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Pete, Lori, and family
Hope you all had a great Christmas. We were all thinking of you guys and praying that all is well and want to send out our wishes for a very Happy New Year.
God Bless you all
The McClains

Ron and Sandy McClain and Family <rslrcmcclain@embarqmail.com>
23 Sunfish Trl, PA 17320 - Friday, December 28, 2007 7:11 AM CST
Dear B's:
Our thoughts are with you today and every day. We know you are enjoying time with the Kukers and Buzynski families. We said a special prayer for each of you today and your angel, Bethany! By the way, I "heard" there was a great Christmas in Heaven this year with all of our loved ones! Have a safe trip back to FL and bring in 2008 with a bang.

Love Ya'

Jan and Ed PEck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, December 25, 2007 4:07 PM CST
Merry Christmas Buzynski bunch!!! I want you all to know we are thinking about you on this special holiday. I am even wearing my " Bethany Green" sweater today in her honor. May you enjoy every minute with your friends and family in that cold weather!! We actually just had a big hail storm blow thru here. The yard was covered with little balls of hail!! Be safe and know we love you all...Patti, jessie and Tanner xoxo
patti ferguson <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Tuesday, December 25, 2007 11:55 AM CST
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Kerry Novak-Drilak <kdrilak@juno.com>
Houston, PA USA - Friday, December 21, 2007 11:59 AM CST
Merry Christmas to all of you and your Angel!! God Bless you all during this time!!! You are an amazing Family. You don't know how you have touched so many People!!!

Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Thursday, December 20, 2007 9:37 AM CST
Glad to hear you all had a fun time opening your gifts. I wanted to call and wish you all a Merry Christmas but just read that you left today. We miss you all very much, and Lori, Gary and I miss those homemade cookies you always sent home with Allison, but Jan and Ed delivered a nice selection of homemade cookies for all of us!! We think of you all so often, and continue to pray for healing. Travel safely and have a wonderful Christmas with your family! Please let us know Pete's mailing address and/or email when he deploys.


All our love,
The Crevier's

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, December 19, 2007 10:35 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know, you guys are in my thoughts everyday! I'm glad you guys are doing good =)
We miss you all very much, and Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Wish we could see you guys =(

kelsi hake <calverts2@iowatelecom.net>
Donnellson, IA usa - Monday, December 17, 2007 4:50 PM CST
HI BUZYNSKIS!!! as i watched the excitement on blake's face this am as he was telling me about the fondue and presents at 2:00 ... i also felt the sadness in all of your hearts that sweet bethany wasn't going to be with you. i know she would be trying to stab hands with the fondue forks! i know now why you chose today as it is the 16th of december. please know we are all praying for you during these really tough days. we love you all so very much. i am so honored to have all of you as FRIENDS!!!! a whole bunch of love and hugs from across the street. patti and tanner
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:18 PM CST
Hi Lori, Pete, Aarika and Blake!
Glad to hear you are all hanging in there. We wish you a blessed Christmas in Iowa. Please post Pete's address when you get it. We would love to communicate with him and give him great support. Lori, it doesn't matter what work you do, you'll be great! You are loving and hard-working.
Sending lots of hugs your way....
Leslie, Bruce and Linden
P.S.: Lori, Linden wanted you to know she has lost 2 teeth on the bottom. Hee! Hee!

The Carbaugh Family <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
fairfield, pa USA - Tuesday, December 11, 2007 7:28 PM CST
Somewhere across the winter world tonight
You will be hearing chimes that fill the air;
Christmas extends its all-enfolding light
Across the distance...something we can share.

You will be singing, just the same as I
These familiar songs we now so well,
And you will see these same stars in your sky
And wish upon that brightest one that fell.

I shall remember you and trim my tree,
One shining star upon the topmost bough;
I will hang wreaths of faith that all may see --
Tonight I glimpse beyond the hear and now.

And all the time that we must be apart
I keep a candle in my heart.

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, December 11, 2007 11:29 AM CST
God bless and comfort you all!
Barry Hill
Lakeland, FL USA - Tuesday, December 11, 2007 4:49 AM CST
Hey Buzynski's-

Snowed 5+ inches here in Fairfield today so we hope you are enjoying that Florida sunshine! Brion helped me shovel the drive when I got home from work today and he said "I guess I should help now since in a month I will be off at college again"! He has been mentioning that quite a bit lately - think he is going to miss us. I know we will miss him that's for sure. Kevin and Katie are doing well - Katie got braces a few weeks back and has taken that with her usual positive outlook. Kevin, Travis and a bunch of the "boys" are working at Liberty this season (in the tubing park)that should be interesting. We miss you all and think of you each and every day. Warm wishes and huge hugs to all of you from all of us!

Love, Brion, Mary and gang

Brion FitzGerald, Mary Robinson, Brion, Kevin and Katie <fitzrob81@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, December 5, 2007 6:25 PM CST
Dear Buzynski's
Br-r-r, the weather has turned cold and windy. Could you send some FL sunshine our way? Can't help but think of all of you every day. Last year at this time you were preparing to make the trip to PA with BKB. It hardly seems possible. Even though the reason for your trip was a difficult one; we certainly tresured every moment with you and your families and friends. Be safe on your trip to Iowa for the holidays and hug one another!


Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, December 4, 2007 11:05 PM CST
I think about Bethany everyday.
She is in my prayers and so is your family.

Jennifer LaRue <starfish332@hotmail.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, November 27, 2007 2:18 PM CST
hey, I just wanted to send you a little message to let you know that i'm thinking of you all.
hope all is going well<3

Tiffany <pric3lessm3moryz@aim.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Tuesday, November 27, 2007 10:56 AM CST
Hi Buzynski Bunch,

I've been thinking of all of you, and Bethany a lot the last couple weeks. Her name was read at all Saints Day in church a few weeks ago, and has really gotten me thinking of her a lot lately. We were even talking about her at a family gathering last night. We continue to keep all of you in our prayers and look forward to the next time we can see you all again!

Tell Blake "way to go!" for his team winning 1st place in soccer.

All our love,


Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Monday, November 26, 2007 10:23 PM CST
Dear B's:
We are just back to Fairfield and we had a nice Thanksgiving with Connie. Our thoughts and prayers were with all of you on Thanksgiving and every day. Hugs to all of you and know that you are loved and missed.

Love Ya'

Jan and Ed <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, November 25, 2007 11:33 PM CST
Lori and Family,
Everytime I read your updates I am absolutely humbled. My problems seem so so small compared to what you have gone through this year. Thank you so much for continuing to update us on the happenings of the Buzynski family!! I am glad to hear you all are doing well and looking forward to the holiday season. I have a lot to be thankful for and thank you for reminding me of that. I continue to think of you and pray for you. I would love to hear from you! Love, Chris

Chris <chris_rn2007@yahoo.com>
Victorville, CA - Monday, November 19, 2007 5:25 PM CST
Dear Lori,
Your strength and faith are so inspiring - no one can read your words without being touched. Perhaps God is trying to tell you something by bringing you infants to care for. You are great with kids of any age (like a "baby-whisperer"). Just wanted to let you know how moved I am reading your journal and that you and your family continue to be in my prayers. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and God Bless - Shannon

The Holmes Family
Fairfield, PA United States - Monday, November 19, 2007 6:49 AM CST
Dear Lori, Pete, and family,
What you are doing with this website and your entries is so amazing. I read your entries and I pray for you each week. You are so right. Our God is awesome and He holds us and guides us and gives us comfort every day. I am so very,very glad that your faith has helped you through this time. I can't imagine getting through this without knowing that you are loved and that God has your baby girl with him and His Son. I am so very proud of how you witness your Christian faith to friends and family. I listen to Natalie Grant's song "Held" and I think of you and other families who have lost a child or are hurting, no matter what their circumstances, and I hope that they feel God's presence and know that they are "held".(Download the song if you don't know it. I know you will you feel the comfort I do each time I hear it.) I am thankful this holiday season that you are witnessing to so many. I know your Bethany would be so proud. I am so proud to know you.

Jennifer Woods Erickson <jenerickson@mchsi.com>
Chanhassen, MN USA - Sunday, November 18, 2007 6:16 PM CST
Hey just wanted to let you know im always thinkin of you guys. Hope your doing well. Miss you :o)
kelsi <calverts2@earthlink.net>
donnellson, ia - Saturday, November 17, 2007 5:19 PM CST
Thinking of you today and praying for the Family.
God Bless all of you !!!!

Roxanne Henschen <spingcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Friday, November 16, 2007 3:03 PM CST
Hi there family! I hope all is well. I am hoping to make another amazing trip to see you guys... maybe spring break. I hope to be seeing you for the upcoming events in the Kuker family... Man, seens like they are building up everyday... Jer and Sarah... Baby?... Lish and Nathan... Married? (to be expected) goodness.... Christmas? (hope you guys will delighting us with your presence...) Love you all and remembering our special little angel everyday as I look down to tie my laces. Many people ask and I smile when I am able to share her victorious story. Love you all, always and forever-Whitney
Whitney Sue Wedemeier <whitney.wedemeier@wartburg.edu>
- Thursday, November 15, 2007 10:12 PM CST
Dear Buzynskis:
Thinking of you, as always! Hope you have a good Thanksgiving with family and friends. It's soup weather, Pete, and we started it with some POTATO soup :o) Keep smiling and know that you are loved always.

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, November 14, 2007 6:16 PM CST
Just signing in to see how you guys are doing. I'm sure that these next weeks are going to be tough with the holidays. Please know that there are extra prayers being sent your way.

Kim Yates
Rhodes, IA - Wednesday, November 14, 2007 3:39 PM CST
It's truly amazing how you have been able to stay strong. I know we will probably never meet, but i just want you to know that alot of people including me look up to you. I feel proud that i have been able to know about Bethany. God Bless. Keep Strong. Love Peace Happiness
Alison Harper <SCFEgurl94@comcast.net>
Fort Myers, fl usa - Tuesday, November 6, 2007 7:55 AM CST
hello Buzynski's ,
The first time i saw bethany was at a cheer competion [[megans senior project]] she was sooo gorgeous, everyone was touched when they heard her story. she is clearly a idol. i play softball for Fred clift, im bethanys number 14. its a lucky number i tell you. well i hope all is well. your always at heart.

FairfieldPA, 17320 Us. - Sunday, November 4, 2007 2:46 PM CST
Dear Buzynskis
Cannot believe today is the first of November. We had our usual rush of trick-o-treaters -- a total of 2 -- last night (LOL). So glad the Creviers brought the girls by to give us a taste of Halloween! So glad to hear you have a little one for a little while in your loving daycare! More will come your way, I'm sure. Think of all of you every day and miss you lots. Take care and hug each other.

Jan and Ed

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, November 1, 2007 7:53 AM CDT
Good Morning Pete, Lori and Blake ( and Aarika too). I enjoyed hanging out in the driveway last night handing out candy. The boys seemed to have fun being scary goblins gathering their goodies. Lori, good luck if you get to keep the little guy longer than a few days!! They need you as much as you need them..Hugs to all of you. We love you guys so much. I thank God everyday for Him placing you across the street from me. What a blessing!! Love, Patti and Tanner
patti feguson <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Thursday, November 1, 2007 4:51 AM CDT
Greetings from Fairfield PA. All is well here with fall finally arriving the past few days. You are all close to our thoughts and in our hearts every day and we miss seeing all of you! As I write this we are getting the usual telemarketers calling (early evening) and Kevin is amusing both of us by answering and talking to them in these truly absurd voices. We are all getting ready for the final game of the football season on Saturday and hope the guy's enjoy some success - they have worked hard and deserve it. The HS Boys Soccer team went 20-3 for the season. They were a pure joy to watch as they really clicked as a team. We will stay in touch - take special care and give a hug to Aarika and Blake from all of us.
Brion FitzGerald, Mary Robinson, Brion, Kevin and Katie <fitzrob81@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, October 31, 2007 6:16 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski's,
I think of Bethany often and remember her sweet smile and laughter. She was always independent and upbeat. I remember the day she sat in my office at Niceville High School and basically witnessed to me about her faith. What a sweet, sweet little girl I thought. I wondered how she could smile and laugh, going through what she was going through. I always think of her when things do not go the way I want them to and I am feeling selfish. What a great little Angel Bethany is. Sometimes I use Bethany as a great example of the type of person we should all try to be.
Cpl. G. W. Porch School Resource Offcer
Formerly at NHS, now at Crestview High School

Greg and Tina Porch <gporch@sheriff-okaloosa.org>
Niceville, Fl. U.S. - Friday, October 26, 2007 7:52 AM CDT
We're only put though as much as we can handle-
therefore, the people who struggle the most
are the ones who have been chosen by God to end
up being the strongest in the end.

I found this quote and IMMIDIATELY thought of you all.
I continue to pray every single day for you all and
always ask bethany to keep watching over us, even though
i know she will forever without fail :)

thanks for the never ending inspiration!

Jenna DePaola <bsktbll32cutie@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, October 25, 2007 6:19 PM CDT
Hey there :)
I'm sitting here at school showing my friend beths website and everything, so i decided to write you guys! We miss you guys so much! I'm thinkin you guys need to come visit! My mom's getting bored. She needs her partner in crime :o) And greg need's to hangout with Harry! (HaHa) Last week was homecoming week, and we had a color war day, and guess what my class color was?! GREEN! So i got to wear the shirt with Bethany's picture on it, I was pretty excited to wear it. Everyone was asking me about her, made me realize how much we all miss her! Well i better get goin. I just wanted to stop by and tell ya ow much we miss and love you guys! -xoxo

kelsi <calverts2@eathlink.net>
Donnellson, IA usa - Thursday, October 25, 2007 9:00 AM CDT
Thinking of you guys as always. Thank you for continuing to share your lives with us. It's amazing how quickly time flies right by us. Reading your updates always reminds to me to slow down and enjoy the day and everything about it. Thank you!
Kim Yates <kimberly.d.yates.i1gj@statefarm.com>
Rhodes, IA - Tuesday, October 23, 2007 2:48 PM CDT
Hello Buzynski's bunch!!
Glad to hear that everything is going well in Florida. Just as the Pecks' say it seem like yesterday you were moving into Fairfield, it seems like yesterday that you lived out here in Vegas. We all certainly miss our late night card games and camping trips. I cannot believe that you don't have any kids yet Lori. I will certainly pay you a high premium to come live here and watch my three boys. It would be worth the price. Any one will be lucky to have you take care of their children. Sorry to hear about Pete and Iraq. We will be sending lots of prayers your way during that time. Not an easy thing to do.
Glad to hear Aarika and Blake are keeping busy. We love and miss you all.
Take care...

Stephanie <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Monday, October 22, 2007 2:24 PM CDT
Good Morning Lori, Pete and Kids,

Thanks for continuing to share your journey with us! Even with the tremendous activities of school in the Fall (or should I say late summer) Bethany and you all have a permanent place in our hearts and conversations! Aaron continues to stay very focused on football and the good news is he is still healthy! He is the QB for varsity - only 2 more games to go! He is beginning to think about life after high school and is involved with law enforcement through tech prep and will be taking the military entrance exam (ASVAB) today (Monday).

Mark and Lori and Aaron Sewell <the_sewells@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, October 22, 2007 5:45 AM CDT
Hello Buzynski's we are all praying for you back here in fairfield we love you and always in our hearts =]
- Saturday, October 20, 2007 7:25 PM CDT
Hello Buzynskis:
Gosh, at times it seems like only yesterday that you moved to your home in Fairfield and then it times it seems like it was so long ago. I can remember Blake trying to shoot hoops and he was such a little guy who could hardly throw the ball high enough. Now he is in band and into sports and growing up too fast. Then there was our Bethany who always kept us smiling and our spirits are still lifted when we think of her. The wonderful gifts she left for all of us -- gifts of knowing how to be courageous and strong and loving. Aarika has accomplished a lot by being the older sister and has many things ahead that she will excel in and continue to make everyone stand up and pay attention. All of them and you give all of us reasons to smile and know that every day is a good day and one that needs to be lived to its fullest. Sending long distance hugs to all of you!!!

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 3:00 AM CDT
Good morning Buzynski bunch!! I just walked Massey under the stars and felt so close to your sweet Bethany. It is such a feeling of peace! I thank God every day for putting you in my life and blessing us with your friendship and love. You are all my inspiration to be a better person each day. I know why all these notes come in from all over the U.S...you guys are so easy to love! hugs from across the street. patti and tanner
patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Wednesday, October 10, 2007 6:06 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Bunch:
Here it is October and the weather during the day continues to be more like summer. The sunshine (BKB rays) continue with us! Every day we look over to "your" home here in Fairfield and just wish you were still there. We miss all of you so much -- the neighborhood will never be the same! The school is preparing for homecoming this weekend and we think of that beautiful picture of Bethany riding the convertible and smiling for the world to see her courage when she was part of Fairfield's homecoming. Forever and always we will be by your side and hold you in our hearts and in our thoughts and in our prayers.

Love Ya'

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, October 4, 2007 9:34 AM CDT
Hello Buzynski's!

Wow, the summer has come and gone and everyone is back into the school routine...including me. We felt the sunny rays of Bethany while in Hawaii and I saw a double rainbow in Maui that brought a smile to my face and warmth in my heart...for it reminded me of your precious daughter, Bethany.

I have just spent the past few moments reading your journal entries and once again am completely touched. It is so hard to contemplate another's situation. I feel as though I am so very busy with my two little ones, but have just been shown again how rewarding and cherished the endless amount of time that I spend with them truly is.

It sounds as though Blake and Aarika are so full of energy and I'm sure that some of it comes from their big and little sis up there shining on them. I still can't believe that Aarika is in college!

Good luck to you Lori while you restart your career as a child care provider. You have many little hearts that are just going to fall in love with you!

Good Luck to you Pete while you take on another challenge of going to Iraq.

May God keep you all in His loving care!

Take Care,
The Forneys :)

We continue to pray for your family daily!

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Wednesday, October 3, 2007 1:31 PM CDT
I love hearing the updates on here! I'm sitting here looking through some pictures of you guys and beth...I miss you guys a ton! You'll have to come visit us soon. I just wanted to say Thank You so much for the things you have sent me...It means a lot. I was so happy when i recieved them! :) I think I've watched the dvd a couple times already! Just want you to know i think about you guys everyday and i still think about beth each and every day! Love and miss you guys so much!


kels hake <calverts2@earthlink.net>
donnellson, IA - Monday, October 1, 2007 11:59 PM CDT
Hello Buzynski's,
It is really hard to believe that 6 months has gone by. We pray for your family daily. It's good to hear that you are such a "buzy" bunch. As soccer has consumed our lives, which we all love, we're glad to hear that Blake enjoys it as well. "Fairfield Sport Enthusiasts" will always hold soccer as "our sport".
Aarika sounds like she's doing terrific in school. College truly gives each of us a time to grow up, and as she matures into the person she is destined to become, you'll look back on these days fondly.
We will keep Pete in our prayers as he travels and you to maintain the strength on the homefront. You're all a continued inspiration to us.
PS. We'd love to come and visit during the cold months...whether we can is altogether a different story.
May God always keep watch over your family with all of his "special angels".

With love always,
The Brown Family

Mike and Tresa Brown <mooseantics@yahoo.com>
- Monday, October 1, 2007 6:56 PM CDT
Thank you for the update. We are praying for you daily and will always remember Bethany's beautiful smile. Praying for safety for Pete (my sister and b-i-l are heading over next month again....not much for the military life:)) Thank you for all you do Pete. Lots of love and many blessings! www.caringbridge.org/visit/haydenpeterson

Tonette <tonettepeterson@yahoo.com>
Hinckley, MN - Sunday, September 30, 2007 4:44 PM CDT
Lori, Pete, Blake and Aarika,
Just wanted to let you know that we still think of you each and every day. I pray for you each morning and wanted to pass on one thing that happened last March. Usually each morning as I pray I offer up a prayer for those children who have lost a parent in Iraq or Afghanistan. I always ask God to provide an angel to watch over them as they grow with out their mother or father to guide and love them. Shortly after Bethany got her wings I received a BFO (Blinding Flash of the Obvious) when it occured to me that I knew who that angel was - Bethany. Being able to connect her - a real angel with the children I was praying for makes me feel like they are being well looked after - once again Bethany is strengthening my faith! All is well here in Fairfield - many BKB ribbons on windows and cars/trucks and tonight we have a beautiful night for a football game. Kevin has been injured and will start for the first time tonight. I know that he will be thinking of Bethany as the game begins and that when he does well he will feel in his heart that she is smiling down at him. I hope no one was hurt at Aarika's college as the Sorority sisters fought over which sorority was going to get her - she will surely add so much to whichever one it is. Love to all of you from all of us. Pipenfest this weekend and you will be in our hearts and thoughts. Brion (Dad)

Brion FitzGerald, Mary Robinson, Brion, Kevin and Katie <fitzrob81@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, September 28, 2007 5:00 PM CDT
I pray for your Family everyday. You are all deep in my heart. God Bless you all !!!
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Wednesday, September 26, 2007 12:33 AM CDT
Checking in to see how things are going. Lori, those parents & children will be so fortunate to have such a wonderful person taking care of them. Pete will have a very special angel watching over him while in Iraq. We continue to keep all of you in our prayers and will say an extra prayer for a quick and safe return from Iraq.

Kim Yates <kimberly.d.yates.i1gj@statefarm.com>
Marshalltown, IA USA - Wednesday, September 26, 2007 10:22 AM CDT
My fourth grade students said a prayer for Bethany this weekend at Sunday School. I think of her a lot at church...each time I see the 14 yr. old girl with cancer in our parish.
Iraq for Pete?...that stinks! Shane left for Iraq (he's in Kirkush) a few weeks ago and will be there a year. You know Bethany will be watching over Pete with the same love and care he gave her!

The Lacaillades <lacaillade5@yahoo.com>
Warresnburg, MO - Wednesday, September 26, 2007 6:41 AM CDT
Hi Gang,
We are glad to hear you are doing as well as possible. Blake and Aarika sound like they are having a blast. Please send them a hug and kiss. Once those little feet come scampering through your door, smiling will be easier. Those kids are so lucky to be coming to you Lori! Chief Buzynski will be awesome as usual. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Bruce, Leslie and Linden
P.S.: I am surviving and enjoying having Linden in my 1st grade class. We have already gone on a field trip to the White House. She loves school and enjoys going to Sunday school.

Leslie Carbaugh <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
fairfield, pa USA - Monday, September 24, 2007 5:52 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Bunch:
Thanks for the updates on everything. We understand the loss of a loved one as Mom will be gone a year next month. It is the love and support of family and friends that get each of us through the tough times.

Look for a package soon to arrive at 1800 Diviney Court! Glad to hear Aarika is loving college and Blake is busy with school and you (Lori) will soon be back taking care of little ones. Pete we know you will make Chief with flying colors and about being deployed -- that's a bummer. All of you remain in our hearts and thoughts and prayers daily.

I'm still on nursing duty here in Fairfield as Ed struggles to get better after back surgery.

Love Ya'

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, September 23, 2007 8:46 AM CDT
I am signing in to tell someone I love them...Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake...I love you guys. Lori, as we have said today, I know God put you guys across the street from me for both of us to heal!! What a blessing you have been in my life. I continue to keep Bethany in my daily thoughts and know she is watching over you and keeping you safe! Love and hugs from across the street! Patti
patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Saturday, September 22, 2007 10:48 PM CDT
You did it yet again, brought me to tears and gave me just what I needed to humble myself. We take each day for granted and when I read your updates my heart aches because I know how much you miss your little girl and what she did not only for you, but so many others. I lost a loved one almost eight years ago, and you don't ever forget them, so don't worry about that. I lost my dad almost 4-years ago now and miss them both (among a lot of other loved ones, friends and family) tremendously however I know they are always with me. I did not get the chance to say goodbye to my brother in law, my dad I did, so I know that feeling of just one more time to hold that person or say something to them. I talk to them daily... Faith and Hope are all we have, they help me carry through and just thinking of all that Bethany went through, how she carried herself and most of all, did not ever complain makes me grateful to have just known her the little I did. You and your family are an inspiration of Faith and Hope...know each day Bethany smiles down on you and is probably sitting right next to you holding you as you wish.
Fairfield, PA - Monday, September 17, 2007 8:04 AM CDT
Hey there :)
Just wanted to say I think about ALL of you guys every night and want to let you know Bethany still holds a huge part of my heart. I miss you guys a ton!! Living here in Iowa, makes me miss you guys so much more everyday! Come visit us as soon as possible! Your always welcome at our house. Love and miss you guys :o)


kelsi <calverts2@earthlink.net>
donnellson, IA - Saturday, September 15, 2007 11:35 AM CDT
Hey Buzynskis :)
Just wanted to let you know that you all are ALWAYS in my thoughts and the first at the top of my prayer list. I think of Bethany every single day, and ask her to watch over us all (especially her family) and to continue giving us strength. I keep reminding myself that Bee is always with us in our hearts. Just remember: EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. We may not know what that reason is, but God does, and that's all we have to hold onto. Bethany was put here to do great things, and man did she accomplish that and so much mooooore :)

You all are always in my heart!

Jenna DePaola <bsktbll32cutie@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Tuesday, September 11, 2007 9:16 PM CDT
Good Morning Pete, Lori and kids!

We just wanted to let you know that Bethany continues to be remembered! Aaron wears his lime green Bethany t-shirt every week and I continue to see tons of lime green worn in the hallways at school!

When the heart has been touched so deeply - the gift of memories live on for an eternity!

Mark and Lori Sewell <the_sewells@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Monday, September 10, 2007 5:46 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Bunch:
It's another beautiful, sunny day here in Fairfield. Bethany is surely with us as she remains in our minds and hearts daily. Looking for those letters, poems, etc., so I can continue creating new pages for Bethany's angel memory book. It's been a labor of love and creates a sense of nearness to her and you. Thanks so much for the box of goodies that arrived yesterday. Ed is enjoying it as he is recuperating from back surgery. Take care and know that you are loved!

Love Ya'

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, September 8, 2007 8:48 AM CDT
Hi Buzynskis!

We haven't written in too long, but we are fine out here in California--thinking of you STILL, like it was yesterday, doing lots of talking/remembering about Bethany and your family, being inspired to make a small difference while we are here on this earth. I bought the Facing the Giants CD the other day and it's MUST HAVE--lots of upbeat tunes mixed with solemn ones that have the overriding theme of God's omnipotence and omnipresence.

I read each word of your update and felt the ache of your hearts so vividly. The sadness you feel is shared by so many. And even the thought of the possibility of losing a child brings in me an excruciatingly visceral reaction. Please know that Bethany is remembered FREQUENTLY and FOREVER FONDLY, along with your entire, extened family of Buzynskis and Kukers:) What am amazing gift we received the day Lauren came home from the first day of 10th grade and told us about "the coolest girl" she met in the cafeteria at lunch!!!!!! Please keep in touch. We love you all.

glenn and allyson graham and family <legs1017@yahoo.com>
Lancaster, CA - Saturday, September 8, 2007 1:51 AM CDT
Good morning " family" members of the Buzynski's. Just wanted to share a relaxing time we had on Sunday night. for all of you that had the absolute priviledge of sitting by the BONFIRE during "Camp Buzynski", we thought of you while we ( Pete, Lori, Michelle and Terry Patterson and myself)were relaxing by the fire. It sure is different in the hot weather..haha No moving closer to keep your feet warm. We were able to relive some of those hilarious stories...i think Pete called it a "feeding frenzy". Mom and Dad Kuker, it was great to see you guys the weekend before also. Blake, you did an awesome job at the ballgame..maybe this week, the weather will hold off and you guys can play on the field! love to all of you. Aarika, be safe. Patti and Tanner xoxo
patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Wednesday, September 5, 2007 8:55 AM CDT
Hello Buzynski Family,
Your words on the last update are so true in so many ways.
My husband and I have been through the college years and the years of adjustment without kids. It takes time to get use to a very different life style, because for most of our married lives, our time, effort and money was around the kids. Now it is us, with what time is ahead of us, and we muttle through each day between work and more work. You know one thing each day is one day more that we are closer to our reunion in the sky....................:o)

Connie Long <long1320@ptd.net>
Coal Twp., PA USA - Wednesday, August 29, 2007 6:41 PM CDT
Hello there you beautiful family! Once again we would like to "thank you" from the bottom of our hearts for keeping B's site updated like you have. I'm sure it is not easy going to the site, and updating it; but we do appreciate it. Bethany and her wonderful family are always on our minds. It's nice reading how the family is doing and the photos always bring a smile to our faces!!

People have been purchasing the magnets/clings that Michele sent me--so you know that Bethany is still a BIG part of the Fairfield Community!--and always will be.

My three kids start school tomorrow--boy this summer just flew by! At least they are excited about going!--hope that continues.

Aarika...we all wish you the best at college. We know that you will succeed in everything that you do. Just remember...have FUN but study hard! :)

Thanks for everything! We miss you all.

Love ya--Di

Walt, Di, Lauren, Britt, Brandon, Chloe, Ty <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, August 27, 2007 2:33 PM CDT
I also still find myself "checking up" on the Buzynski's and think of you all often. Best wishes in college Bethany! Blake, Nate saw the picture of your paint gun and is quite jealous...it's a beauty. Thinking of you all and sending prayers your way.
The Lacaillades <lacaillade5@yahoo.com>
Warrensburg, MO - Monday, August 27, 2007 6:08 AM CDT
I just read the website and the tears are flowing. Very will written Pete! Just 3 days ago, Allison said out of nowhere that she thinks of Bethany for 15 min. when she wakes up, then she doesn't have her in her mind for a while, then she thinks of her again for 15 min. We all miss her! And then I think of the loving family she had and the wonderful time she spent with you all. I know there was never a doubt in her mind how much she was loved!

If Lori doens't want to go to the Bass Pro store shopping, just send her for a weekend get-away up this way, and I can be her shopping partner (although we may need a little more time than a weekend!)

Thinking of you all,

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Sunday, August 26, 2007 9:58 PM CDT
Wow - Pete! Thank you to both of you for continuing to update the website. As many others do - I continue to check the website to make sure I am up to date on what the Buzynski family is going through. I am blessed to call you "FRIEND". Bethany's life has been a true example and reminds us each day that our lives must count! Bethany made an impact - we owe it to her to make an impact on others. We love you all and continue to pray for your strength.
Love The Boisjolie Family

Jimmie Boisjolie <jimgirl@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Saturday, August 25, 2007 10:19 PM CDT
Hey Buzynski family :]
I just wanted to drop by to let you know that your family is still and will continue to be in my prayers. Not a day goes by that I don't think of Bethany, because that's just how amazing she was, and I definitely know where she gets it from :] I hope things are going well.

Tiffany Carr <pric3lessm3moryz@aim.com>
- Saturday, August 25, 2007 8:41 PM CDT
We've been thinking a lot of you guys. I was excited to see that Boyd's Bears will be making an angel bear in Bethany's honor. Stephanie (our youngest) collects these and it will be an amazing addition for her. Also, I'm a little jealous...a few years back I went to Foley and ate at Lambert's...they really do have good rolls and can throw them very well too! Keep your chins up and know others are thinking of you often!

Audrey Norte <audreynorte@kw.com>
Rochester, MN USA - Friday, August 24, 2007 3:30 PM CDT
Thanks for reminding me how precious every day truelly is!!! I am so sorry for your loss and pain. I read your entry, cried, and got back to focusing on today with my daughhter, thanks again. A friend of the Bellile's from Marshalltown.
Amy Wignall
- Friday, August 24, 2007 2:37 PM CDT
Wow..that was a tear jerker. Thank you for continuing to share your lives with all of us. Always praying and thinking about you guys.
Pat & Kim Yates and Madi & Morgan Bellile

Kim Yates
Marshalltown, IA - Friday, August 24, 2007 2:21 PM CDT
Oh my goodness Pete. That was so well written, and clearly from the bottom of your heart. Thank you for everything. "In my Father's house there are many rooms." I hope the Bascoms' are near the Buzyniskis'. I don't want the top bunk though......
cyndy <cynphil@valp.net>
valp, fl usa - Thursday, August 23, 2007 9:11 PM CDT
okay, it has been several hours since i read the last update. i know i can now type without crying my eyes out! pete, you did an awesome job in your writing. we all miss her but none of us has the blessings of calling her our very own daughter as you and lori did. the intensity of your words is amazing...just as bethany was to you all. giant hugs from across the street! patti and tanner
patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Wednesday, August 22, 2007 7:30 PM CDT
My heart goes out to all of you. I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child. I know it has made me hold my own children closer. Bethany was such an amazing young lady and her journey touched and will continue to touch so many people. I think about Bethany every single day (especially when I'm brushing Hannah Jo's hair, Bethany was so determined to get all the bumps out, I tell Hannah that story almost everytime I pull her hair up into a ponytail.) I'm so glad I had the opportunity to know Bethany. I love and miss you guys! Good luck today Aarika!
Patti Baddeley <pbaddeley@nc.rr.com>
Goldsboro, NC USA - Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:50 AM CDT
Dear B's:
Good job on the website, Pete. We check it several times a day to find out a little bit more about all of you and how you are doing. Our loved ones are never forgotten and the memories of them will be with us forever. We'll be thinking of Aarika starting off to college later today to begin the next step in her life -- how exciting! Now, Pete, you know if you still lived close by good old Ed might take some of the pressure off you and Blake by doing an occasional shopping trip with Lori (NOT) !!! Hang in there and know we love you and think of you every day.


Jan and Ed <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, August 22, 2007 1:17 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Bunch:
Thanks for continuing to update the website. We find ourselves checking the website very often just as we have from the very beginning. Gosh, where has the time gone? Aarika we will be thinking of you as you head off to college and we know wonderful things are ahead of you. Blake, have fun at school!

Love to All

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, August 17, 2007 4:07 AM CDT
Glad to see you enjoyed your trip to Vegas. Wish we could have made it but we had to get Ryan moved into U of M. He has been at football camp the last week and a half and then he'll go to the dorm. They got to move in ahead of time. Aarika, we are so excited for you! You are going to have blast and do wonderful, we just know it. It was fun setting up Ryan's and I'm sure yours will be even more fun since you actually care what yours looks like :-) Tyler keeps us busy at this end with football for him. He is playing Varsity this year so it's a pretty hectic schedule, especially without Ry here to help with driving! Remember....you are always welcome to come for a visit again, all of you are. Blake, good luck in band, you will have a lot of fun at the games. Enjoy the "Bethany Kristine" and soak up all those warm rays of Bethany she keeps shining your way!
Love you guys,
Chuck, Toni, Ryan & Tyler

Chuck & Toni <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI - Wednesday, August 15, 2007 5:30 PM CDT
Hi Buzynski family,

Thanks for continuing to update your site. We are glad you are enjoying some vacation time together with family and friends. We continue to think of all of you often and especially of Bethany. Wishing you Good Luck, Aairka with your first year of college. Glad you are enjoying your new boat as well. Can't wait to see the new Sorrelli jewelry book in January featuring a story on Bethany.

Everyday the sun shines, I think of all of you and think of Bethany and how she is watching over everyone from heaven.

We are going up my sister's (the Hummels) this week to visit for a few days before all the kids have to go back to school and get into all their activities.

We continue to pray for your healing. We will never forget Bethany or your family and what special people you are.

Take care, The Hess family

Will, Karen, Katie and Courtney <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, PA - Wednesday, August 15, 2007 2:08 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know how good it was to see you Pete and Lori. I know everyone here in Vegas would have enjoyed seeing Aarika and Blake also. Maybe we can make it to Florida soon. It meant A LOT that you came out and enjoyed that time with us. We all miss your family more than I can say. Good luck Aarika on starting college. I remember how excited I was and how nervous my parents were...Don't forget to visit mom and dad!!! Blake, Zach really would love to see you again. Hopefully we can do that.
Just thinking of you and glad to know all is well and busy (as usual).
Love ya!

Stephanie <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV usa - Monday, August 13, 2007 2:50 PM CDT
Hello Buzynskis!! Just got back in town and sat down to read any updates on your wonderful family. I love how you continue to update the sight--it makes all of us feel so much better just knowing how your family is doing. If only we were closer...Good luck to you Aarika!! We will be thinking of you also. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think of your sweet angel "Bethany". She always brings a smile to my face just thinking about her, and she always will!

Lori, you definitely will be busy with all that you are taking on! Have fun with that!! :)

We miss you guys. Hope to see you soon.

Walt, Di, Lauren, Britt, and Brandon

Di <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, August 10, 2007 11:28 PM CDT
Buzynski Bunch:
The memory book will be mailed today -- enjoy! Here's another piece of information which should make you SMILE. At the time Bethany rec'd her wings there were just over 106,000 hits on the website -- as of today (8/10) there are over 152,000 hits or 9,200 a month since BKB went to Heaven!

Love Ya'

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, August 10, 2007 7:40 AM CDT
WE MISS YOU GUYS ALREADY! COME BACK TO US! well thought i'd let ya know i was thinkin about you ALL. bethany's still in my heart :)

kelsi <calverts2@earthlink.net>
las vegas, nv usa - Thursday, August 9, 2007 8:12 PM CDT
Good Morning Buzynski bunch! Even though I am across the street, I still love reading your updates. You do such an awesome job. As I watch Jessie enter her senior year of college , I still remember all the excitement of setting up the dorm and those first few weeks without her in the house. Enjoy watching their wings spread. Blake, I cannot wait to go watch you march on the football filed in a few weeks. Love to all, Miss Patti xoxox
patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Wednesday, August 8, 2007 9:51 AM CDT
Good Morning Buzynski bunch! Even though I am across the street, I still love reading your updates. You do such an awesome job. As I watch Jessie enter her senior year of college , I still remember all the excitement of setting up the dorm and those first few weeks without her in the house. Enjoy watching their wings spread. Blake, I cannot wait to go watch you march on the football filed in a few weeks. Love to all, Miss Patti xoxox
patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Wednesday, August 8, 2007 9:50 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Bunch:
Back in Fairfield again for a few days. Gosh, such wonderful things continue to happen in memory of wonderful Bethany. Can't wait to see the new Boyds Bethany Angel Bear. The Sorrelli picture in Iowa was the best. Just when I think I'm finishing or getting close to finishing the BKB Memorial Book, something else pops up or I get another idea. Soon, hopefully soon, I'll be sending it your way.

Love Ya'

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, August 6, 2007 5:12 PM CDT
Hello. I never had the pleasure of meeting Bethany but I lost my 17 year old daughter June 23, 2007. My sister made an In Memory Of website for her. It has helped me tremendously. I feel closer to her while I am on it. It is nice for the kids since they communicate mostly through writing on AOL or texting. I am so sorry for your loss. I feel your pain. Maybe this might help you some if you had one for Bethany. I am not sure how you are connected with Tammy & Arnie Quetot but that is how I found out about this site. We had a similar one through Pittsburgh Children's. This is her new site www.paige-desarro.memory-of.com . God Bless your family!
Dana Wright <wrighrd@comcast.net>
East Liverpool, Ohio USA - Saturday, August 4, 2007 5:43 PM CDT
I am so very excited about the Boyd's Bethany bear! I sure hope they have a way to add beautiful hints of green in her honor! I think of her daily as I know all of you do also. We love you, Patti and Tanner xoxo
miss patti <PATTIM4455@AOL.COM>
niceville, FL US - Wednesday, August 1, 2007 10:13 PM CDT
hey buzynski's :]]

just letting you know
i continue to think about
you all each and everyday.
my heart and prayers still
go out to you lovely people :]]

i hope all is well and BKB
is giving you a smile as
big as she has been for us
down here in PA!! i miss you
and love you guysss.

chelsea <crburkett2903@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, July 28, 2007 6:33 PM CDT
Hey there-

Thanks for the update - hope orientation for Aarika went well. Brion is wrapping up his summer session tomorrow and headed home. We are all looking forward to seeing him. Katie is very excited that her big bro is going to get to go to the beach with us in a week or so. I will call you about the magnets - we definitely want a handful here at the FitzGeald house.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the summer break - you are all in our thoughts and prayers every day.

Love, Brion, Mary, Brion, Kevin and Katie

Brion FitzGerald, Mary Robinson, Brion, Kevin and Katie <fitzrob81@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, July 26, 2007 6:58 PM CDT
Hey Buzynski Bunch:
We are back in Fairfield for a few days and then back to Shamokin to continue with our work in helping Connie remodel their new home. Thought of you often while you were in Iowa celebrating Aarika's graduation and enjoying friends and family. Continue to lift you up in prayer!


Jan and Ed <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, July 19, 2007 8:46 PM CDT
Hey Buzynski Crew,

Glad to hear everyone is doing well and getting some vacation time in. We have been thinking of all of you and pray for continued healing for all of you.
It was so nice seeing Aarika while she was here.
We miss you all!
All our love,
The Crevier's

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Tuesday, July 17, 2007 8:59 PM CDT
Hi guys,
thanks for the new pictures of everyone. the boys look like they are having a blast!! haha keep smiling and know we all love you. miss patti :)

patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Tuesday, July 17, 2007 2:32 PM CDT
I am so glad you enjoyed your vacation with friends and family and are now back home safely. I think of you often and am always praying for you! Hope all goes well at the orientation. College is a fun and exciting time! Love, Chris
Chris Schroeder <chris_rn2007@yahoo.com>
Victorville, CA - Thursday, July 12, 2007 10:41 AM CDT
I have been thinking about your Family lots and wanted you to know your are all in my heart and prayers!!! Since Ryan read what Aarika wrote about Bethany we have seen some sunshine in him!! God Bless all of you!!!
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Wednesday, July 11, 2007 2:53 PM CDT
So glad you guys had a great time back home and are taking the time to enjoy yourselves some this summer. We think of and pray for you all the time!
The Lacaillades <lacaillade5@yahoo.com>
Warrensburg, MO - Wednesday, July 11, 2007 1:32 PM CDT
Sounds as if you had a great time on your trip. Glad you made it home safely. Think about you guys alot! Anxious to see the pictures.
Kim Yates
Marshalltown, IA - Wednesday, July 11, 2007 12:39 AM CDT
Buzynski Bunch:
Seems like it's been a long time since we entered something into the guestbook. Been very busy with construction project. Think of all of you every day and continue to hold you in prayer. Hugs!

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, July 4, 2007 7:43 AM CDT
i was just looking through all the old guestbook entry's...makes me sad to look back :(
i miss you guys sooo much. Bethany's in my heart, forever and always. love you guys!

kelsi <calverts2@earthlink.net>
donnellson, IA USA - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 2:49 PM CDT
Hi all! Love the pictures! We send you our thoughts and prayers in your continued time of healing. Linden and I were just talking about Blake and Bethany. She said that Blake was her first boyfriend, and then Bethany said to her, "You're a goober!"
Take care! Hello to all in Iowa!
The Carbaughs

Leslie Carbaugh <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Thursday, June 28, 2007 8:47 AM CDT
Hope you are having a great time in Iowa!! Thinking of you each day. Enjoy the graduation times and all of your family...
Love ya!!

Stephanie <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, June 27, 2007 5:53 PM CDT

I just thought we would let you know that you all remain in our thoughts and prayers. We appreciate your updates and pictures and sharing your journey.

Mark and Lori Sewell <the_sewells@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Monday, June 25, 2007 6:50 PM CDT
Hey Lori and Pete: Happy Anniversary! Hope you had a wonderful day together. Today is that graduation party for Aarika which has been in the works and we know it will be a great day with family and friends. Holding you in thought and prayer.

Love Ya'

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, June 23, 2007 2:05 AM CDT
Hello all of you beautiful people! Trust everyone is doing well. Thank you so much for sharing your pictures with us--I love feeling like we are a part of your family--such a great family to be a part of!! We are going for a week of camping at Rickets Glen this Saturday, but I am going to try to get that package out to you before I leave and I have a story about Brandon that I will include in the package.

We all wish you the best on your vacation and Congratulations again Aarika!!! We think of you often and wish you the best.

Walt, Brandon and I had to go to NYC on Saturday 16th--and of course we all wore a piece of Bethany. Actually--lime green and pink were all over NYC and it was soooooooooo sunny!!! Thank you Bethany!!

It means a lot to us that you are updating this site. The letters on the boat look great!!

Enjoy life and know that each day will be a little easier--but you know..."B" will never be forgotten and will ALWAYS be in our hearts.

Love ya--Di

Diann <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, June 20, 2007 5:12 PM CDT
Hi Buzynski family,

We continue to think of your family. Congratulations again on your graduation, Aarika. What a beautiful speech you wrote and gave at your graduation. Thank you for continuing to update your site. We all like to hear how you are all doing. I hope you are enjoying your new boat (Bethany Kristine). Bethany, I am sure, is there along side of you happy that you are all enjoying yourselves.

We continue to think of your lovely daughter and what she taught all of us. I cannot imagine how much you miss her in person everyday, but she will always be with you in your hearts and minds and watching over you daily.

My girls have many pictures of Bethany hanging up in their rooms. One of them is of Bethany with my nieces and nephew (Lauren, Brittany and Brandon) at wing night. It's a great picture.

Last month Kaitlyn and Courtney got their hair cut
for locks of love. We told them of Bethany's story. This was something special that they wanted to do in memory for

Take care and God Bless

Karen, Will, Katie and Courtney <w2chess@ comcast.net>
Yardley , PA 19067 - Monday, June 18, 2007 9:11 PM CDT
Dear B's:
Angel Bethany is working overtime today. The sun is really warm! Aarika's visit this AM was great. Sounds as though she had a fantastic time with her friends in Ocean City. Ed's still in Shamokin at the construction site. Hopefully he will have the first portion of construction weather proof by the weekend and be able to make it back to Fairfield for a few days rest before moving on to the next section of remodeling. We are happy to be able to help with the project. Kept running your vacation memory story over in my mind and it surely made me smile! Take care, B's and have the best graduation celebration and vacation ever!

Love Ya

Jan and Ed PEck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, June 18, 2007 1:19 PM CDT
Happy Father's Day Pete!!! I know these are tough days for all of you. My heart aches with your pain as I read the latest entry. It seems like Bethany has had her wings for so very much longer than 3 months! I wasn't blessed to know her as long as you all did but, as all of us say, we were so touched by her special ways and that smile that stays forever engraved in your mind! Enjoy your day and know while you are away, everything will be taken care of here! Love you guys, Patti :)
Miss Patti <PATTIM4455@AOL.COM>
Niceville, fL US - Sunday, June 17, 2007 7:13 AM CDT
Hey Buzynskis!

I'm so glad to hear that you all
are staying busy and enjoying life!
You all are always on my mind, and
I continue to ask God to give you
the strength that Bethany had to help
you to keep pushing on.

You would know just by the weather up here
in PA that it is an extra special day.
It's hot and sunny, thanks to that gorgeous BKB smile!

Your ENTIRE family inspires me so much.
Thanks! =)

Love and God Bless!

Jenna DePaola <bsktbll32cutie@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, June 16, 2007 1:50 PM CDT
Lori, Pete and family---I just loved seeing your new boat!!! It is named so appropriately because she glides through the natural waters of God's creation. I am sure she is with you all, on each and every fun filled ride. And so I say "Go Bethany Kristine, soar across the water and feel the freedom" My thoughts and prayers are with you all!!
Terri Berkheiser Friendship Prayer/Sunshine Circle <musical858@verizon.net>
Coal Township, Pa. USA - Thursday, June 14, 2007 10:58 AM CDT
Buzynski Bunch:

Just when my hopes are vanished
Just when my friends forsake
Just when the fight is thickest
Just when with fear I shake
Then comes a still, small whisper
"Fear not my child, I'm near"
Jesus brings peace and comfort
I love His voice to hear

Today and every day you are in our thoughts and prayers and always and forever in our hearts!

Love Ya'

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, June 14, 2007 9:58 AM CDT
Buzynski Family
This year I'm playing for CV softball team, and before every game we go "1..2..3..BKB!" Because this year, we've been playing "for Bethany". Also, whenever we won our only game (we've played three), we went to the middle and said "2 4 6 8 who do we appreciate? BKB, BKB, BKB!". We were going to get lime green uniforms, too, in memory of her. However, they didn't have that, so we just settled for green. I just thought I'd drop in and let you know that everyone in Fairfield is still thinking of her. Hope you guys are doing well.

Lexi <dont_lo0k_back12@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, June 11, 2007 7:32 PM CDT
Thinking of you today and wanted to say hello and let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers daily!!!! I let Ryan read Aarika speech. It really touched Ryan deeply as it did our entire Family. God Bless you all!!!
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Monday, June 11, 2007 5:09 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski's,
I didnt really know Bethany.
All I knew is that she was this pretty girl,that loved softball, and that had alot of friends.
But then I heard about how great she was and how many hearts she touched.
so I asked a couple of my friends about her.
They told me "she was a Gorgeous girl, who knows how to cheer someone up when they are having a bad day, she gave people great advice and she always was very nice to everyone she met".
And so I took there word for it.
and then I heard the Bad news about Bethany.
I felt so bad, I felt like I knew her from talking to people about her and everything else.
I just wished I could of meet her, it seems like we would of at least one thing in commin SOFTBALL!
I know how much she loves softball.
I love softball as well, I am on Carroll Valley this year.
and we support BKB at every game!
Also On our uniforms we have 14 BKB on them, Our uniforms look AMAZING :]
I just hope BKB is watching our games and cheering for us :]
we have lost 2 and won 1.
but we can get our winning score up if we just try harder.
well I just thought I would stop in and say hello. :]

P.S.Aarika your Speech was AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL!

Kayla <kiwibabie1269@hotmail.com>
Fairfield, pa usa - Sunday, June 10, 2007 8:39 PM CDT
We think of you often. I check the website every once and awhile to see how things are going. You truly are an amazing family and we all can learn from you and your faith. Aarika--- what an amazing speech you delivered for your graduation. I'm sure all were very proud of you, especially Bethany!!
Larry & Audrey Norte <audreynorte@kw.com>
Oronoco, Mn USA - Friday, June 8, 2007 3:44 PM CDT
Pete, Lori and family
The sticker and magnet should be arriving shortly.
Aarika your speech was great. Bethany would be so proud of you.

Ron, Sandy, Lori, Ronnie, Crissy McClain <rslrcmcclain@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, June 7, 2007 7:09 PM CDT
Hello Buzynskis!

Aarika~ Your speech was absolutley touching. Whether people in the audience knew Bethany or not, they had to have been touched by God's love during the ceremony. Bethany's life was just that...touched by God...He had bigger things planned for her and the effects of her life will continue to touch those on Earth forever!

Our family is heading to Hawaii this summer and it brings to mind all of those wonderful pictures that you all posted when you were there. Continue to keep your memories close and do not let them fade. Talk about them everytime one dances across your mind and share them often! Keep leaning on each other for strength, support, courage, and love; and most of all lean on Him.

May God keep you in His loving care!

Take Care,
The Forneys :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Thursday, June 7, 2007 1:49 PM CDT
Your family continues to inspire us all. Thank you for continuing your story. One day someone has to publish Bethany's story that will show the world your family's magnificant spirit and faith in God. God bless you all!
Elaine McManness <elainemcmanness@sbcglobal.net>
Tyler, TX USA - Wednesday, June 6, 2007 11:54 AM CDT
Hey there. Just wanted to say I read Aar's speech...Tear's came to my eyes a lot faster then i thought would. I miss you and beth dearly. I think about you guy's tons a times a day. I love you guys<3.
kelsi <calverts2@earthlink.net>
las vegas, nv usa - Tuesday, June 5, 2007 1:31 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Bunch:
Well, here it is -- the day Aarika is to arrive - in just under 11 hours -- YIPPEE. Aarika, you must have read our minds because we were thinking, "maybe she'll want to stay in the loft." Then, we thought, "No, she'll probably stay with one her best friends. When we rec'd the email requesting a "reservation" at the Peck B&B loft, we were delighted! Just wish it were all of the Buzynski Bunch arriving today. We check your website several times a day except for when we are at Connie's remodeling and without a computer. You are never more than a thought or prayer away.

Love Ya'

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, June 4, 2007 11:18 PM CDT
well hello there buzynski family =]
first of all, miss aarika; you're speech was AMAZING, and def. a tear jerker. Every word was so true. There's so much going through my mind right now that i could share, and ironically im speechless. I know as well as you do, that you were a great sister to Bethany, and she'll forever be thankful. Your heart felt words--she heard them, and when you two are reunited, she'll be able to give you those numerous hugs she's been dieing to give you, as well as telling YOU how much she's missed you!

i know we weren't the best of friends, and it's a shame we never got started, but you're always on my mind, you as well as your family both down there in Florida with you and in Iowa and wherever else 'you special' people are scattered. haha You all have been blessed, because not only is it the Lord, and Bethany that have given you strength to keep pushing through, but each other. The people who are here now, the people who will lend a sholder to cry on, the people you wake up in the middle of the night to talk to, the people who UNDERSTAND what you're feeling, maybe not as strongly, or as 'meaningfully', but they know, believe me!

As each day passes, there's the many things that i see, or hear that remind me of my best friend, your sister, and at first the feeling of saddness hits me, but it doesn't take long for me to be thankful. I'm thankful that so many things in my life remind me of her. All of those many things, were times that her and i had to share together. Times that i will forever hold in my hearts. I will hold those times, and you, and your family, and all of the other people who have helped me keep pushing through this in more ways than one. I'm thankful for haven given the chance to meet you, and the knowledge to know that you'll be there when i need the words of courage as well. Bethany passed her gift of 'lightening' the mood to YOU when she received her wings, and it shows through the wonderful speech you wrote in return.

CONGRATULATIONS on graduating, and i'll see you at our graduation up here in PA =]

keep on smiling!!!

love you all always
Lauren Hummel

P.S. i miss yal just as much!!

Lauren Hummel <lazyhum@hughes.net>
Fairfield, Pa United States - Monday, June 4, 2007 9:39 PM CDT
Hello Lori, Pete, Aarika and Blake! Thanks so much for sharing your pictures! I pull up this site each and every morning--I love reading the guestbook and looking at the pictures. It makes me feel closer to Bethany in a way.
---Aarika, your speech was absolutely beautiful. You have such a big heart--one full of so much love. I wish you the best in everything you do in life. Enjoy your college experiences--you will have a blast!! :) Know that you and your family are thought of each and every day.

Keep your eye on your mailbox--there is a surprise heading your way...

Love to you all. Miss you. Talk to you soon.


Diann <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, June 4, 2007 8:13 PM CDT
Hi Buzynski's,

What an awesome speech Aarika! You are a true testiment of His love and faithfulness. I know Bethany was so proud of you! Thank you for sharing it with us and having the stregnth and courage to stand in front of everyone and share it with them. Please stop by and see us when you arrive in Fairfield and if there is anything you need, just let us know!

All our love,
The Crevier's

Tina Crevier <tina.crevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Monday, June 4, 2007 1:02 PM CDT
Hi Buzynski Bunch,

We just wanted to let you know you are in our thoughts everyday and we love checking the updates on your site! Thank you for updating it. Congrats on your graduation Aairka and Derek says Happy Belated B-Day Blake, he wants a paint ball gun too. Just also wanted to let you know, your fish is still doing great and has really grown and he is still mean as ever! Also you have probably already heard, but we are having a softball tourney on 6/16 in Bethany's honor, it is to raise money for cancer research, one of the kids at Fairfield is doing it as her senior project. Hope to talk to you soon, and get our boys together if possible.

With Love,

The Whalen Family

Tammie Whalen <whalen@pa.net>
- Sunday, June 3, 2007 8:23 PM CDT
Hey Buzynski's,
We have been thinking of you all a lot lately as we rush towards graduation here in Fairfield. It is so good to hear that Aarika is coming up to celebrate with her classmates here. Mary is the coordinator for the "Safe and Sane" party and wants to make sure you know that Aarika is invited and hopefully is planning on attending! Please send us an e-mail to let us know if you can make it.
Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful words Aarika - seems you Busynski's are always helping the rest of us put life in perspective:) There are so many BKB's painted on cars around here - and everytime I kick Kevin off AIM - I read his notes to Bethany that he posts on a permanent basis. Looking forward to givning you a big hug - love to your mom and day and Blake! Brion, Mary, Brion, Kevin and Katie.

Brion FitzGerald, Mary Robinson, Brion, Kevin and Katie <fitzrob81@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, June 3, 2007 7:02 PM CDT
Have fun in Fairfield and in your travels! Your speech was amazing! I can hear Bethany saying, "Only Aarika the number one dork could give such a speech." (As she grinned from ear to ear) Hopefully we will see you in PA! You are welcome to come over any time!

Leslie Carbaugh <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Sunday, June 3, 2007 3:05 PM CDT
Aarika--First, let me say "Congratulations on your recent highschool graduation." You have reached one milestone in your education and will now move on to another phase of it, when you attend university. As you walk into your future, you will take Bethany with you. She is a part of you and as long as you live, a part of her will continue to be.Your speech was inspiring and heartfelt and yes, I am sure your little sister was right beside you. You have so much to look forward to and in each step on the road to your future, you will carry her with you. She was an amazing young lady and she was blessed to have a loving, kind, sister, such as you. Your entire family is an example of faith and patience and a testimony to God's love and the endurance he gives us in times of need.Walk tall and proud into your life and each day share it with Bethany, in some small way, until one day, you will see her again. God Bless You and yours.
Terri Berkheiser--Friendship Prayer Sunshine Circle <musical858@verizon.net>
Coal Township, Pa. USA - Sunday, June 3, 2007 1:04 PM CDT
Aarika, you are truly amazing!! That speech was out of this world. We are so excited to see you all in a couple of weeks. Take care and thank you for the updates. Love you all! Aunt Amy
Amy Buzynski <ajbuzynski@iowatelecom.net>
Fairbank, IA USA - Saturday, June 2, 2007 11:18 PM CDT
Been out of town for a few days and just read your update and bacculareate speech. Awesome, inspiring, grace-filled, are but a few of the words to describe you and your spirit. Great things are ahead of you. The loft is ready and waiting for you as you return to Fairfield to celebrate senior week with your friends.

Love ya'

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, June 2, 2007 9:18 PM CDT
Congratulations Aarika! You've always shined with a maturity beyond your years...we lost two family members this week and reading your speech was so uplifting...a reminder of WHY we believe.
The Lacaillades-S,C,B,N,&C <lacaillade5@yahoo.com>
Warrensburg, MO - Saturday, June 2, 2007 7:32 AM CDT
What a wonderful way to express your feelings and thoughts to your peers. You did a great job!! Thanks for sharing. Congratulations and good luck in your future. Lori, you do look great, as usual. I would not expect anything less of you. Hope everyone is doing well. We love you all.

Stephanie Sand <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Friday, June 1, 2007 2:40 PM CDT
What a beautiful speech...and I know the courage it took to stand up and present it. Your amazing strength and your family again calm and fill me with all I need in this day like nothing else does. Congratulations and God Bless as you start your new journey.
Debbie Rice <debbies_only@hotmail.com>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, June 1, 2007 2:29 PM CDT
What a beautiful speech Aarika!!! I know your mom, dad, Blake, and Bethany are very proud of you!! Your speech was an amazing testimony of faith and a true testament to the beautiful young woman you are!! Have fun celebrating this summer!
Chris Schroeder <chriswith3girls@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Friday, June 1, 2007 0:21 AM CDT
Hi Buzynski family,

We continue to think of all of you. My daughter, Courtney, still continues to come to your site. She was so moved when she read the speech that Aarika gave at her
graduation ceremony. We just read it also. It was an absolutely beautiful speech from the heart. I am positively sure Bethany was indeed by Aarika's side that day as she gave her speech. I also know she is with you all each and every day.

Aarika, Congratulations on your graduation from high school and best wishes for the next step in your life.

We were just looking at the Sorrelli jewelry the other day and we are going to each get something also (in memory of Bethany).

God Bless all of you,

Karen, Will, Katie and Courtney Hess

Karen, WIll, Katie and Courtney Hess <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, PA 19067 - Thursday, May 31, 2007 9:39 PM CDT
I sure know Bethany is proud Aarika, your speach left me with lots to think about. Thank you & God Bless all of you!!
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Thursday, May 31, 2007 3:06 PM CDT
Aarika...the only word I can think of is Amazing. It took me a while to read it as I had to keep walking away to get more kleenex. I'm certain that Bethany was right beside you the entire time, otherwise I don't know how you made it through without breaking down in the very beginning. Pete & Lori, I can only imagine how proud you both are of all 3 of your children!
Hugs to all!
Kim Yates

Kim Yates
Marshalltown, IA 50158 - Thursday, May 31, 2007 8:59 AM CDT
Beautiful Aarika-- I hope we get to see you when you are in PA so I can give you a hug in person!
Mary and tribe (Hoffman) <missmary65@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Thursday, May 31, 2007 5:02 AM CDT
hi buzynski clan! i still check this website everyday to start my day off right! your family continues to amaze me with your strength and courage. i am one of the lucky ones that gets to walk the " cool down" lap with lori every morning. she is looking awesome everyone!!! bethany has helped all of them get a wonderful tan too! i feel so blessed to be the lucky one that lives across the street!!!! i know big things are in the wings for all of you in the next month. hugs to each of you. love and smooches, miss patti and tanner
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 7:57 PM CDT
As I sit here with tears running down my face I wish I could reach out and give you a huge hug. I have always loved you like a daughter and I am so very proud of you! I know that Bethany will ALWAYS be with you. I am positive that star was Bethany letting you know she was there with your Mom, Dad and Blake reminding you that she will be with you as you start your next journey. Ryan graduates this weekend and I can NOT believe that you two are going to be headed off on your own. It seems like you were just dressed as Sonny & Cher, or getting inducted into JR. NHS. Please know you are welcome here anytime and we can't wait to see you again, soon we hope! Congrats and again, we are all very proud of you, as we always have been!
Love you Aar,

The Van Bergens <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 6:41 PM CDT
Truly beautiful, Aarika! I'm sitting here with tears running down my face! I know Bethany is shining down on you (and your family) and always will be!
Sallie Wentworth <sastum@netzero.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 5:52 PM CDT
All I can say is that was beautiful... you made me cry! What a testament of faith...
Congrats on your graduation and best wishes on the next chapter in your life. Your pics are beautiful, by the way.
Have a great time in PA and Iowa...
Give Mom, Dad and Blake a hug for us... make sure they give you one, too...
Much love & GOD bless,
Ann & Dan Nelson & Brandon Parrish

Ann Nelson <maria.nelson2@hill.af.mil>
Roy, UT USA - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 3:00 PM CDT
Hey Buzynski Crew!

Love the new pictures! Congratulations Aarika - you look beautiful as always. Happy belated Birthday Blake - what a present! Maybe one of these days we'll get down for a visit and a ride on the SS Bethany Kristine!

Thinking of you all always!

All our love,
The Crevier's

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 10:00 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Bunch (Snickers included),
Hi from Fairfield...Bethany has been working hard the past few days! It's hot and sunny here, very FL like. I loved the pictures!! The boat is awesome! Lori, you actually look like you might have finally slept through the night, yippee. Where's Snickers and Pete? We need a picture of the poochie pose and Pete (no shirt, flexing). Blake looks so happy, and Aarika is growing up so fast. What an amazing act of courage, only she could undertake! Congrats Aarika! We send our thoughts, love and prayers! Until the next time we meet...take care!

Leslie Carbaugh <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Sunday, May 27, 2007 10:19 AM CDT
Lori, I just wanted to say that it's been nice to see you the times our paths have crossed during the past few weeks. You're in my thoughts more often than not. Take care,
Fay Harrison <dofalima@cox.net>
- Friday, May 25, 2007 8:16 AM CDT
Hello Buzynski's!

Thank you for allowing us to be part of your lives. I'm so happy for you, Aarika! You have accomplished so much and appear to be so excited about your graduation...but then what senior isn't, right? Enjoy this summer with each other before Aarika flutters off to college and continue to soak up those warm "Rays of Sunshine."

May God keep you in His loving care!

Take Care,
The Forney's :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Thursday, May 24, 2007 1:02 PM CDT
Thinking of you today. You are all in my thoughts and prayers daily. God Bless you all!!!!!
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Wednesday, May 23, 2007 12:58 AM CDT
Thinking of all of you! Congratulations on your Graduation Aarika. Blake, hope your enjoying your summer in the warm Florida sunshine!
Pat & Kim Yates and Madi & Morgan Bellile

Kim Yates <kimberly.d.yates.i1gj@statefarm.com>
Rhodes, IA 50234 - Wednesday, May 23, 2007 8:53 AM CDT
Buzynski Bunch:
As we do several times a day, we checked into the website this morning and saw the new pictures of everyone enjoying the S.S. Bethany Kristine, Blake and his new paint gun and, of course, the honors graduate, Aarika. Thanks for the new pictures! Bethany will always and forever be that bright star in the sky!

Love ya'

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, May 23, 2007 8:29 AM CDT
Its very special to be able to "click on" and keep in touch with your family and remember dear Bethany. Congrats to Aarika. You are blessed! Take care Think of you so often.
Duffys Dorothy/Jack. P.S. LOVE MY BRACELET!!

Dorothy Duffy <gramsd@iowatelecom.net>
Fairbank, IA USA - Sunday, May 20, 2007 1:17 PM CDT
Hi, Everyone!!
Aarika all I can say is WOW!!! You look absolutely amazing in your prom dress. You will have to bring home more pictures when you come back for your graduation.
I miss you guys so much, I was out running this moring and I was picturing your house and the driveway and wishing I could just run around the corner and be with all of you again.
Your boat looks like Blake will be doing a lot of wake boarding this summer. It would be fun to come down and do some skiing with you guys, as long as, Pete doesn't try to dump me. I hope when you get the letters on the boat that you will take a picture so we can see it! Talk to you soon!
Love, Kelli

Kelli Milbrandt <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, mn - Saturday, May 19, 2007 4:19 PM CDT
Buzynski Bunch:
Started working on the BKB Memory Book and reading back through email and remembering conversations and looking at photos, etc., brings back all those wonderful, precious memories that will now and forever be with us. We love each of you to the max!



Love ya'

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, May 19, 2007 10:37 AM CDT
hey there buzynski's :]

just wanted to pop in and tell you i've been thinking a lot about you guy's these past few days, especially since yesterday was LIME GREEN day :] i'm really glad to hear that you all have been doing pretty well and hanging in there. and i'm especially glad to see that you were soaking in some bkb yesterday!!

i hope everything stays well for your family and that you guys keep feeling bkb's warmth :] i miss and love you guys.

aarika :D
congratulations on graduation!! i hope that it's all that you expected to be. you looked amazing in those pictures of you from prom. good luck with everything in the future and hopefully i can come and see you sometime soon! ily babe.

Chelsea Burkett <crburkett2903@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, May 17, 2007 3:18 PM CDT
Thanks for the card it meant a lot to my Family. I will tell all of you I always talk about your Family almost everyday. You are amazing. I want to meet you all sometime I will travel to Fl to see all of you. God Bless all of you. I wanted to tell you after reading your last update I just was so touched by Aarika and the speech I had chills and tears when I read the update. I know Bethany is watching over all of you. She is a true Angel!!! I know that you loved her so and I know this has not been easy for any of you. God Bless all of you!!!
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Thursday, May 17, 2007 12:59 AM CDT
Congratulations Aarika on your upcoming graduation and a job well done on your speach. You have become such an intelligent and beautiful young lady. We wish you all the best for your bright future. I am glad that Bethany was by your side during your speach. (That was never my favorite thing to do either.) Lori..thought of you a lot on Mother's Day also. I hope you got lots of hugs from Aarika and Blake. You are truly an inspriration for all moms! Have a safe trip to Iowa and know we are thinking of you always!!
Love ya..
Steph, Howie (and our clan...)

Stephanie <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Thursday, May 17, 2007 12:37 AM CDT
Hello Buzynski's,
I was just thinking about Bethany and Aaron and his friends in the lime green "Bethany" shirts yesterday. I started reading your last journal entry about it being 2 months since Bethany went to see Jesus, and the song "Held" by Natalie Grant came on the radio. It makes me think of you and Bethany every time I hear it.
Your testimony must have honored Jesus in the best way! I'm sure Bethany would be proud! I pray that you will continue to grow in his love. Just continue to let Jesus hold you!

Lori and Mark Sewell <the_sewells@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Thursday, May 17, 2007 10:41 AM CDT
One more thing.........Aarika, I showed your pictures to my girls, Megan and Hannah, and told them you used to be their babysitter. They said WOW! She is beautiful!!! My youngest, Rebekah, said you looked like a princess!! Hope you had fun!
Chris Schroeder <chriswith3girls@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Thursday, May 17, 2007 0:35 AM CDT
Hello Buzynski Family!!!
I have not signed in for quite awhile but I visit the site often to read your updates. It is so good to hear the lift in your words! Enjoying time on the "Bethany Kristine", celebrating Aarika's graduation, and cherishing all the little moments of life is what Bethany would want you to do I am sure!!
I was so thrilled to read that Aarika has chosen to go into the nursing field. I just graduated this past Monday from nursing school and I was able to speak at my pinning ceremony!! I can not tell you how happy I am to be done with school but more importantly to be doing what I know God intended me to do. I already have a job as a Labor and Delivery nurse and can not wait to get started. I know my career is just starting but I will never regret my decision to be a nurse! Good luck with school Aarika! I know you are going to be a wonderful nurse.
Just one more thing to share. For the past year I have worked at a local hospital as a nurse apprentice. Last Friday was my last day and they gave me a tote bag as part of a going away package. The bag is LIME green! As soon as I opened it, I thought of you and Bethany. I know we have not seen each other or even spoken since you left Las Vegas, but your life story has touched me in a way I can not even express. I think of and pray for you often. I have witnessed what God is capable of through you!!
Take care and have fun celebrating Aarika's achievements! Love, Chris

Chris Schroeder <chriswith3girls@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Thursday, May 17, 2007 0:31 AM CDT
Congrats Aarika!! I remember so well the excitement and joy I'm sure you are feeling-- enjoy it! You deserve every minute of it!! So very happy to hear of your successful speech- I know your words touched many hearts as your strength and beauty has touched mine time and time again. God bless you and all that's to come-- Live it up girlie! I know your future holds great things!

Mrs. B-- Mom keeps you in her thoughts and prayers daily and is sending hugs your way! Mom actually knows how to email now and would love to hear from you when you get a moment --you can be in touch with her at sls9558@hotmail.com -- and who knows she says she might just end up at your doorstep one day asking “what’s for dinner?” (Hopefully Pete’s cooking she says! Ha ha!)

God Bless you all,

Megan and The Sanders Family <mmsander@marauder.millersville.edu>
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, May 16, 2007 7:58 PM CDT
Our Dear Aarika:
We received word very early this morning about the wonderful job you did with your speech last night at Baccalaureate. We were not even a little bit surprised at your courage and strength and ability to stand up there and share with all who would listen your story about Bethany and your Faith ! Gosh, I just wish we could have been there to see and hear you. Here's your long distance hug from us. Congratulations on a job so well done and on your graduation. We know that you will go forward to do even more great things.

Love ya'

Jan and Ed PEck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, May 16, 2007 1:32 PM CDT
Heyy Buzynskis. =)
Just thought I'd drop in and tell you that you are constantly on my mind, as always, and I continue
to ask God to keep guiding you through the coping process.

Looks like tomorrow is going to be
another LIME GREEN day at school.
Pretty positive I speak for the whole school
when I say that Bethany is insanely missed
and loved to an extreme extent.<333

God Bless you all! =)

Jenna DePaola <bsktbll32cutie@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:19 PM CDT
I read about her fight just today on Beliefnet.com. Tears welled up in my eyes as I prayed. I came to this website with scared feelings to learn that she went to be in heaven. God Bless you ALL and please continue to be strong so that some people, like myself, can learn how to be strong like that.
Sharon Grimes <shar_dian@myway.com>
Brooksville, FL USA - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5:02 PM CDT
We can hardly believe that our babysitter from Vegas is all grown up! Aarika looks amazing in her photos...as usual!
Lori, you were on my mind a lot this Mother's Day weekend and I pray for you all of the time.
May the "Bethany Kristine" provide you endless hours of joy and laughter just as Bethany did!
Nate says "hello" to Blake...he really misses him.

The Lacaillade Family <calaca417@comcast.net>
Warrensburg , MO - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 6:44 AM CDT
hey buzynski's

Hope all is well and i hope you are doing good and your family is the strongest family i know~

fairfield, pa - Monday, May 14, 2007 4:17 PM CDT

Just wanted to let you know I thought of you all day yesterday (Mother's Day). You get the Mom of the Year award from me. I kept thinking about what an extraordinary example you are of what it truly means to be a mother and that being a mother never ends.

allyson graham <allyson@f15.net>
niceville, fl - Monday, May 14, 2007 11:42 AM CDT

Just wanted to let you know I thought of you all day yesterday (Mother's Day). You get the Mom of the Year award from me. I kept thinking about what an extraordinary example you are of what it truly means to be a mother and that being a mother never ends.

allyson graham <allyson@f15.net>
niceville, fl - Monday, May 14, 2007 11:29 AM CDT
Aarika - you looked stunning. I am sure you were the bell of the ball. Good luck with your speech at graduation. It is hard to believe you are graduating. I can still remember you the first day of 8th grade. It seems like yesterday. Time sure does fly. I wish you the best of luck at school next year. I have no doubt that you will be very successful. Take care!
Miss Novak

Kerry Novak-Drilak <kdrilak@juno.com>
Houston, PA USA - Friday, May 11, 2007 2:15 PM CDT
Hello Buzynski's!

Aarika~ It seems like just the other day you were in my 8th grade English class and we were learning about verbs or something even more exciting like adjectives! And now you've enjoyed your last high school prom and are ready to graduate. You looked absolutely fabulous on the special day and good luck on giving your graduation speech. I know that you will do well :) I once vacationed in Pensicola (sp?) and it is so beautiful there...what a great spot to get an education!

Lori- May you have a blessed Mother's Day! You are truly an inspiration for all of us!

As for Blake...I'm waiting for all of those "boys will be boys" adventures with my son Owen. As of right now he just likes to play in the sand with his trucks as a 1.5 year old :)

The boat looks like a lot of fun~Enjoy!

May God keep you all in His loving care!

Take Care,
The Forney's :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Friday, May 11, 2007 10:24 AM CDT
Aarika~ You look absolutely beautiful! I can't believe that you and Ryan are graduating already... you make us parents feel old! LOL Best of Luck to you in Nursing school... I'm sure you will love it... Bethany will be beside you all the way.

The rest of the gang~
Have a great time with "Bethany Kristine"... she's a beauty. Can't wait to see her name on there!
Take care!
Much love,

Ann & Dan Nelson & Brandon Parrish <maria.nelson2@hill.af.mil>
Roy, UT USA - Thursday, May 10, 2007 3:05 PM CDT
Thinking of all of you today!! You are an amazing Family!!!
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:28 AM CDT
Aarika, You are absolutely stunning!!!!! Adrianna saw the pics and started going "Woo Wooo Wooo!" She said "She so pretty!" Congratulations Graduate!! I hope your special day is fabulous!

Pete and Lori,
I am so glad you all are doing so well. I still continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You are both so great!

All my love,
Sharalie Albanese

sharalie albanese <angel92eyes@yahoo.com>
USAF Academy, Co USA - Thursday, May 10, 2007 8:16 AM CDT
Hubba Hubba Aarika - you are gorgeous! We just got your graduation announcement and party invite. We can not wait to see you guys in June. Congrats!
Mark, Dawn, Hailey and Lindsey <buzynski@mchsi.com>
West Des Moines, IA USA - Wednesday, May 9, 2007 3:58 PM CDT
Thank You for sharing the pictures of Aarika's prom night. What a beautiful young lady she is and what a handsome date. Wow!!! Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and heading to Nursing school. That is so great. I know Bethany is so proud of her sister and of course her brother Blake. Happy Birthday Blake. And Mom and Dad keep up the spirit that is what Bethany would want you to do. Her love will always be with you all.
Gods Blessings Jack & DJ Hoffman ( Jason's mom and dad)

DJ Hoffman <JPHffmn@aol.com>
Albuquerque , NM USA - Wednesday, May 9, 2007 2:43 PM CDT
Hi Lori and Pete,

We are still thinking of you all just as often as always and are thankful for all the happy and positive things that are going on in your lives right now. I am ESPECIALLY thrilled and proud of Aarika's career choice. Nursing is a fabulous profession-- I speak from the heart after 21 years. When the alarm goes off in the morning (or at night as is the case for many nurses:), it is easy to get up knowing that your day is about to have lots of opportunities to "make it better" or at least make it a little easier. SO, to Aarika-- Let me be the first to wish you a HAPPY NURSE'S DAY (May 9th every year) and a HAPPY GRADUATION.

allyson graham <allyson@f15.net>
niceville, fl - Wednesday, May 9, 2007 11:50 AM CDT
Hey y'all! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be able to enjoy your company and warmth as you have always shown, even when times were toughest. You always amaze me! When I walk at night, I look to the brightest star and call it Bethany and have the most wonderful conversation as if it's her :o) I know she listens and even though she can't answer me, I just keep right on going! You'd be amazed at how many miles I can walk and talk! I've so enjoyed Aarika at school! I can't believe she is graduating! What an awesome young lady she is! And talk about gorgeous at prom!!! She was THE belle of the ball that's for sure! There was no one more beautiful than she was that night! And well, you know me, I don't think anyone is EVER more beautiful! The "Bethany Kristine" is super! There is no more perfect name! I am hoping to enjoy a fun time out on the water with you all someday. I am sure the sun will always shine on you with Bethany watching over the "Bethany Kristine!" Hugs and Kisses to you all!
Christy McInnis <McInnisM@Mail.Okaloosa.K12.FL.US>
Nicevill, FL US - Wednesday, May 9, 2007 10:58 AM CDT
Hey Buzynskis!
The pictures of Aarika are beautiful. I love her lime green dress. Bethany has been shining down on us lately with her warm rays. We hope that she will continue to shine over our prom weekend. God Bless you all.
ps. love the boat! :)

Chloe DePaola
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, May 9, 2007 9:03 AM CDT
Hi all! Thanks for updating the beeee-uuu-tiful pix! Aarika is stunning-- her smile matching her gown! And you can feel the warmth of those rays in the picture of the "Bethany Kristine." Bethany is really smiling down on you!

Love ya all!

The Hoffman Tribe <missmary65@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Wednesday, May 9, 2007 4:59 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Bunch:
It's a beautiful day in the old neighborhood! Bethany is sure being good to us today; the sun is shining and the day couldn't be more gorgeous. While back in Fairfield I'm busy catching up on things and starting to prepare for the Circle Social in June. Looking forward to another great day with my Circle Friends! Take care and know that Bethany's light continues to shine so brightly and she is watching over all of you!

Jan & Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, May 8, 2007 11:08 AM CDT
Hi Buzynski's, Just popping in to let you know I was thinking of you. I hope you are all doing well. I'm sure your Angel is watching you all closely and keeping you strong. Take care.
Julie Dell www.caringbridge.org/visit/hayden <dell991@comcast.net>
Hanover, Pa - Tuesday, May 8, 2007 8:44 AM CDT
Hello Buzynski's!! Your in my thoughts and prayers alot. Thanks for the updates. I hope you get back to Fairfield someday. I'd like to see Pete and the family sometime.
Barry <behousel@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, May 7, 2007 9:50 PM CDT
Hey there,
I miss you guys very much! I was walking past the softball picture of me&beth the other day, and it just reminded me of how fun it was when mine and beth's "DADS" were our coaches. We thought that was the coolest thing. haha. I miss those days. I miss playing cards at your guy's house very friday night. I MISS THE BUZYNSKIS!
come to vegas soon! :)
Love ya guys & I think about bethany every night :)

kelsi(beth's twin, ha ha) <calverts2@earthlink.net>
las vegas , nv usa - Monday, May 7, 2007 10:56 AM CDT
Hi Buzynski's!
We think of you all every day and glad you were able to get the boat out for a ride. We can't wait to see pictures of it and pictures of Aarika at the prom.

May God continue to give you strength and wrap his loving arms around all of you.

We miss you all!

The Crevier's

P.S. Allison had the hiccups several times today, and each time she did, she's say "I'm growing because that's what Miss Lori always told me".

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Sunday, May 6, 2007 10:39 PM CDT
Hi everyone,
It's good to hear that you all enjoyed your first trip in the Bethany Kristine and I'm sure it's namesake was right beside you all the way.

Aarika sent Ryan some prom pictures...she looked beautiful (as she always does). Hope that she had a great time! It is so hard to believe that she and Ry will be graduating soon...where did those little kids in that camping video go?

Just wanted to let you all know that we are thinking of you all everyday and praying the days get easier for you all.

Chuck, Toni, Ryan & Tyler <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI USA - Friday, May 4, 2007 8:44 PM CDT
Hey there Buzynski's :]

Just thought i'd stop in a leave you a little love since I haven't done so in a little while. Fairfield's been feeling a lot of Bethany's warmth lately :] Which we are all really glad for because when you feel it you know that she's just smiling down, and that shows us she's happy up there. I hope she's been smiling down on you all lately too. But knowing Bethany she's probably bringing a little sunshine to every single place that she knows someone in.

I read the update about the Sorelli necklace for Bethany and when it comes out in the magazine i'd really love to get it. So if you could maybe put some stuff about how to order it on here, that'd be amazinggg :]

I was going through all my pictures of me and Bethany the other night and wow did it bring back good times :] She was and still is such an amazing and absolutley beautiful girl. I really miss that smile of hers, it was def. one of a kind.

I'm hoping to see you all pretty soon. I think about you all a lot and still continue to pray that Beth's strength is now in your hands to help you through all of this.

I miss you guys and hope all is well.
Say hello to the whole family for me!

love you all.

Chelsea <crburkett2903@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, May 3, 2007 8:42 PM CDT
Continuing to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to see the new pictures!
Pat & Kim Yates and Madi & Morgan Bellile <kimberly.d.yates.i1gj@statefarm.com>
Marshalltown, IA - Thursday, May 3, 2007 10:46 AM CDT
You are thought of daily and the love and strength that your Family has for each other is amazing and I know that you all have had to take day by day steps. I just want you to know that when I think things just can't get any worst this is when I think of your Family!!! The love , courage and strength that your Family has keeps me going. God Bless you Bethany!!! I know you miss her!! It is so hard to be a Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother and not be able to fix what is wrong with our love ones. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 3:18 PM CDT
Just letting you know I was thinking about all of you. Glad to hear Aarika's prom went well. Cannot wait to see the pictures of prom and the "Bethany Kristine".

Love you all. Take care!

Stephanie Sand <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 11:10 AM CDT
Letting you know that you're in my thoughts......much love to all of you!
Fay Harrison <dofalima@cox.net>
- Tuesday, May 1, 2007 9:28 AM CDT
Hi Family,
Whenever I need a moment of strength and my faith begins to falter I come to Bethany's site...her strength and courage keep me going and I am so glad you continue to include us in your postings, it keeps Bethany alive in spirit and in mind and sometimes that is all you need. Life is testing me right now in a way that is completely different than what you and Bethany went through, which is why I can turn to this and read it and look at her beautiful picture and remind myself of my beautiful healthy children, it makes it all better. Enjoy your "Bethany Kristine" ...every minute of it with her! Keep posting, the positive feelings and continued strength of this family encourage us all to keep going no matter what. God bless all of you and Bethany!

Debbie Rice <debbies_only@hotmail.com>
Fairfield, PA - Tuesday, May 1, 2007 7:06 AM CDT
Buzynski Bunch:
We've been on the road and busy since returning from our trip to FL, but never too busy to "drop in" to say hello and let you know you are with us in our hearts and minds every day.

Aarika, can't wait to see the official prom pictures and know they will be gorgeous if the sneak preview we got of the prom dress was any indication :o) Congrats on your graduation which is now only days away. When you travel to Iowa for your big family celebration, give hugs to the family and tell them the Peck B&B misses them :o)

Glad to hear you have been able to take that inaugural "voyage" on the Bethany Kristine.

Love always and forever

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, April 30, 2007 11:51 PM CDT
Hello Buzynskis!

Hope Floats :) ...The 'Bethany Kristine' is sure to bring you all some peaceful times on the water where you can leave the world behind and focus on the love for each other. I can't wait to see the catalog of jewlery. Although is won't be until Jan., it sounds as though I'll need to purchase some of it sooner than that! I love to read your updates and the updated posts. Thank you for taking us all in as "part" of your family and keeping us up to date. May God continue to give you the strength that each of you need and may you find comfort in His presence.

Take Care,
The Forney's :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Monday, April 30, 2007 12:26 AM CDT
Hi Buzynski family,

I haven't written in here for a while. We justed wanted you to all know that you are in our hearts and minds every day. I know these days must be very difficult for all of you. I am sure you have good days and bad days. I know you are all trying to get back to a normal routine. We know Bethany would want you to do this and know she is with you in everything you do. Your family will always be in our hearts. Bethany and all of you have taught each and everyone of us important lessons in life; to try to live life to the fullest and don't worry about the trivial things, and to love more. You are amazing people and Bethany was an absolutely amazing young lady.

I just saw the new photos of the girls and they are darling. They made me smile. The girls faces have not changed too much since they were little. They are beautiful. It is so fun to look at photos. Photos are so wonderful. They bring back the best memories. They keep the people we love in our hearts and minds.

I know Bethany did love jewelry and it is great what the Sorrelli company is going to do in memory of Bethany.

Bethany's spirit will live on forever. I can't tell you enough how Bethany and your family has made such a lasting impression on my family as well as hundreds of other families.

Enjoy your boat. What a great name...Bethany Kristine..

Karen, Will, Katilyn and Courtney <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, PA - Monday, April 30, 2007 10:14 AM CDT
well hello there buzynski family :)
it's been a while since i've added my 'two cents' to this guest book, and these past few weeks, Bethany has really been on my mind, and so have you guys! i wanted to send my love down to Florida, with the hope that yal are doing well.
This past Friday our NAHS went on a field trip, for some reason, one i still can't figure out, EVERYTHING i or someone else said reminded me of bethany. I caught myself saying "well bethany..." or "bethany always..." and so on, after everything that was said. It was one of those days where that space in my heart that she has felt lonely and empty. I wouldn't say it was a depressing day, but more joy, because everything i did, she was there also. :D I still find myself wanting to text her, or call. A lot has happened to me lately, things that bethany and i always used to talk about, and no one else really understood. It was a time i really needed her. I always know i can talk to her whenever i want, it's just hard to understand if she's responding. i asked her a few questions of advice, and told her if she thought i was making the right decision to 'send me a sign'...sure enough, soon after the song "worlds greatest" by RKelly came on, and i knew just then that she agreed. I still long everyday to feel her touch, her love, and her friendship. As i gaze at the sky at night, i look for the star that's shining the brightest, and there she is. As i pray and we carry on our nightly talk, she shimmers, and smiles back at me.

just a reminder, yal are always in my heart, and there you'll forever remain. I love you all to the max!!

Aarika --> i saw mrs. reed at my work yesterday, and the first thing she said to me was "how's aarika?" and she wanted me to make sure i told you she said hi and is thinking of you and your family.

hope you all have a wonderous week :)

<3 always and forever
Lauren Hummel

P.S. miss you all ooooodles!

Lauren Hummel <lazyhum@hughes.net>
Fairfield, Pa US - Sunday, April 29, 2007 6:48 PM CDT
Okay all you faithful "viewers". I just returned from Camp Buzynski. They rang my doorbell so I could see Aarika all dressed up for prom. She looks stunning as you can imagine!!! I told mom and dad they need to post pictures soon so we can all enjoy them. Hugs...Patti :)
Miss Patti <Pattim4455@aol.com>
Niceville, fl us - Saturday, April 28, 2007 5:21 PM CDT
I thought about Bethany a lot today.
I was reading about the necklace that Sorelli is going to dedicate to Bethany--that is theee best! I remember when Chloe, Taylor, and I stopped by to Bethany at Jan and Ed's a little after Christmas and she showed us her Sorelli jewelry. I wanted one of those necklaces like no other after she showed us them. Hahaha. Bethnay was insanely proud of her jewelry, and I can't wait to see her smile the day that catalog comes out. :)
Bethany has given me major sunburn,
but i'm not complaining. =)

Everyday I pray to God that He will give you all
the strength that Bethany had to get through this.
Everyday I thank God for blessing us with Bethany,
even if it wasn't for as long as we wanted her with us.

I have so much faith that you will come out
of this even stronger than you went into it.
Your entire family is amazing! :)
Love you all and God Bless.

Jenna DePaola <bsktbll32cutie@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Thursday, April 26, 2007 8:10 PM CDT
Hi Guys,
Love the updates! The boat sounds awesome! We can't wait to see pictures. How do I get more jewelry info.? I have only ever seen the jewelry on you and Bethany. It would be great to help spread the word about Bethany's necklace when it comes out. We think of you daily. God bless!
In peace and love,
Leslie, Bruce and Linden

Leslie Carbaugh <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Thursday, April 26, 2007 3:32 PM CDT
You are in my thoughts and prayers !!!
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
HAnover, PA USA - Thursday, April 26, 2007 2:58 PM CDT
Hello Buzynskis! I'm sorry we weren't able to make it to see you while we were in Florida, I was really looking forward to seeing Pete jump that fence:) I think about you guys daily and pray that God will comfort you. You guys are amazing! tell Pete to keep practicing, i'll be down there one day soon!
Patti Baddeley <pbaddeley@nc.rr.com>
Goldsboro, NC USA - Thursday, April 26, 2007 12:58 AM CDT
Hi Buzynski's,

Just wanted to let you all know we're thinking of you and enjoying your updates. We think of Bethany every day and know she is smiling down on you! Enjoy the boat!

All our love,

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, April 25, 2007 2:42 PM CDT
Hey Guys!

You probably have heard this already, but last Sat. morning they had the opening ceremony for the FF baseball, softball and soccer seasons at the baseball field. Right after the invocation and the Pledge of Allegance, the announcer mentioned Bethany and the fact that her old team was wearing little BKB patches on their jersey sleves in her honor; then there was a moment of silence for her. There were hundreds of people there and you could have heard a pin drop. It was really cool.

Campbell is playing both soccer and, for the first time, baseball this year. Last night was his second baseball game and the coach awarded him the game ball! He was 3 for 3 with 2 RBI's, had a great defensive play in left field and was the catcher (for the first time) for the last two innings...which made me think of your little catcher!

Tell us some more about your new boat! We got "Tigger" in the water at Lake Marburg on Sunday after church and I was able to take Beth for a sail! It was really nice.

Anyway, I just wanted to share the sports thing with you.

We love you guys!!

Beth, Kip & Campbell

Kip Hamilton <khamilton@nvrinc.com>
Fairfield, - Wednesday, April 25, 2007 11:43 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family:

I just wanted to let you know that my family and friends as well as everyone else here in FF are thinking about you and bethany every single day. A little more than a month has passed and yet it seems like forever. We keep telling ourselves that God needed a PERFECT angel, and that bethany was what he was looking for, and that she is...a perfect little angel now--as well as the most gorgeous one! I have to say that I admired her every single day for how strong she was and never ever once thought about giving up. Most people would have lost hope and faith and quit when things became too much to handle, but that wasnt a trait of bethany's, as well as the rest of your family. One of the hardest things to think of is the fact that your family and bethany went through two and half years of ups and downs, but what amazes us the most is how much faith one family can hold.
We've honestly agreed that you have to be one of the most AMAZING families anyone has ever come across. And no matter what happened, you guys still ALWAYS remembered where you came from and who was there all along.
Your family still remains humble towards everyone else which warms our heart. To prove this point, I just want to recall the last time you guys were up here. I was working at the GAP and I bumped into Lori and some of her family. I began chatting with her and of course asked about Bethany. She said that she was doing well and hanging in there like always. Sadly, she wished they werent up there for the reasons that they were, but were still more than happy to be here. I agreed as well and replied that we were more than happy to see them.

((For those of you that dont know, I was first introduced to the Buzynski family when I cheered with Aarika during basketball season of my sophomore year; which was also the time that my younger sister was introduced to Bethany during her basketball season. Aarika was the PERFECT cheerleader: friendly, gorgeous, and ALWAYS had a smile on her face...which is one of her very many great qualities. We all got along and had one terrific season.))

However, that was about almost 3 years ago, a little before Bethany was diagnosed.

Knowing that fact, it amazed me when I was talking to Lori that after ALL those years she STILL remembered my name. Considering that I only cheered w/Aarika, she rememebered exactly when and where we met. Now for any ordinary person, it would be highly unlikely that we would remember people that came in and out of their lives..but for the Buzynski's, that came natural for them. Even when they were going through the toughest of times, they STILL took the time to acknowledge those around them. And to me, thats what makes you the most amazing family I'll ever meet. And for that I would like to thank you guys. You've shown everyone the TRUE meaning of family and became the best role models God ever created.

My thoughts and prayers are ALWAYS with you and I hope you are all doing well.
Oh and I was VERY tickled to hear about your new "Bethany Kristine" aka your boat! We know that as you travel upon those gorgeous blue waters Bethany will be smiling brighter than the sun.

Take care and God bless,

Jenn Luna <jennluna06@netscape.net>
Fairfield, PA - Tuesday, April 24, 2007 8:49 AM CDT
i find myself thinking about you and missing you all the time bethany, but knowing you're flying high with that beautiful smile on your face.. makes me happy :) no matter what the conversation may be or who im talking to, the convo always seems to spark a memory we made. as if i didnt talk about you enough before ;) i talk about you even more now :D

the beautiful sunshine we've had the past week is a constant reminder of your amazing smile.. which by the way, i can't wait to see again :D hope heaven is as amazing as it should be! much love bethany, forever and always <3


Kylin Duffy <skyhyky14@aol.com>
LaCrescent, MN - Tuesday, April 24, 2007 8:33 AM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika, & Blake,

I know I have not put a message on here in a while but I think about you all everyday. Again, thank you for sharing your continued journey and sharing those beautiful pictures of happy times.

My mom was here visiting from Iowa last week and treated me to the Celine Dion show. She was just amazing and sings like an angel. At a couple points in the show it was so moving and I thought of my dad and your Bethany, my eyes filled with tears. It just made me feel like I was a little closer to god and they were right there watching too.

I know these times are really hard. There will always be those times that are a little tougher than others and moments when it will hit you out of nowhere and you find yourself crying. Even though it will be 3 years this August since I lost my dad, I still get caught up in emotion when I least expect it. I find talking about him with my kids and funny memories is the greatest therapy. Keep holding on to those wonderful memories of her and talking about those memories, laugh and enjoy life & when your heart is breaking cry and let it all out.

I will continue to keep you all in my prayers!!
God bless you all!!!

Julie Hancock <lvjules2001@yahoo.com>
LV, NV - Tuesday, April 24, 2007 1:40 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski's:
Our little visit with you was wonderful. We will treasure, forever and always, thoughts and memories of each of you in your warm, cozy and wonderful home in FL. How wonderful it was to see you continue to smile as Bethany smiled and to keep her memory alive. All who knew her and know you are doing the same. Bethany, you will always be in our hearts and a part of our lives! Stay strong and know that you are surrounded in love.

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, April 23, 2007 10:17 PM CDT
Hello Buzynski's,
I thought I'd drop a line once. I still check your cite every night when I'm at work. I know its tough, but its good to see your staying busy and moving on. I know Your angel is with you all everyday. I know a lot of people are thinking about you and praying for this great family. Well Pete, a boat. I guess I'll start calling you skipper or captain, but I'm sure Lori will run the show. Have a good time with it. Stay positive and happy in the days, weeks, and months to come. Thats what your angel would want you to be. Take care.

Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
Marshalltown, Ia - Monday, April 23, 2007 3:17 AM CDT
I'm thinking about beth everyday...I always bring her up.. i swear somehow in EVERY conversation i have with someone, her name pops up and i start going on and on about memories. but you know what? I don't mind telling ANYONE about our wonderful memories :] I love telling everyone. I miss you like crazy and i hope your happier darling!<3.

P.S. Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake, you guys are the strongest family i have ever met and i miss you guys like non other! keep in touch! :)

kelsi <calverts2@earthlink.net>
las vegas, nv usa - Monday, April 23, 2007 0:03 AM CDT
Dear Buzynskis,I now have somthing in memory of Beathany.I am in softball and my number is 7, the same as Beathany. I loved her so much.
Hailey Buzynski <Buzynski@mchsi.com>
West Des Moines, IA USA - Sunday, April 22, 2007 4:20 PM CDT
Greetings from Shippensburg University!! I just wanted to let you all know that Justine and I are walking in the Relay for Life tonight in honor of Bethany. It's amazing to know that we'll be walking together tonight for the same purpose. God Bless!!
Aleia Myers <aleia_1721@hotmail.com>
Fairfield, PA United States - Friday, April 20, 2007 3:04 PM CDT
How apropos to celebrate Bethany with Sorrellis! I wear my jewelry almost everyday. So does Hailey and Lindsey's Grandma Susan which she calls her "Bethany Bracelet." Every day a prayer goes out to you all from our house. We love you.
Dawn Buzynski <buzynski@mchsi.com>
West Des Moines, IA USA - Friday, April 20, 2007 1:58 PM CDT
Hello Buzynski family. I wanted you to know that I have found encouragement through Bethany and your family as well. I am the admin. asst. at FBC and I have been reading and hearing about the amazing things that your family and daughter have been through and how you have handled each thing that has come your way. God hopefully has some new children in His Book of Life because of all your courage and encouragement as I honestly believe that the best witness in life is through living it and you have all done just that. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers and know that you give me strength each time I read your updates. May God continue to smile upon your spirits as you travel down His roads.
Cascade, MD USA - Friday, April 20, 2007 1:29 PM CDT
Justine is participating in the Relay for Life at Shippensburg University tonight, and we are having a luminary lit for Bethany.
The Graff's (Jay, Karen, Justine and Angie) <piratefans@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, April 20, 2007 12:44 AM CDT
Sounds as if you have many exciting things going on right now...that is wonderful! Bethany would be so proud and happy for all of you. Get out on that boat and bask in the sunshine of Bethany! Continuing to hope and pray for you.
Pat & Kim Yates and Madi & Morgan Bellile

Kim Yates <kimberly.d.yates.i1gj@statefarm.com>
Marshalltown, IA 50158 - Friday, April 20, 2007 8:52 AM CDT
Good Morning Buzynski family. Lori, when you told me the story about Heather's letter yesterday, i was so touched. Reading it this am has me in tears! What a special treat to honor our special angel Bethany!! Looking forward to seeing you tonight at the ceremonies. I can't wait to meet Ed and Jan!! Hugs, Patti and Tanner
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Friday, April 20, 2007 8:10 AM CDT
Praying for all of you. Wanted to let you know.

Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Thursday, April 19, 2007 2:58 PM CDT
Love the pictures! I am glad to see you sharing memories of Bethany. I am very honored as well to know your family. I remember when you lived here in Vegas and I would constantly say to others how I envied the closeness of your family and the relationship that Pete and Lori share. Being high school sweethearts and still in love as much as you are is such a blessing. You instilled that in all of your children and it was obvious. We love and miss all of you. Try to have some fun planning Aarika's graduation and cherish all the memories!!

The Sands <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Thursday, April 19, 2007 11:22 AM CDT
Hey guys,
Like my mom said i have a wall just for bethany...so everyday i wake up in the morning shes in my head, theres not a day i don't think about her. I can't even imagine what your going through. Your a very strong family! When im talking to anyone I find myself bringin Beth up. Whether it's a memory or a funny story about us. It's weird knowing she's not here anymore..but she is in our hearts! And that's what gets my by everyday, knowing shes in my heart. I love you guys sooo much! We have your bed ready to come visit us in IOWA!! :)

kelsi <calverts2@earthlink.net>
las vegas, nv usa - Thursday, April 19, 2007 1:10 AM CDT
I love the new pictures. Memories are a great way to keep her spirit alive.

Miss Novak

Kerry Novak-Drilak <kdrilak@juno.com>
Houston, PA USA - Wednesday, April 18, 2007 10:27 AM CDT
Hello Buzynski's!

The pictures are so sweet~ They just melt my heart! Continue to share the precious memories of Bethany with each other. Those fond sharings will help you all to keep her spirit alive and with you! We all know what an inspiration Bethany was and still is, but your whole family is just as much of an inspiration to ours. We continue to pray for your healing.

May God keep you in his loving care!

Thinking of you all always,
The Forney's :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:42 AM CDT
Lori & family: Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you and you're in our thoughts and prayers. I understand the roller coaster of feelings that you must be on right now and how hard it is to understand. I guess that's a way our angels keep reminding us that they are still here with us. Take care and thanks for the update. Sheryl Martin & Family, St. Paul's Lutheran.
Sheryl Martin & Family <martinsheryl1@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Monday, April 16, 2007 9:18 PM CDT
Buzynski Family
We are all thinking about you everyday that goes by, Kelsi made one of her walls for Bethany, you walk in her room and she has everything about Bethany from pictures to letters that Bethany wrote her. Take one day at a time and remember we will always be here for you, we would really love for you to come to Vegas before we leave, if not we will meet you in Iowa!!!! We will be there from June 28th until July 8th!!! Please!!!

Greg & Colleen Trevor, Kelsi, Megan <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas , Nv - Monday, April 16, 2007 3:13 PM CDT
Lori, Pete, Aarika and Blake

Thinking of you today as you begin to go through the "anniversary" days. I know these days can sometimes be tougher than the others and I just wanted to let you know we are all remembering Bethany and your whole family with special thoughts today.

allyson graham <allyson@f15.net>
niceville, FL - Monday, April 16, 2007 1:39 PM CDT
Lori, Pete, Aarika and Blake,

Just wanted to let you know that today at school there will be tons of lime green being worn by many many people! You all are in our thoughts and prayers. We can only echo the words that so many have eloquently written on this site. Please know that you all and Bethany have a permanent place in our hearts.

Mark and Lori and Aaron Sewell <the_sewells@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, April 16, 2007 5:44 AM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake,
Its great to see that your family is doing their best to try to restore a "normal" life. Im sure the rollercoaster can be exhausting but please try to find peace and comfort in knowing that your Angel Bethany will always live in the hearts of so many people! This beautiful and unforgetable young lady will hold a huge place in my heart forever. Your amazing journey has changed my life and life for my family. Just want you to know we think of you often and keep your family in our prayers. Also, the last pictures posted are so sweet! They put a big smile on your face. You can see that same spark in her eyes even as a little tyke. Im sure you've always known she was exceptional.
Take good care Buzynski Family.

Sharon and Maddie Sass <leapingluci@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, PA - Sunday, April 15, 2007 11:24 PM CDT
Hi Buzynski family!!!
Just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking of you and praying for you as your family returns to a routine! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us! I check for updates often and love to read how things are going. Even in this time of great pain and sorrow, your beautiful spirit comes through! You are an absolutely amazing family and have taught me so much. My heart breaks for you and what you must be feeling. As a mom, I can not imagine. My sister got her angels wings when she was 16, almost 15 years ago. I talk with my mom often about how she feels and what she went through during those first few months. She said the most important thing to her was for us not to forget her and to be able to talk about her. My sister will always be with us, and we know we have the promise of seeing her again. We keep her alive in our hearts by remembering all the wonderful times with her.
I am sure you are doing the same with Bethany. Although she is not here physically, she will always be here with you in spirit and in memories!
I pray that you have the strength that you need and a peace beyond understanding!
Your lives and what you have gone through has been an amazing example to people everywhere, especially me and my family! I love seeing the beautiful pictures!!
God Bless! Love, Chris

Chris, Megan, Hannah, and Rebekah Schroeder <chriswith3girls@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Sunday, April 15, 2007 11:14 PM CDT
Hi there,

Love the new photo's posted of Bethany and Aarika. And a fist place medal, who'd of thought anything less! :) Glad to hear the family is getting back to "somewhat" of a normal routine. We all miss Bethany but know God is taking WONDERFUL care of her!!

As always, you're in our thoughts and prayers daily!

All our love,

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast..net>
Fairfield, PA - Saturday, April 14, 2007 11:27 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family~

Bethany is such a hero to me. She is such a strong person. I now enjoy every day like it is my last and I never did that before. I now give my mom and dad "hugs and kisses" before bed. Bethany made me realize how precious life really is. THANK YOU BETHANY! I am thinking of you guys all the time. Bethany is a HUGE role model to me.

Haley Risse

Haley Risse
Fairbank, Iowa United States - Saturday, April 14, 2007 10:17 PM CDT
Dear Lori and Pete,

Thank you so much for letting all of us know how you are all doing. Every day I check for an update and when there is one, I just feel closer to all of you and Bethany. It brings a kind of peace to me, just knowing how strong you and your family remain. Sure there is going to be some tough roads ahead, but deep down w/ the help of your "Special Angel", you will be fine and taken care of. Bethany wouldn't have it any other way. It is hard to believe that Bethany received her angel wings almost a month ago. Doesn't seem possible. She is still remembered here in Fairfield, and always will be. She has left her mark in all of our hearts. I am so blessed to have known Bethany, we all are.

Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake...you all are very special. May you find peace and comfort in the days ahead. We think of you often. Miss you guys!

Love ya--Di

Diann <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, April 13, 2007 10:23 PM CDT
Pete and Lori,

Just wanted you to know that your old classmates are thinking of you. Take care!

Mike and Kim Brandt <brandt.mike@principal.com>
Fairbank, IA USA - Thursday, April 12, 2007 3:35 PM CDT
Peter, Lori, Aarika and Blake
I wanted to tell you something else that I feel is important for you all to know. I know that I hug Hailey, Lindsey and Dawn a little tighter everyday and give them as many "smoochers" as they will allow me to give. I don't take them or the time we spend together for granted like I used to. "THANK YOU BETHANY!" Bethany has brought out so many possitive things in those who knew her well and even those who barely knew her. I know that she wants you all to be happy. She has changed so many of us in countless ways that are hard to even comprehend. We all know that you will have very tough and painful days ahead of you so remember how Bethany wants you to feel and never forget what you have. Memories are one of God's greatest gifts so that no one we love ever really leaves us. I love you all very much. Please take care.

Mark Buzynski <mjbuzynski@dmgov.org>
West Des Moines, Ia USA - Thursday, April 12, 2007 2:03 PM CDT
Peter, Lori, Aarika and Blake,
Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you all and can't wait until we can get together again. Good luck on the house hunting and hang in there. We love you all!

Mark Buzynski & Family <mjbuzynski@dmgov.org>
West Des Moines, Ia USA - Thursday, April 12, 2007 1:30 PM CDT
My thoughts are with you. May God bring grace upon your family.
Chloe DePaola
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 6:07 PM CDT
You are all in my thoughts and prayers day and night. Thinking about you. Just know that I am thinking of all of you.
God Bless all of you

Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 3:46 PM CDT
Hey Lori,
Just read your last note. I know the feeling of missing someone. I know how it feels to not get much accomplished because you are somewhat lost. It is all part of the process. Holidays are the same here. Since Mom went home, everything at holiday time feels strange and unfamiliar, BUT we know in our hearts where she is, just as you do Bethany.
We know that this is not permanent and someday we will be reunited. It is the faith that they lived as testimony to us that keeps us going. I promised my Mom until I was with her to keep on going with my heart singing, it's not always easy, but a promise is a promise............love you as a dear circle friend. Love ya too Bethany, I know you hear me.

Connie Long <long1320@ptd.net>
Coal Twp., PA USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 12:10 AM CDT

I'm here at Choctaw this morning, but thinking of you and wishing we could be planning a lunch date instead. When you are home and it gets too quiet, turn on some good praise songs or some good Josh Groban (my favorite:)and just get lost in the beautiful music. A good book can do wonders too. God's love for you never ends!! And pretty soon it will be time for Aarika and Blake to come home from school and fill you in on their days.

As hard as it will be for Aarika to enjoy this last month of high school, I pray that carrying her beloved sister with her in her heart will let her know that it's ok to have some "fun", that Bethany would want the whole family to celebrate the incredible young woman that Aarika has grown to be this year!!!! GO AARIKA!! You are an angel among angels and congratulations on your superior values and inner strength. We salute you and your family as you approach graduation and what will surely be an tremendous future with God by your side.

PS. Grandma and Grandapa Kuker: We miss you, too and are thinking about you as well. God bless your devotion to your family. Niceville misses you as well.

Allyson Graham <glenn@f15.net>
Niceville, FL - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 10:09 AM CDT
Hello Buzinski's
We all here at Walter Reed Peds Hem-onc are thinking of you and missing Bethie. She will always be in our hearts and we pray that you all will be ok. Will try to keep in touch but know that her picture remains up in the clinic and we think of you daily.
Love, Debbie, Julene, Tiffany and Dr. Crouch

Deborah Wills <dwills51@hotmail.com>
Washington , DC - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 9:59 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski's:
Sending on another little note of encouragement before we hit the road and become computerless (LOL) I had a thought last night about the times growing up at home when we'd gather around a piano and sing different hymns. We sang "Beyond the Sunset" quite often and I'd like to share the last verse of that song with you:

Beyond the sunset,
O glad reunion,
With our dear loved ones
Who've gone before;
In that fair homeland
We'll know no parting
Beyond the Sunset, forever more!

Until that day when we all shall meet again, live every day to its fullest and love each other as God loves us.

Love You Always and Forever

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 9:30 AM CDT
I am holding you and your family in prayers. I am sure the pain is unbearable and when your not busy time just goes so slowly. May God bless you all and watch over you all.
Katie <flarebear79@yahoo.com>
La - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 9:23 AM CDT
Just wanted to tell you that we are thinking about you and praying that God continue to carry you in these difficult days. Lori, I'm sure that it is so difficult to be by yourself now, please remember that there are so many people thinking about all of you and praying for you.

Patrick & Kim Yates and Madi & Morgan Bellile <kimberly.d.yates.i1gj@statefarm.com>
Marshalltown, IA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 9:08 AM CDT
We lost our son aged 15 to osteosarcoma on August 26 2005. The missing him gets worse but the overwhelming pain does lessen. We still feel guilt if we have "too much fun" but are trying to find a new purpose in our lives. Both of us find throwing ourselves into work helps focus the mind on something else than our loss.

Best wishes

Dot & Trev Mullally Edinburgh Scotland UK

Dot Mullally <dmullally@blueyonder.co.uk>
Edinburgh, Scotland - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 6:35 AM CDT
Hello Buzynski's!! You are in our thoughts each and every day. Wish I could ease your pain, but I believe that God wouldn't give you more than you can handle...just like Bethany. Each and every day will get a little easier. Lean on all your "WONDERFUL" friends and family. We went to visit my sister, Karen, for Easter this year. Brandon packed the picture of Bethany and him...she is always with us--always. We do miss her so much and during the days, I even find myself talking to her around the house. She is in a better place and at peace.

We would LOVE to come and visit again. We were talking about that just the other day. We will keep you posted!! If Lauren had it her way--she would be moving in with you all!! :)

Hang in there, Buzynski's. Hug each other often. We are and always will be--thinking of you and your family.

hugs and kisses---Di, Walt, Lauren, Britt and Brandon

Di <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 5:45 AM CDT
Thinking of you today.
Julie Dell www.caringbridge.org/visit/hayden
Hanover, Pa - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 10:25 PM CDT
Thanks for the pictures of Aarika and Bethany as "little"girls--that is how I remember Bethany.
The giggly-bubbly one that kept everyone happy!
Such fun memories when they would come when Kylin and Alise were here to stay. We continue to think of all of you -keeping you in our prayers. HUGS Duffys

Dorothy/Jack Duffy <gramsd@iowatelecom.net>
Fairbank, IA - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:13 PM CDT
Hi Lori, Pete, Aarika and Blake,
I just wanted to write to let you know that I think of you often and pray for you all..I can't imagine what you are going through and how much you must miss Bethany. Remember there are so many people out there thinking of you and wishing you the best. I sure would love to make it down there sometime..Maybe Kris and I should plan a get-away sometime! We'll have to look into that!
Love, Angie

Angie Felton <feltonfamily@triwest.net>
Eleva, WI USA - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 8:26 PM CDT
Buzynski Family,
Hope you are all doing well. It is funny I was only introduced to your family through Patti Baddeley, have never met you personally or Bethany but I find myself thinking of her often. I can not image what it must be like but the Lord is with you every step of the way. He will never give you anything you can not handle. Just think Bethany is up there looking down at every single one of us and just image how very proud she is of all of you for doing so well. Wishing you the best and thinking of you often. The Hindley's Damian Paula and Olivia

Paula Hindley <paulahindley@yahoo.com>
Goldsboro, NC USA - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 7:42 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski's:
Our plans are to leave Fairfield on the 12th and arrive at Melbourne Beach, FL on the l4th and will stay there until the 21st. We will give you a call and let you know when we will stop in to say "Hi" and give hugs. Not sure if it will be on the 21st or 22nd. Hang in there and keep smiling. I found Easter to be hard this year without Mom -- each first is difficult- but we all must go on knowing that our loved ones would want us to do so. See you soon.

Love You,

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 5:01 PM CDT
Hi there!
Just thinking of you all and praying that you will get through these hard days.
Lori, I just saw your update in Bethany's journey... I wish I could tell you it would be ok... and that lost feeling would go away. But, I can't... I lost my Grandma in February and I have that same feeling... only time will heal the heart, with God's help along the way.
I came across this poem and I'm sure Bethany would tell you this if she could:

I know you worry, dream and pray
That I'm alright and happy.
God is making sure I am, he fusses over me.
I know you miss and love me
I feel the same for you.
God tells me that's alright, it's what loving people do.
I know you hope I knew them all,
The ones who met me here,
Grandmas, grandpas, aunts and uncles,
And friends who took my fear.
God joined them at the gate,
He cried and said he missed me,
Because you taught me of His love,
I hugged him back—He kissed me.
I know you know I love you,
Please don't be afraid.
I laugh, I giggle, run and hide
With all the friends I've made.
So when you worry if I'm safe
Please remember this,
God is taking care of me, I laugh, I love, I live.
I love you, Mom
I love you, Dad
I worry, watch and pray.
Please don't forget how much I need
you both to be OK.
I'm always watching over you,
I know how hard you try
And when we meet again
You'll know—with love we never die.

Peter, Lori, Aarika and Blake, GOD BLESS you all!
Much Love,
Ann & Dan Nelson & Brandon Parrish

Ann Nelson <maria.nelson2@hill.af.mil>
Roy, UT USA - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:50 PM CDT
Hello Buzynski's!

The new pictures that you have posted are just wonderful! The love and personality that are conveyed through them is so touching. We will continue to pray for you all...forever...forever...will also be Bethany's gift to so many of us. I pray God's healing touch for each of you and for His strength to be with you each day. Continue to hold onto each other for support and take your time...for all things...

May God keep you all in His loving care!

Take Care,
The Forney's :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:57 AM CDT
Lori, Pete, Aarika and Blake
Just wanted you to know that our prayers are with you as we keep you close in our hearts and minds. God crafted you all into a strong family and He will lead you in the next days as life moves on. Lean on each other and on the love from others that surrounds you. We miss you and can't wait to see you sometime soon.

Love, The Hoffman Tribe <missmary65@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 4:57 AM CDT
Pete and Lori, Aarika and Blake, Just thinking about all of you and wanted to let you know.
Love and Prayers,
Ellie Buzynski
oops, and John too.

Ellie Buzynski <buzzyellie@mchsi.com>
Fairbank, Ia USA - Monday, April 9, 2007 11:29 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your faith through this time. God has given you a beautiful daughter and she is so blessed to have known her Lord and Savior because of your parenting... He couldn't have put her in a better family. I am sorry to hear that her journey on this earth is over, but I am so thankful to hear that she has victory in Heaven! May the Lord strengthen you every day, hold you in His arms when He is also holding Bethany so you can still be so very close, and comfort you through it all.

The Maynes's
- Monday, April 9, 2007 5:39 PM CDT
Dearest Pete, Lori , Aarika and Blake,
May this week of the "real world" be easy on all of you with the help of the many prayers for your strength. Know that you are never alone. We love you all, Patti and Tanner.xoxo

miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Monday, April 9, 2007 6:27 AM CDT
Buzynski Family,
Even i didn't get to know Bethany as well as I wish I would've, I still know that she was such an amazing, strong person. And while you don't know me, I just want to let you know that my prayers are with you as you get through this.
Stay strong,
Lexi Hanks

Lexi Hanks <dont_lo0K_back12@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA - Sunday, April 8, 2007 6:02 PM CDT
Happy Easter Sweetheart, miss you.
Fort Walton, FL - Sunday, April 8, 2007 4:45 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski's:
Here it is very late on Good Friday evening and just like any other day we are thinking of all of you. According to the weather forecast for Easter, you would think it was February not April. The lime green and hot pink eggs on our Bethany/Easter tree have goose-bumps (LOL). We will soon be in FL enjoying the warm sun and if all goes well, we will be able to give you a real hug instead of the long-distance hugs we have been sending. In the meantime, hug each other and stay strong!

Love You,

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, April 6, 2007 11:25 PM CDT
Lori, Pete, Aarika, and Blake--

I was just looking at the page and reading the update, like usual, and I thought I'd leave a little message for you guys. I hope you are enjoying the time that you're spending with your family this week, I'm sure it's much needed. Also I hope you all are doing well, if not better. I know you guys have stayed so strong through all of this just like Beth did and wants you all too. I miss you guys a whole heck of a lot. It was good to see you all the other week even if it wasn't for the best reasoning, but either way it was still great to give you all hugs and say hello.

I pray for you all constently each and everyday and everytime the sun shines I know she's showing us that there will come better days.

Hopefully i'll get to talk to you all sometime soon. Until I do hang in there and remember that she is still with you and needs you to remain strong like she was.

I love you guys and miss you loadddsss.

Happy early Easter to you all, hopefully you enjoy it :D

Chelsea Burkett <crburkett2903@yahoo.com>
- Friday, April 6, 2007 8:43 PM CDT
Hey there,
Just wanted to tell ya i was thinking about you guys :) and i hope everything is welll! COME DOWN TO VEGAS SOOOON! love youu guys<3.

kels <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
las vegas, nv usa - Friday, April 6, 2007 4:36 AM CDT
Hi Buzynski Bunch,
We think of you all everyday and pray for strength and peace for all of you. The girls talk of Bethany all the time and their new favorite color is "Bethany green". Enjoy the time with your family and we love the new pictures posted.

All our love,
The Crevier's

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, April 4, 2007 10:46 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,
I have been busy the last couple of days but I wanted you all to know my family made it back safely from Iowa Wednesday around 8:00 pm. Even though it was a long drive it was worth paying my respects to bethany one last time. I remember the morning of the funeral we hopped in the car and got ready to go. I was really tired and I was about to go to sleep but a ray of sunlight came through the window and hit me in the eyes and to me I thought it was bethany telling me to wake up. I feel very blessed to have known Bethany. I miss her but I also know she is no longer in pain. God Bless you guys and have a good Easter.

Chad Fogle

Chad Fogle <BRYANFOGLE@aol.com>
Fairfield, Pa U.S.A. - Wednesday, April 4, 2007 8:42 PM CDT
Dear Family,
We miss u so much and hope to seeu guys shortly!!!! You guys should be so proud of yourself for putting all the effort in to her!!! You guys did an amazing job and did all you can do to help her out.

How have u been? Everybody misses you back here and can't wait till you come back to visit, Blake i've got to say i even miss u a lot. ( KENNEDY KELLER )

Your such a pretty and amazing girl. You inspire us all all the time. How have you been?

We MISS you all and we will all keep you in our PRAYERS everyday and night. Please feel good for what you guys did thats the best you could of done to help her and to help us ALL. WE LOVE YOU

Please email us to tell us how you have all been. Even though you dont know us ask Blake and he'll will tell you. We've been friends with him for a while, not bff's of anything but we talked here and there.

kenoo202@yahoo.com ( Kennedy Keller )
suite4ever@yahoo.com ( Erin Donaldson )
skyline_chimp10@yahoo.com ( Elizabeth Myers )

KENNEDY KELLER, ERIN DONALDSON, ELIZABETH MYERS <kenoo202@yahoo.com, skyline_chimp10@yahoo.com, suite4ever@yahoo.com>
FAIRFIELD, PA SMALL TOWN OF FAIRFIELD - Wednesday, April 4, 2007 7:40 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

I wanted to tell you how glad we were to be able to attend the service in Readlynn and see you all again. We sure have some good memories of our time in Las Vegas. I can hear Bethany laughing when I think about those days. She is probably laughing at me right now as I watch it SNOW outside on April 4th!
I remember those first few weeks and months after my Dad died, it was kind of a blur at times. I also remember the "dream" I had the night after my Dad died. In the dream my family and I were all together in his house, distraught over his sudden death. The door opened and beautiful sunshine, warmth and peace filled the room. He came to me and I could feel his arm on my shoulder. He said he didn't choose to leave but that we should know he would not choose to come back if he could. He said we would all be OK and we would be together again soon. You may have heard that story before, and even though it has been almost 11 years now, I can still remember every detail about it and it brought me great comfort and peace. Bethany will be with you as you journey continues every day. I know she'll be smiling and preparing for the day she will be with you again. I hope you continue to find strentgh in GOD and one another. I'll be thinking of all 5 of all and sending you warm thoughts.
Love, Kris

Kris Devine-McKillip <kdevinemc@hotmail.com>
Eleva, WI USA - Wednesday, April 4, 2007 7:33 PM CDT
Buzynski Bunch:
Here it is another beautiful sunny day. You will always remain in our thoughts, prayers, and hearts. Just wish you still lived next door so I could make my daily surprise deliveries! Keep smiling -- we are because we know that is what Bethany would want.

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, April 3, 2007 2:15 PM CDT
Glad to hear that you made it home safely. Sounds as if Bethany had a beautiful celebration in Readlyn, who would expect anything less for such an amazing young lady! Thank you for taking the time to update Bethany's journal as we enjoy checking in to see how your doing. We continue to pray for strength for your entire family and we think of you often.
Hugs from Iowa!

Kim Yates & Madi & Morgan Bellile <kimberly.d.yates.i1gj@statefarm.com>
Marshalltown, IA - Tuesday, April 3, 2007 10:02 AM CDT
Welcome home everyone. We are all still here for WHATEVER needs you have. Even if it is company while taking a walk around the block! We will continue to pray for strength during this time of healing for all of you. The new pictures are awesome! Thank you for taking time during your healing to share your memories and thoughts with all of us. We love you. Giant hugs to you all!! love you, Miss Patti and Tanner xoxo
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Tuesday, April 3, 2007 8:14 AM CDT
You continue to be held in our daily thoughts and prayers...love to you all.
Donny, Fay, Lindsey & Mallory Harrison <dofalima@cox.net>
Niceville, FL 32578 - Tuesday, April 3, 2007 5:47 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski's:
What a beautiful, bright sunny day -- just like Bethany's smile! How blessed we are for having known her and each of you. Courage -- your name is BETHANY !


Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, April 2, 2007 9:06 PM CDT
Buzynski family,
The service in Fairfield was beautiful! I was taken back by all that you did to prepare for that. Seeing the dress Bethany wore at the winter ball, all the pictures and commeorative items was just so special to be a part of. For one girl who impacted so many by her strength, that could only be taught by loving parents, you all, as I have said many times, give us all the ability to move forward in our day no matter what is going on. I look at your strong, loving family picture, the sun shining in the sky and just say to myself...this is love, this is what a family is, and Bethany is the strength that I strive for everyday. Happy be-lated birthday Bethany as you watch over many especially your loving family...know what you have given us all...a stength, faith, hope and beauty that will live forever in my heart and many others.

Debbie Rice
Fairfield, PA - Monday, April 2, 2007 7:00 PM CDT
WOW! Bethany must be having one AWESOME day up there!! The sun is shining soooooooooooooooo BRIGHT today!! :) I was outside just absorbing Bethany's warmth. We are thinking of you and your entire family each and every day. We love you...Pete, Lori, Aarika, and Blake.
Di <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, April 2, 2007 9:15 AM CDT

I continue to pray everday for your family!
May God give you the strength that Bethany
had to get through this. =]

I love youu all.
I'm sure Beth's keepin it real, fo sho.

Jenna DePaola <bsktbll32cutie@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, April 2, 2007 8:32 AM CDT
Hello Buzynski's!

May you continue to feel peace and comfort in the beautiful SUNSHINE filled days that are before you. When you're not feeling so chipper, be sure to lean on each other and go for that hug that you need. Thanks to you I do remember to...love like I have never loved....smile like I have never smiled...and ejoy all the moments of my life without fretting over the small stuff.

May God keep you all in His loving care!

Take Care,
The Forney's

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Monday, April 2, 2007 8:00 AM CDT
Buzynski family: My mom, Dolores Steege, mentioned that you lost your beautiful daughter Bethany to cancer last week. I am so sorry for your loss. I was not aware of Bethany until after her death, but I have been reading your journals about her. What a great girl she is. I know her spirit will continue to touch you, and you will see little signs of her as the days pass. It was neat to read about her service back in Readlyn. So many familiar names. I am sure your Iowa family was grateful for the chance to celebrate Bethany's life.

We know a little of what you have been going through. Our daughter, Hannah, now age 9, finished treatment for Ewings Sarcoma, another type of bone cancer, last August. She had an amibiguous scan last month, so she will have another one April 24th. We are certainly anxious about that, but we are hopeful that it is nothing.

Please know that you are in our family's thoughts and prayers.

Sharon Steege Knudsen www.caringbridge.org/visit/hannahknudsen <knudsen@cox.net>
Omaha, NE - Sunday, April 1, 2007 10:18 PM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika, and Blake
My thoughts have been with you so often in these last few weeks as you have traveled and been able to celebrate Bethany's life with all those that loved her. My prayers have been with you as well. I am glad to hear you have returned home safely.
I spoke with Colleen and she said the service in Iowa was absolutely beautiful! I still can not even begin to imagine what you are going through. I look at my three girls and cherish them just a little bit more and I am trying to not sweat the small stuff!
Thanks again for sharing your family's journey with us. You have truly been an inspiration and are a true example of what hope, faith, and love are all about.
I know you will be spending the next weeks and months trying to return to some type of routine and my thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you! I would love to hear from you!
Tell Sarah the girls and I love American Idol,so she already has fans in Las Vegas, NV & Victorville, Ca and we will be watching for her!!

Chris, Megan, Hannah, and Rebekah <chriswith3girls@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Sunday, April 1, 2007 9:32 PM CDT
I am truly sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sarah (Kuehner) Vitt
Elizabethtown, KY - Sunday, April 1, 2007 9:06 PM CDT
Lori, Pete, Aarika, and Blake:
Good to hear you are safely back in Niceville. Take some time to rest and refuel. May God continue to bless each of you with peace and comfort and strength.

Jan and Ed PEck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, April 1, 2007 6:39 PM CDT
Dear Lori, Pete, Aarika and Blake,
We are so glad you had a special service in Iowa. Bethany must have been grinning from ear to ear. God bless you! Thank you for coming to St.John again to share special memories of Bethany with everyone. We love you and think of you on a daily basis!
Signing off from FL,
The Carbaughs
P.S.: We will call soon!

Leslie Carbaugh <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield , Pa USA - Friday, March 30, 2007 7:14 PM CDT
Buzynski Bunch:
Our thoughts and prayers traveled with you from Iowa back to FL. We continue to hear from many people that just want to share with us that they continue to think of, and prayer for all of you as your journey continues. Lean on the strength of others around you as you go on to face each day.

Jan and Ed

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 30, 2007 1:52 PM CDT
As always......our thoughts & prayers. May Bethany be at peace.
Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, ia - Friday, March 30, 2007 12:13 AM CDT
Thinking of you all today as your Angel Bethany shines her smile down to earth through the bright sunshine lighting up my dorm room this afternoon. Keeping each of you in my prayers as the days pass


Megan Sanders <mmsander@marauder.millersville.edu>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Friday, March 30, 2007 11:58 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,
The few times we met while your family were in Las Vegas you all showed us what a loving and kind people you were. Bethany stood out as special young lady. I know she blessed you all with her life and she was blessed to be so loved.
Our Prayers are with you as they were all along thur these trials. Love in Christ,

Daniel and Angie Clutts <user300219@aol.com>
Las Vegas, Nv USA - Friday, March 30, 2007 8:03 AM CDT
Happy sweet 16 Bethany!

Aarika, Blake, Pete and Lori, I think of you all the time. These next few weeks are going to be difficult as you all get back into routines. But remember her smile everytime you get down. She was truly an angel sent by God. I am so sorry we could not attend one of the services. I really wanted to be there. But you are all in our thoughts and prayers everyday.

Sharalie, Mike, Adrianna, Colin, and Dominick Albanese

Sharalie and Mike albanese <angel92eyes@yahoo.com>
USAF Academy, Co USA - Thursday, March 29, 2007 12:23 AM CDT
As always our prayers and thoughts are with your family
and We will not forget you. Special hugs prayers for Bethany in heaven. HUGS Duffys

Dorothy/Jack <gramsd@iowatelecom.net>
Fairbank, IA usa - Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:57 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Bethany I know the Angels had a great 16th party for you. To the family we all love you and continue to pray that God continues to give you the strength to get through these days ahead of you. Our Prayer Warriors in Albuquerque will continue praying. All of our love DJ Hoffman, Penny Hoe and the entire Prayer Chain of ABQ.
Albuquerque, NM USA - Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:54 AM CDT
Well, I'm glad i got to spend youre birthday with youre family and friends! Bethany you'll always be in my heart! I always think about you! And to look at that slideshow and remember all the memories we had, was awesome! We had some good ones. To see youre family again, made me realize how much i missed you all! I'll see you one day and i know your happy now! I love you all! =]
kelsi hake <calverts2@earthlink.net>
las vegas , nv usa - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 11:03 PM CDT
Hi Buzynski Bunch,

Sounds like it was a beautiful service, just like the one here in Fairfield. Thank you for coming to Fairfield and allowing all of us here to celebrate her life. It was an absolutely beautiful service and an amazing tribute to Bethany. I know she was looking down and smiling on all of us!
Hopefully you all can get some much needed rest the next few days before you travel again. Your amazing love and support for each other is an inspiration to all.

As always, our thoughts and prayers are with you and we wish you safe travels back to Florida.

All our love,
The Crevier's

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 4:14 PM CDT
Dear Buzinski Family,
What an inspiration Bethany was to all of us! Without ever meeting her in person, we have learned so much about life from her!

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with all of you---thank you for sharing Bethany with all of us! You are an amazing family!

God Bless,
Robin(Ceaglske)Schmidtknecht & Phyllis Ceaglske

Robin Schmidtknecht <robin.schmidtknecht@buffalocounty.com>
Cochrane, WI USA - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:29 AM CDT
We Love all of you!!- What a beautiful job was done to celebrate Bethany's life - the pictures and love that was felt yesterday was uplifting just as Bethany always was- Sarah's H. voice was so beautiful and she did such a nice job- (that song) - "I will remember you" will always be Bethany's" -
I just wanted to let you all of you know that we love you and we are looking forward to seeing you again soon to celebrate Aarika's graduation....
Kisses and hugs to all of you! Tom,Melaine,Cortney and Brock

Melaine Buzynski <melbuzynski@aol.com>
Fairbank, IA - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 11:31 AM CDT
Pete, Lori and family,
I can't believe how great you all look. I loved seeing you both and both your families. I wish it was under different circumstances, but I believe your Bethany left her mark on a lot people. You both looked so strong even after all you've been through the past 2 1/2 years. I hope more people can be like you, but you are a special bunch. And Bethany was one of a kind. Take care and know you are all the best.
Love, Rick,Madi,Morgan

Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
Marshalltown, - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:42 AM CDT
happy sweet 6teen bethany :)
soo.. half the earth is jealous of jesus today,
because he gets to celebrate this wonderful day with you!
be careful on those roads up there when you're driving now (with your license)..
we all know how crazy you can get sometimes ;)
love you babe, keep smiling up there, and fly highh! :D

Kylin Duffy <skyhyky14@aol.com>
LaCrescent, - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:39 PM CDT
happy big 1-6 gorgeous angel of mine =]

my family and i always have you and your family in our thoughts and prayers!

and to the Buzynski family: thank you so much for everything and welcoming me in your home all of those times. you all are amazing times 10!

Lauren Graham <legs1017@yahoo.com>
Niceville, FL - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:34 PM CDT
happy sweet 16 bethany :)
olivia bizzarri <bizzarria2002@yahoo.com>
fairfield, pa usa - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 10:11 PM CDT
We know you loved the time you spent here so......

Hau`oli la hanau! (Happy Birthday in Hawaiian)

You are probably checking out the surfers on Waikiki from up there.

The Nylanders <MENTnylander@hotmail.com>
Hickam AFB, HI USA - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 9:36 PM CDT
Happy Brthday Sweet Angel!
Jessa Engen <engenjm@uwec.edu>
Eau Claire, WI - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 8:27 PM CDT
Happy Sweet 16 Bethany..i know this has to be the best birthday of them all because you get to spend it with Jesus! :)
Fairfield, Pa 17320 - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 7:22 PM CDT
Today was the most beautiful day...Bethany's birthday and she was shining down on Fairfield just as Chloe said she would. Thank you Buzynski's for having such a wonderful service here for the community. It was so special hearing all of the fun and sad stories. It made me feel closer to her. She will not be forgotten.

An Irish Blessing for you Buzynski Family:
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky you'll get by
If you smile through your fears and sorrows
Smile there may be tomorrow
You see the light come shining through
If you light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile what's the use in crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just SMILE

Please smile the way Bethany always did...may it bring you peace to know she will forever be smiling on you!

Much love,
Katie Brown

Katie Brown <luckysinger78@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 3:55 PM CDT
It broke my heart to not be able to attend one of the memorials. It was just too difficult with the three little ones. I know that you are having a blast with your new friends Bethany. Keep them smiling!!
Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake- I have been thinking of you all throughout this long journey over the past week. I remember that one night at your home we were playing cards and Howie was sleeping on the couch and Bethany decided she would paint his fingernails a bright shade of red. He always thought that was a pretty good prank for such a little girl.
Love you all!!!
Howie, Steph, Zack, Courtney, Josh & Jacob, and Jonathan

The Sands <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:52 AM CDT
Buzynski Family~
We wanted you to know that we are keeping you all in our thoughts during your Celebration of Bethany's Life. What a life it was!!! So short, yet so full of love and inspiration. As next door neighbors and friends to Shirley and Kim, and friends to Scott and Family and Tom and Family, we have been following Bethany's journey to a better place, and are truly inspired by her strength and courage. You have an amazing family. May your happy memories get you through this sorrowful time.

The Wolfe Family- Ben, Jeannie, Tyler & Camryn <wolfepack_four@yahoo.com>
Fairbank, IA - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:39 AM CDT
Buzynski Bunch
There is a little white cottage in Heaven and it is decorated with hot pink and lime green and a wonderful Mom/Grandmom is preparing a grand sweet l6 birthday party for "our" Bethany. Bethany got her wings on my Mom's birthday and now Mom can help her celebrate her l6th! Our thoughts and prayers will always be with you.


Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 10:28 AM CDT
Happy Sweet Sixteen Bethany!!!
Madeline <MaddieMJ263@Yahoo.com>
Crestview, FL USA - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 10:15 AM CDT
Bethany--Happy 16th!

Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake-- Our prayers are with you as you continue the journey. Love,

The Hoffman Tribe <missmary65@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 10:05 AM CDT
Happy Sweet 16 Bethany!
Kim Yates
Marshalltown, IA - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 9:46 AM CDT
It was so wonderful to give and get that hug from you Lori, the other night at Jan and Ed's.
The service was so beautiful! It was an honor to be there.
It just can't be said enough--you all are amazing!
You have been in my prayers almost every minute since, as you were traveling and today on Bethany's Sweet 16th Bday and the last Celebration service. Dan, Josh and I had wings the other night in honor of Bethany. I don't ever think I will eat a wing again without thinking of her :)
What a Celebration in Heaven today!! Conitnued love and prayers for your strength and courage
In His Love...Marcie

Marcie Lenick <dlenick@msn.com>
Westminster, Md - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 9:38 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Bethany!
I hope you are celebrating up there
because you sure are shining on Fairfield.
Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake- I hope the
service was as nice as ours.
God Bless All of you

Chloe DePaola
Fairfield, PA - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 9:13 AM CDT
You are forever in our heart
Stay Sweet forever
Much Love
Melissa Shadix and Karson Hinds

Melissa and Karson <hindsm3@aol.com>
Niceville, FL - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 9:10 AM CDT
HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY to our sweet Angel, Bethany! We hope you're having a great time celebrating with your new found friends in heaven...

Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake~
Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you travel this journey celebrating Bethany. Wish we could have made it to one of the services... but, please know that our hearts are with you always.
Take care and GOD BLESS!
Ann & Dan Nelson & Brandon Parrish

Ann Nelson <maria.nelson2@hill.af.mil>
Roy, UT USA - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 8:47 AM CDT
Happy 16th Birthday Bethany. You will continue to do your angel work in heaven and watch over your loving family. Pete, Lori, Aarika, and Blake have a save trip back from Iowa. My continued thoughts and prays are with you as you move forward in your life. Bethany is a true angel and watching over you guys as we speak.
Tammy <gonemonkeys@verison.net>
Taneytown, MD - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 8:43 AM CDT
Happy 16th Bethany! We know that you are having a wonderful birthday with all of your new friends in Heaven. You and your family are in our thoughts daily and even though we couldn't make it to one of the Memorials believe me, we have been discussing memory after memory and you are all never far from our minds at all. We were digging through pictures of the 5 of you and found some of Halloween, Aarika & Ry were Sonny & Cher, Blake was a cowboy, Tyler a Ninja and you were a beautiful dancer in your black and red dress, sassy as ever and looking just as beautiful as ever. We will forever remember the imprint that you left on all of us. Enjoy your birthday Bethany...we love you!
Chuck, Toni, Ryan & Tyler

Van Bergen's <Vanberg2@msu.edu>
Whitehall, MI USA - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 8:06 AM CDT
Happy 16th Birthday, sweet Bethany girl!!
Chris, Megan, Hannah, and Rebekah Schroeder <chriswith3girls@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 7:40 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski familiy, I heard about Bethany through one of my friends who is college friends with Bethany's cousin Alise. I just wanted to let you guys know that you are in my prayers. I am inspired by your girl's fight for life and her courage. Stay strong!
Cassie Henefield <c_jhenefield@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 27, 2007 0:14 AM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake,

Our thoughts and prayers continue to go with you as you make this journey together. We will truly miss Bethany and the many happy memories she brought into our lives. I have attached below a Native North American prayer that was recited when my dad passed and I hope it brings comfort to you as it did to me.

Yours in love and friendship,
Mike, Sheri, Brittany & Jacob Marsicek
Do not stand at my bier and weep,
I am not there. I do not sleep,
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn's rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush of
Quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my bier and cry;
I am not there, I did not die.

Michael Marsicek <mmarsicek@yahoo.com>
Falls Church, VA USA - Monday, March 26, 2007 7:55 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski family, My thoughts and prayers go out to each of you. Bethany was a beautiful girl with amazing courage. I am very blessed to have known her and your family. Your faith has been a powerful witness to many people, including me. I'll always remember her beautiful smile. May God continue to bless you all and bring you comfort and peace. (Walter Reed Peds Oncology Clinic)
Julene Pichel <wpichel@comcast.net>
Mitchellville, Md 20721 - Monday, March 26, 2007 2:34 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski family, Just felt led to share with you the events of the day of Bethany's death. I am the sister-in-law of Marcie Lenick and have been following your family's journey through Bethany's illness. Marcie shared that Bethany really needed extra prayers and I called my friend, Eric Darr who is a pastor of a home-based church. My heart was pounding and I just knew that we needed to pray immediately for Bethany. He prayed for angels to surround your family and give comfort to all. His prayer was so incredibly beautiful and we both were weeping.Such a strong sense of peace was washing over me as we said Amen. Less than 5 hours later we got word from Marcie about Bethany leaving on those angels wings that were surrouning your family that whole afternoon. I just wanted let you that you all will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. In His Love, The Zeitler Family
Jennifer Zeitler <Zeitler9@comcast.net>
La Plata, Md. - Monday, March 26, 2007 9:55 AM CDT
What a beautiful, beautiful "celebration of Bethany's life" last night. So many stories, so many BIG hearts, so many tears, so many laughs...My family and I want to express our "thanks" to Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake for allowing us to say "good-bye" to Bethany, who had become part of my family over the past years. Last night, right before we left the church, Brandon and I were sitting in front of the urn and Brandon asked me if it was okay for him to go up and wrap his arms around the urn so that Bethany could feel him hugging her. Through my tears, I told him that he could, but that Bethany will ALWAYS and FOREVER be in his heart. She may not be here on earth, but your memories of her will be with you always. Once he was up there, he didn't want to leave her. We stood there quite awhile. Just knowing that she is in a better place...happy, running, SMILING...makes her being gone, a little easier.

Pete, Lori, Aarike, Blake...over the past few years, you all have become a special part of our family. We miss you guys. There is something so pure and honest about you all--Bethany was so very lucky to have such a caring and wonderful family. WE were very lucky to know you and your family.

You and your entire family are in our thoughts and prayers. Lean on each other and "Bethany" will help get you through this.

We love you guys.

Diann <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, March 25, 2007 9:52 PM CDT
You will continue to be a ray of sunshine in our lives and in our hearts!

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, March 25, 2007 9:08 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski family: Our prayers are with you. As parents of a son and daughter full of life, Bethany's story hit me right in the heart. Your faith and example to us all tell your love for Bethany more than you can imagine. Rejoice in remembering her love for you.
Doug Benjamin <dabenj@aol.com>
Bellevue, WA USA - Sunday, March 25, 2007 7:45 PM CDT
Praying that your travels are safe and that all the wonderful stories about Bethany continue to sustain you in this emotionally exhausting time.
Patrick & Kim Yates and Madi & Morgan Bellile
Marshalltown, Ia - Sunday, March 25, 2007 7:08 PM CDT
And Today Was The Brightest Of Them All With Her Smile Overhead...
TJ Arrowood <tjarrowood@hotmail.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, March 25, 2007 4:42 PM CDT
Hi my sweet buzynski and kuker familes. i am signing to give all an email hug as i miss all of you so very much. snickers is fine but the house looks so lonely without all of you here! pete, lori, aarika and blake..may your trip be safe and know you are in all of our prayers and thoughts. love from florida, patti :)xoxo
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Sunday, March 25, 2007 12:29 AM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake,

Wish we could have been there tonight in Fairfield at the church for the Celebration of Bethany's Life. We will be with you in spirit and our hearts are with all of you.
I know this will be very difficult for all of you, but I know many many people will have wonderful stories to tell of Bethany. She touched countless people near and far in just a short time. Bethany will forever be imbedded deep in our hearts. Again, you an unbelievably courageous family who has shown us all about hope, true faith and love.

Karen, WIll, Katie and Courtney Hess <W2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, PA - Saturday, March 24, 2007 5:10 PM CDT
You will continue to be in our prayers.
Rita Hoenig <rjhoenig@verizon.net>
Coppell, TX - Saturday, March 24, 2007 4:20 PM CDT
i would love to be in Fairfield to celebrate bethany's life but i can't. I would like you to tell Everyone that Bethany has inspired me to do Locks for Love. I always said i would, but i never persued it. Bethany changed that. I have 2 more inches to grow until i get it cut. i am so sorry for your loss. She has touched my life in ways you probably can't imagine.
Courtney Hess

Courtney Hess <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, Pa - Saturday, March 24, 2007 4:02 PM CDT
Hi Buzynski Family,
I realize that this is the third time i have written in ur guestbook, but i just wanted to let u know that we will be dedicating our final performance for musical to your awesome family and your amazing daughter. We are truly sorry that we wont get to see you at her memorial tonight and if our directors wouldnt kill us we would skip the show. Bethany's favorite color, lime green, will be displayed everywhere we can put it. We truly will always love Bethany and hope that you know that our hearts go out to you so much that words wouldnt be able to describe it. You had such an amazing daughter, which i am sure you are aware of. Thank you for raising such an amazing person and for being so strong for all of us. WE LOVE ALL OF YOU.

The Miller Family - Tom, Pam, Liz, and Jake <Topaelja@Netscape.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, March 24, 2007 1:42 PM CDT
I like so many others have struggled as to what to write knowing there are no words to mend your broken hearts. At first I was thinking that Bethanys light has gone out on earth but is shining in heaven , but that isn't really true because her light shines thru every single person that her life has touched and they are COUNTLESS!!
Thanks you for being such an incredible example of a Godly family. Being real, full of GRACE,LOVE HOPE and JOY (I LOVE how you all continued to live life to the FULLEST despite all that you were going thru!) I will see you all tonight in Fairfield and can't wait to give you a hug Lori!! In His LOVE,,,Marcie :)

Marcie Lenick <dlenick@msn.com>
Westminster, Md USA - Saturday, March 24, 2007 10:26 AM CDT
My heart is with all of the buzynski family. I new Bethany when she was just born and she was just the cutest and brightest little girl with this curly hair. I am very positive that heaven has welcomed her with open arms.
Stay strong as she will and smile as she is and hopefuly every day will just be as bright as Bethany is.

Susie Zitzner-Wickstrom <bleached_blonde@msn.com>
Holmen, WI LaCrosse - Saturday, March 24, 2007 8:49 AM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you as go through this difficult time. May you know God's peace, strength & comfort as you grieve and rejoice in Bethany's passing onto heaven.
Carol Garman <cargar369@aol.com>
Gettysburg, pa USA - Saturday, March 24, 2007 6:58 AM CDT
I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says, "There, she is gone."

"Gone where?"

Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side, and she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port. Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says, "There, she is gone!" there are other eyes watching her coming, and there are other voices ready to take up the glad shout, "Here she comes!" And that is dying.

Those who live in the hearts of others never die. God bless beautiful Bethany and her incredible family. She is truly an angel in heaven.

Linda <boombay10@yahoo.com>
Fort Walton Beach, FL USA - Saturday, March 24, 2007 0:41 AM CDT
Pete, Lori and family:
My deepest sympathy to you all. What a beautiful family. You are a wonderful example of a what a loving family is. I am so captivated by Bethany's amazing spirit, warm smile, and true courage and determination. Even though I haven't seen you in years, you're in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad Bethany will no longer suffer. God Bless and may He help lighten your burden and ease your pain.

Annette Trimble <astrimble@cfu.net>
Cedar Falls, IA - Friday, March 23, 2007 8:45 PM CDT
Thinking of your family today and just wanted you to know my thoughts and prayers are with each of you today! God Bless all of you.
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Friday, March 23, 2007 7:48 PM CDT
Bethany has taught us a lot about courage and strength. Maybe that was why god placed her on this earth. She is my inspiration. She has taught me never to take anything for granted ands always be nice to everyone. Although I only met her a couple times she always had a smile on her face. She was too young. It is not fair that the good die young . She is our angel, and I know she is watching us everyday. It’s hard to lose someone, especially someone like Bethany. She has touched our lives in so many ways. I prayed every night for this special girl, but i guess this wasn't what god planned. Willa Cather once said Where there is great love, there are miracles. And love is something eternal. When someone dies, they still live on in you and me, and everyone who loved them- Jessica Anne Farley. Bethany was a friend who can be silent with us in a moment of dispar or confusion, who could stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing, and face with us the reality of our powerlessness that is the friend who really cares- Henri Nouwe. Sometimes,sticks and stones would be easier to bear. When I got home the night of her passing I was going to summit this entry:
Bethany, not a day goes by when your not in my thoughts and prayers. i continuously pray that god gives you peace and comfort. You are very strong, so keep fighting. You can beat this. You are a friend to everyone. A friend is someone who can be silent with us in a moment of dispar or confusion, who could stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing, and face with us the reality of our powerlessness that is the friend who really cares- Henri Nouwe. Now it's our turn to be a friend like that.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Courtney Hess <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, PA - Friday, March 23, 2007 4:43 PM CDT
To the Buzynski family:
When you lived in Fairfield we lived right up the road from you.I remember dropping by a plate of cookies when Bethany was first diagnosed.My daughter Christina attended school with Bethany,we still have a group photo on our refrigerator with Bethany along with nine other classmates from their 5th grade graduation ceremony,that will be something Christina will always cherish.Your family has been lifted up in prayer at our church as well as at home. We prayed for healing for Bethany, now we pray for healing for the ones she leaves behind. May God Bless The Buzynski Family.

The Gelwicks Family <tgelwicks@xecu.net>
Fairfield, Pa - Friday, March 23, 2007 2:27 PM CDT
hey this is desirae again you are doing very good about your loss this moment you are in the kayhoes prayers so don't you for get that
The kayhoe family <desik1994@yahoo.com>
fairfield, pa usa - Friday, March 23, 2007 2:22 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,
I had the honor and the blessing to have Bethany in my English II Honors class at NHS. There are two pictures of Bethany that are forever (and I do mean forever;I will never forget her) imprinted in my memory. The first was the day in August when my class was getting ready to leave our First Period class to go to the auditorium to get our school pictures taken. It was very early in the year (the second week of school, I think), and I did not really know any of my students very well. However, as I was walking around the room,I stopped by a desk next to door. Sitting in that desk was this beautiful girl, with the cutest short and curly brown hair, and the prettiest multi-colored Sorrelli necklace and earrings set. I remember tellling her how lovely she looked, and I will forever see her smiling up at me. My second never-to-be forgotten memory of Bethany occured a few months later. It was Bethany's first day back at school after her amputation. It was five minutes before the bell was going to ring, and the students were busy chatting about something. I quietly asked Bethany if she would like to leave a little early to get a head start on the traffic. Again she smiled her radiant smile at me, shaking her head and saying that she didn't need to leave early. When the bell rang, I watched the loveliest, bravest girl go through the door. She has gone through another door now, but the memory of her spirit is forever here with me in Room 606. She will forever be an inspiration to me... Susan Lipnicky / English II Honors teacher

Susan Lipnicky <lipnickys@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
Niceville, FL USA - Friday, March 23, 2007 12:00 AM CDT

Words can simply not express the impact that Bethany (and Lori, Pete, Aarika and Blake) has had on our family. Eventhough we only touched to edges of your journey, the Hope, Grace and Strength that we observed on a daily basis will leave a lasting life long impression. As your journey continues, we will steadfastly pray for you and your family.
Your friends,
The Sewell's

Mark, Lori and Aaron Sewell <the_sewells@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, March 23, 2007 7:35 AM CDT
Just an old Red Hat knowing your memories will never fade, thoughts and memories last as long as time endures. You have a beautiful family and I know there is peace in your hearts now, for Bethany is watching over you.

J. E. Sands II (Avionics 1979 / 1984) <sandsvegas@aol.com>
Henderson, NV USA - Friday, March 23, 2007 2:40 AM CDT
I remember the day Bethany visited the Ward in crutches, then showed us her new stride and walked around the nurses station with her smiling face and cute hairdo!! She always had so much stength, no matter what. I will never forget Bethanys beautiful smile. It was truly a blessing to know her and take care of her on Ward 51. I will always remember Bethany and her wonderful loving family.

Love, Rachel (LT Frondozo from Ward 51, WRAMC)

Rachel <rfrondozo@gmail.com>
Honolulu, HI USA - Friday, March 23, 2007 2:16 AM CDT
Buzynski Family,

Hi, I was in Bethany's spanish class at NHS and last friday the 16th I traveled to Jacksonville to visit some friends. While visiting the friends, I met a lady who I had never seen before and she asked me if I went to NHS and I said yes. She then proceeded to ask me if I knew Bethany and she told me about how she had read about her on a christian website. I said that I knew of her and her story but did not know her personally. We then began to talk about Bethany and her amazing and couragous battle and how much strength she had through all of this. While talking with this lady I began to think of what an impact she has made and how this lady that I had never seen before knew about your Bethany. Bethany has changed so many lives of many people, especially me! Basically, I just wanted to let you know that her story has traveled to Jacksonville, Florida and I'm sure many more places! She lives on in the hearts of many others and she is watching over all of you! God Bless! You are in my prayers! <3

Madeline Jones <MaddieMJ263@Yahoo.com>
Crestview, FL USA - Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:34 PM CDT
Pete, I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to you and your family. I've had close relatives fight this same battle and I believe it is the strength of family and friends that help us get through the hardest of times. You are in my prayers.
Kevin Brown (Milkdud) <orangewire@hotmail.com>
N. Las Vegas, NV - Thursday, March 22, 2007 9:31 PM CDT
Dear Pete, Lori Aarika and Blake-

As I write this I realize you are at the church in Niceville celebrating Bethany's life with her "Florida" friends and family. We know you are surrounded by love there and being watched over by your special angel. Our prayers are with you and we will see you Saturday night in Fairfield.


Brion, Mary and the FitzGerald gang (Brion, Kevin and Katie)

Brion FitzGerald, Mary Robinson, Brion, Kevin and Katie <fitzrob81@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, March 22, 2007 7:29 PM CDT
I am saddened by the news of your loss of Bethany. She was a very special girl and it was a privilege to be involved in her care. She did everything possible in battling her cancer, and she was a very lucky girl to have so much love and support from her family and friends...she definitely takes that with her.

I will keep you in my prayers and in my thoughts.

Gary Crouch
WRAMC, DC - Thursday, March 22, 2007 3:56 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you all!!!
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Thursday, March 22, 2007 3:45 PM CDT
Words can never express the utter sadness I have felt at the loss of your precious, and courageous Bethany. Know that my heartfelt sympathy goes out to each of you.

Thank you for sharing your family's journey with Bethany. Each of you has been an inspiration to many around the world and to me whom you have never met. What role models all of you and especially Bethany have been!

Your faith in God and the support of family and friends has shown what is truly important in life.

Embedded in my memory forever is your family picture and Bethany's beautiful smile inspite of all the adversites she faced.

Celebrating Bethany's life here and far way the next few days I know will be difficult but God and Bethany will be with all of you today and everyday.


Gisela Harper <gisela39@cox.net>
Crestview, Fl. USA - Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:57 AM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake

As soon as I arrived at work today one of the staff members, who also lost her teenage son instantly a few years ago to a heart attack, told me that while driving in to work she had heard the DJs on 105.5 FM talking about Bethany!! They have a segment known as "Today in America" and Bethany was the featured "guest"! She said they told of Bethany's story of overcoming hardship and strife with a positive outlook that never gave up. They also mentioned her extraordinary family that inspired to so many people. Bethany's and your family's impact on the community continues to spread far and wide. What a legacy she has left behind!! It is not the number of years lived, but how they are lived that counts. That is what we will focus on as we celebrate a life SO WELL LIVED tonight. Today there are no footprints in the sand--God is carrying you.

Allyson Graham
Niceville, Fl - Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:15 AM CDT
I received a card yesterday that read..."There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere, and leaving it behind them when they go." This was so true of Bethany. She touched so many hearts here on earth, and I have no doubt that she will continue touching each and every angel in heaven. She has a gift. I was blessed to be a part of her journey--for that I am truly thankful. Bethany has taught my family to never give up and always look on the bright side of things, even if it seems hopeless. Bethany's determination, strength, optimisum, and FAITH helped her over these past years. Bethany will always be a part of my family. We will never forget.

Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake,

You all contributed to Bethany's strength, (although, I still believe that some of her strength came from those "HOT WINGS":) ), determination, FAITH, COURAGE and GRACE. She was truly blessed to have such a caring, fun loving, strong family life. You should be so proud--she learned from the best!

May you find peace over the next couple weeks. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers always.

We love you.

Diann <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, March 22, 2007 9:11 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family:
We are so sorry for your loss. Please know that each one of you are in our thoughts and prayers. We first met Bethany at the Cheer for Charity. I must admit that was a day we will never forget and was one of the most touching events my family has ever particpated in/attended. Your family and the Fairfield Community was truly blessed to have been touched by such a wonderful young lady. Again, our deepest condolences to each of you. We will continue to keep your family and Bethany in our thoughts and prayers.

Brian, Tracy, and Stephanie Orndorff <torndorff2004@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA - Thursday, March 22, 2007 8:14 AM CDT
Buzynski Family
Our thoughts will be with each of you today as you have the first service to celebrate Bethany's life. I am sure you will hear the words STENGTH, COURAGE, and GRACE over and over, but they are some of the words that best describe Bethany and her journey. The others are HOPE, JOY, LAUGHTER, SPIRIT, ANGEL and the list can go on forever. May you find comfort in knowing that Bethany's life influenced and will continue to influence so many others now and forever. God Bless You...

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, March 22, 2007 3:19 AM CDT
Pete, sorry for your loss. My thoughts are truely with you and your family.
SpiKe <merkinfitter@hotmail.com>
Lithia Springs, GA - Thursday, March 22, 2007 0:24 AM CDT
Buzynski family!
Just wanted to let you know that you have been in our thoughts and prayers!
What a blessing it will be to be able to celebrate Bethany's life with all the people that knew and loved her.
I am sure there will be many tears shed but hang on to the promise of seeing her again someday when you are all reunited in heaven.
Although I will not be there physically, I will be there in spirit and will be thinking about you during each of the services.
Love, Chris

Chris, Megan, Hannah, and Rebekah Schroeder <chriswith3girls@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 11:23 PM CDT
Buzynski Family,
I heard about your journey with Bethany from a friend at our church in Eleva, Wisconsin. I am so sorry for your loss. It is devastating to loose a chlld..we lost our 17 year old daughter four years ago. She had cancer as an infant and had been cancer free for fifteen years, so we thought she was safe, but she was killed in a traffic accident. You have many friends for support and you will get through this, but not over this. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family during the days ahead. I have enclosed a poem our niece found when her mother died from lung cancer a year ago.
"The angels gathered near your bed, so very close to you. For they knew the pain and suffering that you were going through. We thought about so many things as we held tightly to your hand. Oh, how we wished that you were strong and happy again. But your eyes were looking homeward to that place beyond the sky, where Jesus held his outstretched arms, it was time to say "good-bye". We struggled with our selfish thoughts for we wanted you to stay, so we could walk and talk again like we did - just like yesterday. But Jesus knew the answer and we knew He loved you so, so we gave to you life's gift - the gift of letting go!"
Again, our prayers are with your family.

Wilma & Paul Nelson <wl_nelson@hotmail.com>
Eleva, WI - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:53 PM CDT
buzynski family all our prayers are for you.

love you all!!

kayla <bkmil6@hickorytech.net>
eagle lake, mn united states - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 9:35 PM CDT
Pete & Lori, Aarika,Blake, I'm so SORRY. I can't find any words to say except we have followed your struggle the last few years. We prayed and we prayed~~ We Will continue to pray for all of you every day. I wish there was some way we could take some of your pain away. We love you very much.
Ellie & John Buzynski <buzzyellie@mchsi.com>
Fairbank, Ia usa - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:44 PM CDT
Aarika, Blake, Lori, and Pete ;;

I want you all to know that I think about not only about Beth but all four of you as well each and everyday. All the times that I came and stayed with Bethany for days at a time, and all the places I went with you and your family, there was never a moment I didn't feel welcome. You're family has been a huge inspiration to this town and we all are thankful to have known you.

I'm proud to say I was a good friend in your household. I appreciate all the welcoming, kindess, and comfort I got from your family over the past few years.

You whole family is in my thoughts and prayers.

I love you all :D


Chelsea <crburkett2903@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, March 21, 2007 6:08 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski family,
Bethany is and always will be a specail girl. I remember when I lived in fairfield Bethany and my sister were very close friends. She will always remain a part of us forever. God Bless all of you.

Brittney Charney <Bcharney_89@yahoo.com>
Waynsboro, PA United States - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 4:59 PM CDT
I had the pleasure of getting to know Bethany as her teacher last year. She was such a positive influence on everyone. Watching her face every obstacle with courage and that beautiful smile is something I will never forget. Bethany will live on in the hearts and memories of all of her friends. It was incredible to see all of the green shirts at school on Monday morning - she was loved very much! I am so sorry for your loss, but I know that she will be watching out for her family and friends from above.
Judy Fox
Gettysburg, PA USA - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 4:18 PM CDT
My Prayers are with your family day & night. Your love has shown me strength that is much needed. God Bless all of you. Your are an amazing family!!!
Peace to Bethany !!!!

Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 3:34 PM CDT
I met you all by email from my friend Marcie with updates and prayers. Bethany grabbed my heart from her smile and courage. My prayers are with all of you. I will always remember Bethany. I pray for peace in your hearts. Only an angel could touch so many. With Love, God Bless
Caryn Mitchell <mitchellkevcar@comcast.net>
Taneytown, md usa - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 1:33 PM CDT
Hello Buzynski's!

As you begin your new journey, I feel that you all will have as much spirit as Bethany. She will constantly be "The Wind Beneath Your Wings." She will help inspire you to be your best. May you find comfort knowing that when the time is right, God will reunite you with your precious little girl. Enjoy the upcoming services for they are a true testament for how many lives Bethany has postively affected.

Take Care,
The Forney's

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hot,mail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 1:05 PM CDT
We are so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you find peace that she is in God's arms right now and no longer in pain. I lost my brother last year to cancer and I know the deep sorrow you are going through. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers.
Gregg, Donna, Cody, Jeremy and Kaitlyn Allen <3zacharm@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 12:08 AM CDT
i think of Bethany every time i see the sunshine,
and believe me, the sun has been shining
incredibly bright lately. =]
I take comfort in believing that the sun is
Bethany's way of letting us all know that she
is always with us and that everything will be ok.
BKB made such an amazing impact in my life,
and for that i am forever grateful.

I have no doubt that Bethany
is keepin' it real up there. =]

i am praying for your family everyday!
i love you guys, so much.

Jenna DePaola <bsktbll32cutie@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:39 AM CDT
We are Associate Members of St John Lutheran Church in Fairfield, PA .. we live in NYC but are seasonal residents at Granite Hill Campground in Gettysburg ... we joined St John several years ago and have met your family at several events at the Church. We were very sorry to hear of your loss from Missy. As St Paul said to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:6-8 - "..the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day - and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing." You can find comfort in the Word; Bethany is with the Lord now, after her brave fight. We pray for your whole family and the prayers of our home church in NYC will be with you as well.
Jean & Gerry Mendler <jmendler@schools.nyc.gov>
Queens Village, NY USA - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 9:08 AM CDT
This time last year we lost our son. We received several cards and notes of condolence and encouragement from your family and we didn't even know who you were or how you knew about us. It was very touching. Now I have put 2 and 2 together and realize that you are Bethany's family who I've heard about so much over the last couple of years and that you've been going through your own sorrow and sadness. My heart is with you during this time of loss. I know how hard it is to lose a child. I know the journey of sadness, that even knowing she's now at peace and with her Savior, can't take away. I pray that that knowing these things are a comfort to you, even if it doesn't remove the pain; the hope of being together again someday, and forever.
Polly Tomlinson
Randallstown, MD USA - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:47 AM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika, and Blake,

All of you are amazing! Bethany is still living on through each of you with your amazing strength and attitude. I'm sorry it's taken me a few days to finally write, as I was waiting for the right words, but I don't think there ever is the right words to say. We want to let you know how much we love you all and think of you every day. Bethany was a special girl, a gift to all that either came in contact with her or read about her journey. She made a difference to so many people in these past 2 years! Her faith, determination, and can-do attitude is something for all of us to live by. I wish I was there to give you all a big hug and let you know how much we care. As always, we're here for anything you all need. Our prayers are with you always.

All our love,
The Crevier Family

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:45 AM CDT
Thinking of you and praying for you to find peace in knowing that your Bethany's smile is in every ray of sunshine and in every twinkle of starlight. She has taught us all so much. Thanks to you Buzynski family, for raising such a wonderful person and helping her to guide others and show us what really matters in life. She will continue to live on in our hearts.

Wishing you safe travels.


Katie Brown <luckysinger78@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:32 AM CDT
Continuing to think of you all as the days pass - Our continued prayers of comfort and peace as your precious Angel watches over you. May God Bless You


-The Sanders' <mmsander@marauder.millersville.edu>
- Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:13 AM CDT
I go to St Paul Luthern Church and was told about Bethany. I recently am cancer free from Ovarian Cancer and had my last chemo. I felt a connection with your daughter even though I didn't know her. I prayed for her, wept for her, prayed for your family. I pray the Lord carries you when you feel you cant take another step, sits by your side so you can lean on him, and gives you all a quiet peace in your heart. Peace be with you all.
Kimberly O'Neal <tkoinok11@cox.net>
Crestview, FL USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 11:25 PM CDT
The Buzynski Family,
Just wanted to say how much I have admired Bethany's spirit and hope one day to meet her in heaven! I never met or knew your family but Bethany and you all have made an impact on my life by the way you lived and loved! May God keep blessing your family and fill everyone with the comfort of his Holy Spirit.
With deepest sympathy......Laura Kennedy, Assistant to Mark Sewell, FASD Business Office

Laura Kennedy <cheflaura21@comcast.net>
Waynesboro, PA USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:24 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski's:

We read this little poem and it certainly made us think of "our" Bethany and how she dealt with everything handed to her with GRACE.


Love and Prayers,
Jan and Ed

Jan and Ed <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:10 PM CDT
Your story has touched so many. The love that your family has for eachother shines so strongly in your family photos. If there is anything that you all need in Niceville know that you all have the entire towns continued prayers and love.
Ellen Agnew <segar09@cox.net>
Niceville, Fl USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:03 PM CDT
I was asked to pray for your family through Vonna-you have my prayers!! I to am a mom with a child in heaven-my little Mr Mason. I do know your pain. Thinking of all of you at this time..........
Amy Brown ( angel masons mom) <www.caringbridge.org/asia/masondbrown amyjeanbrown@yahoo.com>
GRINNELL, iowa - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:27 PM CDT
Buzynski Family,
You don't know me. My names is Jan. I heard the story of Bethany through a friend, Jennifer Befundo,last Saturday night. It touched my heart. I asked her for the webpage info and her story has touched me so. What a fine example of a beautiful Christian young lady! You must be so saddened by this loss, yet so very proud of her life. She was obviously raised in a wonderful Christian home. This story of your family has really moved me and God truely speaks through you in a beautiful way. My prayers will be with you in the coming days, months and even years....for this story will not leave me.

Jan <fusco3@cox.net>
Ft. Walton Beach, FL USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:13 PM CDT
My heart goes out to all of you. It has always amazing me how a person you have never meant can pull at the heart and the soul. What a Beautiful Legacy all of you have shown the world and your sweet daughter. Within these pages.May you continue to feel his arms around you in the coming days. God speed Vonna

vonna <vonnalmart@msn.com>
grinnell, ia usa - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 6:39 PM CDT
Buzynski Family,
even thought we were at Nellis at the same time and knew alot of the same people I never got the oppertunity to meet your wonderful family. My husband is also from Fort Walton Beach, FL. and we were stationed at Hurlburt before. I was sent your web page by a good friend Chris still there in Vegas and have been following Bethany's journey for a couple weeks. You all have been in our thoughts and prayers constantly and I have passed your site onto people all over the world. I was so sad to hear that Bathany had passed, I know she is no longer in any pain and can do everything that she had been not been able to do for some time. My mom passed of cancer and as horrible as that was I know she is no longer in pain and in a better place and watches over me and my family.It is always much more difficult for those of us left behind. Your family has touched so may lives and will forever be an insperation for me personally. Your strength,faith and love for the Lord is beautiful. Bethany was an amazing girl and not only touched peoples lives while here on earth but she will continue to be a source of strengh and courage for many forever.Thank you for sharing your journey as painful as it was with others. Bethany was such a blessing and will continue to be.
God Bless you all,
Jim, Cheryl, Lacey & Jillian Ross
Wright Patterson AFB Ohio

Cheryl Ross <laztann@woh.rr.com>
- Tuesday, March 20, 2007 6:34 PM CDT
In Loving Memory...
God looked around His garden and found an empty place. He then looked down upon the earth and saw your tired face. He knew that you were suffering. He knew that you were in pain. He knew that you would never get well on earth again. He saw the road getting rough and hills were hard to climb. So He closed your weary eyelids and whispered "peace is thine" He put His arms around you and He lifted you to rest. God's garden must be beautful, He only takes the best. If tears could build a stairway, and heartaches could make a lane, we'd walk a path to Heaven and bring you home to your family again.

Thomas Family
- Tuesday, March 20, 2007 5:18 PM CDT
hi bethany this is for you up in heaven i play volleyball and soccer too i like pink and green too and i love you i now no that you are safe to as well as me in earth and this is for you and your family too i love you and miss you too ...... :D i hope you like this!!!!!
Desirae Kayhoe (the kayhoe family) <desik1994@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:27 PM CDT
hey i am sorry for your lost of bethany i love her so much to i am one of brittany hummel friends but i what you to no you have a very nice girl we all love her and miss her!!! You had a very brave girl>you can e mail me and get to no me better i love your family and good luck with every thing !! allway's remember she is in a better place you all are in my prayers!
Desiare Kayhoe (The Kayhoe family ) <desik1994@yahoo.com>
fairfield, PA United states - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:07 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,
I have never had the pleasure of meeting any of you, but I read about your beautiful daughter through a Beliefnet.com prayer circle after reading the daily scripture. I couldn't help, but to view the site. You all have touched my heart here in Louisiana. My prayers are with you all, and I know from seeing her beautiful smile as well as yours in pictures that this is truly a celebration of life, and for her Life Eternal, though we hurt during this time. Even as I type this note, a song called "I Am A Friend of God" is now on the radio. God always finds a way to comfort us, and His Love is amazing. Again my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

La'Crystal Henry <lacrys44@aol.com>
Lafayette, LA United States - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 2:42 PM CDT
Hello. I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. I knew Lori a long time ago (she used to cut my hair at Imagemakers)...I remember her way back when the family was literally in its infancy. It is remarkable to me the strength, faith and devotion your family has shown through this very difficult time. I know in my heart, mind and soul that Bethany was a child of God, just as we all are, and He truly needed her to send a message to everyone how important it is to have a strong faith and relationship with Him. Please know you have been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be there for the days to come. Please let me know if I can help in any way. Sincerely, Wanda Clapp
Wanda Clapp <wclapp@jandf.gccoxmail.com>
Niceville, FL USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 2:42 PM CDT

JENNY & MITCH MATTHIAS <jennifer.matthias@cunamutual.com>
READLYN, IA - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 1:07 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family: What an inspiration your family, and especially Bethany, has been to everyone who has read her story and followed her through the good times and the bad. Her huge smile, even when she was down, made you realize that this young lady was truly sent by God to strengthen and nourish the many lives that she touched. Her up-beat attitude gave all who were following her story the hope and guidance that we all need to look at life for the positive things it brings - not the negative. I know she has touched our family greatly and at this time, we know that she is looking down at all of us wearing her Angel wings! God Bless You All for the strength you have shown us. You never gave up hope but when the time came - you sent Bethany off with grace to her new home where God has a special place and purpose for her.
Love, Bob, Mary Ann, Becky and TJ Remaley <mremaley@gettysburg.edu>
Fairfield, PA - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 12:02 AM CDT
Our prayers are with you...
The Dells www.caringbridge.org/visit/hayden <dell991@comcast.net>
Hanover, PA - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:12 AM CDT
Last week I received an e-mail regarding your family's journey over the last two years. I only had the chance to read the last few entries and then went and read the first couple entries as time did not permit me to read any more at that time. I just wanted to let you know I have a 15 year old and it is my prayers that my daughter will have the strength and spiritual determination in her life challenges that your daughter did. Your daughter and your family have been an inspiration to me. I know God has a special place in heaven for your daughter and has special plans for the rest of you left on this earth also. I pray that God's angels will lift you, your family, and friends during this time. God Bless All Of You
Jodi Curry <shaquin585@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:05 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski family,
Yesterday, I'm sure that Bethany looked down and saw all the lime green ribbons tied to the cars of all the students parked in the High School lot and trailing in the breeze as they left. I just wanted to let everyone know it was truly an inspirational signt, as you can imagine. If there was ever Fairfield pride, it is surely evident now as Bethany has put our little town on the globe. As the testimonials unfold, it is incredibly motivitating to witness how Bethany and your amazing family made such an impact on so many people following her legacy on this website. We all had so much to learn from such a strong young lady.
You are a very special family and I want to thank you as other people have mentioned for sharing her "journey" with us. We are, as you well know from all the outpouring of messages, thinking of all of you and have learned so much from your examples of what a family should be and how life should be lived.
Please know that many of us have a commitment to the High School musical Saturday night and therefore, cannot attend the "Celebration" at St. John's. Please know that our town will always celebrate her life and are proud that such a special family called Fairfield their home.
with love, Adie Wanrow

Adie Wanrow <rca4@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:00 AM CDT
Hi everyone...I'm sitting at school in the library and I know there are other things I'm supposed to be doing but I can't seem to think of anything other than all of you. I just want ya'll to know that your faith and strength has inspired my life more than any of you could ever know. I've talked about Bethany and the courage of your family to everyone I see. I'm in awe of each of you and how you can still be so gracious and steadfast in your relationship with God. Thank you for touching the lives of so many of us. I can't explain how blessed I am to know all of you and to be able to consider you my friends. Bethany is experiencing joy that is unfathomable to any of us here on Earth. She's running and playing sports again. She is basking in God's light. She's got that beautiful curly hair and she's with all of our loved ones that have already gone. I wish she was still here so we could all be with her and see her spirit shine like it always has but she is SO happy that I can't help but smile everytime I think of her up in Heaven watching over all of us. You are all in my thoughts and prayers continually. Stay strong and enjoy your celebrations of Bethany's life because that's all she would want! I love you all very much
Heather Hare <hahare@cox.net>
FWB, FL - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:38 AM CDT
Dear Pete, Lori, Aarika, and Blake-
Because of Bethany: many of us complain a lot less,
hug our children a little tighter, don't take each God given day for granted, Pray a little harder, and realize the love of family. She was truly a BLESSING from God and we thank you- from the bottom of our hearts- for sharing her life and story with us.
Julie (Kerns) and Scott Ceaglske and family

Julie Ceaglske <sceaglske@cfu.net>
Cedar Falls, Ia. USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:13 AM CDT
to the buzynski and kuker clans...even though i am across the street, there aren't enough hugs to be given to express the sadness in my heart for all of you. i know bethany is out of pain and happy with that famous smile! may these next few weeks be blessed with the many prayers from friends and family to help you have strength to get thru it. snickers will be in good hans while you are gone and we look forward to your return. love to all of you, patti and tanner
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 6:27 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,
I never met bethany,but my bestfriend paul lomaglio would always talk about the old days with her.they didn;t talk for 2 years till like last year. then when he finally got contact with bethany. he was so excited everytime to talk to her.this weekend when paul found out about her passing away, that was the first time i saw him really really sad.i wish u guys luck and im srry for what happened to you guys.



LB Battle <labradfordbatt@aol.com>
las vegas, nv usa - Monday, March 19, 2007 11:59 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,
My younger brother Dylan was a class mate of Bethany's. I never really realized how a person you didn't know could touch your heart, and help you to realize how sometimes in life we tend to take things for granted. One day after school, my family and I were eating at the dinner table and my brother brought Bethany's name up. He said " Lauren, all day today at school i was complaining about how my life was so awful. Then I went into class and met Bethany. She was so full of life and seemed so happy, even in her situation. And I thought, what am I complaining about? Here is a girl that has struggled and overcome so much and still thinks life is so gracious." I couldn't help but agree with him. As the last few months have gone by her name continued to come up in conversation. She helped me realize how life is so short and precious. Even now as I write this letter to all of you, I can't help but cry for her and all of you. I can't help but be jealous that she is in such a beutiful place right now. Bethany's life will give life to those in need. Her story will give hope to families in similar situations, and her vibrant smile will give my family and I, as well as others, the strength we might need for each passing day.
Love always and Forever,
Lauren Hoover

Lauren Hoover <Boyscoutshonr16@aol.com>
Niceville, Fl United States - Monday, March 19, 2007 10:55 PM CDT
I don't know any of you, but I felt deeply for you all. I lost my best friend of 18 years to cancer we were both 19 years old and I know exactly how you all are dealing. Bethany's story has obviously touched thousands of people, whether she knew them or not. God bless her!
Kim <meredith06alum@gmail.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 10:14 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,
I came across this website through another website and I was completely moved by Bethany's story. I found myself sitting here reading and my heart went out to your family. Bethany and your family will be in my prayers. God Bless.

Lauren Raposo <raposo@student.umass.edu>
Somerset, Ma Usa - Monday, March 19, 2007 9:33 PM CDT
hey there buznyskis!

today i had a flash back of a day when i was at yalls house making your famous x-mas cookies with Lori Aarika and Bethany. haha i remember how aarika bethany and I were trying to mix together colors but weren't getting the results that we wanted. laughing at the "sunset yellow" and i think there was a watermelon red or something and we couldn't stop laughing at these names on the boxes. After awhile i looked around and realize bethany wasn't upstairs help making all these cookies. Lori I believe told me she thought she went down stairs, i was like heck no...she's not going to sneak out now and then eat our final product. I found her downstairs sleeping. I laughed at the sight and then jumped on her making her laugh and sream at the same time becuace I woke her up. hahaha. she started yelling for her mom-i can still her hear laugh from up stairs telling her that she was on her own on this one.

that was a day in a million that i was over there. I believe i was over there helping you make those oh so awesome cookies two years. today that flash back came to me..out of no where..and a smile came to my face

i'm so blessed to have known your daughter and to have your family as apart of mine! i wish you guys the best, and my thoughts remine to your family. i love you guys as apart of my family.

amber galloway <ambergalloway@yahoo.com>
fairfield, pa usa - Monday, March 19, 2007 9:16 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski family,
My prayers our with you and I am sure that words cannot suffice. Even more though, the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth, is with you and it is with peace that we can rejoice and know that Bethany is in His amazing presence! Be blessed and continue to rest in the Lord and His strength...Psalm 46:10.

In Christ,
Kristy Aniskiewicz

Kristy Aniskiewicz <kaniskiewicz@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 8:06 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,
With time passing by each day I think of what a great blessing I had to know Bethany. Bethany helped me be closer to my faith and has been the greatest inspiration anyone could ever had. I will you all in my thoughts and prayers and I will thank god for letting me meet such a nice person such as bethany.
Chad Fogle

Chad Fogle <BRYANFOGLE@aol.com>
Fairfield, Pa U.S.A. - Monday, March 19, 2007 7:39 PM CDT
Hey Buzynski Family, It is sad to hear that Bethany is gone but we all know that she is in a better place and.......... she finally got her angel wings.
Love Madi Bellile

Madi Bellile <madpup12@hotmail.com>
Marshalltown, Ia USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 5:07 PM CDT
Hey Bethany,
I read all these entries and realize that nobody hardly writes to u. So here is what i have to say to u girl. u were truly loved by everyone in Fairfield. I know u can see us all right now and have to be saying why are u all crying. I will never forget the one time ur mom took u me and ellie to a soccer game because we didnt have a ride. Then on the way home we stopped at walmart. God what a blast. It is amazing, the short amount of time we had with u and how deeply we will love u forever. We couldnt have picked a better person to be friends with. We can only hope that we can be like u in every way. Amazing, stunning, gorgeous, and most of all outrageously courageous. You are such an inspiration to us all and we will never forget you. LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART FOREVER!!!!

Liz Miller <Topaelja@Netscape.net>
Fairfield , PA USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 4:13 PM CDT
Like so many others, I send my deepest condolences to Bethany's family and friends. We are all better people for having known such a fine young woman.

Hopefully there are both angel wings AND hot wings awaiting Bethany in heaven! :)

With much love,

Señorita Parks
Fairfield, PA - Monday, March 19, 2007 3:58 PM CDT
Buzynski family;;

My goodness Bethany was such an amazing girl. She has touched the lives and became a hero to so many, I know that I will never forget her and what she has taught me about life, strength, courage, love, but most of all about faith. I wanted to thank you and your family so much for opening up your home so I could spend time with Bethany. Your family is truely amazing and I will pray for you every day.


Tiffany Carr <pric3lessm3moryz@aim.com>
- Monday, March 19, 2007 3:20 PM CDT
Please accept our sincere condolences on the loss of your daughter. Bethany was beautiful, courageous, and a true inspiration to so many. May God give you peace and comfort.
The Graf Family
La Crescent, MN USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 2:33 PM CDT
It was an honor and a priviledge to know this wonderfulful young lady and her family in her final days. Her inner strength, her physical and spiritual beauty were apparent from the first. She has touched the lifes of all our staff even though they never met her. She will remain in my heart forever.
jean a. nolin, rn, chpn
niceville, fl - Monday, March 19, 2007 1:14 PM CDT
Dear Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake,
My mother was given this poem by her pastor when my sister died in 1965.
I have kept a copy of it in a special box all these years. It makes me think of you and Bethany.
Aarika, your entry to your sister was so beautiful. I know she read it immediatley! She loved you soooo much! She will ALWAYS be by your side. My sister has been a part of my life every day and has inspired me in so many ways. Forty two years later I still have her pink bear in my bedroom and her picture on my refrigerator.
I am keeping all of you close in my heart and prayers.

"I'll lend you for a little time a child of mine," He said. For you to love the while she lives And mourn for when she's dead.

It may be six or seven years Or twenty-two or three, But will you, till I call her back, Take care of her for Me?

She'll bring hers smiles to gladden you, And should her stay be brief ,You'll have her lovely memories as solace for your grief.

I cannot promise she will stay, Since all from earth return, But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.

I've looked this whole world over, In search for teachers true, And from the throngs that crowd Life's lanes, I have selected you.

Now will you give her all your love, Nor count the labor vain, Nor hate Me when I come to call to bring her home again?"

I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, Thy will be done, For all the joy Thy child shall bring, The risk of grief we'll run

We'll shelter her with tenderness, We'll love her while we may, And for the happiness we've known Forever grateful stay.

But should the angels call for her Much sooner than we've planned, We'll brave the bitter grief that comes And try to understand."

All my love,

Michelle O'Brien <pmo811@msn.com>
Olney, Md - Monday, March 19, 2007 12:54 AM CDT
I miss your smile Babygirl.
- Monday, March 19, 2007 12:41 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing your journey with so many poeple. Your faith throughout this trial has been an inspiration to me and I can never thank Bethany or your family enough for reminding me of what really matters: Faith, Hope , and Love. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.
Beke' Heald <bekeheald@yahoo.com>
- Monday, March 19, 2007 11:47 AM CDT
Bethany's faith is an inspiration to me and my family
Vicki Arentz
Littlestown, PA United States - Monday, March 19, 2007 11:46 AM CDT
What a blessing to have such a beautiful angel watch over each of you every day. I pray that each of you make it through each day with peace and hope. We love you all and will never forget all the blessings Bethany has brought to our lives. Take care of one another and know that one day you will see your sweet little girl again.

Thank you for sharing with us!
The Sand Family (Howie, Steph, Zack, Courtney, Josh & Jacob, Jonathan)

Stephanie Sand <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Monday, March 19, 2007 11:33 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,
My family would like to extend our sympathy to you as Bethany ends her time on earth to begin her eternal life in Heaven. We are friends of the Duffy's and we have been blessed to have known Bethany just through emails and pictures shared by you. The love and faith of your family is so amazing!! We are put on this earth to love and that is what Bethany and your family has given to so many.

Love is patient, love is kind, it does not boast. It is not proud, it is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves. Love never fails...but the greatest of these is Love. Corinthians 13:4-8, 13
Thank you for your gift of love, Bethany.
Wendy, Chris, Luke, Cole, & Jess Fechner

Wendy Fechner <wfechner@acegroup.cc>
LaCrescent, MN 55947 - Monday, March 19, 2007 11:09 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with your Family. God Bless all of you. Bethany is at peace and no pain God love her!!!!
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA =USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 10:49 AM CDT
Safely Home

I am home in Heaven, dear ones;
Oh, so happy and so bright!
There is perfect joy and beauty
In this everlasting light.

All the pain and suffering is over
Every restless tossing passed;
I am now at peace forever,
Safely home in Heaven at last.

Did you wonder I so calmly
Trod the valley of the shade?
Oh! but Jesus' love illumined
Every dark and fearful glade.

And he came Himself to meet me
In that way so hard to tread
And with Jesus' arm to lean on
Could I have one doubt or dread?

Then you must not grieve so sorely,
For I love you dearly still:
Try to look beyond earth's shadows,
Pray to trust our Father's will.

There is still work waiting for you,
So you must not idly stand;
Do it now, while life remaineth-
You shall rest in Jesus' land.

When that work is completed,
He will gently call you home;
Oh, the rapture of that meeting,
Oh, the joy to see you come!

- Unknown author

Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake~
I'm so sorry to hear about Bethany's passing... I'm sure if she could get a message to you it would be like the poem I have placed about this message. We know she is not suffering anymore. She's probably laughing and having a grand time, cancer free. I'm sure she's probably already made a bunch of new friends, too. We all will carry her close in our heart, until we meet again.
God Bless you All in your time of need...
Much love,
Ann and Dan Nelson and Brandon Parrish

Ann Nelson <maria.nelson2@hill.af.mil>
Roy, UT USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 10:16 AM CDT
Pete,Lori,Aarika,Blake and rest of the Buzynski and Kuker Family,
We are so sorry for your loss. We have been visiting the page regularly and Bethany and your family has touched us all. We are thinking of you and will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. God gave you an angel to love and laugh with and for some reason wanted her back.
Take care and God bless all,
Love the Nuss'
Dan and Stacy, Nicole, Jordan, Nolan, Damon, Naomi, Chantelle and Tatum

Dan Nuss <daniel.nuss@endries.com>
Sumner, Ia USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 10:09 AM CDT
I never knew Bethany but I have planted a piece of her forever in my heart.I have been on my own cancer fighting journey for about a year now but it is nothing compared to what beautiful Bethany endured. Her strength amazes me as I read through all your notes...thank you for sharing her with us all! YOu have spread her love and her smile to everyone that reads one word. May God hold you all in the palm of His hand and help you to find the peace that will come from knowing that Bethany will now race through Heaven and everyone there will love her and her spirit! God bless!
Julie Kime <Juliek2526@aol.com>
Waterloo, IA USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 9:55 AM CDT
Just for YOU pretty girl!..i miss you so so much..

I dreamed last night of Heaven
As I followed you there
I felt your presence, heard your heart,
I almost touched your hair.

I remember crying
Just because I missed you so
Though I was right behind you
I didn’t want you to go.

I begged for a reminder
To help me see your face
A thing to hold and touch
But it left an empty place.

I looked for you in everything
I asked for you by name
I know that you were with me there
I’ll never be the same.

I dreamed last night of Heaven
I ache for one more glimpse
Of the love I felt while near you
And the beautiful heart I miss.

Hey there sweetheart..im not sure if you will get around to reading this because you might be too busy eating those hot wings or drinking that icee..but I just wanted to let you know that i think about you constantly and i miss you more and more everytime you cross my mind! As selfish as it is to want you here w/ me so we can laugh and take dorky pictures, I know now that you are in a place where u dont have to hurt anymore and are able to do whatever you want! Bethany I know ive told you a time or two but im going to tell you again..you are not only my sister. YOU are my role model, my strength, my hero. I LOVE YOU GORGEOUS! Enjoy those angel wings baby girl--you deserve them..xoxo

Aarika <sumblondie56@cox.net>
- Monday, March 19, 2007 9:23 AM CDT
I really don't know what to say. She touched my life tremendously. She taught me more than I taught her. I will always remember her smile, her fun loving personality, and her charm. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and you. God Bless, Andrew, Adrienne, Hannah Stoner
Andrew, Adrienne, and Hannah Stoner <andrewstoner22@yahoo.com>
New Oxford, PA USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 8:53 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,
You don't know me, but I am Heather Hare's bible study leader. I just wanted you to know that you have a dozen 12th grade girls who have been praying for your family for about 6 months now, and will continue praying for ya'll. We are so sorry for your loss, and we are praying that you find comfort and peace during this time.

Sarah Sites <sites.sarah@gmail.com>
Fort Walton Beach, FL USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 8:43 AM CDT
Pete and Lori,

I am so sorry for your loss. Kim and I offer our sympathy and prayers to your family.

Mike and Kim Brandt <brandt.mike@principal.com>
Fairbank, IA USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 8:05 AM CDT
Although I have never met any of you - you have been on my prayer list for quite some time now. I heard your story through a friend and have been keeping up with the way things have been going through this website. Although I have never physically met you I feel like I know your family. Bethany had a lot of faith, strength and courage. I will get to meet Bethany in Heaven one day. There is no more pain in Heaven. Hang in there. My prayers will be with your family.
Jennifer Isherwood <jennifer_lynn_6578@yahoo.com>
Westminster , MD USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 8:03 AM CDT
For Bethany

Loaned to our world for such a short time
She scampered through our lives
Leaving indelible footprints in our hearts
And on our souls.

She is gone from us now,
But there is sunshine where she walked,
Music where she danced,
Joy where she smiled.

Tears and laughter bubble up
From the place she left in our hearts.

Gayle Sands <gsands53@hotmail.com>
Taneytown, MD USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 7:16 AM CDT
Please accept my sincere sympathy and prayers for your family in this time of loss. Bethany has been and always will be a great inspiration to a lot of people and she truely is an angel.
Patsy MIlls <millsp@fairfield.k12.pa.us>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, March 19, 2007 7:04 AM CDT
The Buzynski's
I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine what you are going through. Bethany was a special gift that a alot of people came to know and love. Take comfort in knowing she is no longer suffering and is now watching over you and the rest of us. Pete and Lori, you will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Be strong and smile for she did the same to people all over the world. Take care.
Love, Rick

Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
Marshalltown, Ia - Monday, March 19, 2007 4:02 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,

We have kept informed of Bethany's journey through this website. Your family's strength has been an inspiration to many people. Your faith in God will continue to provide the strength you need for each day. You are a special family with a very special angel watching over you forever. One day you will all unite again together.May God Bless you and give you peace and comfort in His love. The Costa Family;David, Helen, Ashley, Amy, David and Jenn

Helen Costa <Mcchck@aol.com>
Niceville, FL USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 11:28 PM CDT
bethany and family.
you are so amazingly strong people.
my prayers are with you.

whitney s. <whitney2sanders@hotmail.com>
fairfield, pa - Sunday, March 18, 2007 11:16 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski's

I count as a profound loss that I never met Bethany, but she has been part of my life ever since I first heard about her illness. Teaching Blake was a great reward, and I knew Bethany must be equally wonderful. As I've followed her voyage to heaven from her first discovery of the disease, I've seen her change more lives, more profoundly, than I've touched in years and years of teaching. Many of the other posts (wonderful loving letters) tell of how sure we all are that a new angel is looking out for us now. Yet, I have felt all along the the angel was down here among us.

Your faith, and hers; your cheerfulness, and hers, have gotten me through many crises small and large over the last couple of years. I can only imagine (although I've seen a small window from over in the elementary) how many others have drawn on that strength.

Many years ago I knew and lost a wonderful wheelchair bound child who taught me far more about joy and giving than any healthy child or adult ever will. Bethany was such a gift but to so many more.

May God continue to bless you all, with comfort and joy, since He must be so greatful that you have sent Him your beautiful angel.

Be with God all of you.

Pete Riley

Pete Riley <prfrog@earthlink.net>
New Oxford, PA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 10:23 PM CDT
Bethany's Family,
I'm sorry to hear about your loss...she will be greatly missed by everyone who knew her. I wanted to let you know that your family has shown me how strong people can be, and for that I want to say thank you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Rachel <rld5046@psu.edu>
Fairfield, PA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 9:47 PM CDT
Hey yall-

I just wanted to let you know that I love you all to death and that you guys are my heroes for ever and ever...I can see bethany now listening to that song snap your fingers and having a good old time


Brion <brionfitz@yahoo.cim>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 9:37 PM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika, and Blake,
We have never met, but my family is friends with Ted and Sue Duffy. We have been following Bethany's story for some time now. We have kept you in our thoughts and prayers and will continue to do so. Bethany was such an inspiration to so many people and will live on in the hearts of everyone who knew and loved her. She is smiling down on you all from heaven and you now have a wonderful guardian angel watching over you always. God bless you and your families.
Tim, Ann, Laura, and Erin Ferkingstad

Erin Ferkingstad <FeRkY156@aol.com>
La Crescent, MN USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 9:26 PM CDT
To Bethany's family, I pray that God holds you close to his heart and comforts you and gives you strength to meet each new day. Thank you for sharing Bethany with us, and I hope it's a comforting thought that the second that Bethany left this earth she was sitting with the Lord.
Sue Lodge <teddybear@butler-bremer.com>
Clarksville, IA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 9:23 PM CDT
To Bethany's family,
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I think Bethany's greatest legacy may be that she pointed so many people to God when many people are not comfortable doing that. I mourn your loss with you, even though I didn't know her personally. The Bible says that "to be absent in body is to be present with the Lord". How good it is to think of your precious girl in the presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. May He give you peace, comfort and strength for the days ahead.

Donna M. Weikert <dweikert56@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 9:10 PM CDT
The buzynski family:

I just want to say that it was truly a blessing to have known bethany! she was a bright, beautiful, good hearted young lady! she has taught me so many things in life; to never take things for granted, live everyday as if it were your last, always be true to yourself, and work your hardest, and NEVER GIVE UP! I miss her dearly, along with the whole town of fairfield! especially that warm smile that she would give everyone when she entered the room!Now she is watching over you, and protecting you! even though she isnt with us now, she will always be in our hearts and prayers. She was a very strong girl and she was sent here as and angel, and left as an angel!

Im praying for you family to get through this rough time.. but bethany would want you guys to still smile.. im sure it would be great to look down, and see her family smiling knowing she is in a happy, good place!
she will be remembered, and never forgotten.. she was a wonderful friend, and never gave up in anything!


Tiffany <jabechtel@earthlink.net>
fairfield, pa - Sunday, March 18, 2007 8:43 PM CDT
My prayers are with you Lori, Pete, Aarika, and Blake in this time of greif. Bethany was an amazing girl and she touch so may people in you live time and those memories will be never forgotten. So sorry for your loss. She is and always has been an angel. She will continue to look down and watch over you guys and protect you and your family.
Tammy <gonemonkeys@verison.net>
Taneytown, MD - Sunday, March 18, 2007 8:16 PM CDT
Just another entry to say we're thinking of all of you and keeping your family in our prayers. Stay strong and hold each other tight. God Bless.
Maddy Shanahan <shanahan11@aol.com>
Pope AFB, NC - Sunday, March 18, 2007 8:14 PM CDT
BethanyKristine. <3
-the most amazing person that i have ever had the privelege to know. no matter what happened she still had that beautiful smile on her face. she was the most gorgeous girl, and had the kindest heart. I know that i sure couldn't have endured what she went through, there is no way..i would have given up. we all know that if one person had to be chosen for the journey..why this perfect, amazing woman? all i know is she taught me so much and that i am not the only one that feels fortunate from her presence, courage and unfailing faith. everyone who knew bethany knew that she was put on this earth to teach us about the way we should be living our lives. she was truly a gift from god to the rest of us, there is no other explaination. we should all feel blessed to have known her, she was an angel before she recieved her wings.

Fairfield, - Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:12 PM CDT
There are many people who
come and go in our lives.
A few touch us in ways that
change us forever, making us
better for knowing them.
She made a difference
in my life, and for that
I am grateful.

Lindsay Wedemeier <wedemeierlindsay@yahoo.com>
WDM, IA, - Sunday, March 18, 2007 6:20 PM CDT
Returning home Friday evening, I did feel the night was much brighter than usual. Sadly, I learned that it was Bethany shining her beautiful Angelic light upon us all. God bless you Buzynski Famly.
The Loffler family <lofflerpatentlaw@earthlink.net>
Niceville, FL - Sunday, March 18, 2007 6:04 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you all know that The Rock - youth group, will be having a get together tonight (3/17/07) to remember and celebrate how much Bethany meant to many of the teens in Fairfield.

You all will continually be in our prayers.

Mark and Lori Sewell

Mark and Lori Sewell <fairfieldTherock@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 5:17 PM CDT
God bless you and keep you. I had never heard of Brittany until today but it's easy to see that she was a very special young lady. You guys will be in my prayers.
Linda <boombay10@yahoo.com>
Fort Walton Beach, FL USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 4:51 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,
My prayers are with you. Thank you for sharing your lives with this community. While I didn't get to know Bethany, I am amazed at how many people, some of whom you don't know, have had your family in their prayers. Blake, my prayers are with you and your family. Take care, and God bless.

Eddie Steadman <steadmanc@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
Niceville, FL USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 4:36 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time. There is now a new angel in Heaven that will be watching over you. Her journey was shared with all close to her, and for that, many will be able to accept Bethany's passing in a positive way. She is no longer fighting, and can now rest at peace. I have been amazed at your strength, and must say that you have given Bethany the upmost dignity during this process. Love to you all.

The Topper family-Kara, Dwight, Mike, Lauren, and Anna <karat3317320@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, Pa. USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 2:39 PM CDT
What a wonderful gift that Bethany has given to all who knew her. She touched and changed countless lives with her loving smile, her sense of humor, and her incredible zest for life. She lived in the moment, and lived life to the fullest. I am amazed that so many lives were touched by one person, and yet it all makes sense. She was truly a gift to all who knew her, and she gave each one of us our own unique personal gift that we will cherish forever. I will NEVER forget Bethany, her sweet smile, and her love of life. I am blessed beyond what I can express with words. Thank God for giving us the time we had with Bethany. She is a beautiful smiling angel now.
Kathy Turner <turner412@cox.net>
Niceville, FL U.S. - Sunday, March 18, 2007 2:14 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,

I know your days are filled unbelievable grief. I too felt that pain when I lost my dad and still miss him terribly. I was so grateful for the gift of being with him holding his hand when he passed. I have since held on to that and knew that was a blessing that has helped me get through the last 2 years. I know you all must be grateful for those last moment you were able to be together. What a gift you gave Bethany as well, letting her know it was ok to go be with God now and that you would all be ok. My dad felt such peace and was ready to go meet God, as I'm sure Bethany was as well. Just remember Bethany may be gone in body but her spirit is all around you!! Continue talking to her and sharing your special moments with her she will hear you!!!!

I just wanted you all to know you are still in my thoughts and prayers today and forever. Your strong faith will carry you through this!! God bless you!!!

Julie Hancock <lvjules2001@yahoo.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Sunday, March 18, 2007 1:44 PM CDT
"On the wings of a snow white dove, God sent his pure sweet love. As a sign from above, on the wings of a dove."
As I sit here in Fairfield with snow all around I am reminded of the PURE PERFECTION Bethany is surround by right now. It is an awesome thought!!

Bethany was used by GOD here on earth to show the rest of us strength, hope, courage and love. She was truly a child of GOD, as we all are. He just has bigger plans for some us. Until we meet again Bethany!

Dianna Zimmerman - Fairfield MS Secretary
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 12:02 AM CDT
You do not have a spirit. You have a body. You ARE a spirit.
- C.S. Lewis

What a beautiful and amazing spirit she is!! Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
The Erdman family from St. Paul Lutheran

Melissa Erdman <talondriver@earthlink.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 11:49 AM CDT
She is definitely the most beautiful angel in heaven. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Love Jenna
jenna evans <jse26@msn.com>
taneytown, md usa - Sunday, March 18, 2007 11:17 AM CDT
Then I heard a loud voice from the throne:

Look! God’s dwelling is with men,

and He will live with them.

They will be His people,

and God Himself will be with them and be their God.

4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

Death will exist no longer;

grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer,

because the previous things have passed away.

5 Then the One seated on the throne said, “Look! I am making everything new.” He also said, “Write, because these words are faithful and true.” 6 And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give to the thirsty from the spring of living water as a gift. 7 The victor will inherit these things, and I will be his God, and he will be My son. 8Rev 21:3-8 (HCSB)

My name is Rev. Terri Hart Hunter and I attend Calvary Chapel Emerald Coast. I just saw the prayer request for your family. My ministry is to grieving families and I officiate at funerals all the time to people who have no pastor. I always point them to the Lord and His Greater Presence, fact that there is Another Day and Another Time! I know that you are very much aware that Bethany is with Jesus now!!!! What a victory! When I preached my Dad's funeral this past September, I envied him! He is with my Lord!!!! I could let him go because I knew he loved and served his Lord!!!! Let the Lord bring joy to your weeping!!!!! He will you know!!!!

Dr. Terri Hart Hunter <terriharthunter@bellsouth.net>
Navarre, FL USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 9:13 AM CDT
To the Buzynski Family,
Pete, Lori, Aarika, Blake,
I feel like we are all family. You have been part of our prayer life for over 2 years. The final miracle that we all prayed for was not given, but God did give you many miracles in the last two years in many forms like good scans, helping hands and many many smiles from Bethany over the past two years, who always said I'm gonna be okay...............
We express our sympathy to all of you and will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers as you take a new journey with an ache in all of your hearts. Hold on the your homecoming day when all of you will be together again, never to be separated or have pain or cry sad tears.We had the honor of knowing an angel called Bethany, who now lives in Heaven free of cancer, free of pain, free of sadness. What a glorious homecoming we have to look forward to. God Bless each and everyone of you. He will hold you in the palm of His hand as He has promised all of us. Circle Friend and Hubby, Connie and Bill Long

Connie Long <long1320@ptd.net>
Coal Twp. , PA USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 5:42 AM CDT
Dearest Buzynski Family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you all, as they have been all along. May you find comfort in knowing that Bethany will live on in the hearts and minds of the many people she inspired during her lifetime. Her courage , determination and faith were not to be compared. What a remarkable young woman you raised! May your faith continue to hold you and keep you during this difficult time. As always we are all here for you in any capacity! Love and God Bless... The Hoovers "Huntington"
Holly Hoover <hhoover800@aol.com>
Niceville, FL USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 1:40 AM CDT
I, like many, shed a few tears today. I am so sorry. She is no longer in pain, but I know this does not lessen your sorrow. She was one in a million! Her sweet smile will live in our hearts forever.

With sympathy,
Mike, Sharalie, Dominick, Colin and Adrianna Albanese

Sharalie Albanese <angel92eyes@yahoo.com>
USAF Academy, Co USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 0:45 AM CDT
Praying that you feel His loving arms at this time. We are saddened by your loss, but grateful for Bethany's gain. She is able to do EVERTYTHING she wants, pain free!!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you all.

tonette <tonettepeterson@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:31 PM CDT
Yes, Bethany is definitely seeing a lot of tears but we all know that she is finally out of pain and is now watching over her incredible family. Our heart goes out to you all and our prayers are with you. God bless you all. Love, the Martin's from St. Paul Lutheran.
Sheryl Martin & Family <martinsheryl1@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:17 PM CDT
There are no words to truly explain what is in my heart. You are an incredible family and always have been. May God Bless you all and give you strength yet again for the next stage of this journey. Thoughts, prayers, blessings, and hugs across the distance.
Kristi Kuboushek <gkkub7@earthlink.net>
Ridgeway, IA USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 9:35 PM CDT
Lori, Pete, Aarika, Blake and Families,
The Good Lord has held your hands throughout this journey. With one hand, He has led Bethany home, and with the other, He still has a tight grasp on you. His Plan for you is still unfolding. Stay close to Him, through each other and through those around you waiting to lend a hand or to help shoulder your sorrow. We love you!

The Hoffman Tribe <missmary65@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Saturday, March 17, 2007 9:07 PM CDT
You don't know me, but I heard about Bethany through my e-mail prayer group (Shippensburg University). I have followed Bethany's progress from just before her leg surgery and think of her often. My heart truely goes out to you and your family for your loss, but at least it is reassuring that Bethany is now at peace. My husband and I just had ason on March 2nd and I cannot imagine losing a child. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. You seem like such a strong and faithful family- that will serve you well. God Bless.
Susie C.
Scotch Plains, NJ - Saturday, March 17, 2007 8:49 PM CDT
Hi Buzynski Family:
We just want to send our love from Fairfield and say that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily, as always. We know that Bethany is with our Lord and in such a better place with no pain......and we we will all see her again some day....we will miss her so very much and Chelsea will miss her more than words could ever say. Love to all,

Robyn and Chelsea Burkett <crburkett2903@yahoo.com, robyn.burkett@ctcplc.com>
Fairfield, PA usa - Saturday, March 17, 2007 8:09 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family:
Where do we even begin to express to you how much Bethany touched our lives and the lives of so many others in such a positive way. When we became acquainted as neighbors in Fairfield and then Bethany was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, we told you that you were "officially" part of our family forever and ever. Whether near or far you will always remain a part of our family. We also recall telling you that Bethany was going to be our "miracle." Although it was not a miracle of healing here on earth, she certainly performed many miracles by showing multitudes of people what it meant to BELIEVE, to have COURAGE and STRENGTH, to NEVER GIVE UP, and to accept with GRACE that which had been given her.

As we reflected back on Bethany's Sweet 16 birthday party, we couldn't help but think that we were given the privilege of spending that special day with her. And, the day she received her wings (March 16) was my (Jan's) Mother's birthday. Not only was my Mother opening the gate in the picket fence of her little white cottage in Heaven, but she invited Bethany to come help her celebrate her birthday! We are sure they had lots of things to talk about and share.

Our lives have been touched in such a positive, permanent way by Bethany Kristine and for that we are eternally grateful. God Be with You, Lori, Pete, Aarika and Blake.


Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:14 PM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika & Blake,
Our thoughts & prayers have been with you all day today and will be in the days, weeks, months and years to come. God gained the most beautiful angel inside and out.
God Bless you.
Pat & Kim Yates and Madi & Morgan Bellile

Kim Yates <yatesrhodes@partnercom.net>
Marshalltown, IA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 6:01 PM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika, Blake and Families,
We were so sad when we read about Bethany dying, but relieved that she is no longer suffering. We will always treasure the memories that we have of her, the spunky, smiley little girl with a twinkle in her eye!! You should be so proud of her--We know you are:)-- she has made such an impact on so many people in her life!
Thinking of you and Praying you find Peace,
Angie, Craig, Kris and Families

Angie Felton <feltonfamily@triwest.net>
Eleva, WI USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:59 PM CDT
I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face having heard the news about Bethany's passing. I know she was happy here on earth and will be happy in heaven with God. I KNOW Bethany was here on earth for a special purpose. She was such a young girl to have inspired so many people in just a short time. She inspired us all by her incredible faith, courage, sense of humor and zest for life. Bethany never gave up her fight. She was so courageous. Fighting this disease over the last few years never stopped Bethany. She carried on with strength, dignity and courage, always thinking positive. I know my sister, brother-in-law, and niece will cherish their time spent with Bethany and your whole family last week, forever. Words cannot really express what I am feeling in my heart. Our lives have been touched in a special way by your whole family.
God has welcomed his newest angel with open arms. I know God will give you strength to carry you through these coming days and weeks. Know that you are surrounded with love thru your family, friends and even strangers. I know Bethany is looking down on you and smiling. She knows she was loved and is loved and she is at peace. Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake; you have shown such strength, dignity and grace throughout these last few years in the way you carried on and in the way you also gave Bethany her strength and courage. We will carry Bethany in our hearts forever.

Karen, WIll, Katie and Courtney Hess <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, PA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:52 PM CDT
May God grant you peace.
The Doyles <doydle24@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 4:11 PM CDT
When you feel lost, pause and look closely around you. Somewhere, somehow, an angel will be waiting to help you home. When you feel a brush of breeze across your face or hand and know there is nothing there, smile as your daughter has told you hello. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
The Wright's <seldom1@cox.net>
Niceville, Fl USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 3:43 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you all know that The Rock - youth group, will be having a get together tonight (3/17/07) to remember and celebrate how much Bethany meant to many of the teens in Fairfield.

You all will continually be in our prayers.

Mark and Lori Sewell

Mark and Lori Sewell <fairfieldTherock@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 3:25 PM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika, and Blake,
We are so sorry for your loss. God chooses the special ones early, and Bethany was certainly special. You all now have a very special guardian angel to watch over you and help you through this difficult time--a time none of us ever hopes happens to us! Be glad for all of the wonderful things you have done with Bethany. You have so many wonderful memories, and even though you are all missing her, find comfort in knowing that she has gone on to the best place there is. Until you meet again, hold and treasure each other, and find strength in the many many family and friends you have. Take Care.

Barney, Gina, Hanna, and Hallee

Gina Wiersma <gwiersma@wapsievalleyschools.org>
Readlyn, IA USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 2:44 PM CDT
Buzynski Family, We are so truely sorry for the loss of your daughter!! What a beautiful girl she was on the pictures and to you & your families. We can't even imagine the pain you are going thru. God be with you & your family in the days to come. We know that your loss is also Nathan & Miriam & their kids loss,as you are family to them. Our prayers & thoughts will be with you all.Sincerly, Butch & Carol Nylander (Nathan's Dad & Step-Mom & our families.
Butch & Carol Nylander <bcnylander@verizon.net>
Fairbury , IL United States - Saturday, March 17, 2007 2:14 PM CDT
may god take your beautiful girl under his wings and keep her safe and may god be with you in your time of grief
jennifer <beautfulgreeneyes@yahoo.com>
mt airy, md 21771 - Saturday, March 17, 2007 1:57 PM CDT
I sit here with tears in my eyes trying to think of the right thing to say. I am sure there are many "ball babies" today feeling the same way. I just want to send our sympathy and let you know how sad we are for your family and friends over the loss of Bethany.Our lives have been touched by your family. More than you can probably imagine.
I know we will embrace each day as a gift. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.

Brenda Conaty and Family <rbconaty2@aol.com>
Fairfield, Pa. - Saturday, March 17, 2007 1:37 PM CDT
Good Bless you all at this time and always. Bethany is a daily inspiration of strenght above all. I thank you for sharing your story. It's just heart warming to see all the love. Peace.
Aline Worn <agl_usa@yahoo.com>
Niceville, FL 32578 - Saturday, March 17, 2007 1:34 PM CDT
Many years ago we were all on a camping trip and it was Bethany's birthday...9th I think...and Alec (who was 6 at the time) wanted to give her something special. He had such a big crush on her...she was so cute and perky, full of life, and those beautiful dimples...how could he resist? All he wanted that day was to give her a kiss. She let him give her a peck on the cheek...he was all smiles for hours! Little did he know that his first crush, and kiss, was on an angel in the works!

Thank you so much for sharing Bethany with us, and for being such a wonderful family. You all have touched so many lives during the journey of the past 2 years, and in all of the years before. You have lived with such dignity, grace, and inspiration...you have taught each and every one of us lessons that we will never forget. We are all better people for having known you.

We will carry Bethany in our hearts forever...

All our love,

Alicia, Scott, Alec & Andrea <turboscott231@cox.net>
Henderson, NV - Saturday, March 17, 2007 1:32 PM CDT
The Buzynski Family,
My family and I are truly sorry about the loss of Bethany. The world has truly lost an angel and she will now be in heaven with God and Jesus. I have never met such a nice person in my live. I am truly sorry. You all will be in my prayers.
Chad Fogle and the Fogle Family

Chad Fogle <BRYANFOGLE@aol.com>
Fairfield , PA U.S.A. - Saturday, March 17, 2007 1:31 PM CDT
Hi Buzynski family, I just want you guys to know that if you need anything my numbers 642 5603, So if you need anything just give me a call and I'll do what i can to help you all out...
My prayers are with you all

Thomas Herrick <wtherr01@louisville.edu>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 11:48 AM CDT
Pete. Lori, Erica, and Blake,

It is with a heavy heart that I type this message to you. The mood of the day is a little darker but the brightness in the sky has gotten brighter because of the newest angel's smile that is looking upon all of us but especially toward her family. Bethany ended her journey here on earth but her path in heaven is just beginning. Just as she did here she will be sure to gather all angels around her and make many new angel friends and beloved by many. She will be your own private guardian angel and give you the strength and comfort to get through these very trying next few days. It was my pleasure to have your daughter as a small part of my life and to have known such a wonderful young lady. May the Lord continue to wrap you in his arms and bring peace to you as a family now that the pain and suffering has ended. The next time a door blows open or closed just tell yourself it is Bethany letting you know she is still a part of your home and will be for ever. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers. The world is a better place because we had the opportunity to know your daughter and your family. May comfort and peace come to you in this time of sorrow.

Valerie Plewa <valeriep@superpa.net>
Gettysburg, PA US - Saturday, March 17, 2007 11:37 AM CDT
Pete, Lori,Aarika and Blake: You have our deepest sympathy, we are so sorry. As it has been said over and over Bethany was such a wonderful person and has touched so many lives. HB and I want you to know you have our thoughts prayers and love.
HB and Jan Calvert <calverts@iowatelecom.net>
Montrose, IA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 11:15 AM CDT
Dear Pete, Lori, and family,
My prayers are with all of you. While Bethany is in a better place, you must be missing her so much. Her guestbook is such a testament to who she is and what a great family you have. You must burst with pride when you think of all she gave to so many people. It overwhelms me when I read all that her friends and relatives have written about her many, many special qualities. She was definitely placed here on earth for a special purpose and to be her parents must have been such a joy. Hold tightly to one another and know that you are being held up in prayer over and over again.

Jennifer Erickson <jenerickson@mchsi.com>
Chanhassen, MN 55317 - Saturday, March 17, 2007 11:00 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,
I am saddened for the loss of Bethany. I know I was just one of the many nurses that cared for her, but she really shined and took a special place in my heart. I will always keep that beautiful Winnie the Pooh blanket that your family made for me. I will think of your family in the days to come, and will have fond memories of your daughter forever. Thank you for allowing me to care for your precious daughter and allowing me to meet one of the most beautiful people to grace my life.

Valerie Taylor <vguarrera@yahoo.com>
Laurel, MD USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:55 AM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika & Blake. Bethany has been such an inspiration to so many. She will live on in so many of our lives forever. She was an amazing young lady, a one of a kind, with more courage and strength than anyone that I've ever met. My heart goes out to you during this time of sorrow.
Ronda Hewitt <rhewitt@adamscounty.us>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:41 AM CDT
Pete and Lori
Sandy and I feel so sorry for you and your family. We know you have a sigh of relief that Bethany is resting in peace than suffering. Don't ever second guess any decisions you made dealing with Bee. No one could ever judge you until they walked a mile in your shoes. Love one another like you never did before.

Ron and Sandy McClain <rslrcmcclain@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA United States - Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:16 AM CDT
Hello Bethany!

This is the way I would start all of my post...and wouldn't want to start it any other way today. My heart is full of sadness and joy. Sadness for all of the loved ones that Bethany has left behind, but so full of joy to know that Bethany is no longer suffering and is now in her heavenly home. We will carry Bethany with us for the rest of our lives. Her spirit will live on through us who knew her and we will all live better because we were lucky enough to have known a girl with such a positive personality. Bethany is already in God's loving care and now I pray that Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake are kept in his loving care for the days, years, and decades to come. May you all find peace and comfort in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:09 AM CDT
Rest in peace Bethany!
We love you so much, it would be selfish of us to wish you were here again. You are in a much better place than we would ever know. I do know one thing, when you entered the room it lite up with joy and happiness. You turned so many lives everywhere you went. So ironic the date you entered heaven would be 3:16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,but have everlasting life. We love you so much, we can't say it enough. Rest in peace Bee.

The McClains <rslrcmcclain@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA United States - Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:04 AM CDT
Buzynski Family
We are sad to hear the news about our Bethany, I beleive she is in a better place now. She has been through alot the past 2 years and it is time for her to have some fun. I bet she has already made alot of friends with her bubbly personality everyone is going to want her for there very best friend. Kelsi is still having a hard time beleiving she is gone. I told her we will all be together again at some point and they can play softball again like they did when they were little. Bethany say hi to Brett and I hope you both have a great birthday together.
We love you and will be seeing you again.
Greg & Colleen Trevor, Kelsi, Megan

Greg & Colleen Trevor, Kelsi, Megan <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, nevada - Saturday, March 17, 2007 9:59 AM CDT
Buzynski Family,
In her short life Bethany has touched so many lives and has changed them forever. She has shown more strength and courage then any person we have ever met. Though we are glad that she is at peace and no longer suffering the saddness we feel is overwhelming. We continue to keep all of you in our prayers and we know that there is a new angel in heaven with a beautiful smile watching over you.

The Bollinger Family <bollingers4@peoplepc.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 9:59 AM CDT
God Bless you all. My heart goes out to you in your time of sorrow. I am glad you have the comfort of your faith.
Mary Stark <kratsmit@cox.net>
Nice, FL USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 9:54 AM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika, Blake and all of the family of Bethany
our sympathy goes out to you, it is very hard to loose a child. Keep your faith and God Bless each of you.

Erling & Carole Lohmann <eclohman@iowatelecom.net>
Strawberry Point, IA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 9:42 AM CDT
Hi guys
I just recieved the news about Bethany and cant believe that it is true. I am so sorry to hear about her and I am in a state of shock right now. I am so lucky to have known such an amazing girl. One question keeps running through my mind.... Why her? Then i think about and say why not her. she handled it with such grace and didnt ever seem negative about it. She was never worried about what would happen to her and she never really talked to us about it. I am so sorry that this has happened to your family and my heart goes out to you guys. We will never forget what an amazing girl Bethany was and how lucky we were to be friends with such an stunning, amazing young woman she was.
tons of love

Elizabeth Miller (Fairfield High School Student ) <Topaelja@netscape.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 9:36 AM CDT
Our hearts and prayers go out to your entire family. We know that the Lord welcomed Bethany in heaven with open arms and will give you the strength you need to bear such a terrible loss. She will always be remembered as one of bravest people we've ever met. May God bless you and keep you.
Tony, Brenda and Lora Curtis <bandtcurtis@earthlink.net>
- Saturday, March 17, 2007 9:28 AM CDT
Buzynski Family,
My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all of you as you are going on this next journey without Bethany. As she received her Angel Wings, she is now your Gaurdian Angel. What a joy in Heaven when she was greeted by all those who have gone before her. Your family has been so strong through all your trials and God will give you the strengh to carry on in the days ahead. Keep the faith and trust in God. You will all be in my prayers.

Lois Ganske <laganske@netins.net>
Readlyn, Ia USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 8:48 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski's,
God bless you in your time of sorrow. Bethany was an amazing young lady that touched so many lives. Your family will continue to be in my prayers.
Miss Novak

Kerry Novak-Drilak <kdrilak@juno.com>
Houston, PA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 8:45 AM CDT
To the Buzynskis
Your loss is a loss for all of us. Bethany was such a wonderful person, but she is in a better place. I pray that God was merciful and her sufferring was minimal. God bless your family.

Chuck Engel <1coolteacher@adelphia.net>
Walkersville, MD USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 8:31 AM CDT
We will continue to pray for your family now as you start on a new journey without Bethany. We are so very sorry for all that your family has had to endure. We do not know you or Bethany but feel we've come to know you all in the short time that we've been following Bethany's courageous battle. Thank you for sharing your story and your faith. We are all better people for having been witness to the incredible love and strength you possess. Our most sincere condolences to your family. We are happy that Bethany is at last now free to be whole again, free of pain again. We will keep you in our prayers.
Ryan, Kim Whitford and family <runningrealtor@acegroup.cc>
LaCrescent, MN USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 8:05 AM CDT
Buzynski family,
We are so sad to hear of Bethany leaving your arms, but she is at peace now, in God's hands. God bless your family, our heartfelt sorrow goes to you and your family. There is another beautiful angel in heaven now to watch over all of you. Love, The Ganske's

Jake, Amy, Abby and Zach Ganske <ganske@netins.net>
- Saturday, March 17, 2007 8:05 AM CDT
Dear Pete, Lori, Aarika, Blake and all of your family members,
We are all sharing your tears of sorrow and joy. Bethany is such a unique individual, it is impossible not to smile when thinking of her. If only all of us could be somewhat like Bethany, the world would be a better place. Her courage, sense of humor and strength are so inspirational. We love all of you and pray for you.
In peace,
Leslie, Bruce and Linden
P.S.: Linden says she already misses Bethany and plans to put the picture of the two of them in her room, instead of her photo album. That way she can look at her every day.

Leslie Carbaugh <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:54 AM CDT
We are so sorry to hear about Bethany's passing. Our loss is definitely heavens gain. One of the best things about being a christian is the promise that we will see her again. She is free from her pain and suffering. She has already made many new friends in heaven I'm sure. You have so much to be proud of. Bethany was such a ray of sunshine here on earth. The world was a brighter place with her in it. She will never be forgotten. Now the burden is on us to live our lives as completely and fully as she did. She touched so many people's hearts. She was so very special. We love you guys.
Danny, Tami and Heather

Tami <thhare@cox.net>
- Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:42 AM CDT
God bless you Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake...
May your tears be balanced with feelings of pride for Bethany's amazing life. Imagine, right now, the story of your baby girl is already on the lips of so many people spread throughout this Earth. She was robbed of years, but not of spirit...
Run, Bethany, Run!

The Lacaillade Family-Shane, Christy, Brenna, Nate & Connor <calaca417@comcast.net>
McGuire AFB, NJ - Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:42 AM CDT
We are so sorry to hear about Bethany's passing. Our loss is definitely heavens gain. One of the best things about being a christian is the promise that we will see her again. She is free from her pain and suffering. She has already made many new friends in heaven I'm sure. You have so much to be proud of. Bethany was such a ray of sunshine here on earth. The world was a brighter place with her in it. She will never be forgotten. Now the burden is on us to live our lives as completely and fully as she did. She touched so many people's hearts. She was so very special. We love you guys.
Danny, Tami and Heather

Tami <thhare@cox.net>
- Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:42 AM CDT
bethany has touched the lives of many, and has been such an inspiration to myself..i can not even put into words what im feeling right now, just know that my heart goes out to your family..i can assure you that bethany is the most gorgeous angel up there with the most beautiful wings, looking down on all of us. not one single day will go by that we won't have her in our minds and hearts.

god bless you all!

Kacie Tobery <kctobster07@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:30 AM CDT
To Pete, Lori and all your beautiful family,
We can not even begin to imagine the pain of losing a child. So we can only pray to God SOOOOOOOOO hard to help you and your entire family during this dificult time. May he watch over you during the healing. We know that your child is with him and will no longer suffer. She is now his most Shinning Angel. He holds her in his arms and will keep her there until one day we will all be with her again.
Please hold each other in your arms as he has her and continue to LOVE each other as you have always done. God bless you and keep you united, strong and full of nothing but love and beautiful memories of your sweet angel.

MIAMI, FL USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:23 AM CDT
I am glad to hear that Bethany is no longer suffering, but sad for those who knew and loved her. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you in this time of sorrow and loss. I am sure her spirit will be with you always to give all of you comfort when you need it most, and strength to get you through the roughest spots. God Bless you.
The Hess Family; John,Patty,Dan,Sarah,Sam and Hannah <jph678@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:13 AM CDT
Dear Buzynski Family,
You're in my thoughts and prayers. Continue to find peace and strength in God as you go thru difficult days without Bethany. You are an incredible family. Please keep up the journal to let us know how YOU are doing.

Toni Ilko (Liz Wyatt's grandmother) <twocrowsnest@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 6:26 AM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aairka & Blake.....My heart is breaking for you!! I know there is nothing I could say to make it ok. It just does not seem fair to lose someone so young, beautiful & full of life. But God has a better use for Bethany with him. The worst part of dying is those left behind....because I truely believe heaven is a much better place...no more suffering & pain. Please know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers as well as many others. Now is the time to really lean on family & friends & know they are there for you. My DEEPEST sympathies!!
Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, is - Saturday, March 17, 2007 6:17 AM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika, and Blake. There are no magic words that I can say that will take all the pain away. But I can say that God is good... all the time. 1 Peter 4:19 says that whosoever suffers according to will of God should submit the keeping of their souls to Him as unto a faithful Creator. God knows what He is doing and whatever is in His will will ultimately be done. Bethany has brought so much glory to Him and she finished well. I have seen so many lives transformed by hearing about Bethany's strength and great faith to her God. The ultimate and Holy God. Mine included. I want to thank you as a family at your faithfulness to Him as well. I hope this helps in any way that it can. I love you guys and I promise that I am praying for you... eyeryday. Love ya!!!
Chelsea Harris <pbaddeley@nc.rr.com>
Goldsboro, Nc - Saturday, March 17, 2007 3:52 AM CDT
God speed in your new home, Bethany.

Lori, Pete, Aarika, and Blake, I am so sorry about your loss. I can't even begin to imagine how you feel or how much you must miss her, but it is good to think of Bethany not in pain anymore. I know I could not have faced any of this with the same light and courage that Bethany did; even to those of us who knew her only through your website, she was very clearly a very special human being.

Everyone here is so inspired by your family's incredible faith and grace during these last difficult days. You are all truly an model for each of us in how we should live each day - treasuring all that could possibly be good in a moment and smiling through the bad. Earlier today, I cried through your afternoon posting but took it to heart and told those I care about how much I loved them.

I hope that your love and amazing faith and optimism will help you make it through the days ahead as a family; know that we will all still be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

Love, prayers, and sympathy from California,

Alyson Fletcher
CA US - Saturday, March 17, 2007 3:36 AM CDT
To Lori, Pete, Aairka & Blake: My heart goes out to you all at the news of Bethany's passing and I know there are no words that can truly comfort you at this time. The loss of a child is truly the most devastating pain a parent ever has to bear and when that child has gone through what Bethany endured, it is doubly traumatic. The same is true about losing a beloved sister. Yet even so, I am certain that you have witnessed one of the few miracles that we humans get to see and that is the "gift" that Bethany has given to so many that know her or come to know of her through friends and this guestbook by following her story these past 2 and ahalf years. Bethany has been such an inspiration to so many people - some she has never seen or known, like myself. Yet I feel I've come to know her or of her character from just the comments so many friends and family have shared in this journal. I have sensed her terrific strength that she has shown throughout her journey when faced with such terrible pain herself, yet she remembered to think of others and kept herself "up" for the sake of others. She shared her wonderful heart, which seemed as big as a mountain, with everyone she came in contact with according to what I have learned of her from friends and from reading this journal. She has brought others to Christ through the witness of her belief in God by living her life as a testimony of her faith and in the way she handled her illness with dignity and grace that only a true Child of God can do. When the end approached and the Angels of God gathered around her, you were all blessed to be in their presence as they lifted your beautiful daughter and sister from her earthly mantel and escorted your angel, your Bethany, now whole again, to her Heavenly home. I am so sure that as they lifted her to her new legs that she was smiling that big, beautiful smile that everyone loved as she gently kissed each of you one more time before she turned to take the first step of her new journey and that she wished you all well until you meet once more at Heaven's gate. That is one of the most marvelous blessings we have as Christians -- knowing that we never lose a loved one who is a child of God, as we will be together again one day with Him. I thank God for being allowed to share yours and Bethany's journey from afar and am in awe of your whole family and the inspiration you all have been to so many. God bless you all and may the good Lord give you peace in knowing that Bethany is walking in the streets of Heaven with all the saints that have gone on before her and that she will never grow old nor ever be sick again.
Elaine McManness <elainemcmanness@sbcglobal.net>
Tyler, TX USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 3:26 AM CDT
Dear Lori and Pete,
Nothing can express how trully sorry we are for your loss. Bethany was a true inspiration. Just the other night Nathan and I were talking about the first day we met her. I can see it in my mind as if it were just yesterday...her with her long wavy hair and that huge smile that she always had. It was at your house during a flight party. She took Elisabeth with her to her room and made her day. Elisabeth felt like such a big girl. She talked about everything her and Bethany did for days. Bethany had a way of brightening a room when she walked in. She was a beautiful combination of two beautiful people. I can understand why God would want her by his side. I believe that he has a very special place and plan for her. I can only imagine how dificult this is for you guys but know that you created such a special person who touched everyone she met in an unforgetable way. Stay strong. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We miss you.

Miriam, Nathan, Tyler, Elisabeth & Andru <MENTnylander@hotmail.com>
Hickam AFB, HI USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 2:09 AM CDT
I am thankful to have had the chance to know Bethany since she was just a little girl. Even though I knew in my heart that this was coming, i'm still shocked that's she's no longer here. As everyone else has said, Bethany is in a better place, cancer free and pain free! I am so happy for her, I know she is at peace now. My heart breaks for you Lori, Pete, Aairka & Blake. Please know that I will be praying for comfort and strength for all of you. Bethany's beautiful smile and positive attitude will forever live in my heart.
Patti Baddeley <pbaddeley@nc.rr.com>
Goldsboro, NC USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 0:23 AM CDT
My sincerest condolences go out all of you: Lori, Pete, Aarika and Blake. As much as I have dreaded this day, it is heartwarming to know that our Bethany is in a more tranquil place. She and all of you will always remain in my heart.

Alex Garza <agarza711@yahoo.com>
Bagram AFB, Afghanistan - Saturday, March 17, 2007 0:10 AM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika, and Blake
We just read the news about Bethany. We are so sorry for your lost, but she is in a much better place. She was a fighter and you guys were in our thoughts and prayers for a long time. You will continue to be also. It is hard to loose someone so young, but there is alot of people in Heaven who will be there to watch over her. You have our deepest sympathy. Stay strong and keep the faith.

Mitch, Dawn, Hailey, Michael and Maci Bergmann <slim1@netins.net>
Readlyn, IA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 11:53 PM CDT
I first read about Bethany about 2 1/2 hours ago.... and i am just now writing about her. That is how long it has taken it to really sink in that she's gone.... that she is not with us anymore. and that we won't be with her for quite some time, if our fate is any better than her's anyway. Thinking of this, of her, made me remember what an amazing person she was and how lucky i am to have known her. She was the nicest most caring person i will ever meet and she never had a bad thing to say about anyone. She wore a smile in the saddest and most frightening of times. She saw a light in a tunnel of darkness that convinced her to believe that she had the power to survive. And since she saw that light, she became the light and guided everyone else, her family, friends, and peirs. She gave everyone hope, when they thought there was none to be found. She was the most amazing person that has ever lived. Once i read about her passing all of these thoughts rushed into my head and swarmed my thoughts, and they continued to swarm and rush through my head until i came to a single question..... "Why Her?" Then i realized that all of those reasons -- being kind, being a light, fighting for hope, respecting others, always having the most positive outlook on everything live has to give -- all of them WERE the reason for her passing. Everyone knows the saying "Sometimes you just don't know what you have until it's gone"... well bethany let us know what we didn't have before it was gone. She did this by being the example. The biggest thing i have to regret is that i only started to notice every single one of her gifts after she was diagnosed. I think that is what happened to everyone... and in turn it made us all that much stronger, and that much better people. We owe so much to her. And i thank her for giving her life to show us what a truely good person should be like...
Eddie Leaman <leaman_16@yahoo.com>
Orrtanna, Pa USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 11:06 PM CDT
We will miss you bethany. We will see you in heaven
tom,nancy,amber,amie,mikeandmatt oltrogge <tommannddar@frontiernet.net>
mayer, mn - Friday, March 16, 2007 11:00 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time. The love and life your family has taught us all to celebrate each and every day is a gift I am able to take with me eventhough I don't know any of you. I pray for peace and healing with each coming day.
A Fan of Bethany and her FAMILY <abc@yahoo.com>
No. Kato, MN - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:49 PM CDT
To The Buzynski Family,

Bethany was always a bundle of joy every Thursday night when she came into Ventura's to get her wings. No matter how she felt, she could not miss a Wing Night. That big, bright, warm smile lit up the room and it was always a pleasure to see her. We will always have a place in our hearts for her. Your family has been such an inspiration to us. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to meet someone so special, as Bethany.

Rob and Michelle @ Ventura's Restaurant <fortgach@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:48 PM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake

I am so sorry to hear that Bethany is no longer on this earth with you but she will remain in your hearts forever. When I read your post earlier, I was struck by the incredible sense of peace you seemed to have. Even to pray for her to have a peaceful end demonstrated your amazing love and strength. I have thought so many times over these last few days while reading your journal and guestbook, "Could I possibly have the same strength?" I am not so sure I could. Your faith is absolutely amazing. Even though you know Bethany is no longer suffering, and is now running around heaven playing softball, with both of her legs, you will still hurt and miss her terribly! My family lost my sister almost 16 years ago, and we know that she went to a better place but we still miss her terribly! But we do know that we will see her again someday! Thank you so much for sharing Bethany's story with us and being so open and honest. You have touched many, many lives. Bethany is a beautiful girl, a princess, a daughter of the King, and as much as you love her, God loves her even more. Hard to imagine!
Bethany, you dear, sweet, beautiful girl! Thank you so much for touching my life. I cherish everyday a little bit more and hold my girls just a little tighter! I was truly inspired by your life and the way you lived it!! OH! Please tell my sister HI for me! Her name is Angela. I am sure she will be happy to show you around!! She is bubbly and energetic just like you and loves to talk!!
You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Chris, Megan, Hannah, and Rebekah

Chris Schroeder <chriswith3girls@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:46 PM CDT
Lori, Pete and Family,
Bethany was such a beautiful young woman who brought so much joy to everyone she met. It was such an honor to be one of her nurses and to have known the gift of her spirit. Bethany will always have a special place in my heart as will you Pete and Lori. I know that God hand picked the two of you to be her parents because of the faith, love and joy you could give her.
I know several very special angles that I know will welcome Bethany into heaven along with our Lord. Bethany will be watching over you all to give you the strength and love you need to heal.She touched so many lives that her spirit and will live on forever. And Love never dies.
My love and prayers go out to you and your entire family.
May peace and the grace of God always be with you.

Michelle O'Brien <pmo811@msn.com>
Olney, Md - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:40 PM CDT
Dear Pete and Lori,

We have been quietly watching, earnestly praying, and desperately hoping for miracles, comfort, and finally peace for Bethany and your family. We are so sorry for your family's loss. All three of your children are incredibly wonderful, special people. We hope you find some comfort as you gaze at the loving faces that remain around you, knowing that Bethany is always near- in your hearts, minds, and souls. Lori, Bethany lived within you before birth, and we're sure you'll always feel her with you now.
We never knew angels were so beautiful, so courageous, or so strong. Bethany shared her strength with everyone who looked in on her journey, and we hope it will help carry you through this sorrowful part of your journey.
We think of you daily. Our kids send warm thoughts and concern to Aarika and Blake. We hope they find much joy in the future.
I'm sure if you look down now, you'll only see one set of footprints in the sand.

With sympathy to your family and joy in Bethany's new beginning,
Courtney and Tim Hall

Courtney and Tim Hall <wxhat@yahoo.com>
Walkersville, MD 21793 - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:37 PM CDT
Bethany truly is a miracle. So sorry for your loss. I'm holding my children tighter tonight. God Bless You and your sweet Bethany.
shane grinder <joelshane232@earthlink.net>
fairfield, pa - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:32 PM CDT
Pete and Lori

I have no idea how you feel now, but you can be rest assured that Bethany is in heaven and "smiling from above". She is a fighter, and you guys are champs!

May the Lord always bless you with comfort and peace.

Roohr Family

Peter Roohr <peter.roohr@cox.net>
Herndon, VA - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:31 PM CDT
Hi, this is Hannah. You don't know me, but I have heard about Bethany and I came to say Bethany is in my prayers and she is with God now and the suffering has stop. Please know I am here.
Hannah Haulsee <DukeandViola4evr@aim.com>
Long Beach, MS U.S.A - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:26 PM CDT
My Dear Buzynsky Family,
I know so many of us send all our heartfelt love to you especially at this time. I know each of you misses Bethany an indescribable amount already!
Blake, I know you could always make me laugh!!! I hope you remember that love of family and laughter will help heal all that stuff inside that feels so sore now.
I don't know if it helps, but the following passage is something I turn to when I lose one I love. I hope it helps a tiny bit.

"I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the evening breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength! I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a spec of white just where the sea and the sky come to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says, 'There. She is gone.' But gone where?
Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast and hull as she was when she left my side. She is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port. Her diminished size is in me, not in her.
And just at the moment when someone at my side says, 'There. She is gone,' there are other eyes watching her coming and other voices ready to take up the glad shout ~ 'HERE SHE COMES!'"

I believe someone is so happy to see her right now! I'm sure you do, too!
With all my heart,
Laura Spalding (Blake's 4th Grade teacher)

Laura Spalding <teachgus@hotmail.com>
Fairfield, PA US - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:24 PM CDT
The first time I saw Bethany she was strutting onto the softball field. She had this rolling gait, almost a swagger. She seemed so absolutely sure of her abilities that she really caught my eye. She was as talented as she believed herself to be. On the field or in the dugout, she could do no wrong. But she was more than just a good ball player, Bethany always had an encouraging word to say or a smile for my older daughter, Ellie. And always showed patience and kindness to my younger daughter, her "bat girl" Carrie. When she was first stricken with this horrendous disease, she handled herself with that same self-confidence she showed on the ball field. If anyone could stand up to this fate, it would be Bethany. She fought so many battles since then. So many times a weaker spirit would have been broken. But not Bethany. She was a shining spirit of hope touching all of us with her strength and dignity. Bethany, you have been an inspiration and a joy. My heart is overwhelmed by your courage. May your family find peace in knowing that you are safely home, the battle won...
Carol Leaman <goodlife1983@yahoo.com>
Orrtanna, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:23 PM CDT
Bethany and Family,
You were truly an ispiration to my family. My family has kept you in their prayers, and we hoped for the best. I know this must be a hard time, but Bethany was truly an amazing person. She has taught me, to always keep faith and be a better person. I wish the best for your family.
Courtney and the Testas.

Courtney Testa <SportygirlCT@msn.com>
Niceville, FL United States - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:19 PM CDT
Hello, I am a friend of the Pattersons, who I know were very close to Bethany and her family. From what I have heard about Bethany, I know she must have been a special person. I want to offer my sympathy and prayers for strength during this difficult time. Just remember the Lord has made a special place for her in heaven. I will continue to pray for all of you.
Amy Haulsee

Amy Haulsee <ahaulsee@cableone.net>
Long Beach, MS USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:14 PM CDT
Hi, I didn`t know Bethany that well, but I just wanted to let you know, she is missed very very much by all of us. She was very brave and strong and I am really truly sorry.
God Bless.

Lexi Sampson <tinyfallingstar@hotmail.com>
Niceville, FL 32578 - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:13 PM CDT
~i am so sorry to hear about this i didnt know you but i definatly feel for all of you i am sorry!she was a very pretty girl and you were so lucky to have her! she is looking down on you right now.i am sorry

Leigh Anna <dtherndon@cox.net>
- Friday, March 16, 2007 10:08 PM CDT
How proud you must be of your angel. To have touched so many lives so positively at such a young age is miraculous in itself. So many people will always be inspired by her faith, her courage & her beautiful smile.
My heart breaks for your family. Bethany is now pain-free in God's hands and will always live in your hearts and watch over you. I wish your family peace and know that Fairfield is still praying for God's comfort for you all.

Julie Neibich (Morgan's mum)
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:08 PM CDT
Hi everyone. It's about 11pm right now in Fairfield, and I was watching the 4th Harry Potter movie when my brother told me the news about Bethany. At first, I was too numb with shock to reply. Now, I think I've found the words to describe what's going through my head. I didn't really know Bethany all that well. She was two years younger than me, and though we played on the same softball team for a few years, we didn't run in the same circle of friends, so I didn't talk to her or Aarika too much. I could see, however, that she was a truly wonderful girl, and that's not something I say very lightly. I could tell right away that she had a gift -- a gift for making friends, and for always finding the good in everything and everyone. As my brother said, "You could have been the nastiest person in the world, and she still would have been nice to you." And it's true. No matter how bad things got, Bethany always found hope, joy, and love in the world, and never said a resentful word towards anyone.
I've realized now that, although it may sound a little tacky to say it, Bethany is, in a way, like Harry Potter. She was the most caring and amiable person I've ever met, and in the middle of her prime, she was thrust into a horrible fate, one that she did not deserve. Yet, although more suffering lurked around every corner, she never lost faith, never stopped fighting. Even though she could see the future getting steadily worse, she never stopped believing that things would somehow turn out for the better.
And, in spite of everything that's happened, you know what?
They did.
Bethany, if you can hear me, even though you didn't really know me... I love you, and I'll miss you. Rest in peace, girl. <3

Ellie Leaman <rigbyxc2007@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:59 PM CDT
To Bethany's family,
May the Lord hold you in his arms during this difficult time, I recently heard of Bethany's journey... I am saddened because she was so young and beautiful and yet I feel blessed to have had her for a student and to read about her strength and your undying belief in the Lord. My prayers will be with you during this difficult time.
Sincerely, Vickie Lynch (former music teacher from Fairfield.)

Vickie S. Lynch <vocmusic@comcast.net>
Gettysburg, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:56 PM CDT
Pete, Lori, Aarika & Blake,
Thank you so much for sharing Bethany with all of us. We did so much together for so many years that we have so many wonderful memories which we are so grateful for and Bethany is a huge part of them. Her smile, determination (or as we called it stubborness at the time), and personality will all be missed but we will see it again someday and we know that in the meantime she is smiling down on us all and yes, we are all being "ball babies" but at the same time smiling through the tears at the wonderful memories she has left us with. She will be very missed but she will always be a guardian angel over all of our shoulders (she's going to be one busy angel with all of the people who she touched in her life). We love you all and wish we could give you all a hug. Stay strong "together" just as Bethany would want you to do. God has chosen a wonderful person as his newest angel.
Love to you all,
Chuck, Toni, Ryan & Tyler

TVanbergen@aol.com <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:50 PM CDT
may you all have a bit of peace in the next few days. please know that help is only a few steps away from your garage door!!! hugs to all of you. love to you all, patti xoxoxo
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:43 PM CDT
Buzynski Family, my heart aches for you. I am so sad to know how bad you hurt, but I rejoice in Bethany's healing!!!! Knowing your family has allowed us to be touched by the hand of God! Thank you for sharing with us your journey. We wish to continue on your journey. We know that although Bethany is not here in flesh, she will continue to touch and reach people for Jesus Christ.

Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake and the rest of the family, my heart is aching for each of you. I pray for your peace and God's Blessings. I pray that you have memories full of laughter, love and song. (I sure wish I heard yall sing together on Saturday night!!!)

Bethany - go rest high on that mountain! and we will rest in the love you have shared.

The Boisjolie Family <jimgirl@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:39 PM CDT
Our deepest sympathy and prayers of comfort for you this evening, may you hold each other close as your dear Bethany spreads her wings hand in hand with the Lord tonight. Bethany will live on in our hearts always and forever be our hero and beautiful inspiration to our girls. May you find strength in one another and in knowing your dear daughter is shining down upon you as an angel of God. Our continued love, thoughts and prayers always.

Sherrie, Jeff, Megan, Mackenzie, and Madison

-The Sanders <mmsander@marauder.millersville.edu>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:38 PM CDT
Peace be with you.
The Peek Family <kpeek7335@cox.net>
Niceville, FL US - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:36 PM CDT
Dear Lori, Pete, Aarika, & Blake,

Colleen just called me and told me that Bethany has passed on. My heart is broken for you and your extended family!! I know the pain of losing a loved one but to lose a child, sister is pain on a whole other level. I know you are at peace knowing she is no longer living with pain but that does not mean the pain of missing her is any less.

I always thought you were a wonderful family when I knew you out here in Vegas. Now I am humbled by the love and strength your family has shown. Reading your journal updates and the guest book, we all realize what an amazing young lady Bethany was. I wish I would have had the chance to know her. I know when a crisis strikes my family, I will remember this and hope that I can be half as strong as Bethany.

Sweet Bethany you touched me so deeply with your strength, courage and that beautiful smile. May you rest in peace and have eternal life with God!!! God obviously has bigger plans for you and saw what an Angel you were here on earth.

Lori and Pete, thank you for sharing your story, Bethany's journey with all of us. I know that couldn't have been easy. My heart goes out to you all!!!!!!!

Julie, Ronnie, Bailey, Trevor, & Delani <lvjules2001@yahoo.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:33 PM CDT
My heart goes out to all the Buzynski family. It was a pleasure to have Bethany as a student. She is a great inspiration to all who's lives she touched. Know that her suffering is over and she is at peace. My your faith and strong bond as a family hold you in this difficult time. I will continue to think of you always.
Rhonda Johnson <rlj62@comcast.net>
Littlestown, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:26 PM CDT
Your entire family has shown such incredible faith, strength, love and courage throughout Bethany's journey. Let your faith comfort you now, God's strength will carry you through. Bethany is without pain now and we are sure that smile of hers is lighting up the heavens! Please know our thoughts and prayers have been with you and will remain with you.
The Rosensteel Family <dorosensteel@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:24 PM CDT
Lori, Pete, Aarika and Blake, our hearts are with you tonight as you let Bethany go. We are so grateful to have had her in our lives and thank you all so much for letting us come to tell her we love her on Wednesday. From the very beginning she was a feisty little girl who brought laughter to everyone around her and she completed her earthly journey in the same way. Thank you all for sharing the past two and a half years with so many people. Bethany is one of a kind and she will live in our hearts forever. All of you are a testament to the strength God will give you if you lean on Him. You are amazing and we love you all. We will see you soon.
Don, Jenny, Kelsey and Kendall <jenib629@aol.com>
Ft. Walton Beach, FL - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:17 PM CDT
Bethany, now that you are home may you be at peace, send comfort to your family and know how many people loved and admired you. To the Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake, may you have comfort knowing Bethany is no longer suffering...your strength taught your daughter how to be strong, how could she lose with that, she is watching you now, making sure you make it through this...as we all know you will. Keep strong, we all feel this and are being the ball babies she probably does not want, however we get to do that much to show we care, love and miss her too. I feel honored to be a part of such a giving young ladies life and a family I will cherish and hope one day I have as much love, strength and faith as you have shared. Gods love touch each of you and carry you through this now and to all of her friends, celebrate that she is running, laughing and enjoying life once again. Rest in peace you beautiful young sweet woman...Bethany.

Love, Debbie & Christine Rice
Fairfield, PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:14 PM CDT
Your family is still in our prayers.
We Love You All

Ryan Phelps <rmphelps@cox.net>
Nicevilee, Fl - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:13 PM CDT
We were lucky enough to be touched by one of the greatest angels.
Jesse F <jfin09@yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 16, 2007 9:10 PM CDT
My prayers and love are with your family. Stay strong and hold on to one another!Bethany was sent here to teach us all a valuable lesson and to inspire people. Her job here is done...so God has called her home. She is in a much better place...in Heaven and in all of our Hearts! We miss her dearly and love her tons! I am so honored to have known Bethany and even more proud to call her Fairfield's very own GUARDIAN ANGEL <3<3
Liz Wyatt <rosieg616@gmail.com>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:09 PM CDT
We extend our deepest sympathies to you for the loss of your precious child. Bethany will live in all of our hearts forever.
Donny, Fay, Lindsey and Mallory Harrison <dofalima@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:03 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your family's journey with all of us. You have touched so many. Your beautiful little girl and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Chris Markwardt <tgmcrm@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:03 PM CDT
Hello, I am Britney Irwin's Aunt. I wanted to say how very sorry I am. I know she is in a great place now. And she will become an angel. Bethany will always be around, you just talk to her because I talk to my best friend who died when she was 27. So I know how it is. So I wish the family the best.
Dawn Vann <dawn88831@yahoo.com>
Milton, Fl - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:02 PM CDT
Bethany touched the lives of so many people, she is an inspiration, she will always be remembered,never forgotten and loved for all of her courage and bravery! i am honored to have known Bethany she has influenced me in many ways!she is heavens beautiful angel now
to the Buzynski family-stay strong!!
<3 Katelyn D.

Katelyn Dick <dickkb@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA United States - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:57 PM CDT
Buzynski Family,
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I did not know Bethany personally but have been watching her journey via computer and by word of via Patti Baddeley, my daughters daycare provider. Just know that she is now home with the Lord where we will all join her soon. Our family is holding you up to the Lord right now and wish you all the strength and prayers you need at this time. God Bless you and Bethany will always be lover by our family. Thank you for letting all of us share this journey with you and allowing us to pray with you and for you. OUr most heart felt sympathy, Paula, Damian and Olivia Hindley Goldsboro NC

Paula Hindley <paulahindley@yahoo.com>
Goldsboro, NC United States - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:53 PM CDT
Lori, Pete, Aarika,Blake, and all your devoted extended family. Bethany and her wonderful family is an inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing your sweet baby girl with us. She truly is our miracle.
peace and love to you all
"He says come unto me all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Phil, Cyndy, Jonathan, Carly, and Livy

cyndy <cynphil@valp.net>
Valparaiso, FL USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:49 PM CDT
Dear Bethany; You sure will be missed by millions. Your strength and courage is truly admired . You are one special little lady. We love you!!!!! Lori, Pete, Aarika, Blake; Our thoughts are with you. Just know Bethany will forever be in your hearts. God Bless you all!!!!!
The Chloe Knill Family <jlknill@msn.com>
Fairfield, Pa USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:45 PM CDT
Dear Pete, Lori, Aarika, and Blake

I am so sorry to learn that Bethany has completed her journey here on earth. Thank you for sharing Bethany's and your journey. I'm not saying anything you don't already know, but I have to say it anyway ... Bethany is an amazing young lady. Bethany and your family are living witness to God's love! You have brought such inspiration, faith and strength to so many. I have been sharing Bethany's journey with my church family. Bethany, your family and her friends have been an inspiration! She was God's grace on earth! You're right; now is her time to be well in heaven. Her strength on earth was tremendous; I hope the knowledge that she is watching over your family and friends brings you some peace.

Bonnie Cornelius (Lauren's Aunt) <jbcornelius@verizon.net>
Quakertown, PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:42 PM CDT
Bethany was a wonderful girl, one of the most cheerful inspiring people I ever met, and although I'm really upset right now, I'm glad she isn't suffering any longer. I wasn't one of her best friends, but I did have classes with her, and we were also in basketball together. She was always there to talk if you needed her. She was a great person overall, her personality, her smile, and the ability to make the best of things even when she was in a horrible situation. I deffinitely won't forget her and I know anyone who has ever met her won't either. She touched hundreds, maybe thousands of lives and She will be missed.
olivia bizzarri <bizzarria2002@yahoo.com>
fairfield, pa usa - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:40 PM CDT
hey there girl im gonna miss you alot along with everyone else and i feel real upset that i didnt get to say good bye but im glad that your not suffering anymore and im sure you are in a better place...
love ryan

Ryan Laumann <RLaumann@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, pa usa - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:39 PM CDT
We are all blessed to have had the chance to know Bethany, as well as her wonderful family! Rest In Peace. We Love you!
Teri May <terimay07@yahoo.com>
Fairfield , PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:37 PM CDT
My heart breaks for all you and indeed all of those who, like me, loved her so very much (even though I never knew her)! Yet, I am so very happy that Bethany is so much better off now and forever!! I know that no words could convey my thoughts right now. You Buzynskis are truly some of the very finest, strongest, most beloved people I have ever not known. Thank you for sharing your daughter, your family, your lives, and your faith with me and so many others. I love you all and I will continue to pray for you! [And even though I have never seen American Idol I will become a devoted fan if Aarika makes it! :) ]
Mary Bryant (Mrs. Wentworth's sister) <twin4toby@yahoo.com>
Petal, MS USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:37 PM CDT
I just read Miriam and Nathan's email regarding your family and I told them that I would keep you in our prayers. I am so sorry for your loss.
This has been a favorite quote in our family, I hope it helps and conforts you in some way. "Go to sleep in peace, GOD is awake".
Andi and Jim Dalton

Andi Dalton (Nathan and Miriam Nylander's Aunt) <Adalto@vbisd.org>
Gobles, Mi USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:37 PM CDT
Even though we didnt know you it was sad to get the email from the Nylander's talking about this. We will keep you in our minds and hearts. You are free. You can do everthing you ever wanted to do.
Kaylee Wallace <kayleedreamer@msn.com>
Honolulu, HI USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:34 PM CDT
Words cannot express what I feel for your family at this moment. I am happy that Bethany is with God and is in no more pain. I am sad knowing that I will not see her again until we meet in heaven.

I will never forget her wonderful smile, upbeat attitude, and beautiful spirit. She was the most loved person in Fairfield and will continue to be forever.

I know many will be saying this to your family but please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. We love you all and will continue to pray for you in your time of need.

Psalm 23:
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want
He makes me lie down in green pastures
He leads me beside still waters
He restores my soul
In the paths of righteousness He leads,
For His own name's sake

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
For you are with me
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me

You prepare me a table in the sight of my foes
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

May God hold you in the palm of his hand now. Bethany, I love you and I will forever look to the heavens and smile knowing that you are there. You have many more souls to touch now....and we will see you again in heaven.

All my love to our angel Bethany and to the whole Buzynski family and friends both near and far,
Katie Brown

Katie Brown <luckysinger78@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:31 PM CDT
Words can't even begin to express how my heart goes out to all of you at this time, May God hold you each very close to Him now and comfort you,Bethany is in Heaven lighting up the sky's with that beautiful smile of hers!!She was one of a kind and I know you guys are very proud of her and she new it!! what a blessing she was to all who she came in contact with, She will be dearly missed.
Kathy Branson <bobkatbrat@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:29 PM CDT
Sweet Bethany
Forever you will have a place in our hearts. You will be missed by many.
Sweet Bethany
Much, much love
Melissa and Karson

Melissa and Karson <hindsm3@aol.com>
Niceville, FL - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:27 PM CDT
Bethany youre still my best friend..forever and always.
I love you.

kelsi hake <calverts2@earthlink.net>
las vegas, nv usa - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:26 PM CDT
Goodbye Sweet Bethany Kristine, or I should say "See ya later" I miss you already, more than words can say. I thank God that you are now free of pain and can live your new life in Heaven doing all the things you loved to do but couldn't do here on earth.

We have all been blessed with the gift of knowing and loving you when you were here on earth. And now we will all be blessed for an eternity knowing you are our ANGEL watching over us.

Dearest Bethany and Dear Lord, please watch over all of your family and friends in their travels over the next few days and weeks to come.

Lori, Pete, Aarika, Blake and Family, I love you all so much. I wish I could be there with you.

Bethany, I love you so much Karlie.

Love, Penny, Mark, Khyle, Karlie and Kelsie <m.wosepka@mchsi.com>
Shell Rock, IA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:20 PM CDT
i am happy for her now that she is in a better place, but at the same time, missing her dearly! she will be missed
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:15 PM CDT
words can't express my feeling right now. I'm filled with sadness, yet happiness knowing that even though she has gone away from us, she's up above looking down at us running and laughing..and like you said probably calling us a bunch of ball babies. having your family as apart of my life as been an amazing gift and i thank you all for that and i will always consider you guys as apart of my own family (cuz we all know when you all were up here-i pretty muched lived there!!) ilove you guys.
amber galloway <ambergalloway@yahoo.com>
fairfield, pa - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:12 PM CDT
After all of the tears i've cried i have realized that i wasn't crying just because i missed and loved her, but because she was finally happy, finally better, and finally in a place where she could run free. She was a remarkable young girl who i admire so much. i'll miss her. Take care and god bless...im praying for you. ALL of fairfield is praying for you.

*Aarika B. I love you. Stay strong

Samantha Wolf <lilsofbtallqt2007@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:09 PM CDT
I feel so blessed and inspired to have known
Bethany, and take comfort in the fact that she
will always be with each and every one of us.

God Bless.

Jenna DePaola <bsktbll32cutie@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:04 PM CDT
Dear Buzynskis,

My heart hurts for you all right now, but she has received her ultimate healing! You are all so precious to share your journey with us...I have be blessed by your strenghth, your courage, and your faith more then words will ever communicate! You have made Jesus very real and reachable to people all over the world...Bethany was a stong an courageous young lady...after meeting you all I totally understand... you have done a wonderful job! I know that you miss her already and the days ahead won't be easy but we love you and will continue to pray and give you back just a portion of what you have given us by allowing us to be apart in the smallest of ways...May the Lord continue to hold and comfort you today and always! Love and Prayers....

Pat Hearne <Nicevillevol@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:03 PM CDT
I don't know you but, have been sent to your site from another. Bethany is now free of pain, can laugh, run, have fun and make up for the last few years she was dealing with cancer. Most of all she is cancer FREE!!! YOu are all in my thoughts and prayers during these diffcult times!! Fly free Bethany.. Just always remember that you will ALWAYS have an Angel watching you and with you always!!
Katie <flarebear79@yahoo.com>
La - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:00 PM CDT
Hey guys... I am sitting here smiling through my tears. Your whole family has been such a blessing to us.

Please remind Bethany how much Campbell loved having her as his babysitter!

Tell her that my Beth got so much strength for her own journey from Bethany...her grace, her attitude, her willingness to smile and keep going no matter what. Bethany has touched her.

Also, please tell Bethany to look up my mom, Helen, when she gets to Heaven. She will take good care of her.

We love you all so very much and words cannot say how much we appreciate you're sharing your family with us.

I don't know what else to say.... we're here for you.

Kip, Beth & Campbell Hamilton <kip.hamilton@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 7:58 PM CDT
Bethany and family,
I feel so close to all of you i read this everyday and i was worried when you hadn't posted in a few days I know that i am only 19 and may not totally understand but when i read todays entry and when alise talks to me my heart just hurts my chest feels like bricks are on it! I can't explain it and i don't know why but it does. I know at this point there is nothing I can do but if I could tell Bethany something I would tell her that she was like my guardian angel here on earth and I know she probably worries about her family when she leaves but I want her to know i'll look after alise and her family! and as for bethany and her family this song reminds me of you and I wish you the best please let me know if there is anything i can do!! And I know this much even if she can't say it bethany loves you all very much!!! ALL MY LOVE!

I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
and each road leads you where you want to go,
and if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
if it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile
But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

Amy Kadlec <Ammerzjoerz16@hotmail.com>
La Crescent, MN USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 7:49 PM CDT
Bethany and family...you don't know us, but my nephew, Nathan Nylander and his wife, Miriam, just forwarded your website to us. (Pete: you were his supervisor there in PA)So many prayers are going up, up, up for you and your whole family. We ask that God grants each one of you strength to get through the days ahead.
Bob and Debbie Weber <nc.webers@yahoo.com>
Pikeville, NC USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 7:40 PM CDT

In knowing you just a few short years, you have made an impression on so many that will last far beyond your years. Your life has been NOTHING short of a miracle. You have lived, loved, and cared for all, giving so much of yourself to others.

I can remember the first day that I met you at Confirmation class at St. John. Your smile lit up the room. Your friends thrived on your positive energy and attitude; as I believe they do today and will continue to forever.

In reading your friend's and family's postings, it is clear you are one VERY loved young lady. You have impacted the lives of SO many in uncountable ways. We've prayed daily for your healing and firmly believe that God has provided you with a special gift. It's the rest of us who may not quite fully understand.

We will continue to pray for your family as they continue to travel through the days ahead. The strength that your family continues to share with the rest of us is humbling in itself.

YOU are the guardian angel that we await to watch over us. Your life will NEVER be forgotten in the hearts of those of us back home and across the spanse of the globe. You've stretched out your hand to touch hearts far and wide! Thank you for sharing your gift of life with us.

Pete, Lori, Aarika, and Blake, we are thinking of you daily. Keep your strong faith, as this is part of God's gift allowing your lovely daughter to live on in your hearts and lives forever.

May the peace of the Lord be with you today and always.

Bethany and family, we love you and are with you in prayer.

Mike, Tresa, Ethan, and Brady Brown

The Brown Family <mooseantics@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 7:38 PM CDT
To the Buzynski's,

May God be with you all and give you strength and courage during this difficult time. I Know Bethany has a lot of people praying for her peace and comfort. You have all been through so much, take comfort in knowing your family and friends from all over the world are with you. God bless you Bethany!
Love, Rick, Madi, and Morgan Bellile

Rick Bellile <belliletwins@netzero.net>
Marshalltown, Ia - Friday, March 16, 2007 7:36 PM CDT
I just heard that Our Bethany received her wings. My heart is very grieved, but my soul is ever joyful, for now she is whole again, free of pain and suffering. I will always remember her as the beautiful girl who didn't give up, but kept fighting, to the end. May God cradle her in his love, eternally. I pray for comfort for you, her remaining family. I know, you know, you will all see her again, for she has only gone to rest high on the mountain.
Terri Berkheiser/ Friendship Prayer/Sunshine Circle <musical858@verizon.net>
Coal Township, Pa. - Friday, March 16, 2007 7:30 PM CDT
Love and more to you, your family, and your sweet angel.
Jessica Finafrock <jfin09@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Friday, March 16, 2007 7:29 PM CDT
We love you and have been inspired by your strength, smile and courage...you have taught us to never give up...especially in faith. I feel so special knowing you will be above with God in heaven watching over all of us, especially your mom, dad, sister and brother. Let go, and go in peace with hugs and kisses, until next time xoxoxox

Love, Debbie & Christine Rice <debbies_only@hotmail.com>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 7:24 PM CDT
We pray that Bethany's remaining time can be made as comfortable as God will allow. What a precious gift Bethany and the family has shared with all of us. Your smile will live on in our memories and your never ending faith will be a constant encouragement for us to follow. Thank you Buzynski Family for allowing us into your lives and thank you Bethany for being the very special you.
We love you !!

Greg and Tina Porch <screenporch@cox.net>
Niceville, Fl. United States - Friday, March 16, 2007 7:03 PM CDT
Sweet Bethany
Sweet baby girl. We love you. You are a miracle and an inspiration to everyone. You will forever be in our hearts.
LOL forever
Melissa and Karson

Melissa and Karson <hindsm3@aol.com>
Niceville, FL - Friday, March 16, 2007 6:58 PM CDT
I love you, Bethany Kristine Buzynski!!!
Aunt Kelli <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, MN usa - Friday, March 16, 2007 6:42 PM CDT
i lovelovelove you bethany kristine, always and forever :] <3 just remember that all these goodbyes are really just "see you laters", because we will see eachother again in a better place, for sure. your life has made an enormous impact on so many people, you've inspired us through this all.. and this great inspiration will live on for many years, all because you :] missing you insanely and loving you more than anything bethany kristine, as are a ton of others, never ever forget that!

much love bkb, ill see you later babe<3
-kylin elizabeth

Kylin Duffy <skyhyky14@aol.com>
La Crescent, MN - Friday, March 16, 2007 6:24 PM CDT

You are the most amazing and strongest person I have met and ever will meet in my life. You have inspired me and so many others so much and I will never forget you. You are the sweetest girl and you never deserved this. I'm praying for you, your family, and your friends. Just remember one thing- you will never be forgotten, you have so many people that love you and care about you, it's amazing.

You truly are an amazing girl. Stay strong.

Hope, Faith, and Love,
Morgan Rynkiewicz

Morgan Rynkiewicz <mrynkiewicz@hotmail.com>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 6:14 PM CDT
Buynski family keep up your strength because I know Bethany would want you guys to. Bethany will be greatly missed. All of our lives will have a little hole where she was but we will have all of the wonderful memories that she gave us. You all will always be in my prayer and thoughts.
Tammy <gonemonkeys@verison.net>
Taneytown, MD - Friday, March 16, 2007 6:12 PM CDT
Bethany and Family,
We believe your life has truly honored God. When you meet him he is surely going to greet you as his good and faithful daughter!! I saw a church sign the other day that said,"Goodbyes are for Earth, but Reunions are for Heaven." Say hello to Aaron's sister, and all those who have gone before us. We will all be together again! We love you, Bethany!! Mark, Lori, Adam, and Aaron

Pete and Lori,
Our nephew recently reminded us that God knows what it is like to lose a child. May His peace be with you.

Mark and Lori Sewell <the_sewells@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 6:10 PM CDT
Your journey over these last few years has been nothing short of amazing and also inspiring. You are such an amazing person and I am so thankful to have met you and followed along in your journey. Your unwavering faith and constant strength and of course your breathtaking smile is something that will always remain deep in my heart. All of my thoughts and prayers are with you.
In faith,
Libby Wise

Libby Wise <edwise@bloomu.edu>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 6:06 PM CDT
Just know that you have all been in our thoughts everyday and we pray for you. It is awesome to have a family like yours - so close - to help give comfort to each other. You have all been so strong - Bethany you will never be forgotten - be free knowing you will be with God and at the same time, always with us. We will never forget you. Love to all of you and know that we are praying for you each and every day. Till we meet again.
Wayne, Kim AJ, Eric & Autum Brocka <kimberbro@netins.net>
Readlyn, IA US - Friday, March 16, 2007 5:51 PM CDT
Bethany, you are the strongest person I will ever know. Thank you so much for your testimony. You have brought so much glory to God and I have seen personally the transformation of people's lives because of your strength. I love you and your family and I know I will see you again in Heaven. The Bible says that Heaven is the most beautiful place that He has ever made. There will be streets of gold, gates of pearl, and the only light will be God's glory. That is the only light that we will ever need. Philipians 1:20-21.

I love you Bethany!!! You are my hero!!! I only wish I could have the same strength and faith that you have. Love you forever!

Chelsea Harris <pbaddeley@nc.rr.com>
Goldsboro, Nc - Friday, March 16, 2007 5:48 PM CDT
Bethany....I will forever hold the memories of you and Alyssa playing in the pool during the weekend before we left Las Vegas. You are such an inspiration to all of us!
Be strong baby girl....He is waiting to hold you tight!

Lori Barton <bartongang@alltel.net>
AR - Friday, March 16, 2007 5:48 PM CDT
Bethany Boo.. Love you forever!
Whitney Wedemeier <wwedemeier@hotmail.com>
Readlyn, IA usa - Friday, March 16, 2007 5:42 PM CDT
To the Busynzki Clan, Nothing more can be said. You are all so special to everyone. Bethany is so beautiful. If she is able to hear you yet would you please ask her to give my Grandaughter Brynna Peters hugs and kisses from me. You can find her playing with kittens and puppies I am sure.I think she has seen pictures of her . Thank you so much. Enjoy your pain free home BETHANY. Love to you all. Keep that strong faith you have. Tell . Love to you all.

Joyce Peters <jepeters2000@yahoo.com>
Mesa, Az. USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 5:36 PM CDT
Bethany Buzynski,
You have given everyone nothing but hope. You are truly the strongest person I have had the honor of knowing. You have touched the lives of so many people just through you're smile. Remember that wherever you go you'll always be remembered and you'll always be loved. You truly are an angel.

Hope and Prayers,
Amanda Wise

Amanda Wise <wises@superpa.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 5:26 PM CDT
Dear Bethany and Buzynski Famil,

I have been reading the updates and praying regularly for you all. I can only imagine what you are feeling. Having lost loved ones, officiated at funerals, and counseled many others through difficult times still doesn't stop my heart from hurting when I know of and watch a painful experience. I am so thankful that I got to see your wonderful smile, Bethany, and to sence your peace with God.

Your life has touched so many others. It is a happy read when I see that others have come to Christ because of your faith. At the time when you join the many others in Heaven there will be both sorrow and rejoicing here on earth. Those close to you will sorrow the most but rejoice the most too. The rest of us will sorrow and rejoice in the promises of Jesus that you are with Him.

May you continue to rest in His EVERLASTING arms and welcome the rest of us as we come. It will be wonderful to get to know you better and share the joy of the Lord.

God Bless you all,

Rev. Terry Hoke
Iron Springs Brethren In Christ Church

Rev. Terry Hoke
Fairfield, PA Adams - Friday, March 16, 2007 5:24 PM CDT
Hi Bethany,

We want you to know what a special person you are. You have touched the lives of so many in such a great way. I want you to know how much you are loved! When I first met you, the thing that stood out the most was that big beautiful smile of yours. You are a beautiful person inside and out and you have been blessed to have such a wonderful family. We have been blessed to know you! You have given us the greatest gift - knowing you!! When the time comes for you to go to Heaven, I want you to look up my grandmother Charlotte who will make you the best apple pie you ever had! Or anything else you want - she spoiled us and now she can spoil you! There are so many people there waiting to take care of you. And there are so many people here that will take care of your mom & dad, and Aarika and Blake. Allison still has the big stuffed "dog bear" (as she calls it) and has now named it "Mr. Fluffers". She said she will take care of it for you. Bethany, words alone can not describe what an impact you have had on so many of us. You are a caring, loving, compasionate person and I know that you will be at peace at a happy place. When I told the girls that you may go to heaven and that it's the greatest place on earth - Amanda said "I thought Dutch Wonderland was". Where you're going will be a Dutch Wonderland, a softball field, volleyball court, Ventura's, (with lots of your favorite wings) your favorite vacation spot and so much more. God will take good care of you!

We love you so much Bethany!!

All our love,
The Crevier's

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 5:23 PM CDT
We love you and send endless hugs and kisses your way. You are awesome!
In peace,
Bruce, Leslie and Linden
Lori, Pete, Aarika and Blake,
We love you all too! Our prayers are with you.
God bless,
Bruce, Leslie and Linden

Leslie Carbaugh <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 5:12 PM CDT
You guys are always in my thoughts and close to my heart. I know this journey has been tough, but you have done it with such strength and courage. Bethany has truly made a difference in peoples lives. If God is ready for Bethany and takes her now, she will live on forever in many peoples hearts. You are so right every minute of every day is a gift from God.
Love to all of you, my heart is with you

Tami Hare <thhare@cox.net>
- Friday, March 16, 2007 5:09 PM CDT
"Our" Buzynski family,

Leaving Bethany and her family Wednesday, was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. But yet, deep down I know in my heart, that Bethany is going to be with God and will be whole once again--pain free and smiling her BEAUTIFUL and BREATHTAKING smile that we have had the great pleasure of enjoying. Like I said before, it is unfortunate that a "Miracle" hasn't wrapped its arms around Bethany...or has it? She is truly a "Miracle" and will forever be tucked away in my heart. On the days when the sun is shining so bright, I will know that it is Bethany smiling down on us--warming all of our hearts. God be with you always. We love you all.

Di <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 4:51 PM CDT
hey bethany..
i just want you to know that you are always in my prayers and i think about you all the time..im soo glad that when we hung out we had the greatest times..i will always remember those times..bowling,sleepovers,walking to each others houses,DQ and just taking rides because we were bored w/lori..those were some really good times and i promise i wont forget them..i love you always and forever! ill never stop thinking about you!

Crissy McClain <rslrcmcclain@earthlink.net>
Faifield, PA - Friday, March 16, 2007 4:40 PM CDT
Dearest Bethany~
Ever since you were a little girl you were always a fighter... I remember many camping trips, you always kept up with the boys and whatever they thought they could beat you at, you would prove them wrong. We knew then, you would do many great things... and you have. You have brought such joy and inspiration to so many people that you have crossed paths with. Your smile and your laughter is contagious... Now the time has come for you to smile and laugh for eternity... feel no more pain, sweetheart. You have fought your fight... and will forever be remembered.
I know you'll be looking through the holes in the floor of heaven, watching over all of us... until we meet again.
God Bless!
Ann & Dan Nelson & Brandon Parrish

Ann Nelson <maria.nelson2@hill.af.mil>
Roy, UT USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 4:35 PM CDT
Lori, Pete and family.
My heart goes out to you at this time in more ways than you'll ever know. Will you please ask Bethany to take care of my Megan and play a game or two of UNO with her. She never got the chance to play much softball while she was with us so I know she would love to learn that too. Our daughters have a chance to be best friends like we were in our younger days. It gives me a little peace knowing Megan will have a "big sister" to take care of her.
God's blessing to all of you and God's peace to sweet Bethany.
All my love,

Rhonda Koepke <rrkoepke@forbin.net>
Waverly, IA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 4:27 PM CDT
Buzynski Family,
You all are very special friends to us, we miss you all. My very good friend lost her son, his name is Brett Owen very good looking boy Bethany...you will meet him and I'm sure you will be very good friends his birthday is the same day as yours. He is very out going just like you. I wish we could be there to support your family, just know there isn't a day that goes by that we don't think about all of you. Someday we will all be together again until then be strong and know we love you very much..
Greg & Colleen Trevor, Kelsi,Megan

Greg & Colleen Trevor, Kelsi, Megan <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
- Friday, March 16, 2007 4:12 PM CDT
May you feel peace and the love of Our Lord, Bethany.
The Lacaillade Family-Christy, Shane, Brenna, Nate & Connor <calaca417@comcast.net>
McGuire AFB, NJ - Friday, March 16, 2007 4:09 PM CDT
The love, hope, and courage of your family that is evident in your journal entries will never be forgotten. You have been thanking everyone in your journal entries, but I want to THANK YOU for sharing your journey with all of us. It reminds us all that the love of a family can and will get you through anything. Wishing you peace...
WI - Friday, March 16, 2007 3:58 PM CDT
You have truly touched the lives of sooooo many people. I can't tell you how happy I am to have known you and had the chance to become a friend. You'll forever be in our hearts!! Your strength, faith, hope, and love for life is unbelievably admirable...and will continue to inspire people for years to come. Make sure you do me and everyone else from the CV Softball team a favor when you make it up to heaven...HIT A GRAND SLAM...you deserve it!! We love you Bethany...never forget that!!


Liz Wyatt <rosieg616@gmail.com>
Fairfield, PA united states - Friday, March 16, 2007 3:53 PM CDT
There's so much I'd like to say to Bethany, so I'm hoping one of you lovely people would be able to do it for me. When I met you all, I was in such a hard time in my life. I was coping with the death of my father, and I was nervous about a knee surgery that might end my running career. When I showed up at Heather's and saw all of you, and heard Bethany tell me her story, I realized that the only reason I wasn't fully happy was because I was taking my life for granted. I was being selfish and worrying about myself and why I was not feeling successful in my actions and my feelings. And then I see this beautiful girl a little younger than me, going through more than I can ever imagine, and she is still fully happy. Bethany brought me to God, and she may not realize it, but when I saw and heard her, I felt a push towards what I had been shutting out. I had this boundary drawn between myself and Him, and Bethany showed me that that boundary didn't keep others out, it fenced me in. She's taught me how to live my life with passion and conviction, not just for myself, but for others as well. Each day is a gift, and I realize that everyone is here for a reason. Although we may not see it, or it might not be what we want at that time, we are all here to serve a purpose to better the world as we know it. I feel that Bethany has served her purpose over and over and over again. With each breath she takes she is proving to me, and to everyone that knows her, that miracles can happen. Every breath she takes is an inspiration, it gives us hope, a new chance, to find that own strength in ourselves. To me, Bethany is the miracle, and when I feel like hope is lost, like everything is dark and dismal, I look at her and her family and see that love, life, hope, pain, suffering, grief, all go hand in hand to make what we go through beautiful. Every stride I make, and will make, will always be for Bethany. She gave me the courage to believe in myself and believe that the Lord will do what's best for me. Whether I'm in a race, in a rut, or just enjoying life, Bethany will always be with me, in my heart, just like everyone else that knows of her. And that's why she's a miracle, and that's why she's remembered. What she's instilled in me is a love and a faith I have never known, and I hope to pass that on to everyone I know. Bethany will never go away, not truly. Her life and her love and her story is one of those that will be shared for years to come as a testament of all that is good and all that is love. I love you.
Fort Walton Beach, FL U.S. - Friday, March 16, 2007 3:47 PM CDT
Lord here my prayer please take Bethany in your arms and home with you where she can run and play and just be a Girl!! I will tell you dear Family with my Son Ryan having the same cancer I hear you!!! I HEAR YOU !!! Bethany when you are in that better place please watch over Ryan and help him with his pain and suffering!! Please be his Angel. God bless you Bethany I pray for peace to you and love to a brave Girl!! You are my Hero Bethany! GOD BLESS YOU BETHANY !!!!!
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 3:46 PM CDT
Lord here my prayer please take Bethany in your arms and home with you where she can run and play and just be a Girl!! I will tell you dear Family with my Son Ryan having the same cancer I hear you!!! I HEAR YOU !!! Bethany when you are in that better place please watch over Ryan and help him with his pain and suffering!! Please be his Angel. God bless you Bethany I pray for peace to you and love to a brave Girl!! You are my Hero Bethany! GOD BLESS YOU BETHANY !!!!!
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 3:45 PM CDT
Bethany, I love you! I know I am only one of the thousands of people's whose lives you have touched, but I am so very thankful for the three years you were "my" Bethany everyday at school! You have continued to be "my" Bethany in my heart and always will be! There are photos of you and momentos from you all around our home and business, but memories I have of you and your loving, caring, shining beauty are my greatest "Bethany treasures"!
Please know that a mental hug comes your way from me many, many times each day!
You and your family are constantly in my prayers and thoughts!

Sallie Wentworth <sastum@netzero.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Friday, March 16, 2007 3:28 PM CDT
Dearest Buzyniski family...I admire your strength. The most UNimaginable thing in the world would be to loose a child, but to know when it is time that..Bethany will be in a 'peaceful & better' place is a wonderful ability to have. My thoughts and prayers are with you & continue to be for years to come. God bless Bethany, she has been a special gift.
Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, ia - Friday, March 16, 2007 3:26 PM CDT
Pete & Lori,
Just read the latest update, as a parent, my heart is breaking into a million pieces for you! Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you and the struggle you are going through watching your little girl go through soooo much! Aarike & Blake, We are also praying for God to give you the strength to get through the next days, weeks and months. Bethany, I never had the chance to meet you or your family. But when we received Christmas cards from your parents I always used to think what an absolutely beautful girl you are, little did I know that I would end up "meeting" you in this way, but I'm glad I got the opportunity to tell you how much you have changed my life and those of my two girls with your faith, strength and determination. We will continue to check on you and when the time comes we will continue to check on your family and pray that God give them the strength and peace that they need on a daily basis.
Love and hugs from Marshalltown,
Patrick & Kim Yate and Madilyn & Morgan Bellile

Kim Yates <yatesrhodes@partnercom.net>
Marshalltown, IA - Friday, March 16, 2007 3:25 PM CDT
I am a friend of Chris Schroeder and she alerted me to the need for our prayers. Please know that I have read the entire journal and have been checking daily for the past week for updates. I am humbled by Bethany's grace, and the love and strength of your entire family.

I pray that God envelopes you all. Many, many prayers sent.

Maddy Shanahan <shanahan11@aol.com>
Pope AFB, NC - Friday, March 16, 2007 3:24 PM CDT
Still praying for Bethany's miracle.

Trusting in the Lord,

Chari Warner <millymango40@yahoo.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 3:08 PM CDT
hey Bethany! we are all praying for you and thinking of you each and every day!! stay strong
Katelyn Dick <dickkb@earthlink.net>
Fairifeld, PA United States - Friday, March 16, 2007 2:25 PM CDT
It's hard to imagine a more courageous young lady or a more loving family. And it's truly inspirational reading of the Buzynski "camp", and the outpouring of love from family and friends. Thank you for setting such a wonderful example of faith and grace, under some of the most difficult conditions imaginable.
Jay Graff <piratefans@comcast.net>
Carroll Valley, PA U.S. - Friday, March 16, 2007 1:57 PM CDT
Bethany and family: We are still here with our thoughts and prayers. Bethany ,we hope you are comfortable and hope you are having a good day today....Much love and prayers for all of you......
The Chloe Knill Famiky <jlknill@msn.com>
Fairfield, Pa USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 1:49 PM CDT
Bethany Kristine--

I'm praying for you beautiful, through and through. Remember that everything happens for a reason, and god has a plan for everyone. I miss you more than ever. I love you Joe :D

To the rest of the family--I miss you guys as well. Hang in there and stay strong.
Everyone here is thinking you all.

Chelsea <crburkett2903@yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 16, 2007 11:48 AM CDT
my forever gorgeous bethany :]
so, im pretty depressed right now, because we just got home--weather back here in PA--well lets just say we're supposed to get TEN inches of SNOW!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH :[ so sad. i miss the wonderous florida weather, and i def. miss sitting at your bed side. I know we're now MILES and MILES and @ least 7 states away, BUT IM ALWAYS and forever still with you. My love, faith, believe, and courage for you is still with you next to you bed, and most importantly in your heart. You've really touched my life bestie, and dug a little home in my heart that will ALWAYS be there, and impossible to be filled with anything else but OUR love and FRIENDSHIP.<3

I loved staying with the whole 'buzynski clan' and miss you all very much!!! THANKS ooooooodddddles for making me feel at home. 'Yal' were very welcoming, and Bethany has def. been blessed with an amazing family :] && i'll still be thinking of you non stop while im sitting here FREEZING (haha) back at home <3

To everyone in Niceville, Principle Cristy, Miss Patti, and moooooorrrrrrreee you guys have be wonderful -- no make that truely AMAZING!! :) im glad that my bestie and their family have found a place where everyone is there for support with only knowing them for a short amount of time!!

P.S. just know im still not giving up, and im sending my prayers and love to florida constantly. you all amaze me with your positive attitudes and SMILES :) love you all!! take care

'3 stooges' --> have a VERY safe trip home tomorrow!!! it was very nice meeting you guys! :) <3

Lauren Hummel <lazyhum@hughes.net>
Fairfield, Pa United States - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:57 AM CDT
Reading your page every day even brings me strength. It's truly amazing to see your pictures and your smiling face!
Much love and prayers.

Jesse Finafrock <jfin09@yahoo.com>
fairfield, PA 17320 - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:52 AM CDT
Praying for you Bethany God Bless you and your Family !!!
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA 17331 - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:45 AM CDT
Bethany and family, You are in my thoughts and prayers. May God Bless you keep you in the shadow of his wings and continue to pour down his love, peace and grace.
Evelyn Bracken <evebracken@yahoo.com>
Westminster, MD USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:06 AM CDT
Bethany and Family:
We want you to know that you are in our hearts and prayers daily. You are an inspiration to all. God Bless.

Bowne Family <bowneg@fairfield.k12.pa.us>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:18 AM CDT
Bethany, I think about you a lot and pray for you a lot. you are very special.
Matthew Bollinger <bollingers4@peoplepc.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 7:47 AM CDT
Bethany and family,
My thoughts are constantly with you. Fairfield is praying hard and thinking of you all everyday. May you find a semblance of peace knowing that you are loved from so far away and yet can feel our hugs and warm thoughts. Your journey thus far has been long and rough, may brighter days shine upon you. Stay strong! Much love today and always!

Katie Brown <luckysinger78@yahoo.com>
Fairfield , PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 7:10 AM CDT
dear buzynski family,
you're always in my prayers. I am so inspired by your never-failing faith.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

There is so much love for you back in PA.

morgan neibich <gotoheaven08@hotmail.com>
fairfield, pa - Friday, March 16, 2007 5:45 AM CDT
Our prayers continue for all of you and we ask that the God of Pece remain with you.


Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 1:01 AM CDT
Bethany has been lifted up in prayer not once, but several times a day. Find strength and support in each other and know that we (all of Bethany's supporters) are here to be your foundation.

"Surely I am with you always" (Matthew 28:20)
We love you all,

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 11:26 PM CDT
hello to all the bethany supporters! i was blessed once again tonight to spend some time with her. i whispered to her how much everyone loves her and is praying for her and the rest of her family. keep those prayers coming their way. they really do help. to the amazing family of this young lady..we love you bunches, patti and tanner xoxo
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Thursday, March 15, 2007 10:46 PM CDT
Hello Lori, Bethany and Family,
I find myself thinking about you and your family around the clock. Many of the "Preschool Moms" from St. John in Fairfield have been praying for Bethany and send our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to your entire family. I am so glad to hear that the Buzynski Camp has shown so much support for everyone there. Its great to see an extradinary family pull together and show their love and gratitude for
the beautiful and exceptional young lady that Bethany is. Your entire family is in our hearts everyday, throughout each day as we pray for peace and comfort for Bethany. We miss you a bunch back in Fairfield and hope you'll send the sun and warmth in our direction. Big hugs from Maddie and Kadyn too. They loved looking at the pictures with Miss Lori in them. God Bless the Buzynski Family. Sharon Sass.

Sharon and Maddie Sass (St. John Preschool) <yorkiedog28@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, Pa USA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 10:18 PM CDT
I LOVE YOU BETHANY and your in my thoughts n prayers i miss u lotssss...
love always christine

Christine Rice <wildlilgurl0981@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, March 15, 2007 8:41 PM CDT
You all remain in my thoughts and prayers. Bethany keep up your strength.
Tammy <gonemonkeys@verison.net>
Taneytown, MD - Thursday, March 15, 2007 7:05 PM CDT
Bethany and Family,
You are all in my prayers...Bethany- you are such an inspiration to me and all who have come in contact with you. I've never met such a strong willed girl in all my life! Hang in there!!! May you be filled with peace now and forever!

Cathy Hull
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 6:10 PM CDT
hi my name is kelly and i am friends with your cousin kylie. Your in our prayers & im so sorry for your family & you have been going through i couldn't imagine having to go though all that you are, god bless you.
Kelly <hollisterbabe963@yahoo.com>
Mankato, mn america - Thursday, March 15, 2007 5:28 PM CDT
Hello! Its us, The Trujillo family. We havent spoken in awhile. But you have always been in our prays. We love you, and miss all the good ol' softball times.
Erin Trujillo and Family <breathe_my_air@yahoo.com>
Canon City, CO - Thursday, March 15, 2007 5:19 PM CDT
What a precious time this must be to have so many friends and family close by, keeping one another's spirits up and showing support for Bethany. Buzynski family, you are truly fine people and we are all privileged to know you. Thank you for your wonderful example of faith and optimism. Like so many others, I continue to pray for you and wish you strength in whatever lies ahead.

With much love,

Señorita Parks
Fairfield, PA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 3:22 PM CDT
Bethany and family,
Your love and support for each other is truly amazing. It is that strong bond that will get you through these tough times. Thinking of you all every minute of every day.

Rhonda Johnson <rlj62@comcast.net>
Littlestown, PA USA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 3:05 PM CDT
Hi there Family! I would just like to tell you that I love you all so very much and last night was a hit! Last night Lindsay's friend Chubs (Amy) decided to shave her hair off for raising money for cancer research! She asked me if I would go up and speak a little bit about my experience and it turned out me talking a little bit about me and mostly about Bethany. When I spoke the entire room went silent and tears began to flow. The night was a big success!
Thinking and missing you all!

Whitney Wedemeier <wwedemeier@hotmail.com>
Readlyn , IA United States - Thursday, March 15, 2007 2:53 PM CDT
Hi there Family! I would just like to tell you that I love you all so very much and last night was a hit! Last night Lindsay's friend Chubs (Amy) decided to shave her hair off for raising money for cancer research! She asked me if I would go up and speak a little bit about my experience and it turned out me talking a little bit about me and mostly about Bethany. When I spoke the entire room went silent and tears began to flow. The night was a big success!
Thinking and missing you all!

Whitney Wedemeier <wwedemeier@hotmail.com>
Readlyn , IA United States - Thursday, March 15, 2007 2:52 PM CDT
To all the members of your family......keep the faith. Our prayers and thoughts continue for you all. I realize you are overwhelmed with loved ones around, but if you need anything or I can help in anyway..please ask.
Jon Christie <tapperjon@cox.net>
Fort Walton Beach, FL USA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 1:35 PM CDT
Dear Bethany and Family, You are in my thoughts and prayers. We know that she will go on to a much better place when this is over. You don't know me but I am Chelsea Burkett's grandmother and know that the girls have a very close friendship. Here is a quote from Kahlil Gibran that I always refer to in times like these "Knowing that December's bitter storm will come, makes the storm no less cold". Love to all the family.
Gwen Parish <gbparish@atlintl.com>
Germantown, MD - Thursday, March 15, 2007 1:30 PM CDT
Dear Bethany and Family, You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am praying that Bethany is resting peacefully and we know that she will go on to a much better place shen this trial is over. You don't know me but I am Chelsea Burkett's grandmother that is how I know about you all. Here is a quote from Kahlil Gibran that I always refer to in times like these "Knowing that December's bitter storm will come, makes the storm no less cold". Love to all the family.
Gwen Parish <gbparish@atlintl.com>
Germantown, MD - Thursday, March 15, 2007 1:22 PM CDT
Bethany and Family,
I have been hearing about your battle for quite awhile. I am a friend of Diann Hummel's. I wanted you to know that you, your family and friends are in my prayers. Co-workers have put you and your family on their prayer lists at their churches. May God give you and your family the strength you need to get through your illness.
Love and prayers,
Debbie Rowe

Debbie Rowe <drowe@ewingoil.com>
Smithsburg, MD USA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 1:18 PM CDT
Just wanted to say that I was thinking of all of you (as I do each day). I check in each day when I get into work to see how everyone is doing. Bethany-I pray you are in as little as pain as possible and that you know how much you are loved. Pete and Lori-I pray you stay strong as a family and know it's okay to break down every once in a while. We would all understand...you have such a strong sense of god and family and that will help you through this. Aarika and Blake-I pray that you know that your sister loves you and that you both have the strength to get through this as well. This is an awful lot for each of you just to make it through each day.

We love you all and please know you are all our "Angels"!

The Sand family <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Thursday, March 15, 2007 11:22 AM CDT
Bethany, i miss being Crissy and yours taxie driver...always going bowling.....you have been like my other little sister....I'm always praying for you constantly! I miss you so much....Lori
Lori McClain <puffybear_18@hotmail.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 11:12 AM CDT
Everytime I get on this site I see the love and faith that abounds. One can ask "Why?" but that only clouds from the beauty of the good. Bethany, you are so beautiful. I pray, if God's will is to take you home, you have peace and be without pain. I know you are weary, but remember we love you so much. However, the love we possess is no where close to God's love for you. I pray everyday God will heal you. I pray for you and your mom and dad, Aarika, and Blake that He will give you all strength to take whatever is thrown at you. For anyone who does not believe in God, you are a true testament of his power. This is your true destiny. The gifts He showers on you cannot be denied. Cancer has not taken your smile, nor has it taken your beautiful spirit. You will always be smiling in our hearts. You will always bring joy to your family because you CHOOSE to let God shine through you.

Lori and Pete,
Please do not lose faith. Hope and faith are what have gotten you this far. I hold you both close to my heart and keep you constantly in prayer.

Sharalie Albanese

sharalie albanese <angel92eyes@yahoo.com>
USAF Academy, Co USA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 9:42 AM CDT

Dearest Bethany and Family,
Let me begin by saying- and I think I speak for our entire neighborhood-that you and your family and friends could NEVER be considered a "nuisance". The love and support that surrounds you all has brought more to this neighborhood/community than anything else I've ever witnessed. It reminds us, on a daily basis, what's really important in life....family and friends. Please know that you have only to ask and any one of us will be there to make it happen for you. As you already know you are not nor will you ever be alone on this journey, for we are all right here behind you every step of the way. Love and God Bless, The Hoover Family..."Huntington"

The Hoover Family <hhoover800@aol.com>
Niceville, Fl USA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 9:26 AM CDT

You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers everyday!!! Everyone in Fairfield is praying for that MIRACLE....you are such a fighter and an inspiration to everyone. You are our true hero!

The Adams Family <cindy.adams@dhs.gov>
Fairfield, PA US - Thursday, March 15, 2007 8:34 AM CDT
Hello Bethany!

I'm continuing to send love and prayers to you and all of your family. Life's journey is a windy path, but with our Lord traveling with us, we can make it! May God keep you in His loving care.

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs, Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 8:09 AM CDT
You are an inspiration to anyone that has EVER experienced cancer, Bethany! And your family is awesome! God bless you all. You don't know me but you are all now in my prayers. Keep the faith! You are not alone in your journey! May you be blessed beyond measure each day! :)
Julie Kime <Juliek2526@aol.com>
Waterloo, IA USA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 7:43 AM CDT
Again - standing amazed at what God is doing through The Buzynski family. Touching so many people around the world and being instrumental in strengthening their walk with Christ. Thanks again for sharing your strength and LOVE with all of us. I know your days are busy - but you have all been so considerate of others and have gone WAY BEYOND for others. Take time for yourselves and ask ask ask or tell us what we can do for your family. We are at your service. Kiss Bethany for us!
Love the Boisjolie's

Jimmie Boisjolie <jimgirl@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Thursday, March 15, 2007 7:20 AM CDT
Bethany, you've touched so many, 106,080 visits to your website already! In your guest book I see over and over the words amazing, inspiring, strong, couragous and hero as words that describe you! You are all that and more. You have already endured more in "almost" 16 years than most people will in their lifetime and have touched more peoples hearts than you could ever imagine. I am so proud of you Bethany and I love you!

Pete, Lori, Aarika, Blake - I wish I had the words that could somehow ease the pain and frustration of seeing your Daughter/Sister go through the last 27 months. One day when you get to Heaven, God will sit down and explain why he chose Bethany and how He used her situation for good. I am continuing to pray for Bethany's Miracle and God's will. You're entire family is a hero! Stay strong, I love and miss you guys.

Patti Baddeley <PBADDELEY@NC.RR.COM>
Goldsboro, NC USA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 3:01 AM CDT
How many times has it been said that there is a greater purpose for all that has occurred? How many times have it been said God has a greater plan? It reminds me of the following hymn:




JAN AND ED PECK <janed@onemain.com>
FAIRFIELD, PA USA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 1:17 AM CDT
Lori, Pete, Bethany, Aarika and Blake..... Leaving all of you the other day was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I wish I could have stayed, I missed you from the moment we drove out of your driveway. I think of you all often, and pray constantly for that maricle that we all need to BELIEVE in. God blessed us all by letting us know Bethany and he has allowed us the opportunity to love her and enjoy every moment with her.

I pray that her pain stays under control and that she gradually improves and gets stronger with each passing day.

Please give Bethany a BIG HUG for me and tell her I Love Her.

Lori... It's time for a Group Hug, get together with everyone there, Pete, Aarika, Blake, Mom and Dad, Jeanne, Nancy, Susan and Greg.....BIG HUG !!! I can feel the love.

I miss you all and I'll love you forever.

Love Penny

Penny <m.wosepka@mchsi.com>
Shell Rock, IA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:08 PM CDT
Bethany and family: You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers... We like so many others check this site daily.. thank you for taking the time for the updates. I can see why Greg Colleen and the kids think so much of all of you. You are all so special...
HB and Jan Calvert <calverts@iowatelecom.net>
Montrose, IA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:59 PM CDT
There's no need to ask for one. You ARE the miracle Bethany.
Prohaska Family
Salem, MA U.S. - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:48 PM CDT
Hello, Pete, Laurie, and kids,
This is Alicia's parents. Alicia has kept us informed from day 1. I don't know what to say, except I wish I could help in some way. Love Barb & Jerry

Barb & Jerry Pierce <bnjnaz@gmail.com>
Golden Valley, AZ - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:38 PM CDT
We just wanted to say hi and let you all know that we are thinking & praying for you all. Your family is such an incredible witness to our Lord and his Love. After the church vigil at St Paul's last week, my son and I started talking about how incredible it is that your family has brought so many together in prayer from pretty much all around our country. Thank you. Love the Martin Family.
Sheryl Martin & Family <martinsheryl1@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:38 PM CDT
Hey Bethany!
It's been such a long time since I've talked to you but we've all been thinking about you and praying for you. Everybody up here misses and loves you!
<3 Kirsten

Kirten Piatak <kirstenpiatak08@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:29 PM CDT
i love you bethany
kelsie milbrandt <kels12114@hotmail.com>
Eagle Lake, mn usa - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:21 PM CDT
I am amazed at how God's Grace shines through this whole family & I pray that God will give you strength at this time in your lives. You are a true inspiration to me and your daughter is a very beautiful person inside and out.
Sue Lodge <teddybear@butler-bremer.com>
Clarksville, IA USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:10 PM CDT
Buzynski's~Amazed by your strength. You are all in my prayers. May God be with you.
Julie Dell www.caringbridge.org/visit/hayden <dell991@comcast.net>
Hanover, Pa - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 8:57 PM CDT
Thinking of all of you during this difficult journey. I'm so glad your family has been there. May God give you the strength for the days ahead, put your Trust in the Lord. Your family is an inspiration to all of us. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. May Gods Holy Angels keep watch over you.

Lois Ganske <laganske@netins.net>
Readlyn, Ia USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 8:24 PM CDT
Hi everyone at the Buzynski Camp. We just wanted to let you know we think about and pray for you everyday. Your faith and courage are amazing. Continue to pray and believe as we do.
The Whalen family

Tammie Whalen <whalen@pa.net>
fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 8:22 PM CDT
Bethany (and family)
My name is Amy and you may not know me but I read your site everyday and I know your cousin Alise. I can just about image how wonderful you and your family are because the Duffy's are truly amazing too. She is the sweetest girl I have ever met and I feel like i know you because I have talked with her about you since day one. I know this may seem wierd but i love you guys. You are some of the strongest people I have ever met and bethany you are truly an inspiration. I admire you and everything you do. My aunt has breast cancer and you give me hope that gives me strength to share with her. I am so proud of you all and I am blessed to be able to write to you. I wish you the best and send all my love.

Amy Kadlec <Ammerzjoerz16@hotmail.com>
La Crescent, MN USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 7:56 PM CDT

Hi Buzynski's. =]
You all continue to inspire me, every single day!
I'm keeping the faith and praying for you all like crazyyy.


Jenna DePaola <bsktbll32cutie@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 7:35 PM CDT
We continue to keep you and your entire family in our thoughts and prayers that God give you pain free days & nights and strength to support each other when needed.
To anyone and everyone updating the website, thank you!

Pat & Kim Yates and Madi & Morgan Bellile <yatesrhodes@partnercom.net>
Marshalltown, IA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 7:07 PM CDT
Hello Buzynskis--you do not know us but we follow you daily and pray for you many times each day. What great love you share. God be with you all and bless you with strength...Bethany, you are such an inspiration.
Ryan and Kim Whitford and family <runningrealtor@acegroup.cc>
LaCrescent, MN USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 6:55 PM CDT
Just wanted to drop by and let you know that EVERYONE back here in Fairfield loves you more than you can even imagine! Chloe and I were talking about how much fun we had playing softball (Git-R-Done!!). Remember that? It was sooo nice to think of your smiling face =). You're in my prayers everyday Bethany...keep the faith and stay strong!!

Liz Wyatt <Rosieg616@gmail.com>
Fairfield, PA United States - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 6:11 PM CDT
Hi Bethany,
We think about you and pray for you. Do you still have roary? I hope he helps you to sleep.

Matthew and Savannah Bollnger <bollingers4@peoplepc.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 4:24 PM CDT
Dear Buzynskis,

I, like everyone else, check the page daily to see how you are all doing. You guys and Bethany continue to inspire and affect so many of us.

You are always in our thoughts here, and we're sending prayers and wishes of easy pain-free times for Bethany on this journey. She might not have been with all of you as long as everyone would have wished, but she sure did make an impact on this world! Bethany's courage and strength, and all of yours, won't be forgotten.

Her spirit and her beauty, and that of the whole family, really shines through in the latest photos!
Love and thoughts and prayers,

Alyson Fletcher
CA USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 3:41 PM CDT
Just wanted to leave you a little note that I am thinking about you always. You are wonderful and simply amazing.
I love you bee :* x 1000

Chloe DePaola
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 3:38 PM CDT
Dear Buzynskis' and CO
Whatever you need, just holler. You are in all our prayers daily.
peace and love to you all,
Phil, Cyndy, Jonathan, Carly, Olivia and Valentino

cyndy bascom <cynphil@valp.net>
valp, fl USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 3:30 PM CDT
Bethany, you and your whole family never fail to amaze me.
you guy's are the strongest people i know, and i am glad i got to share memories with you & your family. You guys are always in my heart! I pray for you just about every night and wear your green braclet and NEVER take it off, it makes me stronger wearing it! Well i pray for you all and i love you guys very much. =]

kelsi hake <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
las vegas, nv usa - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 3:03 PM CDT
It is true God will not give you more than you can handle. He will also give you STRENGTH!! He has blessed you with many family & friends who will carry you through this every step of the way!! Bless you all! My prayers your way.
Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, ia - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 3:00 PM CDT
Hey Bethany (and family),
You are all in my thoughts and prayers and those of my family (as you can see from my mom's post!) during this difficult time. Bethany is such an inspiration to us all, and she has touched so many lives as you have all seen recently. She has certainly touched my heart! I am a firm believer that God works in mysterious ways, and He is always with us. He is most certainly with all of you. Blessings and love from FHS!

Miss K. Smyers <strutterkat36@hotmail.com>
Biglerville (Fairfield), PA 17307 - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 2:21 PM CDT
Hey Bethany (and family),
You are all in my thoughts and prayers and those of my family (as you can see from my mom's post!) during this difficult time. Bethany is such an inspiration to us all, and she has touched so many lives as you have all seen recently. She has certainly touched my heart! I am a firm believer that God works in mysterious ways, and He is always with us. He is most certainly with all of you. Blessings and love from FHS!

Miss K. Smyers <strutterkat36@hotmail.com>
Biglerville (Fairfield), PA 17307 - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 2:20 PM CDT
Bethany and family,
You all are truly a strong family. Thank you even during the midst of the last week keeping everyone so informed. I check the site several times a day because I feel so connected and want to make sure you all are ok. God bless the community you have there to be with you and help with any of your needs. I have prayed daily for Bethany and the family and the miracle to this moment. You all, especially Bethany are a HUGE inspiration to everyone and Gods teacher to all of us. Stay strong as hard as I am sure it is, God be with you all and Bethany thank you for showing all of us how to kick butt and keep going!

Debbie Rice
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 2:15 PM CDT
We are with you in spirit, thought and prayer with the many of thousands of others. Peace, healing and strentgh be with you. Much love, The Graffs
The Graff Family (Blaze) <dreamachieve@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 2:14 PM CDT
I'm a teacher at Choctaw. The school nurse sent an email to the faculty before Christmas asking us to pray for your family, and since then I have kept a close watch on Bethany's health. I'm amazed my her strength and courage. Your family has a wonderful group of friends and family. God has definitely blessed you in the time of need. May God shed his grace on your family.
Ashleigh Anderson <ashpatch07@hotmail.com>
Fort Walton Beach, Fl - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 2:13 PM CDT
Christy McInnis keeps me updated. You and your family are in my daily thoughts and prayers.
kimberly Nihill Taylor <nihill-taylork@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
Niceville, fl 32578 - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 2:13 PM CDT
I know you've probably seen this before but I read it often when I'm think of you Bethany. Praying for all of you.

What Cancer Cannot Do
Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple Love
It Cannot shatter Hope..
It Cannot corrode Faith
It cannot destroy Peace..
It cannot destroy Friendships
It cannot suppress Memories..
It cannot silence Courage
It cannot invade the Soul..
It cannot steal Eternal Life
It cannot conquer the Spirit.

Love Todd, Chris, Jordan, Taylor and Brandon Rathbone <crathbone@co.black-hawk.ia.us>
Readlyn, Ia USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 2:13 PM CDT
What a beautiful girl you are. My thoughts and prayers go with you and your family. Thank your touching my life and putting my life in perspective. Peace be with you.

Debbie Mann <momma519@yahoo.com>
Niceville, Fl USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:33 PM CDT
Thinking of you... Love you and miss you
Lindsay Wedemeier <wedemeierlindsay@yahoo.com>
West Des Moines, IA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:25 PM CDT
Dear Bethany,
Still praying for you and your family. I am glad to hear about of the love and support you have from your family and friends. God Bless You!
Miss Novak

Kerry Novak-Drilak <kdrilak@juno.com>
Houston, PA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:24 PM CDT
Bethany, Pete, Lori, Aarika & Blake,
Thank you so much for keeping us all updated even though you have so much going on for you all. We loved the new pictures, seeing Bethany's smile still shining just as bright as ever!! You are such a strong, beautiful young lady Bethany and you have touched so many people in your life. We wish we could get down there to see you all but you are on our minds constantly and we continue to pray for that miracle. Thank you to all of your friends and neighbors nearby that have been so wonderful from those of us farther away. Give each other a big hug from all of us and know that you are all loved very much.
Chuck, Toni, Ryan & Tyler

The Van Bergens <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:18 PM CDT
We are so grateful to your family for keeping us updated on how Bethany is doing. My heart breaks just thinking of what you all have gone through. I'm sure I can speak for many to say that we are thankful to have the opportunity to provide whatever you might need during this time. Remember that we love each one of you and are holding you close in our hearts and lifting you up in our prayers every second of the day.
Donny, Fay, Lindsey & Mallory Harrison <dofalima@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:14 PM CDT
We continue to pray for all of you daily. I was once told that God sometimes DOES give us more than we can handle...if we had to handle it alone. When something this big and this tough is handled the way you guys are walking through this situation, the whole world can look and say, "It wasn't them, it was God." We can truly see God's steady, faithful hand in the way you are traveling this path.

You CAN do all things through Christ, who strengthen you. (Phil. 4:13)

Still praying for the miracle.

Love, The Farrells

The Farrell family <fiverupert@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:56 AM CDT
We pray and talk about sweet Bethany everyday. Karson misses Bethany in school and talking to her in 4th period computer class. Bethany is in our hearts.
Sweet, precious Bethany
Lots of Love
Melissa and Karson Hinds

Melissa and Karson <hindsm3@aol.com>
Niceville, FL - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:45 AM CDT
Bethany, you have touched so many peoples live's in such a positive way... even people that you have never met. What an inspiration you are. May you & your family experience His peace & love. Everyone here in Fairfield is praying for you.
Julie Neibich (Morgan's mom)
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:43 AM CDT
Dear Bethany and Family
Your strength and love for God is so beautiful. I will tell you one thing we has a family have learned from our Son Ryan is to always remember what you do have today and not what you don't have. We love each other everyday and tell each other everyday that we love each other. I am praying for you Bethany and family. I think about you and your family Day and night. We are all still amazed by your courage. You are my hero Bethany !!!! God Bless you Bethany!!!

Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:36 AM CDT
My heart and prayers are with YOU and the entire Buzynski family. It pains me to see your beautiful smile fade. Reminiscing the festive Las Vegas outdoor outings or Manch Manor bbq party episodes brings your smile to my mind and a smile to my face. You’ve inspired tons of people Bethany, by showing us your strength, courage, spirit and most of all your LOVE. Just fascinating, that’s what you are.
Lots of Love,


Alex Garza <agarza711@yahoo.com>
Bagram, STILL! Afghanistan - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:17 AM CDT
I have never met you or your family but I know about your story through Marcie Lenick who is my scrapbooking consultant. I have been thinking and praying for you!! I wanted to let you know that you have truly touched my heart and have reminded me how precious every single day is and have encouraged me to focus on the Grace of God instead of the constant negative messages that are around us in this world. Your smile is so radiant and is just so contagious! I pray for you - that you will have peace and a clear understanding of God's Amazing love for you!
Love, Christine

Christine Clarius <cdclari@k12.carr.org>
Westminster, MD USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:51 AM CDT
Praying for you Bethany--and for your entire family. Pete and Lori--you have a great support team with the "Kuker" and "Buzynski" bunch!! I grew up knowing the Kuker's and Joe grew up knowing all the Buznski's and you are very fortunate to have such loving families ..family and friends are so important at this time! From the looks of the website, you have many of both! Your family has touched many lives.

I have a favorite verse that is printed and carried with me on my keychain that I read often:
Psalm 50:15...I want you to trust me in time of trouble, so I can rescue you.
Trust in the Lord...Believe in Angels!!

Joe and Julie Regenold <jjddr@netins.net>
Readlyn, IA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 8:22 AM CDT
Bethany and Family,
I have been praying and thinking about you all day. I lost my dad 2 1/2 years ago to a terminal lung disease. We had the precious gift of being able to be by his side in his last moments. I treasure that time I was able to have with him so much. The one thing he kept telling us was, talk to me I'll just be on the other side of the door, in the next room listening. I still talk to him(I told him about you) and I know he is listening to me. I just wanted to share this poem my mom found. I feel my dad was trying to explain this to us to help us with our grieve.

The Room Beyond the Door. Each day is like a brand-new room, and when its door swings wide, our lives will be transformed by what is on the other side. Sometimes our loved ones move into a room that no one knows, and we're not allowed one glimpse behind the door they gently close. We only know, in time, that door will open for us, too, and with a sense of welcome, we'll step confidently through. And though we grieve for those who can't be with us anymore, we know we'll meet them someday in the room beyond the door.

God Bless you and your family!!!!!!!!!

Julie Hancock <lvjules2001@yahoo.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 4:51 AM CDT
What a beautiful girl you are inside and out!!! Your inner beauty shines through that bright smile of yours! I prayed for you all day long and shared your story with my girls last night. When I came home from work tonight my older daughter, Megan, told me that my youngest daughter, Rebekah, 6 years old, said grace for dinner and prayed for you!! You are an amazing example to little girls everywhere!! Your life has touched so many people! We will continue praying for you!
Pete & Lori, we are praying for you and Aarika and Blake as well! You have a wonderful, beautiful family and should be very proud of your daughter!!
Love, Chris, Megan, Hannah, and Rebekah Schroeder

Chris Schroeder <chriswith3girls@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 11:04 PM CDT
I'm praying for ya girlie! =] I know you can do it! Stay Strong!
Madeline Jones <MaddieMJ263@Yahoo.com>
Niceville, FL USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 10:14 PM CDT
Dear Sweet Bethany and family, GOD has chosen you to go through this journey and my dear you were NEVER alone you have touched so many people and given back to so many with the love they see being shared the faith of so many family, friends, and even strangers...your smile alone lights up a room, you are truly ONE special girl sent to all of us to be shared and LOVED... GOD BLESS YOU MY DEAR our prayers are with you all.
Kathy Branson <bobkatbrat@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 10:09 PM CDT
to all the wonderful family members i spent time with this weekend and for all the family members i hope to one day get to meet...i am thinking of all of you. i know you would all rather be doing nothing but hanging out here at "camp buzynski"! my heart goes out to each one of you. a great big hug form patti xoxo..the crew that is here..my love to all of you. may your next few days have peace.
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:08 PM CDT
Bethany and Family,
Thank you for the updates and the new photos...We wish that there was more that we could do to help you along this path...You are all in our thoughts and prayers constantly.
Angie, Craig, Kris and Families

Angie Felton <feltonfamily@triwest.net>
Eleva, WI USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:47 PM CDT
Hey bethany (and Family) I just wanted to say how much i'm praying for you! You all are my hero, i've never seen someone fight as hard as you. You have always been so positive through everything and you have touched my heart like no one has ever before. When times are rough for me i sometimes think of you and how hard you fight, and it keeps me fighting for what i want! Take care and god bless!Love you
Lj WIlls <nctlivestrong@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, pa - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:40 PM CDT
Hi Bethany and family! I am another person you do not know ( I am your cousin Amie's good friend). You are an absolutley amazing person that God has blessed this world with! You have blessed more people's lives then I could ever hope to. I have been praying for you ever since Amie has told me about this horrible cancer. Thank you so much for blessing my life in the way that you have!! My prayers are continually with you!
Melissa Scheele <luvmeluvmydogs@earthlink.net>
Norwood Young America, MN - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:38 PM CDT
Great Strength Comes From Faith In God!(Zechariah 12:5) You are still as beautiful as ever.....love the new pictures. Our prayers your way!!!
Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, IA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 4:31 PM CDT
Dear Bethany and family,

You don't know me, but I saw a link to this caring bridge site on belief net. I want you to know that I will be praying for you all. I can't imagine what you are going through. It seems that you are a loving and supportive family and hopefully you will continue to give each other comfort during this time.

Katie J. <katiejb@hotmail.com>
WI - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 4:12 PM CDT


NICEVILLE, FL OKALOOSA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 4:00 PM CDT
We believe in miracles! Happy Sweet 16th Bethany! Our love to all of you.....
The Hoffman Tribe <missamry65@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 3:53 PM CDT
Hi All~
We're thinking of you all everyday, praying for our miracle... Loved the new pics... Bethany your smile lights up the room! You're an inspiration to everyone that meets you... keep up the fight sweetie... you're in God's great hands.
Love and miss you guys,
Ann & Dan Nelson & Brandon Parrish

Ann Nelson <maria.nelson2@hill.af.mil>
Roy, UT USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 3:46 PM CDT
Bethany and Family,
May God continue to look after you. I go to the same church as Jim and Cheryl. Cheryl asked that we pray for you and your family through this journey you are on. I will keep you in my prayers. May God Bless.

Melinda (Mindy) Lindenmuth <Hrlyhuny@woh.rr.com>
Riverside , OH usa - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 3:21 PM CDT
Bethany and family~You don't know me but my sister is friends with your cousin Alise. I have been following your journey with this and like everyone else, am so amazed with you and your family's strength and positive attitude through all of this. Because of you, I appreciate life and the little things in life more. I am thinking of you Bethany and DO BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!!
Kristin Manske <manske21@hotmail.com>
La Crosse, WI United States - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 3:13 PM CDT
Bethany & Family
The love that you and your family have for each other has shown me what Family is all about!! You have touched so many people with your strenght. You have amazed so many people. God Bless you Bethany. You are in our thoughts and prayers day & night!!!

Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 3:10 PM CDT
I think of you everyday Bethany...stay strong. You really are an inspiration.
Kara Buzynski
Dunkerton, IA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 2:53 PM CDT
In the name of Jesus I pray and I remind You now, Father, of Your Words in Jn 16:23 wherein You promised whatsoever we ask in Jesus' name You will give it us, and in Mat 21:22, You promised whatsoever we ask in prayer in the name of Jesus, believing we shall receive, we shall have it, and in Mk 11:24, You promised You will give us whatsoever thing we desire when we pray believing. Therefore, Father, I ask You now to send the manifestation of Your Glory to this family so greatly that that the things of the devil will get caught up in the swell and explosive power of Your Spirit!! You promised that if we stay with You, Lord, You will stay with us. I ask you now to go to this family and dwell among them and give them strength, wisodom, revelation knowledge and Your Grace. Father, I ask that You work a miracle in this family greater than anything anyone has ever seen!! In Jesus' name, I SLAM the door on the devil in this family!! In Jesus' name, I send ministering angels to this family to guide them in what they are to do and say. Father, You promised that what we loose on earth is loosed in heaven - what we bind on earth is bound in heaven. Therefore, I BIND you devil! I bind your demons and wicked spirits and their operation in this family!! I loose prosperity, health and recovery for this family mentally, physically, financially and socially!! In Jesus' name, I place the devil under their feet!! Because I ask in the name of Jesus, and because You are not a liar, and out of the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established, so as far as I'm concerned I believe that I receive that which I pray. Amen. (anyone reading this - if you pray with a pure heart, and believe, this prayer will be bolstered and miracles WILL happen not only in this family's lives, but in yours, too. Remember, every seed produces after its kind. If you pray for the health and healing of others, you will receive it in your own life. God Bless!!)
VAL <give_the_glory@to_god.org>
USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 2:43 PM CDT
I love you.
Whitney Wedemeier <wwedemeier@hotmail.com>
Readlyn , IA United States - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 2:38 PM CDT
Hi Bethany and all the Buzynskis,
I pray for each of you every day. I am so happy that you have so much love and support from your family, friends and community. How could anyone not see God in the midst of all that love?
I will toast you tonight Bethany. My husband is taking me out to dinner at the Outback you all went to while you were here. Its a thank you for his special 50th birthday party I had for him this past weekend.
We all miss you very much but are glad you are at home with your family.
Love you all very much,

Michelle O'Brien <pmo811@msn.com>
Olney, - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 2:31 PM CDT
Dear Bethany and Family,
Everyone here in little old Fairfield misses you sooo much and we believe in you. You have more courage than anyone I know and I miss you so much. I love you and I know God loves you too. Just keep believing!

Emily Worden <wordenm@innernet.net>
Fairfield, Pa United States - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 2:29 PM CDT
Just stoping by to let you know you all are in our thoughts and prayers today and always. May God bless you and keep you in his loving care.

-Jeff, Sherrie, Megan, Kenzie and Maddie

The Sanders <mmsander@marauder.millersville.edu>
Fairfield, pa - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:40 PM CDT
My daughter was your 9th grade English teacher (Miss Smyers). We have been praying for you and your family and so has our Church. You are in all of our prayer chains. I wish we could do more,we love you even though we have never met you.God be with you and your family!
Kathy Smyers <kasmyers@hotmail.com>
Gardners, PA Adams - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:31 PM CDT
d xzsgyu y7u u .66h.


Adrianna wanted to write something! Such a beautiful smile! I check the site everyday after I get the kids off to school. Last week before dinner we each said a prayer for you. Colin (8) said a long one for you. He remembers you guys, even though he was so young. Adrianna(2)prayed with her little hands together in her own language. She looked up and smiled. Like everything is good now! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. God is with you.
Lori and Pete,
Lori, Colin remembers staying with you! I know this is so hard. Keep believing.

God Bless and Keep you,

Sharalie and Adrianna Albanese

sharalie albanese <angel92eyes@yahoo.com>
USAF Academy, Co USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 11:19 AM CDT
Dear Bethany,
I was a daycare provider and bunko player with your mom out here in Vegas and Aarika use to babysit my boys. The last time I saw you, you and Kelsey were in your softball gear getting back from practice. I had the hardest time telling you two apart!!!

Since your battle has begun, Colleen has kept me posted. Now since reading your journal I am truly inspired!!! I am amazed with you and your families strength and love. It just makes me want to hug my children a little tighter and be thankful for the small things. Whatever lies ahead for you, I know you will face it with courage and that beautiful smile on your face. We will continue to pray for you and your family as your journey continues.

Julie, Ronnie, Bailey, Trevor & Delani Hancock <lvjules2001@yahoo.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 11:17 AM CDT
Hi! I just looked at the recent pictures and was so blessed to capture a glimpse of BEAUTIFUL BETHANY! Thank you for sharing your lives with us...the awesome love that has been brought to Florida because of your entire family is truly a blessing to us all...pryaing without ceasing, always...love Kathy Clark
kathy clark <clarkkathy@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
niceville, fl usa - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 11:17 AM CDT
You are no longer within our physical reach so that we can visit you or spend time with you every day or bring something to you to brighten that always present smile or give you a hug since you are now home in FL., but we continue to be with you every day through thought and prayer. We are so happy that there are so many other friends and family surrounding you with love and support.

LUKE 10:5 ...Peace be to this house.

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:57 AM CDT
Dear Bethany,
We keep up to date on your journey every Sunday in church. So many people are praying for you and are keeping you in their thoughts. Keep up your good spirits and know that you are in God's hands and in the hearts of so many people. Your friend from St. Paul. Kathy Gresko

Kathy Gresko <kgresko1@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:57 AM CDT
Bethany, you are an amazing,courageous and beautiful young lady. What a smile!!An inspiration to many.A day does not go by that I don't think of you and always say a special prayer for you and your family.
Although I have never met you or your family, the journal has been carrying me along on your journey. Know that God loves you and still watches over you just as he does a sparrow.
I have many friends praying for you and your family as well as the church I attend Epiphany Episcopal in Crestview even though I am a Lutheran.

Gisela Harper <Gisela39@cox.net>
Crestview, Fl. - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:34 AM CDT
Thinking of you today...


Julie <dell991@comcast.net>
Hanover, Pa - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:19 AM CDT
You are as beautiful as ever! That smile is an amazing testament to your strength and courage. We check your page every day and say a little prayer for you and your incredible family. God bless you guys and all the wonderful people that have come together to help you through this.

The Holmes Family <shannon_mike@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA United States - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:36 AM CDT
There is not a day that goes by that we don't think of you and your family and say a little prayer for you all. We know there is a angel watching over you. Love the McClains

Ron, Sandy, Lori, Ronnie, Crissy McClain <rslrcmcclain@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:23 AM CDT
Bethany & Family--
You are SO LUCKY to have such an awesome support system of family and friends...they'll get you through the rough spots and give you a reason to keep going. We think of you every day!

Brenda Sickles <sicklesr@yahoo.com>
Dunkerton, IA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:22 AM CDT
I am totally amazed at the presence of God. Yesterday meeting Lori and Pete gave me an up close and personal view at no matter how tough life gets...God is always Faithful! I am continually blessed by your love and your faith in this journey...Our God's touch has been on Bethany, but His Wing Span has encompassed our community! Thank you for allowing Him to be so reachable to so many through your journey! Much love and prayers!
Pat Hearne <nicevillevol@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:12 AM CDT
Hello Bethany!

Your will and spirit has touched so many lives and will do so forever. Because of you, many of us know the true meaning of "Trusting in Him." I was reading a baby's prayer book with Rachel last night and I thought of you. There was a small child sleeping under the stars with an angel protecting above him. The effects of this journey are not known, but we have the faith that God is with us through it all. May you and your family continue to feel His presence. May God keep you in His loving care.

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney:)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.ocm>
Frederick, MD USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:06 AM CDT
hello Buzynskis, this is Jimmy Baddeley. Bethany, everyone at our church is praying for you.I know you have been going threw rough times. Well God knows what he is doing.
jimmy baddeley age 10 <pbaddeley@nc.rr.com>
goldsboro, NC usa - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 5:50 AM CDT
The Buzynski's

I'm still checking your site everyday. The pictures are great. Its good to see the hawkeye sweatshirt even though they had a bad year. I'm always thinking and praying for you all, mostly for Bethany. Its sounds like your family has all been down to see you and friends and neighbors stop in everyday. You all mean so much to so many people. Take care and God bless you.

Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
Marshalltown, Iowa - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 3:26 AM CDT
You're the reason why I wake up every morning. Thank you.
Erin Timmons
Fort Walton Beach, FL U.S. - Monday, March 12, 2007 11:28 PM CDT
Hey Buzynski Bunch,

Even though we're miles apart, our hearts and hugs are with all of you. We're thinking of you all day long and praying for God's loving touch. Thanks for the updates and new pictures. Hopefully you got the pictures I emailed today, Blake will want a big 8x10 of the one I'm sure. And thanks again for giving Gary a place to sleep - he said he slept much better once he threw off the Iowa blanket - haha! The girls were so excited they got to talk to Bethany - that's all they talked about yesterday.
We love you and pray for God's healing comfort.

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, March 12, 2007 10:31 PM CDT
Keep up the fight and great spirits you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers daily,We love you guys.


PETE ALISHA PETERS <petehuntin@acegroup.cc>
LACRESCENT, MN - Monday, March 12, 2007 9:29 PM CDT
Dear Bethany,
I realize that it has been quite a while since I last signed the guestbook, but you have not left my thoughts for one minute. Your strength and determination is an inspiration for all. Know that you are in every one's thoughts as you battle this dreadful disease.

Mrs. Rhonda Johnson <rlj62@comcast.net>
Littlestown, PA USA - Monday, March 12, 2007 6:37 PM CDT
Dear Bethany,
I realize that it has been quite a while since I last signed the guestbook, but you have not left my thoughts for one minute. Your strength and determination is an inspiration for all. Know that you are in every one's thoughts as you battle this dreadful disease.

Mrs. Rhonda Johnson <rlj62@comcast.net>
Littlestown, PA USA - Monday, March 12, 2007 6:36 PM CDT
Hi, everyone!!
We just walked in the door from visiting Florida! We talked about all of you the whole ride home. We enjoyed our time with Bethany and our families. We are still amazed by the outpouring of support and kindness from the friends and community in Niceville.
We will continue to pray for each and everyone of you during this time! With each mile that took me away from all of you was very difficult for me! I kept wanting to tell the boys to turn around! I love all of you very much and I wish we were still with all of you!
Love, Kelli
P.S. Pete I wasn't really hungry for shrimp anyway...Love you!!!!! (Sisters.. don't forget to update, for the ones of us that are checking the site 20 times a day...thanks)

Aunt Kelli <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, MN MN - Monday, March 12, 2007 6:07 PM CDT
We are praying for you Bethany!! You and your Family are in our thoughts and prayers day and night.
God Bless you Bethany !!!

Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Monday, March 12, 2007 4:25 PM CDT
Hello to the Buzynski Gang-
Bethany--We are not sure if you remember us..We were stationed at Nellis AFB in LasVegas when your family lived there. I think your sister babysat for us a few times and I played bunko with your mom.
This is the first time we have signed your guestbook but we have been keeping up on you with your journey. You have such a beautiful and amazing family.
We can only let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers for a miracle.
Hello to your parents and we will be watching your website.

The Voyles-Andy, Lisa, Haley,Taylor & Malory <voyles5@cox.net>
Papillion, NE USA - Monday, March 12, 2007 4:22 PM CDT
This is the first time that I have signed your guestbook, however my prayers have been sent for some time now. Nancy asked for prayers months ago and again more recently. Fervent prayers continue for all of you!
Lisa Pries
Glencoe, MN Sibley - Monday, March 12, 2007 3:58 PM CDT
Not a moment passes that you are not in our thoughts and prayes. Spoke with Pete for just a moment today and I'm sure he passed on a hug from us. May the presence of the God of peace be with all of you.

PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7: Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplicaton with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, March 12, 2007 1:46 PM CDT
Hello Bethany!

God's strength continues to shine through you and therefore to many, many others! Give Aarika some good constructive advice to help her for American Idol...I know that you can. May God's warm embrace continue to be surrounding you and all of your family.

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Monday, March 12, 2007 1:36 PM CDT
We have been keeping updated through the website. It is good to know that you had a good weekend. Just know that you and your family are in our prayers. I know you don't know us but we are some of your parent's OLD teachers. Great family picture - they haven't aged a day since they graduated.
Carol and Tony Foster <cfoster@wapsievalleyschools.org>
Fairbank, IA USA - Monday, March 12, 2007 12:10 AM CDT
Hey Bethany and the rest of the Buzynski family!
I am sure you do not remember me but I knew your mom while you were stationed at Nellis AFB. Your sister Aarika babysat for me a few times. I am still friends with Colleen. I just finished reading about your journey in the journal. My heart broke to read about all that you have been through but I was also inspired by your incredible spirit! You are an amazing young lady with more wisdom and strength than anyone I know. I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and I have asked my church and my mom's church as well to pray for you and your family! There is a whole new prayer chain for you out here in Nevada/California! We know about the power of prayer and we know what our God is capable of! Tell your mom and dad HI for me and I will be checking this website daily! Keep the faith, you are a beautiful young lady!! Chris Schroeder

Chris Schroeder <chriswith3girls@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Monday, March 12, 2007 10:43 AM CDT
Hey Bethany!

I know you might not remember me by name, but my name is Stephanie. I met you at the key club car wash, and you went down to the corner street to hold the signs with me! I remember you so well, and i remember telling my parents after how i met you and how amazing and upbeat you are. i told them how i idolize your upbeat personality and positive outlook on life. Bethany, people like you are the kind of person that someone remembers, even if you don't know it. you continue to amaze me everyday, and i will pray for you and your family every night. God bless you.

Stephanie Igtiben <sweetalker325@cs.com>
niceville , fl United States - Monday, March 12, 2007 1:44 AM CDT
Dear Bethany, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. What courageous people you are! Frank and Norma Johnson, Pace, Fl.
Frank and Norma Johnson
Pace, Fl. USA - Monday, March 12, 2007 0:13 AM CDT
hey baby girl.
I just wanted to let you know I check this page everyday.
I love you soo much.
keep strong, everyones praying for you.
I lovee youu.

Danielle <danielle134679@yahoo.com>
Niceville, Fl U.S? - Sunday, March 11, 2007 11:23 PM CDT
Sweet, sweet, Bethany
I am so glad you had a good Saturday night. Karson and I are praying for you non-stop.
I know you are enjoying all of the family and friends.
Much love
Melissa and Karson

Melissa and Karson <hindsm3@aol.com>
Niceville, FL - Sunday, March 11, 2007 10:02 PM CDT
You have an amazing family, but you all ready knew that right? I am so proud to have known you and your family. You have always had such a bright and sunny personality, I sure your positive outlook has helped carry you through this journey. You and your family have such outstanding faith. I know you realize GOD will be there with his arms around each one of you where ever you may be. May you continue to have happy times ahead, it sounds like you and your family and friends are having an awesome time together. Wish I could be there to give you a hug in person. Take care everyone.

Kris Devine-McKillip <kdevinemc@hotmail.com>
Eleva, WI USA - Sunday, March 11, 2007 9:27 PM CDT

I just want you to know that i'm thinking and praying for you always. You amaze me, each and everyday. I love you and miss you more than words describe. Keep the faith and don't give up. I need you, we all do.

We believe in you. You have a whole town praying for you.

I love you beth.

Chelsea <crburkett2903@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, March 11, 2007 9:25 PM CDT
Buzynski Family
We are still praying for a miracle, it is amazing how strong your family is through this rough time. We love you all and miss you.

Greg & Colleen Trevor, Kelsi, Megan <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
- Sunday, March 11, 2007 5:51 PM CDT
Bethany....We are thinking of you all and are praying for that miracle from God. Just know you are in our thoughts always.
The Chloe Knill family <jlknill@msn.com>
Fairfield, Pa USA - Sunday, March 11, 2007 5:24 PM CDT
Hi Bethany,
this is kayla here i just wanted to tell you how much i love you and i wanted to let you know that all my teamates on my basketball team won first place just for you i told my team we are playing and winning this game for
Bethany they all smiled and we were like ok guys this is for Bethany and in our little huddle we went win it for Bethany!! We had so much fun winning for you and we all did a paryer for you that night. Well i will talk to you later!

love you!!

love Kayla

Kayla Milbrandt <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, MN United States - Sunday, March 11, 2007 4:18 PM CDT
Bethany! Hi I was in your Spanish 2 class. I never got to officially meet you, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and your family. You are truly an amazing person. I am amazed at how positive your attitude has been through all of this. You are truly an inspiration. You and your family are in prayers! Stay Strong Girl!

Love, Madeline Jones

Madeline Jones <MaddieMJ263@Yahoo.com>
Niceville, FL USA - Sunday, March 11, 2007 4:11 PM CDT
I want you to know what you've done and continue to do for a group of freshman girls that I meet with every week at confirmation class. We have been praying for you each week and by the comments on their sermon notes, they are praying for you during the week as well. When we talk about your progress each week, it sparks conversation which has been taken to deeper levels. You have taught my girls so much by your attitude and strength. They have learned the difference between giving up control and taking control. In each step of this road, you have been taking control and have never given up. Even when we received the news to pray for peaceful days and peaceful nights, you never "threw in the towel"--you were always in the drivers seat. We continue to pray for Kylin and the whole Duffy family, for your parents and your sister. You are all really special people and have taught us something we may have never learned without you in our lives--even though you don't know us. I pray for your comfort. Thanks for blessing our lives.

Natalie Hackbarth <neho7@acegroup.cc>
LaCrescent, MN - Sunday, March 11, 2007 11:04 AM CDT
Not a single moment has passed that we haven't had all of you on our minds. Our thoughts and prayers are with you continuously and we pray God brings you peace, comfort and strength now and forever more. You are and will never be more than a thought and a prayer away from us. Sending you lots of hugs long distance !!
Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, March 11, 2007 10:02 AM CDT
Dear Sweet Beautiful Bethany, May You,Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host:
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

TINA MILLER <pineapplemamaof5@BELLSOUTH.NET>
DANDRIDGE, TN USA - Sunday, March 11, 2007 8:47 AM CDT
Bethany - I continue to stand amazed at you and your family. I feel pretty sure you have been pretty busy with family and visitors who want you to know how much they love you. I have been thrilled to see the cars and activity at your house. You are surrounded by love. You are also an obedient servant to God. You are touching the WORLD. Your story and your fight and your sweet spirit are touching people all over the world. Friends are telling friends about your fight and family is telling family. I do not think anyone is forgetting to spread the word about the awesome touch that God has placed on you and your family and the fact that you are Christians. You are touching people in the name of Jesus. Thank you for touching our lives. Fight on Girl!!!!!
Jimmie Boisjolie <jimgirl@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Sunday, March 11, 2007 8:37 AM CDT
Bethany and family,

We are still praying for that miracle. Our wish also is that God gives you peaceful days ahead. Enjoy the time with all your family and friends who come to visit with you. You and your family, Bethany, have really touched our hearts. There are so many many people who love and care about you. You are an amazing young lady and have an amazing family. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family. You have blessed each and everyone of us who have come to know you. You are the bravest young lady we have ever met.

Karen, Will, Katie and Courtney Hess <W2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley , PA 19067 - Saturday, March 10, 2007 10:11 PM CST
Dear Bethany,
Hi my name is Holly Riley. I am in several of your brother Blake's classes and we live in Huntington too. We are keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Holly Riley
Niceville, FL USA - Saturday, March 10, 2007 9:04 PM CST
Pete and Lori and family,
I have thought so much about you the past few days. I know that I have no idea what you are facing but want you to know I pray for Bethany each day to be as comfortable and peaceful as possible. I also pray that you find comfort in your strong faith in Jesus Christ and know that He will never leave you and will always be walking by your side. Bethany, I am in awe of the impact you have made on all who have had the pleasure to know you but also on the impact you have made on those who don't know you but know your story! You have made such a lasting impression! You are an awesome girl. My prayers will continue!

Jennifer (Woods) Erickson <jenerickson@mchsi.com>
Chanhassen, MN - Saturday, March 10, 2007 7:35 PM CST

THE MCCLAINS <rslrcmcclain@earthlink.net>
FAIRFIELD, P.A United States - Saturday, March 10, 2007 12:22 AM CST
I am so glad Karson and I got to spend some time with you on Friday night. You are so beautiful. Karson was glad to see you and talk to you for a while. We prayed for you on the way home. Sweet Bethany, be strong and keep smiling. You are such an angel.
Love Melissa and Karson

Melissa and Karson <hindsm3@aol.com>
Niceville, - Saturday, March 10, 2007 10:09 AM CST
To all my fellow Bethany supporters....i have been blessed enough to get to spend a few minute with her yesterday. what a gift i have been given. she still looks beautiful. she is still smiling! when i was backing out of the room to let christy have her turn she was waving and SMILING !!! the other blessing is that God has put a whole bunch of family members together to give each other strength in this difficult time. it lightens my heart to see them all "together" doing brother/sister/parent things!!! buzynski and kuker familes..you stay in our prayers and we love you all!! patti and tanner xoxo
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl 32578 - Saturday, March 10, 2007 7:42 AM CST

The past couple of weeks, I have gone through extreme hardship. After losing a cousin, great-grandmother, dog, and getting into a vehicle collision, all in a matter of two weeks, I have come to the conclusion that there must be a reason for everything. These, however, do not even compare to your situation.

Ever since Christmas Break two years ago you have been nothing but positive and optimistic toward everything. You constantly have that awesome smile! I do not believe I would ever be able to have that eternal strength that you withhold. God is no doubt tremendously strong in your heart and soul.

It is said that, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Well Bethany, you make enough lemonade to create your own new brand. You are a true friend that is extraordinarily inspirational and no one can ever take that from anybody.

Looking back at different situations in life, many would find it easy to ask God, "Why?", or "Why me?" But a much better question to ask would be, "What was the reasoning behind that?", or "How does this benefit in the long run?" However, all of these questions are, as in Hymn of Promise: unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.

Each and every day we are reminded of things that could have been. We need to look into the future and hope and pray that everything goes to His plan, whether it seems pleasing to us or not. There is a reason. I miss you, and pray for you and your family as you go through this hardship of your own.


Andy Donaldson <sports20freak08@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, Pa USA - Friday, March 9, 2007 11:35 PM CST
Bethany! You are truly an amazing girl. You are such an inspiration to us all, especially me. Your courage and bravery doesn't just come in anybody you meet. Stay strong. You have always been in my prayers, and you will continue to be. We didn't have any classes together this year, but I always enjoyed seeing you with our brief chats at the lockers :) I hope to see you there soon! Keep fighting babe!
Sylvia Amos <siciliansylv@gmail.com>
Niceville, Fl United States - Friday, March 9, 2007 8:10 PM CST
Bethany you are strong and inspirational. You take whatever life throws you.You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Miracles do happen. Someone once said," Where there is great love, there are Mircles. And love is eternal.
Courtney Hess <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, Pa - Friday, March 9, 2007 7:03 PM CST
hi bethany this is grandma mcclain..we are all praying for you and i saw your picture and you still look beautiful as always..hang in there girl..things will be better one way of another..god will take care of you..i love you girl and stay strong..

Helen & Clyde McClain

Helen & Clyde McClain Sr <rslrcmcclain@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA USa - Friday, March 9, 2007 7:03 PM CST
Bethany you're strong and inspirational. You handel what ever life throws at you. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. miracles will happen. Someone once said," where there is love, there is Miracles."And love is eternal.
Courtney Hess <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, Pa - Friday, March 9, 2007 7:00 PM CST
Bethany, you and your beautiful family's courage is truly a miracle in itself and you will all be in my prayer's I pray that peace be with you and your family.
Linda Hansen <hansenlinda3@hotmail.com>
Des Moines, IA USA - Friday, March 9, 2007 5:53 PM CST
Dear Bethany,
You don't really know who I am, but I do know who you are. I am really good friends with the mccools(aarika's friend megan). I just wanted you to know how brave you are and you are in my prayers everynight. You have such strength and courage and you are so brave. I know you will fight this if you just believe. Once I heard of you and how brave you were I couldnt imagine of going through something like that. How much bravery you have is unbelievable.I hear your birthday is coming up so happy birthday!! God Bless You
Kaylee Marinan

Kaylee Marinan <Littlesquirt2020@aol.com>
niceville, fl u.s - Friday, March 9, 2007 5:48 PM CST
Hey Bethanyyy and family,
You all have been on my mind constantly, and i have been praying to God for your miracle.

Everything happens for a reason,
and God has a plan for everyone.


Love Always!

Jenna DePaola <bsktbll32cutie@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 9, 2007 5:29 PM CST
Bethany you're strong and inspirational. You handel what ever life throws at you. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. miracles will happen. Someone once said," where there is love, there is Miracles."And love is eternal.
Courtney Hess <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, Pa - Friday, March 9, 2007 4:52 PM CST
Bethany and family,
What a wonderful testimony of strength and faith that continues to show through Bethany and your family. We wanted you to know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers.

Lori,Neal, Alyssa, and Kacey Barton <bartongang@alltel.net>
Vilonia, AR - Friday, March 9, 2007 4:23 PM CST
Hey there Bethany! I have nothing in my thoughts but you. I had planned to fly to Florida upon my return from South Padre, although it didn't quite work out and I back up into a car in HyVee parking lot... I swear the sun was in my eyes!... right... anyways I have been praying for you as much as possible and I know how stong of a person you are. If I can get my parents to let me be spontaneous, I want to fly to see you, even if it is a second of time! I miss you tons. I hope you got to visit with the family and had a great time!
p.s. Next week on Wednesday a friend of Lindsay's is planning on shaving her head (not because she is trying to be like Britney Spears), but on behalf of cancer sufferers and has asked me to speak at the event. I would love it if it is ok with you if I spoke on your behalf as well! I love you and continue to keep you in my prayers and thought!!!!!! LOVE ME! Whitney

Whitney Wedemeier <w.wedemeier3@my.aidt.edu>
Readlyn/ Chicago, IA/IL United States - Friday, March 9, 2007 3:13 PM CST
Hello Bethany
God bless and keep you and your family always in his loving way.You and your family has been added to my prayer list.
My dear freind Linda Mailoto sent me this Guestbook and asked that I read it. You have many wonderful friends but most of all YOU HAVE GOD on your side. With God we can not go wrong. Only God has the answer we must be a willing vessel and I must say you definatley fit that description.
I am praying God's will for you.

Linda Mann Hamby <lhamby@aflac.com>
Columbus, GA USA - Friday, March 9, 2007 2:31 PM CST
Just wanted you to know that many prayers are being said for you today.

God bless you and your family.

Dale Henderson
Hanover, PA USA - Friday, March 9, 2007 10:02 AM CST
dear bethany yow ar the braoveisstt girl for not gvving up. love allison brooke crevier

(translated from kid writing - "You are the bravest girl for not giving up" )

Allison Crevier - Age 6 <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 9, 2007 9:22 AM CST
Dear Bethany,
You are very brave and strong and you are the prettiest girl I know!!! I hope you feel better and I miss you so much!!! I can't wait until I see you again. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo
Amanda Ashlyn Crevier

Amanda Crevier - Age 8 <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, March 9, 2007 8:54 AM CST
Hello Bethany!

I'm glad to hear that you are now surrounded by your family in Florida. Also, you are surrounded by many other people who are sending out their love from afar. May you be full of God's peace and know that you have made the biggest difference in so many lives...You are beyond the largest inspiration for so many of us. May God keep you and your family in His loving care.

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Friday, March 9, 2007 8:00 AM CST

I am one of your dad's former bosses, who met you at your dad's SMSgt pin-on ceremony. I have witnessed you fight the cancer for over 26 months now, and you still continue to do well in school and life. You are an inspiration to many, many people, to include my twin 14 year olds. Susan, my wife, Alex, Nate and I pray for you all the time...and will not give up as God does wonders. I wish I had one-twentieth the fight that you have...very proud of you.

Pete and Lori....Mike Marsicek says hello, and I give you both a great big hug and the comforting words of Jesus Christ.

Peter B. Roohr <peter.roohr@cox.net>
Herndon, VA USA - Friday, March 9, 2007 7:46 AM CST
Bethany and family
Glad to here you made it home safely. It was great seeing you on Sunday evening. You have been on our minds and in our hearts. We will continue to pray for you always.
Love you always

The McClains

Ron, Sandy, Lori, Ronnie, Crissy McClain <rslrcmcclain@earthlink.net>
- Friday, March 9, 2007 7:31 AM CST
alrighty babycakes, it's 730 and this Hummel crew (me,mommy hum and daddy hum) are ROLLIN OUT 8-) haha im super excited!! can't wait to see you again!! even tho it's only been like a day. Glad your trip back to florida was safe, and im hoping ours is too!

i love you bethany kristine buzynski

your bestie
Lauren Hummel

Lauren Hummel <lazyhum@hughes.net>
Fairfield, Pa United States - Friday, March 9, 2007 6:36 AM CST
The Buzynski Family,

I want you to know that I have been praying for you nonstop. The struggle you all have endured is nothing short of a miracle in itself. I have never met anyone else who has touched me in a way that you all have.
To Bethany,

To say that you are an inspiration is an understatement. There are no words to describe the way you have handled all that has been handed to you, for we are simply mortals and could never conjure up anything that could describe you so well. You are my hero. For the rest of my life, I plan to live it to my fullest potential with you as my inspiration, my mentor, and my guardian angel. I love you with all my heart. No stronger or more strong willed person has ever walked the face of this earth. You are forever in my thoughts, my prayers, and my dreams.

Love for you and and your family always and forever,
Sarah Hess

Sarah Hess <hess2007@hotmail.com>
Fairfield, PA United States - Friday, March 9, 2007 0:02 AM CST
Hey Bethany,
My name is Katie and I am a friend of Alise's up in here in Minnesota.. she shared with me tonight your story and I just wanted to say that my prayers are with you and your family - your strength and courage shows through with your beautiful smile and I know that God is looking down smiling back on such a beautiful person. Even though I have never met you, you are such an inspiration to me and I know that you are to others also.
Keeping you, your family, and the Duffy's in my prayers,
Katie :)

Katie Conniff <catherine.conniff@mnsu.edu>
La Crescent, MN United States - Thursday, March 8, 2007 11:39 PM CST
Hey Bethany,
Glad you arrived safely in Fl. We are thinking and praying for you non-stop. You have touched our lives and our hearts in so many ways. As everyone says, you ARE a true inspiration. What a blessing to know you and your family! May God wrap his loving arounds around you and give you comfort and strength.
We love you!
The Crevier's

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, March 8, 2007 11:03 PM CST
Bethany!I haven't seen you in so long!Girl,you are amazing and we all think about you daily.Stay strong.I hope to see you soon now that you are back!Plus,Carl and I have something to give you :)
Peace and Love.

Kristine Malpass <kmally15@hotmail.com>
Destin, Fl - Thursday, March 8, 2007 10:20 PM CST
Bethany and Family,
Sometimes we forget the power of belief. After reading your journal and your guestbook I am not only amazed but inspired by the number of people you have touched without ever knowing. Know the impact of your strength for it is truly a gift from God. Out thoughts and prayer are with you. Rob, Debbie, Robbie and Shelby Russell

Debbie Russell <pslions@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Thursday, March 8, 2007 9:30 PM CST
so we have had many great times together.
their is not one single memory that i have with you in it that we are not laughing or making a joke. You are an amazing girl and theirs nothing in the world that I would change about you. I know theirs many people out their who don't know who you are and don't know how great you really are, but I do and It just really sucks for them. I love you girly and I hope you know that. baby girl, I am always praying for you and hope you have the bestt time in your life. Call me if you ever get the chance.

Danielle <danielle134679@yahoo.com>
Niceville, FL - Thursday, March 8, 2007 8:21 PM CST
i'll see you tomorrow!!!!!! i miss you bethany kristine, i promised you i'd never leave you, so here i come. we're leaving bright and early in the morning :) i can't wait. you keep hanging in there kiddo, and we'll be reunited before you know it!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BESTIE!!!

forever yours

Lauren Hummel <lazyhum@hughes.net>
Fairfield, Pa United States - Thursday, March 8, 2007 7:46 PM CST
Hey Bethany,
I have not been on this site for a while to be check up on whats been happening but i decided to do it today. I just want you to know you are the strongest and toughest person I will ever know for the pain you go through everyday. You are truly my hero and an inspiration to me. I will continue to pray for God and ask him to pull off that miracle for you and your family. I am also glad to have seen you at your sweet sixteen party and I will never forget at being at that party. Stay strong Bethany and never give up
God Bless,
Chad Fogle

Chad Fogle <BRYANFOGLE@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, March 8, 2007 6:30 PM CST
To the Buzynski Family,

May you continue to find your strength in your faith of the Lord. God knows what his plan is and we must trust in him to guide us through the difficult times he makes us travel. As many have said and will continue to say you have become an inspiration to many many people. There are many days that I stop and think and put things into perspective. Your family has truely taught me to think about the things in life that are really important. Bethany you have taught me to appreciate all the little things in life that you truely seem to enjoy, shopping, getting your nails done, being with friends and family and just generally appreciating everyday. I knew you before this journey began for you and you celebrated life everyday in the same manner as you have done recently. May you and your family continue to find strength in each other. I will continue to pray for that miracle and add prayers that you are at peace.
Happy "Sweet 16" a little early!! Glad to hear you enjoyed your party and your shopping trip.

Valerie Plewa
Gettysburg, PA US - Thursday, March 8, 2007 6:08 PM CST
Dear Bethany,
We've never met but after reading about you and the many good wishes and prayer sent your way I imagine you are a gift from God. Possibly a gift he is calling home, possibly not. I knew your Dad when he was a young boy, I was bestfriends with his sister Cindy. I'm sorry that you've been asked to endure this very heavy load but it sounds like you've looked it straight in the eye and you've been up to the task. I'm praying for a miracle to help you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family.

Linda Corcoran Greeley <greeley@chapman.edu>
Orange, ca - Thursday, March 8, 2007 5:12 PM CST
Dear Bethany,
One of your teachers, Kerry Novak, has told all the people she knows about you. You must be a very special lady. Happy sweet 16 and you look beautiful!!! You will be in my prayers daily and I wish only the best for you! May the Lord let you see the sun rise for many years to come.
Fran Sutkovich

Fran Sutkovich <frankie06@verizon.net>
Washington, PA United States - Thursday, March 8, 2007 4:52 PM CST
We have been praying for all of you since you left here on Monday afternoon. We will continue to pray for your strength peace and comfort as we turn it all over to the Good Lord. I know you are in good hands with all your neighbors in FL. We love all of you more than words can express.
Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, March 8, 2007 4:25 PM CST
Dear Bethany,
Just wanted to let you know that you have inspired me in so many ways....you are truly my hero. Thanks for being an angel in my eyes, meeting you has changed my life forever. You will never know how much Niceville loves you, girl!! Well, from all of us," We Love You & Believe in You"!!
love always,
jenna and friends

Jenna Testa <twirlgirljenna@msn.com>
Nicevillef, fl - Thursday, March 8, 2007 3:23 PM CST
Bethany ~ First, I wanted to wish you a Happy Early Birthday! What amazing family and friends you have. They love you so much! Second, I just wanted you to know that we are still praying for you. You are an amazing young lady who has touched so many lives. You have handled everything you have gone through with such grace and strength...a true hero is what you are! Stay strong sweet Bethany! BELIEVING....

The Dell Family

Julie Dell www.caringbridge.org/visit/hayden <dell991@comcast.net>
Hanover, Pa - Thursday, March 8, 2007 3:04 PM CST
God Bless your entire family. You guys are very strong hearted people full of love and thats what Bethany needs.I will continue to pray for your miracle as well. Only God knows whats best.
Danielle M. Turner <danniemt2003@yahoo.com>
Detroit, MI USA - Thursday, March 8, 2007 2:20 PM CST
To Bethany and your family,
I was sent your website by a friend of a friend of a friend and so I became connected to your family. I spent a good part of yesterday going through the journal. The faith that you and your family have is absolutely joyous. We, as mere mortals, do not know what lies ahead in the Great Plan of our Lord. But for me, your struggle and survival and strength has made me thank the Lord that your story has been told. When I look at my little problems, I can look at you, your family and friends and see the amazing strength of love and prayers. I will now join the prayers for you.

Carole Bishop <cbishop@aicworld.com>
Crestview, FL - Thursday, March 8, 2007 1:52 PM CST

You have truly been an inspiration to us all throughout your long journey. Knowing you since you were a little girl, I knew that you were/are a scrapper, never backing down from a challenge. I believe in miracles and my fervent hope is that God bestows one upon you now. You are one tough lady who will forever have a place in my family's heart. You are and always will be, an angel, a gift that God has chosen to place among us. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

All our love,
The Marsiceks

Michael Marsicek <mmarsicek@verizon.net>
Washington, DC - Thursday, March 8, 2007 11:37 AM CST

my thoughts and prayers are brought to you via belief net .I am a 42 year old family man in London England .Myself and my family are praying for your family to trust in Christ Jesus because he does perform miracles every day .We pray for you Bethany and your lovely family at this testing time .

Keep smiling ,keep positive and look towards god dear child

All our love across the ocean

The Ewart Family (England)

Derek Ewart <derek83@btinternet.com>
London , UK - Thursday, March 8, 2007 11:32 AM CST

You and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers. Our volleyball community continues to ask about and pray for you and your family.
Your amazing courage/strength and faith are a huge lesson to us all.

God Bless,

Kris, Lynn, Jennica and Carissa Hagberg

Kris and Lynn Hagberg <hagbergk@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
Niceville, FL USA - Thursday, March 8, 2007 11:15 AM CST
Hello Bethany & family... My name is Lindsey Kalton and your cousin Lindsay W. is one of my very best friends. I have had the pleasure of meeting many members of your extended family, such an amazing group of people. Although I have never met your immediate family I feel a connection to you and wanted to let you know that there is a VERY, VERY large group of my friends and family (and their friends & family)who are praying for you, your parents, your sister, and your brother everyday. This guestbook makes it clear to see that you are an unbelievably courageous young lady who has touched the lives of so many people throughout the world. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Lindsey Kalton <lmkalton@yahoo.com>
Des Moines, IA - Thursday, March 8, 2007 10:55 AM CST
Dear Bethney and family,Laurie I think of your faimly day and night and Iknow there is a bright light that shines on all of you.God is all knowning and has aroad for all of us to travel.We sometimes don`t always understand but he is always wiser then us.I Have known you Laurie since you was a young women and I know the love you and Pete have for family and people around you and our loving GOD.You Know that you have a loving family here(Image Makers)please call on usfor anything.I love you`ll. GOD BLESS you and give you`ll strenght.Wanda and family.Praying always.
Wanda,Scott,TylerJackson and Monica and Dave Atkinson and Image Maker. <imagemak@cox.net>
Niceville, FL. - Thursday, March 8, 2007 10:07 AM CST
Prayers and heartfelt wishs for a peaceful journey. This comes from
a teacher who has had this story tug at her heart. I have never had the pleasure of meeting your lovely daughter but I have taught at NHS for 17 years and this event in your lives puts everyting into perspective as far as the trivial
things my student and I included complain about. Please hang on to that marvelous faith for God will take care of all of you

Sue DAmm at Niceville HIgh School <bdamm@cox.net>
Niceville , fl Okaloosa - Thursday, March 8, 2007 8:21 AM CST
I am so moved by your streghth and your faith. My daughter is a survivor and I will continue to pray for you! I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES! May He continue to hold you in the palm of His hand.
Pat Hearne <nicevillevol@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Thursday, March 8, 2007 8:04 AM CST
Bethany, I am so glad you had a GREAT birthday party this past weekend. You have so many friends in Fairfield (and all over the U.S.)that love you so much!!! So you are an amazing young lady but I guess that apple doesn't fall far from the tree because you have an amazing family. Wrap yourself in that quilt of love and prayers from Fairfield and be still and know that GOD is with you (and your family).
Dianna Zimmerman - Fairfield Middle School
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, March 8, 2007 7:50 AM CST
Pete, Lori, Bethany, Aarika, Blake

Everyday I become more amazed with the strength your family shows and with Bethany's humor. When I read your guestbook I am in awe of the number of people you have all touched. You have touched many lives and God's light shines through each of you. I DO STAND AMAZED! God Bless you all and know that our prayers are with you and will not cease! Bethany your are so loved by SO SO many! Thanks for sharing that love - because of you I know souls will be saved and people have accepted Jesus as their Savior. What a gift to give someone!!!!!
Love, The Boisjolie Family

Jimmie Boisjolie <jimgirl@cox.net>
Niceville, Fl - Thursday, March 8, 2007 7:02 AM CST
I just want you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. What an amazing young lady you are!
Ronda Hewitt <rhewitt@adamscounty.us>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, March 8, 2007 6:19 AM CST

You have overcome so much, and have fought through so many struggles. My family and I are praying for you to fight through this next hurdle.

You've touched so many lives with your beautiful smile and your strength. Everyone in Fairfield is behind you 100%. We believe in you.

You're amazing in every single way.
Keep holding on, you can do it. :D

<33 Brigid

Brigid Goss <xBxKathleenxGx@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, March 8, 2007 3:54 AM CST

Bethany, I can honestly say you are the strongest person I have ever met in my life. I can't imagine how this is for you. I'm praying for you, your family, & your friends. No one deserves what you've been through, and especially not you.

You are amazing in so many ways and I hope you know that. You have all of Fairfield here supporting you and praying for you, and each and every one of us has faith in you. You always have that smile on your face and it's really truly amazing, please just try to keep that smile on and stay strong for us.

Hang in there gorgeous, we have faith in you, and always will.

Morgan Rynkiewicz <mrynkiewicz@hotmail.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 11:35 PM CST
Dear Bethany and family,

Miss Novak asked for some extra prayers for you. I just want you to know that you are in my family's thoughts and prayers! God loves you and will be with you.

The Sobecky Family

Dena Sobecky <dena10@atlanticbb.net>
Johnstown, PA USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 10:44 PM CST
Hello Bethany,

We've never really met...but I know Aarika, and I just wanted to let you know that SO many people have you in their hearts right now, and at church tonight we prayed for you. From what I can tell, you are extremely loved by a kazillion [made up number]people! I think God is smiling down on you right now for you and your family's continued courage and bravery. Whatever the case may be, God has big things planned for you. I'll keep you in my prayers!!

Love Nicole

Nicole Yockey <yock@cox.net>
- Wednesday, March 7, 2007 10:09 PM CST
Dearest Bethany and family,
You and your fight has been such an inspiration for me and the whole community. I just encourage your strong fight against this ugly battle. Here is some scripture from the book of psalm.

"I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice. He hath dilivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me."
psalms 55:16-18

so bethany keep up the strong fight and like the pslam said there are and always be many with you. And my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Chuck Hutchins <jesusfreak4235@yahoo.com>
Niceville , FL 32578 - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 10:02 PM CST
Dear Bethany,
I can not stop thinking about you. I just want to let you know that I think you are the bravest person I have ever known. Keep fighting and I will continue to pray for a miracle. God bless you!
Miss Novak

Kerry Novak-Drilak <kdrilak@juno.com>
Houston, PA USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:56 PM CST
Bethany, you are in my thoughts and prayers and I will continue to pray for you and your family. Being the amazing person that you are, I wanted to tell you how much you have influenced my outlook on life. Your tremendous strength has helped me to treasure every day. I wish my support and the support of others can inspire you as much as you have inspired me. Your unique, bubbly personality continues to shine through during this tough time. I feel so lucky to have met you and to have witnessed your contagious smile. Keep your spirits high! Have a safe trip back to Florida.
Katie Hess <W2chesss@comcast.net>
Yardley, Pa - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 8:46 PM CST
Dear Bethany and family,
I arrived back home to the states a few weeks ago. I checked your website after someone from Walter Reed called me and told me the news. I am shocked and saddened. Please know that you are all in my thoughts. Bethany, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and you look ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS (as always) for the winter ball. Please keep us updated as much as possible. I will be thinking of all of you in the days to come.

Valerie Taylor, RN BS CPT AN <vguarrera@yahoo.com>
Laurel, MD USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 7:52 PM CST
please know each and every one of you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. i know the times are frustrating when all you want is to be together. it will work out. God will bless you with that! i will keep snickers safe. love and hugs to all of you, patti :)
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 7:50 PM CST
I heard about Bethany and I told my Church about it and we are all praying for her! i used to go to school with Bethany but I moved and we have lost touch =( i really would like to visit her so could you please contact me back.
Caitlin <fhockeybabie21@aim.com>
Spring Grove, pa US - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 6:51 PM CST
Dear Buzynski's, you are all in our hearts and minds each day. We pray for your miracle, and we pray for your peace.
"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace..." John 16:33
peace friends,
The Bascoms

Cyndy Bascom <cynphil@valp.net>
Valparaiso, FL USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 5:08 PM CST
This is one of the most compelling and heart wrenching stories that I have ever read on the prayer chain. I think each of us knows Bethany in our own hearts and someday will meet her. The Lord has touched so many people by the strength and faith in Jesus that this family has. I would have never even thought about a party, but what a way to celebrate her life with friends and family! As I continue to pray for this young lady and her friends, I thank God that in some small way I have gotten to know this family. I pray for the deep faith and comfort that Bethany has in her Lord Jesus. But most of all, I pray that her life be an example to her peers and older friends and family alike. Jesus will heal Bethany. It probably won't be the way we would choose, but she will see and continue to live in eternal glory...and that is what it is all about. I know this is breaking this family's hearts. I write this in mixed sorrow and joy. Love and prayers, Carol Smith

Well, we aren't done praying yet. The curtain has not lowered and the actors have not taken their cue yet for a curtain call. Aarika has a lot on her heart now, too, as does the entire family. Thank you all for your prayers. We already have experienced how one family can touch many lives. What a miracle that is, that Bethany's mother has been able to open her heart and their lives to so many strangers. Thank the Lord for His reaching out to so many through her...
From the Warriors Prayer Chain in Albuquerque,NM

DJ Hoffman, Penny Hoe ,Carol Smith and all the PC Warriors <JPHffmn@aol.com>
Albuquerque, NM USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 4:28 PM CST
To the Buzynskis,

Stay strong for Bethany. I am sending lots of love and prayers your way.

Natalie Woods Nieman <natalie.nieman@prudential.com>
Peosta, IA 52068 - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 2:52 PM CST
It sounds like you all had a wonderful weekend. Bethany, I hope you had Aarika running all over the mall (just kidding Aar). We are so sorry to hear that things are not going well right now but we pray that you enjoy being back together as a family, get some must needed rest and get stronger, so you may make some more beautiful memories with your family and friends as we all continue to pray for that miracle to happen. We will NEVER give up on you and we hope that you know how proud we are to know you and what a strong, inspirational, loving person you are. We were watching some old tape of camping the other day. It was your birthday party(you couldn't have been more than 8 or so) at Lake Mead and your Dad put the pinata in the tree and couldn't figure out how to get back down....we laughed like crazy and hope that you can find the strength to keep laughing too. Happy early Sweet 16 Bethany. You are a VERY loved young lady and we will pray harder than ever.
The VanBergens

Toni <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 2:49 PM CST
Bethany and family,
We are praying for you and think of you everyday. Be safe when returning to Florida and see you soon!!

Jon, Elaine, Katie, and Bradley Weeks <elaineweeks@cox.net>
Niceville , FL united states - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 2:47 PM CST
Your faith is an inspiration. The love your family shares with each other is a testament of your strength. We continue to send up prayers for Bethany's recovery.
Gail Campbell
Niceville, FL USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 2:32 PM CST
bethany i know we dont talk much but i just want u to know that know matter what i will love you for who u are and not who u werent i cry every time i think about the situation u and ur family is in and if this takes a turn for the worst i will love even if u dont go through i know how this feels ok i love you with all my heart and please never forget this please ok i love u bethany i really do

bethany u r my world i love u good luck Aairka, Blake, and Mom and Dad i love u all i am a friend of bethanys from fairfield i love u guys as well i think u did a great job through this long and hard times i really do love your family

Briana Harbaugh <www.littlebugaboo@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, Pa United States - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 2:05 PM CST
Our thoughts & prayers are with you Bethany and your Family.
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 1:00 PM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Bethany, you have been an inspiration to so many people, hope you have a safe trip back to Florida and enjoy some quality time with your family. Thinking of all of you and praying that God will keep all of you under his tender loving care.

Lois Ganske <laganske@netins.net>
Readlyn, Ia USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 12:45 AM CST
Bethany and family,

We were so glad to hear that you had a wonderful weekend and party with many of your family and friends. Wish we could have been there. You and your family are inspirations to us all. You forever have touched our lives in ways we will never forget. You have gone through so much. Your continued faith and courage through everything truly astounds me. Bethany, your smile still shines through even on your toughest days. Have a safe trip back to Florida and enjoy your special time with each other. Hold each other close and continue to lean on one another. I do believe God has had a plan for you and he has been working through you. You have put up an unbelievable fight and you continue to fight. We are not giving up hope. There is not one day that goes by that we do not talk with God for your continued strength and courage and for your healing Bethany. You are a hero to us.

Karen, Will, Kaitlyn and Courtney Hess <W2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley , PA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 12:32 AM CST
Dear Bethany, Aarika, Blake, Pete & Lori,
Each day I visit your website to keep you as close as I can to my thoughts because you no longer live near us. For so long I wanted to have a baby and you were all here supporting me through that. Now I have three beautiful boys and I am very thankful to god for that. I am very grateful to all of you also for the friendship and love you gave to me through the tough time I had. Now, that seems so trivial knowing what you all are going through. Your family "puts me in check" each day when I feel like my two month old and two year old twins are difficult to deal with. You are all truly angels and I want you to know how much you are loved and missed hear in Las Vegas. Take care of yourselves and enjoy each day as I now do because of you!!

Stephanie Sand <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 11:58 AM CST
It must be extremely hard to stay strong and positive during times like this...just know you have people all around the world praying and supporting you. Keep the faith and BELIEVE! You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers always!

Mitch, Jenny, Austin, Alli and Madison Matthias <jennifer.matthias@cunamutual.com>
Readlyn, IA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 11:41 AM CST
We just wanted you to know that you are all in our prayers. Enjoy the time you all have together. Keep us updated. Bethany you are a true inspiration and hero. We miss you guys.
Nathan, Miriam, Tyler, Elisabeth and Andru Nylander <MENTnylander@hotmail.com>
Hickam AFB, HI USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 11:40 AM CST
My prayers and thoughts for Bethany and her family. God's blessings to each and everyone.
Jackie Wise <jwise@gtcom.net>
Blountstown, Fl Calhoun - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 11:28 AM CST
Dear Bethany & family,
I've been keeping up with your journal and I just wanted to let you know that all of you are in our prayers. I know that has been quite a struggle. We sure hope that we can see a miracle with all of this but whatever GOD wants is best.
However,we do want to wish you the best 16th birthday and are so glad that this past weekend was such a big success.
God Bless you.

Martha Scott <scotts1026@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 11:00 AM CST
Hello Bethany!
As I sit here and type, my prayers are being prayed even faster than I can think of them. Once you are all in Florida togther, may you, Aarika, Blake, your Mom and your Dad have some family cuddles. I just love to cuddle with my kids. Being all cozy and warm together is such a peaceful feeling. I hope that their is an extra-king sized bed in your house for this...it will make it easier :) I continue to pray for peace, love, and understanding. May God keep you and your family in His loving care.

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 10:48 AM CST
Bethany and Family,
Treasure every moment for that is a memory no one can take away. It is like a quilt that has been put together with every stitch and every sqaure different in it's own knowing how warm it will keep you! You are a true inspiration! -Your peace of mind is in your Trust in God. I know Niceville can't wait to see you! Our thought and prayers are with you ~ The Schoewe's

The Schoewe's <cshowdawg23@earthlink.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 10:02 AM CST
You looked awesome on Sunday! Of course you shopping purchases are "de bomb!" (even the underwear) I truly love and admire your courage and sense of humor! We pray for you daily and hope to see you again soon, even in FL. May God continue to watch over you and keep you as comfortable as possible.
With much love,

The Carbaugh Family <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:55 AM CST
You are in my prayers that God will heal you.
Tami Jennings Ofenloch <tofenloch@charter.net>
Hoover, AL USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:41 AM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless!
Donna Scarpignato <donna.scarpignato@mercantile.com>
Westminster, MD USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:15 AM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless!
Donna Scarpignato <donna.scarpignato@mercantile.com>
Westminster, MD USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:15 AM CST
We praying for your Miracle, Bethany. I read your story over and over and see that God has surrounded you with the most amazing family and friends. I know your parents are so thankful for your grace.
Pete... please let us know if Shane can send you a leave donation...

The Lacaillade Family <calaca417@comcast.net>
McGuire AFB, NJ - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 8:59 AM CST
My thoughts and prayers go with you.
Gayle Sands <gsands53@hotmail.com>
Taneytown, MD USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 8:34 AM CST
Pete, Lori, Bethany, Aarika & Blake~
May the Lord bless you and guide you through the journey he has put forth on you. Know that we're all praying for you... Have a safe trip back home and enjoy your time together.
God Bless~
Ann & Dan Nelson & Brandon Parrish

Ann Nelson <maria.nelson2@hill.af.mil>
Roy, UT USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 8:33 AM CST
Bethany & family--We continue to pray for you. May God's love surround you all.
Daryl & Kathy Behnke
Readlyn, IA USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 7:44 AM CST
Enjoy your time with your sister and family. You all need each other now. Pete and Lori, that daughter of yours is something special as is the rest of your family I'm sure. Bethany you have been an inspiration to me ever since I started reading your story and letters several months ago. You are an angel and have been very special to a lot of people around the world. To the Buzynski family, good luck and may God be with you.
Love, Rick

Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
Marshalltown, Ia - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 2:49 AM CST
Keep up the fight and stay positive. Sounds like you have a great family and friends. Remember that every day through this time is one day closer to being with Chemo and surgeries. It can be done. Above all laugh much =)

16 Year Osteosarcoma Survivor

Steve Kucharski <kenoshabrew@intergate.com>
Gurnee, IL USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 1:19 AM CST

Monte, Rosanne, Dylan & Sydney Boevers <mrboevers@msn.com>
Center Point, IA USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 0:35 AM CST
Bethany, I want you to know that I love you and that I will always be here for you through everything... It was really good seeing you today and Brion and myself may be coming back tomorrow if your still up here. I love you so much and if i do get the chance to come see you tomorrow I'm going to sing you that song!
Thomas Herrick <wtherr01@louisville.edu>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 0:32 AM CST
Bethany My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Gayle D Norgaard
Shalimar, FL USA - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 11:20 PM CST
Lori & Pete,

I taught Bethany during her seventh grade year. See was then and still is an inspiration to all who know her. As a parent of two children, I can't begin to imagine how you have the strength to see your child suffer. Your faith is an inspiration to all. I know God has great plans for you and your family. God bless all of you!

Chuck Engel <1coolteacher@adelphia.net>
Walkersville, MD - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 9:30 PM CST
Bethany Buzynski
you just left here, and i miss you so much. Saturday was amazing, and you looked gorgeous and soo healthy. i hadn't heard you laugh in so long, and i loved it. You're smile told me everything was going to be okay, and that you were happy. My plan was to make that a day you could never forget, and i know it was very special to you!<3 you continue to amaze me, and i keep telling myself God knows what he's doing, and there's a reason for all of this. You have taught me so much, and im truely thankful. I just want you to keep in mind that im always here for you, and im NEVER giving up. You'll ALWAYS be my best friend, and that's a life time promise. Try to smile babe, i know it's hard!


yours forever and ever
Lauren Hummel :]


Lauren Hummel <lazyhum@hughes.net>
Fairfield, Pa United States - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 9:24 PM CST
We have been following you and your story for sometime. Your strength and courage are amazing. You make people look at life a little different...appreciate what they have and have faith in what is to come. God be with you always...keep the faith.
Deb <dahumphrey@earthlink.net>
- Tuesday, March 6, 2007 9:04 PM CST
Bethany Buzynski...I had an amazing time with you this weekend (your party and of course shopping). I read the update and was in complete shock. Although words cannot heal you or take away the pain you are going through, I want you to know that I love you, we love you (the whole town)and will support you no matter what your life brings. We're all praying for a miracle and hopefully God grants us this one.
Jenny K
Fairfield, PA - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 8:46 PM CST
Hi Bethany,
I just heard the update I know that you will get through it and YOU can't give up hope! Not yet, Not ever!

Love Madi

Madi <yatesrhodes@partnercom.net>
- Tuesday, March 6, 2007 8:17 PM CST
I know that it's of little consolation right now but the 5 of you are such an inspiration to so many. Especially you Bethany, to keep such a positive attitude and to never give up on your faith. Because of you I will give my girls an extra hug and remember to enjoy what we have because we just never know what is around the corner for any of us. We WILL continue to pray for strength and peace for your entire family! Hugs and Prayers from Iowa.
Pat & Kim Yate, Madi & Morgan Bellile

Kim Yates <yatesrhodes@partnercom.net>
Marshalltown, IA - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 8:05 PM CST
We heard about your courageous battle from your neighbor, Dion Scaglione. He is a great friend and shared your story with me today. On the way home I prayed for you and your family; I am a dad with a son the same age as you; we are going through trials but not as serious as yours and with not nearly the courage and grace as you and your family. I really admire you all for that. God is using you in a mighty way, through you He is doing a great work by touching so many other lives. I thank you for running the good race, your race is not finished yet. You have lit a spark in me to pray more, to be thankful of my station in life, and to be selfless in my daily life. You and your family have lived the words of God to Joshua, "Be strong and courageous". Thank you for your faithfulness; you have inspired me.

Jim Anderson <lvn4ever@cox.net>
Shalimar, FL USA - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 7:34 PM CST
Dear Bethany's mom and dad-
I just spent the past hour (1am -2am) reading the history of your daughter's past 2 years and my heart goes out to you. I have a 2 yr old and when you spoke so often of the loss of sleep it took me back to when Liberty was born and how I thought I would never catch up! Here you are at your teen age daughter's bedside. I can't imagine the things that go through your mind day to day, but I can image the furthest is sleep deprivation. After reading your stories all I can say is you are such awesome parents and I can only hope to raise my daughter as you have raised Bethany. Keep your heads high and keep smiling for Bethany!
I hold you high in my prayers that God gives you the strength to get through each and everyday and only good things come to you and Bethany. I will pray her pain will subside. Remember that God is with you and will guide you in making your decisions. When you are faced with the most difficult-fall to your knees and he will guide you.
God Be With You Friends!!!

Abuja, Nigeria - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 6:54 PM CST
Oh Lord, please be with this family. I have only known of Bethany and this amazing family for a short time, but they have touched me with their strength etc. Lord, comfort them. Be with Bethany and her family as you take them through this valley and help her to be able to be with her sister.
Ginny Streeter <gstreeter@hookercreek.net>
Bend, OR - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 6:32 PM CST
God Bless you all as you travel this new leg of your journey. It was wonderful to see Bethany and the whole Buzynski family laughing and having fun at Bethany's birthday party. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. God's peace....
Cathy Perry (Neal's mom) <paperrys@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 5:55 PM CST
You don't know me, I am a friend of your aunt julie c. I am currently living in Nigeria, Africa (my husband is in the military) I got you website today and my insides just ache reading your story. I have a classmate who has a 7 year old nephew who was just diagnosed at Christmas time with a rare form of Cancer. My prayers are with you from across the ocean. I pray that God gives you the strength to fight the fight and he keeps you strong in mind and body through your treatments. You are a beautiful lady. You should be proud of yourself for having such courage to face each new day. Hold your head high and we will keep you in our prayers! -Angela B.

Angela <angela.jason.liberty@gmail.com>
Abuja, Nigeria - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 5:52 PM CST
Bethany: You are such a special young lady. Not only are you beautiful on the outside but within too. I still think about when you were here and how polite you were. A real joy to be around. (also Blake, Aarika and your folks) You and your family will continue to be in our prayers. Have a safe trip home.
HB and Jan Calvert <calverts@iowatelecom.net>
Montrose, IA - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 5:39 PM CST
Your family cotinues to be in our prayers each and every day. We are so thankful that you have such dear friends and family along with you in this journey Gad has planned for you. He has great things planned for you. We pray that Bethany has MANY great days ahead with her sister, and that your family continues to make MANY memorable moments. If there is anything we can do, please let me know! May He wrap you tightly in His loving arms. Many Blessings.
The Peterson's

Tonette <tonettepeterson@yahoo.com>
MN - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 4:23 PM CST
Please know that you are in our thoughts. Karson and I talk about your updates, think about you often and pray for you continuously. Buzynski's please be safe on your journey home to florida.
Much Love
Karson and Melissa

Karson and Melissa <hindsm3@aol.com>
Niceville, FL - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 4:15 PM CST
Travel safely my friends.
Mary, Jason, Kevin, Noah and Ally <missmary65@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 4:00 PM CST
i now know that you are headed to the florida home. please know you are in God's hands on this path as with all of the others you have traveled. may all of you have a safe trip back and know that miss patti's bed and breakfast has 2 rooms wide open!!! we love you all. xoxoxo
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 3:46 PM CST
Hi Bethany
Sounds like you had a great weekend, I wish we could've been there to share your 16th Birthday. Kelsi was so happy to hear your voice on Sat. be strong, we are praying for you everyday we all love you and miss you.

Calvert's <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas , Nevada - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 3:21 PM CST
Bethany--Happy Birthday!! 16!! The last time we saw you you were 10! You are so beautiful. Not because you are beautiful on the outside (you are so pretty) but because of your smile. You glow in your pictures just like an angel. We think of you everyday and pray for your peace and healing. You have touched so many lives. Some people live to be 85 and have wasted their life, but you have done so much for so many. You have taken the bad and given faith and hope to so many. Thank you!

Lori and Pete,
We pray for your strength and peace. You both are an inspiration to us all.

Love Sharalie and Mike

Sharalie and Mike Albanese <angel92eyes@yahoo.com>
USAF Academy, Co USA - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 3:09 PM CST
Dear Buzynskis, we are holding your family up in prayer. we love you guys! Lean on God, he will give you strength.
Jim & Patti Baddeley <pbaddeley@nc.rr.com>
Goldsboro, nc usa - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 2:59 PM CST
God's thought towards you are of good and never of evil to give you an expected end, the Bibl said it and I believe it. Over 2000 years ago Jesus died on the cross of calvary and shed his blood for your sake and his word stated clearly that by his stripes ye are healed. It is written that the scriptures cannot be broken neither can God's word return to him void, it is written that the purpose of these words must be fulfilled. Take these scriptures and hold them as your sword towards this infirmity trusting in God's faithfulness and i beleive God will see you through the next round of treatment and he will establish your health. I will be praying for you and I know that since God is not deaf and with all the multitudes praying faithfully on your behalf, it is well with you. as you stand on these scriptures proclaim to God that since he said that Jesus is the word come to life, and Jesus is life itself, then as you stand on these words let the life of Jesus Christ manifest in your body as healing and he will. I pray that God in his infinite mercy will increase your faith to the level necessary to obtain your healing. Amen
Oyin <oyindunmola1000@yahoo.com>
Dallas, TX United States - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 1:21 PM CST
Hello Bethany!
My heart fills with joy to know that most of your family and friends were able to be together this weekend to celebrate your birthday! It's hard to believe, but Rachel is going to be four on the 31st of this month and it feels like just yesterday Aarika made the "baby-name" box for my classroom to vote on her name. As we plan to celebrate, we never know where life's journeys are going to take us. Trusting and knowing that God is always with us needs to be our focus and this message board is certainly full of faith. So as you begin the next phase of your treatment, know that I am praying for you and your family's strength through God. May He keep you in His loving care.

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 1:07 PM CST
Hey Bethany,
It was wonderful seeing you having a great time at your surprise party! Like so many other people, we too, are praying for your comfort and strength every day. We would willingly trade places with you if we could. Keep your eyes on Jesus!
Mark & Lori Sewell

Mark & Lori Sewell <the_sewells@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 11:36 AM CST

It sure is hard to concentrate on anything at work when all I can think about is you!! Lauren is sooooo missing you and hoping like crazy you might reconsider about coming back to Florida. But we understand that this may not be in the plan and we only want what will make you the most comfortable and happy. So just hearing your voice will be what we hope for. Know that you are adored by so many people! I hope you can feel a big hug coming to you right through this computer!! Allow the peace that passes all understanding flow through you now and always.

allyson graham <allyson@f15.net>
niceville, fl - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 11:09 AM CST
Lori, Pete and Bethany--I was so pleased to be able to visit with you all on Thursday,in Fairfield. Bethany, you smile that beautiful smile and it immediately brightens the room and everyone around you. I pray for God to hold you tenderly in his arms and give your comfort and peace. We love you and continue to pray for you. You are in my heart, forever,my dear.
Terri Berkheiser--Friendship Prayer/Sunshine Circle <musical858@verizon.net>
Coal Township, Pa. U.S.A. - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 9:09 AM CST
hey this is bethanie pearman and tanner degafferelly and we just wanted to say that we're praying for you and hope the treatment is going great, and i want to add that you are one of the most stongest people that i could have ever heard of and im happy that your doing so well!!
Bethanie Pearman <Bethanie2915@hotmail.com>
Freeport, Fl US - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 8:52 AM CST
I love you Bethany.
I am thinking about you constantly.
You are one of a kind.
Love you

Chloe DePaola
Fairfield, PA - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 8:39 AM CST
Bethany and Family:

There are so many words of inspiration and messages from the heart from all over the world written in this guest book. Those words are like outstretched arms, wanting to comfort you, relieve the worry and bolster the spirit. My tennis team did the bridge run/walk in your honor and that is how our family became familiar with yours. Then Bethany and my son Brad met at Lauren Graham's party and from then on we have kept your family in our thoughts and prayers. Even though you are in Pennsylvania, we send greetings filled with sunshine from Florida and all the sweetness of Niceville.

Laurie Koszuta <koszuta@mac.com>
Niceville, Fl USA - Monday, March 5, 2007 10:32 PM CST

COAL TWP., PA USA - Monday, March 5, 2007 9:37 PM CST
Hey Bethany! I just wanted you to know that there is not a day that goes by that I do not think about you and pray for you and your family. You have been such an inspiration to me Bethany. Keep your head up and know how very much you are loved by so many people all over the world. You are a beautiful angel! I love you sweetie! :)
Kelsey Brown
- Monday, March 5, 2007 6:26 PM CST
Hi Bethany,

When I stopped by your party Saturday night, an overwhelming feeling took over. You were surrounded by over 50 friends and family! As you can see, you are not alone. We are all in this with you! Some people go through life having little or no friends. They go through life without the love and support of their family, or have no family. There you were, in the middle of all your family and friends and everyone just having a wonderful time. What a blessing to have such a loving family and be surrounded by so many of your friends who care for you. You are one special girl!
Keep your Faith in God and let him fight for you. He's right there beside you every step of the way.
We love you!

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Monday, March 5, 2007 9:06 AM CST
Hope you had a good time this past weekend Bethany. You deserve it and more. You and your family are in my thoughts everyday. I wish there was more I could do or say. Pete and Lori, I know you have a lot going on and hard days ahead, keep up your strength and lean on your family and friends when you need to. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
- Monday, March 5, 2007 6:28 AM CST
I hope you all had a good weekend filled with much talk and laughter! Bethany, you have been a real champ--no one will ever think of you as a quitter. If we were all as strong and optimistic as you, we'd live in a wonderful world! Hold on to each other. We'll keep on praying!
Barny, Gina, Hanna, and Hallee Wiersma <gwiersma@wapsievalleyschools.org>
Readlyn, IA USA - Sunday, March 4, 2007 4:50 PM CST
There are really no words that can make everything ok or take the pain away. Our prayers for healing!! Our thoughts with you & your family daily. Your strength is admired you are one tough cookie...:o) Peace to you & yours.
Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, ia - Sunday, March 4, 2007 1:14 PM CST
Dear Bethany,
Today in my Sunday school class my teacher ,Mr Dion, you have probably heard about him because he has left you a message in the guestbook, but any way he gave me and the class the address to this website and encouraged me to check it out and I relized he was right you are a very strong girl.Its the people like you that encourage me to go through the days.I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers and you will always be in them. GOD BLESS!!!

FORT WALTON BEACH, FL US - Sunday, March 4, 2007 12:27 AM CST
Hi Bethany,
I hope you a wonderful time at your party! I thought about you. Hope to see you this week.
All my love,

Michelle O'Brien <pmo811@msn.com>
Olney, Md - Sunday, March 4, 2007 11:59 AM CST
I hope you had a great weekend with your friends. I miss you alot. I think of you on a daily basis and I keep you in my prayers.

Marissa Boyd
Niceville, FL U.S.A. - Sunday, March 4, 2007 9:18 AM CST
I hope you had a great weekend with your friends. I miss you alot. I think of you on a daily basis and I keep you in my prayers.

Marissa Boyd
Niceville, FL U.S.A. - Sunday, March 4, 2007 8:07 AM CST
Bethany and Family,
Thinking of you as I often do when I check my email before bed. I hope tonight and every day and night you are blessed with friends, family, happiness and God's loving care. Have a wonderful, fun, peaceful and loving time with your family and friends...

A little prayer for you all tonight...my favorite....

I said a prayer for you today,
And know God must have heard -
I felt the answer in my heart,
although He spoke no word.
I didn't ask for wealth or fame -
I knew you woulndn't mind,
I asked Him to send treasures
of a far more lasting kind.
I asked that He'd be near you,
At the start of the new day.
To grant you many blessings
And friends to share your way.
I asked for happiness for you -
In all things great and small,
But it was for His loving care -
I prayed for most of all.

God Bless all of you...
Jake, Amy, Abby and Zach Ganske

Jake and Amy Ganske <ganske@netins.net>
Swisher, IA - Sunday, March 4, 2007 0:11 AM CST
Dear Bethany,
Hi, I'm a neighbor of yours here in Niceville. I just wanted to write to share a story and say thank you. Back in November my wife and I traveled to New York to run the NYC Marathon. I had planned on wearing a prayer band on my wrist to help inspire me for each of the 26.2 miles. Every mile on the band was dedicated to someone I was thankful for.
Well, just prior to departing for NYC, miss Patti shared your story with me. I decided then to add your name to my prayer band...I penciled your name next to mile 21, but you should know that you were the inspiration for every step of every mile that day.
Running a race like that takes physical endurance, but you Bethany have demonstated an endurance even the greatest runner can only hope to match. Your endurance of "Faith" is the greatest I've ever seen. I don't know why I didn't share this story sooner, but the Lord put it on my heart to share it now.
Please know that you are the strength an inspiration of so many people Bethany. The Lord is working through you, and his kingdom is being glorified. I completed the 26.2 miles and got my finishers medal that day...and today I dedicate that medal to you. Enjoy your weekend Bethany! I pray that we all will "run with endurance the race that is set before us." Thank you again for your strength and courage. Run strong Hether, run strong Bethany!

Mr Dion Scaglione <rottiedmz@yahoo.com>
Niceville, FL USA - Saturday, March 3, 2007 10:03 PM CST
We hope you have a great weekend and pamper the heck out of yourself. You deserve it! Praying with out ceasing!
Pat & Kim Yates, Madi & Morgan Bellile

Kim Yates
Marshalltown, IA - Saturday, March 3, 2007 7:44 PM CST
Hey Bethany,
Your doing good fighting and NOT giving up. I'm keeping you in my prayers everyday. A couple of friends and I are making locker magnets, picture frames, braclets, and pictures and were selling them at lunch and raising the money for you. WE are all fighting with you and hope you recover in a snap!!! WE LOVE YOU HAVE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Kennedy Keller&Lexy Junker <kenoo202@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA North America - Saturday, March 3, 2007 4:59 PM CST
Hey there girl, your doing a wonderful job and still seem to be growing prettier by the day. I remember the first day you came to school, and every one was so in love with you, and now every one is still in love with you and youve been come there hero as well. I love you girl, hang in there and know that we're all praying for you.
Maredith Lavender <blondiemk16@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Saturday, March 3, 2007 4:45 PM CST
Hi Bethany,
Hope you have a GREAT TIME this weekend with your family and friends!! We are all thinking of you and will keep praying for you as you keep fighting! You are all so strong and an inspiration to us all!!!
Love, Angie, Kris and Families

Angie Felton <feltonfamily@triwest.net>
Eleva, WI USA - Saturday, March 3, 2007 3:29 PM CST
Hey there Bethany,
we hope everything is going well..your the strongest girl we know and we know that you can make it through anything..because this whole town is behind you! WE love you and your always in our prayers.always & forever! WE love you!

Ron,Sandy,Crissy,Lori,Ronnie McClain <rslrcmcclain@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA - Saturday, March 3, 2007 9:53 AM CST
When we decided to do the bridge run in your honor it was the first time I had ever ran at all and after training for just 4 weeks I ran 4 1/2 miles, and I can honestly say I did not do that within my own strength, between the thoughts of you and the power of GOD because let me tell you girl I talked to you both the whole time, I was well able to finish the race (you were and ARE my INSPIRATION). I'm telling you this to let you know that your focus and drive to fight, ultimately your mind set is AWESOME you have allowed me to physically see with my own eyes that thru the Love of JESUS CHRIST all things are truely possible. on that note I am going to tell you publicly that I am commiting to run a half marathon in Jan. of 08 and you will be with me every step of the way just like the bridge.
Bethany, Lori, Pete, Aarika, Blake I want you all to know that I see CHRIST in you all. It's one thing to talk the talk but something very different to walk out the walk so keep walking-running-DANCING, Girl you go have FUN FUN FUN FUN this weekend show us all how its done Bethany and when its all said and done for me I want my race to emulate YOURS.
Lori you have my # I'm here

Hether Walker <hether.walker@cox.net>
Niceville, Fl. USA - Saturday, March 3, 2007 9:48 AM CST
Hey Bethany- we can't wait to see you!!!!!! You smile lights up the world! We are soooo glad you are back!
Bruce, Leslie and Linden

Leslie Carbaugh <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Saturday, March 3, 2007 8:02 AM CST
Hi Bethany! I hope you are having fun tonight with your friends. Whatever you do, don't end up in the "Pumkin Patch" like your Dad and I. Bethany, I cannot express in words how proud I am of your courageous battle with this evil chapter in your life. Your tenacious attitude is truly amazing. Thinking of you back here in Iowa.
Monte Boevers <mrboevers@msn.com>
Center Point, IA USA - Saturday, March 3, 2007 0:19 AM CST
I know we never really talked, and we weren't close friends. But I just wanted to say that you're the bravest person I know. Everything you have been through, and everything you do to make it through, it inspires us. You have strength I've never seen in anyone. You're a real hero, keep on fighting! We believe in you! :D
<33 Brigid

Brigid Goss <xBxKathleenxGx@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, March 3, 2007 0:06 AM CST
miss patti , tanner and snickers <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Friday, March 2, 2007 10:07 PM CST
Hi Bethany and the rest of the Buzynski clan. Enjoy this weekend of pampering Bethany, you deserve every minute of it. Khyle and I can't wait to see you and spend some time with you and your mom and dad next weekend. It's been a long time coming, wrestling season is over so here we come !!! Relax and let God fight your battle, while you have an awesome time with your friends and family this weekend. See you soon. Love you Lots !! Aunt Penny
Penny Wosepka <m.wosepka@mchsi.com>
Shell Rock, IA - Friday, March 2, 2007 7:30 PM CST
Have a GREAT weekend!! Hang out with friends and family, have some of those wings that you love and just catch up with all of your friends. Hopefully the pain will stay at bay this weekend so you can enjoy it to the fullest. Make some more wonderful memories with your family & friends to help carry you through the next round of chemo. You are so brave to try the trial, we are very proud to say that we have known you since you were a little munchkin! Now what a beautiful and strong young woman you are. Stay strong and take time for yourself. Pete and Lori keep praying for that miracle, Aar & Blake we are always thinking of you too..you guys stay strong too.
We love you.
Chuck, Toni, Ryan and Tyler

VanBergen's <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI USA - Friday, March 2, 2007 7:16 PM CST
I am so proud of you for taking a little time for yourself this weekend! You have a great time getting your nails done and some shopping in! I am so proud of your courage and determination! You have a great time this weekend! I love you! Take care
Love, Aunt Kelli

Kelli <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, MN USA - Friday, March 2, 2007 6:43 PM CST
Bethany! I miss seeing your smiling face at school! I want you to know that you are dearly missed and in everyone's thoughts and prayers! We love you girl!
Katie Wainwright <katiewain@cox.net>
- Friday, March 2, 2007 4:50 PM CST
We are having our Locks of Love drive on Sat. March 14th, at "Image Maker" in Niceville. I saw your picture of you going to the winter ball, and I LOVED your hair!!!! I loved it so much that I think I have decided to get my hair cut like yours. It is sooo cute!!! Keep laughing, smiling, and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Ms. Turner <turner412@cox.net>
Niceville, FL U.S. - Friday, March 2, 2007 4:41 PM CST
Please know that your Key Club Family at Niceville High School loves you and supports you and your entire family. You have been an inspiration to all of us, and you have touched us all without knowing it. You and your family are in our thoughts and our prayers.

Niceville High School Key Club <turner412@cox.net>
Niceville, FL U.S. - Friday, March 2, 2007 4:38 PM CST
You don't know me but I am friends with Jim and Patti Baddeley. We used to live in NC and go to their church. We now live in Wyoming. We are with the AF as well. I have kept you in my prayers and continue to do so. Your courage is truly amazing and an inspiration to us all. You looked beautiful in your prom dress and I hope you had a wonderful time. Have fun this weekend with your family and friends.
Shawn Marie Cason

Shawn Marie Cason <casonsm@yahoo.com>
Cheyenne, WY - Friday, March 2, 2007 4:19 PM CST
We are praying for you Bethany. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Friday, March 2, 2007 2:34 PM CST

Your courage has been remarkable and inspiring. Kenny and Patrick remember you in their prayers every night. Pete and Lori, your faith as expressed through your messages on this web site have been amazing. My heart goes out to you two and everything you (and Blake and Aarika) have been through. It has been an astounding testiment to your family to see how everyone (including many you have never met) have rallied over time to support you and Bethany. God Bless all of you. Bethany...you are special and God loves you.


Tim Hall <hallct@adelphia.net>
Walkersville, MD - Friday, March 2, 2007 1:10 PM CST
Hey Bethany!

Everyone here in Niceville misses you bunches...especially of course Lauren and Cody!!! Lauren is at school today and I am home sick, but planning to for sure be better by the time you get back. Have fun with all your crew this weekend, we wish we could come up to Fairfield for the big bash! Hey, take some movies while you're up there so Lauren can see all the fun she missed out on!

Hugs and kisses from some of your biggest fans....

The Graham Family (Glenn, Allyson, Lauren and John) <allyson@f15.net>
Niceville, FL - Friday, March 2, 2007 1:06 PM CST
Hello Bethany!

I'm glad to hear that you, your friends, and your family are taking time to experience the fun things this weekend. So, what color are your nails going to be? I'm sure that you'll pick one that is as bright and cheery as your personality. Continue to keep your faith and trust in Jesus. May God keep you and your family in His loving care.

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Friday, March 2, 2007 12:45 AM CST
Hi Bethany and Family,
I hope you guys have a Great time on your days off, God will take over your fight while you have some fun. We appreciate you keeping us in the loop with your daily lives, the distance makes it so hard to show you all how much you are thought about and prayed for. We are really looking forward to making the trip to Florida. We plan on leaving on Friday March 30th by car (this could be a Griswold's moment) and should be in late in the day on the 31st. Then you are stuck with us for about 5 days. It will be nice to share some time with all of you. Bethany I can't wait to see the strongest girl I've ever known again. You have truly been an inspiration to me and my family. I'm not sure what God's master plan is for you, but I know that you have helped grow the faith of allot of people through your journey. Continue to fight, pray, and smile, you were a leader and a winner in sports, and you are the same in Life.
Thanks for being my special niece.

Bruce Milbrandt <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake , MN USA - Friday, March 2, 2007 12:17 AM CST
Hey Bethany we are glad to hear you are taking time to have some fun, we wish we could be there to have some fun with you. We think about you and your family every day we miss you all. Have a great weekend we love you.
Greg & Colleen Trevor, Kelsi, Megan

Greg & Colleen Trevor, Kelsi, Megan <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
- Friday, March 2, 2007 10:25 AM CST
Bethany- I signed your guestbook a long time ago, but have only been diligent in reading your parents posts in the last months. I just want you to know that I think that you are an amazing young lady. Your faith, your perservence and your attitude has been un-imaginable. The love your family and friends have for you is unbelievable but not at all suprising. You, Bethany are an inspiration and I feel blessed that I have been able to follow your journey as of now by far. I know that your Aunt Kelli and her family look forward to seeing you soon. Have a great weekend with your friends and enjoy every minute, you DESERVE it.
A fan of Bethany's <abc@yaho.com>
- Friday, March 2, 2007 9:41 AM CST
Pete, Lori & Bethany -
I pray that you have a total BLAST this weekend. Enjoy your "escape" from the hospital and enjoy your time with family and friends. I hope you laugh so hard you have tears in your eyes, your toes curl and have milk come out your nose - that is if you are drinking milk when you laugh. HAHAHAHA. We will be thinking about you all!
Please do not worry about anyone thinking you are giving up - you are the strongest person I know and I know you are a fighter. Fight on!

Since we cannot be there with you and your family - we will press on with prayers and send lotsa love your way.

The Boisjolie Family <jimgirl@cox.net>
Niceville, - Friday, March 2, 2007 7:21 AM CST
Lori, Peter,and CO.,
We're thinking of you often back here in Niceville. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily, hourly, and by the minute. "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace..." John 16:33
Much love,
The Bascoms

Cyndy Bascom <cynphil@valp.net>
valparaiso, FL USA - Friday, March 2, 2007 7:14 AM CST
Have a great weekend with your friends and family. We will all be hard at work on the prays.

Karen Peek and Family, St. Paul Lutheran Church

Karen Peek <kpeek7335@cox.net>
Niceville, FL US - Friday, March 2, 2007 6:33 AM CST
Bethany, even though you have more courage and faith than most adults I know, you deserve every "teenage" moment you can get. Enjoy yourself to the fullest! I pray for you each and every day.
The Lacaillade Family <calaca417@comcast.net>
McGuire AFB, NJ - Friday, March 2, 2007 5:46 AM CST
Although I've never had the pleasure to meet you, I've seen you around school and a few times in Key Club. I just felt like telling you that you and your family have been a huge inspiration on my walk with Christ. You put all of your trust in Him and praise Him even during these painful times, and I really admire that. Bethany, you are so courageous... I don't think I've heard of anyone that is stronger than you are. :) Keep fighting and never lose hope. You've moved and humbled the hearts of many people - especially mine. Thankyou for being such a bold example of putting one's trust and faith in God. You and your family will be in my prayers.

God Bless, Emily Parsons
- Sweet verses! :) -
"Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." - Psalm 62:8

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." - Romans 15:13

"Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation." - Isaiah 12:2

Emily Parsons <cartoonkid642@cox.net>
Niceville , FL USA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 10:42 PM CST
We just want you all to know that our prayers and thoughts are truly with you all daily. Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us and so many informed on what is going on. You've shown that "Faith" is truly one of our strongest connections to our Lord and what He can do.
Your Friends in Christ from St. Pauls.
The Martin Family

Sheryl Martin & Family <martinsheryl1@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 10:20 PM CST

What a joy to meet you today and have the chance to get to see you smile. I/we have been praying regularly for you and will continue to do so. Placing you in the hands of Jesus and allowing Him to work is my best offer of support to you. May you sense His presence daily.

Pastor Terry Hoke
Fairfield, PA Franklin - Thursday, March 1, 2007 9:38 PM CST
To Bethany,
I am so glad I got to see you today. Your fight is to be admired and will forever be imprinted on my memory. Your smile is out of this world and always touches my heart. Your tender and lovable personality makes you one of a kind. I truly feel you are an angel from Heaven who was sent here for a purpose.
No matter what your decision is, I am proud of you. Thank you for all your moments in time. Forever in my prayers and thoughts. A member of the Circle.

Connie Long <long1320@ptd.net>
Coal Twp. , PA USA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 9:16 PM CST
Pete, Lori, and Bethany
Hi guys! We are stranded in Minnesota with a good old fashion snow storm. Bethany, it remindes me so much of the times your dad and I would build snow forts and tunnels through the snow, when we were kids. I am glad the doctors are working hard to take care of your pain! You are loved very much! Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you always. We will see you in about 4 weeks! God Bless!
Love Aunt Kelli

Kelli <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, MN USA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 6:08 PM CST
We love you dear little Bethany and we are praying each and every day for you- Hugs and kisses from Uncle Tom and Aunt Melaine
Melaine Buzynski <melbuzynski@aol.com>
Fairbank, IA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 5:08 PM CST
We are continuing to pray for you and your family Bethany. Please know that you are in our thoughts each and every day..

The Sand family (Howie, Steph, Zack, Courtney, Josh & Jacob, Jonathan
Las Vegas, NV - Thursday, March 1, 2007 4:31 PM CST
Hi Bethany,we wanted to let you know many prayers are being sent your way from so many people back here in Iowa. We love you and miss you like crazy. Tell everyone hi and we miss them too. Big hugs for you sweetie!! Love, Aunt Amy
Amy Buzynski <sabuzynski@mchsi.net>
Fairbank, IA USA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 2:57 PM CST
Dear Bethany, Although we live around the corner from your family, we've never met. However an outstanding young lady such as yourself, can't be kept a secret! Your courage and determination are not to be compared. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Keep up the fight, as we will all be right behind you every step of the way ! God Bless you and Keep you.... The Hoover Family
The Hoover Family <hooverh@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
Niceville, FL USA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 10:12 AM CST
Hey Miss Bethany -- We are so happy to hear that they've gotten your pain under control. You are always in our thoughts and our prayers as we continue to keep praying for miracles to happen at just the right time -- God's time. Each time we check your website we are amazed and so happy to know that you have so many people that care about you and love you. There are prayers going up from all over the world and we are all praying for the same good things for you.
Take Care and tell Mom and Dad Hi from us too. We love you and we are praying for all good things.
Love, Dan, Connie, Josh, Brooke & Erik, Lindsay, Kaley and Whitney.

Connie <dcjblkw@yahoo.com>
Readlyn, IA USA - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 9:30 PM CST
Your family is truly an inspiration. We continue to pray for good news and pain free days for Bethany. We pray that God give you the strength that you need as parents to endure all that you are and also for Aarika & Blake to give them the strength they need. Keep fighting the good fight Bethany!!!
Pat & Kim Yates, Madi & Morgan Bellile

Kim Yates <yatesrhodes@partnercom.net>
Marshalltown, IA - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:25 PM CST
Bethany: Just a note to say you are and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. You and your family are an inspiration to all that know you. Take care. Pete and Lori we know what its like to watch your child in pain and not to be able to do anything but love them and hurt for them. Lean on each other, your family and friends.
HB and Jan Calvert
Montrose, IA - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:15 PM CST
I havent talked to you in a while. I think about you alot, and so does my entire family. We are praying for you on a daily basis. You are such a strong girl, dont forget it.

Love Ryan Phelps
Niceville High School, - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 2:59 PM CST
I think of you everyday and can't imagine what you must be going through. Please know that our prayers are with you and your amazing family.
Love, Sarah Pepple, Niceville High School, Key Club

Sarah Pepple
Niceville, Fl - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 12:47 AM CST
Dear Bethany and family,
Sending you our love and prayers.
May the power of the Holy Spirit envelop you always. We believe in miracles and are praying for yours. We admire your beautiful sense of being and unwavering, positive outlook on life.
God bless you and your family.
With love and peace...
Karen, BJ and Kalena Thomhave

The Thomhave Family, St. Paul Lutheran Church
Niceville, FL - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 10:19 AM CST
Bethany and family,

We continue to pull for you in our prayers. You have touched all our lives in so many ways. You are my hero Bethany. I continue to share your story with so many people and they are praying for you too. God has been with you through all of this. You and your family have shown so much courage and grace throughout this. Hang in there Bethany.

Karen, Will, Katie and Courtney <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley , PA 19067 - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 9:27 AM CST
Words cannot express what we want your family to know! We think and pray for you all everyday! Thanks for continuting to share your lovely family with us and allowing us to be a part of your journey. Bethany - You inspire us everyday! Your spirit and strength are inspiring and certainly filled with love. Your smile delivers God's love. I know that you have touched all of the folks who have been involved in your treatments. What a privelege to be used by God for his Glory. Thanks for your service to God and thanks for continuing to serve Him during this difficult journey. We love you all and continue to pray for you!
Boisjolie Family <jimgirl@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 7:50 AM CST
bethany- keep hangin in there gorgeous..it was good to see you the other weekend! you've been such an inspiration for me,my hero. keep that beautiful smile on your face..always!

in my heart and prayers..
my blessings to the family- yall are absolutely amazing

Kacie Tobery <kctobster07@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 6:20 AM CST
i love you so much, hang in there gorgous. Keep fighting! I love seeing that smile on your face when i see you. That smile of yours makes my days wonderful!
Love ya!

Brittany Hummel <hummelb@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA United States - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 5:25 AM CST
The Buzynski's,
You all are so strong and show a lot of courage even when faced with not so good news. I continue to read your website everynight I go to work. And I pray for Bethany and for her recovery and to be painfree. I hope there's better news in the near future for you.Just know there is a lot of people out here that are thinking of you all and with what you've been through already and how she has beat it so far, there is always hope. Take care of each other and know all thoughts are with you.

Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
- Wednesday, February 28, 2007 3:37 AM CST
Bethany, You are the strongest individual I know. Just know that everyone is behind you! We are all praying for you! God bless you and your family!
Love Teri May

Teri May Stem <terimay07@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 9:18 PM CST
Hi Bethany! We just got word today about you and your situation. We don't know you, but we sure are praying for you. Too bad we weren't aware of you before, we could have helped as we are right here in the D.C. area! Walter Reed is our second home as our daughter suffers from Epilepsy. We will tell others at our church (Fairfax Baptist Temple)to help pray for you! Psalm 57:1 has brought us so much comfort during our own trials with our little girl's health, I'm sure this verse will do the same for you! Psalm 57:1 "Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea in the shadow of thy wings I will make my refuge until these calamities be overpast."
SSG Matthew & Rachel Vallieu <rachelvallieu@yahoo.com>
Ft. Belvoir, VA USA - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 8:36 PM CST
Bethany, soon you will receive a prayer quilt from the ladies at St Paul (Welca). It was made in love while special prayers were said for you and then blessed by Pastor Underdahl. It also comes chock full of prayers of the whole congregation as we prayed together for a miracle for you. We want you to feel the love that comes with the quilt as you use it. We will continue to pray for you and your family. BTW, you looked beautiful in your winter ball gown. Your date is a lucky young man.
Pat Torre <patorre@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 5:57 PM CST
Bethany, my Niece, Diann Hummell, and her Mom, have kept us informed of your journey. Our thoughts and
prayers are with you. Thank you for the courage to help

The Hickoff Family
Laguna Niguel, Ca USA - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 12:34 AM CST
Bethany, we believe in miracles and we believe in YOU! Know that we are among the thousands who are praying for you. God bless you and your family.
The Holmes Family <shannon_mike@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA United States - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 10:38 AM CST
Please know that we have all of you in our thoughts and prayers! These next few days will be some of your toughest. Know that you have LOTS of people praying for all of you. I cannot go anywhere without people asking me about the Buzynski's! I am proud to tell them about your wonderful family. Tanner and I will be there for whatever you need! love and kisses, Miss Patti and Tanner xoxo
Miss Patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
Niceville, Fl us - Monday, February 26, 2007 10:15 PM CST
What an inspirational young lady and family! I don't know if you remember me. I am one of the Wedemeier's cousins, Chelsey (Matthias) Pederson. My husband and I have been praying for you and your family. May God live in you and through you each day. Stay strong to Him; He will take care of you:)
Chelsey Pederson <chelsey923@hotmail.com>
Cedar Falls, IA - Monday, February 26, 2007 8:46 PM CST
It was so good to see you today Bethany! I'm glad you woke up to chat. Your hugs brightened my day tremendously. I hope you are enjoying your puzzle and your cheese sticks. I will see you in the morning bearings gifts of Krispy Kreams..mmm..:>
Keeping you in my heart and prayers.
Love, Michelle

Michelle O'Brien <pmo811@msn.com>
Olney, Md - Monday, February 26, 2007 7:45 PM CST
God bless you and your family. Keep the faith you have so many people pulling for you. Remember to keep God close at heart, he never give us anything we can not handle.
Miss Novak

Kerry Novak-Drilak <kdrilak@juno.com>
Hoston, PA - Monday, February 26, 2007 6:44 PM CST
Your faith is totally amazing. God has a purpose for everything and His will is ultimately going to be done. My school and entire church are praying for you guys. Keep fighting!! God can do miracles. 1 Peter 4:19. God loves you and since He loves you more than anyone else ever could, you have to trust Him. Thank you for glorifying the Father through such hard times. I'm praying for you!!!!
Chelsea Harris <pbaddeley@nc.rr.com>
Goldsboro, nc usa - Monday, February 26, 2007 5:46 PM CST
We are praying for you Bethany.
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Monday, February 26, 2007 3:32 PM CST
Dear Buzynski's,
Our constant prayers and thoughts are with you - God's continued strength and Blessings for you all. I am so amazed at the strength and incredible attitude He has given you through all of this. We have shared Bethany's story with many others and asked that they pray for you all...keep fighting~
Sincerely Julie (Kerns), Scott, Austin and Brenton Ceaglske

Julie Ceaglske <sceaglske@cfu.net>
Cedar Falls, Ia USA - Monday, February 26, 2007 1:09 PM CST
Hello Bethany!

May the decisions that you and your parents make be annointed with God's comfort. Continue to put your faith in His hands for he truly knows. May God keep you in His loving care.

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Monday, February 26, 2007 1:04 PM CST
Hello Bethany!

May the decisions that you and your parents make be annointed with God's comfort. Continue to put your faith in His hands for he truly knows. May God keep you in His loving care.

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Monday, February 26, 2007 1:04 PM CST
Bethany & Family,

Our prayers are with you all every day. Keep fighting Bethany! Although I have never met you, I can feel your strength and faith and know if anyone can beat this, you can! Your parents have so much to be proud of----what a beautiful young lady!

God Bless All of You,

Robin(Ceaglske)Schmidtknecht (Julie's sister-in-law and Susan's friend from grade school)

Robin Schmidtknecht <robin.schmidtknecht@buffalocounty.com>
WI US - Monday, February 26, 2007 12:56 AM CST
As you all continue to touch my life and the lives of many all over this country I lift you up in prayer for our Lord to shine comfort and hope into your hearts. What a beautiful family you are- thank you for continuing to share your amazing story - know that I, along with hundreds of others, carry you in my thoughts and prayers always.

Bethany- your determination, faith, and grace continue to astonish me - You are a true inspiration- Your smile and spirit have touched many lives and will remain in our hearts forever. Keep up the good fight-May the Dear Lord Bless You.

Megan Sanders <mmsander@marauder.millersville.edu>
Fairfield, pa - Monday, February 26, 2007 12:21 AM CST
I just read the touching entry by the Prayer Warriors in Albuquerque and wanted to add the thoughts and prayers of another group of prayer warriors -- the Friends Prayer/Sunshine Circle. The Lord laid a mission on my heart about four years ago and that mission was to reach out to others in need through prayer (and helping hands). Lori Buzynski was one of the first of my dear friends to join me in this effort. We are a group of 8 Christian, prayer-believing woman who have had the privilege of knowing Bethany and her family and we too think of Bethany as "our Bethany." We have continued to pray for Bethany and Aarika, Blake, Pete and Lori since the original diagnosis and we will continue to pray without ceasing! Bethany has and continues to show us what true courage, strength and faith are all about. She and her family have shown the world the kind of faith that can move mountains. Bethany and family -- the Friends Prayer/Sunshine Circle is storming the gates of Heaven interceding with God on your behalf.


Circle Friends -- Jan Peck, Connie Long, Terri Berkheiser, Kathy Branson, Mary Hoffman, Rose Maturo, Marcie Lenick <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, Coal Township, Westminister, PA and MD USA - Monday, February 26, 2007 0:03 AM CST
Tina and Greg Porch passed the news of your wonderful family to us. We're sad to know of the hardships you face, but emboldened by your courage and faith. As we share your story with our 6 kids they realize more each day how precious life is. I only hope they will remember in future years how truly important not taking one another for granted is. Our 6 year old daughter (Chandler Grace) has said some of the best prayers. I think she liked your winter ball dress and tried extra hard on her prayer.

You will be in our hearts and thoughts and we'll continue to pray for healing and strength. Fight the good fight.

The McCann-McKay's: Ryan, Sandi, Colton, Collin, Chason, Morgan, Chandler Grace, and Annalise <clan.mccann@mindspring.com>
Midland, GA USA - Monday, February 26, 2007 0:00 AM CST

Although you have been given yet another obstacle to overcome, keep fighting and keep faith that you can overcome this! You are such a beautiful person inside and out, and you have a large support group rooting for you every step of the way. As always, we continue to pray for you and your family.

All our love,

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Sunday, February 25, 2007 10:41 PM CST
Dear Prayer Warriors, we have a number of intercessions, but I'll put first the
one about Bethany -- she kinda feels like "our" Bethany, doesn't she? I suppose
there are a large number of intercessors across the US feeling this way. Her
mom says Bethany wants to try one more time and to feel like all she has gone
through will help some other person suffering from osteosarcoma. I think in
addition to praying for God's mercy on Bethany and her family, that we should
hold these two requests up. Also, as I have been thinking about Bethany and her
family, I feel very strongly that the other prayer we should concentrate on
right now is not so much for Bethany herself, for the Holy Spirit has given this
young woman supernatural perseverance like Job's. Please pray for not just the
parents & grandparents, but for Bethany's sister and brother and for all the
young people Bethany's age (her friends & classmates in both FL & PA), whose
lives have been graced by Bethany's faith, that as the next few weeks unfold,
they will be strengthened in their faith, that the ones who have doubted the
reality of Christ and His love or have been angry at Him will be so aware of His
Presence with them and His Spirit ministering through Bethany, that the
direction of their lives will be influenced for years to come. The Holy Spirit
especially wants us to pray for Bethany's sister Aarika, I think; I was just
looking at the picture of the family on the Caringbridge site -- what Aarika is
feeling right now is especially dear to our Lord. Penny
Bethany , Pete , Lori and Family and Friends this was written by Penny Hoe who is our PC leader. She does say it very well. All our prayers are with you . DJ Hoffman

DJ Hoffman, Penny Hoe and our Prayer Chain of Albuquerque NM <jphffmn @aol.com>
Albuquerque, NM USA - Sunday, February 25, 2007 10:35 PM CST
I just heard about you and your family from a friend requesting prayer last Thursday in Crestview, FL. I stopped and prayed for each of you and will continue doing so every day. Bethany, you are truly an inspiration to all who hear about you. Your faith and strength during this puts the rest of us to shame for our petty complaining about nothing. I will stop and think about you before I ever complain again. God bless you and your wonderful strong family during these decisions that need to be made. You will make the right decisions and God will guide you in the right direction.

Chris Wierer <wierer@cox.net>
Crestview, FL USA - Sunday, February 25, 2007 6:32 PM CST
I just heard about you and your family from a friend requesting prayer last Thursday in Crestview, FL. I stopped and prayed for each of you and will continue doing so every day. Heather, You are truly an inspiration to all who hear about you. Your faith and strength during this puts the rest of us to shame for our petty complaining about nothing. I will stop and think about you before I ever complain again. God bless you and your wonderful strong family during these decisions that need to be made. You will make the right decisions and God will guide you in the right direction.

Chris Wierer <wierer@cox.net>
Crestview, FL USA - Sunday, February 25, 2007 6:29 PM CST
Hello Buzynski's,

I just want to let you all know that even though I do not post much to your message board I do check the site very often to see how things are going. I also keep Coach Diff up dated too. You and your family are constantly in our prayers.
It is great sadness that I read of your latest post. I was hoping and praying for much better results, just as many other people were too.
Bethany you are an individual with great spirit and kindness and may you find peace within your soul. We never know why some of the best people in the world are chosen for the obstacles that they must endure but they are chosen because they are some of the strongest people that live. Your faith and spirit have certainly shown that to all of us. I will pray for you all to have strength to get over the newest hill put in front of you and your family.
Bethany you looked wonderful for the winter ball, I am sorry I missed it! Say hello to Erika for me and tell her I will miss her when volleyball starts in two weeks.
Mom Happy Belated Birthday and welcome to the 40 club!
Sending prayers for continued strength and courage for all of you.

Valerie Plewa
Gettysburg, PA US - Sunday, February 25, 2007 4:26 PM CST
We love ya girl! Dig deep for that "independent spirit" your parents see. You are in our thoughts, prayers and conversations--daily.
The Hoffman Tribe <missmary65@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, February 25, 2007 2:40 PM CST
Dear Bethany,
My name is Sammie Brown I am 8 years old and I live in Fairfield,Pennsylvania. I hope you are ok at home.We really miss you.When I am alone I think of you very much and I think of you getting better!
My parents and I were at Kay Jewelers at the Hanover Mall last night and met Jenna-she said she was your physical therapist. She gave us your website and I wanted to write you. Sincerely, Sammie

Sammie Brown <mdbrown@superpa.net>
Fairfield, PA - Sunday, February 25, 2007 1:24 PM CST
Dear Buzynskis,

First of all - Happy Birthday Lori! How great to have a surprise party with so many people you love there. And gosh, I have no idea how you got so so much older than me ;)

Bethany, you look so beautiful in your winter ball gown - absolutely stunning. That Aaaron is one lucky guy. I continue to be amazed by your strength and the happiness you bring to all of those around you and the joy you find in life, even while in such pain. Courage like yours is not often found, and it is affecting all of us across the country who read this page and hear your story.

I am so sorry to hear about the new scans and to hear that Bethany is in even more pain. I am thinking of all of you and praying for easier and pain free moments in the days to come. I have to believe that all of this was for a reason we just can't understand, but I so wish the times you've all gone through these last two years had been easier ones.

Many thoughts and prayers for all of you - Bethany, Pete, Lori, Aarika and Blake, you guys are one incredible family! - from California.

- Sunday, February 25, 2007 0:05 AM CST
Hi Guys,
I am so sad to hear that you have again another fight you are facing. I am praying for you all constantly, as are so many people all over the world. I think GOD must be hearing the name Bethany like a constant whisper in his ear. He is always near and I know he is doing what he can to give you strength. I hope you have as much peace and as little pain as possible with this new treatment. I'll be thinking of your family.

Kris Devine-McKillip <kdevinemc@triwest.net>
Eleva, WI USA - Saturday, February 24, 2007 11:12 PM CST
We continue to pray for you, Bethany, each and every day. You are touching the hearts of many with your courage and grace!
The Lacaillade Family <calaca417@comcast.net>
McGuire AFB, NJ - Saturday, February 24, 2007 9:04 PM CST
Hi Lori, Pete and sweet Bethany,
Please know our thoughts and prayers are with all of you up there. May God bless the hands of the doctors finding treatments for you. While we miss you, it is nice to have grandma and grandpa across the street with your other 2 wonderful children..keep your chins up and know you are in Good hands. love and hugs, miss patti and tanner xoxo

miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl 32578 - Saturday, February 24, 2007 8:41 PM CST
Hey there sunshine! You are an inspiration to all of us. I hope this next treatment does the trick and you are given some good news. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers always. Keep your faith Bethany and God will take care of you. Don't give up--keep believing. There is always hope and miracles. It is your turn now. Keep fighting! We love you--always and forever!
Di, Walt, Lauren, Brittany, Brandon, Chloe and Ty <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, February 24, 2007 7:18 PM CST
Thinking of all of you and praying for you!
In peace and love,
Leslie, Bruce and Linden

Leslie Carbaugh <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Saturday, February 24, 2007 4:04 PM CST
Bethany and family,

You are one brave girl, Bethany. We were very sorry to hear the news regarding your recent scans. We continue to pray for you and pray daily that God continues to give you the strength you need to carry you through this. I know how much pain you must be in somedays but you keep telling your body that you are going to beat this. Everyone I work with continue to pray for you and your family also.

Karen, Will, Katie and Courtney <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley , PA United States - Saturday, February 24, 2007 3:43 PM CST
Hello there Buzynski family
im terribly sorry for the news yal received when the scans came back :[ i just want you all to know that my family and i are keeping bethany in our thoughts and prayers always, and nothing will change that. She's an amazing girl, and i love her to death, and i promise im not giving up on my faith and belief that she can pull through this!!! <3 I miss you guys already, and hope the doctors can find a way to stop all of this pain & confusion. I know there is A LOT going on, but i hope you two are able to get your rest for next weeks' decisions. Can't wait to see you guys again!!

thinking of you always with LOTSA LOVE xoxox
Lauren Hummel :]

Lauren Hummel
Fairfield, Pa United States - Saturday, February 24, 2007 2:42 PM CST
I wanted to tell you how much I admire the strength that you and your family have shown through all of this. You are simply amazing people!! I pray that the doctors can find a way to ease the pain that you are going through and give you strength. You are so often in my thoughts...

Angie Felton <feltonfamily@triwest.net>
Eleva, WI USA - Saturday, February 24, 2007 12:01 AM CST
Bethany: Our hearts break at the news tonight but our prayers have just grown stronger and more determined. You are such a ray of sunshine! To the rest of the Buzynski family, thank you for sharing your experiences, your fears. It makes us step outside our own minor worries to focus and say prayers for something and someone bigger than ourselves. You ALL are in our prayers! May God bless you all with renewed strength and recharged hope.
Tina & Greg Porch <hpyhrtnsol@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Saturday, February 24, 2007 3:52 AM CST
Jesse <jfin09@yahoo.com>
fairfield, pa usa - Friday, February 23, 2007 8:51 PM CST
Happy 40th Birthday, Lori, so glad to hear you had family with you to help you celetrate. Bethany, you are just beautiful in your gorgeous dress. I said a special prayer for you last night and will continue to pray for a miracle. God does work miracles!! Gods blessings to you and your family.
Lois Ganske <laganske@netins.net>
Readlyn, Ia USA - Friday, February 23, 2007 1:10 PM CST
Hi Bethany!
I just wanted to let you know... every thursday my friends and I get together to watch Grey's Anatomy- We all took time and said a few prayers for you at 8:00. I shared your website with them, they all wanted me to tell you that you are a beautiful girl and they loved your dress! you looked great! You are always in my thoughts! Take care and be strong. Love ya.

Lindsay Wedemeier <wedemeierlindsay@yahoo.com>
West Des Moines, IA - Friday, February 23, 2007 10:42 AM CST
Last night at 8:00pm we met at our church with about 30 others to pray for you Bethany and your family. we believe in miracles too! stay strong! we love and miss you guys!
Patti Baddeley & Family <pbaddeley@nc.rr.com>
Goldsboro , NC USA - Friday, February 23, 2007 5:32 AM CST
Bethany-Your Aunt Connie sent an e-amil out today, for us to all pray at 8pm. We were at our women's church group and we all joined hands and asked Pastor Wegener to lead us in prayer. Our thoughts go out to you and your family and we will pray, pray, pray for you. Kris and Greg Matthias and family.
Kris Matthias <gkckt@netins.net>
Readlyn, IA USA - Thursday, February 22, 2007 11:10 PM CST
Heyyy beth, just wanted to write you. I love you with allmy heart and i miss you tons. I hope youre doing okay, and if i could i would come visit you RIGHT NOW. but thats not really an option...but i want you to know im thinking about you ALOT. you have my prayer :]
las vegas, nv usa - Thursday, February 22, 2007 10:01 PM CST
You look absolutely beautiful in the pictures, so I can only imagine how you looked in person. We will continue to pray for continued strength, no pain and a total miracle that only He can provide.
Hugs from Iowa
Patrick & Kim Yates
Madi & Morgan Bellile

Kim Yates
Marshalltown, IA - Thursday, February 22, 2007 9:49 PM CST
Bethany and family,
You are so beautiful in your dress for the ball! How fun, I'm sure it was a magical night.

Our prayers go out to you...God Bless and take care. The Ganske Family.

Jake and Amy Ganske <ganske@netins.net>
- Thursday, February 22, 2007 9:36 PM CST
Happy 40th Lori, Jeremy has kept us informed our prayers are with you!
Kevin and Kami Happel <khappel@aol.com>
Atkins, IA Benton - Thursday, February 22, 2007 9:34 PM CST
Pete, Lori, Bethany, Aarika and Blake,
We are praying for renewed strength to all of you. Continue to believe in miracles!

Cheryl Kleitsch <joe_cheryl25@hotmail.com>
Fairbank, IA USA - Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:48 PM CST
Here I am and I will continue to pray for you Bethany and Lori and Pete, Aarica and Blake you guys are truly incredable. I wake up every morning in prayer for you and have for months. Bethany you are letting GOD shine thru you and it is a beautyful sight
Hether Walker <hether.walker@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USa - Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:28 PM CST
Here as requested at 8:00PM. The candle is lit weekly at St. Mary's. You and your family always in our prayers.
The Housel's <behousel@comcast.net>
- Thursday, February 22, 2007 7:11 PM CST
Our Prayers are with you!Your cousin Amie Oltrogge told us about you, WOW you are a strong and courageous and beautiful young lady, Again we will be praying for you.
Cheryl Scheele[ Amie and my daughter Melissa are best friends] <Cher23@earthlink.net>
Norwood, MN - Thursday, February 22, 2007 7:03 PM CST
You are very welcome. Bethany looks so georgeous in her dress. God is with all of you. I will still keep Bethany in my prays. Good luck with all the test that she is going to go through.
Tammy <gonemonkeys@verison.net>
Taneytown, MD - Thursday, February 22, 2007 7:00 PM CST
hey bethany, this is megan humphrey, i go to st.paul. i really hope you get better, you look beautiful in your dress. get well soon!
megan <megan.leigh05@yahoo.com>
niceville, FL US - Thursday, February 22, 2007 6:54 PM CST
Bethany and family: Sending you prayers from California.
Donna Meacham, a friend of Robyn and Chelsea Burkett <donnameacham@hotmail.com>
Canyon Country, CA USA - Thursday, February 22, 2007 4:15 PM CST
Hey Bethany
You look beautiful in your dress as always, we miss you and your family and will say a prayer for you tonight. We are going back to Iowa next weekend to look at some houses. It won't be long we will be able to see you when you go to Grandma Grandpa Kuker's house. I can't wait to squeeze all of you!!!!We love you all and miss you!!!
Greg & Colleen Trevor, Kelsi, Megan

Greg & Colleen Trevor, Kelsi, Megan <CALVERTS2@EARTHLINK.NET>
Las Vegas, Nevada - Thursday, February 22, 2007 3:24 PM CST
hey Bethany and family! i miss you guys like crazy and hopefully I will get to see all of you in a week and a half!! I think about you guys EVERY day. It looks and sounds like you guys had lots of fun in PA! my prayers are with you bethany! i LOVE you guys!!
Kaley Wedemeier <kmwedeme@coe.edu>
- Thursday, February 22, 2007 3:07 PM CST
Our prayers are with you and your family. I know Roxanne H. and she forwarded a link to your website. Be well and have faith!
chris and summer smith
york, pa - Thursday, February 22, 2007 2:58 PM CST
Bethany, Praying for u and your family to endore what the world puts on your plate! The Lord is here to help you and guide you thru this. Just believe! Love, Brenda (Robyn Burketts Friend)
Brenda Remsburg <wrakewoman@aol.com>
Frederick, Md USA - Thursday, February 22, 2007 12:58 AM CST
Niceville, Florida is praying for Bethany. Prayer requests have gone out to Christians all over to join in a concentrated group prayer at 8 pm this evening. We will storm the gates of Heaven pleading for mercy and healing. May God be gracious and merciful and heal Bethany.
Susan Woodcock
Niceville, FL USA - Thursday, February 22, 2007 11:14 AM CST
Hi there "Sunshine"! We all wish you "good luck" today and that we will be thinking of you--always. "Hope"fully, good days are ahead of you. You bet we will be logged on tonight at 8:00 praying like mad!! I know that "He" is listening and "He" will answer those prayers. Keep your faith and never give up--I believe that God will not give you more than he thinks you can handle. We are so "VERY PROUD" of your strength and determination to beat this bad boy! You can do this. We love you B! Hugs and Kisses heading your way...
Di, Walt, Lauren, Brittany, Brandon, Chloe and Ty <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, February 22, 2007 7:46 AM CST
All of the Friends Prayer/Sunshine Circle will be at the "community alter" in prayer on behalf of Bethany on Thursday at 8PM. We continue to believe !

Jan, Connie, Terri, Kathy, Rose, Marcie, Mary <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, Coal Township, and Westminister, PA, MD - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:02 PM CST
Bethany: HB and I will be praying for you tomorrow. There's not a day goes by that we don't think of you and your wonderful family.
HB and Jan Calvert <calverts@iowatelecom.net>
Montrose, IA - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 7:12 PM CST
Thank you for the new pictures and all of the updates. Bethany you look beautiful..your dress was gorgeous and I love your newest do. It looks like you all had a great time! We will definately be logged on tomorrow night and join everyone in one BIG prayer of love for you. Keep that smile and attitude, it has gotten you this far and it will continue to help you win this battle.
The Van Bergen's

Chuck, Toni, Ryan and Tyler <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI USA - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:18 PM CST
Bethany--You looked just as beautiful, at the ball, as I remembered you, from the June get together of the Frienship/Prayer/Sunshine Circle at the Peck's. You look so much like your beautiful Mother.Please know that I will be praying for you at the 8:00 O'clock prayer gathering, and trusting the great physician to touch and heal you. God is still on the throne and able to do it!!! Praise him always, for he is worthy to be praised!!
Terri Berkheiser ,Friend Prayer/Sunshine Circle. <musical858@verizon.net>
Coal Township, Pa. USA - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:13 PM CST
Hi Bethany and family,

You looked beautiful in your dress at the winter ball and so did your sister. I couldn't get over to say Hello to you because there were so many people around, but I did finally get to meet your mom and dad. You and your mom look so much alike, it is uncanny. It was nice to finally meet her. I went over to the school for a short time with Diann as Katie, Courtney and I were up at the Hummels for the weekend.

I know there have been days that have been incredibly difficult for you.... Don't lose your faith, Bethany. God is looking over you as are his angels. My daughter said it exactly.... angels are not just in heaven, but they are around you everyday, family, friends, acquaintances all helping and looking over you in different ways. Keep fighting Bethany. We hope and pray that you have many better days ahead.

Karen, Will, Katie and Courtney <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley , Pa United States - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:15 PM CST
While I have never met Bethany or your family, I know of her illness through a friend from St. Paul's. I have had Bethany's name added to our prayer list at the church I attend in Crestview, Fl. Church of the Epihany Episcopal Church.I have also forwarded the website to my friends that have a deep faith and belief in the healing power of God.I think of Bethany often and pray for her and the entire family.

The pictures of Bethany, Arika and cousins were great to see. So glad they were able to make the Ball.

Happy Birthday too to MOM. Reaching your 40th means you are entering your prime. Have a wonderful day.

I will stop whatever I'm doing tomorrow at 8P.M. CST to pray.

G. Harper <Gisela39@cox.net>
Crestview, Fl. USA - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:14 PM CST

Wishing you the happiest of birthdays today!!! You are the embodiment of the woman of Proverbs 31 and you and Aarika are heroines #2 and #3 through all this. Sending our best wishes and prayers for this coming week of tests and procedures.

Hey, I just thought of something neat!!!! I love words and I love to rearrange the letters to see what comes up..... I just figured out that the word MIRACLE can spell "IM CLEAR". We will be encircling you in prayer on Thursday and Friday and praying for miracles big and small.

Allyson Graham
Niceville, FL - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 12:30 AM CST
You and Aarika looked awesome in the pictures. Very beautiful. Karson and I think about you everyday. Stay strong. We miss you in Niceville.
Love Karson and Melissa

Karson and Melissa <hindsm3@aol.com>
Niceville, FL - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 11:07 AM CST
What wonderful pictures! You and Aarika look absolutely beautiful! It was so good seeing you again. Try to keep your parents straight while in Bethesda these next couple days. Especially your mom since she is the BIG 40 today!! HAHA
Keep up the good fight girlie! Our prayers are always with you.
All our love,

Tina Crevier <tina.crevier@comcast.net>
Fairifeld, PA - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:45 AM CST
My sweet, sweet friends...I am thrilled that the ball was such a success for everyone! Bethany, you were truly exquisite in that dress, and as always, you continue to be beautiful from the inside out! I miss my angel terribly as always and continue to pray for you all as the journey continues.
Christy McInnis <McInnisM@Mail.Okaloosa.K12.FL.US>
Niceville, FL US - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:13 AM CST
Hello Bethany!

You and Aaron looked positively stunning...more of that came from you of course :) I'm so glad that you and your friends had such a great time! I'm continug to pray for God's healing touch.

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:14 AM CST
Pete, Lori, Bethany,
Keep up the good fight! You are all such strong people. You are in our thoughts and prayers!

Gina Wiersma <gwiersma@wapsievalleyschools.org>
Readlyn, !A USA - Tuesday, February 20, 2007 8:59 PM CST
Pete, Lori, Bethany, Aarika & Blake,
It is GREAT to hear that you all had a wonderful weekend. My questions is did you fill Miss Patti in on the killer dog you have? (Snickers catching those birds in the air while we were watching her still haunts Tyler to this day..ha-ha). It sounds like the ball was a huge success and that Bethany & Aarika had a great weekend with their friends. Lori, happy birthday! I just had mine a couple of weeks ago but I wasn't quite as excited about it as you were :-) Chuck made sure to remind me how "young I wasn't" over and over. We will continue to pray for good news this week and that the doctors can keep a handle on the pain for Bethany while she fights this. Hopefully she can fill up on wings again before starting her new treatment to give her strength :-) Keep smiling Bethany...we all love you!
Chuck, Toni, Ryan & Tyler

Chuck, Toni, Ryan & Tyler <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI - Tuesday, February 20, 2007 2:46 PM CST
Our heartfelt love and support to all of you. Best wishes as you start your next phase of treatment. We are praying for you.
Tom and Karen Kuhlmann and Family <karen.kuhlmann@cunaumutual.com>
Tripoli, IA - Monday, February 19, 2007 12:54 AM CST
Hi everyone! just an update on the homefront. snickers is the best dog ever! she has had 2 walks a day and lots of playtime with tanner. everything else is fine and we are continuing to pray for all to go well next week. hugs from us! patti and tanner xoxo
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl 32578 - Monday, February 19, 2007 10:57 AM CST
Bethany, you looked gorgeous on saturday night. It was so great to see you. Keep on smile..im praying for you
Samantha Wolf <lilsoftballqt2007@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, pa USA - Monday, February 19, 2007 9:05 AM CST
Our congregation has been praying for you every Sunday at worship since we learned about your condition. We hope that things are going well for you. God bless us all.
St. John's Lutheran Church - Bennington Township <stjohnsbenn@team-national.com>
Waterloo, IA USA - Sunday, February 18, 2007 6:29 AM CST
My prayers for you continue daily. I think of all of you and hope you are feeling the prayers that are being offered up for you and your family. Your faith will carry you through. Pete and Lori, when I think of you I remember a very happy, silly time when Pete was carrying you, Lori, piggy-back through the parking lot of the Kwik Trip in Readlyn laughing and having such a great time. And then you traded places and Lori was carrying you, Pete! (That actually happened as I remember in about 1983!). Hope you are still carrying each other on your backs as you go through these difficult days. I will continue to pray for you and look forward to hearing good news soon.
Jennifer Erickson <jenerickson@mchsi.com>
Chanhassen, MN - Saturday, February 17, 2007 10:38 PM CST
Bethany & Family,
You are always in our thoughts and prayers. God, please give Bethany the strength and power to overcome this illness.

May The Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you.

May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

I found this quote and thought I would pass it on...

“Our hope in God pulls us into the future. Hope allows us to affirm the reality of the abundant life that is ours in Christ. Hope allows us to stand with those in pain and to hold them until they are able to feel the love of God for themselves again. Hope allows us to work to bring God's reign upon the earth even when we see no results. Our hope begins and ends in God, the source of all hope.”
—Mary Lou Reddi

The Van Natta's <svannatta@hawkeyemold.com>
Readlyn, IA - Friday, February 16, 2007 1:51 PM CST
Dear Bethany,
Hello my name is Haley Risse and you may not know me but I am good friends with Abby, Andrew, Isaac, an Ian. I don't have a lot to say but Good Luck Bethany! You are in all of my thoughts and prayers and you will continue to be.

With love,
Haley Risse

Haley Risse
Fairbank, Iowa America - Thursday, February 15, 2007 8:36 PM CST
We're still pulling for you all, now from New Mexico instead of Florida. Just putting a little exta "postage" on the prayers. Keep fighting Bethany!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chris and Maria Andrejcik <chris_and_maria@msn.com>
Alamogordo, NM - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 2:18 PM CST
Dear Bethany & Family,
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and believing in a miracle for you. Maybe if you posted a time for everyone who reads the log to pray for a miracle for Bethany, and we all prayed at the same time?
Susan Lipnicky ~ Bethany's English II Honors teacher

Susan Lipnicky <lipnickys@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
Niceville, FL USA - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 12:47 AM CST
Hi guys! Thinking and praying about you all... We hope all goes well with your new treatments, Bethany. We admire your strength and determination while you battle this disease. You're a winner girl and you're gonna beat this!!! WE BELIEVE! Keep smiling that gorgeous smile!!!
God Bless,
Ann & Dan Nelson & Brandon Parrish

Ann Nelson <maria.nelson2@hill.af.mil>
Roy, UT USA - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 10:35 AM CST
Bethany, you are an inspiration to all. Every time I’m about to give up, I think of you. You are a strong and inspirational person. You have inspired me to do something extraordinary even though it may be tough. God has sent many signs to help guide you.God has angles watching you all the time. They are your friends, neighbors and ones from above. He has a purpose for you. Don’t worry. God always comes to you in your hour of need. If you believe in miracles, they will happen. Especially to someone as kind hearted as you. Don’t give up. Don’t forget you’re an inspiration to all.
Courtney <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, Pa - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 7:33 PM CST
Bethany & Family
We continue to think about you and constantly pray for that miracle of healing that only He can give!!
Kim Yates, Madi & Morgan Bellile

Kim Yates <yatesrhodes@partnercom.net>
Marshalltown, IA - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 6:52 PM CST
First and foremost- I miss all of you very much. I think/pray about you guys everyday.
As I was catching up on your journal postings, I thought it would be a good idea to send the link to all of my friends. I wanted them to learn about how brave you are and how awesome you and your family are. Also I wanted to share it with them because one of them is about to shave her head to raise money for children's cancer research. She hasn't had anyone close to her experience cancer before and has kind of been searching for a personal purpose in this. Since then many many many of us have given her story upon story of reasons that would make this more than a privilege. She can't wait and continually says that it's going to be the coolest, most important thing she has ever had the opportunity to do. Plus we all know the more prayers the better!!!
She is shaving her head (long hair) March 14 along with a bunch of other people. I am telling you about this because I want you to know that you are definately going to be an inspiration to people not only during this event, but for a long time to come. Love you and miss you!!!!! I'll keep ya posted!

Lindsay Wedemeier <wedemeierlindsay@yahoo.com>
Des Moines, IA - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 3:39 PM CST
well hello there gorgeous, it's just your favorite lauren hummel leaving you yet another smile and a note of inspiration and HOPE!! The days keep getting closer to when you'll be back at the "Peck Bed & Breakfast", and i'll be sitting on your bed side soaking up the laughs and smiles i wish i had every day! :o) ahh im super stoked! i hope all your pain is decreasing, so the trip back up here to Pa. isn't too bad. keep haning in there chickarocker, you're still amazing, gorgeous, and well unbelievably stong, and i couldn't ask for a better best friend! i love you to death Bethany Kristine Buzynski, my BOB 8o) SMILE always, because im constantly thinking of you, and i know God's looking down on you and working 24/7 on a way to end all this!

your one and only
Lauren Hummel
Bumble Bee

P.S. did i tell you how much i love and miss you?!?! well it's a super enormous amout! <3

Lauren Hummel <lazyhum@hughes.net>
Fairfield, Pa US - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:33 PM CST
It is snowing here in Fairfield---finally!! Hope you and your family have a "safe" trip back to PA. We are all looking forward to seeing you all again. Beautiful story Lori-she certainly was put in that elevator for Bethany and her family. She is walking proof that miracles do happen. God Bless her for sharing that story. We love you guys and will be seeing you soon. Hugs and Kisses on the way...
Di, Walt, Lauren, Brittany, Brandon, Chloe and Ty <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 8:48 AM CST
You are in my thoughts and prayers Bethany and Family.
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Monday, February 12, 2007 1:08 PM CST
Bethany, miracles do REALLY happen. When I was a junior in high school, I was diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome. It is a disease which caused me to lose control of my motor skills. I could not write, hold eating ustensils very well, and my walking was very hard due to not being able to control my muscle movements. I had several neurologists come to the same diagnosis. One even told me when I asked when I was going to be better "to get used to it. It was not going to get better." They put me on muscle relaxers, however, they made me sick and very tired so I had to decrease the dose. Consequently, they did not help much. I would try to walk down the hallway of school with people laughing at me as I dropped my books. I never lost hope though. Then, as quickly as the symptoms came, they began to diminish until they no longer existed. The docter's couldn't believe it. I had every test and seen many docters which all diagnosed me as severe. God gave me a miracle. I guess this is why you touch my heart so much. Never give up!! God's time is not our time, but the right time. God Bless you and I pray you will soon enjoy your miracle!
Pete and Lori, always believe! God give you strength!

sharalie albanese <angel92eyes@yahoo.com>
USAF Academy, Co USA - Saturday, February 10, 2007 2:03 PM CST
have a good trip back to PA :)
stay strong bethany, cant wait to finally see you again :)

Kylin Duffy <skyhyky14@aol.com>
LaCrescent, MN - Saturday, February 10, 2007 12:25 AM CST
Hello sunshine! :) Heard that you are feeling better---see...wishes do come true!! I'm sure "He's" working on the "big" wish now--We all BELIEVE and continue to pray like crazy that the new recipe does the trick. Don't forget to eat--good fuel is what you need to keep your strength and to keep on fighting. We all miss your beautiful smile. Brandon says he misses seeing you, but you are there when he goes to bed...and there when he wakes up---that picture was the greatest gift anybody could give that little man. We love you--hugs and kisses heading your way.
Di, Walt, Lauren, Brittany, Brandon, Chloe and Ty <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, February 8, 2007 9:19 PM CST
I am so glad to hear you are feeling better Bethany!! My sister has her church in Indiana praying for you. You are such a sweetheart! Pete and Lori, God Bless you and give you strength.

sharalie albanese <angel92eyes@yahoo.com>
USAF Academy, Co USA - Thursday, February 8, 2007 4:38 PM CST
We love you BEE!
Can't wait to see you next week!
Thinking of you always.
Love you,
Hummel and chloe

Chloe and Lauren
- Thursday, February 8, 2007 10:52 AM CST
Hey, Bethany, believe it or not, I was your dad's sixth grade teacher. I had him my first year of teaching and just loved him! I could tell you many stories about him. He always kept me laughing. I was even invited to your mom's and dad's wedding. I remember it quite well. I just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers and must be a special young lady. Tell your mom and dad hi for me........I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Sue Babbitt Moen
Sue Babbitt Moen <suehoomoen@hotmail.com>
Readlyn , Ia Bremer - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 8:33 PM CST
It's great to hear you're back home in Florida. I bet your brother and sister have missed razzing you. Enjoy the winter ball, I know you'll be beautiful. There's lots of love and faith coming from Iowa ! Take Care, and God Bless.
Love Todd, Chris, Jordan, Taylor, and Brandon Rathbone <crathbone@co.black-hawk.ia.us>
Readlyn, Ia - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 11:40 AM CST
Hello B's:
Good to talk with you yesterday and to know that Bethany had a great "girls day out shopping"! I know the Winter Ball will be a special event with Bethany lighting up the room with her smile. GO, BETHANY. Continuing to BELIEVE and KEEP THE FAITH.

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 11:10 AM CST
Hi Betheney and family, Just wanted to let you know I had your name put on our prayer list in church Sunday. I am here at Good Life RV Resort park in Mesa, Az. I am Petes Mom and also love to play cards with your Grandpa and Grandma Kuker when back in Readlyn, Ia.

Your family is to be admired so much. Betheney you will conquer this battle with your strong determination and with Gods help. Our prayers will keep you going.

Hope you find the perfect dress for the ball. You will be the prettiest gal there. Love to you all.

Thanks for the updates. Check every day. Love to you all

Joyce Peters <jepeters2000@yahoo.com>
Mesa, AZ USA - Monday, February 5, 2007 11:31 PM CST
Hi Bethany,

Glad you're feeling better! Have fun shopping for that special dress! I'm sure your mom and Aarika were just heartbroken they had to go shopping! :) We're thinking of you all the time. Tell Blake that Allison can't wait to see him again. She said maybe next time she'll be taller than him! :)
See you soon!
All our love,

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Monday, February 5, 2007 10:52 PM CST
I'm glad that everyone made it safe back to Florida. Hope to see you when you come back up to PA. I keep Bethany in my prayers everyday.
Tammy <gonemonkeys@verison.net>
- Monday, February 5, 2007 7:42 PM CST
It is great to hear you are feeling good, We hope you have a great time at your ball!!!!! Sorry to hear the news about your friend. You are a fighter and will make it through these hard times. Hi Grandma & Grandpa Kuker we miss all you very much!!!Love Greg & Colleen
Greg & Colleen Trevor, Kelsi, Megan <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, Nevada - Monday, February 5, 2007 4:16 PM CST
just a great big hug to all of you! We believe and keep all of you in our prayers. Grandma and grandpa..please have a very safe trip home. see you next visit. love from miss patti and tanner.xoxo
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl 32578 - Saturday, February 3, 2007 11:02 PM CST
I am sorry to hear about the latest results. You have such an amazing spirit, I wish I was that strong.


Megan Haas <mchaas@kent.edu>
Medina, OH USA - Saturday, February 3, 2007 7:02 PM CST
Hi Bethany and Crew!

Glad you arrived safely back in Florida. We miss you here in Fairfield! We are all thinking of you and have Faith that this new chemo will work - because we Believe! I wanted to quote something from "Streams in the Desert" - a daily devotional book - "This is my doing" (1 Kings 12:24).... "Your weakness needs My strength, and your safety lies in letting me fight for you."
Turn to him and let Him do the fighting for you! I have Faith that this chemo was made for you!
Hang in there girlie and see you in a couple weeks!
All our love,

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, February 2, 2007 1:40 PM CST
Hi, Everyone!!!
Sorry I haven't posted lately. We have added a 7th member to our family this past week. Kelsie's best friend, Hope, is moving to Iowa. Hope's family has already moved and she is staying with us for a month, so she can finish up her activities at school. There is always confusion with all of our schedules now we have chaos and confusion! But it is a lot of fun too.
Bethany we want you to know that we are staying strong with our Hope and Prayers for you! That miracle drug is waiting for you! Stay strong and believe! We love you all so much!!!
Love, The Milbrandt's

Kelli <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, MN USA - Friday, February 2, 2007 8:58 AM CST
How about a hug! A big group hug I think is in order.....
Hugs and prayers from your family here in Iowa. We are all thinking of you ~ Keep the faith....We love you Bethany.
Love Uncle Tom & Aunt Melaine

Tom & Melaine Buzynski <melbuzynski@choice-products.com>
Fairbank, IA - Friday, February 2, 2007 6:15 AM CST
Missing you but know that you are home enjoying your surroundings. Will be busy distributing the products from the Corbi's fundraiser for BKB this weekend. Keeping the faith and continuing to believe!
Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, February 1, 2007 9:31 PM CST
I hope with everything I've got that this new chemo will work. I have faith it will!

In my thoughts.

Jesse Finafrock <jfin09@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Thursday, February 1, 2007 5:10 PM CST
Praying for Bethany's miracle. Keep fighting!
Chari Warner <millymango40@yahoo.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Thursday, February 1, 2007 4:26 PM CST

Another 2 steps back, before going forward....darn it!! Keep the faith Bethany, a positive attitude is what it takes. The rest of us will do the praying.

Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, IA - Thursday, February 1, 2007 2:47 PM CST
We can not give up... especially when we see the faith in every word you write and in every description of Bethany's courage. Thank you for taking time to keep everyone updated and know we are sending our love, thoughts and so many prayers your way. Stay strong!
Tina & Greg Porch <hpyhrtnsol@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Thursday, February 1, 2007 6:41 AM CST
Bethany, keep fighting. With god, nothing shall be impossible. (Luke 1:37) God has a plan for you and He will always be with you. I have most of my school praying for you and all of my church praying for you. I am praying for you...every single day. You are an awesome testimony for the Lord and He is using you in ways that only He can. He is in control and nothing can ever change that.
Chelsea Harris <PBaddeley@nc.rr.com>
Goldsboro, NC usa - Wednesday, January 31, 2007 11:56 AM CST
That's okay Bethany. You keep fighting and know you have so many people praying for you. Keep thinking positively and you will get past this. Love to you all!!
The Sands

Stephanie Sand <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Tuesday, January 30, 2007 1:04 PM CST

God Bless You!

Brenda Remsburg
- Tuesday, January 30, 2007 11:12 AM CST
Hello Bethany!
When you feel those warm, sunny rays in Florida...know that it is God embracing you :) Continue to keep your faith as you and your family reunite.

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs.Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Tuesday, January 30, 2007 9:38 AM CST
Dear Buzynski's
We miss you like crazy! The house is so empty without you. Found your notes and gifts which were so thoughtful and appreciated, but the greatest gift of all is your love and friendship! We continue to think of you and pray for your daily and continue to BELIEVE!

Jan/Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, January 30, 2007 7:20 AM CST
Heather and I had a talk about you tonight, and we both realized, we miss you like crazy. Hope to see you soon Sweetheart. Stay strong, and never ever forget that you've always got our love and our prayers coming your way. You're amazing, an inspiration, and my hero.
Erin Timmons
Fort Walton Beach, FL United States - Monday, January 29, 2007 10:43 PM CST
Bethany and family,
just wanted to let you know how much we all believe in you, here in Niceville. Everyone knows how amazing you are and we are all praying for you. Keep your head held high and you can accomplish anything you believe in, girl!!
Love always,
Jenna Testa and friends

Jenna Testa <Twirlgirljenna@msn.com>
Niceville, fl - Monday, January 29, 2007 4:40 PM CST
Dear Bethany & Family,
Thank-you for taking the time to share what is happening. Bethany, I believe in miracles. I am praying for one for you. I am seeing it, and I am believing it. You already have the most miraculous spirit and smile that I have ever encountered. Stay strong. Love & Hugs, Mrs. Lipnicky

Susan Lipnicky <lipnickys@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
Niceville, FL USA - Monday, January 29, 2007 12:49 AM CST
Guys you are so inspiring. You all show such courage and faith which touches me deeply. Life has thrown a couple of blows my way the last couple of months and thinking of you has helped me a great deal. I pray for you everyday and you are always in my thoughts. As someone else mentioned, maybe this experimental chemo is just what God has been planning for you! I pray for you and my family in Indiana is also praying.
Love and deepest admiration,
Sharalie Albanese

sharalie albanese <angel92eyes@yahoo.com>
USAF Academy, Co USA - Monday, January 29, 2007 8:37 AM CST
We are continuing to keep you in our prayers daily.
Ed & Margie Hartzell <emhartzell@pa.net>
- Sunday, January 28, 2007 6:31 PM CST
Bethany and family, we keep you in our prayers regularly. I have asked all my friends and relatives to pray for you. The way you all are handling this is an inspiration, and I think that God is using you. You are loved in so many ways by so many people. God bless you all.
Mary Stark, part of your St. Paul Lutheran family <kratsmit@hotmail.com>
Niceville, Fl USA - Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:59 AM CST
Well Buzynski Family - not the results we prayed for but, the Dr. sounds like he has a plan,that was prayed for - I continue to pray for God to enhance the Dr.'s knowledge and enthusiasm in fighting this stinky stuff hurting Bethany. Our prayers will not cease and we will not give up. Bethany - your strength gives us strength to pray for you and know that God is there for you and your family. We are just around the corner if Aarika, Blake or your parents need us for anything. Thanks for updating the web so quickly - we were anxious to hear how everything went.
Love yall MUCH!!!
The Boisjolie Family

Jimmie Boisjolie <jimgirl@cox.net>
Niceville, fl Okaloosa - Saturday, January 27, 2007 10:31 PM CST
Hi Bethany it is Madi! I just wanted to say that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I know that you are going to mak it through just like I know you would!
Love, Madi

Madi <madpup12@hotmail.com>
Marshalltown, IA USA - Saturday, January 27, 2007 5:41 PM CST
Bethany & Family,
We will continue to pray for you all, God is amazing!! Our thoughts are with you guys all the time. Thank you for taking the time to update Bethany's webpage.

Pat &Kim Yates, Madi & Morgan Bellile
Marshalltown, Ia - Saturday, January 27, 2007 5:30 PM CST
Bethany & Family,
We will continue to pray for you all, God is amazing!! Our thoughts are with you guys all the time. Thank you for taking the time to update Bethany's webpage.

Pat &Kim Yates, Madi & Morgan Bellile
Marshalltown, Ia - Saturday, January 27, 2007 5:30 PM CST
I just wanted to let you know that I've asked my church in Fort Walton to be praying for your family. I told them that the faith and love you have is unbelievable and the amount of people you have touched in just being here for not even a year yet is incredible. Thank you so much. "The Lord is near to all who call on Him" Psalm 145:18 with very much love,
Rachel Severson

Rachel Severson <lovelaughlive08@yahoo.com>
Niceville, FL USA - Saturday, January 27, 2007 2:35 PM CST
We believe too. Thought of you yesterday when I was in the lab waiting to get my blood drawn. Thinking how much I detest having it done (even though I drew people's blood for years) and thought about how much of that crap you have been going through in the last 2 years. I was dreading my one little stick and you've had hundreds. Wow. I started to cry because it's so unfair but then quit because I knew the tech would think it was because I was scared or a big weanie. Anyway, my point is your strength, endurance and courage is insurmountable and I am so humbled by you. We are so far away from you but if I was there I would give you the biggest hug, dear sweet Bethany. Love you.
Aunt Amy Kuker <ackuker@mhtc.net>
- Saturday, January 27, 2007 2:08 PM CST
Hey There,
Thank you for your faithful updates. We too are faithful in prayer and hold much hope.
Cyndy and Co

cyndy bascom <cynphil@valp.net>
valparaiso, fl 32580 - Saturday, January 27, 2007 1:35 PM CST
Thinking of all of you guys and keeping the prayers coming. Bethany it was awesome to see you and we pray for the doctors to help you. You are a ray of sunshine that provides enough light for the world.
The Carbaugh Family <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Saturday, January 27, 2007 11:33 AM CST
Dear Bethany,
I am praying for you daily. God bless you and your family.
Miss Novak

Kerry Novak-Drilak <kdrilak@juno.com>
Houston, PA USA - Saturday, January 27, 2007 7:44 AM CST
Hi Bethany and the rest of the crew---
We love you all! God only gives you what you can handle, although sometimes it does seem to be "super-sized." We absolutely BELIEVE in miracles!

The Hoffman Tribe <missmary65@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, January 27, 2007 6:28 AM CST
I know this is not the news we all wanted!! we will continue to BELIEVE with you. Thinking and praying for you all. love, miss patti and tanner xo
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Saturday, January 27, 2007 3:09 AM CST
Dear Buzynski's,
We will keep Bethany in our prayers daily. We look forward to good news with each entry and will continue to pray for the results we all are hoping for. I am pleased to hear the doctors have a new plan for treatment and pray that Bethany's participation in the new treatment will bring not only healing for her but for others down the road. We will keep checking this website, praying for your continued strength and positive attitude, and know that God has a plan for Bethany that is perfect. Keep on believing!

The Erickson's <jenerickson@mchsi.com>
Chanhassen, MN - Friday, January 26, 2007 10:29 PM CST
Keep up the fight Bethany. We will always continue to believe...maybe you'll be the one that the newest experimental treatment works for and they will continue to use it to treat others. There is a plan for you and your family and just maybe that is it. We will continue to send positive thoughts to you all. Enjoy your time with your friends in Florida until your next journey back to PA again where you will get to again see all those that love you there! Keep your chin up!!!!!

The Van Bergens <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI - Friday, January 26, 2007 9:59 PM CST
We still believe in you and in your cure Bethany. We will not give up HOPE. Stay strong and keep that inner "fight" burning. We are all praying that this next round of treatment will be exactly what is needed. You deserve so much and we won't stop praying or believing that God will help you through this. We love you, Bethany. You and your beautiful family are with us always in thought and prayer. Keep fighting kiddo.
Diann, Walt, Lauren, Brittany, Brandon, Chloe and Ty <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, January 26, 2007 9:54 PM CST
I am sorry that the news wasn't as good as you and everyone had hoped to hear. Keep the Faith, and Trust that the doctors and the Good Lord know what it's going to take to heal this Beautiful Young Lady. I hope all goes according to plan and you all are able to go back home to Florida, to catch up on things there and spend some time with friends. I wish I could be there!!
I hope to come see you all soon, I'll let you know when I have a better idea when it will be. Love you and Miss you Lots !!! Love Penny

Penny Wosepka <m.wosepka@mchsi.com>
Shell Rock, IA - Friday, January 26, 2007 9:25 PM CST
Finger crossed for the scans to turn out well! It sounds like Bethany is being such an amazing trooper every day. It's so good to know she is having some fun and special times with family and friends even with all that pain.

Lori, I am so glad to hear Pete is coming back to you two. Your strength and optimism through this is just incredible. We are keeping Bethany and your family in our thoughts here daily and hoping for the new meds to be miracle drugs! We continue to believe.

Take care,

Alyson Fletcher
Berkeley, CA - Friday, January 26, 2007 4:06 PM CST
Just checking for news. Praying for tears of joy. Knowing Jesus has got you all in the palm of His hand.
Allyson Graham <glenn@f15.net>
Niceville, FL - Friday, January 26, 2007 12:42 AM CST
Hi Bethany,

As I type this, you should hopefully be done with all your scans and tests. I am praying for good news today (as always)!!
Sending a big hug your way!

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, January 26, 2007 11:11 AM CST
Bethany you are in my prayers and I miss you very much. I am wishing you the best in tomorrow's scans and hoping that they will bring good results.
Love, Chloer

Chloe DePaola
Fairfield, PA - Friday, January 26, 2007 9:10 AM CST
Looking forward to some great news this afternoon! Lori and I continue to pray for Bethany (and your entire family). If there is anything we can do for you down here while you're away, please feel free to let us know...any time!
Dave & Lori Cramblet <eye2sky@cox.net>
Crestview, FL - Friday, January 26, 2007 7:23 AM CST
Hello~Just wanted to pop in and let you know that I will be praying hard this morning that scans are good. I put a prayer request on Hayden's site for you, I hope that is ok. Thinking of you!

Julie Dell www.caringbridge.org/visit/hayden <dell991@comcast.net>
Hanover, Pa - Friday, January 26, 2007 7:01 AM CST
I will be at school teaching tomorrow morning, but I promise I will pray throughout the morning for a good report. Thank you for taking the time to faithfully keep people you don't even know up to date. There are so many of us checking daily for your update. Your faith is a witness and a blessing.
The Peek's, St.Paul Lutheran Church

Karen Peek <kpeek7335@cox.net>
Niceville, FL Okaloosa - Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:27 PM CST
Hey B's:
The house is quiet and empty without you. Glad you had a safe trip to the Childrens' Inn. We will be awaiting the good news tomorrow and your return on Saturday. Keep the Faith!

Jan/Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, January 25, 2007 6:45 PM CST
Dear Buzynskis--You are in our prayers daily; we'll be thinking about you tomorrow and praying for good test results!
Ed & Margie Hartzell <emhartzell@pa.net>
Fairfield, Pa. USA - Thursday, January 25, 2007 3:40 PM CST
Praying for good news. We'll be remembering you with special thoughts at 9:15am EST tomorrow. Try to get some good rest tonight. We're all with you in Spirit as always.

Allyson Graham and family <glenn@f15.net>
Niceville, FL - Thursday, January 25, 2007 2:21 PM CST
Hi Buszynskis, We're sending up prayers for strength for all of you and also for good results from the scans tomorrow. Love to you all!
Donny, Fay, Lindsey & Mallory Harrison <dofalima@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Thursday, January 25, 2007 11:12 AM CST
NICEVILLE, FL US - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 9:10 PM CST
Hey Buzynskis'
We haven't forgotten you back in Niceville. We are anxiously awaiting your return. Get R Done and come home to us. We are still praying, praying, praying.

Cyndy <cynphil@valp.net>
valparaiso, florida usa - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:52 PM CST
Hi from snowy Wisconsin. A big Yippee! when we heard your pain had lessened Bethany! I hope this reprieve lasts a long time and is a good sign that things are moving in the right direction. Thinking of you every day. Hope you are enjoying your time in PA with all your wonderful friends. Love to your whole family. The Kukers
Amy <ackuker@mhtc.net>
- Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:35 PM CST
I have been praying for you all. You should look into going to Destiny Worship Center in Sandestin when you get back home. The pastor, Steve Vaggalis is a good friend of mine, and a powerful prayer. They have experienced many healings. Heidi and I wish you all the best and are pryaing every day. RT
Rudy Tingelhoff <tingelhoff@hotmail.com>
Sumter, SC USA - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:12 AM CST
Pete, Lori, Aarika, Bethany, and Blake
I am glad you guys had a quiet weekend. We are keeping our fingers crossed for the scans... and you know our prayers are on going, always!!! We love you all so much... stay strong... The Milbrandt's

Kelli <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, MN USA - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:00 AM CST
The Buzynski's,
Glad to hear things are going better. I pray for good news on the scans for Bethany. Your all truely amazing with all you are going through. I hope and pray there are many more good times ahead for Bethany and your whole family. Stay strong and you can beat this thing. Good luck this week.
Rick Bellile

Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
Marshalltown, Ia - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 4:19 AM CST
Thanks again for the updates. We check everyday hoping that it has been a good day for you all. We will continue praying, more than ever, that the scans come back with good news on Friday and the next round gets started. It's good that you all had a break for a while, Bethany enjoying her friends, Lori getting out with yours and Pete seeing Aar and Blake. You are always in our thoughts...stay strong Bethany!!! Love you all.
The Van Bergens

Toni <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI 49461 - Monday, January 22, 2007 7:48 PM CST
Hello Family-
Just checking in to say hi- we are glad to hear Bethany is doing better. We saw Kara Buzynski over the weekend she said that she checks the website daily to see how Bethany is doing- she said every Sunday in her church the minister normally mentions something about Bethany and ask for everyone's prayers. We are all thinking and praying for you.
We love all of you and can't wait to have us all together again!
Tom, Melaine, Cortney and Brock

Melaine Buzynski <melbuzynski@aol.com>
Fairbank, IA - Monday, January 22, 2007 9:30 AM CST
Hello Bethany!

I'm so glad to hear that your past week has been so enjoyable! I'll be praying for God's healing touch. Have fun with your friends...like you need someone to tell you that one..huh?

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney
Frederick, MD USA - Monday, January 22, 2007 7:29 AM CST
Hi All:
We are so happy to hear how well Bethany is doing. Please know that our prayers continue to be with you all and we know that God has not only chose Bethany for a special plan but your entire family. Best Wishes and Love From St. Paul's Lutheran Church Martin Family - Sheryl, Leonard, & Boys. Thanks for all the updates.

Sheryl Martin & Family <martinsheryl1@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Sunday, January 21, 2007 9:21 PM CST
Hi everyone!! Sorry it has been so long since we posted. We think and pray for you all every day! I hope all went well at the party! The kids ask all the time when we are coming to visit and I always say soon. Well the other night Isaac asked once again and of course I said, "Soon." His responce was, "Mom, how long is soon?" I told Scott it sounds like we need to set a date! Love you and miss so much!! Sending you lots of prayers and a big squeeze from us all. Take care and keep the faith. Love, Aunt Amy
Amy Buzynski <sabuzynski@mchsi.com>
Fairbank, IA USA - Sunday, January 21, 2007 4:19 PM CST
I love reading your updates...they are so inspiring. Amazing people find themselves surrounded by loving arms just by being who they are...that would be you, Bethany!
Hope you had a healing weekend of fun and friendship.
We continue to pray!

The Lacaillades-Shane, Christy, Brenna, Nate & Connor <calaca417@comcast.net>
McGuire AFB, NJ - Sunday, January 21, 2007 4:08 PM CST
Hey Bethany,
Glad to hear you're feeling well! Party on dude!
Leslie, Bruce and Linden

Leslie Carbaugh <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Sunday, January 21, 2007 10:00 AM CST
Hi, Everyone!!
I just read your journal entry. I am so glad things are going well. We will double our prayers for your scans on friday!! Bethany, I hope you have a great time at your party... just, no kissing the boys... no staying out past curfew... and no drinking... that is what I keep telling my 15 year old anyway!! Love you all immensely!!!
Aunt, Kelli

Kelli <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, MN USA - Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:35 PM CST
Hi Bethany! I love you sweet angel! Enjoy your party!! I am so glad that you are feeling like having some FUN! I miss you tons and can't wait to see you!
Big kisses and Big prayer for you always!
Miss Christy :o)

Christy McInnis <McInnisM@Mail.Okaloosa.K12.FL.US>
Niceville, FL US - Saturday, January 20, 2007 6:35 PM CST
We are praying hard to see what we want to see on the scans this week. Your whole family is amazing to us. Stay strong! Thoughts and prayers with you always.
Kristi and Gary Kuboushek and family <gkkub7@earthlink.net>
Ridgeway, IA USA - Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:10 AM CST
We're glad to here you are doing really well this week. Hope to continue hearing these good reports. We will continue praying that everything go great. We love you and miss you a lot.
The McClain's

Ron, Sandy, Lori, Ronnie, Crissy McClain <rslrcmcclain@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA - Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:04 AM CST
Hello Buzyniski's........wonderful-positive news!! You have a fighter there & HE knows it. The good Lord will take care of her & she will be the example of strength & cure!! Also a pat on the back to all your friends (especially the Peck's)& family for the comfort & support they have shown you!! Take care & know we are praying & keeping you in our thoughts.
Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, ia - Saturday, January 20, 2007 8:38 AM CST
Hi Buzynskis!
Thanks for the update, now we can pray for specifics--i.e. the fun party that Bethany and Co. are planning:)! Lauren and the kids from Niceville all miss Bethany so much and everyone here wants to know when she will be back in town. We know you are taking everything one day at a time. Tonight Lauren and the gang are over at Robbie's house across the street doing DDR and cooking marshmellows/s'mores over his fireplace!! That's about as much "winter fun" as you can have here in Niceville. We're praying for all of you daily....just like the song says...we remember what our knees are for!! God Bless you today and always.

The Graham Family <glenn@f15.net>
Niceville, FL - Friday, January 19, 2007 9:40 PM CST
I am glad to hear that you are all staying strong and Bethany that you are feeling better and up and about a bit. Stay strong and God Bless You All. We will keep you in our prayers!
Susy Buzynski <susybrad@iowatelecom.net>
Maynard, IA USA - Friday, January 19, 2007 10:21 AM CST
We continue to keep your Bethany and family in our prayers.
On Wed am we go to mass --light a vigil light for her and pray. We feel it is one thing we can do. Sending hugs-prayers and love. Duffys Dorothy/Jack

Dorothy/Jack Duffy <gramsd@iowatelecom.net>
Fairbank, Ia USA - Friday, January 19, 2007 9:51 AM CST
Pete, Lori, Aarika, Bethany, and Blake
Hi, everyone! Just wanted to say a quick hello from, the deep freeze, here in Minnesota. I am praying that everything is still going well. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you always. Much love, Aunt Kelli

Kelli & Bruce <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, MN USA - Friday, January 19, 2007 8:43 AM CST
I am so glad to hear that things are going well. =) hopefully they will stay like this for a very long time!!
Jesse Finafrock <jfin09@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA - Thursday, January 18, 2007 8:12 PM CST
Hi to all of the Buzynski Family,
I have been keeping up with Bethany's progress by visiting with friends. I finally got back to your site this evening. You ALL are so strong! I'm sure you don't always feel it, but your journal entries are great proof! Please know you are in our daily thoughts and prayers. You ALL are an incredible inspiration to so many people. Hang on to each other tight!
The Wiersma's--Barney, Gina, Hanna, and Hallee

Gina Wiersma <gwiersma@wapsievalleyschools.org>
Readlyn, IA USA - Thursday, January 18, 2007 7:37 PM CST
You are so brave Bethany! We are praying for you. Through all of the journal entries on your website, I have come to believe one thing about you...you must have an IRON stomach! It's so funny to read about your "wing" nights and the things you eat. You have a tough tummy! Take care! The Ganske's
Jake, Amy, Abby and Zach Ganske <ganske@netins.net>
- Thursday, January 18, 2007 1:24 PM CST
You are so brave Bethany! We are praying for you. Through all of the journal entries on your website, I have come to believe one thing about you...you must have an IRON stomach! It's so funny to read about your "wing" nights and the things you eat. You have a tough tummy! Take care! The Ganske's
Jake, Amy, Abby and Zach Ganske <ganske@netins.net>
- Thursday, January 18, 2007 1:24 PM CST
Wow,Bethany, you are an awesome inspiration!! Keep that smile on your face and keep trusting in God's will.
Dianna Zimmerman
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, January 18, 2007 10:48 AM CST
Bethany, You continue to amaze and inspire! We are huge BKB fans and feel very blessed to know someone like you. Your spirit is so strong and you've taught so many people about love, grace, and determination. It's difficult to find the words to express our admiration for you and your wonderful family except to say that you are an inspiration to the world.
God Bless You, Bethany.

The Holmes Family <shannon_mike@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA - Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:31 AM CST
It's great to hear you are doing well Bethany. We are thinking of you and hope things go well for the next scans. We love you all!!!
Howie, Steph, Zack, Courtney, Josh & Jacob, & Jonathan <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 5:53 PM CST
Hi guys it is so good to here the wonderful things that God is doing in your family. I pray that he will continue to bless your family he is so good all the time. God is so much bigger than we know so keep on believing and he will answer. God bless Dawn
Dawn F <sdgatorfling@cs.com>
niceville, Fl ok - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 12:25 AM CST
Hi Bethany and family,

We are so very glad that your doctors have gotten your pain under control and you have started feeling better and were able to go out and enjoy yourselves. You have a very loving and caring family on your side. You keep fighting, Bethany. Always remember when your days are tough, that you are thought of by so many people and we are sending our thoughts and prayers for your healing out to you.... every day.... to you and your entire family. We continue to believe in you and believe good things will happen for you. Your strong will and continuing strength continue to truly amaze us. We know deep down how extremely difficult this must be for you to go through.... We only had the pleasure of seeing and talking with you a few times up at Diann and Walts, but I feel like I know you so well because they talked about you so often, And over these past many months, you have shown all of us more of what you are made of.... what unbelievable courage, strength and will power you have.... In our minds, you are a Hero.....

Karen, WIll, Kaitlyn and Courtney <W2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, PA 19067 - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 10:42 AM CST
Hi, Everyone!
I am so excited about the news this morning! I am so glad that you can sit back and enjoy just eating together. God gives all of us this pleasure and we don't stop to enjoy it often enought! Know you are loved...thought about... and prayed for each and everyday!!!
All my love, Aunt Kelli

Kelli Milbrandt <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, Mn USA - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 8:24 AM CST
Good morning Bethany! We are so happy that you are feeling better!! :) It is all of those prayers and your determination to kick this disease in the butt! Keep your faith and with God you will overcome this. We believe in you and we believe in God's wonderful plan that he has for you. You and your family are always in our thoughts and prayers. Don't you give up on YOU! Hope to see you soon. We love you. Hugs...
Di, Walt, Lauren, Brittany, Brandon, Chloe and Ty <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 7:38 AM CST
good morning guys!! i am in tears ( OF JOY) after reading this new update from you all. this is awesome!!! we all continue to pray and BELIEVE!! we love you all! Aarika, Blake, Grand daddy and Grandma..if you need anything, i am across the street!!! Hugs to everyone, Miss Patti and Tanner xo
Miss Patti <Pattim4455@aol.com>
Niceville, FL US - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 6:32 AM CST
Great news for you Bethany and for your entire family. I was so excited to read your journal. Keep it up and I'll continue to pray for you. I see from my daughter's letter she can't wait to meet you. When your back in Florida and ready for company, I'll bring them down. Meeting you would be an inspiration to all of us. Take care and I hpoe all keeps going well.

Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
Marshalltown, Ia Marshall - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 3:58 AM CST
What good news! Hopefully you all enjoyed the evening out and getting away from it all for a while. Bethany, stay strong and keep turing your back on this disease...you are doing wonderful! When it gets tough remember how many people are praying for you everyday. Hopefully the meal was delicious and you had just a great evening all around. Keep your chin up!
The VanBergen's <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI USA - Tuesday, January 16, 2007 9:40 PM CST
We are all so happy to hear the good news!!!! You are amazing Bethany we love you!!!
Greg & Colleen Trevor, Kelsi, Megan <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, Nevada - Tuesday, January 16, 2007 9:39 PM CST
Dear Bethany,

It is so wonderful to hear you are feeling better. We are praying for you every day, along with so many of our extended family and friends. Keep that amazing spirit of yours up.

Mark, Dawn, Hailey, and Lindsey <buzynski@mchsi.com>
West Des Moines, IA USA - Tuesday, January 16, 2007 8:39 PM CST
I am so happy to hear Bethany is feeling better! I pray everyday that God will heal her from this horrible disease! Stay strong and lean on God! miss you guys!
Patti Baddeley <Pbaddeley@nc.rr.com>
Goldsboro, NC USA - Tuesday, January 16, 2007 8:04 PM CST
Hi Bethany and Family,
Wow you must get tired of reading all of these letters but I bet it brings you the spirit of Bethany getting better. I can see that my dad sent something.I hope that you stay the way you are going right now and that you loved your salmon. I pray that Bethany is getting better and better every day and I know that a lot of other people are praying for her to get better and my whole family hopes that you get a speedy recovery and I hope that my dad can have us meet sometime. We probably already have but I just don't remember it. Hope to see you soon and I hope that your family is doing fine.
Love Madi
P.S. I will write you snail mail when you get out of the hospital and into your own house.

Madi Bellile <madpup12@hotmail.com>
Marshalltown, IA USA - Tuesday, January 16, 2007 8:02 PM CST
Haven't checked in awhile....sorry!! How frustrating to see your baby suffer!! But she is a very tough cookie & God will get her (& you) through this. Prayers your way!
Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney Shook <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, IA - Tuesday, January 16, 2007 2:43 PM CST
Hello Bethany ~ I got your site from another and saw that you were from Pa. I just wanted you to know I will be including you in our prayers. You have been through so much and have done it with such grace. You are amazing! May God Bless you with strength and healing.


Julie Dell <dell991@comcast.net>
Hanover, Pa - Tuesday, January 16, 2007 11:35 AM CST
Pete, Lori, Bethany, Aarika, and Blake,
We love all of you guys so much and I just wanted to drop you a quick note saying we are always thinking and praying for each and everyone of you. Thanks for the web site updates, I know you have a lot going on, but so many of us appreciate the news! Stay strong...know you are loved...May God stay in your hearts!

Aunt Kelli <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, MN USA - Tuesday, January 16, 2007 8:52 AM CST
The Buzynski family,
I continue to read your webpage everyday. You are all an inspiration to everyone that knows you and especially Bethany. I continue to hope and pray for good news and that she will beat this. I know you two have a lot on your mind and so much to do, but from all the guestbook enties, you have a lot of love and support. I wish I could do more for you all but I'm always thinking of you and I pray for positive news and strength for the upcoming tests. Take care and good luck.
Rick Bellile

Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
Marshalltown, Ia USA - Tuesday, January 16, 2007 2:47 AM CST
You are always on our minds and in our hearts. We hope the pain meds are keeping you comfortable. Chloe keeps asking to see you and we hope to be able to do so soon. All of you take care and know we are thinking of you!!!!!
The Chloe Knill Family <jlknill@msn.com>
Fairfield, Pa USA - Monday, January 15, 2007 8:19 PM CST
Pete, Lori and Bethany,
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this trying time. I know it must be so difficult to see someone you love suffer. Hopefully the pain is under control and that the Chemo will kill that dreadful disease. Bethany you are so strong and corageous, keep fighting and praying. We are all praying for you. God does answer our prayers. Thinking of you and also your family back in Florida.

Lois Ganske <laganske@netins.net>
Readlyn, Ia USA - Monday, January 15, 2007 7:42 PM CST
We are praying for you Bethany. Our Son Ryan Mahoney has osteosarcoma and when I told him about you Ryan told me to tell you keep fighting!!! You are in our prayers and if you ever need a Friend Ryan said to call him 717-637-0881 Ryan cell # 717-476-7888. Ryan was diagnosed in 2003. Dr Weber did Ryan's leg surgery. If there is anything that we can do please let us know. Roxanne Ryan's Mom cell# 717-968-4841.
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Monday, January 15, 2007 2:53 PM CST
Hello Buzynski Family,
I have heard about you all through Patti Baddeley. My little Olivia goes to her daycare and I wanted to let you all know that we are praying for all of you. I believe that the Lord has wonderful plans for Bethany and it sounds like she is sure doing a very good job handling everything being thrown her way. She is suck a strong girl and hopefully will overcome all of this very soon. Take Care and we will keep praying for good results. Damian Paula and Olivia Hindley

Paula Hindley <paulahindley@yahoo.com>
Goldsboro, NC United States - Monday, January 15, 2007 11:42 AM CST
Glad you are feeling better Bethany! We hope to be able to visit you soon!
The Carbaugh Family <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa 17320 - Monday, January 15, 2007 9:26 AM CST
Hey Pretty Girl-
It is Aunt Melaine and Uncle Tom saying hello- Keep fighting girl- Tell your dad not to eat all the roman noodles and to let you have the remote control!
We are thinking of you and wanted to let you know we are sending a big hug and kiss-
PS- one for your mom and dad too.....
You are in our hearts- and our prayers....We love you.
Aunt Melaine and Uncle Tom

Melaine and Tom Buzynski <melbuzynski@aol.com>
Fairbank, IA - Sunday, January 14, 2007 8:05 PM CST
Buzynski Family,
I do not know if you remember me, but I was in the taneytown physical therapy office for a while last spring. I remember Bethany, and think about her from time to time. I just heard from Julie and Jenna at work, and they gave me this page. I am very sorry to hear of what has happened since last year. I hope everything is going well at this point, and continues to go well. I always think of Bethany and remember her as one of the most vibrant people I have met in my life. I will continue to keep her my prayers. If there is anything that I can do to help please let me know. You can contact me through my e-mail.
My prayers are with you

Amanda Strickhouser <mandalynn28@hotmail.com>
Taneytown, MD Carroll - Sunday, January 14, 2007 7:44 PM CST
Buzynski Family,

Just wanted to pass on my thoughts and prayers to your family as you are battling through these difficult times. It sounds like Bethany is battling this with great courage and determination. Sorry to hear she has to deal with so much pain Keep up the faith and if there is anything we can do, don't hesitate to contact us.

Brent Kuker <kukerb@uiu.edu>
Fayette, IA usa - Sunday, January 14, 2007 1:55 PM CST
I hope that everything is ok. I want Bethany to get better. I pray at night, and when I do I pray for Bethany to get well.
Kenny Hall <hallct@adelphia.net>
Walkersville, MD U. S. - Sunday, January 14, 2007 9:18 AM CST
Bethany, Pete, Lorie (Aarika and Blake, too:)

Thank you for updating the website. We think of you all many, many times each and every day. Lauren misses Bethany very much and wishes the cell phones worked better in the hospital. Wishing the school district could send me "TDY" to be a "school nurse at large" on special assignmnet to the NIH/NCI!!!!!! I am praying as I write this for continued strength for this difficult journey and, above all, the peace that passes all understanding that I know is in the heart of each of you. My number here at Choctaw during the day is: 850-833-3614 x624. PLEASE call me if Aarika or Blake need something, or if you need anything done for the house/yard, whatever. Keep in touch. Remember the "FOOTPRINTS" story!!

Allyson Graham and family <allyson@f15.net>
Niceville, FL - Friday, January 12, 2007 12:28 AM CST
Buzynski Family
Bethany you are doing great hang in there, we love you all very much and miss you. All of you are strong and we know everything will be alright

Calvert's <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, Nevada - Friday, January 12, 2007 11:01 AM CST
Bethany and family,
Tears blind me every time I read this journal. I am truly in awe of your courage and faith in our Lord and Savior. My prayer is for your healing and that you will feel the comfort of Jesus’ loving arms cradling you each moment of the day. The members at St Paul’s in Niceville love you and eagerly await your return to us.
Pat Torre, member St. Paul Lutheran, Niceville.

Pat Torre <patorre@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Friday, January 12, 2007 9:06 AM CST
Hang in there. We are praying that they can continue to keep your pain under control and that you get the answers and results that everyone is praying for. Pete & Lori, I pray that God continue to give you the incredible strength you have shown now and in the past. I can't imagine having to watch my daughter in so much pain knowing that there is nothing I can do as a mother to stop it. Your entire family is amazing!
Kim Yates, Madi & Morgan Bellile

Kim Yates
Marshalltown, IA - Friday, January 12, 2007 8:46 AM CST
You guys are SO AMAZING! Keep up the positive attitude and stay strong...you've got LOTS of people here praying for strength for your family and comfort for Bethany. Our church, St. Johns Bennington, has added you to the prayer list, so you should be seeing some miracles real soon!
Randy, Brenda, Anna & Jacob Sickles <sicklesr@yahoo.com>
Dunkerton, IA - Thursday, January 11, 2007 11:34 PM CST
We are continuing to pray for all of you--healing for Bethany & strength & courage for all of you. May God's love surround all of you.
Daryl & Kathy Behnke <dktsaj@netins.net>
- Thursday, January 11, 2007 7:44 PM CST
God bless you all.
Christine Rice
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:29 PM CST
Keep up the great work Bethany! You are awesome! Hugs and kisses to the whole crew! We keep the prayers coming.
The Carbaugh Family <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 6:50 PM CST
Bethany -- hang tough girl! You are a hero in my book and you can fight this nasty disease with God's help. Pete and Lori, we are praying for your strength too as new experiences are encountered. Love you all!
The Hoffman Tribe <missmary65@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, January 9, 2007 8:01 PM CST
Greetings to the Buzynski Family,
Hope you are all doing well. We think of Bethany all the time and she is in our thoughts and prayers. Aarika and Blake have a safe trip back home to FL! Hope to see all you guys soon.

Jon, Elaine, Katie, and Bradley Weeks <elaineweeks@cox.net >
Niceville , FL USA - Tuesday, January 9, 2007 6:35 PM CST
Hello Bethany!
On Friday I was able to see Aarika as she came into the school and it was so good to see her and give her a big hug, but I didn't give her another hug to send home to you...so here it comes!

May God keep you and your family close!

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Tuesday, January 9, 2007 12:25 AM CST
Dear Pete and Lori,
I am praying for strength for both of you as well as Bethany as you proceed at NCI. Hoping that the new drugs will work as they are designed and then some. Also praying that Bethany will not have to endure the pain she experienced this past week. Glad that they have figured out a plan to help her with that. You have so many people praying for you. God is listening and hearing all of our prayers. You are never alone!

Jennifer Erickson <jenerickson@mchsi.com>
Chanhassen, MN 55317 - Monday, January 8, 2007 7:05 AM CST
Hello my friends! I miss you all terribly..yes, my sweet Bethany, YOU especially! I can't stand not being able to swing by and see you!! If you don't hurry and get back here I'm buying that plane ticket girl, snow and all!

All of you take care. You are always in my prayers...my love to you...Bethany, I love my girl...big kisses to you angel!

Christy McInnis <McInnisM@Mail.Okaloosa.K12.FL.US>
Niceville, FL US - Sunday, January 7, 2007 6:16 PM CST
God bless you all!
Kerry Novak-Drilak <kdrilak@juno.com>
Houston, PA USA - Saturday, January 6, 2007 5:22 PM CST
Hugs and prayers for all of the Buzynskis!
The Carbaugh Family <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Saturday, January 6, 2007 12:22 AM CST
Hey Guys -
Thinking and praying for you all. Please know that we are available for your parents, Aarika and Blake until yall arrive back home. Just let us know if there is anything at all we can help with.
I do believe in miracles and I already thank God for the answers to our prayers! Get well quickly and we will see you all soon. Much Love,
Scott, Jimmie, Blake & Taylor Boisjolie

Jimmie Boisjolie <jimgirl@cox.net>
Niceville, fl US - Friday, January 5, 2007 3:55 PM CST
Happy New Year! May this be the beginning of a wonderful year for you Bethany. May the "experimental treatments" be the answer we're all waiting for. God Bless you and your family.
Love Todd, Chris, Jordan, Taylor and Brandon Rathbone <crathbone@co.black-hawk.ia.us>
Readlyn, Ia - Friday, January 5, 2007 2:53 PM CST
Buszynskis, you're in our thoughts and prayers always......

Much love to all of you,

Donny, Fay, Lindsey & Mallory Harrison <dofalima@cox.net>
Niceville, FL 32578 - Friday, January 5, 2007 2:52 PM CST
Wanted to let you know that we continue to keep you all in our prayers each and every day. We'll keep praying that God is providing you with a wonderful "recipe" that is going to conquer this horrible disease!! Keep being an inspiration to all of us....Love The Matthias Family
Jenny Matthias <jennifer.matthias@cunamutual.com>
Readlyn, IA usa - Friday, January 5, 2007 11:53 AM CST
Hi Bethany and Buzynski family,

Happy New Year....I know you were all so happy to be back in Fairfield for a few days. We are praying that this New Year will bring only the best news for Bethany. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Bethany and your whole family. I know it is going to be rough, but stay focused on fighting and winning over this terrible disease.
You are truly an amazing young lady.... You have touched many peoples lives in many different ways. Hang tough. We'll be thinking of you daily. Don't lose that sense of humor; it will help you through this.

Karen, Will, Kaitlyn and Courtney <W2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley , PA - Thursday, January 4, 2007 10:51 PM CST
Hello Buzynski's!! Just touching base from Niceville to let you know all is okay with the home here. We are all praying for this to be a wonderful week of new opportunities for your road to recovery! Lots of hugs, Miss Patti, Tanner and Jessie xo
Miss Patti <Pattim4455@aol.com>
Niceville, FL US - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:43 AM CST
Hey Bethany--I forgot to tell you something on the previous entry I made...you made Brandon's day with the "gift" you gave him. He keeps it next to his bed--he has "it" bad Bethany! It is a good thing that he is only 9! (ha-ha). You know...he thinks the world of you--we all do. Hang in there. Love to you and yours.

Diann <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 10:02 PM CST
Hello Buzynski Family! We are "ALL" thinking of you Bethany and praying that all goes well with the next treatment--think positive--we know and BELIEVE that God is taking care of you. Don't give up Bethany--you keep fighting and show GOD who's boss! You are a very strong willed young lady and have such a "glowing" personality...with your inner strength and faith--you will beat this bad boy and come out even brighter than before--if that is possible! :) We love you and will always be here for you and your family. Hugs and Kisses are on thier way to you.

Di, Walt, Lauren, Britt, Brandon, Chloe and TY Hummel <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 9:50 PM CST
Hey Bethany,

We're thinking of you and our prayers are with you!

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 8:52 PM CST
happy 2007 :)
hope your time in pennsylvania has been wonderful so far, and that your wonderful times only keep coming! missin' you all pretty insanely :D cant wait to see you again !!

much love<3

kylin duffy
LaCrescent, MN - Monday, January 1, 2007 12:28 AM CST
Hello Bethany and Family, We hope you all had a great Christmas and we wish you all a wonderful New Year filled with new beginnings. Have you all ever had Wings at Perry's Seafood Restaurant in Niceville? You would not think about Wings at a seafood place, but they are great there. The blue cheese dressing is made from scratch and it is wonderful as well. Let us know when you get back and we will take you to Perry's for Wings. We are praying that all goes well in Md. Your smiles and positive attitude will be truly missed at NHS when the new simester starts on Tuesday. We definitely need you to return soon. Stay strong and keep the faith. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Greg and Tina Porch ( Your SRO at NHS ) <screenporch@cox.net>
Niceville, Fl. USA - Sunday, December 31, 2006 11:42 PM CST
Hi Bethany,
I am here at school getting ready for next week, and I am thinking about the beautiful girl with the most contagious smile and the courageous, inspiring spirit, as I look at her empty desk (of course all the desks are empty today!) So, I sending this email "hug" and a prayer on a New Year's wing, to YOU, the loveliest of the lovely, who I will miss. Love, Mrs. Lipnicky ~ First Period, English HonorsII

Mrs. Susan Lipnicky <lipnickys@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
Niceville, FL USA - Sunday, December 31, 2006 1:19 PM CST
hey bethany! i miss you! i hope we get to come see you soon. hope all is doing well. your in our hearts..


kelsie and kylie milbrandt <kels12114@hotmail.com>
Eagle lake , mn usa - Saturday, December 30, 2006 0:32 AM CST
Hi Bethany,
Welcome back to good ole PA....................I am so inspired by your will, determination and positive attitude. What an example you set for all of us. Thanks for your smile.
I am sure glad you are with my sister and husband right now. I know how much they love helping out and how important it is for them to be able to help you. Take care.
Circle Friend, Connie Long

Connie Long <long1320@ptd.net>
Coal Twp. , PA USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 5:51 AM CST
We can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Carbaugh Family <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Thursday, December 28, 2006 6:40 PM CST
Glad that you all made it safely to PA.and that you all get to enjoy catching up with old friends! Hope your Christmas was extra special and that the New Year brings only good things your way...you all deserve it! Take care and we continue to pray for you all everyday. Sorry that you couldn't make it over the break Aarika but I know that you are having a wonderful time with your family and friends there. Love you guys!
The VanBergen's

Chuck, Toni, Ryan & Tyler <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI USA - Thursday, December 28, 2006 1:38 PM CST
Hi Bethany,
Give your sister Aarika a birthday,"hello" from me. I'm currently teaching Art at Mother Seton School. WE will keep you in our prayer chain at school. Welcome back to PA! Mrs. Myers

Karolyne Myers <skyflyboy@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 11:49 PM CST
My son Ryan Mahone has osteosarcoma. My Mom was buying him a cross necklace and the Girl asked my Mom to pray for Bethany. I want you to know that we are praying for her & your Family and & for your safe travels. If you need a place to stay we are an hour from Hopkins.. My cell # is 717-968-4841. Please call us if you need anything.
Roxanne Henschen <springcreekfarm2003@yahoo.com>
Hanover, PA USA - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 10:32 AM CST
I pray your trip to PA then to MD is safe and filled with the joy of such a dear family.We will be thinking of and praying for you all. Bethany's faith is spreading and we will watch this site for news worthy of rejoicing! Be safe and know He is holding you all so closely.
Tina and Greg Porch <hpyhrtnsol@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 6:30 AM CST
bethany....people often joke around and say "your my hero" to their friends. In this case there is absolutely no jokeing. You are my hero.
Noah Grimm <noahgrimm@hotmail.com>
Gettysburg, Pa USA - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 8:45 PM CST
Aarika, Bethany & Blake have grown so much since I've seen them last. I am thinking of and praying for Bethany everyday. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

Kara Buzynski <Kara.Buzynski@gmacm.com>
Dunkerton, Ia 50626 - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 8:21 AM CST
Aarika, Bethany & Blake have grown so much since I've seen them last. I am thinking of and praying for Bethany everyday. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

Kara Buzynski <Kara.Buzynski@gmacm.com>
Dunkerton, Ia 50626 - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 8:21 AM CST
I hope you all are having a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS !!:) I wish we could celebrate this special holiday together. I think of you all often and continually pray for the best that God has to give for you Bethany. Keep the FAITH and stay strong! Your positive fighting attitude is a wonderful thing and you are an awesome role model for many people that are going through a tough time. We love you and miss you here in IOWA. Gods Greatest Blessing to you now and throughout the new year. Merry Christmas Buzynski's and a Happy New Year. Love, Penny
Penny, Khyle, Karlie and Kelsie <m.wosepka@mchsi.com>
Shell Rock, IA - Monday, December 25, 2006 10:21 AM CST

LOVE, JAN AND ED PECK <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, December 25, 2006 0:54 AM CST
Happy Birthday Aarika! Merry Christmas Buzynski family!! Hope all your prayers are answered. We are thinking and praying for you each and every day---God is going to answer those prayers...he will. We love and miss you and your family. Hugs and Kisses--we have "surprises" for you when we see you at the end of the month!! Love to you and your family.
Di, Walt, Lauren, Britt, Brandon, Chloe and TY Hummel <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, December 24, 2006 8:32 PM CST
To the Buzynski Family,
Have a Merry Christmas and a great New Year in 2007. May God Bless your family and answer all your prayers. You are in our thoughts.

Mark,Theresa,Jordan,Taylor and Jacob Boevers <rules24@netins.net>
Readlyn, Ia - Sunday, December 24, 2006 3:20 PM CST
Hi Bethany,
Your old Las Vegas neighbors are praying for you! You look so grown and beautiful in your Xmas pictures! Your story is amazing and we are in awe...you have endured so much. What an inspiration...

The Lacaillades-Shane, Christy, Brenna, Nate & Connor <calaca417@comcast.net>
McGuire AFB, NJ - Saturday, December 23, 2006 5:20 PM CST
Hi, Bethany, Do you remember what Jesus told the woman who had touched the hem of His garment and asked Him to heal her? He told her that her faith had already healed her!! So, please, don't ever let go of the hem of His garment and your faith will heal you!!! May God continue to bless you and your family. Y'all are now on my prayer list.
Doug Faircloth <sgtdug@aol.com>
Crestview, FL USA - Saturday, December 23, 2006 10:09 AM CST
Hey Buzynski bunch~
Wishing you all and very MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR...
Praying for you all each and everyday...
May God bless you and watch over you, Bethany as you go to MD for your treatments.
Take care~
Ann and Dan Nelson & Brandon Parrish

Ann Nelson <maria.nelson2@hill.af.mil>
Roy, UT USA - Friday, December 22, 2006 1:51 PM CST
Hi, Bethany!
We are wishing all of you guys a Merry Christmas! I pray everything goes well for you guys on your trip and at the hospital. Our prayers and thoughts are will you always! All of our love, The Minnesota Buzynski's

Kelli <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, MN usa - Thursday, December 21, 2006 7:06 PM CST
Bethany and family,
You are all in our prayers, and I tell anyone I can to pray for you. As tough as all this is for you, I admire you for your strength and faith. Faith, faith. May God bless you all.

Tim and Mary Stark family---St. Paul Lutheran Church <kratsmit@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 11:40 PM CST
Hi Bethany,
Thinking of you as always and knowing that God is with you and watching over you. We can't wait to see you all when you get back. I can't even tell you how excited Allison is to see Blake!! Hang in there girl and know we're all cheering you on!
Merry Christmas!

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 9:06 PM CST
Bethany and family,

We are thinking of you every day and praying......God is with you and your family with each step you take. God is working through you Bethany. As I have said before, you have touched my life as well as countless others. I know you are coming up to Fairfield soon and so many people cannot wait to see all of you. We do Believe.... and we are praying to God that he grants you the miracle of good health this coming year. Keep your faith, Bethany. Keep that positive outlook of yours....It does make a difference.

Karen, Will, Kaitlyn and Courtney <W2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, PA 19067 - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 5:51 PM CST
Bethany-we are praying for you in Eleva-Stay strong, you and your family are an inspiration to us all!!
Angie, Kris and Families

Angie Felton <feltonfamily@triwest.net>
Eleva, WI USA - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 4:28 PM CST
Dear Bethany, It's craig from therapy. I stopped going a few weeks ago just because Iam tired of going, and your not around to keep me motivated. Jenna and i spoke of you often and most recently she told me of the turn your condition has taken. Please remember that a lot of us are praying for you and your family. You touched my heart in the short time I was lucky enough to know you. You are truely an inspiration to me and I only hope my son Tyler gets to meet you on your visit back to Pa. after christmas.
Craig Herwig <ccwig@att.net>
Taneytown, Md - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 1:44 PM CST
Our family prays each night for your healing. We are awed by your strength! What an inspiration you are, Miss Bethany. Stay strong and true. You can do this.
Kim Whitford <runningrealtor@acegroup.cc>
LaCrescent, MN USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 9:55 PM CST
Bethany. You don't know me, but I've heard so much about you from Craig, my coworker, and Jenna, your therapist back in Taneytown, MD. I've requested to view your website with personal interest, as my dad had dealt with similar difficulties, and wanted to express my sincere thoughts and prayers to you and your family. You are a hero to at least a few people I know, and after reading this website, it's apparent that your heroism has touched many other lives. God is using you in a very special way, Bethany.
Stay strong, and realize that prayer is out there in masses from those that you don't even know, and will continue until the Lord's will for you is done. I'm praying specifically for you and your families strength and full trust in God in everything you will be dealing with. Remember PROV. 3:5,6. May God bless you.

Bill <bdewan1@aol.com>
Taneytown, MD - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 9:22 PM CST
Dear Buzynski's:
Our thoughts and prayers are with you every day. As we have been in touch with family and friends recently they have asked that we tell you they are also praying, praying, praying and believing, believing, believing. Just remember the verse on the back of your gold medal -- "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord.....Psalms 121

Love, Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 8:50 PM CST
Hi Bethany! It's your "other family" wishing you and your family nothing short of a miracle! 'Tis the season...we are thinking of you "always" and praying like mad!!!! Keep the faith and God will help you through this. You are such an inspiration to us all. We love you and miss you. See you soon.
Di, Walt, Lauren, Britt, Brandon, Chloe and TY Hummel <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:21 PM CST

Jesse Finafrock <jfin09@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:05 PM CST
Bethany, I am your Aunt Jeanne's brother-in-law. I just read your home page of your recent battle and was brought to tears. Tears of sadness of what you are going through and tears of joy for the faith and determination that I can tell that you have. It is my prayer that you will stay strong and keep your eyes towards the heavens; for GOD is still in the miracle business. Check out Psalm 27. I think this is great prayer for you. I'll be praying for you often.
Dave Schreiner <dschrein@co.douglas.ne.us>
Elkhorn, NE USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 1:23 PM CST
It is nice to see people are still signing the guestbook. I'm sure it helps to know many are praying for your family & keeping you close to their hearts. God does what is best for all.....stay tough & you will win this. You have a very positive outlook & are very fortunate to have many friends & family pulling for you.....Merry Christmas...hope Santa is good to YOU!!!...:o)
Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, IA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 11:43 AM CST
Bethany,i just heard your story through a teacher that knows you and your mom, and good luck with everything... so many people are touched by your story that dont even know you, you are an amazing girl! stay strong with everything you do you will be in my prayers.
Megan Hedrich <Dolfnlvr85@aol.com>
manchester, md USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 10:13 AM CST
Merry Christmas Bethany!

My prayer for you and your family is that you will all feel the love of God blanketing around you this Christmas!

Happy Holidays,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs.Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 9:32 AM CST
We are keeping up with you via this website and pray for you all everyday for God's peace and strength.
Peter and Sue Crabtree
Lynchburg, VA USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 8:53 AM CST
Hey Bethany and family. This is Brandon Parrish. I dont know if you remember me. But i remember you. I remember when we used to go camping, our barbecues and we just had a great time. Im sorry that something so unfortunate has happened.I will pray for you all. Every night.
Hang in there Bethany. In time, everything will be ok
I hope everything goes well.

Brandon <afireinside12892@msn.com>
Roy, UT U.S. - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 2:06 AM CST
Happy Holidays to all of you! Hang tough Bethany, you always do! We love you and pray for you daily!

The Carbaughs: Leslie, Bruce and Linden <lrcc7070@comcast.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 8:11 PM CST
FREEPORT, FL USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 7:39 PM CST
my prayers are with you bethany
- Monday, December 18, 2006 6:52 PM CST
Hey, Bethany--just heard at the PT in Taneytown that things have become "interesting" for you again. (I was the teacher who enjoyed talking with you and your mom so much.) Just a note to let you know that you are in my prayers and my thoughts. You are one of the strongest people I've ever met--you will win this one, too! Stay strong and happy, my dear!
gayle sands <gsands53@hotmail.com>
taneytown, md usa - Monday, December 18, 2006 6:31 PM CST
Hey Guys... Could you please email me something. I need a good email address for you!

Merry Christmas!

Kip <kip.hamilton@comcast.net>
- Monday, December 18, 2006 3:01 PM CST
Hi, I pray that the Lord, Jesus will work in and through you as only He can do. While I do not know you, I also Believe and know that God's perfect will, shall prevail in this struggle on earth. Keep the faith and place all trust in our Savior Jesus Christ. Love in and through Him. Greg and Tricia Gaddis I will also be placing you on the First Baptist Church of Destin's prayer page.
Greg Gaddis <ggaddis@sheriff-okaloosa.org>
DESTIN, fL. USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 9:21 AM CST
Hey Buzynski's,

We believe as well! We will keep all of you in our prayers and look forward to giving you hugs just after Christmas.

Love, Brion FitzGerald, Mary Robinson and gang

Brion FitzGerald, Mary Robinson, Brion, Kevin and Katie <fitzrob81@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, December 17, 2006 6:40 PM CST
Bethany: H.B. and I think of you and your family every day. We are getting excited about Greg and Colleen and the kids moving home, we hope you can make it down to this area this summer if you come to Iowa. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.. you are an inspiration to all that know you.
HB and Jan Calvert <calverts@iowatelecom.net>
Montrose, IA - Saturday, December 16, 2006 1:38 PM CST
Hi Bethany and family. We just wanted to let you know our thoughts and prayers are with you and we can't wait to see you when you come to PA. Lori, Blake is welcome to stay with us anytime if you need to take care of things, I know Derek would love to have him. We are praying for all of you! Take care.

The Whalen Family

Tammie Whalen <whalen@pa.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, December 16, 2006 9:29 AM CST
Dear Bethany,
So glad to hear that you are home. I've missed you in Geometry. Keep up the positive outlook. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Emily Jacobs <starcatcher15@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Friday, December 15, 2006 4:34 PM CST
Buzynski Bunch:
Our prayers continue to be with all of you. The God of hope is walking with you in this journey. "...I am the Lord that healeth thee. EX 15:26 Love you!

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, December 15, 2006 11:28 AM CST
Bethany, you don't know me but I am one of your cousin Alise's friends from college. She's told me about your story and everything and i just want you to know that I'm thinking and praying for you!! I know God is with you through everything and he will help you though. God Bless!!
Amy Manske <amy.manske@wartburg.edu>
Blooming Prairie, MN - Friday, December 15, 2006 0:30 AM CST
Hey Bethany,
Every time I read the entries by your parents, I'm not surprised at how well you are coping through this ordeal, and as I read through the entries, you have a loving, caring support group cheering you on every step of the way. There is HOPE Bethany and when you keep believing in that, and with your Faith, God will get you through this. Pete and Lori - what a blessing you are to Bethany! She couldn't get through this without the love and understanding of such wonderful parents! We can't wait to see you all again!
All our love,
Crevier Family

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:48 PM CST
To my little buddy Bethany,
I can't begin to tell you how special you are. You have been thru so much in a short period of time -more than most people have been thru their entire lives - and still you remain positive and continue to touch the lives of everyone around you. You have touched my life and taught me so much.
You are so brave! I hope to see you and your family soon. In the meantime you are in my prayers and the prayers of EVERYONE I know. Love you Bethany

TANEYTOWN, MD USA - Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:26 PM CST
I just want to say how brave Bethany is with all of this again. I will keep all of you guys in my prayer. I hope to see you when you come back up this way. May god bless you even more.
Tammy <gonemonkeys@verizon.net>
Taneytown, MD - Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:26 PM CST
ahh, bethany, im so proud of you. im definitely bummed that i wont see you over christmas, but knowing you'll be having the time of your life with your pennsylvania friends, definitely makes up for that :) there's surely a miracle in the making bethany, keep that smile on your face, and hang in there!! i love you sunshinee :D

best wishes<3

Kylin Duffy <skyhyky14@aol.com>
La Crescent, MN - Thursday, December 14, 2006 9:18 AM CST
Bethany & Family:
Our prayers and thoughts are with you, especially as you go through this blessed season. We know that God is truly watching over you all and giving you the closeness of family & friends, even if so much of it is just in prayers. God Bless and Merry Christmas to all of you.

Leonard, Sheryl & Martin Family, St Paul's Lutheran Church <martinsheryl1@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 11:01 PM CST
Bethany, your friend Sarah W. sent out a prayer request that has made its way to a Cursillo group in Mobile, Ala. We will all be praying for you!
Terri <twilbank@jaguar1.usouthal.edu>
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:34 PM CST
We are praying for you and hope you feel better soon. I know God is holding you in his arms and loves you dearly. We used to live in La Crescent. Now we live in St. Paul. I remember you and your beautiful family.

Nancy Eaton <nancyness@aol.com>
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 4:56 PM CST
We are all praying for you all. I hope and pray you will soon get better Bethany. You are a very strong young women, and that will keep you going. Miss Lori, Haley misses you alot and wanted me to tell you she loves you. Merry Christmas to you all and have a Happy New Year. Hope to see you soon. The Sanders Family
Jessie Sanders <bksme@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA usa - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 4:20 PM CST
You are a strong and out going girl, we are thinking about you every day. We love you all and will see you this summer in Iowa!!!!!!

Greg & Colleen Calvert <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 3:42 PM CST
Hey Bethany im praying for you and wishing the best luck in the world, I can imagine it must be very tough to be in your shoes, but I know that your a very strong fighter, I have faith in you and I know you can. Me and a couple of buddies had a thing for you at Emmaus in Gettysburg, there was a good bit of people there, so I know alot of people are standing by you every step of the way, God Bless and I will keep you in my prayers, Take Care Ronnie Jr
Ronnie McClain Jr <fhsmcclain2006@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, P.A United States - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:00 PM CST
Hey, Bethany!

I'm at Choctaw, and my husband, Coach Bernich, has you in his PE class at Niceville. We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers and close to our hearts. Keep fighting - you're an inspiration to everyone who knows you. May you and your lovely family find the strength and courage to make it through each day - you are loved.

Carol and Ken Bernich <bernichc@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
Mary Esther, FL USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 8:51 AM CST
We are thinking about you "B". Please keep that gorgeous smile on your beautiful face and know that God won't give you more than you can handle. Be strong and know that you can lean on those who love you. We are always there for you. Hugs and Kisses are coming your way!! We love you.
Di, Walt, Lauren, Britt, Brandon, Chloe and TY Hummel <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 7:35 AM CST
Know that you are in my heart and prayers. Your strength, courage, hope, persistence, faith, and kindness amaze me more and more. You are truly a beautiful person, inside and out.

Jesse Finafrock
Fairfield, PA - Monday, December 11, 2006 8:59 PM CST
You are in our hearts and in our prayers daily. I "talk" with my Mom every day and I know she has talked to the Lord and told Him all about you. Keep the Faith! Love you.

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, December 11, 2006 4:27 PM CST
Hey Bethany it makes me so happy to know that you are fighting this with such courage. You are an insiration to everyone and I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and that I love you!

Sarah Schladenhauffen <TripNfall276@aol.com>
Niceville, FL 32578 - Monday, December 11, 2006 12:55 AM CST
Thank you for sharing your journey, I found your blog online one day and your family's faith and love have renewed my own. Thank you and God Bless. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Beke' Heald <bekeheald@yahoo.com>
Niceville, FL - Monday, December 11, 2006 12:49 AM CST
I am praying for all of you. May God comfort you during this difficult time.
kathy morris <khurstell@charter.net>
mandeville, la usa - Monday, December 11, 2006 12:17 AM CST
I am so impressed by your courage and the evidence of the Holy Spirit within you as is evident by your caring for others in your affliction. May the God of grace and the Great Physician heal you, comfort you and your family, and wrap you in His love and peace.
Debora Viola
West Monroe, LA U.S.A. - Monday, December 11, 2006 11:02 AM CST
There is a God in this world and He will not put more than you can handle before you. Sometimes, that is hard to believe, at least it has been for me. You and your family will be in my prayers.
Stacey Steiner
Mobile, AL USA - Monday, December 11, 2006 9:11 AM CST
I know that God can remove things that seem impossible to us. I have seen him do it in my family's life with my brother. Keep the Faith because with God all things are possible if we can only believe. Sounds like you are way ahead of me in that category.
Shirley Bell <mbell@jam.rr.com>
Monroe, LA 71203 - Monday, December 11, 2006 8:44 AM CST
May God grant your peace and patience in all your days!
Thom Fultz
Mobile, AL USA - Sunday, December 10, 2006 7:15 PM CST
Dear Bethany and the Buzynski Family,

It has been awhile since I have last posted something for you to read, please know that you are in my daily prayers. This is the season of miracles and there are many of us that are praying for you to have your own miracle. Bethany with your courage and strength you will keep this beast at bay. If you decide to come back this way for your treatment, please know that I along with many others are there if you need anything. I have many people praying for you and your family along with myself.
May God's angels watch over you and your family and give you the strength to get over this blow. You are all a group of fighters and will find the strength and faith from each other to keep going.

Valerie Plewa
Gettysburg, PA Adams - Sunday, December 10, 2006 6:48 PM CST

I'm sorry about this trauma you are faced with at such a tender age. I feel for your parents as well. I was hit by a horrifying disease myself called ALS, known as Lou Gerhig's disease, at the age of 25 and my doctor told me I only had 2-5 years to live. I'm now 49 and I type with my feet/legs, my hands/arms are paralyzed. I fully enjoy my life, with my disease, and we all should do that whether we have a compromised condition or not. Forget about cancer, enjoy life!

Bert Woodard

Bert Woodard <brtwood@bellsouth.net>
Satsuma , AL United States - Sunday, December 10, 2006 5:28 PM CST
Bethany: You have touched so many lives with your strength and courage. Let everyone around you (whether physically or not) be a mirror and shine that courage back on you. Let us help build you up higher than this beast that is trying to pull you down. Continue to be strong and know your name is whispered (and yelled!) in God's ear constantly.
Tina & Greg Porch <hpyhrtnsol@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Sunday, December 10, 2006 0:30 AM CST
Hello neighbors! I am so very glad to see you HOME!! May you enjoy the season's many blessings. Know that we are praying for all of you! Love, Miss Patti and Tanner
miss patti <pattim4455@aol.com>
niceville, fl us - Saturday, December 9, 2006 7:42 PM CST
What strength your family has. Prayers your way!! Sometimes you may feel as if it can't get any worse & it does....that is when you realize you just have to fight a little harder & hang on a little tighter........for good things will come. Bethany you are an amazing young lady with enormous strength & determination. The Lord is good - my prayers in hopes of ease of your pain.
Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, ia - Saturday, December 9, 2006 7:03 PM CST
Bethany we lift you and your family up in prayer. May you feel his loving arms wrap around you, may your spirit remain up, and may your pain be minimized.
God Loves You and So Do I

Peggy and Mitch Tousinau APC# 15 <52627@bellsouth .net>
Mobile, Al USA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 6:07 PM CST
I'm a youth pastor in Madison Alabama. Sarah Wainwright told me of you. I just want you to know I am praying for you. Stay strong! God is near. Phil 4
Peter Dahlin <peter.dahlin@asburyumc.we>
Madison, al usa - Saturday, December 9, 2006 6:03 PM CST
Hello Bethany, Arika, Blake, Pete, and Lori:
I wanted to write tonight to tell each of you that you are in my prayers and in the prayers of the church at St. John. These Advent days of waiting and watching are taking on new meaning and significance for you I am sure. As we prepare and anticipate the coming of Christ at Christmas, know that God's grace and mercy are yours as members of the Body of Christ.

May the Holy Spirit continue to come to each of you and bring comfort, hope, and faith.

God bless you. Love,
Christopher Frye

Christopher Frye <christopherfrye@earthlink.net>
Carroll Valley, PA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 5:50 PM CST
"I have learned for whatever state I find myself, therein to be content" Out of all the creatures you created, you chose to favor us...Thank you, Lord
Russell Nulty
Pensacola, FL USA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 4:12 PM CST
My you and your family continue to feel God's grace and perfect presence through this most difficult time. We only get through these difficult times with His presence. We alone just cannot do it. Our heart goes out to you all. We have an 11 year old son who has an immune deficiency and keeping him healthy means giving him immunogloblins every 7 days -- each treatment taking 3 hours. Our lives revolve around all the doctors appointments and everything else associated with our son's disease. I know God is with you all. Please know that we will be praying for all of you, especially for a miracle - a healing miracle!
Donell Seager <paul_seager@bellsouth.net>
Pace, FL USA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 2:42 PM CST
Bethany and family,

We're continuing our prayers for you and your entire family every day. I am so amazed at the strength and courage that you and your family have. The love and faith that you have as entire family will help you through these very difficult times. We are praying that the radiation treatments do shrink her tumors and gives her total relief from her pain. We're also praying that God continues to give you that unbelievable strength and determination that you have shown everyone these past two years.

Another wonderful family picture...Thanks for sharing it..

Karen, Will, Kaitlyn and Courtney <W2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley , PA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 1:43 PM CST
Dear Bethany and Family,
I pray you all feel God's loving arms around you in this time of great stress. May you gain strength everyday, and may the pain go away.
You and your family are in my prayers.

Debbie Fuller <Dfuller300@aol.com>
Magnolia Springs, Al - Saturday, December 9, 2006 1:14 PM CST
God is present, and God is love...May God's loving arms enfold you all!
Kimberly Merrill <paulmmerrill@prodigy.net>
Bartlesville, OK USA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 1:14 PM CST
What beautiful smiles! May the grace of God continue to sustain you in these times of human struggles.
Kathryn Grotefend
Josephine, AL USA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 10:55 AM CST
May you and your family feel the grace with which the Holy Spirit surrouns us and helps us endure.
Arlie Gillespie <AGilles954@aol.com>
Burlington, NC - Saturday, December 9, 2006 10:23 AM CST
Bethany and Family-- You continue to be a true inspiration to all! We are praying along side the thousands of others everyday - God is with you every step of the way, lean on him. Love the new pictures-- those smiles bring joy to all who cross your path. God Bless you Keep the faith!
Megan and The Sanders Family <mmsander@marauder.millersville.edu>
Fairfield, pa - Saturday, December 9, 2006 10:15 AM CST
Dear Buzynskis',
We're all thinking and praying for you daily.
peace friends,
The Bascoms

phil, cyndy, jonathan, carly, olivia <cynphil@cox.net>
niceville, FL okaloosa - Saturday, December 9, 2006 10:10 AM CST
May you and your family and friends take comfort in knowing that we are praying for you.
Ken Underwood
Magnolia Springs, AL USA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 10:00 AM CST
Bethany. Although we do not know you, we have heard about you and read your guestbook. We have added you to our prayerlist for daily prayer.
Peg and Tod Heyman <ptheyman@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL - Saturday, December 9, 2006 9:49 AM CST
Keeping you close to our hearts and in our prayers. Thank you for your incredible witness!
Bill and Shirley Linne <slinne@linnelaw.com>
Pensacola, FL USA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 9:36 AM CST
Buzynski's-I just read your updates over the past week. I am so sorry Bethany has to go through more pain and treatments. I can't tell you how many times a day I think of your family. You all are so positive and uplifting to everyone else. I remember how much I appreciated your family in Nevada. I know God can do AMAZING things and I'm sure you are on the top of the list! There are many people here in my area that are pulling for you. I hope things go as well as they can for you all. Love, Kris
Kris Devine-McKillip <kdevinemc@hotmail.com>
Eleva, WI USA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 8:43 AM CST
Bethany and family--
I've been thinking of you all and praying that God gives you the strength to keep fighting through this...roll with the punches and keep your FAITH! So glad you got to be with your family over Thanksgiving. Family and friends can deliver incredible strength! We'll be praying for a Christmas miracle for the Buzynski Bunch!!

Brenda Sickles <sicklesr@yahoo.com>
Dunkerton, IA USA - Friday, December 8, 2006 10:39 PM CST
Hi, Bethany. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We hope you will get well soon.

The Whalen Family

Tammie Whalen <whalen@pa.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, December 8, 2006 3:55 PM CST
Hi Bethany, i am a friend of aarika's i have seen you around school but i never put 2 and 2 together until a little while ago that you were aarika's sister anyway my names Becca(i always hold the doors by the front office open for you after 5th) anyways keep fighting and give the doctors something to talk about! i shared your story with my mom who works at First United Methodist Church here in niceville and we all are praying for you! god bless and with tons of encourgement- Rebecca Schroeder
Rebecca Schroeder <hottytoddy850@yahoo.com>
Niceville, Fl Usa - Friday, December 8, 2006 2:47 PM CST
Bethany, I don't know you that well but I am a friend of Aarika's and am in Key Club with you. I just wanted you to know you are in my prayers everyday and I know God is watching over you. God Bless.
Tricia Zimmerman <beachpeach11@hotmail.com>
Crestview, FL USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 10:20 PM CST
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Keep the faith. You are an amazing young girl and an inspiration to us all. God Bless.
Love, The McCool's

McCool family <tsmaccool@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Thursday, December 7, 2006 10:16 PM CST
I miss that smiling face of yours in class. However, I know I will see you again very soon because you are a fighter and a very strong willed young lady. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.

Mrs. Cook <cookm@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
Niceville, FL USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 8:47 PM CST
Hey Bethany!!!
I just can't believe how brave and strong you are. I've been looking at your site and have been reading all the comments people have put up. It's simply amazing at how many lives you've impacted. God is using you in so many ways.I pray for you every single day. Everyone at my church is praying for you and a lot of people at my school are praying for you. I'm so proud of you. Stay strong.

Love, chelsea

chelsea harris <pbaddeley@nc.rr.com>
goldsboro, nc usa - Thursday, December 7, 2006 7:27 PM CST
Hi Bethany,

Sending you a big hug from Fairfield! With Faith and Hope, you can get through this. I love the new pictures! And of course, you know my pick of hospitals for you to go to (and I'm sure yours) :) Hang in there girl and know God has his arms wrapped around you and is with you every step of the way!!

All our love,

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 1:46 PM CST
Greetings to the Buyznski's, You are all in my prayers. God will guide you through the next road of life. Rely on him, family & friends. God Bless and stay strong.

Kris Wilgenbusch <krishiggins@indytel.com>
Masonville, IA USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 1:25 PM CST
hello bethany and family. i know of you through dawn, my CRHP sister from St Francis. i prayed with her and some others over your prayer shawl. My prayers have never stopped. Your faith and bravery are an inspiration to me. Peace, love and blessings to you all.
Kim Wells <kyrie48@yahoo.com>
Des Moines, ia us - Thursday, December 7, 2006 12:34 AM CST
I heard about you from the school nurse at NHS. I am adding my prayers to all the others. Remember God hears prayers, He cares, He wants to ease our pain. Pray for wisdom and strength as well as healing. You sound like a teenager I would like to know and to teach. Love from a stranger... Jane Brock, chemistry teacher at Choctaw.
Jane C. Brock
Ft. Walton Beach, FL USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 9:32 AM CST
Glad to hear that they have Bethany's pain under control for her and that her wonderful spirit keeps shining through. Keep up the fight Bethany, you have so many people behind you to help you in any way possible. We always talk about those long ago camping trips and how determined you were that you and Tyler could keep up with Ryan and Aarika...that determination is a wonderful attribute to have right now :-) We, along with what sounds like hundreds of other people, are here for you all if we can do anything at all. We will definately keep the prayers coming. Your family pictures are beautiful! Boy, do you and your mom look alike! You are definately not that "little girl" anymore..keep that gorgeous smile on and remember that you will win this!!
Love and prayers,
Chuck, Toni, Ry & Ty

VanBergens <CVanber226@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 9:15 AM CST
We are lifting you up to God. Praying for the peace and comfort that comes from knowing that God is going through this with you. He's there for you. Put everything in his hands.
Phyllis Doyle <doyle55@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 9:04 AM CST
I know how difficult it is to deal with such bad news. However, miracles do happen. The prayers and healing energy are increasing by the minute.
H. Horn
Fort Walton Beach, FL USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 7:16 AM CST
The Buzynski's,
Stay strong and hopeful. Lean on family and friends during this time. We are all here for your family. I pray for good news for you Bethany. You are one incredible girl. To read about you and your stregth and worring about others is truly amazing. You are one special lady. I pray for positive results in the upcoming days. I'll be thinking and praying for you all.

Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
Marshalltown, Ia USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 5:38 AM CST
Buzynski Bunch:
Thanks for the update. We are praying, praying, praying.
Please give our HERO a hug from us; she's a champion among champions! Love you and wish we could be there with you.
Keep the Faith! Love the gorgeous new pictures.

Love, Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 1:20 AM CST

I spent the night praying to the Great Physician. He is listening to every prayer being said for you, Bethany! He will answer. We love you. Keep the Faith !!

Jan & Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 7:27 PM CST
Bethany and family

I am so sorry to hear this latest news. You guys have all been in my thoughts and prayers daily. I am still hanging on to the thought that if anyone can beat this, you can do it Bethany! With the unbelievable grace and courage that you and your family have shown through this, I only hope for a pain free path and better days for all of you. Thoughts and prayers headed your way from the West Coast.

Take care,

Alyson Fletcher <ak_fletcher@hotmail.com>
Berkeley, CA - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 7:13 PM CST
Bethany....keep fighting and stay strong baby girl! God is using you in a way that is so hard to understand! We are praying for His healing hand to stay upon you and take away the pain.
With all of our love.........

Lori, Neal, Alyssa, and Kacey Barton <bartongang@alltel.net>
- Wednesday, December 6, 2006 6:57 PM CST
hey bethany boo :)
just wanted to let you know i enjoyed every minute of our time together over thanksgiving break. as i was walking down the hospital hallway once we left your room, i was already missing you. the times we had together were so memorable, and i wouldnt trade them for anything.. haha, thanks for letting me bug you for those five short days ;)you are the most amazing girl i have ever met, and i have every bit of faith in you! you can overcome this obstacle babe, i know you can! keep your head up and dont ever stop smiling that beautiful smile :D

i love you and miss you sunshinee!<3

Kylin Duffy <skyhyky14@aol.com>
LaCrescent, MN - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 6:05 PM CST
Bethany and family,

I am so sorry about this news, but don't give up. You are in our thoughts and prayers every day. I wish with all my heart I could do something more for you and your family. I know they will get your pain under control for you. Don't stop fighting Bethany. You have so many friends and family who love you and are with you through every step of this difficult journey. God is also with you Bethany. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent from so many of Our friends and my staff from my Nursing and Rehab facility too. Stay positive in your thinking Bethany; I know this is so very difficult for you....... You ARE a strong and amazing young lady.

Karen, Will, Kaitlyn and Courtney <W2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley , PA - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 4:02 PM CST
We are praying, praying, praying each day. Each one of you have such great courage and strength. Please stick by one another in this difficult time and know that we wish we could be there.
We love you!!
The Sands

Howie, Steph, Zack, Courtney, Josh & Jacob <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV US - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 3:19 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers daily. Of course, you know how very much Chelsea loves you and you are with her all of the time, even if you aren't physically here in Fairfield. We(and all of our family & friends) are praying for you daily and hoping that God keeps you safely in his arms and he will bring you through this. The power of prayer is awesome! We love you sweetie,

Chelsea & Robyn Burkett <robyn.burkett@ctcplc.com, crburkett2903@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 2:19 PM CST
Bethany and family,
Our school nurse told us about you and your courage and strength. I just want you to know that you have another person, as well as others here at Choctaw praying for you. From now on, you all will be in my thoughts and daily prayers. God bless you, Rose Applegate

Rose Applegate <applegater@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
Ft. Walton Beach, FL United States - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 1:25 PM CST
Obviously not the news we all wanted to hear. Keep fighting and we'll keep praying. Pete & Lori & rest of the family remain strong, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Mark,Theresa,Jordan,Taylor and Jacob Boevers <rules24@netins.net>
Readlyn, IA - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 12:36 AM CST

A friend of a friend. Just a note to let you know that Amber and I along with my small group on Wednesday nights have prayed for you and will continue to have you in our prayers. You have a wonderful family and everyone has such a love of God. Our God is Awesome!

Lots of Love and Prayers.

Twanette L. Rodgers
Amber Jenkins

Amber Jenkins <tlrodgers@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 12:33 AM CST
Karson and I think about you everyday and we will continue to pray for you. Please know you are in our hearts.
Melissa Shadix and Karson Hinds

Melissa Shadix and Karson Hinds <hindsm3@aol.com>
Niceville, fl USA - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 10:56 AM CST
We've shared your story with friends and co-workers with hopes of increasing the power of prayer. God Bless you and your family thru this time.
Love, Todd, Chris, Jordan, Taylor, and Brandon Rathbone <crathbone@co.black-hawk.ia.us>
Readlyn, Ia - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 9:51 AM CST
To the Buzynski Family,
Wow...we're so sorry to hear the results of the recent tests. Our family continues to pray for Bethany and the family. Wishing we could do more! May your courage and faith remain strong during this difficult time. Bethany is truly an amazing young lady (angel); she inspires all! Keep fighting and believing that God is with you!

Barry and Lisa Wittenburg, Alana, Alissa, Aarika, and Austin <lisa.wittenburg@cunamutual.com>
Readlyn, IA USA - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 8:15 AM CST
Bethany & family -
So sorry to hear the news! Please don't give up! You've been an inspiration for so many people!
Remember that God is with you ALWAYS! He will give you the strength to get through this!
We will continue to pray & pray for you! Good luck!

Brian & Laura Bockholt <bjb@netins.net>
Readlyn, IA - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 7:41 AM CST
We love you all and are praying for Bethany with all of our might!
Donny, Fay, Lindsey & Mallory Harrison <dofalima@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 7:29 AM CST
I'm sorry to hear about the news. But Bethany, you have beat this thing so far and you can keep kicking it. I'm praying for you and for better news in the upcoming days. Your a fighter and I pray for strength for you and your family. Pete and Lori, stay positive and know a lot of people are thinking and praying for all of you. Good luck Bethany!

Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
Marshalltown, IA USA - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 4:53 AM CST
We are praying fervently to get this pain under control and that you are feeling comfortable again VERY SOON! Lauren and company are sitting on pins and needles waiting for the next time they can come to see you:) Just let us know and we'll try to get the moms' "limo" service in action!

The Graham Family (Glenn, Allyson, Lauren and John) <glenn@f15.net>
Niceville, FL - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:13 PM CST
I am a strong believer in Miracles, Bethany! We are all praying that God will place a very BIG one over you. Please keep your faith in God and we will be praying along side so many others and I too believe in the power of prayer. We love you--always.

Di, Walt, Lauren, Britt, Brandon, Chloe and TY Hummel <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 9:17 PM CST
Hey Beth,
All I have got to say to your family, is YOUR ALWAYS in my prayers.. My mom told me about 10 minutes ago whats going on. & I'm beyond worried about this whole thing. I love you guys alot.

kelsi <calverts2@earthlink.net>
las vegas, nv usa - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 8:53 PM CST
Our Dear Buzynski's:
All of the Friends Prayer/Sunshine Circle members are holding you in thought and prayer. We, too, believe so very much in the power of prayer and are continuing to give all of this to God. We love each of you more than words can express and we are KEEPING THE FAITH and praying without ceasing for Bethany and the whole family. We believe, believe, believe. We are always by your side!

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 8:30 PM CST
Bethany is in our prayers, that's all we can give. We hope and pray that she will be strong and that you will all be strong.
The Bolak's (Connie,Fawn,Mehmet and Mike) <ccbolak@yahoo.com>
Niceville, FL USA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 7:48 PM CST

You know we are constantly thinking of you and miss seeing you. Where ever you need to go for treatment we will make sure that Aaron will come to see you.

With never ceasing prayers,
Mark and Lori

Mark and Lori Sewell <the_sewells@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA usa - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 7:30 PM CST
We are thinking and praying for you, Bethany, and for the whole family. Many, many prayers are coming your way from IOWA!! Best wishes as you meet with Dr's and come up with options. May God Bless you and we will continue to hold you close in our thoughts and prayers.
Julie & Joe Regenold <jjddr@netins.net>
Readlyn, IA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 7:18 PM CST
Our Bethany,
I am so very sorry to hear that you are in pain and discomfort. I pray for your strength and courage to continue forward. Remember: When the powers of darkness come on like a flood, the battle belongs to the Lord. Rest in him and turn your eyes toward Jesus--he will be your refuge.God Bless you and your family.

Terri Berkheiser, Friends Prayer/Sunshine circle <musical858@verizon.net>
Coal Township, Pa, USA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 6:55 PM CST
Dear Bethany-

We are pulling for you in our thoughts and prayers. We pray in particular that God will hear our prayers and ease your pain, lift your spirits and grant you grace through out these difficult times. We know that you are doing all you can do and we hope our prayers can in some small way increase your unbelievable strength and determination. We love you Bethany.

Brion FitzGerald, Mary Robinson, Brion, Kevin and Katie <fitzrob@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 5:38 PM CST
Hi Buzynski Family
Sounds like you had a great holiday with your family, we tried to call and will try again sure would be nice to hear your little voices again. We hope to see you all this summer in Iowa. Give Bethany a hug for us and tell her we think about her everyday!!!!!!!!!

Greg & Colleen Trevor, Kelsi, Megan <calverts2@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, nv - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 4:39 PM CST
I am sending positive thoughts. God bless you and your family.

Miss Novak <kdrilak@juno.com>
Houston, PA USA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 12:29 AM CST
We're so happy you got to have family with you during Thanksgiving celebration. We're praying that they figure out what's causing the pain in your legs and back, and you'll be able to come to Iowa for Christmas. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family daily. Take Care. Love Todd, Chris, Jordan, Taylor, and Brandon Rathbone
chris rathbone <crathbone@co.black-hawk.ia.us>
Readlyn, Ia - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 9:13 AM CST
Dear Buzynski's,
Our prayers are with all of you each and every day. We pray for wisdom for Bethany's doctors that they are able to alleviate her discomfort and pain. We hope also that you will be able to have a Christmas surrounded by family and friends. We'll keep the prayers coming! He is always with you and will never leave you!

Jennifer and Chad Erickson <jenerickson@mchsi.com>
Chanhassen, MN - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 7:04 AM CST
Hi Buzynski Bunch,

We are thinking of you and praying for good test results for Bethany. Keep your chins up and keep your faith. God will bring you through this once again.
All our love,
Crevier Family

Tina <tgcrevier@comcast.net>
Fairfield, PA - Monday, December 4, 2006 10:45 PM CST
Hi Buzynski Family,
Just wanted to let you know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers, now more than ever.
God Bless you all.
Jon, Elaine, Katie and Bradley Weeks

Elaine Weeks <elaineweeks@cox.net>
Niceville, FL - Monday, December 4, 2006 7:40 PM CST
So sorry that things have been so rough, we will keep praying that God gives Bethany the strength to get through this and the doctors the knowledge to help make it easier for her. You are in our thoughts every day. We are very happy that you had a good holiday with family. You all deserve a break and to have family around to just have fun and be silly with...I remember a few of those silly times..
Take care and give Bethany a hug from all us. Ry continues to play his sports for her, he ALWAYS has BB on his taped wrists and his cleats/basketball shoes. He never forgets and plays for her every game he plays. Love you all.

Chuck, Toni, Ryan & Tyler <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI USA - Monday, December 4, 2006 7:20 PM CST
Thinking and praying hard for all of you!
Kim Yates, Madi & Morgan Bellile

Kim Yates
Marshalltown, IA - Monday, December 4, 2006 4:39 PM CST
Dear Buzynski Bunch:
All of you are in our thoughts and prayers. We're sure you are preparing for the holidays and are busy, busy, busy.
Have tried to call you a couple of times and will keep trying! Enjoy this holiday season and we send our love and hugs and best wishes.

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, December 2, 2006 11:07 AM CST
Hi, Everyone!
We hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I wish we could have spent it together, family should be sharing memories and laughter together during Thanksgiving. Our thoughts and prayers were with you all day! We love you and miss you! Take Care and God Bless

Kelli <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, MN usa - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:21 PM CST
Hello Punkin! Wanted to take a moment to tell you I love you and that you are of course on my mind and in my heart every day! I miss seeing that beautiful smiling face and hope to see you VERY soon! Big hugs and kisses to you!
Christy McInnis <McInnisM@Mail.Okaloosa.K12.FL.US>
Niceville, FL US - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 2:55 PM CST
Hello Bethany!
Just a little note to let you know that you are in my daily prayers. I hope you had a Thanksgiving that was full of family and food :) Good luck talking your parents into coming to PA for the holidays. If you drop by the school, you must come and say hello as well as see some updated pictures of Rachel and our little 1 year old addition named Owen. I teach 5th grade now...I guess I wasn't smart enough to stay in 8th grade :) May God keep you close!

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 7:44 AM CST
Hello Bethany!
Just a little note to let you know that you are in my daily prayers. I hope you had a Thanksgiving that was full of family and food :) Good luck talking your parents into coming to PA for the holidays. If you drop by the school, you must come and say hello as well as see some updated pictures of Rachel and our little 1 year old addition named Owen. I teach 5th grade now...I guess I wasn't smart enough to stay in 8th grade :) May God keep you close!

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 7:44 AM CST
Hi Bethany,

Hope you and the rest of the family had a nice Thanksgiving. We've been thinking and praying for you everyday. Tell your Mom that Allison will be sending her an email and picture this week. She has something exciting to tell her. Good luck on your 2nd round of chemo!
God Bless,
The Crevier Family

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, November 27, 2006 10:51 PM CST
hey bethany! i havent talked to you in a while and have been thinking about you a lot.. i hope we get to see eachother soon! i miss youu!
kelsie milbrandt <kels12114@hotmail.com>
eagle lake, mn usa - Monday, November 27, 2006 9:27 PM CST
Love the picture! We hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving with your family. Missing all of you, and praying for you daily! It would be nice if all of you could come for a few days over Christmas. You know our doors are always open. God bless!
The Carbaughs: Leslie, Bruce and Linden <lrcc70@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Sunday, November 26, 2006 10:31 AM CST
Happy Happy Thanksgiving Buzynskis!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful day! We are thinking of you Bethany--each and every day--wishing and prayer for positive results. Lauren showed me one of your new looks---LOVE IT!!! :) You would look good in any "new look"!! Keep the faith and keep that beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeutiful smile--smiling! Love you.
Di, Walt, Lauren, Britt, Brandon, Chloe and TY Hummel <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, November 25, 2006 8:09 PM CST
Hi All, I hope you all had a Wonderful Thanksgiving. I think of you often. I hope the 2nd round of Chemo goes well for you Bethany. I pray that you get the results everyone is praying for. You truly deserve the absolute best outcome that there could be. I wish that I could be there for you. I'll try to give you all a call in a couple of days, I'm sure you busy with your Holiday visitors. I'll talk to you soon. I love you lots. You're in my thoughts and prayers. XOXOXOXO
Love, Penny, Khyle Karlie and Kelsie

Wosepka's <m.wosepka@mchsi.com>
Shell Rock, IA - Saturday, November 25, 2006 7:58 PM CST
Happy Holidays to The Buzynski bunch. Enjoy these times. Make as many memories as you can................We will continue to hold you in our thoughts and prayers. Trusting God for each step you take. Love, Circle friend, Connie Long
Connie Long <long1320@ptd.net`>
Coal Twp., PA USA - Friday, November 24, 2006 4:42 AM CST
Hello Buzynski family! I just want to wish you all Happy Holidays and to let you know you are always in my thoughts and prays. I am so happy to see that God is at the forefront in all that you are doing and with Him you can move mountains! Much love to you all. The Mastrianna Family Sharon, Joe, Natalie & AJ.
Sharon Mastrianna <smastrianna@satx.rr.com>
Converse, TX USA - Thursday, November 23, 2006 11:44 PM CST
Just wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!Wanted to let you know we are thinking of you!!!! Take care and we hope you are feeling well!!!!
The Chloe Knill Family <jlknill@msn.com>
Fairfield, Pa USA - Thursday, November 23, 2006 9:34 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to ur whole family and especially you!!! I am glad to hear you are doing well and still have ur head held high. you are always in my prayers and i wish you could come up and see us all well dont give up god and us are here for u and ur always on my mind i love ya and hope u get through this <3 Briana
Briana Harbaugh <www.littlemouse2009@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, Pa usa - Thursday, November 23, 2006 4:33 PM CST
Happy thanks giving we all have many things to be thankful for!GOD,Family, Friends thats all that matters without that we are lost.Your family is a blessing to everyone you touch.your love and undying love for our LORD and loving savior Jesus Christ, have a wonderful holiday .
Wanda,Scott,Tyler jackson and Monica and Dave Atkinson <imagemak@cox.net>
niceville, FL Okaloosa - Thursday, November 23, 2006 8:12 AM CST
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the nice long weekend. Continued prayers coming your way.
Mark,Theresa,Jordan,Taylor and Jacob Boevers <rules24@netins.net>
Readlyn, IA USA - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 1:31 PM CST
Hello all, Glad to hear things have gone well so far. Keep your strength in faith. Prayers your way
Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, ia - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 12:34 AM CST
Wishing your Family a Happy Thanksgiving! Glad to hear you are having family for the Holiday. Bethany is such a strong gal, I admire her strength. We are all keeping her in our prayers and hopefully the Chemo is working well and you will have a good report. Gods Blessing to all of you.
Lois Ganske

Lois Ganske <laganske@netins.net>
Realdyn, Ia USA - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 12:15 AM CST
Bethany, Mark and Lori introduced you to the Iron Springs Brethren in Christ Church the day Mark spoke there while I was on vacation. Since then we have been lifting you and your family to the Lord Jesus regularly and will continue to do so. We know that He is interested in you and your situation and we pray for His healing touch. May your days be filled with His presence and love. Pastor Terry Hoke, Iron Springs BIC. Fairfield, PA
Terry L. Hoke <hokey@earthlink.net>
- Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:44 PM CST
We have been thinking about you all every day and checking the guestbook to see how great you are doing. We hope you all have a great thanksgiving and hope to see you all soon. We miss you
Love Calvert's

Greg & Colleen Calvert <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, Nevada - Monday, November 20, 2006 9:28 PM CST
Dear Buzynski Bunch:
Thinking of all of you and continue to pray for the Great Physician's healing touch! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, November 18, 2006 4:41 PM CST
Hi Bethany,

Glad to hear your friends came for a visit. Sounds like you had a great time! Thinking and praying for you as always!


Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, November 17, 2006 9:18 PM CST
We think of you each and every day! Hope all is going well. Heard you had some "wonderful" company--that is great! Enjoy your Thanksgiving--we are very "Thankful" for YOU! Hugs and kisses...
Di, Walt, Lauren, Britt, Brandon, Chloe and TY Hummel <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, November 16, 2006 8:36 AM CST
Hi Bethany,
I want you to know that I think of you and say for a prayer for you daily. You are an inspiration. I just created an assignment page for our class and posted our upcoming Pride & Prejudice tests & assignments on http://www.schoolnotes.com. Hugs, Mrs. Lipnicky

Susan Lipnicky <lipnickys@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
- Sunday, November 12, 2006 11:32 AM CST
Hey Buzynski family! Great run today. Thanks for letting us run/walk with you all. Lori you'd be a great running partner. Call if you ever want to run.
peace, Cyndy Jonathan Carly and Livy

The Bascoms <cynphil@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Saturday, November 11, 2006 12:04 AM CST
Hi Bethany,

Not a day goes by that we don't think of you and the family. Allison was just talking about you and "Miss Lori" today. She really misses you all, as we do also! Our prayers continue you for you everyday.
Stay strong!

tcrevier@adelphia.net <tgcrevier@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, November 10, 2006 10:09 PM CST
We love you Bethany! Each day is a day closer to your cure--we are here for you and your family. Thinking of you always.
Di, Walt, Lauren, Britt, Brandon, Chloe and TY Hummel <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:42 PM CST
Hello Buzynski's
Family is the strongest "prayer" you can have. But remember friends are a close second........lean on them.

Continued prayers your way.

Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, IA - Thursday, November 9, 2006 8:41 AM CST
Good luck Bethaney. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know that you will conquer this and be as good as new soon. Keep having positive thoughts and be strong. If you feel like it you can email me. I have rheumatoid arthritis and write to lots of prople all the time who have RA too. It's very encouraging to hear from others who are praying for you. I will be praying for your speedy recovery. Evelyn.
Evelyn Tyre <etyre@tampaby.rr.com>
Tampa, Fl USA - Thursday, November 9, 2006 7:26 AM CST
Hi Bethany and family,

You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. I know it is going to be tough going through this new chemo, but you are going to get through this. Continue to keep the faith and keep your positive outlook. I am sending you a gift in the mail this week for you and your family, Bethany, from our family and friends here.

Karen, Will, Kaitlyn and Courtney <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, PA - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 4:23 PM CST
Hi Everyone!
We love and miss you. I wish we were closer in miles, but you all are very close to our hearts! Bruce and I were in New York City about 10 days ago and we were in St Patrick's Cathedral. It is a huge and beautiful catholic church that is a block long. Bruce and I said a prayer and lit a candle for Bethany. We always have one going at our church, now we have one in NYC also. We love you and pray for you always.
P.S. Thanks Aarika for being so strong and helping out so much!

Kelli <bk6Mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake , MN USA - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 8:47 AM CST
hey bethany

i just want to say you are looking awsome hang in there you can fight this. I also wanted you to know we are all praying for you to get better.

so hang in there god will help you through this

love you from milbrandt familey

kayla milbrandt <bkmil@hichorytech.net>
eagle lake, mn united states - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 8:23 PM CST
Bethany & Family:
Just checking on your progress and was glad to read on all your progress. We missed the Friday night vigil but you were all still in our prayers. Cathy told me how incredible the vigil was tonight at our board meeting. You all are an inspiration to all our families and will continue to stay in our thoughts and prayers.
With Love & Prayers,
Leonard, Sheryl & Martin Family

Sheryl Martin & Family <martinsheryl1@cox.net>
Niceville, FL USA - Monday, November 6, 2006 10:20 PM CST
Bethany and Family--You are all in my prayers and in my heart. I pray this new chemo does a nasty on the cancer cells, they have no business within you. Claim victory and it shall be yours.Your family photo is beautiful--such a handsome family.

Terri Berkheiser-Friendship Prayer/ Sunshine Circle. <musical858@verison.net>
Coal Township, Pa. USA - Monday, November 6, 2006 9:25 PM CST
Dear Buzynski Bunch:
Time has slipped by too quickly and we haven't been able to keep in touch much lately. After you left Fairfield to return to FL we took a 5-day road trip; got home for a day and headed to my (Jan's) home. Mom got her promotion to Heaven on 10/27 and we are so blessed to have had a Christian Mother and to have had her with us for 91 years. The Circle kept us informed on what is happening with all of you in Niceville. Although we have been very busy, we have NEVER been too busy to continue to hold you in thought and prayer. We continue to believe God has a great plan for you, Bethany. You are amazing! KEEP THE FAITH.

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, November 6, 2006 6:36 PM CST

Dear Bethany,

I hope you are feeling better. I haven't seen you in a while. I am sorry I could not stop over to see you before you left. I wanted to see you, but it was dark. I got to go hunting with dad. I Love You! How is Blake doing? How is your mom and dad and sister doing? I Love your whole family. I miss you! I will keep in touch.



Lida <trudyffitz@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, Pa - Sunday, November 5, 2006 5:42 PM CST
Bethany and family,

Glad to hear your round of chemo is going well. I was reading in a devotional book today, an wanted to share part of today's reading with you. "When difficulties block our path, may we thank God that He is taking time to deal with us, and then may we lean heavily on Him." We think about you and your family all the time and always have someone asking about you on a daily basis. Hang in there girl and keep your positive attitude!


Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, November 3, 2006 12:28 AM CST
Hello Bethany, family, and friends,

Bethany we want you to know that we are all praying for you, your amazing faith is strengthening ours also. I feel so blessed to know you! Since we are all praying for you, I thought it would be a great idea if we all pray for you together. Tomorrow, Friday night after the football game we will get together at St. Paul's for a prayer vigil to pray for you. It is my prayer that those who come will even be touched by the Spirit, in the same way as I have watched you worship! Your Faith is amazing and I Thank YOU!


Tina St. Paul's Youth Leader
Niceville, FL - Thursday, November 2, 2006 11:05 PM CST
I don't know you or your family, but I got your website through a friend. You are a beautiful young lady and I am praying the next course of treatment is successful.

My son was diagnosed with cancer four years ago when he was 17. He has had quite a battle including a bone marrow transplant. He has now been in remission for a couple of years.

Stay strong!
Good luck to you and your family.

Patty McAllister <pattymca@charter.net>
La Crescent, MN USA - Thursday, November 2, 2006 9:20 PM CST

its me, dalton,natasha,briana,ryan,taylor,gabby
whats up.nmu.

bye bye bye bye. natasha typed this

natasha and dalton and pyon,brianaand ryanandgabby <wdlcooper@cox.net>
niceville, fl america - Thursday, November 2, 2006 7:45 AM CST
hey its Caitee

you dont kno me but your in my 1st period and i see you all the time in the hallways i think your amazing and ive always wanted to talk to you but imma chicken but i really hope everything goes well for you.

hope to see you in skool doing better

PS your cruches are THE COOLEST and i give you mad props from 'em <3

- Thursday, November 2, 2006 7:32 AM CST
i miss you soo much and can't wait for you to come back to school. first period isnt the same without you!!! i hope everything is all good and you come back soo soon!!

Love, AmBiZzLe

Amber Wall <ambizzle_09@yahoo.com>
Niceville, FL United States - Thursday, November 2, 2006 7:31 AM CST


Ijanae Holman <nae@earthlink.net >
Niceville , FL United States - Thursday, November 2, 2006 7:30 AM CST
Hay girl we miss you being in 1st period keep it real;-)
Katie Gillund and Allie schroeder <k9075@aol.com>
Niceville, fL US - Thursday, November 2, 2006 7:25 AM CST


Abigail Buzynski <sabuzynski@mchsi.com>
Fairbank, IA USA - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 7:19 PM CST
Stay tough beautiful girl. Thinking of you every day.
Wisconsin Kukers <ackuker@mhtc.net>
- Wednesday, November 1, 2006 6:59 PM CST
Lord Jesus, you said that if any be sick among us to call the elders of the church; and let them pray over her, anointing her with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise her up; and if she have committed sins, they shall be forgiven her. James 5:14

As an elder anoints her and prays the prayer of faith over her, I thank you Lord that she is made whole according to your word.

In Jesus Name Amen.

If you would like me to visit and pray, 850 826-2960.

In His Hands,
Pastor Steve

Pastor Steve Morgan <sgkmd@cox.net>
Crestview, FL USA - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 2:29 PM CST
You all look Wonderful! Bethany, you are tough as nails and continue to be an inspiration to everyone. Always in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless
Mike, Shannon, Noah, and Jenny

The Holmes Family <shannon_mike@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 11:18 AM CST
Hi Bethany,
You don't know me, but I went to school with your parents. I just heard about you and this website, and I wanted to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers here in California. I am so amazed at your strength and courage and incredible spirit! I'll be hoping every day for your full recovery soon. I loved seeing your family photo; you guys are such a beautiful family! Good luck, and take care.

Alyson Fletcher
Berkeley, CA United States - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 3:08 AM CST
Great picture and even better looking shirts. Go Hawks! You all look great. I hope and pray everything goes well for you Bethany. You deserve some good news. Keep the family thinking positive and you will beat this. Hopefully Iowa makes it to a bowl game down there and then you can hound your dad about taking you to it. Keep up the positive attitude and all the thoughts and prayers will continue for you all. Take care Bethany, you are truly a winner!
Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
Marshalltown, Iowa Marshall - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 0:14 AM CST
Hey Bethany,
Just wanted you to know how very proud I am of you. The one thing that you can control in this whole ordeal is your attitude, and you are doing an awsome job of staying strong and positive. You have a whole army of people that are in there fighting with you and for you. I am very proud to say that I know you personally and my life is better because it. You are always in my heart and on my mind. I will see you soon.

Tami Hare <thhare@cox.net>
Ft Walton Bch, FL USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 4:12 PM CST
Great to see the new picture. Everyone looks great, of course. Thinking of you everyday. You all have great courage and strength that amazes me each time I read this site. You have no idea how much you have changed our family for the good. Miss you a lot and hope all goes well today!
Love ya!

The Sands (Howie, Steph & family) <ssand@sabcpa.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 1:48 PM CST
Continuing to send prayers and good thoughts your way. You can beat this Bethany!!
Kim Yates, Madi & Morgan Bellile

Kim Yates <yatesrhodes@partnercom.net>
Marshalltown, Ia - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 8:58 AM CST
What a great family picture but what's up with those shirts??? We could send you some Maize & Blue ones for your next picture if you would like....just kidding. You all look great. Our thoughts and prayers are with you everyday....Happy Halloween!!!
The Van Bergen's

Chuck & Toni <TVanbergen@aol.com>
Whitehall, MI USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 7:31 AM CST
What a beautiful family! We miss you all a lot. Thinking of you often and saying many, many prayers. Hugs and kisses...
Di, Walt, Lauren, Britt, Brandon, Chloe and TY Hummel <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, October 30, 2006 7:54 PM CST
The new family photo is gorgeous!!
Mary and the Hoffman Tribe <missmary65@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, October 30, 2006 5:07 PM CST
What a greatttt looking family that we miss so very much. We are always thinking about all of you. You are all in our thoughts and prayers all of the time. We love you all.

Greg & Colleen, Trevor, Kelsi, Megan

Greg & Colleen Calvert <Calverts2@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Monday, October 30, 2006 3:44 PM CST
Hello Bethany and Buzynski Family!

I love the new family photo! You all look wonderful!
As always, our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@adelpiha.net>
Fairfield, PA - Monday, October 30, 2006 2:06 PM CST
Continued prayers!! Hoping all is going as well as to be expected. No matter how hard things get the good Lord is watching & walking with you. Keep the faith for he is good. We admire your strength, Bethany!!
Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, IA - Sunday, October 29, 2006 8:51 PM CST
Although I do not know Bethany or your family personally, I learned of Bethany's medical needs through one of your church members.Know that I will keep Bethany and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Gisela Harper <Gisela39@cox.net>
Crestview, Fl. USA - Sunday, October 29, 2006 6:52 PM CST
Hi All It's been a long time since I have put a note out to you. Bethany, you make me so proud with everything you have been through and you keep showing us all what courage and strength is all about. Keep up the faith God truly is working through you. Pete, Lori and family, I wish there was more my family could do for you. We Love you all and are sometimes at a loss for words. I can't imagine having to walk in your shoes these last few years. I'm proud of your families service and commitment to this country, the way you have shown us true faith, and to have you all as friends. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you always.
Love Bruce, Kelli and family

Bruce Milbrandt <bk6mil@hickorytech.net>
Eagle Lake, MN USA - Saturday, October 28, 2006 8:04 PM CDT
Hi all! I hope all is well as possible in FL. It is cool and windy here today.
I am not surprised by Bethany's unending energy and confidence. She has enough to help mom and dad make it through the day.
With love and prayers,
The Carbaughs
P.S.: A special hi to Blake from Linden. She really misses you. She still picks out her wedding dresses and shoes regularly. So I figure she still has plenty of time to look.

Leslie Carbaugh <lrcc70@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Saturday, October 28, 2006 3:52 PM CDT
Bethany and family,

All of you continue to be in our hearts and minds every day. I have told your story to many of my friends and coworkers here and everyone is praying for you and your entire family. I update them often as best as I can from your updates on the website and from updates from my sister and family. We are keeping the faith and we know that God is watching over all of you.

Karen, Will, Katie and Courtney <W2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, PA - Friday, October 27, 2006 8:55 PM CDT
Hi. I am Sallie Wentworth's sister. I and my family through me have kept up with you every step of the way. Since the moment Sallie (Mrs. Wentworth) found out you were ill. She loves you dearly and I have grown to as well. Bethany, you are in my thoughts and prayers every day. I know that our God is a miracle-working God! I absolutely believe for your manifested healing! You are a truly remarkable young lady who has touched my life powerfully as I am sure you have many others. And Mom and Dad,my thoughts and prayers are with you every day as well. I have a sixteen year old daughter who can't be busy and lively enough! I cannot begin to comprehend the strength, faith, and courage your entire family has shown! Siblings, I am in awe of you and my prayers are for you too. You have given of your time and love and parents' attention as well as many other things I cannot begin to imagine! Your entire family is an inspiration!
Mary Bryant <twin4toby@yahoo.com>
Petal, MS USA - Friday, October 27, 2006 8:16 PM CDT

Hey, yo.
Chelsea and I are currently on the phone and are checking out your page. We are super hyped to hear that you are keeping the faith. We love you a lot. Duh.

Anyway. peace.

Jenna and Chelsea <bsktbll32cutie@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Friday, October 27, 2006 7:55 PM CDT
Bethany, I am a friend of Patti Baddely and I just want you to know that I will be praying for you everyday...The same God that healed the blind man is the same God I will be praying to for you....so keep the faith.
Casey Rose <caseyrose83@yahoo.com>
Goldsboro, NC Wayne - Friday, October 27, 2006 3:34 PM CDT
What a courageous and strong person you are, Bethany. You continue to be in our prayers every day. We are believing that God will bring you and your family peace and comfort and strength to beat this illness. Keep the Faith! Love from the Matthias family...

Mitch, Jenny, Austin, Alli and Madison <jennifer.matthias@cunamutual.com>
Readlyn, IA USA - Friday, October 27, 2006 3:31 PM CDT
Bethany & Family,
Keep stepping up to the plate and swinging at every curve ball thrown your way.Continued prayers go out to the extended Buzynski & Kuker families.Thanks for the updates Pete & Lori, Bethany is very fortunate to have you for parents.It's obvious to all of us where she gets her grit and determination.Everyone take care of yourselves and enjoy life to the fullest.

Mark,Theresa,Jordan,Taylor & Jacob Boevers <rules24@netins.net>
Readlyn, IA USA - Friday, October 27, 2006 1:03 PM CDT
Bethany and family,

You are constantly remembered in my prayers and the prayers of the church family at Iron Springs BIC in Fairfield. I check your site regularly and continue to up-date the congretation as to what's happening in your life.

My selfish prayer is that God would do what we want and heal you completely, Bethnay, but my earnest prayer is that God will continue to offer you His peace as He works His perfect will in your life. Knowing God's will and living it out can sometimes be difficult but He is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can even ask or think so I place you in His hands for His touch on your life as you continue to touch others. God Bless you all.

Rev. Terry Hoke <hokey@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, October 27, 2006 12:49 AM CDT
I ask Jesus to mainifest complete healing in your life. He said by his stripes we are healed. I proclaim that over you and command the sickness that has attacked your body to loose itself in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Be made whole. Jesus said no weapon formed against us shall prosper. The attack is a weapon but our weapons are not carnel but spiritual through the pulling down of strongholds. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but spiritual powers and I loose all the blessings God said were ours over your life this day in Jesus name I ask. Amen
Kelly Downes <downewitit@suddenlink.net>
La Grange, N.C. USA - Friday, October 27, 2006 11:56 AM CDT
Dear Bethany and Family,
We miss you here in PA and wish we could be closer to give hugs as well as prayers. Have faith - you are in our hearts.

Cathy Perry (Neal's mom) <paperrys@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, PA - Friday, October 27, 2006 7:42 AM CDT
Dear Bethany and family--you do not know us but we came to know your story through Sue Duffy. Please know that we pray for your healing each night with our children. We are inspired by your strength! God's blessings to you all. Best of luck with starting that chemo soon.
Ryan and Kim WHitford <runningrealtor@acegroup.cc>
LaCrescent, MN USA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 8:39 PM CDT
Just want to let you know we all are praying for your complete recovery. We know if anyone can beat this it is you. You are a incredible young lady. We love you a lot. God bless you and your family.
Ron, Sandy, Lori, Ronnie, and Crissy

McClain <rslrcmcclain@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, October 26, 2006 4:51 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski family,
You are all in our prayers-Andy and I along with our two daughter send you our love and prayers for peace, faith, and improved health. We simply had no idea. Tim Hall passed on the link to your website. Please let us know if there is ANYTHING (nothing too great or too small) that we in the AF family can do for you.
Col Andrew & Susan Terzakis +

Susan Terzakis <saterzakis@comcast.net>
Bedford, NH USA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 2:35 PM CDT
Hello to all! The entire Kuhlmann family has been keeping posted on your progress. Our prayers for good health and healing are being said for you and your family daily. Bethany, you are amazing! Your strength, faith, and will-power are powerful examples of how Christ lives with and in us. You are a beautiful angel here on earth. Please keep postive and know that the love and prayers of hundreds, and thousands of people are being directed your way! God's Blessings to all of you!
Karen and Tom Kuhlmann and family <karen.kuhlmann@cunaumutual.com>
Tripoli, IA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 12:27 AM CDT
Hello to all! The entire Kuhlmann family has been keeping posted on your progress. Our prayers for good health and healing are being said for you and your family daily. Bethany, you are amazing! Your strength, faith, and will-power are powerful examples of how Christ lives with and in us. You are a beautiful angel here on earth. Please keep postive and know that the love and prayers of hundreds, and thousands of people are being directed your way! God's Blessings to all of you!
Karen and Tom Kuhlmann and family <karen.kuhlmann@cunaumutual.com>
Tripoli, IA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 12:26 AM CDT
A little more put on your plate, that's all it is.....You have the determination, spirit, and will, to fight and win. You will come thru this with the love of your family and friends, and your belief in God. Stay strong, and when you're not feeling so,look around to others for inspiration. You are our inspiration. God Bless.
Love, Todd, Chris, Jordan, Taylor and Brandon Rathbone

chris <crathbone@co.black-hawk.ia.us>
Readlyn, Ia 50668 - Thursday, October 26, 2006 10:48 AM CDT
Dear Bethany,
Just a little note to let you know that you are in our prayers everyday. I work with your Uncle Scott, between him & Amy they keep me updated. Keep up the hard work & the faith.
P.S. I met your Dad when he was in 4-H. I was from a different area of the county. That was a few years ago. My maiden name was Higgins.

Kris Wilgenbusch <krishiggins@indytel.com>
Masonville, IA USA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 10:01 AM CDT
Hi Bethany and family,

You and your family are in our thoughts every day. We just read the letter from your mom and dad. You truly are a special person, Bethany, in so many ways. We have the faith too and we just know you are going to beat this. You keep going, keep pushing and keep smiling and you will get through this.

The Hess family,

Karen, Will, Katie and Courtney <w2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley, PA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 10:00 AM CDT
As a recipient of a gold medal, you are a champion among the best. Continue to carry on with the strength and courage only champions possess and you will win the challenge. You are in our prayers and thoughts continually. God Bless You.

Terri Berkheiser--Friendship Prayer/Sunshine Circle <musical858@verizon.net>
Coal Township, Pa. U.S.A. - Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:58 AM CDT
Dear Buzynskie family, I follow your website and am saying extra prayers just for you. May God keep and work with you and bring peace and enjoyment to Bethany and family.(My husband Bill is Amy's Uncle)
Arlene Jans <bajans85@iowatelecom.net>
Fairbank, Ia US - Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:37 AM CDT
We believe in YOU! As always...you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. I am sending out another package tomorrow--the love and support never ends here in Fairfield. You all are thought of often. The best of the best is going to find what works for you and with your determination and attitude, you will over come whatever is ahead of you. We miss your smiling face. Love, hugs and kisses are sent your way. Never give up!
Di, Walt, Lauren, Britt, Brandon, Chloe and TY Hummel <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:34 PM CDT
When I read the updates from your Mom or Dad, I just sit here in awe of what I read. Nothing stops you! God is with you and your Faith in Him will keep you going as always. Keep up the fight!
All our love,
The Crevier Family

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:33 PM CDT

I found your picture on myspace.com when I was trying to re-find this page recently. My how you've grown into a beautiful young woman since we last saw you! We just wanted to let you know that you remain in our daily thoughts and prayers. Kenny and Patrick remember you often in their bedtime prayers. Good luck with your next course of treatments and God bless you.

Tim Hall for the Hall Family

Tim Hall <wxhat@yahoo.com>
Walkersville , MD - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:04 PM CDT
God bless you, you are teaching many...life goes on and you are grabbing it by the horns each and every day. Keep the faith...God bless you and your family.
Rice & Humphrey Family <rdchumphrey@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:00 PM CDT
Bethany and family,
We've been catching up on your website, computer problems for awhile.
You are so brave, your strength and determination is amazing. And to the rest of the family...you all are very brave too. Pete and Lori, you are awesome parents! Bethany, Good luck with the Chemo. I'm (Amy) working in Oncology now back here in Iowa (as a nurse practitioner), so I've been getting to know some of those Chemo drugs myself and all the different regimens. It always amazes me how strong my patients are...although you sound exceptionally strong. You all are in our prayers, the power of prayer is amazing.
Take care, God bless! Go Hawks! The Ganske's

Jake, Amy, Abby and Zach Ganske <ganske@netins.net>
Swisher, IA USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 7:42 PM CDT
Thanks for the light your brought into our lives on your last visit to Fairfield!! We will be thinking of you tomorrow as you go through the preps for Chemo. Sounds like you have added some high power Docs to your team and that gives us all hope. Between hope and faith we know you will carry on girl. Take special care - love, hugs and prayers from all of the FitzGerald/Robinson clan!

Brion FitzGerald <fitzrob@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:19 PM CDT

Lauren gets to see you everyday at school, but since I'm not so lucky, I'll send you a few words this way. In a nutshell, I think you are a champion!! Some people have wasted days, months and even years of their lives and you don't waste a minute. What an awesome young lady you are and it is my pleasure to know you and your family. God will never leave your side. Here's a toast to you and your unwaivering spirit!!!!

Allyson Graham <glenn@f15.net>
Niceville, FL - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 4:24 PM CDT
To Bethany,
Hi i'm Rick Bellile's daughter. I heard what you are going through and I just want you to know that i'm praying for you and your family.God bless you and give you strenghth to come out on top. Take care,
Love, Morgan

Morgan Bellile <sweetmorgz12@hotmail.com>
Marshalltown, IA USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:36 PM CDT
Hey Bethany and Family,
You probably don't me but I'm Rick Bellile's daughter and I really hope that Bethany gets better because you are one of God's creations and he wants you to live so you can be with your family and friends and everybody else in the world so we can maybe talk together sometime on e-mail or something. My friend Lauren is in this room with me right now and she says Hope you get better and good luck with everything and God bless you. Love Madi Bellile Lauren Mazour

Madi Bellile <belliletwins@netzero.net>
Marshalltown, ia USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:24 PM CDT
Hi Bethany. I will continue to remind you of just how proud I am of you for all that you continue to find strength to accomplish. I never imagined to see you back at NHS last week just after your surgery~that shows an inner courage that few have. You are such an inspiration to us all~I'm amazed at what you have taught me...you probably have no idea :o), but YOU sweet princess have shown so many that there is no hurdle too great to jump over. You keep that amazing faith and that beautiful smile and always remember who you are...The Daughter of The King.

Much love to you always.

Christy McInnis <McInnisM@Mail.Okaloosa.K12.FL.US>
Niceville, FL - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:18 PM CDT
Hello Bethany and Family,
I have been following your journey in awe of everyone's courage and strength through Christ. Your faith is an inspiration to me and my family. I continue to pray for the cancer to be cured and all of you can recover from this journey. Please know the love and prayers will never stop for you.
In Christ,

Regina Humphrey
St. Paul Lutheran Church , Fl - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 2:50 PM CDT
Hey Bethany!
I am at work and decided I need to write you this NOW or else when I get home I never get it done! I wanted you to know how much we are praying for you and thinking of you everyday. I check this website daily for updates from your mom. New challenges lay ahead for you but with your strength and courage you are going to get through it. You have an amazing support group! WE love you!!

Kukers in Wisconsin <ackuker@mhtc.net>
- Wednesday, October 25, 2006 1:22 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know how often we think of you and admire the courage and strength that you have. Keep the Faith!! Just know you have a ton of people out there praying for you.

Kim Brocka <kimberbro@netins.net>
Readlyn, IA US - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 12:29 AM CDT
Karson and I think about you everyday. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Be strong.
Melissa and Karson

Melissa Shadix and Karson Hinds <hindsm3@aol.com>
Niceville, FL 32578 - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 11:56 AM CDT
Hey Beth!
We have you in our prayers. We are so very proud of you and your courage. Hailey and Lindsey hope you liked your bear and wanted me to make sure you squeeze it to get your message from them. We are always thinking of you and your family. Take care and know that we all love you very much.

Mark Buzynski <MJBuzynski@dmgov.org>
West Des Moines, IA USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:47 AM CDT
Hello Bethany & the rest of the crew. We just need to keep the faith. I've not checked in awhile sorry for that. But remember 1 step forward & 2 steps back. Sometimes that is what it takes to get through troubled times. The Lord is good he will take care of you. Our prayers to you & your family.
Dave, Kathy, Stetson & Sydney <katydids@netins.net>
Tripoli, IA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:17 AM CDT
Hi Bethany & family;
Jim & I were heartsick of the news you received from your Dr., but still have hope & faith that you will pull through this with your faith and attitude. We do understand what you are going through. Jim was diagnosed with high grade prostate cancer that had got out of the prostate. This was October 6th, 1999. The surgeon said he had 3-5 years. His last PSA was not measurable and he is due to have his next check November 13th. His readings were climbing before that and he had to have a shot of Lupron which is a female hormone that destroys testosterone that the cancer feeds on. The shot lasts 3-4 months and he didn't have to have one last time due to the readings. My point is that we have always kept the faith and a positive attitude. We have never waivered from our faith in God, even when we didn't get positive news. We know that He is with us and we know that he is with you.
We love you so much and think of you everyday, even though we are on the other side of the USA.
Love across the miles--------Aunt Deb & Uncle Jim

Deb & Jim Strang <skylanestrang1@Juno.com>
Anaconda,, Mt. USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:08 AM CDT
Hi, Bethany--Have heard you're just as sparkly now as you were in kdg. Makes me smile. Am praying fervently for your recovery. Your mom & her friends have been praying for my granddaughter, Leah, who has cancer. Leah just celebrated her 5th birthday--a super happy celebration. May God guard & keep you, Bethany.

Kathy Behnke <dktsaj@netins.net>
Readlyn, IA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:21 PM CDT
Bethany and Family, I just wanted to take a minute to let you know that you are in everyone's prayers here at Shippensburg University in PA. You all might not remember exactly who I am but Aarika and I cheered together at Fairfield. I've been following the updates on the sight as well as from teachers at Fairfield and I just wanted to tell you that your family is an inspiration to anyone who hears your story. You're constantly in my thoughts and prayers which is where you'll remain until we get word that Bethany is 100% cancer free. Take care and God bless.
Aleia Myers <aleia_1721@hotmail.com>
Fairfield, PA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 9:38 PM CDT
Bethany, we wanted to take a minute to let you know we were thinking of you today and always. There isn't a night that goes by that you are not in our prayers. We are so proud of you, Bethany. We love you and remember--keep the faith!!Love from Scott, Amy, Andrew, Abby, Isaac, and Ian
Amy Buzynski <sabuzynski@mchsi.com>
Fairbank, IA usa - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 8:46 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you! Bethany, your an amazing young lady and an inspiration to anyone who reads your story!

Kim Yates
Marshalltown, Ia 50158 - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:31 AM CDT
Hi Buzynski Family: I just found out about this page. Just
wanted all of you to know that we are praying for Bethany and hope for the very best. We know God answers prayers after our Errol went through so much last year. What a nice
looking family you have. Keep strong and may all this
be behind you very soon. God Bless All of You.

Al and Sharon Myers <samyers@iowatelecom.net>
Fairbank, Iowa USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 9:41 AM CDT
Hello Bethany!!! Everyone here is still amazed @ the recovery you made from surgery. We are thinking about you everyday. We are leaving for Flordia [Disney] so we can borrow some of the nice weather you are enjoying. Take care!!!
The Chloe Knill Family <jlknill@msn.com>
fairfield, Pa USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:06 AM CDT
Dear Buzynskis,
Hello Bethany. You don't know me but I went to school with your mom and dad a long time ago. I recently heard what your going through and i want you to know I'm thinking of you and praying for good news. From talking to your Aunt Kelli and reading all the letters, you are one incredible lady. I hope and pray for your full recovery. Stay positive and focused and lean on your family and friends when you need to. Good luck.

Rick Bellile <rbellile@ci.marshalltown.ia.us>
Marshalltown, IA USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 5:37 AM CDT
Dear Bethany,
I just wanted to let you know that I think of you often and that you and your family are still in my prays. Keep strong!
Miss Novak

Kerry Novak-Drilak <novakk5@yahoo.com>
Houston, PA USA - Monday, October 23, 2006 2:34 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski's,
We've been getting updates about Bethany from my sister, Natalie (Woods) Nieman via Amy Kuker. Chad and I have been praying for Bethany and will continue to do so. We admire your strength and faith. With God all things are possible. Take care of each other. We look forward to good news soon.

Chad and Jennifer (Woods) Erickson <jenerickson@mchsi.com>
Chanhassen, MN USA - Sunday, October 22, 2006 8:37 PM CDT
Buzynski Bunch:
Each day throughout the day we think of you and continue to pray and BELIEVE!

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Sunday, October 22, 2006 9:43 AM CDT
Hello Bethany and Family,
We wanted to let you all know that we are thinking about you and are praying every day for your scans to come back clear!! We think of you so often...Thank you so much for keeping us up to date. We really appreciate that it!
Love, Angie,Kris and Families

Angie Felton <feltonfamily@triwest.net>
Eleva, WI Trempealeau - Thursday, October 19, 2006 9:41 PM CDT
Happy to hear that you are back home. There's no place like home where you can be with your family and friends. That darn homework never goes away does it...Maybe you can get your brother or sister to do some of it, Ha ha. You continue to inspire us all with your amazing spirit and determination. God bless.
Love, Todd, Chris, Jordan, Taylor, and Brandon Rathbone <crathbone@co.black-hawk.ia.us>
Readlyn, Ia 50668 - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 3:39 PM CDT
Bethany, Our prayers are with you and your family. You have been an inspiration to us. Thank you
The Doyle Family <doyle55@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 1:21 PM CDT
Hi Bethany,
I miss you already. I love you. Tell Blake hello. How does Blake like school?

Allison Crevier - Age 5 <tgcrevier@adelpiha.net>
Fairfield, PA - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 9:59 AM CDT
Bethany, you and your family are wonderful!!! You have all inspired me to work harder to be a better person with your strength and positvie attitude no matter what has come your way in the last few weeks. We are keeping you all in our prayers. If you need ANYTHING, We are across the street! hugs and love, Miss Patti and Tanner
Patti Ferguson <pattim4455@aol.com>
Niceville, Fl USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 6:34 AM CDT
Bethany and Family:
My thoughts and prayers are with you...Bethany has been added to our Church prayer chain at Destin UMC so that many more people will be praying for the many blessings that are in store for you all...God Bless

Wendy Ross
Miramar Beach, FL USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:06 AM CDT
We miss you, miss you, miss you--like CRAZY! So glad to here you are back at school and feeling great! Like we are surprised?!?!?!?!? Keep the faith--B! You will come out on top!! We truly BELIEVE that and in YOU! You and your "wonderful" family are in our thoughts and prayers always. I just sent you a BIG HUG!--See you soon, maybe sooner than you think...Love you.
Di, Walt, Lauren, Britt, Brandon, Chloe and TY Hummel <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:48 AM CDT
I am so glad to hear you are recovering quickly and making the most of each day. It doesn't surprise me that you were ready to head back to school already, you are truely remarkable and I am proud to be your "favorite" aunt. haha:) I really am very proud of you Bethany, and I miss you more and more each day. If it were possible, I'd come down to Florida right now to give you a BIG HUG !! Keep the Faith and let our prayers strengthen you each and every day. We love you and miss you!! xoxox
Penny, Khyle, Karlie and Kelsie <penny.wosepka@cunamutual.com>
Shell Rock, IA - Monday, October 16, 2006 9:05 PM CDT
Thoughts of you fill our hearts and minds. Hope your first day back at school was a good day for you. We are leaving in the morning for a week but, as always, we will carry you with us in thought and prayer. LOVE YOU!

Jan and Ed

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, October 16, 2006 8:35 PM CDT
Bethany, I thought of you often today and hoped you had a good day at school. I teach 5th grade and throughout the day I said a little prayer and hoped you were feeling loved by those around you. Everyday for the last two weeks I come straight home and checked on your progress. I'm glad you are home, and I am looking forward to seeing you and your family at St. Paul's.

Karen Peek <kpeek7335@cox.net>
Niceville, FL US - Monday, October 16, 2006 8:11 PM CDT
Bethany, I met you today for the first time, although I had seen you in the hallways at school and heard so much about you. As I watched you today during lunch, you were so cheerful and full of life. How great it must be, to be one of your close friends, spending time with you every day. I along with several others were surprisd to see you back at school today. I wish that I could bottle your positive outlook and your never ending faith. If one tenth of the student body at school had your faith and positive outlook on life, there is no telling what they could accomplish. You are a truly beautiful person; your courage and faith are an inspiration to me. Thank you for allowing me into your life today, and spreading your faith and strength my way. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for being the person you are.
Greg Porch (Deputy Sheriff / School Resource Officer) <gporch@sheriff-okaloosa.org>
Niceville, Fl. U.S. - Monday, October 16, 2006 4:53 PM CDT
HI Bethany and family,

Heard you arrived safely back in Florida yesterday. Glad you are recovering quickly from your surgery. Everyone thinks you are such an amazing girl, Bethany, and you sure seem to have an amazing family also. We're thinking of you all everday.

Karen, Will, Kaitlyn and Courtney <W2chess@comcast.net>
Yardley , PA - Monday, October 16, 2006 2:44 PM CDT
Bethany and family,
Welcome home. It is truly a blessing to have 'walked' this miracle beside you thru this web site. What wonderful news! God's family, as a whole, has been truly blessed in sharing this miracle. Continued prayers will be lifted up for all of you...

Jane Sampson <janehsampson@yahoo.com>
Racine, WI USA - Monday, October 16, 2006 12:52 AM CDT
I am still amazed of your quick recovery from surgery. You look as beautiful as ever! It was so good to see you and your family again. You are the most courageous, positive, cheerful person I know! Don't ever loose that and you can get through anything. You have such a loving and supportive family as well. Keep up that postive attitude. You have taken a piece of our hearts with you back to Florida!
We miss you!

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@adelpiha.net>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Monday, October 16, 2006 11:14 AM CDT
From Atlanta Georgia - I hope your first day back to school was smooth enough for you. As you 'merge' back into your daily routine, know you are surrounded by love - therefore additional strength - our LORD IS GOOD and he is beside you!!
J Going <decaturjane@bellsouth.net>
Decatur, Georgia USA - Monday, October 16, 2006 7:58 AM CDT
Welcome back to Florida! Your friends here at this end are glad to have you back and look forward to seeing you again. Take care and get some rest!!
Allyson Graham (Lauren's mom) <glenn@f15.net>
Niceville, FL - Sunday, October 15, 2006 1:43 PM CDT
Dear Buzynski's:
You didn't even clear our driveway and we were already missing you. We were blessed by your presence and we cherish all the time we got to spend with you. We will always and forever hold you in our thoughts, prayers and hearts.

Jan and Ed Peck <janed@onemain.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, October 14, 2006 5:45 PM CDT
To the entire Buzynski Family,
God be with you till we meet again..................but know that we are with you in spirit and prayer everyday. Someday we will know the reason why all of this happened, it does serve a purpose, we know and trust God about that.
Until later. Friends prayer/Sunshine circle

Connie Long <long1320@ptd.net>
Coal Township, PA USA - Saturday, October 14, 2006 2:17 PM CDT
We are so glad to read that you have the surgery behind you and that you are doing so well. We continue to pray for you as you start the new battle to beat this. You have people from all over the states pulling for you. Very special!! Continue to have the positive outlook on this and we will keep saying prayers for you from Readlyn!!
Joe, Julie Regenold <jjddr@netins.net>
Readlyn, IA - Friday, October 13, 2006 11:02 AM CDT
Dear Bethany,

I am so overjoyed to hear that your spirits and personality are still so YOU! You have been through so much and from reading the journal history, I can plainly see that even though your body is fighting each day, you have been blessed in so many ways. Although I wasn't able to be at the prayer group last night, I was praying along at 8:00pm from Frederick. May you and your family continue to have faith and joy as well as hearty steaks and delicious wings!

Take Care,
Mrs. Forney :)

Mrs. Forney <jsforney@hotmail.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Friday, October 13, 2006 9:45 AM CDT
Dear Bethany,
I am so glad to hear you are enjoying your time with friends in Fairfield and having some good Ventura wings tonight. I am in Coal Twp. but you can count on me at 8 pm tonight to be saying some more prayers for you. Your energy and fighting spirit never cease to amaze me. We are with you in spirit and prayer as always. Friends Prayer/Sunshine Circle Member, Connie Long and husband Bill

Connie Long <long1320@ptd.net>
Coal Twp. , PA USA - Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:17 PM CDT
Beth! I've missed all of you...I'm glad to hear that you're doing okay. I've been praying for you a lot. Phillip called me yesterday and told me you'd been on his mind a lot. We're both thinking about you, my whole family is. We love you very very much and when you get home, you better believe me and you and Aarika are going back to the mall and executing our PlAn! Claire's is gonna hear it! :) Tell Aarika hey for me! I love you girl, keep being strong!

Heather <hahare@cox.net>
Fort Walton Beach, FL US - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:28 PM CDT
Hi Bethany and family,

Talked with my sister, Diann, today and heard you are feeling better and stronger each day. You have so many people who love and care about you. We are thinking about you and your family constantly. We are so glad that you were able to come home from the hospital and can visit with all your friends before you go back to Florida.

You truly have amazed everyone with the strength and courage that you have shown with what you have had to deal with over the past year. You stay strong in your will and in your faith and I have no doubt that you will win out over this disease.

Keep smiling with that beautiful smile of yours.

Karen, Will, Kaitlyn and Courtney <w2chess@comast.net>
Yardley , PA - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:11 PM CDT
Welcome Home Sunshine! Just wanted you to know that you are on my mind--always. Keep that "faith flowing" and it will get you through your upcoming journey. I will see you soon--Love you.
Diann <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:06 AM CDT
Greetings from Iowa Bethany! I am your Aunt Jeanne's sister-in-law (David's sister). I too am inspired by your courage and attitude!!! Our niece (Shielah) is a Ewings Sarcoma survivor of about 4 years now, so as I check your web page every day I can relate somewhat to you and your families journey through your illness and recovery. You are in my families prayers daily Bethany!!!!
Lynne Stout <marvelme@dunkerton.net>
Dunkerton, Ia USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:18 AM CDT
Bethany, You are a strong and amazing girl! With your head held high and your smile brighter then ever you have over came so much in such a short period of time. Now, yet again, you will continue to push and over come this obstacle you have ahead. With the support of me, and the rest of your small town we will pray and support you through it all. I miss ya BKB! Stay strong and keep that smile beautiful. CV Buddy for life <3
Sam Wolf <lilsoftballqt2007@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, PA 17320 - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:24 PM CDT
You are a true inspiration to everyone around you and to others that are just now getting to know you. I have talked to my youth pastor and our youth group at Niceville Assembly will be lifting you up in prayer daily.
You stay stong Bethany the HOPE in you is strong and I know you will over come.

Hether Walker <hether.walker@cox.net>
Niceville, Fl - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 7:34 PM CDT
Hi Bethany! Well it's no surprise to us that you are exceeding all expectations for recovery. Hailey and Lindsey got you a very special gift. I am sending it to Florida so "she" will be waiting for you when you get home. We love you.
Mark, Dawn, Hailey, and Lindsey <buzynski@mchsi.com>
West Des Moines, IA USA - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:26 AM CDT

There will be a prayer vigil for you and your family this Thursday night, October 12th at 8:00 p.m. at the Carroll Valley Park. With all of us coming together as a community to pray, we know God will get you through this!

To all, please join us this Thursday at the Carroll Valley Park at 8:00. What a blessing to share in Bethany's faithful journey!

As always Bethany, you and your family are in my prayers,

Tina Crevier <tgcrevier@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, PA USA - Monday, October 9, 2006 11:31 PM CDT

Although I moved away from Fairfield, PA several months ago, I have kept up with you through our mutual friend, Tina Crevier, and just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. You are a brave and courageous young woman and I so admire your strength and stamina in keeping up not only your spirits, but those of your family and friends as well. I wish I could have met you, as I believe people with your spirit are so hard to find. You are truly an inspiration to all who know you. Keep up the good fight and hold tight to your faith in the Almighty. God bless you always!

Elaine McManness <elainemcmanness@sbcglobal.net>
Tyler, TX Smith - Monday, October 9, 2006 2:25 PM CDT
hey bethany..
I hope everything is going great..I know your a strong girl and your pull through this..I miss you and hope to see you before you go back..i love you girl!
my prayers are with you!

Crissy McClain <rslrcmcclain@earthlink.net>
Fairfield, PA - Monday, October 9, 2006 1:38 PM CDT
Keeping all your family in our daily thoughts and prayers.
Safe trip back to Florida and continued prayers for whatever is next--you are an inspiration to all. Keep the faith--HUGS to all. Duffy's

Dorothy/Jack Duffy <gramsd@iowatelecom.net>
Fairbank, IA - Monday, October 9, 2006 12:21 AM CDT
Bethany, We hear you are feeling stronger everyday. we are all praying for constantly. Since we know you can beat this, We have already started the celebration. We will be glad to have you and your parents back in town so we can be there for yall in body and spirit! We much love you, Your family at Image Maker.
Cathy Filson <filsoncd@cox.net>
Niceville, Fl USA - Monday, October 9, 2006 11:09 AM CDT
Hey Bethany,
Just checkin in to see how you are doing. We're thinking about you lots and praying for you more. We're anxious for you and your families return. We miss you in Niceville.
cyndy and CO

cyndy bascom <cyntyb@cox.net>
Niceville, Fl USA - Monday, October 9, 2006 10:13 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you sweetie. My son is dating Hannah Weikert from your school in Fairfield. I met you at the Emmitsburg Carnival for just a second when we were leaving this year. May God be with you and your family. Keep up the strength and the faith. Many of people is praying for you. We love you and admire your faith. Take care and God Bless, honey and don't give up. God has a plan for you!!!!!!!The Arter family(Jim,Crystal,J.R. and Christina)
Crystal Arter <outback1ca@hotmail.com>
Orrtanna, Pa US - Sunday, October 8, 2006 9:50 PM CDT

Just getting back in town and reading the latest update. I am not sure if you are headed back to Niceville (did they name the town after you??)yet - may get to see you in Fairfield before you leave. It was so much fun getting to watch the soccer and football games with you last week - catching up and hearing about Brion and Thomas' visit from late summer! Your beautiful smile warmed our hearts! We will all keep you and the rest of the Buzynski's in our thoughts and prayers.

Love and hugs -

Brion FitzGerald and Mary Robinson

Brion FitzGerald <fitzrob@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, PA - Sunday, October 8, 2006 8:45 PM CDT
Bethany i hope you are doing well. i heard that you were and that you had great strength and hope. keep it up and be strong and if you need anything let us know! I love you and hope you get through this well
Briana Harbaugh <www.theporket@yahoo.com>
Fairfield, pa usa - Sunday, October 8, 2006 3:09 PM CDT
COME HOME SOOON!! haha it was nice seeing you these past couple of days but i still miss you!! can't wait to see you again. hopefully this afternoonish! =]
MUAH love you bestie!!

Hummel <pianogal@hughes.net>
Fairfield, pa us - Sunday, October 8, 2006 2:17 PM CDT
YOU GO GIRL!!!! I am so amazed at your strength and courage! We are praying for a total recovery and His will to be done!
We love you!

Neal, Lori, Kacey, and Alyssa Barton <bartongang@alltel.net>
Vilonia, AR - Sunday, October 8, 2006 12:04 AM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep up the fight! You're the best!
The Carbaugh Family

Leslie Carbaugh <lrcc70@adelphia.net>
Fairfield, pa USA - Sunday, October 8, 2006 8:58 AM CDT
Even though I have never met you before, I just wanted to say how amazing you are.I think you're so wonderful for having so much strength! I am a member of Key Club and our mothers were good friends a long time ago. I will keep you in my prayers every night! God will take care of you :)God Bless you,
Ashley Costa

Ashley Costa <Classe5@aol.com>
Niceville, FL 32578 - Sunday, October 8, 2006 8:23 AM CDT
Bethany, You are probably the strongest person I will ever meet. You have so much spirit no matter what. You are in my prayers everyday and I'm counting the days down so me, you, and Danielle can hang out in personal fitness. You are amazing, I love ya girl!

Sarah Pepple <csbaldey@cox.net>
Niceville, FL United States - Saturday, October 7, 2006 11:50 PM CDT
Bethany, We are praying for you every day! God definately has a special plan for you! You are truly an amazing young lady, and i admire your courage!

p.s. Lori - I miss you!

Patti Baddeley <pbaddeley@nc.rr.com>
Goldsboro, NC - Saturday, October 7, 2006 10:00 PM CDT
Bethany you are an amazing young women and the things I read and hear from friends make you even more amazing. Some of the things you are going through,I know I wouldn't be able to. Your my hero Bethany and don't give up I know you can make it through your a remarkable person. Don't forget about us up here in Fairfield. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers.
Chad Fogle <BRYANFOGLE@aol.com>
Fairfield, PA USA - Saturday, October 7, 2006 9:35 PM CDT
You are such an amazing young lady, and such an inspiration to so many. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love, Mrs. Lipnicky

Susan Lipnicky <lipnickys@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
Niceville, FL USA - Saturday, October 7, 2006 9:14 PM CDT
You dont really no me but im part of key club and my aunt wanda is very good friends with your mom and shes told me about you. I hope your doing well and would like to see you in the future, you seem like an amzing person. Im praying for you.

Ryan Phelps <Rmphelps@cox.net>
Niceville, FL United States Of America - Saturday, October 7, 2006 2:32 PM CDT
Bethany, you dont really know me that well, but I am in Key Club with you. I just wanted to send you a message and let you know that I was thinken about you. I hope everything continues to go good, and I wish you the best!! If you need anything let me know!! ~Haley
Haley Hendrix <haybh@aol.com>
Niceville, FL USA - Saturday, October 7, 2006 1:23 PM CDT
You are truly amazing, i am so glad to hear your doing well. You really blessing and inspiration to me! I have so much faith in you, continue to be strong, smile BIG, and soar like an eagle!!! Can't wait to see you again in niceville!
Jenna Testa

Jenna Testa <twirlgirljenna@msn.com>
niceville, fl - Saturday, October 7, 2006 11:14 AM CDT
Bethany & Family-
I was shocked to see your webpage today and find that God has asked you to jump over even more hurdles. God only gives us what we can handle and I pray every day that you and your family will BEAT THIS and come out stronger than ever! You're a beautiful girl--keep smiling and live STRONG!

Brenda Sickles <sicklesr@yahoo.com>
Dunkerton , IA USA - Saturday, October 7, 2006 0:11 AM CDT
Bethany & family, We are glad to hear that your great spirit continues to soar! We are praying for you to be able to come home soon! We are all missing you!

A message to Bethany's friends: Can any of you tell me Bethany's favorite color? I'm working on a small project and that would be very helpful.

Take care, girl!

Donna Farrell <fiverupert@cox.net>
Niceville , FL USA - Friday, October 6, 2006 7:46 PM CDT
Hey Bethany: We are so happy to hear of your WOW recovery. By what we read you were already head strong but girl you can write a book on Head Strong now. We have been reading your updates and just keep praying that your recovery continues to go as it is. You're an awesome young lady and have a wonderful family.
Sheryl Martin & Family, St. Paul Lutheran Church <martinsheryl1@cox.net>
NICEVILLE, Fl USA - Friday, October 6, 2006 6:19 PM CDT
We miss you and we love you Bethany! Please don't ever forget that. You have undying friendships in so many places. Know that you're in our thoughts and prayers every day.

Please keep being the strong person inside and out we all know you are.

Much love and best wishes.

Jessica Finafrock
- Friday, October 6, 2006 4:47 PM CDT
BETHANY!!! wow i still can't believe how strong you are. i know you must hear this all the time, but you are such a strong inspiration to me. I am so glad you moved here. I hope you recover fast because we have so many fun times ahead! i love u and i'm praying for you everyday.... take care and come home to us! love molly lernihan!
Molly Lernihan <melodramatic14@yahoo.com>
Niceville , FL USA - Friday, October 6, 2006 3:11 PM CDT

I am a friend of your mother's and I have not seen you since your were a little girl. However,I wanted to take this chance to let you know that our family will be praying for your recovery and speedy return home. May God keep you in His arms and His peace in your heart.

In Christ,
Elsie Miles (Wanda's Sister)

Elsie L. Miles <elsie2192@cox.net>
Niceville, Fl Okaloosa - Friday, October 6, 2006 12:41 AM CDT
Good morning from WI. Haven't seen an update on the web page since the 4th and pray all things are continuing to go well. What an awesome week this has been for prayers being answered. Bethany, even tho we don't know you, you have touched our hearts so deeply. God is so good....Thank you, Jesus! Have a blessed day!
Jane and Reed Sampson
Racine, WI USA - Friday, October 6, 2006 11:21 AM CDT
Hi, Bethany

I am your Aunt Penny's pastor in Shell Rock, Iowa, and she asked us to pray for you and your family. Just know that there are many people who love you and care for you even though they have never met you.

I will keep you in my daily prayers, as will many others here. Our Lord Jesus Christ will never let you go.

Your friend in Christ,
Pastor Steve McGinley
Faith Lutheran Church
Shell Rock, IA

Pastor Steve McGinley <stevemcg@netins.net>
Shell Rock, IA USA - Friday, October 6, 2006 11:01 AM CDT
Hey Bethany! I am so glad to hear you are doing well. Keep your head up and continue to be strong. God is watching over you and he will take care of you. There are so many people that love and support you! I love you so much sweetie! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. You are such an inspiration to me!! MWAH!
Kelsey Brown <dancechik1400@yahoo.com>
Orlando, Fl United States - Friday, October 6, 2006 10:28 AM CDT
I absolutely adored you over the summer with Heather and Mrs. Tami. Getting to know you and your strength right before my own surgery made me feel like anything could be accomplished. I felt selfish afterwards, knowing I had spent time crying over not being able to run, when my problems were so much smaller than yours, and you still found it to reassure me. I'm glad I could make you laugh, and I hope I get to see you and your Mom and sister again over at Mrs. Tami's sometime sitting around with Heather telling stories. You are an inspiration, a hero, and a beautiful person, and I feel blessed to have gotten the pleasure of knowing you.
Erin Timmons <erinanntimmons@hotmail.com>
Fort Walton Beach, FL United States - Friday, October 6, 2006 8:38 AM CDT
Bethany and Family,
I am a secretary in the front office at Ruckel. I was told about you today and wanted to send my best wishes and to let you know my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family during this time. If your brother needs anything tell him to come to Ms. Fohner in the front office and I will be glad to help him in any way I can. Take care and God Bless all of you.
Love In Christ,

glenda fohner <fohnerg@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us>
niceville, fl okaloosa - Thursday, October 5, 2006 9:34 PM CDT
i am so happy to hear everything went well. I can't wait for you to come back! We all miss you so much. I'm glad you got to go see all of your friends! You are in everybody's prayers. LOVE YOU!

Amber Wall <ambizzle_09@yahoo.com>
Niceville, FL USA - Thursday, October 5, 2006 5:19 PM CDT

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