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Saturday, October 4, 2008 7:11 PM CDT

Hello to all our wonderful family and friends who continue to look at Bethany's web page for updates. Pete and I want to apologize for the delay in our updates. We do get on here daily and check who has posted messages and we do feel blessed to have so many of you still wanting to hear about what we are doing and how things are going for us since Bethany's passing.

Just this afternoon Pete and I were sitting in the driveway, talking about how much we miss her. It doesn't seem to be getting any easier, it just seems we are more at peace with what God's plan was for Bethany. Although we still have our good and bad days and we miss her terribly...we do realize that Bethany is no longer suffering and one day we will be reunited with her.

Life here at the Buzynski household is busy. Blake is keeping Pete and I on our toes with all of his extra-curricular activities. (I often wonder how we managed three kids at once.) He is very busy with band, soccer, confirmation and most importantly... his social life. He is doing very well in school and continues to make us proud in whatever he does. We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful young man.

Aarika is staying very busy with her college schedule. As many of you know she is very involved in her Alpha Delta Pi sorority. This year she was "in charge" of recruitement. She spent many hours planning and getting ready for the big week....but she had a blast getting ready for it and absolutely loved it. She also is an RA this year. (Resident assistant) That has been a challenge for her. She puts alot of hours into it and spends most of her weekends working. Needless to say...we don't get to see much of her anymore. (that makes her mom and dad very sad:o( She will be heading home this weekend.... because she is scheduled to get all four wisdom teeth out on Friday. Please pray that all goes well and that she has no complications. (I know she is worried because so many people have told her horror stories) Let's hope all goes well. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Pete is staying very busy at work. He took the "Chief" promotion test in September...so we should find out if he made it the end of Dec...beginning of Jan. Again...please pray that he makes it.

I am still very busy and loving daycare. I can't image doing anything else right now. The three children (and their families) are wonderful! I am very blessed to have the opportunity to "learn" with such great children. Everyday is an experience and I look forward to the challenges that they give me.

Tomorrow... Pete, Blake and myself will be heading out on the "Bethany Kristine" to go fishing for the first time. We ventured to Walmart tonight and got all of our fishing gear. Let's hope the fish are biting in the morning...cuz I'm hungry for fish! (Ha, Ha, Ha,)We'll let you know if we catch anything.

Before I finish, I wanted to let everybody know that the "Spring Rain" Sorrelli Necklace that was renamed "The Bethany" necklace is now out. I will try and post the article that was featured in the Sorrelli Fall 2008 catalog for all to read. If I don't get it posted, you can go to sorrelli.com and the article and her picture is on page 27. FYI...a portion of the proceeds, from this necklace, will go to cancer research... but, you have to order this particular necklace from their website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Secondly....The "Bethany" Boyds Bear is now on the shelves and we are so excited about her! Her name is "Bethany Heartlee." (because she is a part of the "Heartlee" collection) She is not an angel bear... but she is very cute...and we love her. We will try and post a picture of her here on her website...but if we don't...Please feel free to go to Boydsstuff.com and check her out. You can purchase her where ever Boyds Bears are sold.

Well, I think that's about it...We will try and get better about posting....but I can't promise anything...especially since the holidays are right around the corner...Yippie for the holidays!

Until next time...Smile...Take Care...and God Bless!
Love, The Buzynski's :O)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 10:22 PM CDT

Hello to all of you guys that keep checking in on this web site. I know we haven't updated in a while but we have been pretty busy since I got back from Iraq. We have also had a few visitors here lately. Of course it's never easy to come up with a positive message after everything we have been through but I think we still owe it to Bethany especialy when so many of you still come back and check this site day after day. I still find myself asking God why she was taken from us but I also thank him for every second he gave me with her. We check this site every day and even though we don't see many posts we still know that a lot of you are checking in once in a while because the numbers keep going up and up.

Things are going pretty well for us. We had a bunch of our family come down and visit and had a blast while they were here. A big thanks to all you guys that took time out of your lives to come down and see us. Your welcome back any time.

Each and every day we still find ourselves thinking of Bethany. I'm still waiting for that "over time things will get better" thing to kick in. I miss that girl so bad that it makes my teeth hurt. We still have a few bad days here and there where we ask ourselves why the hell did all this happen but I really don't think the Lord holds that against us. By now he has had some time with Bethany and I'm sure he understands how special she was and why all of us still down here are so upset with losing her. I just hope he is saying that "I need to send a few more like her down there!" because she made such a difference is so many lives. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't find myself thinking about her and drawing strength form what she had to go through. At times life can seem so very complicated but we all need to try and keep things in perspective and know in our hearts that God will never give us more than we can handle. There has been more than a few times that I wasn't so sure if that was true...but every time that I didn't think I could take anymore...God threw me a bone and it was always enough to help get me through the current crisis and face another day. I guess there are times we all have to be tested so that we can appreciate what we have in our lives. I can tell you it's pretty easy for this family to appreciate what we have now. Each of us understands that there are no gaurantees with tomorrow and someone you love and care about may not be there. Take each day as if there is no tomorrow and tell those around you how much they mean to you. Be good to each other and don't be afraid to make a difference in someones life. If you are reading this now...Im pretty sure Bethany made a difference in your life. Don't be afraid to pass that on to someone that may need it. Thanks for always being there for us...you all made a difference in our lives...Thanks so much.


The Buzynski's

Sunday, May 18, 2008 6:26 PM CDT

Hello to All!
Sorry I am a few days behind in updating. (It's hard to believe the 16th has come and gone already)

It has been very crazy around here trying to get everything ready for Pete's arrival. As most of you can guess...we are so excited about reuniting as a family again. Pete is suppose to be here on Tuesday the 20th at about 10:20 in the morning. Aarika, Blake and I can hardly stand the wait. At times it seems like time has stood still, but we know it will be here soon. (Thank goodness!)

Aarika had a great time visiting Ryan in Michigan. It's nice to have her back home again. She has been out applying for a job for the summer. She actually already has an interview set up for Tuesday. YEAH!!!!! Hopefully it will go well.

Blake is staying busy with school. He starts "end of the year testing" tomorrow... which he is not looking forward too. (but we all know it has to be done.) Just a few more weeks and he will be out for the summer and then his busy summer starts with family and friends.

I am staying very busy with daycare. I still love it and really enjoy working with the two little people I have in my care right now. They make my job easy and I love waking up every morning knowing what is in store for me. I am very blessed to have such wonderful little guys to work with.

Other than that, we are just looking forward to Pete coming home. Everyday gone by is another day closer...and we are counting the days.

I hope all is well with you and yours and as always...we miss Bethany very much and wish she was going to be here with us to meet her dad as he comes off that plane on Tuesday...but we know she is "with him" as he flies across the world and she will make sure he returns safely back home.

Please continue to remember all the great things Bethany brought to this world and don't ever let her smile fade from your hearts and minds. Keep her alive and remember to live everyday like it's your last!

God Bless You All!
Hugs and Kisses,
The Buzynski's

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:33 AM CDT

Good "Sun shiny" Morning to all,
Bethany is sure blessing us with her warmth today. It is a beautiful day here in Florida and I just wanted to write a quick note letting all of you know that we are all doing fine. Everyday without Bethany is still very difficult...but we are all dealing with it as best we know how. The hurt and pain of losing her will never go away...it will just get a little bit easier. Anyway...we are all enjoying the warmth of her on our skin as the sun is brightly shinning here.

Pete is doing fine....he is very ready to be home but realizes that what he is doing in Iraq, is helping our country. He is very proud to say he is in the United States Air Force and continues to believe that being over there is making a difference in the lives of others. We are so ready to have him back home....only one month to go and he'll be here.:)

Aarika is wrapping things up at school. Finals are just around the corner and she will be done with her Freshman year. YEAH!!!! She has been chosen to be the RA of the dorm next year.(which she is very excited about)Hopefully she will finish the year off with all A's. She has done very well her freshman year. Pete and I are so proud of her. (Her little brother thinks she's pretty neat too.)
Aarika plans on heading to Michigan to visit a friend when school gets out and then working here in Niceville over the summer along with taking a few on line classes. I'm sure she will be so busy the summer will fly by.

Blake is doing very well too. He is staying very busy with school. He just returned from a Band Trip to Orlando. They performed at an Orlando Suns basketball game and then got to enjoy a few "Theme" Parks while they were there. He had a GREAT time, but was exhausted when he got home. He hasn't stopped talking about everything he did and how much fun it was. Other than school and band functions...he stays very busy just hanging out with the guys in the neighborhood.

As for me...I am staying very busy with daycare. I love it and I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing. The two kids I have are a joy and I look forward to everyday of work. I am exhausted on some days...but I love what I'm doing.
I'm also looking forward to Petes return. We are counting the days and are hoping we can get a little R&R together "alone" when he returns. We are looking forward to that!

We will have a very busy end of May beginning of June when Pete returns. We are planning a family trip to Disney. Then my brother Jeremy, wife Sarah and brand new baby Emma Kristine (after Bethany) will be out the first part of June. Petes family will be coming around the 13th of June and then Pete and I are planning a trip alone towards the end of June...We are very excited and ready for some visitors and then some R&R.

Anybody needing a vacation to sunny Florida...please let us know...we'd love to have you.

Well, not much else to report...I hope all is well with you. Be safe, live life to the fullest, and smile!
God Bless All of You!

Oh, I almost forgot...Relay for Life is the 25th of April here in Niceville. They are dedicating it to Bethany this year. It will be another very difficult weekend...but very touching. Bethany touched the hearts and lives of so many when she was here...and she continues to do the same with her memories she left. If you live in the area...please come out and support this awesome event. Thanks and God Bless you all!
Love, Lori:)

Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:26 PM CDT

Happy 17th Birthday Bethany!
We know you celebrated your birthday in heaven with many loved ones...just as we celebrated your birthday down here with many people that loved you.

Did you see that I made your favorite dessert this morning? I was going to buy a cake, but remembered you weren't really a cake eater. I knew you loved the Rice Krispie Ice Cream dessert Grandma Kuker always made...so that's what I decided to make.

I hope your 17th birthday was a great one...we sure do miss you...and would give anything to be able to give you a big birthday hug and kiss...but we understand that is not possible...so we decided we would write messages on 17 lime green balloons and send them to you. Did you get all of our messages? I hope so...Thanks to Patti and Tanner, Christy, Aarika and Blake...your birthday celebration was alot of fun. We sang "Happy Birhtday" to you as we released your birthday balloons, at the beach, and then went to Buffalo Wild Wings for some of your favorite foods... (we had to wait a while for a table though) but once we sat down, our food came out quick and it was awesome...we sure missed your smiling face and contagious laugh. After dinner, we came back to the house and enjoyed some of your favorite Ice Cream dessert. By the way....Patti and Christy loved it too.

Well sunshine, it's time for me to hit the hay...I just wanted you to know you were in my thoughts all day today (like everyday)...and I love and miss you so much. Like dad said...we know you are watching over us and we are looking forward to the day we will meet again. Until then...you will always be a part of our lives and will always remain in our hearts. Thanks for giving us almost 16 years of wonderful memories...they will be cherished forever and ever. You mean the world to us and we will never forget you.
Happy 17th Birthday Boo!
Love and Kisses,
Mom and the gang :o)

Sunday, March 16, 2008 3:22 AM CDT

Family and Friends,

It's almost impossible to believe that one year ago today we said goodbye to Bethany Kristine. This past year has not been easy but we stayed with our game plan and continued to take one day at a time...remembering each new day is a gift.

We are still amazed at the support and kind words we still receive from people around the world. Bethany touched so, so many people in her short time here. This week my mind has been filled with memories of her...mostly good memories but some of the painful ones too. Last night those memories were intensely clear. As I looked through photos of her, I could hear her laugh, feel her touch and even smell her perfume as if she was right there. Although I couldn't see her I know in my heart that she was there with me.

I have been dreading this anniversary for a while now. There are times were I think this all has to be a bad dream and I'm going to wake up and everything will be alright. In my mind I feel this anniversary is the final door closing on that chance of waking up from this dream. Im sure that sounds pretty stupid to most of you but when you love someone as much as we loved Bethany you find yourself looking for anything you can to hold on to her...no matter how slim those chances are.

Today Lori, Aarika and Blake plan on going to the beach and spreading some of Bethany's ashes as the sun rises. I will be watching the sun set over here in Iraq at the same time. Bethany always had a glow about her and it reminds us of the sun. Today as the sun rises there and sets here we will take comfort in knowing that even though we are thousands of miles apart, we will be looking at a bright ball of fire that oh so reminds us of our Bethany.

I hope that a Bright Beautiful Sun shines on all of you today and that you take a second or two out of your life to enjoy it and smile...


The Buzynski's

Sunday, February 16, 2008 6:05 AM CST

Family and Friends,

Hello from Balad Air Base Iraq! I thought I would update Bethany's page from here and let everyone know I'm ok as is the rest of our little clan back there in Florida.

Everything is going well here in Iraq. I know a lot of people have different feelings on this war but those of us here on the ground and in the air feel that what we are doing is right. We are busting our tails to make this a better place for the Iraqi people and reguardless of what you hear on CNN, we are doing amazing things and making a difference. No matter what the history books of future will say...we are here right now to help make this world a little better and safer place. I can't tell you how much all of the care packages and words of encouragement from all of you mean to us. I sure miss the family but I know that what I am doing is important and hopefully the time will pass quickly.

I can't believe that it's been almost a year since we lost Bethany Kristine. The time has flown by, but I still feel the pain of not having her here each and every day. Before I left for Iraq, Lori and I talked about being apart on her anniversary and we both knew it wasn't going to be easy. I didn't realize how hard it was really going to be though. I guess being here by myself has given me alot more time to think of her and how much I miss her. I try to remember all of the great times that she brought us but after visiting the hospital here and seeing the injured kids, a lot of those memories of what Bethany had to go through come back and hit me like a ton of bricks. I can't help but wonder why. I can't help wondering if there was something else we could of or should have done. I find myself wishing I had told her so many more things. I know that God has his plan and I hope he understands that I only question it because I love her so much. She brought so much beauty into this world and after being here in Iraq I find myself missing her more than ever. This world could use a lot more of her beauty. We just have to keep the faith and know that she has deeply touched our souls and that can never be taken from us. I know she is here watching over me and when I am having a hard day all I have to do is think of her wonderful smile and I can't help but smile myself. She gives me the strength to push on a little harder or to do a little better. I miss her.

I have added a few new pictures. Please feel free to leave Bethany a note in the guest book...somehow I feel she still reads them. Until next time God Bless and Love those around you each and ever day.

The Buzynski's

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 10:11 AM CST

Good Morning to All,

I finally got Pete's snail mail address so I wanted to post it.

SMSgt Pete Buzynski
APO, AE 09315-9997

Some of you have asked for suggestions for the care packages. Pete has stated in an e-mail that all of the soldiers over there love homemade goodies and chocolates. He also said that if you want... you can send stuffed animals or toys (for ages 3-12)He said there are several Iraqi children in their hospital and the soldiers go visit the children in the hospital every couple of weeks and give out the stuffed animals and toys.

Other suggestions (for him) were snacks, magazines or any kind of science fiction book (for him to read)What ever you decide to send ...would be great...just because it's from "Home."

Have fun gathering things together for the care packages and thank you so much for supporting Pete and others while they are over there. We greatly appreciate it:o)God Bless!

Once again...It's so hard to believe, that today, it's been 10 months since Bethany earned her angel wings. Like I've said many times before... some times it seems like just yesterday she slipped away from us and other times it seems like she has been gone for a long, long time. We still miss her so much and will continue to miss her forever. We have constant reminders of her everyday that keep her "alive" in our hearts and tons of pictures of her every where we look in our home. She was so beautiful and had the smile of an angel. (maybe that's why God took her from us) Like I've said in many of my journal entries...we miss Bethany so much it hurts... but we are all doing okay and we will get through all of the hurt. Thanks to all of you that have kept Bethany "alive" in your hearts...it means the world to us...we never want her to be forgotten.

We love and miss you so much Bethany...We hope all is going well in heaven:o) Love, Mom, Dad, Aarika and Blake :o)

Just before I entered the website...Pete called. For those of you that may not know...Pete left for Iraq on Sunday. He flew to Norfolk, VA, then to Maine, on to Germany and today he called me from Qatar (just outside of Saudi Arabia) He is not sure where they will fly next...depends on who is on the next flight with him. They may fly straight to Iraq or they may make a stop or two to drop off other soldiers. He said he hasn't got much sleep since he left... until last night...even though he was sleeping in a tent, with very cold temperatures...he still managed to sleep for 20 hours straight. He sounded pretty good on the phone. For those of you that are interested in keeping in touch with Pete either by snail mail or by e-mail
...feel free to contact me and let me know. I will be more than happy to get that information out to you. As soon as I get his snail mail address...I will post it on the web site. If you feel moved to send him a care package..he would greatly appreciate it. Let's work together to try and keep his spirits up while he is over there. Thanks in advance for supporting one of the many soldiers that is fighting for our freedom.

As for Aarika...she is doing great in College. She ended her last semester with all A's. YEAH!!!!!(Her dad and I are very proud of her.)She continues to stay very busy with sorority stuff and keeps busy with her best friend and roommate..Carly.

Blake is doing well also. Schoolwork, confirmation, friends and his mom keep him very busy. Everyday after school you can usually find him outside playing games with the neighborhood boys. He is all boy and enjoy's everything that has to do with guns or weapons of any kind. I am really enjoying him:o)

I am still jobless. But I know there is a reason for it...not sure what it is... but if it doesn't change real soon ...I may be snatching kids up off the street. (just kidding!) I am so ready to start watching kids again (now that Pete is deployed) and I know what you all are saying...it will happen when the time is right. I keep telling "myself" that...and "myself" keeps saying... Blah, Blah, Blah. Anyway...when I do finally get a child enrolled in my daycare...the whole world will know because I am going to be screaming and doing the "Happy Dance"! Wish me luck these next couple weeks and pray that I find a wonderful child or children to be a part of my daycare.

Thanks for all of your support all the way around. We appreciate all of you and your concern for our family through good times and bad.
We want to wish you all a Wonderful 2008 and feel free to share with us some of your joys throughout the year. We'd love to hear from all of you.

Oh, before I go... just one more thing. Those of you that are anxiously waiting for the Spring 2008 Sorrelli catalog to come out...there has been a change. I have been in contact with one of the marketing directors and she has discussed with me that they are short staffed in the graphics department right now, and that they would not be able to complete Bethany's story in time for the spring catalog. They asked if it would be okay if they postponed it until the Fall of 08. I told her that would be fine. So I will keep you all updated on what I know when I know it. (the Fall catalog will be sent out sometime in July)I'm very excited to see what they are going to print. I did also find out that they are not designing a "new" necklace for Bethany...but they will be using Bethany's favorite piece (which was "Spring Rain") and calling it the "Bethany necklace". They also said that they will be donating a portion of their sales to the charity of our choice. What an awesome company! I am honored they will be doing a story on "Our Beautiful Bethany." (She would be so proud:o)

Okay, I think that is all I have for right now.
Take care, God Bless, and Smile!
Love from across the miles, (or across the street in some cases:o)
The Buzynski's

Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:55 PM CST

To all of our dear family and friends,
It's been 9 months today that Bethany received her angel wings. It seems like just yesterday she was here with us laughing her wonderful laugh and giving everyone she met a reason to smile. It's so hard to believe we will never see that beautiful smile here on earth again.

We know she is always with us because everyday we have constant reminders....we think of her everytime we see a butterfly, a ladybug, a rainbow, the sunshine, the rain falling, a single star in the sky, a penny on the ground, the wind blowing, the color lime green, a smile, the numbers 3/27 and 3/16, teenage girls, her favorite candy or gum, hot wings, Frank's hot sauce, a beautiful sorrelli, mother and daughter or sister's together,...the list could go on and on....as you can see... she is never far from our hearts. She is thought of all day long everyday and our wish is to have that for the rest of our lives here on earth. She may be physically gone from here...but she will never be far from our hearts or thoughts.

Today we celebrated "Our Christmas." (since we will be heading to Iowa on Wednesday) We had one of Bethany's favorite meals. Fondue! We cooked shrimp and steak and for dessert...chocolate covered strawberries. During dinner we toasted to Bethany and wished so bad she could have been sitting at the table with us...(we knew she was there with us but our wish was to physically see her and give her a big kiss and hug.)

Dinner was great but opening presents was a blast! We had a great time and laughed together like Bethany would have wanted us too. (We know she was laughing right along with us as she watched her dad be his goofy ole' self.) Everyone seemed to have a wonderful Christmas...even though we were missing Bethany.

After all the present were opened... Aarika gave Pete and I a very special gift that will be treasured forever. She gave us an ornament with a card that said...Merry Christmas from Heaven. And she made us a CD with memories of Bethany. It was the most wonderful, but sad gift I have ever received. We all sat and cried as we watched "our beautiful Bethany". We have been playing it over and over all night long. We absolutely love it....we could have received only that one gift... and it would have been the best Christmas ever... because Bethany was with us. We will be bring it to Iowa to share with the family.

Well...with all of that said...I will end here. Please continue to remember Bethany and keep her alive in your hearts. She touched the lives of so many people...lets continue to touch lives with her story.

Merry Christmas...and Have a Safe and Wonderful New Years.
Until next year,
Take Care and God Bless,
The Buzynski Family

Sunday, November 18, 2007 11:34 AM CST

Family and Friends,
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you reading this!
I hope all is well with you and yours as we head into the Joyous Season of Thanking, Giving, and Receiving.
I wanted to update this page on the 16th but wasn't able to get it done...so here I am today.
As we come into the "Thanks"giving season... people often remind me of how hard it must be to feel thankful for anything this year because of the loss of Bethany. We miss "Our Bethany" so much.... and we would give everything we own to have her back... but we know that will never happen. We also know that Bethany is always with us and is in a much better place than we are and for that we are Thankful. As selfish as we are sometimes... we do want her to be here with us... but if she was...she would be suffering in pain and that is NOT how Bethany wanted to live and we didn't want to watch our beautiful daughter live like that either...so we are thankful that our God is a GREAT God and he decided that Bethany would be better off with him... watching over us until we meet again.
To those of you that are going through health issues, finacial difficulties, work issues, relationship issues...remember...believe in the Lord and he will get you through in time. It might really be tough right now...but he's got great and wonderful plans for all of us and when he gives us those "Bumps" in the road..it is to make you a stronger person and Christian. Be Thankful for what you have and remember...it could always be worse. Just beleive and stay strong...and he will see you through!

To anyone traveling this holiday season...we would like to wish you a safe and happy trip. We will be staying here for Thanksgiving...but will be heading back to Iowa for Christmas. We are very excited and blessed that we have the most wonderful family to "Go home to." (Our hope is to, one day, move back in the Iowa area to be near family!)

We have wrapped up the soccer season...Blake's team took 1st place this year. YEAH!!!!! We were very proud of him. His team was awesome...they played very well together! We are now getting into the holiday concert/parades with middle school band, lots of school work, and just all of the hustle and bustle with the holidays.

Aarika will be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. She is still very busy with school and soroity stuff but seems to enjoy every bit of it. We are so proud of her too!

Pete just found out he didn't make Chief:o( but he seems okay with it.) He said there was really no way he could have made it anyway because he hadn't done any deployments in the last ten years...(which apparently really hurt his board score.) Anyway...we now know we will be here in Florida for another year and a half (at least) Which isn't a bad thing! Other than that...he loves his work here and he is still getting ready for deployment in Jan.

I still have no full time kids. I have done temporary care for a few infants and have a few more temp. jobs lined up right now...but nothing full time yet. I have really enjoyed caring for infants....so I may have to re-think what I'm going to do here in the next few weeks. I know God has a plan...I'm just wondering which direction he is wanting me to go....I'll keep you posted on my decision.

Well, not much else to report...
We'd like to wish you all Happy Holiday's and Remember to tell those around you how much you love them and live life to the fullest!
SMILE....it makes people wonder what you're up too and Bethany would want you to!
Take Care and God Bless!
The Buzynski's

Tuesday, October 16, 2007 9:30 PM CDT

Family and Friends,
It's Oct 16th...seven months since Bethany earned her angel wings....it just doesn't seem possible. I can't believe she has been gone from our lives for that long already. It seems like just yesterday that we found out she had cancer. We miss her more and more as the days go by... But we continue to hold her close in our hearts and the memories that she left behind will forever be on the fore front of our thoughts and minds. She was an amazing young women and we were so blessed to have been able to share almost 16 years with her. She gave us more memories and happiness in those 16 years than most people can give in a lifetime. We thank God everyday for giving her to us and we now thank him for taking care of her until we meet her again in Heaven.

Life here at the Buzynski house is on full speed ahead. We are very busy with Blake and all of his extracurricular activities. (I'm not sure how I managed to keep up with three children that were active in everything...because one is keeping Pete and I hopping!) And we love it! We wouldn't want it any other way.

Aarika is loving college and staying very busy. She is also very excited to be a "Alpha Delta Pi soroity sister." They keep her busy with all kinds of activities. (which is right up her alley.) I think she is planning on coming home for a day this weekend (for the Mullet Festival) We're excited to see her and get to spend a little time with her.

I still haven't gotten any daycare children yet. I'm in search of 3-4 year olds. I know God will send me those kids when the time is right. I just have to patient. (it's getting really hard to be set up, ready and not get any calls though) I know it will all work out in time.

Well...I think that's all I have to share right now. We hope all is well with you and yours...and remember to tell the ones you love how much they mean to you everyday...you never know when they will be taken from you!

Everyday is a Gift...that's why we call it the present!
Live everyday like it's your last!
God Bless and Take care
Love, The Buzynski's

Saturday, September 22, 2007 8:46 AM CDT

Family and Friends,
It's so hard to believe it's been over six months since Bethany earned her "angel wings." We miss her more and more as each day passes knowing that "physically" we won't see her again here on earth. I'm not sure the realization of her being gone has really hit us. I still feel at times that she is going to come flying through that front door laughing like she loved to , or that she's going to call my name from her bedroom like she did so many times in the last 2 1/2 years of her life. We miss her so much it hurts! Like Pete said in his last journal entry....the hurt is still there as if we just lost her yesterday. We know Bethany is in a much better place than you and I right now...but we are selfish... and still wish she was here with us...and always will until we meet again in heaven. Some days are very difficult for us and on those days we just lean a little harder on each other. We know that the hurt will never go away...and someday we will be at peace with our loss. Thank you all for continuing to support us as we continue to travel this most difficult journey. We will be okay... because we have God (and Bethany)on our side to see us through.

Just a little update on what we have been doing here. Blake is still in full swing with Football band and soccer. He loves soccer and is a true natural! He's got an awesome team this year... so they are alot of fun to watch.

Aarika absolutely loves college life and has been staying very busy. This past week she has had "RUSH" (it's the soroity thing)She has had so much fun with it and is hoping to get into one of them. She will hopefully find out within the next couple of days which one has picked her. We are very excited for her because she is so excited about it.

Pete took his test to put on "Chief" last week (and is very glad it's behind him. He said it was a tough one.) We will not find out if he made it until Jan.
He also just found out he will be deploying to Iraq in Jan. Obviously, we are not looking forward to that at all. But, that is just one of the things that happens when you are living the military life. Anyone needing a vacation during Jan-May come on out and visit....I'll need the company!

As for myself, I have finally gotten both my state and base daycare license. So... I should be getting calls to begin care starting Monday. I am so excited to begin working with little people again. I'll be watching 3-4 year olds and doing a little preschool program out of my home with them. I can't wait!

Many of you have asked how my Mom and Dad's 50th Anniversary went.(it was celebrated on Sept 16th, six month after Bethany earned her angel wings...it's amazing how God works!) Anyway, It was amazing! Pete and I surprised them (which was great!) but just being back in Iowa with all of my brothers and sister's was a BLAST! The turn out for the Anniversary Party was wonderful! I think mom and dad were very pleased! Thanks to all of you that made their day even more special by celebrating it with them.

Not much else to report! Please continue to keep Bethany alive in your hearts and remember to live everyday to the fullest! and don't forget to tell someone how much you love them!
SMILE:o) and God Bless!
The Buzynski's

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 11:01 PM CDT

Well, its been a long a long times since I wrote in this log. I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it. I look at this site every day and I see that a lot of you do also but somehow I always find an excuse not to update it. Lori has done a great job of trying to keep everyone up to date but I'm sure you all know it is not an easy thing for us to do.

I still can't believe Bethany is gone. I miss her more than words could ever say. I keep running all her wonderful memories through my mind because I am so scared that someday I will forget her. I know my heart will never let that happen because it hurts so bad but sometimes I wonder if it was all a dream. We went through so much and and when I look back I feel so tired. I a still amazed at what that little girl went through and never once complained. I don't know where she got her strength from but sometimes I wish she would or could pass a little bit of it on to me.

They say that time heals everything, but as of yet enough time hasn't passed because I don't feel any healing. I still see and feel Bethany in everything I do and I always wish I could have just one more day with her. I know she went through a lot and maybe I'm selfish but I would give anything to squeeze that little girl one more time. No matter what you say or do I guess that is always the case. People always want a second chance to tell someone how they realy feel but most of us don't take that opportunity when we have that chance.

Tomorrow we are taking Aarika off to college. She is going to the University of West Florida about one hour west of here and we couldn't be more proud of her. She has been really looking forward to starting off on her own but Lori and I are hating it. Lori has been doing well over the last couple weeks because they have been shopping, shopping, shopping trying to get Aarika's dorm room ready...but I know it's going to hit her in about a week when everything settles down and she is setting around the house wondering who is going to go shopping with her. Blake and I have already made a pack...unless she is going to the Bass Pro Shop...we ain't going! I guess I will try and work her into my lunch schedule a little more...if I don't poor Blake might have suck it up and do a little shopping with his mother!

I would like to thank all of you that have continued to keep Bethany and our family in your hearts. From the PA girls softball team, the memorial flower gardens, the In Memory of BKB ribbons and all the other tributes (necklessses/bears) that folks have done for our daughter have been humbling to say the least. We (and I mean all of you that are reading this and that have followed us throughout) have all been through a lot with Bethany's journey and I hope that her life, no matter how short it was, has made a difference in yours and that you take everyday as a blessing and don't waste a single moment of it!

God Bless all of you!

Love and lots of appreciation,
The Buzynski Family

Thursday, August 16, 2007 5:20 PM CDT

Family and Friends,
Just a quick up-date....It's hard to believe its been 5 months since Bethany recieved her "Angel Wings". We miss her more now than ever. She is always on our minds and in our thoughts throughout every day. Everything we do seems to spark a memory of her and we are very grateful for that. She was the light of our lives for almost 16 years and her light will continue to shine forever in our hearts.

We have three nieces and one nephew here visiting and we are getting ready to head out to an exciting resturant in Foley, AL. It's called Lamberts (those of you that are from around here know what I'm talking about.) Their known for their "Throwed rolls". Bethany loved that place so Aarika decided that we are going to take a "road trip" to eat there tonight. We are all very excited and very hungry.

Blake starts school on Monday and on Wed we will be taking Aarika to College to get her all settled in. This next week or so will be busy for us and than there will be a few adjustments Pete and I will have to deal with. With only Blake at home...it will be quiet and a little bit lonely. I'm sure we will adjust just fine:o)

Well, the troops are ready to go so I better close here.

God Bless you all, smile (it makes people wonder what you're up to) and live life to it's fullest!

Take Care until next time.....
Love, Lori and the gang

Tuesday, August 7, 2007 12:32 AM CDT

Family and Friends,
Sorry it has been so long since my last post.
Life has been getting a little busier for us. Blake is keeping busy with friends, playing computer games and XBox games, and going to football band camp. He is growing up and excited about going into the 7th grade. He had one of his best friends (Tom, from PA) visit last week. He was so excited for him to be here and very sad when he had to leave. They had a great time and hopefully they can get together again someday!

Aarika is ready for her BIG college year to start. We have her stuff for her room all bought and ready to head to Pensacola. (good thing we only had to furnish one room...I can't image what it would have cost to furnish a whole apartment WOW!!!!!) Anyway... she has been staying busy with her friend, Carly. They are two peas-in-a-pod and love to be together! (they will be room mates in college:O)

Pete has been staying very busy with work and trying to keep up with the yard. On the weekends its boating time!!!! He spends most of the weekend trying to keep the boat in tip-top shape. He loves spending his days outside in the yard. (He's always been a "yard boy.")

I have been keeping busy with trying to get my home set up for Home Daycare. I am really excited about getting back into working with kids again. I am just waiting for my state license to get here... and then I'm set to go. Once I get my state license, I will then go on to be "affiliated" with the Base here at Eglin. I am also going to start working on my CDA and then work to be Accredited once again. I have alot of work ahead of me.... but I'm ready to take it all on!

Oh...I almost forgot...Pete and I had a nice little "get away" last weekend. We flew out to Vegas for a Surprise Birthday Party for a friend of ours (Thanks for inviting us Steph) and we also got to see alot of people that made up "our family" while we were stationed out there! We had the "BEST" time with our great friends (Greg and Colleen) I laughed until my cheeks hurt! It was great to see them and everyone else. We are so glad we had that opportunity!
Thanks for our warm welcome!

Well, not much more to report here on the home front. Every day is still a challege for all of us without "Bethany" but we work our way through it and know that she is still with us in every thing we do. Everything I do throughout the day...seems to spark a memory of her. She was such a wonderful young lady....I'm so glad she was a part of my life!

Always in our hearts and missed so much! We love you Boo!

Before I go.... I have to tell those of you that didn't receieve an e-amil from me that we found out from some dear friends in Fairfield, PA that Boyds Bears will be making a "Bethany Angel Bear" in memory of Bethany. She will not be born until the Fall of 2008. We will be sure to get the news out to everyone when she arrives. Thanks to the Hummel family for surprising us with such wonderful news!

Also, I heard from the Sorrelli Company and they will be featuring Bethany and her favorite necklace in the 2008 Catalogue. Sounds like it will be a picture or two along with an article and the necklace. I can't wait to see it! Again... we will let everyone know when it comes out!

We are touched everyday by the many wonderful and kind things people do for us and our Wonderful...but very missed Bethany! She truly touched peoples lives like no other. We are so proud of her!

Until our next post...God Bless, SMILE, and live everyday like its your last!
The Buzynski's

Wednesday, July 11, 2007 10:06 AM CDT

Check out the new pictures!
Good Morning to all!
The "Bethany" rays are shining again:o) She seems to follow us where ever we go. (and we love the feeling of her being around us!)We love you Bethany!

Well, we have returned safely from our "WONDERFUL" vacation in Iowa, MN, and a little of IL. We arrived back in FL Sunday morning after a 20 hour drive (straight through). One of these days we will get some sense and stop over night somewhere. We had snickers with us and we didn't want to hassel with trying to find a hotel room that would accept dogs...so we just drove and drove and drove! Anyway, we are home and trying to jump right into things again.

Pete, Aarika and I will be heading to Pensacola tomorrow for orientation @ UWF. We are all very excited about what lies ahead for Aarika. She is ready and just waiting for her college days to begin. We are sure going to miss her, but we also know she is going to do some great things with her life and we are very excited about that!

By the way.... Aarika's Graduation Party was great!(Thanks to all of you that helped decorate and brought goodies. We really appreciated all of your help!) We were able to see alot of people we hadn't seen in a long time.... BUT most importantly.... Aarika had a great time with all her cousins and friends! Thanks guys!

I have a very busy day ahead so I better be going. I'll have Pete post different pictures sometime soon...so keep your eyes peeled for the latest photos:o)

Also before I go.... I wanted to let everyone know that we have some very dear friends that wanted to do something in memory of Bethany and to also keep Bethany "alive" in the hearts of all who knew her. The Patterson family ordered ribbon shaped magnets and clings that say, "In loving memory of Bethany Kristine Buzynski" It also has her birthdate and her passing date on them. They are lime green and black. (very sharp looking) We will post a picture of it on the website so you can get a visual. They are $5.00 a piece and proceeds will be going to The Childrens Place @ John's Hopkin's in MD. If you would like one... you can either contact me @ 850-279-6524 or Michele Patterson @ 228-822-8599. Thanks to the Patterson family for showing your love for our family. It really means alot to us. We miss you guys!

Well, the sun is shining brighter and the day is getting shorter so I best be going!
I hope all is well with you and yours!
Take care, SMILE, and God Bless!
The Buzynski family

Saturday, June 16, 2007 9:23 AM CDT

Friends and Family,
(Please check out the new picture's)

It's so hard to believe....today marks the third month of Bethany's "promotion to heaven". Pete and I sat outside last night and talked about how we miss her and wished we could wake up from this "bad dream", how unfair it seems that we lost our little girl at such and early age, and how unfair it was that she had to suffer so much and go through the things she did...(and do it with such grace.) Pete said he really misses giving her a hard time...(she could always give it right back to him though...hummm wonder where she learned that from)and then continued to talk about what a "neat" kid she was. (and she was at that!)

I miss her laugh so much. When she laughed.... she laughed all the way down to her toes sometimes. It was the neatest sound to hear. That is certainly one thing Bethany loved to do...just sit around with her friends, doing goofy things and laugh until her cheeks hurt. We wish she was here to do that again. (and we all know that one day we will hear that laugh again...but we sure miss it now!)

As I was going through some cards, I came across one that I wanted to share with all of you. If Bethany was here with us today, I think she would want to say this to all of us.

When you do what you do
with a will and a smile,
Everything that you do
will seem twice as worthwhile
And when you walk
down the street,
life will seem twice as sweet
If you smile at the people
you happen to meet,
For when you smile,it is true,
folks will smile back at you
So do what you do
with a will and a smile,
And whatever you do
will be twice as worthwhile.

Make a promise to yourself to always choose the things that make you happiest. Make a promise to yourself to make every moment count, to stop and smell the flowers along the way, and enjoy life's simple pleasures one day at a time. God Bless!
Your Forever Angel,
"Bethany Kristine"

Well, this next week is going to be a busy one. Today we are planning on going out on the SS "Bethany Kristine" and maybe again tomorrow. (weather permitting)

By the way..."HAPPY FATHER'S DAY" to all of you wonderful dads out there. Relax and enjoy your day!!!!!

Tuesday we (Pete, Blake and myself) will head to Iowa for Aarika's graduation party and a family vacation. (Aarika's gradutation Party will be on the Saturday the 23rd.) Aarika has been in PA and MD for the past week celebrating graduation with her PA friends. She will fly into MN on Tuesday the 19th and Pete's sister Kelli will be picking her up. She will stay in MN for a day or two and we will meet to pick her up at some point.

During our vacation in Iowa we plan to do many things. Camp with family, maybe go boating/fishing, visit old friends, and just sit around and enjoy the Iowa weather with the people that mean the most to us. We are looking forward to a wonderful trip. Our plans are to be back in FL around the 8th of July.

Well, I need to get ready for another beautiful day of "Bethany" rays on the boat. I hope all is well and remember to SMILE...that's what Bethany would want!

God Bless!
The Buzynski's

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 2:09 PM CDT

Wow it's been awhile since I've been the one to update the page..I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that it's been over a year. Things were a little crazy around our house here for awhile with my graduation and baccalaureate service..but high school has now come to an end for me along with all the crazy stuff that goes along with it!

Lately we have all just been trying to relax and enjoy the time off before things start to pick back up again. Bethany has been really good to us lately with all of the sunshine--she's given us perfect weather to take out "Bethany Kristine", speaking of which..dad got the letters for her today, they look a little small and the color might be slightly off, hopefully when we get it up next to the boat, it'll look perfect!

Blake started up with band practice already. He practices every monday in the afternoon. Dad is staying busy with work and cleaning the boat on the weekends--he spends a lot of time making sure she looks perfect :) Hope ya'll are ready to see my bombshell of a mom..she's stays busy by working out..shes either running..walking..or biking if shes not helping Blake and I out. She's got a fun group of ladies who make sure she gets out of the house a few times a week to walk, chat and catch up on times. Every once in awhile, she suckers me into going on a walk with her..an hour and a half later, I'm barely truckin it back to the house--THANKS MOM :) haha..Me on the other hand, when I'm not dodging mom and her killer walks, I stay busy with friends before we all head off on our seperate ways :(

Next week I am headed to Pennsylvania to watch my favorite people of 2007 GRADUATE :) Ahh--I'm so excited to see everyone, and im especially stoked to get to be a part of their "end of high school" celebrations. Come mid-june, I'll be flying to Iowa to see my parents and re-unite with everyone before my big graduation party :)Oh man it's going to be such a good time!

Last but not least, I have received a few emails from various people, asking what I thought about posting my speech that I gave during my Baccalaureate service..I thought about it and realized that its praising my sister and our Lord..what is there to be ashamed of? So here it is..its kind of long so be prepared to read :)

"Two and a half years ago, my sister was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a bone cancer that developed into a grapefruit sized tumor on the right side of her pelvic bone. Immediately the doctors suggested chemotherapy in hopes of removing the small spots on her lungs, and stopping the growth of the large mass in her hip. After countless weeks of chemo treatment, the spots on her lungs were gone but the dominante spot seemed changeless. Hesistant to perform surgery because the tumor was only 40% dead, the doctors decided to take the chances and remove the right side of Bethany's pelvic bone. Surpassing all expectations that anyone had, Bethany was able to walk again after being confined to a wheelchair for months. She continued her journey into remission, where everything seemed to be going well, until October of 2006. The cancer was back, and everyone, including the doctors, was shocked. This time they were sure that the ampuation of her right leg would get rid of the problem, along with a few more rounds of chemo. The day of surgery came and there she was, my little sister, with the biggest smile on her face. Instead of being the ones to comfort and calm her fears, she was the one reassuring me and my family that she was going to okay and that the Lord was going to take care of her. The surgery went well and Bethany was right there, ready to crack jokes as soon as we came in to see her. After a few weeks of recovering, surprising everyone yet again, Bethany went back to school, one leg and all. She walked through the halls with the biggest smile on her face, flaunting the fact that she was just like everyone else, but I knew better. She was a walking miracle. Twice her cancer came back and through two surgeries and five regiments of chemo, she was able to walk through high school as if nothing had ever happened to her. The grace of Jesus shined through my sister more than I had ever witnessed before, but cancer was soon to darken my sunny outlook. It was back, one more time, and chemo was the only option. Experimental drugs were the only things left to try. If those didn't work, nothing would. The cancer was covering her lungs, dominating her kidneys, blocking her bladder and creeping up her spinal cord. The chemo wasn't working and neither was her body. Slowly but surely, Bethany began to dwindle away to nothing. She lost her appetite. She lost her hair for the third time. She lost her mobility but she never lost her smile. When we were informed that her cancer had become terminal, I had so many thoughts running through my mind. This was my sister, my best friend, and she was only 15 years old. Who is going to help me get ready for prom and who was I suppose to talk to about getting nervous for college, who am I suppose to call when life seems to be too much and how am I suppose to get through this without her? She was my strength and my hero. I looked to her for comfort when she was the one fighting the battle. So why her? Why the girl that was loved by so many and had so much going for her? I remember thinking to myself, there are people out there who don't want to be alive. There are people who intentionally hurt their body because they think it was take away their pain, and yet they continue to live. Why would this amazing savior, give life to those who don't want it, when there are people out there like Bethany who had so much to offer the world, but didn't have a fighting chance.
The last few weeks of Bethany's life were very hard. Family from all over flew in to say their goodbyes. She began to get weaker and weaker. A ventilator become necessary and tears became inevitable. I was lying next to her the afternoon she was granted her angel wings. The day I thought would never come, was actually here. Bethany's hand slipped from mine because she was reaching out for our Lord's. It was right then and there, that I came to my senses and realized that he was going to take care of her, better than any one of us down here could have. All my anger toward him had vanished in that moment, and I was quick to realize that wanting to keep Bethany here, was only an act of selfishness. She is in a magnificant place, created by God, where she doesn't have to hurt anymore and can constantly watch over me alongside the man who always has. I don't know why our Lord tested my family and I'm even more clueless as to why he took my sister. However, I do know that because of my faith and because Jesus Christ continues to shine his grace upon me, I am able to come in peace with the idea that one day I will see my sister again. One day I will be able to give her a hug and tell her how much I've missed her. It's through his love that we are granted eternal life, and it's through that life that I know I will be reunited with my best friend once again.
Tomorrow marks the two month anniversary of the day Bethany passed away. She was eleven days shy of her 16th birthday. It's extremely hard to look out amongst all of you and know that she isn't sitting in a pew, but through the grace of our Lord, I know that she is with me and is giving me the strength to stand up infront of all you and encourage you to remember class of 2007, to always keep Jesus in your heart for it's through his grace that we are all here today, able to rejoice in this huge obstacle that we have overcome together. May God bless each and every one of you as you continue your journey through life making each day count. I wish you the best of luck in all that you may endure, but before you go, there are three things I ask you to remember as you leave high school. Remember our Lord, remember his love and always remember to smile."
^The theme of the service was "His Grace is Enough". I was asked to give a testimony of my faith, and explain how without Jesus, I wouldn't have been able to make it through such a difficult time. I originally didn't want to stand up infront of so many people and talk about something to fresh and so painful. I practiced my speech numerous times,every time I cried more and each time it got harder because I realized she really wasn't here, and all that I had just talked about, really did happen. Bethany truly was with me the night of my speech. She helped me get through most of it before I started to get choked up. She was also with me at graduation. The sky was beautiful and clear, however there was ONE star..and the moon. I KNOW it was Bethany looking down on me. I wanted nothing more than to give her a hug, but until I can..i just blew her a kiss and told her I loved her <33

May God bless all of you this week..and may Bethany's smile continue to shine on each of you :)
With love
The Buzynskis

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 10:21 AM CDT

Good Morning to all,
Well, today is 2 months since "Our Bethany" received her angel wings. I'd love to be in Fairfield today to see all of the lime green. I'm sure Bethany is sporting her lime green too and smiling down on all of you. I'm actually sitting out in my driveway (with my mom and dad) soaking up some of the Bethany rays that are shining:o) It feels so good to feel her:o)

Last night was Aarika's Baccalaureate Service. She was one of four seniors that gave a testamonial of her faith. She spoke on how her sisters death made her a stronger person and how such a tragedy has brought her closer to God. We have never been more proud of Aarika for her courage, strength, and willingness to share with so many people her love for her sister, family, friends and God. As hard as it was for Aarika to stand up in front of hundreds of people and speak about something so near and dear to her heart....she knew it was the right thing to do and she wanted to do it for Bethany. We knew Bethany was sanding right next to Aarika the whole time giving her the strenght to hold it together. Aarika....Dad and I would like to say...WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU...and always remember you will never be alone.

Today is Blake's last FULL day of school (he goes until about 1:00 tomorrow) And than his summer is offically started. He is ready for summer and would love for some of his friends from PA to come and visit. The door is always open:o)

Aarika will graduate tomorrow night at 7:00. (And she is ready!) We will be having her graduation party back in Iowa (at my sister's house) on the 23rd of June. We are very excited to share this special day with all of our family and friends. It has been a rough couple of years for us BUT we still have so many things to be thankful for and celebrating this major event in Aarika's life is worth celebrating with grandparents, brothers, sister, aunts, uncles,cousins and old friends. So be ready Iowa....we will be coming sometime mid June. YAHOO!!!!!

Well, it's lunchtime and I need to feed mom and dad...so I best be going (were having pizza....can you tell Pete is at work Ha,Ha,Ha,)Until next time....take care, Smile and God Bless!

Love, The Buzynski's

Wednesday, May 9, 2007 10:07 AM CDT

Good Morning to all!
*Check out the new picture's that Pete just posted.*

Things are going well here in Sunny Florida. We have been feeling the "warmth of Bethany" for several days now and it feels absolutely wonderful. If anybody up north needs to get away to sunny Florida....our door is always open and we love to have visitors. (And now we can take you out and cruise on the beautiful SS "Bethany Kristine".)

Several people have asked about how to get and/or look at the "Sorrelli" jewelry that Bethany absolutely loved. There is a web site you can log onto (but just so you know, the jewelry is much prettier in person.)The site is
jewelsforthesoul.com. Bethany's favorite set was "Spring Rain." That is the one the "Sorrelli sisters" are going to feature in the Jan. 2008 catalog along with Bethany and her story. I hope you enjoy looking and/or buying. I will say....every time I have a sorrelli necklace on....someone comments on it. They are all absolutely beautiful.... just as Bethany was!

This next week is going to be very busy. Aarika's last day of high school is Thursday. (Blake's is the 17th) Aarika's awards ceremony is Friday. Next week they have the Baccalaureate Ceremony on Tuesday. (Aarika will be speaking at that:) and Graduation Day is on Thursday! We can't believe "our little" Aarika is graduating. She is so excited and ready to get out on her own. We are so proud of her and only want the very best for her.
She has decided to attend The University of West Florida.(in Pensacola, Fl.) She will be going into Pediatric Nursing.:o)

Blake is excited that school is almost out. He just celebrated his 12th birthday and recieved a Paintball gun. He loves it and says now that he has his own gun...he'll be paintballing almost every weekend. (he went paintballing for his birthday party with 5 of his friends) They had a blast! Boys will be boys:O) He is growing in leaps and bounds. He'll be in seventh grade next year. WOW....It doesn't seem possible. Where are the days going????

Well, with all that said....I will sign off. Take care and remember to SMILE....it makes people wonder what your up to:o)

God Bless you all!
And to all you graduates out there....CONGRATULATIONS and follow your dreams!

Love, The Buzynski's

Wednesday, May 2, 2007 8:31 AM CDT

Good Morning to all of our Family and Friends,

Well, it's a beautiful "Bethany" morning. I went out running this morning after everybody left for work and school and enjoyed the fresh morning air and sunshine. (thinking of Bethany often)

The days are beginning to return to somewhat "normal". I am getting things done, instead of walking around in a fog all day. Things will never be "normal" again for us without "Our Bethany" but we try our best to manage each day as it comes. (Were getting pretty good at that) We know Bethany is here with us in spirit.... but somedays that just doesn't seem to be good enough. We miss her so much. We love you Boo!

Well, our first boat ride was very nice. The water was a little choppy but we enjoyed every minute of the trip and we knew the "Bethany Kristine" would take care of us:o) We will be posting pictures of the boat soon. We'd like to have Bethany's name on it before we post them. So please be patient. Thanks! We are just as excited as you are:o)

Prom was a great. Aarika looked absolutely beautiful! She said Bethany was by her side the entire day. She talked to Aarika about her hair (which was gorgeous...Thank you so much Hether Walker!) and told her, her dress and make-up was beautiful! Aarika was glad to have her sister with her (in spirit) on that special day! She misses her so much and wants her back, just to laugh and be goofy with. I want that so bad for her too, and wish I could make that happen for all of us, but unfortunately that's one thing "mom" can't fix. Anyway, Aarika had a great "Prom night" and as soon as I can pin Pete down to post some new picture's... we will have them up. So be looking.

Our visit with Jan and Ed Peck was wonderful... but short. They arrived at our house around 5:30 Saturday night and left @ 9:30 a.m. Sunday. We enjoyed visiting with them and we were glad to spend the time with them that we did. Thanks for stopping in....we miss you already!

Well, I need to get back to writting Thank you's. Take care and remember to smile...it makes people wonder what you're up to, love like you have never loved, and laugh until it hurts...until next time...we love you!
The Buzynski's

Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:33 PM CDT

Hello to all
It's Thursday night and we are doing well. We all are trying to stay busy but constantly thinking of Bethany in everything we do. There isn't much that happens in my day that doesn't bring back a memory of Bethany. She was such an amazing young lady (before and after she was diagnosed) that she left lasting impressions in and on everything she did. I am so glad I have all of those memories to hold onto day in and day out. Thank you for all the great memories, Bethany!

Well, this weekend is going to be a busy one. Tomorrow night @ 6:00p.m. kicks off the "Relay for Life"ceremony. We plan on attending the opening cermony and then @ 9:00p.m. they have the luminar cermony. We will be there for that too. We have dedicated three luminars in memory of three special young ladies, Bethany, Megan Koepke and Brynna Peters. These young ladies recieved their angel wings long before any of us wanted them too. But they are three young ladies that touched the lives of many people in their short lives. We will forever remember them and continue to dedicate many things in our lives in their honor.

Saturday Pete and I have a wedding to attend and then Saturday night we have two very special visitors arriving. Jan and Ed Peck:o) We are very excited to have them in our home, this time. They housed us many times while Bethany was in treatment....now it's our turn to give a little back. We are so excited to see them! Drive safe Jan and Ed...we love you!

Sunday will be a really big day for us. We will be getting OUR new boat. It is something we have wanted for a long time. Pete came across a good deal and decided to jump on it. We are all very excited and know that if Bethany were here, she'd be tickled pink. That's why we have decided to name it, "Bethany Kristine" She will always be out there with us and that makes buying it extra special.

On a different note.................those of you that knew Bethany really well, knew she had a special place in her heart for a jewelry line called "Sorrelli." Sorrelli is an Italian word that means "sisters." Bethany was introduced to the "Sorrelli" jewelry when we first moved down here and lived with some very close friends of ours. Tami, Danny and Heather Hare. Bethany immediately fell in love with this beautiful jewelry and wished she had lots of pieces. Over the last few months of her life she aquired several of her favorite pieces from dear friends and family. Because of her love for the jewelry and in the last few weeks of her life....each one of my sisters,sister in laws,moms and nieces decided to purchase a piece of this jewelry in honor and in memory of Bethany. We'll.... when Heather Hare heard/and saw how the "sorrelli" jewelry touched our lives and will be such an important part of our lives forever...she decided to write the owners of "Sorrelli". Heather shared Bethany's story with them and also explained to them that just about every female on both sides of our families now own a piece of the "sorrelli" collection in memory of Bethany. Heather asked if they could dedicate a necklace to Bethany. After several sweet e-mails they have decided to feature Bethany, her story, and her favorite "sorrelli" necklace in their January 2008 catalog. We will let everyone see it when it comes out. Bethany will be so proud!

Heather....thank you for writting such a touching story about Bethany....we will cherish it forever and I know Bethany is smiling from ear to ear knowing she is going to be remembered in such a special way. Thanks!

Well, I think I've written more than enough so I will close.
Love like you have never loved!
Dream...and dream big!
Live in the moment!
and remember to tell those around you that you love them and are very proud of them everyday!

Take Care and God Bless!
Have a safe and wonderful weekend!
Until our next post,
We Love You,
The Buzynski's

Friday, April 13, 2007 5:39 PM CDT

Family and Friends,
It's Friday night and I have a few minutes to update the web page since I'm waiting for "Chef Pete" to finish up supper. Were having one of Bethany and Blake's favorite's tonight...Baked Salmon! YUMMY! YUMMY! YUMMY!

Well, the first week back to "so called normal" is over. Aarika and Blake were busy with school and Pete with work. I tried to keep myself busy with cleaning, laundry and errands...but I once again...often found myself lost without Bethany.

We know it takes time and we realize that. We also know there are still going to be tough days ahead for us. But we know that Bethany would want us to live life to it's fullest, just like she did and would do if she were still with us. Sometimes we feel guilty when we laugh or are having a good time... because we just lost Bethany only a month ago. But again...we know Bethany would not want us to sit around feeling sorry for ourselves either. So as you can imagine...it just continues to be an emotional roller coaster for all of us.... but we will get through it with the help of all of you and "Our Very Special Angel...BETHANY" We know she is with us everyday...every step of the way...and we are so thankful for that!

We love and miss you so much Bethany!

Well, supper is going to be ready soon but before I go I wanted to share a quick story with all of you.

To OUR family:

Today as I (Lori) was on the phone talking to one of my closest friends…we talked about several things for about an hour or so and just before we were ready to hang up she said she wanted to share something with me ….She proceeded to tell me that she thought my sisters, sister-in-laws, brothers, brother-in-laws and parents were amazing. She also said she was so glad and felt honored to have been able to witness such a wonderful family with so much love for each other and concern for one another at such a difficult time. As she continued to tell me how lucky we were to be a part of such an amazing family….it was than that I realized that we ARE very lucky to have such a fantastic support system amongst our family. I thought to myself....How many other families would have rallied around their loved ones like you guys did when we needed you most? How many other families would have or could have dropped everything, just to be by our side during the most difficult days of our lives?…and how many other families would have been there to circle around their dying nieces bedside, holding hands, and praying for that miracle to happen... like you guys did ?…I think we’d have to look far and wide to find a better family than what you guys are and have been to us. With that said we’d like to take this opportunity to say THANKS…..from the bottom of our heart for being OUR family. We love all of you, we cherish all of you now more than we ever did before, and we know now we will never be alone…because we have the greatest gift of all….You….Family….and you all are truly the most "special" people in our lives. Thanks for being there for us!
With all of our love,
Pete and Lori:o)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 1:34 PM CDT

Family and Friends,
The days here lately have been very quiet for me. Pete started back to work Monday and Aarika and Blake are back to school. I find myself wondering around not really knowing what to do with myself. My last two and half years have been devoted to Bethany and now that she is no longer here with us...I'm lost.

Knowing that she is not suffering anymore makes it so much easier but I still miss her so much and it seems to grow harder and harder everyday that passes. I know she is still with us but I want to see her, talk to her, eat with her, shop with her, and just sit with her and laugh like we used to. She was so much fun and she could make me laugh until I cried.

I knew these next few days and months were going to be difficult but I guess I didn't realize how hard it would really be. I know she is with me in spirit and I know she is watching over all of us and for that I am greatful...but i still miss her!

Easter this year for us was kind of quiet. We went to church @8:30 and then we were invited to The McCool's house for breakfast. (which was fabulous) Thanks Tim and Sue... we'll have to do that more often! After breakfast we went out looking for a house to buy. Didn't have much luck...but I'm sure we'll find just the perfect one when it's time. After house hunting we came home to a delicious ham that was being cooked in the crockpot. It smelled so yummy and tasted just as good! The rest of our night was pretty low key...we just sat around and watched T.V.!

Our friends from N.C. had a change in plans...because of the change.... they will not be coming to our house until the end of the week. Jan and Ed are still planning on coming to our house sometime within the next week or so also. We can't wait! We love to have visitors. Infact...anyone need a vacation????? Come on out...we'd love to have you:o)

Well, I've got lots of things I could be doing so best be going. Take care and remember to love those around you more than ever and tell them how much you love them and appreciate them often!
Until next time....God Bless!
The Buzynski's

Tuesday, April 3, 2007 7:16 AM CDT

Don't forget to check out the new picture's!
Dear Family and Friends,
It's Tuesday morning and quite gloomy at that. We were hoping for a little sunshine today so we could go and enjoy some site seeing with the Milbrandt's (Pete's sister Kelli and family are out here visiting until Friday) They made the long drive back to Florida with us. It was very uneventful, and seemed to go much faster since we had them along with us. Thanks guys!
Anyway, today we are planning on visiting the Air Force Museum, lunch, and then treking over to A.J's on the beach to watch the fish come in. After that we are looking forward to a bowl of "Dippin Dots" YUMMY! and then maybe some goofy golfing or Easter Egg dyeing back at the Buzynski Camp. Whatever we decide to do...it will be fun...just because we have "family" here!
Well, as I type I feel the sun is trying to shine through the clouds. We were hoping to feel the warmth of Bethany today as we site see. Even though she is not with us physically...we know she is watching over us and is always by our side. We all miss her so much and wish we could have her back with us, but we also know she is not hurting anymore. And for that we are thankful!
Well, before i go I would like to express to everyone near and far....Last week was truly amazing for our entire family. Each and every "Celebration of OUR Bethany's Life" will be remembered forever. Each service was wonderful and each service will be held close to our hearts for the rest of our lives. We'd like to specifically Thank...Pastor Underdahl (Niceville) Pastor Frye (Fairfield) and Pastor Wegener (Readlyn)... for conducting such memorable services of "Our" Bethany. Each service was different but very special in it's own and we will forever be grateful to all of you for that. Thanks... from the bottom of our hearts. We know Bethany was proud of each "Celebration"
Also... Thanks to our soloist Chris Jabs (Niceville) Sarah Hess (Fairfield) and Nathan Klostermann and Sarah Hess (Readlyn) You were all absolutely amazing and we know Bethany was smiling down on you! Thanks to the organists... Without you, we couldn't have sang Bethany's favorite songs. Lee Kohler and Dee DeSoucy (Niceville) Carol Garman (Fairfield) and Luann Happel (Readlyn)
Again... we will forever hold you all in a special place in our hearts. You helped us "rejoice and celebrate our little girl" during some very difficult days. And for that we are grateful.
And again...thanks to all of you for attending Bethany Celebrations. We were touched by the amount of people that were at each service and will always remember each and every hug we recieved. We know Bethany touched so many lives and now in return... we have been touched by you. Thanks for touching us at this most difficult time. Please continue to pray for healing for each of us. We are going to have some very difficult days ahead as we start going through Bethany's belongings. Thanks!
God Bless and If I don't post again for a few days....
Love, The Buzynski's

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 11:08 AM CDT

To Friends and Family,
We had another amazing "Celebration of Bethanys Life" yesterday here in Iowa. The service was one that will remain in our hearts forever. Pastor Wegener did a great job and we appreciate all that he did. Thanks Pastor! Thanks to Our soloists...Nathan Klosterman and Sarah Hess ...You guys sounded absolutely amazing and we know Bethany had the biggest smile on her face while she was listening. Thanks to both of you...your voices will remain in our thoughts forever. (Good Luck Sarah on your audition on American Idol next season...we'll be cheering you on!)
To Dan Wedemeier...thanks for all of your hard work as Bethany's personal "funeral director." You know if she could have given you a hard time... she would have. She loved you! Thanks for coordinating a great service! Also, Thanks to Joel Kohagen, Barry Fortsch and Cal Kuker for ushering! Luanne Happel you did a great job on the organ. Without all of you...we couldn't have had the amazing service we did. Thank you! To the ladies of the church...the meal was delicious. Thanks!
Last but not least...Thanks to all of you for attending and helping us celebrate Bethany's life on her 16th Birthday. It was a wonderful day and we know Bethany was with us as we gathered to celebrate her!
Until our next post....smile like Bethany would smile...love like you have never loved.... and live every day to it's fullest!
The Buzynskis
and "Our Angel Bethany"

Sunday, March 25, 2007 8:43 AM CDT

Family and Friends of the Buzynskis:

Lori, Pete, Aarika and Blake arrived in Fairfield Friday evening around 10:30 PM. They all were a bit weary and headed off to bed shortly after they arrived. Saturday their close friends Jim and Patti (from N.C.) arrived. The morning was spent getting things ready at St. Johns for the Celebration of Bethany's Life.

Services were absolutely beautiful and Pastor Frye did a marvelous job of helping all who attended remember and celebrate Bethany's life. St. John's was full to the brim. Following the service everyone went to the reception area where many of Bethany's friends spoke of their precious memories of Bethany and how much she meant to them and how much she will forever and always be in their hearts and minds.

The Buzynski's left for Iowa about 8AM this morning. Continue to hold this family in your thoughts and prayers as they continue on their way and as they face the days ahead as a family.

UPDATE: The Buzynski's arrived safely in Iowa around 8:30 PM Sunday evening.
Lori says it is a beautiful, warm sunny day.


Monday, March 19, 2007 9:52 PM CDT

Family and Friends,
Thanks to all of you for your wonderful thoughts and prayers pouring out to us these past few days. We again realize how truly blessed we are to have been able to share Bethany's story with all of you. Each and every web post, e-mail, card, phone call, and thought has touched our lives in such a way it is hard to put into words. Thank you all for walking this journey with us and making it easier for us to continue each and everyday.

Services for "Our Bethany" are as follows:

Thursday, March 22nd @ 7:00 p.m. There will be a "Celebration of Bethany's Life" held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Niceville, Fl. Everyone is welcome! If you have a story you'd like to share with all of us about Bethany...we'd love to hear it!

Saturday, March 24th @ 7:00 p.m. there will be a "Celebration of Bethany's Life" held @ St. John's Lutheran Church in Fairfield, PA. Everyone is welcome! If you have a story you'd like to share with all of us about Bethany.... we'd love to hear it!

Tuesday, March 27th (Bethany's 16th birthday) we will be having a "Celebration of Bethany's Life" funeral service @ 11:00 a.m. held @ St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Readlyn, IA. Everyone is welcome!

Make a Wish Foundation
The Children's Inn @ NIH (National Institute of Health)
American Cancer Society

We are sorry it took so long to get this schedule out to all of you. We had to make sure it worked well in all three locations. Until next time...we love you all and thanks for supporting us through all of this.

God Bless you all!
The Buzynskis

Friday, March 16, 2007 7:46 PM CDT

Dear Family and Friends,
Bethany received her angel wings at 6:15 tonight. She is no longer suffering and is now looking down at all of us calling us a bunch of ball babies. We miss her already so much. Thanks for everything you have all done!
The Buzynski Camp

Friday, March 16, 2007 1:56 PM CDT

To our Dearest family and friends,
Last night we had a very comforting night with Bethany. We (Pete, Aarika, Blake and I) sat at Bethany's bedside and told her how much we loved her, how proud we are of her journey these past two and a half years, and reassured her that she is a child of God and if she was ready to go on to a big and better home....everything would be okay because she would still always be held close to our hearts and in our lives forever. We know in our hearts that Bethany heard every word we said to her and will carry that with her as she gets ready to meet God.

Those of you that have asked us to tell her you love her and to give her hugs...it has been done. She has been listening to everything being said and we know she hears it all. If there is anything you'd like Bethany to know... contact us on her web page and we will read it to her. We feel in our hearts that it will only be a few more days of her suffering here on earth. And as hard as that is to say....we know that that is what is best for Bethany at this time. We are going to miss her so much, but we also know she doesn't want to live like she is right now. We told her last night that when she meets God.... she will have two legs again and will be able to run and play softball again. We know she was smiling in her heart.

Please pray for a peaceful ending for Bethany. We all would love to have her around for 100 more years... but that wasn't God's plan and we now know that. Bethany has done what God put her on this earth to do (touch the lives of thousands:o)and now she will become an angel in heaven and watch over all of us until we meet again. May God be with her now and forever.

To Jan and Connie....I told Bethany that once she gets to heaven she needs to look for a cottage with a white picket fence around it. I know your mom will be waiting for her with wide open arms....(I just hope she knows how to make "steak" on a George Foreman and knows of a great "Hot wing" place.):0):0):0) I know she will watch over "Our Sweet Bethany." God Bless you both! Thanks for all you have done for our family these past few years. You are our angels here on earth:o)

To everyone near and far....thanks just doesn't seem to be enough anymore. The amount of support and love we have received from so many has impacted our lives in a way that at times it's hard to grasp. We see each and every card, web post, and we hear about all the phone calls that are being made. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your unending thoughtfulness and outreach has touched "our" lives.... as Bethany has touched yours.

Until our next post....Remember....each day is a gift...that's why we call it the present. Give someone you love a hug, and let them know you love them.

God Bless you all!
The Buzynski Camp
Pete, Lori, Aarika, Bethany and Blake

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 11:20 AM CDT

Family and Friends,

Bethany was able to sleep a little easier last night. She is resting most of the time now and it's pretty hard to understand what she is trying to say now. We are just trying to keep her as comfortable as possible at this point.

I can't tell you how greatfull we are for the continued support we have received. From the moment we brought Bethany home all we have had to do was ask for something and it would show up a few minutes later. There are a couple "Angels" (Patti & Christy)that have made sure we have everything we need and more. I'm sure some of our neighbors think the circus has come to town with all of the people we have staying here. I hope we haven't been to much of a nuisance.

It has been great having our families and friends here with us. It's pretty humbling seeing so much support and love coming from all over the world. Every kind thought and prayer for Bethany has been appreciated and whether you realize it or not those prayers and words of encouragement have helped get this family through an awful lot. We have read over and over again on this web page that God will not give you more than you can handle. I know that to be true. Our family has been pushed to the it's limits more than a few times...but every time that I thought we couldn't take any more, someone would come and somehow give us the strength to carry on. That is the wonderfull gift that you all have given us. We are forever in your debt. Thank you all.

Love from the Buzynski Camp.

Monday, March 12, 2007 9:53 PM CDT

Dear Friends & Family

Bethany was very restless last night and continued to be tired throughout the day. She has not been as responsive to her friends and family. As much as Bethany loves to eat she hasn't had much of an appetite today. Her pain is still under control and she's been better at keeping her oxygen on.

Thank you again for the amazing community support.

Please keep the prayers coming as Bethany needs all your support through this journey.

Make sure you check out the new photos.

P.S. Kelli...great idea about having shrimp...we just ate all four pounds of it and it was wonderful! Sure wish you could have enjoyed it with us...maybe in a few weeks we will have to try again. Love Ya! The Buzynski Camp!
Family of Pete & Lori

Sunday, March 11, 2007 7:10 PM CDT

Good Evening from the Buzynski Camp

Bethany just continues to amaze all of us with her strength and inspiration. Last night she asked to get moved out of her room so she could be with the girls out in the living room watching a movie. On her way out in the wheelchair she made a detour to the refrigerator where she picked out the three items she wanted to eat. After watching the movie for a little bit, she helped Aarika get started with her American Idol audition (she may be coming soon to a TV near you). It was a lot of fun to see her enjoying her time with the family members. Bethany has been fairly alert today visiting with the many family and friends that have come to see her. Just to see this girl in action is very humbling to all of us, she just keeps going and going.

You all continue to amaze us, your continued support and prayers helps to keep this family strong. We could not do it without you, keep up the fight with us, as we continue to give Bethany the love and support she needs through this journey.

We would again like to thank everyone for their thoughtfulness.

The families of Pete and Lori

Saturday, March 10, 2007 5:24 PM CST

Hello Family & Friends
They landed in Florida Thursday night. Bethany is at home hospice is checking on her regularly. Bethany is visiting with family and friends periodically and resting between her company. She is on oxygen and still likes to be able to talk when people visit. She has taken a liking to frozen grapes and Italian ice pops. Her pain is under control and she still has her sassy sense of humor. She enjoyed showing off her birthday gifts from her party and clothes from her shopping spree in PA to her friends and family.

Bethany has been surrounded by family and friends. If someone was to drive by the house they would see a small campground has emerged. The community has really come out to support Bethany by dropping off campers so the family can all be together. The community has kept us well fed with planned meals and supplies. An extra refrigerator was even dropped off to help store all the generous donations of food. Our family is amazed with the outpouring of support.

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. We will try to keep you updated as Bethany continues on her journey.

Pete & Lori’s family

Tuesday, March 6, 2007 9:41 AM CST

Family and Friends,
Bethany had a great weekend!
Friday afternoon Greg (my brother) and his family, Jeremy (another brother), Grandpa and Grandma Kuker and Blake and Aarika came to spend the weekend with us. Friday we just hung around the house. BUT...Saturday was a BIG day! We (or should I say Jan) planned a huge "Sweet 16 Birthday Party" for Bethany. After hearing the news last week about Bethany's kidney function and her lung disease progression we decided it would be a good idea to have her Birthday party a little earlier just in case she wasn't well enough to enjoy it on March 27th. All it took was one phone call to get the ball rolling. I called Jan and asked her to contact two of Bethany's friends and from there.....they all started spreading the news. Within a few days we had heard that approximately 38 people would be joining Bethany to help celebrate her 16th birthday.
In order for us to make sure Bethany looked beautiful we had her friend Aaron tell her he was having a party at his house and he'd be over to pick her up around 7:00.
The plan was to have everyone meet at the church across the street from Jan and Ed's house and start walking over to the house around 7:10. Everything went as planned. As everyone was in place to yell surprise...Aaron and I went into the bedroom got her coat and shoe on her and started towards the door. Needless to say, as she walked out into the hall and began seeing people with cameras....She realized she wasn't going to Aaron's anymore. She was completely SURPRISED by about 60 friends and family. We wish you all could have been there to see her. She looked amazing and had the best time. Thank you to all of you that were there to share one of the best days of her life. I know it will be something we will remember forever. Thanks you!
Also, Thanks to Michele Patterson for flying in and surprising Bethany (and us) but especially for bringing Kailie, T.J. and Mallory over to help celebrate Bethany's birthday! It meant the world to us!
To Kelsey Hake (one of Bethany's very best friends from Vegas) Thanks for calling Bethany during her party. I'm sure it was difficult to hear her with all the noise from the 60 people. Bethany really loved hearing from you. Thank you...we wish you could have been here too!
To Lauren and Aaron for handing out invites and getting the word out so quickly.
To Tina for the Sparkling cider and wine glasses. (that was a big hit)
To Diane for the delicious brownies and belly buttons. Yummy!
And to Jan and Ed for opening up your home to so many people and putting on a party that will be remembered forever! You two are the best and we love you so much! Thanks for being in our lives!
Thanks again for all of the wonderful gifts you gave Bethany. She really appreciates all of it! Thank you!
Bethany's last party goers left around 12:00 midnight. Needless to say she was worn out...but wouldn't have changed any of it for the world!
Sunday was her big day of shopping. Aarika, Jenny, Chelsea, (friends) and her cousin Olivia went to the mall. They had a full day of shopping. (about 5 hours worth) Apparently, Bethany would see a manican and tell the girls to find the clothes that was on the manican and bring it to her. She ended up with quite a wordrobe of new clothes. And was very proud to show it off to anyone that entered her bedroom that night. Again, she had a great time and we were so glad she got to do that with her sister and some of her closest friends. Thanks guys....you made her day!
Monday was a sad day. All family left to go home and we headed back to the hospital. We always love it when family comes to visit but it is always so hard to see them go. Anyway...thanks to all of you who took the time out of your busy schedule to come and see us. We love you all!
We are sitting in Bethany's hospital room right now waiting for the doctors to come in and tell us what our next step will be. As soon as we know what lies ahead...we will update you all. We just are not sure what the game plan is right now.
So...until we hear from the doctors...I will go and return with an update later on today.
Take care and God Bless you all!
Thanks again to all of you who made this weekend special for Bethany!
Please keep the prayers going....as bad as all test look....we can still witness a miracle....If only we all believe! I'm still holding on for that miracle!
As our journey continues,
Love, The Buzynski's


We just finished talking with Bethany's team of Doctors and they feel that they have done all that they can at this time. Bethany's kidney continues to get weaker and weaker and her lungs have developed another problem in the lymphatic system that has excelerated her lungs problems. Therefore breathing has become more difficult as each day passes. This is not the news we wanted to hear, but again, if this is what God has planned for "Our Bethany" than this is what we have to trust is the best thing for us. We do know, that we do not want to see our little girl suffer like she has been. Bethany does know what is to come and her only request at this time is to be with her sister, Aarika. That's why we have decided to head back to Florida as soon as possible. We don't know how quickly things will progress but as fast as things have progressed in the last month and even weeks...we don't think we have much time left ....UNLESS God gives us that miracle we've all been praying for. Please continue to pray for peaceful days and nights as we begin down another path of this journey.

Thursday, March 1, 2007 10:53 PM CST

Family and Friends,

It's Thursday night and things have gone much better for Bethany over the last couple of days. Her Doctors have been able to ease her pain with the help of steriods and a new batch of pain meds. I can't tell you what a relief it has been to see her over these last few days not being in terrible pain. There is only so much a parent can take watching a child go through so much misery. We are praying that things will remain pain free for her at least for a few days.

Bethany's doctors are very concerned with the rapid growth of tumors in her lungs and stomach...they talked with her and asked her if she would like to take a few days while she had her pain under control and spend some time with friends before we start her next experimental trial. As fast as the tumors are growing they feel she could really start to have some trouble with fluids building up in her lungs or her kidneys starting to shut down over the next couple of weeks. They wanted to give Bethany a chance to do whatever she wanted just in case things turn for the worse.

Bethany has decided to take a couple of days off and get her nails done with a few friends and go shopping. She also plans on having a big party sometime this weekend. This wasn't an easy decision for Bethany or us. We know that every second we wait...the cancer is spreading, but we had some long talks with the doctors and this might be her last chance to sit down and really talk with her friends and family. We are taking the time to talk with Bethany and letting her know that no matter what lies ahead she is loved and that we will be there for her. We hope that her friends will be able to take this time and do the same. It's not an easy thing to do but we just want to make sure as many people as possible have a chance to talk with her before we go back next week and give the chemo one last chance to work. Bethany wants everyone to know that she is "not" giving up! Her biggest concern was that people would think she is quiting by taking these few days off. She especially didn't want to her doctors to thinks she wasn't ready to start her next treatment...but they all think she has made a good decision and have encouraged her to have a great time this weekend.

Please keep those thoughts and prayers coming! We plan on getting Bethany re-energized these next few days and ready for the next round of treatment next week. Never give up!


The Buzynski's

Friday, February 23, 2007 7:17 PM CST

Family and Friends,

It's Friday evening and we have the results from her latest sets of scans. The tumor around Bethany's bladder has doubled in size since her last scans in January. The tumor has restricted the flow from one of her kidneys and it that kidney is no longer able to work properly. The other kidney is still functioning, but the Docs want to watch it for a few days to make sure it doesn't get cut off too. The drain tubes are surrounded by the tumor and the more it grows the more it restricts the flow to her bladder. If it gets much worse they will do surgery to put external tubes from her back into the kidneys and allow the toxins to drain into a bag. Right now we are on hold for her next batch of chemo until they have a good feel for how well her one kidney is doing on it's own. We should now a lot more by Monday and make a decision on what else we can do for her early next week.

They new scans also showed a lot more tumors forming in her lungs. She is still able to breath ok but at times when her pain is bad she gets a little short winded. At this point they feel surgery to remove the tumors would be more harmful than good. We are praying that the new chemo will be able to stop or at least slow down the cancer there.

The tumors around her spine haven't changed much in the last few weeks although her pain has increased. They have admitted her into the hospital and put her on a morphine pump to help with her pain. So far it is making things a little easier for her but she is still in a lot of pain when she has to get up out of bed. I think every pain doctor on campus has been in to see Bethany these last couple days and they are going to try a new combination that we are hoping will help take some of her agony away. We couldn't be more impressed with the team here at the hospital. They treat Bethany (and us) like we were part of their own family and we thank god every day for their efforts.

Bethany is still fighting. She doesn't have much strength but if I do something wrong she finds enough energy to give me a good butt-chewing! It's so hard seeing her in pain...you want to help in any way you can but little "Miss Independent" still prefers to do a lot of things by herself. She must get that stuborness from her (over the hill) mother!

While she is an in-patient only one of us can stay in the room with her. That actually isn't a bad thing for us. Over the last couple of months Lori and I have slept in the same room with Bethany and if she so much as rolls over we pop up out of bed. Needless to say we are a little behind on our sleep but last night I was able to go back to the Childrens Inn while Lori stayed with Bethany. It's always hard to turn off your mind and get to sleep, but once I did, I got six straight hours of uninterrupted sleep and it did wonders for me. Hopefully Lori will get a few hours tonight. Lord knows she needs it.

We will have some big decisions to make next week. We (and Bethany) still want to give it one more try. Bethany is willing to keep on fighting and if nothing else she knows she will at least have helped with the on-going studies and that someday it may help out another person that has to fight this terrible disease. The big question is will her little body be able to take much more? If you can please ask God to give her enough strength for one more try...we promised her one more chance and if her kidneys and everything else hold up, we intend to!

Again thanks for all the support...your thoughts and prayers have gotten us a long way down the road that God has chosen for us and we will forever be in all of your debt.

The Buzynski's

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 10:46 AM CST

Many of you have asked us over the past couple of years, what you could do to help our little girl.... we have decided to do a group prayer this Thursday, February 22nd @ 8:00p.m. If everyone who logs into this website would bow their head and close their eyes and pray a prayer of healing and ask the Great Physician for His touch on Bethany at that time, it would be appreciated very much. We believe the scripture that tells us "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

Hello Family and Friends,
First of all I want to apologize for not updating the page sooner. The Peck's computer has been down since we have been here and we can't get connection on our laptop without wireless internet connection. Anyway...all is up and running now and I can fill you all in on our wonderful weekend!
We arrived here in PA. Thursday morning. (Yes...we drove straight through. Once Pete gets behind the wheel... there's no stopping him. You'd think I'd know that after almost 22 years of marraige:o) Anyway, we arrived safely and had time for a nap before the rest of the family arrived. My sister's (and their families) got in around 6:15 p.m. They had time to put their luggage in the rooms they were staying in and then we headed for "Wing Night" at Ventura's. (we had reservations at 7:00) and guess what??? Bethany felt well enough to go with us, so that was a treat in itself:o)
Friday was a day of shopping for the girls (I had to go buy a coat...I realized after an hour into our trip to PA. I forgot to pack my coat. ooops!) and the guys took the little boys snow/ice tubing. It was a very productive day of shopping for the girls and the boys had a blast tubing.
Peck's Bed and Breakfast had a variety of delicious soups for us to eat upon our return. YUMMY!!!
Saturday was the day of the "Winter Ball." Most of the day we just hung around the house and caught up on life. Aarika stayed busy most of the day doing her and her friends hair. Bethany spent the day resting up for the "Big" night. Bethany's date (Aaron) and one of his friends, picked up her and Kylin (Bethany's cousin) @ 5:00 and they headed to TGI Friday's for dinner. After they left...the rest of us chilled out for a while until it was time to head to the dance. We arrived at the dance around 7:30 only to find many young women looking gorgeous and many young men sporting shaved head's (for Bethany). It was pretty amazing! Thank you all for your support! Bethany did very well through dinner and the dance. We will be posting new picture's as soon as we can. :o)
Sunday was supposed to be a day of rest...HA HA HA. As soon as we hit the floor, we went running. My sister's and I went to the famous Boyd's Bears store. Agai, another productive day of shopping:o) We were to be back at the Peck's @ 2:00 for a late lunch. At 1:45 I was getting a little paniced (because the last time we went shopping we were late for our "dinner reservations" at the Peck's Bed and Breakfast) and here we are.... still at Boyd's Bear Country, we still have to check out, and then we had a 20 minute drive to get back to the Peck's. I just knew we were going to be in trouble. As we drive up to the Peck's house...I notice that there were alot of cars in the driveway and I mentioned it to my sister's...but right away one of them said...Oh it's probably some of Aarika's friends....I didn't think twice about it. Needless to say...it wasn't Aarika's friends....They SURPRISED me with a "SURPISE 40th Birthday Party"....and boy was I surprized ..It was great. Thanks to all of you for making my 40th birthday one I will remember for the rest of my life. (my birthday really isn't until the 21st...but now I get to celebrate it twice:o)Yippee!!!! I love my birthday!!!!!
Monday was a day of packing everything up for our visitors. It's always so sad to see everyone leave after having such a great time together. They all left around 2:00. Thanks to The Duffy's, The Oltrogge's and The Wheeler's for taking time out of your busy schedule to come out and see us. We had a great time:o)
It's Tuesday today and we are just resting and getting Blake and Aarika ready to head back to FL. They will arrive in Fl around 10:45 p.m. Grandpa and Grandma Kuker will be there to pick them up. Thanks G'ma and G'pa!
The rest of the week goes as follows:
Wednesday we will head to the Children's Inn.
Thursday we have to be at NIH @ 9:00 for blood work. @ 9:40 she is scheduled for a CAT scan and @ 1:15 she has another appiontment.
Friday she will have her sedated MRI @ 7:45.
After all scans are read they will determine if and when they will start the study. When we have more information we will certainly share it with all of you.
I believe that's all I have to share with you at this point. If I forgot something....I will share it with you on my next update.
Until next time....Please continue to keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayers. She is becoming weaker and weaker and is in more pain as the days pass. We really need a miracle to heal our little girl. Please pray for that Miracle. God is listening...Please Pray!
There are a few people I'd like to say thanks to before I end.
Thanks to Tammy Deardorff, Terri and Matthew Bollinger and the entire Fairfield Ele. School for raising $3000.00 in pennies for Bethany. We appreciate all that you have all done. I hope you all enjoyed your ice cream party! Great Job!
Thanks to the Fairfield High School Student Council and the rest of the student's and teachers for supporting Bethany @ the "Winter Charity Ball" The amount of money raised will certainly help us as we contine to make this journey with Bethany. $5276.00 That was amazing!!!! Thank you!
To Terri May Stem...Thank you for donating $800.00 to Bethany from your Senior Project. We know you worked very hard and we appreciate your caring heart. Thanks so much.
To Jenna and Tammy (Bethany's Physical Therapist and Secretary from Taneytown) Thanks for cooridnating the Corbi Pizza Fund raiser for Bethany. The $2301.00 you raised to help us is very much appreciated also. Also thanks to Tammy's church and many friends around the Fairfield area for selling and buying the products.
And last but certainly not least...thanks to Jan and Ed Peck for housing us once again and for allowing our family to stay also. We love you both so much. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
To all of you.....Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You will all be remembered for years to come.
Love and God Bless You All!
The Buzynski's
P.S. Thanks mom and dad Kuker for staying with Aarika and Blake!
Thanks Miss Patti and Tanner for taking such good care of snickers while we are away!

Check out the New Photos!

Friday, February 9, 2007 5:57 PM CST

Family and Friends,
It is Friday night and we are just waiting for our Pizza from Hungry Howie's to arrive. YUMMY!

Bethany has been having a few painful days since my last update. She had her weekly doctor's appointment today and hopefully we have her medication high enough to relieve her pain. It's so hard to manage her pain. One minute she is doing great and the next minute she is in so much pain that she can't even stand it. Let's hope that what the doctors ordered today, will do the trick.

Well, we heard from NIH late yesterday afternoon. We will begin Bethany in the "Phase 1 Experimental Trial" on the 22nd of Feb. Right now she is scheduled to have a Cat Scan on the 22nd and and MRI on the 23rd. Hopefully we can get her started on the study soon after the scans are read. This particular study will be all oral medication. We will find out more about the study/drugs when we meet with the team of doctors that will be following Bethany through this study. When we know more...we will share it with all of you.

Our plans right now are to leave for PA on the night of the 14th or early on the 15th. We will arrive in PA. sometime Thursday afternoon/night. We will be staying at the "Peck Bed and Breakfast". Two of my sister's (and their families) will be arriving at the Peck's Thursday night also.(The Duffy's and The Wheeler's) We are so excited to get the chance to spend about 4 days with them before they have to head back to IA and MN. We look forward to four days full of fun and laughter:o)

Blake and Aarika will head back to FL. around the 20th and stay here with Grandpa and Grandma Kuker until Pete, Bethany and myself return home. We don't intend to stay in PA as long as we did the first time. We pray that everything will go well this time around. Please continue to pray for good things to happen with this new drug. Somedays are very difficult for Bethany and she says she has had enough of all of this.... and somedays she is still ready to put up a fight. Pray that God gives her the strength to continue to fight and beat this horrible disease. We feel in our hearts...if she can stay strong enough...she will beat this! BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!!!!!

I have to share a quick story with all of you.

Today as Bethany and I were in the elevator of the parking garage at the hospital, a young woman got on the elevator with us. She looked at Bethany and then looked at me and asked if we were heading to the hospital for treatment. I said, "No, just a doctor's appointment." She smiled and said, "I had cancer....I lost my hair on 6 seperate occassions. The doctor's gave me no hope at that time." She continued..."It's been 10 years and I am cancer free and still here. Miracles DO happen and I am living proof!" As she walked away she asked what Bethany's name was and said she'd be praying for her. I believe God put that lady in the elevator with us for a reason....to give us hope and make us realize...that with GOD in our lives... anything is possible. You just have to believe!

With that said I will let you go because our pizza should be arriving any minute.

Take Care and God Bless all of you!
In loving thoughts,
The Buzynski's

Monday, February 5, 2007 11:02 AM CST

Family and Friends,
This is going to be quick...but I wanted to let everyone know that we are (and have been) back in Fl for a week now. Our first few days back were a little rough with Bethany.... but things have settled down and I think we are back on track. Bethany has been feeling really good these past few days. She played cards with Grandpa and Grandpa Kuker and Pete and I for about 2 hours one night and has been more active these past few days. Right now she is getting ready to go to the mall. She's got her eye on a few things and feels well enough to go out and look so I'm taking advantage of this wonderful moment.... So...Aarika and I are taking her shopping!!!!!Yippee!!!!

I just talked to Michelle (Bethany research nurse at NIH) this morning. We still don't have any information as to when or what drug we will be trying Bethany on next. As soon as they know and have some information for us we will decide what to do next and then we will update all of you. As for right now...we do plan to be in PA around the 15th of Feb. The Fairfield High School is having a "Winter Ball" and all proceeds will go to Bethany... They asked us if we could attend so... as long as Bethany is still doing okay... we will be there! (that's one of the things we are going shopping for today...a dress for the Ball!!!)

Well, I believe my "princess" is ready to go, so I will end here.

Please keep the family of Megan Koepke in your thoughts and prayers. Megan lost her long, hard fight to a rare brain disease Friday night. We know now she is in a better place with no pain and no more medication...but it just doesn't seem fair for a child to be taken away at such a young age. God Bless you Rick, Rhonda and family. You are never far from our thoughts. Find peace in those around you at this most difficult time.

Thanks to all of you for your continued encouraging words and prayers. We know God is still listening and he does have a plan for "Our Bethany"!

Mom and Dad.... We hope you have a safe trip home today and THANKS for all you have done for Pete and I! We couldn't go through this without the support from both of you. You have made this journey so much easier knowing that our other two kids are being well taken care of. THANKS from the bottom of our hearts. We love you!

Believe in Miracles....WE DO!!!!
In this together,
Love, The Buzynski's

Friday, January 26, 2007 8:27 PM CST

Family and Friends,

Well we recieved the results from the new scans around 6:30 pm and unfortunatly it wasn't what we were all praying for. Bethany's scan showed more new spots on her lungs and her doctors feel this experimental treatment is not working the way they had hoped. There wasn't much change in the tumors on her spine (which is good) but right now the doctors think they have a couple other options we can try. Bethany once again took the bad news very well and although she is pretty tired of all this she is not ready to give up! She still managed to smile and thank all of her doctors and nurses for their hard work in trying to cure her.

Her Doctors want to try a Chemo that has worked very well for her type of cancer (osteosarcoma)that has spread into the lungs. Unfortunately that was only in mice and it has not been tried on humans yet. We are all praying this will be the right mix for her. If everything works out we should be able to start around Valentines Day. In the mean time we plan on getting all the paperwork done early next week then head back to Florida until they need for us to return. It will be great having our little family back together once again. It was really nice flying home and being able to spend a little time with Aarika and Blake (and sleeping in my own bed) but very hard to leave Bethany and Lori with all that is going on. Thankfully everything went well while I was back in Florida.

Well we have a lot of things to talk about yet tonight and I just wanted to get this page updated because I know a lot of you were waiting for the results. I wanted with all my heart to be telling you all something better, but we have become used to a bump or two in the road that we are traveling and we will not let this latest news get us down. Bethany has a special fire that burns in her and we will continue the fight. Please don't give up on us and keep the prayers coming...we still beleive!

The Buzynski's

Thursday, January 25, 2007 4:45 PM CST

Friends and Family,
It's Thursday night and we are patiently awaiting Pete's arrival. Bethany is resting in our room while I am trying to update you, and 'hoping' that I am sitting in an area of The Children's Inn that I will get cell phone reception when Pete calls to tell me he landed @ Reagan International. It's almost 6:00 p.m. here and he is supposed to land at 8:30. So I have a few hours of relaxation before I have to meet him at the front gate. We are very excited to have him back here with us...although we miss Aarika and Blake so much and wish they could have come back with Pete this time....Maybe in a couple of weeks they can come back here and visit again for a few days. Only time will tell.

The Children's Inn is absolutely beautiful. It is definitely a "home away from home" The people here are very friendly and always willing to help in anyway they can. Right now, I am sitting on a very comfy couch, infront of a huge fireplace, watching the snowfall gently outside. There are people all around watching T.V., playing cards, making dinner, (in the many kitchen's they have)or just walking around trying to find something to keep them busy. The sad part about all of this is... we are all here for basically the same reason. To hopefully find a cure or breakthrough medication for our very sick children. It's at times like these, that we realize we are not alone fighting for our childrens lives. There are so many other people that are facing situations just like ours.

Bethany is still doing very well. Her pain still seems to be under control and she is very comfortable most of the time. We are hoping that each day brings her more comfort and less meds. That would be an obvious sign of tumor shrinkage (and that is exactly what we want to hear tomorrow) Bethany is scheduled for her MRI @ 9:15 and her CT scans @ 11:15. As soon as we hear the results and can update the web page.... we will let everyone know. Please pray for good news for Bethany.

Well, I think I've covered all that I needed to cover so....until next time...Please continue to pray for Bethany and I am hoping to deliver great news to you all tomorrow afternoon.

God Bless you all and Believe, Believe, Believe!

Always in our hearts,
The Buzynski's

Monday, January 22, 2007 6:06 PM CST

Family and Friends,
It's Monday night and it was a pretty uneventful weekend. Bethany is still feeling pretty good and is scheduled to have bloodwork tomorrow (Tuesday)and Thursday. We are also scheduled to meet with the Pain Doctors tomorrow to see about taking some of her meds away. We are in hopes that they can take some of her meds away, but still manage her pain like they are right now.

Well, Bethany did not end up having a party as planned this weekend but, she did have a friend spend the night with her on Friday night (and had other friends drop in) and another friend spent the night with her Saturday night. Sunday she spent most of her day in bed. She was planning to go over to a friends house Sunday night to watch the "Colts" play, but she got sick to her stomach, and decided to stay home. In the meantime, I had left to go out with some girlfriends for dinner and didn't realize until I got home, that Bethany wasn't feeling well. BUT...Ed and Jan had it all under control. Ed was waiting up for me and stayed in the house with Bethany, until I got home, just in case she needed anything. See what I mean about "Our Gaurdian Angels"... everybody should be so fortunate to know two people like Jan and Ed:o) I appreciate those two more than any words could say.

Just a quick note to let everyone know that Bethany will be having her scans done again on Friday the 26th @ 9:15 a.m. We will find out the results as soon as the doctors have a chance to read them. Please pray that this chemo has worked on her cancer. If the tumors look smaller or have stayed the same, they will continue to do the same treatment....if it looks as if the tumors are still growing or she has more...they will stop this treatment and go onto another treatment option. (BUT...only if Bethany agrees to it). We will let everyone know what we find out as soon as we can. If scans look good or better, they will begin the next cycle of chemo immediately. Again, Please pray that we will be starting her next cycle of chemo, Friday. (what a wierd request....praying to have chemo started???? who would have ever thought that would ever be one of our prayer request???? But we know if that's what's going to get our little girl better... that's what we have to ask for. Please pray for good results.

Well, nothing else to report. Thanks again ALWAYS for all of your unending support and prayers. We feel them working everyday and we see them working in Bethany. God will answer our prayers. Keep Praying and Keep Believing!!!!

God Bless you all!
Pete...we will see you on Thursday night.

Aarika and Blake...I miss you so much! I can't wait to see you both again. I love you!

Mom and Dad Kuker...Thanks for taking such good care of Aarika and Blake while we are away. It means the world to us knowing that they are in their own home and being well taken care of. Thanks a million!

Tina, Leslie, and Beth...Thanks for a wonderful Dinner last night...we'll have to do it again sometime.

Beth....you have been on my mind all day today and will continue to be in my prayers! Stay strong!

Megan, Rhonda, and family....You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for strength and comfort for all of you at this most difficult time. God Bless you!

And again...Thank you to Jan and Ed for opening your home and hearts to us for such a long time. We appreciate all you do and will forever be grateful to both of you!

God Bless and Take Care!
Forever in our hearts,
The Buzynski's

Friday, January 19, 2007 10:13 AM CST

Good Friday Morning to All,
Well, since my last journal entry...not much has changed. Bethany is still doing great. She still sleeps most of the day (because her friends are all in school) and has visitors almost every night. She already has plans for the entire weekend with some very close friends. Apparently, she is going to have a party with a bunch of friends this weekend, but we still haven't heard all the details. I guess when she irons it all out, she'll let Jan and I know:o) Gotta love her!

Well, Pete flew back to Florida early this morning and should be arriving in the sunshine state around 2:30p.m. Aarika was going to pick him up. I haven't heard from him yet, so hopefully no delays so far. He is scheduled to fly back here Thursday night (the 25th) He wanted to be here for Bethany's scans which are scheduled for Friday the 26th. Please Pray for good results!

Bethany is scheduled to go back to NIH on Tuesday for blood work and than back there on Thursday for bloodwork and to meet with the Doctors to make sure she feels well enough to get all of her scans done on Friday the 26th. For right now she is doing great. We will try and keep you updated as the days go by.

Thanks again for all of your prayers. God continues to hear all of them... we know that is what's getting Bethany through this most difficult time. THANK YOU!!!

God Bless You All!
Love, The Buzynski's

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 6:07 PM CST

To Family and Friends All Around the World,
We are so happy to report that Bethany has done a 90% turn around since the weekend. She is feeling really good right now and we pray that she continues to feel better and better each and everyday. The Doctors are expecting her counts to drop this week. We will begin giving her GCSF shots once a day starting tomorrow and she will continue to get them until her counts are back to normal. We will keep you updated as the days go by. But for right now she is feeling really good. Infact....She is upstairs getting ready for her boyfriend to come and visit.

Last night she was feeling so well that we were able to go to Outback Steakhouse. (Bethany's favorite place to eat)Although she didn't eat steak (she ate Salmon) she did very well and Pete and I were so excited to get "Our" Bethany back again. It had been quite a while since she has been able to get out and sit for any length of time. It was so nice to see her sit across the table from us. I caught myself just "watching" her and admiring the strength she continues to show. Again...God is listening and we know he will answers our prayers in time. Please continue to pray for good things to blanket Bethany each and everyday she faces. She still has such a long road ahead of her and so many unknown challenges to overcome...but we believe so strongly that God has a wonderful plan for her and this is all happening for a reason.

Thanks to everyone for giving us the support we need to get through these rough days/weeks/months. If we are ever having a bad day... all we have to do is pull up the web page and read all of the words of encouragement and support from friends, family, and strangers. It's at that time that we realize how many lives Bethany has touched in such a short time. We love her so much and are so proud of her.

Thanks again for all of the prayers...God is listening and he hears everyone of us. Keep praying and Believe in miracles!!!!

God Bless you all!
The Buzynski's

Sunday, January 14, 2007 6:11 PM CST

Family and Friends,
It's Sunday night and we are back at the Children's Inn. Bethany did not get chemo as planned on Friday. We ran into other complications that prevented her from being able to get it. Once again, we just take one day at a time... and at this point...we never know what the next moment might bring.

She had her blood drawn late this afternoon and we just recieved word that her counts look good so....if she has a good night with no other complications arising tonight...they will begin chemo tomorrow morning at 11:00. We will then have to stay the night at the Inn tomorrow night because she will need to be seen Tuesday to make sure she is feeling okay. Please pray that things go much better this time.

Bethany is feeling better tonight than she has felt in a couple of weeks. If it wasn't one thing..it was another. I think at this point the doc's have everything under control. (we hope anyway)She is upstairs in our room eating Ramen noodles and cheese sticks, watching T.V. with her dad. She hasn't watched T.V. with us in such a long time. It sure feels good to see her back to herself. As I'm sure you all can imagine....It's very difficult to stand by and watch someone you love with all of your heart....cry in pain and discomfort....and know there is absolutely nothing you can do to make it all go away. (except pray, pray, pray) and believe me....we have been doing alot of that.

As Pete posted in the last entry...we are trying to figure out when to return to FL. Pete may just fly back by himself to give grandma and grandpa Kuker a break (and to check in at work and do some things at the home front) The scary part of him leaving is....if Bethany starts doing really bad...he wants to be here for support for both of us. So at this point, we have no idea what our plans are yet. I just hope and pray Bethany does really well with this next dose of chemo. Please pray that she will feel well after Monday and the next couple of weeks that follow. But above all... pray that the scans they will be doing on the 26th show that her tumors are shrinking or at least... have stopped growing. That is what we are praying to hear.

Well, nothing else to report right now...We will keep you all updated as things progress.

Thanks again for all of your support,cards,emails, phone calls, but most of all... your prayers. If there is anything that is going to get "Our Bethany" through this most difficult time...it's the unending prayers and support from people all across the world. Thank you all for supporting our family...we couldn't have done it without everyone of you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

God Bless you all!
The Buzynski's

Thursday, January 11, 2007 6:10 PM CST

Hello again!

It's been a long week. We thought they had Bethany's pain under control last weekend but Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday it came back pretty bad. Some very long nights there but on Tuesday we met with the pain Doc's again and they up-ed her pain meds. Wednesday and today she was in much better shape and at least comfortable. We are staying at the Childrens Inn again tonight and they plan on giving Bethany another dose of Chemo tomorrow morning if her blood counts are ok.

Bethany is pretty tired (like her mom and dad)but she has gotten back to her (big smiling)self again today. Hopefully her counts will be high enough tomorrow to finish her first full cycle of this chemo. She will then have just under two weeks to recover before they start the second cycle and re-do all of her scans.

Right now we are trying to figure out if we can go back to Florida for those two weeks or if we should just stay here. I was hoping to fly home and be with Aarika and Blake for those two weeks, but the Doc's are expecting her blood counts to plummet next week and with all the pain Bethany has had lately I am scared to leave her and Lori up here by themselves. The Nation Cancer Institute said they would pay for one of us and Bethany to fly back and forth but Bethany just can't sit up very long without being in considerable pain. She is ok if she is lying down, but if she has to sit up for very long her pain is pretty bad. The only way we can really travel with her is by our car with her laying in the back seat. Her Doc's would rather us stay right here but they said it is up to us. We have to be back for new scans and another round of Chemo by the 26th. Right now our plan is to see how she handles tomorrow's Chemo then make a decision early next week. Everything is pretty much day to day at this point, but we are hanging in there.

Well it's only 7:30 pm but we are all hitting the sack to catch up on a little sleep. Hopefully everything goes well tomorrow. God Bless, please keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayers.

Love the Buzynski's

Sunday, January 7, 2007 1:35 PM CST

Family and Friends,
It's Sunday the 7th and Bethany is doing much better. Last week was a bad week but the past couple of days she has certainly come around. Her pain was unbearable for her last week. Many days she was in tears with pain. The care and concern we have recieved at NIH/NCI has been remarkable. They are very in tune to everything that is going on with Bethany and they are there to help her when she needs it. We feel she is in very good hands and we are praying for the best results possible.
As Jan posted in the last entry, Bethany had the experimental drug on Wed. and then again on Friday along with the chemo on Friday. Friday night and Saturday morning was not good for her. Her whole body ached and she was very uncomfortable. We ended up taking her back to NIH earlier than expected on Saturday morning so we could talked to the doctors about what we could do to relieve her discomfort. They put her on motrin and are having us give her oxycodone every three hours instead of every four. She is doing really good with that schedule so far. Pete took her to NIH for blood work this morning and she did very well. Last week it was a struggle for her to just sit in her wheel chair...today it didn't seem to bother her at all. Once again...God knows just how much one person can handle.
Well, Aarika and Blake are on their way back to Florida as I type, with Grandpa and Grandma Kuker. My mom and dad will be staying with the two of them until Pete and/or I head back down there. As of right now, we plan to both stay here, in PA, until we know Bethany is going to handle this next chemo treatment okay. Pete has talked about heading back to Florida sometime after the 13th. (but only if Bethany is feeling good.)
Today we are enjoying a relaxing day at the Peck's. It's nice to know we don't have to back at the hospital until Tuesday.
That's all I have to report right now. If we have any new news, we will update you as soon as we can. We do apologize for not updating as soon as we started at NIH. We had absolutely no cell phone service or internet service at the hospital or in our room at The Children's Inn. Thanks to Jan for helping us out and updating you when I asked. Thanks to all of you for being so understanding and supportive as we travel through another phase of this journey. Please continue to hold Bethany in your hearts and prayers. Again, we know God has a BIG plan for her and with the prayers and support from all of you...we know she will overcome this mountain too!
Just BELIEVE!!!!!
God Bless All of you!
Jimmie...Thank you so much for sending us that info we needed. We appreciate it more than you'll ever know.

Patti...Thank you so much for getting our mail and keeping an eye on our house. We owe you big time. THANKS!

Michele...thanks for all of the little things you have been sending me. It's the "little" things in life that mean the most!!! I really miss you! Good luck with the new house. I can't wait to come and see it.

Mom and Dad...thanks for all you have done for us since Bethany has been diagnosed. We couldn't have done it without your constant support. We love you both so much!

Jan and Ed....Thanks for opening up your home and hearts to us again. You have made this journey for us so much easier. We will forever be grateful to both of you for your continued support and generosity.

Aarika and Blake...thanks for understanding when mom and dad can't always be there with you two. Just know, you are both always in our hearts and thoughts even though you are so far away. We love and miss you both so much! Good Luck starting back to school!

And to everyone else...thank you for your thoughts and prayers, cards, gifts, and words of encouragement....God has truly blessed our family in so many ways and we will forever remember all that you have done...both here in PA, FL and around the world. We know all prayers are being heard and will be answered when the time is right.
God Bless you all..... for everything!
The Buzynski's

Thursday, January 4, 2007 3:49 PM CST

Family and Friends of the Buzynski's

Lori and Pete asked that I update Bethany's website for them. I hope I have captured the information provided by Lori today; if I haven't I'm sure Lori/Pete will revise it as needed.

January 1 -- Lori, Pete and Bethany drove to NIH/NCI and stayed at the Childrens' Inn in order to be able to check in to NCI early morning January 2.

January 2 -- Reported to the hospital for a full day of scans and tests.

January 3 -- Bethany received first dose of experimental drug (Tariquidar) followed by periodic blood draws over a 9 hour period of time.

January 4 -- Reported back to the hopsital for a blood draw. Bethany experiencing some pain in left side rib cage. Doctors plan to do xray to determine cause.

January 5 -- Report to hospital by 8 AM to receive another dose of experimental drug (Tariquidar) followed by chemotherapy (Vinorelbine) followed by more blood draws over a 9 hour period of time.

January 6 -- Blood draw scheduled. If everything is okay, Lori, Pete and Bethany will return to Fairfield for an overnight stay.

January 7 -- Return to NCI for another blood draw. If everything is okay, they will return to Fairfield and remain until Tuesday, January 9.

January 9 -- Report to NCI for physical and blood draws.

January 12 -- Bethany receives another dose of experimental drug (Tariquidar) and chemotherapy (Vinorelbine).

After January 12th, Bethany will report to NCI twice a week (Tuesday and Friday) for bloodwork.

January 25th -- Report to NCI for scans. If scans show current treatment is doing what they want it to do, the treatment will go into the next cycle. If scans show current treatment is not doing what they want it to do, the doctors will change the "recipe" and begin to administer new drug treatment.

If you have been trying to reach Lori, Pete, or Bethany by cell phone, they asked that I tell you there is no cell phone reception in the hospital. Also, they asked that if anyone wants to send a note, card, or other expresson of support that it is probably best to send it to the following address in Fairfield since they will be back and forth between here and NCI:

245 Tract Road
Fairfield, PA 17320

We are sure all of you are continuing to hold Bethany and the Buzynski family in your thoughts and prayers. All things are possible if you only BELIEVE!

Jan Peck

Thursday, December 28, 2006 12:35 AM CST

Family and Friends,
It is Thursday and we are now @ the Peck's in PA. We arrived early this morning (about 2:30 a.m.) Bethany has already had several visitors this morning and now she is upstairs getting ready for the day. (and if any of you remember...when we lived here 6 months ago.....every Thursday night was speical for us...it was "Wing Night @ Ventura's with special friend's) So you can bet you'll find us there tonight! It won't be the same though because, the Patterson's, aren't here to eat with us. We will be thinking about you all though! We love and miss you guys!

Blake left this morning to spend the day with his good friend Derek. Aarika's was swept away by some of her friends this morning too. I think they were headed to breakfast and now she just called and said she was going to spend the day with them. The kids are glad to see and get to spend some time with their PA. friends again.
Pete and I are just hanging out...relaxing and enjoying every minute of everyday. This next week should be pretty quite for us. We enjoy our time here with Jan and Ed (our gaurdian angels)...I wish everyone could have the opportunity to have two special people in their lives like we have with Jan and Ed! They are amazing and we love them like family!
Tuesday, Jan. 2nd we will be heading to NCI. We do not know for sure what exactly they will be doing with Bethany yet. Pete has talked to the doctor twice already and she has told him two different things. So, until we actually get there.... we do not know how long we will be in the hospital or how long we will even be in PA. As soon as we know what the plans are, we will update you all.

Bethany is doing okay. Her pain is still pretty intense...so we have to make sure she takes her meds before her pain gets too bad. Other than that she still has a pretty good attitude towards everything she is faced with on a daily basis. I still look at her in awe....I'm not sure I could take things in stride like she does. She is pretty amamzing which, once again, makes us realize that God is working in and through her. She is a true inspriation to everyone that hears her story. We are so proud to call her our daughter.
Well, not much else to say...we will update you all again once we have any news. Take Care, Keep the prayers going and Have a Safe and Happy New Year! God Bless you all for all you have done!
OH....I almost forgot to tell you all some GREAT news.....Our house in PA. SOLD yesterday! YEAH!!!!!!!!!That in itself is a blessing! God makes things happen when the time is right for all.
God Bless and Believe in the power of prayer...We do!
The Buzynski's

Friday, December 22, 2006 10:39 AM CST

Family and friends,
It's Dec. 22nd (Aarika's 18th Birthday!)and things are going pretty good here.
Bethany is doing fine. Her pain is now being controlled by a patch and oral meds. It seems to be doing just as well as her morphine pump. So for right now, we will stay with this regamine. This will be alot easier for her not to have to worry about carrying the pump around.
Bethany still has pain. She said she doesn't think the raditation helped...but we don't know. They did not do any scans after they were done treating her. We will have to wait til we get to MD. They will be doing alot of tests and scans.
Bethany's grandparents are here and will stay and spend Christmas with us. We are so excited to have them here with us. Bethany's boyfriend, Aaron, has been here since the 18th also. He will stay until Christmas Eve. Bethany loves him being around. They (Bethany, Aaron and Aarika) went shopping and to a movie the other night and had a great time. (Before Aaron got here, she shopped for three days, looking for the special gift for him.)It's nice to see her getting out of the house for something other than doctors appointments.
She's had lots of visitors the past few days. Thank you to all of you that have stopped by to see her or just to drop something off. We really appreciate all of the gifts, cards, goodies and prayers that continue to pour in. Bethany still continues to be strong. Her attitude is still amazing and we still believe God has a special plan for her. We are so blessed to have so many people, by our side to walk this journey with us. Thank you all for everything!
God is listening, and will continue to answer our prayers. Please keep her in your hearts and prayers.
We plan to leave for MD/PA around the 26th or 27th. We will go to PA first and visit friends and then we will head to NCI in MD on Jan. 2nd. They will begin Bethany in their trial immediately upon our arrival. We will try and keep you all updated as we know more.
Well, Bethany nurse is here so I need to finish. We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest New Year. God Bless you all for all you have done for our family. We have so much to be thankful for...the support from all of you is at the top of our list.
Again, thanks for your continued prayers...every one of them are being heard!
The Buzynski's

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:20 PM CST

Family and Friends,
Since our last post...there has been changes. Bethany has been undergoing radiation treatments since Friday. Also, as Pete posted in the last journal, Bethany has been accepted into the NHI/NCI institution in Bethesda MD. She will begin with their study on Jan 2nd. We (the whole family) are planning to travel to PA sometime after Christmas and hopefully try to get some of Bethany's paperwork started before the 2nd. This will also give the kids a chance to spend time with their friends in PA. We wanted so bad to travel to Iowa over Christmas break (since that's where most of our family is) but we think it is just going to be difficult for Bethany to withstand driving to Iowa and then to PA. (and we also have the problem of not having a doctor in Iowa if something were to happen while we were there.) So... to our family and friends in Iowa....We are so sorry.... but it doesn't look as though we will be able to make the trip this year. We will hold you all close in our hearts during the holidays. (sorry mom and dad Kuker and mom Buzynski, We really wanted to be there this year...maybe next year:o)

With that said, as I was saying in the beginning of this post, Bethany has started radiation treatments already. She will have 10 radiation treatments in a row (she has already undergone 5 treatments). The reason they decided to do it this way was because, in order for her to qualify for the study, she had to be off chemo treatments for 4 weeks and off of radiation for 2 weeks. So the doctors started radiation as soon as they could to get as many treatments in to try and shrink some of those tumors that are causing her so much pain AND still allow her to qualify for the study.

The beginning of the week was really tough for Bethany. She was in alot of pain and had a hard time just carring on a conversation with any of us. The past day or so has been much better. She seems to be tolerating her pain well and doesn't seemed to be so heavily medicated that she can't even function. We're glad to have "our" Bethany back.

We believe in our hearts that all prayers are being heard and that God still has a wonderful plan for Bethany. Even through all of the pain and nonsence that she has to go through, she still manages to crack a joke and make us laugh. We know that is God working in and through her and he will continue to be with her through the good times and the bad. Please continue to hold her close to your hearts and in all of your prayers because we still have hope that God will make our little girl one of his wonderful miracles. We ask that you rally with us and believe with all your hearts that it will be God's Will to heal Bethany. She has so much life to live and we want her to be able to proclaim to everyone how wonderful our Lord is for years and years to come.

Please continue to pray for Bethany and Believe! Believe! Believe! We do!

God Bless you all and have a wonderful holiday season!
The Buzynski's

Wednesday, December 6, 2006 8:47 PM CST

Family and Friends,

As most of you know we were delt another severe blow yesterday but we are still keeping the faith. The Doctors have gotten most of Bethany's pain under control for now and although she is a little loopy she is at least comfortable. She has been very busy on her little cell phone the last 24 hours trying to ensure her friends that she will be ok. It just amazed me last night listening to her on the phone trying to help her friends get through this setback. Her friends have been calling trying to make sure she is ok, but it seems like Bethany is the one trying to ease everyone elses pain over the latest news. She did the same thing to me yesterday. After the Doctor showed us the scans and broke the news to us yesterday I sat down and we talked about what all this ment. I wanted to give her encouragement and let her know that she would be ok...but in the end she was the one giving me encouragement and ensuring me that she was ready for whatever comes next. She has a spirit within her that can only come from God. There is no other explanation for how she has handled this ordeal and what she has had to endure. Yesterday no matter how bad her pain was she appologized to each and every nurse that came to help her aid. She appologized for taking them away from their other patients and she appologized to the Techs for not being able to complete her scans when the pain became too hard to handle. She just amazes me in so many ways it's impossible to describe. Her Doctors and Nurses continually tell me she is an incredibly special person and they are in constant awe of her. At this point I think we all are.

Today we were able to start planning our next course of action. We have decided to start giving the cancer on her spine and around her bladder radiation treatments. The will give her another CT scan tomorrow and a computer will map out how best to target the cancer. They will give her the highest dose of radiation possible to try and kill the cancer on her lower spine and around her bladder. We hope to start next Wednesday and she will recieve a dose of radiation once a day (Monday through Friday) for 34 treatments. In addition our oncologist are trying to find a hospital that will enroll her in a phase one clinical trial for a comletely new type of Chemo. There are three new trials out there right now, but none of them have been tried on a human being as yet. At this point it's our only real option. Typically they don't use radiation on Bethany's type of cancer but we are trying to buy some time and hopefully this will help get her through her current complications. They are currently looking at a hospitals in Washington DC, Memphis TN. and Birmigham AL. to do the new experimental chemo. Our hospital in Pensacola isn't qualified for this type of procedure so we will have to take Bethany to one of these other hospitals. We should know a lot more in the next few days.

I just want to say we are sorry if we haven't been able to talk to all of you on the phone. I know you are all worried and want to know the latest on Bethany's condition and we sure do appreciate it. We are trying our best to keep this page updated. Please don't be discouraged if you can't get through on the phone...we are trying to take all the calls but as you can imagine we get tied up with doctors and all the other things that are going on. We certainly appreciate all of your support right now. Please keep those prayer comming. Bethany and our family draw strength from you all each and every day. We have psoted some new photos. God Bless.

The Buzynski's

Tuesday, December 5, 2006 6:08 PM CST

Family and Friends,
This is not the news I was hoping to give tonight. Pete just called from the hospital and told me what the scans showed.
Bethany has got more spots on her lungs, plus two tumors around her bladder, some on her spine, and some around her spinal cord. As you can imagine...we are all shocked and very upset! Bethany has fought such an uphill battle for the past two years. We wanted her to finally catch a break. Unfortunately, it is not in God's plan at this time. We still believe that God is holding Bethany very close and going to use her to show us his wonderous ways.
Please continue to pray, now more than ever, for our darling little Bethany. She is still so very tough and can put up a heck of a fight.....Pray, that whatever God brings to her... he will bring her through it!
We plan to meet with the doctors tomorrow morning to figure out what we can do next. Nemours (in Pensacola) can no longer do anything for Bethany. We will have to go to a hospital that does Phase 1 experimental chemos. We have a list of hospitals that we can go to. We will consult with several doctors to see where would be the best place for Bethany.
So many people want to know what they can do for us. All we ask is that you continue to say prayers for her healing. We are very strong believers in the power of prayer and we know she has thousands of prayers being said for her healing everyday. Please just Pray!Pray!Pray!
Thanks to all of you for everything you've done for our family.
Take care and God Bless!
Love, The Buzynski's

Monday, December 4, 2006 2:53 PM CST

Family and Friends,
Well, this round of chemo hasn't been going so well. Bethany did pretty good the first few days and then on day four she started having leg cramps/pain/spasms. Not sure what to call them. But we do know they put her in a tremendous amount of pain. She has also been battling alot of lower back pain. The doctors feel that the back pain is linked with her phantom pain.
At this point, we as her parents, are starting to get very frustrated. It seems like if it's not one thing...it's another. Bethany is on so much medication that I don't know how they can tell what is doing what for her when...did that make sense? Anyway, bottom line is that Bethany is very uncomfortable with her pain level and the Doctors are now trying to figure out what to do.

Pete took Bethany back to the hospital today (Monday) I am home with Blake because he has the flu. (When it rains it pours.)The doctors have decided it would be best if they admitted her so they could run some tests to see what's going on inside her. Hopefully, they will run the test sometime tonight and we will all have answers tomorrow. At least she is in the hospital and they can keep her comfortable with IV meds. It's so hard to see someone so tough...cry in pain. Please pray that the doctors can figure out what is going on, and then be able to treat her for whatever is going on. We want our little girl back to herself.

We had a Wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday with my mom and dad, sister Susan, her husband, Ted and kids, Kylin and Tanner. It was a wonderful, beautiful week. The weather was so nice we even got to enjoy the beach a couple of days. The best part was being surrounded by the people we love, especially during the holidays. Thanks to all of you for coming out and making our Thanksgiving special!

We are not sure what the Christmas Holiday will bring for us yet. We would love to head back to Iowa for a couple of weeks but it all depends on how Bethany is doing and what her scans reveal. We are praying for good results so we can spend time with family and friends. Please join us in that prayer. Thanks!

Please continue to keep Bethany in your prayers. She is really struggling right now and needs those prayers more than ever. We know God puts mountains in front of us for a reason... I have yet to see one Bethany couldn't climb. Please pray for her strength to get over this one. Thanks again for your unending thoughts and prayers.

Everyday is a "gift"....that's why we call it the "present!" Enjoy the ones you love each and everyday!
God Bless!
The Buzynski's

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 2:59 PM CST

Family and Friends,

Bethany has made it through her first round of chemo without too many complications. She had a few days of nausia but nothing too serious. She has started to lose her hair once again. Lori took her to get a few new wigs the other day and the one she brought home looks like Jennifer Anniston from friends so I call her "Rachel" now. Of course she looks great with it and now she has to go through those uncomfortable times when people ask her who does your hair? I will have to get a couple of new photos and get them posted...please be patient the approval authority (Bethany) is pretty particular about her pictures.(Like most women)

We were suppose to start her second round of chemo tomorrow but the Docs decided we could put it off for a couple days since we are having the Duffy's from Minnesota and Lori's Mom and Dad down from Iowa for Thanksgiving. Looking forward to being with family once again. We are trying to figure a way to get back to Iowa over Christmas but with Bethany's chemo schedule we are not sure if we can make that work.

Bethany has her mind set on going to Pennsylvania for Christmas. She is already to buy her plane ticket and could really care less where the rest of us will be over the holiday! She has promised me she wouldn't get sick or have any complications from the chemo while she was gone...and oh by the way..."the Hummels are just like Lori and I and they can be her parents if anything goes wrong!"...yep...she has it all worked out...It's pretty hard to tell her no...but right now we have to try and do what's best for her.

We plan to start her second round of Chemo next Monday then give her a couple weeks to work that through her system before they will take a bunch more scans to see if it is having any effect on her cancer. We are keeping our fingers crossed.

We hope everyone has a wonderfull Thanks Giving! Our family is sincerely thankful to each and every one of you that have kept us in your thoughts and prayers. God Bless.

Love the Buzynski's

Saturday, November 11, 2006 6:54 PM CST

Happy Saturday night to all!
We had a great day today. Niceville had their annual 4 1/2 mile Mid-Bay Bridge Run today and one of my former (11 years ago) co-workers (Jackie Wright) was inspired by Bethany's story and her determination that she decided to get a team together to run in honor of Bethany. "The Wright Cause for Bethany" team consisited of about 70 plus people. Some walkers, some runners but all there for the same reason....Bethany. It was a beautiful day to run/walk and everybody had a great time. A big thank you goes out to Jackie (and Cathy Filson) for all of the time they put into ordering and delivering the T-shirts. Also, for the donations you got for Bethany and our family to help us with costs as we go through more treatment. We appreciate everything everyone continues to do for Bethany! The Niceville community once again is living up to it's name. Thanks again to all of you that ran/walked for Bethany! You all inspire us!

Bethany is doing well now. She had about four days after chemo that she just didn't feel to well, but I think we finally found the right combination of meds to keep her feeling better.

Right now Bethany, her boyfriend, Aaron, friends, Tiffany and Neal, and her sister, Aarika are at the movies. Her three friends are visiting from PA and will be here until Tuesday. Bethany has been loving every minute with them too. Thanks to their parents for allowing them to come visit. It has made her week! Thank you!

Bethany's next treatment will be the week of Thanksgiving (as long as her counts are good enough) Drs. are going to try to make it an outpatient treatment. So we won't have to stay in the hospital for Thanksgiving. Hopefully they will make that happen for us. My sister, Susan and her family and my mom and dad will be coming here for Thanksgiving. We are very excited to spend time with them!

Please continue to keep Bethany in your prayers. We believe in our hearts that all the prayers that are being said are going to help Bethany get through this. Please pray that it be God's will to heal Bethany from this horrible disease so she can live a long, healthy, happy life here with us. Thank you all for your continued support. We will be forever grateful to all of you.

Before I go... I'd also like to say a very special Thank you to all of the girls at Image Makers Hair Design. You have all been so kind to all of us since we've moved back to the area. I still feel like I'm a part of "your family" and for that I am honored! Thank you!!!!!Wanda, Scott, Monica, Elsie, Brittany, Ally, Pebbles, Porter and Ken....it was great to see you all again.
I also would like to say thanks to Hether Walker for taking time out of her busy schedule to take some great family pictures for us on the beach. We love them and we will cherish them for the rest of our lives. Thank you!
Until next time,
Love and God Bless,
The Buzynski's

Friday, November 3, 2006 7:53 AM CST

Family and Friends,

Bethany's first round of Chemo is going very well. No side effects yet other than the pre-chemo medications make her very sleepy. She actually sleeps through most of the chemo infusion. Her appetite and attitude are still very good.

Bethany will be happy to head for home Sunday evening. If everything goes well we should be able to do round two (over Thanksgiving) as an outpatient. The clinic is trying to figure out the best way to make that happen so we can be there for 4-5 hours instead of being admitted into the hospital. She is on a 21 day cycle. Days 1 through 5 she gets a one hour infusion of chemo each day. Then she has days 6-21 to recover and let her blood counts rebound before we start a new cycle. This is a lot easier than the regiments we did at Walter Reed so it makes it a little easier on her. It's about a 140 mile round trip to get to our hospital but at least we don't have to drive into the heart of Washington DC. They are planning to do 2 full cycles of chemo then they will do several scans to see if it is having an effect on the cancer. We are keeping our fingers crossed.

Aarika is being a great substitute mother for Blake. She had to take care of the Holloween candy hand out and carving of the pumpkins while we were at the hospital. She makes sure Blake gets off to school on time and is there to pick him up after soccer practice. People ask us how we manage to get through all of this. At times I don't know myself. The other night I was getting Bethany something to eat at the hospital and I came to an evevator and for a moment I had no clue where I was. I wasn't sure if we were at Johns Hopkins, Walter Reed or Sacred Heart. In fact I couldn't even remember what day of the week it was. It was kind of scarey for me but it also made me think of all that we have gone through over these last couple of years. Even though we seem to be going in all different directions our family is as close as we have ever been. Some times we have to lean on each other (like Aarika doing the motherly thing) and that doesn't always seems fair but it has made each of us a little stronger and a little closer. That's how we manage to get through this day by day. Of course the continuing support we get from all of you make a huge difference also. So please keep Bethany in your thoughts and Prayers. Take care and God Bless.

The Buzynski's

Tuesday, October 31, 2006 7:24 AM CST

Family and friends,

With the help from our doctors we have decided to try an experimental type of chemo. It is called "Ixabepilone"
We will be involved in a phase II clinical trail to see if this chemo has any affect on Bethany's cancer. They have already given Bethany all the standard types of chemo that have been effective for Osteosarcoma and the Doctors feel at this point we need to try something new. They have told us our chances are not very good for a full cure of her cancer at this point so we are looking at anything and everything to help slow this thing down. Bethany still has a great attitude and as most of you know she doesn't really give too much of a rip about numbers and statistics...she has beaten all the odds up until this point and she will not stop now.

We are leaving for Pensacola in a few minutes. She has an ultrasound this morning and surgery around noon to put her central line back in. If the hospital recieved her chemo we will start chemo tonight and she will be in the hospital for the next five days. If they didn't get the chemo we will start it on Wednesday. We have to run...Thanks for the continued support. I will update you as soon as we can.

Love the Buzynskis

Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:09 PM CDT

Family and Friends,

I spoke with one of our Oncology Doctors yesterday and he only had a short time to go over some of the scans that Bethany had last week. He told me that the chest scan showed several small spots on her lungs that were not there on the last scan. Given her history they are pretty sure that the the cancer has returned to her lungs. Right now the spots are still pretty small (the largest is 2cm) but this is another reason we need to get back into Chemo as soon as possible. He also mentioned a fluid pocket in her hip area that they were not sure what it was. It could possible be from her recent surgey, but the docs will have to check into that further. We are not sure what the bone scan came up with as yet, but we are scheduled to meet the team on Thursday and they will go over our treatement options. They are also trying to set up surgery to put Bethany's Central Line (which is a dual port that they administer her chemo and blood transfusions though...like a perminant IV) on Thursday. Hopefully they can remove the rest of her staples from her last surgery while she is under to alleviate the pain associated with that. Oncology is still working with Walter Reed and another Doctor from Boston who is the leading expert in the U.S. for Osteosarcoma. He has sent them a few treatment options that they will go over with us on Thursday.

Although the news hasn't been too good, we are keeping the faith and Bethany is still taking everything in stride. She is working harder than ever to get caught up with all her school work and tests and continues to have that never let up attitude. There is no way to describe to all of you the determination this young lady has. No matter how tired she is...she somehow finds the strength to keep pushing forward even if that means staying up till the early morning getting her homework done. As her parents we try not to push her too hard but it's not us doing the pushing...it is her! She really can do anything...we don't know how but she has shown us again and again that she has an inner-strength that most of us could never know. Just like her going back to school right after her amputation...she does not know the meaning of the word quit!

As parents we often worry about how we are doing raising our children and we always hope that they will grow up to be good people and somehow make this world a little better. With Bethany, like her sister Aarika who has been there for her every step of the way (even though she has had to go to numerous school and sporting events without her parents being able to be there for her because of Bethany's treatments) we couldn't be prouder! In our minds they have made this world a little better...in fact they have made this world a lot better.

Our family has come a long way in our journey and we know we have a little further to go, but we have a little girl named Bethany that isn't afraid to show us the way. I know she has made my world a little better and judging from the over 50,000 visits to this site I am willing to bet she has made a few other's world a little better also.

So let's all keep the faith. Please keep the words of encouragment coming! Your thoughts and prayers continue to give us strength to face each and every challenge. I wish there was a way to somehow say thanks to each and everyone of you that has helped us along the way, but there is no words that this keyboard can type that could possible express how much gratitude we feel in our hearts! Please know that you have made a difference in our lives.

We will let you all know as soon as we know more. Thank you for everything.

Pete and the rest of the Buzynski clan.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006 12:30 AM CDT

Family and Friends,
Happy "hump" day to all! Just wanted to give everyone a quick update as to what we will be doing tomorrow.
But first of all... Bethany is doing great! She has been in school for the past three days and seems to be doing fine. (other than trying to catch up on all of her homework she missed while in the hospital. I think she said she is pretty much caught up... as of last night anyway! What a trooper!)
We just recieved word this morning that they want Bethany in Pensacola tomorrow at 8:30 for CT scans of her chest, abdoman, and pelvic and then they are also going to do a bone scan at that time. We are also set up to see the surgeon so he can take a look at her staples to see if they are ready to come out yet or not. I'm not sure how long it will take to get the results of her test back but as far we are concerned, the sooner the better. We know Bethany needs chemo and we want her to start as soon as possible so this horrible disease doesn't have time to spread to other parts of her body. The wait is always the kicker for us. We wish she didn't have to go though chemo...but we know she does and the sooner we get it started the sooner it will be behind her. Please...as we've ask over and over again.. pray for clear test scans. Our hope and prayers have been for the cancer to be gone and not to have spread to any other parts of her body...please pray along with us, that all the scans they are doing tomorrow will be clear of any cancer.

Thanks again for everyone's continued support. The girls up at Image Makers have been absolutely wonderful (thanks ladies for all you've done for Bethany and our family) Thanks to the Niceville Volleyball Team for the delicious meals and always being there for us, St Pauls Lutheran Church in Niceville and members for the countless cards and journal entries, the Key Club at Niceville High... What a great group of people....the Rotary Club here in Niceville sent Bethany a beautiful bathrobe thank you so much...the list just goes on and on....Thanks for everything big or small...we appreciate it so much!

Until next time...pray for all scan to come back cancer free!!!!! let's all experience a miracle together....God Bless

The Buzynski's

Sunday, October 15, 2006 5:09 PM CDT

Hello to All!

We have arrived safely back in Niceville, Florida. As we approached our neighborhood.... we encountered "Welcome Home" signs with balloons around every turn we made! Thank you so much, Christy and Patty. Your thoughtfulness made our homecoming special! Also (in advance, because it's not here yet...Thanks for dinner tonight...it'll sure beat cooking:o)

Our trip home was pretty uneventful. We laid over in Georgia last night and took off about 8:00 this morning to finish the trip. We arrived here around 2:00p.m.. We are all glad to be in our home again. Although we could get used to living like Kings and Queens in the "Peck Mansion"! Thanks again Jan and Ed for allowing us to invade your home the past couple of weeks! We love and miss you already!

Bethany is doing great! She is in doing homework right now and getting ready to head back to school in the morning. She would love to take a few more days off but.... her dad says she needs to get back to school beacuse with chemo treatments coming real soon... she will miss more school. She feels good and she looks great...we will just have to figure out how she will carry her book to and from class. I'm sure she will have plenty of helpers.

Before I go ...again we'd like to say thanks to the communities of Fairfield, Pa , Niceville, Fl and from people all around the world. Your unending support for Bethany and the family is overwhelming. I had to walk away and take a few deep breaths after we arrived home because of all of the cards and gifts Bethany (and Pete and I) had here for us. I want each and everyone of you to know that we do really appreciate everything being sent! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We could not walk this journey without the help and support of all of you. (and God of course!) Please continue to hold Bethany in your prayers...as we all know... she has a long hard road ahead of her.

God is listening and he will answer our prayers! BELIEVE!!!

Until next time...God Bless and thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!
The Buzynski's

Saturday, October 14, 2006 9:10 AM CDT

Friends and Family,
First of all, we'd like to say the candlelight vigil on Thursday night was very touching. As we all stood together for the same reason, we could literally feel the Holy Spirit move through us we sang "Holy Spirit come to us" Those of you that were there could witness that God is truly working in and through Bethany. She was amazingly strong once again. As all of us stood around and cried...she was the "rock" and comforted those who stood around her. I know God has great plans for her and I am anxious to see what's in store for her. Thanks to all of you that came and prayed with and for Bethany. (and those of you that were in prayer with us at home or anywhee else) God is listening!

It's Saturday morning and we (Pete and I) are packed up and ready to head south....Bethany on the other hand is still sleeping (with one of her friends, Tiffany.) She is trying anything to stall the trip. I will say...she has had a blast with her friends the entire time she was able to be with them. Thanks to everyone who made Bethany's time here in Fairfield fun. (although it makes it that much harder for her to go back to Florida.) You will all always be in our hearts. Thanks for all you have done for us!

Our plans are to leave here at noon. We will drive for about 8 hours and lay over for the night then finish the trip on Sunday. Hopefully we will make it home around mid afternoon.

Again we'd like to thank mom and dad for taking such great care of Blake and Aarika while we were away, Also thanks to Phylis and Mark Harber for keeping Blake this weekend, Jan and Ed Peck for letting us take over their home this past week. (you two are the most caring people we have ever had the privaledge to get to know. We love you both with all of our hearts!)And to everyone else that has sent gifts, cards, food, etc. We appreciate it all!

Please continue the prayers for Bethany as she/we will begin the next step of our journey.

Thanks to all of you that brought meals to my parents, Aarika and Blake this past week. They really enjoyed it and really appreciated it:o)
Take care and God Bless!
The Buzynski's

Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:57 AM CDT

Friends and family

Good morning to all! It is Thursday and everything is going very well! We arrived here in Pa. Tuesday night around 8:00. As soon as we got home Bethany jumped in the shower and then her wonderful friend Aaron came over to visit for a few hours. I went in and checked on them every once in a while and I would have never guessed Bethany just had surgery a week ago. She was moving and jumping all over that bed. She once again...amazes us with her great attitude.

Yesterday (Wed) she went to the high school and got to see many, great friends and teachers. She had a great time and was quite overwhelmed with all of the support she recieved.
She also had a visit from Pastor Frye and Vicar Allen. We talked with them and then recieved communion. It was very nice. Last night Aaron came by for a little while and then Andy Potts and Cody stopped in along with Lauren Hummel (she spent the night with Bethany) Bethany loves to see her friends....so if you have nothing else to do and would like to see her... just stop by.

I also wanted to tell everyone, Vicar Allen is a radio announcer and he wanted to let everyone know that if you would like to call in and dedicate a song to/for Bethany he would put you on the radio. The time you can request a dedication will be from 10:30-1:30 today (Thursday) and Sat. from 11:00-1:30. The radio station is 91.1 FM and the request line is 717-337-7288. (Classic rock and 80's)So call and tear up those phone lines:o)

Those of you that are here in the Fairfield area and haven't heard yet....There will be a candlelight vigil for Bethany tonight at Carroll Valley Park @ 8:00. Everyone is welcome!What a wonderful opportunity to come together and make a difference in the life of a wonderful young woman. Thanks to all of you around the world that are praying for Bethany...God is listening and he hears all of our prayers. Let's continue together until Bethany is in complete remission. We want to Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!!!!! Your prayers will and are making a difference.

Now...I would like to take the time to say Thank you to all of you that have called, sent flowers, balloons, cards, e-mails, web post, etc. We see and hear all of it and we appreciate everything more than you will ever know. We may not return your call or respond to your e-mail but know....you are all in our hearts and always will be.

Tonight after the vigil we will be heading to Ventura's (it's wing night and Bethany wouldn't miss it for the world) She has been craving Ventura's wings for a long time....Well tonight she finally gets to eat them!

Until next time....Take Care, God Bless and PLEASE continue to pray for Bethany. She still has a long, rough road ahead of her...but with the support from all of you and with God on our side....she will get through this! and I BELIEVE that with all my heart!

Thanks mom and dad (Kuker) for taking such great care of Blake and Aarika while we've been away. We appreciate you two more than you will ever know. Thanks for ALWAYS being there for us. We love you!
Thanks to Jan and Ed Peck for opening your home and hearts to us while we are here in Fairfield. Your unending thoughtfulness and kindness will always remain in our hearts. We love you too!

God Bless You all!
The Buzynski's

Sunday, October 8, 2006 8:11 PM CDT

Family and Friends,

Well it's Sunday but the Doc's decided it was best if Bethany spent at least one more day here at Johns Hopkins. Hopfully we can leave late tomorrow but they want to make sure they have a good handle on her pain with pills before we go. They are taking her off the in IV meds tonight and transitioning her to pills...so we will see how that goes tomorrow.

Bethany had a good day and was able to take a stroll around the hospital ward today with he physical therapist. She still has a lot of pain when she is standing but otherwise they have done very well keeping her comfortable.

Bethany wanted me to tell everyone thanks for all the encouragment and gifts. She wanted me to especially thank all those that have made the trip down and see her. A special thanks to Terri and TJ who dove up from Mississippi (17 hours) to stop in and see her. I can't tell you how much it lifts her spirits to see all her old friends. I know at time she seemed to be "out of it" but trust me she knows everyone that has come down to see her and you all made a big difference in lifting up her spirits.

Bethany got her appetite back this afternoon. Lori asked her if she would like Olive Garden or OutBack Steak and her eyes lit up and she said she definately wanted a streak...blooming onion...baked potatoe and a salad. She was in pure heaven when I showed up with that steak and she was smiling right up until I left her a few minutes ago. (Jan and Ed thanks for that gift certificate for my birthday...it came in very handy tonight!)

Well that's about all I have for updates at this time. Bethany is making huge strides everyday and today was one of her best so far. Hopefully we can at least get out of the hospital tomorrow and get back to the Peck ranch where Bethany can see her friends and at least get a couple good nights of rest before we make our trip back to Florida. We may have to come back and get her last drain taken out before we make the long trip back if we don't get it out tomorrow. We will let you all know as sson as we learn more. Keep the thoughts and prayers coming...we sure appreciate them.

The Buzynskis.

Friday, October 6, 2006 9:20 PM CDT

Family and Friends,

Well, I finally have access to a computer although it's a pretty slow conection here at the Childrens House at Johns Hopkins. Lori is with Bethany tonight and hopefully she will get a good nights reast. Thank you Jan for keeping everyone updated for us along with everything else that you have done.

Bethany had a pretty good day today even though changing her dressing,removing one of her drains and the physical therapy were quite painful for her. She battled her way through it and of course did more than the therapist asked her to do dispite the pain. It's amazing to watch this precious little woman somehow find the strength to work through the pain and never, ever complain or give the slightest hint that she can't do something. The hardest part for us is seeing her in pain and trying to do anything we can to make it a little better. She has already won the hearts of all the nurses on her floor. They all keep asking if there is anything she needs and remark about her being such an easy patient dispite what she has had to endure. Her nurses have all been very good and for the most part have kept her very comfortable.

Right now we are shooting to get out of here on Sunday, but that may be a little soon. We would like to get her last drain out and for her to be a little more mobil before we get discharged. She has enough strength and endurance to get out of bed and use the walker for short burst but it is so painful that she cannot go too far. Hopefully as her wound heals it will get easier for her over the next couple days.

Dr Weber (her surgeon) told us that the surgery went well but she is very concerned. The two main blood vessels in her leg where clotted with some of the cancer. We already knew that the cancer had been in her bloodstream and traveled to other parts of her body but the fact that it had started to grow inside the veins was not good. The surgeon said it was very important that we get Bethany back into Chemo-Therapy as soon as possible. We will have to wait at least 2-3 weeks and allow her leg to heal before we can start that. We are working with the oncology folks in Pensacola Florida to get her set up for that right now. They will have to put her central line back in and they want to do a few more scans of her lungs to see if the cancer has returned there. The biggest concern is that the chemo so far has not had much of an effect on her cancer even though they have hit her with two of the strongest series that they have. At this point they are working with oncologist all over the world to come up with a new game plan. We are at the point where we may have to start using some experimental types of treatments. We will let you know as soon as we have a better idea of what they are planning. Right now we are taking it one day at a time and just trying to get through the challenges of each day.

I just wanted to say thanks for all the wonderfull cards, flowers, gifts, visits and phone calls. The flourist is getting quite a work out coming up to the ninth floor all the time. Lori and I were walking to the Childrens House to check in yesterday and saw a flourist coming in the main enterence and we joked "there are more flowers for Bethany"...and sure enough when we got back to the room...there they were! Several of Bethany's friends have made trips down here and even though most of them get lost trying to find us they somehow make it. It's hard for me to put into words how appreciative my family is of all the support. It may seem like a little thing for you guys but you can't know how much it lift us up and it always comes just when we need it the most.

Please keep the thoughts and prayers for Bethany coming. I know we have a long road ahead of us but I can tell you all there is one determined special little girl on the ninth floor of Johns Hopkins that doesn't know the meaning of the word quit! Her name is Bethany!

Take care, and God Bless.

The Buzynski's

Friday, October 6, 2006 12:55 AM CDT

Dear Friends and Family of the Buzynski's:

I spoke with Lori yesterday afternoon and again this afternoon. Lori and Pete were able to get into Childrens' House last night, so Lori was able to get some sleep (or at least she said she thinks she got some sleep! Aarika stayed here in our loft yesterday and she and a friend drove back to the hospital this morning. Bethany has had many visitors and friends stopping by to see her. Today two of Lori's friends were taking her out to lunch.

Lori said this morning the nurses were in to change bandages which need to be changed every other day. The discomfort Bethany experiences when she moves or is moved is from her catheter. Lori said she was there when bandages were changed this AM and said the surgical site looks much better than she had thought it would.

According to Lori, Bethany hasn't been eating much other than some little snacks she has rec'd in gift baskets or friends have brought to her. Bethany has been experiencing some itching and so they have been giving her benadryl which causes her to sleep. The physical therapist came in after bandages were changed and wanted to get her up, but Bethany told her she wasn't feeling very strong and Lori told her that Bethany had just rec'd a shot of benadryl. So, they will be coming back for phsyical therapy today.

The email messages we have rec'd expressing thoughts, prayers and hugs for the Buzynski's have been passed on to them as we talk with them each day. The Sewells delivered a gift basket from Niceville High School to Bethany yesterday along with some cards rec'd in the mail.

Lori is still thinking they will be discharged on Sunday.


Flowers and balloons are allowed in the hospital. If you are going to send balloons they must be mylar. Latex balloons are not allowed because too many people are alergic to latex.

Anything that would need to go through the mail can be sent either to their home in Niceville or to 245 Tract Road, Fairfield, PA 17320 which is where they will be staying until they go back to FL. Otherwise it would never reach them through the hospital mail system before they are discharged.

Earlier updates can be found in the journal history.
On behalf of the Buzynski's God Bless you and thank you for all your love and support. Continue to pray for this family and BELIEVE in miracles!

Jan Peck

Wednesday, October 4, 2006 1:43 PM CDT

Dear Friends and Family of the Buzynsyki's:

I spoke with Pete this morning and Lori just a few minutes ago and I will do my best to fill you in on last evening and today.

Last evening after surgery Lori, Pete and Aarika were able to go in to recovery and see Bethany. Bethany's friends were also able to go into recovery and see her. Friends stayed until Bethany got settled in her room and saw her again for a few minutes before heading home. Pete and Aarika helped transport friends back to Fairfield and then they stayed in our loft last evening. According to all reports, Bethany's spirit and sense of humor are doing well.
She was picking on her sister and friends last evening. For example, when they were wheeling her from recovery to her room, Bethany said, "Hey,Aarika!" Aarika responds "What, Bethany?" Bethany says, "You're ugly!". According to Lori, Bethany had everyone cracking up!! Way to go Bethany -- how did we know you would be the one holding everyone else up!!

Bethany had an uneventful night -- which is a good thing.
The thing that bothered her most was her throat which was dry and hurting due to the ventilaton during surgery. Until digestive/bowl sounds could be heard she couldn't have anything to drink. BUT, I believe Lori said this morning or at least early this afternoon they were giving her ice chips. The physical therapist was in to see Bethany and they got her up out of bed and she stood with a walker for about 3 minutes. The only pain she was experiencing was from the catheter.

Lori said that flowers and balloons are allowed. If you are going to send balloons they have to be mylar. Latex balloons are not allowed because too many people are allergic to latex. Flowers and/or mylar balloons can be sent to:
Bethany Buzynski
Johns Hopkins Hospital
600 N. Wolfe St
Room 950A
Baltimore, MD 21287

Lori also said that if you plan to send anything that would need to go through the mail, please send it either to their home in Niceville or to 245 Tract Road, Fairfield, PA 17320 which is where they will be staying until they go back to FL otherwise it would never reach them through the mail system before they are discharged.

Earlier updates can be found in the journal history.

God Bless each and every one of you who have reached out to Bethany and her family and shown your love and support in many ways. Continue to hold them in your prayers.

Jan Peck

Tuesday, October 3, 2006 4:57 PM CDT

Dear Family and Friends of the Buzynski Family:

Bethany's surgery started at 1:00 PM today. At 3:30 PM Lori and Pete were given an update on the progress with surgery and everything was going well. Surgery ended around 5:30 PM. Bethany is currently in recovery.

Dr. Weber talked with Lori and Pete with regard to the surgery. The surgery itself went well. They did find a blood vessel or artery (Lori wasn't sure which) that was hard and that was checked and it showed evidence of cancer cells. Because of that Dr. Weber indicated that chemotherapy is a must and should be started as soon as possible.

The doctor said that as far as traveling back to FL it could occur as soon as all the drains are removed which will be done before she is released from the hospital. The staples could be removed by the doctors at Nemours Clinic in FL. As long as Bethany had lots of pillows and cushioning around her to shield her from any bumps in the road, she should be able to travel.

Lori is thinking that they will be back in Fairfield on Saturday, but will know more each day. They hope to be able to get back to see Bethany in about an hour or around 6:30 or 7:00 PM before she is moved to a room.

Continue to pray in earnest and believe that the Great Physician will touch Bethany with His healing power.
Expressions of support can be sent to the Buzynski's home in Niceville or to 245 Tract Road, Fairfield, PA 17320 which is where they will be staying before returning to FL.

Updates from this morning can be found in the Journal history.

On behalf of the Buzynski's -- continue to believe that miracles can and do happen and God Bless for all your love, support and other kindnesses.

Jan Peck

Tuesday, October 3, 2006 12:03 AM CDT

Dear Family and Friends of the Buzynski's:

Lori and Pete have asked that I (Jan Peck) keep their website updated today and for the next few days while they are at Johns Hopkins with Bethany and until they can get settled at Childrens'House and get their laptop connected.

Lori called at 12:45 to tell us that Bethany's surgery had still not started. She said Bethany's spirit is remarkable.
Lori, Pete, Aarika and friends were able to be with Bethany until the hospital staff had to start all the pre-op procedures. At that point all but Lori, Pete and Aarika were asked to leave and go to the waiting area. A Vicar of their church (here in Fairfield) annointed Bethany, Pete, Lori and Aarika with oil and said a prayer and then they all left Bethany's room.

Lori said they will be notified as soon as surgery is to begin. At one point they thought another surgeon, who will be working with Dr. Weber, would begin the surgery and Dr. Weber would come in as soon as she could. But since surgery had not yet started, Lori is thinking that they are waiting for Dr. Weber.

Lori and Pete did get a chance to talk with Dr. Weber and she explained what was going to occur in surgery. Dr. Weber also told them that the length of the hospital stay would be up to Bethany and how well she handles the pain and how well she does when they get her up and moving. If that's the case, we all know that Bethany will set a new record for recovery !!

Again, cards and other expressions of your love for Bethany can be sent either to their home in Niceville or to 245 Tract Road, Fairfield, PA 17320 where they will be staying until Bethany is able to travel back to Florida.

Jan Peck

On Behalf of the Buzynski's -- God Bless each of you and thank you for all your support and kindnesses.

Monday, October 2, 2006 7:02 PM CDT

Family and Friends:

The girls are out on the town. Haven't seen much of them since we've been back, but that's what we want for both of them.

Tomorrow is surgery day. We'll be leaving the house at 7 AM and have to be at Johns Hopkins at 9AM and surgery starts at 11 AM. If all goes well, surgery will last 5 hours. We will try to update you as we get news; as I know most of you will be waiting to hear how things are going.

Many of you have asked where you send gifts/cards for Bethany. You can send them to our address in Florida (1800 Diviney Court, Niceville, FL 32578). Or you can send them to where we are staying in PA (245 Tract Road, Fairfield, PA 17320).

Thank you to all who sent Bethany cards and gifts. It is very much appreciated. Please continue to lift Bethany up in prayer; we know the power of answered prayer. God is listening and will answer!

Until next time, take care and God Bless.

The Buzynski's

Monday, October 2, 2006 7:02 PM CDT

Family and Friends:

The girls are out on the town. Haven't seen much of them since we've been back, but that's what we want for both of them.

Tomorrow is surgery day. We'll be leaving the house at 7 AM and have to be at Johns Hopkins at 9AM and surgery starts at 11 AM. If all goes well, surgery will last 5 hours. We will try to update you as we get news; as I know most of you will be waiting to hear how things are going.

Many of you have asked where you send gifts/cards for Bethany. You can send them to our address in Florida (1800 Diviney Court, Niceville, FL 32578). Or you can send them to where we are staying in PA (245 Tract Road, Fairfield, PA 17320).

Thank you to all who sent Bethany cards and gifts. It is very much appreciated. Please continue to lift Bethany up in prayer; we know the power of answered prayer. God is listening and will answer!

Until next time, take care and God Bless.

The Buzynski's

Saturday, September 30, 2006 5:11 PM CDT

Family and Friends,
Just wanted to let everyone know we arrived in PA this morning around 10:00. Pete and I headed for some much needed R&R and the girls took showers and headed off to see all of their very dear friends. It's a little after 5:00p.m. and we haven't seen much of them since this morning. It's exactly what both of them need right now.

Well, I know some of you may know what lies a head of us but I wanted to inform the rest of you.

Bethany's surgery (which will be a right leg amputation) will be performed by Dr. Weber at John's Hopkins in Baltimore MD. on Tuesday the 3rd @ 11:00. The surgery is anticipated to last about 5 hours granted all things go as planned. We have also been told that Bethany will be in the hospital about 4-5 days. After that we will go back and stay in PA until we get the go ahead to head back to Florida.

We wanted to express our gratitude for all who have called and/or spoken to us about Bethany. We are strong Christians and we believe with the help of God, prayer, family and friends...Bethany is going to beat this horrible disease and go on to live a very long and productive life. She still has an amazing attitude even though she knows what lies ahead of her. I'm so proud to call her my daughter!

Please keep the prayers going strong..because as I've said many times before....God is listening and he will hear and answer our prayers.

Well gotta go...the Iowa Hawks are going to beat Ohio State tonight and Pete and I are heading to Ventura's (one of our favorite "wing" places here in Fairfield) to watch it!

God Bless you all and Believe in miracles.....we do!
Love, The Buzynski's

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 6:47 PM CDT

Family and Friends,
Today Bethany had her biopsy at 8:00 a.m. She was pretty heavily medicated and didn't remember or feel a thing.(and that's a good thing because her prior biopsy's really hurt her) After she come out of recovery (around 11:30)we went to eat lunch at TGI Fridays to waste time until our meeting with the oncology Drs. at 3:00. (we just wanted to see what our game plan would be if the biopsy came back positive)We are very saddened to say that we got a phone call on the way home from the clinic that Bethany's pathology report came back with positive findings of osteosarcoma. NOT WHAT WE WERE WANTING TO HEAR AT ALL! As you might imagine... Pete and I are just sick and again....living in a fog and a parents worst nightmare. On the other hand... Bethany doesn't seemed phased by anything we or the Drs. tell her. I truly believe that it is God working in and through her to let us know everything will be okay. I'm sure most of you are saying I'm crazy....but if you could just see it in her eyes...she has such an amazing look and attitude that I feel assured by her that we will fight this battle again head on and come out a winner. She has been such a roll model for all to admire and I look at her everyday, smile and thank God that he gave me such a beautiful child to share with so many people.

With that said our plans for the next week or so are as follows:
We (Bethany, Aarika, Pete and I) will leave here on Friday after the girls get out of school and drive to PA. (Grandma and Grandpa Kuker are coming out to stay with Blake)Bethany requested to spend a day or two with her friends before surgery.
Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday the 3rd @ John's Hopkins with Dr. Weber (she performed Bethany's first surgery) Right now...we believe Dr. Weber's plan is to amputate Bethany's right leg. For a couple of reasons....#1 is to have the best possible chance of a cure, #2 is because it looks as though the tumor is wrapped around some major blood vessels going to the leg and the only way to remove the tumor is to take the leg also. Believe us...we know.... it is alot to digest... but we also understand that they need to do what's best to keep our little girl around as long as possible.
After surgery and recovery we plan to head back to Florida. Once Bethany has healed... she will have to start intense chemo treatment and possibly some experimental drugs..... again:O( Obviously...none of us are looking forward to that.

For those of you that have offered us a place to stay while we are in PA....THANK YOU!!!!! Your support and love is so much appreciated. I think for right now we will stay at the Peck's B&B. If we need somewhere else to stay after Bethany's surgery... we will make further arrangements.

We are asking for lots of prayers to get through these next few months of very difficult times. We hate that Bethany has to do this again and we often find ourselves asking why or how could God do this to her....we believe... and just have to keep believing that God has a special plan for Bethany and we are all going to witness a miracle. Please continue to pray for a complete recovery and for Bethany to shock all the Drs. and go into remission for years and years.
Thanks again for your concern and prayers for us as we continue this journey.
God Bless!
Love, The Buzynski's

Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:00 PM CDT

Friends and Family,
It's Thursday the 21st and we are kind of numb right now. The results of Bethany's MRI did not look good. They can not confirm 100% for sure that it is definitely cancer but they are pretty sure it is reoccurance. Not what we wanted to hear. Bethany is scheduled for a biopsy on Wednesday the 27th @ Nemours in Pensacola so we can receive the finally diagnosis. We should know something by Friday.

Prayers are certainly needed now more than ever...We pray everyday for a miracle to happen and that Bethany (once again) shocks all the doctors. I believe in my heart that it's possible if we all rally together to pray that same prayer. God is listening...do it for Bethany!

Not much else to report at this time....We are once again just living one minute at a time. It's amazing how one phone call can change your life forever.

I pray for those of you reading this that life is being kind and good things are happening to you. We know God has a plan for our darling Bethany and everything will be okay. Keep her close to your hearts and pray like you have never prayed before. She deserves to have a wonderful, happy,long life.....she's so young and has got so much to offer everyone.

We will keep you all posted as we receive news.
Take care and God Bless you all!

P.S. for those I sent an e-mail to today....her biopsy has been changed from Monday to Wednesday. (I told you things can change by the minute)

Much love,
The Buzynski's

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:57 AM CDT

Family and friends,
For those of you that may not know...Bethany's doctors called us on Friday to tell us they found something in the pelvic region on her PET/CT scan. We had a doctors appointment yesterday with Bethany's oncology docs and the surgeon from Nemours Clinic in Pensacola. After talking to her oncolgy doc we felt a little relieved but then we went to see the surgeon and he wasn't so reassurring. He said he thinks whatever is there.....is worrisome. He also told us that he would not do surgery on Bethany (if that need be the case) because #1 he doesn't know the layout of her pelvic region since her last surgery and #2 he is deploying Iraq in Dec. and wouldn't be able to follow Bethany. So.....right now Bethany is scheduled for an MRI tomorrow. (Wed) Nemours Clinic will then send the scans off to Dr. Weber (at John's Hopkin's in MD) Dr. Weber and her radiologist will look at the scans and give us a call on what she/they think it is. And then we will go from there. Needless to say we are on pins and needles here. Please pray that whatever is showing up on the scans is just scar tissue and NOT reoccurance. Watching our child, that we love so much, go through hell.... is very tough. Please pray we don't have to travel down that road again.

Keep Bethany in your thoughts that God will bring her through this with a positive outcome. She has been such a trooper through this and we don't want her to have to do it all over again.
Please just Pray! He is listening...We have the Faith and we BELIEVE everything is possible with GOD!!!!!
Thanks for your continued support and God Bless!
We will let everyone know once we hear from Dr. Weber.
Take care
Love The Buzynski's

Thursday, September 7, 2006 9:43 PM CDT

Check out Bethany's new pictures.

Happy "Wing" night. We just got back from eating wings in Ft. Walton. They were good.... but it's just not the same without the Patterson's. We sure miss "wing night" with them.
Anyway, Bethany had a PET/CT scan done yesterday along with an Echocardiogram. We have not gotten the results of any of them yet. We will let everyone know when we get them. But for now, we are just asking for continued prayers that all scans come back clear of any reoccurance.

Bethany looks great but she has been having a significant amount of pain in her knee. Pete and I think it's because she isn't exercising it like she should be. She is no longer in PT...(because she could do everything they were asking her to do) so they thought she was ready to be released. I may check into getting her back into PT again because she wasn't having the pain while in therapy as she is experiencing now. We'll keep you updated on that too.

Well, not much else to report. Please continue to keep Bethany in your prayers.

God Bless and Take Care
The Buzynski's

Tuesday, August 29, 2006 8:16 PM CDT

Hello to everyone!

Yes...I know.... it's been forever. I finally had a few minutes to relax and sit down on the computer. I think I am almost done unpacking the house. I still have alot of work to do in all of the bedrooms and bathrooms but what I have in mind takes money and until we sell our house in PA...we will be on a tight budget. Oh well....that will be something to look forward too later!

Anyway...we are finally settled in a "rental" here in Niceville, FL. The kids are all adjusting as well as to be expected. They all really miss their friends in PA.... but seem to make friends and meet new people everyday here. Pete is doing well and likes his job. I haven't decided what I want to do yet. I know I want to work with small children...but I'm not sure exactly where that will be. I checked into getting my Childcare License here in Fl. but I'm not sure that's what I want to do either. Only time will tell, I guess.

Other than trying to get settled down here in Sunny Florida and beginning our lives all over again... there isn't much else to report.

Bethany is doing great! Hopefully we will get new picture's posted on here for you to see how much her hair has grown. (She gets prettier everyday.)

Bethany's next scans will be on the 6th of Sept. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers in hopes that all scans are clear. We will let you know the results as soon as we get them.

A "BIG Congratulations" goes out to Howie and Stephanie Sands (friends in Vegas) and Lisa (one of Bethany's favorite nurses from Walter Reed)on their new "baby" news. We hope all goes well with the pregnancies:o)

Again, Please keep Bethany in your prayers on the 6th that everything is clear. Thanks again for your support! We miss so many of you. If your ever in Florida...Please come and see us!
God Bless and Take Care!
The Buzynski Bunch:o)
Our New Address is:
1800 Diviney Ct.
Niceville, FL. 32578
Keep in Touch!

Monday, June 26, 2006 7:18 PM CDT

Well...let me try this again. This is going to be short and sweet because this will be the second time I wrote an update and lost it just before entering it. So here it is...
Bethany is doing great. All scans before leaving PA were CLEAR!!!! Thank the Good Lord AGAIN and thanks to all of you for your continued prayers and support! Her next set of scans will be in Sept. She has a Drs. appointment tomorrow to get her a referral to a physical therapist, and then to Children Hospital in Pensacola for check-ups.
Bethany really misses her friends in Pa. Her day here consists of talking to her friends on line and an occassional dip in the pool and relaxing in the sun. Tonight.... her, Aarika and Kendall (a friend) are at a movie as I type. I just have to keep her busy so she doesn't end up wanting to move back to PA. I think once she starts meeting more people here, she will be fine. Right now she just wants to go back to PA. Please pray for good things to come her way real soon.
Aarika is very busy with Volleyball. She started out in a program she absolutely hated, but has changed high schools and now really enjoys it. God does things for a reason and I believe he is guiding us in the right direction.
Blake continues to talk to his friends on the computer and gets in the pool everyday. I think he is part fish!
As for me...my day consist of being taxi driver, looking at houses, neighborhoods, and schools, laying out by the pool, laundry, and lunch with my hubby. (that's a real treat... since I haven't been able to go to his place of work for the past 11 years) We both enjoy that:o)
Other than that...our life in Sunny Florida is going okay. We have not sold our house in PA yet so there is nothing we can do here... until we get a contract on our house in PA. Please pray for our house to sell soon... so we can start to build our lives, in our own home, here in Florida.
Oh by the way....Pete is doing great and loves his new job.
As always...please continue to pray for Bethany...she is doing great, looks great and feels great...she is just "home sick" for her PA friends...as is everyone else!
Take care and keep in touch!
Our temporary address is:
151 Ferry Rd
Ft Walton Beach, FL. 32548
cell # 850-499-5250
Love from Florida,
The Buzynski's
Thanks to Jan and Ed Peck for cutting our grass and to Terry and Michele Patterson for taking care of our pool. You are truly great friends and we are so blessed to have you in our lives! Thanks and we miss you!

Friday, May 26, 2006 9:04 PM CDT

Family and Friends,
I'd like to say a very special Thank you to My Friends Prayer/ Sunshine Circle for giving Bethany and I a day we will remember forever. The Gold Medal you presented to Bethany was well deserved and touched close to our hearts. Thanks for everything you all have done for us this past year and a half. Always remember.... God is listening and he does answer prayers. Thank the Lord our prayers were heard AND answered. Please continue to Pray for great things in Bethany's future. God Bless you all!

Now, with that said...I hope this is going to be short and sweet. I'm in the middle of packing/cleaning for the big move and there is no wasting time:o)
Bethany is doing great and continues to have an amazing attitude. (She is at a carnival with some friends as I type....for the second night in a row.)
She is coming along well with her walking and actually has a "cute little walk" when she walks without her crutches. I think she thinks her crutches are a part of her though. She could go without them all the time..... but I think right now it's a "security thing." I bet after she sees Dr. Weber on Thursday.... those crutches will be tossed aside. (I hope so anyway!)
Well.... just a brief over view of the next week or so...Pete will be arriving back here in Pa. on Tuesday the 30th. The packers come on the 31st and the movers on the 1st. We will staying around here until the kids get out of school on the 7th or 8th...then we are Florida bound.
But.... as I said in an earlier post, Bethany has to have scans done again before we leave. So on Thursday the 1st she will go and see Dr. Weber (her John's Hopkins surgeon)then on Friday the 2nd, she will go to Walter Reed to have a CT scan of her chest and then on Monday the 5th, she goes back to Walter Reed for a final MRI (here anyway). If everything still looks clear.... she will be able to get her broviac out (chest tube)YEAH!!!! ...boy will she be excited about not having to clean that thing twice a day anymore! She will also be able to come off of her Lovenox shots that she gives herself once a day!
We are asking everyone to please pray... once again... that all scans look good. We want her to be able to leave here on a "CLEAR" note!
With that said....I will close here.
Have a Happy and Safe Memorial weekend!
God Bless you all and we will update everyone once we get settled in Florida.
Continue to pray for wonderful things to come Bethany's way. She certainly deserves it! She has been through so much and continues to stay very postive! What a trooper!
Take Care and God Bless
The Buzynski's

Monday, May 1, 2006 8:48 PM CDT

Friends and family,

Happy May Day!

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get results to all of you. It's been a waiting game (and a very stressful one at that!)
I am so excitied to tell you that we finally got all the results back and everything looks good!!!!!!!

I have never been so relieved to hear those words. I told the doctor...if he were here ....I'd give him the biggest hug! It was the best news I've ever heard!!!!

Now...I have to thank each and everyone of you for holding Bethany up in prayer. I believe, now more than ever, how powerful prayer can be. Thank you so much for keeping those prayers going. It has made a tremendous difference in our lives! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Scans will be done again in one month. We will keep you updated as we get those scheduled and receive results. Please...continue to hold Bethany up in prayer! We still have lots of test, scans, etc....for many years to come.

Bethany looks like a million bucks and is doing and feeling great! You can imagine how happy she was to hear the great news. Her smile is bigger now, than ever before! Thank you all again for the continued support and prayers. We really appreciate it. (More than words can ever express!)

Before I go...I'd like to ask each of you to hold three very special "young" ladies in your hearts and prayers. All three are battling "health issues" and they need everyone to lift them up in prayer. If you could put Brynna, Leah, and Meagan on your prayer list and pray that God will hold them in the palm of his hand. Also, pray that God gives the families the strength to make it through the tough times. God is listening...so lets all rally together and pray for good things to come to these three "special" little girls.
God bless all of you!

Again....we cannot express enough how grateful we are that our prayers were answered. Thanks to all of you that prayed for good test results for Bethany. God is listening.... and he answered our/your prayers!!!!! We will be forever thankful! Thank you so much!

Take Care and God Bless!
Love, from the bottom of our hearts,
The Buzynski's

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:55 PM CST

Well... yesterday was Bethany's 15th Birthday and from the looks and sounds of things... she had a great day. She got to pick where she wanted to celebrate her "Birthday dinner" and she picked..."Outback Steakhouse" (nope... not wings this time:o) Anyway... we had a great dinner and I think she had a pretty good day!!
Today, on the other hand has not been that good. Pete just left for Florida. We are all very sad and are going to miss him tremendously. We are all hoping he will come back to PA for Easter. He doesn't know if thats going to be possible since he will just be starting his new job. If he doesn't come home for Easter...we won't get to see him until we sell our house. He'll hopefully come home for "the closing" and then be here for the movers/packers to take all of our stuff to Florida. Our projection date to be in Florida is...June 9th.
Now that Pete is gone...we are all ready to go too. We will miss everyone here dearly, but we want to be a family. It's just not fair how the military works sometimes. I guess it could be worse. Okay enough of my sob story...These next couple months are going to be tough, but we will get through it.
Back to Bethany....She has a PET/CT scan scheduled for April 10th and then an MRI on May 16th. Please keep her close in your thoughts and prayers that all is still clear. She has been feeling really good and she looks great.
Thanks for your continued prayers. God is listening...keep praying!
God Bless you all
Love, The Buzynski's

Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:38 PM CST

New pictures of Hawaii have been added. We had a wonderfull time. Got to run.

The Buzynski's

Saturday, March 18, 2006 4:43 PM CST

Hello to all,
It's Saturday March 18th and it's been 1 week since we've been back from Hawaii.
We had an absolutely wonderful time. The weather was beautiful,(for the most part) the beaches were great, the food was delicious, and we all returned with a little bit of a tan. (Just gearing up for that Florida weather in a few months.)Now we would like to take the time to Thank Megan Sanders for making Bethany's Make-A-Wish come true. For those of you that don't know....Megan did a cheerleading competition for her senior project and proceeded to raise $9300.00 dollars to help make somebody's wish come true. Before the competition...Megan contacted us and wanted the money she raised to go towards Bethany's Wish. Megan....Thanks so much for making Bethany's wish come true. You will be remembered forever!

Bethany is doing great. She is starting to walk a little on her own..... we are still waiting to get a lift on her shoe. Her doctors and physical therapist say she will be able to walk much easier as soon as she gets the lift. We will hopefully be getting her lift finished sometime this week. I can't wait to see how much better she will walk once the lift is on. We'll keep you posted on that!

Bethany went to a party last night and told me she walked without her crutches most of the night...she apparently was doing the "booty call" (a dance I assume) and having a GREAT time! I was so excited to hear she had a great time and that she was doing the things she likes to do. She was also telling me she thought she could try and play softball again and just have somebody run for her. WOW!!!! I'm telling you....there is nothing that's going to stop this young lady! As Doctor Weber has said time and time again....THE SKY IS THE LIMIT BETHANY.....YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TOO. And as I've said from the beginning....Bethany will be the one to show the doctors that she can do it.....again!!!! I love her attitude! She is still amazing!!!!

Other than that...there hasn't been much to report. Bethany will be going to Walter Reed for routine blood work and check-up Friday (the 24th) and than she will have more scans done the end of April. Please continue to hold Bethany in your prayers, as we still have a long road ahead of us. God has certainly Blessed with an amazing young lady and we know he will continue to listen and answer our prayer request.

Thanks to all of you that have been here for us...Please continue with us as we watch God continue to work miracles with Bethany and many other children around the world. Keep the prayers going and God Bless you All!

P.S. Those of you that don't know. We have some friends in MN that have a little 6 year old daughter, named Brynna, that was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor over a year ago. She was doing great up until about one month ago. Recent scans have revealed the tumor is beginning to grow again. Please lift up Brynna, Pete (dad) Alisha (mom) and brothers and sisters in prayer and ask God to hold this family in the palm of his hand as they go through treatment all over again. (sometimes life just doesn't seem fair) BUT...I know GOD has a plan. Just BELIEVE!
God Bless you all!
Love, Pete, Lori , Aarika, Bethany, and Blake

Friday, February 17, 2006 4:50 PM CST

Yeah.....It's Friday!

I'm sure most of you have heard already but I wanted to get on and update for those of you that don't live around here or don't talk to family.

Both of Bethany's scans came back clear again. THANK YOU GOD!!!! He is answering all of our prayers and continues to listen... so Please continue the prayers as we still have a long road ahead of us. Bethany is doing great and continues to get stronger and stronger each and everyday. Her physical therapist (Jenna and Julie)are amazed with all she has done and continues to do. (she still amazes us too.)By the way...Thank you Jenna and Julie for all of your work you have done with Bethany! She loves you!

Next Wednesday (the 22nd) we will be heading down to John's Hopkin's to see Bethany's surgeon Dr. Weber. We can't wait to see her and see what she has to say about Bethany. We hope she will be thrilled with the determination that Bethany has and the go-get-em attitude she still endures. We will let you know what she says after her appointment.

Then Friday (the 24th)she has a check-up down at Walter Reed. They want to see her every month just to do blood work and a quick check. We'll update you on that appointment too after it's over. Her next set of scans will be at the end of April.

Other than that...we have been very busy with work, getting ready for our trip to Hawaii (for Bethany's make a wish) and also getting the house ready to sell. It will go up on the market March 3rd...so we have very little time and a lot to do. Anyone want to buy a house?????:O)

Well I hope all is going well...Please continue to hold Bethany in your prayers. She is doing fantastic right now and we want it to continue! Prayer is such a POWERFUL thing!!!!! Keep it going!

We love you all!
Love, The Buzynski's

Thursday, January 19, 2006 5:58 PM CST

Happy Thursday to all!

Again... we are sorry for not updating like we should. Bethany's been doing great and we had nothing to report:o) Thank GOD:o) We owe it all to him!

I only have about 25 minutes to write before we have to head out for "Wing Night" with the Patterson's:o)

Well, tomorrow Pete and Bethany will head down to Walter Reed around 5:00 a.m. (to beat traffic!) Bethany has an MRI (of her hip) scheduled at 9:00 a.m. and then blood work and a check-up right after that. As we said before... they will keep a close eye on Bethany these next 6 months (doing scans every month) to make sure the cancer has not come back. So we ask each of you again to pray that both the MRI she is getting tomorrow and also the CAT Scan she will get on Feb 2nd (of her lungs) will come back neg. of any cancer.

Bethany has been feeling well and is doing wonderful in physical therapy. We pray everyday for her to continue to get stronger and improve her physical abilities. She is still giving it 110% even though sometimes it gets really hard. We are still so very proud of her and admire her courage and strength as she battles this horrible disease head on. Again, we Thank God for giving us such an amazing young lady. She is a true champion in our books!

Exciting news....We just found out yesterday that we will be heading to Hawaii in March for Bethany's Make-A-Wish. We are all very excited and can't wait to just relax and chill out on the beach! We'll be sure to send you all postcards:o)Ha,Ha,Ha,

Well, it's just about time for "wings" so I will close here. Please remember to say a few extra prayers for all scans to come back clear again. I know he's listening...
and he will answer all of our prayers:0)

Thank you and God Bless!
The Buzynski's

Monday, December 26, 2005 6:14 PM CST

Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday! Lori and the kids got to go back to Iowa with Grandpa on the 22nd of December, but unfortunately the President decided to go to Camp David for Christmas so I had to stay behind. I will be flying home to join them on the 29th and we will spend New Years with our families back in Iowa.

The house has been very quiet these last few days without the family and it wasn't much fun spending Christmas Eve with just Snickers (our dog) but it gave me some time to reflect on this past year. As most of you know we found out about Bethany's tumor last Christmas Eve. Actually I was at Camp David when Lori called me with the news. It felt like a bus hit me when I heard and the next couple of weeks were the scariest days of our lives. I can recall nearly every second of those first few weeks in the hospital and how helpless I felt as we learned more and more every day about Bethany's cancer. That is when our neighbors family and friends from all over the world reach out to Bethany and our family and helped us in any way they could. Neighbors brought us meals...great meals!...(we might want to start that up again)...ha ha. Our families sent us money and prayers. Lori's Mom and Dad came to our rescue and were there whenever we needed them. (I can't count how many times they have done that for us but this was a time we truly needed it!) Our community here in Pennsylvania helped pick up our kids from school, came by with gifts, gas cards and gift certificates. They also put together fund raisers to help defray the cost of Bethany's treatments. The softball tourneyment to raise money was a wonderful event and ment so much to Bethany because she always loved to play softball. The cheerleader competition was one of the most memorable moments of our lives as we wheeled Bethany into the High School gym that was packed...I mean packed!...with cheerleaders chanting BETHANY! BETHANY! Our family and friends back in Iowa put together a tremendous fund raiser and helped ensure that Bethany had everything she needed. I can't tell you how much it has all meant to us. There is just no way to describe how alone and afraid we were until you all reached out to us. I would just like to say thanks. That might not seem like much but if you could look into my heart and truly know how much you have all helped my family you would understand. I also would like to thank Bethany. She more than anything has gotten our family through this. I can't imagine anyone being more brave than she has throughout this ordeal. Yet through it all she still smiles and that smile has helped me keep the faith and get through this. There is nothing I can't or wouldn't do for that little girl when she gives me that smile! I hope she knows that she inspires me each and every day. God has given her a strength within that most of us could never know. So thanks again to everyone that has reached out to us and thank you Bethany for giving all of us the strength to face another day! Happy Holidays! Love the Buzynski's.

Friday, December 2, 2005 1:47 PM CST

As I've said many a times in my journal updates....God is listening and he hears every prayer!
We are sooooo thankful and excited to tell you that Bethany's scans...both the MRI and the chest CT came back CLEAR!!!!! We could not have asked for a greater more amazing Christmas present then that news.
At this time, we'd like to thank each and everyone of you for the prayers and support you have given us throughout this past year. We know we still have a long road ahead of us with continuous scans and MRI's.... but we also know we have an amazing support team that will be with us every step of the way. We need you now more than ever to pray that Bethany stays clear of any cancer. She has come along way and endured so much so far...I feel she certainly deserves a "gold medal" for her amazing fight against this horrible disease. Please continue to hold Bethany in your prayers over the next few months and than years...as we still live each day as it comes.
Again...we'd like to express our gratitude to each of you. We've come a long way together and we will continue to keep you all posted and updated as days go by.
For now....Thank you, God Bless you, and we wish all of you a Healthy and Happy Holiday season.
Until next time...We love you!
The Buzynski's

Monday, November 28, 2005 6:24 AM CST

Hello and we hope all of you had a Wonderful Thanksgiving. We did...it was very quiet... but nice!

Well, it's Monday, November 28th and we just wanted to give everyone a quick update.

Bethany and Pete will be leaving for Walter Reed within the next hour or so. Bethany starts her LAST (God Willing) treatment today. She will have scans done while she is in the hospital to determine if she is all clear of any cancer. We ask now that each of you hold Bethany in your prayers this week and pray that she is completely clear of any bad cancer cells. We know how much all of your prayers have helped us in the past, and we are asking you all to pull together again and pray for only the BEST news. It would be the greatest Christmas present in the world to hear that our little girl is cancer free. We know God is listening...so please stop for a moment and say a special prayer for a very special young lady. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Pete will stay with Bethany Monday and half of the day Tuesday and then I will go and stay with her Tuesday night and Wednesday. Then, Pete will return to the hospital Wednesday night so I can return to preschool and daycare on Thursday morning. I know... we do alot of back and forth...but it's all worth it, just to see Bethany's smile:o)

Well, not much else going on. We will let everyone know what we find out about the scans as soon as we get results. Remember...God is listening and hears ALL of our prayers! Please.... remember Bethany this week!

Thanks for all of your prayers and support! We couldn't have made it this far without the help and prayers from all of you...near and far.

Thanks from the bottom of our hearts!
We love you!
The Buzynski's

Thursday, November 17, 2005 10:00 PM CST

OK OK OK....We have added some photos of the big Homecoming event! Sorry to take so long but I had to make sure Bethany ok'ed the pictures before I posted them...(you know you can get into big trouble if you post a picture that someone "Bethany" doesn't like!) Us guys don't think much about pictures but women see a lot of things in photos that us boys just don't even think about!

Anyway...Homecoming was a huge success! Bethany had a great time with Aaron (a perfect gentleman) and her friends. She actually got to go to dinner and homecoming in a Rolls Royce! Her friend and parents (the Hummels) just happened to know someone with the Rolls and made sure Bethany and her friends got to go in style! I have a picture of myself in the Rolls Royce that I will post later...pending Bethany's photo approval first of course.

We were a little concerned that Bethany might not be able to attend the homecoming events because the Chemo has been hitting her pretty hard lately, but as usual she somehow found the strength to get through all the big events. Her Doctors and nurses were so concerned that she wouldn't make homecoming that they wanted to delay her last chemo treatment! (I think they were more concerned than we were...wonderfull people) But Bethany's primary concern was that she didn't want to miss any more school than she had to...so we went with the original schedule and she tuffed it out. Since her surgery her body hasn't been able to keep her white blood cell count up so she has had to go in for a few platelet and red blood cell transfusions. She gets pretty worn out at times but still manages to get through it all. We just received her first quarter grades and despite the fact that she missed the first three weeks of school and numerous days since...she still made high honors!

Our Friends and family continually tell us how impressed they are with her courage and strength but no one can imagine how strong this little lady really is. No matter how low her blood counts go or how little energy she has...she keeps on plugging away at her homework and school events. She will stay up till 1200 or 0100 on some nights working her way through all the homework yet never complain then get up and do it all again the next day! I have taken her to Walter Reed and her nurses are amazed to see how low her blood counts are yet she is still there with her wonderfull smile that can turn anyones bad day into a good one. She is amazing...I don't know how else to say it.

We were scheduled to go in tomorrow (Nov 18th) for her last round of chemo, but her blood counts are still a little too low so we have delayed it until the Monday after Thanks Giving. Bethany really wanted to get it over with but we have to do whats best...so another few days before we can get this all behind us. We plan on doing a series of scans to make sure all the cancer is gone during her last treatment so we will let you all know as soon as we get those results back. Until then please keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayer...we sure appreciate it!

I will post more pictures of homcoming in a few days...God Bless and take care.

Love the Buzynskis!

Thursday, November 3, 2005 4:12 PM CST

Before I begin with an update on Bethany I'd like to CONGRATULATE my niece, Brooke Wedemeier and her brand new husband, Erik (sorry Brooke... can't remember if it's with a "c" or a "k" Ha, Ha, Ha) (For those of you that don't know, Brooke and Erik got married on the 28th of Oct and we couldn't be there because Bethany had treatment that weekend.) Brooke and Eric, Our family just wanted you both to know that we were with you in heart and spirit. Also, we love you and wanted to wish you the "happiest" future together. We heard it was beautiful! We can't wait to see pictures!

Now.... we want to apologize for not updating the web page like we should. We promise to start getting better....but just remember, if you don't see updates...Bethany is doing well:o) (I know that is no excuse, huh?) We will try to do better.

Anyway, Bethany has been doing pretty well with everything so we haven't had much to update with. I'm going to try and make this short...but, if any of you know me...I can make the shortest of stories....last forever:o) It's a gift God gave me and I am really good at it....(Just ask Pete:o) HA, HA, HA!

Bethany is doing well with this particular chemo protocol (not as well as her first set of chemos but we can't really complain about this cycle either.)For some reason she just tolerates chemo really well. (and we thank God for that every chance we get!!!!! She does get tired and yucky feeling for about two to three days after her treatments, but seems to bounce right back to herself. Bethany has had blood and platelet transfusions these last few cycles of her chemo, (which we were hoping she wouldn't have to have but... the doctors told us in the beginning of this protocol that they were almost positive she would need to be transfused this time....I hate to say it...but they were right.....shoot!)

Other than that...we are just waiting for her to have her last chemo treatment and then more scans to see if she is all clear. This will take place the weekend of November 19th. Please hold her close to your heart on that particular weekend and say an extra prayer that they find nothing! She has been a remarkable young lady through everything... and I can't wait for her to go back to living like a normal teen.

We did travel down to Hopkins today to see Dr. Weber. (Bethany's ortho surgeon)Dr. Weber was very pleased with Bethanys x-rays...she said her hip and pelvic area looked as if everything was healing really well. She also told Bethany that she could take her brace off (YEAH!!! FINALLY!!!) but, NO weight bearing on her leg for another two to three weeks. Bethany is so excited!

This weekend is Homecoming and as most of you may know...Bethany was picked to be on the "Freshman Homecoming Court" (two girls and two guys were picked from the freshman class)So... Friday night she will get to ride in a convertible in the "Homecoming parade" Saturday afternoon is the football game and than Saturday night she will be going out to dinner with some friends and then heading to the Homecoming dance. During the dance, everyone that was chosen to be on the "Homecoming court" will be recognized. She is very excited (but nervous) and I'm sure... she will be absolutely exhausted after this weekend. Again.... we are so proud of her and know God has a special plan for this dynamite young lady!Please...even though we do not update this page like we should...keep her in your thoughts and prayers...God continues to listen and will guide us through this:o)

Take care and can you believe there is only 52 days left until Christmas! Yeah.... I Love It!!!!!

On that note... I wish all of you a great weekend!

Oops...I almost forgot. We wanted to say a "Special" Thanks to Bethany's Physical Therapist, Chris and her Occupational Therapist, Barb for all of their hard work and time they put in with Bethany. She misses you both. Also, We'd like to thank her home health care nurses, Claudia and Ellen. You ladies made our lives so much easier:o) We hope all is going well with all of you! Take care and Enjoy the holidays to come:o)

P.S. Thanks to Mrs. O'Conner for the great lasagna meal you brought us. It was delicious!

There....I think I'm done...until next time....God Bless you all!
Love, The Buzynski's

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 4:09 PM CDT

Hello everyone!!!! and sorry it's been a while since our last update.

Bethany is back in school and "almost" completely caught up on her homework. She still continues to amaze us with her get-up-and-go attitude. She just keeps plugging away no matter how tough things seem to get for her. I think this whole thing has finally hit her. She had a rough couple of days... but seems to be doing better now. Thanks to all of her friends that were there for her.

A "SPECIAL" Thanks goes out to Kailie Patterson, Kacie Tobery, Amanda Wise and Bethany "favoritest" sister... Aarika for pushing her around from class to class. She couldn't do it without the help of all of you. Thank you all so much! Also, thanks to the teacher's and office staff for making the transition into High School an easy one for Bethany. Thanks to Mr. Drake D'angelo (not sure I spelled that right) for setting up the transportation and to Mrs. Stahl for taking time to show Bethany her classrooms on such short notice. Last but certainly not least....to the school nurses that help Bethany when she needs it. We really appreciate everyone that has helped in this process. You all hold a very important role in Bethany's education. Thank you!!!!!
Also, a GREAT BIG Thank you to... Mrs. Armstrong, Mr. Riley, Mrs. Spalding, Mrs. Strahler, Mrs. Kump, Mrs. Deardorff and Mark:o), Mrs.Cluck, The Pecks, and Mrs. Wagner for making us wonderful and delicious meals all week last week. It made our nights alot less hectic. I'd also like to thank Mrs. Armstrong for being the "delivery lady" for many of the meals that were dropped off here. Your wonderful:o)

Once again...we greatly appreciate everything everyone has done for Bethany and our entire family these past nine months. No matter where we are... we will always hold a special place in our hearts for Fairfield PA.

Another "HUGE" THANK YOU goes out to Megan Sanders and her entire family for the Amazing "Cheer for Charity" that was held this past weekend. Megan's senior project raised enough money to make two children's wishes come true. She raised over 7,600.00. Thank you Megan for being a part of Bethany's Make-a-Wish.:o) You are truly amazing yourself!

Once again... we appreciate everything, everyone has done to help Bethany and our entire family out these past nine and a half months. No matter where we are...we will always have a "special" place in our hearts for this Fairfield community. THANK YOU!

On that note...we will be heading back to the hospital Friday. It's chemo weekend. We will be in the hospital until Monday. We pray that everything goes well for Bethany. Please keep her in your prayers and we will keep you updated as the days go by.

If I forgot to thank someone... I apolgize. We do really appreciate everything, everyone has done for us. It is all so overwhelming BUT.... means so much!

Take care and God Bless you all!

P.S. Hey Valerie...Bethany misses you too. She can't wait to see you. Glad to hear your not going over seas in November. Take care and we will hopefully see you soon:o)
The Buzynski's

Sunday, September 18, 2005 8:23 AM CDT

Good Morning to you all.
It's Sunday and I just wanted to let you all know Bethany is doing really well with her new chemo treatments so far. She still has one more day of chemo and than hydration until tomorrow (Monday). I hope all continues to go as well as it has so far.
I know we have alot of friends and family in the medical field so for those of you interested...Bethany's chemo treatment is as follows:
Hydration for 4 hours
Pre-nausea med. 1/2 prior to chemo
(than her chemos)
Carboplatin-drips for 1 hour
Etopiside-drips for 1 hour
Ifosfamide plus Mesna-drips for 2 hours
than she gets Mesna every two hours for 8 hours.
She than continues to get fluids for the rest of the 24 hours.
Than the cycle begins all over again for the next two days. (except on day 2&3 she doesn't get carboplatin). After this weekend she will have two weekends off and than start it all over again. She will have 4 of these cycles (12 weeks) and than more scans to make sure the chemo has
done it's job.

Other than spending the weekend in the boring hospital... Bethany has been really working hard on getting around so she can get back to school. She really misses all of her friends and being involved in school activities. She asked me last night..if we could go and look for a Homecoming dress this week? She cracks me up. I just love her! So....I'm sure this week... we will be looking for a Homecoming dress. I hope she feels up to it:o)

Anyway....as soon as the school gets the transportation issue figured out and as soon as we can figure out how to get an aid to be with Bethany in school... she will be back in school and feeling like a normal freshman again. (Oh wait...freshman aren't normal...HA,HA,HA,)Anyway...she misses everyone so much...so if you ever have a free moment and just can't seem to find anything to do... just give her a call or come and see her. She misses all of you so much.

I know Pete said this in the last journal entry...but I'd like to personally Thank Josh and Lori Bollinger and family for the Memorial Golf Tournament they had the weekend of Aug. 27th in memory of Josh's dad that past away 11 years ago. Josh called me and asked me if it would be okay if they gave the money to Bethany this year to help pay for any medical/travel expenses we may have throughout Bethany's treatment. I was surprised and honored that they (as many other people in this Fairfield community and around the world)wanted to help us out. The tournament raised about $4300.00. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! We appreciate your kindness and generosity. You will be remembered for years to come!

One more thing...Megan Sanders is doing her Senior project the weekend of Oct 1st. She is having a cheerleading competition at the Fairfield High School and all proceeds she makes during the competition will be going towards Bethany's "Make a Wish" (which we are not sure what that's going to be yet...possibly a trip to Hawaii but haven't decided for sure)Anyway..anyone interested in supporting Megan and her project....or just looking for something to do....come and watch some 600 cheerleaders compete. Thanks Megan for thinking of Bethany and supporting such a great cause. Good Luck and I hope all goes as planned.

On that note...Please continue to keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayers. She is still an amazing young lady and continues to have the most amazing attitude. I'm honored to get to share her with all of you. I hate that she has to go through this but.... she is a true champion and continues to put up the best fight she can...I know she will come out on top and beat this.

We will continue to keep you all updated as the days go by. If you don't see an update....she's doing great! Take care and God Bless all of you that have been here for all of us. Your support has been truly amazing and greatly appreciated. Thanks and God Bless!

P.S. Bethany is probably going to loose her hair again with this round of chemo...but she doesn't mind because she's hoping it will come in darker next time. (She doesn't like her blonde hair) She's one of a kind isn't she?! Gotta love her:o)
Take Care...we love you all

The Buzynski's

Friday, September 16, 2005 8:35 PM CDT

Bethnay is back at Walter Reed today. She is getting three new types of chemo. They are very strong chemos again and she will take them one after the other for three straight days then be re-hydrated for one more day. These new chemos are of a different type and the Doctors hope they will kill any cancer she may still have in her body. Since her tumor was only about 40ead they are hitting her with everything they have. The really couldn't give her any more of the old chemo and these new types will attack the cancer in different ways so and hopefully take care of all of it. She will have two weeks off to recover then go through three more cycles of this before they do more scans to see if they can find and more cancer. Hopefully she will handle these as well as she did the first chemos.

The Doctors say she will lose her hair once again, but that's ok, we all sorte of like the Michael Jordan look on her! They also said since she lost so much bone with her surgery, she will have a much better chance of getting sick and it will take more time for her to rebound, but Bethany has been the exception so far and we are hoping that stays the same. Her attitude and positive outlook have gotten her through a lot already and she has a lot of fight left in her.

We have been pretty swamped with things around here lately and we appologize for not keeping everyone up to date. We are doing well...a little tired...but we are getting through it. Bethany keeps us all smiling and we sure appreciate everything that you have all done for our family. Last week the Bollinger family had a golf tournement and raise over $4,000 for Bethany. We have taken some of the money she has received and bought her a wireless lap-top that she can use anywhere in the house and at the hospital. She loves it and now can chat with her friends and do her home work in bed or anywhere she is comfortable. She is also getting around a little better every day. It wears her out but she takes a deep breath and just keeps on going. She was even able to go down for Hot Wings last night with our friends the Pattersons! It's quite an operation getting her in and out of the car and into a wheel chair but we are getting better at it every day. Hopefully soon, she will be able to get back to school with all her friends...I think that will be a big positive boost for her. Lord knows if she had her way she wouldn't have missed a day yet!

Ok, that's about all for now. We will let you know how the chemo treatment goes. Please keep Bethany in you prayers. We appreciate it so much and thank you all for being there for us.

God Bless...Love

the Buzynski's

Friday, September 9, 2005 6:42 PM CDT

Well... one week out of the hospital and Bethany is doing an amazing job in the recovery field. We went back to Hopkin's yesterday to get her staples out and to get her brace re-adjusted (it was moving/sliding on her when she walked, so she was getting some pressure points that were making her uncomfortable. She seems to be doing much better since the adjustments.:o)
She has a physical therapist and an occupational therapist come twice a week to make sure she is getting along okay. She also has a nurse come and check on her twice a week too. (It's never a dull moment at the Buzynski house) Bethany really likes all of them so we don't mind them coming to visit:o)
As most of you can probably imagine....Bethany is just chomping at the bit to get back to school. She told Dr. Weber she wanted to go to school....Guess what Dr. Weber said???? Well.... if you want to go... I don't see why you can't! Bethany only had to hear that once. So as soon as we can get all of the transportation issues and aid issues resolved....she will be back in school. She is so ready to go back. I'm still a little concerned that it's too soon but Dr. Weber thinks it will be great for her:o) (Bethany and Dr. Weber think alot alike!)
When we got to the clinic yesterday...Dr. Weber had the results from the tumor. It was 40% necrosis (dead). Alot lower than we or the Dr.'s wished for...
I just got off the phone with her Dr. from Walter Reed and Bethany will start another cycle of chemotherapy Friday the 16th. This time she will be taking three different types of chemo during a three or four day stay in the hospital. ...they are ready to take this thing head on.... again! I just told Bethany what the the plan was and she said...okay! That girl is amazing...nothing phases her. She is soooooo dang strong! Again...I'm so honored to call her my daughter!
Well...I am mentally exhausted so I am going to head to bed...Please keep Bethany and our family in your prayers as we head down another path to recovery. It's been an exhausting journey but your prayers and support are very much needed and very appreciated. Thanks for everything!
The Buzynski's

Friday, September 2, 2005 7:46 PM CDT

It's Friday night and WE ARE HOME!!!!! Bethany did outstanding yesterday and today in physical therapy so they said it looked like we were ready to go home. (needless to say we didn't need anymore said...we packed up and got out of there before they changed their minds.)

To celebrate Bethany's homecoming....We are having a "pizza party."(Pete's getting the pizza right now.)
Everything is going great right now. Bethany is upstairs in the recliner watching T.V. as I type:o)She is so glad to be home!(and so are we:o)

We have a nurse coming to the house tomorrow to evaluate Bethany. Tuesday she will start "in home" therapy. We will continue to have a therapist come into the home until they think she is strong enough to go out for therapy. (and knowing Bethany... that will be in a few weeks)

Anyway, as of now everything is going really good. We will continue to keep everyone updated as "exciting" things happen. Please continue to pray for Bethany. She still has a long, hard road ahead of her... BUT with your support we will all get through this.

Still haven't heard results of the tumor yet. We'll let you know when we hear. Keep praying for good results. God is listening and hearing you all. Thanks for everything everyone has done for us. We can't say enough about all of the support we have gotten. Just know... we carry all of you close to our hearts. Thanks, take care and God Bless!

Gotta go... the pizza has just arrived....let the "pizza party" begin!
We Love You!
The Buzynski's

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 10:38 PM CDT

Sorry about the last couple days but we didn't have access to a computer for an update. Things were a little tough the last few days. Bethany started having some kind of reaction to the the pain medication once she got off her epideral. The doc's never really figured it out but it looked like she was having some withdrawls from being on the epideral for so long. Anyway we had a couple bad days Monday and Tuesday...but Bethany is back to feeling good today and did a great job with her physical therapy. She even got to get out of bed and stood with a walker for a little bit and we hope to do a lot more tomorrow. She still has some pain but it looks like they have gotten that back under control and her attitude is still outstanding. The Doctors have been very appologetic for her pain and believe me they know that we haven't been to happy with what Bethany has had to go through so far. Her nurses have been great, but she still misses her nurses from Walter Reed. The Chef for Johns Hopkins came up to see Bethany today because she hasn't been getting what she orders. He wanted to appologize to her and let her know that she will get whatever she wants even if it's not on the menu! Lori and I thought that was pretty cool he took the time out to come see her...tomorrow we order STEAK with a side order of Hot Wings!

Still no results from the Pathologist on how her tumor looked after they took it out. Our surgeon said it can take up to two weeks, but she will let us know as soon as she gets the report. We orderd an adjustable bed, reclining wheel chair and a few other things for Bethany when she gets home. Hopefully it will be this Friday but we have to see how she does the next few days.

Well I'm pretty beat so I better get a few hours of sleep. Just wanted to let everyone know that Bethany is continuing to fight the fight. No matter how bad it gets at times, she holds her head up and just asks "what next?" It is incredibly humbling to see so much fight comming from such a beautiful little girl. I don't know how or why, but I draw strength from her every day. It should be the other way around but this little girl is something special. Everyone that comes in contact with her says the same thing. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
God Bless.


The Buzynski's

Sunday, August 28, 2005 8:29 PM CDT

Bethany had another pretty good day. She was a little queezy just before her physical therapy, but still managed to get through about thirty minutes before we got her back in bed. She is bound and determined to get out of this hospital this week. Her surgeon told her before the sugery that she would be in the hospital from 10 days to two weeks initially and Bethnay is holding her to the 10 days...we'll see. Every things seems to be going pretty well with her and our Doc says Thursday or Friday may be ok to go home. It kind of depends on how well she can get herself around...the biggest thing that will slow her down is the brace they have on her leg. (Normally they would put her in a body cast for three months but this brace is suppose to work almost the same) It doesn't allow her to sit upright and that keeps her pretty much on her back until we get her on the physical therapy table...then we have to deal with her queeziness when we get her in an upright position, so we have to do a little more each day. She has a great attitude and is already pushing herself very hard. Today she wanted to just throw up quick so she could keep going with therapy, but they were concerned with her blood pressure dropping so they thought it was best to get her back in bed. This little girl has more strength and courage in her little pinky than most people can even imagine having. I am so proud of her!

We will keep you all updated with her progress. We have to get some special equipment ordered tomorrow so she can get around at home...like a bed with a trapese bar, a reclining wheelchair (I think I might get two of those...one for me and one for her) and a few other things to help her through these next few months as she recovers.

We should get a pathology report later this week on how well the chemo worked on her main tumor...we are hoping it was completely dead or close to it. Keep those prayers comming and thanks for all the support.

Love the Buzynski's

Saturday, August 27, 2005 9:29 PM CDT

Day 6 in hospital:
Wow...what a week. It's been a while since I have accessed the web page... but as I read the journal updates, I see Pete has been doing a great job keeping you all informed.

It's Saturday night and because I haven't got much sleep the past three nights (because I was staying in the hospital with Bethany) we decided it would be best for me to stay here at The Children's House tonight and try to get a good night's sleep. I just have a hard time leaving Bethany. I know Pete is wonderful with her when I'm not there....but it's just a "mom" thing. I don't like to leave her.

Anyway, Bethany had another pretty good day today. She did experience a little bit of pain after her physical therapy ...but for the most part she, once again, did more in physical therapy than they expected her to do. We know and understand, she still has a long way to go, but we've learned that by taking one day at a time.... we will get there... sometime.... someday! And we also realize that every little thing she accomplishes is just one more step to recovery.

Bethany had a very "special" visitor today. One of her favorite nurses from Walter Reed stopped by. We all just love her because she is such a positive, happy-go-lucky young lady that has made a difference in our lives these past seven months. She is the type of person that just makes you smile when she enters the room. Thanks Lisa for all you've done for our family... but most of all... thanks for all of the funny stories you've shared with us. You are truly a "special gift" that was given to us the day we entered Walter Reed! You will always be remembered for your kindness and thoughtfulness!

Well, it's getting really late, so I better get to bed.
Please continue to keep Bethany in your prayers. She still has a long road ahead of her, but with her determination... she will get there (sooner than later). She is still a truly amazing young lady and she continues to amaze us as each day goes by.

Thanks to all of you that have called and/or sent flowers and balloons. They are all beautiful and very much appreciated! They certainly brighten up her room:o)(Soon people will think Bethany's room is the floral shop. Ha,Ha,Ha,)
Anyway....We will continue to keep you all updated.
God Bless you all and goodnight!

P.S. It's so nice to read all of the entries....it's the little things like that, that keeps us going:o)Thanks!

P.S.S Oh, one last thing....I personally wanted to thank Michele and Terry Patterson for sitting with us and giving us the support we needed while Bethany was in surgery, Also to Jan and Ed Peck, and my Mom and Dad for keeping everyone informed and updated while Bethany was in surgery. I know it wasn't easy for you...but just know we appreciated it so much. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Love, The Buzynski's

Friday, August 26, 2005 9:23 PM CDT

Day 4 after surgery.
Today was a much, much better day and Bethany was almost back to her usual self. Her pain medications worked well today (now that she is actually getting them) and it showed because she smiled a lot today, and we haven't seen that since the surgery. God must have heard my prayer for her to get a little break. She needed it and boy, did I need it.

Bethany did great with her physical therapy...the put her on the tilting bed and stood her fully up today. She was up for about a half an hour, before she got a little queezy and they put her back down. She is a trooper and always wants to do more than they ask. I think she is pushing hard because she doesn't want to miss school...she must get that from her mom...I would still be in ICU if I was in her place...probably get back to school around time for Christmas break!

I think almost every one of her doctors (there's a lot of them) stopped by to say they were sorry about the pain she had to endure yesterday when her pump malfunctioned. To say the least they are checking on her regularly now to make sure something like that doesn't happen again.

She did run a little bit of a fever today (102) but she says she feels fine. They ran some cultures tonight just to make sure she isn't comming down with something. Other than that she had a great day...well considering the last few days it was great for us...if you were in her shoes I doubt if you would have considered it great but you get the idea.

Well I'm beat...didn't sleep much last night because I was so mad about that pump. Tonight I don't think I will have any problems getting to sleep...when I left Bethany gave me a great big smile...not sure if that was because I was leaving or she was just in a good mood! I hope tomorrow will bring another good day. Take Care and God Bless

The Buzynski's

Thursday, August 25, 2005 9:49 PM CDT

Day 3...Last night went pretty well for Bethany but today was pretty rough. I spoke with the pain doctors early this morning and told them Bethany was still have a lot of pain in her hip and that she was scheduled to have her first day of physical therapy around noon. The doctor ordered her pain meds to be increased and then we did her therapy, which entailed getting her on a titlting bed that would stand her up and put a little weight on her good leg. She was in a lot of pain but Bethany being the trooper she is endured it and actually did it for over twenty minutes...(the therapist really only needed her to do it for about five minutes) shows you how tough she is. We got her back in bed and the nurse increased her epideral meds, but Bethany just kept saying she was in pain and that nothing seemed to be helping. Lori and I spent most of the day trying to make her comfortable putting pillows, blankets and anything else we could find under her but nothing seemed to work. About nine hours later we found out her epideral pump that delivers the pain medication was not working and she went almost the entire day without any pain medication. The pump looked as if it was working but when they went to change the bag it was completely full. I can't tell you how angry I was. I had to leave the room I was so upset. I don't think I have ever been angrier. I just couldn't beleive it. We sat there all day trying to do anything that we could to relieve her pain just a little while she lay there clutching the bed rails, then finding out she hadn't had any pain medication at all. I just feel so bad for her and what she has had to endure. The Doctors promised me they would be able to control her pain and I promised her just before surgery that she wouldn't be in any pain, that the docs have some great stuff that will keep her comfortable. So far we haven't kept that promise but I can assure you we will be on top of it from here on out. I just can't tell you how strong this little girl is. Her strength through all of this has given me a different outlook on life and the few problems I have had in my time seem pretty trivial at this point. I just ask that God give her a little break for a while...she could really use a few extra prayers from all of us right now. She still has a great attitude and gets mad at me when I get angry with her nurses, but that's what dads do when their little girl is in pain. I just hope and pray that tomorrow will be a better day for her. Thank you all for the wonderfull flowers, kind thoughts and prayers. They do wonders for Bethany's attitude and help give her strength for one more day. Please keep them comming! Hopefully I can tell you all she had a great day tomorrow. Take Care and God Bless!
The Buzynski's

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:03 PM CDT

Day two after surgery...Things went a little better for Bethany today...we got to see her smile a few times, but for the most part she is still pretty well out of it. Every once in a while the drugs she is getting don't seem to quite do the trick and she has a spell of very intense pain...the docs did a better job today and hopefully tomorrow they will be on top of it and keep her comfortable throughout. She still isn't quite ready to really talk on the phone but she was much more alert today for short periods at least.

Tomorrow they want to put her on a tilting bed and stand her up straight for a little bit to get her off her back. She's not looking forward to that because every time they have moved her so far she has been in extreme pain...I told the nurse tonight that I want her pain meds fixed and working before they atempt to move her at all...or the doc may need some pain meds himself after I get done with him...It's so so hard to see your little girl in pain. Thank God Lori and I are both here because there are times when you just have to get out of that room and get some air. We have been switching off staying with her overnight and we both are with her throughout the day from 0600 to about 10:00pm. The Childrens house is just a half block away and it has been great to be able to get a few hours of sleep there. Unfortunately we can only stay until Saturday, then we will have to make different arrangments. It's a very nice place for familys from out of town and it's only $20 a day. We will probably have to get a hotel this weekend, but we are very thankul they allowed us to stay as long as they have. If anyone is out there looking for a good charity...the Childrens Houses and Ronald McDonald Houses do a wonderful job for people that are going through something like us.

Well its my turn to get some rest...I will get you another update tomorrow night...Bethany is doing well and hopfully her pain will be a little better with every passing day. Keep her in your prayers...she still giving it all she has! She's incredible! God bless all of you and thanks for all you have done for our little girl.

The Buzynski's

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:29 PM CDT

Hello everyone. Bethany did very well through the surgery on Tuesday and is now in recovery at Johns Hopkins. She was in surgery for about 8 hours and the Doctors said everything went very well, in fact Bethany's surgeon said this was the first surgery "of this type" that she has done were the patient didn't need any additional blood. The took out pretty much exactly what they had planned on and there were no real suprises. It will take about 10 days for them to test how well the chemo has worked on the tumor, but it's a big relief knowing that isn't in her any more. They did put Bethany in ICU for one night even though she did so well she really didn't need to...they just felt she would be a little more comfortable there. They did give her a couple units of blood this morning because of how big her wound is. Now they just want to keep her still and as comfortable as possible for the next few days...Her epideral medication (Pain) ran out for about an hour tonight (nurse goof-up) and Bethany was in a lot of pain for about two hours before they got her comfortable again. She is not yet up for visitors or any phone calls. They are trying to keep her pretty well out of it and she can be a little irritable at times. Today was the first day since we found out she had cancer that I couldn't get a smile out of her...Hopefully tomorrow will be a little better. I will try and update this more tomorrow...we are running a little low on sleep right now, but we are doing fine and so is Bethany. She is in Room 852 in the Nelson 8 building of Johns Hopkins...Please we ask that you hold off on calling her for a few days yet. Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers. We are getting through this one day at a time thanks to everyones help. God Bless and I will update more tomorrow.

The Buzynski's

Saturday, August 20, 2005 8:29 PM CDT

Hello everyone! We leave for Johns Hopkins tomorrow morning. The Doctors are very confident her white blood cell counts will be ok for Mondays surgery. I have had to give her a few booster shots just in case, but my heart tells me it is going to happen on Monday. It hasn't been easy this last couple days but just keeping busy helps take the mind off what is to come. It hurts thinking about the surgery and what it will do to Bethany but I know it has to be done and we all want that tumor out of her. I wish to God that I could take her place but that is not possible. I know that God will not give you more than you can handel...but lately he seems to be pushing pretty hard.

I just want to thank our family and friends back in Iowa for the wonderful benefit they put on for Bethany. Those of you who took the time to come out and show Bethany your support are Angels. We are in awe at the response and turn out. Please know that we appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts and there are no words to tell you all how much it means to us and Bethany. I wanted to make a statement at the benefit but every time I tried...I just couldn't get through it...it's not even easy typing a thank you right now but know that it is heart felt. A special thanks to Scott, Amy, Mark, Dawn, Kelli, Bruce, Melaine, Cindy, Jeanie, Connie and everyone else that put it together. The great part of having a big family is knowing that someone will always be there for you and...boy...were you guys there for us! All of you have made a big difference in a little girls life and mine. For that I am eternally greatful. Thanks for everything, especially all the kind words and prayers. We will update this page as soon as we can after surgery.

Love the Buzynski's

Monday, August 15, 2005 9:22 PM CDT

Family and Friends,
Just another quick update.
We found out this morning that Bethany's counts are still too low for surgery. They have postponed her surgery again until Monday the 22nd @ 6:00 a.m. (and hopefully this time it's really going to happen.) Dr. Weber (Bethany's surgeon at John's Hopkin's) said if her counts are not where they need to be by Friday we will have to give her a GCSF shot to boost her white blood count. The Drs. would really like it to climb on it's own... but also realize we need to get the surgery underway. We have all been on an emotional rollercoaster and it's taking a toll on all of us. So as of right now....surgery will be Monday the 22nd. Please keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayers. She is very upset because she's not going to get to start school on time. She is so ready to get this over.

On behalf of Bethany and the rest of our family... we would like to say a big THANKS to EVERYONE that made the BKB Foundation Benefit a huge success. We can't even begin to imagine all the time and hard work it took to put it all together and make it happen. We will be forever grateful to all those that stepped in to help. You will all always be remembered for your thoughtfulness and kindness. (and we know who you are:o)

A Big thanks to all of you that donated items or had items donated for the silent auction and the raffle. Also to those of you that made goodies for the bake sale. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Words will never express the appreciation we feel for everything everyone has done for us. Just know...no matter what you have done for us, big or small, you hold a special place in our hearts:o) Thank you!

Love and God Bless
The Buzynski's

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 1:13 PM CDT

Hello to all,
Just a very quick update on what's going on in our lives right now.
Bethany's surgery has been postponed until Tues. the 16th. She had her blood drawn on Monday the 8th and her white blood count was too low. Dr Weber said she would not do surgery until her counts were on the uprise. We are going to have her blood drawn again this Friday in hopes that her counts are rising.
As of right now..... we are in Iowa. We decided around 9:00 p.m. Monday night to make the trip back home. Our families have been planning a "Big" BKB benefit for Bethany on Sunday.... now because surgery was postponed and Pete and I already had the week off.... we decided to surprise everyone and head back for the benefit....God works in mysterious ways, doesn't he?. Bethany is very excited to be back home and everyone is so excited to see all of us:o)
Pete, Bethany and I will be heading back to PA on Sunday after the benefit. She has another blood draw on Monday just to make sure she meets all of her counts. Then...God willing... Bethany will be in surgery at 6:00 a.m. Tues morning. We will keep you all updated as the days go by.
Well, not much else from here. We are just going to sit back, relax and enjoy a few more days of this fresh Iowa air:o)
Please continue the prayers for Bethany and just know that every prayer said.... is a prayer heard.
Thanks for all your support!
Love and God Bless,
The Buzynski's

Sunday, August 7, 2005 8:15 AM CDT

Well, we are comming down to the wire. We have less than 48 hours before Bethany goes in for surgery. We are going to head down to Baltimore early Monday to get Bethany fitted for a brace that she will have to wear for 3 months after her surgery. Then she is scheduled for surgery at 6:00 am Tuesday the 9th. No real changes to the surgery...they will remove most of her right pelvis bone and the top "ball" of her femur along with a lot of muscle mass around the tumor. The latest chest scan of her lungs came up clear, so the chemo did a gret job there...the doctors said that they can and do come back fairly often, so we will have to keep a eye on that...but for now we do not have to have surgery on her lungs, all three spots are gone. Our surgeon told us that they will keep Bethany pretty well out of it for the first 10 days or so to help keep the pain to minimum.

A group of Bethany's friends had a suprise party for her last night. Lori had to tell them to go to bed this morning around 4:00 am...If Bethany keeps this up she may sleep right through her surgery. I don't know how she keeps going.

We have been staying very busy lately. That helps keep the surgery off our minds, but we are about as ready as can be to get this over with. We still have a very long road a head of us, but taking it one day at a time has brought us a long way so far and we will continue on down that road. Thank all of you for being on that road with us. We couldn't have come this far alone. God bless and keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayer, especially on Tuesday.

P.S. there are a few new picture!

Love the Buzynski's

Friday, July 29, 2005 8:37 PM CDT

Happy Friday night to all!

WOW...I was checking out the journal entries....I think I'm going to quit my job and start selling lemonade and kool-aid. (Ha, Ha, Ha)...you kids are amazing....Thanks for all your doing to support Bethany...I can't wait to see you all and give you a great big Hug! GREAT JOB and God Bless all of you!

As I write Bethany and Pete are at the hospital for Bethany's last round of chemo. YEAH!!!! (for now anyway..she may need more chemo after surgery. Depending on how the tumor looks when they take it out.)But we are celebrating 30 weeks of chemo.... DONE!!!!!!!

With that.....I wanted to post a quick update to let everyone know what we have finally decided on surgery. We've decided to go with Dr. Weber at John's Hopkin's University in Baltimore. Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug 9th.(as long as Bethany's blood counts are where there supposed to be) We will have to go to the hospital on Monday the 8th for pre-surgery meds. Other than that.... we don't have a whole lot of information. We are scheduled to meet with Dr. Weber on Thursday the 4th one last time before surgery so she can go over all the fine details. (And also for us to ask any last minute questions we may have.... believe me there are alot of those.)We feel very confident in our decision and we know that at this point... it is out of our hands and left in the hands of the doctors and the Good Lord.

I know you've heard me say this over and over...but we firmly believe with all our heart that Bethany is going to be okay. She will soon be back to living a "normal teenage life" (if that's possible...just kidding all you teens reading this... ya know I love ya all!)Thanks to all the prayers and support from friends, family and strangers around the world. We will be forever grateful to each and everyone of you for lifting Bethany up in prayer. We know God has heard everyone of them and he will continue to listen and be with us each and every step of the way. I do have to say.... he has been "remarkable" with us in this journey so far. I'm so glad he is a part of our lives!

Bethany's spirit is still truly amazing. As each day goes by she shows more and more strength. I'm so proud to say she is my daughter. I only wish I had half the strength she shows. If you have never met Bethany...just look at her pictures....her smile says it all and it's all coming straight from her heart. She is my inspiration and will be for the rest of my life.

Well...Blake is upstairs patiently waiting for me to watch a movie with him so I better go. Please continue to keep Bethany in your prayers as our journey is going to take a whole new twist...with surgery ahead.
We will keep everyone informed and up-to-date as days go by.
Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers!
Love, The Buzynski's
P.S. A BIG Thanks to all of you back in IA and MN. for working so hard on the BKB Foundation Benefit. It means the world to us and again...we will be forever grateful for your support and hard work. You all are WONDERFUL and WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Friday, July 22, 2005 8:33 PM CDT

Back again! Sorry for the delay but we really didn't have much to update everyone on. Bethany has been doing well and the two weeks off have been great. Today we had a chance to sit down with all of or doctors at Walter Reed and they laid out all the options that are available to us through them. It was nice to finally set down with them but the additional options seem almost overwhelming. We learned alot but we will have to make a huge decision in the next few days. Right now...could change...we feel the best option for Bethany is to go with Johns Hopkins. They want to section out most of her hip/pelvis bone, but keep the leg. This along with all the surgeries will be very extensive and have a risk of complications but we feel this is the best route to take at this time. Our other options are: 1, a total amputation...which will be the easiest and have the least risk for complications...2, reconstruction with a donated bone...which has a very good chance of having complications that would affect her post surgery chemo...3, the one we are currently thinking about with sectioning out her hip and going through intense physical therapy to learn how to walk again. We feel this is our best bet at this time (although not the easiest). Unfortunately no matter which route we take Bethany will not be able to use her leg to play the sports she loves so much. It seems so unfair and Lori and I would give anything to take Bethany's place but God has his reasons and we are resolved to leave it in his hands. We do know one thing and that is God sent us to Pennsylvania for a reason. He sent us here because he knew we would meet some truly wonderful people that would be there for us. We can't say thank you enough to our friends or more like family: Ronnie, Sandy McClain...and family. Terry and Michelle Patterson and their entire family. Jan and Ed Peck and all the folks that have put Bethany and our family in their thoughts and prayers and have donated to Bethany's cause. So far the soft ball tourney that the McClains put together has brought in more than $6,500. The braclet sales that the Pattersons and Rosensteels (spelling??)got going has brought in around $1700. Right now our families back home are putting together a benefit in Bethany's honor and I know my little sister Kelli is driving folks crazy back there in Iowa trying to raise money to match what our Pennsylvania friends have come up with. So many wonderful people have come forward to help us and we just don't know how to tell you all how thankful we are. The money will go a long way to make sure Bethany has everything she needs to have as comfortable life as possible but it's the prayers and unbelievable out-pouring of love that has been the key to getting us all through this. For everyone that has come forward to help Bethany, please know that you have made a difference in our lives and we will never be able to tell you how grateful we truly are. Thank you and God Bless! We will keep you posted on our final decision...surgery should be around the middle of August...then 10 more weeks of chemo to make sure we got everything. Take care.

Love...The Buzynski's

Thursday, July 7, 2005 12:05 AM CDT

Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay, but our computer is down once again. The new power supply only lasted about two weeks so...another one is on its way.

Our 4th of July was unbelievible! Bethany and I went to Walter Reed on Friday to get her "Chemo to go pack" and the President showed up at Walter Reed...Bethany didn't want to stick around and meet him (because she didn't have her hair) so we bolted out of there and tried to beat the rush hour out of DC...we got stuck in the middle of it, but at least we didn't have to spend the weekend in the hospital.

On Monday the fourth our little community had a 4th of July celebration/picnic. Bethany's old softball coach, Ron McClain, organized a fund raiser to help pay some of the costs with all of our travels back and forth to DC and Baltimore. The Softball matches went great and at the end of the day...Ronnie and the girls softball teams presented Bethany a check for $5,600! Wow! I almost fainted right then and there! I had a very hard time trying to say thanks to all the sponsors, volunteers and people that donated and I'm sorry I didn't have the words to express how greatfull we truly are. We are simply amazed and humbled by what this community has done for us. The have been there for us from the day we found out about Bethany's cancer. Cancer is a very scary thing to have to go through and there is no way to explain that awful feeling when we found out, but the support you all have given us helped ease the pain and got us through this one day at a time. We still have a long road ahead of us, but knowing how much love there is out there for Bethany will get us through it. I wish there was a way for us to tell you all how thankfull we are but there are no words to describe how we feel. Hopefully people can get some idea when they see Bethany and her beautiful smile. A big thanks to Ronnie McClain and his family for all they have done. I also need to say thanks to Rhonda Hewitt, Jan and Ed Peck, Terry and Michelle Patterson, all the softball players and all the sponsors and other volunteers that went out of their way to make a big impact on our daughter Bethany. This softball tribute was wonderfull and meant the world to Bethany...she only wishes she could have played one more game.(she even asked me if she could go in one inning while she was still taking her chemo!) You have all inspired our family in so many ways and given Bethany the strength to never give up! Thank you! Thank you! Thank You! I don't know what else to say. God Bless!

Love the Buzynski's

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 8:45 PM CDT

Hello everyone...we have fixed our computer and we are back in business. Last weekends chemo went well without any real problems and we were all home by Sunday evening.

Bethany is very happy that she has her computer back, now she can get back to chatting with all of her friends. I don't know how they can set there and a have conversations with 20 different people all at the same time. Especially when they don't use real words...oh well.

Bethany had an interview with the Gettyburg Times tonight (our local news paper). They are going to do a little story on her and wanted to know about the softball tourney that they are doing for her on the 4th of July. Our friend "Big Ronnie" (Bethany's old softball coach), has put together a little softball tourney to raise a little money for some of our expenses. It's really sort of a tribute to Bethany because she has loved to play softball for so many years. She started playing when she was five years old back in Las Vegas. Back then she had to play with the boys baseball team because there wasn't may girls that wanted to play. She had a friend (actually more like a twin) named Kelsi that got her really into the game of softball. It seemed like those two played year around and they where always bumped up to the more advanced age level where they somehow made the all-star traveling team even though they were always the youngest...a lot of good memories. When we moved to Pennsylvania it didn't take Bethany long to get picked up by Ronnie and a few other coaches to play. Tonight the Gettysburg Times photographer asked to take a few pictures and wondered if we had a softball glove and bat for the picture...I had to go down to Bethany's closet and pull out her old bat bag. When I opened it up...It suddenly hit me pretty hard that Beth won't ever be using the things inside again. It's something we don't like to think or talk about right now, but it is always there. Thanks to Bethany we try to focus on the positive stuff and she is always looking toward the future and doesn't waste her time wondering what might have been. I still remember the day we were taking her to Johns Hopkins to talk with the surgeon for the first time and we told her that she probably wouldn't be playing sports again because they would have to remove her pelvis bone...she just said well dad...there goes my softball scholarship. Somehow, Bethany will find a way to be involved with softball. Maybe she will become a coach and put her kids through the same thing I use to put her through...I think she would like that...Anyway...look for the article to be out maybe Thursday, and please come by Carrol Valley Park on the 4th of July and watch the girls play softball...It should be a good time.

We still have not heard from the surgeon at Walter Reed. Lori and I let our Doctors know that we were not very happy with surgery being a little over a month away and we haven't been able to sit down with our surgeon yet. We realize he must be very busy with the war casualties coming back from Iraq, but we are looking to make arrangements to take Bethany to Johns Hopkins for surgery at this point. Bethany really likes the Doctor there and she seems to be there for us at any time, plus she is suppose to be one of the best on the east coast at this type of surgery. Hopefully we will know a little more by this weekend.

We are going to get the "Chemo To Go" again this weekend...Bethany will have to wear a portable pump, but that doesn't seem to slow here down. Last time she went to a carnival and road every ride they had to offer while she was taking Chemo for 72 hours. Sometimes I wonder about her! She's really something special. I wish I could describe what a pleasure it's been to watch her grow up and how proud I am of her now facing this incredibly difficult challenge in her life without ever a single complaint or ever asking why this had to happen to her. We could all learn a lot from her...I know I have. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks a bunch!

Love the Buzynski's

P.S. Check out the latest Pictures...its so nice to have our computer back.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 7:51 AM CDT

Hi again! Still waiting on a power supply for our home computer...so sorry for the slow updates.

We had a great four days in Ocean City, Maryland. The beach and weather was perfect. Other than the Life guards yelling at us every two minutes (if it's fun...your not allowed to do it at this beach) we had a great time and it was a much needed break from all the hustle. Everyone really enjoyed the beach and nobody got too sunburned. We got back on Thursday night and we headed back to Walter Reed early on Friday.

Bethany had another treatment of Methatrexaite this last weekend and everything went well once again. We were hoping she would be home for Fathers Day but she had to stay until Monday for an ultrasound on her shoulder to see how the blood clot was doing. She has been a little sore in her shoulder lately, (probably from all the carnival rides) but the docs couldn't detect the blood clot on Monday. We're not 100% sure it gone, so they have us continuing the Cummidine for now. We have one more Methatrexaite treatment this weekend and then we start the last cycle of Chemo (5 week session) the following week. We are excited about the Chemo treatments coming to an end in July but that also means the surgery is coming up. Emotionally its not easy because you would like to see the surgery delayed as long as possible, but you also realize that they have to get the cancer out of her as soon as they can. We have some very tough times coming up but Bethany is ready for whatever it takes to get her through this. She draws strength from all of you each and every day. Please keep the kind thoughts and prayers coming Bethany's way and thank you once again.

Love the Buzynski's

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 9:25 AM CDT

Well it's been a while and we are sorry for no keeping everyone posted...but when things are going well we try to stay busy with other things and that has been the case. Bethany has been doing great. Her last treatment was a couple weeks ago and we got to do that treatment at home with a portable pump that gave her chemo for 72 hours over the weekend. We can use that pump for her Doxorubicin treatment only, but it was nice being able to spend Memorial weekend at home instead of the hospital. Right now it looks like we can do the same thing over the 4th of July, so we are excited about that.

Bethany continues to do very well and hasn't had any complications for a while...although she did get quite the sunburn yesterday...her mom and dad are not too happy about... but for those of you that know Bethany, it's not easy keeping her tied down.

We still have not heard from the Walter Reed surgeon on what they want to do with Bethany's surgery. As you can imagine the War in Iraq has kept him very very busy helping those troops that have come back injured. Hopefully we can get on his schedule soon and get a game plan set for later this summer.

I'm sure some of you have heard the rumor that we will be moving next spring. I recently received orders to report to Eglin Air Force Base next March. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it I will be promoted next month and the Air Force has to move me on to bigger things. We really love being here in our small town in Pennsylvania, but if we have to move, Fort Walton Beach Florida is not a bad place to move to. We have been stationed there twice before and it is a beautiful area with some of the best beaches in the world. It will be extremely hard for us to say goodbye to such a wonderful place. Everyone in the community has welcomed us since the day we arrived and the outreach we have received since we found out about Bethany's cancer has been incredible. The love and caring we have received has helped us through an incredibly tough period in our lives and there are no words to describe how much we appreciate everyone that has reached out to us. You have all had a major impact on our lives and we will be forever grateful and in your debt.

We will try to keep this site a little more up to date...which will be a problem since the thunderstorm we had last night seems to have fried our home computer...just great! I will try and get the computer fixed and post some more picture that are all on the hard drive...(keeping my fingers crossed). Please keep Bethany in you thoughts and prayer and as always thanks for caring so much.

The Buzynski's

Sunday, May 22, 2005 7:32 PM CDT

Hello again! Well we are still in the hospital. We normally would be home by now but Bethany still has too much chemo in her system so they will be keeping her until Monday. We came in on Thursday night to make sure we would be home early on Sunday, but they had some problems with the Chemo order and we didn't get started until late afternoon on Friday...Bethany and I were not very happy...but things happen. It has been a very busy weekend. On Friday night at 02:00 am Bethany had a chest CT scan. She had to drink a bunch of this nasty "contrast" before she went in. It took her about two hours to get the stuff down and keep it down. The contrast taste pretty bad, plus Bethany was a little sick from her Chemo, but she managed to get it down and keep it down for the scan. The good news is her left lung is completely clear of any tumors now and her right lung only has one small spot on it about 3mm. So it looks like the Chemo is doing it's job. We still have about 10 weeks of chemo left so hopefully that last spot will disappear also. That would eliminate any need for surgery on her lungs...at least for now...they have told us it is not uncommon for them to come back but we will be keeping our fingers crossed. On Saturday night (01:00am) they did a MRI on her hip. Our doctor looked at the scan and said it doesn't look like it has changed much, but he is not the expert on reading those scans. Hopefully the radiologist and the surgeon will get a chance to look them over on Monday and give us an update before we leave. At least we know it is not getting any bigger. Once the surgeon has looked at all the scans they will decide on when we will do the surgery. It's still kind of up in the air as to wether they take out the hip/tumor right away or wait until we are completely finished with the Chemo in late July. It's always tough waiting to find out what is next, but we keep on taking things one day at a time. Bethany continues to be her incredibly strong self. She has definately become one of the nurses and Doctors favorites around here...like that's a suprise. She wants me to ask the Docs if she can do the softball throw and run the 50 yard dash and the 4X100 relay at the schools sports day. Her Mother says no! but I say Hell ya!...we'll see what the Doc says...knowing Bethany she will probably do a couple of the events anyway...she's sorte of reckless...must get it from her mother. Anyway, that's about it for now. We will let you know more when we get some additional info. Until then keep up the prayers for Bethany and God bless...Love the Buzynski's.

Sunday, May 15, 2005 8:42 PM CDT

Hello everyone! Another weekend of chemo behind us and Bethany is doing great. No complications and the weekend went by fairly quickly. We actually went in on Thursday night in stead of Friday morning so we could get out of there on Sunday afternoon in stead of early Monday morning. It worked out well so we will do the same thing this weekend. We will also be doing a new set of scans to see how the tumors are doing then the surgeon will build a 3-D model of Bethany's hip to show us what our options are for surgery. We will also take the latest scans to Johns Hopkins for a second opinion on what we need to do for surgery. Hopefully the Doctors will all come up with the same solution so our decision will be easier. Bethany continues to be very strong throughout our ordeal. She has been incredibly strong throughout and that has been a direct result of the fantastic support she has recieved from everyone from the beginning. The new braclets have been a big boost to her. It's amazing how many people want to show her their support. A Big thanks to all those people that made the braclets happen. It's a great way for all of us to show Bethany we are behind her through this rough time. Thank you all for wearing them and please keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayers. God Bless...Love the Buzynski's

P.S...There are some new photo's so check them out.

Saturday, May 7, 2005 8:53 AM CDT

Happy Saturday to all! and a Very Happy Mother's Day to all of you Wonderful Mother's out there!

Just a quick update to let everyone know that THE BKB BRACELETS HAVE ARRIVED! If any of you would like one... please contact Michele Patterson @ Michele1667@hotmail.com or call her @ 717-642-1244 or you can contact us @717-642- 9965 and we will get them to you. They are asking $2.00 a piece or what ever donation you would like to give. We will try to post a picture of the bracelet on this web page as soon as we can. If we can't get one posted...they are lime green, have the word "FAITH" on them and Bethany's intials "BKB" (Bethany Kristine Buzynski)Bethany designed the bracelets and the Patterson's and Rosensteel's put it into action. We want to say a big thank you to both families for their time and dedication for making this happen. Also, thanks to the McClain family for promoting the bracelets at the church, Jan and Ed Peck,Chris Armstrong, and Gina Tyree for getting the word out to their family and friends, Kelli Milbrandt for getting donations from friends and family all the way in MN., the Fairfield Middle school for selling the bracelets at the Middle school and to anyone else who is out there giving their support to this cause. We appreciate everything done....whether big or small...it all means the world to us...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
We'd also like to thank all of you who donated money towards the bracelets already. It means alot to us AND We love all of you.... with all of our hearts for suporting us through this difficult time in our lives.

It's so amazing to see the young and old "sporting"
their support for our family on their wrist. Words can never express to you how we truly feel about everyone that has shown their support to us while Bethany has been battling cancer. Thanks just doesn't seem to be enough. Please know... we read every card, every entry on the web, hear every message on the answering machine, see all the green braclets, but most of all... know that all the prayers being said for Bethany will get us through this because God does hear every prayer and I know he will answer them all.

Almost 20,000 times people have entered Bethany's web page and if that doesn't tell you how many people are out there routing Bethany on... than I don't know what does. Your support is overwhelming and greatly appreciated. Thank you all.

Bethany is doing great. The docs are trying to regulate her blood. Hopefully within the next few weeks they will get that accomplished. We are off this weekend but start back up again next weekend. The weekend of May 20th..Bethany will get another MRI and more scans to see how the chemo is doing with the cancer. Please pray that the spots on her lungs are gone! At that time, they will decide when surgery will be.Keep her in your thoughts and prayers and pray for only the best!

Aarika is getting ready for Prom as I type. We will be leaving here in an hour or so to get her hair done and then pictures will be at 4:00. (52 friends getting pictures and going out to eat together WOW!!!) Have a GREAT time everyone. Be safe.... but have fun!

Blake is upstairs waiting patiently for his "Big Birthday party"! He has five of his friends coming over for pizza, mini golf and a sleepover. We are all looking forward to a crazy night! Lord give me strength:o)It should be fun:o)

Bethany is resting right now after a long day and night with friends yesterday. Only to get up and start all over again tonight with another one of her friends. I never get to see her on the weekends anymore:o) I thank God that she feels well enogh to keep going. (She's actually waiting to get on the computer right now)She loves being with her friends. and Lord knows she has a ton of them. Thanks to all of her wonderful friends for sticking by her:o) You're all amazing just like her:o)

Well, other than all of this..nothing else is happening. Please keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayers. We know God is listening.
Believe in miracles and have Faith!
The Buzynski's

Friday, April 29, 2005 8:43 AM CDT

Hello Again! We have the next two weekends to ourselves with no Chemo treatments!!! We are all pretty excited about that. Bethany got through last weekends treatment very well. We got home around 2:30 am on Tuesday morning. Bethany was back to school by noon on Wednesday. She has been a little tired and occationally nauscious, but that didn't keep us from Hot wings last night. The wings were good and hot. You can tell how hot they are by how big Bethany's smile is. The bigger the smile the hotter the wings and last night she had a pretty big smile on her face.

The blood clot in her shoulder seems to be doing ok. She hasn't had any real problems since we started giving her the Lovnox shots to thin her blood. The ultra sound showed that blood is getting by the clot, but we will need to keep an eye on it. We found out on Tuesday that we can stop the shots for now. She is taking an oral medication, and hopefully that will do the trick. Bethany doesn't usually mind shots but the Lovnox was pretty painful for her. It was really difficult having to give her that shot twice a day knowing how much pain it put her in.

We are really looking forward to having a couple weekends off. Lori and I plan to get some things done around the house and yard. Bethany already has her entire weekend all booked. Blake has a soccer game on Saturday. This will be the first game I get to see this season. He is only nine but we moved him up to the 12 and under league and he is doing great. He might be one of the smallest little guys out there but he sure plays big. Aarika is into EVERYTHING! I don't know how she keeps up with it all. Last week she was inducted into the National Honor Society and continues to excell in everything she does. What's really impressive is she has had to do it pretty much on her own. Bethany's treatment doesn't leave Lori and me much time, but Aarika and Blake continue to impress us with everything they do. They can't possible imagine how proud we are of them. Bethany has officially become my favorite Super Hero! I need to find her a Cape or maybe a shirt with a big "S" on it! Of course it will have to match one of her several hats! It hasn't been easy for me to give her all those painful shots but she somehow endures the pain and always finds a little smile for me that helps me get through them. Hopefully we wont have to do any more of them.

Look for some updated photos this weekend. Now that we have a little time I will find some new photos to place in there. Take care...please keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayers. Until next time.

Love the Buzynski's

Friday, April 22, 2005 3:52 PM CDT

Happy Friday to All!

As I type, Bethany and Pete are at Walter Reed getting ready for Bethany's 4th cycle of Cisplatin and Doxirubicin. I just spoke to Pete a little while ago and he said they were hydrating Bethany and thought they'd get her started on her chemo around 4:00 or 5:00. Let's hope they get her started on time;o)

Bethany is still on Lovenox. (2 shots a day... to thin her blood) She doesn't like it at all because the shots hurt, but continues to have a positive attitude through all of it. Pete dislikes giving the shots to her too because he doesn't like to see her in pain (that's why I don't give her shots and I have to leave the room when he "shoots" her...I hate to see her in pain...as would any parent). Bethany's arm swelling (caused from the blood clot) has gone away...so hopefully this weekend they can switch her over to an oral blood thinner. That would make us all Happy!

Other than that...not a whole lot is happening. Bethany continues to have her boxing gloves on and every punch they throw at her...she manages to punch right back ...just a little bit harder. She's not going to let anything stand in her way. Not even this "horrible disease called cancer" will knock her down! I never knew I could learn so much from my own daughter. She gives the word "FIGHTER" a whole new meaning. She is truly amazing! I am so blessed to be able to call her "my daughter".

Not much else to say...except, please keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayers and we will continue to update you on her progress.

Thanks again to all of you... for all you do. Everything is very much appreciated.

Take care, Have a great weekend, and God Bless!
The Buzynski's

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 11:35 AM CDT

Hello to all and nope... we didn't fall off the face of the earth...just been a little busy with life in general.

This past weekend Bethany went in for her 4th cycle of methotrexate chemo therapy. She did very well with it again, but prior to being admitted into the hospital she noticed her right arm swelling. The docs watched it throughout the weekend and then decided on Sunday to do an ultra sound...only to find a blood clot near the end of her central line. As of right now, she is on two shots of blood thinner (lovenox) a day until they see a decrease in the size of the clot or until the clot is gone. Pete has to give her the shots (because I don't do shots) and needless to say... Bethany is NOT thrilled with having to have two painful shots a day. Hopefully she will only have to be on the shots for a week or so and then be switched to an oral blood thinner if need be. She is scheduled to have another ultasound on Friday (when she goes in for another round of Methotexate.) to see if the lovenox is working on that clot. Please pray its working!

Other than that, not a whole lot is happening. Oh wait.... we do have some exciting news....Aarika is on high honors again and just got accepted into the National Honor Society and Blake brought home a straight "A" report card also! Yeah!!!!(I haven't picked up Bethany's yet but I'm sure she'll be on high honors too!) Pete and I are very proud of all three of our children and as all parents... we love to share their accomplishments... whether big or small. That's why we have kids right? :o)

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers and remember... anything is possible with God on our side!

A big THANKS to Hummels for the delicious Lasagna meal and dessert(sorry my thank you is so late... I still have two of your bowls. I will get them to you as soon as I can:o) and to the Bollinger family for the GREAT Bar-B-Que Pork you sent to us. It was the best I've ever tasted. Also, I'd like to say a HUGE Thank-you to Gina Tyree for all the work you did collecting donations from both the Ele. and Middle school to help us pay for expenses that occur while we travel to and from Walter Reed for Bethany's treatments. (It was a nice surprise. And thanks to all those who donated:0) Gina...everything you've done for our family is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!

To everyone else....Thanks for all you do, BIG or small. It all means so much to us.
Take care and God Bless all of you! Have a great week!

Love, The Buzynski's

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 4:49 PM CST

Well, as most of you know... Pete and I go back and forth posting these journal entries and I feel the last one he posted.... was a little boring. So.... I've decided to share with all of you how amazing our Easter weekend really was!
It all started on Tuesday night when Mrs. (Chris) Armstrong (an amazing 2nd grade teacher here in Fairfield)dropped off a Huge Honey Ham and a delicious sweet potato casserole and Michele Patterson(a very good friend of mine) dropped off macaroni salad, baked beans, and yummy brownies. (all to be shared with family that would arrive early Thursday.)Thanks Chris and Michele:o)

On Wednesday afternoon, I was visited by my neighbor's Jan and Ed Peck(I call them my angels in disguise)They brought over 2 gallons of delicious soup and two huge pans of cake. (also to be shared with family over the weekend.)Thanks:O)

Early Thursday afternoon my sister Susan, husband Ted and kids Alise, Kylin and Tanner along with another sister Jeanne, husband Dave, and kids Jordan and Collin arrived for a very exciting Easter/Birthday weekend.
Thursday night we all headed down to Ventura's for "Hot Wing Night" Surprise, Surprise Huh???? The wings were great again.

Friday... all the women/girls headed off to the Outlet Mall for a little shopping. We got lots of bargains and had a lot of fun:o) Especially driving around the circle in Gettysburg...right girls:o)faster, faster, faster!lol!
Friday afternoon my mom and dad arrived for the weekend.
Then Friday night Bethany and Ky went to a birthday party and the rest of us girls went shopping.... again. But this time it was a stop at Walmart. (the guys were at home playing cards)

Saturday morning we picked up Ky and Bethany from the party and headed to Perkins for brunch. It was really good!
We sat around the rest of the day until the "BIG SURPRISE PARTY" for Bethany. At 5:00 we sent the girls off to get pizza and a birthday cake only to return to a BIG SURPRISE... And boy was she surprised! There were about 15 of Bethany's closest friends here to help her celebrate her 14th birthday. She said it was her best birthday ever! YEAH!!!

Sunday was Easter and Bethany's official birthday. We went to church, had a successful but "wet" Easter Egg Hunt and a wonderful Turkey dinner. Our night ended with a few more card games. (I think I lost my butt this time!)

Early Monday morning my family had to leave...it's always very sad to see them go.... but we look forward to our trip home in Aug for my "little" brother's wedding. (It's about time Jeremy!! HA, HA, HA,)
Our weekend, like I said was amazing and will always be remembered for years to come.

A very special thanks to the Patterson's, Armstrong's, Peck's, my sister's and their families, my mom and dad, all of Bethany's close friends and all of you who have kept Bethany and our family in your thoughts and prayers. It all means the world to us and we appreciate everything, big and small.

Please continue to pray for Bethany's continued healing and Beleive... great things WILL happen.

Thanks again for everything. Take care and God Bless you all!
Love, The Buzynski's

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 10:06 AM CST

Well, we got through Bethany's Birthday and Easter. Although the weather wasn't very nice we had a great time with a lot of our family from Iowa making the trip out here to be with us. We had a suprise Birthday Party for Bethany and a ton of her friends showed up and made her day. Thanks everyone! It was sad to see the family members leave on Monday, but we know they are with us everyday even though the are a thousand miles away.

Bethany continues to do very well. I think she's a little tired after the long weekend, but she is still in good health and great spirits. Some how we seem to draw strength from her instead of the other way around. It should be the other way around, but Bethany is truly a special person and anyone that has had a chance to meet her will tell you the same thing. No matter how rough the road ahead may seem, there she is with her beautiful smile and never quit attitude. She somehow gives us all hope and strength and I can't help but smile every time I see her.

Thanks soooo much for all the wonderfull posts and Birthday wishes. Ever one gives her a little more courage to face the challenges of tomorrow. Keep them coming and God Bless. All our love and gratitude.

The Buzynski's

Monday, March 21, 2005 2:31 PM CST

Bethany is doing well with this weeks Chemo treatment. We are still at Walter Reed, her Chemo will be finished shortly after midnight tonight (Monday), then we have to take an X-ray, so It looks like we won't get out of here until Tuesday morning. Bethany and I have talked about making a break for the car, but she doesn't think she can run fast enough in her furry slippers ha ha...we are definately ready to be home. She has a two week break before she has another round.
We have a lot of Family coming out on Thursday to spend Easter with us...Easter this year also happens to be Bethany's Birthday...Big 14! Be sure to leave her a little birthday message. Thankfully she won't have to spend it in the hospital. She is pretty excited about seeing her cousin Kylin...they have a lot of catching up to do. Their first stop of course will be Venturas for Hot Wings on Thursday night! Bethany could go for some of those right now. She is suppose to be nauseated, but all she talks about is Hot wings and Taco's with hot sauce. She amazes me a little more every day.
OK...that's about it. Just wanted to give everyone a quick update...she's doing very well once again, but we are ready to be back home. It's been a long weekend! Keep the wonderfull posts coming and try to work a little prayer for her into your day. We all draw strenght from them. God Bless.
The Buzynski's

Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:42 PM CST

Back to Walter Reed tomorrow to start the 3rd series of chemo. Bethany has been doing really well, she did get a few soars in her throat from last weeks chemo, but not bad enough to keep her from having hot wings with a dozen of her friends tonight. I can't tell you how impressed I am with all of her friends and what they have done for her. I had a friend in my class get cancer back in school and I don't think I ever stepped up and gave her any words of encouragement. It wasn't that I didn't want to...I just didn't know what to say to her. My thoughts and prayers were always with her, but I wish I would have had told her that. Her name is Brenda and she has posted on Bethany's web site and I hope she knows that she always had friends that were thinking of her back then even if we didn't know how to tell her. Thankfully Bethany's friends have been behind her and haven't been afraid to let her know. In fact the entire community has been there for her and our family from day one. You guys don't know how important that has been to us. If I could give any of you a word of advise is don't be afraid to tell someone that is going through a rough time that you are there for them. Even if you are thinking "I don't know what to say" don't let that stop you...it's never easy, but something as simple as "I'm thinking of you!" goes a lot further than you can imagine.

Thanks again for all your kind words and prayers...we're still taking everything one day at a time. We will continue to keep you updated on how things are going.

Brenda, your still in our thoughts and prayers even though I never had the courage to tell you personally. Thanks for passing on your words of encouragement to Bethany. God Bless.

The Buzynski's

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 8:13 PM CST

Well we made it through the another round of chemo this weekend. Bethany didn't have any problems and had a chest CT scan to see how her lungs were doing. The Doc told us that one of the spots on her lungs is gone and the other two spots look like they shrunk a little. (this was a first look at the scan) but so far it looks good and her Chemo is having an effect on her cancer.

Our Doc's have also been consulting with the surgeon at Johns Hopkins and have (for now) agreed, that as long as the Chemo is working that we should put off the Surgery to remove her hip and the spots on her lungs for a little longer. They still want to get the main tumor out of her hip as soon as possible, but they are concerned that the surgery on her hip could cause some complications and delay her Chemo treatments too long. The most important thing is to make sure the cancer in her lungs does not continue to grow...and right now it looks like the Chemo is working well on them. This was good news for Bethany because she was cleared to play volleyball and enjoy the use of her leg as long as she can...even though her Mother doesn't think it's a good idea! Bethany doesn't have any second thoughts...she lives every moment like there is no tomorrow!

Bethany received a personal letter and photo from the First Lady Laura Bush this weekend. Many of you know I manage a team of weather forecasters that provide weather support to the President and his personal helicopter squadron "HMX-1" or Marine One. I have been lucky enough to meet the President and his wife on a few occasions at Camp David or while I was deployed with Marine One overseas, and I can not tell you how sincere they truly are. This letter and photo meant a lot to Bethany and I am lucky and honored to be working for such wonderful people. Please check out the photo section to see Bethany's letter from the First Lady.

That's about it for now...we will be a Walter Reed to start round three of her chemo cycles this weekend. Thanks for the continued thoughts and prayers...we will keep you up to day. God bless.

The Buzynski's

Saturday, March 12, 2005 10:20 AM CST

Hello from Walter Reed. Bethany is currently going through her latest batch of Chemo and is feeling good. No complications so far. She is on a standby list to get a new CT scan of her chest. They will probably do that in the middle of the night which is always fun to get out of bed for...We won't know the result until next Monday at the earliest.

We haven't told many people but Bethany will require major hip surgery to remove the tumor in her hip bone and surrounding muscle. It looks like they will have to remove most of her hip bone to ensure they get all of the cancer. There is no "hip replacement" for this type of surgery. With her hip being removed there is nothing solid for her upper leg bone to be anchored to. The surgeons will try to reconstruct the area with muscle platelets and other things that will eventually enable Bethany to walk again after several months of intense physical therapy. We told Bethany about this on our way to Johns Hopkins on Thursday. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, because I know how much Bethany loves all of her sports. But Bethany...being the most incredible person I know on this planet...just said "thats a bummer...there goes my softball scholarship to college." Then she said why can't I at least play Volleyball until my surgery? She lives every moment to it's fullest! I am so proud of her.

Last Thursday we had a consult with a surgeon at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore (a second opinion). Walter Reed sent over all of the MRI, CT, PET scans so she could review them.
We were thinking that she would simply tell us that yes that is exactly how I would treat Bethany. But she had a completely different opinion. Walter Reed wants to do the surgery next week, but Johns Hopkins thinks the most important thing is to keep the Chemo Therapy going and do the surgery on her hip and lungs after the 31 weeks of chemo. She was really concerned that if we had any complications with her hip surgery...the chemo would have to be delayed and she feels the most important thing is to kill the cancer...especially whats in her lungs. So right now we are having our Docs at Walter Reed, talk with Johns Hopkins to try and come up with what is best for Bethany. Hopefully with the new scans we can set down with the Docs and Surgeons and do what is right for Bethany. We will let you all know as soon as we know more ourselves.

Please keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayers. I know she is hurting with this latest bit of news, even though she doesn't show it on the outside. She continues to be an amazing little women that I am proud as hell to call my daughter. God Bless.

The Buzynski's

Monday, March 7, 2005 6:15 PM CST

Hey there everyone..im home again!..woohoo!:0)..

this weekend went G.r.E.a.T at the hospital..i didnt get sick..i didnt get any sores in my mouth or throat..((YES!!..haha))..i felt fine..(i was just a little tender and stiff in my shoulders and upper body)..in fact we got to come home on sunday instead of monday..so me and mom were excited about that!..on the way home i didnt even feel like i just came out of the hospital..it was great..hehe..well anywho today i decided to stay home from school..and SlEeP..((you dont get a whole lota sleep on those hard hospital beds, if ya know what i mean))..my body was still a little bit sore from the chemo too..so i stayed home and slept most of the day away..:-D..i definately enjoyed it..but im excited to go back to school tomorrow..its only been, what 4 days?..and i miss everyone like crazy!!..so im psyked <-(sp?) to go back!..lol..(laugh out loud)..

this thursday we have an appt. at john's hopkins hospital..for a second opinion on my surgery..friday i go back to Walter Reed for another weekend of chemo..((yea im ThRiLlEd about that one..let me tell ya..haha..just kidding!))..other than that..im doing fine..and i would like to thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers, also for all the gifts, cards, and food..it all helps me keep a smile one my face..and continues to lift my spirits knowing how many people are there for me through this hard time..so thank you all for everything..it means soo much to not only me but my family also..i wouldnt be able to get through this without you..you are my A.n.G.e.L.s..and i love you all..

<3 always Bethany

Thursday, March 3, 2005 10:02 PM CST

Tomorrow we head back to Walter Reed for another long weekend of Chemo. Bethany has bounced back to her old self this week and has been doing great. Her blood counts have even suprised some of her docs so that has been a good sign. We continue to have great support from the local community. Our Friends, neighbors and even complete stangers have come by to bring us an occational meal and let us know that Bethany is in their thoughts and prayers. I am starting to get a little concerned because the food has been so good I may be packing on a little weight!...I told Lori I need to pack my running shoes for the weekend to help off set all the delicious meals.

We have this weeks chemo and another round next weekend. During next weekends treatment they will do a bunch of scans to see how Bethany's main tumor in her hip and the spots on her lungs are doing. Then all the Docs will get together and come up with a game plan on what type and to what extent the sugery will cover. Right now we are looking at surgery around the 3rd week in March. We are hoping the spots on her lungs will be killed by the Chemo, but if that doesn't happen they will have to do surgery on them as well as the main tumor in her hip. They have told us they can do the Hip surgery at Walter Reed, but we have asked for a second opinion from John Hopkins just to be sure we are doing what is best. I simply dread the thought of Bethany having to go through this surgery as any father hates to see their little girl suffer, but I know this is another step to her recovery. She is an amazing little women and I know she will get through it. I learn a little more each day about what it means to be truly strong!

I just want to thank all of you that continue to keep Bethany and my family in your thoughts. We get emails and calls from friends in our past that continue to ask what they can do to help, but don't realize that the email or phone call is simply help enough. We have received several gifts to help with the fuel costs and they have all been extremely helpful, but it's the kind words and occational posts to this web site that have truly helped us take this one day at a time. With every post we gain a little strength from you all and it means the world to us! So keep them coming...they help more than you can imagine! Thanks for being there for us. With Love and Gratitude...the Buzynski's

P.S. Had to post a few new photos...check them out...Bethany was getting a lot of questions on who the good looking chick beside her was and wanted me to change them.

Sunday, February 27, 2005 10:14 AM CST

We hope everyone's weekend was as good as ours. Bethany is up and going again. YEAH!!!!
The beginning of the week wasn't to good for her. (she got sores in her mouth and throat again)but with a little bit of medication from the doctor and a few days of rest....she is doing great once again.
Thursday night we went to Ventura's with my mom and dad and the Patterson's for......HOT WINGS! (Bethany's all time favorite.)
Friday night she went to the movie's and spent the night with the Patterson's. She had a great time. (thanks guys)
Saturday night she went bowling with some girlfriends and spent the night at the McClain's. She had a great night there also. (thanks)
And today.... she said she has lots of homework to do and she plans on getting a little R&R.
Thanks to everyone that has been here for our family these past few months. The amount of support and concern is overwhelming. We thank you and appreciate every bit of it. Keep the prayers going....and before we know it...this will all be behind us and Bethany will be on her way to a "normal" teenager's life.(are teenagers normal??? Ha,Ha,Ha.)
God Bless you all!
Forever in our hearts,
The Buzynski's

Monday, February 21, 2005 9:40 AM CST

Happy President's Day to all!
Well, just a quick update on Bethany. She is doing great! With every passing day, she seems to get stronger and stronger. We've gone shopping a few times this past weekend looking for more hats. I think we have almost every color they make. (with the exception of a few we just can't seem to find) I'm sure we will find them sooner or later. (she looks so darn cute in them...I don't mind looking.)
Last night she had a few "special" friends over for pizza and "scary movie" night. I think from the sounds of things, they did more "talking/catching up" than watching movies. That's what it's all about, right?
Today we are going to Olive Garden for lunch and then to the mall. (It's my(Lori's) birthday)Yep, I'm 30 and holding:o) :o) :o)
Tomorrow Bethany plans to go back to school for the first time in a few weeks. She also has a Mardi Gras dance right after school! She is very excited about going to that and hanging out with her friends once again:o)
Other than that... things are pretty low key around here. We are just taking "one day at a time" and ask that you all continue to pray for good things to happen for us in the future. With the continued thoughts and prayers from all of you and with the help of God.... we will get through this and will be back to normal before we know it. Please keep the prayer chains going! We still have a very long road ahead of us. But... we will make it, thanks to ALL of you!
We love you all and God Bless
Love, The Buzynski's

Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:46 PM CST

Hello again. I am truly sorry for not updating the page. I know everyone has been wondering about Bethany because she hasn't been to school and she even missed "Hot Wings Night" tonight! It's just been a little busy for us and after three weekends in the hospital...(no sleep)...when we get home we try to get caught up and just try to relax a little. Also it's always easier to write when everything is going good and we have been waiting for Bethany to bounce back to her cheerful self. After this round of Chemo it's just taking a little longer for Bethany to get her strength back. She is still in very good spirits, but just doesn't have the strength to be up and around for very long. The Docs told us that this is normal so we just have to be patient. Today she was getting back to her sassy little self but she still needs a little more time. We did get her some take-out wings and she got to eat them with some friends and watch a movie. Hopefully she will be back to full strength the next day or so. We have a couple weeks off the chemo so expect to see her back out there soon.
Just want to thank everyone that has brought a meal to our family over the last couple weeks. We are just amazed at how our little town has reached out to us and the meals have been simply wonderful. If you drive by our place and see us (me) doing jumping jacks out front...it's because of the great food. Obviously we have a lot of great cooks in the local area! Special thanks to our neighbors Jan and Ed. They have opened their house to our visiting family and Jan is a cooking machine! Wow! I almost had to wrestle her husband Ed in my garage the other day over some home cooked ham and potatoe soup that Jan made special for us... Ed wasn't sure he wanted to give it up and I can't blame him! They are some truly wonderful people and we are truly blessed to have them as our neighbors and friends. I wish there was a way for me to express how much their thoughtfullness and that of everyone else has ment to my family. God bless all of you and thank you.
The Buzynski Family

Monday, February 14, 2005 3:15 PM CST

Good news, we should be coming home late tonight, or early on Tuesday morning. Bethany is doing much better today. They took her off her Mophine and she has her appetite back also...she wants Olive Garden tonight, but I don't think they will be open by the time we get out of here.

The doctors also said the MRI showed that the tumor hasn't gotten any bigger. So the chemo seems to be working...They want to see it actually shrink, but it's still pretty early in her treatment. We will be scheduled for a series of tests "CT, MRI" in about another month. Then, they want to do the surgery to remove the cancer. Hopefully by that time the tumor will be a lot smaller.

It's been another long weekend, and we can't wait to get back home. Aarika said we have some goodies in the refrigerator from some of our friends...yum!. Thanks to everyone that has brought food by our house. Everything we've had so far has been wonderful and appreciated. Can't wait to get home. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Take care...the Buzynski's

Sunday, February 13, 2005 12:39 AM CST

Hello to all.
Sorry it's been so long since our last update. Bethany's had a pretty rough few days. She started having throat pain on Wed. and by Thursday she could hardly swallow. (she developed sores in her mouth and throat from her last dose of chemo) She has been in a tremendous amount of pain.

Bethany started this chemo on Friday night. Because of her throat sores, they have been keeping her pretty medicated with morphine. She has been asleep most of her stay and she hasn't been nauseated.... yet. Let's hope they found the right meds to keep her from getting sick. So far so good.
Today (Sunday) is the first time she's tried eating anything since Thursday night. (and you know she's in a lot of pain when she's not eating) Needless to say... when she tried to eat something at lunch...she started talking about Ventura's "hot wing's." The child is obsessed with those things. We told her we would get her some as soon as we get back home. (she gave me a smile :o) those have been few and far between... since her throat pain)
Last night she had an MRI to see if the tumor is shrinking. We will hopefully know the results tomorrow morning. The doctors are going to come and talk to us about the MRI and her surgery. As soon as we know anything.... we will let everyone know. Please keep all of the positive thoughts and prayers going and pray that the chemo is working and the tumor is shrinking.
I know we seem to say this on every update...but we want you all to know how greatful we are for the amount of support we continue to receive from all of you... near and far. We hold each and everyone of you close to our hearts and BELIEVE with all of our heart...Bethany will beat this with God and all of you on our side. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Believe.... and great things will come our way! Take care and God Bless!
Pete, Lori, Aarika, *Bethany* and Blake
P.S. We should be home sometime Tuesday.

Tuesday, February 8, 2005 10:17 PM CST

Tonight was a very special night. It was the last home game for the Fairfield Lady Knights basketball team and although Bethany had a pretty severe soar throat(side effect from her Chemo) and wasn't able to go to school she insisted on going to the girls last home game. At the break between the JV and Varsity Game the High school coach and team came out and asked Bethany and our Family to come out to center court for a special presention. This was a total suprise to us. The Team wanted to let us know they and the entire community was behind us and presented her with several gifts to help us through this tough time. The team presented Bethany her retired basketball jersey completely signed by the team. They also gave her an autographed 8X10 personally signed photo and personal letter from the Iowa Hawkeyes head Coach Kirk Ferentz and a 2004 Football Team Photo and authentic Capital One Bowl Game Jersey #5 (Iowa's Quarterback Drew Tate) For those of you who may not know...we are very big Iowa Hawkeye fans. In fact Lori and I had game and airline tickets to this years Capitol One Bowl in Orlando, but we couldn't go because we had just found out about Bethany's Cancer. Most of the folks here in our small town know us as those crazy Iowa fans that don't have any cloths that doesn't say IOWA on it somewhere! It's not easy living out here in Penn State Country and flying the Hawkeye banner! We tend to take a little grief every now and then. But for the team to think of us and go through all the trouble to contact the Iowa Head coach was simply amazing knowing that most everyone is a true Pen State Fan. We also received several Gas certificates to help with the cost to drive back and forth to Walter Reed Medical Center along with a certificate to Olive Garden (One of Bethany's Favorites) and some cash to help out also. It was all very emotional for me, Lori and the family and I wish we could have said something to everyone that was a part of all this, but it was all we could do to just simply accept the gifts without breaking down. I've been in the military for quite a while now and we have lived in a lot of places, but we've never been in a community that has so heartfully taken us in as their own and truly made us feel so welcomed. You are all such wonderful people and you cannot image how much all of this has ment to me and my family. You have given us strenght to face tomorrows challenges and I wish I could somehow express the thanks we feel in our hearts. For all you have done, I just want to say Thanks...somehow that just doesn't seem to be enough but please know that it comes from the very center of my heart. God Bless...Go Hawkeyes...and yes Go Penn State!
Eternally greatfull...The Buzynski's

Sunday, February 6, 2005 9:33 PM CST

Well, we have almost finished one complete round/treatment of Chemo. We took Bethany in Friday morning for another batch of Chemo treatment and were hoping to get her home tonight but she still has a little too much Chemo in her blood, so they are going to keep her until Monday morning. She did very well again (like last week) and didn't have any real bad side effects...other than she wants to get back home. She should be back by Monday afternoon. Then we will have to start it all over again next Friday with the Cisplantin and Doxrubin chemo that made Bethany pretty sick the first go round so she is not looking forward to that. The Docs also want to do another CT scan to see how the tumor is responding to the first full round of chemo. We will have to make another trip down to DC sometime this week for that.
I wish all of our friends and family could see in person how incredibly strong this girl has been through this ordeal. I've always considered myself a pretty strong individual, but now I know what the true meaning of strength is and if anyone would like to see what strength looks like just click on the photo journel and take a look at that beautiful smile of a hers. Somehow she continues to give our family much needed strength, although I don't know how she does it. I can't put into words how proud I am of her. She keeps asking me "dad why are you staring at me?"... it's because I am in awe of her and her incredible attitude and never ending smile. I am so proud to be her dad!
We will let you know how the new CT scan comes out as soon as we get the results. Until then please keep the wonderful words of encouragment coming. I know she truly appreciates them and they give her and our family strength.
God bless and Thanks.
The Buzynski's

Thursday, February 3, 2005 9:44 PM CST

hey there everyone!..im finally updating my OWN web page..i know its amazing right?!..hehe..moms been pushing me to do it for a while now, so i just thought "oh, why not..i have nothing else to do"..;o)..
anywho, yesterday i stayed home from school because i was very tired..((i didnt get muhc sleep the night before))therefore i decided to sleep in..and i kinda well overslept..((whoops))..hehe..so i didnt go to school..BUT i did get to go to the middle school guys basketball game after school..((by the way guys awsome 2nd game..yall played your hearts out)):oD..
now for today..well it definately started off great..i actually got some sleep last nite..so i was happy about that..and i went to school and got to see everyone again!..:-D..that was awesome!..but then i had to leave at 11:30 for a doctors appt. ((i forgot to tell ya..my throat has been pretty sore lately..so i had to go get it checked out..to make sure it wasnt strep))..and THANKFULLY it wasnt..the doctor said it looked like nothing was wrong..and that it was probably just some sores in my throat from the chemo therapy..((side effect))..oh, i also had my blood taken this morning..and the doctors said mi counts are great..:0)..im happy about that too..well anyways..after the doctors appt. i came home and slept the day away until it was time to go to wing night with the pattersons..we had alot of fun!..as usual..thanks guys for another awsome night..:-D..
speaking of thank yous..i would like to thank everyone for all of my gifts, big and small..they truly mean a lot to me..i <3 you all..and i dont know what i would do without your kind thoughts, support, and love..you all are my angels..:-D..i would also like to thank everyone for all my wonderful guestbook signings!..theres soo many, its hard to keep up with all of them..but its always great to come home after a long day at school and read one of those messages!..
tomorrow is the day i go back to the hospital..for more chemo therapy..im praying i wont have any side effects this time around too..and im hoping that they'll get me started early..so i can come home sunday night, just in time for a party!..:-)..but hey what ever happens, happens..
well, i think its time for this cinderella to turn back into a pumpkin..i will update this whenever i get the next chance to..goodnight everyone..sweet dreams..i love yall..keep them wonderful guestbook signings coming..i love reading them..;-D..god bless..

<3 always
Bethany Kristine

Wednesday, February 2, 2005 8:16 AM CST

Bethany was released from the hospital on Monday afternoon. She did very well with this round of chemo and felt pretty good throughout...except for being a little tired. She went back to school on Tuesday (1/2 day) and somehow managed to find enough strength to go to the Girls High School basketball game and hang out with her friends.

We will go back to Walter Reed on Friday morning (4th) for another round of Chemo (same as last weekend.) We get to watch the Super Bowl on our 7" High Definition Hospital Bed TV!...(Bethany doesn't know we WILL be watching football yet, but I'm sure she can't wait) Hopefully this round will go as good as the last and maybe we can get out of there by Sunday night...or Monday morning. That will complete one full session of her chemo. Next week they want to do another CT scan to see how the tumor is reacting to the treatment. Please keep the Prayers and words of encouragement coming. We really appreciate them.
Love and Thanks.
The Buzynski's

Sunday, January 30, 2005 10:13 PM CST

Bethany is still in the hospital, but hopefully she will be able to come home on Monday. She had to stay another day because the Chemo they gave her on Friday is still in her system and they want to make sure it is all gone before they will let her come home. This round has gone much better and she has felt pretty good throughout it. In fact she is eating like a horse...and then some. Still alls smiles and somehow manages too keep a great attitude. Bethany is amazing! I don't know how she does it. We are at her side every second to help give her strength, but somehow it seems to be working the other way as she continues to give Lori and me strength with her beautiful smile. At times it seems so hard to keep a positive attitude but all it takes is a little smile from her and I know God is with her and watching over her. Please keep our little girl in your thoughts and prayers. God bless and thanks.

The Buzynski's

Friday, January 28, 2005 4:13 PM CST

Bethany was admitted back into Walter Reed this morning for a new round of Chemo. She is in very good spirits and will have to get through the night with nurse Lori at her side. Aarika has to cheer at the boys Basketball game tonight and it's parents night, so I get to go stand in front of the crowd with Aarika...Mom wishes she could be here, but we decided it was probably better that I stood in front of the crowd with Aarika, because I am much better looking over-all...He he. (Note: Lori won't see this for a couple days so look for an quick update tomorrow.)

This round of Chemo is Metha....something?...and Bethany will have to stay in the Hospital until most of it is out of her system. They originally told us 24 hours but it may be up to 4 days...(Nurse Lori wasn't happy about that this morning!) Hopefully she will be home sooner than later, because Bethany already has plans for tomorrow night and she will be "Sassy" if she has to stay too long. She has a new portably DVD player (thanks Nylanders) that will help her pass the time and hopefully we will have her back in Fairfield soon. Please keep the Prayers comming, and if anyone knows a good wig shop that doesn't mind poeple trying wigs on and having a little fun please let me know!
Love and Thanks! Pete and the family!

Monday, January 24, 2005 8:14 PM CST

Well, it's Monday and the beginning of a new week.
We started our week off by taking a trip down to D.C. to find Bethany a "NEW DO". We went to a lady that has been in the hair/wig business for about 26 years. She was very good with Bethany...but all business. (Pete was wanting to be bad..... but she stopped him in his tracks.... so he had to straighten up real fast.) Needless to say, after she told Pete to "put a hat down and back where he found it, because it was very expensive".... he wasn't about to try on a long, curly, red wig. Shucks!!!! Other than that, she was very nice and Bethany was treated very well and got a very cute wig. (she just didn't want Pete to mess with her stuff.)
Bethany is still doing really well. She will have another blood test done on Thursday of this week and then she will go into the hospital on Friday for her next chemo treatment and stay the night. (She is really bummed about that... because she had plans with some friends on Friday night.) Sorry guys... maybe she'll feel up to doing something Saturday.
Anyway, other than that, not to much happening. Her spirits are still amazing and she is still carring that beautiful smile where ever she goes. It seems to get brighter everyday! I can tell God is with her and going to carry her all the way through this.
Keep the prayer chains going. As we all know what a powerful gift it is. Thanks to all of you for everything you've done for us, wether it be big or small.... we appreciate every bit of it.
We love you!
God Bless
The Buzynski's

Friday, January 21, 2005 5:15 PM CST

Happy Friday to all!
We got GREAT news from the doctor on Bethany's blood work. All of her counts are up. (the doctor was VERY happy!!!) He wants her to have another blood test next Thursday (27th) before her next chemo treatment on Friday (28th). But until then.... she is good to go.
As many of you know...she has been going to school and has attended every sporting event at Fairfield since last Friday. Nothings going to keep her and her spunkiness (is that a word???) down. She is such a fighter and we thank God everyday for that...because that is what's going to get her through this! We just love her!
Well...Bethany's ready to go to the girls high school basketball game... so I better go. Good Luck Fairfield Knights! (boys and girls!)
Take care and thanks to all for your continued support and encouragement! We couldn't do it with out all the prayers!
God Bless
Love, The Buzynski's
P.S. A BIG Thanks goes out to Beth Hamilton for drawing Bethany's blood. It means the world to us!!! Thanks!

Thursday, January 20, 2005 4:59 PM CST

Ok Ok we updated the pictures of Bethany's new hair cut! Please see the new photos. As you can see she still looks great and is feeling good too. Bethany spent the last two days in school and is very glad to be back with all her friends and teachers...whom by the way have been so supportive through these first few weeks (Thank you all!). We just can't thank those of you that have reached out to us enough. Every member of this family gains a little strength with every entry we read. It's just incredible how much love and caring Bethany has behind her.

Bethany gets another blood test on Friday and is tenatively schedule for another round of Chemo on the 28th. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers...they help...they really really do! Thanks again and don't forget to check out the new pictures of Miss Short and Sassy! God Bless! The Buzynski's

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 2:51 PM CST

Happy Tuesday to all!
We just got back from Walter Reed. Bethany's blood count still looks fine. Her white blood count is dropping.... but nothing to be concerned about right now.
She is still feeling good, eating good and is looking cute as ever. We just cut her hair to her shoulders yesterday. She looks really "spunky"! (her dad really likes it short:o)

Bethany will get her next dose of Chemo around the 28th of Janurary. Until then we will need to watch all her blood counts and try to make sure see doesn't get sick. This one should only take a couple days...4 hours of Chemo and the rest for hydration.

Other than trying to keep up with Bethany and her food cravings and driving her to wherever she needs to go...we haven't been doing much. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers. We will keep you informed of how it's going. God bless!

The Buzynski's

Sunday, January 16, 2005 10:15 PM CST

Well..the weekends over...BUT... it was a pretty good one. You would never know Bethany was sick. She looks good... she acts fine... and she stayed very busy. Friday night she went to the Fairfield girls basketball game. Saturday night we took her and a friend to the movies.... then her friend spent the night...and tonight she is spending the night at her friends house. (Pete and I were a little hesitant to let her go.... but she said she was feeling good.)
Other than that...everything seems to be going well. We will see how Bethany's blood count is on Tuesday when we go back down to Walter Reed.
Thanks again for all the positive words of encouragement... We will keep you updated on the upcoming days ahead.
P.S We won't be able to go "wig hunting" until next week as the owner is out of the country until the 24th...

Take Care and God Bless.
Love the Buzynski's

Friday, January 14, 2005 3:29 PM CST

Sorry.... it's been a few days since our last update. Since getting home from the hospital, we have been trying to get back to a so called "normal" life. (and running after whatever craving of food Bethany has.) She's had us running for Jerry's subs, Ventura's french fries, hot wings and cheese pizza. Now... today after her doctor's appointment... she was craving Seafood Alfredo from Olive Garden. (Good thing there was an Olive Garden in Fredrick) Needless to say at this point...whatever Bethany wants to eat.... she gets:o)We are just tickled to death that she has her appettite back.
Well, since we've been home from the hospital, Bethany has been doing really well. She gets tired real easy and every once in a while the nausea will set in....so we give her her medicine and it seems to kick it in the butt pretty fast. For the most part.... she is doing GREAT and still has a GREAT attitude towards everything! As I've said many times.....She is truly amazing in our eyes!

Today we went back to Walter Reed for blood work. The doctors said her levels looked great. We will be heading back down there Tues. for more blood work. It sounds like we will be going down for blood work once or possibly twice a week until she's done with treatments. Anyway, when we're down there Tues, we are going to go and try on wigs. It should be very interesting and lots of fun. We're going to make it a family affair. (I've always wondered what Pete would look like in long, curly, red hair...wouldn't that be a sight...I'll try and get pictures. HA,HA,HA) Bethany is looking forward to finding a really cute wig.... She wants to have a "short" and "sassy" one! Look out Fairfield.... they'll be a "NEW" Bethany Buzynski in town and she's going to look dynamite!

Other than that, we have been taking life "one day at a time." Our family has been overwhelmed and touch by the outreach of all of you. We never realized how many paths we've crossed over the years....until now. It's absolutely amazing. We thank God every day for all of the prayers that are pouring in for Bethany and ask that they continue to flow as we take "one day at a time" through this journey.
Again.... thanks so much to everyone for all of your support and unending concern and prayers....we really appreciate each and every one of them.
With all our love,
Bethany, Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake

Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:56 PM CST

We made it back home this afternoon. Bethany is doing well but is a little run down. All she could say on the way home was that she wanted a Philly Cheese Steak or some Spicey Rammen Noodles...so you know she is feeling better. She hasn't had anything to eat in three days so seeing her hearty little appetitie come back is good. I don't think Bethany has gone more than three hours without food before this.

It is sooooo nice to be back home. These last couple weeks have not been easy on our family, but the overwhelming amount of support we have been recieving has truly kept our spirits up. I just can't tell all of you how much it has ment to me, the family and especially Bethany. Lori and I come from large families, but this past couple weeks we found that it's a whole lot bigger than we thought. Last Tuesday when I walked into the oncology clinic for the first time I broke down and I just didn't know what I was going to do. This was the first time in my life that "dad" wasn't going to be able to make it all better for his little girl. I thank God for giving me Lori because she pulled me through with her strength and un-waivering faith. Then all of you reached out to us and I don't have the words to tell you how much it has helped. I especially want to thank our immediate family. I know Iowa's a long ways away and you all wish you could be here but we know you are with us in this fight and we couldn't do it without you. I also want to thank our neighbors (past and present) and our friends that have reached out to us. Please keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayers. We will do our best to keep everyone up to speed. God Bless and thanks with all of my heart.
Pete and the Family.

Monday, January 10, 2005 11:04 AM CST

Well, it's Monday and Bethany is on the downhill slope of this part her treatment. She will go off of this chemo tonight at 9:00. So hopefully if she feels well enough, we will get to come home tomorrow.
She has had a pretty rough time of it these past two days. The doctors are hoping next time she comes in for this particular part of her chemo cycle.... that they can stay ahead of the nausea. (I hope and pray for that to happen too. It's so hard as parents to see your child suffer and be able to do nothing about it.) Today they are going to keep her pretty medicated just to get her through these last 9 hours or so.
Still... after all of this, she somehow manages to sneak a smile out (usually when her dad is trying to get her to do something she doesn't want to do.) Gotta love her!
As we know and many of you know...Bethany is a fighter... and as down as she will get sometimes...we ask that all of you continue to pray for her and ask God to restore her back to her "fiesty" old self. We all just love her so much!
We do know God has a plan for all of us...we're not sure what it is right now... but we believe and know in our hearts he will do what's best for us.
Please continue to pray for Bethany.
Thanks again to all of you for your continued support, concern and prayers. We couldn't do it without you!
Love, Bethany and her family:o)

Sunday, January 9, 2005 4:06 PM CST

Just a quick update..Bethany had a better day today, MUCH better than yesterday. She had quite a few visitors and luckily today she was able to communicate with them rather than dozing off like she did yesterday. We think they finally found a combination of medicines to help her out with her nauciousness :o)
(^* yup thats my new word..~aarika~)
Bethany, along with the rest of us, would like to thank ALL of you for your continuous support and prayers. We very much appreciate the caring phone calls, cards, gifts and visitors. It means so much to us. Please keep your positive thinking and prayers coming our way because with all of you by our side, we will fight this battle head on and come out on top. Thanks again to all of you..God Bless :o)
Love always and forever,
Bethany and the family!!

Sunday, January 9, 2005 8:22 AM CST

Sorry we didn't get a chance to update yesterday, Bethany had a tough day with nausia and dealing with the Chemo's. The Doc's are tring to find some combo to stop the nausia but haven't quite found it yet... She is doing good but is sorte of (out of it with all the Meds)...the first Chemo was a pretty strong one and hopefully she will have a better day today as most of that one has already passed through her. She will be on the 2nd Chemo until Monday night then it looks like we can finally go home on Tues morning. Blake and Aarika finally got to see her. (No wheel chair racing yet)but Bethany was very happy to see them along with a lot of other friends that made the long trip down here to say Hello and bring her a present...she really appreciated everyone that came, but says she is sorry for nodding off occationally.

I know a lot of people have been wondering what Stage the Cancer is in and we found out it is in Stage 4 because it has mastized and moved to other parts of her body...(lungs and muscle around the hip bone). Lori and I are confident that Bethany is going to kick this stuff in the butt and be back to her beautiful self soon. Well I have to get back..we will update a little later today. Thanks for the Prayer...phone calls and gifts...I can't tell you how much help that has been through this rough period. Please keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayers...Love the Pennsylvania Buzynski.

Friday, January 7, 2005 5:11 PM CST

I wanted to clarify something I wrote in the last entry. Bethany's bone scan she had today came back showing she doesn't have cancer anywhere else in her body.(other than the tumor on her pelvis and the three small spots on her lungs.) And that was exactly what we wanted to hear!
Also, as long as Bethany is doing okay with the chemo and the doctors are happy with all of her blood counts and other things... we are hoping to be back home late Monday night or Tues.
Take care and keep the prayers going. We're going to get through this.... with the help of all of you!
Thank you!
Love, Bethany, Lori and Pete

Friday, January 7, 2005 4:47 PM CST

As I type... Bethany is getting her first dose of chemo. I just wanted to take a minute to let you all know that we just got word that both the bone marrow test and the bone scan came back normal. YEAH!!! That was great news to hear! So far... Bethany is doing great.... but we still have a long three days and then months ahead of us. Continue to pray that God will restore her back to the healthy young lady that we all love and adore. She has been absolutely amazing through all of this so far.
We will keep you all updated as we can. God Bless you all and know we appreciate all that you are doing for our family at this time.
Bethany, Lori and Pete

Friday, January 7, 2005 11:28 AM CST

Well... last night Bethany and I didn't get a whole lot of sleep. They started her on an I.V. (to keep her hydrated for chemo) and that lovely machine went off every 2-3 hours which woke us both up everytime. But even without a good night sleep.... Bethany woke up this morning with with that beautiful smile on her face and ready to face another day with more test and scans.
At 8:00 this morning she had a hearing test (one of the chemo drugs she will be taking affects the hearing) After that... she had more blood tests, followed by a bone scan at 10:00. She is resting right now. At 1:30 we will head back upstairs for them to take pictures to complete the bone scan test.
At 2:00 she will get a drug to prepare her body to start the chemo. She should begin her chemo about 4:00.
Other than that, Bethany is in great spirits (which is what is going to get her through this) and ready to take this whole journey head on. Keep all the prayers and positive thinking going because with the help of all of you across the country... we will beat this and Bethany will be on her way to a healthy life again.
Thanks again to all of you for your continued support and concern. We love you all and God Bless everyone!
Aarika and Blake... we miss you both so much and can't wait to see you on Saturday.
With all of our love,
Bethany, Pete and Lori

Thursday, January 6, 2005 12:57 AM CST

Just a quick over view (for those of you who have not been in the circle from the beginning) on what's been happening with our 13 year old daughter, Bethany..
Bethany was having some leg pains this summer and with her being so active (softball, soccer, basketball and volleyball)..we thought it was from being a softball catcher. I took her to the doctor... they said it was because she wasn't stretching properly. Her pain moved to different parts of her legs BUT.... sometimes it didn't bother her at all. (which we are told is a very common side affect of osteosarcoma)
In the beginning of November her pain seemed to be getting worse and at that time it moved up into her hip area...she also started limping. So... I took her back to the doctor and this time they took X-rays...but saw nothing. Again... they said it was a stretching problem and that she would probably need to start seeing a sports therapist to get her through the pain. We waited for a referral and didn't get one, so I called to see where it was....needless to say, they forgot to put it in the computer, so...we had to wait another three weeks for a referral letter. When we finally got the letter, it was to see an Orthopedic Surgeon. We scheduled Bethany to see him on Dec. 17th. At this time he examined Bethany and took some more X-rays. He knew there was something wrong... but didn't know what. He thought it was a pinched nerve in her back. He scheduled her to have an MRI on Tues. Dec. 21st. On Thursday Dec. 23rd we found out it was a tumor on the right side of her pelvis. (but not sure what kind it was or if it was malignant.) We were then sent to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington D.C. on Monday, Dec 27th for more test. At that time, Bethany had a CAT scan, a biopsy and some blood test. They told us that afternoon it looked as though it was maligant..but couldn't determine what kind it was. They sent the biopsy off to a few different institutions to be looked at and diagnosed. On Tues. Jan 4th they confirmed that Bethany has osteosarcoma.
Bethany will be starting chemotherapy tomorrow (Jan 7th)
week 1: She will be on a 4 hour drip of Cisplatin. Then on Doxorubicin for 72 hours.
week 4: 4 hours of Methotrexate (1 day)
week 5: 4 hours of Methotrexate (1 day)
Then she starts over again.
Once the tumor has shrunk...they will do surgery to try and remove the tumor. Then she'll resume chemotherapy again for a while.
At this time...we are asking you all to keep Bethany in your thoughts and prayers and ask God to restore her back to her healthy little self.
Bethany is doing great! She looks great, she feels great, and she still has that beautiful smile on her face...inspite of what she has been through or what she is about to encounter.
Thanks again to all of our family and friends for your continued prayers and support through all of this. Take care and God bless!
Love, Bethany, Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake

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