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Wednesday, November 20, 2013



I have a dream... but afraid to try and maybe to old or not smart enough to do it. Want to know what it is? OK I told you before that Maxie loved trees.. He was studying the rain forest when he got sick and the cutting of trees or trees destroyed in storms upset him so much. Well for years I ask people to plant trees in his name, but every time there is a very bad storm like last week in IL I get this idea. If I could start a NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION in his name that goes in and re-plants trees that have been destroyed. Maybe go in a year later and plant hundreds of trees with the help of nurseries and churches and any clubs
that will help.. The monies will be use to buy trees from local nurseries to help them also. What do you think?

If you want to help me concact me at julielynn47 @ aol.com

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

9 Years today. I cannot believe you have not been here with us the past nine years. You are in our hearts and minds every day still.

Robert is now a Sr. in Amelia High School and 6'4". He misses you so much Maxie. He even mentioned he did not know what to do or be in life without you to tell or lead him. He would have followed you anywhere.

Your puppy, Missy died a few weeks ago I hope she is there with you now. She was a great dog that you picked out. She loved us all for the 9 years we had her. Her liver gave out and was in a lot of pain. I bet she is tugging at your pants legs as you run and play with her again. I hope Big Gretta is there with you two also..

I just wanted to tell you we all love you to the moon and back and will see you soon. Take care of everyone there and give them all a hugs from us.

I still ask people to plant trees for you... and if I ever get rich I am going to build a giant swimming pool here in Amelia for all the kids here to learn to swim and put your name on it, with big trees all around it! I love you...
this much ---------------------------------! Grandma

Sunday, Dec, 9th , 2012

I cannot believe that it has been this long since Maxie left us. The pain feels like only yesterday but the memories are starting to fade way to fast. I am sure that is how your body tires to heal but it makes me mad! I want to remember every second Maxie had on this Earth. I miss him so much at times. I think about what college he would have gone to and if he would have been a doctor like his uncle or what. He was so very smart. I can just see him and Robert playing X-box and talking on Facebook on their I-pods... Can't you?

Most of you that lived through this with us would not know Robert now. He is 6'4'' tall and was be 18 in October. He is in the 12th grade and still goes to Amelia High School. He is a great driver and just starting to like girls. He has not decided what he wants to be yet, kind of a late bloomer but that was to be expected. He has been through a lot.

Chris and I are both retired now but would love to find some part time work but at our ages and living in a small town that is hard to do. Gas is to high to drive to Richmond. I want to move back to town when Robert gets out of school in June. God Please Help me do so!

Christy is still very sick. She has liver problems, arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and very bad back problems not to mention the mental pain she has been through in her life. We are slowly working on the things that can be fixed but some cannot be so please if you are reading this add her to your prayer list. Pray she gets her disibility this time.

Please keep us in your hearts forever.. Christy and I are both on Facebook now if you want to find us, look us up and message us. We would love to hear from our friends on Caringbridge. We could not have made it without you.


New people to come to Maxie's page... PLEASE GO READ HIS JOURNAL FROM THE BEGAINING.

Sunday, April 3, 2011 MAXIE WOULD BE 18 TODAY!

Today Maxie would have been 18 today! I keep thinking of all the things he would have done this year so it has been a hard year for us.

He was such a precious child and I would not give a million dollars for the 10 years and 359 days I had him in my life. I know if there is a heaven, the second I get there he will come running with his open arms and beautiful smile.

I can almost see him now laying in bed with his phone or Ipod talking to Robert in the bed next to him. I would have had to bought 2 XBoxes for them..lol

Maxie, I miss you and I hope Stan is standing right next to you. Give everyone a big hug in heaven for me and try and find that cure for cancer and whisper it in someone's ear so no other child has to go through Cancer.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It has been another tough few months in our lives. Christy is still very very sick and bedridden all the time now except to bath and eat.

Chris lost his job at Advance at the end of June and our money was cut in half. Trying to figure out about Social Security and medical insurance is a nightmare in its self. I put Chris in charge of that so he will have something to do. I have enough stress with the household stuff and now trying to figure out how to pay bills with almost no money.

We found out his unemployment was going to be $213.00 a week. lolol What a nightmare this is getting to be. He has to look for work at least 2 times a week and it makes him so depressed. Who want to hire and 67 year old man?

I have been getting shingles since 9-11 and now they are getting closer and closer. They are flaring about once a week now. The spots do not even fade out before I get new ones. You feel bad for at least 3 or 4 days every flare and then you are behind on laundry and housework so it is days before you catch up and then you are starting to feel sick again. Big circle another nightmare!

Robert is a sophomore this year and starting out good but has gone down hill since then. Like most kids he hates homework and with all the stress that surrounds him it make it much harder. I had to buy him all new jeans for school this year (again). He is so tall! We have to order his shoes because we cannot find his size in stores.

He is just starting to like girls some and that is nice. He is really starting to care how he looks and the clothes he wears. He is so shy he better find one that will do ALL the talking!

Chris found a job delivering parts at a car dealer in Farmville. He is very worried about the paper work part of it. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but it is so much better for him than just sitting and drying up like he was.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Maxie I miss you so much.. Stan we needed you now! Mom I hope you are taking care of my babies till I get there. Love you all. Julie

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Subject: hey girl!
I went to one of my pages to see if there was any news on a little 4 yr old girl from our community....she has leukemia and didn't respond to the last bone marrow treatment...they've given her about a month...she's been fighting almost 3 yrs and they've tried everything...she has 3 cousins that are Aidens age he has been friends with since birth...

I had been thinking about you all week...and I guess reading about sweet Cadence, it got me thinking about you again...

You know how they say you won't ever forget where you were on Sept 11th? How things are so shocking (like 9/11) that they will always be with you? There are only a handful of these memories I have...the day I found out I was pregnant, Aiden taking his first steps ...first home run...

But then there are others...for me there was the day in September....I had just walked into the doors (that short hall-just before the pit) on the east campus--standing right in the middle of the teachers lounge...I was wearing this cute red dress with squiggly lines all over it (I kept it for YEARS!!) but what I remember was Jeri and Aimee and Deanna and everyone hugging you and crying....and that's when I learned about Stan... your eyes so red from crying...

I remember that day in March...when I had gone to my friend Judys son Dustin's page and I was reading all the stories of the new angels and clicking on the words Angel Maxie to leave a word of encouragement for the poor family who had just lost their child..when it loaded it said Maxie lagourney and commenting how I had a friend from HS named Lagourney....and then weeping at my computer when I learned it was your baby who was gone...

I visited his page often just to see new pics you put up...I feel like all the posts your mom left about sweet Maxie that I knew him...

I had always known about that day 31 years ago...I didn't know the details, you got really pissed one day when I was over at Jeris or Deannas cuz that was when she had moved over to that house that was on the perpindicular street....and you simply said something about it...that just wasn't something we talked about in 1985...but once I read your moms blog...she was just greiving Maxie and Stan and you were just struggling and she was venting how unfair your life had been and how she couldn't take your pain away...and I read about that day...I never knew you were just a little girl or you were kidnapped...we don't need to relive it....I cried for days and prayed so hard for your comfort...I didn't know what else to do...

So anyway...I was thinking about cadence's mom and her aunts and cousins who are my friends and neighbors and how they are saying their goodbyes and preparing to lose this precious little being...and worrying about one little cousin in particular, who this is going to hurt so very much and wondering WHY and how will they ever do this...and what do you pray for?? A miracle? A healing? Pray for peace and no suffering? That seems like giving up and we promised to never give up...I just felt so lost and hopeless and the tears wouldn't stop...

And that's when I thought about you...and what happened...and about Stan...and Maxie...and I knew...just pray for them...their peace and comfort...what will be done will be done...and I pray that Lindsay and her family have the strength of Christy...because she has managed to wake up everyday and try her very best...sometimes she fails...or thinks her best that day is really her worst...but the truth is she woke up that day....and I know that they will be ok...that everyday won't be good or great some will be horrible....but they will make it...and it makes me sad to think of the suffering they will go through...I know it's for a reason...I never ever believed that before...all that God took him for a reason...but now I do...I just don't know what that reason is...and I don't need to know...because there HAS to be a reason...no God is so cruel that he would put you through all you have been through for NO REASON...

Maybe he was making you so strong with what happened before...then Stan....so that when you lost Maxie and didn't want to wake up or get up...that you did...I don't know...but you are strong...you could conquer the world...you are my hero....

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tomorrow is six years since we lost our angel Maxie. As I sit here thinking about that day, that week, that year it now seems like I am talking about someone else sometime. But then my nose starts to burn and tears come into my eyes and my chest starts to hurt as I cannot breath and I know it is me that is hurting.

I know we are all dying some just faster than others but I still ask why almost every day about Stan and Maxie. Now I am having to ask why again about another child....

If I do not post on here very much lately it is because I guess most of you see me on Facebook a lot and others know liver failure is a long slow process and all I can say is: she not good! There are not the ups and downs like Maxie had with his cancer. It is just a long slow, painful ride downhill. We are all still here and still need and want your support.

Please remember us tomorrow and we cry for Maxie and put Christy on your prayer list. Love you all... Julie

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December is the hardest month to do without family. It just hurts me so much not to have Maxie and Stan around and then even my brother and his family so very far far away in TX.

It is not fair to Robert for us not to try and have normal Christmas with lights and a tree, food and gifts but with out the joy and laughter it is all just fake. Now with Christy so very sick she cannot even help me with it and I am very old and tired and it is not fun at all to it all alone.

Tears come now just thinking about getting the stuff out of the attic and all the boxes to go though. Dusting and cleaning and moving things around to put up a tree.. And then what tree? The BIG WHITE one that I have not put up since Maxie helped me decorate it his last year or the smaller one we bought the next year just so Robert would have one.

If not for Robert I would order a pizza and just sleep all that Christmas day! Oh well, life must go on..

He wants an X-Box 360 and some games! We would not let him have one last year because I was sending so many back at Mail Box Ect.. 8 to 10 every day that were broken, but most of his friends have one so they can trade games and they do have better games for it. Other then that he will be getting a coat and some jeans I guess. Just some boxes to open of things he needs like socks and stuff...lol He is wearing all men's sizes now.. and bends down to hug me.

Well, I must get busy and try to catch up some on my washing. Where does it all come from? PS His Mom is not any better at all! Keep her in your prayers, this is going to be a long battle. Maxie watch over your Mom and Robert.. Julie

Sunday, October 25, 2009


He will be 15 and is now 6' tall.. WOW, but still the same little shy guy!

This journal I am writting, is about my last week we had: (This was also printed our our local Amelia newspaper.)

Last week was very interesting or just a little different lets say. Monday morning I got up at 4 AM to get Chris (old husband) off to go to a meeting up close to D.C. and was just crawling back into bed about noon for a short nap when the phone rang.

It was a Mr. Moon at the high school saying Robert had been suspended for 5 days for fighting and for us to come and pick him up! Well.. such emotions go through you when you get a call like that. Robert has been raised without a father around and not much male influence. Since his older brother, Maxie died when Robert was 9 he has only had a few neighbors boys to learn to fight with, so part of me was kind of proud and another part of me was of course mad and upset.

As soon as his Mom and I get to the school we see our 6' tall baby (he is still my baby) sitting down the hall with a tear stained face and ask him what happen. Well, that is like pulling teeth getting him to talk. He said he was hit on the back of the head BUT he did not hit back! He did finally said he was throwing something at the other boy... We grabbed him up and left worrying about his head, since he has had a 3 seizures because of a small pocket of water on his brain that we have been watching for a couple of years now.

Finally in the car he said it was just something small he was throwing at the other boy and did not hurt him or hit him in the face, so we went back to the school to find out just why he was suspended for such a small thing. Well, it turned out to be M & M'S he was throwing! The boy had ask him to stop and he did not stop and there might have been some name calling but the boy then hit Robert. Robert did not hit back because he said " I did not want to get into any trouble".

Mr. Moon said Robert was suspended because of the "ZERO TOLERANCE" and he had instigated the fight! "That there are 2 sides to every story." I am now past 60 and there are usually about 5 sides to very story!!! I will just take up for my family for now! I do know, just from what I have heard from CNN the last few weeks.. I DO NOT LIKE MOST OF ZERO TOLERANCE STATE JUNK!

I would have never made it through school now days. I grew up in a small town with about 300 in the whole school. Everyone knew every little thing about everyone. I remember one day, back when your parents let you drive to the country store when you were only 12 or so to get milk and bread. I walked in the door and my Mom ask me if I had been driving around with "THAT SUCKER " in my mouth. I had a cinnamon square sucker that day! She said, the owner of the service station had called her and told her THAT I WAS SMOKING! Well, I did not smoke then or now, but I would have not been a "ZERO TOLERANCE" kid, that is for sure.

The boys back then would have had pocket knives in there pocket and maybe even a gun in there gun racks in there pick-ups they drove to school. We would not have cell phones but we could yell and get a friend any time to come over or call a 3 digit phone number and talk for hours maybe even on a party line. I was never told I could not go to my locker between classes or to the bathroom. And we did not have a candy machine in school!

It is sad it is all changed. I am sad there are gangs and guns and knives in some schools that have messed it up for some innocent first grader that just wanted to eat with his new Swiss Army knife or getting a weeks worth of ZERO'S for throwing a few M & M'S and having a normal growing up fight in school.

I am glad Robert missed last week... he was sick any way. His Mom has liver failure now and I got to take care of both of them. He is all better and this week while Amelia is out of school we are going to have a good time. I am very sorry about the little girl that died here! After already loosing a son and Maxie (Robert's big brother), I wish I could just wrap my arms round her Mom for the next year and forever.. It is going to hurt so much.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

This is a September Christy and Robert update.

First Christy is NO BETTER at all. Maybe a lot worse! I cannot wait till we go back to the DR. again I am so full of questions about how fast is this going to go and are they sure there is nothing we can do but DIET!

She is in a lot of pain all the time. She is coughing more and more and now she is having trouble with her eyesight already! I am so worried. So very very worried! I am trying hard to be strong for she and Robert but am falling apart inside. I wish I had a big family around me to hold me up but I do not. Feeling sorry for myself today!

Now for Robert. He does not understand, I do not think or is trying hard to pretend that nothing is really wrong. He did not think Maxie was dying till the very end either. So I think he will do the same with his Mom.

You should see how tall he is and his shoes.. OH, HIS SHOES! We had to order him size 15 and 16 shoes this school year. His pants are 31 x 32's and a Lg. mans shirt. I watched him stretch the other night and touch my ceiling, just to relax! I must stop feeding that kid. Talk about feeding.. Have you bought groceries for a teen lately? Talk about the value of our dollar. I need my own stimulus plan just to feed us. How do people buy food and gas now days?

He is in the 9th grade in high school this year. I think our high school has over 500 in the 4 grades total. It is not ranked very good and seems from what that paper says, the Amelia schools have a lot of political junk going on instead of teaching. He also told me he will be getting home later, because the county has 6 bridges that buses cannot go over because of weight limits. His is one of them. It is a shame that we have bridges in this country that a bus cannot even drive over safely with our children. I will get off my soap box and get in the pool and cool off! OH, WE DO NOT HAVE ONE IN OUR COUNTY! While I am venting I should send this to the paper.. but who would care.

That is about all I know. OH, I got a new Black self-cleaning stove for my kitchen. Why, I do not know, I hate to cook but someone has to.

Please put Christy on your prayer list.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

This is an Christy update:

First I want to say that she is no worse and has lost 40 lbs from her heaviest weight. The Dr. and nurse's are so proud of her and so are Chris and I. She has tried to get up and out a little more also but still not walking enough to get much strength back. She hurts bad most days and is still bleeding and having a lot of muscle cramps. (UPDATE 8/11/09, Dr office called about blood test. Her Vit. D is very very low.)

They are taking her off the meds she was on because they cause bleeding and go thru the liver. They are going to try something different for a while. Something to relax her muscles and told her to take vitamins.

Just a few days ago, Christy's best friend on line, (LORI) lost her 7 year old Grandson, MIKIE to a drunk driver. He ran up into a yard and killed 2 boys playing together. It has been very hard on Lori and talking to Christy has made us all think about Maxie and Stan a lot. We know how very hard it is and how much she will need to talk the next few months. She lives in New York and right now that seams a million miles away.

Robert did a month of summer school and I think he had a great time. The school took them somewhere every Thur., like bowling, swimming and Bush Gardens. That was great since I am so tired most of the time and do not think I could have walked around a theme park in this heat and old legs!

He will start 9th grade Aug. 24th. He is the tallest person in the house now and wears a size 13 shoe. I so wish he liked basketball or tennis. He runs good but he just really does not like sports. It is much harder when old people raise you!!

We traded cars last week and did the "CASH FOR CLUNKERS" deal. I had read about it and told Chris I thought we should go look at what they had or might want. The dealer matched what the government paid so we think we got a great deal. At our age we hope this will last about 10 years at least. We bought a black Dodge Nitro and traded in our just running '89 Jeep.

We are planning on giving Christy's car to Robert next year when he starts driving. I cannot believe he will be that old next year!

Well Chris just got home from work and it is poring rain outside! He is fussing at how much we spent on groceries today....lol Ever feed a growing teenager in the summer? His boss quit this week. He has been working 7 days over 10 to 12 hours a day. This is why I never wanted to be a manager again when I stepped down and never wanted him to be. It will kill you!

Lori, if you read this... you know you and your family are in our prayers. I wish you lived next door so you could talk to us. Love you. Maxie watch over Mikie and show him the ropes. We will be with you both in a blink of an eye.

MAXIE, I love you this ------------------------------much!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thought some of you would like to read this!

Can Rhabdomyosarcoma Be Prevented?

Other than certain inherited genetic conditions, there are no known risk factors for rhabdomyosarcoma. Because of this, there is no known way to prevent this disease.

What Is Rhabdomyosarcoma?

Sarcomas are cancers that develop from connective tissues in the body, such as muscles, fat, membranes that line the joints, or blood vessels. There are many types of sarcomas. Rhabdomyosarcoma is a cancer made up of cells that normally develop into skeletal muscles of the body. The body contains 3 main types of muscles.
Skeletal (voluntary) muscles are muscles that we control to move parts of our body.
Cardiac muscle powers the heart's pumping action.
Smooth muscle is present in internal organs. For example, smooth muscle in the intestines pushes food along as it is digested. We do not control this movement.
Skeletal muscles begin to form in embryos about 7 weeks into early embryonic development. At that time, rhabdomyoblasts (cells that will eventually form muscles) begin to form. It is these cells that can develop into the cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma. Because this is a cancer of embryonal cells, it is much more common in children, although it does occur in adults occasionally.

Although most of our skeletal muscles are in our limbs and trunk, these cancers most often are found elsewhere in the body. Common sites include:

head and neck (near the eye, inside the nasal sinuses or throat, or near the spine in the neck)
urinary and reproductive organs (bladder, prostate gland, or any of the female organs)
arms and legs
trunk (chest and abdomen)
But these cancers can occur anywhere in the body, including sites that don't normally have skeletal muscle.

Types of rhabdomyosarcoma

There are 2 main types of rhabdomyosarcomas.

Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma

Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS) is the most common type of rhabdomyosarcoma. It tends to occur in the head and neck area, bladder, vagina, and in or around the prostate and testes. ERMS usually affects infants and young children. The cells of ERMS look like the developing muscle cells of a 6- to 8-week-old fetus.

Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma

Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS)occurs more often in large muscles of the trunk, arms, and legs and typically affects older children or teenagers. ARMS cells look like the normal muscle cells seen in a 10-week-old fetus.

Do We Know What Causes Rhabdomyosarcoma?

We still do not know what causes most cases of rhabdomyosarcoma, but researchers have found some important clues in recent years.
Researchers are starting to understand how certain changes in DNA can cause normal cells to become cancerous. DNA is the chemical in each of our cells that makes up our genes -- the instructions for how our cells function. It is packaged in chromosomes - long strands of DNA in each cell. We normally have 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell (one set of chromosomes comes from each parent). We usually look like our parents because they are the source of our DNA. However, DNA affects more than how we look.

Some genes have instructions for controlling when our cells grow, divide, and die. Certain genes that speed up cell division are called oncogenes. Others that slow down cell division, or cause cells to die at the right time, are called tumor suppressor genes. Cancers can be caused by DNA mutations (changes) that "turn on" oncogenes or "turn off" tumor suppressor genes.

For example, people with Li-Fraumeni syndrome have changes in the p53 tumor suppressor gene that cause it to make a defective protein. The p53 protein is normally responsible for causing cells with DNA damage to either pause and repair that damage or, if repair is not possible, to "self-destruct." When p53 is not working, cells with DNA damage continue to divide, causing further defects in other genes that control cell growth and development. This may lead to tumor formation.

Another kind of problem arises when a cell's genes are rearranged, so that the order or sequence in which they work becomes disrupted. This is probably what happens when bits of DNA are translocated (switched from one chromosome to another) when a cell is dividing into 2 new cells. A mechanism like this seems to be responsible for alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS), as well as certain other childhood cancers.

In most patients with ARMS, a small piece of chromosome 2 (or, less frequently, chromosome 1) is moved (translocated) onto chromosome 13. This moves a gene called PAX3 (or PAX7 if it's chromosome 1) right next to a gene called FKHR. The PAX genes play an important role in causing cells to grow while an embryo's muscle tissue is being formed, but they usually shut down once they're no longer needed. The normal function of the FKHR gene is to activate other genes. Moving them together likely activates the PAX genes, which may be what leads to the tumor forming.

Recent research suggests that embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS) develops in a different way. Cells of this tumor have lost a small piece of chromosome 11 that came from the mother, and it has been replaced by a second copy of that part of the chromosome from the father. It's not yet clear which genes this affects.

About 3% of childhood cancers are rhabdomyosarcomas. About 350 new cases of rhabdomyosarcoma occur each year in the United States.

Rhabdomyosarcoma Staged
Group III

These children have tumors that cannot be completely removed, leaving some tumor behind that can be seen with the naked eye. The tumor may have spread to nearby lymph nodes, but there is no sign that it has spread to distant organs.

Group III has 2 subgroups:

Group IIIA: The tumor cannot be completely removed by surgery, and only a biopsy of the tumor has been done.

Group IIIB: The tumor cannot be completely removed, but surgery has removed at least half of the tumor.

This group accounts for about 50% of patients with rhabdomyosarcoma.

Intermediate-risk group: For those in the intermediate risk group, the 5-year survival rates range from about 50% to about 70%. The rate varies somewhat by tumor location, stage, and the age of the child.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

This new version of the 'footprints' story really caught me off guard at the end...What a blessing.

FOOTPRINTS...A New Version

Imagine you and the Lord Jesus are walking down the road together. For much of the way, the Lord's footprints go along steadily, consistently, rarely varying the pace.
But your footprints are a disorganized stream of zigzags, starts, stops, turnarounds, circles, departures, and returns.

For much of the way, it seems to go like this, but gradually your footprints come more in line with the Lord's, soon paralleling, His consistently.
You and Jesus are walking as true friends!

This seems perfect, but then an interesting thing happens: Your footprints that once etched the sand next to Jesus' are now walking precisely in His steps.

Inside His larger footprints are your smaller ones, you and Jesus are becoming one. This goes on for many miles, but gradually you notice another change. The footprints inside the large footprints seem to grow larger.

Eventually they disappear altogether. There is only one set of footprints. They have become one. This goes on for a long time, but suddenly the second set of footprints is back. This time it seems even worse! Zigzags all over the place. Stops. Starts. Gashes in the sand. A variable mess of prints.

You are amazed and shocked. Your dream ends. Now you pray:
'Lord, I understand the first scene, with zigzags and fits. I was a new Christian; I was just learning. But You walked on through the storm and helped me learn to walk with You.'

'That is correct.'

'And when the smaller footprints were inside of Yours, I was actually learning to walk in Your steps, following You very closely.'
'Very good.. You have understood everything so far.'
When the smaller footprints grew and filled in Yours, I suppose that I was becoming like You in every way.'


'So, Lord, was there a regression or something? The footprints separated, and this time it was worse than at first.'

There is a pause as the Lord answers, with a smile in His voice.

'You didn't know? It was then that we danced!'

Sunday, May 10 , 2009

Christy will be having more tests tomorrow for her liver failure. They are looking in colon and stomach for bleeding. Please keep her in your thoughts.. Julie

Sun. May, 10, 2009 Update

The Dr's office called about colon test and biopsy was clear! I did not even know they did one on anything. He did not mention it after she got out of test. He was a grouch and looked very tired.

Her throat has hurt bad all week from the stomach scope so she went to see our regular Dr. yesterday and now she has a very bad case of THRUSH! Did she already have it or get it from the test? She is a mess. She cannot take the antibiotics because it goes thru her liver. We have to ask now about every med so see if it goes thru the liver. Bring back such bad memories of Maxie.

We are still keeping how sick she is from Robert and I finally broke out in my shingles! I am surprised I have not before this with all the stress around there.

The rain finally stopped and Chris and I got to mow on his day off. We are going to try and paint some tomorrow and finish the kitchen finally. He looks so tired. Still working over 50 hours a week (standing up) and driving over 2 hours a day. He has a few faults but he never stopped working. I can almost count on my 2 hands the days work he missed in his life except when his had surgery on his neck. He changed a lot when he lost his Stan and broken when Maxie died but he kept going. He carries us all.

Please keep Christy and Robert in your prayers...
Maxie watch over them they need you and I miss you.
Mom... Happy Mother's Day I love you.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Christy will be having test tomorrow. Most of you know she is in kidney failure and we hope to have good news. Please keep her in your thoughts. Julie

Sunday, March 22, 2009

March.... roars in like a Lyon and out like a Lamb, just like Maxie did. I hate this few weeks as they come around every year. My Mom died this time of year and Maxie too. As I look out at the spring flowers trying to come up and I realize did not even see them the year he was in the hospital. That eight months that was a lifetime I do not remember anything but pain and needles and test.

I am so glad now he did not live a long long time with cancer treatment. I do wish we had demanded surgery the very first month, when he was strong no matter what they had to take out of him. Now they are taking out almost every organ and kids are living.

I still ask why, why, why.. This week when we had the ski accident with such a beautiful lady I ask why again. Do I still get angry? Oh yes I do!! I get mad that Robert does not have Maxie to grow up with. I miss the laughter the most I think. This house just kind of died when Maxie died. Christy and I aged about 20 years each that year and the few years after. It was all so unfair to Robert, and it still is. Yes, we get up and try but we get knocked back down like a feather or dust bunny. People use to die of broken hearts... if not for Robert I would have died a few years ago.

My heart broke with Stan and Maxie mended it almost perfectly. I think it is now broken into a million pieces and cannot be fixed. I hate this week.... I will be glad when it is over and April comes. Maybe his birthday will bring back happy thoughts!

Please plant a tree in Maxie's memory.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine is over.... and winter is almost gone. We had just one tiny snow, just enough to make things look white till about noon. The March winds are already here and fire warnings are in effect already. Life is rushing by so fast now. When you hit your sixty's time just rushes by.

We all watch the news to much and worry to much. Most things we cannot do anything to change it anyway. We change our light bulbs, use less water and recycle.. I would but up a windmill and solar things if I had the money and or knew how.. I would even raise chickens but the neighbors would have a fit I am sure. I bet the feed cost more than eggs! If I bought a goat or small calf to mow my yard and then eat them once a year, I would fall in love with the goat and could not kill it and Robert would do the same with the cow!

I even thought of ridding a golf cart to the store but Chris told me it is against the law and uses more gas than a car for as far as we have to go! There is not enough room on a motorcycle for the bags so do not even suggest that! Oh, well I guess the smart guys got us in this mess, maybe they can get us out of it, but I bet not in my lifetime.....

Christy is still feeling very bad. I am so worried her. I wish they would put her in the hospital and run a lot of tests, just so they could finally find what is wrong. The stress is so hard on all of us, and stress kills!

Robert has been sick and we took him to the doctor and he said bronchitis. I think he got it from Chris. I am the only one in the house this winter, (so far) that has not been sick. But my lupus - fibromyaliga keeps me down enough as it is. Still fighting my shingles. They keep trying to pop up but not to bad lately. They are sneaky little things.

I wanted to remind everyone that now that spring is here to try and plant a tree for Maxie this year. If your yard is full ask your church or school or local park for a spot. It is such a little thing... but if everyone did it once a year what a difference it would make. He worried so much about all the trees being cut down and burned down in the world.

Thank you,

Julie, Maxie's Grandma

Saturday, January 24, 2009

2009 already and we have a new president in office. Time is flying by so fast. The economy is bad and every penny counts so much now and the country is not use to that day to day worry about money. Just like everyone else our 401- K has lost so much that we can't even think of retirement like we wanted to next summer.

We had wanted to sell this house and buy a cheaper one somewhere but now we are not sure anyone could buy this one or that we could get enough to be worth selling it. All of this change in less than a year.. How very strange!

It has been a mild winter here except for a few very cold days and no snow so far. I miss a little snow. I know the kids do. Every kid loves to play in the snow a few days a year and get out of school too.

Speaking of school. Robert is still slipping. I so wish we had kept him back in the 5th grade and had a different teacher. I do not think he leaned a thing that year. He has been feeling OK on his meds and that is good. They make him hungry, and he needed to eat anyway.

Christy is still sick. I so wish she would feel better. I worry about her more than she will ever know.. and it makes me worry that if something happens to her Robert will be alone for so much of the rest of his life.. AND HE CANNOT STAND TO BE ALONE!

Chris has a cold or maybe getting the flu. You can never tell with him because he will not tell you how bad he feels till he falls over! His boss was in the hospital last week with the flu so we are keeping our fingers crossed it is not the real flu! Then I guess the rest of us will get it!

How am I? Same I guess. Slow to get up and started. Starting to feel my age more and more. I do feel a lot better than a year ago when my back was out and better than in Aug. and Sept. when I think the mold in the house was effecting me so I guess that is good. I think the two things in one year really hurt my muscles a lot and I am just not bouncing back very fast or as fast as I wish I could or should.

Well, that is all my Jan. news and gripes I guess. Wish you could come help me paint some.. Pray that all of this mess with the economy gets better soon, and people are not put out on the streets or loose their jobs.

Maxie I miss you so very much... Stan I love you! Mom I need you! Dad I need a hug, Please. The rest of you, I hope to see you in the blink of an eye!

Love Grandma

December 2008

Here it is almost Christmas. This year has gone by so fast but my kitchen has gone by so slow. It has been since Oct. 1 since we have had a kitchen sink. It is like camping out inside.

The floors are done. It took a couple of guys a day to do that. I was so easy.... If I only has nice young muscles and knees. Then the contractor went hunting and was not to be found for 3 weeks as my counter tops were being made. Well he did not know it but Home Depot decided to help us and put a rush on the job, but I could not find Author anywhere. I called and called every number he gave me.

Home Depot wanted the counters re-measured before they cut them! I was pacing around my kitchen trying to decided what to do. Try to find another contractor in the middle of a job.... try to do it ourselves.... have Home Depot do it at double the cost!! Finally we just measured ourselves and rolled the dice. (Chris is not a carpenter!)

The day they were delivered I reached for the phone and called the number once again. I knew there would be no answer but there was. I told Author the counters are here and he said he would be right over. A few hours go by and he has not showed up! I called again and he said it would be in a few hours he had a big big job they were in the middle of! Sure enough he and 3 guys stop buy and I thought great my counters will be done in just a few minutes. NO, that is what I get for thinking. He looks at them and says he needs this and that and starts to leave. I ask when he is coming back and when I should tell the plumber to hook up the sink! He said I will get back with you and drives off. Am I stupid or what!

Well I guess Chris and I will learn to finish the counters Monday. It is to late to put up any Christmas. Kitchen boxes are all stacked in my living room so no room for a tree. I already gave Robert his Play Station III that he wanted for Christmas so he could have it on the school break. I keep telling him that is all he is getting....

Right now I wish we had the money to go to Disney or somewhere for Christmas! This is the one time I would do it. Well, I am still learning at 61 and I am going to have a beautiful kitchen for the NEW YEARS that Chris and I did most of it ourselves.

Everyone have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year... If you see Author my contractor, tell him he is FIRED!

Maxie I miss you so much. You would have been laughing at me all the time during this and then helping your Granddad just get it all done. You would have loved the Play Station III, it does so much. Robert is so tall now. 5'10". He would still be looking up to you no matter if he was taller than you. He misses you so much and so do I. He had a seizure at Wal-mart yesterday. It scared me so much Maxie. Why can't he just have a normal life and be happy? He has had enought pain already! Back on his meds and more scary test again in your hospital. You come watch over him will you!!

My kitchen is almost finished. We got another guy that worked the last 2 days and almost rebuild my kitchen it seams. The plumber is coming this afternoon to hook up sink. I might be able to have Christmas dinner, if I can stay awake! If not, I will eat leftovers...

PS: Kitchen was finished at 5:30 Chritmas Eve, thanks to some very special guys... and we had Christmas dinner the next day...

^i^ We Lost Another Friend ^i^

Hannah Elaine Pasquinelli

Here is a copy of the obituary that should appear in the newspaper this week. Thank you again, so much, for all the love that is pouring in.

Hannah Elaine Pasquinelli has earned her wings and has joined her heavenly Father on December 7th, 2008 after a life long battle with Cancer. She was designed by God and God had a plan for her life. She was perfectly molded to fit His plan. Sharing our lives with Hannah was a blessing, a learning experience, and a joy that will forever be cherished. She impacted many lives during her short time here with us.

Hannah was born in Raleigh NC February 8th, 2003 to Richard and Diana Pasquinelli and they resided Smithfield. Hannah had a spirit that was full of love and light. She loved her home, taking care of her animals, visiting the ocean, and spending time with her family and friends. She attended Kindergarten at Johnston Christian Academy and was a member of the American Legions Women Auxiliary of Benson.

She is survived by her parents Richard and Diana Pasquinelli, sisters Aarika and Veronica Catete’, Grandparents Judy and Richard Pasquinelli of Pa. and Gary and Patricia Meredith of Ohio. She also leaves behind many cousins, her aunts and uncles and so many good loving friends. She was preceded in death by her brother, Lance Cpl. David S. Parr.

For those wishing to pay their respects, calling hours will be held at the First Assembly of God Church located 923 E. Booker Dairy Rd. Smithfield 27577 Tuesday, December 9th 6:00-8:00 p.m.

The family will receive relatives and friends prior to the service from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., on December 10th and the service will follow.

Flowers may be sent to Parrish Funeral Home, 1351 South Pollock Street, Selma NC 27576

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Johnston Christian Academy, 923 E Booker Dairy Rd., Smithfield, NC. 27577

This is who I sent the Maxie's BUILD A BEAR - Bear to. So she was very special to us. Someday I hope her Mom can pass "The Bear" on to another Cancer kid when she is ready. God bless these kids. Grandma Julie

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Well, almost the holidays and a lot has been going on around here...

We have had NO KITCHEN since Oct. 1 because a leak from our dishwasher that was put in last April by BEST BUY. I was so excited because it was a Kitchen Aid and was going to last the rest of my life! It was installed wrong...

Well we had a wet floor in Sept.. and we found out it had been leaking slowly since they put it in! It had ruined our kitchen sub floor and caused MOLD under the house! To get to it all they had to pull out and tear apart my kitchen!

All during all of this and most of last summer we had all been sick a lot, now we put two and five together and thought dummy, MOLD! Well, I was the sickest (is that a word?) because I stay in the den and kitchen the most! I could hardly walk by the end of Sept. and had to quit my part time job at the UPS store... I was so sad!

We are all slowly getting better. My house is in a big mess and we are eating out some and cooking in an electric frying pan. They put my new floors down this past Friday.. lets see that was over a month and a half!!! We get to order the new counter top Monday and it will be another 2 weeks before that comes in... so still no sink to do dishes!

They are going to clean my air ducts the 24th and come dust part of my house.. not so sure why part but anything helps!

Now news about Robert... He is so tall... you would not believe how tall that kid is getting. He still does not like school except for working in the office. If I had the money I would send him to one of those schools that help him catch up! I still think boys should start school a year later than girls and school should start from 9 to 5. Boys and girls stay up later than they did when people farmed in the old days. Most women work and that way kids would get home later also instead of being alone or in the streets! Oh well, no one ask me.

I am missing Maxie and Stan a lot... I guess it is the fall and holidays. I wish they both could be around so Robert could have an Uncle and cousins and his brother, he so needs them. Maybe I can rent a family! Wonder if Brad Pit needs an Aunt or something....lol or the new President elect.. he is much closer to us.. I have never seen the White House!

Chris is working very hard, still his 50 hour weeks standing up.. He is on vacation next week, I do not know if that is good or bad...lol

Christy is getting better all the time. Maybe the MOLD got her some too. Her web pages and the league keeps her busy but she is starting to go out more all the time... that is a very good thing! I love her so!

I love and miss you guys.. and Mom I need your strength...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

WOW, half way through October already. I think I must have slept most of September!

I have been so very sick. I just found out when, we had a new dishwasher installed in April and it had been leaking slowly under the house and kitchen floor. (MOLD).... It has warped our floor and they had to cut the counter top apart to get it out. They have been here blow drying the floors this week.

I have the worse shingles my DR said she has ever seen! I had just got out of the hospital for 3 days with chest pains and not breathing well...!! Makes since after I knew about the dishwasher leak. We should not even be here. Robert has been having breathing problems and headaches too almost ever day. Of course Christy with all of her health problems does not need all of this at all!

I cannot wait to be out of this house!!! The day I feel better and have a kitchen sink, lol I am going back to painting and we are going to MOVE! We have still not decided where to move. Back home to Texas or somewhere cheaper in the VA mountains. Any move is going to be hardest on Robert. He is so very shy! We need to downsize to a ranch style house, in a cheaper part of the country. The east coast is just to high.

Chris wants to retire next summer and work part time for Advance for a long as he can from then on. So our plans are for now to be ready to go by June or July!

PS.. can you believe Robert will be 14 on the 26th. Time is going by so very fast. He is the tallest in the house I think. If not, he can reach the highest. Still having a hard time in school. He was so sweet the other night. I was telling him how smart he is and he said "NO, I lost it two years after Maxie died! When I had that man teacher that was so bad! He is now teaching the 6th graders!"

I was so upset and tried to tell him he was still as smart as ever, just behind. That Maxie's death had set us all behind in life and aged me 10 years. That Stan's death had aged me 10 years that I was really 81 years old....lol. That for my age I was great looking. He then sat and pulled on my wrinkles on my arms, that I am getting from age and loosing weight... and we laughed!

Maxie and Stan, I so love and miss you so. Mom I need your strength right now so much.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Well another school year has started. Robert is in the 8th grade this year. I so hope it will be a little better than last year. He had a rough time. He is working in the school office an hour a day and is very happy about that. He had not even told us that he had applied for that! I think he likes also it gives him an hour to do his homework at school most of the time too.

I quit my little job at the UPS store. The boxes are just to heavy for my bad back and a new owner took over after 11 years. I was not going to ask the new guy to baby me like the old ones did. They spoiled me! Plus the gas all the way to town was hardly worth it.

Chris is still working way to much on his feet and cannot wait to retire or cut back next summer. He works 50 hours weeks on his old legs. The bad thing is his boss goes home the minute Chris gets there then they all work short handed the rest of the day and cover for him! It is killing him and they won't say a word.

We are still trying to decide where to retire. We want to sell this tri-level house and move to a smaller town and buy a cheaper house with a lower payments! We have been looking at towns that have one or two ADVANCE AUTO PARTS so Chris can still work and keep his benefits. I want to go home to Texas to be close to family and friends and Chris does not care. The mountains of VA are beautiful also. You want to make sure the town has a good schools, hospitals and an Advance. Not high crime and the price of housing not to much so it is hard, so we have been doing a lot of looking and reading on the Internet. Plus then we have to all agree...lol If you have any ideas, chime in.

Well, the dryer is buzzing as always. It is a beautiful fall day here but I have bad shingles so here I sit! I should turn off the news! Love you all... Julie

AUG 12 , 2008




(Christy wanted to put this letter on Maxie's page, so here it is:)

Hi Ima! I found a story that made me think of you and wanted to share it. This is a story that was created to teach children about death. My friend recently lost her son and felt very inspired by this story. She had a dragonfly tattooed on her foot to symbolize the meaning of the story. Just thought you'd like it.

A group of waterbugs lived a wonderful life in the pond but every now and then they noticed one of them would disappear. They made a promise to each other that whoever left next would come back and let the others know where they went and why. One day one little waterbug climed up the stalk of the lilly pad. After this trip he was very tired and slept a long long time.

When he awoke he saw that his body had changed and he had wonderful new beautiful wings. After flying around the pond he saw his waterbug friends in the bottom of the pond and remembered the promise he made to come back. Try as he might, he could not get back down to them in the water. He was sad and disappointed but he realized that when they became waterbugs they would realize how glorious new this life was.

We do not know the author but you are welcome to copy and paste it. It is a nice what to tell little children about death or when they have cancer what is going to happen to them! Maybe Maxie sent it to us.. I know he is still around, I fell him all the time.

Mom, I need your wisdom and strength right now.. I need all the Asburys to help me right now. Grather around me Please! Maxie you help Robert and your Mom! I love you all and miss you! I love you this much ------------------->

Wed. May 14th, 2008

Well, summer is almost here and Robert will be so glad. I think the 7th grade had been so tough for him.

Chris is thinking about retiring next year. We are trying to decide a lot of things.

I am still working just a few hours at THE UPS STORE and Christy is still not in good health at all. Please say your prayers for her.

Did I tell you a few weeks after my friend Pooh died... I saw two "Maxie butterflys" together right outside my back door! Very very strange! I think they are together waiting and watching over us now.. I love you guys.

Maxie and Stan we miss you so!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

POOH or PAT went to into a coma on March 27th and passed away March 28, 2008. Her last words were talking to Maxie! They are together watching over us and waiting. I feel them now! I love you both you know this much.................................>


Continued, unexplained weight loss.

Headaches, often with early morning vomiting.

Increased swelling or persistent pain in bones, joints, back, or legs.

Lump or mass, especially in the abdomen, neck, chest, pelvis, or armpits.

Development of excessive bruising, bleeding, or rash
Constant infections.

A whitish color behind the pupil.

Nausea which persists or vomiting without nausea
Constant tiredness or noticeable paleness.

Eye or vision changes which occur suddenly and persist
Recurrent or persistent fevers of unknown origin.


Saturday March 22, 2008

This is for Pooh!

Easter is always the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox (which is March 20). This dating of Easter is based on the lunar calendar that Hebrew people used to identify passover, which is why it moves around on our Roman calendar. Based on the above, Easter can actually be one day earlier (March 22) but that is pretty rare.

Here's the interesting info:

This year is the earliest Easter any of us will ever see. Only the most elderly (95 or older) of our population have seen it this early and none of us have ever, or will ever, see it a day earlier!

Here's the facts:

The next time Easter will be this early (March 23) will be the year 2228 (220 years from now). The last time it was this early was 1913, so if you're 95 or older you were around for that.

The next time it will be a day earlier, March 22, will be in the year 2285 (277 years from now). The last time it was on March 22 was 1818. So, no one alive today has or will ever see it any earlier than this year! That is hard to believe! Have a .....


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

 This is a note I sent to the lovely lady that sent Maxie his "MAXIE BUILD-A-BEAR MOOSE" when he was in the hospital the last 6 weeks.

I wanted to drop you a note to let you know that we have decided to send on,
"MAXIE MOOSE" (the Build-a-Bear Moose) that you sent Maxie during those last few bad weeks he was in the hospital at MCV in Richmond. Maxie never came home but the Maxie Moose did and stayed snuggled away in his box all of this time.  
Not long ago I found it tucked away behind some Christmas wrapping paper hiding away from all of the other stuffed animals of Maxie, we have in a big trunk.  I have no idea how it got there.  We had given away most of the "MOOSE" to people we loved and who loved Maxie to remember him by, but this little Moose had done a good job of hiding.   I held my breath hoping to find Maxie's billfold that was lost the first few days after he died but it was not in the box.  I cried as I held the MAXIE MOOSE and as I thought of him playing with it and how very sick he was those days.  I dusted it off and put it with the other animals and told Christy we should start giving all of them away soon to other kids to love. 
A few weeks ago I got an email about a little girl with the same kind of cancer that Maxie had and I knew that MAXIE MOOSE had found new a home.  I ask Christy if I could send him to her and she said yes....  Then it was ME... that was really having a hard time letting go.  It has sat a week at my work, ready to be shipped.  (I work at an UPS store!)  When I opened it once more to pack it, I found your E mail and I knew I had to write you...   Thank you so much for the MOOSE... and the joy if brought Maxie. I know it will to Hannah also.
I will send you a link to her page.. so you can see her..   Julie Lagourney



Sunday, February 17, 2008

Here it is the middle of February already and time is flying by. I wanted to post a small update.

Christy is doing great on her diet and has only slipped a couple of times. It is hard because of the hours she has got herself use to and what her Dad works. We all come home from work and school at different times of the day. That is why we all lost weight when we had the country stores with good cooks! We all ate real food instead of junk, we ate 3 times a day and were never hungry. I still miss the people from the 2 stores we owned but not the stress! I hated cooking!!!

Christy is going back to work March 1st so we have been on a mission to get up and out more to get her back into shape. It has been so long since she has stood on her feet for 8 hours a day she is going to hurt like ------- the first few weeks. She will feel better after she gets a few paychecks again!!

As for Robert and school, nothing has changed much. Christy has been working with them and he is in a math tutoring class but he just does not seam happy at all. I so wish I could hear him laugh more. I worry about that kid... I really do.

He is growing so fast this year, all we do is buy clothes. We have stuck to mostly cute T-shirts and jeans. We got him a new jacket at Target yesterday. He was so picky! He liked the one he has, but he would get it dirty in a day or two of playing and the sleeves were already getting to short. In 7th grade and wearing a size 11 shoe and a men's medium shirt and jacket. He has now passed both Christy and I in height and will catch Chris soon.

Update about Chris and I.... well, Chris is a crouch and very tired looking. We are both worried about him. He is working way to much in the store he is in. (50 hours) He does his job and his bosses also. I wish he would get closer to home and not drive so far to work.

Me... I love my little job. It is just right. Now if I could just solve all the other problems of my life....lolololol. Oh well, one at a time.

Maxie I love you... Stan I forever miss you. Mom I need you.... The rest of my family put your arms around us we will see you soon.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I have not updated in a while because it dawned on me this morning I have been holding my breath till we found out if Christy had a melanoma on her leg! Cancer, hate the word no matter what you call it!

I guess unless you have walked in my shoes and lost a Son and Grandson already you cannot understand this... but I do not think I have relaxed for the past 6 weeks. She FINALLY went to the Dr. Thursday and we were 5 min. late! They have a rule if you are late you are bumped! We heard them talking and I was about to explode where they called her back and they would not let me go with her! Great, now I am really uptight but Robert is with us so I cannot make a seen because I am trying to teach him how to behave and act in this world! BUT IF HE HAD NOT BEEN WITH ME I WOULD HAD!

A short time later Christy comes smiling out of the back and I know she is OK. When she gets out to the car she says the spot is scar tissue and the lady Dr. was very nice and removed a mole on her shoulder and wants her to come back in 10 days and have a few more moles removed (like we all should she said). We then all talk about our moles where were they are and all decide to go eat!

It was like a storm cloud was starting to lift and break up. I did not realize till I got up this morning how much I had been worrying about it. I know I worry all the time about our big old bear Chris, and money but when you ad THE BIG "C" back into the mix... I just kind of lock up. Life had just stopped. I still have Christmas boxes to be put up into the attic, and I am bipolar remember!

Well, we are all starting diets today. We are going to the grocery later to buy lots of meat, chicken and vegies. Going to try and drink more tea instead of Dr. Pepper is the hard part for me. So wish us luck because it will be good for all of us.

As for Robert.. this was report card week... I think he wishes there was no 7th grade ever! I still think he got so far behind the last few years that now it caught up to him. No kid left behind stuff was stupid! I wanted to keep him back last year but nobody wanted to but me. I think boys should start to school a year later than girls to began with anyway. Then the year Maxie was sick.. we should have kept him out just to play with Maxie and let him do that grade over! HINDSITE! Don't you love it!

Well, if you have having a Super Bowl Party have a good time. If doing your taxes, good luck. Have a good day and if you want to diet will us... Get in touch with me!

Maxie and Stan I love you. Mom I need your help with my
taxes. Julie

Sunday, January 13, 2008


'Dear Mom,

I know you're going to miss me; but don't think that I will ever forget you, or stop loving you, just 'cause I'm not around to say 'I Love You'. I will always love you, Mom, even more with each day. Someday we will see each other again. Until then, if you want to adopt a little boy so you won't be so lonely, that's okay with me. He can have my room and old stuff to play with. But, if you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn't like the same things us boys do. You'll have to buy her dolls and stuff girls like, you know.

Don't be sad thinking about me. This really is a neat place Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything. The angels are so cool. I love to watch them fly. And, you know what? Jesus doesn't look like any of his pictures. Yet, when I saw Him, I knew it was Him. Jesus himself took me to see GOD! And guess what, Mom? I got to sit on God's knee and talk to Him, like I was somebody important. That's when I told Him that I wanted to write you a letter, to tell you good bye and everything. But I already knew that wasn't allowed. Well, you know what Mom? God handed me some paper and His own personal pen to write you this letter I think Gabriel is the name of the angel who is going to drop this letter off to you. God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked Him where was He when I needed him?' 'God said He was in the same place with me, as when His son Jesus was on the cross. He was right there, as He always is with all His children.

Oh, by the way, Mom, no one else can see what I've written except you. To everyone else this is just a blank piece of paper. Isn't that cool? I have to give God His pen back now He needs it to write some more names in the Book of Life. Toni ght I get to sit at the table with Jesus for supper. I'm sure the food will be great.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I don't hurt anymore the cancer is all gone.. I'm glad because I couldn't stand that pain anymore and God couldn't stand to see me hurt so much, either. That's when He sent The Angel of Mercy to come get me. The Angel said I was a Special Delivery! How about that?

Signed with Love from God, Jesus & Maxie.


Monday, January 7, 2008

I’ll lend you, for a little time,
a child of Mine”, He said.
“For you to love the while he lives,
And mourn him when he’s dead.”

“It may be six or seven years or twenty-two or three,
but will you, ‘til I call her back, take care of him for Me?
He’ll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief -
you’ll have his precious memories as solace for your grief.

“I cannot promise he will stay - since all from earth must return,
But there are lessons taught down there, I want this child to learn.

“I’ve looked the wide world over in search of teachers true,
And from the throngs that crowd life’s lanes, I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love,
Nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate me, when I come to call
To take him back again?

I fancied that I heard them say
‘Dear Lord, Thy will be done.
For all the joys thy child shall ring,
The risk of grief we’ll run.
We’ll shelter him with tenderness,
We’ll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we’ve known,
Forever grateful stay.

‘But should the Angels call for him much sooner than we’ve planned,
We’ll brave the bitter grief that comes,
And try to understand.’


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Robert is out of school starting today for Christmas. He is trying to figure out what stuff is, wrapped under the tree and I just will not give in and give him any hints any more.

I told him what makes me happy, is the surprise when he opens them on Christmas Eve. We let him open one an hour! We started that after Maxie died to change things up a little. (I did not think I could ever do Christmas morning ever again!) We are up cooking anyway and it keeps him busy and his mouth shut.....for a while.

The house refinance went nice and smooth. We got in at 6 percent, so I am treating myself to a new patio door for Christmas. This is the last year you can take things like that off your TAXES you know, so that will pay for about half of it.

I have had bronchitis for 2 weeks and have lost my voice. Christy has a very bad ear infection again. Chris is on vacation, doing honey do's. Well, I work today so better go get ready. Thank you for your prayers. I know they are working... I really do.

Have a beautiful Christmas and a safe holiday.

Maxie and Stan I know you are with us, we miss you as always
I LOVE YOU THIS -------------------------- MUCH!

Friday, November 30, 2007

I think Roberts appointment went great! They said the fluid on his brain may have been there all his life and we are going to keep watching it for now. As for his seizures, they upped his meds just a little and that should help his headaches too also. We are going to watch for side effects of the medicine.

All the doctors think Robert has been under a great deal of stress for such a little boy so close to his brother. He is so shy and does not talk much and holds his feelings in a lot so some or a lot of his symptoms might be stress and depression. They want him to see someone professional and we all agree!

I do not like even living in this life or house and I am grown so I do not know how a 9 year old to 13 year old should deal with it. I talk, cry and scream and he holds it all in! I have you all to vent too and hold me up and he just has us and most of the time he will not ask us to hold him.

We are all going to have to make some changes for him...
Please keep praying for all of us. I am sure your prayers have helped so far! Thank you! Julie

Friday, November 23, 2007

We had a nice Thanksgiving, just the 4 of us. Chris cooked most of the day and Robert ate so much!


Robert's office vist is the TOMORROW, I cannot wait. Keep him in your prayers things are not to bad.

Hope you all had a nice Turkey day. It snowed in West Texas, it made me so homesick. We had our windows open all day here and it was still so hot it was hard to cook in the kitchen.

Maxie and Stan I missed you so much but I missed my whole family. I wanted to stay in bed all day and pout but Robert does not need that. People with BIG familys are so very lucky. Count your blessings.


I’ll lend you, for a little time,
a child of Mine”, He said.
“For you to love the while he lives,
And mourn him when he’s dead.”

“It may be six or seven years or twenty-two or three,
but will you, ‘til I call her back, take care of him for Me?
He’ll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief -
you’ll have his precious memories as solace for your grief.

“I cannot promise he will stay - since all from earth must return,
But there are lessons taught down there, I want this child to learn.

“I’ve looked the wide world over in search of teachers true,
And from the throngs that crowd life’s lanes, I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love,
Nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate me, when I come to call
To take him back again?

I fancied that I heard them say
‘Dear Lord, Thy will be done.
For all the joys thy child shall ring,
The risk of grief we’ll run.
We’ll shelter him with tenderness,
We’ll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we’ve known,
Forever grateful stay.

‘But should the Angels call for him much sooner than we’ve planned,
We’ll brave the bitter grief that comes,
And try to understand.’

(author unknown)

Monday, November 5, 2007

It has been a long couple of weeks around here. The days are creeping by waiting for the next test for Robert and a chance to talk more to the doctors about him.

He had the best and worse birthday ever! A very good friend and partner of Christy (they do web pages) sent Robert an IPod. We all 3 told him not to take it to school and what did he do the very next day! Yes, he lost his billfold with his new IPod inside it. He got off the bus just crying and crying, till he feel fast asleep. He had already lost a $60 school book at school the week before and we had started to notice other memory things.

We knew his grades had been slowly getting worse but now his short term memory was really starting to brother both of us. The school nurse had gone around and told his teachers he was having a health problem but I guess in Jr. High they do not have time for kids with "problems"! (Now this is a very small school in a small county.)

Last Wed. he called me from the office crying. First, Robert has never been called to the office and he does not cry very often. He had lost a workbook for the same teacher that he lost the text book! I looked everywhere while he was on the phone crying and then he just hung up! Christy and I got up and went right up to the school to see what was going on that upset him so much that they made him call home crying!

Come to find our later, about 7 others had to call their parents but Robert did not tell me that but since Robert had never been called to the office I do not think that would have made any difference since he had just lost the other $60 book that the teacher had called us at home about. We talked to everyone in a close meeting about his memory and about what was going on with him and what we thought they knew. They were nice but to do anything extra to have to have all the doctors write notes and diagnostics like we did with Maxie and have a BIG meeting with everyone, and we do not have all of those yet. Like with Maxie he had books at home and at school, 2 sets. Not a big thing.. just so he did not have to carry them. Then later, home schooling when he was very sick.

It is so strange to be going thru this with Robert. If you have the BIG C, you get so much understanding and attention. If you have anything else in life, like my Lupus or other things like what "YOU" might have... people just do not seam to care as much. Do they not understand that if it is surgery that it takes to fix this.. One slip, one infection, one small thing wrong and he can be gone forever or never the same again. Who will be around to take care of him?

Well, I have vented now! The janitor had fond the $60 text book I had paid for and no one told me. Robert has no billfold or IPod with his name engraved on the back. The workbook is still missing! Halloween was not bad and I told him this was his last year to go house to house. Since it was a school night there were not many out and we only had 2 at our house. We have also lost our little male Siamese cat, PAPA this week. We do not want to even think what might have happen to him in the woods behind our house. Like I said, it has been a long long few weeks.

Roberts next test is next Monday and doctor visit the 20th I think. Please keep him in your prayers.

Maxie I need your strength and Stan your arms around me. Mom I need your wisdom.

Grandma Julie

Monday, October 22, 2007

I cannot believe that this week is ROBERT'S birthday!

My best friend e-mailed me today to say what a busy week I have with my brother's birthday, Missy our dog's birthday, Robert's birthday and Chris and my 43rd anniversary! What a great friend.. I did not even remember the dog or Chris and I!

I had already explained to Robert with his Mom still not working and things still so tight around here and gas so high that things were just going to be tight for a while. How do you ever tell kids that use to be spoiled that things are just not that same any more. How do you explain that you are now the poor kid on the block! When is he going to figure out that the Ebay things we buy are sometimes used and will ever he care! I hope not.

Me going back to work part time has helped some.. but not enought for all the extra medical stuff. I have been off all last week and now this one too because of very bad shingles. My doctor said NO STRESS, and to rest and try to worry... I do love getting out of the house more but makes me want to stop and get take-out more...lol. OH, how I miss eating out a lot!

Christy went to the doctor today... Not much good news there either... Still has a bad ear infection...(how long has this gone on? MONTHS!) She was was told she cannot stand to work, that her knees are already shot... That if she does work she must find a job sitting... That she needs to start walking more and more each day as much as her knees can handle. (That will help my stress too... walking!)

I keep watching shows and people that say to be positive and good things will come to you and so help me when I get up every day I do try, I do... I am like an hour glass, by the end of the day a few more thing are just dumped on me again and I just fold like a rag. I keep saying I used up all I had left with Maxie... I had reached my limit or passed. I do not think my prayers are being heard! Would someone else tell God to please stop... Please.. Just for a while.. and let me catch my breath.



Well, we did not learn a lot.... MRI shows something like fluid on the side of his brain... like from an injury or birth defect ... They want to run more test because of his headaches not being any better and want to see if they can find out more.

You start thinking of every time he hit his head in the last 12 years (3 hard) and of course being born with his cord wrapped around his neck 3 times! You can go nuts blaming yourself. The famous what if's...

They took blood work today and he did great but said it hurt this time.

They told us to cut out caffeine and try to get him to sleep more at night! 3 meals a day and no stress... so just the same as before.. Try to keep everything very normal. Funny, that is the same thing my shrink and family doctor tells me all the time.

I will let you know when we find out more.. We thought of so many questions after we left of course. I will be reading up on things on the computer so I can worry more too.

Thank you for your prayers and worry.. I will let you know more when I know more.. If you have any ideas let me know. PS.. He was born in San Angleo and that is were he sat in the birth canal for 10 days before they believed Christy was in real labor.. The cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times when he came out all black!. I saw it.. I was in the room when he came out or they would have never told us I am sure! WHAT IF, WHAT IF!!! Julie

OCTOBER 21, 2007


Well, we did not learn a lot.... MRI shows something like fluid on the side of his brain... like from an injury or birth defect ... They want to run more test because of his headaches not being any better and want to see if they can find out more.

You start thinking of every time he hit his head in the last 12 years (3 hard) and of course being born with his cord wrapped around his neck 3 times! You can go nuts blaming yourself. The famous what if's...

They took blood work today and he did great but said it hurt this time.

They told us to cut out caffeine and try to get him to sleep more at night! 3 meals a day and no stress... so just the same as before.. Try to keep everything very normal. Funny, that is the same thing my shrink and family doctor tells me all the time.

I will let you know when we find out more.. We thought of so many questions after we left of course. I will be reading up on things on the computer so I can worry more too.

Thank you for your prayers and worry.. I will let you know more when I know more.. If you have any ideas let me know. PS.. He was born in San Angleo and that is were he sat in the birth canal for 10 days before they believed Christy was in real labor.. The cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times when he came out all black!. I saw it.. I was in the room when he came out or they would have never told us I am sure! WHAT IF, WHAT IF!!! Julie

The HOTTEST ORIGINAL graphics on the NET at Sparkletags.Com

(written after she found out she was dying from cancer).

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the ‘good’ living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have sat on the lawn with my grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner." There would have been more "I love you's" More "I'm sorry's."
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute...look at it and really see it ... live it and never give it back. STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF!!!
Don't worry about who doesn’t like you, who has more, or who's doing what.

Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us. Let's think about what God HAS blessed us with, and what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically and emotionally. I hope you have a blessed day.

The HOTTEST ORIGINAL graphics on the NET at Sparkletags.Com

I’ll lend you, for a little time,
a child of Mine”, He said.
“For you to love the while he lives,
And mourn him when he’s dead.”

“It may be six or seven years or twenty-two or three,
but will you, ‘til I call her back, take care of him for Me?
He’ll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief -
you’ll have his precious memories as solace for your grief.

“I cannot promise he will stay - since all from earth must return,
But there are lessons taught down there, I want this child to learn.

“I’ve looked the wide world over in search of teachers true,
And from the throngs that crowd life’s lanes, I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love,
Nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate me, when I come to call
To take him back again?

I fancied that I heard them say
‘Dear Lord, Thy will be done.
For all the joys thy child shall ring,
The risk of grief we’ll run.
We’ll shelter him with tenderness,
We’ll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we’ve known,
Forever grateful stay.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The HOTTEST ORIGINAL graphics on the NET at Sparkletags.Com

Saturday was a very hard day around our house. We got a letter from MCV hospital that Robert's MRI test was ABNORMAL!

At first I tried to be brave and strong then I just fell apart. Robert was down the street playing and when he came home I told him I had a very bad headache! I later let him drive just a little and we went to town to get a new lady Molly fish and to Sonic to get a hotdog for supper.

I did a little better Sunday thinking if it was very bad they would have called not sent a letter, RIGHT! So first thing Monday, Christy calls the doctors office and ask about the letter and they say they can see us Oct. 11!!!! Christy then explains to the nurse about Maxie and she said she will call back. About an hour later she did and said nothing serious and the doctor will talk to us Oct. 11th.

OK, now we get to worry a few more weeks... but I will let you know what is going no as soon as we know what is going on in that beautiful head. KEEP US IN YOUR PRAYERS..

Maxie you watch over him....! I love you!


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Hello Julie:
I see in my book of dates that today, September 9th, is a sad anniversary in your life.
It must be unimaginably difficult to get your head and heart around the fact that twenty-one years have passed since your Stan died. Another promising life lost; and his potential forever unrealized and unfulfilled.
I want you to know you are in my thoughts.
with love and kindest good wishes,
Sandra j

I came in POGO a while ago today to say HI, but you did not see me I guess. Yes, it has been a bad day, a bad week too. I have had a bad cold and headache for over a week. I was only suppose to work 2 short days and my boss covered them for me so I do not work again till Tues...

Christy was kidnapped and raped (when 10) on the first day of school in Corpus and Stan died on Sept 9th so this time of year always kind of throws me down. Of course Maxie was so sick from the end of July till he died in March so I guess the end of summer and fall will now always remind me of driving him back and forth to the hospital.

Robert had his MRI yesterday and he did great. (It was in the same room as Maxie's last one! Later they told me that night he would not live much longer.) Then they took us to recovery, and put us in the same room Maxie was in before his last surgery! Memories, memories. They just came flooding back like dark waves yesterday. The kind that you really do not want to re-live.

It made me wish I had my Mom's lap to cry into... Not hold it all in and be strong for Robert. No wonder I have a headache!

Thank you for thinking of me today... You know... you are the only one that as wrote or called me. I love you for that.. Julie

MAXIE I LOVE YOU THIS <------------------------------> MUCH!
The HOTTEST ORIGINAL graphics on the NET at Sparkletags.Com

Sunday, August 26, 2007

It has been a long long HOT summer again...

Robert starts to school in the 7th grade tomorrow and is very glad. I think he is very lonesome and tired of staying home being nurse to his Mom and I. He would never say so... but I think he is. Can you believe he will be 13 in October? I have been teaching him to drive this summer on the back roads here and he is doing great! I wanted him to know, just in case there was ever and emergency he would at least know how! His health is doing fine so far on his meds. Only time will tell.

I have gone back to work at the THE UPS STORE (Mail Box Etc.) part time to help catch up with some money and get out of the house some. Not sure how long my legs and back can take this job but glad to be up and out some. The owners seam glad I am back and right now I am glad to be back.

Christy's health is still not any better at all. She has bad arthritis in her knees and one elbow and looks like fibromyalgia too. She hurts all the time! I worry that she is going down the same path my MOM did only years earlier and I am just watching it happen. It is like fighting fire and you try to put it out but it just keeps burning or growing no matter how you fight or yell. I have been here done this before and still no good ideas.

My job in life now it seams is to try and get Robert off on a good start because he will be alone for so long in life with no family support. He will need to learn to make pick and make great friends his family and to support himself in life. I hope and pray he is strong enough to do this and I live long enough to help him. (That is my prayer to God now each day.)

Chris is still working long and hard at 64 on his feet over 10 hours a day. His boss keeps leaving early all the time for months now and he is doing both jobs. He is much to old for this. We try to let him just rest on his days off but our honey do list is getting very long. I can and do most of them but some just take more muscles than I have. (Example cutting wood!)

Please keep us in your prayers. We love you all.

Maxie and Stan... Please watch over all of us, we need you!

The HOTTEST ORIGINAL graphics on the NET at Sparkletags.Com

SUNDAY - JULY 22, 2007


Well, it has been a long stressful week. All I have done is worry about Robert and reading lots of stuff about seizures. I know all about them anyway because Chris is has had epilepsy since he was 16, but I just wanted to refresh myself on them. Strange, Chris has not had one since right after Stan died in 1986, but I still jump if I hear a loud bump, like he fell! Now I worry when Robert is out of site!

So far the doctors cannot find any BAD (like cancer) reason for Robert to have them just maybe just a lot of little things that might have triggered them just now. He said you might not ever know what caused them or why they started now. Family history, (Chris- of course) ROBERT'S x-long dry birth and the cord being wrapped around his neck 3 times, his fall in Wal-mart and hitting his head when he broke his tail bone, the stress of Maxie's death and stress at home now, his health and sleeping patterns with his bad headaches seem most important. They all could be the cause or trigger!

There are some simple things "WE" can work on and a he put him on a drug for his headaches (DEPACOTE). It also helps serzures and has a side effect of weight gain that will be good for him. They want to run a few more extensive test in a month or so, with him asleep... but for now it is just more our job and see how this drug does.

I know from all the years of being married to Chris, stress and lack of sleep caused almost every one of his. I think that is what we need to work on most for all of us.

Maxie... watch over Robert and your Mom... I love you much. Grandma... Stan and Mom, I miss you so!

Tuesday, July 12, 2007

Robert had another seizure yesterday!

He and I were in Walmart and he said he felt dizzy and about 5 minutes later he had a full grand mal seizure of about a minute. Chris was down the street at Walgreens and Christie was in bed in Amelia so I had to call 911 and then both of them.

We took him to MCV this time where we saw so many of Maxie's doctors... Angela was there, since she now works in the pediatric ER. They ran test and called in the all the troops and he has more test next week. It was a long night and I am very sore from catching him and holding him in Walmart.. and all the walking of the dumb big parking lots at the ER. I am still covered with shingles so very sore anyway. We were all so very upset.

We all drove home late, about 11 PM and stopped and got him ice cream and then went bed. He does not remember much but walking in Walmart and then the ambulance. I hope they find out why if they can. I had forgot about last time about him hitting his head in Walmart a few years ago so hard. ... . We hope to know more in a few days.. He is very sore today. Keep him in your prayers.. Please.. Julie..


It had dawned on me as we drove home that Robert had been at the lake with the neighbors all this weekend and most likely not slept much at all. I am sure also he did not drink ANY water and she said he ate like a bird. He had not slept much since he got home and had even been hyper acting... almost like he was in Jan. before his first seizure. I do not know if his sugar, electrolites, sleep and or dehydradration or a combanation of above caused his seizure but I do think with stress and the previous head tramma have brought then on.



myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics


Where do balloons go when you set them free??
Do they float into the clouds or get stuck in a tree?
Do they fly high in the sky or get popped by a bee?
Do they soar witht he birds and the bugs in the air...
or stay close to the ground and get chased by a bear?
Does the wind blow them out over the big blue ocean..
or do they climb up and over samll hills and big mountains??

Do they go out into space and circle the stars and then
fall back to earth after traveling so far,
or does GOD collect them all in a big bouquet and give them to the children in heaven each day??
Where do balloons go when you set them free?
I hope they go to heaven as a gift for you from me!!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Maxie, we send our love to you all the time. I keep thinking I will miss you less as each day but NO, I miss you more. Maybe the burning nose and tears do not come as often but the thoughts and pains are still there.
I know now how people die from broken hearts.
Please watch over Robert and your Mom, they need you.

Love you... Grandma Julie.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The HOTTEST ORIGINAL graphics on the NET at Sparkletags.Com

This has been a long 3 years since Maxie passed away. We have struggled so much to try to get our lives back on track but we keep taking 3 steps forward and 4 steps back.

Christy's health has completely gone down hill since Maxie's death. I am sure the stress of Maxie dying and the sitting in the hospital for weeks on end caused most of it. I, myself think she has picked up some kind of bad staff infection some where some time and with the stress factor it has just taken over her body.

Poor Robert, I have no idea what this is doing to him inside. We have no family support, just the 3 of us so I am sure he is very worried all the time as I am about all the what if's something happens to his MOM or to Chris or I. I wait each day for the other shoe to drop and wonder what bad will happen next.

We sold the cabin and it made Chris cry and that broke my heart. We paid some bills with the profit but not enough and not all of them. With Christy not able to work now and gas and food going so high it is very tough.

I pray to God now for things just to get better and go smooth for a while. I pray to hear Robert laugh again and for Christy to want to feel good again. I pray that I see Chris smile some and not look so tired all the time. I miss my Mom a lot lately and her support and advice. I miss Stan and what Grandchildren I would have had now. I so wish I could sit down just once more at a Christmas dinner with all of us... family. (crying) I pray for peace so in a few years Robert does not have to go to war.

Maxie, Stan we love and miss you so much... Mom take care of our boys!

The HOTTEST ORIGINAL graphics on the NET at Sparkletags.Com

Sunday, June 10, 2007



Saturday, May 26, 2007

Courtesy of SparkleTags.com

Tomrrow is Stan's birthday. (May 27th, 1964) I have thought about it and Stan a lot this week. On May the 24th I wrote a check and started crying because it was my Grandmother's birthday and she wanted me to have Stan on her birthday. I started labor that day and she was so excited.

Strange thing I was in labor 53 hours with Stan so she did not get her wish. People kept coming to the hospital to see him and he was not there yet! So many of my husbands hot-rod friends were in the halls keeping Chris company the nurses did not know how many boyfriends I had been with! My Mom was getting so upset about that. My Dad smoked big smelly cigars all the time and I remember telling him to put them out they were making me feel sick and he did. My Grandmother reading me stories like a baby and my Mom rubbing my back for hours at a time.

They are all gone now even Stan. My heart was so broken when Stan died. I thought I would never ever get over it, till the day Christy told me to hold Maxie. I was not going to love him... but in that one second he looked in my eyes and he looked just like Stan. The same eyes and the old wise sole. I was hooked in ever cell of my body. Funny thing, he did the same thing to Chris and my Mom. We all felt it and talked about it later.

As Maxie grew older he just grew more like Stan ever day. His laugh and the way he learned. He had the same personality that people liked old and young. Stan had it and so did Maxie. Some movie stars have it or world leaders. A light comes from them, deep inside them and we are drawn to it.

As Maxie was sick and dying it grew stronger. He was like an angel going home. (The nurses kept saying he was an old sole.) I still wonder at times if they were the same person that God just sent back to me because it was really not Stan's time to go.

I get them mixed up in my mind even now... but tomorrow is my first babies birthday and I was just a child (just 17) when I had him. I miss him so much. I hope they are all together somewhere and in a blink of an eye I hope I will be there too.

(Sept. 9th 1986)

I love you and Maxie too!

Courtesy of SparkleTags.com

Monday, May 7, 2007

12-year-old girl killed Friday night in a single-car wreck in Chesterfield County has been identified as Isabella Piacentini of the 7000 block of Cogbill Road.

Chesterfield police said the child was a passenger in the car when it crashed shortly after 10 p.m. in the 21200 block of Hull Street Road. The car veered off the road, hit two trees and overturned, police said.

The girl's brother, Peter J. Piacentini, 19, who was driving the car, was injured, police said. His injuries were not life-threatening.

The crash was under investigation yesterday.

From NBC12 News
Friends and family will gather today to say goodbye to a little girl killed in a car crash on Friday. Funeral services for 12-year-old Isabella Piacentini are scheduled for 11 a.m. at St. Augustine’s Catholic Church at 4400 Beulah Road in Chesterfield.

Isabella was riding in a car with her brother P.J. on Friday when it veered off Hull Street Road, hit two trees and overturned. Police say a second set of skid marks indicates another car may have caused the accident.

“She was doing the Cabbage Patch and a little dance and we just had a car serve in front of us, and stuff happens … tried to control it, and we crashed,” P.J. Piacentini said.

“What they did was wrong, and I hope their conscience is bugging them pretty hard right now,” Fred Piacentini, father of the two crash victims.

Police continue the search for that second driver. They say they’ve been called to a number of accidents at this same stretch of Hull Street Road — three deadly crashes in the past two years.

Police blame a curvy road, a 60 mph speed limit and little to no shoulder. VDOT is looking into the issue, but it’s too soon to know if the department will make improvements to the road.









Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Happy Birthday Granddaddy Stanley May 3rd


Christy is still not able to work. Her health is very bad. Her body is full of infection. Friday she went to the little ER here and the Dr. said she had an outer and enter ear infection. He gave her ear drops. When we went to pick them up they were not the drops that stop the pain also, so by Sat. she was not only still hurting so bad she was crying all the time. I made her go in to town to the ER and they did a CT and said she had a very bad infection plus a boil on her eardrum. They gave her a shot right then, plus the drops with the pain med. Told her to see her regular Dr. Wed. (today) if not better. She is crying all the time, her ear is red, and she cannot see very well!!! I can read the Internet. I know what it can cause, I am not stupid.

OK, it is Wed. and she is not better so away we went. They changed her antibiotic and told her if not better by Friday morning they would send her to an ear Dr. Nothing on her body is healing for over a year. I told her (I went with her.) that I think they left sponge or gauze in her or she has a bad staph infection in her body.

So now it has been over 3 years since Maxie died and 8 months that he was sick. That means she has been stressed to the max for way to long. Her body and mind are giving up. I think it is her body more than her mind. She had her sleep apnea test and it was very bad. She goes back again the 13th for another test.
I do think oxygen would help!

As for me... help me...... all of this stress is freaking me out and that effects me and I effect Robert and Chris. We are closing on the cabin the 15th but now so far behind on things it will just maybe bring us back to even, not ahead like I had thought. That is what I get for thinking. I had so wanted to take Robert to Disney World. Well, starting to cry and get keys all wet. That is all I know right now.. Same old, same old.

Maxie I love you... Stan I miss you.
Grandma Julie


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Today is Christy's birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL!

I saw a thing on TV last night on CNN that they are going to plant a million trees in NY City. Maxie must be working over time. What an super angel he is! God had a job for him and I think this must be it. Keep up the good work Maxie. We are helping too a tree or more at a time.

Everyone please pray for Christy and her health...

Maxie and Stan I love and miss you...

Please, plant a tree for Maxie.....

Go back an read Maxie's whole story from the start. His, like other kids with cancer is so touching. It effects the whole family not just while they are sick but forever and ever.

Christy and Robert will never ever be the same. No matter how hard I try I can not fix things for them or make them happy again as they were.

We have such a small family and support group I worry so much about them all the time. Chris and I are getting older fast from all the stress we have been thru in our lives and it has now taken it tole on us. Stress is a killer almost as much as cancer, just slower.

Please wrap your hearts around my babies now and forever.


Maxie and Stan I miss you so much.



It been a hard week for us around here... please think about us.. Julie


Glitter Images @ Bopmyspace.com




Monday, February 19, 2007

Courtesy of SparkleTags.com

A good friend sent me this about our cancer that took Maxie. I thought you might like to read it too.

In a pair of new studies, University of Utah scientists took early but significant steps to fight a particularly deadly childhood muscle cancer by identifying some of the genetic events that cause the disease and then engineering mice that develop the tumors. The genetic events might be targets for new drugs that could be tested on the mice.

The disease, named alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, "is a very mean childhood cancer," says study leader Mario Capecchi, co-chair of human genetics in the university’s School of Medicine and an investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. "Once the cancer has spread, 80 percent of the children are likely to die within five years, even with the most aggressive treatment possible, including chemotherapy, surgery and radiation."

Capecchi says the studies provide evidence that the cancer may originate in mature or nearly mature skeletal muscle fibers. That is controversial because satellite stem cells – cells that become new muscle – long have been suspected of giving rise to rhabdomyosarcoma. "If we know where it starts and the cause, you might be able to prevent it, detect it early or develop new treatments based on a better understanding of the biology of the tumor," says Charles Keller, a pediatric cancer specialist and first author of the studies.

During the past 30 years, "there have been dramatic improvements in cure rates for a number of cancers," he adds. "However, the outcome for advanced alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma has remained largely the same for 30 years." Until now, scientists have been unable to breed mice with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, so "we understand the initiation and progression of this disease very poorly," Keller says. "This work represents a significant step forward in the understanding of the disease, and puts us on the path toward new therapies" less toxic to patients and better aimed at the cancer.

Keller and Capecchi believe it still will take 10 to 20 years for new treatments to emerge. But, Keller adds, "After 30 years of limited progress, we have our foot in the door." The new studies will be published Nov. 1 in the journal Genes & Development, with one of the studies published online Oct. 15. The studies involved mice, which have a genetic makeup quite similar to humans and thus are used as "models" for study of human diseases.

Co-authors of the studies were University of Utah undergraduate Mark Hansen; Cheryl Coffin, a physician in pediatric pathology; Benjamin Arenkiel, a graduate student in human genetics; and Harvard Medical School’s Nabeel El-Bardeesy and Ronald DePinho.

A Mutant Fusion Gene’s Role in Muscle Cancer

Childhood cancers are rare because cancer is primarily age-related. The American Cancer Society says that out of 1.37 million new cancers in the United States this year, 9,200 would occur in children age 14 or younger, and 313 of those would be rhabdomyosarcomas.

The American Cancer Society says 78 percent of children with cancer survive at least five years. But Keller says five-year survival is a dismal 5 percent to 30 percent – depending on the group studied – among children with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, the most severe form of the disease. (Another form, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, is more responsive to treatment.)

Capecchi says the cancer causes tumors in various muscles throughout the body, primarily in the legs, arms and shoulders, but also in the back, neck, trunk and even the tongue.

Scientists already knew that 85 to 90 percent of children with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma have an oncogene – a cancer-causing gene – named Pax3:Fkhr. It is known as a "fusion gene" because it forms when two chromosomes each break into two pieces and then fuse or recombine. The fusion gene includes a piece of Pax3 – which plays a role in forming the muscles, nervous system and head – and piece of Forkhead of Fkhr, a gene that acts as a tumor suppressor to control cell division, which runs amok in cancer. Researchers believe Pax3:Fkhr causes cancer by triggering inappropriate muscle development.

Unraveling the Workings of a Cancer Gene

In their first study, the researchers probed how the Pax3:Fkhr fusion gene affected development of the mouse embryo, muscle formation in the embryo, and muscle growth that occurs after the mouse is born and satellite stem cells give rise to new muscle cells.

They engineered a version of the Pax3 gene that could be converted into a Pax3-Fkhr fusion gene at any stage of embryo development and in any desired cells – a new technology called "conditional mutagenesis." Capecchi says these experiments revealed how the fusion gene turns various genes on or off, interfering with normal muscle development and providing clues to the complex series of steps by which the gene causes alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. "If you know the steps involved, then you can look at each of them and ask, ’Are there drugs that would specifically interfere with that step,’" he adds.

Keller says muscles are made two ways. As an embryo grows, muscles develop from cells known as somites, which also give rise to bone and skin. Just before birth, muscle starts being made a second way: Muscles made earlier gain added mass because of satellite cells, which are stem cells destined to make muscle.

Rhabdomyosarcomas long were thought to arise in satellite stem cells. Yet when the researchers activated the cancer-causing Pax3:Fkhr gene in mouse muscle satellite stem cells, the embryos didn’t develop tumors. That makes satellite cells an unlikely source of the cancer.

Scientists who reviewed the paper argued the cancer could still originate in rare subtypes of muscle stem cells. Keller and Capecchi plan to test those cells. But Keller says that when the Pax3:Fkhr fusion gene was turned on in tens of thousands of satellite stem cells, those cells didn’t become cancerous, so it seems likely the gene must cause cancer by becoming active in some other type of cell.

In the second study’s key finding, mice developed muscle tumors much like the human cancer when Capecchi and Keller did two things. First, they activated the Pax3:Fkhr cancer gene in mature or nearly mature muscle fibers either late in development of mouse embryos or after the mice were born. Second, they inactivated either one of two tumor-suppressor genes – named Trp53 (or p53) and Ink4a/ARF – that normally control cell division.

Recent experiments show nearly all the mice develop muscle cancer when the scientists activate the Pax3:Fkhr cancer gene and deactivate either tumor suppressor gene, Keller says. Mice previously have been created to develop the less deadly embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma muscle cancer, and a rare type, known as pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, but until now, no mouse had developed the highly lethal alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma.

Capecchi says cancer specialists have believed alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma originates in satellite stem cells because the tumors proliferate after birth, when stem cells retain their ability to proliferate but mature muscle fibers normally do not. Also, a number of cancers involve stem cells. So "it’s a big deal for a [mature or nearly mature muscle] cell not be proliferating and then all of a sudden to be able to proliferate" to form tumors, Capecchi adds.

Keller says other researchers previously found that maturing skeletal muscle cells grown in the laboratory can revert to muscle stem cells. The Utah research found that tumors arising from mature or nearly mature muscle in mice have some characteristics of stem cells. That suggests the "primitive-appearing [rhabdomyosarcoma] tumors may be the result of non-primitive [muscle] cells reverting to a primitive state," Keller says.

Mice with rhabdomyosarcoma now can be studied to determine how the cancer arises from mature or nearly mature muscle fibers, and also whether the Pax3:Fkhr fusion gene is required to maintain the cancer or just to get it started.

Mario Capecchi | Source: EurekAlert!
Further information: www.genetics.utah.edu

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Yesterday was a very scary day around our house.

As you know Robert has been sick off and on since around Christmas. Sleeping hours and hours, flu like symptoms, sore throat and other things. The last few days he had felt better so we had decided he could and should go back to school starting Monday instead of being schooled at home. He was glad and even road he bike down the hill to see if his friends were home yesterday morning. When they were not he ask if we could ride to town. I took a bath and he almost fell asleep. (Oh, how now I wish I had let him just sleep.)

We went to town and we had lunch with his Mom and then decided to go to Blockbusters to rent some movies and head home to veg out for the afternoon. It had been weeks and weeks since I had been in a movie store so I was busy looking at all the movies when I wanted to ask Robert a question. He was over looking at games to rent! I came around the corner and there was a stretcher with a person on it. My first thought was someone had a heart attack! Then in an instant I knew it was Robert! People all around him and they were just fixing to take him out the door to the ER! "I said that is my Grandson!"

He had a seizer I was told and a customer had called 911. No one knew who he was with. He did know anything at first and then only his name just as I walked up. We met his Mom at the hospital. Again the same hospital as Maxie. Again the same room as Maxie. Gee, you would think we could go somewhere different!

They ran all sorts off test and all were negative. He was just very tired and maybe a little dehydrated. He had lost his lunch on the way to the hospital also. His family doctor thinks we are all nuts and he has not been THAT sick. That no one really saw him fall in Blockbusters she said !!! She then had a srink come talk to him. Ask him if he makes himself sick. If he takes our pills or drugs. (Remember all test were just negative for everything!) Ask if he wanted to hurt himself! Poor Robert, just wanted to go home and go to sleep. I am trying to keep quite and keeping looking mean at Christy to keep her mouth shut so we can just go home!

We get home he has a cut on his head and his tail bone is so sore he can not even sit on it. His tongue is sore from him biting it too. I hate to tell the Dr.. but I am the one that is nuts in this house... NOT ROBERT! He hates being sick. He does not like the attention and wants to go play with is friends and be normal. She said he had lost weight! Well, he has been sick for over a month had just lost all his lunch...

Well, it is Sunday now and I think yesterday he was very dehydrated and tired.. His legs are so sore he can hardly walk!

The fireplace had been going a few days and with him sitting right in front of it playing games, that is my guess. He has an appointment with a counselor and goes back to school tomorrow as planned. I will tell mine all about it too next week and we will all make some plans. No wonder I hate getting out of the house!


Monday he went to school and did fine. We called the school counsler and she talked to his teachers to let him take his time catching up. He ate good when he got home and did a little homework. Even played some with the kids.

Tuesday Christy took him to OUR doctors for a checkup and to have his records transferred back to Amelia!!! You must trust your doctor. They are going to run a couple of more test since Chris has a history of seizures. He is upstairs asleep now, almost since he came home. He had gained 2 lbs, so that was good. I will be so gald when he gets his days and nights back to normal. He just hates going to bed alone! I know that is it. It has been since Maxie died.

PS... We have an offer on the cabin but the person has to sell their house first. Wish us luck!

Maxie... I love you...

~A Ponygirl Design~

January 14, 2007 Sunday

Well, Sharon you were to late with your wish of no flu... Robert has it or something! (MONO)!!!! OH NO!) He has been sick since Thursday with fever and sore throat.

It is so odd that I was just thinking Maxie never got sick and Robert always is.

I had a hard few weeks right after Christmas with the blues but am a little better now. The table was just so empty. I so wish we had a big family.

Christy is still working full time and doing good. She is happy to be at the store she is at. Chris is tired but happy at where he is. The cabin still did not sell! Guess we will wait till late spring and try again.

How am I? Going to rehab 3 days a week and sore as hell! They said my hip was out of place making my shoulder hurt! Getting old is so bad. I think when I cut my leg last Aug.. I might have jumped back and knocked my hip out of place. I remember being sore all over that week. We will see... I think it is just old age..

I want to thank all of you for the support you give us... I still feel it..I really do. You might not think so but I do.



(Just a note to Dick: Yes, they not only broke Maxie's heart but Robert's and I will never forgive them. They did not keep their word to a dying child! How bad and cheap can you be. Next time leave your last name and address! Call me and I will tell you the whole story!)

~~ Soar on wings of gold~~
~Across the endless skies~
~In search of the dreams~
~That live in your heart

~A Ponygirl Design~


Wednesday, January 3, 2007


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