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Good morning, Michelle, Zach, Kenny and Kate:

I am just checking in today, admiring the tree and the ornaments, especially the one that looks like a guitar. I hope this is a good day for each of you.

Thinking of you all,

Claudia Williams [member of Team Meyer, Texas branch!!]
- Wednesday, December 7, 2005 3:55 PM CST
What a great tree! That made me laugh--Zach, Kenny and Kate with the Mission Impossible---fit the tree in the house! Or should it be-- fit that tree, in this house??
These are the memories that will be remembered!
I hope that Christmas Break brings you happy times and go ahead and make that birthday cake for Dave and sing with all your hearts for him. He would've loved it! Remember, we are out here praying for you and even though it's not as easy to say like Kenny does---You are doing a great job!!!
We love You
Sara and family

Sara Huxoll & family <swatdog273@charter.net>
Walla Walla , - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 8:51 AM CST
Hello everyone.This past year I have had the privillage to get to know Kenny all the much more, and lately at lunch we have been talking and walking around the commins area. We usually talk about where we want to walk that day, but these past two days we didn't. Instead we just walk straight towards the gym and before we know it we are racing towards the rock to see who can make it there first. Then Kenny starts to trace DAVE MEYER with his finger. We talk about Dave some days and most the time it feels like Daves just there talking along with us. I just thought I would shared these special moments with you. Love kendra
Kendra Greenwood <greenwood_36@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 9:32 PM CST
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Just stopping by to say Hi.....
The Prayer Bears

melissa <angels4hailee@Cox.net>
caveCreek, aZ United States - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 8:54 PM CST
The Meyer Team is awesome, I love the website and thank you for including John on it. Thank you for your kind words and thoughts they mean so much, especially when someone "gets it". Your webpage looks so good it makes me want to find time to fix up John's. Thank you again.
Pat Borre <jpborre@yahoo.com>
Fox River Grove, IL - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 7:47 AM CST
Michelle, thanks for the picture of the bed with sheets. That was great of Cheri to want your bed made must be a mom thing hu. Can't handle it when my kids don't need sheets. Michelle you have such a great group of friends here on Caringbridge it is amazing how you can feel you know someone by reading about them day by day. Thank you for sharing your life and for all the others who do also. It really makes us appreciate our lives. Our bad times really are not all that bad. Thank you for helping me realize that.
Walla Walla, Wa - Monday, December 5, 2005 11:45 PM CST
Okay, I am happy now :^)

- Monday, December 5, 2005 8:59 PM CST
Okay Michelle ... LOVE all the Christmas photos, but what I really want is a photo of the bed ... with the sheets on, of course!

Thanks for finding humor in my odd sense of finding a way to help you!!!

Love you lots,

Cheri <cSchappert@msn.com>
- Monday, December 5, 2005 8:27 PM CST
It tickles my heart to hear you're finding humorous moments in the middle of your pain. Like you said " I wasn't sure if I should cry or laugh"...sounds like you are recognizing that both of those emotions can find a place in your life. Just know that we laugh with you, cry with you and walk with you! P.S...I SAW that huge tree on your van...sorry I missed the "mission" of getting the tree into the house! I could have used the entertainment, too! And good ol' Kenny...right in the middle of it all, so eloquently stating what we all observe but struggle to find the words to tell you. You are doing an awesome job!
Lisa <mbraddock@charter.net>
Walla Walla , - Sunday, December 4, 2005 9:53 PM CST
I did not think ANYTHING about Christmas could make me laugh this year, but the story of the Christmas tree that ate the living room [and the van, in transit] DID make me chuckle right out loud!! I was in California this past week with Rob's middle sister and stepmother. His dad is in an Alzheimer's facility and not doing well, so I went with Jo Anne to say our good-byes to him. Needless to say, that was not really high on my Hit Parade just now, but I did it anyway. Just because something is the right thing doesn't make it any easier [DAMN!], but...

Love to all the Meyers: grownups, kids, etc., and to the Team Meyer folks all around the country. I will have to go back and read about the mattress. Not having access to a computer since last Tuesday was tough. I don't like being out of touch with all of you.

Love always,

- Sunday, December 4, 2005 5:56 PM CST
OOPS, forgot to say THANK YOU TEAM MEYER, thank you Michelle for posting Lou's news.....stable......we like stable.....thank you .... someday, I will visit Walla Walla and thank you all personally, I have to....I will.....Walla Walla, what a place.......love to you all,
Cathy B.
The city mouse on the 58th floor in Chicago
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

Cathy Beres
chicago, IL - Sunday, December 4, 2005 4:53 PM CST
Ah Kenny...yes, she IS doing a good job....she is doing MORE than a good job....she is doing a fantastic great job!!! Big smiles here today thinking of that huge tree eating up your living room.....as it should be....good...big shining tree......will fill the empty space maybe just a bit.......sheets on the bed, OMG!!!! LOL !!! what a DAY girl!!!
Have fun with boy town.....love and more love,
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, IL - Sunday, December 4, 2005 4:50 PM CST
These things take time. I am just ever so sorry you are hurting, but I believe strongly it is something you need to go through, and unfortunately, no matter how much they care, nobody can do it for you.

I'm sorry. Sending hugs...

Kathleen, mom to Steven and aunt to angel Kyra
San Diego, CA USA - Saturday, December 3, 2005 4:35 PM CST
I wish I could give you a hug - or come and make your bed! You made me cry with your raw grief and anger on today's page. `But you have to remember, Dave WAS all those superhuman things - to YOU. You must be really special. You have great kids and great memories and I hope SO much that the rawness will ease with time leaving you all those special thoughts and his music as comfort.
First visit, from Jacob's page
England, - Saturday, December 3, 2005 3:54 PM CST
I just found your website the other day after seeing your link in Jacob's guestbook. I have read your entire journal now and your story is so powerful. I shared the link with one of my parenting groups and after your last journal entry, many have thanked me for sharing it with them. You have inspired us all to take the time to appreciate our husbands and to give them a little extra loving care. I can't take away your pain although I wish I could. I do thank you for sharing the rawness and truth of it.
Julie <jlpeacock_3@yahoo.com>
MO - Saturday, December 3, 2005 9:18 AM CST
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Many hugs to you tonight!!
Love ya, Kevin and Kari

"Perhaps they are not stars in the sky,
but rather openings
where our loved ones shine down
to let us know
they are happy."

Kevin and Kari T. <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, Mn USA - Friday, December 2, 2005 10:57 PM CST
I understand what you mean. It might be hard for the memory not to try to build Dave up as a "marble man". But warts and all, I can honestly say that he was real. The most genuine person I have ever known. I know that is why kids loved him, even when he'd had enough and went "Mt.Meyer" on them on occassion (though he never admitted it I know it was sometimes more for effect). But he was real, and he genuinely cared and in today's world that makes him a very unique and special man. We've been talking more the last couple days about him and I can see the hurt in the boys' eyes as they watch me hurting and hear of your hurts too. It is hard to try to explain to them the "why's" of things when I don't know at all myself.
Over the years, I can say that parts of the Velveteen Rabbit have reminded me so much of Dave, even before these last few months. In trying to describe what real is, I am reminded of Skin Horse's description and I think of Dave and his life. I hope you will indulge me posting it here...

Love you guys! Thanks so much for your encouraging note on Thanksgiving. You always know what to say. Missing you all.


Will and Stacy

What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. "Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?"

"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real."

"Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit.

"Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are Real you don't mind being hurt."

"Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked, "or bit by bit?"

"It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

The Mouats <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO - Friday, December 2, 2005 10:16 PM CST
You are amazing. Thank you for sharing your story.

May you find strength in your soul, may you find happiness in your future and may you find love in your heart...

BC Canada - Friday, December 2, 2005 8:27 PM CST
Wow, what an emotional, poignant entry. Your husband sounds like a great guy. I hope you'll be able to work through your grief...

Thanks for signing my guestbook!

Take care,
Ones Who Care

Christamae Zimpel <ldspeaker17@yahoo.com>
- Friday, December 2, 2005 6:46 PM CST

I sat here crying and then laughing. I could see Dave in my mind, doing the little nodding thing as if he was going to respond when he was really just going to keep singing. I thought about Dave refusing to go downstairs and rest after the Gamma Knife, even though he knew he was making you mad. I thought about how, if Dave had been here last weekend, you never would have been able to leave so quickly.

It's just not fair having anything more to miss!

It's no wonder your kids are so incredible - I mean they are MICHELLE and DAVE'S kids after all.

I love you, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, December 2, 2005 2:55 PM CST
Chelle ... you did it again. You keep leaving me loving notes on Fred's site and giving me a false sense that you are doing well ... then our little friend writes a message and suddenly I clue in ... I know that even if I were there to hug you and make you smile, it would only be a temporary fix, so today I'm not going to patronize you with the .. Wish I could Help message .... today I'm going to tell you that yes, It does Suck. The worst of it all is, there is no getting out of it, you just have to go throught it and know that it will suck every day ... perhaps a bit less somedays ... but it will suck. I can't decide what is worse ... if we never had a true love like our husbands, or to lose them like this ... either way, it would just plain suck.

Sending you lots of love and complete understanding ...

Cheri <CSchappert@msn.com>
- Friday, December 2, 2005 9:22 AM CST
Hello from my corner of the world. I really enjoy reading your posts. You always hit it right on the head, you don't tip toe around things. I appreciate that true honesty. I had to laugh at some of Daves "faults" you listed. We have some of those same faults in our house and it always makes me think of what I say "it's the things I love about him that drive me crazy". It also reminds me, once again, to be thankful for each day, because really, those little faults are nothing in the big picture. I hope you find reasons to smile this weekend. I see you guys got lots of snow??? The high today should be around 70 degrees, so you freezing people in the Northwest (and Midwest) should maybe change corners and come visit us. Although, it sounds like Walla Walla is the place to be! If you ever need somewhere warm to come in the winter, you're welcome here anytime!! I'm thankful today that you have three wonderful, caring, feeling, honest children to share your days with you.

Michelle Gentges <gentges6@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA! - Friday, December 2, 2005 8:48 AM CST
I can not even imagine having to go through the holidays missing a loved one. I am so deeply sorry. I hope that you and your family find comfort in each other and know that we are here thinking and praying for you. Take care


Elizabeth <michael_shipley@bellsouth.net>
- Thursday, December 1, 2005 10:17 PM CST
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Thinking of you all.


- Thursday, December 1, 2005 12:33 AM CST
I am thankful you have a digital camera!
Your entry today made me cry - and laugh out loud... having been through a bit of crap myself, my sister and I have a favorite saying for when something bad happens... your friend Cherie may like it...(others may not like the swearing)- we just look at each other and say "well, looks like one more bite out of the old shit sandwich".... and somehow it makes us laugh once again.
Down the street.... thinking of you.

Judy Peasley <gjpeas@charter.net>
- Wednesday, November 30, 2005 2:49 PM CST
Michelle, love your posting today, love the pictures, love you!
Cindy <thelorangs@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:47 PM CST
I just wanted to thank you for showing us how to take off our rose colored glasses and see a glimpse of life as it really can be, as painful as that is. I think it helps to show us how to appreciate what we have. Even though your kids don't really know who I am, give them a hug from me. Miss you!

Donna Wierman <mdjkwierman@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA USA - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:53 PM CST

You know you can cut that "sandwich" up and give me a healthy portion any time!

I love you, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:03 PM CST
Oh Michelle, I stopped in after work for a minute hopeing the family would not miss dinner for a few. Have to tell you the picture at the end of your letter was precious. I do have to tell you it brought tears to my eyes. Well tears that needed a kleenex that is. Isn't it wonderful to have friends like this. It is easy to love a family like yours. Glad you were able to do something for the long Thanksgiving weekend. Thanks again for sharing these special times with us. God Bless You.
Walla Walla, Wa. - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 7:46 PM CST
Michelle, ma belle [remember that song?]

I can't imagine getting through this without you and your words. The story from Kendrie's mom just nails it -- thank you so much for sharing it. I have been trying to be grateful for all the years Rob and I had [and I truly am!], which were more than many get to have, but somehow, still not enough. The image of crap sandwiches -- not ordered but delivered nevertheless, of different sizes, but still crap -- will stay in my heart forever. Do you think I can copy it to my page as well?

Like you, Michelle, I am grateful for the healthy children and grandchildren I have, and for the wonderful amazing support I have had from our families and friends, including the Caring Bridge friends. I just wish the hole where Rob IS/WAS did not feel so big right now...and did not feel as if it will be huge forever.

Today on Caring Bridge, I could not really find words to write, so I came here, and to the other sites I follow, to read. What a blessing we all are to one another. I am very glad to have you in my life, even though I would have preferred never to have met, if it meant that DAVE AND ROB WERE STILL WITH US WHERE THEY BOTH BELONG, and had never had brain tumors, surgeries, leukemia (in Rob's case) and all the attendant chemotherapy, fevers, nausea and other -- dare I say it? -- crap!!

Thank you also for linking us to other families that are suffering. It does us well to move outside ourselves in the support of others, even if our holes are still there.

My love and gratitude to you and yours, today and always,

Claudia Williams
Georgetown, TX - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:52 AM CST
Michelle, I did see where you have Jacobs link on this site. It is wonderful the suport Walla Walla sends. Thank you for the kind things you said, I just wish there was more we can do on this side of the web site for the families here. It is amazing how we can feel so attached to families we have never met. It is wonderful how you and others share your most personal feelings with us.
Thank You and Good Night. God Bless You.

Walla Walla, Wa. - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 0:58 AM CST
Michelle...you are honoring your husband...with all the support you give to others in the world of brain tumors. May God continue to give you strentgh during this most difficult time. Your encouragement means so much. Love you.
Deanne Messinger <deannemessinger@sbcglobal.net>
Jenison, MI USA - Monday, November 28, 2005 10:51 PM CST
I put a link to Jacob on yesterday...just click his name, it's at the top of the page, I'll add his name to the longer list, too.

Thank you for your faithfulness and your continual presence in prayer. You are a true gift to many, especially me.
Hugs, Michelle
(signing our own guestbook...weird)

Michelle Meyer <meyer1986@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA US - Monday, November 28, 2005 9:49 AM CST
Michelle I just read Jacobs page before I went to bed. As you saw Jacob needs all of Walla Walla's prayers. We are doing so well for Fred, can you put a link on for Jacob? What a wonderful place we live.
Walla Walla, Wa. - Monday, November 28, 2005 0:38 AM CST
Michelle, it is wonderful how the Love is over flowing to Fred's family. I check his site many times a day along with yours. It makes me feel so lucky to live in a community that has so much Love and Support as Walla Walla has. Good Night and God Bless You.
Walla Walla, Wa, - Monday, November 28, 2005 0:19 AM CST
To the Meyer Family and friends.

All I can say is Thank you! I have been so touched by your endearing strength and support for not only the Meyers but for my family (the Schappert's) as well. I can FEEL your kindness and warmth way over here in Australia! the town of Walla Walla is AMAZING!! The power of your prayers and support IS working because we are stronger and more empowered from it. I also pray for your families and know that together we are not alone. We will not let this disease take our spirits because the only way our loved ones can continue to live forever is through all of us.
Take care,
Augusta Benvenuto
Daughter/of Fred Schappert

Augusta Benvenuto <augustab@bigpond.net.au>
Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Saturday, November 26, 2005 11:04 PM CST
Meyer Family...

You continue to be in my thoughts and on my heart. I never know quite what to say to encourage you. I think of all the things that people have said to me, having only the best intentions, that wound up hurting me deeply. But I do always want you to know that you have 'family' in California thinking about you all and praying for you always.

With Love and HOPE
Haldey's Crazy Mama

Angela Fox <FoxFamilyFIve@sbcglobal.net>
Alameda, Ca USA - Saturday, November 26, 2005 6:00 PM CST
Thinking of you and thankful to have your friendship in mine and Kevins lives. We are very grateful for you. (I thought of you when I saw this pic)

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Love and many hugs!
Kevin and Kari T.

Kevin and Kari T. www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Friday, November 25, 2005 9:54 PM CST
Your journal entry made me cry, i just ache for you, i cant even imagine the pain/grief you are going thru....

Praying that you found some peace and had a thankful thanksgiving.
Melissa and My little bug hailee

melissa <angels4hailee@cox.net>
cavecreek, az usa - Friday, November 25, 2005 4:48 PM CST
Hoping today [Thanksgiving] was better than you expected it to be. It was good to have our family together -- as many as could be there -- and to be grateful for our love for one another. But I am glad this day is behind me. These "firsts" are really no fun!!

Love always and hugs to you all in Walla Walla. It is amazing how your Team Meyer responded to Cheri and Fred -- and wonderful!!

- Friday, November 25, 2005 1:01 AM CST
Happy Turkey Day!!! Wasn't the snow beautiful this morning? I thought so. Hope you are surrounded by your family and friends this day of thanks.
Have a wonderful day!
Sara and family

Sara Huxoll
Walla Walla, wa - Thursday, November 24, 2005 5:07 PM CST
Here I am with the turkey in the oven and passing time until everyone arrives. Sat down to check email and, as is the custom, check your site for updates. I smiled when I read it, because we all knew you are thankful, even when you said you weren't. And you knew it, too. The scripture says to give thanks IN all circumstances, not FOR all of them. And you give thanks IN all, better than anyone.

Laurie Klicker <mikeklicker@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Thursday, November 24, 2005 2:19 PM CST
Hello, Michelle,
Just to let you know that I'm thinking of you all today and know how very difficult and at the same time how very wonderful the day will be. You'll be surrounded by love and "love never fails." Take the turkey and the gobbles out of the day and you'll have the really important "stuff" on your plate this year. And I know you'll be nourished by those at your Thanksgiving table. Take GOOD care--especially if you travel to this gathering table.

Wendye <bren@brenski.net >
- Thursday, November 24, 2005 10:24 AM CST
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You are in my thoughts and prayers through the Holiday season.


Elizabeth <michael_shipley@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:33 PM CST

I just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you all as the holidays quickly approach. We are also giving thanks for the life Dave lived so well, and for the friendship He blessed us with between our families! We also thank you for continuing to share your journey with us so we know better how to pray. Even though we watch from afar it is obvious that you are handling death with as much grace and strength as you handled life. You continue to be an inspiration, and honor Dave with your life and the love you so willing give to others, just as he did. We look forward to the day we can once again embrace you with a hug and share those special memories of the past with you in person.

Much love and hugs to all,

Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO 80831 - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:43 PM CST
Michelle and kids--
Thanksgiving and Christmas will have a new meaning this year with the absence of Dave. You are right. We don't know the magnitude of LOVE the two of you shared. It's the simple things that are remembered and missed so much. Like the toothpaste on the toothbrush, the notes here and there. I think Kirsten is right---this will affect all those that are reading! You have many things to still be thankful for. Your FAMILY & FRIENDS who love you all so much.
Many hugs and prayers this day for you!

Sara Huxoll
Walla Walla, - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:40 AM CST
You are never far from our thoughts every single day. I just wanted you all to know today that we love you and are holding you close in our hearts.


Will and Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:23 AM CST
Just when I think that no one is listening .. or cares, you and so many Team Meyer members reach out to me and my family ... is there anyone more amazing than my friend Michelle Meyer? I truly doubt it. I know today was difficult for you, so imagine my surprise to find so many caring messages from Walla Walla ... Seattle and many places in the Pacific Northwest. These messages come from the state I grew up in ... the very state that is so comfortable to me ... how did you know how to make me feel loved?
Cheri Schappert <CSchappert@msn.com>
Loomis, CA United States - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 11:19 PM CST
We're holding you and all those with empty chairs close to our hearts this Thanksgiving. Dave was quite a guy, thank you so for sharing him with all of us.

Hugs xoxo,

Kathleen, mom to Steven and aunt to angel Kyra
San Diego, CA USA - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:58 PM CST
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From My family to yours, may you have a blessed thanksgiving
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And make sure to leave room for pie.... we love you...
Image hosted by TinyPic.commelissa and

melissa <angels4hailee@cox.net>
cavecreek, az usa - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 6:22 PM CST
Dearest Michelle:

Well, once again, you and Dave have reduced me to tears. First with the wonderful picture of your family, all together and intact. October, 2004, seems a lifetime ago, doesn't it? It WAS a lifetime ago, because the life you and Dave shared (the entity that was Dave&Michelle) is gone, impossible as that is to imagine, and unfair as that is to you and your children. Of course there is no adjustment possible, no accommodation; there is only life, moving on and expecting you to keep up. You don't even have to try to tell us how much you miss him. I never met him and I CANNOT IMAGINE how you will EVER get along without the man who requires a 3500 pound rock to represent his steadfastness in the world.

And the note: how wise, and how tender, of you to keep it, to hold on to it in recognition of its value, even in 1989, before Kenny, Zack or Kate [but after Kyle?]. What loving kindness and joy there was between the two of you, and how wonderfully you shared it with your children as they were born into your family -- as they took their places in your hearts.

There is no doubt that Dave knows how much you miss him. In spite of how glorious it must be to have arrived in Heaven, without the physical pain and diminishment of the last year, I know he misses you and the kids, too, and wishes he could have finished the job he began with you when they were born. How could the man who wrote that note possibly feel otherwise??

When he talks with God now, face-to-face, he must say that it is not fair, to have had to leave you all so soon, too soon. Since I believe God loves us, no matter what, I feel sure that God understands Dave's frustration -- and yours -- and wishes that cancer were not a part of the physical world we inhabit until we enter the realm of the Spirit.

Oh, my dear, aching friend, tonight when you lie down to sleep, close your eyes and feel that Dave is there with you, because his spirit will never leave you until you join him in Heaven. How I wish that were enough....

With such great Love for you, Kenny, Zack and Kate, and all Dave's friends and family, and with such great thanks that he was in your life, if for much too short a time,


Claudia Williams
Georgetown, TX - Monday, November 21, 2005 11:04 PM CST
We know that Dave was an incredible man - a great husband, father, son, brother, friend, coach and teacher. What Dave's note tells me is that YOU are an amazing person...that someone as wonderful as Dave found you to be his greatest gift...well, that says volumes about you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for posting the note. Kara, Wife of Butch, age 42, dx GBM inoperable 12/04

Kara <kduck913@yahoo.com>
- Monday, November 21, 2005 6:45 PM CST
Sending hugs and prayers your way. :)

Dawn Hull <dawnnoelehull@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, November 21, 2005 3:31 PM CST
I am so glad you posted Dave's note. What a beautiful reminder that expressions of appreciation, love and affection are so valuable...I bet you wouldn't trade that letter for a diamond! Dave put toothpaste on your toothbrush? Now that is LOVE in action! I have a feeling there will be a dramatic increase in "love" notes placed under pillows, in briefcases and between the sandwich and carrots in lunch boxes amongst your readers! Thanks for the reminder. Please know that this Thanksgiving there will be HUNDREDS of people praying for you and your family...we are all thankful for you!


Kirsten Pribilsky <thepribs@msn.com>
- Monday, November 21, 2005 1:01 PM CST
"Magic Penny" has always been my favorite Dave Meyer tune. I guess that's why I have a magic penny taped to my dashboard, and we have one taped over Walla Walla on the US map in the kitchen.

I love you Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kate

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Sunday, November 20, 2005 7:15 PM CST
Michelle, you continue to inspire me. I hope you will read my latest entry to our website. I rarely expose myself so completely. You are LOVE.

James M DeCourcey <jimdecourcey@charter.net>
- Sunday, November 20, 2005 6:54 PM CST
Hello Meyer family:
I was listening to the radio the other day and heard this song and thought "how perfect". It makes me think of what you must be going through.
"JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL" By Carrie Underwood

"Jesus Take The Wheel"

She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati
On a snow white Christmas Eve
Going home to see her Mama and her Daddy with the baby in the backseat
Fifty miles to go and she was running low on faith and gasoline
It would been a long hard year
She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention
She was going way to fast
Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass
She saw both their lives flash before her eyes
She didn't even have time to cry
She was sooo scared
She threw her hands up in the air

Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this all on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel

It was still getting colder when she made it to the shoulder
And the car came to a stop
She cried when she saw that baby in the backseat sleeping like a rock
And for the first time in a long time
She bowed her head to pray
She said I'm sorry for the way
I've been living my life
I know I've got to change
So from now on tonight

Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on

Oh, Jesus take the wheel
Oh, I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
Save me from this road I'm on
From this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel
Oh, take it, take it from me
Oh, why, oh

It is so Beautiful! I know that things are tough and you'd love to throw up your hands in the air and let Jesus take the wheel!!!
Zach, this is especially for you. We read the guestbook entries and talk about them and know how you are feeling and it is very hard! Just know that we are here for you and sometimes don't even have words to express the way we are feeling. I know that the kids don't understand because it wasn't their dad, their super hero. Take care Zach.
You too Shell, Kenny and Kate!

Sara Huxoll & family <khuxoll@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Saturday, November 19, 2005 11:17 PM CST
i did not know dave, but have come here through cheri's site. i wish i could have known dave, he sounds like an amazing person. how lucky you are to have had him in your life. how lucky the world is to have his family and friends to carry him on. you are a brave and caring person to be there and support my friend cheri. i thank you...

patty mchargue <mchrg9@aol.com>
- Saturday, November 19, 2005 1:08 AM CST
Thursdays entry made me smile. The ROCK is incrediable - as solid and beautiful and big -like the impression you got from Dave.
Yesterday I went to the victums memorial for victiums of drunk drivers, where 4 families spoke of the way they lost loved ones. At the memorial at WWCC sports complex they dedicated a tree for each and a plaque below for them. I remembered my husbands sister Lola Ann Huwe who 30 years ago in 1975 just graduated from high school and one week later was on the way home from the river- all 4 were drinking.
3 died when the car at high speeds hit that bridge. I never met Lola Ann, nor my children but we all know her. All my children can tell you everything about her- she IS with us.
In the program there was a poem from Mattie Stepanek and a poem by Shasha. When grieving friends meet.
We are here together- in the radiance -of our memories - in the darkness of our loss. - The memories of days gone by- can be like northern lights.- Outshinning distance and night,- rising in wonder. - And sometimes - the radiance of our memories overcomes - the darkness of our loss.

Walla Walla is a truely amazing town. Sherri Huwe

Sherri <srhuwe@hotmail.com>
College Place/ Dayton, Wa. 99324 - Friday, November 18, 2005 6:23 PM CST
I love your new Page. The tribute to Dave in tonights U.B. is great. Can't wait to get over to Wa-Hi and see Dave's rock. Dave will be remembered as part of Wa-Hi forever. God Bless.
Walla Walla, Wa. - Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:27 PM CST
Dearest Chelle:

Talk about WOW!! You found us...and I did put a picture of the two of us on his web page.

It is so good that you are now my reader as I have been yours. I am so grateful for this connection with you and your amazing family and your friends, even though I realized today when I looked at Dave's birthdate that our older son King [Sept 30, 1966] is only 4 years younger than Dave. I hope we can still be friends ;)

Love to you and yours, and gratitude for having been found,

- Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:21 PM CST
Thinking of you...

Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Love, Kari

Kevin and Kari T. www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 10:21 PM CST
Dear Michelle and kids,
The Pribilsky family loves the rock! We will be in town for Thanksgiving and will make sure we go to Wa-Hi to see it. As I was talking to Stefan about Dave's memorial I was struck by a thought: In 10,20,50 years there will be students, parents, and staff at Wa-Hi who do not know Dave. They will see his rock, be intrigued, and ask someone about,"That Dave Meyer guy". A conversation will follow about a man who had a huge impact, a man who was a student, friend, athlete, musician, husband, father, teacher, coach, encourager of kids, and lover of Jesus! What a legacy! Wa-Hi has a 3500 pound permanent "good influence" on its campus!


Kirsten Pribilsky <thepribs@msn.com>
West Linn, OR - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:11 PM CST
Hi Michelle and kids,
The Pribilsky family loves the rock! We will be in WW for Thanksgiving and will make a point to go to Wa-Hi to see it. I was talking to Stefan about "Dave's Rock" and it struck me that 10,20,50 years from now students, parents, and staff who don't know Dave will see the memorial and ask someone to tell them about, "That Dave Meyer guy". A conversation will take place about a man who was...a student, musician, athlete, husband, father, teacher, coach, encourager of kids, and lover of Jesus! Wa-Hi has 3500 pounds of permament "good influence" on its property!


Kirsten Pribilsky <thepribs@msn.com>
West Linn, OR - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 8:03 PM CST
A few monthes ago I saw a link on Dave's page to Roberts. I have been checking in on it often as I do Dave's. Tonight I was surprised to see Claudia write about seeing the tribute to Dave. She wrote such nice things about Dave and your family. It is amazing how small the world is. There is so much love shared in the Caringbridge Family. God Bless You All.
Walla Walla, Wa, - Monday, November 14, 2005 10:47 PM CST
I have read your journal about the rock and seen the UB article about the rock and once again feel compelled to write. But I am not sure what to say but feel I can't let the moments pass without saying something. Thank you to Val comes to mind for bringing the idea to fruition. The picture of the family in front of the rock nicely conveys its size and WOW! She was going for big and she got "Huge!" It's perfect - just big enough to convey the intended but not so big that it is overpowering - hmmm....seems like Dave to me. There are other higher powers to keep in mind. The symbols on the rock are perfect and I love that it is big enough for kids to climb on - also Dave it seems to me. Even though the rock is a gift from the Class of '81 to honor Dave , I think we all contributed knowing that it would be something cherished by all the classes that followed (or even before)in pride and honor of Dave - we loved him as so many others also did and he is missed. May he rest in peace.
Denise Richmond Habash <deniser@allergyresearch.com>
Sammamish, WA - Monday, November 14, 2005 10:40 PM CST
Dear Zach,
Wish I had some magic words for you, but there are none that I could speak. I sort of know a bit of what you're going through so I can say I know somewhat how you feel. I lost my older brother to cancer (my only sibling and my hero) when I was a sixth grader and he was a senior. I ran on a roller coaster for a lot of years, alternating between anger, hurt, guilt, rebellion and still trying to be the man I knew God and my brother would want me to be. It was hard not to aim my hurt and anger at God who after all is in control, but I still did. After these bouts I would get back onto the road of faith, but so often it was in my own strength and the hurt would creep back in and overwhelm me-drawing me away from the strength of Jesus.

It has been a hard road and there are many regrets strewn along the way, not the least of which is that I wish I would have clung to my savior more even though all these years removed I still don't understand it all. His strength and love have gotten me through though and I have found the roller-coaster is less steep now that I have learned to lean on His strength.

Your Dad meant the world to me and in many ways losing him has been harder. But the scars of other battles and the loving patience of our Lord have led me to lean on Him through all of this even though I don't even pretend to understand His ways or His wisdom. I didn't mean for this to get into a drawn out sermon or lessons learned, I just want to encourage you in these tough times. You and your brother and sister have been in my thoughts, in my prayers, and in my heart so much more than you know...especially in this last year. You don't have to hold it all in. One thing I learned from your Dad was that it is ok for men to show their emotions and how they feel. God is ok with venting, even with Him. If you ever need to just talk I am always here for all of you.


Gotta Keep Singing
Mercy Me (Undone)

Another rainy day
Can't recall having sunshine on my face
When all I feel is pain
And all I wanna do is walk out of this place
But when I am stuck
and I can't move
When I don't know what I should do
When I wonder if I'll ever make it through...

I gotta keep singin'
I gotta keep praising Your Name
You're the One that's keeping my heart beating
I gotta keep singin'
Gotta keep praising Your Name
'Cause that's the only way that I find healing
Can I climb up in Your lap?
I don't wanna leave
Jesus sing over me
I gotta keep singin'

And can I climb up in Your lap?
I don't wanna leave
Jesus sing over me
I gotta keep singin'

Will and Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO - Monday, November 14, 2005 11:08 AM CST
I found your website,through another one,,decided to check it out,,because my Mom lives in Walla Walla.(I live in Texas) I have to say,,you are much stronger than you realize. I can tell it,from your site. There is nothing 'good' about any of this,,but please feel blessed that you got to say your goodbyes and mentally prepare yourself. (At least as much as is possible) My Dad died last January,very suddenly,,and I have many regrets.I wish,,more than you can imagine,that I had been able to say goodbye,,and I love you,,one more time.
I will be thinking and praying for you and your kids . Time doesn't really heal all wounds,,it just makes the scars fainter.


Kim mom to Meaghan 16 ~~Katelyn 13 Bipolar,and OCD ~~ Logan 8 Autism, Mitochondrial myopathy complex II and IV,and JRA ~~ and Ethan 6,,Severe dyslexia,ADHD,CAPD,and possible mitochondrial encephalomyopathy <berlydawn4kids@yahoo.com>
Denton, Tx USA - Monday, November 14, 2005 1:49 AM CST
Hi Michelle, i agree hailee is just a cute princess.... thanks for remember us, and adding her link to your page...

i love all the pictures.. the unveiling of the rock made me cry... i am so sorry that i havent been on to visit in a long time, things on our end have just been crazy....

i will do better...
love Melissa and princess Hailee

melissa <angels4hailee@cox.net>
cavecreek, az usa - Sunday, November 13, 2005 8:44 PM CST
What a wonderful site!!!! Thank you so much for signing Joseph's guest book. We love to make new friends. Take care


Elizabeth <michael_shipley@bellsouth.net>
- Sunday, November 13, 2005 6:40 PM CST
Hello, Michelle,
You are "my cup of coffee" each morning as a check of your website gets me up and going and reflecting on oh, so many things. Thank you for the tribute to our military men and women you've included today. As of today, 2074 American families have been impacted by a death of a loved one in Iraq, plus over 200 from deaths in Afghanistan and there are so many severely wounded for life. We sometimes forget the thousands who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan--their mother countries--all leaving behind those who loved and depended on them. So, admiring your oh-so-BIG compassionate heart, you've brought another group into your caring fold of those in need. Your website is a labor of love; thank you for continuing to share with us all.

Wendye <bren@brenski.net>
- Sunday, November 13, 2005 9:50 AM CST
Michelle, it was great to hear your voice last night after our game of phone-tag. After we hung up, Eric ,Evy, Christina, and I just sat around the dinner table and talked about you and Dave and the kids. I know you've heard this a million times, but I am struck by what a long shadow your entire family has cast. The strength and love that all of you have displayed is an example to all of us, so thank you.
We love you very much....

Mark Nelson <marknelson88@hotmail.com>
Seattle, WA - Saturday, November 12, 2005 5:46 PM CST
Dear Kenny ~ I LOVE the football photos and I LOVE that you scored, espcially wearing #5! I am partial to #5 as my son Zac (class of 2003) wore #5. It was very good luck for him and I see that it is for you, as well. I'm sure your Dad was tearing down the goalposts in Heaven when he saw your run. Love, Cindy
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, November 11, 2005 2:20 PM CST

That's just beautiful, just seeing the photo of that stone brought me to tears, don't you think he'd love it?

Blessings be on your wonderful family.

Kathleen, mom to Steven and aunt to angel Kyra
San Diego, CA USA - Friday, November 11, 2005 11:34 AM CST
What a lasting and poignant tribute to Dave. The pictures of your family attest to the love, the caring, the compassion and grace which you continue to share with all of us. God bless you and your family.

Leslie Kojis <Dakotasleslie@hotmail.com>
Wake Forest, NC USA - Friday, November 11, 2005 6:50 AM CST
What a tribute to a wonderful man. Love is what it IS all about!
God Bless you all, especially during the upcoming holiday season!

Chris Milner <christinecowen@yahoo.com>
Knox, IN USA - Friday, November 11, 2005 6:00 AM CST
Dearest Michelle and family:

This seems appropriate, especially now that football season has ended...

For everything there is a season,
And a time for every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Dave's rock is the "time" for dancing, even while we still mourn. What an amazing gift to you and to the community he loved so much. Love keeps on giving, and ultimately, defeats even the grave.

Football, baseball, basketball and all other sports scores withstanding, it seems to me you are all undefeated. Love always,

Claudia Williams
- Friday, November 11, 2005 3:23 AM CST
Beautiful picture of your family standing behind Dave's rock...and there is clearly a space, an empty space right beside you, Michelle. I can almost see Dave standing there...his happy grin, his arms reaching around his family. His life, his spirit, his love is as enduring as that beautiful rock!
Lisa <mbraddock@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA - Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:14 PM CST
So often, we refer to someone special as our "rock." What a wonderful symbol this is---solid, secure, lasting. It's not goin' anywhere anytime soon. Wind's not going to blow it away. Once plunked, there it is. Lean. Sit. Climb. Rest on the shady side. Look. Read. Remember. It seems fitting to me to carve something deep into the landscape of WaHi like this. It's already been done, of course. But now it's marked.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL USA - Thursday, November 10, 2005 9:27 PM CST
"Gone Away" The Offspring

Maybe in another life
I could find you there
Pulled away before your time
I can't deal, it's so unfair

And it feels, and it feels like
Heaven's so far away
And it feels, yeah it feels like
The world has grown cold
Now that you've gone away

Leaving flowers on your grave
To show that I still care
But black roses and Hail Mary's
Can't bring back what's taken from me

I reach to the sky
And call out your name
And if I could trade
I would

And it feels, and it feels like
Heaven's so far away
And it stings, yeah it stings now
The world is so cold
Now that you've gone away

Gone away, gone away, yeah yeah yeah...

I reach to the sky
And call out your name
Oh please let me trade
I would

And it feels, and it feels like
Heaven's so far away
And it feels, yeah it feels like
The world has grown cold
Now that you've gone away

Gone away, gone away, yeah yeah yeah...

Almost all of the time I feel like this ever since Dad passed on and I know there is nothing any of us can do about it and sometimes it feels unfair but we can hang on and get through this together, the way i know Dad would want us to get through it. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MOM!!!!

Zach Meyer <kazmeyer92@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, November 10, 2005 0:55 AM CST
How totally awesome, and so DAVE! WOW, what a great gift ~ it can be touched, sat on, climbed on, sat by, hugged, and even kissed (maybe in the warmth of summer!) When you said they had something special planned, I thought maybe some dedication to Dave, you know, some little thing. Well, it's not little is it - it is so cool, I can hardly wait to see Dave's rock!
Cheryl Bloom
- Wednesday, November 9, 2005 10:17 PM CST
Dear Michelle, Kenny, Zach & Kate (and Mr. & Mrs. "Smiley Bob" Meyer) -

I wish I could have been at WaHi to see the unveiling of the rock. I am so thankful for being apart of such a wonderful class "Class of 1981" and to have had Dave as one of my friends. I pray for you everyday and think of Dave all the time. His smile and hug are always with me.. and his gift of song and faith, too. I look forward to coming back to Walla Walla, soon, so I can touch my fingers over Dave's name on the rock and give you all a big hug (in person). Love of Christ always...

Sarah Dagher (Class of 1981 - Sarah Williams) <daghers@comcast.net>
Methuen, MA - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 3:39 PM CST
Dear Michelle, Kenny, Zach & Kate (and Mr. & Mrs. "Smiley Bob" Meyer) -

I wish I could have been at WaHi to see the unveiling of the rock. I am so thankful for being apart of such a wonderful class "Class of 1981" and to have had Dave as one of my friends. I pray for you everyday and think of Dave all the time. His smile and hug are always with me.. and his gift of song and faith, too. I look forward to coming back to Walla Walla, soon, so I can touch my fingers over Dave's name on the rock and give you all a big hug (in person). Love of Christ always...

Sarah Dagher (Class of 1981 - Sarah Williams) <daghers@comcast.net>
Methuen, MA - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 3:39 PM CST
What a wonderful tribute to Dave, I love it. That picture on the front page sort of took my breath away. I saw Dave's eyes staring at me from under that WSU hat. Man, Zach does have his father's eyes. I found myself hearing my beloved Shepherd's Staff singing Put my Feet on The Rock after reading your entry. Dave really was a rock, and he knew who his Rock was. Praise God for people like Dave....he will be with us forever.

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 1:09 PM CST
Today the tears came like a flood. An odd mix of joyful memories and overwhelming grief. I wish I could have been there for that, but in my mind's eye I can see that rock there in front of the doors we came in and out of so often together. We would always compare conferences-having spent a lot of them sitting together-and smile at the opportunity to meet families and make that connection. I have always said I never remember a negative one for either of us-even now so far away when my new colleagues ask me what teaching is like. I have some many moments frozen in time in my mind and I want them to stay that way. I miss him so much. As much as I always have since we moved away. He means so much to so many and was a living example of Proverbs 18:24 to me. He was truly a friend that stuck closer than a brother. Thanks for sharing so much Chelle. Give the kids a squench for us.


Will and Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 10:13 AM CST
Beautiful..absolutely beautiful.
What a wonderful memorial for your Dave.
It brought tears to my eyes.
Thinking of you often...
Love, Kari

Kevin and Kari T. www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 9:46 AM CST
Chelle ... I can hardley stand it ... I have to compliment your friends .. they are so loving and so bright to do this ... it's not just for you and the kids, it's for all the people missing and loving Dave. So brilliant, your friends.

I graduated class of 1981 from U-Hi in Spokane ... Dave's birthday is just a few days earlier than mine ... somehow, in this strange BT world, maybe we were destined to become girlfriends? To become each other's rock for a time ... I don't know ... I'm only glad you call me friend.

P.S. - All the Cougar gear brings back many, many fond memories.

Cheri Schappert <CSchappert@msn.com>
Loomis, CA United States - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 9:27 AM CST
Thinking of you guys again as always. Pic of Zach and Tiff brought a huge smile to my face. Ask that kid when she's making a road trip to see us :o) Guess I have all these pent up songs I haven't posted so bear with me as they come out ok? God bless you all. You are in our prayers and thoughts so much more than you know.


"My Prayer"
Chris Rice (Smell the Color 9)

Fresh page, new pen
Where do I begin
Words fail, tears come
I need someone
To take the thoughts I almost think
And carry them to God for me

Deep breath, exhale
Breathe in deeper still
Long sigh, I'm still numb
Is there anyone
Who can find the things I'm barely feeling
And give them wings beyond my ceiling?

Right heart, wrong place
It's too far to outer space
Sorry, I forgot, You're right here
I cup my hands around Your ear
I feel you smile, You feel my breath
You listen while I whisper non-sense

Simple exchange
Your will, I'm changed
And now my prayer ends
Thank You, Amen

Will and Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 2:01 PM CST
test from cbadmin
bill <bill@caringbridge.org>
mpls, mn us - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 10:52 AM CST
Thinking of you daily...
Keeping you close to heart...
Many hugs being sent your way!
Love, Kevin and Kari

Kevin and Kari T. <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Monday, November 7, 2005 9:49 PM CST
Michelle...I read your journal almost every night. When I read about you nursing sick children back to health without Dave...I want to hop a plane a be there with you. It's so strange how we've never met, yet I feel like I am so close to you. Your grief is not felt alone...although it probably feels like it. You are LOVED in Michigan.

Deanne...wife of Michael...tired but still fighting!

Deanne <deannemessinger@sbcglobal.net>
Jenison, MI USA - Monday, November 7, 2005 5:47 PM CST
Michelle...I read your journal almost every night. When I read about you nursing sick children back to health without Dave...I want to hop a plane a be there with you. It's so strange how we've never met, yet I feel like I am so close to you. Your grief is not felt alone...although it probably feels like it. You are LOVED in Michigan.

Deanne...wife of Michael...tired but still fighting!

Deanne <deannemessinger@sbcglobal.net>
Jenison, MI USA - Monday, November 7, 2005 5:47 PM CST
Gosh Michelle...every once in awhile I take another look at your photo album. Happy pictures with your family at Disneyland, sharing a birthday with family, watching a basketball, football or baseball game. And Dave is there...such a part of everything that is "Meyer". It makes me think of my own photo albums...my own life. And I wonder...Who might be missing from my photos in the future? Who do I need to treasure, love, savor in this moment? We all have so much to be thankful for each day...and that is all we are guaranteed...today. Your journey has been a gift to all of us. A reminder to treasure each moment...to keep what really matters at the forefront of everything we do.
Lisa <mbraddock@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA - Monday, November 7, 2005 4:26 PM CST
Hi Michelle,
Good to hear from you. I haven't got to check in and was hoping you're doing "okay", whatever that is. I say that becuase I've been in that "okay" state these last few weeks. My Nana is in a drug induced coma and is dying. No food or water for three days now. She had a long life and I'm grateful for that, but "watching" her die is so hard. I have thought of you SO VERY much the last few weeks and how it must have been even harder, much harder for you, to watch your Dave, so young, breathe his last breath. I pray God will take my Nana now, so Grandpa won't have to watch anymore, but He hasn't. Please pray for him. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. You always have something to say that I can relate to, that helps me, either lifts me up, encourages me, or gives me something to think about, each time you write! Thank you. Your kids look so good, I love Zach's smile/laugh in the picture.
Take care,

Michelle Gentges <gentges6@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Monday, November 7, 2005 3:51 PM CST
Dear zach, Kate, Kenny and Michelle,
I am sorry 4 you're loss. I have been praying 4 you all of the time. I wish life was different and we did not have to leave this earth. But we do. Though we know that Dave is in heaven now. I hope to see Kenny run in Special Olympics this year or some time soon! Sincerley rowene lola huwe

Rowene huwe <sr.huwe@hotmail.com>
dayton , WA. United states - Sunday, November 6, 2005 8:19 PM CST

Hold on.........I'm thinking and praying for you and crying with you! I don't understand why the good ones have to leave so soon while there are others.. well who don't deserve to live....that is what makes me sick! You probably don't remember me but we talked on the phone. My husband had a brain tumor as well. We are dealing with losing everything and we are separated because of being displaced. ( Katrina ) I'm in GA and he is in MS...rebuiliding. We are sick too....and I can hardly move on....running on fumes. I want to be there for my kids but it is difficult. (depression) I read one time that God was a gentle teacher in that we don't understand why we endure such agony and pain and loss and then we eventually will turn a corner. .....without any warning...it will gracefully come upon us.....hold on......hang on....your doing a good job.

My phone number: 478-971-2546 Love Anita

Anita <ayarbrough73@yahoo.com>
Warner Robins/Biloxi, GA - Sunday, November 6, 2005 7:55 AM CST
Your Dave and my Dave are so much alike. Mine is the "sick kid guy" too. He handles the clean up etc., and I hide....don't like the vomit stuff. Thank you for being so open with your sharing and feelings. The part about Kenny and the kids at Wa-Hi made me cry. What a wonderful group of people you have surrounding you. I continue to pray for you all daily, and will never forget what a wonderful person Dave was.

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Friday, November 4, 2005 6:46 PM CST
You can tell by now how much of a private person I am Michelle, especially with all these kinds of things. A song has been gripping me for a very long time now and as music was one of the things Dave and I loved to play at best I thought I would post it. Not easy to share, but your encouragement has motivated me to. I believe it is on the album I sent Dave last year for his birthday.
Love you guys!


by Mercy Me (Undone)

You're in a better place I've heard a thousand times
and at least a thousand times I've rejoiced for you
But the reason why I'm broken
The reason why I cry
Is how long must I wait to be with you?

I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where the heart is then I'm out of place
Lord won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now

Help me Lord 'cause I don't understand Your ways.
A reason why I wonder if I'll ever know
But even if You told me, the hurt would be the same
'Cause I'm still here so far away from home

I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where the heart is then I'm out of place
Lord won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now

In Christ there are no goodbyes
In Christ there is no end
So I'll hold on to Jesus
With all that I have
To see you again
To see you again

I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where the heart is then I'm out of place
Lord won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
Won't you give me strength to make through somehow
Won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick...
than now

Will Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO - Friday, November 4, 2005 10:28 AM CST
My dear Michelle:
We, your readers, are so used to your strength and your fortitude that we are selfish, because we still want it to be there FOR US! We have forgotten, or ignored, that your need is to honor your rage at having lost the man you love, the father of your children, your best friend, to the ravages of a brain tumor, truly the most cruel of all cancers.
You already know that you do not need our permission to be where you are and feel what you feel, but we need to recognize your anger and its legitimacy. There is no schedule for grief, no calendar for when it stops -- only a clear day on which it began, from the day that Dave's cancer was diagnosed until the day his life on earth ended and on into the present and the future.
You and Dave were brave together, for each other and your children, for a very long time. He is in Heaven, so anger is no longer an issue for him. But there is a lot of anger you had to swallow to be there for him and for them and to get through the days with grace as you certainly did.
You are right that the anger has to come out, or it will eat you up. There is no comfort for it, and nothing blunts how it feels. Think of a word or a sound that expresses what you were not able to express while Dave was still here and LET IT OUT!! One of my granddaughter's favorite books is about a character named Judy Moody, who is often in a bad mood. When she is, and people try to talk to her, she just says, "ROAR!!"

So roar, scream, stomp, cry, break all those empty glass bottles in the recycling bin, do whatever you need to do to give vent to the anger, for below that are the truest tears. Dave was so ill for so long that you must have a LAKE of unshed tears to cry by now.
But please don't stop writing in your journal for long. We are not afraid of your anger, or of a bad mood, but we miss hearing your voice. Well, there I go again, being selfish. Never mind ... take whatever time you need and do what you need to do, and know that whatever that is, you take our love and support with you always.

Claudia Williams, wife of Robert - AML- 8/12/1943 - 8/7/2005 <ckwms@verizon.net>
- Thursday, November 3, 2005 11:39 PM CST
Michelle, just checking in to see how you are doing. We think about you everyday. Kevin and I were talking today how lucky were are to have your friendship. Youve been there to comfort us when things arent going so good, youve put a smile on our faces when we needed it and youve opened your heart to us. Youve done this even though you are struggling with a big loss in your own life. I cant tell you how much that means to us. I hope you know we are here for you too even though there are many miles between us. I hope everyday you have moments of happiness and something that puts a smile on your face! Love and hugs, Kari
Kevin and Kari T. www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Thursday, November 3, 2005 9:19 PM CST
Meyer Family,
I hope everything is alright. I see Kenny around school alot. Lots of prayers.

walla walla, wa - Thursday, November 3, 2005 11:17 AM CST
What fun to have a Halloween potluck at your house! My kids call your house the "fun house" (as opposed to our house, the "quiet house"). Is that like the funhouse at a carnival? They have started calling late-night events "Meyertime" too. :)

We keep having "firsts" without Dave... this was the first Halloween without his smiles and hugs. I really missed him. I could easily imagine him plopping down next to my grumpy husband and teasing him out of his funk, making it okay to be antisocial.

I wish I could help you adjust to all these firsts, with this hard work of grieving. Sometimes I hesitate to call, thinking I'm going to drive you crazy with "how's it going?" all the time. Please call me anytime you need an ear.

Love ya, --Deb

Debra Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 5:38 PM CST
Dear Dear Michelle,
I was thinking of you tonight and logged onto your site. Your children are absolutely beautiful. I hope they know how blessed they are, to have had 2 wonderfully amazing parents.
How I wish I could write down my thoughts like you do. I have a wonderful life story for my grandchildren about their Papa and me. I hope I have the patience to learn to journal. I do want to share a short story with you. Our youngest granddaughter, Abbey, was born Nov. 28,2004, only a week before Jim's first seizure, 4 weeks before diagnosis. He said after she was born, he left the hospital and went to his car. There was a rainbow in the sky. He started the car and this song was on the radio. He said it was a most perfect day. This song meant so much to him, that I had it played at his funeral. My brother sang it. It was so very special. Jim also played guitar. I hope he and Dave are playing together now. I cry for all of us on this journey...I cry for what was...I cry for what can never be....I cry for you....I cry for me...Do they know how much we miss them?......Do they know how much they are loved?.....Do they see us reaching out to each other?.......I hope so.....All my love to you and your family........

I Can See Clearly Now
as performed by Johnny Nash

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I’ve been prayin for
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

Look all around, there’s nothin but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothin but blue skies

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

Hope and Blessings Sherry Lockaby w/o Jim forever 51 received his wings 7/18/05 Forever in our hearts <sherrloc@aol.com>
Greer, South Carolina - Monday, October 31, 2005 11:25 PM CST
Hi Michelle,
We love the pictures! Everyone looks so grown up. What we do need is a few pictures of you in there! Greta sits at the computer, watches the slide show, and talks to the pictures, "Hi Kaitlyn, Hi Kenny, You have pumpkin on your hands, Zach..." She may forget what other people look like but not the Meyer kids!

I am always thinking of you... always,always,always

Love, Kirsten

Kirsten Pribilsky <thepribs@msn.com>
West Linn, OR - Monday, October 31, 2005 1:44 PM CST
Love the pics! All I can think is "my how they are growing!". We'll pray for Zach, but he has a warrior's heart you know? Kind of hard to slow that down :o) Ryan just finished his first tackle football season last Saturday. It was kind of fun to see him realize that getting hit wasn't going to kill him. After he hit that point he had a lot of fun. Christian and I went elk hunting for his 10th birthday last week (his first ever trip)and got a 5 point less than an hour into opening day. What a blessing (and my first elk)! Of course, now he thinks hunting will always be that "easy"...he has a lot to learn! Still missing you all and holding you in our hearts and prayers.

Will and Stacy

Will and Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO USA - Monday, October 31, 2005 12:12 AM CST
Beautiful pictures...beautiful children...you have so much to be proud of. Kenny, Zach and Kaitlyn are awesome kids...growing into the image of their father in many ways! You're navigating this new road beautifully too, Michelle. Thanks for all that you continue to share with us!
Lisa <mbraddock@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA - Sunday, October 30, 2005 2:35 PM CST
Dearest Michelle:
After my husband died [August 7th, 2005], I was not interested in speaking to ANY of the husbands of the people who called me to commiserate [sp!], and I was SO furious when they put them on the phone anyway! I did not want to talk to any of them --women or men-- I was so jealous that they still HAD each other when my Rob was gone.
You are already so self-aware that you know this anger will pass. For those of us who are reading your story and making this journey with you [as best we can; it is not possible for us to REALLY know how it is for you or the kids], we trust that your stability will ultimately win out over the craziness. It is so healthy that you recognize that this is the short-term stuff and that the love you have for Dave and your kids is the ultimate long-term stuff. But the pain is really awful, no matter that it will not triumph.
For the past three weeks, I have been on a pilgrimage of sorts, to say good-bye to some of the people and places Rob and I really loved together, and to some of his doctors. It has been very hard to do, but there is a kind of closure for them and for me that I seem to need these days. I try not to question why I am doing things but to just do them and trust that they serve some purpose I do not yet understand.
Someday, I hope we will be able to speak with each other. Then I can share with you that for the first month after Rob died, I could not remember him clearly and thought I must have made him up, in spite of the fact that we were together almost 40 years and have two sons and two granddaughters together!! Talk about crazy...this grief work is just THE PITS!!
One of the questions on my list of things to ask God when [and maybe if] I ever get to Heaven is why we have to lose the people we love and need the most, and why it then has to hurt so much for so long. I should add that this list is long -- and getting longer....
Love to you and your wonderful family,

Claudia Williams <ckwms@verizon.net>
Georgetown, TX - Thursday, October 27, 2005 8:09 PM CDT
I'm going right now to hug Erik twice. One for you too!

I love you, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, October 27, 2005 10:43 AM CDT
Michelle, I wanted to thank you for what you did for Kevin. It means more to us than you know. I hope today you will get lots of hugs and moments that make you smile! I think about you everyday and wonder how you are doing. I wish I was closer so I could hug you in person!! You really are a wonderful and caring person! Thank you for being there!! Love ya and hugs from Minnesota!!
Kevin and Kari T. www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:12 AM CDT
Michelle, You always seem to amaze me. You wrote one of the most supportive comments in my journal ... and all the while you are going through so much ...

You said it best, "Awareness doesn't give us an avenue around the pain" I can so relate to the garbage disposal and spaghetti ... as my sprinklers are leaving ponds on the property ... and the blackberry bushes take over. And, about those women who nag at their husbands ... don't you just wish you could trade places with them for ten minutes and let them feel what you are going through?

Take care Chelle, and let youself feel the anger. It can't go away unless you allow it to go through you first. -- Look forward to the days of peace ... they will come.

Cheri <CSchappert@msn.com>
Loomis, CA United States - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:10 AM CDT
Hi Michelle,
Just wanted to say hello and I'm thinking about you all. Thanks for making the time to write and let us in on your little corner of the world. In years to come you'll be glad you have these moments written down. Your journey with Dave has been a continous reminder to be thankful for what we have, especially our spouses. I don't take that for granted. (I'm also thankful hurricane season is almost over!!) Take care of you, I wish I could take you to get a pedicure, my favorite splurge just for me. (Don't know if you like them but they do wonders for me!) I'm praying for you and the kids, always.

Michelle Gentges <gentges6@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA!! - Monday, October 24, 2005 12:34 AM CDT
I think of you often. I am very sad and upset that anyone would have to go through this ...especially such good people like yourselves. I appreciate reading your testimony through this site. You may not even remember me. We had spoke on the phone I was the teacher from GA. We moved to Biloxi MS in May and lost everything to Katrina last month however going through Brain tumors has made me super strong to the point it was just an irritation to get my mind off the constant hurt that goes on with the fear of brain tumors!

Anyway...I am praying for you and I hope the journey that you and your kids go through during your grief will be one that blesses your soul, that happiness will be present....Dave was an awesome man! He reminds me of Lee. Good people always die young and the no good live forever! It feels that way doesn't it? I am praying for you and your family during this difficult time.

Anita <ayarbrough31@yahoo.com>
Diberville, MS USA - Sunday, October 23, 2005 11:18 AM CDT
Michelle, Kenny, Zach, Kate-

It's so hard to find words... I used to check this site regularly but since Sydney was born I haven't looked at all until Wednesday night. When I pulled up the site and saw Dave Meyer - December 28, 1962 - August 23,2005 I just could not believe my eyes. I just kept saying "no...no...no...no..."

I spent hours looking at your pictures, reading your posts, crying, remembering Dave. It was like I just couldn't stop reading and looking - almost like I was searching for a clue as to how this could have happened to him... to you...

That night I had a very fitful night of sleep. My mind was filled with dreams of your family, of Dave, of death. And when my alarm clock went off the next morning this song was playing. I see from your posts that you like song lyrics so I'll share these...

TITLE: Drift Away
[As performed by Dobie Gray]

Day after day I'm more confused
And yet I look for the light through the pourin' rain
You know that's a game that I hate to lose
And I'm feeling the strain, ain't it a shame

Gimme the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock and roll, and drift away

Beginning to think that I'm wasting time
I don't understand the things I do
The world outside seems so unkind
And I'm countin' on you to carry me through


And when my mind is free
You know a melody can move me
And when I'm feeling blue
The guitars are coming through to soothe me

Thanks for the joy that you've given me
I want you to know I believe in your song
Your rhythm and rhyme and harmony
Help me along, makin' me strong

{Refrain twice}

Since learning of Daves death, you all have not left my thoughts. I feel so blessed to have been able to see you all when I was in Walla Walla last October - I can't believe it's been a year. I have a Meyer family picture that I want to put in the mail for you. As soon as I get it developed I'll send it your way.

I feel so honored to be able to read your journal entries, Michelle. You share of yourself so candidly and in expressing your grief, sorrow and faith have found a wonderful way to honor Dave and your love for him.

As you say, KOKO. Your faith, strength, family and friends will carry you.

Love, Jodi

Jodi (Webster) Dumont <jodidumont@msn.com>
Tacoma, Wa - Friday, October 21, 2005 4:18 PM CDT
Can you feel my hug...my heart aches for you Michelle. It aches for Kenny, Zachary and Kaitlyn too. I love you, and hold you in my prayers. Debi
Debi Spjut <debispjut@adelphia.net>
Kelso, WA USA - Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:45 PM CDT
It's overwhelming to know that the fight Dave and your family waged against cancer is the reality for so many people. I like to think they all have wonderful people, like those I know only through this site, to help them through the tough times with loving words, and to celebrate the victories - no matter the size.
Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:23 PM CDT
I check your site almost every day. Sounds strange coming from someone you have never met, huh? I want you to know what a giving person you are - on the Brain Tumor list, on this site, to your friends and your family. I try to stay positive about my husband's situation and every once in a while, when things are rough, I try to think about how you handled things when things were down for Dave. I think about how you fought right next to him, supported all the rest of us fighting too, even in the worst of times. I hope I can touch as many people in the future as you do every day.
With respect and gratitude,
Wife of Butch, age 42, dx GBM inoperable 12/04

Kara <kduck913@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:39 PM CDT
This is just to say HELLO to you today. My greeting travels over the roof tops to you and the children. I breathe the fall air and notice how things are changing in our world outside as beautiful leaves decorate the landscape; a new season for you all.

Wendye <bren@brenski.net>
Wallal Walla, WA - Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:51 AM CDT
Someone reminded me once that losing someone you love isn't something you get "over"... but simply something you get "through". As long as your words find a home on this shared website, I'll be thankful. Not a day goes by when Dave isn't in my thoughts, and you in my prayers.

Judy Peasley <gjpeas@charter.net>
- Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:24 PM CDT
Just a note to let you all know we love you! Can't believe how grown up Kenny looks! As always, we hold you close in our prayers.

Will, Stacy, and the boys

Will and Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO - Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:44 AM CDT
Thank you so much for sharing this journey with all of us. I have tried for days to grasp the right words, knowing full well there are none, to say, to share, and to just let you know your family is always in my thoughts and prayers. I think of you guys so often, and I check back to read your updates all the time. Thank you for letting us in on sharing in the journey with you and to maybe learning a thing or two. You are an amazingly strong person and you have wonderful people in your life that are there to lend a shoulder and an ear (and plenty of tissues!) when needed.

Jennifer McHenry (Hanes) <jennmchenry@verizon.net>
Charleston, WV USA!! - Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:59 AM CDT
Michelle- If there is anything we can ever do.....please, please let us know. You are a wonderful, loving person. I feel very lucky to know you. I cannot even imagine how tough it must be. Hang in there. We love you.

Bridie, Mike, Keegan, Griffin, and Adeline

Bridie Hood <bridie@roach-monahan.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, October 17, 2005 1:00 PM CDT
Michelle, thank you for continuing to let all of us be part of your life through all of your pain, sorrow and the happiness too. You are an inspiration to many of us I believe. May you feel the presence of Dave with you to carry you through each and every day. You are in our thoughts daily. You are my friend and I appreciate the guidance and strength you have given me through Kevins battle. You have been there to support us with your encouraging words and your friendship and we will continue to be here for you. With love and hugs...Kari
Kari T. www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Saturday, October 15, 2005 11:22 PM CDT
Oh my gosh. Kenny looks so HANDSOME in that picture. Iguess high school is treating him well. Michelle, you continue to enlighten me with your beautiful words and your energy and your spirit. Thank you for helping us all try to understand loss and death and love. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!. Terri Hamps
Terri Hampson <hampslaw@qwest.net>
- Wednesday, October 12, 2005 7:23 PM CDT
Michele, please do not quit journaling. This is the way we can check in with you and understand a little of what you are feeling and going though. We care about you and your family and do pray. Kenny looks great in his prom outfit. Ben asked if he went to the prom, he did not see him. He asks often how you and your family doing. Please just hang in there.
Sherri Huwe <srhuwe@hotmail.com>
College Place, wa 99324 - Monday, October 10, 2005 6:49 PM CDT
There is not a day that goes by that I don't stop to pray for you and your family. I know that God is holding onto all of you with his tightest grip, and he is even carrying you through those times when the next step seems unbearable. Tears that are streaming down all of faces are tears of love for a very very special man and friend to so many. My love to you for your inspiration to share with so many. Dave was a very blessed man to have met such a beautiful woman.
Love you, Val

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Monday, October 10, 2005 1:19 AM CDT
Hi Dave, we miss you. Michelle and family, keep strong and take care.
God Bless.

Los Angeles, CA United States - Sunday, October 9, 2005 8:20 PM CDT
Thank you, for articulating so well your feelings and struggles with them and "life as we know it". As you eluded to, most of us have had these feelings in some form due to significant loss in our lives. Thank you for continuing to share with us. We love you, Kriss and Robin

Kriss & Robin Peterson <krisspeterson@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Sunday, October 9, 2005 8:05 PM CDT
i hope everything is alright. i am praying for you.

cochran, wa walla walla - Sunday, October 9, 2005 7:01 PM CDT
I have always believed the wounds don't really heal, sometimes I think that's a myth perpetuated by those surrounding the wounded person so thathey feel better about not being able to fix the pain.

What you said is true, we learn to carry the burden differently. And the shock and numbness part wear off eventually.

God bless you and your dear family.

Kathleen, mom to Steven and aunt to angel Kyra
San Diego, CA USA - Sunday, October 9, 2005 4:23 PM CDT
As you say, there is new learning to do, learning how to live with the gaping hole Dave left. With your permission, we will learn with you, look to you for guidance, offer a shoulder, and honor Dave's memory. With love, --Deb
Debra Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Sunday, October 9, 2005 1:56 PM CDT
What a handsome picture of Kenny and Kendra. Can it really be that many years already have passed since Kenny was running around the tables at Tot Spot with sidekick little Zac in the midst of all the other zany activity!? Thanks for sharing, Michelle.
Wendye <bren@brenski.net>
- Sunday, October 9, 2005 11:29 AM CDT
Dear Shelley:

I have arrived at your website through a very convoluted path: from my great-niece Tori’s site by way of Hadley Fox’s to Dave’s. My husband was also a brain tumor patient, like Dave, but he died of leukemia, the ultimate effect of the high-dose chemo he was given in 1997 to prevent the return of his brain tumor. Rob's brain tumor was diagnosed in November, 1996, and he died August 7, 2005. Our stories are so similar that it is eerie that we do not somehow already know one another.

I have read your journal entries and decided to post some of my thoughts here in your guestbook. Like you, I feel they should be made public, for all to read, in the hope that they will be of help to someone else, or simply affirm what we already know: that this is just so hard to live with and through. I, too, have a website on CaringBridge that I began to keep people in touch with Rob’s treatments, and now keep as a place to mourn him that is not as lonely as my home, my bedroom, and my heart. That link is www3.caringbridge.org/tx/robertwilliams

My husband and I were married almost 40 years. We have two sons: King, who is a musician and audio engineer working in Nashville, and J.D., a network systems integration engineer who is married to Kimberly and father of Rachel, 5, and Holly, 18 months.

On August 23rd, the day your Dave died, I wrote:

It is so hard to imagine that Rob has been gone for more than 2 weeks, when it feels like we were in the Emergency Room just yesterday. The weekend of Rob’s memorial service, King said that the hard part had finally ended for his dad, but was just beginning for us…how true that is.

People who came to be with us have all gone home, our families and friends have returned to their jobs and Rachel has started kindergarten. The world is still turning on its axis, but all the planets seem misaligned here in my life. My heart is so full of joy at remembering him and sorrow that there will be no new memories.

I want him back with me every hour of every day, but not weakened and frail like he had become. I miss his dear eyes and clear vision when he looked at the world. I miss his judgment and opinions about things—OK, about everything—he always did have an opinion!!

Everything we will ever share has already happened. It feels really bleak right now to imagine that WE will never see King play guitar again, meet Emma’s new baby, watch Rachel and Holly grow up, play Pictionary with Kim and J.D. and our neighbors here in Georgetown. We won’t vote in the next election. We used to cancel each other’s votes in the past, but that happened less often as politics moved so far to the right that even Rob could not go there any more!

The entity that was Rob&Claudia has suddenly ceased to exist. We were a team for 39 years, and for the last year we were united in fighting for Rob’s life. He would not see his doctors unless I could be there, because he knew I would always be on guard for him. He said I was the wind beneath his wings and I wanted to keep him aloft forever.

I feel his presence with me sometimes, when I am really quiet or really tired. I want to learn to take comfort from his spirit, instead of wanting his arms and his smiles and his grins. The last conscious act he made was to wink at me in the ER. I know he wanted me to know he was all right. And I know in my heart and my soul that he is all right now.

I am waiting for him in my dreams. How lucky for Sleeping Beauty that she got to wait so comfortably for her true love, while I miss mine so sorely.

I know that each one of us is different, and that loss such as this is too unique and too personal to ever really be shared, but my heart is with you as you learn to mourn [a lesson this deep must be learned, I think. It does not come naturally...] and as you learn to live in a world that may someday again be beautiful, but never in the same way as it was before.

Keep writing. It helps to put on paper what you think and feel. Writing will allow you to watch your feelings shift and change, morphing into something new and hopefully, something more manageable and less physically painful, but NEVER any less a loss.


Claudia Williams
Georgetown, TX - Sunday, October 9, 2005 10:28 AM CDT
"Ripples across the surface of the water." What a beautiful analogy you describe in your journal entry today. Your honesty, openness and eloquence give us all a chance to catch glimpses of these ripples... to watch and feel and ponder our own thoughts as they pass by. Sometimes lovely. Sometimes unsettling. Sometimes funny. Sometimes sad. Sometimes light. Sometimes dark. Ripples of thought, of love, of emotion that are always honest, pure, true...

"God is the river, Dave is the rock, this journal is the ripples across the surface of the water."

Thank you for sharing your ripples with us, Michelle!


Jim Wilson <jcwilson16@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Sunday, October 9, 2005 2:09 AM CDT
To a woman of profound words...from a woman of few words (me!....although my family may disagree!) the only word I can think of right now is...BEAUTIFUL! I thank God for the gift of you!
Lisa <mbraddock@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA - Saturday, October 8, 2005 5:37 PM CDT

I don't sign your guestbook as often as I should. I check in daily. My heart breaks for you and your amazing children every day. As horrible, terrifying and heartbreaking as it is to have a child with a brain tumor. And as hard as it is to see her siblings through it and worry for all of them...and for our marriage...I just can't even imagine being in your shoes. I know all of the things that I hate to hear, you're so strong...I don't know how you do it...What choice is there?!? Everything will be OK...uh huh...kind of hard to see that right now...and it doesn't make it OK right now. I'm just so sorry that you...that anyone has to deal with losing a loved one to a brain tumor. They are nasty, nasty, nasty...I think of you everytime I start to complain...I won't lie...I am angry, i am scared, I am tired...but I think of you and know that you would deal with all of this...the MRI's, the chemo failures, the chemo pukies, the hemiplegia, ataxia, drug side effects and on, and on, and on if it would bring your Dave back. I do try to remember that we are blessed to have our Hadley with us even if we KNEW it was only for today. Thank you for sharing your journey, for opening up the most tender and personal moments of your life for all of us to learn from. I really wish that I could just run on over to your house and hug you and hang out with your kids and love on them too. I know that you are all surrounded in love...but, I do worry about you...I do pray for you, all of you. I so wish that I could take it all away from you and you could hold your dave in your arms again. I will never understand this...and I don't really know that if there IS any logic to it that I ever WANT to understand it. My love and prayers are always with you and yours.

With Love and Hope
Hadley's Mama

Angela <FoxFamilyFive@sbcglobal.net>
Alameda, CA USA - Friday, October 7, 2005 11:08 PM CDT
I just talked to Patty Harmon and she mentioned the Homecoming game tonight. I immediately thought of you, the kids and Dave. He LOVED homecoming. Go tonight, enjoy the game, enjoy your memories, grieve for what you have lost....and CHEER ON THE BLUE DEVILS for Dave Meyer!
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Friday, October 7, 2005 6:49 PM CDT
We are so used to human trauma and graphic depictions of tragic things on t.v. and in the movies...sometimes it is overwhelming and the way we all handle it is to clam up, shut down, harden-letting very few things penetrate our conscience and move us to tears, or to action. Yet, for me, the first time I heard about your family, it was not a distance tragedy that made me think, "Oh, isn't that sad?", instead, especially with the journaling on this site, it became of personal consequence to get down on knees and pray daily for Dave and you and the kids. Your lives have touched me beyond imagining.
Strangely, I didn't meet you until the day of Dave's memorial service. I didn't ever meet Dave, but was still introduced to him through his parents and grandmother and by watching the devotion of his extended family and dear friends on that amazing day. But it has been your writing of this story that makes you so real to those of us that only know you "from a distance", that invites us close in to your most intimate challenges, victories, and losses that involves us to the point we want desperately to take some action, to ease you and make it better for you. With your words, I can, on some minute level, understand your struggle, drawing on some personal experience that lives somewhere inside of me to try to relate. I can imagine your pain, but cannot truly know the abyss in which you live at this time in your life. I know all I can do is to honor what you have asked us to do for you and that is to pray. I surely am in prayer for you -it is a joy and blessing to do something, anything...and in the most profound way, praying is the simplest, most effective thing that can be done. Daily intercession is my commitment to you and your precious children. I hope today is better than yesterday and even more so tomorrow.

Jennifer Boyer <jjboyer@hotmail.com>
Lewiston, ID - Friday, October 7, 2005 2:25 PM CDT
Michelle, I am so sorry for the pain, I know how hard it is to loose someone so dear it will someday be easier, I lost my mom when I was 19 and I know the pain your kids are feeling, cheated of all the years to come, its so hard when someone passes away at an older age but when they are young it is so hard to understand why they were taken when they had so much going for them, God must have had a reason for taking them so soon but it still makes you very angry, I just want you to know that I think of you and the kids often and love you guys....take care
Kathy Person <jkperson@msn.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, October 7, 2005 12:20 AM CDT
I am so sorry for all the pain you and your family are dealing with. I have been following your journey and am so grateful to you for your strength in sharing your experiences. God Bless you.

Jeanine Webber

Jeanine Webber <jj6webber@msn.com>
Spokane, WA USA - Friday, October 7, 2005 1:55 AM CDT
Dearest Shelley,

Praying for you, still, and always. You do not need to ask. Middle school....its bad enough when it is normal....this isn't normal....poor Zach...hold them close Michelle...as long as you need to...nothing makes sense now....someday, it will....somehow, it will...until then...we pray...we listen..we hold you ...we love you....
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Friday, October 7, 2005 0:40 AM CDT
Michelle, I'm sure many of us sit here today, reading your journal, that you so graciously share with us, and cry. We want to have the perfect words to ease your pain, even if it's just a little. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say we don't even feel justified to say anything to you, not having experienced your pain and suffering. I agree with the other posts here... please don't apologize for your anger. I think we all at one point thru Daves journey have been angry that God didn't heal him but keeps others, the "bad" people as we say, to stay here? It doesn't make sense and it's not fair. Please know we SO MUCH appreciate your seering honesty and willingness to keep this site going. A counselor told me once, "numb is worse than anger, at least with anger you are still feeling." Please lean on us whenever you need to, but most especially God, He loves you and so do we.
Michelle Gentges <gentges6@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:17 PM CDT
Oh Michelle.....my heart just breaks for you and the kids and ALL that you are going through. It's not fair that you should have to worry about the lack of understanding on the part of some kids......and others.....None of us know (unless we have experienced what you have) what you and the kids are going through right now, we can only imagine, and I'm sure that what we imagine isn't even close to how horrible it really is. Please know that we have not moved on. You and the kids and the rest of your and Dave's families are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Don't ever be afraid to share your pain and don't ever apologize for the anger. It all part of the healing process and it is NORMAL. Thank you for sharing your last moments with Dave with the rest of us. You are teaching us all so much through your entries.....most of all to be honest with our thoughts and our feeling. Don't forget to lean on those around you when you need to.....that's what friends and family are for.
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Thursday, October 6, 2005 4:25 PM CDT
Oh Michelle, as I sit here crying reading your journal, my heart aches for you and the kids. Im SO sorry that you are going through this. Your right, it isnt fair. Its so hard to understand why things happen the way they do. I dont have the right comforting words for you but Im holding you close to my heart. You are in my prayers Michelle.
Love, Kari

Kari <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN 56088 - Thursday, October 6, 2005 2:32 PM CDT
True honesty is a gift few of us have and even fewer of us know how to share as purely as you do, Michelle. Thank you for that.

I think God allows us to let go of some loved ones more easily (less painfully?) than others, perhaps depending on the space and energy of our lives they consummed in their time on earth.

Well, we all know Dave filled every corner of the lives he touched and for each of you in his family, every part of your insides, outsides and soft centers. Heck, his smile alone took up kilobytes!

You are in my heart, where Dave still dwells, and in all my prayers, even the ones that silently creep out of me when I least suspect it.

Love, Cindy

Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, October 6, 2005 12:41 AM CDT
Here I am again. Reading your journal with tears running down my face. Not knowing what to say. Nothing I can say. I Just want to give you a big Hug to help absorb some of your hurt. And then I think 'how presumptious of me'. How close of a friend do you have to be to give a person a hug?
And then I think..... Dave would never have asked.

Steve Jordan
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, October 6, 2005 10:57 AM CDT
Your words were read. Again, your poignant sharing of events and emotions is treasured. Your family and you did what you needed to do in such a proud and gentle manner at the time of Dave's death. But now, the fact is that he is gone from this Earth and the emotions are many and varied. I believe this is good (for the situation as it is) because you have the opportunity to find the equilibrium needed in your life by expressing doubts, fears, needs, hopes as they expose themselves--granted big and very important ones first and then more minor ones--and that's the way you'll find your way (think of the path Laurie Klicker wrote about earlier) with the help of those who love you and your children. But the load can become overbearing and the responsibilities seem impossible; that's where you need to take one day at a time, slow down as your life isn't the same as it was. Do just what is really important, koko in a less zealous way; it's OK....we all understand things have changed in an unfathomable way.

All of us readers on the CaringBridge site need to hear from Diane Phillips again soon. Her gentleness, keen insight and expressive writing soothes us all. And I know she is good medicine for our Michelle. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!

If none of what I've written has been exactly what is needed, please know that I've tried, Michelle, and that my heartfelt thoughts are with you at this most fragile time as they've been many times in the last number of years.

Take care.

Wendye Bren <bren@brenski.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, October 6, 2005 10:24 AM CDT
If we could only take a bit of your pain away, you know we would. If we could advance you down this path of grief, you know we would. If we could write words that delivered relief, you know we would.

We can let you know how much we love you. You know we do.

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, October 6, 2005 9:03 AM CDT
We think of all of you all the time. Football must be a wonderful, bittersweet thing. It's so perfect that Kenny is playing and loving it so much. Tell him happy birthday from us. We're here for you. Love from the Townsends

Patrice <patrice@fancylogo.com>
- Tuesday, October 4, 2005 10:31 AM CDT

This site is a beautiful tribute to your husband. What a special man he must have been.

Sending prayers for you and your family.

Kathleen, mom to Steven and aunt to angel Kyra
San Diego, CA USA - Monday, October 3, 2005 2:06 PM CDT
Hey Michelle,
Doing my devotions this morning, I loved the verse I was reading and thought of you right away. It spoke a lot to me, was just what I needed today - as usual. Wanted to share with you... Isaiah 42:16 "I will lead the blind by a way they did not know; I will guide them on paths they have not known; I will turn darkness to light in front of them, and rough places into level ground. This is what I will do for them, and I will not forsake them."
Be blessed. Thinking of you often.

Michelle Gentges <gentges6@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA!!! - Monday, October 3, 2005 6:11 AM CDT
Hi Michelle,
Here are another 6 hugs from our family.

Kirsten Pribilsky <thepribs@msn.com>
West Linn, OR - Monday, October 3, 2005 1:16 AM CDT
Thinking of you Michelle. Sending you an E-hug tonight.

Deanne Messinger <deannemessinger@sbcglobal.net>
Jenison, MI USA - Sunday, October 2, 2005 10:33 PM CDT
Hi Michelle, just wanted to let you know were thinking of you. I check on this site everyday to see how you are coping. When I go and check Kevins site and see that you left a message on there, it always makes me feel better if my day isnt so good. You just know the right thing to say. I thank you for that! Love and hugs from Minnesota!
Kevin and Kari T. www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, Mn USA - Saturday, October 1, 2005 11:05 PM CDT
Hi Michelle,
I am glad to know that you have those beautiful, cuddly toddlers to hug in your classes. Those innocent little beings can bring such joy to our lives and give us a reason to smile, even if it is only on the outside. Been thinking of you and your family lots. Take good care of yourselves.

Donna Wierman <mdjkwierman@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA U.S.A. - Friday, September 30, 2005 10:43 PM CDT
Just thinking about you today and every day.
Love, Melissa

Melissa Johnson <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Friday, September 30, 2005 6:32 PM CDT
Hard times lead to good time. Embrace the love that you have been given and the love that you are giving. Thank you for being part of the Brain Tumor community. Your guidance and caring means the world to me.
Monica Van Campen <monica@vcdesign.com>
Roseville, CA United States - Friday, September 30, 2005 11:16 AM CDT

Know that the whole family "hears".

We love you,

Evy, Erik, Canute, Sonja and Echo Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, September 29, 2005 9:48 PM CDT
Hi Michelle,
I hope you had a good week. I hope something or someone made you smile, maybe a great big hug, the warm sunshine, cool nights... all good things from Him. I check in each night and am always happy to see an update from you knowing you are okay - even if it's a small bit of okay, for now. Remember: "Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall." Psalm 55:22. Know you are being lifted up daily.

Michelle Gentges <gentges6@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA!! - Thursday, September 29, 2005 9:30 PM CDT
Michelle, I was just thinking of you and wanted to let you know that those who care about you are out here. We continue to pray for you all daily as you adjust to life without Dave physically present. You are an amazing woman, even though I know you don't feel like it....you are!!!!

With Love,

Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 10:55 PM CDT
Hey I just read "A Grief Observed" by C.S. Lewis he describes everything he's going through after his wife died, it sounds so similar to what you describe. If you feel up to it, you might find some comfort in the similarities, and the differences in your struggles
Maggie Parker <newlove_oldfaith@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla (Currently EWU, Cheney, Wa), Wa USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 6:09 PM CDT
Michelle and family, I just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers daily. Now that school has started, everything is just go go go, and I think often of Dave with his school kids and how much I enjoyed hearing him talk about them. Now I will just have to call and talk to Kenny, Zach and Kate about school and hear it from their perspective! We miss you very much and hope we can see you soon. I would offer our place to visit, but we started our remodel last week and now have no roof over half the place. On the other hand, you did enjoy camping so maybe this would work just right for you... All our love,
the Wiederspan's <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
Puyallup, wa United States - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 10:14 AM CDT
We check in everynight! You and the kids continue to be in our thoughts and prayers each evening. You're not alone.
Much Love,
The Betts

Becky Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 0:48 AM CDT
Michelle, I dont have the right words to say but I do want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Right now I know it is such a lonely and trying time for you. Im sure youve had plenty of days where you have asked yourself how are things going to be ok when everything right now feels so wrong. They say time heals every heart wound even though that wound is so deep right now. Have faith in God that he will carry you through this...one day at a time.
Love and hugs!!

Kevin and Kari T. www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Monday, September 26, 2005 11:10 PM CDT
Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kate,
I just wanted to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers every day. God bless you.

Dawn Hull <dawnnoelehull@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, September 26, 2005 8:18 PM CDT
Michelle, thank you for sharing the picture of the guitar. I had a talk with Dave up at camp about that guitar. He talked about how others had told him he should get a better one that suited his playing better. He talked about the beautiful tone it had and spoke about it as you would a friend who had gone through good times and bad times with him. He witnessed to me with that old guitar as I am sure he did with many others along the way. It was so right when his friend brought it forward before he sang his song. He will always be here. Please know we all grieve with you and lift you up to the Lord in prayer for strength as you pass through this valley. God knows the way.
Your friends, the Huwe's

Ron Huwe <rdhuwe@yahoo.com>
College Place, Wa. USA - Monday, September 26, 2005 12:12 AM CDT
Dearest Michelle,

You are doing what you can do....and that is all you can do.....one step at a time....one foot in front of the other....in your own time....no one else's .....no one can say how to get through this....you do.....you will......someday....it will be better....someday....you are doing it Michelle, you are.....and you will......
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, IL - Monday, September 26, 2005 1:10 AM CDT
A quote from C.S. Lewis:
“Grief is like a long valley, a winding valley where any bend may reveal a totally new landscape . . . not every bend does. Sometimes the surprise is the opposite one; you are present with exactly the same sort of country you thought you had left behind miles ago. That is when you wonder whether the valley isn’t a circular trench. But it isn’t.”

This came to mind when I read your entry today. You are doing the hard, hard work of grieving - but you are moving through, even when it doesn't feel like it.

Laurie Klicker <mikeklicker@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Sunday, September 25, 2005 6:37 PM CDT
Michele- that is all you can do right now, take one day at a time. I remember wanting to scream at the world - "my brother just died - how can you go on? I'm not going on!" Walking around in a fog...finding the strengths daily in myself I didn't know were there to go on...time easing the pain, as you have experienced. You will find strengths in yourself, time will never take away the pain, but it does lessen. The first year is a killer...every special date and season is tough. I think of you daily, and will continue to lift you to The One who sees every tear you cry.

Holly Carrera <carrera@gohighspeed.com>
- Sunday, September 25, 2005 5:56 PM CDT
I stumbled onto your site while looking for information on brain tumors. My dad also has a brain tumor that has devatstated our family of 6. Yours is a story of faith, hope, and endless love, and is an inspiration to all. I see so much of my dad in Dave's eyes in the photos, right down to the scar peeking through the hairline. I wish your family the best and hope that time is a doctor and that each day is a little bit easier than the one before.
Jen Z. <jennyrad@hotmail.com>
ND - Friday, September 23, 2005 10:58 PM CDT
My thoughts on the most entries are that YOU know how to live! All of you! You each and every one of you know how to live every day so fully, just as I think God wants for us. I admire that.

I also think that you should write a book. I think even publishing what you've written here on this site, could help many. Give it some thought when you are ready.

By the way, I have MANY rooms that could definitely use a "Clean Sweep!" You are always welcome to come our way with or without your mop. :)

Love you all.

Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 8:34 PM CDT
Happy CANCELED anniversary(according to Kenny.
Thought of you all day. Love Denise

Denise <dullmann@adelphia.net>
Kelso, WA - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 11:24 AM CDT
Hi Michelle and kids,
It is great to hear about all of the "goings on" in your household. I wish we could be there to see and hear all of it! Michelle, I need a "Clean Sweep" in my garage too if you happen to be in the Portland area. We have boxes to the ceiling. I thought of you today, called and left a message. Sept 20th is a special day, honoring a special marriage!

Love, Kirsten

Kirsten Pribilsky <thepribs@msn.com>
West Linn, OR - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 0:33 AM CDT
Dave, Shell: Wow.

Football, dance: These are good things.

Returning to work: Little ones will bring joy.

A broken heart need not be an empty heart. When kept wide open, it will fill.

What a lovely note...a sunshower!

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 4:37 PM CDT
I'm thinking of you today. So many weddings I can't remember, but yours is fresh in my mind - and not because I got there via a Winnebago with too many Beta's!

Love, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 10:48 AM CDT
Just a note from a distant admirer of the Meyer family. There is such a tender beauty in your day to day life as you move on. It is good to hear that you are all doing so well! God keep on blessing you!

Heidi Gwinnell <hgwinnell@hotmail.com>
jacksonville, Fl usa - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 7:49 AM CDT
Just checking in. You have been constantly on my mind and in my prayers. I have seen Dave more than once in people on the streets. As I was driving the other day I saw a man walking his kids to school and thought of Dave.
I remember after my father died having this sense that he was going to appear to us, healthy and whole. I felt like we had been through so much that I was almost sure that he would get a "curtain call"- one more chance to say goodbye. I don't know if that makes sense or not but I do understand that sense of listening for the keys, or a cough or a voice. I think it is there and although we can't hear it out loud it is happening.
Thank you for sharing your story. I know that it isn't easy.
Call if you need a "slumber party".

Nancy Butler <jimnancymegan@bmi.net>
- Saturday, September 17, 2005 12:45 AM CDT
Hi Michelle,
I think you should write a book. You are so good with your words. We're still here in FL praying for you and your family. Every time I think of you, Dave, and your children, it reminds me how blessed I am and to not take it for granted. Thanks. I pray for a lot of smiles for you.

Michelle Gentges <gentges6@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:54 PM CDT
I hope that your days are filled with lots of reminders that Dave is watching over you. Keep all of the memories of him close to your heart. Sometimes its the memories alone that will help us get through times like this. We think of your family often. Hugs!!
Love, Kari

Kevin and Kari T. www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:26 PM CDT
Just checking in to let you know you and the kids are still headline news around my house. Even Hurricane Katrina ranks 2nd or 3rd. Everyone wants me to read your entries and know what is new. We were in Montana for 4 days and the Meyer family was expressed in "cares and concerns". McKenzie thinks it's so cool and special that Zack wears Daves ring on a chain around his neck. What a neat way to keep him close at heart! As for Kaitlyn and the dad smell on the pillow---cologne works great! I have done that with the kids if going to be away from them--they have mommys smell. Mia still talks about the pink pillow Dave had at the house, I tell her about it being Kaitlyn's and it gave her love to her daddy when she was away from him.
You know, husbands have a way of taking care of us even when we least expect it. That is neat about the insurance that you didn't know about.
And for the song---it's awesome! I hope you turned it up real loud and sang your heart out!
Love Ya

Sara Huxoll
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 11:42 PM CDT
Still praying and keeping you close in thought.....Hugs!
Love, Kevin and Kari

Kevin and Kari www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 7:19 PM CDT
Hi Michelle ~

We don't talk about ashes much but many of us have "ash stories." I am always surprised at the signifigance of "remains," when my beliefs tell me they hold little meaning because the spirit, the soul has long escaped them and now surrounds me.

I'll never forget my father travelling by plane from Florida to San Francisco to bring my mother's ashes home. He carried them gently and lovingly in the heavy cardboard box with built-in plastic handle provided by the funeral home. He planted them between his feet during take-off but moved the unweildly container to his lap for the remainder of the trip. He seemed so old and so tired when he deplaned but insisted on carrying "Evie."

When Daddy passed away my sisters and I were at the place where his ashes would join my mother's. The staff seemed uncomfortable - tentative. Finally they asked "was your father a very large man?" He was not, having lost inches from his 6'0" height and many pounds in his later years. His bones, it seems, were very dense and his ashes did not fit into the standard-sized bronze container we had purchased to match our mother's nor into the overflow plastic container we gave them permission to use. We knew we were meant to have a few "left over" to honor at home or spread as Daddy would like. Later, a very sweet cemetary worker said he could not recall such a quantity of ashes. We decided our wonderful, quiet father, full of integrity and dignity and love, truly was "larger than life."

I have discovered, in my own losses of generations on either side of my own, that there are no rules ~ you make them, in your own time, Michelle, and with God's blessing.

Love, Cindy

cindy widmer
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, September 12, 2005 4:16 PM CDT

I don't quite know what to say. I want so desperately to have some words to encourage you, to give you a glimpse of hope, to assure you that things will get better... but the words really don't come easily. Though I have had my share of suffering in this life I can't say that grief of loved ones has been a big part of that suffering. Yes, I have lost people close to me, but usually grandparents, who I miss, but also accept their passing as part of the progression of life. With someone closer to my own stage of life, it just doesn't seem right, doesn't make sense. It is harder for my mind to grasp the reality of it. Though I wasn't overly close to Dave except through Will, and we have been so far away for so long, I still feel the loss of his presence. I know what an extraordinary man he was. My heart aches for you as a wife and mother. I find you in my thoughts and prayers continually. I grieve with you, even though I can't even phathom the depth of your pain and suffering.

The one thing I know that I missed the most when Will was out to sea for 6 months was his touch. I do hope that those close by are giving you lots of hugs. I know I appreciated them when the one I really wanted to hold, and to hold me back, couldn't.

Also, I know you worry for your children. I can't even imagine how hard this experience is on them as well. I know it will change their lives forever. I also know they would have never chose this road for themselves but God knew they could handle the depth to which they will each grow through their pain, and He will bring shepherd men along the way to guide them into adulthood. No one can ever take Dave's place in their lives. I know he used the time he was given with them well and by the example he lived, left them with a strong foundation on which others can continue.

One lasting impression Dave will have left with them, which was the wisest decision he ever made ~ and they most important one they will make, (beside accepting Jesus as their Savior), was his choice in asking you to be his wife. Kenny and Zachary will always have your example of what a woman of virtue is like, not just beautiful on the outside, but the true beauty which comes out from your being, in how you express yourself in word and deed. When it is their turn to chose wives for themselves I know they will remember what Dave looked for, and hold a standard as high as he did when he chose you, seeing through the superficiality the world professes. Kaitlin as well is learning how to be a woman of grace through you and someday will be just as selective in chosing a husband by how esteemed and honorable as she rememebers her father as being.

As you have said, Dave's light does continue to shine, not only through your kids but also through you. They will not forget him, for he has left a wonderful legacy of people to remind them of those wonderful virtues that drew everyone near to Dave and to your entire family.

We love you and your family and wish with all our might that we could have changed the outcome, but even so, we know God has a plan and we surrender to His will.

I am praying for you and hope to see you again some day soon to give you a big hug myself.

With love,

Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO 80831 - Monday, September 12, 2005 1:55 PM CDT
Oh Michelle, I shouldn't argue with you here, but sweety you ARE amazing and inspiring; your strength, your honesty, your energy, your faith, your courage... I could go on and on. I learn something from you every time I see you. I'm glad I was with you Friday. Thank you. Love and hugs.
Walla Walla, WA USA - Sunday, September 11, 2005 7:54 PM CDT
You are real. That's a beautiful thing. I admire you so, not only for the obvious things, but for your raw honesty, and sharing your journey with so many.
Love, Patrice

theblondeupfrontsinging <patrice@fancylogo.com>
- Sunday, September 11, 2005 10:17 AM CDT
We wish we could be with you forever.

I want to see you all verry soon.
We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sonja Haroldson <smbh@comcast.net>
- Sunday, September 11, 2005 10:12 AM CDT
Michelle...sending you all of my love and prayers. Some days get so hard on this journey. You inspire me to be the best caregiver I can be to my sweet Michael. Hug those kids tight. Hang on. You are loved by so many...both here...and there.


Deanne Messinger <messinger0563@peoplepc.com>
Jenison, MI USA - Saturday, September 10, 2005 10:50 PM CDT
Michelle I will not try to say I know how you feel loosing a spouse or young children loosing a father. I can relate to how you feel seeing your birthdate on the box of Daves ashes. Each time I look at something about my parents passing I see my birthdate. Both my mother and father passed away on my birthday 8 years apart. Have to say it changes the way I look at my birthday. I have been reading Dave's site since March or so. It is wonderful to see what a wonderful husband, father, son and friend Dave was to many. I find myself reading yours and many other entrys here and sitting quietly thinking of what is being written. Dave will be missed by many but on the other hand so many were so lucky to have him in their lives. Everyone learned so much from him. God Bless You and your family.
Walla Walla, Wa. - Saturday, September 10, 2005 10:45 PM CDT
Dear Michelle,

Wishing I could sit on that porch with you......someday i will.....us bt warrior wives........sending love, prayers and hugs from the 58th floor.....today and always....
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Friday, September 9, 2005 11:54 PM CDT
Just stopping by to see how you are doing! I had found this prayer in a book that I have about times of trouble, loss and sorrow and thought I would share it with you.

"I have lost one I love, Lord, and the profound emptiness I feel is unbearable at times. In those moments, I know you are with me, but it may be a while before I can sense your comfort and care. Meanwhile, please keep me safe as I grieve-as I question, as I rage, as I weep, as I sit in silence-waiting to heal and feel whole and alive again."

Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Hugs from Minnesota!
Love, Kevin and Kari

Kevin and Kari T. www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Friday, September 9, 2005 11:42 PM CDT
We are all still with you in thoughts and prayers. You are never alone in your sorrow and feeling of loss. Let yourself laugh, cry, and keep reflecting on all of the good times. David is still with you every day. Hold that thought close to your heart. Love, Melissa

Melissa Johnson <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Friday, September 9, 2005 7:28 PM CDT

I wanted to share the card we received from Canute and Sonja's piano teacher.

"It's especially sad when a music maker leaves us, because they are the one's who spread the most joy. So, to all the music makers in the family, continue your friend's enthusiasm for your own music - it's a gift that must be shared.

When you play or sing, let his life inspire you to become one of life's music makers."

We miss him too! I don't know if that can provide any comfort; to know that you're not alone in your grief.

We love you, and we're here for you. Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, September 9, 2005 10:58 AM CDT
Wow! Michelle that is so neat to hear about your story about Dave! What a nice feeling to know that he is close by. We miss you, and I miss the kids too.
Thinking of all of you.

Shawna Corbett <lashandshawna@my180.net>
Lowden, WA - Thursday, September 8, 2005 11:23 PM CDT
Michelle, your Dave story gave me goosebumps. Its good to know hes watching out for you and the kids. Its things like that will make each passing day a little "easier". Thank you so much for your encouraging words that you left for us on Kevins site. You were right about the Decadron. Hes now taking that as needed and so far its worked wonders for his headaches. Im still checking in on here everyday to see how you are doing. Its become routine I think! lol Saying prayers and sending hugs for you and your family!
Kevin and Kari <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Thursday, September 8, 2005 10:55 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of how I could emulate Dave today. As I was weeding out near the street, I decided to smile at everyone who walked, ran or drove by. Putting that extra effort into how I relate to strangers, which seemed effortless when Dave did it, really made a difference. Before, they would just walk on by. Instead, some of the people started up conversations! Thank you Dave!

Donna Wierman <mdjkwierman@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA USA - Thursday, September 8, 2005 10:38 PM CDT
We love you guys!

The Mouat crew

The Mouats <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO - Thursday, September 8, 2005 10:09 PM CDT
Hi Michelle
Count me in as one who is thinking about you daily, as well as praying for you and the kids. AnnaMarie is excited to get back to toddlers, whenever anyone asks the other kids how school is going she pipes up that she is going "my toddler class". Sending you hugs and prayers.

Wendi Elmenhurst <elmenhurst@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 3:58 PM CDT
Michelle, I want you to know that I'm praying for you and the kids daily and sometimes hourly come to think of it. What a beautiful story of you and Dave's "song". I cried as I read this as it must be incredibly hard to get through these times. I'm sure this song and many other situations each day will bring you laughter and tears as I believe "it is" Dave watching over his family. My heart hurts for you and I pray for healing each day.....each hour.
My love always,

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 2:26 PM CDT
Praise God! Dave is still taking care of his family in many ways. I can't even imagine how hard each day is for you to face. Take them one at a time, and lean on those around you who are willing to hold you up when you need it. You are in His hands, and you will be taken care of.

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 10:28 AM CDT
"Live your life for a smile and think of me once in a while."

Thanks for sharing the Dave story. Made me smile (and cry), too. Love you, Michelle! Big, long hugs to you and your kids from the Wilsons.

Jim Wilson <jcwilson16@hotmail.com>
Woodinville , WA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 9:39 AM CDT
We're still here praying for peace and comfort for you and the kids.
Michelle Gentges <gentges6@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA!! - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 8:01 AM CDT
My deepest sympathies on the death of your husband. Soon the grief will be replaced in emphasis by the wonderful memories that you will always have. It took me a year to stop crying when my husband died, and now I look back at our life together and smile. It was a great ride!
Sarah Springert <sps7708@comcast.net>
Meridian, MS 39305 - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 12:58 AM CDT
Dearest Michelle and Family....

Thinking of you from the 58th floor and sending you hugs, love, and prayers.......hoping you are finding peace.......somehow.......
Cathy b.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

Cathy Beres
Chicago, IL - Monday, September 5, 2005 0:13 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know we are thinking about all of you. Hugs from Minnesota!!
Kevin and Kari T. <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Sunday, September 4, 2005 11:31 AM CDT
I first met Dave as a freshman while I was playing basketball. It was during the year he first started the fight with cancer. He was a awesome coach and a positive leader in the classroom and on the basketball court. After talking to fellow friends this past week I wanted you to know how much of a difference he mad while teaching at Wa-Hi. I look at Dave's career as a teacher and a coach and am inspired to try and be half of the positive role model he was.
Pat Kjack <pat_kjack@khsd.k12.ca.us>
Bakersfield, Ca United States - Friday, September 2, 2005 7:58 PM CDT
Dear Michelle and family & friends,
My heart breaks for you. I have only been on BTList a couple of months, but your postings and Dave's journey have been an inspriration to us. God Bless.
Alice & Charlie

Alice & Charlie Papiez <Jetexc@aol.com>
Trenton, NJ USA - Friday, September 2, 2005 11:01 AM CDT
That is really touching. I really injoyed reading it I will be praying for you all. God has a plan so we can just trust him.I heard he was a true chistiann believer and that is encouraging cause I an to.We can look forward to seeing him someday.I WILL PRAY FOR YOU GUYS
Rose Knowles <rosie_knowles@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA U.S. - Friday, September 2, 2005 0:12 AM CDT
Your description of the service is amazing and vivid...bringing me back to Walla Walla, and agreeing with every word. I think you have a future as a writer.

It has been a strange week...normal, yet not normal at all. I think about you and your family, and Dave, constantly. I am so lucky and blessed to know you.

I spoke to Kaitlyn and Kenny tonight. Wished Kenny good luck in his first football game for WaHi tomorrow afternoon versus Davis. He said being a freshmen is awesome. Kaitlyn loves being in the 'big kids' hall now.

Prayers and love coming to you from Seattle.

Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, September 1, 2005 10:20 PM CDT
Dear Michelle,
The whole community grieves with you.
Please know that we are praying for peace and comfort for you and your family.

Robin Chris Lyle and Faith Dowsett <rdowsett@pocketinet.com>
Touchet, WA - Thursday, September 1, 2005 2:39 PM CDT
Your last two entries have been very moving and I applaud you for being willing to share so openly. As a person who tends to guard her heart and feelings pretty closely and not let people see in, I am learning from you to open up and be me....no matter what others might think. Keep it up. What Holly says is true....you will make it through these darkest days, but it isn't always easy. My dad died 15 years ago, and to this day, little things hit me at the most unexpected times...but most of the time, I remember his smile, his love of life, and just HIM. You will too. Take one day at a time and lean on God and your friends and family when you need to. You don't always have to be the strong one!

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Thursday, September 1, 2005 10:44 AM CDT
Dear Shelley,
Thank you for your entry on Aug. 30. When my mother-in-law was diagnosed in June 1998, my father-in-law insisted on doing everything himself. He was a very private person. I begged to be allowed to travel to their home and help out for the summer but he would not allow it. She was 60 when she died. Sept. 15th, 1998. When I think of all the things he endured until the end, I think he was foolish. He did not allow anyone to help or to enter their home, for months. Only when she went to hospice did he admit he could not walk this particular part of the journey alone. I think of the people who helped you, friends, family and neighbors. I think you were smart. And that you just did things differently. There is a rift in our family a mile wide because of what my father-in-law did. To this day it exists. I've fought it, but when I read your journal entry, I felt like cleaning off the weapons.
Love, Laura

Laura Lundahl (Wa-hi '83) <aburton47@msn.com>
Westminster, CO USA - Thursday, September 1, 2005 0:55 AM CDT
Meyer Family,
I have been praying. I hope everything is o.k. I see Kenny around school with a smile on his face so he is doing alright I assume.
Love To you and your family
Monica Cochran

Monica Cochran <mjcviolin@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, wa walla walla - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 10:14 PM CDT
My prayers are with you.
Mike Ackermann <mikea284@cox.net>
Phoenix, Az USA - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 9:58 PM CDT
The images are hard to understand.
And even when, through wisdom, we see them coming---
these storms and every other hard thing we weather---
they manage to knock us from our moorings,
toss us off our firm foundations,
set us adrift,
turn us toward one another,
send us to the highest place we can find,
on our knees on a rocking vessel,
in order best to pray.
Our heroes aren't forged by trial and fire.
They are who they have always been,
true to self, true to form,
dressed in the clothing of new roles,
but underneath: familiar keepers of our trust
that everything will be all right
after all.
There will be other storms
and our hearts will continue to fill and overflow
until, in time, that season passes.
But with all it takes away
(thinking itself so clever),
there are these precious things preserved:
courageous smiles and patience,
gentle care, an offered hand,
moments of sunshine,
strong children,
families of the heart,
and an absence of regret.

With love to you during a storm well weathered,

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:29 PM CDT
What Holly says is true. You had to encounter the hardest moment of your life twice. For those that haven't lived the dying and death of a loved one they "don't get it". Those that have, do get it. Many place their loved one in a care center, not wanting to experience the things that frighten us most. But you as stated, you cared for him in sickness and in health, til death do us part. I have witnessed in my family the "afraid of the unknown". But that shows you too are a warrior. I respect you for your strength and willingness to upkeep this site and speak from your heart. Your every word releases more love and emotion for Dave than I have ever witnessed in a relationship. No one can take that away from you.
God Bless you and the kids.
Love Ya

Sara Huxoll
Walla Walla, - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 5:21 PM CDT
I have thought about you, even more, since your journal entry from yesterday (Tuesday). You are now living in the true emotions of death. I can identify after losing my ill brother. You are still going through the memories of the death itself, and grieving that, while everyone else has gone on to celebrating the man Dave was and will always be in their lives. It takes awhile for those ending memories to fade, but they eventually do, and we remember the person. Take time to grieve, take time for you, it is important - there are so many different emotions at any given time, on any given day. From sorrow to anger to missing him to many others in-between. I have been praying that our Mighty God will hold you close during these now darker times. I know He IS holding you. Oh what a reunion it will be...
In His Mighty Grip, Holly Carrera

Holly Carrera <carrera@gohighspeed.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 4:46 PM CDT
Do you know you have "smiling" eyes? It's true...I did not notice that in your lovely pictures, it wasn't until I met you in person on Saturday. And, what is amazing about that was, it was the day comemorating Dave's life and laying him to rest. A day spent in celebration and I am sure, quiet desperation - and still your eyes-your soul were "smiling", the Holy Spirit shining through you, such an encouragement to me.
My husband and I were blessed to be a part of that amazing day. Blessed. Amazing, that the Spirit shines through you unhampered, even when you're living those fully human moments. I wish those who know you only through your website could've been able to experience that special day as I was able to. A most important thing happened on Saturday and I wanted you to know about it:
My husband, Dave, is not a believer (YET!). After the service, he said to me in the car as we went to the church for the reception, "I didn't know Dave, but I wish I had known him. Maybe someone like that would've been easy to talk about God to." I said nothing, my heart pounding because the "God" talks we have are few and far between. Then he said, "Maybe I did learn something about Christianity today from Dave."
And so it goes...the Spirit shines through you in your eyes and Dave Meyer's witness lives on. How blessed we both were to have been a part of that day.
I pray that each one of you that were immersed in the work of Dave's dying, are eased by a job beautifully done. Yes, rest now. The words you had to say are said, the things you had to do are done and you are loved.
I pray that the work of healing is a familiar walk back home with the memories and stories of your battle mellowing in your mind, ready to be told someday, for some reason of His choosing. I pray for your heart and all that is in it. Many blessings to you and dear ones.

Jennifer Boyer <jjboyer@hotmail.com>
Lewiston, ID - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 7:30 PM CDT
Dear Michelle,
The memorial was awesome, though overwhelming at times. I was especially moved by Mark's song and the slide show, but there were many, many other heartfelt words and gestures, large and small, that made the service rich and memorable. It was an important experience for Heidi and me to share with our kids.

But your entry today really hightlighted an incredibly important thing to me: this was not only a celebration of a great man's life and a fight well fought (and you, Michelle, were a fierce warrior alongside Dave). It was also a celebration of grace, courage and strength in preparing for dying. I was so grateful to be able to spend time with you, Dave and your kids over the last few weeks. Michelle, you were so open with your heart and home, allowing me (and so many others) to care for and comfort Dave alongside you, and your parents (what profound love and energy they selflessly poured into you, your kids, and Dave!!). In our faith, death is not defeat. When it was sadly apparent that the battle was done on earth, you helped us all turn our eyes toward the Joy and Glory of life everlasting in Christ. AMEN!

Jim Wilson <jcwilson16@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 7:23 PM CDT
To the Meyer family,

I remember Dave fondly as a teammate on the Wa-Hi basketball team. He was on the starting five as a sophomore! He was always an encouraging team leader and a really nice person. I was saddened to hear of his passing and my heart goes out to Daves family during this difficult time.

Patrick Waggoner <Waggotron@Aol.com>
New York City, NY USA - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
Michelle -

My sympathies to you and your family. You don't me, but my sister works for the Walla Walla school district and shared Dave's story with me several years ago. When one of my close friends started a caringbridge site to keep us informed of her baby's progress, my sister directed me to your site. I just want to thank you for sharing Dave's story, and want you to know how much I admire you (and everyone else you mentioned today) for your strength and committment to and love for Dave. I know from talking with my friend, that "you just do what you have to do", but the truth is - you don't have to. Many people don't, and unfortunately people (including very small babies) are left to live and die alone. I talked about Dave's memorial service with my sister and heard words like "being more Dave-like" to describe the love and gifts he had and the way that people might want to live their lives. I want you to know that I hope to live my life more "Michelle-like". I pray for you and your children daily - may God hold you close and help you through. Thank you for sharing - I know the purpose wasn't so that I could learn - but I have. FYI - my friend's baby is in need of a heart transplant and they also have an incredible story. www.caringbridge.com/mn/ellis

Lori Cowman <lcowman@mncpapro.com>
Minneapolis, MN - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 11:14 AM CDT
Dear Michelle,
Please know that our thoughts are with you in this difficult time and in looking at the website for Dave it is easy to realize how many lives both of you have touched. I am so glad you have your parents to give you so much love and support. Our deepest condolences,

Helena and John Bierly

Helena & John Bierly <hhoyte@wingpoint.com>
Bainbridge Island, WA USA - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 9:34 AM CDT
Dearest Michelle,

Today I heard "Melt with you" on the radio as i was driving....I cranked it up...it made me think of Dave...but, Dave's rendition is much better, really!! So, I am hoping you will put together a CD of his music and sell it....I am sure you could sell a ton of them and perhaps put the money to good use. Please sign me up for one. Your friend on the 58th floor sending hugs and prayers,
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, IL - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 0:37 AM CDT
The service was amazing. I cried numerous times today telling my co-workers all of the special moments. It was an uplifting two hours that I will cherish forever!! Curtis and I drove home and talked about our lives, how Dave impacted our way of thinking, and how grateful we both are to know your family. We love you!!

Melissa Johnson <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Monday, August 29, 2005 7:38 PM CDT
The service and commraderie afterwards was: awesome; inspiring; uplifting; delightful; melancholy; encouraging; sad; talented-filled; joyful; real; close-to-God; sweet; poignant; lighthearted; simple.....well, it was DAVE. Thank you!
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, August 29, 2005 6:46 PM CDT
I printed off the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt on the front page. It's my new line to my family. Everytime I look at it on the fridge, I say a prayer for you and the kids too. My son asks me about my friend on the internet. You are my first internet friend Michelle. :-) I hope one day to maybe meet you. Many are still here reading, praying, crying. We look forward to hearing from you when you're ready. Take your time, allow yourself that. You deserve it. Stay strong in Him. Thanks again for letting us into your lives.

2 Corinthians 1:5 "For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows."

Michelle Gentges <gentges6@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Monday, August 29, 2005 6:07 PM CDT
Everytime I try to write, I cry too! When friends ask how the service went, I get the chance to smile. I tell them Dave wasn't a hard man to describe; but he was a hard man to stop describing.

When you write Michelle, I'll be here reading. I'll be crying and laughing and squinting at the light of Dave's love. Right now, Baby Steps. I love you, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, August 29, 2005 5:44 PM CDT
Deep breaths and big jobs broken down into SMALL tasks. That's the way to the "new normal," the one you put off for as long as possible, with every fiber of your being. Know you are loved, by so many people.
Deb <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Monday, August 29, 2005 3:44 PM CDT
Michelle and Kids,
The service was a true testament to not only Dave, but all of you. You continue to find the joy in God and the comfort that He brings you. Know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers in the days, weeks and months to come as you adjust to life without Dave physically walking beside you. We know he will always be there in spirit and his light will shine though you and the kids....and all who know him.

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Monday, August 29, 2005 3:22 PM CDT
Dear Meyer Family~
I know he didn't like to hear it, but Mr. Meyer truly is my hero. It takes a stong person to go through the obstacles God has thrown at you and still come out smiling. I will always remember you, Mr. Meyer, and I can't wait to explain to my children what an inspiration you were to me. I thank you for all that you have given to me through just a few simple acts and words. Rest in peace. Love, Katie Wheeler (Schneidmiller)

Katie Wheeler (Schneidmiller) <katieann09@hotmail.com>
Milton-Freewater, OR USA - Monday, August 29, 2005 12:13 AM CDT
Dear Michelle and family,
We too counted it a privelege to have had Dave and your family on our prayer list. There are several folks in our church who knew Dave and would let us know any victories or new struggles you folks were going through. It was an honor to be at the memorial service and to see and hear stories of a man we wish we had known. Please know we are continuing to pray for you asking for God's comfort and peace to surround you.

Michael and Carol Cain <thefathershouse@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA Walla Walla - Monday, August 29, 2005 9:15 AM CDT
Dear Michelle and family,
I'm so thankful to Stacy Mouat for putting your family on our prayer list at church. When I first started reading your journal back in the spring, I couldn't imagine dealing with everything you've dealt with. But through all your sharing I've come to realize Dave's short life had such a deeper impact than half of us make in a long lifetime. To read all the entries from the people who love and admire your family, it is obvious that impact. Michelle, you as well are such a Godly example of what it means to love, unconditionally. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I hope to keep reading updates about all the wonderful things God is doing in your home. Like you said, Daves light continues to shines in all of you. Know you're in our prayers. May you have a wonderful day today, full of peace and love.

Michelle Gentges <gentges6@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL 32225 - Monday, August 29, 2005 8:20 AM CDT
Good night sweet friends.......hoping that you are able to rest a bit and that sleep brings you much needed healing and rejuvenation.....and strength for the days ahead. Know that you are always in my prayers, sending hugs.......
Cathy b.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, IL - Monday, August 29, 2005 1:51 AM CDT
Michelle and children:
Your journey has been inspirational and the service was beautiful. Dave's friendship with Diana will be with her always. Thank you and God bless you.

Nancy Riggle <riggle@pocketinet.com>
Walla Walla, Wa. USA - Monday, August 29, 2005 0:14 AM CDT
And our prayers continue...
Lisa, Mike, Andrew and Alison <mbraddock@charter.net>
- Sunday, August 28, 2005 8:53 PM CDT
What a wonderful service,just right,well done as with all you do Michelle. Your family remains in thought and prayers in the upcoming days.We are looking forward to having Kenny at WA-HI! Diane Schulke
Diane Schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:37 PM CDT
Dear Michelle,

Several years ago a friend gave me a wall hanging with a wonderful saying about Jesus. I keep it in my office as a reminder of our mission as Christians.

About half way through the service yesterday, I realized that the words also apply to Dave, the life he led, the love he shared, the legacy he left, and the challenge we all face as Christians. It reads:

He came singing Love,
He lived singing Love,
He died singing Love.
If the song is to continue,
It is we who must do the singing.

Dave taught us all how to sing this "song." I praise God for Dave's impact on all of us at Wa-Hi. He is the true "Mr. Wa-Hi." We continue to hold you and yours up in thought and prayer.

Norbert & Debora Rossi <nrossi@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:48 AM CDT
It was a beautiful service, such an honor to be there to remember Dave and celebrate his legacy of a life that was truly well lived. I am praying that God will continue to give you the grace and all that you need to get you through this time. We pray for you and the kids every night, you are SO special to our family, I just wanted to let you know that we hold you close in our hearts.

Dan, Wendi, Katelyn, Camille, Joshua and AnnaMarie Elmenhurst <elmenhurst@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Saturday, August 27, 2005 11:26 PM CDT
Michelle and family
What a honorable man Dave was, I had him as a freshman and spent many lunches eating with him in his room. He was always a happy man and could make anyone smile. I also had him as my o'line coach freshman through junior year and then he didn't disapper senior year he was across the line with the lower classmen ready to beat us up play after play. No matter how bad I screwed up he told me how to fix it, then put me right back in. I enjoyed seeing Dave and his kids in at 7-eleven getting slurpees together while I was delivering pop there. All in All he was an amazing friend and teacher. Thanks

Andy Keatts <akeatts@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, August 27, 2005 11:09 PM CDT
Michelle and family...what an honor it was to read your note of encouragement in my husband's webpage. I have had such an up and down time dealing with this illness...along with three children. In you I see a brave warrior...for both Dave and your children. Make sure you take care of you. You are an inspiration Michelle. God bless you on this most difficult day. I am with you in spirit as one who will also fight for the life of my husband. Be well and may God look upon you with favor. You've done well brave girl.
Deanne Messinger <messinger0563@peoplepc.com>
Jenison, MI USA - Saturday, August 27, 2005 10:24 PM CDT
Michelle, Zach, Kenny and Kate;
We thought of all of you today. You are such an amazing family. Even though we had never met Dave, or you Michelle, you both have been an important part of our lives the last couple of months by following your journey. Your encouraging words, Michelle, have meant more to me than you know. Please know you are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Kevin and Kari T. <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Saturday, August 27, 2005 9:24 PM CDT
What a wonderful service. Words spoken just right! Songs from the heart of a dear friend! A few laughs, lots of tears! You are truly blessed!
Take Care
Love Ya

Sara Huxoll
Walla Walla, - Saturday, August 27, 2005 7:20 PM CDT
You are gathering now.
I'm there in spirit,
Which will take up little room
In that place which will overflow,
And I am working to find that feeling
Between my lightness of heart for him
And my heaviness of heart for you,
And I know that on this day of celebration of life,
This is something I can do.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Saturday, August 27, 2005 4:53 PM CDT
As I head out to the services, what a wonderful day the Lord has provided us to celebrate Dave's life. Not too hot, not too cold. Just Perfect! For a PERFECT Man who will not be forgotten!!
Love Ya

Sara & Kevin Huxoll, McKenzie, Megan and Mia <swatdog273@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Saturday, August 27, 2005 4:46 PM CDT
Dear Michelle and Kids,
Sorry to hear about your loss and just wanted to let you know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Jackie Kuljis and Karl Dahl <Charmedone_1959@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla , Wa - Saturday, August 27, 2005 3:03 PM CDT
Dear Michelle and entire Meyer family,

We just want you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers today as you gather to celebrate Dave's life. We wish we could be there. We were honored to know him. He was a wonderful man and we grieve his passing.

With Love,

The Mouat Family <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton , CO - Saturday, August 27, 2005 12:26 AM CDT
Wow...I cant believe its time to write this. I have definately put it off. Mr. M was one of the most amazing men on this earth. He was such a fighter, I cant even explain it. His spirit will never go away. His amazing wife and kids will carry it on forever. I will never forget 2 summers ago when little, quiet Zach was in my weightlifting group for BDAD. Mr. Meyer had had a surgery that summer and I always remember thinking how tough that little boy could be to know his dad was going through so much. Then I got to know him, I knew why Zach wasnt sad, he knew nothing could beat his dads faith! After that summer I talked to Mr. Meyer all the time, in the office, whenever I saw him on campus. I remember the time he told me how much Zach liked me and thought I was cool...I definately thought he was lying because Zach wouldnt even talk to me, but then i realized he was just shy!
I have babysat for the Meyers a couple of times of the last couple of years and I cant say thank you enough for him sharing his amazing children with me. Little do they know how much I love them. Kenny can always keep me smiling. He is so blunt and crazy. Zach...what a cutie! I look at him and just see the future he has and it makes me so happy to say I know them. Kate...pretty much me when I was younger. Watching her a Peach Basket made me smile, I know she will be able to do whatever she wants to do when she grows up. Your all amazing kids and I hope you know Im here for you. I want to here all about your recitals and games and schoolwork. Please never forget my love and keep in touch, I miss you!
This summer all I could think about was how I could help them, or how to make them feel better, because I could never go through this, you are all SOO strong (you got that from your dad and your mom for sure)! Michelle you are the most amazing and strongest woman I have ever been lucky enough to know. You have made the most of the time your family had as a whole and I look up to you so much. You have an amazing family and you and the kids will be just fine. I love you all so much, and my heart is with you through this terrible time. Godbless

Cassi Hunter <hommiec@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Saturday, August 27, 2005 1:28 AM CDT
Dear Michelle,
We just got home today after being away for a week. It was a very long week when you're used to checking and reading your journal on a daily basis! We are so sorry to hear about Dave's passing but we know that he's in a better place and singing with the angels! You're an amazing woman, a pillar of strength, and we thank you for sharing this incredible journey with us.

Our prayers, thoughts, love, and support are always with you.

Chip, Roxanne, Kevin & Chris <charleslake@comcast.net>
Lake Stevens, WA United States - Saturday, August 27, 2005 1:24 AM CDT
Dear Michelle and family,

I will be there in spirit tomorrow, and I will wear purple all day in honor of Dave.....it may be a difficult time, but it will be uplifting as well, I am sure of it. I hope the church can hold all the people who will be coming.......sending prayers and love from the 58th floor...
Cathy b.'
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, Il - Saturday, August 27, 2005 0:58 AM CDT
Dear Michelle, Kenny, Zach and katelynn
i was so sad to hear of daves passing, he was a wonderfull man and he made baseball so fun for matthew, if we were out and saw dave matt would tell me he would be right back he had to say hi to coach dave, and dave always had the time to say hi to him and ask how he was doing, matt was so looking forward to starting high school this year and seeing coach dave.
i know dave is someone we will always remeber , matt the most, i dont know if u remeber apple , dave would always tell matt apple as a code word to get matt to lift his elbow up when batting :)
i want to attend the service but i have to work,but please know i will be thinking about u and your famliy and if u need anything , anything at all, please email me ,
take care
we are thinking of u and the famliy

kelli , eric, matthew and katie knudson <kelli1@charter.net>
walla walla , wa usa - Friday, August 26, 2005 11:25 PM CDT
It is so hard to find words of comfort for such a deep loss. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!

Vicki Ruley <ruley@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, August 26, 2005 9:29 PM CDT
Val & I enjoyed our visit with you today. You have done an excellent job with the tote of pictures and all the memorbilia. You are an amazing woman. Thank you so much for sharing Dave's journey on the web, it gave us a chance to feel connected with Dave and what was going on. Dave will be in all our hearts always. God be with you and the children. "Class of 1981"

Karla Broughton <karla@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, - Friday, August 26, 2005 8:26 PM CDT
Michelle and family - Dave was such a wonderful inspiration . . . You are all in my thoughts and prayers. With much love, Kylan
Kylan Giusti <Kylan_Giusti@hotmail.com >
- Friday, August 26, 2005 6:31 PM CDT
Teresa and I will not be able to attend the service, we both have to work, imagine that. We aree saddened by the news. If there is anything we can do for you please give us a call. Reading through some of these messages all of you have touch so many lives, not only here but around the country. God Bless and be with you.
Steve Walk and Teresa Maddess <steven.walk@wwcc.edu>
walla walla, wa - Friday, August 26, 2005 5:11 PM CDT
Dear Meyer family,
Thank you for your strong faith and grace in dealing with this terrible tragedy. You have been couragess witnesses to the power of God and to the Truth, that He can see us through even the darkest of times. May God bless and keep you all. Our Love and Prayers,
The Neal Family
Mary-Theresa,Johnny,David and Annelise

The Neal Family <Miken_zap@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Friday, August 26, 2005 4:03 PM CDT
Dear Michelle & family,
I've not had the opportunity to meet but just wanted to send my deepest sympathies in the loss of your great husband and dad. I went to school with Dave and am honored to have known him. Good bye Dave. You will be greatly missed by everyone who knew you. My thoughts and prayers are with your entire family.

Kim (Guglielmelli) Klingenberg <Guglielmelli@msn.com>
Carnation, WA USA - Friday, August 26, 2005 2:08 PM CDT
Dear Michelle and the Meyer Family,
As I was thinking and crying about Dave Wednesday night, I wanted to share some of my thoughts with you. Dave was, literally, the first person I met at UPS on the first day of our freshman year in college. He also was my "little brother" in the Beta fraternity and one of my closest friends in college. I have many fond memories of Dave during those years, including his passion for laughter, his commitment to his friends, his joy as a member of The Currents, and his head-over-heals enthusiasm upon first meeting you Michelle at The Spaghetti Factory.
As these things often go, we went our own respective ways out of school and maintained only periodic contact. However, Dave has often been in my thoughts over the years and the two things that have always stood out to me about him are his unwavering goodness of character and his indomitable spirit to simply love. It is amazing to read through the messages in this guestbook and appreciate the impact of his willingness to openly share these traits with those he encountered. As my wave of grief subsided, I found myself saying out loud, "I love you Dave Meyer" over and over, which is not typical for me or, I suspect, too many other grown men. But in Dave's case, it comes easily as he opened his heart up so readily that the only response to his love is love.
Thank you Michelle for sharing this difficult part of your journey with the rest of us. I can't imagine the challenge of it, but your strength is incredible and means so much.
See you tomorrow-
With love,

Jamie Lyle <jamielyle@att.net>
Truckee, CA - Friday, August 26, 2005 12:47 AM CDT
Dear Meyer Family-
I was so sorry to hear of Dave's passing. He will be missed so much. What a great man, God has gained a great angel to watch over all of the people he touched.

Mecque Tucker <volksbug_hottie@hotmail.com>
Bellevue, WA K - Friday, August 26, 2005 12:20 AM CDT
Dear Meyer Family - I do not know you and your precious family but am thinking of you. Thank you for sharing your journey. May your hearts find peace. My husband and I just celebrated our daughter's first birthday. Learning about Dave and what a special man he was has reminded me that we must live each day to the max and cherish those that mean the most. Take care of each other
Candi Walmsley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, August 26, 2005 11:17 AM CDT
Meyer Family,
I was terribly saddened to hear of Dave’s passing. He was one of those special guys who makes an impression on you that lasts a lifetime. Dave was a teammate, a choirmate, but most of all, an inspiring friend. I feel blessed to have spent time with him. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Trevor Krivoshein <tkrivo@gmail.com>
Corvallis, OR USA - Friday, August 26, 2005 9:17 AM CDT
We loved the quote in the paper, "Dave lived his life out LOUD." We marveled at this accurate portrayal of not only Dave, but also you Michelle. Thank you for living your "life out loud" and allowing your community to experience the depth of both your joy and sorrow along this incredible journey.
Our deepest & heartfelt sympathy to your family.
Bob & Becky Betts

Becky Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, August 26, 2005 0:18 AM CDT
U always brighten our day when we were down. Thanks.
Lila and Jamie <lloydjohnson@charter.net>
- Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:36 PM CDT
Michele, Robin just sent us the news. We have not seen you since your college days. He was so impressed with what he had read on this site that he impressed upon us, too, to read the history and guestbook. We did and without ever knowing Dave, we are so deeply impressed at his impact -- and yours. His was a short life, but obviously one filled with great friends -- and even more importantly --great impact. I am always in awe at anyone who can have such a positive influence on his school, his friends and his community. You have had a good man and husband. Everything I read says he knew what his life was about and lived it faithfully. Just the kind of teacher every high schooler needs.

Your openness, too, must be such and encouragement and challenge to everyone who meets you. Tough times, sad rememberances, and loneliness are still ahead -- but your memories, your great friends, and His grace will be your strength.

Noel and Georgia McRae <llamapacker@starband.net>
Kelso, WA USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:31 PM CDT
Good-bye Dave - rest in peace. My condolence to the entire Meyer clan. Dave long ago shed his light on my life and I am forever grateful. Prayers and thoughts will continue to be sent to the Meyer household. I have not met you Michelle but thank you for keeping up the website as it has allowed us distant to be informed without intruding on your privacy. My deepest sympathy to you and the kids.
With love, Denise

Denise Richmond Habash <deniser@allergyresearch.com>
Sammamish, WA USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:27 PM CDT
Dave Meyer was my favorite teacher during my years at wa-Hi. He was the personification of school spirit amoung the staff, attending all school events. He took part in Conspiracy of Hope annually, even after just having an operation in the weeks prior as witnessed this past year. It was vintage Mr. Meyer, fighting hard to play his song "Refugee" and that performance is the lasting image I have of him just continuosly fighting back. The effect he had on his students is unparalleled, the common answer to who is their favorite teacher of all time shows this to be true. The world is a darker place now with his spirit gone above. One thing is for sure, is that Wa-Hi will never be the same without the sounds of Reliant K or Refugee coming out of that portable classroom door. My thoughts, prayers, and sadness are with the community and the Meyer family in this dark time.

With the remembrance of David,
In his might and glory,

Martin Fortney <mefii@hotmail.com>
Pullman, Wa USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 9:24 PM CDT
Michelle and Family, I was so sad to here of daves passing. he was a wonderful community member, a great teacher, and a wonderful father! Dave was one of thoses people who always made you smile and feel good about yourself. I was talking to one of my friends about being selfish and how God gives us so much, but we dont realize how much we have. even though dave was sick he was always giving back to people, and giving back to god. the only thing that i can think of to why such a wonderful and caring person had to pass on, is because god needed more people like dave in heaven! to be an angel and guide us in the right diretion.
Lindy Tibbling <tibbs21_06@yahoo.com>
walla walla, wa - Thursday, August 25, 2005 6:40 PM CDT
Dear Michelle and Family
I was so sadden to hear that your husband had lost his battle with cancer. I have been at the community college a long time and remember when your husband's father taught math for us and your husband had been diagnosed with brain cancer. You have been down a long road and the support and love you have shown not only for your husband but for your children is remarkable. I lost my father to cancer in May 05 and it is hard each and every day but I carry him and good memories of him in my heart so he is always with me. I hope you take time to heal and will keep your husband just a thought away and it will make each day a bit more bearable. All of my love to you, your family and friends.
Sue Clark

Sue Clark <sue.clark@wwcc.edu>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:34 PM CDT
Dear Michelle and Family,
I didn't have the privilege of knowing Dave, but I am sure he thanked God often for the strength, inspiration and love given to him through you … but now he can give thanks and praise face to face with our Lord. I can’t imagine what it will be like to meet the Prince of Peace like this, but Dave knows. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Bob Hamilton <rhamilton@georgefox.edu>
Newberg, OR USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:13 PM CDT
Michelle and family, I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of this wonderful man. He was my favorite teacher at WA-HI. He was one of the most influential people in my life, you and your children are so blessed to have been a part of his life. My heart, and my prayers go to your family.
Jennifer Hanes McHenry <jennmchenry@verizon.net>
Charleston, WV 25213 - Thursday, August 25, 2005 3:11 PM CDT
Oh my dear Michelle and family, I just recieved a call from Laurel Joyal, the secretary at McIlvaigh. I am absolutly stunned to hear of Dave's passing. Dave was the most wonderful person ever, you and the children were very lucky to have had him in your lives.
Dave was a great and loving teacher and friend. I loved him like a son. The students at "Big Mac" loved him like the father that a lot of them never had.
I remember when you two got married and when Dave would bring little Kenny to school, I remember Kyle and the heartache. I remember how Dave spoke of you, his children and the Lord. He loved you all very much. I remember when you decided to move to Walla Walla and how sad I was. I remember how excited you all were to go but..... I was still sad. I remember when I visited you and we went to the High School and I ran to him, for one of his crushing hugs. I remember how happy you all were. I am extreemly happy to have all the wonderful memories. I will never forget any of you.
Now he is gone and you have a huge cross to bear. Knowing you, Dave and your family you will be fine. My husband, Paul, passed away 5 years ago and the voice of experience knows that things always get easier with time.
My love to you and the kids,especially Kenny (he is the one I knew the best) and to your and Dave's families.
I remember Dave and I will never forget.
God bless you all.
Karen Zemanek

Tamara Zemanek (Karen) <Zz gran@aol.com>
Tacoma, WA USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 3:01 PM CDT
Meyer Family,
I read the wonderful tribute to Dave in the paper and was so touched by what a shining example he has been in his life. He has accomplished more in his short time on this earth than most. I read through your postings and I can clearly see that your family is truly remarkable and amazing. You are all so eloquent, caring, spirtual and most remarkable thankful for every gift you have. You are all an inspiration for me to enjoy all that I have. I am thinking and praying for you all.

Andrea Dressler (Parker and Paxtons Mom from Babyschool 1999-2004) <thedresslers@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 2:53 PM CDT
Meyer Family,
I read the wonderful tribute to Dave in the paper and was so touched by what a shining example he has been in his life. He has accomplished more in his short time on this earth than most. I read through your postings and I can clearly see that your family is truly remarkable and amazing. You are all so eloquent, caring, spirtual and most remarkable thankful for every gift you have. You are all an inspiration for me to enjoy all that I have. I am thinking and praying for you all.

Andrea Dressler (Parker and Paxtons Mom from Babyschool 1999-2004) <thedresslers@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 2:53 PM CDT
Many of the entries here quote song lyrics. In this vein, the song that came to my mind is one made famous by the old Gospel group The Imperials (song sung at _very_ up-beat pace:)

It's a great, great morning,
your first day in Heaven,
when you stroll down the golden avenue.
There are mansions left and right
and you thrill to every sight
and the Saints are always smiling, saying,
"How do you do?"
Oh, it's a great, great morning,
your first day in Heaven,
when you realize your worried days are through...

Robin McRae <rmcrae@ewu.edu>
Cheney, WA USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 12:17 AM CDT
Dear Michelle,
We just got to know the sad news last night and since then i can't stop thinking of you and trying not to cry. You and the kids are in our thoughts and prayers

Albuquerque , NM - Thursday, August 25, 2005 12:00 AM CDT
Michelle, Kenny, Zach, and Kate,
Our prayers and love goes out to you during this time of transition for your family. I sympathize with your loss of such a wonderful father, friend, and husband. Dave is a wonderful man. He is with Kyle in heaven and they are singing praises to the Lord. Michelle, like you so beautifully put in your journal, his light still shines in your children and in all the people whose lives he touched. Michelle you and Dave were such a comfort and support to us when we first moved to Milton-Freewater, shortly after my Katie was diagnosed with Autism. God bless you and your family.

Donna Helman
Milton-Freewater, OR USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 11:53 AM CDT
Dear Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kaitlyn,We mourn with you, yet also rejoice, for we know that Dave is made whole and stands united with Jesus. Whether you met Dave once or, maybe not even at all, the Lord was magnified through His willing vessel, Dave. I had not spent alot of time directly with Dave, but could always feel the love, see the love, hear the love he freely shared. There was no doubt in my mind of an Awesome creator, Lover of our soul, when the thought of Dave came to my mind. Dave will forever be an embodiment of Christ among us. I believe, not only for myself, but for all who have known him or will come to know him from that glow he left within each of you. I pray the Lord's comfort and love upon you. Dave will be missed, greatly. He's rock'n with Jesus!
Donna Howard <cbrooks@gohighspeed.com>
College Place, WA WW - Thursday, August 25, 2005 11:52 AM CDT
Dear Michelle and family,

I was shocked this morning as I was reading the Tri-Cities Herald this morning and saw an article about Dave on the front page of the local section. I felt guilty that I had not read your web page for months. I have read through the recent journal entries, and have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of wishes for you from your friends, family, acquaintences, former students, ... nearly anyone that Dave or Dave's story ever touched.

I'm sure that (at least at times) it may not feel like it, but God has greatly blessed you, many times over: He gave you Dave in the first place; He has provided you with many loving, caring friends to share your journey; and, perhaps less obviously, he has truly enriched your spiritual and emotional life through these trying but deeply real experiences. Easy for me to say from a distance -- but I'm not brave enough to wish this sort of enrichment on myself. You have demonstrated remarkable grace.

Dave is with the Risen Christ, with no more dsscomfort and "... love's truest joys restored", and we will see him again!

Best wishes, prayers, and love,


Robin McRae <rmcrae@ewu.edu>
Cheney, WA USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 9:51 AM CDT
Meyer Family,
What an absolutely amazing family you all are! I pray for God's strong and loving arms to hold you even tighter at this time. I only knew Dave from church. His love for God was amzing and infectious. I can only see his HUGE smile and awe for God while he was leading us in song. To read from his friends and students about his life is an inspiration. Yesterday I talked with people who went on and on about his coaching and teaching abilities. How lucky each student was to be able to have Dave Meyer come into their lives!! His rewards must be Donald Trump sized up in Heaven. Please know that your precious Dave touched many, many people you dont even know. We all love you for your courageous battle with him and for letting us into your lives. Peace be with you.

Tammy Short <doublesranch@pocketinet.com>
Touchet, WA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 6:01 AM CDT
Dearest Michelle, This is Dawn Nicholson,you taught my son Matthew a few years ago at the parent child class at the collage. I am so very sorry abought your loss! I just want you to know you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Sincerly the Nicholson Family
Dawn Nicholson <franicholsonnk@msn.com>
Walla Walla, Wa Washington - Thursday, August 25, 2005 1:41 AM CDT
When I found out a few days ago that Dave had gone to live among the angels, my heart sank. Dave was one of the most wonderful and inspirational people I have ever met. He was always able to light up a room and cared so much about everyone. He left his mark of knowledge and wisdom on so many people and will continued to be remembered for years to come. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Christal Rainwater (Class of 2001, WWHS football manager) <christal143@hotmail.com>
Arlington, WA USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 1:28 AM CDT
Oh dear Michelle,

Don't tell me it is your birthday........I am sure it is the last thing on your mind, but know that your entry into the world was a special day indeed and worthy of much celebration, perhaps even more so this birthday as you hold your family together and give us all the example of how it should be done....you are remarkable Michelle, and the world is a much better place because of you. Thinking of you often, praying for you more...with love, your list friend on the 58th floor....
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Thursday, August 25, 2005 0:44 AM CDT
This has to be one of the hardest things I've ever written. I was a proud member of the Walla Walla famous Mouat-Meyer Block Freshman year at Wa-Hi. Mr. Meyer quickly became a favorite Teacher of mine. I had several trips to Siberia in Mr. Mouat's class. I remember Dave for being a great person and all the activities he was involved in the community. I always liked Homecoming week and poems he did for the announcing of the homecoming court. He ALWAYS got involved in Spirit week no matter what the theme was. He and the Staff also beat my Senior teams in Students vs Staff Football and Basketball. And the story of the Gotee only for football to make him look tough. At every home Wa-Hi Basketball game when I was in the student section I could always hear him sitting behind me cheering on the Blue Devils wearing his Blue and White. Dave always helped me with the Boys Federation events and I knew he loved it all! I'm glad you and your family enjoyed the Peach Basket Classic I wish I knew you were there so I could have seen ya. Dave thanks for all the great memories and for touching the lives of the thousands of people that you have made a difference in.

Sean McKillip ( Spirit King- Wa-Hi Class of 2001) <warriorrumble@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 0:32 AM CDT
I send my love and condolences. I never had the opportunity to get to know Dave, but can tell that you and your children were very lucky to have such a wonderful man in your life. Hold dear all of those wonderful times you have had close to your heart and be greatful.

Sandy Snook <jeff_snook@msn.com>
Milton-Freewater, OR USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 11:27 PM CDT
"Teacher Michelle" as Mia refers to you. First, Happy Birthday!! No one seems to know how old you are!! Ha!ha!Our thoughts and prayers are with you at your time of loss. Dave will be missed by the whole WORLD! I am amazed at the entries you have received. We can only try so hard to be "ready" for this time to come. Especially when dealing with something that is out of our hands. Take this time to live, love and laugh---And remember "there's holes in the floor of heaven--that's how you know he's watching--wishing he could be here now. There's holes in the floor of heaven--- Sometimes when your lonely--remember he can see, cause there's holes in the floor of heaven watching over you and me. (Steve Wariner's song)
Was great to see you at school today. We love you all!
Here's 10,000 hugs for the Meyer family.
God Bless,

Sara & Kevin Huxoll, McKenzie, Megan and Mia
walla walla, - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 11:25 PM CDT
To the entire Meyer Family: So sorry to hear of Dave's death. I know it has been hard to see him suffer but he is with His precious Christ now. I am Lorene Ward, who with Marsha Middleton was ZACK's Mustard Seed preschool teachers in the Sunshine Bunch class. I remember Dave coming to the class room and sharing his guitar and music with our class. It was good God gave him some years of remission with the cancer so he could have that time with all of you. OH The HOPE for the Day you will see him again. Our prayers are with you.
Lorene Ward <lmward@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wash USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 11:08 PM CDT
Dear Michelle, Kenny, Zack, Kaitlyn,
We were so sorry to hear of Dave's death, thank-you for letting us share in your joys and sorrow as Dave battled for his life. A light has gone out in your lives, but his wonderful legacy will live on in you Michelle as well as your children, their memories and the stories left yet to tell. You are always in our thoughts and prayers, you are loved and admired by many and I am forever blessed to call you my friend.

Julie, Paul, Erin, Matthew Gerola <gerola@velocitus.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:53 PM CDT
Meyer Family,

I know my son, Zack Porter, would like to extend his condolences. He is currently at AIT school for the Army National Guard and unable to have access to any internet. Zack played football for Dave and had a lot of respect for the way he was battling his cancer. (He also thought is was funny that your family had a Zack and a Kaitlyn, since we have a Zack and Kaitlin as well).

I'm sure Dave taught many lessons in his classroom, but I think, reading through this guestbook, his real gift was teaching lessons about life outside the classroom.

Our prayers are with you and the kids.

Lisa Chamberlin, Zack and Kaitlin Porter <chamberlinonline@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:52 PM CDT
There is a song, " Who will be Jesus to Them, who will show the love that's written in God's word, they don't need a judge, they need a friend, who will be Jesus to them." While I did not have the pleasure of spending much time with your Dave, through our few meetings this is the Dave I know. I have a sister named Lola who went to be with the Lord at 18,
She will like Dave I am sure. God Bless You and keep You.
Ron, Sherri, Benjamin, Rowene, and Etta.

Ron Huwe <rdhuwe@yahoo.com>
College Place, Wa usa - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:15 PM CDT
Michelle and Family, I never had the opportunity to really know Dave put I saw the love you all had for him. The Lord is with you all now and Dave is that light within your children that will live on for ever. Always remember that. Please take care of yourself and Happy Birthday on this sad day. I think your an amazing person Michelle and my prayers are with all of you during this difficult time.
Yolanda C. Trout <yolantro@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:13 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. You will never lose the one you love, when you love the one you've lost.
Pam Deccio <pdeccio@charter.net>
College Place, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 8:31 PM CDT
I moved to Walla Walla in 1980, the summer before my senior year. This would normaly be a tough transition for any 17 year old, but by playing football at WA-Hi it allowed me to meet most of my friends including Dave. He made it easy for me to feel like just one of the guys. I had a wonderful time playing golf with him at our 20 year reunion and will never forget it.
Michelle, my heart goes out to you and the kids. I'll pray for your strength and may God bless you.
I'll miss you Dave.

Brad Springer <seatac03@hotmail.com>
Tacoma, WA US - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:40 PM CDT
Michelle and family,
My heartfelt sympathies for the loss of your dear Dave/Dad. What a great man he was. You were so lucky to be so close to an angel on earth. He is watching over you, so proud to be your husband and father. I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel.

Michelle, I wish you a Happy Birthday today! Celebrating may be far from your mind, but know that there are thousands of us who are so glad that you were born-so happy you were there to share the journey with Dave and to lead your children along the sometimes very bumpy road of life. We are all so lucky to have you-you have led many more "children" than you can imagine.

KOKO-I keep wanting to advise you-but any advise I have you already know and you have the best of judgements. May Dave's spirit continue to soar in each of you. Hold your treasured memories close. May you all find peace and may Dave rest in peace!

Lori (Deeringhoff) Wahl <loriwahl@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:15 PM CDT


KENNEWICK, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:03 PM CDT
I keep thinking about Meyer, last night, me and some friends, relived our memories of him, how much he helped me, he really did, I'm still shcoked. I can't belive he is gone. I remeber his smile, and the way his eyes would light up. He was fascinating to me. I can't belive he is actually gone now, gone from this world, all these lives.
Its hard knowing I can never talk to him again, or watch him laugh and help me hide from "The Mr.Fullens" for being tardy so often.
It was always really amazing talking with him, he'd make me smile. He always loved odd things, I have a very fond memory of having a book talk with him.
I spent the quater reading Pych. books,alot of text book-type things and I think he knew too.
Well, I was sitting down and I asked if we could book chat some of the books I'd read and he said we couldn't bc They had to be stories, not facts, hard to ask questions on facts.
So I brought out this book I had in my back pack that I had read a few years ago and was just trying to get my pages over and completed with.
He just kinda smiled his knowing smile and we started chatting it.
He had a trick question though. He was so clever :)
It was : "Well, what about the dog?"
And then he just laughed and got kinda mesmerized at one of the charachters names.
Fflewder flam.
At he time, I never could have guessed how the most seemingly superflous moments. Would become some of my most cherished memories.
stay strong, I'm not really.
I'm working on it.
With sorrow and love,

Allison Biddle <lucky2217@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 6:26 PM CDT
Mr.Meyer was an amazing man and I am proud to say I had the opportunity to be a student of his. He was my favorite teacher ever. He had such a way with people. I'm sorry that I never had a chance to meet the rest of his family in which he cherished dearly. He was always expressing how very much he love you all and how proud of each of you he was. It's been more than 10 years since I sat in Mr.Meyer's class room but I have never forgotten the love he showed me and so many others. And even time didn't allow him to forget us. For only a month or so ago I ran into him and he still said with a bright and beautiful smile,"Hello Shamooooooooo, how are you?" Most of my closest friends have even forgotten that was the nickname that they had given me, but not Mr. Meyer. I'll never forget him. Never. I have shed many tears since learning of this loss but I have also smiled remembering him and all he has done...My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Jamie Armstrong <jamiearmstrong@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 6:14 PM CDT
Michelle...you are so strong, I wonder if anyone asks you if you're scared? You are so eloquent and open, I wonder if anyone says you don't have to tell them what is happening? You are so patient, I wonder if you just want to say, "enough!"? You are so accepting, I wonder if deep inside you might be questioning, "Why, Lord...WHY"? That is how I am praying for you - for the mother who must be frightened, without words to express all of what you must be feeling. The mother who doesn't want to answer the phone or go to the door and wants to shout, 'I cannot take care of you all now, I have more important things I have to do!' Because the truth is, it is your very strength that weakens you when you give it to others and reserve nothing that can reproduce. Please, Michelle, consider taking some time, and allow yourself to be a completely dependent human on God, Your God. I worry for you because grief is stressful and difficult and different for everybody. I hope I can somehow give voice to what you're feeling that others might understand, too. This is tough and only God knows how tough and for how long.

Surviving sister Chris ('05) and Dad Charles ('03),
Deanna (Small) Bertram
Dearborn, MI

D. Small Bertram <smallbert@hotmail.com>
Dearborn , MI USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 6:01 PM CDT
Dear Michelle and family,
I am sorry that I never had the opportunity to meet Dave, my loss I realize as I read the words of his friends. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you deal with the 'light' that is missing in your life. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you, Michelle. I have appreciated your friendship, and I grieve with you and for you.

Julie Aldrich <juliealdrich@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 5:08 PM CDT
I just heard that Mr. Meyer has left us and I wanted to extend my sympathy to you and your family. He was my favorite teacher, an inspiration and most of all, a light from God that affected all that he touched. I wish I could have said good bye..
Mary-Elizabeth Evelyne Peterson* <wizzy87@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 4:26 PM CDT
My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. I did not have the pleasure of getting to know Dave beyond the occasional greeting at church. But know this, he flooded those around him with the love of Christ with his smile,handshake and positive attitude. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with everyone. You are all in my prayers.
Jen Jenkins <mark@gohighspeed.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 4:26 PM CDT
We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Your family has touched so many lives. Your faith is so amazing. May God comfort you during this difficult time. The world has lost a true example of a Godly man, husband, and father.

Angie Witt <angiewitt@earthlink.net>
Walla Walla, - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 4:05 PM CDT
Dear Michelle, Kenny, Zach, and Kate,
Please know that there are many, many people here to support and love you. Courage and peace, may they continue to dwell where you are.

Lyscha Marcynyszyn <lam49@cornell.edu>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:58 PM CDT
From the WWPS website (http://www.wwps.org/news/news_events.cfm#1):

Walla Walla High School teacher passes away
Longtime educator known for connecting with students

Longtime Walla Walla High School Social Studies teacher David Meyer passed away this morning after fighting a long and hard battle with cancer.

Meyer - a Walla Walla High School graduate who was an active student leader during his school years -- began his teaching career in the Tacoma School District prior to being hired in 1992 at Walla Walla High School.

Meyer taught Social Studies and English at Walla Walla High School. He also coached football, basketball and participated in numerous school activities and clubs.

Meyers father, Bob, and mother, Judy, were also longtime educators for Walla Walla Public Schools. Meyer received his Bachelors of Arts degree -- English major -- from the University of Puget Sound.

"This is a tremendous loss to our educational family," Superintendent Dr. Rich Carter said. "Dave was a 'Kid Magnet' who really connected with students. Our district is grieving his passing, but will remember his strength and dedication to education as we welcome students back for a new year."

Funeral arrangements are pending. Grief counselors will be on campus to meet with staff and students when school starts Wednesday, August 24.

For more information on Meyers passing, contact Wa-Hi Principal Brian Pendleton at (509) 527-3020 or Deputy Superintendent Dr. Bill Jordan at (509) 526-6711.

Posting date: 8/23/05

Jim Wilson <jcwilson16@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:53 PM CDT
Dear Michelle & kids,
I am sorry to hear the news. I had no idea until just now. I looked at a friends msn name and it mentioned Mr. M. I moved back to Yakima about a month ago after school got out. I prayed for Mr. M. and you all. He was so amazing. He taught me so much in class this last semester. It really opened my eyes. Hopefully you were able to read the card I gave him a couple weeks before graduation. I wish I could come to the funeral, but I won't be able to make it. You guys will always be in my prayers. I have done a lot of thinking about him and it never dawned on me about this. I was even talking about him today to my aunt. But this is a celebration of a life who touched many others and a life that is now in a place far more exceeding than here. We will see him again one day. Thank you for the blessing. Let him know I said that. I just went through a passing away of a friend just a couple weeks ago as well. God is so amazing and so wonderful. Please keep in touch with me. I never was able to meet you guys. But just knowing Mr. M. for a little bit I know that you guys are truly amazing as well. You will always be in my heart and prayers. Thank you, Thank you! There is something that I wrote and it describes God talking about Mr. M. It says, "My child, My child I'm calling you back to me. Hear my voice & listen. I am here & I am waiting for you. Every time you have cried out I have heard you & every time you have asked, I have give to you. You have a broken spirit & a humbled heart. I have given you an anointing & I have poured many blessings upon you. I feel your compassion & I know your hearts desires. From your innermost being I have begun the work of a warrior. I have begun to raise up a valiant intercessor. I am well pleased with you! This totally reminds me of Mr. M. God spoke that to me on Monday night. I hope you are able to write this down and keep as a memory for both you & the kids and Mr. M. Please let me know if I can do anything at all for you. God's faithful servant,
Katie E. Rogers

Katie Rogers <katie_e_rogers@hotmail.com>
Yakima, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:18 PM CDT
Dave is in heaven now and he and the angels are singing God's praises. I did not know Dave personally, I learned of Dave and his beautiful family through Stacy Mouat. What a true testimony of faith, hope and courage in the Lord. Thank you for letting me share in your lives.
Michelle Herring <Romans837@msn.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:16 PM CDT
Mr. Myer was one of the most inspirational teachers that my husband and i ever had in high school. As every high schooler knows, those teachers who take extra time and extend themselves to each individual student are the ones who are remembered for a lifetime. He will definetly be an inspiration for our lifetime. My husband looked up to him throughout the years of football as someone who was so positive and always pushing everyone to become their best. OUr thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Remember that things happen for a reason and that God does not create more for you than what you can handle. You are all amazing and i don't think that anyone could have asked for any better of a family and support system than what he came home to every day. Our love and compasion are with you and your children.
Shaun & Stephynie Gordon <sgordon@bannerbank.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:01 PM CDT
Michelle, Kenny, Zach & Kate -

Dave was (and is in Spirit) one of the coolest and greatest guys I have ever met. His smile and his relaxed way about him.. was (and still is) a gift to so many of us, his classmates of 1981. Dave's friendship was one-of-a-kind. An you, his family, are one-of-a-kind, too.

I have so many great memories of Dave. I last saw him in November'04 when I came to visit my mother in Walla Walla. He was the same Dave, even though he was going through all those tests, chemo and hope, again. He inspires..what a wonderful angel Dave is going to be. He'll continue to inspire and smile for many more.

From a poem by Oriah Dreamer called "The Invitation" there is a line that is so Dave...."I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not a pretty day, and if you can source your life from God's presence." Yes, Dave, you saw beauty in everything and you drew your strength, as we all should from God. Thank you for the legacy you have left your family and friends.

Smiley Bob, you are all in my prayers. I love you all..

Sarah Dagher (Class of 1981 - Sarah Williams) <daghers@comcast.net>
Methuen, MA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 1:45 PM CDT
Michelle,Kenny,Zach & Kate,
The kids and I are dancing to the Currents cd that Erik gave us last night. They love it as much as I do and I'm glad that they have this little glimpse of Dave. It brings back so many great memories for me! Please know that your family is in our hearts and prayers.
All our love,
Colleen, Sophie, CJ & Will

Colleen & Paul Battaglia <pcbatt@comcast.net>
Seattle, wa - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 1:31 PM CDT
Dave was perhaps the greatest person that I have ever had the privelege to know and work with. Many years ago we sang a few songs as a male quartet at WAHI for various events and I got to know Dave a little bit by working with him in this capacity. He was so much fun to work with and be around. I also had the privelege to see him teach and interact with kids. Dave was perhaps the most kind, loving, gentle, humane man I ever knew. Our thoughts are with Michelle, the children, the entire Meyer family, and everyone close to Dave. The world has lost one of the truly special, gifted, and great, great teachers and human beings.
Paul Wickline and Karol Matson <paul.wickline@wwcc.edu>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 1:24 PM CDT
Michelle and family
Bob was my very best friend in high school. Bob, Gar, Chuck and I were, are are, as close as any high school friends could be. Although our contacts have been stretched by the years and miles that keep us apart, our meetings are high points in my life.
Through Bob and Judy, as well as Gar, Chuck and Janet, I have followed the saga of Dave's struggle. When we do get together we talk about our children and the joy they bring to our lives and the further joy that we get from their wives and children (although Beth and I are still waiting for our children to take the marriage step). We know what a joy Dave and his family brought to them, and we know that your strength (as I have also seen in your amazing contributions to this website) will find a path into a wonderful future for all of you.
The loss of a child/husband/father brings pain we all fear, but with your faith and your loving family I hope you will find peace with the knowledge that Dave's stuggle has been tranformed into an eternal peace and that his memory will insure his everlasting presence in your lives and that of all of those he knew.
Our love, prayers, and best wishes.
David and Beth Hirzel

David and Beth Hirzel <dmhirzel@comcast.net>
Wayland, MA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 1:09 PM CDT
Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kate:
Special hugs to you on this first day of school. Though undoubtedly difficult, I'm sure it will be important and exciting to reconnect with friends and teachers, break out those new school supplies (right, Kate?!) and start building another year of learning and memories. With each new beginning you face without Dave/Dad by your side, know that He is walking with you every step of the way. And we are here to love and support you in every way we can.


Jim Wilson <jcwilson16@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 1:05 PM CDT
Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kate,

I was in the basement, doing laundry, and I looked over at my jar of "magic pennies". You see, this is where "magic pennies" end up, after they have been carried around in a pocket allowing their finders to dream. I smiled through the tears. I just loved hearing Dave sing that song.

I hope that all of you will discover your own "jar of magic pennies" and the joy of having wonderful memories of an incredible man.

All my love and then some, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 12:46 AM CDT
Michelle and kids, Words are not enough to express the gratitude we have for you sharing the journey Dave and your family bravely made on the brain tumor path. Your help, encouragement and compassion for all is valued and appreciated. Even in this time of great sorrow, I hope you feel the gratitude that all of us who have shared in your journey are sending you. We are joyful for Dave, for his reunion with the Lord, and sorrowful for the loss of Dave to your family. We hope you find grace, peace and feel Dave watching over you. With our prayers, Kara & Butch (from the Brain Tumor List)
Kara <kduck913@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, August 24, 2005 12:37 AM CDT
I just can't find the right words to express my sorrow for you and the kids. Tears just keep welling up in my eyes. Dave touched so many, many lives and the way he embraced life was a model for us all to live by.........Peace and Comfort to you all.

Teri Johnson <tandt@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 12:02 AM CDT
To the entire Meyer Family
The love that Dave has given to this community and beyond will never fade. Dave's legacy is one of love and caring that we all can continue to learn from. Our love and sympathy go out to all of you.

Al & Gayle Worthington

Al & Gayle Worthington <alworthington@lycos.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 12:01 AM CDT
Hmmm...I must have been about 12 or 13 years old when I started coming to your house. I remember walking over there to Alder St. after school. I was in charge of taking care of Zach who couldn't have been older than 2 or 3. Kenny was just starting out getting help from the Whitman students to group plastic things into shapes, colors, sizes. What I really remember from spending those years with your family was the incredible strength you all have together, the way you were there for each one through it all. Michelle, you are amazing. You are an example to everyone to what one can do with a lot of heart, determination and patience. I admire you and the wonderful way in which you raise your family. I know there has been a lot of obstacles and difficulties along the way, but being who you are, I know you will keep your head high and one foot in front of the other on this often allusive path of life. Thank you for letting me be a part of your family, you really taught me a lot about unconditional love and taking care of each other no matter what. You are so special. Please give my love to the boys and to Kaitlyn. Take care

Amber Howard <stellacadente@riseup.net>
Linaca, Honduras - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 11:40 AM CDT
To the Meyer Family,

I am so very sorry to hear of Dave's passing. May Love, Faith and Peace guide you through this most difficult time. Rest in Peace Dave.
Love, Kay

Kay Guglielmelli <kathryn.n.guglielmelli@smithbarney.com>
Bellevue, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 11:36 AM CDT
Michelle, I was saddened to hear of Dave's passing after such a long and brave struggle. Thank you for the support that you have given others suffering this terrible affiction.
Kris Brekke <brekke@bluebottle.com>
Madison, WI USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:27 AM CDT
I can hardly find words to say, but our thoughts, prayers and sympathy are with you Michelle, Kenny, Zach & Kate.
I've never met y'all but you have been such an inspiration to me as I travel down this road with my husband. We are all so blessed to have the Lord walking this road with us.
Coulnd't make it without Him. I know He will continue to be with you and your family.
Lynn, Lee, & Jeff

lynn baines <lbaines193@charter.net>
Rockmart, GA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:39 AM CDT
Michelle, Kenny Joe, Zach, Kate,
I just want you to know we always think of you and especially now, our prayers are with, just always remember all the good times you all had and what a great dad and husband Dave was. we love you all.

John, Kathy, Vanessa & Cody Person <kperson@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:00 AM CDT
It's hard to say "happy birthday" under the circumstances, Shel. But I am glad you were born : ) and I celebrate you today.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 8:51 AM CDT
Your story is one of great courage and Love and Only God could have created such a wonderful human being through Jesus named Dave Meyer and touched us all so deeply. God Bless this meyer family and hold you firmly in His everlasting arms! I rejoice and weep with you at the same time! In christ.{ P.s. I was blessed to have met you through Stacy Mouat,When simply asked to pray.}
Heidi Gwinnell <hgwinnell@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, Fl. usa - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:56 AM CDT
I want to leave a legacy
How will the remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to You enough?
To make a mark on things
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace
Who blessed Your name Unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy......

To me, Dave left that kind of legacy. I remember when he first came to WA-Hi...I thought, man, how much energy can a person have. Dave is every one of those things in the song by Nicole Nordeman. I remember Dave coming into to the kitchen at Wa-Hi after his first operation. We just talked and talked about God and His faithfullness and scripture....God is still good....all the time and yes, Dave, you left a big whole in all of our hearts but what a legacy you have left behind. One that I can only hope to live up to. You will be missed, but one day...

Cheryl Drumheller <drumheller@valint.net>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:30 AM CDT
Dear Meyer Family,
I’m so sorry to hear that bad news, pray for your family. I didn’t leave any words in the guestbook before because my English is not so good, but now it’s the chance to express my thanks and care for david and your family, to let you know that David inspires many families with his courage and love, even in faraway china. My mom got brain tumor(gbm) in April, the possibility of losing her in the near future,which had never occurred to me before because she’s always very healthy, is so frightening, it’s almost too much to bear.One day,I found this david place when I was searching for something helpful as usual, It’s so happy to know that there are somebody who create miracles, to know what doctor told me is not always true(doctor said that he never saw one case in which patient could live more than 3 years).
I can’t find any word to comfort you, please take care. May you go with peace.

shanghai, china - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 4:26 AM CDT
Dear Michelle, Kenny Joe, Zach and Kaitlyn,

There are extra special people who are really hard to say "Goodbye" to. I believe your husband and dad is one of those "extra specials"!

I will be thinking of you tomorrow, the first day of school. My kids are going to miss all of you...and so will I.

Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
- Wednesday, August 24, 2005 1:56 AM CDT
Michelle, Kenny, Zach & Kate, you are all on my heart and in my prayers,
JoEllen Riley

JoEllen Riley <therileyranch@my180.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 1:29 AM CDT
Meyer family,
Michelle, thank you for allowing this community into your lives - not just on the surface. What a blessing to daily carry your family in our hearts as we read your journaling - you have a true gift, and I pray you write a book one day. The "picture" I see of Dave is him sitting at a Pi-Hi concert, head held high, watching Kenny sing in choir, with the "thumbs-up" sign and THE BIGGEST grin you have ever seen - cheering his son on! The pictures he has left are beyond words. Praying for you all. How we all look forward to heaven and the sweet reunions there.
The Carrera Family

Holly <carrera@gohighspeed.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 0:37 AM CDT
You and your children are in our prayers. We are so sorry for your loss. I too believe the light you see in their faces is a light that has been bestowed upon them by Dave (and by you in your love and devotion to him). There are no significant words of comfort. You know all there is that I could possibly say but I wanted to leave a thought that I came across recently: "Ancient Egyptians believed that upon death they would be asked two questions and their answers would determine whether they could continue their journey in the afterlife. The first question was, "Did you bring joy?" The second was, "Did you find joy?"
- Leo Buscaglia

There is no doubt that Dave brought joy. He brought joy to very many. To see if he found joy one only had to look at his face when he watched his children, when he taught his students, when he sang at his church, and when he looked into your eyes. Dave is on a new path and he is in our hearts and always will be. He has touched us and we are proud to have known him.

Ray Hansen & family <biggdaddy@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 0:20 AM CDT
Dave, the man with the easy smile and the crushing embrace. I miss him, and will miss him. How lucky I am to have called him friend.
Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 0:20 AM CDT
Our love and prayers are with you all.
I want to share this song that a friend of ours wrote about his brother. This song is so true of Dave also.

Eagerly I waited, knowing it was time
All Heaven raised a cheer as you crossed the finish line!
I reached down in the water, took you in my palm.
Now you're in my arms where you belong!

Well done, good and faithful servant!
You've completed all the work I gave you to do.
Well done, You have brought Me glory.
You will shine now like the stars and the sun.
The crown of life you've won, beloved!
Welcome home! Well done.

Don't worry 'bout your loved ones; I will dry their tears.
In what will seem like minutes, they will join us here.
The throngs have come to greet you, loved ones gone before.
Listen to their welcome roar!

Well done, good and faithful servant!
You've completed all the work He gave you to do.
Well done! You have brought Him glory.
You will shine now like the stars and the sun.
The crown of life you've won, beloved!
Welcome home! Welcome home!
Dale (Dave), well done. Dale (Dave), well done.

By Paul Stock

Janet Schoessler & family <janetnjack@charter.net>
College Place, WA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 0:02 AM CDT
Dear Michelle, Kenny, Zach, Kate, Bob & Judy, Robert & Mindy,
May God hold you tightly and bless you deeply. Dave touched so many lives, his light will shine in all of us who knew him and loved him. We hope you'll find comfort in the fact that he is with his God that he loved so much and he is finally pain free. You are all in our prayers.

Phil & Pattie Eagon and Chris Backous <pjeagon@msn.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:56 PM CDT
What a sad day for us at Wa-Hi. Your husband and dad was truly a remarkable man. All the kids here absolutely loved Dave. He will sorely be missed, but he will be remembered always. Why? Because of his upbeat, positive, and giving personality. I love knowing that he is up in heaven this second hanging out with Jesus. Lucky him, unlucky us. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for all of you.
Cathy Rasley and the Wa-Hi Cheerleaders <crasley@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:46 PM CDT
Mark and I have the heaviest of hearts today, and yet as we speak of Dave, we always arrive back to smiles and admiration. No words can express our sincere feelings and thougts for you all. Please know your are upheld in prayers of love. Always, Mary Lynn & Coach T.
Mary Lynn Thompson <mthompson1645@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:42 PM CDT
Dear Michelle and kids, I am so sorry to hear about Dave. We are praying for you to have the strength and courage to get through this long road of healing. You are such an amazing strong women. There will be good things that will come out of this. Hang in there, and try to get some rest. He is in a better place now where he wont hurt anymore. God Bless you all, Your friend, Jamie Holt
Jamie Holt <cjholt@netscape.com>
- Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:22 PM CDT
As I wept at the news of our dear Dave passing this morning I stopped to pray and to remind myself that he was truly free from his cancer now. Skip happened to be present as we were both visiting people at ICU at St. Marys. He stopped to pray with me and I felt this overwhelming sense of peace even though the tears wouldn't stop. I know that Dave will always be in my heart as well as so many others. I've spoken to many of our classmates throughout the day and they send there prayers. As I talked to them I felt the need to let them know how Dave never spent time thinking he was dying, but he chose to teach eveyone around him just how to LIVE and to live with Jesus as his Savior! I will forever carry this lesson with me in my journey here on earth. I love you Dave! Say hi to Katie for me!

Michelle, Kenny, Zach, and Kaitlin you will always have that shining light in your hearts just as Dave did. Always embrace the memories your husband and father have given you. Though the years here on earth where much too short, he has given you many.
All my love, may God continue to comfort you all......
Your friend, Val

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla , Wa USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:15 PM CDT
Michelle, I can't find the words. I admire you so much. You have such beautiful children, and such an amazing support system. Please, please let me know if there is anything I can ever do for you. My children adore you, and so do I. I feel like I have gotten to know your whole family through all of the loving stories you have shared with me over the past 6 years. Dave was so loved. Take care of yourself. You are so special. Extend our thoughts to your children and extended family. We are all thinking of you.
Bridie, Mike, Keegan, Griffin, and Adeline Hood <bridie@roach-monahan.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:01 PM CDT
Extraordinary man, precious moments, wonderful memories. We love you all!
Cindy & Amy <thelorangs@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:57 PM CDT
To The Meyer Family - Our hearts go out to you, our prayers are with you. God has counted your tears, God is by your side, God knows what you are facing and feeling, He is in every moment you face alone. We pray you find some comfort in 2 Corth. 5:8 - "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" David fought hard with God at his side and the strength his family behind him.
Dan and Linda Burbank <danatc@mbusa.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:56 PM CDT
Dear Meyer Family,

Dave's light will never, ever fade. It will shine brightly each and every day, showing us the way.......May God bless you and keep you and continue to show you His almighty love.

With deepest sympathy,
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

Cathy Beres
Chicago, IL - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:33 PM CDT

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. As I sit here and reflect upon Dave and the many big and small ways that he has touched not only my life but also the lives that he came into contact with, know that through your grace, strength, courage, and deep love for your family, you have touched and inspired all of us.

May God bless you and your family.

Andy Chaplin <anchaplin@nnu.edu>
Nampa, Id USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:30 PM CDT
To the strong, courageous Meyer family,
May God continue to hold you all in the palm of His mighty hand. Dave and his legacy will never be forgotten, what a fantastic servant he was and all of you, his family, what witness' you have been and continue to be. Peace to you, Shareen, Tovah and Kale

Shareen Kingman <sahk@charter.net>
College Place , WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:14 PM CDT
Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kate,
Our love and prayers are with you. God bless you all.

Dawn Hull <dawnnoelehull@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:02 PM CDT
This first night here
In the house that hurts
May there be peace
And a settling sense of satisfaction
Like a quilt draped with love around your shoulders
For you did well and you did good

As the stars turn on
Over your heavy hearts
May there be comfort
And a numbing release of self
Like sliding over into the passenger side
While someone stronger steers

And on this first night
In the place we are too feeble to imagine
May all that we dare to dream
Be the reward of one good man
And may there be thunder somewhere on this weary earth tonight
As a guitar begins to play
And everyone we've loved but lost
Stands up to dance their joy

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 9:33 PM CDT
Even though I didn't even know Dave personally,I feel very sad for all of you.As I have read all the entries, I have been very choked up and tearful.It sounds like you and the kids have a great support system,I'm glad to hear that.Take care,Stacey
Stacey Ahlers <bjstahlers@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 9:08 PM CDT
Thank-you for allowing me into your life and for sharing your pain...my heart goes out to you. Please here my prayers for you and your family. You have been SUCH an inspiration to me. The words you wrote today 8/23 were touching. Lee and I hope you have cont. stregnth! May God Bless You and your family.
anita <ayarbrough31@yahoo.com>
diberville, MS - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:53 PM CDT
Michelle and Family,
I have not looked at the web site for months but I wrote Daves name in a note in my Bible Sunday because I wanted to see him when I was in Spokane next month. Sadly, it looks like I will have to wait 'til Heaven now. John Butenhoff called me tonight and shared that Dave passed away today. My reflections are both tearful and joyful as I reflect on who Dave really was and how honest his faith was. What a great guy who I was blessed to know. May the Lord comfort you in your loss.

Dean and Tracey Hanson <ec_dean@qwest.net>
Parker, CO USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:36 PM CDT
Michelle and family

It is a great loss to see Dave go like that but I'm am very sure that the one last thing he remembers is not any pain but his loving family caring for him at every turn. Dave was an inspiration to everyone. He may be gone but in a way, he is still with you. Do not hesitate to cry, you have lost a loved one who fight a brain tumor for 8 and a half years. You have the right to cry.

with love and respect, Jake Wright :)

Jacob Wrigh <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:12 PM CDT
I just received the news about Dave a few moments ago. I have not been in Walla Walla for over a year and had not heard anything about Dave's health for a long time. I really didn't spend a lot of time getting to know Dave but I DO KNOW this: Every time I saw him or spoke to him he made me feel important and his joyful warm spirit overflowed to everyone he came in contact with. I've never heard any other teacher spoken of so highly. No one ever had anything but GOOD things to say about him. My heart aches for your family at this time. I cannot fathom what you may feel right now. I KNOW that you must be VERY HONORED and THANKFUL to have been able to share life with such a loving, beautiful person.
Tabitha Claiborne (Wa-Hi Class of 2001) <TabithaShereen@hotmail.com>
College Place, WA 99324 - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 7:37 PM CDT
These words of Paul's taken from 2 Timothy 4:7-8 could just as well have been Dave's... "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day- and not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing."

Dave indeed finished this race of life strong. We were blessed by his presence and find joy in his memory.

You all are in our thoughts and prayers.

Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 7:17 PM CDT
Our family loved Dave, he will not be forgotten......Our prayers go out to all who will miss him.
Love from, Cathy, Dan, Shane, Travis, Garrett and Jenna

Cathy McCauley <catherine_99362@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:44 PM CDT
Ouch...ouch, ouch, ouch. I saw tears shed early this morning for the loss of Dave, for you Michelle, the kids and the family. I held my own back for the sake of Dave's Grandma Edith who came to tell me Dave had gone, and we prayed and held each other. When I had the courage, I read the website. And the tears came freely for so many reasons. Forgive the clumsiness of those of us who have not experienced the death of a child or beloved as you have. I can only hope to ever become as courageous as those of you who have had to bear such things. I don't know what to say that would make a difference in your grief, so I'll say no more but this;
Peace and prayers, precious sister in Christ.
Jennifer Boyer

Jennifer Boyer <jjboyer@hotmail.com>
Lewiston, ID USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:42 PM CDT
We met Dave through the Christian Aid Center and he touched our lives in a way we can never describe. Although almost 5 years have past, his singing at the center and at church helped us to grow with Christ. We thank God that Dave touch our lives. Thank you for sharing him with us.
Kitty & Matt Lanier <rainbowfromgod@msn.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:34 PM CDT
I am in awe when I think of how many lives Dave touched, including those whom have never met him. For those of us who have had the opportunity to read the journals, we can consider ourselves fortunate to learn more about the kind of person Dave was, how he was an amazing witness of the love of God. Let us all go forth and strive to be a little more "Dave" like.
Donna Wierman <mdjkwierman@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:33 PM CDT
Forever Young

May the good Lord be with you
Down every road you roam
And may sunshine and happiness
surround you when you're far from home
And may you grow to be proud
Dignified and true
And do unto others
As you'd have done to you
Be courageous and be brave
And in my heart you'll always stay
Forever Young

May good fortune be with you
May your guiding light be strong
Build a stairway to heaven
with a prince or a vagabond
And may you never love in vain
and in my heart you will remain
Forever Young

And when you finally fly away
I'll be hoping that I served you well
For all the wisdom of a lifetime
No one can ever tell
But whatever road you choose
I'm right behind you win or lose
Forever Young

Dave will always be "Forever Young" in the lives of those he touched near and far.

Kristie Waggoner <kwaggs74@hotmail.com>
Portland, OR USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:23 PM CDT
this is how I chose to remember Dave;

"If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder without any such gift from fairies, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in."
This is what Dave did for the kids in our P2P program. My favorite pictures shows him coaching the first basketball team of special needs kids and thier peer/mentor friends. He will always have a special place in my heart for his wonderful joy with " our" kids
You and the kids are in our prayers, and maybe while Dave in "up there" he will put in a good word for the rest of us.
Take Care ,
Teri Hough

Teri Hough <houghlt@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:22 PM CDT
In his "Reflections" album (from ~20 years ago!), Dave said:

"Live your life for a smile and think of me once in a while."

Though my thoughts of you today are filled with tears, I can feel the warmth and strength of your smile, your laugh, your hug, your song. I will miss you, Dave. I feel blessed to have to have shared some of my time on earth with you. I will continue to smile… and to laugh, hug and sing. And know you will be there with me.

Michelle, through your strength, your faith, your grace, and your deep love for Dave and your children, you have helped to make the world a more beautiful place. I hope you are now able to breathe deeply, rest in the comfort of His arms, and continue to “live your life for a smile.”

With love,

Jim Wilson <jcwilson16@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 5:24 PM CDT
In tears for you and your family. God Bless you, and I pray for your comfort and peace. You are amazing.
Lori Watson

Lori Watson <loriwatson@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA Walla Walla - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 5:21 PM CDT
Oh I am so sorry to hear of Daves passing. Thank you for letting all of us into your life. When we read about Dave today I felt an emptiness even though I havent personally met him. Dave was an inspiration to our family just by knowing of him and your family via this site. He touched many lives, near and far. He will always be with you in spirit and live in the hearts of your children and you. I cant even imagine the pain and sorrow you are all feeling right now. Our hearts go out to you and your family. Love, Kevin and Kari
Kevin and Kari T. <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 5:19 PM CDT
Letting go is unbearable but your wonderful comments let us know that God is holding you tightly through this ordeal. I pray that your strength will be felt by your children and that God's strength will be felt by you. What a grand example of God's love your whole family has been -- and what wonderful memories you will carry with you of a love that most would only hope to have. May you feel a peace that surpasses any that you can imagine. Your graciousness and ability to give is unceasing. In His Love --- Bev
Bev Shiffer <beverly.shiffer@wwcc.edu>
- Tuesday, August 23, 2005 5:14 PM CDT
At peace---You have all shown us what "real faith" "real love" real committment" is about. We celebrate with you an incredibly life, well lived, and loved by all. Your entire family gives each of us an example to envy. I lift each of you to our faithful God, knowing He knows what each of you need individually. Loves
Judy Holloway <jbfarm@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 5:14 PM CDT
I can hear Dave singing..."Let my life be a sweet perfume, rising up to heaven" It was one of our favorites to sing together. It will forever be his song in my heart. We love you all, and are here at the ready for anything at all that you need. Love from the Townsends

Patrice <patrice@fancylogo.com>
- Tuesday, August 23, 2005 5:03 PM CDT
Dave Streeter <dstreeter@edgewireless.com>
Bend, Or - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 4:36 PM CDT
As we heard of Daves passing today at our staff meeting I was stunned but have become so acustomed to checking this journal that I thought through tears that no I won't believe it until I read it from Michelle.And there it was in your usual gracious,loving words the ones we have all been expecting for some time now. But suddenly a peacefulness surrounded me and I knew everything will be ok for you , the children,Moms and Dads ,sibblings and millions of friends because Tonight heaven will definetly shine a little brighter and there might even be some rock and rollin going on. Love to all! Diane Schulke(cookie lady)
Diane Schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 4:10 PM CDT
Oh Michele, Kenny, Zach, and Kate our hearts go out to you. Dave loved you all so much and was always quick to tell anyone. He is with our heavenly Father and looking down on his beloved family. I love thinking of him with Kyle again. love, The Sirmon's
Tami Sirmon <t.sirmon@charter.net>
walla walla, wa 99362 - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 4:02 PM CDT
Michelle, Zach, Kenny, Kate,
Please know that there are many, many people here to support you and love you. Know also that there will be many reminders of Dave in the lives of those around you and in the gentle things that you least expect. He is still with you. He will be at school tomorrow as classes start, he will be a football practice, he will be singing in church. He is in the many lives he touched and it will come back to you in suprising ways.

Nancy Butler <jimnancymegan@bmi.net>
- Tuesday, August 23, 2005 3:58 PM CDT
To the Meyer family:
You helped me in our BT journey w/my brother...so many thanks for your kinds words at that time.
My heart goes out to your family.
Very sincerely, Priscilla Cummings San Diego, CA

Priscilla Cummings <coaching49@cox.net>
San Diego, ca USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 3:45 PM CDT
Myers Family

God looked around his Garden and found an empty place.
He then looked down upon his earth and saw your loving face.

He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest.
His Garden must be beautiful, he always takes the best.
He knew that you were suffering, he knew you were in pain.
And knew that you would never get well on earth again.
He saw your path was difficult, he closed you tired eyes,
He whispered to you "Peace be Thine" and gave you wings to fly.
When we saw you sleeping so calm and free of pain,
We would not wish you back to earth to suffer once again.
You've left us precious memories, your love will be our guide,
You live on through your children, you're always by our side.
It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you on the day God called you home

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You in this time of sorrow
Steve, Sandy Peery and family

Steven and Sandra Peery <peerys@charter.net>
College Place, Wa USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 3:19 PM CDT
What a great day it will be in heaven to see all the people who are there because of Dave's legacy.

I'm reminded of a Rich Mullins song: Hold Me, Jesus:

Well, sometimes my life just don't make sense at all
When the mountains look so big
And my faith just seems so small

So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf
You have been King of my glory
Won't You be my Prince of Peace

And I wake up in the night and feel the dark
It's so hot inside my soul
I swear there must be blisters on my heart

So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf
You have been King of my glory
Won't You be my Prince of Peace

Surrender don't come natural to me
I'd rather fight You for something I don't really want
Than to take what You give that I need
And I've beat my head against so many walls
Now I'm falling down, I'm falling on my knees

And this Salvation Army band is playing this hymn
And Your grace rings out so deep
It makes my resistance seem so thin

I'm singing hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf
You have been King of my glory
Won't You be my Prince of Peace

You have been King of my glory
Won't You be my Prince of Peace

A believer
- Tuesday, August 23, 2005 3:06 PM CDT
We are Sarah's and Nick's grandparents and know what Dave meant to our little Fuller-Rau family in Walla Walla. We grieve with all of you and send our love. We are grateful and thankful for Dave's wonderful life and for the children he leaves.
Anne and Martin Fuller <ahmefu@comcast.net>
Albuquerque, NM US - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 3:05 PM CDT
Meyer family, our hearts ache for you, may the Heavenly Father bring you peace. So many entries by so many who love you I can't begin express what it has meant to read your journal, we have been touched in profound ways. God Bless You. Richard, Judy Becca and Eddie Czyhold
Judy Czyhold <jczyhold@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 2:45 PM CDT
I can count on one hand the people who have made some sort of impact on my life. Dave was one of them. For the last 25 years I doubt a day went by without me thinking of Dave to some degree. Thank you for your inspiration, for your motivation, for your never say never attitude. I will miss you but never forget you.
Scott Young <syoung@canterwoodgcc.com>
Gig Harbor, Wa - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 2:39 PM CDT
When there are no words, there is song. One of the most beautiful ones I know:

Michelle Tumes

I walk; my soul is flying
I cry; but I'm rejoicing
I hunger; You're edifying
Bathed in light I roam this life
'Til time takes me home...

I talk; my heart is singing
I kneel; and I'm ascending
I'm wounded; but You are healing
Earth is bright through Holy eyes
That search from above...

And my spirit's leaping
Straight to the gates of heaven
Where I belong
My feet have journeyed
Longing to reach my home
I'll be safely home
I'll be safely home

Immortal, immortal
Forever I will live
Immortal, immortal, immortal

I am so very sorry.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 2:04 PM CDT
Our best wishes, prayers, and love are with you all.
Laura Rau, Sarah and Nick Fuller <fuller01@earthlink.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 2:03 PM CDT
Michelle and Family,
I am very sorry for the loss. It is a very sad moment. I am so glad he is in good hands also. I will be praying for your family and him. I will miss him and so will many of my friends that told me. I wish your family well. Hope to see you around.
Love always Monica Cochran

Monica Cochran <mjcviolin@hotmial.com>
Walla Walla, wa washington - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 2:00 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you - you know he's in a better place, but it's so difficult because you're all here without the man you love and adore. May the Lord give you the strength for the next step, the wisdom to know what needs to be done and most of all the love that will carry you and your wonderful family through this very, very difficult time. Love, prayers and support to you all.
Cheryl Bloom
Walla Walla, - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 1:37 PM CDT
Sending you love and hugs.
Alex, Jennings & Quinn
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 1:35 PM CDT
We love you Lord. We love you Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach, and Kate, always. The Wids
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 1:26 PM CDT
Listening to Michael W. Smith on the way to work this morning. A favorite of mine is "This is your Time" and of course I thought of Dave:

Though you are mourning and grieving your loss
Death died a long time ago
Swallowed in life, so his life carries on
Still, its so hard to let go

This was his time
This was his dance
He lived every moment
Left nothing to chance
He swam in the sea
Drank of the deep
Embraced the mystery
of all he could be
What if tomorrow
What if today
Faced with the question
Oh, what would you say?

Thanks, Dave, for being our example of living life to the fullest.

Laurie Klicker <mikeklicker@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 1:20 PM CDT
"You have to believe the buds will blow, believe in the sun on days of snow. That is the reason the bluebird sings, in his darkest hour he believes in spring." Here comes the sun, sweet friends. You have shown us how to find blessings in snow, sun or darkness. Dave's legacy will be enormous but his way of embracing and rejoicing in God's plan for each of us will truly be a model for me. Cindy
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 1:09 PM CDT
Dear Michelle,
As I was reading the entries for today I realized their was music coming out of the chemo room. The song was "It is well with my soul". How appropriate as the Lord brings you and your family to mind so often. The peace He has given you through this I know it is well with your soul. My prayers are with you as he receives the ulitmate healing! Love and prayers - Denelle Johnson, Cancer Center

Denelle Johnson <johnde@smmc .com>
Walla Walla, WA Walla Walla - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 1:06 PM CDT
Michelle and family,
you are all in our prayers and hearts. Thanks for the updates. Let the Lord give you strength.
Thinking of all of you, God Bless

Tonya Scheel <mcscheel@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 1:03 PM CDT
And He will raise you up on eagle's wings...bear you on the breath of dawn...make you to shine like the sun...and hold you in the palm of His hand. We love you and miss you.
Lisa, Mike, Andrew and Alison <mbraddock@charter.net>
- Tuesday, August 23, 2005 12:47 AM CDT
Michelle and Kids,
We are praying for peace to fill your home. We love you and are here for you however you may need us. Just ask.

The Weeks Family

Misty Weeks <mistyweeks@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 12:44 AM CDT
Our thoughts are with you all.
Diane and Lance Longmire <lycoldiva@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 12:41 AM CDT
Dear Mr Meyer,
You are an amazing person and one of the best teachers Wa-Hi had to offer. I had you for only a semester, and in that time I got to know you better than any teacher my Senior year. Your struggle is in my thoughts, and thank you for inspiring me.

Rob Waring <rwaring@ups.edu>
Tacoma, Wa USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:53 AM CDT
Dear Meyer Family,
I just read your last entry, Michelle, and my heart goes out to you. Losing my mother-in-law to inop. gliobl.multiforme in 1997 was by far and away the hardest time ever for our family. All the research I did said 8 months and she had 3 mos. I am praying hourly for you and your family. I am reminded by your entry, remembering nights I was awakened by the sound of my 7 year old son, sobbing his loss into his pillow, unable to contain his sorrow. Nights and nights when I would just hold him until he fell asleep again. For all of these things, I still do not understand. I know some day I will.
Love, Laura

Laura (Wa-hi '83) Lundahl <aburton47@msn.com>
Westminster, CO USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:40 AM CDT
Hey Michelle,
God Bless you, Dave and your family. You are in my prayers; My name is Barbara Sapp (Peacock) I went to school with Dave. I hope and pray that God will be with you through all of this and that Dave will come out OK. My heart goes out to you. Sincerely,

Barbara Sapp <redandelion@hotmail.com>
Dayton, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:26 AM CDT
There is a song that many of us sang over the years in the Wa-Hi choir. The song is called Pax Dei. Dave and family, all of us who sang this over the years sing this now to all of you:


Remain with us oh Peace of God

That we may bear our load
nor feel the strain

Strong in Thy might
We triumph find

Thy calmness gives
a quiet mind, Thy benediction
Comfort kind

Oh peace of God

God bless you Dave, and all of your family.

Charles Dennis <chuck@1024partners.net>
Sammamish, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:19 AM CDT
You are by far the strongest person I know. To go through this with your family and to share your most personal thoughts. You are amazing. Your family is so special, your children so brave.
Thinking and praying about each one of you.
The Corbett Family

Shawna Corbett <lashandshawna@my180.net>
Lowden, WA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:43 AM CDT
Dear Meyers Family,

Wishing I could scoop down on Walla Walla and wrap my arms around you and hold you tight.......the comfort I have is knowing many, many are there for you, as you have been for others......God bless you dear Meyers family......thank you for showing us the way.
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago , IL - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:27 AM CDT
Michelle and Family,
You are absolutely amazing people. I find strength through you. We sang a song in church that reminded me so much of you and your journey....."turn my mourning into dancing, my sorrow into joy". You are such a witness to all of us. Keep up the good fight, God will see you through. Dave we love you. You are an amazing person who has touched many throughout your life!

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:24 AM CDT
Dave, You are a true warrior, you have fought the good fight. You have been an inspiration and shining light to so many. Please know that there is an army still here waiting to support and love those that you leave behind.
Michelle, we are here to help.
We love you
Jim, Nancy and Megan Butler

Nancy Butler <jimnancymegan@bmi.net>
Dayton, WA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 9:50 AM CDT
At work again, still wishing I was with you! I was reading over the guestbook entries and was struck by Doug Hayes' observation about Dave that "God blessed you with great gifts, and you used them well." How perfectly expressed, that simple, eloquent statement.

I'm missing Dave so much already, wishing I could get a hug from him.

Love you guys.

Debra Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 9:38 AM CDT
Meyers -

Perhaps this is why home has been on my mind lately. Sincere good wishes and prayers to you all from SE Texas.

Much love,

Bryan, Jeanette and Rachel Stroud <professor_the@hotmail.com>
Beaumont, TX - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 7:20 AM CDT
Mr.Martin, my sister Amanda, and me, Allison, we stopped over the other day to see Mr.Meyer.
I love him.
He is the most beautiful person I have ever met. I still remember the first time I met him.
It was august 2004, I had him for freshman history and LA.
He had bandaids on his head and I thought he was just trying to be funny. I asked him about them and when he told me, just him talking, something about how he talks and moves.
He is incredibly wise.
I think about him, so much. He's, well he is my hero actually, all his optimism and faith.
I can't stand seeing him this way.
I'm hoping. I'm well, I'm praying.
I love Mr.Meyer and his family, and you michelle, all of you,
your beautiful.

Allison Biddle <lucky2217@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 4:53 AM CDT
In this hour, our hearts are filled with love for the entire Meyer family. Thank you for the blessing you give everyone by sharing your steadfast journey with all. We pray for each of you the Peace of the Lord.
Shirley and Johnnie Dennis <johnnie.dennis@ihmail.com>
Issaquah, WA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 2:23 AM CDT

I look for quotes to help me say what is in my heart, but they never quite fit the bill. I'll just say "I love you all", and leave it at that.

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 1:01 AM CDT
You are truly an amazing woman. Your strength and love as a wife, mother and friend is incredible. We are praying for you all, wishing you a restful, peaceful night. Hugs to all of you. Our love, Shareen, Tovah and Kale

Shareen Kingman <sahk@charter.net>
College Place, WA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 0:32 AM CDT
PEACE and hugs to all of the Meyers family ! Thinking of you daily,hourly,minute to minute as are so many who visit this site . Diane Schulke(cookie lady)
Dianeschulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla , Wa USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 0:23 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle and family,
Our hearts go out to each and everyone of you, thank you for showing us all what true faith and grace is. Dave I want to thank you for inviting Tim to join the church song team, we love seeing him up there and it reminds me of all those practices way back, when Tim was too young to drive and I had to get him there. You made practice so fun for him when the two of you would start "jammin'" on your guitars. Tim loved it! The love of Jesus shines through you Dave, in that wonderful smile and of course those great hugs. You have shown many how we are to live our lives. You truly have walked the walk and talked the talk. Thank you for being "Dave". Michelle, I still "admire" you for your strength, willingness to share, faith, and never ending love for family and friends. You truly are a woman of God. Peace and love to all of you. We all love you and continue our prayers for peace and understanding.

Teri Johnson <tandt@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 10:45 PM CDT
Thank you so much for the daily updates on Dave. I want you to know that you are my hero. You are so strong and I don't know how you even begin to do it. As I sit here writing this, I cry, because I can not even begin to imagine this world without Dave in it. Please know how much Dave is loved and by so many. Also know how much the kids and you are loved.

Misty Weeks <mistyweeks@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 10:42 PM CDT
Your family's willingness to share this path you guys are on is a blessing to everyone. I cannot even put it into words. I truly believe that your lives are an inspiration to all. Your faith, hope, morality, honesty and love for each other is so enlightened. We pray for your peace and continued faith in God's will.
Shannon, Rob, Mason and Seth <rdahrens@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 9:56 PM CDT
Dave has left his mark on me first as a student and then as a fellow teacher. His candle is being extinguished all too soon. However, one will always remember him for his courage and dedication to living life the best way he knew how---fully.
Linda Thorne <ljthorne@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 9:40 PM CDT
Thanks Dave for showing the world genuine joy!
Thanks Michelle for proclaiming to the world God's grace.
Thanks Kenny for sharing your medals at Sunday School!!!
God Bless you and your family.

Mike, Nancy, Daniel & Laura Rose <penguin@gohighspeed.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Monday, August 22, 2005 9:16 PM CDT

The past two weekends we had our youth group water ski retreats, and being there reminded me of you. Years ago you were there, and simply by your presence you had a huge impact on my life. I will never forget the impact that a few words spoken by a man who visibly lived his faith had on my own life. As I examine my life and yours, I hope and pray that I can begin to have the kind of impact on youth in Walla Walla that you have had. God blessed you with great gifts, and you used them well. Your life has been an inspiration to me, and I know that your legacy will live on through the lives that God has changed through you. Thank you for a life lived well. I love you and I love your family. Rest knowing that your family is loved by many, rest knowing that you are loved by your creator, and rest knowing that you will be missed, but that we look forward to seeing you again soon. We still pray for the miraculous, all the time trusting that you are embraced in the arms of the One who loves you more than any of us can.

Gob bless you every day for eternity.

Doug Hayes <s99oc17cer@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Monday, August 22, 2005 7:40 PM CDT
To the Meyer Family,
It is a great honor to be able to get a glimpse of a truly faith filled family such as yours. It is touching and inspiring to see your family work. Thank you so much for your testimony it is obvious that your family is truly a reflection of Christ. You are a blessing for many. We are praying for you and thanking God for you and your example.

Shawn Reser <resers@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 7:27 PM CDT
To the Meyer Family,
What beautiful messages you are posting Michelle. We are thinking of you all daily and you all are in our deepest prayers. love, The Sirmons

Tami Sirmon <t.sirmon@charter.net>
Walla Walla, wa usa - Monday, August 22, 2005 6:42 PM CDT
I dont know what to say??? Im hearting inside just thinking about this. all i can say is I LOVE YOU and im praying for you guys.


Kim Garland <kimg19892005@yahoo.com>
Monroe, wa usa - Monday, August 22, 2005 6:31 PM CDT
Dear Meyer family,
My son Jacob Beuk played soccer with Zach in 1st grade,I hope you remember us.We just learned about this website and wanted to let you know we are thinking of you all,and you are in our prayers.

Stacey Ahlers and Family <bjstahlers@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 6:20 PM CDT
Today. Tomorrow. Now or then. But whenever, I pray there is peace. It is wonderful to know that your kids have begun to understand, if not fully comprehend, this change with Dave. Bless you for your shepherding, bless you, bless you. I can only imagine your exhaustion - I also pray that God will give you a time of rest very soon and that you will take a sabbath day to close your eyes and snuggle down in God's lap. I am terribly sad for you, the Meyers' family, and all of Dave's other family and friends as the grief and sorrow will be almost impossible to bear. But, I am thrilled for Dave - he'll be home soon, he gets to meet Jesus. It's cruel to have to go through even a moment of this, but you have a strong constitution and purpose, Michelle. So I praise God! Even though I check the site often for news, not expecting any of it to be what I want to hear - God is in every story, every report. Cancer is not the focus, God gets the glory!!
Love, Jennifer Boyer
Lewiston, ID

Jennifer Boyer
Lewiston, ID USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 5:40 PM CDT
Dear Meyer Family-

My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Greer Bevel <greerbevel@gmail.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 4:15 PM CDT
Michelle and family: Thank you so much for opening your home to let us share a few precious moments with you and Dave. Your love for each other is an inspiration to all who have followed along with you on this difficult journey. Our hope is that Dave remains peaceful and that you can share some of that peace as well. Our love and prayers are with you.
Ron and Beth Higgins <rbhiggins@charter.net>
- Monday, August 22, 2005 3:51 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle
Brian just called and give me the news. We love you buddy. You will always be remembered at McIlvaigh for many things, and one that lives to this day. TOTEMS Meeting
Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Meyer Family.

Lance and Sheila Cadena <lcadena@comcast.net>
Federal Way, WA - Monday, August 22, 2005 3:42 PM CDT
Michelle, Dave, Kenny, Zach, and Kaitlin,

We just want you to know how much we love you all and keep you in our thoughts and prayers during this extremely difficult time.

Michelle, Thank-you for taking the time to update us on what is happening. It means a lot to us who are so far away, wishing we could be closer and help in some way. Thank-you also for taking the time to call Will so he could talk to Dave. I know it meant a lot to both of them.

The most powerful gift we can give you is our prayers, knowing that nothing is outside of God's control. We continue to hope and trust that God will meet your needs far exceedingly above what you have ever imagined possible. Your lives are a testimony to the strength God gives us when we feel we can handle no more.

I am in awe at how much unconditional love is expressed to you and from you. What a great glimpse of what heaven will be like!

Much love and hugs!

Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 2:58 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
Lord have mercy during this time.
Know the vigil of love, support, and God's grace are intricately woven into anyone physically or spiritually in your family's presence.

You are all loved, admired, respected, and lifted up to God.

Peace and Blessings for today,

Laura Reiter <lbr@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Monday, August 22, 2005 2:26 PM CDT
We have never had the privilege to meet you, but somehow I hope some comfort from our thoughts have reached you. May peace rest with your every moment .
Friends of Dennis & Carol.

Jim & Faye Sibert <jemmne@comcast.net>
Troutdale, OR USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 1:39 PM CDT
I, too, am reading journal entries in total amazement and saddness. I remember when this battle began almost 8 years ago, with an unfortunate, but "informative" auto accident. I cry, as others are, and pray and think daily, sometimes minute to minute.
Michelle, you continue to amaze me. You are truly a angel from heaven above, Dave is such a lucky guy. I'm sure it's hard now, to be parent, wife and friend to so many, but you do it all with grace and my admiration. You are such an awesome mom, children shouldn't have to learn at such a young age what your three are learning and facing. Dave is right on - you both have done good - and you will continue to "do good" and support them in their education, faith and questions forever. I still pray for a miracle, but also pray for God to continue to give you and your family strength and guidance each moment of each coming day. HE has his arms wrapped around your entire family and only HE knows HIS plan.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. May Dave just rest and continue to be peaceful and comfortable!

Cheryl Bloom
Walla Walla, - Monday, August 22, 2005 12:49 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle and family, you are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Remember Michelle, please call me if you need anything at all.
I am right down the road.
Teri and Carlos

Teri Barker <ctbarker02@my180.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 12:35 AM CDT
"I am convinced that the world is not a mere bog in which men and women trample themselves and die. Something magnificent is taking place here amidst the cruelties and tragedies, and the supreme challenge is that the noblest and best in us prevail"....C.A. Beard

Michelle, you and your family are testaments how the best in us can, and will prevail.

Becky Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 11:48 AM CDT
Reading your last journal entries confirm my admiration for all of you. It breaks my heart that you have to go through this sad journey of losing your beloved husband, father, son, friend - so many adjectives apply to Dave. My favorite is still Hero although he never did like to hear that. Warrier, teacher, coach - no matter the title, he was unsurpassed in any category. Its been an honor and a priviledge to be close to you these past few days. God has you all in the palm of His hand - His presence is palpable in that living room full of people who are just the tip of the iceburg of people who love you. I hope God fills each and every one of you with the peace that passes understanding. KOKO.
ernie chandler <chandler@bmi.net>
walla walla, wa usa - Monday, August 22, 2005 11:06 AM CDT
Michelle, Dave, Kenny, Zach and Kaitlyn: My heart goes out to you: you are so generous with your time (and your house, I can't count the times my kids have been over to play with yours). Your grace and courage are truly amazing. Please know that I will do anything to help out with the kids that I can - your neighbors, Mimi, Kevin, Brian and Amelia
Mimi Mott <mottwine@aol.com>
Walla Walla, - Monday, August 22, 2005 10:50 AM CDT
I'm sitting here at work, wishing I was there instead. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your family this weekend, for letting me mother your kids a little bit, and for fretting about how my kids are feeling too. I'll stop by after work today and will try to squeeze into that living room full of people who love you and Dave. --Deb
Debra Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Monday, August 22, 2005 9:35 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. May you continue to have the strength to take one minute at a time with Dave and feel God's presence in your lives. My love to you all.

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 9:24 AM CDT
Good morning, Shel. What a difficult update for you. Your perceptions are so sharp, you bring us there. Thank you for that. You are gracious to invite us in in this way. The kids are honoring everything they have learned is special. In this surreal swirl of chaos, it must be the most grounding thing possible. I'm so glad Zach's home, so this will be something you will do together, drawing on one another. Making yourselves "ready to be ready" is hard stuff. I'm grateful that, if this boat must be on this particular course, God has slowed the wind these last few days.

You are so tired, but sleep isn't an easy gift. I will you the strength you need.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Monday, August 22, 2005 5:19 AM CDT
Michelle, just want to drop in and let you and Dave know that we have transitioned back home from the beach today. It was great as ever to talk with you last night and I want you to know that we have the phone ringers turned on LOUD so give us a call for anything. 253-445-8242
Peter and Cheryl Wiederspan <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
Puyallup, WA - Monday, August 22, 2005 1:04 AM CDT
Beautiful moments:
* Watching Michelle tenderly massage Dave's neck on Thursday, soothing, calming, loving... helping him to slumber peacefully through the whole night and most of the next day.
* Watching/listening/feeling Mark play his guitar and sing lovingly to Dave. Knowing how music is such a profound part of who Dave is. I'm certain Dave closed his eyes as he listened to better picture himself beside Mark, jamming and grinning as they have done so many times before.
* Seeing the earnestness of the WaHi coaches as they presented Dave with this year's shirts (including the new black one!) and share lively stories about practice and the players-- as if they had just come in to locker room with Dave.
* Seeing the reverence -- and matter-of-factness -- of the children: Dave's kids, their playmates, nieces and nephews, and many "refugees" and other extended family.

Oh, Michelle, you honor Dave-- and all of us-- in the way you have so lovingly, honestly and generously shared your journey with us. In reading this guestbook and witnessing just a moment of this journey myself, I know that you have nurtured more than Dave: you have helped to nurture an extended family that spans generations and miles. It is truly a beautiful gift to the world, a glimpse of God's Kingdom on earth.

As I pray for comfort and peace for Dave, I also offer a prayer of thanks for the seeds of love that have been planted in every heart you've touched.

With love,

Jim Wilson <jcwilson16@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Monday, August 22, 2005 0:49 AM CDT
Mr. Meyer, I only had you briefly as a teacher before you had to leave for your surgery, but you are an amazing guy and a true inspiration for all. I hope that you get better and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! God bless and keep the faith!
Kelsie Kinion <bubblebaby_10@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 0:32 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle:
It's a humble privilege to share in this journey with you. You are both living testaments of living life to the fullest- no matter what comes your way. Your faith, perseverance, inclusion and incredible loving of others continually shines- no matter how difficult or challenging the circumstances.

Know prayers, God's almighty hand, his grace and strength are wrapped around both of you and your whole family tightly-with the gentleness of holding a newborn babe.

May God's Peace, his richest grace and ongoing love shine upon you and carry you through this night.
You are loved,

Laura Reiter

Laura Reiter <lbr@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 11:09 PM CDT
Dear Michelle,

What a week! Patrice and I deeply appreciated our visit today, and a chance to sing that Keith Green song to Dave:

Oh Lord, You're beautiful
Your face is all I see
For when Your eyes are on this child
Your grace abounds to me

Oh Lord, please light the fire
That once burned bright and clear
Replace the lamp of my first love
That burns with holy fear

I want to take Your Word and shine it all around
But first help me just to live it, Lord
And when I'm doing well, help me to never seek a crown
For my reward is giving glory to You

Oh Lord, You're beautiful
Your face is all I see
For when Your eyes are on this child
Your grace abounds to me

We've said much of what there is to say already, but your gracious understanding of the need that Dave's enormous community has for visiting with him, and your willingness to balance that with your need for family time and private time -- well, it's huge, and very much appreciated. May the Lord keep His loving eyes on you and your exquisite family, and may His grace truly abound for you now.

With love,

The Townsends

Jeffrey and Patrice <jtownsend@fancylogo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 10:21 PM CDT
Dear Meyers Family,

Hoping that this Sunday, this day of rest, brought you just that, and more...peace, comfort, and good feelings all around. Still sending prayers from the 58th floor.....and many cyber hugs......
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

Cathy Beres
Chicago, Il - Sunday, August 21, 2005 10:20 PM CDT
Dave and Family,
You are a true inspiration. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Jamie Eggers <eggers_1@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA United States - Sunday, August 21, 2005 9:49 PM CDT
Mr. Meyer, I know you probably have no idea who I am, but you have been apart of my musical career since I started at Wa Hi. You kindly volunteered your time to read the names of our parents at Chamber's Christmas Gift concert last winter and you sang wonderfully at Conspiracy of Hope. Thank you for being an example to me on how trail can be overcome through faith and God.
Annelise <operadoll87@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, - Sunday, August 21, 2005 8:47 PM CDT
Wishing you and your extended family and close friends peace and loving support during this difficult time. May God bless you and shower you with his Grace and Mercy.
The Senter Family

Brian and Mary Senter <fatdingo@charter.net>
walla walla, - Sunday, August 21, 2005 8:46 PM CDT
Mr Meyers Family,
Mr. Meyer i have been reading how you have been feeling. I pray for you and your family. I know its been a hard summer. I hope that I will see you soon. I miss you alot i miss your smile. I loved walking by your classroom at school with you there. I hope that you get better soon. Julia is going to St. Johns soon this wednesday for college. I hope the best for your whole family. Hi to the kids i can hardly wait to see Kenny at wahi this year.
Love always Monica Cochran

Monica Cochran <mjcviolin@hotmail.com>
walla walla, wa 99362 - Sunday, August 21, 2005 8:20 PM CDT
Dear Meyer Family,
The following Old Testament blessing has been a comfort to me in a variety of circumstances and settings for as long as I can remember(and that's a good long while!) My hope is that it will bring some measure of peace and respite to you, as well.
"May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord lift up His countenance to you and grant you peace."
Rest well this night as God holds each of you in His tender care.
Jo Anne Reiter
Sunday, Aug. 21, 2005

Jo Anne Reiter <reiter@pocketinet.com>
Walla Walla, WA usa - Sunday, August 21, 2005 7:49 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
YOu are two incredibly awesome people. I appreciate so much our friendship and love over the years. Shell, thanks for contacting me this morning. I am so sorry that I have not been in contact with you. I would like it if you would tell Dave again how much I love him and that I will look forward to playing basketball again with him sometime if God will have me on his team. Please let me know if I can help with anything. I am praying for all of you. I love all of you guys.

Brian Wickens <wickensb@peninsula.wednet.edu>
Gig Harbor , WA USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 5:40 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
I read the journals yesterday and absolutely loved the song Dave was singing, and of course, couldn't stop crying. All the memories of high school and singing with Dave came flooding back. I have been praying for all of you. I know this is so painful to go through. I was talking with my son, Brandon, who is now playing Frosh. footall at Wa-Hi, and he said that Kenny was an awsome catcher, and also that he makes everyone laugh all the time. Dave coached him at football camp in the past. Dave has touched so many lives with his faith, friendship, music, kindness, love, and generosity. I'm very blessed to have been a friend of Daves. Peace and love be with you all.
My love, Joy

Joy Moniz (Cunnington) <jmoniz@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 5:01 PM CDT
Hello Michele, Dave and family
Know that I have you and Dave in my prayers and thoughts!

Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 3:50 PM CDT

the one to come to in times of need
the one to love unconditionally
the one who has a heart of gold
the one who stands brave and bold

the one to comfort you when you are scared
the one you have fun with everywhere
the one whose spirit could not go higher
to the one and only, Dave Meyer

I Love You

Amy Wolski <thelorangs@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 3:49 PM CDT
Dave,Michelle and Family,
Take refuge in the shadow of our God- the Almighty's wings! Our hearts, our prayers, our love are with you. I can't but continue to think and praise God for the mighty warriors you have been. You truly have been a testiment to the power and love of God. How else could anyone stand so tall and shine so much as you and Dave have. I can envision Gods tender, loving and merciful hands holding Dave's as He cradles him in his lap, rocking him back and forth wispering in his ear. Thank you both for showing us more and more how God continues to move stones. Thank you Dave for showing us men how to stay strong. With Love,
Mike and Richele Locati

Michael Locati <mrlocati@gohighspeed.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 1:21 PM CDT
I am smiling here.

I just came into my room to check in on Walla squared. Kids were milling around. Kyle said, "Hey, Mom, has Kristin heard that song on your home page?" (I wasn't even aware that Kyle had heard that song on my home page.) She said she hadn't, so I pulled up it up---the Meyer site, that is---and handed the mike over to Dave. As the song kicked in, Kyle started to shake his little 10-year-old booty and told me that earlier he had played the song over the phone for his best friend. "Joey was, like, 'Aw, dude!'" he told me.

High praise.

I hope the night was good to you.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Sunday, August 21, 2005 1:07 PM CDT
Dear Michelle--your grace did not go unnoticed! Thank you for letting me into your home to visit Dave. You're an amazing woman!! Wonderful to see Dave and fam. I'm praying, thinking of Dave and your family, remembering, crying, praying that you have peace and grace w/ you always.
"Like unback'd colts, they prick'd up their ears,
Advanced their eyelids, lifted up their noses
As they smelled MUSIC". Shakespeare
Dave was always playing his guitar!!!!!!!

Cathi & Mark Bunker (apfel) <wildhorses@nventure.com>
Auburn, WA USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 10:51 AM CDT
Hi guys, I've been out of town on vacation since Monday. Went to the beach with Hailee and grandson,Taylor. So many times as I sat staring at the ocean did I think about you, Dave. Just thinking about your true friendship and your courage to fight in life. It surely puts things in perspective in my daily life. I got a phone call last night from a friend letting me know about your rough week. Sorry to hear the news. As I went to bed last night I prayed that you would all have comfort and peace in the decesions being made. I got onto my sisters computer this morning and reading the journals brings many tears. My heart is deeply saddened to read about this tough week. You are a very amazing woman, Michelle! You have been a true inspiration as a wife, mother and friend. I will check in when I get back into Wallyworld today. Love you all so much!
God Bless, Val

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 9:44 AM CDT
Hi guys, I've been out of town on vacation since Monday. Went to the beach with Hailee and grandson,Taylor. So many times as I sat staring at the ocean did I think about you, Dave. Just thinking about your true friendship and your courage to fight in life. It surely puts things in perspective in my daily life. I got a phone call last night from a friend letting me know about your rough week. Sorry to hear the news. As I went to bed last night I prayed that you would all have comfort and peace in the decesions being made. You are a very amazing woman, Michelle! You have been a true inspiration as a wife, mother and friend. I will check in when I get back into Wallyworld today. Love you all so much!
God Bless, Val

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 9:38 AM CDT
hey guys, Sorry to hear about such a rough week. Keeping all of you in my prayers. Kenny, I have been in Pittsburgh this week. I got to watch the Steelers game last night. How about them fins?!!
If there is anything you guys need please do call.

steve walk <chefstevewalk@steelersfan.net>
walla walla, wa usa - Sunday, August 21, 2005 9:19 AM CDT
As I close this day, the precious thought of Dave and his pink heart pillow stays with me... I've also been humming "Shout to the Lord" all evening - I remember Dave talking of how this song comforted him in the moments before surgery when he had to leave you - and his parents and family... the song reminded him he wasn't alone at all - and that God was with him - it speaks of the power of God's mighty love and the comfort and shelter found with God... Mighty love is a beautiful description of what Dave has in you, and the rest of his family and dear friends who have loved him so well, Michelle. Good night ... my prayers are for your rest tonight.

Judy Peasley <gjpeas@charter.net>
- Sunday, August 21, 2005 2:13 AM CDT
Michelle and Dave-Im so sorry to read that its been a rough couple of days. When Kevin and I were in North Carolina we talked about you both and were wondering how everything was going. I checked out your site last nite when we got home but was brought to tears and just didnt know what to write. I was very sad when I read things havent been very well with Dave. Im sure that this is a very scary time for you. You have been in our thoughts and prayers. Saying extra prayers for you tonight.
Kevin and Kari T. www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
MN USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 11:02 PM CDT
Michelle and Dave, we have just finished catching up on the journal from yesterday and we really miss you guys. Yesterday I found a quote that made me think of you Michelle, so here it goes...

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." -Lewis Carroll

Michelle, you and Dave have always made it easy to believe.

Peter and Cheryl Wiederspan <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
Puyallup, WA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:58 PM CDT
Michelle and family
We are in Judy's BFS class and just want you to know that our prayers are with you and that we know that God is in control and He will give you all the stregth you need. We send our love in Christ and the father. Hugs to you all at this time. Vesta Poteete and Carolyn Harvey

vesta Poteete and Carolyn Harvey <poteete @charter.net>
Milton Freewater, or - Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:20 PM CDT
Dear Michelle and David and your kids,
I just read what you wrote today, and my heart is very tender for you all. I am sitting with you inside as I drive out now to visit our parents, Lois and Dick. You are in a holy place. With love, Janet (Carol's cousin)

Janet Visick <jvisick@igc.org>
Bolinas, CA United States - Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:18 PM CDT
Meyer Family~

Just wanted you to know that we're still out here supporting you in prayer!!!

With MUCH Love and HOPE
Hadley's Mama

Angela Fox <FoxFamilyFive@sbcglobal.net>
Alameda, ca usa - Saturday, August 20, 2005 9:25 PM CDT
JAMIE HOLT <cjholt@netscape.com>
WALLA WALLA, WA 99362 - Saturday, August 20, 2005 8:13 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
I have sat down to right in the guestbook serveral times, but then the tears begin to flow and the words were hard to come by. When I lost my mother (Nancy Blize who worked at WWHS) to cancer in 1998 it was the love and support of family and friends that kept me going. Dave would come down to the hospital with a hug, smile and words of comfort. He told me to have faith in God and that my mother would live forever in my heart. May the memories that you have made with Dave and your children be a comfort now and in the difficult days ahead. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Peggy Blize Needham <pegneedham@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 6:53 PM CDT
Hi Michelle,
Hooray that Zach is coming home today! He will be full of stories and probably a bruise or two...(isn't that the sign of a successful adventure in the eyes of a boy?!) I am so glad to hear that Dave woke up a bit last night, that is a gift. As always, you are surrounded by prayer and love!

Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
- Saturday, August 20, 2005 6:49 PM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle ~ It meant so much for Zac and me to stop by today, reminding us that grace truly is amazing! The "cat got our tongues" (or was it that guest dog Kenny was leading around?) but I was struck by Dave's sweet slumber. He was so peaceful, with an untroubled brow and relaxed feet hanging over the end of the bed! When do YOU sleep, Michelle? We wish you many more precious moments. LOVE, The Wids
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 6:32 PM CDT
Michelle - I don't know your family personally, however you and your family are in our prayers (especially Dave). I've been in your shoes with my father-in-law and it is very painful to watch. Wishing you peace with your family. Our thoughts & prayers are with you all!
Bridget Jacobson
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 6:18 PM CDT
Dear MIchelle,
Kevin reminded me that twice I have been along the bedside of a loved one passing. Thinking back to our own personal experiences I have to remember that although there were many, many tears, there was also a great amount of peace. I pray that you are able to bask in the peace and feel the presence of not only God, but your own gaurdian angels. We continue to pray for you. The Devine Mercy is a beautiful prayer for the dying and we are saying it for Dave.
Peace be With You,

The Christina Magnaghi Family <cmagnaghi@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 4:23 PM CDT
Dave and Shelley and kids; hang in there, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Renee (Gwinn) Clark, Mark, Cody and Konor (and Nick in CO)
Renee Gwinn Clark <mkclark@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA usa - Saturday, August 20, 2005 2:38 PM CDT
Dearest Meyers,

When I listen to Dave's voice on the website, it makes me smile and gives me energy.......a clear, strong voice that carries love...over the internet...to many who have not had the honor to know him.....but know him in a different way.....as our hero.....heroes never die......if I lived in Walla Walla I would be standing in line for a famous Dave hug right now.....instead, I feel it in his music.....sending many hugs back your way........and prayers, always prayers....
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04
From the 58th floor in Chicago, a long way from Walla Walla but close in heart....

cathy Beres
chicago, il - Saturday, August 20, 2005 2:37 PM CDT
Here's hoping that you had a good night. Loving arms, restful sleep. Zack will be home soon. You'll all be together. Have a wonderful day! Love Ya ~~Sara
Sara Huxoll
walla walla, - Saturday, August 20, 2005 1:24 PM CDT
I know they’re all around me all day and through the night.
When the enemy is closing in, I know sometimes they fight
To keep my fight from falling, I’ll never turn away.
If you’re asking what’s protecting me then you’re gonna hear me say:

Got his angels watching over me, every move I make,
Angles watching over me!
Angels watching over me, every step I take,
Angels watching over me....

Dave and Michelle, we know that God is holding you in this time of need. That you are still fighting this and holding onto Him is the most important thing. We are praying for you and for your families as you keep the faith and draw your strength from God.
I can never think of you, Dave, without thinking of your grinning way, and nearly always having a song on your lips (if not a guitar in your hands...)
We love you all, and are pulling for you every day.

Tracy, David and Jono Williams <tracyswilliams@comcast.net>
Spokane, WA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 12:54 AM CDT
Dearest Michelle, I can't begin to tell you how much you all have been in our thoughts. We have been praying for eight years for Dave and we are so thankful God has given him the gift of time, for all to see his testimony to life and faith. Your family is amazing to us. I am taken back when Dave was first diagnosed and our Katie had stevens Johnson syndrome, we had a great conversation how we could be strong knowing heaven awaits for us. Give Dave a hug for us, we love you guys. Remember what cancer CANNOT take away from you all. love Scott and Renee
Scott and Renee Krivoshein <krivo@walla2.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 12:17 AM CDT
With great respect and admiration, we write to thank you for sharing such a difficult journey. As the lights are dimmed and Dave seeks that warm, inviting light that only God is, we pray for your comfort in Him. God's grace and mercy are so alive in your lives. We share in your saddness, grief, helplessness, and hopefulness. We rejoice that Dave is a godly man, yet grieve that he is in this place in life. We pray for God's love and peace to fill your family and this entire community as we celebrate the wonderful man with so many titles: husband, father, son, teacher, coach, friend, musician, warrior... the list goes on . God loves you Dave and so do WE!!!!!!!!!!
The Waddells

Jeanne Waddell <waddellc@hotmail.com>
WALLA WALLA, WA USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 11:07 AM CDT
Hey Meyers, you are all on our minds and in our prayers 24/7 these last few weeks. I am so glad that there are so many people hanging around and supporting you in this time. God Bless you and your children
Rod and Patty Harmon <harmonrp61@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa - Saturday, August 20, 2005 6:10 AM CDT
Hey, Michelle.

I so appreciate your letting me have a little time alone with Dave the other night. You know that Dave and I have done precious little outside of church together, so it's not a traditional closeness that comes from loads of time spent doing stuff.

It has been something else, something behind the words, something between the hugs, something underneath the music. There were Sunday mornings at church where it would be just Dave and me up front, me all nervous and new at playing in front of people, Dave as comfortable as if he was in his living room, and it would be time to start the next song. I'd be staring at the words, unable to remember how the next song begins, drawing a complete blank, and I'd look at Dave with a panicked expression, consumed with embarrassment at my lapse. And that's when he'd give me that look, the one that let me know that he was completely lost, too.

I would immediately feel less alone, less responsible, I guess, and we'd smile at each other, and that release, that little instant of mutual self-forgiving, would always allow us to remember how the song began. And we'd begin.

It always turned out okay. He helped me get over myself, over and over, until I understood it in my bones that it wasn't about me, or him, and we had a congregation to take care of, for a couple of minutes. And the weirdest part is, all the best teaching he did with me was wordless. Dave packs more into a glance or a smile than anybody I've ever known.

With all that's going on, Michelle, I need to thank you for carving out some time for me. I love you guys, and I'm here for anything you need. Anything.



Jeffrey Townsend <jtownsend@fancylogo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 4:01 AM CDT
Ah, so that's what you're doing while you wait for the sprinkler, updating the website. I think I needed to see you tonight more than you needed me. I'm so grateful for you, Shel. May you rest as easy tonight as those blissful six hours last night. I'll try not to wake anyone as Meg drags me over there to tilt at windmills at dawn. Ha! Just kidding... she'll never get me out of bed that early. :)
Deb Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Saturday, August 20, 2005 2:55 AM CDT
I'm sitting here back at home in a bit of a daze. Jim and I noticed how time seemed to flow in a strange way while we were with you. I felt surrounded by wonderful memories of the past and a deep appreciation for the present moment, all the while trying not to think about the future. For me, the result was a feeling of warmth and sadness and joy--for so many different reasons. It would be hard to list them all.

Michelle, your home always seems to feel the same, regardless of what the circumstances happen to be. There have been so many happy times, and some sad times, as well. But underneath it all, there is a feeling of peace and comfort, even when everything seems dark. You and Dave and your wonderful kids have created a place that overflows with love, and I am so honored to be able to share in that.

From the moment Jim and I arrived, we were awed by the parade of friends and family coming by, some with a joke, some with food, all with love that filled the room. I think we both felt very fortunate to be a part of such an intimate time. It was a beautiful moment in my life, that, for all its pain, I did not want to end.

So thank you for giving me that gift; I will never forget it. I love you and Dave so much.

Mark Nelson <marknelson88@hotmail.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 2:36 AM CDT
I can not imagine a world without Dave. It is clear to me how much he is a teacher to everyone who comes to these pages, who ever sat in his classroom, who has "ever been the recipient of that Dave smile, or one of those Dave hugs." God Bless you all and thank you.
Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID - Saturday, August 20, 2005 0:59 AM CDT
"And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then you shall truly dance..." Kahlil Gibran
The Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 0:32 AM CDT
God bless you over and over again during this time. Hospice is great and will assist you as you need. Just another set of God blessed hands. I get a smile on my face knowing that Dave will see Kyle again.
Rod and Patty Harmon <harmonrp61@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa - Saturday, August 20, 2005 0:19 AM CDT
Dear Michelle and Dave,
As I read your website every day, I have been so touched by your faith in God, courage to fight, and love for each other. Even though I have never met Dave, in reading about him, I feel as though I have seen only a tiny part of a great man. You and your children have been in my prayers every day. You have been a powerful testimony to me and I'm sure many others. Thank you for that. I can't even imagine what you have been through, but I thank you so much for sharing it. God bless you and your family. May you feel HIS arms wrapped around you in loving comfort. With love and prayers,

Dawn Hull <dawnnoelehull@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 0:11 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,

This has been a long and difficult week, filled with laughs and tears....the braintmr. list seems quiet this week....it has been quiet.....we are all holding our breath.....we are silent in respect for dear Dave......our problems, whatever they may be, seem so trivial now.....Godspeed dear Dave, Godspeed.
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Friday, August 19, 2005 11:43 PM CDT
Michelle, We are glad that you have such great people around at this time. However that does not mean the lonely feeling you face with Dave on this journey ever truly goes away.. We will keep a warm blanket around you with prayer. Our thoughts are with all the Meyer Clan..
Chip, Roxanne, Kevin and Chris Lake

Chip & Roxanne <charleslake@comcast.net>
Everett, WA United States - Friday, August 19, 2005 10:52 PM CDT
I received word from Stephanie today that your family was in need or some extra prayers. I have thought about Dave and his wonderful music often and have spoken with Stephanie over the years about Daves battle. I have also kept you guys in my prayers daily as I know that this has been a long and tough battle.
Just know that my family is thinking of you and your family at this time. May Gods blessings be with all of you and special blessing for Dave.
Margie Bueche (Stephanie's Mom)

Margie Bueche <tombueche@bellsouth.net>
Shreveport, LA USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 10:52 PM CDT
The time draws near. It hardly seems possible.

Watch tonight, maybe tomorrow, possibly into Sunday (although, with this new unresponsiveness, I don't think so) for the stillness of his sleeping, for the lack of small movements that would be normal during rest. The coma will have begun; your vigil will start. After that, watching turns to listening, and you will know.

Talk and touch, remember and promise. Know with certainty that he will take a hand as it's offered. They're never alone. They are anticipated, celebrated, longed for, welcomed. There is no fear. You will see that on his face. With sadness suspended during one special breath, you will know that God is all you believe Him to be.

And in a sigh, heaven meets earth in the induction of an angel, and a moment known here as grief shines there as a moment known only as joy.

A child will know his father's warm touch again; those hugs will wrap him up. And a family will be complete even as it is torn, having touched by common thread across a day that will last forever.

Just like love.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Friday, August 19, 2005 10:44 PM CDT
Dear Michelle,
I am so sorry to hear that your husband Dave is not doing well. Calling hospice is such a difficult choice, with just the feelings you mentioned. They will help you through this. They truly have a gift to comfort and provide strength. I joined this list a short time ago, and have read about you, your husband and family. Such a beautiful and loving group of people, led by a strong and caring woman, through such a difficult journey. When I look at the pictures of your husband Dave, they remind me so much of my husband Mark. A loving father and husband, brother, son, friend and genuinely good person.
I wish for you and your family continued strength and love.
w/o Mark (11/10/62-10/15/03)
glioblastoma IV
dx 10/13/01
m/o Andrew(11), Matthew(10) and Julia(8)

Denise Vandini <dvrn@aol.com>
Walpole, MA USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 10:17 PM CDT
my thoughts and prayers go out to the meyers i havn't seen dave since the end of school i have been away at school in colorodo and unaware of recent effents. dave has been such an influential person to me in the short time that i have had the privaledge to know him. he has touched so many lifes. im honored to be quoted on the augest 17th journal. keep on rockin dave as long as u can!

Nick Clark <D_monster_419@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, August 19, 2005 9:55 PM CDT
Through the tears, and the incredible sadness, I also feel so fortunate to have the Meyers in my life. Dave and I have always found time to have our little chats whenever we would see eachother. I cherish those times, talking about the students we treasured most (often those treasured least by others), how lucky we were to find such wonderful spouses (Erik, the guy Michelle), and how cool it was that our kids clicked with eachother. The last few months, Dave has helped me to remember the importance of "wait time", and to realize that Sonja's pace is the speed at which we should all be moving. Many say marriage and parent hood change us. I think instead they refine us. Our friendships help to refine us as well, and I thank the Meyers for helping me on my path to who I want to be. I love you all, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 9:15 PM CDT
Michelle, As I think about you I am brought to tears. We all love you here at our house and continue to pray for you. May the peace of God envelope you as look to rest in his embrace.
Christina Magnaghi <cmagnaghi@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 8:02 PM CDT
Not only will he be teaching Kyle to "listen and hustle", he will be holding his hand, for the first time in a very long time. Peace be with you all, and a special prayer for all of you.
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Friday, August 19, 2005 7:16 PM CDT
Peace be with the entire Meyers family and friends ...
dianeschulke <diane schulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 6:58 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle and family,

"Friends are angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."

May those around you bring you comfort. May the memories you've made bring you peace. May the love you've shared fill your hearts forever.

Kristie Waggoner
Portland, OR USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 6:19 PM CDT
I'm sitting here at the computer, reading your journal, my 10th time checking today. My daughter came over and asked why my eyes are dripping. Don't you love the way kids see things? Today I want to thank you for sharing your life with us, taking the time out of these important moments to share with us. Thank you for teaching me what is really important, reminding me what really matters. Sometimes we need that to get us back in the right mindset. I appreciate this site and your family more than you know. My heart is heavy for you and the kids today. You're in my daily thoughts and prayers, sometimes hourly thoughts and prayers. May you have peace tonight.

Michelle Gentges <gentges6@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 6:15 PM CDT
This one is just for Michelle - Michelle, it is very clear what an exceptional man Dave is. It is also very clear how much you and everyone around Dave loves him. But what I see when I read your messages is what an extraordinary, devoted, amazing and graceful wife, mother and woman you are. Your messages, written in love and kindness, are so moving. Your true, faithful and pure spirit shines through every word. Those who know you "for real" are so lucky. I just want you to know that you are my inspiration - and I am praying for you, Dave and your family. In awe, Kara (from the Brain Tumor list) and Wife of Butch, age 42, dx 12/04 GBM inoperable
Kara <kduck913@yahoo.com>
Corona del Mar, CA - Friday, August 19, 2005 6:12 PM CDT
Dear Meyers family,
My prayers are with you at this time. I graduated with Dave and it is so obvious that the wonderful teenaged boy became a wonderful man, full of integrity, honor and filled with the spirit of the Lord. My you feel the ever present hugs from God in these next days.

Gretchen (Jacobsen) Mann <mann.g@mail.wsd.wednet.edu>
Wenatchee, Wa - Friday, August 19, 2005 5:35 PM CDT
Hello to your whole family,
I can't imagine how your hearts must ache. I will pray for your strength during this time, no matter what the outcome. May God pass your understanding with His overwhelming peace.

Suzanne Collier <keithandsuz@yahoo.com>
Lansdale, PA 19446 - Friday, August 19, 2005 2:48 PM CDT
I thought this little story would bring a smile to the faces in your home.

Colleen Battaglia was visiting this site the other day. Her 5 year old son Will heard the music and asked who it was. She told him it was Erik's band (sorry Carol) and his friend Dave was singing. Will's comment: "This band ROCKS". Out of the mouths of babes. . . I guess he is just showing his wonderful ability to appreciate great music. All my love, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, August 19, 2005 1:12 PM CDT
I know you guys are flooded with visitors and other concerns right now which is why I haven't wanted to trouble you all with a call. Please just let Dave know how much I love him.


Will Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 1:01 PM CDT
I am very proud of your for taking the step to include Hospice at this time. When we lost my dad, hospice was the bridge between our grief and our exhaustion. They took the ball when it was handed to them...and they bear the burden of management when all you will want to do is forget about cancer and meds. Hospice will see Dave as the patient so you don't have to - you can just be his beloved. I have not written to you before - but I have followed your story since February of this year. My sister Chris (gbm) got called home on July 18th after 21 months of enemy warfare and unrelenting battle. She never considered retreat - just like our dad. She was in the hospital, not at home however, and that is the one regret that we all have. I miss her actual presence something awful. It doesn't seem real that she is physically gone because she, being the youngest of 5 siblings, filled up a room. Anyway, she said something to me three days before she left (thank God she was able to speak until just a few hours before), she said she was with a vanguard of other warriors who stepped from the battlefield to the victory camp. She knew it was just about time to go because she was really looking forward to being there to welcome those who follow her. It's funny, she just has to be there to champion a cause or cheer someone on! I know she'll be front and center when your valiant, highly decorated 5 star General steps off the battlefield. It will be an awesome moment that Dave can tell you all about when you get to glory. There's always something to look forward to....always.
Bless you today, Deanna Small

Deanna Small
Dearborn, MI USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 12:46 AM CDT
HOSPICE is AWESOME! They are there for you both! We used them with my husbands dad 5 years ago with his lung/brain Cancer. I know the control thing. Sometimes you want to remain the captain of the airplane but now you can be the
co-pilot! Just remember we ALL love and care about you.
Will be dropping by later. :)
Love Sara

Sara Huxoll
- Friday, August 19, 2005 12:45 AM CDT
I do understand that roller coaster. It's not a fun ride.
I watched my dad die of melanoma 6 yrs ago and even though it is different from the glioma that my dear LeeB has, the melanoma had spread to my dad's brain and so some things remind me. Lee is still having a good period, but right after he was diagnosed a year ago, I was told in Sep. 2004 that I should call hospice by the hospital and all the doctors except one. Guess he was right cause with treatment and much physical therapy Lee came back from total physical helplessness. He was numb from his upper chest down and had limited mobility in his arms, hands and head. But it is a constant battle and he fights his way through problems daily. We have only been on the road you've traveled for a short time and I so much admire your spirit and attitude. (Michelle and Dave and your family) We keep you in our prayers daily. Through this year's journey with this horrible disease, I've thought 3 times that Lee was leaving this life and each time he's pulled through.
And I understand what you said about making decisions without Dave. I've had to do that several times since Lee's been sick and we've always been a team for decisions.
I know that God is with us and with your family. I am hoping and praying for the best for y'all.

lynn baines <lbaines193@charter.net>
Rockmart, GA USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 12:45 AM CDT
HOSPICE is AWESOME! They are there for you both! We used them with my husbands dad 5 years ago with his lung/brain Cancer. I know the control thing. Sometimes you want to remain the captain of the airplane but now you can be the
co-pilot! Just remember we ALL love and care about you.
Will be dropping by later. :)
Love Sara

Sara Huxoll
- Friday, August 19, 2005 12:24 AM CDT
we will continue to pray for you and your family. Fight the good fight!
chad kopf <ckopf@wwps.rog>
walla walla, wa ww - Friday, August 19, 2005 12:21 AM CDT

I love the pic of you and your lovey at the Peach Basket. You have been on my mind and in my prayers all summer. I am sorry I have not been to visit. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Norb Rossi

Norbert Rossi <nrossi@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, August 19, 2005 12:20 AM CDT
Dave and family,
I have no words to write this day-- only wonderful thoughts, feelings and treasured memories that make me smile. So, here come all of the positive emotions and prayers that we can send from my family to yours.

P.s. Dave, my son's Jared and Nick are out there today with Kenny in the middle of daily doubles. They need you out there kicking them in the butt and patting them on the back. Hope is eternal!!!!

Steve-Lauri-Jared- Nick Jordan <sljordanfam@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA Walla Walla - Friday, August 19, 2005 11:46 AM CDT
Dave and family,
I have no words to write this day-- only wonderful thoughts, feelings and treasured memories that make me smile. So, here come all of the positive emotions and prayers that we can send from my family to yours.

P.s. Dave, my son's Jared and Nick are out there today with Kenny in the middle of daily doubles. They need you out there kicking them in the butt and patting them on the back. Hope is eternal!!!!

Steve-Lauri-Jared- Nick Jordan <sljordanfam@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA Walla Walla - Friday, August 19, 2005 11:46 AM CDT
I too cannot get you out of my thoughts and check the site many times daily. We are praying for all of you. God has you in the palm of His hand.......all of you.
God Bless!

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Friday, August 19, 2005 10:24 AM CDT
Michelle, Dave and Family,
I can't get you out of my mind or my heart-and I don't want to. I even dreamed about you last night, Dave. I check the website so many times throughout the day...I am praying for all of you during this very difficult time. We are all so lucky witness such wonderful examples of unending faith, love and trust. Denise Richmond spoke well for the class of '81-Dave was a great leader and friend to everyone! Michelle, take good care of yourself-get some rest! Our love to all of you!

Lori (Deeringhoff ) Wahl <loriwahl@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, August 19, 2005 10:13 AM CDT
Dear Shelley - I can't stop thinking of you, hoping that God's giving you some peace in the middle of this alien landscape you're walking through. I feel compelled, like a Jewish mother, to urge you "Eat! Eat! Get some sleep!" but I trust your instincts completely. Soak him up while he's still with us. Call, day or night.

Love to you all.

Debra Wright <kevndep@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Friday, August 19, 2005 9:32 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle and Family,
I hope your night was peaceful, we are keeping you all in our prayers. Dave and Michelle your strength is so inspirational. Blessings to you!

Shareen, Tovah and Kale Kingman <sahk@charter.net>
College Place, WA USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 8:42 AM CDT
Sun's up in full force over here. Hope you had a good night, guys.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net; www.brainhospice.com>
Rockledge, FL - Friday, August 19, 2005 7:23 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle, and kids
You are all in our thoughts and prayers during this diffucult time. May God wrap his arms around you and give you many hugs and keep you safe suring this time

Harmons <harmonrp61@charter.net>
Walla Walla , Wa - Friday, August 19, 2005 4:01 AM CDT
Goodnight dear Meyers Family.......

Sending prayers, hugs and love .......

Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Friday, August 19, 2005 1:23 AM CDT
It has been a long time for many of us but 'we' still hold Dave close in our heart for numerous reasons and you are in our prayers at this turning time. I hope I am speaking for the Wa-Hi Class of 1981 although I have not asked permission to do so - I feel compelled to speak at this point from your high school class where you were you such a great leader - an athlete, a musician, a scholar, probably more than we ever knew, and from this journal I have learned that you have gone on to expand on all the genres I mentioned. You are and will continue to be an inspiration to all - we love you Dave and deep thanks.

Love, Denise and (I hope) from the class of 1981

Denise Richmond Habash <deniser@allergyresearch.com>
Sammamish, WA USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 1:21 AM CDT
Dear Meyer Family,
I sent off a letter today to tell you how excited I am to be Katie's teacher for this upcoming year. Later this afternoon I got the news about the direction things have taken. I had heard about your website from Lisa and found it tonight, as your family is at the center of my every thought. Your journal entries are an inspiration to life itself! One amazing story I remember about Dave is when Kaitlyn was at what must have been one of her first dance classes. She must have been 3 or 4 and was very reluctant to join her teacher and the other budding ballerinas. Dave had brought her that day and was trying to encourage her go join the class. When Katie obviously had decided that she wasn't going out there, Dave picked her up and he joined the troup of 3 and 4 year olds with Katie in his arms. They leaped and swirled to the music and admired each other in the mirrors on the wall. I remember thinking what an amazing father he was, and has continued to be!
As so many others have shared, know that you are loved! And know how appreciative I am to be entrusted with the care and nurturing of Katie while she is at school!

Laura Grant-Herriot <grantherriot@hotmail.com>
Prescott, WA US - Friday, August 19, 2005 1:06 AM CDT
Dearest Meyers,
All this day you have been foremost in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Hoping it was a better day. It got too late to call, but please hug your Mom and Dad for us. We really are missing all of you. Lots of love,Bonnie and Denny

Bonnie Parker <bparker@pacifier.com>
Long Beach, Wa - Friday, August 19, 2005 0:56 AM CDT
Our hearts and prayers reach out to you each and every night. May God bless you and keep you firmly in His grip.
Becky, Bob, Chloe', Paul, Spencer, and Mary Bella Betts

Becky Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 0:34 AM CDT
Meyer family:
DITTO works for us too!
Have a great night!
We love you. From the whole 3 year old class!!!!

Sara Huxoll
walla walla, - Thursday, August 18, 2005 11:17 PM CDT
Hello sweeties. I wanted to share with you a note I just received from a Wa-Hi parent about Dave. I took out the kids' names because I didn't ask her if I could post this. But it speaks to Dave's caring spirit and all the lives he has touched.

"Dave was one of my daughter's favorite teachers ... she was a shy freshman and that was the year that her brother was sick from Nov to April, so things were stressful at home ... but, Dave really made her feel comfortable in class. He was big on making sure everyone showed respect for each other and she loved the fact that Dave let students bring in their favorite music CDs to play in class. Dave wrote a letter of recommendation for her and I remember I was totally impressed when he hand delivered it to our door. I was hoping my son would have Dave for Am Gov ... he is such a wonderful person and definitely a favorite teacher at WA HI."

Sending gazillions of hugs and prayers,

Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:33 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle, and Family,
I have followed your journey through entries on the BT-temodar website for quite a while and it was with a full heart that I read Michelle's latest entry today. How blessed you both have been to have each other! Like hundreds of others you have touched over the years, I add my prayers and wishes for God to grant you peace, serenity, and comfort in these difficult days.
a fellow traveler,

Connie McClung
Dallas, Tx USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 9:00 PM CDT
It was so nice to see so many visitors at your home today. I left today feeling good. Yes, it's difficult to see Dave, a strong, loving, giving man, in a weakened state. But each day that I can look into his eyes, feel his grip in mine, tell him that I love him and give him a hug is a GOOD day! Amy and I cherish this time, that you so willingly share with us, more than you will ever know! See you tommorrow. Love you all!
Cindy & Amy <thelorangs@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Thursday, August 18, 2005 8:50 PM CDT
Dearest Dave and Michelle, children and parents.
Loving hearts are reading your journal, crying, and praying for God's presence to continue to sustain you, each one.
Love and soft hugs,

Tom's mom, Judy Beebe Harwood
Walla Walla, - Thursday, August 18, 2005 7:51 PM CDT
Michelle, Dave and family, Your family is amazing and inspirational. May God continue to walk along side each of you through this journey.
- Thursday, August 18, 2005 7:02 PM CDT
Dear Dave & Michelle:
I found out about your website awhile back and have been visiting almost daily and wanting to write to you but unable to put my thoughts & feelings into words.
I feel I can no longer hold back, so here goes.
I have been around your family through several years of sports with Josh. You are so amazing. I wish I could make up some words to describe how I feel about your family-amazing is not enough. Beautiful, loving, caring, humorous, positive, all words which are not powerful enough to describe you. Thank you, Dave, for remembering Christopher and the "Mr. Wa-Hi thing". I know I speak for myself & my "guys" when I say we are honored to know you.
Sandy & the "Bates Boys"

Sandy Bates <jbates6967@charter.net >
Walla Walla, Wa - Thursday, August 18, 2005 6:44 PM CDT
One of the most beautiful things about this site and the guestbook is the heartfelt sharing that takes place. So many times someone else has written something that helps me clarify my own thoughts and feelings. So to all that has been written in the last 24 hours - I just say "ditto" - especially to you, Kirsten, because you really summed up what I am feeling. So Dave and Michelle, just know that for every word that is written here, there are at least a hundred others who join me in saying "ditto."
Laurie Klicker <mikeklicker@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 6:12 PM CDT
Dear Dave,
Godspeed. I am an old friend from high school days, who only knew you briefly. You might not remember me, but I am Cathi Apfel's little sister, Laura. I sure remember you! Your Dad was an amazing teacher, as I am sure you are as well. We went to a dinner dance together, much to your chagrin, at the Marcus Hotel downtown BEFORE the renovations. Anyway, I am very sad for you and yours. I am now married, with 3 kids, ages 13, 10 and 8, a boy and 2 girls. My path has taken me to teaching as well; I am studying to become a high school teacher. I currently teach French in the local schools. We lost my husband's mother 8 years ago to brain cancer. It was a hard time for all of us. I pray and hope you are surrounded by love, family, friends. Love, Laura

Laura (Jensen) Lundahl <aburton47@msn.com>
Westminster, CO USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 5:59 PM CDT
Love and BIG HUGS coming to you from Utah... We love you guys! Hoping you are making all the memories count each moment. You are one special family. Your family is an inspiration to us all. Wanted you to know that we were thinking of you all and that you are in our thoughts and prayers.. LOVE YOU!
Your Utah Family,...

Julie <shanno7772@yahoo.com>
Payson, Ut USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 5:44 PM CDT
It was nice to hear your voice last night Michelle, and to be able to talk to Dave. Know that I can't stop thinking about you two, and know how much we love you and keep you in our hearts. I know you probably have a house full. That said, if you need me there - just call. I'll be in my car in 10 minutes and on my way.
Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 5:14 PM CDT
It was nice to hear your voice last night Michelle, and to be able to talk to Dave. Know that I can't stop thinking about you two, and know how much we love you and keep you in our hearts. I know you probably have a house full. That said, if you need me there - just call. I'll be in my car in 10 minutes and on my way.
Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 5:14 PM CDT
O Master, let me walk with Thee, in lowly paths of service - free. Tell me Thy secret, help me bear, the strain of toil, the work of care...
Help me slow the heart to move, by some clear, winning word of love. Teach me the wayward feet to stay. And guide them in the homeward way.
Teach me Thy patience, still with Thee, in closer, dearer company. In work that keeps faith sweet and strong, in trust that triumphs over wrong.
In hope that sends a shining ray, far down the future's broadening way. If peace that only Thou canst give, With Thee dear Master, let me live.

Dear Dear Ones, so many thoughts and prayers for Dave are sure to be rumbling the floor of heaven...and He has prepared that glorious place for Dave and us all. Someday I'll meet Dave face to face, until then, I cherish your family through story and prayer. I get those famous Meyer hugs and "I love you's" from Dave's Grandma Edith. I hope you can feel the invisible arms of those far away hugging you tight and standing by. Much much love to each of you.

Jennifer Boyer <jjboyer@hotmail.com>
Lewiston, ID USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 5:03 PM CDT

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
Deuteronomy 31:7-9 ... We are praying for comfort and peace for you.
Ron, Sherri, Ben, Rowene, Etta.

Ron Huwe <rdhuwe@yahoo.com>
College Place, Wa usa - Thursday, August 18, 2005 4:43 PM CDT
Dear Michelle and Dave, I am so inspired by your strength. Words do not seem to come easily right now. My heart is heavy, my prayers are many. I am sorry to be too far away to give you hugs, but I thank our Lord for surrounding you with so many family and friends who love you. May you feel God's loving arms around you today and always. Love, Lisa
Lisa D'Hondt <dfamof4@aol.com>
Bellingham, WA USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 1:37 PM CDT
May Peace be with all of you, and Love surround you.
Diane and Lance Longmire <lycoldiva@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, - Thursday, August 18, 2005 1:28 PM CDT
I like what Jim Wilson said about the tears of sadness not being "all" of it. When I read that, I was nodding my head here, so far away. I am realizing now that they're from other things---admiration, pride, awe, inspiration. I'm choked up like I am during a Memorial Day parade. I'm PROUD, dadgum it. How many of us have the chance to know a "wow" person in our lifetime? I'm almost 3,000 miles away and it is my loss never to have received one of those trademark hugs, but the "wow" is clear nonetheless.

It has been an honor to walk so much of this journey with Dave and Shelley, and it's an honor to keep on walking now that a corner is being turned.

Thank you for sharing yourselves and for allowing so many other people to give back the tiniest bit of what we have received.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Thursday, August 18, 2005 1:07 PM CDT
Dear Meyer Family, I just wanted to let you that you are each in my my thoughts and prayers and have been for quite a while now. (I feel like I know you from the brain tumor list, although I haven't been active on it since my friend Karen died.) I pray that God will give you strength to face each day, now and in the future, and peace despite the sadness of the present. My heart goes out to each of you.
Lynn Hutchings
Highland Park, NJ USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 12:42 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,
Good Morning and Blessings to you. I think the words will come easier today. This has been a long journey, fortunately much longer than was predicted, and for that I am so grateful. Every fiber in me longs for a different outcome for your family.
I have such respect and admiration for both of you. Dave, thank you for showing the world what a Godly man looks like. Thank you for not giving up! Thank you for inspiring the rest of us to pray without ceasing for someone other than our own flesh and blood! Thank you for the hugs the other day when it took so much effort but you weren't going to let us walk out the door without a REAL hug! My list goes on and on...
Michelle, thank you for sharing the journey with all of us. Thank you for being an advocate extrordinaire! Thank you for being strong AND for allowing us to help. Thank you for showing the world what a Godly woman who loves her man..."in sickness and in health" looks like! Thank you for being honest when I asked you how you were doing and thank you for calling when you needed help. Again, my list goes on and on...
We pray for you...it is almost as natural as breathing, and we will continue.

With love and many hugs,

Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
- Thursday, August 18, 2005 11:08 AM CDT
Tears here too!! And....lots of prayers coming your way. I don't think you realize all of the lives you have touched through this journey. I am at work, staring off into the distance, crying. A co-worker walks in, I share your journey (abbreviated version), and suddenly all of their issues mean nothing. I have read it over and over again on this site...but all of you are an inspiration. We love you!! Curtis and Melissa
Melissa Johnson <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:57 AM CDT

"When anyone is joined to Christ, he is a new being;
the old is gone, the new has come."
~ 2 Corinthians 5:17

This is the verse Livvy shared with me last night as she was searching through her books and church school treasures to find an appropriate prayer for Dave. It's amazing how the right scripture verse seems to find us when we need it. Though only 9, she wanted to understand and soothe my tears. As I struggled to put to words what I was thinking, I realized my tears were only partly from sadness. More, they were tears of Joy, for the amazing beauty and completeness of God's love. In no man that I have ever known has that Love been more alive than in my friend Dave, in Michelle and in this profound journey you have shared so intimately and generously with us. I think Livvy understood, and was able to peacefully go to sleep. Now, more than ever, I am thankful for God's Amazing Grace, and wish for that Grace to shine abuntantly on the Meyer family.

All our love,

Jim Wilson and family <jcwilson16@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:30 AM CDT
Good Morning Meyer's household, Hope your night went well.John was leaving for football this a.m. and I asked about Kenny and he said he was doing great!! During weights John was spotting Kenny and he just kept saying okay Coach Carter I'll do it right! John says he always does! I remember our son Jared as a freshman and he broke his arm the first day of ball and Dave telling him to hurry because he was the best and he needed him back soon, and now we all want to see Dave back because he's the best. Michelle you truly amaze me with all you are able to do with 3 kids,a job, and keeping us all informed, Thank you! Vicki Carter
Vicki Carter <carterjv@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA US - Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:29 AM CDT
Michele and Dave
You both have been an inspiration for me and my family! You are in my prayers!

Vicki Ruley <ruley@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:12 AM CDT
Dear Michelle and Dave,
Just a note to remind you how amazing you are. You inspire me to be a better, more loving, forgiving, compasionate, patient woman. Michelle, I could only hope to be all those things as well as you are! It still amazes that a couple I've never met can have the impact on me that that you have. I find myself wondering why God doesn't give us the miracle we've been praying for. But then I see the way He is using this, Dave and you to inspire so many others and must remember He has a plan, as insane as it may be to us, we have to continue to trust Him. Thank you Michelle for keeping this journal and sharing your most precious family with us. Prayers everyday for you and Dave. Blessings!

Michelle Gentges (friend of Stacy Moat) <gentges6@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 9:55 AM CDT
Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer. I hope the night was good in so many ways: comfort, peace, two hearts beating closely in a quiet house, a clock you cannot hear, precious moments on a string.

Rise. Shine.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Thursday, August 18, 2005 7:34 AM CDT
Many nights I have looked out my window and sent up many prayers for the Meyer household. My prayers have been for a miracle...and I truly believe that a different kind of miracle has taken place. Through your living, loving, suffering and sharing you have given us all tremendous gifts. We have each witnessed God's undying love through you...and we have all taken steps closer to His loving arms. My heart breaks for all that you have had to endure...but I also know that God has blessed you with many, many people who love you. Feel our love....cherish each moment.
Lisa, Mike, Andrew and Alison <mbraddock@charter.net>
Walla Walla , Wa - Thursday, August 18, 2005 4:04 AM CDT
Another restless night for me... so I decided to check email and found your site. Just let me tell you, THANK YOU for putting up and keeping up the GOOD FIGHT! It gives me hope to know that there is hope alive and well in our world!!! You have given me the inspiration to go on trying to continue to live a fairly normal life whilst I can... I pray for you and your family that your pain and suffering is made easier for you and less painful.

I was dx w an epidermoid tumor in my right temporal lobe which caused me to have focal seizures several times daily which interfered with my job as a helpdesk professional on IBM's support desk, it was removed in Feb 2004 and since then my recovery has been very slow. I have not returned to work and have applied for social security benefits only to be turned down twice already. I am mobile but cannot bend down for fear of falling, and don't dare try to run for fear of tripping and falling. I used to be very independent but now cannot drive, mainly cause my car is broken cause kids ruined it while i was hospitalized. So now I am a homebound person and cannot go anywhere without asking for a ride and feeling like the third wheel on a two wheeled bike. And now with my very limited income I feel pretty destitute because I am barely able to pay my own living expenses.

Anyhow Godspeed and good vibes for a great recovery, your children need you... school children as well as personal children!

Beverly Sellars/Burns <bburns2@verizon.net>
Land O' Lakes, Fl U.S. A. - Thursday, August 18, 2005 3:01 AM CDT
Dearest Shelly,
My tears are streaming, as I read your words. I think back on the teenager I knew and the wonder of a woman, wife and mother that you have become. God does these wonderous transformations as our journey continues. I can't even imagine the path, but yours has so much love and courage and strength that will carry you thru. Right now continue to draw strength from God, and all the memories you can from your love and time with Dave. You have been blessed with a truly wonderful husband and father to your children.
May you keep each moment, conversation and waking moment close to your heart.
I am only sorry that we are not there with you all. But we are in spirit. We love all of you.
Please give Dave that special hug from Dennis and tell him how much we love him. Our special adopted Son-in-law.....

Bonnie and Dennis <bparker@pacifier.com>
Long Beach, Wa - Thursday, August 18, 2005 1:42 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,
The tears flow easily but words are difficult. We love you guys!

Kevin, Kirsten and Pribilsky crew <kaprib@charter.net>
- Thursday, August 18, 2005 0:50 AM CDT
I have been thinking of you lately and the unfair circumstances you have been handed. Thanks for all talks at church and on the football field. I will wont forget the.
Zac widmer <zacwidmer21@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, August 18, 2005 0:30 AM CDT
Tears falling from the 58th floor................God bless you dear Dave ..... our hero extraordinaire........

Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Thursday, August 18, 2005 0:26 AM CDT
Coach Meyer and Family,
My heart hurts, like so many other people out there who know and love you guys. Coach Meyer, you have influenced so many young men, not only on the football field, but also in the class room. If I could grow up and influence one quarter of the kids that you have, I would feel that I had a very successful life. Keep fighting my friend. Also, I can't be any prouder about being the recipitent of one of the famous Coach Meyer nicknames. You are all in our prayers.

The Sheriff

Casey <ceedogg_12@hotmail.com>
WW, WA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 0:26 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
Tonight I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your willingness to share this journey with the world, because in your vulnerability, you've proven that the kind of REAL love we all long for deep in our bones really DOES exist. The way you love eachother is supernatural, and the way you've been loved by the community is the way it's supposed to be. I'm praying that you would continue to treasure each precious moment together, and that I would follow your example.

Jillian Huber <jillianhuber@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 0:22 AM CDT
Precious ones, We write this through tears, so many tears.We are so grateful for the Meyer clan and for Coach and all he did for Casey. An inspiration, a friend, a coach, a man to emulate. Wanted Coach to know that Casey is helping coach the MF High school team. I pray that he can influence even one guy the way you did,Dave! We join the many of the faithful who will be praying more than ever for you and yours. Love each other, hold each other, know that God has you held gently in the palm of His hand.Rest in His Love,
Jeanne and Cecil Waddell <waddellc@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, wa usa - Thursday, August 18, 2005 0:20 AM CDT
As I read your entry I thought of the verses in 2 Timothy. Dave is a man who has lived his life in obedience to God and walked with Jesus throughout this valley of the shadow of death - "I have fought the good fight. I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day" - whenever that is - tonight or 50 years from now. And I know that Jesus will be awaiting Dave's arrival. And as He wraps His arms around Dave, He will definitely proclaim, "Well done, thou GOOD and FAITHFUL servant!"
I do have a funny story for Dave. I know that he imparted some of his warrior, survivor spirit to Callie (Little Bit) during the time she lived at your house. On Saturday I went to the store. Shortly, Dan heard a yowling sound coming from the utility room. He searched around to no avail. After repeatedly checking the washing machine (which has a glass door), he finally observed Callie tumbling by in the midst of the clothes and WATER! When he finally got the door open and Callie extracted, she breathed out a lot of water, staggered around, and recuperated while drying out! She did smell good and her fur is very soft!
We are praying for each of you - our prayers are definitely the ones from Romans 8:26 - "the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."

Janet Clark <juclark@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 11:53 PM CDT
Your ears were probably burning yesterday, we attended a birthday for one of the kids in the 3 year old class Shell.
We are all praying for the Meyers clan! Like one of the other entries, we'd love to stop the world so you can enjoy each other and not have to face what lies ahead.
There are other days to catch up on sleep, so enjoy those 2-3 a.m. visits. They may be the most memorable and unforgettable :) Have a good night. Sweet Dreams
Sara and family

Sara Huxoll <swatdog273@charter.net>
walla walla, - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 11:53 PM CDT
Dear Michelle, Dave and Family, I am keeping you in my prayers day and night. Michelle you are such an inspiration to me and you are so lucky to be near Dave at this point of time. Dave you ar lucky also to have Michelle by your side. I am 3000 miles away from my friend and wish I could go and help but I cannot go to him. I can only help from a distance. So just cherish the time you have left with each other. Denise/Dee www.caringbridge/ca/chummy
Denise <domorod@aol.com>
Shelton, CT - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 11:21 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and family - I feel your pain as you go through this journey. It is definitely not one that you would choose, if you had a choice. I am in the same place, fighting AAIII and not willing to give up. You all have been an inspiration to me as I go along my journey. Faith in the one, true God is the only thing that gets me though some of these days as this is truely a tough road. God Bless you all!
Mark Carico <mark_carico@hotmail.com>
Los Altos, Ca USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 11:01 PM CDT
We will continue to keep you in our prayers. Your strength and courage is so powerful. Peace to you all tonight! Dave you are such an amazing person! You continue to touch our lives so deeply with your passion for life. Blessings-

Shareen, Tovah and Kale Kingman <sahk@charter.net>
College Place, WA USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:47 PM CDT
Michelle- I just can't imagine how you are feeling. I just want you to know even after all these years, I think about both of you all the time. Your'e both forever in my heart.
Tina Quesenberry <fpsd19@excite.com>
Graham, Wa 98338 - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:42 PM CDT
You, my dear friend, must be the most eloquent person on the planet. Thank you, as a person that has also loved Dave for many years, for letting us be there with you and with Dave. Dave's voice is so clean, and ernest, and no one sings this song the way he does!!!!! I love you, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:04 PM CDT
It was so great to spend a little time with you this evening. I'm glad that I brought Joey this time. Thank you for sharing this precious time with others -- what an honor. We love you all so very, very much.
Cindy, Amy & Joey <thelorangs@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:03 PM CDT
Dave, Michell, Katie, Zack, and Kenny: Greetings from "Sweet" Lois and Lou. We are two of the lucky ones who have been blessed with Dave's hugs and his wonderful smiles. How we wish that we could have one of them right now. You all have been such a wonderful testimony of God's love in this journey you have been on. Know that we are still praying for a miracle every day. Love you so much. The Healys
Lois and Lou Healy <lou@gohighspeed.com>
college Place, WA USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:37 PM CDT
I think there are tears all over this country tonight. Your entry just made me stop and think about all you have been through and the gift you have been to so many. I too hope that you are wrong, and like you said, Dave has proven us wrong before. May you be touched with His hand and his spirit as you travel a path that I wish you were not on.
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:37 PM CDT
We are here praying for you Michelle, Dave, Zach, Kenny and Kate. You're not alone, you are in our thoughts, our prayers and we love you lots!!!!!!
Dan and Wendi Elmenhurst <elmenhurst@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:37 PM CDT
Words...of course there are none,or at least the right ones or different ones, we are with you all the way Dave Michelle , Kenny,Zack and Katie and all who love you! We should all be such brave warriors!Holding you in thought and prayer. You have taught us more than you will ever know!The cookie lady and Mr.cookie too
diane schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 7:31 PM CDT
I am on my knees to God in thanksgiving for all of you and for the incredible gift of you sharing your journey. You are so loved. Cindy Widmer
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 7:05 PM CDT
With you today, Michelle and Family, as your journey takes you onward to places you've not been; I know you'll travel honorably, lovingly and honestly.
Wendye <bren@brenski.net>
- Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:55 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. You both have contributed so much to the list serve and I thank you.

Cindy Butler <gleason@radix.net>
Davidsonville, MD - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:32 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle, kids, family and friends...we check your site each day, read your posts on the brain tumor list and offer prayers for you all every morning. We pray that you will be given strength and God's grace. With warm thoughts and heavy hearts from So. Cal...Kara and Butch, age 42, dx GBM inoperable, 12/04
Kara <kduck913@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, August 17, 2005 5:05 PM CDT
Sad with you as Dave begins "moving forward using all his breath."

I wish we could stop the world for you.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 4:56 PM CDT
Dave, our prayers are with you, Michelle and your family.
Love, Teri and Carlos Barker

Teri Barker <ctbarker02@my180.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 12:15 AM CDT
I sure am glad to hear that Dave hasn't lost his sense of humor (even in the ER! It has been encouraging to read the guestbook and learn that you have another supporter in Woodinville! Of course it is wonderful to know that many, many people are praying for you and supporting your family with helping hands. God's little blessings come in many packages.
Donna Wierman <mdjkwierman@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 0:48 AM CDT
Greetings dear Meyers,

Things sound much better today......hooray!! here's to another good day and another one after that......koko.....with love, prayers and hugs,
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 0:19 AM CDT
I just got back in town and a chance to check up on the Meyers. It's amazing how much things change at your house from one day to another and you move along gracefully "in the journey" (Dave's words). I am in awe and you are always in my prayers. Hugs to all and a big kiss for the hunk!
Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:18 PM CDT
Can you handle another one?

Q: Where does the General keep his armies?

A: In his sleevies.

Dave and Michelle, You have a lot of "armies" in your sleevies. Please know that we are here and part of that army.

Nancy Butler <jimnancymegan@bmi.net>
Dayton, - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 10:43 PM CDT
WALLA WALLA LOVES YOU,DAVE AND FAMILY!!!We watched you inspire our youngest son when you helped coach his Little League team last year (Coach Meyer is the COOLEST!) then enjoyed watching Zach in the Babe Ruth league this year with our oldest son, who also graduated from Pioneer with Kenny. Nobody, but NOBODY could forget the Meyers once they have met them!! Michelle, thank you for your grace and courage and incredible sense of humor, and most of all your unwavering faith in God and family and all that is precious in this world. It is truly a gift to be able to read how Dave is doing and learn that it is possible to laugh and cry simultaneously! And thanks to your web-site links, I have a whole new list of families to pray and hope for. Thank you Meyers, for all that YOU give to US every day!
Taylor & Tyson's Mom <welter2924@msn.com>
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:56 PM CDT
We were pleased to see the better news on Dave's condition, and that he is back home again. We continue to think of all of you constantly, and pray many times a day for all of you. You can call anytime, and ask for anything. In the words of JT, "you've got a friend." JT was always a hit at the sororities...right Dave?....:)
Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:34 PM CDT
Just want to let you know that you are on my mind everday and sometimes I just don't have the words to say how you all amaze me. Yesterday, my horse exploded with me and sent me flying, then took off running for home. (Some kids in the creek clear across the stubble field frightened her). I was feeling pretty sorry for myself while I was hobbling 1 mile home....untill...I once again open up your web site. And, humbled I am. My Lord, forgive my grumbling.
Cheryl Drumheller <drumheller@valint.net>
Walla Walla, WA. USA - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:08 AM CDT
Hope you are having a good morning over yonder and Dave's feeling well. Must run, but I found this little hospital-themed joke to send your way:

A woman, calling a local hospital, said, "Hello, I'd like to talk with the person who gives the information regarding your patients. I'd like to find out if the patient is getting better, is doing as expected, or is getting worse."

The voice on the other end of the line said, "What is the patient's name and room number?"

She said, "Sarah Finkel, in Room 302."

"I will connect you with the nursing station."

"3-A Nursing Station. How can I help you?"

"I would like to know the condition of Sarah Finkel in Room 302."

"Just a moment. Let me look at her records. Oh, yes. Mrs. Finkel is doing very well. In fact, she's had two full meals, her blood pressure is fine, her blood work just came back as normal, she's going to be taken off the heart monitor in a couple of hours, and if she continues this improvement, Dr. Cohen is going to send her home Tuesday at twelve o'clock."

The woman said, "Thank God! That's wonderful! Oh! that's fantastic! That's wonderful news!"

The nurse said, "From your enthusiasm, I take it you must be a family member or a very close friend!"

"Not exactly. I'm Sarah Finkel in 302! Nobody here tells me nothin'!"

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 10:50 AM CDT
How wonderful to have so many people with so many different talents. Don't ever hesitate Michelle. We are here, as always, wishing we could do more than just answer the phone. Love, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:35 AM CDT
WHEW! Sounds like things are as good as they could be, under the circumstances! Thanks for the update, Michelle.


Jim Wilson <jcwilson16@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:08 AM CDT
WALLA WALLA, WA USA - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 3:01 AM CDT
May you find peace, comfort and rest in the strength and healing of His hands.

All our love,

The Wilson Family <jcwilson16@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Monday, August 15, 2005 11:47 PM CDT
Just a note to let you know my prayers are with you and your family.

Sandy Snook <jeff_snook@msn.com>
Milton-Freewater, OR USA - Monday, August 15, 2005 11:36 PM CDT
Oh dear......but need you ask for prayers?? Have we ever STOPPED praying for dear Dave????? So upset to hear this news yet relieved to hear Dave is flirting with the nurses...I sure hope I can be the beneficiary of that flirtation someday when we come to visit Walla Walla!! ;-) or at least hear some jokes....
Rest well tonight if you can......know that we are all here.....and we are with you.........sending many hugs.
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres <cberes1@aol.com>
chicago, il - Monday, August 15, 2005 10:33 PM CDT
Oh my. What a dramatic day...and we don't care for that kind of drama at all! But I was instantly relieved to see that there is flirtation happening. That's always a good sign. : ) The reliability of the IV will bring peace of mind tonight as they find that balance his body is seeking with the meds. It's a good time to find out about non-pill administration of "the necessaries" for after discharge. That nausea game is just so, so frustrating, I know. Foremost, not comfortable for poor coach. But also hard for you to keep score on the numbers that make it in and stay in. I'm so sorry about the seizure. Bless his heart. I can imagine that the new joke material from Saturday night has found a fresh audience there on the hospital floor! Sleep, wonderful Meyers.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Monday, August 15, 2005 9:14 PM CDT
Thanks God, for watching over Dave and Michelle. Seizures are scary enough. Get those levels back up and send him HOME! Always checking, Always praying!
Sara and girls

Sara Huxoll <swatdog273@charter.net>
- Monday, August 15, 2005 6:55 PM CDT
Michele, I heard the ambulance call and immediatley started praying!
Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, August 15, 2005 5:48 PM CDT
A Co-worker heard the emergency call on her scanner and told me about it. Prayers were sent immediately for stabilization. I called home to have Brendin send up a prayer too! Glad to hear that things are looking OK. We all pray for your family daily (and many times a day some days). We will continue our vigilance of prayer. Love and peace to you guys!

Teri Johnson <tandt@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, August 15, 2005 5:39 PM CDT

Glad to hear that Dave is resting and winning over the nurses. Hope they can get the levels right through the IV. Love and prayers.

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, August 15, 2005 5:01 PM CDT
Your family never ceases to amaze me Michelle! They always seems to find yet another way to lend a helping hand. Glad to hear you had such a great weekend, filled with laughter and love.
Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, August 15, 2005 9:00 AM CDT
Laughter is indeed the best medicine!!! koko........here's to the start of a good week for the Meyers!
With love and prayers always,
CAthy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Monday, August 15, 2005 1:09 AM CDT
Glad to know the Decadron is working. How about a dose every other day?? Wouldn't that be wonderful?! It's amazing how one prescription can make a world of difference. Hope you ease into this week with a new feeling of hope. The Dr. should have scan results and positive news. We had a dental day on Friday. We were reading Readers Digest before going into the appointment.
The joke was cute. A duck went into a drugstore to buy some ChapStick. The clerk rang it up and said that'll be $1.49 please. So the duck looked at him and said "Put it on my BILL" We were laughing and the office staff thought we were pretty SILLY! Laughter is the Best Medicine!
Have a great week Shelly, Dave, Kenny, Zach, Kaitlyn.

Sara Huxoll <khuxoll@charter.net>
- Sunday, August 14, 2005 8:50 PM CDT
Ahh...Laughter,THE BEST MEDICINE by far! Glad to hear it,just checking in also with thoughts and prayers and laughter too.Thanks for sharing.
dianeschulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Sunday, August 14, 2005 3:05 PM CDT
What a hoot! I wish I could have shown up with a platter of cookies, rung that bell, and joined the fun! You guys are too much! I'm glad that the IV dex gave Dave a perk-up. After a long week, it sounds like just what you all needed. : )

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Sunday, August 14, 2005 10:37 AM CDT
I'm still grinning... I can totally see the joksters dishing it out in the Meyer living room. Thanks for the update. The Wilson family continues to hold you close in our hearts and prayers, and will be again lifting up Dave's name at First Pres. Bellevue this morning! Blessings...

Jim Wilson <jcwilson16@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Sunday, August 14, 2005 10:31 AM CDT
Thanks for the insiration and for sharing.
Eloise <eneh3@ev1.net>
TX - Saturday, August 13, 2005 11:18 PM CDT
Dearest Meyers Household,

Thinking of you all today, wondering how you are.....hoping you are enjoying a restful weekend together.....sending positive energy your way and many, many prayers.........with love,
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Saturday, August 13, 2005 10:47 PM CDT
Just checking in to tell you that we love you and that you're in our prayers (as always).
Mark and Christina Nelson <marknelson88@hotmail.com>
Seattle, WA usa - Saturday, August 13, 2005 11:14 AM CDT
We continue to check in daily and appreciate the updates. Your amazing family continues to be in our prayers each and everyday.
Lots of Love,
The Betts

Becky Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, August 13, 2005 1:26 AM CDT
Michelle and Dave, Weve been thinking about you all day knowing you had your PET scan yesterday and your appointment today. We really hope everything went good. You are in our thoughts often and in our prayers. Hugs from Minnesota!!
Kevin and Kari T. www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Friday, August 12, 2005 11:24 PM CDT
You have been ever present on my mind today. The only thought that comes to me is “Peace”. So that is my prayer, my hope, for you today. That you might have peace. Peace in decisions made in the past, peace in the present, and peace about what lies ahead. Slow down. Take a minute at a time. Rest.

“Be still, and know that I am God.”
Psalm 46:10

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
John 14:27

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

His peace – for you – today.

Laurie Klicker <mikeklicker@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, August 12, 2005 8:58 PM CDT
Dear Dave & Michelle -

I've been thinking of you both today, hoping the trip to the doc hasn't been too much for either one of you. I ran across this quote in my internet meanderings that made me think of your marriage: "We are, each of us, angels with only one wing, and we can only fly embracing each other." –-Luciano Decrescenzo

Keep up the good work, angels; you set a good example for the rest of us.

Love, --Deb

Deb Wright
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, August 12, 2005 3:40 PM CDT
Dear Meyers,

It was so wonderful to see you! It was such a blessing to be in the midst of a home filled with such powerful love, faith and humor! Though words came with some difficulty for Dave, it was great how he used the words of the music to speak for him (esp. his affection for you, Michelle). He's such a rock star! :-) Tell Kenny that I finally left so he owes me $20 (or do I owe him $10?), and assure Kate I'll do my best to bring my three girls next time to help tilt the odds in her favor. I truly enjoyed talking with Carol and Dennis, too. And, Michelle, words can't adequately describe my respect and admiration for you.

Love always,

Jim Wilson <jcwilson16@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Friday, August 12, 2005 2:34 PM CDT
I'm only imagining here what it must feel like, today,
Tossing, turning, then waking, waiting,
Worried/brave, scared/hopeful,
Sitting with some discomfort on the "unknowing" side of time.

If the people who love you could drive there with you,
Offer a hand, move behind you through those doors,
And then fill that waiting room with a thousand bated breaths and all the belief they have in you,
Then you would know the safety of their numbers.

We will be there, in every way we can be.

Just remember because it's true:
God is always in the room.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net; brainhospice.com>
Rockledge, FL - Friday, August 12, 2005 11:43 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,
We have very limited computer access right now so I am taking advantage of the opportunity to check in. I pray for all of you throughout the day, the bracelet keeps me focused! I'm glad Peach Basket was a success...did any one wish it was only 75 degrees outside? The visitor sign is a great idea...I can hear Kenny already, "Oh no, it's Mrs. Pribilsky, flip the sign!" (followed by a loud laugh!) We will continue to pray for healing, peace,and endurance.
Love, Kirsten

Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
- Friday, August 12, 2005 1:49 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers were with you today! I found another Magic Penny tonight and pray that is a good sign. I always seem to find them when I'm not looking for them. It was so wonderful to spend time with you this past weekend at the Peach Basket Tournament. Zach knew he had to make that big 2-point shot at the buzzer or I was going to do my cheer. It was great hanging with Chappy and family too. We love you guys!
Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, August 12, 2005 0:45 AM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle, and family,

Praying that things went ok today, that it was not too rough on Dave, and holding my breath now........hoping you get some sleep tonight and that the new day brings hope.......
with love,
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, IL - Friday, August 12, 2005 0:13 AM CDT
So awesome for Zack! Great Pictures!
School is just around the corner! You are very blessed that the kids love the sports they play and make you all so proud! We missed the Peach Basket tournament but looks like everyone had a great time.
More hugs are on the way for each of you.
Have a great night--it's finally cooling off!

Sara Huxoll <swatdog273@charter.net>
walla walla, - Friday, August 12, 2005 0:05 AM CDT
Just wanted to send you all some love tonight. I'm thinking about you all the time. Michelle, I saw you out the window at work today. I wanted to run outside and catch you but you were headed off in another direction. I wish I'd come by during the scan but didn't read about the time until tonight. I hope all went well. Sending you hugs and prayers. Remember we are just around the corner. Love,
Alex and the boys
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 11:38 PM CDT
Meyers Family,
I don't know if you know us, but our son, Nicolai, goes to school with Kenny, and Kenny is one of the kids I always love to see at school! We have prayed, and listened, and watched your family and the struggles. You continue to bless us, lift us, when we see your incredible faith. Michelle, you are an amazing wife. You are truly learning to live life one day at a time. I could go on and on, but for now we are holding you close to The One who knows...I know you are holding onto His unseen hand at this time.
Love, the Carrera Family

Max and Holly Carrera <carrera@gohighspeed.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:32 PM CDT
Hoping that the scan goes well, with good results and that you start feeling better....

How are the graphics going?? did i confuse you??
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
hailee destiny

melissa <angels4hailee@aol.com>
cavecreek, az usa - Thursday, August 11, 2005 9:58 PM CDT
Hey Buddy,
Wish I could grow my old goatee back so I could hang with ya, but I am afraid the higher ups would have a fit...military grooming standards, who knew? :O) Well, we finally made it to Colorado..whew! Our stuff arrived the day before yesterday and I started my new job yesterday. The kids were real pumped to not have to live out of a suit case anymore. Will write more when I get a chance, we just got back online today, seems like forever! Love you guys!
PS: New address is
9695 Keating Dr.
Peyton CO 80831

Will and Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Peyton, CO USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 6:43 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle, Thinking about you a lot today. Knowing that the scan is going on. I know that God is on your side. Hope Dave isn't to exhausted after he is done. There are many prayers going up for you today and everyday.
Rod and Patty Harmon <harmonrp61@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa - Thursday, August 11, 2005 4:48 PM CDT
I took a look at the clock and realized you were probably on your way to get the PET scan. I can feel time slowing down, as we wait for the results. I wish it would have slowed for us this past weekend, and could rush by now. Whatever task I happen to be doing is only getting 10% of my attention. The rest is with you. Love, Evy
Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 2:50 PM CDT
Michelle and Dave, we add our prayers, and know that you are in God's hands. The immensity of the love and life you are living has touched people across this country and around this old world. You give those of us who are travelling a similar path a model for being the best we can be under the circumstances.

You are welcome to add a link to Jeannie's site at caringbridge: caringbridge.org/or/jeanniedecourcey

Jim and Jeannie DeCourcey <jimdecourcey@charter.net>
Grants Pass, OR - Thursday, August 11, 2005 1:41 PM CDT
Praying, Praying, Praying for that PET scan and all of the Meyer clan, and from what it sounds all of Walla Walla who are worrying and praying for Dave.

With Love and HOPE
Hadley's Mama

Angela Fox <FoxFamilyFive@sbcglobal.net>
Alameda, Ca USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 12:09 AM CDT
Good morning, Walla Walla. I've been keeping current on Dave through this site and the braintmr list. The kids started school here on Monday and it's been a little wild, so I haven't had a chance to sign in but have been reading and caring. I got a kick out of the entry about Kenny and the visitors note. We've talked about this before, so you know how things are with my Bryant, whose name doesn't mean "gracious" at all. Sometimes, with that lack of empathy, comes some awkwardness, but...they are who they are.

A few years ago, we lived across the street from a little boy who, to me at least, looked like a Country Bear from Disney. He is seriously some kind of cub/boy hybrid, and the impression reinforced itself every time I saw him playing out front. I made the mistake of expressing this simple observation aloud one day as I looked out the window: "Daniel looks like a Country Bear." Bry heard me, and you can guess what happened to THIS hot little tidbit. Yes, that's right. It traveled the short distance from our house to Daniel's, and from that time on, the greetings from Daniel's mother were shorter, her smile and wave more superficial, etc. In fact, I saw them at the elementary school yesterday afternoon. She looked over, then looked away. Whaddya gonna do? [virtual shrug] As they walked out of the school lobby, I turned to look at Daniel and thought to myself, 'Yup. Country Bear.' Oh well. But I am much more careful now when I speak and the children are nearby. ; )

Shelley, I see that Dave's body is presenting new challenges to him. I'm glad that you'll have help for the transport to today's PET scan. Good luck, and I hope all goes safely and comfortably for Dave.

I stand at a place of awkwardness where I "know too much," but I also stand at a place of empathy where five Meyers are running around in my mind and my heart all day long. Sitting 2,964 miles and yet 1 real-time second apart, these corners have finally met---not at a Starbucks in the Great Plains, but in the grip your family has on me.

My prayers are yours.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:48 AM CDT
Dear Meyer Family,
Prayers and Good Wishes for you today. May God take good care of you.

Heidi <heidi.heil@ge.com>
temporarily Kaukauna, WI - Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:42 AM CDT
Goodnight dear Meyers.........may you have a restful sleep that brings more energy for the day ahead......God bless you all. Many many prayers and hugs......
Cathy b.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Thursday, August 11, 2005 0:14 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Shelley,
We are praying for your family every day. We love the pictures and really appreciate you keeping all of us up to date on the medical front as well as the home front. You are a remarkable family and an inspiration to so many. Keep on keeping on....Love, Melissa and Curtis

Melissa Johnson <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 11:58 PM CDT
It was a blessing for all of us to see Dave downtown at the Peach tourney... we opted not to walk over because we weren't sure how much energy Dave had stored up, and knew the kids were loving having Dad there to watch them -but just wanted you to know how great it was to see your whole family.... You are being lifted up each day in our prayers - the neighborhood loves you Dave!!!
The Peasley's <gjpeas@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:26 PM CDT
Dearest Michelle, Dave, and Meyer Kids: Today's journal was hard to read and harder, I am sure, to write. Yet it is also everything you are ~ dedicated to one another ~ sweet and dear ~ grateful ~ honest ~ generous ~ and full of God's love. you make me feel that way, too. Prayers. The Wids
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 11:18 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
Wherever we are, you are with us. In our thoughts and in our prayers. We love you.

Peter and Cheryl Wiederspan <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
san jose today, ca - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 8:51 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,

Am thinking positive thoughts for the scan on thursday.....and sending many many hugs and prayers. As you can see, I am up into the wee hours trying to figure out our next move in this journey we are on together......koko......you help me koko.....you give us ALL strength.....God bless you Meyers' !
CAthy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il usa - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 2:25 AM CDT
Returned from camping with a lot of friends and they all send love and prayers for the whole Meyer family. Some co-workers of Daves, friends etc...basically a lot of fine people from Walla Walla. Had a great visit with the Holt's. Nolan is doing well. Jamie agrees, cancer SUCKS! Back to reality today for them. More appointments, tests etc.....Take care, glad to hear you don't have to travel!!!
Always in our thoughts~~~
Sara and family

Sara and Mia Huxoll <swatdog273@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 8:29 PM CDT
My right pointer finger is beginning to develop a "bicep" from clicking on the hug-o-meter button; I except there are quite a few others out there experiencing the same phenomenon! Michelle, you are out-doing yourself with all the wonderful and meaningful additions to the website. The Mickey Mouse is pretty cool. Best of everything the rest of today and tonight to you all and I think of you often from just a few blocks away in ol' Walla Walla.
Wendye <bren@brenski.net>
- Tuesday, August 9, 2005 7:31 PM CDT
Goodnight dear Meyers family!!

Hoping today was a good day for you......sending hugs and prayers from the 58th floor...its a clear night....maybe they will travel faster..........koko.........
love to all,
Cathy b.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 0:30 AM CDT
Dear Dave,
It has been far too long since I’ve seen you! I regret the many, many days that have passed and the challenges you've endured… and perservered. But I'm so inspired (and not at all surprised) by your strength, and the amazing love of Michelle, your kids, and so many family and friends.

Dave, though time has passed, you are part of me every day. You have touched my life in such a positive way with your smile, your love, your faith. I feel a bond to you that is no less strong today than it was in college.

I’m working to figure out when I can come see you (hopefully, very soon)! Heidi, my girls and I are praying that God continues to shine His grace upon you abundantly, every day.

With love,

Jim Wilson & Family <jcwilson16@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Monday, August 8, 2005 4:40 PM CDT
Boy did you get Steve down! I had to read that paragraph over a few times just because it was so right on the mark! I miss the "Doctor's" any hour house calls.

Thanks for letting the Haroldson clan camp out and cheer on the peach basket teams.

How in the world can we remember those old days so clearly and yet I can't remember what I need to buy at the grocery store?

Chez Haroldson has a vacancy with your name on it. Sonja misses Kate! Love and love and hopefully some rest.

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, August 8, 2005 1:38 PM CDT
Howdy from Austin, Texas!! We made it and we are enjoying our time visiting family. So happy to see that Dave made it to Peach Basket games! We can relate to the weather being HOT!! We'll see you when we get back. We love you and we are sending LOTS of hugs and prayers!
Cindy & Amy <thelorangs@charter.net>
Austin (temporarily), TX - Monday, August 8, 2005 1:16 PM CDT
Hey Meyers--
I'm quite envious about your weekend--it sounds like it was a very good time, and I wish I was there. I thought I had destroyed any record of my 80's mullet to avoid being blackmailed; apparently, I forgot to steal that one remaining videotape.

Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help when you come to Seattle. I have a brand-new hairdo to show you.

We love you guys!

Mark Nelson <marknelson88@hotmail.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 1:10 PM CDT
dear dave and michelle.. here is a sample graphic.. i sent you guys bunches of emails regarding how to add graphics.. have fun and let me know how it goes.. thanks for the wishes/prayers for hailee.. today isnt a good day....

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

melissa <angels4hailee@aol.com>
cavecreek, az usa - Monday, August 8, 2005 11:12 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle, I just read the message you left on Kevins site. Thank you Michelle. You know the right words to lift someones spirits!! Im glad Dave was able to attend the Peach Basket games. Your strength and his absolutely amaze me!! I like your system with visitors. You hate to turn people away when they come over but this way they know before they ring the bell. I check out your site everyday. Its inspiring to me and gives me the courage to fight no matter what! Sending prayers your way and hugs from Minnesota!!!
Kevin and Kari T. www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,
I am a friend of Lisa D'Hondt's and she has shared your e-mails, website and story with some of us at our church.
My name is Denisa (sounds like Denise with a pause like
"uh" at the end..thanks to my mom:)
I can't tell you how touched and uplifted I have been reading Michelle's e-mails and viewing photos of your vital and wonderful family.
Thank you for sharing your moments with others...we are all so alike and fragile and strong all at once.
You, however have risen above most norms and have inspired people like me who don't know you but wish she did.
Dave, I am a musician too..a limited one but a passionate one of 35 years. I have an old 12 string guitar, a newer 6 string acoustic/electric and a violin that I plan on learning this year as my 11 year old, Bradley takes viola lessons.
I am an elementary school librarian and write songs with the kids all of the time.
I would love to hear your music. I will try to remember to actually turn on my speakers when I tap into your site next time..:)
I am praying for you all..I am cheering for you all and I am feeling for you all.
This is a precious time and yet, here you are helping people like me keep my life in perspective.
Thank you for your "right on" way of handling this...you are serving others on top of everything you are dealing with.
Dave, your life force is strong and I know that the Lord is with you every minute..you are so loved and I can tell how much you are able to love.
Thank you both for a glimse into your hearts, they are beautiful hearts with enough humor to make the rest of us glow with warmth.
Thank you and may God help you sleep well tonight.

Denisa Anderson <denisabeth@juno.com>
Everson, wa Whatcom - Monday, August 8, 2005 0:20 AM CDT
Sounds like you are heading our way - when? I hope we can help although I am out of town 8/9-8/12 but if you are coming outside that window - count on me! Whatever you need - a place for loved ones, meals, visitors, whatever...I have been sitting in the wings waiting for an opportunity and I figure this is it - WHAT CAN WE DO?? WHEN ARE YOU HERE? I am sincerely sorry if you are coming while I am away - that would be unfortunate but I know and understand that time is important. We continue to think about you and your family and our prayers are with you - Denise
Denise Richmond Habash <deniser@allergyresearch.com>
Sammamish, WA USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 11:02 PM CDT
Good night, Meyer clan. Sleep well, everybody. I'm glad the tournament was a success in that you all had a good time. : )

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Sunday, August 7, 2005 8:13 PM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,

The very fact that you need to put a sign on your door is a testament to how many people love and care for you!!! Imagine, soon you will need a traffic light! I will be praying for Dave as he has his scan tomorrow....for safe travels to SEattle (my dearest friend in the whole world lives there and works at UW in the event you need anything let me know as we can get ahold of her easily). Lou's scan is also tomorrow......may God bless and watch over all our bt friends on this journey.....with hugs, love and prayers.
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres <cberes1@aol.com>
chicago, il - Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:34 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle and kids, thanks for the great picture of Sonja and Dave. They look terrific!! Wish we could be there with you. This next week we are all out of town because I am taking the family with me to a meeting in San Jose. We will be praying for an easy MRI, and smooth travels for you guys.
Peter Wiederspan <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
puyallup, wa - Sunday, August 7, 2005 6:52 PM CDT
Greets D, M, K, Z & K. We are so glad to hear that Dave got to go to Peach Basket for a while! Q and I were actually worried about him being stuck out there in the heat all day. Sounds like you found the perfect compromise. Good luck with the MRI arrangements and the travel. Sending you lots of hugs (imagine that all 20K of those hug clicks are little prayers - because I'm sure they are). What power!
Alex and the gang
Walla Walla, WA USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 5:25 PM CDT
what a handsome young man... My name is Melissa and Hailee is my daughter, hailee is autistic and was just diagnosied with neuroblastoma tumor, we got your site from Sammi...our little friend....So we wanted to say Hi...and hoping you have a good dr appointment on monday.. We too see our oncologist on monday...i am not looking forward to it...
well it was nice to meet you...
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melissa <angels4hailee@aol.com>
cavecreeek, az usa - Sunday, August 7, 2005 3:57 PM CDT
The Marvelous Monkeys were marvelous today. Kate has improved so much! You all should be very proud. I was very impressed. Thanks for a great game today. I was exhausted from the heat, and I didn't even play. The girls must be beat! It was good to see all of you at the game today. Good night for now!
Sandy <bmeliah@charter.net>
ww, - Saturday, August 6, 2005 11:44 PM CDT
Dearest Meyers,

Rest for Michelle this weekend, what was I thinking?? I forgot about the Peach Basket tournament, oh what fun, how did it go??!! Well, maybe rest tomorrow..??? Hoping Dave is feeling better and sending many many prayers and hugs your way....
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Saturday, August 6, 2005 10:07 PM CDT
Hope you're having a peach of a day over yonder. While your fellow Walla Wallabies were out of their homes for today's festivities, I thought I'd sneak in a bunch of hugs for Dave. I was scolded, however, for hugging too much, too fast. I just couldn't help myself! I'm sure you are having a great time running into friends and will have taken in your share of real hugs before it's time to come home. These are good things. I checked out the Peach Basket event online, living as a vicarious Walla Wallaby for just a few moments, and it did look like a good time. I was driven, in small part, by curiosity, as some small-town events can be quite wacky. Witness the Punkin Chunkin festival in rural Delaware, where pumpkins are hurled great distances via medieval catapults. Reports say that it can be days before the missile gourds are located and recovered, and thus a winner declared. I'd like to see that someday, though I'm afraid I'd be ducking by reflex for at least a week afterward. At any rate, I was relieved to find out that the "peaches" of Walla Walla are, in fact, basketballs, as opposed to real fruit being launched wildly around the city. I look forward to hearing how it went.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Saturday, August 6, 2005 12:34 AM CDT
Just checking in to see how things went at the doctor today. Holding positive thoughts! Wishing the Meyers great success at Peach Basket this weekend. Remember to drink lots of water! Hold each other tight and keep on!
Lori Wahl <loriwahl@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Saturday, August 6, 2005 2:11 AM CDT
The Hug Team is nearing the delivery of 20,000 hugs...many exclusively for Dave, but I'm sure a number to be shared by all the Meyers' family members and friends, too! I'm not too sure just what 20,000 hugs do to one's physical state (repetitive squishing), but the emotional state must say, "Bring on MORE!" Here is a little about the positive things that something as simple as a h-u-g can bring about:


Hugging is healthy:
It helps the body's immune system,
it cures depression,
it reduces stress,
it induces sleep,
it's invigorating,
it's rejuvenating,
it has no unpleasant side effects,
and it's nothing less than a miracle drug.

Hugging is all natural:
It is organic,
naturally sweet,
and 100% wholesome.
It contains no pesticides,
no preservatives,
and no artificial ingredients.

Hugging is practically perfect:
there are no movable parts,
no batteries to wear out,
no periodic checkups,
no insurance requirements,
and no monthly payments.
It has low-energy consumption
and high energy yield.
It is inflation proof,
theft proof,
and of course
it is fully returnable.


Wendye <bren@brenski.net>
- Friday, August 5, 2005 6:37 PM CDT

I think of you often, and I am Looking forward to seeing you again soon. All good wishes and hope to you and your family from me and mine.

Thayne Stone <thaynestone@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 4:53 PM CDT
Wonderfully busy days of summer...I love it. Sounds a lot like my house! School starts on Monday here, and it just doesn't seem possible already. Didn't vacation start last week? At this moment, there are five boys in the other room (two of them mine), and they are conducting turtle races on Lego tracks. Um...how many hours 'til school starts? ; ) Enjoy your outdoor festivities in those brutal temps. It's not even that hot HERE!

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Friday, August 5, 2005 12:15 AM CDT
Michelle, What a woman you are, so busy and still enjoying every busy moment! Painting and doing carpets and taking care of Dave and the kids. We're hoping for good news at the Drs. appt. and praying for better days ahead. Football is almost here and lots more games to go too. You are truly an amazing person ! Take Care, John and Vicki Carter
Vicki Carter <carterjv@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA US - Friday, August 5, 2005 11:53 AM CDT
Dave, Shell and beloved children,

Glad to hear that there may be good news after all. Am praying the scans showed necrosis!

We are enjoying our last few days with my family (have now traveled to Missouri to visit cousins. Many have never met Rebekah so that is fun.)

Sending love, prayers and hugs;
Tracy, Shane, Gabrielle and Rebekah

the "long"mires <longmire@innw.net>
Warrensburg, Mo - Friday, August 5, 2005 11:14 AM CDT
OK, Michelle, what on EARTH are you doing up at that hour.....and, shampooing rugs, painting, etc....??!! Want to come here and help me do the same?? :-) wow...you are truly something else entirely. Thinking of you guys with your appointment today and praying for some form of good news.....koko......and please, Michelle.....rest this weekend....??!!
With love,
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Friday, August 5, 2005 10:10 AM CDT

Looking forward to 109* weather (or maybe the air conditioning Dave said is mandatory on the other side of the mountains).

Leave a job or two for me! Love, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, August 5, 2005 9:10 AM CDT
Dear Shelley - Going to bed (later than intended--will I never learn to resist kid-free time?) and smiled to think of you, probably still up, shampooing carpets and planning color schemes and scrapbook pages. Hope you're sleeping instead. Love, -Deb
Debra Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, August 5, 2005 0:44 AM CDT
Michelle and Dave,
We leave town Fri. for a week away to McCall, Idaho for some down time. We will be checking in on this site, and thinking and praying for all of you. Jeffrey so enjoys his time with Dave, and is planning on being there on Tuesday the 16th. Know that you are so loved by so many. Love from the Townsends'.

Patrice <patrice@fancylogo.com>
- Friday, August 5, 2005 0:04 AM CDT
Good night, my dear other-corner friends.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Thursday, August 4, 2005 9:50 PM CDT
Dearest Dave and Michelle,

Do not give up hope ever. These last few days of discussion, wondering, waiting...are just preparation for next battle phase....whatever course it is, whatever course you choose, it will be the right one, and we will all be with you, behind you, under you , beside you...lifting you along the way......with love and prayers from the 58th floor,
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Thursday, August 4, 2005 9:44 PM CDT
Just checking on you for about the hundredth time today. I'm wondering if its time to drop by again with another "friendship" melon? It wouldn't hold a a candle to the iceburger and blackberry shake, I know, but its the friendship part that counts! Thanks for sharing your scrapbook and reminiscing about grade school. Memories, memories...!
Laurie Klicker <mikeklicker@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 7:34 PM CDT
Saw the update on the braintmr list about the nausea. Good idea, putting Ruta on hold so you can watch and see. If you do still see the nausea, vamp up that steroid. Buy Dave that time and comfort. I don't see him going through a steroid wean or decrease from this point forward. Creeping your way up on the steroid dosing will hold more in reserve without getting behind the 8 ball; it'll keep you from having to do the big leaps. Think of it as letting out just a little more rope, bit by bit. It'll help him sail a little longer.

Love you. I hear the fatigue. One half-day at a time, okay?

I've got to run out to Wallawallawalmart right now for school supplies and stuff, but I'll check back later.

Big hugs!

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:13 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family daily.
Terri Davis <davis1@my180.net>
Milton Freewater, Or - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:39 AM CDT
Meyer Family, I want you to know your in my thoughts and prayers. Want to share a memory I have from several years ago. Must have been in 97 or 98 if I remeber correctly Dave had written a song for your son and sang it at the Conspiracy of Hope concert. My daughter who was a junior or senior at the time came home very emotional telling me how beautiful it was. Even as a mother I saw a new side of my daughter. Was very touching. A few monthes ago as I was working at the Community College I heard again of your fight. Melinda Brennen shared this site with me and I have been checking daily if not several times a day to see an update. Want to thank you for letting us see how strong your family is and to help others thing about what the real important things in life really are. Dave you have made Wa-Hi a better place. I am sure there are many kids waiting for Coach Meyers when school starts in a few weeks. God Bless You.
Walla Walla, Wa. - Thursday, August 4, 2005 0:40 AM CDT
Yo Meyers,
If you could tell me the program you are using for the site, I might be able to help.


Canute Haroldson <cjbh@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 11:23 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle, & Kids,
Just know that you are in our thoughts and prayers everyday!

Chip & Roxanne

Roxanne Lake <charleslake@comcast.net>
Lake Stevens, WA United States - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 10:19 PM CDT
With love to you and your family...be strong, hold each other tight...say what you feel and make each moment last.
- Wednesday, August 3, 2005 10:04 PM CDT
Dave & Family:
Renee', the kids, and I pray for you every day. I'm so glad to be able to keep up with you through your journal (Shelly, you are amazing!). Keep up the fight my friend, to be continued. . .

Mike Lucarelli
Sammamish, WA USA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 5:48 PM CDT
Hi Dave & Michelle,
Dave, do you know that you were the first person I heard of, after finding out that my husband Jim had a brain tumor. You and Michelle gave me more inspiration than you could ever imagine while we were fighting this thing. Even though my Jim has received his wings, I still try and keep up with whats happening with my favorite listers. Sending mountains of prayers and good thoughts your way. Keep fighting, and I'm praying I will be reading of your success at beating this thing and that you're coaching football when you're 70 or 80 years old!! P.S. Michelle, your encouragment to me, has meant more than you know....thank you.

Sherry Lockaby <sherrloc@aol.com>
Greer, SC USA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 5:36 PM CDT
Michelle & family
You are an inspiration to so many people. I only know Michelle but if she is any indication of what the rest of the family is like, all you guys are truely a gift from God. (I know michelle is) Dave, we are praying for you and your family. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. God Bless and Peace!!
Natalie, Phil and Erik Auth

Natalie Auth <auth@walla2.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 3:12 PM CDT
No one is giving up on Dave!!!! We are hoping and praying that this new treatment is the "magic bullet." We are checking the website each day for updates (and feeling vaguely OCD about it) and were glad to hear some encouraging news. We keep you all in our prayers, along with everyone else on the Brain Tumor list. Sending hope and encouragement from California...Kara & Butch, dx inoperable GBM
p.s. The hamburger and shake sounded much better than the yogurt, so maybe that's the nausea problem! =)

Kara <kduck913@yahoo.com>
Corona del Mar, CA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 2:29 PM CDT
Families are: One of Gods greatest treasures and the embodiment of all that is important in life. Families are a refuge in good times and bad,a warm place of peace where acceptance reigns.It matters not what you do or where you are,one thing you never doubt is your family.The members are always there,arms ready to embrace with healing hugs and hearts with unconditional Love to share. A family is a gift thats never completly unwrapped,it is a present for which each member is eternally thankful. We all feel like a huge family to the Meyers family! Have a good day today! The cookie lady
Diane Schulke <diane schulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 11:14 AM CDT
Hi Dave! It's Michelle Higgins from Wa-Hi. Guess what? Mark and I are going to be parents in February--YIPPEE!!!! :) :) We are so excited and thrilled and I know how much you and your Michelle LOVE your kids, so I wanted to tell you how elated we are for our new family. We heard our baby's heartbeat last week and WOW--it was like God talking to us. It was one of life's miracles for us. Everything is going well and we don't know if it is a boy or girl, but either way, we're just so happy! Thanks for letting me share this news with you and your family. We are praying for you all.
Michelle Higgins
- Wednesday, August 3, 2005 9:50 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle, Great to hear the news from the doc. Nobody gives up on the big guy! Michelle, its also nice to see you get some 'girl' time out of the house. You have so many people out there lifting your family up in prayer, and walking beside you on this journey. Lean on us and rest.
Peter Wiederspan <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
still milan, heading to puyallup tomorrow, - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 2:12 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,

Wow, so glad the appointment went well today.....and girls night out? Can I come??!! :-) Thinking and praying for you all the time.......vp 16 to the rescue!!!

Love to you all,
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 10:21 PM CDT
Dave, Michele, Kenny, Zach & Kate,

Thanks for allowing us all to 'peep' into the Life of Meyer over the past months. Until Nana Meyer led me to your site, the info superhighway was nothing more than a rutted road near Washtucna. Now thru the superb work of the chief-of-staff, Michelle, there are people from all over the world that tunein for a daily dose of Meyer inspiration.
My goodness, what fighters you all are. For those of you familar with the stories of Louis L'Amour, I think in a scrape the Meyer clan the Sackett's turn tail and run.
Dave, I admire how large a swath that you have cut thru the field of life as you have continued to fight the battle against this disease.You are touching people not only in Walla Walla, in Washington State(go Cougs), in the USA, but in the whole world. There are many others just like me; peeping but not talking. By letting others 'peep' into your world you have inspired them to continue in their own battles, whether it be cancer, alcolholism, or even personal issues not even related to health that others are up against. Watching you and your family gives them the courage to fight on.
YOu should take great pride in how many ways you have affected change in the visitors to your site. I believe the list of changes may be endless. However, I will list only a change that I personally have taken from this site. "The way I respect and respond to the power of prayer has changed". I now challenge the rest of you 'peepers' to do the same. Send the Meyer family a message thru this journal to let them know how they have changed you. What positive you have taken from their negative to make your own life better. Let them know that they are in fact making a difference.
Dave, the other day I was listening to a sports talk show and a replay of the famous Jimmy Valvano acceptance speech at the ESPYs. I'm sure you are familiar with it but if not I'm sure it can be found out here somewhere, but he ended that speech with this line and I will leave it with you: 'CANCER CAN TAKE MY BODY, BUTIT CANNOT TAKE MY MIND AND MY HEART AND MY SOUL.....NEVER GIVE UP, DON'T EVER GIVE UP.

Dan Kennedy <dkennedy@bruneel.com>
Clarkston, Wa USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 9:32 PM CDT
Hey Dave,
We're not giving up on you either!
Have a fun girls night tonight Shelley.
The Battaglia Clan is sending many, many hugs your way.

Colleen & Paul Battaglia <pcbatt@comcast.net>
seattle, wa usa - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 7:55 PM CDT
The appointment: sounds good. The inadvertent pharmacy delay: also good. More Decadron: should make that pesky little after-meals problem go away. Girls' night out: terrific. About the word "grout": I agree (sounds like it's German for "unidentifiable gooey substance stuck to the bottom of a shoe"). Tomorrow: looking forward to a nice update. For now: 'night, Walla Wallans. (Walla Wallantonians? Walla Wallanites?)

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.ner>
Rockledge, FL - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 7:31 PM CDT
WOW that was a pretty good Dr.Apt. !! I hope Dave knows the rest of us are not giving up on him either!! You are very welcome for the cookies and stuff (they are health bars we say since they have peanut butter and special K in them that should qualify for healthy don't you think! )Enjoy your much needed and much deserved night out with the girls Shelly! It was good to give you a big hug in person please share it with Dave! Take one day at a time and enjoy each and every one of them! The cookie lady
Diane Schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 6:34 PM CDT
So happy to see the post from the Doctor. Prayer vigil is still on. If the grouting is still "to do"... when we get back there, Dennis will be happy to take care of it for you.... Love to all and Keeping the Faith.
Love Bonnie

Bonnie and Denny <bparker@pacifier.com>
Long Beach, WA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 5:56 PM CDT
Glad to hear lunch went better than breakfast. :-) Shane is missing playing guitar with you and Jeffrey. He's looking forward to being home next week and doing some catching up. Shell - seems to me we have some picture projects to add to the home projects don't we? Have a peaceful and restful night.

All our love and prayers.
Tracy, Shane, Gabrielle and Rebekah

The "long"mires <longmire@innw.net>
frankfort, ky - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 5:54 PM CDT
Praying for positive news today. I get on everyday to read the guest book. Man it takes a long time to read all of the latest entries. What support you all have out there from all over the world. That's awesome! I enter 5 hugs a day (one for each of you).

Sandy Meliah <sandra.meliah@wwcc.edu>
ww, - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
Hello Dave and family,
Charles just sent your website address to us. We hold all of you close to our hearts in prayer. Dave, we thank you for never "hiding your light under a bushel". That love you share with your students, family, and all of us is cherished by all. We are happy to tell you that we love you and your family very much.

Johnnie and Shirley Dennis <johnnie.dennis@ihmail.com>
Issaquah, WA USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 2:05 PM CDT
Dave, Sorry I missed you on your last visit. I always enjoy the time, your spirit changes people. Keep up the fight. Positive thoughts for your appt. and continued prayers.
Mark,Tina,Madyson and Collin
walla walla, wa usa - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 12:04 AM CDT
Claude and I are sending you positive thoughts.We wanted you to know you are all in our prayers.
Claude Ostgaard & Heather Bishop
Longview, WA USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 11:56 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Shelly,
Shelly, thank you for the music, it keeps me company during the day while working. Prayers are with you today at your doctor appt. much love and many hugs,

Bonnie & Dennis Parker <bparker@pacifier.com>
Long Beach, WA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 10:34 AM CDT
Good luck at today's appointment! I hope all questions are answered, all needs are met.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 8:57 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle, Good morning from Milan. Its a beautiful Italian morning here 9 hours ahead of you. I hope you are all tucked in safe and sound. Michelle, I hope Dave doesn't try any more nighttime runs around the house so you can get some much needed sleep. Rest now, knowing that the prayers are continuing even while you sleep.
Peter Wiederspan <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
Milan (until Thurs) then Puyallup, - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 2:47 AM CDT
Hey Dave and Family,
I miss you guys, and I hope dave is getting better, I think about you guys alot, and print out some of you pictures. Just think positive, and live life the way you were ment to be. Make dreams come true.
Miss you guys and I hope everything is okay.
Love you!!!
love always,
Kim Garland

Kim Garland <kimg19892005@yahoo.com>
Monroe, wa usa - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 1:49 AM CDT
Dave & Michelle, just wanted to let you know that I am keeping you and your awesome family in my prayers. Tell Kenny that I hope he has a great time at Wa-Hi, I will sure miss him in the halls this year!
Peace to all of you,
JoEllen Riley

JoEllen Riley <therileyranch@my180.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 0:06 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know we are thinking about you all. I think its become routine to check your site everyday to see how you are doing.:) You are in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs from Minnesota!! Love, Kevin and Kari


Kevin and Kari <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 0:06 AM CDT
Just signing on to tuck you in. Hey, how about a little bit of shadow puppetry before calling it a night? When was the last time any of us did THAT? I can do a pretty decent rabbit, but it's been a while. Anyway, then it's lights out, restful sleep, good dreams. As Seuss said, today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one. As an east coaster, let me be the first to welcome you to Tuesday! (Sneak preview: Seems like a good day so far!)

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Monday, August 1, 2005 10:37 PM CDT
hi dave. i am kevin terrys sister in law and was just looking at your site. i just want you to know you are in my prayers and you hang in there. and best wishes you and your family. i hope you get good news from duke soon. bye michelle iverson
Michelle Iverson <michellei1126@frontiernet.net>
Ceylon, Mn U.S.A - Monday, August 1, 2005 9:42 PM CDT
Dave - just saying hello and sending my prayers from the road here in New York City. Thinking about you often my friend. Love - Erik
Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 7:42 PM CDT
Hi Dave & Family,

I too just received the link to your website, via Gretchen (thru David Taylor), and I loved the opportunity to see all the pic's & read your journal. You obviously have an incredible family & some great, supporting friends.

Man, it's hard to believe that it's been 25 friggin' years since Wa-Hi, which means about 26 yrs since I used to kick your a-- in b-ball. I wish. : ) I still remember that trip up to Gonzaga like is was just a few years ago, although now when I try a reverse pivot the results are not quite the same.

One thing I've always admired about DeSales & wished Wa-Hi did (maybe they do & don't invite me) is to have an "all classes" reunion, so we can keep in touch with the people the years before/after us. Then we wouldn't have these 20+ yr gaps!

I'm living down in San Diego these days with my wife of nearly 4 years (Patricia). No munchkins - neither wife wanted them, and that's one issue you can't force. : ) We occasionally make it up to Walla Walla, and in fact was just up there about a week ago. It's amazing how much the town has changed. I remember when Sea Galley was the primo restaurant in town. Now there are all kinds of awesome places, and 3 coffee houses all within 1 block (2 w/ wireless internet). Town's come a long ways. Wish I'd had this link then - we definitely would have paid you a visit.

Well, should be signing off. I am "working" after all. Fight this thing & bring it to its knees! And please know that my thoughts & prayers will be with you & your family. And please say hi to your dad & Bob from me.

Keep the journal entries coming - I'll be reading daily!

Take care,


PS. If you see my brother Mike feel free to pop him one from me (I miss that)

Ken Locati <kplocati@yahoo.com>
San Diego, CA USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 6:40 PM CDT
Hi Dave and family,

I received an email with the link to your web site. I haven't seen or talked to you in quite a while but it just seems like yesterday that we were all running around Walla Walla, Wa-Hi, and especially the math and science department, giving our dads a hard time.

Speaking of my dad, he and mom now live over in Issaquah close to my wife (Karen), my daughter (Sarah), and I. We live in Sammamish, about 8 miles from mom and dad. As you probably know, dad overcame a tough bout with prostate cancer a couple of years ago and is now doing very well, thanks be to God.

Dave, I want you to know that we will be thinking and praying for you and your beautiful family (I loved the pictures) as you continue to fight back this illness. Keep up the fight; we're all pulling for you!


Charles Dennis <chuck@1024partners.net>
Sammamish, WA USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 5:46 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and Kids,
I just wanted to say Hi, Dave! Please know that our family and friends, as well as church family, are praying for all of you. By the looks of this guestbook, you are constantly lifted in prayer. Michelle, I love the music and pictures on the home page and hope you can get Dave's music on there. I would love to hear that! Take care and know that you are loved.

Gretchen (Jacobsen) Mann <gljmann@hotmail.com>
Wenatchee, wa - Monday, August 1, 2005 4:21 PM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,

My prayers are with you both. Your love for each other and your family is unspoken but strong. I loved the picture of Dave by his son's side. That spoke volumes to me. Keep fighting the fight and running the race.

Michelle Herring <Romans837@msn.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 1:10 PM CDT




DANA CLAYTON <dana.clayton@ferguson.com>
LONGVIEW, WA USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 12:01 AM CDT
Hi Dave,
Just wanted to let you know that I am think of you and your family. Apparently, I am thinking about you alot. Either that or I am addicted to your Web site.
Thinking of you.
Wishing you and your family well,

Steve Jordan <sljordanfam@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA Walla Walla - Monday, August 1, 2005 11:26 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,

In honor of the football theme that seems to be ever present in your household, I sent you a RUTA cheer, Michelle, it is in your email......now that I know you are an ex cheerleader (why is it we always find each other ... :-).... start chanting the Ruta Rave to Dave.......
Sending many prayers your way today and always.
With love,
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Monday, August 1, 2005 9:44 AM CDT
Dear Dave,and Shelly
We loved being with you and sharing time with all of you. (for us, wish it could have been longer) It was great seeing the kids and getting to interact what we could. Appreciated your sharing, loving and ever uplifting spirit in your home. We had a wonderful visit and Dennis especially loved seeing his "Dave" and spending some quality time with him. We have missed seeing all of you and can't wait to come back. Love you lots, Bonnie and Denny

Bonnie and Denny <bparker@pacifier.com>
Long Beach, WA - Monday, August 1, 2005 9:13 AM CDT
My best friend is Amy Fulmer, her dad was Jim Lockaby, I watched that family go through some tough times, now sweet JIm is in a better place. I also have another friend whose dad is batteling lung cancer he is currently in the hospital and not expected to make it through the week. So please remember Eddie. I will keep you and your family in my daily prayers, keep fighting the fight, and God Bless!
Jamie Jordan <Jamie@h-dog.com>
Lyman, sc usa - Monday, August 1, 2005 8:42 AM CDT
One more question that showed up while I was sleeping: Do any of the kids go out front with a visor and a cash apron to collect a $5 parking fee from anyone who pulls into the driveway? All of these things may be signs of obsession (not that there's anything wrong with that). At any rate, I am in the stands down here, wearing my foam finger and doing an unimpressive one-person wave for my friends from Wa Cubed.

The writer of this entry does not promote, actually or hypothetically, the harming of household animals in the zealous practice of any sport. This entry has been reviewed and approved by PETA (Pets being Ethically Treated by Athletes).

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Monday, August 1, 2005 8:33 AM CDT
Hello Dave and Family...

I'm coming to your site through the Temodar Group. My little hadley is on Temodar for a brain tumor. Anyway, I am hoping and praying that all of your '2nd' oppinions get back to you soon and that there is a treatment plan that is 'do-able'. I have a family member whose daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor a few years before Hadley's. Anyway she is a wonderful support for me...when I start feeling overwhelmed and depressed she tells me to just focus on right now. When we're waiting (which as you understand) we do a lot..she says just think that all we need is ONE treatment that will work for us. Don't think about all the treatments that have failed...or the fact that there aren't many left. Just focus on the ONE that the doctors have to offer you. Many prayers for all of you during such a trying and uncertain time.

with much love and HOPE
Hadley's Mama
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Angela Fox <FoxFamilyFive@sbcglobal.net>
Alameda, CA USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 4:44 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,
We are back in town and immediately on the computer for an update! Kevin and I enjoyed our visit with you, Tom, and Michelle's parents the other day. I hope the sandwich hit the spot and you didn't have to reach for the Zofran right after it! We will be off our computer again for a week but that doesn't mean we aren't praying. We are very grateful that Bob is okay and hope he feels better soon too.
Love, Kirsten

Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, CA USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 0:41 AM CDT
Wow. Really? Football all the live-long year? 24/7/365? Get OUT!

More questions then: Is the lawn painted with yard lines and such? Are dinner decisions made with a coin toss? Is the fridge full of Gatorade? Did anyone ever pick up one of those adorable kittens and shout to someone else "GO LONG!"?

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Sunday, July 31, 2005 10:31 PM CDT
Question for you: How excited are you that football season is starting again soon? My husband has been very patient this summer as he waits for the return of the college games in particular. But his patience is waning, I think. I walked through the room the other day in time to hear the commercial break for "Lifetime: Television for Women." I looked at him sadly, and he turned and said, "What? There's NOTHING else on!" Desperate times, these are.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:22 PM CDT
It was so great to talk to you today. "The greatest part of me is us!" Thanks for reminding me of that. So, let's see if I still have it -

Waiting, waiting, waiting...
An owl calls, another answers, the tree frogs go on
as if their voices were all to be heard.
But the owl calls again, the other again answers,
and the first hoots its recognition.
The first owl sighs a contented sigh, the second
wells up tears.
The waiting is easier, but the second still cries.

I love you. I love you. I love you. And a I love you.
Be strong and let your strength and Michelle soothe you.

Mark Hedley <mhedley@siue.edu>
Edwardsville, IL USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 7:32 PM CDT
Fifty-three hugs were sent your way this afternoon, Dave. And, I knew just which side to impact with those hugs--to your left of "port." We had a conversation about this when I delivered the lemonade and cookies a week ago and I DID remember! If TOO many hugs are coming your way, be sure to pass the surplus on to your dear Michelle! I was listening to a CD of Camelot in my car today as I was running errands and thought I would post the following lyrics on your website:

How to Handle a Woman
by Jay Lerner--From "Camelot"

How to handle a woman,
There’s a way said a wise old man,
A way known by every woman,
Since the whole rigmarole began!
Do I flatter her, I begged him answer,
Do I threaten or cajole or plea,
Do I brood or play the gay romancer?
Said he, smiling, "No, indeed!"
"How to handle a woman,
Mark me well, I will tell you sir!
The way to handle a woman,
Is to love her, simply love her,
Merely love her, love her, Love her!"

And I know you do!

- Sunday, July 31, 2005 5:11 PM CDT
Dave and family; God be with you in this fight for Dave's life. I am fighting my own personal battle against AA for the past 18 months so I know a bit of what you are going through. You all will continue to be in my daily prayers.
Mark Carico <mark_carico@hotmail.com>
Los Altos, Ca USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 4:47 PM CDT
A great big hug to Dave and family from Pam in San Francisco - mom of Orion, Sep 1982 - Apr 2004. Please keep fighting - we give you all our thoughts hopes and strength, our fight ended too soon.

Love Pam

Pam Hirtzer
Piedmont, CA USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 3:50 PM CDT
Dave: We have not met you ,however we have you on our prayer list along with your family. Larry & Becker Stoller told us of your illness. May God wathc over you and your family. Bob & Betty Hutt
Bob & Betty Hutt <bbhutt@comcast.net>
Olympia , Wa - Sunday, July 31, 2005 3:35 PM CDT
Dearest Friends,

The music on the website is fantastic, is that Dave singing?? He is AWESOME!!
Said special prayers in church for you today.....and continue to do so, and have spread the word for others to add you to their prayers as well.
Draw strength from knowing that we are all out here with you in this journey.....suffering right along with you....crying when you cry, joyful for your triumphs.
God bless you all.
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Sunday, July 31, 2005 2:40 PM CDT
Dear Michele and Dave,

I recently joined the virtual trials email list on brain tumors, and have been reading your entries. I am so sorry you are both going through this. My husband, 71, was diagnosed with a GBM in May, and has just gone through radiation and Temodar. He has lost the use of his left side and is bedridden, so I have some understanding of what you are going through. My heart is with you.

Ileana Grams
Asheville, NC United States - Sunday, July 31, 2005 2:03 PM CDT
Hi Meyers! I think of each one of you every single day and continue to pray to God for Dave's healing and continued strength for you all. Michelle, I'm in awe of your dedication to keeping up this journal ~ thank you for the sharing of up to date medical news and the happenings in the Meyer house. Sharing your faith, strength and love continues to be inspirational ~ your are truly a remarkable lady. We retired Dan this week, that was a happy day. The rest of our family is well. Dana & Brian are busy working around their home building decks , spreading rock and planting. We're still waiting for babies from them - I'll even settle for just baby. Brian is working on a new project in Clatskanie and will enjoy the change from an office to a job site. He doesn't get to have Ethan near enough but does enjoy the time they do get to share together. He is also busy in his yard planting and spreading rock and bark. He's got 4 adorable hound dogs, and a nice and beautiful new girlfriend. Ethan continues to be our bright spot. We're enjoying our yard, and golfing. Dan will be the new 'house boy', and I'll continue to work. And the days go by...Stay strong David ~ God will care for you. Sending blessings and my love to each of you. Love, Debi
Debi Spjut <debi.spjut@adelphia.net>
Kelso, Wa USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 12:50 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
Your entry today made me think of that chorus we sing in church so many times "better is one day in your courts, then thousands elsewhere"....better is what the two of you have together, than anything else with anyone else. We continue to lift you up, and will say some special prayers for your kids.

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Sunday, July 31, 2005 12:33 AM CDT
Dear Dave and family,
You are certainly an amazing person and my thoughts and prayers are with you all. You have a wonderful family and many friends and people you have touched are praying for you. I do not know if you remember me, I am Andrew Chaplin's mother. God bless you all.

Joyce Chaplin <engflowr@whidbey.com>
Freeland, WA USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:08 AM CDT
Hi, Meyer family! We want you to know you are all in our prayers. You are an exceptionally, brave family! We are Audrey and Daniel Neiwerth, parents of Becky Stoller. She sent us your website with the pictures. They are wonderful and it is nice to put a face with your names.
With Love, through Jesus Christ,
Audrey & Daniel Neiwerth

Audrey & Daniel Neiwerth <darn@pmt.org>
Rupert, ID USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:59 AM CDT
Sending warm hugs and prayers from Jerusalem for strength and health.
Sharon <sharon.deitch@gmail.com>
Jerusalem, Israel - Sunday, July 31, 2005 1:38 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
I'm listening to the radio, and Willie Nelson's "You were always on my mind" came on. Great song! It's a song for the Meyers from those of us out here.

"Maybe I didn't tell you
quite as often as I should
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind."

When I told Dave "I wish I could hug you", and he said "You are Evy", I realized I was. There's another one heading your way, with enough arm length for five!


Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 11:59 PM CDT
Goodnight from Kentucky. Just checking in before going to sleep for the night. We are all thinking of you and praying for you all the time. The girls can't wait to get home and see Kaitlyn. We love you all!
The "long"mires

Tracy, Shane, Gabrielle and Rebekah <longmire@innw.net>
frankfort, ky - Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:18 PM CDT
Dear Meyer Family,
I am sending many, many, prayers your way. Dave hang in there you can do it. This is so hard I have a son who is 18 and has a spinal GBM 4 and we try to take one day at a time. You are strong and one heck of a fighter I know in my heart that you can do this. Please keep on fighting, fighting, fighting and we are all pulling for you.I'm sending (((((((((((((((HUGGGGGGGGSSSSSS))))))))))))))))) to your whole family......

lisa burow <lisaburow@sbcglobal.net>
- Saturday, July 30, 2005 6:42 PM CDT
Celebrate the miracle and wonder of your marriage and children! They are perfection! Be grateful! I will continue to pray for you all. God bless you.
Love, Linda Diamond

Linda Diamond <marcsdiamond@charter.net>
Harwinton, Connecticut US - Saturday, July 30, 2005 5:51 PM CDT
Hello Meyers!

I wrote you separately Michelle, but in case you are not reading your emails (in between the grouting et al... all in a day's work huh? ), I heard the song you posted the other day on the radio today....I took it as a good luck omen and sent a prayer Dave's way......please stop the world and cure dear Dave......
with love and continued prayers...
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

Cathy Beres
Chicago, IL - Saturday, July 30, 2005 4:18 PM CDT
Hi Dave, Michelle, and kids,
You continue to encourage me by your strength, hope and love... I am praying for you!
God Bless
d/o Laura GBM

Ashley <faithstar@earthlink.net>
Arnold, MO - Saturday, July 30, 2005 3:41 PM CDT
Uh-Oh: Another Ode

The rumors keep coming; I follow them all.
Once again, you've been up and about.
And your lovely wife, though she takes sweet care of you,
Now smells vaguely of paste and of grout.

But that's OK, really. The latest news travels
so quickly across the Divide,
and I also hear how you continue to smile,
love, and laugh on this wild coaster ride.

Each ascent and each dip, though they cause hearts to flip,
Are all fueled by a power that's Higher.
And each day, come what may, there is no greater thrill
Than to cheer on our hero, Dave Meyer.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Saturday, July 30, 2005 3:32 PM CDT
Dear Dave & family,
I visited your web site after getting a prayer request email from a friend of yours. I just wanted you to know that I will be praying for you. May you be comforted in the knowledge that others, many of whom you may not know, are lifting you in prayer before our Gracious Heavenly Father. God Bless!

Vicky Winders
Roseburg, OR USA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 1:17 PM CDT
I've followed your website as you continue to battle. I went to high school and played basketball and football with your Dad, Bob. Knowing him is also knowing you. I'm so impressed with the love and caring of your immediate and expanded family. It's too bad we all can't have such love. I wish you well.
Dale Birdsell <dbirdsell@comcast.net>
Kirkland, WA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 11:29 AM CDT
The very best of everything to all of you. Carla Dessauer
Carla Dessauer <carla.fran@mac.com>
Chicago, iL. USA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 9:46 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,
You remain in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing your story.
Peace, joy, friendship, hope and healing,

Denver, CO 80220 - Saturday, July 30, 2005 7:54 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
Just wanted to let you know I am praying for you. You have touched so many lives and are doing so much good in your courageous fight throguh this journey. You certainly help me continue to look for ways to fight. My daughter has a recurrent oligo but it has returned in her ventricles which I am told will obstruct the spinal fluid. She is refusing to seek treatment - but your courage helps us to hang on - kep the faith and continue to pray that she will begin to fight on her own for both herself and her 10 year old daughter. I thank you for sharing your journey and giving me both hope and laughter. You are STRONG! We will all continue to lift you up in prayer and thought.

Valerie Landell <vkbl@aol.com>
Melbourne (Cincinnati area), KY 41059 - Saturday, July 30, 2005 7:41 AM CDT
I haven't checked the site for three days and am STUNNED by the amazing outpouring of love. Michelle, your post made me cry, and I've been trying really hard not to go there. Not sure why--tears often seem to help somehow.

Hang in there, baby. God's got a plan and I'll put my trust in him that he's watching out for the Meyers. I know Dave is convinced of it, and that's good enough for me.

Love, --Deb

Debra Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
- Saturday, July 30, 2005 2:34 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle - I looked at your photos tonight - What a beautiful family you have! As I prayed over your pictures I asked God to comfort you and give you all rest. I recently read a verse "I MAY have cancer - but cancer DOES NOT have me..." God HAS you! He will determine your comings and goings -not a disease or a Dr. Our Heavenly Father has you on his mind right now - he cares about every detail of your life - that's an awesome thing to hold on to! You have affected many people by how you've lived your life during these rough times - it's obvious God is with you. Actions speak louder than any words that you can say. Bless you guys extra special good on this Fri. night - May tomorrow bring some blessings and snippets of joy and much peace ~ In Hope and Love ~ Brenda
Brenda Green w/o Clyde 46 - GBM4 - 10/2003 <clydeandbrenda@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, July 30, 2005 1:43 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,

Hoping your day went well today.....and that you have a restful weekend......no wallpapering, ok Michelle? :-) Still sending many many prayers your way.....

with love, hugs and hope,
Cathy b.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Saturday, July 30, 2005 0:22 AM CDT
You are daily in my prayers and I'm confident that God is holding you close with compassion and mercy. God Bless you all!
Ann Hawk
College Place, WA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 11:20 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle and Family, Each day I grab the cross around my neck and silently say a prayer for my family. On occasion, I add another BT family member to my prayer. Your family is often in my prayers. Michelle, you have been my mentor through this process with my husband. Your posts often give me strength. Dave, you bring hope to our lives. I watch Michelle's posts to see what you are up to now ... what meds they are giving you ... and how you are coping. If I need advice, Michelle ALWAYS comes through for me. You and your family will always have a special place in my prayers and in my heart. Please, never, ever give up. I couldn't stand it if you did ...
Cheri Schappert <CSchappert@msn.com>
Loomis, CA United States - Friday, July 29, 2005 10:32 PM CDT
Hi Dave and Michelle: I've been reading your entries on the BT Listserv, and I wanted to tell you how much I admire you. I am sending you many good wishes for healing--my father is a BT warrior, and his bravery, like yours, is inspriring. --Emily Woudenberg, d/o beloved Lee, GBM IV, surviving two years plus.
Emily woudenberg <emily@goblin.com>
Yarmouthport, MA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 10:14 PM CDT
I love the picture. I love your spirit. Know that there are many people who are going through this journey with you. Some of us have traveled this road before. We lost my dad 15 years ago to this ugly disease, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. You and your family have shown me what true Grace is. You (and us all) are praying for a miracle, but living the best you can with what you have today. God loves you, and many people in this world love you. Keep up the fight. I love what you say about praying for others. You are definitely living what Jesus taught!

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Friday, July 29, 2005 9:46 PM CDT
Not quite bedtime on either coast, but wanted to say good night. What a week it has been, eh? There's something about knowing it's Friday night that launches hopes for a terrific weekend, which I do hope you will all have. Shelley, give Dave a big hug for me---not the pretend kind (though I have been adding lots of those as I come 'n' go). Dave, give the grout lady a hug for me too. 'Night, Meyer people. You guys are the absolute best. Sleep tight.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Friday, July 29, 2005 9:07 PM CDT
So, just how fast does that wheelchair go, brother? Have you wrecked it yet? I hope you have good insurance (take a second and you'll get it : ) ) I love you, Dave. I was thinking about that time back in high school when you had both your feet operated on at the same time. I still can't believe you put on your trunks, picked up your crutches, and came out to Memorial Pool to hang out while I worked. You've always pushed the envelope - keep pushing! (I still don't think the envelope ever breaks, by the way.)

Michelle, Dave is so lucky to have you by him now, and I don't have to tell you how lucky you are to have him by you right now. We send you our love from Illinois.

Mark Hedley <mhedley@siue.edu>
Edwardsville, IL USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 9:01 PM CDT
Hi Dave and Michelle: I can't tell you how much you both mean to us. Our hearts break that you have had to go through so much. I don't think you can even comprehend what your witness has been to so many. I know that doesn't help alot right now but you both have been unbelievable. Know that we are praying for you and just wish that there was more that we could do. If you need more meals just let us know. I (Lois) can cook and would be happy to do that for you. Love you - Lois & Lou Healy
Lois and Lou Healy <lou@gohighspeed.com>
College Place, WA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 7:31 PM CDT
To Michelle, Dave, and Zach

I just read through your journal and I want you know that I will be praying for you. I can tell times are tough right now, but Dave, please know that you really are an inspiration. In February I was diagnosed with an AA III brain tumor. It was a recurrence of a benign tumor that I had 4 years ago. I am getting married August 27th to a beautiful woman with an unending belief in me. I could not be more excited. I have struggled with what my life can be going forward. I want children but am frightened of leaving a child behind. So it’s helpful for me to read the story of a survivor like you who has persevered for so long and continues to do so. You give me hope for what the future can hold.

Keep fighting and know that there are love and prayers shining your way from Ohio.

Matt Downey <downey_36@cob.osu.edu>
Columbus, OH - Friday, July 29, 2005 4:30 PM CDT
God Bless You and your family.
Lou Scaperotto <louscap@yahoo.com>
Ridley, PA - Friday, July 29, 2005 3:26 PM CDT
My heart is warmed by your entry today Michelle. You are both so amazing and truly blessed to have each other. While I am saddened by the rough journey that you are on right now, I am so inspired by your faith and your love. Michelle, thanks for the girls night. We all need those more. HOwever, I had a nightmare that night about someone switching Hannah on me with some other baby with red hair and blue eyes! no more horror flicks for me! Congratulations Zach! Loved the photo. Love you Dave! Terri H.
Terri Hampson <hampslaw@qwest.net>
- Friday, July 29, 2005 2:14 PM CDT
Michelle, Dave and family: Your love is such a shining example - we can see the Lord is with you in everything. Praying here for God's big arms to be around each of you - carrying you through these difficult times. The football awards ceremony - very awesome! Bless you all ~ Brenda G
Brenda Green w/o Clyde 46 - GBM4 - 10/2003 <clydeandbrenda@yahoo.com>
- Friday, July 29, 2005 2:10 PM CDT
Wow...just wow. Reading all the messages that have been posted in just a few days is truly awe inspiring and just goes to show what an incredible family you all are. Dave, you have certainly been impactful with so many people, even ones you don't know - and continue to be every day. Michelle, your loving messages about Dave and kind support of people on the brain tumor list is amazing. And the news of everything the kids are accomplishing is fantastic. The new photos are great. I hope you feel the love and prayers that are coming to you from literally all around the country. Again, you are all WOW! Kara & Butch, GBM inoperable
Kara <kduck913@yahoo.com>
Newport Beach, CA - Friday, July 29, 2005 1:52 PM CDT
Steve Jordan found out about this web site and told me about it,too. Thank you so much for taking the time to keep those of us who love you and pray for you, up to date. Your family is always in my prayers. Congratulations to Zach on his football victory, and on Dave for getting him there. We know he was hugely responsible for Zach's success. I explained this morning to Meagan what I'm doing about the extra Respite hours. She can let you know, OK? If you have questions, call me.
Leah Rae Holmes <holmel@dshs.wa.gov or lrhteach@excite.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 1:32 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle and family,
I wish there was some way we could all meet in person. We are thinking of all of you and your are in my prayers every day. Thanks for being what you are.

Ken Wilcox <kwilcox@kwaleak.com>
Manhattan Beach, CA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 1:10 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle
I am so glad you still have your sense of humor. Max always kept his too. He fell several times and we always laughed about it. One time I had been wanting him to get down on the floor to do some exercises to recover from his stroke. He fell one day and I said, "While you are down there lets try some of the exercises the therapist wanted you to do". He told everyone about that. He said,"Here I am trying to get up, and she is making me do my exercises". Keep laughing every day.

Karen Sharkey <sharkey@att.net>
Sunrise, FL USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 1:02 PM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle and family,
Just a quick note to say you are in our thoughts and prayers continuously every day...My heart breaks for you as you have to go through these difficult times this summer. I want to say thank you for the wonderful faith, strength and courage you continue to share with all of us day by day and moment by moment. You guys are amazing! The photos are great too. Thanks for sharing them. Hugs to each of you.
Melinda and Jack

Melinda <brennans@bmi.net>
- Friday, July 29, 2005 1:01 PM CDT
Dear "Coach and Crew" ~ What could be better than an afternoon of youth football and watermellons smashing to the ground on a hot day! I can tell you, feeling the hugs, however electronic, from you! Zac is beginning to gather up items to pack for WSU and put out several photos of all the seniors from the 2002 football team, clowining it up. They love you so, Coach! The Wids
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 12:24 AM CDT
Congratulations on the win. Hope you have a good day today. We are of course still thinking and praying for you and hoping for some miracle.
Love ya, Ron & Arlyne

Ron & Arlyne Abbott <arlyneabb@rockisland.com>
Shaw Island, WA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 12:10 AM CDT
PS: I have never made a casserole in my entire life, so be grateful for the "virtual" part! I know...you're thinking about how glad you are that I'm all the way over in this other corner. ; )

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Friday, July 29, 2005 11:42 AM CDT
These pictures are the best yet! I heard about the special football awards the other day, so it was great to see a picture of Dave and Zach at the field. It looked like a gorgeous day. Dave, you look terrific! Just stopping by to see what's new, drop off a virtual casserole, wish you a great Friday. Later!

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Friday, July 29, 2005 11:40 AM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle, and Family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I so admire the way that y'all have handled what has been handed to you with such faith and love. My husband, who has an inoperable astrocytoma/GBM, and I are constantly told that we are an inspiration to others. He is very upbeat and very much a fighter of this disease. However, I think I just put up a fairly good front, cause I feel so overwhelmed sometimes by how he was so healthy and all of the sudden, ... he wasn't. He is coming up on a year anniversary, Aug. 16, of when he was diagnosed. He lost mobility completely by Labor Day last year and was not expected to live through Sept. However, thanks to prayers and God's having other plans, along with radiation and continuing rounds of Temodar, he's still here. He fought his way back to where he has his mobility back and is working full time right now. He has problems and deficits but still has such a positive outlook. The doctor says he is totally amazed that he is still here and doing well. I'm not sure how to take that sometimes. I try not to worry, but do way too much of that. Our only child, Jeff starts college at GA Tech in Aug. and Lee is scheduled for another MRI that week too. Anyway, what I want to say is we're hoping for a miracle for Lee and for Dave and that y'all are in our prayers. Y'all seem like such a sweet and close family and we will be thinking of you.

Lynn Baines <lbaines193@charter.net>
Rockmart, GA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 11:34 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,

We are praying for you every day. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures! I sent many hugs to you but I really wish I could personally give you both a giant hug. You give us strength through this BT rollercoaster.

Joetta <JoMerica1@yahoo.com>
Milwaukee, WI USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 10:43 AM CDT
Hi Dave and Family,
Just wanted to let you guys know we are thinking of you and praying for a miracle to come your way. It seems like forever since we saw you, but it also seems like yesterday. Time does fly by so fast. Jason and Christopher have married and Christopher has two children,(Tristan and Emily) yes we are grandparents. CharleeAnne is a junior next year and will be doing running start at Eastern fulltime. We will pray a special prayer tonight for your family. Love, Chuck and Sandee

Chuck and Sandee Ruchert <blondeexlt@hotmail.com>
VALLEYFORD, Wa Spokane - Friday, July 29, 2005 10:39 AM CDT
I pray for you each day. Thank you for sharing your coverage. I will pray for Nolan as well. Love and prayers, Michelle and Dave and girls. Love Linda
Linda Diamond <marcsdiamond@charter.net>
Harwinton, Connecticut US - Friday, July 29, 2005 10:31 AM CDT
Although I don't know you all personally, I have been following your journey and keep hearing what a special guy you are, great dad, loving husband. And you are so loved, that is evident. I am sending all my best prayers and wishes for healing.
Barbara m/o Melissa 24, JPA doing well now.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Barbara <barbara561@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, La - Friday, July 29, 2005 10:03 AM CDT
Dear Michelle and Dave,
We read your journal each day and are touched by your courage with what you face. We pray daily for you to have hope & strength to battle this intruder, called cancer.
Please know that we care and wish we could do more.

Carol & Joe Ackermann <kk7ki@juno.com>
Yakima, WA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 10:03 AM CDT
Dearest Dave & Michelle,
Every morning first thing out of bed I check my email to see if there is a letter from Ella in Africa, and your web page to see new photos and news. I rarely get a letter from Ella, she has no internet access where she is in Guinea unless she goes to the capital city which is an eight hour drive in a bush taxi (and then only if the service is up and running), which makes me sad, but I am always moved and brightened to catch-up with what is going on with you all. Michelle, not everyone who is reading, thinking, praying everyday is writing everyday, which I know you know. I just want to thank you for all the time and energy and effort you put into keeping us updated in your lives. It is a painful struggle for all of us. Several years ago I picked up a cassette tape (a demo tape on sale from a Christian artist I didn't know) by Pam Thum. There is a song on it I play over in my head alot - "Life is Hard, but God is Good". You know we love you and would do anything for you that we could. Thank you, both, for the example of love, faith, persistence, etc. you are to all of us. Love, Kriss & Robin

Kriss Peterson <krisspeterson@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, July 29, 2005 7:51 AM CDT
I love you, my friend. Peace to you and your family today.

Shane (Tracy, Gabrielle, and Rebekah)

The "long"mires
frankfort, ky usa - Friday, July 29, 2005 7:33 AM CDT
Dear Dave,
I think of you and Michelle everyday and pray for healing energy to come to you....whenever anyone in our brain tumor family is hurting, we all hurt; we are all in this horrible boat together clinging with love and concern to each other. Congratulations to you and Zach at the summer football camp....You are so good and in the photo I can see your love for Zach...;your sweet Michelle loves you so much....I very much liked your quote by E. Roosevelt; below are some of my favorite quotes that I share with you...the first one reminds me especially of you....I keep praying the prayer of St. Francis,
“Oh Master grant that I may never seek
so much to be consoled as to console.”

this next quote in a bittersweet way tells us how lucky we are to have loved and be loved:"When you are sorrowful, look again in your heart, and you shall see that, in truth, you are weeping for that which has been your delight." Kahlil Gibran

the next one relates to you and all the people who have shown their love and concern for you
"As the Tonga people say, Nzinini ikukhala njikuyanda -- the one who visits you is the one who loves you."
the next one also reminds me of you: "Compassion is one of the most honored and saintly feelings because it
marches up to the front lines of suffering and says, 'take me.' In this giving of
oneself there is a direct experience of pain, yet in the giving there is love
. Thus compassion has the power to dissolve pain by not avoiding it, but by
trusting that love affords the greatest protection."
-Deepak Chopra
By now, you are saying, will this woman never stop...
so sweet and good Dave, I bid you good night...with affection...faith
faith teeple m/o Jason, VP shunt 10/99, dx & 85% resection Cauda Equina 5/00, Beth Israel, NYC, suspected ependymoma; dissemination to brain 02, stereotactic radiation therapy to tumor near 8th cranial nerve 1/05, TJ Hosp, in Philly, growth in 4th ventricle 2/1, stereotactic radiation therapy and Temador (5/05) TJ Hosp in Philly. Tumors responding to radiation.

faith teeple <faith_teeple@prenhall.com>
Morristown, nj usa - Friday, July 29, 2005 7:01 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle and Family,
I am sending prayers and hugs to all of you. Keep on fighting and remember that so many people care about you.

Ann Heston
Roswell, Ga USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 4:20 AM CDT

You are on our minds and in our hearts. We send our prayers for you and your beautiful family, and your many friends. Prayers of hope and strength and grace. Prayers of life and love.

It seems you are surrounded by all these things, Dave. You ARE these things. We have hope.

Love and Hope,

Jan & Shannon OBrien

Jan OBrien <job03@comcast.net>
Tacoma, WA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 3:37 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle, We are praying for you daily even though we've never met you. We're friends of Julie Woods, met her at Shiloh Bible Camp. She told us about you and we've been praying ever since. Our 8 year old son prayed for you, Dave, at church last Sunday during his Children's Church time, and he asked all his friends to pray for you too. So you hang in there, God is in control, and we can see that you believe that by your awesome attitude. You're honesty and integrity as you relate what you're going through is so amazing. We will continue to pray without ceasing!
Karleen Fry <fryguys8@aol.com>
Pacific Beach, WA Grays Harbor - Friday, July 29, 2005 1:34 AM CDT
We've been checking in everyday and will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Keep the Faith.
God Bless You!
The Betts

Becky Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Friday, July 29, 2005 1:20 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
The other day, I went back and read all the entries from the very start (that would be your's Michelle). The love and hope and sharing of desperate times and (as Mad Eye Moody would say) constant vigilance of "Dave's Army" is inspiring. Reading your latest update brings back memories of last summer, around this time, watching the two of you read the guestbook entries in my unfinished basement. The love from the two of you made those concrete walls into the finest palace.

Why should any of us be surprised in your praying for those of us that read and write, and read and write again. Your family has always found room to care for others, even in your darkest hours.

I always seem to say I love you, but I also need to say "Thank You".

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, July 29, 2005 0:57 AM CDT
My husband has a metastatic brain tumor from having stage IV kidney cancer and he is starting to decline as well. All of our prayers go out to you and your family and all other families dealing with any kind of cancer or disease for healing and strength to keep on fighting for a cure.
Leslie and Steve Denton <l_denton@sbcglobal.net>
Paola, KS USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 0:54 AM CDT
I guess that was worth entering 2 times!
Love You Guys

Sara and Mia Huxoll <khuxoll@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 0:54 AM CDT
Michelle and Dave---
We think of you daily. Mia asks about Teacher Shell and wants to know you are doing well. She knows that Dave is sick and bless her little heart(3yrs old) tries to understand. Same with little Nolan's leukemia. Hope you are surviving the heat along with the frustruation of not knowing what is around the next corner. Hopefully like you said the Duke Dr's. will whip up a new combination for Dave. Let us know if we can do anything for you and the family. We have had play group 2 times with the little ones and our conversation is always about you and your AWESOME FAMILY!
Take Care
Love Sara and Mia

Sara and Mia Huxoll <khuxoll@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 0:53 AM CDT
Michelle and Dave---
We think of you daily. Mia asks about Teacher Shell and wants to know you are doing well. She knows that Dave is sick and bless her little heart(3yrs old) tries to understand. Same with little Nolan's leukemia. Hope you are surviving the heat along with the frustruation of not knowing what is around the next corner. Hopefully like you said the Duke Dr's. will whip up a new combination for Dave. Let us know if we can do anything for you and the family. We have had play group 2 times with the little ones and our conversation is always about you and your AWESOME FAMILY!
Take Care
Love Sara and Mia

Sara and Mia Huxoll <khuxoll@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 0:52 AM CDT
Hi Dave & Michelle, don't forget you are fighters and we want you to beat this thing so we are sending you hugs and our love and many many prayers for a healing you so despertly need and want and we want too. I will offer my Mass for you all tomorrow (Friday) at 7:15 am. God Bless you & your family.
Marguerite Daltoso, Mom to Mark (forever 48)

Marguerite Daltoso <daltosos@innw.net>
Walla Walla , WA Walla Walla - Friday, July 29, 2005 0:42 AM CDT
ps. Dang, Dave looks good in the photo on the home page!

In my neck of the woods it is now Friday....first prayer of the day goes out for Dave.

Sweet dreams now.....to you......dreams of healing,hope and love.

Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04

cathy beres
chicago, il - Friday, July 29, 2005 0:17 AM CDT
Dear Michelle, Dave and family, I pray for your strength and God's will to get you through this hurdle. I feel so close to you guys by having so many roots in Walla Walla and now unfortunately this common bond of a brain tumor that my wife also has.

Please stay stong and keep your faith. Hope to meet YOU ALL TOGETHER IN SEATTLE!

Scott Cameron
Seattle, WA - Friday, July 29, 2005 0:12 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach, and Katelyn (sp?),

I feel so blessed and honored to know all of you. You are all so special, and I am amazed that in these challenging times when it would be oh so reasonable for you to 'take', that you all instead continue to 'give', and to face this battle with grace and dignity. It frustrates me to feel absolutely helpless in all of this - but know that I think of you all and pray for you all constantly. Evy is playing phone tag with you Michelle, so perhaps tomorrow you two can talk, and we can visit. We love you.

Congrats on the football award Zach! Well done. Kenny - keep working out so you're ready for WA-HI! Kate - sorry I didn't bring Sonja! -Erik

Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 0:07 AM CDT
What a treat it was to hang with you, Dave, on Tuesday evening. A little singing, a little faith talk, a little wrestling with the left side of your world... It has been true as long as I've known you: it's not possible to spend a few moments with you and come away with less energy, less love than before. Not possible. I love you, my brother, and I look forward to next time. Pop a wheelie for me in your new ride, will ya? Love, J-man
Jeffrey Townsend <jtownsend@fancylogo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 11:57 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
Just checking in from our corner. We are thinking of you and sending hugs and prayers. We know that this is very challenging. You continue to be inspiring. Our hearts are with you.

Nancy and Jim Butler <jimnancymegan@bmi.net>
Dayton, WA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 11:49 PM CDT
It was so great to see you guys this evening. I can't even explain how your spirit, and your love and devotion to each other inspire me. THANK YOU for the visit!

PS- I think I was just playing dueling hugs on the hugometer because it was going up 2-3 counts per click. You deserve them all 10 fold! See you soon sweeties. Brownies are on the way. Love,

Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Thursday, July 28, 2005 11:35 PM CDT
Michelle and Dave,
My thoughts and prayers are with you both and with your dear children. I want so much for a cure to be found..this disease is just becoming too common and it just breaks my heart every time I read of another family that is dealing with this. Dave you are so brave and so full of life...I pray that you will be given a miracle and that you will continue to influence all of those young students and athletes.
Remember Kevin favorite quote.."Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and good things never die." Praying always for all of us affected by this disease.
Cecelia m/o Kevin forever 17

Cecelia Mullin <cmullin@columbus.rr.com>
Lancaster, OH USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 11:35 PM CDT
Michelle and Dave, We are here for you. Jeffrey so enjoyed being with Dave Tuesday night. Please call us for any assistance. We love you guys, and you are in our prayers. May
God give you peace and comfort. Love from the Townsends'

Patrice <patrice@fancylogo.com>
- Thursday, July 28, 2005 11:22 PM CDT
Dearest Dave and Michelle,

It will take you a LONG TIME to read your guestbook tonight...what a tribute to the two of you and your lives....so many people touched by your journey.....praying for you constantly from the 58th floor here in Chicago, as I asked Michelle, do you think my prayers can get there any faster since I am up so high?? How wonderful Dave was able to get to the football camp today.....and have so many visitors...what blessings. Dear friends, you teach us how to walk this path....when you do not know the way yourselves...you teach us the way with your faith and love...that is the way...the only way....sending you much love tonight.

Cathy b.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04
(list buddy)

cathy beres
chicago, IL - Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:56 PM CDT
Dear and Michelle,
My husband Jeff was dx with a brainstem glioma in May of this year, I hope that we will be able to walk our path, with a fraction of the grace and dignity that the two of you possess. May God Bless and keep you and yours. You are an inspiration for me.

Marilyn Dunn <MMarilyndunn@AOL.Com>
Oak Hill, Oh USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:33 PM CDT
Just popping by to tuck you in...plump up your pillow...give you a hug...say a prayer...get you just one more glass of water...and wish you sweet dreams. 'Night, Coach. Talk to you tomorrow.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:28 PM CDT
Hi Michelle! Please know that Dave is always in my prayers. I'm close to my 5 year anniversay for my brain tumor diagnosis. I'm so proud of Dave. I'm also proud of you for being such a great spouse as you are by Dave's side through all of this. Tonight, I clicked on your journal for my hubby to read. He was overwhelmed on how you and your family has to go through so much, but he could tell that there was tons of "Love". That is all that matters. Please tell Dave that I'm sending him a GREAT BIG brain tumor hug from out my way. We all seem to have a bond you know. Patty

Patty Adorno <mcphisto@comcast.net>
Eldora, NJ USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:28 PM CDT
Dear Michelle & Dave,
As I sit here on the other coast and marvel at how well my wife (ovarian cancer & brain tumor - inoperable AII) is doing, I can only try to imagine what you are going through. I can't help but think that one day I will be where you are now...and you are showing me how to do this...how to get through this...how to live and pray and hope...and not worry. How to think of others even when faced with this. God bless both of you, your family and all those who support us in this life. May we all, one day, enjoy the peace and painfree life after this. Take care.

Mike & Melissa Gehringer <mdg1910@comcast.net>
Cochranville, PA USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:20 PM CDT
Dear Meyer Famliy, you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. May God BLess You. Richard, Judy, Becca, Ben & Eddie Czyhold
Judy Czyhold <jczyhold@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:57 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle and Family,
Many of us traveling the same path as your family have heard of the gold standard of treatment for brain tumors. We now have a solid gold standard of behavior for brain tumor patients, caregivers and families. We are awed by the grace your family has exhibited under such pressure and we aspire to live up to that standard. Sending internet hugs, prayers and positive thoughts from our home to yours. We've got a candle lit in our window tonight for all of you.

Seamus and Eileen Feely <bejna99@sbcglobal.net>
Western Springs, IL 60558 - Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:40 PM CDT
Dave and family,
I am so sorry that you have to come here. This is an awful disease to have for everyone. You are blessed in that you have a family that loves you. Enjoy them and laugh with them. Your family is in this families thoughts and prayers.

Praying for us All
Hector 38yr
Rad Trt.---3--5/02
Skull Base Chondrosarcoma

Hector Ramirez <Hecandsarahsdesk@msn.com>
Poolesville, Maryland USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:39 PM CDT
Dave & Michelle, it was great to spend some time with you and your family today. Dave, Amy says, "I'll be your table anytime!" Thanks for the hugs . . . it was so good for Amy to see you up and around . . . and funny as ever! Michelle, you truly are amazing! To see you "in action" was heart-warming and heart-breaking at the same time. When I think of you and Dave . . . I think "Love Story". You are the most wonderful family that I know! Never give up hope and keep that great sense of humor . . . it's beautiful! We love you all.
Cindy, Mike, Amy & Joey <thelorangs@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:20 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and family,
Know we are sending love, strength and support as you face this newest challenge. Your spirit is always an inspiration.
With warm embraces, gently cocooning all of you,
Amy and Art (GBM), in western Mass

Amy Holich <amy.holich@verizon.net>
Greenfield, MA USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:56 PM CDT
Michelle and Dave, your courage and strength is absolutely amazing! You are an inspiration to many who dont even know you! Your entry today was heartbreaking and I pray for you and your family. Keep fighting and never give up hope!!
Kevin and Kari T. <kkterry@netins.net>
Truman, MN USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:52 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle & Family:

You are all an inspiration. The more you share your story with us, the more in awe I am by your strength, courage, love, compassion, etc. It is an awesome pleasure to get to know all of you, even if it is through cyber space. I follow your story closely. Sorry, I don't always sign the guest book. My son, Drew, is 5 years old also has a GBM. Thankfully, he is doing very well, one year out from diagnosis. I gain so much strength from you and your family. Thank you for your openness and willingness to share your journey with us.

My thoughts and prayers are with each of you, always.


Gina (Drew's Mom) <OneAngelsMommy@aol.com>
Montpelier, VA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:50 PM CDT
As I haven't been able to get up there to see you the past few years, I have to have my Mo/Mey moments in memory lane. Been strolling there alot over the past couple weeks and thought I'd remind you of the things that make me smile. Remember our trip to Kennewick together on a cold October night 10 years ago this year? You gave me an out man, like "maybe you should stay here"- as Stac had a dr. appointment- but I said "ah, she's not going to have the baby tonight, we've already had one and she's not close like that..." then me driving like a madman to get back to Walla Walla just in time for Christian to be born? Thank the Lord I had a cell phone or I'd have missed it. Doesn't seem like that long ago. I was thinking of all the Conspiracy concerts and the way we could always shock the youngsters in class by striking up a tune and watch their jaws drop as the two seemingly middle aged balding teachers could actually perform. Our rockin' Kingbowl trip? How about all the times I'd try to make a Kramer like entrance into your classroom only to get foiled by the carpet and the blasted door swinging the wrong way. You were always the crazy late night man staying up to unholy hours of the morning grading papers...made me glad I didn't teach English...still gives me the shakes! You have always been so much like my brother to me Dave. You mean the world to me and I cherish you. Standing with you and our Savior.
All my love,


Will Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:49 PM CDT
Such Courage is Hartening to see!
We have a daughter who did have a Tumor on the back of the Head a few Years ago but had that one removed as do believe it was externally! She is working with Mentally and Physically challenged people and is very dedicated and gives then lotsof Love!

Her older Sister has a Tumor close to the brainstem but is inoperatable due to the fact it is to close to the Brainstem!
She had Fractionated Stereotactic Radiation in Vancouver B.C. Canada and now lives in North Bay Ontario and has been informed that the Radiation has done damage to the optical nerve and one other place inside the Head!
She is presently working with Her Husband taking care of a Senior Citizens Complex and doing rather well!
Have Hope and Faith all is not LOST!

Jan de Witte <flycat@nb.sympatico.ca>
Moncton, N.B. Canada - Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:35 PM CDT
Dave, I think of you and your family every day. May you all find peace in your lives. It is really great that you were able to visit football camp today. I know it meant a lot to the kids and the coacher.
Jeanne Ruecker <jruecker@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:13 PM CDT
Sending hugs for strength from another brain tumor family in Western Massachusetts. We are with you in spirit.
Sharon and Jim Burke <jburkejj@aol.com>
Southwick, MA USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:05 PM CDT
My heart is aching for all of you. I admire the courage you and Michelle are showing. If hugs would help I'm sending you thousands of them. Just wish I could be there in person to deliver them. Keep up your bright outlook. I love you all so much. Grandma
Edith Meyer <meyeremm@cableone.net>
Clarkston, WA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:04 PM CDT
Dave and Family,

You are an inspiration. We are praying for you all.

Jay <jay@soundbuilders.com>
- Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:02 PM CDT
Well, I guess I'm not going to be saying anything new here, but I have to say it anyway: Dave, you are amazing to me. The way you've carried yourself through this process is just incredible. I often wonder why all this is happening, and, while I never find an answer to that question, it's obvious that you've inspired many people with your strength,love, humor, and poise.

Michelle, you amaze me as well, for the same reasons. Your entire family has weathered the ups and downs so gracefully these past years--it's hard to find words to describe the impact it has. You have touched so many lives.

Anyway, we love you guys, and will continue to pray.

Mark Nelson <marknelson88@hotmail.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 7:48 PM CDT
God is Faithful. We will add you to our prayers tonight.
Wendy Hanis <whanis@comcast.net>
Renton, WA 98056 - Thursday, July 28, 2005 7:17 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and family,
You are an inspiration to us all, especially those dealing with this devastating illness. You are in my thoughts and prayers!!!

Michigan USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 7:14 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and family,
You are an inspiration to us all, especially those dealing with this devastating illness. You are in my thoughts and prayers!!!

Michigan USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 7:14 PM CDT
I do not know you personally but as believers "family" in Christ. So, my dear brother & sister I will be praying for you. God is still on His throne, and yes, he can perform a miracle.
Dorothy Erickson
kent, wa usa - Thursday, July 28, 2005 7:06 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle, family,
I pray for you all. I wish I could do more , but I'm going to keep praying for peace and health. God bless you. Love, Linda Diamond

Linda Diamond <marcsdiamond@charter.net>
Harwinton, Connecticut United States - Thursday, July 28, 2005 7:01 PM CDT
Dear Dave and Family
I send you love and a gentle caring rainbow to surround you. I send you a wish for good care and comfort from friends and family and your medical 'team'.
This journey is hard - and it teaches us about compassion, love, commitment, caring, faith...... the list is long..... but it is hard hard hard.
I send you hugs. all of you there. and, I light candles in prayer and ask the spirit of my dear sweet Normand to help you all - and if possible to find a miracle for Dave.
I am 'with' you. I send you my love. I think of you.
Hurahh for all of you - for Dave's wonderful spirit, for all your courage, for all your care and time together.
blessings on you

Dot Bonnenfant <dotb@magma.ca>
Chelsea, Province of Quebec Canada - Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:59 PM CDT
Dear Dave,
You have such a beautiful family! I wanted to see your picture in the photos, too! And you are most beautiful, too, I'm sure!
My prayers are for you and your family and I will keep praying for you all.
Fondly, Melissa
sister of Linda, who passed away in March of 2004 and had a GBM for 2 1/2 years. She actually died from blood infection after shingles. Her last MRI looked pretty clean!

Melissa <Bevily@aol.com>
Concord, oh usa - Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:58 PM CDT
God overwhelms us sometimes. However, it seems that Dave is rarely overwhelmed even in the face of all of what you have endured (?not the right word) over the years. The two of you are beautiful together. God certainly knew what he was doing when he let Michelle say "yes, today." Our family's prayers to all of your family.
Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID - Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:39 PM CDT
Dave and Family -

Always, you have offered the most incredible positive energy and courage throughout my years here on the BT List. My son KJB is a 5 year survivor, like you, Dad, husband wonderful, and spirited. I think of you and your family and the word Spirit comes to mind. To you Dave, prayers of peace, love and joy. We are holding you and your family close in heart, cherishing each step of your journey of caring, sharing and HOPE!

Cynthia Baumann-Retalic <cbk92@comcast.net>
Revere, MA 02151 - Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:39 PM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,
I've been regularly checking your website for quite a while and also following your posts on the BT list. My 29 year old son has the same diagnosis as you do, Dave. He also has a website if you'd like to check it out(www.caringbridge.org/oh/mattdowney). We all need to believe that a cure is coming and continue one day at a time. Your spirit is an inspiration... Blessings...

Susan <sdowney1@aol.com>
Gahanna, OH USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:37 PM CDT
Hello David,
I have been following your trials through the BRAINTMR list. You and your family are SO strong. You encourage me and I am sure many many others. I am a 5 year GBM survivor. I hope that if things ever get scary for me too, that I am as strong and encouraging as you are!!!! I have two little boys, 8 and 6 years old. I hope I can still laugh and love on my family like you do, even if things get ugly. Thank you for all you do. I will be praying for you. God Bless, Cheryl Broyles

Cheryl Broyles <humboldt@charter.net>
Keno, OR USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:34 PM CDT
Dave & Michelle, Every time I read this guestbook I am amazed at the number of people who's lives you have touched. Your stength and grace in these trying times are such an inspiration to me. You and your family are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.
Colleen & Paul Battaglia <pcbatt@comcast.net>
seattle, wa - Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:32 PM CDT
Two days ago I learned of your story through my fiance' Alana Lysholm. She's a member of the BT List and is 5 year survivor of an anaplastic oligodendroglioma. She's an extraordinary person and is an inspiration for me. I can see that you definitely exhibit these same qualities. Thanks for sharing so much Michelle. The phrase 'Not Today' now has a whole new meaning for me. You both will be in our thoughts and prayers. Much love,


Brett Bernacchi <brettbernacchi@yahoo.com>
Phoenix, AZ United States - Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:20 PM CDT
Dear Dave & Michelle,

I am mostly a lurker, but I do manage to read all of the posts on a daily basis. My granddaughter, Haley (age 3) was diagnosed with a Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma on 12/15/04. We just returned from her MRI a little while ago, but we won't have the results until tomorrow afternoon. As I pray for Haley nightly, I will include you in my prayers. I try not to cry while reading the posts, but when I read about Dave & Zach on the football field and the standing ovation Dave received, I could vividly see a picture of a beloved teacher/coach/father/husband in my head. I had a HUGE lump in my throat and tears glistening in my eyes. Your courage, grace, and generosity of spirit inspires me. Know that your words and actions touch many people - what a beautiful legacy. God bless you. Sophia

Sophia Altieri <scaltieri@hotmail.com>
Titusville, NJ - Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:18 PM CDT
To Dave, Michelle and family,
I'm praying for a miracle for Dave and lifting each of you up in prayer.

Jeffrie Thomas-Sugar Land, TX <jft1324@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:17 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle, You're determination is an inspiration. Keep up the fight until you find the magic bullet you need. We are all praying for you and sharing in your grief in hopes that we can lighten your load by sharing the weight.Most importantly, love every day.
Jacki <madcatter@ns.sympatico.ca>
Halifax, NS Canada - Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:08 PM CDT
Hi Dave. It's good to hear that you still have a sense of humor. My wife, currently in her lasts days of this GBM disease, still can make me laugh (at the same time crying on the inside). I'll send a few prayers your way. Prayers have help us throughout our "adventure". God is still good. Take care buddy.
Brian W. <maryandbrianw1@sbcglobal.net>
Greendale, WI USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:00 PM CDT
Dear Michelle and Dave,
Dave I'm so proud of you! Look how you are and you're still worry for other people and a good sense of HUMOR. Keep being that way, keep your head UP!! You are the spirit and strengh of that family, as you always wil be(Michelle remember that).
I'm sending you (both) lots of hugs and prayers coming from Waltham MA.
love, Giselle

Giselle Tejeda <yiyitj@hotmail.com>
Waltham, MA USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 5:06 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
My husband and I are reading your posts each day on the brain tumor list and your website. We are keeping you all in our prayers. We have a sculpture on our living room wall that says simply "Miracles happen." May they happen in your living room as well. Prayers and healing thoughts coming your way from California - Kara and Butch, dx GBM inoperable 12/04

Kara <kduck913@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, July 28, 2005 5:02 PM CDT
Michelle and Dave

Sending you hugs from the Collins family. You are in ourthoughts and prayers- we are all here for you. You are an amazing family The Collins family Burlingham Ny

bedford park , ny us - Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:43 PM CDT
Lots of good wishes and prayers coming your way from St. Louis! Your strength and the strength of your love will always be an inspiration to all who know you. Love to your entire family and of course, you, Dave.
Mary Ann m/o Eric <maryann@amcmort.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
Dear Michelle and Dave,

Tonight when I look up at the stars I will be sending a prayer your way. I admire the courage you show and share with all of us.

God bless you

Elaine Lemieux <coyotesden@redshift.bc.ca>
Field, BC Canada - Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:39 PM CDT
Hi Dave and Michelle,
We are just checking in to say "HI". You, as always, are at the top of our prayer list and are never far from our thoughts!

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:35 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
I just recenty signed back on after a 6 year absence. My mother, Anadel, lost her battle with a GBM on June 23, 1999, her 43rd wedding anniversary. I believe that you were on during the year preceding her death when I originally was. I am so sorry to hear about what is happening to your family at this time, but am so heartened by the way you are all dealing with it. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. The hurt doesn't really get easier, it just changes form. Susan

Susan Burkenstock <sburkenstock@elkinsplc.com>
River Ridge, LA USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:34 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle & Family:

As we all venture through this treacherous journey, we are reminded that we are not alone as a result of the sometimes faceless friends we meet on Virtualtrials.com. Thank you for putting a face on your family and for sharing your stories with us and know that there are friends praying for you daily.

Rob Qualls <RSQ5820@aol.com>
Ft Lauderdale, FL - Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:32 PM CDT
Hi Michelle, Dave and family...i don't post often but keep track of the emails. i do read yours as you are in Washington state...Andy and I are in Woodinville WA. I just wanted to let you know i am thinking of you and sending very POSITIVE healing thoughts to you and Dave.....i love his humor!! Andy and I are celebrating our 1 year wedding anniversary next month and it will have been almost 2.5 years since his diagnosis/surgery/radiation for his gliosarcoma.
Holly Card <v-hollyc@microsoft.com>
Woodinville, WA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:29 PM CDT
I am sending hugs and lots of prayers..
Billie Green <BGreen2417@aol.com>
Mooresville, NC USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:28 PM CDT
Dave and family--

Sending best wishes from another Washington person (Seattle) I've just rejoined the braintmr list, I was the listowner for 10 years. I am sure you are looking forward to the football season. It's a tough time but it sounds to me like you are facing life with a huge sense of grace.

Sandy Barnes

Sandy Barnes
Seattle, WA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:14 PM CDT
Hi Dave and Michelle and Family, I have read Michelle's posts over the past few months, but nothing touched me as much as today's post, Thursday, July 28. Dave you are a strong warrior and a great husband and father; Michelle you are a great wife and mother and also so eloquent in describing your journey. You are an inspiration to me in my journey with my husband. Wishing you the best of thoughts, Carole w/o Howard age 66, dx/sx GBM 3/05.
Carole Goldberg <crossant1@aol.com>
Fort Lauderdale, FL US - Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:11 PM CDT
Dave and family, you are a terrific inspiration for my family, and many more, I'm sure. Your strength is important not only for yourself and your family, but for countless others who are touched by your path. From what I have read, you've been (and continue to be) a wonderful example for so many people, and I hope that we can be half as strong as you and yours as my girlfriend and I fight her AA3. Take care.
Howard and Kristi
La Palma, CA USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:06 PM CDT
P.S. I sent 3 hugs to Dave today. One from me and 2 from Karla's little ones.
Diana Miller m/o Karla, age 27

diana miller <dbmiller46@yahoo.com>
indianapolis, in - Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:01 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle, Zach and the entire Meyer Clan: I have keep abreast of Dave's journey for sometime and really enjoy Dave's sense of humor. I read Michelle's posts on the brain tumor site and continue to pray for all of you. My daughter Karla loved country music and I know she would love Tim McGraw's song, Live Like You Were Dying, which, since her passing, we make every moment count with her children. I will light a candle for Dave tonight when I ask my special angel Karla to watch over Dave. In Hope, Peace and Love, We Pray for a Cure.
Diana Miller m/o Karla, age 27, m/o Brooke & Mason
dx 4-19-01 "gbm iv"

diana miller <dbmiller46@yahoo.com>
indianapolis, in - Thursday, July 28, 2005 3:58 PM CDT


WALLA WALLA, WA USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 3:03 PM CDT




WALLA WALLA, WA USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 3:02 PM CDT
Michelle, Dave and family,
You are in our thoughts and prayers, daily. May you find comfort in God and in your Love for one another.
Linda, Jeff and family (list family)

Linda McRae <jlmcrae@mts.net>
Brandon, MB Canada - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 11:53 PM CDT
Hi. That's all. Just hi. : )

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:54 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle, Zach, Kenny and Kate,
May you all find peace during this trying time and know that there are so many people sending you positive energy. The positive energy that Dave has sent out to so many people (big and small) is rebounding back to all of you through their thoughts and prayers.

Sandy Meliah <bmeliah@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 11:56 AM CDT
The music speaks your lives so well, where numbness could fail. You are holding today with both fists, as it should be done, as I wish it didn't have to be done. Tomorrow, you'll do the same. Dance, right where you are.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 10:53 AM CDT
Dear Meyer family,
The kids are gathered around me at the computer and we want you to know how much we love and care for each of you. Greta just says, "Dear God, Dave!"

Kevin, Kirsten and the Pribilsky crew <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 0:28 AM CDT
I can close my eyes, and I'm at "The Attic", the two of us are dancing (that would be you and me Michelle) and people think we are "groupies". I'd be your groupie any day Dave, as long as Michelle can be my dance partner.
Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 0:15 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle, We pray for you daily that you would feel God's hand in your family. That HE would give you the encouragement and love through whoever HE feels needs to be blessed in return. HE is in control!! May you feel his presence always!! Love, The Cox Family
Peggy Cox <billandpeg@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:57 PM CDT
Meyer Family,
You are all in our prayers tonight. I wish we could just stop the world....right now. He has bigger plans for all of us. Draw from your strong faith and know that many of us are on our knees tonight praying. We love you.
Melissa and Curtis

Melissa Johnson <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:42 PM CDT
Dear Michelle and Dave: I don't know what to say, only that we are thinking of you all and praying for God's presence in all your hearts during this most difficult time. Your "songs" in the journal, Michelle, are so touching and helpful to express all the myriad of emotions. I know they are helpful to me, so I pray they continue to be a balm to your spirits and give strength when the fountain seems to be dry. Much love,
Tina (& Mark, Madyson, Collin) Gabriel <gabrmt@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:32 PM CDT
We are praying. We lift you up to HIM.
Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:00 PM CDT
You amaze me!
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:29 PM CDT
Dearest Dave, Michelle and family,

Many many prayers are being sent from Chicago....you are in my mind constantly.....so many people here are with you in this journey...how many lives you have all touched...so amazing....may God bring you the strength you need now for this difficult bend in the road.....with hope, love and hugs,
Cathy B.
w/o Lou dx inoperable gbm 10/04
(a list buddy).

Cathy Beres
- Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:17 PM CDT
You continue to shine and are a real beacon to all. Unashamed to be called His. This is huge!!
Well done good and faithfull servants!
Its wonderfull to see how many people love you. I have been changed following this journey. So, will many others one way or another. Praying again and again.

Heidi Gwinnell <hgwinnell@hotmail.com>
jacksonville, fl usa - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 3:24 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle and Family: Your news pulls at my heart, and I reach out to you to give you all the love and support that I can. Our prayers are with you and will help to lift you as you face the next step in this journey.

Jim and Jeannie DeCourcey, www.caringbridge.org/or/jeanniedecourcey

James M DeCourcey <jimdecourcey@charter.net>
Grants Pass, OR - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 1:45 PM CDT
From a favorite memory of mine: "If on courage you must call, then just keep on tryin', and tryin', and tryin'. You're a lion. In your own way, be a lion". You are truly courageous in this fight and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. To Lion from Dorothy.
Love, Denise

Denise Richmond Habash <deniser@allergyresearch.com>
Sammamish, WA USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 12:08 AM CDT
Michelle and Dave, our family loves you so much and wish we could share every moment with you in person. Please remember how much you are loved. We are all praying for your family. Sending lots of hugs.
Peter and Cheryl Wiederspan <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
puyallup, wa United States - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:45 AM CDT
Michele and Dave
Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. God is so with you all!

Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:02 AM CDT
Oh Meyers family...My heart aches today as I read the latest entry,I have been reading the journal for days but the right words would never come to me so I would simply sign off and pray some more and more and more.Dave I would like you to know that you are a very special person and that everyday at lunch you always brought a smile and made ME feel special too just for saving chocolate chip cookies just for you! Sometimes the little things are what counts the most!Please know the many lives you and your wonderful family continue to touch! God be with you all and those of us who have grown to love you! The cookie lady
Diane Schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:00 AM CDT
We have talked so many times about your family's wonderful spontanious song and praise on a Sunday morning on Carol and Dennis's porch four years ago.
Our prayers and love are with you all.

Dean & Pat Van Leuven <dataimage@juno.com>
Elmira, OR U.S.A. - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:42 AM CDT
The Oak Tree

A mighty wind blew night and day
It stole the oak tree's leaves away
Then snapped its boughs and pulled its bark
Until the oak was tired and stark

But still the oak tree held its ground
While other trees fell all around
The weary wind gave up and spoke
How can you still be standing, Oak

The oak tree said, I know that you
Can break each branch of mine in two
Carry every leaf away
Shake my limbs, and make me sway

But I have roots stretched in the earth
Growing stronger since my birth
You'll never touch them, for you see
They are the deepest part of me

Until today, I wasn't sure
Of just how much I could endure
But now I've found, with thanks to you
I'm stronger than I ever knew

~Author unknown~

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:15 AM CDT
Whew! What a journey this has been. Was hoping and praying for better news, know that you are all in our hearts and many hugs go out to you all. We continue to pray for your entire family. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you out, no matter how great or small. Blessings to all of you!
Teri Johnson <tandt@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:02 AM CDT
" When you walk through a storm, hold your chin up high and don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm is a golden sky and the sweet, silver song of a lark. Walk on, through the wind. Walk on, through the rain. Though your dreams be tossed and blown, walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone. You'll never walk alone. " Look around, Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kaitlyn at ALL the many, many wonderful friends and family who have been taking this very long walk with you; you've never walked alone and it's been absolutely incredible to witness the love, strength and support coming from those who write to you on the the caringbridge site. Take care today and each tomorrow.
Wendye <bren@brenski.net>
- Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:55 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kaitlyn, We are so sorry the news wasn't better. Amy was up late last night giving Dave hundreds of hugs! You are in our thoughts and prayers each and every day. We love you!
Cindy, Mike, Amy & Joey <thelorangs@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:54 AM CDT
Our prayers are with you and your family. May god hold you through the harder times and keep you through the others.

Lea Marchese W/o Joe GBM 4 <leamarchese@optonline.net>
Riverhead, NY - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 1:12 AM CDT
May God bless you and keep you tight in His grip.
Thinking of you...
Becky Betts

Becky Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 0:36 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kaitlyn - We want you to know that we are praying for you guys. Please remember that we are right around the corner if you need anything. We have been enjoying the smell from the firepit and listening to the kids' laughter in the evenings :-)
Rob, Shannon, Mason and Seth
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 11:43 PM CDT
Gulp! That news is hard to swallow! Oh how we had hoped for better news. Can't imagine how you all must be feeling. You were right, Michelle-cancer sucks! Praying for better news and a sense of peace. Love to all!
Lori Wahl <loriwahl@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 11:36 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle & entire family
Our continuous thoughts and prayers are with all of you. We hoped & prayed that the outcome would have been different. We are sending many, many hugs. We pray HE gives all of you strength in the weeks ahead. Love ya, Ron & Arlyne (Hugs & kisses)

Ron & Arlyne Abbott <arlyneabb@rockisland.com>
Shaw Island, WA USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 11:24 PM CDT
Sometime expletives seem like they are the only words that fit, but then I think of something better - I LOVE YOU.
Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, July 25, 2005 10:59 PM CDT
Coach Meyer,
I hope you realize how many lives you have touched, and changed, not only on the football field, but in the class room. You are such a real, caring person. Never give up hope, everyone who knows you will be praying, and hoping that you can beat this thing. If anything can beat this, it will be all of the people out there who care for you, praying their hearts out.

Casey <ceedogg_12@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Monday, July 25, 2005 10:30 PM CDT
Dave and Family - It was such a gift to be able to share time with you this weekend and give Dave lots of physical hugs. This latest news is hard to read, and we continue to pray for all of you and for a miracle. We love you. -Erik
Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 10:28 PM CDT
Dear Dave,Michelle and entire family,
I can't even begin to tell you how much you have all touched my daughters life in such a GREAT way.Dave, you started by being a great teacher and role model. You will always be her favorite teacher! Meg feels as much a part of your family as she does ours and I Thank You all for treating her as part of your family!I would like to help in any way that I can,please let me know how. All of our Love and Prayers are with all of you every day!

Sandy Taylor <sanndy71@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Monday, July 25, 2005 8:50 PM CDT
Oh Dave and Michelle....I don't know what to say. How we hoped and prayed for different results. You continue to be in our prayers....and here's a huge cyber hug from all the Streeters
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Monday, July 25, 2005 8:40 PM CDT
Dave,Shelley,Kenny Jo,Zach,and Kate-
I really don't have words right now, but want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope to see all of you soon. Trying to plan a road trip to Walla Walla!! Need to give you all a big hug....other than the "internet" hugs. Hope to see you soon. Love, Melissa

Melissa Johnson <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Monday, July 25, 2005 8:38 PM CDT
Dave - I forgot to go up to give you a hug before I left yesterday. So I gave you several on this website! You're the best Huggy Bear I know. Thank you for being YOU, imperfections & SFT, and all. I'm honored to call you friend.

Love, --Deb

Debra Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Monday, July 25, 2005 8:32 PM CDT
We are so sorry that it wasnt the news that you were hoping for. We check on your site often to see how you and your family are doing. I know how heart breaking it is to hear something like this. You are all in our prayers. Dont ever give up hope!
Kevin and Kari T. <kkterry@netins.net>
Mn USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 8:19 PM CDT
Meyer family, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Love, the Czyhold's
Judy Czyhold <jczyhold@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 7:43 PM CDT
There are no words, at least in me...... only prayers that HIS spirit and healing hands can be with you....
We are hoping to be seeing all of you soon.

Bonnie and Denny <bparker@pacifier.com>
Long Beach , WA - Monday, July 25, 2005 7:21 PM CDT
Christina and I were on a boat in the San Juans for the past three days, and I couldn't get you out of my mind. We love you, and will continue to pray...
Mark Nelson
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 7:20 PM CDT
Oh, my goodness. All my good wishes, prayers and thoughts going your way.
Anne Bidez <sidneys2d@aol.com>
Savannah, GA USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 7:15 PM CDT
I wish I had some wonderful words of wisdom and I can't think of a thing to say. But I know the worst thing I could do would be to say nothing. I hate the news but I'm glad I know so that you don't have to carry this alone. I'm here, and there if I can help. We are praying......
Laurie Klicker <mikeklicker@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Monday, July 25, 2005 6:43 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and Kids,
You don't know me but my husband is battling a GBM and I have been reading Michelle's entries on the brain tumor list. I just wanted you to know that you all have been in our prayers as well. You all are such strong people and we wish you the best and many blessings. Keep fighting, Dave...you are inspiration to so many - even people you don't even know. Our best, Kara & Butch, dx GBM inoperable 12/2004

Kara <kduck913@yahoo.com>
- Monday, July 25, 2005 6:23 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach, and Kaitlyn, Prayers and hugs. Prayers still for healing, for hope, for help from God and his angels. Hugs of love, hugs of tears, hugs of peace. We love you with all our hearts and are with you in spirit.

in His eyes,
Shane, Tracy, Gabrielle and Rebekah

The Longmires <longmire@innw.net>
Frankfort, Ky - Monday, July 25, 2005 6:00 PM CDT
I hate this kind of butterfly.

All of you are in my heart and in my prayers as always.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Monday, July 25, 2005 5:30 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kate,
Oh, how we prayed for a different result. But, we keep on and hold you close!

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
- Monday, July 25, 2005 5:21 PM CDT
HUGS...HUGS...HUGS...a bizillion of them. The Wids
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 5:11 PM CDT
Michelle, Dave and kids...
You are in our constant prayers and thoughts.
God bless you all.

Dawn Hull <dawnnoelehull@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 3:15 PM CDT
You are constantly in our prayers...
Lisa, Mike, Andrew and Alison <mbraddock@charter.net>
walla walla, wa - Monday, July 25, 2005 2:10 PM CDT
Thank you for letting us know the appointment time. You have an army of people praying for you and waiting with you!

Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
- Monday, July 25, 2005 12:58 AM CDT
Dear Meyer family,
We are keeping you in our prayers...all day long!

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
- Monday, July 25, 2005 11:31 AM CDT
The Haroldson's are with you today, as we are every day! We love you. Evy and the gang
Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, July 25, 2005 10:41 AM CDT
"Every time that you walk by" the forefront of my mind -which is every day the last few months- my heart feels lighter and I have to smile. I love you brother! Keep smiling. Michelle, Kenny, Zach, and Katelyn we love you all so very much and you are at the top of our prayers every day!

Will, Stacy, Ryan, Christian, Kyle, and Caleb Mouat

Will and Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 8:39 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle, it was great seeing you guys this weekend. Dave, it was nice to see you getting up and around. I will be waiting with you in prayer for results this week. If you have any more songs for my top 200 list, just keep them coming. Dave you just need to sing a few lines and then Michelle can tell me the title and group. Please keep us posted if you are headed this way soon. Take care,
Peter Wiederspan <pwiederspan@verisign.com>
Puyallup, wa - Monday, July 25, 2005 1:09 AM CDT
With the peace of Sunday, waiting with you....

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Sunday, July 24, 2005 2:30 PM CDT
Dear Meyer family,
We are sending more prayers, thoughts, and hugs your way!

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
- Saturday, July 23, 2005 5:54 PM CDT
Best of luck on today's photo shoot. I'll be thinking of you at 7:00 EST.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Friday, July 22, 2005 2:58 PM CDT
Dear Dave and Michele, just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers!
Vicki Ruley <ruley@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, July 22, 2005 9:58 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle, We will be praying HARD for a successful scan tomorrow and a quiet weekend of waiting for results. Dave, its been too long since I have talked to you, and I really miss your jokes and warmth. I hope I can catch up with you soon, but even if I don't, please remember that you are always on my mind and in my prayers and I love you guys. ps. Austen wants to play some pinochle and it reminded me of the all-night games that had to be stopped and started again the next day - mostly because Dave would never give up. never.
Peter Wiederspan <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
Puyallup, WA United States - Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:47 PM CDT
Oh Michelle and Dave....I just read today's entry and my heart broke for you. I cried a few tears and then thought, what good will those do, and then spent some time on my knees. What more can a family stand? You are so loved, and so worthy....Please God, heal him.

Ginny Streeter <gstreeter@bendbroadband.com>
Bend, OR - Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:31 PM CDT
Dear Michelle,
I added 6 "hugs" to Dave from our family but I wish I could send 600 to you! We are praying with you and for you. God bless the handy grandpas...hugs for them too!

Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
- Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:16 PM CDT
I always thought "Love Story" got it wrong. Love means you're ABLE to say you're sorry! So Dave was telling you he loves you, just like all the other wonderful people that visit this site throughout their day to keep up on your fight and send you those cyber hugs! One's heading your way right now.

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, July 21, 2005 9:48 PM CDT
Dear Dave,Michelle,Kenny,Zach,and Kate,
We have been praying all over you guys! I am so glad today was a better day and pray tomorrow is even better. If I were Harry Potter I would conjure up a "Dark Days Begone" spell!

Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
- Thursday, July 21, 2005 0:49 AM CDT
We are praying, praying and praying....sending you postive thoughts, strength, and love. Keep up the fight!! Love, Melissa and Curtis
Melissa Johnson <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:28 PM CDT
As always you are in our thoughts and prayers. Good thing God knows no limits and will meet us where we are all the while planning for the good things to come. We love you all.
Tracy, Shane, Gabrielle and Rebekah <longmire@innw.net>
Frankfort, Ky - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 1:53 PM CDT
Hi Meyers--
When I spoke with Dave the other night, it really seemed like he was turning a corner. Maybe that corner is just around the corner, though. You are always in our prayers, and you're an example for all of us.

Mark Nelson
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 1:44 PM CDT
Last night: no sleep at all. That "earful" took far longer than I expected.

Diane Phillips ~ www.brainhospice.com ~ <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:18 AM CDT
We're praying and praying and praying and praying. . . for God to give Dave strength AND for God to give you and the kids strength to move forward each and every day. Just know that your family means so much to so many, wanting to help, but not knowing how. So we pray. Thanks for your continued posting on this web site, you truly are one of the most spirital, awesome families I know. God's love and care shine in you all. God Bless.

Cheryl Bloom
Walla Walla, - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:30 AM CDT
Meyer Family;
It was really fun visiting with you guys at Sarah's birthday bbq and talking about the good ol' days and the class of 1981. Shelley, you can join our group anytime! Take Care. God Bless.

Karla Broughton <karla@bmi.net>
- Tuesday, July 19, 2005 10:44 AM CDT
You crack me up. I just read your entry on Kevin Terry's site, and I had to laugh. I feel the same way you do.....with soccer, basketball etc., you can't take your eyes off the game, or you will miss something.....not with baseball. I actually fell asleep in the car once (here in Bend it ususally snows, rains, blows etc. on games and you sit in the car and watch) and I didn't miss a thing. I love your sense of humor.

Ginny Streeter <gstreeter@bandbroadband.com>
Bend, Or - Monday, July 18, 2005 10:48 PM CDT
Agape Love. That is what Zach is showing Dave right now. True Love Knows no Bounds! You are amazing parents and you have amazing children. Please pray for my husband and his family. We lost his youngest brother very suddenly last week. He was only 46 and left a wife and three boys. He suffered a major stroke at the base of his brain and died two days later. Very heardbreaking. I thought of Dave's brave battle when we were told about Jeff. Only God knows the number of days we have. We will also continue to pray for you.
Ginny Streeter <gstreeter@bendbroadband.com>
Bend, OR - Sunday, July 17, 2005 10:10 PM CDT
So great to hear the news! Zach you are definitely a chip off the (OLD!) block! We take care of those we love. None of this is how it is "supposed to be." You are each showing us what Grace is. God bless. You are ALWAYS in our prayers.
Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID - Sunday, July 17, 2005 7:37 PM CDT
Congratulations on the "all-dayer" on Thursday, Dave! I'm not too sure my lemonade and cookies really had anything to do with your success, but if that sleepin' feelin' comes over you again after the supply of lemonade has been exhausted, have Michelle let me know and I'll install a pipeline right over to your house and start pumping the stuff directly there! Thanks to Michelle, Michelle's mom and YOU for the friendly hospitality while I visited (with a little visit from Kenny, too!). The little goodie I brought home from your house will be enjoyed.
Wendye <bren@brenski.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Saturday, July 16, 2005 2:42 PM CDT
Ode to a Vertical Dave

For days you'd lounged and warmed the bed,
Then woke and roamed the house instead!!

From the Other Corner I heard the joy,
The applause, the shouts of "Atta-boy!"

My happiness, it knew no bounds
To know you were up and wandering around.

(Be sure each sock has got a gripper
So you, my friend, are not a "slipper.")

My mood will be ecstatic when
I hear you've gone for a walk again.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Friday, July 15, 2005 9:22 PM CDT
It was so wonderful to hear that Dave was feeling alert and holding conversations! Any piece of "normality" is a good piece. Michelle, I am frustrated being so far from your family and not being able to help when needed. I will continue to pray, of course. Miss you and think of your family often, Donna
Donna Wierman <mdjkwierman@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA USA - Friday, July 15, 2005 6:21 PM CDT
Hello Meyer Family...I know you do not know us but we have been checking on your caringbridge site to see how youve been doing. I first read about your story on the virtual trials website. Your whole family is very strong. You have to be to go through something like this. I know that because my husband is fighting a brain tumor too. You all sound like wonderful people. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. My husband has a caringbridge site too if you are interested...www.caringbridge.org/mn/kevinterry.
Kevin and Kari <kkterry@netins.net>
Mn USA - Friday, July 15, 2005 4:44 PM CDT
What a great pleasure it was to run into the 3 Meyer kids at Berney playground last night. Bob & I marveled at what great conversationalists they were; so poised, so mature, so delightful. What an amazing reflection on their parents. We hope & pray sometime soon, those wonderful "normal days" are once again, the "norm".
God Bless you in every way!
Love to you all,
~The Betts
Becky~Bob~Chloe'~Paul~Spencer~Mary Bella

Becky Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Friday, July 15, 2005 2:43 PM CDT
What a great report of a "normal" day! There is joy in the mundane! But I see that the family reporter is still burning the midnight oil! Be sure to take care of the caregiver - they all need you!
Janet Clark <janet.clark@wwccedu>
- Thursday, July 14, 2005 12:48 AM CDT
Hooray! We pray this continues...pain free, clear, joyful days!
The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
- Thursday, July 14, 2005 10:52 AM CDT
Praise God for the break in the clouds! And the pure rays of sonshine in your Day!!! And all the saints rejoice!!!
Hgwinnell <hgwinnell@hotmail.com>
jacksonville, fl usa - Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:18 AM CDT
The treatment break must feel good. Just a person---not a patient. Coast. Float. Tune it out. Recover.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 7:43 PM CDT
Hi Coach ~ Your spiritual and physical strength continue to hold us up. Thank you and the entire Meyer Family for constantly reminding us of the source of that strength.
~ The Wids

Cindy and Zac Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 6:23 PM CDT
Michelle and family,
We think of you every day. Especially the part of the day that Jeffrey sits at the piano and plays worship songs. We hold Dave so close to us at those times. We continue to pray for all of you. May God give you strength and peace.
Love from the Townsends'

Patrice <patrice@fancylogo.com>
- Tuesday, July 12, 2005 0:31 AM CDT
Hi Dave and Michelle and family. I just got home from a couple of weeks on the road and really enjoyed catching up on the guestbook. There are sooo many folks out there lifting you up every day! We remember you always in our family prayers, and would love to see you this summer. Michelle, I especially appreciated your comments on running this marathon. You have been pushing hard for longer than Lance Armstrong, and still have plenty more fight left in you with your faith to raise you up. Thanks for letting us know the challenges to pray for.
Peter Wiederspan <pwiederspan@verisign.com>
Puyallup, WA - Monday, July 11, 2005 1:52 PM CDT
Dear Shelley, Dave and Family,

You have all been such an inspiration to us. How you keep up your faith and determination is wonderful. You know the only one who can keep you all going is the Lord. He is always with you and knows how much you love Him. We pray everyday for you Dave and your family. You are such a fighter. Shelley, your strength is coming from God and he will always be with you. Your family sounds wonderful and it's such a joy to be able to participate in the activities of your children. Baseball has always been one of our loves and we so enjoyed watching our boys play. Thinking and praying for you every day.

Janet & Chuck Miltenberger <Beebeme@pocketmail.com>
Clarkston, WA USA - Monday, July 11, 2005 11:57 AM CDT
Dear Shelly,
Life is but a journey. I remember when I was having a rather dark moment, and I received this little note in the mail letting me know how special I was- later I learned that it was you who had sent it to me. I have never forgotten that act of thoughtfulness and it always brings a warm smile to my heart. You were just a young girl at the time. Now you are having your own journey and I only wish there were words of encouragement I could give to you. But they seem to be lacking.
This morning I was reading from "Sanctuary" a thought provoking book by Dr. David Jeremiah and this is what was written for July 9th.
"It is not the absence of suffering but the response to the suffering that makes Christians unique. Believers are not exempt from trials in life, but we can be exempt from the failure to those trials.
I feel that we are each on our own journey and only with HIM at the helm can we make it thru. We are certainly not promised that it will be without that 10' wave....
My prayers and thoughts are constantly with you, Dave and the family. I only hope that they can be felt.
Much love and many hugs, Bonnie

Bonnie Parker <bparker@pacifier.com>
Long Beach, WA USA - Sunday, July 10, 2005 12:22 AM CDT
Your family is in my prayers tonight and every night. You are not alone in this battle. Many of us are praying daily for you and thinking about you. Here is something to make you smile....think back to the days I used to lay on your lap and you would put make-up on me. Simple times. You were an inspiration then and still are today. I am so proud of you. Please try to find the little things in every day that bring a smile to your face. I think of you and smile!! Keep up the fight, but remember it is a marathon. Pace yourself!! Thank you for the songs. The words are helpful during the storm. Love you, Melissa

Melissa Johnson <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Saturday, July 9, 2005 10:31 PM CDT
Back among you and all caught up now. Read about the laundry list. Those are hard little things; you are right. As for control...and controlling the control...and as for lessons...and lessons requiring "relearning"...a philosophical laundry list, I guess. Sometimes it feels like you've been through the wringer and left hanging on the line, and it's more than a little bit true. Just breathe. That's all. Just breathe, do, feel, love. Remember that poem and song from way back called "Desiderata"? There is one nice line in particular: "And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." More philosophy, very little help. I'm listening, though. Always listening.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Saturday, July 9, 2005 10:44 AM CDT
Dave, The WaHi class of '81 and especially all of you "musical kids" have had a spot in our hearts and memories and whenever we run into one of you we get brought up to date. Denise has shared with us your battle and both Floyd & I want you to know that we are praying for you. I was so happy to hear of this website and now to see your beautiful family it is like being back in Walla Walla again. I'm a 5 year breast cancer survivor and I know how important our own faith can be.
Carol and Floyd Richmond <carolandfloyd@adelphia.net>
Hayden Lake, ID USA - Saturday, July 9, 2005 0:04 AM CDT
You are all in our prayers tonight. Michelle, I wish that I could tell you what an inspiration you are to all of us Moms and Wives. I think that I would have pulled the blankets over my head a long time ago.

Nancy Butler <jimnancymegan@bmi.net>
Dayton, WA - Friday, July 8, 2005 7:52 PM CDT
As a christian, wife and mother{and work in progress in the controll dept, making things seem a "certain way " sometimes by faith, others by fear and concern} Wow, I hear what you are expressing in thursdays journal! i.e. the changeing ,the acceptance of the situation, how ever God wills, Daves way of dealing, the letting go!!! I am praying that the Holy spirit will re-place what you give to Him with new blessings, blessings of peace,of rest, for good and the stengthening of your faith which to Him is more precious than fine Gold!!! Preparing you for the future each and every day. I believe he works that way!! Because you are His and He loves you according to His word, In Jesus Christ.

H Gwinnell <hgwinnell@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, Fl usa - Friday, July 8, 2005 12:25 AM CDT
Hi, I got your site from the bt email list. I am praying for Dave and the whole family.

In Christ's love,

Ashley <faithstar@earthlink.net>
Arnold, MO - Thursday, July 7, 2005 10:56 PM CDT
Just wanted you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers. When Proverbs talks about children rising up to call their mother blessed, I think of you Shell. We love you guys!

Will and Stacy

Will and Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, FL for a little longer - Thursday, July 7, 2005 4:31 PM CDT
Shelley - Almost called you tonight (it's only 10:15 so I know you're awake, but some part of me just can't call anyone past 8 p.m.) to see if you still needed taxi service tomorrow. I love this website! There the answer was, just a click away on my computer.

Had a blast on the Fourth! I'm getting fond of our annual mad dash to some arcane part of Walla Walla to watch the fireworks. :)

Love you guys, --Deb

Debra Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
- Thursday, July 7, 2005 0:15 AM CDT
I'm hoping you guys all have a good 4th of July. Sadly to say, my mother is tyed with Zach as the biggest cougar fan.


Canute Haroldson <cjbh@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, July 4, 2005 9:55 AM CDT
Great picture! Dave, you are looking more like your OLD :) self every time. I hope you are feeling as well as you look. Love you all.
Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID - Friday, July 1, 2005 11:11 PM CDT
Shelly, I am Casey Waddell's mom (that's how I know Dave), and a teacher at Mustard Seed ( how I know you and the boys). You amaze me with your strength and conviction. I too went through a long hard battle of a different kind with my hubbie. You may remember his motorcyle accident in '01. Anyway, that is not what is important, but rather the amazing outreach I felt when I needed it. I would love to give back to the community somehow. i don't know you well, but I know a little help is a big help sometimes. PLEASE!!!!!, let me know if I can do laundry, fix dinner, scrub toilets, pick up kids, whatever. I am not working this summer and would be honored to give you and yours a hand. Really, let me know,ok? Know that you are in our daily prayers for strength, guidance and His touch on your lives. God bless, Jeanne
Jeanne Waddell <waddellc@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA usa - Friday, July 1, 2005 9:40 PM CDT
I continue to be amazed at your strength. Whenever I feel sorry for myself, I read your site and I realize how much I have to be thankful for. We are praying that you have a wonderful Holiday weekend, and maybe, even for just a little while, you can forget the battle you are waging. You are great people and God shines through you.

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Thursday, June 30, 2005 6:48 PM CDT
Hi Sweeties. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you often. I hope Z's cough turned out to be nothing serious. I sure missed seeing you yesterday. I was looking forward to a chat. Sending you hugs and prayers and hope to see you soon! Love, Alex
Alex et al
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, June 30, 2005 3:25 PM CDT
You are a true angel of God! I sure wish I could come and give you a big hug and take over for you for awhile. My prayer for you today is for a touch of grace, peace, rest and strength. As others say, you are such an inspiration, not only to Dave and your family, but to all you touch with your updates. God bless!

Becky Stoller <lstoller@velocitus.net>
Kuna, ID - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 11:27 PM CDT
Thanks for the update Shelley,hang in there girl,,you ARE the wind beneath his wings along with the good Lord and he will see you through this! Your strength is truely amazing and we all admire you so very much! Its Ok to have (days) when you are tired and feel beat down ,thats when you let us friends help to lift you up. Please lean on us ! Sincerely the cookie lady
diane schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
walla walla, Wa USA - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 8:27 AM CDT
Thanks for the update on Dave. I check every day. WE LOVE YOU DAVE!!! You inspire me Michelle and you need to grant yourself some grace for your fatigue and frustration. We are looking forward to another great Peach Basket tournament with the same team from 2000? forward? My how they have grown! XXOO Terri (Monahan) Hampson
Theresa Hampson <hampslaw@qwest.net>
Walla Walla, WA US - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:29 PM CDT
You are amazing. Keep up the good work. I love your songs. This last one really hit home for me (and Curtis too!!) We are having our own "issues" in Bend, not nearly what you are enduring. Your words today reached out from the page and hit home with me. I am not sure if you realize how your entire family has "touched" so many lives in different ways. Keep fighting, loving, praying, and try to get a little rest. We love you!!
Curtis and Melissa

Melissa Johnson <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 10:52 PM CDT
Meyer clan,
I thought I'd get a little note in, while I listen to the workers saw through the concrete in my basement to lay a new sewer line. Every so often there is a lull in the noise, and I get to appreciate the beauty of everyday sounds. I'm sure you would rather be here in this mess, than getting the chemo - but then the chemo is doing its job. Congrats to Zach! We're here rooting for your counts, and loving you all.

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 3:15 PM CDT
Good Morning Dave,

Just wanted to let you know that I still check in from time to time. I am keeping up the prayers for you and your family I just don't always write something. I know that our church is still praying as I know so many are. You are in good hands my friend. What more could we ask for. I WILL be seeing you when school starts again. God bless...

Cheryl Drumheller <drumheller@valint.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 10:55 AM CDT
Ryan loved the picture of Z...said "that can't be him, he's too big". You are always in our prayers my friends. We just got back from house hunting in Colorado and praise the Lord, He provided the perfect house AND got us through 26 hours on the road each way with all of us still talking to one another! Just over a month from now we will be on the right side of the Mississippi River for good (I pray). Was thinking that a Rocky Mountian reunion of the 3 amigos (you me and Dean) would be cool next year...might drive our wives crazy, but...maybe we could get Dean to re-enact the Karaoke "Kalijah" (sp)(remember that fiasco?) I miss you terribly brother. Keep fighting and stay strong my friend. We are planning a trip to Washington next summer and Walla Walla is on the list of mando-stops.
All our love,

Will and the gang

Will and Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, FL - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 10:11 AM CDT
Michelle, I am reading the times that you are making these journal entries and am completely astounded! You all are in our prayers. Thank you for your amazing testimony to the power of God. You are a constant reminder to me that our lives are blessed beyond belief!
Christina Magnaghi <cmagnaghi@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, June 27, 2005 11:58 PM CDT
Just checking in and letting you know your family has been in my thoughts and prayers. Ron did a small devotion at our old church in Dayton last Sunday and we all prayed for you. I check in on the journal weekly but don't always write something. I was just thinking about Kenny and getting a chuckle about how tickled he was to have smoked out Ben in Special Olympics track and feild at Milton-Freewater. That was a great day. I will pick up the photos of Fort Lewis this week and send on to you what I have. Take care, Sherri
Sherri Huwe <srhuwe@hotmail.com>
College Place, wa. - Monday, June 27, 2005 11:06 PM CDT
Meyer Family... your strength continues to AMAZE me. When I'm feeling blah (especially the Mom blahs... can we go, can I have, can you find, can you do...etc - Michelle I'm sure you know these...), I come to your site and am always lifted up. Your lives are being used greatly by God to inspire others, more than you'll ever know. When most of us would "whine.. whine... whine" you are praising God and lifting each other and others up. Amazing how you can do that for people you've never met, isn't it? Reading your journals make me want to be better. Thanks! And the music entries help - I am also moved by the power in music! I'm not only moved by Dave and his strength but especially Michelles! Being the wife of a patient isn't easy... sorry Dave, I'm sure you're a fantastic patient, but... Keep each other close, we'll keep praying for TOTAL healing!

Michelle Gentges <Gentges6@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA!!! - Monday, June 27, 2005 6:24 PM CDT
Hi Dave, You and your family are in our prayers. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us, it is a wonderful opportunity to know how to pray for you. Our God is a GREAT Big God! Your life is a blessing far beyond you may ever know,and such a personal testamony of our Lord Jesus Christ! Bless you all!
Donna Howard <cbrooks@gohighspeed.com>
Walla Walla, WA Walla Walla - Monday, June 27, 2005 4:42 PM CDT
meyers, just want you to know we think about you all often..you are all in our prayers.....aything I can do please call....Kenny is here today visiting us we always enjoy his visits....take care...
john, kathy, vanessa & Cody <kperson@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA WA WA - Monday, June 27, 2005 4:40 PM CDT
It was great to see you at the game last week. You guys are always in our thoughts and prayers.
steve walk <steven.walk@wwcc.edu>
walla walla, wa - Monday, June 27, 2005 2:09 PM CDT
Hey Dave,
Yesterday was a milestone for me. Six years since my cancer diagnosis. I remember it like it was yesterday. I also remember that in the days following, while I was sorting everything out, there were very few people that I wanted to talk to. I remember one night that I was feeling particularly negative, when a car came driving down our driveway. "Get rid of them" I said to Mike. A few minutes later he peeked around the corner and said "Laurie...its Dave." "Well, OK, Dave I will talk to". We sat on my front porch on a hot summer night and had a great heart to heart talk. Just know that your support meant the world to me, and if I've not said thank you, then thank you. Any time I can return the favor, I'm always ready to sit and talk!

Laurie Klicker <mikeklicker@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Sunday, June 26, 2005 7:47 PM CDT
We want you to know that you are in our prayers. We admire your strength and your faith. Hang in there!
Dave, Rusann, Jennifer & Stephie Brooks <d.brooks@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Saturday, June 25, 2005 1:33 AM CDT
I've been thinking about you guys all week. I'm sorry I missed you on Wednesday. I was looking forward to a good chat! I went down there at noon, but you were long gone. I hope a week off chemo gives Dave some energy, the infection disappears quickly, and the blood rights itself! Sending you hugs and prayers from across the street,
Alex and the gang
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, June 24, 2005 10:43 PM CDT
I happened by one of Z's games (my Zac was officiating) and commented "Wow, that's some pitcher," not knowing it was YOUR Zach! He should smile, he's awesome. Baseball makes everything better. Love, Cindy
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, June 24, 2005 2:56 PM CDT
Tomorrow morning, I begin Meyer withdrawal. My family of five, plus the fat Lab mix, will be bound for another Corner. Yes, that's right: thousands upon thousands of miles by van from Florida to Maine, each of us treasuring our 20 cubic feet of personal space until, at last, at long last, we are finally "there yet." There is a house waiting for us, on a pond on what realtors term "the quiet side of the island." That's week #1. Then we head to Nova Scotia for several more days, hoping border authorities won't think it's too terribly suspicious that we're actually leaving the States for the Fourth. Then: the great decrease in personal space once again, for the long ride home. I will miss you. But...that house in Maine, it's a quiet house. The dock runs out over the water and I am imagining that, in the early morning, while Walla Walla---not to mention much of Maine---still sleeps, I'll find all the tranquility I'll need to wish you well. So while you sleep, the birds and I, a few squirrels, I assume, and God forbid, a wayward moose will have our quiet conversations while we hold heaven's full attention out there over still water. You'll be traveling along in heart; I might not need to miss you after all. Between us, this will have three of the Corners covered. Can you manage Baja sometime?

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Thursday, June 23, 2005 9:38 PM CDT
Hi all you Meyer's ! We Huwe's continue to check in, read and pray. While we have not known you good people that long, we know your Spirit well. You have been teaching all of us about Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. Just wanted to say hello and let you know we care deepley for all of you. May God hold you tight in His Loving Arms.
Praying always.
Ron,Sherri, Ben, Rowene, Etta.

Ron Huwe <rdhuwe@yahoo.com>
College Place, Wa USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:44 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
Although I have not written everyday...I check the website and pray everyday. Your family is amazing and you inspire me in my daily life in so many ways.
Love, Melissa

Melissa Johnson <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:07 PM CDT
Dude: Thinking about you often and we are pulling for you ALL the time. "Life is so hard...it's breath, breath, breath all the time"...a greeting on the inside of a get well greeting card I had seen several years ago.

Thank you for your spirit and warmth.

Dave Chandler <chandler@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA WW - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 12:34 AM CDT
I'm glad Dave is walking, and when he says eating is a chore, I'm estatic to know that it isn't excruciating pain. Hope Z is doing well. I love the new pictures.


Canute Haroldson <cjbh@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:42 AM CDT
What a great new picture! I'm so glad the summer sports are going well for the boys. Poor Kate with the spider bite---I hate those things! Even when they're just walking along minding their own spidery business, they look like they're up to absolutely no good. No wonder "spinning a web" has become synonymous with "plotting something bad." Tsk, tsk. I'm glad to hear you've been on your feet. I'm wondering now whether having six more feet would be a benefit or a detriment. It seems to work so well for the spider. Hmmmm.... As for the food, I am wishing this: that the flavors and aromas and reminiscences of all that is good about food will work their magic on you and talk your tummy out of its resistance. You are being nourished on so many fronts. Hoping for this one too. One day at a time, one step at a time. (Unfortunately for the poor spider, this would take far longer.)

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:34 AM CDT
Hey Meyer family! So happy to hear that Dave is getting a little more energy. Not a day goes by without checking your website for an update and a prayer is sent for you. Even though Pat, my husband, has never met any of you, he is always asking how you are doing. Your summer sounds busy, too. Just trying to keep up with all the kids activities can wear one out! Keep sleeping all you want and keep eating. We'll keep praying and checking in on you! Hold each other tight!
Lori Deeringhoff Wahl <loriwahl@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:33 AM CDT
Hello Dave and family, just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers and thoughts!!! I thoroughly enjoy the pictures on your site, it is like looking into the past to see baseball, music, etc. My heart is with you all.
Jenny Charlo (Lloyd) <JlCharlo2004@hotmail.com>
Clarkston, WA USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:26 AM CDT
Hi Dave & family-
Just want to say HI! I check your site regularly to keep up with the family news. The kids (young adults now) are beautiful and the pictures are great. Linda and I continue to pray for you all.

Ken Bierly <bierlys@open.org>
Salem, OR - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:06 AM CDT
Hi Dave & Michelle, Joe and I read your journal each day and marvel at your courage. You always seem so positive and we think that's half the battle. You are being prayed for each day, not only for healing, but for strength and hope. Your whole family is such a good example to others, that this battle cannot be won without our Lord walking beside you.
Joe & Carol Ackermann <kk7ki@juno.com>
Yakima, WA USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:50 AM CDT
We're thinking of you daily. We're having to replace our sewer line, and it made me think of all the things we regret having to spend money on, but are truly thankful to have working correctly. Functioning plumbing isn't appreciated until you get the opposite. I hope Dave can manage some cereal and mandarin oranges. Eat when you're hungry Dave, whatever the time. Canute got a Crosby, Stills and Nash CD for his birthday. It sent Erik on the "you know who can really sing this stuff" memory lane - surprise - the answer was Dave Meyer. Praying for energy and appetite! Love, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:46 AM CDT
Dear Meyer Family, we are praying for you every day and for Dave's energy to return. Blessings, the Czyhold 's
Judy Czyhold <jczyhold@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 8:29 AM CDT
Hi guys! So glad to here that the meds are taking care of this infection. You just sleep all you want Dave. It's probably the best thing for you to gain your energy back soon. I think of you throughout the day and pray for continuous healing. Keep caring for one another and enjoy some time together on these beautiful summer days. Happy Father's Day, Dave.
Love you always, Val

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Monday, June 20, 2005 2:30 PM CDT
I'm back. Happy Father's Day Dave! You did good! Just to let you know, little Joe (not so little anymore) just became a father last week. He and Brenda (they still live in Atascadero, CA) brought a healthy and happy Evan Leroy into the world. He's ecstatic to say the least. Now I'm not the only Hedley kid to parent up. Linda sends her best. I love you.
Mark Hedley <mhedley@siue.edu>
Edwardsville, IL USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 8:33 PM CDT
Happy Father's Day, Dave! Your kids seem incredible. Congratulations on raising three terrific people.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Sunday, June 19, 2005 6:31 PM CDT
Your strength and faith are a true inspiration and motivation! Thank you for sharing your life with us all! My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Ryan McCauley <ramm51269@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA United States - Thursday, June 16, 2005 4:17 PM CDT
Meyers family.. you are with me when I am in my garden,in my car,vacuming the rug,cooking dinner ,taking a long walk ,paying bills..in other words even though I may not check in everyday (at least every other) I hope you know that good thoughts for you and the grace of God are not far from my mind and many many others I am sure. Although it is a busy time your family is always close by in thought and prayers! Praying for strenghth for Dave and all of you. The cookie lady
diane schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
walla walla, wa usa - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 10:46 PM CDT
I read today's update and...I don't know...I'm tired...but all I could think about were rockets. There actually are some stepping stones to this one, so follow me: "Marginal" reminds me of "nominal," which, in NASA-speak at least, means "fantastic." (Science nerds apparently hold themselves back, through understatement, when they're excited about something.) So...I will hope very hard down here in the Opposite Corner, where they like to launch their best ideas into space, that the next blood counts will not be marginal in the usual sense but marginal/nominal in the NASA sense. And now...about energy. When those babies go up, my dishes rattle. No kidding---from 25 miles away from the pad! Now THAT'S energy. So I will hope very hard also that very soon you will feel like planting one foot onto the floor...and then the other...and then paint Walla Walla red in one way or another...and it will be OK if I don't hear my dishes rattle because I'm too far away and Shelley will be updating anyway, and when the news is good---and the energy is back---I'll be so happy I'll go downstairs and rattle my dishes all by myself. And maybe, you know, like NASA, it just takes some time to get the project off the ground, but that's OK. Everyone believes it's possible. Everyone knows it's doable. Everyone believes in the power of our Dave.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL USA - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 10:30 PM CDT
Meyer clan,
I attended my neice Olivia's 8th grade graduation the other night, and heard a speech that made me think of you. The basic message was that we have the choice in this life to "curse" or to "bless". Your family has always impressed me with your ability to "bless" when others might expect you to "curse". Keep up the good fight! We're there with you. Love, Evy and the gang

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 10:18 PM CDT
Great job Kenny! I hope that all were able to attend. I hope that you are all exhausted from cheering. That's the best kind of exhausted.
Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 2:58 AM CDT
Dear Dave and family, I just wanted you to know that I just found out about your recent difficulties. I am praying for you and your family. I will keep in touch by this website, what a great idea!

God Bless you all, Jenny Charlo (Lloyd)

Jenny Charlo (Lloyd)
Clarkston, WA - Monday, June 13, 2005 9:42 AM CDT
This is just wonderful news!
Praise the Lord.....................

Anita <ayarbrough73@yahoo.com>
- Friday, June 10, 2005 10:38 PM CDT
Dave, I am so glad to hear your are out of the hospital. I have been praying for you and we all miss you at the high school. The cheerleaders and I look forward to you gaining your strength so you can come over and give us a bad time at the football games. You're awesome and we love you! Take care!
Cathy Rasley <crasley@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, June 10, 2005 10:33 AM CDT
Praise God!
Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID - Friday, June 10, 2005 0:51 AM CDT
Meyer clan,
I was so happy to hear you were all able to attend Kenny's graduation (I'm a little teary-eyed, but Oh, SO PROUD). Now I just hear "Summer time, and the livin' is easy..." Have a nice rest, in the shade, with a warm breeze blowing, and the sounds of kids running through the sprinkler. Ah, summer - a good time to be home.

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, June 9, 2005 3:22 PM CDT
I heard the happiest sound tonight. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. OK, enough already. I called the hospital number one more time and said, "I just asked for Room 319 and there's no answer. Can you check on a patient for me?" And so, Mr. Discharged, how does it feel to be HOME? Never mind. I know. : ) I lost count of the challenges you circumvented during the busy past few weeks, but I sit here in the Other Corner completely awed, impressed, relieved, and a little hurt that you snubbed my call. Not really on that last one. Sleep well. ALL you guys.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 10:34 PM CDT
I wish you could have seen Kenny today at the 8th grade party. He looked like he was having so much fun. What a great kid and so grown up!!!! I hope things are still going well. My prayers for all of you will continue daily!

Cheryl Bloom <jcbloom2002@charter.net>
- Wednesday, June 8, 2005 7:38 PM CDT
Hi Dave,
It's so cool to see how many people are supporting you and following everything on this website. You're in my prayers. You're an inspiration!

Kurt Schäfer <cschafer@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 3:54 PM CDT
Michelle, you are his advocate and you know your husband better than any of the nursing staff. Don't give up on making your voice heard, even if you get attitude. Hang in there and your in our prayers.
Jamie Coburn <coburn8@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, June 8, 2005 2:19 PM CDT
It bears repeating.....YOU GO GIRL! I'm reminded to thank the Lord for you ~ you are amazing, Michelle. cw
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Wallaq, WA USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 10:38 AM CDT
YES!!! I am so glad "all" of you were able to be at Kenny's graduation!!! I was so excited when I heard that Dave was out of the hospital. Now, Dave, keep resting and getting stronger and stronger, and Michelle, get some rest! Thoughts and prayers for all. KOKO!
Cheryl Bloom <jcbloom2002@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:56 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,

It was great to see you both at Kenny's 8th grade graduation. You and your family are truly an inspiration to so many of us. Keep fighting and keep believing. You and your children are constantly in our prayers and on our minds.

Doug and Shannon Hayes <s99oc17cer@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 0:17 AM CDT
It sounds as though Dave is home. THAT is wonderful! I was worried about Dave's fever Sunday when we left y'all at the hospital. Thanks for letting us crash in on you. It was wonderful to see you again. (I think Dave is always handsome, don't let'em tell you otherwise!) :)

You are all in our prayers. Let us know if you need ANYTHING.

Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 10:47 PM CDT
Whooo HOOOOO! I just went to visit you in the hospital and they said you went HOME!!! Eeeehaaaaa!! We celebrated here at work by eating the brownies I was bringing you. Don't worry, I'll bake some more. Happy homecoming! hugs, A
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 4:53 PM CDT
I was so excited to hear the miracle of the shrinking tumor! It is awesome news. The infection needs to quiet down now and let the boy rest. Michelle, you are doing a terrific job of watching things as always. I have heard from other friends with ports that hygiene takes constant vigilance in any environment, but especially within the hospital scene. We send our prayers of thanksgiving and continued healing. Thanks Michelle for the regular updates, they are such welcome news. All our love,

The Wiederspan's <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
puyallup, WA United States - Monday, June 6, 2005 9:36 PM CDT
Well, I'm finally doing it... signing the guestbook. I feel like one of those callers on the radio who say "I'm a long-time listener but a first-time caller" : ) Michelle, you are amazing and Dave, I love you. I feel guilty for being so absent... but, like you have always said, Mr. Free, our love and friendship are automatically assumed (Were you just saying this to make me feel better? I Hope not...). I will be back...
Mark Hedley <mhedley@siue.edu>
Edwardsville, IL USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 8:42 PM CDT
The Cookie Lady stole the words right out of my mouth: "YOU GO, GIRL" is right!! Dave couldn't have a better advocate at his side - Keep all of them on their toes and we'll KOKO!! Hugs to you both.
Ernie Chandler <chandler@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 6:56 PM CDT
Michelle, you go girl, Dave is so lucky to have you to look after his best interest and to make sure things don't get sloppy at this point in time,sometimes we all need reminders!! So glad he is doing better today..do you ever get any REST? We have your whole family in our prayers.Thanks for taking time to keep us all updated ! Diane Schulke(cookie lady)
Diane Schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 6:14 PM CDT
The 'cillin's killin' the villain. You just keep chillin'.

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 3:19 PM CDT
That anger is shared by all of us, but we are also so relieved that you are there to take care of Dave and take care of the situation. Keep up that fighting spirit. Love, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Sunday, June 5, 2005 7:37 PM CDT
I pray that Dave's infection will be over quickly.

With love,


Canute Haroldson <cjbh@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Saturday, June 4, 2005 0:48 AM CDT
Dear Dave,
When I think of you I remember "Dori" in Finding Nemo. Her ditty was, "Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..." For you we, "Just keep praying, praying, praying..." You have a huge "school" of people on their knees!

Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
- Saturday, June 4, 2005 0:34 AM CDT
Dave, it was so great to see you last night and hear the great news. You looked good and were full of spirit that is for sure. I am not sure if it was you or those meds but you were definately a bright spot in our day. It is so wonderful to see that god answers prayer and somehow some way has found these meds to help you. We pray for you all the time and so look forward to seeing that wonderful smile again soon...:)
Scott & Kim Keller <srkeller@charter.net>
College Place, WA - Friday, June 3, 2005 10:49 PM CDT
Dear Arm, Oh, for goodness' sake.... Some body parts are not acting like team players here. Got the head all figured out. Lungs are on the upswing. The blood's been pulling a bit of diva thing, but it'll come around. Now the arm? The ARM? Are you kidding me? Have we been starved for attention, Mr. Arm? Well, this little ploy is just not acceptable. You're going to have to get it into gear and suck it up for the team. Didn't you read the roster? There's a HOME game tomorrow!

Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 10:33 PM CDT
I wish we could go to Kenny's meet, but Jake has 3 baseball games on Saturday and some on Sunday if they win on Sat. We really enjoyed last years. Glad to hear all the good news. We have to get together soon. Amy is whinning and whinning and whinning. Love Denise
Denise Ullmann <dullmann@adelphia.net>
Kelso, wa - Friday, June 3, 2005 4:05 PM CDT
Im looking at a picture of you playing the bongos, tear em' up

great to hear the positive news

Greg Call <greg.call@aig.com>
Spring, TX - Friday, June 3, 2005 2:01 PM CDT
WOW, congrats, what wonderful news......we will continue to keep all of you in our prayers.
Phil & Pattie Eagon,and Chris Backous

Pattie Eagon <pjeagon@msn.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 12:40 AM CDT
PRAISE GOD! I was so excited by the latest entry that I read it to all my co-workers who I have shared Dave's up and down battle with. What a precious gift you have been given. We will definitely continue to lift Dave and the entire family in our prayers.

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Friday, June 3, 2005 10:19 AM CDT
Praise the Lord! We were so excited to hear the tumor's shrinking. Me, my 11 year old, Jason, and 8 year old Steven, we pray for you every night. We don't know you but we feel like we do! God is great, we know He listens to our prayers. You all hang in there and we'll keep on prayin like crazy.
Karleen Fry <fryguys8@aol.com>
Pacific Beach, WA Grays Harbor - Friday, June 3, 2005 1:17 AM CDT
Hello Dave, you might be surprised to hear from me but Val gave me the 'news' and I felt compelled to write. You were and are my idol from high school - I feel awkward awakening a memory that was so very long ago but on the other hand I feel allowed because there were many of us that connected back then in a way that was special. Yes, we all have separate lives now and we have not been in touch but I could not let this go past without saying hello and not just hello, but that I care for you and wonder how you are - I had a friend go through a similar situation - I want you to know I care deeply and sincerely for you - and our prayers are with you -

Denise and Yousef (Richmond) Habash

Denise Habash <deniser@allergyresearch.com>
Sammamish, WA USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 1:13 AM CDT
Well, for once I am at a loss for words! You should have heard the cheering, whooping, and hollering at our house when we read the update! HALLELUJAH!!!

Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Friday, June 3, 2005 1:13 AM CDT
Coach Meyer,
Keep fighting buddy, sounds like were headed in the right direction!! Im SO GLAD to hear that. We'll keep sending those prayers your way!!

The Sheriff <ceedogg_12@hotmail.com>
walla walla, - Friday, June 3, 2005 0:10 AM CDT
Although Amen is traditionally said at the END of a prayer and we still have praying to do here, I feel the need for a good old AMEN! Our late night chat the other night was great. I've missed your clarity on life. It amazes me that even through morphine and what I understand is unbelievable pain, you can remain calm in the face of "the journey."

God Bless all of you and thank you for letting us all in on your journey and allowing us to learn from how you and Michelle travel the winding road.

Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 11:53 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and family,
We heard this fantastic news tonight at song team practice. You should have heard us sing his praises! God is so good! We love you.

theblondeupfrontsinging <patrice@fancylogo.com>
- Thursday, June 2, 2005 10:57 PM CDT
Hooray, hooray!! Dave, I know you don't like it when I call you Miracle Man, but you gotta admit that it fits today! We are so incredibly thankful for this wonderful new development. Nothing would make me happier than to see your smiling face at Kate's dance recital this Saturday.

With love, --Deb

Debra Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 10:28 PM CDT
Nancy and Jim Butler <nancybutler@charter.net>
- Thursday, June 2, 2005 9:59 PM CDT
Hallelujah! Praise God! It's so amazing what can happen when the Family of God comes together...........YEAH GOD! We will continue to pray for complete healing and the vanishing of that tumor. Keep up the good fight Dave, you're on the winning side. We love ya! Timm, Teri, Brendin & Timothy Johnson
Teri Johnson <tandt@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 9:58 PM CDT
We knew if anybody could buck the odds it was Dave! Tears of joy over here. Love you guys. J, C, Q and A
The Falcons <alexfalcon@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 8:41 PM CDT
God answers so many prayers and Dave is truly one of God's miracles! We'll keep praying.
The Thomson Family

Barb Thomson <auntieb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 8:29 PM CDT
Michelle and Dave,
God is so good! We'll keep praying!
The Hulls

Dawn Hull
Walla Walla , WA USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 8:18 PM CDT
Buddump...buddump. See that speed bump in the rear window?
Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Other Corner, USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 7:11 PM CDT
We got the call and GOD BE PRAISED!!! I can't belive that the tumor is shrinking! I'm praying that the tumor will be completely gone in a few weeks. Answered prayer 2,000,007.

With love,

Canute Haroldson <cjbh@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:22 PM CDT
We got the call and GOD BE PRAISED!!! I can't belive that the tumor is shrinking! I'm praying that the tumor will be completely gone in a few weeks.

With love,

Canute Haroldson <cjbh@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:20 PM CDT
You guys continue to amaze me! We're happy to hear that Dave is doing better. Know that we pray for you daily.
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Thursday, June 2, 2005 5:55 PM CDT
You are an amazing amazing family. We love you and our prayers are with you.
Scott and Gwen Campbell
- Thursday, June 2, 2005 5:20 PM CDT
Keeping you in our thoughts and sending love and prayers to you all, always. La Dessa and Dale
La Dessa & Dale Smelcer
Walla Walla, WA usa - Thursday, June 2, 2005 11:42 AM CDT
Dear Dave & Michelle, My prayers are with you and your family. Not only for healing and strength, but many are prayers of thankful gratitude! Michelle, you and Zach have really helped make Sarah feel glad to be here in Walla Walla. And, your kids are a pleasure to be around. Thank you for being such kind and generous friends to my daughter! Take care & God bless you all! Laura
Laura Rau & Sarah & Nick Fuller <fuller01@earthlink.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 11:25 AM CDT
Dave and Family,
Val just sent me this web site and asked for prayer on your behalf. I will check it often and lift you all in continuous prayer. May you feel his gracious presence. Take care!

Gretchen (Jacobsen) Mann <mann.g@mail.wsd.wednet.edu>
Wenatchee, Wa - Thursday, June 2, 2005 11:16 AM CDT
Dear Meyer family,
We continue to pray for healing, peace and rest. We will pray that the MRI is completed tomorrow and that Dave will feel God's presence with him during the scan.

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Thursday, June 2, 2005 0:45 AM CDT
Michelle,Dave & Kids, We pray for you daily. Please know that you are in our hearts and we are looking for that miracle. May David see an end to his pain. We are longtime friends of Carol and Dennis and feel the love they have for all of you! Love to all of you
Judy and Tom Hilton <jhilton@teleport.com>
Longview, WA USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 0:33 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle & family, We are praying so hard for you all and want to send you all the love in the world. You are all such beatiful examples of the true faith we should all have in our good Lord. He is right there with you all through this tough challenge laid before you. May you feel his warmth and presence in your hearts.
All our love, The Cole Family

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, w usa - Thursday, June 2, 2005 0:18 AM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle & Family,
It's been 3 years since we lived in Walla Walla, but thanks to our friends in Lois Healy's prayer group and this website, we keep informed of your situation. You are such an inspiration and a true "light" of our Lord. Please know that our prayers are with you.

Larry & Becky Stoller <lstoller@velocitus.net>
Boise, ID - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 8:44 PM CDT
Continued STRONG prayers for the entire Meyer family. You are such an inspiration & may you know, in some small way, the lives you are touching. May rich blessings wing their way to you each & every day in this journey called "Life"! A H.S. & College classmate of Dave's Dad, Bob.
Karen McMillan Nordby <KindKar@aol.>
Eagle , Idaho USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 8:38 PM CDT
I can invision christ, very present and holding you in His arms. Trust in Him. Rest in Him. He loves you Dave! Keeping you all in prayer.
Heidi Gwinnell <hgwinell@hotmail.com>
jacksonville, fL. USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 7:58 PM CDT
I run in the morning, and Dave will be happy to know that I found another 'magic penny' again this morning. Praying that is a good sign! We love you guys.
Erik "Spike" Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 7:58 PM CDT
OK, so I am having this image of a stream. Mountains. Rocks having fallen in all the wrong places. Babbling blue water coursing over the obstacles (meaning that the obstacles aren't obstacles at all, really). Little chunks of winter ice breaking free, tumbling, melting, flowing, absorbed, gone, one with the stream. That lyrical trickling sound, an unperturbed rhythm. The stream will do what the stream must do. Gently. Powerfully. Everything's going to be all right.
Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 4:46 PM CDT
Dave & Family, hang in there and be strong. I think about you often, and my family and I pray for you each day.
Mike & Renee' Lucarelli & Family <mikeluc@microsoft.com>
Sammamish, WA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 3:50 PM CDT
Sending more prayers your way. We hope that medicine will take care of those bloodclots so Dave isn't in so much pain. We're thinking of you all. Hugs and Loves, The Ferrel Family
Lynn Ferrel <ferrel@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 2:12 PM CDT
I love you guys and am praying for you.
Kathy Keatts <kkeatts@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 9:25 AM CDT
We are praying for comfort and a quick recovery. Behave yourself and do what those nurses tell you. Don't give them too bad of a time, Dave. As for you Michelle, you stay on top of them! You always do! Prayers for your family.
Our love always, The Coles

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, w usa - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 11:39 PM CDT
You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Hoping those clots are packed up and gone by now!
Lori Wahl <loriwahl@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:51 PM CDT
Lousy speed bump in the road. Praying that it's no more than that...just figuratively one of those inconvenient yellow strips of cement...buddump...buddump...and then it's in the rear-view mirrow...and you and your tough-cookieness are back up to speed. Vroooom. (Godspeed.)
Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:50 PM CDT
We're praying. Call if you need kids picked up, dropped off, fed.....

Nancy Butler <nancybutler@charter.net>
- Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:39 PM CDT
You are deep in our prayers tonight and every night!
Chip & Roxanne, Kevin & Christopher <charleslake@comcast.net>
Everett, WA United States - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:26 PM CDT
The Townsend family holds you up in prayer. We love you guys.

Patrice <patrice@fancylogo.com>
- Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:25 PM CDT
The Chandler Prayer Warriors have been deployed! Let us know if there is anything special you need at SMMC (I have a few strings that can be pulled however short they may be).
chandlers <chandler@bmi.net>
walla walla, wa usa - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:17 PM CDT
...with Dave's shoe size, two steps forward and one back covers serious ground! I trust God's direction of these steps and pray He continues to be merciful. We love you and pray with you. Cindy and Zac Widmer (and the newest Widmer, Zac's 6 week-old Beagle, Parker)
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 6:51 PM CDT
In checking in today (Tuesday), I learned that yesterday was a very difficult day for Dave.....and Michelle and Family. I do hope that everything medically has been determined and stabilized. Take care; I care.
Wendye Bren
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:08 PM CDT
The Battaglia family is sending our prayers!
Colleen & Paul Battaglia <pcbatt@comcast.net>
Seattle, wa - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:57 PM CDT
The Johnson Family has you all in our prayers.
Teri Johnson <tandt@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:25 PM CDT
Dear Meyer family,
We are praying and ready to help in any way we can!

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
- Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:36 PM CDT
We are praying for all of you. Sending along hugs.
Dawn and Family

Dawn Hull
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:21 AM CDT
The Ruley's have you in their prayers!
Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:45 AM CDT
The Haroldson prayers are on their way!
Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:24 AM CDT
What hospital was Dave admitted to?
Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:00 AM CDT
Our prayers are with you now more than ever.
Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:36 AM CDT
You should have no problem at all in adopting out these adorable cutie-cats. They seem to have gotten the hang of the box, are used to a busy household, and apparently aren't put off by such ordinary turnoffs as eau de athletic shoe. I'm sure there has been much comic relief in their antics. Will be thinking positive thoughts on your counts as we head into next week. Go Whites! Go Reds! I'm glad to hear you got a port. Smart thinkin'. Have a great weekend, and if any of the kids are playing sports today, good luck and have fun!
Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 1:51 PM CDT
I don't need a kitten but this little guy really is tempting. Perhaps you should keep it because kitties are really good for people going through tough times. They can sense your needs and be another source of laughter. Anyway, am happy that this port is helping with the treatment and making at least part of it much easier for you and the nurses.
God Bless your entire family and have a restful, wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

Bev Shiffer <beverly.shiffer@wwcc.edu>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:45 PM CDT
If the Meyers run out of kittens, I've got 6 in Bend that will be ready to go in about two weeks. Cute, sweet, but need new homes too. Good to hear that things are still "rolling along" Have a great memorial day weekend.

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:10 PM CDT
Hi Dave and Michelle! I love the cat! That is adorable. I'm thinking of you guys often and praying for you all....
I hope Dave gets to feeling good soon.

Anita <ayarbrough73@yahoo.com>
Macon, GA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 4:03 PM CDT
Hi Dave and Michelle, I just wanted to let you know that we check your site often and you are always in our prayers. I am glad the port is in, Dave and wish I could have been there Michelle for a decent jigsaw puzzle. Sounds like June is going to be a little hectic with all the sporting activities, but let us know if you are on this side of the mountains. We love you guys!
Peter Wiederspan <pwiederspan@verisign.com>
Puyallup, WA - Sunday, May 22, 2005 11:25 PM CDT
Dave, I am so glad that you got the port. You will be amazed at how much easier it is when you go for chemo. And the nurses will love you for it - not that they don't love you already - because it will make their lives a bunch easier, too. I know its weird having a foreign object implanted in your chest, but in a few days you'll hardly notice it. You have enough to deal with, so when you have the chance to make things easier, you should go for it!

Love the pic of the kitty in the shoe!

Laurie Klicker <mikeklicker@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, May 21, 2005 11:15 AM CDT
Whenever I begin to think that our life/schedule is out of control, I just check your web site and realize that we are not alone. Glad to hear the surgery went well. Tell Dave that I said "hi". You guys have a great weekend and know that you continue to be in our prayers. A note for Terri H....I LOVED the cougar colors on the background and I agree with Tom....how could a Garrison Trooper ever root for Pi-Hi?
Ginny Streeter <gstreeter@bendbroadband.com>
Bend, OR - Friday, May 20, 2005 6:27 PM CDT
To the Meyer Family,
I am so grateful for this website! After moving to Woodinville, I feel out of touch with what is going on in Walla Walla. Thank God in working through CaringBridge for having this ability to read how Dave is doing. It helps to know exactly what to pray for.

Dave, you continue to inspire us with your strength and vitality for life! Kind of puts things into perspective for us when we want to complain about the little things. You now have prayer support here in Woodinville. Michelle, miss you and the gang bunches!


Donna Wierman <mdjkwierman@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA USA - Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:04 PM CDT
Hi, Dave: Great to hear that you are hanging tough and I'm sorry I haven't seen you around lately. It sounds like others have. Happy birthday to little Bobby.... And a note to Terri H... I can't believe she can cheer for Pioneer when she is a former Trooper with me!!!!!!
Tom Sawatzki <tom@waterbrook.com>
Walla Walla, - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 6:44 PM CDT
Dearest Dave and Michelle and kids,
Checking-in to send you our love and prayers. Has anyone told you what lights you are that shine to this broken world? You are beacons to us all! "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it." Keep holding tight to His hand, He is with you - always.

If you haven't heard, Cummin's Major League LL team is losing again this season... They actually had a first win on Saturday, but it's being contested... Greggory still loves to play, runs fast, and is batting well - even against Fire Dept.'s Eastman! Renee is reading! "Miss Shelly", you would be so proud.

We think of you all often and pray for you daily.
Michelle - ready for lasagna?


Cheryl, Stan, Greggory & Renee Heller <classic@bmi.net>
- Tuesday, May 17, 2005 5:28 PM CDT
Hi Dave, Michelle, and family! Just wanted to let you know that we check your website often and pray for you all daily. We are also excited to announce that we just sold our house and are scheduled to leave for Colorado on Aug. 1. It will be so nice to be closer to "home". Though we most likely won't make it back to WA this year, we are in the planning stages for a trip in 2006. We will definitely be making a trip to Walla Walla for a visit, so Will and Dave can once again share their passion for music. We are thankful that through the miles we have the blessing of keeping in touch through prayers and email. You all are an inspiration! (It is also fun to watch the kids growing up if only through pictures :). With love in Christ from all of us!
Stacy Mouat and Family <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Sunday, May 15, 2005 7:49 PM CDT
And, a big thank you to you Michelle and Dave for all that I am learning from you both. I can't even put it into words. Good job Kenny! Hugs,
- Saturday, May 14, 2005 1:25 PM CDT
Thanks for the updates. We think of you all often and are still sending up those prayers.
Jim, Nancy and Megan Butler <nancybutler@charter.net>
- Thursday, May 12, 2005 10:40 PM CDT
I have not commented lately but just want you to know that I am always thinking of you and praying that this new treatment will be the exact potion that is needed to get this situation under control. May God continue to bless you as you journey through this path that you did not choose for yourselves --- but God has. It is next to impossible to understand His plans for us but as Christians we know that He is in control of everything we do and every experience we have. May you feel His presence this very minute.
walla walla, wa - Thursday, May 12, 2005 12:51 AM CDT
Hi Dave and family
Just a quick note to let you know we are still praying and pulling for you. Been a while since we've been online, and good to see that you are still battling this thing. Didn;t expect anything else, really. God bless you and yours.
Chuck and Janet Miltenberger

Chuck and Janet Miltenberger <Beebeme@pocketmail.com>
Clarkston, Wa USA - Thursday, May 12, 2005 12:00 AM CDT
Meyer Clan,
Boy do I love seeing that special Kenny smile and spirit. We love and miss you all! Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, May 9, 2005 10:07 AM CDT
Great Pictures! We continue to keep you in our daily prayers ~ and each one of you are forever in our hearts. I love the wolf story! I copied it to share with Brian. David, you are truly amazing. Michelle, you are too, and ~ Happy Mother's Day to you! We love you all very much.
Debi and Dan

Debi Spjut <debispjut@adelphia.net>
Kelso, Wa USA - Sunday, May 8, 2005 10:23 PM CDT
Hi Mr. Meyer hope you feel better and come to school soon we all miss you and are hoping thsat you are getting better.
1 John 4:18 Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid. It is fear of judgement and this shows that his love has not been perfected in us.And we alllove and miss you hope to see you at school soon
Got to go.And may God always be with you!!!

Mercedes D Garza <bernicegp@aol.com>
Walla Walla, Wa u.s - Friday, May 6, 2005 10:40 PM CDT
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you and to especially wish Michelle a very Happy Mother's Day! You are a tremendous Mother and set such a wonderful example! I can't think of anyone more deserving! Enjoy your day, Michelle!

Lori Wahl <loriwahl@aol.com>
Wahla Wahla, WA - Friday, May 6, 2005 5:51 PM CDT
Dave, you don't know me but my name is Chris and your sister in law, Stephanie, came cross my band, Captured, online and has recently shared your situation. I wanted to let you know that we are praying for you. My wife has taught for 7 years in the public school system and I admire anyone with the passion for the building up of young people.

Lord, may Your hand, Your presence, Your peace, be in and around Dave and his family. I pray that you continue the work you have begun in him and continue to reveal Your glory through his life. I pray that even when things appear bleak from our perspective that You remind us all, Dave, and his friends and family that Your best in this life can not be outdone by anything we can imagine...that even at our weakest moments all we have to do is stay fixed on You, trusting you, as You will guide us perfectly through the journey You have so specifically chosen for us. In the great and perfect name of Christ I pray.... Amen

Chris and all of Captured <CapturedBooking@hotmail.com>
Aiken, SC USA - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 10:34 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
Happy National Teacher's Day to two great teachers! Our love and prayers are with you. Hugs to the kids.
The Hulls

Dawn Hull <dawnnoelehull@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 3:01 PM CDT
Hi Dave! It was good to see you at track on Satruday when you picked up Kenny. I haven't seen Kenny for a while. He looks like he's grown a foot! Just want you to know we are continuing in Prayer for all of you. I'm sorry I didn't take time to visit. Rowene had a ball game going I was trying to make in time. Should of stayed and talked, they got 10 runned, their coach made em run allmost all practice on Monday! God Bless you and keep you always.
Ron, Sherri,Ben, Rowene, Etta

Ron Huwe <rdhuwe@yahoo.com>
College place, Wa. USA - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 12:34 AM CDT
Dave, it was so awesome to see you and Zack at Andrews soccer game. You look great and that smile just never seems to stop. It is wonderful to hear that you have your meds in and the insurance company is taking care of business. Can't wait to hear you sing sometime soon. Your photos from Disneyland look great and it looks like everyone had a great time. Be good, and God Bless you and the family...:)
Scott Keller <srkeller@charter.net>
College Place, WA - Monday, May 2, 2005 11:05 AM CDT
Coach Meyer. Glad to here your doing better. Ive been thinking about you and my moms been keeping me up to date on everything. Its good your back at school, they need you. As does the football team. Take care.
zac widmer <zacwidmer21@hotmail.com>
walla wala, - Monday, May 2, 2005 0:36 AM CDT
OK, Mr. Meyer, sir, I have had an opportunity to check out your Disney photos and I have formed this opinion: you are one bad-looking dude, all of a sudden. Now that you're back at school, are you noticing any changes in the kids? Fear in their eyes? Opening a broad pathway as they see you approach from down the hall? Knees knocking as they come up to ask you a question? Never mind. I guess since they already know you, they are aware of the teddy-bear temperament under that tough-guy exterior. So...back at school.... That must feel incredible. I LOVED hearing this! When I read it, I looked around and there was no one here to high-five, so I just sent out a "Woohoo! You go, boy!" which, being so far away in my little corner down here, I doubt that you heard. So...congratulations. Congrats on winning back a stand at the head of the class. I am very pleased. I thought of you this week because my daughter's ninth-grade world history class had a celebrity banquet. The kids had to learn all about an important figure of the latter half of the last century and do all kinds of things to prove it, and then, at last, hold a banquet where they would have to give a brief talk about themselves. All the obvious folks were there---Martin Luther King...JFK...Castro...Disney...Mother Teresa...Khrushchev---and some newcomers---Oprah, Bill Gates, Trump. My daughter was...don't laugh...Mary-Kate Olsen. That's right. One half of the little Michelle Tanner character. (Michner? Tanelle?) Historically dubious, yet she pushed the point with her flexible teacher: the twins had, after all, become the youngest self-made billionaires. The teacher had encouraged all of the celebs to learn an obscure "roast-like" fact about one of the others in attendance. This is when the banquet began to resemble a bit of a WWF event. Jackie O had some not-so-nice things to say about Marilyn Monroe's abortions. Ray Charles pointed out Ali's heroin arrests. Lucille Ball indicated that Dr. King had, in fact, published plagiarized material during his illustrious career. Someone---I forget who---poked fun at Mary-Kate's eating disorder. The Olsens pointed out that Bill Gates had been a two-time college dropout. JFK observed wryly that he'd found it odd that Walt Disney feared mice. Only Mother Teresa and Gandhi were spared. We ate the food they'd all brought, which was to be themed appropriate to the character. Marilyn had baked a cake for JFK's birthday and forced everyone to sing. Lucille Ball had brought some Vita-Mega-Veggie juice. My Mary-Kate brought celery sticks and reduced-fat 'Nilla Wafers. Oprah concluded the event by proclaiming that everyone in attendance should check beneath their chairs because "YOU'VE ALL WON A CAR!" (She had, during set-up, taped printouts of car photos under each of the cafeteria seats.) So now, Mr. Meyer, my friend, if I've made you smile, then I've accomplished tonight's objective. Stay up late tonight. It's not a school night. Have I mentioned I'm proud of you?
Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL - Friday, April 29, 2005 10:58 PM CDT
I check the website to check on your progress, also your mom keeps us informed in BSF.I just wanted you and your family to know I am still praying for God to work a miracle for you.I know anything is possible with God.
Carolyn Harvey <charvey@bmi.net>
Milton-Freewater, Or. - Friday, April 29, 2005 0:52 AM CDT
Dave, I don't think we have met but I guess you could say I am a causin. Although we haven't met I know we share the love of Christ and that is the most powerful thing. Know that you can add me to the chain of people praying for you and your family. I love you!
Chris Porter <csporter@tds.net>
Amboy, WA USA - Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:37 PM CDT
I am so happy that you have great friends who know exactly what you need. You are blessed and you have blessed so many with your trust in God and your acknowledgement of the power of prayer. I'm praying for you! Love, Lisa
Lisa D'Hondt <dfamof4@aol.com>
Bellingham, WA USA - Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:29 AM CDT
I don't check the website for two days and I get behind. So glad to hear that today went well. We will pray for continued miracles and grace.

Nancy Butler <nancybutler@charter.net>
- Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:50 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
Please know we sit at home with you...and hope..and pray..and rest..and believe. Curtis saw the picture posted and commented on the nice choice of colors...Cougar colors!! Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers every minute of every day. Love, Curtis and Melissa

Curtis and Melissa <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:24 PM CDT
Dave, you were right, the hug was allot better than shaking your hand. thanks...Aunt Christy
Christy Grim <bcg@lewiston.com>
Lewiston , Id - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:14 PM CDT
Hi David... This comes from the little bucolic town of Ramona, CA where I'm keeping watch over two grandchildren James 12 and 1/2 years and Lauren who is 11 going on 21!!! Don't know but I'm told it's a 'girl thing' and lordy goodnes all I know is she's high maintenance!!!! Oh there's also two dogs and a cat not to mention my 43 year old daughter Kimberly!!!! My 'Golden Years'!! By-the-way did you ever read what Dr. Seuss says about the Golden Years??? Well, I can't write it here but I'll send it to Carol and Dennis and they'll show you!! Anyway my notes turn out to be tomes so will close for now... Keep a smile... You've got one handsome family there..
Janice Bond <janicefayebond@juno.com >
Ramona , CA USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 5:42 PM CDT
We're thinking of you today and everyday!
God Bless!
The Betts

Becky Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 1:31 PM CDT
Know that you are being lifted up in prayer as we speak, even by many who do not know you personally. We pray that this is the miracle!
Ginny Streeter <gstreeter@bendbroadband.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 12:02 AM CDT
Hi Precious Meyer Family,
We will be uplifting you to our gracious Lord tonight and keeping you continually in prayer. We will be with you in the journey and in the fight! Hang on to the Everlasting Arms and don't let go, He won't let go of you! We love you tons..Bert, Ginger and family

Bert and Ginger Denham <Denham12@juno.com>
Elk, WA USA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:20 PM CDT
Michelle & Dave - Our prayers will be with you tomorrow. Know that we will be thinking of you. Kiss the kids for us. I love the story about the 2 wolves. It is so very true. God's blessings - Mom and Dad
Carol & Dennis Bond <carolbo@pacifier.com>
Ocean Park, WA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:27 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and kids,
We'll be keeping you in our prayers all day tomorrow for steady, healing hands to come upon you and miracles to begin. Keep up the good fight Dave, we know you can! May God's peace and love continue to surround all of you. We love ya Man!

Timm, Teri & Timothy Johnson <tandt@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:52 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and the gang,
Rest well tonight! Our hearts will be with you tomorrow Dave, ready for the fight.
Love, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:11 PM CDT
I will be praying for your family. I will be praying specifically for what you asked!
Anita <ayarbrough73@yahoo.com>
Macon, GA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 8:09 PM CDT
Yeah 49ers! Great to see your family at the pioneer baseball victory yesterday over Garrison. I am so proud of our boys who are turning into little men (too fast!) Thanks for the update on your website. What a great family photo. Of course I noticed the COUGAR colors! May God give you all strength and direction in your difficult decisions. Love you love you. Terri H and clan
Terri Hampson <hampslaw@qwest.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:57 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
I just got back from the beach and was lucky enough to see all of the family photos. I am glad you posted one on this site. They are great. I look at the site daily and say a prayer for both of you and your family. Sorry to hear of Saturday's news, but keep us posted on your next attack. Remember you are not alone...there are so many of us out here pulling for you!! Love, Melissa

Melissa Johnson <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Monday, April 25, 2005 8:21 PM CDT
Hi Michelle and Dave,
Your mom and dad keep us updated on all the happenings in your life. You are such courageous people in your fight against this terrible ugly disease. We pray for you daily! On a lighter note, we so enjoyed having your family picture. I sent it on to our kids. They too ask about you and are also praying. We are in Mesa at the present time but are packing up to return to Yakima on May 1. Much love and God Bless You!

Carol & Joe Ackermann <kk7ki@juno.com>
Mesa, AZ USA - Monday, April 25, 2005 9:09 AM CDT
What a wonderful family picture. Everytime I see Kate, I swear she is Kaylee's (our 11 year old) twin. Sorry to hear that the news from Duke was not better. Dave you look great and are an amazing inspiration to all of us. Michelle...your strength is absolutely amazing and is teaching me much. KOKO.....
Ginny Streeter <gstreeter@bendbroadband.com>
Bend, OR - Sunday, April 24, 2005 11:48 AM CDT
Michelle, Michelle.....Thanks so much for the update. I've been checking daily (maybe 3X daily!) to see how things are going for you all. What an inspiration you are--baseball mom, track and field mom, "doctor" mom and navigating through all these areas with such determination, love and proficiency and always with Dave and your family at your side. Your comments about Caitlyn's teacher & husband and Mark Daltoso and your friend, Marguerite were, I know, heartfelt from your awesome compassion for others. That Dave guy is one lucky guy to have YOU by his side on this life's journey! KOKO and I'll keep checking the Caringbridge site and wish you continuing wisdom and guidance as you explore the options for Dave's treatment.
Wendye Bren <bren@brenski.net>
- Sunday, April 24, 2005 10:18 AM CDT
I am so blessed to have gotten to know you and your family through the request for prayer, something that is manditory for making it in this life. Your life has been a tremendous inspiration, one of courage and Love! Keeping you lifted up in christ.
Heidi Gwinnell <hgwinnell@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, Fl. usa - Saturday, April 23, 2005 11:19 AM CDT
You are constantly in our hearts, on our minds, and in our prayers Meyer clan! Ryan and Christian never conclude a night of devotions without praying for you all. We love you!!!
Love The Mouat Family

Will and Stacy Mouat (and boys) <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Friday, April 22, 2005 9:11 AM CDT
Hello to the Meyer Family! Disney pics are so awesome! Such joy on your faces! Dave I saw you driving the other day. If you are back at school I know the students are glad to have you! Our daily thoughts and prayers are with you all! Love, The Sirmon Family
Tami Sirmon <t.sirmon@charter.net>
Walla Walla, wa usa - Thursday, April 21, 2005 8:48 PM CDT
Meyer Family
The Disney photos are great. You are in our prayers daily. May God be with you through this difficult time. That winning smile has got to have some pull.

Arlyne & Ron
Shaw Island,, WA USA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:21 AM CDT
Your family is an inspiration. We love you Michelle. Our thoughts are with your family. Bridie, Mike, Keegan, Griffin, and Adeline Hood
Bridie Hood <bridie@roach-monahan.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:16 AM CDT
I love the photos from Disneyland, all of them! The best photos are of Dave (with and without the Goofy hat) and that Dave Meyer smile. What an amazing smile! I know, along with you Michelle, that Dave can say YES! I love you all! Evy
Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 11:13 PM CDT
Hi Ya'll

Thanks for signing Hadley's guestbook! It looks like you had way too much fun in Dineyland. We were there on St Patty's day, and had a blast!!! We would LIVE there if we could. =) I noticed in your journal history that you mentioned Dr Prados. Isn't he amazing? We have only had a couple of meetings with him (while Dr Banerjee-who handles the peds BT cases-was on maternity leave). He was so loving with her, and he knows his brain tumor stuff, too. =)

Many thoughts and prayers for you!
Angela Fox
Hadley's Mama

Angela Fox <FoxFamilyFive@sbcglobal.net>
alameda , ca usa - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 6:40 PM CDT
That is one of Jeffrey's favorite songs, we hear it often in our house, and yes, it is so Dave! I will think of him now when I hear it. We love you, and are here, whenever, any time, all the time you need us. Jeffrey and Dave need some face time, let's try to arrange that. You're in our daily prayers.
Love, Patrice

theblondeupfrontsinging <patrice@fancylogo.com>
- Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:01 PM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,
You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Even little Greta prays, "Dear God, Dave." Nothing more needs to be said!
Many Blessings, Kirsten

Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
- Wednesday, April 20, 2005 1:41 PM CDT
Hello Meyer Family,

What blessings you all are to each one of us. Thank you for allowing all of us to be apart of your church family AS YOU share your joys and sorrows. Our family derives strengh,courage and a role model of Christian faith through your efforts. Your love of OUR LORD is so profound. You radiate GOD PEACE.


PAM ALLEN <jpallen1@charter.net>
WALLA WALLA, WA USA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:27 AM CDT
Hi Dave, Michelle and Family,
Boy, God sure does trust you a lot-he will never give you more than you can handle! I pray for all of you that you find peace each and every day no matter what may be dealt your way. Thank you for sharing your good times and your bad and demonstrating how faith will see you through. Love to all and remember to hold each other tight!!

Lori Deeringhoff Wahl <loriwahl@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, April 15, 2005 3:01 PM CDT
Dear Dave and family,
My parents have been keeping me updated on how things are going with you, and I was sad to hear that things are not well. I'm keeping you in my thoughts constantly and miss seeing Mr. Meyer's smiling face on sundays. Friends and family in Walla Walla are keeping me posted on you, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that there is a miracle out there waiting to find you!! I hope some good news arises soon, until then, hang in there big guy, and I miss you!!

Valerie Chandler <valchandler@hotmail.com>
Vancouver, WA - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:53 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and family,
Your faith and courage are awe inspiring! You are in our prayers ALWAYS!

Dawn Hull <dawnnoelehull@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:17 AM CDT
I just looked at your Disneyland pictures. They were great. It looks like you had a wonderful time. We continue to pray for that miracle you so desparately need.

Ginny Streeter <gstreeter@bendbroadband.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:56 AM CDT
Hello Dave,missed you for cookies today! Still praying and hoping for that miracle,you are simply amazing and so is your wonderful family please do not ever give up hope! Diane Schulke (cookie lady)
Diane Schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla , Wa USA - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 9:25 PM CDT
Words don't seem to articulate the situation or the love so many people feel for you all. I just wanted to say I think about you and pray for you. You are loved Dave and that is a pretty incredible thing. Relax if you can...you're in the Father's hands. May Jesus's joy and peace be with you each day.


Arthur Curry
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, April 11, 2005 10:01 PM CDT
It's all been said before but I just want you both (all) to know that you are always in my prayers. You are beautiful, wonderful blessings to everyone who knows you. I thank you for letting us in on your journey. I love you all very much.
Adrienne Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID - Monday, April 11, 2005 1:01 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle, and kids,
I'm so sad to learn of the latest update. I pray for each of you daily. You are surrounded with love from all who know you, and God's eternal love.

theblondeupfrontsinging <patrice@fancylogo.com>
patrice@fancylogo.com - Sunday, April 10, 2005 9:58 PM CDT
sorry to here the news. Just keep the faith. God works in masterous ways. We are keeping all of you in our prayers.
Steven Walk <chefstevewalk@steelersfan.net>
walla walla, wa - Saturday, April 9, 2005 11:17 PM CDT
My heart is sad for the unexpected news. I am sending LOVE LOVE LOVE your way. Dave, you and your family have touched us in so many ways. We pray for peace and understanding (and a miracle or two) during these hard times. Terri Hampson and clan
Terri Hampson <hampslaw@qwest.net>
- Saturday, April 9, 2005 10:25 PM CDT
Dear Dave and family,
Please know that I pray for you all as you experience this setback. May God surround you with strength and peace.

Sheri Summerell (from the LIST) <ssnotes@triad.rr.com>
Kernersville, NC - Saturday, April 9, 2005 7:15 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle and family: I am praying for you all as I write this, that you mah have the strength and peace to walk the path God sets before us. I am praying that as it leads through Duke, the doctors will find the inspiration they need to help you to conquer this disease physically, at the same time that God helps you conquer it spiritually.
Jim DeCourcey <jimdecourcey@charter.net>
Grants Pass, oregon - Saturday, April 9, 2005 1:56 AM CDT
It was great to talk with you today. It always is, and I wish I could spend that time with you everyday because you always make me smile and laugh. I know you and Michelle will have a wonderful trip together this weekend picking up those kids of yours. Enjoy the time, enjoy the music, and enjoy the peace that only your super-close relationship with God can bring. You may not realize it, but you shared that peace with me today and reminded me again why you are a much-loved child of God.

Peter Wiederspan <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
Puyallup, WA - Saturday, April 9, 2005 0:06 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle & kids,
Was just thinking about you guys this morning and decided to see if there were any updates. Dave, you looked so great when we last saw you. News wasn't what I expected, but know that you are always in our prayers, every day. Keep up the Good Fight Dave! Your family is such an inspiration of hope, faith and love. Peace and love to all.

Teri Johnson <tandt@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, April 8, 2005 11:59 PM CDT
Dave, my dear high-school buddy, and Michelle (my buddies wonderful wife) and Kenny, Zachary & Kaitlyn (my buddies' beautiful children) - I pray for you ALL the time and for God to give you ALL strength to endure the pain, the test and the unknown. I especially pray that God keeps my buddy Dave in good health so I can go visit him again in his classroom. Love you guys..
Sarah Dagher (Class of 1981 - Sarah Williams) <daghers@comcast.net>
Methuen, MA - Friday, April 8, 2005 8:27 PM CDT
David and Michelle...I continue to pray daily for all five of you. All of us who are praying for you have been heard by the most high God. Please be rest assured He is working, and David's healing has already been accomplished. Peace and Blessings on each of you.
Jennifer Boyer <jjboyer@hotmail.com>
Lewiston, - Friday, April 8, 2005 2:16 PM CDT
Hi, Dave: Just wanted to drop you a note and say hello. I ran into Bobby (those of us 'in the know' still get to call him that) at Stone Soup last week and he reminded me to hit the site for the latest. You continue to touch so many lives..... Hang tough and know that you'll stay in our thoughts and prayers.
Tom Sawatzki <tom@waterbrook.com>
- Friday, April 8, 2005 2:13 PM CDT
Coach, Michelle, Kenny, Zach, and Caitlin ~ Well, I asked God to send any miracles he has saved up for the rest of us your way. Hmm, I suppose He knows what is best more than I, but I will continue to remind Him of how much we love all of you.
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, April 8, 2005 12:58 AM CDT
Hey,Dave. Casey told me the news. I don't get on here like I should. I have a sister fighting colon cancer. I tell her about you and your amazing family all the time. She prays for you, as do we, always. Life is not fair, but God is GOOD, Faithful, and a miracle worker! We pray for that miracle in your life. Continue to look to Him, lean on Him, use His children to be your earthly help. We all need help at some point and rejoice when we can give back. Let us help. We love you guys, your faith, your joy, your love for each other.
Jeanne <waddellc@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Friday, April 8, 2005 11:48 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
I've never met fighters as strong as the two of you. Even when you don't think you are strong, Michelle, you are. Not today, Dave, not today! I love you!

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, April 8, 2005 11:05 AM CDT
Dave and Family,
I know this isn't the news we all wanted to hear. My prayers and thoughts are with you! We are praying for a miracle, and that all this love we all have for all of you will arrest that nasty growth. Keep fighting! Keep praying. We love you!

Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, April 8, 2005 11:01 AM CDT
Dave and Family,
I know this isn't the news we all wanted to hear. My prayers and thoughts are with you! We are praying for a miracle, and that all this love we all have for all of you will arrest that nasty growth. Keep fighting! Keep praying. We love you!

Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, April 8, 2005 11:00 AM CDT
Hello Dave and Michele
You are still in my prayers and I have been praying for that miracle all along. I am a stong believer in miracles and angels!

Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, April 8, 2005 10:49 AM CDT
Hi guys, so sorry to hear about the latest update. Keep fighting and we'll keep praying! It was so good to see you all at Church on Easter. Always love to get those hugs from you both. Keep you chin up and show God your wonderful smile Dave.......I know he's looking for it to shine upon. Love to you all!

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, w usa - Friday, April 8, 2005 0:49 AM CDT
Michelle, Dave, & Family,
We're keeping y'all in our prayers. My husband Lee also has an astrocytoma. His is inoperable and we've only been on this roller coaster since 8/04. He's had radiation and chemo (Temador) and is still on the chemo every month. He's developed diabetes from the Decadron but can't get all the way off the steroid so far without serious problems. This stuff sure needs a cure. We will, for sure, be keeping you all in our prayers and hoping for good news from Duke. You are an inspirational family.

Lynn Baines <LBaines193@msn.com>
Rockmart, GA USA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 10:12 PM CDT
Coach Meyer
think about you everyday buddy. you are a fighter, and an inspiration to us all. Stay strong. Ill be praying my heart out.

The Sheriff <ceedogg_12@hotmail.com>
walla walla , wa - Thursday, April 7, 2005 8:21 PM CDT
So sorry to hear the latest news. You (we all were) so hopeful after your visit with Dr. Prados. We will continue to lift you up in our prayers. Dave, I love that you are back at school, even for a short time each day. Those kids love you and they need to see that Mr. Meyer is still fighting.
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Thursday, April 7, 2005 6:10 PM CDT
Doggonit . . . so sorry to hear the latest news. We think about you all every day and we will continue to pray for that miracle! It's been great to see Dave back at school. Stay strong . . . you are a truly remarkable family. Your faith and persistence are inspiring. We love you all!
Cindy, Mike, Amy & Joey <thelorangs@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 5:35 PM CDT
It was fun to view ALL your Disneyland pictures. Sure looked like a bunch of little, middle-age and OLD kids having a GOOD time! I'm ready to go to Disneyland, too! Thanks for sharing. I'm not too sure about that ride you went on, Michelle; it looked kind of scary! Continue taking good care of each other each day.
Wendye Bren
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 1:45 AM CDT
Hey Mr. Meyer's! it has been awesome seeing you around school the past few days! you're a true warrior and you're so inspiritrational! you make my day alot better when i see you smiling and doing well! you're in my heart and prayer and always will be!
Jessica Ruiz <jessica_ruiz22@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, April 1, 2005 7:10 PM CST
Hi Dave and Michelle,
We are praying for you here in Guatemala! Waiting is SO hard. So, we are praying for each of you throughout this journey. We are thankful for this site to help us keep up although we are so far away from you.
Blessings to you all!
Tod Wood

Tod Wood <todwood@cten.org>
Guatemala City, Guatemala - Friday, April 1, 2005 10:18 AM CST
It was great seeing you and Michelle on Easter morning. I hope you can make it to church Thursday night for music practice, 6:30 sharp. It would be awesome to have you back on stage. Love to you all, God is good!

theblondeupfrontsinging <patrice@fancylogo.com>
- Wednesday, March 30, 2005 10:16 PM CST
Meyer Clan,
I think you may still be off-line, but I wanted to check in anyway. It sounds like you had a great time with Peter and his family over Easter. You're with us daily! All our love, Evy and the gang

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, March 28, 2005 10:46 PM CST
Hi Dave and family
It was great seeing you this Easter weekend. Dave, I really enjoyed just sitting and strumming along with you, your fingers are just as nimble as ever. Thanks for the delicious crunchy PB sandwich - best meal I had this weekend!
The Meyer family was on everyone's prayer list this Easter and I definitely saw His handiwork in your love and faith. Thank you for making my Easter special this year. Love to all,

Peter Wiederspan <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
Puyallup, WA United States - Monday, March 28, 2005 10:13 PM CST
Dear Meyer family,
Hallelujah and Happy Easter!

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
- Sunday, March 27, 2005 2:44 PM CST
Hi gang. Just checking in to say hi. We think about you everyday. The Goofy hat is GREAT! Good luck with the thalidomide... Prayers and hugs. Love, A & Q et al
The Falcons <alexfalcon@charter.net>
- Saturday, March 26, 2005 3:17 PM CST
Dear Meyers family: Have enjoyed the pictures of happy times in Disneyland! Just wanted to take a moment on this Good Friday to say hello and to take time to count blessings,one of which is the wonderful progress and endurance you have all been blessed with. Still in our thoughts.. the cookie lady and all the cooks at Wa-Hi! Hope to see you soon! Diane Schulke
Diane Schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla , Wa USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 7:02 PM CST
Hi this is Holley Brundidge mother of Dee. Dee is 5 and has an anaplastic oligodendroglioma he was diagnosed at the age of 2 and it re-occurred this past August 2004. I have checked ya'll out on the Temodar site. Good luck from Opp Alabama tankandwood@oppcatv.com caringbridge address al dakotabrundidge
Holley Brundidge <tankandwood@oppcatv.com>
Opp, Al USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 6:11 PM CST
Dear Dave and Michelle,
I thought of you all day because Kate's song has been running through my mind! She did such a good job. It was fun for me to be able to watch all of you watch her! (Zach and Stefan displayed some talent too.) Have a great Good Friday!

Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
- Friday, March 25, 2005 1:17 AM CST
Dear Dave,
You are in our thoughts and prayers EVERY DAY! I love the picture with you in the "Goofy" hat. When you are feeling up to it, stop in and sing with us.

God Bless,
Norb and Singers

Norbert Rossi <nrossi@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:46 AM CST
Hi Dave and Family,
Just wanted you to know that I still check in on your site often and we are praying for you regularly. I was happy to see the good news from earlier this month, and trust more is on the way soon. Keep us all posted and KOKO!

Bill and Michelle Baumgartner and family <BillyBBaum@cableone.net>
Boise, ID USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:52 PM CST
Love the Disney pics, especially of Goofy and Tinkerbell - the perfect couple! Love to all! Evy
Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:01 AM CST
Dave and family...I just found out about this site and by reading all the entries see that you are loved by many and have full support too! My family, especially my daughter are very glad to hear that you are progressing so well! We are all praying for you and your family and by the looks at the picture you all look G-R-E-A-T! "keep up your spirits and keep smiling!" Not sure if you remember me, but we went to school together and I have a daughter that also is a cancer survivor and wanted you to know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. It's hard to know in times like these just what to say...but want you to know that you have a friend that cares and to say that you are in our hearts and in our thoughts and especially always in our prayers! Keep Smiling and with all the postive progress you are making & showing, know that miracles do happen-my daughter is one of my miracles as a cancer survivor. I pray to see you and your family at "Relay for Life"! Take Care,
Rosanna Rios-Lugo (Salvador, Cristina, & Natalie) <lugo@gohighspeed.com>
College Place, WA United States - Monday, March 21, 2005 9:09 PM CST
You just gotta love the smiles and the HAT!
Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 1:12 AM CST
Dave and Family: Wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about you lots. My family and I pray for you every day. Keep up the fight, you can beat this! Great picture from Disneyland, you are such a nice looking family and it is great to see big smiles. Take care.
Mike, Renee', Zachary, Grant and Grace Lucarelli <mikeluc@microsoft.com>
Sammamish, WA USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 0:47 AM CST
Hi Everyone. So glad that you had a wonderful time at Disneyland. Really thrilled with the news from the Dr. in San Francisco. Just keep hanging in there David. My love to all of you. Grandma
Edith Meyer <swede19@clarkston.com>
Clarkston, WA USA - Monday, March 14, 2005 11:39 PM CST
Hi...I don't know if you remember me or not but I called you. My name is Anita...and my husband is Lee. I am currently a teacher and my husband and I had to also deal with a brain tumor. I'm finding so much strength and courage through your updates and I'm so glad that God is blessing your family once again! Praise God! He is so good...................
Anita <ayarbrough73@yahoo.com>
Warner Robins, GA - Monday, March 14, 2005 8:16 PM CST
Hi to all. So glad your trip was part of a huge blessing in the making. We'll just keep praying for continued shrinkage of that darn tumor and that all the med continue to work to their utmost strength. Welcome home.
Judy Holloway <jbfarm@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, - Saturday, March 12, 2005 5:01 PM CST
Love to all of you. So glad you had such a wonderful trip and a fun time was had by all. Disneyland is all about memories. May God continue to bless all of you and you will be continually in our prayers.

Bonnie and Denny <bparker@pacifier.com>
Coronado, CA USA - Saturday, March 12, 2005 0:03 AM CST
Hi David and family!
I loved the picture of you with your guitar. I wish I had been there to see and listen to you. I'm so glad you all were able to have some fun in Disneyland. What a wonderful gift for you! I pray that things continue to improve.
My love, Joy Moniz and family

Joy Moniz <joyann62@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, March 11, 2005 1:11 PM CST
I'm so glad to hear that your trip was so great! Sounds like you had a lot of great people there to share your vacation. What awesome news from the doctor too!!!! Miracles are truly coming your way. The prayers will continue and we'll never forget all the blessings we have already received thus far in your life. You guys are truly an inspiration to many.
My love always, Val and family

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa 99362 - Thursday, March 10, 2005 11:14 AM CST
Evy called me at 7:00 am with the good news! I am praying that this new treatment will finally get rid of that tumor forever! You deserve no less.

Colleen & Paul Battaglia <pcbatt@comcast.net>
Seattle, wa usa - Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:44 AM CST
Wow! Let me say that again - WOW! It's nice to cry because you're happy! Dave, you found a way to end a vacation in style. Michelle, I'm hugging you - can you feel it. Kisses to the Zach, Kate, and the best ride driver - Kenny. Love, Evy
Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 11:39 PM CST
What a treat is was to spend the weekend with you in Disneyland! It was fun to see the kids just being kids, and the adults being kids too. We love you, and continue to pray each day.
Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 10:27 PM CST
I pray that the Disneyland trip was fantastic --- but most of all I pray that the San Francisco trip has a fantastic outcome. We are all still in constant prayer for positive results from your consultation. God Bless You and know that you are being surrounded with love.
Bev S <beverly.shiffer@wwcc.edu>
walla walla, wa - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 11:44 AM CST
Dave, Michelle and kids,
We're praying for a good reading on the MRI, and for a safe return home. We love you all, and can't wait to hear the Disneyland stories!

theblondeupfrontsinging <patrice@fancylogo.com>
- Wednesday, March 9, 2005 10:57 AM CST
You guys our in our family prayers daily.
Love Dan, Wendi & Family

dan elmenhurst <dan@elmenhurstchiro.com>
- Monday, March 7, 2005 11:59 PM CST
Hey Meyers Fam!
I'm so glad to hear that results are positive. Things are going to get better. There are so many people praying for you guys. I can't wait to see Mr. M. back in the teaching mode after Spring Break. It will totally rock! I love our sub though. She is great! You picked someone good. Nothing is impossible with God.

Katie Rogers <katie_e_rogers@hotmail.com>
College Place, WA USA - Monday, March 7, 2005 10:55 AM CST
Dave, you and all your of family continue to be in our prayers as well as keeping your name on the prayer list at Church. Also we are praying you will receive good news on your recent MRI. We also hope you have a wonderful trip to Disneyland. (We are Tami Sirmon's parents)
Ellen and Brad Shelley <shelley@easystreet.com>
Wilsonville, Or. USA - Friday, March 4, 2005 10:50 AM CST
Hi Dave and Shelly, Step by step, day by day. God is Good! You will remain in our prayers, His wonders never cease! Your updates are so wonderful and important to keep the prayers lifted. Thank you for your steadfastness as an inSPIRITation for us all!
In Christ name

Donna Howard <cbrooks@gohighspeed.com>
Walla Walla, WA Walla Walla - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 3:09 PM CST
I wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers. I also really miss having you for a teacher. I could never get enough of your class. You don't know how many time the qoutes you put on the board helped me with my problems out side of class. I know you may have thought some times when I would sit on the floor that I might not have been listening which was the case some times but I want you to know the the 95% of the time I was listening that I heard every word. this year i hope to see you at the realy and if you stay long you have to come see my teams table were team T.A.T.U. and member life is like a game of baseball cuz it throws you curve balls and some strike out and some hit it out of the park and over come there hard times and I know that you are gunna be one of the people that hit it out of the park....i miss you get well soon.
Jennifer Leiferman <Jenleif03@hotmail.com>
walla walla, wa united states - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 0:00 AM CST
The picture of you singing is great Dave. Stay with that strong spirit. It is being lifted up by more people than you can imagine. We are praying for you, and the team that is helping you through this ordeal.

Jim DeCourcey <jimdecourcey@charter.net>
Grants Pass, OR USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 8:06 PM CST
Please know that you are in our family's prayers - top of the list! While driving back from the Tri-Cities on Sunday evening and listening to the wonderful music of KLove, I was lifting Dave in prayer. What a special time it was....SINGING and PRAYING.....and knowing that so many others were doing the same for you! Thank you for your awesome faith in God's love. It's truly inspiring.
Laura Cummings <cumminll@whitman.edu>
College Place, WA USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 7:36 PM CST
It was indeed an honor to be involved in your prayer vigel (although we pray daily for you and your beautiful family)it felt different somehow , I could feel the power of all the prayers ,it was awesome! Have a wonderful,terrific,restful ? time in California and at Disneyland!!! Diane Schulke..cookie lady
Diane Schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 6:45 PM CST
It was a blessing for each of us to be a part of the prayer vigil/prayer support group. You are in our prayers each day, and we know the Lord is with each of you. You are all so amazing and we consider it a blessing to be counted as family! Enjoy Disneyland! LOVE YOU MORE, Dale, Ginger, Missy
Ginger Johnson
College Place, WA USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 12:54 AM CST
Praise be to our wonderful Lord. The Fort Scott Community of Christ has Dave on our prayer list. I am Becky's aunt from Kansas. We are so happy to hear from you. I know the congreation will be delighted to hear your report. May God keeping blessing you.
Karon Jones <ToKar@cpol.net>
Fort Scott, KS United States - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 10:30 AM CST
LOVE the new photo of Dave on stage. Great news on the MRI. Have a fantastic time in California. We will be thinking about you all.

Terri Hampson <hampslaw@qwest.net>
- Tuesday, March 1, 2005 10:03 AM CST
Hi Dave and family
Hope you are getting a break in the weather for that Disneyland trip, but what the heck. Disneyland is Disneyland, right? Praying for good news on your latest MRI. Talked to your Dad the other day, and he assured me that you continue to be an inspiration to us all. God bless you and thank you for helping us cope with our "problems". Chuck and Janet Miltenberger

Chuck and Janet Miltenberger <beebeme@pocketmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 1, 2005 8:21 AM CST
Dear Dave and Michelle,
We will be praying for you in Disneyland and SF...fun for all, clear direction, and no communicable diseases! (Thank goodness chickenpox can be crossed off the list.) Dave, people claim that laughter has healing power. Well, you must be on the HIGHWAY to recovery after Saturday's "birthday party"! Have a wonderful time and think of us while you are on California Screamin'!

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 11:45 PM CST
Dave, wife and kiddies!

Wow, what an inspiring journey you are on with this bt. My husband 42 hwas diagnosed 15 months ago. Had a craniotomy, came out with some minor problems, but, like you Mike.....it was back to the business of "life!!

He never used a walker,cane, never used the bars the Hosp. installed in our shower. He was back at work as the Senior partner in his law firm. Of course sat at his desk not knowing what to work on first, but, he worked! Like you Dave, he is amazing, abd has some awesome angels looking out for him...then mostly his own will to live.

He always sy's no bt is going to get this guy down....maybe a motorcyle accident on my custom Ness bike....but no bt!

His scans have been clear since his first surgery..area getting smaller. Dave you've had THREE!!!!! You are something special!!! Really your wife, kids...We have three under 9.....I think we are all amazing. One supporter called it a "beast" how right they are. Let's ALL fight this BEAST!!

Have a super great time on your so well deserved vacation!!

Sara Bellw/o Taylor Bell Astrocytoma Glioblastoma Muliform level 4. Total removal lemon size malignat tumor.

We are completely endebted to Wasington Hospital, Fremont CA. Best Dr's on earth! ( for us!!)

All y best to your wonderful family.

Sara Bell <Sara@msjlaw.com>
Fremont, Ca USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 11:37 PM CST
Dear Meyers, keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Cecelia Mullin <cmullin@columbus.rr.com>
lancaster, OH USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 11:01 PM CST
Meyer Family,
You've been our thoughts and prayers all day, and on Friday you'll be in our sight as well. Looking forward to Dave's Disneyland Adventure. Love the staff at Chez Haroldson

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, February 28, 2005 7:29 PM CST
Have a great time in Disneyland!!!! You all deserve this time to have a lil' fun! All my love, Val
Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, w usa - Monday, February 28, 2005 7:28 PM CST
Prayers will continue, but results sound positive. Most important thing on the plate right now is HAVE FUN AT DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!! Enjoy every minute, every activity and especially each other!!
Cheryl Bloom
Walla Walla, - Monday, February 28, 2005 6:19 PM CST
The Streeters are praying.....and have all fingers and toes crossed for good luck too!
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Monday, February 28, 2005 5:32 PM CST
Hi Meyers,
Its high noon here in Puyallup and I was just thinking about you guys and saying a quick prayer for today. I really wish everyone from your guestbook could be with you in person this week, but I know we are all with you-all the time-in our thoughts and prayers.
Every day is a good day! All our love,

the wiederspan's <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
puyallup, wa - Monday, February 28, 2005 2:02 PM CST
I have been keeping you in my prayers,I haven't signed up for the 20 minutes,but each time I think of you and your family ,I stop and pray.Remembering God is in control.
Much love to all of you.

Carolyn Harvey <charvey10@yahoo.com>
Milton-Freewater, Or - Monday, February 28, 2005 9:47 AM CST
Dear Dave & Michelle - Thank you so much for setting up this prayer vigil, allowing all of us to participate in your journey today, and always. I feel so connected to God and am thankful for this time, set aside intentionally, to be aware of His presence. I woke Meg up to join me for a time and she was instantly awake; she tunes in to God so easily. I smile to think of our sleepyhead, Kate, praying with us too. May all our prayers be answered.

Love, --Deb

Debra Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Monday, February 28, 2005 6:05 AM CST
Dave, Michelle and Family, We continue to lift you up in prayer and claim God's promises!
With much love,

Penny, Larry, Emily and Alexi Dimino <dimino@hscis.net>
- Monday, February 28, 2005 1:39 AM CST
Coach Meyer-
I just wanted to wish the best to you and your family. You need to get better real soon so you can teach all those kids at Wa-Hi the right way to live their lives, like you taught me and so many others. And I guess you can teach some history or whatever, too. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Much love, from Pullman.
Rob Moore

Rob Moore <robjmoore@gmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Monday, February 28, 2005 0:20 AM CST
Meyers Family,
We are praying for you this weekend. During my 20 minutes I envisioned Dave walking Caitlyn down the aisle in her wedding gown. God's promises are good!
Nancy B

Nancy and Jim B. <nancybutler@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA - Sunday, February 27, 2005 8:29 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and family:

Lili and I send up our thoughts, prayers, and wishes for God's strength to hold you all steadfast. Your impact on people's lives is phenomenal, and truly a gift from God. We wish you ongoing peace, laughter and feeling the presence of everyone who loves you and prays for you.

In God's peace, blessing and mercy,
Laura and Lili Reiter

Laura and Lili Reiter <lbr@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Sunday, February 27, 2005 3:33 PM CST
Hi guys,
I know that my 20 minutes are from 12:00 a.m. to 12:20 a.m. but I just can't help praying now like so many other days that you are continually in my heart. I'm sure that is what so many of your friends and family are doing today and everyday. May there be peace in your hearts in knowing we are all here for your family.
All my love, Val

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, w usa - Sunday, February 27, 2005 3:01 PM CST
Dave, Shelley and Family,
I've been sick this week and missed getting in on the 24 hours of continued prayer. Just want you to know that I will still be praying throughout today and tomorrow. It will be so exciting to see how God works in the next 24 hours! May you feel His blessings. (I'm a friend of Stacy Moaut's)

Randalynn Hovland <rhovland@vib.tv>
Ephrata, WA - Sunday, February 27, 2005 9:48 AM CST
Lately I feel like I took you being in the classroom for granted. Just having you there, and how you woul dtell stories, and laugh at your self, how compassionate you were for other people. And then when you came back to "P1" I realized all that. And if we loose you to cancer too...I can't even think about it. Your such a beautiful person. Way to be optimistic huh? But liek you said before this is you were talking about, and I have hope and I pray. I wanted tell you since I dont see you as often as I'd like anymore. Your might bewondering why anyone would be up at 5 in the morning, especially being 15, trust me caffiene is playing a major role here. Sometimes its easier to write than talk anyway. Hope to see you again soon Meyer!

Allison Biddle <abiddle002@hotmail.com>
Wallawalla, WA USA - Sunday, February 27, 2005 7:25 AM CST
Dave, Michelle and family,
Know that I will be praying for all of you and will spread the word to all my friends to do the same. I am a friend and Avon lady to your grandmother, Edith. She is a special lady with lots of hope that is contagious.
May God bless you all.
Carol Nelson
Clarkston, WA

Carol Nelson <cnelson@clarkston.com>
Clarkston, WA USA - Saturday, February 26, 2005 3:01 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and Family,
We want you to know that we are praying for you and holding you in our hearts! Your light shines for Jesus - so many hearts and lives you touch daily. We kneel with you in prayer as we believe in God's healing power! Each moment, each day- a gift to embrace. You are loved! Keep looking to the Father!
Mike and Richele Locati

Mike and Richele Locati <mrlocati@gohighspeed.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, February 24, 2005 11:12 PM CST
All are Prayers go out to Dave and His family in this time. You guys sure have had a long fight and keep on fighting. There is always hope and you guys sure have been proving it over the years. I hope you beat this all the way.

Eric Humphrey and Family <chronocrossut@hotmail.com>
Clay City, IN USA - Thursday, February 24, 2005 7:51 PM CST
Hi Dave, Michelle and kids ~ I'm sure you are all excited about your Disneyland trip ~ what a fun and amazing place for family times. Dan and I took Ethan two years ago and had an absolute blast ~ lots of fun memories we will cherish forever. We're thinking about you and we're praying for you. We love you. Have a great trip. Love Debi and Dan
Debi Spjut <debispjut@adelphia.net>
Kelso, WA USA - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:35 PM CST
You guys continue to amaze me. I talked to Patty Harmon the other day and she said that you are looking great, Dave. We continue to lift you up in our prayers as does our church family in Bend. God Bless, and good luck on Monday!
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 6:26 PM CST
Yeah guys,
Only one week from today. The kids can hardly stand it. hope thing are well. Love to all

Denise ullmann <dullmann@adelphia.net>
Kelso, wa - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 12:19 AM CST
Hey there Meyer family,
I have tried several times to send a message. Boy am I needing to take a computer class!!
Dave I just want to say you are one of the most inspirational individuals I have ever been fortunate to meet. I do not know your family, but I am sure from knowing you this tells me a lot about them. They obviously are just as mountainous as you.
There are deep waters sometimes, this I have heard about.
I have personally never tried to swim against. I have watched a lighted room close off, go dark and severly dim.
I have known a lost hand to hold, and have lost a few smiles I will forever miss.
Yet I have been amongst angels and smelled a flowers kiss.
So I just feel this need now to share a moment with you and yours. I simply want to kneel now and with my prayers I talk to our Lord.
I believe in prayers power, I believe in Jesus, I believe in our Father, and I believe in him, through him all is calm and all is safe.
TO you and your family,
I send my heart, and embrace this what you teach me...
rose perry

rose perry <walla2wesco@peoplepc.com>
Walla Walla, Wa. U.S.A. - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 0:43 AM CST
Dave and family

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

get well!!!!!

Diane Briggs
- Tuesday, February 22, 2005 1:34 PM CST
Dearest Dave, Shelly and family,
Words are so difficult, but prayers are powerful.The love and prayers are such a tribute to you and your family as evidenced by this website. You have touched so many lives and your light does shine so brightly. You are ALL in my prayers continually throughout each day. Sending much love and many hugs,

Bonnie <bparker@pacifier.com>
Coronado, CA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 1:33 PM CST
Hello, Dave:
I just want you to know that not a day goes by without sending you my thoughts and prayers. I've had the great fortune to see Kaitlyn (sp?) more often than usual this year. Except for their height, she and Erik look pretty much the same to me as they did at nursery school, as they will for the rest of their lives, in this mom's eyes, anyway. What characters they are! I know how much you love all three of your kids and all the kids you've met through your life and work at the high school. This hasn't been lost on a single soul--you are a beloved character yourself.

Peace, Dave.

Lori Dohe <ldohe@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA US - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 1:08 PM CST
Our God is an Awesome God! Thank you for sharing this journal with us!
Tina Holbrook and family <tholbrook@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 12:45 AM CST
Dave and Family,
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I will be traveling overseas during the 24 prayer time, but I will pray for you everyday. Keep the faith and beat this.


Robin Clayton <robin.thomas@alteontraining.com>
Sumner, Wa USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 10:53 AM CST
Dave and Michelle,
I hope you can feel the love coming your way... neighbors, friends, colleagues alike - we're all thinking of you and holding you up in prayer and joyful hope. Thank you for sharing this journey with those of us who aren't with you each day...know that you are in our thoughts each and every day.

Gary, Judy, Greg and Nick Peasley <gjpeas@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Monday, February 21, 2005 10:39 PM CST
Hi Meyer family,
Count us in on the pray-a-thon. This will be a family affair!
Love, "Oh no, it's Mrs. Pribilsky."

Kevin, Kirsten and Pribilsky crew <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Sunday, February 20, 2005 0:01 AM CST
Great conversation at the AAU game today. Thanks for the update. As I told you, I pray for you every single day as well as for your family. You are such a great person and Christ's light shines through you. Your example helps us all in our own journeys. Thank you.

Mark Klicker

Mark Klicker <mklicker@wsfb.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Saturday, February 19, 2005 1:06 PM CST
Dave, Michelle, Kenny Jo, Zach, Kaitlyn, & Kyle
You are in our thoughts and prayres continually.

Ken Bierly
Salem, OR - Friday, February 18, 2005 11:24 AM CST
Hi Dave,
I remember when we were kids, maybe 4 or 5 yrs old, and we prayed together on Sundays at Sunday School. We grew up singing songs like: Give Me Oil In My Lamp, Keep Me Burning. Give Me Oil in My Lamp, I Pray. Give Me Oil in My Lamp Keep Me Burning, Keep Me Burning till the Break of Day. Do You Remember?

We later learned the books of the Old Testament and got our own personal red Bible. That was back in 1972! We also got a picture of an Angel watching over the children crossing an old broken bridge. When we got older, we ended up playing Mary & Joseph in the Christmas play. Now that, you have to remember!

We prayed together on many Sundays and now I pray with you everyday! As we learned years ago, there is great power in prayer! Chip and I send you, Michelle, and the kids, our love, support and will be with you in thought and prayer as this journey continues. Our last visit was years ago, when we all went out to a fabulous dinner. We will do that again!

Love & Friendship,
Roxanne & Chip Lake

Roxanne Lake <charleslake@comcast.net>
Everett, WA United States - Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:25 PM CST
Hello Meyer family,
We are still following daves progress and wanted to pass along a word of comfort, Isaiah 41:10 So, do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will stengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Also, Im a reminded of Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". Im praying for his loving arms to uphold you and keep each and every day that you endure. God Bless.

Heidi Gwinnell <hgwinnell@hotmail.com>
jacksonville, fl. usa - Thursday, February 17, 2005 7:59 PM CST
Dave and Michelle,
Just letting you know that all of you continue to be a part of our daily prayers. What a testimony to see all the lives you have such a positive impact on. Your community of prayer warriors are powerful.

theblondeupfrontsinging <patrice@fancylogo.com>
- Thursday, February 17, 2005 3:44 PM CST
Dear Dave,

I know it's been years since we have seen each other or spoken, but that does not mean that you haven't been in my thoughts and prayers. I have been keeping tabs on you! Last week my niece, Molly Mayer, told me that you weren't in school. I did some research and it led me to your website.

I could echo every sentiment I have read here, but what I really just want to let you know is that I am sending positive energy, thoughts and prayers to you and your family. It's quite clear you have an amazing and seemingly infinite circle of love, frienship and support. The impact you have made on the lives of so many is evident. What a wonderful feeling.

I contacted Roxanne and Chip last night to give them an updated. I'm sure you will hear from them soon. We are both in the Seattle area and would love to visit you while you are here, if you are up for visitors!

Wish you all the best.

Shari (Mercado) Bjorn

Shari (Mercado) Bjorn <sharibjorn@comcast.net>
Newcastle, WA USA - Wednesday, February 16, 2005 12:16 AM CST
Jamie Holt <cjholt@netscape.com>
Walla Walla, Wa. - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 11:20 PM CST
Dave, This is Rod Martin up in Wenatchee. Love you brother. You and your family have been on my heart and in my prayer. God is always prompting it, from Nancy K. calling the other day, to talking to Coach JT up here in Wen sat. night. and Thayne S. just yesterday. Thayne and i were reminded of some wonderful times at malibu we all share. we should have conferenced you in. how bout this? we lick this thing, we take a boat ride north and you teach me some new licks on the geeetar. maybe we still remember some stonehill tunes? that's what we're talking about napolean.
rod <rodjmart@hotmail.com>
wenatchee, - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 5:37 PM CST
Dave, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Why is it that it takes something like this help the rest of us put our "problems" into perspective and to be grateful.
Lisa Smyth <lsmyth@northwestcounselingsolutions.com>
Walla Walla, Wa usa - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 2:47 PM CST
Dave, Just wanted you to know here in Georgia we continue to pray for you all the time. My family shares with your family your struggles and unconditional trust and love for our God. I love to read your guestbook. It is fantastic, and so are you. We're off to my sons in San Antonio tomorrow and will bring your family to prayer at their Methodist Church, some 7,500 stong. Keep smiling! Judy
Judy Holloway <jbfarm@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 10:43 AM CST
Hello again from the other corner. I've scrolled down through this extensive guestbook and had the lovely opportunity to get to know you better through other people's eyes and their loving words. I knew you were a good egg...but I had no idea you were THAT good! ; ) I was especially touched by the notes from students. What an impact you have made there, Dave. Phenomenal. You amaze.
Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:10 AM CST
Dave: Ken Goudy shared about you during prayer time in our Sunday School class. Ken obviously cares about you and please know that you were in our prayers. We are studying the book Ruthless Trust and are praying that you will continue in your heroic trust.
Brent Burson
Clackamas, OR USA - Monday, February 14, 2005 11:13 PM CST
Meyers family, You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers daily! I have got to get some chocolate chip cookies your way(although I know that your wife and daughter make them for you with much love) they are pretty busy now so will be getting some over your way soon. For so many years I have packed up your little carton of cookies everyday at Wa-Hi it feels like something is missing and it is.....YOU. So please take care and come see us soon! Hugs to all,the cookie lady
Diane Schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Monday, February 14, 2005 9:51 PM CST
Dave and Family
You are in my prayers for recovery and continued strength and faith!!

Marla Fitzsimmons - Class of 1981!!! <msfitz@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Monday, February 14, 2005 11:00 AM CST
This last week was truly a testament to the many lives you continue to inspire. I observed countless numbers of students write you notes and letters of encouragement in addition to stories of favorite "Mr. Meyer" moments. Your spirit and positive attitude are a constant reminder of what God wants of us. Our hearts and prayers are with you as you, Michelle, and kids prepare for San Francisco.
God Bless!

Jon, Kim, and Jaden Cassetto <kcassetto@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA - Sunday, February 13, 2005 10:37 PM CST
Praying for all of the requests from East Pointe Church In Jacksonville, Florida. You all have been amazing and shown my family what it means to walk by faith. Grace and Peace, healing and love be with your beautiful family!!!
Love and Prayers-Michele Yelverton and family

Michele Yelverton <micheleyelverton@netzero.net>
Jacksonville, Fl USA - Sunday, February 13, 2005 7:22 PM CST
Hello. I would like to send you our prayers from one family to another. I will have you in my prayers for the days to come.
God Bless

Kimberly <kswekes@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR USA - Sunday, February 13, 2005 0:57 AM CST
May you & your entire family be wrapped in love & may the prayers of the many friends, relatives and people whose lives you both have touched continue to sustain you. A fellow '58 classmate of Dave's Dad...

Karen McMillan Nordby <KindKar@aol.com>
Eagle, Id. - Saturday, February 12, 2005 12:39 AM CST
Dave, where do I start? You are such and incredible person that truly is the spirit of our Lord. You are an incredible man that is a great inspiration to me. Not only are you a fighter, you have such a wonderful family under God and we are all praying for you..:) Shelley, keep up that strength and know when you are tired that somewhere there is a shoulder for you to lean on. I am sending you both a big hug and wish I could be there by your side. God Bless you both and your family and remember he is always there by your side.
Scott Keller <srkeller@charter.net>
College Place, WA USA - Saturday, February 12, 2005 1:37 AM CST
You mention that you are a patient of Dr. Prados. So is Jeannie.
Jim DeCourcey <jimdecourcey@charter.net>
- Friday, February 11, 2005 10:34 PM CST
Mr. and Mrs. Meyers, I want you to know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I am caregiver to my wonderful wife Jeannie who is fighting GBMIV since March 2002. (caringbridge.org/or/jeanniedecourcey)
Jim DeCourcey <jimdecourcey@charter.net>
Grants Pass, or - Friday, February 11, 2005 9:24 PM CST
Dave, hope you get better as fast and safely as you can. My prayers will be with you.

Jeff Crowther <j_crow01@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, Wa 99362 - Friday, February 11, 2005 7:33 PM CST
Just a short note to let you know you are thought of daily. I check in to your web site multiple times a day to keep up on you progress. I am in awe of you and your family as I know many of us well wisher are. I am continuing to pray daily for your continued strength and recovery. God bless and stay strong. Love, Kristi Tice(Lane)
Kristi Tice <ktice@valleyvisionclinic.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, February 11, 2005 5:56 PM CST
Dave, you are my hero. I have seen others write that but as I saw you at church last Sunday and at the BB game on Tuesday, all I could think of is that HERO word. Your faith and light shine so bright. You are in my prayers constantly. Michelle and the kids also.
Kathy Keatts <kkeatts@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Friday, February 11, 2005 5:27 PM CST
Mr. Meyer,
I hope that you are feeling well and keeping your spirits up. I am down in California at Pepperdine University and just got an email from some of my fellow Meyershire citizens about your web page. I wanted to tell you that I am taking a Political Science class (at 8:00 AM, bleh) and we just went over a lot of the history of Federalism and John Locke's "state of nature" theories and I remembered our American Government class, realizing that I actually did learn some things my last semester of High School, which I consider a great achievement. God bless. Hilary*

Hilary Schneidmiller <Hilary.Schneidmiller@pepperdine.edu>
Malibu, CA USA - Friday, February 11, 2005 2:33 PM CST
Hey Dave, Just a note to say hi! and God Bless. Hope your feeling better. Angie and I are expecting a new addition to our family by Tuesday. Emma will be her name, and I know she'll be the most beautiful girl in the world. Take care and get some rest.
John Stilson <jstilson@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, Wa - Friday, February 11, 2005 10:24 AM CST

Steve <stevenchile@hotmail.com>
santiago, chile - Friday, February 11, 2005 7:42 AM CST
I am still praying for you and your family at this difficult time.All I can say is hang in there, God is still in control,as hard as it is .I feel you are a very amazing family,even though I don't you.I know your mom ,she is pretty amazing too.
Carolyn Harvey <charvey10@yahoo.com>
Milton-Freewater, Or. - Friday, February 11, 2005 1:06 AM CST
So good to see you at the basketball game on Saturday, Dave! Lookin' Good!
Sarah Zipf Stone <sstone@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, February 10, 2005 12:29 AM CST
Mr. Meyer! Hey...kinda weird i think to ask "how ya doin?"! Cause i know your doin great! You are the awesomest and most inspirational teacher i have ever had! I will be praying for you, but i know that whatever happens I WILL be seeing you in heaven! "May the peace of the Lord which passes all understanding, keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Amen" (i think i got that right :D )
Karl Juergensen <toslegy@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, February 10, 2005 2:30 AM CST
My husband, Eric and I met you & your family when we tagged along with Greg & Stephanie for your family Christmas celebration in 97. Please know that you are in our prayers. May your hearts and minds be guarded with God's peace during this time. Laura & Eric Schaaf - Forest Lake, MN
Laura Schaaf <laurakschaaf@yahoo.com>
Forest Lake, MN USA - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 9:31 PM CST
Dear Coach Dave,

Heller family here. Little Renee says, "I don't know you very well, but I'm praying for you because I know Ms Shelley loves you!" Greased Lightning (Greggory) says, "I hope that you are well enough to come watch more of your son's baseball games in the Spring because I know you like baseball. You helped our whole L. L. team out a whole lot last year and I pray that you can share another baseball season." Cheryl and Stan say, "You are on our prayer list at St. Paul's and in our home. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it - not somehow, but TRIUMPHANTLY!"

"Each day can be lived in victory as you draw upon His strength...in comfort as you abide in His love... in peace as you rest within His arms!" quote by author Roy Lessin.

From what we know and see about you Dave and your family - you all are living a life filled with victory, comfort, and peace. Praise the Lord. Tell Michelle to let me know when you are ready for lasagna again! :) Love, Cheryl, Stan, Greggory and Renee Heller

Cheryl, Stan, Greggory and Renee Heller <classicg@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WAshington - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 6:17 PM CST
Dear Meyer Family,
I have never met you but have been following your journey. Your story continues to give me strength. It amazes me how much you lift up and give others all while dealing with this horrible cancer. What a great example you are!! Thanks for the reminder to take each day and find something good! I needed that!

Michelle Gentges
Jacksonville, FL USA - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 9:29 AM CST
Mr. Meyer, It has been several years since I have been in your classroom, but you left a mark on me that I will never forget! I am sure you will do the same for many other students. I admire your outstanding strength and attitude! My thoughts are with you and your family!
Abby Young-Class of 01 <abby_young@wsu.edu>
Pullman, WA USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 11:44 PM CST
Hi Dave, Elaine and I are praying for you and recovery. You smiling face that I saw the last time we were at church in Walla Walla is embedded in my heart. We are asking everyone in our Sunday School class at Oregon City Evangelical to join us and pray for you. Love to you from both of us.
Ken & Elaine Goudy

Ken Goudy <truckie1@comcast.net>
Oregon City, Oregon US - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 8:48 PM CST
Dave and family,
My heart goes out to you and your family. I don't know you all personally but in Christ we are related. Keep fighting Dave!!! I admire your strength and know that it comes from God. I will pray that your next round of treatment goes well.
God Bless,

Michelle Herring <Romans837@msn.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 8:42 PM CST
Dave, I want to tell you to try Cancer Treatment Centers of America! I want to tell you to take vitamin C, to go to "Yell" therapy, that I've heard jicama juice works wonders if taken every morning when you wake up... But what is my privilege to tell you is that I care for you and love your family as brethren in Christ, and that throngs of those who know and love you are with you every single second of your mighty battle with this disease. Though we have not met yet and I have only become acquainted with you through your Grandma Edith, I see you as 100% more than a cancer patient. So I will say just this as I throw advice around for a cure...The best treatment is of course, a merry heart which does more good than medicine (and since it's scriptural, it holds no empty promises!)
You are the precious child of the most High God and the God of impossibilities~

Jennifer Boyer
Lewiston, ID USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 7:07 PM CST
Dave and Family: We love you all and pray for you daily. Dave, my daughter, Taya, says a special prayer for you every night. Her prayer is that Dave's owie in his head will get ALL BETTER. Dave, do you remember that Christmas time at Val's house when Taya was just a baby? You got her smiling when nobody else could! I hope her special prayers for you can bring you comfort.
Fondly, Tensie/Mike/Taya Lovejoy

Tensie Lovejoy <tlovejoy@wwps.org>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 6:09 PM CST
Do you remember Dave that I was telling you about my Grandma who has had breast cancer for nearly 20 years now. Well she was treated at the Bio Medical Center, located in Tijuana, Mexico. Telephone: (011 5266)84-90-11. They use Hoxsey Therapy at this center. Hoxsey Therapy was in use in the United States for many years and had proven itself very succesful. The treatment is very affordable. There is extensive information on this therapy available on the web. Just type in Hoxsey. I tell you this because I feel real stong about this treatment because my Grandma is 92 going on 93 in October and is doing very well for her age. Her cancer in her breast was the size of a golf ball and has been in remission for a long time due to this treatment. She has never gotten it operated or taken any kind of radiation. It just shrunk. I know these are hard times and I thought that this information just might help. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Jennifer Cisneros <jencisneros@writeme.com>
- Tuesday, February 8, 2005 2:14 PM CST
Dave and Michelle, Your family has been in our prayers every day. You are such a warrior Dave. Keep up the good fight. You are also on the prayer requests of our church. Know that many prayers are going out for you. Through Him ALL things are possible. Dale and Mary Norby
Dale and Mary Norby <mnorby@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 2:14 PM CST
Dave you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. We admire your strength, faith and attitude. Keep it up!
Ryan and Jill Carter

Ryan Carter <rmcarter@wwps.org>
- Tuesday, February 8, 2005 1:36 PM CST
You are in my prayers. There is nothing that God can't take care of if you give it ALL to Him. I know firsthand. Margie Bueche (co-worker) told us your story, and I've read about the way you touch people's lives. That means so much more than you know. Again, I will pray for you and your family.
Lisa Tomkies <lisat@kmsstv.com>
Shreveport, Louisiana USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 11:18 AM CST
Hey Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach, and Kaitlyn
There's not a morning that doesn't start without you all in my prayers. Your family unity and strenth are admirable to all who know you. I keep spreading the news to all I know and all who know you so that the prayers will keep pouring in. I truly beleive that God is looking out for all who seek him. Take care of each other each and every day. My love to you all!

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa usa - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 11:10 AM CST
I just found your site about a week ago, and have been glued to it since. I have a friend that was diagnosed with a tumor similar to Dave's almost a year ago, now and was looking for information. What I found in your site is amazement in seeing you all handle your situation with such grace and determination, and comfort in seeing someone else going through the trials and tribulations of life while dealing with this life-altering situation. You are an inspiration to anyone going through this or not going through this. I will continue to pray for your family, as I am praying daily for my friend. Thank you for all you are doing for others and probably don't even realize.

Keep the faith. May God continue to bless your wonderful family.


Joan Bogus <joanbogus@chsd.k12.pa.us>
Carrolltown, PA USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 10:30 AM CST
Dave & Michelle,I'm taking my mom on a trip to Atlanta to visit my sister we have not seen in 5 years. I'll be checking your progress from Georgia but probably not daily as I do now.My prayers will continue "all the time" as they do now. I think of you so often,and it gives me such strenght to face my simple day. Golly, you make life "real" to all of us as we watch your unending faith, strength, smile and courage.If we had never seen Jesus before, we have certainly seen him in you. Bless you and stay strong.
Judy Holloway <jbfarm@bmi.net>
- Tuesday, February 8, 2005 9:38 AM CST
May God continue to stand with you in these times. Keep the faith because there is a beginning and ending to everything. Myself and others will be praying for your recovery.
La Tienda Pierre <latiendap@kshv.com>
- Tuesday, February 8, 2005 9:22 AM CST
Dear Dave and Michelle,
Stephanie and Greg have kept me informed of your ongoing need for prayer. I have shared this need at work and my staff has been keeping both of you in our daily prayers and thoughts. We are praying for a speedy recovery.
Louisiana is very far away from Walla Walla, however we are believing that God will hear our prayers for you and your family.
May God be with you.
Margie and Tom Bueche and the Staff of KMSS FOX 33...

Margie Bueche <tombueche@bellsouth.net>
Shreveport, LA USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 6:00 AM CST
From your Scrabble buddies, Wetwo. We pray for a speedy recovery.
John and Pat Coker <johnpatc@cox.net>
San Diego, CA USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 11:58 PM CST
Dave & Michelle,
So glad you guys made it home safely and had a great drive in the sunshine. Must have been the angels smiling on you. Caught a glimpse of you Dave when you were going into church Sunday and of course there was that fantastic smile of yours (very contagious). Know that you are all in our prayers daily and with as many folks that are praying for you, you know the great Healer is listening, how can He not hear them! Praise God..........

Timm, Teri & Timothy Johnson <tandt@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 7:42 PM CST
Wow!! Dave, great to see you in church yesterday. It was really wonderful that it was a communion day as well - sharing in the bread of life in Christ. May God continue to surround you with healing, peace, comfort, and His Wonderful Love! I miss you coming by to get boxes of tissues for your class! Keep the Faith! Love,Susan
Susan Morasch
Walla Walla, WA Walla Walla - Monday, February 7, 2005 6:10 PM CST
I was so glad to hear that you got to go home, what a huge relief. I can't wait to see you when i get to come home next, I am praying for you every day and love being able to get on your nifty web page so i can keep tabs on your improvement! Keep up the good work trooper!
Valerie Chandler <valchandler@hotmail.com>
Vancouver, WA - Monday, February 7, 2005 5:56 PM CST
"You have to believe the buds will blow, believe in the grass in days of snow, for that's the reason the bluebird sings, on her darkest days she believes in spring." (by our old friend, Mr. Anonymous)

Dave and Michelle, in your world the buds ARE blowing and the grass IS growing and you are SINGING. You are our bluebirds. Thanks for reminding us every day of His immense mercy and grace.

"The Wids," Cindy and Zac

Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 5:26 PM CST
Just wanted you to know we are praying for you every day to get healthy. Glad you made it home safely, sounds like you had a fun drive home. Be strong Dave and may God be with you and your loving family.

Karla (Griffin) Broughton <karla@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 2:38 PM CST
When you gave John Quaresma his homework qwest each week - he would always show me what you asked him to do. Big step for John. Johnny Qwest and his sidekick Marquel came to depend on you. Thanks for how you touched both of them. Your light shines.
Laure Quaresma <lquaresma@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA - Monday, February 7, 2005 2:17 PM CST

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You are one brave soul...an inspiration for us all.

Peace be with you.

Tony & Kelly Lucarelli <tlucarelli@comcast.net>
Portland, OR USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 12:36 AM CST
Thanks to you and your family for sharing your grace and strength in the face of this battle, you all are an inspiration. Stay strong and focused, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your wonderful family.

John & Vicki Carter <carterjv@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 12:32 AM CST
Hey Dave. Just wanted to let you know that my family and I are thinking about you and your loved ones and praying for your peace, strength, and healing. Thanks for your friendship and faith example. You are truly a gift to many :).
Jane Barga <jlbarga@hotmail.com>
Pullman, WA USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 0:45 AM CST
Dave & Michelle,

Words cannot express what we are feeling for you. We sit here in Troutdale, holding you both up firmly in prayer before the Lord, wishing we could be praying with you in person. His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts. There are no guarantee's in this life, except for when we know and love Jesus.

Please know how much we love you and care for you all. It's hard being separated from family when the going gets tough. Please accept some cyber {{{hugs}}} from all the way from Troutdale to Walla Walla.

Also, note that we've put you on every prayer list that we have access to, so there are people from everywhere praying for you.
Love, Greg & Stephanie

Greg & Stephanie <gs.meyer@comcast.net>
Troutdale, OR USA - Sunday, February 6, 2005 11:26 PM CST
It was AWESOME to see you in church this morning! What an incredible journey of faith you've taken us on. It's a glorious thing to witness. We love and hold you and yours up, and pray for His almighty touch to heal and give peace.

theblondeupfrontsinging <patrice@fancylogo.com>
Walla Walla , WA - Sunday, February 6, 2005 11:00 PM CST
Dave and family, Keep the faith ! You have certainly inspired all of us to do the same! Thoughts and prayers are with you all 24-7. The cookie lady
Dianeschulke <Dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Sunday, February 6, 2005 10:22 PM CST
Our lives meet with such challenges and then I am made aware of your journey, dear young man. I am praying for your healing and return to a better life. You do not know me, I am another class of 58' Bantam who fervently loved our class-mates and by association, you. Please accept my love and concern for you and your family. Fondly Nicki Layton Weber

Nicki Layton Weber <Ednikweber@aol.com>
Tacoma, Wa. USA - Sunday, February 6, 2005 9:34 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and family,
It's great to hear you're back home, feeling good and enjoying each other. Wanted you all to know we're thinking of you. We will continue to pray for you Dave. Thanks for letting all of us share in your lives by reading your journal. Miss you at school Michelle.
Love and Hugs, Lynn, Gary, Dusty, Zach & Gracie

Ferrels <ferrel@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Sunday, February 6, 2005 8:12 PM CST
Dave, I'm pulling for you, as always. It seems that you have had some fun remembering old times lately. I would like to add the memory of our two familys vacationing at Priest Lake and me allowing you to drive our little gutless wonder car that looked a lot better than it really was! And your parents shock and awe! Did you ever get to drive it, or did we get the kibash? Love you and ever praying for you!
Sharon Longmire <longmire@bmi.net>
College Place, Wa - Sunday, February 6, 2005 1:11 PM CST
Dave you and your family are in my prayers. I admire your faith and positive attitude that you shared with us all in the classroom and on the football field. I only wish I could have college professors that are as interesting and insightful as you are.
Riley Greenwood <skibum_riles@hotmail.com>
Bozeman, MT - Saturday, February 5, 2005 8:21 PM CST
Dave and family,
You are all a tremendous example of faith and courage. I thank you for loving the Lord because through Him you have touched so many kids and adults. Whether you have planted a seed or fine tuned one's perspective, you have taken so much time to love on others. During this tough time, know that there are so many of us loving on you and your family now. I am praying for you all! Thank you!
In Him,
Dusty Wiese
"The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still." -Exodus 14:14

dusty wiese <dustywiese@msn.com>
seattle (grad of walla walla), WA USA - Saturday, February 5, 2005 5:44 PM CST
Dear Dave, Michelle and Children,
Although we've never met, my heart is so full with the love that Christ offers when he joins His family together. Thank you for sharing your blog. Please know that in a small home in Irvine, CA we're praying for your full and complete healing. It is written that the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. Be well, be strong and live fully!

Sonia, Joe and children
Irvine, CA USA - Saturday, February 5, 2005 1:09 PM CST
I'm surpised this website hasn't crashed as popular as it is! We're so happy with the news! Yesterday, Mary Bella was helping prepare supper and she stopped in the middle of stirring and closed her eyes. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was praying for Teacher Shell and her husband. Of course I began to cry. Even at 3 1/2 years old she knows how we can help in the greatest way. God Bless! Thanks for keeping us posted on every step of your amazing journey. I'm praying you'll have million more "great days" together. Go enjoy the sunshine! xoxoxo
Becky Betts

Becky Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, February 5, 2005 1:01 PM CST
Dave and Michelle, I am so glad you are home safe and sound and got there ahead of snow on the pass! Dave, I talked to my dad yesterday and he said he wishes we could all go to the cabin on the columbia river and relax like we used to do each spring. He sends his love. Then I called the greatest prayer warrior I know, my mom. She loves you and prays for you each day. This is powerful stuff here, because she is a shut-in who doesn't enjoy television. We are talking about ALOT of time available for prayer. So you and Michelle get some rest and get ready for the next round, we are ready to go when you are.
Peter & Cheryl and the boys <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
Puyallup, WA United States - Saturday, February 5, 2005 11:46 AM CST
This is the best news I've heard in a LOONG time! We were all pretty worried here (a few of us had to get together for some crying time) but I am elated that you are home and looking and feeling great! As long as we're quoting country songs: "May the Circle Be Unbroken" while you (actually all of us) "Live Like You Are Dying" "Forever and Ever AMEN"!!! (I tried to fit "Suds in the Bucket" and "Cowboy, Take Me Away" into this profound pearl of wisdom but decided not to stretch your imagination too far -in that your brain has BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH ALREADY!!) Can't wait to see you and get another one of those infamous bear hugs. And yup - you're STILL my hero!!
Ernie Chandler <chandler@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Saturday, February 5, 2005 9:51 AM CST
Dave and Michelle,
I'm glad to hear Dave is feeling great, because he sure looks great. He is still the handsome man I saw leaving Robin's house to go on a date with Michelle. He still has that same glint in his eye when he talks about his wonderful wife. He IS the fighter he has always been, just as our house is your Seattle HOME! Dave, give Michelle one of your smiles (both sides) for me. Love, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Saturday, February 5, 2005 9:21 AM CST
Dave. You've been a great friend since, well, um, Kindergarten. wow, where has the time gone? My thoughts and prayers are with you. Get well and healthy.
Connie Jacobs McElrath <cmcelrath@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA Walla Walla - Saturday, February 5, 2005 1:40 AM CST
Dave and Michelle, Keeping you and your family in my prayers! Sincerely

JoEllen Riley
Walla Walla, WA Walla Walla - Friday, February 4, 2005 11:59 PM CST
Dearest Dave and Family:

May God guide you on the path He has put you on. May He give continue to give you strength and peace during your walk. God Speed

Renee' Lucarelli/ Mike Lucarelli <rllucarelli@hotmail.com>
Sammamish, Wa USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:40 PM CST
Dear Mr. Meyer and family,
A poem I wrote, "Through every pain and sorrow, there's a melody that lies within. For every heart break, there's love to embrace and heal again. And for every tear that drops, there's a smile to make your eyes shine again. Everytime you doubt yourself, everytime you feel like you just can't make it, and for everytime you feel there's no more hope and your dieing to give up, know this, I'm always here, you're always in my prayers, it's never too late to ask for help, you know I'd be there." Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (there's a time for everything). There is a book I've read called, "Tell Your Heart to Beat Again" by Dutch Sheets. Amazing. I have grown up in the church my whole life being apart of a ministorial family. I pray a ton. And to you, I am praying the most hardcore for (as well as my parents). It brings me to a reality check with God. To see you as a miracle in itself and to see how strong you are and how much faith and hope you have, gives me all that as well. I am a student of yours this semester for American Gov't. I was definitely looking forward to having you as a teacher because I knew then, I could talk to someone about God and share my thoughts, unlike any other time at school. I had Mr. Martin last year, and everyday, I heard your music. It made me smile and made my day. It always brought forth a great hope to be in your in class. Thank you so much! I'm believing for a miracle that will cause thousands of people to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Katie Rogers <katie_e_rogers@hotmail.com>
College Place, WA 99324 - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:35 PM CST
Dave, I pray for your health, and for guidance and peace for you and your family. With love, I thank you for all that you do and have done with your constant friendship and your positive energy.

David Hampson
Walla Walla , WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 9:20 PM CST
Dear Dave and Michelle. You don't know me, but I've read your postings for a while now and have meant to get in touch, but just haven't had the chance. Something happended today though that made me find the time. Today, Mike and Renee' Lucarelli (you probably remember Mike from grade school) asked me if I knew anything about you and and your brain tumor. They asked me because they are friends of mine and I raise funds for Glioblastoma/Astrocytoma research in my late husband's name, The Christopher S. Elliott Memorial Glioblastoma Brain Cancer Research Fund/CEF and support this type of research at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute after the UW told my husband that there just wasn't anything else they could do for him. I would love to share with you information about this new research and/or our journey if you'd like. You may email me at any time. In the meantime, please know that I pray for health and strength for BOTH of you. From someone who has been there, I do know how scared you are, so I also pray for peace and guidance from God. Blessings to you.
Dellann Elliott/Chris Elliott Fund for Glioblastoma Research <ChrisElliottFund@verizon.net>
Sammamish, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 8:52 PM CST

My heart goes out to you. You are an inspiration to me, though I've never had the pleasure of having you as a teacher. Your courageous faith brings tears to my eyes. My family and I are keeping you in our prayers.

In Christ,
Andrew Snider

Andrew Snider <andrewjsnider@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA United States - Friday, February 4, 2005 8:15 PM CST
Dear Dave and Michelle,
We continue to pray for you and your dear family. "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
You are both such an awesome example of ones who trust Him each day...Thank you for all that you are to all who know and love you!!
(A special note to Teacher Shell: the toddlers and parents missed you today...they send their love and hugs too!)
Melinda and family

Melinda Brennan <brennans@bmi.net>
Walla Walla , WA 99362 - Friday, February 4, 2005 6:12 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and kids,
I think of you and pray for you daily. You are a very special person to your family and friends. My God touch you will his healing powers and keep you strong.

Peggy Needham and Family

Peggy Needham <Pegneedham@aol.com>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 6:01 PM CST
I was recently reading about a chaplin praying over his men in Irag. "Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9. Keep this in mind as you face the challenges you have been asked to endure. You do not know us but know that you are in our thoughts and prayers......Friends of your family and the Class of 58......Greg and Susan Buratto
Susan Buratto <gjburatto@clarkston.com>
Clarkston, Wa Asotin - Friday, February 4, 2005 5:54 PM CST
Dave I'm praying for you and I will add your name to the parish book of intercessions at Saint Patrick's Catholic Church in Meridian, MS. and you will be prayed for at all the masses. God Bless!
Sarah P. Springer <sps7708@comcast.net>
Meridain, MS USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 5:46 PM CST
Gilda Radner wrote the following in her book "It's Always Something" - "I had wanted to wrap this book up in a neat little package about a girl who is a comedienne from Detroit, becomes famous in New York, with all the world coming her way, gets this horrible disease of cancer, is brave and fights it, and then, miraculously, things are neatly tied up and she gets well. I wanted a perfect ending, so I sat down to write the book with the ending in place before there even was an ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next."

To say you make the best of a situation is an understatement. None of this makes sense, and we don't know what is going to happen next. But we do know that you have the intimate friendship Jesus and he has promised to never leave you. Just keep holding Him close.

Laurie Klicker
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 5:32 PM CST
I just wanted to say how sorry I am that you and your family are going through such an experience. I wish only the best for all of you. Life really stinks sometimes, but you are such a trooper and an inspiration. I hope you know that you live in the hearts of many! Love, Lori Tucker

Lori Tucker <tuckerlori@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, wa usa - Friday, February 4, 2005 4:59 PM CST
Dear friends, we are continuing to pray for you and your extended family. A mighty God holds you close as you wait, pray, and make decisions again. We join you from a distance in miles, but not from our hearts. With love, Mary Lynn and Mark
Mary Lynn Thompson <mthompson1645@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 3:42 PM CST
Dave and Michelle,
We continue to pray asking God to make you well and to keep you, Michelle, your children and family strong and at peace. You continue to be such an inspiration to us ~ the depth of your belief and your continuing faith so strong and apparent. We love you, and pray to God to keep you in his loving care. Debi and Dan

Debi and Dan Spjut <debispjut@adelphia.net>
Kelso, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 3:42 PM CST
Dear Dave and family,
My cousin sent me the link to this website today and I was shocked and dismayed to hear that all is not well. From the opposite coast of the US, I send you every best wish for a speedy recovery remembering that hope springs eternal and miracles do happen. My thoughts are with you.

Laurel Holland <holland@fas.harvard.edu>
Cambridge, MA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 3:30 PM CST
Michelle and Dave,
Hugs and hope. I love you, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, February 4, 2005 2:19 PM CST
I've read the following passages many times in my 12 years as a church secretary and I submit them here for you, Michelle, as you and Dave are so much in my thoughts this morning. Looking forward to a great big hug when you get back to Walla Walla.

"Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word." (2 Th 2:16-17)

"O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant, Dave, the help of your power, that his sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." (Book of Common Prayer, pg. 458)

Debra Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Friday, February 4, 2005 1:54 PM CST
Hi Dave and family,

What a shock to visit your website and see the latest posting. Needless to say, our hearts go out to all of you. We continue to pray and trust in the Lord's plan. God bless you and keep up the good fight.

Chuck & Janet Miltenberger <beebeme@pocketmail.com>
Clarkston, WA - Friday, February 4, 2005 1:22 PM CST
Hello Dave,
We are praying for you. We hope and pray for a miracle. May the Lord's healing hand be upon you. We are good friends of Greg and Stephanie and they shared with us. God bless and strengthen you.

Jim and Sonya Witherspoon <jim.witherspoon@uscwm.org>
Pasadena, CA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 1:10 PM CST
Dave, Michelle, and kids, Continued love and prayers to you from the Smelcers.
Dale and La Dessa
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 1:09 PM CST
Dear Dave and Family, I have come to know of your situation through my Positive ChristianAP email list by Stephanie. She requests prayer for you and your family. Words can not express how sorry I am for you to have to go through this. I am praying for the entire family. I can't imagine how this is effecting everyone. My heart truly goes out to you Dave and Michelle and children! Remember Jer 29:11-14 "I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not diaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.Then you will call me. You will come and pray to me, and I will answer you. You will seek me, and you will find me because you will seek me with all your heart.Yes, I say you will find me, and I will restore you to your land.........." In Christian Love, Andrea aka MommieAnn
Andrea <mommieann@yahoo.com>
Cleveland, TN USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 1:08 PM CST
Dave, I am sitting in my introduction to theology class discussing the theology of prayer, and watching your website as prayer after prayer comes rolling in. It all makes me think of a statement you made last year before you went in for one of your surgeries and someone had just said that they would be thinking about you. Once they left you turned and said that thinking was not enough, that you wanted people to pray for you. Your understanding of prayer and the power of God blows all these theologians that I am studying out of the water. As I watch you live out your faith, it helps my faith to grow, and as I struggle with how to pray, your desire for prayer helps me to pray. Even in your own suffering, you continue to walk with Jesus and inspire others to do the same. Thank you for who you are and what you do. We are praying for you and for your family, and in that are aspiring to reach the understanding of faith and life that you so powerfully portray to us all.
Doug Hayes <s99oc17cer@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, February 4, 2005 11:59 AM CST
Dave and Michelle, I am continuing to pray that all of God's Power and Blessings will surround you are face this fearsome battle. God is always faithful. He can always be trusted. His ways are not bound by anything that we find limiting. He loves you are your family perfectly. Sincerely, Kathy Kendall- (Greg and Stephanie's neighbor)
Katherine Kendall
Troutdale, OR USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 11:54 AM CST
Dave, Our family and friends are sending lots of prayers for you. You are great. We love you.
Al Worthington <aworthington@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, February 4, 2005 11:52 AM CST
Dave, Michelle, and Family, my prayers are with you. My families, as well as our football families, prayers thoughts, and emotions are with you. God Bless you, and see you back here in Walla Walla. Michelle, thanks for keeping up the journal entries, it means a lot to many of us.
Mike Braddock <mbraddock@wwps.org>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 11:20 AM CST
Hi Dave,
Anne Wallace-Curry here. I don't know if you remember, but we were in masters program together a century or so ago. I always thought you were wonderfully funny and made the boring things more bearable. You are frequently on my mind. Arthur gives me updates when he hears them at WA-Hi; today I had the opportunity to see your Web page. I am so sorry about the news from the doctor.
When my brother got bad new about his cancer in 1987, I felt so lost, so dim. As I watched him breathe his last earthly breaths, I was overwhelmed with the sense that he was truly stepping into the presense of God--not because of bright lights, pearly gates or a big ol' "Howdy" from St. Peter. Instead, there was a peace, a REALNESS that cannot be felt on earth but for only fleeting moments. C.S. Lewis' desription of heaven is that everything is so REAL. So real that there is a person (someone who knows and loves you) there to welcome you when you first arrive, to help you get used to the realness. The grass is so real it almost hurts to walk on it at first. The flowers are so real it takes effort to lift and study their petals. All this to say, whether Jesus, wants you home now, or 30 years from now, the person that "Dave" is will be remembered and missed and treasured. At the same time, I am excited that you and my brother will meet. I am excited that you will experience the realness of heaven. I am excited that you will stand in the presence of Jesus and feel no pain, feel no sadness, no guilt, no awkwardness, no confusion, (and all this without morphine!!). I am thankful to have had the privelege to know you in our Masters Program and I KNOW you have blessed WAlla Walla in ways that can never be measured. I am praying for your restoration and healing, whether God chooses to do that here, on this temperal earth, or in the realness of heaven and the presence of Jesus. Thank you for all you are to so many people. You cannot begin to know all the lives you touch.
In HIS Grip,

Anne Wallace-Curry <awcurry@wwps.com>
walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 11:15 AM CST
You and your family are in our prayers Dave, you are an inspiration.

Your WA-HI classmate,

Linda (Hapner) Clark <clarksbarz5@earthlink.net>
Richland, WA - Friday, February 4, 2005 11:11 AM CST
Get Well soon! We are all hopeingand praying for you very much! We miss you at Wa-hi greatly! We are all thinking of you!Get well soon!

Vanessa Person & Family

Vanessa Person
Walla Walla, Wa US - Friday, February 4, 2005 11:11 AM CST
Anne and I are Clarkston Classmates of Bob and Judy ('58 and '59). We are shocked and so sorry to hear the not good news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you constantly and we pray for the miracle desperatly needed.
Anne and Terry Carter <terry.carter@comcast.net>
Eugene, OR USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:56 AM CST
Dave, although I have not met you, Stephanie has shared with me your faith in God and the strength you have shown though-out this ordeal. I pray that God will give you and your family strength each day to face the new challenges ahead.
Shirley Todd <shirleytodd1@msn.com>
Ontario, OR USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:44 AM CST
Dave, one day you offered me a Butterfinger candy bar (my favorite) after school got out...it was a completely random moment. I really appreciated it and you! What a great way to end the day! You always make us smile here at Wa-Hi...if you were here right now, we'd wrap our arms around you. Your spirit is vibrant. Peace be with you and your family! Michelle Higgins
Michelle Higgins <mihiggins@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:42 AM CST
Hi, Dave: Just wanted to add another name to the long list of people who are thinking of you. I'm glad we got to see you at Conspiracy of Hope. See you on the basketball courts soon.
Tom Sawatzki <tom@waterbrook.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:39 AM CST
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. You are the strongest family on Earth!
Sarah Zipf Stone <sstone@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:34 AM CST
Dave, although I do not know you personally, Lori has shared bits of your life with me. I just completed a bout with cancer, so I understand a bit what you and your family are dealing with. Keep up the positive attitude; it can only help. From my family to yours, our prayers are with you all.
Kristin Nutt (Lori Hinton's friend) <mahnutt69@msn.com>
Puyallup, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:31 AM CST
I'm BELIEVING GOD for your miracle! Beth Moore calls us to 'Godstops' each day....stops=Savoring The Observable Presence. You are mine! A living breathing observable presence of God! As we circle the 'city' we blow the trumpets of prayer to God on your behalf! The walls WILL fall! BELIEVE IT!
Kay McCauley <kmccauley@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:29 AM CST
You are in my thoughts and prayers. From when we first became friends at Davis grade school and College Place baseball, you have always been a leader. You are and have always been an inspiration for me. May God bless you and shed his mercy and grace on you.

Mike Lucarelli <mikeluc@microsoft.com>
Sammamish, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:29 AM CST
Dave - You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Battle through!
Gobes and Family <mgobel@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:21 AM CST
Don't give up Dave. There are so many people pulling for you, many whom you don't know--several of my co-workers and friends are sending up prayers for you and your family. You are in my thoughts constantly and on a personal level I so wish I could do more to help you with your burden. Stay strong and don't give this disease permission to do what it's doing to your body.
Much love and hope,
Lori (Long) Hinton & family

Lori Hinton <lghinton@hotmail.com>
Tacoma, WA 98467 - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:18 AM CST

We continue to pray and petition God on your behalf. Your strength, courage, and faith are a daily source of inspiration for all of us. You continue to teach your students from home. What a blessing you are.

Chamber Singers have a brief (30-minute)performance at 7:00 PM on February 15th in the Wa-Hi Auditorium. We willpray that you are well enough to join us.

Your friend,

Norbert Rossi <nrossi@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:03 AM CST
Dave, Wanted you and yours to know how much you are loved in this community (duh!) and that the people who send you notes are probably only a fraction of those who are praying for you.We pray for you at Mustard Seed and our individual homes are filled with prayer warriors for you. I am looking to the day when I can give you another "kiss for luck" at a football game. Stay strong in your faith. God will sustain you and yours. I know He will. Prayers and Love, Casey's mom
Casey's Mom <waddellc@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 8:52 AM CST
Dave, I'm thinking of you in Norway. It's cold here, but you're warm in my heart as I pray for you. May God bless you with strength, good health, and peace.
Cheryl "Stella" Hansen <stellasbug@yahoo.com>
Oslo, Norway - Friday, February 4, 2005 8:37 AM CST
Dave & Michelle,
You are in our prayers, like others I'm sure, we were praying for a miracle all night. Know that your family is being lifted up by many who love you and admire your strength and deep, sincere faith in God's wisdom. Michelle, thank you so much for the updates, you are such an inspiration to many. We continue to pray for Dave's complete healing.

Timm, Teri & Timothy Johnson <tandt@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 8:08 AM CST
Dave and the multitude who love you -

Word travels slowly to Texas sometimes, but it got here.

Please know that our thoughts and prayers will be with you from now on and that our friendship endures along with my great respect for you.

Sincere wishes for your continued strength and that your positive attitude and "Smilin' Bob" legacy endure this trial.

Your old buddy and class of '81 compadre, Bryan Stroud

Bryan Stroud <bstroud@gt.rr.com>
Beaumont, TX - Friday, February 4, 2005 5:47 AM CST
Dave and Michelle,
I can't sleep, have been praying and talking to Him for the last few hours. I am sure I am not the only one!! There are so many of us praying tonight for a miracle as you asked. For now, I will keep on praying and you keep on fighting...both of you.
Love, Melissa

Melissa Johnson
Bend, OR - Friday, February 4, 2005 2:30 AM CST
Just read your update.I want you to know I am praying for a MIRACLE,may God be with all of your family.Carolyn Harvey
Carolyn Harvey <charvey10@yahoo.com>
Milton-Freewater, Or. USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 2:13 AM CST
I am praying as I sit here. I pray for Michelle and the kids and for you old friend. I know beyond any doubt that you are a warrior as well as one of God's dearest children. You have given so many a glimpse into the solid life you live every day-with honor. You will beat this someway. And if it is God's will you will continue to inspire our children as well as yours. You have all our prayers, our love and our respect brother. Now get busy and beat this thing!

Ray Hansen & family <biggdaddy@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA United States - Friday, February 4, 2005 1:42 AM CST
God loves and so do we! Praying for you to sense His presence with you as you head into another phase of your journey. You are an inspiration!
Dan and Claudia Huntley <huntley2@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 1:25 AM CST
Dave, You are an inspiration to all of us. Fight the good fight. I am praying for you and your family. Best of luck roomie.
Smitty <jsmith2002@charter.net>
College Place, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 1:21 AM CST
Dear Dave and Michelle,
We are praying for a miracle and for the peace that only God can bring. "God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1
Love, Kevin and Kirsten

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 1:01 AM CST
My, oh my! That nasty little tumor doesn't know what he's tangling with, does he? Dave, Michelle, the Meyer kids and all of their friends and family with God as their power source battling it out! It doesn't stand a chance with so many warriors!! Keep fighting, keep praying and keep amazing us all! You are in our thoughts and prayers! Hold each other tight!
Pat and Lori (Deeringhoff) Wahl and family <loriwahl@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, February 4, 2005 0:22 AM CST
Dave and Family,
We are on this road trip with you; keep on drivin'. There is always hope. Love to all.

Jeff, Marti, Max, & Drew Reinland <rinowife@charter.net>
College Place, WA USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 0:04 AM CST
Hi Dave and Michele
I am still checking in to view your journal. I am still praying for THE MIRACLE and for THE HEALING! This web site has been awesome and inspiring. You aren't alone out there!
Love you

Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 11:46 PM CST
Praying for you, I hope news gets better for you and everyone who cares who you are, and whats going on now in your life. I know 1st and 2nt period miss you, I hear it everyday from nici and adrian! And I do too, funniest reading accents ever. Seriously though Meyer, you are the best teacher and person, pull thru, don't let cancer win...just keep trying.

allisonbiddle <abiddle002@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, February 3, 2005 11:42 PM CST
Dave & Michelle, I don't know anyone--not anyone, with a stronger faith and spirit, than you Dave. I'm pulling hard, as are all my friends. We'll just have to do better! Get those red cells to "make their play" NOW! Love to you all.
Judy Holloway <jbfarm@bmi.net>
- Thursday, February 3, 2005 11:32 PM CST
My gosh -- you must feel like you are on a merry-go-round with the horses going up and down at a strange pace. I am sorry that you are having such a volatile time with this wicked tumor. I do pray that the doctors, along with your fighting will, can come up with a treatment that will help to eradicate this ugly situation. May God Bless You as you walk through this painful time of your lives. Know that you are not alone --- we are all pulling for you through prayer.
Bev Shiffer <shifferb1@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 10:29 PM CST
Dave & Michelle, your strength is amazing, we are praying for God's healing touch.
The Czyhold Family

Judy Czyhold <jczyhold@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 10:16 PM CST
Words cannot express how much we love you guys. We are praying with the rest of the warriors and lift you up like never before. You will get through this - and whether you like to hear it or not - YOU ARE MY HERO!!

Ernie Chandler <chandler@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA WallaWalla - Thursday, February 3, 2005 9:28 PM CST
Words cannot express how much we love you guys. We are praying with the rest of the warriors and lift you up like never before. You will get through this - and whether you like to hear it or not - YOU ARE MY HERO!!

Ernie Chandler <chandler@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA WallaWalla - Thursday, February 3, 2005 9:28 PM CST

We are praying for you. You have tremendous strength and faith. You are a warrior. Time for a 15 play drive big guy......I know you have it in you.

Love- Marc Yonts and Family

Marc Yonts
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 9:24 PM CST
Dave & Michelle, We are stunned by the latest Journal entry and saddened that the news was not better. You are right, Dave is truly an AMAZING warrior (as are you, Michelle!). You are all always in our thoughts and prayers. We're praying for a miracle!! Love you all!
Cindy, Mike, Amy & Joey <thelorangs@charter.net>
- Thursday, February 3, 2005 9:20 PM CST
have sent requests for prayers to New Jersey, Colorado and Spokane. We are lifting you up!
The Butlers

Nancy Butler <nancybutler@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 9:19 PM CST
Just a note to say we are praying with/for you all.
Janet, Jack, & Heidi Schoessler <janetnjack@charter.net>
College Place, WA USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 8:43 PM CST
Michelle, Dave and family; If prayers had wings the sky would be filled, day would be night; with all the prayers we and everyone else are saying for you. And remember you are always in HIS eyes and care. all our love, The longMEYERS

Tracy, Shane, Gabrielle and Rebekah <longmire@innw.net>
College Place, WA USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 8:18 PM CST
Oh Mr. Meyer, how i wish i was able to be there to give you a big hug and a smile!! I was so sad to hear about this terrible news, but you are a champ and you have pulled through and made many miracles in your life. I will keep you and your family in my prayers, and hold a special place for you in my heart. Hopefully I will be able to see your shining face in church over my spring break, that would make the visit home so worth it! Keep your head up and know that you have many friends pulling for you :)
Keep in touch if at all possible!
Your Buddy,
V :)

Valerie Chandler <valchandler@hotmail.com>
Vancouver, WA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 8:00 PM CST
I know that the news must be unsettling, certainly not what we were hoping for...but continue to take it one day at a time. Through all of this you have given us many gifts. Sharing in your journey has made all of our lives much richer...and we are beside you each step of the way. Feel the many loving arms of prayer and love surround you tonight.
Lisa, Mike, Andrew and Alison <mbraddock@charter.net>
- Thursday, February 3, 2005 7:43 PM CST
You guys are in our thoughts and prayers! Keep Fighting! Keep the Faith! You are a most beloved family..so many, many people are behind you. I know a miracle is near! Remember, there is no place where God is not.
Lots & Lots of Love
The Betts~
Bob, Becky, Chloe', Paul, Spencer, and Mary Bella

Becky Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 6:23 PM CST
We continue to be amazed at your positive attidude! Dave you are such an inspiration to so many people. You probably don't even know how many people admire you and your family. We pray for Gods healing touch. Thad, Tami and Family
Tami Sirmon <t.sirmon@charter.net>
Walla Walla, wa usa - Thursday, February 3, 2005 6:22 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and Family,
I just cannot believe what I just read. I am so sorry that the news is not good. You are just an amazing family, and why am I not surprised that Dave said "we'll fight pressure with pressure". As long as I've known him, he's never been one to give up....and the nice thing is that we don't have to. We know the power of prayer. Dave is here with us today, over 8 years after his initial diagnosis....something the docs didn't think would happen way back when. God truly is the ultimate healer and he can touch Dave with his healing hand and he will be cured. We will pray for this.

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Thursday, February 3, 2005 5:24 PM CST
Dave and Michelle,
We are saddened by this recent news, but do so believe in the power of prayer and God's miracles. We are praying for healing and peace. We love you , like so many others do.
Patrice and Jeffrey

Patrice Townsend <patrice@fancylogo.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 5:00 PM CST
My heart, thoughts, and prayers are with the Meyer family. Continue creating memories for you and your loved ones.
Audra Pearce
Walla Walla , WA 99362 - Thursday, February 3, 2005 4:48 PM CST
Dave and family,
We are loved by a big God, who is in the business of healing and miracles. I'm praying that you would know His nearness and sufficiency. He is enough. Your classes love you and miss you, Dave...they're cheering you on!

Jillian Huber <jillianhuber@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 4:47 PM CST
We're praying along with everyone else! With God NOTHING is impossible! Prayer power!

Bill & Lora White <blwhitefamily@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Thursday, February 3, 2005 4:20 PM CST
I am praying sooooo hard! With every ounce of my heart and soul. Keep believing in the all mighty God to comfort you all in this time of struggles. All of my love.

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, w usa - Thursday, February 3, 2005 3:50 PM CST
Every ounce of me, Michelle and Dave, is praying! I love you - Evy
Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 3:32 PM CST
Dear Michelle,
Thank you so much for the update. I agree with Evy...praying "small" for the tumor and "big" for blood counts!
Love, Kirsten

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 11:49 AM CST
Michelle and Dave,
I'm praying "SMALL" today! Looking forward to your return, a successful GK behind you, and everything good ahead of you. Love you, Evy, Canute, Sonja (and Erik from afar)

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 8:40 AM CST
Dave and Michelle,
Wishing you safe travels to Seattle. We will be praying for you...as always. I loved the cards you scanned. The quotes from Dave's students really do bring a smile to your face. Thank you for sharing. So many people are praying for you every day. I'm glad that you can feel all of our love and prayers.
Love, Melissa and Curtis

Melissa <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 9:58 PM CST
Dear Dave;
Though I have only met you a few times you have been in my thoughts and prayer through out the years. I was your brothers room mate at Whitworth and I think the world of him, Bob thinks even more of you! Being a teacher, coach, having a family, myself I can't imagine what you have had to endure. We are all blessed by your example that you will be good no matter how this turns out. We want you to live and will pray for that in Vancouver, WA. No coaching pep talks from me you are living it.
Take Care - Cart

Cart Nelsen
Vancouver, WA - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 10:39 AM CST
Dave and Michelle,
A safe journey to you as you travel to Seattle and prayers that the G.K. is 100% successful!

Donna Wierman <donna.wierman@wwcc.edu>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 10:34 AM CST
Dave and Michelle,
Our prayers continue to be with you all. We will be praying for the very best news when you get to Seattle.
You have no idea how much strength and courage you give to all of us. I am going to call my sister in New Jersey and have her add you guys to their prayer chain, so know that the South Jersey Catholics have you covered!
Nancy Butler

Nancy Butler <nancybutler@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 6:57 PM CST
Dave...Were we in high school together? I graduated from Wa-Hi in 1962. If so, I was your songleader in 1961 and 1962. I was also your Junior Ball; Homecoming; and Senior Ball Queen. Judy B. has led me to your plight. Your God, my God, the God of Creation is Fair and Perfect, even though our puny minds wonder "What is Fair"? "What is Perfect?" Keep that warm smile I see in your photos. I know you are sealed. God comfort you. In Christ's love, Sherri (Cheryl) Jilek
Cheryl Frandsen Jilek <sherri@sherrijilek.com>
Glen Ellen, CA USA - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 6:11 PM CST
Your family continues to be in our prayers. I check the website daily and appreciate your regular updates! The prayer chain at Bellingham Covenant Church is praying for you, my Mom's Bible study group at Kelso First Baptist is praying for you, ...as are many others. Safe travels. Love, Lisa
Lisa D'Hondt <dfamof4@aol.com>
Bellingham, WA - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 5:53 PM CST
Dave & Michelle, Just wnated to say that we'll be praying for you to have a safe trip to Seattle tomorrow. Go get em'! I know that you will be filled with warmth from all of those who pray for you constantly. Dave, keep on smiling...it's contagious to all of those who know you and surround you. Love, Applebutter
Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa usa - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 12:41 AM CST
Dave, Michelle, and Family - Evy, Canute, Sonja and I are all praying for you. I was glad and amazed to hear that Dave played music last week - ah, the healing power of music. Travel safe, and we'll see you in Seattle
Erik The Half-a-Bee <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA 98177 - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 1:27 AM CST
Yo D. You da man! Good luck in Seattle! My family is rooting for you.
Q <dancingchipmunk@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, February 1, 2005 0:01 AM CST
Dear Dave and Michelle,
We are back in town and the first thing we did when we walked in the door was check your website. I knew Michelle would have new information up. Way to go, Michelle! We keep on praying expectantly!
Love, K&K

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 11:45 PM CST
Hito the Meyers: I'll try to get this right the first time.
I am not computer literate but I love what I can do. The best thing right now is keeping up with you folks and praying for what you really want prayed for a this time. It keeps us all in touch. Karen Anderson and I are doing the retreat together this year. We are using the song "We Are Called" for our theme. The first verse says: "Come! Live in the light! Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord! We are called to be light for the kingdom, To live in the freedom of the City of God!" As I was working on this today I couldn't help but think how you two are the picture of this verse. What a testimony of His grace you are. We love you and pray for you all the time, all the time, all the time.

Lois Healy (and Lou) <lou@gohighspeed.com>
College Place, WA - Monday, January 31, 2005 11:40 PM CST
Dave you are indeed the "Conquering Hero" that adds inspiration to our daily lives ... Makes my old heart feel good!!! By-the-way your 'Macky' is the exact same color as a Cat I had ... My name being Bond of course I named her 'Sean Connery' ... I spoiled her immensely and the independence innate in Cats really gave her an attitude !!!

Janice Bond <janicefayebond@juno.com >
Ramona , CA USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 10:44 AM CST
Dear Dave & Michelle,

I just wanted to let you know that I feel blessed to know both of you and am praying for you daily.

Michelle - your strength, courage, caring spirit, and iron will are an inspiration to us all.

Dave - your courage, optimism, zest for life, and strength of sprit continue to amaze us.

May God watch over your family and continue to provide the strength that you need.


Andy Chaplin <anchaplin@nnu.edu>
Nampa, ID USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 9:29 AM CST
You all are definitely an inspiration to the rest of us. Prayers and best wishes are being sent your way along with BIG cyber hugs.
Joyce in NY
May your song bring joy to all who hear it.
"The only disability in life is a bad attitude."

May we continue learning from our BT warriors and may they
continue to be our shining stars.
Frontal olfactory groove extending
into anterior skull base, parietal and
sphenoidal wing & temporal areas,
completely resected 3/2002 but left
with neurological deficits.

Joyce Jones <jjonesny@optonline.net>
Riverhead, NY USA - Sunday, January 30, 2005 8:54 PM CST
Love the picture of Zach & Kate with Dave before surgery, particularly Zach's cross hanging down on the pillow. It's God's presence there in the room, whether we notice it or not, nestled between us as we hug our children. Beautiful.
Debra Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Saturday, January 29, 2005 12:42 AM CST
Coach Meyer-
You are an inspiration to all. We all know you will continue to fight and beat this thing, however long it takes.Stay strong and God Bless

Jake Waddell <waddellc@hotmail.com>
- Friday, January 28, 2005 10:07 PM CST
Coach Meyer
You are a total inspiration to us all. If anyone can get through this, I know that you can. You are the most heroic person that i have ever met, and i truly consider you like family. You will be in all of our prayers!! If there is ANYTHING i can do for you guys, please feel free to call. Whether it be taking the kids out to shoot some hoops, or picking anyone up. please dont hesitate to call. I know that you are going to beat this.

The Sheriff <ceedogg_12@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, January 28, 2005 9:36 PM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Your life has been and will be a testament to who our Lord can be in this life. We will hold you and your family in our prayers daily.

David, Tracy, and Jono Williams

Tracy thinks that a "jam session" would be in order if we were in town, but since we are in a far off place (filled with ice and snow:-) you'll just have to "hear" this song (one of Steve Bell's) in that awesome head of yours!

Soft field of clover
Moon shining over the valley
Joining the song of the river
To the great giver of the great good
As it enfolds me
Somehow it holds me together
I realize I’ve been singing
Still it comes ringing
Clearer than clear
      And here by the water
      I’ll build an altar to praise Him
      Out of the stones that I’ve found here
      I’ll set them down here
      Rough as they are
      Knowing You can make them holy
      Knowing You can make them holy
      Knowing You can make them holy
I think how a yearning
Has kept on returning to move me
Down roads I’d never have chosen
Half the time frozen
Too numb to feel
I know it was stormy
I hope it was for me learning
Blood on the road wasn’t mine though
Someone that I know
Has walked here before

Dave - keep hanging in there! I can see your grin as I type these words. Your love has touched many lives, and continues to give us hope. Keep singing and strumming! Carpe' Diem!

Tracy Williams <dtjwilliamsfam@mac.com>
Spokane, WA USA - Friday, January 28, 2005 7:45 PM CST
The Meyer Family continues to inspire and amaze me with your strength, perserverance and love. Glad that the ambulance bill was figured out. You are all in our thoughts every day every hour. Love the Hampsons (Dave, Terri, Seth, Wylie and Hannah)
Theresa Hampson <hampslaw@qwest.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 28, 2005 12:06 AM CST
Hi guys --- glad there are so many good options. I am sure each day is a challenge. I can't believe Dave was going to play the guitar at an event. Keep doing whatever it is that you are doing --- it must be right. God Bless You
Bev Shiffer <shifferb1@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, January 28, 2005 11:25 AM CST
Hey Meyer family! Keep on with your faith and strength. Michelle, take good care of yourself! I am amazed at how you all are able keep everything in focus. Keep the updates coming and hold each other tight!
Pat, Lori (Deeringhoff), Ben, Tyler, McCallister and Maddie Wahl <loriwahl@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, January 28, 2005 1:18 AM CST
hey mr.meyer i went to conspiracy of hope tonight and you were awesome!!your such a strong person and i know you'll recover and continue to fill our hearts with your music! god bless you and your family. you're all im my prayers.

Jessica Ruiz (in your history class during my freshman yr- its been 3 yrs but you're one of my favorite teachers!!) <jessica_ruiz22@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 28, 2005 0:23 AM CST
What great news today! I loved the pictures! Your fighting a great battle and doing awesome, Dave. To see your children standing by your side is exactly what your family is all about. Michelle way to keep those doctors on their toes. You are such a blessing to this family and to all who watch your work. God Bless

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, w usa - Thursday, January 27, 2005 1:42 AM CST
We were at the concert tonight, and it was so wonderful to see you and hear you play your guitar and sing. You belong on stage! You and yours are always in our daily prayers. We love all of you much.

Patrice Townsend <patrice@fancylogo.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 11:59 PM CST
Dear Meyers, It is so good to hear your fighting the good fight, we're behind you all the way. The pictures warm our hearts and it is good to hear the plan and know specific things to pray for. Although we always pray for complete and total recovery, your all amazing and an inspiration to the whole community. Love and Hugs to all. Scott, Renee, Katie and Tara Krivoshein
Scott and Renee Krivoshein
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:44 PM CST
You will continue to be in our prayers.
Patty Harmon <harmonrp@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 10:46 AM CST
Looking at that last picture with Dave and his dad makes me remember why all the kids at Wa-Hi called Mr. Meyer (dad)....smiling Bob......it also shows where Dave get's his beautiful smile from. We are so thankful for the mostly good news. We will most definitely keep you in our prayers in the coming weeks. God Bless you all.
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 10:17 AM CST
My prayers are with you and your family. Stay STRONG. Loves,
Lumina Watson
Eagle, ID USA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:49 AM CST

Should I put your reservation in for Chez Haroldson? We may even be able to move you up a floor! Until then, you will be in our prayers. Love, Evy, Erik, Canute, Sonja and Echo

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:25 AM CST
Dear Dave and Michelle,
Thank you so much for the new pictures! It is very reassuring to see Dave. I hear his laugh in my head when I look at the photos. I chuckled when I saw Kenny and was touched by Zach and Kate. Thank you for the updated prayer list too. This helps me stay focused in prayer and makes me realize how much you are trying to juggle, Michelle. I am praying for you as well!
Love, Kirsten

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:27 AM CST
Just wanted you to know that we love you all and will continue our prayers or as Annalee says, "Please make Uncle Dave's cancer go away." You are all truly amazing. Just let us know what you need us to do and we're here.

Lots of love,
Bob, Mindy, Annalee & Caleb

Mindy Meyer
College Place, WA USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 11:07 PM CST
Thanks for the updated info tonight. I will begin immediately to lift prayers for the next procedures. You have an amazingly dedicated cheering,praying, support team and you guys are amazing in yourself. We have seen Gods' mercies. We'll all keep praying together. Get rest.
Judy Holloway <jbfarm@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 10:42 PM CST
Well...my brain has been stretched trying to comprehend all that you are having to endure and process. We are happy to hear each bit of good news and continually praying for little miracles along the way. Most importantly...we are praying for strength and patience for each of you as you live each moment with this challenge. As always...let us know if you need anything!
Lisa, Mike, Andrew and Alison <mbraddock@charter.net>
- Tuesday, January 25, 2005 9:43 PM CST
MR. Meyer, im so glad to hear that everything is going well. I wish you luck and my thoughts are with you everyday. Your the best teacher and i missed you on Finals Day!! Cant wait to see you! Feel better and good luck.
Lacy Lake aka: Booger or Racy Rake <sweetnsexxyme_1762@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla , WA US - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 8:28 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and family, it is so wonderful to hear the progress that Dave is making even though he is doing more stairs than he should...hehe. If you ever wonder if a grown man can cry you should see me as I read your log entries and then read all the messages from the guest book. I am just so amazed at Gods love and how he can take something like this and bring people together in prayer. Dave we all love you and look forward to that warm and wonderful smile.
Scott & Kim Keller <srkeller@charter.net>
College Place, WA USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 3:54 PM CST
Michelle and Dave,
I think those doctors could learn a little something about organization and grace under pressure from you! Michelle, you are amazing in your understanding of Dave's case and your ability to recognize his needs, as well as his opportunities. Keep up the fight! All our love, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 11:34 AM CST
hey Mr.Meyer! just checking up on you! im so glad that your surgery went well and im praying for you everynight! hurry and get well so you can get back to school! we all miss you and love you!
Jessica Ruiz <jessica_ruiz22@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 0:46 AM CST
Just wanted to let you know we are keeping tabs on you. Our prayers are going up!

Nancy and Jim Butler <nancybutler@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Monday, January 24, 2005 9:06 PM CST
Dear Mr. Meyer & Family: You will always be in my thoughts, always. May God be with you every step to recovery. I will pray for you every morning and every night so you get better soon. And I'll be hoping to be one of your TA's next year Mr. Meyer! Get well soon!! You guys seem like an amazing family, really. Keep your heads up high.
Casey Kisling <American_Angel_Eyes@Hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA United States - Monday, January 24, 2005 7:55 PM CST


PAM ALLEN <jpallen1@charter.net>
WALLA WALLA, WA USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 6:09 PM CST
Teacher Michelle, Dave, Kenny, Zachary and Katlin,
Our family has been praying for you on a daily basis. We pray God will bless you all and wrap you in his arms of love. We are so thankful the surgery went o.k. and that you're home! Home is a wonderful place to be!

Dawn, Matt, Donavin, Maya, Marcie and Danny Hull <dawnnoele@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 6:03 PM CST
Dave (and Michelle and Kenny and Zach and Kaitlin ) ~ Perhaps you've heard this before but it bears repeating! "If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If God had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every Spring. He gives you a sunrise every morning. Face it, he's crazy about you." * So am I. (* from Guideposts, 8/04)
Cindy Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 5:11 PM CST
David and family,
My prayers are for God to give wisdom to the doctors and courage to you and your family.

Glenda (McLaughlin) Dehning
Shelton, WA - Monday, January 24, 2005 4:47 PM CST
Good Morning Dave-We want you to know Judy Holloway's (my cousin)request to keep you in our prayers has reached us and we are pleased to do so.. Having recently completed chemotherapy for my own breast cancer, I wanted to share with you one of my favorite reminders of

What Cancer Cannot Do --
Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple Love
It cannot shatter Hope
It cannot corrode Faith
It cannot kill Friendship
It cannot suppress Memories.
It cannot destroy Peace
It cannot silence Courage
It cannot invade the Soul
It cannot steal Eternal Life
It cannot conquer the Spirit

Know that you will remain in our prayers and
thoughts as you and yours contunue to be held so lovingly in HIS arms.
Gods blessings on you and each of your family.
Mary Ann Durfee

Mary Ann Durfee
Crooked River Ranch, OR USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 1:53 PM CST
Beautiful family
karin in the netherlands <tweekaasinamerika@hotmail.com>
hilversum, - Monday, January 24, 2005 12:06 AM CST

My prayers are with you and your family.


Michael Baird
Dx GBM 4 11/04
Sx 11/04
01/05 radiation and temozolimide

Michael Baird <Michael.Baird@dal.ca>
Halifax, NS Canada - Monday, January 24, 2005 11:57 AM CST
Dear Dave,
The Lord hears our prayers. Praise be to God. My prayers are with you and your family. May our Lord continue to give you all strength.
Sincerely, Margy (Stalter) Swenson

Margaret Swenson <margy@aol.com>
Cheney, WA USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 11:44 AM CST
It was so amazing to see your whole family in church yesterday. Thanks for making the great effort to be there so we could see God's answered prayer. Michelle, may you find some peace now so you can rest also. All our prayers and love, Bill, Peggy, Dominique and Courtney
Peggy Cox <billandpeg@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 10:55 AM CST
Hey Meyer family, Welcome home! You are all truly an inspiration to all who know you. Michelle, thanks for all the updates. I try to pass them on and can feel all the prayers working. Dave, you get that much needed rest and behave yourself. (I can't beleive that'll even happen.)I thank God for giving us a true example of what love and life is all about by watching you continue to fight, Dave, and for you to always be there by his side, Michelle. I love you and constantly pray for your family.
All my love,Val

Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa 99362 - Monday, January 24, 2005 1:18 AM CST
Dear Meyer Family, it was so wonderful to see your smiling faces today at church. Rest easy and heal. We are keeping all of you in our prayers. the Czyholds
Judy Czyhold <jczyhold@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA United States - Sunday, January 23, 2005 9:58 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and family,
It was wonderful to see you in church today! Thank you Lord for answered prayers. You have been such an incredible inspiration to us. Dave, your walk is an amazing thing to witness. We love and lift you up in prayer for your continued recovery.

Patrice and Jeffrey Townsend <patrice@fancylogo.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Sunday, January 23, 2005 8:26 PM CST
Hello all,
It is great to hear of Dave's improvement. I will keep you all in my thoughts.
Love Rufus

Rufus Bierly <rufus1822@comcast.net>
Portland , or usa - Sunday, January 23, 2005 6:14 PM CST
Dave & Michell, The amazing grace of God is truly at work and you are witness to that. I am so glad you are home and that the Seattle trip was such a success.Thanks for the updates so we know how to continue to pray for your healing. Sounds like we need to do a little work on the Jr. High! Send them your web site!!!! Know my prayer warriors are at work too. We are pulling for you all. You are amazing. Get plenty of rest and keep healing. Loves Judy
Judy Holloway <jbfarm@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, Wa - Sunday, January 23, 2005 6:00 PM CST
Dave, You don't know me but I am a friend of Judy Bee's. I have been following your progress thanks to Judy and just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers each day and I know all will be well. Blessed be to you and your family and know miracles are happening each and every day. Love
Sue Noland <noland32@aol.com>
Des Moines, Wa usa - Sunday, January 23, 2005 5:58 PM CST
Dave and family, You have been in our consent pray and well be praying for a quit recovery. Love you aunt Diana and uncle Bob
Diana Powers <dandbpowers@cableone.net>
- Sunday, January 23, 2005 4:01 PM CST
we love you and are praying for you

Scott and Gwen Campbell
Camas, - Sunday, January 23, 2005 9:31 AM CST
My thoughts are with you all. Glad Seattle wasn't too rainy for you while you were here! :)
Allison Bren
Seattle, WA 98122 - Sunday, January 23, 2005 1:05 AM CST
I was unable to get into e-mail yesterday so I did not know you were coming home so quickly. Boy, when Presbyterians pray God listens. Anyway, miracles never cease. As many others have said, thank you Michelle for keeping us all up-to-date on the minute-by-minute news of this ordeal. I am amazed that you have had the energy to do so much for so long under so much stress. You must have very special angels carrying you. Well, welcome home and I hope the folks at Pioneer read your message. You are wonderful parents and obviously have taken every minute of Zach's life and put the priorities in the proper order. What you have accomplished with your children and your husband under all of the upheaval and stress --- you are a saint. I pray that you will get some rest -- even if it is just emotional rest. May God continue to bless you and your family as you continue to heal. Dave -- you are an inspiration to us all. It is very humbling to see how many people are pulling for you and how many people think you are one-of-a-kind wonderful man. Congratulations on your progess. (PS -- I've been told that if people are told too many good things about themselves their head may begin to swell --- perhaps you should not read these wonderful notes until the hole in your head heals) just kidding --- Love to you, Bev Shiffer
Bev Shiffer <shifferb1@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Saturday, January 22, 2005 11:23 PM CST
Hi Meyers family, thank you Michele for the updates. We keep you all is our prayers. May our Great God of mercy and grace continue to strengthen you and shine light upon you, and add peace for your journey. Dave and Michele, you are an inspiration for all of us. God's love to you,
Donna Howard and family

Donna Howard <cbrroks@gohighspeed.com>
College Place, WA Walla Walla - Saturday, January 22, 2005 10:43 PM CST
Hey Michele
I love your journaling! I hope you are keeping a diary you could write a book! I am so glad that you are back home! You are all in my prayers!

Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, January 22, 2005 10:18 PM CST
Dear Meyer Family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Your steadfast faith and strength is amazing to read about, and truly an inspiration. We are glad to hear that Dave is getting stronger every day. God is so good!

Carl and Danae' Bunso <cdbunso@comcast.net>
Jacksonville, FL US - Saturday, January 22, 2005 9:16 PM CST
Hi David! I got on here to get an update but Michelle probably hasn't had time yet. Maybe you're on your way home! Hey, this morning I was thinking about something.....Remember when we sang "Summer Nights", from "Grease"?? We'll have to do that again after you recover. Who knows, we could get discovered....at 42!!!! There's always a chance. Anyway, keep on getting better and I'll see you at school very soon, OK?
My love, Joy (Cunnington) Moniz

Joy (Cunnington) Moniz <joyann62@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, January 22, 2005 5:53 PM CST
Howdy partner,
Thinking of you daily. So thankful for our friendship. You have always been my shining star. Heard you were concerned about your papers getting graded. That's just like you to always put others above yourself. Let me know if you need help. I can grade in that same loving Dave Meyer fashion. We love you, Michelle, and the kids. Please know that we walk with you in your journey, and that you are not alone.
Connie Taylor-Randall, Aaron Randall, and Amber Randall

Connie Taylor-Randall <connietr@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Saturday, January 22, 2005 3:28 PM CST
The love that "jumps off" the computer screen when reading the notes from all the friends of the Meyer Family (and even from those people who don't know you all personally) is awesome! Thank you, Michelle, for the updates, the humor, the education into the medical world, the inspiration and most of all the love you share with everyone. I have the Allison you wrote about tucked away in my heart--right next to my own Allison in Seattle. Welcome home, Michelle and Dave, to Walla Walla--City of Love!
Wendye Bren <bren@brenski.net>
Walla Walla, WA United States - Saturday, January 22, 2005 1:04 PM CST
Dear Dave and Michelle:
Just wanted to thank you for keeping us up to date on what is going on. Dave, your kids at school have repeatedly asked how you were doing and I have kept them up on how well you are doing. They all wish you well and hope for a speedy recovery. Our prayers continue to be with you and yours. (In case you haven't guessed, I subed for you during exams.) Everything is going well at school and you would be pleased with the outpouring of care, concern and prayers being offered up on your and your family's behalf. You continue to be in our hearts and prayers.

Butch and Connie Bosley <bncbosley@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, January 22, 2005 11:32 AM CST
Michelle and Dave, we have been thinking about you all and checking this website daily. We are so glad to hear that Dave is doing so well. Thank goodness for your journaling Michelle. And thank goodness for the power of prayer and faith! Dave, you and your family are such an inspiration. Hugs to you all and see you soon.
The Falcon Family
- Saturday, January 22, 2005 10:49 AM CST
Dave and Family,
Thinking of you, as always! Our prayers are with you! We will sing for you this Sunday! Love always, Rachelle, Dave, Tarryn, Karl, Derrek

Rachelle Flanik Loree <rflanik@wwymca.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, January 22, 2005 10:24 AM CST
Good Morning, Thanks for all your updates Michelle,I'm glad that I learned of this site. In reading in my Bible this morning I came across a verse that I shall claim for Dave this morning..."Your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard." (ISAIAH 58:8) Dave is such an inspiration to me...his strength and yours amazes me. May God bless you both.
Cheryl Drumheller <drumheller@valint.net>
Walla Walla, WA. USA - Saturday, January 22, 2005 9:24 AM CST
Neyers Family, it is so wonderful to hear of Daves progress. It is amazing on how one person can bring so many people together, I was in just amazement reading all the prayers and comments in the guest book. As you ask we will keep Allison in our prayers as well as Dave and you all and we look forward to more wonderful news...:)
The Kellers <srkeller@charter.net>
College Place, WA - Friday, January 21, 2005 11:28 PM CST
Meyer Clan,
How typical, that after all you have gone through, you ask for prayers for someone else. Your strength as a family is a model for everyone. As I sat among the 20 of "Dave's Group", I wondered about the people that didn't have anyone. Funny, I now see that our collective support of Dave probably lifted others as well. Love, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, January 21, 2005 10:20 PM CST
Hi Meyer family,
We are praying that you continue to amaze the doctors and nurses in Seattle and thank God for your witness to the world around you. We are also praying for you Michelle--for your strength and resilience as you go through this. I know that God is guiding you through this by your amazing testimony of faith. God Bless!

Mel & Lindell Mcwhorter <mlmcwhorter@charter.net>
College Place, WA US - Friday, January 21, 2005 8:25 PM CST
Hello Meyers family from the cookie lady again. What wonderful news to hear how Dave is improving and comming back to WW where he is loved by all! But then he is loved everywhere he goes! Have a safe trip home as God continues to be with all of you and our prayers will continue to see you through. Cookies are stacking up..... Diane Schulke and family
Diane Schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, Wa Walla Walla - Friday, January 21, 2005 6:57 PM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Unto the KING ETERNAL, we plead for mercy and grace.
In Christ,
Dave and Karen Larson

Dave Larson <dlarson@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA Walla Walla - Friday, January 21, 2005 6:12 PM CST
Dave and Family,
my prayers are with you and if you need anything im here for you.

Anthony Wellington-Buttice <anthony_wb_219@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla , WA U.S.A. - Friday, January 21, 2005 6:12 PM CST
You are both so, so very amazing. Both of you are true inspirations. I really hope you know just how many lives you are touching on a daily, hourly, and even minute by minute basis. Wa-Hi, WWCC and the entire Walla Walla community, let alone all the other places e-mails are coming from, are with you each and every day. I'm saying my "thank you" prayers for both of you. Michelle, I'm not sure how you continue to be such a pilar of strength, but you go girl!!! Dave, you have an amazing inner strength and desire to serve the Lord AND your family and friends, you just keep on getting better. I'm praying for continued strength, quick release from the hospital and safe travels home. We're all here for you!
Cheryl Bloom
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, January 21, 2005 6:04 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and Family---Hoorah!!! I am so glad that you are doing so well!! You all are in our prayers--of thanksgiving and for continued healing. God is an Awesome God. And, you are an awesome family. Look forward to your return to Walla Walla. Continued blessings!!
Mary Lynne Schroeder <marylynne@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 4:51 PM CST
Dave & Michelle,
We are so happy to hear of Dave's recovery. God is good! Michelle, you are so amazing. We are praying for you both, and can't wait until you're back home. The beautiful weather here is waiting for you, along with all who love you so.

Patrice <patrice@fancylogo.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, January 21, 2005 3:18 PM CST
Dave & Michelle, so glad to hear that Dave's recovery is coming along so great. God is Great! We will continue to pray for healing and strength and will be glad to have you guys back home and see your smiling faces! Weather here today is beautiful, sunny and 63 degrees, woo-hoo!
Timm, Teri & Timothy Johnson <tandt@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 2:31 PM CST
Best wishes for continuation of good news and results. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you, Dave, as well as Michelle and the kids. I feel blessed to know you and your wonderful family.
Doug and Jodi Venneri <djvenneri@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 1:30 PM CST
Dave and Michelle I hope you know our love and prayers are reaching across the miles (with hundreds of other folks) to you every day. What an awesome God we serve! It was a thrill to talk to you from the Gator Bowl buddy. I can't watch football at all without thinking of you and our many adventures (Kingbowl and Christian's birth to name a few) :o) I love you man! God be with you both and we will definately hook up when we get back to the west side of the Mississippi! Thanks so much for the updates Michelle! Your strength is amazing.
Will and Stacy Mouat

Will Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 1:08 PM CST
We miss you and wait for your return. You are in our thoughts and prayers!! You are so strong.

Karen Hermeston <khermeston@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, January 21, 2005 12:10 AM CST
I think about you often and say a prayer when I do. You are quite an inspiration.

Chris Eastep <chriseastep@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 11:55 AM CST
Dear Dave and family,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for keeping us updated via the webiste. We pray that you can feel God's love washing over you.

Michelle and Mark Higgins
- Friday, January 21, 2005 11:47 AM CST

You are in our thoughts and prayers. Everyone at Wa-Hi is looking foward to your return

Mike Martin <mmartin@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 11:42 AM CST
Best of luck Dave...we're pulling for you here!
Aneliese Stein & Gayle See <astein@wwps.org>
- Friday, January 21, 2005 11:36 AM CST
Michelle and Dave, this website had been so great to keep up with Daves awesome recovery. Your whole family is in out prayers and we are so thankful that the lord looks over all of you. God Bless all of you and tell Dave we are all here keeping the faith with him. Scott and Kim
Scott & Kim Keller <srkeller@charter.net>
College Place, WA USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 11:10 AM CST
Dear Dave and Michelle, It's so wonderful to hear that you are doing well. I don't have any wonderful words of wisdom but just want you to know that you are my hero and I look forward to having you back here soon.
Pat Johnston <pjohnston@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 11:04 AM CST
You made me laugh out loud with Thursday's update....everybody in PT probably knows not to make Dave stand up if he says "no" now. I love that you still have your sense of humor too. We continue to pray for all of you and are thankful to hear that Dave is doing so well already. We will keep up the prayers....you keep your wonderful sense of humor.

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Friday, January 21, 2005 10:53 AM CST
Dave & Michelle
I was glad to get in on your incredible journey. Val Cole forwarded this site to me. You have the entire town cheering for you (just like in school). :)
You are amazing. I am so glad you are feeling and doing better. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family 24/7. Hurry home. God bless you!!!

Karla (Griffin) Broughton <karla@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Friday, January 21, 2005 10:48 AM CST
We are so glad that everything is going so well! Hurry home and get well! God is GREAT!
Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 10:37 AM CST
God is the great physician. He knows you inside and out.
He is in control. Praise His Holy name. You will be in our prayers. Ann - class of '58 Clarkson, WA

Bob and Ann McCarthy
Edmonds, WA USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 10:33 AM CST
Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zack, and Kate-
Was so thankful to hear that things went well this week. Our prayers are with you. You have been an inspiration for my family also, we found a lump in my breast and have gone through the radiology part and now a lumpectomy on Thursday. All will be good. Your family and how strong you are have given my family (especially my high schooler)a bit more strength. As always, if there is anything I can do, especially her at Pioneer, please let me know.
May He keep you in the palm of His hand,
Shannon Farrelly, Tracy Jones, & the Kids (Savannah, Heston, and Garrett)

Shannon Farrelly <sfarrelly@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Friday, January 21, 2005 10:05 AM CST
Dave and Michelle,
I am so glad you got a good nurse. Caring for folks such as yourself can really add a blessing to the day/shift:). Sharon Strong RN

Sharon Strong <sstrong2@hctc.com>
Shelton, WA USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 8:27 AM CST
Michelle I am in Judy's bible study group. Just wanted to thank you for taking your time when you are so busy to keep us all updated on Daves recovery. We are praying for you and dave and all the family. God is so loving and takes such good care of us that I know He has great things in store for you all. Hurry and get well Dave we are looking forward to reading that you are home and doing all your normal things. Your commintment to God and your faith have been a blessing to us all. Vesta Poteete
Vesta Poteete <poteete@charter.n>
Milton Freewater, Or - Friday, January 21, 2005 7:30 AM CST
Dave & Michelle,
Thanks so much for the updates... it is amazing at the power of the Almighty. May His healing graces continue to work wonders. Dave- all is well at school- your finals are completed and graded and I know that everyone here at Wa-Hi cannot wait to have you back so that we can give you a huge hug- we love ya' man! Keep getting stronger every day and know that our prayers will continue religiously.

Ron, Beth, Michael, & Annie Higgins <rbhiggins@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Friday, January 21, 2005 3:18 AM CST
Dave and I have you in our thoughts and prayers. We were able to see Zach, Seth and team play their scrimmage tonight. I was proud of our boys and how they hussled. Zach is really looking good out there. He had several baskets and assists. Come home soon.
David and Terri Hampson <hampslaw@qwest.net>
- Friday, January 21, 2005 0:26 AM CST
Dave, You guys are in are prayers. We are very happy that things are going so well and wish you all the best. It's times like these that you realize who your friends are and by the looks of things you are pretty lucky. Scratch that Blessed. Love ya Man. Get better quick so we can razz you about somethin' anything You take care now ya hear. Hey if you or your family need anything you can call on the class of 81 for starters and we will do whatever we can and whatever it takes like I said WE LOVE YA MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dave & Lisa Neissl <uncledave@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 0:14 AM CST
Hey Dave and Michelle! So glad to hear that Dave is doing well and Michelle is keeping her sense of humor! Your strength and faith are absolutely amazing! Thank you for the many updates-I check for them regularly-you are in our thoughts and prayers all the time. Hold each other close!
Lori Deeringhoff Wahl and family <loriwahl@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:59 PM CST
Hey Mr. Meyer I hope that you get better soon and start feeling a lot better because you know I can't wait to see you on my advisory thursdays. I mean who else would bring us muffins! I know a lot of people including me can't wait to see you happy face around Wa-Hi again!
Jessie Keef <disney1986@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA U.S.A - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:46 PM CST
Dave and Michelle,
Hope you have had time to read all of the journal entries!! As you can see, so many of us are praying for you both. Michelle, a big thank you for the updates. I check the site three or four times a day...sometimes just to look at the pictures again. You have such a beautiful family. Stay strong...and tell Denise we are praying for her strength too!! Glad she is with you during this time.

Melissa and Curtis <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:36 PM CST
We are praying for all of you. May God bless you abundantly.
Les and Mardell Broome <mjbroome@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:12 PM CST
Hi Dave and Michelle,
Thank you so much for allowing all of us to share in your journey. You have an army of "prayers" on your side! Michelle, your mom told me that it is not easy or convenient for you to update the caringbrige site. Thank you for your effort. Kevin and I check it all the time for more news, (as does half of Walla Walla!) We can't be with you in person but we certainly are alongside you in spirit. Rest well tonight.
Love, The Pribilsky family
PS Stefan said it was great to have Zach back.

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:53 PM CST
You are an inspiration to all. You have to get well soon, the kids need you at school, and the rest of us need to see your smiling face. Meyer family take care of yourselves. You are in our thoughts.
Love, Jeff, Marti, Max, & Drew (Charlie) Reinland

Marti Reinland <rinowife@charter.net>
College Place, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:29 PM CST
Dear Dave, Michelle and kids,

We would like to send our love and prayers for Dave and your family. We are hoping for a speedy recovery and a very safe trip home.

Heidi, Jeff and Ryker Staudenmaier

Heidi, Jeff and Ryker Staudenmaier <blackdogranch@valint.net>
Walla Walla, WA usa - Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:20 PM CST
Dear Dave, Michelle and kids,

We would like to send our love and prayers for Dave and your family. We are hoping for a speedy recovery and a very safe trip home.

Heidi, Jeff and Ryker Staudenmaier

Heidi, Jeff and Ryker Staudenmaier <blackdogranch@valint.net>
Walla Walla, WA usa - Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:20 PM CST

We are not going to let up on the prayers, so just keep on resting and building your strength back. We need to see your smiling face back here ASAP.

God Bless,
Norb and Deb Rossi

Norbert & Debora Rossi <nrossi@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:49 PM CST
David, Michelle and kids,
Yes! God is working his miracles. We are so thankful that Dave is already on the road to recovery. Michelle thank you for all your time in the updates. They really mean a lot to everyone. We are thinking of your family and we pray for your speedy recovery and a safe trip trip home.

The Corbet Family, David,Shawna and Lash <lashandshawna@my180.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:26 PM CST
Michelle, Dave and family,
Glad to get the good word on Dave. There have been some nurses who I would have liked to have thrown up on! Of course not my favorite nurse named Jim, We have been praying and thinking positive thoughts. We will keep checking up on you.

Nancy and Jim Butler <nancybutler@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:06 PM CST
Hi David! It's me again, Joy. Praise GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy you made it through surgery with flying colors!! I know the Lord will do his work for you. You just keep doing what you're told by the medical staff and...of course...your wife. They know best. I'm looking forward to seeing you back at school.
My love and prayers, Joy (Cunnington)Moniz

Joy (Cunnington) Moniz <joyann62@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:44 PM CST
Hi David! It's me again, Joy. Praise GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy you made it through surgery with flying colors!! I know the Lord will do his work for you. You just keep doing what you're told by the medical staff and...of course...your wife. They know best. I'm looking forward to seeing you back at school.
My love and prayers, Joy (Cunnington)Moniz

Joy (Cunnington) Moniz <joyann62@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:44 PM CST
I've been worried sick about all you guys ever since you guys had Dave go into surgery. I'm so relieved he came out of surgery fine! You guys are an incredible family, and incredible friends. I wouldn't replace you guys for gold. You want to know why? Because you guys ARE gold! You guys are in all my prayers and I hope that miracle man, Dave gets much better so we can all ejoy him for many years. Much love, Meg.
Megan E. Wright <kevndeb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:26 PM CST
We are humbled and honored to be praying for Dave and the family. Thank you for taking your time to journal updates. In addition, thank you for the prayer dot reminder. Ours is on the car's rear view mirror and will serve as a Pray For Dave & Family reminder. May His perfect peace blanket your hearts.
Kirk & Nancy Klicker <klickers@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:19 PM CST
Dave, I have been keeping you and your family in my prayers.
I just wanted you to know I think of you often, and hope for a speedy recovery and that you are able to come home soon. Love and God bless,
Kristi Lane-Tice

Kristi Lane-Tice <ktice@valleyvisionclinic.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:11 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and the Family:
Keep fighting Mr. Dave!
You're all in my prayers everyday! Take care and God Bless.
Lots of love.

Heather McKeown <shedevil075@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:56 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and family. I will continue to pray for you all. God is so awesome and He hears the cry of the righteous. So blessed to know that Dave is gaining his strength back day by day. Keep fighting Dave!!!!
Michelle Herring <Romans837@msn.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:28 PM CST
We have been and will continue to pray for your entire family. Heal up, the folks here miss your music and sincerity!


Jason Wicklund <jwicklund@christianaidcenter.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:40 PM CST
Hey, we loved having Zach back in class today. What a great kid! I read through page after page of guestbook entries after school last night. As I remember some of them, I'm reminded of the Corrie ten Boom story from her childhood. Her father telling her that, like a good dad, God gives us the "train ticket" just before we board, knowing every detail that is required for the trip and just when we need the assurance of the ticket in our hand. Praying for you all and expecting great victory. And a smart, friendly day nurse with warm hands.
Debra Reeves Wright <dwright@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:00 PM CST
Dave and Family--
Add me to this incredible and inspirational list of people who are praying for you. May God give you peace during this trial and a closer walk with Him. We miss you and are confident that the Lord will bring you home soon!

Andrew Ueckert <aueckert@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 4:51 PM CST
So glad that you are keeping us updated! We will keep the prayers coming. Michelle take care of yourself, and Dave keep getting stronger! Thad, Tami McKenzie, Peter, Madelyn, and Dash
Tami Sirmon <t.sirmon@charter.net>
walla walla, wa usa - Thursday, January 20, 2005 4:06 PM CST
Dear Dave and Michelle, Words can not say what it means to us to be able to read on your website the amazing strength that God has given your family to go through this trying time. Thanks Michelle for letting us all be a part of what is going on through your letters on the website. Your words are a source of great encouragement to us that prayers are being answered. We care about you and Dave. You are constantly in our prayers. Love, Bill, Peggy, Dominique and Courtney Cox
Peggy Cox <billandpeg@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 3:32 PM CST
We're so glad the surgery went well, we will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs, The Ferrels
Lynn Ferrel <www.ferrel@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:57 PM CST
Dave and family, you are always in our prayers. Each of you is such a blessing to everyone who knows you. May God continue to bless you (and all of us with your strength and joy and song!)
Yvon Barber
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:47 PM CST
Davey, Michelle, and Family, My thoughts and prayers are with you for strong faith, health, and loving peace of mind. You're the Wa-Hi King, Dave, and you reign!
Cheryl "Stella" Hansen, Wa-Hi Class of 1981 <stellasbug@yahoo.com>
Oslo, Norway - Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:37 PM CST
The Fight In You
Congradulations on another successful fight,
You never gave up and fought with all your might,
You're unique the best to me i'm alwayz amazed the way you teach,
I'm happy to know that i'll be seeing you smile again soon happy to know that you'll be dialed up and in tune,
You're a true fighter a trooper at all levels never giving up a warrior from the start,
I'm glad an angel is watching over youre soul taking care of busness as usual and taking care of your heart,
My prayers are with your family and all that love you i'm glad you're here you won the battle no more shall we fear,
Congradulations your such a patient hard worker never complaining always given it your best in life your one of gods creations,
You're the best Dave Meyers get some good rest-Ken Sanchez

Ken Sanchez <ksanchez04@msn.com>
Walla Walla , WA U.S.A. - Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:33 PM CST
Michelle, Dave and family. We are thinking of you and your work you have to go through. What better family than yours could you ask for at a time like this, they are so supportive and helpful to each other.
Maib family <rmaib@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, wa - Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:13 PM CST
Hi Dave & family,
Just to let you know you´ve got a couple more friends sending our prayers for you. With God´s help we know you will get through this. Take care, get well.

Chuck & Janet Miltenberger <beebeme@POCKETMAIL.COM>
- Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:13 PM CST
A co-worker shared with me, your experience and how strong you are, especially with your faith in our Lord. Praise God for seeing us through and for the many blessings He continues to give each of us. We will continue to pray for you. Stay strong and faithful to Him. Blessings and encouragement from Bend, Oregon. Greg & Angie Kooistra
Pastor Greg & Angie Kooistra <angie@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:11 PM CST
Dear Dave,
I heard about your surgery yesterday and i immediatly wanted to know how you were doing. I'm glad everything went as planned and that your recovering real well. My wishes and hopes are for you and your family and soon i'll get to see you again walking around campus smiling and telling jokes like always (chuckles). Remember to do what the nurse tells you to do and youll be out soon (haha). Hope to see you when i enter your 5th period class on monday take care and be good.

Ken Sanchez a.k.a. Ichiro!!!!!!!
P.S. You rock!!!!

Ken Sanchez <ksanchez04@msn.com>
WallaWalla , WA U.S.A. - Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:08 PM CST
Dave and family, My prayers are with you. Keep on fighting dave. It is about the man next to you, and I'm here for anything you guys need.
matt stroe <mjstroe@wwps.org>
walla walla , wa usa - Thursday, January 20, 2005 12:53 AM CST
Thinking of you all. Love and prayers,
Maribeth Bergstrom <mbergstrom@wwps.org>
- Thursday, January 20, 2005 12:46 AM CST
Michelle & Dave just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and your family and keeping you in my prayers. Your sweet Kenny was wonderful in class today, and such a joy to work with!
Stay strong and God bless the both of you,
Sincerely, JoEllen

JoEllen Riley <therileyranch@my180.net>
Walla Walla , Wa. USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 12:27 AM CST
Dave, Michelle and Family--

You are in my prayers!

Layne (Herman) Schroeder
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 12:24 AM CST
Hi to the Myers: Here I go again. I am computer illiterate and so I goof. I don't see that my other message went through. I just want to say Prase the Lord. You all are amazing. What a testimony of His grace. You'll never know how many lives you have influenced. We are with Zach - DO YOU STUFF GOD. We know that He is and we will continue to pray. And, Michell, it's great to see that you still have your sense of humor even after all you have been through. We love you and have you in our thoughts and prayers all the time, all the time, all the time. Lois & Lewie
Lois & Lewie Healy <lou@gohighspeed.com>
College Place, WA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 12:05 AM CST
Hi there to all you Myers and family: What good news!!!Praise the Lord. We will keep on keeping on praying for your recovery, Dave. You and Michelle are a truly wonderful example of His grace all through these last eight years. We love you and, Michelle, and we appreciate that in spite of all you have been through these past few days, you still have a wonderful sense of humor. Thanks again for keeping us all advised. We love you - Lois & Lewie
Lois & Lewie Healy <lou@gohighspeed.com>
College Place, WA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:41 AM CST
Dave and Michelle,
Sunday night I was so struck by the sound of all the voices simultaneously sending out pleas to God on your behalf. All week that sound has resonated in my head, and I think how that was a just a small glimpse of what it must sound like to God - all these people who love you and care so much about you sending up our prayers at once. I'm so glad that God is God and he can make sense of so many requests coming his way at the same time!

We are so thankful to hear that your recovery is going in the right direction, and look forward to having you home soon!

Laurie Klicker
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:31 AM CST
Dear Dave and Michelle,
Our love and prayers are sent to you. Looking forward to hearing your guitar here again. Much love to you and your family.

The Myron Lee family <myronlee@comcast.net>
Salem, OR - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:22 AM CST
hey Mr. Meyer I was in you history class in 04,. I dont know if you remember me but currently i am in Iraq. I am praying for you and hope that you are doing alright.
Jeremy Azelton <buddhaazelton@hotmail.com>
Schofield Barracks, HI USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:21 AM CST
We are praying for you and looking forward to your return to Walla Walla. My son, Joel, was in your class at WA-HI. God has completely turned his life around and he is studying to be a minister! He's currently living in the Everett area. Joel and all the ministerial students are praying for you. :) Keep looking up!
Love and prayers,
Debbie Smith

Deborah L. Smith <tbsmith1@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:18 AM CST
Dave, Michelle, and family: It is so good to read your news this morning and that healing is progressing in the right direction!!! Praise God! Praise your strength to work with Him. It is no wonder you are healing, look at all these messages for Dave and you all. Keep the Faith!!! Love, Susan
Susan Morasch <smorasch @wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA Walla Walla - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:14 AM CST
Dave I am praying for your recovery. My daughter Stacy Mouat said you are a wonderful Christian man in need of my prayers. I haven't done a lot of praying in my life so I just hope they get through OK. :) You are an inspiration to many and I'm thinking there are probably still some people you could help in the future. So, looks to me like your job here isn't finished yet!!! God be with you and your family.
Kaye Porter <KayePo@aol.com>
Spokane, WA U.S.A. - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:09 AM CST
Hello to all,
I have been holding you in my thoughts a lot lately. Boy, you have an amazing number of people concerned about all of you, and we are really hungry for updates. Michelle, thank you for that. It is really important to us. Consider yourselves hugged.

Mary Matau <mmatau@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:04 AM CST
Go David! I'm glad beyond words to hear the good news. There's so much love and support welling up for you that your whole family might feel a cushion of care and prayer. I sure sense it, reading your website and emails from Carol, who's my cousin and friend for life. Special thanks to Michelle for putting out the news this way on line. Lots of love and prayer from me here in California, Janet
Janet Visick <jvisick@igc.org>
Bolinas, CA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:02 AM CST
Dave, I have only seen you once or twice. I am Stacy Mouat's mom from Spokane. Stacy and Will have asked me to pray for you which I am doing daily. I'm pretty new to the praying thing so I just hope someone up there is listening. I will continue to pray for your speedy recovery. I know you still have messages to deliver. All my best to you and your family.
Kaye Porter <KayePo@aol.com>
Spokane, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:50 AM CST
Way to go Dave!! It is so good to hear good news!
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Michelle and your family!
I hope you get to come home soon!
Teri Barker

Teri Barker
- Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:39 AM CST
I was in knots yesterday waiting for news. I just read your website and called friends to pass the exciting results. Keep doing what you are doing --- must be good. We will keep praying for continued healing and I am so grateful this part of your journey (surgery) is over. Now you are into the next step. May God continue to hear and heed our prayers for you.
Bev Shiffer <shifferb1@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:27 AM CST
To the Meyers,
Tears of joy are in my eyes knowing how well the Lord is taking care of you all and the terrific support you are receiving from family and friends. I am awe struck by the power! May God continue working in your lives.

Donna Wierman <donna.wierman@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:10 AM CST
Thank you God for doing your "stuff"! Hang in there! We hope that you and Dave will be coming home soon!We will keep up on our prayers!
Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:50 AM CST
Such good news! Thanks for sharing every day's events.
Sarah Zipf Stone <sstone@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, - Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:44 AM CST
Amazing. Our Lord is truly amazing and you are His child whom he loves very much. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Kathy Keatts <kkeatts@pocketinet.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:15 AM CST
WALLA WALLA, WA WALLA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:07 AM CST
Praise the Lord! He is good - all the time! What a wonderful device this is that we can get current updates and send messages to you instantly. We had asked the members of our growth group to pray for the surgery at 11 on Tuesday. Last night one of the members shared how awesome he felt that morning while praying for you. What a privilege we have to join with the body of Christ to uphold one another. Thank you for sharing your burdens and allowing your brothers and sisters to uphold you. We look forward to your return to WW and God's continued work in your body and life. Michelle, Yo missed you yesterday. I'm trying to keep him busy. Get back soon and help me!!!!
Janet Clark <janet.clark@wwcc.edu>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 7:58 AM CST
Dave, this is the first time I've looked at your site, don't know how I missed it. What a wonderful family you have.

Prayers and Good Wishes go up for you.


Anne Bidez <sidneys2d@aol.com>
Savannah, Georgia USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:42 AM CST
Thank you for letting us know how Dave is doing. All of you are in our prayers always. We love you.

The Weeks Family

Jeff and Misty Weeks <mistyweeks@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:34 AM CST
Thanks for the updates Michelle! Keep Dave's spirits up, he needs to be able to play his guitar!! Glad to hear the prayers are getting through.
With love,

Pat Wahl <homercobb@aol.com>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 0:30 AM CST
Dave and family,
I was waiting on pins and needles after the entry yesterday. As always...God is good and I pray that you are going to continue to recover fast. We miss your happy face in the lunch room and all the ladies are praying for you.

Cheryl Drumheller <drumheller@valint.net>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 8:11 PM CST
I don't know you Dave ,except through your mom at BSF.,She is quite a lady,I just want you to know I am praying for you and your family.God bless each of you.In Christ's love Carolyn Harvey
carolyn harvey <charvey10@yahoo.com>
milton-freewater , or usa - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:51 PM CST
Wow! You seem to tackle each obstacle with such strength...I've come to expect nothing less from all of you! You are an impressive family!!! We are happy to hear that you made it across the pass on the most treacherous traveling day this year!!! A clear sign that God is on your side...protecting you each step of this journey. We'll look forward to seeing the typical "Meyer Buzz" on Lowell Drive. Know that we are only "feet" away if you need something...You are ALWAYS in our prayers...
The Braddock Bunch <mbraddock@charter.net>
- Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:40 PM CST
Mr. Meyer ~ I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well, considering you just had yet another brain surgery ... I can't believe all that you pull off :) I wanted to make sure that you remembered though ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The Chandler's are thinking about you constantly and can't wait to see you soon!
Heather Chandler <imstringbean@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:30 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and family,

We continue to hold you up in prayer. Dave, you are such an inspiration to all of us. I know that God is holding you in His hands. Keep strong.

Norb & Deb Rossi

Norbert Rossi <nrossi@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:21 PM CST
Dear Meyers,
Michele thank you for taking your precious time to give us the updates that you do. I am adding one more to your prayer list "Please continue to give Michele all the love and strength needed as she is so central to Dave's getting well." Your are a tower of strength, and with God's hand he will continue to send all that you are needing. (thank you also for the wonderful sense of humor). We will be continuing our prayers. All our love

Bonnie and Denny <bparker@pacifier.com>
Coronado, CA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:10 PM CST
Meyer family
I am in Judy's bible study group we will be praying for you all and do trust the Lord to give you all peace and His strengh to continue in your fight with Dave. Jeremiah 29 11-13 has been so special to me in times of medical trials. I hope it will you strengh at this time. Our prayers and Christain love are with you all.

Vesta Poteete <poteete@charter.net>
Milton Freewater, Oregon - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:53 PM CST
Dear Meyer Family,
Our prayers are with all of you.
The Clothier Family
Kim, Josh & B (Gilligan)

Kim Clothier <kim@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:46 PM CST
We continue to pray for healing and peace. We are now praying for a good report after the tumor board meets. We love you.
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:33 PM CST
Dear Zach,
We miss you at Pioneer and especially in C-42! We'll be very glad to see you when you return (I know you can't wait to get back to Twelfth Night)...in the meantime, we're keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
Mrs. W.

Debra Reeves Wright
Walla Walla , WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:18 PM CST
Dave, I think of you daily and often during the day and always focus on sending positive loving thoughts to you. Pretend another hug is also being given. Day at a time, and each day gets better...
lyn lindell <llindell@wwps.org>
walla walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:10 PM CST
I am Judy's Bible Study Fellowship Leader. Our whole class has been praying for Dave and the whole family. Get well soon and God bless all of you! Laurie Earley
Laurie Earley <earley@valint.net>
College Palce, WA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 5:46 PM CST
We are praying for you

Rich and Marilyn Wilson

Richard Wilson <mrwilson@clarkston.com>
Clarkston, Wa - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 5:32 PM CST
Hi to all the Meyers: I'm not sure whether my entry recorded so here I go again. I can't tell you how much was all appreciate your keeping us advised Michelle. You can't even being to imagine how many people are asking about David and praying for him. We will continue to pray for a fast and complete healing. Love you, Lois & Lou
Lois Healy <lou@gohighspeed.com>
College Place, WA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 5:25 PM CST
Dave, Michele & Family-
You are all in our thoughts and prayers, as we know that His love is surrounding each of you today. Blessings!
The Wellington Clan

Kristi Wellington-Buttice <kwellington@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 4:46 PM CST
Hang in there! I know you will!
John Herr
Walla Walla , WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 4:27 PM CST
To the Meyer family, all. Anne and I are pulling for you in this troubled time. Our Thoughts and Prayers are with you to pull through. Hang in there.
Anne and Terry Carter <terry.carter@comcast.net>
Eugene, OR USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 4:19 PM CST
Dave,Michelle and family
So glad to hear Dave's sense of humor is right back on track!
We are praying for all of you through this challenging time. May God wrap his arms around you and give you super human strength. We love you all, and look forward to the day when Dave is back up front singing!

Patrice, Jeffrey, Wiley & Sadie Townsend <patrice@fancylogo.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 4:16 PM CST
Dave and Michelle, Hang in there, it is a long road. God will bless you both. You are in our prayers. Dave is a strong one. God Bless you both. The Harmon's

Patty Harmon <harmonrp@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 4:11 PM CST
Meyer Family,
You will be in our prayers. Our love and support goes out to you.

Dave and Stacy Gjovik <dgjovik@hotmail.com>
Meadville, PA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 4:04 PM CST
Meyer Family
God first, family second, friends third.
I'd say you are in mighty good hands.
Our prayers for you continue.

Bob & Leah Adams (CHS '57 &'58) <bobleahadams@earthlink.net>
Snohomish, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 3:59 PM CST
Dave and Michelle, Ted and I want you to know that the Cummings' family is keeping your post surgery prayer requests at the top of their list. May God continue to bless you and your family with strength and peace.
Ted and Laura Cummings <cumminll@whitman.edu>
College Place, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 3:43 PM CST
Dave, you're such an inspirtation, and so is this website! what a fabulous idea! It's such a comfort to know that you have an extensive network of support. I'm honored to have you on my 'red hot' prayer list!
Love and light....

Laura Bertinelli <lbertinelli@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, Wa US - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 3:43 PM CST
Dave, Michelle, and family,
You have been through so much, and now must face another of life's challenges. We are praying that this new challenge is over quickly and pain-free. We are also praying for your care-givers that they find the answers to your questions and that God gives them the miracle of His healing touch. The holy angels are with you, as well as those heavenly angels on Earth, your family. May all of you know God's peace and comfort,

Peter & Anne Swant, Forrest, Keldan and Aanika <aswant@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 3:09 PM CST
Michelle and Dave, I'm trying to get my act together to go play Michelle in the STARS class tonight (although I'll never actually achieve that status) and thought I'd check on you two because the students will be interested... Jim and both of our far-away daughters asked me to let you know that they join me in sending our most positive thoughts and our prayers your way. God bless!
Jeanne Beirne
- Wednesday, January 19, 2005 3:06 PM CST
Dave and family,
The Magnaghi clan wanted to let you know that we are thinking and praying for you. You are an amazing person with lots of love to share. Scott, Melinda, Melissa, Reid, and Emma

Scott Magnaghi <smagnaghi@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 2:42 PM CST
Dave and Michelle ~ How honored we were to share time with you and your family Sunday and pray and sing together! I am still doing so (much to the chagrin of those around me who recognize I cannot carry a tune)! Zac sends "Hang in there, Coach," greetings from La Grande. Our love.....
Cindy and Zac Widmer <cindy@lecole.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 2:41 PM CST
"Big D" ...Allison, the kids, and I are thinking about you. Your courage is inspiring. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. I Look forward to seeing you back at school...soon.
Keven Peck <kpeck@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 2:30 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and family,
I am thankful that prayers carried you and your surgical team through surgery . . . now we'll pray for God to keep his arms around you and your family as you began the recovery process.

Shelley Mann <shelley51@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 2:28 PM CST

We wish you and your family well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Eric, Amy, Braden, Jake Hisaw

The Hisaw Family <hisaw@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 2:21 PM CST
Hey Dave - I miss seeing you around here. I hope you are back with us soon. My prayers are with you and your family.
Pat Hanford <phanford@wwps.org>
- Wednesday, January 19, 2005 2:15 PM CST
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Brent and Erin Partlow <epartlow@wwps.org>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 2:11 PM CST
Dave, Hang in there! Praying for you.
John Stilson <stilson100@earthlink.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 1:59 PM CST
Dear Meyer Family,
As a h.s. & Whitworth classmate of Dave's Dad, Bob, I'm sending prayers and thoughts to each member of your family.
May you be wrapped in the loving arms of friends, relatives and especially God!

Karen McMillan Nordby <KindKar@aol.com>
Boise, Idaho USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 1:23 PM CST
Davey Baby... We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. May God's healing power be with you, buddy.
Ron, Beth, Michael & Annie Higgins <rbhiggins@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 1:08 PM CST
I am a "friend of a friend". Gar Mock is a good friend of mine and I've been keeping up with his health concerns thru Dale Birrdsell. I just want you to know that I am adding you in my prayers. You sound like a WONDERFUL family!
Nancy Clark

Nancy Clark <nancyatlake@hotmail.com>
Hauser, Id USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 12:58 AM CST
Hi to Dave and the entire Meyer family. I am sure this is a very powerful time for you all. I just am amazed at the bonding going on by all of the folks here in Walla Walla who know you and are touched by your witness in your battle. I hope that if I ever have to go through a trauma like this that I will have even half of the strength and trust in God to get through it as graciously and lovingly as you are doing as a family. May you feel God's love and his mission for you as you continue through this illness. It is a blessing to all of us to be able to pray for someone as special as Dave. Hang in there and know that you are definitely not alone. We love you as fellow Christians.
Bev Shiffer <bshiffer@christianaidcenter.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 12:23 AM CST
I'm just another of your Dad's 'Old' friends who is pulling for your recovery. It's amazing how many folks are sharing their love, thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

Dale Birdsell <dbirdsell@comcast.net>
Kirkland, WA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 12:18 AM CST
Dave, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
The Business Ed gals <bknowlton@wwps.org>
Walla Walla , WA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 10:39 AM CST
Michele, Dave and Family
You are in my prayers!

Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 10:27 AM CST
Hi Meyer family,
We are glued to your website, anxious to hear any news, and I know we are not alone! Our hearts and prayers are with you.
Love, Kirsten

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 10:16 AM CST
We love you and are thinking of you, wishing there was something we can do to help. Hang in there, baby.
Deb & Kev & Jake & Meg <dwright@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 9:26 AM CST
Dave, Michelle and family,

You are as always in our thoughts and prayers. We love you and pray that God is providing all the support and love and divine intervention for complete healing.

your extended family,
The longmires

Tracy, Shane, Gabrielle and Rebekah <longmire@innw.net>
College Place, WA USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 8:51 AM CST
Meyer Family, our thoughts and prayers have been with you all day, thank you so much for updating the website. the Czyholds
Judy Czyhold <jczyhold@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11:23 PM CST
Dear Dave and all of his family. You are in our thoughts and prayers for Dave's healing and support of you all. God has been with you during this ordeal and we know that He will continue to be there. His love for you is without end. May He continue to hold you in His hands.
We love you.

Butch and Connie Bosley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11:07 PM CST
Dave and family,
Our family and our church family are upholding your family in prayer. May the Lord strengthen and encourage you.

Steve & Trudy Morris <smorris@innw.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 10:56 PM CST
I wish Dave and his family the best and I know God will be with them. My thoughts are with you and I know your in great hands, let God left you up!! We love you so much Dave.

God Bless,
Heather and Eric
Wa-Hi Student's from 1997 to 2000

Heather and Eric Aichele <ericheather61502@msn.com>
Lakewood, wa usa - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 10:55 PM CST
David and Michelle,
You both have been in our thoughts and prayers throughout the day. Sending so many positive thoughts your way. Michelle, thank you for keeping all of us updated on David's progress. I have been checking periodically throughout the day and was so happy to see your message. You are such a blessing to your family...stay strong and know we are all praying for you, David, and the family.

Love, Melissa and Curtis <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
- Tuesday, January 18, 2005 10:33 PM CST
Dave & Michelle,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May God place His healing hand upon you Dave. You and Michelle are truly an inspiration of faith and strength.

Timm, Teri and Timothy Johnson <tandt@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 10:03 PM CST
Meyer Family,
It was an honor to be there today with your incredible family. I'm looking forward to giving Dave at least as many kisses as I gave him today - maybe more if Michelle will let me. Lots of love from the entire Haroldson clan. Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 9:59 PM CST
Hey,who is going to eat all of my chocolate chip cookies? I will keep plenty held back for you on your swift return to Wa-Hi! We all miss you and pray for you daily,please know how much we all care and what an inspiration you have been to all of us! Sincerly,the cookie lady
Diane Schulke <dianeschulke@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, Wa Walla walla - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 9:36 PM CST
It is an honor to pray for you...your faith is an inspiration and your attitude reminds me that joy is NOT circumstantial. I'll take good care of your classes while you're gone, but hurry back--I know they miss you already!
Peace to you all.

Jillian Huber <jillianhuber@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:57 PM CST
Dave & Michelle - It's 6:30 here in Wally World and all is calm - I hope this note finds Dave in recovery and that everything went well. As always - we're sending good thoughts and strong prayers your way. KOKO! The Chandlers.
Ernie Chandler <chandler@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:40 PM CST
Dave and Michelle, The Harmon's are praying for you and the Dr.'s, God will lead them during the surgery. God Bless you both and your family. We will be watching for the next positive update. Our church is praying for you and you are on the prayer list for all to hold you up in prayer.

Patty Harmon <harmonrp@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:17 PM CST
Hi Meyer family,
We are praying like crazy and keeping the faith!
Love, The Prib's

Kevin, Kirsten and Pribilsky crew <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 7:48 PM CST
Dave and Michelle,

Just wanted you to know that you have all been in our thoughts and prayers even more so today. We have asked many others to pray for you as well and I trust there are many prayer warriors going before God's throne on your behalf.

Every time I pray for you I think of Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:1-11, Isaiah 38:1-8). I pray the same prayer Hezekiah prayed "Remember, O Lord, how Dave and Michelle, have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done good in your eyes. You have seen the bitter tears they and so many others have wept. Please Lord, hear our cries to you, the only Sovereign Ruler and Healer. You know our frailty and we know that you alone strengthen us in our weakness. Please heal Dave of this malicious cancer that has robbed him of so much time. We plead that you will continue to extend his life and restore to the Meyer family a hundred fold the quality and quantity of life that you alone give. We thank-you for never leaving or forsaking us and using your own words to comfort and bring us peace in the midst of the trials we face. We praise you Lord for your work in our lives and ask that Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus' name. Amen!"

We will keep praying and checking on your progress!
Love from the Mouat family

Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 6:01 PM CST
Dear Michelle (and Dave),
Know that we are praying for both of you this morning as you are at the hospital.
I just came from Toddler class, Michelle, and of course they missed you very much. Everything went just fine. The weather has turned warm this morning so the children and parents were delighted to be outside for awhile. The discussion went well. Thanks for preparing all the handouts before you left.
Thinking of you today.

Melinda Brennan
- Tuesday, January 18, 2005 1:31 PM CST
We are praying for you all. Thad said to please remind you that he is able to do any items on your "honey-do" list while Dave is recuperating! The Sirmon's
Tami Sirmon <t.sirmon@charter.net>
Walla Walla, wa usa - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 1:06 PM CST
Dave and family, The Senter family is praying for you. Thank you for the updates. You are all an inspriration
Brian and Mary Senter, family <fatdingo@charter.net>
Walla Walla, - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11:19 AM CST
Your bravery and tenacity are an inspiration to us all. Hang in there!
Karen Peddicord
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11:14 AM CST
Dave, Michelle and Family
Please be at ease to know that we will do our best to fill in for Michelle here at work for as long as it takes(although no one can truly do the job of Teacher "Shell")! Also know that our thoughts and prayers are always with you.

Donna Wierman <donna.wierman@wwcc.edu>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 10:23 AM CST
Our family will be praying for you and the doctors this week. May God give you His peace and healing, and make you a Christ-like testimony at the hospital. (We are friends of Julie Woods...)
Dave & Kris Kellett
Yakima, WA USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 1:06 AM CST
I am a friend of Stephanie Meyer's from Gresham. I pray that the doctor's will know exactly what to do to treat you in the best way possible. God will watch over you and your family.
Jan Bitney <bitney@comcast.net>
Gresham, OR USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 0:47 AM CST
We are praying for you. May God's peace and love be with you.
Monica Nyman (friend to Stephanie) <monica@foodguys.com>
Aurora, OR USA - Monday, January 17, 2005 7:55 PM CST
Wow! it looks like you have alot of love and prayer behind you. My family would also like to extend our love and prayers to be with you through these times of trial. Stephanie Meyers Cousin.
Chris, Dylan , Gavinand Madison Lueking
McKinney, Tx USA - Monday, January 17, 2005 7:48 PM CST
I'm praying for you - I'm a close friend of Stephanie Mayer, my heart goes out to you and your family, my family has battled a life threatening illness too, so I understand a bit of what you're going through. My family's story is found on www.jonathanwellness.com
May God bless you and give you peace.

Chantelle Neufeld <linaya@mts.net>
MB Canada - Monday, January 17, 2005 7:20 PM CST
Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zack, Kate, Bob, Judy, others who are there in person...My love is with you all..my prayers are with you all. I'll be praying during the surgery and after. Love you all!
Sharon Longmire <longmire@bmi.net>
- Monday, January 17, 2005 6:08 PM CST
Dave, Michelle, and family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

Jackie Scholl <dajascholl@intergate.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, January 17, 2005 3:05 PM CST
Dave & Michelle,
Since I work with Cindy Lorang each day, she keeps me up to date on the extraordinary happenings in your lives. You both are an inspiration to all of us. Dave, I appreciate how you always have a moment to interact with my students. It makes them feel valued. Our prayers are with you.

Barbara Fryhling <bfryhling@wwps.org>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Monday, January 17, 2005 2:42 PM CST
Dave and family, I will be praying for you.
Kathy Keatts
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, January 17, 2005 1:35 PM CST
Dear Meyer Family - Just wanted you to know that we are among the throngs of good people sending love your way in the form of thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and know that God holds you all in the palm of His hand. KOKO! Dave, Ernie, Heather, and Valerie Chandler.

Chandlers <chandler@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, January 17, 2005 12:18 AM CST
Dear Dave, Michelle and family,
I received your story from the Mouats and read your entire journal - WOW!!! - what an inspiration you are! Stay strong in your fight! I loved to hear that Dave can dance to the Charlie Brown song - it's my favorite happy song! We will be praying for you and your children that God will heal you and allow you to share your fantastic testimony.

Michelle Gentges
Jacksonville, FL USA - Monday, January 17, 2005 9:57 AM CST
As you send your prayers when we need them, Dave and Michelle, so we send our prayers for you this week and always.
Amy and Art (GBM-IV)
Greenfield, MA USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 6:14 PM CST
Dave and Family...If you are EVER in need of platelets and they don't have any on hand here...I give platelets and what is mine is yours. I just hope that they have a way here in Walla Walla to take them as I go to Richland to give them. But any way...you have my offer. Always praying for you,
Cheryl D.

Cheryl Drumheller <drumheller@valint.net>
Walla Walla, WA. USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 5:09 PM CST
Dear Dave, Michelle and family - You all are an inspiration to all of us. My brother is battling a similiar condition. Receiving Michelle's comments then going to your web site and learning more about your heroic fight has been very encouraging to us. You will all be in our thoughts. We wish that God's abundant blessings, healing, guidance and love surround you always.
Jim DeSantis <jimdesantis@lisco.com>
Fairfield, IA USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 4:33 PM CST
Dave & Michelle,
Please know that our family, like so many others, are praying for Dave's successful surgery on Tuesday.

Colleen & Paul Battaglia <pcbatt@comcast.net>
Seattle, wa usa - Sunday, January 16, 2005 1:10 PM CST
Dave and Michelle, you will get through this. Loads of love to you both from the UK

Pam and John Caulfield

John Caulfield <johnc70@btinternet.com>
Dartmouth, Devon England - Sunday, January 16, 2005 4:01 AM CST
Stay strong and positive! I know that you will pull through! My thoughts and prayers are with you from the other side of the world, Turkey!
Hugs and kisses!

Athena Sartin <athenas_peru@yahoo.com>
Izmir, Turkey - Sunday, January 16, 2005 3:56 AM CST
Hi Honey! It's me, Joy (Cunnington)Moniz. This is the first time I've been to the website. There's probably not anything I can say to make anything any better or easier, but I do know that God is on your side and will be with you through all of this. You are such a special person and friend. We've been "buds" for a long time, and it's so cool to see you at school again. I am praying, always, for you and Michelle and the kids. Just look at how loved you are by all the letters people have sent in!!! You have touched many people in your life. Please know that I will continue to pray and care for you and your family.
God Bless you,
My love, Joy

Joy (Cunnington) Moniz <joyann62@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, January 15, 2005 8:16 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and Family~
We are praying for your healing and quick return to good health. God bless you all and those helping to heal Dave.

The Ahrens' <rdahrens@charter.ent>
- Saturday, January 15, 2005 6:35 PM CST
Praise God, we are praying for you and the Dr's wisdom. The Czyholds
Judy Czyhold <jczyhold@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, w USA - Saturday, January 15, 2005 1:13 PM CST
Dave -

I was notified of your situation thru an e-mail passed along by Dan Small @ Shiloh Bible Camp. May the Lord continue to give you and your family the peace that only comes thru a relationship with Him and a knowledge of his word. I am encouraged by your testimony as you face yet another trial in this life. Know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you, your family and the doctor's and nurses as they function within God's fantastic plan for you life.

Keep up the good fight!

Dennis Cihak <cihak@localaccess.com>
Spokane, WA USA - Saturday, January 15, 2005 12:31 AM CST
God Blesses his faithful servants. Just know I will pray for you and you loved ones at this time.
Carol Bouchard <bouchardcb@comcast.net>
Centralia, WA USA - Saturday, January 15, 2005 9:07 AM CST
Dave, Michelle, and family, We're praying for you as you face this delicate surgery. May God guide the surgeon's hand! We are good friends of Julie Wood, we're so glad she let us know about you so we can pray for you!

Karleen and Denny Fry <fryguys8@aol.com>
Pacific Beach, WA Grays Harbor - Saturday, January 15, 2005 2:17 AM CST
Thank you for your witness to His goodness during the trials. God bless you abundantly.
Bonnie Pittman <blpittman@peoplepc.com>
Centralia, WA Lewis - Saturday, January 15, 2005 0:05 AM CST
Dave and Michelle,
Glad to know your detour didn't last too long! We're praying for platelets and a safe drive. See you Monday - we'll keep the light on for you!
Love, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:21 PM CST
Praying for you:)
Penny James
Cosmopolis, WA - Friday, January 14, 2005 8:46 PM CST
Our church has put you on our prayer list. We will be praying for you.
Pastors Michael and Carol Cain <drmikec@charter.net, thefathershouse@charter,net>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 7:38 PM CST
We are praying for your safe travel and for God to guide the surgeons and give you and your family peace and comfort through it all.
Aaron & Heather Cihak <aaroncihak@hotmail.com>
Hoquiam, Wa - Friday, January 14, 2005 7:34 PM CST
I pray the surgeons will have the hand of God.
Dave Brennan (Friend of Julie Woods) <david_brnnn@Yahoo.com>
Kahlotus, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 5:39 PM CST
Yahooee! I'm praying for all-surgeons, doctors, nurses, Dave, Michelle, kids, and family. I know that God is hearing us. So glad for the good news! Keep the updates coming and know that we are all cheering all of you on!
Lori Deeringhoff Wahl <loriwahl@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, January 14, 2005 5:28 PM CST
I want you to know that I am always praying for you,"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." ( ISAIAH 41:10) I pray that the Lord Guides the hands of the Doctors and that he gives you and your family the peace the surpasses all understanding.

Cheryl Drumheller <drumheller@valint.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 5:13 PM CST
When we're praying for you, we'll leave out the bad stuff about the "olden days". But know we are keeping you very close. Mr."D" and Karyl
Paul Dennis <pauldennis@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA` - Friday, January 14, 2005 3:53 PM CST
Dave, We received notice of your situation from Julie Woods and our church ("Crossroads Church) has put you and your family on our prayer chain. Psalm 139:5 "Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me." This verse is a great reminder that God has you covered and surrounded! In Christ, David Ristow

Pastor David Ristow <dcristow@willapabay.org>
Raymond, Washington USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 3:44 PM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Michelle and the kids. Can't wait to see your smile back at work! Until then if there is ANYTHING I can do.....call!

Lisa Davis
Walla Walla , WA 99362 - Friday, January 14, 2005 3:18 PM CST
Dave, it is when we are weak we truly experience God's strength. Don't try to be strong, but rather allow God to be. You are an amazing testimony to all of us who are blessed be around you. You and your family are a true vessel through which God is touching hundreds. Be in peace in His plan. My prayers are with you. See you when your return.
Mira Gobel <mkgobel@wwps.org>
- Friday, January 14, 2005 3:02 PM CST
Best of luck; we're praying for you!! :)
Kopf family

chad kopf
walla walla, wa usa - Friday, January 14, 2005 2:54 PM CST
Hallo Dave! Ich bete für dich. Gott ist gut! Du bist nicht allein, er ist immer mit dir. Und wir, deine Freunde, denken an dich auch.
Kurt Schäfer

Kurt Schäfer <cschafer@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA Vereinigten Staaten - Friday, January 14, 2005 2:17 PM CST
God be with you...I know He is. I am praying for you, Dave, and Michelle, prayers for those who wait. May He give you peace, comfort, and support as you wait. Dave, you are a wonderful person, a Child of God, and I love you! Take care.
Susan Morasch <smorasch@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA Walla Walla - Friday, January 14, 2005 12:58 AM CST
God be with you...I know He is. I am praying for you, Dave, and Michelle, prayers for those who wait. May He give you peace, comfort, and support as you wait. Dave, you are a wonderful person, a Child of God, and I love you! Take care.
Susan Morasch <smorasch@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA Walla Walla - Friday, January 14, 2005 12:58 AM CST
Hi Dave I have always prayed for you every night and you are always in my prayers and I will continue to pray for you and your family...I will look forward to seeing you back to school very soon...
Gretchen Baker
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 12:15 AM CST

Just got the last e-mail. Want you to know you are in my prayers. Your steadfast faith through this huge trial is awe inspiring and I am so thankful everyday for the witness you so willingly share both in word and action.
Will also be praying for your family to have God's peace as only He can give.

Look forward to having you back on campus.

Carolee White <whitela@wwics.com>
Walla Walla , Washington United States - Friday, January 14, 2005 12:13 AM CST
Dave and Michelle, Please know that you and your family are in our prayers. We pray for peace, wisdom and safety on your trip to Seattle.

The light of God surrounds me,
The love of God enfolds me,
The power of God protects me,
The Presence of God watches over me,
Whereever I am, God is.

Laura and Ted Cummings <cumminll@whitman.edu>
College Place, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 11:51 AM CST
Dave and Michelle,
Whether it is a song on the couch, a splash at the beach, or - like today - spaghetti and spumoni, we are with you! Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, January 14, 2005 11:17 AM CST
'Of every 100 men, 10 shouldn't even be there. 80 are nothing but targets. 9 are real fighters... We are lucky to have them. They make the battle. Ah, but one...one of them is a Warrior! He will bring the others home!(Hericletus 500BC) Daniel 12:3 says "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens & those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever & ever!" Your witness shines and it's brightness is leading on! We are holding up your arms and ours to God for your healing. Glory BE!
Kay McCauley <larksnest@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 11:08 AM CST
'Of every 100 men, 10 shouldn't even be there. 80 are nothing but targets. 9 are real fighters... We are lucky to have them. They make the battle. Ah, but one...one of them is a Warrior! He will bring the others home!(Hericletus 500BC) Daniel 12:3 says "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens & those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever & ever!" Your witness shines and it's brightness is leading on! We are holding up your arms and ours to God for your healing. Glory BE!
Kay McCauley <larksnest@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 11:05 AM CST
There are no guarentees in a sin-fallen world. But you're in good hands because you're in God's hands. And God cares about your today's and has a wonderful vision of your future with Him!
Praying for you,

Casey <ccramer@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:46 AM CST
I am praying for you and your family, Dave. I know God will take care of you and your family, no matter the outcome. You are an inspiration and model to us all. I am in the midst some bad stuff myself, though not of a physical nature. I look to God, not you of course, but you are a reminder of how to live in joy and peace no matter what happens. I need to take your example to heart as I try to live in joy despite heartache. In Him, Arthur Curry
Arthur Curry
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:45 AM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Dave.

God Bless-

Marc Yonts <myonts@wwps.org>
WW, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:39 AM CST
Dave, you are a trooper. Keep up the faith...You are always in my prayers. If there is anything that I can do to help please let me know. 301-1821.
Aaron Martin <Amartin@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA United States - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:37 AM CST
Have I ever told you that you are my HERO? You amaze us all with unlimited strenght and will power. You and family have always opened your arms to anybody and that is always appreciated by all that know you. We, I, love you and God's speed to a quick recovery. Looking forward to seeing you at work.
Oscar P. Garnica <ogarnica@charter.net>
Walla Walla, wa usa - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:37 AM CST
Dave - Be assured that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Dave you're truely are my "Davey Crockett", a true wild west type guy, the way you meet each new challenge with a positive - up beat attitude, the never ending smile that shows everyone your ready for the next challenge, the strength you show everyday. Let me know if there is anything I can do.
Gobes - Mike Gobel <mgobel@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:31 AM CST
We will pray for your safety and for the doctors to work miracles. Love, The D'Hondts
Lisa D'Hondt <dfamof4@aol.com>
Bellingham, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:30 AM CST
We are thinking about you and know that this is a very difficult time for you and your family. We hope everything goes well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. :)
Jennifer Cisneros and Magali Hernandez
- Friday, January 14, 2005 10:29 AM CST
Wow! How things change from day to day with this journey you are on. We will be praying for safe travel for you....wisdom for the doctors.....healing for Dave.....and that the kids do well with mom and dad in Seattle again for another surgery. God Bless
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:28 AM CST
Dave Michelle and Family,
John just sent us the notice that you are on you way over again. My thoughts and prayers are and will be with you. Take care, keep the faith, and remember all who love you. Your buddy "The Lone Wolf"

Mary Matau <mmatau@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:28 AM CST
Kick it in the butt Dave! We will be thinking of you.
Dennis DeBroeck
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:23 AM CST

My thoughts and prayers have been with you and your family during the last school year and our current one. Our prayer group also has you in prayer. When one or more believers come together in prayer ...

Mark Agrellas <magrellas@aol.com>
Walla Walla, Wa United States - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:19 AM CST
Dave and family,
Our thoughts and prayers will be with you over the next several days. You are such an inspiration to all those facing difficulties. Best wishes...

Marcia and Jim Tomlin <mtomlin@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:18 AM CST

I was so thankful for your comments in the student newspaper recently acknowledging your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. You are such an inspiration to me. I am thankful for the opportunity to work with you, even though we don't get to see each other every day.

I am praying for you.

Norb Rossi

Norbert Rossi <nrossi@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, January 14, 2005 10:18 AM CST
You are an amazing man Dave. I am thinking of you and prayering today that the news is good and they can operate and knock it down again.
John Butenhoff <butenjk@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, January 14, 2005 9:58 AM CST
We are thrilled to hear about the new treatment possibilities! We'll be praying about everything: the wisdom of your doctors and technicians, your safety while traveling, the success of the procedure, and the range of feelings each of you must be having, as each day brings new information, advice and opportunities to heal! We love you guys and are grateful for this method of keeping in touch.
Jeffrey, Patrice, Wiley and Sadie Townsend <jtownsend@fancylogo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 2:31 AM CST
Hello Dave and Michele and kids! I hope that your trip to Seattle for the surgery is the miracle that we have prayed for! It was great and exciting news! Good Luck and GOD BLESS YOU! I just put a fresh dot on my watch to remind me to keep you in my prayers through the day!
Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 1:23 AM CST
Hi Dave,
I read your story on VirtualTrials. The Lord answers prayers. He did for me what he's done for you. I had a golfball taken off my temporal lobe over two years ago. Like you, I am grateful for each day... so is my wife and two kids. You're in my prayers!

John <jva02@yahoo.com>
- Friday, January 14, 2005 0:58 AM CST
Dear Meyer family, you are in our prayers, thank you for keeping us up to date with this website. the Czyhold family
Judy Czyhold <jczyhold@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, W USA - Thursday, January 13, 2005 11:21 PM CST
FLORENCE PHILLIPS <margaret@iw.net>
TRACY, MN USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 2:58 PM CST
HI Dave, We wish you every bit of hope and cutting edge technology to help you get through this ordeal and I'm glad you have such a caring family.

John & Helena Bierly <hhoyte@wingpoint.com>
Bainbridge Isl. , WA - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 0:52 AM CST
Dear Dave, Michelle and Family,
Just a note to say you are in our thoughts and prayer this week...Be strong together and may God bless you richly today.
Melinda and Jack

Melinda Brennan <brennans@bmi.net>
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:09 PM CST

A poem by Amy Wolski

Dedicated to Dave Meyer

Most people think heroes are buff guys in tights. They fly around, have supernatural powers, and only show up in comic books and cartoons. Never in real life...

But they're wrong.

Heroes are around us all the time. You can find them in school, at home, or even in the supermarket. They help you when your lost, with your homework, or take care of you when your sick. They're always around when you need them most and they'll never let you down. Heroes are people.
You're my hero

Amy Wolski <thelorangs@charter.net>
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:45 PM CST

A poem by Amy Wolski

Dedicated to Dave Meyer

Most people think heroes are buff guys in tights. They fly around, have supernatural powers, and only show up in comic books and cartoons. Never in real life...

But they're wrong.

Heroes are around us all the time. You can find them in school, at home, or even in the supermarket. They help you when your lost, with your homework, or take care of you when your sick. They're always around when you need them most and they'll never let you down. Heroes are people.
You're my hero

Amy Wolski <thelorangs@charter.net>
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:41 PM CST
David and Michelle,
Here is a link for you...you may think that it's kind of shmarmy, but I think the overall message is a wonderful one. Hope you do, too. Praying for you continually.

Jennifer Boyer <jjboyer@hotmail.com>
Lewiston, ID 83501 - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 3:40 PM CST
We join your friends and family with prayers for your recovery. (We are friends of Carol & Dennis Bond.) Marcy and Ron Tonkin
Marcy Tonkin <mltonkin@aol.com>
Portland, OR USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:43 PM CST
You don't know me but I did receive an e-mail through a friend about your situation and just know you are in my prayers. God Bless.
Vickie Weagel <vickie_weagel@countrywide.com>
Eagle Point, OR USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 12:52 AM CST
wow...i'm so very sorry. please accept my sincerest prayers for you and your family. keep me posted. thx.
Naomi Smith
Bend, OR USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 12:06 AM CST
We are friends of the Wahl family and are thinking about you. Our family will keep you and your family in our prayers.
Bret and Kelly Hyatt <kelly_hyatt@msn.com>
Napa, CA USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:00 AM CST
I just wanted to send you a quick reminder that we are thinking about you, and praying for you every day, several times a day.
Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, January 10, 2005 2:20 PM CST
Just checking in -sorry to hear this latest news. We will pray everyday. I would like to get one of those wrist bands to have a consant reminder of Dave and to PRAY PRAY and PRAY like Iv'e never prayed before. Where do you get the bands? We love you guys and you are in our prayers. The Huwe's Ron Sherri Benjamin Rowene and Etta.
Sherri Huwe <srhuwe@hotmail.com>
College Place , Wa. 99324 - Saturday, January 8, 2005 5:27 PM CST
Hey Dave...I got your link via virtual trials.I noticed your lovely pictures with your wife....and you guys remind me of us. My husband is a good looking wonderful husband...and we are just another "normal" family dealing with this yuck...but I so can relate to your being able to appreciate the life amidst the beast. We have three daughters and one of our own. The others are from prev. marriagaes. They are already so close. email me sometime
anita yarbrough <ayarbrough73@yahoo.com>
macon, GA United States - Friday, January 7, 2005 8:56 PM CST
You are the man! You have more strength and resilience than any man I know. I have know doubt that you'll defeat this cancer just like we will defeat Pasco this fall. I look forward to seeing you on the football field this fall encouraging our players like you always do. I'm praying for you.

Jason Parsons <jparsons@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, January 7, 2005 5:09 PM CST
Just came to your story on CaringBridge. I'm a survivor. Didn't think I'd be here to encourage those who are fighting like I had to. But have been cheering on others for 4 years now and defy the beast to come back and keep me from my vigil. God's Speed. Mac
Tom McFearson <tforlo@hubnet.com>
Urbana, TN - Friday, January 7, 2005 4:54 PM CST
Just signing in to let you know the Holy Spirit brought you into sharp focus this morning. I began to pray and then checked the website. Might I say, without being trite...PRAISE GOD for your nausea...And just like the peaceful falling of the snow, hope "more is on the way"! Blessings abundant to you all.

Jennifer Boyer <jjboyer@hotmail.com>
Lewiston, ID - Friday, January 7, 2005 4:48 PM CST
Dave and Michelle,
Just checkin' in and wanted to let you know that we are praying for you daily, sometimes hourly. We love you all. Tracy

The Longmires <longmire@innw.net>
CP, WA - Thursday, January 6, 2005 4:33 PM CST
Dear Dave and Family, Great pictures of Christmas, love the angel on Dave's head, he is an angel with skin on isn't he. He is showing us how to act when problems come up in our lives. Thanks Dave for showing me to enjoy each day I get if it is bad or good. Gayl Ruff
Gayl, Jim, Bailey, Miranda and Hally <jimruff@wanadoo.nl>
Arnhem, Holland, - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 10:30 PM CST
You have such a beautiful family!
You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Xenia Schiller w/o Angel Paul, GBM, 1972-2003 <xeniaschiller@yahoo.com>
Pelham, AL USA - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 7:47 AM CST
Dave and Michelle, I'll call you guys tomorrow (Wed) to set up time to get together. We're here to do anything and everything you need. The journey continues and we're never alone. God's grace will sustain us all,the entire way. You are loved more deeply than you know.
Robin & Kriss Peterson <krisspeterson@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 11:36 PM CST
Dear David,
May the prayers be answered for HIS healing hands to be working . We love you and will continue praying.

Bonnie and Dennis <bparker@pacifier.com>
Coronado, CA - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 9:19 PM CST
Keep strong, you're so encouraging for everyone that reads this website. You have a wonderful family and support and you can do it!!!!
Julie <juliehanelt@hotmail.com>
Lethbridge, AB Canada - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 8:21 PM CST
The chemo is working this time. Congratulations!!!
Denver, CO - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 10:46 AM CST
Dave, I've never done this before...I am praying that you will be sick, sick sick! May each "turn" of your stomach represent the death of hundreds of tumor cells!
Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
- Tuesday, January 4, 2005 10:03 AM CST
Dave - We're praying for you and your family. God has a plan for you through all this. You aren't alone!
Caroline, Richard, and Aaron
Chesapeake, VA US - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 6:50 AM CST
Dave and Michelle,
It feels a little wrong to say this, but based on your latest journal entry - I'm happy to hear Dave is ill. I'll keep praying for him to feel sick, if that means it is working. I am, however, praying for the rest of the clan to stay healthy!!!!! We've all got our grey bands, and as Sonja says "LiveStrong Dave Meyer, LiveStrong." Love and Hope, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 2:11 AM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Lou & Mary Beth Scaperotto
Ridley Park, PA USA - Monday, January 3, 2005 10:21 PM CST
BUMMER!!!! It's impossible to know what to say at this time other than Dan and I are praying for your miracle, whatever that looks like in God's design. His ways are not our ways, but they can sure seem impossible on this side of Heaven. Thankfully, He knows the game plan and will never leave you.
Janet Clark <janet.clark@wwcc.edu>
Walla Walla, WA - Monday, January 3, 2005 10:02 PM CST
I think of you all each day and am in awe of all you do to focus in to the day at hand and to look to those who can help you in the days ahead. Your "circle of friends" is inspirational and amazing as it forms around you for comfort and support. I know you'll continue to take care of each other and maybe even do a few steps of the "Hokey Pokey" together because "that's what it's all about."
Wendye Bren <bren@brenski.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, January 3, 2005 7:32 PM CST
Dave and Michelle,

Roxanne and I just found out about this site. We got your Christmas letter. I also just heard about the brief case story. You guys have gone through a lot. Dave, you are that Lion(the wiz)except, you have never lost your courage. I hope you can ez on down the road.

God Bless
Chip and Roxanne

Charles Lake <charleslake@comcast.net>
Everett, WA 98205 - Monday, January 3, 2005 5:34 PM CST
We are holding you guys close to our hearts. If there's anything we can do for you beyond the praying, if we can help out in some concrete way, please let us know. We love you, and think about each of you all the time.
Jeffrey, Patrice, Wiley and Sadie Townsend <jtownsend@fancylogo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, January 3, 2005 3:13 AM CST

I am praying now. May the Lord heal your beloved. May you feel His strong arms lift you and give you peace. May the children be given what they need each day to face this trial. And together we all say, Amen.

Western Kentucky, KY USA - Sunday, January 2, 2005 7:14 PM CST
My prayers go out to all of you. May God give you strength and courage to face the days ahead. Peace to all of you.

Sheri Summerell <ssnotes@triad.rr.com>
Kernersville, NC USA - Sunday, January 2, 2005 3:10 PM CST
Hi Meyer Family,

I am praying for all of you and asking God to heal Dave. Your strength and courage during this trial will be a testimony to many. May God Bless You all.

Michelle Herring <Romans837@msn.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Sunday, January 2, 2005 2:25 PM CST
So sad to hear the results of Dave's MRI were not good. We think of you all everyday and will continue to pray for a miracle! We love you all!
Cindy, Mike, Amy & Joey <thelorangs@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Sunday, January 2, 2005 1:38 PM CST
Dear Meyers,
What a testimony of lives living by faith and God being your all an all. Your lives are so precious. God bless you and keep you this day. And Dave keep up the Good Fight.I'm asking God to give you a great renewal of stength and peace.

Heidi Gwinnell <hgwinnell@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, Fl. usa - Sunday, January 2, 2005 9:17 AM CST
Hi to all the Myers: I wrote an entry but lost it so here goes again. We were just sick to hear your news and we will be praying and praying. We have marked our watches and so will be reminded throughout the day. You are in our thoughts and prayers and we will send the prayer requests on. We know that our God is a God of miracles and so we will pray for a BIG MIRACLE. Love you - the Healys
Lois & Healy
Walla Walla, - Saturday, January 1, 2005 9:13 PM CST
Hello Michele, Dave and Kids
I just put a dot on my watch Michele...I will pray for a miracle everytime I check the time!
The Ruleys

Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, January 1, 2005 8:46 PM CST
Dear Michelle, Dave, and kids, Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers as we go into 2005! our love, La Dessa and Dale Smelcer
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, January 1, 2005 6:44 PM CST
Dear Meyer family, you are in our thoughts and prayers, take care. Richard,Judy,Becca,Ben & Eddie Czyhold
Judy Czyhold <jczyhold@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, January 1, 2005 12:49 AM CST
Praying for a miracle!
Don and Linda Morrell <linda@donmorrell.com>
Anchorage, AK USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 7:15 PM CST
You're email brings tears in my eyes and reminds me of our desperation for our father whom had a GBM IV. You are all in my prayers especially Dave. Best wishes for the new year...
Nabila Chowdhry <nabilachowdhry@yahoo.com>
Vancouver, BC, Canada - Friday, December 31, 2004 2:06 PM CST
Christians are always friends even if they've never met or even know each other. We've heard of you through Stacy and Will Mouat and are praying for you, your family and the doctors.
Lee Pearsall <lpearsal@cox.net>
Virginia Beach, VA US of A - Friday, December 31, 2004 1:26 PM CST
Dave and family, I too know what you are going through, for I am a 10 yr survivor. I am LIVING proof that anything is possible. I will pray for you and your family. You can be proud of yourself and your family for being so strong and resilient through your struggles. Happy New Year and may 2005 be kind to you.
Beth Schorr
Lancaster, Oh USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 1:02 PM CST
I was in tears too when I read your email. You are in our prayers. I am hoping the best will happen for all of us.
Pallavi Grandhi <grandhip@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 12:59 AM CST
The Meyers Family
You don't know me, but I'm a friend of Stacy Mouat's. Just received an email from her asking me to pray for your family. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers throughout each day. May you feel God's blessings during this difficult time.

Randalynn Hovland <rhovland@vib.tv>
- Friday, December 31, 2004 12:18 AM CST
I appreciate the feelings that go along with the sad news you have just received. I have placed a reminder on my computer to pray for you, Dave as you face this, and of course will include Shelley and the kids in my prayers as well. God hears the voices of the faithful and I know there are many in communication with the Great I Am on your behalf. He is most certainly in control in your life and I am so thankful for your personal faith. Your Grandma Edith keeps me informed, so through prayer, we are all never far away. Blessings, Jennifer Boyer
Jennifer Boyer <jjboyer@hotmail.com>
Lewiston, ID USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 12:10 AM CST
I will keep all of you in my prayers. As a fighter of AAIII with a family of four kids, I know a bit of what you are going through. It is a scary ride and only one that God will get you through. Miracles do happen and I, for one, will pray for one in your case.
Mark Carico <mark_carico@hotmail.com>
Los Altos, Ca USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 11:13 AM CST
I'm so sorry yesterday's news was not good. My heart goes out to all of you as you regroup and work to find a treatment that willwork. We are praying with all our hearts for a miracle.
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Friday, December 31, 2004 10:15 AM CST
Dave & Michelle and family - We are, and will continue to pray. Two bracelets are on....Armstrong and the Sharing Hope.....and a magic penny in my pocket. No doubt this recent news is disappointing. Hang in there. Keep fighting. We love you guys! Erik, Evy, Canute,Sonja & Echo
Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 9:40 AM CST
Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kate,
I don't know if you can feel it, but I'm hugging you with my heart right now! I know this wasn't the news we were looking for, but keep the faith. Someone once said "Hope is a risk that must be run." I'll put the word out. I want you to know that as this new year arrives, hearts and prayers and hope will be heading your way. Love, Evy

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, December 31, 2004 9:39 AM CST
Dave and Shelley
Loads of love coming to you and your family from over here in the UK. Hang in there.

Pam and John

John Caulfield <johnc70@btinternet.com>
Dartmouth, Devon England - Friday, December 31, 2004 9:07 AM CST
WE ARE PRAYING!! Everyday. We love you and please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. We have said it before and we will say it again...please be strong, think positive and know that there are so MANY people praying for you. We love you.

Dennis, Bonnie, Curtis and Mel <curtisandmel@bendcable.com >
Bend, OR USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 0:17 AM CST
Prayers for you and all your family.
Perth, Australia - Friday, December 31, 2004 0:04 AM CST
Just recently had a diagnosis of "brain tumour" for my Mum. It's really encouraging to see stories like yours - keep it up and Look after yourself
Nick Cole <nbase@lycos.co.uk>
Portsmouth, UK - Thursday, December 30, 2004 2:04 PM CST
Hey Word Man,
Just wanted to let you know I am still periodically checking the status. The pictures are awesome. You continue to smile and laugh more than anyone I know it seems even today. May 2005 bring new miracles and blessings from the Lord.

Dean Hanson <ec_dean@qwest.net>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 4:19 PM CST
Wish we could hug you through this web site. You know we are with you!

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 11:37 AM CST
Happy Birthday David! We are praying for a miracle as you go in for your MRI today. I hope that you and your family had an absolutely WONDERFUL Christmas.
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 10:24 AM CST
Happy Birthday Dave!
We are praying for good news today.

Kevin, Kirsten and the kids

Kirsten Pribilsky <kaprib@charter.net>
- Tuesday, December 28, 2004 9:44 AM CST
Dear Michelle, Dave and family,

I didn't realize that's how you found the tumor 8 years ago. Thank you for sharing the story. We also received your Christmas card today. What a great card! I'm afraid I sent your card to your old address. Maybe the post office will still forward your mail. I've got your new address in my book now. Thank you for being so good at keeping up updated. I check this site almost every day. Love, Lisa D'Hondt

Lisa D'Hondt <dfamof4@aol.com>
Bellingham, WA USA - Monday, December 27, 2004 9:03 PM CST
Dave, Michelle, and the Meyer Clan,
We just received your Christmas Card (thanks!) where we learned of Dave's continuing challenge and this site. We're sending positive thoughts and prayers your way and hope you will let us know if there is any additional support we can provide to help you defeat this thing. While life paths can go separate ways, the quality people you meet are never forgotten and Dave, you are not forgotten here.
Hang in there.
Jamie and Kristen Lyle

Jamie Lyle <jamielyle@att.net>
Truckee, CA USA - Monday, December 27, 2004 5:13 PM CST
Hello Meyers...Merry Christmas!! We have been thinking about all of you and hoping your are enjoying the holidays. All of you remain in our thoughts and prayers...daily. We love you.
Bonnie, Denny, Mel and Curtis <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR USA - Sunday, December 26, 2004 10:38 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know you are with us tonight, as we celebrate and give thanks! Happy Birthday from the Haroldsons too! We love each one of you!

Evy, Erik, Canute, Sonja and Echo <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, December 24, 2004 6:51 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and Family, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. You remain in our thoughts and prayers.
The Battaglias <pcbatt@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, December 23, 2004 12:40 AM CST
Hi to all of you Myers: Lewie and I still pray for you and think about you so much. We pray that you will all have a wonderful Christmas celebrating our Savior's birth. We are going to Portland where many of our family live. Know that we love you and if we can do anything for you, please give us a call.
Lois & Lewie Healy <lou@gohighspeed.com>
Walla Walla, Wa - Saturday, December 18, 2004 9:33 PM CST
Hello Meyer family! Know you remain as always in our hearts and our prayers. Hope you have a great holiday season! We are so thankful for you and your witness. May God bless you richly in the new year. Ryan and Christian want to send special "hellos" to Kenny, Zach, and Katelin. We miss you.
All our love,
The Mouat Family

Will and Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 5:14 PM CST
Hi Dave and Michelle, Merry Christmas to you and your family. The Wiederspans will be in town from the 21st-the 1st. Hopefully we can get together. Take care and God Bless. You are in our prayers! Mary
Mary Norby <mnorby@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:55 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and Family,
A very Merry Christmas from our family to yours. We continue remembering you in our prayers and wish for you a wonderful and healthy holiday! Enjoy your family and take the time to take care of yourselves.
The Wiermans

Donna Wierman <mdjkwierman@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, December 13, 2004 11:29 AM CST
Wish you all a happy holidays and hope Dave does great and feels good.
Eric Humphrey <chronocrossut@hotmail.com>
Clay City, IN USA - Saturday, December 4, 2004 9:57 PM CST
Hi, I hope you all have a healthy, happy holiday. Love the Halls
Chandra Hall <chrisandchandra@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, December 2, 2004 11:48 PM CST
The Haroldson clan should be outfitted in gray in two to three weeks. Hope the Elves hats hold up through the Christmas rush. Thinking of you, as always!

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, December 2, 2004 10:23 PM CST
Hello Dave and Michelle
I hope that you all have a great holiday...with no broken bones, no coughs and great lab reports!
Love from the Ruley household

Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 10:53 PM CST
Dave, Michelle and Family,

I just learned of this site a few days ago from Paul Battagalia. I'm glad there's some place I can go to see how Dave and everyone are doing. Please know that you guys are always in our prayers and Liz, Max and I wish you the best of luck for the holiday season. Let me know next time you are in Seattle again. I'm sorry I missed you in August but I realize you were just a bit busy.

Take Care,

- Wayne

Wayne Deckman <wdeckman@whi.org>
Seattle, Wa USA - Monday, November 29, 2004 5:02 PM CST
I saw your listing on Al's website. My wife has AAIII that grew back in May '04. Dx 05/00. You story was/is quite inspirational. We struggle every day but our live is good. We have two small boys and hope my wife will be around to see them grow. Keep up the good work.
Marc Mespelli <mmespell@hotmail.com>
Upton, MA USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 1:23 PM CST
Meyer Family,
Just wanted to let you know this Thursday we will be saying "Thanks" for having the Meyer family in our lives! Let's hope the tryptophan in the turkey will give you all a wonderfully relaxing Thanksgiving Day.

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, November 22, 2004 6:52 PM CST
Dave and Michelle,
Just returned from church and after visiting with Bob and Judy was so inspired to hear how your week has been since Thursday. God answers so many prayers and it's great to see the results. Will keep praying.

Barb & Duane Thomson <auntieb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 10:26 PM CST
Enough is enough for one week and nothing is allowed to happened on the weekends, so you should feel pretty safe. Kaitlyn's life must be pretty boring around there with nothing happening to her to bring her acclaim! Maybe Zack could share a little of what he seems to draw to him and even Kenny could shake off one of the episodes and send it right over Kate's way. Kate could look the seizure right inthe eye and make it shape up---and go away! Take care this day and with all the tomorrows ready to roll right up to your house. Let's have a red carpet for them to enter your house; that would make them stand up straight, walk the walk and offer a good deal when the knock comes on your door. Silly stuff, huh?! Well, we need a little laughter ringing through the rafters....under that new roof! Ha det bra kjaere Meyer Familie.
Wendye Bren

Wendye <bren@brenski.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, November 19, 2004 12:19 AM CST
Dear Meyer Family,
Michelle, you are so correct- a wierd sense of humor. It is hard even to relate.... We love you and send prayers. Maybe we all need to change our prayers, God seems to be sending you more things to be strong for. Give our love to all,

Bonnie & Dennis <bparker@pacifier.com>
Coronado, CA USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 7:31 PM CST
Hi Dave,
Have been thinking of you and Michelle and so decided to log on and see how you guys are faring.
Sorry to hear about the latest incidents ( that is one way to put it huh? :-)
You guys are all in my prayers......just wanted to let you know that

- Wednesday, November 17, 2004 3:38 PM CST
Man, when it rains, it pours and you're getting the downpour! We will put the entire family on our prayer list....I am glad that you are able to have a sense of humor. I don't know if I could. Keep your eyes on Him. We had a guest speaker at church on Sunday and I thought so much of you. I am going to get the CD and send it to you. He was amazing and I think you will relate to what he talked about.

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 6:51 PM CST
Just wanted to let all of you know that we are praying for all of you. Thank you for keeping all of us informed with your journal entries. I check every couple of days to see how all of you are doing. It sounds as if Kate is holding the family together!! Keep her healthy...smile...and know that so many people care and hold you in their thoughts and prayers EVERY day. We love you, Melissa and Curtis
Curtis and Melissa <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
Bend, OR - Monday, November 15, 2004 9:24 PM CST
Hi to all the Myers: We are so thankful that the blood tests turned out good. PTL We are continuing to pray and pray for you. We are so happy that you were able to cut your hours. I can't even imagine how much all of this has affected the children. I know that you will feel really good to be home for them when they get home. We will pray that God will stretch the dollars so this will continue to be possible for awhile. I (Lois) have a very favorite verse and I am praying it for all of you during these days. It is Romans 15:13 and I really like the Phillips translation: "May the God of HOPE fill all of you in the Myer family joy and peace in your faith, that by the power of the Holy spirit, your whole life and outlook may be radiant with hope." We know that some of the things we have had to face in our family through the years was only possible through the power of the Holy spirit. May God bless you and give you His peace during these difficult times. Love you - Lois & Lewie Healy
Lois & Lewie Healy <lou@gohighspeed.com>
College Place, WA - Saturday, November 13, 2004 7:36 PM CST
Dave and Family,
Though I returned to Walla Walla over a year ago, only recently did I hear of your trials!! Dave, you have always been a remarkable person and after reading your history and many of the guestbook entries it is clear that you all have touched many people in such a profound way. The faith that you demonstrate and your love for God and one another is absolutely amazing!! We will pray for all of you!!

Lori (Deeringhoff) Wahl and Family <loriwahl@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Sunday, November 7, 2004 0:25 AM CST
Hoping things are going well, praying for good results of the chemo & tests. Praying for "Calm within the storm" and Love to each of you Mom & Dad
Carol & Dennis Bond <carolbo@pacifier.com>
Ocean Park, WA USA - Saturday, November 6, 2004 7:57 PM CST
Meyer Family,
I think Dave is expecting some blood counts. I don't know exactly the results to pray for, but I think asking for the "good" results will suffice. After reading the words to this song, it just reminds me of Dave and Erik's jam sessions and how music always finds a way to help restore our soul.

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, November 5, 2004 2:20 PM CST
Hello and hugs to you, Dave and Michelle. I have been following your journey these past months-- whew, such a journey. Thank you for your incredible honesty in sharing your experiences. I am so touched. And I marvel at your strength, your insights, outsights(!), humour and faith.
Not every man- or really any- before or after you- have been able to do "the dance" just as you did before we started gamma knife treatment. In my mind i do it for them. I celebrate the person that I am helping that day. Thank you for reminding me to celebrate life, even on difficult days. Especially on difficult days. And Michelle, you too are a very special soul. I hear your laugh even now :-) Sending you love, and including you in my prayers. And a BIG hug. /Jodie (your nurse/friend)

jodie lee <jplee2@u.washington.edu>
seattle, wa usa - Thursday, November 4, 2004 7:45 PM CST
I check the web site often to keep up to date on how you are all doing. We continue to lift your entire family up in our prayers. We will pray specifically that Dave's labs come back good and that the next round of Chemo works well in zapping the tumors, but not Dave's strength and that he has minimal side effects.
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Thursday, November 4, 2004 11:52 AM CST
Hello Meyer Family,
Michelle it was so nice to see you last night. I will keep all five of you in my prayers! I am so very glad to know Kenny and to get the opportunity to get to know Zach! Have a wonderful weekend.
May He keep you cradled in His hands! Bless you all.

Shannon Farrelly <sfarrelly@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, November 4, 2004 9:47 AM CST
Hello Michele and Dave
Dave I am keeping you in my prayers and look in from time to time to your web site! This is a great way to keep everyone informed! GEEZ don't you both have enough to worry about with out having your house fall in? Pretend I didn't say that!!!! A DAY does not go by without thinking of you all! Marc says HI

Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 10:18 PM CST
Hi again to all of you: We are so appreciative of the web site so that we can keep updated about all of you. My little prayer group will be here in the morning and I will update them and they will be also praying for you. Monica, Bev Shiffer, Lindell McWhorter, Margo McClellan, Glenda John, Joan Dicus arein my Bible Study group and all of them and, of course, the Healys have you in our prayers all the time. We love you and if there is anything we can do other than pray please call us. Love in Him, Lois & Lou
Lois & Lou Healy <lou@gohighspeed.com>
College Place, Wa - Monday, November 1, 2004 11:31 PM CST
I will pray for you!
A friend
Santiago, Chile - Thursday, October 28, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
Hello Meyer Family,
I just wanted to let you know we are thinking about all of you. We are hoping David is doing well and praying for all of your well being. Love, Melissa and Curtis

Curtis and Melissa <curtisandmel@b.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:41 PM CDT
Hi you guys! I just want to add my love and care and prayers to the many many prayers and much love you are receiving at this time. Hang in there! You know I love ya!
Sharon Longmire <longmire@bmi.net>
College Place, WA - Saturday, October 23, 2004 12:41 AM CDT
Hi Dave, Michelle and Family,
I heaerd about this site @ Thursday prayer time. Kriss Peterson forwarded it to me. So great to have this wonderful way of staying updated and connected.
I've been in San Antonio, Tx. visiting my son and family. Hot, hot down there!
Know you are all constantly in my thought and prayers. Judy Holloway

Judy Holloway <jbfarm@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, Wa US - Saturday, October 23, 2004 9:38 AM CDT
Hi Dave and Michelle: We have had a fantastic trip to the beach. Wonderful weather. We continue to pray for all of you. You are just on our minds so much. We thank the Lord for the good checkup and pray that it continues. You two are such an inspiration to all of us. Love you
Lois and Lou Healy <lou@gohighspeed.com>
- Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:03 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle, I want you to know that your whole family is in my prayers. Mostly though, I wanted to let Dave know about the impact he has had on my life. It's been several years since I had his history class as a freshman, the year he got into the car accident. He was such an inspiration to me though. Remembering the passion Dave has for teaching, and the effect he's had on so many lives through his work, is what made me decide to go back to school to become a teacher myself. Thank you so much for helping me find myself Dave. Sincerely, Michelle Worley

Michelle Worley <chatchapeau81@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 11:17 PM CDT
Hi Dave and Michelle, God is Good! You are still in our prayers. Your Family times are precious! In His Love and continued hold, Donna Howard
Donna Howard <cbrooks@gohighspeed.com>
Walla Walla, WA Walla Walla - Monday, October 18, 2004 6:51 PM CDT
Michelle & Family - So glad Dave is better and has checked out OK. We are leaving for camping with Tom & Judy in AM. Will try to keep in touch. Don't know if the phone will work, but will find a payphone every day or so. We will be back before the 28th. Love to you all - Mom & Dad
Carol Bond <carolbo@pacifier.com>
Ocean Park, WA - Monday, October 18, 2004 4:18 PM CDT
My fiance, Mike, is also receiving BCNU and his oncologist sends him home with Zofran to take the night he gets his treatment, the next morning and the next night to help him with nausea. Thankfully so far it has worked wonderfully as he hasn't thrown up at all. Be thankful for the wonderful things you have going on in your life!! I will keep you in my prayers!

Troylene <troylene_c@hotmail.com>
Spirit Lake, IA USA - Monday, October 18, 2004 3:15 PM CDT
Hello David and Michelle,
I feel as though I know you, your Grandma Edith keeps me posted on your family and tells me all about the kids and their activities (and enhances each story with pictures!) and of course, with all you are going through medically. I want you to know that you and your family are prayed for daily. I hope this finds you encouraged, and feeling better. I look forward to coming to the site often and checking in on the progress all of you are making through this challenging time.
Blessings, peace and love...

Jennifer Jorgensen-Boyer <jjboyer@hotmail.com>
Lewiston, ID USA - Monday, October 18, 2004 12:31 AM CDT
Hello David and Michelle,
I feel as though I know you, your Grandma Edith keeps me posted on your family and tells me all about the kids and their activities (and enhances each story with pictures!) and of course, with all you are going through medically. I want you to know that you and your family are prayed for daily. I hope this finds you encouraged, and feeling better. I look forward to coming to the site often and checking in on the progress all of you are making through this challenging time.
Blessings, peace and love...

Jennifer Jorgensen-Boyer <jjboyer@hotmail.com>
Lewiston, ID USA - Monday, October 18, 2004 11:36 AM CDT
Hi Dave and Michele!
I was just at the web site! Wanted to let you know I check in frequently! You are in my prayers---Marc says HI!

Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Sunday, October 17, 2004 1:41 PM CDT
Greetings from the Hurricane State. How are things up there in the Opposite Corner State? I hear you got a good report card from the doc. Just have to shake that pesky cough now. With Michelle spraying everything in sight, those germs should take the hint and move along, don't you think? Those have got to be some pretty stupid germs, continuing to live in the house with the Queen of Clean. Sheesh...lower life forms...no intelligence whatsoever! Ah well.... Hopefully you'll soon be back on the sidelines of the game, whether it's in Wenatchee or there in Walla Walla or even at some location that doesn't happen to start with a "W." Makes me think of that old jump-rope game, where you'd chant about a certain letter, like "W, my name is Wanda. My husband's name is Wendell. We come from Walla Walla, Washington, and we sell Water-piks!" Clearly I am up past my bedtime, so ta-ta, West Coast, from the East Coast. Take your Vicks, sleep elevated, and have a good one.
Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL USA - Saturday, October 16, 2004 9:14 PM CDT
Hi Dave--came by to visit the website and get an update. Hang in there and stay strong. Our prayers of strength are coming your way!

Heidi (Biggs) Brock <heidibbrock@yahoo.com>
Arlington, VA USA - Friday, October 15, 2004 8:50 PM CDT
Sending my love and healing energy
Shannon Bierly <biersh01@luther.edu>
- Friday, October 15, 2004 2:13 PM CDT
Did you have Zach climb into the refrigerator and check if the light went out when the door closed? Sending love and prayers.
Ken Bierly
- Friday, October 15, 2004 12:18 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kate,
Erik and I are home, and frustrated to hear the news on the Oct. 5th results. You were in our thoughts, and we tossed a coin into the Trevi Fountain for Dave. Dave has never been typical (in any aspect of his life), so I believe our collective prayers can work together with the chemo to help fight this cancer. You would have been surprised at the number of LiveStrong bracelets we saw in Italy. It made me think the whole world is pulling for you. We are, in every way! All our love,

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, October 15, 2004 8:12 AM CDT
Hi, Your story is inspiring to us.
I am the wife of a patient (37 yr. old) who is fighting with the beast "Brain Stem Glioma" which is an inoperable brain tumor from past 3 years. Now he is in the 12th round of chemo under the supervision of Dr. Henry Friedman at Duke.
We have 2 little girls 7 and 3 yr. olds.
I wish and pray for God to give all of us enough Strength to fight this beast.
God will help us.

Atlanta, GA USA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 5:25 PM CDT
Michelle & Dave, You will always be close to my heart. Your love for one another will keep you strong.
Lisa Kidd, wife of Dan Kidd (also GBM-- 45 years old) <kidds@wcnet.org>
Bowling Green, OH USA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 1:28 PM CDT
Michelle and Dave -
KOKO g/friend. YOU are doing great.
Prayers to Dave and the kids, to you, strength.
KJB, my boy fighting, an incredible journey.
Also no matter what Michelle, no regrets, okay?
YOU are holding this all together.
We love you guys on our list, so from Boston, much love and understanding.

CB <cbk92@comcast.net>
Revere, MA USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 5:23 AM CDT
Hi There:
Prayers and good wishes are with you.

Ken Bierly
Salem, OR - Monday, October 11, 2004 11:28 AM CDT
Your website is wonderful, your children are beautiful. Your email on the braintumor support website was well spoken. We too are fighting the fight. www.caringbridge.org/mi/gunneman
Your family remains in our thoughts and prayers.

Karen Gunneman <gunneman@chartermi.net>
Zeealnd, MI USA - Monday, October 11, 2004 6:11 AM CDT
Still praying for you daily, Dave. We have common threads -- here, with Third Day, etc. Remain unshaken that God is good, all the time.
Bill Baumgartner <BillyBBaum@cableone.net>
Boise, ID USA - Sunday, October 10, 2004 5:26 PM CDT
Bless you Michelle and Dave
Mary Ann Cleaves <amcbeancounter@charter.net>
Godfrey, IL USA - Friday, October 8, 2004 6:08 PM CDT
Dave, I'm sending a big thank you to Jesus today for His protection over you and for smooth sailing so far with this new chemo. Just another reminder that "anti-nausea drugs are our friend!" Let this be a sign of good things to come.
Laurie Klicker <mikeklicker@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, October 8, 2004 1:44 PM CDT
Hang in there guys!! I know these stupid tumors are rough, but I also can tell you're a fighter. Dave, you have a wonderful wife in your corner, and someone praying for you in Atlanta! My mother (GBM grade IV) and I are along for the ride with ya.
Amy Stoerker <sturk77@mindspring.com>
Atlanta, GA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 8:27 PM CDT
Hi guys:
I am so sorry to hear of your recent news...Damn these brain tumors...Kepp your chins up though and rememeber what I told you Michele, it's the two of you that matter right now...everything else will get done, the kids will get through but you two need this tme together...Ron and I did this and I have no regrets and neither do our kids...I have many wonderful memories to sustain me a life time...
Sending you many, many hugs, prayers and love...
Diane W/O Ron...on his new journey now and looking over us from the heavens above...I miss him sooooooooo much but he is pain free and thats what matters...

Diane Fichter <dianefichter@emailaccount.com>
Abbotsford, Canada - Thursday, October 7, 2004 6:58 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
Our prayers are with you!

The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 6:09 PM CDT
Tough news... I'm not sure how to respond this time. I wish I could spend some time with you and share some memories but I don't have that freedom. Your situation really makes most other life trials pretty trivial. Your fight makes most other fights seem simple and easy. I wish God would provide more peace with this and I'm frustrated that this is not just a problem that we can just fix ourselves. We as always need to rely totally on God and that is so obvious now, and difficult. You and your family are in our prayers.
Dean Hanson <ecsd270@qwest.net>
- Thursday, October 7, 2004 8:49 AM CDT
I'm sorry to hear that the news is not what we'd all hoped for. Quite frankly, I'm not sure what I can say to help....just know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Dave, I will ask for special protection on Thursday as you have your first Chemo treatment. When Dave worked at St. Mary's and mixed many chemo's there, when he knew the patient, he would draw a fish (Christian Symbol) on the chemo bag. That way the patient would know that he had prayed over that chemo and laid hands on it. We will make a point tomorrow to "pray over your chemo"....feel the fish on that bag and the strength of Christ filling your body.

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 5:24 PM CDT
KOKO is what is on the Meyer menu for today. As always, I'll keep in touch with Melinda and Laurie and this website to connect with you all. Nothing but admiration for Dave, Michelle and children, your supportive families and wonderful network of friends.
Wendye Bren
Walla Walla, WA United States - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 11:34 AM CDT
Hi Dave and Michelle,
I just wanted you to know that Paul and I are praying for positive MRI results today. I am in awe of the strength you have shown over the years and I only wish the best for you in the future. I hope you start getting the good news you deserve very soon! All our best... Colleen

Colleen Battaglia <pcbatt@comcast.net>
Seattle, wa USA - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 10:18 AM CDT
Hi Dave--Greetings from the past! I was catching up with Laurie Klicker yesterday and she updated me on your challenge. I want you to know that you and your wonderful family are in our thoughts and prayers. I glanced through the entries and saw that you have been married now for 18 years...can that be possible? I myself am a bit late to the table--I found my soulmate much later and we were married last November. Charlie is in his first year at the Episcopal Seminary in Alexandria, VA, and I am back here working for Weyerhaeuser. We moved from Seattle back to this area in May. I look forward to one day when I can take Charlie back to Walla Walla and show him all of the special places there. You and your family have had an inspiring impact on all of us...even when we don't keep in touch and are so far away. God bless. Heidi
Heidi (Biggs) Brock <heidibbrock@yahoo.com>
Arlington, VA USA - Monday, October 4, 2004 9:13 PM CDT
Michelle - I echo all of your thanks for Bob & Judy and all the people that did the roofing and helped with Zach and fed the roofers. It is certainly a testimony to you two and God's love. We feel badly that we couldn't be there, but we will be in a few weeks, or if you need us sooner.
Our love to and prayers for all who have been there for you, and of course to you special Meyer-Bonds & Bob & Judy! Mom & Dad

Carol & Dennis Bond <carolbo@pacifier.com>
Ocean Park, WA USA - Monday, October 4, 2004 8:54 AM CDT
Hi Dave,
I am a mom of one of Michelle's young students at the Community college. She was his first 'teacher'. Unfortunately we have now moved out of Walla Walla. We sure miss her. I am sure that it is no surprise to you that she is an inspiration to other mothers. And I didn't even know about the struggles you guys have had re: your health.
I just read about your medical history. From the first time we met her, my husband and I were in agreement that she is a very remarkable lady, now I see that i only knew a very tiny part of the story.
Even though you've not met me, I feel the need to drop a line and let you know that I very much admire your spirit, courage and espcially faith.
We've met your beautiful daughter and will keep you in our prayers so that not only you will dance at her wedding but will be there to spoil her kids!

Damy Roy
Albuquerque, NM - Sunday, October 3, 2004 8:04 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle and the gang.
Since Erik and I will be out of town when you receive the MRI results and chemo plan, I want you to know that we will be sending our thoughts and prayers from afar. Even though we won't be able to check-in you are always in our hearts. Yeah for the new roof, and the roofers too!

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, October 1, 2004 3:28 PM CDT

excellent to see all the support on this site, found you here when sending a note to Baumgartner. You can beat it, stay strong

greg call <greg.call@aig.com>
houston, tx - Friday, October 1, 2004 1:23 PM CDT
MICHAEL FINGER <bigmike0169@yahoo.com>
la marque , tx usa - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 7:32 PM CDT
Dear Meyer Family, you are in our thoughts and prayers every day. Take care and God Bless You! The Czyholds
Judy Czyhold <jczyhold@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 9:03 PM CDT
Hi Meyer family, Thank you so much for keeping this site up to date. What a wonderful way for all of us to keep in touch and know what specific things to pray for. We love you!
The Pribilsky family <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 3:33 PM CDT
Doggoneit! I keep suggesting bubble wrap for kids and no one takes me seriously! Our love to everyone. You have to admit even a terrible injury like a broken arm (I CAN'T EVEN imagine what a basket case I would be over THAT!) feigns in comparison to all else you've endured with grace. You are in our prayers always.
Adrienne, Andrew, Jeremy, Brent Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID USA - Sunday, September 26, 2004 2:56 PM CDT
Hi Dave and Michelle: What else can hit your family. We are so sorry that Zach had the football accident. We will add him to our prayers. You are in our thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. Know that you are a wonderful testimony of your faith. Love you. We missed our hugs today.
Lois & Lou Healy <lou@gohighspeed.com>
- Sunday, September 26, 2004 2:44 PM CDT
Hi Michele, Dave and Hi Zach!
I hope you are feeling better Zach! Oh Michele hang in there! I don't know what else to say. I thought it was just raining in Florida but with you guys it is pouring here! Dave hang in there...dr's are not always right! I i hope that your pain subsides! You have my prayers!

Vicki Ruley <Ruley@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Saturday, September 25, 2004 3:44 PM CDT
It's Canute. Sorry about your arm, but it's good that you don't have to have pins. Just remember, you can always play basketball with one arm.
Dave, Visit soon - I'm missing you.

Canute Haroldson <cjbh@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, September 24, 2004 9:43 PM CDT
Hey Zach.... You must be one darn good Football Player for them to so aggressively take you down !!! Any advice for my Grandson James (12)?? He's trying to decide between Football or Ice Hockey ... Another gray hair !!!!! for me that is.... You and your Dad both remember Hurricane Season ends in November so tiptoe gently through the next few weeks...

Janice Bond <janicefayebond@juno.com >
Ramona , CA San Diego - Thursday, September 23, 2004 6:36 PM CDT
Hi again Dave and Michelle, Just want you to know I check your site frequently. I copy the information and forward it to Will. We are all praying for a complete and speedy recovery. The boys mention you each week in their Sunday school class as well for prayer. We trust that God has you in His hands and pray that His peace will sustain you during these difficult times. Your strength and faith have been amazing and encourage us tremendously. Hang in there and when you feel like all you have is a thread to hold onto, just know that Jesus is holding onto you through it all. With all our love, thoughts and prayers.
Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:37 PM CDT
Dearest Dave & Michelle,
We are rather slow on the technical side of things and just received the link for this site as a forward from John Butenhof (thanks John). We think about you both and the kids so much and pray always for you all. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. It all seems so overwhelming. Thank God He gives us family and friends to walk alongside. God bless you and guide everyone involved in this process. Love, Kriss & Robin

Kriss & Robin Peterson <krisspeterson@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:28 AM CDT
My friend Dave, you witnessed how God created a new heart in me and changed me from "hostile" to humble. Remember the many real miracles the Lord has shown you and may they restore your faith in days of trials. I cry about your suffering yet my joy remembers your faith and eternal reward. Your freind Dean.
Dean Hanson <ecsd270@qwest.net>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 7:45 AM CDT
May God bless each and every family member with comfort, peace, and courage.
Ann Hawk
College Place, WA USA - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 3:38 PM CDT
I just read your Bob and Judy's entry. That's right, we share the same anniversary. Same date, same year. I had forgotten that! Michelle, you have been like a rock these last several weeks, and sometimes the rock crumbles. Right now, lean on your friends and God. Let them help you through this rough patch. Crying isn't a bad thing. Remember Jesus cried on occasion as well. Our prayers have also been for better news, but we will enter the fight with you. Know that the Streeters are praying for you and your family and that we love you. You are an amazing family.
Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR USA - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:43 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,
We sure were hoping for something better. We're sending you lots of hugs your way. You're in our prayers constantly and ask for a special blessing on this your 18th anniversary. Lots of love, Mom and Dad Meyer

Judy and Bob Meyer <bnj@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, September 20, 2004 10:53 PM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,
We sure were hoping for something better. We're sending you lots of hugs your way. You're in our prayers constantly and ask for a special blessing on this your 18th anniversary. Lots of love, Mom and Dad Meyer

Judy and Bob Meyer <bnj@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, September 20, 2004 10:52 PM CDT
Michelle and Dave
I check your site often and keep you in my prayers. I wish I could say or do more!

Vicki Ruley <ruley@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, September 20, 2004 10:38 PM CDT
I found your website online and I just had to respond. My husband is 34 and has a GBM. We have three children. This is a rocky road to travel. Just know that there is a couple from MI who is praying for your health Dave. God bless both of you. This isn't easy on the caregiver either.
Deanne Messinger <messinger0563@peoplepc.com>
Jenison, MI USA - Monday, September 20, 2004 9:42 PM CDT
Dave and Family - I am thinking about you all the time, and praying for wise doctors at Duke and an effective treatment to arrest this aggressive growth. My prayers are also with you hoping that the Gamma Knife treatment was effective. We love you!
Erk Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, September 20, 2004 10:43 AM CDT
Michelle and Dave,

I won't use my mom's favorite word again, even though it is so very appropriate. The new treatments seem right up Dave's alley - although I don't know how he would handle being apart from his family for so long. I remember telling you long ago that you complete Dave - it is evident in every aspect of your lives. Your strength as a couple is such a blessing. Whenever you need us, just tell us what we can do!

With love and a magic penny - Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Sunday, September 19, 2004 11:43 PM CDT
Thinking of you two today, your 18th Anniversary! We are sending love and prayers for all of you and also for the Dr's wisdom and skill. We pray they are as thorough and as determined as you two! Thanks for the lovely family you have given us these 18 years. Lots of love - Mom & Dad
Carol & Dennis Bond <carolbo@pacifier.com>
Ocean Park, WA USA - Sunday, September 19, 2004 9:04 PM CDT
Thinking of you two today, your 18th anniversary! We love you all and continue to pray for each of you and for the Dr's wisdom. May they be as thorough and determined and caring as you two! Bless each of you and we'll see you soon. Love - Mom & Dad
Carol & Dennis Bond <carolbo@pacifier.com>
Ocean Park, WA USA - Sunday, September 19, 2004 9:01 PM CDT
Prayers and best wishes to the Meyer Family from down under.
Denis Strangman <string@hotkey.net.au>
Canberra, ACT Australia - Sunday, September 19, 2004 4:18 PM CDT
To the entire Meyer Family,
We pray for your strength and health every day. Please continue to push on and we are so thankful for your perserverence where the doctors are concerned. We have to take our health care into our own hands. Dave...I know I don't have to tell you, but you are lucky to have Shelley by your side. But remember, she is also blessed to have you!! Remember our chat around the campfire?? You are a wonderful person that has brought a smile to all of our faces. Be strong...we love you!!

Mel and Curtis <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
- Sunday, September 19, 2004 0:11 AM CDT
Hi, Dave,
We admire you and your entire family so much. You are all such great models of faith and positive thinking. As your mother knows from BSF, one of my favorite Bible verses is Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans for good and not for evil, plans to give you hope and a future." We know He holds all of you in the palm of His hand. We are praying for all of you.

Bill and Kaye Miller <bandkmiller@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, September 18, 2004 11:39 AM CDT
A hello to the Meyer Family! I've been checking in regularly and am pleased to see that you are finally getting those "docs" moving on things. The referral to Duke sounds like a good idea to me. I can't believe that Kenny is in the 8th grade. It seems just like yesterday that he was up at Tot Spot unsetting the snack tables as fast as I could set them up. Zach was toddling around and Kaitlyn was but a "twinkle" yet! Always present was wonderful Michelle parenting her own children and all those other children who were running around like crazy! The good ol' days?--yes, indeed! My best to you all each day.
Wendye Bren <bren@brenski.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, September 17, 2004 7:06 PM CDT
Hi Dave,

You may not remember me from UPS, but Paul Battaglia alerted me to your challenge and I wanted to stop in and wish you the best. I am also on caringbridge -- id, baumgartner -- battling leukemia.

Isaiah 40 has been a great inspiration for me: It spends a lot of the chapter discussing the relationship and differences between men and God, and then closes by confirming that God knows what we are going through and cares and will act on our behalf! He is awesome.

Praying for God to personally direct your absolute and complete recovery.

Bill Baumgartner <BillyBBaum@cableone.net>
Boise, ID USA - Friday, September 17, 2004 4:42 PM CDT
Dave & Family,

You guys are in our family prayers daily. You are such an inspiration for us all and help us keep this time on earth in perspective.

God Bless

Dan & Wendi Elmenhurst & Kids <elmenhurst@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 11:25 PM CDT
Dave and Family,
I appreciated receiving a link to your caringbridge page with a PTA message Michelle sent. You have been on our prayer list several times and we will continue to lift you up as you battle cancer. Your life is a blessing to others. Our love and prayers go out to you and your family.

Lisa Klicker
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 9:47 PM CDT
Dave, the Haroldsons told me about your CaringBridge site. The love and prayers and encouragement that flow from these guestbooks are marvelous. Even people like me come out of the woodwork to chime in with prayers and good wishes. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. Love the smiling photos. Keep the music coming!
Paul Battaglia <pcbatt@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 4:57 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kate,
Thank you for the official "visit". We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Canute and Sonja had such fun with your crew. Remember - our home is always has a vacancy. Love, Evy P.S. Thank Kenny for skipping rocks with me at the beach.

Evy Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 10:27 AM CDT
Dave, You look FABULOUS! What a strong, brave man you are. Thank you both for putting the updates here on this site so we can see just how things are going for. (Can you believe the kids are so grown up?!) You are all in our prayers. We love you.
The Chaplins

Andy, Adrienne, Jeremy, and Brent <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID United States - Monday, September 6, 2004 11:57 PM CDT
Keep the FAITH. You're in our prayers each and every night.
Great website! We've enjoyed hearing your updates and reading all those inspirational and uplifting messages!!
You are obviously all so loved.
Take Care!!!
The Betts
Bob, Becky, Chloe', Paul, Spencer and Mary Bella (xoxo)

Becky Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Monday, September 6, 2004 11:31 PM CDT
Dave: greetings and prayers from another fellow classmate. I've been praying for you and your family for the last several years, ever since I first heard of your challenge. Words fail me, but please know that you and your family are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. May God continue to give you strength, perseverance, peace and rest.
Carolyn (Lehmann) Henderson <shenderson@coffeycomm.com>
Dayton, WA U.S.A. - Thursday, September 2, 2004 7:11 PM CDT
Dave & Michelle

It feels good to see the picture of Dave and his guitar. I can almost feel him here with me and hear his music... We will be home this weekend, so if you need a break after all the football fun, give us a call.

Peter & Cheryl and the boys <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
Puyallup, WA United States - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 10:48 PM CDT
Hey Meyer Family - I think of you all so often. It is wonderful to read your updates. I can't believe Dave is already back to such a demanding schedule! Talk about resilient! I also can't believe Kenny is in 8th grade!! I remember him as a three year old little guy running around the house and watching 101 Dalmations over and over again. I remember Zach as a toddler w/ a pacefier constantly poking out of his mouth! Now they're playing football!

I'll be in Walla Walla Oct 1-3. Would love to stop by for a visit if you all are up for it. I miss you!

Jodi (Webster) Dumont <jodidumont@msn.com>
Tacoma, Wa - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 6:50 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle
You are in our Prayers and no need to worry about the kids at Pioneer - we will take care of them! Keep your Faith!!

Brian Richard <bsrichard@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 12:18 AM CDT
As a high school friend of Carol's, she has been keeping me informed of your progress. My prayers are with you each day, that God will give you patience, grace and healing in His wisdom. Keep up the good fight.
Valarie Hudspeth
Beaverton, OR USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 9:08 AM CDT
Im also pulling for you, you are in my prayers! just an FYI Im Ethan's mom, Dan and Debi Spjut's God son.
Kacy Satcher <ksatcher21@yahoo.com>
Kalama, wa 98625 - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 0:16 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle, and kids,
This whole story amazes me. As cool as it is to see someone overcome what you have it is especially great that you have. Your whole family is a more special part of my life and although I dont get to see you as often anymore I will never forget you all growing up and what you meant and mean to me. I hope to see you soon.
Love you,

Brian Spjut <bspjut@jhkelly.com>
Anacortes, Wa 98226 - Monday, August 30, 2004 11:24 AM CDT
Thankyou Michelle & Dave for you are truly inspirational and give our family hope.

Ross Symons <ross@symons.com.au>
Parkdale, Victoria Australia - Sunday, August 29, 2004 6:58 AM CDT
Hi Dave and Michelle,
You and your entire family are in our prayers constantly. I am completely amazed with how you keep moving forward. We love you. Rob, Cass, Matt, Abbie, and Ellie Rothstrom

Cassie Rothstrom <rothstrom@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA 99362 - Saturday, August 28, 2004 8:48 PM CDT

I am sending you love and good vibes all the way from South Africa!!! Good luck and god speed. You are in my thoughts and close to my heart. Best, John

John Smelcer <smelcer@u.washington.edu>
Cape Town, South Africa - Friday, August 27, 2004 6:31 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and Family,
You and your family constantly amaze me with your faith and Dave... you are the man to admire with your spirit to persevere. May all of the support and prayer we see on these pages keep coming! God Bless

Donna Wierman <mdjkwierman@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, August 27, 2004 1:55 PM CDT
Meyer Family, There is not a day that goes by that I don't ask God for his help to give you each strength. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers each day.
Andy Chaplin <anchaplin@nnu.edu>
Nampa, ID USA - Thursday, August 26, 2004 6:00 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and Family,
We have been keeping up with your progress through Tami and Thad Sirmon. You are an amazing family. We are praying for you. Your journey is an inspiration to us all. Michelle, I remember you when we used to live in Dayton and I taught at WWCC in Parent Toddler classes. I was inspired at your ability to research and execute information to help your son Kenny. God Bless you!

Jay, Jeanine, Nichole, Nathan, Jessica, Jenna Webber <jj6webber@msn.com>
Spokane, WA United States - Thursday, August 26, 2004 0:51 AM CDT
Sending you lots and lots of positive thoughts. KOKO.
m/o Linda who is m/o Jess 16 and Nicole 13. AAAIII since 3/01.

Lyn Staffiere <lynstaf@adelphia.net>
Amherst, NH USA - Thursday, August 26, 2004 0:17 AM CDT
Although I have never met you I do know a lot about you and your condition from Dennis & family. I'm glad that you are back doing what you love, coaching football. Hang in there guy.
Don brown <dbrown@tdn.com>
Kelso, Wa USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 9:03 PM CDT
Thanks for the update Michelle. Dave, I know everyone says it, but you truly are an inspirational person. What a great family you have too!!
love, Tami, Thad, McKenzie. Peter, Madelyn, and Dash Sirmon

Tami Sirmon <t.sirmon@charter.net>
Walla Walla, wa usa - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 6:33 PM CDT
To the Meyer Family - What a wonderful way to keep everyone informed on everything, and also for friends and family to express their love and support to all of you. My prayers are with you all. God Bless. KOKO (gotta love it!)
Nancy (Ackermann) Rehfield <jnrehfield@netzero.net>
Yakima, WA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 4:35 PM CDT
Michelle and Dave,
It's been such a long journey for you and your family. We have been praying for you all. Your courage and faith are an example for everyone. God will continue to guide you daily and we pray for his healing hand to take the disease from your body.

Carol & Joe Ackermann <kk7ki@juno.com>
Yakima, WA USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 1:32 PM CDT
I'll be praying for you all.
Lacey Buckingham <crazylacey1616@yahoo.com>
pasco, wa usa - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 12:20 AM CDT
Hey Dave,
I loved your photos! I'm a 11.5 year AA3 survivor.KOKO. Boy I didn't smile like that with the frame screwed into my head :) - Karen

Karen Woelk; <kwoelk@inci.rr.com>
- Wednesday, August 25, 2004 11:17 AM CDT
Hi Again, WOW!Awesome news, but we knew it would be. May God continue to be with you and your family. I love the pictures and all the news. You have a really big family and following. Keep your chin up and keep the faith.
Love ya,
Ron & Arlyne

Ron & Arlyne Abbott <arlyneabb@rockisland.com>
Shaw Island., WA USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 0:08 AM CDT
KOKO, I really like that! This is a great idea. Dave KOKO and my thoughts are with you and yours.
Tanya Hepler <thep55@msn.com>
- Tuesday, August 24, 2004 7:31 PM CDT
Dave, I just got the news about you from my sister Mary, please know that you and your wonderful family are in my prayers and close at heart!
I'm looking forward to seeing both of your boys this year at Pioneer, you let them know if they need anything to come and see Mrs. Riley
God Bless

JoEllen Riley <jriley@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA Walla Walla - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 2:33 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle, I am so happy that the procedure went well. You are always in your thougts and prayers.
Teri and Carlos Barker

Teri Barker <ctbarker@hscic.net>
- Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:09 AM CDT
Dave & Michelle and family -
Just in case you are not near the refridgerator, or it was lost in the move... What Cancer Cannot Do:
Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple Love
It cannot shatter Hope
It cannot corode Faith
It cannot destroy Peace
It cannot kill Friendship
It cannot suppress Memories
It cannot silence Courage
It cannot invade the Soul
It cannot steal eternal Life
It cannot conquer the Spirit.

You all continue to be in our prayers,
The Hellers, Cheryl, Stan, Greggory & Renee

Cheryl Heller
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 2:19 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
You are in our prayers daily.

God Bless

Misty Weeks <mistyweeks@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 1:38 AM CDT
You are in our prayers Dave and Michelle. Take it easy. You are an inspiration.
Mary Norby <mnorby@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 2:43 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and Kids,
That smile says it all! One of my co-workers complained of a headache today. I showed her the picture of Dave with the halo screwed into his head and that great big smile. I said "now there's a headache". She smiled and decided what she was suffering from wasn't bad at all. You all continue to amaze me! I know that I am seeing the face of God everytime I pull up your site and see Dave's smile! You are showing all of us how to weather a storm with grace and dignity. We continue to pray for healing and strength.

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 2:14 PM CDT
Hi Dave and Family! The picture of you with the guitar is perfect! When I think about you, it always gets me into a praise and worship frame of mind. I am looking forward to Primetime this year and your Church Service on the Deck!!
What a blessing you are to all who know you!! We have been attending your church since we moved to College Place and Ben just loves it. May God continue to bless you in every way and keep you strong in Him!
Your friends,Ron, Sherri, Ben, Rowene, & Etta

Ron Huwe <rdhuwe@yahoo.com>
College Place, Wa Walla Walla - Monday, August 23, 2004 11:47 AM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kaitlyn,
We know that your spirit is strong...and love will get you through this! We continue to offer up many, many prayers for each of you...you simply amaze us with your strength and courage. And through this all...you manage to put our garbage out for us! What a family!
Your website is wonderful!

Lisa, Mike, Andrew and Alison <lbraddock@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, Wa - Monday, August 23, 2004 11:47 AM CDT
My good friend Stan said I should drop you a line. Hope you're doing well. I am awfully busy out here on the campaign trail; and just writing to you to make sure I can count on your vote! See ya!
George Bush <gobush@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 9:28 AM CDT
Hey Coach Dave; just checking in to see how you are doing. Greggory sends his best! Hope you continue with a speedy recovery. By the way, I will see if I can get my good friend George Bush to sign your guest book.

Stan Heller <classicg@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 9:24 AM CDT
Hello, Dave,
We are just back from the Oregon Coast and have just read of your "halo" doings in Seattle. Needless to say, you and yours are #1 in my thoughts this evening. We will stay tuned to your website and will look for more of those winning smiles! Take GOOD care....cooler weather for football practice might be just what the doctor ordered! Your friend, Wendye Bren

Wendye Bren <bren@brenski.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Sunday, August 22, 2004 8:56 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers go with you always. Keep up the good fight!

Eunice DeWitt
Walla Walla, wa USA - Sunday, August 22, 2004 7:15 PM CDT
You are all in our prayers. Thanks so much for providing the updates! Love, Lisa
Lisa D'Hondt (Faling) <dfamof4@aol.com>
Bellingham, WA USA - Sunday, August 22, 2004 6:25 PM CDT
We'rd glad to hear that your procedure went well. We have been praying for you and the family throughout each day. Hope all of you are doing well and we are thinking about you!!

Love, Curtis and Melissa <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
- Sunday, August 22, 2004 2:09 PM CDT
Dave & Family,
You guys are awsome people, and you shouldnt have to go through all this but you are. So Im praying for you to get better Dave, and hopefully someday you will be all better. I just hope that this helps, to say I really am thinking about you, and Im definetly praying for you. Love you guys lots.

Kim Garland <lynn19892003@yahoo.com>
Monroe, Wa United States - Sunday, August 22, 2004 1:16 PM CDT
Yeah Dave! We are continuing to pray and praise God for your recovery.
Nancy and Jim B. <nancybutler@charter.net>
- Sunday, August 22, 2004 10:24 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Family,
We are so very grateful that we can witness this picture with the guitar. God gave you a wonderful talent and one that can bring peace and comfort in times of turmoil. I know that it brings much pleasure to your family and peace also in knowing that you are again in the "spirit" and soul of your music.
We are grateful for the internet that we can all stay close to you and your progress. Sending our love and prayers,
Bonnie and Dennis

Bonnie and Dennis Parker <bparker@pacifier.com>
Long Beach, WA USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 11:33 PM CDT
Michelle, He makes that look so easy with that big smile. I wish it would have been that easy for those of us that had to watch.I'm glad he is doing so well, I had no doubt. Love Denise. P.S. amy and luke said "WoW" jake said "oh Gross"
Denise Ullmann <dullmann@adelphia.net>
Kelso, Wa - Saturday, August 21, 2004 9:00 PM CDT
Loved the latest photos. Loved the smiles. The frame is a tad...medieval...no? Like something from King Arthur's basement perhaps? But there inside that frame: your smile. You know that Thursday was a day of empowerment, right? I'm so glad for you. It's the modern equivalent of firing a catapult at that sucker...swinging a mace...squeezing it in the thumbscrews...imagine your own medieval torture chamber for this thing. And while the tumor's up there suffering---as it so fully deserves to do---play that music! I hope that if you went to the field today, the weather was kind. : )
Diane Phillips <brainhospice@earthlink.net>
Rockledge, FL USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 5:26 PM CDT
Dear Michelle & Dave,
We hope that the radiation continues to work and that the amazing knowledge & technology will help to eliminate the tumor. Our thoughts are with you and also with Darlene Bierly in her fight with cancer.

Helena & John Bierly <hhoyte@wingpoint.com>
Bainbridge Isl. , WA USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 4:28 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle & family
We are so glad that things went well. You have taught us all so much. The faith & strength you show is awesome. You are such an amazing family. You have been a great inspiration to so many people, not just at CPPC.
You're all in our thoughts and prayers.

Bill, Lora, Billy & Matt White <blwhitefamily@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 2:31 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kate,
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Take care, I love you all.

Anita M. Lee <myronlee@comcast.net>
Salem, OR - Saturday, August 21, 2004 1:54 PM CDT

Sending prayers from Oregon and Iowa,

Big love from Shannon

Shannon Bierly <radicaldance@aol.com>
- Saturday, August 21, 2004 11:21 AM CDT
Dave & Michelle,
I am so inspired by your continued example of trust in the Lord. You both bring such joy and energy to our lives and the College Place Church. I am praying for you.
Much love,

Hanna Peterson <hannapeterson@yahoo.com>
Hollister, CA USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 11:12 AM CDT
Dave, Michele & family, You're an inspiration to us all and a great witness to God's faithfulness. You're in our thoughts and prayers.
Dave & Margo McClellan <davemargomc@juno.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 10:44 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle and family, your strength is amazing, we are praying for you. Blessings, Richard, Judy, Becca, Ben & Eddie Czyhold
Judy Czyhold <jczyhold@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 10:40 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle and family, You all have been a great inspiration for us. God's grace is sufficient. He will take care of your family. love, The Cox's Bill, Peggy, Dominique and Courtney
Peggy Cox <billandpeg@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 9:40 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle and family, You all have been a great inspiration for us. God's grace is sufficient. He will take care of your family. love, The Cox's Bill, Peggy, Dominique and Courtney
Peggy Cox <billandpeg@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 9:40 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
We are SOOOO happy that things went well during your GK! You are such a trooper! Look at that angelic smile on your face! You keep being positive and we'll keep praying for your complete healing. You are an inspiration to us all Dave!! It's good to see you in good spirits! And I am glad that you were able to feel peace and calm during the procedure. That is everything we had hoped for! Keep up the good work! You have an awesome wife and family.. We are praying for you all....
With all our love and Big Hugs to you and your family,...
Danny, Julie, Morgan, and Mason

Julie <shanno7772@yahoo.com>
Payson, Ut USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 9:18 AM CDT
You are All in our Thoughts and Prayers.
Butch & Christy Grim <bcg@lewiston.com>
Lewiston, Id. - Saturday, August 21, 2004 8:49 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle:
I hope that the Gamma Knife and whatever new treatment that you choose is successful in beating the "beast." Best of health to you Dave from another bt warrior.

Beth Davis-Wellington, Esq., M.P.H. <kidslaw@bellsouth.net>
Miami, Fl USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 7:40 AM CDT
Oh My Gosh! Such a handsome man!

My best to all of you.

Anne Bidez <sidneys2d@aol.com>
Savannah, GA USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 3:17 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle, Thank God you did so well with the Gamma Knife procedure. We've heard great things with this treatment and we pray God will do the rest and restore you to good health. You are a very special guy and we are and have been praying for a complete recovery for you. You've been there for us and now we are here for you and your beautiful family. God Bless all of you.
Marguerite & Ben Daltoso

Marguerite Daltoso <daltosos@innw.net>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 2:15 AM CDT
Wishing you the best for the future & adding you to my prayers that GK will be the last treatment you will need.

Joyce in NY
Frontal olfactory groove extending
into anterior skull base, parietal and
sphenoidal wing & temporal areas,
completely resected 3/2002 but left
with neurologic deficits.

May your song bring joy to all who hear it.

May we continue learning from our BT warriors and may they
continue to be our shining stars.

Long Island, NY USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 11:40 PM CDT
Dearest Friends,
In the words of R.W. Emerson, "What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us." Best Wishes Dave & Michelle. You're both so amazing! Your Family, Friends, and Faith will see you through. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
The Betts~
Becky, Bob, Chloe', Paul, Spencer, & Mary Bella (xoxo)

Becky Betts <bobeck@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Friday, August 20, 2004 11:20 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle - My prayers continue to be with you both. I am in awe of your strenght and spirit. It was wonderful to have you in our home - and to play and sing wtih Dave. The harmony still feels pretty good. "Last night the music played, reminds me of the good old days...." Love, Erik
Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 11:18 PM CDT
Hope all is going well today! You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers!
Peggy Needham and family

Peggy Needham <Pegneedham@aol.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 3:34 PM CDT
Your family is in our family's continued thoughts and prayers. Kate, I am sending extra good thoughts your way. I miss you!
Denise Parodi <deparodi@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 12:19 AM CDT
Hello Michele and Dave
We hope that all is going well today! We hope that you are home soon!
the Ruleys
Vicki, Steve and Marc

Vicki Ruley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 10:58 AM CDT
Dear Dave and Michelle,
We are continuing to pray for you today and are so happy to hear that the procedure went well. We continue to pray for wisdom for the doctors and for continued strength for both of you...You are a special family and such a great example for all of us!!
Have a safe journey home. See you soon.
Jack and Melinda

Melinda Brennan <brennans@bmi.net>
- Friday, August 20, 2004 10:41 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle, We are praying hard for you over here, we will miss your smiling face in church and round town. Keep up the fight and we will keep up the prayers.
Jim, Gayl, Bailey, Miranda and Hally Ruff <jimruff@wanadoo.nl>
Arnhem, Holland - Friday, August 20, 2004 8:39 AM CDT
Dave,Michelle and kids,
We are thinking of you and sending love and prayers. Stay strong, we hope you'll all be home soon. Hugs and loves to all.
Gary,Lynn,Dusty,Zach and Gracie Ferrel

Lynn Ferrel
Walla Walla, Wa U S A - Friday, August 20, 2004 0:24 AM CDT
Hi, Dave and Michelle. We're glad to hear your procedure went well, and are sending our prayers for you, too. Scott's home and says he hopes all goes well... you're an awesone teacher, Mr. M.
Peter and Will also send their greetings and wishes for a speedy recovery. I'll see you later at Pioneer, Michelle! Love to you all... Maribeth and Ted, Scott, Peter, and Will

Ted and Maribeth
- Thursday, August 19, 2004 11:51 PM CDT
We are overwhelmed by your recent message. OUR prayers and love will continue and hopefully you will feel them. We love you alot.

Bonnie and Denny

Bonnie and Denny <bparker@pacifier.com>
Long Beach, WA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 11:38 PM CDT
I am so glad to hear that all went well today. My continued thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope to see you soon. Love Rufus
Rufus Bierly <rufus1822@comcast.net>
Portland, Or usa - Thursday, August 19, 2004 10:12 PM CDT
We hope you had a great day and that the tests and treatment went well. We love you and will keep you in our prayers.

Scott and Gwen <Gwen@whatadaystudio.com>
- Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:13 PM CDT
Brother Dave and of course, Michelle, Kenny, Zach & Kate--

We love you guys so much and marvel at your strength. You are all in our thoughts and prayers, and we'll continue to pray that the doctors' hands and minds are guided by God's wisdom. Annalee prays for Uncle Dave every night and gave an extra prayer today before her nap. Let us know how we can help and Bob wants to know when you're doing guys' night out again.

Much love,
Bob, Mindy, Annalee & Caleb

Bob Meyer
College Place, WA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:09 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle, Chris and I send our prayers and healing energy to you. We thought of both of you many times today...hugs
Kathy and Chris Howard <khoward@bmi.net>
- Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:55 PM CDT
Just got home from work and checked the page to see what the latest news was. I thought about you both a lot today and sent up many prayers that all was going well. Thanks for the update Michelle. Dave think of all the little gamma mafia tackling and rubbing out those tumor cells.
Will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Nancy Butler <nancybutler@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:22 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle and Family,
Just letting you know you are in our thoughts and prayers through this journey in your life. Thank-You Michelle for being a wonderful FRIEND and loving my children the past four years, you are missed!!!

Julie, Paul, Erin & Matthew Gerola <gerola@velocitus.net>
Walla Walla, WA. USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 5:56 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
I am so sorry that you have to go through this. Continue to love life, love each other and be strong. The joy of the Lord is your strength. I love you both!

Laurie Klicker <mikeklicker@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 4:39 PM CDT
Dave, Greetings from an "old" classmate. You and your family are truly inspirational to those of us who find much to whine about despite the insignificance of our afflictions. May I just say that I have ALWAYS admired you as a person and it is clear that many other people share my feelings. Despite the trials you have been forced to endure, you are so obviously healthy in LOVE and it is this love that will carry you to safety.

May God in his infinite love & wisdom bring healing to you and your family Dave. I will lift you up in my prayers and look forward to the day all traces of cancer have been banished from your body. Years from now, despite all the mud we've had to wade through, I'll enjoy sitting with you at our 70th class reunion and marveling at how wonderful life has been!!

Much Love & Hope to you all,

Lori (Long) Hinton <lghinton@hotmail.com>
University Place, WA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 4:25 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and Family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
John, Tracy, Brooke and Andrew Royse

Tracy Royse <tjroyse@valint.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 4:04 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle - My prayers and thoughts are with you. Evy and I so enjoyed visiting with you until 1:30am last night. I am hopeful these doctors are good a zapping this new aggressive stuff. Call me if you need anything. Love -Erik, Evy, Canute and Sonja....and of course the dog, Echo. (She doesn't pee for just anybody you know! You gotta be special.)
Erik Haroldson <ebharoldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 3:42 PM CDT
Dave & Michelle,
We are all praying for you both here at the church. Thanks for bring us up to date with the journal entries.
Judy Czyhold

Judy Czyhold <cppc@bmi.net>
College Place, WA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 1:08 PM CDT
We're praying for you Dave & Michelle. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. "Sweet Lou" is looking forward to your next hug, Dave.

Love to you both.
Lou & Lois

Lou & Lois Healy
Walla Walla, WA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 12:25 AM CDT
I also play Bee Bop in the Club.Prayers for speedy recovery and much peace to you and yours from the Dream Cruise state, Michigan.That's a great picture.
Bebe <sonntagltd@wowway.com>
St. Clair Shores, MI USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 11:29 AM CDT
Our love and prayers to all: Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach, Kaitlyn!!! We know the Lord will be with each of you every step of the way!!
Dale, Ginger, Missy Johnson
College Place, WA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 11:09 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
Know that we are praying for you and love you. I keep remembering Dave telling me after the first surgery how The Shepherd's Staff song, "From this Moment On" helped him through. God is with you!

Ginny Streeter <ginny@bendradio.com>
Bend, OR USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 10:05 AM CDT
I play on the Club site and saw the post by your wife and the link to this site.
Just want you to know that thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you face another hurdle. May you find wholeness and wellness very quickly. May you feel God's grace and peace through all of it. Peace to you....

Palo Alto, CA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:53 AM CDT
Dear Dave:
Wishing you a great result from the Gamma Knife. I hope that you are able to eliminate the new growth and go on with a good prognosis. I'm battling as well--I got this link from the Brain Tumor List. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Beth Davis-Wellington, Esq., M.P.H. <kidslaw@bellsouth.net>
Miami, Fl USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:23 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,

Chez Haroldson is looking forward to when you can come for Canute's definition of a "visit". You're in our thoughts and prayers, and as always, in our hearts!

Evy, Erik, Canute and Sonja Haroldson <evy.haroldson@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 8:30 AM CDT
Dave, I will be saying prayers for you today. All the best.
Sarah P. Springer <sps7708@comcast.net>
Meridian, MS USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:22 AM CDT
Dave, my thoughts and prayers are with you.You are are a remarkable individual and a wonderful father and husband. You have won many battles the past few years and I am confident that the lastest discovery will go down to defeat with the help todays mordern technology and your extreme will to defeat any adversary that trys to create havoc in the Meyer family. Hope to see you soon!
Dan Spjut <dan.spjut@weyerhaeuser.com>
Kelso, Wa USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 1:32 AM CDT
Dave and "Michelle's School"
You have given us a lot of joy the last 4 years..
Wishing you the same..thanks for sharing your life
with us. Jodi, Connor and Brett Ferguson

Jodi Ferguson <jodiferguson2000@yahoo.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 0:16 AM CDT
Just spoke with Carol and heard the news. We are with you, and remember about the hurdles and the long legs...
Love, Mark and Christina

Mark and Christina Nelson <marknelson88@hotmail.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 0:12 AM CDT
We are thinking of you and have you in our prayers. We know how strong you are and we know this will work. Keep positive.
Donna & Jack Hilton <dhilton@kalama.com>
Kelso, WA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 0:05 AM CDT
Dave, all our love and prayers are with you Love aunt Diana
Diana powers <di21338@clarkston.com>
Clarkston, Wa. usa - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 11:32 PM CDT
You are in our prayers.
Patty Harmon <harmonrp@charter.net>
Walla Walla, wa usa - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 11:09 PM CDT
You are in our prayers.
Patty Harmon <harmonrp@charter.net>
Walla Walla, wa usa - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 11:06 PM CDT
You are and will be in our prayers as you go through this new procedure. We know as well as you do that God can perform miracles and he will make something good out of all this. You sure have alot of prayer support and that is where it is all at. Ryan, used to see you when you shopped at Albertsons and talked to you and we would talk about why God allowed these things to happen. Hard for an 18 yr. old to understand, but he always thought you were so cool. We will be praying for God's guidence and also for extra strength for Michelle. We sure have enjoyed her as an instructor and I know this is hard for her too. God bless you through this all and remember he is faithful.

Marcia Daschofsky <rdasch@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa. America - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:49 PM CDT
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
God Bless,

Milo Denham <milo.denham@att.net>
Portland, Oregon USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:06 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach, and Kaitlyn,
Through all the years you have kept the strength of David (from Goliath story) and the humor to keep it light for those of us not so courageous. We love you and have treasured your part in our lives over the years. We are praying for you and wish we could take it all away.
With our love and prayers,
The Chaplins

Andrew, Adrienne, Jeremy, and Brent Chaplin <ancaec@hotmail.com>
Nampa, ID 83651 - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:31 PM CDT
Dear Dave,
I am praying for you that the Lord will heal you and that I am thinking of you and your family.

Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. Isaiah 12:2

Brandy Smestead <bsmestead@wwps.org>
Walla Walla, Wa - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:01 PM CDT
You have my prayers and admiration for all you have done not only through your battle but to help others in theirs.I Pray for God's peace for you and your beautiful family,and that He be with your surgeons and guide their hands.Rest in Him,He is able.God bless you and keep you.
Gail Thomas <bwussa@cox.net>
Va. Beach, Va. - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 8:40 PM CDT
Someone wrote in my Guestbook recently, "Lord, remind me that nothing is going to happen to me today that you and I can't handle together". I wanted to pass this along to you. You have a lot of love and support here. Good Luck tomorrow.

Carol Wagman (From the BT List) <pbgbt512@aol.com>
Palm Beach Gardens, FL USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 8:38 PM CDT
All the best. We are with you in thought and prayer.
Jim and Nancy Butler <nancybutler@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 8:23 PM CDT
Take the advice of the previous Gamma-Guys and rest tonight. All our energy is focused on the tumor being zapped to a memory. Our prayers are with you every minute.

Lynn w/o Ron, AAIII, 15 year survivor <WVLYNNSUMMERS74@AOL.COM>
FL USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 8:10 PM CDT
All my love and prayers are with you brother. You have always been the steady one while I have been the wandering spirit of sorts. Thanks Michelle for letting us know if this site. Even though there are many oceans between us, my heart is with you. Your friendship is one of the things I treasure the most in my life. Your witness has had an impact on so many for the cause of our Savior. Our prayers go up for you and yours. Love,

Will Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 8:00 PM CDT
You are in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow...We'll be praying for you, Michelle and the children to be strong through this part of the "journey".
Love, Curtis and Melissa

Melissa Johnson <curtisandmel@bendcable.com>
- Wednesday, August 18, 2004 7:15 PM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
Keep hope in your hearts that all will go well. I will say a prayer and send good thoughts your way. Keeping my fingers crossed also.

Mary Erdman <erdmanr@innw.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 6:47 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle and Family,

We will be thinking of you and hoping that the procedure goes absolutely perfectly and that you have a good and speedy recovery.

Sincerely, Dawn, Tyler, Anna (former 'Shell student :)) and Ryan (current 'Shell student :))

Dawn Moore <rathmoore5@gohighspeed.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 6:15 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle and Family,
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am confident that God will help you through this important day tomorrow and guide the Doctors while they help Dave.
Sandy Snook (A new friend)

Sandy Snook <jeff_snook@msn.com>
Milton-Freewater, OR USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 5:28 PM CDT
May you rest in God's care during the surgery. I am praying for your complete recovery.

Claudia (Bigley) Angus <claudia123@charter.net>
Walla Walla , WA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 5:14 PM CDT
To Dave, Michelle and Family,
Dale and I sent our thoughts and prayers to be with you tomorrow -- and as you recover. La Dessa and Dale Smelcer

La Dessa Smelcer
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 5:11 PM CDT
Hi Dave and Family!
I love your website! Good luck with your gamma knife. I will be praying for you. My father is currently battling a GBM. What a journey this has been for our family! I know the journey has been difficult for your family as well. One thing I have discovered during this time...God is with us every step of the way. He prepares us and puts people (I think they are angels!) in our path to take care of us and guide us. Thank goodness we are not alone on this journey! We are definitely NOT in control!! Lean on your faith during times of uncertainty and know that God is faithful. I wish for you health, happiness, clear MRI's and...peace.

Sheri Summerell <ssnotes@triad.rr.com>
Kernersville, NC USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 5:09 PM CDT
Hi, I am from the scrabble club. I am adding my prayers with the others. Be strong in the Lord, He will keep you and substain you in this hour of need. I do not know you but I have read enough to know that you know the Lord. James 1:6 says pray without doubting and that I will do, for I will believe you can and will be healed! I also will add you to all prayer chain I know.
Terry Ulrich (aka Ariliz) <terryjulrich@msn.com>
- Wednesday, August 18, 2004 4:32 PM CDT
To Dave, Michelle and Family:
Thank you So much for letting me know about Dave.
I am praying for you with all my heart that everything will be alright. God is with you all and will protect and guide you through this difficult time. Remember you are not alone and HE is with you...at your side at all times... ALWAYS.


I said a prayer for you today,
And know God must have heard.
I felt the answer in my heart
Although I heard no word.

I asked that God be near you
At the start of each new day
To grant you health and blessings
And friends to share your way.

I asked for good health for you
In all things great and small
And it was God's loving care for you
That I prayed for most of all.

Pam Decccio <pdeccio@charter.net>
College Place, WA USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 4:26 PM CDT
Dave, Tomorrow's your big day. No, the radiosurgery won't be a big deal in any terms that YOU will feel or notice. But to the tumor...that's another story entirely. Just relax and trust the physics nerd to plot the perfect coordinates to annihilate that annoying sucker. It might sound like more fun to come to Florida to catch rays, rather than having to catch them there at the rad center. But hey, Florida's a tad wet and windblown at the moment, so better to catch rays right where you are. This technique offers some phenomenal benefits, Dave, so I'm thrilled that you're lined up to receive it. I guarantee that tomorrow evening you'll be saying, "It was nothing." (That's not what the tumor will be saying.) Relax and get some good rest tonight, because the procedure is easy and it just isn't worth losing sleep over. Congrats in advance for a good day of tumor battle!
Diane Phillips (from "the list")
Rockledge, FL USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 4:20 PM CDT
Meyer Family, You will be in my thoughts and prayers. You are a resilient bunch and I have faith you will make it through this. All my love to you!
Jodi "Webster" Dumont <jodidumont@msn.com>
Tacoma, Wa - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 4:16 PM CDT
God be with you as you go under this gamma knife. I am praying with all my heart it does what is needed. You are a very special family. If there is anything we can do-watch kids whatever, let us know. We now have offically moved to the big city. Sherri
Sherri Huwe <srhuwe@hotmail.com>
College Place, Wa. - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 3:57 PM CDT
Romans 5:3-5
Your family has definitely passed the perseverance step, so you have to be at hope. And He promises that hope does not disappoint us, because we are filled with His love through the Holy Spirit. May that power and love surround your family tomorrow and in the days ahead. Thank you for your faithful witness.

Janet Clark <juclark@hotmail.com>
Walla Walla, WA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:48 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle and family:
Dave, I want you to know that I will be recruiting some added "prayer warriors" to aide you in this battle. I'll be sharing your story with family and friends today so that they can start praying immediately. Special prayers will be going up for you on Thursday. :-) Michelle, I'll meet with Lani ASAP and do everything I can to make Kenny's transition to 8th grade go smoothly. You've got enough on your plate right now, hopefully I can help to ease your burden.
May God bless and keep you,
Gina Stahlheber

Gina <gstahlheber@wwps.org>
College Place, WA USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:40 PM CDT
Dave and Family, I have had the priveledge of praying for you and your family because I know your brother Greg. They love you and we are praying for God's Healing Hand in your life. He is Faithful to us ,his children.
Kathy Kendall <kathykendall@earthlink.com>
Troutdale, OR USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:18 PM CDT
Dave, you are an inspiration and we are sending an extra-special amount of love and prayers for everything to go well on Thursday, Aug. 19.
Emily Woudenberg
Pebble Beach, CA USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:32 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle (Teacher Shell) & Family,
Our thoughts & prayers are with you all.
Dave, Jennifer, Patrick & Malory Elmenhurst

Jennifer Elmenhurst <jennifersfamily@msn.com>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:32 PM CDT
May all your prayers be answered. We are thinking about all of you.
Shawna Corbett and family, David and our son,Lash <lashandshawna@yahoo.com>
Lowden, Wa USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:25 PM CDT
Hey Mr. Meyer, You're tough and you're the stuff, and with everyone praying for you, you'll be able to kick this one(tumor)in the butt too! Take care and hope to see you back here soon.
Kathy Ruiz (former student) <kruiz@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:23 PM CDT
My prayers are with you.....
mary <spice@bigsky.net>
whitefish, mt usa - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:19 PM CDT
My familys thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
viv (scrabble) <kokoviv04@yahoo.com>
lake havasu city, az usa - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:42 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle - just a quick note to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Be Strong.

Your braintmr 'friend' and fellow Pacific North Westerner, Chris - mom to Sarah 11/14/90 ~ 3/28/99, dx ependymoma (brain tumour) 7/95, 8/97, 9/98

Chris <caney@telus.net>
Surrey, BC Canada - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:31 AM CDT
hi honey, I pray that everything will go according to what the doctors feel is the best treatment for you. To give them guidance and wisdom together to fight this one. Michelle you are truly a wonderful woman and have more strength getting everyone through this than I could ever imagine having. I pray that you have comfort knowing Dave is in good hands with these doctors. Above all else, you are all in God's hands, and what a beautiful feeling that is. Love you all, Val
Val Cole <valcole@charter.net>
Walla Walla, Wa USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:20 AM CDT
Meyer Family,
You are in our thoughts. If there is anything we can do, please let us know. You are a very special family.
Mike, Bridie, Keegan, Griffin, and Adeline Hood

Bridie Hood <bridie@roach-monahan.com>
Walla Walla, WA United States - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:08 AM CDT
My prayers are with you Dave and your family.
(((sending you all hugs))))

Debbie Orchard <orchardj82@hotmail.com>
Encinitas, CA. USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 11:49 AM CDT
Dave,Michelle,Kenny,Zach,and Kaitlyn,
Our hearts, prayers and all our Love are with you. "So I (we)pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you beieve in him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 NLT

Mom & Dad Meyer <bnj@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 11:19 AM CDT

Our prayers and thoughts are with you. Keep up the good fight!

Betsy Brinkley <brinkmb@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA - Washington USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 11:18 AM CDT
Prayers and Good Wishes for you all as you undergo this proceedure...God Bless!
Beverly Brady <bmidsisb@yahoo.com>
Hot Springs, AR USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:59 AM CDT
We'll be praying for you in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. My daughter has a brain tumor as well. Blessings to you and your family.

Barbara Perry <barbara561@cox.net>
Baton Roue, , La. USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:24 AM CDT
Dave and family. I just want to add my best wishes and prayers for healing. Remember as you face this challenge, you are in the hands of the Great Physician. God bless you and your family.
Carolyn Bell <reso77z8@verizon.net>
Portland, Or USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:00 AM CDT
Dave and family. I just want to add my best wishes and prayers for healing. Remember as you face this challenge, you are in the hands of the Great Physician. God bless you and your family.
Carolyn Bell <reso77z8@verizon.net>
Portland, Or USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:59 AM CDT
Dave, Michelle and crew-
We love you dearly, and of course hold you in our thoughts and prayers. I pray the surgery will be a safe and successful one and that all will be well. Peace to you all.

Shane, Tracy, and the girls

Shane Longmire
College Place, WA USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 7:24 AM CDT
Hi, we are friends of Greg and Stephanie (Navigator missionaries to the military). I am a cancer survivor for the past 4 years now (prostate cancer) and will be praying. May God grant your desire to dance at your daughter's wedding and much more!!
Gene & Marilyn Smith <gm2smith@san.rr.com>
San Diego, CA USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 7:23 AM CDT
Our prayers are with you all. Dave, you are such a tremendous person; we know God's will is with you. Be strong, and hold fast to your ever-steadfast faith in God. We love you all.
Harlan and Lisa Wolf <wolfh@bmi.net>
Walla Walla, WW USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:40 AM CDT
Dear Dave, Shelley, and wonderful brave children,
You have a special love and bond and God has brought you this far and he will for forsake you. May you be feeling all the love and prayers that will be sent to you over the next days, and months. We love you very much.

Dennis and Bonnie <bparker@pacifier.com>
Long Beach, Wa - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:14 AM CDT
Dave and Michelle,
You are in the Lord's caring hands. We will be praying for you along with all your friends and family and all our prayer partners. We love you guys!

Peter and Cheryl Wiederspan <wiederspanpc@qwest.net>
Puyallup, WA United States - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 0:31 AM CDT
My prayers are with you as always. Hope everthing goes well on Thursday. Love Rufus
Rufus Bierly <rufus1822@comcast.net>
Portland, Or usa - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 0:04 AM CDT
Dave ~ We keep you in our prayers always. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers especially on Thursday. Stay strong and keep believing ~ we love you lots!
Debi and Dan

Debi & Dan Spjut <debispjut@adelphia.net>
Kelso, WA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 11:57 PM CDT
You don't know me, but my prayers are with you. I've been through some overwhelming medical hurtles also. Be strong.
gumby <macinac1@excite.com>
Cambridge, MD USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 11:17 PM CDT
Hi you guys,
Our thoughts and prayers will be with you on Thursday and the days following. Speedy recovery. We are all pulling for you. Great pictures.
Love ya,
Ron & Arlyne

Ron & Arlyne Abbott <arlyneabb@rockisland.com>
- Tuesday, August 17, 2004 10:25 PM CDT
What a beautiful picture of you and your daughter. You hang in there, keep the faith and keep looking up! You and you family will be in my prayers and thoughts. I play BeeBop at The Club. What a wonderful, blessed family you are!!!
WinAngel <WinAngel@hotmail.com>
Roxboro, NC USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:57 PM CDT
Dave, you are one of the "lucky" ones. I'd love to blast my tumor away with Gamma Knife. Glad you can do this procedure. You will be in my prayers and thoughts as you go through this. What a great looking guy you are with that georgeous daughter. Keep On Keepin' On and Kick that tumor's A..!!
Love and God's blessings,

Martha Jo Chalmers <revgram1@comcast.net>
Albany, , CA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:41 PM CDT
OK, Dave, you are one of the lucky ones. I'd love to blast my tumor away with Gamma Knife. Glad you can do this procedure. You will be in my prayers and thoughts as you go through this. What a great looking guy you are with that georgeous daughter. Keep On Keepin' On and Kick that tumor's A..!!
Love and God's blessings,

Martha Jo Chalmers
Albany, , CA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:40 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Eloise Boren <eboren75@hotmail.com>
Bend, OR USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:33 PM CDT
We want you back in our neighborhood borrowing ketchup and watching trees fall down...is that too much to ask?
But until then, as God takes you once more into the hands of doctors far from home, we will hold you up in prayer knowing that you know the power of his mighty love. All our love...

Gary, Judy, Greg and Nick Peasley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:29 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you!
the Ruley's: Vicki, Steve and Marc

Vicki Ryley
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:04 PM CDT
Hi Meyer Family! We are praying for you- for all of you. May God surround you with peace.
Tom & Missy Peterson <missygpeterson@charter.net>
- Tuesday, August 17, 2004 8:43 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach and Kaitlyn!
We will indeed be praying for you...now, and in the months to follow as well. We are praying for a successful surgery, no side effects and a quick recovery. Dave, we want you back in Walla Walla (with a new brief case) ASAP!

Kevin, Kirsten and Pribilsky crew <kaprib@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 8:41 PM CDT
Hi Dave and Michelle, Thank-you so much for the website. Will and I have wondered often how you all are. Will is deployed right now to the Persian Gulf but I passed along this web site and will also cut and paste the information to send him in an email in case he can't access the site from where he is. You will all definitely be in our prayers through this trying and scary time! Our hearts go out to your family. Please know we think of you often and wish we were closer so we could be of more support. For now we know that you are in God's hands and we find solice in knowing that He has a plan for all things. May God Bless and heal you!
Stacy Mouat <mouatw@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville , FL USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 7:59 PM CDT
Scott and I, Ray and Heidi, Chris and Shannon all send you love and prayers for a very successfull surgery. You are such a wonderful family, I know God will carry you through, love Gwen
Gwen Campbell <Gwen@whatadaystudio.com>
Camas, WA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 7:44 PM CDT
we will be keeping you in our prayers. Hope all goes well.

steve walk <steven.walk@wwcc.edu>
WW, WA usa - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 7:34 PM CDT

All the very best to you from another BT family... and if your vision gets a bit fuzzy, well, driving is not all it's cracked up to be, anyway! (We visited the neuroroopthamologist for some help).

Take care :)

Pam Hirtzer
Piedmont, CA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 7:29 PM CDT
Dearest Dave and Family,
My warmest wishes and lots of prayers and good thoughts coming to you from New Jersey. I hope all goes well.....

Debbie Bartole <Debbiebartole@aol.com>
Trenton, NJ USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 7:29 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers will be with you on Thursday. May the gamma knife do its job well! I wish you peace and joy in the midst of the fight. God bless you and your whole beautiful family, from some comrades in the battle.
Bob & Anne Wityk <awityk@comcast.net>
TImonium, MD USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:56 PM CDT
You don't know me but I know all about you from your wonderful wife. We chat via the brain tumor on-line support group. I have been praying for you for quite some time now. I feel confident that you will overcome these recent challenges. Sending more prayers from NJ!! Your friend, Doris

Doris Meyer
NJ USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:49 PM CDT
Dave, Michelle, Kenny, Zach & Kaitlyn - Your strength as a family is tested again and again, but it just seems to make you stronger. Our wonderful miracle man is surrounded by love; that makes him fortunate indeed. If there is ever anything we can do to help, please ask.

Love you all!

Deb, Kevin, Jake & Meg Wright <dwright@hscis.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:01 PM CDT
Hi Dave,
You have one terrific wife!! She is an absolute doll!! You are very lucky to have her. I want you to know that there are many many prayers coming your way from Utah!!! You have such a cute little family. We are praying that you will beat the beast!! And good luck with the Gamma Knife!! We are praying for you my friend!!!
Lots of Love and Hope,
Danny and Julie
and Morgan and Mason

Dan and Julie <shanno7772@yahoo.com>
Payson, Utah USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:01 PM CDT
Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD , the LORD , is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation." Isaiah 12:2
God be with you and your family. I will fast and pray. God is good all the time.

Ron Huwe <rdhuwe@yahoo.com>
College Place, Wa USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 4:42 PM CDT
To Dave and Michelle.... From a distance the two of you have taught me more about the meaning of Faith and inner strength than I've learned listening to all the Priest in all the Churches where I have knelt .... May the beacon of your Faith forever be the light that guides your footsteps ...
Janice Bond <janicefayebond@juno.com >
Ramona , CA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 4:41 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you each and every day, as they have been from the beginning. Your strength, your courage, your attitude and your faith never cease to amaze us. We love you, Dave!
Cindy Lorang & family <thelorangs@charter.net>
Walla Walla, W USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 4:14 PM CDT
Dear Meyer family,

You are one of my favorite "Pioneer" families and I'm sending my prayers and thoughts to all of you.

Diana McNamara <dmcnamara@wwps.org>
Walla Walla , WA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 2:46 PM CDT
I love you all. I hope you feel the strength of all of us as we do whatever we can to help you through this.

I had a law school professor who was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. He swore that green tea and rice vinegar had made the difference in shrinking the tumor enough to operate and has been clean for 7 years now.

My thoughts are with you.

Kevin Bayley
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 2:29 PM CDT
All of you Meyer-folk make my heart smile when I think about you and all of the happy times we shared. I miss you all so much but want you to know that you are never far from my thoughts but even closer in my prayers.

God speed and pax,
Tiffany <><

Tiffany Buissink <tiff_b15@yahoo.com>
Spokane, WA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 2:10 PM CDT
We are sending our prayers, thoughts and love, along with strength for your journeys. Mom & Dad Bond
Carol & Dennis Bond <carolbo@pacifier.com>
Ocean Park, WA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 2:03 PM CDT
Dave, I'm praying for you! I love you! Love, your wife
Shelley <meyer1986@charter.net>
Walla Walla, WA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 1:59 PM CDT

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