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Monday, October 17, 2011 9:07 PM CDT

Wow, it's been so long since we have updated. Kayleigh has been working since April and has been so busy !!!! She works at Sesame place, she's a few of the well known furry monsters !!!! I posted some new pictures !!!! The one with the girl with the wreath is a friend we met, going through breast cancer. So we decided for kays 5 year remission, we would throw a party and she wanted people to donate. Just to help her out a bit....It's going to be an extremely busy year, it already started !!!! Her wisdom teeth were pulled, she ended up with dry socket. missed school... She wasn't a happy camper.....She seems to be caught up now !! She'll continue to work till Christmas !!!! She is still dancing, 4 classes now !!!!

School is going very well, except way to much homework !!! and already so many projects.....
She passed for her permit, now we have to find time to teach her how to drive !!! Scary !!!
Jr.Prom is right around the corner,she's getting ready for that. So excited, her dress is beautiful !!!

The Wilkes

Thank you Dave for always writing !!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010 11:30 AM CDT

Hey everyone !

I got home from Germany on August 19th. It was the best time of my life, ever. I had such a great time. Everything was beautiful and the food was awesome! I want to go back in the future, and I also would love to host! We went to Koeln, Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin. Berlin was my favorite. I had my birthday there and it was great! They made me cut my own cake, and they had a little table set up with tiny presents. A couple of days after I got home, I had a surprize thrown by my mom and my friend Taylor. I had a blast. On September 1st i started school. I love my classes. I'm taking Digital Photography, and I'm really excited.

That's all for now,
Love Kayleigh :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010 1:13 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Kayleigh is doing wonderful, she'll be leaving for Germany this week. She can't wait !!!! she is going with 6 other students from her school and her teacher. When she gets there she will go with her host family over night then leave on a train to go to Berlin for the weekend. They will stay in a hotel, then go out as a group, sightseeing !!! Then when they return to Oldenburg she'll stay with her host family. I know she be busy for the rest of the week, because on Friday she will be going to school for the remainder of her trip. This will be such a great learning experience for her.

It's been such a hot crazy summer so far, we have been so busy since school let out. We had a family reunion, a big 90 th birthday for my grandmom. Some shore time, not as much as last year. When Kayleigh returns we will only have a week or so then she will return to school. This summer is just going way to fast.

Thanks for everyone who still comes by and checks up on kayleigh when she returns I'm sure she'll have some great picture's and wonderful stories......

The Wilkes

Saturday, April 3, 2010 7:44 AM CDT


Kayleigh continues to do well , very busy in school and out. We have scans coming up. The past four years have been so busy. I guess Kayleigh knows the true meaning of live everyday to the fullest.
I think of families everyday that are going through the very struggles that we had gone through. My prayers are with them. Families that have lost the battle my heart goes out to them.

The Wilkes

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 4:43 PM CST

Hi Everyone,

Everything is going well.Kayleigh has straight A's , So proud of her. She just went to her Freshman formal, so exciting!!!! She continue's to be busy with dance in a few short months her recital will be here.

We had some crazy weather this year, tons of snow!!!! Now we just want spring to be here !!!!

The Wilkes

Friday, December 25, 2009 9:28 AM CST

Ich Wuensche euch Frohe Weihnachten und ein frohes, gesundes neues Jahr.

Kayleigh Wishing Everyone a very Merry Christmas And A Happy new Year !!!!!!!

Kayleigh is doing wonderful, Busy with dance and school. Kayleigh will be going to Germany this summer. So we are working extra hard to save money to send her. It's just been a very busy year....

The Wilkes

Sunday, December 6, 2009 6:09 PM CST

Friday, September 25, 2009 10:10 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Been crazy, busy back to school, Kayleigh loves it !!!!I'm back to driving the school bus and working 3 nights at the legion. Our weeks have been pretty full. The past weekend we went to Maine, My cousin got married . We had a wonderful time. Went on a whale watch, didn't see any whales. The ride was fun anyways and of couse the landscape is beautiful.

Busy again this week-end Kayleigh is planning a birthday party for a freind, and now its all about going to the football games.

Kayleigh went back to ballet and now is in Jazz !!!!

Here are a few Maine Picture's Enjoy......

Praying for The Churchill Family.....Our Thoughts and prayers go out to you....

The Wilkes

Friday, August 7, 2009 10:19 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Hoping everyone is having a great summer. Kayleigh and I are cramming as much fun as we can. She'll be going to camp soon of course she is always excited about that. Her birthday is coming up also, planning something for that ....Not sure yet but we'll let you know. I'm thinking she goes back to school on the 31st, kinda put that in the back of my mind. We won't talk anymore about that.....I'll update a few pitures of summer fun , enjoy !!!!!


Friday, June 12, 2009 11:31 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

With school coming to and end and all end of school activities, We've been incredibly busy.

I put a few of Kayleigh's dress rehearsal picture's up a little blurry , sorry..... it's just really hard to see and adjust the camera.

She is dancing to a Westside story number, She is Maria !!! So exciting !!!! She is with a truly amazing dance company {Downstage dance} What an innovative recital. It is a show stopper. The owner is a dancer herself. They use actors and singers, I really can't even begin to explain. One dance is better then the next and all put together its breathtaking. Even Kevin loves and enjoys it......So tonight and tomorrow are the big opening nights.

We have a few more days of school left . Kayleigh is excited about moving on to high school next year , another journey. I know she will miss all her teacher's as she still thinks about her elementary school teachers. She has been trying to go see them. So if your reading Kayleigh says hi. She'll try to stop by maybe next week.

Hoping to head to the beach soon, we have a graduation party and a benefit coming up. Kayleigh will be taking part in a play this summer. So until then have a wonderful summer !!!!!!

Godbless All

Saturday, May 9, 2009 8:10 PM CDT

Hi everyone,

Clear Scans !!!!! We don't have to go back for a year.....whoosh !!!!!

I'm just going to be putting some random Picture's up of the things Kayleigh has been doing.

This week she has her Spring concert and Honor's Choir. Thats Monday and Tuesday.Tuesday afternoon she has the Fashion show. Then friday she'll be going to Great Adventure for fun after they sing at another school with the honor's choir.

The Wilkes

Sunday, May 3, 2009 8:39 AM CDT

Hi everyone,

I know it's been a while. Kayleigh has had so much going on and so much more coming up. Last night was honor's choir, the setting was the chapel at Princeton University. It was absolutely beautiful. It was all the kids from her school district {Pennsbury} 500 kids from middle school to high school. I just couldn't even explain how beautiful it sounded, and with all the beautiful surrounding's

She'll have her spring concert coming up at her school that is for ensemble and chorus. She is in both, singing her little heart out. There will be a fashion show coming up, raising money for habitat for humanity. She is working a carnival at school also that also raises money for the same. Then she'll sing at the Pennsbury High School again. Then they all get to go to Great Adventure to sing and have fun all day.

Field day is coming up, That's always a lot of fun....Sprit week. The 8th grade picnic also is coming up.

Her ballet recital is in June....Guess what????? They are doing it to Westside Story And guess who is Maria. Yup Kayleigh is, she is so excited.

She tried out for a play during the summer, and she got a part, we don't know what yet.......

Scans are coming soon .....next week, we had to try to fit that in there . I had to look to see if she was free a month ago. Trying to make this appt with everything going on was a nightmare. And between dentist appt. and test , I was getting a little overwhelmed.

We might go check out to see if we can help with the prom, anyone who doesn't know . The Pennsbury prom is the only one that has it at the school { they wrote a book about it} And everyone helps community wise along with mom's and the kids that go there. They do an awsome job, you wouldn't even know that it is a school. They start the parade at around 5:00 to go into the school . People lineup all over to watch the kids going to the prom. Anyways we have a few years for that....wosh....

Just counting the days till school is out for summer....hey thats an Alice Cooper song, on that note..... I'll be posting those pictures of kayleigh when she met Alice.

The Wilkes

Saturday, January 31, 2009 1:11 PM CST

Hi ya

Kayleigh is doing great, continues to be her busy self. Play practice after school. Lots of homework and reports . She just finished up with German. That's what she wants to continue on with for high school. She is obsessed with the country and the language.

She went to her black and white dance the other night. said she had a great time. She will be doing a show for valentines weekend with her dance company.

Today her sister took her to disney on ice and out to lunch.

The Wilkes

Saturday, January 10, 2009 11:49 AM CST

Hi Everyone,

Kayleigh continues to be busy, play practice started up for the new year !! She got her braces on right before Christmas, so now her teeth are blue and purple. I put some picture's up of what we did for Christmas day. It was a beautiful day, a bit chilly. A little bit of history for the day, Kayleigh seemed very interested. I was surprised by the amount of people that come out to watch the reenactment.

All and all had a very nice Christmas. Kayleighs grandma was able to come home from the hospital. That was very good news.
My dad will be going in at the end of the month for his operation. Just say a few prayers !!

We had some very sad news for the new years Matthew Epp passed away , Fought long and hard with wilms most of his life. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the epp family.

The Wilkes

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 5:58 PM CST

Prayers go out to the Epp family.......

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 5:52 PM CST


Saturday, December 6, 2008 9:23 AM CST

Merry, Merry, Merry.....

Kayleigh is doing great, of course she is as busy as ever. so it's keeping us very busy. Over the week-end she slept in a box outside, to raise homeless awareness !!! She has been going to youth group at a local church. They sponsored it. There were about 50 kids who participated. Great job !!! I was a little worried, the temperature dropped to 28. She insisted on doing this. I get cold just walking to my car. I picked her up this morning, she said she got some sleep. Now she is cleaning and getting ready to go to a birthday party. She doesn't want to miss this one, the girls are meeting at starbucks, she loves starbucks "said she wanted a giftcard from there for x-mas...too funny !!! Then they are going to have lunch and shop.

We are still working on the house projects, it's going very slow. I'm decorating around it, making it look like a pretty mess oh well.....

On Christmas morning I think we are going to go watch the reenactment of Washington crossing the Delaware. We are only a few miles away. We have gone to the park a few times, never on Christmas morning. Kayleigh is studding the revolutionary war.


The Wilkes

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 5:25 PM CST

Hi everyone,

Clear scans !!! So glad that is over. they had me a little nervous, they had to send her back to get another set of x-rays !! My stomach started churning. That's what happened the first time. Just don't ever want to do this again. Anyways all is good.

Still working on the house stuff.... It's endless, I used to have some time in between, I'm working 8 hrs now. I also work Friday nights at an American Legion. So now I just have the weekends. Just keep on plugging away on it.

The day before Thanksgiving kayleigh will be play tag football with her teacher's , they call it turkeybowl. She continues to do great in school . Hoping to get some good pictures.

Thanksgiving is around the corner. Hard to believe. There are so many families that lost their loved ones this year. I pray for their families. I know how hard and strong they fought. I know I'm am very thankful everyday!!!

The Wilkes

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:51 PM CDT

Hi everyone,

I know it's been a while since I last updated. Kayleigh has been great, busy back to school stuff. ALL A's for the first marking period. She'll be going for scans Nov. 4th. Both her and I had a stomach virus going on, all better now. We had some plumbing problems going on here. They had to replace all the pipes. A lot of dust and mess. Kay stayed over my sisters for a bit. Now its just putting everything back together again. Just very tiring and it took so long to get it where it was. Oh well !!!! we are enjoying the month of October. Hayrides, Driving up river to see the leaves.

The Wilkes

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 5:03 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Kayleigh's off to camp this week. She left on her birthday, I don't think she really minded much at all. Of course we are missing her. No one to tell me how things are done or to just not do it at all LOL....... I'm planning a little surprise for her when she gets home. It will be the last hoorah for the summer .

It will be time to get in gear soon , back to school and dance and what-ever comes her way. As for me back to work. We really enjoyed our summer. It was the best thanks Dori....We love you !!!!!

As I get some picture's from camp I'll put them up and try to change them .....so grab them while you can MOM & Barb

Kayleigh's grandmom from upstate New York copies them off the site she really looks forward to them . Recently she had a stroke. Kayleigh talked to her before she left. Thinking of you mom . We love you!!! Work hard on that Therapy. Thank you Val and Barb and all , I know what takes to be the caregiver. We love you all......

The Wilkes

Friday, August 8, 2008 8:10 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Kayleigh is doing great!!! We have been away most of the summer. Kayleigh started babysitting. She is doing a great job. We are very proud of her!!!!

Kay had the opportunity to go away with 4 friends. What a great experience for her. I'll be hearing about this for weeks. Thanks to Peggy {Maggie's mom}

Kayleigh's big Birthday is coming up!!! 13....A teen, although she has acted like a teen for-ever!!!!
She'll be at camp on her birthday. She is looking foward to seeing all her friends there.

We still have a few more weeks of summer, It's really sad to see this summer going. We have had the best summer of our lives. I'm hoping we can keep on topping this one!!!!

Well it's time to get busy around here so we can get back to the beach over the weekend !!!!

I need to ask everyone for a huge prayer today for Felicia, she'll be having scans today.

Thoughts and prayers go out to all !!!

The Wilkes

Friday, July 4, 2008 8:25 AM CDT

Hi everyone,

We had a crazy end to the school year. Kay had to see a kidney specialist. Her counts were elevated, then to find out she has low blood pressure , which is good , better then high in this case. She was dizzy and just tired , didn't feel good, she was calling me everyday from school to come get her. Ends up she had a sinus infection. What an ordeal that was with the horse pills they gave her. She couldn't keep them down. they didn't agree with her at all . I called the pharmacy, talked to them about it. Called the Dr. they changed her to another from of meds . Much better now. She was getting very worried , all the symptoms before diagnoses were coming back to her.

Kevin ended up in the hospital, had chest pains again !!!He still has 2 small blockages, they put him on a different med . He'll go back in Sept. for a stress test again and maybe a cath. I guess we will see what then....

Kayleighs recital was just beautiful, I can't even begin to explain. All I can say is that it was very professional, like a Broadway number. We have been going to the shore and staying with my friend Dori, Kayleigh loves the beach. She is a little beach bum !!!!!

Thinking of all our Wilms families, for some it has been such a hard year. Praying for all !!!!!

Thinking of Aunt Barb , Pray that you heal quickly !!!!

Thinking of Uncle Jack, Pray the treatments will work !!!!

Thinking of My dear sweet sister, Praying her Eyes will be fine !!!!


Monday, May 12, 2008 9:09 AM CDT

CLEAR SCANS CLEAR SCANS CLEAR SCANS!!!!!! We don't need to go back until November YEAH !!!!
Hi Everyone,

Tomorrow Kayleigh goes for scans. She has been busy with school and ballet stuff. Field day is approaching, Kayleigh is captain she is so excited and honored !!!

Kayleigh just got diagnosed with asthma. She has always been active and after she was kinda out of breath. We just always thought it had something to do with all the chemo or because some of her lung was taken out. She started with a few rashes on her arms and face. We found out that the rash is common with asthma or hayfever. She also has another rash on her knees. She was on a steroid cream, didn't help at all . The new Dr put her on a different cream seems to be working . He said it looks like fugal Warts { common in kids} if it didn't go waway they would biopsy it. Everything else has been great, a few colds , sore throats but really nothing to keep her down. She has been tired latly. I think we all have been and with scans coming up we have a lot of anxieities.

Praying for all our wilms families and all who are battleing the beast.

Love to all...
The Wilkes

Ps..... Denise, we were at CHOP looking for you. Always thinking of you.

Ps Johnathon & Cindy I don't have your E=mail . I called left a message....Kayleigh still wants to see your lips LOL

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 10:25 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

I put some picture's up of Kayleigh in the play. It was amazing. All the kids in the play did such a great job, it was very magical. A lot of talented young kids very professionaly done !!!!! After the show they had a cast party. Kayleigh and I'm sure fun was had by all. When Kayleigh and I got home we were left in the dark..... our power had gone out. It was a bit chilly all night, but we tuffed it out. The power was restored the next day around noon. YEAH !!!!!

Spring is coming so now she'll be busy with courtyard clean up at her school. She really loves helping her teacher from last year. She'll be having her dance recital in a few months and then it's onto the shore days..... She loves the beach!!!!!!Looking foward to warmer days.

The Wilkes

Tuesday, March 4, 2008 11:23 AM CST

Hi Everyone,

Kayleigh is doing and feeling good !!!! We have been so busy. Kayleigh has her play coming up. This year it is Suessical She is a WHO. So between that and dance and friends its just been busy.........

We had gone to a little girl Felicia's benifit. She has Wilms, Stage 5. I know some of you had visited her website , I thank you for that. We Meet Her family and friends it was very nice. I'm posting some picture's of that night. I beleive she'll be having surgery tomorrow. Send some prays thier way.....

The Wilkes& Kaybug

Monday, December 24, 2007 8:04 AM CST

Merry Christmas,

Yesterday Kayleigh and I went to visit a little girl at Children's hospital. Her name is Felicia Frugoli , She was diagnosed with stage 4 wilms. She has a webpage under caringbridge. They could use some kinds words and prayers. They have been there for a week . Felicia is a little pistol , a true fighter !!! Walking through the hospital I started to hyper ventilate . Just being there brings back all the memories. I was glad we meet her and her family. Through all the rushing around all week and trying to get ready for Christmas, it just gave a whole different meaning being there, knowing that these families are spending thier Chrismas in the hospital. Thinking of all families that lost thier children , praying they find comfort and peace !!!!

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year
Love The Wilkes

Sunday, December 16, 2007 7:54 PM CST

Merry Christmas...............

Everything is going good, of course Kays been busy !!! She went to the Winter Wonder Jam { Life house, Avril, Boys like girls , Simple plan } She had a great time.

They had a Chrismas show last week at her dance , it was really cute.

She has been practicing for the play ( she is a WHO } The Play is Seussical !!!

Kevin had stents put in last week all went well, Its been a year of him not feeling good. So we fired the first Dr's we finaly found someone that didn't mess around. Hoping that he'll be in better health.

God Bless
The Wilkes

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 3:01 PM CST


Clear scans, yeah !!!!! Kayleigh and I went out and celebrated. We ate Crabs, messy butterey crabs!!! Thats what she wanted. Then came home and watched a movie. She didn't get much sleep the night before and I was up at 4. We all have colds, that time of season!!!!

Kay will be in a little dance show around christmas. And for ballet They are doing a number from the Nutcracker. That won't be untill June , its in the works.

She is trying out for this years play , won't hear anything untill December.

The Wilkes

Tuesday, November 6, 2007 6:32 AM CST

Kayleigh's been busy with school, lots of homework.She loves her teachers, loves school. She is in ensemble and the garden club this year. then in the spring she wants to join soccer. She is still in ballet and doing well. She had to give up a few things this year,she found out that she couldn't make it to everything and keep up with school and friends. I'm glad it came from her and not me telling her.

She had a cold and sore throat a week ago it just seems to be hanging on. We go for scans November 13th.

I've been trying to stay focused on the here and now, it will be 18 months of Kayleigh being in remission. I've been visiting our wilms kids And so many have relapsed, and a few new cases. It's heart crushing and I find myself not being able to move on with my day. I think back when Kay was first diagnosed, reading the journals of maybe 35 children. Now there are some many it's becoming over whelming. Just know that I think of our wilms kids, their smiles are embedded in my mind and in my heart.

The Wilkes

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 2:57 PM CDT

Hi everyone,

Clear scans for Kayleigh !!!!!! She has gorwn so much. We almost see eye to eye LOL Thats not hard I'm only 5 foot. She is 90 lbs . She is growing up.

Boy is there a lot of stories from camp And a lot of drama, too funny. I really enjoyed all her stories and after talking with some of the nurses and Dr's that went, It was all coming together......

Praying for everyone,

Thursday, August 16, 2007 2:17 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

I'm just going to try to update real fast. Every time I try the cable goes out and I lose everything.

Kayleigh is at camp now i've been trying to grab picture's off the website. The one up above is from camp. Looks like she is having a good time . Of course I can't get to sleep right. We miss her very much. Tomorrow is her Birthday so it's a little hard not being with her . Knowing she is having a good time helps.

Ok Guess I'll update more when she gets home.

The Wilkes

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 7:19 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for such a late update. Our cable company has been doing a lot of work in the area, so the computer has been up and down for the past month.

Kayleigh is doing great, sleeping in since school ended. I can't let her get to used to that. We had her recital this past weekend. she did really good. Our grandaughter's recital was Thursday and Kays was Sat.

I've been trying to get down the shore, it seems that everyday there is something that we have to do to keep us here. We have been painting and just doing a lot of things in our house. It was just long over do...... Almost done!!!!! Hopeing to hit the shore this weekend.

After 4th of July we will be real busy Kev's dad and Anna will be visiting from Flordia. Then we have to get ready for Kev's conferance, This year we will be heading to Ohio. Kayleigh wants to stay here and go with her Aunt and Uncle every year they have a camp out, and Kay would have to miss it if she went with us. They will have a blast, I even miss it.

Kayleigh will be heading for camp in Aug, she can't wait for that. She told me the other night that she likes her busy life.................I'm just trying to keep up!!!!!!

The Wilkes

Tuesday, May 8, 2007 8:30 AM CDT

Hi everyone,

Kay And I took a break over the weekend. We headed down the shore. A freind has a house a block from the beach and asked us to join her with her kids, Saturday was beautiful, the water was clear and cold. In the pictures, Kayleigh was fully dressed about 10 mins later she had her suit on and swimming. Crazy !!!!! they had a blast....Later we walked the boardwalk and went on rides. Got back to the house and toasted marshmellows around a fire. Had a really nice weekend!!!!

Kayleighs doing really good in school and we have concerts and recitals coming up. 24 more days till school is out!!!!!yeah.............

Kevin and I have been busy with house stuff, it's been a while since we have been able to do anything.

Kevin & Linda

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 3:46 PM CDT

Great News.................

Clear Scans Yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We still have to see about the plumonary funtion test. I really think it has to due with the virus she had and also allergy season. I think it's the worse this year, I have all kinds of weeds in my garden that have never been there. I think it's due to the mild winter we had and then all the rain.

Tonight we are off to a Phillies Baseball game. It's going to be real chilly.

We had the bad storm that came through yesterday. Our creek got very high and the golfcourse flooded. Kevin had gone to work earlier because of the weather , it took him 4 hrs. to get there and then they closed all the roads down due to the state emergency. He was able to get home after some of the detours were lifted.

Saying prayers For Virginia Tech. It's just devestating news I worry about Kevin working on campus , you just never know..........

Thinking of all who are battling the beast and all of our angels.

Kayleigh made honor roll again yeah!!!!!!!!!!
She has a spring concert coming up and then piano recital as well as dance.

We are going to spring clean!!!!!! Kev will be putting our wood floor in. Hoping it might make a difference in allergies.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007 10:53 AM CDT


Kayleigh had a few days off for the Easter holiday, or what they are calling it now is spring break. she was just glad to have off . She visited her teacher's from elementary school, she really misses you all. She'll visit again.

She had a pulmonary funtion test yesterday and as I suspected, there is a problem. I don't know all until we see Dr. Julie next week for chest x-ray and an ultra scan.

A few weeks ago she had been coughing and said it was hard to catch her breath. Of course I was worried and thought it was because of a cold, and thought of the lung resection that they took a wegde of. always thought she had a problem with running and stuff she would start coughing after. Well it could be asthma, we just won't know until nest week. the night before the test she ended up getting sick she told us that her belly was so nervous from thinking of going to the hospital for test. Now she has a bad cough and a fever, the flu is still going around hoping thats all it is.

So next week is the big scans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kevin, Linda

Tuesday, March 6, 2007 11:22 AM CST


Looking forward to just some nice spring weather, we are getting so tired of the cold and hibernation.........

Kayleigh has been doing great she made the honor roll. She was very proud of herself and we are of her. She is very busy, has been practicing for the play, cheerleading. She is still doing dance and piano and viola. She hates to give up anything.......It's a real good thing !!!!!!!!!!

Her daddy and her had that stomache virus, it was nasty. They were both pretty sick. I'm glad that is over. Just keeping my fingers crossed for me.

I just want to let everyone know, I do come by and catch up on all the wilms families Sometimes i just can't write. I find that i just get so upset. Then I start thinking of all that we have been though, and some famlies are living it again. There are just so many more on the board, in the 4 years that we have had the site, it has grown !!!!!!!

I think about all the families, I drive a school bus everyday and see smiles that remind me of all our angles.....

Kayleigh has scans coming up in April.We have 2 different days this time. We go on the 4th for the works, Then we will go to the clinic to see Dr. Julie and get all the results on the 10th.

Kevin, Linda

Monday, January 22, 2007 11:34 AM CST


Scans all clear!!!!!!Next time she goes she gets the works.

We have just been busy with a lot of school work. Kayleigh has play practice going on also . She was sick last week with a head cold again. She is much better this week. She keeps me pretty busy.

Last week there was a very bad accident at our high school, it was involving a bus and some kids were hurt.Kayleigh's brownie troop leader's daughter was hurt very badly. I just wanted everyone to pray for her and her family at this time, she lost her leg to save her life. So just keep her in your prayers........

I have to get back to work, I'll update later

The Wilkes

Sunday, December 24, 2006 8:14 PM CST



Monday, December 18, 2006 8:00 AM CST


Sorry for such a late update. Our computer was down for a while.

Kayleigh has been doing great!! She has been fighting a cold, we all are. We had some bad news about Kevin, It looks like he will have surgery in Januray some time. Either a stent or a bypass. We are just taking it one day at a time. Her daddy is her rock!!!!!!

Kayleigh tried out for a part in a play, she was really nervous. She said her legs were like jello. Well she didn't get it, but she did get a small part, more details about that later. Her daddy is calling her an extra. She is still excited about it.....

We took hr to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, it was awesome. A really must see show!!!!!!

Happy Holiday's
The Wilkes

Monday, October 30, 2006 10:26 AM CST


Another very busy month...... We had our friends baby's 1st Birthday. Kayleigh had a halloween party to go to this year. We had an Octoberfest party this year. Kev's band played Acoustic sets and we had fire's going to keep us warm, it was a bit chilly out. It turned out to be a very nice night.

Kev's band played a benefit, so Kay was able to go see him for once. She loves watching her daddy play bass. This past weekend we went to a scaryfest at Great Adventure. We had a good time, and went on some rides. Some rides were closed because of the high winds. Kayleigh really likes the crazy rides, I'll go on most but some I'm just a little nervous about.

Other then all the fun, Kayleigh has a lot of homework, reports and test this year. She has been doing a good job keeping up with everything but cleaning her room.......I have to work on that, LOL.

She was having a few problems with her ankles. Twisting them, I would get a call from the school nurse everyday. We will see what happens in the next few weeks.

Kev, Linda & Kaybug

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:35 PM CDT


It did turn out to be an awesome day. Kayleigh's scans are all clear. After we got home from eating lunch and goofing off in the mall. Kayleigh and I decided it was such a beautiful day, so we got a blanket out and put it in the grass made some hot stuff to drink, built a fire. Listened to her music while we made picture's out of clouds. It was awesome. Then we had to face it she had homework LOL. I don't know about her but I'm so tired. Oh and kayleigh got her hair done the other day and talked me into a few hi lights, It came out very cute. She loves it.

Thanks everyone for all the thoughts and wishes for Kayleigh.

Pray for all that are fighting the beast!!!!


Monday, September 18, 2006 11:21 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

We have been busy, getting into the swing of a new schedule. Kayleigh loves school, likes all her teacher's. She was going to try-out for basketball, then she decided that she might not be able to fit her homework in. Basketball would be on dance night it would be just to much she said . She is still in viola and wanted to go into chorus also, and somehow ended up in the ensemble. I'll update about that when iI find out more. The teacher said last year the ensemble did the music in french. Should be very interesting.

We are trying had not to think about this, scans are due on the 26th, We felt very free for the summer. Kayleigh is very excited about this year being in middle school, we talked alot about this year it kept our minds of scan time . Now its right around the corner. I can feel the weight around my neck and shoulder's. Kayleigh becomes closer and wants to cuddle. I don't know everything that happened at camp, I really think there was a lot of exchanging stories about what they've been through................I do know she had a great gang of bunk mates and was very excited for us to meet them.

I wanted to just say a pray for Kayleigh's dance teacher's family. They lost thier father to lung cancer, he had relasped in the spring.

Thanks for checking in on Kayleigh !!!!!!

Pray for our wilms families and all who are battleing the beast
All our families of angels watching over us.

Kev, Linda

Monday, September 11, 2006 12:35 AM CDT

Never Forget.

Monday, September 11, 2006 12:30 AM CDT


Monday, September 11, 2006 12:05 AM CDT

Tears Are the Proof of Life

"How long will the pain last?" a broken-hearted mourner asked me.

"All the rest of your life," I answered truthfully.

No matter how many years pass, we remember. The loss of a loved one is like a major operation; part of us is removed, and we have a scar for the rest of our lives.
This doesn't mean that the pain continues at the same intensity. There is a short while, at first, when we hardly believe it. It is rather like when we have cut our hand, we see the blood flowing, but the pain has not yet set in. So when we are bereaved, there is a short while before the pain hits us. But when it does, it is massive in its effect. Grief is shattering.

Then the wound is healed, so to speak, the stitches are taken out...

The scar is still there, and the scar tissue, too. As the years go by, we manage. But the pain is still there, not far below the surface. We see a face that looks familiar, hear a voice that has echoes, see a photograph in someone's album, and it is as though the knife were in the wound again.

But not so painfully. And mixed with joy, too. Because remembering a happy time is not all sorrow; it brings back happiness with it.

"How long will the pain last?"

Tuesday, August 29, 2006 9:54 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

I'm so very sorry about not updating. Kayleigh came home from camp on Saturday the 19th, after hearing all the stories all night long. We decided to stay in and get her rested for the busy week to come. She told us about all her new friends, people she met and all the things she did. She said she really liked rope climbing, up the tree's and the zip lines. She talked alot about the lake and all the water sports. She does like the water!!!!

Sunday afternoon we had an icecream cake for her at my sister's house, a few friends and family. They swam and had fun in the pool. It was a nice afternoon. Monday we just stayed close to home because Tuesday we were going to the big apple. Kayleigh was very excited to go. Her friend Casey had an audition, I don't want to say to much about it, I don't want to jinx her. We took the train into NYC walked around a little bit. We of course went to the 3 story toys r us. We rode the ferris wheel. We went to The American Girl Doll Place. We ate at Planet Hollywood. We walked more, Then it was time for Casey's audition. She didn't get cut and she won't know for a few weeks. WE are very excited for her!!!!!!!!WE got home around 930, we were beat..............Next day we took off for the shore A few friends of mine, all the kids. It was a beautiful day there, the waves were perfect, big puffy coulds, just awesome. Collecting shells and all kinds of creature's. We came home. Kev asked if we wanted to go to the movies to see Pirates Of The Caribbean. So off to the movies we went. Then went for ice cream later. Kay of course took a few of her friends. We had a great night.

Now the summer is at end and it's time to get ready for back to school. Kayleigh start's tomorrow, she is a bit nervous and has a bad head cold. Tonoght we are going to the school to walk around and map it out. So tonight it's early to bed. My schoolbus driving doesn't start until after Labor day, so I have a few days to get Kayleigh off to school, it worked out perfect this year. Thanks to all that have been checking on Kayleigh. She loves all the notes!!!!!!

The Wilkes

Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:37 AM CDT

Happy Birthday Snuggle bunny!!!!!!!!!

Kayleigh is away at camp, from what we have seen on the website, she is having a blast. I miss her and can't wait to hear all the fun things she did and the people she met.
The day she was leaving was funny. She could not wait to get on the bus.

I've been just trying to stay busy. I'm starting a new garden, terrace & walkway. It's my therapy. The new garden will be Kayleigh's. I'm just getting it ready for her to plan and plant things for next year.

It's funny, I just thought about it. I woke up and could not get back to sleep. So i came here to say happy birthday and at this time Kayleigh was born!!!!!!

On that note I'm tired. Thanks everyone for wishing Kayleigh a HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Pray for all our WILMS families & everyone batteling the beast

Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:57 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

We are back I haven't had a chance to update. We had a great time in Savannah. A lot of history there!!! I'm so busy getting Kays stuff together for camp. She'll be leaving this weekend.She will be there for her BIRTHDAY, so I decided to have it this week instead of the following week that she came home. We went to Hurricane Harbor, it's at great adventure. I have got to say we had a blast. It was a perfect day!!!!!!

I'll update later when I have a little bit more time.

Pray for all our families that are fighting the beast.....

There is not a day goes by that I think of each and everyone .......

The wilkes

Monday, July 24, 2006 12:50 AM CDT


Well we made it through the storms. We did lose power over night, but we were lucky to have it by the next day. Almost lost are gazabo in the backyard and few other things flying around. everything was recovered.

WE are getting ready for our trip down south. We will be stopping along the way to see friends of ours. And hopeing to stop by to see Laurel Rose, another wilms family. We are stopping in Charleston to see my cousin Jen and her husband Mike and then heading on into Savannah Georgia.We can hardly wait. Kayleigh and I have a few nice things planned, we'll let ya all know when we are back.

The Wilkes

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 10:09 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

I just had to put this picture on!!!!! Kayleigh always peels the skin around her nails and it can infected. It had been a problem throughout chemo. So she said to me one day.If I stop peeling my skin can I have nails, I said maybe. She Won!!!!! She is finding it very hard to keep them on, LOL!!Kayleigh has been keeping busy with friends,swimming sleeping over, just having fun and loving it.

The Wilkes

Friday, July 7, 2006 3:45 AM CDT

Good Morning,

CLEAR SCANS.........

Everything looks pretty good with Kays scans. We can breath for a few months until the next ones. I was a little concerned with her cough but it turned into a sinus thing, now we all have it. we didn't get the creatna level back yet I'm sure Doc Julie will call. We pulled up to the King a Prussia office and Doctor Julie was just getting out of her car, Kayleigh flew out and hugged her for -ever.................

We had a very nice time in New York, So busy with everything. We did have a problem with our truck as soon as we got there it was smoking. Here The oil change I had done before we left, the guys put pin holes in the filter and we were losing oil the whole trip. Everything worked out, and all seems to be fixed. We got back safe no problems.....

We will be leaving for Savannah Georgia in a few weeks, going to stop and visit my cousin Jenny and her husband Mike they live in Charleston SC. And then off to Savannah !!!!! Kayleigh is looking forward to this it will be her first time at her Daddy's conference for work.

Pray for all battleing the beast, all our families in remission and our precious angles in heaven!!!!!!!

The Wilkes

Monday, June 26, 2006 9:45 AM CDT


We had a very busy week, Kayleigh had awards and Gratuation on Wenesday. Then followed by dress rehersal, for tap and ballet. Kayleigh's dance were both on Saturday.
Kayleigh got the ballet award she was very excited. Also her dance company made up an award for her in her name to be givin out every year.It's name is the Kayleigh Wilkes award {COUAGEOUS}It was very sweet. Now we will be packing for our trip to New York. We will be busy there also it was a perfect time to go. We'll have a baby shower for our Niece Jess, an Anniversery dinner for his dad and Anna. Mom's birthday. kayleigh will get to see her cousin Austin. It will be nice seeing everyone....

Kevin & our Anniversery was on the 24th, 17 years. We went out to dinner and to a comedy show it was really nice. Altough I have comedy with my husband year round {Funny guy!!!!}

Pray for all our Wilms families fighting this battle. Pray for our Precious Angels in heaven!!!! We think of you everyday...

The Wilkes

Monday, June 5, 2006 8:39 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Field day was great, Kayleigh really tried to keep up. I was trying to find shade the whole time, it was so hot and muggy. Great job!!!!!! orange & black.......

Well we just have a few things to do in school.They get out this year late because of the strike.Last day is June 22nd. We will be heading Up-State New York July 2nd. Kev's family lives there. It will be a nice mini vacation. I'm sure we will be kept busy. Looking forward to it, MOM, Val & family.

Kay has her dance recital coming up, She has really done great keeping up with everything. She keeps on adding things to her list of things she wants to do next fall.

Pray for all our wilms families, everyone batteling the beast.

The Wilkes

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:35 AM CDT

Happy Memorial Day,

Pray for all that are serving our country, Hats off to all Veterans

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Kay has been feeling pretty good, we all have the sinus problem. I think everyone has been effected with that.

Kayleigh's 5th grade classes went on their field trip. It was to Philadelphia. They went to see a play first and then onto center city. This year they got to ride the DUCKS. Ducks are vehicles that look like boats they go through town and tell you about the city while they play Loud songs that goes along with what they are telling you about. The kids loved it. Then you go in the water and cruise around the Delaware river.

Kay had her piano recital last weekend She was awesome, we are very proud of her. This week in school they are doing reports on famous people. Kayleigh picked Thomas Jefferson. They have to dress up in caricature like they are in a wax museum, and tell a little about what they did. So of course I didn't get the paper on what they had to do until Monday. I got it all together I even found a 3 pointed hat. We have lots more coming up with the end of the school year. Field day is next, and Graduation from Elementary to middle school. Kayleigh was worried about it but seems to be excited now. A few people told her they had really good lunch, LOL. I'll let everyone what is coming up and update picture's also. Thanks for checking on Kay.


The Wilkes

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 4:31 PM CDT

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Everything went well. We played Texas hold em to pass some time away. Kevin and Kayleigh love playing that. Then they gave her the giggle juice, boy that takes the edge off. She gets really silly. Then off she went, she woke up from the anesthesia a little to early, she was kicking and screaming. She just didn't know where she was. Kevin went in first, (because she is daddy's little girl) and I stood by the door. I could hear her everytime they opened the door.After the 3rd time a nurse said you can go in. She calmed down and was fine within the Hour, so glad that it's over. I just could not get anything done around here. Just knowing that it was the last puzzle piece. We just have to see the Dr. for a hearing test and a kidney test. She was elevated and they want to test her again.


Kayleigh continues to do well in school. She is working hard at the Viola for her school concert. We have so much coming up. Very busy time for her and that's good.

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I really would like to thank her school in some way, the teacher's had got together and would bring dinner's over once a week. It was really such a help and sometimes when I just could not decide on anything the decision was made for us We really needed that. The PTO was awesome also.

I rewrote the welcome page I realized how many people come on sometimes looking for answers or they want to know how similar their sons or daughter;s case are.

I go on all the wilms family WebPages and there are really no 2 alike stories. I pray for all are families who have lost their children.I keep all you guys in my heart. I pray for everyone going though chemo and for all families in remission.

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If everyone could visit this WebPage....http://www.curesearch.org/
IT just might make a change

Love to All,

The Wilkes

Friday, April 21, 2006 12:36 AM CDT


Kayleigh continues to do well in school. She is working hard at the Viola for her school concert. We have so much coming up. Very busy time for her and that's good.

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I really would like to thank her school in some way, the teacher's had got together and would bring dinner's over once a week. It was really such a help and sometimes when I just could not decide on anything the decision was made for us We really needed that. The PTO was awesome also.

I rewrote the welcome page I realized how many people come on sometimes looking for answers or they want to know how similar their sons or daughter;s case are.

I go on all the wilms family WebPages and there are really no 2 alike stories. I pray for all are families who have lost their children.I keep all you guys in my heart. I pray for everyone going though chemo and for all families in remission.

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If everyone could visit this WebPage....http://www.curesearch.org/
IT just might make a change

Love to All,

The Wilkes

Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:29 AM CDT


Well, we have been waiting and waiting to get Kayleigh's port out. We are supposed to get it out on Monday. Now we don't know. Kayleigh ended up in the hospital Friday, she spiked a fever. Hopefully we will be out for Easter. I will ley everyone know a little later, I can't write much I left my glasses somewhere. I'll come back later to up date more.



Monday, April 3, 2006 10:15 AM CDT


Kayleigh has been feeling pretty good. She gained 6 pounds in 2 weeks, eating everything. She went from a size 8 to 10 and hanging on. Still has bellyaches and tells me she gets shakey I don't know what that is about yet. we haven't heard any news about when the port comes out I guess I have to call.I was hoping very soon. I'll be going back to work as soon as that comes out.

Kayleigh is really catching up with dance and piano, school works seems to be going real well . We will have her recitals coming up for both, and as for viola well she really missed a lot of that. The other day she said she did good so I'll wait to hear the word on that.

Kay went to a birthday party this week-end for her friend Casey. They went in a limo to the city had a great time, Kayleigh was very excited. When they got home she ran over to let us know she was back and was going for icecream. Then came home again said she had to get dark clothes on to play manhunt.Well that was very exciting cause many times while Kay was sick they would be out playing and I know kayleigh would be so sad, it would break my heart.So Kev and I listened for them, finaly it was 9:00 and Kev says to me do you think we should call her to come in..... a few mins. went by and there she was!!!!!! She had a great day. Our little girl is growing up.

The Wilkes

Thursday, March 16, 2006 6:48 AM CST


The past month seem to be really hard on Kayleigh, back and forth to the hospital. She'll be getting scans next week and possible platlets on Friday. Then she can get the port removed, YEAH,YEAH!!!!!!! she says. That is really uncomfortable for her, I think it's because she is so thin.

Kay went back to school yesterday and back to dance also, doing the things she loves the most. She has some catching up to do.

I want everyone to know that we think of all our wilms tumor families, I check on everyone and sometimes its just so hard to write in the guestbooks. When I first started going on to the caringbridge web sites there were only a handful, it has grown. We think of you all the time, Kayleigh always has a lot of questions about everyone.



We also need some prayers for a few of our friends:
Casey is Kay's friend. She just had a lympnode removed and waiting for the results to come back, she is in pain and has to have it looked at again it might be infected.

A friend of mine also Paul, has colon cancer and is in advanced stage. Please say a prayer for him, his wife and family.

My brother who is in pain still from a hip replacment.

Pray for Kay's dance teacher's father




Saturday, March 11, 2006 9:13 AM CST

Just an update: Kay has been in the hospital since Wenesday night. We are just waiting for her ANC'S to come back up.She is feeling much better and has no fever now. Now it's just a waiting game.

Hi Everyone,

Well Kayleigh didn't make her dance on Friday night, we ended up in the hospital on thursday morning. Thank god it was just something viral. They treated her with the high doses of antibiotics and by Saturday the fever was going away and her Anc's went from 20 to 40 then to 198, So they let us go.

Kayleigh was very sad about missing her dance and the big week-end up the mountains with her friends. Her grandmom flew in on Friday and that really helped a lot. Kept her real busy, Kay wanted to go to Red Lobster. So Grandmom took us there. Kay had the biggest platter I ever saw, she really enjoyed it for 2 days!!! Thanks Mom.....MIss you Already had a great time with you.

Kayleigh and her Daddy are finishing up with the science fair project, oh guess what they are doing it on Radioactivity. As if we don't know enough!!!!!

Next week it is a chemo week and the Dr's are talking about going on, Kev and I have to talk more about it with them. There are some questons that i had brought up, that We need answers for.

The Wilkes

Thursday, February 23, 2006 12:29 AM CST

Hi Everyone,

Well Kayleigh didn't make her dance on Friday night, we ended up in the hospital on thursday morning. Thank god it was just something viral. They treated her with the high doses of antibiotics and by Saturday the fever was going away and her Anc's went from 20 to 40 then to 198, So they let us go.

Kayleigh was very sad about missing her dance and the big week-end up the mountains with her friends. Her grandmom flew in on Friday and that really helped a lot. Kept her real busy, Kay wanted to go to Red Lobster. So Grandmom took us there. Kay had the biggest platter I ever saw, she really enjoyed it for 2 days!!! Thanks Mom.....MIss you Already had a great time with you.

Kayleigh and her Daddy are finishing up with the science fair project, oh guess what they are doing it on Radioactivity. As if we don't know enough!!!!!

Next week it is a chemo week and the Dr's are talking about going on, Kev and I have to talk more about it with them. There are some questons that i had brought up, that We need answers for.

The Wilkes

Sunday, February 12, 2006 9:51 AM CST

Hi Everyone,

SNOW,SNOW,SNOW.....11 inches and counting. Kayleigh had chemo last week, 7 hr days 5 day chemo, really long days and we weren't able to do much. She was really tired and just wanted to cuddle all the time. I was able to go to the store yesterday before the snow started, every place I went it was mobbed. She said she feels good just a few belly aches here and there. We are kinda snowed in now, hoping to get out and maybe play for a bit. I'm so glad she is feeling well and we don't have to go to the hospital until tues for bloodwork, no doubt she'll need blood by wednesday and by then the roads will be clear. We have been really lucky with the weather, I hope it continues to be that way.

Kayleigh's grandmom is coming in on Friday. I'll be picking her up at the airport. Kay will be excited to see her. Kayleigh has a school dance on Friday, she is really looking foward to that. We were able to make her DARE graduation on monday. She was happy about that!

I visited a little girl last week in the hospital while Kay was in the day hospital. Her name is Grace she has been back and forth to the hospital. She also has wilms. She is this little tiny girl, so cute. The family could use some prayers.Visit the wilms caringbridge site.

Well, we have to meet with the Dr's soon they recieved an E-mail from a Dr. Grundy, I believe he studies wilms. They are asking that we continue the chemo. We just have to meet with them and find out all we can. I can't say to much, we need all the facts out on the table. I was talking to one of Kay's Dr's and she was saying that they are opening another protocal, she really could not say much about it only that it might change a little.I guess over the years the studies have come a long way. We really have nothing to compare it to everybody is different. When I read all the stories it seems that there are no cases alike. So we go on living in fear of the unknown. I wish we could sit down with the people that do these studies so we can understand more.

That's all for now, take care and God Bless
The Wilkes Family

Monday, January 16, 2006 2:47 PM CST

Hi everyone,

Sorry for such a late update. Kayleigh had an awesome Christmas. A friend at my work has a "get together" to honor her father, he had passed away from cancer and she had asked if they could put a benefit wishing well in Kays name. I thought it was a very sweet gesture. They raised money and brought it to Kay , she was very excited. She went x-mas shopping for everyone. I think she bought herself one thing.

Thank-you Mary Ellen And MOM
And Family

We have been pretty busy with school work. Book reports and holiday sing, Dare graduation is coming up. The Science Fair is also coming up and she wants to be in everything, its good for her, sometimes she starts to get a little withdrawn from school and friends at school. She feels a little left out. I really have to push her sometimes. I feel really good when she feels good. I can get so much done when she is in a good mood and feeling better.

We went to the mountains for the New year, it alot of fun. Very pretty and peaceful. It snowed also, that made it perfect. After New years we had chemo so that was a bummer, she just had the ct scan done and all is still clear. We are right on track just wishing the days away.

This week we are just running for bloodwork. Kay had platlets and blood on friday, Most likely she get one or the other this week also.

Kevin, Linda & Kayleigh

Friday, December 9, 2005 5:56 AM CST

Hi everyone,

Kayleigh finished radiation yesterday. The first few days seemed to be fine, she was going to school and then by friday she started getting sick. She had the sore throat they said she might get, and then she got the cough, head cold. We had to get stocked up with tissues. So glad to get the radiation done and over with. What an ordeal everyday going there. We had a few issue's with the radiation team. People being aressted in the hospital, Kay asked me why they hancuffed that lady, the parking lot guy said I didn't tip him enough. Oh and Kayleigh getting sick down the hallway she did not want to go into the bathroom " she said it smelled" Ok done behide us!!!!!

Chemo will start next Monday it will be the 5 day chemo, Kayleigh screams yeah I don't get as sick on the 5 day chemo Hmmmmmmmmmm????

It is snowing here I know Kayleigh might want to go out and play in it, we'll see. Well maybe not I just checked it is turning into sleet. So glad we don't have to go anywhere today that would be a nightmare.

The Wilkes

Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:00 AM CST

Happy Thanksgiving,

Sorry it's been a while on an update after the last chemo. Kayleigh didn't bounce right back it took a little longer this time.The past week has been better although we had a lot of Doctors to see. Radiation is being set for the 29th.

Kayleigh is back at school today.The strike is over they still do not have a contract. They will only have Thanksgiving off and back to school. Kayleigh will try to be in school as long as she can, she loves school.

I'll be taking a leave at work, flu season will be here.
She'll be out more then she'll be in. Hopefully won't get hit with it at all.

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving


Tuesday, November 1, 2005 8:41 AM CST

UPDATE...Kays counts were up and she got her chemo today,(carboplatin and etoposide) she did really well, and is just now (5:00) starting to feel kinda crumby...

Hi Everyone,
Kayleigh was delayed for Chemo last week. Platlets would not come up. She had a reaction to the platlets and they had to stop, she had 10 minutes so it was just enough to get her counts up. They said something about a single donor instead of multi donors.

It's chemo week this week.We were able to go today instead of yesterday. Kay would of missed halloween.

Kayleigh's school is on strike, so she had no school last week. She was busy with friends. She went to a costume party over the weekend that her friend Peyton had, said she had a great time. Thanks Peyton! She then stayed over my sisters house and her neighbors had a driveway party for the football game, Kay played with friends over there and when I came to get her and she told me to come back later and of course I did. She was having way to much fun. Thank-you Dan,Carol and Paul,and Aunt Deb & Uncle John for having her. You guys always make it fun. We carved pumpkins last week with her friend Sara and had an awesome dinner, Kays favorite...Steak.The weather has been pretty nice so we had gone on a hayride and got pumpkins. Kayleigh and her friend Catlin picked out the biggest pumpkins of course and guess who had to try to carry them. Halloween was fun, we met up with her cousin Emily, walked 3 streets and our feet started hurting and was getting very cold. We made it to grandmom and grandpops house and got a ride home.

Kevin just called we are waiting to see if her counts are high enough for chemo I'll update later.

We are suppose to start radiation on the 21st. They said it could be changed. I'll update about that later also.

Thank-you everyone for you prayers and love.

The Wilkes

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 9:28 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,


This was awesome news. We can exhale. The Dr's Were very excited to give us that news.The mass in the diaphragm is gone.The only thing that show's up is a clip and a scar on her lung.Of course they say it's not 100% over, It is still hope she is responding well.

We have been so crazy here since Kayleigh got out of the hospital.She wasn't able to go to school all last week and we had to go to 3 different Dr, app. took a lot of last week up.She was up and running for the weekend.Baking with her Grandmom,Playing with friends.Oh yeah and she signed herself up for dance,too funny. Kayleigh took ballet and tapp a few years back,she started feeling sick so she couldn't continue. She bugged me for years about going back well her freind that lives accross the street still goes,so one day she went with her to see her old teacher Miss Jess and told her she was coming back,begged me, well what could we say..........

She missed 2 classes already.She went to ballet over the weekend,Miss Donna the ballet teacher said she was awesome and remembered everything,We are very pround of you Kayleigh.Thank-you Jess and Donna from VanZants Dance Acadamy.

Kayleigh is also in Piano her teacher At piano works very hard with her. Thanks Jess

Well This week started off crazy also she needed platlets Monday.A transfusion Tues and back again on thurs for platlets again.The Docs say she will be delayed for chemo next week and could be delayed the week after.....

Well anyways we are going to be real busy then doing everything we can. Enjoying life as it is one day at a time. On that note I have to get back to work soon.....

Thanks to everyone who checks in on us I do check on everyone I don't leave messages all the time I pray for all the families battling the beast and the children that are lost....


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:20 AM EST

Hello All....

Sorry about the delay in the update (I seem to be saying that alot lately)

Anyway, as you can tell this past wed. when we showed up for chemo, I pointed a few bumps out to Kays oncologist and about 2 minutes later we were in an isolation room, started an antibiotic IV and made admission plans for CHOP.
Between Linda and I taking turns working and staying with Kay, they finally "sprung" her on Sunday. It was awesome to be home. Kay is doing ok, but the antibiotic makes her feel kinda icky. She has to take it for 15 days, and then will start chemo again right after.

For the most part, she is not in any pain, and hopefully will be able to return to school in the next few days. I'll try to update a bit more often.

Thanks for checking in!
Kevin - Daddy

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:20 AM EST

Hello All....

Sorry about the delay in the update (I seem to be saying that alot lately)

Anyway, as you can tell this past wed. when we showed up for chemo, I pointed a few bumps out to Kays oncologist and about 2 minutes later we were in an isolation room, started an antibiotic IV and made admission plans for CHOP.
Between Linda and I taking turns working and staying with Kay, they finally "sprung" her on Sunday. It was awesome to be home. Kay is doing ok, but the antibiotic makes her feel kinda icky. She has to take it for 15 days, and then will start chemo again right after.

For the most part, she is not in any pain, and hopefully will be able to return to school in the next few days. I'll try to update a bit more often.

Thanks for checking in!
Kevin - Daddy

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 1:30 PM EST

Sorry about such a long delay in an update, Kay was feeling pretty good last week so we did alot of stuff and were not home alot. She started round 3 of chemo yesterday and felt pretty crumby last night...

She is there today with mom, and she called and said she was feeling abit better.

I'll update more soon...check back tomorrow.


Thursday, September 22, 2005 11:00 AM EST

PHOTO ABOVE: Kayleigh and friends hanging out at the benefit
Kays platelet count was 63, so we don't have to go for platelets. On the other hand her ANC (white cells) and still very low, so we wave to watch for fevers, infection and sick people.
They have put an order in for 5 more days of Neupogen (accelerates white cell growth)so that should help.

Hello all,
It's been a pretty eventful week, Kayleighs blood counts took a pretty big dip when we had her blood tests done on Tuesday. Her hemoglobin dropped to the point that she had to have a transfusion. We were at the clinic yesterday at 12:30 and had her port accessed. They started the transfusion right away and we were on our way home by 4:00
It went pretty good and Kay and I played Tekken Tag (Kays favorite PS2 game) pretty much the whole time so it passed quickly. Her platelet count is also low and we have to go for blood tests tomorrow morning, if her platelet count is 20 or below (they are 82 as of yesterday) then we will have to go to the clinic for platelets tomorrow afternoon.

Other than that, Linda and I had back to school night and met Kays teacher and guidence counselor. Both are very happy with Kayleighs eagerness to be in school and her positive attitude. They are working with us to make sure that she "keeps up" and gets what she needs to stay current with the school work.

Kayleighs other site will be going through some changes, while I'll be doing the work, she will be designing it. I told her to "go crazy"....so get ready to see just what Kayleigh wants it to look like.

Also...some friends and family have set up a raffle for a very unique piece of glassware. Check out this link for details.

Well, thats all for now...
I'll update tomorrow when we find out if kay needs platelets or not.

Take Care,
Kevin "Daddy"

P.S. New Photos from the benefit should be coming soon!

Monday, September 19, 2005 9:05 AM EST

PHOTO ABOVE: Kayleigh and friends hanging out at the benefit

Hello all...
Last week was pretty rough, and I went with Kay on Friday for the last chemo of that week. It went pretty well, and we kept the Zofran steady.

Saturday she started feeling better in the afternoon, but was very tired, we relaxed most of the day and tried to get her to eat. By early eveniing she was rested, but still tired and it was off to the Beef and beer Benefit. When we got there Linda, Kayleigh and I were very suprised to see how many people were there....over 300!!!!

Even more suprising...my Mom, my sister and brother in law, my nephew and cousin had all driven down from upstate NY. Friends from North Carolina had also made the trip.
Between the 3 bands, the items on the "silent auctions" and other entertainment, it looked like everyone was having a good time.

One of Kayleighs friends Ashly sang...absolutely incredible!!! Her fiend Casey did a ballet routine dedicated to Kayleigh, and an entire cheerleading squad came in and did an awesome routine...complete with girls flying in the air!!!!!

There was so much going on it was hard to know what was going on, But Kayleigh managed to mill about and talk to everyone. At around 10:00, she started to run out of gas, and went out to the car to rest for a bit. I told Linda to go ahead and take her home, but Kayleigh refused to leave. She didn't want to miss my band, that played last. She slept through the whole thing, but she wanted to be there.

All in all....it was an awesome night and I want to thank every person that attended, and especially everyone that organized it(I can't name them all for fear that I may miss someone and that would be a tragedy)...It was a HUGE success!!!!

Thank You all so much,

P.S. New pics will be up soon on both this site and www.kayleighwilkes.com

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 12:05 PM EST

Been a rough couple of days....We are having a really hard time keeping the nausea away. Kay has gotten sick alot, and has been feeling run down. Her appetite hasn't been very good either and at her weigh in she was down 3 pounds.

Since the last update, her hair has all but fallen out, but that doesn't bother her at all. What little was left, she told me to "clipper" off because it was itchy.

Hopefully her blood counts won't go too low so she can attend her benefit this weekend. We are a bit concerned, because the Dr. said she will definatly be getting a transfusion this time, just hope it's after the weekend.

Well, it's late and my insomnia still hasn't gone away, so I'm gonna go watch some boring TV to see if it will make me tired (QVC usually works)

God Bless and take care....say a prayer for
all those going through the Katrina aftermath. I wish there was more I could do for them.

Kevin (Daddy)

Monday, September 5, 2005 7:27 AM CDT

UPDATE!!!!!!(Sept 6th 10:00 AM EST)
They called this morning and said that from the cross and type testing, that her blood counts are up and the transfusion isn't nessessary at this time!!! Kays at school today and feeling pretty good.
Hi all,

Kayleigh has been doing pretty well.She started school and was very happy about that. She met her new principal, a new guidance councelor, as well as her teacher.They made the beginning of a rough year feel very comfortable.

Kayleigh had a fever on Tues, it was low grade 100.1 and was gone the next day when she went to get bloodwork. Her anc counts were at 112. When she started they were 5400. Dr Julie set it up to get a cross and type on Sunday at CHOP, so we would be set up to come back on Tuesday to King of Prussa and get platelets and a transfusion. King of prussa is a clinic for Chop, the nurses are awesome there. They do sing-alongs and dance and just make the long days go fast, not that the staff at chop aren't awesome its just a whole different atmosphere. It is standing room only at CHOP.

Kay woke up a few times last night saying she felt itchy and creepy crawly. Her hair is falling out in chunks. So we brushed it and put it back and she fell asleep. Well, I waited for the crack of dawn to do some much needed work outside.

Well now its time for me to vent about my work situation. MY BOSS, DAN LEWIS OF FIRST STUDENT says I don't qualify for the family leave act. I have 1080 hrs, and I need 1250 hrs. While I know this, My husband and I were working this out so I could work in the morning and then go to king of prussa on chemo weeks and just take one in a half days off. Well I get 9 sick days and then I could take 5 more days off without getting into trouble.If I go over those days I would get 5 points against me and 20 will get me fired. So I would have to take a leave of absence before that. I just needed to work when I could and was really trying to work this out. Oh and that is after they gave me a jacket that is 4 times to big for me for excellent driving.LOL

I'm very proud of Kayleigh and her playing piano. She missed a few weeks but got right back into it. She learned SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW, its sounds great. Our neighber Pat plays it on his guitar. They need to jam, I love that song, I cry evertime I watch that movie and that part comes on.

We are praying for all the people that got hit with Katrina. It's very, very sad I can't even watch anymore.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all the families battleing this beast.Thank-you for signing the guestbook


The Wilkes


Monday, August 29, 2005 10:43 AM CDT

Hello all,
Kayleigh has completed her first week of chemo and now we have 2 weeks off. She did pretty good except for the first day because we weren't sure on times for the Zofran (anti-nausea med)and she ended up getting sick on tuesday morning. Since then we have figured out a good schedule to keep her from getting nauseous and keep her appetite up.
We started her Neupogen injections on Sat. and lets say that it went ok, but Kay was pretty upset about it. Yesterday it went quite abit better, and we are setting up a "system" to make it as comfortable as possible.

Kayleigh is haveing blood counts done right now as I type this. We aren't expecting too much of a change after this first round, but they still need to be done twice a week between treatments.

Well, Thats all for now, I'll do a quick update later with the blood count results.

God Bless,
The Wilkes Family

{This song is how I knew I was pregnant with Kay}

these are days you'll

never before and never since, I promise
will the whole world be warm as this
and as you feel it, you'll know it's true
that you are blessed and lucky
it's true, that you are touched by something
that will grow and bloom in you

these are days you'll remember
when May is rushing over you with desire
to be part of the miracles you see in every hour
you'll know it's true, that you are blessed and lucky
it's true, that you are touched by something
that will grow and bloom in you

these are the days
that you might fill with laughter
until you break

these days you might feel a shaft of light
make its way across your face
and when you do
you'll know how it was meant to be
see the signs and know their meaning

you'll know how it was meant to be
hear the signs and
know they're speaking to you
to you


Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:00PM CDT

Hello all,
Kayleigh started her chemo yesterday at the King of Prussia (CHOP) clinic. The drive was a bit farther but well worth it. The road traveled and the atmosphere is alot less stressful.

She made it through all last night feeling pretty good, but got sick this morning. She is at her treatment today with her mom and grandmom, and if she feels well when it's done, she might be going to the King of Prussia Mall to spend some of that Birthday money she got.

We have chemo the rest of the week, and then 2 weeks off. For 10 days after Kayleigh has to have shots of Neupogen.
It is used for treating neutropenia, a common side effect of chemotherapy, and help speed up white cell growth. It will be a bit new for me, because I have to administer the shots, but both Kay and I feeling really confident about it. The first time on Sat, CHOP will be sending a nurse to the house to make sure I'm doing it properly.

Well, that's about it for now...will update towards the end of the week to let you all know how this first bout of chemo goes.

The Wilkes


Doctors have come
From distant cities
Just to see me
Stand over my bed
Disbelieving what they're seeing

They say I must be one of the wonders
Of god's own creation
And as far as they can see they can offer
No explanation

Newspapers ask
Intimate questions
Want confessions
They reach into my head
To steal the glory
Of my story

They say I must be one of the wonders
Of god's own creation
And as far as they can see they can offer
No explanation

I believe
Fate smiled and destiny
Laughed as she came to my cradle
"Know this child will be able"
Laughed as my body she lifted
"Know this child will be gifted
With love, with patience
And with faith
She'll make her way"

People see me
I'm a challenge
To your balance
I'm over your heads
How I confound you
And astound you
To know I must be one of the wonders
Of god's own creation
And as far as you can see you can offer me
No explanation

I believe
Fate smiled and destiny
Laughed as she came to my cradle
"Know this child will be able"
Laughed as she came to my mother
"Know this child will not suffer"
Laughed as my body she lifted
"Know this child will be gifted
With love, with patience
And with faith
She'll make her way"

{This song is how I knew I was pregnant with Kay}

these are days you'll

never before and never since, I promise
will the whole world be warm as this
and as you feel it, you'll know it's true
that you are blessed and lucky
it's true, that you are touched by something
that will grow and bloom in you

these are days you'll remember
when May is rushing over you with desire
to be part of the miracles you see in every hour
you'll know it's true, that you are blessed and lucky
it's true, that you are touched by something
that will grow and bloom in you

these are the days
that you might fill with laughter
until you break

these days you might feel a shaft of light
make its way across your face
and when you do
you'll know how it was meant to be
see the signs and know their meaning

you'll know how it was meant to be
hear the signs and
know they're speaking to you
to you


Sunday, July 31, 2005 3:00 PM CDT

Well here goes,Kays X-rays came back with a shadow on the right lung.We went for a CT scan right away.It is a perfect circle.We will be meeting with the Doctors on Tuesday at that time we will know more.We know it's slim we still have hope.Keep the fingers and toes crossed,look for the heads up penny's well you all know pray for Kayleigh. CANCER SUCKS

Kayleigh just learned how to ride a bike over this past weekend yeah.......

LOVE kayleigh
Linda & Kevin

july 7 2005

Hi everyone,
How time flies when you are trying to get the most of life. It seems that updating the journal takes more time than life permits.

(A note from Dad)
Kayleigh has been doing fantastic, between swimming, sleeping at friends houses, playing with friends and being a kid, it seems that I don't get to see her enough anymore. Then again, she is a 9 year old girl and I guess that's around the age that her friends and playing are more important than hanging with her boring old parents. All kidding aside, it warms me to see her having fun and become an energetic young lady.

Kayleigh has scans the end of the month...as always...pray with us that all is well.

Well, other goings on are....
Linda and I will be going to Reno for a conference for my work soon and Kay will be staying with her grandparents for the week. We are going to visit my parents soon and Kay is looking forward to the trip to NY to see her cousins and Aunts and Uncles that she doesn't get to see too often.

Also...Kayleigh has been keeping up with her piano lessons and recently had a recital where she performed the song "Puff, the Magic Dragon" She did a wonderful job, and we are all very proud of her. For a while she thought she didn't want to continue with the viola, but when her recital went so well, she decided to stick with it.
Guess that's it for now....thanks to you all for stopping in and seeing how Kayleigh is doing, and thank you for the messages in the guestbook, we really do appreciate them.

God Bless You Haley...we miss you.




Monday, October 18, 2004 10:49 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Kayleigh's scans came back clear. We were just a little worried because she had a really bad cough for about 2 weeks and headaches.All is fine now ,still busy with cheerleading, piano and lots of homework. Getting ready for Holloween .Kayleigh is very excited ,she missed last holloween she had a hospital Holloween last year because of the chicken pox. We have a party this weekend and she went to her school dance last Friday night. We took her to the Wacovia center (Terror On Broad Street)it was pretty cool.Kayleigh was pretty scared. She had fun. Hopefully we will get a hayride in if it doesn't rain.

Thanks to all that check up on Kayleigh
Our thoughts and prayers are with all who is batteling the beast.

Happy Holloween
The Wilkes

Tuesday, September 14, 2004 9:44 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,
Hope you all had a wonderfull summer.The last few weeks were really busy for us.Kayleigh went to visit her grandmom in upstate NY.She had a great visit with everyone.Her grandmom kept her real busy.Thanks to all for making her visit fun.Kayleigh is in 4th grade,lots of homework.She started cheerleading and loves it.We will post some pictures soon.She is still taking piano and now is playing the viola.We will be going for test soon she still has a few bellyaches not as many.They couldn't find anything.We are told it could be from radiation.She is growing and gaining weight she looks awesome.Thanks to everyone that has come by and checked on us and wished Kayleigh a happy birthday.


In My Daughter's Eyes

by: Martina McBride

In my daughter's eyes I am a hero
I am strong and wise and I know no fear
But the truth is plain to see
She was sent to rescue me
I see who I wanna be
In my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes everyone is equal
Darkness turns to light and the world is at peace
This miracle God gave to me gives me strength when I am weak
I find reason to believe
In my daughter's eyes

And when she wraps her hand around my finger
Oh it puts a smile in my heart
Everything becomes a little clearer
I realize what life is all about
It's hangin' on when your heart has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
I've seen the light
It's in my daugter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes I can see the future
A reflection of who I am and what will be
Though she'll grow and someday leave
Maybe raise a family
When I'm gone I hope you see how happy she made me
For I'll be there
In my daughter's eyes

Friday, July 2, 2004 7:04 AM CDT

Hi everyone,
Sorry for being so late.

Kayleigh's scans came back good,we are still going back and forth to a GI doctor,she will be having an upper gi x-ray. They want to rule out a few things.That test will be done on July 13th. She is supposed to be eating more fiber,and less of what kids like the most.It's hard to keep telling her without feeling i'm nagging all the time.

Kay's been keeping us busy,she"ll be going on a little camping trip with my sister.She is looking forward to that.She missed it last year.This year is Christmas in july.They will have a blast.We will be going to the shore on my parents boat,crabbing and fishing.Also trying to make plans with Grandmom Donna {Kev's MOM}to stay with her for a week in Upstate New York.That will be strange, a week without Kay.I DON'T Know.She is my shadow.I know she"ll have a lot of fun.Other then that just taking everyday as it comes.

Thanks everyone for stopping by and saying hi to kay and for all the prayers and encouraging words.
Please pray for everyone battling with the beast.

Lots of Bug hugs
Linda, Kevin

In My Daughter's Eyes

by: Martina McBride

In my daughter's eyes I am a hero
I am strong and wise and I know no fear
But the truth is plain to see
She was sent to rescue me
I see who I wanna be
In my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes everyone is equal
Darkness turns to light and the world is at peace
This miracle God gave to me gives me strength when I am weak
I find reason to believe
In my daughter's eyes

And when she wraps her hand around my finger
Oh it puts a smile in my heart
Everything becomes a little clearer
I realize what life is all about
It's hangin' on when your heart has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
I've seen the light
It's in my daugter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes I can see the future
A reflection of who I am and what will be
Though she'll grow and someday leave
Maybe raise a family
When I'm gone I hope you see how happy she made me
For I'll be there
In my daughter's eyes

Monday, May 24, 2004 8:48 AM CDT

Sorry for such a late update. WE have been so busy since we got back from disney.The trip was awesome,we went to SeaWorld Kayleigh had the chance to help the Dolphin trainer,She was very excited.The next day we spent the day in Magic Kingdom.Kayleigh wanted to go on all the fast fun rides,we had a blast.We got up early and went to the parks and wouldn't get back untii nine,ten at night by Thursday, the last day we we're there we spent the day poolside and relaxed a bit.We stayed at GIVE KIDS THE WORLD it was awsome everyone was so nice.Kayleigh got to have icecream in the morning everyday and she took advantage of it.There was just so much to do and see. The weather was nice also.We are very greatfull to this man who started GIVE KIDS THE WORLD (HENRI LANDWIRTH)So devoted and caring and thats what we felt when we stayed there.

Kayleigh is looking forward to this summer.She's doing very good in school.Soccer is almost over she is keeping up with that, it is so hot when they play.

We have scans coming up in June.She still gets belly pains though she is eating much better,she weighs 50lbs now.She gained 14lbs since last summer.

We will update the pictures soon so check back.

Thanks everyone for stopping by and saying hi to kay and for all the prayers and encouraging words.
Please pray for everyone battling with the beast.

Lots of Bug hugs
Linda, Kevin

In My Daughter's Eyes

by: Martina McBride

In my daughter's eyes I am a hero
I am strong and wise and I know no fear
But the truth is plain to see
She was sent to rescue me
I see who I wanna be
In my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes everyone is equal
Darkness turns to light and the world is at peace
This miracle God gave to me gives me strength when I am weak
I find reason to believe
In my daughter's eyes

And when she wraps her hand around my finger
Oh it puts a smile in my heart
Everything becomes a little clearer
I realize what life is all about
It's hangin' on when your heart has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
I've seen the light
It's in my daugter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes I can see the future
A reflection of who I am and what will be
Though she'll grow and someday leave
Maybe raise a family
When I'm gone I hope you see how happy she made me
For I'll be there
In my daughter's eyes


Monday, April 19, 2004 11:24 AM CDT

It is here at last,Kayleigh had her first game this weekend, it was great.Perfect weather, and they won Kayleigh almost got the first goal,Good try.Well nothing from the doctors yet,she still has bellyaches and we are dealing.Kinda scary, don't know if its going to turn into a blockage or not from day to day.We will be getting scans in May. We are leaving for Tinkerbell land on May 8th And will be back on May14th. She can't wait. This weekend we are going to go to where her DADDY plays paintball,he is also playing with his band up there (EMR PAINTBALL)She really wants to see him play in the band and hasn't been able to.We are also going to be seeing Kays grandmom (Kev's mom) another busy fun filled weekend.

Thanks everyone for stopping by and saying hi to kay and for all the prayers and encouraging words.
Please pray for everyone battling with the beast.

Lots of Bug hugs
Linda, Kevin

In My Daughter's Eyes

by: Martina McBride

In my daughter's eyes I am a hero
I am strong and wise and I know no fear
But the truth is plain to see
She was sent to rescue me
I see who I wanna be
In my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes everyone is equal
Darkness turns to light and the world is at peace
This miracle God gave to me gives me strength when I am weak
I find reason to believe
In my daughter's eyes

And when she wraps her hand around my finger
Oh it puts a smile in my heart
Everything becomes a little clearer
I realize what life is all about
It's hangin' on when your heart has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
I've seen the light
It's in my daugter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes I can see the future
A reflection of who I am and what will be
Though she'll grow and someday leave
Maybe raise a family
When I'm gone I hope you see how happy she made me
For I'll be there
In my daughter's eyes


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 6:02 PM CST

Hi Everyone,
Well in a few hours it will be April fools. I'm so gald the month of March is over.Although it is still chilly and Kay has a cold,She is doing very good,She has been going to soccer, her 1st game is on Sunday if it doesn't rain. She really seems to enjoy it out on the field. It's funny watching all the kids. They were having a mock game the other day and I think she was running the wrong way. So I told her to make sure she knows which way she is supposed to go. She just said ok mom.The doctor is going to call with a speicalist, see how long that is going to take.She still has bellyaches I just want to find out why?

Thanks everyone for stopping by and saying hi to kay and for all the prayers and encouraging words.
Please pray for everyone battling with the beast.

Lots of Bug hugs
Linda, Kevin

In My Daughter's Eyes

by: Martina McBride

In my daughter's eyes I am a hero
I am strong and wise and I know no fear
But the truth is plain to see
She was sent to rescue me
I see who I wanna be
In my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes everyone is equal
Darkness turns to light and the world is at peace
This miracle God gave to me gives me strength when I am weak
I find reason to believe
In my daughter's eyes

And when she wraps her hand around my finger
Oh it puts a smile in my heart
Everything becomes a little clearer
I realize what life is all about
It's hangin' on when your heart has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
I've seen the light
It's in my daugter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes I can see the future
A reflection of who I am and what will be
Though she'll grow and someday leave
Maybe raise a family
When I'm gone I hope you see how happy she made me
For I'll be there
In my daughter's eyes

Monday, March 22, 2004 8:28 AM CST

Hi Everyone
It's been a little crazy around here.We've been trying to get the Doctors to comumicate with us as to what we are supposed to do about renal counts being elevated although the counts came back better,the doctor said something about us seeing a kidney speicalist. As of yet we haven't heard anything. Kayleigh has scans coming up in May. I think we will have a long talk with her doctor.Well on another note Kayleigh's belly aches got really bad this weekend. We ended up taking her to the emergency room.The doctor was aware of this and told us to try Zantac,well is wasn't helping,so we spent some time at the hospital, they took some x-rays it might be a start of a blockage.The way it was explained to us, is that Kayleigh's scar around her belly button in the inside could be pinching her intestines.When she has a cold or a flu it could make a blockage. The first x-ray showed a pocket and then the flow of gasses through the intestines. So they did another x-ray in the morning and by that time she was doing better. So now we have to find answers to all this.On a happier note we will be leaving for tinkerbell land on May 8th she is so looking foward to this.

Thanks for everyones prayers
Linda,Kevin and kaybug

Thursday, February 26, 2004 6:35 PM CST

Well all the test came back much better. Kayleighs Doctor doesn't know why her renal count was elevated. We will get bloodtest in a few weeks. Kayleigh has been doing great. She had a 50's school dance, she dressed in her poodle skirt, lots of fun. She has her science fair coming up.Her piano recital is coming up also. Kayleigh is going to try scoccer this year, that starts in april. She loves keeping us busy. Oh, Make-A-WISH contacted us looks like we'll be going to Tinkerbell land {DISNEY}.We were thinking of maybe going in May. We'll let ya know.
Fairywishes to all
LInda & Kayleigh

Friday, February 6, 2004 9:31 AM CST

Awesome ,Great , Fantastic news they are clear.
Bloodwork was good, it took five people to hold her down to get her blood .She thought that all the poking was done. Well now we know that every three months she has to do it again.The only other thing we have to follow up on is her belly problem , we think it is just her nerves so we will give her some meds for two weeks and maybe get some other tests done just to be sure.

Well we thought her bloodwork was fine I just got a call from Kayleigh's Dr. and he would like us to get an ultrasound as soon as possible it seems that her kidney is only working as half as it should, and it wouldn't be so bad but she only has one kidney. He also said he wants us to see a kidney speicalist.

So far the ultrasound came back fine. We have to get blood test again. Hopefully it was just a fluke.

Thursday, January 22, 2004 9:33 AM CST


Kayleigh is taking french in school and is doing very well. The other day while I was dropping my grandaughter off. Kayleigh started speaking to the grandmother in french.I was impressed and the grandmother got a kick out of it .Kay has been really busy at school,they have testing soon and a lot of projects . So of course that makes us busy also . We have scans coming in Febuary. We are a bit nervous , She has been having belly aches here and there other then that she fought off the flu pretty well . I hope to get some new pictures up so try to check in .

Lots of bughugs and Fairy wishes,
Kayleigh, Linda &Kevin

Wednesday, December 31, 2003 10:00 AM CST

Happy New Year
Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas.

We had a very relaxing x-mas . Kayleigh was very happy that she didn't get sick and has been playing and visiting through this Christmas vacation. One of the things we did get to do was to go see Washington cross the Delaware ,a reinactment. It was a lot of fun and history also . Well now we are off to the mountains for New Years . Friends of ours have a house up there, that we have spent Kayleighs first New Years there , So this is speical. We hope to go sledding and just have a lot of fun

Wishing everyone a very Happy fun filled New Year



Monday, December 15, 2003 11:27 AM CST

Hello to everyone,
Sorry once again for not updating. Kevin has been sick , but is fine now Kayleigh is doing great . She had her port out last week and all went very well . Then we were off to Texas, and what a good time we had. We went to the Houston Space center for a day it was very interesting and lots of fun. Then it was off to the paintball field where her daddy played for the whole weekend .It was warm in the day and by night it dipped down in the thirties. They had camp fires and hot choc. it was great .Kayleigh met up with her bug sister Scarlett (mudbug) they had a great time . And kayleigh also met a very handsome young boy named William . Kayleigh chased him all over . Everyone we met were so very nice it was so nice to put some faces to the names that have dropped By to say hi or the ones we see on the MXS web page . I was able to go out on the field with the players and take some pictures I had a great time . When I came back Kayleigh was playing in the dirt and belly crawling ,well she is ready for paintball . I would like to say to everyone THANK YOU SO MUCH for dropping by to say hi to KAYBUG . And for all the paintballers if not for you guys and all the support I don't think we could of kept everything so together . I didn't have to worry, only for Kayleigh. And for this I'm deeply greatfull for each and everyone.


Linda, Kevin &Kayleigh

Wednesday, November 26, 2003 8:06 PM CST


Sorry it's been so long we've been so busy. Kayleigh will be getting her port out on Monday.We can't wait. She has been so busy doing all the kid things, we can hardly keep up with her ,she is sooooo very happy .This is going to be the best Thanksgiving ever.We will be leaving for Texas on Wenesday to see our family paintballers they have been so very awesome .Kayleigh is so afraid of flying . She'll love it when we get there .So land of the big here we come. Well everyone have a great Thanksgiving .

Love Kevin, Linda

Bughugs for all ,

Wednesday, November 5, 2003 9:09 PM CST


There is no place like home
There is no place like home
There is no place like home

And we are here, Kayleigh is doing great . They let us go on a few conditions Kayleigh has to drink a lot of fluids to flush her kidney. The medicine she is on will crystalize in her kidney if she gets dehydrated. So we have to push fluilds all the time. And the reason she has to take the medicine is to dry the pox up and get rid of them quickly, because in some cases it shuts the liver down.

I really admire her she was so good about halloween and a few other things she missed . She was upset for a bit but we made the best of it. Daddy carved a pumpkin in the room . We brought all our house decorations from home it looked cool . This was funny, we have a hand that moves to sounds .well we put it on the counter behind the sink so when the nurse or doc washed their hands it moved ,well they would jump, Kayleigh thought that was a riot.

The Docs , nurses and social workers gave her candy and halloween bears with countless other things because she couldn't go out of the room . They are awesome .

While we were there they had the ABATE Toys for Tots bike run for kids. About 90,000 bikers came from all over to bring toys to the hospital . Kev called me and told me it was just packed with bikes . Oh, if your wondering where I went. Well I went home to make chicken noodle soup at Miss Kaybugs request. She tells me I make the best chicken noodle soup.(warm fuzzy)Then she got to meet our famous Philadelphia FLYERS, they are the best.

Well I'm going to click my ruby reds and get some sleep. We will give an update next week on Kays scans we can't get them this week because of the pox.

Somewhere over the rain bow !!!
lots of bug hugs KAYLEIGH
Love Kev &Linda


Hi everyone ,
It's been a long week now it's over the news we've waited for this is so cool REMISSION ,REMISSION, REMISSION now we just have to get the port removed can't wait . We will post more this weekend .

Friday, October 31, 2003 9:32 PM EST

Hey Everyone....Kayleigh has Chicken Pox, and with her condition...well, it could be very, very bad.
So we are back in in the hospital, looks like it will be a week or so. She is in an islolation room and very lonely, she's not allowed to leave at all, and everyone that comes in has to wear a gown and mask. Her immune systym is very low and and is running a constant fever. She is on about 3-4 different IV's at a time. She is very depressed about missing halloween, she couldn't even partcipate in the party they had at the hospital.

If you would like to send a card she is at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia
room # 3S24 Oncology

you can get the rest of the address off the CHOP website....

I'll check back when I can and let you all know how it's going.

Pics updated Nov 3...some pics from this hospital stay.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003 1:53 PM CDT

Hey Everyone....

Kay got her chemo on thursday (the 16th) and felt pretty crumby all weekend long, but was feel well enough today to go to school. She really wanted to go today because it is picture day. I was away all weekend, so I was really glad to get home and see her yesterday.

I'm at work now and can't write too much, but will try to jump on and update later tonight.

Take care and God Bless,
Kevin, Linda and Kayleigh

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 2:58 PM CDT

Hey everyone,

Kayleigh was supposed to go for her chemo treatment yesterday, but the Oncology dept. called and rescheduled her for Thursday (tomorrow). Seems her doctor is not going to have office hours on Tuesday anymore, so she will be getting her last chemo for the cycle tomorrow. After that blood tests for 3 weeks, then another set of scans, and if they all look good, that will be it. Then we can set up the surgery to have her port removed, which is something she is excited and nervous about at the same time.

I will post tomorrow or Friday morning on how it all went tomorrow. She is getting Actinomycin-D, and that has been making her pretty sick after for 3-4 days.

Take Care and God Bless,

Kevin, Linda, and Kayleigh

Tuesday, October 7, 2003 7:44 AM CDT

Hi everyone,
Well Kayleigh has a fever, we were hoping it would go away. We are on our way to CHOP and most likely will be there for an overnight stay . We will try to update asap .
Lots of love ,
God Bless
Kayleigh.Kevin &Linda

12:30 PM EST
We are at CHOP and they had to access Kays port, she wasn't real happy about that. Her blood counts are ok, but there is concern because she still has a fever. It has been fluctuating between 100 to 101.5. One of the things they are looking into is that there may be bacteria in or around her port. It takes a few days to find this out, but it looks like they are going to give her a "mega dose" of antibiotics and let her return home til the results come back. We have been told to keep a very close eye on her for the 24 hours period, when they will get back to us about it.

If there is any change in her condition over night we are to return here to the ER immediatly...but there is also a good side, if this is just one of those childhood colds or bugs....well, then we just treat her like we normally would. So, we should know a lot more by tomorrow afternoon.

I'll update as soon as we find out anything...

Take Care,
Kevin, Linda, Kayleigh

Oct.9th update
Kays fever was at 99 last night all the cultures came back neg .She had no fever this morning , and no other symtons of colds ect....Its a mystery

Wednesday, September 17, 2003 6:54 PM CDT

Kayleigh has been doing very well . She went back to school part time .So far it has been going well for her . She is very happy to be back . We have been very busy with school work and getting back into a daily routine . We went for bloodwork Tuesday all seems to be pretty good. We will be going for all her tests next week ultrasound,chest ,ekg and bloodwork . Over the past weekend we had a chance to go to the Renaissance Faire, we had the best time.Kayleigh was very excited to be there. It was great just watching her have so much fun. She went on this one ride five times I think it was called the crows nest . We thought she was going to be sick , we heard her yelling faster, faster to the guys spinning it around.Then we came across this Dragon store .Kayleigh was very interested because her daddy collects dragons and I collect fairies.Well they are the most unique dragons, they are puppets.I can't even begin to explain how they look .I will put the website on here . The beautiful person that makes the dragons made Kayleigh very happy that day . His name is Albert Alfaro.


Kayleigh had picked a dragon out for herself and he gave it to her , he said he loves to put a smile on peoples faces . Albert and his wife are very sweet. If you have a chance go onto his website his work is awesome

We bid thee fair well
God bless
Princess Kayleigh,
King Kevin & Queen Linda

Kaybug had her ultrasound,ekg,ehco and chest Xray. THEY ARE GREAT although we have one more round of scans this was really great news.She had chemo today it will be a rough week untill about friday . Then she'll be up and running around and playing with her friends,and ready for the next adventure.

Wednesday, September 3, 2003 11:22 AM CDT

Captains Log: Star Date, Sunday, August 31, 2003....
Kayleighs William Shatner Adventure!!!

This past Sunday Kayleigh, Linda and I attended a charity paintball event at EMR Paintball. The charity "Ahead with Horses" is one that is supported by William Shatner, and he with Chicago Radio personality Eric "Mancow" Mueller defended the planet against Paintball industry giants Tom Kay of Airgun Designs and Glen Palmer of Palmer Paintball Guns.

Mancow had invited Kayleigh and myself onto the stage at the beginning of the game and introduced Kay to the crowd.
(pic of us saying hello in the gallery)

The entire weekend Duane "Kahuna" Bell of SouthWest Florida Paintaball Park and www.scenarioball.com was selling ladybug temporary tattoos and all the proceeds were to go to Kay. It was incredible to see everyone (including Shatner) walking around with a lady bug on their neck.
Duane also was selling a series of scenario paintball themed t-shirts that the proceeds also went to Kayleigh.
They had a auction at the end of the game, and Mancow bought a Kaybug (tattoo)for $600.00 but only if Bill Shatner would put it on his BUTT!!!! Well, when Mancow bared a cheek, Shatner autographed it with a sharpie marker, but then eventually put the tattoo on, another player "Preacher" also bought one for $650.00 and Mancow had to put it on his butt....it was all very funny!!!

I played paintball with Shatner all day and Kay got a ride in a Hummer. It was just a great weekend for all of us!

Kayleigh had chemo on tuesday all her counts are good. She is getting Vincristine and Dactinomycin.

Sept 4th Kayleigh is having a rough week she really wanted to go back to school looks like we will try for Monday.

Lots of bug hugs, Love kaybug
Thanks again and God bless
Love Linda & Kevin

Monday, August 18, 2003 9:48 AM EST

Hello All!

Well, yesterday was the big Birthday, and what a day it was!!! (In my best Robin Leech/Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous voice) That's right folks, in preperation for her whirlwind dream day, Kayleigh and her best friends all met at Casual Nail Salon, where their finger and toe nails dazzled,and their hair was put up in the high class style that make these girls the diva's that they are! After a bit of make up and some powder, they were ready to style their way out to ....yes, A huge white STRETCH LIMO!!! With roses in their hands and dreams in there heads, they all climbed into the luxury sedan to find a plush leather interior, with Pink on the CD player and Shreck on the DVD player! The bar was stocked well with sparlking soda(pepsi), and the tomato crepes (Pizza) smelled exquisite!

They are then whisked away for the 40 minute ride to Giggleberry Farm (where all the divas hang out) to ride the carousel, pose for some pictures and strut there stuff for the paparazzi. After a bit of mingle with the public, it was back into the white chariot for more song and laughter to a gourmet dinner of Nachos and Salsa with Cherry Cokes that were over flowing with crisp red cherries at the world famous Don Pablos.

After the meal, they called for Winston (Bob) the limo driver to bring the car around, after some poses with Winston and a bit of hugs and kisses, it was time for these divas to get some well deserved beauty rest....not that they need it!(End Robin Leech voice...my throat hurts)

Well, as Kay climbed into her pink canopy bed, I can't help but think that she really is a diva....she has the heart, strength, and attitude to be anything she wants....and she will be!

Take care and God Bless,
Kevin, Linda, and Kayleigh
P.S. be sure to check the pics gallery for pics from the day....I will try to change them every couple days, there is alot of them

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 11:05 AM EST

(Posted by Linda…Kevin was lazy)
Hi everyone

Sorry it's been a while on the update . We have been pretty busy . We just got back from upstate New York where Kevin's 20th year class reunion was at. We had a great time, not to many people recognized him .We went to a bar on Friday night, (I don't want to talk about that )Sat. they had a family picnic it was very nice. Kayleigh went swimming, they had water balloons and a pinata for the kids . Everyone I met was really nice . Then on Sat. they had a luau. We had a great time . Now I can finally put faces to all of Kevin’s stories. Kayleigh stayed with her Grandma Donna and her cousin Austin. Sunday we had a Birthday party for Kay she will be eight on August 17th. We had it at Aunt Val &Uncle Steve’s, We had an awesome lunch and Kay went swimming . Two little girls came to visit Abby and GiGi ( Kayleigh said hi)


Kayleigh had chemo yesterday everything went well, blood counts look good she had Doxorubicin and Vincristine .So far she seems to be pretty good.

Well, we will write after this weekend it is Kayleighs Birthday we have a surprise for her so we can't tell right now.

God Bless Everyone,
Hugs & Kisses,
Linda, Kevin, and Kayleigh

Sunday, August 3, 2003 1:22 AM EST

Hello All!!!

Linda and I returned from Portland yesterday, we had a great time although there was always that worry back home, but thanks to my sister Valerie, we had a calling card that made it easy for us to call home 2 (sometimes 3) times a day to talk to to Kayleigh, who by the way was having a great time at home. She was with my mom and we all know that grandparents are for spoiling our kids rotten! Thanks Deb and my Mom for bringing Kay down to CHOP for her lab work while we were away, and Kays blood counts were all in the "good" zone.

Along with my mother, Linda's mom, grandmother, sisters and the rest were all here to keep Kayleigh busy, and did a great job of it too. She had a whole calander of activities and they didn't leave anything out.

A few messages as I catch up with my e-mails....

*Heckler, We will get you those pics asap...things got real crazy here in the last few weeks

*Duane Bell, Thanks for the fund raising, I would like to get in touch with you soon about a future trip to Ft. Meyers next spring (my dad lives there) and perhaps a meeting.

*To Blue and Blues Crew, So glad that the Michigan Monster Game went well, and Congrats to "Not Bob" on the birth of your new baby!

*Dragon, I will be in touch soon...just got to get settled in.

*Pac and Mother, I will be in touch soon, and Kay, Linda and myself will see you at the Shatner game!

Well, thats all for now....unpacking, laundry....and work (booooo) tomorrow.

I will catch up with everything soon
Take Care and God Bless
Kevin, Linda, and Kayleigh

Wednesday, July 23, 2003 4:23 AM EST

Good Morning All!!!!

...And boy do I mean morning!!!! It's 4:30 AM and Linda and I are off to Portland. While we are very excited to go, we are also a bit nervous. We really shouldn't be because we have the entire family taking care of Kayleigh while we're gone. She'll probably have a better time without us!

Oh....that reminds me....On monday her blood counts (white and red) were all up and she got her chemo according to schedule. Next week she will only have labs done and her Grandma and Aunt Deb will be taking her to CHOP for that. While she has been pretty sick because of the chemo, she has been in really good spirits and is lookimg forward to the "agenda" that everyone has mapped out for her for the next week and a half....fireworks,swimming, movies,getting her nails done (sounds like a bunch of girlie stuff to me) and has tons of play dates with friends.

Well, from what I have read I won't have any internet access where I will be, so I won't be able to update untill I get back, and I'm not to sure about showing my computer challenged mother how to do this....hmmmm, not even sure if I should leave the remote for the TV out, but Kay can show her how to use that, she's a pro at the TV remote!

Well....I'm leaving on a jet plane...lalalala....you the words....everyone now!!!!

Take Care and God Bless,
Kevin Linda, Kayleigh and the fam damily!

Thursday, July 17, 2003 10:52 AM EST

Hello All!

Yesterday did not go as well as we had wished. We went down for the chemo and they could not give it to her. While her red blood cells (hemoglobin) had raised dramatically, her white blood cells (fight infection) were very low. For them to be able to administer the chemo, the white blood cell count has to be 1000 or better, Kayleighs were in the 300's. This is going to move her chemo schedule around by a week, but hopefully it won't make her feel too bad.

Some of you may know, that Linda and myself are supposed to go to Portland OR next wednesday the 23rd, and that was pending if everything was going according to schedule with Kayleigh, who was going to be staying home with my Mom, her Aunt Deb, and the rest of the family. At this point, we will have to wait untill Monday the 21st, to see if her white cell counts raise to a safer level, and then she will get a week off from chemo anyway. So, I guess we're bringing this one right down to the wire. Such is life.....
but my mom is coming from NY regardless, so that will be nice.

Well, back to work and I'll keep you all posted on how things work out....

Take care and God Bless,
Kevin, Linda and Kayleigh
(and the animals too!)

P.S. I asked the doctor if the people counting her white cells were from Florida, there could have been an error, you know they couldn't count votes .....hehehehehe

Tuesday, July 15, 2003 9:23 AM EST

Hello All,

Well, It's been a few weeks and things are going pretty good....for Kayleigh anyway. Her blood counts were 9.0 for 2 weeks in a row(anything in the 8's means transfusion), and we'll go tomorrow to see how they are again. She will also be getting Actimyicin-D and Vincristine, so we'll see how much that will effect her counts next week.

On the other hand, Linda just got off a cycle of Prednasone (sp), a steroid to help get rid of her Poison Oak, and I just got put on it for a sinus infection. They also gave me Bactrim, which is the same antibiotic that Kayleigh is taking prior to her chemo treatments. The medicine cabinet is looking well stocked here at the Wilkes residence (hehe)

On Sunday, Linda and Kayleigh went to her Aunt Debs house and hung out with her friends in the pool, and on Monday, Linda took Kayleigh and her niece Rachel to the beach in Point Pleasant, NJ. There are some pics of that in the gallery. There is also a pic of Kay and I sporting our new hair-do's. We both gotta wear sun block on out melons now!!!! (hehe)

I'll write more tomorrow when we get back from chemo and let you all know how it went.

Take Care and God Bless,
Kevin, Linda, Kayleigh, Patches, Goldie, and the late Fluffy the frog (he went to the big Lilly Pad in the Sky)

Monday, July 7, 2003 11:20 AM EST

Hello all,

It's monday and we're in NY at my moms house. Kay has been playing with her cousins up here and has gotten to swim in my moms neighbors pool. We have all been having a pretty good time and she has felt pretty good.

We stopped at EMR paintball on the way up, and Sat night, Bomber put on one great fireworks display for us. We took pics....but well, you know...pics of fireworks just aren't that impressive. Blue and Sue fed us some awesome chicken, and then it was to bed, and up early am to moms house.

This past wednesday the chemo went quickly, but her blood counts were low and the possibility of a transfusion is getting closer. While this is not a painful ordeal (from what they have told us) it is a time consuming and could change the chemo schedule. I guess we'll just have to wait and see this wed. when we have labs done.

For all you who have been awaiting pics from the fund raiser, we just picked up the pictures (13 rolls) and I will be posting them (3 at a time) and changing them daily, so be sure to check back often so you don't miss any. I would put some up now, but my moms computer is very, very, very (did I mention very) slow, and well, we have to leave sometime today.

Well, we're gonna get ready to hit the road in about an hour, we have to get back because Linda managed to get a wicked case of poison ivy and she has a doctors appointment at 7 this evening and it is a 5 and a half hour drive home.

I will try to get the first set of pics up this evening from the fund raiser....

Take Care and God Bless.
Kevin, Linda and Kayleigh

****Update....photos from the 4th of July and the benefit added to photo album (10:51 pm on 7/7

Monday, June 30, 2003 10:53 AM EST

Hello All,
I can't write too much today, my shipper/receiver is on vacation so I'm doing double duty here at work.

Here's a quick update....
Kay was pretty sick on Friday and Saturday, but seemed to bounce back on Sunday. My sister in law, Deb (I love you honey) and many others had put together a benefit on Sunday, and I have to say it was a huge success. So many wonderful people helping myself, Linda and Kayleigh get through this trying time. Kay had a wonderful time and I loved watching her sing karoke with her friends (Aviril better watch out!!!!!)

I will try to get a few pics of the event up tonight, and post a bit more about who was there for us, and who contributed. (and I won't forget about Doug, Scott, Gordie and the rest of the NY crew)

Check back this evening for more info and pics from the weekend.

Take Care and God Bless....
Kevin, Linda and Kayleigh (Patches, Goldie and Fluffy too)

Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:22 AM EST

Hello All,(look at past journal entries to see beginning of this entry)
At around 12:15 Kayleigh got her port accessed, they took labs and then we went back to the play area. Kay and I played Playstation 2 with some of the other kids that were in for chemo too. They called us to go to the "Day Hospital" (it's a small fully outfitted room that has reclining chairs rather than beds) and they hooked her up to her IV and started her Zofran (for nausea) Kay played her GameBoy and Linda and I talked for a bit. I went for a walk and stopped out in the rec area and talked with a few of the kids that were playing the PS2. When I went back to the room they had already started her Doxorubicin and she had a new friend. A little girl named Lexus was in the chair with her and they were coloring and playing GameBoy together. Lexus was there for a transfusion for a rare blood disiese. (not cancer) She has to have a transfusion about once a month.

We ended up leaving around 3:00, but still managed to hit quite a bit of traffic, not as bad as when we normally leave around 5:00. On the way home Kayleigh started feeling a bit poorly, and slept for most of the ride. When we got home she said she felt hungry, so Linda made some dinner and she didn't eat much. She didn't feel well most of the night and went to bed early. The heat and humidity was kind of taking it's toll on her and she was a bit miserable.

I checked in on her this morning before I left and she was sleeping pretty good, she was sleeping comfortably, and no fever.

Today, Linda is going to keep her inside, it's just too darn hot out. We're trying to encourage her to eat, she had lost a bit of weight since last week and after the Dox, she will probably lose more, so it's very important that she eats. She says that she feels hungry, but as soon as she smells food it makes her nausaus, I can only imagine the frustration involved in that. We are doing our best to feed her the things that she is hungry for....Right when she is hungry for them. It's tough, but I think we're doing pretty good.

Ok, I gotta get to work...I will update over the weekend.

Take Care and God Bless,
Kevin, Linda and Kayleigh (oh, and Patches the dog, Goldie the fish, and Fluffy the frog too)

Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:13 AM EST

Hello All,

We're at the hospital now (computers at the hospital, ain't it great!!!)and we just got finished with her ultra-sound. The doctor just came with the results and said everything looks great. That is a relief because she hasn't really had anything to check for possible growth anywhere else (like the other kidney) since just after the surgery(April 24).

We are in the play area in the pediatric oncology dept. now and Kay has had her triage (weight, temp.,bp) and are just waiting now to have her port accessed so they can start the IV of Zofran prior to the Doxorubicin.

Well, they just came and said about 10 min they will be accessing....so I'm off. I will write more later this evening when we get home to let you know how it all went.

Take care and God Bless,
Kevin, Linda, and Kayleigh

***Update....11:48....port still not accessed, that's the way things go around here, but the people are really nice. This is the first AM appointment we ever had, and this place is alot more busy in the AM than it is in the PM.

Monday, June 23, 2003 8:50 AM EST

Hello All,

We had a pretty good weekend, although Kayleigh didn't eat very well, and didn't feel too great sometimes.

We started Friday with my father and step-mother Anna coming to visit from Florida (via NY) and when I got home we went to dinner at a Hibachi Bar with Magoo, Rachel, T-Bag, Laura and there mom Shirl.(Magoo, T-bag and Laura are on my paintball and pool teams....Good Friends) We had a really awesome dinner, and then Kay's Aunt Deb came and picked her up at the resturant and brought Kay to Princeton where they were renaming one of the streets to one from the movie Harry Potter. When Kay got home she brought home a new addition (pet) to the house. We now have a African Dwarf Frog...Kay named it "Fluffy"....Now that is funny!!!

On Saturday, Kay went to a birthday party for one of her school class mates. They had the party at a "spa/salon".
When I went to pick her up, she came out with her hair done up, nails painted, make up....the whole deal. I thought that was an awesome idea for a little girls birthday party. Kayleigh wants to have hers there now in Aug.

Saturday night Kays sister and neice came over and we had dinner and watched TV and talked with my Dad and Anna and caught up with them. Kay had a craving for crab legs, so Linda cooked up a pot and Kay finally ate pretty good, she loves crab legs, but then who doesn't!!! Well, except my dad, he's allergic to shell fish.

Sunday we took it slow in the morning, and in the early after noon we went to Philadelphia Park horse race track. KAYLEIGH LOVES HORSES!!!! Well, after about 5 races and $20.00 in bets ($2.00 at a time) Kay was the only one to pick a winning horse. She went over to the stable between every race and checked them out and then came back and told me which one was gonna be the winner and I would place a bet for her, I couldn't pick a good one at all...well, she picked a good one. She won $8.40 from a $2.00 bet.

After that we went to Don Pablos (a mexican resturant) and had some nachos and quasadias (not sure on the spelling of that) and then went home and played a game with My dad and Anna. It was a trivia type game and we let Kay play the "Game Show Host" and she read the questions to us. We had a really good time, but we were all pretty tired from the weekend so it was off to bed early.

My dad and Anna left this morning and I'm at work now. I have taken wednesday off to go to CHOP.(Childrens Hospital of Pennsylvania) We will have a long day there on wednesday. We have an early appointment for an ultra sound, and a few other labs and tests, then up to Oncology for her chemo. Vincristine and Doxorubicin this time and the Dox really makes Kay feel bad, so she is pretty upset about this trip.

Well, that was the weekend, and I'll make a journal entry on either Wed. night or Thursday to let everyone know how she did on Wed.

Take Care and God Bless,
Kevin, Linda and Kayleigh

P.S. I'll get some pics from the weekend up soon

Thursday, June 19, 2003 9:22 AM EST

Yesterday went pretty well, we had a 3:00 appointment for just Vincristine, and this time they actually had it ready when we got there. We did triage with in the first 5 minutes of showing up, and back to the procedure room right after that. They had accessed her port within 5 min of getting in the procedure room, and pulled blood for labs.
Labs came back in about 10 minutes, her blood counts were low, but are still in the "safe zone" so it was time to push in the chemo (vincristine)....Kay complains that she feels a "wierd pressure" when they draw the lab blood and when they pull blood into the syringe before they push the chemo in. The nurse said that happens sometimes, but it usually goes away when they remove the needle from the port.

It went so well that we got home early enough (around 5:30) so Kayleigh could make it to her cousins high school graduation. The pic above and one in the gallery were taken just before we left to go. Kayleigh did pretty well, but was very tired when we got home.

We're all looking forward to this weekend, Kayleigh's Grandfather & Grandmother (my dad) will be visiting us, and we haven't seen them since we went to Florida Thanksgiving 2 years ago.

Well, more later....
Take care, and God Bless,
Kevin,Linda & Kayleigh

P.S. I'm trying to get some of Kayleighs art in the gallery, but the files are too big, I will work that out and get some on there as soon as I can

Monday, June 16, 2003 12:57 PM EST

Ok, This is pretty easy...I will show Linda and Kay how to do it also, that way we should be able to do updates constantly.

Kay is pretty happy the last few weeks, she has only had to have vincristine for the last 2 chemo treatments, and that doesn't make her feel too bad, some of the other side effects are uncomfortable, but not too bad. On the 25th she will get the vincristine and doxorubicin, which makes her feel really crumby. We have to stay at the hospital for longer too because rather than just pushing it into the port, they hook her up to an IV and give her a huge dose of Zofran (for nausea) before the Doxorubicin. That usually puts her down for 2-3 days, and she feels tired and weak for about a week.

Kayleigh has been drawing alot and later this week I'm going to scan some of her pics and put them in the photo gallery.

Take Care all, and god bless!
Kevin,Linda, and Kayleigh

Saturday, June 14, 2003 9:27 AM CDT

OK, everyone....We're just getting this up and running, give me a bit of time to get used to this and I will update the journal bi-weekly and add pics weekly.

Click here to go back to the main page.

----End of History----