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Monday March 12, 2007


Dear Family and Friends,

I’m shaving my head. Yes, I did say shave my head. I have recently registered to under the clippers during a St. Baldrick’s Foundation event to raise funds for childhood cancer research.

I am passionate about childhood cancer research. Because we are a family touched by childhood cancer. Weston was diagnosed at 22 months of age with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. God brought us through 5 rounds of regular dose chemotherapy, 2 mega doses of chemotherapy, 2 auto stem cell transplants and a stay in the ICU. By the grace of God Weston is in remission. That does not mean he is cured. At his last visit to the clinic, I was informed that the doctors would never be able to tell me that Weston’s cancer won’t come back. This is unacceptable to me. God brought many wonderful families into our lives when Weston was going through treatment and they are still good friends of ours today. I am shaving my head in memory of Courtney Howard, Griffin Yarbrough, and Elisha Henderson. I am shaving my head in honor of Weston Teel, Peyton White, and Logan Cherry. These 6 children and all of the others who battle cancer bravely and still somehow manage to be kids are my heros. Help me to help my heros.

Since its inception in 2000. St. Baldrick’s has raised more than $20 million and grown into the world’s largest fundraising event for childhood cancer. Worldwide 160,000 kids are diagnosed with cancer each year and despite tremendous progress, cancer remains the #1 disease killer of children in the U.S. and Canada.

St. Baldrick’s research grants help fill crucial funding gaps at medical institutions where children are treated for cancer, ensuring the finest care for every child. In 2006, the St. Baldrick’s Foundation granted over $4 million to a network of 230 institutions who work together to develop the most advanced treatment techniques. The foundation also granted more than $1 million to other hospitals for research fellowships and projects to cure childhood cancer.

While battling cancer, children lose not only their hair but years of their childhood, and sometimes their lives. In comparison to their struggle, shaving my head is a small sacrifice, and the money raised will make a difference for children with cancer now and in the future.

So, I am asking you to help me raise as much money as I can for the foundation - both to justify this crazy decision, and to fund as much research as possible! No amount is too big or too small- every gift will be appreciated. Please help me reach my goal of $5000.00 by March 24, 2007.

To donate online, visit www.stbaldricks.org, click on “DONATE” and search for me by filling in my first and last name under “Find a Participant.” Then click on my picture and complete the donation transaction. You can also donate over the phone by calling 888-899-BALD. I will also be collecting donations at work and at home. You can call me at 972/841-5063 if you have any questions.

I hope you will join me at Trinity hall on March 24, 2007 at 2:00pm to watch as I help Shave the Way to Conquer Kids’ Cancer!


Sherrie Kincaid Teel.

Saturday, December 23, 2006 9:24 PM CST


Remember to look back and thank God for all of the blessings HE has given you this year.


Saturday, December 23, 2006 9:24 PM CST


Remember to look back and thank God for all of the blessings HE has given you this year.


Saturday, September 2, 2006

Scans in August are all clear. Weston is still in REMISSION. He is 2 years out of his bone marrow transplants and we could not be happier with the results of everything Weston had to go through.

GOD IS GOOD. He is still keeping us safe in His arms all the time.

Please continue to keep our family and especially my mom and dad in your prayers. The loss of my baby brother Timothy has left an incredible whole in all of our lives, some days are better than others but this week has been especially difficult. Colton is having nightmares. We have had some peace, we no longer have to drive by the tree that Timothy hit and that was burned. The state highway department cut it down, the day after mom went and asked them if they could. Not only did they cut it down but they cleaned up the burned spot in the grass. It is very difficult for me to drive by the accident sight and Colton would get very angry when we had to go that way. Uncle Timothy was, is and always will be his favorite uncle(that is what Colton says.)

God is holding us in His arms and giving us comfort all the time. I am reading the book of JOB and it hits very close to home right now. I am weathering the storms right now. Please continue to pray for me. My faith is being tested but I refuse to lose my faith.

Will update soon!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 11:50 AM CDT

The results of Weston's bone scan, MRI, and his HMA/VMA urine test are in. All of his scans were normal and the urine test was completely normal. WESTON IS STILL IN REMISSION! Such wonderful words to hear from a doctor.

The new plans for Weston's follow up stuff is as follows:
Every 3 months check up (on next visit they will do a echo).
Every 6 months scans.

Dr Wickisier told us that at some point he will not scan him anymore. I told him I could find somebody up their to bribe(you cook for any man and he will do anything you want). I am so appreciative of everything that Dr Winick and Dr Wickisier have done for Weston. God blessed our family so much when he sent these two wonderful people to take care of Weston. God knew that I would need somebody who would lay it all out, and patiently re-tell me when I forgot what they said, cause I am nuts.

Thank you for continuing to check in on us.

April 5, 2006

Kristina, Weston's sister, is in the hospital. She is in for her CF related stuff and it will be a 7-10 day stay. She will be getting high doses of steroids and antibiotics in hopes of bringing down her IgE level and her Pft's up. Tommorrow afternoon they will be putting a picc line in to help with IV meds. The picc line is easier on her veins than a normal IV. Thank you for your prayers and love. Sherrie
Weston is doing so great. He is loving school. Ms Cook and Ms Matlock are so awesome with him. His words are coming out clearer now. He is still his very wild self, taking life by the horns and not letting life drag him along.

Colton is playing baseball this spring, he has already started practicing, and Weston wants to practice right along with him. Weston does not think that he is too little to play with the big boys. He will get to play t-ball next spring.

Heather and Kristina are doing good in school. Heather got a 2 on her Band Solo. I am so proud of her. Kristina did not get to go to competition that day she will go sometime in April. Kristina has bronchitis right now so we are praying that she will get over it and not have to go to the hospital.

I will be finishing my externship next friday. I am so excited. Then I will be looking for a job. I have applied at Children's.

Thank you for continuing to check on Weston.

Sunday, March 12, 2006 12:38 AM CST


Weston turned 4 years old today.

Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:44 PM CST

Hi All! I have tried for several days now to sit down to this computer and update. God has allowed us to go through some difficult times with our children. But he brought us through them as better people and parents. I followed God's leading last July when I started school, I am in the middle of my externship and for the very first time in my life I feel like I am doing what I should of been doing 10 years ago. I know that there is something else that God wants me to do but I am not quite sure what it is and I am trying to step out in faith and really listen to what it is God wants for me.

Weston is doing so good right now. He is going to school and enjoying himself everyday. He is talking so much better than he was right after treatment. He wears his hearing aids without too much trouble. He is still really loud but that is his personality. Weston is growing into such a little man. He will be 4 years old on March 12, 2006.

Thank you for continuing to check on the little man even though the updates are far between.

Wednesday, January 24, 2006 9:34 PM CST

Weston is having his Adenoids removed and tubes put back in his ears in the morning at 10:00am Please join me in praying not only for Weston to do fine with the surgery, anesthetic, and the recovery portion. But also for the doctor to have steady hands, to not be in a rush even if she is running late, and for her to only do what is necessary.

Please continue to pray for Elisha, he is taking baby steps to getting well. For this we are giving all praise and glory to Jesus.

Thank you for continuing to check on Weston, for praying for his friends and him.

January 20, 2006
Weston's scans were all CLEAR. He is still in REMISSION. I waited until today to update because two years ago was the day that we met Dr Winick and Dr Wickieser and began what we thought was our worst nightmare come true. It retrospect it was a nightmare in the beginning but God has used Weston's illness to not only get mine and Daryl's attention but to get the attention of others in our life. He has used me in ways that I would not have dreamed of or imagined that I would be doing. The more that I think about today the more I am beginning to see God in everything that has gone on in the past two years. A lot of times we see God in the big things that happen but fail to see him in the little things. We thank Him for Clear Scans but fail to say thank you for the radiologist who read the scan right. Stop what you are doing and ask God to help you see Him in all things not just the big or good things but even in the little or bad things that happen in your life. Ask Him to open your eyes and your heart and you will be so amazed at what you see. Last year I cried all day, today I celebrate the fact that my son is here, completely free of cancer, that he has hearing loss and not something worse, that I can hug him and kiss him until he says "NO MORE KISSES MOMMY", that he is loud(and he is very loud),is getting into everything, and tearing the house apart as I type this. God has blessed us and not just by healing our son. He blessed us with a loving church family, our families, and each other.

God will work miracles in your life if you allow him to. And they may not be as big as you want them to be or even what you wanted but He will show you amazing things.


Friday, January 13, 2006 10:52 AM CST

Hi! Weston is doing well! He is being just as stubborn as ever. He is going to the clinic on Jan 17, 2006, to get the results of his scans.

On Jan 26, 2006 Weston is going to have his adnoids removed and his tubes put back in his ear drums. We pray that this will help with his hearing some.

I have been really stressed out over the past couple of weeks and have not been able to laugh at myself until I found this in my devotional.

A good laugh is sunshine in a house.

"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart and good news gives health to the bones." Proverbs 15:30

Peggy was nervous about the upcoming dinner party she and her husband were about to host. It was their first time to have guests for dinner since the birth of their son, Pete. To top off Peggy's tension, the guests included her husband Bill's new supervisor.
Sensing the tension in his parents, the baby became irritable and "fussy" which only added to Peggy's frustration. In an attempt to comfort little Pete, Peggy picked him up, raised him high over her head and kissed his tummy. To her surprise, he smiled and giggled-the first genuine laugh she had heard from her young son.
In an instant, the evening took on an entirely new tenor. Peggy became more relaxed, and Baby Pete relaxed as well. The dinner party was a great success.
Can the laugher of a little child change a day? Yes! So can the laughter shared between two adults, or the chuckle prompted by the memory of a funny event.
When you're feeling "stressed out," don't allow yourself to explode in anger. Get alone if you have to, but find a reason to laugh...and watch the stress melt away!

Take time to breath and enjoy life. Let the stresses of your life melt away with a good laugh.


Please be in prayer for these sweet kids:
Makenzie Byrum
Kevin and Kyle Edwards
Elisha Henderson - www.caringbridge.org/visit/elishahenderson

Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:07 PM CST

This will be a short update. Weston is scheduled to have a bone scan, MRI and a HMA/VMA urine test on friday 01/06/06. This came as quite a shock to me as I was under the impression from the doctor that we would not do scans again until April 2006. But it is perfectly fine with me if we go ahead and do scans. Weston is feeling great. Likes going to school when it is his idea to go. He is getting to be so big. I still miss his blonde hair but am getting used to the brown hair. It will probably lighten up this summer.

Thank you all for your continued support. For checking in on Weston and his buddies.

Please pray for Elisha, he is still very sick but doing well. Leave him and his mom a note at www.caringbridge.org/tx/elishahenderson they would really appreciate it.

Pray for the Edwards family.

Please send a special prayer up today for Monique, Barry, and Blake. Today is the day that Griffin went to be with Jesus. I am sure he is having a great time especially with Courtney. Today it hit me really hard I felt as if a brick had hit me in the chest this morning and cried not for Griffy but for Monique. Griffin will hold a special wonderful place in my heart that is reserved just for him. I will never look at the color red and not see Griffin's smiling toothless grin. I had red bag of skittles today. In a little while when it gets close to dusk the kids and I will go out to the park and release 6 red balloons just for Griffin. I will pray that Monique and Barry's baby girl will have Griffin's infectious laugh and his love for life.


Friday, December 30, 2005, 10:27 am

I hope that everyone of you had a very Merry Christmas! I am hoping that you all have a very safe New Year!

We enjoyed Christmas with both sides of our family together at mom and dad's house. It was amazingly peaceful and wonderful.

Nothing has really been going on with Weston. He continues to be strong-willed but that is what got him through treatment. God knew he needed to be strong. He wears his hearing aids everyday without problems. His speech is improving everyday. He goes through stages were he can't wait to get to school and days were he crys and makes me feel bad about leaving him. We went to the ENT on wed and they did a hearing test. His hearing without his aids has not gotten any worse. We could not see the doctor because she was sick. He goes back on the 11th to talk to her about whether or not we want to put his tubes back in and take his adnoids out.

I am almost finished with school, only two more months and I am finished then comes the hard part externship and getting a job.

Please continue to pray for Monique, Barry, and Blake as this is a very hard time of year right now. The Vinson family,& Courtney's wonderful family.

Even if you don't sign Weston's guestbook. Thank you for continuing to check in on him.


"Faith is being certain of what we hope for and sure of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

God did not promise days without pain;
Laughter without sorrow;
Sun without rain;
but He did promise
strength for the day;
comfort for the tears;
and light for the day.

"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalms 27:14

Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:09 PM CDT

Today was a very long day. But in the end I know that it is necessary. Weston did really well with the sedation,he woke up just like he always does quickly and he is not going to sleep for 4-5 hrs like they say he will. We will have the results on tuesday from the Bone Scan and MRI. I know that it is not very long until then but it seems like forever. I don't expect them to find anything but with neuroblastoma you never know what to expect. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will update with the results as soon as I have them.


Tuesday, September 27, 2005 1:09 PM CDT

A short update. Weston is doing wonderful. His blood work came back normal. We as a family cannot seem to get over this horrible stomach bug; it seems that one of us always has it; and we have been this way for about 2 months. Weston goes in for scans all day on Oct 20, 2005. We continue to try to live like a normal family but what is even normal after you have had cancer. I am not sure. Please continue to pray for all of our friends who are still fighting with their cancer monsters. Weston loves school and does not even cry when we drop him off. He is wearing his hearing aides and enjoying learning new words everyday.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:39 AM CDT

Hi All! School has official started for all of the kids. Heather and Kristina are both in Junior High now. They have both grown up so fast. Colton is in the second grade and he is loving it so far. Weston is going over to the Mesquite Regional Day School for the deaf. Due to chemo he has hearing loss and Daryl and I feel this is the best place for him to start school anyway. He went for his first day yesterday and he cried when daddy dropped him off. His teacher said he stopped crying as soon as daddy got out of sight. Guess he figured might as well stop he is not coming back. I dropped him off this morning and no tears at all. Guess who will probably get to take him to school from now on. I am still going to Medical Assistant school; really enjoying it. Thank you for continueing to check in on us and praying for us.


Saturday, July 30, 2005 12:37 AM CDT

Hi All!

Weston is out of summer school and believe it or not has been bugging me about going to school when he wakes up in the morning. He actually spoke to his teacher that he will have in the regular school year beginning in August. He would not talk to her at all at the end of last year. I finished my first full week of school on thursday and I am not sure that I did very well on my first set of tests. On monday Colton and I are gonna go to six flags with our children's group from church. I am hoping that Daryl can take off work and go with us. Weston will probably go spend the day with grandma since Colton needs some time alone with us before school starts and things get really hectic. Daryl and I are taking next weekend to ourselves and heading to Austin. This will be the first time that we have spent the weekend alone in about 9 yrs. Praying that everyone is well and doing great.


Saturday, July 16, 2005 6:06 PM CDT

Hi All! We have been having an awesome summer this year. Last year during the 4th of July, Weston was in ICU, this year we spent the 3rd of July with some friends from church and on the 4th we were actually able to continue our tradition of going to Terrell to watch the fireworks. This for us was definitely a year to celebrate independence. Last weekend we went camping with my parents, brothers, sister-in-law to be and my nephew Tyler. Weston enjoyed swimming in the lake, don't worry Marcie I put plugs in his ears before I let him near the water. We had a great time. Weston will be going to the clinic on thursday for a check-up and will be due for his second set of post treatment scans in August. Time sure has flown by and it is hard to believe that we don't worry about him relapsing like we used to. God is doing such awesome things in our lives and in the lives of the people around us that you can see Him working on a daily basis if you just stop, look, and listen. I will start to do a better job of updating Weston's page once a week. I am starting Medical Assistance school on July 25, 2005 and I am very nervous since it has been 15 years since I had to study for anything. I am also very excited. Daryl and I are going to teach a 3yr old sunday school class in the fall.
Please continue to pray for our family. With your prayers we can get through anything.

Love Sherrie

Saturday, June 11, 2005 8:47 PM CDT

It has been far too long since I have updated this page. A friend of mine told me the other day that if I did not update it. She was going to do it for me. So to keep the peace and not have her say ugly words about me I thought I had better do it today. And my friend you know who you are and remember that I love you very much.

Weston's scans are complete and the results are in Weston is still in REMISSION. Who would ever thought that such a word would bring such peace to our lives. Weston continues to remain in remission because it is God's plan. A year ago we were in the hospital waiting for Weston to get his first stem cell transplant and today he was outside playing in the kiddy pool with Colton. They were laughing spraying each other with the water hose and wrestling around like brothers should.

God has given me such an awesome privelege to be not only the mother of 5 very special and unique children but the mother of two medically needed children. I have heard people say I don't know how you do it or you poor thing. I used to feel that way but not anymore. God has showed me His awesome strength and power through all of this.

Please continue to pray for Peyton, and Logan to stay in remission. For Courtney as she deals with a new phase in her treatment.


Saturday, April 23, 2005 4:28 PM CDT

Hi All! I am so sorry I have been so lapse in updating not because there is nothing going on but because there is so much going on.

Weston finished his final doses of Accutane on thursday, April 21,2005. We are officially FINISHED with treatment and head into a new phase. Dr Aquino told me at Weston's last visit that he is in REMISSION such a wonderful little word.

On March 12, 2005 Weston celebrated his 3rd birthday at home with dad, mom, Colton, Heather, Kristina, Derek, Blake, Monique, Barry, Slade, Drea, Aunt Dana, Uncle Shane, Grandma, Grandpa, Nanie, Uncle Tim, Uncle Gary, Tyler, and Doug. Weston enjoyed his birthday very much. Grandma and Grandpa got him a Bounce House for the weekend and he really liked in when grandpa got in the house with him. He has enjoyed playing in the Nemo Sprinkler and with the Nemo Bubble Blower that Blake, Monique, and Barry got him.

Colton and Derek are both playing baseball. Heather is on the Tennis team and in the band. Kristina is in the band. Derek and Kristina have been chosen to be in a play at church. So between running to practices and games. You can only imagine what I have been doing. I will probably get organized about the time school is out and baseball season is over.

Weston got his hearing aides on tuesday April 19,2005 and he is doing so well with them. He has taken them out only twice. He comes and tells me if they are coming off of his ears so I can fix them. The first day that he had them he was banging on everything. I think that he was actually listening to the sounds they were making. He will start school on monday. Daryl and I decided that for right now the best thing for him is to go to the School for the Deaf in Mesquite. Daryl will take him and I will pick him up.

Weston has a bone scan scheduled for May 4,2005, a bone marrow biopsy for May 12, 2005 and then he will also have a MRI sometime before May 19, 2005 when he goes in for his Hemo/Oncology appt. I am a little nervous just because these are the first post treatment scans that he will have.

Weston is looking good, acting like a little 3 year old boy should. It is so good to be home and not have to worry about rushing to the hospital if he gets sick.

Thank you for continuing to check in on Weston.

Sunday, February 27, 2005 3:02 PM CST

When I sat down here to update Weston's page. My intention was to tell you all about Weston but my focus has changed. I want to give you some very disturbing facts, ask that you pray about them and decide for yourself what you can do to help eradicate them. Many of you know that Kristina, Weston's sister has Cystic Fibrosis and there is no cure for it. She was diagnosed at 4 months of age. She is now 12 years old, is in the 6th grade on the AB honor roll, and plays the flute in the school band. I am very proud of her, even when she is missing school, she is able to keep her grades up. I want to tell you a little more about what Cystic Fibrosis is; please bare with me.

*Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease affecting approximately 30,000 children and adults in the United States. A defective gene causes the body to produce thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and leades to life threatening lung infections. These thick secretions also obstruct the pancreas, preventing digestive enzymes from reaching the intestines to help break down and absorb food.
*More than 10 million Americans are unknowing, symptomless carriers of the defective CF gene. An individual must inherit two defective CF genes to have CF-one from each parent. Each time two carriers concieve, there is a 25 percent chance that their child will have CF, a 50 percent chance that their child will be a carrier of the CF gene, and a 25 percent chance that the child will be a non-carrier.
*People with CF have a variety of symptoms including:
* Salty-tasting Skin
* Persistant coughing at times with phlegm
* Wheezing or shortness of breath
* Excessive appetite but poor weight
gain and greasy, bulky stools.
* Symptoms vary from person to person
due, in part, to the more than 1,000
mutations of the CF gene.
Sadly, there is no cure for Cystic Fibrosis only treatment and this is not good enough for me. On May 14, 2005 I will be walking with many other parents, family members, friends, and co-workers of someone who has CF at Harry Meyers Park. I am asking that you pray about it and if God leads you, please sponsor me in helping to make CF stand for Cure Found. If you would like to join me on the day of the walk; call me or stop me wherever I am at; I would be honored to have you walk beside me.

****Weston update****
Weston has been ill for the last two weeks with the flu the first week and last week he came down with what the doctors thought was rotovirus but it turned out to just be a stomach bug. We are thankful that he is finally over all of this and getting better. This week is going to be busy for us as Kristina has a CF appt on tuesday, I have a parent-teacher conference on wednesday, and Weston has a Hemo/Onc appt on thursday. Sometime in the middle of all of this Derek and Colton will have baseball practice. Please continue to pray for Monique, Barry, and Blake as they do so terribly miss Griffy. He seems to be sending all of us who loved him "lady bugs" as they were his favorite and everytime we talk about him or think of him one of us gets one. Peyton has been doing wonderful and enjoying school. She should be coming up time for scans again. She and Lindsay are such beautiful young ladies with wonderful spirits(they get this from their mom..hehe and their dad.) Marni and I share many things in common but my favorite is that we share our birthday. Marni, have a great time in VEGAS and I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Logan, you wonderful little boy so full of life and mischief. I am so glad that God blessed you not only with PERFECTLY CLEAR SCANS in February but also with a great mom and dad. Logan is going to be a great big brother in April and I am so excited for him. Marcie, just a couple more months and that beautiful baby boy will be out screaming at you. God has blessed all of us so much. Mostly with great friends and family. Courtney I can not keep my mouth shut any longer. Courtney is a very wonderful young lady. She has showed me so much since I have had the pleasure of her entering our lives. I PRAISE GOD that Courtney does not have CANCER any longer. That is all I will say.

Thank You for your continued love, support, and prayers. We love you all.

Sunday, February 27, 2005 3:02 PM CST

When I sat down here to update Weston's page. My intention was to tell you all about Weston but my focus has changed. I want to give you some very disturbing facts, ask that you pray about them and decide for yourself what you can do to help eradicate them. Many of you know that Kristina, Weston's sister has Cystic Fibrosis and there is no cure for it. She was diagnosed at 4 months of age. She is now 12 years old, is in the 6th grade on the AB honor roll, and plays the flute in the school band. I am very proud of her, even when she is missing school, she is able to keep her grades up. I want to tell you a little more about what Cystic Fibrosis is; please bare with me.

*Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease affecting approximately 30,000 children and adults in the United States. A defective gene causes the body to produce thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and leades to life threatening lung infections. These thick secretions also obstruct the pancreas, preventing digestive enzymes from reaching the intestines to help break down and absorb food.
*More than 10 million Americans are unknowing, symptomless carriers of the defective CF gene. An individual must inherit two defective CF genes to have CF-one from each parent. Each time two carriers concieve, there is a 25 percent chance that their child will have CF, a 50 percent chance that their child will be a carrier of the CF gene, and a 25 percent chance that the child will be a non-carrier.
*People with CF have a variety of symptoms including:
* Salty-tasting Skin
* Persistant coughing at times with phlegm
* Wheezing or shortness of breath
* Excessive appetite but poor weight
gain and greasy, bulky stools.
* Symptoms vary from person to person
due, in part, to the more than 1,000
mutations of the CF gene.
Sadly, there is no cure for Cystic Fibrosis only treatment and this is not good enough for me. On May 14, 2005 I will be walking with many other parents, family members, friends, and co-workers of someone who has CF at Harry Meyers Park. I am asking that you pray about it and if God leads you, please sponsor me in helping to make CF stand for Cure Found. If you would like to join me on the day of the walk; call me or stop me wherever I am at; I would be honored to have you walk beside me.

****Weston update****
Weston has been ill for the last two weeks with the flu the first week and last week he came down with what the doctors thought was rotovirus but it turned out to just be a stomach bug. We are thankful that he is finally over all of this and getting better. This week is going to be busy for us as Kristina has a CF appt on tuesday, I have a parent-teacher conference on wednesday, and Weston has a Hemo/Onc appt on thursday. Sometime in the middle of all of this Derek and Colton will have baseball practice. Please continue to pray for Monique, Barry, and Blake as they do so terribly miss Griffy. He seems to be sending all of us who loved him "lady bugs" as they were his favorite and everytime we talk about him or think of him one of us gets one. Peyton has been doing wonderful and enjoying school. She should be coming up time for scans again. She and Lindsay are such beautiful young ladies with wonderful spirits(they get this from their mom..hehe and their dad.) Marni and I share many things in common but my favorite is that we share our birthday. Marni, have a great time in VEGAS and I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Logan, you wonderful little boy so full of life and mischief. I am so glad that God blessed you not only with PERFECTLY CLEAR SCANS in February but also with a great mom and dad. Logan is going to be a great big brother in April and I am so excited for him. Marcie, just a couple more months and that beautiful baby boy will be out screaming at you. God has blessed all of us so much. Mostly with great friends and family. Courtney I can not keep my mouth shut any longer. Courtney is a very wonderful young lady. She has showed me so much since I have had the pleasure of her entering our lives. I PRAISE GOD that Courtney does not have CANCER any longer. That is all I will say.

Thank You for your continued love, support, and prayers. We love you all.

Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:29 PM CST

Hello All! Well the past couple of weeks have been very busy and very hectic. Kristina got sick a week ago monday and had to go into the hospital to get IV antibiotics and extra breathing treatments. Her pulmonary function test was at 59% when she was admitted and when she went home it was 66%; her baseline is around 70%. She is doing much better now but she still gets very tired easily.

Weston went to the hemo/oncology clinic on Feb 10 for a normal check up, blood work, and to get his Accutane. He had a good check up and his blood work is back to normal.

Monday night Colton woke up about 4 am with a fever of 104. He went back to bed and tuesday he woke up with a fever of 103. After calling the doctor she told me Colton probably has a viral infection and to watch him for a couple of days and if he is not better to bring him in to see her.
Wednesday he was feeling a little bit better and no fever so I sent him to school. I got back from taking the kids to school and just happened to feel Weston and he was burning up. I took his temperature and it was 102. Not a really good sign. Called the hemo/oncology doctors and Jim said to bring him in. We got to the clinic about 10:30am. Weston got his fingered poked for Blood Counts, then down to xray his chest, we got back upstairs, now they want to do blood cultures which means he has to be stabbed in the arm, cultures of his nose and throat. Chest xray looked good and blood counts are good. Just to be on the safe side Dr Scothorn wants to give him an antibiotic shot but because of the size of it he will get a shot in each leg. We finally leave the hospital about 300pm and Weston is very upset and tired. I am so exhausted all I want to do is go to bed. The only good thing that happened yesterday was that I got to see Logan, Marcie, and Wally. They all look good. Logan has a head full of hair. PRAISE GOD LOGAN SCANS ARE CLEAR!!!!
This morning was not much better than yesterday. Colton woke up feeling bad again so I took him to the doctor and she says it is just a cold. Cici called from the clinic and she said Weston has the flu; gonna start him on Tamiflu for 5 days and watch him close. He is coughing something awful. I wish I could do something to make my boys feel better.

Please be in prayer for my friend, Stacey, her dad is ill and he needs our prayers. Also, Courtney is having some day surgery stuff done tommorrow and she will need our prayers also, so will her mom(Kelly) and her family. Courtney is a very special young lady and she has such a beautiful spirit.

Love Sherrie

Friday, February 4, 2005 9:16 PM CST

Hi! All is well in the Teel household. No one is sick and everyone is doing great. Weston had tubes put in his ears on tuesday and he is doing wonderful. He also had an ABR hearing test and it shows that he has severe high frequency hearing loss in both ears, slight low frequency hearing loss in his right ear, and moderate low frequency hearing loss in his left ear. When I asked the audiologist what this means for him, she told me hearing aids and speech therapy. We can live with this and God is in control. "Depend on the Lord; trust Him, and he will take care of you." -Psalms 37:5. God has shown us in the past that He will take care of Weston and our family; we will continue to depend on Him for everything.

It has been exactly one month since our beloved Griffy went to Heaven to be with Jesus. We miss him terribly but know that Griffy is looking down on us with his great big toothless grin. Everytime I look at pictures of Griffin come across the computer screen from the day that we all spent at Build A Bear; I can not help but smile and think of him. I will always cherish my last memory of Griffin. He was in the hospital, I had come to the hospital to see Griffin, Monique and Barry; as I am getting ready to leave I tell Griffin goodbye, I love you and he gives me a big bear hug. I will never forget the feel of his little arms around me or his toothless ear to ear grin. "We Love You Griffin and we miss you so much."


Monday, January 24, 2005 9:38 PM CST

As I sit in front of this computer, I can not help but feel truly blessed that we are sitting at home today. God has been so good to us. He carried us through the storm in 2004 and He brought us so many wonderful blessing in the middle of it. God brought 3 very important women into my life, they are not only my friends, they are my sisters.
Marni entered my life in Feb 2004 when Weston and Peyton were both hospitalized at the same time. There have been many nights that Marni and I have been on the phone after 10pm. Marcie came into my life, for the first part of 2004, our friendship developed through emails. The first time I met Marcie face to face it was like seeing and talking to a sister that I had not seen for a while. Monique entered my life through Weston's web page. She knew exactly what we were going through with Weston. She had been there and done it. Monique, Barry, Griffin, and Blake moved from CA to TX in May 2004. Griffin was one special little boy. From the first time I met him, he was so energetic and full of life. I loved his toothless grin, it was so infectious. How could you not smile when Griffy was around.

I always knew that my mom and dad loved me. I knew that my mom was a strong woman. But it never truly hit me just how strong she was until the day she fed me a turkey sandwich in the hospital last Jan. Yes, she held the sandwich and said eat. She was taking care of me, when I did not even realize I wasn't taking care of myself when Weston was first diagnosed. She was there everyday and I never would of made it through this without her.

Weston had an MRI on tuesday Jan 18, 2005 and on Jan 21, 2005 we found out that it is "PERFECT." This is an answer to all of our prayers and it is a "God" thing most assuredly.

I know I rambled and I am sorry.
Thank You for your continued love, support, and prayers.

Tuesday, January 4, 2005 9:57 PM CST

UPDATE: Today Weston decided that it would be a good day to hurt himself. He was playing in my tennis shoes. He went walking down the hall to his room, and tripped some how. When he started screaming it was a different scream than I had heard before. Not knowing how bad he was hurt or if they would do anything I called Susan to see what she thought. Off to the ER we go just to get it checked out cause it is not really the big toe that hurts it is the top of his right foot at the base of the big toe. After a X-ray the doctor says there is a descrepancey on the x-ray and he wants the radiologist to look at in the morning. In the meantime they are putting a splint on him because he will not put pressure on the inside portion of his foot. The tech, Daryl, and I are taking bets on how long it was gonna take him to figure out how to take it off. Needless to say we are fighting him to keep it on. We should know tommorrow afternoon if it is actually broken or just a sprained. This is the life with a very energetic, imaginative, and loving bouncing baby boy.

As the tears begin to flow and I remember how much of an impact Griffin made on so many people. At 4:30am this morning Griffin went to be with Jesus. He is flying completely, totally, pain-free and most assuredly he is cancer-free. Please continue to pray for Monique, Barry, and Blake as they will need God's strength to get them through this very difficult time.

Griffin, We Love You and will Never forget you. Love and Kisses Sherrie

Monday, December 27, 2004 11:27 PM CST

This update is more prayer requests for our friends than it is an update about Weston.

Griffin Yarbrough has been admitted to the hospital today. He is in a severe amount of pain. Please lift him up to Jesus in prayer. Please pray for his family to have peace and comfort.

Courtney was hospitalized on saturday for a fever. Please pray for her to continue to feel better. Also, please pray for her that God will give her the right words to say to Griffin. Griffin is wanting Courtney to be with him during this time in the hospital.

Elijah is a 4 yr old sweet heart of a little boy. He has Graft Versus Host disease. He has gotten a bad case of pneumonia and has several more days of antibiotics. He was hospitalized today for very severe belly pain and his belly is distended. When I left the hospital tonight they were getting ready to do a CT Scan of his belly.

Weston is doing great and is as hard headed as always. He is has an appointment on thursday to have labs drawn and a check up with the hemo/oncology doctors. He will have tubes put in Jan 18, 2005 and at the same time they will do the ABR hearing test.

Thank you for your prayers not only for Weston but also for our friends.


Sunday, December 19, 2004 7:07 PM CST

Hello All! I was informed by a loving friend that I have not updated Weston's page in a long time.

Let me see where I need to begin. Sunday, Dec 5, 2004 the boys were wrestling on my bed, Weston pushed Colton off of the bed, and Colton hit his eye on the night stand. It was off to the ER for 2 stitches in his eyebrow. Thursday, Dec 9, 2004 I had to take Kristina to the ER because she was complaining of severe belly pain. After blood work, x-ray, CT Scan and 18 hrs in the ER, the conclusion was she was very constipated. This happens a lot with CF kids but this is the first time that it had happened to her. Now we know what she will feel like and hopefully won't have to do this again. Saturday, Dec 11, 2004 Weston wakes up with a fever of 103.9 which is an automatic trip to the ER and possible hospital stay. On this day, the dr's do a chest xray, blood works and determine that all he needs is a dose of Antibiotics and is sent home. They tell Daryl and I that if he has a fever the rest of the day it is fine but if he has one on sunday I have to call the Hemo/Onc dr on call. By sunday morning Weston is like a totally different kid and he is feeling good.

On Dec 12, 2004 Daryl is in the Christmas Program at church. I am so proud of him. Of all things he is one of the wise men. It was a last minute change of actors and Daryl really enjoyed himself.

Weston had a dr's appointment with the hemo/onc clinic on thurday, Dec 16, 2004 and it was awesome. His blood counts have not completely recovered from his transplant but they are getting there. His platelets were 304,000 and this is an awesome number. Weston will still be having tubes placed in his ears and the ABR hearing test done sometime after Christmas as soon as we have an exact date I will let you know.
After we got back from the dr with Weston I had to pick Kristina and Heather from school early and take them out to the ER. They were both feeling really lousy and Heather had the chills. Since they had to go to their father's home until the day after Christmas then I figured they needed to be seen and could not wait until they got back. It is a good thing that I did go ahead and take them. They both have Bronchitis and Heather has Pharyngitis.

Dec 17, 2004 we had an awesome time visiting and eating with our Sunday School Class. Thank you Randy and Kathy for having us over to your home.

I hope that everyone has a very wonderful Christmas and that you take time to remember the real reason for the season; Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Enjoy your family and friends. Remember to hug your children and love them always.
Thank you for your continued love, support, and prayers for our family and friends.

May God Bless You this Holiday Seasoning.
Sherrie, Daryl, Chelsie, Heather, Kristina, Colton, and Weston

Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Sorry it has taken me so long to update. I have been not feeling good myself but am feeling better now.

Weston's hemo/oncology appt went great. His blood counts are coming up nicely, he weighs in at 34 pounds and is 36 inches tall. He looks better and better everyday to me. He went today to see the ENT doctor. He will have tubes put in sometime this month probably after Christmas and he will also have the ABR hearing test done the same day.

Please continue to pray for Griffin and his family. He started radiation yesterday and he is getting some relief from the pain that he has been in.


Sunday, November 21, 2004 9:36 PM CST

Good Evening! I hope that everyone has had as Great a weekend as we have had.

Saturday, we had the pleasure of having mom, dad, Marni, Dane, Lindsey, Peyton, Monique, Barry, Griffin, Blake, and Aunt Stephanie over for a wonderful afternoon of watching these kiddos who have spent months in chemo getting treatment play, wrestle around in the back yard without a care in the world. The grown children got to sit around, talk, laugh, and just enjoy each others company. We really did miss having Logan, Wally, and Marcie this weekend; we missed you guys. Hopefully, the ladies will get to get away soon and just be girls for a little while, each a meal without having to get up and wipe somebody's mouth or share our plate with a little person.

Now for the best news of all. At FBC in Kaufman they have been praying for this and also at FBC in Ovilla several have been praying and today it finally happen. My husband and Weston's dad Daryl, has accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior and he was baptized tonight during the Thanksgiving Service. I was so excited after this morning service I could not wait to call my mom, Marni, and Dane. This is the best thing to happen to our family all year. This is an answer to a lot of patient and impatient prayers to God. He answers prayers and our family is proof that He answers in His time and not ours.

Thank you for your love, prayers, and support. Sherrie

Thursday, November 18, 2004 9:31 PM CST

Good Evening All! Today was a long day in the hem/oncology clinic and in the Audiology clinic but we survived. Weston got to show off his newly growing in hair. We got to see Ms Nancy a very wonderful volunteer who works in the playroom on the 10th floor. Anyone who has ever run into Ms Nancy instantly falls in love with her, she is such a loving, compassionate lady who helped and continues to help our kids forget about their cancer monsters for a little while each monday and thursday. We also got to see Courtney today; she was busy painting a turkey today with her mom. These two ladies are becoming very important to us.

Now for the doctors visit. Weston has a slight viral infection, his weight is great, he is growing taller. He started his Accutane today; no side effects yet. Please pray that Weston gets through the Accutane with a minimal of side effects from it. Doctor Aquino says he looks good. Weston took his hearing test today. Weston has one ear drum that is not moving at all and the other one they think has fluid behind it(not really sure); Weston would respond to voices but when she tried the high pitch sounds he made no attempt to even turn towards the sound or even act like he heard them(these noises hurt my ears.) Weston is scheduled to see the ENT doctor on Dec 1, 2004 for a pre ABR screening; ABR is a hearing test they do while he is asleep to get a good picture of his hearing. Weston will probably have to go to the OR for this test since normal sedation they use in the office does not affect him.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, November 8, 2004 9:51 PM CST

I am so sorry that I have been lax in updating. Weston went to the orthopedic last tuesday. Dr Wilson says that he has a minor limp, that could be caused from the use of steroids or from the tumor that was in his pelvis. He says that we will watch it and make sure that it does not get worse but for now their is nothing to do. He did take some x-rays and Weston has good blood flow to the bones in his hip, pelvis, and legs; there are no holes in them. This is definitly an answer to prayer.

God is doing some awesome things in the life of our family. Daryl is going to church and sunday school with the kids and I. Daryl's mom, Kay, came to church with us on sunday. If nothing else goes well this week, then my week is made. God does answer prayers in His time not ours.

Weston's next appointment is November 18, 2004 in the hemo/oncology clinic and the audiology clinic for a hearing test. Weston should be starting Accutane on this day.

Kristina is not feeling well at all this week. Please say an extra prayer for her. She has caught the stomach virus that is going around and this will be her second round with it in 3 weeks time. I certainly don't want it and really don't want anyone else in the family to catch it.


November 1, 2004 9:39pm

Weston is going to the Orthopedic Clinic tommorrow at 7:45am. They are gonna look at his walking and see if it is related to the Neuroblastoma being in his pelvis, if it is chemo related, or if it is just his age. I am a little nervous about this appointment because this is how we found the cancer to begin with is him not being able to walk. Weston will be seeing Dr Wilson, who is the orthopedic who found the Neuroblastoma. I am extremely grateful to him. I am not thinking or feeling like the Neuroblastoma has returned by any means at all and neither are the hemo/onco drs. We just need to see what this is and if there is anything that needs to be done.

That is all for now. Thank you to all who come by and check on Weston. Don't forget to stop by and check on Weston's pals.


Sunday, September 26, 2004 5:39 PM CDT

Day 31 after transplant:

Sorry for not updating sooner we have had a few problems with getting hooked on to the internet.

Weston is doing extremely well. He went in on thursday and his blood counts are recovering quite well. He is wrestling with Colton and harassing his sister so I know that he is feeling really good.

On saturday 9-25-04 we had a wonderful time with Peyton, Logan, Griffin and all of there families. We met at Ridgemar Mall and went to Build-A-Bear all nine of the kiddos made Bears. They all turned out adorable. Grandma and Aunt Laura went with us. Peyton Grammy and Aunt Stephanie also came along for the fun day.

Peyton is having her port removed on friday. This is the end to her battle with her cancer monster. I am so excited for her and her family.

Thank you for your continued love, support, and prayers. Sherrie.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004 11:06 AM CDT

Day 19 after transplant.

Weston went to the clinic for his blood counts and they are great. His ANC is 3500 which for right after his transplant is so awesome. His liver test came back a little funny so we are not giving him Diflucan(preventative to keep him from getting a fungal infection) for a couple of days and then on thursday they will recheck it. Right now I have no idea what the next steps are going to be. The options are radiation(if he does not do this then his line can be removed because he will not need it.) or start Accutane on day 80. The reason that I am not sure is because they have to determine if there is any exact spot that needs to be radiated since we are not sure exactly where the Neuroblastoma started. This is very unnerving to me. I will let you all know when I know what is gonna be our next step.


Saturday, September 11, 2004 11:45 AM CDT


No words cam express how happy I am to be at home. Weston was a quiet on the ride home but when papa told him we are on your road he perked up and then he said "my house my house." He also perked up even more when Colton got in and started playing with him. Weston thinks his big brother is the best.

I will update more in a few days. Right now we are just gonna enjoy being home and take a few days to spend time as a family and rest.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 5:31 PM CDT

Hello All! I have some very great news. Weston is going home on Friday, two days from today we will be free from the hospital. He has been unhooked from his IV pole since he is taking all of his medicine by mouth and is no longer getting any pain medicine. He will be hooked back up tonight at about 10pm to get his TPN and Lipids but other than that he is a free man. Tommorrow he will be getting a Echocardiogram because all of the reasons his heart rate should be up have been eliminated, the doctors want to check to see why it is still high.

Please be in prayer for our friends. Logan is having his Port removed tommorrow. "Go Logan."
Peyton will be coming in to see about the results of scans and to see when she will be having her port removed.
Griffin will be in the hospital for a check up.


Sunday, September 5, 2004 7:35 PM CDT

UPDATE: Weston has an ANC of 3900. This is so awesome!!! The mouth sores are healing and his skin is healing from the break down caused by the chemo. The doctors seem to think that he should be eating by wednesday or thursday. He should be up and running around all over the hall; driving the nurses and doctors crazy.

Good Sunday Evening All! I hope that you are all enjoying what is left of this weekend.

Weston has an ANC of 680 this is such a "God Thing" for him to be recovering this quickly from his 2nd transplant so soon. He had to have a platelet transfusion this morning but he has always had a hard time with his platelets recovering after chemo. The doctors told me this morning that it could be possible for Weston to go home in 5-7 days. He is completely off of all of the extra high doses of antibiotics he has been on and the pain medicine is being tapered down.

I am so amazed at the things that God is doing and showing us through all of this. Love-Sherrie

Saturday, September 4, 2004 12:07 AM CDT

I hope that everyone is enjoying a wonderful long weekend with family and friends. Please be careful if you are going to be on the road.

Weston has engrafted from his transplant which means that his body is making white blood cells. He has an ANC of 80. This is an Awesome thing since yesterday he still had an ANC(baby white cells) of zero. He is finally on the road to recovery. Each day from here on out should get better and better. He has not had a fever in 3 days so they are gonna stop one of his antibiotics today and starting tommorrow they will begin to take him off of some of the others. He is drinking Dr Pepper and Water. He is beginning to fuss at the doctors and nurses again so we know he is feeling a little bit better. If he continues to recover the way that we think he will then we are looking to get to go home sometime the week of Sept 13.

I Praise God that all of this is working and that Weston is recovering. None of what Weston has been through and is still going through would be working if not for HIS awesome power and love. I continue to pray for Weston to be healed completely of this horrible monster we call Neuroblastoma.

I will update more as we know more. Thank you for your continued love, support and prayers. Love Sherrie

Tuesday, August 31, 2004 1:39 PM CDT

Hi! I hope that everyone is having a great week. Weston has not been feeling well so I have not had a chance to update. He has really bad mouth sores, they are not only in his mouth but down in his throat. These are extremely painful and he has had his pain meds be increased about three times since saturday. He also has mucousitis, since his throat is so sore he can not get this out of his mouth it is making him sick to his stomach and in turn causing some bleeding. Please pray for Weston to start to feel better and for the pain to ease up or get under control. The doctors seem to think that he should start to turn around within the next 3-5 days. The sores and his skin will start to heal and the mucusitis will start to go away as his counts begin to recover.

Peyton had her CT Scan done today. Please remember her in prayer as Dane, Marni, and their family wait for the results.

Griffin has the same infection that Weston had when he got sick after his last transplant. Please keep Griffin and his family in your prayers as he continues to heal from the infection and fight his cancer monster.

Thank you all for your love, support and prayers in means so much to me to know that you are lifting Weston up to God.
Love Sherrie.

Friday, August 27, 2004 9:28 PM CDT


PRAISE GOD! Weston is done with his transplant without any complications or side effects from the preservative they added to his stem cells when they collected them to save them for him. He is also getting a lot of the extra fluid he had on his body off. He is still a little bit red and his skin is still doing some breaking down from the Thiotepa(horrible chemo drug excretes through your skin). Overall he is looking better, still giving the doctors and nurses a bad time so he does not feel to bad. Now the plan is to wait until his stem cells take hold and begin to make new ones; this usually takes about 10 days then his counts have to get to a certain number before he can go home. You would think that I would remember but at this point I think I am doing good to remember my own name(hehehe.)

UPDATE ON GRIFFIN: Our prayers were answered yet again. He is doing much better today. He has an infection somewhere in his little body and the doctors are trying to figure out just exactly where it is at. But he is responding to the antibiotics. They will probably be here until thursday.

Thank you so much for your love, support, and prayers.
Love, Sherrie

Thursday, August 26, 2004 10:40 AM CDT

UPDATE:Weston got 3 bags of stem cells today not just two. I have no idea why or how come; I just Thank God that they are his. He will get the rest of his cells back tommorrow morning not real sure right now at what time.

Please say an extra prayer for Griffin tonight and tommorrow. I don't want to go into to much detail without first asking his mom or dad. He had a really tough day to day and they are watching him close tonight. He and his family need some extra prayers tonight. For those of you who do not know Griffin; he has Neuroblastoma just like Weston but his has relapsed. You can check out his web page from the link below.
Today is the day. Weston is getting the first of two bags of his stem cells back. The bmt is scheduled for 2pm. I am excited but also a little bit anxious.

Weston is running a fever now and so he will be put back on Vancomycin(this can cause itching; since we just got the itching to stop from the Morphine I am not looking forward to him taking it.) He is a little bit congested and so he is getting suctioned out some since he can't seem to clear it. Everyone gets congested at some point so it is not really a big deal. Weston is retaining fluid in his tissue and so he is really swollen; he is red from the Thiotepa(chemo drug) that they gave him. I think that he looks like the "Michelin Man with a sunburn" others think he looks like a "sumo wrestler" or Jaba the Hut(off star wars)."

Let me Update you all on some of our friends:

Logan had scans yesterday and he will be getting his Port removed next week sometime. This is so Awesome because it means that he is still in REMISSION(such a wonderful word to hear.) This is such a God thing. Also Logan will be becoming a BIG brother in the spring sometime. Wally, Marcie, and Logan we love you guys and are so happy for you.

Princess Peyton is blossoming into a beautiful little girl. Her hair is coming back in and she is eating good. She will have her post-treatment scans on Aug 31 and Sept 7. Please be in prayer for Peyton, Marni, Dane, and Lindsey as they go through the scans and wait for the results. Please pray for Peyton especially on Aug 31 as she will have to have an NG Tube(tube in the nose) to get the contrast and it is not a pleasant experience at all. Dane, Marni, Lindsey, and Peyton you have become such a part of our lives and we love you guys so much. I don't know how we would have made it through this without you.

Griffin is such a little wild man; Colton and him are like peas in a pod. He is our transplant Texan. Griffin has been through so much with his fight with Neuroblastoma. He has been fighting this since he was 2 yrs old. His unending positive spirit amazes me for his age(6yrs old.) Griffin has beaten this monster down 2 times before and there is no doubt in his mind or that of his families that he will beat it again. Barry, Monique, Griffin, and Blake I am so glad that you have become part of our lives. Your unending faith and love have been such a comfort to me. Your family may be back in LA but you are part of our family forever.

Thank you all for your prayers, love, and support. Sherrie

Friday, August 20, 2004 2:21 PM CDT

UPDATE: Weston is doing much better now. His blood pressures are looking more normal. His heart rate is still a little elvated but we think it is because of the temperatures. His potassium level is back to almost normal. He looks like a totally different kid now. He was actually sitting up, talking, and playing a little bit when Marni and grandma were here early. God is truly taking care of and in control of Weston's life. There is no way he could of gone from feeling as lousy as he did to looking better in such a short amount of time except through God's mercy. Please continue to pray for Weston. He has 4 days of this horrible medicine and he could have problems with it again.

Hi All! Weston had a good day yesterday. He was up and playing with everyone. He enjoyed having Colton here to play with, then grandma and papa showed up with a prize and he thought that was the best.

Today on the other hand has not been so good. This morning he started cyclophosmide(?) and it made him sick. He will get this drug every 8 hrs for 4 days. He is also going to get Zofran and Phenegrin around the clock to help with the nausea.

His transplant is scheduled for about 1pm on thursday. He will get it 2 days in a row.

Thank you for your continued prayers. Sherrie

Monday, August 16, 2004 12:28 AM CDT

UPDATE: Weston is out of surgery and doing good. Instead of putting a triple loom line in; they decided to put in a double loom line. It is smaller and we pray that it last through chemo, transplant and then radiation. He has had supper and he is playing in the playroom now. He is keeping the volunteers on their toes. Weston will start his chemo tommorrow at 12:00pm. Still not real sure about some things that are gonna happen this round. I will update more as I find out.
Good Afternoon All! I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend. We sure did. It was so pretty; the boys actually got to get outside sat in the middle of the day and play. Colton recieved a Bible during First Grade Bible Day at church on Sunday. It was a little emotional for Mommy because it means that he is no longer a little boy. I know he is growing up and it is a part of life but I really don't know where the time has gone. Of course, Weston thought that since Colton got a Bible, he should get one too. I apologize to anyone who Weston disturb during church yesterday morning. He was making sure everyone knew he was feeling good.

Today was the first official day of school. I am excited that the girls are home. But a little sad that Heather is in Junior High, Kristina is in the 6th grade. Colton was excited this morning but also a little nervous. I can hardly wait for them to get out of school today so I can hear all about it. Weston on the other hand did not think it was to cool to leave Colton at school and him have to go home with mom.

I have rambled on enough. Weston has to be at the hospital at 12:30 to check in to the operating room. His surgery is scheduled for 1:30pm. Then he will be admitted to the hemo/onco floor. On Wed he will start his chemo. I am not sure exactly how many days of chemo he will get as soon as I know I will let you all know. Then he will get a day off to relax. Then he will get his stem cells back and we wait for his counts to recover. Of course, this means 4-6 weeks in the hospital but this is also his last course of chemo. I believe that with God's Help we will get through this again.

Thank you for your prayers, love, and support. Sherrie.

Friday, August 13, 2004 6:34 PM CDT

THANK YOU JESUS! You have again answered our prayers for Weston.

The bone scan came back normal. No evidence that cancer has come back or that anything is wrong with Weston hip or pelvic area. Dr Aquino says that it could of gotten bruised but he did not know why his thigh is swollen and he
is not gonna worry about it. Weston will be going into the hospital on tuesday to have his line put back in and then on Wed we will start his chemo again. Thank You for your phone calls, prayers, and love.

Marni,Lindsey, and Peyton Thank you for coming and sitting with me today. Thank you for bringing Colton something to eat so he did not have to eat in the cafeteria. Marni, thank you for being an ear after I left the clinic on thursday. I needed to freak out and you let me.

Marci, Thank you for calling me last night. I appreciate you talking to me last night when I needed it and did not know I did.

Monique, Thank you for calling and helping me to understand more about this ugly monster we call Neuroblastoma. You helped more than you can even imagine.
I will be saying extra prayers for Griffin this weekend that you guys will get to go home before we are admitted on tuesday.

Pastor Brent and Beth, Thank you for praying with me on thursday. For always being there for me when I need you.

August 6, 2004, Friday 12:29pm

UPDATE AUGUST 12, 2004 Weston went to the clinic today. The doctors did a xray of his hip and pelvic area; the xray came back clear. So now they have ordered a bone scan and another Urine test to see if the Neuroblastoma has relapsed. I am in a bit of a tizzy right now. I am trying not to over-react but I am the queen of over-reaction(hahaha.) His bone scan is scheduled for 7:30am in the morning and I have made the decision that I am not leaving the hospital tommorrow until I have the results from the scan. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
I will update when I know more.

UPDATE: Weston will be going into the hemo/onco clinic on thursday. He is walking funny and one hip and thigh is swollen more than the other. So just to check it out before he comes in next week he is gonna go see Dr. Aquino. His appointment is set up for 7:30am. Kinda early for mom but the earlier I get their the earlier I get home. I am not overly concerned with it yet but my imagination is greatly over exaggerated at times. Please say an extra prayer for Weston and what this may or may not be.
Plans have changed for Weston. He gets another week off before he has to go in for his next round of chemo. The doctors are having a hard time getting the surgery to replace his line scheduled for tuesday so they are gonna get it scheduled for August 17.
This makes me happy since I will be able to be home for the first day of school. Weston does not have to go back to the clinic next week for any blood work. We won't know what to do with ourselves.

One thing is for sure we are gonna take some time and visit with friends and family. Weston has been swimming at grandma and papa's but we have not made it to the zoo. It has just been to hot.

Please continue to pray for Perry's parents(Bart and Candi Haddock) as they are grieving over the loss of their very special angel.

Your continued love and support of Weston means so much to me.

-Love Sherrie

Sunday, August 1, 2004

I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend. We sure did. Daryl had to work for a little while on sat. But we did make it to First Monday that afternoon. Monique, Berry, and Blake; Griffin's mom, dad, and brother, went with us. I enjoyed visiting with them and looking around. On sunday, I was were I truly needed to be and that is In church Worshiping our wonderful Lord. Pastor Brent always has a way of expressing what the Lord wants me to here at just the right time. I hope that makes sense. I had the best Club Sandwich and Soup that I have had in I don't know how long. Not just because I did not have to make it; because I got to enjoy it with some of the most important women in my life, my sunday school class.

This afternoon I took the boys swimming at grandma and papa's house. Weston was not sure he really wanted in the pool until we got him used to it. Then he had the best time splashing Colton and Papa. He was even sitting at the end of grandma's float splashing them and pushing Colton's head under water.
After swimming Weston found chocolate chip cookies in grandma's freezer and so she fixed. He thought that was great.

This was the best weekend we have had all summer.

We did not make it to the zoo on thursday since it rained. So we are making plans to go this week.

On tuesday, Weston has to go into the clinic for a check up and we should know then when we have to go back in for his next mega dose of chemo.

Monday, July 26, 2004 3:33 PM CDT

It is such a wonderful day. We are so blessed. Weston did not have to get a pic-line today. Grandma stayed with him last night and he drank 2 cans of pediasure. Today he has been eating more than he has in the last 2 weeks. I am so excited to get to go home and not have anything sticking out of him except what God gave him.

Weston gets to come home tommorrow. From the way it sounds we are gonna get out of here early in the morning. It will be a long night tonight because I am so excited to get to go home and stay for a while.

Weston will have his central line put back in, when he comes in again for his next mega dose of chemo and his next Bone Marrow Transplant. This will happen in a couple of weeks.

Thank you all for your prayers. Sherrie

Saturday, July 24, 2004 10:06 PM CDT

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Weston is doing a lot better today. He had his central line removed yesterday. The doctors gave him versed and fentenyol to help him to forget what they were doing to him, relieve pain and help him to be still. I was in the treatment room with him when all of this is going on and all I can say is that the versed made him not remember what happened to him because he is still looking for his line. The fentenol did not help him be still. The dose that they gave him should of knocked him out but it did not. With the help of the doctor and a nurse, we held him down so the surgeon could remove it. If he will eat and drink for us then on monday they will not put a pic-line in and we should be home tuesday night. If he does not eat and drink enough they will put the pic-line in and we should still be home tuesday night. He looks so much better. He is alert, playing, fighting back with the nurses, and doctors, and he is laughing at his big brother. God is again answering our prayers. Sherrie

Sunday, July 18, 2004 7:56 PM CDT

on in his abdomen or his sinuses. His adrenal gland is not any better but it is also thankfully not any worse. The doctors think that he just needs for his tummy to rest after the infection and it will get better. When I talked to Susan today she said we will probably be here another week to finish the antibiotics and see if h

Proverbs 3:5-8 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your pathways straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones."

I have gone on about me this time but I am going to update you on Weston right now.

Weston is not doing so well right now. He is out of ICU and that is a blessing from God. He is having narcotic withdrawls from the fentanol they gave him to keep him sedated so he is getting a very small dose of morphine every two hours to help him get over the bump. Tommorrow they will decrease this dose. The doctors are decreasing his dose of steroids so they can wean him off of this. He is some very severe belly pain right now and he has not slept since yesterday afternoon. The doctors have him NPO; since he is not interested in eating or drinking then it has not been a problem. Every time he moves it makes his belly hurt. If we change his diaper; he is in such pain. I feel helpless because I can not make the pain stop. He does not want anyone on his bed or touching him. If he is not better by tommorrow the doctors are going to do a CT Scan and see if they can find anything else going on. His adrenal gland is a big issue right now because we have no idea if when he comes off of the steroid if it is going to work. We have no idea if this is gonna put his last BMT later or put it off all together. I am praying that it is not put off all together because it is so very important to his future prognosis that he get a second transplant.

Your love, prayers, support, visits, snacks that have been brought to the hospital, and the many signatures in the guest book are so very much appreciated and come at the right time. I will never truly be able to say thank you to each of sufficiently. Thank You! Sherrie

Saturday, July 17, 2004 9:02 PM CDT

Thank You Jesus for answering all of the prayers that have been sent up to you! Thank you all for sending your prayers.

Weston is out of the ICU and back down on the 10th floor or as all of us who are being treated their call it HOME! Weston is doing much better. He is off of the ventilator. His blood pressure is going a little high because of the steroids they are giving him. His heart rate is beating at a normal rate now.

He is in room 10E-415. The phone number is 214-456-7015. Thank you for your love and support. Sherrie

Wednesday, July 14, 2004 12:58 AM CDT

Things have been really busy since sun. Weston has a very bad infection in his blood. He had a fever on sunday so we had to come to the ER and get checked in for a couple of days.

On monday, Weston was not doing any better. His body was working extremely hard to fight off this infection. His heart rate was 220 and his blood pressure was really low. To be safe the doctors decided to move him to ICU because the nursing ratio is 1 to 1. So he would get extra care. By monday afternoon, he had to be intubated so that he could rest. Weston was extremely tired from his heart racing and his blood pressure was still really low. They ran a CAT Scan of his abdomin(?), EKG, and sonogram of his abdomin. Just to be sure that nothing was going on in his belly because he was in pain there and not going to potty very well.

On tuesday, All of the scans came back normal. He is still intubated, and sleeping peaceful. His blood pressure is much better, and the cultures came back negative. This is a very good. Tommorrow they will try to slowly wean him off of the intubator and the medicine to make him sleep.

Today he is doing better. His blood pressure is now a little bit high but they think this is from the steroid. His Adrenal Gland is not making the cortisol and hormones that it needs so this is part of the problem. He will be on a high dose of steroid for a until his adrenal gland either starts to work or we have to see endocrinology to see if his adrenal gland is working. He is slowly being weaned from the ventolator and they are decreasing his medicine to make him sleep. What we want Weston to do is to wake a little bit so not to be aggitated because he is tied to the bed and to start to breath around the ventolator. He is breathing around the ventolator now but he needs to be doing more and they need to get some fluid off of his body before they take the vent off.

It is most definetly a God thing that he is doing so well right now. Your prayers and mine are being answered. Please continue to pray for Weston. I love you all. Sherrie

P.S. Peyton is FINISHED WITH CHEMO!!!! Congradulations Peyton, Marni, Dane, Lindsey, Grammy, Gramps, and Aunt Stephanie

Wednesday,July 7, 2004 , 11:25pm


Can you tell mom is just a little bit excited? Today has been a long day.

Weston's counts are looking good. He is still feeling a little bit puney(sp.)
All of his medicine have been changed from IV"s to oral. This is a very good sign that his mouth is healing. He will be going home on TPN since he is not eating enough to keep his weight up. The doctors are hoping when he gets home that he will start to eating and drinking better.

He will still have to stay at home except for coming to the hospital for labs. They want him to not go out in public to keep him from the germs. If he is out in public, he will have to wear a mask.

Please be in prayer for the youth at First Baptist Church of Orvilla as they travel to Piney Woods near Houston as they go to camp for the week. Peyton's mom and dad have gone this year as chaperons and it should be a wonderful exciting week for these young people as they study God's word and have fun.

Please be in prayer for the youth of our church as they are preparing to leave for Chicago for Mission Chicago 2004. This is an exceptional group of young people going to teach others about God's love for them, what His word says, and as they lead some to accept Christ. Please remember to pray for the adults who will be traveling with them and for them to have a safe and exciting trip.

Thank you all so much for your love, support, and most importantly your prayers. God is using this time with Weston being ill to show me somethings. I have been more open to listening to Him and what He wants me to do than ever before. I find myself when I don't think I can take any more that He is right there with me. I turn to God when things are going good and when things are going horrible. God is working in my life.


Thursday, July 1, 2004 7:59 PM CDT

Weston is doing much better today. He has actually been awake and playing. Colton came to visit today and he did a good job of getting Weston to use is mouth. He also helped the physical therapy person to get Weston to use his arms and legs a whole bunch. He walked up and down the hall outside of his room and he was mad. He hollered at me to pick him up the whole time. It was so sad to watch.

He still has the mouth sores so they are keeping him from eating and drinking. He still needs the morphine pump to ease the pain. He actually slept for 4 hrs straight; it was so wonderful. Our prayers are being answered. The doctors are still talking like he might get to be home by the end of next week.

Peyton looked good today when I saw her in the clinic. I got to meet Griffin and his family today. They are such a precious family. I hope next time I see them we will be able to talk more and really get to know one another.

That is all for now. I will update more when I have more wonderful news to share. Thank you again for your prayers, love, and support. Sherrie

Monday, June 28, 2004 6:36 PM CDT

Update: Weston is sleeping peacefully at 2:30pm this afternoon. The doctors have gone up on his continuous morphine dose. He is still having pain from the mouth sores;so they are gonna also try some lidocaine gel. I pray that this works for him.

The doctors are saying that until his counts start to come up;he will continue to feel bad and will not be able to heal on his own. But when he starts to get some white cells then his skin will stop pealing and the mouth sores will start to go away and most importantly he will start to feel better.

If I find anything else out I will be sure and update soon.

Weston has been more awake today than he has been in a week. Saturday night, they got him a morphine pump to see if they could better control his pain from the mouth sores. Daryl stayed with him saturday and I went home to spend some time with Colton; also to get out of this room. When I got back yesterday afternoon his eyes were not nearly as purple as they were the day before and he seemed to not be in as much pain. He still was not eating or drinking.

Today has been a little bit better. They increased his continuous dose of morphine some so that maybe his pain will be more manageable. He seems to feel a little this afternoon. He is actually allowing the bed to be raised and tried to eat some Honey Nut Cheerios. Right now he looks like Mr Magoo with his forehead all wrinkled up. He played for about 5 minute with a truck and got mad a me when I tried to play ball with him.

Thank you all for your prayers of support. Sherrie.

Saturday, June 26, 2004 4:58 PM CDT

Good Saturday Afternoon. I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend so far.

Weston is still having fevers and he is sick at his stomach. He is not eating or drinking anything. The dietician says when it is time for him to go home he will probably go home not eating or drinking. He has some mouth sores that are extremely painful so they are changing all of his medicine to IV's. These sores could possibly go down into his stomach.

Last night Weston had to get some red blood cells and some platelets. His HGB was 7.4 and anything under 8; they transfuse. His platelets were 14. He still has no white counts at all.

The good news is that his blood cultures have not grown anything at all. So there is not an infection in his blood. If he does not quite running a fever in the next day or so; the doctor will add some more antibiotics to his already existing antibiotics.

This is so hard for me to watch my baby go through all of this. I have faith that God is watching over him. I am praying that God will heal his little body and that he will take his pain away. I am praying for the strength to get through this one second, one minute, one hour, and one day at a time. I am praying for patience. I seem to be short on it these days.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. Love Sherrie

Thursday, June 24, 2004 7:23 PM CDT

Update:Weston slept a little better last night as long as he was given tylenol every 4 hrs. He did wake up once and mommy had to hold him for him to go back to sleep. Which is okay with mommy. He is still running a fever this morning and not feeling like his old self at all. I can not wait until he is running up and down the halls attached to his IV Pole giving everyone fits. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.

Just a short update: Weston is not feeling good at all today. Last night he was tossing and turning; he did not sleep well at all. Today he has had a headache and he spiked a fever about 4:00pm. The protocol for fevers is automatic antibiotics until the temp goes down and they find that blood cultures come back negative. The doctors also ordered a chest xray to rule out pneumonia even though his chest sounds clear. They have also done another test and I forgot what it is called. But they swabbed his nose and throat. The nurses and doctors will have to wear masks, gowns, and gloves when they enter his room until the test results come back; just in case he has something and they don't spread it to other patients.

Thank you for all of your prayers, phone calls, and support. I really do appreciate them. I will update more as I find out anything at all. Sherrie

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Weston got his Bone Marrow Transplant today. It only took about an hour and the worst part of it so far has been the smell from the perservatives they put in it to store it. Before he started his transplant Donna gave him some steroids, benadryl, tylenol, and something to take the fluid off of his body. These pre-meds were to prevent any reaction to what they cleaned his blood with or the perservative. Thank you Jesus that Weston had no reaction to any it.

Please leave Weston a message in his guestbook when you visit him. He enjoys me reading them to him each night.

Thank You for your continued love, support, and most importantly your prayers. This has been a very difficult past 6 months, without each and everyone of you we would not have been able to do this.

Love, Sherrie.

Friday, May 21, 2004 1:34 PM CDT

Hope everyone is having a wonderful friday. We certainly are since Weston is out of the hospital.

The surgery went well on wednesday. The doctor had to go back in and put it back in place and add a couple of stitches to hold it in place. When Weston woke up in the recovery room and started his wiggling it moved up and was not in the right position. He got that fixed and we got to come home wednesday night.

Yesterday we went to the clinic to get his dressing changed and have some blood work done for his retrieval on monday.
We got to see Peyton, Marni, Lindsey, and Dane. Peyton looked good and she is having her chemo this week.

As of right now this is the plan.
Monday, May 24, 2004 he is scheduled to have an MRI under general anthesia, then we will head up to the 10th floor to use a room to do his retrieval. We are planning to be there all day.

Tuesday, May 25,2004 We will be back in the clinic at 8:00am to do another retrieval and talk to the BMT Doctor and sign consent forms.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004 We will be back in the clinic for the last retrieval.

June 8, 2004 if his counts are good. They will start the fist of his big doses of chemo. Dr have told us to plan on being in the hospital at least 3 weeks in isolation.

Thank you for your prayers, and love. Sherrie

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 3:28 PM CDT

Good Afternoon All!

Weston has got a small pin hole in his central line. Daryl and I brought him to the ER at CMC last night about 10:00. They thought that it could be fixed without surgery but this morning they decided that it would have to be replaced because it would take four days for the kit to come in to replace it. They were gonna try to work him into surgery today but we have to wait until tommorrow. I am not sure about the time as of right now. I will let you all know as soon as I know something.

Please pray for Weston as he gets put to sleep again for this surgery. Pray for the doctors to have steady hands and to get in done in the right amount of time. Pray for Daryl and I to have patience and peace while we wait for our baby to come out of surgery.

Thank You All,

Saturday, May 15, 2004 9:51 PM CDT

Hi! Weston came home from the hospital last night. He is doing much better. He has no fever and none of the cultures they took of his blood grew any type of infection. God was sure taking care of him. He did come home with his NG Tube in. Weston will be getting night feedings and 3 bolus feedings a day. Bolus feedings are where he gets a bunch at one time instead of being on the feeds for 24 hours. He looks so much better and is back to his old running around chasing everyone again.

Right now he is giving me his mommy can I get whatever I want eyes. Such cute faces he makes but he is not getting anymore candy tonight.

Thank you for all the phone calls, prayers, and love during this difficult time. Sherrie

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 9:20 PM CDT

Hi All! Weston is still in the hospital and he is not been in a good mood at all. He is hitting at the nurses and doctors. Telling people to leave him alone, get away, and I am done.

He was still running a temperature as of early this morning. I talked to Daryl a few minutes ago and they have increased his NG feeds to 25ml an hour which is almost 2 tblsps an hour. Not great but he is keeping them down and as long as he keeps them down he will not have to go on TPN. TPN is where he will get his nutrition through his central line; it is not natural for them to be fed this way so we are praying that this does not happen.

As of right now the plan is for him to have some MRI, Bone Scans, and CT Scan next week and then the Bone Marrow Retrieval is scheduled for the week of the 24. Weston will get about a week or so of freedom and then the plan is for him to enter the hospital on June 8 for the first of two big rounds of chemo. This will be at least 3wks in isolation with limited visits allowed by his under 13 siblings. Please be in prayer for us as we begin these next difficult months.

God has been good to us during this very difficult time so far and I continue to have faith that he will be with us during the next months. God has brought many wonderful family and friends to help us. He has introduced us to many new friends we never would have met had we not had to deal with this terrible cancer monster; for this we are truly blessed. He is teaching me to be patient and wait for things in his time not mine. This has been most difficult for me because I want things done quickly and with cancer this is not possible at all.

God Bless You All!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004 2:47 PM CDT

Good Afternoon! Just a short update to let you know how Weston is doing.

I brought Weston to the clinic yesterday. He was a little dehydrated so they gave him some fluids. While in the clinic he spiked a fever so this is an automatic admitted when his ANC is 0. He will have to stay in the hospital until he has no fever for 48 hours. He has had a fever all night and most of the day today. He is going to get constant feedings through his NG tube until his weight comes back up. They gave him platelets and red blood cells today because his dropped some more overnight.

Please continue to pray for Peyton(www.caringbridge.org/tx/peytonwhite, Logan(www.caringbridge.org/tx/logancherry) and all of the children fighting this battle we call the cancer monster.

Thank you for your continued love, support, and prayers. We would not be able to get through this without God, and all of our family and friends. Sherrie

Saturday, May 8, 2004 4:18 PM CDT

Hope Everyone is having a wonderful weekend! We are busy trying to get some things done that have needed doing for a while now.

Weston went to the doctor on friday. His ANC is 0 so he is on house arrest. He lost 3 pounds so the NG Tube was put back in place so he can get some night feeds and get his weight back up. We are praying for no fever this week till his counts come back up.

We did sneak out to Colton's T-Ball game last night. We figured since it was outside and he would not be couped up in a building with all the germs it would be all right. They tied the other team so both teams won. Colton was very upset that the coach took him off the pitchers mound. He was sure enjoying that position. He was doing so good. Sorry the bragging mom.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. We are planning too.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you Wonderful Moms.

Please continue to pray for Weston, Peyton(www.caringbridge.org/tx/peytonwhite) and Logan(www.caringbridge.org/tx/logancherry). Prayers really do work and God is so Good; Logan is in remission. Praise God!

Thank you for checking on Weston and signing his guest book.

Monday, May 3, 2004 8:44 PM CDT

Good Evening All!!

Weston is home from the hospital. Weston is feeling good right now. He is up running around being his old playful self. His ANC was 547 on sunday and Hemoglobin was 8.2 so it is down a little. We will be keeping him home so that he does not catch any infections since his ANC is already so close to 500 anything below this, if he gets a fever it will be an automatic 2 days in the hospital.

We are getting close to another round of MRI's, Bone Scans, and a CAT Scan to see if his 5 rounds of chemo have decreased the size of the tumor in his chest and to make sure that there are no new tumors..

While Weston was in the hospital last week he got to play with Peyton. I got to visit with Marni and Dane. Kyle and Stacey came up to visit for a little bit.

Thank you Beth for the bag of snacks. I don't think I would have eaten very much if you had not brought it up.

Thank You to Peyton's Aunt Stephanie for the bag of snacks you brought to Weston, he has stuck the race car stickers every where. He blew bubbles all afternoon sat. He has not shared his bag of stuff with anyone not even mom or big brother.

We have nicknamed Weston "Godzilla" because one day when he was in the playroom. He decided that the train table was for him to crawl on top of and stand. We all got a good laugh from him doing this. I am so glad that he feels good enough to play.

Please continue to pray for Weston as he recovers from this last round of chemo. As he gets ready for his 1st of 2 big rounds of chemo.

Also please continue to pray for Peyton(www.caringbridge.org/tx/peytonwhite), Logan(www.caringbridge.org/tx/logancherry), and all of the other little children battling cancer or some other life threatening or chronic illness.

Thank you for your continued love, support, and most importantly your prayers. Sherrie

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:39 PM CDT

Just a short update tonight. Weston is doing great and starting his chemo tonight around 8:00pm.

Even with his infection he is still running up and down the halls. Entertaining everyone he comes in contact with and wearing momma out. It does my heart good to see him playing and not letting this monster get him down.

He was racing a wonderful child life intern by the name of Kelly. He went out into the hallway outside the playroom and she followed him out. Kelly told him she was gonna get him and he took off running, laughing and looking back. She put her eletric chair in high gear and the race was on.
I bet they did that for a good 30 minutes. Then she had to go and check on some other kids and he still wanted to play with Kelly. He looked for her in the hall for a long time. Kelly is a very special young lady.

His infection seems to be getting better and the urine they collected last night all came back fine. These are all wonderful Praises to the Lord. He is the only one who can Heal Weston and He is showing just how good He is!

Thank you for your prayers, love, and support. It means the everything to me to know that you are all thinking of us all.

Please continue to pray for Peyton(www.caringbridge.org/tx/peytonwhite) she will be joining Weston on thursday so they will get to play; and for Logan(www.caringbridge.org/tx/logancherry).

Love, Sherrie

Sunday, April 25, 2004 1:09 PM CDT

Good Afternoon.

I just wanted to updated everyone on what is going on with Weston.

Friday Night he got a fever of 102.6 and so that means a trip to the ER. When we got to Children's his fever had come down. They took some blood for blood cultures and counts, gave him some antibiotic and sent him home.

Saturday Night we get a phone call from the ER Weston is growing something in one of his blood cultures. They tell me it is either a blood infection or a line infection. Neither is very good but can be treated with antibiotics. He has to come in for more cultures, and at least 48 hours of antibiotics.

This will put us at tuesday so basically what gonna happen is Weston will be in the hospital until next sun or mon. This should not stop him from getting his 5th round of chemo.

This morning the doctors came in and informed us that it is a blood infection. Weston spiked a fever last nite and this morning of 104.1 and had some vomiting. They gave him some tylenol and zofran for nausea. He is a little irritable but hopefully as the antibiotics continue to work he will get to being his old playful stuff.

Please continue to pray for Peyton(www.caringbridge.org/tx/peytonwhite) and Logan(www.caringbridge.org/tx/logancherry).

If you stop by to visit us, please leave us a note in our guestbook as this week we need all the prayers we can lift up to God.

Thank You,

Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:19 PM CDT

It has been a really long day today. Weston had to be at the hemo/oncology clinic at 8:00am this morning to start the last of his bone marrow draws. He got hooked up at around 9:30 to the machine and there we had to keep him entertained for 4 hours. He got really irritated with the whole situation about half way through. Weston had to have some calcium because this whole process sometimes drops there calcium levels and it dropped his. He went to sleep about 30 minutes before he was supposed to be finished. After the draw we had to wait for Weston's blodd work to come back. His platelets were 18 and his calcium was still low. So needless to say he got another dose of calcium and platelets. Now his calcium is too high. Doctors told me to make sure he drinks a lot and his calcium will correct itself.

His last round of chemo is being held off a week so we will be in the hospital with Peyton so we will get to visit.

Thank you for your prayers, support and constant care of my family.

Please continue to pray for
Peyton(www.caringbridge.org/tx/peytonwhite) and Logan(www.caringbridge.org/tx/logancherry)

Tuesday, April 20, 2004 7:24 PM CDT

Weston is home from his overnight visit to the hospital. He had to stay because it was gonna be so late when they finished his first bone marrow retrieval. They wanted to start at 7:00am this morning on the second one. I have to have him at the clinic at 8:00am in the morning for the third retrieval.

The doctors have decided to hold off a week on his 5 day round of chemo. This is so his platelets can recover on there own.

Weston finally did it. He was running around the clinic on mon while he was getting a blood transfusion. He got his tubing hung on the bottom of the IV Pole and pulled the stopper off the end of his central line. Needless to say it was not a pretty site. The good thing is that he did not pull the line from out of his chest. But he gave the nurses and me some action.

Please continue to pray for Weston, Peyton(www.caringbridge.org/tx/peytonwhite) and Logan(www.caringbridge.org/tx/logancherry)

Monday, April 19, 2004 7:05 PM CDT

Going to keep this brief tonight. Weston was admitted today for his bone marrow retrieval because it was going to be so late when they finally got through with the first one and then we would have to be back here at 700am in the morning. He is up and running around pole free tonight.
Right now he is playing with the McDonald's stuff in the playroom. He will get to come home tommorrow and then on wed unless things changes we will be admitted for chemo.

Thank you for your continued prayers, love, and support.Please continue to remember Peyton(www.caringbridge.org/tx/peytonwhite) and Logan(www.caringbridge.org/tx/logancherry)


Sunday, April 18, 2004 7:28 PM CDT

Good Evening All!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We spent it enjoying the sunshine and cleaning house.

Weston ran all over the backyard chasing the dogs and his brother again. He even figured out how to get the back gate open. Daddy fixed it so now he cannot get out.

Weston is good to go for his bone marrow retrievals this week. His ANC is 27,000, his platelets are 51, and his hemoglobin is 7.8(this is low but not low enough to slow him down.)

This is the plan for next week:
4-19-04 8:00am Bone Marrow Retrieval and labs
4-20-04 8:00am Bone Marrow Retrieval
4-21-07 8:00am Bone Marrow Retrieval and ADMIT for Chemo(5 days)

We should be home by tues, 4-27-04.

Please continue to pray for Weston as he will have to be still during the bone marrow retrievals; supposed to take 4 hrs. Thank You for your prayers, love, and support.

Also, please continue to remember Peyton and her family(www.caringbridge.org/tx/peytonwhite) and Logan and his family(www.caringbridge.org/tx/logancherry)

Love, Sherrie

Tuesday, April 13,2004

We had a very busy and fun weekend even with all the cold and rain. On Sat, we all got to go to Flower Mound to a picnic called "LOVE FOR KIDS." The kids all had a good time. Heather, Kristina, and Colton got there face painted. Weston was not interested at all. They got to make necklaces, hats, and play lots of games. The kids all got to ride a full size horse. Weston has never been on a horse but he loved it. Saturday nite we went to grandma and papa's house to eat and decorate eggs.

Sunday morning we got up and went to church. God was working on me through Pastor Brent. He got my attention.
After we went to church, we all went out to Nanie's house. All her grandkids were out there except for Chelsie(we missed her alot but we will see her soon.) The boys had fun shooting the bb guns and playing in the mud.

Monday, Weston had to go to the clinic for labs. His platelets were 9 so he had to have a platelet transfusion. Before they started them when they took his vital signs he had a temp. The only reason he got to come home is because his ANC is 689, so they gave him antibiotics and sent us home.

Weston will be back at the clinic on thursday to get labs done again and to talk with the transplant team some more.

Please continue to pray for Peyton and her family(www.caringbridge.org/tx/peytonwhite), and for Logan and his family(www.caringbridge.org/tx/logancherry.)
These are some of Gods precious children and they need all of our support.

Thank You for your love, prayers, and support. Please if you visit us leave us a note so we know you came to check on us. Sherrie

Monday, April 5, 2004 10:56 PM CDT

It's late. Daryl is trying to get Weston to sleep in his own bed in the boys room but I think Weston is still awake and Daddy went to sleep. That is the way it usually works though.

This weekend was full of excitement and fun. Colton went to A Day for Me Sibling Class at the Hemo/Onco Clinic. He said he had a great time. He loves to go talk to and play with Ms. Shawna and Ms. Ashley. They fed him lots of donuts, and cookies that he got to decorate with the other kids. The rest of the weekend was spent playing outside with Weston and the dogs. Weston played so hard all weekend and slept so good. He was filthy and he even took a bath without screaming the first time since we started Chemo. I was so proud.

Tommorrow is gonna be a very busy day for us. Weston has to be at the Hemo/Onco Clinic at 10:15am. He will get blood drawn and then we will talk to the doctors about what is next. I am a little nervous not sure what to expect.

Colton has T-Ball practice at 6:00 and the girls have a group meeting. So I am hoping that Daryl gets off work to take Colton. Looks like tuesdays are gonna be busy for us until T-ball is over. I am so excited though I love nothing more than to watch these little guys play ball. What is gonna make it more fun is that one of our nephews is on the same team. Please pray for the coach, he is gonna need it...

I will let you all know what the outcome of the clinic visit is tommorrow night. We appreciate your prayers and love.

Please continue to pray for Peyton and her family.(www.caringbridge.org/tx/peytonwhite) They are a very precious family and they have come to be an important part of our lives.
Also, continue to pray for Logan and his family.(www.caringbridge.org/tx/logancherry)
If you get a chance please check out their web pages and let them know you visited by signing their guest books.

I know God has a plan for these children and for us. We pray that we will understand what it is in his time and that we have the patience until he lets us know what it is.

I pray for peace, patience, and comfort through this time. I pray that these sweet little children have no pain and suffering but mostly I pray for God to heal them of this thing we call cancer.

Friday, April 2, 2004 8:55 AM CST

Good Morning! Weston got to come home last night. He finished round 4 of chemo with no nausea or any bad side effects.

We got the preliminary results back from his bone marrow biopsy. The right bone marrow came back negative for neuroblastoma cells. So that is AWESOME! His left bone marrow was negative from before.

The doctors are now gonna look at all of his results from the bone marrow biopsy, bone scan, and MRI. They will discuss what they think the next step will be. Then on tuesday, when he goes in for blood counts, we will all sit down and see where we go from here. Weston still has a long fight ahead of him and things are going good.

Please continue to pray for Weston, Peyton(www.caringbridge.org/tx/peytonwhite) and Logan(www.caringbridge.org/tx/logancherry) as they fight this nasty little bug we call cancer. God is working miracles in these kiddos lives and we as parents are so very grateful that you take the time out of your busy lives to lift them up in prayer.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:00 PM CST

Hi All! Weston is in room #10E-416. He is doing wonderful with his chemo. No nausea or any other side effects so far. He will get to come home more than likely on friday sometime.

This evening Weston got to meet Sylvester the cat and Bugs Bunny, three clowns and a magician came to the playroom so it was lots of fun.

I will update more as soon as we get the bone marrow biopsy results.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Sherrie.

Monday, March 29, 2004 10:01 PM CST

What a wonderful day it has been! Weston and Colton both went to the dentist today and no cavities...HOORAY!!!

Weston and I are getting ready to go to the hospital tommorrow. He will have a bone marrow biopsy and then start chemo before he goes up to a room.

Please keep Weston in your prayers as he has the biopsy done as the last two times he has been able to stay asleep. They are gonna give him a bigger dose of the Ketermin(spelling) and if this does not work he will have to go under general ansthesia for the next one.
Please pray that the biopsy comes back negative for neuroblastoma cells. We have given God all of the glory for healing what he has already healed in Weston. He is already working a miracle in our lives.

Please continue to pray for Peyton, Marni, Dane, and Lindsey, you can visit them at www.caringbridge.org/tx/peytonwhite God has truly blessed me with this wonderful family.

Also, continue to pray for Logan, Marcie, and Wally, you can visit them at www.caringbridge.org/tx/logancherry. This is a very special family and they are a blessing to me. We will be meeting them hopefully really soon.

I will let everyone know as soon as we get the results back from the biopsy.

God is really showing me just how much he cares for and loves my family through First Baptist Church of Kaufman and all of the wonderful friends I have made through this journey.

God Bless All of You! Sherrie

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 8:34 PM CST

Good Evening to All.

It has been an eventful day to say the least. First thing, Kristina had to make a trip to the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic today. Nothing to terribly wrong just needed to be seen before it got to be something. Antibiotics for 14days and new antacid.

Weston had to got the Hemo/Onc Clinic today for blood counts. Counts are good today, he is gonna do two more days of the G-CSF shot and then stop. He goes back to the clinic on tuesday. March 30, 2004. He will get another bone marrow biopsy and then start chemo. This will be a 3 day visit.

Please continue to pray for Weston, Peyton, and Logan as they fight with all the strength they have to beat this thing called cancer. Please especially pray for Weston on tuesday, that they can get him to sleep this time so that he realizes no pain during the bone marrow biopsy.

Love to you all. Sherrie, Daryl, Weston, Colton, Heather, and Kristina.

Sunday, March 21, 2004 11:42 PM CST

Hello to all. I have not updated Weston site since he came home from the hospital and for that I apologize.

Weston went to the Hemo/Onco Clinic on friday. His ANC is 187, his platelets are 75, and his hemoglobin is 8.5(this is better than it has been after around of chemo since we began). Weston has been out of the hospital for a week now with no fevers or needing of blood transfusions. Prayers are still being answered.

Colton and I planted a flower bed this week, since he was on spring break. Colton picked out all of the flowers and decided where they should go. If you want to see it you had better come by soon cause I won't guarantee how long it is gonna stay pretty. I really don't have a green thumb so any advice for us is always welcome and happily accepted.

Colton and Weston have been playing all week. It is so good to see Weston running and playing like there is nothing wrong. The boys have played outside, jumped on the trampoline, and chased the dogs. Weston is gonna be a defensive line man yet. He ran up behind Colton and tackled him. He just laughs at his big brother all the time.

There are some very special people who I would like to say Thank You to:

Beth and David James- For your love, prayers, all the trips you have made to CMC when Weston has been in the hospital. For the phone calls to just check up on us. David-A special thank you to you for caring a big ole bag of snacks up to the 10th floor of the hospital when I was not eating like I should of been right after Weston was diagnosed.

Pastor Brent and Steve- Thank you for the once a week visits to the hospital when Weston has been in. Knowing that you would be there to pray with Weston and my family then helped more than I can say or express.

MOMS Class- Thank you for the visits you made to the hospital to check on us. Thank you for your continued love and support. Also, the flowers that you all sent me on my birthday were just gorgeous.

MOPS-Thank you to all of the wonderful ladies who took time out of there busy schedules to prepare delicious and wonderful meals during a very difficult time. It really helped me to know that fixing supper was one less thing I had to deal with at the time.

A very special Thank You to First Baptist Church of Kaufman for your prayers, love, and support. There are several individuals who I would like to Thank for there very generous spirits and I pray that these individuals know how truly grateful my family is for there gifts.

I want to also say Thank You to my mom and dad. My mom has come and got Heather, Kristina, and Colton whenever we have had to make a last minute late night run to CMC. She has been and continues to be there no matter what. My parents have been there when Daryl and I have needed them the most and there is no way for me to ever say thank you enough.

God has put some very special people in our lives. He has given me some truly wonderful friends and family. One person I would probably have never had the opportunity to meet if it had not been for this horrible disease is Marni White, she is Peyton White's mom. She is fast becoming one of my best friends. Peyton was diagnosed with Clear Cell Sarcoma-Right Kidney on 12/27/03, would you please add Marni, Dane, big sis Lindsey and Peyton to your prayer lists.

Also, please add Logan Cherry to your prayers as well. He was diagnosed with a Wilms' Tumor on 02/09/04. I have not had the pleasure to meet Logan and his family yet but I am hoping to soon.

Again, I love you all and I am just thankful right now for all the wonderful blessings God is showing me through how he is healing Weston and people he is putting in our lives.

Monday, March 15, 2004 2:30 PM CST

Hello all!

Weston is home from the hospital and doing great. We are so greatful he is climbing, running, and playing with Colton just like nothing is going on. He is eating pretty good, could be a little better though.

Here is what the doctors told us today, basically the same as before but a little different. The mass in Weston chest has decreased by HALF, the left bone marrow is neuroblastoma FREE, the right bone marrow has some but not many neuroblastomas still, and the bone scan shows no new neuroblastoma's on his spine. PRAISE JESUS!!! Your prayers and mine are being answered.

The plan now is to return to the Hemo/Onco Clinic on friday for blood counts and then when his counts are back up. We will go back to the hospital, he will have another bone marrow biospy to see where we are at, and then another round of chemo.

I am so thankful for all of your prayers, love, and support. I will never be able to tell all of you how much you mean to Daryl and I. Sherrie

Friday%2C March 12%2C 2004 3%3A12 PM CST

Today is Weston's birthday and we have the most wonderful birthday news. Weston's bone marrow biopsy came back that he has no Neuroblastoma in his left bone marrow and he has 2 to 3 percent Neuroblastoma in his right bone marrow. God is answering prayers.

He is eating so much better and looking good. He is playing and running around all over the place. We should be home on Monday, as long as everything goes according to plans.

Thank you for your prayers and love. Sherrie

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 2:36 PM CST

Weston had his bone marrow biopsy this morning. Should know so more tommorrow. He is feeling pretty good right now. He is in the playroom with Kristina.

Thank you for your prayers and love. Sherrie

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 7:07 PM CST

Good Evening All! Just wanted to let you know Weston is in Room 413. He had a blood transfusion so could not do bone marrow biopsy today. It will be done in the morning.

God is so good! MRI showed that the mass in his chest is greatly reduced, the spot on the liver can not be seen now.
No new bone liasons. Every body say a prayer of Thanks.

Chemo will start tommorrow.

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for Weston and giving your love and support..Sherrie

Friday, March 5, 2004 11:56 PM CST

Hello to all! Weston had his MRI today. Took a little extra to sedate him because he started to wake up half way through the test. Looks like it will be monday or tuesday before we know anything from the bone scan or the MRI.

His ANC is 10,000, which are his baby white blood cells. His Platelets are 187 and is hemoglobin is 7.4. So these are all good. He will be able to start round 3 Chemo on tuesday, March 10,2004.

Weston will be in the hospital for a week. I won't know what room number until we get there on tuesday.

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. Daryl, the kids, and I could not get through this without all of you.

Love you all. Sherrie

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 6:42 PM CST

Hello to all! Weston had a good trip to the clinic today. His Anc is 1056, so that is awesome. He got a dose of chemo in the clinic today and came home. Round 2 completed...Hip Hip Hooray!

March 3, 2004 Bone Scan is scheduled to start at 10:00am.
March 5, 2004 Back to clinic for blood counts.
March 9, 2004 If counts are high enough, we will stay for Round 3 Chemo. This will be a long visit; 5 days of chemo and on the 6th day they will harvest his stems cells for later down the road stem cell transplant.

Thank you all so much for your love, support, and prayers during this time. God has blessed me with so many wonderful friends.

"Today is a precious gift from God. Say Thank You and tear into it."

Monday, March 1, 2004 9:15 AM CST

Weston is home from hospital. His blood counts are still low, so we have to stay home as much as possible. If he goes out in public he has to wear a mask.

He is doing better. He put on the two pounds he lost, so the NG tube is gone. As long as he eats and drinks it will stay out.

March 2, 2004 Weston will have blood work done, a dose of chemo, and come home.

March 3, 2004 Bone Scan is scheduled for 10:00am. This will give us some idea if the chemo is killing the cancer.

Thank you for all of your prayers and love.

Friday, February 27, 2004 6:14 AM CST

Weston was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma on January 20, 2004. He has been in and out of the hospital since. He is back in the hospital as of tuesday, February 24, 2004. He started running a fever, right now he is on antibiotics and as soon as his blood counts come up significantly we will get to come home.

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