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With our best wishes and our prayers for you and yours this Christmas.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, December 25, 2006 3:42 PM CST
We are wishing you happy thoughts this Christmas! I hope Santa is good to you. We are praying for all the families with out a child with them. Collect lots of Kisses and Hugges!

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK - Saturday, December 23, 2006 5:03 PM CST
My niece made Steven a Christmas stocking two months before she died. Getting out the Christmas stuff always makes me cry, and putting it away makes me cry again.

Sometimes nothing makes sense, does it?

Merry Christmas, your family is in our prayers.

Kathy, mom to Steven and aunt to angel Kyra
San Diego, CA US - Saturday, December 23, 2006 4:39 AM CST
What a sweet picture and beautiful journal entry. Thank you for sharing your heart and letting us see the power of the Holy Spirit working in your life. I pray that you continue to experience the comfort of Immanuel and the hope He brings. We love you guys!
Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Wednesday, December 20, 2006 1:22 PM CST
Just want to let you know we are thinking of you and praying for you guys. We love you very much!
Mike, Sarah, Hannah, Noah, Grace, and Elijah <mike.lehew@ridgewaybaptist.com>
Sapulpa, OK USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 9:58 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and praying for all of you today. We often talk about Daniel and how full of life and just plain funny he was. It was a great privledge for our family to know him for a short while. He made an eternal impact on all of us. I always loved his sweet little lips with the permanent, perfect pucker up look! :) May God comfort your hearts and give you much grace today and always.

We love you!

David and Shannon Hill and kids

The Hill Family <shannon@zipbang.com>
Edmond, OK - Monday, December 18, 2006 7:09 PM CST
Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and I hope you have a Merry Christmas
DeAnn <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok 73601 - Monday, December 18, 2006 6:01 PM CST
I'm praying for you today. We were thinking of Daniel today at noon as we are almost every afternoon when we pick up Easton from the Providence Hall office. Jonas always gets a gumball from the gumball machine put there in his memory. I often think how fun it will be when Jonas finally gets to meet your sweet boy in our heavenly home.
Jennifer Young
Edmond, OK USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 4:36 PM CST
hi, I don't know you, but am praying for you today out of Zephaniah..."He will quiet you with His love"...
Yukon, OK USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 1:03 PM CST
I wanted to stop by and let you know I was thinking of you last night along with first thing this morning. May God be with you more today then he his daily. Although the days are hard we must remember tha our boys are no longer suffering, they have it so much better off then we do. Everyday that passes without them is not one day farther from the day we last held them but one day closer tell we see them again. Love you all

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Ok - Monday, December 18, 2006 9:41 AM CST
May our lord bless you today! May he grant all of you peace, you are a special family!The poem is beautiful and so true of your special time with Daniel in his last hours as he went home to Jesus loving arms.I love all of you and you all are in my heart and thoughts. God bless, Love MeMa
TeAta Gattis <jgattis@tds.Net>
Mounds, Okla. U.S. - Monday, December 18, 2006 9:37 AM CST
Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you all today. I check each day for updates and have been keeping you all in prayer as this sad day approaches. May God's grace, peace and comfort be with you today:) Your Anabel is a very beautiful girl, I just sent in my order form for a calendar:) Hope she is continuing to do well:)
Dena Olsen <Olsen7945@wi.rr.com>
Oak Creek , Wi USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 8:50 AM CST
Thinking of you and praying for you.
God bless,

Susie Dutcher
- Monday, December 18, 2006 1:17 AM CST
What a wonderful picture. Thank you so much for sharing it with us all. We will be praying for you.
Brenda Ryan <bryan@robynpromo.com>
Yukon, OK USA - Friday, December 15, 2006 11:06 AM CST
I love the picture. I was so glade to see that he was able to have Christmas... I often woundered but never wanted to ask. I am praying so very hard for you all as Monday rolls around. Just remember that the 18th was not the end of his life but only the beginning..... We love you all

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Ok - Friday, December 15, 2006 10:18 AM CST
I'm praying for you.

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Friday, December 15, 2006 0:57 AM CST
Happy Late Birthday to the celebrators! Know you are all in our prayers as you approach the anniversary of Daniel's homegoing. Blessings on you and yours.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:38 AM CST
Happy Birthday to Josh and Anabel!
Jamie Growe <jamsie-g@ou.edu>
Norman, OK USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:33 PM CST
I loved the poem you posted it brought so many tears to my eyes! As if there were not enough there already this week. Im thinking of you all this week and always. May God be with you like he was 2 years ago and somehow you find happiness in your loss. Love you all

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Monday, December 11, 2006 9:11 AM CST
Hang in there Audra.
"After you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you , and he will place you on a firm foundation....the grace of God is with you no matter what happens." (1 Pet 5:10,12)

Marlo Salamy <papajake7@cox.net>
OKC, OK - Sunday, December 10, 2006 5:16 PM CST
Happy Birthday Anabel! Have a beautiful and wonderful day. I love you and am so proud of you! Let everyone spoil you on your special day, you are my sweet angel. Love MeMa
TeAta Gattis <Jgattis@tds.net>
Mounds, Okla. U.S. - Sunday, December 10, 2006 6:01 AM CST
We're so blessed to get to spend time with your sweet family each Tuesday. We just love your family and are praying for you during this time of year.
Jennifer <osucromwells@cox.net>
Yukon, OK 73099 - Friday, December 8, 2006 11:45 AM CST
What a poem. I know you are missing your boy so much. I know this time of year is really very hard. Praying for you.
Lydia Leslie <tleslie19@cox.net>
OKC, OK - Thursday, December 7, 2006 5:20 PM CST
Happy Birthday Joshua from ALL the Hoods (including Sydney) :) We hope you had a great day!
Audra, thinking about you as always, but particularly now during these weeks I know are particularly hard for you.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
- Wednesday, December 6, 2006 8:28 PM CST
Love the new picture! Can't believe how big Jonathan is getting.
Praying for you and miss seeing you.

Rebecca Camenisch
- Tuesday, December 5, 2006 4:38 PM CST
Remembering you and yours in my prayers.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
Monticello, MS - Friday, December 1, 2006 7:47 AM CST
Emory and I are flattered to be quoted in your entry. :)
We LOVE the calendar and Anabel's happy cover art. I know your house is full but probably seems so empty just the same some days. Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you while I continue to make my way through the endless pile of boxes.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:25 PM CST
Thinking and praying for daily as the 18th comes. May you find the strength deep within. Your a great mom you will find a way to survive together we can make it.

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 1:36 PM CST
What a wonderful crew you have! I love the new pics! Thinking of you and praying for you this week.
Shelly <trblforbes@aol.com>
Purcell, OK USA - Friday, November 24, 2006 7:42 AM CST
I hope the Lehews have a very special Thanksgiving. I love the new pictures! As always you are in my prayers.
shelly sparks <shellhtn@yahoo.com>
wheeler, tx usa - Thursday, November 23, 2006 4:18 PM CST
Thinking of ya'll and wishing you Happy Holidays!



Elena Briscoe
Altus, OK - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 7:14 PM CST
I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving.
DeAnn, Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 4:47 PM CST
Thinking and praying for you and your family. I love the picture by the way!!! Very adorable. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 3:57 PM CST
the pictures are awesome, full testament that everyday is a gift.
Your family is amazing, have a great turkey day.
love and prayer from the Duhons

donna duhon <tduhon2@cox.net>
okc, ok usa - Tuesday, November 21, 2006 5:47 PM CST
GREAT pictures. No pookah shells, but great nonetheless.
Will be at the clinic next Tuesday afternoon. Any chance our paths will cross?

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
- Thursday, November 16, 2006 7:56 PM CST
I love the new photos of your kids. They are beautiful!
Marlo Salamy <papajake7@cox.net>
OKC, OK - Thursday, November 16, 2006 7:29 PM CST
I just wanted you to know I have been praying for your family even before Daniel went to be with the Lord and will continue praying for your family until Anabel is healed by our Master Physician. God is All Sufficient (El Shaddai), Most High (El Elyon), the God who Sees Us (El Roi), the Lord who Provides (Jehovah-Jireh), The Eternal God (El Olam), The God (Ha Elohim). I am praying our All Sufficient, Most High God will move in a powerful way in your family...spiritually, mentally, and physically. God Bless You and your wonderful family!
Kristi Gulikers <dkgulikers@sbcglobal.net>
- Thursday, November 16, 2006 10:01 AM CST
What a gorgeous family! Thank you for sharing those stunning smiles with the rest of us. Glad to hear Anabel is feeling better. We are praying for you always.
Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Thursday, November 16, 2006 0:14 AM CST
My cousin, April, sends us your prayer requests and updates. Anabel looks great! I'm so happy to see that!

God bless her and the rest of you!

Alan Erkkila
Brooklyn Center, MN USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 11:32 PM CST
Man, what good looking grandkids I have!!! What a great picture, even Jonathan is smiling big. Glad to hear Anabel so cheerful on the phone last night, what a difference a week makes. Love Ya, Lots, Mom
Brenda Starry <bgstarry6@sbcglobal.net>
Piedmont, Ok USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 9:52 PM CST
I'm trying to catch up on everyone! I hope we see you next week on Tuesday! WE will be there and maybe get to see you all. We love you and hope Thanksgiving is as good as it can be with all you are going through.
Briscoe Gang

Elena Briscoe
Altus, OK - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 4:05 PM CST
Hi, Audra and Anabel,thinking of you today as you go to the clinic.You all looked so good ,and beautiful.It was so good to see the sea of cousins playing and laughing.I love you and Bobby so much.My love is with you as the weeks come along.I loved the picture of Bobby and the precious kids.May our lord bless all of you and have a blessed day.Love MeMa
MeMa <jgattis@tds.net>
Mounds, Okla. U.S. - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 8:41 AM CST
You are in my prayers as you approach this difficult anniversary. Thank God for dear precious memories of our loved ones. And Thank God for our dear precious families that are with us still.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, November 13, 2006 7:32 AM CST
Missing you all very much today. Please give all the kiddos great big hugs for me. I love you guys.

Jamie Growe <jamsie-g@ou.edu>
Norman, OK USA - Friday, November 10, 2006 9:54 AM CST
You've changed your entry. (I hope your arrow found its mark.) I also hope Anabel has a good week and this round is like the last one.
Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
- Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5:11 PM CST
Heartfelt prayers and good wishes are sent your way.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Thursday, November 2, 2006 7:13 AM CST
Dear Friends,

We are checking in on you and sorry to hear about Caleb. I remember a time Cody got some in the forehead. It was different in ER's before cancer. It was only booboos and a stitch would work or cast. I'm glad Anna Belle's shot didn't hurt!
We will be praying for your family. I don't know what you are going through but will pray very hard!
Give your sweet mother a hug from me. She had emailed me at different times and really made me feel better.

Give hugs to everyone.

Lots of love,

Briscoe Gang

Elena Briscoe
Altus, OK - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 5:48 PM CST
Hi my dears!! I know I have not signed the guest book often - but I totally keep up with you and with prayers for Anabel and for each of you. Audra, I love you dearly!
Much love in Christ Jesus who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!!!
Lois Wells (your "old" teacher)

Lois Wells <Nanateech@aol.com>
Piedmont, OK USA - Friday, October 27, 2006 9:11 PM CDT
It was so good to see you all on Tuesday. I miss seeing and talking to you. Anabel look so beautiful..... We need to get together for coffee which I dont drink but love panera bread... Call me if you ever need anything. Miss you all and love you lots

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
- Wednesday, October 25, 2006 11:14 AM CDT
Hi Audra,
I heard that you guys went to see little Anna sing at church. How nice you are. I hope Anna Belle is doing great.

Lydia Leslie <tleslie19@cox.net>
OKC, - Monday, October 23, 2006 7:18 PM CDT
I hope all is well with your family. We will be in clinic Tuesday, maybe we will see you there. I can't imagine how busy you must be but busy is a good thing!
Give hugs to all.

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK - Sunday, October 22, 2006 8:58 AM CDT
Audra,thinking and praying for you and yours!
You're one strong woman yourself. Many Hugs!

Shelly <trblforbes@aol.com>
Purcell, OK - Saturday, October 21, 2006 11:33 AM CDT
I agree with the previous post, Anabel does have a good example in you. Children are so amazing and accept so many things that we as parents just don't understand. Imagine what a wonderful adult and mommy she will be some day!!(she learned from the best)
DeAnn, Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn Elliott <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
clinton, ok - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 4:34 PM CDT
Amazing Grace....You and Bobby named her so appropriately. Praying for a good week for you and yours.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, October 16, 2006 7:03 AM CDT
As they say, Audra, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Anabel is amazing, but she's had a good role model in you. Have a great weekend!
Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Saturday, October 14, 2006 7:19 AM CDT
Hi sweet friends! It has been way too long and I am missing you all very much. Just spent about an hour reading through your journal entries. Know that I thinking about Anabel and your family every day and you are constantly in my prayers. Tuesdays are not the same without you guys at the clinic, but I am coping, haha. As for me, I am just waiting to hear back from OU Med School, hoping that I can someday help to beat all of this yucky cancer. Tell Anabel that I hope her school year is wonderful. I would be more than thrilled to take her for a play date whenever you need a day to relax or whenever she can fit me into her busy schedule. Just let me know (email is an easy way to get ahold of me). Love, Brooke
Brooke Belanger <BrookieLB@ou.edu>
Norman, OK USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 11:41 PM CDT
I know we just met(at the Boys Ranch rodeo) but I just wanted to say that yall are in my prayers and the good Lord will take care of ya.

Haley Sparks <shellysparks@msn.com>
Wheeler, texas usa - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:58 PM CDT
It is beautiful Fall weather here today. I pray for a wonderful weekend and next week for all of you, with special blessings on Anabel.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Saturday, October 7, 2006 7:36 AM CDT
Hope you are having a good week and that Anabel is feeling well. Just thinking about you.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 5:53 PM CDT
What a great weekend. We were so happy to see all of you. Brayden enjoyed playing with his cousins. I think the kids all had a great time. thanks for having us over. It was a great time.
Stephen Lehew <slehew@guymon.k12.ok.us>
Guymon, Ok USA - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 10:22 AM CDT
Glad Anabel is feeling well. Thanks for the note about Jamie's entry.
Lydia Leslie <tleslie19@cox.net>
OKC, OK - Saturday, September 30, 2006 5:09 PM CDT
Audra and family, We remember Daniel, especially this past week. We pray for Anabel daily. We ask our Lord to ease your suffering. We love you.
The Koiner family
Edmond, OK - Friday, September 29, 2006 1:55 PM CDT
Hello from Wash DC. I am still following your website and appreciate your honesty and humor. Audra, you have a beautiful smile and passionate eyes that speak volumes about your heart. Never worry about what your hair looks like, just as I tell Karina who has none. Who we are is on our face. I laugh with her because I no longer can complain about my hair. By the way, I am getting grey as well. Thanks for your prayers and I continue to pray for Anabel.
Dana Sones <ddsones@cox.net>
Lorton, VA - Thursday, September 28, 2006 9:00 PM CDT
Talk about gray hair and a bad back!! I love being a new mom, I just didn't know that waiting 17 yrs for another baby could make me so tired!! I wouldn't trade the joy of it all for anything. Glad to hear things are going well at your house!
DeAnn, Angel Darren's mom and new mommy to Race

DeAnn <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Thursday, September 28, 2006 11:11 AM CDT
Bless you. Glad Anabel is having a good week. Praying for them all to be...
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Thursday, September 28, 2006 7:27 AM CDT
I'm so glad to hear Anabel is back to herself. And I can't imagine the baby being big enough to peek over the crib! Your family is so precious - you all are loved by so many people. Just tonight, someone at church was asking me about you guys. God has put you on the hearts of so many praying people.

I appreciated Jamie's story. Even though I know I'll never understand what you are going through, a visual like this paints a clearer picture of your life and how lonely you must be. I'm so sorry. I love you, friend.

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Thursday, September 28, 2006 0:53 AM CDT
Sand Fleas
written by Susan Larson

“The death of a child takes you places you’ve never been before, not only in terms of emotions, but in terms of awareness of all that is. I liken the experience to playing on the shore with your friends and complaining about an occasional bite from a sand flea. It’s painful and annoying, but at least everyone else understands how you feel when you’re bitten.
Then one day, a wave grabs you and pulls you out into the ocean where you are bitten by a shark. You feel pain you never imagined could exist. And you’re alone in unfamiliar territory. When you get back to shore, you try to explain your pain to your friends, but the worst pain they can imagine is being bitten by 1,000 sand fleas. That’s all they know. There is no way to explain it to them.
But it’s not just the pain you can’t explain. While struggling under the water you’re suddenly aware that there is infinitely more to life than what we see on the shore. You see the ocean floor with coral reefs and rock formations, things you had never before imagined. You have tapped into the vastness of creation to a higher degree. And again, there is no way to adequately describe this vastness you see and feel. You have nothing to compare it to.
You have a true sense of a greater dimension, and you know that the loved one you miss is out there. You also know your loved one is not lost, but has only gone before you to a place more beautiful and vast than those on the shore could ever imagine. Yes, you still get annoyed with the sand fleas, but you now realize how trivial they are. And even if your friends don’t understand you, you know there is Someone greater out there who does.”

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:13 PM CDT
I came to this page through a friends page. I really admire your strength and hope for the best with your daughter. Your son is adorable, and will always be with you no matter what. Take care,
Cabrera Family

Cabrera Family <mati@san.rr.com>
San Diego, Ca - Friday, September 22, 2006 6:04 PM CDT
Wishing you a good weekend. Know this has been a hard week. You're in our prayers.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, September 22, 2006 7:14 AM CDT
Thinking of and praying for you all.
Many Hugs!

Shelly <trblforbes@aol.com>
Purcell, OK USA - Thursday, September 21, 2006 8:51 PM CDT
Bob & Audra,
I recently learned of your loss. And, through my visit here, I now have learned of the struggle you face with your daughter.
My thoughts are with you all.

Thomas Riehl

Thomas Riehl <triehljr@yahoo.com>
Little Elm, TX USA - Thursday, September 21, 2006 3:42 PM CDT
Thought of you and your family all day yesterday. I miss Daniel so much. I have thought back on so many precious memories of him. Anna Grace just came over to me and said,"I wish I could give Daniel a kiss!" I told her that someday she would! Good night my sweet friend.
Dee Jones <jonessix@sbcglobal.net>
- Tuesday, September 19, 2006 9:20 PM CDT
I've never felt so honored than five years ago when you allowed me to wait at the hospital for the birth of your fourth child. I remember holding Daniel when he was fifteen minutes old; what a joy he was! He has and will always hold a special place in my heart, as does your entire family. I love you and pray for you continually.

Jamie Growe <jamsie-g@ou.edu>
- Tuesday, September 19, 2006 0:07 AM CDT
We've been thinking about you and praying for all of you today! Daniel is missed greatly by so many and will NEVER be forgotten! I don't think there has ever been a boy that loved birthdays as much as that little guy seemed to!
We love you and miss seeing you!

The Hill Family <shannon@zipbang.com>
Edmond, OK - Monday, September 18, 2006 9:23 PM CDT
I've thought about you and that sweet boy all day. I love you.

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Monday, September 18, 2006 5:55 PM CDT

MySpace Comments Graphics


The Kracke Family

Marla kracke <Rapturerdy1@cox.net>
Moore , ok USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 1:13 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Daniel - We love and miss you! You all are in our thoughts and prayers today! We love the Danielisms!
Jim, Brook, Kennedy, Lincoln and Jackson

Jim, Brook, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Jackson
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 12:05 AM CDT
Praying for your strength.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, September 18, 2006 7:05 AM CDT
As I opened your page today tears began to roll as I saw Daniel setting there behind is Birthday cake. Sweet, Sweet memories it must be. Ill be thinking of you and praying that all goes well. Keep pushing through the day with your faith held high, for thats all we have. As long as we have faith then one day we will be together with our sweet Angels once again. Im praying for you... (Angel Mom Hugs)
Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Sunday, September 17, 2006 9:40 PM CDT
Thinking of you
DeAnn, Angel Darren's mom <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Sunday, September 17, 2006 12:51 AM CDT
You are in my thoughts and prayers a lot lately. I hope the next few days go by smooth. Please know I am here if you ever need anyone to talk or listen. I would love to get together anytime with you all. just hollar at me when you decide the date. It would be nice to see everyone.
(Angel Hugs)

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Saturday, September 16, 2006 5:19 PM CDT
Audra, you've been on my mind so much. I'm praying for you.
Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Saturday, September 16, 2006 0:40 AM CDT
Thinking of you tonight!!!
Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Thursday, September 14, 2006 10:26 PM CDT
Ok so I cant sleep and I was looking through all my web pages and wanted to drop you a line again and let you know Im thinking of you. I know the next few days are going to be yucky to put it nicely. But please know I am praying oh so hard that things go smoothly as possible and that your memories of Daniel will over come the thoughts of him not being here with you to celebrate. Just think of the party they get up in Heaven. We can only imagine yet it has got to much better then we can even begin to imagine. We love you and hug your little ones.....Keep the faith!!!

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 10:27 PM CDT

http://www.blingyblob.com">Get free graphics at BlingyBlob.com!

Do you think it's possible that Blingyblob & Zoe are actually one in the same....after a week on steroids I'm starting to wonder...."I'm hungry"...Zoe's favorite words!!!
Audra, I just thought you would appreciate a good laugh!!


Marla kracke <Rapturerdy1@cox.net>
Moore, OK usa - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:15 PM CDT

Princess Anabel & Queen Audra,
We love you guys. Hope you are having a great day!!
Quote from Zoe " All girls are princesses & mommmy's are queens"!!!
Marla & kids

Marla kracke <Rapturerdy1@cox.net>
Moore, OK USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 1:49 PM CDT
I am glad Anabel is feeling well and in good spirits. It sounds like you all are going in a zillion different directions but I'm sure most of the time you prefer to keep busy. Emory played his first game of kid-pitch Monday night. While attempting to steal home he got called out for plowing into the catcher who was standing between him and the plate. Although the catcher dropped the ball, sweet little I-just-had-a-bone-marrow-transplant-a-year-ago Emory was nevertheless called out for unnecessary roughness. He was in tears. I was screaming my head off at ump (what came over me?) and although I shouldn't have been because it came at the expense of the other little boy, I was secretly proud of Em for digging deep and mustering up a little "roughness." If only these kids could lend some to their moms....
Hope to see you Tuesday. We are there in the afternoon.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
- Wednesday, September 13, 2006 10:55 AM CDT
I loved the poem. It is so very true. I couldnt have said it better. My heart is hurting to see the Thomas family going through what we did yet not to long ago. Just to know what they are feeling is enough to give one night mares. GRRRR!! But we both know there is a promise in Heaven and Thank Goodness for that. Something to look forward to right!!!
Love you all

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Friday, September 8, 2006 5:12 PM CDT
Praying for you again and again.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, September 8, 2006 7:29 AM CDT
Thinking and praying for you always especially over the next few days. Keep your faith and youll stay strong. Love you all
Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Thursday, September 7, 2006 9:28 AM CDT
My heart is so happy that your children have such a loving, empathetic family. I'm very glad for all of you to be so blessed in your family closeness.

Your pain is my pain. I hope you can find peace and strength in your daughter.

I will keep you and your daughter in my thoughts! God bless.

Mei Uireto
- Wednesday, September 6, 2006 12:58 AM CDT
I've been watching the calendar and praying for you. My heart breaks thinking of all you've suffered and continue to go through. I'm so sorry.

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Wednesday, September 6, 2006 11:39 AM CDT
Thinking of and praying for you!

Shelly <trblforbes@aol.com>
Purcell, OK USA - Sunday, September 3, 2006 7:37 PM CDT
Just checking in to catch up with you guys. Way to go, Josh! I can't believe he's that old! Hannah had her first middle school event last week, and she came home today with her Youth calendar. I'm not ready...

Praying for quick relief for Anabel, and a peaceful week for your sweet family. Audra, you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Sunday, September 3, 2006 2:36 PM CDT

I was posting this picture on Cassie's site, and thought I would swing by your page to say "hello". I'm so sorry that 2 of your children have fought or fighting cancer :(

Lots of love


viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Sunday, September 3, 2006 7:25 AM CDT
I am thinking of you and you are always in my prayers. I hope you have a great week.

Dee Jones <jonessix@sbcglobal.net>
Oklahoma City, OK OK - Saturday, September 2, 2006 10:52 AM CDT
Hope you have a great holiday weekend with your family. Glad to hear things went well at Clinic.

DeAnn, mom to Angel Darren and soon to be Race <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Friday, September 1, 2006 3:46 PM CDT
So glade things went well. You all are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Love you all

Jamie <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Friday, September 1, 2006 10:25 AM CDT
It is always so wonderful to see the Lord working in such awesome ways as He is with your family! You are always in my prayers.
shelly sparks <shellhtn@yahoo.com>
wheeler, tx usa - Friday, September 1, 2006 8:59 AM CDT
Wonderful news! Hope the Holiday weekend is full of laughter and love...
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, September 1, 2006 7:32 AM CDT
I'm so glad everything went well and you got good news!!
Ricki Lea Moore <dougandrickilea@valornet.com>
Lexington, OK - Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:53 PM CDT
You are doing an AMAZING job! I am always praying and thinking of you.
Ricki Lea Moore <dougandrickilea@valornet.com>
Lexington, OK - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:21 AM CDT
Praying today for sweet Anabel. I hope the procedure goes very well and no cancer. I pray for you too sweet lady. I bet you need some rest.
Lydia Leslie <tleslie19@cox.net>
OKC, OK - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:57 AM CDT
We will be praying also. It's all so very, very hard. I pray that you will start feeling better and get some rest. That's easy to say but hard to do. We love you and check in but don't always write something.
Elena Briscoe
Altus, OK - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 7:58 PM CDT
Loosey Goosey. Loosey Goosey.
We'll be there Wednesday but not until 2:30. I'd love to see you but hoping for your sake you are long gone with great news by then.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
- Monday, August 28, 2006 8:42 PM CDT
I am praying continually for Anabel & for you. You are very strong person but when you feel weak the Lord's power is even stronger. YOU are a source of encouragement to so many people, I know. God's hand is strong on your life. I pray that the Lord will comfort you in those times of grief like only He can. I am crying with you as I type this & asking God to send healing, comfort & refreshing to you even now. Your family is so special to me. Be with my friend , Audra, Lord comfort her, hold her, dry her tears, strengthen her with your joy. Audra just know that you are lifted up....don't ever be afraid to ask for prayer when you are weak....we all need each other.


Marla <Rapturerdy1@cox.net>
Moore, OK USA - Monday, August 28, 2006 5:24 PM CDT
Be thankful, flexible, prayerful, thankful, happy, thankful...God is so good- "even in the valleys, God is good" - "He is faithful and true"....

Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, August 28, 2006 4:46 PM CDT
A messy and chaotic house is the sign of being a good parent. At least that's what I tell myself as I survey the chaos.

Keeping your family in our prayers.

Kathy, mom to Steven and aunt to angel Kyra
San Diego, CA USA - Sunday, August 27, 2006 6:51 PM CDT
Continually thinking of you and praying for you guys!
Mike, Sarah, Hannah, Noah, Grace, and Elijah

Mike Lehew <mike.lehew@ridgewaybaptist.com>
Sapulpa, OK USA - Saturday, August 26, 2006 10:52 PM CDT
Thinking and praying for good days head.Love you all
jamie carey <jamie.carey@cox.net>
ok - Saturday, August 26, 2006 8:41 PM CDT
Praying for a good week for all your family, and especially Anabel....
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Saturday, August 26, 2006 9:48 AM CDT
Hello Audra & family,
I am sorry to hear Anabel's counts are down a little. I will be praying for them to come up & for the spinal tap to go well & no complications. I am praying this scripture for Zoe & Anabel. Jeremiah 30:17 For I will restore health to(Anabel/Zoe)and heal of her wounds. The Message Bible says it like this....As for (Anabel/Zoe), I'll come with healing curing the incurable. We must keep believing that!! As for the dirty clothes, laundry, toys everywhere....I just keep speaking things that are not as though they are....."My house is clean, my house is clean" LOL Oh well one day the kids will all be grown up & then I'll have a clean house but I bet it won't mean that much to me then. I did really good yesterday though when I was baking & I walked out of the room & Thing1 & Thing2 (Evie & Gabe) had gotten into the flour & threw it all over the kitchen then Zoe joined in...I didn't get mad I actually went & got the camera...God is really working on me..I shocked myself..I was even more shocked at myself when I handed them the rest of the bag & sent them outside to have a flour fight....I thought have I lost my mind? No I just have learned to cherish those moments...Thank you Lord that you are still working on me!!! Well better go.
Enjoying more moments & trusting HIM,

Marla kracke <Rapturerdy1@cox.net>
Moore, OK USA - Friday, August 25, 2006 11:20 PM CDT
Dear Audra,
I need an 8x10 of Anabel and a note saying it's okay that I want to bring childhood awareness. I hope all is well. Things are crazy with 2 kids and I know your busy too. Send it to me at 407 Cameron Altus OK 73521.


Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, dybr - Monday, August 21, 2006 5:59 PM CDT
Hope the scrimmage went well last night and that you all have a great weekend.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Saturday, August 19, 2006 7:35 AM CDT
Just checking in... Praying for a good weekend and a new week ahead.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Saturday, August 19, 2006 7:24 AM CDT
I'll 2nd Marla, praying for you.
Ricki Lea Moore <dougandrickilea@valornet.com>
Lexington, OK - Friday, August 18, 2006 5:43 PM CDT
Its been a long time since I checked in. I hope all is going well. I check on you all daily but never sign in. This time I just wanted you to know I was still here. Hollar if you need anything. Its killing me today to know my son would have gone to his first day of kindergarten. Yet I know he knows everything he needs for where he is today. Maybe even recess all day. haha Love you all Ill talk to you later
Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:23 PM CDT
I hope Anabel feels better by now or will as soon as her cycle of prednisone is finished. Prednisone, the necessary evil.... And, yes, next time you can come! Your family would love Boston and Maine. So much history, so many colleges, and Bobby particularly would love the literary history this part of the country has. Great weather. It's been a perfect trip. Now, if only the Red Sox could win at least their next 2 games! See you next week.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
- Friday, August 11, 2006 7:37 AM CDT
Best wishes for a better week. Hope Anabel perks up soon.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, August 11, 2006 7:36 AM CDT
Sorry to hear Anabel felt "lousy" after her chemo. Glad to hear everything else is going okay.

DeAnn, Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Thursday, August 10, 2006 10:53 AM CDT
Hello Audra and Annabel,

We made it to VA and only in time for 5 days of chemo. We got to go to our new house for 4 days and now back in with a fever. We think of your sweet family and friendship as we are meeting new faces and friends. We pray for you all. It is great to hear that everyone is doing well. Go Annabel!! If you ever come to Wash DC for vacation, please look us up. We have a nice big house we would love to share. Your family is a shining light in a dark world. God is good, all the time.

Dana Sones <ddsones@cox.net>
- Monday, August 7, 2006 10:19 AM CDT
It's been a while, but I stopped by to see how Anabel's treatment is going.

It's great to hear that she is doing well, her photos are beautiful.

Your family will remain in our prayers.

Kathy, mom to Steven and aunt to angel Kyra
San Diego, CA USA - Sunday, August 6, 2006 3:06 AM CDT
You go Anabel!!! So glad it's been a good week for the Lehews. Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!
Monique Nelson <amnelson2@cox.net>
Oklahoma City, OK - Saturday, August 5, 2006 11:54 AM CDT
We went to the clinic today to check Em's counts before taking off for Boston and Maine. Thankfully, all looked great and it looks like Sydney WILL be eating lobster rolls for all of the Lehews! Have a great week. So glad Anabel is feeling well. Hopefully we'll see you soon after we return.
Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Friday, August 4, 2006 5:33 PM CDT
Hello Audra,
Yes it has been a year. Wooooo! Zoe's counts are back up, Praise Jesus!!! If you get a chance read the journal entry from yesterday. Sean wrote it & it is really good. It's his first entry since I started the website. Anyways I'm so glad to here that Anabel is feeling good. Bella likes to rough house with her brother. Problem is I think she could really hurt him, LOL. Well I'd better go. Give me a call sometime.


Marla Kracke <Rapturerdy1@cox.net>
Moore, OK good ol' USA - Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:08 AM CDT
Glad to hear it has been a better week. Rough-housing with the boys can be fun- especially if they can't hit back!!! It is wonderful to see your spirits are lifting. Take care.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:59 AM CDT
Busy seems to always be better. It helps to ease the mind and the pain. Take care.
DeAnn, Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Friday, July 28, 2006 12:11 AM CDT
Hi Audra - You and your family are in our prayers. We will pray for your depression and continue to pray for healing for Anabel, who does not look anything like a boy!!!! Plus she has the sweetest girly-girl voice...I love to hear her talk.

For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.
I Sam 16:7

Amy Dudleson <mdudleson@cox.net>
Edmond, OK USA - Thursday, July 27, 2006 3:52 PM CDT
Dear Audra and Family,
I'm checking in on you. The poem was beautiful. This Sunday's Lesson was on rejoicing in the storm! Easier said than done!

Rudy deleted your e-mail before I could answer. I have Bobby's address but not yours. I need to add it next time you write. We will come to Oklahoma city next Tuesday for check up with Brian. We will be praying for all of you!

Elena Briscoe
Altus, OK - Monday, July 24, 2006 7:02 AM CDT
I watched Daniel's video tonight. He does look like Anna now that she is bald. I loved that song, "He showed me his love by sending me you..." What a great thought. God is not cruel to take our children--he is kind enough to give them to us for a while. (a different way of thinking for sure!)
Love, Marlo

marlo Salamy
Oklahoma City, OK - Saturday, July 22, 2006 10:40 PM CDT
YEAH! Glad to hear the good news. Have a wonderful weekend. You're in our prayers.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Saturday, July 22, 2006 7:27 AM CDT
The Kracke Clan says:
Hip Hip Hooray,
For the CLEAR chest x-ray!!!!!

Marla <Rapturerdy1@cox.net>
Moore, OK USA - Friday, July 21, 2006 10:45 PM CDT
I know how it is getting ready to homeschool. I homeschool too. We have been schooling all summer because I took time off last year when Zoe was diagnosed. I was prepared to start (a new school year) last September & she was diagnosed in August. As you can imagine I had to take some time off from it. Now we are playing catch up. We love homeschooling though. It can be very rewarding. Yes, Zoe has to be on Dexamethasone every 4th week for 5 days. She can get REALLY cranky & gets frustrated more easily. Oh and HUNGRY!!!! I will be praying for the "cutie patootey" to feel better & for you too!!!

Love, Marla

Marla kracke <Rapturerdy1@cox.net>
Moore, OK USA - Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:20 PM CDT
Zoe said, "There's no way Anabel looks like a boy!! She's Pwitty(pretty)!!" Izabella says, That's silly Anabel looks nothing like a boy!!! As I'm typing this Zoe is telling me to also say that Anabel is a "cutie patootey". Sean-David says Anabel definately looks like a girl!!! So I guess it's unanimous!!! The Kracke household thinks Anabel is Gorgeous, cute and definately very girly!!!! Anabel we are sure that was pretty disgusting to have a leech on your foot. You will have to tell Sean-David all about it because he likes disgusting creatures. We are very glad you had a great time at camp. You'll have to let Zoe know all about it. Well these kids have got to go to bed.

Love the Kracke family

Marla kracke <Rapturerdy1@cox.net>
Moore, OK USA - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10:28 PM CDT
Do not worry about what others say. I think you are just as cute as the day I met you. You have the same beautiful, infectious smile and the same sparkling eyes. You are as much of a girly girl as I have ever met. Take care young lady and keep you chin up so others can see that smile. With Love, Tim Taylor

Tim Taylor <toolmansfamily@aol.com>
Memphis, Tn - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 2:20 PM CDT
Praying for a good Tuesday for you and Anabel (the American Idol Star!). Glad camp was so special for her.
Susan <skharvey@belsouth.net>
- Tuesday, July 18, 2006 7:32 AM CDT
Hope things are going well for you and all the family, I've been laying pretty low, you know, Love Gail Vines, always Fletchers mom.
Gail Vines <Flips1@coxinet.net>
Oklahoma City , Okla USA - Monday, July 17, 2006 3:48 PM CDT
Hi Audra,
Thank you for praying for me. I'm glad Anabel is home & I'm glad she had a great time. It's nice to know that you made it through because Zoe is already talking about wanting to go as soon as she can (because of her age). I can't imagine lettting her be away from me for that long. Izabella is spending the night at her Grammy's tonight & just having her away for the night causes me to miss her terribly. Izabella talks about Anabel a lot she really likes her. Maybe we can try to get together sometime so they could play together. I've been praying for you all.


Marla kracke <Rapturerdy1@cox.net>
Moore, OK USA - Saturday, July 15, 2006 11:51 PM CDT
It was nice to finally meet you this week at clinic. Funny how these pages somehow make you feel as though you know someone you may have never met. So, I'm glad we have finally met one another. Your family's story has been an inspiration to me.
I hope you are surviving camp week and the Anabel is having a terrific time!

Monique Nelson <amnelson2@cox.net>
Oklahoma City, OK - Friday, July 14, 2006 10:08 AM CDT
Praying for Anabel and MOM and DAD surviving the camp week. I can't even imagine the worry... but I'm sure the camp will be wonderful, a "little" rest for mom and day (and hopefully sleep) and a great time for Anabel. Praying for your sweet family daily.
Angie / Angel-Wings <stewwwy64@yahoo.com>
Edmond, OK - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:21 AM CDT
I've been praying for you especially hard during these weeks. Anabel is going to have a wonderful time at camp! I can't believe she's so grown up. Congrats to Cabe the Babe! And why do I see Hannah suddenly getting interested in football? Your family is so precious to us. We love you guys!

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Wednesday, July 12, 2006 0:44 AM CDT
Dear Audra,
I'll be thinking good thoughts for Anabel and you this week. You're a stronger person than I am but Anabel will be better off for it. Emory will have to be my momma's boy for another year.... I'll be praying for Anabel's safety and good health, for your sanity and for the week to pass quickly. I'll also be rummaging through my vast inventory of vocabulary words trying to decide which to spring on you next.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:08 PM CDT
Hello Audra,
It's Marla, Zoe's mom. I want to see the picture of Anabel the "firedancer" (ha ha). I pray for you all often.
I feel really blessed to have gotten to know you. You are an inspiration. I read your journal entries often to keep updated. I love the new picture on the welcome page. It's so sweet. Well I will leave you with the scripture the Lord keeps putting on my heart.

He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall Not be moved.
In God is my salvation and my glory;
The rock of my strength,
And my refuge is in God.
Trust in Him at ALL times,
Pour out your heart before Him;
God IS a refuge for us.

Psalm 62:6-8

Trusting Him,
Marla & family

Marla <Rapturerdy1@cox.net>
Moore, OK USA - Saturday, July 8, 2006 3:29 PM CDT
Dear Audra,
I love to read your entries and catch glimpses of joy between the lines. I'm so glad you are all having a good summer. I wish summer would last longer! (Will I be saying that in August though?) Hope to see you soon.
(p.s. Sadly, I too am back to just dreaming about the beach.)

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Friday, July 7, 2006 8:38 AM CDT
i found your site from another I visit. I know I don't know you nor never will on this side of Heaven. But, I will be praying for your family. Thanks for sharing your story.
Ashley <pogcrazy@hotmail.com>
Baytown, Tx - Thursday, July 6, 2006 12:49 AM CDT
I hope you have a great 4th of July with your family. I think of you often.
DeAnn, Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn <nbmom09@yahoo.com>
Clinton, ok - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 9:50 AM CDT
Thinking of you at this time of Year. I know how hard it is for me sometimes it is because it is summer. Why arent our boys out playing with all the other kids? It kills me. Anyhow I miss seeing you and talking to you. I will hollar at you some time. I am very excited to tell you that in this hard time in my life I have choosen to take God number one! I will be baptised this next Sunday. YEA!!! Hope you have a safe and Happy 4th

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Monday, July 3, 2006 10:12 PM CDT
Great News on the counts! Anabel is the great babysitter/mommy/teacher, etc. because she has wonderful, caring Christian parents to guide her and a loving heavenly Father to watch over her. Hope the rest of the week is good for you all.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, June 28, 2006 7:39 AM CDT
I am so glad Anabel is feeling so much better and that her counts were great. Amazing how a few hand-scrawled numbers on a small slip of paper can wipe away fears and build you back up, isn't it? I have sent Dana a note on Karina's guestbook. I hope we all happen to cross paths at the clinic. We miss seeing you. I just wish we could be reunited here at the beach instead of at the clinic....
Take care and enjoy your holiday weekend with those great counts!

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 6:54 AM CDT
What a strong and awesome family you are! You are in my prayers each and every day! Hope you have a nice summer!
shelly sparks- <shellhtn@yahoo.com>
wheeler, tx usa - Monday, June 26, 2006 8:50 PM CDT
Wishing you a quiet and uneventful weekend. Glad you got some answers (peace) to your questions. Praying for you all...
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Saturday, June 24, 2006 7:44 AM CDT
I am glad the doctors listened to your concerns. It is nice to be understood. I am praying everything is okay! Hope you are all having a nice summer.
DeAnn, Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Friday, June 23, 2006 3:44 PM CDT
I don't know you except for this site. I am a friend of Darren Ernst. I am praying for you and your family, may GOD bless you, comfort your and heal your little girl.
Cathy Miller <cathy.miller@oesc.state.ok.us>
Clinton, OK usa - Thursday, June 22, 2006 7:01 AM CDT
I'm so glad you had a good visit with the doctor and that God gave you both wisdom for Anabel. I know this will be a tough week for her, but I'll be praying for her comfort (and yours). Love you guys!

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Wednesday, June 21, 2006 9:49 AM CDT
We are having a great time at the beach. Something about the sand and the surf and looking out at the vast water and horizon, it's so calming and reassuring. I wish you were here to sit next to me and let the soothing waves calm your fears! I'm glad you saw Dr. Saxina and feel better. Soon enough Anabel will be running in the waves and feeling great like Emory has been this week. See you soon (I hope!)

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
Seaside, FL (for now!), - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 10:32 PM CDT
You and your family are in my prayers.

Terry Hughes <terryhughes2@cox.net>
Oklahoma, OK - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 8:50 AM CDT
You never cease to amaze me with the faith that God has given you. I really admire you with what you have been through. Anabel is an amazing little girl because she has God led parents who are obedient. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Love in Christ, Connie
Connie Walk <nanawalk@cox.net>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Saturday, June 17, 2006 10:19 AM CDT
You are always in my prayers and so is AnnaBell. I will be praying for this coming Tuesday App. I love you friend.

Dee Jones <jonessix@sbcglobal.net>
OKlahoma City, OK USA - Friday, June 16, 2006 5:08 PM CDT
We continue to pray for you guys, especially during this time. Hannah says, "I hope you get feeling better...I am praying for you." Grace says, "I miss you...hope to see you soon." We pray for you guys every evening as a family! Please let us know if we can do anything for you!

Love, Mike, Sarah, Hannah, Noah, Grace, and Elijah

Mike Lehew <mike.lehew@ridgewaybaptist.com>
Sapulpa, OK 74066 - Friday, June 16, 2006 12:12 AM CDT
Your right you should always be prepared. I understand your fears, and I'm so sorry that you have to go thru all of this. Wish I could take the fears, stress and pain away. Remember that God is with you every step of the way, and he is still in Control. Love you Lots!!!!
Mom <bgstarry6@sbcglobal.net>
Piedmont, Ok - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 4:06 PM CDT
Praying for you and for your fears to be calmed.
Angie / Angel-Wings <stewwwy64@yahoo.com>
Edmond, Ok - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:24 PM CDT
Praying for you Audra! May the doctors have wisdom and listen to all your concerns and the symptoms you have seen. Please let us know as soon as you hear results.
Rebecca Camenisch
Oklahoma City, OK - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:11 PM CDT
Oh the medical knowledge of a "cancer mom" I am praying your fears are unfounded and there is a simple and logical explanation for everything.
DeAnn, Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn Elliott <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 11:46 AM CDT
Praying for a good doctor visit today and answers to your questions.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, June 13, 2006 7:43 AM CDT
I hope you see Dr. Meyer or Saxina tomorrow and they understand your fears and act on them. Be strong and insistent if you feel your worries are even slightly valid. I will say though, that Emory gained a lot of weight on prednisone and between it and the vincristine, had foot pain. I'll be praying for Anabel's good health and your peace of mind. And, I'll be making a copy of my St. Francis of Sales "no anxious thoughts and imaginations" card for you to clip to the cover of YOUR planner.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
- Monday, June 12, 2006 11:45 AM CDT
LOVE the new photos! You have such a sweet, beautiful family. Praying for God to give you wisdom, clarity, doctors who will listen, and peace. Love you guys.

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Monday, June 12, 2006 11:24 AM CDT
Dear Audra,
I leave town for a few days and you get yourself into trouble....
I'm sure the Duhons and others understand the torment you feel at the clinic and took your comments in context. I just wanted to say thanks for your notes on Emory's Guestbook this week. I really appreciated them while in Houston. Try to enjoy the weekend and stay out of trouble.
p.s. Emory's never rung the bell. I think I may let him when he's 30.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Friday, June 9, 2006 4:51 PM CDT
Dear Audra,

We too have some hard feeling about the BELL! When Brian relapsed and finished chemo all I heard was "Do I get to ring the bell"! We did not and days I hope he doesn't ask about the bell. I know it's a mile marker for so many but a pain in the side for so many others.

Something happen yesterday to Brian and he got hurt some. His words were piercing to my heart. Why does bad things have to happen to me? I had no answer.

This walk on this earth is very, very hard in so many ways. Some ways Rudy won't let me speak of because of his pride. It's hard on all of and I love checking in on everyone. I too seen the picture took down. I'm sorry.
Love you lots,

Elena mom to www.caringbridge.org/visit/brianbriscoe

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK USA - Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:02 AM CDT
Our pictures help keep the memories sweet and close. I agree, that to see the pictures and the video gives us a little peak into heaven! Blessings to you and yours. Good job - to Anabel!
Susan Harvey <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, June 7, 2006 7:41 AM CDT
Just checking in on everyone and hope to see you next week in clinic on Tuesday. I'm glad Anabell can sleep it off some. All of this is so ugly sometimes! Keep you in our prayers.
Briscoe Gang

Elena Briscoe
Altus, OK USA - Sunday, June 4, 2006 10:05 PM CDT
David and I watched the video, and laughed and cried together. He had seen it, but this was my first time to see it up close. Amazing! I've tried several times this week to write in the guest book about it, but truly didn't know what to say. I still don't have the right words. All I know is that seeing Daniel's smiles - full of wonder and delight and joy - I feel like I have a peek at Heaven. Thank you, thank you so much for sharing this silly, funny, amazing boy with us!

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Saturday, June 3, 2006 9:56 AM CDT
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Our family gathered around the screen and watched the video of Daniel. It's beautiful.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
- Friday, June 2, 2006 5:38 PM CDT
I found your website while looking
for neuroblastoma info for a friend.
I am an Okie transplanted to Utah..
I have a son who finished treatment
for NHL Lyphoblastic Lymphoma III
in Sept of 2005.

I am sorry to read about your
son. Cancer is so cruel.

We will add your family to
our prayers,


www.caringbridge.com/ut/devinross <tiredofcancer@yahoo.com>
- Friday, June 2, 2006 0:38 AM CDT
Hey guys! It was sooooo wonderful to see you all yesterday! I'm back in Norman now, but maybe we can see each other next Wednesday. Love to you!

Jamie <jamsie-g@ou.edu>
Norman, OK - Thursday, June 1, 2006 2:31 PM CDT
Thank you so much for sharing the video of Daniel. Your family is just so precious:-) I am still praying {{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}
Barbie Rigdon <Barbiemamato3@aol.com>
Jacksonville, Fl - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 6:29 PM CDT
I "met " your family through David Rhymes, and have followed Daniel and your family through your journey, I just watched the video of Daniel, and it is just precious.All the photos I had seen of him just didn't show the joy that shone all around him- thank you for sharing that with us all.
Connie <conniek@putnamcoinc.com>
Walworth, Wi - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:57 AM CDT
Bobby and Audra,
Thank you so much for updating your blog with the wonderful pictures and film. It is always bitter sweet but I wouldn't miss visiting this site for the world. Daniel lives in all of our hearts. You have a precious family and I am praying for you all

Brenda Ryan <bryan@robynpromo.com>
Yukon, OK USA - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 4:52 PM CDT
Audra and Bobby,

thank you so much for sharing your family with us. The video is precious. Tammy, Brayden, Kayden and I gathered around the computer to watch. On Memorial Day, this gave our family a way of visiting your family through video. You are very precoius to Tammy and I. Thank you.

Stephen Lehew <slehew@guymon.k12.ok.us>
Guymon, Ok USA - Monday, May 29, 2006 9:05 PM CDT
Audra and Bobby,
I just love this! Jordan and I just sat here watching and remembering how precious Daniel was and thanking God for the opportunity to be apart of his life . Thank you for this site and the love that is poured into it! We love you guys!!

Dee Jones <jonessix@sbcglobal.net>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Monday, May 29, 2006 11:47 AM CDT
Dear Audra,
The pictures are precious! Thanks for sharing them with us. We are continuing to pray for all of you!

Susie Dutcher <susiedutcher@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, May 28, 2006 6:44 PM CDT
Look at you, getting all fancy with the new photo album. I wish I had just a scrap of computer skill. Alas, I have none and the world will just have to view our photos 3 at a time.... Seriously, the pictures are charming and I love the homepage photo. Hope you are having a great weekend and that everyone is feeling well.
Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
- Sunday, May 28, 2006 6:09 PM CDT
Praying for your family Audra.
Lydia Leslie <tleslie19@cox.net>
OKC, - Sunday, May 28, 2006 2:28 PM CDT
I will always remember Daniel's sweet cheeks and beautiful lips. It was good to see that Jonathan got those lips too! Have a great Memorial Day tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your memories with us.
Ricki Lea

Ricki Lea Moore <dougandrickilea@valornet.com>
Lexington, OK - Sunday, May 28, 2006 2:15 PM CDT
I'm so sad we missed spending time with you all today. I hope we can try again SOON!

The new pictures are so sweet. Thank you for sharing those special smiles with us. We love you guys and will be praying for you in the coming days.

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Saturday, May 27, 2006 10:49 PM CDT
I wanted to let you know that I will be praying for your family. I think of so many and will keep praying for all of you. What a beautiful family you have! Keep remembering and loving even though they are not here.
Lots of Love,
Briscoe Gang

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, ok - Saturday, May 27, 2006 8:53 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Misty Smith <misty.smith@expresspersonnel.com>
Oklahoma City , Ok United States - Friday, May 26, 2006 11:38 AM CDT
Thinking of you and your family, and keeping you all in our prayers- way to Annabel on being strong for those shots!!
Connie <conniek@putnamcoinc.com>
Walworth, Wi - Friday, May 26, 2006 8:42 AM CDT
The Futrell Family will most definitely sing, "You've Got a Friend in Me" and remember Daniel.
Still praying for you guys,

Laura Futrell <cfutrell2@cox.net>
Edmond, OK - Friday, May 26, 2006 6:11 AM CDT
I love the pictures. I also love "Praise you in this storm" by Casting Crowns. I will be thinking of you this weekend and praying comfort for your whole family.
love you

Ricki Lea Moore <dougandrickilea@valornet.com>
- Thursday, May 25, 2006 8:17 PM CDT
I loved the new pics. He looks so awenry(sp)in some of them... I am thinking of you this weekend. Its just not fair that we have to put flowers out for our children. We should have them here with us. Yet we both know deep in our heart how much better off they are and the life they are living leaves us speachless... Oh how we cant wait.
Love you all,

jamie <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Thursday, May 25, 2006 3:43 PM CDT
Dear Audra,
You honor Daniel so beautifully. But yet, you are an equally beautiful and amazing mother to your children still here on Earth. I will be thinking of Daniel this Memorial Day weekend. Tell Anabel we say hi. For that matter, tell Joshua Sydney says hi! :)

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Thursday, May 25, 2006 10:44 AM CDT
I will be thinking of Daniel, and of course you on Memorial day and I will be singing!
Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Thursday, May 25, 2006 9:19 AM CDT
Lifting your family in daily prayers. Thank you for sharing Jamie's site as well.
Angie / Angel-Wings <stewwwy64@yahoo.com>
Edmond, Ok - Monday, May 22, 2006 3:56 PM CDT
Thank you so much for the entry. It is so nice to have people like you that know exactly what to say and what I am going through. Although it would have been nice to meet somewhere else and over something different I am very honored you are my friend. You are right we are sisters in Christ..... It cant get any better then that. Love you

Jamie <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Monday, May 22, 2006 12:10 AM CDT
Wishing you a wonderful summer!
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, May 22, 2006 7:17 AM CDT
What wonderful new pictures! Thank you for sharing them.

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Thursday, May 18, 2006 11:54 PM CDT
Wow! This is the first time I have visited your website. I hope we will see each other again at the clinic and get a chance to talk beyond "hello". Thank you for sharing your heart and your hope.
Marlo (Anna's mom) <papajake7@cox.net>
- Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:14 PM CDT
Dear Audra,
Happy Mother's Day. You are one of those "new" friends to whom I refer in my entry today. Thank you for inspiring me to be a better mother to my children. I know you will relish your moments with your kids tomorrow and your precious memories of sweet Daniel.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
- Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:43 AM CDT
Tanners mom left this for me and I wanted to share it with you. Hugs and prayers
A Mother's Day Wish From Heaven

Dear Mr. Hallmark,

I am writing to you from heaven, and though it must appear
A rather strange idea, I see everything from here.
I just popped in to visit, your stores to find a card
A card of love for my mother, as this day for her is hard.

There must be some mistake I thought, every card you could imagine
Except I could not find a card, from a child who lives in heaven.
She is still a mother too, no matter where I reside
I had to leave, she understands, but oh the tears she’s cried.

I thought that if I wrote you, that you would come to know
That though I live in heaven now, I still love my mother so.
She talks with me, and dreams with me; we still share laughter too,
Memories our way of speaking now, would you see what you could do?

My mother carries me in her heart, her tears she hides from sight.
She writes poems to honor me, sometimes far into the night
She plants flowers in my garden, there my living memory dwells
She writes to other grieving parents, trying to ease their pain as well.

So you see Mr. Hallmark, though I no longer live on earth
I must find a way, to remind her of her wondrous worth
She needs to be honored, and remembered too
Just as the children of earth will do.

Thank you Mr. Hallmark, I know you’ll do your best
I have done all I can do; to you I’ll leave the rest.
Find a way to tell her, how much she means to me
Until I can do it for myself, when she joins me in eternity.

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Friday, May 12, 2006 3:04 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing such private thoughts. Your questions show so much more wisdom than all the "answers" that people (even those of us who mean well) so easily spout out. I love your honesty, and I love you.

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Monday, May 8, 2006 8:01 PM CDT
You are a constant source of inspiration to so many - most you will never know. You have a purpose- as we all do... Bless you, Anabel, Bobby and the boys today and always.
Susan <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, May 8, 2006 7:27 AM CDT
Dear Audra,
What a beautiful and honest entry. You DO know how so many of the clinic moms feel and your persistence is an inspiration for us all. You may not be able to help with their pain but you are a beautiful and loving example that life will go on. That is probably more help than you know.
Hope you all have a great week.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
- Monday, May 8, 2006 6:43 AM CDT
Audra and Annabel,
Just checking on you guys. I haven't seen you in quite some time. Looks like things are going well for you all. Thank the Lord. Morgan is doing good. I haven't updated her site in quite some time. She has a bladder infection, but otherwise is feeling good. We went to Six Flags 2 weekends ago. She rode a real rollercoaster with 2 loops. She had a really good time, as did the rest of our family. Take care.

Angela Thompson <athompson111@hotmail.com>
Moore, Ok U.S.A. - Friday, May 5, 2006 6:36 PM CDT
How did we miss you today?
We were there from 1:15-2:30. Hope all went well!

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:37 PM CDT
Just checking in. Glad to hear the shot went well. What a relief. Hope things continue to go smoothly for you.
DeAnn, Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Tuesday, May 2, 2006 5:50 PM CDT
We are checking in on you. Glad to see things going pretty good. I hope the shots get easier and easier. It's sorta funny, Brian sometimes does really good and somedays it takes 5 of us to hold him down! We get to come up on the 9th so maybe we will see you then.
Elena mom to www.caringbridge.org/visit/brianbriscoe

Elena Briscoe
Altus, ok - Monday, May 1, 2006 8:55 PM CDT
The ONLY good thing about those nasty L-aspariginase leg shots is that they make the methotrexate shots seem like no big deal. Glad to hear she did okay. Hope to see you next week.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Friday, April 28, 2006 4:14 PM CDT
You are a constant source of encouragement... I have a scripture that I keep on my computer at work and I often have to refer to it due to my own trials.... "I will praise the Lord no matter what happens. I will constantly speak of His glories and grace. I will boast of all His kindness to me. Let all who are discouraged take heart. Let us praise the Lord together and lift high His name" (Psalm 34 1-3, The Living Bible). You and all of your family are a living example of this scripture and I am blessed within my own circumstances to know of your great faith and perserverence. You are always in my prayers.
Brenda Ryan <bryan@robynpromo.com>
Yukon, OK USA - Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:39 PM CDT
Bribery is wonderful Audra!
I am glad you were safe from the storms last night.
Get sleep while you can, huh? Love and prayers.

Ricki Lea Moore <Dougandrickilea@valornet.com>
- Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:10 PM CDT
Love the new opening photo on the website! Yes, aren't our families wonderful - they love us in spite of ourselves! We will pray for gentle hands (the shots) and for calmer weather. We live in the "tornado alley" too and after Katrina we get really antsy when the wind blows. Take care and know others lift you in prayer.
Susan Harvey <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
Monticello, MS - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:50 AM CDT
Dear Audra and Anabel,
I hope we see you at the clinic today. We will be there very briefly but will look for you. We watched Narnia on Easter night and commented on how much we though Lucy resembled Anabel. It was interesting to read your entry and see your comments about the resemblance to Daniel. We hope you all had a nice Easter making memories with the children while remembering fond ones of Daniel. See you soon.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 6:55 AM CDT
You have all gone through so much it's just unbelievable. May Daniel guard over Annabel. Praying for healing and wellness here on earth. And a prayer for you, for strength and peace....no words could ever touch what you have been through. God Bless.

kathy <joy2jak@adelphia.net>
boynton beach, fl usa - Friday, April 14, 2006 10:39 AM CDT
I hope Anabel is feeling ok this cycle and can enjoy the beautiful weather. She (and her hair) looked so good on Tuesday. You looked great, the baby was adorable and, for that matter, grandma was looking good too :) It was good to see all of you.
Have a great weekend!

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, - Friday, March 31, 2006 4:20 PM CST
Just stopping in to see how things went at the clinic. All is well here still. Well you know days go by slow sometimes and fast another. Cant wait to see you all on the 8th also.
Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:49 AM CST
Hope all is well you guys. I know how some days that longing for a lost child just seems to sneak up on you and take over before you even know it's there. I pray those days are filled with good memories and the knowledge that Daniel is happy where he is at.
DeAnn, Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn Elliott <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:55 PM CST
Our prayers are with you. Blessings to you and yours...here and in heaven.
Susan Harvey <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:26 AM CST
I am Emory Hood's grandmother (Laura's Mom) in North Carolina. Please know that your daughter Anabel will be in my prayers right up there with Emory along with the rest of your family. I am so happy to hear she is doing better and doesn't have to go to the clinic for a while. God Bless!!

Edie Buckley <ediebegood@cs.com>
Wilmington, NC - Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:55 PM CST
So happy that Annabel has reached this milestone. Each little step is a step to victory. I know you still have such a long way to go. I hope you are all doing well and I know everyone is enjoying Jonathan.
Lydia Leslie <tleslie19@cox.net>
OKC, OK - Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:47 AM CST
So glad to hear Anabel is doing well! Enjoy your clinic-free week next week! Also, thank you for your kind words in your entry. If I've given you even the slightest bit of encouragement and laughter that makes my day. You're a special person Audra who deserves nothing but joy and laughter here on out. Hope to see you soon.
Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Thursday, March 16, 2006 11:46 AM CST
Exciting news about Anabel! I know you are relieved to be moving in this direction. We love you all!
Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Tuesday, March 14, 2006 11:44 PM CST
my mistake, that web site is www.supersibs.org
God Bless

donna duhon <tduhon2@cox.net>
ok, ok united states - Friday, March 10, 2006 7:50 PM CST
Have you heard of a web site called Super-sibs! We found it by accident a few months ago when Ashley was doing a scholarship search. She has that she is the sibling of a cancer patient in her profile and it popped up one day.
It’s a pretty neat site for siblings of kids with cancer.
It’s www.supersibs.com.
I hope it helps.

Trevor has been swimming on the Del City High school team for two years now and loves it. If you son is interested, it’s a great sport and not as dangerous as football. I get nervous watching kids in sports.
It has been great for Trevor because he is on the small side but he has speed.

Sure looking forward to meeting that little. It sounds like Annabel is hanging in there, feisty is a good thing.
God Bless
Donna Duhon

donna duhon <tduhon2@cox.net>
okc, ok united states - Friday, March 10, 2006 7:28 PM CST
Hey Audra,
Are you guys doing chemo at home now? I haven't seen you in a long time it seems. I have the same concern with Morgan's older brother. He does so well though. It is so hard to have to explain things that we ourselves do not really understand to our children. I think that a sport would be a wonderful thing for him. Dillan plays soccer. Having something that is their own is very helpful to the confidence factor. I hope that he will find something that he will enjoy and look forward to. Tell Anabel that Morgan is missing her. Give the baby a kiss for me.

Angela Thompson <athompson111@hotmail.com>
Moore, OK U.S.A. - Friday, March 10, 2006 8:52 AM CST
I understand your concern about cancer in the other kids. My Mom had bone cancer 46 years ago that started with an "ache" as a sysmptom, so every ache in a limb always makes my mind go crazy. You are amazing. Your faith, tho you may not realize it, is so all emcompassing. He never promised it would be easy......I wish it would be for you, if for anyone. Take care and kiss those sweet children. They have a treasure in their parents. Only when they are grown will they probably ever realize it.
Susan Harvey <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, March 10, 2006 7:38 AM CST
Dearest Audra,
I'm checking in to see how everyone is. Earlier in the year when I was at Cody's school talking to them about who is this kid. They assured me that it's the age more than anything. I too worry with all this other junk going on. I hope you can find something to help him through this time and keep him busy with something he likes.
I can't wait to see everyone. We will be there Tuesday. The boys will be and I have a test (if I go through with it) up at the Capital. We will spend the night at Debbie Patricks. Wednesday Brian has an appointment so maybe I get to see the beautiful baby.
We are praying for you! Love

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK - Thursday, March 9, 2006 11:52 PM CST
It was good to see a new entry from you. I'm sure you've been so busy and tired with everything going on under your roof. Your concerns as a mother toward your other kids are perfectly normal and understandable, especially given your experience with Daniel and Anabel. At least I hope so, because I am the same way with Sydney. She too, is going through some of what Joshua is. A lot of it is age-related but I know it's exascerbated by being the sibling of a cancer kid and all that involves.

I can't wait to see the baby. Maybe next time we are at the clinic. Also, I sent an email about Hornets tickets if Bobby wants them. Did you receive it?

Hope to see you soon.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Thursday, March 9, 2006 5:12 PM CST
Just checking in. Hope all is well with everyone at your house.
DeAnn, Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Thursday, March 9, 2006 12:09 AM CST
Teresa told me about your web page. So glad to know about it. We pray for all the kids and for their families.
Dee S

DEE STRIBLING <destribling@yahoo.com>
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 8:32 PM CST
Dear Precious Ones,
we have never met face to face but I know you in my heart.
I have prayed for your loss and your gains, for Annabelle's
healing and your strength. It has been a joy to get reports from Barbara Harley and to be small blessing to you.
I look forward to the day when I can meet you in person.
Until then may God wrap his loving arms around you and heal
every pain. He loves you more then you know.

Teresa Rountree <tkrountree@sbcglobal.net>
Edmond, OK OK - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:42 PM CST
How cute. Look at all that hair. I know Audra that you must be so tired. But I am sure it's nice to know it's for something so wonderful. Can't wait to see him in person.
Lydia Leslie <tleslie19@cox.net>
- Sunday, March 5, 2006 5:16 PM CST
Dearest Audra and family,

Thank you for checking in on us and I hope your family is all well. What a beautiful picture? I can't wait to see the baby. They are so soft and cuddlely. I do love the baby powder smell or baby smells!

A new beginning, a new life, a miracle and it's called a baby!

Give hugs and kisses to all!

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK - Thursday, March 2, 2006 8:41 PM CST
Hey Audra,
Morgan is due for chemo next week as well,on Wednesday. We have been battling the stomach virus that has been going around. I have washed all the bedding, Lysoled everything, cleaned the bathroom. It seems like no matter what I do I can't get rid of the germs. I am just about fed up with all of this sickness. I would give anything to have all of my family healthy for a while. I am so glad to hear that Annabell is doing so good. Those days are so special. Morgan broke my heart the other day. Her stomach had been hurting her all day long and she said"I never get to feel good." I explained to her that a lot of people are sick right now, and she would feel better soon. It probably does feel as if she never feels good. It has been a while. She gets over one thing and catches something else. I believe that the Lord must be coming soon. I totally feel the same way you do about that. I hope that Jonathan gets to come home soon. You are a wonderful mother. I will see you soon.

Angela Thompson <athompson111@hotmail.com>
Moore, OK U.S.A. - Thursday, March 2, 2006 8:11 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you all today. Glad things are going well Anabel. Hope the baby doesn't have to do all that much longer.
DeAnn Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Thursday, March 2, 2006 12:45 AM CST
I hate to hear the baby has to be under the lights. We had to do the same thing with Madiosn. She slept in a suit case looking thing and when she was out we had to wrap a blanket around her that was bili also. YUK I pray that he is out of there soon. I am so glade to hear that things are going so well. I pray that chmemo next week goes smooth and the time passes fast having the baby to play with and love on. Im thinking and praying for you daily.
Love you all,

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Thursday, March 2, 2006 8:22 AM CST
Just checking in to say "hi." I love the baby pictures. Jonathan is so handsome! And the photo with him and Anabel is so sweet. Hannah has enjoyed seeing Anabel at school and says she seems to be doing great. I'm sorry Anabel was not feeling well for her art show, but Hannah and David said the overall event was wonderful, and that all the artwork was amazing.

I hope all of you are doing well and I know you're enjoying this special little guy. Can't wait to see him again. We love you all!

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:50 PM CST
Missed seeing you all at the clinic today. Hope everyone is doing well!
Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 1:12 PM CST
Congrtulations Lehew family. Brayden says hi to his cousins. he misses all of you so much. The baby is adorable. looking foreward to the next time we get to see each other. love you guys so much.

Love you so much

Stephen, Tammy, Brayden and soon to be new Lehew which by the way will make his or her way into the world on March 1

stephen lehew <slehew@guymon.k12.ok.us>
guymon, ok usa - Sunday, February 26, 2006 7:23 PM CST
Checking in to see if there were new pictures. The one on the front is priceless. Very touching!!! We love you all
Prayers being sent your way

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Friday, February 24, 2006 8:12 PM CST
what a beautiful baby!!! Your family has been truly blessed.
DeAnn, Angel Darren's mom <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok 73601 - Friday, February 24, 2006 3:24 PM CST
VERY cute..... I am so glade things are going so well. I pray it continues. I cant wait to see the baby. How exciting that Anabels picture went for so much. Way to go GIRL!!! Your in my prayers
Jamie <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
- Friday, February 24, 2006 10:58 AM CST
Congratulations Bob and Audra! We are so excited for you! You are in our prayers!
Mike and Sarah Lehew <mike.lehew@ridgewaybaptist.com>
Sapulpa, OK USA - Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:17 PM CST
Congratulations and best wishes on the new addition! Beautiful name...Blessings to all.
Susan Harvey <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:57 AM CST
Yes Yes Yes!!!!! I'm so exicted he is here. Enjoy!!

Love, Lydia

Lydia Leslie <tleslie19@cox.net>
OKC, OK - Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:05 PM CST
I'm so, so glad to hear all went well with the baby and it's here! I cant wait to see pictures. I'm so glad the Art show went great. Annabelle looks so good. I hope she's feeling okay. I know this it gets ugly after chemo a week or so. I hope not!
I talked to Saundra Burchill today and her daughter had a clock that went for $1000! I read where Emory Hood painting went $500! I'm thinking we have some future ARTIST! I love to think about them visiting Paris, Italy or France! Painting beautiful things and to live happy ever after!!
I will miss not seeing you in clinic but know that I'm thinking and praying for you all!
Lots of Love,

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK - Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:53 PM CST
Congrats!!! I am so glade things went well. What a great joy... Cant wait to see the baby. I will call when you get settled back in at home so I can come see you all. You remain in my prayers daily. Love you all

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
- Monday, February 20, 2006 4:22 PM CST
Congratulations on your precious bundle of joy!!I hope you have time to just enjoy him for a while.Thank you for sharing the stories of other children, I have been following Christi Thomas,I am so ashamed that I complain about a bad day-you guys are just amazing how you cope with all of this. You are in my prayers daily.
Connie <conniek@putnamcoinc.com>
Walworth, Wi 53184 - Monday, February 20, 2006 3:29 PM CST
I am so happy to hear that the baby is doing well. I hope you are feeling good also. My husband's name is Jonathan and my nephew's name is Seth. Great name! Hope to see you soon with the baby boy.

Angela Thompson <athompson111@hotmail.com>
Moore, OK U.S.A. - Monday, February 20, 2006 12:39 AM CST
Dear Precious Bobby and Audra,my heart is full of love for you both.Our Lord answers our prayers.He has given us a preciuos baby to hold and love,while our little angelDaniel and PaPaw Dean is sitting with our Lord looking down at us and smiling,laughingand telling us they love us.What a precious gift he has given us.Jonathen Seth Lehew.I would have given to be there the moment Jesus brought Jonathen into this world and into his Mommy and Daddys arms.Know your hearts are bursting with joy.In Numbers 6:24-27 May the Lord bless and protect you,and may the Lords face radiate with joy because of you.Joshua, Caleb and Anabel,you all are the best brothers and sister to our new baby.I love all of you very much.Remember Jesus loves all the children of the world and He is giving one of the best gifts to you.I am so proud of all of you.I thank God for you. Bobby and Audra, please gets some rest and know all of us in the whole Lehew family love.In Gods LOve Mom.
TeAta Lehew Gattis <JGattis@RedlandCouncil.com>
Binger, Okla. Caddo - Monday, February 20, 2006 8:47 AM CST
Dear Audra,
Congratulations! And welcome to this world Johnathon Seth, we can hardly wait to see you baptized as God's child of the promise! Audra, words cannot express how truly happy I am for you.
Love, Laura

Laura Futrell <cfutrell2@cox.net>
Edmond, Ok - Monday, February 20, 2006 7:28 AM CST
I cannot believe it! You certainly did not look like a woman a day away from childbirth at the art show Friday night! We are so incredibly happy for all of you. I will also say a special prayer of thanks to God for safely delivering the baby early as you had hoped. Emory was looking forward to bringing his removed port for show-and-tell when he gets to go back to school next week. I guess Anabel's show-and-tell will be a little bit better though.
Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Sunday, February 19, 2006 10:27 PM CST
Congratulations!!! I know what a wonderful day this is for you and the whole family. God has a way of bringing joy back to our lives!!! I am sure Daniel is rejoicing with you. What a lucky little boy to have his own guardian angel!Can't wait to see a picture
DeAnn Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn Elliott <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok 73601 - Sunday, February 19, 2006 10:17 PM CST
Yeah!!!!! I am a little envious you had him early. Take care and rest. I am so glad that God has blessed your family with a healthy baby. I know that Daniel is in awe of his little brother. Can't wait to see pictures.
Ricki Lea Moore <dougandrickilea@valornet.com>
Lexington, OK - Sunday, February 19, 2006 8:54 PM CST
Hi Audra!
You sound so good! What a blessing to have a good day at the clinic. I know you guys are excited about Friday night. What an honor. It's amazing to see how much Anabel's artistic gift has grown during this season.

Thank you so much for continuing to share the stories of families who are struggling with cancer. We have been closely following Christi Thomas and her precious family, asking the Holy Spirit to give us the right words to pray for them, as well all the other incredible people we've learned about through your journal. You are an amazing woman and I am so glad to know you.

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Wednesday, February 15, 2006 3:48 PM CST
Stopping by to check in on ya. See if you were still pregnant. I m sure you are counting down the days... I cant wait to see him. Knowing it is a gift from the Lord and Daniel.. wow what a feeling. Glade things are on the up and up. Thinking of you daily. You are in my prayers

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
- Wednesday, February 15, 2006 2:47 PM CST
Can't wait to hear the news about the wonderful little baby. I know you all are geting very excited. Thanks for your posts about the snakeoils. I believe that too. Thinking and Praying for you. I can only imagine the tears that will flow as you hold your newborn son. Knowing that Daniel is there with you watching it all and celebrating with you. One day, you will all be together.
Lydia Leslie <tleslie19@cox.net>
OKC, - Monday, February 13, 2006 9:51 AM CST
Wonderful to hear Anabel is feeling well! Your faith inspires me and your strength amazes me. You are in our prayers for a pain free happy week! Bless you all.
Susan Harvey <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, February 7, 2006 7:16 AM CST
We missed all of our Tuesday buddies at the clinic today! We are off to Hawaii though and will see you all at the art show on the 17th! Aloha!
Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Monday, February 6, 2006 10:44 PM CST
It's me again. You must have been posting last night at about the same time I was writing in the guest book. Checked in this morning and had my breath taken away by that stunning photo of your kids - they are so beautiful. I'm so glad to hear how good Anabel is feeling. Thank you for sharing more details about her art show. Is it open to the public? We'd love to be there, especially Hannah.

Thank you also for sharing more photos of sweet Daniel. How courageous of you to give the rest of us a glimpse into such intimate moments. They say so much about what you all have been through. We love you.

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Thursday, February 2, 2006 11:46 AM CST
Dear Audra,
Just stopping by to say "hello." I heard through your mom that Anabel's counts were good yesterday. I pray the coming weeks are as uneventful as possible so the whole family can enjoy the excitement of the new baby coming. We can't wait to meet him. Love you!

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Wednesday, February 1, 2006 7:36 PM CST
Dear Audra,
It was so great to see you and to be able to visit at the clinic yesterday. You are such a special mom and I enjoy hearing about Daniel and your other boys. Anabel is looking good and it's so nice to see her in the art room creating her masterpieces. We'll see you when we get back from Hawaii. (Of course, that's assuming we can make ourselves come back!)

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 8:38 AM CST
Just checking in on you and I hope your feeling good (all of you). When is the baby due, soon I think or you hope haha. Take care and we'll talk to you later. Love you all and prayers your way!

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK - Monday, January 30, 2006 9:09 AM CST
Just stopping by to see if Anabel got her chemo. I have not been able to check sites this weekend and thought I would check yours and Darrens real quick. Im so glade she got her chemo. Although its stress to get it it, is stress releaved to get it on or off time. I pray you are doing ok. Not much more time left. We are still trying but not much luck yet. God knows when it will be time for us. We both know who is in charge and it sure is not us. Anyhow thank you so much for putting the site on. I hope you are able to bring the kids for fun. I wont make you shave your head!!!! Cant wait to see that baby when it gets here. I will be praying for you all.
Love ya

Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, - Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:11 PM CST
Just checking in on you. Hope things are going good. I think you all often and you are in my prayers

Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn Elliott <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok 73601 - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:27 PM CST
Dear Audra,
I love that passage from Jeremiah and it has been quoted to me often since Emory's diagnosis. As a mother I'd love to take comfort in the belief that the prosperity and future of which it speaks is here on earth, but as a Christian I have to believe it is instead referring to the reward of heaven. Despite feeling so tired and stretched (literally and figuratively) you continue to be an example of grace and that light on the hill to me and I'm sure many, many others. I'm sorry you've had a tough week.
See you soon.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
Oklahoma City, OK - Sunday, January 22, 2006 3:34 PM CST
Checking in on you all. Hope all is well. Im thinking of you all daily. God bless you!

Jamie <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, ok - Thursday, January 19, 2006 1:11 PM CST
Glad to know Anabel is doing well. Her appendix picked a bad time, but what a relief to just have a "normal" childhood problem.
DeAnn Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn Elliott <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
clinton, ok - Sunday, January 15, 2006 12:42 AM CST
I was not aware of what was going on I am so sorry. I have been very buisy lately as you know this was a hard week for us. Anyway I am glade that they got the appendix out before it caused anymore trouble. Hopefully she will begin to feel better soon. I loved the pictures in the album how cute!!!!!! Let me know if you all could use any help or anything I am here when ever you need me. You are in my prayers daily.

Jamie Angel Camerons Mommy Forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
- Saturday, January 14, 2006 11:57 AM CST
Dear Audra,

Our children have referred to Anabel as "Madeline" as she also got her appendix removed. We are thankful that surgery went well and are praying for increasing strength and comfort for her and all of you after this past week's events. I look forward to seeing you on Monday night at 501. We love you all and pray for you much. Blessings to you all,
Bryan and Brenda P.

Brenda Peck <pecks5@cox.net>
- Friday, January 13, 2006 8:25 PM CST
A belated Happy Birthday Audra! And sincere wishes for a quick painless recovery for your dear daughter. Hannah mentioned her several times when she and the boys were here. You, Anabel, and the guys are in our prayers.
Susan Harvey <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
Monticello, Ms - Friday, January 13, 2006 7:46 AM CST
Anabel and Audra,

So glad to hear that the surgery went well. I will pray for Anabel to have minimal pain and that you can return home very soon. It sounds like you are expecting a baby? I am sorry I missed that wonderful news. Congratulations!!

Hugs to you both. I am praying for you all!! We will be back in the clinic Feb 8th.

Dana Sones <ddsones@cableone.net>
Altus, OK - Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:47 PM CST
I'm inpressed, she eats trout. ashley and trevor won't even touch a tunafish sandwich. so glad to hear she is feeling better, hope and pray this is the anwer to her pain and that you all will be home soon
donna duhon

donna duhon <tduhon2@cox.net>
okc, ok usa - Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:03 PM CST
What a week you have had! I hope the appendix-less patient mends quickly. I guess you haven't had that peaceful night's sleep yet? I hope at least you have a daybed at the hospital and not one of those ridiculous/offensive pull-out chairs!
p.s. Our trip to Houston went well.
p.p.s. When I hang out my pediatric oncologist shingle would you like to join my practice?

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Thursday, January 12, 2006 9:04 PM CST
Thanks for the updates. It is so very helpful to know exactly how to pray for you! We are praying for a quick recovery for Anabel and good rest (somehow) for her wonderful Mommy! We join you in praying that this was the cause of her pain these last months. Let me know when the boys can come over again. It is never long enough, you know! :)

We love you and pray daily for ALL of you.

David, Shannon, and kids

Shannon Hill <shannon@zipbang.com>
Edmond, OK - Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:28 PM CST
Dear Audra,
I was signing on to say how glad I was to see you at the clinic today, only to see from your other guestbook entries that today is your birthday! I hope you had a nice afternoon and were able to enjoy your special day after leaving the clinic. My birthday wish for you is that tonight you finally get that peaceful night's sleep you've been yearning for. Sweet dreams and happy birthday!

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
Oklahoma City, OK - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:56 PM CST
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Audra, Happy Birthday to you and MANY more. I love you Audra.
Cousin Deb <sellerfam3@sbcglobal.net>
Lawton, OK USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:28 PM CST
Happy Birthday Audra

Love, Jim, Brook, Kennedy, Linc, and Jack

Jim Lehew
Oklahoma City, Ok - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:06 PM CST
Happy Birthday Audra!
How does it feel to get snow for your birthday? : )

Your life is such a gift to so many people. I hope your day is filled to overflowing with the knowledge of God's peace and love.

Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:02 AM CST
Happy Birthday a day early, Audra!!! I knew I wouldn't be home tomorrow to send you my love, so decided to do so a day early. I am praying for you to feel strong and healthy over the upcoming weeks until your baby comes. I know the last few weeks can be miserable. Please let us know when he/she arrives.

Miss you.

Lianne <Mrs-Tag@excite.com>
Piedmont, OK USA - Monday, January 9, 2006 6:56 PM CST
Prayers for Anabel - Grace - for comfort, hope, and constant faith. You are a noble young woman. For all of the Lehews, we continue to love and support you with prayer.
David and Janet O'Kresik, Cole and Ana Lindell <jokresik@yahoo.com>
Edmond, OK USA - Sunday, January 8, 2006 3:38 PM CST
Audra, Your family has been a blessing and an awesome example for the rest of us on how to lean on our Lord Jesus. I am thankful for your mother. She has been a sweet friend. In my prayers always, Sabrina
Sabrina Pratt <sabrina@fbcpiedmont.com>
Piedmont, OK USA - Thursday, January 5, 2006 1:56 PM CST
Anabel and Audra,
I read the story that your husband wrote. It was wonderful, and so very true. Anabel you are so lucky to have such wonderful parents that both love the Lord with all of their heart. I know that God has amazing things planned for your future. I pray that as you grow older you would never forget that. Take care. Hope to see you soon. Is it o.k. if I put this site as a link from Morgan's? You are such a blessing to me, and I believe it would be a blessing to our loved ones who visit Morgan's site.

Angela Thompson <angelaakt@aol.com>
Moore, Ok U.S.A. - Thursday, January 5, 2006 8:32 AM CST
Congratulations on the i-Pod! You are becoming so techno! That will be awesome to have your video memories at your fingertips.

One memory I cherish is all the times you and Bobby hosted Summer "yard parties" in your cul-de-sac to get the neighbors talking and visiting with each other. Lawn chairs around a fire pit, lemonade and cookies, kids playing hide-n-seek in the dark, and star gazing under the open sky of Piedmont. You guys created a community out of people who were only neighbors before.

Daniel was just a little guy back then. You would have a big group of neighbors in the yard, and Daniel would be passed from person to person and he never fussed or pitched a fit. He was comfortable with all people, and that was good for us, because he was a great little snuggler. Thank you for sharing his hugs back then. They are even more cherished now.

David <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
Oklahoma City, OK - Tuesday, January 3, 2006 0:53 AM CST
To my wonderful family-
As the days go by and still continue to hope for the best life has to offer us for that moment, we know in our hearts that the BEST is yet to come. That will be the day that we have the biggest family reunion we have ever had, and anyone who knows our Lehew family knows it is a big one. As for that nurse that gave you the Brad Paisley, she MUST be an angel of God's. It is always weird how things come into our life, sometimes things that we don't really care for wether it be music or electronic items, but a message of comfort from God is sent to someone and they fulfill that demand of God. Nightly the kids and I pray for each and everyone of you individually, with a thank you God that we have them as our family to close it off. Audra you and Bobby, in my eyes are angels of strength from God. The things you have been through ,but yet you are so unselfish in your thoughts of others. I love you both so much.

Cousin Deb <sellerfam3@sbcglobal.net>
Lawton, OK USA #1 - Monday, January 2, 2006 2:52 PM CST
Sounds like it was nice holidays, sorta. I was just checking in on my friends. We love you all and hope 2006 is super good to you.

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK - Monday, January 2, 2006 12:29 AM CST
Audra, you made my day! Bobby is such a wonderful husband and you deserve every bit of his spoiling! Hopefuly. we'll run into each other at school and I can see video of your sweet boy. And how sweet of that nurse to give you that song. I wonder if Brad Paisley will ever know that God wrote those words for you.

I continue to pray for you guys, as well as for all the families we've had the honor to learn about through your journal. I love you!

Tami Rhymes <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Monday, January 2, 2006 10:15 AM CST
Dear Audra,
I frequently visit Bobby's site and re-read "Living the Daniel Way" -- it's amazing. It has been an honor for me to know Daniel through this site as well as Bobby's.
I am giving thanks tonight for your family and praying for joy and peace for all of you this coming year.

Susie Dutcher <susiedutcher@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, December 31, 2005 11:21 PM CST
Learned about your site through another NB child's website.
I was so sorry to read about your son's passing.. unfortunately we know your sorrow too well as we also lost our only child, Ryan, to this horrible cancer. We hang on to what our pastor said "Earth is temporary and Heaven is for eternity" where we will be reunited with our children some day.

I'm so sorry your daughter was diagnosed with cancer as well and will be sure to keep her and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Linda, Pat and Angel Ryan ( www.caringbridge.org/mi/ryanc) <padwik@yahoo.com>
Fenton, MI USA - Friday, December 30, 2005 7:48 PM CST
Just checking in, I hope you have a nice New Years ( I won't say happy) I hope this year can bring us all the peace we are looking for.
DeAnn Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Friday, December 30, 2005 5:24 PM CST
I just had to tell you, and I swear I feel like a stalker b/c I don't even know you.. I came across this site by accident last year. I have been checking back all the while for updates (like a stalker) and I want you to know when I leave here I do not go about my day without thinking about Daniel and Anabel and you, Audra. I can't begin to comprehend how you, as a Mommy, get through any of this, except to think God must hold you in His arms everyday. My heart goes out to you all and I pray for you all the time. I wish I knew what else I could do for these children and families other than donate to research. If you have any resources I would love them. Please know a total random person out in Philadelphia is praying her face off for you all. Much love
Heather <gadoag@yahoo.com>
Phila, PA USA - Friday, December 30, 2005 2:40 PM CST
May the New Year bring blessings and peace to you and yours.Our prayers are with you.
David Bennett <deeanddaveus@yahoo.com>
Vian, Ok USA - Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:49 PM CST
I cannot even imagine what your family has been through. I pray that 2006 will be a year of healing, restoration and many, many blessings for you!
Becky Bowlus <devonprincess@yahoo.com>
Moore, OK USA - Wednesday, December 28, 2005 2:18 PM CST
To my Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Thank you for having and giving such strength in a most difficult time. Your life is a testimony to others who see just a small peice of it. I want you to know I received the emails when Daniel was sick, and I prayed then. I am still praying now. It is good to hear Anabel is doing so well. May God continue to have His hands on her. "Lord, may she be healed?"

In Christ,

Shirley Williams (Missionary to Japan) <sjw29go@netscape.net>
Ranson, WV USA - Wednesday, December 28, 2005 8:06 AM CST
We are so happy that Anabel is feeling better. We are praying that her treatments will leave her feeling well. We hope the New Year will bring delight in the new little life that you will be gifted with soon. We love you guys and think about you a lot.
Connie and Gary Walk <nanawalk@cox.net>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 10:34 PM CST
We are so happy that Anabel is feeling better. We are praying that her treatments will leave her well. We love you guys.
Connie and Gary Walk <nanawalk@cox.net>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 10:28 PM CST
My prayers have been with you daily, and will continue to be with you . May God send many wonderful blessings your way, and may the Love of Jesus fill your hearts to overflowing through out the New Year
Jacquetta <hazelidgrma@yahoo.com>
Tuttle, OK USA - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:04 PM CST
Checking my mail
Audra <alehew@mac.com>
- Tuesday, December 27, 2005 7:29 PM CST

Thinking of you today and would love to hear from you. Please call. I'd like to know how you are feeling and updates on when that new baby is to arrive!


Lianne <mrs-tag@excite.net>
Piedmont, ok usa - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 5:05 PM CST
Thank You sooooooo much for praying for my family! I wish I could tell you that everything gets easier but so far for me the hurt is just as real as the day I lost Cody! I feel your pain & am in agreement "Come quickly Lord Jesus!"
Tammy Dennis mom to Angel Cody Brown <mntdennis@sbcglobal.net>
- Tuesday, December 27, 2005 4:41 PM CST
Dear Lehews,
I hope your family had a merry Christmas yesterday and that Anabel has been feeling well. Emory and I aren't going to the clinic until later in the day tomorrow so we may not see you this week. I'd like to wish you a Happy New Year and to let you know I'm praying that 2006 brings nothing but beauty to your life. That Anabel's road to complete healing is a smooth one and that the new baby brings your family much needed hope and joy for the future. I count meeting you as one of the many blessings I've had in 2005 and look forward to sharing happier times with you in the new year.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
OKC, OK - Monday, December 26, 2005 9:40 AM CST
Hoping and praying you can find it somehow to have a Merry Christmas. May God give you the strength to make it through today and the days to come.
Love you all

Jamie <jamie.carey@cox.net>
- Sunday, December 25, 2005 3:05 PM CST
Merry Christmas Lehew's! May God bless you on this day. Bob, Dad would be so proud of you! You are a wonderful brother. I bet dad is being Santas helper in heaven today. We miss you all so much. I hope Santa found all of you for Christmas. Merry Christmas!

Uncle Steve, Aunt Tammy, and Brayden Lehew

Stephen Lehew <slehew@guymon.k12.ok.us>
Guymon, Ok USA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 9:18 AM CST
Bobby, Audra, Josh, Anabel, Caleb, & Baby,
Have a blessed Christmas, and may your spirits be filled with the peace of Immanuel.

Tami & David <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Sunday, December 25, 2005 8:59 AM CST
Merry Christmas

Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn Elliott <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
clinton, ok - Saturday, December 24, 2005 10:20 PM CST
Dearest Audra, Bobby and family,

I was thinking about you all this morning. My thoughts were spent remembering Daniel and how I miss his smile and the sound of all you Lehews laughing in my home. Then, very quietly, I believe the Lord impressed on me the importance of remembering as well the abundant gifts He has given to me throughout my life. Thank you Lehews for the gift of friendship and for all the happy memories I have. I pray that as we all remember Daniel this Christmas season, we will also remember God's Son who lives in us and makes it possible to experience healing and the fullness of peace and abundant Life. I love and miss you all!

Merry Christmas,

Lianne <mrs-tag@excite.com>
Piedmont, Ok USA - Friday, December 23, 2005 3:53 PM CST
Bobby and Audra,

Our prayers for you have been many in this last week. We know your arms still ache for your dear Daniel. As a family we looked at your Christmas picture from last year and remembered Daniel's joyful smile. What a sweet hug he was giving his Mommy. You loved him so beautifully Audra. We pray for Christ's continued comfort, healing and strength for you all.

I saw Anabel today sporting her awesome autographed OU hat today. She looked fantastic, such a bright light in her smile. She is such a giver. We pray that she will stay strong as she approaches this next go around. Merry Christmas Lehew family. We look forward to worshiping with you this weekend.

Lovingly, Bryan and Brenda Peck

Bryan and Brenda Peck <pecks5@cox.net>
Edmond,, OK USA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 6:05 AM CST
I have just refound your blog, and am amazed at your strength, and faith. Please know you are always in our prayers, and especially now at this holiday season.How Daniel must feel to be having Christmas with Jesus this year!I hope Anabel is able to enjoy Christmas as well.
Connie <conniek@putnamcoinc.com>
Walworth, Wi - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:04 PM CST
Peace be with you... as our prayers are with you always. You have helped strengthen my faith with your words. Blessings of the Holy Season to you and the family.
Susan Harvey <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
Monticello, MS - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:15 AM CST
Thank-you so much for always reminding us to look forward. That is what puts the celebration in our holiday "holy day."
Oh Audra, the fire of testing has made you increasingly more beautiful each day-I see it in your words. We are praying for you and your family, oddly though, it seems if you should be praying for us. With much love, Laura

Laura Futrell
Edmond, OK USA - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:44 AM CST
Thinking of you daily during this most difficult time. I hope you have a peaceful holiday filled with lots of love and good memories
DeAnn mom to Angel Darren forever 15

DeAnn Elliott <nbmom09@yahoo.com>
Clinton, ok 73601 - Monday, December 19, 2005 10:08 PM CST
Audra and Bobby and family - The Kiblingers do not know you well, but you are our family. Know that we think and pray for you continually. For grace, for strength, for faith, for the love of the Father.

The Kiblinger Family <lkiblinger@hotmail.com>
- Monday, December 19, 2005 9:13 PM CST
Bobby & Audra,
We continue to pray for you and your family during these difficult days. We love you all!
Bob & Heather Jones

Heather Jones <hmuse@swbell.net>
- Monday, December 19, 2005 5:40 PM CST
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
joe and liz valerio
- Monday, December 19, 2005 2:55 PM CST
You have been especially in our thoughts and prayers this weekend. We cannot begin to comprehend your pain and loss. May the Lord give you comfort and peace through this difficult time.
Mike and Amy Dudleson <mdudleson@cox.net>
Edmond, OK - Sunday, December 18, 2005 5:44 PM CST
We are thinking of you today and of Daniel. He has not been forgotten and will not be. In his three short years, the little guy touched many, many lives. We will always remember his enthusiasm for life, his sweet smile, and his tender heart. In the midst of your grief, you will find your salvation in the church, grace in the sacraments, and comfort in prayer. Rush to the ark, for the waters of sin and despair are rising and without her, we would all be overwhelmed. We love you!
David and Shannon Hill <shannon@zipbang.com>
Edmond, OK - Sunday, December 18, 2005 5:14 PM CST
You all are in our prayers this Christmas. You shared a great visual in the last part of your Journal that Daniel is experiencing all of the promises of Jesus. I know it's the only comfort, we love you guys so much! Thinking of you and praying for you.
Jim, Brook and kids

Jim Lehew <jlehew@emmausbaptistchurch.com>
- Sunday, December 18, 2005 9:07 AM CST
Bobby - My prayers are with you tonight, also.
David <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Sunday, December 18, 2005 0:47 AM CST
Audra, I can't help but watch the clock in these quiet minutes after midnight. It doesn't seem possible that a year has passed since that unreal moment last December. This hurts so much, and I'm just a friend, what do I really know? I'm praying for you the best I know how. I love you.
Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Sunday, December 18, 2005 0:28 AM CST
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Grace and peace,

the Dutchers <susiedutcher@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:24 PM CST
Thinking and praying for you all. I am sorry I cant call to check on you. I just dont know what to say, so please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
May God be with you
We love you
Mike and Jamie

Jamie <jamie.carey@cox.net>
- Saturday, December 17, 2005 10:28 PM CST
You are always in our prayers, but especially this week. I cannot imagine the depth of your pain or hurt, but as much as I am able, I have prayed for you from the heart of a mother's love for her children. They say "it gets easier with time" but I think that's rubbish. Life without a child? No, I don't think that's ever easy or "easier." And I hope it helps in some tiny way to know that other people realize that and that our hearts still grieve with yours and we still pray for you and never expect it to be "all better." You are learning to adjust and live a different life, but only Father God can and will put all things right in His time. I pray He will continue to sustain you until that day. And I say with you Audra, come quickly Lord Jesus!!
Angie Watters
- Saturday, December 17, 2005 9:59 PM CST
I will be praying for you tomorrow and thinking of your family as you cherish precious memories of Daniel. "It is well with my soul" is my absolute most favorite hymn! I hope you and the baby are doing well, Audra. Merry Christmas.
Ricki Lea Moore <dougandrickilea@valornet.com>
Lexington, OK - Saturday, December 17, 2005 2:06 PM CST
We are always thinking of you and praying for you-but especially this week. lots of love,
Amy Hann and Family <amy@hann.org>
Edmond, OK USA - Friday, December 16, 2005 6:20 PM CST
My family will be lighting candles for Daniel this weekend, and our prayers for your family will triple. May God send you peace and comfort in knowing that someday you will be reunited with Daniel.
Kristal Standridge
- Friday, December 16, 2005 9:18 AM CST
Just stopping by to see if tings were ok with Anabel. I am so glade to hear she got her chemo. I know that has to be some relief. As I read this evening in your journal I can feel your pain and wish I could take it away. As Sunday rolls closer I pray and cry so hard for you all. I remeber the day I got the phone call about Daniel I thought why him and why before Christmas. Why would God do this to this family. I feel helpless that there is nothing I can do. So pleae know you are being thought about daily and you are in my thoughts and prayers. I will light a candle on Sunday for him so it will burn bright for 48 hours. May God be with you all,

Jamie <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
- Thursday, December 15, 2005 10:06 PM CST
Dear Audra,

I am praying for you as this Sunday will be a tough day. May your day be filled great memories of the 3 wonderful years you had with Daniel. I sure wish I could have met this "prince". I pray you can celebrate Daniel's life and he can see you from Heaven!

Dana Sones <ddsones@cableone.net>
Altus, OK - Thursday, December 15, 2005 9:28 PM CST
Glad things are going okay this week. I can only imagine what a year without Daniel will be like. We didn't get any of our old ornaments either. We also did silver balls (kind of ironic isn't it?) on a very small tree. I am afraid Darren would be disappointed if we didn't do something. I haven't done any other decorating. It just isn't the same. I can't get in the mood for it to be Christmas. I miss Darren so much. I hope Anabel stays well and enjoys her Chrismtas along with the rest of your family.
Love DeAnn Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn Elliott <nbmom09@yahoo.com>
Clinton, ok 73601 - Thursday, December 15, 2005 6:20 PM CST
As always, you are in my prayers, but my heart is especially hurting for you this week. My memories of this time last year are so vivid, yet I know they do not come close to what you are dealing with. I wish I could say something deep and spiritual, but all I know to do is to ask God to take you close in His arms and carry you through this. I love you.

Tami Rhymes <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Wednesday, December 14, 2005 11:53 AM CST
I hope Anabel was able to finally get her chemo yesterday and those nasty L-asp leg shots are all behind her! Also hoping she does well on the prednisone this week and is feeling great in time for Christmas. I know you have some very emotional weeks ahead. I'll be thinking of you.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
Oklahoma City, OK - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:31 AM CST
Happy birthday, Anabel! Sorry I'm a little late! I tried to make it over to your clinic party, but I'm afraid I was too busy taking care of patients! I hope that you had a wonderful time, and don't worry...I didn't eat the dog biscuit! :) Have a very merry Christmas! Love, Nurse Jennie
Jennie Schuneman, RN <jensrn@hotmail.com>
Yukon, OK USA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 9:20 AM CST
Just stopping by to check on you all. I am so glade to here things went well. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. May you find the peace and strength you will need to get through the next few days and weeks to come. We love you

Jamie Angel Camerons Mommy Forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, Oklahoma - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 11:11 PM CST
Happy Birthday Anabel!!!! Happy Birthday Joshua!!!! Sounds like you all have been very busy. So glad some of these days are filled with joy. Thinking of you and praying for you as I know this is a very difficult time.
Lydia Leslie <tleslie19@cox.net>
OKC, OK - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:26 AM CST
Bobby and Audra, it is such a blessing to know ya,
and know that you have so much trust in the Lord,
our prayers are with Anabelle, and all of you as
you go through these hard times.With all of our love.

Buddy and Dianne Sparks <shellhtn@yahoo.com>
Wheeler , tx - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 8:38 AM CST
Sounds like you have been busy, what a blessing to have so many "normal" things to do. I hope we all find the peace we need for the holidays.
love, DeAnn Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn Elliott <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
clinton, ok 73601 - Monday, December 12, 2005 9:25 PM CST
Merry Christmas Lehew Family!

Bobby & Audra,
It has been awhile since we've spoken, but want you and your family to know you always have our love and prayers. I cannot tell you how blessed I was today to read your last few entries. I cried (and am still crying as I type this) "happy tears" of joy for you all. I know the next few weeks will be filled with lots of things, so will wait until the New Year to hope to hear from you. We have so much to catch up on. For now, be assured of our love & joy for God's multiple great gifts to you.

Missing you like a sister,

Lianne <mrs-tag@excite.com>
Piedmont, Ok USA - Saturday, December 10, 2005 9:18 AM CST
With warmest wishes for you all to have a peaceful family Christmas, full of laughter, love and remembrance. You are in our prayers.
Susan Harvey <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
Monticello , MS - Friday, December 9, 2005 7:15 AM CST
I don't have enough imagination to have even a clue what you are going through. Know that our prayers are with you and may God richly bless and comfort you.
I am April's Uncle and have followed your story from the beginning. If it were not for a loving God then this would make even less sense than it does now.
Once again, may God lay His hand of mercy on you in your time of need.

David Bennett <deeanddaveus@yahoo.com>
Vian, Ok U.S. - Thursday, December 8, 2005 7:01 PM CST
We love you all hang in their
Leon Beth Bailey Becca <leonbeth1@netzero.net>
blanchard, OK usa - Thursday, December 8, 2005 3:19 PM CST
I have enjoyed visiting with you these last few weeks at the clinic. After we talked Tuesday I had the nurse check Emory's pulse-ox and sure enough, it was low. The meth-hemoglobin test came back showing it was probably dapsone related. Thank you! We hope Anabel has a great time Friday at the tea party. Emory can't make it, but we have a little something we'll send to help her celebrate.

Laura Hood <hhood@coxinet.net>
Oklahoma City, OK - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 10:20 PM CST
I am laughing outloud at Joshua's Science project. Way to be resourceful Joshua!!! Talk about taking lemons and makind lemonade!!
I am touched by your journal entry. I too, believe that the greatest tragedy is to die without Christ. It is awful, but God is truly going to use you to share the gospel with so many. I am always praying for you Audra. It was good to see you Sunday.
Ricki Lea

Ricki Lea Moore <dougandrickilea@valornet.com>
Lexington, OK - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 7:43 PM CST
I am also a church friend of April Craig, who sends regular updates and prayer requests. I've followed the stories of Daniel and Anabel with prayer and concern. My heart goes out to you this season. I thank God that Anabel is in remission. My prayers will continue to join with those of many others for all of you. May God give you His peace and blessing.
Jan Banks <janicebanks@hc.edu>
Newalla, OK USA - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 1:25 PM CST
I am a friend of April Craig. I attend church with her at Kingsview Freewill Baptist Church in OKC. I wanted to let you know I think about you daily and pray for you everytime I think of you. April has been really good about sending out specific prayer requests for your situation, so just know Kingsview church is lifting you up in prayer. May God bless you and your family in many ways. Thinking of you always.
Kristi Gulikers
OKC, OK USA - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 9:59 AM CST
Happy late birthday Anabel. Good luck today with your counts. You looked so pretty at the Christmas party. Morgan was at the clinic yesterday, and will be there tomorrow. Looks like we will just miss you guys this week. Have a blessed day.
Angela Thompson <angelaakt@aol.com>
Moore, Ok U.S.A. - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 8:16 AM CST
Audra, I remember when you first told us about this man. Your words are still as tender and filled with grace now as they were that day - maybe even more. Thank you for revealing your gentle heart and reminding me of eternal perspective.
Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Monday, December 5, 2005 11:28 AM CST
Dear Audra,
You have been in my thoughts so much and we continue to pray for all of you. Thank you for honestly sharing so much through this site. We are so glad you all had a nice Thanksgiving and that Anabel was feeling good!
Echoing your pray, "Come quickly, Lord Jesus."
Susie Dutcher

Susie Dutcher
Edmond, OK USA - Saturday, December 3, 2005 0:05 AM CST
I just want you to know that Anabel, and you and your mother have been a wonderful blessing to myself and Morgan. Pretty sneaky what you did the other day. That was so thoughtful of you. Morgan just loves it. Dillan has been playing with the car every day. Morgan was too low on plateletts to get her chemo the day before Thanksgiving. Funny how the Lord works these things out sometimes. She was able to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. Praise God. She got her treatment Wednesday. She is doing good. She is at school today. I hope to see you guys at the Christmas party. Tell Anabel Morgan can't wait to see her. Have a blessed day.

Angela Thompson <angelaakt@aol.com>
Moore, Ok U.S.A. - Friday, December 2, 2005 10:20 AM CST
Just checking in, glad you had a nice holiday with your family. You are in my prayers
DeAnn Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn <nbmom09@yahoo.com>
Clinton, ok - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 9:23 PM CST
Audra and family,
I am a friend of the Hoods and followed the link from Emory's web page to yours. I am amazed by your situation and cannot imagine your daily feelings. I will pray for a quick end to Anabel's illness and a blessed holiday for your family. Best wishes on the birth of your baby in the New Year.
Kelly Moody

Kelly Moody <kmoody6@cox.net>
Oklahoma City, OK - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 8:18 PM CST
Audra and Anabel,

I follow your website and better know how to pray. Praise God for a wonderful thanksgiving. We too had an enjoyable weekend with Karina's grandparents. We will be in the city Dec 5 and maybe we will see you. We miss you all. Happy Birthday to you!!! A little early.

love your sisters in Christ,
Dana and Karina Sones

Dana Sones <ddsones@cableone.net>
Altus, OK 73521 - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:26 PM CST
You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers! We want you to know we love you all so much! I'm thankful you all were home and enjoyed time as a family over Thanksgiving, we were thinking of you. I know the days ahead will not be easy, and as you share I am contantly reminded of our great future and hope! You are an incredible family, not because of what you have gone through but because of who you are!! You all are the best and we love you!
Jim, Brook, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Jackson <jlehew@emmausbaptistchurch.com>
Oklahoma City, OK - Monday, November 28, 2005 11:13 AM CST
What beautful things you said. Thank you for sharing your words of thanksgiving with us. Thank you for giving me hope. I pray for you all the time and think of you all the time.
Lydia Leslie <tleslie19@cox.net>
OKC, OK - Monday, November 28, 2005 10:43 AM CST
to the Lehew family, Happy Thanksgiving and Greetings from the Sparks and Clark families. You guys are always in our thoughts and prayers! The gift for expressing your feelings toward the Lord and each other is so awesome! Bobby give your mom a hug from us. She is a special lady who will always hold a special place in my heart! Shelly Sparks
shelly sparks <shellysparks@msn.com>
wheeler, tx usa - Friday, November 25, 2005 5:52 PM CST
Stopping by to let you know you are i my thoughts this week. I pray you are able to have a nice Thanksgiving with no events to cause problems. I know it is going to be hard but we will make it through one Holiday at a time. Just think of the Thanksgiving the boys are having this year. What a feast they must have up in Heaven with Jesus. Thoughts and prayers coming your way. We love you,

Jamie Angel Camerons Mommy Forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, Oklahoma - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:10 AM CST
You guys are such an awesome witness. A friend of mine Jeanna Landrum e-mail me your site, I will be keeping your family in my prayers. I am so thankful that Anabel is in remission and I pray that you will enjoy your holiday's this year. In Christ
Angi Woelfle <angi.woelfle@pampaisd.net>
Pampa, TX 79065 - Monday, November 21, 2005 2:25 PM CST
Reading your blog cannot be read like any other, instead I sit and weep and call out to God on your behalf. Even before such horrible trails came your way you have been people of great integrity and it's still the same. Your writings draw me to Christ, realizing he is our only hope. With much prayer and love,
Sarah Lehew <sarahlehew@hotmail.com>
Sapulpa, Ok - Monday, November 21, 2005 0:00 AM CST
Thank you for listening to me yesterday. It is nice to talk to someone who knows how I feel. I wish we were talking about other things we had in common though. I think about you daily and pray for you all more then once a day. When I have free time I find strength in prayer and I ask for strength for all of us. Especially through the months ahead. You all will be in prayers next week that things go smooth as possible. Looking forward to seeing you on the 8th. I think it will be good for the both of us to face the lighting of candles for our sons. Thinking and praying for you daily.

Jamie Angel Camerons Mommy Forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, Oklahoma - Friday, November 18, 2005 11:26 PM CST
I think of you and your family often. I haven't seen any of you in years. Your story just breaks my heart. But I bet that little Daniel has found Grandpa Dean in heaven and sits in his lap reguarly. You will be in our prayers.

Jeanna Peggram Landrum <cjcolt1998@sbcglobal.net>
Lefors, TX United States - Friday, November 18, 2005 8:11 PM CST
I would just like for you to know I have you and your family on my prayer list. I have been fortunate, I still have my child and have not had to go through such pain. I could not even begin to understand. I would like to give you encouragement with you daughter. 23 months ago I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I have now been in remission for about 17 months. I have to have maintenance treatments every 6 months, but the cancer is gone. I know it was nothing but the prayers and love of God that I am still here, and, of course, a wonderful oncologist and staff. Just believe in God for a healing and tell Anabel to stay strong and determined. However bad you may feel, and how sick you may get, you have to stay strong and have faith.. I am considered a walking miracle, and I know God is and was my healer. Feel free to email me anytime...
Kim <karchie2004@yahoo.com>
Amarillo, TX United States - Thursday, November 17, 2005 1:56 PM CST
Everything is all wrong and (as Pastor Mark says) weans the affection from the love of this world. I join you with thankfulness (rightly placed) that we have not been left in our misery, that we have been redeemed, we have been promised that our Savior will return to us and make all wrong into right! So I now pray with you "Come Quickly, Lord Jesus."

Laura Futrell <cfutrell2@cox.net>
Edmond, OK USA - Thursday, November 17, 2005 6:12 AM CST
It's good to hear that Anabel is doing better. I know you want her to stay on schedule, but an uneventful week would be nice for you all. I've been watching the calendar and I don't know what to say except that I've been dreading this season for you. So many times I've looked at the pictures of Daniel with Jordan and Jason at the mall, visiting Santa and playing at the Disney store. I'm so grateful that you shared him with us for a few hours that day. Thank you for revealing some of your heart in this journal. It can't be easy, but as so many have said, it opens our eyes as to how we should pray for you. I miss you.
Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:53 PM CST
Glad you are having a better week. Stay strong
DeAnn Angel Darren's mom

DeAnn Elliott <nbmom09@yahoo.com>
Clinton, ok 73601 - Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:06 PM CST
Just checking in - anxious to hear how your week is going and how Anabel is feeling.
Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Tuesday, November 15, 2005 2:39 PM CST
I pray for you and your family regularly. I have never met you personally, but was "introduced" to you all by Tim Taylor. God Speed! Elizabeth
Elizabeth <fundday@aol.com>
Memphis, TN USA - Monday, November 14, 2005 10:56 AM CST
I am glade that you all are home! I tried calling you a few times but the number you left me for your cell is not working or something. Oh well I will call you tomorrow I promise. I am glade that you all did manicures it is good to pamper your selves once and awhile. I am sure it was very much needed. I hope things continue to get better. Dont forget to take care of your self I know it is hard sometimes but your family needs you well and on your toes. I pray everyday that this will all be over soon and Anabel will be healthy again. I pray that Daniel and Cameron are together playing in Heaven and having a good time as they wait patiently for us to return to them.
We love you all,

Jamie Angel Camerons Mommy Forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, Oklahoma - Sunday, November 13, 2005 9:47 PM CST
I am so glad you are home. There is no place like home!!
Its good to hear that things are getting a little better.Hope you are feeling good yourself.

Ricki Lea <dougandrickilea@valornet.com>
Lexington, OK - Saturday, November 12, 2005 10:13 AM CST
It is SO GOOD to hear that you all are home! I hope you can rest better and that Anabel will heal quicker in more comfortable surroundings. Please tell her that Hannah misses her. We all miss you guys!

Tami Rhymes <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Friday, November 11, 2005 11:58 PM CST
It is SO GOOD to hear that you all are home! I hope you can rest better and that Anabel will heal quicker in more comfortable surroundings. Please tell her that Hannah misses her. We all miss you guys!

Tami Rhymes <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Friday, November 11, 2005 11:48 PM CST
Hey Audra,
I can't believe I just found out about this website! Ted has had Bobby's blog on his computer,but Jamie just emailed this site to me this week. I'm so sorry I haven't had this to read and contact you on. These past few months have been very trying for us as a family. I want to apologize for not checking in. Have never stopped praying for you all though. Please call me or email if that is easier right now. Would like to try to get together if possible. Maybe meet you at the hospital if necessary. Let me know.
Love and prayers,

Piedmont, Ok USA - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 7:22 PM CST
We pray for relief from pain, a short hospital stay and a happier day for you all. Blessings....
Susan Harvey <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
Monticello, MS - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 7:21 AM CST
You don't know me, but I ran across your website several months ago, and pray daily for your family. I prayer for peace and comfort for your family and complete healing of Annabel You are an amazing mother! May God bless your family.

OK - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 3:49 PM CST
We tried to call you guys last night just to say hello and let you know that we continue to pray nightly for your family. Tim and I both read your website daily and want to thank you for updating it. It truely helps us know where you are and how we can pray the best to support your needs. We love you and if there is anything we can do from Tennessee please let us know.
Tim and Gwyn Taylor <GTaylor@firsthorizon.com>
Arlington, TN USA - Monday, November 7, 2005 11:24 AM CST
Just read the latest update. I am so sorry to hear that this has been so difficult of a week for you all. I try to catch Bobby at work and inquire as to how all of you are doing but it is wonderful that you are taking the time to blog and as you said, I am sure that it is theraputic(sp?). Well, I just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers and in the prayers of everyone that I know will be faithful to keep you lifted up. You are an inspriation to me and to many others I'm sure. It is so difficult to know just why the Lord allows tragedy to happen in our life but then it is probably not good to ponder on that too much. I personally have had my own trials as of late and have read a wonderful book called, Pain Perplexity and Promotion. It is a prophetic interpretation of the book of Job. I know that you mentioned Job recently in one of your blogs and I am sure that it is difficult not to indentify with him in so many ways. Please just know that you are thought of often. You are a precious family and I am truly blessed to have an opportunity to share in your struggles. Your lives and struggles although are most difficult to even hear about reflect the grace that is abundantly flowing through Christ. Thank you for your wilingness to be transparent.

Brenda Ryan <bryan@robynpromo.com>
Yukon, OK USA - Monday, November 7, 2005 11:22 AM CST
I hate to read what the last week or so has been bad. I will give you a call this week and check on you. I pray all is better on Monday. Thinking of you daily, you are in my prayers that things get back to what we call normal. Love you all,

Jamie Angel Camerons Mommy Forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, ok - Monday, November 7, 2005 10:29 AM CST
Dear Audrey,
Quick note to see the recent up date and I need you to call me. I have a couple of questions. 580-471-2582 I'm still praying for all of you. Love you.

Elena Briscoe
Elmer, OK USA - Monday, November 7, 2005 7:23 AM CST
Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us updated on Anabel's progress. And it is progress - each new day is one step forward. I'm so sorry about your hard week, and especially the hospital stay. We love you guys and you know we are here to help in any way we can.

Tami Rhymes <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Saturday, November 5, 2005 7:46 PM CST
We are friends of Elena Briscoe and her family, who are coping with Brian's neuroblastoma. We are praying for you and your family to help you through this difficult time. People are caring for you.
Kelly and Brenda Shaffer <kelly@srcaccess.net>
Elmer, OK USA - Saturday, November 5, 2005 6:35 PM CST
Dear Annabelle and Audrey,
It just breaks my heart to see her hurting like she was today. I just pray so hard for you guys or girls. You know what I mean. I feel sorry for myself and then I think of you. Know my love and prayers are with you.

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK USA - Friday, November 4, 2005 8:12 PM CST
Aurda I know it has been awhile since I sighned the book but I like to email you personaly instead. I hate to put out on the line all of our feelings. Nut I just wanted you to know that I do check your web page daily. I am galde to here the chemo got started. It is s bumer that she is having to go through harder treatment then others but I am so glade to here the rate is still so high. That has to make things some what better knowing the odds we faced with NB. You all remain in my thoughts and prayers daily. I wanted to call for Halloween but I didnt want to set and cry to you knowing it was your first Halloween also. I will try to give you a call this weekend. We need to get together some time. (((HUGS)))

Jamie Angel Camerons Mommy Forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, ok - Friday, November 4, 2005 10:04 AM CST
Bobby and Audra,
Thank you for taking the time to journal so that we might know how to pray for you, specifically! We are daily bringing your family before the throne of Christ and asking for him to give you grace, show you mercy, and give you endurance.

I know that nothing we can do will take away the agony and the grief that you are going through now. But, please know that we love you, are praying for you, and let me know when we can have the boys over again!

Don't worrry about tomorrow, just do the next thing. God will supply the strength for you step by step!


The Hills

The Hills <shannon@zipbang.com>
Edmond, OK - Thursday, November 3, 2005 9:38 PM CST
The ESV says it this way: I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! Psalm 27:13 & 14. Our family prayed for you all this evening. Your family is not just a thought in people's day. We are looking for your family at drop-off, pick-up, at church, hoping to see you and wanting to hear how you are. Please tell Anabel that Emma says hello. We look forward to seeing her smiling face again soon. Keep believing God's promises Audra, cling to them. The Friday ladie's Bible study will be praying for you tomorrow.

With love,
Brenda Peck

Brenda Peck <pecks5@cox.net>
- Thursday, November 3, 2005 7:53 PM CST
Dear Audra, Your family is constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for keeping us updated through this blog so we know how to pray for your family. I long for the day when this blog will be closed! Love in Christ, Amy Dudleson
Amy Dudleson <mdudleson@cox.net>
Edmond, OK USA - Thursday, November 3, 2005 3:32 PM CST
As a mother of an ALL survivor, diagnosed in 96, and a friend of Jim and Brooke's, I have kept up with your journey and prayed for you. Please know that you do not walk this road alone. Let me know if there is anything I can do or you just need to talk. I don't know the path you have and are traveling, but I know the heart of a mother and I know yours is shattered.

Cheryl Kuwitzky <kuwitzkymom@cox.net>
Norman, OK USA - Thursday, November 3, 2005 8:23 AM CST
Dear Audra,
Although all my words seem so inadequate in offering comfort, I just wanted you to know you are daily in my prayers. I am praying that as you miss Daniel so much, you would be comforted by our merciful Father and that He would give you rest and peace. We also continue to pray for Annabel's healing and treatments and are believing for the day when it will be her turn to "ring the bell".
Much love to you and your family!
Susie Dutcher

Susie Dutcher <susiedutcher@yahoo.com>
Edmond, OK - Thursday, November 3, 2005 0:38 AM CST
Dear Audra and Annabel,
We ARE praying for you and looked for you and asked Diane about you at the clinic today. Karina had a procedure today. We love you and God does too!! His plan is not easy but arn't we so blessed to have HIM and his Holy word to carry us through these toughest days. God has touched my heart with that beautiful song called "Come to Jesus". It repeats come to Jesus and live!!! Please know I think about your family and pray for you daily that God will carry you through. Thank you for your honesty as a mother who is suffering to share your feelings. On our ride home from the city tonight, he blessed us with the most beautiful sunset. If Karina did not have to wait so long for her procedure this morning, we may have missed that gift. I hope you can enjoy a pretty sunset soon.

Dana Sones <ddsones@cableone.net>
Altus, OK - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 10:14 PM CST
Dear Audra and Annabel,
We ARE praying for you and looked for you and asked Diane about you at the clinic today. Karina had a procedure today. We love you and God does too!! His plan is not easy but arn't we so blessed to have HIM and his Holy word to carry us through these toughest days. God has touched my heart with that beautiful song called "Come to Jesus". It repeats come to Jesus and live!!! Please know I think about your family and pray for you daily that God will carry you through. Thank you for your honesty as a mother who is suffering to share your feelings. On our ride home from the city tonight, he blessed us with the most beautiful sunset. If Karina did not have to wait so long for her procedure this morning, we may have missed that gift. I hope you can enjoy a pretty sunset soon.

Dana Sones <ddsones@cableone.net>
Altus, OK - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 10:11 PM CST
Dearest Lehews,

You are continually in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so thankful that we serve an awesome and almighty God! He is able to do SO much more than we can imagine! I know that He will continue to make His presence known to you. Have a wonderful rest of the week!

Nurse Jennie

Jennie Schuneman, RN <jensrn@hotmail.com>
Yukon, OK 73099 - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:36 PM CST
please know that your story goes with me every day. I check in on you each day, I don't always sign the guestbook, but you are in my thoughts constantly.
DeAnn mom to Angel Darren forever 15

DeAnn Elliott <nbmom09@yahoo.com>
Clinton, OK 73601 - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 7:10 PM CST
I am praying for good days ahead. Please know that a day does not go by that I do not think of you and pray. I pray that God will raise you up out of the pit. I'm glad Anabel was able to start her treatment. Soon this will end.
love you

Ricki Lea Moore http://www3.caringbridge.org/ok/xander <dougandrickilea@valornet.com>
Lexingotn, OK - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 5:46 PM CST
Dear Family-
Please know that not a day goes by that we do not hear your name mentioned in our house, whereas we have pictures of the kids all together at Grandma's on the last visit you were able to make to Lawton, that is our special memory we treasure. Seeing the kids roll in the grass, play hide and go seek and running in and out of Great-Grandma's house, just as we had done as little ones. I know that things seem to be running in circles at times for you and you wonder if that merry-go-round will ever stop, the answer is YES someday and in God's time it will stop. Our family has gone through so much pain over the years, but there is one thing that keeps us all together and that is our believe and faith in the Good Lord Above. We know we all be together again one day. The family as a whole is on prayer list across the city, from our church to friends of ours church, so the prayers are being given on your behalf. We love you guys so much and thank God daily that you are our family.

Deb, Mary and David Sellers <sellerfam3@sbcglobal.net>
Lawton , OK USA - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 4:33 PM CST
Dearest Audra,
Almost every night, when I close my eyes, the Lord puts your sweet face before me and I fall asleep talking with the Father about you and your precious family. I know I'm not the only one - so many of us speak your names when we pray. God is continually bringing you to mind. knitting our prayers together on your behalf. Yet, it doesn't seem like God is doing anything. My flesh sees you suffering, and I just don't understand Him. But, by His grace, I believe, and I pray God will help all our undelief. I love you dear friend.

Tami Rhymes <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
Oklahoma City, OK - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 3:40 PM CST
Dear Audra,
I am ferverently praying for you as you face this "dark night of the soul." You ask where has this person full of trust gone? She is hidden from you but evident to the body. What has made this evident? You are quoting Scripture-which is a great testimony to the faith that anchors your soul. You are proclaiming that it is by the Lord's hand you are going through this silent darkness and it will indeed be the Lord who will turn your mourning into dancing. I am praying Psalm 130 for you as you "wait on the Lord."
Love much in Christ,

Laura Futrell
Edmond, OK USA - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:14 AM CDT
It is so hard and for you I can't even imagine! I know JOB made it and I know we can too! I too wonder if its possible to live as those people did back then. Our world is so different but I know that God is the same today as then. I too fight that black cloud that follows me so days. To keep the chin up and think positive to know so many are watching how we handle this. It stinks so many days more than not. Hey, we will be there Halloween and I hear that they throw a great party!! Keep the chin up girl and so so many are praying for you all!!!

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK USA - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 5:58 PM CDT
I heard about your site through Xander Moore. I just wanted to let you know I am thinking and praying for you and your family.
Ashli Wigington <awigington@denisonisd.net>
Denison, TX - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 8:59 AM CDT
We love you! We pray for a peace that surpasses all understanding on you!
Mike, Sarah, Hannah, Noah, Grace, and Elijah

Mike and Sarah Lehew <mikeandsarah@gbronline.com>
Sapulpa, OK USA - Monday, October 24, 2005 10:26 PM CDT
Dear Audra:

I came across your website through another child's website I have been praying for. My heart aches for what you have endured. I will pray for your precious daughter and for your entire family. God be with you on this difficult journey.

Mydonna Duren <Mydonna.Duren@oscn.net>
Oklahoma City, OK United States - Monday, October 17, 2005 2:25 PM CDT
I am so glade things seem to be going smooth. I am planning on going to the clinic on Tuesday to see a girl ring the bell. Let me know when you all are going to be there I will try to catch up with you. You have been in my thoughts a lot lately. You are in them everyday woundering how you are making it through that day. I pray you are feeling good and things are going well. I hope to see you this week.(((HUG))) I will call you soon to chat
Love ya Jamie

Jamie <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
yukon, ok - Sunday, October 16, 2005 10:41 PM CDT
Dear Audra,

I was just sent the link to your blog and I am very thankful that you are writing these things. It gives me and my family specifics for praying for you all.

I wanted to tell you, when I saw you at the Family Worship Seminar and your belly was bulging with life I couldn't help but overflow with thanksgiving. You looked so beautiful!

We love you all and praying for you. Does Anabel ever feel like playing paper dolls with a friend? Meg asked.

In Christ,
The Futrell's

Laura Futrell <cfutrell2@cox.net>
Edmond, OK USA - Saturday, October 8, 2005 5:32 AM CDT
I have no "amazing" words to say, but know that my prayers are with you. I pray that your joy would return and that God would continue to comfort you.

Ricki Lea Moore <dougandrickilea@valornet.com>
Lexington, OK - Wednesday, October 5, 2005 1:40 PM CDT
I am so glad to hear about the good counts!! I hope things are going as well as can be expected. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

DeAnn mom to Angel Darren forever 15 <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok 73601 - Monday, October 3, 2005 8:57 PM CDT
Audra and Annabel,
I was able to share your website with my sister and please know that she too will pray for your family. We miss seeing you all and really appreciate you updating the website so we know how to pray. It is so good to hear that Annabel is in good spirits. See you soon.

Dana Sones <ddsones@cableone.net>
Altus, OK - Friday, September 30, 2005 9:42 PM CDT
Praise God for Anabel's good report yesterday. We are counting down those nasty shots with you, praying that the days will fly by quickly and they'll be over! We love you all!

David & Tami Rhymes <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
Oklahoma City, OK - Thursday, September 29, 2005 5:34 PM CDT
Lehew Family, I feel as though I know you though we have never met. I try to read through the Bible each year and as I was reading through this year, I found all the passages I had claimed in prayer for your precious little Daniel. I cannot tell you how fervently and earnesly I lifted Daniel in prayer for healing and I know God has healed him perfectly, but I faithfully petitioned God to heal Daniel and allow you to have him with you. I've had to console myself with the things I know about our gracious Father since my prayers were not answered in the way I had asked. I know God is soverign and I trust Him no matter. I know His way is best and I just keeping thinking how God promises to not allow us to go through more than we can bear and that God was sparing Daniel from more than he would have been able to bear. I have a grown son & daughter and 5 grandchildren and cannot emagine seeing one of them going through what you've gone through. When Jim told us in prayer meeting that Anna Bell had been diagnosed, my heart just sank. I am so glad to get to read the update that she is in remission and I rejoice with you in God's goodness. I know His goodness is seen in His love for Daniel and that Daniel is in the loving arms of his heavenly Father. I have to remind myself that He loves Daniel even more than you, but that is hard to comprehend and does not ease your pain of missing him. My words are so inept and futile. I just really wanted you to know that I kept Daniel on my prayer list all the while he was sick and I really did pray regularly, pleading in his behalf. I sent you a few notes, but I know you received many messages from so many who were lifting you in prayer. I just wanted to be added to your guestbook to say I still have your family on my prayer list and I do pray for you and especially Anna Bell. Love, praying for you, Phyllis Elliston
Phyllis Elliston
Norman, Ok USA - Sunday, September 25, 2005 4:18 PM CDT
Dear Lehew Family,
I know that there is not a single word I could say that would ease your pain or loss, so I will not try. But I do want you to know that you are all in our prayers daily. I think of Daniel everyday. He had such an impact on my life. Nicholas still prays for him in Heaven. It is amazing to me that he had such an impact on Nicholas, considering they were only able to play a few times. There was definetly something special about him. I feel belssed to have met him and your family. There is a song by Mercy Me called Homesick. I think of you and Daniel everytime I hear it. One of the lines is the song is "In Christ there are no goodbyes." So to Daniel, Happy Birthday, I can't wait to see you at home with Our Father. Until then, have fun and know that you are missed here on earth.
From The Taylor Family

Tim Taylor <toolmansfamily@aol.com>
Memphis, TN - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 1:55 PM CDT
Bobby and Audra,

We hope that yesterday was a sweet time for your family as you celebrated the precious gift of Daniel. My favorite memory of him was at last year's Labor Day picnic where he was playing the water cup game and racing back and forth filling the buckets, wearing a huge smile on his face. It was a good day.

Please know that so many of us feel inadequate in knowing how to comfort and encourage you as we see your continued loss and pain. Please forgive us for this, but know that we are praying for you, truly the only way we know how to bear this burden with you.

Your entire family is such a delight. We love to see the boys at school having such a good time. Davis and Caleb are football buddies and we hear all about their recess games.

With much love,

Brenda and Bryan Peck

Bryan and Brenda Peck <pecks5@cox.net>
Edmond, , OK USA - Monday, September 19, 2005 8:05 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Daniel. As hard as it is to say I hope Cameron was by your side today to help you celebrate. I pray it was a lot easier up there then I am sure it is down here for your family and friends. You boys are very special to so many people, more then you all will ever know and more then we down here will ever understand.

Audra I prayed all day today that things would be manageable I guess is what I want to say! I cant imagine how you all lived through today. I hope it was with peace. I am not looking forward to when it is my turn. Remeber the only thing that is going to get us through this is our Lord Jesus. I understand it is hard to lean on him somedays but I know he understands us and how we feel. He will forgive us for all our feelings. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers today, tonight, and always. We love you all.
"Come quick Lord Jesus"

Jamie angel camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, ok - Sunday, September 18, 2005 10:31 PM CDT
I'm just checking in on you guys. I hope all is going well! We will be up next week to do chemo, maybe we will see you then. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Love, Briscoe Gang

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK USA - Saturday, September 17, 2005 8:21 PM CDT

We too, will be celebrating Daniel's life with you on Sunday. What a precious little guy he was. I always loved his little strut!

I will never forget when you found out that you were pregnant with this new little blessing that God has given you and you were commenting on the fact that many will probably ask (or wonder)," what if this child has cancer?" I loved and so agree with your response of, " Even if I'd known that Daniel would only be with us for three years, I wouldn't trade those three years for anything!" All of your children are a gift from our loving heavenly Father. You are richly blessed with three wonderful kids on earth and one sweet little guy who is no longer with us, and He is so glad that he isn't. He is pain and cancer free!

We will be celebrating Daniel's life on Sunday and will be praising God for all that He has taught us through Daniel and praying that you would be filled with peace knowing that God loves you and desires to give you good gifts. He WILL give you the grace for the next thing.

We love you,

Shannon and family

Shannon Hill <shannon@zipbang.com>
Edmond, OK 73013 - Saturday, September 17, 2005 0:02 AM CDT
Lehew Family,
You don't know me (friend of Angie Watters) but I have been praying for your family continuously. I wanted you to know that Sunday (18th) I will be celebrating Daniel's birthday with you. He was NOT forgotten. Your family is always in my prayers {{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}

Barbie Rigdon <Barbiemamato3@aol.com>
Jacksonville, Fl US - Friday, September 16, 2005 4:30 PM CDT
I hope things continue to get better for Anabel. Hopefuly she will get somewhat used to the medicine and handel it a little better. We always have hope that things will get better. I hate that about Kelvin I signed his web page to let them know I am praying hard for them. It has to be such a hard time for them. I can say dido on what your last few sentences said. I would for sure like to help with something. I will be home this weekend for Sat and Sunday. I will call you and see if I can meet you somewhere to give you what ever they may need. We both know how hard it is to face this. We all could use the help when things like this get ruff. So count me in with what ever is needed. Take care you all are in my prayers!
Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever

Jamie <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, OK - Thursday, September 15, 2005 8:56 PM CDT
I am praying that your sweet Anabel tolerates the prednisone. Maybe after a few doses she will build a resistance to the side effects.(let's be hopeful)
Love DeAnn

DeAnn mom to Angel Darren forever 15 <nbmom09@yahoo.com>
Clinton, ok 73601 - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 8:20 PM CDT
I will be praying for you on Daniel's birthday. I dreaded Darren's birthday, but the waiting for it was almost worse than the day itself. You will be in my prayers.

DeAnn mommy to Angel Darren forever 15 <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok 73601 - Sunday, September 11, 2005 9:52 PM CDT
Anabel and Audra,

We are praying for you and think of you often. We hope Anabel is feeling strong today and is back to homeschooling. I bet it is hard to stay out of the pool with the hot weather. We miss seeing you in the city. We will be there on Sept 12 at 2pm.

Dana Sones <ddsones@cableone.net>
Altus, OK USA - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 9:38 PM CDT
Even in the valleys God is Good....
We lift you, Anabel and the family in prayer that Wednesday will go well...as we do for every other day God grants us. Take care of yourself. You are the family's rock.

Susan Harvey <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
Monticello, MS - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:49 AM CDT
I hope Anabel's counts were good enough for chemo. I am sure she was happy to have the time off. Too much worry for mom though. I am thinking and praying for you.

DeAnn mom to Angel Darren forever 15 <nbmom09@yahoo.com>
Clinton, ok 73601 - Saturday, September 3, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
It's good to hear from you. Thank you for taking the time to update us. We love you!

David and Tami <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
Oklahoma City, - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 8:37 PM CDT
Hi guys,
I wanted to check in on you all to see how things were going. I was scared when you strated talking about bone marrow but was relieved to see all was clear. Thank the Lord!!! I am tring to recover from the trip and being back home again. I thought it would be easy coming home but Cameron is still not here. I guess I was hoping it was all a dream and I would wake and find him when we got home. So as soon as I get it together I will call you, or maybe it would help bring me back to my feet to call you as soon as possible. Well glade things are going well as possible. I pray every night God will make Anabel a walking miracle. She will have an awesome testimony some day. But then again she has a huge one already. Love You all! Your in my thoughts and prayers.(((((HUG)))))

Jamie <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, ok - Saturday, August 27, 2005 9:21 PM CDT
My niece, the daughter of my husband's sister, died from a brain tumor in 1996.

My son was diagnosed with a completely different sort of brain tumor in 2003.

I appreciate your comments about the cancer not being related to your diet or some supplement you are or are not taking. Or your faith or lack of it.

People mean well, but sometimes they just don't know what they're talking about.

I found Daniel's blog over a year ago by accident when my son was in treatment, as another St. Jude family. Since then I follow you periodically.

My sincere prayers are with you. I'd say I can't imagine what you are going through, but I can imagine, but nobody can walk in another's shoes.

As you already know, heartbreak and blessings run along the same path. I feel blessed to have found out about your family.

Kathy, mom to Steven and aunt to angel Kyra
San Diego, CA USA - Friday, August 26, 2005 1:36 PM CDT
I am praying for good counts so you can continue on your path to healing. I think of you everyday!

Love,DeAnn mommy to Angel Darren forever 15

DeAnn <nbmom09@yahoo.com>
Clinton, ok 73601 - Monday, August 22, 2005 1:01 PM CDT
You and the family continue to be in our prayers.
Susan Harvey <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
MOnticello, MS - Monday, August 22, 2005 7:33 AM CDT
I am so glad to see that you are keeping up the blog. You are doing a wonderful job. You and your entire family are amazing and a genuine source of strength. You are close to our hearts and most certainly in our prayers. Thank you for posting the recent pictures. It is wonderful to see all of your children. They are most precious as you very well know.

Brenda Ryan <bryan@robynpromo.com>
Yukon , OK USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 1:29 PM CDT
Praying, praying, praying for all of you but especially you my dear Annabelle! I can't wait for all of this to be over and you will be free from needles etc...........
My love to you and your whole family.
Love and prayers,
Elena and Gang

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:13 AM CDT
We are thinking of you...The Farley Group
The Farley Group <rmilner2@cox.net>
Edmond, OK OK - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:30 AM CDT
Dear Annabelle,

We are praying for you as you prepare for another big visit to the hospital for medicine and chemo. We are coming up on Tuesday and sure hope to see you. You are a brave little girl. Stay tough.......You can do it!!! God bless you.

Dana Sones and Karina , too! <ddsones@cableone.net>
Altus, OK USA - Monday, August 15, 2005 4:37 AM CDT
I just wanted to check in and see how things were going. It was nice to talk to you on the phone. It is nice to talk to someone who unfortunatly has been there. I will keep you all in my prayers this week and will talk to you when I get home. Congrats

Jamie angel camerons mommy forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, Oklahoma - Sunday, August 14, 2005 6:34 PM CDT
You have our prayers for strength, for healing and for comfort in our Holy Spirit.
Susan Harvey <skharvey@bellsouth.net>
Monticello, MS USA - Saturday, August 13, 2005 7:29 AM CDT
Congratulations Audra! I know that there is joy and several mixed emotions. We are praying that Anabel will recover quickly and get through this journey without any trouble. My heart aches for you in your pain. I pray that God will hold you up each day. You are an amazing mom.
love ricki lea

Ricki Lea Moore <dougandrickilea@valornet.com>
- Friday, August 12, 2005 5:34 PM CDT
Bobby, Audra and family
This is the first time I have been online to see or read any of the journaling that you all have done. I think it is wonderful that you are doing this and I pray that you find some healing in it as well. We pray for you and your family daily and pray now that Anabel's counts will rise soon and get things back on track. We admire you as parents and think you all do an incredible job with your kids. We pray for God to continually work in Anabel's body and to continue to strengthen all of you as you deal with her treatments as well as cope with Daniel's loss.
We had such a great time at the cookout with you all. We enjoy your company and hope to be able to do it again soon. Love and Prayers

Scott, Stacy, Kylee and Kenzie Gill <stgill@mcloudteleco.com>
McLoud, OK USA - Friday, August 12, 2005 12:51 AM CDT
Hey Girl,

Did I hear great news? I'm so excited for you guys! Let me know if it's going to be a boy or girl! Are you ready for school to start for the other kids? Cody gets a shot tomorrow but he doesn't know it. His nurse at school told me today he needed one.
We love you guys and will be praying for you all!

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:21 PM CDT
You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday!!
DeAnn <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok - Sunday, August 7, 2005 4:10 PM CDT
To Our Wonderful Cousins:
Know that you are being thought of daily and prayed for every minute of everyday. Hopefully someday we can get together. We love you all very much and we thank God daily that you are our family.

Cousins Deb, Mary and David Sellers <sellerfam3@sbcglobal.net>
Lawton, OK USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 11:08 PM CDT
I will never truly know the pain you go thru each day living without our Daniel. All I know is my pain of losing my grandchild, not my baby, and I know that your pain is a 100 times worse. Somewhere we get that mom's are supposed to fix everything, and not ever fall apart. Even moms have the right to fall apart. You don't know how many times I wished that I could fix your hurts. I don't know why you have to be faced with this again, I wish that I had answers, and that I could fix it. Never doubt your ability as a mom, you are a wonderful mom!! Anabel knows that she is loved, and that you are there for her. Keep writing on this website, you do a great job,(who says that your not a writer),I think that it will be good for you and hopefully help you heal.
Brenda Starry <a.j.starry@att.net>
- Wednesday, August 3, 2005 5:21 PM CDT
I wanted to let you know I think of you almost every day. I know about missing your "companion". Darren and I spent too much time together, more than any teenage boy should have to spend with his mom. But I wouldn't have had it any other way. Stay strong and good luck with all the yucky stuff at clinic this week. I will be praying for you both.
DeAnn mommy to Angel Darren forever 15 <nbmom09@yahoo.com>
Clinton, OK USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 9:36 PM CDT
Bobby and Audra,
Just wanted you both to know that we are continually praying for you and Anabel also for Caleb and Joshua. I cannot imagine the pain and stress that your precious family has had to endure, but I am very thankful that we serve a Lord who sees us and cares intimately about our cares and hurts. My Sunday School class and our family have been praying over your family since the beginning, and it's so wonderful to see God's hand working in Anabel! We love you all very much and wish we were closer to get to see you more. Give your whole family hugs from us out here in Ohio!
With much love and prayers! David, Michelle, Ashley, Macy, Jacob and Hallie Starry :) (See you in December!) :)

David and Michelle Starry <michellestarry@earthlink.net>
Huber Heights, OH - Monday, August 1, 2005 8:01 AM CDT
I am glad Anabel should be on her way back up and feeling great in no time. God is good. I am praying that this next week will be a wonderful time for your family, go swimming and enjoy the summer. Audra you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Ricki Lea Moore <dougandrickilea@valornet.com http://www3.caringbridge.org/ok/xander>
Lexington, OK - Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:09 AM CDT
Audra, just checking in on you guys. I'm sorry we didn't know about Anabel's counts sooner. You know you guys are continually in our hearts and prayers. Love you!
Tami Rhymes <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
- Friday, July 29, 2005 11:27 PM CDT

I just wanted to say hi. We hope you have a great weekend.
We will be up city next week. We are still praying for you!Love, Elena and Gang

Elena Briscoe <rudybriscoe@sbcglobal.net>
Altus, OK 73521 - Friday, July 29, 2005 4:02 PM CDT
Just checking in to see how things went. I am sorry to here about the long day. We all know how that feels. It was nice to get it done and go home instead of satying the night im sure. I want you to know that I am here for you to talk to at any time. If you just think of something funny and want to call and share it with me please do. If you think of something sad and want to share it feel free to call. I know we have only known each other for a short while but think of it as god made us run into each other for a reason. We have both been through a loss. Think of me as you have known me forever. You are in my thoughts and prayers nightly. Talk to you soon.
Jamie-always Camerons mom

Jamie <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, ok - Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:02 PM CDT
So sorry to hear about the low counts. Those long hours of transfusions are so tiring. I continue to keep you in my prayers and think of you often. Stay strong!
DeAnn mommy to Angel Darren forever 15 <nbmom09@yahoo.com>
Clinton, ok USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 7:20 PM CDT
I wanted to tell you that it was very nice to meet you the other day. Jamie has told me a lot about you and your family. Your family will be in our prayers. Thank you for being so wonderful to the Careys. I hope that you and Jamie can stay in touch and maybe "help" each other or just be there to listen. Like she said you have been and are in her shoes and I think that she needs you. Thank you once again.. God Bless you and yours....
Andrea <andiebroom@sbcglobal.net>
- Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:41 AM CDT
Thank you so much for stopping by today. I cant even begin to tell you how much relief in talking to you helped me. I hate to say that it is nice we are not alone beceause I wish we would have meet on different terms. But talking to you helped me in knowing that things can get better with time but it may take as long as it needs. You are an amazing person and so strong I just hope that I can continue to stay that way. But there are those days we set and wounder. Thank you for everything and I deffinatly will call you when I need to vent or just cry to someone that has been in my shoes.

May we wait patiently for Jesus's return to see our sweet boys again.

Jamie Camerons mom <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, ok - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:07 PM CDT
It is sad to think we all belong to such a horrible group, but yet so comforting to find such dear friends to reach out to for support. Please know I pray for you daily and if you need anything, let know. Your are an amazing woman!!
DeAnn Angel Darren's mommy <deann_elliott@hotmail.com>
Clinton, ok 73601 - Friday, July 22, 2005 3:49 PM CDT
I dint realize you had this page. Im glade I found it. I just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for the phone calls. You truly know how I feel and what we are going through and that helps to know we are not alone in this world that is so not normal for us anymore. We are continuing to keep you all in our prayers.

Jamie (Camerons mom) <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, ok - Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:12 PM CDT
I am praying for Anabel daily and will share your information with the men in my morning bible study group. God Bless each of you.

Jim Farley
Edmond, OK USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 2:27 PM CDT
I just prayed for Anabel and will continue to do so. May the Lord bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you.
Brian and Becky Carlozzi <rebekah-carlozzi@ouhsc.edu>
OKC, OK - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 3:41 PM CDT
We are praying for no fever, a quick return to good blood counts, and lots of spiritual hugs from our Lord.
We love you all,
The O'Kresik family

Janet and Dave O'Kresik, Cole and Ana, too <jokresik@yahoo.com>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Monday, July 18, 2005 5:12 PM CDT
Dear sweet Anabel, We are praying for you daily. We miss seeing your beautiful smile when you are not at church. You are so blessed to have such an amazing family. In Christ, The Peck family
Bryan and Brenda Peck
Edmond,, OK USA - Sunday, July 17, 2005 8:56 PM CDT
Thank you for taking the time to journal and keep your family and friends updated on how Anabel is doing and how you and Bobby are. It is so helpful to know exactly how to pray for all of you. We are praying that you can go home tommorow and as always on the 18th of the month praying that God would comfort you and give you peace. We miss Daniel (and especially watching his little body sway as he walked) :) How grateful we are that we will meet him again, cancer free and healthy!

Remember our little Elisabeth Elliot quote, "Just do the next thing!"

We love you!

Shannon Hill <shannon@zipbang.com>
Edmond, OK USA - Thursday, July 14, 2005 10:24 PM CDT
I am sorry I am just now acknowledging Anabel's diagnosis. Truthfully I did not know what to say. And even more truthful, I was angry that this could happen. But again, you inspire me as I watch you with "awe" your grace, faith and positive attitude. I am looking for a hat for Anabel. But I can tell her that the hair grows back. I am so proud of her and her family!
Dana Miller <dana. miller@expresspersonnel.com>
Mustang, OK - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 12:15 AM CDT
Dear Lehew family,
I had no idea you were facing this nightmare once again.
My prayers thoughts and love to you all.
Please give Anabel a huge hug from us in Australia. Remembering Daniel's beautiful smile.
Thankyou for signing Kaitlyn's guestbook
Love Colleen - Kaitlyn's mum


Colleen <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Monday, July 11, 2005 3:22 AM CDT
Praises to our Heavenly Father for Anabel's Remission! You all continue to be in our prayers. Bless you.
Susan R. Harvey <skharvey@southernpage.net>
Monticello, MS USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 7:51 AM CDT
I am delighted to hear that Anabel is in remission.

Your family remains in our daily prayers.

Kathy, mom to Steven and aunt to angel Kyra
San Diego, CA USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:13 AM CDT
Dear Lehews:
We are so happy to hear of Anabels remission,may God bless you all.We'll continue to keep you in our prayers.

Connie & Bob <conniek@putnamcoinc.com>
Walworth, Wi - Sunday, May 29, 2005 4:46 PM CDT
Dear Lehews,
I used to work for Connie Graves at Heritage and remember the day that we began to pray for Daniel. Since that time we have moved to Tulsa, but your family has never been far from my thoughts and prayers. When I heard of Daniel going to be with our Savior, the depth of grief that I have felt for your loss is unexplainable. As a mother, I know the depth of love we have for our innocent children, but I can't imagine what "place" that God takes you when you experience such loss. As fervently as I have prayed for Daniel's healing, I am now praying for your emotional healing and restoration, and Comfort which only our Lord can provide. My mother just recently told me about Anabel, and once again my spirit and heart are grieved for how difficult this must be on your children and family. Once again I am lifting your child before our father and pleading for his Grace and Mercy upon her life. I know these are just words, and words can be so meaningless but please know that me and my husband, as well as our church family here are lifting you up before the Lord.

Danielle Hill
Jenks, Ok - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 11:25 AM CDT
Lehew family, I started reading this blog back in January. It happened to be 8 years since my bestfriend lost her 4 yr. old to Neuroblastoma and she was heavy on my mind when I providentially came across this site. I only realized after reading for a while that it had only been about a month since you lost your dear Daniel. I didn't want to write anything at that time but I have continued to check back periodically to see if you have posted at all and to 'see' how you are all doing. Tonight when I checked in and saw the latest blow with Anabel, I just had to write and let you know something. I'm not sure what exactly because I'm in a state of shock, but I feel that God led me to this site for a reason. I've been struggling with God's sovereignty in dealing with some problems of my own lately, but reading of your family's latest hurdle, and obviously the questions that you would have to be entertaining, has a powerful effect on me. I know God has been trying to teach me things that I've been stubborn and slow to learn but I feel that reading this tonight has been a real wake up call. Life ISN'T fair and I needed to really GET that. I'm so sorry that one of the ways God is teaching me this is through your family's sorrow and struggle. I don't have any great words of wisdom or comfort to offer except to tell you that my bestfriend's life has gone on and her walk with the Lord is stronger than ever. She is a constant source of inspiration to me and that isn't just a meaningless cliche. I do believe in my heart of hearts that God is good and faithful to his children but I must admit it is hard to accept His will when we don't know the why behind it. I guess that's why it's called faith. I hope you can see that Daniel's life and all he endured has meaning to more people than you even realized. God is still using him even now, and Anabel as well. I will be praying for your family and for Anabel's treatments and will check back often. Sorry for the rambling.
Beth Moody <bimoody@charter.net>
SC - Monday, May 2, 2005 0:09 AM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Beth Brigham <bbrigham@visualimage.net>
Norman, OK USA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:02 AM CDT
We love you guys and continue to pray for you! Please, please call if we can do anything!
Mike, Sarah, Hannah, Noah, Grace, and Elijah Lehew

Mike Lehew <mike.lehew@ridgewaybaptist.com>
Sapulpa, OK 74066 - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 9:46 PM CDT
I decided to pay your blog a visit after my web stats showed traffic coming from your guestbook after a long lull.

I am shocked to hear of Anabel, as I know you are.

Hodgkins is very treatable, we pray for only the best for your family.

I really don't know what to say, I feel like lightning struck twice in our family as well, in the form of highly malignant, aggressive brain tumors, except it wasn't siblings, it is my son and his cousin.

God bless you, and if I can help in any way, let me know, we will be praying.

Kathy, mom to Steven and aunt to sweet angel Kyra
San Diego, CA USA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 0:59 AM CDT
Our continued prayers are with you and your family as you go through this next hurdle God has given you.May you continue to be comforted by him,and by all of us praying for you all.
Connie <conniek@putnamcoinc.com>
Walworth, Wi USA - Monday, April 4, 2005 4:12 PM CDT
To the Lehew family......you are so faithful to our Lord. I have prayed a lot for Daniel and all of you and I will continue to pray for you all. God bless your family and may Anabel be healed soon. I pray for you all to have the strength you need and please let me know if any other prayers are needed.
Lawton, OK USA - Monday, April 4, 2005 10:50 AM CDT
Bobby, Audra, Joshua, Anabel and Caleb. Thank you so much for sharing Daniel with me. I gain so much from this site, as do so many others all over the world. I so admire your strength. Not a day goes by that I do not think about Daniel and all of you. I saved one of his pictures as my wallpaper so I could see the little guy every day. So many people love you and want to help. The service was beautiful and the video was more than precious. Again, thankyou for this site and letting me witness pure faith. You all are so loved.
Dana Miller <dana.miller@expresspersonnel.com>
Mustang, OK OK - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:17 AM CST
Bobby & Audra - I was just thinking about you all and praying for you. I read Bobby's last entry on the blog and the faith that the two of you have is amazing. I am praying for you all especially now as you adjust to a quieter house and life with five in the house. May God's arms be wrapped tightly around you! In Him, Heather

Heather Jones <hmuse@swbell.net>
OKC, OK - Friday, January 7, 2005 12:33 AM CST
Since we've been at St. Jude, I've been amazed by the network of parents who somehow stay connected, even after they've finished treatment and gone home, we all share a tragic bond.

There is an article on grief here that I like very much that you might be interested in reading.

Again, you and your family are in our prayers.

Kathy, mom to Steven and aunt to angel Kyra
San Diego, CA USA - Friday, January 7, 2005 10:47 AM CST
Bobby and Audra,
I know of you and Daniel from a mutual friend. He told me about your family and I want you to know that we are praying for you. We too lost our 2 year old daughter (4 years ago). Rebecca and Daniel are probably playing together right now....completely healed....perfect. Please know that you are in our prayers. Daniel is healed...he is with the Father and you'll see him soon....Come Lord Jesus.

Stuart and Angie Rennie <rennies1@yahoo.com>
Red Oak, TX USA - Friday, January 7, 2005 0:05 AM CST
Daniel never knew me, or his family, but through loving and God fearing mutual friends, we have been united over the last 18 months by prayer. God works in a mysterious way His wonders to perform......and we have the wonderful promise of our Heavenly Father's return when we will be reunited with all those who made life in this world a more special place.
Sleep peacefully little Daniel and along with many other loved ones, I look forward to meeting you with our Heavenly Father in the earth made new.
God guard and keep you in His loving care Daniel's family, until that day.
Liz Hope - Southern France

Liz Hope <t3hope1@wanadoo.fr>
Montgaillard, France - Saturday, January 1, 2005 12:12 AM CST
Knowing that little Daniel is safely in the arms of our Savior is both a joyful promise, and a heartbreaking reality. May the LORD sustain and comfort you in your sorrow.
Sharon Campbell <scampb4808@yahoo.com>
Tallahassee, Fl USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 6:43 PM CST
So saddened to learn about your horrendous loss on our Neuroblastoma Listserv.

With continued prayers,
the Thomas team

Angela <Email@ChristiThomas.com>
Tiffin, OH - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 9:41 PM CST
I am indescribably saddened by the death of your dear Daniel.

I admire you for your introspection and thoughtful writings.

Our most sincere prayers to you and your family.

Kathy, mom to Steven and aunt to angel Kyra
San Diego, CA USA - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 4:59 PM CST
Edith Schaffer and Elisabeth Elliot have also written some profound books on suffering.
Kay Hill (David Hill's mother) <kay@zipbang.com>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Monday, December 27, 2004 11:40 PM CST
Bob, Audra, Josh, Caleb, and Anabel
We love you and are thinking about you!
Mike, Sarah, Hannah, Noah, Grace, and Elijah

Mike Lehew <mike.lehew@ridgewaybaptist.com>
Sapulpa, OK USA - Saturday, December 25, 2004 7:56 PM CST
Bobby,Audra,Joshua, Anabel, & Caleb
We are praying for you today! We love you all very much!
Love, Jim, Brook, Kennedy, Lincoln, & Jackson

Oklahoma City, OK USA - Saturday, December 25, 2004 5:49 PM CST
Christmas Day 2004: Uncle Jim has brought Grandma to Tulsa for the weekend. Please know that all of us share our love for Him whose day this is with you, Josh, Anabel and Caleb. We so cherish our brief times with Daniel and love you the more for having brought him into our lives.
Judy, Ken & Justin Miles
Tulsa, OK USA - Saturday, December 25, 2004 12:33 AM CST
We are praying for you and your family. God bless you all.
Jim Regensburger <jreg007@aol.com>
Cordova, TN USA - Thursday, December 23, 2004 11:36 AM CST
Dear Bobby, I want you to know, I am continuing to read your blog ... every day you journal there, and every day you don't. This journey isn't over for you all and I want you to know it isn't over for those who love you all either. We are still here for all of you as you figure out how to go on with God's grace and help. He WILL see you through! But you are not alone. Not only is He with you, your friends and family are too. And our prayers have never stopped. If we can support you in any way, you know we are here. For now, I hope it's "support" of a kind to know that your blog isn't unread and Daniel is not now nor will EVER be forgotten. The pictures on your site are stunning! As was the slide show at his service. What a gift to see him dancing! Thank you for sharing him with so many. Those you know and those you've never even met. I will ever look at his pictures to keep Daniel's face in my mind. He's forever in my heart.
Angie Watters <cheerio703@cox.net>
- Thursday, December 23, 2004 11:33 AM CST
I am so sorry for your loss, I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through.. Though this quote may seem immature, I found it helpful to me when trying to cope with a loss of a loved one.. "To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter - Book One. I take solace in the fact that Daniel is now running and jumping and playing with the angels in his next big adventure, Heaven. Jesus be with you and hug you close during this time.

Phila, PA - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 8:50 AM CST
Audra, Bobby, Joshua, Annabelle, Caleb: Please know you are so heavy on our hearts and we are praying incessantly for you that God would give you undescribable peace in the midst of your grief and that you would know Him in ways we can't. I am just so thankful that God's plan allows Daniel to be with him this very moment where he is chasing Jesus all around heaven! Thank you for this website and for sharing so much with us. We love you deeply.
Ian and Angie Steedman; Ashlyn, Emma, Kathryn, Faith & Hope <angiesteedman@cox.net>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 7:37 AM CST
Lord, please be with this family in their time of grief, and bring Your Peace to them in Your time. We are grateful for Your unending love and know that Daniel is blessed with You now.

Stillwater, OK USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 9:04 PM CST
Im sorry for your lost. May God be with you in your time of need.
Makayla Lisenbery <tdlisenberry@sbcglobal.net>
Binger, ok usa - Monday, December 20, 2004 6:39 PM CST
I am so, so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.
Carolyn Horcher <carolyn.horcher@expresspersonnel.com>
Lakewood, CO USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 2:48 PM CST
I am so sorry for your loss and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Yukon, OK - Monday, December 20, 2004 2:32 PM CST
I am so sorry for your loss and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Yukon, OK - Monday, December 20, 2004 2:32 PM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this most difficult time,Daniel will now join the host of angels spending Christmas with Jesus this year.Your blog has helped us to get to "know" you & your family,and you will continue to be in our prayers.
Connie & Bob
Walworth, Wi - Monday, December 20, 2004 1:56 PM CST
We don't know why such pain has to be endured, we just have to trust for now that there is a reason. My prayers are with you at this time. God bless.

Juliette Kroekel <Juliette.Kroekel@expresspersonnel.com>
Lakewood, co - Monday, December 20, 2004 1:47 PM CST
Thinking of your family and sending love and comfort to you.
Lisa <lisab@express-rwj.com>
Lake Oswego, OR - Monday, December 20, 2004 1:11 PM CST
Bobby, Audra and family - I know I can't say the right thing because there are no words to express it. Just please know that Terry & I love you guys and are praying daily for God's strength to hold you up in these most difficult days. Anything you need, anytime, just say it.
Becky & Terry Shultz <bshultz@robynpromo.com>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 12:02 AM CST
Bobby, Audra & family:
May God Bless each and everyone of you. In His name we pray for your strength.

Steve Brown <sbrown@freedomcompanies.net>
Oklahoma City, OK - Monday, December 20, 2004 10:17 AM CST
Jeremiah 29:11

It is obvious to see the amount of love that fills the heart of this child. I pray for a painless passage to God who will comfort him as he heads home.

Sherri Fielding
Portland, OR USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 9:46 AM CST
We pray daily for those children who have this disease. We send out our heartfelt sympathy and prayers for you, Bobby, your family and all those you have touched. God Bless you as you carry on and wait for the day when you will all be together again.
Angie Adams <aadams@freedomcompanies.net>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 8:59 AM CST
Bobby and Audra,
It's hard to express in words our feeling of heart felt sorrow for you and your sweet family. We know that Daniel is with our wonderful Lord and Jesus is surely holding him in his arms today. I want you to know what a testimony you have been to our family. You have stood faithful to the Lord and I'm sure many peoples lives have been changed because of your faithfulness. Thank you for being such an amazing example of a servant of Christ! Our prayers are with you, Kelly and Donna Carlton

Kelly and Donna Carlton <donna.carlton@hobbylobby.com>
Oklahoma City, OK Oklahoma - Monday, December 20, 2004 8:53 AM CST
Dear Audra, Bobby, Joshua, Anabel, and Caleb, Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all. I look at Daniel's precious picture that was in your Christmas card. While my heart breaks for your loss, I try to think of him seeing Jesus, at last free from his frail earthly vessel. Thank you for letting God's love pour through you like a fountain. Your willingness to share this journey with us, let us catch a glimpse of what God's grace looks like. I will continue to pray for your sweet family. Just know that Daniel will not be forgotten. That is certain.
Kathy Duggan <kathyskeepsakes@cox.net>
Oklahoma City, OK Oklahoma - Sunday, December 19, 2004 0:02 AM CST

LAWTON, OK - Saturday, December 18, 2004 3:38 PM CST
I'm praying for you all!
2Cor 1:3-7

Amy S.
OKC, OK USA - Saturday, December 18, 2004 11:19 AM CST
What a precious little boy! May God truly bless you and keep you in His care.
Cathie Hawkins <CathieH@XeniumResources.com>
Woodburn, OR USA - Saturday, December 18, 2004 9:58 AM CST
Bobby and Audra,
Words are inadequate as you walk through this valley. May our gracious Father comfort you and fill you with peace that only He can give. We love all of you and have been so touched and our faith strengthened as we've watched you glorify God in the midst of such an unfathomable thing for a parent to have to experience. Thank you for sharing sweet Daniel with our family.

David and Shannon Hill
Edmond, OK USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 11:35 PM CST
Bobby and Audra, I wish I had the words - any words - to comfort you. I don't. I can only tell you how much we love you and your family. We have prayed for you and for Daniel every day. And today we do the same with renewed ferver. Please know you're loved. Please know I'm beating on heaven's gate, calling your names to my Father tonight.
Angie Watters <cheerio703@cox.net>
- Friday, December 17, 2004 8:34 PM CST
May God bless your family and you are all in our hearts and prayers
Stacy Stack <Stacys@express-rwj.com>
Portland, Or - Friday, December 17, 2004 6:09 PM CST
Daniel - you and your family are in our prayers. God bless you.
Greg Zito
Portland, OR USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 5:42 PM CST
Bobby: My heart goes out to you and your family. I lost my sister to cancer a little over one year ago. Daniel has been in my prayers for a very long time. He will continue to be in my prayers along with all the people in my life that I have lost to cancer. Be strong and know that God does not ever give us any burdens that he feels we cannot handle. God bless
Chris Tver of Express Personnel <christ@express-rwj.com>
Tualatin, OR USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 4:47 PM CST
You're a testament to what true faith and courage really are. Our prayers are with you through this time, believing that God will provide sufficient patience and comfort when most needed.
Layne & Julie-Anne Chiaramonte
Portland, OR USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 4:45 PM CST
Daniel, we love you and are praying for you and your entire family.
The Stoller Group <kristap@express-rwj.com>
Tualatin, OR USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 4:35 PM CST
You have made the hardest decision parents should ever have to make, and we support you 100%. Our thoughts and prayers are with you through this difficult time.
Connie & Bob
Walworth, Wi USA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 8:24 AM CST
Still praying for you. Thought today would be good to leave a note.
Del Angelo <del.angelo@expresspersonnel.com>
Champaign, IL USA - Friday, December 3, 2004 12:07 AM CST
Dear Lehew Family,

I came across your website while looking for images on the web re: Thanksgiving and was immediately drawn in by your beautiful little Daniel. What an amazing little angel. I sit here in PA praying for you all, I wish you the best in this difficult journey you are on. Just put it in God's hands, sometimes that is all you can do.. and sometimes thats all you are supposed to do. Please take care.

Phila, PA USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 8:36 AM CST
Dear Lehew Family,

I came upon your blog last winter when we were in Memphis when I was looking for other St. Jude patients on blogger.

My son Steven is being treated at St. Jude for a brain tumor, a supratentorial PNET, and we spent 9 months during the last year in Memphis. We also have a niece who was diagnosed with a brain tumor, an anaplastic astrocytoma, in 1994 when I was pregnant with Steven. She died in 1996.

Steven is off treatment now and is doing well.

I am very sorry to hear of the latest with Daniel.

We just want to know that we are praying for Daniel and your family, for your strength, and for peace. The road you are walking right now is most difficult and we offer you all our love, support and understanding.


Kathy Bell
San Diego, CA USA - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 8:09 PM CST
Dear Bobby and Audra,
You and Daniel are in my thoughts are prayers. Your boy is an angel on earth.

Andi (MidFirst Bank) <Witzi@cox.net>
Edmond, Ok USA - Friday, November 5, 2004 7:54 AM CST
Dear Bobby and Audra,
I thank God for your willingness to share what your family is experiencing right now with others; just reading Daniel's history and your words has given my prayers for you a fervency, and given me a desire to help bear this great burden with you. I am so sorry that Daniel has started with the chemo again, in the sense that I know it is so hard for you to have to see him sick and suffering; I pray that the Lord will ease his way and make this round so much more bearable for him, and that it will be effective and useful in bringing him to health. I thank the Lord for your time together as a family in these past few weeks, and ask Him to give you strength to handle today. Please know, too, Audra, that the Ladies' Bible Study is praying for you every time we meet, and though you can't be there with us physically, you are there with us in spirit as we pour our our tears and prayers for you and your family.

In Christ's Love
Linda Wohleber

Linda Wohleber <rwohleber@aol.com>
Jones, OK OK - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 5:20 PM CST
Hey guys - You are in our hearts and on our minds constantly. We pray Daniel will bounce back from this Chemo and know that we are always here and willing to talk at any time.
Maralee Hamm <mjhamm@cox.net>
Edmond, OK USA - Monday, November 1, 2004 3:10 PM CST
Audra, Bobby, Daniel and Kids

I wanted to say that, I love y'all, and am praying for you to have wisdom and peace in what the next step is and for every one to get a little bit more good quality sleep.

Melinda Fancher

Melinda Fancher <cheergirl2000_2001@yahoo.com>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 11:26 PM CDT
I just can't hold back the tears I feel after reading thru the journals of prognosis. What a precious, and strong, little boy! Whatever decisions you make in the time to come will be the right decision. God is with you and you all have many friends praying for.
I have had the great opportunity of meeting and working with Bobby through our venture with Robyn Promotions and AFA. Daniel is lucky to have such a terrific father and your time together will always be memorable.
I will continue to pray for you all and give a big hug and kiss to that handsome little man!

Lisa Knatvold <lisa.knatvold@af-group.com>
Edmond, OK USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 2:07 PM CDT
Daniel~ I was so blessed to meet you on your trip to Disneyland. You were our 50th Family of the day! To see the HUGE smile on your face when you got the balloons was such a blessing. I hope you enjoy your time here at the hotel and remember it forever.
Jennifer V (Disneyland Hotel Front Desk) <PurpleMnMs98@aol.com>
Anahiem, CA 92802 - Sunday, October 24, 2004 7:07 PM CDT
Bobby and Audra, my heart is broken reading your latest entry. Utterly broken. I have no eloquent words to say and even the most eloquent would seem meaningless. Yet I had to say something, just to let you know yet again how much we are praying for you, for Daniel, for your other precious children. I read the other journal entries and emphatically agree with the one that said if only we could absorb some of your pain, help you bear this burden. Oh that we could! Throughout this journey, you have never been far from our thoughts, minds, hearts, and are ever present in our prayers, and that has not and will not change. Please accept our love and prayers. They are with you constantly.
Angie Watters
- Thursday, October 14, 2004 8:10 AM CDT
It is SO hard to put in words what we feel for Daniel and the Lehews. Better said poorly than not said at all. If only we could all absorb some of the pain, then there would be no pain at all. I am so thankful our God knows what its like to endure trials. While I prefer no valleys, if it weren't for them, we would have nothing to contrast the mountains. My heart goes out to the Lehews and may you sense God walking with you during these difficult days. I don't know if its appropriate to say this but I will ... He didn't find me worthy of handling such a burden. (1 Cor 10:13) God - please heal Daniel. Somehow. May your Spirit guide them at this time just as it did for Daniel of the Old Testament. Amen.
J. Wolf <wolfprez@wolfmailing.com>
- Wednesday, October 13, 2004 1:28 PM CDT
Lahew Family,
My name is Dana Miller and I work at Express Headquarters. I have attempted to sign this guestbook several times but I can't hold back my tears long enough to do so. Don't get me wrong, I know God works, but it saddens me to see such a precious little fellow fight this fight. Daniel, I had breast cancer and am all better! I am sooooo proud of you. Daniel, you are stronger than Spider man! So many people are praying for you and your family. You are so lucky to have such caring parents and wonderful brothers and sister. I pray God will give you strength and comfort on this journey.

Dana Miller <dana.miller@expresspersonnel.com>
Mustang, OK OK - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 2:24 PM CDT
Bobby, My heart breaks as I read your latest report. You and Audra, with God's guidance, will make the best decision for your family and for little Daniel. You will continue to be in our prayers...

Susan R. Harvey <skharvey@southernpage.net>
Monticello, MS USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 7:45 AM CDT
I am heartbroken seeing what all of you have been going through and especially Daniel. I know alittle about cancer and it's effects. I am so sorry that you & your family are going through this incredibly difficult journey. My prayers are with all of you.

Jill Sanchez <oklajill@cox.net>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 10:42 PM CDT
I work for Express Professional Staffing and just heard about your "journey". My mother is battling lung cancer right now, and I have an 18 month old son (only child so far). I truly can not imagine watching my son go through what my mom has been through (chemo). I can identify with some of your feelings, and I want you to know that Daniel and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong!
Tiffany Bodenhamer
Oklahoma City, OK US - Tuesday, July 13, 2004 11:34 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know we've been to check on Daniel.
Love Colleen and Kaitlyn


Colleen <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Rockingham, WA Australia - Monday, May 10, 2004 1:26 AM CDT
Bobby, Audra and kids, so glad ya'll are home we've been praying for ya'll and hope to see ya'll soon
Lawrence and Adina and kids <rowlandgang@msn.com>
Amarillo, TX - Thursday, March 4, 2004 9:45 PM CST
Just wanted you to know that I still pray for Daniel and hope all is well with you. It has been over a month since your last entry, so I pray all is well and you are enjoying your time together and hopefully out of the hospital!
Cathy <traffic@kmgz.com>
Lawton, OK - Thursday, February 19, 2004 4:15 PM CST
Bobby, Audra and kids,

Just wanted to drop a note to let you know that you and Daniel are in our prayers each and every day. Keep strong and continue leaning on God and not yourselves for strength.

Jason & Kathy Granger <jgranger@us.checkpoint.com>
Plano, TX USA - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 9:55 AM CST
Daniel, Audra, and everyone else-

We love you and are continuing to pray for you and know that God has every step of this continuing journey already planned are am looking forward with great anticipation for the day when you can come home.


Melinda Fancher <cheergirl2000_2001@yahoo.com>
Oklahoma City, OK United States of America - Saturday, January 24, 2004 3:52 AM CST
Bless you all in this new year!
We continue to pray for you as we hear
of your progress and your problems.
May you have peace in knowing our God
is at work in and through Daniel.
Wishing you every blessing and peace from Him.

Susan R. Harvey <skharvey@southernpage.net>
Monticello, MS USA - Monday, January 19, 2004 8:13 PM CST
To my wonderful family,
I was so thrilled to read the update on Daniel. We all know that this is only the beginning of a long road to recovery, but Daniel has the BEST PHYSICIAN that not even money can buy, it also helps that he has some awesome guardian angels looking over him. I look forward to the day you get to come home and I promise to bring Great-Grandma up to see you all. I love you all so much and I thank God for having family such as you.

Cousin Debbie Sellers <Sellerfam3@aol.com>
Lawton, OK USA - Sunday, January 18, 2004 0:07 AM CST
Hello Bobby, Audra, and children,

We are so thrilled at Daniel's progress! We have never stopped praying for him and for each family member. On January 3rd, we were on our way home from my sisters' in Nashville, and we stopped at St. Jude's, inquired at two different gates as to if you were there - but you weren't!
We would love to have seen all of you but were elated that you had apparently gone "home". Drew (17) is praying for you in his Bible time, Kamry (12) is doing the same, and Devan and I pray together. Our hearts are full and compassionate for each one of you when you cross our minds at other times. You are not forgotten!!! We love you and look forward with you to that great "homecoming" day!

Jerry, Nan, Drew, Kamry, and Devan Hymer
Edmond, OK USA - Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:00 PM CST
I was a little concerned since nothing has been posted since the 23rd of last month, I hope all is well. Your family is still in my prayers. Daniel just amazes me....he is like an angel.
Hang in there....the Lord is with you every step of the way as well as your family and all the people who have come to know and love your family just through this website. I cry every time I read it and see how many people across the USA are praying for you all. The power of prayer still amazes me, as do the kind hearts of all the people who send them.
Take care and God bless.

Cathy <traffic@kmgz.com>
Lawton, OK USA - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 2:50 PM CST
ENID, OK GARFIELD - Friday, January 9, 2004 1:19 PM CST
Hope all the positive thoughts are soothing you all. Hope you ALL are enjoying being in the apartment as a whole unit and that precious body of Daniels is stronger every second of every day and every week, etc.!!! Bobby and Audra we pray for your strength. Joshua, Anabel, and Caleb God has great things in store for you guys because of your unconditional patience with your family.Daniel you are a warrior in your own world and hope that the great health bug bites you and sends you into this world to continue your purpose!! All our love and Prayers~ your HOPE friends
Lonnie and Kelly Baker & Kristin LeVally <kllb99@aol.com>
Memphis, Tn USA - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 6:05 PM CST
Our prayers continue to be with your family. We wish you all well and we can't wait until you are back home.

The Holroyd Family
Chris, Michelle, Logan, Lauryn & Haley

Michelle Holroyd
Edmond, Ok USA - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 1:23 PM CST
Happy New Year!
Just a word to let you know your in my thoughts. Audra, hope you have the opportunity to get that afternoon of pampering in. I hope you enjoy it! My prayer for you is that 2004 will be a year of healing and restoration for Daniel. I pray that he will continue to daily regain his strength and that The Great Physician will continue to do a mighty work in the life of your precious son! Look forward to seeing all of you soon!

Becky Walker

Becky Walker <bwalker@robynpromo.com>
Yukon, OK USA - Friday, January 2, 2004 3:57 PM CST
Hi guys!!!

I miss you all (not "y'all" mind you...) so much! Hurry home! I have so many things to tell you, but I don't want you to have to read a novel on your guestbook. *smile*

Bobby: Thank you for keeping up your online journal, I love to check in and see how you all are doing.

Audra: Can you say....??? Just kidding. Didn't the picture of all the muddy feet come out cute??? :o)

Joshua: Jeff will have braces when you get back, no teasing him now..... :o)

Anabel: I want to know how many times you have been to the zoo. Also, give your brothers a big kiss for me. :o}

Caleb: Have you lost any more teeth yet? Can you still say, "Turtle! Turtle!"?

Daniel: Uncle Ted is playing Bob the Builder again. You need to hurry back and show him how to do it right. :o)

Oodles of e-love to you.


Jamie Growe <cheese-bill@excite.com>
Piedmont , ok usa - Tuesday, December 30, 2003 4:44 PM CST
Dearest Family,
I'm grateful to be apart of following in your journey. A freind of ours from Hope Pres. sent us this info and asked for prayers for you all. I, too, am battling cancer of the brain and have a caringbridge site as well. Good luck on your journey as we know we will all be together with Christ in eternity to share the glory he has prepared for us. I realize how everyday life is a gift which we learn to appreciate through experiences that you are going through now with your precious little one. May God hold you all in the palm of his hand and confort you with his grace.Love and prayers. Julie Tomes

Julie Tomes <julietomes@comcast.net>
Nashville, Tn USA - Sunday, December 28, 2003 11:59 AM CST
What a great CHRISTmas!!! You so deserve to all be at home together!!! I LOVE your other beautiful webpage I just stumbled upon. I couldn't find a place to email you there so jumped back over here. Merry Christmas to you all! Congratulations on a successful transplant!!

In His love,
Christi's Mommy (NB fighter from Ohio. Also treated at MSKCC in NYC and now at CHOP for high dose MIBG trying to get rid of this wicked disease.) BEST WISHES! You have a beautiful son!!

Angela Thomas <zzartset@bright.net>
Tiffin, OH - Thursday, December 25, 2003 6:57 PM CST
Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope Santa found you all! Brayden asked Santa to send all of you something each time he saw him. We love you Guys so much. Merry Christmas.

Stephen, Tammy, and Brayden Lehew

Stephen, Tammy, and Brayden Lehew <slehew@guymon.k12.ok.us>
Guymon, Ok. 73942 - Thursday, December 25, 2003 9:07 AM CST
Daniel, I was so thrilled to see you standing and pictures of you leaving the hospital, see there besides being a bullheaded Lehew all the prayers being offered are working for you. I love you little cousin and look forward to the day that I get to see you walk into Grandma Lehew's house. Keep fighting and we will all keep praying for you.
Second Cousin Debbie Sellers <sellerfam3@aol.com>
Lawton, OK USA - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 1:46 AM CST
Hello Daniel:

Hope you have hung your stocking, for Santa has lots of nice
gifts to bring you very soon. Please get well, and have a

Sandra Micklevitz <Amicklev@aol.com>
Elkhart, IN Elkhart - Monday, December 22, 2003 4:58 PM CST
Hello sweetheart. I am Tim's aunty in England and have just read about your fight for good health. My son was very ill when he was just about your age but I'm pleased to say he is 21 on new years eve and made a full recovery.Keep fighting little one and I'll be sending you and your mummy and daddy positive thoughts.xx
Nikki <Stikkalikki@aol.com>
sale, uk - Saturday, December 20, 2003 3:31 PM CST
Hi Daniel, I hope you feel better. I pray for you every night, that you feel better so you can come play with me. God make him feel better so he can play with his friends. I love you.
Nicholas William Taylor (age 3 in his words) <Toolmansfamily@aol.com>
Arlington, Tn USA - Friday, December 12, 2003 9:54 PM CST
You are in my prayers nightly. Keep strong and may God Bless you and your family throughout the holidays.

Kristi & Huntor and family

Kristi Borland <kristi.borland@e1742.expresspersonnel.com>
New Braunfels, TX USA - Thursday, December 11, 2003 11:48 AM CST
This is very sad that a little cute boy that is so innocent has to go threw such a horrible thing. I will keep you in my prays hope you have better luck than my Grandpa. He had cancer :-( but it was his own fault from smoking. I don't think anyone or animal should have to go threw cancer. As long as you have god and many people praying for you everything should turn out ok..

Judy <lildixiedynomite@mail2cowgirl.com>
Memphis, Tn U.S.A - Monday, December 8, 2003 2:24 PM CST
I will continue to pray healing for Daniel. I know we serve an awesome God and he can do all things but fail.
Susan Jones <Susan.Jones1@ipaper.com>
Cordova, TN USA - Monday, December 8, 2003 8:04 AM CST
Hey Daniel,
Hope you are up and running your parents crazy. I am Praying for you and your family. Not only for Healing but for strength to get through it all. You seem like a really tough guy. Hang in there and let God do His Work on you.

Gloria Unger <luvnak43@yahoo.com>
Fairbanks, Ak USA - Friday, December 5, 2003 10:53 PM CST
Hi Daniel, I am Mr.G., Josh's sunday school teacher at Heritage church. I wanted you to know that the third and fourth grade boys in our sunday school class are praying for you and your family. Tell Josh we miss seeing him in class. Hope you can come home soon.
Mr G <csgoody@gbronline.com>
Jones, OK USA - Friday, December 5, 2003 8:43 PM CST
We heard about Daniel from Anne Taylor (Tim Taylor's Mom) in a prayer request she sent out to all of us who work in Memphis at Exult, Inc. Wanted to let you know that my family's prayers are included in the wave of pleas to our merciful Father for Daniel's healing and comfort, and for the strenghth of your family while you all experience this treatment. Your story brings waves of gratefulness to my family for our health, and for the ability to offer prayer for others in need of God's comfort.

Many Blessings to you and your family.

Rebecca Kemp <rebecca.kemp@exult.net>
Collierville, TN USA - Friday, December 5, 2003 10:07 AM CST
Hey Guys,
Happy Thanksgiving! You are such an inspiration for us all. You have been such a blessing to all of us. May God bless you and your family today! Brayden, Tammy and I miss you so much!! We think of you every day. Have a great day!! Think of you on this holiday!

We love you so much!!

Stephen, Tammy, and Brayden Lehew <slehew@guymon.k12.ok.us>
Guymon, Ok - Thursday, November 27, 2003 2:34 PM CST
Bobby, Audra and kids, we miss you so much and can't wait to be with you again. What a wonderful testimony you all are to the world. This is the hardest thing that we have ever had to go thru, but yet your faith shines brighter everyday. We are so proud of you and your family, and Thank the Lord for you. What a wonderful idea you had for the website to keep us updated. It is truly a blessing to see our beautiful Daniel's face. We love you and will be with you soon.
Albert and Brenda Starry <a.j.starry@att.net>
Piedmont, Ok USA - Thursday, November 27, 2003 10:55 AM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to my precious family. I love and miss you very much. I'm so proud of my little hero and knowing that God is answering our prayers. I pray that you are together today and that you can hold and love each other on this special Thanksgiving day. My prayers are with you and know that my love is for each of you! Take care and I'll see you soon!
Mom and Jim

Mom and Jim
Binger, OK USA - Thursday, November 27, 2003 10:30 AM CST
Happy Thanksgiving! Mom and Jim are here with us and we all wanted to let you know that we love you and miss you guys! It's probably not the same being away from home for Thanksgiving, but it's amazing how God has taken care of you guys! Please know that we are praying for you and we love you! Happy Thanksgiving!
Mike and Sarah Lehew <mike.lehew@ridgewaybaptist.com>
Sapulpa, OK USA - Thursday, November 27, 2003 10:26 AM CST
Hey little man! What a cutie you are!! That smile lit up my whole day! I'm an old friend of your daddy's and just wanted to let you know I'm out here in California praying for you -- along with lots of other people I know, too!
May your your strength, your hope, and your peace come not from ct scans, transplants or doctor's reports, but from our never-failing, abundant blessing giving Heavenly father above...Love, Valerie Dillingham
(a fellow neuroblastoma survivor :)

Valerie Dillingham <val.dillingham@nbc.com>
Los Angeles, CA - Friday, November 21, 2003 7:36 PM CST
Daniel, you and all of your family are in our prayers here at Heritage Baptist Church. We love you and miss you and are praying that you will be able to go home soon!
Michele Porter <michele@heritagefamily.org>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Thursday, November 20, 2003 2:44 PM CST
Daniel- I want you to know that there are so many people praying for you, not just in the states but your name has gone out on a national prayer list, so you are being prayed for in many different languages. Great Grandma Lehew says that you are a cutie, I printed your picture off that your dad put on the website and gave it to Great Grandma. I will tell you this, she mentions you daily in her prayers and Great Grandma has some pretty good prayers. You keep the fight up and keep your chin held high. And know this one thing, your family in Lawton sure do love you.
Cousin Debbie Sellers <sellerfam3@aol.com>
Lawton, OK USA - Monday, November 17, 2003 0:01 AM CST
We heard about you from your good friends David Rhymes, please know that we in Wisconsin are praying for you and your entire family. Your faith is truly a testimony to many. May God Bless you all
Connie & Sarah <conniek@putnamcoinc.com>
Walworth, Wi USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 1:51 PM CST
Daniel, how are you doing? You don't know me but I know some of you Mom and Dad's friends. David & Tami Rhymes and Scott and Laura Warren. they have told me about you and what brave tremendous guy you are. I am encouraged by you and want you to know that I am praying for you every day. Thank you for letting me do that. I have a daughter who was sick when she was little like you and we had to spend lots of time in a hospital too. Sometimes its hard but we had lots of people remembering us too. God loves you and you are surrounded by people who love you. I am looking forward to meeting you. I love your smile...God Bless You!! Keith Adams
Keith Adams <KAdams@olcc.org>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 9:37 AM CST
Daniel and the entire Lehew family are some of the finist Christians I have ever met. What spirit and love they have for our Lord. The minute we met them it was as if we had just met out own family members. We will be waiting for reports and we will be here waiting for your next arrival in Memphis. Thank you Bobby and Audra for allowing us into your lives. God be with you and we are praying daily for Daniel and the entire Lehew family.
Tom Harrison and Kim Matthews <t5455@aol.com km7175@aol.com>
Memphis, TN USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 11:17 PM CST
Dear Daniel

Hi from Tallahassee, Florida. I love looking at your smile in the pictures on your web page.
You don't know me Daniel, but you know my granddaughters; Stevie and Cierra. I know they are praying for you and I am too.
I have friends who are praying for you and they ask me how you are feeling. Now I can tell them about your webpage and they can see your pictures. I know they will smile back at your pictures just like I do.
Love to you and your family

Sharon Campbell <scampb4808@aol.com>
Tallahassee, Fl USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 4:56 AM CST
All of you are always in our prayers!! Whether it be "scheduled" prayer time, "bullet" prayers, evening prayers with the kids or shared prayer times. But it is the times I watch my children sleeping at night, the thrill of a butterfly gracefully landing on one of the flowers they planted or those times of shared special connections with the children God has blessed us with, it is those times my prayers for you echo from deep within, deep within the heart of a parent's love. We love you all and continue to lift you up to the throne of the Almighty in faith, hope and love.
Tambri L. Jeannont <tjeannont@cox.net>
OKC, OK OK - Thursday, October 23, 2003 2:34 AM CDT
To each and everyone of you who have prayed for Justin, this is the little one that Bobby requested us to all pray for, well he was called to Heaven this morning at 10:42. Justin is now a cancer free little angel and he is watching over his buddy Daniel. Even though we may have never known Justin and his family personally, we are all connected to them because we are family of Daniel's and we care and are concerned for all the other families that are dealing with this terrible disease. Keep praying for each other and especially for Daniel, Hang in there CHAMP! My love, hugs and kisses, go out to you my little second cousin.

Love ya,

Cousin Debbie Sellers <sellerfam3@aol.com>
Lawton, OK USA - Friday, October 17, 2003 6:58 PM CDT
Hey Cousins-
Just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, Mary ask the church to remember Daniel in their prayers too. So as you already know, there are a lot of people praying for a very special little boy. Daniel, I was looking at your picture and you have the same exact smile as your Great-Papa Lehew, even though you never knew him, your smile reminds me of him. I think that means that your Great-Papa Lehew and your Grandpa Dean are looking over you. I know that things are tense right now, but you hang in there and keep on fighting. Your willingness to fight this disease, has made me look at what I have and made me more appreciative for my life. Thanks Daniel for teaching me, your second cousin, something in life. I love ya and can't wait to see ya.

Cousin Debbie Sellers <sellerfam3@aol.com>
Lawton, OK USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 10:46 PM CDT
Hi, Bobby, Audra & family.... I am a co-worker with Uncle Steve & he has been keeping me posted about Danny. Last week he wrote down your website & I have been praying for you daily. Just wanted to let you know that my church & children's church will be praying for Danny & your family.

Rosa Lee Shepherd <tigger@ptsi.net>
Guymon, OK USA - Sunday, October 12, 2003 6:45 AM CDT
Bobby-Audra and Children. Our church, Quail Spring Baptist has Daniel and your family on our prayer list. Brenda and Albert are special friends of mine. Love to you all. Pat Vinson
Pat Vinson <antqblsngs@aol.com>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 1:48 PM CDT
Hi Daniel!!

I have a son, also named Daniel, and he is in remission for stage 4 neuroblastoma and is doing GREAT!
You will too!
I can tell you are a very tough little man and I'm sure God has some wonderful plans for you! Keep the faith, sweetheart! Prayer is powerful!

PS My son has been in remission for 17 months and will turn 5 in 2 weeks!

You are in our prayers!
God Bless,
The Hammers

www.caringbridge.com/mn/danielhammer <hammertime311@comcast.net>
Lakeland, MN USA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 11:39 AM CDT
I hope you get well soon Daniel!

Steve O'Brien <steve@magic104.com>
OKC, ok USA - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 1:08 PM CDT
I also have a little boy who just turned two on October 2 his name is Connor I love him so much and my heart goes out to you, you are in my thoughts and prayers. My name is Rhonda Roberts before I married it was Dorrell. I'm not sure if you remember me my dad is Terry Dorrell your grandpa's brother. My mom has been keeping me updated on Daniel I will keep all of you in my prayers.
Lots of love from me and Connor.

Rhonda (Dorrell) Roberts <RhondaandBrent@juno.com>
Apache, Ok caddo - Monday, October 6, 2003 10:51 AM CDT
Our heartfelt prayers are with you at this time. I know that you can lean on Jesus at this time, and He will get you through these dark days. We pray for complete healing, to the God who hears all our prayers, even when we don't quite know what to say. What a testimony Daniel and your family are to your love and faith!
We are friends of Lorene and received this from her sister, Hattie Suter.

Bill and Nadine Whitley
Eagle Rock, MO USA - Monday, September 29, 2003 2:08 PM CDT
I was recently sent this by Daniel's second cousin Debbie. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and if there is anything you need, please let me know. Also, if you have an account set up with a bank to help with payments for the medical expenses, please let me know and I can put it on the radio as a public service announcement. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Cat <traffic@kmgz.com>
Lawton, OK USA - Monday, September 29, 2003 9:26 AM CDT
Bobby and Audra and kids,
Hardly a day has gone by that you are not at the front of our thoughts and prayers. We can't begin to imagine the things you've had to endure these past months, but just know that we love you and are fervently praying for Daniel's complete healing. God is always faithful to His kids. In our thoughts and prayers always,
David, Michelle, Ashley, Macy, Jacob and Hallie Starry

David and Michelle Starry <dstarry@att.net>
Huber Heights, OH USA - Sunday, September 28, 2003 11:14 PM CDT
To our precious Daniel: We love you and pray for you daily. You have such a sweet family, Mommy Audra, Daddy Bobby, Josh, Bell and Caleb. We love you all dearly.
Keith and Linda Starry <lindastarry@hotmail.com>
Yukon, OK Canadian - Thursday, September 25, 2003 9:17 PM CDT
Dan, it is so good to see you doing so much better. I love the smile and the joy in life you have. I thank God for you and your parents and the faith and love all of you exhibit. May God continue to bless.
Danny L. Cavett <Danny.Cavett@hcahealthcare.com>
OKC, OK USA - Thursday, September 25, 2003 3:22 PM CDT
Bobby and Audra...
There are no words to sufficiently express the impact your faith and strength have had on those around you these past few months. In your time of hopelessness, you have provided hope. I marvel that there's nothing in the parenting manuals that prepares you for working through/dealing with your child's cancer, but God seems to take care of that in His own way and in His own time. Thank you for journaling Daniel's progress as your family takes this arduous journey.

Cina Gailey
- Thursday, September 25, 2003 11:33 AM CDT
Hi there! I loved the pictures. Your children have beautiful eyes. We are still praying. Our other Daniel has returned from Iraq!
Ann Schrock
- Thursday, September 25, 2003 10:06 AM CDT
Dear Daneil's family,
Great web page, one by Bobby also. If you ever
write a book Bobby about Daniel's journey. That
will be one I want to read. I love your writing.
Keep your faith, as I can tell, you have a lot.
God has a plan for Daniel, he will carry all of
you through it. Your friend from NB Group Lou/mom
to sherry/grandmother to Josh P.(11) Dx.NBIV 6/01

Lou Dailey (skiptolou@juno.com) <www.caringbridge.org/page/josh>
Knoxville, TN. USA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 7:14 PM CDT
Daniel and his family,
My name is Eileen Drayer and I am a grammy to Billy, age 5 - diagnosed with NB on 2/27/02 -(His 4th Birthday) - Luckily he is stage 2 - but we constantly worry - Just wanted to let you know we will keep Daniel in our prayers along with all of God's Little Children who are fighting this horrible disease - May God Bless your little guy

Eileen <dray@penn.com>
Reynoldsville, PA usa - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 12:15 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Daniel! You're the toughest little toddler I've ever seen. Our family continues to pray for you each night. We pray for your parents and we pray for your brothers and sister too. God is sooooo good. I know you hear that a lot, but I wanted you to hear it from us too. God bless the Lehew's!
From the Watters

Keith Watters <Keith.watters@hobbylobby.com>
Edmond, ok - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 8:55 AM CDT
You are all in my prayers; I loved your family so much when I taught at Boys Ranch. I ask for a complete healing in the Name of Jesus: the name above even the name of cancer! The Name of the Lord is a strong tower!
Robin Mikalunas <rmikalunas@wfisd.net>
Wichita Falls,, TX USA - Monday, September 22, 2003 6:10 PM CDT
I just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers.
Linda Short <lshort@okc.baptistvillage.org>
Oklahoma City, Ok usa - Monday, September 22, 2003 6:58 AM CDT
To an awesome family,
We miss and love you all so much. We don't understand why things happen the way they do, but we do know one thing, we are of LEHEW blood and we are fighters. Papa and Uncle Dean proved that and I know that Daniel is just like the two of them and he will fight until Jesus rings that bell. Hang in there Daniel, for you will never know exactly how many people love you, nor will you ever meet them all, but you are loved.

Deborah Sellers (your second cousin) <sellerfam3@aol.com>
Lawton, OK USA - Sunday, September 21, 2003 7:57 PM CDT
I am praying for you.
walter starry
yukon, ok can. - Friday, September 19, 2003 4:35 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Little Man! To all of the Lehew Clan, we love you and miss oyu very much! Brayden looked at Daniels Picture and he said " Hey he looks just like me! He don't got no hair." He misses all of you very much! Love you guys!

Uncle Stephen, Aunt Tammy, and Brayden Dean <slehew@guymon.k12.ok.us>
Guymon, Ok USA - Thursday, September 18, 2003 12:15 AM CDT
Daniel and Family.....My constant prayers are for perfect restoration!!
God is THE God of Miracles and He is present with us and ya'll constantly!!
I shall pray for you each and every morning, noon, and night....and in the night as God awakens me!!!
I will request prayers from all the ex-Ranchers that I have contact with and a mission team in Germany that stems from Amarillo. Blessings by the buckets!!!!!!! soon and very soon......Brenda Weems (new address) Wichita Falls, TX

Brenda Weems <bweems@academicplanet.com>
Wichita Falls, TX USA - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 12:18 AM CDT
We pray for your good health and recovery Daniel. Bless your family.
Jack and Hattie Suter
Palisade, CO - Saturday, September 6, 2003 2:37 PM CDT
Daniel this is Linda McNabb a friend of your grandparents Brenda & Albert. We are praying for you and your family. My church(Gallilee & Temple) are praying for you all the time. Our prayers are always with you. Love Linda McNabb mcnabb@cox.net
Linda McNabb <mcnabb@cox.net>
Oklahoma City, Ok USA - Saturday, September 6, 2003 12:23 AM CDT
Glad to hear the good news and Pray that things will continue to improve. We will keep him and all of you in our Prayers!

Uncle Dave and Aunt Dot Spaulding <Mioka@wingsisp.com>
Cedar Springs, Mi. U S - Friday, September 5, 2003 3:38 PM CDT
We are thankful for the progress; our prayers are still with you...
Bill & Tawana Hindman <hindman@htcomp.net>
Hamilton, Tx - Friday, September 5, 2003 12:09 AM CDT
I am moved to tears when your family comes to my mind. I'm not so sure the tears are a result of sadness or gladness. To see God move through this vapor of time in your lives is incredible...to say the least! What a testimony to the God who created, sustains, and delights in His child Daniel. May His grace carry you and His promises bury you in HOPE.
Kathy Hazelbaker <lhazelbaker@cox.net>
Yukon, OK USA - Thursday, September 4, 2003 2:27 PM CDT
Hi: have been recieving e-mails from Daniel's Grandmother Brenda. I am Larry Henry's niece a man who works
with Daniel's Grandfather at Firestone. I have been praying for Daniel since I recieved his picture and news on his condition from my Uncle. I have a son that is 1 month younger than Daniel and can't imagine what your family is
going through. But I do know that we serve a BIG GOD and Daniel is very precious to him. I have told many people about Daniel and he is being prayed for around the world.
Thank you for the up dates.

Valarie Simmons <valarie-tlapak@ouhsc.edu>
OKC, OK - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 2:12 PM CDT
We are praying for you and your family. We receive updates from Alma Dorrel in Apache. May God continue to richly bless you and carry you in His arms!
Jamie Nunn, member First Baptist Church, Apache <apache1stbaptist@aol.com>
Apache, OK USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 9:46 AM CDT
Bobby, Thank you for this web-site and sharing your heart, fears, pains, and and praises through your blog site. We all are moved in ways we can't even express. Daniel is special to so many of us. He has always been the "easy baby" that was passed from lap to lap at small group meetings, and was watched by everyone at your neighborhood get-togethers this summer. You and Audra have prayed for "a community of believers" as long as I have known you, and now Daniel is our "common denominator" for so many people from different backgrounds, religions, states, and even countries. You guys have always been true servants, and are the fragrance of Christ to all the rest of us. We all lift you, Audra, Daniel, Josh, Anabel, and Caleb up in prayer daily, and through this God will be glorified in ways our little brains can't imagine!
David & Tami Rhymes <david.rhymes@sbcglobal.net>
Oklahoma City, OK - Friday, August 29, 2003 11:41 PM CDT
Hi Bobby and Audra. I hope the thoughts and prayers of myself and others will bring you comfort during this difficult time. May God fill your hearts with unwavering hope and strength and His ever-present love bring Daniel healing. And Daniel, remember, the arms that brought you into this world are the same arms that hold you today. Be assured that God is still holding your hand and he will not let go!
Tim Harvey <harveyt@canteenokc.com>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 4:26 PM CDT
We are praying today as he begins chemo!! We love you guys.
Ann Schrock
- Thursday, August 28, 2003 10:17 AM CDT
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
P J Jackson
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 9:59 AM CDT
We earnestly pray for God's healing for Daniel! What an amazing and precious gift he is. Thank you Bobby and Audra for your testimony--your trust in Christ that is real and lived for all to see. We pray for strength for Daniel, you two,Joshua, Caleb, and Anabel. Our church, Ridgeway, is praying for you as well as our Kindergarten class here at Sapulpa Christian school. We love you!
Mike, Sarah, Hannah, Noah, and Grace Lehew

Mike Lehew <mike.lehew@ridgewaybaptist.com>
Sapulpa, OK USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:58 AM CDT
Daniel, I want you to know that my family will be praying for your son and family. We have seen the positive results of prayer in the continued recovery of my daughter from a brain tumor, we discovered last fall. God Bless.

Chris Wilson & Family <cwilson@ahinc.net>
Oklahoma City, Ok Ok - Monday, August 25, 2003 8:24 AM CDT
Daniel and family,
My prayers are with you.

Pam Foster/UPS
Edmond, Ok US - Monday, August 25, 2003 8:02 AM CDT
I work with Sherri and she told me about Daniel several weeks ago and asked for prayers, which we are always happy to send up. God knows your heart and your needs, so we praise Him for His presence, grace and love in your lives, as in ours. As he can only create, love and bless, we agree with His will for you all and thank Him for His kindness. We, too, are living in His will with our nearly 1-year-old grandson, Taco (Bradley, Jr.), who was born with a couple of pretty severe physical differences. We spend quite a bit of time at OU Medical Center, as well, so we know your hearts and relish the same blessings. God is with us all and our gratitude for His love is boundless, but growing every minute. Thanks for the opportunity to share in Daniel's recovery. We are truly blessed.
Rhonda <rlaughlin@cox.net>
El Reno, OK USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 6:47 AM CDT
I am Sherri Randell's mother. She goes to your church. Daniel and your family are on our church's prayer list. Many things we don't understand, but we know that God's in the midst of the storm. He's at work in all of this, and our trials only come to make us strong. I pray you will find peace and comfort and souls will come to know Jesus because they have seen Him in you.
Joyce Bastion <joycebastion@cox.net>
Perkins, OK USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 7:02 AM CDT
Jason and Cindy sent me your website, I'm Jason's little sister. I wanted to let you know that Daniel will be in my prayers. Through christ all things are possible and I know God is bigger than any problem we face. I pray for total healing in Daniel's little body. Just trust in the Lord and he will never leave your side.
Tiffany James <mj-tj@msn.com>
Midland, TX Midland - Thursday, August 21, 2003 11:16 PM CDT
Dear Friends,

We know the Lord has a special purpose for little Daniel. Our prayers are with you and your family. We would also like to say thank you for your steadfastness and faithfulness to the Lord. Even in your time of need, you have encouraged us!

Sherri and Pete Randell <srandell@cox.net>
Oklahoma City , OK USA - Thursday, August 21, 2003 9:45 PM CDT
God is good and he will comfort you and your family during this very difficult time. Lots of prayers
Jessica Rheinhardt
Phoenix, az USA - Thursday, August 21, 2003 2:33 PM CDT
Our family is praying for Daniel and your other children. We will be holding you up in prayer throughout your journey.
In Christ,

Sarah Polzin
Encinitas, CA US - Thursday, August 21, 2003 10:27 AM CDT
We will pray and BELIEVE continually. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for the conviction of things yet unseen." Hebrews 11:1 We won't be moved by what we see, only what God's word says.
Maryann Spencer-Manning <maryann.spencer@expresspersonnel.com>
Oklahoma City, Ok USA - Thursday, August 21, 2003 10:00 AM CDT
Wow. Your journal entries bear witness to the power of the Presence of God working in your lives during this tumultous time. Awesome! Our prayers join others whom you do not even know. May I pray like Juan...
Marita Walton
Jackson, MS USA - Thursday, August 21, 2003 9:03 AM CDT
Just tonight Aug 20 did I read of your family and all that has been happening to you and yours... Know that you are being lifted in prayer (you do) GOD of wonders, we are wondering, I ask why. I don't understand... I don't need to. I only ask that you meet the needs of Daniel and his family. You know their needs, each and everyone of them... Our hearts desire is for Daniel to be healed totally and completely... And that we ask in Jesus’ name!!! Lord if that not be your will then work in my heart to learn the lesson that needs to be learned in losing Daniel. Make sure that all of these struggles, everything that is happening GLORIFIES YOU in some way that is soooo very obvious.
Please know that I will continue to pray.

Kristie <stroder@myexcel.com>
Vancouver, WA - Thursday, August 21, 2003 2:15 AM CDT
You don't know us, (I'm from Angie's prayer email loop...) but my family has been praying for you and your family and will continue to do so. Your faith and courage inspire me and I trust that God will give you peace and strength. Many blessings and prayers for healing...
Sue <BriteWingz@aol.com>
- Wednesday, August 20, 2003 9:56 PM CDT
You are and will be in our thoughts and prayers. The web page is a wonderful way to keep us informed. You have friends in Christ all over that are praying for your family. Keep the faith!
Susan (Rhymes) Harvey and family. <skharvey@southernpage.net>
Monticello, MS USA - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 4:46 PM CDT
Daniel, this is Hunter Schwenke (2 years) saying hi. I hope you get better soon so. I hope you like the books and toys I sent you. I had fun picking them out for you.
Love your pin pal,

Hunter Schwenke
Tigard, or - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 3:18 PM CDT
Brother our thoughts and prayers go out to Daniel and the rest of your Family. We could not even imagine what ya'll must be going through. We are so thankful to see ya'll place so much FAITH and TRUST in HIM. Stay strong! Be near to HIM, who holds the FUTURE. We love ya'll.
Jason and Cindy (and kids) Wilson <jdwilson12@msn.com>
Midland, Tx Midland - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 1:16 PM CDT
Daniel is in our prayers daily. Our church family ask about Daniel and is praying for you all. Bobby and Audra you are an incredible testimony of our Lord. As you go through this "season" I know your foundation is firm (Matthew 7.24-27) Not because you are incredible parents or have a loving relationship as husband and wife but because you each have deep roots with our Lord that will lead you.

You shared with me recently that "God hears the simpliest of prayers" God is Powerful! "When we lean on our own understanding, we are in trouble. We are powerless. When we lean on God's understanding - lean into his love-we are powerful." Ed Young, Jr.

Love Jim, Brook, Kennedy, Lincoln and Jackson

Jim Lehew <jlehew@emmausbaptistchurch.com>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 11:34 AM CDT
I heard about Daniel through my good friend Tom Hoskison. I uphold you in prayer and love before the Lord Jesus for strength, wisdom, His love, His power, His light in the midst of darkness. I pray Psalm 17:8 for Daniel "Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Thy wings". Blessings, Suzanne
Suzanne Lee <slee@lighthousebiz.com>
Cupertino, CA USA - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 11:30 AM CDT
Thank you so much for creating the web site so we can stay informed. You are all in our prayers and on our church's prayer list. Daniel is so special to our hearts, even though we've never met him. We are claiming victory for him through our Lord! Eph 3:20-21
Bill and Lauri Williams <mrslauri@711online.net>
Guthrie, OK USA - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 6:13 AM CDT
Oh, what a beautiful "Lehew" Daniel is and what a special family God picked for him. He will be in our prayers, along with you, Bobby, Audra and children. Haven't seen you in a long time, Bobby, but will always hold the "Lehew's" in a special place in my heart.
Barbara and Jim Lill <boelill@cox.net>
Amarillo, TX USA - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 9:19 PM CDT
Your family is in my heart and prayers and in God's loving care.
Kristi Schutz
Monroe, LA - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 8:05 PM CDT
Bobby and Audra,
My son's name is also Daniel. Even though he is healthy and grown he has been unable to forgive me for past sins in my life and we have not seen each other for 14 years, nor will he communicate with me in any way. I have mourned for him as if he has died as I have for his sister who also has not spoken to or seen me for 14 years.
I feel your pain, but I also feel your hope and trust in our Lord that he will do what is righteous in regard to your son. His plan is perfect even though it seems so wrong sometimes. I will pray for your son and for your family as you continue to trust God and to encourage one another with your faith.

Ron Murray <rwmurray@pcgok.com>
Norman, OK Cleveland - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 7:18 PM CDT
What a family. Daniel is lucky to have all of you and I'm sure you know how blessed you are to have Daniel.

We can't see you are talk to you but we think of you often and keep you all in our prayers.

Pat and Ernie Sers <ernie.sers@expresspersonnel.com>
Longview, TX - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 4:18 PM CDT
God Bless you little man. We miss you and your family and love you very much. Keep up the fight.

Love Uncle Steve, Aunt Tammy and Brayden Lehew

Stephen Lehew <slehew@guymon.k12.ok.us>
Guymon, Ok. United States - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 2:43 PM CDT
Our church (Ridgeway Baptist Church) and Sapulpa Christian
School (Including Kindgarten Class) will be praying for Daniel.

Rick and Joan Smith
- Tuesday, August 19, 2003 2:20 PM CDT
You and your family are in my thoughts. I am close friends with Stephanie and Clay and heard through Steph about this trying time. Please be strong and know that there are people thinking of you and your little boy.
Ginger Phillips <gphillips220@yahoo.com>
Oklahoma City, OK usa - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 1:36 PM CDT
Daniel, we heard of your website through Larry O'Neal. Our little boy has just been diagnosed with leukemia so we are all too familiar with what you are going through. You and your family will be in our prayers as you go through these rough times. We know prayers have helped us and they will help you too. You are a brave little boy!!!!
Mark & Linda Johannes <ljohannes@ststephen.net>
Bloomington, MN USA - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 12:53 AM CDT
We continue to pray for Daniel and his Family
Ryan Gold <ryang@robynpromo.com>
Piedmont, OK U.S. - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 12:28 AM CDT
We continue to pray for all of you daily. Because we live in Dallas, we feel so helpless except to pray and pray some more. May God continue to give you the kind of peace that only He can give. Much love, Jason & Kathy Granger
Jason & Kathy Granger <j.granger@comcast.net>
Plano, TX - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 10:52 AM CDT
You are all in my thoughts and prayers everyday!
Denise Richardson
- Tuesday, August 19, 2003 10:51 AM CDT
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 9:58 AM CDT

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