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Monday, January 21, 2008 1:03 PM CST

Hello out there. What another 5 months has past? Where does the time go.........

I don't even know where to start at. There are probably a million "Summers Stories" I can tell, crazy things, sad things, etc..but my mind being its usual jumbled mess will just start with Bryce.

As you know he officially ended chemo a week early, on June 17th, 2007. He had been really sick, pretty much the majority of May and June with a stomach bug, then ear infection, tummy issues from all the antibiotics, then pneumocystic carinii pneumonia. He perked up for the second half of summer and we were all going back to school when I last wrote.

The boys both changed schools this year so they are coming with me. Yeah, fun for me! I never realized how nice it was to have my kids at a different school. Yes, it is much easier to keep up with them, spy on them, etc.. but geez, during football season I woke up with them and went to sleep with them..day in..day out. Things are better now that football is over, at least for another month or so.

On the health front, Bryce did not have the port in his chest taken out until late October. The oncs. continued to give him a few more doses of IVIG to help boost his immune system. It is very slowly rising (his IgG levels). He has managed to catch every gunky germ that has gone around the school. So far he has had 2-3 colds, a stomach bug, and then over Christmas break, the day before we leave NJ, a 103.5 fever that lasted for 4 days straight with a few cold symptoms. After a flu test, strep test, and mono test, it ended up being viral. At Bryce's last appt. his counts looked great. He has a few small swollen lymph nodes left over from the viral infection, but otherwise looked great.

Vance is doing well. He's managed to qualify for the district's Gifted and Talented Program and goes to a different school for it all day on Tuesdays. Bryce is reading up a storm. He has the most Accelerated Reader points( a reading program where they read book and take computer tests on comprehension to earn points) in the whole Kindergarten. Vance has also learned to play chess and poker and now wants to become a professional poker player for his adult profession. No one can seem to beat Vance at poker. He has won about $30 off of Papa and Rodney. The thing is, he bets on anything and wins no matter what.

Wrestle Mania continues to be the focus of the boys' household entertainment. Bryce got this wrestling toy arena with the WWE figurines. They got a Wii and play "Smackdown" every chance they get. We have several Wii injuries. Bryce has been hit in the face twice and smashed his hand on the hope chest that holds the TV, and Vance has been hit in the stomach. I have Wii elbow from bowling (my old dislocation injury must be flaring up!). Rodney is the only one in one piece.

The house is still being built, but is coming along. We anticipate apartment life to end in mid-March, which couldn't come any sooner! For about 3 months no one lived above us, then low and behold, the floor smashers moved in. Five people in a 2 bedroom apt. Mom, dad, and 3 sasquatch (is that how you spell it?). Not that they're hairy or anything, but OH MY GOD, what in God's name are you doing up there??????????? I have literally taken off my shoes and flung them repeatedly at the ceiling to see if they get the point that jumping across the room, plunging off of the refrigerator or whatever it is they do up there is so darn LOUD!!!!!!!! The thing is, only 1 kid is little and he looks like he is in about 3rd grade. The rest are high school kids.

One day I saw mom outside and she was all, "I'm, sorry. I hope we're not too loud upstairs. We're used to being in a house." I could of said Oh no, it's not too loud, but I did tell her that yeah, sometimes we can hear them jumping around. Oh well........ Now when the boys want to play the Wii and scream at 7am I'm like, "Sure, go for it."

Over Christmas break we went to NJ to visit. We brought the boys to NYC for the first time along with the other 2 million people who thought that would be a nice day to go as well. Due to a 4 hr. line at the Empire State Building,and another 2-3 to skate at Rockefeller, we just went to FAO SChwarz instead and spent about an hour and a half in there. They got to jump on the floor piano like in the movie "Big" and roam the store. We did a lot of walking a got to see some of the sites. The boys still talk about that trip.

We also went skiing. Well, Rodney and Vance skied, and Bryce and I went tubing. Vance liked skiing so much that just he and Rodney went the other day for Vance's birthday. He didn't want a party, he just wanted to go skiing. While on a ski lift they passed a tree that people had thrown pairs of underwear and bras on for a practical joke. Vance was all "Ewwh, somebody's dirty underwear are on that tree." Rodney then asked him, what the other things were. Vance says, "bras". Rodney asks him how he knows what it is called and he goes, "Mom, wears one!" Great....I better shut the door when I get dressed now.

I will leave you with some photos from Christmas and the months leading up. Since July Bryce has also had his 6th b-day and has grown a cm. at each appt., except for this last one.

SUMMERS MOMENT: From one of our future leaders of America......

In the background the television is on as usual. Primary election campaigning is in full swing. A white haired republican is proclaiming how he will be the best choice for president. "John McCain for president" is blurred on signs in the background. Vance stops only for a brief glance at the commercial before making the following statement.....

Hey, look! Ric Flair is running for president! Hey Bryce, Rick Flair is going to be president...

God help us all.

*******To those who have no unearthly idea who Ric Flair is, he is an old time wrestler who is now popular again. I remember him being on TV when I was younger.


Practicing some baseball

Bryce the Soccer Star

Vance playing hard

Enjoying the State Fair

The day Bryce got his port out

Bryce the crazy pirate

Thanksgiving Indian

Moon shoes for my birthday

Merry Christmas

Hope we don't fall in!


The piano at FAO Schwarz

Sitting with the stuffed animals at FAO Schwarz

At Rockefeller Center

Our snowman

What a ride!

Have a great week!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and the "One and Only" Bryce

Sunday, July 29, 2007 9:40 PM CDT

I won't make any more promises.....you probably thought we dropped off the face of the earth. Well, we did move. We are still getting accustomed to apt. living. It's been a long time for me. The downsides are we chose a downstairs apt. and every noise I hear in the middle of the night above me makes me practically jump out of the bed b/c I think something is wrong with the kids. My "friends" from that commercial advertising sleep aids, you know the one with Abe Lincoln, the groundhog and the scuba man in the background, keep visiting me when I wake up 2 hours after falling asleep and it's only 1 am. With my luck I'll go get some of that medication and won't wake up until noon every day.
The other downside is this funky "smell" that we can't figure out what it is. They shampooed and painted right before we moved in. It's clean, looks great, but it just "smells" a little funny. Rodney got the upstairs neighbor to take a whiff and she said it is .........garlic.....The previous owners were of an ethnic background that used many overpowering spices in their cooking. After 5 boxes of baking powder on the carpet, it's not much better. At least after 2 minutes of being in the apt. I don't smell it anymore, but you can slightly smell it when you walk in.
The plus side is a ginormous tub in our room, non-stop hot water that will fill up the tub, and some blast the skin off your back water pressure. Woohoo!

Bryce...knock on wood..at the moment is doing well. We had another 2 day inpatient stay after the week stay. He developed a fever again after his party, so we had a broncoscopy of his lungs. The day after, the cultures grew pneumocystic cariini pneumonia. No fungus like I thought. This is a type of pneumonia that immmo-compromised people get, like those on chemo, or AIDS patients get. It lives all around us, but those with no immune systems can't fight it off. The inhaled pentamadine Bryce got should have prevented this, but of course we're not the norm. Bryce was the 2nd patient in 10 yrs. at the clinic to get it.
What stumped everyne is that he did not have typical symptoms at all. No labored breathing or low pulse ox levels at all. He did have the fevers, soaking night sweats and I did notice some shallow breathing at night. He did have coughing, but that was after the scope. So..we had 2 days of IV septra and followed up with 3 weeks of mega doses orally at home. His appt. with the pulmonologist (yes, we now have a pulmonologist to see) said his CT scans last Monday looked 100 etter. No signs of the pneumocystic carinii, but we wouldn't know for certain without another scope and cultures. Since he is doing so well, we are not doing this. he did have some residual inflammation, but that was normal.
His counts are slowly recovering. Tomorrow we go in for still IVIG (hopefully the last) and a check-up. Maybe we'll get a date to get his port out. If all looks well, myself and the boys will head to NJ to visit family.

Since last update we had his "No More Chemo" party.

Bryce's big surprise was a new bike....

He was on the news, but they lost feed of the part where he said he's going to "Flush the rest of his pills down the toilet." The news anchor did fill in the missing part though!

We also let off balloons with postcards about Bryce on them. So far we didn't get any back though..

If you are driving around the Columbia/Kershaw County area and happen to see a bumper magnet saying "Way to go Bryce, Congratulations on Kickin' Leukemia's Butt!" that's us.
We had these as well to give out. Although "Butt" may not be the most politically correct word to use, those who truly understand will know how over 3 years of chemo, meds, appointments, spinal taps, etc..is a "butt kickin'" time. Hey I could of used the word...instead...well you know.

The 4th of July came. We did typical red-necky things like blowing up fire ant mounds, and a bottle rocket mishap that sent everyone running for cover at Nannie's house except for poor Papa. If you dont know, Papa is in a wheel-chair. As we drag the kids behind cars for cover...uh, gasoline, left the back window open, not too smart either...Papa is left smack in the middle of the line of fire. Rockets are shooting all around Papa and he dare didn't move. When it finally stopped and he and everyone was okay, we couldn't stop laughing.

That day they also played on the trampoline

and we went to the pool during the day for games and their 4th of July party.

The weekend after we made a trip back to beach for a weekend trip. I got to eat some seafood at the Sea Captain's House (superb)and Vance stayed in the ocean non-stop. We even got a game of Pirate putt-putt in along with the other 10 million people that decided to play at the EXACT same time. It was 2 HOUR game of putt-putt, but Bryce got a hole-in-one at the very end and won a free game (we didn't stay to play again).

SUMMERS' STORY: As you can see from the picture Bryce did not flush all his pills. I had this glorious idea of making a little raft and "floating" away all his pills in some nice calm area of the beach. Well, scratch a calm area and making some little Martha Stuart type raft. While we had to wait for dinner at the Sea Captain's House, I bargained with the kids to go on the beach and take pictures and throw all the pills in the ocean. The restaurant is right next to the residential area of Myrtle Beach so I knew it wouldn't be too crowded and it was around 6 pm. Trying not to look like some crack addict, I pull out a bottle of pills and give them to Bryce. Now I have to strategically wait for sea shell pickers and seaweed watchers to move out of my line of vision so I can take the most wonderful picture in the world. Finally these people move the heck away and Bryce heads into the water. Some little girl is getting close to us...GO AWAY.......THROW THE DARN PILLS BRYCE... As they go scattering in the ocean and the frothy waves begin to forever whisk them away to the land of "No More Chemo", the friggin' (pardon my french) seagulls start swarming around. Red little methotrexate pills start making their way back to shore, the little girl gets closer, I rush forward like a psychopath picking up pills before the girl's parents call the cops or the seagull's eat them and explode or either drop dead on sunbathers tomorrow morning. Here I am shoving them back in Bryce's hand leading him to another spot to throw them in. Any others I threw back in my purse. In fact I just found one in there this morning.

Here are the rest of the pictures...

We stopped at Yee-haw Nascar race track and low and behold...Bryce has passed to magical 40 inches to ride a mini car ALL BY HIMSELF! You go Bryce!

Then mid-July the boys competed in the City Meet at USC's pool. Bryce practiced all week to swim that darn lap without stopping or touching the lane line and he did that as well. What a start!

The both didn't come in first overall in anything, but Vance's relay team won their heat for freestyle and medley relay.

Don't hold your breath, but maybe...I'll get around to putting just a quick medical update tomorrow afternoon, uh...evening. Meanwhile we'll enjoy finally having cable.

That is bottled ROOT BEER you know...geez...

Hopefully all these pictures show up. I don't know how much longer I can fool the web site that is hosting these pics. for free. I had to create another account in the cat's name...really. By the way, if you live in Elgin and see a stray gray cat walking back to Sparkleberry Lane, that would be Cocky the Cat. It has officially disappeared from my mother-in-law's.

Have a great week. I'll probably update with NJ pictures and back-to-school after the 20th of August, but please check back, I MAY update earlier.

Tina, Rodney, Vance, and the One And Only Bryce

Thursday, June 21, 2007 3:45 PM CDT

We are currently home from the hospital with a diagnosis of viral pneumonia. The CT scan showed some inflammaton on his lungs. This makes sense since some of his bloodwork has shown sins of inflamation. His counts continue to increase, his ANC yeserday was 928. The rest was pretty much the same.
He is still having fevers and we have to call and check in with the onc. every morning. He is still stuffed up and coughing some which starts each night around 7 and lasts through about an hour after waking up.
Every onc. at the cinic still believes it is viral as well as the ENT did. Tests have been sent out to double check it is viral, but they take 4 days to show anything. We are on zithromax for 5 days to knock out anything that may e bacterial. We go back Wed. for counts and a chest x-ray. These fevers just stink! He is allowed to go to his party tomorrow, but he can't swim. We'll have water balloons and other games (if I can think of some) where he can get "wet".
I'll update after his party tomorrow. Thanks for checking in.

Oh.......when will summer finally start????? As you can see we made an unexpected trip to the hospital and this is where we currently are since this past Monday morning. The boys made it to Camp Kemo the week before and had a blast. We picked them up on Saturday, drove all the way to Ocean Isle NC, spent one full day and drove back home b/c Bryce spiked a fever. Yes, a stupid, stupid fever that just will NOT GO AWAY. We could have waited to drive home Mon. morning, but I'm glad we didn't b/c it was 104 when he woke up. We left Vance at the beach for the week with Rodney's brother's family.

We went to the clinic where we found out his counts were the pits, ANC 324, WBC 0.8, so that means an automatic inpatient stay and antibotics. Well, the one great thing out of all of this was that the rest of his chemo was stopped and by the time it would be restarted it would be past Sunday so....WE ARE OFFICIALLY DONE WITH CHEMO...HOPEFULLY FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER!

Now our problem is the fevers won't go away, even on a pretty strong antibiotic. All blood cultures are negative and stool samples again, so it looks like it may all be something viral. I hate the word viral. To me it is the "who knows what it is so it is viral". I'm sure many of you with kids have heard that line or thought it before. Tomorrow will be going on day 6 of the fevers with no symptoms except for some congestion and slight coughing when he wakes up. Another CT scan may be run and who knows what they will do. The ENT came to visit on Tues. and does not believe it is a repeat of the sinus infection, and if it was, the antibiotic he is on should blast it away.
His white count and ANC have been rising each day which is a good thing. His counts are:

WBC: 1.5
Hemoglobin:9.4 (down from 9.6)
Platelets: 362,000 (down from 440,000, but that was pretty high)
ANC: low 700's

At the moment Bryce's "No More Chemo" party is still on for Sunday night. We will make a decision by Friday night, pending on if these fevers go away so we get discharged. His last fever was 102.2 around 11:30am.

I will add more tonight when Bryce goes to sleep for the night!

UPDATE: Friday morning...still running a fever. waiting on the onc. to make their rounds. Well, here is how the past 2 weeks have gone.

Last Monday they boarded floats in Five Points and had a Camp Kemo Mardi Gras parade. If you saw Tuesday's paper last week, yes, that was Bryce in the Metro section.

They threw beads to the crowds and had a ball!

We picked the boys up from camp last Sat. and had lunch with them.

We found out they did lots of fun things like...


We have a cute stool and toolbox now from the boys.

ARTS AND "CRABS" (according to Bryce)




Then we went to the beach for our 1 day out of 7 vacation.

Bryce enjoyed a little surfing...

A little digging

Daddy even found a starfish...

Bryce and Vance enjoyed time with their cousins


And now we're at the hospital..ugh...I hope we know some more answers today.

In other news, we are moving on July 13th, so we need to get out of here to pack! We also plan on havig a mega yard sale along with other neighbors and frieds coming to sell their "stuff" so if you're around town June 30th come on by.

SUMMERS STORY: While we are in the hospital we obviously watch a lot of tv. There are lots of channels we don't get at our house b/c we don't have cable. We're just not around enough to justify paying that much, plus Vance would rather play the X-box and Bryce watch movies. Bryce found wrestling on a Monday night, Funniest Home Videos on every single night, and non-stop Spongebob cartoons.
We told Bryce, "When we move into the apartment you will have cable there too."
His response...
"Who's cable?"
Deprived or what?????

I will continue to update as we find out more. "The "No More Chemo" party will have a decision tonight.

Thanks for checking in.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and the One And Only Bryce!

Thursday, June 7, 2007 1:39 PM CDT

Bryce saw the ENT today. The infection has cleared up enough so we are not getting surgery!!!! Yeah! We are off the horrible Augmentin, but now have another med to add to our ordeal. Irrigating his nose 4x a day for 20 days with a Cleocin antibiotic. Yes, the same one that made him feel so awful we had to switch off it. Suppossingly this won't have the same systemic effects as the oral type.
We are also back to continuous diarrhea today, even after it's been over 36 hrs. since his last dose of Augmentin. We are back on "sample patrol" this weekend. Of course I am sure he will now not go until the morning of camp, because that's how the cookie crumbles around here.
Bryce is driving me nuts asking to go see "Surf's Up" at 7pm that I had promised him we'd go see. Yeah, I can see myself taking poop samples in a movie theater.......
So again...one step forward, one back, so I guess that puts us back where we started from. Please say a prayer that this will come to an end soon!!!

Hello! Things are slightly better around here. Bryce is continuing to have tummy issues. The antibiotics, first Cleocin and now Augmentin, are what I feel are the cause of the problems. He'll go days without throwing up, and then out of nowhere he did yesterday. Then none of the other issues for 2 days, then it starts again. It is tough to tell the exact cause, since all of the drugs he is currently on have side effects of diarrhea or nausea/vomiting, and some according to what I read really don't need to be taken together. So.....we are going back to the ENT tomorrow and I am begging him to please just let us stop the Augmentin. Today is day 17 of 21 days. I'd like Bryce's tummy to have some time to really settle down so he is ready for Camp Kemo on Monday.

Bryce had his last appt. for IV chemo on this past Monday. His counts were still off. For all you bloodwork junkies they were:

WBC: 2.6
Hemoglobin: 9.5 (still low for him)
Platelets: 172,000 (the lowest in like almost 2 years)
ANC: 2002 (thanks to those still too high "bands")

Hemoglobin and platelets can be that low because of his being sick.

He really looks pretty pitiful. He's lost 2 1/2 lbs. He still isn't eating a whole lot. I just want him to feel better. He did get some fun in on those feeling good days.

Last Friday he made it through "Dreamnight at the Zoo". As usual the highlight was feeding the birds!

They gave hugs to the penguin.

They also liked being up close with the meerkats!

Check us out on the elephant.

Monday was a big day although Bryce felt pretty yucky by the time we got home. They had a special surprise waiting for him. He was presented with silly string to spray on whoever he wanted to. He wanted to hang out in the "teen room" because that's where the video games are and his friend Josh.

He made his silly faces with nurse Robin, as she got ready to access his port.

He got Ms. Trish...

He also was presented with a congratulations balloon, a necklace, a certificate, and free toy from the treasure box.

He left them with a big mess, WHICH THEY SAID WAS OKAY!!! That it was all part of his big day. Mommy instincts kicked in and I tried cleaning most of it up anyway.

That was definitely his last IV dose of the chemo drug vincristne, and on Sat. we will finish his last dose of steroids forever. I will only have to give him one more dose of methotrexate b/c next week camp will do it, and only 17 more pills of 6-mp.
He may be doing at least another month of IVIG, pendng on what his IgG levels are and if they decide to do the sinus surgery or not. I will know if it is a "go" tomorrow. If he gets IVIG again (a 3 hr. infuson to boost his immune system), his port will come out in the beginning of August and if not, some time in July.

This was also his last dose of inhaled pentamadine since we are swtching back to Septra 2 days a week for about 6 months.

After his appt. we went to his first swim meet this year.
He didn't want to swim at the last minute, but some last minute "yelling" coaxed him to jump in at the precise moment. Once he was in he was off.

He was so excited to get a ribbon. Okay, all 6 and under kids get ribbons. Vance did manage first place in freestyle, 3rd in backstroke and a "Thanks for swimming" green ribbon for breaststroke. Tonight I have to be a timer so it will be a long night. Of course Bryce's tummy decides to not feel it's best today so I hope he will hang in there until Rodney gets to the swim meet.

I will update on the top of the page tomorrow about if he will get surgery or not. Bryce's "No More Chemo Party" is offically planned. It will be at the Woodlands Country Club on June 24th from 5-8pm. I have e-maied those who's address I either still saw in Bryce's guestbook on this site or I had in my e-mails somewhere. The rest I have to snail mail. If you didn't get it, please check and see if it didn't go into your spam mail.

Thanks for checking in!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and the One and Only Bryce!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 4:54 PM CDT

Bryce is back to throwing up again, Wed. night (early Thurs.) and tonight (early Friday). He feels fine during the day until around 8pm. The he has waken up twice at the same time at night (b/tn 1 and 1:30 am) and thrown up. It is very frustrating not knowing why. He was off the antibiotic all day today and part of tom. so know I'm not sure if it is that now. I have to bring in some fun "samples" if he has the "other " problem again in the morning. They wil be testing it for C.diff and hopefuly to see what bug this may be Please pray this problem will resolve quickly. At this rate I do not think Bryce will be going to Camp Kemo which I know will be devasting for him and Vance, but I can't send a child who throws up in the middle of every night either.

One step forward...two steps back...then forward again...

As you can see from the pictures we actually managed to get in one good day before our house was served another "crap sandwich". This past Saturday we went to Miss Kasey's grandparents' lake house out at Lake Murray. We had a blast! Kasey got a new jet ski and the kids had so much fun riding on it and being pulled around the lake. Bryce actually ate for the first time in like 5 days (half of a sandwich and some Doritos. Summer was finally here!

We had a bunch of kids there, ALL BOYS, except for our friend Jan's daughter. Vance was nicknamed "The Daredevil" and at the end no one wanted to ride in the tube with him b/c he wanted to go too fast.

At the end of the day they took out just Vance and flipped him. He flew about 5 feet in the air and at least he landed on his behind.

Bryce rode the jet ski with Mrs. Prince. You can see from the expression on his face how happy he is...

unless it was time for a break...

We stayed all day and enjoyed the beautiful breeze. I got fried in the sun and Rodney burned in splotches from where I wasn't suppossed to rub in "spray on" suntan lotion.

Finally Bryce took his last spin in the tube with Andrew.

If you notice in the pictures Bryce is now missing his 4th tooth, the top right one. I remeber when Vance lost his in Kindergarden and it took almost a year to grow in. Bryce said he baged it on the jet ski when Rodney took him for a ride. Then when he went the house he started wiggling it and it popped out! (It was one of the already loose ones) Now Bryce currently has 2 gaps, a funky looking lip since he has taken upon picking and peeling off his rash, probably out of the sheer boredom of being cooped up from being sick.

That was Saturday. As you also saw I wrote "2 steps back". Vomit Fest started again Sunday but with VANCE. Of course he performed his exorcist move of throwing up in the bed again. This time we were slightly prepared and put a bucket by his bed b/c he was moaning and complaining how much he ached and his head hurt before going to bed. He said he felt "nauseous" at least he thought , but he wasn't sure what it was suppossed to feel like (this b/c when he had it X-mas of 05' he threw up in his sleep). I heard him and bolted and wonderful Rodney cleaned him up. The good thing was he only got sick once, ate some the next day and begged to go to the pool. We did stay home until today though just to be safe. So........I am back on bleach patrol for another week and back into my anxiety/panic mode. I figure if I make it to Friday I may be in the clear. Then I hear on the news this morning an epidemic of a strain of rotavirus is going around Columbia. Duh......really?????

Second step back, Bryce was back to being nauseous, not eating again on Sunday and Monday. Monday night he wanted to eat. He wanted chicken nuggets. I gave him 4 and he ate 3...good sign I think. About 30 minutes later I go and sit outside and read a book. Vance opens the door and yells "Bryce threw up AGAIN.....I didn't get him sick either so don't blame me!" I stay outside while Rodney deals with it. Then Bryce comes outside to tell me. Here I get annoyed. Annoyed with the fact the poor child has not eaten anywhere near a meal in 8 days since starting this antibiotic Cleocin. He handled it okay last time, but this time it was making him miserable. I called the on call oncologist and got the okay to stop it, and yesterday they started him on Augmentin instead. All I have to say is "Wow", what a difference it made getting that stupid medicine out of his system. The next morning he ate waffles and he even went looking in the cabinet for snacks! That's the Bryce I know!

The step forward...Today we went for our ENT appt. We are continuing the antibiotic (Augmentin) for 2 weeks and going back for another CT on the 8th. If that one looks better, we will not do the surgery. The scans are better when compared to the Jan. ones, but there is a big chunk of "goop" in the sinus area in his right cheek. If they do the surgery it will not be until after the 24th, which is after Camp Kemo and vacation.
Next Monday the 4th is our last appt. for IV chemo and probably IVIG and inhaled pentamadine. We will switch back to Septra to prevent the type pneumonia cancer kids could catch for about 6 months. His last day of home chemo is June 24th!!!!!! Still making party plans for that big day.

Maybe we will be able to start summer now. Vance said he doesn't want to eat any dinner, sigh.......say a little prayer the plague leaves our home and I never have to write about "throw up" for another 5 years!

I will update after the 4th. We are going to Dreamnight at the Zoo (cross my fingers) on Friday night and I will have pics. from his last chemo visit at the hospital.

Thanks for checking in!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and the one and only Bryce!

Friday, May 18, 2007 6:10 PM CDT

Well, on Monday we had the scan done and they were compared to December's. He still has a bad case of sinusitis, but it is "slightly" better than December. His counts were lower, but still okay. His hemoglobin was down to 9.4 and he is very winded walking anywhere. In fact while we had to trek to the clinic b/c of construction, he made it into the building and up some stairs before he announced, "I wish we brought the throw up bucket". I looked around....not a trash can in sight. We were standng at the entrance to a long crosswalk. I did spot an exit to some metal steps going outside. Worse comes to worse, I figured I could bring him out there and he could hurl on the traffic. Fortunately it just took calming him down so his coughing stopped and taking a break. Then I had to carry 40 lb Bryce, a fully packed bookbag (I packed heavy in case he was admitted), my big ole' purse, and a guitar he insisted to bring to play with Ms. Becca, the music lady. On the way back I looked the same plus a throw up bucket.
Bryce's fever continued really until today, 8 days! At times it would hit 104. The last time he got motrin was at 4:00 am. Yeah! Now he has decided to become nauseous from the antibiotic I believe and at the mention of food he started gagging. I gave him his Zofran and he said he feels a little better. He has not been very hungry since starting the antibiotic Monday.
We go to the ENT next Wednesday to see what they want to do. We will probably be back to "roto-rooter" his sinuses since I'm pretty sure he can rule out the "acid reflux" theory. I'm also concerned the sinus infection may be caused by a fungus and that is why it is lingering so long.
I'll update after our ENT visit or if anything "new" (ugh) happens. At least Bryce was able to make the last 1/2 day of school today to say good-bye to his friends. Thanks for checking in.

Bryce is still battling with whatever crud he has. Yesterday he threw up 2x after not having since the one time on Wed. night. Last night his fever was 103 and again this morning. We are able to give Motrin instead of Tylenol since his platelets were up and it seems to be doing a better job. He is still dealing with headaches and the coughing has started up all over like in December.
Currently he is feeling good right now after some cough syrup with codeine and hoping the night time coughing fits will not be too bad. Tomorrow we are back at the clinic to figure out the reasons for the fever still and a head CT to rule out if the sinus crud is back again and antibiotics may be needed. It may be just the stomach thing lingering on and on, but who knows. Unfortunately kids like Bryce have a harder time getting over things. Also I have to decide if he will go back to school at all later this week since we only have 4 days, and I don't know if I want to risk him getting re-infected. Anyway, that's about it. I'll add a quick update tommorrow.

Oh where do I start?? The good news or the bad news? How about the good?


1. WE FINALLY SOLD OUR HOUSE! If all goes well we will close at the end of June and be out by Aug. 1st. Where, who knows, but I have some ideas in mind for about 6 months.
2. Bryce is so......close to finishing his treatment! June 24th is the big day!
3. I can stop having to clean my house every day and store laundry in my car b/c we sold the house.


1. You remember in a prior update I mentioned how freaked out and paranoid I am about vomiting, even the talk of hearing someone I may have come in 100 ft. of has had a stomach bug, well.....it has struck our house once more. Bryce has been the lucky contestant to receive the almighty stomach virus. In fact he STILL has a fever that started on Wed. night and is curently 101.3.
Many of his school buddies have now had it or have it. At least Bryce only threw up 1 time and had the other problem about 4 times and now the issue is the fever. Rodney spent Thurs. at the cinic with Bryce getting IV fluids to prevent dehydration, which is probably a good thing with the continuous fever and him not drinking much. I've spent today home with him. Let me tell you, trying to find a sub at the end of the school year, who is willing to take 5th graders to Field Day has to be saint. Mrs. Ray, where ever you are, you're the best. I'm not sure if I'll send Bryce back next week until I know the "bug" has settled down. I don't want a repeat.
2. Oh, now do still have to clean my house every day with Lysol and bleach so we don't get sick. At least I don't have to put the laundry in my car.

As for his counts I now have 2 numbers to compare. Those from his May 7th visit and those from Thurs. They were both good, although his hemoglobin was lower on Thurs., more than likely from the bug and his wbc and ANC were still up b/c of the steroids the previous week. They were:

WBC: 3.2
hemoglobin: 11.1
Platelets: 323,000
ANC: 2178

Great, now I don't see them, well the estimates..
WBC: 2.something
Hemoglobin: 10.8
Platelets: 300,000's
ANC: 1900's

My parents (Mom and Al) came to stay over Spring Break and we took a trip to Charleston. We visited the aquarium there and then went on different ships from WII. I got a few decent pictures.

Check out the snake in the background!

Look at me in the submarine!

The day was fun. It was a lot of walking, and it was a few days after Bryce's last spinal tap, so he was looking a little puny by the end of the day.

Here the kids are sitting in an airplane engine.

We were able to participate at our Relay for Life, in Kershaw County, in the beginning of the month. Some ladies "adopted" him to take his survivor lap with them. It was kind of sad because Bryce was the only child I saw walking that first lap. There may have been someone I missed, but if there was another child survivor I didn't see any. Not that I want kids to have to walk at all, but it was weird to see Bryce among the majority of folks I'd say 50 and over.

Bryce walking his survivor lap with his new friend!

I'm a proud and grateful Mommy!

Vance taking 2 minutes to stop playing football to pose with his brother. He kept playing with kids 3 times his age. I found one of my students to keep an eye on him. Vance said he had a fun time. He thought it was cool that he tried to tackle the big kids and when he grabbed on to their legs, he held on while they dragged him down the field!

A sweet lady let Bryce walk her dog around the track and pet it. Here he is with the pet he now wants.

As you can see by the top photo, Bryce is preparing himself for the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. In the below picture you can see Vance has helped Bryce adorn his doo-rag with numerous eyeballs. As usual, underwear is the way to go for pirates!

Did you know they now have toothbrushes that will sing as you brush??????? I guess I am way behind the times, but I became "Mother of the Year" when I purchased these. Vance decided he would like a KISS toothbruch that would sing "I Want to Rock and Roll All Night" and Bryce got the Black Eyed Peas "Let's Get it Started". As I left them in the bathroom together to brush, I overheard Vance telling Bryce about the picture of KISS that is on the toothbrush...

"Hey Bryce, do you see these people?"


"Do you know who these guys are?"


"They're the guys from that show "Cats". You know like on that commercial we saw. I bet you they are going to sing this song when they come to Columbia"


OK. obviously my kid has heard KISS songs, but is utterly clueless about the broadway hit "Cats". I guess they do look similiar with all that make-up. The only way he learned about the musical "Cats" is from a commercial on TV about it being performed somewhere downtown.

Well, Bryce is on his final countdown. His LAST visit with chemo is set for June 3rd. He will coninue his oral meds at home and take the last pill on the 24th of June. We are planning a "No More Chemo" party that day and I will share more as we get closer.

If we make it through the night without getting sick, Vance has possibly 2 playoff ball games tomorrow and Bryce will have his last game if his fever breaks.
Now I will go plop my manic self down on a part of the couch that Bryce hasn't drooled on and stay up watching TV all night, so I won't possibly wake up out of a sound sleep thinking I'm going to throw up.

God help us!!!!!

Have great weekend! If you have a minute or 2 to spare, please leave Bryce a message in his guestbook. Our messages have been few and far between lately!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and the One and Only Bryce

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 8:47 AM CDT

Well, I am finally sitting down to update the madness around here. At least it is Spring Break because if I hd to deal with any more pre-adolescent,"tween" drama at school, I think my head would explode.
Bryce had his LAST spinal type with methotrexate (knock on wood, click your heels together 3 times, wear garlic cloves, etc...)forever!!!!!!! We still have the option of havig a final one without chemo done in June, but if he is not having any symptoms of relapse, I don't feel it is necessary to put him through it.
Things looked pretty good. The good news is he grew 2cm, which if my math is correct, is about an inch. not bad for a month. On the down side his liver enzymes (I guess it's enzymes) were a it up and his bilirubin, so they reduced his methotrexate back down to only 3 pills. Remember right before he got sick with the sinus crud in December he was taking 7 pills. His ANC is only 812, so we are back on "Germy People Patrol". His final counts look like this.

WBC: 1.4
Hemoglobin: 12
Platelets: 261,000
ANC: 812

No appointment until May 7th, first day of for those of you in school in SC, PACT testing. How fun......

Baseball is in full swing. Rodney's coaching abilities and strategies are paying off, we are 1st in our "division". The thing is we have played no one in our division yet, and we pretty much all have a good record, so time will tell.
As for Bryce, the boy received the game ball for the first game. He made 2 outs at second and managed to get on base every time he was up.

Here are Rodney and Bryce at practice together, so intense.......

Look I made it to base!

Vance at one of his games...

Hey, where's the ball?

I'm almost home!

I wish I got a picture last week, bu Bryce decided on this past Sat. that when he reached home plate he turned to both benches and blew kisses. Oh brother....

For more sources of entertainment, Vance just HAD to blow his b-day money from January on yet another crappy Spiderman toy. He just HAD to have this one he saw that not only squirted silly string (that melted all over the deck) but is also a water gun. I then had to pretend Bryce was entitled to some money and buy him one too. So they squirted each other...

and decorated the 15 year old dog...

On to Easter...since we were inpatient in December we were invited to an Easter egg hunt at the Governor's mansion.I guess it is one of the perks of being inpatient. Of course even before the hunt started Vance managed to lean into the huge fountain and soak the front of his shirt. Soaked to where I had to actually wring it out.

Since my kids had to sneak into line from a side angle, we got to go in as one of the first kids. They racked up on eggs and more candy to enhance their already jumpy moods.

Here Bryce provides some pre-hunting entertainment

I just LOVE these pants on Bryce.

Finally after pleading with Vance that there are NO more eggs anywhere, I dragged him over the steps where I took their picture together 2 years earlier. If I was able to scan the picture or turn on the ancient computer it is stored on, I would have them side by side. So, until I am more motivated to do that, here they are two years later in the same spot.

This journal entry would have ended here, but of course I didn't update a week ago like I planned to, so on to Easter day.
A special thanks to the weather fairy who cursed us with a waking temperature of 29 on Easter morning. Hello!!!!Last week it was 85 and now I'm looking for the winter coats again! Bryce sums it up in front of the cross at church.

and trying to get one decent picture at home.

Afterwards we went to Nannie and Papa's along with Grandma and Grandpa NJ for Easter and a money Easter egg hunt with his cousins.

As usual Vance sprinting with greed

and laid back Bryce

As we take a tour of every Columbia area restaurant and ice cream place during break while relaxing with my parents, we came to a pit stop at Bruster's Ice Cream. As we tumble out of the car, Bryce's eyes fall on a heavy set woman who is wearing an ensemble of hot pink. A hot pink shirt, hot pink pants and hot pink Croc. shoes. Bryce turns to my mom and announces "I really like her costume!" Great, he thinks she has something to do with Easter. Thank God he didn't say anything to her when we got up there.
On the other hand, I have succumb to a new fitness low. I pulled a muscle driving my car. A hamstring in fact. As I was driving my usual 80 mph down I-20 to the psychotic place called Harbison, to look one more time for a dress for the Carolina Cup, I fly over a small hill to find traffic at a halt.
As I slam on the breaks and decide whether I can slide by the car in front of me between him and the concrete median without scratching or denting my car, my leg instantly cramps up. Thankfuly everyone else was doing 80 mph or more as well b/c we all skidded all over the place and I stopped just fine. But just the action of having to pick up my leg just a litte more than its usual inch or two off the ground did me in. I still managed to hobble around the mall though.
So this week I pledge to run down the road adjacent to our house and will try my best not to drop dead. The only stipulation is that the temperature must be at least 75 degrees or it's off. Rodney said he better follow me in the car in case I don't make it or have some sort of passing out episode on the pavement. Maybe the weather fairy will shake her wand and miraculously cause a deep freeze at the precise moment I decide to run. You never know.....

Hope you all have a wonderful April, what's left of it. Bryce officially has 43 more 6-mp pills to take, 30 more methotrexate pills (if we stay on the 3 pill dose), and 2 more doses of vincristine, IVIG and inhaled pentamadine( when we go OT, lingo for Off Treatment)we will go back to the Septra for 6 months. We also have 13 more days of steroids left (they did increase these) and whew, you can tell the difference a little bit more makes!

Hope to update in the near future! We are planning a "No More Chemo" party in June. If you have any ideas, leave me a message in the guestbook, or gee, you only have 43 more days to leave a message before the trip from hell is hopefully over forever.

Thanks for checking in!

Tina, Rodney, and the one and only Bryce(who just went to go and get spikes back in his hair)

Friday, March 9, 2007 6:26 PM CST

Well, I lied. It has been over a month again since updating. I guess that is a good thing, not too much "bad" news to post. We do not know anything more about Bryce's sinus issue, just that he is on the prevacid. We also kept him on the Flonase, which is definetly helping because when he was out of it for 2 days, the snot issue starts back up.
Of course if you are a lucky homeowner down in the good ole' South, you are blessed with an early season of the yellow/green plant slime which brings forth the ever so pleasant incessant sneezing fits from your child (aka Vance) and the sinus headaches (me) to accompany it. The nice thing was that Vance also lost his voice for 2 days before the new prescription of Zyrtec kicked in. Thanks tree pollen....(haha)
The only other health crisis that has occurred is Rodney's stomach virus encounter. Now, if you really know me I am TERRIFIED of vomiting. Do you remember those old Maury Povich talk shows where they would have some poor women and unexpecting men in chairs and bring in things like clowns, snakes, bugs, bare feet etc... that made them yell and scream and claw their way past Maury to that back stage area, where the camera stalks them and finds them huddled in the corner praying to Jesus to take them away????
Yeah, that's me. As soon as someone, especially an adult, says they just don't feel right (as Rodney did), my heart starts racing, I get that stomach dropping adreneline rush feeling, and I am out of there. Having the keen sense to identify a potential yakker, I was immediately upstairs emptying out the bathroom drawers of any needed toiletries and brought them to the kids bathroom. This also meant Rodney has no access to the children and he is identified as germy. Good thing I did b/c indeed he got sick that night with some sort of 24 hour bug, but he felt well enough to go to work after Advil and even made his football trip to NC.
Because he was still considered to be in prime contamination stage, I even went in my room the next morning wearing one of Bryce's hospital masks to get my clothes and yelled over at the bed to make sure he was alive. I even drove the kids to school. Little does he know as soon as he left for NC, I went to the car and brought out the new Clorox mop I bought, 2 new pillows for myself, and an industrial can of Lysol and resprayed every doorknob, light switch, and chair he sat on or walked by. But...I did not go into my bedroom. I haven't slept in it since Sunday night. I had to wait until Rodney got home and changed the sheets. I still do not want to go in there until the bedspread is drycleaned. Bryce has been my bunkmate for 4 nights. I went to the store and bought pedialyte, ginger ale and Sprite in case we were plagued when Rodney left. The pink buckt went out into the hall in case of a middle of the night problem. How's that for a phobia?
And now the fun starts all over b/c I found out tonight my father-in-law got the stomach bug Thursday night and now my mother-in-law is on my list of quarantined people for the next week.
You may be thinking "How did she deal with Bryce and his vomiting episodes during chemo?" Well, that was different, I KNEW it wasn't something I could catch, so I was okay. Yes, at first I still got that shaky, bad adreneline rush feeling, but I got used to it.

On to more pleasant topics...We attended the USC Dance Marathon the other weekend. The girl in charge actually said the dancers were asking if the "dancing boys" could come back from last year. We did! This is a fund raisers through Children's Miracle Network and it raised money for the new free-standing Childrens Hospital at Palmetto Richland. Here are my men in action...

Trying out my moves!

Concentrating on the dance....

Waiting for the next dance..

A bird's eye view from a dancer's head.

Dancing on stage

I see you!

Before we left Bryce added his handprints to 2 rocking chairs to be auctioned off.

Other recent activities at the Summers' household include wrestling with Sockem Bop Em's. (What possessed me to buy these for X-mas I have no idea). Bryce likes to wear his on his feet instead of his hands as seen in the following pictures.

This new activity was especially renewed after they found out that there is this program called WWF on Friday nights. Yes, dumb Mom was web searching until I heard crashes coming from the living room and then went to see children diving off the couch in strategically(sp?) positioned couch cushions all over the floor. Today at school one of my 5th graders announced that tonight wrestling was on during morning work, which made bring up my children watching it for the first time last week and them thinking it was the best thing on earth. After teling my students about the couch diving episode, the same 5th grader announced he did couch diving too during the show. Great...

Baseball is also in full swing and for Rodney this "volunteer" position is much more than anticpated. He is attending mandatory meetings EVERY weekend and had to take an online course and TEST!!! Geez Louise, the man is a certified PE and National Board Certifed teacher!!!!All I have to say is we better win the candy sale, 7 boxes Rodney sold, to the giving children of RNEHS.
Bryce needs some help in the hitting dept. I have to remember that he has NO reflexes due to the chemo vincristine, so he's a little behind in some areas, but he did MUCH better this last practice after some sessions in the yard with Daddy.

Finally we go back to the clinic on Monday the 12th. Our last day of chemo is officially on the countdown clock. June 24th is the big day! Okay, I will update his counts and other health info after Monday's visit. I'll put it at the top of this update. Those who are in my address book, I'll let you know when that happens, and our other faithful followers, check Tuesday.
And last but not least, Bryce just gave me these tips for a great day...
1. Eat oranges
2. Feed a toucan water
3. Put a butterfly on your nose
4. And smell roses

I hear wrestling in the background, its time for bed!!!!

Rodney, Tina , Bryce and Vance

Thursday, January 25, 2007 5:52 PM CST

UPDATE 2/3/07
Bryce's counts are great. We will probably be back to 100 percent doses of 6-mp and weekly methotrexate shortly. They were:

WBC: 4.7
Hemoglobin: 11.7
Platelets: 309,000
ANC: 2,684

His CT scan did not show any improvement of his sinuses, so we will go to the ENT on the 12th to see what they want to do. Of course his eye prescription got worse (-11.0), but his eyes looked healthy with no other issues than just hideous eye genetics!! We are going to try someting with eyedrops after his treatment ends in June.
His regular monthly appt is on the 12th as well, so I will update after that ( I will, I really will!). Sign Bryce's guestbook if you have moment. Our messages are few and far between!**************

It's us! A month or so later. Lots to update and kids to get to bed, so I will do my best not to have too many typos. Christmas was great. The kids had fun with their gifts! No one was sick "on Christmas". That waited until afterwards. Then the sh&# hit the fan. Bryce has been dealing with his sinus crud on and off since this summer. It finally hit its peak right before New Year's when Bryce started with incessant coughing, vomiting from coughing so much and the oh so ever fun fever!

Well, we hit the clinic that morning and found out his counts went in the toilet and were flushed away! His wbc was only .2, hgb 9.6, platelets holding steady at 248,000 and an ANC OF 42....... yes, 42. Remember 1000 is the nice number we like to see to roam among the crowds...42. We also had a CAT scan of his sinuses which we found out were packed. Wherever there was a space, there was gunk.

Later that night his fever hit over 101 so we were now inpatient for 2 days. Lots of yucky antibiotics and yucky ones to take home for 3x a day for 3 weeks later and he was doing great. He is also back on IVIG and has started back on chemo after being off 2 weeks. On his last appt. his ANC was back to 950, so we go back the 30th for counts. NOW the sinus crud is back and the coughing, though not as bad. We are trying Flonase. We will have another CAT scan to see if the snot has taken over and if surgery may have to be an option to get rid of the problem.

Other bad news is his eye prescription has gone up to a
-9.00 in both eyes. For those who you live in the "blind world" like me, without my contacts or glasses I run into walls and forget driving somewhere and I'm only a -7.50 and -6.00. -9.00 is pretty bad. Since I'm not thrilled about our opthamalogist and before I spend all my tax refund on new glasses for him, we are seeing a new pediatric opthamalogist on the 30th as well, who will either confirm Bryce is cursed with bad genetics, or maybe we have something else going on here. It's probably genetics though.

Many of you know we are selling our house and trying to keep this place looking like a Martha Stewart showroom is driving me insane. How many times in a week do I have to wipe the pee off the back of the toilet, and the bottom of the toilet, and the floor behind the toilet, and the wall next to the toilet. Sick. Before we move into a new house I will need to install a "pee alarm" so the kids can instantly wipe things down themselves when it goes off. We also discovered some great ideas to hide items, so last minute house lookers think we're perfect.

Number 1: Be sure to tie the dog outside so it does not jump and rub it's stench on prospective customers. This means using an old extension cord when you can't find the dog leash...nice...

Number 2: When your spouse lets a relator in when you just got out of shower and you are in your room trying to hide clothes and items, mixing your dirty laundry in the drawers with the clean items is always great, as well as stuffing a bowl of salsa under a dresser until they leave.

Number 3: Throwing things in your car, including your children, 5 minutes before they arrive. These things include a TV, bookbags, laundry baskets, etc.. (can you tell we have a lot of laundry?)

Number 4: and the "best" (being oh sarcastic) part of selling a house is driving around with the kids only to have your husband call and say they will be 30 minutes late. You then go to where else, McAllister's Deli where they have Bryce's favorite ham and cheese, and sit there forever wasting time only to find out they are still not there and then go get ice cream and sit in the car until 7:45.

what a blast

You ask, "Why do you take the kids somewhere?" Answer: They will start pulling toys out to show strangers, or either like the one time they stayed, decide to go take a "number 2" and leave the door open.

Vance was in a wedding with his cousin MacKenzie for Rodney's cousin Christi. It was fun. Vance decided to hit the dance floor alone and entertain the guests. They even clapped to the music as he danced. What a ham...Bryce did not attend the wedding but finally got out of the hospital in time to go to a Duke game! He went with Miss Kasey and Mrs. Prince. Duke unfortunately lost, but he got to go in the "special" room and meet and hang out with Coach K's daugther and grandkids. Bryce talked about it forever. He thought it was great!
Vance finally turned 7 January 14th. He had his party at Rodney's gym and Rodney served as the Mr. PE teacher entertainment.

And the newest news today...BRYCE LOST NOT ONE BUT 2 TEETH TODAY! Here's the funny part. I gave Bryce this lecture about how if his tooth fell out at school and he lost it, or he ate it or swallowed it by accident that the Tooth Fairy will still know. Well, when I picked him up, he came running up to show me his lost bottom tooth. He hadn't even known he lost it. One of his teachers noticed it was gone. Where the tooth is no one knows. They think he either swallowed it at naptime, or ate it with his snack. Okay, he was fine with it. They felt bad he didn't have his first tooth. Then we go and get in the car. The other one was just as wiggly. Bryce then screams, "I lost the other one!" He pulled it out. So with blood pouring from his mouth we go back inside, he rinses out his mouth and we show all the kids what a newly lost tooth looks like. Now Bryce looks like he is 2 again. Just turning 5 seems pretty young to loose 2 teeth on the same day, but I assume all that thumb sucking he had done helped getting them out sooner than expected. Vance didn't lose one until kindergarden, but had lost 7 teeth before he turned 7.

I guess I rambled on enough. I am just going to put all the pictures at the end this time with some brief explanations. Check in next week (hahaha) , next month for some updates, hopefully no surgery ones.

This is Bryce sitting on the court at Duke.

This is Uncle Elf, aka Uncle Clay, at Christmas at Nanny's house. He actually went around the Rock Hill and Charlotte area selling pharmaceuticals in this get up. So if you work at one of the places he visited, you can thank him for the nightmares you are still having.

Bryce playing in the woods at Nanny's.

Leaving the reindeer "reindeer food" on X-mas Eve.

Opening lots of presents on X-mas morning..

Bryce with one of his favorite presents, his own guitar! Now he wants to bring it to the clinic to play with the Music Lady.

The boys attacking each other on skateboards as they soar down the driveway bailing off before Sparkleberry Lane (okay they bailed halfway there).

This is how our tree looked like for a month and I didn't even notice.

Playing video games, what else.

Vance and MacKenzie at the wedding.

Vance steaming up the dance floor.

Vance's b-day party. Vance is in the Elton John blue star glasses.

I'll try to get a picture of Bryce with his new missing teeth. Now I just have to remind the tooth fairy to scrounge up some cash! Have a great week!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and the one and only Bryce

Monday, December 18, 2006 8:02 PM CST

Finally updating late ...again. Sorry folks! Life as been hectic but not too many good Summers' story this time around. There are some interesting things happening though.

1. We are selling our house. Yes, we really are. And yes, we are trying to sell it ourselves at first. I figure my guru former real estate mother-in-law will be our guide and we won't go wrong.
2. I got Nationally Board Certified in teaching for Literacy-Reading/Language Arts. Now just waiting for the monetary fringe benefits...
3. Bryce got to go and meet Steve Spurrier and eat with the Gamecocks. Actually we missed last year due to a visit from the throw-up virus that hit our house the day before, but we went 2 yrs. ago when Lou Holtz was coach. Now if I can only remember for Bryce to take off his glasses when he gets his picture made to avoid the flash eye pirate effect.

The cheerleaders signed his jersey....

Syvelle Newton signed his jersey...

and quarterback Blake Mitchell signed it too.

Bryce walked around and just tapped the football players on the arm and handed them his pen. he got a real kick out of the whole thing.

I gave Van the white Children's Chance shirt and he took off for like 30 minutes. He came back with everyone's signature. I tried to call him a traitor (to Clemson) and he said he just did it for Bryce....

Apparently the back of my head made the 11 o'clock news and you could see Bryce and Vance. This was all through an organization called Children's Chance that helps families with cancer. After the night ended I realized this was our LAST YEAR TO GO!!! There will finally be no more chemo next X-mas!

Bryce had his b-day party at the karate place. That was fun, no really it was. I just sat back and took pictures. Gee for the price, the karate guy should have also came back home with us, fed, bathed them, read a story and put them to bed and make magic ninjas jump from the walls. But, it was worth it. The look on Bryce's face was priceless.

beating up kids was a bonus as well.

and finally blowing out the candles.

On his actually b-day we went to eat at no other place but of course....Sumo's. Bryce got a Duke basketball jersey that he will wear to a game on New Year's Eve.

We also visited Riverbanks Zoo Lights Before Christmas.

We fought over where to stand, who got to wear the antlers, etc..

But no one moaned when it was time to see Santa.

Tomorrow is the last day before break for the boys, but I have a half day. Vance has resorted back to being the class entertainment after 2 weeks of check plusses for behavior. After using choice words such as "weinner" and pretending to talk like a chihuahua (sp???) , the chihuahua
according to Vance, the weinner part from the teacher, he has earned himself his own private area in the back of the room. Hey, 3 check plusses in a so far row...Hopefully it may be his new permanent seat??

If you notice I left the medical garb for the end. If you detest listening to the elderly go on and on about their aches and pains and their contests on who gets their cholesteral medicine for the cheapest price, just scroll on down and leave Bryce a Merry Christmas message in the guestbook. It's hard to see but it's right under the picture of the open book. I on the other hand love the medical junk and feel a part of the old folks' conversations. In fact I have several friends and family members who call and ask for my scholarly honorary medical degree opinion. Most of the time you could have just issued me a prescription pad and I could have written my own and other's prescriptions.

Today was his clinic visit, which seemed to go okay. We made an unexpected visit to the doctor and dermatologist about a week and a half ago b/c of the sinus crud and mystery rash has gotten OUT OF CONTROL. It was in the poor kid's ears and peeling and just all over his face. I even overheard a little kid ask his mom if Bryce had chicken "pops". Great.....

Now we have a new steroid foam and cream and we are on 30 days of antibiotic for the snot/sinus/headaches and see if it helps the rash. If Bryce's headaches do not resolve after the 30 days he will get a scan of his sinuses. He also has complained of leg and back pain, for quite a few nights which made the words "RELAPSE" jump in my brain. Of course he was twisted and turned etc... so the aches could be from the chemo or Bryce could be pulling my leg.

Now he has started coughing his head off since Sat. night, but if it is bacterial the antibiotic should take care of it. I again believe it is all related to the snot issue....

Counts were not ready when Rodney left and we didn't hear back tonight, but again, the dial-up internet is one of my best friends! I will post that info tomorrow.

Well, wishing everyone a very wonderful holiday. Hoping mine does not include packing boxes on Christmas day. (Even though it would be a great time to sell the house.)No major trips, we'll be around town so something will be bound to happen!

Rodney, Tina, Vance and the one and only Bryce!

Saturday, November 25, 2006 9:57 PM CST

ORIGINALITY (n.) The quality of being new and fresh.
"Don't let anyone tell you that you have to be a certain way. Be unique. Be what you feel." - Quote by Melissa Etheridge.

As the heading to Bryce's site states "All I want for Christmas is a ham and cheese sandwich", this is a statement which left the Santa Claus at Columbia Mall scratching his beard.

On the way to Bryce's last doctor's appointment, Rodney stopped off at the mall to pick something up. It was pretty early, around 11:00 ish and who by chance was sitting all by his lonesome on a school day, was Santa Claus himself. No kids around, they were all in school, except for Bryce. Santa's "assistant" approached Bryce and Rodney and asked if they wanted to come and see Santa. Rodney is convinced the guy had some kind of microphone hooked to himself that Santa was able to hear over in his chair because the assistant was asking him how old he was and his name, etc...

When he went over to Santa, he called Bryce by name and said I know you're 4! Bryce was impressed he knew this information about him already. Well,Bryce then proceeded to have his own 10-15 minute personal meeting with Santa. It went something like this......

Santa: Bryce!!!What do you want for Christmas??

Bryce: I want a ham and cheese sandwich.

Santa: What??

Bryce: I want a ham and cheese sandwich.

Santa: You must want something else too?
Hey Dad, get this boy a ham and cheese sandwich to

Rodney: We were on our way to go and get some lunch after this....
Thoughts were probably running through Santa's head like "Should we call Department of Social Services" "Do they feed this kid?"
Well, Bryce did tell Santa he wnated a monster truck and a real 4-wheeler. Last year he told Santa he wanted a hot tub. Just send Bryce a gift certificate to McAllsiter's Deli and he'll be your best friend.

Only my child asks for a ham and cheese sandwich, is that original for you or what? He didn't even start steroids until that evening!! The child is obsessed with food. He weighs 40 lbs. which sounds okay for a child going on 5, but he is only like 99 cm (whatever that is in inches, he wasn't actually 100cm. like we thought at the last visit, he "shrunk" this time.). All I know is he's short and stocky. He'll make a great football player one day.

Later that week, we're in the car and Vance learns of the ham and cheese sandwich request. His response...


BRYCE: I don't want it anymore, I already got one.

VANCE: You actually asked him for a ham and cheese sandwich? WHAT A JOKE!!! (Vance's true words)

Okay, it may seem we're a little eager for Christmas to come, but hey, as of today it's only 30 days until Christmas. So, I'll sport some Christmas backgrounds on Bryce's site for the next few weeks. His appointent went pretty well. We found out his IgG level is 319, which is pretty low. If he starts getting sick often we will start the IVIG again, so right now we are just watching him. Of course the day after the clinic he starts coughing again in the late afternoon and morning.
His counts were...HIGH AGAIN.

WBC: 3.6
PLATELETS: 333,000
ANC: 2844

The ANC was lower than last time though, but his 6-mp has been upped once more, now alternating 1 pill and 1 and a half pills every other night. His methotrexate has stayed the same as has his other drugs. Yes, he now receives over 100 percent doses for his weight and height. It is not unheard of to have children on these dosages. To think in the summer of 2005 we (me) was panicked b/c his white count and ANC were so low and dropped every month and we were on 50 percent doses and now it is the opposite. I guess we can pray this will kick any secret hiding out leukemia cells in the behind before his treatment ends. Only 7 months to go!!!!!!

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend. It is FANTASTIC to be off from work. I think everyone should get a year off from their job with pay to do whatever they feel like doing. Whether it is sit around and clean out closets or watch tv, shop or whatever... Boy, it would be nice to take another year off UNDER ENTIRELY DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES! Going to the hospital 2 days or more a week for your child to get pumped with toxic drugs is not my idea of a fun year off, but boy do I miss that time when I didn't have to worry about grading papers!

Bryce has a new accomplishment this break. He learned to officially ride his bike without training wheels and without someone pushing him to get started!

First he learned to ride in the Spring Valley High School parking lot, but was a little wobbly...

but on Thanksgiving at Uncle Billy's house he rode with his brother and cousins like a champ! He rode through the neighbors' leaf piles and through giant mud puddles and had to change his soaked clothes before the ride home, but he had a ball!

The night before we stayed at Uncle Clay's and Aunt Stacey's in Rock Hill. Bryce had fun jumping on the trampoline.

He went across the bars without help! Last year he couldn't even hold himself more than 4 seconds at the bars at school and now it's a cinch!

At Uncle Billy's the Williams side family photo was taken. We're on the far right. Vance and Bryce are sitting in the front.

Since I haven't earned any points for my "Mother of the Year" award lately (see last entry regarding apples and razors), I continued in my pattern and didn't get to go see Bryce in his Thanksgiving performance and eat lunch with him at his school. This year he kept his hat on and had a decent haircut and looked so... cute! Rodney got the "Parent of the Year" point for getting to go.

I also had to get the Christmas picture in our small time frame. This is the 5 days Bryce is on steroids so his mystery rash doesn't look like he is a teenager with severe acne. We also have to pray to the Accident God that neither child falls on his face and cuts or scrapes it or knocks out teeth so the Christmas card picture can be made. It happened this year, no one got hurt and the steroids worked. Of course AFTER I get the 60 pictures for cards printed that I find a better picture, SO.... I might be sending you two instead of one. Here are some Honorable Mentions

Notice the Gamecocks and Clemson garb! Well,nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah Rodney and Vance...the GAMECOCKS beat your beloved Tigers today AT Clemson stadium!!

On a final note, number one...my kids do wear more than just their Carolina and Clemson jerseys every day. Thanksgiving Rodney and Van tried to aggravate Uncle Billy and of course they then wore them again today for the game. (Vance actually cried when they lost too!)

Second...soccer is FINALLY over! No more Saturday mornings of freezing my behind off. The weather here has been nuts! On Tuesday the 21st it flurried in Columbia, and as you can see from the pictures it was in the low 70's on Thanksgiving and this weekend.
Vance finished the season with the last winning goals of the game.

See the goalie watch the ball as it zips right in.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. If I don't have my way you can probably drive by my house tomorrow night and view Christmas lights straight from the Griswald's. The boys want a say in the light decorating.

ONLY 11 MORE DAYS UNTIL BRYCE'S 5TH BIRTHDAY ON DECEMBER 6TH! If you have a minute, leave him a birthday message!
I will try to update with birthday pictures and whatever other adventures happen before his birthday. Our next doctor's appointment is the 18th of December.

Love, Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Saturday, November 11, 2006 5:40 PM CST

Wow, it's already November. Bryce's last dr.'s visit went fine, in fact he woke up from the anesthesia like an angel! He was able to sleep it off after his spinal tap w/ chemo. One of the nurses remembered how Bryce was last time after he woke up so they left him alone this time. Rodney also came for the procedure so I'm sure that helped Bryce too. Of course I do not have the paper anywhere around, but his counts were high AGAIN so they upped his chemo AGAIN. He now takes 8 pills of methotrexate once a week and is still at 5 nights of 1 pill and 2 nights of 1 pill and a half of 6-mp.
Bryce's rash actually looks a little better since I tried the Proactiv on his face (thanks Vanessa Williams). It dried it out too much, so we are alternating with that and his other prescription creams.We did make an unexpected visit to the dr. last Tuesday b/c he has been battling sinus issues and some headaches for over 3 weeks now. The onc. does not think it is a sinus infection, so we changed his allergy medicine and threw in some mucinex. The only other thing we are keeping an eye on are his ankles, where he has been limping around and crying lately after he has been running around a lot. This is from the monthly vincristine. We'll just do some stretching exercies so the ligaments won't get so tight at this point and keep an eye on it since it is not happening every day. Bryce also is starting to have more issues with his blood sugar going to low in the mornings. This is from the 6-mp, so we have to be sure Bryce eats something upon wakening or he gets shaky,is nauseous, headaches, and just wants to sleep at school when he gets there.
Other than THAT he is great. I am the one who is sick with bronchitis for the 2ND TIME in 6 months. The family is avoiding me like the plague. I can only imagine what I would feel like if I smoked on top of this. I'm just tired of coughing and being exhausted after that, along with sinus headaches and bloodshot eyes to match. I even had to wear my GLASSES to work last week. The kids told me I looked smarter with my glasses. Gee, thanks a lot.
Enough of my pity party...on to the pictures!!!!

The other week we went to Coach Taco Bell's son's b-day party. Coach Taco got his name from the time he was coaching track and came over after he coached at the Taco Bell Classic track meet (or something like that)and came over with a hat that said Taco Bell on it. Bryce asked him if he worked there and the name has stuck ever since. (Taco we love you!)Bryce enjoyed the rides on the pony.

Dolly the lamb was cool too!

Vance hamming it up!

Here are the boys being crazy in the wagon.

The bunnies reminded me of the one I had in my 5K class when I was little. Then I got to bring it home over vacation and my mother wanted to kill it by the end of the holiday. The bunnies can stay at the farm...

Vance got up close and personal with this donkey who kept chewing on his shirt.

Making marshmallow torches was probably the hit of the party.

Halloween was great. The weather was beautiful and I didn't freeze this year. I can't see in the dark to save my life, so thank goodness we had a full moon to guide my blind self. A special THANK YOU!!! to Angel Jennifer who sent a Halloween surprise for the boys.

Bryce loved the Halloween Cat Beanie Baby and brought it to school and slept with it at nap time. The boys were Ninjas for Halloween. Bryce's had a mask, but he said he couldn't breathe with it on. I don't blame him.

Being the so involved parent that I am, I signed myself up to volunteer to send in something for Vance's Fall Celebration party at school. I get a call if I could send in a bag of apples b/c someone had sent in the easy plates and cups already. Being the "on top of things" person I am (hahahaha), I rush to the store the afternoon before, buy 2 bags of apples (1 green, 1 red so they kids could get the kind they liked) and picked up some other necessities like milk, bread, razors to shave my gruesome legs,etc... I get to the school and pick up Vance first. I figure, "Hey..I'll just walk these apples down to Vance's room and leave them there for tomorrow." Vance and I walk down to his room and leave the grocery bag with apples at his table.
Scene: me at work the next day checking my e-mail. Vance's teacher e-mails with, "Did you leave the apples for the party? Vance wasn't sure. Thanks for the razors too, I'm sure they weren't for the apples!:)"
Okay, I didn't get it.Razor blades? Oh whatever, I guess his teacher has a warped sense of humor. Later after I replied back that yes the apples were from us, she replied with, "I put the razors in Vance's bookbag". Then I realize, OH MY GOD, I SENT RAZOR BLADES WITH THE HALLOWEEN/FALL PARTY APPLES! Now the teacher probably thinks I am the wacko. What psycho parent sends razors and apples to a Halloween party? Well, apparently the Summers do! Isn't that the one thing everyone remembers from their childhood? The "Don't eat anything out of your candy bag before we check it out b/c some weird, demented people put RAZOR BLADES in apples and candy!!" and the "Don't go to Mr. or Mrs. whoever's house b/c they seem like they would give RAZOR blades with their candy to unexpecting kids!"
There's one for the record books. I'm surprised Vance didn't take the unopened razors out of his bookbag and fling them around so he gets expelled for bringing a weapon to school. Chalk me up another point for Mother of the Year.

Some other nice news: Vance was chosen by his classmates to represent his class for some committee about recess, not sure what his duties will entail, but that was a proud Mommy moment. Bryce has actually been pleasant to be around at school and has been very good and participating in class and he is also practicing his "popcorn" words with me at home! It is also great to see him doing things he couldn't do before and see things "coming together" for him. His gross motor skills seem to be improving (other then the ankle issue). He likes to read and is interested in wanting to learn to read (hence I brought the popcorn words, oh by the way, popcorn words are those high frequency words you see all the time like the, and, see, in, is and so on)and his drawings are becoming more detailed. Some of the cognitive things I have worried about are easing up, although numbers and sense of numbers still needs some help!

Bryce grew a cm and is now 100cm! Yeah!!but then he gained another pound with it so he is at 40lbs!!! Pretty soon he will weigh as much as skinny Vance.

Hope everyone has a good week and stays healthy. I guess once I stop coughing like a lung is coming up and stop eating the boys' Halloween candy and get off my behind, I might actually use my b-day money I still have stashed away and join a gym. This is b/c I am sorry to say that football season has officially ended for Richland Northeast. No play-offs this year, but hey, Spring Valley lost in the first round of play-offs!

Bryce's next offical visit is the 20th of November. They will check his IgG levels to see if IVIG may have to be started up again to help his immune system. It was nice not having to stay at the clinic an extra 3 hours, but if it means the sinus/snot issue can be gone and someone doesn't have to pick him up early each week from school b/c he's not feeling well, and I don't have to worry all day if he feels okay, then I can't complain. If it is going to make him feel better and keep the crud away, we'll do it!

Only 25 more days until Bryce's 5th Birthday!!!! Yeah Bryce!!!

Since I am so slack in updating, I will just add on to the top of this update after the clinic visit. I'm sure we'll have some more crazy stories to add as well.

Thanks for checking in with us! Leave Bryce a message if you have an extra minute! It may make you leave an e-mail address to leave one b/c Caringbridge was having issues with spam and perverted ads getting put in people's guestbooks.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Sunday, October 15, 2006 3:17 PM CDT

Yeah, I know, almost 2 months between entries. Well, no news can be good news! For the most part things around here have been great in the health dept. until Vance decided to get sick last week. Bryce's last counts (on Sept 25th) were:

wbc: 3.2
hemoglobin: 11.4
platelets: 283,000
ANC: 2464

Because of the high ANC again, Bryce is taking 1 pill M-F of
6-MP and 1 1/2 on Sat. and Sunday. Mystery rash is still going strong. It was the same time last year, go figure. My last resort is to try the cure all "Proactiv" I see Vanessa Williams ranting about on her info-mercials and see if that works. Hey, I can get my money back, right????
Bryce's dentist appt. went well and Vance's. No cavities, but we are probably going to become good friends with an orthodontist for Bryce's open bite, more than likely due to the incessant thumb sucking when he is sleeping. Short of handcuffing his hands behind his back while he sleeps, we are still on the look-out for some type of odd thumb contraption to tie on his hand at night.
Bryce did manage to FAIL and I mean FAIL again the eye-test at school. They did everything to making sure he knew what to do, to giving another type of test, etc..He can't see past the 2nd line. This is after the fact I paid a whopper amount to get NEW lenses at the end of July b/c his prescription changed. I am not impressed with our ped. opthamalogist,we love the glasses man though, and are going to make a appt. with the one Bryce's oncologist's office is working with. I can't see past the third line with contacts, so I can't be much better!
One the plus side, Bryce started speech. He loves it! It was weird to be on the receiving end of parent conference's for what is called an IEP. For those of you who don't know it is an Individualized Educational Plan for students with disabilities, either academic, speech or other. Bryce will receive speech for a year and be re-evaluated in Kindergarten.
Now to Vance, the kid who never gets sick with something simple, but some crazy thing no one can ever figure out. It started with a horrendous headache, stiff neck and a fever, which the first night went up to 103. So I think, meningitis!!!! Rodney takes him to the doc. the next morning, the doc. checks for the same thing, did bloodwork, looks okay, so we get the usual should of stayed home and saved $70 diagnosis..."It's got to be a virus. Bring him back Wed. if he still has a fever". After 2 more days of fever, headache, neck pain, the fever finally goes away and Vance is back to his question everything I say self. I did baby the poor child, bring him the playroom TV and VCR, movies, food on a TRAY!!!!! Last time he was sick was 2 years ago with something that turned into viral pneumonia and double ear infection.
To top it off, Bryce has now been snotted up since last night and today decided to throw up. No fever, just the gagging prior for like 10 minutes. Took an hour and a half nap and feels fine. In fact, he conned me into giving him the chicken nuggets and oranges he didn't eat at lunch (oh, and a cookie). Praying it was just the gunky phlegm that got to him. I have a phobia of stomach viruses.
Our next visit is Oct. 23rd. he will receive a spinal tap where the fluid removed is tested to see if any leukemia is found lurking in the spinal fluid, and it is replaced with chemo. Bryce did not have a good experience with the anesthesia last time he had one, so pray it goes much smoother this time. He is now also taking the pentamadine for his lungs through a breathing treatment rather than the IV. He will also get IV vincristine and continue on 6-mp, no methotrexate that week, but another 5 days of roids and roid rage.

The rest of the two months had some fun moments. We went to a few more of daddy's football games. They aren't doing so well lately, BUT they only have to win 1 of the next 3 games to get to the playoffs! GO CAVS!

After the games the boys still like to tackle each other on the field!

I did manage to go to my cousin Melissa's wedding in NJ by myself! I was able to see my cousin Chad since he was about 3, and also see Uncle Larry and Aunt Kim who I haven't seen forever! Blake the youngest of the cousins just started college back in California and was unable to make it. But, here we are:

School is going well for the boys. Vance got to bring home Madeline the Monkey home from class and we got to write in the journal about her. You can see Vance is thrilled to have Bryce get in the picture.

Bryce here is enjoying one of the backpacks filled with activites that he brings home for his homework. This one is a "movement" bag. It took quite awhile, but he was able to stand on the stilts.

And even once in awhile, the boys can get along. Vance is here reading a book to Bryce in his bed.

Bryce and Vance are about half way through the soccer season. Of course Vance's soccer shoe from last season falls apart and Bryce's feet actually grew from the spring. Now if the rest of him would grow too!

See the very large sized children surrounding Bryce. We thought he was on the wrong team. Thank God, this was just a team with enormous kids and the other teams we played were a tad more matched up in size. Although there is a boy on his team who is one year older than Bryce and is taller than Vance...

Vance is doing fantastic. This week he scored the only 2 goals! Yeah Vance!

1. Vance was having some trouble and getting into arguements with another boy at the after school program. Vance was no way all innocent, but Rodney thought he would nip it in the bud and bring him to the principal to talk about it. Rodney said Vance was not happy when he took him out of class and brought him to the principal. It started with Vance becoming teary-eyed, but ended up being okay. When they leave the office Rodney feels that this should have made a lasting impression on Vance and his getting in trouble will stop. Vance turns to Rodney and goes, "I thought that went pretty well!!!". Oh great.....
2. For whatever reason, Bryce insists I come in the bathroom and sit and talk to him when he is going to be in there awhile. On this particular day he asks, "Am I going to die someday?" Instant panic goes through my brain and I think "Are you not feeling well? Did someone tell you something? Is something bad going to happen?" I take a deep breath and tell him everyone dies someday, we could be old or young, but we get to live with God and see the other people we know there, God will take of you, and you can wait for others to come if you believe in him. He goes, "Oh yeah, I can go see Cole and Tiger(our cat). But I just wanted to know if I can bring my blanket to God's home. I really like it". Sigh.....
3. Finally, learn from others mistakes. When I had to put the dog in the house b/c I discovered we had no hot water after doing 3 loads of laundry, taking a shower and running the dishwasher that day, I had nowhere to confine her but to the downstairs bathroom. Vance has his fever thing going on, and I didn't know how long it would take the man to fix since water had been spurting out under the house all day, so the dog went to the bathroom. LESSON LEARNED::

DO NOT PUT A LARGE ANIMAL IN A SMALL PLACE FOR LONGER THAN 30 MINUTES. Got to love cleaning this up after I had just mopped the floors that day. Thanks dog....

Hope you have a great week. I will update with Bryce's medical info after our appt. on the 23rd. Please say a special prayer or leave a message for Bryce that all goes well with his spinal tap. There are also more pictures on the picture page link.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, August 29, 2006 8:40 PM CDT

Football is back in season! As you can see the boys enjoyed the game this past Friday night, which...RNE won, 28-0. I have become smarter over the past years and we only go for the second half of the game. I can only do so much walking UP and DOWN those stadium stairs! Of course Vance pulled an "I'm going to do whatever I want" and made his way past the trash can limits and took off into the student section. As he inched closer and closer, he kept eyeing me, looking to see if I was actually going to get off of my behind and come after him. Bryce had enough sense for once to stop when Van took off. From there I had to drag him to the top of the bleachers where he sat and pouted for the rest of the game. Nanny even made the police officer talk to him.
When we arrived home, Vance made this BEAUTIFUL sign and hung it on his door.

It reads "Dad is "allowed", Mom "stay out immediately", as well as Bryce "stay out immediately". I later got promoted to "allowed" status. Hey, at least the 6 yr old kid tried to spell "immediately".
Oh what fun.....

Now for Bryce...His doctor's appointment went well. He has been battling an off and on cough that seems to come and go about every 2-3 weeks since mid-June. It got bad enough that I picked him up early from school the other week and had to codeine cough syrup him up so he could stop coughing. This last time he woke up gagging up phlegm. We are not sure if it is sinus related or not, but the one morning that had happened I didn't give him his zyrtec the night before.
His IgG levels were checked to see if his immune system needs a "boost" with the IVIG medicine he received for over a year. His level was 385 (normal for a 4-5 yr. old is around 550). It is low, but unless he starts having more issues with the colds/sinus issues, we will not start him on this again. It is a 3 hour infusion and as time has gone on he has had issues during the infusion. It can still be an option for the future if necessary.
His counts went down some, but good. They are:

WBC: 2.9
Hemoglobin: 11.0
Platelets: 313,000
ANC: 1740

Since his ANC has been over 1500 for 2 months in a row, they have upped his methotrexate pills from 5 to 7 a week. I'm pretty sure this puts him slightly over the 100 percent dose for methotrexate. (Yes, they can receive more than 100 percent if counts are continuously high) His 6-mp and steroids remain the same. He also received his IV pentamdine to prevent a type of pneumonia that immune compromised children could get.

If you look at our "ticker" above, I can't believe it is a little over 9 and a half months left!!! He should have only 2 spinal taps (possibly 3)as well. Our journey is SLOWLY seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

On my ALL-Kids group, it keeps me in perspective that our journey has been relatively smooth (knock on wood 100 times). Please say a prayer for Baby Donovan, who has relapsed for the 4th time. He has already had a cord blood transplant and relapsed in his marrow and spinal fluid 9 months post transplant. They are headed for total body radiation, chemo and another transplant. This time around the genetic make-up of his leukemia is a rarer form, so they need everyone's prayers. His web page is www.caringbridge.org/in/babydonovan . Sorry, I'm not sure of the code to automatically link it from here, you have to type it.
We never know for sure what the future may bring us. I think when people hear "Oh, he's in remission" that he his cured, but actually with ALL pre-b, patients are most likely to relapse the first year OFF treatment. So, going off treatment is a milestone, but it is also a time to hold your breath and thank the Lord each day that nothing new is happening.

On a lighter note, we will travel across the big street again to the stadium Friday. Here are some candids of the boys.

Bryce with the mascot Cavalier

Wrestling on the field after the game.

hanging out


School for the most part has been going well. In Vance's 1st grade class they move "colors". He has had this type of behavior management before. When he get on yellow he doesn't get a check on his folder, but a check. He started off the year great, then 2 checks in a row for....Talking and daydreaming. Who Vance?? Mister ADHD? At least it's not the HD part now just the ADD. By the way, no physician has diagnosed this, but watching kids over my 10 yrs of teaching has caused me to panic when I see him have some of the same characteristics as my former students. Since I do not want him to have some of the behaviors of my former students, I asked Vance why he can't LOOK at the teacher when she is talking or teaching or showing a book. His exact reply, "Mom, I'm still trying to figure that one out." His academics are fine, he's taking and reading Accelerated Reading tests on his own, so hopefully he will overcome his la-la land actions.

Bryce, well, this picture says it all.

OH...MY...GOSH. What the heck is the deal with those SOCKS!!!!! Hello Rodney.....I put all the clothing items out. The one day I didn't put out socks and he lets the boy walk out like this so he can pull his socks up to his neck all day. Top this off with his glasses and mystery rash that is back, and we're going to be looking for some pocket protectors and pens. A special thanks to Billy for publishing this on the class web site. (I cropped out the other kids)I told him I wasn't going to pick Bryce up until 6pm every day for that one.

In the spirit of education and future job professions, I prodded the boys to tell me what they would like to be when they grow up. Bryce said, "I want to go to your school and be a teacher. I will tell them to change their colors and then I'll teach them some moves." (Ninja that is)
Vance told me, "I want a job at the movie star."
Me- "Oh, you want to be a movie star?"
Van-"No, I want to work at the movie STORE (red-neck accent language issue), the movie theater. I want to serve the food. That would be fun."
Oh what high expectations we have!

Oh, there has to more going on here. Of course only the crazy things come to mind. For the most part things are boring lately, but boring is fine. Bryce got to attend a pirate b-day party the other weekend.

and came home with a cool patch and do-rag. He also managed to call me up to his room one night to tell me the antenna to his radio mysteriously broke off..

We hope you all have a wonderful week and GO GAMECOCKS!!!! Hope to update sooner this time. Again, if you have a chance stop by baby Donovan's site and leave them a message if you get a chance.

Please sign Bryce's guestbook if you have a minute. It has slowed WAY down and I still want to print this all out for Bryce one day to show him his journey and all the people who have thought and cared for him.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, July 31, 2006 10:27 PM CDT

We are back from the clinic. All of Bryce's counts looked good, even after increasing his chemo. They are:

WBC: 2.9
Hemoglobin: 11.8
Platelets: 308,000
ANC: 2204 (still above the desired 1500, but with germ school starting next week, I'll take it)

His appointment went well. He did have another coughing phase the day Vance had his City Swim Meet, but after some cough syrup with codeine and starting him back on the zyrtec, he is MUCH better.(By the way, Vance finished 1st in his heat and 7th out of about 50 kids. He was DQ'ed for the 8 and under butterfly along with like 15 other kids overall.) Since this visit begins the new "phase" of maintenence, they usually will update chemo doses if necessary at this time and of course, he had his steroids increased (Go Roid' Rage) and vincristine.
His LP (spinal tap replaced with chemo) did not end well as Bryce was very violent upon awakening from the anesthesia (propofal).Though within 30 minutes, he was sitting up and eating donuts, but before that, this was the worst time yet. His next visit, I believe, is August 28th.

I have been really slack in taking pictures, so this is all I have! First of all, thank you to Angel Jennifer in Oregon (YOU ARE SO...AWESOME) for the Superman t-shirts and free movie passes. Of course they wore their shirts to the movie and of course, the shy kids that they are (hahahaha) had to talk with everyone in line all about what movie they were seeing.

You can also see the new color of our dining room/playroom. This color was originally "Chili Pepper Red" which turned to "Canadian Maple something".

July has been a very slow and mellow month, and now that football has started for Rodney, it's stay around town and find something interesting to do. First we have taken to passing footballs and throwing baseballs on the only one patch of Bermuda grass in our yard (hey, guess where THAT patch of grass came from, since this was once a bare stretch of land and we live on (through the pine straw) a golf course and hmmm... just borrowing a little patch of grass from the far edges by the pine straw won't hurt... That grass feels SO good and you can see through to bottom of it and dog poop or critters aren't in it and it's the grass I will play with the kids in. (Big run-on sentence)

Rodney had 2 activities going on at once. With Bryce, baseball. He has told us he is getting ready for t-ball, which I will sign them up for in FEBRUARY. He looks pretty good throwing...

but catching????? as you can see the ball is bouncing off his head.

Vance on the other hand has mastered (or at least it looks like) catching the football.

We then moved on to the golf course with our psycho cat trailing along...

After watching the cat use the sand traps as a giant litter box, the boys took to a "free" golf outing. This occurs after golf club hours, when the mosquitoes are out, and the sun is setting behind you.

Bryce came closest to the hole from anyone else several times. That's about all for sports!

We went to visit Ms. Mary Nell, our beloved and special Child Life Specialist at the hospital on her last day. The boys brought her flowers and asked her the following questions...
Bryce: Who will give us Game Boy games? Who will help me with the treasure box?
Vance: Who will help at Camp Kemo? (Ms. Jeannie is in charge of that!)

As we drove down the road to the pool (which I never had the luxury of having as a kid, maybe a sprinkler in the yard or a few trips to the lake..Mom...I COMPLETELY APPRECIATED EVERYTHING I HAD!!!!) Vance had the gall to tell me that his best friend must be rich b/c his parents always give him things. I tell him "We don't give you anything you want?" His response, "Well, Santa Claus only brings the expensive things." I had the mind to whip that car to the side of the road and crush his vision of good ole' Santa Claus with the statement "Who do you think Santa Claus is?????????"
I have yet to instill in my children that the world does not revolve around you and you should think of others instead of yourself. Bryce is much better than Vance in this department. Is it an age thing???


Do you have any clue how many times I have heard this statement over the summer?? Is Vance a walking case of ADHD?? The boy can sit in front of a movie or X-box for 3 hours and not move, work endlessly on a drawing or writing something perfect,swim 15 laps straight in the pool, or play some sport for hours. This was never said to me in a way that rang out "Your kid is on crack", but leaves me with the thought, is he really that crazy?? Yes, at the pool, he seems to be in time-out on the edge of the fence EVERY time his principal brings her child for swim lessons, or that I have heard this statement from several people from all different places where they have seen Vance in action. He's not doing something spiteful or hurtful, but just seems NUTS!! He can read like crazy, knows math, can sit and concentrate and knows his stuff but drives us nuts!!! So... my parenting option...Vance, you are limited to one juice box a day, hold the sugar, artifical colorings, all that sugary guru talk. Well, it's day 1 and 1 juice box, 3 lemonades, skittles, etc...later (at least he was at Nanny's house). At least I did go as far as buying Honey Nut Cheerios and Fruit Flavored Cheerios. (Does that constitute as "good" sugar?)
God help his first grade teacher....

Well, school starts next week so I am sure SOMETHING interseting will occur by then. For all of the parent s cheering for the start of school, I am silenting praying that 180 days will go by like lightning!!!!!!!

I'm sure I will update after the first week of school (starts Aug 8th).

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:57 AM CDT

All and everyone is now well (knock on wood)! After 2 unexpected trips to the doctor the week after the beach and then our regular clinic visit the following week, Bryce is doing much better. The Thursday before his clinic visit he woke up screaming his mouth hurt. Many kids develop mouth sores from chemo, but this has never happened to Bryce before. After seeing no signs of sores, I chalked it up again to an ear infection. The same thing happened in the spring when Bryce had complained his mouth hurt on one side. After bringing him in the following day, his eardrum was dull and slightly red, so they put him on antibiotics. His counts were very high for a kid on chemo and he had had no steroids lately. His wbc was like 6.1 and ANC in the 5,000's. By Monday after a weekend of antibiotics they were going back down to:

wbc: 3.2
Hemoglobin: 10.6 (getting on the low side)
Platelets: 474,000
ANC: 2432

Since his ANC has been above 1500 for awhile now , his 6-mp he takes nightly was increased to a whole pill. We will go back on the 31st for a spinal tap with chemo, and they also check the spinal fluid for any signs of the leukemia returning in his spinal fluid, IV vincristine, IV pentamadine and we'll see about the IVIG. It has been creeping down each month. Now it is 489 and cut off is 419. They will continue to monitor it monthly. Other than that he is fine, running around and being crazy! We also made a trip to the eye doctor and his prescription has been increased again. I am sad to say his prescription is now offically worse than mine, and if you know me...I CAN"T SEE ANYTHING without contacts or glasses. Both eyes are at 8.00. Bryce will love the day he can hopefully get contacts one day.

Well, I have bunches of pictures. First I have to say, dear Rodney has taken upon himself to point out how "negative" I am in my updates. He doesn't seem to get my humor. Well, having a child with cancer is not all honky-dory all the time and the reality is I find humor (and sarcasm) as my way of providing sanity for myself and family memebers. So...if you find my sense humor and story telling too "negative town" (quote taken from Bonneville!)I'm sorry and I truly don't try to find the worse stories about my kids to write about. I try to find it comforting that my children's temper tantrums and crazy doings are hopefully what other "normal" kids are doing these days, or maybe I'm just losing it??

Okay, happy moment...Bryce and Vance swam their last swim meet on Monday and we are undefeated! Bryce swam a lap without crying and without Coach Amanda in the water with him, and he only grabbed the wall 2 times. WAY TO GO BRYCE! Vance finished the season with his fastest time 28 sec. flat. He will swim freestyle and butterfly in the City Swim meet on Saturday.

Bryce has also mastered the diving board at his cousin Thomas' b-day party and again at Camp Kemo.

The boys had SO much fun at Camp Kemo. They came home with so much STUFF, that some is still sitting around unopened yet. It was like Christmas! The bus ride to camp was fun. They both rode up front and had a police escort to the camp.

See the boy peering through the seat? Well, luck has it Vance sits on the bus and turns around and says, "Hey, I know you! You go to Players with me at North Springs!" Of all places he finds someone he knows. Of course when we got off the bus he automatically tried to trade seats so he could ditch Bryce already and go sit with the boy. Well, we made him sit with Bryce. That was his job to look after Bryce (which I don't think he really did at all b/c Bryce had his own fun hanging out with all the teenage girls and letting them carry him around).

After we picked them up the following Saturday, we had went to the beach with Rodney's brother and family. I know I am probably repeating some from last update, but you know I'm a little slow updating lately.

Here come the pictures...
Smores cookout.


We dug a giant couch out of the sand along with a sand TV set (you can see that on the other photo page). At the end of every day the area in front of the couch would fill up so we had a swimming pool as well. The downside was every kid from a mile around came to dive in it as well.

The boys took a trip to the local waterslide.

No trip is complete without those "dress up the kids and attempt to take a decent photo of them that could possibly be used as a Christmas card". Well, you will NOT find me in this year's Christmas card again since I did not dress up at all for the photos.

Here is the best photo (that I took) of all the kids without someone crying or making faces.

We pulled out the $2 Walmart kite to take a few more photos..

But in the end, here is the photo I end up with

For the 4th we went to Opa's for a firework show, but not before the kids enjoyed their own "fun pack" of sparkelers, pop-its, and some pull the string contraption.

We had a very busy June and are counting down for school to start, God help us all. Three more weeks for me and Rodney and 27 days for the kids. I guess I better start actually thinking of something to teach???? Now it is time to make sure the boys still remember the alphabet and how to count to 10 since I have been the slacker in the "I will teach them so much this summer!" Sometimes just experiencing life itself is a lesson to be learned. We all have to slow down and learn to relish in the moment.

Not too many Summers' stories this past week, so I'll leave you with the latest quotes from the kids:

Vance: After we just got done beating each other with pillows on my bed, Vance jumped and karate kicked me on the chin by accident. It was hard enough to make my eyes water. After I told Vance, "Ouch, that made my eyes water!" his response was, "What's wrong with that, don't you want them to grow?" Rodney's response: "Hey Vance, that was a good one!"

Bryce: At the eye doctors after I discovered he did have to have his eyes dialated after I told him he wouldn't have to at this visit...
I whisper the bribe: "If you're good we'll go to Target and you can pick out a game".
Bryce: "I'll be really good if you buy me 2!"
(He ended up picking out a $9.99 Gameboy game , thank God, and a 6-pack of blue Gatorade with the sport tops on them. I think I made a pretty good deal. He now hates the eye doctor man.)

A final photo to prove my son has inherited more red-neck country boy in him, than my northern side

Yee-haw!!! Speedo swim team suit with the only sleeveless shirt I hide under everything else in the drawer, complete with SOCKS and SNEAKERS!


Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:59 AM CDT

Hello everyone. Again I apologize for the delay in updating. Since last update the boys have gone to Camp Kemo, and we have gone to the beach for a week, so I will be behind on pictures again.
Currently everyone in our household sounds like we are at an emphysema (sp?) convention. Bryce brought home some camp crud to share with everyone at the beach. I hate to even complain about being sick after everythng Bryce has been through, but I have never coughed so much in my entire life. I feel like a tractor trailer has run over me and left me in the road for 10 more cars to hit. Never have I had a summer cold (if that is what this is at this point), but this really stinks. I even did a "Summers story" and almost managed to poison myself Sunday morning. I decided after coughing so much to take some of this Delsym 12 hour cough syrup. After studying, oh I mean glancing, at the package I take 2 tablespoons. As soon as I swallow the last spoonful, I pick up the box again and it says 2 TEASPOONS every 12 hours. Friday through Sunday I had NO voice, could not talk at all, so I had to wake up Rodney to call poison control to see if I was going to die or what. Thankfully they said I "should" be okay and if I fell asleep to wake me up every 10 minutes (gee thanks). So needless to say, I walked around and layed around like a zombie and still managed to cough all day long.
I brought Bryce in to be checked out yesterday and the crud seems to be all upper respiratory his lungs were clear depsite all the coughing and hacking. The oncologist recomended chldren's sudafed. Little did I know it would take an Act of Congress to purchase anything resembling a plain decongestant. Since so many morons like to use decongestants to make other drugs in their crack houses, they don't sell it anywhere. If you do find it, you have to take a little card to the pharmacy counter where they then write down a biography about you. What I did find was some infant pediasure that Bryce just decided to spit all over the bed anyway. We go back next Monday for our regular visit and chemo.
Well, enough of our medical woes, just don't come over to our house anytime soon unless you want to spend a week or more of hacking green phlegm.
Since I have so many pictures I think I will just post them and write brief comments in between coughs.

This is a cool safari ride we went on. I won't post the 20 pictures of giraffes and elephant behinds.

Here is Bryce with his own Mr. Incredible play picture phone that he used to take his own "photos" of the animals.

Now off to day 1 of MGM. We had spent half a day at Animal Kingdom and then a half at MGM. Here we saw Sorcerer Mickey and also took the photo you see on the top of the page. Rodney told Bryce to go and pose in front of the Star Wars sign and this is the pose we got. I think Rodney is mortified, but it will make a terrific blackmail photo one day. Then posing with Chicken Little.

MGM was also where Bryce decided to have the ultimate temper tantrum while Vance and Rodney rode Star Wars. He was absolutely possessed. I was called dumb poo-poo head about 10 times. I had to strap him in the stroller and just make him face some bush while he screamed like a madman. So if you were at MGM, yes, I was the lady you were talking about who had no control of my kid. Other passerbys just gave me that sympathetic look that said, "Oh, don't feel bad my kid did that yesterday". Since there were no immediate bathrooms within a mile to address this issue further with Bryce, I called Rodney on his cell phone DURING THE RIDE so he could try to talk some sense into him. It was just bad.....

We saw a great light show after this and called it a night.

The next morning at Give Kids the World, the Disney characters came and we had pictures taken. I even had to be in a family photo. If I had known I might of tried to to something with myself.

They sure did straighten up when Mary Poppins talked with them. Maybe if I get a British accent they would listen better.

When we went to Sea World, Bryce got to pet the dolphins and get some free fish to feed them. What an awesome experience. The one dolphin just layed on the edge of the pool and let Bryce pet him forever. The only sad thing was when Bryce held up his last fish to feed the dolphin, a gull swooped by and took it right out of his hand!!!!!!

Back at the village, the 6ft. bunny Mayor Clayton came to tuck the boys in that night. Vance even insisted the poor bunny give him his autograph too.

Here is a picture at the Village inside the Castle of Miracles with this neat slide.

We had to go back to MGM to see the Power Rangers. We used the "power of the button" to cut in front of everyone and get a picture with every Ranger. Actually we didn't just "cut", the nice man in charge of the Rangers did it for us.

Then off to Darth Vader...

Back to Magic Kingdom. The boys really liked it here the best. By this time Bryce figured out how to be tall enough for the 40in. rides. He had to wear his sandals, have his hair spiked and he would stand against the wall with his heels a little off the ground and s-t-r-e-t-c-h his neck up. This silly stance worked every time after that.

I made them go see the princesses, even after Vance complained only girls go to see them. They each received kisses from Cinderella and Jasmine.

They love Chip and Dale since they have made me read this story to them 200 times at home.
The highlight at Magic Kingdom was the Light Parade. The power of the button prevailed again. We were by the front of the castle and by then there was nowhere to sit, so Rodney walks up to a park lady and tells her where we are from (Give Kids the World, wish trip, etc..) and she says "Oh, I think there are some seats in the VIP section." We got to sit with about 5 other people with no one else around, on a nice bench and the boys were able to have the characters walking by come up and shake their hands, give hugs, etc.. We were so...fortunate and grateful for that experience. The kids were amazed. The girl in charge of where we were even entertained the kids before the parade started. Here they are bouncing in the middle of the parade route prior to the parade.

and the parade....

The last day was Universal. This was the day the motion sickness hit Rodney the worst, lots of enclosed rides where you sit in a car and watch the nauseating 3-D movie. On the last day Bryce also decided he would uncover his eyes on the rides only if I would put my hands over his ears. One last picture with Spiderman...

The entire trip was more than we could ever have expected.

I will "try" to update next week after his monthly appointment with some beach pictures. Here are some more Summers' Moments:

1. Bryce told us at Camp Kemo they went on a hayride at night. He said they passed the Boogeyman's house, but he covered his eyes (what else is new). He said the Boogeyman wasn't home though. We then asked Bryce, "Who is the Boogeyman?" to which he replied, "He's the big man who picks his nose!"

2. Invented words: At the beach Vance insisted he had to have COTTONTAIL sauce with his shrimp. Bryce wanted FLAMINGO flavor from the beach ice cream icee guy. (It was really mango)

3. To enlighten your day, we woke up this mornng to a downpour at 8am. Swim practice is 8:30. Reawaken at 8:15, the sun is out. Cough, cough some more and get up. Arrive at pool at 8:43. Send the kids out of the car and to the pool. I stay in the car another 2 minutes and cough some more. Then in my graceful manner, proceed to fall and slide down the wet grassy hill on my aand end up with muddy grass stains on my butt.
Hey, but I did manage not to spill my Coke.

Hope you all have a wonderful healthy week!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:53 AM CDT


We're back...yes, we made it back from Florida in one piece with 2 children. Now we need a vacation from the vacation! We had an absolutely FANTASTIC time. We stayed at Give Kids the World (www.gktw.org) which is a park within itself. A special thank you to Carolina Sunshine and Allison for setting up the entire wish trip!

First off, Bryce is feeling great (knock on wood) and we had counts done before we left and upon returning. On Monday he had his IV vincristine, pentamadine and NO IVIG! His IgG levels will continued to be monitored and if they get low again we wil restart the IVIG, especially once school starts up again. We started his week of mean pills (steroids) and are keeping his 6-mp and methotrexate the same. His counts were:

WBC: 3.0
Hemoglobin: 11.8
Platelets: 263,000
ANC: 2160

Now his ANC is back up. I don't know if it is still up in August when he gets his spinal, if they will increase any of his chemo. Our next appt. is July 3rd.

Now for the fun part. I cannot fit all the pictures I want on the site or it wil only allow one person every hour to view it so I will attempt to update again next week with Part II of our trip.

The plane ride down was fine, no one experienced motion sickness and Bryce actually took a nap. Once we arrived, we were escorted to our rental car and made it to the village.

This is the main building where upon arrival Bryce received a Mickey Mouse and Van a Shamu. We spent the first day at the village walking around, playing putt-putt, riding the train, swimming and LOTS and LOTS of ice cream!

Yes, ice cream for morning snack, afternon and after dinner or in some instances in place of a meal. Root beer floats were Bryce's concoction and Vance just ate everything so he could pour every type of sprinkle/topping all over it. The whole time Vance kept reminding us, "It's free!" Everything at the village is "free". Meals, pizza delivery everything!

After gorging ourselves on ice cream, we made it back to the house to clean up before Monday's Pool party. Shamu was coming and we needed to look our best!

Actually we are in half of the house, which is a million times nicer than a hotel room. The kids bathroom was huge, complete with what they refer to as a "hot tub". Our dinky tubs at home are small and crowded. Any tub they see with jets and is big and round is a "hot tub".
We were off to the pool party. The kids met Mayor Clayton, the giant 6 foot bunny who is in charge of the village and his wife. Mayor Clayton even came to tuck the boys in one night (you will see in the next update). The kids get up there and dance and played balloon games and Vance even got a whip cream pie smashed in his face.

On Tuesday we hit Disneyland. Bryce actualy walked the entire day Tuesday. The remainder of the trip we threatened the stroller since our backs started aching from carrying him the end of the day. He complained at first, but for the rest of the trip the minute we entered a theme park he said, "Go get a stroller!" The thing that made the parks so amazing was the fact we had a special guest pass and Bryce had his special button on. This allowed us pretty much immediate access to any ride. Now if you have been to Disney, you know the utter excitement of standing in a line for over an hour to have that 30 second thrill and then go start the entire process over again. Well, we were those people who cut in front of you and you watched us ride it not once, but twice. Hey, if your kid had cancer, you would savor every fun moment you had!

Here we are on Main Street, then off to ...

the vomit cups! Oh, I mean the Mad Hatter Tea Cup ride. Do you see Rodney??? No, because he would proceed to vomit in a trash can or bushes as soon as the ride was over. By the last day of our trip, the poor guy even broke out and was soaked in a cold sweat by the end of those rides where you sit in a car and it shakes around and you watch a movie that makes you feel like you're flying. Twice I thought I was going to have to push him in the stroller.
After vomit cups we rode Dumbo, (still slightly nauseating for Rodney).

After that we rode the carousel and the boys tried to pull the Sorcerer's sword out.

Then the character pictures started. Being the ignorant parents we are, we failed to notice the autograph books every kid made the characters sign. (Okay, we knew about them because Clay told us beforehand but we acted like we forgot) Since ours didn't ask, we didn't get. Until the second to last day when Vance had gotten Santa Claus to sign a little notebook for him at Give Kids the World at their Christmas night. He said even though he had gotten "the big cheese" to sign his book, he wanted everyone to sign it. So before the signing days, we saw the following characters:

This is Eyore (sp?)

and the thing from the Lion King (pardon me for my lack of knowing every Disney character).

Of course our trip would not be complete without a Summers' moment. The obnoxious, annoying music that you hear playing which makes you want to stab yourself in the eye is a version of the ever so popular "It's a Small World". I dedicate it to Vance who so dreaded this tune. The ride went like this:

In line: (Vance) I don't want to go on this. this is going to be a boring, boring world!!

Me: Too bad. Bryce wants go on it and you got to go on other rides b/c Bryce was too short.

In the boat: (Vance) Oh my God!!! Why do they keep playing that song OVER and OVER and OVER! (this said as he puts his hands over his ears while Bryce continues to smile and wave at the wood figurines.)

After the ride: (Me) Is it still a boring, boring world?
(Vance) It was pretty cool, but why did they play that song so much???
(Bryce) Can we ride it again??

With that said, I will end Part I of our trip and update say...next Thursday?????? In next week's tales you will hear how Bryce magically grew 2 inches to get on rides and the mega temper tantrum at MGM. Bryce and Vance meet Darth Vader, get kisses from Snow White and the princesses, and watch the nightly parade at the Magic Kingdom from VIP seating (boy, that button comes in handy!)

THERE ARE MORE PICTURES ON THE PICTURE PAGE, JUST CLICK THE LINK. Also, if you have an extra minute leave Bryce a message in his guestbook to let him know what you think of his trip so far!

Have a wonderful week, and don't hum the annoying tune playing all day! Next week the boys are going to Camp Kemo WITHOUT US, Gasp!! Keep an eye on the news as you might catch a glimpse of the boys.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Friday, May 12, 2006 8:26 PM CDT

Okay...I know it's been awhile again, but hey, no news is good news and it also allows time for Summers' stories to brew. First the clinic visit...Bryce's counts were:

WBC: 1.9
Hemoglobn: 10.7
Platelets: 246,000
ANC: 950

Okay, I moaned about high counts long enough and now it's lower than I like. His differential showed his monos to be high so his ANC was probably on it's way up. (That info was for you lab junkies like me). This was Bryce's last IVIG infusion for a while. He is well within normal limits now, but they will continue to check it and see if it goes back down. Since it is going to be summer time I'm not going to worry as much, but once school hits again in the fall, I will begin to bite my nails. The only reason Bryce was absent from school all year was because of Dr. appts., or one time for 2 days from a stomach bug. We will go back on the 26th to check counts before going on our wish trip. This way I'll know what they are and if they are too low. He will go back a week late for his vincristine and pentamadine on June 5th.
Bryce is doing well. On his pre-school testing he did great with all aspects of academic skills, but scored low in areas where gross motor skills were involved. He still has a difficult time catching or throwing a ball, balance and just moving quickly (even though he can give me a run for my money when he sprints from me). That is just something we will have to work on this summer. If you remember, Bryce hasn't had ANY reflexes since the end of the first month of treatment. This may or may not come back. I remember that was one thing Dr. Kevin said to tell him when he gets older so he doesn't freak some poor doctor out when he goes to get a physical one day.

I have a ton of pictures from Easter to now. I figure I beter get them on here before we go on Bryce's wish trip! Please bear with your computer if you have dial-up.

First of all, Bryce is NOT a TRAITOR in this hideous orange outfit. The boys were invited to a Clemson birthday party. Your ticket in was to wear something orange or a plain white t-shirt. We had a jersey Rodney bought Bryce way back. BRYCE ACTUALLY CRIED when we said he had to wear it. I convinced him it was just for the party. Bryce even managed to show off after his touchdown and did a few push-ups with the REAL Clemson tiger. (No clue how they managed the real tiger, Cool!!)

In the home page picture you see Bryce with his new autographed picture from Coach K at Duke. Our wonderful friend Kasey slipped a few pictures of Bryce to Coach K's wife at a Duke game. In return, he autographed and wrote a message on the pictures, sent an autographed Duke Basketball yearbook, and 2 Duke shirts for Rodney and me. We were completely shocked. Thank you Kasey for always thinking of us!

So much has happened, between the end of soccer, t-ball for Van tomorrow, me grading a gazillion papers (which I must say are done and grades averaged) and Easter, I am pressing for time and trying to stay awake at night. Therefore, I am just giving you a photographic version of Easter through now.

The boys' cousin Thomas came to stay overnight during Spring Break. The kids enjoyed the zoo.

After a hard day at the zoo, cupcakes were the perfect pick-me-up.

Here is Bryce playing a little Duke basketball">

The dreaded family Easter photo...bag please....">

Okay, we haven't druged the kids, we're Easter egged out, or maybe the sugar high has finally hit.

The boys had some packets of seeds in their Easter baskets. Bryce didn't understand the concept of a "few" in each pot. Now they have exploded and there seem to be 50 in one pot.

Bryce has attempted skateboarding. The problem is he crashes when just trying to stand on it.

Okay, I must admit, it is 10 pm on a Friday night and my eyes have already closed twice since I started this.

I will close with one more picture.

This at Relay For Life Tornado/Monsoon night. We really wanted to participate. I got the kids psyched up, we arrived, posed with this lovely Target race car, and then...the wind picked up. We went and got Bryce's shirt and pin and then back to my school's tent. Once I gather Vance and try not to beat him in front of a few hundred people and stand by the tent, the tornadic activity started. The speakers fell down, 2 tents went flying, one knocks over another and continues on the way, and here goes Vance.. running across the football field chasing people's bowls from their tents and trying to bring them back, screaming, etc... Meanwhile Bryce is standing by the tent clinging to a pole and keeping one eye on the bottle of water he so desperately asked for every 2 seconds on the way here. The whole time he is asking when he can get something else to eat. I finally said get me out of here and bolted for the car. Bryce actualy kept up with us. Where was Rodney you say???? Spring football practice, but he did arrive once the rain started. After an hour we gave up and brought Bryce to McDonalds for dinner #2. Gotta love his steroid weeks.

We have such a busy May and June. The boys will attend Camp Kemo in June (overnight for a WEEK!! Yikes..) Bryce's Wish Trip to Give Kids the World and all the Disney spots is shortly arriving and a trip to the beach follows shortly after.

A SUMMERS' MOMENT: In the spirit of the upcoming movie "Over the Hedge", Bryce has mastered burping the alphabet like the squirrel does and performing it for his class and Vance's kindergarten friends a few times a week. Bryce takes special requests too. So...even though "fart noises" are still popular, tonight they have moved on to, "Look at my boobies." Where they heard this one or even know what a "boobie" is I have no clue because everyone knows I have none. Tonight they stripped off their shirts to show me exactly what they were talking about. When I asked them who told them that word, each child blamed one of their friends from school. At least they're smart enough to pass the blame...
Bryce, bless his heart, gave me an early Mother's Day gift tonight. While sitting in the car waiting for our drive-up take-out at Carraba's (now that's a shocker..me getting take-out..hahahaha) I'm sitting in my car, black roots growing in my hair like a reverse skunk look, no make-up and here walks by a pretty young girl with a nice tan, no celluite, you get the picture. Bryce goes, "Mommy, she looks just like you!" Thank you Bryce, you are so sweet. While I savor the moment, I realize...Bryce doesn't have on his glasses. Darn!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 8:49 PM CDT

I know....sorry about taking so long between updates. This has been the longest yet! One reason is I was doing my best to get the "box of doom" completed. That being National Board Certification. The box is gone, I mailed it overnight the day before and I received notice that it arrived on time. So now....I can update again!

Why is it that little boys are obsessed with making bodily noises, fake or not???? The boys make toot noises constantly. Some real, most not. They make fart noises with their armpits, hands over their mouths, etc... Bryce even went over to his teammate on the soccer field and got him to make fart noises with him!!! They do it in the car, in the tub, at the dinner table, and so on. I hope this phase ends soon.

We went to the clinic yesterday. Counts are looking good. Still above where we want as a target number but close to the 1500 range. They are :

WBC: 2.9
Hemoglobin: 11.3
Platelets: 347,000
ANC: 1653

We did make an unexpected trip to the hospital Sunday b/c Bryce was running a fever the night before and complaining his mouth hurt. Finally he said his ear hurt. He had been all snotted up the past week, so Dr. Ron had us go on up to the 5th floor to avoid the germy ER and pediatrician's office. As I predicted, an ear infection. Someone please write me my honorary doctorate degree? He is on augmentin and already doing better. The poor kid had a TON of meds yesterday. The combo would make me automatically become ill with an upset stomach. They included: chemo IV vincristine, IVIG, IV pentamadine, tylenol, zofran, decadron (steroids), zantac, methotrexate pills and a 6-mp pill and augmentin.
Next month he will be getting his spinal tap with chemo. I'm a bit apprehensive about this. Several kids on my ALL-Kids group have relapsed in the CSF (spinal fluid) within the past few months. We will be told that hopefully Bryce is still remaining in remission and that his spinal fluid gets an ALL CLEAR next month. Our Disney Make a Wish trip is coming up next month as well. It is helping us count down the days until school is out!


I finally broke down and let them get a haircut they wanted. Vance has had the same haircut since he was 18 months. Bryce, I'm so used to him being bald that the short hair didn't bother me at all. The girl who cuts their hair even called me to make sure Rodney hadn't lost his mind about the new haircuts. Everyone says Bryce looks like the kid from Stuart Little. I say Jerry McGuire, but elementary kids probably weren't born when that movie came out. I agree though, especially with the glassess on.

This was pre-spike cut. They are wearing half of their Easter outfits and had some pictures taken for the church directory. I'll have to try to scan them next update.

Here is Bryce holding his new bear Notice the pin the bear is wearing. This past September we met Phyllis Wood who ran in a marathon for Team in Training for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We walked together at the Light the Night gathering. Phyllis ran 26.2 miles (WOW!! I'm tired walking down the hall at work) in honor of Bryce and she gave us her pin she received. We feel honored!! Thank you Phyllis!! Bryce also received some cool bracelets and a t-shirt as well.

On a final note, our student council where I teach, had a fun time delivering Easter baskets to pediatric patients at Kershaw County Hospital and Palmetto Health Richland. It worked out great that I was able to work AND see Bryce at his appointment at the same time! Here the kids take time out to play Playstation with Bryce.

I hope everyone has a great upcoming Easter. We have Spring Break next week, along with Saturday soccer AND a t-ball game AND b-day party AND church Easter egg hunt. At least they'll be tired...

I promise to update sooner. Be sure to check out the photo page. There are new ones on that page too. If you get a chance, drop a note in Bryce's guestbook. He loves to read his "me-mail".

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Saturday, February 25, 2006 3:26 PM CST

Yes, Bryce has been my little hero lately. Many passages through childhood which we've celebrated and moved on with in regards to Vance have been precious memories, but with Bryce they have also been huge milestones, at least to me. Maybe it's because it's almost been 2 years since Bryce's diagnosis (March 11, 2004) or maybe it's just that a lot has been going on in the Summers' household. (What else is new).
MILESTONE 1: First off, Bryce had his very first dentist appointment and cleaning last week. For the "normal" kid, you make an appointment, it comes, you go, it's over. For Bryce it's "cancelled the appointment 6 months ago b/c his counts were too low, make a new one, the day before go to get bloodwork done to see if they are too low, it's good, take a megadose of antibiotics an hour before dental work, go to the visit, have them re-call the doctor I guess to see if I wasn't some nutty parent who wasn't telling the truth, get them cleaned". Bryce has to get antibiotics b/c he has the port-o-cath implanted internally. If by chance when Bryce's teeth were cleaned and some bacteria got into his bloodstream, it could cause a horribe blood infection. Not good. His ANC also has to be high enough to fight off any infection he might acquire through the dental work.
I guess at this point I assume everyone knows I probably have earned my honorary medical degree, but the dentist insisted on speaking with the oncologist to see if it was okay to have his teeth cleaned. I am thankful of their checking though, because there probably are some parents who are not as careful. I could recite his counts to them, give them the dosage of the antibiotic and so on... but in the end everything went great. We love the boys' dentist. Bryce does have the beginning of an overbite, which most likely plays a part in his speech problem. So some drastic measures will need to be taken to stop the night-time thumb addict.
By the way, his counts were REALLY high (for a chemo kid), but he was on steroids a week before so it is normal. They were:

wbc: 7.0
HGB: 12.0
platelets: 324,000
ANC: 7114 or 7141??

Next on the Summers' roadtrip was the USC Dance Marathon. Talk about being hams! Bryce automatically bats his eyes at some girls and plays board games while the band that was playing finishes.

< img src="http://www.geocities.com/tinasmmrs/DSCN2126.JPG">

After I speak, the crowd goes nuts and they do this long dance. The boys are nuts, but are truly awakening the crowd. At this point, the participants have been dancing since 7 the night before and it is now 2pm. Bryce and Vance are on the stage for awhile, copying the girls' moves.

The boys moved to the floor and joined the crowd, and yes, that is Bryce trying to break dance by spinning on the floor (Wonder where he learned that? Hmmmm....Rodney??)

Afterwards Bryce walked through the crowd as they dance giving everyone high-fives. The hand sanitizer came out after we left. He probably slapped 500 hands!

MILESTONE 2: Soccer Boy Bryce played in his first soccer game today..in the rain..and it was great! Rodney was at a soccer tournament with the High School so I was loaded down with an umbrella (why bother, I don't know), the digital camera, the video camera, Bryce's water bottle, a soccer ball, and 2 kids. If you have ever been to Polo Road soccer field, it is this huge dirt road parking lot and in the event of rain, turns into a giant mudfest. Those who know me, know I am not the outdoorsy type unless it is 80 degrees and a pool or ocean is involved. I braved the elements, ignored Vance who took off his coat and played soccer on the sidelines and became covered in dirt, and saw my littlest boy go to score at least 4 goals! (Okay, one of them was in the wrong goal, but hey, he scored!) He acted like a pro. I was proud. He didn't cry or pout, but was happy the entire time. He did manage to knock some kids over to get to the ball and climbed over the pile of kids who fell to keep on playing, oh and picked up the ball and placed it down in front of the goal once before scoring, but it was fun! Most of the time the kids were trying to figure out which goal was theirs, but
the look on Bryce's face was priceless.

(Bryce practicing before the game.)

Afterwards I promised I would let them on the playground equipment, so I didn't even cringe as Bryce went down the slide through the brown mud puddle that had collected on the bottom of the slide before he gets off. And I didn't wince as Bryce slides down these firepole looking things and majorly wipes out on the bottom...I didn't even fuss as I looked liked a pregnant mule with Rodney's raincoat pockects full of cameras, juice boxes, crackers, and keys standing in the rain, or as two soggy kids piled their muddy selves into the car leaving prints all over the floor and seats, or when barely wiped crumbly dirt off their fingers and shoved their goldfish crackers into their mouths. Hopefully in this case, "a little dirt won't hurt".

Next week will be hectic again. My school finds out Tuesday if are a Palmetto's Finest School, (a real big deal in SC), and my National Board Portfolio is due in 34 days and I haven't put much of a dent in it. I guess the world won't end if it doesn't work out, but it is a big chunk of money to retake!

Bryce's next appointment is March 6th. I pray his counts are in optimal range and not too high. Also pray the flu stays away from us. It is beginning to hit more and more people. Bryce was the only one who got the shot.

To sign off, here are some more pictures of Bryce and Van.

Thanks to Angel Jennifer for the awesome box of goodies. As usual, it was a big hit! Angel Jennifer is part of an organization called Cancer Warriors. I mentioned this on the last post. If you want to do something big or a one time thing to help a child with cancer, this is a wonderful organization. I plan on one day becoming an angel myself once Bryce is off treatment.

I guess all the beating up each other has helped in their soccer game. At least they are not afraid of getting the ball.

This picture looks like a dinosaur but according to Bryce it is "Duke". Kasey Moody has officially brainwashed him. (ONLY KIDDING!) Now Bryce tells people "I like Duke basketball, but I still like the Gamecocks in football. The Gamecocks aren't very good at basketball, and Duke isn't very good at football". He told this to the MaryNell, our Child Life Specialist at the hospital last week after none of the kids in the playroom would answer him after he asked 50 times in a row, "Do you know what is blue?".

I hope to update BEFORE St. Patrick's Day, but who knows what craziness will happen before then!

If you have a moment, please be sure to leave a note in Bryce's guestbook. I plan to print this all for Bryce to have one day. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts and not forgeting about us!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 7:33 PM CST

Well, where would you be if you gazed around and found yourself in a sea of flannel shirts, heavy southern accents and a hundred people named Billy Bob? No, not at Walmart on a Saturday night, but Monster Truck Jam!! That is where we spent this past Saturday night. Okay, take no offense if you are a wearer of flannel shirts or your name is Billy Bob. Actually, the group of people we sat around were very civilized, polite people. We were a little scared at first at who we might encounter, because at the ticket booth, some man was cursing and threatening the poor ticket man b/c his tickets weren't "saved" and there for him.
The boys loved the whole experience!! They argued at the end over whose truck won. Their favorite part was screaming whenever a truck ran over the cars.

For Bryce's clinic visit yesterday, things went well. Before his procedure he played with the "Music Lady", Ms. Becca.

His counts were "too good" again so they upped chemo once more. We are finally on 100 percent methotrexate and slowly getting there with the 6-mp. His LP (spinal with chemo) went well. We got to go to the new procedure room. Bryce did not enjoy the oxygen with the tubing under his nose. He was able to sleep a little longer afterwards, but since they had to use more propofal (sleepy medicine) he woke up as "Evil Bryce". Evil Bryce comes out when he wakes up from being put under. Usually biting and hitting are involved... After this, he pretty much stayed in the bed and played his Game Boy while he had the rest of his IVIG, pentamidine and vincristine.

His counts were:

WBC: 3.6
Hemoglobin: 12.0
Platelets: 326,000
ANC: 2844

His metabolic panel looked okay. Some things a little high, but the norm for being on chemo. We are also in the process of getting his speech re-evaluated and having a neuro-psych exam set up to see if Bryce has any deficiencies in his learning and other neurological issues b/c of the chemo. This will give us a baseline to go on, so if he is retested once school starts we have something to use as a baseline. From what the onc. said it takes like 6 months to get in so hopefully this summer it will be done.
Bryce complained of a backache from the procedure, but by this afternoon was fine.

Vance lost a tooth! Actually tonight he lost his second one. I wiggled the first one loose for weeks and then Rodney goes ahead and pulls it! Well, Vance has been wiggling the other bottom one and tonight I was able to claim this one! *Please ignore our lovely ongoing 7 month bathroom project with the spackled walls picture*

Bryce thought it was neat and enjoyed watching Vance spit out blood and rinsing with salt water.

SUMMERS MOMENT: If you take a good look at our kids today after school, something didn't look quite right. Bryce wasn't too bad. He managed to pick off the skin on the side of his mouth and has a bruise on his chin (most likely from the anesthesiologist or nurse moving his head and face around when he was knocked out)and he managed to attempt to bite someone at school, but pretty much looked okay.
Then there is Vance....I already got him and we are in Bryce's class. Vance comes up and goes, "Mom, look at my shoes!" The child wore 2 DIFFERENT SHOES TO SCHOOL TODAY, ALL DAY! They don't even look slightly alike. One lights up, one doesn't. I will personally blame this on Rodney b/c the child had no shoes on when I left. I guess it is Vance's responsibilty to get his own shoes on. I put his clothes out, but geez...I wonder what those teachers thought. Remember this is also the child who wore his pj short bottoms to school under his pants in 4 yr old class and told the whole school. Bryce also went to school with his pants on backwards this year...and now this. To top it off, he has a cut on his cheek and a bruise on the other. It looks like he has been in a bar fight. He says he got hit with a pine cone at school causing the cut, and he ran into a pole "all by himself" during tag to cause the bruise. Apparently they play "pine cone tag" at his afterschool program. And now....the 2 missing front bottom teeth to add to the ambiance (hope I spelled that right).
We're not bad parents, really we aren't. Just a little tired.

To finish off, we will be at the USC Dance-a-thon on Feb 18th at 2pm to raise money for the Children's Hospital. I am going to be talking to the crowd, yikes!! Hopefully it will be a short little speech. Bryce can't wait to dance with "all of the girls".
Finally, another great cause is an organization called Cancer Warriors. If you ever wanted to help out, but don't know who to contact or what to do, this is a wonderful organization where you can become an "angel" for a child with cancer. You can be a long term angel, where you periodically send cards and gifts to a child and become their pen pal in a sense, or if you do not want to commit to a long term thing, you can be a Birthday or Christmas Angel. Bryce has Angel Jennifer from Oregon who the kids adore, and we also have had a Birthday and Christmas Angel who sent cards and gifts. This is one group I plan to join when Bryce's cancer journey ends in another 16 months. If you want to see for yourself what it is all about the site is www.cancerwarriors.org.

We hope everyone has a fantastic week! I will probably update in another 2 weeks if not sooner!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, January 23, 2006 8:18 PM CST

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't updated sooner! It seems to have been a few weeks of "xtremes" here. Extreme sports, extremely surprising vocabulary from the kids, but also a good report at last clinic visit. I don't really think "extremely good",but still it went pretty well. His counts last visit were:

WBC: 2.7
Hemoglobin: 11.4
Platelets: 276,000
ANC: 1836

Down from last visit but still above the 1500 level so they upped his chemo again. We still aren't back at 100 percent though and haven't been since August. Now Bryce takes 3 methotrexate pills on Monday (100 percent is 4, and 1/2 of 6mp Mon-Thurs and a whole Fri-Sun. (100 percent would be a whole everyday and a half on Sundays). His rash is looking pretty good,the problem now is that they stopped making an ingredient to make the compound for one of his face creams. It's almost out so we'll have to call the dermatologist for an alternative. It figures that since we find something that works well and now it's off the market. Just like the syrup we used to mix his meds with. They discontinued that too. Fortunately Bryce will now chew up his pills, no matter what type. He'll sit up half asleep, chew them up and go right back to sleep!

Bryce IVIG levels have been tested the last 2 months and they have been in normal range, this time being higher than last. Dr. Laura talked about discontnuing them soon, but agreed to letting him continue through the winter months. I'm a little leery of taking him off it since it seems to be the thing that has spared him of major illnesses (knock on wood) and if he does get sick it is over quickly. We'll see how it goes.

Well, we had fun at Vance's birthday party. It went over great and we had it at Skateland.

Bryce enjoyed the germy ball pit more than skating though. Our form of extreme sports has taken the form of riding bikes over Vance's new skateboard ramp from Nanny...

Then we took the bikes over to the high school to ride.

I guess you can even count Twister as an "Xtreme" sport, at least for Bryce and definitely for me!

The boys,as a late Christmas gift from Nanny, got an air hockey/air table. They played air hockey for awhile, but they just begged to play pool.

They both know the term "you scratched" and Bryce also added the term "Oh crap" when he missed...

Finally some extreme vocabulary. Vance comes home with vocabulary probably larger than mine lately. The word of the day was facetious. The definition: adj. 1.characterized by flippant or inappropriate humor 2. (of a person) intending to be amusing, esp. inappropriately. First I had to ask Vance to please use the word in a sentence so I could figure it what it meant. Well, he had told me that Nanny had said if we didn't come back from New Jersey on time she was going to open up all his gifts. He then said that she was being facetious. Where the heck did he learn that word????? The vocabulary fairy? I know it wasn't me since I only deal with 4yr old-5th grade vocabulary since those are the people I speak with most of the day (my kids and students that is...)Vance told me his teacher taught him that word. Way to go Vance...he can still use it correctly!
Bryce on the other hand has learned his own interesting vocabulary word, SUGAR MAMA. Again, I know I am not the sugar mama since I never have any cash on me and what I have bought him lately, but his favorite object food. This weekend he even refered to a pretty woman walking by as someone he wants as his "Sugar Mama". Come to find out a school buddy taught him this one. It comes off some cartoon show. The only cartoons we have around here are PBS and blurry channel 47 and 56 b/c we're too cheap for cable.
So.. we have the 2 "Xtremes" here. I guess this is a taste of what lies ahead in the teenage years. God help us.

Bryce's next visit is February 6th. This is a big visit. He'll get the usual chemo and a spinal tap with chemo, or an LP. We'll get to go to a new area in the hospital to have this done. I'm just so used to the closet sized room labeled PICU on the door,that this new area will seem like a day at the spa (at least I've been told).
Please say a prayer for us that his spinal will come back with the ALL CLEAR!!!! We only get these every 3 months to prevent any leukemic cells from appearing in the spinal fluid which would mean a relapse in his CNS (Central Nervous System).
One more bit of news, we found out Sunday that we will get to participate in the Dance-a-thon held at USC by the college students to raise money for the Children's Hospital. I will speak to over 100 people at 2pm on Saturday, February 18th. A tad nervous, but we'll do just fine. Bryce just wants to go and dance with the girls and Cocky. More info to come when I find out more.

Have a great week ahead!

Tina,Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, January 2, 2006 2:42 PM CST

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope everyone had a relaxing holiday time. We are now back from NJ after a 12 hour car ride on Sunday along with all the other folks who must have decided to go home on Sunday also. The car ride hasn't too bad, actually Bryce decided to sleep most of the afternoon.
Everyone seems to be healthy at the moment...KNOCK ON WOOD VERY HARD... Bryce goes back on the 9th for his monthly visit and chemo. Hopefully his counts will have gone down some, but not too low!
>Here are pictures from NJ I've been promising. When we got to NJ, there was still some left over snow on the ground for about 3 days, so the boys were able to do a little sleigh riding and go down to the lake for a walk on the ice.

On Christmas Eve Santa himself came over to visit the boys before we went out to eat and he presented the boys with a "preview gift". We then got Santa to tell the boys that they better behave at dinner so he could come back. We even had Santa ask Bryce if he had been biting this year. Bryce thought a minute and answered, "No", then quickly added, "Not any more!!" Maybe that did the trick.

Christmas morning was fun. The boys received lots of presents.

In between Christmas and New Years we managed to do a little shopping. Rodney took the boys to a skating rink. Vance skated while Bryce and Rodney played video games. Of course it's a small world. Rodney met a woman there with her 2 grandkids who is from NJ, but guess where she is moving to..Clemson. Go figure.

Finally on New Year's Eve, our last day there, it started to snow. Giant snowflakes too. I decided I would actually go outside with the kids this time, so I put on Rodney's boots, my mom's hat and gloves and stepdad's big coat. Rodney and the kids thought I looked like a Ninja. How sweet. There is a huge hill right next to us so we took a few rides down before the salt/sand/plow truck came by.

Bryce discovered he enjoys eating snow. We warned him to stay away from any yellow, lemon looking type.

We had a great time, right down to the moment of some quality quotes from the kids. First one comes from Bryce..after watching part of a documentary on boxing on TV and seeing how the boxer's eye was cut and bleeding, Vance aggravates Bryce to another level of frustration. Bryce then announces to Vance, "I'm going to hit you in your face so your eye bleeds!" Ahhh, brotherly love. Then as we are driving home and the car goes a little onto the shoulder of the road and hits that annoying raised bumpy pavement, Bryce giggles, "The car tooted!"
Then we now have Vance in a germ-a-phobic state of mind. Speedy the Cat threw up on the landing at my mom's house the morning we were leaving. Of course it was cleaned up, but Rodney put a towel on the landing when he was packing the car b/c it was getting slippery from the snow. Vance was downstairs and came back up and saw the towel. He then informs Bryce, "Bryce, do NOT come by this towel, it must have throw-up on it and it is full of germs." I guess Vance has seen or heard about throw-up WAY too much this past year.

Now that we're home Santa had left them an envelope that they had one more present, a basketball goal to pick-up when they got home. Now today in SC it is rainy and nasty out, not really cold, but wet. The boys, you see how I said the BOYS, had to go out in the rain and play some hoops.

Again, I hope everyone had a great holiday. We're praying for a healthy and uneventful 2006. We are looking forward to Bryce's Wish Trip to Give Kids the World and Disney in May.

I will try to leave a short update on this page after the appt. on the 9th!

Love, Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 10:27 PM CST

Well, we made it to NJ. We arrived a day late because Vance and I got the stomach bug last Friday. Rodney had gotten of work last Friday early and came home and cleaned the entire house! That night I just felt nauseous and was sitting in our room when I hear Vance making some weird noise in his room. Well, in his sleep he became the exorcist. Too make a long story short, all over the place...Now I manage to become ill an poor Rodney cleaned everything up. I sleep in the playrrom, not moving afer taking Bryce's phenergan until Sunday morning. Of course Vance didn't get sick after Friday night 2x and I lay in a heap until Sunday.
Our trip was fine. The kids have been playing in what is left of the snow. Of course it warms up when we get here...high 40's even a high of 52 for Christmas Eve! Maybe we'll see a little snow before we leave. So far we've visited Grandpa Phil and Nana Carole before they left for Florida. We'll be seeing more of the family this weekend and next week.
Wishing everyone a very mery Christmas and Happy New Year! Bryce seems to be feeling well, some dark circles under his eyes and sleeping late (8:30) in the mornings. Hoping this is b/c of the schedule change. Mystery rash has been looking FANATASTIC in NJ. Again, hoping this some odd coicidence of being in NJ and not counts going down too low (remember they need to be lower). I will update with more pictures when we get back to NJ. I am using my parents computer (Grandma and Grandpas)so no photo software for my camera!
Please say a prayer for Bryce that we finish out our visit healthy!!!!and no surprise visits to the NJ ER!

Where in the world do I start? A bunch has happened since last writing. First I will start with Bryce's clinic visit.
Again his counts are even higher...great if you don't have leukemia, not so good if you do. Remember the goal is to keep his ANC in the 1000-1500 range to keep any dormant, lurking leukemic cells from coming back.

WBC: 7.2
Hemoglobin: 11.6
Platelets: 305,000
ANC: 6048!!!!!

Well, of course I was freaked out when his counts were crappy for so long and now they're too good. I guess you can't win either way. Maybe they are up b/c he is just getting over a stomach bug. That is a story in itself...

Sunday night, both kids end up in the bed and at 3:30 Bryce wakes up, throwing up in the bed with everyone in it! At least he didn't eat much for dinner. Well, we give him his throw up medicine, clean up and everyone goes back to sleep. No clue if it is a stomach virus or b/c of medicine I gave him at 12. Monday morning now, Bryce seems fine, ate some bread off a Chick-Fil-A biscuit and Rodney takes him to his clinic visit. Things go well except when he wakes up from his nap after getting IVIG, his blood pressure is too low. They sit him up, it finally goes up and after 30 minutes they try to leave. Now they get to where Bryce is picking out his prize and he just starts shaking. Teeth chattering shaking...Back to the room, more observation, blood pressure check etc... This can be a common side effect from the IVIG, but Bryce has never had it before. They bring in tylenol for Rodney to give to Bryce to help with the shake issue and Rodney gives him half the dose then....PROJECTILE VOMITS ALL OVER THE BED.Rodney said he held his little head the whole time he did it b/c he said his head hurt. Poor thing (Bryce not Rodney).
After Rodney and 3 nurses clean everything up and get him to another bed, Bryce is sitting there in a gown and no underwear. Rodney is trying to get his clothes out and Bryce tells the nurse, "I'm going to toot on the bed!" Well, he does and also manages to PEE ALL OVER THIS BED. Another bed down. Finally Bryce perks up and gets to leave.
No more throwing up, but he won't eat later that night, but a little mac and cheese, so Rodney stayed home with him today (Tues). Knock on wood, no more yakking since the clinic episode so hopefully back to school tomorrow.
Now we pray no one else gets it. We are hoping to go visit my parents on Sunday if no one is throwing up that day.

The weekend before was Bryce's b-day party. First on Friday we went to Williams Bryce to watch Rodney's team play the state championship. Sadly they lost to Burnes, this amazing team who could kick some colleges' behinds. Put it this way, at least RNE scored. It was great they were able to go to the state championship. Way to go RNE!
Sunday was the party at Putt-Putt. The perfect amount of guests showed up and the weather was beautiful. It had been raining and about an hour before the party, the sky turned blue and it was in the 70's! Of course now tomorrow's high is only 42!

He also had a run around the track in the go-carts with Daddy!

Bryce also received some cool shoes, a Cocky and other gifts from his special B-day angel.

On his actual birthday, we brought cupcakes to his class and went to Sumo's to eat dinner. He brought home Birthday Bear from his class.

Bryce and Vance finally got their glasses. It only took 21 minutes for Bryce to scratch his and a week for Vance to break the case. Not too bad, eh...???
Our brains are still not returning to pre-cancer status. You may remember last school year Vance wore his pj short bottoms to school under his pants last year. Well, Bryce has now worn his pants on backward for the entire school day. I'll blame Rodney. I left Bryce putting his pants on, maybe Rodney should have double-checked or I should have waited until he had them on before leaving? At least his sweater covered it the whole day.

Finally, please say a pray the throw-up bug doesn't hit anyone else! Rodney would probably be the next victim. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! Our next clinic visit is Jan. 9th. They have upped his chemo so hoping these counts go down to "cancer kid on maintenance" level.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 5:58 PM CST

WHO WILL BE THE 10,000 TH VISITOR TO BRYCE'S SITE??? If you scroll to the bottom you can see if you are. Please if you are, leave Bryce a special message in his guestbook!

Time is flying by...I can't believe that Bryce will turn 4 years old next week, December 6th. To think, almost half of his life he has had to deal with cancer...It's to the point now, that Bryce doesn't seem to remember life any other way. Doctor's visits and spinals with chemo are no big deal to him. He even goes and tells people that he is going to go get some sleepy medicine and get some more medicine in his back. Then he'll get the "reindeer light" on his finger.
Our last clinic visit on November 14th went well. While we were waiting for his LP (spinal with chemo)one of the anesthesiologists (sp?) put gloves on his feet and blew them up with the oxygen from his mask (Bryce calls the oxygen mask "the smoke"). His counts were still up (too high for a leukemia kid) so they upped his meds again. His counts were:

WBC: 4.3
Hemoglobin: 11.6
Platelets: 320,000
ANC: Drum roll......3139

I was glad to see this, but also realize it needs to be lower so the leukemia cells have no chance of growing back.

I am so excited about Bryce's birthday. We will be having it this Sunday at the Putt-Putt Center down the road. We invited the kids from his class. Hopefully some will come since Bryce likes to bite many of them.....

The Festival of Trees event went great. Bryce's ornament sold for I believe $80. Rodney and I enjoyed getting out and talking with several people we haven't seen in a long time.

The kids have decorated our tree...
Needless to say I had to redecorate after they went to sleep.

We have lots of things coming up in the next few weeks. We will be visiting my parents in NJ over the holidays. Bryce just got an invitation to the Cancer Clinic's X-mas party next weekend and I almost forgot....God almighty how in the WORLD did this slip my mind.....Rodney's football team has won the Lower State Championship and they will go play for the 4A State Championship against Burnes H.S. at Williams Bryce Stadium this Friday night. For those of you who do not know where that is, it is where the GAMECOCKS play! Bryce will be in his glory and Vance will repeat "This is where the stinky Gamecocks play," about 50 times.

I hope to get a good X-mas picture at the stadium. In the meantime, we have been trying to take some here, but they are not looking too hot..

We have spent the Thanksgiving break also practicing some boxing (gloves and bag compliments of Nanny)

We also played outside between Mommy trying to take a million pictures.

And the best thing of all....Bryce learned how to ride his bike WITHOUT training wheels!! Okay, it was in the grass, but hey, not bad for a kid only going on 4. I think I was like 7 or 8 when I finally figured it out. Sorry, no pictures of that. Rodney didn't have the camera. We do have some bruises to prove it though.

Well, I am sure to have plenty of pictures after his birthday party this weekend. I will most likely update in about another week or so.

Until then, I hope everyone has a great week. Bryce's next appointment is December 12th.He will get vincristine, IVIG, IV pentamidine and start another lovely round of steroids, along with daily 6-mp and weekly methotrexate. Pray that his counts remain good so we can enjoy the holidays without wondering if they will crash or not.

Please leave Bryce a birthday message if you have a moment. He loves finding out if someone has left him a note! Check out the pictures on the picture page too!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Sunday, November 6, 2005 3:53 PM CST

It's been a long time! Yes, I know I haven't updated in ages but I guess no news in good news. At least when it comes to Bryce. He is almost due to go back to the clinic next week, but his last visit went well. Three weeks ago his counts were:

WBC: 5.5
Hemoglobin: 11.3
Platelets: 282,000
ANC: 4400

This is "too" good (for a chemo kid, normal for anyone else), so they upped his chemo. We are probably on about 50 percent of 6-mp and still 50 percent of methotrexate. We did not have to go for a 2 week blood count check, so I will be curious to see what happens next week. Next week he will receive his spinal chemo of methotrexate, vincristine, IVIG, pentamedine, start another 5 days of steroids and continue with the oral methotrexate and 6-mp.

The cats are officially here! The dog keeps eating the cats' food, no matter where we put it. Bryce has dumped an entire jumbo bag of cat food all over the porch trying to feed them by himself, and then Vance did the same thing 2 days later. Now we just feed them inside at night.

We actually went to the State Fair last month! Bryce was so... excited. He was able to go on a lot of "big kid" rides, many by himself or with Vance. It is so nice not to have to squeeze myself onto those itty bitty rides!

Halloween was a blast! Since the boys changed their minds a hundred times about what to be for Halloween, we just went into the playroom and searched through the disaster for a costume and "VOILA" , 2 footballs players emerged!

We went to "Boo at the Zoo". People kept commenting on having a house separated. At least their costumes got a lot of attention and we didn't pay a thing! Of course now we have so much candy we don't know what to do with it, except have Rodney and I eat it when the kids go to bed.
On Halloween night we only hit one road and their bags were almost filled.

Here they are trick-or-treating at their first house...

And here is Bryce eating some special Halloween candy sent from Angel Jennifer...

Other than this, things have been hectic, the kids have had horrible behavior at school and it looks like they will both be getting glasses this week. Bryce is back on his biting rampage and Vance has refused to pay attention in class during story and calendar time. Vance told me when he gets his glasses he will look at the board..great...
I have applied for National Board Teacher Certification, a grueling process, but will result in a pay increase IF I pass. It consists of a huge portfolio, videotapes and a 3 hour test. Rodney is starting play-offs with Richland Northeast next week, so we are hoping they go all the way to the state championships. They were undefeated until this past Friday.

Coming up on the 18th is the "Festival of Trees" at the State Museum. Bryce's ornament will be available for the silent auction. We are invited to attend the "black tie" event that night, but Rodney may have a play-off game...so I guess I'll be searching for a possible late minute date (haha).
I promise to update sooner. I will probably just add to the top of this entry next week and update on his counts and any other news.

Hope you all have a great week!

You've got to love the shoes!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Sunday, November 6, 2005 3:53 PM CST

It's been a long time! Yes, I know I haven't updated in ages but I guess no news in good news. At least when it comes to Bryce. He is almost due to go back to the clinic next week, but his last visit went well. Three weeks ago his counts were:

WBC: 5.5
Hemoglobin: 11.3
Platelets: 282,000
ANC: 4400

This is "too" good (for a chemo kid, normal for anyone else), so they upped his chemo. We are probably on about 50 percent of 6-mp and still 50 percent of methotrexate. We did not have to go for a 2 week blood count check, so I will be curious to see what happens next week. Next week he will receive his spinal chemo of methotrexate, vincristine, IVIG, pentamedine, start another 5 days of steroids and continue with the oral methotrexate and 6-mp.

The cats are officially here! The dog keeps eating the cats' food, no matter where we put it. Bryce has dumped an entire jumbo bag of cat food all over the porch trying to feed them by himself, and then Vance did the same thing 2 days later. Now we just feed them inside at night.

We actually went to the State Fair last month! Bryce was so... excited. He was able to go on a lot of "big kid" rides, many by himself or with Vance. It is so nice not to have to squeeze myself onto those itty bitty rides!

Halloween was a blast! Since the boys changed their minds a hundred times about what to be for Halloween, we just went into the playroom and searched through the disaster for a costume and "VOILA" , 2 footballs players emerged!

We went to "Boo at the Zoo". People kept commenting on having a house separated. At least their costumes got a lot of attention and we didn't pay a thing! Of course now we have so much candy we don't know what to do with it, except have Rodney and I eat it when the kids go to bed.
On Halloween night we only hit one road and their bags were almost filled.

Here they are trick-or-treating at their first house...

And here is Bryce eating some special Halloween candy sent from Angel Jennifer...

Other than this, things have been hectic, the kids have had horrible behavior at school and it looks like they will both be getting glasses this week. Bryce is back on his biting rampage and Vance has refused to pay attention in class during story and calendar time. Vance told me when he gets his glasses he will look at the board..great...
I have applied for National Board Teacher Certification, a grueling process, but will result in a pay increase IF I pass. It consists of a huge portfolio, videotapes and a 3 hour test. Rodney is starting play-offs with Richland Northeast next week, so we are hoping they go all the way to the state championships. They were undefeated until this past Friday.

Coming up on the 18th is the "Festival of Trees" at the State Museum. Bryce's ornament will be available for the silent auction. We are invited to attend the "black tie" event that night, but Rodney may have a play-off game...so I guess I'll be searching for a possible late minute date (haha).
I promise to update sooner. I will probably just add to the top of this entry next week and update on his counts and any other news.

Hope you all have a great week!

You've got to love the shoes!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:24 PM CDT

Hello everyone! Gee, the craziness never stops here. Thankfully ...knock on wood...Bryce has managed to stay healthy and Vance as well. The throw -up virus hit a bunch of kids the other week, but Bryce somehow managed to avoid it. Strep throat was a possible issue too, but again it avoided us! Our next clinic visit is October 17th. He will receive the usual toxic cocktails, but it hasn't slowed him down.
Mystery rash is no longer, well, I shouldn't really say that, a mystery. Rodney took him to see the dermatologist. There was a name to it, but dear Rodney didn't write it down. The dermatologist said she usually sees it in eldery patients. Go figure... so now we have 2 creams. A different steroid cream and another concotion called meclocycline. After a week, the rash is still there, but I would say 75etter. I'm not sure which cream is doing the job.
We saw the cow again at "Light the Night" for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

We met a WONDERFUL woman, Phyllis Wood, who will be running a marathon in February in honor of Bryce for TNT.

TNT stands for "Team in Training" and is another fundraiser for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society. More info to come if you would like to make a donation.

That was Thursday night, then Friday I rushed after school to get the kids and hit EdVenture. We got to meet someone MAYOR BOB! Of course Bryce managed to not take one decent picture with his eyes open.

Then they called the kids up to receive their certificates. I know the boys are the youngest there, but they get up there and every other kid is standing nice and still with their hands by their sides, and my kids start tickling each other and almost got ready to start wrestling on the floor. I swear they have the attention span of a fly.

Now, Mrs. Harvey, the art therapist, asks if some of the kids would like to come up and tell about their art experience. Vance really wants to go up. Two other kids go, and finally Vance and Bryce go up together. No fighting or tickling, but Vance articulates the process of how he made pictures with sand and remembered to add to the end that "Oh yeah, he has leukemia!" and points to Bryce. Bryce tells nice and loud so you can actually understand him, how he got to play there and make a picture too. It was very sweet.

The boys helped themselves to refreshments afterwards and then we headed upstairs to see their picture.

Bryce flips out after this. He screams bloody murder because we are not going to the museum playground b/c the place is getting ready to close. So I have to carry him out over my shoulder screeching the whole way. Thank God Vance decided to behave by now.

The rest of our weekend involved Rodney and I trying to find Vance a new pair of sneakers he can't destroy in 2 weeks and getting him some new pants and shirts. We went into this Carolina/Clemson store to look around. Rodney takes this leather thing and says "What a cool belt for Vance!" It had some sort of Clemson thing on it. I look at it closer and it was a DOG COLLAR not a belt! We decided we had been shopping too long and went home.

School has been going well for the kids, time-outs have been fewer in numbers. Bryce did bite someone last week though, the second time he has done this... I also did find out Bryce can't see anything either from their health screenings at school. Now they both have eye appointments the beginning of November. They inherited their bad eyes from me. Sorry boys!

I hope everyone has a fantastic week. I will update next after the 17th. Keep us in your prayers for the germs to still stay away and Bryce's counts to remain up!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 5:56 PM CDT

Fall is just about here but it sure doesn't feel like it in South Carolina. The temperature has been in the 90's or high 80's for days and no rain. Not that I am complaining about no rain, but I am getting a little tired of summer clothes.
Our clinic visit on Monday went GREAT!!!!! First of all his counts:

WBC: 2.6
Hemoglobin: 12.0
Platelets: 289,000
ANC: 1742

I was really excited about these numbers. I thought they would be a lot lower because the week before Bryce came down with a nasty cough and then started with a runny nose a few days later. The cough is much better now and the nose too. Unfortunately Bryce gave it to me, actually I think I gave it to him first, he got it and then gave it back. Except the second time I had it was pretty bad. I have completely lost my voice. After a trip to the doc. and bloodwork, it looks to be viral. The problem was I lost my voice the day after the doc appt. After some high dose ibuprofen and 2 of Bryce's steroid pills, it is starting to every so slowly come back. Who thought that "borrowing" one of your cancer kid's medicines would be helpful!
It seems the IV antibiotic pentamidine has done the trick with his counts. He is now on 50 percent of his methotrexate, but still on only 25 percent of his 6-mp. This week we also had IVIG,IV vincristine, IV pentamidine, and 5 days of steroids and zantac. We even do not have to go back for a WHOLE MONTH!!!YIPPEE!!! The only stinky part of our visit was that Bryce has not grown any since the end of June. But he has put on some height since starting maintenance in March.

The big event since last update was our weekend trip to the Family Retreat for cancer kids and their families. I took the kids up by myself on a Friday since Rodney had a football game. It was at the same place they have Camp Kemo. We met some great families and they had all sorts of activities for us to do. The favorite was the campfire marshmallow roast. I didn't take any pictures of that b/c I have a hard enough time trying to see in the dark, and then watch 2 kids so they don't fall in the fire!
The next day Rodeny came. We were up at 8am already out at the playground.

After the adults had their meetings we took the kids over to the lake for a ride in the paddleboats and Vance in a kayak. Bryce wasn't too keen on the kayak idea.

We made a ceramic platter, half Gamecocks and half Clemson, and at night the dancing began. Real live square dancing...people came dressed up in true costume to teach everyone.

Bryce thought he was super cool and as usual won over the ladies.

The Light the Night Walk to help raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society will take place Thursday, September 28 at Saluda Shoals Park. I am looking forward to it. I have to put myself in gear and get our fundraising under way. If you or your business would like to make a contribution or have a small collection box displayed at your business please e-mail us and let us know. Any contributions can be made to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Only a week and a half left!

On a final note, we are getting ready to request our Make-A-Wish Trip for next summer. Bryce would like to go and see Mickey Mouse along with numerous other characters. It seems weird to be able to "Make a Wish". We could have gone when Bryce was originally diagnosed, but after a few months of him doing okay with treatment, we decided to postpone it until he was older. The child has to be 3 anyway to make a wish and at the time of diagnosis he was only 27 months. We are requesting to stay at "Give Kids the World", an awesome place for only Make-a-Wish kids. We will also tour Disney and the other attractions, but GKTW is an park in itself! We are hoping to go this summer.

That's all for now. Next week is busy with Thursday being the Light the Night Walk and Friday the ceremony at EdVenture for their artwork on display (gosh, when ISN'T it nuts around here?).

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers. Please continue for Bryce's counts to remain up and the germs stay away from our house for awhile.

A special thanks to the McLeod's for having Vance over while Bryce had his appointment Monday! We truly appreciate it and an "in advance" to Miss Kasey for watching the boys Friday after school so Mommy can go and get her hair done, so I don't look like a skunk for next week.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 5:56 PM CDT

Fall is just about here but it sure doesn't feel like it in South Carolina. The temperature has been in the 90's or high 80's for days and no rain. Not that I am complaining about no rain, but I am getting a little tired of summer clothes.
Our clinic visit on Monday went GREAT!!!!! First of all his counts:

WBC: 2.6
Hemoglobin: 12.0
Platelets: 289,000
ANC: 1742

I was really excited about these numbers. I thought they would be a lot lower because the week before Bryce came down with a nasty cough and then started with a runny nose a few days later. The cough is much better now and the nose too. Unfortunately Bryce gave it to me, actually I think I gave it to him first, he got it and then gave it back. Except the second time I had it was pretty bad. I have completely lost my voice. After a trip to the doc. and bloodwork, it looks to be viral. The problem was I lost my voice the day after the doc appt. After some high dose ibuprofen and 2 of Bryce's steroid pills, it is starting to every so slowly come back. Who thought that "borrowing" one of your cancer kid's medicines would be helpful!
It seems the IV antibiotic pentamidine has done the trick with his counts. He is now on 50 percent of his methotrexate, but still on only 25 percent of his 6-mp. This week we also had IVIG,IV vincristine, IV pentamidine, and 5 days of steroids and zantac. We even do not have to go back for a WHOLE MONTH!!!YIPPEE!!! The only stinky part of our visit was that Bryce has not grown any since the end of June. But he has put on some height since starting maintenance in March.

The big event since last update was our weekend trip to the Family Retreat for cancer kids and their families. I took the kids up by myself on a Friday since Rodney had a football game. It was at the same place they have Camp Kemo. We met some great families and they had all sorts of activities for us to do. The favorite was the campfire marshmallow roast. I didn't take any pictures of that b/c I have a hard enough time trying to see in the dark, and then watch 2 kids so they don't fall in the fire!
The next day Rodeny came. We were up at 8am already out at the playground.

After the adults had their meetings we took the kids over to the lake for a ride in the paddleboats and Vance in a kayak. Bryce wasn't too keen on the kayak idea.

We made a ceramic platter, half Gamecocks and half Clemson, and at night the dancing began. Real live square dancing...people came dressed up in true costume to teach everyone.

Bryce thought he was super cool and as usual won over the ladies.

The Light the Night Walk to help raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society will take place Thursday, September 28 at Saluda Shoals Park. I am looking forward to it. I have to put myself in gear and get our fundraising under way. If you or your business would like to make a contribution or have a small collection box displayed at your business please e-mail us and let us know. Any contributions can be made to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Only a week and a half left!

On a final note, we are getting ready to request our Make-A-Wish Trip for next summer. Bryce would like to go and see Mickey Mouse along with numerous other characters. It seems weird to be able to "Make a Wish". We could have gone when Bryce was originally diagnosed, but after a few months of him doing okay with treatment, we decided to postpone it until he was older. The child has to be 3 anyway to make a wish and at the time of diagnosis he was only 27 months. We are requesting to stay at "Give Kids the World", an awesome place for only Make-a-Wish kids. We will also tour Disney and the other attractions, but GKTW is an park in itself! We are hoping to go this summer.

That's all for now. Next week is busy with Thursday being the Light the Night Walk and Friday the ceremony at EdVenture for their artwork on display (gosh, when ISN'T it nuts around here?).

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers. Please continue for Bryce's counts to remain up and the germs stay away from our house for awhile.

A special thanks to the McLeod's for having Vance over while Bryce had his appointment Monday! We truly appreciate it and an "in advance" to Miss Kasey for watching the boys Friday after school so Mommy can go and get her hair done, so I don't look like a skunk for next week.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Wednesday, September 7, 2005 5:27 PM CDT

Some good news! We got Bryce's bloodwork back from yesterday and his counts were:

WBC: 3.4
Hemoglobin: 11.8
Platelets: 292,000
ANC: 1972

I'm not sure if they are up due to the steroids he had 2 weeks ago, or the result of changing his antibiotic to pentamadine. Whatever one it was, we'll take it! Now we will go back for the "works" on September 19th. The oncologist is upping his methotrexate dose for next week, so for the methotrexate we will back to a 50 percent dose. We are still at 25 percent of the 6-MP.
Bryce is feeling good, other than the horrible "mystery rash". Mystery rash has finally landed us with a appointment to the dermatologist on the 28th, so we'll see what ideas they may have.It's gotten so bad that on some days people who don't know Bryce will be like "OOH, you have a bad rash" or "What's wrong with his face?". If they only knew...

Two Sundays ago Bryce was able to go to his "Paint Party" to decorate his ornament for the Festival of Trees held at the State Museum in November. We painted 2 ornaments. One to keep and one for the auction. We kept a Santa and have a ball shaped one for the sale. Bryce of course devoured the goodies they had. I guess the steroids were still in effect.
We were also on WIS (channel 10). I looked kind of scary since I had my painting clothes and no make-up on. They aired it at 11 and geez, there sure are a lot of people up at that hour!Lots of you told us you saw Bryce on TV.

The kittens at Nannie's house are beginning to wander around. I was told to announce that if anyone would like one of these precious , adorable kitties that they are free to a good home! They should be ready in about 3 more weeks. Bryce has a little work to do in the "Handling of Kittens" care. The kittens seem to like Vance better due to his lack of the choke hold. Regardless, Bryce loves the kitties!

We made another trip to the zoo this past Monday. I thought we were doing great to get there before 10 am. Big mistake...very crowded already. We raced to go on all the things they wanted to to get it out of the way before the crowds became larger.

Then the rest of the time we were "Monkeying Around".

This weekend we will continue to cheer for both the Gamecocks and Clemson

We are also going on a retreat through the cancer clinic. We will enjoy a relaxing time of swimming, hay rides, marshmallows and fun. Rodney will join us Saturday morning and we will be back Sunday morning.

The Light the Night Walk to help raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society will take place Thursday, September 28 at Saluda Shoals Park. I am looking forward to it. I have to put myself in gear and get our fundraising under way. If you or your business would like to make a contribution or have a small collection box displayed at your business please e-mail us and let us know. Any contributions can be made to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

On a final note, Mr. Bryce has been going to sleep in his own bed for once, but not before 20 minutes of THIS!!!

For some odd reason, Rodney and I still seem to wake up with extra people in the bed by 6 am! Half the time I don't even know they are there. I know Rodney doesn't.

Thank you everyone for your continued prayers. They really helped this week! Please continue to pray for the boys to stay healthy and not catch the "cruddy school germs". Knock on wood we have been very fortunate so far (in that area).

Have a wonderful week! I will update after our visit to the onc. on the 19th.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Wednesday, September 7, 2005 5:27 PM CDT

Some good news! We got Bryce's bloodwork back from yesterday and his counts were:

WBC: 3.4
Hemoglobin: 11.8
Platelets: 292,000
ANC: 1972

I'm not sure if they are up due to the steroids he had 2 weeks ago, or the result of changing his antibiotic to pentamadine. Whatever one it was, we'll take it! Now we will go back for the "works" on September 19th. The oncologist is upping his methotrexate dose for next week, so for the methotrexate we will back to a 50 percent dose. We are still at 25 percent of the 6-MP.
Bryce is feeling good, other than the horrible "mystery rash". Mystery rash has finally landed us with a appointment to the dermatologist on the 28th, so we'll see what ideas they may have.It's gotten so bad that on some days people who don't know Bryce will be like "OOH, you have a bad rash" or "What's wrong with his face?". If they only knew...

Two Sundays ago Bryce was able to go to his "Paint Party" to decorate his ornament for the Festival of Trees held at the State Museum in November. We painted 2 ornaments. One to keep and one for the auction. We kept a Santa and have a ball shaped one for the sale. Bryce of course devoured the goodies they had. I guess the steroids were still in effect.
We were also on WIS (channel 10). I looked kind of scary since I had my painting clothes and no make-up on. They aired it at 11 and geez, there sure are a lot of people up at that hour!Lots of you told us you saw Bryce on TV.

The kittens at Nannie's house are beginning to wander around. I was told to announce that if anyone would like one of these precious , adorable kitties that they are free to a good home! They should be ready in about 3 more weeks. Bryce has a little work to do in the "Handling of Kittens" care. The kittens seem to like Vance better due to his lack of the choke hold. Regardless, Bryce loves the kitties!

We made another trip to the zoo this past Monday. I thought we were doing great to get there before 10 am. Big mistake...very crowded already. We raced to go on all the things they wanted to to get it out of the way before the crowds became larger.

Then the rest of the time we were "Monkeying Around".

This weekend we will continue to cheer for both the Gamecocks and Clemson

We are also going on a retreat through the cancer clinic. We will enjoy a relaxing time of swimming, hay rides, marshmallows and fun. Rodney will join us Saturday morning and we will be back Sunday morning.

The Light the Night Walk to help raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society will take place Thursday, September 28 at Saluda Shoals Park. I am looking forward to it. I have to put myself in gear and get our fundraising under way. If you or your business would like to make a contribution or have a small collection box displayed at your business please e-mail us and let us know. Any contributions can be made to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

On a final note, Mr. Bryce has been going to sleep in his own bed for once, but not before 20 minutes of THIS!!!

For some odd reason, Rodney and I still seem to wake up with extra people in the bed by 6 am! Half the time I don't even know they are there. I know Rodney doesn't.

Thank you everyone for your continued prayers. They really helped this week! Please continue to pray for the boys to stay healthy and not catch the "cruddy school germs". Knock on wood we have been very fortunate so far (in that area).

Have a wonderful week! I will update after our visit to the onc. on the 19th.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 9:42 PM CDT

We're trudging along! Bryce went to the clinic yesterday for his big appointment. He received spinal methotrexate, IV vincristine, IV IVIG, IV pentamidine (to prevent pneumonia, our new antibiotic to try), started 5 days of steroids, and are continuing 6-MP every other night now and pill form methotrexate once a week (but not this week).
Bryce's counts are back to stinky. If you remember he was off chemo for about a week 2 weeks ago when he had a virus. They shot right up to over 1800 of chemo (the ANC), so that was good news. We went on 25 percent chemo. Well, after 2 weeks, it is stinko again.

WBC: 1.6
Hemoglobin: 11.3
Platelets: 291,000
ANC: 819

Remember an ANC of 1,000 (still not the norm though)provides the best/least amount of protection from the crud going around. Seems like sinus, strep throat and a stomach bugs are the illnesses going around lately. We'll keep our fingers crossed!
Rodney took Bryce so he had my jumbo list of questions. Dr. Ron came in and before Rodney got to ask anything he said his ANC is only 819, we're not overly concerned with him being on only 25 percent chemo. That is the amount that it takes right now to keep any "blasts" (leukemia cells) away. We are not doing a bone marrow to be sure b/c he feels he's getting the amount of chemo he needs right now and the chemo is doing it's job.
We brought up and will most likely next visit have his TPTM ( think I got the initials right) level checked. This is an enzyme that breaks down the 6-mp. If they are insufficient in it, counts can crash. It is rare, but I would like him tested anyway. It has to be sent to an outside lab. We go back in 2 weeks to recheck counts.
Please keep Bryce in your prayers during the next 2 weeks that his counts will rise some.

School is going well. Here is Bryce with "Buster" (I think that's it's name) When they do something nice for someone else, they get to take him home for the night. This is a big improvement over the first week of school.
Conversation in the car:
"Bryce, did you go to time-out today, did you stay on greeen?"
"Mommy, I hit a boy in the face."
Mortified..."Bryce, who? Why did you hit him?"
"He was messin me up!"

Well, the next day we find out a child tried to take a toy from Bryce, Bryce hit him in the face, the kid hit back, it was broken up...
Then today Bryce tells me he hit a boy again today. I'll find out more tomorrow.

Then Vance cries and confesses he has been lying all week and he went to time-out "like 9 times!". After speaking with the teacher, it wasn't that many. According to Vance he is too loud. Wow, no big surprise here!
He is reading already! He learned all of his "popcorn words" and is on his "Star Book 3" already. He will also take his first AR test tomorrow.

Nannie's cat had kittens! The stray cat had kittens, 7 of them! We're not sure if we will take one b/c of Bryce, but maybe Nannie will let us keep one at her house?????

Bryce's and Van's artwork is now displayed at the hospital until the end of the month, then it's going to EdVenture until October 28th. The boys and other children who participated will be honored at EdVenture at 4pm September 30th. In the spring his picture will go to Columbia's Museum of Art.

We received some "cool" t-shirts from Ms. Helen who made the above surfing banner for Bryce. They definitely get the point across. The boys think it is great because it has the word "butt" on the shirt.

As I believe I mentioned last time, Bryce received an award at the Richland 2's School District's inservice for bravery in his battle with leukemia. He received a standing ovation from over 1,000 people!

Finally , our family is participating in our local Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's "Light the Night Walk" the end of September to raise money for leukemia research. I plan to put some change bins out at my mother-in-law's shop "Hudson's House of Flowers" in Lugoff for any donations. If you have a business or organization that would be interested in helping us raise money for leukemia and cancer research, please e-mail me and I would be more than welcome to bring a collection jar to you! I could have set up a website for online donations, but with working again...to much to mess with it. I'm just going to do it the old fashioned way. We will walk the end of September at Saluda Shoals Park. I MAY attempt to walk a marathon in Myrtle Beach in February under "Team in Training", again with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to raise money for research and programs to help other families like ours around our state.

I hope everyone has a great week. I will update after Sept 6th, when we go back for labs! Please continue to keep Bryce in your prayers!
There are probably a million typos that Rodney will point out to me tomorrow. Please bear with me since I get up at 5:45 now and go to bed at 12am!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, August 9, 2005 9:06 PM CDT

Well, lots has happened since the last entry. First thing is that Bryce managed to get sick last Monday. He woke up with a cough and fever that continued to climb throughout the day. Remember when it hits the magic 101 number it is off to the ER we go. It hit 101.5 at about 3:30 so we were lucky enough to get to go to the clinic. They checked his bloodwork and gave him IV antibiotics. Since his ANC was high enough (thanks to steroids the week before) we were able to go home. Needless to say, he had a fever again for half of Tuesday , so....I missed my first day back to work! At least it was a teacher staff development day, so it could have been worse. They did take him off all chemo until Wednesday when he was feeling better.
By Tuesday night the fever was gone and Wednesday through Friday both boys went to Ms. Gerrie's house while Rodney and I went back to work. The kids had a blast there. They wore them out because for the first time in a while, the boys slept the whole night in their beds.
Since Bryce was sick and it rained for 2 days, the boys made tent cities in the kitchen.

On Wednesday morning Bryce particpatied Richland 2's District Inservice. What happened was a HUGE surprise to us, but I am going to save this story until next entry when I hope to have some pictures.
Friday Bryce went back to the clinic for counts and they stunk. He has been off all chemo again. Monday after school we went back for counts and everything looked better. We are now starting back on 25 percent chemo. His counts are:

WBC: 2.9
Hemoglobin: 11.7
Platelets: 217,000
ANC: 1,885

The bad news was that Rodney got sick with some sinus crud Friday and ended up at Doctor's Care Saturday morning. After some antibiotics he is better.

Saturday was cousin Joseph's 2nd birthday. We went to Opa's house to celebrate. Bryce enjoyed beating up the pinata.

All the kids managed to pose for a picture.

Oh, before the birthday party, Bryce was mad at me for some reason (can't remember what it was now) so I figure what he did was to get even with me. As he was in time out on the couch, Vance and I were in the kitchen printing out a birthday card. I thought it was awfully quiet in the living room. Bryce decided to give my HUGE BLUE PERMANENT SHARPIE MARKER a workout. I walk in and his arms and hands are covered blue, along with portions of the cream colored couch. Ater scrubbing with a washclothes, rubbing alcohol and soap, most of it came off. He still is tinted blue to an extent. I was too mad to take a picture this time.

Monday finally arrived! I crossed my fingers and Rodney took them to school (only kidding Rodney). They both have had a fun first 2 days so far. I walk in Bryce's room the past 2 days and he doesn't even move. Vance would usually run over to greet me. Bryce just keeps on doing whatever it is he was doing. I'll take that as a good sign. What Bryce remembers most about school is that (Quoting Bryce tonight)
1. I ate all my ham and cheese at lunch.
2. I ate all my breakfast at the cafeteria.
3. I saw brother in the cafeteria.
4. I saw brother in the hall.

Vance's response to the first day was:
"Some things were boring, but there was a really exciting part. WE GET TO GO AND PLAY OUTSIDE 2 TIMES EVERY DAY!!!!"

It figures, like most boys, they claim food and recess as the best part of school.
Our next clinic visit is the 24th and it will be a doozy. He will receive spinal methotrexate (and they will test his spinal fluid for any leukemia cells), IV vincristine, IVIG and IV pentamidine (the new antibiotic to prevent pneumonia). Please continue to pray for Bryce that his counts will remain stable and he will stay illness free now that he is at school. Also that we will not have any side effects from the new antibiotic.
Finally in about another month, we will participate in "Light the Night", a fundraiser for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society of SC. I will post more info in the next entry on the 22nd.

Hope you all have a wonderful week and good luck to those of you who are beginning a new school year. Thank you again for all of your support and prayers!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 1:45 PM CDT


Hi everyone! Sorry I didn't update sooner, but was waiting until we went to create some art today! Finally some good news, Bryce's white count has risen from 1.2 to 1.9. Still under 2.0, but high enough to raise his ANC to over 1,000. The results are:

WBC: 1.9
Hemoglobin: 11.8
Platelets: 313,000
ANC: 1124

We are suppossed to go back August 8th for counts, but since that is the first day of school, we are going back the 5th just for counts. Bryce is still on 50 percent chemo though. GREAT NEWS..Bryce is officially 3 feet tall!!Yeah Bryce! If I compare Bryce to Vance, Vance was 3 feet tall at his 3 year old check-up, so Bryce is about 7 months behind schedule, but that's okay! At least he has started to grow.
The oncologist is changing Bryce's Septra, the antibiotic to prevent a form of pneumonia in immunosuppressed people, to pentamadine. There are 2 forms, an inhaled type (like a breathing treatment) or the IV form. Well, we were told to try the breathing form first b/c it only has to be done once a month versus every weeks with the IV. We tried and it was a big DISASTER. After looking at the machine, touching the "smoke" to see if it was hot, giving his koala bear some, watching me take a big breath of it (and it was very gross by the way), he finally put it in his mouth and inhaled it. That's when all heck broke loose.
He starts with the screaming, saying how "yucky" that is and he will never,ever do that again. I persuade him with some candy to take the nasty taste away..nope...I try to get him on my lap, he flips out, knocks the machine to the ground and just about all the medicine is on my foot now. The respiratory tech is useless, just stood there...I told her to forget it. She washed the mask part and gave it to us to take home to play with it and get used to it before next month. Well, the bag didn't make it into the house b/c Bryce told me the "machine is bad!!!!". Needlees to say, he is doing Septra one more month and then the IV form of pentamadine instead next month.

As you see from the picture, Bryce was chosen to participate in an art show. His artwork will be displayed in the atrium in the Cancer building at Palmetto Richland, and then it will be hung at EdVenture Children's Museum (a really cool place) in Columbia for a while. I will know exactly when soon. Mrs. Harvey, the art therapist at the clinic, had us come to her studio today and have fun creating some collages (sp?). Vance came too, and as a big surprise to us, his work will be highlighted as well. We had our picture taken and a write-up about Bryce and Van along with their work will be framed. Maybe we'll get to keep it after it's all over???

Here's another one. Not so horrible as the last entry. Vance and Bryce were going to be tested for their 5K and pre-school screening tests. It asks them things to see if they know their shapes, colors, address, phone # , etc... Well, Vance didn't know his address and phone # at the end of last year, so I have been drilling it into his head and asking him and Bryce about 4 times a day what it is. Now when I ask they both go "Not again!!!" Vance was walking in the living room and I was asking him the usual questions.
For the heck of it I go, "Who is the president?" After a second I hear him go, "George Bush". Wow, I was impressed. I had no idea he knew that. Then he comes in the kitchen and says, "Mom, Who is Condeleesa Rice?" (I know I probably butchered her name) and I tell him. He goes back in the living room and I yell, "Who is the vice-president?" A second passes and he goes, "Bob Hope". WHAT IN THE WORLD?? He comes back in the kitchen. "Who is Bill Clinton?" "Who is Richard Nixon?" Now I go outside and call for Rodney who is suppossed to be manning the grill. I don't see him, but now the sprinklers are going in the front yard so I assume he's down there. I go back in and ask Vance how does he know those names? I figure he is watching the news. I go back in the kitchen. Rodney opens the back door and tells me he needed a plate for the steaks. So I go out to the living room, hand him the plate and tell him how Vance knows these amazing things!
Rodney can't keep a straight face. Rodney had come inside and was hiding on the stairs, so when I asked Vance the first question about who the president was, Rodney told them. Then he proceeded to get Vance to keep coming in and asking me about all these other people. I guess I should have figured something was going on after the "Bob Hope" response. I felt like a moron!!!

The rest of last week was nothing exciting, just the pool and home. Bryce is on steroids this week and he has eaten what for 3 days already...

Macaroni and Cheese!! He's already had a meltdown at the pool crying for hot dogs.

We tried some new ways of getting dressed...

and spent 2 days trying to find the right pair of new sneakers for school. Of course, they had to be Gamecock colors!

Now we are just hanging out, trying to enjoy the short bit of time we have. I go back to work the 2nd and the kids will go Ms. Gerrie's for a few days. Bryce starts school August 10th and Vance the 8th. I have a bunch of small projects to finish up before school starts or it will never get done until Christmas. Seems like we have a counter-top problem in the bathroom upstairs that has "gone wrong" that Rodney is patiently fixing. I'm glad I can worry about little things like that right now instead of Bryce having bigger issues.

Hope everyone has a great week. I will update probably after the 10th unless his labs are out of sorts or we have some interesting stories to tell before school starts.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, July 18, 2005 10:33 PM CDT

Oh, where to start! It's been an interesting past week. As you may notice, I updated a day early. This is because we had to cancel Bryce's dentist appointment, due to the rotten counts he had AGAIN! Back down the toilet they go...

WBC: a whoppin' 1.2
Platelets: 282,000 (good but down)
Hemoglobin: 11.5 (down from 12.0, but still good for Bryce)
ANC: an even 600 (BOO!Yuck, really stinks)

He is acting fine, maybe sneezing here and there, but then again everyone in South Carolina does that. We are looking, or more my pursuading, the oncologists to change his antibiotic Septra to Pentamadine in IV form, to see if it will help get this white count and ANC up. These antibiotics are to prevent a form of pneumonia that immunosuppressed people can catch. The Septra does a better job from what I read and is more convenient, but can lower wbc and ANC. Or, this can just be an issue of that his little body is tired out. Before he received chemo that was stronger, but in short "bursts". Now he receives chemo, not as strong, but every day.
Anywho....we'll find out more next Monday when he goes for his scheduled monthly visit. If his ANC is below 500, chemo will not be given for a week. We just ask for continued prayers for Bryce that these particular counts will come up soon and that Bryce continues to stay healthy.

This an e-mail I sent my on-line group ALL-KIDS. It is comprised of a bunch of wonderful parents and caregivers who are in the same cruddy boat, dealing with childhood leukemia. And yes, I have not exaggerated on this...

Thought I'd share another of our "trips from h#!@" out with Bryce and his brother. Gee, it wasn't even steroid week, but I felt like this one deserves the "Bad Mommy Award" Grand Prize. Why we went to Walmart was beyond me, but I wanted to get the kids school supplies before it was a madhouse there. Well, went around 10:45am and it wasn't too busy, but the aisles there are about the size of a closet. We're in the school supply aisle with our cart, 2 other families and their carts and the Walmart worker with her cart restocking. I kept giving the Vance his supply and he would run it to the cart, only about 4 feet away, and come back for something else.
Well, I give Bryce a package of glue sticks and say "go put it in the cart." He walks away, I look back down, grab something else and give it to Vance, look up and Bryce is GONE! I ask Vance where Bryce is and he has no clue, we check the aisles next to us, not there, surrounding aisles, aisles half way down the store not there. Now the Walmart woman is on the radio, calling a "Code Adam", describing Bryce. The main door is right buy the school supplies so I start running for it. An old man says "You lookin' for a little boy?" Well he points and says he just went out the door. I am literally dragging Vance by his arm as he tries to keep up. Then I questioned the greeter who has no clue. Finally I look outside and he is standing there with the package of glue sticks next to a table with this wonderful woman who is running a table for donations for a homeless shelter. She told Bryce to stand there when she saw him come out. I asked her if someone brought him out, but she said no, he came by himself.
By now I am SHAKING, swear I am going to have a heart attack, and I ask Bryce why he came outside. He said he had to put the glue stick "in the CAR". He misunderstood and thought I said CAR not CART. Why didn't I use the Southern term "buggy" instead of my NJ word!
We went back in and got the rest. Of course then Bryce acted horrible the rest of time.
Then to top it off, before that happened, a woman in the aisle he ran away from asks, "How old is he?" I tell her he is 3 and she points to her kid and says he is too. Then she asks when he will be 4 and I tell her December. She is like "WOW, he (her kid) will be 4 in October and look how big he is!" Good thing I didn't bring up Bryce is being treated for leukemia and hasn't really grown in over a year, but that would of made me look even worse when he escaped. The mom who loses the kid with cancer!
Finally, I kept thinking the whole time I couldn't find him. Why is someone wanting to steal Bryce! Oh my God, that person has no clue he has to take meds, go to the doctor, has leukemia... Needless to say, it has been an interesting morning! I did manage to go back and empty all the cash out my purse to give to that wonderful woman!

See, I told you that was pretty bad!

The stork has arrived! Look I had a baby, just kidding. This is our new addition, the boys' new cousin baby Chandler. Rodney's sister Jamie had him this past weekend and we got to make a trip to visit. He is so adorable! Vance kept asking why don't I GET another baby like that? Check out the photo page to see a close up.

This past Saturday was the City Swim Meet. Vance did really well. He finished in 28.79 seconds. Considering in June he was swimming 42 seconds a race. He came in 17th overall for the 6 and under group. The group had 44 swimmers so we were very proud of him. Tonight was our swim team award/cookout night. He received a ribbon from the City Swim Meet for 17th place in the City. I didn't realize they gave ribbons for that place, but apparently they give them for the top 20 swimmers. Below is a picture of Vance, Bryce and his best buddy Benjamin right after the meet holding his participant ribbon.

Not a whole lot more happening. As you can see from the very top picture, we enjoyed some ice cream this week. Bryce and Van wore most of it. Bryce did start out with a spoon but decided to drink it instead.They ended up driving home with no shirts on.

We played some "Tater Head"...

Bryce didn't feel very well Sunday morning. He woke up shaky, clammy, sweaty and then went back to sleep. Then he woke up and threw up! We believe it from low blood sugar in the morning. After some OJ. fruit loops and his "throw up medicine", he felt fine.

Again, please continue to pray for Bryce for his white count and ANC to rise! If you get a chance, stop by Bryce's guestbook and leave a message! Below are 2 pictures of Bryce from last summer. To meet him last year and see him now, you'd never realize he is the same kid. He's still the same happy kid inside, but one that has been through a journey no child should have to travel through.
Well, I guess he does look a little grumpy in the picture in the pool.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:03 AM CDT

UPDATE: 7/11/05 Bryce had his counts checked today.

WBC: 1.6 (Yuck)
Hemoglobin: 12.0 (yeah)
Platelets: 358,000 (yeah)
ANC: 784 (Yuck)

He also has his rash back which is looking pretty bad, but have been told again it is from his methotrexate and will pretty much be there until he is off all chemo. So...hopefully it will calm down some before 2007. I don't know what our plan is if in 2 weeks his white count and ANC are still low, will chemo be reduced even more, or do we stop a week? The nurse is asking the oncologist for me. We go back next Monday again to check counts b/c he is suppossed to go to his first dentist appt. but his ANC needs to be closer to 1,000. Unless something happens before then, I will update next Monday or Tuesday if we go to the dentist. Bryce is acting fine, feeling great so only time will tell! Have a great week!

Again, a thank you to Katie on ALL-Kids for how to get Bryce's song on. I have managed to create another web site to store it on so it should not interfere with the rest of the webpage if it is accessed too many times in a day. If it does, it will be only the song you cannot hear, so check back in an hour.

Some good news! Bryce's visit to the clinic yesterday showed that his WBC and ANC have gone up. I expected it though, since he just finished his steroids Saturday morning and has been on only 50 percent of his chemo. His final counts were:

WBC 2.4
Platelets: 300,000
Hemoglobin: 11.1
ANC: 1728

His hemoglobin and platelets have been pretty steady lately. Just wish the hemoglobin would hit the "normal" point. We've been really close. Now we go back again next Monday to check counts once more.The white count I anticipate dropping some, since the steroids will be out of his system by then. He is still on 50 percent chemo.

Fourth of July was a blast! Saturday night we went to the fireworks at Fort Jackson. Before the fireworks they go through presenting the flag for all the states. Everytime they would announce a state, Vance would attempt to say it. Well, we had states like "New Hamster" and "Alipornia" come out of Vance's mouth. He was very entertaining.

On Monday we went to the pool for 4th of July. They had games for all the kids. I almost didn't let him do the "spit cup" game. The kids were on teams and had to get pool water into their mouths. Then they climb out of the pool, run over to a cup and spit the water in. The winning team is the one who fills their cup up first. Not a real sanitary thing for a kid whose ANC was low, but I figured the steroids had brought it up, which it had. Phew!!!! He was good at not swallowing the water. Even though, not even having it in his mouth was probably a better idea.

Bryce somehow managed to come in 3rd place in the "featherweight" division for the hula hoop contest. Vance also came in first in the "throw the beach ball through the hoop" contest.

Bryce is coming along with his swimming! He will now swim to you without swimmies, face in the water, and uses his arms! Not bad for a 3 year old!

We took this picture with an underwater camera!

No, it's not Halloween, but this is what my kids do when it is raining outside, which last week seems to be EVERY afternoon. Please note that these creations are all originals designed by Bryce and Vance outfitters.

I've made a joke out of this, but have affectionately nicknamed Bryce "Bigfoot". The poor little guy is sprouting hair like crazy. That's not necessarily a bad thing at all, just that it is not only on his little head. He has a back, arms, legs, and neck hairier than his brother and side burns growing to go with it. From what I've read, steroids are listed as a possible side effect of increased hair growth. Well, that possible effect sure does apply to Bryce. At least it is blond and not overly noticable.

Here's Bryce with his spike look!

We've had a good week, despite the low counts from the week before. I will update next Monday night after visiting the clinic again.

Have a great week and hope anyone going on vacation avoids the rain from this tropical storm coming our way!

Love, Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, June 27, 2005 9:47 PM CDT

7/3/05 UPDATE: A thank you, thank you to Katie from ALL-Kids for how to put this song on Bryce's page. This is the song we sent off to an organization called "Songs of Love" back I believe in December or January, and they made this one of a kind song for Bryce. It may be slow loading for people like me with dial-up. This opens all sorts of opportunities now!! If I can find someone to transfer Bryce's radiothon segment from March, you may be able to hear it by Halloween! If you cannot hear Bryce's song, please leave a message in the guestbook so I try and fix it (although I won't be sure how????? Also, already had issues with the song working. I linked it to another "free site" but if it gets accessed too many times in a day, it gets bumped off for an hour at a time. So...if you can't hear the song, check back in an hour.

Gosh, where do I start??? Today was our monthly clinic visit. The oncologist gave us a "thumbs up" for our exam. Bryce looked great. That was the good part. The bad part was when his counts came back. His wbc has dropped down to 1.2 and his ANC is low at 684. So...his counts look like this:

WBC: 1.2
Hemoglobin: 11.3 (This looks the best it has in months!:)
Platelets: 282,000
ANC: 684 (Yuck)

Remember under 1,000 and we restrict our activities, under 500 and chemo is stopped until counts rise.
Well, we are now on only 50 percent chemo, that's a 50 percent dose of
6-mp and methotrexate. His steroid dose stays the same and his IV vincristine went up from .7 mg to .8mg since...drum roll please...Bryce grew some more again! A whoppin' 91 1/2cm now. That is a whole cm and a half since last month. He's almost at 3ft! Bryce even gained weight and is now 32.7 lbs. Today he received his IV vincristine, IVIG for his immune system, and will start 5 days of steroids along with the reduced doses of 6-mp and methotrexate. Oh, and toss in a little zantac for his tummy ad colace to keep his tummy "moving things along". He's been acting fine, although he's been a little "pukey" today starting in the car on the way to the clinic and finally managed to throw up watermelon on the kitchen floor when he got home. But of course, he goes "uh-oh" and just comes outside to be pushed on the swing like nothing happened.
Since we are on reduced chemo, we will go back next Tuesday July 5th, to recheck counts, and again the following Monday (11th). I assume if they go back up, his chemo will too. This is the first time in all of his treatments that he is not receiving 100oses. That's really impressive since lots of leukemia kids are on reduced or miss doses during the more intense phases and during maintenance.
We had no clue what his counts were so the kids went everywhere and thank God, have not gotten sick!..knock on wood again...
First stop the zoo once more! This time we went with Rodney's dad for a trip associated with his job. We even got all the grandkids to pose together,

Vance and Bryce even managed to share a drink together without pouring it on each other on purpose.

Next Rodney and I went on our Key West 10 yr anniversary trip Mon-Thurs and Nannie and Papa survived 4 days of the kids' non-stop energy. They were brave enough to go to Tweetsie railroad all the way in NC. Cat (aka Catherine) came along for the ride and help calm the savages. The kids of course had a blast.

Finally this past Saturday we joined in the yard sale at Grandma Bourgoin's house. The boys were really pumped about selling their toys for money to buy new toys. Yeah, so pumped in fact they played with all of the old toys and even brought one of them back home.

They even drank all of poor cousin Joseph's juice boxes and raided the donuts!

From here, our activites are limited due to Bryce's ANC. We really shouldn't even be going to the pool, the nurse was siding on the side of "no", but if we check about the status of the chemical levels of the pool and keep him out of the baby pool (which we do anyway) we should be okay. Gee, with the heat index of 98, where else are we going to go??
Fourth of July looks like we'll hang around. In fact we'll be hanging around town for the month of July, with maybe a day trip back to the Myrtle Beach. If you haven't in a while, please take a moment to leave a quick note in Bryce's guestbook, as he still asks about his "me-mail".
I thought to finish this entry off, I'd post a picture of Bryce about a year ago.

No matter what he's gone through, he's always been in a good mood and tries to be the spunky kid he is. A year has passed, the hair has grown back, but we still have right under 2 years ahead of us. Please pray for Bryce to keep his upbeat ways and positive attitude, and for his wbc and ANC to rise so he can continue with 100f chemo.

Have a wonderful Fourth of July! I will update again the night of July 5th after our visit to the clinic again.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Thursday, June 16, 2005 11:05 PM CDT

Where do I start! Since we've done so...much since the last update. I figured I'd do a Part 1 this week, and Part 2 the 27th after Bryce's next appointment.
First off, Bryce got his first haircut in over a year! Nothing too extreme. He probably won't get another one until school starts. It has grown in quickly and thick in the back and was getting too hot for summer. So off to Ms. Tina for a haircut.

Another event was "Dreamnight at the Zoo" that I briefly explained in the last journal entry. This was special night for kids with chronic illnesses to visit the zoo behind the scenes and have a night at the zoo with their families. Since it was closed to the public, the crowds were minimal. The animals were in full swing though.

In this picture the seal actually JUMPED out of the water and sat next to the railing "barking" at us. Vance thought that was the coolest thing.

Bryce on the other hand wanted to hunt down every mascot and hug them. Richie the Raccoon probably thought we were stalking him. This monkey is a little freaky...reminds me of this evil looking monkey holding a plastic banana Rodney has from when he was a kid!

Next, off to the beach! Four days was plenty of time to enjoy the beach and about 5pm every day start the meltdown process. Usually this starts after dinner and involves annoying the "you know what" out of each other. The weather was great. Rodney and I managed to get fried the first day, but we remembered to lather up the kids. Apparently we were not the only ones on the beach like this.

The kids swam and surfed. There was an issue with SHARKS of all things, every day the sharks were there. The 2nd day they called people out of the water. They were about the size of Bryce (we assume since some fishermen caught 2 the last morning we were there) but you could see the Jaws fin going by.
The kids even managed to be involved with the police!

No,they weren't in trouble. This is a friend of Rodney's from our beach days when we lived at the beach.

We went and ate at the Sea Captain's House, and Bryce had to follow his big brother's footsteps by climbing all over the rocks behind the dunes.

One night we ate at the Nascar Cafe. It was surprisingly good food, and lots to look at for the kids. The waiter guy kept saying these ridiculous comments, probably what they were trained to say, but he was way too into it.
Behind the cafe is the Nascar race track with go carts and other things to do. We bought too many tickets. Vance's highlight of the night was when he went over to see if he was tall enough to ride a go-cart by himself. It was 40 in. and he cleared it by a good 2-3 inches. He then exclaims out loud, "Oh my goodness, I have been waiting my ENTIRE life to do this by myself!"

Bryce was just as thrilled. We passed him off as 2 (suggestion of the ticket lady)and he only had a choice of 2 rides to choose from. He rode this little race car ride at least 15 times over 2 nights. He was so...proud of himself and wanted no help what so ever. He really wasn't tall enough to ride it by himself (36 in) but I let him go anyway.

The last night Vance had a meltdown at putt-putt. We didn't go to the right place....he says he keeps getting "bad hits"...and so on. It was still fun.

Well, I guess that is about all for now. Bryce's health seems to be holding steady..knock on wood...Now just hoping we didn't pick up any beach germs while we were there. Rodney and I are getting ready to celebrate our 10 year anniversay by a trip away without children next week, so special prayers and thanks go out to Nannie and Papa who will take on the troops.
Bryce's mystery rash is back again, but it lets me know his counts are okay. Next clinic visit is the 27th and won't be as long. He will get IV vincristine, IVIG and start 5 days of steroids again. He will continue his 6-mp at home nightly and methotrextate on Monday nights. Hey, on the 24th it will be only 730 more nights of 6-mp pills, 120 more steroid days, 104 more nights of methotrexate, 24 more doses of vincristine, 9 more LP's (spinals) of methotrexate, and finally at least 24 more doses of IVIG. Woohoo!!!!!! Really I am counting it down!!
Again, thank you for all of your continued prayers. It means so much when we hear you've been thinking of us. Be sure to view the other photo page and sign the guest book if you have a minute!
Next update will be June 27th with new info and Part 2 beach pictures (check at night) unless something happens before then and I add it to this page.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:20 PM CDT

UPDATE 6/7/05
Bryce has had a good week. Despite all of the rain, I managed to keep my sanity. I forgot to mention last time that Bryce actually grew! A whopping .7 cm in a month! Doesn't sound like a whole lot, but he has grown. Now he is a whole 90 cm tall! (Not sure what that converts to in inches without looking it up, I teach Language Arts! Other news, Bryce was officially 3 1/2 yesterday! Time just flies by... I will have lots of new pictures and probably some stories to tell soon. We are going to the beach for a few days next week. We also went to Dreamnight at the Riverbanks Zoo last Friday and that was fantastic! The animals are much more lively at night and the seals actually jumped out of the water and sat right next to the railing "barking" at us. I will update with new pictures and stories after the beach, probably next Friday. Have a good week!

Hello! Today was our long clinic day. Everything looked good! His counts were:

WBC: 1.6
Hemoglobin: 11.1
Platelets: 302,000
ANC: Ta Da....1104

It seems whatever we're doing is going well. I am so glad Bryce seems to have taken on a pattern with his counts. His wbc's are low, but they are the type of white cells that are high that are keeping his ANC up! One type, lymphocytes, are low..., but after talking with the onc., that is fine. The goal is to keep those neutrophils up so he is able to fight infection.
We haven't heard about his spinal fluid yet, but no news is good news and if there was a problem we probably would have heard by now.
Bryce has also impressed the clinic staff with his new hair!
We put some of Rodney's hair gel in to spike it up! It doesn't stay up long though.

Our next contraption created by dear Rodney is our "Redneck Waterslide". No $ was used in creating this unique yard art. The kids loved it although they were covered in sand and pine straw.

The pool finally opened this past weekend, but the water is so cold that Vance's lips are spotted blue within minutes. Bryce just plops in with his swimmies and even fell into the pool by accident. He survived though.

If you read last week's entry, we resolved the "Kandoo" problem after 2 days. Rodney brought one of those giant snake pipes home from school to unclog our toilet. It worked after overflowing 2 more times. There were about 20 Kandoos stuck together blocking the toilet. Needless to say they are banned from our house.

Not too much to write this week. The kids have been driving me insane for the past week that I will probably go to the loony bin by July.

We did manage to get some outdoor time in before the rain and colder weather set in.


Some big news is that we will be on WIS-TV this Saturday at 5pm!!!!!! We will be on for the Children's Miracle Network to raise money for Palmetto Children's Hospital. All money raised will stay in Columbia. At this point it will just be myself and Bryce. Rodney has a prior scheduled all day passing league competition at USC and I dare not bring the 2 kids by myself so they can fight with each other on live TV. I hope I do not sound like a fool!
Again, 5 pm! We are suppossed to be the last interview before they start up again at 7pm.

That's about it. Bryce has been battling a cough, compliments of Vance, but the onc. said his lungs are all clear so it is just a respiratory type thing. His counts are fine, no fever, so we're good to go..knock on wood.
Thank you again for all of your continued support and prayers! Be sure to look at the other pictures on the photo page as well!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, May 23, 2005 9:33 PM CDT

Hello all! We've been very busy this past week. Vance has had several things going on. School programs, year end party, t-ball pizza party and last game, etc... At Vance's end of the year party, a classmate's family was very generous to host the entire class and their families at their home for a pool party (and it was heated too!) Of course, no moms went in including myself, so the men were on lifeguard duty. Vance, thank goodness, remembered how to swim, and Bryce just jumped right in with his swimmies.

Since it has been hot, the kids begged for our own jumbo version of a slip-n-slide. This consists of a gigantic plastic sheet used for painting and liquid dish soap. We found Johnson and Johnson shampoo just doesn't do the same trick!
Vance pushed Bryce down the slide a ton of times!

Vance's t-ball games have ended. I think Vance's favorite position was pitcher, but he enjoyed tagging people out at home base too!(he's in the green!)

Hey, Bryce is attempting to write his name! Even though he doesn't quite get the idea of the letters going in a straight line across his paper...you may be able to decipher some of the letters.

There is a "B", an "r" to the top right, a "y" directly above the B, and the other side are some backward "c"s.

I thought I really wouldn't have much to write since I have no clue what Bryce's counts are. We go back the 31st for a very long day. First an LP which is like a spinal tap but instead they take some fluid out and replace it with chemo. They are also checking to make sure no leukemia cells are lurking in his spinal fluid which would mean a "CNS relapse". Then vincristine, 2 1/2 hours of IVIG to boost his immune system, and at home 6-mp nightly and the start of 5 days of steroids. Roid rage should bring a story or two. He's been feeling good. Maybe 2 days this month he has woken up saying he doesn't feel well and doesn't want to go in when I drop Vance off, but for the most part has been doing well.

Again, I thought there wasn't too much to tell and then this happens late afternoon. The toilet problem is still not resolved. Here is what I wrote in an e-mail to my online ALL-Kids group ( an online group for parents of kids with leukemia, who have answered some many of my questions and have helped me keep my sanity!)

ENJOY at our expense....
Thought many of you might appreciate this word of advice.

I just found out the hard way that those Pampers "flushable" Kandoo wipes don't really stand up to their claim. Bryce of course, was on the potty and I usually tell him to tell me when he's through, since he likes to sit and take his time, read books, sing songs to himself, etc... Well, when I ask him if he's through he tells me he's wiping with his kandoos!! Well, I go in and finish the job helping him wipe, adding some more to the commode. I should have realized when he was trying to stuff a handful back into the container that there may be a problem. We flush and go about our way. About a minute later I hear a bubbling noise and go in to see it just starting to pour over the rim of the toilet. I scream for Vance to bring me those Glad tupperware bowls to scoop out water. Then the plunger must be dry rotted b/c that didn't work either. At least the water "looked" clean that was spilling all over the floor. Meanwhile Vance has coaxed Bryce (who is wearing only underwear) out onto the deck b/c he thinks the house is about to be flooded.
The bathroom is probably already growing an e-coli colony. That b/c about minutes before this, the downstairs air unit outside started "steaming" according to my husband as he rushed inside to turn off the air before leaving to go help a friend. Now it's 83 degrees downstairs and can't open the windows b/c the fire station across the street is tarring the roof and the smell is horrible.
Well I guess the saying "when it rains it pours" can be taken literally today, right out of the commode!!


Again, thank you for your continued support and prayers. Many people think that since Bryce is in remission that he is cured forever and does not take any more chemo. Bryce must take some form of chemo every day until June 24th, 2007!The long treatment is to make sure every single leukemia cell is destroyed. Just one little cell could bring on a relapse. If a relapse is most likely to happen, with Bryce's type of leukemia , b-cell ALL, it would occur within the first year OFF treatment, but could still occur at any time. We just continue to pray that God looks after Bryce and keeps him in remission.

I will update after Memorial Day weekend and Bryce's appointment on Tuesday.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:22 PM CDT

BOYS WILL BE BOYS! As you can see the theme this week was "water". Bryce and Vance have resorted to becoming true boys this week. As soon as I turn my back, the two men in the tub play "throw all the water out of the tub". Even tonight, Vance has had to wipe up the bathroom floor after their bath. Also when I left the bathroom the other night to put their pajamas out, I heard Vance to order Bryce to "pull my finger". Then hysterical laughter arises from the bathroom. Wow, I wonder who taught them to "toot on command"? Rodney?????

The next water episode deals with sprinklers, real human sprinklers and the mechanical kind.
On Mother's Day we went to Nannie's house, and since it was 87 degress, we brought out the lawn sprinkler. Bryce soaked Vance, Vance soaked Bryce. Vance even climbed the tree while Bryce pointed the entire sprinkler on him.

The human sprinkler was Bryce. Wow again...I wonder who taught him to water trees????? Rodney and I debated putting this blackmail picture of Bryce on the page, sorry if it offends anyone.

Finally the water guns were brought out. I told the kids since it was Mother's Day that they couldn't get me wet!

The next water adventure involves our new blow-up plastic pool. The weather has still been warm (finally) so Bryce has enjoyed ice pops ( up to 4 a day) and hanging out in the blow up pool. The ice pops are the reason his mouth and teeth are weird colors in a bunch of pictures.

Healthwise, Bryce is doing great..knock on wood... Since he just finished his steroids last week, his ANC should still be up. We do not go back until May 31st. He will get his spinal chemo (like a spinal tap), vincristine, start steroids again for 5 days, and continue his nightly 6-mp. Since he hasn't had the spinal chemo done in 3 months, we pray that the fluid will be clear of any leukemia cells (blasts) and he remains in remission. Vance has many upcoming events too. T-ball games and pizza dinner, school program, end of year party,a b-day party.... Bryce gets to tag along to most of these.

Bryce has even been doing his exercises!
I will probably update within a week and a half to 2 weeks. The digital camera is in the shop so it takes longer to get pictures. Hope everyone has a wonderful week.

Oh, I forgot, another boy thing. Vance managed to catch a lizard and have it's tail fall off. Now every time we go outside he searches for the poor lizard!

Tina,Rodney,Vance and Bryce

Monday, May 2, 2005 6:23 PM CDT


Today was clinic day! Bryce's counts looked great and his exam went well. His hemoglobin (red count)has even gone up more and is close to normal! He did manage to have a temper tantrum/fit while they were accessing his port and it took myself and 2 nurses to hold him still. Then the nurses flushed his line with saline VERY quickly which stopped his screaming immediately. It made him dizzy and then he crossed his eyes and laughed at us. Go figure....
Bryce still hasn't grown, but at least his shoe size has. Hopefully the height will follow. He weighs the same, 30 lbs. This week is also STEROID WEEK, so the food cravings will be starting soon. In fact, as I was dragging him down the hall to go to the bathroom, he spotted a small b-day cake at the nurses station. He then proceeded to beg for cake. When he couldn't have any, I was then turned into a "poo poo baby head" according to Bryce.... Other than that, he really was good. I mention the "bad" things b/c it helps me keep my sanity! He enjoyed playing with "the music lady" who is Ms. Becca. Bryce's next visit won't be until May 31st, unless we have problems before then. next visit he will also receive his spinal chemo, which is performed like a spinal tap. We want this fluid to be clear and no wbc's present.

WE MET REECE! Reece is another little boy with ALL like Bryce who lives in North Carolina. In the picture is Bryce with Reece and his mom Jenn. Jenn's sister and family live in the Columbia area and we finally got to meet Reece Sunday! What a cutie pie! Jenn is also the kind soul who is letting me borrow her digital camera to take all of these great pictures for the web site. Check out Reece's site at www.caringbridge.org/nc/reece




We also enjoyed fishing at the neighbor's house across the street from Nannie's. Bryce was the only one to catch 2 bass. Vance did a great job casting and fishing for himself. Bryce needed help casting but was able to reel in fish all like a big kid!

The blood drive went fantastic on Saturday. Over 30 units of blood were donated. Bryce had me in tears. He would walk over to the people donating and he would say "Thank you for giving blood!". He was so sweet. The kids ate a bunch of the refreshments for the donors and Bryce crawled up in a lap for a picture.

Next we were off to my school's carnival for "Kiss the Goat!" We missed the goat kissing, but got a special opportunity to pet him! Doby's Mill had a PTO fundraiser and the PTO decided to donate the proceeds to Bryce. The kids were able to play some games and I was able to have some conversations with people I haven't talked to in ages.

Bryce will be a TV celeb again on June 4th. We will be participating in the telethon for the Children's Miracle Network with a live interview at 5 pm on WIS-TV. I will update with more info as I know more. It may be just myself and Bryce, I'll know more as the day gets closer.

No exciting Summers' stories this week. I did manage to back our car up into a pole. OOPSIE! Rodney managed to bang the dent out of the bumper for me.

Please continue your wonderful prayers for Bryce, and that he continues to do well. I am so thankful his chemo wasn't upped and will stay the same. I will most likely update next week. The digital camera is going to the shop tomorrow to be fixed, so pictures may be a little while.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, April 25, 2005 11:31 AM CDT

Busy, busy, busy! We've been on the run the past week or so. Bryce is doing well, acting great! I do not have recent counts since we do not go back until next Monday, May 2nd. He will receive IV vincristine, IVIG for his immune system, and begin another lovely 5 days of steroids (look for more roid rage stories w/in the next 2 weeks), as well as his Monday night dose of methotrexate and nightly dose of 6-mp.
As you see from the above picture, one thing we keep checking on is our bird nest. Earlier last week it only had 2 eggs, but by the weekend it had 5. Every year since I've started hanging up plants on the balconies, the same birds come back and build a nest. Last year they all hatched and managed to fly away. The year before though, about 2 fell out of the nest, over the balcony and Casey(the dog) got to them:( They will probably not hatch and leave the nest before school lets out in May if the birds stay on their usual schedule.
Strawberry picking! Last Monday Bryce and I went to Hofield Farms and picked lots of strawberries. We were the only ones there! Bryce did a good job and pretty much picked them all, that after sitting on a few of them by accident. He even ATE them. I figured he wouldn't touch them, but instead asked for them for breafast and lunch for 3 days in a row. I guess it was because he was the one who actually picked them.

The great weather last week allowed us to go outside and plant some flowers and clean out the sand/water table. Bryce spent about 2 hours just making a mess with the water and sand. We even got to make a mess with planting sunflowers and some other "mystery plants" I picked up from Walmart.

Yesterday, the weather was back to cold (for me at least). The boys went to Nannie's house when lo'and behold, Uncle Brandon comes with the coolest lawn mower I have ever seen!

The kids wanted lots of rides and of course Uncle Brandon oblidged. Then the "chase the lawn mower" game began. Vance thought he could outrun the lawnmower!

And of course, Bryce has been up to his usual unique dressing techniques. No clue what this get-up is. He had just gotten a pretend weed-wacker, so that accounts for the goggles. The beads are from a kit and the rest is all Bryce!

Bryce has even went to Sunday School for the past 2 Sundays! He likes it too! The first week he had to go and see Vance for a couple minutes, but then went back. Yesterday he did great and sat for the story, activity and of course snack. In fact when I went to pick him up he wasn't going to get up from his chair until he ate all of his snack.

Finally, please remember the blood drive at Northeast Presbyterian this upcoming Saturday in honor of Bryce from 9-1. You can just show up, or you can call to make an appointment so you don't have to wait. You can contact Wendy Clay or Renatta Loquist at 788-5298 to set up an appt. of find out more info. Bryce may not need a blood transfusion ( red blood cells) at the moment, but keep in mind blood can only be stored for a short amount of time in many cases, and the IVIG Bryce receives for his immune system is made from blood.

We hope you all have a wonderful week! Thank you again for your many thoughts and prayers.
There are more pictures on the photo page!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:28 PM CDT

UPDATE: Friday 4/15/05
I brought Bryce in early for his bloodwork b/c he woke up feeling yucky Thursday morning and threw up. After having his "throw up" medicine he was fine. Today he was fine too, and the vomiting episode was most likely a side effect of Monday night's meds. His counts were:
wbc: 10.3
Hemoglobin: 10.1 YEAH!!
Platelets: 180,000 (slowly creeping down)
ANC: 9476
Yes that's 9476. Since Bryce was on steroids last week, they artificially (sp?) pump up the white count. It should be back down next week some time. Also his IVIG could be making it climb, so....now we want it to go down so they won't up his chemo to over 100 percent in May. The high ANC and wbc has happened to Bryce before and it went right back down within a week. Have a good weekend!!

As you may gather from the headline, Bryce is trying to make up for a year's worth of lost time. The above picture is Bryce on our way out of Ripley's Aquarium today. Vance, Bryce and I went down to Myrtle Beach for the day to meet up with my friend Stacey who I haven't seen in almost 6 years!! She is in the process of moving back to the East Coast and made a pit stop in Mrytle Beach. We first went and ate at the Hard Rock Cafe, went well and then to the aquarium. Bryce completely lost his mind at the end of our visit. He had the WORST TANTRUM I HAVE EVER SEEN HIM HAVE EVER!! Even though he has been off steroids for 5 days he sure acted like he still had "roid rage". Or maybe it's just my parentng skills..hmmm... Oh poor Stacey....next time I will come minus children. Great impression. Bryce screamed bloody murder he did not want to leave, wanted to walk, didn't want to walk, etc... Then when we got out, he decided to take off his shoes and fling them across the sidewalk. That is why in the picture he has on no shoes, and at that point I did not care, just wanted to get him to the car, so he walked in his socks all the way around to the parking lot. And of course, 5 minutes down the road he fell asleep and slept for the next 2 1/2 hours. (guess he was tired, huh Stacey?) We met little River, who is adorable, and Stacey banned me from putting her picture on the site so I will honor her request. Tried to get one with the boys and River, but Bryce was already starting the fit. When I get home and tell Rodney what happened, he goes "Maybe he's too big for a stroller". Well, I bring one of those small umbrella strollers b/c he gets tired so easily, and when he runs away instead of following, he gets to sit in it instead. So when I explained this to Rodney he goes, "Maybe you shouldn't bring 2 boys to the aquarium?" haha, thanks Rodney!

Other than that, the kids enjoyed it. In fact when Bryce woke up in the car and Stacey was gone he said "Where is Stacey? Did Stacey go home? I like visiting your friend Mommy!" Here are some pictures outside of Hard Rock Cafe.

Healthwise, Bryce's counts were good at the last visit, but all went down. His hemoglobin stinks though and was only 7.8, down 10.4. He feels great (other than tantrums) and his ANC was high enough to go out. We will go back on Monday the 18th for counts only.

Since last update we visited Ms. Geri, who used to watch Bryce. He got to see his friend Rence for a little while and stayed to eat luch and play while Mommy went to the dentist for the 3rd time in 2 weeks.

Bryce was so excited to go and asked a million times if it was time to go and see Ms. Geri yet. We will probably go back and visit next Friday again.

Other news this week, Bryce is still into food. Especially when I come home from the grocery store. The kids unload the bags and act like they have never seen food before. One of Bryce's favorites are pickles! Other than that, just dealing with temper tantrums. Here is a blurb from an e-mail I sent last week while he was on steroids:

Bryce and I just got home from a wonderful "roid rage" session at the local mall. Thought all of you whose child is currently on steroids would enjoy at my expense:

The scene: Old Navy. First Bryce was excited b/c he was going to get new t-shirts to cover his growing belly. Well, that lasted 5 minutes. At least I had enough of them to make due. Then he wants to ride the elevator. I really didn't need to go upstairs, but we did anyway. Of course 10 seconds off the elevator, that wasn't good anymore. so I told him we were going home now and we were going back downstairs to pay. Then all hell starts. Of course the meaningful women at the cash register try to comfort him, one being about 8 months pregnant. I had to assure her as we left that all children aren't like this (meaning having a total fit!!) Of course, I could care less if he screams, like whatever I say to him at this point won't help. Then as we wheel out two old ladies walk by and one goes to the other "Oh, boy...".
The car is the best part. Did anyone see SuperNanny on ABC Monday night?????Well, we could give those nutty kids a run for their money. At least Bryce didn't spit on me. First I stuffed him in his brother's car seat (after I dragged him by the legs from the back of the car). Then as I drove down the aisle he escaped. Pull over..stuff him in his car seat..escaped again. This time I am climbing over the front seat, then using "the stick your knee in his chest" approach to make the seat belt tight enough and hold him down, I was trying to escape being bitten and kicked. His little mouth was wide open following my hands trying to latch on. Instead he got a mouth full of seat belt and as I drove off into the sun he was still screaming and chewing on it and kicking the door.
Finally about 5 minutes down the road he stopped yelling to announce, "I'm hungry. I want chicken nuggets. What do you want to eat Mommy?" Go figure.....
Now he's asleep on the couch since he fell asleep as soon as I bought the nuggets and is still "whimpering" in his sleep form crying so much.
Gotta love those "roids".....Oh, to top it off, he has to come with me to a dentist appt. at 3:20. God help those people..

Last, be sure to sign up for the blood drive at Northeast Presbyterian Church in honor of Bryce on April 30th from 9-1. You can call for an appt so you don't have to wait, or just show up! Bryce may not need a blood transfusion right now, but has in the past. Also the IVIG he recieves each month to boost his immune system is derived from blood products, so be sure to donate!!

Thank you again for all of your thoughts and prayers. Pray for Bryce's hemoglobin to go up by next Monday. Hey, maybe it's an issue with the tantrum problem???or maybe it's just being 3???

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, April 4, 2005 8:13 PM CDT

Today is the start of month 2 of LTM. As you may have noticed from the counter above, Bryce still has 2 yrs. and 2 months to go of LTM (long term maintenance). Today we went to the clinic and received IV chemo called vincristine, IVIG which is a blood product to help boost Bryce's immune system, and we started 5 days of steroids, our weekly Monday dose of methotrexate, and our nightly 6-MP pill. The poor guy has taken A LOT of medicine today. This on top of zantac for his tummy while on steroids and zofran tonight to help prevent nausea from the methotrexate. His counts were:

wbc: 1.6 (down from 2.6 two weeks ago)
platelets: 188,000, normal but down too
Hemoglobin: 7.8 WAY down from 10.4 two weeks ago
Pre ANC: 1378 (the final is usually a little higher)

So....ANC is still at a good level, wbc too, actually they really just look at the ANC. We are going back in 2 weeks to check on the hemoglobin. Normally at this point we were not scheduled to go back until May. Hopefully he will not need blood and this will go back up. It could be a result of ARA-C from weeks ago, but we'll see......
Other than that, he got a clean bill of health and he is being his usual self. We've already started the bacon steroid kick and he had 6 slices as a "snack" before dinner!

We had a wonderful time with Grandma and Grandpa NJ, and even had a warm sunny day where we washed cars in our bathing suits and played with worms. Of course the poor worm had a soap bath, had a ride in a plastic car and the who knows what became of him!

We made another trip to the zoo and had a blast. I always take a picture of the kids each year at the same spot, so I'll have to see if I can dig up a past picture to post. The kids have been going nuts with their grandparents, and Bryce even went to his first movie in a movie theater with brother, Mommy and Grandma NJ. Robotz was the movie and eating popcorn was the game.


Finally put on your calendar April 30th from 9-1. Northeast Presbyterian Church is having a blood drive in honor of Bryce. It will be held in the Fellowship Hall. If you want a certain time, you can call for an appt, otherwise you may have to wait. I'll post the number soon, or again, just show up! Even though Bryce may not directly receive the blood that you donate, there are so..many children and adults in need of blood AND other products that are made from blood such as the IVIG Bryce receives monthly. Hey, Rodney is even donating this Thursday at the Red Cross.
**Weird fact: Bryce cannot receive blood from family b/c if God forbid down the road he needed a Bone Marrow Transplant (if the leukemia comes back) one of us may be a match. If he received our blood prior to transplant, his body will develop antibodies to our blood and may reject the transplant. Also this is weird too, you do not have to have the same blood type to be a bone marrow donor. Rodney, Vance and I are A , but Bryce is O (yes it is possible). If we were to be a match for Bryce after transplant his blood type would change from O to A!

Hope everyone has a super week. I will update after our next visit for bloodwork if I don't update next Monday. Please pray for Bryce's hemoglobin and red blood count to go up without needing a 3 hour transfusion. Those make very long days for Bryce.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, April 4, 2005 8:13 PM CDT

Today is the start of month 2 of LTM. As you may have noticed from the counter above, Bryce still has 2 yrs. and 2 months to go of LTM (long term maintenance). Today we went to the clinic and received IV chemo called vincristine, IVIG which is a blood product to help boost Bryce's immune system, and we started 5 days of steroids, our weekly Monday dose of methotrexate, and our nightly 6-MP pill. The poor guy has taken A LOT of medicine today. This on top of zantac for his tummy while on steroids and zofran tonight to help prevent nausea from the methotrexate. His counts were:

wbc: 1.6 (down from 2.6 two weeks ago)
platelets: 188,000, normal but down too
Hemoglobin: 7.8 WAY down from 10.4 two weeks ago
Pre ANC: 1378 (the final is usually a little higher)

So....ANC is still at a good level, wbc too, actually they really just look at the ANC. We are going back in 2 weeks to check on the hemoglobin. Normally at this point we were not scheduled to go back until May. Hopefully he will not need blood and this will go back up. It could be a result of ARA-C from weeks ago, but we'll see......
Other than that, he got a clean bill of health and he is being his usual self. We've already started the bacon steroid kick and he had 6 slices as a "snack" before dinner!

We had a wonderful time with Grandma and Grandpa NJ, and even had a warm sunny day where we washed cars in our bathing suits and played with worms. Of course the poor worm had a soap bath, had a ride in a plastic car and the who knows what became of him!

We made another trip to the zoo and had a blast. I always take a picture of the kids each year at the same spot, so I'll have to see if I can dig up a past picture to post. The kids have been going nuts with their grandparents, and Bryce even went to his first movie in a movie theater with brother, Mommy and Grandma NJ. Robotz was the movie and eating popcorn was the game.


Finally put on your calendar April 30th from 9-1. Northeast Presbyterian Church is having a blood drive in honor of Bryce. It will be held in the Fellowship Hall. If you want a certain time, you can call for an appt, otherwise you may have to wait. I'll post the number soon, or again, just show up! Even though Bryce may not directly receive the blood that you donate, there are so..many children and adults in need of blood AND other products that are made from blood such as the IVIG Bryce receives monthly. Hey, Rodney is even donating this Thursday at the Red Cross.
**Weird fact: Bryce cannot receive blood from family b/c if God forbid down the road he needed a Bone Marrow Transplant (if the leukemia comes back) one of us may be a match. If he received our blood prior to transplant, his body will develop antibodies to our blood and may reject the transplant. Also this is weird too, you do not have to have the same blood type to be a bone marrow donor. Rodney, Vance and I are A , but Bryce is O (yes it is possible). If we were to be a match for Bryce after transplant his blood type would change from O to A!

Hope everyone has a super week. I will update after our next visit for bloodwork if I don't update next Monday. Please pray for Bryce's hemoglobin and red blood count to go up without needing a 3 hour transfusion. Those make very long days for Bryce.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, March 28, 2005 7:31 PM CST

Hope everyone had a happy Easter. We went on 2 egg hunts on Saturday. One at Omi's house and another at Nannie's house. At Omi's we hunted with cousins Joseph, Mackenzie, Thomas and Ella Grace, and then to Nannie's to hunt with Mackenzie and Thomas, Katherine and Patrick. Lots of eggs, and lots of candy and money too!

At Nannie's Bryce learned to climb trees to retrieve Easter eggs, and Daddy learned how to retrieve kites that broke and flew over Nannie's property so that Daddy had to get in the car and drive around to the next neighborhood where it luckily landed unharmed in the middle of the road. Of course Bryce cried bloody murder the whole time it was missing.

On Easter Sunday, Vance had some interesting comments to make at church. First off, we brought Bryce to the 11 am service and Vance. Vance did not want to go to Children's Church so he stayed with us and Bryce the entire time. Meanwhile I had to bribe them with smartie candies, crayons and little notepads to keep them quiet. Finally Bryce fell asleep in Rodney's arms, but Vance was wide awake for the sermon. First when Pastor Crowe was using the imagery of a lion chasing you, the pastor goes, "What would you do if a lion was chasing you?" and Vance shouts out "Run!". The second comment was at least quiet. Vance has this notion that intelligence is connected with the size of a person, age, etc... so he looks at Pastor Crowe (who is VERY tall and was illuminated by the lighting), listens, studies him hard, and announces "He is really smart, he must be God!". Vance cracks me up!

Of course the Easter Bunny treated them well. Vance still has to try out some in-line skates, and Bryce already tried out in the house his new Batman baseball bat and ball. As you can see they also got Sponge Bob stickers and Bryce decided to decorate his face with them.

As for Bryce's health, we haven't had counts done this week, but last week's were:
WBC: 2.6
ANC: 1508

He is doing extremely well this week, and all the colds are gone. We go back April 4th for vincristine, IVIG, and start another 5 days of steroids, along with our Monday dose of methotrexate, and nightly 6-mp pills. If Bryce's ANC is above 2,000, they may up his dose of nightly pills, even though he is on 100 percent of the doses right now. Kids can even be on 125 percent of the doses, if their ANC is consistenly above 2,000. Hopefully we can stay where we are at.

We will be busy this week since my parents are here, and I do have some better Easter pictures in my regular camera that I need to finish taking, so look for more new pictures at the end of the week. I will update next Monday after our clinic visit!

Also, Northeast Presbyterian is holding a blood drive in honor of Bryce in April. As soon as I have the exact date I will post it on the site!

Everyone have a super week! Please continue to pray for Bryce and that he continues to have a good reaction to the drugs with his maintenance chemo.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, March 21, 2005 11:34 AM CST

Hello all! Today we got some good news and a sigh of relief. Bryce's counts...they actually look pretty good compared to the 11th.

WBC: 2.6
hemoglobin: now up to 10.4
Platlets: 305,000
ANC: 1300

The ANC 1300 was the "pre" ANC since we left before the final came in. If anything, the final is usually a little higher and since I have been on the computer..sorry Robin, you're probably trying to call..this means we can be amongst the crowds. I am still leary about bringing him to Easter service next Sunday.

My mom and Al will be coming this Friday from NJ to stay for a week. We will be going to Rodney's mom's house on Easter. Again, don't know if we will bring Bryce to church, not only the germ issue, but he WILL NOT stay in the nursery, he always flipped out before he got sick, so we would have to bring him the sanctuary with us. I know lots of people would like to see him though!

This week we hung out a good bit, actually got the bedroom painted, thank you Rodney, and it looks good. The kids had fun painting the driveway on Sunday and only a tiny bit of yellow got on my car (it washed off).

Vance did have his first t-ball game this past Saturday. he did great! They only play 1 inning for this exhibition game, but will play a full "3 inning game" next Saturday at 10:30.

A BIG surprise for us was getting to officially meet Jenn Holbrook, our friend whose son Reece has ALL like Bryce. She was in town for the day with her youngest son Cooper. Reece was in NC with relatives. Of course Bryce had to play with the pebbles on the b-ball field, in fact just about every child under 3 had a fistful. The funny, well I guess funny, thing is that now that Bryce is in long term maintenance, it is like having to reintroduce the "savage" to society! He just doesn't get some things! I guess being in the house for most of the past year except for the clinic, grandparents' houses, and Target at 8:30 am does that to you! Jenn- I can't wait to meet under more "normal" (if that's possible) circumstances with both the boys and we can actually talk more without chasing Bryce and the whole city of Columbia at a ball field! You can check out Reece's site at www.caringbridge.org/nc/reece

Hope I'm not jumping the gun, but it looks like the 2nd annual Bryce Summers Golf Tournament is in the talks for this June. We will be looking forward to this and if all works out hope Bryce can stay for the entire event this time. when we have a final okay and date we'll let you know.

Well, not too much more to post. That is actually a good thing! Bryce's next appt. is April 4th for IV chemo vicristine, IVIG to boost his immune system, and counts. I will update next week with some Easter pictures and Summers' stories. Vance did manage to bring home a mild cold Friday and share it with me. I am drinking my "Airborne" to keep it at bay. Bryce started with the sneezies this morning, but it doesn't seem to be a cold with a fever or one to knock you off your feet!

Oh, one more thing, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RODNEY, you are turning old like me on March 28th. 32!!! (Okay, I'm older I know...)

Have a wonderful Easter holiday and to some parents, don't rip your hair out during Spring Break! Thank you again so.....much for all of your thoughts, prayers, letters and visits. Again, I believe in my heart that everyone's faith and prayers have pulled Bryce through!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, March 14, 2005 4:20 PM CST

Hello! We have not had a "scheduled" trip for the clinic but we did go in this past Friday because Bryce has been really mopey last week. After his last chemo treatment on the 7th, he kept walking around saying "Mommy I'm tired" for most of the week. Since his hemoglobin had gone down to 8.8 I thought it had gone down more. So Friday we went to have counts checked and guess what.... it actually had gone up to 9.6. The rest was:

platelets: 498,000 (high)
WBC: 1.1 (down)
ANC: a measley 577 (down from 779)

He may have just been yucky from the vincristine, but he has perked up this weekend and today.

From the photos you can see the stand-up straight fuzz growing back in, all except a nice bald patch right in the middle of his head. Exactly where you might see someone with "male pattern baldness". I hope the rest will grow quickly so we can create a nice "comb over" to cover it up.

On Sunday we went to an Easter Egg Hunt at the Governor's House/gigantic "complex" downtown. The kids were screaming for the Easter Bunny. We now have enough candy for the rest of the year. They had over 5,000 plastic eggs, way more than enough for the kids that were there. I've already raided the stash myself last night. Ricky the Raccoon from the hospital was there too, Bryce's favorite, so we had to stalk him down as well.

Vance has his first t-ball game this Saturday at the league's "Sports-a-rama" at 10:30 am. Bryce will probably not enjoy this since last Thursday we brought him to Vance's practice and he cried, no screamed, for no lie 30 minutes to go BACK to the playground. Bryce and I hung out in the car while Rodney and Vance finished up. I can chalk that tantrum up to "roid rage" from steroid week. If Bryce looks a little puffy, it may be from the bacon/hotdog/ham diet he has been on this past weekend.

Rodney and I are attempting to paint our bedroom, although the paint is still sitting in the can since Friday afternoon. Maybe before Easter??

Our next clinic visit is March 21st, and I will be anxious to see what his counts are doing, since right now we are limiting Bryce to outside activities since his ANC is down.

Hope everyone has a great St. Patrick's Day on Thursday! Please continue to say prayers for Bryce that his counts will even out and he will have no ill effects from the methotrexate that he is taking tonight.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, March 14, 2005 4:20 PM CST

Hello! We have not had a "scheduled" trip for the clinic but we did go in this past Friday because Bryce has been really mopey last week. After his last chemo treatment on the 7th, he kept walking around saying "Mommy I'm tired" for most of the week. Since his hemoglobin had gone down to 8.8 I thought it had gone down more. So Friday we went to have counts checked and guess what.... it actually had gone up to 9.6. The rest was:

platelets: 498,000 (high)
WBC: 1.1 (down)
ANC: a measley 577 (down from 779)

He may have just been yucky from the vincristine, but he has perked up this weekend and today.

From the photos you can see the stand-up straight fuzz growing back in, all except a nice bald patch right in the middle of his head. Exactly where you might see someone with "male pattern baldness". I hope the rest will grow quickly so we can create a nice "comb over" to cover it up.

On Sunday we went to an Easter Egg Hunt at the Governor's House/gigantic "complex" downtown. The kids were screaming for the Easter Bunny. We now have enough candy for the rest of the year. They had over 5,000 plastic eggs, way more than enough for the kids that were there. I've already raided the stash myself last night. Ricky the Raccoon from the hospital was there too, Bryce's favorite, so we had to stalk him down as well.

Vance has his first t-ball game this Saturday at the league's "Sports-a-rama" at 10:30 am. Bryce will probably not enjoy this since last Thursday we brought him to Vance's practice and he cried, no screamed, for no lie 30 minutes to go BACK to the playground. Bryce and I hung out in the car while Rodney and Vance finished up. I can chalk that tantrum up to "roid rage" from steroid week. If Bryce looks a little puffy, it may be from the bacon/hotdog/ham diet he has been on this past weekend.

Rodney and I are attempting to paint our bedroom, although the paint is still sitting in the can since Friday afternoon. Maybe before Easter??

Our next clinic visit is March 21st, and I will be anxious to see what his counts are doing, since right now we are limiting Bryce to outside activities since his ANC is down.

Hope everyone has a great St. Patrick's Day on Thursday! Please continue to say prayers for Bryce that his counts will even out and he will have no ill effects from the methotrexate that he is taking tonight.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, March 8, 2005 8:49 AM CST

We made it back from Gatlinburg, Tenn. alive and well! The kids had a blast. If you're a parent and happen to watch "Dora the Explorer" our trip went "over a very long road, through snake road, and through the haunted forest". The long road being I-26, snake road being a VERY long, winding 2 lane road cut out among cliffs in the pitch dark, and the haunted forest is the Smoky Mountain National Park. While we were there we took the kids on a helicopter ride, went to the very overpriced Dinosaur museum, and the part that Vance liked the best was hiking on the trails in the National Park, picking up sticks and pretendng to be a Power Ranger and throwing rocks in the streams..and that part was free! We also took them up to the ski park and rode them both on the "Alpine Slide" (for those of you from NJ think of Action Park). The highlight of Saturday night was to go in the "big bathtub outside" aka the hot tub.

On the way home we finally heard Bryce's "story" on the radio. It was really neat and we didn't even sound too horrible! They are going to give us a CD of the pre-recorded interview so again, if I ever get the music issue worked out...
Other good news..WE STARTED MAINTENANCE..but just by a hair. His ANC was 779. It needed to be 750. His other counts were:

WBC: 1.9
Hemoglobin: 8.8
Platelets: 387,000
ANC: 779

The hemoglobin has dropped from 9.8 to 8.8 since last Monday, so we need to keep an eye on him for extreme sleepiness, no energy, etc.. He received his spinal (LP) of methotrextate, this will not be given again until 83 more days. Also he received vincristine, this not again until April 4th along with IVIG. He now is on steroids for 5 days and started his daily/nightly pill of 6-MP. next Monday he will take methotrextate pills for one day each week. It still sounds like a lot of pills to take, but the amount of steroids is less than before. We were warned his counts may go up and down until we get the right dosage of 6-MP and methotrextate, since they start at the highest dose. On maintenance they want his ANC to stay in the 750-2000 range.

We are going to have to keep an eye on Bryce's progress in the area of growth, mainly height/weight. Developmentally, academic/mentally he is fine, right on target, but he still has not grown much at all since last March. We will give it a month-3 months and if no change is seen, look into other reasons why he is not growing. Again, we are not tall people, but Bryce is just so..tiny. He has grown a little bit and hey, his foot grew a size and a half since July, so maybe his body will catch up!

Not many crazy "Summers stories" this week. Our next appt. is for bloodwork on March 21st, unless we think his hemoglobin is still going down. I will try to update next week some time. Happy St. Patrick's Day next week! Vance has a t-ball game in 2 weeks so don't know if we'll make it to the parade in Five Points.

Thank you again for all of your support and prayers. Please pray that Bryce does well adjusting to maintenance, and that his hemoglobin will increase on it's own without him needing a transfusion. Also a special friend of ours, Reece, who has ALL like Bryce is patiently waiting for his counts to go up, this after being in the hospital for low counts and a fever the other week. He's got a neat web page, if you get the chance check it out at www.caringbridge.org/nc/reece.

If you haven't in a while, please leave a short note to Bryce in the guestbook. Just a "hi!" makes Bryce's day when he asks "Did I get me-mail?"

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Thursday, March 3, 2005 8:23 PM CST

What a fun afternoon! Bryce has been better since Tuesday, so today we were able to go to the radio-thon. For those of you who looked for us on tv at 5:15, we got bumped. The mother and child you saw were scheduled to go earlier, but were late and were on at 5:15, but...we are going to be on the 11 pm news! They are going to put a short interview from today and show scenes from the swim-a-thon they had for Bryce in July and use it as an update on Bryce. The kids did great for the live interview part on the radio at 5:15 on B106.7. If you listen throughout the day Fri-Sunday you will somewhere hear our "story". This part was pre-recorded. They are repeating the different stories throughout the day. If you would like to make a donation for the Children's Hospital in Columbia, you can call 434-3000 or long distance 866-434-B106. Vance knows this number by heart b/c he got to read it on the air.

Then the kids got on the stage and pretended to answer phones and ring the little bells. This was at the very end and they were getting a little wild so it was our opportuniy to leave before they starting getting obnoxious! The tv station thought it was cute so they will probably have shots of that too since they taped them doing this. Dawndy Mercer interviewed us for WIS and Tony Clyburn for B106.7. It was really fun!

SUMMERS STORY: Yesterday I managed to make a big mess. I had been putting Bryce in pull-ups for a day or two after throwing up b/c I thought the other end would be having problems too (I know, gross..) but he didn't. Well, Bryce took his clothes off for a bath and his pull-up was stuck in his pants. This morning I have like 200 loads of laundry to do so I just go around gathering dark clothes off the ground and throw them in the wash. Well, I go to open my washer and see my nice clean clothes and I see masses upon masses of clear/whitish gooey, sticky gel balls all over the clothes. The pull-up got washed and exploded all over the machine! SO for 30 minutes I spend shaking out clothes over the side deck for all of busy Sparkleberry Lane to see, my underwear and all. The other 30 minutes were spent wiping microscopic goo out of the washer so I could wash the other 199 loads. Lesson: check the pants before putting them in the wash!

This weekend we are going to Tennessee with Rodney's mom and step-dad for a "spur of the minute" get-away. I am slightly anxious about Bryce going. It will be the first time we have left SC since being diagnosed and we will be about 5 hours from home. Since his counts were all okay, minus the hemoglobin, we may be "amongst the crowds". Just scared he will bring home something. So..if everyone is healthy tomorrow, we will be leaving around 3pm and coming back Sunday early evening.

Please say a prayer for us for a safe trip and no mystery illnesses come back with us! (and being in the car with the kids for 5 hours without videos b/c it now eats the tapes).

Again, thank you so much for all of the prayers and thoughts. I truly believe Bryce has made it through all of the past year with minor side effects due to the power of prayer.

I will update after Monday's visit to the clinic when we HOPEFULLY start maintenance!

Love, Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, February 28, 2005 7:27 PM CST

What a crummy start to the week! Bryce woke up last night with the dreaded stomach bug! He got sick twice, of course in our bed! Then he decided to stay up from 1:30am until 6:00 am, so poor mommy slept for a total of about an hour in all last night.

Despite the bug, we were told to go to the clinic anyway. Since we didn't want to get anyone else sick, we go to the "condo". This is a pretty good way to relax. It's pretty much your own private hospital room, TV and all. Since of course Bryce hadn't thrown up since the morning and no fever, he received his chemo vincristine,and IVIG to help boost his immune system. He played in the room, watched tv and ate crackers. So, luck has it, on the way home 5 hours later he throws up!

We have given Bryce an anti-nausea drug to help some. As of 2:30 today, he hasn't thrown up again. Now we are praying so...hard for it to skip everyone, but I think I am doomed since Bryce climbs all over me all day.

Since I wrote last, Bryce's platelets were down to 16,000 last Thursday, but are now in the 100,000's on their own. (Sorry do not have my paper with me!) His hgb was 9.8 and ANC in the 2,000's. I thought it would be higher after 4 more days of shots, but the stomach bug may have lowered them. At this point we will start maintenance next Monday. YEAH!!!!! It is a long day with methotrextate in his spine, vincristine, 5 days of steroids, and nightly doses of pills called 6-MP oh and methotrextate pills once a week. It's not like this all of the time.

On Thursday pending on who is ill, we will be on WIS-TV (Columbia SC tv station) at the 5:15 slot on Thursday for the radio-thon to raise money for The Children's Hospital. Our radio interview will also air on and off throughout the weekend on 106.7.

Gosh, it's hard to remember what I wrote last time on only an hour of sleep! I will update Thursday night if we make it to the radio-thon with pictures.

Please say an extra prayer for Bryce to be rid of the stomach bug and have high counts for next Monday!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 7:51 AM CST

Only 13 more days to go until maintenance! From the picture, Bryce just threw away the extra 6-TG pills we will never have to take again. The "hard core" drugs are done at last.

We are slowly trudging along. Yesterday we were back at the clinic for our chemo, vincristine, and a big bag of blood. Bryce counts are really falling, except for his white count and ANC. The reason why they are up though are because of the neupogen shots. His counts are :

WBC: 2.3
HEMOGLOBIN: 7.4 (before his blood transfusion)
PLATELETS: 27,000 (Yikes! He will get a transfusion if they go below 20,000)
ANC: 1978

We will go back Thursday to see if we need to continue the neupogen shots, and possibly platelets. In the past, Bryce's platelets have gone low and rose on their own by the next week. They are lower than they have been this time though, and the poor thing has bruises all over him. On his head from wrestling with Vance, little bruises on his back, legs and where we took the bandage off yesterday from the clinic, blood pooled under the skin to where it almost looks like it is bleeding.

If any new bad bruises develop, I may just bring him back in tomorrow instead. When platelets are this low, we need to limit Bryce's physical activities and he can't use a regular toothbrush b/c his gums may bleed and infection could start.

Bryce is also trying to fight off what seems like the start of a cold; runny nose, some sneezing. Geez, we hadn't been anywhere in 2 weeks and we all wash our hands so they are raw, so I don't know where the cold is coming from? It seemed to start when we started the neupogen shots, so I don't know if the 2 issues are related. Vance, knock on wood, has managed to avoid the stomach bug so far that has been going around his class. Please say a prayer that it just avoids our family!

SUMMERS STORY: Last night at 10pm, the doorbell rings. Of course who the heck is ringing your doorbell at 10pm??? We have some oddballs in the neighborhood lately, so we've been on guard. Rodney goes on the front porch, yelling "Who is it? Who are you?". Meanwhile, of course Bryce couldn't sleep and was up with us too. So, the two of us are in the kitchen with the cell phone. I already have 911 dialed in case it's some nutcase trying to get in our house. Finally it's some old guy, looking for Annette. Well, this old man was here in the fall trying to serve papers on someone, but they had our address but the neighbor's name. Now this is like the 3rd incidence lately of different people who mistakenly had our phone #, but were looking for another "Tina Summers", then some lady called asking to talk to "Tina" and Rodney was like "Who is this?" and the woman goes "her mother". Rodney was like this isn't her mother? What number do you want? Well, it was the wrong number, the woman was pretty freaked out too. Wrong Tina again. And now, this guy trying to serve papers on us. Rodney told him it's the people 2 houses down. The old man tried but we saw he left there rather quickly with his papers in hand. Needless to say the police visit that house at least once every 2 months.

Okay, we don't live in the ghetto or anything, Just some wacky things going on!

Vance starts T-ball practice today. I will try to get some new pictures soon. Our other digital camera that we've borrowed is getting fixed, and the one we have takes horrible pictures. I will try to take some with the real camera, but it will take a while to use up a roll! Hope everyone has a great week!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 8:25 AM CST

The shots are not Too difficult to give, but Bryce does not enjoy having the area cleaned. The shot part he didn't care! I on the other hand managed to stab my thumb with the needle before giving the shot! Good one! We go back Monday for vincristine. At this point, 17 days until maintenance. Keep praying for those counts to go back up!

(From 2/15) What a week! Well, yesterday we went to the clinic and so far our counts aren't completely down the toilet. They are down a bunch from last week, but still hanging in there for a few more days. When I compared Bryce's counts from yesterday to the same part of this treatment in September, the counts are almost identical. Regardless though, Dr. Ron wants to go ahead with the neupogen shots anyway this Friday.

WBC: 1.1
hemoglobin: 9.8
platelets: 152,000 (only thing normal but only by a smidge)
ANC 802

These shots are not chemo, but will help Bryce's white count only to recover so if he did contract an infection, he will have something to fight it with. His red count and platelets could/probably will still drop and if he follows the same pattern as in Sept., he will more than likely need a blood transfusion next week. Maybe platelets too. On Friday we will go to the clinic and they will show me how to administer the shots. We could have given them through his port, but then it will be accessed (with the tubing hanging out) for many days, which could provide a way for an infection to develop in the central line. This would be a VERY bad thing, inpatient admitted, possible port removal and replacement, etc..So we chose the shots (in the leg).

The side effect of the neupogen shots are bone pain, so I hope Bryce will be able to handle any aches and pains that come with the shots.Maybe by some long shot his counts will be good on Friday and the shots option will be rethought, but probably not.

We have spent our week indoors, staying away from germs! even though we could have gone out. We'd rather be safe than sorry. The stomach bug seems to be going around Vance's class (the parents and teacher mainly) so we hope Vance will be spared of that!

I can't think of any Summers stories at the moment, but one is bound to happen soon. We now believe our dog is deaf b/c she won't even hear you if you scream right behind her, and she'll only move if you stomp on the ground or do something so she sees you. She may just be ignoring us though, sounds like the kids most of the time too. Poor Casey is 13 years old now and that is a pretty long time for a lab/golden to live.

I will add some more to this page on Friday. Not looking forward to these shots!!!!!!!!At least we only have 20 more days until maintenance, 3 more ARA-C doses, 6 more 6-TG pills to take, and we will see these drugs no more!!!!!!!The above picture of Bryce is him with his port accessed. He has 3 more days of this, where we give him his ARA-C at home. On Thursday afternoon, I will take the dressing off and pull out the needle. Maybe I'll show you a picture of that next week!

Hope you all have a great week and thank you so much for your phone calls to check on Bryce and messages. Bryce needs all the prayers he can get!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Wednesday, February 9, 2005 8:42 AM CST

Hello! We finally started the second half of our Delayed Intensification #2 after being delayed a week. Bryce's counts looked really good this week, so a week off made a huge difference this time. It is a good thing that they are up going into the 2nd half. They were:

WBC: 4.1
Hemoglobin: 12.3
Platelets: 336,000
ANC: 2788

All normal, wow, for now!

We had a problem with one of our chemos at the clinic on Monday. Bryce received a higher dosage of cyclophosomide than he was suppossed to receive. He was given the dose for a 40lb child instead of a 30 lb one. It is a VERY long story, but to prevent any problems, he received extra IV fluids, a drug to "bind" this chemo in his bladder to rid of more easily, and he will receive neupogen (not a chemo) next Friday to help keep his white and other counts from completely crashing. Again it is a VERY long story.
We just pray that since his counts were higher going into this, that they won't crash at all. We expect them to go very low, but maybe...he won't need the neupogen, which he would receive for 10 days through his port.

On the brighter side, we went to visit Tony Clyburn at B106.7 to record his story for the radio-thon for the Children's Hospital the first weekend of March, since his counts were up. I probably will sound like a moron, but I was more worried about the kids tearing something up! I will know the exact time it will be on closer to March. We also gave him a copy of Bryce's song that was made for him, and he will try to incorporate it into the interview as the intro music. That way you can hear it, since I can't get it on the web site yet.

Summers story: Last week as my mind was mush as usual, I managed to leave Vance's pj shorts on him when I dressed him. Just put the pants on right over them. So about 2:00 when Vance finally realized it after going to the bathroom all day, he calls out to the class and the teacher from the bathroom "Hey, my mom forgot to take off my pajamas'! Well, after that he proceeded to tell every teacher in the hall and wanted to show everybody!
We also tried to trick poor Vance. As you can see we had buzz off the wire,frizz, fuzz that was left on Bryce's head. Then we stuck vance in the chair and Rodney, notice I said Rodney, pretended he was shaving his head. He even dropped some off Bryce's hair on his lap. He was slightly stunned, but realized we were only kidding him!

Other than that, not too much excitement. Bryce is currently taking ARA-C by infusion at home that we give him and a drug called 6-TG by mouth (pill) each night. These drugs make him nauseous, so he's not into eating much and has asked for the ole' "throw-up bucket" the past 2 mornings. We give him a drug called zofran to counteract this, but it also cuts his appetite, at least for him. Now only 26 MORE DAYS until maintenance, but we will probably be delayed starting this b/c of counts. We go back next Monday.

Please have Bryce in your prayers that his body will metabolize this chemo well and his counts will not crash requiring blood and platelet transfusions. He's surprised us before, and hope he will again!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, February 1, 2005 9:28 AM CST

Hello! Well, Bryce's chemo has been delayed for a week due to a low ANC yesterday. Remember it needs to be around 1000 to go out and about and yesterday it was 260! It needs to be 750 to continue with the next 28 days of Delayed Intensification #2. The rest of his counts were:

WBC: 2.0
Hemoglobin: 11.5
Platelets: 238,000
ANC: 260 :(

Bryce also managed to catch Vance's cold last Thursday. He had a fever all day but never went over 100.9, the magic ER number being 101. Friday it was gone. He is feeling much better now, in fact he is screaming to go outside and play! That we can do as long as it's not with anyone else but brother.

An upcoming event for Bryce will be a "radio-thon" with station B106.7 sometime during the first week in March, probably that first weekend. It is a fundraiser for the Children's Hospital. They will very briefly interview Bryce, as well as other past and current patients, and we will have Vance there as well to fill in in case Bryce clams up. I'm sure Vance will have plenty to say. When we get a set time that we will be on I will post it.

Bryce got a neat looking reversible cape at the clinic yesterday. It has Batman on one side and Superman on the other. Now he can pretend to be them by putting the cape on instead of wanting to change back into his pajamas at 11 am. See pictures!

Nothing major this week other than the colds for the kids. Bryce is still losing his hair, where it is becoming very thin on top! I have tried ALL WEEK to upload valentines day borders on this page, other images, music, but.... I am very frustrated and cannot get it to do anything. Jennifer Holbrook, thank you so much!!! is going to put a Valentine's Day border on for me sometime soon! Thank you Jenn!

Since we are pretty much housebound due to Bryce's low ANC, we'll see you next Monday! Keep a look-out for the music. Maybe some kind soul will help the computer dysfunctional!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

*Since writing this I did it! I actually added the soccer ball and the Valentine dog and it only took all day long!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005 2:39 PM CST

Back from the clinic. Today we had our blood work done and Bryce received his IVIG to help boost his immune system. IVIG is not a chemo, but a blood product. His counts looked surprisingly good, but the steroids he has been on the last week can do this. They were:

WBC: 3.3
Hemoglobin: 12.2
Platelets: 424,000
ANC: 2409

Bryce had a yucky Thursday-Saturday, as the effects of his last dose of chemo really seemed to hit him hard. Not throwing up but sleeping lots, rare for Bryce, and just wanting to be held. On Sunday he perked up though.

Bryce's food craving this week has been mashed potatoes and gravy. We have been to KFC 4 days in a row. They are starting to look at us weird! Also, bacon. We've been through 2 packages of bacon this week. This has added to gaining another 1/2 pound of weight to a grand total of 30lbs! This is what Vance weighed when he turned 3 so I feel better, but now he needs to grow about 2 inches to catch up with his weight gain.

As you can see in the picture, Bryce received a CD made about him by an organization called "Songs of Love". It is the sweetest song made all about him and we even brought it to the clinic for the nurses to hear. They loved it! Since I am really computer illiterate in many areas. I have no clue how to put music on this website.
In fact, we can't get the computer to even play a music CD right now! Maybe I'll get it figured out by next week or I will have Rodney add it to the website at his school or we'll put a link to it at the bottom of this web page.

Not too much happening this week. We will be back on our Monday schedule next week. It will be a very long day. A spinal with chemo, where they knock him out,cyclophosomide, where he has to be hydrated with IV fluid for about 2-3 hours before getting this chemo, and we start ARA-C. This one is 4 days in a row, 3 of them done by us at home. His port will be accessed (where the line/tubing is left hanging out) and we will give him about 10 minute infusions. We also start another drug called 6-TG, it's by mouth. Last time this one made Bryce throw up every morning, hope that's not the case this time. Since we will be back on schedule by going on Momday, then it's only 33 more days until maintenance!

Please say a prayer for us that we continue to stay on schedule for next Monday. Vance has been fighting a minor cold, so we pray Bryce doesn't pick it up!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce


Monday, January 10, 2005 12:49 AM CST

We're back from the clinic. Day 7 done. Things went smoothly. His counts are :

WBC: 4.9
Hgb: 11.7
Platelets: 275,000
ANC: 4067

His WBC and ANC are up due to the steroids. Last time we did our delayed intensifictation in September it was WBC 11.1 and ANC: over 11,000! It looked better this time. He received vincristine and doxorubicin and this morning was the last dose of steroids for a week.

"Roid rage" has been better the last few days, but he is eating a huge amount of hot dogs. In fact today was 17 hot dogs since last Monday. That means..hotdogs at breakfast, lunch and dinner, most often 2 at a time. We do manage to have a bowl of cereal along with the hot dogs or some grapes and bananas. The steroids do this. They usually love salty foods, hot dogs being one of them. In a week he has gained a pound and a half, so he is up to 29 and 1/2 pounds. From the above picture you can see he is stuffing his face with crackers.

Not much new, only Vance's approaching b-day party.It looks like Bryce will get to go. We have been trying to dodge getting sick. Rodney got a cold last Wednesday, so he slept by himself for 4 nights. Then today Vance wakes up with puffy eyes and sneezed about 30 times from getting up and getting to school. Called to check on him and they said he was fine. Go figure...

Bryce has been hysterical lately, talking about things a mile a minute. He had 2 tired mornings where he took early naps and moped around, but he is feeling better now. He mastered most of the equipment on Vance's playground at school. When his counts are up I let him play for a while when we are picking up Vance. The kids follow him all around and want to play with him. Hopefully Bryce will be in Mrs. Prince's class next year, so he will know some of the kids in his class the following year. (it's 3 and 4 yr olds, so the 4's turning 5 like Vance will be going to 5K next year).

It's been peaceful w/ only 1 child during the day. Bryce actually took a nap this afternoon so I am able to update early. Our next clinic visit will be next Tuesday due to Martin Luther King Day and the clinic being closed. Rats, that puts us behind 1 day, so as of today it's still 50 more days to go. I will update next Tuesday after our appt.

Hope everyone is doing well. Thank you again for thinking and praying for us. Just pray for minimal side effects for Bryce and he continues to keep his cheery disposition!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, January 10, 2005 12:49 AM CST

We're back from the clinic. Day 7 done. Things went smoothly. His counts are :

WBC: 4.9
Hgb: 11.7
Platelets: 275,000
ANC: 4067

His WBC and ANC are up due to the steroids. Last time we did our delayed intensifictation in September it was WBC 11.1 and ANC: over 11,000! It looked better this time. He received vincristine and doxorubicin and this morning was the last dose of steroids for a week.

"Roid rage" has been better the last few days, but he is eating a huge amount of hot dogs. In fact today was 17 hot dogs since last Monday. That means..hotdogs at breakfast, lunch and dinner, most often 2 at a time. We do manage to have a bowl of cereal along with the hot dogs or some grapes and bananas. The steroids do this. They usually love salty foods, hot dogs being one of them. In a week he has gained a pound and a half, so he is up to 29 and 1/2 pounds. From the above picture you can see he is stuffing his face with crackers.

Not much new, only Vance's approaching b-day party.It looks like Bryce will get to go. We have been trying to dodge getting sick. Rodney got a cold last Wednesday, so he slept by himself for 4 nights. Then today Vance wakes up with puffy eyes and sneezed about 30 times from getting up and getting to school. Called to check on him and they said he was fine. Go figure...

Bryce has been hysterical lately, talking about things a mile a minute. He had 2 tired mornings where he took early naps and moped around, but he is feeling better now. He mastered most of the equipment on Vance's playground at school. When his counts are up I let him play for a while when we are picking up Vance. The kids follow him all around and want to play with him. Hopefully Bryce will be in Mrs. Prince's class next year, so he will know some of the kids in his class the following year. (it's 3 and 4 yr olds, so the 4's turning 5 like Vance will be going to 5K next year).

It's been peaceful w/ only 1 child during the day. Bryce actually took a nap this afternoon so I am able to update early. Our next clinic visit will be next Tuesday due to Martin Luther King Day and the clinic being closed. Rats, that puts us behind 1 day, so as of today it's still 50 more days to go. I will update next Tuesday after our appt.

Hope everyone is doing well. Thank you again for thinking and praying for us. Just pray for minimal side effects for Bryce and he continues to keep his cheery disposition!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, January 4, 2005 0:10 AM CST

We have finally started Delayed Intensification #2! Yeah! Bryce's counts looked pretty good today. They were (by memory here):

WBC: 3.4
hemoglobin: 12.2 (normal again!)
platelets: around 250,000

We even found out that Bryce has actually grown some. He finally has made it into a percentile on the growth chart, b/tn 3-5% for height and weight, but hey, I was thrilled! We've been worried about Bryce not growing since diagnosis. Since he has grown and his weight has gone up almost 2 lbs. and has stayed there, they have increased the dosage of his chemo. I'm a little worried about side effects since he has handled things so well, but we have wonderful doctors who will monitor him carefully.

Today he had what is like a spinal tap, but when they take out fluid, they replace it with chemo.This amount went up from 10mg to 12 mg. We also started steroids today for a week, which will make Bryce really.....hungry. This amount went from 2.25 to 2.75.

We also received chemos called vincristine and doxorubicin. Doxorubicin is the one that will make Bryce's hair fall out again in about 3 weeks, if he follows the same pattern he did last time. Bryce likes his new hair, he always tries to brush it when he goes in the bathroom and Rodney even put some of his hair gel in it yesterday to spike it up. At the clinic, everybody kept touching his head and commenting on his hair. At least this will be the last 2 months w/out hair until he's an old man!

We've had a relaxing break. Vance goes back to school on Wednesday and Rodney went back today. Back to reality! Now we are going to the clinic every week, on Mondays.

Vance's 5th birthday is coming up on the 14th so he is VERY excited. He is counting down the days until his birthday. He insists that when you turn 5 you now know how to do everything, watch out!

Other than that, not too much excitement on the homefront. We did manage to put in our new countertops in the kitchen. That was after Rodney got 2 gashes across his shins trying to kick out the kitchen sink. It worked though. I told Rodney I wouldn't put the digital camera picture of him w/ frozen packages of green beans across his legs on the web site. He blames it on me, b/c kicking the sink from underneath the counter to get it out was MY idea. It worked though!

Hope everyone has settled into 2005. Thank you so much for your continuous thoughts and prayers. The next 56 days will be tough for Bryce, but then the worst (we hope) will be over!!!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, December 28, 2004 3:52 PM CST

Happy upcoming New Year! We had a very busy, but nice Christmas. We did manage to make it to all of our stops, and even went to visit Aunt Stacey and Uncle Clay in Rock Hill to see our new baby cousin Ella Grace, born December 22nd.
Poor mommy started to come down w/ some sort of sinus thing on Thursday, but went to the dr and got some antibiotics and was fine, so we made it through the holiday.

The boys received tons of good things! Bryce's big gift was a riding electric four wheeler, and Vance received an ESPN game center, the kind where he actually "plays" 6 different sports. It takes up a lot of room, but folds up to be very compact.
Of course since we had cleaned out the playroom, it is now filled with new toys!

We had our clinic visit today. We DID NOT start our next round of chemo due to low counts, just the WBC/ANC was low. The rest were normal! They were:

WBC: 2.4
hemoglobin: 12.4
platelets: 405,000
ANC: 552 :(

To start the next round it has to be 750. This means he is what is called "neutropenic" and we need to "stay away"!!! Remember it needs to be at least 1,000 for crowds. It's better anyway since it seems lots of adults are the ones who have been sick lately. Poor Grandpa Phil, if you're reading this, hope that you feel better (he's got the flu in NJ!).

Bryce did get his IVIG today, which is immunoglobulin. This is the first treatment of it. It is not chemo, but a product of blood that will help boost his immune system. Unless he has a reaction to this, he will continue it once a month during treatment. We go back on Monday, January 3rd to try again, and will meet our health insurance deductible and maybe out of pocket max for 2005 in one trip.

We hope you all have a blessed New Year and maybe next year will be much....better than this one! Hey, only 2 1/2 more years of treatment to go!!!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 2:33 PM CST

Just a short but good update today! Bryce had his surgery for his tubes in his ears today. All went well. We were home by 9am (we went in at 6:45). He came home and ate fruit loops. a piece of cake and french toast!

We also got the news back that his echocardiogram was normal! YEAH!!!!!!!

Now we will not go back until Dec. 28th for our very long visit. That will start our last intensive phase that lasts for 56 days called Delayed Intensification. Afterwards will be maintenance until June 2007! Yes, 2007, chemo for that long, but only monthly visits instead of weekly (hopefully).

We are anticipating Santa at our house and had to "call" him twice to tell him Bryce wouldn't take his medicine. Works like a charm! I guess we'll have to move on to the Easter Bunny after Christmas.

As long as everyone stays healthy ( and everyone where we're going to ) does too, we will be visiting family in Elgin for Christmas.
I will try to update with some new pictures soon!

A special thank you to the members of our church and especially our care team for the special Christmas thought, prayers, and special extras! You are very dear to us!

Happy Holidays!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

If you haven't caught up on Bryce lately, read the last entry about Bryce's chair adventure.

Thursday, December 16, 2004 9:53 PM CST

Bryce has had his echocardiogram done and today we visited the ENT. No obvious signs of damage from the echo, according to the tech, but the cardiologist will compare readings from March and yesterday and report to the oncologist. No word from the clinic, so no news is good news. I will call tomorrow to be sure of the results. Surgery for his ear tubes will be next Tuesday.

Of course where ever he goes, Bryce wins over the nurses/staff. During the echocardiogram, Bryce was looking at the screen and whenever the red and blue would show up for blood flow he would shout, "There's Spiderman!" So now he thinks Spiderman lives in his chest. Afterwards when the tech went to wipe the "goo" off his chest he politely told her "Thank you". This made her to turn to goo herself. Bryce asked her for a band-aid to cover his port, although it hadn't been accessed, and the tech proceeded to bring back a band-aid and about 10 different stickers for him. And on the way out...he says goodbye to everyone, even the people in the waiting room, who "ooh and ahh".

Here's a Summers' story... at the ENT's office, I had to wake Bryce up before we went in. Well we get in and the waiting room is packed. There is still a lot of open space though. Bryce I thought was going to have a tantrum, but he went and layed on the floor in front of the door of the office going out. The people are all like "Oh how cute". I drag him off the floor so he walks over to the wall and leans against it with his face to the wall. Then he lays on the floor again (which really isnt a very sterile environment!)I inform the people I just had to wake him up. Some people are like "He can lay where ever he wants, that's okay." (If only they knew!) Finally after he has moved to under my chair, I coaxed him out and some other child had a fit and turned the attention away from Bryce. Finally there is just Bryce and another older couple in the waiting room. He starts doing "magic tricks" for the couple with some building rings and announces after each time he makes something "ta-da! It's magic!" Finally in the office, we play with the chair that goes up and down. We must have hit the buttons at least 20 times to keep him occupied. Well, after Dr. Sutton comes in and Bryce is trying to hit the button another 5 times, the chair jams and breaks. The Dr. unplugged it, tried to reset it , but it's dead. Then he's like "I smell something". I told him it might be Bryce's diaper (since it's been wet forever) and he's like, "No, it's a burning rubber smell." Well, guess the chair is dead. We didn't tell him we played with it for the previous 15 minutes.

Of course when we leave it's "bye" to the staff and the people on the elevator, etc... Bryce is getting WAY to used to doctor's offices. Tomorrow we will find out the time for his surgery. It will be done at the Surgery Center by our house and with no complications we'll be home that same morning. Remember we are pros at our house with the ear surgery thing. Between both kids this is time #4 being at the surgery center. Bryce will still have to be on antibiotics prior to surgery to prevent infection, and continue for a week after, so a total of 17 days of antibiotics.

I will update after his surgery next Tuesday and hopefully have some new pictures. Please excuse my typos, which Rodney has so kindly pointed out I had many on the last update! (Hey, who types well at 11:00pm!)

Happy holidays!!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Friday, December 10, 2004 8:31 AM CST

We had an interesting visit at the clinic yesterday. First the not so good news...Bryce's "luck" ran out yesterday. He now came down w/ a cold Wednesday afternoon, sneezing, runny/stuffy nose but no fever. At the clinic they said he now has another ear infection. The Dr. recommends us going to our ENT and having another set of tubes put in his ears before X-mas if possible. Well, of course when I call the ENT and talk to who knows, they can't get us in for an appt until Jan. 28th!!!!!!! Well, I'm going to have the oncologist call the ENT. I know our ENT knows of Bryce, we were just there last week with Vance!!!

Next his IGg level is low. This is something with their immune system. When it's low chronic infections can happen like the ear infections, respiratory things, blah,blah,blah... So now on the 28th he will receive something called IVIG, which is a product of blood that contains antibodies. It comes in the clear glass bottle and the product looks like water itself and takes about 3 hours to give.This will provide his immune system with extra antibodies it may need, and we will have it every month. So on the 28th we will have a spinal done w/ chemo, this IVIG, doxorubicin and will start steroids for a week. Fun,fun,fun....We also have our echocardiogram scheduled for the 15th to make sure no heart damage has been done from prior chemo before he starts this new phase on the 28th.

The good part is he saw Santa at the clinic yesterday and was the only kid to eat a ton of candy canes, 2 pieces of pizza and about 5 cookies, go figure....Bryce was a little skeptical about Santa but had fun anyone. They gave him 2 stockings with neat toys and a Walmart gift card in it.

We are going to stay home until Bryce's cold is a little better. His counts were good despite all of this. They are:
WBC - 4.4
hemoglobin - 9.9
platelets - 173,000
ANC - 2508

They are all down, but still pretty good. We are now taking ceftin for the ear for the next 10 days. Well, I will update after the echocardiogram next week or if anything else happens. Hope you all have fun X-mas shopping!

Oh, one more thing. A wonderful organization called Candle Lighters deals with resorces and helps patients and families with cancer. In Washington DC on the 11th they are having a X-mas tree lighting and the ornanments on the tree are gold ribbons with names of children with cancer or honoring one's who are no longer with us. I bought a ribbon for Bryce. If you are interested in making a donation to Candlelighters a ribbon can be put on the tree for Bryce and after the season they are going to mail the ribbons to Bryce to have. If you are interested the website is www.candlelighters.org/cancerawarenesstree2004.stm
You can read what I wrote for Bryce by clicking the part about reading the list and typing Bryce H. Summers, SC 3 years old. Again have a wonderful holiday!!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Sunday, December 5, 2004 11:29 PM CST

Happy Birthday Bryce! Officially Bryce's birthday is Monday, December 6th, but we had his party yesterday on Sunday. We had such a busy weekend. On Saturday Bryce attended a b-day party for his friend Rence who turned 3 on Dec. 5th. This was the first b-day party he has gone to since this past February and been around a group of kids longer than 5 minutes. Rence and Bryce went to Ms. Gerrie's house together since they were little! It was so sweet to see them together. Rodney took Bryce to Rence's party and Vance attended a friend's b-day down the road in something called a "tumblebus". Neat concept! A gutted out school bus adorned w/ gymnastic mats comes to your house and does activities with the kids. Vance enjoyed it!
Today was Bryce's party. He asked about it all day and he said his favorite part was blowing out his birthday cake candles. We had a pinata that the kids beat on for a while until daddy gave a little help and tore some, or we would have been there forever. Cousin Thomas we thought was going to crack it open, what a hitter! We had this giant cardboard monstrosity that I created and now it is destroyed in the backyard and currently being rained on. At the end of the party they were tipping it over on purpose while inside. Bryce got lots of neat presents!
As you see from the picture, Rodney finished painting so NO MORE FRUIT WALLPAPER!!!!!!!YEAH!!!!!!! Hopefully over X-mas break the floor and cabinets will get done w/out turning into a major catastrophe project.
I am assuming Bryce's counts are still up. The mystery rash is better but still there (our indicator of counts lately). We go back to the clinic on Thursday for our last dose of vincristine and IV methotrextate, then 16 days off! Well, actually 19 b/c I very nicely asked the doc if we could wait until after X-mas to start our next yucky 56 day phase. Otherwise we would have started the day before X-mas Eve. We still also need to go for an echocardiogram before X-mas to make sure no damage has been done to his heart from prior chemo before starting the next phase. Don't know what they will do if they find any???? I will miss Bryce's new fuzzy hair! So much has come in that it was actually sticking up yesterday and you can even shampoo something.
I hope everyone has a great week. I will update Thursday evening after our dr. visit. Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts, prayers and b-day wishes for Bryce. He has been through so much in the past year of his life.

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, November 29, 2004 5:08 PM CST

We had a great Thanksgiving and a great visit at the clinic today. We did get to go to Uncle Billy's in Rock Hill! The kids had a blast playing with their cousins. We also did get to go to the USC basketball game against Winthrop. We met coach Odom and had these fantastic seats right behind the players. Bryce and Vance could have tapped them on the back of the head if they wanted to. And of course, Cocky was the main attraction for the kids. Vance thought it was cool watching the game and being able to see it on the screen at the same time, and tell us the score every 2 minutes.
The clinic visit went well. Bryce has been having horrible temper tantrums though, so I thought it may be b/c of low counts or from his meds., but Dr. Kevin seems to think the terrible two's are hitting a year late. He said that Bryce is probably just tired of all of this, and who can blame him! So after pitching a fit for the first hour we had our spinal with methotrextate, and our 100ose of IV methotrextate and vincristine. Bryce slept great after the procedure and when he woke up was as happy as could be, and walked around talking to everyone. His weight has been staying steady, but he still hasn't grown much. He will be the littlest 3 year old you have ever seen. Today a kid at the clinic who isn't quite 2 was taller than him!
The numbers are:
WBC: 5.5
Hemoglobin: 10.9 (yeah finally up!)
Platelets: 289,000
ANC: 3520

So, it looks like B-day party is a go for Sunday. His counts will go down, but most likely not down the drain by Sunday. Also the "mystery rash" is back. When his counts are up it comes back, and when it's down it goes away. Weird.....

Bryce's b-day theme is going to be airplanes and helicopters and he is very excited! We keep telling him he better behave though!!!We have a pinata of an airplane (if it gets here on time) and Rodney is working on another surprise.

We hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Christmas is around the corner!! The kids have attempted to decorate our tree, you can imagine.

We are so thankful for your prayers and are blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family who are there for us!

I will probably update after Bryce's party Sunday. Have a good week!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:31 PM CST

And on day 12 the fever has waned... Vance's fever has disappeared and he has returned to his sarcastic ways, not that a 4 year old knows he is being sarcastic. After 9 breathing treatments since Tuesday, he seems to be doing better. He had a little setback yesterday. His friend from school came by to bring him a card from his classmates. He really wasn't running around, but maybe to his friend's car and back. Well,as soon as his friend leaves, he gets on the deck, has a coughing fit and throws up all over the deck. Then he says,"Mommy I just wanted to play outside. I'm NEVER going to get better!" Poor kid...

After all of Vance's tests, chest-xray (looked pretty good), complete bloodwork Wednesday (which came back norm exc. for 1 thing and that just indicated inflammation from his lungs)today he started acting like Vance. We plan on going back to school Monday.

Bryce's appt turned out very well today. He received his full dose of methotrextate and vincristine thru his IV. The only thing is a possible ear infection brewing. The dr. didn't give him an antibiotic, but that may change if he keeps digging in his ears in a couple of days. Once his cough clears up a bit more and the stuffiness fades, he can get his flu shot. For those of you who understand the numbers:

WBC: 3.8 (up from 1.9 Sat.)
hemoglobin: 9.3 ( hovering at the same level for a while)
platelets: 236,000 ( up from Sat)
ANC: 2456 (up from 1492)

I don't quite know about his hemoglobin being down for a while, but they don't give him a transfusion until it reaches 8.0 or below. He looks great, mystery rash still there though. Now we can finally get out of the house if we need to. We still don't take him to the grocery store, Walmart, etc.. b/c of so much "crud" going around. It was a miracle he only had a fever for 2 1/2 days!

Today we were asked if Bryce could represent the Children's Hospital by being highlighted at one of the USC basketball games. They will bring him out on the court, give a brief description of his type of cancer, flash his cute face across the screen, etc.. This is for children's cancer awareness and promoting the children's part of the hospital. He is one of 8 kids from the clinic asked to do it! We think it will be fun, and of course free tickets to the game.

For Thanksgiving we are going to Rodney's Uncle Billy's house in Rock Hill if we are all well. Bryce and Vance haven't seen their cousins since summer. No other big plans here, but to get back on a normal schedule and plan for Bryce's 3 yr. old BIRTHDAY PARTY! His b-day is December 6th, but I am planning a small party here Sunday, December 5th.

Bryce's next appt is Nov 28th. It will be a longer day. He will has a spinal tap done w/ methotrextate, IV vincristine and IV methotrextate. Then only 1 more treatment after that and 16 days off! Then it's Delayed Intensification #2 for 56 days and back to being in isolation at the house.

We hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday and cherish the time together with your families. Thank you so much for your notes,thoughts and prayers....

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Friday, November 12, 2004 3:53 PM CST

This has been a really cruddy week. Bryce is the one at this moment doing okay. The mystery rash is now back and his lower eyelids have become mysteriously red. The red eyelids could been a reaction from the chemo?? or he may be getting the viral crud...

Vance on the other hand has been to the doctor's office twice and now we are on DAY 6!!! of a fever. Last night (Thurs.) his temp jumped to 105 on one thermometer and the other said 104.5! The pediatrican on call said to give him tylenol even though we had just given him motrin an hour before. We had been doing it every 4 hours but it never worked well, it never went under 100. The poor kid slept in his underwear and cold rags. This morning it was normal, but even though we are going back to alternating the motrin/tylenol every 4 hours it has been trying to creep up during the day. Last check was 99.9.

He is also on albuterol for his breathing and cough. Blood work on Thursday shows it is still a viral thing. The on call doc said if he has a fever on Saturday that we need to go back.

Keeping the boys apart is near impossible. If Bryce doesn't get sick it is a MIRACLE!!

Summers moment>>>>> Bryce escaped his "area" and disappeared upstairs. I ask Vance if he is in the living room with him and he says "no". I go upstairs and where is Bryce?????? He is hiding in Vance's contaminated bed, with the covers wrapped around him. I guess Bryce is begging to be sick!

We were given some tickets to go see Elmo at the Colonial Center on Sunday. I told the kids if no one had a fever we may be able to go. I worry about other kids getting Bryce sick though, but if we stay home for the next 3 years when his counts are up and God forbid something happened to Bryce, I would feel horrible knowing he just stayed in the house for all of his life. I think if someone "questionable" sits by us, I'll just tell them that Vance just had a virus/fever all last week!! (Only kidding!)

Rodney's football team is in their first week of the playoffs. That means a maximum of 4 more weeks of football! Oh, but then basketball comes. It's only at the middle school though, and only during the week!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and a special thank you to everyone on our care team and friends who were kind to think of us during Cole's services. I only hope my children will become as strong and caring as Cole was.
Tina,Rodney,Vance and Bryce

Friday, November 12, 2004 3:53 PM CST

This has been a really cruddy week. Bryce is the one at this moment doing okay. The mystery rash is now back and his lower eyelids have become mysteriously red. The red eyelids could been a reaction from the chemo?? or he may be getting the viral crud...

Vance on the other hand has been to the doctor's office twice and now we are on DAY 6!!! of a fever. Last night (Thurs.) his temp jumped to 105 on one thermometer and the other said 104.5! The pediatrican on call said to give him tylenol even though we had just given him motrin an hour before. We had been doing it every 4 hours but it never worked well, it never went under 100. The poor kid slept in his underwear and cold rags. This morning it was normal, but even though we are going back to alternating the motrin/tylenol every 4 hours it has been trying to creep up during the day. Last check was 99.9.

He is also on albuterol for his breathing and cough. Blood work on Thursday shows it is still a viral thing. The on call doc said if he has a fever on Saturday that we need to go back.

Keeping the boys apart is near impossible. If Bryce doesn't get sick it is a MIRACLE!!

Summers moment>>>>> Bryce escaped his "area" and disappeared upstairs. I ask Vance if he is in the living room with him and he says "no". I go upstairs and where is Bryce?????? He is hiding in Vance's contaminated bed, with the covers wrapped around him. I guess Bryce is begging to be sick!

We were given some tickets to go see Elmo at the Colonial Center on Sunday. I told the kids if no one had a fever we may be able to go. I worry about other kids getting Bryce sick though, but if we stay home for the next 3 years when his counts are up and God forbid something happened to Bryce, I would feel horrible knowing he just stayed in the house for all of his life. I think if someone "questionable" sits by us, I'll just tell them that Vance just had a virus/fever all last week!! (Only kidding!)

Rodney's football team is in their first week of the playoffs. That means a maximum of 4 more weeks of football! Oh, but then basketball comes. It's only at the middle school though, and only during the week!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and a special thank you to everyone on our care team and friends who were kind to think of us during Cole's services. I only hope my children will become as strong and caring as Cole was.
Tina,Rodney,Vance and Bryce

Monday, November 8, 2004 2:52 PM CST

We are back from the clinic! Good news for Bryce. He had his treatment of vincristine and an increased dose of IV methotrextate. His counts were:
WBC - 5.1 (norm 4.0- 12.0)
hemoglobin - 9.4 low, down from 10.8 (norm 11.5-14.5)
platelets - 223,000 (down from 324,000 but still norm)
ANC - 3468
This was a "pre ANC" b/c they were waiting on the final reading. The final is usually a tad bit higher. Some of his other "numbers" were a bit off, things like bilirubin (Low <0.1) and Bun/Creat levels (H 46.7), but these are expected. Now we won't go back for another 10 days.

Bryce had a good weekend. Vance has not. Yesterday night Vance came down with a fever/cough. Of course I realize Van has a fever after the 2 boys have been wrestling all over one another. After a dr. visit for Van, and after strep test, and blood work. It is viral, meaning...nothing to do but wait it out. As of 4pm today, he still has a fever, 100. We found out from blood work that Van's platelets were down 132,000, but that this is normally seen in children presenting with viruses. It is almost impossible to keep the 2 boys completely separated. So now we just have to cross our fingers that Bryce doesn't come down with it too. A fever for Bryce over 101 means a lovely inpatient hospital stay.

We mangaged though to go to the Celebrate Freedom Airshow in Camden. Vance and I even got to ride in a real army helicopter, doors off and everything! Vance loved it. Bryce was too little to go on. :(

Most of our weekend has been very depressing. Our friend from the clinic, Cole Sawyer, passed away on Saturday . Cole was 11 yrs old and had a cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma, cancer of the soft muscle tissue. He was labeled cured the beginning of this summer, but the cancer returned in the beginning of September. We have put a pict. of Cole on Bryce's site in the past. We have all been so sad and upset. Cole was such a sweet, kind and courageous person. It was only a week and 1/2 ago that he was admitted, then put on a respirator and finally passed away. Two weeks ago we were all joking and laughing at the clinic about Halloween. For those of you who know Cole, his funeral is tom. at Northeast Pres. Church on Polo Rd. @ 3. There is a viewing tonight at Dunbar Funeral home from 5-7.

Well, I will update with "Vance's Viral Vacation" from school and see if Bryce has managed to avoid Vance's mystery crud. I guess I should be grateful. Vance has not been sick since May and before that it was last October.
Say a little prayer for us!

Please be sure to leave a message in the guestbook for Bryce. Bryce loves to find out who wrote him a note!

Thank you so much to everyone for thinking and praying for us!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Thursday, November 4, 2004 7:54 PM CST

Well, thank goodness it has been an "uneventful" week here. Monday we went to the zoo. We had a nice day walking around (Bryce was "strolled" most of it). I managed to walk down the nature/scenic route from the gardens. At least I had a small little stroller so I could lift it over steps and fallen trees! I managed for Bryce to be still for 30 seconds to take a picture. The photo album has one of him on the carousel. I am experimenting with a new digital camera, thanks to Jennifer Holbrook! THANK YOU! Once I figure it out it should be easier to take pics.
Actually, oh I forgot, some excitement happened. We went to get Vance's haircut Tuesday and found out while we were there that one of the girls who cut hair was sick and the Dr. hasn't figured out what is wrong with her. Automatic panic...Anyway, she is such a sweet girl and stayed away from Bryce and even went outside. They were going to call if it was something highly contagious, which as of today it's not.
The mystery rash on his face is looking so much better due to the steroid cream. Now I am constantly applying band-aids over Bryce's bug bites so he won't scratch.
This weekend we MAY attempt to go to an airshow. Vance went last year w/ his nannie and papa and loved it. I won't be able to let Bryce go look inside the planes though. God forbid who sneezed/coughed all over the place before he went in. I know I may sound paranoid, but Bryce is so susceptible to infections, even w/ an ANC over 1000. If somebody has chicken pox or shingles it can be life threatening to Bryce. Even being around someone who has recently had "live" vaccines like the Flu Mist, MMR or chicken pox vaccine could give it to Bryce. Many kids have their entire immunity to certain diseases destroyed during treatment, even though they have had their shots as a baby. I hope to have him tested for this when he goes off treatment in 2007!! and then I believe he still has to wait 6 months before receiving any vaccinations at all.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm feeling kind of rough due to eating the kids Halloween candy. I will update Monday after our clinic visit for IV vincristine and methotrextate (this one if his ANC is above 750).

Thanks for the journal entries! We love reading them!
Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, November 1, 2004 7:42 AM CST

Thank goodness Halloween is over!(haha) The kids had a great time, but mom and dad are tired! On Friday night we went to a "Halloween Castle" with one of Vance's friends from school. The kids got to see Elmo and Winnie the Pooh too. That went well until it was time to leave. Vance had a fit and Bryce decided to scream bloody murder in Barnes and Noble Bookstore (you know how quiet it is in there!)Well, after literally dragging them to the car, we all calmed down. On Saturday we mostly relaxed.

Halloweeen was fun, it wore the kids out. First we went to a Halloween party. We rode hayrides and painted pumpkins. Then we went home to meet dad and went trick-or-treating. Vance was hysterical. He kept asking the people, "What's going on in there?" if he heard spooky music at the door. Bryce became a little scared and said a few houses were too "spooky" so he stayed in the wagon for some. Finally we made it to "Ms. Gerrie's House". Gerrie watched Bryce from when he was 7 weeks until he became sick and watched Vance for a year too. Bryce was so excited to see her and the rest of his friends.

We borrowed Gerrie's golf cart and rode that home! It's equipped with headlights, tailights, horn, so Vance honked at any stray trick-or-treaters on the way back. Now Bryce has stared out the window at the golf cart begging to go and ride again! The boys were wiped out and fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow, but alas, they were up at 6:00am.

We do not go to the clinic this week for treatment b/c we are on a 10 day scedule through X-mas time. we will go back Monday and get chemo if his ANC is 750 or greater. Bryce's last counts were good on Thursday. His ANC was 1272 (needs to be 1000 to go out) but it will probably be dropping down by tomorrow. The mystery rash is about the same. We are using a steroid cream on it, which makes it look better for a while.

Since it is suppossed to be 86!!!! degrees today, I think I will take Bryce to the zoo for a while. Hope everyone has a great week. I will probably update around Thursday with some zoo pictures.

Please bare with me if I haven't updated by next week though. My LPT port and printer aren't working, and I think the screeen is about to go b/c it gets tons of fuzzy lines while I try to type. I may have to bring it in for repairs or send this one to "computer heaven".

Thank you to EVERYONE for your thoughts and prayers! We need them! Also we have thouroughly enjoyed all the meals NEPC has been bringing. It truly is a big help and one less thing to worry about.

Tina,Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Thursday, October 28, 2004 5:54 PM CDT

Yeah! We finally started Interim Maintenance #2! This phase will last 56 days, depending if we are on schedule with counts each time we come. Bryce gets a drug in escalating amounts called methotrextate through an IV. The first dose he had in this phase is 2/3 of the maximum dose he received on interim main. #1. This will probably mean that his counts won't be as high as I anticipated they would be over the coming holidays. Figure it as last time, he received this chemo drug in 5 doses. Instead of starting on the amount he received the first time in dose 1 (of interim main. #1), it's like starting out on the amount in dose #3. Unfortunately, it makes him sick the next day. I will be sure to give him his "throw up medicine" called zofran. He will also receive vincristine each visit and another spinal on day 30.
The good thing is we only go every 10 days now instead of 7.

His counts are up! The numbers are:
WBC - 2.4 (norm 4.1)
Hemoglobin - 10.8 (norm 11.4)
Platelets - 347,000 (norm 150,000-450,000)
ANC - 1,272 (needs to be at least 1,000 to go out in public)

Bryce's ANC will allow us to have a "normal", whatever that is?, Halloween. Bryce loved trick-or-treating at the hospital. We got to go visit the lab, pharmacy, all the nurses stations, and offices upstairs. Now I actually know what is on the 6th floor! Bryce's spinal w/ chemo went fine, although he is very difficult to wake up. We finally took a cold washcloth and rubbed it on his tummy to wake him up! His other chemo went well too. We will pray that there is NO leukemia in the spinal fluid. They will test it each time they do that procedure to make sure he hasn't relapsed in the central nervous system.

The only problem is what we call Bryce's "MYSTERY RASH". This appeared this summer and has continued to pop up all over his face. It really doesn't itch him, put it peels and is very red. Now in spots it has peeled and bled some. It's even on his earlobe. We got the okay to use his steroid cream we use on his bug bites for it. Hope it helps. We've also tried Eucerin lotion and Aquaphor too.

Well, no cuss words from the kids or other interesting stories to tell, but there's always tomorrow. We have a busy Sunday afternoon and evening planned. We are suppossed to visit a "Haunted Castle" with Vance's friend from school tomorrow evening. We will update Sunday night unless an opportunity presents itself!

Please be sure to sign Bryce's GUEST BOOK. I am going to print them out and save it for Bryce in a scrapbook when this whole leukemia ordeal is over for good! Thank you again for your kind words and thoughts. Here's an interesting quote I found in one of my "Woman magazines".

"Take a lesson from the grass. No matter how many times it's cut or trampled on, it rises again and continues. So get back up, my friend, get back up and rise again."

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Monday, October 25, 2004 1:20 PM CDT

Back from the clinic AGAIN! Bryce's counts are ever so slowly rising. His ANC has to be 1,000 to start the next round/segment of chemo called interim maintenance #2.So far we've been postponed 2x in a row for a total of 8 days. The doc said this is normal, after his undergoing a heavy phase of chemo and he really is doing well. For those of you who understand the numbers they are:

WBC - 1.8 up from 0.9 (norm 4.1)
hemoglobin 10.4, up from 10.1,
platelets at a normal 380,000,
and ANC 810.
The dr. said he should be ready to go by Thursday. We are scheduling his procedures for 11:30 so he can "trick-or-treat" with the kids at the hospital @ 10:30.

Bryce is acting great, being his crazy self and trying to annoy poor Vance. Here's another "Summers" story... Have you ever bought something, only to open it and find someone already used it and tried to return it?? We bought a nice carpet steam cleaner to clean our gross rug. I didn't want to hire someone to come do the carpets b/c I didn't want to wonder where the machine had been prior to our house since Bryce's counts are low, etc...Well, get this monster of a box home, open it up and, the pieces are just tossed in there, bags opened and rubber banded together. To top it off there are 3 birthday cards inside for a 2 year old named Ahamed???? Well, I throw it back in the box and bring it back the next day. Of course I had managed to throw away the receipt within 10 minutes of buying it when I cleaned out my car at the gas station while pumping gas. Fortunately the people at the store were very nice and gave me a new steam cleaner, not used.

Here's one more..,I caught Vance saying not so appropriate things to his cars as he was playing. I asked him what did you say?? He said "What the heck ( yes he didn't say he#@ at least) is that? I said where did you hear that from.. He said, "You mom, you say bad words all the time!" Oh jeez, why me! I asked him when do I say those things and he told me, "On the phone. You called someone stupid." Well, I guess I better watch it. Of course after that Bryce runs around screaming "What the heck is that?"

Well, I will update Thursday evening with pictures of trick-or-treating at the hospital and tell how our day went. Keep praying for those counts to come up! It's working!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:46 AM CDT

We had a blast! Bryce and Vance had so much fun, and Vance didn't say anything about Clemson to embarrass us. I think Vance may be coming around...

We were lucky to be able to attend. Bryce's ANC was only 522, but the doc said since it was over 500 that we could go. His hemoglobin is staying pretty steady 10.1,(norm 11.4) platelets 328,000 (good-normal), but his WBC is still now only 0.9 (norm 4.1). Today's procedure for a spinal tap with chemo,methotrexate, and vincristine by IV were cancelled b/c of the low counts. We are scheduled to go back on Monday morning and try again if they are up.

As you can see in the picture, Lou signed his shirt. We also ate with Mike the Quarterback and "Wando" as they call him. I forget what position Wando played, sorry Wando! They got to see the locker rooms with the players stuff thrown all over the place! Vance said they were messy. We went on the main field and the practice fields, and then had dinner in The Zone. Here the kids ate with the players and signed t-shirts, etc... We also met "Pops", the 39 yr old player! Everyone was so kind and sweet to the kids. They just LOVED it!

We will have a pretty mellow weekend since Bryce can't go many places but around the house and through drive-throughs. Just say a prayer that Bryce's counts are up for Monday.

Thank you to everybody for all of your caring and thoughtful words, and a special thanks to the Gamecocks for their time and sincerity with the kids!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 5:51 PM CDT

I had to update today just to tell a story. Bryce and I ventured outside today into the front yard. I was being the good wife that I am, and for the like the third time in my life was raking pine straw. Well, as Bryce was having fun running up and down the little hill between our house and the neighbors, he starts screaming and running over to me. I figured something bit him because he was holding his hand. It wasn't his hand but when I looked down his shoes and socks were covered with baby ants! Now if you know Bryce, anytime something bites him he looks like he has tumors growing on him from the bites.

Well, I start ripping his shoes and socks off, stripping him in the yard and as I was throwing the shoes out of my way, I threw it on top of the very tall bush in front of our house. So, if you ride by the house and see a little red shoe in our bushes, you'll know why. It will probably be there a while b/c Rodney doesn't like those shoes anyway.

After our numerous creams and some benadryl, he's fine. I got to them in time so they aren't bad. Only about 4 bites.
Bryce is acting fine! We go to the clinic for blood work in the morning to see if we go to visit the Gamecock stadium Wednesday night and eat dinner w/ the players and Lou. I will update late tom. night w/ new pictures so be sure to check on Thursday! Say a little prayer for Bryce that his counts are going up and we can go!

Thanks you for your thoughts and prayers!
Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce Summers

Sunday, October 17, 2004 11:16 PM CDT

Bryce had a good weekend! Saturday I actually was able to go get my roots covered up and get a haircut! Rodney and Vance made it to the Clemson game (BOO!) and a friend of ours, a survivor of ALL came over to watch Bryce for a few hours. He absolutely adores her!
Sunday we played outside. He is finally able to climb up his tree house/slide without any help! We also finished the last of his medication for the ear infection. This upcoming week we are going to the clinic for counts on Wednesday morning to see if they are high enough to go visit the Gamecocks and eat dinner with them and Lou at the stadium. This will also determine if we are having our treatment on Thursday, which will begin interim maintenance #2. I think it will be up, but I think his hemoglobin is going back down again. His lips look a little paler. That's usually how I tell. We'll just have to see.
Well, I will update Wednesday night! It is 12:30am and Bryce just woke up looking for someone to go back to sleep with him!

Lots of Love,
Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Thursday, October 14, 2004 8:31 PM CDT

Thursday, October 14th, 2004

Today was our clinic visit. Good news! His counts are starting to go up! His platelets went from 41,000 to 170,000 (normal!) all on their own so no platelet transfusion. His hemoglobin went down some 10.4 from 12.9. That’s okay though. This is about where Bryce’s hemoglobin stays. His WBC went from 0.6 to 0.8 and his ANC, the magical number that determines if we’re doomed to the house went up to 552 from, if I believe right, 259.
Now we have officially finished our phase called delayed intensification #1. If our counts are up to 750 (ANC) next Thurs. we will have a LP (chemo in the spinal fluid), vincristine and methotrextate through our port and start Interim maintenance #2. (A port is an access under his skin that was implanted that prevents him from being constantly stuck In the arm with IV’s. It sounds worse being stuck through the chest, but it is so much better than attempting to find a vein every week.)
The cancer kids have been invited to go to the Gamecock stadium next Wednesday and have a tour of the stadium, locker rooms, and meet Lou Holtz. Then they will go to “The Zone” and eat dinner with the players. We will try to go depending on Bryce’s counts next Wednesday morning! Rodney has tried to convert Vance to being a Clemson fan, so I am skeptical of bringing him b/c Vance will probably tell Lou that Gamecocks stink, Clemson Tigers rule! In fact Rodney is bringing Vance to the Clemson game this weekend.
Unfortunately Vance game home with a little cough tonight, so hopefully it won’t turn into something else, for his and Bryce’s sake! I loaded him with vitamins, tea for his cough and sent him to bed. I think he’s kind of “milkng it” though, b/c he knows he might get lots of extra “stuff” if he really is sick. If he does, then I’ll have to spoil him too. I know he feels left out sometimes. Well, hope everyone is having a good week. Thank you again so much for you kindness and messages. Keep them coming! They definitely help keep our spirits up!
I am still attempting to figure out how to get more than 1 picture on this home page!!! So..check out the photo page for new pictures!

Monday, October 11, 2004 2:12 PM CDT

Normal Blood Counts
WBC 4.0-12.0
Hemoglobin 11.5-14.5
Platelets 150,000-450,000
ANC - 1,500 and up (1,000 to go in public and do things around other people)

Back from the clinic early today! His counts are still down the toilet! WBC 0.6, hemoglobin 12.9 (b/c of his transfusion Friday), platelets 41,000, ANC 259 :(
His platelets need to be around 20,000 to get a platelet transfusion. Maybe on Thursday, but hopefully they will be up. If you read the last entry, we've had an interesting weekend. Well, no more throwing up, that part is good. As you see in the picture we managed to paint pumpkins yesterday. Right this moment he has taken every container of paint out of their box and is demanding to paint more pumpkins, although there are no more! Vance also painted one a lovely shade of gray after mixing every color. He learned a new word, that his pumpkin color was "unique". If you drive by, they are on our front steps!
The ear infection is starting to heal. I made sure they checked it before we left today. Now we take 2 antibiotics today and tomorrow, one for the ear and one we take every Monday and Tuesday to prevent pneumonia (sp?).
Hope everyone had a great weekend. I am also attempting to add another pumpkin picture to the photo album. I will probably write again Wednesday since I don't anticipate ( I say while I knock on wood) any major catastrophies happening before then!

Sunday, October 10, 2004 12:22 AM CDT

Friday we went to the clinic for a blood transfusion. Bryce was pretty tired, but perked up by the afternoon.No throwing up Friday! Last night(Sat) Rodney and I went to a friend's birthday party, and within 10 minutes of our getting back home, Bryce managed to throw up all over his poor Nannie! Then within 2 mintues later Vance managed to fall off the couch and smash his head on the table. Poor nannie and pa-pa. Other than that, their evening had went fine.
Today (Sunday)is a pretty uneventful day. Rodney is at football and Bryce is currently taking a nap. That was after Vance and Bryce starting attacking each other over a truck. Imagine trying to explain to a 4 year old that he can't hit his brother b/c his platelets are low and could cause bleeding in his head. Go figure!!
Tomorrow we go back to the clinic to get blood drawn again, and most likely platelets. We are probably going to change Bryce's antibiotic for the ear infection b/c of his tummy troubles. This is also the last night for his thioguanine, so maybe that will help with his stomach as well! At least we won't deal with that medicine until Jan/Feb.
Thank you to everyone for your kind words of encouragement! I will do my best to keep the website updated!

Hope you had a great weekend!

Thursday, October 7, 2004 10:33 PM CDT

Thank you to everyone who has had us in your thoughts and prayers! Reading your messages brings tears to my eyes, but makes me realize how many people care about Bryce.

UPDATE: Good news and bad...
First the bad. Today was clinic day. We had our chemo drug vincristine (only one more of those this stage) and our labs drawn. Our hemoglobin was low 7.7 (normal is 11.5 - 14.5), white count 0.7 (normal 4.0-12.0), platelets 54,000 ( normal 150,000 - 450,000). I gave the norms so those of you who haven't been given the honorary "parent nursing/doctor degree" would have an idea. His ANC is 329. It needs to be 1,000 to go out in public places. 1,500 starts normal range. The ANC is a number that lets you know how strong his immune system is to fight off infection.
Well, even though his "counts" are down the drain, it's to be expected so that hasn't worried us. Today's surprise was a nasty ear infection. Bryce is such a little trooper he hasn't even complained about his ear! We've been put on antibiotics. The rest of the bad news is that if he develops a fever we will be admitted to the hospital.

GOOD NEWS: NO FEVER, cool as a cucumber. We are hoping it stays this way b/c from what we heard today at the clinic, the hospital is packed solid, no rooms, and I really don't want to spend an evening in the ER waiting room.
As you may have noticed I may use sarcasm a lot! It helps my sanity. Well tomorrow we will receive a blood transfusion, and we go back Monday to have our counts done again and possible platelets.
Bryce is still feeling pretty blah from his drug thioguanine. He decided to give grandma a show while I was at Wallyworld (aka Walmart) and throw up all his pretzels! Only 3 more days of that medicine until January/February.
I've added some pictures to the web site. Some of you may have seen these before. I will attempt to become more skilled with the digital camera. We'll update tomorrow about the blood transfusion! Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers!

Tina, Rodney, Vance and Bryce

Wednesday, October 6, 2004 9:30 AM CDT

Today Bryce is a tired guy! He has about 2 weeks to go until we finish this phase of treatment called delayed intensification. Next he goes into interim maintenance for 56 days, then delayed intensification again for 56 days then finally maintenance!
The med that Bryce is currently taking this week is thioguanine. We were delayed a few days in starting it due to a pharamacy and Fed-Ex glitch. Unfortunatley it makes Bryce very nauseous each morning, and he's been sick each morning this week. His white count, hemoglobin, and ANC are decreasing too, which is expected. I can tell his hemoglobin is going down b/c he's already taking a nap at 10:30 and his little lips are pale. He is in good spirits though.
Tomorrow we have an appt. for the chemo drug vincristine. We might end up getting blood or platelets. We'll probably have to go back for those though on Friday since our appt. isn't until 1:30.
Bryce continues to be in remission. It will be seven months in remission as of October 25th. He was diagnosed on March 11th. Say a prayer for us!

Tuesday, October 5, 2004 10:38 PM CDT

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