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Sunday, January 29, 2017 10:50 PM CST

I have just recently celebrated 10 years without any major surgeries. I also celebrated 10 years living with an open wound. I am so thankful for each day that I am able to wake up in my own bed, each day that I am blessed to be able to eat, and each day I live life outside of a hospital, doctor's office, or clinic. My life will always include doctors and medical facilities to help keep me healthy. But thankfully for now it doesn't require major surgeries or extended stays in a hospital.
Thank you so very much for continuing to pray for me and my family. I am blessed every single day by your thoughtfulness.

Verse of the day:
Trust ye in the Lord forever, for the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.
Isaiah 26:4

Thursday, November 12, 2015 9:39 AM CST

Thank you so very much for continuing to pray for me and my family. I am blessed every single day by your thoughtfulness.

Verse of the day:
Trust ye in the Lord forever, for the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.
Isaiah 26:4

Sunday, June 21, 2015 9:15 PM CDT

Thank you so very much for continuing to pray for me and my family. I am blessed every single day by your thoughtfulness.

Verse of the day:
Trust ye in the Lord forever, for the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.
Isaiah 26:4

Wednesday, April 8, 2015 9:40 PM CDT

Thank you so very much for continuing to pray for me and my family. I am blessed every single day by your thoughtfulness.

Verse of the day:
Trust ye in the Lord forever, for the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.
Isaiah 26:4

Monday, December 29, 2014 9:24 PM CST

It's almost time to start a new year. 2015, wow!
On December 6th this year marked the 8 year mark since my last major surgery! I am truly thankful for these past 8 years. I hope that I have many more. Over these last 8 years I have had many ups and downs medically, a few hospital stays, and a couple of close call. But on this night I am blessed to have this life.
Because of God's wonderful grace I watched my Zach graduate from college! I was there the night he proposed to his future wife! I get to help him move to Marietta Georgia to attend Life University to become a chiropractor! I get to enjoy sharing all of the wonderful wedding planning over the next year! Oh I could go on and on. I guess what I am saying is that no matter the ups and downs I am so thankful for each day.
How has your 2014 been? Are you looking forward to 2015? (Click on over to my guestbook.)

Quote of the day:
"Be grateful for small things, big things, and everything in between."
~Mandy Hale

Verse of the day:
Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!
Psalms 106:1

Wednesday, August 6, 2014 9:36 AM CDT

Every single day I am so thankful just to be walking this Earth. Even on days that others would think aren't so good I find joy in the simple gifts of not being in the hospital, waking up in my own bed, and being able to eat whatever whenever.
This morning as I was cleaning out my office closet I found a wonderful treasure, a beautiful book that my friends who visited me at Vanderbilt back in June 2006. Those of you that remember it was another one of those very rocky times that there wasn't any certainty that I would make it through. As I read each sweet message written to me with great love I was taken back to that time. I remembered how it felt to feel my life slowly leaving my body. With tears now I want to thank my amazing husband, Bennie, for always being my rock. My mother Julia) & my dad for always being by my side. Our now grown children Zach, Joshua, Alicia, & Becky, for being strong and loving each other. Thank you to everyone that prayed back then and continues to pray even today for me and my family.
Susta Kimmy), Angie, Kari, Jamie, Renee, Burn Brenda), Margie, Kristi, Deb, Tiffany, Josh & Alicia your sweet notes are the ones in this book that are treasures to my heart. Thank you for being such blessings in my life!

Everyday of our lives is precious. Love your family and friends and make sure they know how important they are to you.

Quote of the day:
"Simple gratitude helps us experience God at work in every moment of every day."
~ Harriet Crosby

Verse of the day:
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.
Psalms 136:1

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 4:01 PM CDT

Please continue to follow my new journal at:


Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support!

Sunday, January 19, 2014 6:51 PM CST

Please continue to follow my new journal at:


Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support!

Monday, November 25, 2013 8:36 PM CST

Please continue to follow my new journal at:


Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support!

Monday, October 7, 2013 10:24 AM CDT

Please continue to follow my new journal at:


Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013 11:07 PM CDT

Please continue to follow my new journal at


Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support!

Monday, April 29, 2013 11:02 AM CDT

Breaking my hip saved my life.

Believe it or not that is probably true. If I had not broken my hip and gone to the emergency room we might not have found out in time that my potassium was so low. In fact, in the er we were told that at 2.2 my level was dangerously low. So much so that surgery to fix my hip was not possible until they first addressed my potassium level.

So you see, since I am a glass half full kind of girl, I know that God saved my life again on Sunday, February 24th.

Things that I have learned since breaking my hip.

1. I would not wish this kind of pain on the meanest person on Earth.

2. Shock can make it possible to stand & walk to the side of a skate floor with a broken hip.

3. It takes 3 to 6 months to fully heal from a broken hip.

4. It is both extremely hard & humbling to be completely dependent on others for some of the simplest things that we all take for granted daily (dressing, getting food or a drink, putting on your shoes, driving, walking, etc).

5. Spending days on end alone because your family & friends have to get back to work & their responsibilities is not only very lonely, but also has helped me to draw even closer in my walk with God. “Being still” literally.

6. God has shown me once again that His strength is sufficient and makes it possible for me to overcome any adversity.

7. I have not ever forgotten this one. I have been blessed with wonderful family & friends that love, pray, & encourage me everyday.

8. Bennie Crowe has a hidden talent for making beautiful food trays that make me smile.

9. Also, once again that Bennie was put on this Earth to walk this journey with me. A lesser man would have left many years ago.

10.I already knew that everything I go through deeply affects Zach also. But it has given me the opportunity again to share with Zach why I don’t feel that any of my journey should be filled with “Why me God?’. I have always shared with him that God made me exactly as I should be and that any adversity is my chance to show the strength He instilled within me.

I am working extremely hard 3 times a week with my physical therapist. I will see my surgeon on May 7th to have more x-rays & be evaluated. May 20th will be 12 weeks since I broke my hip. The end of August will be 6 months since I broke my hip. I am still using a walker but can also use crutches sometimes. I still can’t put any weight on the right side of my body. I’m hoping that next week my surgeon will say that I can start putting some weight on that side. Broken hips combined with osteoporosis make for slow healing of bones. But my Redeemer lives and heals!

I hope you all have a wonderful day! Take time to share your smile with someone, laugh out loud, enjoy the sunshine, and always share your life with the One who gave us life. Oh, and leave a note on my guestbook, that will be the smile part for me for sure. Your notes always bring a smile to my face & encourage me. Plus, I have added a few pictures on the photo spot for you. Thank you for the blessing of walking this journey with me.

Verse of the day:

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18

Quote of the day:

Our Creator never intended that we should shoulder a load of suffering ourselves. That’s the whole purpose of spiritual community. ~Linda Bartlett

Sign My Guestbook | Read Tributes

Sunday, March 3, 2013 8:22 PM CST

Hi everyone! I am at a lose where to start to catch you all up. So I will fast forward through the usual doctors appointments, frustrations, issues, & so on. All of that stuff is just normal living for me.
But last Sunday, February 24th, Bennie, me, Bobby, & Lexie went roller skating. This would be the first time that I would try in many years. It has always been a hobby I loved so much. It would be a good time to work with Lexie learning how to skate better.
Everything was going very well for the first like hour & 1/2 to two hours. Then from out of nowhere I fell. It was the hardest fall I have ever had in my life. I heard the most terrible thud when I hit the floor on my right hip. It jarred me so badly that I started trying to get off the floor before I could even acknowledge the intense pain that was now coursing through my body. By the grace of God I somehow made it to the side of the skate floor where Bennie helped me to a bench. He had to remove my skates & put my shoes on. He tried to help me walk out to the car. But by then I couldn't put any pressure on my right side. We went straight to the E.D. at Vandy, my second home. I have to admit I was sad to be going there because I had stayed away from the emergency department for 6 years, which was huge for me.
I think we already knew what was to come. Long story short, the fall had shifted the ball of my femur slightly out of the right hip socket & broken the neck of my femur. Very painful. My next issue became my potassium level. It was 2.2 which was danderously low. They couldn't operate until my potassium level rose. It took 3 painful iv bags of potassium & 3 doses of liquid potassium. In surgery they decided to repair my hip with 3 screws. I was released to come home on Wednesday. The surgeon said it would be a slow healing process with strict guidelines to follow; walker dependant with absolutely no weight on my rightside from the hip down. After 8 weeks hopefully my hip well be healing enough to go to crutches or a cane for another 4 to 6 weeks. He said I may have to rely on a cane for a time after that.
Bennie has been wonderful attending to my every need. I am a very blessed woman. It is so hard for me to have to wake him up during the night for medicine & bathroom trips. Of course, it worries me also about his work & how he has to be with me to help me around the house & trying cook for me. He is so sweet & tells me not to worry that God is on our side. This evening was the first time that it really hit me & I have cried. It is truly humbling for me to be this dependant for everything that we do on an autopilot mode on any normal day.
I recite my verses of strength over & over. I play my praise music & lay my hands over my hip. Plus, I am praying for strength, comfort, & healing. Each evening before I go to sleep I tell myself that I am another day closer to healing. So I am asking you to please join me in my prayers. Having you all praying is very uplifting to my spirit. Thank you so much. I hope this makes some sense. I am having to stay on pain meds around the clock so forgive me if this doesn't seem my normal post.

Quote of the day:
"I am forever thankful to be the daughter of a King." ~me

Verses of the day:
Trust ye in the Lord, forever, for the Lord, Jehovah, is everlasting strength.
Iasaiah 26:4
Sign My Guestbook | Read Tributes

Thursday, January 3, 2013 10:03 PM CST

Thank you for continuing to read my journal. In case you are unaware I have started a new journal. The address is:
Please keep in touch.

Quote of the day:
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take. But by the moments that take our breath away."

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, September 14, 2012 3:09 PM CDT

Hello out there! It has been, what, like a year since I have truly posted. Wow! If anyone is reading this, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support. I have taken this past year to focus and be so thankful for what God has blessed me with . . . no nights spent in the hospital (for myself), no major surgeries, being able to eat whenever I want, and so many more blessings. Another reason also is because as I have told you in the past, I only write when the words are there. Deb, if you are reading this, you truly understand what that means.
Today I just knew it was time. I am sorry for the long period of quiet though. Even though I am continuing to be so blessed by all of the answers to our prayers it is not without some understanding of adjustments, acceptance, and occasional periods of just being still in the realization of being unique in a way that isn't wonderful medically.
But for today, I am so very thankful for the very amazing blessing of just being here and enjoying life.
I would ask that you continue to pray for me, my family, & doctors. Please especially pray for my mother as she continues her recovery process and gets prepared for her next surgery. Thank you all so much. Please take one more moment to leave me a hi or any type of note on my guest book. Your notes always brighten my day.

Quote of the day:
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take. But by the moments that take our breath away."

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, August 24, 2012 10:54 AM CDT

Blessing to you all! Thank you for your continued prayers. Please continue following my journey on my new journal.

Sunday, March 18, 2012 9:30 PM CDT

Blessing to you all! Thank you for your continued prayers. Please continue following my journey on my new journal.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011 9:31 PM CST

Blessing to you all! Thank you for your continued prayers. Please continue following my journey on my new journal.

Sunday, September 11, 2011 8:32 PM CDT

Blessing to you all! Thank you for your continued prayers. Please continue following my journey on my new journal.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011 9:32 PM CDT

Blessing to you all! Thank you for your continued prayers. Please continue following my journey on my new journal.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 6:59 PM CDT

Blessing to you all! Thank you for your continued prayers. Please continue following my journey on my new journal.

Thursday, January 27, 2011 12:05 AM CST

Blessing to you all! Thank you for your continued prayers. Please continue following my journey on my new journal.

Monday, November 1, 2010 10:09 PM CDT

Blessing to you all! Thank you for your continued prayers. Please continue following my journey on my new journal.

Monday, March 15, 2010 0:26 AM CDT

Hi there for those of you that have come to this journal I have started a new improved Caringbridge journal. Please email me at crowe725@aol.com for the new address. I hope you will continue to read my journal and prayer for me and my family. Thank you so very much!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009 9:36 PM CST

Hi there for those of you that have come to this journal I have started a new improved Caringbridge journal. Please email me at crowe725@aol.com for the new address. I hope you will continue to read my journal and prayer for me and my family. Thank you so very much!

Monday, October 5, 2009 10:14 PM CDT

Hi there for those of you that have come to this journal I have started a new improved Caringbridge journal. Please email me at crowe725@aol.com for the new address. I hope you will continue to read my journal and prayer for me and my family. Thank you so very much!

Monday, August 31, 2009 12:07 AM CDT

Hello, hello! I just finished my first post on my new Caringbridge journal. For those of you that want to continue on with me and I hope you will here is the way you get to it.
If you will email me (crowe725@aol.com) I will be happy to give you the new journal address. Thank you so much for continuing to pray for me and also for walking this journey with me.

Friday, August 21, 2009 10:10 AM CDT

Good morning all! I have wonderful news. I have placed the order to have my Caringbridge Journal/Guestbook printed into hardback. What a happy, exciting day! It will actually take 3 books to print it all. I can’t wait to have this in my hands so I can easily flip through and see the years of all of our writing and sharing with each other. Also, as planned, I have started a new Caringbridge journal, different address. I actually opened it months ago but didn’t want to switch official until I had ordered my book. In the coming days I will post on the new journal and let you all know. I don’t have everyone’s email address that reads my journal. So if you would please, please email me privately (crowe725@aol.com) I can add your name to the update list. Plus, there is a spot on the new journal that you can sign to automatically get an email letting you know when I have a new journal entry.
Part of me has hesitated switching to this new journal for multiple reasons; the risk of losing some of you, not liking to change, giving up the old journal, just to name a few. But I learned that as long as I have some activity on the old journal it will stay active and not be deleted. All I have to do is change a picture or change the border…any change will do. Now that I have ordered my journal I am looking forward to sharing the new one with you. Caringbridge has so many more options for the new journals now. I can have more pictures on the site, different backgrounds, new look to the page. It will take me a little time to adjust and learn all the new stuff. I am going to reach out and go for the new. Just like the bible teaches us, until we let go of the things of our past, how can the Lord give to us our future, the wonderful “ice cream” he has for us (still thinking about the Wednesday night devo). So, coming very soon to all that wish to continue this wonderful journey with me, the new and improved Stephanie’s Journal on Caringbridge. Don’t forget to email me your email address please. Also if there is anyone that you would like to add please send their address also.Now go out and have a wonderful day! Bunches of love to you all and a huge thank you for all of your sweet notes and emails.

Quote of the day:

“Simple gratitude helps us experience God at work in every moment of every day.”
~ Harriet Crosby

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:20

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:08 AM CDT

Gosh, the best way to begin this post is to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you for your sweet, thoughtful notes on my guestbook, all the emails, and phone calls. I am truly blessed and so very thankful for every one of you. Even in the tough times if we look there are blessings to be enjoyed. While I am still struggling with the issues of MRSA and the side effects of the antibiotic, today is a new day and I’m not throwing a pity party. I am taking it slow, trying to accomplish a few things, and keeping a smile on my face because I am blessed. Thank you more than words can express. Your prayers, notes, emails, calls, support, and love give me strength for the day. Much love and many blessings.

Quote of the day:
“It cost nothing to dream and everything not to.”
~ Unknown


The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
Psalm 18:2

Monday, August 17, 2009 10:23 AM CDT

I just want to cry. In fact, I am crying. I know it’s a combination of things that have just all finally popped a leak in the dam. Many of you know that a sweet friend of mine passed away last Tuesday. I can’t really write about her right now because I am still working through my thoughts I want to share. I miss her smile and laugh so much. Please continue to lift her family up in your prayers.
On top of that last week I started noticing I wasn’t feeling well. Still so tired, but thought at first it was from lack of sleep and sadness over my friend. By the end of the week I knew I probably had another uti. So I made a quick trip to my “second home”. The weekend was tough with the pain, distension, and tiredness. I talked to my urologist’s nurse a little earlier and she told me …didn’t want to hear this and wasn’t expecting the second part…I do have a uti once again and it tested positive for MRSA again! I only have 2 oral antibiotic choices that the MRSA is susceptible to. One of them I am allergic to. The other I hate. After that there are only IV antibiotics. I did find out there is an injection I can take in the backside. So my sweet nurse is checking to see how many injections I‘d have to have and what the side effects are. I told her that if it were just a couple that I would rather make the trip there a couple times and be done with it, versus taking multiple pills for multiple weeks. And honestly way before this point of the year I have hit my point where insurance pays 100%. So why not just knock it out?

I just got the call. Urologist said a big no, not an option for me. So I will be taking gentamicin for a week. Then I will see him, do another culture, and schedule for my new stent. Even with that news I find the ways I am thankful…I only have to take the antibiotic for a week for now…I have a great urologist and nurse who truly care about me.

Thank you all so much for praying for my family and me and for continuing to read my journal. I will be working this week on getting all of this printed into hardback. From there I am hoping to talk with some people that can help me write my story. Now thoughts of that definitely put a smile on my face. Please take a moment to leave me a note on my guestbook. Your thoughts, prayers, and encouragement are such a blessing to me.

Quote of the day:
“We do not take a single step alone.”

And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20

Sunday, August 9, 2009 10:34 PM CDT

The day after tomorrow my baby, Zach, will start his senior year in high school. I am amazed at how fast we have gotten here. Just yesterday I was walking him into Kingston Springs Elementary School to start kindergarten. I remember sitting at the little table in a little chair beside him. He was holding my hand, not sure if he wanted to stay and definitely knew he didn’t want me to leave. Now all these years later he is a senior, ready to finish up what he started so many years ago, much more confident now though then the little boy he was way back then. This will be bittersweet. And I remind myself that it’s yet another stage. I have enjoyed each one with my Zach and so I know that although I’m sure there will be tears there will also be a whole lot of smiles and so many precious memories.

Tonight I am asking for you to pray for a dear friend and her family. Cancer has waged a tremendous war in her body. She has fought a hard battle, a true warrior, and now the pain and weariness is overwhelming. My heart hurts and also understands the pain and weariness. Please when you pray say an extra prayer for her and her family.

The updates for me medically….my tumors appear to be about the same in size. That is good news as far as growth is concerned. The pressure of the way they are positioned just causes pain. In the post before my birthday I had mentioned about being so tired all the time. No “get up and go”. My labs all looked about the same…chronically anemic (no surprise), low potassium (still), and so on. Nothing that really explained the marked tiredness. That is until my doctor decided to listen to my heart. He heard a murmur. We were both surprised. My heart has always been good to this point. He sent me to have an echocardiogram. I have sagging in my mitral valve. A bit concerning since mitral valve prolapse runs in my family. For now I have been told to eliminate the stress from my life and we will watch it. I understand now why I have been feeling the way I have been. And to think I have been beating myself up thinking I was just being lazy.

In the next few weeks I will set up having my stent changed. For the most part, this one has been pretty good. So I am dreading going through all that again. I’ll just have to do the best thing I know to do…pray.

So, tomorrow is the last day of summer for Zach. We don’t have big plans, just want to enjoy the day, laugh, and have fun.

One last thing, still working on the final things…sizing pictures, for getting my journal printed in hardback. I seriously need help with this because I am lost.

Quote of the day:

“We may not be able to rejoice in our load, but we can rejoice in our Lord.”
~ Rev. Robert J. Morgan


I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18

Saturday, July 25, 2009 9:05 AM CDT

Today has started bright and sunny. What a beautiful day to add another year. Yes, today is my wonderful birthday. I am blessed to add another year to my age. I embrace and celebrate each year because for me adding another year is a true blessing.

I’m not going to post a long entry here right now because I gotta get to celebrating…ha ha. My boys are the best, such a blessing and so very good to me. We are going to go out to my parents house to celebrate my birthday and my daddy’s too because his was a few days ago.

Thank you so much Lord for blessing me with this life full of love and blessings. Just this is enough for me. I am truly blessed beyond measure.

Quote of the day:

“Wake up anticipating what the day can hold for you.”
~ me


O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 136:1

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 3:23 PM CDT

You know when you are in the middle of some tough times it’s the little things that really touch your heart, the thoughtful gestures by others, the surprised things working out. When you are in the middle of tough times any shred of positive is enough to keep you fighting for what has always been important. Any of you that have had tough times understand what I am saying.

I consider it a blessing to all of our prayers that this stent has been better than the previous few. It seems that for now I am struggling the most with pain issues and just no get up and go exhaustion. In the past it’s been easier to get myself going. In the last few weeks I have noticed that it’s harder and harder to get that “jump start”. Lol That is really hard on me because I’m fast forward, trying to squeeze the most out of life. Now any of you reading this please do not start babying me or stop asking me to do things or whatever. That would make this hurt even more. I still have a lot of life to live and enjoy. I’m gonna be pushing and striving and praising till the day I close my eyes for the final time on this Earth.

I had a ct on Monday and I see my oncologist tomorrow (Thursday). I’ll be having labs and a b12 injection. Hopefully the labs will give a clue about some of this. In the back of my mind, especially when I am alone, I think about the decision to wait on surgery. I am still praying for guidance on this. I still pray that I truly listen. Of course, the mom in me clicks through all that is coming up; Zach’s senior year and all the many things that go with that, basketball season, fundraising for basketball, and on and on. When I think through all of those events and responsibilities I can’t see a spot in there to squeeze in multiple surgeries, long recoveries, being out of state, the strength and commitment to step into all of that. As a mom I have prayed and hope for the time to enjoy Zach’s senior year with him. But I have made a promise to all those that love me that I won’t jeopardize my health in the process. Will you continue to pray with me?

Even in all of this, when times are hard, there are blessings to be found. For over 2 ½ years I have been taking care of my open wound. The expense has been out of our own pockets which in this economy finding a nickel in your pocket becomes a blessing. A few weeks ago I received the dreaded letter that comes every year about this time…insurance company raising my rate yet again. It was so wrong to have to get this letter just days before our vacation. I just couldn’t believe that since I got this insurance in September 2005 it had gone from $565 to now the new premium starting August 1, 2009 of $1,600 a month! Now let me clarify that is just to cover me…only me! $1,600 a month! The kicker is that I have no choice but that insurance to have the comfort and security that I will get the level of care that I need to fight this disease (there is a 5 million dollar cap on it though) But that’s a whole other post. When I got this letter I starting thinking how could I get them to take care of my medical needs better…my open wound, that was most definitely a medical need. After many phone calls, prayers, faxes, paperwork, more prayers my insurance is covering my medical supplies. Talk about a huge answer to prayers! The medical supply place ships by the month and I received my first case today. How funny is it that I told Bennie and Zach that it was like Christmas day. What a relief to not have to scrimp and worry, to be able to change my dressing as needed knowing that insurance will cover it and make sure I have the supplies that I so badly need and can’t afford. Thank you thank you!!!

Another wonderful happy bright spot is that my birthday is in a few days and I have very thankfully been blessed with adding another year to my age. This morning Bennie surprised me with what he is giving me for my birthday. I tried to remind him that I said Tucker could be my birthday and Christmas present when we got him. Anyway, he is giving me my Caringbridge in hardback book form. Later today I will start the process of getting it ordered. Because of its volume it will take several hardbacks and is expensive. It will include all my posts and all of your notes on my guestbook along with the pictures that I have just put on there. We have talked about this for quite a while. We both feel that it is the next step in trying to accomplish a dream of mine, writing a book. I am very excited about being able to actually hold and flip through my journal. Thank you so much Bennie. As always you make my life so sweet. I love you always!

So in the end there are always blessings to be enjoyed. What are your blessings? Big or small, they all matter and count. Please take a moment to leave a note on my guestbook. Your words and thoughts mean the world to me.

Quote of the day:

“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.”
~ Maya Angelou


But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect.
1 Corinthians 15:10

Thursday, June 25, 2009 0:34 AM CDT

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take…but by the moments that take your breath away.”

This is one of my favorite quotes. I used it in my article that I wrote for Momentum magazine. As I sit here tonight typing the words that are finally coming to me, this was the first thing that came out. Last Thursday was one of those moments. I couldn’t breath when Bennie told me. Even tonight almost a week later it still doesn’t quite feel real. Our sweet Jasper was run over by a car. Jasper was a part of our family for 11 years. When Zach was 6 years old we took him to see a foal at a farm…or at least that’s what he thought. When Zach saw the puppies that were also at this farm well of course he wanted one. So Bennie told him if he could catch one of them he could have it. These puppies were running circles all over the place. We have sweet memories of Zach finally catching our Jasper. That was the beginning of our wonderful 11 years with him.

We have so many memories with Jasper. The ones I want to share tonight are of our last weekend with him. A couple of weekends ago Zach had a basketball camp in Knoxville at UT. It was his last UT basketball camp for high school. I was determined that we were going to be there for it. We found a hotel to stay in that was right on the campus and they surprised us by telling us that it was okay for us to bring Jasper. Jasper was a great traveling buddy. He loved to “go”. (we didn’t want to leave him home to be watched by somebody because he had recently had surgery on his hind leg.) Jasper got to watch Zach play basketball on the main UT basketball court. We had the best weekend with him. I will always cherish those memories.

Each of the three of us had a very close relationship with Jasper. I spent the most time with him because of my illness. He knew when I was having a tough morning. He would just look at me once I had gotten Zach off to school on those mornings and then he would trot back to bed, waiting for me to come in there and turn on the heating pad…we would share it. I guess it felt good on his old bones. I haven’t turned my heating pad on since last Thursday. Right now my heart is still so broken over our loss of Jasper. I didn’t realize you could cry so much that your eyeballs actually hurt.

One of the things we have all talked about was that we knew how special and unique our Jasper was. We are thankful that we knew that as we lived our lives with him. So many times in life we get so caught up that it isn’t until later you look back and remember how special and or unique someone or something is. With Jasper it was every day. Since losing him it has made us even more aware of how fast life can change.

Now that I’ve made myself cry yet again and maybe even you please let me tell you something to make you smile. We now have a new addition to our family. This is an addition, not a replacement. We drove for 3 hours not knowing for sure the outcome. On the way there I cried, felt a little sick to my stomach, and wasn’t sure. As we pulled into the driveway I told Bennie I didn’t know if I could look at these puppies. I told him that I kind of needed a sign to know. The family we met was extremely kind. They brought out 2 puppies. The little girl they were keeping and a little boy. The little boy came right over to me, jumped up on my legs, and started licking me…my sign. That is how Tucker became a part of our family. We are looking forward to making a lot of memories with him. The first couple of days we would tease that he had big shoes to fill but that he had potential. Every day Tucker works his healing magic on our hearts.

Quote of the day:

“Forever in my heart, Jasper.”
~ me


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
Ecclesiates 3:1

I would love for you to leave me a message on my guestbook.

Thursday, May 21, 2009 11:59 PM CDT

Since my last post it just seems like I can’t catch a break.

We had all hoped and prayed that this stent would be better than my last one. As we all remember the last one was about the death of me, unbearable pain. While this new stent hasn’t been as painful (I can deal with the level of this at a 3 or 4 daily) unfortunately this one is infected with MRSA. So I have been a pretty sick gal. I was taking one of the few antibiotics that this MRSA is susceptible to until my body decided to become allergic to yet another medicine. At this point I have a pretty long list of medicines I can no longer take due to an allergic reaction. For the last few weeks I have been just living with the MRSA in my urinary tract until the infected stent can be changed. Tomorrow morning at 8:00 is the day. I have to be at Vanderbilt at 6am. Please join me, Bennie, and my family in prayer that this new stent will be a clean, good, as comfy as possible, stent. That is such a small capsule version skipping over all the times of running to Vandy for urine cultures, fevers, being sick and so on. It’s all just another day in my life, a life that I try to smile and live as fully as possible.

Diva, I am trying. Deb I am trying. Susta Gur I am praying and trying. And so many more have asked me to try to share more, be more open. I realize now how important doing that is. A big part, the most important part, of this journey has been about my faith. In the past I struggled with doubt over the strength in my faith if I was still scared. If I was weak. If I couldn’t find the words to pray because of the overwhelmingness of all of this. But I have learned that it is okay for me to be scared, afraid, and even overwhelmed. It doesn’t make my faith any weaker. Even Jesus was afraid.

So I am stepping out here. Walking in faith and sharing with an open heart about this journey. Because Diva, Deb, Susta Gur you are all right. By not opening up how can I truly show my faith. If I don’t open up how can I truly help others. I don’t want anyone to doubt themselves because they think that I am “so strong”. My strength comes from above.

Okay so here is the rest of the medical, not being able to catch a break stuff. Last weekend Bennie was out of town. He went to attend the commissioning service for Josh & Alicia before they leave for Japan to be missionaries for the next 4 years. Saturday evening I noticed that I was hurting. During the middle of the night I woke up because I was hurting so badly in my upper left back. It was so bad I thought I could be having a heart attack. For those of you that know me personally, you know that I don’t get upset about things. I can usually think through things. In the dark hours of the night are the worst hours to not feel well. I did my checklist; left arm wasn’t hurting, my jaw wasn’t hurting, I wasn’t nauseous. But I was hurting so badly that I couldn’t get comfortable and the only one home with me was Zach, fast asleep and not needing to be woke up in the middle of the night and scared. Morning finally came and I was still hurting, but it had eased a bit. Sunday night was just like the night before. I spent the night in pain, couldn’t find a comfortable position. I prayed for relief, the morning to come, to be ok since Zach was the only one here with me. Still feeling like I was having a heart attack, something going on. I hurt too badly to even cry. I didn’t want to go to the ER because of course, who would drive me in the middle of the night? Plus, seriously, me in the ER with some doctor that has never seen me and all the other people you see on the weekend in an ER. Surely I could make it until Monday.
All this time I am trying to figure what is going on by searching the internet for all the different possibilities that would give me pain on my left side, which by the way has been the quiet, easy side. Most of my medical issues are right sided.
By Monday I am so tired. I’m still hurting. I don’t have time to feel like this. Zach has a physical. I have to pick Bennie up from the airport. And still I hurt. I went to Zach’s godfather, who is a chiropractor. He adjusted me and did all of the therapy things. Still no relief. I’m sure that it can’t be muscular because I’m not having any trouble moving my arm. It doesn’t hurt any worse to move it. The pain is constant and burning.
Fast forward, through multiple tests; ekg to check heart, ct scan to check for blood clots in the chest). My heart was good, no blood clots. Those were the most life threatening possibilities. But still I hurt and now my skin was extremely sensitive on that side and itched like crazy. My pcp believes that I may have shingles. She’s not positive because I don’t have the rash or blisters. So she lowered the blow on me…pain for 3 to 5 weeks, possibly longer. I thought great just great! Then she prescribed a couple of medications. I don’t like medicine. All this ended up taking a whole afternoon. That night I was so tired from lack of sleep and upset over this new issue. I said that it was crazy that I have dealt with an chronic open wound for 2 ½ years, more surgeries than I care to count, and so many other medical issues but this…shingles was the thing that was going to get the best of me.

Tonight I am exhausted from many nights of no sleep, trying to get things in order here for tomorrow, anticipating and hoping for a blessing of a good stent, realizing that every day is another day that I have postponed the inevitable surgeries in my future, and with all of that, because I have been in places similar in the past, I know that tomorrow is another day. Just as I told my oncologist today, “ As long as we are moving forward, trying to find answers, then we can formulate a plan. I don’t have time to stand still and wonder. I have a life to live.”

Last, but not least, I have a surprise for you. You know the article that I have told you that Vanderbilt asked me to write for their magazine, Momentum? Well it has finally come out. Below is a link to the magazine. When it comes up, look at the bottom of the page. Mine is the Stories of Survival, click on that to see the printed version. I hope you enjoy it. It was a small taste of what writing a book would be like I think. Writing my story as a book is a dream of mine. What’s your dream?


Before you go though I would love for you to leave me a note on my guest book. Talk about making my day when I get home from my stent change, oh yes it would. Thank you all so very much for continuing to pray for me, Bennie, & Zach.

Quote of the day:

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”
~ unknown


For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Isaiah 41:13

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 0:08 AM CDT

I hope today’s post will touch you the way it did me as the words were pouring out. I hope that I can do justice to the thoughts that God laid on my heart to share.

Sometimes with a single ring of our telephone our lives can be forever changed. What may have once been a warm sunny day can become somewhat chilling.

I have a friend that had to undergo quite a few medical tests recently. The tests, along with the waiting for answers, was stressful. Then she got the results.

Another friend of mine just received a phone call that an old college roommate’s husband was killed in a motorcycle accident.

We all go through these things. We all have family and friends that receive that “phone call”. When it happens it’s like SNAP…your life changes. When you are the one waiting to hear back from tests results or you get the phone call late at night about the loss of a loved one, your life changes. All of a sudden your days are “numbered”. It’s like a wake up call.

But guess what? Before we received the phone call, back when the day was still warm and sunny, our days were numbered. That call didn’t change a thing. No, that’s not completely true. It was a wake up call to each of us. But from the moment of our birth our days have been numbered. But we get so caught up in the living of our lives that sometimes it takes a phone call to center us back to the preciousness of each day that we are blessed with.

No matter what we have going on in our lives; everyday mundane stuff, taking care of our children or parents, dealing with the loss of a loved one, coping with a chronic illness, no matter how big or small we all have the same thing in common…a wonderful Lord that loves us and waits for us to come to Him for comfort and strength. Sometimes we get so caught up in the living that we don’t take the time to stop and just spend time with Him. He is always there waiting patiently for each of us.

And honestly, our days being numbered, shouldn’t be a scary thing or sad. I think the only reason we should be scared or sad about numbered days is if we take them for granted. Otherwise we should be making the best of each one that we are given.

I know this post didn’t catch you up on me medically. I can do that on the next one. These were the words that were laid on my heart to share tonight.

Quote of the day:

“Be someone’s smile today.”
~ me


I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.
Proverbs 8:17

Friday, March 20, 2009 3:21 PM CDT

It’s been a while. So much has been going on. I kept thinking that I needed to update. I received quite a few emails and stuff asking how I was and when I would update. Thank you all for caring and being a part of this journal. It warms my heart that so many of you share this with me.

As I’ve said many time before I don’t post until the words come to me. Sometimes it takes a while, like now. But when they do they usually come in a rush. To catch you up I’m going to start with this week and then go back to fill in the rest.

Tuesday I had an appointment with a new dermatologist. My original appointment was the end of last year. But on that day I was sick and had to reschedule. Three months later I finally had my appointment. I went to see her because my regular dermatologist and I had decided that it might be best to have my “beauty mark” (Diva calls it that) removed. While he was pretty sure it was just benign, it had grown a tiny bit and gotten a touch darker. I decided I’d rather be safe than sorry. As Tuesday got closer I really started to have some second thoughts about removing something from the middle of my cheek that had been there for as long as I could remember. Even after talking with Diva, even Tuesday when the nurse took me to the little surgical room…I was nervous. So I prayed about it. And God gave me the calm I needed. The nurse put on some calm music that had believe it or not a beach scene that looked like the Maui beach we go to. The nurse and doctor were so sweet to me. I found my calm.

Three stitches later I walked out to go downstairs to the cancer infusion area to have my b12 injection. This day it was a little different. I’ve been in there too many times to possibly count. I’ve walked in there, been wheeled in there, been weak, and been strong. But on this day I walked through those doors with a pressure bandage covering a good portion of my right cheek. Over the years I have been very blessed for the most part my disease is something that you don’t really see. The last few days I have experienced a small dose of what some people have to live with that have diseases or have been in accidents that everything is right there for everyone to see. Oh over the years I have had my fair share of full leg mobilizer, TPN, PICC lines, percutaneus drains, and so on. But all of those can be disguised. The TPN is put in a bulky backpack. The PICC line and drains can be hidden under clothing. The leg mobilizer is something that so many have had that we don’t tend to really pay much attention to it. On Tuesday I walked into the infusion waiting area with my hair slightly falling over the right side of my face. I sat down to wait and immediately became very into looking at my Ipod, cell phone…just looking down. Something so small in the whole scheme of things made me become self- conscious.

After the first 24 hours I could change it to a small round band-aid for the next week. On my way home from Vanderbilt later I thought about it and decided not to be self- conscious. Instead I decided that the next morning I was going to draw a pink smiley on my band-aid. I felt better and smiled myself just thinking about it. That simple thing made it all better. I was doing something positive instead of hiding that side of my face for a week.

Remember, for those of you that have read my journal for a while, the times I have shared my “glimpses and blessings” with you. For some that have seen me with my bandage on or my band-aid on I could have been a “glimpse” for them. Maybe someone out there saw me and gained the courage to go to his or her doctor about a mole or place they were unsure about. Wearing a band-aid is not that bad after all. Who knows I may draw multi colored polka dots on it for tomorrow.

Okay, so back to February 4th, the day of my stent change. My last stent was just about the death of me. From the first day all the way through the four months I was in constant pain. Dr. Chang and I talked before that day. He wasn’t going to be able to use a pediatric stent for fear that it would slide down too far into the bladder to work properly. We were all hoping and praying that the last stent was just a lemon. We were praying that the pain wasn’t just something that I was going to have to live with (that level). There were no guarantees.

It was a very long day. We didn’t leave Vandy until 8:30 pm because I had trouble waking up and was extremely sick. For the first few weeks I tried not to talk about it but the new stent hurt just like the old one, right from the start. I went in to have a urine culture done. You know it’s bad when you pray you have a uti. But if it were a uti that is fixable. As it turned out I didn’t. I was discouraged but still not talking about it. To talk about it was more than I could handle because it looked like this was to be my life. Thankfully I can tell you that in the last two weeks the new stent has eased up. I’m better. I know my limitations. The things that will aggravate the stent and I try to avoid that.

When I have my stent changed every time I have to have general anesthesia. That means that I am not suppose to drive for 24 hours after the procedure. In the past that has never been a problem. This time was different. Long story short Bennie ended up in the ED at Vanderbilt (drove himself). I had to get to him so I drove. That night he ended up having an emergency appendectomy. He is recovering from that. But I will ask you to pray for him because he is on some pretty nasty medicine for his diverticulitis. He may end up having to have surgery for that.

During all of this Zach was still playing basketball. So we had lots of games to go to. His team ended up making it all the way to sub state. They were basically 30 seconds away from going to state. These boys played their hearts out. I was told that his coach has been at Harpeth for 8 years and this is the first time one of his teams there have made it to sub state. Congratulations to the coaches and the boys. It was a wonderful season. Zach has kind of been lost in the days afterward. He has stayed after school to shoot or gone there to play pick up just about every day since. It won’t be long though before try outs for next year’s team and then comes all the fun with summer camps.

I think in the next few weeks the magazine (Momentum) will be out that I was given the opportunity to write an article for. I am excited about it. Plus, there are so many other things in the works. Also it looks like Spring is finally here. I am so ready for it. Spring always seems to give us the little pick up we all need.

As always I am so thankful for your love, prayers, and support. My quote of the day comes courtesy of a very dear friend of mine. It is so simple yet so very true and comforting. I hope you enjoy it as well.

Quote of the day:

“You can’t go around life. You must go through it.”
~ Unknown
(I love you girlfriend. Thank you for sharing this with me.)


Trust ye in the Lord forever, for the Lord, Jehovah is everlasting strength.
Isaiah 26:4

Please click over to my guestbook, leave a quick note. They really do brighten my day.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 9:04 AM CST

Yes, I am here. Thank you for those of you that have check up on me. I have been very busy since my last post. Some of it just enjoying my boys and living life. Some of it stressful and painful times. The rest of the time getting my thoughts together to catch everyone up. Thankfully the stressful, scary situation is being taken care of and this person is recouping. I know you may be wondering about my pain issues. Some of you may even be thinking, “But didn’t she have her stent changed a few weeks ago? Shouldn’t that hopefully be better?”. Actually I will be going this afternoon to have my stent changed. I had to reschedule.

I have been praying for my doctor, the new stent, and all those at MCE that I will come in contact with later today. I am praying that the procedure goes smoothly, that I don’t have trouble waking up afterwards, and that God will bless all those that are in the operating room. I will be honest, this stent has really about gotten the best of me. The last few days have become increasingly hard to handle. My procedure is scheduled for 2:00 (may possibly start at 1:30). Would you please say a quick prayer for me, my doctor, & the nurses? Thank you so much.

I know this post is so short. I know you have waited a while to read this little bit. But I promise I will post again as soon as I get back home and awake good from my procedure. I am leaving all of this in the hands of the One who knows and is always there.

I would love to log back on next time to a bunch of notes on my guestbook, even if it is only to say hi. Those notes, no matter how short they are, mean the world to me. Thank you for your prayers, love, and support.

Quote of the day:

“I’m holding on because I know He loves me.”
~ me


Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. Selah

Friday, January 9, 2009 11:46 AM CST

But I hold on to this hope and the promise that He brings
That there will be a place with no more suffering

There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place, will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face
But until that day, we'll hold on to you always
(lyrics from There Will Be A Day by Jeremy Camp)

Some times there are just songs that really grab you. The lyrics just touch you, like they knew. There Will Be A Day has been that song for me for the past couple of weeks (especially the above words). Some times all we have is that hope that we hold on to. I guess you can tell as you read this that I am trying to open up. Doing this is so hard for me. Because once you do people treat you different. That is the one thing I don’t want. What I do want is to openly share with you so that you can pray for me. I want to live. I want to be a part of things. I want to enjoy every minute of this life. So please help me do that by not changing the way you think or act towards me. Even with all the bad I do have great joys in my life.

Next Wednesday, the 14th, I am scheduled to have my stent changed. This stent has been, if I am honest with you, the absolutely worst, painful stent. I haven’t had a single day without a pain level of at least 5. I am praying that the new stent will be kinder to my body. My urologist is still having trouble with the paperwork to get a stent approved that my urologist from Mayo Clinic recommended. When I had my appointment with him this past week he actually told me that I am probably having more pain because he used a longer stent last time and the stent has worked its way down further into my bladder. He is going to try to get a pediatric stent for Wednesday. Because of my desmoids and long term dependence on stents he said there is no guarantee that a new stent will make any difference. But my prayer is that it will.

I am still taking care of my open wound and praying that I can ride this out for a while. For now we just take it a day at a time. I have had way too many appointments since my last posts to bore you with them all. One thing, oh yeah, I am getting my B12 injections every 3 weeks now. The reason it is so often is because my level was still too low with monthly shots. So we’ll see if this makes a difference.

I have had to add some medicines within the last week and a half to help my stomach digest my food better and another to help things work on through. I’m trying not to be too graphic. I need those because my desmoids have a couple loops of my small bowel entangled. So it makes things not work as well by themselves.

But even with all this medical stuff I am enjoying life. I have had the opportunity to attend a few meetings as an advocate. I love being a part of this, being able to be another voice that is heard and maybe makes a difference.
You know with my boys I always have lots of laughs and so much fun. They are my true heart and joy in this life. Those two and my parents are who I fight so hard for. This afternoon I get to head off with the basketball teams (boys & girls) for their games this evening. You know not that long ago (I remember every single one) there were times I missed games because I was too ill or in the hospital. So being able to go to these games are so wonderful. I love it. I love cheering for these kids.
Another thing I love to be a part of is the youth group at our church. It is such a huge blessing to see these teens and to watch as they love each other and share their faith with others.
So you see I have many great blessings in my life. Please don’t allow anything I have shared above with you to change the way you treat me. I’m busy enjoying this life God has given me.

Quote of the day:

“Simple gratitude helps us experience God at work in every moment of every day.”
~ Harriet Crosby


I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait patiently.
Romans 8:18, 19 & 25

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 11:34 PM CST

It’s quiet here in the house. The boys have gone to sleep. And true to every Christmas eve I am still awake, too excited to go to sleep. Every since I was a little girl I have been like this. Diva can tell you. I am always so excited and want to enjoy every second of the holiday and all it means. Every year I say that December just seems to fly by. I wish it lasted longer. Some of you will understand what I mean.

Tonight I am spending time in prayer thanking God for all the many blessings He has given me. Plus, I am thankful that I’m making Christmas dinner for my boys and my parents. This will be my first time to make dressing and all the stuff that goes with it. So hopefully everything will go pretty smooth tomorrow. It’s another first for me…making the dinner. But I’m so happy that I am able to and have the chance to do it.

I am very thankful to all of you that read my journal. Sometimes going through all of this can be overwhelming. But knowing you are praying for me is such a comfort. I hope you all have the most wonderful Christmas and that you enjoy every second of it. In the blink of an eye it will be 2009! God bless you all.

Quote of the day:

“He became what we are that he might make us what he is.”

— Athanasius of Alexandria


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 9:43 AM CST

Goodness, it’s been a bit since I last posted. Lets see if I can get you all caught up.

Remember on the past post I told you we gave Zach a puppy (51/2 month old boxer), Zeus, for his birthday? Well, this Friday will be 2 weeks since Zeus was unfortunately hit by a car. Out of all 3 of us Bennie had become the closest to him because he would take him to work with him every day. So losing Zeus was extremely hard. It broke my heart to see him so devastated.

This past Sunday afternoon Zach and I surprised Bennie with a 12 week old boxer, Buddy. Buddy within 5 minutes stole all of our hearts. And Bennie is smiling again. Thank you Lord for his mending heart.

Since I last posted Bennie & I have celebrated our 22nd anniversary (Dec. 12th). In these days and times that is a huge accomplishment. I am so thankful for our relationship and love. Bennie has loved me and taken care of me through good times and bad and even after I have thrown up on his shoes…multiple times after surgeries while still in recovery…lol. But now I always get a patch so the throwing up stuff is not a problem for Bennie’s poor shoes any more.

I guess now we get to the medical stuff.

Lots of doctor appointments and procedures since the last posts. Lets see…my oncologist, my new sports med surgeon for my Baker’s cysts on the back on my right knee, mammogram (yuck), labs, b12 injections (have to have them every 3 weeks now), upper EGD (annual scope to check my upper GI tract for polyps), and the list goes on.

Right now I am having a lot of trouble with my right renal system. The desmoid that is wrapped around my right ureter along with the stent continue to be a literal pain for the right side of my body. This stent has been a problem from the minute I woke up in recovery from the change. I have tried to make due with it and hang on until the first week in January. Because there is no guarantee that changing it will make any difference. My urologist believes it is a combination of the long term dependence of a stent and desmoid trouble. What I know is that in the last week it has brought me to tears many times. All I can do is to pray about it.

My EGD (upper scope) I mentioned above was good. I didn’t have any polyps this time. That’s fantastic. In the past I have had polyps. I actually had to have an ampulectomy a few years ago. So an all clear was wonderful news.

Alright already now…enough of that stuff. On the advocate front things are going great. I have finished I believe the final draft for my magazine article. The magazine should be out in February. I am excited to see the final product. I’ve had the opportunity to talk with a few people about their medical concerns. Plus, I’ve attended a few more of the GI SPORE meetings. I am learning quite alot during these lectures.

But you what? After writing about all of this…what it really comes down to and what any of you that have talk to me have probably heard me say at one time or another…no matter what is going on…I am thankful for this life that God has given me. He allowed me to be able to postpone surgery for a while. I am here. I just celebrated my 2 year mark since my last surgery, 2 years since I have had to live with a drain constantly, 2 years since I have had to live on TPN, 2 years since I wasn’t allowed to eat…so yes, I can keep those “big girl panties” on and be so thankful for what He has given me. I am blessed!

I want to say a big thank you to each of you that continue to read my journal, keeping me in your prayers, and for those of you that email me and call me to ask why I haven’t posted in a while. Your notes, emails, calls, and prayers make a huge difference. Thank you more than words can express.

Quote of the day:

“For however devoted you are to God, you may be sure that he is immeasurably more devoted to you.”

— Meister Eckhart


For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39

Monday, November 24, 2008 12:53 AM CST

I want to start of my journal today by wishing my baby boy (not so much a baby anymore) a

HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!

I can’t believe he is that old. Today I have been thinking about all the wonderful memories we have, all the laughs, all the hang in there together times, the hugs, all the different sports,….you know all the every day wonderful stuff that make up life. Second to my salvation I count being Zach’s mom & Bennie’s wife as the most wonderful gifts from God.

If you happen to have his cell phone number give him a call or a text. I’ve been getting everyone to do that to surprise him. This morning I gave him a banana muffin, decorated on the plate with the swirlly chocolate like the restaurants do, and a candle. Then at 9:30 I took one of those huge decorated cookies up to the high school office for him to share. He is a service learner during that time. I can’t tell you how much it touched my heart to see all the different people coming into the office to wish him a happy birthday and give him a hug. Plus, a friend of mine that works in the office gave him a 3 lb box of assorted rubber bands. I know some of you are wondering, aren’t you? You’re wondering if it was a joke. No, no it wasn’t and that baby was tickled to pieces. You see because him and his best friend are both service learners in the office (different periods) and they are making a rubber band ball. It’s actually pretty big already. I think he is having a good birthday.

At 4:00 today Bennie & I will be taking cupcakes to the gym for Zach to share with his team mates.

Plus, tonight he has a basketball game, on his birthday. We are all excited. But we are like that with basketball, can’t wait for the season to start every year. I am so thankful that I am here and able to go to the games. What a blessing.

For now that’s all I’m going to post. Because today is all about the birthday boy. Thank you all for continuing to walk this journey with me. Hey, before you leave how about sharing what you are thankful for. What are your family traditions for thanksgiving? I’ll share mine with you next post. How about that?

Quote of the day:

“Happy birthday Zach!”
~ everyone


From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.
John 1:16

Sunday, November 16, 2008 10:07 PM CST

I’m thankful. Truly thankful. Thankful for the smallest of things. I spent the day today with my best girlfriend (next to you, Diva). You see Queen recently had surgery and is still trying to recover. I’m so thankful for the girl time we spent today, just doing silly things…laughing, talking, changing her sheets, doing laundry, eating some lunch, grocery shopping…just time…doing things that sometimes in a normal every day world can become monotonous or just yet another thing on someone’s long list of chores to be done. But for me it was uninterrupted, easy going, enjoying life time. I love you, girlfriend. I had such a wonderful time.

Since I last posted we have had an addition to our family. A little 5 month old little boy. His name is Zeus and he is a beautiful boxer puppy. You see Zach’s birthday is on the 24th (a week from tomorrow) and he has been begging for another boxer. So Bennie surprised him with an early birthday present. Needless to say, Zach was floored and now completely in love with Zeus. He picked the name. They have gone for a couple of rides in Zach’s truck. I think they are going to be big buddies.

I have a pretty full week this week. I will be at Vanderbilt every day this week either for multiple doctor appointments or advocate stuff. Also hopefully the finishing touches will be done for my article that will be in the upcoming Vanderbilt magazine, Momentum. I am really excited about having this opportunity to share my story.

Now before you finish up here check out my photos. I’m putting one on there of my sweet Lexie with her brand new boxer puppy her mom & dad got for her after they saw ours. Her puppy is cute. But little Lexie is a precious doll baby. She brings a lot of sunshine to my life. Plus I’m going to add another silly picture of me in Vegas. One more thing, don’t forget to click over to my guestbook and leave me a quick note. I love reading your notes as much as some of you have told me you love reading my rambling. So swing a little sunshine this girl’s way. Many blessings to you all for a wonderful week.

Quote of the day:

“It cost nothing to dream and everything not to.”
~ unknown


Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.
Habakkuk 3:18
(#15 you gave this verse to me in a card you sent me many months ago. Thank you for sharing. I love you)

Sunday, November 2, 2008 1:00 AM CDT

Wow, it’s been a while since my last post. So you know I have lots to catch you up on, even a few pictures to share.

I want to start by sharing some feelings with you. There are many ways that people handle/protect their emotions with friends and family that have a chronic illness. While some draw closer to the person, there are others that pull away. It’s their way of protecting their hearts. In the last week I was made aware that there are people that have actually talked about me having limited time, basically pulled away from me…”written me off” in order to protect their hearts. I do understand that they think by doing that maybe when that day comes it won’t hurt as bad. But you know what? We all know that whether you know a person is going to die or whether they are taken from you suddenly it still hurts. And honestly, we all have limited time here on this earth. The thing is that these people have pulled away to protect their hearts now but at what cost? Well, from my prospective they are missing out on all the laughs, all the fun, all the present, precious time. That time can’t be brought back again if you chose not to be a part of it. But for the ones that are, they will have that to hang on to. It hurts my heart deeply that these people would chose to miss this special, precious time that I feel God has given. I’m enjoying and plan on continuing to enjoy every single second of it…drink it all in and live it with joy and happiness for the blessing it is. Because you know what else? My God isn’t done with me just yet.

Okay so on to other things. I have been dealing with insurance issues since I went to Cleveland. I have had to fill out all kind of paper work to try to get my insurance to reimburse me for the injections I received in Cleveland. Plus, now this week I am going to have to go through it again because they don’t want to pay for all of the physical therapy I have had to have since returning from Cleveland. I have more than met all of my deductibles and out of pocket expense. I usually end up accomplishing that early in the year every year. It is such a headache to have to go through all of this. So would you all please pray that these issues can be resolved? Thank you so much.

Since the last time I posted Bennie has celebrated a very special birthday. He turned 50 on October 29th. I surprised him with a trip to Vegas. When I say surprised, I mean pulling into the park n fly and he had no idea. Check out my new photos for the look on his face. It’s priceless. I had packed our bags without him knowing and he thought we were going to meet Diva for a potential project. It was the first time either of us had been to Las Vegas. We had a great time just being away, the two of us.

On the doctor front, in the coming month I have to have my annual upper scope, lower scope, schedule my appointment with urologist for stent change, lab work & injection, oncologist, and follow up for open wound care. Considering that I could still be in the hospital from having surgery on the 22nd those few things aren’t so bad. I am thankful that I was able to postpone my surgery for a while.

On the advocate front, I am enjoying being involved in this. It is an incredible blessing. I have been given many opportunities and have learned so much. Right now I am just finishing up my rough draft of an article that will be published in a magazine that Vanderbilt puts out. I am very excited about it.

Okay, so for now I feel that is enough. I promise I won’t go as long before the next post. Please continue to pray for me, my family, & my doctors. Now if you will take a minute to leave me a quick note on my guest book you will truly make my whole day. Yep, I feel a smile coming right now.

Quote of the day:

“It cost nothing to dream and everything not to.”
~ Unknown


These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
John 15:11

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 9:43 AM CDT

I’m back! Sorry it has taken me so long to follow up my last post. I know I left you with the little teaser of postponing my surgery. But before I get into that I want to share fun stuff first.

Since I last posted HHS had their homecoming. The junior class (Zach’s) float came in 2nd place. It was a lot of fun and a little tiring. But I love being a part of their float building every year.

This past weekend Diva and I got to have a girls’ weekend. Some of you may remember that this time last year we tried to have a girls’ weekend, a women’s retreat (present I gave to Diva as part of her bday). Last year didn’t go to well because Bennie fell off the ladder, was hurt pretty badly, and had to go to the hospital. So this time before we left I put the nix on any ladder climbing for him while we where gone. This time we were going to Mississippi, not just down the road to Montgomery Bell.

Diva and I had the best time ever. We went to MS for my cousin’s wedding. The wedding was one of the most beautiful, elegant weddings I have ever been to. But you’ve got to understand my cousin has dreamed about her wedding day for most of her life. I will be posting some of the pictures I have here and also on my shutterfly link. Please check them out. Emily and Mack, my prayer for you is that you have a lifetime together that is just as beautiful as your wedding day.

Diva and I got to MS on Friday and it was a whirlwind of fun, lots of laughs, and bunches of love. We stayed in the most wonderful house. The lady that owns the house is a friend of my aunt & uncle. It was so kind of her to let us stay there. Four of my cousins stayed there with us. We stayed up late each night just laughing and so happy to be together. I was thrilled to be able to be there and see most of my family on my mother’s side. Plus let me send a shout out to my amazing Uncle Don. He has been extremely ill and just recently had multiple major surgeries. He hung right in there with all of us. I was so glad I had the chance to just sit with him and talk. I definitely come from some pretty tough stock, real fighters. Uncle Don and Aunt Vera, now that the wedding is behind you, you need to take some time for yourselves. One more shout out to “The Karaoke King”, you ROCK!!! I can’t wait for your next performance. I think you’ve got a pretty good size fan club already after last weekend.

While we were in MS I got to see the house I grew up in. This house is very special to me because my Papa built it for us. Now when I say grew up in it I just lived there from age 12 to 18. I hadn’t seen the house in at least 10 years. So it was both sweet and sad to see it. I have a lot of memories in that house with my brother and this last Friday would have been his 39th birthday. Even after 14 ½ years my heart still misses him. I love you, Dusty!

Okay, so now that I’ve got myself all tore up I’m going to move on to the medical stuff. That’s a sure fire way to get a hold on myself. I have had my new stent for a month now and it has literally been the biggest pain. We know that the stent is in place so that’s not the problem. The general consensus is that the kidney is enlarged, the renal system is enflamed, and the tumor in that area has grown slightly. Even slight growth in a desmoid can make a big difference. Right now I really don’t have any options other than to have the brand new stent changed again. But there is no guarantee doing that would help.

After traveling all over the country practically, talking to more doctors than I care to count, lots of labs, exams, and tests, endless prayer, and lengthy discussions I have decided to postpone my surgery. Notice I typed postponed. Eventually I will have to have these surgeries. But for now we are all in agreement that while I am able to do the things I love and enjoy I should. These surgeries come with just as many risks as benefits. I am so relieved having this decision behind me for now. I know that living with this open wound comes with it’s own dangers. But what isn’t considered living normal for others is normal for the most part for me. I know how to live and enjoy my life this way. I can deal with the pain issues. The biggest thing… is I can live.

My big joys in my life right now are of course first and foremost, my Lord, my boys, & my parents; then my work as an advocate. For me being able to be an advocate is the biggest blessing. I am truly blessed by all the opportunities that I have been given.

Thank you all so much for continuing to pray for me, my family, and my doctors. I know you are wondering about my picture up top. That is a picture of me and the wonderful Dr. Church. I know you all have wanted to see him. He is the best. Now don’t forget to stop by my guestbook and give me a shout out. Plus, check out the new pictures both here and on my shutterfly link below.


Quote of the day:

“Faith rests on the naked word of God; that word believed gives full assurance.”
~ H.A. Ironside


Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13

Monday, September 22, 2008 3:02 PM CDT

This past weekend I attended Conversations about Colorectal Cancer sponsored by Colon Cancer Alliance & Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center. If you have the opportunity to attend one of these conferences in the future please take the time out of your busy schedule to do this. Whether you are a current patient in the fight, a hang in there strong survivor, caregiver, family member, or friend I promise you will be glad that you attended.

There were 3 doctors that spoke (2 of whom are my doctors) about advances in treatment; surgery, interventional radiology, & oncology. There was a session to ask questions of any of the doctors. After that there were survivor & caregiver forums.

In the past I have not quite known where to put myself in all of this because I have not ever been diagnosed with any stage of colon cancer. But after talking to my advocate manager (thank you Jane) and a couple of my doctors they told me I am definitely a survivor. While I have not actually had cancer the defective gene in me that increases me risk for many types of cancers is there. Thankfully with wonderful medical treatments, surgeries, and being proactive in my care I have not had cancer yet.

As I sat in the survivor forum I listened as we all took turns giving our stories. Most of the survivors stories started within the last 8 years. As each took their turn I identified with what each had been through. Because while I haven’t had cancer, I have been through all the different things they have, plus some they haven’t. There was no doubt that I was a part of this group. The only thing is how in the world could I possibly give them a capsule version of what my life has been like. I mean lets face it, their stories started like I said within the last 8 years or less. Mine started technically 43 years ago at birth. But I just count the last 35 years, starting with my 1st scope.

I had no problems at all talking or being scared about sharing on Saturday. The words just spilled out. I cannot thank Donna, Laura, Tim, Jane, Shelia, Anne enough for all that they did to make this event possible.

Okay, so you know that since I started my post about the conference there is no way that I am not going to follow the above portion with this next portion.

One of the best things you can do as a family is to know your family history. Lets face it nobody likes to talk about “butt issues”. But think about it this way, if you love the people in your family wouldn’t you tell them if a bus was about to hit them? Then if you love them share your family history. These things could possibly save their lives. Knowledge is power and colorectal cancer is preventable. All the survivors I met last weekend had no clue they had colon cancer until it was for most Stage 3 or 4. This is a silent killer for 2 big reasons; we don’t talk about it & most times you don’t notice symptoms until it is advanced.

My other soapbox for the day is to ask you to please go to www.fightcolorectalcancer.org and sign the petition for the three bills below. This is extremely important. There are people out there that are having to fight to be able to get their insurance to cover being screened for colorectal cancer even with a known family history. This is NOT acceptable.

* HR 1738: The Colorectal Cancer Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment Act will establish a program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide colorectal cancer screenings and treatment for low-income, uninsured and underinsured individuals who are not eligible for Medicare.
* HR 1926/S 1164: The Colon Cancer Screen for Life Act will expand existing Medicare coverage of colorectal cancer screening to include pre-procedure visits and other reimbursements, minimizing the out-of-pocket expenses for our nation’s elderly.
* HR 3060: The Colorectal Cancer Screening and Detection Coverage Act would require private health insurance plans to provide coverage for colorectal cancer. Plus, the bill will protect anyone from being denied a policy due to their need for colorectal cancer screening.

Chorus to I Run For Life by Melissa Etheridge
I run for hope
I run to feel
I run for the truth
For all that is real
I run for your mother your sister your wife
I run for you and me my friend I run for life

I really identify with these words. This is why I run. I hope that I can make even a small difference. I am blessed to have this life and the opportunities that God has given me. I will post next time about my last doctor appointment. I will give you a little teaser though….postpone surgery for the time being.

Don’t forget to go to the above website to sign the petition & take one more minute here on my journal to leave me a note on my guestbook.

Quote of the day:

“You can find happiness in every day if you look for it.”
~ me


Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
Romans 12:12-13

Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:23 AM CDT

I am praying. I am seeking. I am waiting.

Today it’s been 2 weeks since my stent was changed. A lot has been going on and I need to catch you all up.
On the 3rd Bennie, Diva, & I went to Vandy “second home” for my stent change. I have really come to dread the days I have to have it changed. There are a few reasons for my dread; general anesthesia every 3 to 4 months, the week to week & a half it takes to work through “getting use” to the new stent, getting sick when I wake back up, & so on.

I was already anxious when we got there. The nurses started to do all of their prep work. Dr. Chang came in to see me, the anesthesia team came in, you know the whole getting you prepped for surgery deal. During all of this I told my nurses (not my usual sweet MCE nurse, Alice) that I had a port they could access for my iv. They told me that they didn’t normally access ports for this because they didn’t want to damage the port. I explained to them that I used my stent changes as one of my access times. You see if you aren’t using your port for a treatment you have to make sure you have it accessed about every 8 weeks. Well, I am laying there thinking, “what are you really serious? I always have my port accessed for my stent changes. I put my Emla cream (numbing cream) on it and everything. I’m ready.” I was trying hard not to cry. But then I stopped. I thought wait, if they are saying that, then maybe I don’t want them to access my port. So I agreed to let them stick me for an iv. Of course, they stuck me in my wrist, one of my least favorite places to have an iv. Well, guess what they did next? They took my blood pressure. Not a good time to do that. I had already come in anxious. Then the whole port access/ iv thing and seriously you want to take my bp now. As I have told you I have been having bp issues, not the best time to do this. It was like 195/110!

Okay so fast forward. All our prayers were answered. The stent change went smoothly. I didn’t have as hard a time of waking up afterwards (the last few times I’ve slept for 24 hours, wake up just enough to get dressed & in car then back to sleepy time). Other than the not normal right flank pain that I have been having since this change I didn’t have the usual “get adjusted” period with this stent. Overall, what a blessing and answer to our prayers. It will definitely help in 3 months when I am back there again for the next one. You know when you know that things like that are a part of your life and they become a dread, if you can get one part at least to go smooth it makes all the difference.

Oh and before I left that day Dr. Herline stopped by. He had finished a surgery & saw that I was on the board. If he sees my name on the board & has time between cases he will normally check on me. I caught him up to date on what we had heard in Cleveland and our plans for surgery. He asked me if I would consider seeing one more doctor there at Vanderbilt. This doctor evidently has recently come back to Vanderbilt and works with abdominal wounds. Of course, I said I would. For me knowledge is power. I have an appointment with this doctor on Friday. So this is where the first 3 three sentences of this post come in…

I am praying. I am seeking. I am waiting.

I know that God loves me & has a plan for me (for all of us). I also know that it is in His power to heal me. Though I don’t know if it is His will. But I rest in the comfort & assurance that He loves me, that He is taking every step with me, that He hurts when I do, & that He understands.

Okay so continuing to catch you up, I started more injections & physical therapy a couple of weeks ago. The 2 women I am working with are amazing. Another blessing. These girls are looking at the whole picture. They understand what I have said all along. Each of these things touch the other, they are all interconnected. They aren’t just staying single focused on the specific thing I see them for. Now let me tell you this is such a huge blessing. The body is a very complex thing. One thing happening in your body can trigger other stuff. For me I have had such an issue with being told I have high blood pressure. Because I admit it, I have been a little hard headed. Wait, wait, just hard headed about having to take medication for it. I kept saying that I don’t have high blood pressure. If we could work out my kidney issues and get rid of the pain that my pressure would be fine. You know me I researched my thoughts on the internet. The kidneys do help regulate the blood pressure and pain can elevate it. Well, after listening to Ashley sweetly talk to me about the possibility of having a stroke with my pressure being so high I understood that taking medication for it was the best way to handle it for now.

Now we are just about caught up. I will need to continue this in my next post. Right now I need to get ready to go to Vanderbilt. No, no doctor appointment for me today. I have been invited to be a part of the GI SPORE advocates. They are having a luncheon & meeting. I am very excited about this. You know I told the boys last night that life is good. Because in my eyes I am very blessed.

This is an addition….

Just as I finished typing but before I could post this out of the blue the power went out. It’s a beautiful day outside. How strange is that? I couldn’t believe it. I thought how wonderful. I thought oh my goodness, I’ve lost everything I’ve typed. I tried to call Bennie to ask him. But in my heart I thought girl you know you probably have. Then I prayed. I prayed that I didn’t loss it and then let it go. I thought it’s okay. I had no idea when the power would be back on. About a minute after I finished my prayer the power came back on. At first I wasn’t going to come back into the office to check. Then I decided to find out. I turned the computer back on, pushed to continue session and lo and behold my post popped right back up! Let me tell you I raised my hands in the air and did some mighty thanking to the One that cares. God is so good. If we let Him He will take care of even our smallest troubles.

Quote of the day:

“Let go and let God.”
~ sorry I don’t remember who said this. I just knw it’s right for the quote today.


Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Mark 11:24

Thursday, September 11, 2008 3:07 PM CDT

Hi, I’m back home. Thank you for all of your prayers, calls, emails, & texts. Your prayers & encouragement were definitely felt. The past few days I have been working on the final things I wanted to talk about & torn between the fear of speaking in front of a lot of people but also so excited to be given the opportunity to do this. Being an advocate and doing whatever I can to help and share is my true passion in life. It makes going through all of this more than worth it in my eyes.

So many of you have said that you wish you could hear the talk. Some of you even asked me to video tape it. Goodness, I was just way too nervous and excited to be able to think about that. I did have Bennie & my mother there. But to help you all feel like you were there if you read below I have posted the notes that I used. I read some of this, some I just went from memory, and then some I just spoke from my heart. The heart stuff I don’t have all of. But this gives the bulk of it.

Before you start to read it though I want to tell you that these medical students were amazing. They were so attentive. We laughed together and they asked a lot of very good questions. I was even asked which chips are the best to lick. For those of you wondering what in the world is she talking about, that was about when I had to go the long stretch on TPN NPO, which means I was being fed through a PICC line & couldn’t eat. So my answer was that Dorritos are the best to lick because they don’t crumble easily and they usually have the most flavor. Being on TPN you kind of get use to not being able to eat (kind of, but not completely). What I missed the most though was tasting things. So that is where licking chips came from.

There were a lot of serious questions asked also. I was very impressed by this group of future doctors. Who knows, maybe one, or even two, or many will decide to go into research, genetics, be a colorectal surgeon. No matter where their career decisions take them I hope that today I was able to make the study of genetics more real, more than just something to study in a textbook, maybe even more personal.

My Case History (Patient View)

My history basically starts at about 8 years old. I had already shown signs of possibly having FAP (passing some blood & slight bowel changes).

Right now I would like for you to think back to when you were 8 years old.
At 8 years old you are in the 2nd or 3rd grade depending on when your birthday is. At 8 years old you are all about playing. The worst things for some of us were having to go to school every day and summer not being quite long enough.

At 8 years old I had my first scope for FAP. Now let me tell you 35 years ago hospitals were not child friendly like today. How do you explain to your 8 year old what is about to happen to her, much less how the outcome of this could change her life? Of course, I didn’t understand why the nurse and doctor were doing such hurtful things to me. I do remember hearing the doctor apologizing to my mother about having to use a rigid proctoscope. At that time and at that particular hospital that was the scope they used.
My mother was told that I had what they described as little hob nails in my colon. But at that time they felt it was too early to do anything. They wanted me to be monitored.

Fast forward through many different hospital visits for scopes and opinions, to being officially diagnosed at 12.

Just before I turned 15 I had a total colectomy. It didn’t slow me down. I was told that I would have dietary restrictions. Other than bowel changes, which became what I considered normal, my teenage life moved on.

From the time I was diagnosed until shortly before my son turned 3 years old I had no idea what having FAP was. As far as I was concerned I had the surgery, life went on, and every 6 months I had the inconvenience of a scope to check my rectum for polyps. I had no clue.

So in 1991 we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy. Not long after my c-section I realized my scar didn’t seem to be healing the way I thought it should. After 2 ½ years of questioning my gyn about my concerns she ordered a ct and sent me to a plastic surgeon & then a general surgeon.

I’ll never forget the day I received the call from the general surgeon to tell me that I had Gardner’s Syndrome. I quickly told him he was mistaken. I had FAP. After I had the chance to absorb what this meant it became my mission in life to become educated so I could be proactive in my medical care & treatment.

Learning what this disease truly was also brought heartache to me because I had a small precious toddler. Every time someone would tell me how much he looked like me, I would say a silent prayer that looking alike was where it stopped. I remember praying that I would take whatever surgery I had to if my baby could be ok and never have to go through this.

I need to stop here and say that I am happy to be here. God didn’t make a mistake on me. I am exactly who I am suppose to be. I haven’t ever asked why me. Because why not me?

In 1994 & 95 I had major desmoid tumor reconstructive surgeries. The 1st entailed removing the lower 3rd of my right & left rectus muscles, reconstructing with gortex mesh & a muscle flap from my left quad. With lots of painful physical therapy I can walk across this room & none of you would be able to see any type of limp. I was told while in physical therapy that I would always have an uneven gait. But determination & faith are the overall best physical therapy.

During the ’94 surgery they also performed a tubal ligation. I was told that because of the risk of passing this on to future children, the danger of more desmoids, and inability to be able to carry another baby to term after my abdominal reconstruction,; it was in my best interest to have a tubal.

Just 11 months later I had to go back to have the next surgery. Because the tumor had reoccurred so quickly the surgeon decided it would be best to follow up with 7 weeks of radiation. At the time the benefits of hyperthermia were still being studying. They decided to combine my radiation with hyperthermia. I’ll tell you the years I lived desmoid free were worth the horribly burned, raw skin I had to endure.

While I was living desmoid free I continued to have my scopes every 6 months like clockwork. I felt good and life went on. During that time my husband & I decided to have the genetic testing on myself & Zach.
So he has his own 8 year old story of having his blood drawn by someone that inflicted way too much pain on a little boy.
Waiting on the results was hard. We wanted to know, but we were scared what we would hear.

The most wonderful part of this entire case history is that my son does not have FAP. His APC gene doesn’t have the defect, therefore FAP stops with me, in my family.

In 2001 I was having more trouble with polyps in my rectum. The colorectal surgeon I was seeing for my follow up, on many occasions biopsied polyps. The week before my son’s 10th birthday I had to have multiple biopsies. I was told I would pass a small amount of blood. That week I struggled, not feeling well & passing definite blood not just small amounts.
I am a mom though & I didn’t have time to not feel well. The morning of Zach’s basketball game & birthday party I hemorrhaged in our bathroom floor. I remember hearing Zach laughing & jumping on my bed, excited about his basketball game & his birthday party later that afternoon. I knew things were bad. I knew I had to stay focused and awake and I didn’t want Zach to be scared.
We found out at the hospital I had lost over 5 units of blood.

While I was in the hospital (different hospital) my mother spoke with Mrs. Ingram about who she would recommend at Vanderbilt to take over my care. As a mother she wanted what was best for her baby. This is when Vanderbilt became a part of my life.

Since 2001 when Vanderbilt became what I teasingly call my “second home” I have been blessed with a team of doctors that truly care about me as a person not just a “science project”.

You are all very fortunate to be at Vanderbilt studying. You will learn from and have the chance to work with some very dedicated, compassionate doctors. Take every opportunity to absorb what they have to teach you. You will be a better doctor if you do.

To speed things up a bit from this point on I will give you a list of the surgeries I have had at Vanderbilt.

Starting in January 2003
J pouch surgery (many complications)
Malnourished, TPN, 7 months later takedown

Total hysterectomy
Leaks, multiple fistulas, more desmoids

Stent dependent (stent changes every 3-4 months)

Desmoid removed from neck

Adrenalectomy (left adrenal gland- 18 months of steroid therapy until “Sleeping Beauty” (the right adrenal) decided to wake up)

Multiple exploratory surgeries

Many ERCPs (ampullectomy)

Way too much trouble with abdominal abcesses
Literally from 2003 till Dec. 2006 multiple drains & being on TPN

Tell about what it’s like to be on TPN NPO (licking chips)

Multiple close calls

It’s hard to remember everything because it has become so much.

Talk about living with an open wound for the past 2 years.

In closing I would like to encourage & challenge you with the following thoughts.

The patients of today & the future have a vested interest in their medical care & treatment options. We have access to the internet, we know about clinical trials, & lets face it…when it’s all said & done we, the patients, care the most about our treatments, our care, & our lives.

Each of you will invest many years in medical school. You will study long hours, be sleep deprived, & maybe even wonder if this is what you really want to do. My thoughts for you are…yes, study hard, gain the knowledge, become a compassionate, driven doctor in your chosen field of medicine. There are many people out there that need what you will have to offer. Make a diference.

In the course of your studies and then career try to remember that each person that comes into your clinic, er, operating room is more than just a medical records #. We are people with families, careers, hopes, & dreams. We could be your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, or even your child.

I hope you enjoyed having the chance to read this. I am still on cloud nine.

Quote of the day:

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you say, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
~ Maya Angelou


However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.
Acts 20:24

Thursday, September 11, 2008 6:36 AM CDT

Please be in prayer for me this morning. At 9:00 am I will be talking to a huge group of 1st year medical students. They have just started studying about genetics. I was chosen to speak to them about FAP to make genetics more real to them. This is a blessing to be a part of this. Please join me in my prayer of peace, calm, and a blanket of comfort during this time. My blood pressure has really been a problem and I have been quite stressed and nervous about speaking which hasn't help my pressure either. The doctor started me on a new blood pressure medicine yesterday.

When I woke up this morning my blood pressure was 148/104 and heart rate was 104! I had just woke up. But then again I had given my talk about a hundred times during the night...ha ha. Seriously, though I did that all night in my sleep.

So, I'm praying and thanking God for the peace, calm and comfort that only He can give.

Quote of the day:

"Mom, you can do this."
~ Zach


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

Monday, September 8, 2008 10:30 PM CDT

The numbers tell the cancer story:

* 1.4 million Americans diagnosed every year.
* 1 in 2 men, 1 in 3 women in their lifetime.
* More than 560,000 American lives lost this year alone.
* One American dies of this disease every minute.
* One Tennessean dies every hour.

Stephanie Crowe
September 7th, 2008 1:11 am

Polyps, colonoscopy, and colon cancer are usually not words normally known or used by children. But from the age of 8 they have been a part of my life. You see, I have Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP). When I was 8 years old I had my first scope to check for signs of FAP. Since that time I have had one every 6 months to a year.
Anytime I have the chance to talk to people about proper screening and knowing their family history I use my story of being a tiny little 8 year old having my first scope. I tell them that if an 8 year little girl can handle it then surely they can.
In the years since my first scope I have had too many surgeries to keep count of. But because of continueing research I have had a much better life than FAP patients decades ago.
In the last few years I have shared my experiences and support to newly diagnosed patients. I have always felt that if I can help at least one person than everything I have been through is more than worth it. Recently I have been blessed with the privilege of being a part of the patient advocates at Vanderbilt. The fellow survivors and family members I have met through this program have inspired me with their strength and dedication. I am honored to be a part of this group.
Together we can all make a difference and Stand Up 2 Cancer.


(the above portion is on the Stand Up 2 Cancer Tennessee website)


Funds will continue to be raised from corporations, organizations and philanthropists. Individual donations can also be made anytime at the www.standup2cancer.org website or by calling the donation line at (888) 90 STAND.

We have all been touched in some way by cancer; whether it was yourself, a family member, friend, or co-worker. This is all of our chance to make a difference. Lets all band together and Stand Up 2 Cancer.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008 11:35 PM CDT

It’s quiet in the house now. I’m still up so I can post, pray, and drink my tea till midnight. Yes, in the morning I will be heading back to Vanderbilt to have my stent changed again. You know I don’t look forward to it because of being put under general anesthesia yet another time. I am praying that Dr. Chang was able to convince the company that produces this new stent Mayo recommended to give him one. He said that Vanderbilt doesn’t have a contract with them. But he was going to try to pull some strings and tell them my situation in hopes he would be able to get one. What an answer to prayer if he does. This new stent is actually a metal coil. This particular one can be left in for up to a year, with regular scans to check placement and function. Dr. Chang only wants me to keep it for a maximum of 7 months at a time. But that is a huge improvement to me.

This afternoon I received a copy of the ct report. One of my desmoids has grown since the scan in May. The others (yes others multiple) are basically the same. It appears that my abdomen is just riddled with these tumors or stranding. That could explain the change in pain level, pouch function, and right/midline abdominal tenderness. None of what I read completely surprised me. It is what it is. I know a lot of people may think gosh what another blow. But for me I choose to concentrate on the positives. I have not had a serious surgery in almost 2 years. I have been able to eat, not having to depend on TPN. I’ve gotten to make a lot of memories with my boys, family, & friends. I’m blessed. That report won’t take the smile off my face.

Of course, it does help that I’m not taking that nasty antibiotic anymore. I was suppose to be on it for another week. But I decided to stop taking it myself after the first week. I tried to stick it out. By last Friday morning I was so nauseous, my pain was almost unbearable, and I was exhausted. I knew that I would end up in the ER if I continued. Bennie wasn’t happy at first that I stopped. But he knew that I had to make that decision. He knows when I start talking about going to the ER things are not good. It took until this morning before I started feeling a little better. I’m not sure what Dr. Church will want to do now. I am still waiting to hear when my surgery is scheduled. I’m hoping it will be after Zach’s Fall break.

For now though if you would remember my boys, doctors, me, & my parents in prayer. For tomorrow especially pray that the new stent is available and I don’t have trouble with anesthesia.

I want to thank you all for all your notes on my guestbook. Each time I click over there and read them it puts a smile on my face. They really brighten my day. Oh and for those of you that haven’t noticed at the bottom of this page I have a link I just added. If you click on it will take you to a page that has more pictures. I am still working on the page but it has a lot of pictures on it already. I have plenty more to add. So check it out and let me know what you think. Blessing to you all. I will ask Diva to update tomorrow after my procedure. Then hopefully Thursday evening I will feel up to posting.

Quote of the day:

“He who has a why to live, can bear with almost any how.”
~ Victor Frankl


Be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27:14

Friday, August 29, 2008 9:00 AM CDT

His promise, that’s what keeps me going. When everything gets overwhelming… when there seems to be nothing else to hang on to…there is always His promise. He is always there, walking every step with us, even carrying us when we can’t seem to take another step. His promise is strong and true. Every day, I know.

I have been very busy and also not feeling very well since we got back from Cleveland. Sorry it has taken me so long to post to catch you up on our last day at Cleveland Clinic and the days since.

Friday (the 15th) bright and early that morning I was scheduled to see one of the doctors for a procedure. I was a little nervous but trying to act like it wasn’t a big deal. When the nurse called me back she asked if I had the botox. I didn’t because I didn’t realize that I was suppose to go to get it the day before from the pharmacy. So then it got crazy because she had to call down to see if they had any. They don’t always have it in. But they just so happen to have one bottle. Oh joy! I raced down with Bennie to get it. Then we had to go through all the headache of the insurance refusing to pay for it. Because when they see a request come through for botox they automatically think cosmetic. This had nothing to do with cosmetics. I am now in the process of paperwork glore to get them to reimburse me the $600 we had to pay for the medicine alone.

We raced back upstairs. All of this was putting us behind on our schedule. We were scheduled to see Dr. Church and our flight left at 11:15 that morning! Talk about testing a person. Without going into detail the procedure was excrutiatingly painful. One of the most painful things I have had done. I do not like to cry in a doctor’s office. I usually don’t. But I cried like a baby. I tried to hold it back but it was just more than I could handle. I won’t ever have that done again. Just can’t go through it. After the procedure I had to stay there for a bit so the nurse could monitor me to make sure I didn’t have a reaction.

Then we met with Dr. Church. While we waited to see him Bennie made a call to the airline because it was very evident we weren’t going to be able to make our flight. But this appointment was the most important one. It the one we had been there for 4 days to have. We didn’t want to be rushed. Thankfully we were able to change our flight time. Of course with the right charge that’s usually possible. I just love Dr. Church. He is a man of action. He answered all our questions and basically said that he would know more once he got in my abdomen. It will be a series of surgeries and complicated with lengthy recovery. But I feel confident that Dr. Church is the doctor to do this. That part I am at ease with. It has been very expensive to go to both Mayo and Cleveland to talk to surgeons but very worth it so I don’t have to wonder later about my decision. I have done my homework.

Now Dr. Church’s nurse is trying to co-ordinate his schedule with the transplant surgeon’s schedule. Dr. Church wants him to be a part of my surgery to check out my right kidney. Even with the stent in my right kidney that kidney is more than double the size it should be. They want to see if there is anything that can be done to help my poor kidney out without too much risk to it.

They did another culture of my open wound while I was in Cleveland. We got home on Friday evening and Monday morning I got the call to let me know that it had some very bad staph. Not a surprise. They wanted me to take 500mg of tetracycline 4 times a day! I didn’t want to. But the nurse said my only other option was to have iv vancamycin. So I am still on my wonderful, delightful tetracycline. I haven’t felt very well since I have been back, really struggling. All this week I have been having a hard time with nausea. That’s not a good thing for me because between that and the terrible case of thrush I have it doesn’t make hanging on to my weight easy.

Today I have to go back to Vandy for another ct scan. Cleveland wants a current one (had one in May). Plus, I have been feeling so bad and have increased discomfort in my abdomen. Also they’ll be able to check out my liver and gallbladder because one of my labs is significantly higher this month. It could just be from my antibiotic.

I think I have pretty much got you caught up now for the most part. Please continue to prayer for me, my family, and my doctors. God has always blessed me with doctors that champion the “lets keep Stephanie healthy” cause. Also pray for me as I wait to hear from the nurse when my surgery date will be. Right now all I know is that I have pinky promised to have it in October. Oh and big prayer request….my Zach. Once again his mom will have to leave for more surgery. Probably be gone for at least a week to 10 days. (I’m shooting for 5 days). But pray for my baby because he tries to be so tough. But it’s really hard on him.

Okay so I have to end with some good stuff. Nothing medical…well some of it has to do with medical. You know I deemed this “fun summer” basically a running summer…not wanting to think too much about what was ahead for me. I have had a lot of fun this summer. Last weekend one of my highlights was to be a part of the youth lock in. And yes, I still reign with the best of them. I did not close my eyes all night. Yes, you read it right. I wasn’t even a bit tired. I laughed and had so much fun. It was great! I think this weekend Bennie & Zach are taking me to Nashville Shores, kind of the final blow out for the summer. My doctors might not be too happy about me doing that. But hey, I am busy enjoying life.

Then on Sept. 11th I am scheduled to speak to the first year medical students at Vanderbilt. They are studying genetics right now and I was chosen to speak to them about my genetic disease, to give them all the medical stuff and add in some real life living with it. Of course, I will have to throw right in the middle of it the great physician.

I hope you all have a wonderful, long Labor Day weekend. ***New pictures check them out.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for continuing to pray for me and my family. His promise keeps me going. His promise is strong and true.

I wanted to share this chorus of a song that I have been listening to a lot this week. I love it.

Washed By The Water (chorus) by Need To Breathe

Even when the rain falls
Even when the flood starts rising
Even when the storm comes
I am washed by the water

Quote of the day:

“God will never lead you, where His strength cannot keep you.”
~ Barbara Johnson


The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Psalm 18:2

Wednesday, August 20, 2008 1:03 AM CDT

My heart is heavy tonight…having trouble sleeping. Not because of all of the medical stuff and decisions. No my heart is hurting for one of Zach’s buddies. This afternoon I am picking up Zach from school to attend the visitation and funeral of his friend's brother. As adults we all know that death is a part of living. But our babies, my heart was both broken and proud at the same time the other night. I was heartbroken knowing the loss for this family and also knowing all too well how it feels to suffer the loss of a brother. But I was so proud of Zach and his friends, watching them as they loved and ministered to their friend. These kids are so close and have a special bond with each other.

Please pray for this family. The tough times are in the weeks and months ahead. I am praying for the comfort, love, and strength that only our Lord can give them.

I promise I will update you on all the Cleveland stuff. Tonight I was led to share this.

Quote of the day:

“All you really need is the One who promised never to leave or forsake you – the One who said, ‘Lo, I am with you always’.”
~ Joni Eareckson Tada


As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you.”
Isaiah 66:13

I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
John 14:18

And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20

Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.
1 Peter 5:7

Thursday, August 14, 2008 8:07 PM CDT

This first portion of my post is what I wrote on the flight to Cleveland as I listened to my praise music and prayed.

You are the strength & hope that keeps me walking. Just the sheer fact that I am still here is proof of God’s love & power. I love you, Lord. May your glory show through in my life. Please give me the grace & patience to hear & respond graciously with these doctors.

I’m holding on & walking in faith. I know this is the journey. Some people could become angry & bitter in this situation. I hold firm in my belief that my God has this. He doesn’t make mistakes. So while some might think I sound crazy I am honored that God believes in me. I pray that I am a blessing to others. I hope that my life glorifies & honors Him.

Hi from Cleveland Clinic…actually from Cleveland Clinic Guesthouse. So far everything has gone smoothly. I don’t expect anything less of tomorrow.

Yesterday we saw 2 doctors. The urologist told us the same thing that my Mayo urologist had told us. He does want to have another urologist here that specializes in transplants to look at my scan and report. That doctor will most likely at least be present for some of my surgery. They are going to discuss whether or not it is possible to transplant my right kidney without too much risk. The most important thing is that I am too young to risk losing that kidney. So the safest bet will probably be to remain stent depend for life. That wasn’t anything new to us. It wasn’t until a few months ago
though that I realized that having a stent would be a part of the rest of my life. But you know what? Being stent dependent is okay.

I also saw a gynecologist. I saw one when we were at Mayo too. I haven’t talked about this any until now. Okay for the guys that read my journal you don’t have to freak out or be concerned about what is coming next. I think this is something that I should talk about. Because I have had so many surgeries, trauma, open wounds, and all the other stuff my pelvic floor and abdomen is in a constant spasm 24/7. Both the doctors (at Mayo & Cleveland) said that my case is the most profound they have ever seen. These are doctors at the top rated clinics/hospitals in the country. They are the “end of the road” doctors. The ones that take care of medical problems from all over the world. Now this is definitely not an area that I would like to be the most profound at. So in the morning I am having a small procedure before I see Dr. Church. If you asked me a few days ago if I would ever have botox injections I would have told you no way. But you guessed it, they are going to do multiple injections into my pelvis in hopes to relax these spasms. These injections should last 3 to 6 months and then have to be repeated. This procedure is very expensive and at this point we are unsure if my insurance will pay for it. Please pray with us that they will. This use of botox is medically necessary, not elective. I am a little uneasy about having this done. But I did bring my big girl shoes to wear.

After that we will meet with Dr. Church to hear his plan. While I know that the things the doctors told us at Mayo are true, I believe that Dr. Church has more experience and he has operated on me before, so I’m really looking forward to talk to him.

We will hit the ground running in the morning. I have my procedure at 8:00, meet with Dr. Church after that, and then make tracks for the airport for our flight at 11:15. We will be back in “the Springs” by the time Zach gets home from school.

Thank you all so much for your prayers, love, support, notes on my guestbook, emails, cards, and friendships. Your acts of kindness and love are such a blessing to me, Bennie, & Zach.

Quote of the day:

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me’.”
~ Erma Bombeck


Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.
Psalm 27:14

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 9:15 AM CDT

Wow, it’s been too long since my last post. I had a reason for waiting though. The day after my last post Zach had a wreck. My parents were out of town on business and I didn’t want my mother to hear about Zach’s wreck over the phone or reading my post. When she finally got back home she wasn’t feeling well and my dad ended up taking her to the ER. So I waited until Zach & I saw here last weekend. Diva is doing better now.

I am still praising God that Zach is okay. Actually he is better than okay. God’s hand was definitely there the day of his wreck protecting that baby. He walked away from a totaled jeep with not a scratch or bruise.

I actually started the above yesterday morning. The following below is today as I am getting ready to leave for Cleveland.

I am listening to “My Redeemer Lives” by Nicole C. Mullins. If you haven’t heard her version you are missing a blessing. In the last week or two as the time was getting closer to leave for Cleveland the devil has been just constantly tapping. I went through the dread of having to listen to another group of doctors tell me all the stuff that I have already heard at Mayo & didn’t care to hear again, the inconvenience of having to leave Zach for 4 days just as he is starting school, the expense of airfare, hotel, taxi, & food, and so on. But in the last few days a calm that only God can give has filled me. While I know that what Mayo told us is true, I believe that Cleveland is where I am meant to go. I feel that Dr. Church is who is suppose to continue my care. I’m not looking forward to having to get out the “big girl shoes” but God has given the peace of His belief in me and His love for me. I can’t go wrong following His path.

Please pray for safety of travel, our meetings with the surgeons, & Zach and his 1st week of school. Thank you so much for your never ending prayers, love, and support in our journey. We all walk this journey together. In the end this is all about Him.

Please also take a minute to leave Bennie & me notes on the guestbook. While we are in Cleveland we will have access to a computer and your notes will be a strength and comfort to us.

Quote of the day:

“God is calling all of us to be BOLD & FEARLESS for His glory & our benefit.”
~ Unknown


Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,
1 Peter 1:8

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 10:25 AM CDT

Hi everybody! Today’s post will be short and sweet. We are about to run out the door to spend the day with my parents. I know to everybody else today is just Tuesday, July 22. But actually 60 years ago today my dad was born. Yes, that’s right Big Daddy is the big 6-0 today. So we are celebrating. I promise to post tonight or first thing in the morning to catch you up on the other stuff. Gotta run for now the birthday boy is waiting.


Quote of the day:

“Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of travel.”
~ Unknown


Happy are the people whose God is the Lord.
Psalm 144:15

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 1:44 PM CDT

You know how the bible tells us that God will never give us more than we can handle and that He is always there walking every step with us? No matter how tough things get He is the rock steady in our lives. You know how a few weeks ago Bennie and I went to Mayo to talk to the group of surgeons there. The news they gave us was not good or hopeful. We both came home overwhelmed and a little numb by the slap of reality. But even as I sat on the airplane I felt His comfort. I knew it was okay to cry about it. I knew that I needed to “be still” because I know that He is Lord and that He loves me.

It took a few days before I was ready to really talk about what we found out at Mayo. But because I was still, He made me strong, to continue the walk into the not so sure. Now it’s been enough time. I have been able to talk about it.

On Monday I received the notes from every doctor appointment I had at Mayo on our last visit. That is one thing that I truly like about Mayo. Not only do they send this to your referring doctor or doctors they also send the patient a copy. Reading it was like being back in each of their offices once again, hearing it and refreshing my memory. But with the refreshed memory came the slap of reality again. Reading stuff like, her chronic wound puts her at a greater risk for squamous cell carcinoma, unknown if it could actually cause her desmoids to transform into true sarcoma, if her open wound stops draining the body would be unable to handle the internal infection which could likely result in death, would take multiple extensive surgeries, and so on.

But as I sat there reading and reliving those visits again, feeling the weight of the words, God’s blessings came once again. I am blessed to have so many beautiful friends of all ages. About that time I got a text from one of my “Jr.” buddies. These three girlfriends had planned for us to have a “girls night” and one of them was texting to firm up the evening. So you see blessings are everywhere. These sweet girls came to pick me up. We went to dinner and a movie. We laughed and talked about all kinds of stuff. We made plans to do this hopefully once a week. They were so sweet and they just don’t know what a blessings and answer they were and are to me. Each of them have a special place in my heart.

So even in the times when we feel we are way out in the forest all alone, He is there and He answers. Sometimes it’s just something very small. For those of you that have asked me how do I do this or you tell me you couldn’t do it yourself…I don’t do it myself and I take it one step at a time. Some days it’s easy to take one day at a time. Then there are those times when I have to break it down to an hour at a time. You know that funny joke, “How do you eat an elephant?” Remember the answer? One bite at a time. Well, there is truth in that answer. Sometimes you have to break it down to the amount you can handle at that moment. My greatest comfort and strength is in the knowledge that God loves me and knows the plans He has for me. He wants it even more than me. So I will continue to walk this journey.

Now before you continue with your busy day please take a minute to leave me a note on my guest book. Your notes, no matter what you leave short and sweet to however long you want, mean so much to me. Thank you!

Quote of the day:

“To love and be loved, to laugh often, to enjoy the beauty of this Earth, to know God’s love, and to make a difference….a life well lived.”
~ Stephanie


Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.
Psalm 31:24

Saturday, July 5, 2008 12:08 AM CDT

I hope you all had a wonderful, safe 4th of July. I was given the opportunity yesterday of being a part of a friend’s campaign in the parade. It was so much fun to be able to be a part of this. While it was very tiring it was also such a blessing to be able to share in this. So on my list of things (kind of my own bucket list) I can check “be a part of helping a friend reach for her dream”.

If you all haven’t realized by now in my journal I very much love my life that God has blessed me with. Everything. The community I live in is the best and days like yesterday fill me with so much gratefulness and love for being a part of Kingston Springs. Every year we always go to Pegram park on the 4th for the parade, after the parade we all walk around to look at the booths and talk to friends, and the day ends with an unbelievable fireworks show.

Last night while the baseball field was crowded with people to see the show. In our area we had blankets and chairs grouped together. The guys mostly were sitting in chairs the girls were all over the blankets laughing and talking. Making memories. During the fireworks show Queen & I were sitting side by side. She glanced over and saw me crying. She has a way of always making me laugh even in the middle of my tears. I was crying because I was so thankful to be able to be there sitting with all of them, laughing, watching the fireworks, sharing another 4th of July. Just a few years ago I was in the hospital very ill on the 4th and Bennie was trying to make sure Zach got to go to Pegram for the fireworks that year. Then get back to me. So last night I was so happy to be sitting there together with all our friends and knowing Zach was there with us having fun with his buddies.

I can’t go any further in this post without telling you another highlight of my 4th. While we were walking in the parade I had the pleasure of giving Joe Downs a freeze pop to give to our “hero of Kingston Springs” Kevin Downs. This man is truly an inspiration. I am looking very forward to the day when he moves into his home because we will be neighbors. Even Zach is excited. He has wanted to help with something in the project for “Home For A Hero”. But he didn’t know what he could do. Not too long ago he and Bennie decided that they would mow Kevin’s grass. So every time they notice it is getting up Zach will stop by and mow.

I want to thank all of you that have emailed me about things that you want to do with me this summer. I accept every invitation and say, “lets get busy.” You know while some people would like to look at me and say or ask poor Stephanie, how does she handle it, or any number of other things. First of all, I’m not poor by any means. I live a very rich, blessed life. God has chosen this life for me. So I’m not poor. Also, I don’t handle this alone. With God’s love and the knowledge that He doesn’t give us more than we can handle it is my hope that His glory shines. Because in the end it isn’t about me at all.

My quotes I am using today where sent to me from my sweet friend, #15. I told you they would be in my post. Thank you so much for sharing them.

Quotes of the day:

“When God is about to do something great, He starts with a difficulty. When He is about to do something magnificent, He starts with an impossibility.”
~ Armin Gesswein

“To have God in our life doesn’t mean sailing on a boat with no storms, it means having a boat that no storm can sink!”
~ Unknown


The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.
Psalm 29:11

***New pictures. Check them out.***

Sunday, June 29, 2008 9:56 PM CDT

I believe when you are deep in the battle zone you get so accustom to the constant need to fight and push forward that you just do it. You get on a roll. I also believe that every once in a while when you’ve had a chance to take a small breather, while you are so happy for the reprieve, it almost makes you want to dig your heels in when your number is up once again. When you get that rest you want it to last…just a little longer please.

I hope those thoughts make some sense to all of you. If not right now then hopefully by the end of this post.

Thank you all for being so patient while I rest, absorb, and pray for the words to share about our trip to Mayo.

Well, to begin with, just the flight to get from Nashville to Rochester, MN is pretty tiring. We left Nashville ready to meet all of these surgeons, to hear what they had to say, what their plan was. We felt that we pretty much knew what to expect, pretty much knew what the surgery would entail. So to make a long drawn out story a little shorter, we were blindsided. The first day we met with three doctors. The first two were the urologist (we met him last trip) and the colorectal surgeon. The cut and dry of these appointments were that they both felt that anything they tried to do for me would do more harm than good. I think we were a little surprised. But still felt like oh okay that’s fine. Because we knew the bigger issues were my open wound and infected mesh. So that evening, after spending many hours with the doctors, Bennie and I were okay because the next day we were going to see the general surgeon and a plastic surgeon. We joked that we were going to ask the plastic surgeon to “pretty up” my abdomen. We had no clue what the next day was going to bring.

The long and short of the next day was that nothing that we came to Mayo thinking was what they told us. As Bennie and I sat in the exam room listening to the general surgeon I felt the air being knocked right out of me. On the inside I was telling myself that I would not cry, as I blinked back the tears. He told us that the infected mesh is a much larger area than my open wound. They would open me up, try to remove as much of the infected mesh as possible, scrape out the infection, and leave me open to heal from the inside out. They would not replace any of the mesh they removed at this time. He could not tell us how long it would take for this to heal. But he did say that my hernia would become very pronounced once they removed the infection. Right now all the infection is kind of acting like a girdle of sorts for the hernia. He also informed us that having an open wound like this increases my risk of cancers. These are just the highlights of what he said. Bennie and I were both pretty devastated with the information.

After meeting with him we had our appointment with the plastic surgeon. By this point all I wanted to do was grab my suitcase and head for Nashville. I had had my feel of medical talk. But I put a smile on and we headed to our last appointment. He basically agreed with and said the same things the other doctor said. He told us that they would have to try to figure out what kind of mesh could be used down the road to make any repairs to strengthen my abdominal wall.

Then we headed home, totally exhausted and numb. My thoughts I posted the time before last were my thoughts on the plane leaving Mayo. I was so devastated by our trip that I asked Bennie to give me a few days to just be still, to absorb all that we had heard. Well, we got back to Kingston Springs and packed up for Florida. Bennie and I pinky promised not to talk about anything medical while on vacation. I believe I already told you that. We did pretty good the whole week.

So now I’ve shared most of it with you. Please continue to be in prayer for me, my family, and my doctors. I am thankful that Cleveland was not able to set up my appointments with all the doctors there until August. I am looking very forward to seeing my wonderful Dr. Church. He has years of experience and I look forward to hearing his plan.

I have opened up my heart to you all about all of this. My faith and love of my Lord is strong. I know that He only gives us what we can handle and will never leave me. But I also know that my heart hurts for the bumps that I see in the road ahead. For now I am enjoying each and every day. So this is a shout out to all of you…you want to go to lunch, do some laughing, shop, sit and talk, or anything that you can think of well, I’m your girl. I say bring it on because after all this is “Fun Summer”, right? I’m squeezing every single bit of joy out of this summer.

One last thing, thank you so very much for all of your sweet, precious notes on my guest book. Each one of them are such a blessing to me. Please continue to stop by my journal and guest book.

Quote of the day:

“God didn’t promise day without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain. But He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the day.”
` Unknown


When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.
Psalm 94:19

Thursday, June 26, 2008 8:26 PM CDT

I know you all have been patiently waiting and praying for me since I last posted. Your prayers give me such strength. For right now I just want to let you know that I am okay. In fact I am better than okay. The boys and I ran off to Panama City to enjoy some sun. Of course, doctor prescribed. Bennie and I pinky promised on the way here last Saturday that we wouldn’t talk about anything medical for this week. So I am hoping that you will be patient a few more days. The time here has been a good time to just unwind and rest in the assurance that God has this. Because I know He does.

Quote of the day:

“Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


"Be still, and know that I am God;”
Psalm 46:10

Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:12 PM CDT

Thank you for all of your prayers. I have felt covered by them and your love. Here are a few of the bits of thoughts that ran quickly through my mind as we were flying from Rochester to Chicago this afternoon.

To be overwhelmed
But know that I am spoken for.
Let me be a shining example.
Help me to be strong.

Let go of pettiness.
Life is short.
Don’t waste a minute!
Remember what is important.
Make a difference.

I know you all have a lot of questions. You want to know all about the trip. Please be patient while I try to absorb and process everything the doctors said. Today has been a very tough, draining, shock of a day for Bennie and I. So for now I am “being still and listening”.

Thank you more than you can ever fully understand for all of your notes on my guestbook and emails. After a day like today seeing all of these are such a blessing and gift.

Quote of the day:

“Faith is the conviction that God knows more than we do about this life and He will get us through it.”
~ Max Lucado


The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 0:47 AM CDT

Hello everyone. This will be a short post with the promise of a longer more detailed one to come. Please be in prayer for Bennie, me, and the doctors we meet. Also, please pray for Zach.

Because it is so late and we have to be up so very early I am going to stop here for now. Please take another moment or two to leave me a note on my guestbook. I really look forward to hear from you. The encouragement in your notes are little bright spots in my day.

Quote of the day:

“There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.”
~ Katharine Butler Hathaway


It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect.
Psalm 18:32

Saturday, June 7, 2008 11:15 PM CDT

Yes, it’s really me and yes, I am actually posting. Believe it or not. Zach finished his sophmore year of high school. It’s kind of hard saying that he will be a junior when school starts again. Where does the time go? Really, like yesterday he was starting kindergarten.

He has already had basketball tryouts and been through one camp coaching younger kids. Last night he finished the team’s first camp at Lipscomb. It was three days of lots of games, smelly sweaty boys, late nights, and falling into bed exhausted when we made it home. Next weekend they will be going to UT for another camp. The week after that they have camp at Belmont. Busy, busy.

Bennie and I are going to Mayo to meet a bunch of doctors to see what they have to say. In August we will go meet the group of doctors that Dr. Church has pulled together. August was the first available time that I could see them all in one trip. I kind of hate having to wait that long. But that’s just the way it is.

As I posted in an earlier entry I have declared this “Fun Summer”. I want to squeeze every bit of fun out of it. In my mind I have finally figured that late August, early September will be the best time to have my surgery. The way I came to that conclusion is that by then Zach will be back in school and basketball practice after school. So it means that his day is taken care of from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm Monday through Friday. It will be a month or a little more before we have the big basketball fundraiser (The Steak Dinner). Plus a couple of months before the season starts. So I am figuring that I will zip up, get the surgery over with and roll on into basketball season. Completely doable I think.

On the every day medical update side, as I posted previously the “honeymoon” phase is over with this new stent. I am scheduled to see my urologist in July to set up the stent change. For now it’s just a hang in there deal. My b12 continues to be pretty low even with monthly injections and chewable supplements. My open wound looks a little worse. My skin in this area has had tape on it for over a year and a half so I have places that just pull off with the tape. But as always I have to add all the positives…no fevers, no ER visits, the ability to handle and take care of this, to be able to adapt and accept this as part of my good days, no chemo right now, doctors that I respect and that listen and care, the best parents ever, wonderful supportive husband, my joy Zach, and all of you that continue to be committed to praying for me, my family, and my doctors. So you see it’s all good. I am truly a blessed girl.

Oh and for my Florida buddy, I hope that you have had a good weekend with the dance recital. Have a safe trip to Chicago on Monday. I really wish that I was meeting you there for some fun girl shopping. So while you are there have lots of fun for both of us.

Before you go on to other things in your busy day please take a minute and leave me a little note on my guest book. I enjoy reading your thoughts, encouragements, verses, and feeling your love.

Quote of the day:

“It’s not what happens to you that determines how far you will go in life; it is how you handle what happens to you.”
~ Unknown


Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

Friday, May 16, 2008 11:54 AM CDT

Hey, hey, hey it’s Friday. The last full week of school for Zach. I think I’m as excited as he is about summer almost being here. You know I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and praying about my upcoming surgery. Everything in me seems to be telling me to enjoy the summer. As long as I continue doing the way I am right now, I can handle this. I want to enjoy going to Zach’s basketball camps, vacation, and I would like to go to an amusement park (maybe Holiday World or Dollywood since they are close). I want to soak every bit of fun and joy out of each day.

I get asked quite often how I stay so positive. My doctors can’t believe I still smile and laugh. I know that it’s just the way God made me. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m by no means super girl. I do have some down days, days that the pain is just a little too much to handle. But you know overall I make a choice every day to find the good in that day. The first on my list every single day for the last year and a half has been that I haven’t spent a night in the hospital for me, have been able to eat, and have no drain. Could things be even better? Sure, of course. But for now, this is pretty good for me.

In the next few months I have to go back to Cleveland to meet the other doctors that will be a part of my surgery. For this surgery there will be my wonderful Dr. Church, a urologist, gyn, and maybe a plastic surgeon. That will be the next step. I have to meet them to make sure I have the connection.

So, to catch you up on the right now medical, I had my sleep study done on Wednesday. That was an experience. Most likely I will have to go back for another one. I had a hard time sleeping. I only went into REM sleep in the last 30 minutes of the study. It was so crazy because you have wires glued all over your face, head, chest, and legs. Plus, they put a tight belt around your chest and waist. Wires were going every which way. Like I said, it was an experience.

Next week I have a ct of my abdomen and pelvis. Then I see my oncologist for a check up, my monthly b12 injection, and to go over the ct results. I’m not nervous about it at all, just looking forward to seeing how my “desmonsters” look.

At the beginning of this week I started having my very familiar right flank pain again. At first I just thought that I had done too much. But it has stayed. So yesterday I checked my calendar and my stent is a month old now. It has been like this with my last few stents. After about a month (the “honeymoon”) I start having pretty bad right flank pain until it is changed again. I am scheduled to see my urologist in July to set up changing this stent. So for now I’ll just take a day at a time.

Well, that’s all the news for now. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I plan on having a great one with my boys. Every day is a blessing. Find the good in your day.

Before you go though please take a minute to leave me a note on my guestbook. I look forward to hearing from you all.

Quote of the day:

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…it’s about dancing in the rain.”
~ Unknown


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Monday, May 5, 2008 1:36 PM CDT

I have waited to post. I know you have been wondering. I’ve had a bunch of stuff going on, some good and some not so good.

Last Monday I had the pleasure of meeting a man that gave me pointers on writing the book that so many of you have told me I should write. So I’m a step closer. I also made some changes to my diet. Bennie is kind of watching because he is concerned about my weight dropping. I’ve just made healthy changes, cleaned up my diet. I am juicing every morning, eating lots of fresh fruits/vegetables, drinking wheatgrass, and staying away from processed foods. I can already tell a difference. I actually could tell the first day. My digestive tract doesn’t feel like it’s been beaten to a pulp 24 hours a day. For me that is an answer to prayer.

My not so good for last week was a bad experience with one of my doctors. It was bad enough that I won’t be seeing him any longer. I have spoken with a few of my other doctors to discuss what he did to me and how upset and hurt I was by his actions and words.

I am very blessed though by all the other doctors that are a part of my team. I feel the connection that is so important to me with each of them. We are all on the same page, “in it to win it”.

This week is already starting out to be a busy one. I have a follow up appointment with my rheumatoid doctor this afternoon. The next thing, you guys are going to laugh at me about…I have to make an appointment with my dentist. I dread with a passion going to the dentist (very bad experience as a kid). I have a tooth that is probably going to need a root canal and crown. I’m petrified. Laugh, it’s okay. I know I’ve had every kind of tough surgery, complication, you name it and I’m scared of going to the dentist. I have been doing everything to put off making the appointment. But now the tooth has started to hurt, so I know the putting off is over. Please say a prayer for me about going to the dentist. I should tell you though my dentist I have now is wonderful. But I still have the fear.

In the coming weeks I have to go to do a sleep study. I’m a little nervous about that. But hopefully it will help. My difficulty breathing at night could be a cause of my blood pressure being elevated. I also have another 24 hour catch to do to check more levels. Then my monthly labs to check and b12 injection. I’m going to have to start take daily sublingual b12 also. Soon after that it will be time to do my ct and see my oncologist. I am praying that the dietary changes I have made will make a difference in the tumors and my stent issues.

The last medical thing for the day, I am still praying for guidance about surgery. In the past, before Vanderbilt, I always had to go far from home for my surgeries. Now after having the ease of being so close to home, Zach wasn’t so far away, Bennie could be at home with him, I was close enough for some of you to visit, it is now harder to make the decision of when to schedule my surgery. Thankfully, I have had the luxury of time to pray and think about it. But I know that a decision needs to be made. So please continue to pray with me for guidance and strength.

Okay, so now it comes down to this, today is Monday. What kind of week is this going to be? Well, I can see the sun shining outside my office window. It looks like it’s going to be another pretty day. School is almost out for the year, that means vacation time is getting close. I am going to enjoy every single day of this week. It’s going to be a good one. Even if I have to go to the dentist, white knuckled and all, yes, still a good week. What kind of week are you gearing up for? I hope it’s even better than you plan for.

Hey, hold on a minute. Before you run off to enjoy your week, make one more click over to my guestbook. Leave me a quick note. What a way to start the week off. Blessings.

Quote of the day:

“It is not what you are given in life but what you choose to do with it.”
~ Unknown


The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.
Psalm 29:11

Monday, April 21, 2008 10:30 AM CDT

Good morning to all of you! It’s a beautiful day here in Kingston Springs and I plan on enjoying me some vitamin D (sunshine – doctor prescribed). Today’s post is a mixture of thoughts and thankfulness. Without God and each of you I would not be able to continue this journey. You all play a very important role in this girl’s life.

I don’t know if you know this, but from time to time I go back through some of the earlier notes that you have left for me on my guest book. I like to do this every once in a while. It’s cool to read some of your past notes now to see again how many of the prayers that were being raised then have been answered. The power of this prayer group is so awesome. I am humbled and so thankful by your continued dedication, love, and support.

I know that sometimes you may feel helpless as to what you can do. But please know that every time you lift my family, doctors, and me up in prayer you are giving a priceless gift. Because while we may not be able to change things we can be proactive with prayer. Like I said in my last post no matter how bad things may be you can always find some good. I know some people may think, what? In the middle of bad things she is telling us we need to look for good. Yes, exactly. Sometimes to look for at least one good thing in a not so great situation is the only way along with prayer to help us through.

Back when my brother, Dusty, past away I was devastated by his death. My only brother. My little brother. The one that had shared my childhood memories with me. I prayed a lot and I looked for the good. You know what my good was? Actually with Dusty I found a few goods. The first one was that God took him before the disease could take him. I say that because he wasn’t as vigilant with his medical care. It kind of scared him so he decided early on to just live his life. The second was that he lived his life and loved it. He wore his heart on his sleeve. He made a difference in mine, my mother’s, and my dad’s life.

So today I’m going to ask you again, what is your good on this Monday morning? Mine? The sun is shining and it is suppose to be in the 70’s. Yes, I have Spring fever and I am loving this life that God has given me. This life is a blessing!

Quote of the day:

“We can’t change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”
~ Randy Pausch


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

Friday, April 18, 2008 5:55 PM CDT

Yes, the new stent is in place. I am in the “getting acclimated” stage. It usually takes about a week to work through that. That’s okay though because it promises better days ahead. If you’ve read my journal long enough you know by now that for the most part no matter how bad things are I will find a positive somewhere. No matter how small it is. It’s still a positive. Some times that tiny positive helps us to hang on.

As expected I had a tough time waking up after my procedure. I slept most of the day and night. Today has been a better day. Thank you all so much for all of your prayers. Every day our prayers are being answered. Just the blessing of me being able to eat every single day….wow! Something so simple, yet so very important. So I say we just keep those prayers going. His time is the perfect time. He is never late.

Okay so now I am going to switch gears a little bit. I am so excited about this. I have been tickled all day. So tickled that I actually posted a message on the message board for NBC’s show ER. I’ve never done something like that before. I don’t know if you watched it or not last night. But it was awesome! The reason it was so awesome…they actually talked about FAP on there. One of the characters on that show apparently is about to have surgery for FAP. She actually mentioned desmoids, thyroid cancer, and liver cancer as a part of FAP. This is big stuff because hopefully they will continue this storyline. How great is that?

One more thing, this is even better, my Uncle Don got to go home from the hospital! Thank you to everyone that prayed. He is doing much better. We come from tough stock, don’t we, Uncle Don?

This is what I would like to leave you with today. No matter what kind of day you had today…what was the best thing that happened? Mine? The beautiful yellow butterfly I saw today. Remember there are blessings in every day.

Now before you go on with your day or night please take one more minute to leave me a note on my guest book. It doesn’t have to be anything in particular…just say “Hi, I stopped by”, leave a funny joke, or just whatever is on your heart. I promise you your notes are like little treasures to me.

Quote of the day:

“God doesn’t want us to know that He is faithful just because the Bible says so, but He wants to show Himself faithful in our lives.”
~ Robert Ekh


The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for Him.
Lamentations 3:25

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 1:34 AM CDT

It is 1:30 in the morning as I sit here typing. I usually pull all nighter, or at least close to it, the night before a surgery or procedure. Some might think that is kind of crazy. But some of you might actually understand. After the boys go to bed I stay up to post, do last minute chores, pray, and basically just hang on to every second. I hang on to every second because I know I will probably sleep most of the next 24 hours. Last time I had my stent changed I woke up just enough to do the things that are required so I could go home. But once that had been accomplished I slept for the next 24 hours or more. I think I have been put to sleep so many times that I just have trouble waking up now. Each time Bennie and I talk to the anesthesiologist about this. They try different things with really no help. Please say a prayer that tomorrow will go smoothly, that my doctor will have the stent my new doctor from Mayo told me about, that I wake up easily and don’t get sick, also please say a prayer for my Zach. He’s so good about all of this. But you know it’s a lot for a teenage boy to have to handle.

But that’s enough about tomorrow…..
I know you have all been very patiently waiting to hear about Mayo Clinic. I am so glad that we made the decision to go and that my wonderful oncologist suggested it and set it up. I had asked you to all join me in prayer about the doctor, that I would feel a connection to him. That is always important to me. I’ve spent too much time in this lifetime with doctors, in hospitals, and so on to just settle. If I don’t have a connection I know that person isn’t right to be on my team. So I would encourage you all to make sure you feel that with your doctors. It’s important. I am very blessed to have all the doctors I do. I truly believe they all care in their own way about my health and some I even consider my friends. But back on the subject….
My first appointment of the day (7:00 am) was to get all my different labs done. My doctor appointment was at 8:00. We were there until about 12:30. We met with my new urologist, his partner, and his nurse. They spent a lot of time with us, listened to our questions, asked us a lot of questions, offered alternative options, and took cultures from my open wound.

He said that he would only do an auto transplant of my kidney as a last resort because it is an extremely hard/no guarantee surgery. He said that he would recommend other options first with that still as one. For now he said that hopefully my urologist at Vanderbilt would change my old stent out to a new improved stent. I won’t know until tomorrow if he was able to get it. Something to do with it being more expensive and Vanderbilt not normally using those. I would gladly pay whatever the cost if it would help with the pain.
He also recommended botox injections to help with the constant spasm pain. I have to talk to my doctor in the morning about that. After we have tried all those things, if the tumors are still a problem and my renal system is still “jacked up” he recommends trying to re-route my right ureter around the tumor, moving it closer to my right hip bone. Of course, there are risks as with any surgery. But for now we have different options to try before we have to resort to tougher ones.

Now I am back home with a lot of things to think about, decisions to make. Oh, and the first set of results have come back from the cultures on my open wound. It was no surprise to me to hear that it tested positive for MRSA. While that’s not a good thing, in a small way it is another answer to a prayer of mine. It guarantees that I will have a private room wherever I have surgery. But it also means that I will have to go on strong iv antibiotics prior to surgery.

I know this is probably a little rambling, hopefully you can make heads or tails of it. Just remember how late it is as I am typing. Plus, I have so much on my mind, thoughts just running every which way. I really need your prayers right now. Thank you so much for always praying. On my next post I will have to tell you about our experience flying on American Airlines to Rochester. I don’t care for them very much right now. But that’s another update for sure.

Please take a minute to check out my guest book. I really love reading all your notes that you leave, even just a simple hello, just thinking about you.

Quote of the day (really my prayer at this moment):

“Father, please grant me the serenity and strength to take the next steps in this journey. I love you, Lord. Thank you for blessing me and loving me.”


The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trust in him, and I am helped.
Psalm 28:7

Tuesday, April 8, 2008 10:21 AM CDT

I haven’t ever asked the question, “Why me?’

It hasn’t ever been a question for me. I have always known in my heart that God made me just the way He wanted me to be. I’ve had many people ask how I do this every day, how I continue to smile, how do I continue to walk this journey. My answer is, how can I not do those things? It is just as much a part of who I am as the color of my eyes, the freckles on my face, or way I love the color pink. It’s the way God made me, every part of me.

Okay so I don’t ask the question why. But I do get tired and worn down. Right now I am pretty worn down with the pain. I am looking forward to leaving for Mayo Clinic tomorrow. Then hopefully soon to Cleveland Clinic. I need to make some decisions.

I will try to post while we are at Mayo. If I can find an internet source. Please pray with us for safety of travel, a good connection with the doctor (very important to me), and Zach while we are gone.

Please take a minute to leave a note on my guest book. I draw strength and encouragement from your words. God bless.

Quote of the day:

“Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. It is not enough that a thing be possible for it to be believed.”
~ Voltaire


For we walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7

Wednesday, April 2, 2008 6:47 PM CDT

Yes, I have been quiet.

It is in times like these that I get very centered, very still. My world becomes very small. I have been praying, researching, and thinking.

For months now I have been avoiding making any decisions about the next steps. I have thought, let’s see what the next scan looks like, or if I spike a temp it will be a sign, or let’s see how things go with my next stent change. Basically stalling, not quite ready to go there yet. All the while knowing I could only stall for so long.

I had told you that my wonderful oncologist wanted me to get a 3rd opinion about my kidney issue. He has some contacts at Mayo Clinic and was able to get me in next week with a highly recommended urologist there. He has already given this doctor a brief history of me and he feels that he has a possible alternative. I am very hopeful. Next Wednesday morning Bennie and I fly out to Minnesota (never been there). I have to have a bunch of lab work done at 7:00 the next morning and see the doctor at 8:00. We fly back home later that afternoon.

I am in prayer and I am asking you all to join me. I am praying that God gives me a calm, comfort, and assurance in the decisions that will need to be made. I am praying that this doctor will be able to offer help because this is getting the best of me.

Last week I had an ultrasound to make sure there weren’t any blood clots in my legs. My PCP wanted to rule this out because I have been having some swelling in my calves and numbness in my right ankle and foot. We didn’t expect there to be any clots and thankfully that was true. Then I had a CTA scan to check the blood flow to and from the kidneys. My blood flow looked fine. But the overall renal system on the right side is “jacked up”. One of my nurses and I have laughed over my phrasing for what the report said.

My uncle Don can truly understand my next thoughts. You know in a normal every day life you don’t really think about your kidneys, bladder, or ureters. They just do their thing. On the rare occasion that you really have to go to the bathroom you feel that full bladder. But once you have emptied it things go on as usual. But when there is a problem (right Uncle Don) this part of your body becomes very real, very much a part of your every day life and thoughts…pain, very real pain. Sometimes the pain makes it hard to even walk, hard to accomplish all that you would like to, and definitely makes you long for the days when you didn’t think about your kidneys, bladder, or ureters. As I have promised I am trying to open up and share more. It’s still hard. But I know it is a lesson to be learned.

After we go to Mayo Clinic next week I should be getting the call to set up appointments to see Dr. Church, the urologist, and a gyn he has recommended in Cleveland (another trip). Then it will be time to digest all that we have heard, pray, and make the best decisions possible. I so don’t want to have to go through more surgeries. But I know that it is a part of the commitment I have made to be pro active in my medical care.

I want to thank you all for being my prayer warriors. Your love, prayers, and support are such a strength and blessing to me. Please take a moment to leave me a note on my guest book. Your notes are such an encouragement to me. Thank you for walking this journey with me. God is good and He has the answers to all of our prayers. I pray that we are all receptive and patient for His time.

Quote of the day:

“God’s designs regarding you, and His methods of bringing about these designs, are infinitely wise.”
~ Madame Guyon


Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
Revelation 2:10

Monday, March 24, 2008 3:36 PM CDT

What a blessed week it was last week. The retreat was exactly what I needed…time away from the normal day to day stuff. Time to focus on God, have fun with the youth and adults, and just be me. It was very clear to me and some of the other adults that God was really working. One of my “cabin buddies” and I were responsible for the morning devos for the girls. We both talked about how God had lead us to change our devotions quite a few times. Each time we would think it was the right one, only to realize, “no, not yet”. I believe everyone that went on this retreat (youth & adult) were blessed. On top of that my buddy, Thomas, lead the praise which was like a gift to me. While we were there one of the girls received Christ as her Savior. It was incredible to be able to be a part of that.

Then we got back and had the usual withdrawals…I say that with a laugh because I had a houseful of boys that spent the night with me the night we got home. It’s just kind of hard to go on a retreat with so many, have such a wonderful time, and then boom you’re back home. The cool thing though was that the youth were a part of the Easter service on Sunday. They performed the LifeHouse skit “Beautiful”. If you haven’t seen this you should go to u tube and search for it. It is very moving. The youth received 3 rounds of applause after they finished.

I was going to continue on with this post and update the medical stuff but decided no. I will do that tomorrow first thing. Today is all about the retreat and the skit. I have much to update tomorrow.

I want to say a special thank you to all of you that have left notes on my guest book. I look so forward to reading them all. Each one is a treasure to me.

I hope you all had a very blessed Easter. I am so thankful for what Easter truly means.

Quote of the day:

“The life of faith is continually renewed victory over doubt, a continually renewed grasp of meaning in the midst of meaninglessness.”

~ L. Newbigin


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1

Friday, March 14, 2008 7:10 PM CDT

The one thing I hold onto through all of this is that I am His. No one loves me more. So even in the hardest of times I rest in the comfort that I am His.

These have been very hard times physically, mentally, and emotionally for me. I so want to just live my life and enjoy these days. But at the same time I know there are decisions to be made about the best next steps. I am not rushing. I am taking my time, doing a lot of research, asking questions, praying…yes lots of praying. I feel your prayers too.

Yesterday I had an appointment with my oncologist. We talked for a long time and he listened. At one point he actually said that I had spent too much time with doctors, that I was thinking like one. I just told him that I care the most about this. I realize I am not their only patient. So I have to be as proactive as I can. He said that he worries about me often because of the way I always seem to smile and have such a positive attitude. He said that most patients that have a chronic illness very quickly lose their smile and become depressed. But we all know that it’s a God thing. This is just the way He made me. I don’t know any other way to be. But I will tell you this, on the few occasions when I haven’t smiled or have cried they jump. Because they know it’s bad then.

We discussed my “high blood pressure”. I put it like that because as I told him the numbers make it appear that I have high blood pressure but I don’t fit the mold. I told him I didn’t want to talk to my PCP because last time I saw her my blood pressure was still high even on medication. So her answer was to double my medication. Well, guess what? My blood pressure is still high. I believe it has to do with my renal system being so inflamed. He agreed that could be possible and said that he hadn’t thought about that. So he is suppose to order a test to check the blood flow to my kidneys. He said that my blood flow could be restricted because of the tumors so my kidneys think my blood pressure is too low therefore it increases my pressure to solve a problem that isn’t there. He is also suppose to see about getting me into a sleep study to figure out why I stop breathing during my sleep. That increases blood pressure too.

I talked to him about the difference of opinions between my urologist here and my wonderful Dr. Church in Cleveland. He recommended that I get a 3rd opinion at Mayo Clinic. He has contacts there and will let me know. I found out that the new doctor he got me in with…my RA doctor is actually a fellow and doesn’t normally see patients especially a day after the call was made. So I like having his connections.

Then of course, I need to make appointments to go back to Cleveland to see the doctors that Dr. Church has recommended to do the other parts of my surgeries. Then I just have to figure out the best time to go back for surgery.

As you all know I am so very happy to have finished all the paperwork for my disability review. No, I haven’t heard from them yet. But after they read the fantastic letters Dr. Church & Dr. Berlin sent I don’t see how they could question anything. So I am still praying. This is an interesting somewhat scary tidbit I find out. For every ct scan a person has they receive 1,000 to 10,000 millirems of radiation. I read that the people that were a mile or two away from ground zero after the atomic bomb at Hiroshima received about 3,000 millirems. Want to take a guess at how many millirems I have been exposed to? Well, I counted at least 70 ct scans from the start of 2006 through the end of last year. Even at only 1,000 millirems a scan that’s still a scary number. So basically I’m about the best night light anyone could have (I glow in the dark).

Please be in prayer for our youth retreat. We leave Sunday morning and will return Wednesday. Please pray that God presence is felt. We have an added bonus because my buddy, Thomas, is going to meet us there to lead the praise and worship. I am so excited. I can’t wait.

One more thing, please take a minute and check out my guest book. Maybe even leave me a little note. It only takes a minute to leave that little bit of sunshine.

Quote of the day:

“Why when we are challenged to survive, do we give ourselves permission to truly live?”
~ unknown


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, March 6, 2008 9:00 PM CST

I’m so sorry to have let so much time go by without a post. It’s been really hard. I’m struggling ,hurting, but still believing in the Lord’s love and care over me. The words have just not been within me to share. It’s been quiet , and dark, and I’ve just been searching, trying to understand and looking for the signs.

While I know right now my body and mind are not ready for more surgery, in my heart I know that the time will come when my shoulders will have to be thrown back and big girl shoes put back on. For now I am searching, praying, and trying do be open to and try things to see if they will help. You never know when God may have placed someone or something in your life that is the key to where the journey is leading, answer to prayer.

I do have positives in my life though. Right now I am looking very forward to going on the youth retreat during Spring break. Yes, Bennie and I got asked to be a part of that again this year. Plus, the extra bonus is that Thomas will be leading the praise and worship. What an answer to prayer for me. Thomas’ music has been such an incredible blessing to me through all of this. So I am very excited about this. I also have been asked to do one of the morning devotions with the girls. I have several ideas. Now I am just praying for God’s guidance on what He would like me to share.

Please continue to pray for me. As much as I hate to admit it I have been struggling. I did finally get all the paperwork done for social security (10 lbs. of highlights about my medical history…only a few highlights!). That was a relief. Now I just have to wait for the answer.
Also, please, please remember Bennie. He has had a hard time since we got back from Maui. All the contracts that he had on his project board have fallen through. I have told him that God has the perfect project coming his way. He has never let us down, always taken care of us. So, if you could remember my sweetheart.

Prayer is a beautiful, priceless gift that we can share and give to each other. Thank you for continually blessing me with all of your prayers.

Quote of the day:

“Faith is taking God at His word. It is believing that what God says is true even though your human eyes are telling you that you are facing an impossible situation.”
~ Jan Silvious


As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”
Romans 1:17

Wednesday, February 20, 2008 2:28 PM CST

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

I felt moved to begin this post with these verses. I have carried a card with these verses typed on it in my bible for years. A few days ago I gave that card to Bennie to carry in his wallet with him as a constant reminder that God has always taken care of us. He has been anxious about signing a contract to build another house. Right now he has no project to start. This of course, is cause for us as humans to be anxious, because he supports our family. That alone is a lot of responsibility for a man, not to mention having a chronically ill wife. Today I have found myself hanging on to these verses. I have been very anxious in the last week and a half. My reason…I got a letter along with a lot of papers to fill out for a continuing disability review. I let those papers become so big in my mind, a scary thing. And while I am still a little nervous, well maybe more than a little, I am just holding on to Philippians 4:6-7. Because God has always taken care of me.

I am still trying to work my way through this mass of paperwork that is a little overwhelming. But God has blessed me with some wonderful, caring doctors that are helping me by sending me letters stating my present disability and future medical trials I will have to go through. The one other thing that would help would be to have your prayers. Prayers of peace for me and prayers of compassion of the review board.

Well, now for the medical news. I have added a new doctor to the team. I think he is a good addition. I really liked him which is important. He listened and seemed genuinely sincere. The reason he has been added is that I have started (about 3 weeks ago) having bone and joint pain sometimes pretty severe. I saw my oncologist first. The department he wanted me to see generally has a 6 month wait to get in. He told me he didn’t want me to be waiting that long so he was going to see what he could do. Well, I received a call from them the next day to schedule an appointment for the following day with not only a doctor there, but the head over the whole clinic. Purely a God blessing there. Then to go to this appointment and to have clicked with this doctor…just another added blessing. He talked to me for quite a while, did an extensive exam, and blood work. I will see him again tomorrow. He and my oncologist are concerned that it could be rheumatoid arthritis. He said that he knew it sounded strange but he is hoping that it is just a virus of my bones. If it is that it will just have to work its way out. If it is rheumatoid arthritis he said that I will have to have the surgery I am dragging my feet on sooner rather than later because of healing issues. Hopefully my bloodwork will give him some answers.

I also saw my urologist to set up my lovely stent change. I talked to him about Dr. Church’s suggestion of a kidney auto transplant. He was not a supporter of that at all. He said that it was an extremely hard surgery and recovery. So at this point I am unsure. I just know that life with a stent is very unpleasant. I even joked with him about “killing” that kidney. I told him my fear of needles is long gone at this point in my life (thanks to my “second home”) so why couldn’t we just stick a long needle into my back right smack dab into that testy kidney and snuff the life out of it. I told him I wasn’t attached to it. He laughed but said that wasn’t an option. Without that kidney it puts all the responsibility on the other kidney and there is no guarantee it could handle it. So I don’t know. More prayer.

I am still working on the sharing deeper feelings issue. I had a wonderful talk with my Florida buddy yesterday. I love you to pieces girlfriend. Your call really brightened my day. Thank you for all you said and yes, I will do better of giving you all the whole picture, not just the “sunnyside”.

Please continue to leave me notes on my guestbook. I really look forward to all of them. You are all a blessing to me. Thank you so much for your continued prayers, love, and support.

Quote of the day:

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”
~ Henry Ford


We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the Lord grant all your requests.
Psalm 20:5

Monday, February 11, 2008 11:49 AM CST

How do I begin this post? I really don’t know the words. But I will try to release them from deep within me. You see I have spent my live being a pleaser. Pleasers smile and say “I’m okay” so they don’t worry anyone or cause any trouble. I have always been this way, although I didn’t realize it. I was always so proud that I was so strong and resilient, able to recover and move on with life quicker than the doctors or anyone else said or thought I could. All the while giving God the glory for making me so strong. But I never realized what being a “pleaser” would cost much later down the road.

I have been prodded by God, my mother, and a special friend to open up. My “I’m fine, I’m okay” answer is a lie. I have just felt that it was easier to say that and let people move on. The hurtful thing about that though is that people look at my outside and believe it. Remember I have spent a lifetime doing this, never wanting people to worry and least of all my sweet mother. I’ve always said that God blessed me with a good outside. That I can walk down the road and if you didn’t know me you would never guess I had anything wrong with me. That is both a blessing and a hurt in ways. The hurt is that people have actually said that I can’t be sick. I don’t have anything wrong with me. How can I look so good? There is the blessing, the looking good “on the outside”.

So if I am going to work on this opening up I guess it has to begin somewhere. It’s going to take practice. I have been having tests as you all know. But haven’t gotten any answers to explain these problems. It’s very hard to live like this everyday and at times it feels like I am the only one on the “Team” that realizes things aren’t right. For those of you that have just started reading let me clarify. The “team” is me and the doctors. I don’t ever for one minute think God doesn’t care.

I just got a return phone call from my oncologist nurse so hopefully I will get some help. While I was talking to her I just started crying. That is not something I do. I always try to be very composed. My doctor isn’t going to believe this because he always talks about how I always smile even at the worst of times. He says he doesn’t see how someone can go through what I have and always smile. The difference is that I can switch on the perfect smiling patient that doesn’t mess up your day most of the time. But I’m tired, so tired of feeling like I have no answers and I am tired of hurting. I just want it to go away. Please pray with me that things will be taken care of.

If you have time please leave me a note on my guestbook. I look so forward to all of your sweet notes. They do a world of good, more than you know.

Quote of the day:

“Again and again, I’ve found Him faithful to respond, and the closer I move to Him, the safer I feel and the better I rest.”
~ Patsy Clairmont


And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; yea, thou shalt dig about thee, and thou shalt take thy rest in safety.
Job 11:18

Wednesday, February 6, 2008 5:28 PM CST

Hold on to the promise
Hold on as you walk this
Hold on to the dreams that can come true
Keep holding on with all you got to the One who’s holding on to you

Chorus to Hold On by my friend Thomas Payne

Our friend Thomas and his music have been a very special and important part of my strength in this journey. Especially on my really hard, feel so bad days…like today. So as I am typing this post Thomas is singing in the background to “Hold on with all I’ve got to the One who’s holding on to me.”

So I am asking you to please say an extra prayer this evening.

Quote of the day:

“My strength, my faith, my hope, all lay in the hands on my wonderful Father who loves me so.”
~ Stephanie


My flesh and my heart faileth; but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:26

I will be posting some photos of my necklaces that are for sale. If you are interested just let me know. I can also make any combination.

Friday, February 1, 2008 11:42 PM CST

Wow, it’s been a while. I know you have been waiting and wondering. Thanks to my sweet Diva she steps in when things are tough. While I was in Maui I had time to think (although I tried not to dwell on it) about my upcoming surgery. I had come to the concussion that I wanted to enjoy life. Doing this meant that I was willing to continue handling the issues at hand; open wound, pain, stent, and so on.

The last couple of weeks have been a test of that decision. I knew I probably had another uti from the flank pain. But the other stuff was different; pain up into my shoulder and down my arm, nausea all the time, and distended abdomen. I started making my calls. Since then I have had a KUB, gallbladder ultrasound, ct, and seen the doctor. As of now we know exactly what I already told them…with the exception of knowing now that I have small stones in my right kidney. But they aren’t a problem. It is very frustrating because they (drs. here) want to load me up on medication but have no clue what is causing this. Dr. Church and I are on the same page though. We both believe all of this, plus the high bp, is related to the stent, hydronephrosis, and uti.. This is a big part of why I haven’t posted in a while. I have just felt so bad.

Enough of that stuff though. Tonight was the last home basketball game and senior night. It was emotional to watch these boys run out onto the court in that gym for the last time this season. It was a good game and they won. I love watching the boys and girls play. It means a lot because Zach has gone to school with all of these kids his whole school life.

I was on my way home from the game (Bennie is in Savannah visiting his grandmother) and saw that someone had wrecked next door to our house. Our neighbor was already out there with the young girl. She had hit a tree and was very shaken. We both stayed there with her until her parents, the police, and an ambulance arrived. When I knew that she was in good hands I came on home. Thankfully Zach and his buddy had made it home. I was kind of shaken up about the wreck, my legs felt like rubber. It just makes it so real how fast it can all change. In a blink, a dog ran out in front of her, she hit some ice, and she started spinning. That fast. It is so hard to know that slowly we will have to loosen up our grip on Zach to let him grow. I have to give it to God and mean it.

Please pray for this young girl, her parents, Bennie & his sisters. Bennie and his sisters will be traveling back on Sunday. So please pray for safety of travel.

I have three more new Maui pictures up. I will change them again probably on Sunday. I want to send a shout out to my Florida buddy, your phone call did me a world of good on a not so good day. And my answer is YES, YES I love your notes, yours and everyone else’s. Please feel free to leave me a note any and every time you check my journal. Your notes, emails, cards, calls, and prayers help make the hard days a little better and let me know you are still reading and caring. They mean so much more than you realize.

Quote of the day:

“Our greatest glory comes not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
~ Unknown


No matter what you’re up against, always remember that I am for you! Absolutely nothing and no one, not even death, can ever separate you from My love. Don’t let go of the hope you have, for I never break My promises to you. Reinforce your hope with My word, knowing that every scripture was written to give you encouragement and hope as you wait patiently for my promises.
Romans 8:31, 35-38; Hebrews 10:23; Romans 15:4

Saturday, January 12, 2008 7:32 PM CST

This time is different…we left a piece of us in Maui. Yes, this time was different. Since we have been back all three of us have talked about how we feel like we should be back there.

The first time we went to Maui it was a dream trip that I had wished that one day I could go on. Well, that was all I had to say to Bennie. He talked to my parents and together they made my dream come true. This time three years later, even though we had made the arrangements for our condo, book our flight even down to the packing I just couldn’t believe I was going to get to go there a second time. I kept expecting the doctors to throw a monkey wrench in our plans or something to come up. Things did happen; like possible surgery, out patient procedure, labs looking so bad, blood transfusion last minute, and sudden hike in my blood pressure. We kept pushing forward with many prayers being sent up. We actually did make it there!

The condo we stayed in this time is next door to where we stayed three years ago. I know it was just worked out by God that I happened to come across this unit on the internet. I can’t even tell you how wonderful it was. We felt right at home when we got there. We met the sweetest couple, Norma Jean and Larry. Norma Jean is the manager of this complex. She is the one that took the beautiful pictures of our wedding. Many of you have seen some of the pictures. She did such a great job. We have exchanged phone numbers, email addresses and so on to keep in touch with them.

What makes Maui so special to us, aside from the breathtaking beauty, is that the three of us are just us…not Stephanie with a chronic illness, no doctors appointments, procedures, or any of the other stuff. It’s a little escape. Time to have fun and enjoy each other. It was the best medicine.

I have already started trying to figure out how I can save up money to go back some time in the future. It’s always nice to have a dream and what a nice dream, right?

So when we landed back here in Nashville we literally hit the ground running; basketball, school starting back, and life. Back to the real world we live in. Monday I start back with my visits to my “second home”, you know, Vanderbilt. I have to get another b12 shot, have my labs checked (hopefully they will be good), and have my wound looked at. Like I said back to the real world. But it’s not so bad.

I’m sorry if I have been kind of rambling. I am still trying to process things. I want to thank all of you that have committed to continuing to pray for my family and me. Your cards, little “happys”, emails, notes on my guest book are such a blessing to me and keep my spirits boosted. Thank you for walking this journey with me.

Take a minute to check out the new pictures. I will change them again in a few days. I have like over 500 from Maui! After that please take a minute to leave a word or two on my guest book. When I see your notes it encourages me to continue this journal.

Quote (thought) of the day:

“I am forever grateful and blessed by this life You have given me.”
~ Stephanie


Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”
Luke 18:27

Sunday, January 6, 2008 1:14 AM CST

Two weeks have just flown by…..

I am taking a quick break in packing to post a short note. Today has been such a beautiful, happy (sometimes sad for me) day. I have tried to drink in every last drop of this fabulous time. It has been so wonderful for me and the boys, such a special time of loving and just being us. I’ve had a few tears today, but I’ve also had a lot of laughs.

Once I get back home I will be able to put my thoughts together about this time and share it better with you all. While we have been here I have tried to just be with my boys. I know you all understand that.

Please pray that we have safety of travel tomorrow. It will be an extremely long, tiring day for us. We fly out of Maui at 9:20 am and arrive in Nashville at 1:00 am. Even though the flight is broken up in to two parts 6 hours at a time on a plane can wear on a person. Thank you for all of your emails, notes on my guest book, text messages, and continued prayers.

Yes, yes, there is lots more to come…..

Quote of the day:

Ua ola loko i ke aloha.

Love gives life within.

Love is imperative to one's
mental, physical, emotional
and spiritual welfare.
~ Hawaiian proverb


I love you, O LORD, my strength.
Psalm 18:1

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