disneyland Hotel and ride in a limo too and from the airport. It's going to be great. Mitch is so excited and so are we. David has never been there, so he's acting like a big kid with excitment.


Monday, January 19, 2004 9:06 AM CST

Mitch has chemo again tomorrow and we will weigh him in again. I hope we got him to at least maintain his weight this week, if he keeps dropping weight we are in trouble.
Miranda spent the night last night since they don't have school today, so they have been having a good time, that is between fighting. I swear those to have a love/hate relationship. They fight like brother and sister. But they never want to be away from eachother. Go figure.


Thursday, January 15, 2004 7:28 AM CST

O.k. Mitch is down 3 more pounds. I couldn't believe it, it seems like he's been eating pretty good lately. He is down to 68 lbs. He was almost 80 lbs. when this all started and he was a skinny kid even then. He is literally wasting away. I can't stand it. I bought 2 cases of boost plus and I am making him drink at least 1 a day. He doesn't like it all that much, but the next step is an NG tube, and we don't want to go there. Although we may have to. Anyone with any tips??? Other than that he is feeling pretty good.


Monday, January 12, 2004 7:22 PM CST

Today I met with Isaac's mom, he is a kid in the same town with a brain stem glioma, and after talking for a while we realized we went to high school together. We actually graduated the same year. How small of a world is that?? Very weird. Isaac's web site is www.caringbridge.org/wa/isaac
Mitch is anxiouse to meet Isaac. We are going to get the boys together sometime in the near futer.


Monday, January 12, 2004 9:15 AM CST

Well, this is going to be the first week that Mitch has to go to a babysitters before and after school on the days I work. His grandma used to come over and stay on those days to be with him, but we found out recently that she has a tumor and will be having surgery/and or radiation. So anyway she is not going to be available. How many people can have cancer in 1 year in one family? Baby brother also has his lump in his neck that I am again concerned about. He had it removed once and now there is a new one. They called it an overactive lymph node. Well, why are his lymph nodes so over active? I have been trying to research the subject with not much luck. Anyway, Mitch is doing good, he has chemo tomorrow.


Thursday, January 8, 2004 7:22 AM CST

And yet another day with no school. This is the 3rd day. Snow is no longer the problem, it's ICE. We are coated with a couple of inches of ice everywhere. The streets are like a skating rink. I am suppose to go to work today, but I don't know if I can make it. We will see later this morning. Mitch is having another vacation with all this time off, and he got to miss his chemo appointment because they closed the clinic. Dr. Tilford said it would be okay to just wait until next week. Mitch is thrilled.


Tuesday, January 6, 2004 11:44 AM CST

Today is a snow day for Mitch. No school, Yipee!! At least that's how he feels.
We cancelled his chemo appointment for today, because of the weather, so we will go tomorrow. Mitch is feeling good. Everyone seems to have gotten over their colds.


Sunday, January 4, 2004 3:36 PM CST

Well our whole family has colds. Not bad ones, but enough to make us all feel a little icky. I worry only about Mitch, because he has chemo on tues. and I don't want him to get too sick.
We are suppose to get more snow tomorrow, so we'll see if the kids even have school, it wouldn't suprise me if schools closed down.


Friday, January 2, 2004 7:19 AM CST

Well, it's a new year. Let's hope this year is a heck of a lot better than last year.
We still have snow, so the kids are having a blast. Mitch stayed the night at Miranda's last night, and they are coming over here to stay tonight.
Mitch has chemo on Tuesday. He has been feeling pretty good lately.


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 6:24 AM CST

We got snow over night. I woke up to a winter wonderland. This is very exciting around here, because we never get snow. The kids will have a blast. What's not so fun is I have to drive to work in it. That could be challenging. Wish me luck.


Monday, December 29, 2003 8:46 AM CST

We just returned from our trip to Spokane and we had a wonderful time. I think the kids got all they wanted for Christmas. We had snow there, so it was nice to have a white Christmas.
Thanks for all the guest book entries wishing Mitch a Merry Christmas and Birthday.


Sunday, December 21, 2003 9:11 PM CST

Our new home page picture is at my neighbors house who had 2 semi truck loads of snow dumped on their front yard today. They have had some hard times, their mom also had a brain tumor caused from treatments she recieved as a child for lukemia. She is doing well now, but someone knew they were a family in need of some help, so there was about 50 people on Harley's and all of them were in leather, 2 trucks with snow and one filled with presents. Mitch was invited in later to open a present and ended up coming home with about 10, and some were for Matthew. How wonderful is that?? Thank you Kathy and Ray.


Saturday, December 20, 2003 8:12 AM CST

Our latest battle is the school system. Mitch has been riding the bus from home all this time because grandma has been here to babysit. Well, grandma has some medical issues now and she may be getting a job soon, so we have to move on. I want Mitch to go to the daycare that baby brother goes to that is also licensed for children with special medical needs. Well the battle is transportation. They are about 1/2 a mile of the border for Mitch's school. After about a million phone calls yesterday, I was told no and basically it is my problem. Well the secretary of Mitch's school (I love her)- told me don't quit and to throw a stink. I said "I can do that" So stink away I did. And low and behold I got a call back that said if I get a note from Mitch's Dr. that he needs special transportation that they could do that. So now hopefully the Dr. will provide us with that. I'm sure they will.
Mitch is doing well, he is looking forward to Christmas.

Friday, December 19, 2003 11:04 AM CST

I talked to Mitch's teacher and she had a talk with the 2 boys that have been bugging Mitch at school and it sounds like it will be stopped. She told them if they continue it will be considered harassment and they will be sent to the principle. Mitch was relieved.
To clear up the confusion about Mitch's birthday it is the 23rd and he will be 10 years old. We had an early birthday party for him because nobody wants to come to a birthday party that close to Christmas and Miranda was going to be out of town.
Mitch was feeling a little tired and queazy this morning, but managed to make it to school, lets hope he can make it through the day.
Today Isaac is having an MRI and his family is very nervous. Please think of them to day and maybe trow in a prayer for good new.


Thursday, December 18, 2003 6:25 PM CST

Mitch is having a little better day today. He made it to school and got to go have lunch with the principle and some of the other kids that handed in all of their reading assignments. He thought he was pretty special, and he is. We are having some issue's still at school with 2 kids that are bothering him which could be related to his recent sickness and not being able to make it to school. I have talked to the school and they are very determined to solve this problem right away. Thank you Orchards Elementary.


Wednesday, December 17, 2003 3:12 PM CST

Mitch stayed home from school again because he was not feeling well this morning. He threw up once and now he's just tired. He has me a little worried because he usually isn't feeling this bad for so long after chemo. I hope it's just a fluke and not a precurser for things to come. He is only 1/2 way through chemo and has about 5 months to go. Thats a long time to not be feeling good. Part of me wants to stop this chemo and see what happens, but the logical part of me knows that's probably not the right thing to do. But the mother side of me says "stop torturing my son, he is withering away from these terrible drugs, can't you see how skinny he is, can't you see how his eyes are sunken in and how week he is. Can't we just leave him alone."
Dear Lord, please help Mitch to feel better and to survive these last months of chemo without feeling terrible the whole time. Please help him in his recovery to never have to go through these treatments again and never have his tumor come back. And please help all the other children out there suffering from this terrible disease. Please help Cheyenne, Jake, Isaac and Nicholas. These are just to name a few. Take this monster away from all of them so they can just be kids again. Amen.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003 8:10 AM CST

Mitch had a great Birthday party on Sunday. All the kids had a great time. He got his play station 2 and he is very happy.
He stayed home from school yesterday, because he threw up in the morning and then he was very tired, so I let him stay home... He probably could have made it to school in the afternoon, but mom's a sucker. When he's done with chemo however he's going to be back in the real world of going to school unless he's got a fever. He is doing pretty well in school in spite of all that he has missed.


Saturday, December 13, 2003 8:26 PM CST

Mitch's birthday is Dec. 23rd, but we are going to have a birthday party for him tomorrow. He is going to be 10 years old. He is doing well and he is so excited to open his presents. We are going to Chuck e Cheese, because it's fun for the big kids and the little ones, and Mitch loves their pizza.
We are going to Spokane for Christmas to be with my family. It will be fun. Mitch loves going there.


Tuesday, December 9, 2003 8:17 PM CST

Mitch went to see the oncologist today, he has lost weight again. They said we are not going to do anything (like an NG tube) yet, but if his weight keeps dropping we may need to take some further action. Right now we are going to try to go back to our shakes and boost. Hopefully that will work. He is so picky though and once he gets sick of eating or drinking something it's like torture trying to get him to have it. But we will press on and try.

Monday, December 8, 2003 8:53 AM CST

Tomorrow is chemo day again, he will be on the pills this time for 3 days every 6 hours round the clock. But it's not so bad.
We spent a little quality time yesterday watching movies together and just hanging out, it was very nice. Mitch is such a nice boy.
All is well thanks for checking in.

Friday, December 5, 2003 2:09 PM CST

We are still in happy mode from our news of a clear scan for Mitch. He has no school today, so he is at home with grandma playing play station and I am at work. He is going to stay the night with a friend tonight and he is excited about that.

I try to stay happy, but everytime I get overly excited, the fear kicks in and I think about, what if the tumor comes back. I hate myself for having to think negatively, but we are well aware that these tumors do come back. I just want it to all go away and stay away. Please God, let Mitch be the exception and let this tumor never come back again.


Wednesday, December 3, 2003 2:55 PM CST

I just called Mitch's Dr. for his MRI results !!!!!!!!
He said there is no abnormal cells showing anymore. In other words his scan is clean !!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you God !!!! Thank you everyone for your support and prayers !!!!!
His Dr. said, now we just have to keep it that way. I will keep praying that this tumor never comes back.

Praise the Lord he does listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, December 3, 2003 1:24 PM CST

Mitch has had some issue's with some kids at school, it's a long story but we think one of the kids stole his new game boy so I talked to the parents, who are Russian and don't speak english that well, anyway the mother turned up the next day with a game boy that looked just like Mitch's but didn't have his name sticker on it, so I don't know if it's Mitch's or not. But she said take it, so we did. Well now the kid is mad at Mitch and tells him that Mitch stole his game boy. So now this kid and his other friend aren't going to play with Mitch anymore, and these were his recess friends. Now he has no one to play with at recess. He told me he sits by himself in the big tire at recess. Well this breaks my heart... So I talked to his teacher and she is going to try to help out with finding him someone to play with. It is just so heartbreaking when your child is left out. And Mitch is pretty shy, so that doesn't help.


Monday, December 1, 2003 8:58 AM CST

Today is MRI day. I am not expecting any changes in this one from the last one. The dr. said not to expect much change. And the MRI can't really tell what is residule tumor and what may be scar tissue from the surgery. So I guess we are just doing these to make sure there is no new growth.
Mitch is doing well. He has been feeling pretty good lately. His double vision is pretty much gone, which is such good news. He had to wear the patch for so long and now he doesn't wear it at all.
His latest obsession is playing Final Fantasy on Play Station. He is just like his dad, once he starts playing he gets obsessed until he finishes the game. Very annoying. We have to set limits on his game time or he would be in there 24 hours a day.

Saturday, November 29, 2003 6:55 PM CST

All is well at our house. I am currently trying to get Mitch to eat something. He is working on it. He is so skinny, I just hate seeing him this thin. Maybe I'm over reacting, but seeing him so skinny makes me think of sickness. He looks sicker than he really is. Other people think he looks pretty good, but they don't have to see him without a shirt on.

Monday, November 24, 2003 9:00 AM CST

Mitch has been doing well, he has Chemo tomorrow and a MRI next week.
We don't have any huge plans for Thanksgiving, in fact I think it's just going to be us this year. It might be kind of nice. I will just cook our own little dinner and it will be nice and quiet.
Mitch's Christmas list is growing and growing. He has expensive taste. He also has a birthday coming up, so it gets really expensive this time of year for him. Poor kid, his birthday is on Dec. 23rd...

Thursday, November 20, 2003 8:00 AM CST

Mitch had to stay home from school yesterday because he threw up when he woke up. However he was fine for the rest of the day, but he was milking the sick thing for all it was worth, so we played along. He is feeling o.k. today.

We got snow yesterday, what a surprise. We hardly ever get snow around here, so it's always exciting. We may get more today.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003 9:14 AM CST

Everything is going good around here..David and I meet with Mitch's cancer counselor tonight and Mitch will see her again next week. He loves going to see her, and always asks when his next appointment is.
Mitch has been eating O.K., so I hope he is maybe putting on some weight. We will see at his next appointment.
Mitch is getting back to his old self every day a little bit more. He will talk you ear off, using all his big words, just like he used too. Hard to believe he was mute for 2 months.

Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:01 AM CST

Mitch had his chemo appt. on Tuesday and has not gained any of the recent weight he lost. He really needs to put on some weight, he looks sooooo skinny to me. Other than that he is feeling pretty good. He asked me the other day if I thought his thinking has been effected from his tumor, because he is having a hard time learning long division. I told him no way, he is as smart as ever (which he is), and he is just in the begining stages of learning this and it is just a matter of time before it all clicks.


Sunday, November 9, 2003 8:46 AM CST

Mitch is doing well, he went to spend the night with his friend last night and I'm sure he's having a great time. He is still doing well in school. His next MRI will be in about 4 weeks.
Matthew our 2 year old is on his first steps to being potty trained so we are celebrating that. I can't wait for the day when there are no more diapers. I hope everyone is doing well.

Sunday, November 2, 2003 9:10 AM CST

Halloween went great, the kids all looked great and Mitch was feeling much better. It was soooo cold though. We made it around the big block and then we were so freezing we couldn't wait to get home.

Friday, October 31, 2003 9:23 AM CST

It is Halloween morning, and Mitch was up all night throwing up. He is on his chemo pills, so it is not suprising. But I am hoping he will be o.k. to go trick or treating. What a bummer to be sick on halloween. Poor guy, I feel so bad for him when he's sick. It is so hard to know that the treatment meant to help him makes him so sick. Anyway I pray that the chemo does the job it is intended to do and kills the remaining tumor. God, please give Mitch complete healing so he can go on with the rest of his life.


Tuesday, October 28, 2003 3:56 PM CST

Well, Mitch starts his next round of chemo today. Pills round the clock for 3 days. He has lost more wieght, so I am not very happy about that. His counts are still pretty good though. We just need him to start eating more. Not an easy task.

Monday, October 27, 2003 9:59 AM CST

Yesterday we went on the haunted train ride. It was really cool. They had a guy in a headless horseman costume on a horse riding along side the train. He was really creepy looking. Then we went through a dark tunnel that they had sound effects and glow in the dark things hanging on the sides. Some of the little kids were really scared, but Mitch and his friends loved it. We made one stop and they had games for the kids and apple cider, candy and cookies. It was just great. Mitch bobbed for apples and didn't quit get one. Oh well.


Saturday, October 25, 2003 9:39 AM CDT

Today is Mitch's baby brother's birthday party. He is 2 years old. Mitch stayed the night with a friend last night but they will be back for the party. Tomorrow my friend Kelli is taking the kids on a haunted train ride. There is one near by. The kids will love it. Mitch is doing well. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:35 AM CDT

I went to Mitch's school yesterday to have a meeting with his teachers and therapists. He will be receiving physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy at school. This is great for him, and he seems to enjoy it. His teacher told me how wonderfully he is doing and what a hard worker he is. He is reading well above grade level and is doing great at math. And this is for a kid who see's double. She said that most of the kids think Mitch is like some kind of hero or something. How cool. He is doing so well, I never even thought he would be able to go to school this year, let alone thrive like he is. I am so proud of him.


Monday, October 20, 2003 8:14 AM CDT

Not much to report..
Mitch goes to see his cancer counselor tomorrow, he loves going there, she makes it so fun for the kids. He has been feeling great. Still too skinny, but that is to be expected.
Matthew has a birthday party this weekend. The big 2 years old. It should be fun.
Mitch is very upset because he lost his gameboy SP. He got it for a present when he was in the hospital, and somehow he just lost it. I have turned this house upside down looking for it, but it's just not here. He still has his old game boy he can play so it's not the end of the world.

Prayers to all the families out there in need, I know there are alot of you.

Friday, October 17, 2003 7:18 AM CDT

Everything is well at the Hinckle home. Matthew's feeling good, and Mitch is feeling good. In fact Mitch has just been full of energy lately. And he is a non-stop talker. It's hard to believe that he was mute for 2 months. I promised him when he was mute that I would never tell him to be quite again, but I can't hold myself to that promise because the boy never shuts up. He thinks it's funny to annoy me. He is a great kid, just a little annoying. Ha-ha

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 7:30 AM CDT

I am so happy for Mitch. He has started doing some of his drawings again, he used to enjoy that so much, and hasn't been able to do it since the surgery. Well, he's doing it again, he keeps complaining that he goofed up, but I told him it doesn't matter, art is not supposed to be perfect, and the inperfections make it unique. He isn't really an artist but he loves drawing made up characters and maps and things like that. Well, maybe he is an artist. Anyway he has also stopped wearing his eye patch because he say's it's a hassle. This means his double vision must be improving so much that he isn't dependent on that patch for him to see one.
I am so thankful to God for helping us down this road. We truly are one of the lucky ones. Lets all pray for the ones who aren't so lucky, there are alot of them out there.

Monday, October 13, 2003 8:26 PM CDT

Well, Matthew (Mitch's little brother) is sick and he has a lump coming back in his neck. Before Mitch was diagnosed with his brain tumor, Matthew had surgery to put tubes in his ears and remove his enlarged lymph node. Well now he has another one. I'm not going to worry because it was tested it last time and it was nothing like cancer. It was just an over active lymph node. But it is funny that at the time we thought his surgery was such a big deal. It was just day surgery and he came home that night. A month later Mitch had a 10 hour brain surgery, and then 3 days later a 5 hour surgery, 2 months in the hospital recovering. It made Matthew's ordeal look like a picnic. It's funny how everything is relative.
I was thinking how horrible this whole brain tumor thing was the other day, and now I am thinking how grateful I am to God for watching over Mitch and the wonderful recovery he has made so far. Thank you God and please continue to watch out for our family and all the other families out there in need.

Sunday, October 12, 2003 8:53 AM CDT

Mitch has spent the weekend at his friends house, one night with one friend and the next night with another friend. He is hard to keep at home on the weekends anymore. I miss him when he's gone but I know he's having fun.
He has chemo again on tuesday and we will find out if he's lost or gained any weight. He has been feeling really good lately so that is very nice.

Thursday, October 9, 2003 1:03 PM CDT

O.k. Mitch is still doing great, but mom is been feeling strange lately. I have just been overwhelmed by this whole brain tumor thing and I can't seem to shake it. I don't know if it's just finally hitting me or what. I think back to when Mitch was in the hospital (for 2 months) and it seems like another lifetime. It was only in May... I have been paralized with the fear that his tumor will grow back or something awful like that. I can't believe I have been handling everything so well up until now. What is wrong with me. Maybe it's been all the children who recently lost their battles and it's just so horrible and sad that I can't handle it. I don't know but thanks for listening. Maybe my next post I will be feeling better....

Tuesday, October 7, 2003 2:14 PM CDT

Mitch is doing well. He got off to school o.k. after complaining that he didn't want to finish his breakfast.
This morning I was driving and it just kind of hit me about how unbelievable this whole thing is. It all started in May and it still seems just unreal. I can't believe my son has a brain tumor. How could this be?? Anyway it was just wierd the way it hit me this morning. That's all for now.

Monday, October 6, 2003 8:02 AM CDT

Mitch picked out his costume. He is going to be Harry Potter this year. We tried to find Austin Powers, but the only ones they had were in adult sizes. We also looked for the crocodile hunter, since little brother is going to be a crocodile. Anyhow he wated Harry Potter so he could carry the wand and the lantern, and wear the glasses. He will look great.
Everything is going well, Mitch is feeling good. His balance is still pretty bad, I hope it will improve with time. I still pray everyday for his complete healing. God has already helped us so much down this road, I almost feel guilty to ask for anything more.

Sunday, October 5, 2003 8:50 AM CDT

Well today I am going to go Halloween shopping. Baby brother got his costume, he is going to be a little crocodile. It is so cute.
Mitch wants to be Austin Powers or Dr. Evil- I hope I can find a costume for one of those. If not we will have to brain storm for some more ideas. He wants to be something funny. Anyone have some suggestions (Keep in mind I don't sew.)

Thursday, October 2, 2003 7:22 AM CDT

Mitch has been feeling good still. He has a field trip at school today to go to a lake, so that will be fun for him. He did lose weight the last time we weighed in at the Dr., but that is probably because he was sick for a week. So we are trying to put those lbs. back on him.
Matthew, Mitch's little brother has changed Mitch's name. He used to call him "Ditch" (he's only 2 and can't say "Mitch"), but now he's started calling him "Witch" And let me tell you, Mitch isn't super thrilled with that one.

Saturday, September 27, 2003 9:31 PM CDT

Mitch is doing well, he is over his sickness and has quite the appitite. I can't believe how much he's been eating lately. I love it.

Monday, September 22, 2003 9:22 AM CDT

We went to get our family portrait done yesterday, and when we checked in nobody told us they were running 1 1/2 hours behind. Needless to say after waiting that long, Matthew (2years old) was a little crabby. I was getting hot and sweaty since it was about 100 degree's in there. By the time we got into get our photo's, Matthew was crying and Mitch was tired and kept trying to lay down. They took about 4 pictures and not one of them turned out worth a crap. What a waste of a good afternoon. So since our last family picture doesn't include Matthew, Mitch and I taped a picture of him to it. That will have to do for now. (ha-ha)

Sunday, September 21, 2003 9:35 AM CDT

Well, Mitch is feeling better now. He went to his friends house to play this weekend. Hopefully he'll be fine to make it to school this week.

Friday, September 19, 2003 5:14 PM CDT

Well, Mitch is still feeling sick. We tried to send him to school today, because last night he seemed better. But he threw up on the bus. Poor guy. So he came home and has been resting most of the day. He may have a virus, because his little brother was sick a few days back.
I just wanted others to know, I have been reading some other kids websites, and just today came across 2 kids who have recently died from their brain tumors. I am so saddened by this I can hardly stand it, and it makes me realize how lucky Mitch is to be doing so well. Please say prayers for all the kids who are suffering from this terrible disease.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:18 PM CDT

Mitch stayed home from school today because he had a headache. I called Dr. Tilford and he said not to worry, since he just had his latest MRI about a week ago. I'm not too worried but it's his first headache since surgery, and as you know that's the symptom that lead us to the Dr. in the first place. Hopefully tomorrow he will be fine. Other than that all is well.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 10:15 AM CDT

Mitch's alternative treatment "Protocel" arrived yesterday, so we have now started that on top of his Chemo. Some people seem to have had remarkable results with it. Mitch has a chemo appointment today, and a cancer counseling appointment. We bought a new truck over the weekend and it is so nice. Mitch and Dad went fishing yesterday after school and didn't catch anything. That's all for now.

Saturday, September 13, 2003 9:01 AM CDT

Hi everyone, Mitch is doing well, he is going to Miranda's birthday party today so he will have a great time. He is eating well, and his writing skills have been steadily improving since school started. I was helping him with math the other day and he still knows all his stuff, I am so glad.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 5:09 PM CDT

Mitch's MRI results were "no change" I guess that is not bad news, but I was hoping they would say it's all gone. Wishful thinking I guess. He will start his alternative treatment, along with his chemo as soon as it arrives. Hopefully the next MRI will show no more tumor.
Other than that Mitch is good, he gained 1 1/2 pounds so I bought him a new game boy game for a reward. I have reduced myself to bribary.

Tuesday, September 9, 2003 11:45 AM CDT

Mitch had his MRI yesterday, we won't find out the results until tomorrow, what torture that is. He was sedated for his MRI and he hated the I.V. Other than that he did great. Today he is at school, and tomorrow we will meet with the neurosurgeons. I pray they say his scan was clear of any tumor. That may be asking too much but that's what I pray anyway.

Sunday, September 7, 2003 8:58 AM CDT

Mitch has his MRI tomorrow- Please pray for a clean scan. I also ordered an alternative treatment called protocel for him. It hasn't arrived yet, but we are going to try it as soon as it gets here.
Mitch is doing well. He went to stay the night at his friend Edison's last night. He is doing well so far at school also. Big problem is he is way to skinny, he lost a pound last time we went to the dr. so we are trying like heck to make him gain some weight.

Wednesday, September 3, 2003 3:39 PM CDT

Mitch had a great first day of school. He said no one made fun of him. Which I knew they wouldn't. He went and hung out with his old teacher Mr. Crouse on the first recess, and on the 2nd recess he went out and played with one of his friends. He said he wasn't nervous anymore. I am so glad. Now just prayers for a clean MRI next week.

Monday, September 1, 2003 10:12 AM CDT

Well, school starts tomorrow. Mitch is a little nervous but he feels better about it now that we went and met his teachers and he doesn't have to go to P.E. or recess. I think he will do great.
I just read an article from St.Judes research center saying that the survival rates for Mitch's kind of tumor are incredibly high. 100% if the tumor was completely removed and about 80-90% if not. Those are great odds. I just know Mitch will be O.K. He has an MRI next week, so we will see what that shows.

Thursday, August 28, 2003 5:34 PM CDT

Mitch has been feeling good lately...
He has been playing alot with Miranda and been eating O.K. He had a counseling appt. with a cancer counselor and we really liked her. We go to the school tonight to drop off school supplies and meet his new teacher. We are really going to miss Mr. Crouse.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 8:31 AM CDT

We went to the Oregon Coast over the weekend and had a wonderful time. We went to Newport Oregon where the coolest aquarium is. It was great. We rented a wheelchair for Mitch, because he said his legs were hurting. (One of the side effects of Vincristine). He had a great time..
Today is his first appointment with a cancer counselor. I am so glad, I think he will really benifit from counseling.
Sept. 8th is his appt. for his first MRI since surgery.

Friday, August 22, 2003 4:22 PM CDT

I have been in communication with Mitch's school this week, and it sounds like everyone is really on top of the situation and willing to make it as easy on Mitch as possible. He is going to do just fine.
Also, the people from the make a wish foudation came by the other night. They were really nice, they brought presents for Mitch and Matthew, and told us a little about how our trip is going to be. We get to ride in a limo to and from the airport. Pretty fancy. Mitch is excited about it all.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003 9:44 PM CDT

Well, we got back from our trip to the lake today. We all had a great time. Matthew got a cold while we were there. We had to go immediately to Doernbecher's from the airport for Mitch to have his chemo, so it has been a busy day. I am ready to collapse. But back to the lake, Mitch and Miranda swam, rode 4 wheelers and played like crazy. They had so much fun, maybe we'll take Miranda with us again next year.

Friday, August 15, 2003 10:52 AM CDT

Today we leave for our trip to Priest Lake Idaho. Mitch stayed the night with Miranda last night and they had a nice time. We are excited to leave today. My family is excited to see us all too. I will update when we get back. By the way Mitch has his next MRI scheduled for sept.8th. We will find our how much tumor is left or if there is any shrinking or growth.

Monday, August 11, 2003 9:17 AM CDT

Yesterday was the Clark County Fair and Mitch's dad raced his buggy and won 1st Place. We were all so excited. Mitch didn't go but he got to watch the video. He instead went with Miranda's mom to pick her up from the airport, and they had a little welcome home party for her. She is here today to play with Mitch. He is so happy. And so is she for that matter. Next Friday we go to visit my family at the lake. (Priest Lake Idaho) Miranda is going with us.

Saturday, August 9, 2003 9:19 AM CDT

Mitch has been feeling a little sick with this round of chemo. He has thrown up few times. I hope it subsides soon.
His best buddy Miranda returns from her long summer vacation tomorrow and Mitch is very excited about that. He is going with Miranda's mom to pick her up from the airport. This is his best friend since the day they were born and he has been so lonely without her.

Tuesday, August 5, 2003 6:58 PM CDT

Mitch had an appt. today with his oncologist, he needed to check his blood and give him some of his chemo pills. His blood counts are pretty good and he didn't lose any weight between this time and 2 weeks ago. So that is great. While we were there Dr. Tilford introduced us to a cancer counseler that Mitch is going to see. She seemed really nice and it will be good for Mitch to have someone to talk to.

Sunday, August 3, 2003 9:46 AM CDT

We just found out Mitch will be granted a wish from the Make a Wish Foundation. So Mitch's wish is Disneyland. We are so excited. The whole family goes all expenses paid. It will take about 6 months to get eveything planned. We are so looking forward to it. We have never gone and Mitch has always wanted to.
Mitch is doing well, still a little emotional. But that is to be expected. I made him an appointment to talk to a counselor. I think that will help him. Anyway all is well.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 11:49 AM CDT

Well Mitch is starting to have alot of anxiety about the next school year. He asked me if he could retire temporarily. I told him no he had to go to school, but we will make sure it is comfortable for him.. He doesn't want to go to recess, because he say's everything is too hard. He is also worried that he can't write very well, but I told him the teachers will be aware of the situation and will work with his abilities. He also misses his best friend Miranda, who went to California for part of the summer, very much. He wants her to come home NOW!! She is actually going to go with us to visit our family in Priest Lake Idaho, it should be lots of fun for both of them..

Saturday, July 26, 2003 10:20 PM CDT

Hi everyone, Nothing really new to update you on, just that Mitch is still doing great. He went to see the Dr. who was in charge of his rehab for a follow up, and the Dr. thought he was doing great. He just wants him to work on his posture, because Mitch tends to hold his head forward. So we will be working on that. We are going swimming tomorrow (Mitch's favorite thing to do. Please keep up the prayers for Mitch's complete healing. Thanks. Don't forget to sign the guest book..............................

Wednesday, July 23, 2003 11:02 PM CDT

Mitch's voice is getting better everyday. I would like to thank everyone who has stopped by and signed the guest book. I read them all to Mitch. He thinks it's so cool. Mitch still isn't wanting to eat much, but other than that he is feeling o.k. He stayed home with his grandma today while I went to work. He was kind of bored, but they played some games of Uno and took a little walk.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003 3:31 PM CDT

Mitch had Chemo (Vincristine) today, so I talked to the Dr. about his appitite and if there was anything we could give him. He decided to wait, and he had the nutritionist come in and talk to us. So we are going to try to cram as many calories into what he eats as we can. His counts were all down from last time, but the Dr. says they are still in the O.K. range. Mitch still feeling good. Thank GOD.

Sunday, July 20, 2003 9:29 PM CDT

Today we all went to the lake, and took our boat out. (David, me, Mitch, and Matthew.) We had a great time. Mitch loves to swim so he was very happy. Matthew is pretty fearless when it comes to water so I have to watch him pretty closely, since he doesn't know how to hold his breath yet. He had a life jacket on the whole time of course. Mitch and his dad spent some good quality time together, so that was good. Mitch is still feeling good. Time for Chemo on Tues. Hopefully it will not make him feel too bad.

Saturday, July 19, 2003 11:06 AM CDT

Today is my 2nd day back to work and it is going good. Mitch is home with his grandma, he keeps asking me not to go to work..It makes me feel so bad, because I want to give him pretty much whatever he wants at this point, but working is not a choice its a requirement. I carry our medical benifits, because I work for Kaiser Permenente, And that is not an option to give up.. Other than that he is doing great..His speech is getting better everyday. We are so happy about that. He goes in for Chemo again on Tues.

Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:59 PM CDT

Today and Yesterday Mitch has been eating a little more than he has been lately. I am sooooo glad. He has lost some wieght, and I just don't want him to get too skinny. I keep telling him if he doesn't eat they're going to put one of those tubes back in his nose. He goes in for Chemo next Tuesday so he'll probably be back to not eating again.
Tomorrow is my first day back to work since all of this started 2 months ago. It seems alot longer than 2 months but that's all it has been. I am kind of excited to go back and see all my work friends. Mitch is going to stay home with his grandma.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003 8:37 PM CDT

Today Mitch is doing well, but he is bored. So his cousin came over to play with him. He goes to speach therapy for the fist time tomorrow since he started talking. It will be interesting what they can do for him. We are still having a hard time getting him to eat anything. I hate to force him, but I feel like I have to.

Monday, July 14, 2003 8:22 PM CDT

Today my mom and sisters left. My sisters and I got tattoo's today in honor of Mitch. They are based on a healing angle that we were given. We all came up with an original drawing that my sister Cheryl drew. It hurt like heck. Mitch went and had his picture taken today for an article they are going to put in our local newspaper. Mitch is feeling well, just having problems getting him to eat.

Sunday, July 13, 2003 10:19 AM CDT

Well my mom and sisters are here visiting, they are staying at a motel that has a swimming pool, so we have been going there for Mitch to swim. He loves it. So does little brother. He says his vision is getting better. He doesn't see double so much anymore. That's a very good thing.

Friday, July 11, 2003 9:47 AM CDT

Tonight my mom and my sisters are coming to see Mitch. They all live out of town. My mom stayed the first 2 weeks after surgery and my sisters were here the first few days after surgery. So he has come a long way since they have seen him. We are all excited. Mitch went miniature golfing yesterday with some friends and did really well. He was a little tired when they got home however. Other than that he is doing great.

Thursday, July 10, 2003 9:32 AM CDT

Another entry..Mitch has been on Chemo for a couple of weeks now and is doing well. His only side effect so far is loss of appitite. I will be posting some pictures soon.

Thursday, July 10, 2003 9:09 AM CDT

Mitch started talking on July 7th for the fist time since his surgery on May 14th. He is hard to understand but it's getting better everyday.

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----End of History----