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Wow Gil and Ann. I was Gil's student at Notre Dame in 1976/77. I was just asked to give a talk about professors who shaped me, and Gil is definitely high on that list. I wondered about Gil and found this story, but also this resolve. Warmly, Ellen Duffy Naylor Notre Dame 1977 BA
Ellen Duffy Naylor <naylorellen@gmail.com>
Conifer, CO USA - Tuesday, November 2, 2010 8:40 PM CDT
Absolutely awe inspiring.
God bless...

Larry Moyer <ldmoyer@comcast.net>
Novato, Ca USA - Monday, August 24, 2009 5:06 PM CDT
fairfax, va usa - Friday, January 30, 2009 10:25 PM CST
gustavo <guanilo7@hotmail.com>
fairfax, va usa - Friday, January 30, 2009 10:23 PM CST
you are doing a very nice job.kudos
mrs kristl johnson <mrskristljohnson@yahoo.in>
cotonou, benin republic benin republic - Friday, January 23, 2009 11:33 AM CST
Dear Loescher family,

I read about Dr. Loescher's profound and moving story in Samantha Power's recent New Yorker article. My heart is with all of you, in awe of your courage, perseverance, and strength.

With my best,

Kathryn Berndtson
Baltimore, MD

Baltimore, MD USA - Thursday, January 10, 2008 8:37 AM CST
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New York, New York USA - Tuesday, June 26, 2007 1:09 PM CDT
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San Francisco, San Francisco USA - Friday, June 22, 2007 5:04 PM CDT
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Boston, Boston USA - Friday, June 22, 2007 6:31 AM CDT
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San Diego, San Diego USA - Thursday, June 21, 2007 6:32 PM CDT
You have my very best wishes for your continued recovery. I was the World Bank's mission leader in Baghdad on the day of the bombing, and would very much like to buy or borrow "Pulled from the Rubble". Can you tell me how I might be able to get a copy? All the best.
Saumya Mitra <smitra@worldbank.org>
Washington , DC USA - Saturday, March 10, 2007 11:46 AM CST
Gil Loescher is my half-nephew. His father, Burt, is my half-brother.
Ed (Eduard) Loescher <ed_loescher@msn.com>
Walnut Creek, CA USA - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:31 AM CST
Dear Mr. Gil Loescher:

I am currently a graduate student at The Fletcher School, which is part of Tufts University. I have read: The UNHCR and World Politics-a Perilous Path as well as Beyond Charity. At the moment I am writing my graduate thesis on Mrs. Sadako Ogata and thus I am naturally very interested in learning as much as I possibly can about the UNHCR and her tenure in particular. My analysis of Mrs. Ogata is focused on her skill as a negotiator. She recently received the Great Negotiator Award from The Program on Negotiation at Harvard. I was fortunate enough to help plan the event and meet her. She spent an entire day with us talking about her work as High Commissioner and frequently referencing her book The Turbulent Decade.

I am writing to first thank you for all of your work in the field. Your writings have truly helped me to better understand the role of UNHCR and the plight of refugees in particular. I tried to contact you at Notre Dame only to discover that you had retired and suffered from a terrible bombing in Iraq. I am absolutely amazed at your resolve and courage. You are a truly an inspiration.

The second reason for my e-mail is to see if there is any possible way that I can have access to the interviews you conducted with Mrs. Ogata both in 1993 and 2000. As well as the interviews with Irene Kahn and Soren Jessen-Peterson. I am hoping that you have published the interviews. Given that my thesis focuses specifically on Mrs. Ogata and her negotiating style interviews are the best source of data for my thesis. I found many of the references in your book to your interviews with Mrs. Ogata to address the heart of my thesis—namely her personal beliefs and thus the reasons behind her actions as High Commissioner.

Thank you for your time and your continued devotion to refugees around the world.

All the best,
Erin Egan

Contact info:

Erin Egan <erin.egan@tufts.edu>
Medford, MA USA - Friday, March 24, 2006 7:03 AM CST
Dear Ann and Gil,
I was recently listening to NPR while driving with my son Michael when I heard your daughter, Margaret, being introduced. She was being interviewed about her film which had just been shown in Washington, D.C. I believe. When I heard her name, I turned up the volume, and was shocked to hear about your horrifying experience in Iraq and the aftermath of recovery and rehabilitation. I was so impressed to think that Margaret produced such an powerful and sensitve film chronicling the experiences of Gil and your whole family throughout this terrible time. As I can see from your posting in December, Gil is making good progress and that is so wonderful to hear.
I was fortunate to work with you, Ann, at ACS Hampstead in 1974-75, and also to meet you, Gil, when you were busy with your studies. I can still remember the excitement of the publication of your book on China at that time!
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
All the best,
Jeanie (Barron) Colaianni

Jeanie Colaianni <jeaniecolaianni@yahoo.com>
Tucson, AZ - Monday, July 18, 2005 3:21 PM CDT
Dear Uncle Gil and Aunt Annie, We were so happy that the website is still going. We loved hearing about everything. We hope your Holidays were as special as you are. Love and Kisses Bridget and family
Bridget Loescher-Nino <I_m_nino@earthlink.net>
Florence, Az. USA - Sunday, February 20, 2005 11:35 PM CST
Dear Professor Loescher,

As I was to include your chapter on the origins of the international refugee regime into the reader I collect for my students (as I had done for many years) I pondered, how You were these days and recalled that You almost made it to the summer university the late Arthur and myself organized in Budapest at the beginning of this millenium.

I thought that it may be a drop of help if you learn that persons whom You have never met appreciate your heroic efforts and wish You all the best for the coming year.

Kind regards,

Boldizsar Nagy

Boldizsar Nagy <nagyboldi@ajk.elte.hu>
Budapest, - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 10:14 AM CST
Annie, Gil, Clair, Maggie and Joel,
Sliding down the cusp of 04 and sending you all my best wishes for 05. I may go out and bang two pots together and say peace to this world and may the earth's crust hang together.
Love Annie Fink

Ann Rose
S. Glastonbury, CT USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 11:45 AM CST
Prof. Loescher,

As you might have guessed--I am a former student and have been an admirer of your work and that of Arthur Helton. It has been 11 years since we last met-- when, as I remember, you were the faculty advisor for the Amnesty International chapter at ND. While at the risk that this sounds a bit like a confessional--I would like you to know that your work and the work of your colleagues has inspired this gal from South Texas to pursue the work of assisting immigrants and refugees. I have been keeping track of the website for over a year and would like to send you and your family all of best wishes for the new year. Thank you.



Faye Kolly <fkolly@hotmail.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 0:10 AM CST
Just thought I'd say hello and hope you're continuing to do well with your walking, Gil...hope Jane and Lucy aren't working you too hard!!!
It was a pleasure to meet you at MMC in June this year - best wishes for the continuing progress.
Juliette Dean (physiotherapy student type).

Juliette Dean
- Wednesday, September 15, 2004 1:19 PM CDT
It's Mario from Italy.
Three nights ago: I'm watching tv in an hotel room. Bbc. "Hard talk". I don't know that man, Gil Loescher, who is speaking about his life. Half an hour later: I know that I'm listening something I'll never forget. Today I've found out the website. So, finally: Gil, Loescher's family and friends, a poem for you (it's from the greek poet K. Kavafis) and love, and kisses.

As you set out for Ithaca
hope your road is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
angry Poseidon - don't be afraid of them:
you' ll never find things like that on your way
as long as you keep your thoughts raised high,
as long as a rare excitement
stirs your spirit and your body.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
wild Poseidon - you won't encounter them
unless you bring them along inside your soul,
unless your soul sets them up in front of you.

Hope your road is a long one.
May there be many summer mornings when,
with what pleasure, what joy,
you enter harbours you're seeing for the first time;
may you stop at Phoenician trading stations
to buy fine things,
mother of pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
sensual perfume of every kind -
as many sensual perfumes as you can;
and may you visit many Egyptian cities
to learn and go on learning from their scholars.

Keep Ithaca always in your mind.
Arriving there is what you're destined for.
But don't hurry the journey at all.
Better if it lasts for years,
so you're old by the time you reach the island,
wealthy with all you've gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaca to make you rich.

Ithaca gave you the marvelous journey.
Without her you wouldn't have set out.
She has nothing left to give you now.
And if you find her poor, Ithaca won't have fooled you.
Wise as you will have become, so full of experience,
you'll have understood by then what these Ithakas mean.

mario porqueddu <mporqueddu@rcs.it>
milan, italy - Sunday, August 22, 2004 12:40 AM CDT

Gil, I am having a hard time entering this message. I will try your email address again. Read your article on the Anniversary. Prayers continue to be with you. My best to Ann, Clair, and Maggie. Don McNeill, CSC

Don McNeill, CSC
Chicago, IL USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 3:08 PM CDT
Hi Gil,
This is Catherine Hill (Ann, I liked it when you started your journal entries that way). I also have one more contribution for you before the site comes down. I haven’t written before mainly because I thought you wouldn’t even remember me (as a long-ago student at Notre Dame (who actually ended up dropping your class (but only due to conflicts in the law school – I swear))) (albeit one who appreciates the treble parenthetical remark).
Anyways, (the preferred transitional device of a lover of bad grammar) I didn’t write because of that and to let you have your privacy and get on with your life, and for all the dumb reasons people don’t say something they want to in this world. But since the website will apparently be coming down soon, I was moved to write today, not just for myself, but as the representative for a silent class of people similarly situated. Namely, the tons of people whose lives you have touched over your career, however briefly, and somehow or another influenced for the better, but that you have not heard from over the past year. That, my friend, is a whole lot more people than you think.
As I write this today, your website tells me that it has been visited 64,576 times – now 64,577. That is an incredible statistic in itself. It doesn’t include, of course, those without internet access whose lives have been influenced by your work through the UN and the Red Cross, directly or indirectly, and the students like myself, who maybe benefited from something simple you had to say one day in class that really made us think about our lives and direction, and the world in which we live. We are all impressed and grateful that you continued to both “walk the walk” and actively work for change in the world, as well as to teach and influence those heading out into that world. There are people like us all across the world in this silent class.
How amazing your life and family must be to have resulted in such an outpouring of concern and support on this website. How great of ya’ll, in the midst of your personal crisis, to create this form of communication to share your personal lives on a daily basis and to allow others to follow your progress and finally be able to give something back as well. Your courage, strength, and commitment to a purpose are demonstrated in your daily life with your family as well as in your career accomplishments. Not a lot of people can say that.
You really have been an inspiration, not only to me, but apparently to thousands of others. You will continue to be in the future. Please remember that as you move forward now, and don’t forget the remarkable impact you have already made on the many, many people in the silent class. We appreciate it, and you, very, very much.
Good Luck and know that you remain in my thoughts and prayers,

Catherine Hill <catherinecrew@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 7:13 PM CDT
Thank God for people like Gil Loescher
Stan Handmaker <shandmaker@salud.unm.edu>
Corrales, NM USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 12:40 AM CDT
Dear Mr. Loescher,

The tragic bombing at the UN Baghdad mission last August 19th snapped something inside of me. I began a body of art work dedicated to Sergio Vieira de Mello and the other victims. I also designed with another artist an outdoor art installation entitled "Choose to Speak." Our project was selected for the finals by the City of Phoenix. As this August 19th approached I hoped I could share in some sort of observation and community reflection for the anniversary. That is how I found your story. Best wishes in your continued recovery...the world should never forget the sacrifices and courage of you and your peers. Kindest regards, Kate Timmerman

Kate Timmerman <kdtimmerman@yahoo.com>
Phoenix, Arizona USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 12:07 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers,

Yet another 'last' message! Thank you for all your entries over the past year. Your strength and determination individually and as a family is inspiring. Gil's progress over this last year has been amazing.

Also congratulations to Maggie and Joel. It sounds like a very special wedding day! I am sure you will be very happy together.

love to you all,


Lisa Smith
- Friday, August 20, 2004 11:40 AM CDT
In the past year I've thought of you and talked of you with colleagues and students at the Kroc Institute, but never yet written to say how inspiring the news of your progress has been. Reading the comments from dozens of Kroc Institute alumni from all over the world has not only brought home the breadth of your influence, but has put me in contact with some graduates we have been out of touch with. Thank you for all the ways you continue to connect us and inspire us. We can't wait to see you back at Notre Dame some day soon!

Anne Hayner <hayner.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 4:32 PM CDT
Dear Gil and Ann and family,

I wanted to add my voice today to say that I'm thinking of you all.

It was such a pleasure and an inspiration to finally meet you in Oxford this week and I just wanted to let you and the other readers of this guestbook know that our interview can be watched on the BBC Online website -


(We will put a picture from the interview on that page eventually but were technically unable to manage it today..)

Much love,


Ali Willis <ali.willis@bbc.co.uk>
London, UK - Thursday, August 19, 2004 1:14 PM CDT
Dear Gil and Ann, Clair, Maggie, and all your family and friends,

For the anniversary of the Baghdad bombing, I reviewed your journal and guest book and read the parts I’d missed. What an inspiration. What a blessing to be able to share in your year through the witness of such wonderful people. I “read up” from the bottom, the beginning, so I shared the suspense and the excitement with each milestone. Even so, what got to me most was the layers of both love and respect for you, Gil, and for the family, and how that kept building from week to week, month to month. And then almost before we could imagine it, there you were, speaking and writing for the moral vision and social justice your students of 20 and 30 years ago had recalled so vividly. Since the world is, as a matter of fact, riddled with the hatred and violence manifest in the bombing, it is redemptive to be able to see it refracted through the lens created collectively by this cloud of witnesses.

I guess I’m barely under the wire to put something on the website, which makes me pretty embarrassed. I couldn’t find my voice. But Lois and I are so grateful for Ann’s Christmas note letting us know. We’ll never cease to be grateful for the trip with you through Central America, where we saw the qualities of compassion and commitment your students and friends have written about. Most of all we’re grateful for Gil’s recovery and for the deep love you have all shown for each other in this time of trial.

Your friend,

Lowell Livezey

Lowell Livezey <llivezey@hds.harvard.edu>
Chicago, IL USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:24 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers, The Walshes arrive back in South Bend tomorrow so we will have total and complete news of you all. However, this page has been a blessing in allowing us to share what has been happening to you without disturbing your lives, so busy with adjusting to newness. Please know that you are in our hearts. Much love from Marjorie and Doug
Marjorie and Doug Kinsey
South Bend, IN USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 7:23 PM CDT
FLORENCE, AZ U.S.A. - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 10:16 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers - All good things must come to an end! But what a beautiful "ending" incorporating so many auspicious beginnings. Thank you all for sharing this astonishing and momentous year with all of us site junkies! Best wishes and love to all, Marya
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 12:00 AM CDT
Maggie gave us your web address yesterday.
We just wanted to say how much we enjoyed meeting such a wonderful family once again at Maggie and Joel's wedding party. It was a beautiful celebration and a perfect setting for such a happy day in the sunshine. We wish the 'happy couple' many years of good health and happiness together and look forward to following their successes.
With much love to you both.
Diane and Michael David (Valerie and Brian's cousins)

Diane and Michael David <dianedavid@onetel.com>
London, UK - Monday, August 16, 2004 10:24 AM CDT
So happy to hear of Maggie and Joel's wedding...ever since Mom and Dad told me the wedding was imminent I've been hoping that Gil would manage to walk with Maggie. I really didn't have any doubt though...when future generations look up "determination" in the dictionary they're going to find Gil's picture!

I'm so proud of all of you.


Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, il usa - Thursday, August 12, 2004 2:03 PM CDT
I wept happy tears over details of the wedding. What cause for celebration: a momentous event beginning as it should have, with Maggie on Gil's arm, surrounded by the presence and love of her wonderful family. My best wishes to Maggie and Joel, and my love to you all.
Joan Crovello <joan.c.crovello.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Thursday, August 12, 2004 11:35 AM CDT
Reading the last entry left me warm and feeling fuffy.

CONGRATULATIONS for tackling a long and sometimes anxious year bravely! We are proud of you all... and even better, congratulations to Maggie and Joel - welcome to the club!! What a beautiful way to end a year!!

How I wish i saw you all in the last week of July when I spent a day in Oxford!! anyway i look forward to meeting the "new" professor in the near future.

Love from Peter and Nyambura.

Monica Kathina Juma <monica@saferafrica.org>
Pretoria, Gauteng South Africa - Thursday, August 12, 2004 3:54 AM CDT
Glad to have read the final entry on the day itself! Thanks for keeping the journal going for us all for so long. Blessings on you all - hope to see you soon.
with love from Marion, Jon (currently in Sudan), Tess and Rowan

Marion Couldrey <marion.couldrey@dsl.pipex.com>
Oxford, UK - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 2:17 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers - I wanted to get in my 2 cents while the site is still available. It has been quite a journey and I know it will continue to be so for all of you. Congratulations to Joel and Margaret as they begin their life together. Hello to Matthew too if he is still with you! Much love to all, Marya
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 7:27 PM CDT
Gil, Ann and family,

All of us in the Alumni Association are thrilled to hear of your continued progress. May it continue and may you continue to be encouraged by the prayers and support of friends and family near and far. I look forward to reading of your return to work and writing in your important cause.

Peter Lombardo <plombard@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN US - Monday, August 9, 2004 8:32 AM CDT
Gil, Ann and Family - Best wishes in Life and all its wonders.
Lynette Parker <lparker@scu.edu>
San Jose, CA USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 6:10 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers,

I find it amazing that it has been nearly a year since the bombing; you must feel as though you have lived several lifetimes in the span of 12 months. I trust that in the coming months and years the challenges you face will lessen and you will be even better able to enjoy the world. The courage, love, determination and humor you have exhibited are unparalleled and I know they will stand you in good stead as you move forward (puns intended)! I shall continue to think of you often, though I will no longer be able to rely on the wonderful updates you have posted on this website.

All the Best,


Sara Zucker <sara.zucker@excite.com>
Somerville, MA USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 4:51 PM CDT
Dear Professor Gil,
I came to know about your tragedy in Iraq while surfing the Internet. I wish you very well, and pray for your steady recovery. I hope you still remember me. My name is Dilli Raman Dhakal, and we met in Jhapa, Nepal during your visit couple of years ago. I was the one who accompanied you during your visit from Silguri, India to the UNHCR refugee camps in Nepal. I have always cherished our company. I hope this email finds you in good health and spirit.

Dilli Raman Dhakal <drdhakal7@hotmail.com>
Manassas, VA USA - Sunday, August 1, 2004 11:26 AM CDT
Hello and best wishes. Please keep in contact after the caringbridge activity terminates. You are very special connections.
Pamela Krause <krausepj@aol.com>
Potomac Falls, VA USA - Monday, July 26, 2004 7:42 PM CDT
Dear Ann,

Before this website closes, I wanted to send my best regards to you and Gil. We taught together at ACS-Hampstead from 1973 - 75. I just found this website and wanted to send my prayers and good wishes to Gil. Much time has passed but my very fond thoughts are still with both of you. My work takes me to London often so I would be very pleased to see you and Gil if possible. Best wishes and continued encouragement to him.


John Heard <JohnHeard@cois.org>
Naples, FLA USA - Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:46 PM CDT
Dear Gil and Ann, Your bulletins have been so great in helping us to keep up on the wonderful progress you have been making, that I shall be sad to see them come to an end. Perhaps there will be another way to let us know how things are going. Although I haven't responded as often as I wish I had, I have followed closely and have been so impressed with the grit and fortitude you have both shown over these many months. I am delighted to hear about the adjustments to the house, making it easier for you to get around. And I was delighted to hear about the little dog. Pets can be a source of pleasure and fun. I have an inkling of the adjustments you have been required to make because in November my sister's husband had a serious stroke which has left him quite impaired. His sight is very poor --no reading or TV-- but he can get around, can speak, and respond. But the part of the brain which processes actions, such as shaving, bathing etc. are gone. My sister is his full-time caregiver, but they are managing well with lots of laughs at the silly things that happen. Somehow the Lord gives strength. I do hope the new legs operate well and that you can see steady progress. Know that you are all in my prayers. Love, Isabel
Isabel Charles < icharles @nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, July 19, 2004 3:26 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers
Having been there in May, I can picture you enjoying the new place with the sun pouring into the upstairs windows. We'll miss being able to check in with the journal, but will stay in touch. All the best and love from Gail and Alan.

Gail Dowty <gail@dowty.org>
South Bend, IN USA - Friday, July 16, 2004 12:17 AM CDT
It must be St. Thomas week! I teach in the immigration clinic at the University of St. Thomas Law School in Minneapolis (Lauren may have Miami beach but we have ice fishing!).

Arthur was a teacher and mentor. Now, when a student comes for employment advice on how to get into refugee work, I use the same words Arthur said to me ten years ago. "Let's see how we can insinuate you into the field." When I remember Arthur, I also say a prayer for you and your family.

May God continue to bless your recovery. Only you know just how fortunate you are to have such a strong and loving family.

Virgil Wiebe <vowiebe@stthomas.edu>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:52 AM CDT
I'm teaching at AU's Washington College of Law, and knew of you from my days with UNHCR and OSCE in the Balkans. I wanted to let you know that you are, and have been, in my thoughts.
Dina Haynes <dhaynes@wcl.american.edu>
- Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:43 AM CDT
I am a professor at St. Thomas University School of Law in Miami, where I run the immigration clinic and teach immigration and constitutional law. I also was with the UN Truth Commission in El Salvador from 1992-1993. Both Gil and Arthur Helton were and are an inspiration to us all.
Lauren Gilbert <lgilbert@stu.edu>
Miami, FL USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:10 AM CDT
Has it really been almost a year? That hardly seems possible. It feels more like 10 years. Or 20. So much has happened and because of this war, so little of it is good.
I'm so glad you have a new dog. Animals bring a lot of joy.
If you must close down soon, consider: there is a terrific book waiting to be put together from these pages (hint, hint).
If there is to be a memorial service on the East Coast, I'd certainly want to be there. And what an honor it would be to meet you some day in person.
Till then, take care and all the very best from...

Mary "Lynx" Schmidt <Translynx@aol.com>
Silver Spring, MD USA - Thursday, July 8, 2004 7:59 PM CDT
I wanted to wish you a happy father's day. Enjoy eachother. Love, Bridget
Bridget Loescher-Nino <I_m_nino@earthlink.net>
Mesa, Az Usa - Sunday, June 20, 2004 3:01 PM CDT
Taking a tumble is scary! I don't blame you at all for uttering a few colorful words.
Mary M. "Lynx" Schmidt <Translynx@aol.com>
Silver Spring, MD USA - Monday, May 31, 2004 7:24 PM CDT
Hello All - More exciting episodes in the Loescher saga! It reads better than a novel as you move from milestone to milestone. Congratulations on the Tramper--it will be conquered--and on getting back into your now user-friendly house. Love, Marya
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Sunday, May 30, 2004 7:03 PM CDT
Hi Loeschers,

Great job with the stair climbing and all the other leg activity! For pants, have a look at www.llbean.com and www.walkabout.com, both have pants with zip-off legs. In fact a whole lot of places sell these because they're popular with hikers - they convert from long pants to shorts. Most of them look pretty nice, although informal - cargo pants and the like. Just do a google search for "zip-off legs" and you'll find a bunch of them.

much love,

Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, il usa - Friday, May 21, 2004 1:10 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers,
We have just caught up on recent journal entries. Phew! They really are remarkable documents about an epic recovery. We can't wait to see you next month. Much love, Ann and Peter

Ann and Peter Walshe <walshe.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 0:53 AM CDT
Ann - I noted in your journal entry that Gil has had a bit of a challenge with clothing that isn't terribly friendly to his situation. There is a company called "Silvert's" that carries clothing for folks with various physical issues. http://www.silverts.com I believe they have UK operations.
Mary Ahern ND'81 <ahern2609@aol.com>
Half Moon Bay, CA USA - Monday, May 17, 2004 5:53 PM CDT
OUR PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU GIL!!! Jim Clay Class of '69
jim clay <facilitater@hawaii.rr.com>
kailua-kona, Hawaii usa - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 1:03 PM CDT
Dear Gil,
Your website was passed along to me quite some time ago by my daughter...I'm not sure how she obtained it. I have followed your progress since that time. It was with great interest that I read the story of your ordeal in the last Notre Dame Magazine. You are a miracle! My husband was a Notre Dame grad ('74). He passed away July 4, 2001 due to a brain tumor.
Your determination and strength is an inspiration to all. I will keep you in my prayers for your continued success and improved health.
Fondly, Mary Clare Hurt

Mary Clare Hurt <qmb28@aol.com>
Parma, Oh USA - Monday, May 3, 2004 6:49 AM CDT
Hello again! As I was printing out a few pages of "Journal History" I noticed it contained the April 18 entry and immediately returned to the Patient Page to get your very newest and wonderful update--thanks--Love again, Marya
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 6:37 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers - Back from Spain where the emphasis was very much on what happened a few hundred years or a millennia ago, rather than the events of 3/11. We toured Andaluz and saw mosques, cathedrals and towers (climbed one--the Giralda in Seville). The day we left I watched on tv Zapatero's cabinet taking their oaths before the king and queen. It will certainly be interesting to see what June 30 brings in Iraq! Hmm--are we really ready for this? Are you back in your casa, experiencing the new Gil-friendly conveniences? Love, Marya
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 5:39 PM CDT
Ann & Gil,
My meetings at ND went fairly well, Lou Nanni thought that an appointment to the ND London program was in the works... We are moving forward on the 501 c -3 program...As a general note...to all, it would be helpful to contact either Nathan Hatch or Monk Malloy to show your support of Gil...they are moving the process...and we are indebted to them for their support. I believe the trust will be able to operate in a few days...the Observer will have further information...pls read the ND magazine article that Gil has written...we need your support...I can be reached at US 800-248-5134 or home 404-728-0448 US...Loeschers...all the best
Mike Whalen ND'74

Mike Whalen <whaaahhh@aol.com>
Marietta, GA USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 11:22 PM CDT
Loeschers: Hope this helps with your dismal weather: imagine, blooming fruit trees, redbuds, daffodils and tulips--another unseasonably warm spring in the 'bend--86 right now! (OK so those spring flowers are a bit strained!) No rain as of late, and we will pay for it later. However, the sun and greening are great and we send visions of them to you with all best wishes!
rita kopczynski <rmkop@msn.com>
South Bend, IN USA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 4:36 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, and family, Belated Happy Easter! I have been keeping upwith your progress pretty regularly. It has been truly remarkable. Now with the house under reconstruction you must feel a bit like migrants, but what a blessing to have good friends and neighbors. I just read your article, Gil, in ND Magazine. It was harrowing to read again what you have been through, but truly a triumph of will, determination and,of course,modern medicine. It must be evry rewarding to be able now, with Ann's help, to get back to writing,lecturing etc. Know that you are often in my thoughts and prayers, even though I don't say it often enough. Love to you all, Isabel
Isabel Charles <icharles@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 2:53 PM CDT
Sorry to hear about the spring colds! Glad the talk went well though. I saw something I thought would interest you. It's a wheelchair that can climb curbs & stairs and can elevate for reaching top shelves at the grocery or looking standing people in the eye. Pretty cool. Also something like $30k american, yikes! Anyway I thought you'd be interested to see it.

much love,

Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 9:19 AM CDT
Well? How did the speech go? Inquiring minds want to know!
Mary M. "Lynx" Schmidt <Translynx@aol.com>
Silver Spring, MD USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 7:38 PM CST
All the very best to you for today's talk.

The e-mail address "gil@loescher.freeserve.co.uk" gives a system administrator undeliverable message. Would you have an alternative address?

Jeremy Leifer <jleifer@whitecase.com>
Hong Kong - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 4:51 AM CST
Dear All - You continue to have surprises for us! Good luck with waiting out the 10 weeks and with Gil's speech Tuesday--we'll all be thinking good and positive thoughts and sending them your way. I like Mary "Lynx" Schmidt's suggestion though! :-) Marya
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 7:15 AM CST
If I were to place a bet, I'd bet that you will do fine Tuesday with your first speech.
Just imagine your entire audience in its underwear.
Go for it!

Mary M. "Lynx" Schmidt <Translynx@aol.com>
Silver Spring, MD USA - Sunday, March 21, 2004 7:56 PM CST
Happy Birthday Gil! When are you guys going to write the book??
Love, Marya

Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Thursday, March 11, 2004 7:52 AM CST
Dear Gil (and family),

Happy belated birthday! After having not logged on to
the site for a time, I am so very pleased to read that
about the amazing progress you have been making.

All best wishes for more of the same and for a terrific
60th year.

Kelly Greenhill <kgrnhill@stanford.edu>
Stanford, CA USA - Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:04 AM CST
Dear Gil, Anne, Claire and Maggie,
Its been awhile since we made an entry here and are delighted and fascinated by progress made thus far. Just a note to tell you how proud we feel about the entire Loescher crew! You are a source of great inspiration - Keep riding on!!!

Monica Kathina Juma and Peter Kagwanja <jumakm2002@yahoo.com>
Pretoria, Gauteng South Africa - Wednesday, March 10, 2004 7:34 AM CST
Dear Gil,

I wanted to let you know that you are never far from my thoughts--this semester I am using your new edited book (along with Gibney and Steiner) on Dilemmas of Protection as the main text in my Politics of Refugees course. Every single week we talk about "Loescher's argument about..." or "I agree with Loescher that. . . ". I sometimes give my students a very general update on how you are doing. We also recently read the anonymous "note on international protection you won't see," which I've been assigning for years.(Did I possibly read it in your class the first time?). My students always enjoy engaging in a guessing game about who might have written it. It was with very mixed emotions that I read Guy Goodwin-Gil's memorial to Arthur Helton in this month's issue of the Journal of International Refugee Law in which he revealed that Arthur was, in fact, the anonymous author. What a terrible way to find out the answer to a question which has kept my students occupied for years. As I wrote back in the dark days of last summer, your work continues to inspire this current generation of young and impressionable undergraduates.

Happy Birthday and Thank You.

Tristan Anne Borer <tabor@conncoll.edu>
New London, CT. - Monday, March 8, 2004 7:36 PM CST
Hello Gil, Anne, Claire and Margaret:
Thinking of you in New York. What progress for Gil!! Wishing you many more walks and NO spills.

Graciela R. Greenberg <graciela2@aol.com>
Mt. Kisco, NY USA - Sunday, March 7, 2004 2:53 PM CST
CLAYTON , CA USA - Sunday, March 7, 2004 0:45 AM CST
Dear Loeschers,
Hi, we've just found out what happened via the Smiths, and I just wanted to let you know the Killackey family is thinking of you. I haven't seen you all, with the exception of Ann, since 1987 but I still have wonderful memories of playing with Margaret and Claire in Old Boar's Hill. Gil, it sounds like you have already made incredible progress and we hope all continues well in the future. Best wishes,
Katy Killackey

Katy Killackey <kkillackey@hotmail.com>
Berkeley, CA USA - Friday, March 5, 2004 3:53 PM CST
Friends Peter and Ann Walshe pointed us to your wonderful journal. Thanks for letting us who are strangers share the miracles of your journey.
Alice (and Willard) Roth <waroth@juno.com>
Elkhart, Indiana USA - Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:54 AM CST
6'2" hey? Gil always towered over me, but when he was down to 6' I had almost caught him - but no longer with those new shins. It was great to see you in ECRE a short while back.
Allan Leas <ALeas@ecre.org>
- Tuesday, February 24, 2004 4:53 PM CST
Incredibly moving to see Gil in Landstuhl and then as he is now, happy and alive with his new legs! Thanks so much for sharing the six-month anniversary with us--few of us have come so far in such a short time (which, however probably feels like a few lifetimes). Love, Mar
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Monday, February 23, 2004 11:42 AM CST
Dear Loeschers
Wonderful wonderful news. It made me feel quite tearful reading how Gil feels he's got his life back. I simply
can't express in words how pleased I am for you all.
Lots of love
Maureen Langston

Maureen Langston <maureenlangston@hotmail.com>
Pembrokeshire, Wales - Monday, February 23, 2004 3:08 AM CST
This stuff reads better than the Lives of the Saints my mom read to us at bedtime--more miracles than the whole lot! Keep 'em coming!!
rita kopczynski <rmkop@msn.com>
South Bend, IN USA - Saturday, February 21, 2004 3:57 PM CST
"On the way home Gil said he felt like he had been given his life back."
I am so amazed and pleased and happy and . . . !!!!

Mary Ahern, ND '81 <ahern2609@aol.com>
Half Moon Bay, CA - Thursday, February 19, 2004 3:00 PM CST
Dear Gil and family,

What fantastics news! I don't think I've ever read about such progress, you continue to impress me immensely.

Cheering you on from the colder north, my best, Anne

Anne C. Kjelling <ack@nobel.no>
Oslo, Norway - Thursday, February 19, 2004 0:49 AM CST
Just bloody marvellous - at least the equivalent of scoring a century in your first test match. Love Ann and Peter
Peter Walshe <walshe.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 10:37 PM CST
Dear Professor Loescher and Family,
Greetings from New York City where I am adding my applause and cheers! This is my first message to you, although I have visited the website often. The rush of the beginning of the semester distracted me from checking your journal these past few weeks but it seems like I chose a wonderful day to log on - Congratulations on your success today, walking with bended knees! I really enjoyed reading Ann's entry. Professor Loescher, I took your class - International Humanitarian Issues - as a sophomore at ND (Fall 1995) and have continued in Peace Studies and education for IDPs/refugees since then, and am now a doctoral student at Teachers College Columbia University and teaching in the Peace Studies program at Manhattan College. I have lit several candles for you and your family - in deep gratitude for the light that you sparked in me years ago. Peace and love, Andria Wisler

Andria Wisler <akw31@columbia.edu>
New York, NY - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 8:44 PM CST
Hi - Saw an interesting program last night on PBS's Innovation, about something called Oseointegration (my spelling!), involving the use of titanium which bonds with human bone--superior to the ball and socket type of prosthesis. England is one of the few countries that has attempted this and maybe there have been only about 100 such procedures done--very sophisticated, time and energy consuming, and without doubt expensive. The subject person in the film was, however, delighted with the results. Probably none of this is news to you, but I thought I'd pass it on anyhow . . .
Love, Marya

Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 2:20 PM CST
Dear Uncle Gil and family, We wanted you to know that you are still in our prayers daily. We miss you and feel we are with you when we read your messages. Keep up the great work and know that you are loved from all over the world. peace ....love Bridget Loescher-Nino
Mesa, Az/ U.S.A - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 6:50 AM CST
Wow, a walk around your own deck, that's fantastic! I'm so happy for you. Good show. I had a look at the Tramper--I was a little afraid to put anything with "tramp" into an internet search engine, laff, but managed to find the website pretty easily. What a cool vehicle! For anyone who's interested, the website is here:

Keep up the great work, everyone...much love,

Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 7:22 PM CST
Loeschers, We lived every moment of your triumphant visit to Belgium. It was so heartening to see you picking up your lives and living them to the full in the enviable way you always have - an inspiration for us all. We chuckled our way through Ann's most recent entry (poor, brave bed), and look forward to having time this summer to talk about everything, from politics to family. (We'll bring the gin in the blue bottle!) Loeschers, we love you and miss you. Ann and Peter
Peter Walshe <walshe.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, February 9, 2004 11:40 PM CST
Loeschers, We lived every moment of your triumphant visit to Belgium. It was so heartening to see you picking up your lives and living them to the full, in the enviable way you always have - an inspiration for us all. Today we chuckled through Ann's most recent entry (poor, brave bed). We are looking forward to seeing you this summer and having time to talk about everyting, from politics to family. (We'll bring the gin in the blue bottle!) Loeschers, we love you and miss you. Ann and Peter
Ann and Peter Walshe <walshe.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, February 9, 2004 11:26 PM CST
I just want to thank you for continuing to make journal entries once a week. After every Sunday entry I feel a sense of connection to you, Gil, and to your family, who I never really got to know before. Also a sense of relief (this miracle continues!), of joy, of gratitude, and of renewed hope. Imagine if we could all face our adversities with the attitude you have shown--what a world this could be! I am especially struck by the absence of bitterness, and the healing energy (for yourselves and, I am sure, for others) that has been generated as a result. In so many ways, thanks.
Carol Stuart <hrothgar@famvid.net>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, February 9, 2004 3:20 AM CST
Dear Ann,Maggie and Claire,
I have known Gill for many years through my past work with UNHCR (1973-1993) before being engaged with the Belgian Commissioner for Refugees and Stateless Persons where I became Commissioner General (1997-end 2000).At the request of my Minister of Foreign Affairs I joined since 2001 this (Foggy Bottom) Department as a Director General (on mis-sion) of Immigration / Asylum Policy.In this capacity I had the privilege to have been engaged together with Gill and others in the setting up of the "Future of Migration and Asylum " in The Hague (2001-2002)emanating from the SID Neth.Chapter and the consecutive Declaration of the Hague became now the evangile-scenario of the Global Commission of International Migration that was endorsed officially in Geneva on Dec 9,'03 by UN SG Kofi Annan .
I heard about Gill's terrible and shocking news that affected him when I visisted the IISS in London on nov 11, '03.I sent him a first mail (to loescher@iiss.org on nov 16,'03 , address that has been given to me by the secretarial staff of the Institute) with my wishes for per-severance and praying that his moral should be kept up and futher streamlined every passing day.Also in this mail I permitted myself to ask Gill's help (see repetition of this below).Getting no answer I sent a remindermail on Dec 28th,
'03. Facing this continuing silence I phoned to the Institute where I finally learned about the existence of this specific website.It is a marvellous idea to keep abreast the contacts and encouraging Gill for the future of his continuing recovery!I am a bit sad that I did not know Gill for a longer time but ... anyhow this will encourage me to pursue more in the future the strenghtening of our relationship and hopefull further fruitful contacts we might have in the future at the Institute.
The question I would like now to repeat to Gill is whether he will be prepared to honour me with endorsing my candidacy as a full member of the IISS reminding him that I used to be a student member at the Institute as from 1969-1972 under A.E.Majendie.I would be very grateful to you whether you would accept to pass this message to Gill and asking him whether in that assumption I might send my handwritten applicationform for his endorsement and signature at the Arundel House for further proceeding by the Institute.
Thank you so much for your interest and ,please ,you all know that when you plan to come the next time to Brussels you will encounter some one who is willing to help you at any time.
February 5th, 2004 .

Luc C. De Smet <lucc.desmet@diplobel.fed.be>
Brussels, Belgium - Thursday, February 5, 2004 11:57 AM CST
Gosh. Gil's achievements and determined progress continue to inspire awe. I found the account of the trip to Brussels for the awarding of the Sakharov Prize to Kofi Annan very interesting and am wondering if our American papers picked that up at all. We are so obsessed with the primaries, the baring of bosoms at football games (whoops, excuse me, I believe that's "wardrobe malfuntions") and how we got into this God-awful mess in the first place. I personally hope we give Dubya the same term length as his Dad, but there are no easy answers.

Anyhow, Gil we still follow your healing adventures and other activities with great interest, applaud your efforts, and look forward to the next episode! Love to all, Marya

Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:36 PM CST
Dear Gil, Ann, and Girls, This is the third time I have written a note to you today! Each time it was lost due, I'm sure, to my computer illiteracy! I am writing to with you all a belated Happy Christmas and a very good New Year! From your wonderful en tries here, I revel in the progress Gil has made -- not only walking but also writing! We all know lots of pain and support are involved in such triumph. Congratulations to you all! I write you late because our family suffered some serious illnesses over the holidays. Two brothers-in-law and one brother were hospitalized over the holidays. All are now recovering-- in various stages-- thank God, but, as "matriarch" of the family, I have been distracted , worried, and traveling. Back home now in snowy Indiana I am able to get back to my many neglected tasks. Know that you have been often in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. May the New year be one of continued restoration of good health, peace, and happiness. Love, Isabel

Isabel Charles
South Bend, IN USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 10:24 AM CST
Dear Gil, Ann, and Girls, This is the third time I have written a note to you today! Each time it was lost due, I'm sure, to my computer illiteracy! I am writing to with you all a belated Happy Christmas and a very good New Year! From your wonderful en tries here, I revel in the progress Gil has made -- not only walking but also writing! We all know lots of pain and support are involved in such triumph. Congratulations to you all! I write you late because our family suffered some serious illnesses over the holidays. Two brothers-in-law and one brother were hospitalized over the holidays. All are now recovering-- in various stages-- thank God, but, as "matriarch" of the family, I have been distracted , worried, and traveling. Back home now in snowy Indiana I am able to get back to my many neglected tasks. Know that you have been often in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. May the New year be one of continued restoration of good health, peace, and happiness. Love, Isabel

Isabel Charles
South Bend, IN USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 10:23 AM CST
We know it's late but to all of you happy new year.
Much love,
Michael en Marina

M&M Dirksen <hallomarina@chello.nl>
Middelharnis, The Netherlands - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 3:20 PM CST
Happy New Year to all the Loeschers! What a joy to both read and see the progress Gil is making. You all remain in my thoughts and prayers.
Nancy Hahn, Kellogg Institute <hahn.4@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Monday, January 12, 2004 8:00 AM CST
Dear Professor Loescher,
you may not remember me, i came to interview you at your home once for a series of radio programmes i was making for the BBC World Service.
I've only just heard about what happened to you in Baghdad, and would like to say how sorry i am to know what you've suffered. I'd also like to wish you all the very best, and lots of courage, for the future.
Best regards,
Arlene Gregorius

Arlene Gregorius <arlene.gregorius@btinternet.com>
London, UK - Saturday, January 10, 2004 3:26 PM CST
Dear Ann and Gil, It is so wonderful to read of you amazing progress Gil. It is sometime since I left a message but I haven't stopped reading your most moving reports.
I have discovered that you know a very old friend of Adam's called Martin Barber who also works for the UN. Martin and his sister grew up in Wimbledon as did Adam and the two families were GREAT friends! I was talking on the phone to his sister, Sarah, tonight. She told me that Martin knew you. He has a son/daughter at St Edwards so comes to Oxford fairly often.
Adam and I send you all much love. You are often in our thoughts. Veronica

Veronica Smith <VandA@smithscottage.freeserve.co.uk>
Newbury, - Thursday, January 8, 2004 3:02 PM CST
I know you don't remember me, but I was one of the nurses that cared for you in the ICU. I am so thankful and elated to hear that you are doing so well. Your wife and daughters showed tremendous strength during your stay here. You and your family are always in my thoughts. I wish you all the best in the New Year!

Capt Lynn Dewey
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, - Monday, January 5, 2004 6:42 PM CST
To the Loeschers:

May the new year bring you new and lasting peace.

Pamela Krause <krausepj@ol.com>
Potomac Falls, VA US - Sunday, January 4, 2004 7:26 PM CST
Dear Loeschers,

We saw you all on ABC's Nightline last night. We were thrilled to see you looking so well but we were disappointed that the ABC program edited the BBC interview so severely.

We were very moved by Gil's strength and courage. Your poignant acknowledgement of the support that you take from the resilience of refugees with whom you have worked remains with us and we continue to reflect this morning on your interview.

We will be writing.

Happy New Year. We are glad that you are with us.

Much love.

Sally and Tom

Sally Walshe and Tom McMenamin <tmcmenamin@masudafunai.com>
Highland Park, Il USA - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 12:10 AM CST
Dear Professor Loescher:
When I read this website I am simply amazed at the progress you have made with the help of your terrific family. It gives me hope and ever little bit helps.
I've had a hard time dealing with this war which I tried my best to stop before it started. It's difficult not to get discouraged when I see what I'm up against.
I had the greatest respect for Ambassador Vieira de Mello. I love him a lot, miss him terribly, and wonder how we will get out of the mess we are in without him. Every evening when I say my prayers for peace I sign off with "...and tell Sergio I love him."
There is a Christmas song with the words: "Hate is stong and mocks the song of peace on Earth, good will to men." Here, we are still under this Orange Terror Alert. Since I live just outside DC, but inside the Beltway, I get a lot of noise from security drills. At times, combat aircraft fly so low over my house, the crockery in the kitchen rattles. One of these days I'm going to open the window and scream, "That's enough. Quiet down! Go home! It's late!"
Anyhow, the fact that you have done so incredibly well is encouraging. Here's hoping you and your family had a great Christmas and will have an even better New Year. Just keep growing stronger every day!

Mary M. "Lynx" Schmidt <Translynx@aol.com>
Silver Spring, MD USA - Monday, December 29, 2003 8:08 PM CST
Dear Loeschers
What a wonderful holiday gift to see all of you pictured here. This was our first log-in since Dec. 19th and you've come such a long way. We're so happy for all of you and can confirm that your light is surely piercing the darkness in major ways. Much love, Gail and Alan Dowty (back in South Bend)

Gail and Alan Dowty <gail@dowty.org>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, December 29, 2003 6:47 PM CST
YEAH!!! Thanks for the photo to brighten our holidays! You look GREAT!! Thinking of you all.
Mary Ahern, ND '81 <ahern2609@aol.com>
Half Moon Bay, Ca - Monday, December 29, 2003 1:21 PM CST
Dear Gil - and all --
Your story, Gil, sums up 2003 - tragic - but! what strength you've shown! Even though we're across the pond, we think of you and hope and pray for your continued rallying. Your family has been a pillar of strength and hope - wonderful!
Take heart, Gil, we're with you in spirit. You are the inspiration of the year.

Michael Lanphier <lanphier@yorku.ca>
Toronto, ON CAN - Sunday, December 28, 2003 11:04 PM CST
Dear Loeschers - What a wonderful Christmas present to see Gil's smiling face amidst those of Ann, Claire and Maggie--you are all beautiful! I tried to watch Nightline on ABC last night in Rutherford and got something entirely about liver transplants! No Ted Koppel, and NO GIL, so I suspect I have either watched the wrong thing, or they did not show the interview at 11:35 in the NJ area. I will have someone help me to follow Mary Rhodes Dell's instructions when I get back to my regular work computer, as I am determined to hear this interview! Happy Christmas and may we all experience a movement of the world in the direction of PEACE in the year 2004. Love, Marya
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Saturday, December 27, 2003 5:26 PM CST
Merry Christmas Uncle Gil and Aunt Annie, We watched the BBC Interview today on the computer and look forward to seeing your interview with Ted Kopel on abc tomorrow night. I can not tell you how wonderful it was to hear your voice and see your wonderful face. We miss you all so much and look forward to the day we can see you all again.We received your email this morning and look forward to your phone call.LOVE, BRIDGET AND FAMILY
MESA, AZ USA - Thursday, December 25, 2003 11:40 PM CST
Merry Christmas, Loeschers! I'm not equal to putting into words how I feel having just watched Gil's interview--(happy-sad-etc), so instead I'm just going to give everyone else here instructions on watching it on their own computers. Lots of love from Michael & me!

1. you will need to have "Real Audio Player" on your computer to watch the interview. You can read the interview without it, of course--just go to the bbc link I've pasted further down this message. Anyway, you can download the player for free here:


*Ignore* the big shiny button that says "free download" because it ultimately will try to sell you something. Instead look for the tiny link in the upper right corner that says "free RealOne Player" in teeny type. Click that to go to a new page.

Once again, IGNORE the big button that says "download now" and look for the link at the lower right, in the "basic player" section. The link says "download the free realone player." That will start your download. Your browser may pop up a couple of windows that ask you to give it permission to install the player; tell it yes.

Once the install starts it will ask you if you want the regular install or the custom install. I prefer "custom install" because it lets you uncheck all the boxes that offer you extra shortcuts and other garbage, but you can go with the default regular install if you prefer--it won't harm your computer. When it's finished installing it might ask you if you'd like it to be your default player for other media files. If you don't use your computer that much it's fine to just let it have its way, but if you listen to a lot of music or what have you, you should uncheck mp3 and other file types.

Last of all it will ask you to "register," which just means giving it your email address. You can choose "cancel" and not do this step at all.

Now when you open your internet browser it will be "real-media enabled" which means you can watch the bbc online.

2. once you have real media installed, you can go to Gil's interview here:


the text of the interview is there and there's a small link that says "watch the interview." It should pop up a tiny screen where you can watch the whole thing. It will be a bit fuzzy in quality but it's still fabulous because hey presto, there's Gil!

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Thursday, December 25, 2003 9:23 AM CST
Dear Loeschers
I hope you all have a fantastic Xmas holiday, a very special one at that !!!!
I'll be thinking of you all over the festive period.
Take care and look after each other.
Love Catherine.xxxxxx
P.S Clairey, not long to go until i'm back now, cant wait to catch up, miss you lots.xxx

Catherine McDonnell <catmcdonn@yahoo.co.uk>
Sydney, - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 9:28 PM CST
Dear Loeschers,
God daughter Mary Rodes Dell programmed our computer earlier this year, so enabling us to receive BBC TV. We have just watched Gil's interview with Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight. It knocked our socks off - and it was lovely to catch glimpses of Claire and Ann looking radiantly happy. Maggie, we understand, was filming the filming. Gil, at the risk of embarassing you, what you had to say was impressive and deeply moving yet delivered with characteristic modesty.
Incidently, J.Paxman has been something of a hero around here, ever since that time a few years ago when Henry Kissinger stormed out of an interview after Paxman had asked him if he really deserved the Nobel Peace Prize! Much love to you all, Ann and Peter

Ann and Peter Walshe <walshe.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 0:39 AM CST
Dear Loeschers-All: My very best wishes for a wonderful holiday -- I can only imagine the joy of being together and safe in each other's care after the trauma this year has brought. I offer daily prayers for your family and for a new year that brings all you wish for.

Mary Ahern, ND '81 <ahern2609@aol.com>
Half Moon Bay, CA USA - Monday, December 22, 2003 0:12 AM CST
Dear Gil and family,
I saw your interview on Newsnight this week. Until then, I did not know that you had been injured. It was a moving, inspiring and unforgettable interview. Its also good to see that those lovely hand knit sweaters that you used to wear with such panache around the ECRE offices show up well under the media spotlight! In the short time that our paths crossed at ECRE I know what a huge contribution your work made to the organisation and that people working with refugees across Europe gained from your involvement. For me, working at ECRE made me aware of the many people who stand shoulder to shoulder on behalf of refugees - I am sure that countless numbers of people in our field stand shoulder to shoulder with you and your family now in the challenges you face. I am now at ICAR, Kings, London. If there is anything that I or others at ICAR can do to help you to continue with your work, please let me know. You are much in my thoughts. Wishing you and your family a happy Christmas.

Kate Smart <asyluminitiatives@hotmail.com>
Egham, Surrey UK - Saturday, December 20, 2003 3:02 AM CST
Dear Gil:
I can't tell you how inspiring, and ennobling, are your relentless efforts to restore your body after restoring, and enhancing, your spirit. May every Christmas blessing and joy visit you, Ann, Maggie, and Claire, during this season !

Denis Goulet

Denis Goulet <Denis.A.Goulet.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, Indiana USA - Monday, December 15, 2003 4:47 PM CST
Dear Gil and Ann, My daughter Elisabeth, who lives in Cairo, Egypt, and I received your daily and weekly reports for the last several months.Elisabeth was one of your students at N.Dame, and I am the spouse of the late John Howard Yoder whom you might have met on Campus. Although I don't remember having met you , I was very moved by the letters you sent and my prayers and thoughts were with you and your Family, which holds true for Elisabeth too. John, who was on crutches the last seven years he was teaching at N.Dame, would have felt very deeply too about your involvment in the UN aid to Iraq, the injuries you suffered and your recovery. We admire your incredible courage, and thank God for you. May His Peace be with you in this Advent Season, and may there be Peace on earth, Anne Marie Yoder
Anne Marie Yoder <yoderguth@juno.com>
Goshen, IN USA - Thursday, December 11, 2003 7:25 AM CST
Dear Gil,

It's magnificent that you are working again. The world needs your sane, creative and intelligent contributions. And it was terrific to see you at the COMPAS opening last week. We are joyful beyond description to have you back with us.



Nancy Kenny
Oxford, UK - Tuesday, December 9, 2003 2:42 PM CST
To Gil, Ann, Maggie and Claire,

I've just been directed to bridges from Gil's article in opendemocracy, and i read it through from the most recent entry to the very first. It is an incredible, compelling journal that resonates so deeply. Through it you have all showed how we experience suffering and pain, and how strength is gathered and held in human hands. It is a terrible document, and also a truly joyful one, and that mixture of different emotions is profoundly moving, disturbing and uplifting. Reading it through showed me what happens to time and to our humanity in situations of real trauma and uncertainty - the moments between each breath are forever; and great swathes of time are reduced to one hope, one great big focused prayer. It is an experience which can truly break someone's spirit, and you have all proved that the human body and spirit can survive despite the most terrible of injuries if it is nutured, cared for and loved. I'm sure that everyone who has read your journal will understand better by your example what we deserve as humans, and your comments on the continuing violence and destruction that we are witnessing will help to prove that violent emnity will only cost more suffering, and that that can never be justified.

Thank you for creating this website and sharing your journey. My thoughts are with you all, wishing you a very happy holidays and new year,

Tamara <tamarabh@yahoo.co.uk>
London, - Friday, December 5, 2003 11:44 AM CST
Yay! Walking! This is fantastic. The butt-scooting's fantastic too, actually--hooray for mobility, whatever form it takes.
Mary R. Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Thursday, December 4, 2003 11:15 AM CST
Dear everyone
Brilliant. A star grade for you all. Wonderful to hear about the high moments which obviously come along with the lows.The roller coaster you are all on must be exhausting.
Thinking about you a lot and delighted at Gil's long distance walk.
With lots of love
Maureen .

Maureen Langston <maureenlangston@hotmail.com>
Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire Wales - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 3:35 AM CST
Dear Gil,

You reinvented this Thanksgiving for me. It is, of course, about blessings beyond our comprehension that you and your family have reminded me of. And to have you worrying about your desk upstairs, writing us, all of this, is a blessing to those of us whose lives you have touched.

I knew you as an esteemed colleague, who graciously submitted to USCR editing. But once, when we had five minutes, you sat with me in my little office at USCR on Massachusetts Avenue, and we talked and laughed about the wonderful characters in our field, our families--all that--and we connected as ordinary people for a brief time. It was a delight for me, and I have carried it with me. I recognized your humor and grace, the humor and grace others have referred to often in these notes.

So, I give thanks, Gil Loescher, for you in my life, in the life of our community. I wish you could feel how all of us of USCR, past and present, have prayed our various prayers for your health. You family, of course, is extraordinary. We have all learned this from these notes and journal entries. My best of wishes to you all.

Ginny Hamilton
once-upon-a-time an editor,
US Committee for Refugees

Virginia Hamilton <vlhginy@aol.com>
Vienna, VA 22180 - Monday, December 1, 2003 7:57 PM CST
Dear Loeschers: we were able to give thanks on thursday for the incredible progress gil has made. we are happy for you gil and admire the amazing strength all of you have shown throughout this ordeal. we follow your progress and think of you often. cousin jill and family
jill montgomery <geojill@earthlink.net>
sunapee, nh usa - Saturday, November 29, 2003 4:08 PM CST
Hi Loeschers! Just wanted to drop in and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving from your American neighbors.

Mary & Michael

Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Thursday, November 27, 2003 10:02 PM CST
Been away but have now caught up with the site and rejoice in your continueing excellent progress. WELL DONE!
Mervin and Judith Knight <judith_anne@another.com>
Oxford, OX UK - Thursday, November 27, 2003 2:15 PM CST
Dear Gil - I think you are very brave and that is certainly the understatement of the year. I know you will triumph again in relearning to walk and you will soon be ambulatory again, if not with the same take-it-for-granted ease we are all guilty of. This world is still a pretty scary place and I'm so glad there are people like you around to try to make it better. Hello to my good cuz, who I'm sure has played no small part in the sustaining of your wonderful spirit. Love, Marya

Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 3:02 PM CST
Congratulations Gil and family on the progress you all are making. Thanks so much for keeping us updated. Enjoy the holidays and know that you have the warm support of IIPS Class of 1997-98!!

Betsy Erbaugh <erbaugh@unm.edu>
Albuquerque, NM USA - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 11:44 AM CST
Dear Gil, I was overjoyed to see the entry you wrote! What wonderful progress you have made and we all realize that Ann, Claire and Margaret played a major role in it -- and will continue to do so. I think of you thisThanksgiving holiday and will continue to pray and thank God for your great spirit of determination . Take care and get the rest you need to grow healthier each day. Love, Isabel
Isabel Charles <icharles@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 9:02 AM CST
My family and I wish you and your family a very specially blessed Thanksgiving!! Your story has been so uplifting for us, and it brings us back to the reality of appreciating our own families more also, since one just never knows what can happen to any of us suddenly. Take care, Gil.
Doris Krueger Buchmann <bulldog5@thegrid.net>
Greenville, Ca USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 5:33 PM CST
Dear Gil & Ann:
Let me first apologize profusely for not writing to you and your family sooner. I was shocked and quite saddened by your experience and offer my wishes for a continued and speedy recovery. I find it difficult to write. Words seem so insignificant compared to the magnitude of what you guys went throug these past few months. I've had a break in my schedule to fully read your journal on the caring bridge website. It is comforting to know that you are surrounded by your loved ones and continue to get better each day. Your life seems profoundly changed byt, in such a short time, you seem ready to begin to face its challenges and continue your important work.
Steve Goldberg

Steve Goldberg <sgoldbergcpa@stevenagoldbergcpa.com>
South Bend, IN USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 5:55 AM CST
Dear Gil, I took your class in 1992 at Notre Dame - International Refugees. I just happened onto your site from the Notre Dame list serve and have not moved from this place until I read all of the entries you and your family have written. I am amazed at your strength and wish you all of the best in your coming recovery. Having just been a bedside support to my nephew who was in a very bad car crash, (he is fine now) I can empathize with you Loeschers. Thank you for continuing your work in spite of the up hill struggle. You are an inspiration now as you were in 1992. Peace. Jane Kirchner
Jane Kirchner <janekirchner@aol.com>
Arlington, VA USA - Monday, November 24, 2003 1:11 PM CST
Dear Gil,
This is Regina Castillo. I took one of your classes in 1993-94 and I still keep your book Beyond Charity on my night stand.
I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to know that your health is improving and that you continue to write.
I would also like to thank you and your incredibly amazing family for keeping us posted on your recovery. This thanksgiving week, I am especially grateful for your life, your family and your books.

Warm regards,

Regina Castillo
1 United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017
Tel: 212-963-0839 (work)
Tel: 212-722-7665 (home)

Regina Castillo <castillor@un.org>
New York, NY USA - Monday, November 24, 2003 9:55 AM CST
hello to you all,
it's so nice to see a personal entry from you Gil, it's amazing how much progress you've made and it's so lovely to hear how much you've all worked at it together. I just wanted to let you know that I successfully completed the Great North Run and in honour and support of you Gil, (and with the help of tax rebates from using the 'Justgiving' web site!), I managed to raise over £600 for Medecins Sans Frontieres (Ann suggested this charity on your behalf!). I wasn't aware of all that they did, but they are fantastic and have my full support from now on!

I hope you're all well and am still thinking of you all. Much love, Sara

Sara Prickett <sprickett77@yahoo.com>
London, UK - Sunday, November 23, 2003 2:37 PM CST
Dear Gil, Ann and girls- my new computer is finally up and running and I can send messages. Brynne has kept me up to date with your progress Gil and I amazed at your courage and perservance-the same goes for your family. I am so thrilled that you are doing so well!! Marya has faithfully kept Mom up to date with weekly mailings of the guest book pages and since her hearing is bad, it is easier for her to read the notes than for me to give her a verbal update. I am very grateful to Marya for her kindness. I remember the great visit Mom and I had with you in Virginia when you were doing work at the Univ of Maryland, and I'm only sorry we could never connect when I visited Eric in London. In the near future I will send you a letter about my trip to Russia- what a beautiful country once you get away from Moscow and St Pete, and it great to see Deb Seward and her family while we were there. You all remain in our thoughts and prayers, and we will anxiously await your weekly journals. Love to all, Judy
Judy Ballentine <judy@yourcardsolution.com>
Tega Cay, SC USA - Sunday, November 23, 2003 1:45 PM CST
As Thanksgiving approaches, we remember so well last year's celebration in your house. It is so good to know that you are all back together there! Much love from both of us.
Bob and Jeanne

Bob and Jeanne Rodes <rodes.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Thursday, November 20, 2003 5:34 PM CST
Dear Prof. Gil Loescher:

I don't think you remember me. My name is Marta Maria Assumpção Rodrigues, I am from Brazil, and lived (with my daughter, Nina) in Notre Dame from 1993 to 1998, when I got my MA (Peace Institute), and my Ph.D. (Govt.Dept).
We are very happy to read about your improvement. You are very lucky. Our prayers are with you.
We am writing to you to wish you all the best. We have a great respect for your work and specially for you, as a precious human being.
You played a crucial role during my doctorate years in ND. Perhaps you don't know, but you helped me tremendously (when I had to take my comprehensive exam in IR), and if I didn't quit my Ph.D. during a very deep (personal) crisis that I had been through, it is because of you. You are a model of ethic, and I always remember you when I am planning my courses, giving my classes, and talking to my students at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil).
I hope to see you again sometime soon, to tell you personally how much I admire you and, most of all, how important you were to me (and to my daughter) during my graduate studies in ND. I owe you my Ph.D., Prof. Loescher. And I thank you very much for that.
Have a very quick recovery.

Best wishes and all my respect


Marta & Nina
Rua Oscar Freire, 708/52, Cerqueira Cesar
CEP 01426-000 - S.Paulo - SP
tel: 55-11-3082-0111

Marta Maria Assumpção Rodrigues <mmar@iconet.com.br>
São Paulo, SP Brazil - Thursday, November 20, 2003 1:54 PM CST
Dear Gil,
You are much in my thoughts and prayers on a day to day flow. I can only imagine what this journey is for all of you. Reading the entries by Alice is so very connecting. I presume you are in Oxford not Notre Dame and surrounded by loving friends as well as family. Having gone through the death of my husband, I know deeply how important all of that support is. It sounds as if you are on a regular physical therapy regime. What a challenge to stay strong. I assume that right now all of your efforts are directed to healing and getting stronger and stronger.

Professionally and ironically I am in the final stages of writing a chapter on NGOs and Refugee Repatriation. I have had to revise it given the attacks on the UN, ICRC, etc.

Gil, please know you are held in special prayers. I send you hugs from California.

Lucia Ann [Shan] McSpadden

Lucia Ann [Shan] McSpadden <lmcspad@igc.org [home] lmcspadden@psr.edu [office]>
Oakland, CA USA - Thursday, November 20, 2003 12:12 AM CST
Many thanks for gracing my belated graudation luncheon at Pembroke. It was wonderful to have you and Anne, and Anne, thanks for the inivitation to your birthday party, all of us, particularly young Astri enjoyed the visit immensely. Claire and Maggie, many thanks for an afternoon full of laughter and joy. It was truelly warm. For Peter and Gil, it was back to business: as discussions on the near completed paper went on and on... we look forward to receiving this one soon! Young Astri enjoyed being in Gil's hands and amazingly picks him out in the photos we carried home (will email these as soon as I can overcome my IT challenge!) We came home enthrilled by Gil's remarkable recovery and his girls exceptional care. In fact we can not help feeling we came back too soon. It was a great pleasure sharing those wonderful moments with all of you.

Monica Kathina Juma and Peter Kagwanja <jumakm2002@yahoo.com>
Pretoria, Gauteng South Africa - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 2:18 AM CST
Hello Gil Annie Margaret&Claire Its great to read of your amazing progress,and so glad you are able to attend rehab as an outpatient.We think and pray for you often and draw inspiration from you all.Hampstead Heath looks and smells lovely this late autumn but we too have the dog pooh cleaning problem.God bless and love Maryxxxxxxxxx
Mary McDowall <marymcdowall@hotmail.com>
London, - Monday, November 17, 2003 5:16 PM CST
Dear Gil,

This is Nina Balmaceda your student from Peru (1995-1998).
I am so glad to read about your improvement. Our prayers are with you. Thank you so much for everything you tought us... you are still teaching us in an even more powerful way! God bless you and your family,

PD: I am temporarily in the US with my husband and son. My husband is getting a Masters of Divinity at the Alliance Theological Seminary in Nyack, NY.

Nina Balmaceda <Balmaceda.1@nd.edu>
Nyack, NY USA - Friday, November 14, 2003 4:13 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Ann. Gil, it's wonderful that you are home, starting to walk, and writing your own entry for the web site. Hooray! Love to all of you.
Marty and Linda Wolfson <mwolfson@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN US - Thursday, November 13, 2003 9:32 AM CST
Dear Uncle Gil and Aunt Annie, Happy Belated Birthday Annie... We were so happy to hear from Uncle Gil on the website. How exciting that your home and doing so well in your recovery. Hi, I am so happy I now own a home. It will be built and ready in April. A big home. 5 bedrooms and three full baths. I got the oversized lot so I could put in a big pool and spa. I love this AZ. weather.We are having lots of laughs every day with the wonderful Nino family. I also own a puppy. A standard poodle named stanley steamer. Fred is alot happier out of that snake pit care home. I do all of his care. I learned alot the hard way . He is still disabled on one whole side. I do the fireman roll,to move him. Its 4 years still bathing in bed. HOW LUCKY you now can shower. I can very his turns during the day. There will be fun times for him in the new home.
Marilyn Bettencourt <i m nino@earthlink.net>
. . MESA, AZ maricopa - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 10:41 PM CST
Happy Birthday Ann! 61 years young. Can you believe we are older than our parents were when we were young? That's a little convoluted but I think you know what I mean, since we are still "kids." Wow, Gil, you are pretty amazing. I know you are just "doing your thing," and doing what you have to do, but to all of us lesser mortals it is truly an inspiration. I saw Matt in DC over the weekend--went down with some friends. We all saw a show (Sondheim's new "Bounce"), had dinner and visited back at Matt and Laura's apartment in Adams-Morgan on California Street. It was great to spend so much time with them. Martha is doing a lot better after a bout with a terrible allergic skin reaction to medication and infected hand from hospital IV. Jim Dull is being inducted into the St. Mary's High School Athletic Hall of Fame on Sunday, so the Dull clan is gathering. It will be the first time we have all been together since just before I saw all of you folks at Cranberry and in NYC in late December early January of 2000/2001. Carl and Linda are coming out from Michigan and we'll meet at John's. Is it okay to use this site for some family news? :-) Lots of love and continued prayers, Marya
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 5:28 PM CST
Dear Gil:
I can't tell you how happy I am to learn of your (relatively) rapid progress once you've returned to your home court. Just know that I am still rooting for you and find your love of life energizing. Ana Maria feels the same way.

Best wishes!

Denis Goulet <Denis.A.Goulet.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 4:08 PM CST
Hi Annie and Gil,
Happy Birthday, Annie! I am so happy that you all were able to celebrate it together and at home! (Annie, I had forgotten that you and I share the same birthday--I am 37 today. Boy, time flies!) Gil, reading your healing is so fascinating, remarkable, moving and uplifting...I am thrilled for you that you are home. It is amazing to me how amazing you and your whole family are. I agree with Charlie Woods that you and Annie, and Maggie and Claire have such a wonderful way of sharing that makes me feel like I am actually part of the scenario with you. We have been with you, if only in spirit, thoughts, and prayers, and you will continue to be. You must be very proud of your family---you are all obviously very special. I hope my children grow up to be the kind of people your daughters obviously are, and I hope Dave and I give our children the kind of love and fun you and Annie have obviously shared with yours! My grandmother, Virginia, is following your recovery through printed out versions of this site, sent to her by Marya. That Marya takes good care of Aunt Gin! Continued best wishes! Love, Brynne

Brynne Ballentine Fisher <brynne@yourcardsolution.com>
Tega Cay, SC USA - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 9:48 PM CST
Dear Prof. Loescher,
As a Peace Studies student (IIPS '92), I took a class with you, which I have never forgotten. It wasn't so much the content of the class (though that was good, too!), but your example as a teacher, practitioner, and fully committed human being whose academic expertise was based as much on practical experience as theoretical knowledge. You served as a great example for me of the way I too would like to/have tried to live my life: using knowledge and theory not as ends in themselves, but as a means of immersing myself in more fully in the real sufferings and joys of the world to help make a difference.
Thank you for your example, then and now. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers, and look forward to your future contributions as teacher and practitioner.
Michaela Bruzzese

Michaela Bruzzese <mbruzzese@mi.cl>
Santiago, Chile - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 4:28 PM CST
Dear Gil and Family,
I was one of the two Peace House Students (92/93)who decided to write Theses and you were one of my readers. (common Article 3) I am currently working with the United Nations, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and have been closely following your recovery. I truly believe you are a miracle to the entire human race, just like several of my colleagues who, I must say "cheated death". We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Be of good courage and God bless the NHS and all those contributing in every way to your recovery.

Rosette Muzigo-Morrison <muzigo-morrison.icty@un.org>
The Hague, The Netherlands - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 3:41 AM CST
I just reacently learned of your ordeal prof. Loescher. I am not among your numerous students, so you won't remember me, but your classes (as reflected in my old colleagues' recounts and papers) left a mark on us all, IIPS alumni/ae. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Catia Confortini (MA '96) <conforti@usc.edu>
Long Beach, CA - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 1:29 AM CST
Dear Gil and family,
I do not have anything special to add to what has been said so eloquently by so many but felt compelled to add my two cents worth anyway--just to say how deeply it touched me to read your journal entry and to sense in a more profound way what your family has been communicating to us for so long--that this terrible tragedy has not destoyed you; it has made you stronger. And to know that you will continue to use your strength as you always have--to work toward a world that is more humane and more sane. The best to you, Gil, and to your loved ones.

Carol Stuart <carolstuart@prodigy.net>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, November 10, 2003 11:16 PM CST
Dear Gil and family:

It is incredible to know you are home, enjoying the space of your loving family! And your progress keeps us in awe day after day. At this point of steady improvement, I can only feel very happy and fortunate for knowing you and getting to know the love and strength of your family. Of course we will continue to send love, light and peace from all across the planet, in order to keep acompannying you along this way. I thought that you changed my perspective on life when I was at Notre Dame, but you have just done it once again.

Helena Hofbauer <helena@fundar.org.mx>
Mexico City, - Monday, November 10, 2003 10:00 PM CST
Dear Gil,
It is really great to hear that you are getting much better. I still recall long hours sitting in your office going over my term paper - conflict in Rwandese. I also remember a funny thing when you were writing my reference letter to the Phd programs; you said not to apply to Colorado because among other things it is nasty cold and far from "major" cities/civilization. I took your advice and went to the coldest "region" on planet - Syracuse University, men it was cold and thanks for the advice. I also remember the time we (Peace House 1998) invited you for dinner - I still have a photo of you and peace girls eating Hungarian paprikas, and discussing refugees. You made my time at Notre Dame worthwhile with your ideas about making world a better place for all of us. Brenda and I wish you all the best-you are a wonderful person and the world need you even more right now.


Tilla McAntony, PhD <tmcantony@worldbank.org>
WASHINGTOND, DC, DC U.S - Monday, November 10, 2003 6:20 PM CST
Dear Gil,
I received a message from Anne and visited the site again. It was so wonderful to read your words! Not a day passed after your injury that I haven't thought of you.

You have three wonderful women around you who despite everything made sure that your news reached friends and families. I want to say thanks to Ann, Claire and Maggie for sharing the love and warmth of the Loescher family.

Do you remember your trip to Bangladesh? I was waiting for you at the domestic airport and the flight was 3 hours late! You looked so tired after that strenuous trip in Chittagong! But still smiling…

I am really looking forward to seeing your beautiful smile soon Gil.

Thinking of you,

Bina D'Costa <Bina.DCosta@anu.edu.au>
Canberra, ACT Australia - Monday, November 10, 2003 5:49 PM CST
It is wonderful to read Gil's entry. I still picture shaking your hand and talking to you. We will continue to pray for you and your family. Peace will triumph over war. It would be like water quenching fire. All these sacrifice would not be in vain. Peace to everybody.
Awal Abdulai <awalbc@yahoo.com>
Decatur, GA USA - Monday, November 10, 2003 5:17 PM CST
I do not know the Loeschers personally but I am an alumni of the Kroc Institute at Notre Dame. Just to let you all know that I am continuing to pray for Prof's recovery and that I thank God that he is still alive.
Birabwa-Nsubuga <cbirabwa@hotmail.com>
Kampala, Uganda - Monday, November 10, 2003 3:32 PM CST
Dear Gil -

I hope I'm not repeating myself, but I thought I would re-send my prior note that I did not see in the guest book. I hope that it made it to you. As promised, we have been keeping you and the family in our prayers. We will continue to think of you in the long road of healing. All the best, Marty

-----Original Message-----
From: Marty Loesch
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 9:00 AM
To: 'claireloescher@yahoo.com'
Subject: Prayers

Claire -

We've not met, that I know of, but I have known your Dad for fifteen years or so. As a hapless undergrad, I took his class only because our last names were similar. I figured he couldn't be a bad guy with a name like that. I discovered that he was both a terrific teacher and a beautiful person in the process. Later, while I was studying in the Peace Institute I had the opportunity to study with him again and my respect for him, both as a person and a teacher grew.

I was shocked to hear the news of his injuries. I have shared the news with several other friends who studied with your dad. The news is spreading still. I'm now hearing from other friends who have only just learned and are reaching out to let people know.

My wife, Cyndi, and I are keeping your dad, you and the rest of your family in our thoughts and prayers. I hope that you all can find strength in your love for each other in the days ahead and healing of body and spirit.

Please do not feel any need to reply to this note. Just know that your dad is well loved by many and that people around the world are praying for him and thinking good thoughts for you all in these days.

Much love,

Marty Loesch
ND '87, Peace Institute '89-'94

Marty Loesch <mcloesch@earthlink.net>
Swinomish Indian Reservation, WA USA - Monday, November 10, 2003 2:53 PM CST
Dear Gil, Ann, Claire and Margaret, Greetings and Congratulations on the great progress Gil is making-- with wonderful help from so many! Last week I wrote you all a note but it didn't appear as usual and I am not at all computer savvy! I didn't know where it went so I gave up. Today another try! How great it is to know that Gil is so far ahead of the predicted schedule. I can only imagine the grit and determination it is taking. But you know your friends are cheering here on the sidelines so far away. Be assured of my continued prayers and thoughts! Love, Isabel
Isabel Charles
South Bend, IN usa - Monday, November 10, 2003 2:13 PM CST
It was so so wonderful to see your personal entry. I am so happy to hear about your recovery and the great progress you are making. Thank God for it and for you wonderful family.

Shelly Campbell <michelle.l.campbell@us.army.mil>
Landstuhl, Germany - Monday, November 10, 2003 1:20 PM CST
Dear Gil,

What a thrill to read your personal entry! We've all waited patiently for this time. And bless those beautiful women in your life for all that they've done to keep you up...and us informed.

Warm wishes to you and yours,

Nancy Hahn
Kellogg Institute

Nancy Hahn <hahn.4@nd.edu >
Notre Dame, IN USA - Monday, November 10, 2003 1:13 PM CST
Dear Loeschers, Charlene and I are so pleased to hear of Gil's progress. We are passing the good news along to our fellow parishioners at Trinity Presbyterian Church who have joined us in praying for his recovery. We have followed your regular reports on Gil's condition. You all have a very special knack for making the reader feel like he is right there with you. We look forward to hearing more good news in the days and months ahead. Love, Cousin Charlie and Charlene.
Charles Woods <cwoods79@columbus.rr.com>
Zanesville, OH USA - Monday, November 10, 2003 11:30 AM CST
Dear Gil,

I've only recently become aware of what happened to you. I was in the process of getting resettled back in Michigan after a year in South Africa and heard about the UN office in Baghdad being bombed. But my goodness, I had no idea you were part of it. So compared to so many others, I'm just catching up.

It's been years since we've seen each other. I fondly recall our research trip to Ottawa and Toronto, and visits with you and your family in Oxford in the early nineties. The girls were still in grade school then, and now I read how they and Ann are taking care of you.

You've gone through an extraordinary period, and I'm so happy to see your progress and realize that your long-term prognosis is so good. I'll write a longer missive by email in the next weeks to try to do some more catching up.

I wish the best to you, Ann and all.

Jim Butterfield <butterfield@wmich.edu>
- Sunday, November 9, 2003 1:40 PM CST
Dear Gil and the lovely Loescher ladies,
You're back!!! We jumped with joy when we saw your message pop up on the screen...Ever since we heard the news, my family and I have been thinking of you and your family...A daily prayer from little Sam for "Mommy's nice teacher" included as well!
In addition to the prayers and thoughts, though, I've been inspired to revisit your work. In re-reading your books and articles these days and discussing your ideas with my students, I (and they) have been reminded of the importance of alleviating suffering, the respnsibility to do so, and the sacrifices involved. I feel as though we've been having a conversation with you all this time. Thank you for being so brave and for working so hard.

So, cheers to "Mommy's nice teacher" and his beautiful family! Welcome home!

With much love and admiration,
Betsy Brody

Betsy Brody <bbrody@sbcglobal.net>
Plano, TX U.S.A. - Friday, November 7, 2003 6:11 AM CST
Hi there Loeschers, I have not visited your site for about 10 days and am so pleased that you are home. I have heard news from Annemarie who met up with Maggie in London. I will email Maggie sometime with some ideas and thoughts that may help Gil in the future. Meanwhile take care and we are all still thinking of you all. all love Wonky, David and Miz
Wonky Beeny
Clevedon, North Somerset UK - Thursday, November 6, 2003 2:28 PM CST
Dear Gil,

You're home! Hooray! And you're right up there with my other heroes of this era. Tell the women in your family that their wonderful journal has to become a book at some point. The entries have been absolutely gripping, as well as having a wonderul narrative arc.

Love, Sonia

Sonia Gernes <Sonia.G.Gernes.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 2:51 PM CST
It was so wonderful to read your words, Gil, and to really have you back among us! But also great to see you writing again today, Ann. The inspiration we have all gained from you these last months has come not only through what has happenned, but also very much through the brave and dignified way in which Ann, Margaret and Claire have shared their thoughts and experiences with this whole community. So, I for one am very glad to see you all writing and continuing that sharing when it seems appropriate. Best wishes to you all

Joanne van Selm <jvanselm@migrationpolicy.org>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 2:13 PM CST
Dear Gil:

It is hard to describe how inspiring your recovery has been and the joy at seeing your message added to web site. Like so many others whose lives you have touched, I have also derived from your family's journals and the guest book entries, a feeling of hope that I could not have imagined arising out of the tragedy that took Arthur and Sergio's lives and brought you so close to death. Knowing that so many others share your and their passion for justice gives each of us greater confidence that a better world is an achievable objective.

With all good wishes to you and your family, Joe Stern

Joseph Stern <jstern@rogers.com>
Ottawa, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 7:48 AM CST
I was so happy to read the post by Gil himself, I had to read it several times to let it sink in! Wonderful news. Bless you all!
Doris Krueger Buchmann <bulldog5@thegrid.net>
Greenville, Ca USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 10:17 PM CST
Dear Professor Loescher,
I don't know whether or not you'll remember me as I only had the privilege of having one class with you.
I just happened to be in Indiana and had the TV on when they announced on the local news that you'd be in the UN bombing. I got this address from the IIPS and have been following your progress ever since (and sending them to my mother as well since she doesn't have internet access). Some of those hospital entries reminded me of the days when my Dad was in the hospital after his car accident (a much more minor injury but a lot of the same feelings).
I am so glad that you have been able to make such a remarkable recovery and that your family has been so willing to share it.
God bless,

Elisabeth Yoder <eyoder@aucegypt.edu>
Cairo, Egypt - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 3:51 PM CST
Gil, The messages from your wife and daughters have been moving and uplifting, always, yet we also have been waiting to hear directly from you! This is a time for us all to celebrate! We are so deeply happy that you are still alive and that you and your work represent a living reality that symbolizes for us the life of service to relieve human suffering to which we aspire. We will continue to hold and your family in our hearts and prayers, as well as those for whom you have labored so well for so long.

Robert Johansen <johansen.2@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 3:28 PM CST
Dear Gil,

Welcome home. What a wonderful thing to read. And the worldwide cheer must have registered on the Richter scale. (Can a cheer register on a Richter Scale?)

Much love,


Nancy Kenny
Oxford, UK - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 3:28 PM CST
Dear Gil,

This is truly a special day. I felt it coming of course but somehow to see your name there writing to everybody who has been following you, my heart jumped a few beats. Welcome home to Orchard Lane and to all the wonderful things you have been missing while you were away! Family is family and I know that Ann, Margaret, and Claire could not be happier, but all of us who have stayed with you in spirit all through these weeks feel a kind of family elation too. I look forward to lots of ordinary days and wish you all the best as you continue to heal and experience normal life again. Lots of love, Karen

Karen Solomon <karen@theliving.net>
Vicenza, , Italy - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 1:22 PM CST
Professor Loescher:
I was elated to read that you have returned home! What a blessing for you and your wonderful family, who I feel I have gotten to know through reading this site.
I took your International Humanitarian Issues class at Notre Dame in the fall of 1995 and am forever impacted by your work.
You and your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Annie Linehan (ND '96) <alinehan@nationaljournal.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 10:52 AM CST
Dear Gil and the Wonderful Loescher Women:
I miss one day of my Loesher devotions (daily entry like your many, many other global fans) and lo,Gil is at the keyboard!!! I have always thought the power of the resurrection for Christians was the love that refused to be conquered by death, torture, absence. I remember when you were here alone Gil, before you left ND how much you missed your family. Who wouldn't miss these fantastic women? My how your family has shown all of us how death can be conquered, how love can heal! For many of us, probably all of us, who have been able to follow your incredible journey, there are persistant feelings of helplessness given the pains of the world, and the evil which seems to get worse. (Or maybe some of us are just getting older!). Although your healing is not yet complete, you have given us all hope that caring the best we can, praying the best we can, and doing the best we can, might result in a miracle here and there. I for one, am jealous of Ann's brother and Big George for being able to be there and actually do something for you folks. Imagine, everyone who clicked in on this site appearing at your door step! It would be one heck of a party! Instead, I join all your friends in one big cyber dance of gratitude and songs of joy. There is a lot more healing and rehab to do, but Gil Loesher is back world, and the we are all so much better for it!

rita kopczynski <rmkop@msn.com>
South Bend, IN USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 9:13 AM CST
Dear Gil How very wonderful to read your message WELCOME HOME (Christmas really has come early)The changes around your home sound amazing it is all so remarkable.We continue to pray for you all, with much love to you all the McDowalls
Mary McDowall <marymcdowall@hotmail.com>
London, U.K. - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 2:02 AM CST
Dear Gil,

I had not checked the website informing about your condition for a week. I cannot describe you the immense sense of joy I experienced after learning that you were discharged from the hospital, and that it was actually you who was writing the latest entry of the electronic diary. Your recovery is simply remarkable, Gil. I am so happy to read your wonderful writing once again, particularly as you convey such a positive and determined message expressing your commitment to regain a normal, productive and happy life. The strength you Ann, Claire and Maggie have shown in these difficult 10 weeks is simply unbelievable. It has been an incredible source of inspiration for all of us.

Gil, in these last 10 weeks I red over and over your wonderful and inspirational work on different issues pertaining to forced migration and security. I thought it was a silly way to keep in touch with you. While of course I am not objective on this matter, while re-reading your work I am simply convinced that very few people have written on this issue with such a wonderful combination of authority, clarity and compassion. Your professionalism and personal commitment are remarkable and exemplary Gil. You have been such an inspiration for so many people. Having you back is thus a great blessing. Probably you do not know, but I always assign some of your latest writing in the courses I teach. When I do, I feel an enormous deal of pride of having had the privilege to study under your supervision. Gil, what I am trying to say in a very clumsy way is that probably you are not fully aware of the tremendous gap your absence would have left. Your fine work is living proof of the powerful, benign influence you have exerted on so many people over the years. So welcome back Gil, take all the time you need to get better, but just make sure to return because in these troubled times we sorely need you!!!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart good luck in your rehab. It is going to be a difficult road; however, in light of your strength and commitment, I am sure that you will overcome all possible hurdles and regain the normal life that never should have been taken away from you.

Warmest regards. I look forward to seeing or talking to you soon.


Andreas Feldmann <afeldman@uchicago.edu>
Chicago, - Monday, November 3, 2003 10:17 PM CST
Gil, what good news that you're not only home but able to use the computer. All my best wishes for your continued recovery. Susan
Susan Martin <martinsf@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, November 3, 2003 4:20 PM CST
To the Loescher Family -

I was so happy to read that Gil has been released from the hospital. I am the Director of Human Resources at the Council on Foreign Relations, and have been working with Jacquie Gilbert on issues related to Arthur. Throughout this time, I have been following your log and keeping your family in prayer. My best wishes for Gil's continued recovery.


Jan Mowder Hughes

Jan Mowder Hughes
NYC, NY USA - Monday, November 3, 2003 3:06 PM CST
Gil and Loescher Family ---
I began today as I do most every work day - reading this website and praying for you. What a thrill to see the message so many have been waiting and praying for all these weeks!! Your teaching and writing inspired me in graduate school. Your courage and dedication will inspire me always. You will certainly remain in our prayers in the difficult days ahead.

Victor Hinojosa <Victor_Hinojosa@baylor.edu>
Waco, TX - Monday, November 3, 2003 12:01 AM CST
Dear Gil,

Welcome home! It was so great to read a message from you, though the posts from Ann, Claire and Maggie have been wonderful. I hope that each day gets easier for all of you and that you take joy from every new accomplishment.

All the Best,


Sara Zucker <sara.zucker@excite.com>
Somerville, MA USA - Monday, November 3, 2003 9:23 AM CST
Dear Gil and co.,
I wandered off while your page was loading and got distracted and forgot to come back 'til half my monthly Compuserve allowance was used up! But what a bargain - it was more than 49,000 times worth it to see Gil's signature on the page. Every good wish for the days ahead.

Sibyl <sgrundberg@compuserve.com>
London, UK - Monday, November 3, 2003 8:22 AM CST
Dearest Loeschers, We lept from our seats to hug each other after reading Gil's warm and loving message. During those dark days in August and September we hardly dared hope for today's journal entry. Gil, as you now understand, your agony (and astonishing guts) - backed up by the courage and devotion of Ann, Clair and Maggie - moved and inspired hundreds of people: your very own global village.
Dominic told us that he had spent some time with Gil and Ann on Wednesday. He was relieved to find Gil in such fine fettle, though the military hair cut threw him for a second! He was surprised,too, at how vital Ann looked - he was worried, that with all the family has been through, she might have been left wan and drained.
The journal entries by Ann, Maggie and Claire have continued to be models of imagination and empathy - funny too. They warm the cockles of the heart. (Bishop Tutu, who was here at Notre Dame a few weeks ago, confessed to not knowing what "cockles" actually are. Ditto for us; but bet Ann knows!)
Much love, Walshes

Peter Walshe <walshe.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, November 3, 2003 0:07 AM CST

I'm so happy to hear from you!!! Of course you are in my thoughts and prayers. Thinking about you and your recovery just brought back a flood of memories from college and your central role in my pursuit of studies in int'l affairs. Thank you for all of the support then and in my graduate endeavors as well. Couldn't have done it without the kind of support and encouragement that I got from you back at ND!

I do look forward to the day that our paths cross again! Until then I'll keep checking up on you to see how you are doing. Also, thank you to your wonderful family for setting up this site and for their dedicated entries. Much love from the States!!!


Shawn Broz <sbrozwork@yahoo.com>
New Haven, CT - Sunday, November 2, 2003 9:29 PM CST
Gil and family,

Checking in on the Loeschers has been an important part of each day for me. That so much love and beautiful writing should find itself under one roof is breathtaking. Thanks to the four of you for sharing this marvelous journal.

Dennis Grace <djgrace@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, November 2, 2003 7:36 PM CST
Hooray, hooray, hooray, hooray, HOORAY!!!!
Mary R. Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL - Sunday, November 2, 2003 4:05 PM CST
Dear Prof. Loescher and family
I just checked this website before my departure to Chiang Mai for a conference and I found your very first entry here. Thank you for you've kindly delivered what many have been waiting for. I will surely visit the temple on the hill top and pray for your right hand.

Chutimas <chutimassuksai@yahoo.com>
Bangkok, Thailand - Sunday, November 2, 2003 2:42 PM CST
I only signed the guestbook a day or so ago but Gil how could we not respond to your first, very own message?! We're overjoyed that you are home. You're all amazing and we are very thankful. love from Marion and Jon.
Marion Couldrey <marion.couldrey@dsl.pipex.com>
Oxford, - Sunday, November 2, 2003 1:11 PM CST
Dear Gil,
Fantastic to open the diary today to discover that you have written the entry! I shouted this news down to my family. My young daughter, whom you have never met, came sprinting up the stairs to read your words. Can't wait to see you again.

Allan Leas <ALeas@ecre.org>
, - Sunday, November 2, 2003 1:10 PM CST
Dear All - Wow! Incredible to think that Gil will soon be coming home. And God bless Steve and "Big George" --isn't it nice to have a carpenter in the family! Much love to all--I continue to follow your story with bated breath. Annie, the pictures are on the way. Love, Marya
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Sunday, November 2, 2003 12:28 AM CST
Dear Prof. Loescher,
I was one of your international relations students at ND (7-8 years ago). Your book, Beyond Charity, occupies a spot on my bookshelves.
I have been following your recovery for a few weeks now-- I hope you are able to go home soon.
All the best, Katie Murphy McMahon (ND 96)

Katie Murphy McMahon <mcmahonk@newberry.org>
Chicago, IL USA - Friday, October 31, 2003 6:22 PM CST
It's wonderful to hear all this good news, Gil. And thanks again to Ann, Claire and Maggie for the updates. much love from Marion and Jon.
Marion Couldrey <marion.couldrey@dsl.pipex.com>
Oxford, - Friday, October 31, 2003 2:39 AM CST
Dear Gil,

Thank you for the inspiration you have given me and so many others. Your suffering brings home the pain of those still anonymous; your courage gives courage to us all.

Charlie Kenney

Charlie Kenney, ND 1998; University of Oklahoma <ckenney@ou.edu>
Norman, OK USA - Thursday, October 30, 2003 11:38 PM CST
I am astounded by the great progress that Gil is making. These stories have been wonderful to read. I hope that Gil realizes that the comments represent just a fraction of our feelings for him.
Mark Gibney <mgibney@unca.edu>
Asheville, NC USa - Thursday, October 30, 2003 3:53 PM CST
Dear Ann,

I'll bet those crisp white sheets looked attractive. You made them sound delicious to the rest of us, too. What a wonderful day! It was beautiful, and we talked of you all as we walked on the Downs. I can't tell you how much joy it adds to our memory of the day that Gil was out in it too.

Much love,


Nancy Kenny <NancyCKenny@aol.com>
Oxford, UK - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 2:42 PM CST
Dearest Mr. Loescher,

It is always heartbreaking to learn about those doing important humanitarian work that are hindered from what they do...

I never had you as a professor at Notre Dame nor met you, but I just wanted to wish you and your family peace of mind and love from this corner of the world.

I registered today to attend a public forum at the European Parliament in Brussels which will include panel discussions including those many related to human rights and poverty: www.pes.org/globalprogressiveforum.

May we all be more compassionate with each another...

Pai Gee-Janssens ND c/o 97 <pgee97@alumni.nd.edu>
Brussels, BELGIUM - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 2:15 PM CST
Dear Gil, We classmates at Serra High School heard about your tragedy at our 40th reunion earlier this month. Finally, John Horgan gave us your email info last Saturday after Serra had defeated Bellarmine. i believe the score was 33-27, last minute come from behind nail clincher.

Your other classmates say hello, and assure you that you are in our prayers. God bless you toward a speedy recovery.

In Christ, Joe Fegan

Joseph T Fegan <joefegan@pngusa.net>
Clipper Mills, CA USA - Monday, October 27, 2003 7:25 PM CST
Dear Loescher family:
I had not been able to read the journal entries during last week, and now that I opened the page, I felt overwhelmed with Gil's progress!!! Dear Professor Gil: it is wonderful to know you are back enjoying meals in the kitchen, the garden, going to the movies and having coffee in a nice bistro!!! You and the wonderful women that surround you are an inspiration. May peace, love and light be with you, always.

Helena Hofbauer <helena@fundar.org.mx>
Mexico City, - Monday, October 27, 2003 12:48 AM CST
Dear Family, We just finished reading your updates and had to write to you. We sat here over come with emotion and are so happy that you are enjoying each others company again at your own house. I have been busy the last couple of days getting our own family set-up here in Arizona. My mom and step-dad and Little Dave arrived from Northern California on Thursday in the R.V.What a journey they had, but it was all worth it to all be together again. They will stay with us until they find their own house and we are so happy. Yesterday we all went to see the Cardinals and the 49ers play football and had a blast together. We talked and laughed alot. The wheather is still hot here but the nights are beautiful and we are enjoying the Arizona life. Mom wants to write something now. Dear Gil and family, I am so proud of all of you. I know what it is like for your lives to have changed. Mine really did 4 years ago when my husband Fred had a stroke which left him disabled on the left side of his body. But, to have him still with us has been a blessing from above and we all work together to help him daily and continue to work at giving him all the love we can. We are camped out at Bridgets house in her family room and look forward to our time spent with them and enjoying my grandaughter. We sold my fathers house in San Mateo and decided it was time to leave California and start a new life. Wishing you all the best and I keep you all in my prayers. Love Marilyn.xoxoxo Love, Bridget too.
Bridget Loescher-Nino <I_M_NINO @EARTHLINK.NET>
Mesa, Az. usa - Monday, October 27, 2003 10:03 AM CST
Dear Gil, Ann, Margaret and Claire, How wonderful itis to read your accounts of Gil's progress! His remarkable determination and courage are absolutely mind-boggling, And your faithful reports are so comforting to his friends that I hope they give you all equal satisfaction when often you continue to write when you are desperate for rest. I for one am very heartened by all you let us share with you. Fall has come to SB and seems to match in loveliness that you describe in Oxford. How satisfying that Gil is able now to enjoy these occasional outings with you all. God is good to give us such beauty to enjoy in the midst of the world's chaos! I continue to keep you all in my prayers and thoughts. Much love, Isabel
Isabel Charles
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, October 27, 2003 9:39 AM CST
Dear Loeschers,
I had not looked at your entries for a week or so, and when I finally opened the webpage I could hardly believe that Gil went home today! I am so impressed by the pace of Gil's recovery, and the incredible support that the whole family has been giving him. You are an inspiration to all of us!
Best wishes,

Jasmin <jchakeri@worldbank.org>
Jakarta, Indonesia - Monday, October 27, 2003 5:54 AM CST
It is reassuring to hear aboutyour progress, Gil.
barbara harrell-bond <behbond@aucegypt.edu>
- Monday, October 27, 2003 2:36 AM CST
I was so glad to see that John the olive man has returned into your lives. When I saw Gil three days before he left for Iraq, that was where we said goodbye. I have been following your reports regularly and am so grateful for the trouble the three of take in writing them. You were so courageous when you had bad news to report, now we can just look forward to ever better news and hopefully seeing Gil ourselves. As tragedy continues to hit Iraq daily, I think how lucky we are to have Gil back with us and now not only in hospital, but in his own garden too.
Do keep writing if you can; I am sure all your friends appreciate it as much as I do.

Neil Taylor <neiltaylor90@hotmail.com>
London, U.K. - Sunday, October 26, 2003 4:49 PM CST
Hooray for all of you! What joy to read about Gil's rapid progress and your home reunion, at last. Many good thoughts are flowing your way from Calgary. Our admiration knows no bounds--may you go from strength to strength.
Alan and Gail Dowty <dowty.1@nd.edu>
Calgary/South Bend, - Sunday, October 26, 2003 3:17 PM CST
Dear Loeschers,
Wow! After a few days it's a heady experience to check in with your website and picture Gil in the garden. Well done all of you!

Sibyl <sgrundberg@compuserve.com>
London, UK - Sunday, October 26, 2003 12:23 AM CST
Dear Loeschers, What wonderful news in the letters! I am so happy for you,you are really a remarkable family - loving, strong, with an amazing will to cure.
My thoughts are with you every day, Anne

Anne C. Kjelling <ack@nobel.no>
Oslo, Norway - Sunday, October 26, 2003 8:25 AM CST
Dear Gil and Family, It's so exciting to read Gil's progress and to learn that, as Claire wrote in the latest journal, he was about to see his home again!! What wonderful news! Dear Gil, I've been thinking of you ever since August and now I finally am able to get on this website. This website, the journals especially, are so touching! Dear Gil, you are a highly likable and respectable professor and a most inspiring and amiable human being. I learned a lot from you when I was pursuing Peace Studies at ND during 1997-98. Gil, you also kindly helped me with applying to UK grad schools a couple of years ago. I thank you, look up to you and have always been praying for you from this corner of the world since I heard of the most stupid attack. I’m sure with everybody’s prayers, Gil , you’ll soon be back with all of us again. You visited my hometown, Mount Jinggangshan, during the Culture Revolution in the 1970s, and if you need a resort for next summer, consider coming to China and being my guest. :) All my best wishes to you and your family.
JIAN Yi <jianyi@china-aids.org>
Beijing, China - Sunday, October 26, 2003 0:26 AM CDT
Dear Professor Loescher,

You probably don't remember me, but I've never forgotten you! You introduced me to refugees during my Sophomore year at Notre Dame, and I've been obsessed with the plight of forcibly displaced people ever since.

I was so sorry to hear of your injuries and I pray for a speedy recovery and comfort for you and your family.

Warmest regards.

Cheryl Igiri (ND '99) <cigiri@cfr.org>
Washington , DC USA - Friday, October 24, 2003 11:27 AM CDT
I watch nearly every day. I am coming to the UK for a few days. Hope to have time to get to Oxford and see Gil - am enroute to Sierra Leone.
barbara harrell-bod <bebond@aucegypt.edu>
Cairo 11511, - Friday, October 24, 2003 9:36 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family, it is truly inspirational to read your journal. I hope and pray that your recovery continues apace. Know not only that so many are thinking of you and wishing you the best, but that you are all touching so many others.
Rick Stainsby <Richard.Stainsby@irb.gc.ca>
Toronto, Canada - Friday, October 24, 2003 9:02 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers:

I had not had the chance to visit the website for a while. I am simply amazed at the progress Gil has made, it is wonderful news. An epic recovery, as Peter Walsh so eloquently indicated. I cannot possibly convey to you how happy I am to learn that Gil is slowly but surely regaining a more normal life. Once again, thank you for your wonderful example. Kindest regards,


Andreas Feldmann <afeldman@uchicago.edu>
Chicago, - Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:53 PM CDT
Dear Gil and All - How heartening to check in everyday and read of Gil's RAPID progress. I just thumbed back through former entries in the log and realized how many changes have occurred in just a week or two. It is wonderful of you all to allow us to follow in such detail Gil's journey to wellness, arduous though it may be. Thank you, thank you! Much love, Marya P.S. Bravo to all.
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:36 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Claire, Maggie, I have been away on holiday with Miz in Malta and in the week that we have been away the progress you have made is fantastic. I hope that you are home very soon and that your recovery continues. We are still thinking of you and continue the compulsive reading of your journal. With love Wonky, David and Miz xxxxxx
Wonky Beeny
Clevedon, North Somerset uk - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 4:14 PM CDT
Dear Professor Loescher and Family,
You probably do not remember me but twenty years ago you helped me by accepting--at the last moment--to be a member of my dissertation committee. I will always owe you a debt of gratitude for doing so.
Since the horrible day of the bombing of the UN mission, I have been trying to send you my best wishes for a prompt recovery. Finally, yesterday I found the address of this WEB site in the last issue of ND's magazine. I want to thank your family for sharing with us the ups and downs of your recovery. The daily entrances were moving and touching and I can only admire your strength and fortitude as well as that of your family. It is wonderful news to know that you are now breathing the outdoors' fresh air and composing on your computer. I send you my best wishes for a continued recovery and please give my best to your family, from a very gratful former student. Robert Fatton Jr.

Robert Fatton Jr. <rf@virginia.edu>
Charlottesville, VA USA - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:45 AM CDT
Dear Gil,

I just heard from Kim Maynard that you were wounded in Iraq. How glad I was to hear that you had survived that terrible attack and were recuperating in England with your family close at hand. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I have let the Union community know, and I am sure they will join me in a bow of gratitude for all your hard work and sacrifice to advance the cause of peace, truth, and justice in that troubled part of the world. We all talk glibly about "scholarship that matters," but few of us actually live it the way that you do. I remain deeply grateful, as well, for your good work with Kim on her doctoral program. Thank you for everything. God bless you!

John Tallmadge <john.tallmadge@tui.edu>
Cincinnati, OH USA - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 9:28 AM CDT
It was with great happiness that I read that you are awaiting a discharge date for Gil, earlier than expected! Wonderful news, and your postings are very uplifting for us to read, thank you for continuing writing them!
Doris Krueger Buchmann <bulldog5@thegrid.net>
Greenville, Ca USA - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 11:42 PM CDT
Loeschers, it has been a while since I visited the site - since the move back to England and the first days of surgery there. I have thought about visiting and writing about how Ann's comments regarding the burned soldiers in Germany brought more aspects of this war closer to home because those soldiers were part of my son, Patrick's, division. Well... today the compulsion to visit the page became more urgent since we got the 5 a.m. call from Patrick that the 30 year old brother, PJ Johnson, of his girlfriend, Suzy, was killed when their vehicle was rigged by the enemy while they were on patrol outside of Baghdad. It has been a sad morning for me and just thinking of Gil lifts my spirits up! You have been through so much and I am elated for your continued recovery. At the same time the sadness inspires me to write a brief note to our local papers about the courage of people in these two sets of events that brings this war too close to home for me. Take care.
Cecilia Manrique <manrique@hbci.com>
Winona, MN USA - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 9:20 AM CDT
Best wishes to Dr. Loescher and his family. It was good to hear that his hand is making a strong recovery and that he is able to get out and about so much more easily. Sounds like a great afternoon at that sidewalk cafe!

Twenty-three years ago, I took Dr. Loescher's course on International Human Rights. It is a great professor who twenty-three years after you take his course can still be teaching what it means to have a commitment to human rights and international justice. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.

Kate Farrell
Wynnewood, PA 19096 - Monday, October 20, 2003 9:38 AM CDT
Dear Ann and Gil, Claire and Matt, Maggie and Joel,
I've just gobbled 3 entries after being away for some days. It's been great to be put in touch with your excitement, Gil's zest for life, and his amazing progress. Good on you! - for continuing to correspond on this website, over all these weeks.

Sibyl Grundberg <sgrundberg@compuserve.com>
London, UK - Monday, October 20, 2003 5:53 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,

Wow. I had been so sorry to have lost touch with you, Gil, thus am extremely grateful for the opportunity to reconnect, but deeply regret the occasion. Your guiding hand on my dissertation committee in the early-mid ninteties was but the beginning of your influence on my work. In fact, it was one of MY students that referred me to this website--our having discussed your work in class on numerous occasions!

Having worked in and lived through many tragedies in war-torn countries, one can say it becomes part of the job. But that is never the truth. The UN and many of us in the humanitarian field have suffered greatly from this. It cuts to the quick when it is our own that are hurt by acts of violence--especially when it is ironically those acts of violence that brought our presence in the first place. It is a daily suffering for some and, Gil, I am so, so encouraged to hear yours is gradually subsiding.

I am currently at the World Bank working on methodologies for working in conflict-affected countries. When you have time and an inclination, I should love to re-ignite our connection and perphaps once again seek your valued opinion on professional matters.

In the mean time, I will keep in touch--no more lapses. I send many healing thoughts and take much delight in your family's account of your heroic recovery.

Fond regards,

Kim Maynard

Kim Maynard <kmaynard@copper.net>
Arlington, VA USA - Sunday, October 19, 2003 11:33 AM CDT
As a former student of Prof. Loescher, I was deeply saddened to hear of the events that transpired in Iraq. Prof. Loescher was a fantastic teacher, but more importantly he is a wonderful human being. He taught me a tremendous amount about the capacity to positively affect change in the world. It is wonderful to hear that he is recovering. My prayers and thoughts are with him daily. Peace be with you all...
Joseph Clamon <joseph-clamon@uiowa.edu>
Iowa City, Iowa United States - Saturday, October 18, 2003 11:36 AM CDT
Hi Everyone! Gil, it's so exciting to read about your progress and it's great that your hand is out from under wraps at last! It's funny because I was thinking that your story is one of those that changes the way people see the world. And any time a person goes through something terrible and survives, people will say--correctly--that that person is a beacon of hope to others. Which probably doesn't help a bit to hear, because who really asks to be that? But I've been reading your and Arthur Helton's writing on opendemocracy.org and I've read this guestbook right from the start and I can see that through your work you've always been a beacon of hope. You've always been about what life SHOULD be like instead of what it sometimes lets itself be about. And not just in your work. I remember how, a long time ago, you put a stop to much of my adolescent misbehavior. You made the point that I had a duty at that age to start behaving like an adult, *immediately*. Which isn't to say that I managed it immediately, but I began to try, because of that moment. You probably don't remember but I'm quite certain the world is full of people who have been changed by encounters with you in which all you did was be yourself and speak your mind. Which is why, I think, you've managed to turn this tragedy into a story of ideals and what people CAN be, because that's your nature. I'm so proud of you.

Love, Mary

Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Saturday, October 18, 2003 8:50 AM CDT
Dear Gill, Ann and Claire
I'm among ARCM staff, local organizor of IASFM held in Chiengmai, Thailand early this year. I was in Oxford in Aug. and Sep. but lost your add. I heard about the incident but didn't realize that Gill's among the injures.
Anyway, my college and I believe that all of you'll keep your good spirit(you've proved it!) and Gill'd recover as much as possible. We're sending you our warm wishes.


Premjai Vungsiriphisal <premjai.v@chula.ac.th>
Bangkok, - Thailand - Friday, October 17, 2003 5:49 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers-all,
Is there some record for the patient and family with the most geographically dispersed correspondents? You guys must win hands down! I am just back from Boston and New York and in my few days there I spoke to half a dozen people who are following your amazing progress. Congratulations to you all, and thank you so much for your courage and for your commitment in keeping us all up to date.


Nancy Kenny <NancyCKenny@aol.com>
Oxford, UK - Friday, October 17, 2003 4:23 AM CDT
Dr. Loescher and Family,

As a former student, I would like to wish Dr. Loescher and his family continued strength in his recovery. Dr. Loesher, I have never forgotten your kindness to me after my MA comprehensives and the way you sought me out at the Notre Dame library with words of encouragement. You were the kindest and most inspiring faculty member I encountered at N.D. I will pray for your continued recovery.

Andrea Dawe Yang <ayang68961@aol.com>
woodlands, tx usa - Thursday, October 16, 2003 12:32 AM CDT
Dr. Loescher and family:

I was a student of Dr. Loescher's at Notre Dame (and in Notre Dame's London Program) 20 years ago. He is a magnificent teacher, and pushed us all to view the world through the prisms of morality and justice. I carry with me to this day many valuable lessons that I learned in his classroom. I am pulling for all of you, and I add my heartfelt prayers for Dr. Loescher's continued recovery.

Tim Vercellotti <lvercellotti@elon.edu>
Durham, NC USA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 11:24 AM CDT
It's so fantastic to read about Gil's steady yet speedy progress. Congratulations to all four of you for tackling such challenges with strength and grace. No doubt you deserve a great deal of chocolate and other comforting and restorative foods! Take good care of yourselves.
Sara Zucker <sara.zucker@excite.com>
Somerville, MA USA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 8:52 AM CDT
Hi Gil, Ann, Maggie and Claire

I wandered back from the mountainous eastern reaches of Sri Lanka the other day (having spent a few nights in a modest bungalow made of elephant dung, a far far cry from Tinkerbell, I can assure you), and logged on immediately to this site. You know, its been really extraordinary reading all of your daily excerpts since late August, the mixture of love, and humour and humility. I've encouraged my own family and close friends to read them, to know something of you all, your resilience, etc. You're all role-models, in my book.

In the meantime, please please pass on my fond regards to Gil, I'm looking forward to scanning over his contributions to opendemocracy in the near term. I'm also excited about getting our various projects underway when he feels able.

Rob <muggah@hei.unige.ch>
Geneva/Colombo, Switzerland/Sri Lanka - Thursday, October 16, 2003 4:34 AM CDT
Professor Loescher,
I have such fond memories of taking your International Relations class 20+ years ago back at Notre Dame. I remember how you challenged us to confront the moral aspects of the world politics (much to the chagrin of some of my classmates). I am not at all surprised to hear that you chose to be in such a dangerous part of the world to lend your expertise, but I am greatly saddened to hear of your horrible injury.
I pray for your continued recovery.

Paul Heineman ('82) <paulheineman@hotmail.com>
Arlington, VA USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 4:54 PM CDT
Dear Loescher family: I have only recently learned about what happened and am so happy to learn that he is doing so much better -- what bravery and courage. I was so fortunate to have taken a class at ND with Professor Loescher - I have always regarded him as one of my favorite professors. Please know that I am thinking about and praying for all of you.

Mary Beth Hughes <pale_mary@hotmail.com>
Milwaukee, WI USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 11:52 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Maggie and Claire,
Along with so many others, I have followed Gil's progress through your detailed journal entries and marvelled at the triumph of spirit as you all pull together.
Good memories surface, of days gone by, since Gil was a wee lad and on through the years of study, effort and accomplishment....a long and noble history in the life of the man and his supportive, caring and gifted family.
I don't know if my cards have reached you at your new address, but know that our prayers and love continue.
Cousin Judy Gontis and family

Jim and Judy Gontis <jgontis@sunline.net>
Punta Gorda, Fl. USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 6:13 AM CDT
Ann, Claire, Maggie: Hi, just checking in. I've left one or two messages before, but I've no idea whether you see them or not because I am absolutely hopeless with technology. Great to hear that Gil is on the road to recovery. I am lost in admiration for the way you have all coped. Please give Gil my best and let him know that I'm looking forward to seeing him before too long -- although judging by the number of guest book entries, I can see I am going to have to make an appointment many months in advance. All the best, Chris
Chris Mullin <mullinc@parliament.uk>
London, UK - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 3:06 PM CDT
We are so happy to read about Gill's continued progress.And,we never stop admiring all those terrific women in his life.Love,Tom and Denise Cavanaugh
Tom Cavanaugh <cavanaugh_tom@hotmail.com>
Oxford, Ox England - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 9:08 AM CDT
Delighted to hear of your progress, Gil - and thanks to your family for keeping us so well-informed!
Peter Browne <pbrowne@netspace.net.au>
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 2:43 AM CDT
Dear Gil Annie Claire & Margaret We have also been offline with computer probs. so i came in work early to read your encouraging news.Its wonderful to catch up on Gils progress and we continue topray for you all.Great about the wheelchair too so that you will be able to enjoy some of the lovely autumn.God bless you all with much love from all the McDowalls
Mary McDowall <marymcdowall@hotmail.com>
London, U.K. - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 2:02 AM CDT
Hello again, it is so encouraging to read of Gil and his consistent progress. He is a really tough man, and it is great to hear about the boxer shorts! Love and Best wishes to you all.
Edward and Ratna Bowman <nyenbu@hotmail.com>
London, UK - Monday, October 13, 2003 10:03 AM CDT
Gil, Anne, Maggie and Claire,
The news of Gil's recovery is very uplifting. Draw strength in the knowledge that we are thinking about you and praying with you that these positive developments continue.

Monica Kathina Juma and Peter Kagwanja <jumakm2002@yahoo.com>
Pretoria, Gauteng South Africa - Monday, October 13, 2003 3:11 AM CDT
We are really pleased to read of Gil's wonderful progress.
Mervin and Judith Knight <judith_anne@another.com>
Oxford, ox UK - Sunday, October 12, 2003 7:08 AM CDT
Dear Gil & Family:
My friends and I came to know about you and the tragic incident through Bertha, one of your student, in a prayer meeting. We are really glad that you and your family are getting well and taking things very possitively. Though we do not know each other in person, I am sure our love and prayers will reach you though our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May God completely heal you and richly bless you in the glorious riches in Jesus Christ.

Anas <anasthas@hotmail.com>
Syracuse, NY USA - Saturday, October 11, 2003 10:22 AM CDT
Just mention the sunshine, Ann, and I feel it. Thinking of Gil and all of you, and sending lots of love, Karen
karen solomon <karen@theliving.net>
Vicenza, , Italy - Friday, October 10, 2003 4:05 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Margaret and Claire, Greetings from ND ans SB! I have been following your reports of Gil's progress and as I read I marvel at the strength and courage all of you are showing. The family support must contribute greatly to Gil's own determination to get well. I'm glad he's now in a position to see the outdoors. It sounds as if fall is coming to Oxford as it is to SB. Yesterday as I drove to ND I was happy to see that our recent cold snap had resulted in some lovely reds and rusts in the trees. In the midst of pain and distress, the beauty of the natural world can be a source of peace and hope. Know that you are all in my prayers and thoughts. Isabel
Isabel Charles <icharles@nd.edu>
South Bend, In USA - Thursday, October 9, 2003 10:04 AM CDT
Dear All

I've been touched to read all your messages and am delighted to read of Gil's remarkable progress and strength of character shining out. It's wonderful to read all your messages and I wish you all the best on the road of recovery. I found out last week from Maria (formerly of IISS fame) that Gil had been hurt in Baghdad and from Florida she has sent me the link to your site. I hope Gil remembers me as the former Chief Librarian and Book Review Co-ordinator!

Love and best wishes

Hilary J Oakley
London, UK - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 3:50 PM CDT
Thank you Maggie, Claire and Anne for keeping Gil's Burlingame Homies up to date. We are all encouraged by Gil's progress and wish speedy recovery. Tom and I have fondly tripped down memory lane recounting our early years together. Do you remember our little sojourn up to Broadway? The Smothers Brothers' show at the Fairmont;the water fight in the bathroom; and the midnight dance extravaganza at the Peppermint Tree featuring three slightly intoxicated males in full view of the Japanese fleet. We wish you all the best and will be writing again soon.
Tom Sullivan and John McCarty <jtomsullivanatearthlink.net>
Guerneville, Ca USA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 3:49 PM CDT
Thank you Maggie, Claire and Anne for keeping Gil's Burlingame Homies up to date. We are all encouraged by Gil's progress and wish speedy recovery. Tom and I have fondly tripped down memory lane recounting our early years together. Do you remember our little sojourn up to Broadway? The Smothers Brothers' show at the Fairmont;the water fight in the bathroom; and the midnight dance extravaganza at the Peppermint Tree featuring three slightly intoxicated males in full view of the Japanese fleet. We wish you all the best and will be writing again soon.
Tom Sullivan and John McCarty <jtomsullivanatearthlink.net>
Guerneville, Ca USA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 3:49 PM CDT
Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on Gil's amazing progress. I think of you all often and pray daily that progress will be swift and steady.
Mary Ahern, Notre Dame '81 <ahern2609@aol.com>
Half Moon Bay, CA USA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 3:07 PM CDT
Gil, As I celebrate my birthday today (8th October) I also celebrate the immense steps you have taken over the past two weeks. I came back to the IISS yesterday from a couple of weeks holiday in Turkey and was astounded to receive a telephone call from you asking me to pass around your contact details to those colleagues within the Institute. It was fantastic to hear your voice again, needless to say we are all over the moon at the progress you are making Gil. Please continue to do so, no doubt anyone who is in the Oxford area will make every effort to call in and see you. All the very best regards from all at Arundel House. p.s. the desserts you seem to be offered are better than mine at the moment, enjoy.
Bill Whaley, IISS <whaley@iiss.org>
London, - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 11:22 AM CDT
It is wonderful to see such progress Gil, thank you Maggie, Claire and Ann for such regular updates, I hope you are looking after yourself while doing such a great job to boost Gil. Lots of love to you all
Ammas Lean-Vercoe
London, UK - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 7:03 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family. Just to let you know that we are still there thinking of you and are so pleased to read the journals and discover that recovery is on the way. With love Wonky, David and Mizxxxxxxxxxx
Wonky Beeny
Clevedon, North Somerset UK - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 10:47 AM CDT
I've just returned from Russian Federation and so pleased to read about Gil's amazing progress since I left three weeks ago. I don't know if this is too early, but my 3-piece Celtic music group, Moonrakers (which I know Gil has expressed interest in) would be very happy to come over to the hospital and give you all a little exclusive concert - Celtic harp, flute and cittern. Let me know if this is a good idea.
Meanwhile, take care...

Jon Bennett <jon.bennett@dsl.pipex.com>
Oxford, - Monday, October 6, 2003 7:06 AM CDT
It is so wonderful to hear another stage in the healing process has been achieved. What incredible crucial people the staff caring for Gil must be, and you all remain his strength as ever. Just a note to say I am following Gil's progress and thinking of you all, love and strength, Marty
Marty Aim
- Saturday, October 4, 2003 9:32 PM CDT
I have been reading your messages nearly everyday. I am glad that Gil is making such a splendid recovery. Do take care of yourselves too. He will need you much more when he goes home.
barbara harrell-bond
Cairo, Egypt - Saturday, October 4, 2003 10:58 AM CDT
Hello Ann, this is my first appearance in the guestbook, but I've been clicking in regularly to your diary. Did you receive my note (sorry I spelled your name wrong)? Please give my love to Gil and tell him that he's often in my thoughts. Yours ever, Chris Mullin.
Chris Mullin <ngoc@ngmullin.free-online.co.uk>
Sunderland, UK - Saturday, October 4, 2003 10:51 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers, it's so good to come to the website and see so much progress and stability. Such a change from just a few weeks ago when Gil's life was hanging by a thread...one of the strongest threads ever spun, as it mercifully turns out! Keep up the fantastic work.--Mary
Mary R. Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Friday, October 3, 2003 2:52 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family, It's wonderful to learn about the progress Gil is making, which is an inspiration to us all. Keep it up! Best wishes.
Brian Gorlick <gorlick@unhcr.ch>
Stockholm, Sweden - Friday, October 3, 2003 4:43 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers - what epic progress! We read your journal entries with as much avidity now as when they first appeared. (The parallel that comes to mind is that of the crowds on the quay-side in New York, waiting for the next installment of Dickens.) Dominic tells us that the plastic surgery ward Gil is on was named after Professor Kilner (who did ground-breaking re-constructive surgery on RAF pilots during World War II) - and thereby hangs a tale. Kilner is the genius - way back when - who operated on Peter's left heel, leaving him with an exemplary skin graft. It could be said that we owe our marrige to Kilner, for it was in this hospital context that we met. Love to the quartet, Ann and Peter
Peter Walshe <walshe.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Thursday, October 2, 2003 11:24 PM CDT
I am so happy to hear Gil has a room with a bit of a view, and he is able to enjoy some real food again. Thumbs up to all of you, you are in our thoughts still each and every day. (I am a very distant cousin of Gil's, part of the Loescher's from Germany way back there).
Doris Krueger Buchmann <bulldog5@thegrid.net>
Greenville, Ca USA - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 11:48 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family, I have been away from the email for 10 days and have just caught up with your journal. So very pleased that at last things are getting better and that you have been transferred to Radcliffe Infirmary. I know that Annemarie and Finn will send love too, they are both working hard, Annemarie filming this week in London. We are all still thinking positive thoughts for you all and so glad that you are talking and eating again. Get rid of the "Bug" very quickly. With love Wonky, David and Miz xxxxx
Wonky Beeny
Clevedon, N. Somerset UK - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 11:57 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Anne, Maggie and Claire,
I have just found this web-site. I was in India and Nepal at the time of the Baghdad bombing (doing work on the Bhutanese refugees) and just got back a few days ago. Someone had sent me the web-link in India but I couldn't get into Gil's page although I tried so many times. Now someone has given me the right page and I've been able to read through all the entries over the past six weeks. Thank you so much for taking the time to write and share your thoughts and Gil's progress with us over this long, difficult journey you've been on. I can't tell you how good it is to hear about Gil's progress and to know that slowly he is one the mend. I have so much admiration for his strength, resilience and will to live - although it doesn't surprise me, and also for the incredible way you have cared for him and have supported each other through this terrible time. I was desperately upset to hear about Gil's terrible injuries and have been thinking of him and praying for him so much that he will pull through. Please send him my very, very best wishes and let him know how many people whose lives he has touched and inspired over the years are thinking of him and wishing him the very, very best for a good recovery. Through my work with refugees I have known Gil for many years. I think one of the first times I met him was when I went to pick him up at the airport in Geneva with Jeff Crisp's wife. I was driving my new car for the first time and a van had just driven into the back of me when I stopped rather suddenly at a red light. I was in a complete state by the time we finally picked up Gil (very late) and I drove so badly on the way back to my flat that I think he may have offered to take over. We all had to have a couple of stiff whiskies when we got back to calm our nerves... but he was very gracious and kind about the whole episode! I'm sure he'll never accept a lift from me again though! I also think that I met either Maggie or Claire at LSE a couple of years ago when you came to a lecture I gave and I think that you were thinking about studying there - have I got that right?

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know my thoughts have been with you so much over the past weeks and I'm happy finally to be able to communicate with you and tell you personally

with love from

Rachael Reilly in New York

Rachael Reilly <rachael_e_reilly@yahoo.com>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 1:24 PM CDT
Dear Gil and Family,

It's marvelous to read the daily reports of your progress. Chimene and I are full of admiration for your drive and determination. No doubt there are still many challenges ahead, but none so daunting as what you've already passed through. Congratulations on everything you've achieved so far.

Matthew Gibney <matthew.gibney@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 0:03 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers,
I am thrilled to hear about Gil's amazing recovery! Thank you for sharing these great news.

Jasmin <jchakeri@worldbank.org>
Jakarta, Indonesia - Monday, September 29, 2003 9:26 PM CDT

As a fellow St. Mary's Alum, Class of 1967, I wanted to drop you a note and let you know that I was thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.

After graduating from St. Mary's, I pursued a career in business, with an emphasis in financial and general management. In 1997, I sold a software company, that I had spent years developing in the state of Washington, and I returned to California.

Since returning, I've been able to work with State Senator Don Perata, another St. Mary's Alum, on several governmental related projects, as well as to provide business consulting to a wide range of clients.

Your career has certainly been an interesting and distinguished one. You are doubly blessed with a loving and supportive family. I speak, myself, as one who just celebrated his 35th wedding anniversary. The value of a close-knit family is priceless!

After your recuperation, I look forward to hearing more about your exciting endeavors and tracking your continued successes.

May God bess you and your family.

Tim Staples
Davis, CA USA - Monday, September 29, 2003 6:08 PM CDT
We are at our kitchen window cheering. Thanks for allowing us to share what you have all been through, and what you have still to go through. Much love-- Bob and Jeanne
R.E. Rodes <rodes.1@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Monday, September 29, 2003 12:54 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Clair and Maggie,

This is Kathee Kiesselbach and I was the Sr Administrative Assistant in the Government Department at Notre Dame when your dad was there. I have long been an admirer of Ann's wonderful (and very large) sweaters hand knitted for you, Gil. And you brought one of your daughers into the office to introduce her to me. I thought she was wonderful then, too.

I am so happy that you are improving so fast. I can imagine how frustrating it is to want to move toward going home now that things are happening so fast. The rest I cannnot imagine at all. We all really appreciate being able to hear about your steady progress, and we are especially grateful that you are still with us. We've all been so worried!

I look forward to the day when Ann can resume her knitting and you are off again on your pursuits. We are all behind you praying for that day.

Kathee Kiesselbach <kkiessel@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Monday, September 29, 2003 12:49 AM CDT
Dear Gil - How wonderful to hear that you are "up and around", eating real food, having real conversations, reading the newspaper (even though the news is not always very good), and in general getting back into your life! A very happy 32nd anniversary to you and Annie. Tell Annie to keep on making loops--there can't be too many! Love, Marya
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Monday, September 29, 2003 11:30 AM CDT
Dear Gil & family,
As old colleagues from the Oxford Refugee Studies Programme (as was), we were so sorry to hear of your injuries, and very pleased that you're recovering. Our thoughts are with you.

Mark Leopold & JoAnn McGregor <m.leopold@gold.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Monday, September 29, 2003 3:49 AM CDT
Hello Gil Annie Margaret & Claire Thanks for sharing all your encouraging news esp.re R hand.Hannah got off to Uganda O.K.and sends her love to you all.with much love and continued prayers Mary & Johnxxxxxxxxxxx
Mary McDowall <marymcdowall@hotmail.com>
london, U.K. - Monday, September 29, 2003 1:00 AM CDT
Hi, Gil. This is Don Perata, St. Mary's 1967. I want to send my thoughts and prayers. I went on from college to teach for years, and then into politics. I am the majority leader in the state senate in the wacko state of California. As I write, we are in the final days of an historic recall of the governor - and may end up with Arnold Schwartznegger ( i refuse to learn how to spell his name) as governor.

I still see some of our graduating class. Tim Staples remains a close friend, business associate and godfather to my daughter. Tom Jordan, Vic Hanson, Jerry Dunn (he's already retired after 30+ years as a probation officer).

Your family is wonderful. God bless you all.

Best Wishes,

Don Perata

Don Perata <dperata@pacbell.net>
Oakland, CA USA - Sunday, September 28, 2003 12:43 AM CDT
Dear Gil and Ann, Happy Anniversary! Talk about showing us younger folk what marriage is all about.

All our best, Mary and Michael

Mary R. Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Sunday, September 28, 2003 10:29 AM CDT
Really sorry to hear the news. We are thinking of you all and wish you a speedy recovery to better health.

Lots of love Carol and the Farrant Family (Chilswell Farm) x x x

carol farrant <jfarrant.chilswell@farmersweekly.net>
- Sunday, September 28, 2003 8:23 AM CDT
Hi Gil ( and the wonderful family I don't know). Just to say I am thinking of you, following daily the progress you are making, full of admiration for your strength and courage, and hoping it won't be long before I can be among your many friends and those who love you who will be able to come and see you in person.
Philip Rudge <philiprudge@refu.demon.co.uk>
London, UK - Saturday, September 27, 2003 9:49 AM CDT
Hello Uncle Gil, Aunt Annie and cousins, We are so happy to read your wonderful updates. Happiness to you all and congradulations on your big 32. You are all so great to share your lives with everyone. Your California and Arizona families send Lots of prayers for your recovery. Love, Bridget and Family
Bridget Loescher-Nino <I_M_Nino@earthlink.net>
Mesa, Az. usa - Friday, September 26, 2003 11:08 PM CDT
Hi, it is Martyn here, a friend of Maggie's from Manchester days. Hello to you all. Although I have met Claire and had great times getting to know Maggie and Joel in the UK I have never had the pleasure to meet you Anne or Gil. Maggie has always talked with great fondness of her family, and I wish Gil and you all the best for Gil's recovery. It is beautiful to read about the love you all share and the happy occasions you are still having together in such difficult circumstances. My love to you Maggie and to all your family. As for myself I am on Vancouver Island in Canada continuing my PhD research and Maggie will be happy to know I am keeping up the great tradition of annoying as many people as possible with my camera! Keep in touch when you can Maggie, and all my best wishes to you all, Marty
Marty Aim <martyn.aim@anthropology.usyd.edu.au>
Port Alberni, BC Canada - Friday, September 26, 2003 9:21 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers: Just a very brief note to congratulate Gil and Ann's on their 32nd wedding anniversary, it is a very special celebration, indeed. The news about Gil’s recovery in the last three days are terrific, definitively a reason to celebrate. I am very glad Gil could sit on a chair and start enjoying some real food. I also would like to wish you Shana Tova!!! May you all be inscribed in the book of life; hopefully, this new year will give you back the love, dedication and courage you have poured into the world and contribute to a full recovery. Andreas

Thank you for the love and care that you are very generously sharing with us all. While Gil is The Professor of Refugee Studies, you have all taught us a course on human caring. One can tell that humanitarianism runs deep in the family. I wish that very soon you can all return home and regain your everyday family life. Helena (a ND student who arrived to ND to sadly find out that Gil was leaving).

Andreas Feldmann and Helena Olea <afeldman@uchicago.edu, holea@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Friday, September 26, 2003 8:35 PM CDT
Happy Anniversary to Gil and Ann! Gil, we are so encouraged by your continuing progress, and waiting for the day when you post your own message. You and your family continue to be an inspiration to so many of us. Love to you all.
Marty and Linda Wolfson <mwolfson@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN US - Friday, September 26, 2003 3:10 PM CDT

and a very happy anniversary, Gil and Ann!

xxxxx claire

Claire Le Pichon <cel23@columbia.edu>
New York, NY USA - Friday, September 26, 2003 2:55 PM CDT
Dear Loescher family!

It is just soooo great to read about Gil sitting, having a nice party and eating real food. Happy anniversary and thanks for sharing this wonderful moment!!

Helena Hofbauer <helena@fundar.org.mx>
Mexico - Friday, September 26, 2003 2:38 PM CDT
Happy Anniversary --this is a wonderful event. we have been following your (collective) progress daily and reading about the great strides Gil is making just thrills us. Lately, I have been dreaming about our stroll along the Philosopher's Walk in Kyoto that the 4 of us did a few years ago. That beauty can be recaptured. Much love from Alan and me.
Gail Dowty <gail@dowty.org>
Calgary, AB Canada - Friday, September 26, 2003 11:14 AM CDT
A big HEY to all the Loeschers! And very, very Happy Anniversary wishes to Gil and Ann. I've always heard the term "blessed event" used when a child is born, but I truly believe this anniversary is a
"blessed event." Gil, your progress is fantastic. I think many prayers are being answered.
All warm wish to you,

Nancy Hahn, Kellogg Institute <hahn.4@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Friday, September 26, 2003 8:57 AM CDT
Gil, Annie, Margie and Claire - great good news from you every day - so glad. Happy wedding anniversary! Chocolate ice cream . . . one of my basic food groups. More hugs of strength to you all.
Annie Fink
- Friday, September 26, 2003 8:05 AM CDT
So pleased to hear of the return of good food and good conversation from Maryam - all the very best,
Rosemary Bechler <rosemary.bechler@openDemocracy.net>
London, UK - Friday, September 26, 2003 5:15 AM CDT
CONGRATULATIONS,What a wonderful entry,I had to print it of so I can read it throughout the day and show my praying friends.Thank God.Hey you girls sure know how to party......Watch out Gil Much love Mary xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mary McDowall <marymcdowall@hotmail.com>
London, U.K. - Friday, September 26, 2003 1:23 AM CDT
So happy to hear of Gil sitting up and talking and eating - and to hear of your anniversary party! Does Gil have a window in his room? There was such a beautiful sunrise over the JR this morning - I was hoping he could see it. Love and strength to Gil and you all.
Marion Couldrey <marion.couldrey@dsl.pipex.com>
Oxford, - Friday, September 26, 2003 1:08 AM CDT
Dearest Loeschers, Hurrah! We read today's journal entry several times - to make quite sure we were not dreaming. Happy anniversary. (By the way, that was a lovely tribute from Edward Mortimer.) Our love, Walshes.
Peter Walshe <walshe.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN 46617 - Thursday, September 25, 2003 9:49 PM CDT
"He told us that what had happened was not only terrible for him but for the whole of the UN. He said how many wonderful people had been lost on August 19th."
I am very touched by this. Since Gil is now obviously able to absorb information, please tell him I have been thinking about him a lot, that I mentioned him when delivering the SG's message at the memorial for Arthur at the Council on Foreign Relations, and that we pray for him every Sunday at the Church of the Heavenly Rest (5th Av @ 90th St).
I will be in Oxford on Sunday 19 Oct and would love to come and see him. Is there a chance he'll be home by then, or is it bound to be still the JR?
Many congratulations to you all on being such an incredible family. And all good wishes. Edward Mortimer

Edward Mortimer <mortimer@un.org>
New York, - Thursday, September 25, 2003 6:20 PM CDT
To the Loescher family:
God bless and keep you and heal Gil fully and completely. My hairdresser is a relative of Gil's. Her name is Bridget Nino (like little child) and we live in Mesa, AZ. I was in for an appointment the day of the bombing when she got the news from an uncle,I believe. Anyway, best wishes to you!Ginny Bare

Ginny Bare <vlbare@wmconnect.com>
Mesa, AZ USA - Thursday, September 25, 2003 5:48 PM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,
In 1997, while visiting England, Ben had a hankering to see Annie after many years. So we gave you a call and showed up for a visit in your garden. It was such a delight to meet you all! We spoke to Barb Dull on the phone the other day and were told about what had happened to Gil. We immediately pulled the photo album out and looked at the 1997 pictures. You all sparkled! Little did we know of the strength and courage you also possess. We were so moved as we read your journal. Thank you. We send you our deepest thoughts and prayers. The Gleasons, Ben, Theresa and Merritt

Theresa and Ben Gleason
Bridport, VT USA - Thursday, September 25, 2003 2:37 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Claire and Margaret -
You are in our thoughts always, we are heartened by Gil's progress, we are overwhelmed by the love and devotion you share. I hope it may be of some small comfort for you to know that little feet (or, more accurately, little knees and hands) are once more pattering around 844 Park Ave. Erika and I feel privileged to have brought Zoë home, to be bringing her up, to live in a house which has experienced and absorbed so much love. We feel it every day. You are an inspiration to us. Get well, Gil. Beyond your family, friends and colleagues, the world needs you.
All our love and best wishes,
Chris, Erika and Zoë

Chris McLaren <cmclaren@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN U.S.A. - Thursday, September 25, 2003 9:45 AM CDT
Dear Gil:

Thanks to the wonderful and dedicated work of Ann, Maggie, and Clair, as many people, I have been following very closely your recovery all along. It is simply unbelievable the courage you have shown in these difficult times. Your speedy recovery is also amazing: it reflects what a strong and special human being you really are. It is so great to hear that you are being able to communicate with your family and your doctors and nurses. You would probably not believe how deep runs the love and admiration for you at Notre Dame’s community? Literally everyone I have run into in the last six weeks or so and who had the fortune of interacting with you, from faculty members to staff, from former students to members of the South Bend Community, is very concerned about your condition and your family and fervently hopes for a speedy recovery. I am sure similar reactions can be found in other communities (e.g., California and Oxford) that had the fortune of hosting you and your family. Gil, here in South Bend everybody has the fondest memories about you. The other day, for example, I spent a long while chatting about you with Ray Snyder, our dearest mechanic from the Portage Gas Station. I and all the Latin American community have taking my car to his shop for more than six years. The other day we started to talk and somehow your name came out. We talked a long, long while about you and your family. Interestingly, neither one of us was aware that the other knew you. While I told Ray what a wonderful and generous mentor and researcher you are, the great contributions you have made to the discipline and that the you are one of the most traveled persons that I know, Ray told me how you used to play basketball together (a very large fellow prompt to use the elbows he joked!!!), how your daughters grew up and other events. It was a truly a very emotional moment for both of us. I wanted to share this with you for you may find it nice. God bless you Gil!!

Ann, Maggie and Claire: there are simply no words to describe your commitment and dedication towards Gil. Like him, you are an inspiration for all of us. Thank you once again for being so generous and keeping us updated about Gil’s condition and for sharing with us your experiences, feelings, thoughts and wishes.

With kindest regards, Andreas

Andreas Feldmann <afeldman@uchicago.edu>
Chicago , - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:28 PM CDT
Dear All - How wonderful that Gil is coming to and round and all the rest, in spite of the pain of returning to such a flawed "reality." But the greater reality is the love, support, strength, humor and self-giving in the midst such great distress. Gil is going to 'make it', with all of your help, and will contribute much in the future, as he is contributing much now by his courage, will to live, and desire to be healed and get back to work. This is true victory over the terrible grinches who steal life and limb and "know not what they do"! Love, Mar
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 7:06 PM CDT
Dear Loescher family -- I am a former student of Professor Loescher's at Notre Dame and am very glad to have found this site which gives so many of us he has touched a way to follow Gil's progress and express our love and concern. You are in my constant prayers.
Mary Ahern, ND Class of '81

Mary Ahern <ahern2609@aol.com>
Half Moon Bay, CA USA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 6:39 PM CDT
My Dear Gil & Loecher family
I pray for Gils speedy recovery, many thanks for all the news and updates on his progress, he is well loved by all who has met him.
Please keep up the good work.

Maria Backer former IISS member of staff <Mariebk2@aol.com>
Boynton Beach, Fl USA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 5:36 PM CDT
Gil and Family,
Thanks so much for providing all of those who care about Gil with these inspiring updates. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. It is also amazing to see the guestbook entries from so many people from so many regions of the world -- he is near and dear to so many people. I was Prof. Loescher's student at ND, and was a big reason for my choosing Notre Dame. His work on refugee and international issues continues to inspire me as I now work in Washington, DC as an immigrant rights advocate. This horrible incident demonstrates just how far we still have to go to in terms of respect for human life and international migrants. I think of you every day as I do this work and look forward to future collaboration on refugee rights. It's so good to hear from you. Thank you for your inspiration.

Michele Waslin, PhD <mwaslin@nclr.org>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:16 PM CDT
When I visited this website this morning (as I do every morning), I noticed that the Caringbridge organization has started a fundraising campaign.I have a tendency to ignore these things. But it really struck me this morning that without this organization--along with the Loescher family--most of us would not have been able to follow Gil's progress and to send him our prayers and love. When filling out the donation information, donors are asked to specify if they'd like to make a donation in honor of/in memory of anyone in particular. I made my donation in honor of Gil Loescher, and in gratitude to his family. I am so grateful to Ann, Maggie, and Claire for keeping this website going, and to the Caringbridge organizaion for making it happen.
Tristan Anne Borer <tabor@conncoll.edu>
Groton, CT USA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 7:58 AM CDT
I am a former ND student (1986) and long-standing admirer of your humanitarian work/perspective, especially with regard to Amnesty Intl. As saddened as I was to learn of your injuries, I am heartened by the tremendous love you share with your family and your will to live. You are an inspiration. Thank you all for sharing news of your daily struggles and progress. I will keep you in my prayers.
Janet Sullivan Twomey <cjtwomey@attbi.com>
Ashland, MA USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:38 PM CDT
I never fail to be astonished by the power of the entries of the three heroic, articulate women that share their journal with all of us each day. I look to the three of you first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. One day -- soon, I hope -- Gil's first entry will appear and I will tell as many people as I can that a great heart has stirred, reaching out again in print after a long interval.
Dennis Grace <djgrace@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:30 PM CDT
Wow, Gil,
It is really wonderful that you can talk. And, as your family's journal entries make so clear, with this new development your emotional healing can also begin. I am really struck by what a difficult task you've been given. And also by the certainty that you are up to the challenge. Reading these entries, it seems to me that in terms of emotional awareness and strength, your starting point is beyond what most of us could even aspire to. I am so glad that the explosion could not take that away from you.

Carol Stuart
South Bend, IN USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 4:14 AM CDT
Bravo Gil, bravo. We are thrilled by the news that you can now speak. You remain in our minds and prayers with each passing moment. Hugs,
Monica Kathina Juma and Peter Kagwanja <jumakm2002@yahoo.com>
Pretoria, Gauteng South Africa - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 4:14 AM CDT
Dear All,Thanks again for keeping us updated.Its must have been so wonderful for you all to communicate clearly after so long.it means so much to to get the news each day.We remember you constanly in thougts and prayers God bless you love from all the Mcdowallsxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mary McDowall <marymcdowall@hotmail.com>
London, U.K. - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 1:56 AM CDT
Dear Gil,

What wonderful news, that you are really conversing at last. One of the hardest things in these past weeks has been doing without your humour and insight. We're all still beaming love and concern to you up in Headington. You have accomplished marvels in this time and there is an international fan club cheering you on. (Is it time to call in the Notre Dame cheerleaders? Is there room for them in Intensive Care?)

Keep on truckin'!

Nancy Kenny <nancy.kenny@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Monday, September 22, 2003 12:36 AM CDT
Dear Gil,

What wonderful news, that you are really conversing at last. One of the hardest things in these past weeks has been doing without your humour and insight. We're all still beaming love and concern to you up in Headington. You have accomplished marvels in this time and there is an international fan club cheering you on. (Is it time to call in the Notre Dame cheerleaders? Is there room for them in Intensive Care?)

Keep on truckin'!

Nancy Kenny <nancy.kenny@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Monday, September 22, 2003 12:36 AM CDT
Dear Gil,

What wonderful news, that you are really conversing at last. One of the hardest things in these past weeks has been doing without your humour and insight. We're all still beaming love and concern to you up in Headington. You have accomplished marvels in this time and there is an international fan club cheering you on. (Is it time to call in the Notre Dame cheerleaders? Is there room for them in Intensive Care?)

Keep on truckin'!

Nancy Kenny <nancy.kenny@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Monday, September 22, 2003 12:35 AM CDT
Dear Gil,
Just wanted to send my best wishes directly to you now, and to tell you not to worry about ways and means of getting back to work when that time eventually comes. There are plenty of us who would be honoured to help out in any way we can.

Ophelia Field <opheliafield@ukonline.co.uk>
- Monday, September 22, 2003 11:15 AM CDT
Dear Gil and Family
One day at a time. Frances Nicholson at UNHCR has been keeping me informed and I am delighted to read the progress this last weekend. Hang in there. THere is much to be done in the world, Gil, and we need you.

Finola O'Sullivan <finola.osullivan@ireland.com>
Cambridge, England - Monday, September 22, 2003 4:11 AM CDT
Dear Gil
Thinking of you in London. I have just revisited the site after some weeks. I wish you well as you recover. Meanwhile very best wishes Sally (Morphet)

Sally F Morphet <sally.morphet@ntlworld.com>
London, United Kingdom - Monday, September 22, 2003 4:06 AM CDT
Dear Gil,

It must be terribly hard to relive your experiences in Baghdad, but all of us who have been reading this wonderful journal are awed by the progress you are making. It's good to have you back in the land of the living.

John and Margaret Scanlan <johnascanlan@comcast.net>
South Bend, IN 46615 - Sunday, September 21, 2003 11:43 PM CDT
Dear Gil, It's about three weeks now I left my first message for you on this guestbook. Since then I have been checking on your progress from time to time on this website and admiring the tireless efforts of your family to make you feel better. From today's diary it seems you are much better than when I checked the last time. I hope and pray that this continues and you are on your own sooner than your loved ones and friends dare to hope. Just to remind you that I am your former colleague at UNHCR and am presently back in Bangladesh after retirement. Cheers.
Shamsul Bari <baris@citech-bd.com>
Dhaka, Bangladesh - Sunday, September 21, 2003 9:39 PM CDT
Dear Annie Gil Margaret&Joel Claire&Matt read todays entry with mixture of joy and tears.Just keep on being you and we will continue to pray for healing and strength and courage.With much love from John & mary McDowall
Mary McDowall <marymcdowall@hotmail.com>
London, U.K. - Sunday, September 21, 2003 5:53 PM CDT
hello all,
we are all together at granpas house today and are thinking
of you.we are always talking about gil and paientely waiting for the next journal on his progress.
this is marilyn writing and i am praying for all of you.
just to let you know grandpas house is now up for sale here in san mateo california.we will be moving to arizona as soon as the house sels.last sunday was grandpas memorial,
all the realtives were asking about gils progress and we all prayed at the mass for all of you.
Please E mail us back for we would love to talk to you.
Peggy mark david and marilyn we are all here on this saturday afternoon talking about you all and wishing you all the best.
David says hello and would like to express his thoughts saying god speed to gils full recovery.
We love you all.
Good night.

SAN MATEO, CA USA - Saturday, September 20, 2003 8:38 PM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,

Gil was my professor at Notre Dame. I admired his knowledge, versatility, eloquence and devotion to humanitarian issues. Gil inspired us with his enthusiasm for the causes he was so strongly committed to and his belief that a better world was possible through altruistic cooperation between individuals, states and organizations. This was perhaps the most valuable lesson I learned from him.

Although I was shocked and saddened with the news in August, I am comforted by the fact that he is recovering, surrounded by affectionate and caring family and friends. Gil is constantly in our thoughts and prayers.

Thank you for keeping us well informed. Our thoughts are with you as well at these difficult and emotional times.

Best wishes,

Carlos Guevara Mann <guevara_mann@cwpanama.net>
Panama, Republic of Panama - Saturday, September 20, 2003 8:29 PM CDT
Just back from holiday in Lanzarote and was pleased to hear Gil is conscious but sad to know he is suffering with a chest infection. My thoughts are always with you all and I will see Matt soon to hear how you are.
Anne Mansfield (friend and neighbour, London) <anne@winsham29.freeserve.co.uk>
London, UK - Saturday, September 20, 2003 12:08 AM CDT
This is an appeal to all those people who have been following Gil's progress through 'The Girls' diary entries and who have left messages on the Guestbook.
I am the Musical Director of the 'Wootton Warblers', a group of singers which was formed by Ann and which we affectionately call her 'baby'.
We are looking to perform a small Christmas play, which Ann wrote together with a local musician, and which we would like to dedicate to Gil and his wonderful family.
If there is anyone in the Oxford area, or indeed further afield, who would like to participate in the performance or help in general, there will be a meeting in the Old Folks Room, Wootton Community Centre, Wootton, Near Abingdon, Oxford, at 8.00p.m. on Tuesday 28th October 2003, to discuss further details and performance dates - either around Christmas or Epiphany. Please feel free to attend the meeting or contact Val Rast-Lindsell on 01865 739824 or email to the address below for further information.
For those people just wishing to attend the performance, I will post details in the guestbook as soon as possible. Thank you.
In the meantime Ann, we send you all our love and pray fro Gil's continued good progress towards recovery. Val and Paul and all at 'Warblers' xxxx

Paul and Val Rast-Lindsell <paul.rast-lindsell@aeat.co.uk>
Dry Sandford, Abingdon, Oxford, UK - Friday, September 19, 2003 5:27 PM CDT
Gil, it's great seeing the progress you are making. Our thoughts are with you. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to see you in London in July, and I'm looking forward to having our annual lunch again next summer. To Gil's family, thank you so much for keeping all of us informed about Gil's condition. I know that there must be days in which you'd rather be doing anything but writing these messages, but they mean a lot to all of us who are praying for him from a distance.
Susan Martin
Washington, DC 20007 - Friday, September 19, 2003 4:40 PM CDT
It's so good to see that Gil is coming around and able to "talk" and enjoy a few things. I'm sure it's also crushing you to have to deny him some of the things he wants and to keep him corralled. Morphine does seem to give folks a kind of euphoric misunderstanding of their situation--"there's nothing really wrong with me; all I need is to be home" It's heartbreaking to have to come up with a response to that. I found, in dealing with a loved one in this state, that it wasn't necessary to explain the full situation over and over; merely saying "we're all working to get you home as soon as possible" and then talking about whatever recent milestones had occurred seemed to help. One problem is that with loss of memory there is no sense of progress, so it can feel like you're being kept prisoner and nothing really is happening. Keeping a log of progress and medical decisions that you can show Gil when he wonders why he's not home can help him to feel he's moving forward.

Hope the chest bug goes down without a fight.

Mary R. Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Friday, September 19, 2003 2:57 PM CDT
Dear Annie - You must all be so TIRED! I am saying special prayers that Gil's chest infection clears up. Love, Mar
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Thursday, September 18, 2003 7:53 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,

As Bill said last week, we're still following your progress and amazing resilience thanks to the fantastic updates. Reading your words tonight, I could almost see the scene, you paint such graphic and heart-felt images in words: you've all inherited Gil's writing skills! Gil is still so much missed here, but in much better hands with you and the JR team in Oxford. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you for your inch-by-inch recovery, and huge admiration for getting this far. Keep that smile coming!

Love and best wishes to all of you,

Claire Spencer <spencer@iiss.org>
IISS, London, UK - Thursday, September 18, 2003 4:46 PM CDT
Ann Gil and family,
Our relation Mike Acton from Berkley Californina (who was an old classmate of Gil's at St Mary's College) has e-mailed us of your extreme dilemma, our love and prayers are with you every day, may your strength carry you through these distressing times. A Mass will be said for you all on Sunday here in Nottingham. Love Bob Rice and Cheryl Marshall xx

Robert Rice & Cheryl Marshall <rberice@AOL.com>
Nottingham , United Kingdom - Thursday, September 18, 2003 4:03 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Gil, and family:
Thank you so much for keeping us all up to date on Gil's progress. It seems a bit of two steps forward and one step back, but that generally things are moving in the right direction. I imagine a ring of light around the world as friends, family, and colleagues light candles for Gil and send their most positive energy and prayers his way.

Ben and Amy Radcliff <emeraldchoir@earthlink.net>
South Bend , IN USA - Thursday, September 18, 2003 10:21 AM CDT
Dear Maggie, Ann, and Claire,
Thinking of you and Gil, and how good it is to read of his amazing recovery, step by step. Although it must sometimes seem to you so slow and painful, I am convinced Gil must actually be coming along in leaps and bounds! I read your wonderful journal every day - thank you so much for keeping us all in touch. Keep your spirits up, little nurses - Gil needs you!
Much hope and love to you all,

Claire Le Pichon <cel23@columbia.edu>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, September 18, 2003 9:45 AM CDT
Dear Gil,Maggie, Ann, Claire, Joel
I have just caught up with your journals again and the news sounds much more positive. We are all still thinking of you and sending positive thoughts. I know that it is a long road to recovery, but everyone is still rooting for you. With love Wonky, David, Sasha and Miz xxxxxx

Wonky Beeny
Clevedon , North Somerset UK - Thursday, September 18, 2003 4:17 AM CDT
Dear Annie Gil margaret and Claire,We are back from hols and so eager to catch up on the latest progress and delighted with the news.We thank God for answered prayers esp.re RT hand,rt leg .......actually everything!Thanks again for keeping this journal going,we love you guys very much and long to see you.God bless you all much love John and Maryxxxxxxxxx
Mary McDowall <marymcdowall@hotmail.com>
London, U.K. - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 4:32 PM CDT
Dear Ann and family,
It is great to hear that Gil is back in the UK and recovering steadily. I wish you and Gil lots of strength and courage in the coming months. With very best wishes, Areti

Areti Sianni
Grenoble, France - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 3:24 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret and Claire,
It's wonderful to read that Gil is in Oxford and that he is steady.
We just want to let you know that we following the condition of Gil every day.
Keep strong and give Gil the best wishes from Holland.
Warmes wishes from Michael and Marina Dirksen.

Marina Dirksen <hallomarina@chello.nl>
Middelharnis, The Netherlands - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 2:32 PM CDT
BIG SMILE! From Oxford to around the world and--I hope--back again!
Carol Stuart (with best wishes also from my husband, Michael, and our son, Hrothgar)

Carol Stuart
South Bend, IN USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 7:33 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Anne, Margaret and Claire,
Barbara Eddy rang me tonight and told me about Gil. I am deeply shocked. You must have all been to hell and back. I know just what strength you have as individuals and as a family you are a formidable team. Your strength and love for each other will get you all through this. Stay strong. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. With love from Maureen Langston

Maureen Langston <cuffernmanor@hotmail.com>
Pembrokeshire, Wales - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 6:25 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family, It is so encouraging to read your accounts of Gil's regaining consciousness. His strength and yours as you encourage him is wonderful to hear about. Know that you are in my prayers and thoughts. Isabel
Isabel Charles <icharles@nd.edu>
South Bend , IN USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 3:45 PM CDT
Dear Gil:

Just to let you know that you continue in our thoughts and prayers now that you are back home in Oxford, surrounded by Ann, Claire and Maggie. We are pulling for you.


Denis and Ana Maria Goulet

Denis Goulet <Denis.A.Goulet.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 3:00 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie and Claire,
I have known Gil for many years through my past work at UNHCR. (Ann probably won't remember but I visited Notre Dame some years ago where I also met you.) The news about Gil was absolutely shocking. Thank you for putting the bulletins on the website - it is good to hear that he is slowly recovering. He is an amazingly courageous man. And so are you all. My thoughts and prayers are with Gil and you.
Best wishes,

Irene Khan <ikhan@amnesty.org>
London, UK - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 10:51 AM CDT
Dear Gil,

Adam Roberts gave me this address, an excellent use of the Internet! I want to send you my great friendship and best wishes for your recovery. We have been partners for refugees for so many years --I am always grateful for your fixing for me to give a talk for the RSP, at Balliol I recall. I`ll look forward to seeing you when I visit Oxford and renewing auld acquaintance. So keep your pecker up if you know what I mean in the good old UK. Best wishes as always, Frank.

Frank Sieverts <washington.was@icrc.org>
Washington , DC USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 10:47 AM CDT
I learnt only belatedly of what had happened to Gil. It is such good news that, in your wonderfully apt phrase, the gentle giant is making gradual progress and returning to being his cheerful self. When I invited him to speak at Chatham House in April about 'humanitarian consequences of war on Iraq', I little thought he would become so tragically part of the story. My thoughts and hopes are with you all.
Heather Weeks <hweeks@riia.org>
London, UK - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 10:44 AM CDT
Dear Ann and family
Thank you for keeping us so well informed. I try to ensure that we display the most current news each Sunday at St Peter's. It is wonderful to hear of his steady progress.
With our love and prayers
John Cooper

Rev John Cooper <cooper@woottonvic.freeserve.co.uk>
- Tuesday, September 16, 2003 9:20 AM CDT
Margaret Davies (friend of 45 years) told me about Gil and I have visited his page at Caringbridge at her suggestion. The UN catastrophe in Baghdad was the single most emotionally devastating incident in the whole Iraq war and post-war sequence for me, even before having this very personal entree to it. The death of De Mello had struck with special force. Please add me to the tally of Gil's web of support in prayer and love.
Joan Fleming <joanfleming@verizon.net>
Princeton, NJ USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 8:24 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Gil's family and friends,
Here at Refugee Studies we read of your progress and struggles each day. Our thoughts are with you.

Maryanne Loughry <maryanne.loughry@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:34 AM CDT
Dear Loescher family,

I have not had the pleasure of meeting Gil personally but I have learnt a great deal from his work over the years. I was profoundly shocked to hear of his injuries (as well as the injury and loss of so many other good people). Reading your recent entries on Gil's progress I am heartened by the strength and love all of you are showing in such difficult circumstances. Like others around the world I wish Gil a full recovery and my thoughts are with you all as he comes out of sedation and starts another stage of his journey.

you are all an inspiration!

Heather Rae, Australian National University <Heather.Rae@anu.edu.au>
Canberra, ACT Australia - Monday, September 15, 2003 7:11 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Claire, Maggie - It is so heartening to read your recent entries as Gil begins to come to himself, and to all of you. I am so impressed by all of your strength and spirit. Lots of love, Marya
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 4:28 PM CDT
My Amnesty International magazine came today, and as I flipped through it with my thumb, my eye caught a picture of Gil. The last page is a lovely elegy to Sergio de Mello and Arthur Helton with info about Gil and a picture as well. I am going to attempt to scan it and send it as an email attachment.

It was wonderful to read your last entry.

Sonia Gernes
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 4:13 PM CDT
Dear Maggie, Claire and Anne,

I met Gil twice, once in Boston and once in Oxford, but like everyone else on this board, I have the highest respect for the man and his work.

I wanted to add my voice to those that are thinking of you, and praying that Gil will soon be back at home and back at work. I am in total awe of the courage and the spirit that the four of you are showing. Keep strong.

Toby Porter <tporter@fews.net>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 2:08 PM CDT
Dear Loescher family
I've only met Gil once, at a seminar in London earlier this year, and reading on this website about his progress and seeing how much concern there is for his continued improvement make me realise what a truly special person he must be. But you, his family, are also truly remarkable and I salute you and pray for you all.

Penny Hart
London, - Monday, September 15, 2003 1:06 PM CDT
Dear Maggie and family
Although I speak lots to Joel and always send you our thoughts and good wishes, I just wanted to send you a personal message to say that we are thinking of you all very often. It was wonderful to read such encouraging progress from yesterday, I do hope today continues well.
Sending you all much love, from Gabrielle and Richard.

Gabrielle Moss <gabriellemoss@onetel.com>
London, UK - Monday, September 15, 2003 12:27 AM CDT
Hello again. I just want you all to know that I continue to think of you often and pray for Gil's recovery. I appreciate the updates.
Shelly Campbell (Landstuhl ICU) <shelly_armstrong@sbcglobal.net>
North Little Rock, AR USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 11:16 AM CDT
Anne, Claire and Maggie,
Gil's progress makes us very happy and hopeful. Our thoughts and prayrers continue to be with you. Please whisper our best wishes to him, and hugs to you all. Thanks a zillion for watching over our dear friend.

Monica Kathina Juma and Peter Kagwanja <jumakm2002@yahoo.com>
Pretoria, Gauteng South Africa - Monday, September 15, 2003 5:34 AM CDT
Dear Maggie, Ann, Claire, Joel, Gil!
That's all the words I can think of at the moment.
Keep on keeping on,
With love,

Sibyl Grundberg <sgrundberg@compuserve.com>
London, UK - Monday, September 15, 2003 4:39 AM CDT
Dearest Loeschers, Maggie's description of Gil's surfacing - of his return to those who love him so dearly - was riveting. By the end of the entry we had a sense of joy and were deeply thankful. Deo gratias - not least for all the human skills that are guiding his recovery. Much love, Ann, Peter and Emma
Peter Walshe <walshe.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 0:04 AM CDT
Dear Loescher Family

I played basketball with Gil at St Mary's. I was stunned to hear about his situation. I am having a mass said for him. I am praying for him daily.

Jim Reames

Jim Reames <profjreames@aol.com>
Aliso Viejo, Ca United States - Sunday, September 14, 2003 9:56 PM CDT
ann, margaret, claire,

I know that Ben has conveyed our regards to all of you.Our continued prayers for your emotional peace and spiritual strength in guiding Gil's recovery.

Iris, Chris, and Crane Giamo
South Bend, IN USA - Sunday, September 14, 2003 9:54 PM CDT
Dear Loescher family:

I can't believe today's wonderful, exciting news!!! This comes as a big warm hug to everybody who reads it!! The amazing feeling released by Gil's recovery, and the idea of him nodding and enjoying consciousness, will be sent all the way back to Oxford. Thank you for the great news.

Helena Hofbauer <helena@fundar.org.mx>
Mexico - Sunday, September 14, 2003 8:11 PM CDT
Dearest Loescher team.

Whoopee! What a lovely midnight feast your latest bulletin made! Apart from the frightening blip this evening, this is FANTASTIC progress, and I could feel your happiness and excitement leaping off the screen and actually see Gil's smile, and all of yours! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. What an amazing fighter Gil is, and with his three Superwomen by his side, no wonder he's astonishing the hospital! The heart will settle down but it is very scary to see.

My 'team' and I are sending huge waves of strength and support, and lots of love to the great guy in the bed and his fabulous family. Keep smiling.
Lindsay xxxxxxx

Lindsay Sandison
Boars Hill, Oxford, - Sunday, September 14, 2003 7:52 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie & Claire--

Finally, I was able to access the web site. Marty Wolfson sent me the click-on link. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with Gil and all of you. If there is anything that you need on this end, please don't hesitate to let me know. I will call again in a couple of weeks.

Love and Peace,
Ben, Iris, Crane & Chris Giamo

Ben Giamo <giamo.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, Indiana United States - Sunday, September 14, 2003 5:30 PM CDT
Dear Ann, I have been so sad to hear the news of Gil's terrible injuries. I send my best wishes to you all and remember fondly our carol singing last Christmas. Please contact me if I can do anything to help. Sue Reynolds
Sue Reynolds <reynolds@boarshill.fsnet.co.uk>
Oxford, uk - Sunday, September 14, 2003 3:21 PM CDT
Dear Gil and Loescher Family,

I was very sad to learn that Gil was not well and safe as I had hoped in the email to him I sent a day after the bombing. Another friend, Jason Pronyk of UNDP, was probably your neighbour in Landstuhl. I hope that your recovery will be as quick and successful as the progress Jason is making in Canada.

I just finished reading 'Horsewhisperer' this morning. It is about a miraculous recovery after an accident - helped by the strength I know you have and the understanding and support I know you have from your family and all of us.

Warmes wishes

From: "christoph wilcke"
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 4:14 PM
Subject: Baghdad

> Dear Gil,
> I hope very much that you are well and safe. I have just learned of the
> death of Arthur who you said would be accompanying you to Baghdad.
> Please accept my sincerest condolences for all those dedicated
> workers and intellectuals who were with you and who lost their lives at
> Canal Hotel yesterday.
> Yours ever,
> Christoph
> Save the Children

Christoph Wilcke <chwilcke@yahoo.co.uk>
London, UK - Sunday, September 14, 2003 11:03 AM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,
I'm a Notre Dame alumna who never had Prof. Loescher for class, only heard of his good work and admired his commitment to refugees worldwide. Thanks to him for his example, even when appreciated from a distance. He and your whole family are in my prayers.

Mary Lisa Penilla
St. Louis, MO - Sunday, September 14, 2003 8:51 AM CDT
Dear Ann,

I am finally able to catch up on your diary and I feel like I am holding my breath between bouts of new information. Bruce keeps me up on everything too, but do I ever just want to be there! I see there is a critical period coming now with Gil coming round and waking up, and my thoughts and hopes are with him all the time. I think he will just float on the sea of love you and Margaret and Claire have prepared for him and the four of you will get through it. Sending lots of love, Karen

Karen Solomon <krksolomon@hotmail.com>
Vicenza, Italy, - Sunday, September 14, 2003 3:09 AM CDT
Dear Loescher family,

Hello, this is Chimene Bateman, Matthew Gibney’s wife. I have never met Gil myself, but I know how highly Matthew thinks of Gil, both as a person and a scholar. Matthew and I are reading your very moving entries daily, and keeping you in our thoughts. Gil has provided support and encouragement to so many people, and as he recovers now, we hope you continue to be strengthened and encouraged by members of the wide circle whose lives he touched.

Chimene Bateman
Chicago, Illinois USA - Sunday, September 14, 2003 0:27 AM CDT
I spoke today to a former student of Gil's, Pat Hackett, who is now an attorney in South Bend. She talked about how valuable his classes were and how impressed she was with him as a person. I brought her up to date on your journal, so please know that one more person is thinking of you and keeping you in prayer.
Sonia Gernes
South Bend, IN USA - Saturday, September 13, 2003 8:30 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Claire and Maggie,

I have had the good fortune to know Gil for over 30 years. It was in 1971 that we travelled to China together. Just three days before he left for Iraq we met in Oxford and caught up on our news. He was the same wonderful person then as he was when we first met. Humour, sense, modesty and kindness were always mixed. This is the Gil who I am sure will return to you soon, however physically deprived he may be.

Like all your friends, I greatly appreciate the reports you kindly give us, however exhausted you are when you return home. It is good to see the messages coming from all over the world, but these are of course what he deserves. Wherever he goes, he leaves such positive memories and we have to look forward to him doing so again before too long.

In due course he will be able to appreciate what you are doing for him and how much he owes to you in helping him to recover. If he has to take rather than give for a few more weeks, this is nothing to what he has given throughout his life and which he will soon do again.

Yours in great admiration,


Neil Taylor <neiltaylor90@hotmail.com>
London, England - Saturday, September 13, 2003 4:16 PM CDT
Dear Gil, dear Loeschers,

I’d merely like to express my sympathies for you, and to let you know that many are thinking of you up here in Scandinavia, within the regional circle of refugee scholars and beyond. I hope that you will smoothly navigate the passages before you, and wish all of you enduring strength for the process of recovery. We are following you, and remain with you, one way or another.

Gregor Noll
Lund/Helsingborg, Sweden

Gregor Noll <gregor.noll@jur.lu.se>
- Saturday, September 13, 2003 3:44 AM CDT
We are thinking of Gil each day, and sending good thoughts to him and you all there. It is understandable that you may not post each day, but thank you for doing it. You are teaching us not to take all the "little" things in life for granted. Take care!
Doris Krueger Buchmann <bulldog5@thegrid.net>
Greenville, Ca USA - Friday, September 12, 2003 8:44 PM CDT
Gil is one of the kindest and classiest people I have ever met and therefore it is not surprising to know that the entire Loescher family is this way as well. Thank you for sharing the pain and the prospects as you have.
Mark Gibney <mgibney@unca.edu>
Asheville, North Carolina U.S.A. - Friday, September 12, 2003 1:53 PM CDT

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Joe Bauer
(Prof., N.D. Law School)

Joseph P Bauer <Bauer.1@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Friday, September 12, 2003 1:21 PM CDT
Hey Maggie, it occurs to me that American literature, particularly from the early 20th century, is incredibly depressing! Which probably won't bother Gil but might bum you out as you read it to him. So you might consider reading some, you know, Jane Austen instead. Or poetry actually, because if you read something with a cadence to it that will be something that can reach through Gil's sedation a bit without confusing him...a person can enjoy hearing poetry the way they enjoy music without trying to actually follow along with what's happening. Just a thought. Take it with a grain of salt because I did a specialty in Victorian Lit so I tend to like stuff that many sensible people find dreadful. --Mary
Mary R. Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Friday, September 12, 2003 9:49 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,

Today, September 12, some of us in the U.S. and elsewhere are celebrating "Interdependence Day." This day is to be one of hope, celebration, and civic participation. I've been organizing an event for Interdependence day on our campus, and Gil's work, this tragedy, and this amazing Internet support network has shaped my introductory remarks for our conference:

Interdependence Day
September 12, 2003

Welcome to Stony Brook University’s celebration of the first annual Interdependence Day! We are joined in our celebration today by people in places like the University of Maryland, the city of Philadelphia, Budapest, and Tajikistan, among others. Your program includes the web site that will tell you more about Interdependence Day.

The anniversary of September 11, 2001 recalls images of the dark side of global interdependence -- violence, hatred, insecurity. Today we celebrate and nurture the other side of interdependence: the side that rarely makes headlines but is vital to human survival. This interdependence – which we might call “solidarity”—calls up images of compassion, tolerance, and community.

I would like to ask that we dedicate our activities today to a person whose work is a shining example of this positive form of interdependence, or solidarity. Professor Gil Loescher, one of my graduate school advisors, has devoted his life to working with some of the world’s most vulnerable people—refugees. Refugees are people displaced from their homes and their countries by war or other forms of violence. They are, unfortunately, a growing population. By documenting the needs and conditions of refugees and by advocating on their behalf, Gil has given a voice to those without food, water, shelter and even the basic rights of citizenship we take for granted. His work with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and with other international agencies has assisted those most in need and contributed to global efforts to prevent new refugee flows.

Gil’s work has frequently brought him to places where the dark side of interdependence predominates. Last month, he was in Baghdad investigating humanitarian conditions and reporting for an Internet news service called opendemocracy.net. Tragically, he was in the United Nations headquarters when it became the target of militants opposing the United States occupation of Iraq. Gil managed to survive the blast, but he lost both legs, and he is still struggling for his life. He and his family now draw strength from the solidarity of the many friends, colleagues, and students Gil has around the world. This dispersed group has used the Internet to create a virtual community of caring, support, and hope. I hope that you will all send your thoughts and good wishes to them as well. We hope that Gil can soon return to advance the nourishing and liberating kind of interdependence his work represents. And may we all be inspired by his example.

Our key purpose today is to reflect on the meaning of global interdependence and how it shapes our own lives and opportunities. We will see how people like Gil Loescher have helped to enhance our common security by building up the positive forms of interdependence. We will learn how people have built solidarity around our common human identity rather than diverse nationalities. We encourage you to think about what it means to be a citizen of a democracy in this interdependent world. As terrorist threats have undermined many of our own democratic freedoms, we must ask how security and freedom can both be preserved. Democracy can only survive if citizens are informed and actively engaged in the political process. As your program notes, we must “activate democracy,” because democracy cannot thrive in a passive society. We hope that this Interdependence Day will inspire you to think about your roles as global citizens. The “Declaration of Interdependence” in your program provides some ideas in this regard, and I hope you’ll visit the civworld.org website to add your name to this Declaration.

I’ll end this introduction with a quote from another prominent “Global Citizen,” the late Mahbub ul Haq, founder of the United Nations Human Development Reports:

"In the last analysis, human security means a child who did not die, a disease that did not spread, an ethnic tension that did not explode, a dissident who was not silenced, a human spirit that was not crushed. The imperatives of this human security have become universal, indivisible, and truly global today."

Jackie Smith <jackie.smith@sunysb.edu>
Stony Brook, NY USA - Friday, September 12, 2003 9:29 AM CDT
Dear Maggie,

I just heard what happened and came straight to this deeply moving website. You are the most brave, resourceful and remarkable family. You are all in my thoughts and hopes.
Much love, Charlie

Charlie Hawes <charliehawes@hotmail.com>
London, UK - Friday, September 12, 2003 6:59 AM CDT
Hi Loeschers,

It sounds like, all things considered, Gil's done wonderfully for the past couple of days...good rest, good healing, and only a few bad scares...very good news. I know it's hard to hang in there and keep your spirits up. You should keep in mind that even while you plan and hope for your family's new life together, you are going to be grieving for the old life you had, and your old confidence, which has changed permanently at this point. It's important to know that mourning the things your family has lost is not the same thing as giving up on Gil or ceasing to plan and hope for the new things and new confidence you'll share with him....in fact it's an essential step in moving into the future with him. So that's going to be dragging you down a little extra because that's what grief does, particularly when coupled with the fear and uncertainty you're living with day to day right now. There's a few simple things you can do to keep grief from setting in too hard, though--to keep it from becoming depression.
In a nutshell, here they are:
1. don't sleep too much.
2. get some daily exercise
3. do some repetitive work that occupies your attention, because that will let your subconcious get on with its work while you're not looking. This would be a good time to organize the book collection, finish the background of a needlepoint, wash all the dishes in the house by hand, that kind of thing. You may feel depressed while you do it but you end up feeling better after.
4. do something new, whether it's learning a new skill or a new song, or going somewhere you haven't been. Even popping into a shop you've never been in gives your brain something extra to feed on.
5. eat properly and try to eat in the presence of other people so they can verify that you're eating properly
6. go ahead and have a wallow, just be clear with yourself you're doing that and set a time limit on it. Feeling miserable in the bath works pretty well because you eventually get wrinkly and have to get out.

Hang in there, you amazing women.

--Mary (Sep 12 2003)

Mary R. Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Friday, September 12, 2003 6:53 AM CDT
Congratulations on Gil's perserverance through the surgery. What stamina he has!! He must truly love his family a great deal as much as his family obviously loves him. May God protect and bless you all. Thank you for sharing what true familial love is all about.
Susan Hamilton <Hamilton.60@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 11:53 PM CDT
I am a former Padre who was a year ahead of Gil at Serra High School. He is in my thoughts and prayers. I know he will hang in there.
Stephen Firenze <Firenze5@aol.com>
San Mateo, Ca USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 8:53 PM CDT
Hi Ann, Claire & Marg,
Sounds like guite a day,not only for Gil, but all of you. It must be difficult to keep your spirits up. Please know that we, along with many others are still here praying daily and thinking good thoughts for all of you.
Much love, Barb,Steve & Ocean

barbara dull
gaylordsville, ct usa - Thursday, September 11, 2003 6:41 PM CDT
Dear Ann and Gil and the girls,
I can see you have many dear friends and family, all sending hope and loving thoughts on to Gil. Barbara and Steve are dear friends of mine and I know how this is impacting many, many lives around you. My thoughts are with all of you, Sharon O'Neill.

Sharon O'Neill <sharongilo@optonline.net>
Pound Ridge, NY USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 4:55 PM CDT
We were shocked to hear of Gil's injuries suffered in the explosion in Bagdad. Our prayers are with him and the family. We hope he has a speedy recovery. Both of us are at York U. teaching in the antro dept. Penny is a full prof while John is an asst prof. Penny has been working in Laos for the last several years. We made a sabbatical trip to Southeast Asia last year. That's what we are up to. Perhaps Gil would be interested to hear what we are doing. All our best.
John and Penny Van Esterik <johnve@yorku.ca>
Toronto, ONT Canada - Thursday, September 11, 2003 3:17 PM CDT
I met Gil and Claire for a very short period of time, in the brief period I met him I feel his kindness and determination. I feel sadden by his injuries and will keep my prayers for his speedy recovery.
Claire: I remember Gil as a fighter when I went hiking in Chiang Mai. I wish you and your family courage in this difficult time that will soon be over.

Chutimas <chutimassuksai@yahoo.com>
Bangkok, Thailand - Thursday, September 11, 2003 3:14 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family:
I worked very closely with Arthur Helton here at the Council on Foreign Relations and I wanted to let you know on his behalf that you, Gil, are someone for whom Arthur, who had very high expectations of people, had nothing but the greatest respect and affection. As he will never be able to express these sentiments, I thought I'd pass them on. I wish you a speedy recovery. My thoughts are with you.

Eliana Jacobs <ejacobs@cfr.org>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 12:40 AM CDT
To Gil and the Loescher family,
The Community of Saint Mary's College of California was saddened to learn of Gil's injuries. We have been getting updates on his condition from this site and from other friends and alumni. We send our best wishes for his recovery and know that the weeks and months ahead will be difficult. Know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of the Christian Brothers, the faculty, staff and alumni of the College.

Best regards from Saint Mary's College,

Giles Miller
Director of Alumni Relations

Giles Miller <ggmiller@stmarys-ca.edu>
Moraga, CA USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 12:33 AM CDT
I have never met Gil. I know him only second-hand so to speak through others here at UNHCR who have worked with him over the years. It is so encouraging to hear that he is getting stronger by the day. Many people here at UNHCR are following his progress and willing him on every day. Stay strong. Best regards. Grainne O Hara.
Grainne O Hara <ohara@unhcr.ch>
Geneva, - Thursday, September 11, 2003 11:46 AM CDT
Yesterday there was a tribute to Arthur Helton at the Council on Foreign Relations. The room was packed. Some speakers also mentioned Gil, and I am sure many, like me, were praying for Gil even as we remembered Arthur.

Your journal entries are inspiring. I wish all of you continued strength, patience and love.

Karin Landgren <klandgren@unicef.org>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:58 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and I am glad to know of your continued progress. The vast entries in your guestbook signifies the impact you have made to so many people!
Stay strong!

Susan Allesee Nagel <dnagel@michiana.org>
Granger, IN USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 9:54 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers,
Keep up your optimism and hope! Your strength and support for each other are amazing. I think of you every day and hope that Gil's recovery will continue, little by little.

Jasmin <jchakeri@worldbank.org>
Jakarta, Indonesia - Thursday, September 11, 2003 7:13 AM CDT
Dear Gil Ann Maggie Claire and Joel, There are so many thoughts going through my head for you all that I cannot put them down, but they are all positive and all energising. Take care with love Wonky, Also lots of love from David and Miz xxxx
Wonky Beeny
Clevedon , N. Somerset UK - Thursday, September 11, 2003 7:03 AM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,

I am a former student of Gil's from Notre Dame, and just like many others, I have been following your journal entries for days now. Just like others, I am finding it hard to put my feelings into words. On the one hand, I am deeply saddened by what happened to Gil, a wonderful human being and a role model for so many of us. On the other, I am in awe of your courage and so grateful to see all the support coming your way from all over the world. Know that we are all praying for you, wishing you and Gil all the strength in the world - and more!!! (Never mind the ICU nurses!! Keep up the singing and the tai chi!) Thank you for keeping us informed. Wishing Gil a speedy recovery and you lots of strength as you support him,

Kriszta Tihanyi <kzt1@cornell.edu>
Ithaca, NY USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 6:25 AM CDT
I'm a friend of Steve Loescher in Mesa, Arizona at Home Depot 456. I recently heard of this horrible accident from Steve and my heart goes out to all of the Loescher Family.Time heals all. Be reassured of all the love and prayers from people everywhere who truly know a Jewel of a Man and the compassion he has for his fellow man by simply reading all the wonderful letters sent to him from all over the world. Continue to heals and teach people the true meaning of love, sincerely Linda Theron
Linda Theron <Pennylu53@aol.com>
Mesa, az USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 5:45 AM CDT
Thinking of you and wishing all things good
Mervin and Judith

Judith Knight <judith_anne@another.com>
- Thursday, September 11, 2003 2:17 AM CDT
To the Gil Loesher family:
I hope this message gets to Gil as I am the twin
brother of Ed Hanson who coached Gil in the 7th
and 8th grades at BIS. Ed died in October of 2001
during a double knee replacement. He suffered a
massive heart attack at age 65.
I hope Gil gets this message, and I know he will
remember the exciting basketball games that he
and teammates John McCarty, Bruce Day, Mark
Rochette etc. participated in. Yes, I remember Gil's
hook shot and the hook shots of Doug Moyer, Bill
Sexton, etc.
I began teaching P.E. and coaching after school
sports in Millbrae at Taylor Intermediate School.
Ed and I were intense rivalries in basketball. Two
of my former players played at St. Mary's also. Nick
Pappageorge and Frank Denucci. Gil, if anyone
can overcome your injuries it would be you. You
are and were that special.
Dick Hanson

Dick Hanson <8mjh12@sbcglobal.net>
Burlingame, ca usa - Thursday, September 11, 2003 1:03 AM CDT
to gil's family,
please let gil know that many thoughts are with him all the way from gaza. i shall be sharing encouragement with others at the macarthur foundation meeting next week in chicago as well. the strength and courage you and he are demonstrating are inspiring to all of us.

karen koning abuzayd
gaza city, - Thursday, September 11, 2003 0:56 AM CDT
To the Loescher family: While you have never met me, you know my brother James Milner very well. Over the years I have seen the impact that Gil has made on my brother (both professionally and personally) and how it has helped shape the man James is now. In this way, I feel as if I have in some respects already met Gil. As I read the outpouring of affection and prayers over Gil's situation, I feel the need to somehow add my voice in support. I can only begin to imagine the profound courage and faith that you all must possess to have remained as strong and positive as you have. I am in awe of the tenacity and strength that all four of you have demonstrated. Peoples' words remind me of how fragile but extremely important is the work that the men and women of the UNHCR do and of the sacrifices that they, and their families, must undergo. James has told me of how key Gil's work is and how much more there is for him to contribute - the words in the guestbook serve to only reinforce this belief. I sincerely hope that one day I may meet "Team Loescher" and celebrate with you all Gil's successful return to the world and work which needs him so dearly. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Lynda Nunn (nee Milner) <picote_silverlace@hotmail.com>
Kitchener, Ont Canada - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 9:26 PM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,

I have been following reports of Gil's progress since I became aware of the web site several days ago and am heartened by the tremendous support Gil is receiving from his family and friends. I first met Gil in Geneva 14 years ago in connection with my refugee work and though we had few occasions to connect since, Gil is not someone who is easily forgotten. In particular, I remember his generosity, his kindness and decency, and his wise counsel. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Joe Stern

Joseph B. Stern <jstern@rogers.com>
Ottawa, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 9:14 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Gil, and Family:
Ben and I were deeply saddened to hear what happened to Gil. But finding out over the last few days about his travel back home and his progress in his surgeries has been good news indeed. His initial strength and good health are seeming to keep him as well as can possibly be expected through these difficult days. Ben and I are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Peace, Amy
PS Ben is back at Notre Dame.

Amy Radcliff <emeraldchoir@earthlink.net>
New Carlisle, IN USA - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 5:12 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret and Claire - Who would have thought when we met for coffee last New Year in 'Borders' that you would be facing such a ghastly happening. Thank God for your and Gil's strength. You have always as a family been so supportive of others -- I'll always remember and treasure times I have spent with you over the years, both individually and as a family -- And now it is our joy to be able to offer up our prayers and to hold you constantly in our thoughts as Gil fights to regain health. Thank you for finding strength to write your almost daily bulletins which will keep us all in touch with Gil's progress to recovery. Our love to you all -- Barbara and Anthony, Kath, Jane and Robin
Barbara Eddy <aeddy@oxfree.com>
Oxford, England - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 4:55 PM CDT
Dear Ann,
Thank you for that good report on the successful outcome of Gil's surgery. I hope you (all) get the good night's sleep you deserve.
Love and cheers,

Sibyl <sgrundberg@compuserve.com>
London, England - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 4:20 PM CDT
Dear "Team Loescher", excellent news regarding the success of the lengthy operations on Gil. I check the site at regular intervals and know that you are all doing a fantastic job providing the support necessary both for Gil and between yourselves. It has not been easy for you but anyone reading the messages and updates can tell just how close a family you are. Keep up the fantastic work. We will continue to think of you all constantly. Best wishes from the IISS staff at the GSR Conference in Washington DC.
Bill Whaley <whaley@iiss.org>
London, England - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 4:09 PM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,
I'm a colleague and friend of Gil's. I hope that Gil is doing well today after his surgery, and wish you much strength in this difficult time.

Karen Jacobsen <karen.jacobsen@tufts.edu>
Boston, MA USA - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 2:20 PM CDT
Dearest Ann, Gil and Family
So glad to hear you are all safely back in Oxford and that Gil survived the journey well. This is just to let you know we are keeping in touch with your diary and guestbook.
It is good to get the news of Gil's progress and it must be very heartening for you all to know that Gil is held in such esteem by so many people all over the world - a truly remarkable man; and now you and the girls are showing how remarkable you are too by your fortitude and endurance at this sad, sad time.
We do feel sure though, that with so much love and so many prayers being sent to him, Gil and you will all prevail over this tragedy.
'Warblers' are rehearsing for another two concerts and I'm hoping we can have a surprise for you Ann, either around Christmas or for Epiphany. So as you can see, 'baby' is working in the absence of 'Mum'; we are being good - promise!!
If Paul and I can help in any way at all, you only have to ask. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
All our love - Val and Paul xx xx

Val and Paul Rast-Lindsell <paul.rast-lindsell@aeat.co.uk>
Dry Sandford, Abingdon, UK - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 1:53 PM CDT
All my goodwishes for Gil what a fighter, and how brave you all are. Keep it up!
Love from one of those Lib Dems

Gina Birch
Boars Hill, - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 1:04 PM CDT
SAN MATEO, CA USA - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 12:44 AM CDT
Dear Gil and the Loescher Family,
As a great admirer of Gil, his research and writing and his tireless advocacy on behalf of refugees and dispossesed people everywhere, know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Gil is well known and greatly respected in the UN family as well as in human rights and refugee work. May the madness that caused this tragedy be rooted out of our world and may Gil be soon restored to full health.

Dawn T. Calabia <dcalabia@unicwash.org>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 11:55 AM CDT
The organizers and participants of the African Studies Association / Centre for African Studies Symposium on African Refugees held in London on 10th Sept, send their regrets that Gil couldn't be with us today, and wish him all the best for a speedy recovery.
ASA/CAS Symposium participants
London, UK - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 11:55 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Claire and Margaret: Thinking of you all with fierce love every day. Thank God Gil got through yesterday's surgery - every hurdle passed is that much closer to recovery. And thank you for the image of Ann and Margaret singing on the merry-go-round at the fair. Love, Ann
Ann Rosen <arosen@michian.org>
South Bend, IN USA - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 10:09 AM CDT
Love and good energy always goes in two directions--the spirit that is flowing towards Oxford is only as strong as the one that comes back. Thank you for letting us know that yesterday's surgery went well.
Helena Hofbauer <helena@fundar.org.mx>
Mexico City, - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 9:33 AM CDT
Thinking of you all the time.
Barbara Harrell-Bond <behbond@aucegypt.edu>
- Wednesday, September 10, 2003 8:18 AM CDT
Thinking of you all the time.
Barbara Harrell-Bond <behbond@aucegypt.edu>
- Wednesday, September 10, 2003 8:18 AM CDT
Dear Aunt Annie and Girls, Im so happy that the surgery went well. We continue to pray for you all. I found a good story about Uncle Gil at dailyreviewonline.com . Go to sports AND click on his name. Have a good day...We love you Love, Bridget
Bridget Loescher-Nino <I_M_NINO@EARTHLINK.NET>
MESA, AZ USA - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 8:02 AM CDT
Annie, Margaret and Claire, so glad the surgery went well and Gil's condition is so much more positive now. Hugs of strength to you all. Love Annie Fink
Ann Finkeldey Rose
- Wednesday, September 10, 2003 7:11 AM CDT
Dear Loescher family,
God has heard all of us and helped Gil and you get through a long day yesterday! We hope he continues to improve and all of you stay strong.

Martha Percival <percival363@aol.com>
Thoiry, Ain France - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 1:27 AM CDT
We're so thrilled to hear that Gil's surgery today went well. Ann - you wrote about how much the energy being focussed Oxford-way is helping. Likewise - the power emanating from Gil's fortitude and your family's love is overwhelming. Our thoughts are with you all, all day, every day.
With much love,
Daniel and Maya

Daniel Chalfen and Maya Sabatello
Venice, CA USA - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 11:36 PM CDT
Sharon C Lawson, a caring person whom cares about people.
I have watched others overcome serious surgeries like
yourself, and they can give you some feedback when you are up and around. The ARGUS, is great to inspire us all, I have seen teens lose both legs and still go on to compete
in rowing, kayaking, and a number of other things!
My step-father had his rt leg from the thigh down
removed becuase of diabetes succumbed over the past
20 yrs, but he had to make this choice, noone else could
do it for him! That's tough!
You got lots of strength and from what I have been reading,great endurance! It's fabulous to know of someone
I never met, has such talent to share with others, and your high school pictures are here and your fantastic work
of being a teammate still lingers with being at the UN to help Iraq come to a closure of growth,returning sovereignity
to the IRAQI people. I pray and I write, if you or your family write, you can go to www.poetry.com or give me an
email slsl77777@aol.com.
The journey to recovery is going to take awhile, but
that gives you time to build, recover,grow,and be the
teamplayer as you have been for so many whom are waiting and watching your recovery!
By the way, Argus and its readers would like to hear about your recovery when you are getting better!
God hears all your prayers and I will put your name in at
St Joseph's Church in Fremont on Sunday.
It doesn't hurt to have afew more prayers, and the work
of peace is working. It's just taking awhile to put the
money,building materials in place.
I am honored to know a great guy like yourself,
and it seems those who search longer,harder,smarter
go the farthest. You're a great guy and the world and We are waiting.Get well and speedy road to recovery!
Good Luck and Best wishes

Sharon Lawson <slsl77777@aol.com>
Fremont, Ca USA - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 10:22 PM CDT
Ann, Claire & Marg,
Received your phone call. Good to have the operation over with good results. Stay strong and hopeful. Many people around the world are praying for you and Gil's continuing progress.
Much love,Barb,Steve & Ocean

barbara dull
gaylordsville, ct usa - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 7:37 PM CDT
xxxxx Pip
- Tuesday, September 9, 2003 3:14 PM CDT
To Gil and all the family,

I just read Monday's entry, and I hope by now the surgery is successfully concluded. I admire your great strength and courage. Last week I chaired the first session of the Home Office Advisory Panel on Country Information (APCI). Gil is a member of the Panel - indeed seeing his name on the list of participants was an important factor in persuading me to participate when I was invited to do so some time ago. This Panel has the task of assessing the process by which the Home Office prepares the six-monthly reports on the 35 main countries of origin for asylum seekers. This information is then used in asylum determination processes. Gil's knowledge and understanding of refugee issues in many countries was greatly missed at ACPI's first meeting. The members of the Panel asked me to convey their best wishes for a speedy recovery. We very much hope he will be with us at the next meeting in March.

Stephen Castles, Director, Refugee Studies Centre <stephen.castles@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 1:29 PM CDT
Dear Gil and Family; I was pleased to be told of this website today. It is so good to be able to get the updates on Gil's progress. To the Loescher family, I am a long time colleague of Gil's, particularly through my work when he was at the RSP and at Notre Dame and I was at the Ford Foundation. I hold him in very high esteem and had the great pleasure to work with him on many projects. And I look forward to many more. My thoughts and prayers and good wishes are with Gil and all of you. I, like so many others, am rooting loudly for him. With fond regards. Mary
McClymont, Mary
Washington , DC USA - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 12:50 AM CDT
It is an amazing and beautiful story these entries are telling. Jeanne are so proud of all of you!-- Bob Rodes
R.E. Rodes <rodes.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 12:33 AM CDT
Dear Maggie,Ann,Gil,Claire, Joel,
I do hope that the surgery is over by now and that Gil is back in recovery. It will have been a very difficult day for you all. I hope that Annemarie will have managed to contact you Maggie. She has lost her phone and had difficulty getting on the internet, but I know that she and Finn are thinking of you all, especially Gil and I know that she will contact you when she can. We are all rooting for Gil. With our love to all of you, Wonky,David and Miz xxxxxxx

Wonky Beeny
Clevedon, N. Somerset UK - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 12:17 AM CDT
Dear Loescher family:
Gil was my teacher at Notre Dame in 97, and I just learned recently about what happened. During that semester, Gil made many of us understand life in a different way. His compassion, integrity and strength made us grow.
I am thinking of Gil and the strong brave women that are by his side today, that he is undergoing a long surgery. May love and light be with you all.

Helena Hofbauer <helena@fundar.org.mx>
Mexico City, Mexico - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 9:41 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family, still thinking of you all today on Tuesday and hoping that tomorrow you'll look back on today and realise that Gil and all of you have overcome yet another hurdle on his road to recovery. In great admiration of your strength, Clara
Clara Odofin, ECRE <codofin@ecre.org>
London, U.K - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 9:01 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you, and I look forward to our paths crossing again.

Larry Bottinick
(Formerly UNHCR Turkey,now UNHCR / DIP Geneva)

Larry Bottinick <bottinic@unhcr.ch>
Geneva, Switzerland - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 7:51 AM CDT
Its lunchtime on Tuesday...thinking of you all and sending very positive thoughts that the surgery is progressing well and that you will soon all be able to see Gil again and begin the next stage of your journey together. Your strength is inspirational
Heaven Crawley <h.crawley@ippr.org>
London, UK - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 6:59 AM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,

I wish to express my deep sadness for what has happened to Gil and my sympathy to you in this terrible moment. I am a UNHCR staff member and I have met Gil on several occasions. I always enjoyed enormously talking with him and have learnt a lot from his books. Gil is a rare example of intelligence at the service of humanitarian work. I wish Gil a quick recovery and I look forward to it. Thank you for sharing information on his conditions on the website.

with best regards

Furio De Angelis <deangeli@unhcr.ch>
- Tuesday, September 9, 2003 5:52 AM CDT
My dear Anne Maggie and Claire,
I was so distressed and utterly horrifid to hear only recently of Gil's tragic and terrible accident. I feel so desparately for you all. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. My family, Lucy,Christopher and especially Catherine were all so shocked by this terrible news too. We are all thinking of you. (I know that Adam would be very much thinking of you all too but he himself is very ill in the Churhill Hospital and mentally would not be able to comprehend) I have been reading some of your amazing diaries. It must be a great relief to have Gil back in Oxford. We have such fond memories of out time in Wotton and Boars Hill. Catherine was reminding me of how she stayed with you before a Wooton school canal holiday with Barbara Eddy.
Once again we are all praying and thinking of you so very much. With love to you all Veronica.

Veronica Smith <VandA@smithscottage.freeserve.co.uk>
North Cottage, West Ilsley, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 7AA England - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 4:41 AM CDT
Thinking of you all and sending positive vibes over the road to Gil in surgery.
love, Marion and Jon

Marion Couldrey <marion.couldrey@dsl.pipex.com>
Oxford, - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 4:14 AM CDT
You will all be very much in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I was happy to read about the St. Giles Fair (I got lost there once as a small boy!). It's good you have the strength and faith to take a second and see there's still a shining world around you in this difficult time.
Paul Rodes <prodes@indiana.edu>
Bloomington, IN USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 11:33 PM CDT
I am a friend of Marya Dull's who told me about Gil's situation. I am thinking of him and praying for him.
Anne E. Douglas <jamaisarr@aol.com>
Eureka, CA USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 9:00 PM CDT
May God hold Gil closely in the palm of His hand tomorrow and may God surround you all with inner peace, hope, and healing.
Susan Hamilton <hamilton.60@nd.edu>
South Bend,, IN USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 8:46 PM CDT
Will be thinking of Gil and family on Tuesday and praying that all goes well.

Carol Stuart
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 7:23 PM CDT
amen to what the Zuckers said. All our blessings for tomorrow.
Mary R. Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 6:49 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie, and Claire,
Please know that as you go through this most difficult of days on Tuesday, there will be hundreds of people all over the world whose thoughts and prayers are focused on Gil. We will be hoping that those collective thoughts and prayers somehow add to Gil's already formidable strength, and to yours, and bring him through the surgery successfully.
We hope that you can feel our love.
Naomi and Norman Zucker

Naaomi and Norman Zucker <nlzucker@uri.edu>
Kingston, RI USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 6:12 PM CDT
Hello Ann,Claire & Marg,
Got your call. Will certainly keep Gil and all of you lifted in prayer and in positive thoughts.
Much love,Barb, Steve & Ocean

barbara dull
gaylordsville, ct usa - Monday, September 8, 2003 5:58 PM CDT
Dear Ann,Claire and Margaret, Along with many others, I am sure, I have been gratefully watching Gil's progress as you record the daily activity. I am so glad you are all back in Oxford now. Know that I keep you daily in my prayers. Love, Isabel
Isabel Charles <icharles@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 3:30 PM CDT
Dear Ann,Claire and Margaret, Along with many others, I am sure, I have been gratefully watching Gil's progress as you record the daily activity. I am so glad you are all back in Oxford now. Know that I keep you daily in my prayers. Love, Isabel
Isabel Charles <icharles@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 3:30 PM CDT
Dear Loescher family,

My name is Khassim Diagne, a staff member at UNHCR in Geneva. I am terribly sorry at what happened. I only received the information about Gil's condition today after returning from home leave. I am always on Gil's list when he visits UNHCR headquarters in Geneva. I enjoy our conversations and learned a lot from him over the few years that I spent here.

I wish him a speedy recovery. Bon courage also to the entire family.

Best regards.

Khassim Diagne <diagne@unhcr.ch>
Geneva, Switzerland - Monday, September 8, 2003 12:11 AM CDT
Ah, Gil. The first thing I do when I get to work is read the entries your wonderful family posts on the website. The images stay with me throughout the day.
What you're going through is really rough. But hang in there. I hope that a year from now,it will all seem like a terrible nightmare.

Elizabeth Ferris <egf@wcc-coe.org>
Geneva, Switzerland - Monday, September 8, 2003 11:26 AM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,

Gil and I were classmates at St. Mary's College and I have followed with interest and pride his career. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all. I look forward to meeting Gil again and renewing an old friendship. If I can be of any help to you, even from afar in California, please count on me.

John Bowermaster <jbowermaster@sandomenico.org>
San Anselmo, CA USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 10:26 AM CDT
Dear Ann and Gil
I will always think of you walking in the woods. That is where we usually meet (Jarn Wild Garden). Me with my dogs and you together (at one time with your dog). I always used to look up to Gil then - it wasn't difficult! and now having read your journal in reverse (we have just returned from Devon) I can see why. We send you a message to wish you all strength to continue along the path of recovery.
Our very best wishes

Tony and Frances Morris <fvmorris@hotmail.com>
Ripon Lodge Jarn Way, Boars Hill Oxford, UK - Monday, September 8, 2003 5:22 AM CDT
Ann, Claire & Marg,
Thinking of you. Praying daily.
Much love,Barb,Steve & Ocean

barb dull
gaylordsville, ct usa - Sunday, September 7, 2003 8:38 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie, Claire,
You dear brave heroic people. I can see whether the lights are on in your house during the night from here, only fifty yards away. How I wish I could do something to ease your exhaustion. Our prayers are with you constantly, and the moment there is some small way in which we can help in a practical sense, do tell us.
Much love, Margaret and Derek

Margaret Davies, Old Boars Hill
Oxford, England - Sunday, September 7, 2003 7:38 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie, Claire,
You dear brave heroic people. I can see whether the lights are on in your house during the night from here, only fifty yards away. How I wish I could do something to ease your exhaustion. Our prayers are with you constantly, and the moment there is some small way in which we can help in a practical sense, do tell us.
Much love, Margaret and Derek

Margaret Davies, Old Boars Hill
Oxford, England - Sunday, September 7, 2003 7:38 PM CDT
Dear Loescher family,

Thank you so much for continuing to write these journals, despite your exhaustion. Know that many of us here in Washington are checking in every day. As much as I have recoiled in my time at the computer-driven age, connections so beautiful and necessary as this make me give thanks for miracle of it all.

Peace be with you,
Ginny Hamilton

Virginia Hamilton <vlhginy@aol.com>
Vienna, VA USA - Sunday, September 7, 2003 5:56 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers - Here I am again--another quiet Sunday morning at Stonegates, before the activity begins in earnest. I have found this is a great place to catch up on the Loescher diary and did so last night and this morning. I have also gotten into the openDemocracy website and have begun to read some of the articles written by Gil and Arthur Helton. I am trying to understand more about the things they have been studying and writing about. Each set-back (fever, danger of infection, clotting etc) hurts to hear about and I think of you bearing all this. (By the time we journal followers get the news it has often taken a turn for the better!) Anyhow, it is always to heartening to hear of things like the "determined look on Gil's face."

Much love, Marya

Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Sunday, September 7, 2003 8:08 AM CDT
Dear Maggie, Ann, Claire, Joel and Gil,
David and I visited the beautiful cathedral of Gloucester yesterday and at the desk with requests for prayers that evening, wrote a "post it" note asking for special prayers to be said for Gil. We were thinking of you all during the day as well. Having read your journal for yesterday, we both hope that today brings calm and healing for all of you, especially Gill. Please take care, with Love Wonky, David and Miz.xxxx

Wonky Beeny
Clevedon, North Somerset UK - Sunday, September 7, 2003 5:47 AM CDT
Dear, dear Loeschers, The words to express our thoughts and feelings are beyond our grasp at this point. Know that we are with you every day in this long, agonising struggle. We pray for Gil's resilience and for your energy to be sustained. All our love, Ann, Peter and Emma.
Peter Walshe
South Bend, IN USA - Saturday, September 6, 2003 11:23 PM CDT
hi girls & Ann & Gil. jeez, today (sep 6) sounds like it was a real ass-kicker and I'm sorry you all had to go through it. So glad Gil continues to be so strong and to fight his way through one trial after another in order to stay with you. He is blessed in having three such strong and loving women in his life and heart.
Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Saturday, September 6, 2003 8:01 PM CDT
Dearest Loeschers,
I have been following your posts daily, and am awed by your courage and strength. You are in my thoughts constantly.
Much Love,

Emma Arnold <emmarnold@ameritech.net>
Chicago, IL USA - Saturday, September 6, 2003 5:23 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Maggie and Claire,
Welcome home. We were devastated to hear about Gil and follow your progress each day. We think of you every time we walk up or down our track - the place where we usually meet - and we send you love, support and courage. Please call upon us for help that you may need in any large or small way.
With love and thoughts,
Susan, Catherine, Lucy, Rowan ... and Spot xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Susan Foster, Catherine Mallyon, Lucy and Rowan
Old Boars Hill, Oxford, UK - Saturday, September 6, 2003 7:24 AM CDT
Dear Gil,
My life is richer for knowing you - a wonderful, friendly and one of the kindest people I ever met.
I am happy that you have such a loving family to help you through difficult times. My thoughts and prayers are with you and will be throughout your recovery.
Lots of love,

Anna Clarke (formerly PA to Mats Berdal, IISS) <anna_iiss@yahoo.co.uk>
London, UK - Saturday, September 6, 2003 5:43 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie and Claire:

I am very grateful for the continued updates on Gil's condition, and I realize how difficult it must be for you (at times) to write them. I'm sure that all the other family, friends and colleagues from around the world who love Gil feel the same way. I hope that we can support you, in large ways or small, during Gil's ongoing recovery.

Dan Saxon <dsaxon_mu@wanadoo.nl>
The Hague, Netherlands - Saturday, September 6, 2003 1:43 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Claire and Maggie,

Reading your masterful updates on Gil's progress has become a must for me in recent days, and I hope you will be able to continue keeping everyone informed in this way for a long time to come. I learn something from the four of you each day, and my admiration for your family grows ever deeper.

Dennis Grace <djgrace@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, September 5, 2003 7:01 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Maggie and Claire,

It's so good to know you're home. Every time I take my canine tribe for a walk, we gaze across Oxford to the JR and send huge waves of healing to you, Gil, and masses of love to you all. I tell everyone I meet about Gil, (and you know what a big mouth I've got!) and it's clear from some of your other messages, that lots of your friends are doing the same thing. So your world wide web of love and support now includes not only your friends but lots and lots of people who've never met you but know about your work and why it's so important that you get better. This is an amazing achievement and I know it will help your recovery and give strength to each of you. The lovely monks at the Carmelite Priory are saying prayers for you all too. So keep up the good progress, keep those smiles beaming, and draw on all the love you have helped create all around you. You're all stars.

Huge hugs, Lindsay xxxxxxx

Lindsay Sandison
Boars Hill, Oxford, - Friday, September 5, 2003 4:54 PM CDT
Dearest Loeschers,

Parul and I are happy to hear that Gil is back in the beautiful familiar setting of Oxford. We have kept him in our thoughts and prayers, and check this site (that you have so wonderfully established) on a daily basis. We visited the Thai restaurant that we took Gil to when he was visiting San Diego and toasted his health and recovery.

Our warmest regards to you all! You all have such amazing strength, determination, and love!

Nate and Parul Goetz

Nate Goetz <ngoetz17@aol.com>
San Diego, CA USA - Friday, September 5, 2003 3:40 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie and Claire,

First, you and Gil are still in my thoughts and I am rooting for you! This website is proof of the tremendous love and support you have from people all over the world. It occurred to me, though, that as you start this next phase of recovery, it could be helpful to you to speak with people who are trained not only in dealing with the physical challenges of rehabiliation, but the emotional and mental strains as well. I do a lot of work in post-conflict societies, especially in Northern Ireland, and, if you want, could get you the names of people and groups in your area to whom you could talk about your sadness and the challenges that you are facing. You may be too caught up in the constant worry about Gil's immediate situation to want this now, but if you decide it would be helpful for me to suggest someone, please let me know. (No doubt Gil will also have a tremendous amount of anguish to deal with, so this offer applies to all four of you though of course your needs will be different.)

All the Best,


Sara Zucker <sara.zucker@excite.com>
Somerville, MA USA - Friday, September 5, 2003 11:49 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie, and Claire,
I've been away for a week. As I read through the journal entries for the past several days, there was a great surge of sympathy for all you are going through. What one of you said about trying to be as honest as possible without destroying hope really resonated with me, reminding me as it did of how we struggled with that in the early days after Justin's injury. All of you being there with Gil will, in itself, give him hope and strength.

I can imagine how hard the journey back to Oxford must have been for you all, but hopefully Gil and you have settled in now. It is good to know that you are back home and that Gil will be benefitting from the considerable expertise at the JR.

You are in our thoughts daily. Love, Tam

tam Frishberg <tam.frishberg@ntlworld.com>
Oxford, England - Friday, September 5, 2003 10:52 AM CDT
Dear Claire,

Although i have not met your father personally he sounds like one in a million, like a man that when placed in such a sitation is in possesion of all the strengths and qualities necessary that, when teamed with the support of such a brave and loving group of family and friends by his side that, will ease and promote the recovery we all pray for. My thoughts go out to all of you. XXXXX Seb

Sebastian Fahey <S.Fahey@lse.ac.uk>
London, England - Friday, September 5, 2003 8:49 AM CDT
Dear Claire

We have just returned to England and have heard the news. We are thinking of you all. We would like to wish your Dad a speedy recovery and hope to see you soon.
Love from Lorne and Mark.XXX

Lorne Charles <lorne.charles-alumni@lse.ac.uk>
London, - Friday, September 5, 2003 8:26 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Claire and Maggie, I have been away and have only just heard the news. I am so so sorry, but so impressed with all you have written and how you are able to help Gil recover. My thoughts are with you all, and I look forward to happier times when we can visit and do something to help. In the meantime, very best wishes to you all, and love, Belinda
Belinda Allan <belinda.allan1@ntlworld.com>
Oxford, UK - Friday, September 5, 2003 6:55 AM CDT
Hi Maggie, Shak here from filmschool. Still thinking of your dad and family. Keeping up to date with recovery on website. Remember, if anything is needed at this end let me know. Love, Shak
shakil mohammed <smohammed@nftsfilm-tv.ac.uk>
Beaconsfield, - Friday, September 5, 2003 6:14 AM CDT
Glad to know you're all back in England at the JR. The care couldn't be better - be thinking of you.
Mervin and Judith Knight

Judith Knight <judith_anne@another.com>
Abingdon, UK - Friday, September 5, 2003 2:39 AM CDT
Dear Loescher Family, my name is Pete Pontacq and I was a team mate of Gil's during his stay at St. Mary's College. Gil was a year ahead of me in school and I looked up to him as my mentor. At the time, Gil's parents lived on Columbus avenue in Burlingame, while I grew up in Millbrae and attended Capuchino High School. As a freshman at St. Mary's I relied on Gil and his converible sportscar (I think it was an Austin Healy or MG) were my transportation to and from the college and home for a weekend visit. On Sunday evenings for our return to school we always stopped at Chris and John's Hot Dog stand on Broadway in Okland for a couple of dogs'. Gil graduated in 1967 and I in 1968. The last contact that I had with Gil was when he was teaching at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend. I went into high school teaching and coaching for 7 years before finally matriculating to Skyline College where I have taught and coached the men's basketball team for 21 years. I will retire in December and my wife Lynn and I are moving to Indian Wells in the Palm Springs area. I was caught completely off guard when I received a phone call this evening from a sports writer of the Oakland Tribune who is doing a story about Gil and the tragedy that has occurred. Please express my thoughts and prayers to Gil and to each of you. I hope that in the not too distant future that I will be able to chat with Gil personally. God Bless.

Pete Pontacq <pontacqp@smccd.net>
san mateo, calif usa - Thursday, September 4, 2003 11:17 PM CDT
Bruce Parsons, Gary Neese, and Larry Moyer are writing to wish our old basketball pal our sincere love, hope, and prayers. We read about the terrible violent act that occured in Bagdad in the San Mateo Times. We are all so proud of him. As Taco (Gary Neese) said "...what a great guy and what a great time we all had growing up." Get well big guy.

Bruce Parsons
GAry Neese
Larry Moyer

Bruce PArsons <bparsons@socwk.utah.edu>
Salt Lake City, Ut USA - Thursday, September 4, 2003 10:34 PM CDT
Dear Loescher family,
Yesterday, we spent the day with a group of ECRE friends from accross Europe (Gregor Nol, Nick Blake, Christopher Hein, Charlotte Altenhoner, Clara Odofin, Geri Mckenna, Alberto Achermann, Graine Ohara, Bo Shack, Richard Williams, Ulrike Brandl, Patrick de Louvin and Katelijne Declerck) trying to further develop a vision on the refugee issues on which Gil worked with us over the last two years. He had agreed to join us for the day.

Well Gil, you could not be here in London, but you came as close as you could and you were with us in spirit. All send their very best and strongest wishes for your recovery and their warmest greetings and love to you, Loescher family!

Peer Baneke <PBaneke@ECRE.org>
London, United Kingdom - Thursday, September 4, 2003 4:48 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Claire, and Maggie,
We have always admired Gil for his integrity, his dedication, his strength, and his gentleness. But in these past weeks, through your web journal, we have come to appreciate another side of Gil. The love and devotion so clearly shown by Ann and the girls pay tribute to Gil as an extraordinary husband and father.
It is not only Gil who is showing strength and courage, but the three of you as well.
We are so proud to be your friends.
Please know that you are always in our thoughts and you always will be.
Love from Naomi, Norman, Sara, and Sam

Naomi and Norman Zucker <nlzucker@uri.edu>
Kingston, RI USA - Thursday, September 4, 2003 3:29 PM CDT
My name is Tony Fitzpatrick, Carol and I live on Old Boars Hill in The Lindens. We were very shocked to hear your news, we hope all is well and wish Gil all speed in his recovery.
Gil, forgive me if I am wrong, but I do not believe we have met, however my family had a great time at Xmas when Annie organised a Carol Singing at Jarn Garden, were your there? You must be something really special to have landed her!

I am sitting on the patio with a glass of wine, listening to a CD by Fats Waller while writing this, maybe you can hear it ! I thoroughly recommend it, please borrow it!

I have seen Anne a number of times in the car on Old Boars
Hill and it always seems to be me that has to reverse up the hill, can you have a word ?

Seriously, is there anything I can do to help regarding your imminent house move ? Do not hesitate to ask.

very best wishes and lots of love from

Tony, Carol, Lizzie and Katie

Tony Fitzpatrick <carol_fitzpatrick@hotmail.com>
Oxford, UK - Thursday, September 4, 2003 3:03 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
Never has the shout of "YES" felt better! So happy you're back home in Oxford. Such troupers you are....and what a fantastic international support line. You all remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Nancy Hahn, Kellogg Institute <hahn.4@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN 46556 - Thursday, September 4, 2003 2:59 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie, Claire and Joel and Gil. I am so glad that you have made it back to Oxford. The John Radcliffe has such a good name I am sure that you will be in good hands. I have been away and unable to get to a computer so have just caught up with all the journals. Just a week and such progress. I am so pleased and happy for you all and hope that the move will continue the good work. We are still thinking of you and sending those strong thoughts out. It is so wonderful that as a family you can help control the blood pressure. I have kept my mother, Miz up to date with your journals and she sends her love to you all as David and I do. With all love Wonkyxxxxxxxxxxx
Wonky Beeny
Clevedon, North Somerset UK - Thursday, September 4, 2003 2:37 PM CDT
Dear Friends: My name is Father John Kavanaugh. I taught at Serra when Gil was a student here. Although I did not have hin in class I do remember him. My prayers are with all of you during these heart rending days. This morning my Mass was for Gil and you
Father John Kavanaugh <JPKavanaugh@MSN.com>
San Mateo, CA USA - Thursday, September 4, 2003 1:53 PM CDT
Dear Friends: My name is Father John Kavanaugh. I taught at Serra when Gil was a student here. Although I did not have hin in class I do remember him. My prayers are with all of you during these heart rending days. This morning my Mass was for Gil and you
Father John Kavanaugh <JPKavanaugh@MSN.com>
San Mateo, CA USA - Thursday, September 4, 2003 1:52 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Mags, and Claire,

Father Hesburgh is keeping Gil in his prayers, as are we all. My family and I send our love.

Joan <joan.c.crovello.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Thursday, September 4, 2003 12:32 AM CDT
Dear Loescher family: It is wonderful to hear you all made it back home and that Gil is smiling again. You are no doubt exausted and it is good that you will have more support on the home scene. Adding my thoughts to what a lot of friends are saying: the global "TEAM LOESCHER" read your words with prayers, encouragement, laughter &, renewed hope in the human spirit. How many families can create a extended global family of caring who actually take encouragement not only from what you report but from each other in the messages sent? Reading some entries I shout "yes! ditto to that!" When Gil is able to read all these himself I know his smile will even be larger. You Loescher women are remarkable, and your family has done something very holy with this terrible tradgedy. Rest and let those good Oxford friends take care of you. All of us other global friends will keep on praying and logging on.
Rita K.

rita kopczynski <rmkop@msn.com>
south bend, in usa - Thursday, September 4, 2003 11:47 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers,
Greetings from a refugee law and ECRE linked colleague, appalled by the terrible loss the refugee law community has sustained as a result of the bombing.
It is inspiring to read of Gil's recuperative process, for which I send every best wish. You are much needed!

Nicholas Blake QC <nickblake@matrixlaw.co.uk>
London, UK - Thursday, September 4, 2003 11:29 AM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,

I had the privilege of taking a class at Notre Dame from Gil and just found out the bad news of his trauma and the uplifting news of his slow, but real progress. Wow. I am really inspired by your family's actions and reflections as you try to care for Gil. His teaching and his work with the U.N. really inspire me and give me hope.

The whole Loescher family will be in my prayers for healing.

Traci Levy (formerly Dayhoff)

Traci Levy <Levy@adelphi.edu>
Williston Park, NY USA - Thursday, September 4, 2003 10:11 AM CDT
Dear Gil,

All of your friends here at Notre Dame were shocked when we discovered that you had been one of the victims in the bombing at the United Nations headquarters in Iraq. I know that this has been a very difficult time for you and the members of your family. Be assured of my prayers and that of all of us here at Notre Dame.

I remember well your years of service on the faculty, your service in the dean of Arts and Letters office, and even one year when I think you played on my bookstore basketball team. In any case, I know that you have worked hard for the health and well-being of refugees throughout the world. I am sure that is what brought you to be in Iraq working with the United Nations.

My hope and prayer is that you get the very best medical care available and that you can return to your former scholarly and other pursuits. Be assured of our continued prayers and support in this difficult time.


Monk Malloy, C.S.C.

bc: Carol Mooney

Rev. Edward A. Malloy, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame <Malloy.5@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Thursday, September 4, 2003 10:01 AM CDT
You are all in my prayers. We had been so looking forward to Gil's trip to Salt Lake, disappointed when he had to go in the other direction, and truely saddened when we heard he was part of the Iraq UN devastation. It changes the news once you have a personal connection. I hope for Gil's recovery; he is a remarkable man. I hope all of us can, in his honor, be more firmly resolved to do something to secure more peace in our world. And I thank the Loescher women for your moving account of his progress and your loving support.
Penny Jameson <pjameson@sisna.com>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Thursday, September 4, 2003 9:55 AM CDT
Yipee ! We're so glad you're home. :-)
The Bossert Family <bossertlj@aol.com>
Cincinnati, OH USA - Thursday, September 4, 2003 9:13 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers:

It is wonderful news that Gil made it back to Oxford!!!. I was very, very happy to read that he was reacting to your presence, smiling and waiving his arms. His progress has been simply remarkable. Let me once again thank you for keeping this website: it has been a tribute to life and, I think, an opportunity for collective catharsis for all of us who were shocked by the terrible events, especially Gil’s family. Being able to convey our thoughts and preoccupation and read that literally hundreds of other people shared that feeling has been great. In this sense, I would like to share with you that my deep sense of admiration for Gil has grown further by reading the incredible messages he has received on a daily basis from people all over the world. These messages are a tribute to a lifetime of hard work, decency and integrity. Gil is a real Mensch.
Let me also reiterate my appreciation and admiration for the wonderful way in which you have supported him. As I said in a previous message, you deserve a gold medal for your courage and dedication. You are truly a very special and spiritual family. Please convey to Gil my regards and best wishes. I also hope you will get a well-deserved rest at home. My thoughts will continue to be with you.

Warmest regards,

Andreas Feldman <afeldman@uchicago.edu>
Chicago, IL USA - Thursday, September 4, 2003 9:00 AM CDT
Dear Aunt Annie and girls, Welcome home....I wanted to let you know that Uncle Gil made the front page of the San Mateo Times yesterday. My mom read the article to me and it was a very good story about your dad and all of his wonderful things he has done in his life. I will be going their this weekend and will try to get you a copy. With love, Bridget xoxoxoxoxo
Bridget Loescher-Nino <I_M_NINO@EARTHLINK.NET>
Mesa, Az usa - Thursday, September 4, 2003 8:04 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family
You have been in our thoughts over these weeks and we are very relieved that you are now back in Oxford. You've come such a long way already it really makes you believe in the power of the positive and loving thoughts expressed on this site. We would also like to thank you Gill for so generously sharing your knowledge, wisdom and insight about migration matters with us. Your help and support with our work in the Home Office immigration research and statistics team really makes all the difference. Thank you and very very best wishes.

Lesley Duff and Verity Gelsthorpe <lesley.duff2@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk>
Croydon, England - Thursday, September 4, 2003 2:41 AM CDT
Welcome home!
Glad youve all arrived safely.
Keep smiling Gil!
With love Lindseyxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lindsey Needham
Old Boars Hill, - Thursday, September 4, 2003 0:41 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
I was late in getting the news and for several days I have not had the courage to log onto this web site. Now that I have I am of course very grateful to be able to read the entries by family and friends and to feel the connection, and the love, that this tragedy has engendered. It is a reflection of the courageous caring with which you have lived your life, Gil, and right now I am just feeling thankful that I got to know you during the time we were both at Notre Dame. I see now what I also suspected at the time--that you have an incredible family, and I am holding all of you in my thoughts during this very difficult time.

Carol Stuart
- Wednesday, September 3, 2003 11:43 PM CDT
To the Loeschers
What life changing moments, that smile you guys will never forget. I'm so glad your all returning home to Oxford and i continue to think and pray for you everyday.
Lots of Love Cathibo.

Catherine McDonnell <catmcdonn@yahoo.co.uk>
Brisbane, QLD Australia - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 10:12 PM CDT
Hooray! so glad the trip home went ok.

If you want to post an address where we can send cards and things that would be great.

Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 10:11 PM CDT
Hello, What great news! Glad Gil is getting stronger with each new day. Will try to reach you soon. Sending love to all...Barb & Steve.
barbara dull
gaylordsville, ct usa - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:57 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Maggie and Claire
So happy to hear you are back in Oxford, with all the comfort and support those familiar surroundings, and the friends from Oxford who have been writing on this site, will bring. Echoing a previous message: this web page has become a remarkable virtual community of your friends, family and colleagues around the world. It is so very precious, and valuable to us all. I've spoken with many colleagues in Washington in the past days, people who are also Gil's colleagues: all remark on how much it means to them that you are taking the time to share your thoughts and feelings, and all the news updates. Please know you all remain in our thoughts, and we are eager to hear of every new development, to know of every milestone reached on the road to recovery, and to continue to read how all of you are doing.

Joanne van Selm <jvanselm@migrationpolicy.org>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 5:48 PM CDT
Dear Annie Gil Margaret and Claire.Thank God for your safe arrival and settling in JR ICU....not to mention that precious first smile,I am sure news of it sent a collective smile literally around the world.Just as you arrive home we are off to Switzerland where I hope to find some means of keeping updated.I pray you have deep refreshing sleep tonight.God continue to bless and give you strength and courage with much love to you all Mary
Mary McDowall <marymcdowall@hotmail.com>
London, U.K. - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 5:09 PM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,

I would like to add my voice to those who are overjoyed for you that you have (hopefully by now) returned home. I would also like to add my thoughts about the power of this website and the sincere hope that you will find time to add journal reflections and updates on a semi-regular basis. Being a member of this virtual community has been a profound experience. You have written how important our messages have been to you. I'm not sure you recognize the equal importance of your journals for us, as well as the comfort we have drawn from each other through reading each other's messages--most of which are from people none of us knows personally, nor will ever likely meet. And yet we have all become part of a community--another sign of your ability to touch people and to influence their lives, Gil. Ann, Maggie, and Claire, you will all hopefully very soon establish some sort of daily routine, and as your life slowly settles into something resembling 'normalcy,' and as you are able to talk through your feelings and fears with your friends and loved ones personally on a daily basis, please know that we are all still thinking of you all the time. You will all be extremely busy helping Gil come to terms with his new life. Still, if you could find a few minutes from time to time to send us updates, I would be very grateful. I think I would feel rather lost and empty without them.

Tristan Anne Borer <tabor@conncoll.edu>
New London, CT 06320 - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 2:54 PM CDT
Thinking of you all and hoping to see you very soon back in Orchard Lane on haircut day. Lots of love
Avryl French <judith_anne@another.com>
Wootton, ox Britain - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 2:53 PM CDT
Dear Gil and Family,
I am one of the MSc students from the 2003 class Lucy mentioned in her entry. Like some others, I was also traveling while the attack took place, and only got to read an email from James later informing us about what had happened. Even though I haven't met Gil personally, I have been, like many among us, inspired by his work, and I was shocked and saddened by the news.
I am glad to hear that recovery has been underway, and also that you now seem to have returned to Oxford from Germany (which, incidentally, is where I am from). All the best wishes and prayers for you -

Christian Wolff <c_wolff_2000@yahoo.com>
Oxford, UK - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 2:43 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family, although it has been many years since we have seen each other, I have always carried with me memories of a beautiful family and of you, Gil, totally devoted to making the world a better place. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Rick Stainsby <Richard.Stainsby@irb.gc.ca>
Toronto, Canada - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 2:27 PM CDT
Sitting here at our computer facing the John Radcliffe hospital - just 200 metres away - and wondering if Gil is there yet. We're at 84 Sandfield Road and you can count on us for anything - thinking of you all with much love.
Marion and Jon

Marion Couldrey <marion.couldrey@dsl.pipex.com>
Oxford, - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 1:49 PM CDT
Gil: You and your family are in our prayers.
Larry Moyer Serra '61 <Larry.Moyer2@verizon.net>
Novato, CA USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 12:23 AM CDT
Gil and Ann:
I'm so happy to read about Gil's progress. He was always a physical hulk and I'm sure that will help him--as well as his sense of purpose and dedication.
I was very much looking forward to having him here at our Tanner lecture and catching up on what had transpired since I left Notre Dame in 1989. We'll save that for another day. Please just pass on my wishes--and prayers--for a rapid and successful recovery from this terrible tragedy for himself, you all, and for the wider community we all hope to be part of.

Ken Jameson

Ken Jameson <jameson@economics.utah.edu>
Salt Lake City, Utah USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 10:45 AM CDT
Well, I hope this is welcome home! As I pass the John Radcliffe every day, on my bicycle ride to work, I'll be wishing you well from very nearby.


Nancy Kenny <nancy.kenny@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 10:14 AM CDT
Hooray for the smile!!
I'll be thinking of you all day today (Wednesday) and cheering you all on your journey home. Ann

Ann Rosen <arosen@michiana.org>
South Bend, IN USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 8:42 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers,

We are thinking of you today. Please travel safely.

Love Julie, Larry, Amanda, and Claire

The Bosserts <bossertlj@aol.com>
Cincinnati, OH USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 8:41 AM CDT
Dear all

Superb news on Gil, Yes a long way to go but we are all with you

Love Anthony and Jane

Revd Antony Fletcher
Kyrenia, Cyprus - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 8:24 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
I'm so glad to hear of Gil's steady and determined progress. I think of you often.
warm regards
Adam Ward, IISS

Adam Ward <ward@iiss.org>
London, United Kingdom - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 8:20 AM CDT
dear maggie and family,
thinking of you all during this difficult time. wishing you love and strength,

ben roy <benroy@postmaster.co.uk>
london, uk - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 8:14 AM CDT
Oh my gosh! A great big smile for his daughters! Miracles abound. It made my day to open your journal this morning.

Safe Journey,
Ginny Hamilton (once of U.S. Committee for Refugees)

Virginia Hamilton <vlhginy@aol.com>
Vienna, VA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:52 AM CDT
To Claire and the Loescher family,

I am so sorry to hear about this terrible incident. My thoughts are with you all. Claire, if there is any way I can help, let me know. Steph xx

Stephanie Kelsall <kelsalls@yahoo.com>
London, UK - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:31 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Gil, Margaret, and Claire,

Been following you through Bruce and now have just read the entries I missed during my journey to Vicenza. Its really true then...you are coming home! Thinking of you all the time, I wish you all a good flight and return. Love, Karen

karen KLISZ Solomon <krksolomon@hotmail.com>
Vicenza, Italy, - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 4:08 AM CDT
Dear Ann,

Far away here in Russia, our hearts are with you and your family. We hope that the journey back to Oxford from Landstuhl goes very well today and that you will all be in your home territory very soon. We thank you for the kindness of keeping those of us who have not been close over the years in mind informed with your courageous journal and are full of admiration for Gil and his work.

Gill, Claire, Maggie and you are in our prayers constantly. We are fortunate to have had a chance to spend time with Judy Ballentine last night who is the one who let us know how to get in touch with you. For that, we are very grateful.

WIth love in our hearts for you all,

Debbie Seward (Jim and Joyce Seward's daughter), husband Nick and daughter Anna.

September 3, 2003

Debbie Seward <dseward@ap.org>
AP Moscow, 50 Rockefeller Plz, NY NY 10020, NY USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 1:03 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers,
Great to hear that Gil is now so responsive, and that all of you will be heading back to Oxford so soon.

Our thoughts are with you every day,
John and Margaret Scanlan

John A. Scanlan <scanlan@indiana.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 10:50 PM CDT
Dear Gil: Like so many of your good friends here at Notre Dame and in so many places, I join my voice, my thoughts and my prayer for your recovery. It has been inspiring to know you, first in the AIUSA Board, but also through your exemplary work on refugees and human rights. I only regret that you and your family had left Notre Dame by the time I came here. It is heartwarming to read the journal and feel your gradual recovery, and especially good news to hear that all of you will soon be going to Oxford. My best wishes follow you there.
Juan E Mendez <Mendez.5@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 6:40 PM CDT

Since I heard about the bombing and Gil's condition you have been in my thoughts quite often. Reading your website has been reassuring; I am sure that the combination of Gil's own determination and his family's strength and love will make all the difference in his rehabilitation.

Please let me know if I can be of any help ...

Sara Zucker <sara.zucker@harvard.edu>
Somerville, MA USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 4:13 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers - Yeah for Gil! The smile is the best. Much love, continued prayers, good wishes for the journey to Oxford, and strength for the journey to healing - Marya

Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 4:06 PM CDT
Dear Gil and your wonderful, remarkable family. I just returned from vacation and am shocked and so deeply saddened to learn what happened to you. Meeting you at the RSP in Oxford years ago has been one of the highlights of my life. The last time we were together was in Durban, South Africa at the International Peace Research Association meeting. I remember good talks and lively, challenging discussions about, of course, refugees and forced migration. Your compassion and your passion for truth and justice were and have been an inspiration to me. Your writings are consistently those to which I turn.
I will be reading the web page daily. Reading today's entry I am filled with tears as well as the vivid clarity of the loving, strong, ongoing support of your family. Truly you are blessed to have them at this horrific time. I can only imagine what all of you are experiencing. Please know that you will be in my prayers daily as I light a candle for all of you. I pray that the trip back to Oxford will be yet another step in healing and being surrounded by friends, family, and many who care deeply. I do hope the web page continues.

Lucia Ann [Shan] McSpadden <lmcspadden@psr.edu>
Berkeley, CA USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 4:02 PM CDT
Dear Loescher-team,
Just wanting to wish you good luck and godspeed for your journeys tomorrow. You all deserve a most happy homecoming.
I read what Mary Rodes Dell wrote in this guestbook with gratitude, for expressing so well what I was struggling for: her insight into the painfulness, and perhaps loneliness, of Gil's ongoing journey into full consciousness. I wish you wouldn't have to share and bear your own part of that pain. But I know that together you'll do it.
Let me know if there's anything I can do for any of you.

Sibyl <sgrundberg@compuserve.com>
London, UK - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 3:44 PM CDT
Dear Ann and family. It was good to read tonight of Gil's opening his eyes and smiling. We hope progress will continue and the transfer to Oxford will be fairly comfortable. We think of you everyday.
Tom and Denise Cavanaugh <cavanaugh_tom@hotmail.com>
Oxford, Ox England - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 2:54 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Claire and Maggie
Your courage is inspiring. We're looking forward to your return, hopefully tomorrow. Please count us in if we can help in any way.

Liza, David and Ben Mostyn
Boars Hill, Oxford, - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 2:42 PM CDT

You continue to be in deep prayer and loving thought here at Notre Dame. Love,

Fr. Tim Scully

Fr. Tim Scully, csc
- Tuesday, September 2, 2003 2:26 PM CDT
I have never meant your father, but I am growing to know him.

I wish him a speedy recovery and you best of luck

salem eyob
new york, ny usa - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 1:43 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,

Back from holiday I just read your journals which brings home what happened to you Gil,how strong you are altogether and what a wonderful family you are. Gil, all of us at ECRE keep thinking of you. Hang in there and keep trying to reach up with your arm to the sky!

peer baneke <PBaneke@ecre.org>
Amersham, United Kingdom - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 11:59 AM CDT
Ann, Maggie and Claire, Reading your daily entries has become a ritual for us, our paltry way of participating in the vigil with you. As Gil begins to wake from his healing sleep and your return to Oxford is scheduled, we know that your loving duties are far from over. The caring love of all who write here--and those to shy to do so--is with you for the long period of recovery and rehabilitation. Your writing has kept us all connected and created a community within the internet. We are grateful for it. .
Douglas and Marjorie Kinsey
South Bend, IN USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 11:41 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie, and Claire,
This is the most encouraging news, and we are delighted for you. When you get back to Orchard Lane (whether tomorrow or later) there will be a simple meal waiting for you round our table. You have plenty to do without fitting in trips to the supermarket. You should just see the apple crop in Boars Hill - the hot summer has suited them. Hoping to see you tomorrow, or anyway very soon.
Much love, Margaret

Margaret Davies, Old Boars Hill <margaret@meadclose.fsnet.co.uk>
Oxford, England - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 10:46 AM CDT
Dear Maggie,
It is so good to hear the news that your Pa is doing better every day, and that he is now starting to be able to communicate! I read your journal entries daily - in fact, I check the website with mounting anticipation in the late afternoon, NY-time, because that is when the new entries are usually posted, with the time difference.
I think of you and your family and especially Gil, every day, and am very full of hope.
Much much love,
Claire (and Alex too)

Claire Le Pichon <cel23@columbia.edu>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 10:00 AM CDT
So glad to read this morning that Gil is seeming to understand what's said to him and is able to communicate "yes" and "no." This is really the most fantastic news! Try not to be dejected or to take it personally if the pain he is waking up into makes him cranky or impossible to please for a while. It's a feature of pain that it makes it really hard to think about anything but the pain, and hard to enjoy anything. He'll get through this with your help...be assured that he appreciates everything you're doing for him, even if that's not the foremost thing on his mind at the moment.

Michael and I are praying for all of you every day.

Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 8:53 AM CDT
So glad to read this morning that Gil is seeming to understand what's said to him and is able to communicate "yes" and "no." This is really the most fantastic news! Try not to be dejected or to take it personally if the pain he is waking up into makes him cranky or impossible to please for a while. It's a feature of pain that it makes it really hard to think about anything but the pain, and hard to enjoy anything. He'll get through this with your help...be assured that he appreciates everything you're doing for him, even if that's not the foremost thing on his mind at the moment.

Michael and I are praying for all of you every day.

Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 8:53 AM CDT
We are so pleased to hear of the steady progress that Gil is making. Returning to Oxford is also a great step on the road to recovery. We both hope that everything will continue to improve, and that you will all be coming back here soon. All our love and best wishes to you all.
Ratna and Ed
London, England - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 8:46 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
I am very sorry to here about what happened to you in Bagdad. I remember with much pleassure Thanksgiviing in 1987 in Oxford when You invited the RSP expat- and local crowd over for stuffed turkey. We had a great night. Since then I've had the pleassure of meeting you at conferences around the world. I send my warmest thoughts and best hopes for the future.

Finn Stepputat
Copenhagen, Denmark - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 8:29 AM CDT
Dear Gil and the Loescher family,

I was so upset to hear, Gil, that you had been badly injured in the bomb attack. Even though I hardly know you, I remember as an inspiration your dedication, warmth and wit at a dinner in London years ago of people involved in refugee matters. Like so many others I will be thinking of the spirit and courage of you and your family as you pull together through this difficult time.

Ruma Mandal <ruma.mandal@virgin.net>
London, UK - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 7:00 AM CDT
I was shocked to learn this morning about what had happened to Gil. I am so sorry about it, and everybody here at the IISS is very upset. It's clear from your diary entries that he has a wonderful family to support him through his recovery. My thoughts are with him and with you. Alex Nicoll.
Alex Nicoll <nicoll@iiss.org>
- Tuesday, September 2, 2003 6:49 AM CDT
Dear Gil and the Loescher Family, What excellent news that the "Gentle Giant" is making such good progress after almost two weeks. It must have been the mention of home (Oxford) that did it, together with the combined thoughts of all who know him. My colleagues and I check out the updates and guestbook daily and we all think that you are doing so well, your strength and prowess as a family have been well and truly tested recently. Keep it up, our thoughts and prayers will be with you throughout the coming days, weeks and months. We all hope that his progress continues speedily. Best wishes from all at the IISS.
Bill Whaley, IISS <whaley@iiss.org>
London, England - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 5:13 AM CDT
Dear Loescher Family
Much love and many positive thoughts for Gil. You remain in our thoughts and hopes for a speedy return to Oxford.
Yours, Mervin and Judith Knight

Mervin and Judith Knight <judith_anne@another.com>
Abingdon, ox Britain - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 5:02 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret and Claire,
I just read the story of Margaret. It's great to read that Gil his condition is going forward, and that all of you want to try to fly him to Oxford. I have allready made some contact with Joel. So I know something about Gil his condition. I want to wish all of you the best luck of the world. I hope that we keep in contact. Michael is going well on this moment. The cuts on his face healing perfect and the wounds on his arms are healing also great. Tommorow we need to go to the hospital for a x-ray of his face.
Because he has some problems with his eyes, and the doctors think that he maybe broke his cheek-bone. But he may not complain. He has lucky. Please give the girls, yourself a big hugh, and tell Gil that we thinking a lot of him. Tell him to get well and that we will write him.
Dear Ann, Margaret and Claire be strong and take a good care of you papa and yourselves.
With warmest regards Family Dirksen (Mom & Dad Dirksen and Marina & Michael Dirksen. The Netherlands.

Marina Dirksen <hallomarina@chello.nl>
Middelharnis NL 3241 XE, ZH The Netherlands - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 4:24 AM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,

I wanted to share a funny memory I have of Gil. In fact, it's the only memory I have of him.

I only met Gil once, but I remember it vividly. When I was about 8 years old, we drove out to Oxford to pay Gil a visit, and I remember looking up at this giant, and losing my hand in his as I shook it. Just after the handshake, I said something dry to the giant: "I'm sorry, Gil, but I didn't catch your shoe size." This made him laugh a big, contagious laugh, and soon everyone else was laughing too.

You've got to realize...when you're eight years old, and someone's laughing WITH you, you're feeling pretty good. I mean, this was like my big break. I was floating for a couple of days there, and I guess I never forgot it.

I met him just once and still I remember him---I can only imagine what an impact Gil has had on all of you good people.

Our thoughts are with Gil, and his greatness; in kindness, laughter, and of course, in heart. Get well soon, Gil; you've others to inspire.

Jon Ferris-Childers <Asiangringo@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, September 2, 2003 0:46 AM CDT
Dear Gil - It's Ted, in Tokyo. I follow your progress daily thanks to your wonderful and courageous family. I pray that your recovery continues as well as it has been going. With warmest regards.
Edward Newman <newman@hq.unu.edu>
Tokyo, - Monday, September 1, 2003 10:07 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
I was shocked and dismayed to learn the news this weekend that Gil had been badly injured in attack on the UN headquarters in Iraq. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for the inspiring journal, and I know that Gil's road to recovery will be easier to bear because of the love, care and thoughtfulness of his family.
Sincerely, Emily Copeland

Emily Copeland <e.a.copeland@att.net>
Newport, RI USA - Monday, September 1, 2003 9:42 PM CDT
Dear Annie Gil Margaret and Claire,
Such sadness and hope that I'm not sure what to write. But, sitting here at Mom's place in LaBelle and reading those wonderful journal entries, I want to at least say thank you. Thank you for creating something so humane.
We think of you every day and look forward to a time when we can all catch up.

Matt Dull <mdull@polisci.wisc.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, September 1, 2003 9:39 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret and Claire,
All my thoughts are with you and I pray for Gil's continuing recouperation. It will be great to see you all in Orchard Lane as soon as possible. If there is anything I can do to help please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Andrew Davies
Abingdon, UK - Monday, September 1, 2003 6:11 PM CDT
Our thoughts are with you all.

Love Frank and Sue Moggan and family. Suffolk UK.

Frank and Sue Moggan
- Monday, September 1, 2003 5:00 PM CDT
Though it has been years since we have seen you, you are very much in our hearts and prayers. We pray for Gil's recovery and that this tragedy will not have been in vain, but that the courage and love you all are showing will contagiously infect the hearts of others breeding greater understanding and ultimately peace.
Jennifer Warlick and David Betson <jwarlick@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, September 1, 2003 3:33 PM CDT
I was very distressed to hear that Gil had been so badly injured in the horrible bombing of UN headquarters, and my thoughts are with him, and his family and friends, for his recovery. He and I are both in the field of international relations; I do not know him well, but greatly respect his work, both his academic work and his activism for human rights.
Robert O. Keohane
Durham, NC USA - Monday, September 1, 2003 2:59 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret and Claire,
I've become addicted to reading your journal before I look at anything else on my computer. All three of you write with such detail and candor that this would be a fascinating account to read even if I didn't know Gil and you. Since I do, my heart aches, but occasionally I am able to whisper a little "hurrah!" when the news is good. Know that I pray for all of you daily.

Sonia Gernes
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, September 1, 2003 1:21 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret and Claire:

The news you convey to us about Gil’s recovery are simply wonderful. Thank you for keeping us updated about the latest developments about Gil's condition. You all deserve a golden medal for your dedication and strength!!! It is so touching to see the way in which you are showering Gil with love and care. You are simply terrific. Gil is very lucky, indeed. Please send him my love and tell him that scores of people are supporting him from the distance. Last Friday, during the Shabbat service at my brother’s synagogue here in Chile (he is a Rabbi) we dedicated a special praying for Gil and you all. We will keep on doing it in he hope it might contribute to his recovery. I look forward to talking to you soon,

Andreas Feldmann <afeldman@uchicago.edu>
Santiago and Chicago, - Monday, September 1, 2003 12:41 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie, Claire and Gil
I know that you will understand that, although I have not written before, you are all constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Your friendship is a great privilege to have and I pray that God will keep you all safe and bring Gil through this terrible ordeal.

Val <valshaw@waitrose.com>
Oxford, UK - Monday, September 1, 2003 12:40 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Gil, Claire and Maggie

I'm glad to hear that Gil seems to be making a strong recovery after such a terrible event. All my sympathy.

Ziggy Bevan <jacobbevan@yahoo.co.uk>
London, UK - Monday, September 1, 2003 12:28 AM CDT
Dear Loescher Family

Thank you for your inspiring journal. Please know that I am praying for you all.

Lee Anne de la Hunt <lolly@law.uct.ac.za>
Cape Town, South Africa - Monday, September 1, 2003 12:08 AM CDT
Hello Annie, Gil, Maggie and Claire
Better news coming in - bit by bit - and it is very heartening to read.
Thinking lots of positive thoughts for Gil's continuing progress.
Love Tessa and Sam xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Tessa Ward and Sam Kahn
Barn Cottage, Old Boars Hill , Oxon UK - Monday, September 1, 2003 12:07 AM CDT
Hello Annie, Gil, Maggie and Claire
Better news coming in - bit by bit - and it is very heartening to read.
Thinking lots of positive thoughts for Gil's continuing progress.
Love Tessa and Sam xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Tessa Ward and Sam Kahn
Barn Cottage, Old Boars Hill , Oxon UK - Monday, September 1, 2003 12:06 AM CDT
Dear Gil,
I wish you a steady recovery, and I am glad to know that your health is improving. It is a difficult time for you and your family, and a lot of inner strenght is necessary. I trust you and your family have it. I wish you all the best and I look forward to seeing you again at conferences and meetings.

Giorgia Dona' <g.dona@uel.ac.uk>
London, Uk - Monday, September 1, 2003 11:18 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers,
You know that we live just opposite the JR in Sandfield Road, so now you're planning ahead, don't hesitate to use our place whenever you need to. Well done for keeping the website going. Also good to see so many familiar names keeping in touch through letters. See you in Oxford soon, we hope.

Jon Bennett & Marion Couldrey <Jon.Bennett@dsl.pipex.com>
Oxford, - Monday, September 1, 2003 10:03 AM CDT
We are very proud of Gil's continued improvement. Thanks Ann, Clare and Maggie for the detailed updates that have become a part of our daily routine. Draw strength in the knowledge that many people have you all in their thoughts each day. We are also very pleased to know that Joel has returned to Oxford ahead, in preparation for moving Gil to JR and closer home. Gil, Aluta Continua!
Monica Kathina Juma and Peter Kagwanja <jumakm2002@yahoo.com>
Pretoria, Gauteng South Africa - Monday, September 1, 2003 8:50 AM CDT
Dear Maggie, Ann and Claire
I am glad to hear the progress of Gil in your amazing updates that are so poignant and well written. Keep up the hard work of your unwavering support, and we continue to send our thoughts of love and support

Ammas and Finn <leanvercoe@hotmail.com>
London, UK - Monday, September 1, 2003 7:14 AM CDT
Dear Gil
I was extremely shocked to hear of what had happened in Baghdad and how it had impacted on you. I am sure I am joining many colleagues and friends in sending you and your family all our encouragement at this time. It is hard to find the right words, so I will just say that I am thinking of you, as are many others.

Nev Jefferies, Head RITS, British Red Cross <njefferies@redcross.org.uk>
London, UK - Monday, September 1, 2003 7:11 AM CDT
Dear Ann Claire and Maggie, Having finally overcome being a dinosaur with regard to the Internet and with some help from Matt we can put into words the many thoughts and prayers we have been sharing and caring for you. Having read through the journal we marvel at your spirit.We are delighted with the progress Gil and yourselves have made. Ironically in many ways it is often harder for the family who can only watch their loved one being treated. We too are astounded at mans capacity to inflict upon others such damage throught hatred, but in the end we believe through our faith in Jesus that love will overcome fear. That being the case the love all of us feel for you will overcome those fears. As it says in Ecclesiastes, of each season there is a time,Gill knows his time of healing. We here in St Andrews Kyrenia will continue to hold you in our prayers. If there is anything we can do or you need, please get in touch, probably best through Matt.
Tony and Jane Fletcher

Anthony and Jane Fletcher <standrews@iecnc.org>
kyrenia, Cyprus - Monday, September 1, 2003 2:13 AM CDT
Dear Ann Claire and Maggie, Having finally overcome being a dinosaur with regard to the Internet and with some help from Matt we can put into words the many thoughts and prayers we have been sharing and caring for you. Having read through the journal we marvel at your spirit.We are delighted with the progress Gil and yourselves have made. Ironically in many ways it is often harder for the family who can only watch their loved one being treated. We too are astounded at mans capacity to inflict upon others such damage throught hatred, but in the end we believe through our faith in Jesus that love will overcome fear. That being the case the love all of us feel for you will overcome those fears. As it says in Ecclesiastes, of each season there is a time,Gill knows his time of healing. We here in St Andrews Kyrenia will continue to hold you in our prayers. If there is anything we can do or you need, please get in touch, probably best through Matt.
Tony and Jane Fletcher

Anthony and Jane Fletcher <standrews@iecnc.org>
kyrenia, Cyprus - Monday, September 1, 2003 2:13 AM CDT
Ann, Claire and Maggie, Just read Ann's Sunday evening journal - smiling and chuckling our way through it. What a relief to sense the clouds breaking and the prospect of you all zooming home to Oxford. Please keep this website in place so that your very large and extended family can follow Gil's progress. Emma is often over for dinner and the first item on the agenda is a discussion of the most recent journal entry - always so vivid, honest and becoming positively addictive. You are helping us to cope with what has happened. Huge hugs and love from us all, Walshes.
Peter Walshe <walshe.1@nd.edu>
Souoth Bend, IN USA - Sunday, August 31, 2003 10:24 PM CDT
At no time during my 67 years on this earth has the cruelty of man against man come closer to me and to my family than with the senseless bombing of the UN building and what it did to you, Dear Gil. And, that the tragic bombing almost cost the life of one of my family members who has devoted his life to bringing peace into this world makes the event even more incomprehensible. I choose to think that your sacrifice, Gil, will hasten the progress of peace in the world. Our God, my God, would have it no other way! God Bless You Loeschers...and God Bless You Gil! May you return to great health and inspirational leadership soon! Love, Charlene and Chuck Woods
Cousin Little Charlie and Charlene <cwoods79@columbus.rr.com>
Zanesville, OH USA - Sunday, August 31, 2003 9:26 PM CDT
I am a friend of Bridget and the boys and have never met the "infamous" Uncle Gil but have heard many stories. My thoughts and prayers are will you all.
God bless.

Pam Fondren-Jones
Visalia, CA USA - Sunday, August 31, 2003 9:26 PM CDT
I was so sorry to hear from Bridget Loescher Nino about her Uncle Gil being in this terrible incident. I will pray for his recovery, and hope the family can stay strong. I am a distant cousin of Gil's, only met him once or twice back in the 1950's when we lived in the old Loescher farm house in Fowler, Ca. and he and his brother visited with Gil's Dad, Burt. God Bless you all!
Doris Krueger Buchmann <bulldog5@thegrid.net>
Greenville, Ca USA - Sunday, August 31, 2003 9:26 PM CDT
hello again...glad things are moving forward.thinking and
and praying daily. love to all. will talk soon.barb and

barbara dull
gaylordsville , ct usa - Sunday, August 31, 2003 8:43 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Claire and Maggie
At Mass at Our Lady and St Edmund's in Abingdon this morning prayers were offered for all who were involved in the UN bombing incident. You are all constantly in our thoughts and God willing you will be back in Oxford very soon.
Love Margaret & Chris xx

Margaret Doyle ,Orchard Lane, Old Boars Hill <margaret.doyle@tiscali.co.uk>
Oxford , UK - Sunday, August 31, 2003 4:26 PM CDT
Dear Annie and family,
We have just heard from our Cousin Margaret Doyle what you are all going through. Whilst we do not personally know Gil, we understand from having read your diaries that he is a very kind, caring and loved person and we are, of course, devastated to learn of his terrible injuries. We will be thinking of him in our prayers and hope he is well enough shortly to be transferred to the John Radcliffe to complete a full recovery.

God Bless you all.

Leslie and Carmel Weekes <leslie@weekes.fsbusiness.co.uk>
Sussex, UK - Sunday, August 31, 2003 3:49 PM CDT
Dear Annie Margaret and Claire
Well done for doing such a great job of supporting Gil and for the daily updates especially all the details that give us such hope.Thanks also for sharing yourselves.We do not forget you and like so many others I visit the website often.God bless you all much love Mary McDowall

Mary McDowall <marymcdowall@hotmail.com>
London, U.K. - Sunday, August 31, 2003 2:21 PM CDT
Dear Gil:
I am hugely relieved to find out that you have been steadily improving. Having been away since initially hearing that you were one of the Baghdad bombing casualties, the website was reassuring, though also an indication of what is still facing you. I would just like to add to Michael Lanphier’s earlier wishes on behalf of York’s Centre for Refugee Studies that the energy and commitment you have displayed in the past on behalf of others, those displaced by violence, need to serve yourself and your own healing now that you yourself have so directly
been victimized by violence. And that in the process of doing your humanitarian monitoring work! I vividly remember sitting in that Wild-West-theme bar in Chiang Mai last January with you, Claire, Margaret and James Milner, where you explained your assignment with regard to Iraq. It never crossed my mind then that it would involve this kind of risk.
It is clear from all the messages that the whole international humanitarian community is rooting for you. I wish you the best possible recovery.

Peter Penz <ppenz@yorku.ca>
Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada - Sunday, August 31, 2003 1:26 PM CDT
Dear Gil. Just returned from holiday to learn the full horror of the attack on you, but also to hear of the wonderful support of your family, the medical team and your many friends. Wishing you all I can for a speedy recovery, and hoping to enjoy again soon the delight of your company.
Philip Rudge <philiprudge@refu.demon.co.uk>
London, UK - Sunday, August 31, 2003 11:01 AM CDT
We send our very best wishes to you all at this enormously difficult time. You are in our thoughts.
Sarah Kirtley
Old Boars Hill, - Sunday, August 31, 2003 10:04 AM CDT
We send our very best wishes to you all at this enormously difficult time. You are in our thoughts.
Sarah Kirtley
Old Boars Hill, - Sunday, August 31, 2003 10:03 AM CDT
Dear Mrs Loescher - I have not had the great privilege of meeting Gil, but I would like, on behalf of myself and the Executive Committee of the IISS, to say how appalled and saddened we were by what has happened not only to a colleague but to such a patently good and brave man. That courage is being tested as never before, but with you and your daughters by his side,he obviously has an abundant and constant source of the strength, love and support he will need to see him through. I would like to join Francois Heisbourg and John Chipman in their expressions of sympathy and concern for you, Gil and the family during this very difficult time.
Fleur de Villiers, Chairman, Executive Committee of the IISS <fleur.devilliers@eoson.co.uk>
LONDON, UK - Sunday, August 31, 2003 8:43 AM CDT
Dear Ann and girls - Karen has been keeping me up to date with all your ups and downs and your enduring love for Gil. I know you will really miss Karen back in Vicenza, Ann. If there is any way I can be of help WHEN you get back to Oxford let me know. I hope in some way I will be able, not to replace, but to add another layer of support for all of you. I am thinking of all 4 of you constantly. with lots of love, Sally
Sally Humphrey <oldfarm@tiscali.co.uk>
Oxford, U.K. - Sunday, August 31, 2003 5:09 AM CDT

CLAYTON, CA USA - Saturday, August 30, 2003 5:33 PM CDT

- Saturday, August 30, 2003 5:24 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family
It has been such a pleasure to know and work with Gil at the IISS since I joined the staff there in January and I was so very sorry to hear that he was a victim of the bombing. I have been following your webpage anxiously over the last week, and it's great to know that Gil is making progress. Do let me know if at any stage there is anything at all I can do to help. With every good wish, and prayers for Gil's recovery.

Tim Huxley <huxley@iiss.org>
- Saturday, August 30, 2003 4:48 PM CDT
Dear Ann and all your family,
Just returned from Scotland and heard the shocking news about Gil. Can't believe it was only a few weeks ago that we talked in the lane and now you are facing so much horror with such strength. We send our love and you are all in our thoughts.

Angela and Neil Huxter <neilangela@nhuxter.freeserve.co.uk>
Boars Hill, Oxford, U.K. - Saturday, August 30, 2003 4:15 PM CDT
Dear Gil and your wonderful family:
I am writing you from New York and just wanted to pass on how many people are thinking of all of you, are amazed and heartened to listen and learn from your incredible supportive family, are cheered by your recovery however slow and painstaking....I know that in time you will come to think of our dear friend Arthur - we will do something in his memory as we did for another friend of ours, Joan - do not worry that we will forget or simply move on. You have many, many friends Gil who have admired your work and your efforts for a long time - if there comes a time when I can help in any way, please just call, Anne

Anne Bayefsky <abayef@law.columbia.edu>
NewYork, NY USA - Saturday, August 30, 2003 1:38 PM CDT
Dear Loescher family
We were so shocked to hear your news from James when we were away last week. Now we are home and can see the wonderful messages and worldwide support you have, Please know that our thoughts and love are with you all. If there is anything at all we can do please let us know. With love to you all Sue Ron David Tom Hamilton [James' family]

Sue Hamiltpn <suehamilton@postmaster.co.uk>
Horsham, West Sussex England - Saturday, August 30, 2003 1:24 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Annie, Maggie & Claire - we only heard about what happened to Gil a few days ago and Tessa has just given me the details of this website. We are just so devastated and are all hoping and praying for Gil's recovery. Your journal entries are incredibly moving as you detail each emotional day. Keep strong and brave and we look forward to seeing you all again in Old Boars Hill.
Love from Adi, Seng, Antonia and Dominic xxxx
(Windyridge House, Old Boars Hill)

Adeline Kam <AdiKazK@aol.com>
Oxford, UK - Saturday, August 30, 2003 1:07 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Gil, Maggie, and Claire - I have just spent a tearful hour at the computer at my second job (Stonegates Retirement Community). It is still early--about 9:30 a.m.--so the phone has not yet started ringing off the hook with dinner reservations and menus for trays, etc. Fortunately no one was walking by the office to be confused by hearing sobs from within! I am referring of course to my reaction to your wonderful updates in the log and the moving and inspiring messages from hundreds all over the world who love and admire Gil. Annie, who knew when we met so blithely in Stratford-upon-Avon in July that your lives were to take such a dramatic turn and that your immediate future is to be consumed with Gil's healing! Just wanted to say (since I feel so powerless to help) that I am wearing a little crystal angel around my neck that reminds me to pray for Gil and all of you when I see or touch it. I'll keep wearing it till he is "out of the woods." Mom's and my good friend in Wilmington, Mary Louise Daly, and I met at the supermarket the other night. She is a very caring lady and when I told her about Gil she expressed her intention to have a mass said for him at St. Francis Chapel, in the hospital where Mom spent her last days. As I was giving ML the information, a rainbow suddenly broke through the clouds over the parking lot! Perhaps I am grasping at straws, but I took this as an omen that Gil will recover and be strong and well. I know he has the inner strength and outer support to adjust to the new limitations placed on his dear body. Much love to you all, Marya
Marya Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Saturday, August 30, 2003 8:51 AM CDT
Dear Maggie and family
I dont know if you remember me but I am Emily Gazzard's sister. I have met you a few times and just wanted to add a few words to the guestbook. I heard about your dad whilst on holiday in France. We were shocked and horrified that something so terrible had touched people we knew. The entries you and your family have left are amongst the most moving words I have ever read. You father is obviously an incredibly loved, respected and strong man. I just wanted to wish you and your family all the best with these tough times. You have an amazing network of people supporting you and I hope that this can keep you all going. Be strong, be brave and keep positive.

Alice Winkley <alice.moss100@btinternet.com>
London, - Saturday, August 30, 2003 7:18 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret and Claire,
I have just heard of your very sad news and my thoughts and prayers go out to you all. Please let me know if we can be of help in any way. Love, Ngaire

Ngaire Johnston, Old Boars Hill
Oxford, England - Saturday, August 30, 2003 4:58 AM CDT
Good morning Annie, Gil, Maggie and Claire

So good to read about the further steps Gil is taking down the recovery road. It must be a great relief for him to have his mouth back! As Lindsey has written, if there is anything I can do here in preparation for your return, please don't hesitate to ask. I am looking forward very much to seeing you all again.

Will keep in touch.
Love and hugs from Tessa and Sam xoxoxoxoxoxo

Tessa Ward and Sam Kahn <wardtessa1@hotmail.com>
Barn Cottage, Old Boars Hill, Oxon UK - Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:30 AM CDT
Dear Ann,

What a lovely update today from Claire! No doubt like countless others connecting from afar, I find that Gil and the three of you are on my mind throughout the day. I sincerely hope that it won't be long before the updates are coming from your home, and Gil is able to see for himself the extraordinary reserves of respect and affection that his friends around the world hold in trust for him.

Dennis Grace <djgrace@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 11:46 PM CDT
Dear Aunt Annie and my oversea cousins, Everyday I come home from work and head right to my computer to see what has happened today. Last night I was on the phone with my dad in California and read him some of the daily readings from you. Dad does not have a computer that is on the web and I really wanted to share with him all the love you are sharing with the whole world. If Grandma Loescher was alive today she would be so proud of you all. You have brought so many people together sharing love, prayers and wonderful memories of Uncle Gil. I will continue to pass on information to Dad and I know you will continue calling him. Please take good care of yourselves too. Love, Bridget and all of the Loeschers in Arizona and California
Bridget Loescher-Nino <I_M_Nino@earthlink.net>
Mesa, Az USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 8:35 PM CDT
Dear Ann
Your tragedy has reached me but so too has your strength and love. This quotation was in my diary and seems appropriate:"Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point."
Thinking of you all,from Dingle Cottage, Boars Hill

Lesley Chaundy <Lesley@chaundy.fslife.co.uk>
Oxford, England - Friday, August 29, 2003 7:38 PM CDT
Gil, Annie, and girls,
You have our loving thoughts, deep and wide and strong.
Love, Carl and Linda and family

Carl and Linda Dull <c_dull@hotmail.com>
Rochester Hills, Mi U.S.A. - Friday, August 29, 2003 6:33 PM CDT
Just wanted to send you a short message thanking you for the daily updates. I check the website often, always hoping while the page loads that this will be the day that Gil is brought off the sedatives and declared well enough to go home. Hearing how he and you are doing every day helps me to feel closer to you all during this difficult time. I am thinking of you all the time, and sending love and courage.
Sarah Rosen Frank <srfrank@econ.berkeley.edu>
Oakland, CA USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 5:55 PM CDT
Dear Ann,Claire and Maggie
Our prayers are with you and the 'light of love' is burning for Gil as he fights like a very brave trooper.
I have to tell you that your journal is so addictive it almost feels like 'Big Brother'. The ultimate prize will be seeing you all back here in Orchard Lane. Please God that won't be too long!
With our love xx

Margaret & Chris <margaret.doyle@tiscali.co.uk>
Orchard Lane, Old Boars Hill, Oxford - Friday, August 29, 2003 4:19 PM CDT
So very, very, sorry to hear from Charlotte what has happened. Thinking of you all at this time.
We will continue to look at the web site for news.
with all good wishes
Lynda Groome

Lynda Groome <Lynda_Groome@hotmail.com>
Oxford, UK - Friday, August 29, 2003 3:23 PM CDT
Hello again ,all you terribly brave, tired, people.
Just a brief call to say thanks for tonights bulletin we had been logging on hoping to see a positive posting and were relieved with the outcome. Chin up Anne you must be exhausted and the adrenalin is probably not keeping you going as it did in the early days...More Tai-Chi me thinks.
On a mundane note weve had our first colder day today and some rain tho' we are keeping up the watering of the new tree and all others in the garden its getting lots of TLC. James has gone up to London today so Val and I and Karen are in charge!Val is chief Charlie sitter as shes more in tune with his psyche!. We are looking forward to having you all home, you are so very much missed and loved by us all.Margaret and Chris Doyle have spoken to me today they are extremely upset and moved by what has happened and send their best wishes, they have contacted Pat and Geoff. As for Tilly? ..she sits there waiting for the bulletins I take round and she wants to send her love and hopes for Gil and you all..I have never seen her so upset.
Please let me know if there is anything more we can do on a practical level.Thanks again for sharing the progress that your wonderful man is making with us all.I would also like to say a big thankyou to all the wonderful rescue folk and medical staff that have helped Gil. Its a truly amazing job they all do, I wish we could send our thanks in an email ..I noted Sgt Grillos email was not available ..its a pity..these people need to know how grateful we all are to them.No doubt you are in contact so please convey the general sentiments for us. Your bulletins, by the way are sublime!
With love Lindseyxxxx

Lindsey Needham <me@lanjop.fsnet.co.uk>
Oxford, UK - Friday, August 29, 2003 3:15 PM CDT
Oh, it's wonderful to hear that Gil's procedures went well, that the tracheotomy tube and birds nest are in properly. And I see that the journal has been viewed more than 4000 times so far! 4,000 prayers for Gil's recovery. Thanks so much for the updates.
Love, Mary

Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, il USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 3:03 PM CDT
Classes started at my university this week. As I sat facing forty twenty year-olds in my "Politics of Human Rights Class," I felt a real need to tell them about how I came to the field of human rights, and about my professor Gil Loescher. We decided as a class to dedicate everything we learn together this semester to Gill, and I told my students that I am personally offering up all of my lectures this semester in tribute to Gill.
Tristan Anne Borer <tabor@conncoll.edu>
New London, CT 06320 - Friday, August 29, 2003 1:50 PM CDT
My heart ached for you when I read your note this morning about going to sleep with a heavy heart, and fear. And then the peace of morning.
Please know that I have forwarded you guestbook and journal entries to so many of my friends and family, and they all reply in much the same way: what a courageous and beautiful family. what an extraordinary outpouring of love. You are each comforting others whom you haven't met by sharing your love for Gil and each other. We offer you our love in return.

Peace be with you,
Ginny Hamilton

virginia hamilton <vlhginy@aol.com>
washington, dc, - Friday, August 29, 2003 1:23 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Margaret,Claire, I have been so very saddened by the news of Gil's injuries in the terrible blast in Bagdad. You have all been in my thoughts and prayers constantly. But I have also been heartened by the news and loving care shared thru the website. Gil has always been in my memory the wise and gentle giant-- and he is even moreso as I read the great tributes to him from all over the world. Keep up your wonderful support of him as he fights so valiantly to recover. And do rest; he needs your strength. Much love, Isabel (if this message repeats others I have sent,lay it to my lack of computerskills!)
Isabel Charles <icharles@nd.edu>
South Bend, In USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 11:50 AM CDT
Dear Gil,Ann,Maggie,Claire and Joel,

This is Daphne, Gary and Spencer.You are a very important part of our lives and we all love you very much. We will always be their for you and we all want you to know that.

Spencer asked that I sing you his school song so I will try and do that now.

Our Lady of Peace
Generate a Little Laughter
Stimulate our Open Minds
Create a generation
Who walk and Talk with God in mind

People who know what living
Loving and learning go to do
Our Lady walk with us
Through out this nation
The Universe and Heaven too.

Our Lady of Peace.

May these thoughts bring you all peace.
Love from,
Gary, Daphne and Spencer

Daphne Williams Fox <gfox@att.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 11:44 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers,

I just thought that I would send a note again to say that, along with so many others, we are following your every entry, and gaining hope from them, day by day. I last sent a message a few days ago, but, like many of us, I look in a couple of times a day, because I am thinking of you and praying for you.


Nancy Kenny <nancy.kenny@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Friday, August 29, 2003 10:54 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Maggie & Claire
As a family, there is no doubt that you will come
through this hateful time. You Loeschers really are extraordinary people and so brave. We are very lucky to have such great neighbours. Orchard Lane is not the same without you and we are all looking forward to seeing you and supporting you in any way possible. Get well soon Gil !!
Love Barry, Helen, Oliver, Daisy & Leo xxxxxxx

Helen Cook <helen.cook@virgin.net>
Old Boars Hill, Oxford, UK - Friday, August 29, 2003 10:12 AM CDT
Professor Loescher, as a former student of yours countlessly struck by your brilliant and compassionate spirit and commitment to those around you, be assured of our daily prayers of strength and healing to you and your family.
Mark & Shannon Farrell (ND '96) <mefarrell@smithcurrie.com>
Atlanta, GA - Friday, August 29, 2003 9:32 AM CDT
This letter appeared in the Washington Post today (Aug. 29):

Friend and Insightful Observer

In the front-page article on the bombing in Baghdad [" 'Don't Let Them Pull the U.N. Out of Iraq,' " Aug. 23], Theola Labbe referred to two people trapped after the explosion. One was U.N. envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello, who was to die, and the other person was referred to only as "Gil."

That other person, who was seriously injured, was Gil Loescher, my adviser in graduate school. Gil is an insightful observer of human rights and refugee and humanitarian affairs and a tireless advocate for a more humane international system and foreign policy. He is a mentor and friend to me and many others and has worked long and hard, both from within as a consultant and without as an analyst and critic, to make the United Nations better and more effective at serving the most vulnerable. He was in Iraq reporting on the human cost of the war.



Kurt Mills <namaqualand2003@yahoo.com>
Gettysburg, PA USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 8:57 AM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,

I was a student of Professor Loescher's at the University of Notre Dame in the spring of 1995. I had him for my senior seminar on "IR and Refugees." I absolutely adored his class because of the subject matter and his gentle teaching style! Partly because of how much he opened my eyes in that class, I decided to go on to get my Master's in Comparative Politics at the London School of Economics in 1996-97. I now work in Washington, DC.

I could absolutely NOT believe it when I heard that Professor Loescher had been injured in the UN bombing. I am keeping him, and your entire family, in my thoughts and prayers! I hope he continues his recovery!

Maura K. Hogan (Notre Dame Class of 1995)

Maura Hogan <mkhogan@opm.gov>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 8:35 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret and Claire: I wanted to tell you that, while learning to use his left hand to hold a pen, Gil can use voice recognition software that will allow him to dictate to his computer, and then edit using only his voice. Elliot has recently gotten this software and says it's quite good. I log onto your website several times a day and am always relieved to see a new entry that tells me Gil is holding his own, and to read of you three using your talents and love to keep him afloat - along with his new bed. I also think about the questions you pose, Claire and Margaret, and the sadness and despair you express about the wider world. I'm not sure I can say this just right, but I thought today that you have all been thrown to the edge of human experience. Meaning that you are experiencing in a devastatingly painful way the very best and the very worst of humanity -- the hatred, the greed and materialism of the media, the callousness of the world to injustice, the crushing unfairness; but also the love, selflessness and service of PFC Frank Grillo and Gil's doctors and nurses, the human capacity that has developed the level of medical care available and the outpouring of love, hope, prayers and support from so many around the world. These are the sources, I think, of concepts drawn so well in the books you are reading to your dad, of good and evil, light and darkness. Most of us walk through the Welsh countryside and see domestication, hedgerows, pastures and grazing sheep. You are all now below that surface. And yet, as you say, Margaret, your dad can find the sunlight, even in Wales. We continue to send you non-stop positive loving thoughts from this corner of Indiana. Lots of love, Ann

Ann Rosen <arosen@michiana.org>
South Bend, IN USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 8:02 AM CDT
He is one of the strongest people I've ever met. I'm sure he will pull through fine.
PFC Grillo, Frank A
Baghdad, Iraq - Friday, August 29, 2003 7:20 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
Hearing about your horrific experience inevitably brought back memories of early days in the mid 80s at the Refugee Studies Programme when we first met. In those years when I started editing the Journal Refugee Studies, you were a constant source of knowledge, experience and advice, Gil. Without you help reviewing papers, recommending others to get engaged and write for the journal, I could not have managed.

Since then we have met periodically and your remarkably productive research has been an inspiration to me and my students - how have you managed to sustain such an output?

Few people have contributed so much to the understanding of the voiceless victims of war, violence and oppression, nor written so powerfully and eloquentlyand humanely on their behalf. That you too should become a victim of the very forces you tried to counter in writing and advocacy is an irony too painful to contemplate. That it should happen to someone whose own gentleness spoke volumes about the importance of understanding, communicating and reconciling differences only intensifies the senseless of it all.

My last memory of you is at this year's Elizabeth Colson lecture at RSC here in Oxford a few weeks ago. Characteristically, you were there with notepad on your knee jotting down thoughts and reflections, giving knowing glances to friends and colleagues.

I can only add my own silent thoughs and wishes to those of others and hope that in time you will be able to continue your mission. Best regards to you and your family. Roger (Founding Editor of JRS 1998-2001)

roger zetter <rwzetter@brookes.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Friday, August 29, 2003 7:15 AM CDT
Dear Gil
This is to wish you a good recovery. Thinking of you a great deal.
Sally Morphet (29 08 03)

Sally Morphet <s.f.morphet@kent.ac.uk>
London, UK - Friday, August 29, 2003 4:47 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Claire and Maggie,

When I heard about what happened to Gil, I couldn't help but to sit down and let my tears go. I can only imagine what he has experienced. I worked with Gil for nearly two years at UNHCR and greatly admired not only his work but also his passion for what he believed in. He is truly an extraordinary person. I often question why such horrifying events happen to such amazing people. Please always look at the positive and keep your strength for Gil's recovery. You are all in my thoughts and prayers and I wish you all a full recovery.

Cathy Sabety <csabety@hotmail.com>
Geneva, Switzerland - Friday, August 29, 2003 3:30 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Margaret and Joel, and Claire,

Just read your entry Ann about going to bed tired and distressed. It's morning now and morning brings renewal as you say, and I hope you are feeling okay again and ready to continue your struggle. Orchard Land woke up to rain and you know how long it has been. I mean real rain.

Again I have to tell you that so many people want to talk about Gil and express their feelings. My friends, friends that know you, friends that just know of you, mutual friends, neighbours. They phone or come over and just want to share their shock and their hopes for Gil and all of you. You are one loved family, and I'm sure this is sustaining you on some level and keeping those fears a little distanced so you can do your work of bringing Gil back to us.

Thank you all for your updates. And the privilege of reading the messages from everyone whose lives Gil has touched. Love, Karen

Karen Solomon <solomonk@onetel.net.uk>
Old Boars Hill, Oxford, - Friday, August 29, 2003 2:35 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
We have never met in person, but these circumstances transcend "normal" times, so thank you for creating this warm and open forum in which we can hear from you and contact you. Gil -- you have been in my thoughts daily since I learned that you were at the UN in Iraq. Though it may be presumptuous, since reading Calculated Kindness in 1986, I've thought of you as a teacher and like-minded colleague. I cannot imagine all that you and your family are going through right now, but I am so glad to hear that you are holding on and improving and healing, and that you have such a loving and wonderful family and so many caring and concerned friends and colleagues standing by you. Just like the refugees for whom you have advocated over the years, you are surely a survivor. To your continued recovery, and to a better world and a more humane and peaceful one.

Lory Diana Rosenberg <loryrosenberg@cs.com>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, August 28, 2003 9:38 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
We have never met in person, but these circumstances transcend "normal" times, so thank you for creating this warm and open forum in which we can hear from you and contact you. Gil -- you have been in my thoughts daily since I learned that you were at the UN in Iraq. Though it may be presumptuous, since reading Calculated Kindness in 1986, I've thought of you as a teacher and like-minded colleague. I cannot imagine all that you and your family are going through right now, but I am so glad to hear that you are holding on and improving and healing, and that you have such a loving and wonderful family and so many caring and concerned friends and colleagues standing by you. Just like the refugees for whom you have advocated over the years, you are surely a survivor. To your continued recovery, and to a better world and a more humane and peaceful one.

Lory Diana Rosenberg <loryrosenberg@cs.com>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, August 28, 2003 9:38 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
We have never met in person, but these circumstances transcend "normal" times, so thank you for creating this warm and open forum in which we can hear from you and contact you. Gil -- you have been in my thoughts daily since I learned that you were at the UN in Iraq. Though it may be presumptuous, since reading Calculated Kindness in 1986, I've thought of you as a teacher and like-minded colleague. I cannot imagine all that you and your family are going through right now, but I am so glad to hear that you are holding on and improving and healing, and that you have such a loving and wonderful family and so many caring and concerned friends and colleagues standing by you. Just like the refugees for whom you have advocated over the years, you are surely a survivor. To your continued recovery, and to a better world and a more humane and peaceful one.

Lory Diana Rosenberg <loryrosenberg@cs.com>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, August 28, 2003 9:35 PM CDT
BARB HARDY <beksanna@aol.com>
CLIFTON, CO USA - Thursday, August 28, 2003 8:42 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret and Claire: I wanted to tell you that, while learning to use his left hand to hold a pen, Gil can use voice recognition software that will allow him to dictate to his computer, and then edit using only his voice. Elliot has recently gotten this software and says it's quite good. I log onto your website several times a day and am always relieved to see a new entry that tells me Gil is holding his own, and to read of you three using your talents and love to keep him afloat - along with his new bed. I also think about the questions you pose, Claire and Margaret, and the sadness and despair you express. I'm not sure I can say this just right, but I thought today that you have all been thrown to the edge of human experience. Meaning that you are experiencing in a devastatingly painful way the very best and the very worst of humanity -- the hatred, the greed and materialism of the media, the callousness of the world to injustice, the crushing unfairness; but also the love, selflessness and service of PFC Frank Grillo and Gil's doctors and nurses, the human capacity represented by the medical care available to Gil, and the outpouring of love, hope, prayers and support from so many around the world, and from each other. These are the sources, I think, of concepts drawn so well in the books you are reading to your dad, of good and evil, light and darkness. Most of us walk through the Welsh countryside and see domestication, hedgerows, pastures and grazing sheep. You are all now below/beyond that surface. And yet, as you say, Margaret, your dad can find the sunlight, even in Wales. We continue to send you non-stop positive loving thoughts from this corner of Indiana. Lots of love, Ann

Ann Rosen <arosen@michiana.org>
South Bend, IN USA - Thursday, August 28, 2003 8:27 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann and the girls,
I only heard your horrendous news yesterday. I can't believe such a terrible thing could happen to one of the nicest families I have ever known. I've now read every one of the messages of support and it's wonderful to see so much love flowing out to you.The puppies, 'older ladies' and I are sending you huge waves of love too (and quite a lot of licking from the pups!) and masses of strength for your recovery. Your website is brilliant and so typically thoughtful of you all. Despite the awfulness of what is happening, you somehow make everyone focus on good things. Truly inspirational. You are in my thoughts constantly.
We have a concert at the end of September that I shall dedicate to Gil and you all. It's called Baroque Masterpieces, which is pretty appropriate for someone who's a bit of a masterpiece in his own right, along with his amazing family.
Loads of love, Lindsay xxxxxxx

Lindsay Sandison <lindsay@cityofoxfordorchestra.co.uk>
Boars Hill, Oxford, England - Thursday, August 28, 2003 4:31 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie, Joel and Claire,
Just to let you know that I'm still here, fingers crossed, smiling, cherishing every bit of news, and taking inspiration from the tributes to Gil, and you all, that keep growing and widening the circle. I see people all over the world holding hands for Gil and helping to keep you important people afloat. Thank you for keeping us all posted, and may all your care and love be richly rewarded. With love and much respect,

Sibyl <sgrundberg@compuserve.com>
London, England - Thursday, August 28, 2003 4:15 PM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,

I was shocked to hear the news about Gil. It was my sincere pleasure to meet your family not a month ago while visiting James at Tinkerbell Cottage. My thoughts are with you. I wish you lots of strength.

With Warm Regards,
Malka Steinberg

Malka Steinberg <malka_leah@hotmail.com>
Calgary, Canada - Thursday, August 28, 2003 3:55 PM CDT
Dear Gil:

One of your biggest fans (apart from Ana Maria, always moved by your considerate queries after the well-being of our two daughters, these a signal of a splendid father of his own two daughters) is Ray, Snyder Brothers Garage, South Bend. When I called earlier today to ask if my car, left for repairs last week, was ready, all Ray could do was tell me of his transcendent experience in reading your Guestbook Entries. It's wonderful to know that, in addition to to academics, international civil servants, former students now accomplished professionals, and important political leaders, who go on record as agreeing that "your true stature is your spirit," there are numbers of garage mechanics, ordinary neighbors, Little Leaguers, and other "real people" pulling for you. With this kind of fan support, it starts to look realistic that a miracle last-of-the-ninth winning rally is in the cards for you.
You have our warmest good wishes and prayerful remembrances,

Denis Goulet and Ana Maria

Denis Goulet <Denis.A.Goulet.1@nd.edu>
South Bend , IN USA - Thursday, August 28, 2003 3:38 PM CDT
Dear Anne, Gill & girls
We wanted to add our names to the many who are thinking of you all at this horrific time.
It was so lovely to see you all working together over the past few weeks moving to your new home. The home with the wonderful sunsets. We hope that you will be back before too long, together, and that we will may be able to help you in some small way. Love Alan, Sue, Ben & Toby xxxx

sue & alan <skwjones@aol.co.uk>
old boars hill, - Thursday, August 28, 2003 3:04 PM CDT
We're thinking of you all the time. Wish we could put a sign in the kitchen window for you to see. Love, Bob and Jeanne

R.E. Rodes <rodes.1@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Thursday, August 28, 2003 2:57 PM CDT
dear annie: it was such a shock for us to hear of gil's dreadful injuries. it's been 20+ years since that wonderful picnic in hyde park but we have thought of you often--and want you to know that our hopes and prayers are with you all during this time. love cousin jill, george and family
jill montgomery
sunapee, nh usa - Thursday, August 28, 2003 1:45 PM CDT
Dear Ann,
I'm so glad Karen gave me this address and that she's told you we all felt better after singing your songs. Keep singing and we'll sing along with you.
Lots and lots of love and big hugs,

Shirley Payne <S.M.Payne@open.ac.uk>
Oxford, - Thursday, August 28, 2003 11:33 AM CDT
Addional post-scriptum for Mrs Loescher:
I realize that I haven't left you the e-mail to get back to me.
Best wishes

François Heisbourg <f.heisbourg@frstrategie.org>
- Thursday, August 28, 2003 11:04 AM CDT
Gil, remember those long, crazy, stressy days of early UNHCR e-publishing? Can't tell you how much Jerome and I looked forward to the Professor's head popping round our door. Your calm, thoughtful and ever-courteous support was certainly a big factor in keeping this CDR puppy sane(ish), not to mention helping to convince us, when we wavered, that what we were doing had value. I wish you all strength for the journey ahead. Ian
Ian Myles <myles@unhcr.ch>
Geneva, Switzerland - Thursday, August 28, 2003 10:19 AM CDT
Dear Gil,
let me simply say how moved I am by the terrible suffering you are going through, and how impressed I am by the inner strength you are displaying. I dare say I am not surprised by your fortitude, given the selflessness of your work all through these years. You were an exceptional researcher during your first stay at the IISS back in the early Nineties, and it was a privilege for me to have been your Director at the time. As I have already have had the opportunity of expressing to your wife, the whole Institute, and its Council are at one with you.

With my warmest wishes,
François Heisbourg, Chairman of the Council, IISS

A post-scriptum to Mrs.Loescher: I have taken note while reading your log, of the remarks concerning the reporting by CNN. Do you wish me to draw their attention on this score, since I have some points of contact there?

François Heisbourg
Paris, France - Thursday, August 28, 2003 9:45 AM CDT
Dear Gil,

We were very shocked to hear what happened to you in Baghdad and wish you strength and all the best in your recovery.

Your research on the situation of refugees in the region, your contributions to the WIV meeting in the Hague and to the ECRE meetings, are a constant inspiration for our work.

On behalf of the Dutch Refugee Council, please know that our thoughts are with you and your family in this difficult time.


Eduard Nazarski
Piet van Geel
Stefan Kok

Stefan Kok <skok@vluchtelingenwerk.nl>
Amsterdam, the Netherlands - Thursday, August 28, 2003 9:36 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret and Claire,

I am so deeply shocked and distressed to hear of what has happened to Gil. Your family is one of the nicest and funniest anyone could hope to meet. I know that if any family can pull together and get through the coming months you can.

I would love to see you all. I work on delivery suite at the JR so I would love to see you if Gil is transferred. I am currently on maternity leave.

Thinking of you.

Julie Osborne sends her love also.

Love from

Charlotte and Kev Hickman
(formerly Charlotte Groome)

OXFORD, ENGLAND - Thursday, August 28, 2003 6:48 AM CDT
Dear Mags and Family

I was very shocked and sorry to hear about your dad - Gil. My thoughts are with you and your family especially your dad at this difficult time.
Sending you all loads of positive thoughts
love and best wishes

Maia Gralewski <maia_g@handbag.com>
Oxford, UK - Thursday, August 28, 2003 5:02 AM CDT
Dear Gil,
Walking high up in the Greek mountains I learnt the news of the terrible attack on all those in the UN building in Baghdad, including Arthur and you. My morale sank to the lowest point and I felt schocked and angered. But then, I thought of our walk together in Oxford last year and all the wonderful an d inspiring words you exchanged, your knowledge and above all friendship shared - and realised that you won't give up and will fight for your rehabiliation and for a new life, which will never be the same yet can be also meaningful and rich.. I am thinking of you constantly and I hope your recuperation will be as quick and complete as possible. I am also thinking of yuou beloved ones and support them in my mind and heart.

Johannes van der Klaauw <vanderkl@unhcr.ch>
Brussels, Belgium - Thursday, August 28, 2003 4:45 AM CDT
I don't know any of you, but my father Shamsul Bari (formerly at UNHCR) has known Gil for many years in their shared work for refugees. It was with much relief that I tracked down Gil's whereabouts and condition, and I want to thank you for keeping people around the world informed and involved with this journal. I wish each of you every bit of strength for the days and months ahead.

Sona Bari <bari@ilo.org>
Geneva, Switzerland - Thursday, August 28, 2003 3:51 AM CDT
All my prays and thoughts are with the Loescher family.
Cher Professeur Loescher,
Tous les amis du HCR sont avec vous et votre famille dans cette épreuve. Nous ne devrions pas attendre des événements tragiques pour dire l'admiration que nous avons pour vous. Je me rappelle les bons moments de la rédaction du State of the World's Refugees et la formidable émulation intellectuelle qui en résultait. Courage, soyez plus fort que tout, nous avons besoin d'hommes tel que vous.

Marina Ronday-Cao <rondayca@unhcr.ch>
Geneva, Switzerland - Thursday, August 28, 2003 3:24 AM CDT
Dearest Anne, Gil & Family, What can we say to express our horror when we heard the devastating news last week. We felt so helpless and are glad we now have this way of contacting you and being able to get all your news on Gil's progress and to let you know you are all in thoughts and prayers. We had a sad but happy rehearsal at 'Warblers' on Tuesday - the girls sang their hearts out for you and we are all determined to look after your 'baby'. Music can be a great healer and has given us all a focus - something we can do to help. All our love and good wishes are with you. Paul & Val xx
Paul & Val Rast-Lindsell <paul.rast-lindsell@aeat.co.uk>
Abingdon, UK - Thursday, August 28, 2003 2:05 AM CDT
Dear Maggie and Claire,
We met last December by the pool in Chiang Mai, and I remember you and your father fondly. I was shocked and saddened by the news of the tragedy. Reading your journal, I am deeply impressed by the strength and closeness of your family. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Ellen Boccuzzi <boccuzzi@socrates.berkeley.edu>
San Francisco, CA USA - Thursday, August 28, 2003 1:22 AM CDT
Ann, Maggie, Claire,
Every evening we read your reports. What a consolation they provide, bringing us all into Gil's presence. What a brave and gifted family you are. Your courage and love are beacons - showing us the way. All our love, Ann, Peter and Emma

Peter Walshe <walshe@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Thursday, August 28, 2003 0:02 AM CDT
We have been reading the journal entries daily and continue to pray for you and your family. Your father, I'm sure, can feel the surrounding love and empathy of his extraordinary family and his recovery will be that much quicker because of it. We will continue to follow his progress. You are all constantly in our thoughts.

Suzy & Ted Sinclaire
Randolph, NJ USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 7:53 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Claire and Maggie
Chris and I are deeply shocked since returning from our holiday in Crete to hear the tragic news of the Iraq bombing and Gil's severe injuries. In a haze of disbelief one of the first things that came to mind was the wonderful Christmas carol event you and your family presented in the Jarn Garden last December. Illuminated by the candlelight in the trees it was indeed a very spiritual evening and one where you could feel unity, peace and great hope. With that evening in mind we are lighting a candle of love hope and peace in the hearth of our home each evening to pray that Gil will return home safely with his devoted family. To our lovely next door neighbours. May God be with you at this time.

Chris & Margaret Doyle and family <margaret.doyle@tiscali.co.uk>
Old Boars Hill Oxford, - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 6:41 PM CDT
Dear Gil,
The other day we were discussing our relative blood pressures at the HCR office in London. You were advising me to ignore the first few readings - as kind, thoughtful and sensitive to others as ever. When I read the journal of your progress, and all the messages from the very many friends who have contributed to your guestbook I am heartened beyond description. You have taken on a new mission, and, in time, all of us who know you will benefit greatly from the new lessons you have in store for us. Allan

Allan Leas <ALeas@ecre.org>
London, UK - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 5:54 PM CDT
I want you to know that being from English, and hence only a "hallway acquaintance" of Gil, I am nonetheless following your bulletins daily and keeping all of you in my prayers. You are doing a splendid job sustaining him. No one could do more. As someone said in a poem (a little paraphrased), "we go where we have to go." That's simple, and right. Just keep going.
Les Martin <wcurmudgeon@yahoo.com>
Florence, OR USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 5:50 PM CDT
Dear Annie Gil Margaret Claire & Joel Thank you so much for daily entries that mean so much,I just can't stop thimking about you all and praying for you,nothing much else seems to matter just now.It is weird being thrown into the strange world of intensive care but I am so pleased the hospital and staff are so good.I hope its O.K. to mention this but can you get the Dr's to check whether the John Radcliff has a problem with MRSA (antibiotic resistant bugs) They are a particular problem in U.K. hosp.and especially in open wounds.It could affect your decision.Sorry if it seems inapropriate to mention it.with love from all the McDowalls
Mary McDowall <marymcdowall@hotmail.com>
London, U.K. - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 4:35 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Maggie and Claire:

From the time that I met him in 1991, Gil has inspired and encouraged me. I even married a (former) refugee! A wise teacher and a wiser friend, I've often thought lately that we haven't seen each other enough. I hope that you have a speedy recovery, and that we see each other more often in the future. I need more of your inspiration; all of us do. Please contact me if I can assist you in any way. Much love.

Dan Saxon <dsaxon_mu@wanadoo.nl>
The Hague, Netherlands - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 3:32 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Anne, Maggie and Claire:
I first met Gil as a babysitter for Maggie and Claire, when they were still in elementary school. I remember the games in the back yard, the appeals for more and more Juicy Juice, and, to my teenage frustration, the insanity of having no cable TV! I am delighted to hear, in the years that have passed, of the remarkable adults Maggie and Claire have become, and of the pioneering humanitarianism Gil inspires, among the scores of emails on this web site as well as in the world of international diplomacy. With so few worthy people in the public eye at present, I am proud to know a man as profoundly courageous as Gil, and as brave and generous as his wife and daughters.

Laura Matthias Bendoly <lbendoly@atlantahistorycenter.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 3:06 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
All of you have been steadily in my thoughts since the horrible news reached Notre Dame. I continue to pray for Gil's recovery and an abundance of strength for you who are at his bedside waiting for him to awaken.
Warm thoughts and wishes to you,
Nancy Hahn
Kellogg Institute

Nancy hahn <hahn.4@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 3:04 PM CDT
Dearest Gil,
I was shocked with the news. There seems to be some fatal law by which it's always the best people who get hit, in the most absurd manner. You were a source of inspiration since the first day of class, and you remain a source of inspiration today more than ever. I know you will recover well and soon, we need you. All my love.

Xabier Agirre (ND 1994-95) <ktz@wxs.nl>
The Hague (UN ICTY), The Netherlands - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 2:50 PM CDT
To Gil and Family,

Best wishes to you all, and thank you for keeping us
informed of Gil's progress. I hope he'll be able to
return home soon and continue--as he long has--to work
to change the world for the better.


Kelly Greenhill <kgreenhill@wcfia.harvard.edu>
Cambridge, MA USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 2:43 PM CDT
To Gil and family
We were saddened to hear of Gil's injuries - our daughter Katy worked with Gil a while ago at ECRE in Lendon and she let us know thet he was involved in the Baghdad bombing.

We pray for you all and hope for speedy progress. It sounds from your website that he's getting the best of care.

With Love

Mavis and Len Fletcher <len@enterpriseco.prestel.co.uk>
Preston Lancashire, UK - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 2:17 PM CDT
To Gil and his Family,
I am a student from the MSc course in Forced Migration who just finished this year in Oxford. I was profoundly shocked to hear about the attack on the UN in Baghdad and even more horrified that someone I knew was there. I met Gil briefly along with his daughter, while with a few friends on a sunny day in Tinkerbell Cottage.
Gil, my classmates from the MSc have a deep respect for you and your work, so I just wanted on behalf of the class to transmit our strongest and most positive vibes for your recovery. Also, we admire the strength and courage of your family who have kept everyone informed on the situation.

Wishing you all the best,

Lucy Fauveau on behalf of the MSc Class of 2003.

Lucy Fauveau <lucy.fauveau@sant.ox.ac.uk>
Fernay-Voltaire, France - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 1:05 PM CDT
Annie, Margaret and Claire, Have just read all your info with tears. Am sending you some more Yankee grit and bushels of love for you all in getting your Gil/Pa through this and back to you. Your loving care and closeness is power.
Love always,
Annie Fink

Ann Finkeldey Rose
S. Glastonbury, CT Middlesex - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:19 AM CDT
I'm sure he will use a pen again - with his left hand!
- Wednesday, August 27, 2003 11:52 AM CDT
this is gail and alan dowty, writing from the lewis and clark trail in bismarck, north dakota. we have been checking in daily on the website and our thoughts and love are being sent all the time. good to hear about the progress. we'll write more when we reach our destination-calgary for the fall semester. love and peace. gail and alan
alan dowty <dowty.1@nd.edu>
south bend, in usa - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 11:24 AM CDT
Dear Gil,
It's only now, at 9 pm Bangladesh time on 27 August, that I came to know from my daughter who works for the ILO in Geneva(she provided me with this website address), that you too were caught in the carnage at UN Hqs in Bagdad on 19 August. Thank God you are alive and from what I read about your situation from your family's diary, you are making good recovery. You will recall that we first met in Geneva (in 1989 I believe) when I was the Deputy Director of the Division of International Protection of UNHCR. You came to my office when I was editing the Oxford lecture of the then UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mr. Jean-Pierre Hocke, which you later published in your book on Refugees. Since then we spent a lot of time together in Geneva, including some at my home. I say all this to remind you who I am and also to let you know that you have a friend in far away Bangladesh who is wishing you a quick recovery. As you may know I retired from UNHCR in late 1999 and came back home to Bangladesh. You will probably read this when you get better, which I hope will be very soon. In the meantime, I would like to wish your brave family who are taking such a good care of you 'bon courage'. Regards and best wishes once again. Shamsul Bari

P.S. When you get better, let me know. I would like to send you my tribute on Sergio which appeared in a local newspaper. email: baris@citech-bd.com

Shamsul Bari <baris@citech-bd.com>
Dhaka, Bangladesh - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 11:22 AM CDT
To Gil and Family,

Regretably, I don't know any of you. There are three degrees of separation between myself and Gil. My girlfriend works in a refugee advocacy organization and used to work for a good friend of Gil's. I am horrified and deeply saddened by what happened in Iraq and by what your family must endure as a result. I am deeply proud of Gil and his colleagues for their noble work in dangerous surrounds. Their commitment to what is good and right humbles me. I will pray for Gil and all of you. I hope his recovery continues to go well and that he can someday return to the work I know he loved. I wish all of you peace, comfort and the ability soon to experience the joy of direct communication with Gil and, perhaps, someday, a laugh or two. You deserve a relief from this unspeakable sadness.

Nevin J. Kelly <nevodc@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 11:10 AM CDT
Much sympathy to Gil and all you, his family, who are devoting yourselves to his recovery. The bomb against the UN HQ is shocking - and it is shocking that Gil and others who have dedicated themselves to prevent and assist in humanitarian emergencies - should themselves be attacked in such a destructive way.
Everyone at Queen Elizabeth House joins me in sending sympathy and hoping that Gil recovers rapidly.


Frances Stewart <frances.stewart@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 11:09 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
Like so many others, I was/am shocked and deeply saddened by the bombing, even more so after learning Gil was injured. I took Gil's IO class while at Notre Dame, and was impressed by his sincere commitment to both his academic and practice work. In that he has been a model for me, and I'm thankful to him for this.
Although I wrote my dissertation on humanitarian security, I didn't imagine it would hit this close. You all have been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Larissa Fast, IIPS 1995 <lfast@uwaterloo.ca>
Waterloo, ON Canada - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 10:45 AM CDT
Our wishes to Gil and family - from all at Refugee Studies, University of East London.
Philip Marfleet <p.marfleet@uel.ac.uk>
London, UK - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 10:06 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,

Gil, your cheery nature always makes me smile when you come into the RSC Library. I look forward to the time when you are able to come and see us again. If there is anything we can do please let us know.

My thoughts are with you all, and thank you for the updates,


Joanna Soedring <joanna.soedring@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 8:52 AM CDT
Hello Maggie, Joel, Claire, Ann and Gil,

Mention of Joel cooking reminds me of one of the times I met Gil and Ann, at Joel and Maggie's flat, when someone had the inspired notion of fashioning heart-shaped pancakes using tin foil. Joel, you realise your international culinary reputation is irrecoverable after the comment about green chillis?

Brian is back from Edinburgh today and we'll be raising a glass, or two, to Gil this evening. All our love and thoughts continue to be with you all and with Gil's journey.


Nicola Conibere <nconiber@barbican.org.uk>
London, - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 8:23 AM CDT
Dearest Claire, and Maggie, Ann and Joel,

Keep on smiling, talking, reading, singing, laughing, hoping, and taking lots and lots of strength and energy from Joel's curries... Gil is in the best of company.

Claire - Was thinking back again to that party last November when you first introduced me to Gil...as the immortal Marty McFly would say to his great protagonist Biff: here's to open air swimming pools.

Thinking of all of you, especially Gil, all the time.

Love always,

Maryam Maruf <maryam.maruf@opendemocracy.net>
London, - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 6:56 AM CDT
To the three girls – I emailed last week before I found these pages, so another little note to say how much your writing is giving us all reassurance – I hope we’re doing the same for you from afar. Your strength is amazing, thinking of you all.

Gil – there were less drastic ways to get out of having a drink with me in September! Keep fighting. I have a photo on my desk of us all by the waterfall in Chiang Mai last January, after we had got up at dawn to watch the sunrise from the temple on the hill. I am constantly looking at it and sending you positive vibes.

With lots of love to you all,

Emma Haddad <E.M.Haddad@lse.ac.uk>
London, UK - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 6:15 AM CDT
Dear Maggie and family,
It’s difficult to find the right words, but beyond the devastating tragedy of what’s happened, there is true beauty in the love you have for one another and your amazing spirits. I know Maggie and Joel to be exceptional people, but you are clearly a remarkable family and Gil a wonderful man. Your love and spirit will pull you all through this and is inspiration to us all.

Me and Jules are thinking of you and your family always.
Take care of yourselves and stay strong, love Dom xx

Dominic Tombs <dom_global@aceville.com>
Colchester, UK - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 5:15 AM CDT
Dear Claire,

Hilary and I were so saddened to learn from Matthew of your father's horrific injuries. We hope and pray for your family and for your father's recovery. Matthew may have told you that Ed's grandfather received similar injuries in WW2 and recovered to live a long and full life so there is hope.

With our thoughts and love

David and Hilary Bowman

David & Hilary Bowman <davidkl.bowman@virgin.net>
Fleet, Hants UK - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 5:05 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Anne, Maggie and Claire,

I am writing both personally and on behalf of everyone at the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford. We are devastated by this attack on Gil, Arthur Helton, Sergio Viera de Mello and all the other UN staff and other humanitarian helpers, whose names we not yet know. This is an attack on the best amongst us, who are willing to run great risks to help others.

Gil is a special friend and close associate of the RSC. He has made important contributions to our work, and is much loved by our students - as the many testimonies in the guest book show so vividly. Not only his personal teaching, but also his important and insightful publications have inspired his colleagues and students. We are confident that Gil will recover and will continue to work with us as a teacher and researcher. Your critical ideas, original insights and compassion have made a unique contribution to refugee studies. On a personal level, I see Gil as a good friend. In my role as Director of the RSC I have benefited greatly from his ideas and advice. Anne, Maggie and Claire, our thoughts are with you in this difficult time. Many thanks for sharing your painful experiences with us.

Gil, I hope you are able to come back to Oxford soon. We at the RSC will do everything we can to help. We hope to have you back with us again at the Centre as soon as possible.


Stephen Castles <Stephen.castles@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 4:17 AM CDT
Dear Ann,

I am not sure I am too comfortable with "Wootton Warblers" going worldwide with this message, but after the way we sang last night for you, Ann, I think we can handle it.
Could you hear us though so far away?
We cried for you, we sang only songs YOU like, and we exchanged our hopes AND expectations for Gil's recovery and the Loescher return to Wootton/Old Boars Hill. The "girls" even sent me off to Italy with a box of chocolates and an emotional Auld Lang Syne! What a group!
Singing is what it is all about. You keep up your end and the Warblers will keep up theirs! Love, Karen

Karen Solomon <solomonk@onetel.net.uk>
Old Boars Hill, Oxford, - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 3:44 AM CDT
Dear Gil and Family,

The strength and love holding your family together is wonderful to see. I'm sure your strength as a family will pull you all through. I look forward to the time Gil when we welcome you back to the RSC Library.

With warmest regards to you all,

Sarah <sarah.rhodes@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 3:31 AM CDT
Hello Annie,Gil,Maggie, Claire and Joel

Your reports have been simply wonderful. Thank you so much for organising this website and enabling us all to tune in and beam over our thoughts and well wishes. What a remarkable diary it is becoming!

I am also trying not to be over hopeful about Gil's recovery, but each day there is certainly some significant good news. God willing, that will continue and we will see you back in Oxford before too long. The team of doctors and nurses with all their high-tech equipment and expertise is quite extraordinary to read about.Good to read that the JR team is preparing for Gil's arrival too.

Yes,any news of other terroist bombs is particularly disturbing once you know someone well who has been directly hit. The human species is indeed flawed - my Dad's thoughts written in his memoirs!

I will be joining the two Karens and Richard (and maybe Bruce) for tea over at Lincombe Lane today. Guess what the main topic of conversation will be! Karen V is wondering whether you would like her to phone you, so we will talk to Karen S about that.

I can well imagine how exhausted you all must feel, a good thing that you can take little naps or hopefully sleep better at night now. It's been an ENORMOUS strain for you all.
Take good care.
Sending this with love and hugs, Tessa and Sam xoxoxoxoxox

Tessa Ward and Sam Kahn <wardtessa1@hotmail.com>
Barn Cottage, Old Boars Hill, Oxon UK - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 3:28 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,

We at the International Centre for Peace Studies, New Delhi, India, held a meeting today, i.e., 27 August 2003 and expressed our deep sorrow about the crisis that has befallen you all. We prayed to the ALMIGHTY for Gil's early recovery. May God provide Gil with enough courage to bear it all and come out with ever stronger detrmination to pursue the good work that he has been doing all these years. Prof. Riyaz Punjabi and Dr. Ashok K. Behuria who have met Gil several times during IASFM conferences narrated how cordial and encouraging Gil had been to them whenever they discussed the programmes of our Centre with him. His kind behaviour, his humility and his intellectual understanding of the international issues has endeared Gil to all who have come in contact with him. We all join you in your distress and love to be part of whatever efforts you would attempt in future. All the very best again.

Riyaz Punjabi, Ashok K. Behuria, Saleem Kidwai <icps@icpsnet.org, cpsnd@del2.vsnl.net.in>
New Delhi, Delhi India - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 3:17 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,

I am looking forward to Gil's speedy recovery and the resumption of his writing and other work in support of refugees. In the meantime, I wish you all the strength and courage you will need. My thoughts are with you. Thank you for the updates.

Maria Stavropoulou <stavropo@unhcr.ch>
- Wednesday, August 27, 2003 2:47 AM CDT
Dear Loescher family,
I was so saddened to learn about Gil and his multiple injuries. I don't know any of you personally, only Gil's writings in my library. My thoughts, best wishes and encouragement go to you at this horrible time. Thank you for the web site keeping us updated. Take heart!

Anne C. Kjelling <ack@nobel.no>
Oslo, Norway - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 2:45 AM CDT
Dear Dr. Loescher and Family,

I was a student intern at IISS and had been trying to find a time to talk to Dr. Loescher before he left for Iraq about universities in the UK. I just wanted to let you know I was immediately struck by how kind and accommodating he was to me, and I immensely regret that I did not get a chance to meet so fine a person before he left. My thoughts are with you. Thank you for keeping us updated on his progress, and my best wishes to the Loescher family and Gil.

Tracy Williams <tracyw@stanford.edu>
Stanford, CA 94309 - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:59 PM CDT
hi Ann,

in regard to Gil holding a pen...I'm sure you remember my big sister? She was right-handed before you knew her but out of necessity learned to write quite legibly with her left hand as an adult. I hope Gil won't need to--I dearly hope that. But if he does, he will. So the question becomes not whether, once he's further recovered, he'll hold a pen again, but which hand he'll hold it in. Which may be a little more bearable to contemplate.

Since it's been floating thru my head since I read your last journal entry I hope nobody minds too much if I quote a tiny bit of Tennyson:

"Though much is taken, much abides; and though
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are,--
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."

Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:41 PM CDT
Dear Ann,

Gil brought me home to dinner one night ten years ago, and I have thought about your lovely family and that time we spent together a hundred times since. I recall walking across the spine of Old Boar's Hill with Gil and hearing about his life there, his hopes for his talented daughters, and his work on refugee issues that he wrote in that little gazebo in the garden across the way. My friend and colleague at Refugees International, Lionel Rosenblatt, was subsequently in touch with Gil many times, and we counted that wonderful man of Old Boar's Hill as one of the truly wise and thoughtful advocates on behalf of refugees around the world. I am now working with Jim Towey, the Director of the White House Office of Faith-based and Community Initiatives. Both of us are actively engaged in refugee issues, and send our prayers and our best wishes to one who has done so much in the refugee and human rights field. I look forward to thanking Gil in person one day for his inspiration and friendship.

Dennis Grace <djgrace@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:20 PM CDT
To Gil and his family
I met Gill in the early 1990s in Oxford when visiting with my freind Marya Dull. Although our contact was breif, Marya has kept me up to date with the family and I am shatterd at the terrrible turn of events in your lives.
It was with horror that we in New Zealand received the news of the terrible events in Baghdad and now India. It does show what a small place the world is when any major event touches so closely lives so far away.

It's the people like Gil doing the work they do that I belive is ultimately going bring sense to this crazy world.

My prayers and thoughts go out to you all trusting that the spiritual strength of so many will help Gils's healing. May he soon be home in Oxford, well on the way to what will be normality.

With love


Ross Becker <ross.becker@tnzi.com>
Wellington, New Zealand - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:12 PM CDT
Tonight, as I mentioned in an earlier message, a group of Gil's friends from the U.S. Committee for Refugees, past and present, had a meal together. We enjoyed one another and caught up on everyone's recent travels. But of course, the talk kept coming back to last week and to how Gil is tonight. Bill Frelick led us in a toast. We hope the delicate clinking of glasses reached you all, especially Gil. That was our purpose.

Ginny Hamilton

Ginny Hamilton <vlhginy@aol.com>
Washington, DC, - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:37 PM CDT
To Gil and the Loescher family,

I write both personally and on behalf of the Refugee Council of Australia to send our best wishes during this difficult time and to wish Gil a speedy recovery. The bombing in Baghdad took a heavy toll - depriving the refugee community of too many of its shining lights. We cannot spare another. We need you to be strong and to get well so that you can continue the work that has inspired us for so long.

Margaret Piper
Executive Director
Refugee Council of Australia

Margaret Piper <margaret@refugeecouncil.org.au>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 8:41 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Claire and Margaret,
Reading the guestbook entries, I realize what a microscopic view of Gil's impact on the world I've held. That is to say, I vaguely understood as a grade school classmate of Claire that Gil's travels involved work with refugees from isolated valleys in China to the deserts of Egypt. As a playmate of the Loescher girls, Gil's presence was much more domestic. He protected Claire and me from the unknown dangers of a menacing green hand lurking in our imaginations. He assured us that the KKK did not have an active chapter on Riverside Drive and its immediate environs. Gil oversaw the gurgling of salt water when us kids would inevitably bite our tongues after especially agressive launches in the tire swing from the jungle gym. He played basketball with us at the Notre Dame courts. These are the stills of Gil in my mind's eye. And so reading the entries from people who have studied and worked with Gil to bring about a more just world, the gobal impact of my friends' father is suddenly and acutely driven home. This guestbook testifies that Gil approached his work for justice with the same compassion, warmth and benevolence that I knew as a child.
Your family is in my constant thoughts and prayers.
Sending my most sincere wishes for strength and wellness,

Emily Rosen <eer13@columbia.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 8:33 PM CDT
Dear friends: in addition to my words sent before this communication tool, I have to add WOW! The messages contained here, with all the positive energy and prayers have to carry Gil back home to Oxford and to a good and positive recovery! I know you take strength from them...keep doing so. Gil has touched many lives and as many have said, still has much more good work to do! Thanks for the effort in letting us know of his progress---With continued good wishes and prayers,
Rita K.

Rita Kopczynski <rmkop@msn.com>
South Bend, IN USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 8:21 PM CDT
Dear Annie,Maggie and Claire- I can't tell you how devasted I was when Margie called Sat AM. I am so sorry that I didn't know before then. You are all(especially Gil) in my thoughts and prayers daily and I just wish there was something I could do for you. You are great people and your
courage is amazing. I am leaving for Russia on 8/31 and have
a brief layover in Frankfurt-I will try to reach you by phone. Mom of course is also devasted and sends you all her
love and prayers. I also am sending the happy thoughts that
Maggie asked for. Love Judy

Judy Ballentine <judy@yourcardsolution.com>
Tega Cay, SC USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:37 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
This is such a sad time for all of us. But as the guestbook demonstrates, not only your family and friends but well-wishers from every possible corner are there with you.
Gil, you have touched our lives in more ways than you know. The students in Notre Dame who had the pleasure of learning from you, both in the class room and on social occasions now bear the passion and intensity for social justice.
Looking forward to learn a lot more from you.

lots of love and a hug,

Bina D'Costa <Bina.DCosta@anu.edu.au>
Canberra, ACT Australia - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:33 PM CDT
Dear Gil,

I was so terribly saddened when I heard what happened to you. Yet, I'm profoundly grateful to learn what amazing support now surrounds from your family who I have not had the privilege of meeting and from your friends and colleagues around the world. As one of your many former students, let me say that my career and life choices have been deeply influenced by what I learned from you at Notre Dame. I continue to be inspired by your courage and wish you all the best on the road to recovery.

Debra DeLaet

Debra DeLaet <debra.delaet@drake.edu>
Iowa City, IA USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:30 PM CDT
Dear Gil and Family,
I've always been a fan of Gil's and now I feel I'm having the chance to meet his family through this website. What an incredible worldwide fan club Gil has, and what a source of strength I"m sure the guestbook will be to him. Thank you so much for organizing this. Thinking of you, as are many colleagues at MIT and in the Boston area. Carolyn

Carolyn Makinson <makinson@mit.edu>
Boston, MA USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:07 PM CDT
On behalf of Department of International Relations at the Australian National University I want to convey our profound shock at what has happened to Gil and deep hope for his recovery. I have never met Gil but, like all of us who work on humanitarian issues of politics and law, his work has been an inspiration. A good number of my research students and staff are now working on migration issues and his work is so important in this area that they feel like they know him personally, as indeed our new John Vincent Fellow, Bina D'Costa does. Over the past week our thoughts and conversations have turned frequently to Gil, and we are crossing our fingers that his recovery goes well. We will be following his progress as closely as we can, and look forward to his voice echoing through our scholarship once again. Chris Reus-Smit, Head of Department.
Chris Reus-Smit <christian.reus-smit@anu.edu.au>
Canberra, ACT Australia - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:06 PM CDT
Dear Maggie
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.
With all good wishes.

Ruth and Howard Green
Elstree, England - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 4:57 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,

As one of the legions of former students inspired by your vision and humanity in your course on international humanitarian intervention, I am deeply struck by the irony that someone would do something that harmed you. Indiscriminate violence is always senseless, but here it is doubly so. May your recovery be deliberate and swift.

Garth Meintjes <garthmeintjes@hotmail.com>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 4:08 PM CDT
Hey Annie,Janice just helped me find this page and it is something to behold. but first give Gil a rub for me. I hope by the sound of things there can't be a lot more wolves in the woods. There isn't anything better for healing than humor and you guys are just the crew to give him a good dose of it! Much love and care from all of us to all of you. roger
roger peterson <rogerpete30@yahoo.com>
niantic, ct usa - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 3:07 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret, Claire, and Gil,
As I hope you know from our earlier emails, Ruthann, Erik, Sonia, and I have been following your progress day by day with hopes and prayers for strength and healing almost constantly in our hearts. In addition, I have received messages from many students all over the world with whom Gil worked while at ND and the Kroc Institute. These are heart-warming expressions of concern and compassion for Gil and your family, and heart-wrenching expressions of agony over the self-defeating violence that seems to spawn ever more violence. Everyone from whom I have heard knows how conscientiously, rigorously, and faithfully Gil has been a spokesperson for refugees and displaced for persons, indeed for the victimized all over the world, and therefore feels the tragedy that he and like-minded people have suffered such horrible injuries or death. In addition to being such an excellent scholar, Gil has been a true friend and an understanding heart for many, many people, myself included. We continue to hold you in our hearts and hope that somehow your family's vision and compassion, so abundantly shared with others, may now sustain you as you also find love and support from others seeking to nurture the healing process.
Bob Johansen

Robert Johansen <johansen.2@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 3:02 PM CDT
This guestbook is a tribute to all the lives you have touched, Gil, and I hope that these warm wishes from everywhere hasten your recovery. We met only recently in Chiang Mai, but I look forward to our next rendezvous. The strength and spirit of those around you is inpiring; all of you are in our thoughts.
Jennifer Hyndman <hyndman@sfu.ca>
Vancouver, Canada - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 2:57 PM CDT
I was a Peace Studies student in 1996-1997, and I had the opportunity to meet Gil, although I didn't have the pleasure of studying with him. He has an impressive reputation among Peace Studies students, which is saying a lot because we are a picky group, believe me!

It is a wonderful thing that you are able to be there by Gil's side, and I am sure that is helping his progress. Even when you are not able to be physically next to him, your positive thoughts and energy have an impact.

Please know you and Gil are in my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.

Amy Scanlon
Washington, DC - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 2:44 PM CDT
Words cannot begin to express our shock and dismay over what has happened. Please know our thoughts are with Gil, Ann and the girls as you pass through this nightmare.

Pat and Mike Francis

Mike Francis <Michael.J.Francis.1@nd.edu>
Edwardsburg, MI USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 2:13 PM CDT
Dear Loescher family,
Thank you for this site, which provides some outlet for all of us who admire Gil so much, even if we've had only the pleasure of his wonderful professional friendship over the years...
Ophelia x

Ophelia Field <opheliafield@ukonline.co.uk>
- Tuesday, August 26, 2003 1:54 PM CDT
Each of us has a special Gil memory from the Llanthony w/e and all are thinking of him and the Loescher extended family. And we are looking forward to welcoming you all back to Oxford and Llanthony.
Bevans and Joneses <P.G.Bevan@bath.ac.uk>
- Tuesday, August 26, 2003 1:49 PM CDT
Dear Gil,
It was a horrible shock to learn about you being injured in Baghdad. And it is so strange to think that in this period we are discussing your study for ECRE/USRC, your great contribution to the present refugee debate, and you being in hospital.
My very sincere wishes for a speedy recovery and hope to meet you somewhere later this year.

Christopher Hein, Chaiman of ECRE Exec.Committee <c.hein@tiscali.it>
Rome, Italy - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 1:40 PM CDT
Dear Gil,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. And I look forward to hearing more of those wise and insightful comments.
With very best wishes
Christopher Langton

Christopher Langton <langton@iiss.org>
London, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 12:56 AM CDT
To Gil and the Loescher family:
Many of us here at UNHCR are thinking of you all and wishing for Gil's speedy recovery. Your family's strength in adversity is an inspiration to us all.

Jeff Crisp, UNHCR <crisp@unhcr>
Geneva, Switzerland - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 12:43 AM CDT
Dear Loescher family
I have not met Gil personally but have been tremendously impressed with his writings. I just wanted to let you know how many people here at the British Refugee Council are thinking of you and wishing Gil a good recovery

Anna Reisenberger <anna.reisenberger@refugeecouncil.org.uk>
London, England - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 12:29 AM CDT
Hi Gil and Family,
I wish you were back at the Hesburgh Center and in Indiana, or at least in England. I'm thinking of you and hoping for the best recovery.

Andy Gould <firstinitiallastname@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 12:12 AM CDT
To my dearest dearest Maggie,
All my thoughts and love are with you, and Ann, Claire, and Joel, on your Papa's road to recovery. Although I have not met him, I can imagine the wonderful man he must be. I have heard so much about him from you, and now from reading all these messages from people who care about him and whose lives he has touched, and, of course from knowing that you are his daughter! I had just been thinking how exciting it was you would be coming to NY again, to make your film, when I received your email with the terrible news. I think of you all the time, and hope you will soon all be back in Oxford again, and safely. I have no doubt that all your family shares the very mettle you are made of - continue to be strong for Gil and for each other. All my love and hope, and speak to you soon. Claire xxxxxxxxxxx

Claire Le Pichon <cel23@columbia.edu>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 12:11 AM CDT
Speedy recovery to Gil and all of the other injured people, peace to all of us.
Jack Chin
Tucson, AZ USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 12:07 AM CDT
I am a PhD candidate focused on Refugee Health Care.
I have been hoping to someday meet Gil Loescher, I have
read almost everything he has written.
He has passed the torch to many like me.
I pray for his return to you, his family, in full spirit, love, ability to continue to inspire many.
It is still a hope to meet him in person, if only to thank him for his work and tremendous inspiration.
God speed his recovery.

P amela Cartie Allen (PhD candidate; Duquesne University H.C. Ethics) <allen265@duq.edu>
Cleveland , OH Cuyohouga - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:48 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
In February, in the pages of The World Today, you made one of your many contributions to the welfare of others by pointing to the potential problems of Iraq. If events had been different you would have been writing the sequel now. The next article will have even greater impact because of the pain and suffering you have experienced. You are in all our thoughts as we wish for that return to health to come very soon.

Graham Walker, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London
- Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:20 AM CDT
Hello from canada, i am sending you love from the Creator,I will pray for you and your family.I am First Nations person so i will smudge and talk to the Grandmothers and Grandfathers,for you ,all my love and respect,denise
Denise Clifton <Greenicopperwoman@yahoo.ca>
Prince Rupert B.C, Canada - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:19 AM CDT
Rene and I would both like to send our very best wishes and sympathies to Gil, his wife and family and all who are caring for him. We have both known Gil for a number of years through our work with UNHCR and have always appreciated his insights during his missions to the regions we have been working in. He is very much a trusted friend of UNHCR. Nothing can be said which can address the awful harm he has suffered, so along with all his other friends we will just be wishing hard for his recovery and as we are in the UK if there is anything we can do when you are back please don't hesitate to get in contact. Anne and Rene
Anne Dawson-Shepherd/ Rene van Rooyen <dawson@unhcr.ch>
London, England - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:17 AM CDT
Dear Ann and family, We just want you to know that we are following the news about Gil with great emotion. Your daily reports make us participate in the pain you are all going through, and with you we hope for the good signs that you are waiting for.
Denise and Tom Cavanaugh <cavanaugh_tom@hotmail.com>
Oxford , Ox England - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:10 AM CDT
To the Loesher Family

I first learned about Gil's through his book "Calculated Kindness" and then when I began teaching at Notre Dame Law School (in 1986)I got to meet him at meetings at the Human Rights Center and the Peace Institute. When I learned of what had happened in Baghdad I felt that I had to make some effort of support to you in this difficult time. I fervently wish for his speedy recovery and am heartened that he is in such loving hands. With all of the best wishes and prayers from the West Coast of the United States.

Richard A. Boswell <boswellr@uchastings.edu>
Berkeley, CA USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:08 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,

I have only had the privilege of meeting Gil in person once, and only for a very brief conversation, but like so many others I have drawn inspiration from his writings and from his unrelenting efforts to alleviate the suffering of refugees. Gil, you have many friends and admirers who are thinking of you and your family during these difficult times and praying for your speedy recovery.

With love to your whole family,

Steve Legomsky

Steve Legomsky <legomsky@wustl.edu>
St. Louis, MO USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:59 AM CDT
Dear all,

It's Rajni, a friend of Maggie and Joel's. I just wanted to say that you are one of the most generous families I have ever met, altogether and individually, and that generosity and love is very contagious whenever one is around you. I have only had the fortune to meet you all a few times, and have spent many a happy hour with m + j. I just wanted to let you know that Theron and I are thinking of you, all of you. This will be a time of many changes for you, of course, but please know that you are all supported by this gentle and strong net of friendship that holds you around the world. Of course, if there is anything we can do for you, we gladly will, and in the meantime I send these words in the hope that they find you optimistic, looking forward. with much love, rajni.x.

Rajni Shah <rajni@rajnishah.com>
London, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:43 AM CDT
Dear Annie, Maggie, Claire, Joel - You must have heard by now that the soldier who attempted to save Sergio Vieira de Mello and who may have pulled Gil from the rubble is "U.S. soldier 1st Sgt. William von Zehle, a retired fire chief from Connecticut". My local paper (Wilmington News Journal) ran an AP article by D'Arcy Doran which is still referring to "a man named Gil." I am praying for that man with all my heart and for all of you as well. Much love, Marya
Marya K. Dull <mdull@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:06 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Anne, Claire and Maggie,

My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I know that you will pull through this Gil and soon you will be recovering in the wonderful Tinkerbell Cottage in Boar's Hill. To Anne, Claire and Maggie, thank you so much for the daily journals, they mean so much to us who are so far away.

Krista House (Mellon Foundation) <klh@mellon.org>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:02 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Clair and Maggie,
May I add my prayers and best wishes for a steady recovery. Our thoughts as you can see are with you often each day. we hope they are like they sunshine and help you all heal and grow together. Charlie Keely Georgetown U.

Charles B. Keely <keelyc@georgetown.edu>
Washington, , DC USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:49 AM CDT
Thanks for the updates. We're going to mention Gil in the fall issue of the Notre Dame Magazine
Ed Cohen <cohen.8@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:27 AM CDT
To the Leoscher family,

I've had the pleasure of talking with Gil in Grinnell, Oxford, Johannesburg, and Chiang Mai, and appreciate his strong commitment to both human rights issues and family.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery and reintegration with your global family.


Robert Mazur <rmazur@iastate.edu>
Ames, Iowa USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:12 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family, desperately sad and shocked at the news. My thoughts and hopes are with you all.
Pete Pearson <now@webfluid.net>
oxford, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:11 AM CDT
Dear Gil (and family), I have known Gil on and off since 1991 and to me he has always been the "gentle giant" of the International Relations world who worked methodically and seriously yet always had the time to share a laugh and a joke with you. Having let me know he was travelling to Iraq he joked that he would be back in the office on the 29th August provided the heat out there did not get to him. What a shock we all received when we heard that Gil had been injured in the terrible action last week. We all wish him as speedy a recovery as possible and his family the strength to pull him and themselves through this very difficult period. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Bill Whaley <whaley@iiss.org>
London, England - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 8:56 AM CDT
Dear Leoscher family
Like many people here, I have been reading and quoting 'Gil Loescher’ work’ for years and I felt very privileged when I met him in person in Chiang Mai. I was left with the impression of a man with great insight, humanity and compassion…

My thoughts are with you during these terribly difficult times.
With warmest thoughts and best wishes for your speedy recovery Gil.

Tatiana Garakani <garakani@un.org>
Geneva, Switzerland - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 8:46 AM CDT
Dear Gil, dear family,
When hearing the shocking news about Gil, I directly remembered the last time I saw him, with his daughters having a good time at the swimming pool after the IASFM Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It is very saddening that suddenly your lives have been turned upside down because of this hateful attack on the UN in Bagdad. I wish you lots of faith and strength. My thoughts are with you.
With warm regards, Loes van Willigen

Loes van Willigen <lvanwil@xs4all.nl>
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 8:45 AM CDT
Gil and family,
Praying for a miracle for your healing and world peace
God Bless

Rosalind Watt
Lauder, Berwickshire Scotland. UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 8:42 AM CDT
Gil & Family,
Gil, it was great meeting you in Chiang Mai, and indeed relating the man to his inspiring writings in forced migration. I admire your warm approach and intellect. I do remember your two daughters, as well. I have faith that you will soon be in those podiums again imparting knowledge in the field we all admire you for. I beleive too, that the entire forced migration fraternity is a family that is behind and praying for you this very moment. I am with them. see you soon Gil

Ekuru Aukot <Ekuru.Aukot@warwick.ac.uk>
Coventry, Kenya - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 8:27 AM CDT
Dear Loescher family,
though I had known and admired Gil's work for many years, it was only in Berlin in June this year that we met and had a proper conversation. It is very hard to reconcile the image of that gentle man, generously offering advice, with the news and images from Baghdad. I hope that he returns to strength and Oxford very soon.
I wish you all strength and courage

Liza Schuster
London, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 8:07 AM CDT
Dear Gil and his family,

My name is Susanne Schmeidl. Gil and his work were one of the most important influences to me during my grad studies and post-Ph.D. research period. He was always so supportive, and when I first met him several years back I must say he was one of the nicest people I had met. Needless to say, I was extremely shocked and distraught when I heard about the sad news from UNHCR, and I have since then be trying to find out how Gil was doing, even trying to track him down through some contacts I have in the German government. I very much appreciate that you set up this web-site and allow all of us to swamp you with e-mail. I want to let you know that all my thoughts and best wishes are with you. I admire your courage, and have to say that I am sadened by all the unecessary suffering for somebody like Gil, whoes work was dedicated to bring change in this world. It reminded me also of the vulnerability that do exist for all of us working in such environments. I want to send you my support in spirit and wish Gil all the best for his recovery, and strength for you while seeing him through. My thoughts are with you. Warmest regards, Susanne Schmeidl

Susanne Schmeidl <schmeidl@swisspeace.unibe.ch>
Kabul, Afghanistan - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:43 AM CDT
To the Loescher family,

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

With all my love and best wishes,


Jane Chanaa <jchanaa@oxfam.org.uk>
Oxford, - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:43 AM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,

Although I have not met Gil personally, his academic work is very well known to me. This website and the hundreds of messages posted are a marvellous tribute both to Gil and to his wonderfully supportive family. My thoughts are with all of you.

Jane McAdam.

Jane McAdam <jane.mcadam@law.ox.ac.uk>
Sydney, Australia - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:38 AM CDT
Dear Gil,

Just a few days ago we talked about meeting up again with James for a beer to compare notes on the latest UK developments, but you said it would have to be after your Iraq trip. I still find it hard to connect that remark with the TV pictures and the all-too-vivid images of you in hospital conjured up by this journal. Well, I won't have the benefit of your gentle wisdom as soon as I would have hoped, but I will hold you to your promise.

Meanwhile, I wish you a rapid recovery and you, Ann, Maggie and Claire much strength. Everyone who knows you here at the Refugee Council is thinking of you.


Richard Williams <richard.williams@refugeecouncil.org.uk>
London, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:36 AM CDT
Gil, our prayers are with you..and if faith can make miracles happen then you will recover...as all our faith and love is with you right now...
..We missed being taught/lectured by you at the last Forced Migration Course...you still have so much more to give to students like us..so please get better.

Priyanca Mathur Velath <pvelath@hotmail.com>
New Delhi, India - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:47 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann and family,

Below are messages ECRE has received for you from its member agencies across Europe.
You are in our thoughts.

Dear friends,

With our deepest sorrow and pain in our hearts, we have learned that life-long human rights activist Gil Loescher was injured in last week's a suicide truck bomb attack on UN headquarters in Baghdad that killed at least 20 people.

The Civic Assistance Committee and Migration Rights Network from Russia (HCR Memorial), along with other rights watchdogs, send their heart-felt regard for man who did his best to keep the world safe and free of war and inhumanity.

"We think of him all the time, and hope that he recovers well and soon. Our minds are attached to his well-being,"

Sincerely yours
Svetlana Gannushkina

(Head of the Civic Assistance Committee and the Migration Rights Network)

I was extremely sorry to hear the news about Gil. Please
forward my very best wishes and support to Gil and his family and let them know that our thoughts are with them at this difficult time.

Sally Daghlian
Chief Executive
Scottish Refugee Council

Your message about Gil Loescher was forwarded to me, although I had already
heard. Without overwhelming Gil's family at what must be an extremely
anxious time for them, I would be grateful if you could pass on my thoughts
and best wishes. I'm sure everyone who knows Gil hopes and prays for his
speedy recovery.

Richard Black
Co-editor, Journal of Refugee Studies

I'm really sorry to hear this. Save the Children is shocked by the news of the explosion, and I'm sure my colleagues would wish me to pass on best wishes from us all to Gil and his family.

Geri Mckenna <gmckenna@ecre.org>
London, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:35 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family
Please accept my sincere good wishes at this terrible time. Your strength in the face of this blow is extraordinary.

Robin Cohen <rcohen@humanities.uct.ac.za>
Cape Town, South Africa - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:30 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Claire and Margaret,
We are thinking of you all. Tel Gil how much he is in our thoughts, and that we want to welcome him back to Oxford just as soon as possible. If there is anything whatever we can do for you all, in Oxford or wherever, just let us know. All the best,

Adam and Prinkie Roberts <adam.roberts@balliol.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:18 AM CDT
Dear Gil (and family),

Words fail to live up to the way your enormous will power and admirable strength are being tested. Gil is one of the nicest people I have come into contact with, and I am very saddened that he has to endure such pain. Through a similar trauma in my own family, I can only begin to imagine what it is like for you now. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Ahmad Lutfi, IISS <lutfi@iiss.org>
London, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:13 AM CDT
I am sure you have been inundated with expressions of condolences from all the friends of Gil around the world. Please add that of mine and my family. We think of you, your family and especially Gil very often through each day. And I do not know why, but I keep regretting that my fourteen year old son did not accompany me to Thailand where he could have joined your daughter in exploring Ching Mai. Our best to you, your children and Gil.
Howard Adelman <howardadelman@rogers.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:12 AM CDT
Dear Ann and family,
We were shocked to learn the news about Gil from Lindsey; our contact with you was mainly at the carols in Jarn Garden last December (we had to make an emergency dash home across the road for extra mugs!), when we were so impressed by the way you pulled the carol singers together and ensured that everyone had a good time.
Your bulletins on Gil are a model of love, support and humour - an example to us all.
We send good wishes to all your family, and especially to Gil for a rapid recovery.
John and Diana Gordon

John Gordon <john.gordon@quercus-management.com>
Oxford, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:01 AM CDT
Dearest Maggie and family

You are in my thoughts day and night. Through these wonderful messages Maggie I am learning of all the similarities between yourself and your Dad and as each day passes I grow more and more hopeful that your love and support and that of the rest of your family will pull your Dad through this.

All my love Julesx

Julie Moggan <mogs_2002@yahoo.com>
Beaconsfield, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:56 AM CDT
Ann, Maggie and Claire

Although I have never met you I just wanted to send you my heart felt support at what must be a truly horrendous time for you all. Although I do not know Gil very well, as someone who has followed his work closely as a student and for many years since, I feel strangely as though I do. Both he and his work have been inspirational to me and I wanted to send him, and you, all the very best for what I know will be a long and difficult road to recovery.

This website is a testimony to the respect which so many people have for Gil - both as a person and as a professional

Very best wishes


Heaven Crawley <h.crawley@ippr.org>
London, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:56 AM CDT
My prayers and thoughts are with you and your Family at this time wishing you a speedy recovery

Jean Wilson
London, England - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:34 AM CDT
Dear Claire, Maggie,Anne, and Gil
We want to offer you our best wishes and support during this difficult time. We were shocked when we heard of the tragedy in Baghdad, but it is a testimony to Gils bravery that he was working out there at this time. He is so courageous in his fight to recover, and we hope that the family can take comfort from this. Although we only met Gil once at a party in London he made a huge impression on both Ratna and I. We are thinking of you all,
all our love, Ratna and Edward

Edward and Ratna Bowman <nyenbu@hotmail.com>
London, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:31 AM CDT
The whole family is rooting for you all for the strength and healing and our prayers are with you all
Lyn Sanders <sandersC4@hotmail.co.uk>
oxford, England - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:09 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Anne, Maggie and Claire

What a family. Each of you, a part of the other. All of you reaching out. You've been such an important part of my recent year at Oxford: supportive, thoughtful, relentlessly smiling. The garden, its wild flowers and herbs, growing wilder under your care. The gentle chiding of your voices (over the fence), filtering into Tinkerbell. Magical items, a fire-poker, a new salad bowl, a light, appearing over night. Gil, I remember strolling through the woods with you in Thailand, your wisdom revealed. You're are such an inspiration to so many. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I'm so looking forward to seeing you.

With love. Rob Muggah, Geneva

Robert <muggah@hei.unige.ch>
Geneva, Switzerland - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:02 AM CDT
Hello to you all
Ive just logged on and am relieved to see the progress. With so much love and humour around you Gil, you are bound to make speedy progress.We all talk about you around home Gil, and are sending the strongest positive thoughts we can.
You can rest assured that things at home are just fine. We are all pulling together..Petes chopped up the wood piles and stump and James has been doing a pretty fine Alan Titmarsh impression and the new tree is looking lovely..its been lovingly watered and fed and everyday it looks a bit better.In my mind I call him Gil and talk to him every morning. Its futile trying to make sense of all of this, its beyond rationalisation and its so terribly cruel.But I know Gil that you WILL pull through and hurry up and come home to us all, you great big gentle bear.
Jessica sends her love ..she is not aware of the full horror of what happened and she now thinks you are in Germany working. Allthough she has only recently got to know you , your gentle face and manner has made a huge impression in a very short time...but there again that's you! We are all deeply affected and saddened but find the funny bits on the bulletins most welcome, ( thanks for those girls!).Let me know if theres anything we can do this end that we are not already doing. Charlie is fine too and is enjoying having company and Im going to write to Margaret and Maddy soon to keep the circle going.
Ill write again soon with more mundane stuff about home to keep you sane. Much love to you all Lindseyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

lindsey needham <needhamla@yahoo.co.uk>
oxford, - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 4:45 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Maggie and family.

I can only offer my thoughts at this time. I hope you are all coping, hospitals have a way of forcing you into a routine which I hope offers you all some structure both in gils recovery and keeps your hopes up. My thoughts especially are with you Maggie who I love and miss and I know you are a really brave person, and being your fathers daughter I'm sure he gave you many of these qualities which will undoubtably help him at this time.
Please get in touch if you want to, I can call any time, and be around oxford in two hours, so please just shout if there is anything I can do.

all my love to you all.

ruth allan <ruth.allan@citylife.co.uk>
manchester, uk - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 4:15 AM CDT
Dear Gil and all your family,
It only takes skimming through the guest book entries to see what a world-wide supporters group you have. In a country hotel in Sussex this past weekend we met an old friend, just by chance, and whom should he be talking about but Gil Loescher, connected to you all by another route entirely. We are all praying for your well-being, and for you to be able to come home to Oxford as soon as possible. We miss you.


Nancy Kenny <nancy.kenny@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford , UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 4:04 AM CDT
Gil (and family),

I wasn't surprised that a selfless, top-shelf professional like you was in the thick of the danger in Iraq, but I so wish that you'd been spared the horrible proof that has been visited on you. You and your family have my most hopeful thoughts as you recover.

All my best,

Jonathan Stevenson <stevenson@iiss.org>
London, UK - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 3:53 AM CDT
dear Gil and family, i work with Jeff Crisp at UNHCR and have often welcomed Gil to jeff's office (jeff was never there but always turned up, sensing gil's presence i think !). Gil has such a quiet strength that i know he's working hard inside to get better and return to his family and friends. i spoke of him recently when i was visiting my parents in northern cyprus .. the vicar, Anthony Fletcher mentioned Gil, and i told him of Gil's frequent visits and constant links with UNHCR. Lots of people at UNHCR are thinking of Gil and sending good wishes for his recovery as soon as possible. The website is a great success - i almost feel i'm at his bedside too. best wishes to all of you. sue.
sue mulcock
geneva, - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 3:22 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family, I remember Gil from the three or four times we met in North Carolina and Oxford, the last time on the London-Oxford bus....over coffee he gave me good ideas for an article; in a coffee shop, we spoke of South Africa and his daughters...although I never got to know him too well, I think of him as a gentle giant...he will pull through. With love and support to you Gil, family and friends.
Randa Farah <rfarah2@uwo.ca>
London, Ontario Canada - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 0:10 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Anne, Maggie and Claire,

My thoughts are with you day and night. I wish you all the strength in the world to get through this difficult time. I know you will.


Jasmin Chakeri <jchakeri@worldbank.org>
Jakarta, Indonesia - Monday, August 25, 2003 11:58 PM CDT
The Loeschers,

Sarah and I were saddened when James informed us of Gil's injuries, and our thoughts are with you at this trying time. Although we met you only briefly during our stay with James in Boar's Hill, we were struck by the warmth and joie de vivre that you all share, on and off the ball field. These are some of the qualities that we are sure will get you through the challenges you will face in the weeks and months ahead.

Michael Ghert <mghert@telus.net>
Calgary, Canada - Monday, August 25, 2003 11:08 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Anne, Maggie and Claire,

I am very sad with those terrible news. I admire his work, and though I know him very little personally I have, since South Africa, observed his love and care for his daughters. I had a nice talk with one of his daughters in Chiang Mai, and in my mind I have the image of the three of you leaving for a visit to a temple.Here in Brazil I am wishing to help you in this difficult moment.

Heloisa Szymanski <hszymanski@uol.com.br>
São Paulo, SP Brazil - Monday, August 25, 2003 10:52 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Annie, Margaret, and Claire,
It has been many years since I have seen you, but I do remember you! I always refer to Annie as my godmother because you are! and although we are usually only in touch through holiday cards you have been in my thoughts over the years. Mom (Judy) called me Saturday morning as soon as she learned of Gil's injuries from Margie, and we were devasted. War just sucks (excuse the ugly Americanism!). But life is a beautiful. Our thoughts, prayers, and hopes are with you all. I look forward to continued updates on this web site and hope to get to know you all through the wonder of electronic communications. I remember meeting Margaret when she was a baby and I was probably 10, in Essex, CT...it was someone's birthday because there was cake, which Margaret made a huge mess of! I remember thinking how funny that was. (A few weeks ago we were on a family vacation in Connecticut and drove through Essex, and I thought of and spoke of Annie, Gil, et al, Uncle Floyd and Aunt Ann. Isn't that interesting?) We then saw you again at Jill and George's in Bethesda, MD, in the early 1980's. I remember there being very interesting, intellectual conversations over dinner! Gram (Aunt Ginny) is very concerned about Gil and the whole family, and though she does not have e-mail (actually, she probably has no idea what e-mail is, which is too bad for her because it would be perfect for her since she is significantly hard of hearing although will not admit it!) Mom and I will keep her up-to-date. As you can tell I have nothing all that interesting to say, nothing particularly moving to share, no great thoughts to bring forth except that we are thinking about and praying for you often. We wish we could say or do more.
Love, Brynne Ballentine Fisher (Judy's daughter, Ginny's granddaughter), Dave Fisher and kids, Layne and Cleve

Brynne Ballentine Fisher <brynne@yourcardsolution.com>
Tega Cay, SC USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 10:38 PM CDT
Dearest Gil and Family,
My name is Nancy Nino Cooper. My brother Isaias is married to your niece Bridget Loescher-Nino. Bridget has spoken of you in the past. She told me she had an Uncle that lives in England. My husband is British, his family lives in Cleveleys, a small town near Blackpool. I have been to England several times never knowing who you were and what you were about. I sat here in tears reading all the wonderful things people had to say about you. You are a rarity to say the least. I am proud to say that you are family and that I know someone with such courage and care for humanity. God Bless you and keep you. I will join my niece Nikki in a prayer for you tonight.
Take Care,
The Coopers in the USA

Nancy Nino Cooper <COOPERSUSA@COX.NET>
Mesa, Az USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 9:45 PM CDT
Dear Anne, Claire & Maggie...
We think of you and Gil everyday...we pray every night...there are no words to express this tradgedy...just know that we are here for you anytime day or night...it seems just like yesterday he was dancing at our wedding...we were so happy to have him there sharing in our joy and that is how we will continue to think of him...dancing, laughing and enjoying his family...
We love you Gil and pray for your safe recovery and return home!
Our love goes out...Joe & Anne Marie Loescher
Concord, CA

JOE & ANNE MARIE LOESCHER <loescherland@sbcglobal.net>
concord, concord 94519 - Monday, August 25, 2003 9:39 PM CDT
My Dear Cousins,
May God bless you all,and may the strengh of your will, and the strengh of Jesus bring a swift recovery to Gil.
Our prayers are countles.

FLSTNLIMIT <loescher1@hotmail.com>
Burlingame , Ca USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 9:31 PM CDT
Annie, Maggie and Claire- My thoughts and love for you and Gil are constant. As I think of him I know that his life of kindness and caring for others will go on. As I am thanking God for my own recovery just a few weeks after brain surgery I am believing he will have this chance as well. He has given, given, given to all of us and now I know he will recieve. I send you all my love and hope for your strength to continue. Much Love, Martha
Martha Dull <MarthaDull@cs.com>
LaBelle, Fl USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 8:43 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Margaret and Claire,
We are in a state of shock at Centre for Refugee Studies -York University that barbarities about which we have read endlessly not only in Iraq but throughout this troubled world should now befall one who has laboured so tirelessly for betterment of the world's displaced and those ravaged by conflict. This irony lies beyond our comprehension.
Gil, you are in all our warmest thoughts and prayers for strength to bring you through this arduous recovery. We know that your family - Ann, Margaret and Claire - will give you the warmth and support that will assure your conquering yet another - unique - challenge.
Please know that my colleagues, especially Peter Penz and Lawrence Lam, who remember you fondly from your visits to York, join me in offering you our hearfelt and warmest wishes.
Nos meilleurs sentiments les plus affectueux de vos amis canadiens, cher Gil!

Michael Lanphier <lanphier@yorku.ca>
Toronto, ON Canada - Monday, August 25, 2003 8:33 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,

The whole of the IISS is devastated by what has happened, and I just wanted to let you know, Gil, that you are very much in our thoughts and prayers. Mine in particular, since Gil's office is right next to mine, and the corridor is very much the smaller and emptier for the lack of our chats and exchanges about life and times en route to the printer or water cooler - especially your amazing insights and good humour, and most recently tales of your house move: reading other messages here, I see that Boars Hill loves you as much you love Boars Hill!

Of all the gentlest and most admired of people for this to happen to - an admiration only increased by all of you keeping us informed like this, at all hours. It's a tremendous relief to hear that Gil is in the good hands of such an amazingly courageous family.

Premature to say this, I know, but feel free to contact me at any time should Gil need anything out of his office, or messages sent or responded to: (020) 7 395 9175

With my very best wishes,


Claire Spencer <spencer@iiss.org>
London, UK - Monday, August 25, 2003 8:26 PM CDT
Dear Gil and Family,
I had the pleasure to welcome you all in Chiang Mai last January for the IASFM Conference I helped organized, and I had known Gil's inspiring writings for almost two decades. I add my thoughts and prayers to those of the many friends, colleagues, students and admirers who have expressed their solidarity.

Francois Crepeau <francois.crepeau@umontreal.ca>
Montreal, Quebec Canada - Monday, August 25, 2003 8:23 PM CDT
Dear All
Having heard such wonderful things about the family from Joel, and having met Maggie, I am sorry that my first contact with you comes in these circumstances. Please rest assured that we are all sending really positive vibes to you all, across the Atlantic. Being a doctor who has worked in intensive care units, your wonderful prose made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. That is exactly how it is, but I have never seen it so eloquently expressed.

I have spoken to colleagues in both England and here and really the opinion seems to be that Walter Reed is the best in the early few weeks.I'm sorry that I cant be more specific - and of course, each individual case is different, but numbers wise they have probably more experience.

I said to Joel, and I reiterate to all of you - please feel free to call any time of the day or night. 001 847 486 8866 or cell 001 630 660 4711.

Our love and prayers are winging their way over.
Sue and Art

Sue Zilberstein <suezilberstein@yahoo.com>
- Monday, August 25, 2003 7:49 PM CDT
The Brookings-SAIS Project on Internal Displacement extends heartfelt and warmest wishes to Gil for his recovery. I've known Gil from the early days of the human rights movement when he was at Notre Dame and organized one of the first human rights conferences and edited one of the first books on human rights and foreign policy. It was exciting because we were both pioneers at that time together. Since then, I've followed Gil's outstanding work for refugee protection, and his overall brilliant commentaries on humanitarian emergencies. When our paths cross, it's always such a pleasure to talk. Gil, you are in my daily thoughts and prayers.
Roberta Cohen <rcohen@brookings.edu>
Washington DC, USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 7:03 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,

When someone like Gil, who has been such a beacon of humanity, is struck in this way, there seems to be no way of making sense of the world. But Gil's decades of service to committed scholarship are an answer to the barbarism and blundering which have lead to this pass. In these terrible times, our thoughts go out to you, and we pray that Gil will soon be in a position again to share his insights and his judgment with us.

William Maley

William Maley, Australian National University and Refugee Council of Australia <william.maley@anu.edu.au>
Canberra, ACT Australia - Monday, August 25, 2003 7:01 PM CDT
We are truly saddened by this tragedy. Our prayer and thoughts will always be with Gil and his cause for world peace.
Kwan S. Kim, former colleague at the Kellogg Institute <kwan.s.kim.1@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 7:00 PM CDT
Dear Loescher Family:
I was fortunate enough to work with Gil here at Notre Dame. His legacy, in the form of wisdom, loving students, and the impact on all of us, is profound - I know that the world paused when this terrible bombing took place. Gil has always been in the front line. So many times his standing forward has taught us all to be advocates of change, and this time is no exception. I celebrate your loving updates, and send my love and encouragement
as Gil's new life takes shape.

Martha Merritt <mmerritt@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 5:40 PM CDT
Dear Maggie and family, You are in my happy thoughts and prayers. I had a lovely time visiting you at Boars Hill with my daughter Ruth around Christmastime a year or two ago. I have thought of you Maggie each time I've read a William Carlos Williams poem and am sorry I have not yet sent the pictures associated with the poems in the book I think I told you about. With love from Jane
Jane Strange <aquu78@dsl.pipex.com>
London, U.K. - Monday, August 25, 2003 4:59 PM CDT
Dear Gil:

I wanted to spend this time telling you about your daughter, Maggie. The imprint she left on me when we first met seems so disproportionately large to the time we actually spent together--you never forget a person like that. I guess I am writing what you probably already know: that Maggie is a wonderful human being. (I guess it doesn't hurt mentioning it again, right?)

If it wasn't clear to me when I met Maggie, it is definitely clear to me now that one of the fundamental reasons she is just so special is because she has your genes! and, of course, her mother's, too. I can only tell you that with Maggie you have given a gift not only to yourself, but to people like me, who are lucky enough to befriend her.

Gil, I look forward to meeting you in person sometime soon, so I can tell you more stories about Maggie.

Alpesh Patel <apatel@newmuseum.org>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 4:44 PM CDT
My dear Gil,
As Ann, Margaret, and Claire know how devastated we are by what has happened, this is a record for you that Jillian and my prayers are among the legion that are and have been winging their way upwards and outwards to you and for you. I look forward to seeing you back in Oxford.

Love and innumerable positive thoughts to all of you.

Laila and Jillian Monahan <LTMonahan@aol.com>
Oxford, England - Monday, August 25, 2003 4:43 PM CDT
As a former student of Gil's in refugee studies at Oxford, I was deeply impressed by his vast knowledge, enduring passion, and supreme gentleness. Just like so many others have expressed, he is an amazing individual and my thoughts are with him and his family during this time.
kaysie studdard <studdard@ipacademy.org>
new york, ny usa - Monday, August 25, 2003 4:12 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers,

Thanks for the informative--and encouraging--updates. Margaret and I will be in England beginning in January for about four months. We look forward to seeing Gil back at home and on the mend.

Our thoughts are with you always,
John and Margaret

John and Margaret Scanlan <johnascanlan@comcast.net>
South Bend, In 46615 - Monday, August 25, 2003 4:11 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers
You have been in my thoughts all the time since we at ECRE heard what happened last week. Gil you are a wonderful man and we are all enormously fond of you. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Friends, family and Muswell Hill Methodist Church are also praying for you.
Your ex-office mate

Katy Fletcher, ECRE <katy.fletcher@blueyonder.co.uk>
London, - Monday, August 25, 2003 4:03 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are constantly with you. We are amazed by this site and the overwhelming love, support and strength that eminates from it. We pray that with this, together with the help of the team around you, you will soon be back to adding to and enriching so many people's lives.
David & Larissa Adler
London, - Monday, August 25, 2003 4:01 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret, and Claire,

Thanks so much for your entries on this web page. It keeps us close even when we are far away. Across mountains and oceans, Gil is ever in our thoughts, our hearts. He is close. We are with him.

Bill Frelick <bfrelick@aiusa.org>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 3:52 PM CDT
I just sent this to the Washington Post:

To the Editor,

In an article last week on the bombing in Baghdad ("Don't Let Them Pull the U.N. Out of Iraq," Aug. 23), the author refers to two people trapped after the explosion. One was Sergio Viera de Mello, and the other person was referred to simply as "Gil." I am surprised the author of the article did not try to find out who "Gil" was. Perhaps the author thought that only the head of the UN mission was important and worthy of mention?

That other person was Gil Loescher. He was my advisor in graduate school, and is an insightful observer of human rights, refugee, and humanitarian affairs, and a tireless advocate for a more humane international system and foreign policy. He is a mentor and friend to me and many others, and has worked long and hard, both from within as a consultant and without as an analyst and critic, to make the UN (and in particular the UN High Commissioner for Refugees) a better, more effective place which serves the most vulnerable. He was in Iraq reporting on the human cost of the war in Iraq (all too often ignored by the powers that be) for openDemocracy.net.

The last I heard, he had sustained very severe injuries, but had a chance of surviving. Regardless, he is one more casualty of George Bush's war. President Bush has now made the UN itself a target. Which known or unknown individuals will next be caught in the aftermath of this illegal and immoral war?

Kurt Mills, Ph.D.
Dept. of Political Science
Gettysburg College
Gettysburg, PA 17325

Kurt Mills <namaqualand2003@yahoo.com>
Gettysburg, PA USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 3:40 PM CDT
Dear Maggie and family, Though I only know Maggie (and Ann via e-mail) through her connection to the family of poet William Carlos Williams and her film-in-progress about Williams, I have learned what a wonderful, close-knit and talented group you are. I cannot imagine what Gil is going through and what you as a family are going through at his side. I know from my own experience with my late husband that the strength and comfort you are giving Gil is all important and also how much the messages sent by friends around the world can mean. You are doing everything right from what I have read in the diary. My thoughts and every good wish go out to you. And I am spreading the word through the poet community so that their thoughts and words can join mine in supporting all of you in this most difficult time. I sent you much love, Peggy Fox/New Directions Publishing

Peggy Fox <pfox@ndbooks.com>
New York, NY USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 3:26 PM CDT
To the Loescher Clan,

I was completely shocked and horrified when I heard the news last week. And I guess I've held off writing because I didn't want to deal with this. Gil was my advisor at ND and has been a colleague and friend since then. My thoughts are with you, as are the thoughts of many other people I've talked with all around the world in recent days.


Kurt Mills <namaqualand2003@yahoo.com>
Gettysburg, PA USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 3:19 PM CDT
Dear beautiful Loeschers,
You are all very much in my thoughts and prayer, especially my favorite giant. Gil, you were one of my most treasured "customers" at Educational Media dating back to when your daughters were babies. Please know that your name is written in the prayer book at Little Flower Church where the parishioners take very seriously these requests. The next issue of the newsletter of my Kentucky Dominican Sisters will also have a request for prayer for you.

Elaine DesRosiers, OP <Elaine DesRosiers.1@nd.edu>
Mishawaka, IN 46545 - Monday, August 25, 2003 3:04 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
Since I heard through IIPS lines of your injuries, you've been in my prayers. Gil touches so many lives - I worship in a small Mennonite congregation, and this Sunday when you were lifted up in prayer, we discovered that three of us know Gil through different circles. I hope that this wide community that Gil has created with his special spirit can be a source of strength for you as you heal together. Peace,

Katy Gray Brown <kgbrown@umn.edu>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 2:52 PM CDT
Dear Gil and Family,

I have known Gil only through his remarkable and authoritative work on behalf of the world's refugees. He may not know how far and wide his work and influence are known and felt, but whenever I read his words I thought he must be an extraordinary man -- and reading this guestbook proves that as well as the fact that he has an extraordinary family.

Wishing you all peace and love and a speedy recovery to Gil.

Alison Parker, Director of Refugee Policy (Acting), Human Rights Watch <parkera@hrw.org>
New York, NY - Monday, August 25, 2003 2:44 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
In these difficult moments, I would like to send my hopes and prayers for Gil's recovery. Gil is not only known as a great scholar, he is also a very kind and approachable person. You are in our thoughts.

Agnes Hurwitz, Refugee Studies Centre <agnes.hurwitz@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
- Monday, August 25, 2003 2:43 PM CDT
Gil, Ann, Margaret and Claire,

You are all in our prayers as you inch toward recovery and wholeness of spirit. We are shocked at the depth of hatred toward innocent people, and yet more comforted by the great love of so many others.

Carla was remembering playing with the girls and wearing cat noses and faces on one afternoon. As a child on Riverside Dr., she thought your tree house was the absolute coolest thing in the neighborhood (including Leeper Park)!

Thank you for providing this opportunity to express our love and concern for you all. You will remain in our thoughts and prayers.

Peace to you, Margie Yarger

Margie and Tom Yarger <myarger@saintmarys.edu>
Granger, IN USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 2:33 PM CDT
To Gil and Family:

Hope that every day brings further improvement. This website and the many messages from loved ones, friends, and admirers like myself who know you primarily from your work are a testament to the contribution you make to humankind.

With my esteem and sincere wishes for recovery,

Hiram Ruiz, U.S. Committee for Refugees <hruiz@irsa-uscr.org>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 2:30 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Maggie and Claire,
We are all holding our breaths, hoping that things improve for you soon. Having read Gil's work for years, I finally met Gil, Maggie and Claire in Chiang Mai in January, riding in the van to our hotel after a very long flight. Good luck and speedy healing.

Laura Hammond, Clark University <lhammond@clarku.edu>
Worcester,, MA USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 2:03 PM CDT
Dear Gil

This is Hoi Trinh, one of your students last year at Oxford RSC. We talked a lot about the UNHCR and how they dealt with stateless Vietnamese remaining in the Philippines, remember?

Anyway, I am still in Manila and using all the knowledge I have, some of which must be given credit to you, to advance refugee rights. For that I and many others must thank you.

When you have recovered, please consider coming to the Philippines and rest for a while at one of the many beautiful beach resorts. I and many Vietnamese refugees promise we will look after you well.

Praying for you and your family


Hoi TRINH <hoi@hoitrinh.com>
Manila, Philippines - Monday, August 25, 2003 1:34 PM CDT

I am Bernadette, the daughter of your neighbour's Margaret and Chris Doyle. I have just heard the news about Gil and my mum and dad haven't heard yet as they return from Crete tomorrow. I know that they would want to send their love, and will write themselves as soon as they get back.

I haven't ever spoken to Gil, but often noticed him walking past our house with his unique lolloping walk and a friendly nod in our direction. It is heartbreaking to realise that this is a sight I won't see again. It is hard to make sense of something like this.

Recently mum and dad had some friends over for some Irish music and dancing and I know that Ann really enjoyed the music. Tonight Irish music will be playing again in the Doyle house in honour of Gil.

With all my heart

Bernadette Doyle

Bernadette Doyle <berni@netcomuk.co.uk>
Oxford, England - Monday, August 25, 2003 1:17 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
My hopes and prayers are with all of you for Gil's recovery. I am an economist in the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame, and got to know Gil through attending seminars together in the Kellogg and Kroc Institutes. I just wanted to let you know that my family and I are thinking about you constantly. We are praying for you. And we are praying for the continued strength of your family in supporting your recovery. Our love and support are with you at Notre Dame.

Jeff Bergstrand <Bergstrand.1@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, Indiana USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 1:14 PM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,
Thank you for allowing us to follow Gil's progress after the trouble in Bagdad. We are glad he seems to be getting along well, and admire his, and your, courage.We remember you all so well from our previous life at UND and on Park Ave, and especially from hearing of the good work Gil was always doing. You are all in our daily thoughts and prayers.
Maurice and Eugenia Schwartz

Maurice and Eugenia Schwartz <schwartz.1@nd.edu>
Greensboro, NC USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 1:10 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,

I’m thinking of you all and wishing you strength and hope. Gil’s work as a teacher played an important role in my graduate education at Notre Dame, and his compassion, humility, and dedication to humanitarian work was—and still is—a great inspiration to me. I know that Gil’s work continues to influence mine and many other classrooms of his former students. Thanks, Gil.

Jackie Smith <jackie.smith@sunysb.edu>
Stony Brook, NY USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 1:09 PM CDT
Professor Loescher and family:
I was in South Bend over the past few days delivering my freshman daughter, Michelle,to ND when I heard the news at the home of Dr. Charles Parnell where we were staying. It was with the deepest sadness that I took in the news especially at a time when my son, Patrick, had just been sent to Iraq.
Professor Loescher was truly an inspiration when I was in graduate school at ND. Immigration issues have formed the core of my research as a university professor. I would like you to know that part of that can be attributed to him.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Gabriel, Cecilia, Patrick and Michelle Manrique

Cecilia Manrique, Ph.D. ND '83 <manrique.ceci@uwlax.edu>
Winona, MN USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 12:55 AM CDT
August 25, 2003
Dear Gil, Ann, Margaret and Claire,
I'm your neighbor and friend from South Bend. I've been thinking of you non-stop after hearing about the dreadful bombing. I've seen again Maggie and Claire playing around the house and Gil sitting in his chair in the garden reading, while Ann and I chat about flowers. I think of shovelling the snow together in winter, and giving rides to Gil in my old car so that we aren't too late for class. I'm singing for Gil too.
Love to you all,

Diana Matthias <Matthias.2@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 12:11 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers All,
I know of you via Maggie, and how precious you all are to each other, and especially now to Gil. My prayers and many lit candles go out for your family, and for Gil's recovery. Stay strong and loving.

Diane Zervas Hirst <zervashirst@clara.co.uk>
London, United Kingdom - Monday, August 25, 2003 11:49 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Maggie and Claire,
Through the Journal of Refugee Studies, IASFM and many book projects, I have come to know Gil over the years, and to meet Maggie and Claire. My thoughts are with you all. The strength of your family, and support of your friends are heartwarming to see at this time of tragedy.
James told me that you may be moved to Washington in the next weeks: please be assured of all the support and assistance we can offer if this does indeed happen.
Warmest wishes

Joanne van Selm <jvanselm@migrationpolicy.org>
Washington, DC - Monday, August 25, 2003 11:48 AM CDT
I was so shocked and saddened to hear this wretched news, which reached me only a couple of days ago, & just wanted to send love and encouragement to you all, and particularly to Maggie and Joel - your friends in London are thinking of you constantly and wishing you continuing strength. Fondest love to you both, and to all the Loescher family.
Chris Goode <cpt@dircon.co.uk>
London, UK - Monday, August 25, 2003 11:29 AM CDT
I am another former student of Prof. Loescher's, from the Forced Migration course last year, who benefited much from his work. The news from around the world this week has been grim, and the fact that one of those incidents affected someone I knew to be so dedicated to helping others has made it particularly distressing. But I'm confident that all the messages of support and love - and the knowledge of the impact he has had on so many people - will help him pull through. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Zuzanna Olszewska
Warsaw, Poland - Monday, August 25, 2003 11:11 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Margaret and Claire, Just a note to tell you how much you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Peri has kept me informed about the situation at Landstuhl. It sounds as if Gil is receiving the best of care. I hope and pray you will see daily progress. Take care and remember to rest when you can. Gil needs your strength. With love, Isabel Charles
Isabel Charles <icharles@nd.edu>
South Bend, In USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 11:01 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you struggle to recover from your injuries. It is so hard to understand the nature of the violence and hate that would do such a thing to you and other aid workers, but unfortunately it is getting easier and easier very day.
I can't say, Gil, that I know you well. I know your excellent work better. However, you may remember that you were kind enough to appear on my radio program on WSND-FM to talk about the plight of refugees in the world - one of most enlightening discussions in ten years on the air. Thank you again for that.
Know that we will keep you in our prayers on campus.
Peter Lombardo

Peter Lombardo <plombard@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 10:45 AM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,

My thoughts and prayers have been with you ever since I heard that Gil was injured in the bombing. I was very lucky to have Gil as an advisor at the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford in 2001. Before meeting him, I had read all his books and many other works on refugee issues.

As I think about his condition, I am reminded that one of his greatest assets (for those who knew him professionally and academically), is his mind. He is a brilliant man. I sincerely pray that his mental fortitude will allow him to both enjoy your presence and realize the strength from within to get through this.

Let Gil know that so many people are thinking about him right now. Everyone in the humanitarian community, and particularly those who care about refugees, are thinking about your family.

With best wishes-

Sarah Petrin <consult@sarahpetrin.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 10:19 AM CDT
Dear Professor Loescher and Family--

I am a former student. Know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. May God give you the strength to continue serving his cause. Peace and love,

Dennis P. Deters, Notre Dame '97 <ddeters@schroederlaw.com>
Cincinnati, OH USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 10:05 AM CDT
Dear Loeschers -
Gil was my faculty advisor at Oxford during Michaelmas 2001, and I learned a tremendous amount about refugee and asylum issues from him. I found him to be a unique mix of strength - intellectual and moral - and compassion. Although badly injured, no bomb could take the part of him that makes him so exceptional.

I am in the US military stationed at the Pentagon. Please let me know when/if Gil is transferred to Walter Reed or Bethesda - and let me know if there is anything you'd like me to do on this end.

Also, we are gearing up for our big annual fund-raising drive at the Pentagon. Is there a particular charity that your family would like us to make donations too? Perhaps Fisher House?

Our thoughts and prayers are with Gil and all of you.

Ted McCleskey

Ted McCleskey <tmccleskey@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 9:57 AM CDT
Dear Gil,

Love and Prayers from Mats, Dominique and Ingrid. I've been meaning to introduce you to Ingrid for some time now (she's nearly two years old)and we also have lots and lots of things to talk about. So here in Blackheath we're all anxiously, though confidently, awaiting your speedy recovery.

To Ann, Margaret, Claire and Joel: please let us now if there is anything at all that we can do to help.

All the very best,
Mats, Dominique and Ingrid

Mats <berdalm@aol.com>
London, - Monday, August 25, 2003 9:51 AM CDT
Dear Ann and family,
We were so sorry to hear the news about Gil. You and your family have been in David's and my thoughts almost non stop. Something like this forces you to think about so many things. We haven't told Sophia as we can't even begin to explain the hatred behind such an action. I believe in the power of positive thinking and continue to send you all positive thoughts.

much love, Erika, David, Sophia and Cormac

Erika Robertson <erikarobertson@hotmail.com>
- Monday, August 25, 2003 9:40 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Gil, Margaret, Claire and Joel
Tim and I are thinking about you all. Your strength combined is a marvellous thing and we are so glad that Gil is aware of your presence through these difficult days. If there is anything at all that we can do from this end, please let us know. much love from Rosemary and Tim

Rosemary Foot <rosemary.foot@sant.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, Oxon U.K. - Monday, August 25, 2003 9:19 AM CDT
gil's colleagues and friends here at tufts send our best wishes, thoughts, and prayers to gil and his family. you are all very much on our hearts.
larry minear <larry.minear@tufts.edu>
medford, mass usa - Monday, August 25, 2003 8:37 AM CDT
Dear Gil and Ann,
In this week of incredible sadness, we can only take strength from that same strength that you and Gil and the family are showing now. It is so good to see you all surrounded by messages of hope and faith. You are very much in our thoughts and prayers.
Guy Goodwin-Gill and Sharon Rusu

sharon rusu <srusu@digitalsmile.com>
oxford, UK - Monday, August 25, 2003 8:13 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann and all those marvellous Loeschers standing firm together,

in the wake of madness, it is wonderful to learn of your family strength.Though I have not had the possibility to meet Gil in person, his prolific writings on refugee protection have inspired me in my humanitarian endeavors. He is a gifted refugee advocate, respected scholar and a much-needed voice in an era of polarization of violence.

Keep up the spirits:our prayers are with you.

Henk Van Goethem & family

Henk Van Goethem, Project Coordinator, Reach Out training programme on refugee protection <henk.vangoethem@ifrc.org>
Geneva, - Monday, August 25, 2003 7:07 AM CDT
Dear Gil,Anne,Maggie, Claire and Joel

I was away from Geneva when I heard that you, Gil, had been injured in the blast. Until this morning, I only had gotten bits of information and then I got a hold of this site. How strangely uplifting in the midst of such a sad time to read your entries. The Spirit is clearly alive and shining forth with hope and love. This is comforting to us as we try understand what has happened; it inspires us to renew our commitments for working for justice and peace in our world particularly for all who are affected by violence. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers for the days to come. I wish I could add my voice to your chorus. Sing away, friends.

Joel <schr@ifrc.org>
- Monday, August 25, 2003 6:16 AM CDT
We are strangers to you but close friends of the Chalfens and have been so moved by your web site, strengh and love, we feel we would like you to know that we are thinking of you all and wishing Gil a speedy recovery.

alex and harvey collis <alexcarol@btopenworld.com>
london, England - Monday, August 25, 2003 5:50 AM CDT
To Ann and family.
We were horrified to hear the news and our thoughts and prayers are with you all. The mood at St Peter's yesterday was solemn. Do let us know if there is anything we can do -in the meantime, we think of you all and hope for good progress.

John Hewitt <john.hewitt@wadham.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, Oxon UK - Monday, August 25, 2003 5:37 AM CDT
Dear Gil and Ann,
As you may know I am chairman of the Boars Hill Association and in addition to the message from Patricia and me personally, I want to re-iterate on behalf of all of the members of the BHA how distressed we are and how much you are in our thoughts.
Best wishes.

John Simms

John Simms <Frasersimms@aol.com>
Oxford, England - Monday, August 25, 2003 5:33 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family,

Shock, horror, but most of all sadness is what occupies our minds these days because of what happened in Baghdad almost one week ago now. My thoughts go out to you Gil, and your family, and I wish you all the courage and strength that you need in these days. The refugee world has such a fine advocate in you, Gil.

Ed Schenkenberg van Mierop, ICVA <ed.schenkenberg@icva.ch>
Versoix, Switzerland - Monday, August 25, 2003 5:05 AM CDT
Anne,Maggie, claire and Joel,

Thanks for this page. We feel very proud and encouraged by Gil's progress thus far. Please tell him to keep at it. His praise for his girls cannot stop ringing in our ears..."there is no greater blessing than having daughters... " what with a personal orchestra around! Please keep it up, girls.

prayers and hugs to you all.

Monica Kathina Juma and Peter Kagwanja <jumakm2002@yahoo.com>
Pretoria, Gauteng South Africa - Monday, August 25, 2003 5:04 AM CDT
Dear Professor Loescher,
I only found out what happened to you last night when my friend Heba called me. Heba and I were both in your class in the Kroc Institute in 1995. I am now working for the United Nations in Beirut, Heba is running an NGO here. But we are only two of the so many people who are doing what they are doing because they were taught, guided, touched by you. Please recover soon ...

Beatrijs Elsen <elsen@un.org>
Beirut, Lebanon - Monday, August 25, 2003 5:02 AM CDT
Dear Gil and Ann,
Patricia has just spoken to Lindsey and we have realised for the first time that Gil was involved in the awful attack in Iraq. We have read all of the wonderful messages of support that have flooded in on the website and want to add our own. Obviously our thoughts and very best wishes are with you and if there is anything practical that we can do to help here in Boars Hill, please do let us know.
John and Patricia Simms

John and Patricia Simms <Frasersimms@aol.com>
Oxford, England - Monday, August 25, 2003 4:57 AM CDT
Dear Ann and Family
We prayed for all of you today at St Peter's Church in Wootton. Many people were cocerned to know about Gil's progress and I managed to get the web address into our Sunday notice sheet. The main reading was from Ephesians and "The whole armour of God" it speaks of standing firm with the belt of truth buckled around your waist. I was able to say that it was for the truth that Gil was in Iraq. The reading concludes with a call for constant prayer. We at St Peter's will try to povide that constancy.
With our love and blessings John Cooper and the family of St P's

Rev John cooper
Oxford, UK - Monday, August 25, 2003 4:54 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Anne, Maggie, Claire and all the many people who are caring for Gil,

It is good to know that Gil is getting such strong and caring support at this difficult time and heartening to hear how well you are all doing and coping – with both the ups and the downs. I am sure it makes a vital difference to Gil to have his family and friends so warmly and closely around him, as well of course as the many nurses and doctors who are caring for his physical well-being. I do not know Gil well but he was on the academic advisory board for the UNHCR’s “The State of the World’s Refugees”, back in 2000, when I was also working on the book. When he came over to Geneva for one of the advisory group meetings I was very much struck by his kindness and helpful advice. The world has need of such people and of the commitment that you bring to your work, Gil. I feel you have more to do and wish you and your family strength and light in the time ahead.
Thinking of you all

Frances Nicholson <nicholso@unhcr.ch>
Geneva, Switzerland - Monday, August 25, 2003 4:24 AM CDT
Dear Gil and your family,
I was so sad to hear that you were there to suffer in that senseless and cruel attack on the UN and on humanitarianism in general. News travel fast in our small academic world - especially because you have been an inspiration to so many of us. I wish you a speedy recovery and send you all my best wishes. My warmest wishes to your brave family too from

Anne Hammerstad <hammerstada@saiia.wits.ac.za>
Johannesburg, South Africa - Monday, August 25, 2003 4:21 AM CDT
My dearest Maggie,
i had just now the opportunity to read your mail. thank you for letting me know. i wish i could hold you for a moment and give you peace and strength. in know you are very strong, and i know the strong love and believe, you and your family have for your father, will give him an incredible physical and mental power.
my dear Maggie, let me know if i can be of any help. i don't dare to call, but let me know, if you want to talk to me. i will give you a call. i don't know where in germany you are, but i could come to nearby the base, even if it is just to bring you or your family something you need. my mobile-phone is: 0179-5271529, my working number: 089-3806-5923. i am in Munich. and my thoughts are with you and your father.

Natalie Schaedler <nat-s@web.de>
Munich, Germany - Monday, August 25, 2003 4:15 AM CDT
Dear Gil,
It's still difficult to come to terms with the fact that one of the nicest people has to suffer like this. But it's encouraging to learn of your progress - your family's love and strength shines through their updates. With prayers for your speedy recovery,

Priyanjali <malik@iiss.org>
New Delhi, INDIA - Monday, August 25, 2003 4:13 AM CDT
Dear Ann (and Loeschers all),
It was so distressing to hear (from Karen) of Gil's horrific injuries and to know how much all of you must be suffering with him. People have amazing resilience and courage, and that certainly shines through your journal entry, Claire. I hope you all continue to find great reserves of both in yourselves and each other during this ordeal. You are in my thoughts daily, and we hope and pray that Gil will come through all of this.
Love, Tam

Tam Frishberg <tam.frishberg@ntlworl.com>
Oxford, England - Monday, August 25, 2003 3:47 AM CDT
Dear Gil Loescher,
we haven't met yet but i have the impression to know you a tiny bit, as i know your family - especially Maggie. i had the great pleasure to go to school with her in Manchester. Maggie told me a bit about you, mainly after your and her journey to South Africa, and i got the impression you are a very strong person. A person who is engaging for the essential things of life, with lots of love for the human being and with lots of energy. So now, let me send you all my energy and strength. let me give you a bouquet of sunrays and flowers adorned with red and yellow butterflies, reaching you with a lot of fresh air and colourful sounds to let your spirit bounce lightly.

Natalie Schaedler <nat-s@web.de>
Munich, Gerrmany - Monday, August 25, 2003 3:40 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Claire, and Maggie,

You are all remarkable and doing such a wonderful job being with and taking care of Gil, a man who means so much to so many. I can't imagine how difficult these days are for you nor where you all seem to find such strength. There are so many out here rooting for Gil and for you all - sending you our hope and prayers.
Bless you all,

Dale Buscher <buscher@icmc.net>
Geneva, Switzerland - Monday, August 25, 2003 3:26 AM CDT
To the Loescher Family,

I am a former student of Professor Loescher’s, and I want you all to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have thought of him and what I learned from him so many times since leaving Notre Dame. I worked with refugees in New York and, after moving to Southeast Asia, visited Cambodia to see for myself the sad legacy of terror that he had so vividly described to me and my classmates. Clearly, I am just one of many upon whom he has had an enormous impact. Professor Loescher, this troubled world is much in need of your enduring wisdom and compassion. May you heal quickly.

Kris Thompson Dubey, ND '88
Singapore , - Monday, August 25, 2003 3:18 AM CDT
Dearest Annie,Maggie and Claire
How brave you all are in such a tough time. Your daily reports reveal so much courage and determination. Keep singing those wonderful songs! Even Puff the Magic Dragon - over and over!! Sam says he approves wholeheartedly. The air bed is very well designed and should make a big difference for Gil and now the first meal.
Roll on a little more progress down the recovery road every day.

Sending with big hugs to you all

Tessa and Sam xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Tessa Ward and Sam Kahn <wardtessa1@hotmail.com>
Barn Cottage, Old Boars Hill, Oxon - Monday, August 25, 2003 2:59 AM CDT
Gil, I met you and your family briefly at Tinkerbell. When I learned on the news what happened in Iraq, the last thing I expected was that I knew someone among the casualties. Please don't give up. You mean too much to too many people.
Tania Ghanem <tania.ghanem@sympatico.ca>
Montreal, Quebec Canada - Sunday, August 24, 2003 11:21 PM CDT
My Dear Aunt Annie, Maggie and Claire, My heart has been hurting so much with agony waiting for my dad to give us daily updates on Uncle Gils condition. Thank you for this.We have been praying daily for all of you. My daughter Nikki dedicated the mass last week to her great uncle Gil. I said to her 'Are you sure you can do that' Nikki, who is eight years old now,said "MOM, ITS OUR CHURCH, WE CAN DO WHAT EVER WE WANT...Amazing for a young girl to be so wise. Going to Catholic school has helped her to be a wonderful caring person. She said that everyone at church joined her in a special prayer.Please give my Uncle a kiss from his neice and whisper in his ear that we love him so much. My dad is over come with emotion that his baby brother is hurting so much. When he calls all of his children with daily updates, he is hardly able to talk. Iwish that I could put my arms around all of you ...Love Bridget Loescher-Nino
MESA, AZ USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 11:08 PM CDT
Dear Cousins,
May God bless Gil ,our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Mark & Peggy Loescher <m.loescher@attbi.com>
Burlingame , ca usa - Sunday, August 24, 2003 10:55 PM CDT
Before bedtime, I pause to read your incredible notes on Gil's day/yours. How lovely a family you are. How grateful I and others are that you take the time to talk with us. And although I've only met Gil, and not his family, I can imagine you all singing to him, and that he knows it and loves it.

Here, on this almost autumn-like day in Washington, know that we stop and think of you, and say a prayer in the crisp bright air for you all.

Love, Ginny Hamilton
formerly, the U.S. Committee for Refugees

Ginny Hamilton <vlhginy@aol.com>
Washington, DC, - Sunday, August 24, 2003 10:41 PM CDT
I don't know Gil well but remember him at ND as humble and alert in the halls of Decio. He seemed to stoop to minimize the towering effect of his height and character on everyone. I spent sometime in Geneva at the ILO and in DC. Everywhere I went people knew of him. I wish him well, we were across the street from your old house on Park Avenue; and remembered you. Everyone is talking about him here. I wish you luck. Please keep up with the posting news of Gil's recovery.
Teresa Ghilarducci
South Bend, in usa - Sunday, August 24, 2003 10:13 PM CDT
Dearest Loeschers, You are in our thoughts and prayers throughout our waking hours. It's a comfort for us to have photographs of Gil and Ann in the Boars Hill kitchen - and of Gil in Wytham Woods - on our fridge. All our love, Walshes.
Ann and Peter Walshe
South Bend, IN USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 10:11 PM CDT
Dear Annie, Claire and Margaret,
This is Marilyn from Califoria. My heart and my prayers are with you guys. I'm so glad we found this website. I'm sending this through my friend Kay. Bridget and the boys will be contacting you soon. Love you very much, Marilyn

Marilyn Bettencourt <kjones2525@aol.com>
San Mateo, CA USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 10:04 PM CDT
Hi Gil, Ann and Girls:
My prayers are with you and all your compatriots. I am somewhat retired now, and our little league program is
complete for this season. Notre Dame Football starts in two weeks. God Bless! Your good friend, Ray Snyder

Ray Snyder <raycwll@msn.com>
South Bend, IN USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 9:06 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers,
I have been reading your guestbook and updates for the past few days and have felt at a loss for what I could possibly say to you. I was a Kroc student in 1991-92 and then worked on my PhD in Government at Notre Dame until finishing in 1998. I had the pleasure of being Gil's TA for a semester and getting to "play Gil" for a semester after I finished my PhD while he was on leave, teaching international organization (not *nearly* as well) in his absence. Gil is one of the most kind, genuine, gentle members of the academic community that I have ever met. I am so profoundly saddened for what has befallen him and your family. Please know that we are all praying for you and eagerly awaiting better and better news as he recovers from this horrible tragedy.

With love,

Jaleh Dashti-Gibson and family <jdashtiz@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 8:34 PM CDT
Dear Loescher family,
I just wanted to add my name to those who are thinking of you and sending their love.
I was so sorry to hear that about what has happened, and wish Gil a quick and strong recovery. I am glad you are all able to be there together, and my thoughts are with you too. Joel- I've just been staring at your marvellous face as I do yet more work on the film we made together. I'm looking forward to seeing you and Maggie in happier times and working together and having fun some more.
All my love,

Josh Newman <noshjewman@hotmail.com>
Los Angeles , CA USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 7:48 PM CDT
Hi again everyone. I just read the monday journal entry and I just want to say something to the girls. Sorry if this is horribly gushy but I'm just speaking without any planning here and I'm going to go ahead and be my emotional american self for the moment! So here's what I want to say: It is, definitely, shocking and unbelievable how much people can hate each other, and the harm they can will upon each other. But please don't despair on that account...please keep your eyes open to the incredible love people can have for each other, and try to have faith in the power of that. In one form you can see it as you see how much the many people who've known or met or just heard of your father are pouring out their love for him and all of you, in messages and in prayers. But your numbness and the fact that you don't know us all (or, necessarily remember those of us who knew you as children) may make it hard for you to truly feel that. What you *can* feel--what is carrying you through these days and nights--is the love you yourselves are pouring out, that has no limit. That love is what is keeping Gil alive and in a larger sense it's that love that keeps the world alive, and that has the power to prevail against the darkness and hate that inhabit the world. If you can hold to that and have faith in the love you feel now in yourselves you can, I hope, come to see the seeds of it in the world around you, even at this time when you're coming face to face with the very worst the world has to offer. I guess what I'm trying to say--and it's a bit of a cliche I suppose but I truly believe it--is that love is stronger than hate, and you girls and your parents are the living embodiment of that. It's a tough fight, but the darkness won't win as long as there is love in the world, and when you start to doubt it, you can look in your own hearts and see how strong that power is.

Okay, that's what I wanted to say. Hang in there.

Love, Mary

Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 7:30 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family, As a colleague at IISS in London and an acquaintance of Sergio's from his days with the UNHCR in Bosnia, there is an intimate sense of hurt and incomprehension that many around the world and in various walks of life have felt. May the Almighty continue to give you the courage, strength, will and perseverance to see you through this difficult trial.
Masabumi Sato
Vienna, Austria - Sunday, August 24, 2003 5:29 PM CDT
Dear Loescher family,
I have always looked back with affection for knowing you and teaching Margaret (Maggie) violin and the wonderful summer I spent taking care of your home on Park Av. so many years ago!! I had always wondered where you had moved, but never wished to find out in this way! Please know you are in my prayers. Please write when you have time.

Susan Allesee Nagel <dnagel@michiana.org>
Granger , IN USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 5:02 PM CDT
On visiting Boars Hill today, we were devastated to learn from Lindsay of the tragedy that has struck you and your family. We wish to be included among those many who are willing your recovery. Tilly particularly asked that we send her love. If there is anything that Clive can do to assist, now or later, please let us know.
sincere good wishes Clive & Roz

Clive Soley and Roz Brown <clive.soley@virgin.net>
London, UK - Sunday, August 24, 2003 4:58 PM CDT
Dear Annie,Margaret Claire and Joel I was so relieved to get this website address thanks for asking Tim Kennedy to pass it on to us.You have been in my prayers and thoughts constantly and I long to see you all.We all send our love to you and are praying for strength and endurance for you all.Much love Mary and John
Mary McDowall <marymcdowall@hotmail.com>
London, U.K> - Sunday, August 24, 2003 3:28 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret, Claire, and Joel,

Orchard Lane is simply transformed. Returning from London, met Lindsay with the dogs and we talked of nothing else but Gil and his progress. Lindsay says she will be hooked up to write from tomorrow and sends her love. We both agreed how we want to telephone ALL the time. Then home and Margaret Davies telephones to say the Morning Service in Wootton Church was centred around Gil and he was thought of by everyone in their prayers. She asked me to relay that when we spoke. Couldn't reach you this evening, so am writing it. And me, I am just overwhelmed by this guestlist and all those people thinking and wishing for Gil's speedy recovery. It is all just amazing. So many are thinking of you all constantly as I am, and this comforts me as it does you. Please ask me to do anything. Lots of love to you all, Karen

Karen Solomon <solomonk@onetel.net.uk>
Old Boars HIll, Oxford, - Sunday, August 24, 2003 3:01 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret, Claire, and Joel,

Orchard Lane is simply transformed. Returning from London, met Lindsay with the dogs and we talked of nothing else but Gil and his progress. Lindsay says she will be hooked up to write from tomorrow and sends her love. We both agreed how we want to telephone ALL the time. Then home and Margaret Davies telephones to say the Morning Service in Wootton Church was centred around Gil and he was thought of by everyone in their prayers. She asked me to relay that when we spoke. Couldn't reach you this evening, so am writing it. And me, I am just overwhelmed by this guestlist and all those people thinking and wishing for Gil's speedy recovery. It is all just amazing. So many are thinking of you all constantly as I am, and this comforts me as it does you. Please ask me to do anything. Lots of love to you all, Karen

Karen Solomon <solomonk@onetel.net.uk>
Old Boars HIll, Oxford, - Sunday, August 24, 2003 3:01 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret, Claire, and Joel,

Orchard Lane is simply transformed. Returning from London, met Lindsay with the dogs and we talked of nothing else but Gil and his progress. Lindsay says she will be hooked up to write from tomorrow and sends her love. We both agreed how we want to telephone ALL the time. Then home and Margaret Davies telephones to say the Morning Service in Wootton Church was centred around Gil and he was thought of by everyone in their prayers. She asked me to relay that when we spoke. Couldn't reach you this evening, so am writing it. And me, I am just overwhelmed by this guestlist and all those people thinking and wishing for Gil's speedy recovery. It is all just amazing. So many are thinking of you all constantly as I am, and this comforts me as it does you. Please ask me to do anything. Lots of love to you all, Karen

Karen Solomon <solomonk@onetel.net.uk>
Old Boars HIll, Oxford, - Sunday, August 24, 2003 3:01 PM CDT
hello all, thinking of you and praying daily. will talk soon. love, barb & steve
barbara dull
gaylordsville, ct usa - Sunday, August 24, 2003 2:55 PM CDT
Just want you all to know that we prayed for Gil this morning at the Heavenly Rest Church in Manhattan (90th & 5th) - and will continue to do so each Sunday. Many thanks again for your updates and congratulations on your courage and good spirits.
Edward Mortimer <mortimer@un.org>
New York, NY USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 2:35 PM CDT
Dear Gil,Ann,Claire, Maggie and Joel,
Your combined strength together with the tremendous love and sympathy felt by so many friends and colleagues around the world, is a very powerful force.

That force, coupled with the skills of the superb medical team,we feel sure will encourage Gils positive progress.

We're thinking of you all the time.
Our love to you all

Valerie and Brian Chalfen
Elstree, England - Sunday, August 24, 2003 2:08 PM CDT
Dear Gil and family,
While spending precious (too little) time with my family on vacation in Massachusetts, I learned of the struggle you are currently enduring. My family and I want to send our thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Please know that people all over the world are thinking of all of you during this difficult time. And also know that we believe in the strength of each and every one of you. Thank you for keeping us posted.
God bless.

Kristin McArthur - ND Peace Studies '94 <kristinmcarthur@hotmail.com>
Tampa, FL USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 1:25 PM CDT
Dear Loescher Family,
It is strange to hear from you after so many years and at such a tragic occasion. Ann Rosen had told me about it and slowly the memory of meeting you in South Bend came back. I was touched reading the online journal and all the messages that came in. I wish you and especially Gil all the strength to go through this! Please contact me if there is anything I can do for you – we are not that far away!

Wolfgang Nellen <nellen@uni-kassel.de>
Kassel, Germany - Sunday, August 24, 2003 12:30 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Maggie, and Claire,

Gil, you have touched so many lives--more than you were ever aware. And through us, you continue to touch lives. Gil was my professor of human rights and of refugee studies. I now teach both topics each year at my own university. As soon as I heard, I sent out an email to my current and former students--all of whom have read Gil's books. They are now sending in their own letters of support. People all over the world--some of whom you have never even met--are thinking of you, are praying for you, and are wishing you strength in recovery.

Tristan Borer <tabor@conncoll.edu>
New London, CT 06320 - Sunday, August 24, 2003 11:45 AM CDT
Ann, Maggie, Claire and Joel,
We only heard about Gil (and the bomb) on Friday when we reached a town with internet. Our thoughts are constantly with you. We know how difficult this is for all of you but with all your strength and love, and with Gil´s, we are positive that you will all pull through and I am even sure that Gil will get back to his wondeful work.
Joel - I love you so much and we are sending a huge hug to you and all the Loeschers.
We get to Mexico City this afternoon (Sunday) and I will call from there.
Just a big, big hug to all of you.
So much love,
Daniel and Maya

Daniel Chalfen
- Sunday, August 24, 2003 11:38 AM CDT
Dear Gil and all the Loescher family,

Let me add my sorrow and hope to those expressed by many of my colleagues at Notre Dame, we who were so fortunate to get to work with Gil over the years. I am praying very much for a strong recovery, peacefully and soon. I hope you do not feel alone, because we are all keeping you company from here, and most of all because God never leaves his children alone, especially when they need it most. This "beatitude" of Jesus keeps coming to mind: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God." Gil and all, we're also counting on your prayers for all of us here. You can help us so much!

Mary Keys

Mary Keys
- Sunday, August 24, 2003 11:35 AM CDT
Dear Maggie Joel Ann and Claire
Thank you so much for sending the email with this site. We are in regular touch with Annemarie who has also visited the site and it makes it so much easier to find out Gils progress. We are all thinking and rooting for him with you and we send so much love to you and for hope for the safe recovery of Gill. Please take care with love Wonky and David Beeny, Miz Dawes and Sasha Lean-Vercoe

Wonky Beeny (Annemaries Mum)
Clevedon, North Somerset UK - Sunday, August 24, 2003 11:05 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Margaret, Claire and Joel: Waiting with you through these difficult days is eased by getting regular news of Gil's condition, as well as yours. I am so glad to hear that you are able to laugh a little. It is strange that laughter is healing since to laugh in the face of such fear and worry seems almost impossible to imagine, yet it will help you all. The story in the Washington Post is incredible. Thinking of the lines that converged to put Gil in that place at that time, and the lines that converged to bring him out and to you is breathtaking. As Elliot said of von Zehle, the firefighter from Wilton, it is amazing to think that there are people who hear an explosion and run towards it and into the deepest recesses to rescue others when most people run the other way. And that describes Gil, too. Much much love to you all as you hang in there minute by minute. We're with you. Ann
Ann Rosen
South Bend, IN USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 11:04 AM CDT
We send love to all to you. For all his dear and gentle nature, Gil is very strong, as are you all.You know that everyone is with you in their thoughts. James has asked Kristiana to go to the grotto. Apparently, you will know what that means. My family are so looking forward to being with you again.I have a multitude of reasons to be grateful to everyone of you.You are important to very many people Lots of love.
Liz Howarth <prawns@supanet.com>
Witney, England - Sunday, August 24, 2003 10:29 AM CDT
Gil and the Loescher Family:

My thoughts and prayers are with you in these days. And I also send hopes of brighter days. Gil's optimism, his steady perspective, and his steadfast dedication to others will see him through. As I am sure will the strong family love which you all there are so courageously and poignantly sharing with all of us, even in the midst of this terrible shock. May God's peace be with each of you.


George Lopez <george.a.lopez.1@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 9:51 AM CDT
god bless gil and his family during these painful,sorrowful and questioning days.
FREEPORT, NY USA - Sunday, August 24, 2003 9:06 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie, and Claire,
Thank you for putting together this web page so that all of us around the world who love and respect Gil can follow his progress of recovery. Your presence at Gil’s side is so important. He and you are constantly in our thoughts and hearts.

Marty and Linda Wolfson <mwolfson@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN US - Sunday, August 24, 2003 8:52 AM CDT
Dear Claire, Ann, Maggie and Joel,

I wanted to say how sorry I am for what has happened and to let you know, Claire, that your friends back in London are thinking of you and your family all the time. We all send our love.

x Tim

Tim Baines <tim.baines@1webmail.net>
London, UK - Sunday, August 24, 2003 7:01 AM CDT
Thank you for this webpage to follow Gil's progress. It is still so hard to believe that this has happened to Gil. His dedication to the cause of refugees has always been admirable. The price he is now paying for his commitment is too high.
Please be assured that you are all very much in our thoughts and prayers. We will include Gil in our
intercessory prayers this week at a meeting of the World Council of Churches. More personally, as we Quakers say, we are "holding you in the light."

Elizabeth Ferris <egf@wcc-coe.org>
Geneva, Switzerland - Sunday, August 24, 2003 6:24 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Claire, Maggie and Joel
Our thoughts are with you. It is difficult to say more, but we are full of admiration for Gil, and full of hope for his recovery, and full of sadness for your pain.

Amy and Roger - on behalf of Eleanor, Mike, Amanda and Frances <amychalfen@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, August 24, 2003 5:51 AM CDT
Our prayers and thoughts are with you all.
Peter & Barbara Elliston (Joel's uncle and aunt).

Peter Elliston <pelliston@slp.uk.com>
Elstree, Herts UK - Sunday, August 24, 2003 5:18 AM CDT
All the strength for a fast recovery to Gil and to the family much courage and faith. My thoughts are with you.
Oana-Cristina Popa (Romania, Notre Dame 1996) <oanapopa@hotmail.com>
Zagreb, Croatia - Sunday, August 24, 2003 4:09 AM CDT
Our love and prayers are with you all. Orchard Lane is looking lovely in the summer sunshine, and we are waiting to welcome you all home again.
Much love, Margaret and Derek

Margaret and Derek Davies <margaret@meadclose.fsnet.co.uk>
Old Boars, Hill, Oxford, England - Sunday, August 24, 2003 1:17 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Anne, Margaret & Claire,

I am so saddened by the news of this terrible event, but I join my prayers to those of your other old friends here at Notre Dame. You are in our hearts and thoughts, and we are so proud of the work that you have done for others.

Sonia Gernes <sgernes1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 10:31 PM CDT
Dear Loeschers, You have been in our thoughts and hearts since we learned of Gil's state on Wednesday. How grateful we are for a way to reach out and send our love and concern to you.
Douglas and Marjorie Kinsey <dkinsey@nd.edu>
South Bend, , IN USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 9:56 PM CDT
Dear Loescher family,
May God hold you in His arms and sustain you day by day as you struggle through this nightmare. May God bless Gil with a steady and sure recovery.
--from your children's librarian friend in South Bend, who knew you when Margaret wrote "The Ice Hound."

Mary Ann Moore
Mishawaka, IN USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 8:46 PM CDT
To the Loescher Family,
Gil's warm heart and amazing dedication to helping those in need are so wonderful and appreciated. His mentorship has been extremely meaningful and I consider myself so fortunate to have him as a friend and colleague. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time.

Nate Goetz <ngoetz17@aol.com>
San Diego, CA USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 5:38 PM CDT
To the Loescher family:

Gil's determination to improve the plight of refugees through his work has long been inspirational to me and to many other scholars. If, in the wake of this horrific incident, he can find the strength to marshall even a little of the determination he's shown in defending the rights of others, I'm sure he will make a real and lasting recovery. My thoughts and warmest wishes are with you.

Matthew Gibney <matthew.gibney@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, United Kingdom - Saturday, August 23, 2003 4:52 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Claire, and Margaret,

I was shocked to learn the terrible news about Gil. I can only imagine what you are
going through. Let me please convey to you my deepest sympathies and
encouragement in this very difficult moment. My family and I are praying here in Santiago de
Chile for Gil´s recovery. We fervently hope that he will pull through this nightmare. While the situation is truly hearth breaking, it is reassuring to see that Gil is in such wonderful hands. I am touched by the commitment, dedication, strength and love that you all are giving to Gil. This is apparent by reading your brief about Gil’s condition. At the same time, the expressions of love and care that people from all over the world are showing towards Gil in this moment underscores what an exceptional human being he is. Finally, I also want you to know that if there is anything I can do to help now and in the future, that you can fully count on me. Please send to Gil my love and tell him that I hope to see him soon.

With kindest regards,

Andreas E. Feldmann

Andreas Feldmann <afeldman@uchicago.edu>
Santiago de Chile, - Saturday, August 23, 2003 4:12 PM CDT
Dear Gil (and family),

I am a IR graduate student at Notre Dame. We met only briefly several years ago during an intramural basketball game here on campus. However, please know that many of us who never had the opportunity to study under you, have great respect for you and your work. My saddness at hearing of your misfortune is overcome only by a tremendous sense of reassurance that you and other folks like you are out in the world doing heroic deeds. You all will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Paul Vasquez <vasquez.11@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 3:22 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Maggie, Claire, and Joel:
I wanted to write, because right now I'm sure you don't need any more phone calls. Gil has been in my thoughts from the moment this happened, and I didn't realize until now the huge number of friends he has, and who've been so kind as to write a message. It's good of you to have the presence of mind as to keep us so well informed as to Gil's progress. I know it will be many months before we can sit around the table again at Blenheim Cottage, or at Norton, but the day will come. And the first topic will be world politics.
Meanwhile, it is good to know Gil is getting and will be cared for by the best military facilities in the world, and that you can be with him, even during the wee hours--I didn't think they allowed that.
By the way, an obituary of Arthur Helton appeared in yesterday's edition of the Herald Tribune (page 4), following its appearance in the New York Times.
All our love and hopes from your friends down Orchard Lane.

Bruce Solomon <solomonb@onetel.net.uk>
- Saturday, August 23, 2003 3:12 PM CDT
Dearest Loeschers,
I want to send hope, love and strength to your family in this terrible time. It sounds like Gil is getting very special support and care from everyone around him. You are in my heart and mind and I look forward to seeing you all together soon.

Emma Arnold <emmarnold@ameritech.net>
Chicago, IL USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 2:56 PM CDT
Thank you so much for giving this information. It is good to see that Gil has such a wonderful family as well as a good medical team supporting him. And thank you for the nice comment about Sergio. God give you strength! Let me know if there's anything the UN or I personally can do to help.
Edward Mortimer <mortimer@un.org>
New York, NY USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 2:28 PM CDT
Wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. So sorry to hear about this. Many good wishes.

Cat Francis <cathfran@microsoft.com>
Redmond, WA USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 2:15 PM CDT
I know the Loeschers are a strong and resourceful family, and with the support of friends will find it within themselves to cope with this crisis. Tom, John and Jesper are thinking of you.
Tom Rice
- Saturday, August 23, 2003 1:33 PM CDT
I just received indirect word of this tragedy. I don't have your e-mail address so I can't contact you directly. I am still mourning the loss of Jim a month ago, so I know the heartache of facing a horrible situation that I might have only been able to view from a safe distance before. Know that I am thinking about you, if it gives you an iota of strength to do so.
All my best,

Ralph Dumain <rdumain@igc.org>
- Saturday, August 23, 2003 12:10 AM CDT
Mr. and Mrs. Loescher and family. Bob (your old plumber) and I are saddened to hear of the heartbreak that has come into your life. We pray for Gil and for the whole family that through this catastrophe, you will be blessed in a way you have not expected. You're continually in our thoughts and prayers.
Bob and Nancy Lute <nannygoat01@msn.com>
South Bend, IN USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 12:06 AM CDT
My thoughts are with you and your family!
Michael Kowalski <kowalski@dds.nl>
Amsterdam, Netherlands - Saturday, August 23, 2003 11:28 AM CDT
Professor Loescher - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I was fortunate to participate your wonderful Humanitarian Issues class at Notre Dame in 1996. You will remain in my thoughts.
Jed D'Ercole <j_dercole@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 11:20 AM CDT
JUst to tell you, a candle will always be lit in my house to help your dad in his recovery and give you and your family the strenght you need. It goes all the way from Argentina to Germany. Hope my happy thoughts contribute to a happy ending! And lets hope Peace comes finally to our world.

Gema Juárez Allen <gemallen@hotmail.com>
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Saturday, August 23, 2003 11:13 AM CDT
Dear Gil, I was distressed and saddened to learn today (8/23) of your injuries. An old ND colleague (from the Department of English) is thinking of you and praying for you and your family. With affection, respect, and warm good wishes, LES MARTIN
Les Martin <wcurmudgeon@yahoo.com>
Florence, OR Lane - Saturday, August 23, 2003 11:08 AM CDT
Dearest Gil, Anne, Claire, Maggie and Joel

My heart is broken thinking of poor Gilby lying so wounded, but know that he is in the very best of hearts. I know our love for Gil will will carry you through these truly terrible days.

Here at Southside, the house seems so quiet and lonely with you all so far away. Charlie and I are focusing on sending a mexican wave of energy to Gil's bedside. The plants and trees are thriving, under a dutiful watering can. Orchard apples are piling on the lawn.

Gil - I wish you all the energy in the world to speed your recovery and look forward so much to sharing a cigar with you in the garden.

all my love

james hamilton <jameshamilton@postmaster.co.uk>
old boars hill, UK - Saturday, August 23, 2003 11:03 AM CDT
Dear Anne, Margaret & Claire,
What a terrible, terrible thing. I know you must be inundated with messages from friends and well-wishers from around the world so I will keep this very brief. If there is anything that I can do for you from this end, please do not hesitate to ask. If you need any help in London, my sister Viola will be more than willing to help out. We will be storming heaven with prayers for you.

Marcel and Carol da Cunha <carolandmarcel@aol.com>
South Bend, IN USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 10:28 AM CDT
Dearest Annie, Maggie and Claire,
What a shock to hear about Gil. Thank God he knows you are there with him. I will keep in touch with James at your house. If there is anything I can do in particular - please don't hesitate to let me know. I will email and phone Evan Harris too and give him your contact details - in case that could be helpful later on. By the way, I am on deck looking after Charlie's house. I was going to liaise with you about that on my return from Scotland (on Thursday evening)! And I will phone Charlie this evening and let Karen in Lincombe Lane know as well. Karen Solomon and I passed in our cars in Old Boars Hill yesterday - she gave me the news.

Sending with you lots and lots of love and well wishes for Gil's recovery.

Tessa and Sam, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Barn Cottage, Old Boars Hill, Oxford, OX1 5JQ
ph: 01865 739 681
email: wardtessa1@hotmail.com

Tessa Ward
Boars Hill, Oxford, Oxon UK - Saturday, August 23, 2003 8:30 AM CDT
To the Loescher family: You are all in my thoughts as you stand by Gil at this terrible, terrible time. I know you will all give him the strength to pull through and make a great recovery. Thank you for posting these reports on Gil's progress. It helps us all feel that we are in touch and somehow with you.
Dawn Chatty <dawn.chatty@qeh.ox.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Saturday, August 23, 2003 8:00 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Claire, family and friends, we are wishing you all the strength and luck in the world
Rosemary Bechler, International editor <Rosemary.Bechler@openDemocracy.net>
London, UK - Saturday, August 23, 2003 7:52 AM CDT
I pray for a safe and healthy recovery for Gil and your family.
Anita <pass_themerlot@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, August 23, 2003 7:31 AM CDT
Dearest Maggie, Ann and Claire,
I am thinking of you, and know that you are bringing love and support to Gil at this time. He has shown such immense strength, and you also. My family and I are sending our love and strong thoughts to you all.

love Ammas <leanvercoe@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, August 23, 2003 5:09 AM CDT
Just to let you know that we are thinking of you all and sending you lots of love. Gil is in our thoughts and hearts. I am sure that his fantastic family is helping him through this terrible time. This website is a brilliant way of keeping in touch. Tons of love to you Maggie and all your family!
Emily and Simon Gazzard <mrsgaz@hotmail.com>
London, - Saturday, August 23, 2003 4:52 AM CDT
We're thinking of you all and hope we can add to the strength you'll need to come through this. Oxford is waiting for your return, Gil !
love, Jon Bennett,Marion Couldrey, Tess and Rowan.

Jon Bennett, Marion Couldrey and family <jon.bennett@dsl.pipex.com>
Oxford, UK - Saturday, August 23, 2003 4:04 AM CDT
Monica, our new born daugher (Nyambura)and I are very proud of you and encouraged by the way you are bravely fighting out and soaring our spirits higher and higher day by day. We have you in our minds all the time, and believe that our unrelenting faith in your strength and resolve will make a difference at this moment. Besides your wonderful and truly caring immediate family, count on us from Africa, as members of the extended family you have made through your work, kindness and love. Heri jema (swihili for Quick recovery) Gil. Peter kagwanja

Peter Mwangi Kagwanja <pkagwanja@hotmail.com>
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 11:36 PM CDT
Gil and family

I spent three years as Gil's colleague at Notre Dame and was always lifted a little after every brief interaction we had. The remarkable thing is that as I go around the world on democracy support missions Gil's is the one name that arises over and over as people I have never met before talk of the deep respect and admiration they have for him as a scholar and friend. I am deeply deeply shocked and saddened by what has happened -- but I am sure Gil will touch even more lives as he recovers. You should know that Gil's humanity means that web of support for you all is remarkably large.

Andrew Reynolds <asreynol@email.unc.edu>
Chapel Hill, NC USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 11:15 PM CDT
Maggie, please tell your dad I am thinking of him and that I am asking my dearest ones to send him their best thoughts and loads of energy for his recovery. I am creating a wave of love for him from Mexico, Brasil, Argentina, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, and Manchester, where I am based at the moment. And for you and your family, my heart is with you as well. I am here for you, for anything you may need.
Ale Navarro-Smith <alenavarrosmith@yahoo.com>
Manchester, England - Friday, August 22, 2003 10:59 PM CDT
Gil and all of you are in our thoughts and prayers. We will check back in frequently.
Paul Rodes & family <prodes@indiana.edu>
Bloomington, IN USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 10:57 PM CDT
Dear, Gil, Ann, Margaret and Claire--I'm so sorry that Gil is so terribly injured. I'm tremendously proud of his bravery and integrity. So many of us make wishes for the good of humanity as we stay safely in our homes...but Gil has the courage to put wishes into being and work in the troubled places of the world, despite the risk. I believe that the commitment to life that has driven his career will carry him through this ordeal. I wish I could just pop over next door as in the old days to be with you...my love and prayers are with you and will continue to be.
Mary Rodes Dell <mary@canary3d.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 9:36 PM CDT
It's Ginny Hamilton, formerly of the U.S. Committee for Refugees, and an admirer of Gil Loescher during my whole career with refugees. I am so grateful for this page, to check on all of you, and especially him. I hope you all find some time for rest. Know that you are in our hearts--several of us from USCR are having dinner together on Tuesday night, to toast Gil, to send him our love. Ginny Hamilton
Ginny Hamilton <vlhginy@aol.com>
Vienna, VA 22180 - Friday, August 22, 2003 8:41 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Margaret, and Claire,
Gail and I are still in shock; thank God that you have this channel of communication so that we can stay in touch and share, at least to some extent, the ups and downs of this agonizing process. Our thoughts are with you constantly. Gil, as usual you were where the human tragedy is greatest and where you can do the most good; your capacity for adding actual commitment to conviction is a model for all of us. Our deep friendship and love goes out to all of you.

Alan and Gail Dowty <dowty.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 8:29 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann and family: Our hearts go out to you all. Mary Ellen and I pray for your swift recovery. You have walked the walk not just talked the talk. God bless.
Chuck Wilber <cwilber@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 6:31 PM CDT
To Gil and the Loescher family: I am a former graduate student at Notre Dame and was Gil's teaching assistant in the 1980s. He taught me how to teach, and today I am a teacher -- still repeating to others what Gil taught me. All of us at ND were and are inspired by his commitment to human rights. We are proud of the work he is doing and send him all best wishes for a speedy recovery. To his family, strength and peace. Tim Power, Florida International University, Miami
Tim Power <powertj@fiu.edu>
Miami, FL USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 6:26 PM CDT
Gil: I look forward to seeing you ambling across the campus again, on some errand to help others. May all the good you have done for helpless folks over the years flow back to you to strengthen your soul and body.
Dear Ann and children: Be at peace, you are all in our prayers.

Steve and Kathy Moriarty <moriarty.2@nd.edu>
South Bend, - Friday, August 22, 2003 4:37 PM CDT
We know Gil has important work yet to do. We love you. We are thinking of you and praying for you. God bless you all!
Bob and Jeanne Rodes <rodes.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 4:28 PM CDT
Ann, Mags, and Claire,

Know my love and prayers are with you. A candle for Gil is blazing away at the Grotto.

Joan Crovello <joan.c.crovello.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, In USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 4:14 PM CDT
dear loescher family, you have a STRONG spirit, LOTS of love to Gil especially, and all of you to keep going. you are a reminder of the importance of life and love and upholding each other. xxxxxxxx ruth
ruth strange (maggies friend) <ruth@redbricks.org.uk>
- Friday, August 22, 2003 3:46 PM CDT
I shall be praying for Gil's swift and full recovery. Leis (Kroc '92)
Dani Leis <leis@earthlink.net>
Portland , OR USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 3:30 PM CDT
I shall be praying for Gil's swift and full recovery. Leis (Kroc Alumni '92)
Dani Leis <leis@earthlink.net>
Portland , OR USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 3:30 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Annie, Margaret, and Claire,

We are thinking of you and praying for Gil's quick recovery. Much love to all of you.

Love Julie, Larry, Amanda, and Claire

The Bosserts <bossertlj@aol.com>
Cincinnati, OH 45230 - Friday, August 22, 2003 2:58 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Claire, and Margaret-
I was so saddened to hear that what initially felt to me like a far-away tragedy affected your family so terribly personally. I am thinking of all of you constantly, and hoping and praying for a speedy recovery.

All my love,

Sarah Rosen Frank <srfrank@econ.berkeley.edu>
Oakland, CA USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 2:52 PM CDT
To Gil and the Loescher family -- I am, along with many others at the University of Notre Dame, thinking of you and hoping for a rapid recovery. Best wishes over the coming weeks and months.

Layna Mosley <mosley.3@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 2:32 PM CDT
To the Loescher family: I have always had the deepest respect and admiration for Gil and his work. He has been in my thoughts constantly since I heard the news. I wish you the best and sincerely hope that Gil will be home soon.
Elisa Mason <elisa.mason@tufts.edu>
- Friday, August 22, 2003 1:52 PM CDT
My family and I are heartbroken that such hurt was inflicted on Gil, who has always approached the world with kindness, gentleness, and good will. We wish him a speedy return to health and home.
Michael Coppedge <coppedge.1@nd.edu>
Mishawaka, IN USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 1:29 PM CDT
Bob and I join the great web of friends, family, colleagues who encircle Gil and all of you with our love and healing thoughts and prayers. May each of you be upheld with strength and hope. Our love, Ruthann and Bob Johansen
Ruthann K. Johansen <johansen.9@nd.edu>
Granger, IN USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 1:23 PM CDT
Dear Gil, Anne, and Margaret,

Our prayers, hopes, and sighs are with you in spirit. Win through, win through, win through your toughest battle, old friend.

Edward Goerner <Edward.A.Goerner.1@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 1:10 PM CDT
Dear Gil (and family):

I am unbelievably saddened by the news of what has happened. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I wish you the speediest of recoveries. I look forward to the time when we can see each other again.

Your friend,


michael barnett <mbarnett@polisci.wisc.edu>
madison, wi usa - Friday, August 22, 2003 12:55 AM CDT
Dear friends: This is from John and Diana Matthias. We send you all our love and hopes in this terrible time for you. We'll check this site often to look for progress. We'll also pass on news to other friends in the area. Again, all our love, all our hope for Gil's good recovery.
John Matthias <John.E.Matthias.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 12:36 AM CDT
Dear Gil, Ann, Margaret and Claire--Therese and I and our four children are keeping you all in our prayers. I am one of many former student of Gil who owe him so much.
William DeMars <demarswe@wofford.edu>
Spartanburg, SC USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 12:17 AM CDT
Dear Gil and family: I am a grad student at Notre Dame, and had the great fortune to study with Gil when he was here. He is a wonderful person and a great professor, and he continues to inspire me to ensure that what I learn will make a difference to the suffering people of the world. Please let him know that he is in our thoughts and prayers, and that we are confident he will be able to continue his great work in the future. May you all have comfort and peace in the difficult times ahead.
Dan Brinks

Daniel M. Brinks <dbrinks@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 12:11 AM CDT
To the Loescher family--My family and I are among the multitude of your friends at the University of Notre Dame who are thinking of little else now but Gil's recovery and your well being. Thanks so much for giving us access to information through this website. We are hoping and praying for Gil.
Peri Arnold <peri.e.arnold.1@nd.edu>
South Bend, IN US - Friday, August 22, 2003 11:53 AM CDT
Dear Maggie, my thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. I wish you all love and hope.
Thinking of you, Abigail

Abigail Toland <abigailtoland@hotmail.com>
- Friday, August 22, 2003 11:31 AM CDT

All of us at openDemocracy are thinking of Gil, his family and loved ones. We are with you in spirit. We have learned so much from Gil and his good colleague and friend Arthur Helton in just eight months of collaboration. Their work for our site displays a rare combination of rigour, clarity and warmth. I hope and believe that these qualities will help see you all through this uniquely difficult time.

David Hayes <david.hayes@opendemocracy.net>
London, England - Friday, August 22, 2003 6:15 AM CDT

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