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ADVOCATE: Help elevate childhood cancer to a national priority.
DONATE: Contribute to help cure childhood cancer.
PARTICIPATE: Get involved and make a difference in a child’s life.

Each school day, 46 children are diagnosed with cancer.
In the U.S., approximately 12,400 children under the age of 20 will be diagnosed with some form of childhood cancer each year.
About one in 300 children will develop cancer before the age of 20.
Cancer remains the number one disease killer of America's children -- more than Cystic Fibrosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Asthma and AIDS combined.
Although the 5-year survival rate is steadily increasing, one quarter of children will die 5 years from the time of diagnosis.
66f the children who are diagnosed and treated for childhood cancers will have long-term side effects or late effects from either the cancer or, more likely, from the treatment.
Many of these kids will be diagnosed with a secondary cancer by the time they reach age 45.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Katie will be a two-year cancer survivor on March 19th!!! We are so excited to be able to celebrate this milestone.

If you have the opportunity, pick up a copy of the March 27th issue WOMAN'S WORLD magazine (on newstands for one week beginning March 20th). There is a story about Katie's cancer journey and recovery, and how her cookbook is helping other kids with cancer. There are lots of photos in it, too. We hope you have a chance to read it. More info is on our web site http://www.katieswish.com

Please take a moment to leave Katie a message in her guestbook. She loves to read her mail! Thanks!!

Many blessings to all,

Happy Holidays 2006!

What a year we’ve had!! In March, Katie became a 1-year cancer survivor! We celebrated with the release of her cookbook, Katie’s Cooking!, and a spectacular party generously hosted by Savona Restaurant in Gulf Mills, PA. Savona opened their doors on a Sunday evening to toast Katie and her cookbook. Chef Andrew Masciangelo’s food was wonderful!! The guests enjoyed food stations on each floor, butlered hors d'oeuvres along with many different wines. There was an estimated 200 people that came out to celebrate with us. We are so grateful to Savona for their generosity! We are equally grateful for the generosity of everyone who donated their time, and for all those who donated space at the many craft fairs, events and stores to help us sell Katie’s cookbook! THANK YOU!

Since the release of her cookbook, Katie has autographed books at several restaurants and at The Book and the Cook Culinary Showcase. Her story was featured in several newspaper articles and on the evening news. She was a guest on a talk radio program, and did a cooking demo on the 10! Show. Katie even met a few more celebrity chefs who donated recipes for her book. She is very proud of what her book is doing to help other kids with cancer.

Katie is in 1st grade and loves going to school! Her after-school activities include Science Club, Brownie Girl Scouts and Jazz dance. Katie loves to read chapter books, ride her scooter with her friends, help with cooking or baking, and is always creating some sort of artwork that she shares with family and friends. She continues to go for her monthly blood draws, and her health has been good.

Kyle attends pre-school. He loves playing with trains, cars and trucks, and riding his tricycle with his big sister. He also enjoys books, painting, play dough, and taking things apart. He adores his big sister and wants to do everything she is doing. Kyle is fascinated with tools and likes to help John ‘build’ or ‘fix’ things whenever he can.

Every time we turn our Christmas lights on, Kyle yells: “Hooray! It’s Christmas again!” With Kyle’s curiosity and love for collecting things, we’re having trouble keeping ornaments on our tree. He’s also been quite helpful to Patty – by opening presents that have been wrapped as gifts for other family members or unraveling rolls of ribbon to decorate the furniture.

John has been VERY busy working on expanding/remodeling the kitchen and re-doing the deck to flow with the new kitchen. It’s a lot of work for one person to do, and is taking longer than he hoped. But, the plans are fabulous! It will be well worth the wait.

Patty is still a stay-at-home mom and has been busy selling Katie’s cookbooks at various craft fairs and events, volunteering at both kids’ schools, making fun soaps for kids (her hobby du-jour), and doing free-lance design work.

Life is pretty much back to normal again – and we’re loving every minute!!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!!

August 15, 2006

Katie is now a 17-month cancer survivor!!!

Oncology visits
Katie had her July and August CBCs -- all of her counts were in normal range! Next month she goes for a full work-up and we'll discuss her issues with pain.

Catching up on childhood illnesses
This summer has not been too kind to Katie. Each time she recovered from one illness, another one emerged. After her bout with HFMD, she was fine for a week or so and then came down with strep. A few weeks later, she had another strange rash and low-grade fever. She's been bruising a lot, but it seems to be in areas that are not of concern with her doctor.

Vacation at the shore
We enjoyed a week at the Jersey shore -- fun in the sun, beautiful sunsets on the bay, rides, boardwalk, swimming, good food -- and best of all, very relaxing!

For the first time since before Katie was diagnosed with ALL, we are finally enjoying ourselves again!!!

June 20, 2006

Katie is now a 15-month cancer survivor!!!

Kindergarten graduation:
Katie graduated from Kindergarten on June 9th. The ceremony was really nice. Katie said that she was really nervous before she walked down the isle, leading her class to the front of the church. When she started to sing, she said wasn't nervous anymore. Katie poured her whole heart and soul into the songs and poetry.

It was a very special night for John and I. A couple of years ago, we weren't sure if Katie would even be here. Watching her signing and enjoying herself was such an incredible feeling!! We are so blessed!!!!

The cocktail party and fundraising dinner on June 14th at georges' in Wayne was a really fun night. Katie artistically signed several books that were sold that night. There was a nice turn-out for dinner. We all had a fun night. We will post the money donated by georges' in events as soon as we get a total. Many thanks to everyone who came out to support us!!!

Oncology visit:
Katie had her #15 OT oncology visit today. She had her monthly CBC and physical. Her counts were all in normal range and she continues to do very well!!! Katie is still experiencing pain in her legs, hips and back. We are now keeping a detailed log that we will review with her oncologist at next month's visit.

Katie had a rash on her arms and face that I thought was a heat rash. After returning from lunch after her oncology visit, Kate complained that her feet hurt. She had a rash all over her feet, hands and buttocks. I took her to the pediatrician who said she has hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD). Fortunately she didn't have the mouth sores that often accompany the rash. Her pediatrician feels she probably caught it from someone at the pool. HFMD is contagious so we are to keep Katie away from other kids for a few days. The rash on her face and arms are probably a heat rash.

June 22, 2006 --

HFMD update:
Katie ended up with a fever and blister-like sores all over her feet and hands within 24 hours of seeing the pediatrician. She experienced a great deal of pain in her knees, lower back and hips that prevented her from wanting to play. She laid on the couch wanting to be cuddled most of the day on Wednesday and seems to have improved a bit today.

May 30, 2006

Katie is now a 14-month cancer survivor!!!

Katie had her #14 OT onco visit on Tuesday, May 16th. She had her monthly CBC and her counts were all in normal range!!!

Katie has been selected as a level-one (store-level) winner in the Kohl's Kids Who Care® youth volunteer recognition and scholarship program with the work she has done with her cookbook!! The program recognizes and rewards young volunteers (ages 6-18 years old) who transform their communities for the better. Her nomination is now in consideration for regional and national scholarship awards!! We are so proud of Katie and all her hard work helping other children living with cancer.

KATIE'S COOKING! is number one on the cookbooksforsale.com web site! We are very excited to be top on the list. Being on the top 5 list gives our cookbook great exposure on the web with cookbook enthusiasts!!

April 19, 2006

Katie is now a 13-month cancer survivor!!!

Katie had her #13 OT onco visit on Monday, April 17th. Her CBC came back with an elevated white cell count and ANC. Her platelets and red blood cell count were in normal range. We are hoping that she is just fighting a bug. We will keep a close watch on her for any other signs that something could be wrong.

Katie’s Cooking!
Katie and her cookbook have been in the news several times over the past week. To link to the newspaper, radio and TV articles and stories, please visit: IN THE NEWS on www.katieswish.com

At the 10! Show, Katie and I were waiting to get into "make-up" and we saw Katie's swim instructor, Justin, getting into the Camden River Sharks mascot costume. He was going on before us. Katie got a kick out of seeing someone she knew who was going to be on the show the same day.

All the attention this past week has not phased Katie a bit. She was a little nervous and shy during all the interviews, but has been enjoying the experience.

The exposure has been great for sales. We are happy to announce that the first printing of the cookbook has sold out! The second printing is expected in mid-May. We are not sure at this point if it will be in time for Mother's Day. Please check back to our web site in early-May for more information.

Please remember all children diagnosed with cancer in your prayers. It is a long and difficult battle for the children and their families, and every prayer helps. Many thanks for your continued prayers for Katie.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Katie became 1-year-survivor on March 19, 2006!!!!

Katie finally hit one of the big milestones after treatment ends —1-year of EFS (event-free survivorship)! She had a full work-up at her last oncology appointment getting a CBC with differential, liver function test, EKG, echocardiogram, 24-hour holter, urinalysis, physical, etc. All is as expected. Thanks to the orthotics and her swimming classes, there is a noticed improvement in her strength and balance since her last physical in December.

John and I are also very proud of Katie’s academic progress. She got her progress report from school last week and it said that she is above grade level in Math and Reading! With all the chemo she had, there is a possibility of it affecting her cognitive abilities. We are so happy that there are no signs of that yet. We’ll keep praying that this continues.

Katie’s 1-year party and cookbook kick-off....
Chef Andrew Masciangelo, Executive chef of Savona Restaurant, was honored when asked to participate in Katie's cookbook. Savona opened their doors on Sunday, March 19th to toast 1-year of survivorship for Katie and her cookbook. The restaurant normally closes at 2pm on Sundays. The entire restaurant was opened for this celebration.

The food was spectacular!! The guests enjoyed food stations on each floor, butlered hors d' ovures along with many different wines donated by the Wine Merchant in Ardmore/King of Prussia. There was an estimated 200 people that came out to celebrate, and purchase cookbooks that were signed by Katie. The event was covered by NBC (channel 17 at 10pm and channel 10 at 11pm).

What a wonderful way to start a new year for Katie. We can’t thank everyone at Savona enough for hosting such an incredible event! And, thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate with us!

Katie’s Cooking!.......
CN8 (the Comcast network) let us use their booth at The Book and the Cook Culinary Festival on March 25th. Nani watched Kyle all day so we could do our thing at the tradeshow. Katie was signing books, her cousin Samantha, Aunt Annie, and Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop helped hand out flyers and sell the books. My dear friends Terri and Bob helped draw people to our booth. It was a really fun day! Many thanks to CN8 for letting us use their booth, and for everyone’s help!!!

We received 500 of Katie’s cookbooks on March 9th, and began packaging and shipping the pre-paid books the next day. Over the past 3 weeks, as people picked-up their books or received them in the mail, more and more orders have been flying in. We are almost sold-out!!! We’ve already put our re-order in and are expecting the books to arrive the first week in May.

Here’s what’s coming…
April 1, 2006 - 5:00 to 6:00pm -- Live on the air with Celebrated Chef Michael Gilletto, MCFE, FMP. We will be talking about Katie's Cooking! with Chef Michael Giletto during his culinary radio talk show on WNJC 1360AM - Philadelphia's Renaissance Radio Station.

April 14, 2006 - 10:00 to 11:00am -- 10! Show on NBC10. Katie will be on the 10! Show on Friday, April 14th whipping up her favorite recipes from Katie's Cooking!

There are several other things in the works. As soon as they are scheduled, we will let everyone know. You can always check our web site for the latest info on events and happenings. http://www.katieswish.com

Changes to our web site....
We have had a few emails sent to us recently that were a bit unsettling. Just to protect our privacy, we have restricted access to the journal entries and photos on our web site. The Katie’s Wish web site will be strictly for our organization with information about childhood cancer, fundraising events, and the cookbook. http://www.katieswish.com

It’s unfortunate that this had to happen. When we have photos to share, we will email a link to our family and friends so you can see them. We will continue to share our journal entries, some photos and the guest book on Katie’s Caringbridge site.

Many thanks for your continued prayers for Katie. Happy Spring!


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dietician appointment....
Katie went to see a dietician a few weeks ago. We were given some tips on helping her eat less calories — not necessarily healthier. I don’t feel that giving a child who had cancer —or any child for that matter--“diet” food filled with artificial sweeteners and all kids of crazy chemicals, is a good idea. I had explained that many kids treated for ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) end up having a weight problem. The dietician hadn’t dealt with any kids treated for cancer. She didn’t seem to think there was much of a concern with the extra few pounds Katie has. We were told to just weigh her every month and see how things go. If Katie’s weight continues to grow faster than her height, we will look for a dietician that has experience with kids who have been treated for ALL.

Katie in school and extracurricular activities.....
When we received Katie’s report card several weeks ago, she was doing outstanding in school!!! She joined the reading club at school and finished the all books for the year in early January!! The one area that she did not do well in (if you compare her to the other kids) was in PE. At first, she was very upset that her PE scores were below average. John and I explained to her that her muscles are still recovering from all the chemo she had. She knew that she has been improving a great deal and that she can do many more things than she used to be able to do. I told her that every three months when she goes for her full check-up, Dr. Julie will tell you how great she is doing. She asked me why her PE teacher didn’t know that she was improving. I told her that I had never told her PE teacher that she had cancer, so he didn’t know all the things she had been through. I guess I never thought about her being graded in PE or how she would react to it. I need to speak with her PE teacher and find out how they base their grades. She will probably never be as fast the other kids. And, comparing her to the other kids in this area could shy her away from wanting to try harder.

Katie is now taking 2 swimming classes a week and is doing very well. She wants to try tennis and cheernastics (cheerleading, gymnastics, and dance combined). She is also very interested in learning to play the piano and guitar. John and I are supportive of any activity she wants to try. We’re going to let her do a few tryouts before we sign her up for anything else. She is so excited about everything — school, swimming, reading, music. I just love her enthusiasm and attitude about life!!

#11 OT appointment.....
Katie had her #11 OT appointment with the oncologist on Tuesday, February 21. Her CBC was normal! She returns in a month for a CBC with differential, liver function test, urine analysis and physical. After March 19, 2006 she will be a 1 year survivor! Go Katie go!!

It’s hard to believe that it has been a whole year since Katie had her last chemotherapy, and that in less than a month she will be considered a “1 year survivor”. We are so proud of her!! This is a huge milestone for anyone who has been through cancer treatment. We hope that everyone who reads this update will share in our joy and take a moment to sign Katie’s guest book.

Please continue to keep Katie in your prayers.

January 17, 2006

Katie is now 11 months OT and a 10 month survivor!!!

Katie had her #10 OT appointment with the oncologist on Tuesday, January 17 which included a CBC. Her counts came back normal! She returns in February for another CBC.

Katie started swim lessons at a new place last week. She LOVES it! In just two lessons, I’ve noticed a huge improvement in her confidence, form and strength. In a few weeks we will add a second swim class for her so she will be going twice a week.

Cookbook Update
We haven’t received a delivery date from the printer yet. As soon as we have a date, we will let everyone know.

In the next week or two, we will have the online ordering set up so we can accept orders with credit cards. Please check our web site www.katieswish.com for more information.

Once again we would like to thank you for your continued prayers and support!


January 3, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

The days following Katie's last oncology appointment were probably some of the more stressful days we've had since Katie's diagnosis. Although Dr. Leahy told me not to worry about her while blood cell (WBC) count in her last CBC, they are haunting me. As many of you know, Katie was diagnosed on Christmas eve three years ago. And here we were, a few days before Christmas, and her WBC count is elevated -- which is one thing that could indicate leukemia being present.

Since Katie's diagnosis, John and I tend to overdo it with Christmas for the kids. Starting with the day after Thanksgiving (which is around when Katie started showing signs of serious illness in 2002), the decorations come out and the holiday music starts playing. We try to make each day the week leading up to Christmas an event at our house, with the Christmas movies and music playing, cookies baking, and the kids making ornaments for our tree. The inside of our house turns into the Griswold's at Christmas! The kids love it, and the house is filled with the joy of Christmas.

This Christmas was different. The cookbook didn't to go to print until almost mid-December which held up my Christmas shopping and decorating. A week later, I pinched a nerve in my neck which made it difficult to finish decorating, and wrap gifts. Then Katie got sick with a VERY high fever complete with hallucinations, a nasty cough, and then an ear infection in both ears. They Kyle and I caught whatever she had and we were all on antibiotics. Katie missed a week of school and wasn't up to making the decorations for the tree or helping me bake. She just laid on the couch watching movies and sleeping. The whole thing put John and I in a 'weird worrying funk' with flashbacks of Christmas 2002.

Katie looks and feels MUCH better, as do Kyle and I. Although we didn't get to do most the things we wanted to do over the past couple of weeks, we all enjoyed Christmas.

Being on treatment is very stressful and being OT has it's own kind of stress that's just as tough at times. It does get better and easier as each month passes, until something like the abnormal CBC with a high white blood cell count happens. It's hard to explain the feelings and thoughts that immerge, but I know those who have been where we are know what I'm talking about.

Here's to a new year filled with joy, good health, good CBC's and no stress!!!

December 21, 2005

Katie had her #9 OT appointment on Tuesday, December 20th which included a CBC and physical with Dr. Ann Leahy and Pattianne (the NP). Katie wasn’t feeling well — fever of 102, cough and chills — which was reflected in her CBC. Her blood counts were: WBC = 14.3 (normal range is 4.0 – 12.0), PLTs normal, Hgb normal, and her ANC was 10,868 (normal range is 1,500 – 8,000). Dr. Leahy said that since Katie is not reached the 1 year survivor mark, she will continue to feel illnesses longer and harder than kids who haven’t gone through treatment. So a typical cold that would last a couple of days for a “normal” kid will last for a week to 10 days for Katie, her fevers will be higher, cough will be more severe, and her aches and pains more intense.

After looking her over, both Pattianne and Dr. Leahy said that whatever she has is going to get worse before it gets better, and that I should consult with her pediatrician if I suspect her ears and lungs are being effected. Boy were they right! By the afternoon, Katie had spiked a fever of 103.5, was vomiting, and was complaining of a backache and severe headache. I called Katie’s pediatrician to see what I could do for her. They were really not much help. After waiting 4 hours for them to call back, I spoke with the nurse because the doctors were not available. She went through the basic “to do’s” for fever and vomiting, and suggested ibuprofen (which Katie is not allowed to have). I explained that we are “in transition” with Katie being OT but not a year OT. She had never dealt with a child who had cancer and didn’t know how to answer my questions. Calling the oncologist on-call at CHOP wasn’t an option because again, she is OT and no longer has port. John and I spent the night, waking every couple of hours to tend to Katie. She’s still running a high fever and isn’t able to eat. If this continues, I’ll take her to the pediatrician tomorrow.

During Katie’s onco appointment, Pattianne checked her balance and strength. Pattianne noted a great improvement since her last physical 3 months ago! Dr. Leahy recommends that Katie continue to swim and take ballet, gymnastics or Karate classes to help boost her balance and strength even more. We discussed seeing a dietician as many kids end up with weight problems and eating issues after going OT. Katie’s appointment with the dietician is at the end of January.

I mentioned my concern about Katie’s back and hip pain. I am to keep a log as to when it occurs and the activities Katie is doing before or during when the pain starts (after this illness passes). Many kids who are cancer survivors experience chronic pain. I will call Katie’s Orthopedist (Dr. Dormans) to find out his thoughts on the pain Katie is experiencing and possible connection to her osteopenia from the leukemia and steroids, and the compression fractures she had at diagnosis. Hopefully he can shed some light on her pain and how to deal with or treat it.

We can't thank you enough for keeping Katie close to your hearts and in your prayers. Please continue to pray for her and for all children who battle cancer. Wishing you all happy holidays and a healthy 2006!

Happy Holidays 2005

Dear family and friends,

This past year has been full of joy and thanksgiving for us. Christmas eve will be the 3rd anniversary of Katie’s diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Katie has remained in remission since New Years day 2003!! She went off treatment (OT) in February -- she no longer has to take any medicines or chemotherapy drugs!

Katie has monthly visits to her oncologist for complete blood counts (CBC) and other tests. Katie is still experiencing effects from some of the chemotherapy drugs she had while on treatment. She has fatigue in her legs and weakness in her ankles. Katie went to physical therapy for a few months. She has an exercise routine that we do at home, and wears orthotics. They help relieve the fatigue so she can walk and run without tiring easily. Katie is also experiencing chronic back and hip pain which we will address again with her oncologist.

We celebrated the huge milestone of Katie going OT with a party given by the Kisses for Kyle Foundation which offers financial help to families who have a child being treated for cancer. Our immediate family and some of Katie’s friends were treated to a feast by Cater To You, pottery painting, music, games and balloon animals. Katie said it was the best party ever!

We also celebrated with a trip to Disney World given to Katie by the Make-A-Wish Foundation which grants wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses. We were guests at Give Kids the World Village, which is a special place for kids whose wish is to go to Disney World. The Village is run completely from corporate and private donations, and isn't associated with any of the parks in Orlando. There are around 90 staff members and over 900 volunteers!!! Every one of the 92 wish families that they house, had their own villa and rental car. Katie was given a special pass that got us into the rides and attractions at the Disney World parks without waiting in line! It also allowed her to have private photo/autograph sessions with the characters!

While we were in the Village, we went horse back riding, went to a birthday party for Mayor Clayton (the big rabbit who runs the place), celebrated Christmas with Santa, played in the arcade, raced motorized boats, went swimming, played in the water park, went on the Carousel, and even went on a train ride and an evening carriage ride around the Village. There was a huge interactive model train set-up and Ole Elmer (the giant snoring tree) that Kyle really loved. We ate many of our breakfasts and dinners at the Gingerbread house, which is filled with hundreds of vintage toys. Everyone’s favorite place was the ice cream parlor where we could get all the ice cream we wanted, when we wanted!! The whole trip was truly magical!!

Having a child with cancer had a profound effect on our lives. In April of this year, John and I started a non-profit organization called KATIE'S WISH. Through our web site -- www.katieswish.com -- we provide families with valuable resources and links to general information about childhood ALL, survivorship issues and related topics. We also share information about local and national events that help children living with cancer and their families. Since the launch of the KATIE'S WISH web site 8 months ago, we’ve had over 22,100 hits to our web site!!

Our fundraising efforts assist charitable organizations that help families who have a child living with cancer. In the Spring, Katie held her first lemonade stand to benefit Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for pediatric cancer research. She hopes to do one again next year. In October, over 65 people joined our team for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s nationwide Light the Night Walk, where I gave a speech at the opening ceremony. Our team raised $3,189.00 to help fund blood cancer research. Throughout 2005, our online childhood cancer awareness shops have been raising money for Gilda’s Club Delaware Valley, which helps families effected by cancer.

To commemorate her going off treatment, Katie wanted to create a cookbook to help other kids living with cancer. The response was overwhelming!! KATIE'S COOKING! a cookbook celebrating life after childhood cancer has over 780 recipes from more than 80 celebrity chefs and TV personalties, restaurants from around the country, national magazines, food companies, culinary schools, family and friends who have graciously donated their favorite recipes. The cookbook, which will be available in early 2006, will benefit The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Division of Oncology, Kisses for Kyle Foundation, and Gilda’s Club Delaware Valley. We extend our gratitude to everyone who donated their recipes, time, and money to help make this project possible.

Sandra Lee, host of the popular Food Network show Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee, and NY Times Best-selling author, was touched by Katie’s story. Sandra wrote the introduction in the cookbook and helped us get recipes from Rachael Ray, Emeril Lagasse and some others! In September, Sandra invited Katie to NY City to meet her. We spent some time chatting in her hotel lounge and then Sandra took us to the Central Park Zoo. It was a really fun day!

Katie will celebrate her 6th birthday this coming January. She enjoys swimming, ballet, reading and cooking, and loves going to Kindergarten. Kyle is a typical 2-year-old boy who is always on the go. He loves playing trains and making messes every chance he gets. They both give John and I so much joy!

On behalf of John, Katie and Kyle, we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for the ever present support you have shown for Katie, our family and KATIE’S WISH. Please continue your prayers for Katie, that each day brings her closer to being cured. We wish you all the happiest of holidays and a healthy 2006!

Much love,

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Katie is 9 months OT and an 8 month survivor!!!

Oncology appointment:
Katie had her #8 OT appointment for a CBC on Tuesday, November 15th. All of her blood counts were in normal ranges -- always a relief when I get this news. I’ve been a bit concerned with Katie’s increased fatigue, but it’s probably from being at school for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. She’s also been taking swimming and ballet classes after school, which I’m sure are adding to the fatigue as well.

Katie is still complaining of pain in her back, hips and legs. The pain comes and goes at various times of the day and night. I haven’t been able to connect the pain with any particular activity yet. There was an article in the recent Candlelighter’s Childhood Cancer Foundation’s newsletter about chronic pain in childhood cancer survivors. I’ll have to re-read the article and consult with Katie’s oncologist at her December visit, when she will have a CBC, urinalysis, and a physical.

Physical Therapy:
Katie has been going to PT once a week over the past month. She has new permanent orthodics that she wears in her shoes. Per Katie’s request, the ordodics we made with pretty pink and purple flowers and a pink strap (very girly girl!!). The orthodics help relieve the fatigue in Katie’s legs caused by the vincristine (chemo) that weakened her muscles while she was on treatment. She loves to wear them! I’ve noticed an improvement in her gait — no more feet slapping at the end of the day. Katie was given exercises to strengthen her ankle muscles and legs. She does these exersizes at home several days a week. She will continue to wear her orthodics until she out grows them in about 8 months or so. Katie goes for her last PT appointment on December 2nd.

We remain thankful for each and every day, and for the ever present support you have all shown for Katie, our family and KATIE’S WISH. Please continue your prayers for Katie and all children who battle cancer.

Many hugs,

For the complete journal entry and more information about the items listed here, please visit our web site at www.katieswish.com

Holiday Gift Giving to Benefit Kids with Cancer:

• KATIE’S COOKING! a cookbook celebrating life after childhood cancer
Save $$ and pre-pay for your order ($18 plus shipping). Will ship in January and the selling price will be $24.

The calendar is full color and contains photos, quotes beautiful artwork created by children with cancer during their visits for treatment at Children’s Hospital.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Katie is 8 months OT and a 7 month survivor!!!

Katie had an evaluation with a physical therapist on Friday, October 14th. She was fitted with temporary orthodics to help strengthen the muscles on her outer leg muscles and on her ankles. This will help with the flopping feet that are a result of the vincrisitne. The flopping is most noticeable when she is tired and towards the end of the day when she gets home from school. The orthodics, which run from mid-foot to mid-calf, will help force her to use the muscles that are weaker. Katie returns next Friday for a follow-up.

Katie had her #7 OT appointment today, October 18, 2005. All of her blood counts were in normal range and her ANC was good!!! She also got her flu shot. After talking with the NP about her PT visit, Pattianne (the NP) felt that we should also focus on her hip muscles. Her theory is that with the steroids adding bulk to the kids in their mid-sections, it leaves their hips weakened, which results in not being able to run and keep up with the other kids. She suggested we work on her hips in PT as well as her legs. Katie returns in a month for another CBC.

The Light the Night Walk was Saturday, October 15. The weather was beautiful!! There were 1200 registered walkers, and many, many more who were not registered but participated in the walk. We had a great turnout for our team -- around 65 children and adults!! This year was extra special for Katie. She celebrated 7 months of survivorship, and she walked the entire 2 miles!! Thank you to everyone who walked with us and/or donated money to help fight blood cancer!! We appreciate your support.

I am often asked when we will stop worrying about the leukemia returning. It is always on our minds. The mornings of Katie’s CBCs are nerve racking and very stressful for me. The nurses and doctor won’t see a smile on my face until I see that Katie’s labs are normal and they say “Everything looks good!”. We celebrate each month of survivorship that goes by, and it does get a tiny bit easier as each month passes. Maybe someday we can get through a day without thinking about it. But, for now, we will worry — every time Katie feels tired, every time Katie gets a bruise, every time Katie looks pale, every time Katie gets a fever, we will worry. We worry about Kyle when he feels feverish, looks sick or has bruises, too! Maybe some day we will be able to rest easy — but not today.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the love and support you have shown our family. We hope you will continue to keep Katie in your prayers.

Many hugs,

July 19, 2005

Happy Summer!!!

Katie had her #4 OT appointment today, which included a CBC and a short visit with Dr. Julie to discuss some concerns we've had. Since John or I don't know what late effects (from the chemo) to expect, we always turn our questions to the oncologist before calling her pediatrician regarding any symptoms she has.

Katie has been doing VERY well. Her counts this month were all in normal range (WBC 7.9, Hgb 12.7, Plt 325, ANC 3476). Lately, though, she has been complaining of headaches and nausea. Several days/nights a week she has been asking for Zofran for her belly aches. I'll need to keep a log of what/when/where her headaches and nausea are happening so we can figure out why she's having them. Instead of Zofran, I give her Tums to help settle her stomach upset.

Katie lost her first tooth while we were vacationing at the Jersey shore a couple of weeks ago! She was excited about it coming out, but not thrilled about letting the tooth fairy have it. So, it is safely tucked away in her drawer so the tooth fairy can't find it. She's got her second loose tooth now, and she has already told me that the tooth fairy can't have that one either!!

Camp Sparkle at Gilda's Club is a huge hit with Katie. She's been going three days a week and is loving all the crafts and activities they offer. They've done tie-dyed shirts, paper maché and Mandalla art. Area restaurants are donating lunches for the kids which include pizza, sandwiches, and chicken nuggets!! Special guests come in each week to talk about various topics like sun safety, gardening, animals, making musical instruments, and scrap booking. Plus they have free time to play in the playground. It is such a fun time!



Many, many thanks again to all of our sponsors and contributors!! I know many of you are anxiously waiting to receive your cookbooks. We are still in the process of inputting the last stack of recipes and sponsor ads, plus editing and proofreading the cookbook, and finalizing our HUGE list of participants. As soon as the book goes to print, we will have a better idea of when the release date will be.

Due to the overwhelming response, Katie's cookbook is MUCH BIGGER, and BETTER than we had anticipated. We may be faced with the possibility of having to raise the price of the cookbook a few dollars at the time of it's release. We truly believe it will be well worth it!! We will continue to take pre-paid orders at $18.00 per book through Labor Day (September 5, 2005).

The pre-paid price of the cookbook is $18.00, plus $4.95 shipping for the first book, $2.00 for each additional book. If you are I the area, you can save on shipping and pick up your order. Download the order form on our web site at www.katieswish.com. Orders can be mailed to us at: KATIE'S WISH, PO Box 44, Montgomeryville, PA 18936-0044


Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers for Katie and our family.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Happy Summer!!!

Katie recovered quickly after starting her antibiotics for her ear infection and pneumonia. She was able to get a few more days of camp in at her preschool before it ended. This past week, Katie finished ballet. She did very well at her end of session performance and will move up to the next level in the fall.

Katie had her #3 OT appointment today, which included a CBC and physical. She did great!! All her blood counts were in normal ranges. She has shown improvement in her balance and strength. Our goal over the next few months is to get her to eat healthier foods and move away from the "white" foods she craved while on treatment. I will contact a nutritionist in July if things don't improve over the next couple of weeks.

The big news that Katie wants to share is that she has her first loose tooth!!! Plus, she has two big kid teeth coming in on the bottom! She's is very excited about the tooth fairy coming when her tooth falls out. The funny thing is that she thinks she's going to get $10-20 per tooth!!! Yikes!

Alex's Lemonade Stand Days were June 10-12. Katie held her Alex's Lemonade Stand at our house on Saturday, June 11. She worked the stand all by herself and she raised $48.52!! Great Job Katie!! Congratulations to all the kids (and grownups) who worked so hard to raise money for pediatric cancer research.

If you weren't able to make it to an Alex's Lemonade Stand, you can still donate online at: www.alexslemonade.com

Many thanks to all of you who have contributed to Katie's cookbook project!!

The response for the cookbook has been phenomenal. We are still in the process of inputting, proofreading and organizing the recipes. We will continue to accept recipes and sponsorships up to July 10th, and then that's it. All monies for sponsorships will also need to be to us by July 10th.

The recipes and sponsorships can be emailed to katieswish@comcast.net or mailed to us at: KATIE'S WISH, PO Box 44, Montgomeryville, PA 18936-0044

It has been so exciting seeing the enthusiasm over this project. There are a lot of events being planned for the Fall 2005 and Spring 2006 revolving around the cookbook. We will keep everyone posted!!

For more information about Katie's Cooking for a Cause cookbook, please go to www.katieswish.com

We wish everyone a happy and safe summer! We continue to be thankful for each and every day, and for the ever present support you have all shown for Katie and our family.

Saturday, June 4, 2005

Katie's been running fevers of 102.1 to 104.9 for the past several days. The first day with the fever (Tuesday, May 31st), she had no symptoms other than back and leg pain. I called her oncologist and she told us that since Katie is off-treatment and no longer has a port, we can contact her pediatrician.

I was able to take Katie to the pediatrician right away. He said that sometimes other symptoms don't present themselves until 12 hours after the onset of the fever. We were to go home and call if she had any other symptoms with a fever. If the fevers continued without any other symptoms, they would do a CBC to rule out relapse.

John and I were relieved when she started coughing and sneezing on Wednesday. The fevers continued but were slowly going down. She still had back and leg pain, and now headaches. I called the pediatrician on Wednesday and he said to continue giving her Tylenol to reduce the fevers and ease her discomfort. We were to wait and see how she does as the days go on.

This morning (Saturday, June 4) she was complaining of an ear ache. John took her to the pediatrician who found that she has a left ear infection and pneumonia in her right lung. She's on antibiotics and has a follow-up appointment next week. Hopefully, she'll be bouncing back to good health very soon.

Katie is being treated like a normal child now, not an oncology patient. It feels VERY strange to be going to a pediatrician again. Fortunately, this group is a CHOP group and they will consult with the oncologists as needed.

Katie graduated from preschool on May 27th and started a 9-day camp at her preschool on May 31st. She got to go to camp the first day and hasn't been able to return since she's been sick. Katie is pretty upset because all of her friends are there, and she's worried she won't get to see them again. Hopefully her pediatrician will say it's OK for her to go for the last couple of days of camp this week. We'll have to plan lots of play dates with her friends this summer.


We are still accepting sponsorships and recipes, but the deadline is drawing very near. Please send your recipes and sponsorship monies to us by June 15 to be included in the book. Thank you!!

For more information, please visit our web site at http://www.katieswish.com

We continue to be thankful for each and every day, and for the ever present support you have all shown for Katie and our family.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Katie had her OT visit #2 appointment on Tuesday, May 17. Her blood counts came back NORMAL!!! Her ANC was 3796, WBC 7.3, Hgb 12.0 and Plt 314. WAHOO!! We are thrilled! It is still very stressful for us as we anticipate each monthly CBC. I guess we're always waiting for the other shoe to drop. There is a HUGE sigh of relief when her blood counts look good! This is the first time we've seen "NORMAL" counts for her!!!

Katie still shows signs of neuropathy (side effect of the vincristine) which has not improved since her treatment ended. When Katie and Kyle are running around the house, their foot steps sound the same -- like a slapping sound. In Kyle case, he hasn't developed his muscles for the proper heel-to-toe movement yet. With Katie, the muscles and nerves were weakened from the vincristine and need to be strengthened. She'll be starting her physical therapy soon.

Katie's eating habits are still poor. She says she feels hungry often and craves very salty or bitter foods. She has been eating whole lemons (rind and all) without even showing a pucker!! When I mentioned this to the NP at the clinic on Tuesday, she said that her sense of taste is still off and her taste buds haven't regenerated yet (again from the chemo). This will gradually improve over time.

Katie's weight has been steadily gaining with little or no growth in her height, which is apparently very common when kids first go OT. We need to start her following the new food pyramid to assure she is getting all the proper nutrients she needs to be healthy, and less of the things she craves (like white bread and salty foods). She can also start taking a multi-vitamin now.

We continue to be hopeful that her cancer is "a thing of the past" and she continues towards being a normal child. Katie is doing very well and she looks good. She is scheduled for her next CBC with a full panel (liver function test, cholesterol, etc) and a physical with Dr. Julie on June 21.

12TH ANNUAL WISH CLASSIC (benefiting Make-A-Wish)

On May 16, the 12th Annual Wish Classic was held at North Hills Country Club to benefit Make-A-Wish Foundation. My Brother and Dad golfed, and my Mom, John, Katie and I joined them for dinner. Katie was the "featured wish child". It was a very lovely evening. My Dad gave a speech at the dinner. It was such a warm and touching speech that expressed the feelings we all felt from our magical trip to Disney World, and how Make-A-Wish made Katie's dream-trip a reality. It was beautiful!! Thank you, Dad!!!


We have started taking pre-paid orders!!

The order form can be downloaded from our web site. If you live near the Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania area and would like to save on shipping, you can pick up your order at our home. Please make a note on the order form that you will be picking up your books, and be sure to include an email address. We will email you when the books come in.

The best part about the pre-paid orders are the incentives, which have been generously donated by Sharon Snyder of Cater To You, LLC!! Thank you Sharon!!

The cost of the books are $18 (plus shipping if needed). The expected release of "Cooking for a Cause!" is sometime in August.

We still need more sponsors!!

We are looking for sponsors to help off-set the cost of producing the cookbooks. Whatever amount you sponsor, 100% will go to the charities. These sponsorships are tax-deductible. If you or someone you know are interested in being a sponsor, please let us know as soon as possible. Camera-ready ads and sponsorship payment must be to us by June 15th in order to be included in the book.

For more info, please go to www.katieswish.com

I don't know how we could have made it through the past two-and-a-half years without all of you!! Thank you again for your continuing prayers and support for our family. We truly appreciate it!!

Much love,

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

WOW! Katie's Wish trip was the trip of a lifetime!! Katie was treated like a true princess! Our vacation began with a stretch limo picking us up at our home and escorting us to the Philadelphia airport. We met my parents at the airport and were so glad they were able to go with us. As we got off the flight in Orlando, a Give Kids the World volunteer greeted us and helped us get to our minivan. Once we set foot in Give Kids the World Village, the fun began! The kids got gifts and we got our park tickets for Disney World, Sea World and Universal Studios.

Our villa, which was in a neighborhood-like setting, was an English Tudor style, and the surrounding villas were all different styles and colors. We had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, laundry facilities, an eat-in kitchen with all the conveniences of home, a gift basket of goodies and snacks, and a refrigerator stocked with beverages and frozen meals. The bathroom off the kid's room was enormous! It had a whirlpool bathtub and double shower that could fit 4 of us comfortably!!

The Village itself was so much fun!! There was horseback riding, horse and carriage rides, fishing in the lake, two heated swimming pools, and a water park. Julie's Safari Theater played the latest movies, and that's where we met some of the Disney and Universal characters. Amberville Train Station had an arcade, a computer room, a lounge with a large-screen TV, pool table, mini boat racing, a game room, miniature golf, a train ride, and a model train in an elaborate setup that you could interact with by pushing buttons to make different things move. There was also a arts and crafts, a playroom, and a beautiful carousel in the Castle of Miracles. (Village Scrapbook)

All of the meals we ate in the Village were free. If we missed a meal that was scheduled at the Gingerbread House, we could get a light bite at the Ice Cream Palace, which not only served delicious ice cream from morning 'til night, but served sandwiches and bakery items. We could also order pizza, or a continental breakfast delivered to our villa. Anything we needed, was provided for!!!!

The Village has over 990 volunteers and 95 employees. There are 96 villas for wish families (and all were occupied while we were there). There were also families who were put up in Disney hotels because the Village was full. The Village will be expanded during the upcoming year so they can hold more wish families. Everyone was so nice! It is truly a magical place!!!

We scheduled a tuck-in one night with Ms. Merry, a big furry rabbit who is also the wife of the big rabbit that runs the Village (Mayor Clayton). She came to our villa and played with the kids by jumping up and down on the bed with them, giving them special cards for sweet dreams, and tucking them into bed. Kyle kept trying to get out of bed, but Ms. Merry finally got him to get under the covers and stay put!! It was so cute.

Two days were spent at the Village enjoying the activities and swimming. We spent one day at Sea World and three days at the various Disney parks. We never made it to Universal, so we turned in our tickets for someone else to use. There was just too much to do in too little time.

At Sea World, Katie got to be in the VIP section at the dolphin cove. One of the trainers had the dolphins swim up to where Katie was standing so she could pet and feed them. She thought that was lots of fun.

The folks at the Disney parks were wonderful and so helpful. They really made this trip a dream-come-true for Katie. Despite the hour or longer waits at most of the attractions, Katie was escorted to the front of the line and given extra special treatment. We also had a special assistance pass that enabled us to take the stroller into places where they were not permitted. This made it great for both kids if Katie didn't want to walk or Kyle was sleeping. There were a couple of rides that Katie loved and once she got off, she wanted to go right back on again. "It's a Small World" was one of them. We got right on with no waiting, and when the first ride was over, we got right back on and did it again!! She was thrilled!!!!

Katie wanted to meet some Disney characters at one of the character meeting locations. There were 3 characters in each room with a wait of 45-50 per room. As the kids got their turn, they got a photo taken and an autograph and it's on to the next character. When I told them Katie was a wish child, we were all whisked behind the rooms to a back-door entrance. When we were told we could go in to meet the characters, they closed off the room behind us and Katie got to spend about 5-10 minutes playing, chatting, getting photos and autographs of the characters in each room. It was awesome!!! Katie was giggling and jumping up and down the whole time! Kyle loved meeting Pooh, Tigger and Mickey. He was rolling and crawling on the floor with Tigger and he kept grabbing Mickey's nose. Every time Katie wanted to meet a character, the Disney folks made it a special event for her!!

There is so much to tell about this trip. For John and I, it was the first time we weren't worrying about health issues with Katie. We felt so blessed to be able to enjoy this trip together, and we had so much fun!!! It was such a wonderful time for all of us, especially Katie. Since this was her trip, we let Katie decide what we would do each day. Of course at some time during each day, we made a trip to the Ice Cream Palace for some ice cream. A day at the Village is not complete without ice cream!!


KATIE'S WISH is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping raise awareness of childhood cancer, giving hope for families who have a child living with cancer, and raising funds for charities that help families effected by cancer.

So many people came to our aid over the past two years, we wanted a way to express our gratitude. Starting KATIE'S WISH is our way of giving back. We hope to help others facing similar situations as ours through our fundraising efforts and by sharing Katie's story.



PLEASE -- I NEED YOUR HELP!!!! Some one out there has to know some one who knows Emeril Lagasse. Katie loves watching his cooking shows. I have been trying for months to contact him and have gotten no response. I've written to his media and marketing departments, his culinary department, the food network, his restaurant in New Orleans, and Good Morning America (he's one of the chefs for the show), and have gotten no response from anyone. It would be such a thrill for her to get a recipe (or 3) from him that she can use in her cookbook. If any can help, I would really appreciate it!! And, it would make Katie SO HAPPY!!!

Time is running out for recipe submissions and sponsorships!! Please get your recipes to me by May 15th. We hope you, or someone you know, will sponsor this project. Please let us know by May 20th if you are interested in sponsoring. We can extend the time for the FRIENDS OF KATIE sponsors to May 30th, since there is no ad involved. Camera-ready ads and sponsorship payment must be to us by June 15th in order to be included in the book. You can contact me at katieswish@comcast.net

We hope you will take some time over the coming weeks to look at the photos from Katie's OT party and wish trip at http://www.katieswish.com. Thank you for all your love and support. Please continue to pray that Katie remains in remission.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Here's what's been going on since last update...


Katie had her 2nd OT CBC on 4/19. Her ANC was 2173!! Her while blood cells, platelets and hemaglobin are all in good ranges!! She's doing good!! Katie still has the rash on her face, head, neck and chest. We've been using an anti-itch dandruff shampoo, and Aquaphor and Cetaphil on her face, but it's not helping. She'll need to see a dermatologist.

Katie still has an abnormal gate -- her feet make a flopping sound when she walks and runs. Katie also still has difficulty going up and down stairs without stopping at each step with both feet. It's not as bad as it has been, but Dr. Julie feels she should start physical therapy now, because she should have had more improvement after being off the VCR for two months.

Katie no longer has to take her Bactrim!!! She is now completely med-free!!!

Katie's next CBC appointment is on 5/17. She will get a full physical and labs at the following appointment in June.



Lauren, our WISH consultant, met us at the clinic yesterday to go over the details of Katie's MAKE-A-WISH (MAW) trip to Disney World. She brought Katie some goodies -- a MAW backpack, a MAW T-shirt an a bunch of other goodies. There will be another family from CHOP going to Disney the same time we will. We have planned a few activities to do together. We will be saying at 'Give Kids the World Village', which is a special place for wish families to stay. It should be a very fun trip!!!



Katie was invited to cook with Stefano at his restaurant on Wednesday, April 13. She was overwhelmed and didn't want to participate much. So, she got a private cooking lesson from Stefano instead!! Katie also got a tour of the kitchen, met the other chefs and we all enjoyed an absolutely spectacular lunch compliments of Stefano!!!

Stefano's Ristorante Italiano is located at 2519 Huntingdon Pike, Huntingdon Valley, PA.



Katie went to a cooking class at Gilda's last night. Her 'girl cousins' (as she calls them) were there, too. They made brownies that were delicious. We are looking forward to next month's cooking class!!!



The recipes from chefs, restaurants, food companies, friends, and family are still rolling in! We have two restaurants in the Philadelphia area who will be hosting cocktail parties to promote the cookbook when it is released this summer. Chef Little of Everymay on the Delaware has offered to "use some of [his] influence to spearhead the entire chef side of the project." We are thrilled beyond words!!! We will keep everyone posted on the events and dates as soon as we have them.


Thank you so much for all the sponsors we have received already!!! For more information on becoming a sponsor, please go to Katie's web site or contact me at katieswish@comcast.net .



Thank you for the continuing prayers and support for our family. We truly appreciate it!!

Saturday, April 9, 2005

So much has been happening, I thought I'd update before Katie's next clinic visit on the 19th. All is well!! We've almost made it through another month OT!! Katie's energy level continues to increase and she's been acting like a regular kid again!!! Katie looks great despite the rash on her face and head. Another child, who went off-treatment just a couple of weeks before Katie, has the same rash. We're going to try some of the things her mom is doing for her. I hope it works.

Katie's OT party
Shortly after my last update, the KISSES FOR KYLE FOUNDATION celebrated Katie going OT by throwing her the "funnest celebration party ever!!!" Katie invited her cousins and neighborhood friends. There was music, singing and dancing, face painting, balloon animals, pottery painting, pizza and THE best spread of food donated by CATER TO YOU.

At the party, we announced that part of the proceeds for the Katie's cookbook will go to KISSES FOR KYLE. Sharon and Bob founded the KISSES FOR KYLE FOUNDATION in memory of their son, Kyle, who lost his battle with ALL. They were very surprised and thrilled that we were doing this to help their foundation. For more information about KISSES FOR KYLE, go to http://www.kissesforkyle.org/

Katie's Cookbook project SOARS!!
We have MANY famous chefs, restaurants and national food companies donating recipes to help with Katie's cookbook. The response we have so far is amazing!! Each day that I check my email, we have another restaurant or chef from somewhere around the country, sending us recipes! Katie is SO excited!! Please check Katie's BIG site for the latest. http://www.katieswish.com

Katie has been invited to cook lunch with Stefano at "Stefano's Ristorante Italiano" in Huntingdon Valley, on Wednesday, April 13. She is really looking forward to being a chef for the day!!!

OT support group for parents
The constant worry about Katie relapsing, what late-effects will hit her, and the threat of secondary cancers from all the chemo still plagues John and I. I doubt it will ever go away. I can say, for myself at least, it is getting better as each day goes by and I see Katie running, playing and smiling like she did before she had leukemia.

John and I went to the first monthly OT support group for parents of kids newly off cancer treatment, at the Specialty Care Center. It was very comforting to hear that others are going through and feeling the same things we are. We are looking forward to the upcoming meetings.

Family cooking day at Gilda's Club
Katie had a blast with her cooking class today at Gilda's Club. They made lady bugs (apples, peanut butter and raisins), ants on a log (celery with cream cheese and raisins) and ambrosia. Kyle wouldn't sit still, so he played in the playground and Noogieland before falling asleep in one of the meeting rooms. It was a very nice family event!!!

Katie's shops benefit Gilda's Club
Katie has some online shops where she sells apparel and gift items celebrating life, hope and cancer survivorship. For the past seven months two of the shops (Cure Childhood Cancer & Katie's Wish) have raised over $150 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Thank you to everyone who has purchased from her shops!!!

For the spring, we have added some new shops (which are still in development), and have new designs for the Katie's Wish Shop. Starting April 5, 2005, proceeds from all of Katie's shops will go to GILDA'S CLUB DELAWARE VALLEY. We are very excited to be doing some fundraising for this wonderful organization. GILDA'S CLUB DelVal has been a source of support and fun for our family, as well as many other families and individuals in our area who have been affected by cancer. For more information about GILDA'S CLUB, go to http://www.gildasclubdelval.org/

Thank you for everyone's support in our ventures and for your unending prayers for Katie's return to good health!!


Monday, March 14, 2005

Hi everyone,

Katie had her first OT appointment today!! All of her testing went well. She had an echocardiogram, EKG, urinalysis, CBC with differential and liver panel, and EKG holter for 24-hour monitoring of her heart.

Her ANC was over 1400, which is good. All of her other blood counts were in good ranges. Over the past month we have noticed increased energy and rosy cheeks!! Things that we haven't seen since months prior to her diagnosis!!

Her balance on her left leg is still minimal, she still has difficulty jumping with two feet at once, and going up and down stairs one foot at a time. If there is little improvement over the next few months, she will need physical therapy. We hoping this is just the vincristine and steroids still hanging around in her system, and not neurological damage. Time will tell.

Katie has an eczema-like rash covering her face and scalp which has been very itchy. We are treating it with Aquaphor and hoping it's just the winter months drying her skin. Again, time will tell.

We noticed a tubular-shaped bulge on her neck where the port tubing was. I'm concerned that some material may have been left behind when she had her port removed. Interventional Radiology is certain they got everything and said it is most likely scar tissue from having the port in for so long. Dr. Julie will be keeping a watch on it and may order an x-ray just to be certain everything was removed.

Katie will continue to take her Bactrim for the next few months. She returns for a CBC on April 19. She will have a full physical with her pediatrician in August and get the immunizations she is behind in. Katie will continue taking her swimming and gymnastics, both of which should help her regain some of her strength.


There is lots going on with Katie's cookbook. For all the details, you can go to Katie's BIG web site at... http://www.katieswish.com


We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for the love and support you have shown our family. We hope you will continue to keep Katie in your prayers.

Love to all,

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Katie was back at school on Monday, February 14th -- just in time for their Valentine party. She had her last dose of weekly methatrexate on Wednesday evening. Thursday, she started running a low-grade fever (99.7 - 100.5) again, which lasted through Saturday. Fortunately, it didn't go over 100.4 more than once.

Drum roll please.... she finished her last chemo (mercaptopurine) on Saturday, February 19! Katie is now officially OT (off-treatment)!!!!

The surgery went well for Katie's port removal. As of 9:30 this morning (February 22), Katie is PORT-FREE!!! Now we won't have to rush her to the ER at CHOP with every fever. We can finally unpack the perpetual hospital bag!!

After her surgery today, Katie wanted to go for a special lunch (pancakes at IHOP) and we went to Toys R Us so she could pick out a special off-treatment/no-port prize! She's still woozy and wobbly (but she'll tell you she's not!!), so we'll have to watch her for 24 hours. We are SO relieved to have the port out!!!

The clinic visits for OT patients are the first and third Tuesday of each month. This allows patients/parents who are OT to get acquainted with others in the same phase, and more time for the oncologist to spend with each family. Katie's first OT appointment is scheduled for Tuesday, March 15. She will have a series of tests done -- CBC with differential and liver function tests, urinalysis, echocardiogram, EKG, and EKG 24-hour holter. I will go through the details of these after her appointment.

It's hard to believe we've made it this far. During the thick of Katie's treatment, we were living for 'today'. Now we can look forward to 'tomorrow'! To quote a line from Katie's favorite movie (Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time), "The future looks bright!"

Please continue to pray that Katie remains in remission, and that she suffers NO long-term side effects from the chemo. Thank you for all the love and support you have shown our family throughout Katie's lengthy treatment. We are so blessed to have you all in our lives.



We've had a tremendous response for Katie's cookbook project! To-date, we have 67 recipe donors and 184 recipes, including favorites from an Emmy Award winning host of a national public television series, a local professional chef, and a New Line Cinema executive!! The diversity of the recipes we have received are wonderful -- from the exotic to the most basic, and from healthy to decadent!!

We still need A LOT more!! Please keep sifting through those recipes and send them as soon as you can.


Many people have inquired about the cost of the cookbook. I'm hoping to keep the cost at around $8-12 per book. This will all depend on the number of recipes and the quantity of books we print. If you would like to reserve copies, please let me know how many. These will make perfect birthday, holiday, and hostess gifts!!

Thanks so very much for all your help!!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Hi Everyone,

Katie was hit hard with the last dose of vincristine (VCR) on February 2nd. She was out of school for a couple of days with back, leg and hip pain. Then the low-grade fevers (99.5 - 100.0) and headaches hit, and she was out of school for another week.

Usually around ten days after Katie gets her VCR, her counts drop. That would be today. I took her temp this morning and it registered at 100.5. She has been acting fine and looks OK, so John and I aren't in a panic.

The fever rules: Since Katie has a port, a fever could be a sign of a serious or life-threatening bacterial infection. A temp of 100.4 or higher for 3 temp takings in 24 hours, or 1 temp of 101.2 or higher, warrants a trip to the ER for antibiotics. If her ANC is under 1000 she will be admitted, if it's over 1000 we can go home and monitor her for 24 hours.

We are packing for the hospital in the event that we have to go to the ER and she gets admitted. Katie's packing her essentials -- lip gloss, blush, nail polish, crayons, markers, coloring book, games, videos, play doh, her favorite blanket and hospital buddy (a bear that she made). That should keep her occupied for a couple of hours. :)

She is a week away from going OT and 10 days from getting her port out. I never would have thought that getting so close to OT would be this difficult for her. She's a trooper.

Please continue to pray for Katie. We really appreciate it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2005 5:47 PM CST

18 days/nights to OT!!!

Remember that nasty chemo that Katie gets every 28 days that makes her legs and back hurt, and causes her a lot of fatigue? Well, Katie had her last 'nasty chemo' (vincristine - VCR) today!!! Yippee!!! She starts her last 5-day DEX (dexamethasone - steroid) pulse tonight!!! Wahoo!!! These will be the last achey bones, weak muscles, moodiness, and steroid-craving weeks of her treatment!!

Katie had her last on-treatment CBC with differential today. As with every CBC, I worry from the moment the blood is taken until the doctor says "everything looks good". Her ANC was 1032. It wasn't quite high enough to jump her up to the full chemo dose, so for the remainder of her treatment, Katie's chemo will be at around 85-90 percent of the full dose. She will take her last chemo pills at bedtime on February 19, 2005!!!! She will continue to take her Bactrim (prophylaxis antibiotic) until the end of March.

We are so excited to be able to begin getting back into a normal, chemo-free, med-free life again. But, along with all of our excitement of her going off-treatment (OT), there is still a great deal of fear, anxiety, and worry. Fear/anxiety of the cancer coming back, and worry over what the 2 years and 2 months of chemo have done to her little body. Katie's journey through OT will consist of monthly CBCs, and many tests to determine the extent of damage the chemo has caused her.

Katie's port removal is scheduled for February 22 and she will have a CBC on the 21st to make sure her counts are high enough to handle the surgery. The first OT tests -- CBC with differential and liver function tests, echocardiogram, EKG, and EKG holter (24-hour monitoring) -- will begin at her first OT appointment on March 15, 2005.


We are very excited to announce that we have a celebrity recipe donor for KATIE'S COOKING FOR A CURE cookbook!! Christina Pirello, Emmy Award winning host of the national public television series, "Christina Cooks!" (airing on over 150 public television stations nationwide). At age 26, when after being diagnosed with terminal leukemia (AML), Christina decided to forgo conventional medical therapies and turned to a nutritional approach - whole foods - and cured herself. Katie is a huge fan of Christina's, so this is especially exciting for her.

We are equally excited and thankful to have Katie's preschool name KATIE'S COOKING FOR A CURE as one of their February service projects!!

The response for this project has been wonderful. We still need a lot more to make this project a huge success. So, keep sifting through those recipes and feel free to send as many as you want! If anyone would like to reserve copies of the cookbook, just let me know how many. I want to make sure we have enough to go around. Thanks for your help!!!


We ask that you please continue to pray that Katie remains in remission, and also pray that she suffers NO long-term side effects from the chemo. Thank you for all the love and support you have shown our family throughout Katie's lengthy treatment. We are so blessed to have you all in our lives.

Thursday, January 27, 2005 3:12 PM CST

Hi Everyone!

I took Katie to see Dr. Julie yesterday to get a CBC and a check-up. She still has a nasty cough but she looks much better, and all of her counts went up. Katie is finally back at school today after being out for three weeks.

Katie's ANC rose to 918 (from 330 on Saturday). We were able to restart her nightly and weekly chemo again last night to 40-60 percent normal dosage. When she returns for her final vincristine (VCR) IV push next Wednesday, Dr. Julie is hoping we can increase her chemo back to 100 percent for the duration of her treatment. We'll have to see where her counts and ANC are next week.

As of today, Katie has 24 more days/nights of chemo left!!!

We've got Katie's port removal surgery scheduled for Tuesday, February 22. We'll go to the clinic to get a CBC the Monday before. As long as her ANC and counts are good, and she has no signs of a cold or fever, they will go ahead with the surgery.

We have gotten a great response for Katie's cookbook -- KATIE'S COOKING FOR A CURE -- but we still need a lot more recipes to make this cookbook a success! You can E-mail or snail-mail your recipes to me. Please let everyone you know about this project!! The more recipes we get, the better the cookbook will be. Thanks for your help!

Please continue to pray that Katie remains in remission, and everything goes smoothly as she transitions into OT. Thank you for all the love and support you have shown our family throughout Katie's treatment. We are so blessed to have you all in our lives.

Saturday, January 22, 2005 3:33 PM CST

We're home!!!!

We're very surprised to have been set free today, and VERY happy to be home. Katie's ANC dropped to 169 yesterday. Her blood cultures came back negative. She wasn't allowed to leave the room until her respiratory cultures came back, and everyone entering the room (except John and I) had to be gloved, gowned and masked. At least it didn't bother Katie for her birthday.

John came with Katie's birthday gifts, a cake and lots of balloons. The nurses brought her another cake, pretzels, chips, fruit punch, and some presents so we could have a party in her room. We ate cake and snacks, and played board games all afternoon.

Her respiratory cultures came back negative last night. It was late, but Katie wanted to go for a walk to the playroom. She rode a trike around the oncology floor for awhile and then we watched a movie in her room until she fell asleep. Katie said she had lots of fun on her 5th birthday.

She said something funny before she went to sleep last night. She was flipping through the channels looking for something to watch and she saw a "big kid" show that she's not supposed to watch. When I told her that show was for big kids, she said, "Mo-om! I AM a big kid now. Didn't you remember? I'm five! I was such a little kid when I was four, but now I'm five and I'm allowed to watch this stuff!!"

Her ANC went up to 330 this morning. Normally the doctors like to wait for the ANC to show an upward trend for a few days, but with the snow coming, all her cultures coming back negative, and no fevers since yesterday morning, they decided to discharge her today. We were out of there by noon.

We're going to celebrate Katie's birthday all weekend. Since she has no restrictions on her activities, she can play in the snow tomorrow for a little while.

Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes. I've haven't gotten through all the emails and guest book entries with Katie yet, but she is so excited to get all the messages!!! Please continue to keep Katie in your prayers.

Thursday, January 20, 2005 AM

Hi Everyone,

Just to give you a quick background on ANC and fever... Since Katie has a subcutaneous port, we worry when she gets a fever because it could be the sign of a potentially life threatening bacterial infection. Low-grade fevers of 100.4 for three temperature takings in 24 hours or one temperature taking of 101.2 for warrants a trip to the ER or oncology outpatient clinic (if it's open). There, the child is put on antibiotics which vary depending on how the child appears and height of the fever, and a CBC is done.

Some of the blood taken is sent for a culture to see if anything bacterial grows. If the child's ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is under 500 and has a fever (as mentioned above), they are admitted for observation for a minimum of 24 hours. If a culture grows, the fever continues or they are still neutropenic (ANC under 500 - which means they can't fight infection on their on) the hospital stay is longer and will last until the ANC goes up, the fever is gone and the infection is gone. If the child's ANC is over 500 and their appearance meets certain criteria, there are some cases when the child just gets a 24-hour antibiotic and is sent home.


With all that being said, after Katie had her spinal tap and VCR, she experienced headaches, leg and back pain for a week. She was in too much pain to go to school. On top of that, she started running a low-grade fever of 100.3 (just 1/10 of a degree under the cut-off of 100.4) starting on the evening of Monday, January 10th. The fever continued for four days.

She still was running the low-grade fever of 100.3 on Friday, January 14, so I took her to see Dr. Julie. Her ANC had dropped to 832. Since her ANC was over 500, she could continue to take her meds and chemo at home, and I was to call if her fever went up or continued through the weekend.

Katie's fever went away by Saturday and she was back in school yesterday. She was very grumpy and whiny last night so I took her temp and the fever of 100.3 was back.

Here we are today. Her temp this morning was 100.4. I've got the hospital bags packed and my mom is ready to take Kyle in the event that we have to stay at the hospital. Right now, I'm waiting to take her temp again (she just ate) and quickly writing this update. If her temp goes down, we've bought some time and may not need to go anywhere. If her temp stays at 100.4 or goes up, we are heading to the outpatient clinic at CHOP where she will be evaluated. Dr. Julie is at CHOP today (and every Thursday), so we will get to see her.

Her temp is 100.9. I'm going to finish packing stuff for Katie to play with. I hope she doesn't get admitted and have to stay for her birthday tomorrow. The weird thing is that she really likes being in the hospital!!! I'll keep everyone posted.

Thank you for keeping Katie close to your hearts and in your prayers. Please, please continue to pray that she remains in remission, and that this fever is nothing more than a little virus. We deeply appreciate it.

Thursday, January 20, 2005 PM

Katie's fever continued until we got to the hospital. After getting her CBC (ANC went down to 600 ) and talking with Dr. Julie, Katie was going to be allowed to go home with her port still accessed. We were to return to KOP clinic in the morning for another CBC to see where her counts were going.

I asked to have her temp taken one last time before we left because I was worried that we would get home and have to turn around and go to the ER a few hours later. Katie's fever went up again, so she was given three different antibiotics in the day hospital and was admitted for a minimum 24-hour stay. She has developed a nasty cough and is loosing her voice, now --not a happy camper.

If you have a moment, please leave her a message in her guest book to wish her a happy birthday. Hopefully this will be a short stay.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Hi Everyone,

To commemorate Katie going off-treatment in February 2005 and to raise money for a childhood cancer charity (still to be decided), we are creating a cookbook called "Katie's Cooking for a Cure".

If you would like to "donate" your favorite recipes to be used in our cookbook, please email them me. The more the better!!!! We are hoping to have the book available for purchase in the summer, so "sift" through all your favorite recipes and get them to me as soon as you can. If you have a story or photo to go with it, please send it along with the recipe! If you would NOT like your name listed with the recipe, just let me know.

We are including anything and everything in this book!!! I'll separate the recipes into categories like entrees, side dishes, salads, steroid-craving dishes, desserts, high-protein, high-calcium, totally decadent, etc. Just let me know what categories they should fall into.

If you have tips for getting your kids to eat something nutritious while on chemo or for those *fun* steroid-cravings, please let me know. Anything that can benefit the CK (and their parents) is great. Family favorites are great also. This cookbook will be for everyone.

This book is being dedicated to all children who have battled cancer. If you have a child or know a child that you would like to be honored or remembered, please send me the child's first name, whether the child is on-treatment, a survivor or an angel, and a web address (optional). This info will go with the recipes also.

I will be including web addresses for resources and non-profits that benefit kids with cancer and healthy living, so please send your info for those.

This was Katie's idea and she is very excited about this project (and so am I). We hope we have a good response. Thanks for your help!!

Katie's birthday is this week. Please leave her a message in the guestbook!

Thursday, January 6, 2005

Happy New Year to all!!

Katie had a good month since the last update -- no trips to the ER!!! Her only complaint is that her back and legs hurt for a week after the IV chemo and her tummy is queasy from the mercaptopurine she gets every night. Other than that, she's been feeling great.

Katie was looking forward to opening presents from Santa. She woke up vomiting at 5am Christmas morning. She didn't care that she was feeling sick from her chemo, she just wanted to be sure that her waking too early didn't stop Santa from coming. We asked her if she wanted to check to see if he had visited us. John carried her downstairs to show her the gifts that Santa left. She got this cute little smile on her face and said, "OK, I can go back to bed now." She took her zofran, had some juice, some more sleep and was tearing through the gifts a few hours later, feeling great. Kyle was mostly interested in watching Katie and playing with the wrapping paper she tossed aside.

Katie had her last spinal tap and intrathecal methatrexate (chemo to her central nervous system) this morning. The spinal fluid was clear -- no signs of cancer cells. She also received her vincristine (VCR IV push) and some IV fluids since she was a bit dehydrated. Katie started her 5-day dexamethasone pulse this evening. Katie blood counts looked good, but since her ANC was high again, Dr. Julie increased her oral methatrexate to 7 pills weekly starting next Wednesday. Katie is scheduled to see Dr. Julie on February 2nd for her last VCR!! We will get her off-treatment road map (schedule) then.

We are excited and scared about Katie going off-treatment on February 19th. Without the chemo, there will be nothing suppressing the cancer if there are any undetected cells left. There is a 15 percent chance of relapse or reoccurrence of the cancer. Per Dr. Julie, the further from her off-treatment date she gets, the lesser the chance of relapse. We pray that Katie is one of the 85 percent of patients that is cured.

John and I will continue to watch for the signs that Katie had originally presented with -- unexplained back pain, petechiae, paleness, loss of appetite, and excessive tiredness. Katie will get monthly CBCs and check-ups with her oncologist or nurse practitioner. She will also have periodic echocardiograms and other tests to check for long-term side effects from the chemo. This will all be explained to us in detail at Katie's next appointment when we get her OT road map.

Thank you for keeping Katie close to your hearts and in your prayers. Please, please continue to pray that she remains in remission. We deeply appreciate it.

Happy Holidays -- Looking back at 2004

Dear family and friends,

Christmas eve 2004 will mark the two-year anniversary of Katie’s diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. It’s hard to believe we’ve almost made it through another year.

Katie has been in the Maintenance phase of standard treatment in protocol CCG-1991 since August 2003. She continues to get nightly chemo at home, an additional chemo every Wednesday evening, a prophylactic antibiotic two days a week, anti-nausea medicine and calcium supplements daily, IV chemo and five days of steroids every 28 days, and spinal taps with chemo to her central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) every three months. Katie is still fighting the osteopenia (a precursor to osteoporosis) brought on by the leukemia and chemotherapy.

Katie had so many trips to the ER due to fevers this year, we lost count. She had a few inpatient stays at CHOP due to fevers and low blood counts. The details of Katie’s battle against leukemia is documented on her BIG web site, along with lots of photos and links to many childhood cancer resources at http://home.comcast.net/~keharr/

We are looking forward to Katie ending her treatment on February 19, 2005, a month after her fifth birthday. We’re hoping her bone density increases when the chemo ends. As long as Katie remains in remission, her visits to the oncologist will gradually go from a monthly complete blood count (CBC) and check-up, to a once-a-year CBC and check-up with a survivorship oncologist after her five-year post-treatment anniversary. We will continue to pray that she stays in remission.

Through all the ups and downs she been through, Katie looks and acts like a normal child. She attends preschool and has made many new friends there. She enjoys crafting, swimming, cooking, singing, dancing and biking. And, she loves playing with her baby brother, Kyle, who will be 17 months old on New Years Eve. Kyle is very verbal and can say a few words. He does his best to keep up with his big sister, whom he adores.

Katie was featured on a brochure for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to help raise awareness for their Light the Night Walk. It was exciting to see her beautiful smile on the cover! We had a lot of fun preparing for and participating in the Walk this year. We want to thank everyone involved for your time and generous donations. KATIE’S WISH raised $5589.22 -- what a wonderful tribute to our hero, Katie.

This year, we actually got out!! We enjoyed many parties and classes at Gilda’s Club, and events run by CHOP. We were able to take a relaxing two-week vacation at the Jersey shore this summer. The kids had loads of fun playing on the beach and boardwalk. In spring 2005, we will head to Disney World for Katie’s Make-A-Wish trip, where we will stay at the Give the Kids the World Village.

Over the past two years, our focus was on Katie, her treatment, and learning more about leukemia. We hope that in the new year, we can relax a bit and focus on spending more time with friends and family. We are so very grateful for all of the prayers, thoughts and well wishes for Katie and our family. It helped us get through another year. We are truly blessed.

Wish you joy, peace and good health for 2005!

Much love,
Patty, John, Katie and Kyle

Thursday, December 9, 2004

Katie's been doing very well--no illnesses or trips to the ER this month!! I hope it continues through the winter. We're excited and scared about what will happen when Katie goes off-treatment. It will take her body over a year to recover from all the chemo. She will still be vulnerable to infection until her blood stabilizes. We won't be as concerned about fevers once the port is removed.

Katie started limping two weeks ago. There was no swelling or bruising around her ankle, but she was very protective of it. Her pain and limp seemed to get worse by Monday, November 22. I called Dr. Julie and she told us to come in that afternoon. Dr. Julie checked Katie's ankle and had her try walking different ways (toes, heels, jumps etc.). She felt the limp wasn't disease related so she didn't order a CBC. She believes Katie has a mild sprain and told me to observe her for the next several days to see if the pain or limp worsened. It took over a week to heal. We're relieved it wasn't a sign of relapse.

Yesterday (December 8), Katie received her IV vincristine (VCR) and started her 5-day DEX pulse. She had a good check-up--everything looked fine. Her ANC was too high again (3444), so her 6MP (daily chemo) was increased. Hopefully, this will bring her ANC down to the ideal range (1000-1500). She is scheduled for her last spinal tap (LP) and intrathecal methatrexate (IT MTX) on January 6 at CHOP.

Wishing you all much joy and the happiest of holidays!! We can't thank you enough for keeping Katie close to your hearts and in your prayers. Please continue to pray that she remains in remission. We deeply appreciate it.

Wishing everyone joy, peace and good health for the new year!!

November 10, 2004

Katie had a well visit with her pediatrician on October 27. She is in the 40-45th percentile for height and 45-49th percentile for weight. Her eye sight and hearing are in normal ranges. She is developing normally despite the leukemia and osteopenia.

Katie went to the ER on Friday evening, October 29th with a fever of 101.7. Fortunately her ANC was over 3000 so we were able to go home at 3am after her infusion of Ceftriaxone (a broad spectrum antibiotic). Saturday was spent catching up on sleep!!

She was well enough to go to the Halloween party sponsored by the Phillies for the kids of CHOP oncology on Sunday morning, October 31st. The Philly Phanatic and some Phillies players were there to entertain the kids and sign autographs. They had games, dancing, face painting, balloons, pumpkin painting, food and prizes!!! It was loads of fun!! At night, Katie and Kyle went trick-or-treating with some friends. Katie said it was the BEST Halloween ever!!

Katie went to the center today for her vincristine (IV chemo). Dr. Julie wasn't there, but Dr. Ann was (she does Katie's spinal taps). Everything went well with her exam and all her counts were good. She goes back in 4 weeks.

I expressed my apprehension about Katie going off-treatment (OT) with Dr. Ann. Here's what will happen... Katie will have her last LP on January 5th, and her last IV VCR on February 2nd. She will continue to take all of her meds at home through February 19th. Then, that's it--no more chemo! She can get her port out after her last VCR (we'll schedule the surgery at that time). Katie will still be monitored closely, returning for a CBC every four weeks and a full physical exam every 84 days.

I told Dr. Ann that we are excited and scared at the same time. Excited that Katie can begin to have a normal life again, and scared about her staying in remission without the chemo. Dr. Ann said that is a common misconception about being on chemo. Being on the chemo doesn't guarantee that she stays in remission. The longer she goes without relapse (cancer returning), the better. She said that kids could relapse in the bone marrow or in the central nervous system at any time, or, they may not. The doctors will be keeping a close watch on her CBCs every month after she goes OT, just as they have since diagnosis, to look for signs of a possible relapse.

They don't like to use the term "cured". "Event-free survival" is preferred, which means survival with out relapse or death. Our worrying will NOT end when her treatment does.

We can't thank you enough for keeping Katie close to your hearts and in your prayers. Please continue to pray that she remains in remission. We deeply appreciate it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Katie was able to get back to school on Wednesday, September 29. She did fine for a week and ended up with a low-grade fever again on Thursday, October 7 and was out of school for 2 more days. Fortunately, her fever didn't go high enough to have to take her to the ER. Katie was excited to get back to school on Monday and Tuesday this week.

Katie finally got to meet with her new oncologist today (10/13/04). Dr. Julie Stern is very nice and Katie took to her right away. Dr. Julie attempted to do Katie's spinal tap under conscious sedation today. It was a disaster! As soon as Katie started feeling the effects of the morphine, she started screaming. When the first vial of versed hit her, she started crying and swinging her arms and legs. It got worse with the second and third vials of versed. So, they stopped there. She did get her vincristine (VCR) before we left. She's been vomiting all afternoon. We are heading to CHOP in the morning to have the spinal tap and IT MTX under general anesthesia.

The good news, after her LP tomorrow, Katie only has one more LP in January. She has four more doses of VCR and four Dexamethasone pulses. We're almost down to four months of treatment left!!! February 19, 2005 she takes her last meds and chemo at home. We have started the countdown to OT (off-treatment)!!!

Katie was a bundle of energy on Tuesday night. It was 9:30 and John and I were trying to get her to go to bed (she usually goes up at 7:30). John asked her where she got all her energy. As Katie was jumping around doing her karate moves, she replied, "Power nap!"

Katie really threw me the other day when she asked, "What's the difference between antibodies and white blood cells?" I got stumped by a four-year old!! I had to look it up.

If you have a chance, please leave a message in Katie's guest book. She loves to hear from everyone. We can't thank you enough for keeping Katie close to your hearts and in your prayers. We deeply appreciate it.

Monday, September 27, 2004 11:16 AM CDT

This poor kid can't get a break!! Katie ended up with a fever again on Saturday. She slept most of the day and complained of an upset tummy. Her fever hovered around 100.7 for a few hours and then went up to 101.9, so we were off to the ER at CHOP around dinner time. (We've become regulars at the McDonald's at CHOP.)

We went through the usual difficulties accessing her port. It's been really tough on her. She doesn't like being in the ER and pleads with the nurses to "just get a room upstairs" for her. Her ANC and white blood cell count were very high again. They gave her a broad spectrum antibiotic, some fluids to fend off dehydration and sent us home.

She's still not feeling well. Her fever is still hovering at 101.9 and she still doesn't want to drink or eat anything. We are allowed to give her Tylenol but she refuses to take the children's or infant's because she doesn't like the flavor. She will take the adult Tylenol dissolved in a bit of water. It tastes nasty!!! Go figure.

We hope this isn't an indication of how this school year will be. Katie will be back in school after her fevers are gone and she's eating and drinking normally again (hopefully Tuesday).

Many thanks for keeping Katie close to your hearts and in your prayers. We deeply appreciate it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Who would have thought we would be happy about a viral meningitis diagnosis?!?! Katie is doing much better. She had some ups and downs with fevers and headaches, but seems fine now. It was very scary seeing her so sickly looking (again!). The NP called regarding Katie's follow-up and said that since she got her IV VCR (chemo) while in the hospital and is on 100% daily chemo at home, we didn't need to come in, unless she looked sick. We opted to stay home.

The effects of the IV VCR and her steroids have kicked in and are hitting her hard. Katie's been complaining of hip, back and leg pains, and is very tired. He mood swings are mild this round, but her white food craving is back. White bread, plain bagels, white rice, regular pancakes, plain pasta and pizza with the sauce and cheese scraped off seem to be her favorites this round.

Katie started pre-school today. She'll be going every morning from 9-11:30. She had a blast and was beaming ear-to-ear when I went to pick her up. We sat on the bench outside the school and she told me about everything she did today. I'm putting my trust in the teachers and parents of the 21 children in her class, to notify us if any child is sick or has exposed Katie to anything that could be life threatening (like chicken pox). It's a wonderful environment at the school and we are thrilled that she is able to go. I'll still be worrying every minute she's away from me.

Katie will hopefully get to meet her new oncologist on Wednesday, October 13th. We are going to attempt her next spinal tap and IT chemo under sedation at the King of Prussia Oncology Center. If it doesn't go well, we'll have to go to CHOP on Thursday and do it under general anesthesia.

For the latest information on KATIE'S WISH and Light the Night registration, how to make a donation and the Walk itself, please go to http://home.comcast.net/~keharr/pages/ltn.html.

Thank you for keeping Katie close to your hearts and in your prayers. You have helped us get through these difficult times.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 10:38 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Katie had her LP late yesterday and an MRI this morning. The results of the the CAT scan showed nothing of concern. The MRI of Katie's brain showed effects of the chemo she has been getting, but nothing more. The spinal fluid was tested and showed some white blood cells (which normally wouldn't be there). There was no bacterial infection and no leukemia cells (thank God). It did, however, show that she has a virus called "enterovirus PCR meningitis". This particular virus has symptoms of mild to severe headaches with high spiking fevers. The virus is expected to last 14 days or so. There is no treatment for it so we need to let it run its course. The oncologists feel confident that there will be no complications from it.

Katie was released from the hospital tonight. She spiked a fever of 103.2 by the time we reached my parents house to pick up Kyle. I spoke to the oncology fellow on-call and she conferred with the attending oncologist that was taking care of Katie at the hospital. They felt that the spiking fever was a result of the enterovirus and we could watch Katie through the night. We should look for signs of being disoriented, chills, shaking or convulsions, in which we would need to bring her back to the ER.

It certain gave us a scare and had the and the oncology staff very concerned with her symptoms (headaches, fevers, vomiting and nausea). We are so relieved that it was nothing serious. We just hope that the virus passes quickly and Katie's discomfort diminishes quickly. We have to follow up with Katie's new oncologist on Friday.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your thoughts and prayers.

Much love,

Tuesday, September 14, 2004 11:38 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Well, this summer has certainly been a rollercoaster ride for Katie. We were hoping September would be better, but we were wrong. Katie had a fever again over the weekend. We rushed her to the ER at CHOP with a 102.6 fever on Saturday. Her ANC and white blood cell count were unusually high and she was dehydrated. She was admitted for fluids and antibiotics, and was released after 24 hour observation with no fever and counts back into normal range.

Monday evening, after she was complaining of a severe headache and nausea, we took her temp again. She had a fever of 103.6. We were back to the ER at CHOP and she was admitted again. Once again her ANC and white cell counts were very high. The concern right now is the headaches and vomiting with fevers. She is getting a battery of tests to determine the source of her headaches. The oncologists want to check for menengitis, brain tumors, brain bleeds, and abnormal cells in her central nervous system (CNS). She had a CAT scan this afternoon. She is being preped for a LP (lumbar puncture and spinal tap) to check the CNS for abnormal cells. She may have the LP tonight or tomorrow before she has an MRI.

Need less to say, John and I are getting no sleep and are very worried. We are hoping that the headaches are migraines or something associated with her chemo that can be adjusted. We are waiting on her blood cultures and hoping there is no bactierial infection. Katie is having a tough time here and is feeling very ill.

Please say some extra prayers for Katie tonight. I am able to access my email at the hospital (pmharr@comcast.net).

Much love to all,


Sunday, September 5, 2004 11:03 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

We think the rash Katie had a couple of weeks ago was an allergic reaction to the Clindamycin. After speaking with another cancer mom who told me her son had the same reaction after he was finished with his cycle of Clindamycin, I spoke to Katie's doctor about it. We'll have to watch which antibiotics she takes in the future.

The vincristine (monthly IV chemo) hit her hard this month. She was complaining of back and joint pain. It hurt her enough to keep her from enjoying playing and crafting. It took her a week or so before the pain subsided. She was also very fatigued from it and napped almost every afternoon. I'm always glad to see her bounce back.

We went to the Specialty Care Center to get Katie's CBCs. We got to meet her future doctor, Dr. Julie. She seems very nice. We're looking forward to relieving some stress by not going to the hospital for routine visits.

Katie got to meet her preschool teacher last week. I had time to speak with the teacher about Katie's needs and how important it is to be notified if there are other kids in the class who are sick. I also gave her some pamphlets and a book about childhood leukemia so she would understand the treatment and side effects. Katie can't wait to start school in a couple of weeks. John and I are nervous about it, but Dr. Jill felt we need to focus on Katie's socialization and returning her to a "normal" routine.

We are still trying to decide if Katie will be swimming this fall. She will be going to school 5 mornings and we're not sure if she'll be able to handle swimming, too. She also wants to take ballet classes. We may have to wait and see how she handles school every day first.

Katie wants to create a new holiday called--"Kids day". She says, "It's like mother's day or grandparent's day, but instead of coming one time (a year), it's four days a week." I told her that everyday is kids day! With hands on her hips, her reply was, "Then where are all my gifts?" Hmmm. We'll have to talk about this.

We can't thank you enough for keeping Katie close to your hearts and in your prayers. We deeply appreciate it.

Much love to all,

Thursday, August 19, 2004 11:20 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Katie had another fever of 100.2 a couple of nights after we got home from the hospital. She also had signs of a cold -- sniffles, sneezing and a runny nose. I spoke to the oncologist on-call Thursday night (August 12) and she told me to check on her for a couple of hours to be sure her fever didn't go up. Katie was still on Clindamycin (antibiotic for her mouth sores), but it's not a broad spectrum antibiotic, so if her fever went up we would have had to take her back to the ER. Fortunately, her temp didn’t go any higher.

On Sunday afternoon (August 15), Katie started getting a rash on her face and chest. It looked like two different kinds of rashes -- a raised, individual, fluid filled rash like chicken pox and a flat, clustered rash. We spoke to an oncologist and she told us to go to CHOP's ER. John and I were in a panic because chicken pox is life threatening for kids on chemo.

The resident (low on the scale of experience) and attending (head doc) doctors couldn't determine the cause or type of the rash. They weren't ruling our chicken pox, but since she didn't have a fever, they sent us home and told us to go back to the oncology clinic in the morning. They said that illnesses with kids on chemo will present differently than "normal" kids and we should have an oncologist look at her.

Needless to say we got very little sleep that night. By Monday morning (August 16), the rash was everywhere on Katie -- on her scalp, palms, in her ears, eye lids and eye lash line, on her lips, in her mouth, on her privates, between her toes, bottom of her feet -- everywhere. And, her face was swollen from it. We were back at CHOP again and Katie was put in isolation in the oncology clinic. We had several nurses and two attending doctors (Drs. Leahy and Felix) look at her. They said it probably wasn't chicken pox, but again they weren't sure. Neither doctor had seen a rash this bad. They also said it may be a rash from an undetermined virus since she had the runny nose and low grade fever prior to the rash breaking out. They ran a CBC. We were told to give her Benadryl for the itching and return on Wednesday (August 18) for her scheduled appointment with Dr. Jill.

Katie had her IV vincristine on Wednesday. Her rash and itching was almost gone by then. Very weird. Dr. Jill thinks it was a viral thing. Katie has been feeling a bit cranky and tired, which is normal for her after getting her IV chemo. Her ANC went up to 1829, so we were able to get her back on her daily chemo. What a relief!! This was probably our last routine visit with Dr. Jill. We have decided to go back to the satellite oncology clinic in King of Prussia when it reopens in September.

Katie also had her bone density scan after her onco clinic visit and they found that she is a -2.2, which means she has low bone density and will probably need something to help boost it. I still need to consult with Dr. Dormans and Dr. Jill regarding what we can do.

After her appointments, we stopped to see her friend Isabel who is still inpatient but should be getting out soon. Isabel recently relapsed (came out of remission) for the second time. We also wanted to visit Jessica (I met her mom from ALL-kids listserv), but she was still in inpatient isolation for chicken pox. Our prayers are with both these kids and their families. Get well and get home soon!!!

Katie will be starting school in a month. I'm a bit nervous about it. I've been getting as much information together I can so that the school, teacher and parents of her classmates have a good understanding of her illness, limitations, and emergency procedures. We should be meeting with her teacher over the next couple of weeks.

Katie has been enjoying all of the emails, guest book messages, cards and visits she has had over the past several weeks. We can't thank you enough for keeping Katie close to your hearts and in your prayers. We deeply appreciate it.

Much love to all,


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 5:49 PM CDT

Hi everyone,

We didn't get the good news we were hoping for yesterday. Dr. Jill told me that Katie's ANC dropped from 112 Sunday to 40 on Monday. Her hemoglobin and platelets are holding and her white blood cell count went up slightly. We thought we would be inpatient for another 3 days or so. To our surprise, Katie's ANC went up to 117 today and all her other counts were on the rise.

Katie's been eating and drinking a bit more. Her mouth sore are healing nicely. Katie is in good spirits. She's been sleeping much better at night. Previously she was having nightmares, probably from the fevers, but she says her dreams are "happier" now.

So, with all that, Dr. Jill sent us home!!!!! It is so good to be home now. Of course Katie was very upset about leaving. She wanted to stay and craft for the rest of the day. We had to peel her out of the play room this afternoon so the nurses could "unplug her" (de-access her port). Once she got home, she was happy to see Kyle.

Katie and Kyle will be isolated from kids until Katie's counts recover. The Harr household will be "crafty girls central" for at least the next week or so. I hope I can be as fun as the craft ladies (Child Life) at CHOP.

It was exhausting being at CHOP. Not much to do other than whatever Katie is doing. Plus, Oncology not a very "happy" floor to be on. A lot of the kids are there for a long time (months) and other are too sick to leave there rooms. I ended up spending a lot of time thinking--which is not a good thing to do. SOOOO glad to be home and have Katie feeling better.

John brought Kyle over the weekend. I thought he would be so excited to see me and Katie. Saturday, he didn't recognize me!! I was heartbroken! Sunday, after a few hours, he let me hold him. Of course he loved seeing and playing with Katie. Maybe he was angry with me for not being home. (?) He finally warmed up to me after being home for a couple of hours. I've got a week of lost time to make up to him.

Thanks for all the emails, messages and cards. Keep them coming! Katie is enjoying them. I'll update again after Katie's next IV chemo appointment next week. Many, many thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.

Much love to you all,

Sunday, August 8, 2004

Thanks so much for all the encouraging emails for Katie. I haven't had time to respond to you each of you, but wanted you to know we got all the messages and we appreciate all your kind words.

We are still here at CHOP. Katie's ANC has been slowly increasing and then went down again. It's up to 112 today, but her platelets and red blood cells are a dropping. If they continue to go down, she'll need to get a blood transfusion. We're hoping to get out of here in a day or two provided her ANC is higher. She's still not eating much, but at least she's eating a bite here or there. As long as Katie drinks 2ounces of fluid every hour, they will keep her off the IV fluids. Her mouth sores have greatly improved.

Once we get home, Katie will have to be isolated from other kids until her ANC bounces back. She is due for her next round of IV chemo in 10 days. Hopefully, she'll have rebounded and will be able to continue with her chemo. It makes me very nervous for her to be off her chemo for so long. (Think positive thoughts...)

Katie has been feeling much better today and has become the social butterfly here. She had 2 play dates with Isabel who is a few doors down the hall. She has also been taping large notes to her window which overlooks the atrium. A girl named Maddy from the bone marrow transplant wing has been writing back. Katie made a card for her and had a nurse deliver it for her. Maddy came over to visit and brought Katie some Fruity Pebbles cereal and a drawing. She's enjoying her new friends.

Thank you again for keeping Katie in your thoughts and prayers. I hope my next update is from home.

Much love to all,

Thursday, August 5, 2004

We're still at CHOP and will be here for at least another few days. Just to recap what's been going on, I took Katie to the clinic on Tuesday afternoon for an unscheduled visit to have her mouth checked. Her face was swollen on the right side and she was complaining when she ate and drank. At the clinic, they did a CBC and checked her mouth sore. Dr. Leahy told us to keep an eye on things and bring her back if the sore got worse or she had a fever. Her ANC had dropped to 34. As I was getting her ready for bed that night, I noticed she felt warm. Her temp was 101.6. The oncologist on-call at CHOP told me to bring her immediately to the ER. After recieving infusions of 3 different antibiotics, she was admitted.

Yesterday, Katie's ANC was zero -- yes zero. That's means her body has no ability to fight anything. They swabbed the sore on her mouth, which is now spreading to both sides of her mouth. There was no bacterial infection found in her mouth sore and her blood cultures have all come back negative for bacterial infection in the blood. Huge relief!! She was taken off one of the antibiotics from Tuesday night and put on another that will prevent any infection in her mouth from forming.

Today her ANC was up to 25. She still hasn't been able to eat or drink anything since she's been here becasue of the pain from the mouth sores, which are on both sides of her mouth now. She has been on IV fluids since she was in the ER and they will continue until she is able to drink enough to keep her from dehydrating. They are also giving her morphine to ease her pain. She has been only able to eat popcicles.

Dr. Jill believes that Katie had a virus that brought her ANC down over the past two weeks. When Katie bit the inside of her mouth on Monday, it became inflamed, infected and made her ANC bottom out. It was just mind boggling to see how fast she deteriorated from Tuesday afternoon, when she first complained that her mouth was bothering her to when she was admitted. It was only a matter of hours!!! Goes to show you what low ANC and fevers can do to these cancer kids.

Today was a fun day at the hospital (that's a real oximoron!). It was Family Fun Day for the oncology kids, sponsored by Micheal's Way . They had crafts, face painting, characters, magicians, musicians, pop corn, snow cones, cookie decorating, caractures, and even Build-A-Bear. It had a lot of us cancer moms in tears seeing these kids have fun when they are so sick. Katie's favorite thing to do was the bear and cookie decorating. There ARE some very good people in this world.

I'll update again when I can. Please feel free to email me at pmharr@comcast.net. I'll be checking my emails from the hospital once a day. Thank you for keeping Katie in your thoughts and prayers.

Much love,

Saturday, July 24, 2004 7:41 PM CDT

Hi Everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying the summer so far. We had a fun time on our vacation. We spent two weeks with my parents and my brothers family in Ocean City, NJ. The kids had a great time at the beach and on the boardwalk. We rented a surrey, played miniature golf, went on rides, played on the beach, sculpted a mermaid in the sand and jumped waves in the ocean. The weather was perfect.

Katie had another fever a few days after we came home from the shore. We ended up taking her to the CHOP ER. Since her ANC was over 3000, we were able to go home after her infusion of Ceftriaxone (a broad spectrum antibiotic that is effective for 24-hours) and monitoring. It was a long night (7 hours in the ER until 2:30 am), but Katie was a real trooper the whole time.

Katie had her clinic visit at CHOP yesterday. She was scheduled for her spinal tap (LP), chemo to her central nervous system (IT MTX) and IV chemo vincristine (VCR). She was vomiting in the car on the way to CHOP and in the waiting area. We met with Dr. Powell for her check-up. He was hesitant to go ahead with the LP and IT MTX because of the vomiting and her sickly appearance. I told him she was probably sick from the 6MP (chemo) she gets each night and since she hadn't had any zofran in over 24 hours, a dose of zofran may settle her tummy and perk her up. He agreed to give her IV zofran and fluids. If she returned to "normal" within 5 minutes, he would consult determine what they would do.

Katie returned to her usual self within a few minutes. Drs. Leahy and Powell checked on her several times while she was doing her crafts in the waiting area. After an hour or so, they decided to proceed with her LP and IT MTX under general anesthesia. She received her IV VCR when she woke up. Everything went well. No blasts in her CNS.

Katie's ANC was 645. Since her ANC is low, Katie has to return for CBCs for the next two weeks and have her meds adjusted until they bounce back to where they should be. We'll have to limit some of her activities while her ANC is low to prevent illness and infections, and watch for fevers. She's been complaining of back pain and is very tired today, but she usually feels crummy after getting her LPs and VCR. Next month (August 18) she gets her IV VCR in the morning and a bone density scan in the afternoon. Hopefully we'll have a better idea of how thin her bones are and what measures we can take to improve them.

Katie's latest funny... She was whining almost non-stop all day today and it was really wearing me down. I asked her to please stop. She replied, "I wasn't whining ALL day. I took a nap for a little while!"

Many, many thanks to all of you for keeping Katie close to your hearts and in your prayers. We deeply appreciate it.

Much love to all,

Wednesday, June 23, 2004 10:14 PM CDT

Happy Summer to everyone!!!

Katie had a good month despite the nausea associated with the increase in the chemo. She has also been vomiting most mornings right after she wakes up. I'm getting tired of washing pillows and sheets!!! Her moodiness and defiance hit an all time high this past month. It should be 'interesting' to see how she does with this dexamethasone (DEX) pulse. I've got four varieties of pasta and chips on hand for when the cravings hit. I hope I got the right ones!!!

Katie did well with the port access and her check-up. Her counts were good. Her ANC was still a bit high despite the increase of the 6MP and methatrexate last month (ANC 2013). The oncologist said that they usually wait a full cycle (three monthly CBCs) before they would increase it again. Next month she goes for her spinal tap and chemo to the central nervous system.

Katie should be ending her treatment two years from the start of her Interim Maintenance #1 phase. She should officially end her treatment on February 19, 2005!


Prayers needed...
A long-time friend of mine is expecting her second grandchild in several weeks. During a routine ultrasound, the doctors discovered the baby has spina bifida (a neural tube defect that happens in the first month of pregnancy when the spinal column doesn’t close completely). Please pray for this child, the parents, and their families.


Katie decided to create another painted masterpiece. Kyle was sleeping so I went to do some laundry. After about five minutes, she called for me to come see her creation. "I used the kitchen table as my canvas. I mixed all the colors together to make a rainbow! Whatta you think?" Nothing else came to mind, but "Wow!" I wondered where I should start cleaning -- the paint dripping on the floor, the table, the chairs or the splatters on the wall!! Let's not forget the mess in the bathroom left behind from her cleaning her hands -- walls, sink, floor, step stool and my new towels!! Then she said "Oh no! Don't tell Daddy! Here's the plan... I'll distract him in the living room and you can give him dinner in there. If he stays in there, he'll never know I made such a mess!"

Katie has been such a drama queen these days. John and I try not to crack-up in front of her. Just the other day when I was putting her to bed, I told her no more TV. She started crying and said "No more TV forever? That's like---a gazillion years!! How un-fun!!"

I am constantly reminding Katie to use her manners. When she is polite, I often smile at her and tell her 'she's so cute.' One time she said, "I don't feel like using my manners anymore." When I asked her why, she replied, "I'm cute enough!"


We will be heading to Ocean City, NJ with my parents and my brother's family for two weeks. We are looking forward to a much needed vacation. The worst part of her moodiness from this DEX pulse will be while we are at the shore. Let's hope she doesn't have the whole family running away screaming!!

Many, many thanks to all of you for keeping Katie close to your hearts and in your prayers. We deeply appreciate it.

Much love to all,

Tuesday, June 8, 2004 4:29 PM CDT

Katie went for her monthly CBC and IV vincristine (VCR) on Wednesday, May 26. Her counts were too high again. Ideally, during Maintenance her ANC should be between 1000-1500 which keeps the leukemia at bay and she can still participate in relatively "normal" activities. For the past several months Katie's ANC has been in the 2500-4000 range and John and I have been increasingly worried. In February, her monthly IV VCR was increased. In March her nightly 6MP was increased. Now we're increasing her nightly 6MP and weekly Methatrexate (MTX). Dr. Jill doesn't want to make a huge jump with her chemo because her ANC can take a dive and then she would be off her chemo until her ANC recovers. Hopefully by next clinic visit we'll see numbers we want.

Every time Katie gets her IV VCR she also starts her steroid pulse, so every 28 days we have an interesting mix of emotions. At times, it's really hard not to laugh at some of the things Katie comes out with. I want to share a few doosies with you... Remember, she's 4... While sitting on the potty: "Oh gross!!! Mommy!!! My poopie smells like egg salad!! I HATE egg salad!! Come in here and smell it!!" Kyle grabbed one of Katie's drawings, excuse me, masterpieces. Here is the drama that followed: "It's ruined. Ruined, I tell you!! Ruined!! I'll never draw again!!!"

Oh, let's not forget the ravenous appetite. Her favorite snack these days is a toss-up between a kosher pickle and milk or tortilla chips with spicy salsa washed down with milk (yuck). After her THIRD breakfast (1. cheerios, 2. pancakes, 3. A bagel) the other day, she wanted potato chips and ice cream. I hold her that she had to wait until after lunch because it was only 9:30am. "After lunch!!! I already had breakfast, lunch, AND dinner!!! I'm ready for my midnight snack!!!"

Katie had her appointment with the head of Orthopedics yesterday. Comparing the x-rays from December 30, 2002 to the ones they just did for this appointment, they saw little improvement. Dr. Dormans requested a DEXA scan (bone density) be done. As he walked out the door, he said he will forward a letter to Katie's oncologist and inform her of his findings and list her medical conditions: ALL, past compression fractures, current spinal compressions, osteopenia and scoliosis. Scoliosis! When did that come up! There was a medical student in the room that explained that a lot of kids may have scoliosis and there is no explanation as to why they get it. The new spinal compressions which are in her upper middle back are where the abnormal curvature appears. Maybe there is a connection? They don't plan to do anything to correct it at this point. We'll see what happens after the DEXA scan.

Katie has been swimming her heart out since September. At the end of each session, she is tested to see if she's ready to move up to the next level. She has mastered all the strokes, kicks, breathing, and so forth, but isn't strong enough to swim with out the help of a floatation device (bubble). She has watched many other children be moved out of the 'Pikes' to the next level, and the next. Each time she says "If I work really hard, will they move me up to 'Eels'?" I try to explain that some of the chemo she gets makes her muscles weak and it's not her fault. Katie gets frustrated and disappointed every time I tell her she has to be in the 'Pike" class again. Katie was tested again last week and.... Drum roll please.... She was upgraded to an 'EEL'!!!! She was SOOOO excited! Hooray for Katie!!!!

There has been a noticeable improvement in her strength with the swimming and I wasn't getting a "warm fuzzy" from the camps I've been checking into. So, we'll be enrolling Katie in swim classes twice a week this summer instead of camp. We would like to set up play dates with Katie's friends, also. She's really misses everyone.

Katie's social worker contacted the the Make-A-Wish Foundation and recommended her for a wish. Katie had her interview with volunteers from Make-A-Wish two weeks ago. She wasn't up to speaking with the "wish ladies" that came to meet her, even after I told her that they were like Cinderella's Fairy Godmother. She had her IV VCR chemo that morning and she was pretty wiped out. She did visit with them and agreed with what I told them her wish was... "To go to Disney World to meet Kim Possible!!" In the event that wish can't be fulfilled, she had to make an alternate wish, which is... "To go to Hawaii to meet Lilo and Stitch!!" We're hoping one of her wishes will come true. We would like to make the trip an "off-treatment celebration" so we are hoping to go next spring.

If you have a moment, please leave a message in Katie's guest book -- and write often. She checks it everyday and loves hearing from everyone!! It makes us feel good knowing someone is out there listening, too. :-)

Wednesday, May 19, 2004 10:33 AM CDT

Katie has been going to Gilda’s Club for her cooking classes. She loves it there!! Most of Katie’s time with other kids living with cancer is spent at the hospital while waiting to get poked and prodded. So, it’s really good for Katie to have “nothing-but-fun” time with kids that understand what she is going through.

Katie had a few instances where she had blood in her stools. Fortunately, no fevers followed. We’re trying to get her to drink more water. Katie mostly drinks milk and goes through 2 gallons a week herself!! It’s great for her bones, but is adding to the constipation and hard stools. I’m trying not to give her the Miralax too often, because she then has trouble making it to the bathroom in time. My sister-in-law suggested soy milk. I’m going to ask Dr. Jill about the benefits of soy for Katie.

About a week following her spinal tap, Katie was complaining of severe back pain, headaches and was very fatigued. She also had bruising on her legs and was pale. Of course, I was fearing the worse -- a relapse (return of the leukemia). The back pain, paleness, and fatigue were her initial signs of having leukemia. I called Dr. Jill first thing in a panic and she assured me that it wasn’t a relapse because it would have been detected at her last visit. She said the back pain, headaches and fatigue were probably from the vincristine and intrathecal methatrexate (chemo given to central nervous system during the spinal tap). She wasn’t worried about the bruises on Katie’s legs, because that’s an area that most kids (not just cancer kids) get bruises. She told me to give her Tylenol for the back pain and headache, and to bring her to the hospital the next day if it didn’t get better. Fortunately, she was feeling better by the next day--not completely pain-free, but improved. She still has back pain on occasion. I will be sure to bring this up at her next onc appointment and with her orthopedist.

Katie had a lemonade stand at our community garage sale this past Saturday. She was SO excited about it because she wanted to raise money for the Leukemia Society's Light the Night Walk. This was all her idea. She made the lemonade from scratch (I helped a little) and sat outside for hours with her cousins Samantha, Christopher and Timmy. She was too timid to talk to the grown-ups, but this is what I overheard her saying to a few children that came by... "Will you buy some lemonade from me? It's for the Leukemia Society. The money is going to help kids just like me, and even grown-ups. I have leukemia." It brought tears to my eyes. Of course, the kids had no clue what she was talking about. They just wanted the lemonade. Katie raised $73.22!! We are VERY proud of all her hard work and are very thankful that her cousins were able to help her.

Katie goes to her next CBC and IV chemo appointment on Wednesday morning, May 26 and on Monday, June 7 to see her orthopedist (Dr. Dormans) regarding her osteoporosis. Kyle is scheduled for his MRI on Saturday, May 29. We’re praying that everything goes well for both of them.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Many, many thanks for your continuing thoughts and prayers! Until next update....

Thursday, May 13, 2004 12:12 AM CDT

Hello everyone,

Only nine (or so) more months of treatment to go!!! I haven't gotten an exact end-date yet, but Katie should be done with her chemo around Feb/March 2005. I can't believe we've made it this far and have remained relatively sane!

After stepping down from the Light the Night Committee, I still felt that I needed to help in some way. I was thrilled when the director of Light the Night contacted me and asked if I could lend my services to help create a brochure that would be sent to local businesses. These brochures are now on their way to businesses throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania. Hopefully, over the upcoming months, we'll see businesses in our area selling paper balloons to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Light the Night Walk. You can go to the photo album and see the front cover.

If you have a chance, leave Katie a message in the guest book. She would love to hear from everyone.

As always, keep those positive thoughts and prayers coming! We appreciate it!!! Until next update...

Monday, May 3, 2004 8:28 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Our Easter plans were squelched when Kyle came down with a bad cold and fever Easter morning. We tried our best to keep him away from Katie, but Katie ended up getting sick a few days later.

I called Dr. Jill at the first signs of Katie's cold on Wednesday April 15. She wasn't concerned about getting a CBC at this point, but told us since Katie had a port, we needed to watch her and call CHOP if she started wheezing or had a temperature of 101.4F or above 100.4F for 2 hours or more. We were reminded not to give her anything (like Tylenol) to mask the fever. Katie played and acted fine until around 4:30 when she complained of being cold. I took her temp and it was 99.7. I kept checking her temp until it was time to call the hospital around 6:45 when her temp reached 101.8. The oncologist-on-call alerted the ER that we were coming. We were off to the hospital by 7:00 and dropped Kyle at my parents.

We got to CHOP around 8:30. Katie was immediately seen by a nurse. Her fever was over 102. She was given Tylenol to bring her fever down, her vital signs were taken and her blood pressure was sky-high. We were put in a private room in the ER where Katie was hooked up to a heart monitor and was having her blood pressure checked every 15 minutes. There were two doctors that gave her thorough exams. The nurses accessed her port and drew several vials of blood throughout the time we were there. Katie's counts were good and her ANC was over 1500.

The oncologist-on-call was notified of Katie's condition and she spoke to me about a study that is being done regarding children who have cancer, ports, an ANC over 1000 and are coming to the ER with a fever. The study involved Katie getting a dose of a broad-spectrum antibiotic that will last for 24 hours and be permitted to go home instead of being admitted. If there is a line infection, the hospital would contact us and Katie would be inpatient for a minimum 7-10 days or until the infection was cleared. The oncologist-on-call believed (as I did) that the fever was due to her cold and not a line infection. We signed the study papers. Katie was given a 30-minute infusion of Ceftriaxone, they monitored her heart and vitals for an hour after the infusion, she was given a check-up by two doctors again and released. We were home and heading to bed by 4:00am.

We were told keep a close watch on Katie, and be reachable by phone until the hospital called with an "all clear". Everything turned out fine--no line infection. Katie is still coughing, but not a much as before.

Of course John and I were ready to get her port out right away since our trip to the ER with the fever was because she had a port. Without the port, we could have stayed home and given her Tylenol ourselves. After many discussions with John and Dr. Jill, we decided to keep the port for awhile longer. This was her first fever with the port and it turned out to be of no concern--just an inconvenience to have to go to CHOP's ER. It would be much harder on Katie without the port. She would have to have an IV placed every every 28 days when she would get her IV chemo. With the port, we put Elamax cream on her chest over the port area to numb the skin before they put a needle in the port. Katie says it doesn't hurt to have her port accessed, but just feels weird. She doesn't like seeing the hook needle they use in the port, but she would rather keep the port than get IVs.

Katie went to CHOP on Thursday, April 28 for her lumbar puncture/spinal tap (LP) and intrathecal methotrexate (IT MTX) under general anesthesia (GA) and her IV vincristine (VCR). It turned out to be a very long and stressful day. Katie started vomiting during what turned out to be a 2-hour trek to the hospital. We got there around 9:30 and everything was running behind at the clinic. We met with Dr. Evans--a bit of a shock since we were to see Dr. Leahy, but she was on vacation. Katie's counts were good. Dr. Jill stopped by to say hello and check on Katie, which was very nice since she's only in the clinic on Wednesdays. That made me feel a little better.

She got her LP/IT MTX and was still under while the nurse and the anesthesiologist were wheeling her bed back to her room in the day hospital. She started gasping for air--she was choking on vomit. UGH!!!--So, so scary to watch. I felt helpless while they doctor and nurse cleared her airway so she could breathe again. She was fine after a few minutes. Of course I was a basket case. After Katie came around, she ate a few graham crackers, the nurse gave her the IV VCR, removed the IV from her port and we were on our way home by 1:30.

I don’t know which is worse: doing a conscious sedation and watching Katie turn blue when 2 nurses have to hold her down so the oncologist can do the spinal tap, and then having Katie be crazed for a hour after, or the potential problems with GA like choking on vomit. I believe Katie has three more LP/IT MTX to go. Maybe it's time to go back to the conscious sedations. I'm going to discuss this further with Dr. Jill.

Just wasn’t to share this funny moment with you. Katie is hungry for graham crackers like they have at the hospital. I put a few on a plate and she has a fit. "They look different from the hospital ones." I assure her that they are the same brand as the kind that CHOP has. She wants ones from the hospital. OK, she changed her mind, she'll have rice Krispies in milk. "NO, not with milk, it's soggy!" I get a new bowl of dry cereal for her. "WHERE'S MY MILK? THE CEREAL IS DRY!!! WHY IS THE WINDOW OPEN??!! THE FRESH AIR IS BLOWING ON ME!!! I DON'T LIKE FRESH AIR! I LIKE THE OLD AIR!!!! Help me take of my dress, IT'S HOT!! WHY DID YOU CLOSE THE WINDOW, IT'S HOT!!! NOW MY CEREAL IS SOGGY AGAIN!!!! WHERE'S MY GRAHAM CRACKERS FROM THE HOSPITAL!!!! I just want to go outside and get some fresh air!" sob, sob, tears, tears... "Mommy, I love you. I just want to lay on the couch, now." Hugs, hugs, hugs... Kyle doesn't know what's going on! He's just looking at me and crying. Oh, my. How many days do we have left of this????

We found out today that Katie was exposed to Fifth's disease over the weekend. Even though her ANC was high last week, we don't know where she is now, so we need to keep a watch for a fever. We'll be heading to the ER at CHOP again if she ends up with a fever over 101.4 again. We'll also be watching Kyle for a fever and symptoms, also.

Kyle had his nine-month check-up today. He is 24.5" long and 23 pounds 9 ounces. He is hitting all of his milestones with the exception of crawling, but he's getting close. He can get himself around by creeping and rolling across the floor to try to get to what he wants. He is calling John "dada", me "mummy" and Katie "meme". He also says "hi" when you say hi to him. His pediatrician was concerned about the rate of growth of his head, so she ordered an MRI which is scheduled on May 29 at CHOP. She believes it's just "benign external hydrocephalus" (a big head) and told us not to worry. Yeah right!!

The worrying never ends. Thank you for listening to my ramblings! Many, many thanks for your continuing thoughts and prayers! Until next update....

Sunday, April 4, 2004 10:36 PM CDT

We've gone a full 28 days without a trip to the doctors!!! Yippee!! As long as Katie is well and shows no signs of being sick or low counts, we'll only have to go to the clinic once a month. It's very weird and a bit scary not going more often, but kids on Maintenance should only have to go every 28 days for their CBCs and IV chemo, and spinal taps every 84 days. It just taken Katie over six months into Maintenance to get to this point!!

We did have to call the doctor quite a few times when Katie's mouth was bleeding when she bit the inside of her mouth and when she had blood in her stool from her stools being hard. Dr. Jill wanted Katie taken off the daily laxatives because taking them long-term can cause problems. She suggested liquid Colace. I went ahead and ordered a bunch at the pharmacy -- expensive stuff, over $10 for a one ounce bottle and Katie needs to take 1/2 ounce every day! After Katie took just a third of her dose for the day, she vomited repeatedly. The poor thing could not get the nasty taste out of her mouth and was gagging for hours after. I felt so bad for her. I guess I'll be returning the unopened bottles of that yukky stuff!! I'm hoping I can get Katie to swallow the gel capsules of Colace. Apparently, there aren't any other stool softeners that are OK for kids.

After Dr. Jill told us to stop giving Katie the Zofran last month, Katie was still vomiting in the middle of the night. We put her back on the Zofran every night with her 6MP. And, Katie's dosage of 6MP has also increased to 50mg every night. Some mornings she wakes up nausiated, so I give her the Zofran in the mornings now also. It's working well at a half dose (1/4 teaspoon), so we will continue with that until we see a need for a change.

I was shocked when Katie's oncologist told us that we could have Katie's port taken out at any time now. I assumed we would have to wait until she was done her treatment. My initial reaction was --Great, get rid of it!! Then we don't have to worry about fevers.-- But after thinking about it, Katie would have to get an IV every time she needs her chemo and she really doesn't like IVs (who does). Her port hasn't given us any troubles so far, so we may wait a while. John and I have many, many questions for the doctor before we decide.

Katie hasn't lost any more hair. The hair loss she had last month must have been from a virus. It's a thinning and patchy hair loss. But, since Katie's hair has gotten longer, most people don't notice it.

Katie had her first haircut at the salon since before Thanksgiving 2002! She was thrilled! She wanted highlights, so Dawn got some styling gel and put it into a bowl and used a "special brush" to brush the "highlights" into Katie's hair. She even used a curling iron to add some extra curls to her hair. Katie was so happy with her new look. When I told her how pretty she looked, Katie looked at herself in the mirror and replied, "I DO look beautiful!!"

Many blessings to all. Enjoy the holidays. Thanks for checking in!

Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Katie was able to start her swimming classes on March 1st. She goes twice a week and loves it! It is SO nice to get out again! The monthly VCR chemo is still (and will continue) effecting her muscle strength. The swimming will really help boost her strength without risk of bone injury. It is also boosting her morale. She beams ear-to-ear when she's in the water and chatting with her peers. She loves showing-off her skills and wants to be the first to do whatever the instructor asks. Katie is really having fun!!

Katie has been riding her bike, running-around and playing outside while the weather has been nice. We're able to get out to our favorite restaurants with the kids again. Soon, we'll be able to get to the mall to go shopping--one of Katie's favorite things to do (we're in trouble!)!

Katie had her IV Vincristine (VCR). I mentioned to Dr. Jill that Katie's hair was falling out again. She said it was very unusual for that to happen now. They did increase her VCR from .9 to 1.0 which is not a big enough increase to cause hair loss. Dr. Jill feels it may have been a virus that is causing the hair loss--the lower ANC over the past two weeks may support that. The hair loss is slowing now. We'll see what happens with her hair in two weeks, which is usually how long it takes for the VCR to effect the hair follicles.

I also mentioned that Katie has been vomiting in the middle of the night. I've been giving her Zofran to help control it. There is no pattern to when she has been getting sick. I thought it would happen mostly on the nights she gets more meds (Wed, Thurs, and Fri), but it also happens on Tues nights when she only gets a half dose of her chemo and nothing else. Dr. Jill found that unusual and wasn't sure what was causing it. I'm to continue with the Zofran until Monday night and then stop. We'll see what happens. (A virus perhaps?)

Katie started back on the DEX on Wednesday. Just when Katie is getting back to "normal", she's back on the steroids and we're dealing with her mood swings again. Katie's latest thing is to respond to John and I with grunts (like Kyle's). We have no idea what she wants or is trying to say. When we try to hug her and explain that she needs to use words to communicate with us, she hits or kicks us. It is SO frustrating! Especially since Katie is VERY articulate, and on "normal days" is so loving. Dr. Jill says we need to maintain consistency, but to be aware when it's the steroids rearing their ugly heads. I found that 2-minute "time-outs" work when she's NOT on steroids--she will sit and listen to reason. When she IS on the steroids, there is no reasoning with her. That's when MOMMY needs the "time-outs"!

Dr. Jill will contact Katie's orthopedist to find out if she will need a DEXA (bone density) scan to determine how severe her osteoporosis is after being on treatment for over a year. We also discussed vitamins. Katie can't take any vitamins because the folate in the vitamins will interfere with the Methotrexate (chemo). As hard as we try to get Katie to eat a healthier diet all the time, the steroids (DEX) are causing her to crave salty, white food, and there isn't much we can do about that. Apparently, this is the norm for kids on chemo. Hopefully, when she's done her treatment, her healthy eating will return.

Until next time...

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