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Thursday, July 24, 2003 12:38 AM CDT

Hello to everyone! I am finally crawling from the dark ages... I have the internet at home now!!!
Jason Jr. is doing exceptionally well. He is so full of energy and spunk I can't keep up with him. He is so excited to be healed from cancer. He can't wait to start school in the fall. It has been a long time since he has been able to hang out with his friends. That is all he talks about.
We haven't had a party for him, yet, but there is one in planning. He wishes all of you could be here for it, as do I. You all have been my strength through out all of this. I think we should celebrate that!!!
Thank you all for your continued support.
~Big Jas

Wednesday, July 16, 2003 11:54 AM CDT

Today is a day that we have been waiting months to arrive. Today is the day that Jas has beat cancer!
I want to thank you all for being here every step of the way. I can't tell you how many times I have looked to a computer screen for strength. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We are going to be having a party in the near future, I will post details, as they are ironed out.
Thank you all one more time!
~Big Jas

Thursday, July 10, 2003 9:24 PM CDT

Hey everyone! Jas almost made it through camp. I got a phone call at 4:00 this morning telling me Jas was going to the hospital for neutrapenia. He had a great time while there, however.

I hope that everyone will take a moment to remember the boy named Josh that was in a previous picture on this site with Jas. Jas and Josh met at the hospital during one of the many stays and they became quick friends. Josh has been battling cancer for 8 years. Unfortunately, Josh passed away Monday, July 7, 2003. Our hearts and prayers are with his family.

As always, I thank everyone for taking the time to check up on us.
~Big Jas

Thursday, July 3, 2003 11:04 AM CDT

The final treatment is under way now. Jas is getting a six hour infusion of Doxirubicin right now, then has only one more infusion of cytoxin, then that's it. He is so excited to end the chemo. I am a ball of nerves, however. We are not out of the woods yet, we will have many follow up visits, to determine if the residule tumors are active or inactive.
I will have many oppertunities to keep you all updated as time progresses. So please check in whenever you feel like it.
Thank you all, again, very much for sticking by our sides through this whole thing.
~Big Jas

Wednesday, July 2, 2003 12:04 AM CDT

I have great news for everyone today! Apparently I was wrong about this being Jason's second to last treatment. I was informed yesterday, by Dr. Taylor, that this is in fact Jas's last treatment. Everything has moved along at such a rapid pace, I guess I had things off schedule a little bit.
We are going to have a "last chemo" party tomorrow in the afternoon,(I will post a time when I know) so if anyone would like to join us at Geisinger to celebrate, you are all more than welcome. If anyone would like to attend, call me at (570)271-8380 so I know if you're comming. If not, I know that you are all here in spirit, and Jas knows, too.
I know I would'nt have been able to get through this without each and everyone of you who visit, and write. Thank you all so much for being here through the roughest times.
I will keep you all updated for the rest of the week, so please stop by!
Thank you all, again,
~Big Jas

Tuesday, July 1, 2003 10:59 AM CDT

Hello!!! We are back in for Jas's second to last treatment!! I am so excited!
We had a great stay at home this time. Aunt Amy and her kids came to visit for a weekend. Jas had a great time with his cousins.
We just arrived about an hour ago, so things are just about to get underway. I will keep you all posted.
Thanks to you all for stopping in, even when we are at home, I can't thank you enough.
~Big Jas

Thursday, June 19, 2003 9:38 AM CDT

Well, our visit is coming to a close for this phase. We are supposed to be getting out of here this evening around 7:00 or 8:00. That is if all goes well. Jas had his LP around 9:30 this morning, and is fairing well right now. He told me he thinks he's hungry for ravioli. I am happy if he has a bite.
Dr. Taylor, Jas's primary Oncologist, told me this morning that we only have one more phase to get through, then the end of this crap!! Jas is looking so forward to having his "end of chemo party". I am so happy to know that we could have only two more treatments to go. God willing, we will be done soon.
I will let you all know how things are going as soon as I can. We thank all of you who faithfully visit our site.
~Big Jas

Monday, June 16, 2003 6:50 PM CDT

Thank you all for taking time to wish a happy Father's day. I think it was the best day I have had in my entire life. I got to spend it with the most wonderful child in the world! He made me lots of cool cards, and we watched movies, and played video games all day. I can't think of a better way to have spent the day. I am just greatful that I was able to spend this day with him.
The Ara-C (the chemo drug he is on) is getting the best of him this time around. Again, he has no appitite, and is already getting high fevers. I checked it earlier, and he was at 102.4. The doctors tell me this is to be expected with this particular drug. High fevers, and flu-like symptoms.
I can only hope the week flies by!
Thanks again to all of you! I will keep you posted.
~Big Jas

Sunday, June 15, 2003 2:48 PM CDT

Happy Father's Day to all that it applys to!
We are still doing very well, and all is going as expected. This time is an exact replica of the last time in. I am hoping for the same results as well. His blood counts are dropping a little more rapidly this time, though.
I thank you all for stopping in, even when there hasn't been an update in a while. It lets me know that you all truely do care.
I will keep you all posted.
~Big Jas

Friday, June 13, 2003 2:18 PM CDT

Yehhhhh!!! We were home for 16 days without any complications!! I think it has to do with all the well wishers we have that visit our site. We are back in now for another round of chemo.
Jas, while we were home, regained his appitite, and gained 3 lbs. He weighed in at a whopping 39 lbs today. That is only 5 lbs less than he weighed before he got sick.
He got to meet and play with the kids in the neighborhood while we were home, and did things that 7 year olds are supposed to do. We had a great break, and I hope this next one is just the same.
I will keep this updated as long as we are here, so stop in!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2003 2:01 PM CDT

Well, we are going to get to go home tonight. Jas had an LP today, and is supposed to finish up with this round of chemo late this evening. He is getting a blood transfusion right now.
He is still not eating much, he had exactly 14 M&M's yesterday, and 1 bite of a chicken nugget today. I just go with the flow and whatever he is hungry for, I try to get for him. We are hoping that his appitite improves once we get home.
Wish us luck on our stay at home, and hope it lasts for a while. I know we do!
I will keep you all posted the best that I can.
~Big Jas

Monday, May 26, 2003 1:16 PM CDT

Want to wish everyone well on this rainy Memorial day.
We are still doing very well in the hospital. We are now on day 4 of the 5 day infusion of ARA-C. Jas's counts are going down a little quicker this time than before. I am thinking that we will be in for a little while longer this time. No big deal though.
The hospital is hosting the "Children's Miricle Network" telethon this weekend. If we are still here, it should be a good time.
Thanks for stopping in, and I will keep you all posted.
~Big Jas

Friday, May 23, 2003 11:09 AM CDT

Hello!! We are back in the hospital for chemo. We got started yesterday, and so far so good. Jas went through yet another LP this morning, and now is sleeping like a rock. The doctors are adding a new drug to his cycle this time. It is called ARA-C.
Jas is passing the time by playing games and coloring. He is maintaining a pretty good mood, but not yet eating much. I am sure though, with time, his appitite will come back ten-fold.
All in all, everything is going as expected.
Thanks for visiting, and I will keep you all posted.
~Big Jas

Monday, May 19, 2003 9:14 AM CDT

Today, we get to go home again! The fevers are down, the counts are up, and we're ready to go!
We will have to be back up on Thursday. Jas starts another round of chemo that day. It is the third "big" round, known as the "Cym I" phase. I am not exactly sure what that means, but I know it is one step closer to recovery!
So until Thursday, you all keep us in your thoughts, and I will update when we get back!
Thanks for visiting!
~Big Jas

Sunday, May 18, 2003 3:24 PM CDT

Hello! Thanks for stopping in!
Jas is having a good day, today. He is full of energy and bored. His fever keeps spiking, though, and that's what keeps us here. Other than the fevers, we're doing great.
Will keep you posted,
~Big Jas.

Saturday, May 17, 2003 4:10 PM CDT

We are back! We were able to spend more time at home this visit, but as expected, we're back. Everything is going well, just a little neutrapenia, accompanied by some high fever.
I will keep you all updated.
~Big Jas

Sunday, May 11, 2003 10:19 AM CDT

It is the big day!! Jas had an LP at 10:30 this morning, and now is sleeping like a rock! He needs to have a blood transfusion, because his HMG is down, but no big deal. I am hoping that we will be able to go home this afternoon sometime. Nothing or noone is telling us different. I will do the best I can to keep you all informed.
As always, thanks for the thoughts and prayers, and stop back soon!
~Big Jas

Saturday, May 10, 2003 12:59 AM CDT

Hello! Yesterday was a good day, and for the most part, so is today. The talk of putting a tube into Jas for feeding was brought up yesterday. So far though, it has just been talk. He is not eating very well. Yesterday, he had a bite of ravioli, that was it. I don't blame him for not eating this awful hospital food!
He is up playing a video game right now, and seems to be more energetic today. He got a "Leap Pad" from the family, which he loves! Thanks everyone!! It seems to keep Jas more occupied than ever.
We are still supposed to go home tomorrow. Jas has to have an LP early in the morning, then after that, we should be discharged.
His tumors are reducing up to 80 percent, which is wonderful. The doctors are very pleased with the news. So are we! The chemo is doing wonders. So far, everythting the doctors have expected to happen, has.
When we go home tomorrow, I will not be able to update daily, but when we are back you all will know, because there will be a new update. The next scheduled round of chemo is in two weeks. Hopfully I won't be here in the hospital to update until then!
Keep checking back!
~Big Jas

Thursday, May 8, 2003 10:39 PM CDT

Hello everyone! Today was an exceptional day. Lil' Jas was feeling well enough to go to the lobby of the Childrens Hospital to watch a magic show. The magician also comes to the childrens' rooms to play the guitar and sing to them. He sang Jason's favorite request... "The Booger Song"!! There's just something about that song that makes him grin from ear to ear. It is always so nice to see Jas in such high spirits.
More chemo, and less appitite are expected for the remainder of the week. Unfortunatly, Jas doesn't feel like eating much. Maybe a yogurt here and there, but for the most part, the chemo ruins his appitite. This just goes with the territory I guess. I have learned to take it minute by minute. I don't look too far down the road, because I never know what to expect. Tomorrow is a new day, we'll see what happens!
I will keep posting,
Big Jas

Wednesday, May 7, 2003 10:26 PM CDT

I am a little late for an update for the 7th, so I will also try to fit in the 8th, too. Wednesday has passed and all is very well.
Congrats to the Burkitts' who have undergone their last round of chemo. Way to go guys!!!
Jason has gotten a lot more chemo in the past couple of days, and will have more as the week progresses. Today, Jas had another LP done and will have one more on Sunday. He is staying strong through all of this. I think he is better at it than me most of the time.
The doctors tell us that we will be able to go home after his next LP on Sunday. I can tell you that Jas is looking forward to going home again, soon.
As always, visit often for more updates, and keep the thoughts coming.
I will do my best to keep you all informed,
~Big Jas

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 11:34 AM CDT

Hello! I am happy to tell you all that we had a great time this weekend. Jas was riding his bike, playing outside, and doing things that 7 year olds do! I can't tell you how wonderful it was to see him feeling so well.
We came back on Monday to get his Medi-Port put in, but the doctors pushed the surgery back to this morning. All went very well, and soon, (in a matter of hours) Jas will undergo another round of chemo.
I thank God for all of the love, support, and strength that is provided to us. I also thank all of you!
~Big Jas

Friday, May 2, 2003 11:59 AM CDT

Good news!!! We get to go home today! Jas's surgery went well, so we are going to go home until Monday! On Monday, he will have another surgery to put in the Medi-Port, then on Tuesday he starts another round of Chemo. We will be in for approximitly 7 days. Wish us luck, and as always thanks for stopping by!
~Big Jas

Thursday, May 1, 2003 3:02 PM CDT

Helle all,
Today has gone pretty well for Jas so far. We have come to one of those times that Dr. Taylor has warned us about, though. He, this morning, refered to it as one of those times we trip and fall on the long road to recovery. Jas has a leak in his Broviac tube. (The IV inplant in his chest.) Everything that they put in through his tube, in time, leaks back out. I have been told that the doctors are not going to replace it, but rather take it out. They will then put in what is called a "medi-port". This is a device that is not visible. It will be inplanted under the skin on his chest, rather than sticking out of his chest. We are not sure when they will be able to do the surgery, on account that Jas's counts are so low. The medi-port will allow Jas a lot more freedom, such as swimming and playing more; without the worry of tearing the tube out, or infecting it somehow.
Other than the bumps in the road, here and there, all is well.
As a new friend I met always tells me "Total recovery is the only option." Thanks Ray Burkitt!
Thank you all again for the love and support,
~Big Jas
Please if you get a chance, take a look at the Burkitt familys' site. Their son Christopher,also seven, suffers from Burkitts Lymphoma.

Wednesday, April 30, 2003 12:39 AM CDT

Hello everyone. I am pleased to tell you that Lil Jas is making improvments. His WBC is up to 0.46 today. It is a steady increase from <0.20. He is what the doctors refer to as "neutapenic". This means that his counts are so low that he is susceptible to a lot of infections. Our 48 hours have lapsed now, and the doctors say maybe Friday or Saturday at the earliest we may leave again.
Jas passes the time by playing his new "Gameboy Advance" (Thanks Suzy and Jim!). He is getting a lot better than me at most games! He has a lot more energy today than yesterday, which I think is wonderful.
I can't thank everyone enough for everything that you all do for us.
Thanks for stopping in,
~Big Jas

Monday, April 28, 2003 10:36 PM CDT

Hello to all of our page viewers. As you all know, we were to go home on Saturday. We made it home, but only for 40 hours. Jas's WBC (white blood count) plumited to below 0.20. The norm is 4.0 - 13.5. We are back to Geisinger for at least 48 hours. The doctors put him on IV antibiotics, and are putting fluids in him through IV. He is very weak and lathargic right now, but strong enough to voice his displeasure of our short visit home! We are hoping to be able to get back home soon, but only time will tell. Keep us in your thoughts, I know it helps get us through.
Thank you all for faithfully coming back,
~Big Jas.

Saturday, April 26, 2003 1:56 PM CDT

Well, here it is, Saturday... The big day! We are not sure whether we are going to be able to go home, yet. Jas has developed a sinus infection, and to determine the severity of it, his doctors have ordered another CT scan. His broviac tube, which is the IV inplant in his chest, also has a minor infection. So as of right now, we are waiting in limbo. Keep your fingers crossed, (they're probably tired by now!!!) and we will get through this as well. Best regards to all of you.
~Big Jas

Friday, April 25, 2003 7:29 PM CDT

Hello eveyone!! I am very happy to say that today went very well. Jas had to go through yet another lumbar puncture. He, unfortunately, is getting used to being poked in the back with needles. He is very excited by the thought of being able to go home tomorrow. So far, (cross you fingers!) nothing is standing in our way. We have to return to the hospital for 7 days to get another round of chemo. We will ruturn one week from monday, if his counts stay high enough.(Again, cross your fingers!) I will keep you all updated as much as I can, as I don't have internet access at home. Keep all of the support and prayers coming, I believe that is why we are in such good shape.
Thanks and God Bless you all.
~Big Jas

Thursday, April 24, 2003 9:31 AM CDT

Hello everyone! Things are going quite well right now. Yesterday, though, Little Jas had to have a blood tranfusion because his hemeglobin count was low. We just have to take things one day at a time. Dr. Taylor seems pretty sure that we will be able to go home on Saturday, even if it's only for a couple of days. Little Jas is very excited about this news!
Thank you all for visiting, I will do my best to keep everyone informed. ~Big Jas

Tuesday, April 22, 2003 2:48 PM CDT

Hi, Jason is a tough little boy who hears the diagnosis of Burkett's Lymphoma. This is a fairly common childhood lymphoma. It is treated mainly with chemotherapy. The medicines that he's getting are aggressive and have many side effects. Thankfully Jason is a tough and brave little boy and is handling the chemo well. His tumors have responded VERY well and I expect him to do well, although along the way he may have set backs and tough times. These kids never fail to inspire me with their bravery and ability to handle everything that we dish out. I'll try to keep everyone informed as to what's going on. The next big event is a CT scan in about 2 weeks to tell us how the tumor that we can't see in his sinuses is fairing. Hopefully the pictures will also show an excellent response similar to the tumor that was visible in his neck. I also think that his father should be given a pat on the back for literally never leaving Jason's side- Jeff Taylor M.D.

Tuesday, April 22, 2003 0:10 AM CDT

To all who visit: This is Lil' Jas's dad.. I want to let you know that we are in good hands in the hospital. Jas is responding to the treatments like a champ. I don't know where we would be without all of the support that everyone out there has, and is providing. I am not sure how to thank you all, if I could I would. Please keep the support comming, I know that is why we are doing so well.
Thank you all,
"Big Jas"

Monday, April 21, 2003 7:08 AM CDT

Jason will have his second intrathecal today and another one on Friday - these are the spinal injections of chemo. So far, everything has been as expected. The tumors are shrinking and he is tollerating the chemo quite well.

He has alot of back pain from the intrathecal injections, but this is to be expected. They give him medicine to comfort him. This week will be a tough one, but with your prayers we know Jason will get through it.

He is gaining weight and eating like a horse. Chicken seems to be his meal of choice. He loves all of the coloring books and thanks everyone for kindness and prayers. We'll keep you updated as he progresses.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 12:36 AM CDT

Jason was diagnosed on Tuesday, April 8 with Burkitt's Lymphoma. He is in Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA.

Chemo began on the tumors and he had his first intrathecal injection on Monday, April 14. Time will only tell where he is headed from here. We welcome your prayers and each day we know that god is with him as he begins his journey to recovery.

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----End of History----