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Monday, February 20, 2012 9:03 PM CST

I am not sure what drove me to visit Jacob's page. I don't even know if anyone views it anymore, but somehow I am compelled to add a current update.

Jacob is almost 8 yrs. post transplant, his anniversary is March 3rd. He is 11 yrs. old and will be 12 on April 9th. He continues to do well. We still follow up with oncology once a year as well as labs every 8 weeks and transplant follow up at Cincinnati Children's

Last year at his transplant follow up they decided to put Jake on a low dose blood pressure med due to increased pressure on his kidneys. His blood pressure had been running the higher side of normal. Since he has been on that med, about 10 months now, he hasn't had any migraines. He had been plagued with severe headaches which we were never quite able to find the cause. He will have a visit with the Nephrologist along with Gastro for liver follow up when we head to Cincinnati next month.

Jake plays basketball and tennis and will start baseball soon. Tennis is year round though. He does well in school, A's and B's. He also plays drums for band class at school. He likes his X box and ping pong.

His sister Jordan is now a freshman and Joel who was just a baby in my last post,is now 6 and off the growth charts. Both Jordy and Joel play tennis. Jordy will run track and Joel swims and will start baseball soon.

Well, as always thanks to Tom Dusza - Jake's donor, Dr. Jasty - oncologist, Dr. Casas-Melley and Dr. Stephen Dunn transplant docs that were at DuPOnt Childrens and Dr. Bucuvalas at Cincinnati Childrens and all of our family and friends this journey wouldn't have had the same outcome without the perseverance and dedication of everyone involved. God bless...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 12:36 AM CDT

Hello Everyone - Well with school and various other activities starting, I think we are finally back into the swing of things. Jacob is continuing to do well, aside from his ongoing headaches which we never found the source of. He was 4 yrs. post treatment in July, one more year off treatment and he will be considered cured. We will still have the transplant to deal with, labs and other tests for that but as far as the cancer goes he will be cured.

Jake is doing well at school and is playing soccer and loves to ride his bike. We had a great summer! The kids enjoyed swimming, went to Great Wolf Lodge and Cedar Point and also went to Myrtle Beach with my parents. We had a wonderful time, in fact Joel often asks when can we go to Myrtle Beach. I have an affinity for the ocean, it seems like every time we have an opportunity to go that is where we end up. I will have to broaden the kids horizons a little more. I think the ocean has such significance for Jacob and I because when he was discharged from DuPont to the Ronald McDonald House in Wilmington, we drove to Rehoboth Beach for a day. At that point Jake had been in the hospital for almost 3 wks. He was released for a couple of weeks but we had to stay at RMH then he was readmitted to DuPont to start chemo again. Anyway so in between the two hospital stays I was determined that he needed to see the ocean. Yes, it was about the end of March, a little cold for a day at the beach but on a beautiful sunny day with clear deep blue skies we headed out. My parents were in town visiting us and so we all went to the beach. It was so breathtaking, I was completely overcome by the awesomeness of the ocean and my own emotional state at the time. I carried him most of time (he was almost 4yrs. old, but very weak). We stayed for a while, we touched the sand and the water. It was a beautiful day. Look at him now he is doing so well!!!

Words will never be able to express the gratitude our family feels for everything that everyone has done for us during this time, family, friends, the doctors and hospital staff. People we don't even know that have made donations and prayed for Jake and our family.

One more thing, I am asking for prayers for two little girls I have recently heard about. Bailey is a 7 month old here in Toledo diagnosed with Wilm's tumor and Alaina a 4 yr. old from Perrysburg also diagnosed with Wilm's tumor. Please pray for these two little girls. We know the power of prayer.

Take care and God bless!

love - The Cadys

Sunday, May 18, 2008 1:48 PM CDT

Schools almost out! We have been enjoying this spring and have actually swam in our pool a couple of times already. Last weekend Joel and I planted a bunch of flower of pots.

Jacob is doing well, he is now 4 yrs. post transplant! Almost 4 yrs. off treatment (July). His annual at Cincy went well all test results were good. He is currently playing soccer and baseball. We had to take a break from tennis for a couple of months, too many activities, they will play again this summer though. He is ready for summer vacation and counting down the days.

April 9th was Jacob's 8th birthday. We had a magician for his birthday party, he was great! Everyone loved it, the kids and the adults. Jake also made his 1st communion this year, we had a party here afterwards and actually it was pretty warm and sunny that day, so the kids went swimming.

Joel and Jordy are doing well. Jordan is playing softball, she pitches quite a bit and plays other infield positions, she is pretty good I might add. She really likes it, it's fun to watch. This is Jordan's last year at the elementary school. Next year she will be in 6th grade and will be at the Jr. High, scarey. They will go visit the Jr. High on June 4th. I am so sad, time is going by way too fast. Joel is almost 3yrs. old, his birthday is on Memorial Day this year, May 26th. He is a little stinker, good thing he is so cute! We are in the potty training phase right now. I have unsuccessfully tried several times before now, but he has initiated it this time, so hopefully he will be potty trained soon.

Relay for Life is coming up here in Perrysburg, the middle of June. The kids love this event, Jake will walk in the survivor lap and we camp out in a tent overnight. Relay raises money for American Cancer Society.

Please keep the Kramer family in your prayers. Alec is doing well, no evidence of cancer after his scans, I think in Dec. or Jan. but he is still undergoing treatment until Dec. 08. Treatment is a rocky road so they need all of the prayers they can get. I just heard about a 4 yr. old little girl with stomach/liver cancer, everytime another child is diagnosed with cancer, my heart breaks a little more. I do not know any details I think she is from Perrysburg, she attends a Perrysburg daycare but that is all I know - please keep this family in your prayers as well.

God bless!

The Cady family

Monday, February 25, 2008 8:22 AM CST

WOW, I can't believe it's been 3 months since my last entry. I thought I would be better about keeping the journal up to date.

Well, we survived the holidays, the kids had a great time. They received many presents, definetely more than they needed. Wii was the big thing this year. I even enjoy playing it.

Jacob is coming upon his 4 year transplant anniversary. He is doing really well. He has an MRI coming up in March and then we head to Cincinnati for his annual transplant appt. It's just a one day trip. They have blood work and other tests that need to be done, just routine. We wouldn't be at this point if it weren't for Tom Dusza, words will can't express our gratitude.

So far we haven't seen any long lasting side effects from chemo and developmentally Jacob is doing great. He does really well in school, plays soccer, basketball, tennis and will play baseball. He's also in Cub Scouts.

Jordan and Joel are doing well as well.

I will update again after his appts.

Take care
Chris Cady

Monday, November 26, 2007 9:03 AM CST

Hi There - Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Jacob is doing well. He had a physical and flu shot last Tuesday, he is in the 95th percentile for height and weight. We are so grateful for his continued good health.

He starts indoor soccer this week and is continuing to play tennis. He is active and doing really well in school, even though he constantly reminds me that he doesn't like school.

Jordy and Joel are doing well. Joel has been sick over the past week with a nasty cough and cold - he and Ron missed Thanksgiving at my parents house but I brought them food. We had a really nice day although I missed Ron and Joel.

The past month has been busy with birthday celebrations, our annual family shopping trip to Columbus, kids activities and now we are entering our favorite holiday season. The kids can't wait to decorate for Christmas, they are so excited. I usually enter this season with mixed feelings, what once was my favorite time of year has become a little bittersweet. Jacob was diagnosed 4 years ago on Dec. 12th. He is a miracle though and with each passing year we get a little closer to being "cured".

Please remember the Kramer family in your prayers this holiday season. You can visit their site at www.caringbridge.org/visit/aleck

Despite the hustle and bustle of the season, remember to take time for whats really important, family and friends. Treasure the moments!

Take care and God Bless
love - The Cady family

PS I know the picture is over a year old, I will try to get their Christmas picture on the sight, once I have it taken.

Monday, October 15, 2007 8:47 AM CDT

We love the change of seasons! After this past week, I guess we can say Fall is definetely here. Let me start out by saying that Jacob is doing really well. Other than labs, he has no more dr. appts. until February. He is playing soccer and tennis and is in Cub Scouts. I can't say he enjoys school, but he is doing really well in all areas. Last week he told me, "Mom, we have to go to school 6 hours a day, that means we only get 3 hours of play time each day!" To which I replied, "Guess how many hours of play time I get...0". I thought it was kind of funny, he didn't seem to really get it. Anyway we are busy, busy, busy but always make time to enjoy the moments we have together.

Jacob and Jordan went camping 2 weeks ago with my parents and their cousins they had a lot of fun, it was a Halloween weekend, so they dressed up and went trick or treating. This past weekend we went to a Cub Scout outting at Oak Openings, it was actually a camp out, but with temps. in the 30's predicted overnight, we opted not to spend the night. Although it was a beautiful afternoon/evening.

Baby Joel is not a baby anymore. I am having a hard time not calling him baby Joel. He turned two at the end of May, need I say more? He is potty training, just learned how to climb out of his crib, sometimes thinks he doesn't need a nap and is curious about everything. He is such a happy little boy and talking a lot!

I wanted to mention our friends the Kramers. Please keep their family in your prayers. Their 10 yr. old son was diagnosed with medulloblastoma over the Labor Day weekend. Alec is doing really well but has a long road of treatment ahead of him. You can check out his progress at www.caringbridge.org/visit/aleck

Take care and God bless
love - The Cadys

Thursday, August 16, 2007 7:32 AM CDT

Hello Everyone -

Jacob is doing well. The artery narrowing that I mentioned previously (in the spring seen on his last MRI) after further follow up is nothing to be concerned about at this point. It has been 6 months since his last scan so he had an MRI yesterday. He did really well. He watched as they inserted the IV access (twice, blew the first vein), walked to the MRI machine and climbs up on the table by himself. All in all we were at the hospital for about 4 hrs. The ladies doing the MRI were the same ladies he has practically everytime and were the same ladies that scanned him almost 4 yrs. ago come December. Everyone is thrilled at how well he is doing. He has an appt. with oncology next week, just routine follow up and we will review scan results as well. I like catching up with Dr. Jasty and the nurses there but it just brings back painful memories as soon as I step foot in the office but also reminds me of how blessed we are that Jacob has done so well (not that I need to reminded, still not a day goes by when I haven't thought about something related to this whole ordeal).

We've had a good summer. Our Kumon Center has been really busy. Lots of swimming and tennis, the kids played baseball and softball. We went to Cedar Point. We went to Petoskey on Lake Michigan with our neighbors, it was fun and absolutely beautiful up their.

Jordy and Joel are doing well too. Of course the kids are growing like weeds. Jake will be in 2nd grade, Jordy 5th and Joel is just 2 I am happy to have him home for 1 more year. Back to school for us means good bye to the lazy days of summer. Not sure I am quite ready for the change of pace. Jake will play soccer, both Jordy and Jake will play tennis, then we have scouts, CCD and of course their Kumon work and school homework. We are trying to do some fun things before school starts, we saw Surf's Up last week, went bowling this week and will head to the zoo as well.

Hope everyone had a great summer! Happy Back to School!

Take care -
The Cady Family

Tuesday, May 8, 2007 7:03 AM CDT

Sorry it's been so long since my last update. Jacob is doing well. He had a brain MRI in March because of migraines, everything is fine with that. We have made some dietary changes and he seems to be having fewer headaches, he does have an appt. with a neurologist this month.

He had his liver MRI and chest X ray, all was clear. Oncology check up good, annual appt. at Cincinnatti Childrens 3 wks. ago was good. His Doppler Ultra Sound showed a narrowing of one of the hepatic veins, not sure at this point if it is an issue. We are trying to get the liver MRI from St. V's to Cincinnatti unfortunately this has not been easy. So we wait.

The weather is finally taking a turn, it's supposed to be 80 today. Yahoo!

Jake turned 7 in April, Joel turns 2 at the end of this month. They grow up so fast.

Jake is playing soccer and baseball, Jordy softball. They will play tennis in the summer. They have been really busy the past couple of weeks. I can't wait for summer for the pace to slow down a little bit.

Joel loves to go bike riding with me, he sits in his little trailer and sings. He also loves to be outside.

Take care everyone and thanks for checking in.

love - The Cadys

Thursday, March 22, 2007 9:44 PM CDT

Jacob continues do well. He had his liver MRI about 2 weeks ago. They did a brain scan as well because of the recurring headaches. Liver looks great, brain looks good. Headaches may be just migraines. We are watching his diet (can trigger migraines) and will have an appt. with Neurologist in May (can't get in sooner). In the meantime he will have oncology check up and annual at Cincy in April.

We are going to Great Wolf Lodge for a couple of nights over spring break. The kids are looking forward to that. It's not Florida but at least we can get away for a couple of days.

Kids are doing well, busy with scouts, soccer starts soon, then it will be baseball and softball. The kids have taken a little break from tennis but will do camps this summer.

I got to play tennis outside last week, it was a beautiful day! I can't wait for the weather to break for good. Hopefully that will happen soon!

Thanks for checking in! Have a great spring break and Easter!

love - The Cadys

Wednesday, March 7, 2007 2:59 PM CST


On March 2nd Jacob had his 3 year transplant anniversary. He is doing well! He has had some headaches recently and just had an MRI of his head and sinuses today. They also went ahead and did the liver so that we won't have to come back at the end of the month. I will know more tomorrow regarding the head MRI. There was a comment made that his sinuses are really clogged up. Maybe this is the source of the headaches, and what does this mean, I have know idea yet.

Other than that, we have been bowling, the kids have also been busy with scouts. I was working on a fundraiser for a local family, the event was this past weekend and in addition to work that kept me extremely busy. So I am enjoying a little down time this week.

The kids are doing well, our puppy is now a horse. Jake's annual at Cincy was rescheduled for mid April. He see's the oncologist here at the beginning of April. We will probably go to Great Wolf Lodge for a night or two over spring break and will visit the Dusza's while we are there (they live really close).

I guess that's it for now. I will update when I have info. on the scans.

Take care and God Bless!

love - The Cadys

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 8:41 PM CST


Well after rechecking labs last week, Jake's prograf was back to 7.2 within his desired range, but more at the high end. He has only had 1 episode of headache since then, who knows. I have talked to all of the doctors about his headaches, nobody has an explanation. Maybe it is just migraines. I get terrible headaches but mine are generally sinus related and usually come about when the barometric pressure drops, maybe he takes after me.

The kids have been loving the snow days. The sun was shining brightly all day, the kids enjoyed playing outside in the snow alot.

I made a treasure hunt for the kids (I do this every year) they love it and beg me to do it other times throughout the year but I save it for Valentine's Day only - it makes it more special. Even baby Joel (not so much of a baby anymore at 21 months)got to participate.

Jacob is supposed to have his annual MRI soon, and we will be going to Cincinnati next month for his annual checkup. He is doing well this is all just routine follow up.

Hope everyone is doing well, thanks for checking in.

Love - The Cadys

Thursday, February 1, 2007 10:01 PM CST

HAPPY NEW YEAR (a month later)!!!

Everyone is doing well. Jacob had labs last week, his liver numbers were good, but his Prograf level was really high, we are going to recheck it tomorrow morning. He will have an oncology check up next month as well as MRI and then his annual at Cincinnatti Childrens as well.

The kids have been busy with scouts. Playing in the snow that we finally got. Baby Joel really enjoyed the snow. Stuart (our dog loved it too. He is getting huge by the way (golden doodle). We have gone bowling a couple of times too.

Not much else to report, I will update when we get Jake's prograf level back.

Take care and God bless

Saturday, December 23, 2006 5:45 AM CST

The big day draws near! The kids are very excited for Christmas this year. As for Ron and I we are just grateful for good health for everyone in our family this year.

Jacob is doing well, he will have labs next month. Each year this month brings mixed emotions. So on 12/12/03 was when I took Jake to the hospital 3 years ago for the enlarged liver, then on 12/18 he had his biopsy and on Christmas Eve at 7pm we received the dreaded phone call of his confirmed cancer pathology - one of the longest nights of my life - told nothing could be done til the 29th due to the holidays. Then on Christmas day Dr. Jasty called and gave us the best Christmas present, after researching all night, she found a chemo regimen for Jake and we started treatment on the 26th. I don't know why I do this to myself but it's on my mind each year since he was diagnosed in Dec. of 2003. It feels good to let it out though.

Jordy, Joel and Stuart are all well. Everyone is growing like weeds. I will try to get their Christmas picture on the site soon.

I would like to ask for prayers for one of my dear friends mom who was just diagnosed with cancer. We know the healing power of prayer! Jacob is living proof!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!

love - The Cadys

Wednesday, December 6, 2006 8:54 PM CST

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, with so much to be thankful for. We took the kids to Great Wolf Lodge in Sandusky for a night, they had a ball. Jacob of course didn't want to leave. We had a wonderful meal at Grandma Jane's, all of the kids cousins were there, they all had so much fun.

Jacob is doing well, he had labs last week, everything was fine. We have labs again end of January but he doesn't have any other doctor appts. until his anniversary in March.

Jake is playing basketball now, he really enjoys it. Still in scouts and enjoying school. He is doing really well in school. Playing tennis too. He is very excited about Santa coming!

We are hoping to get our Christmas tree this week and maybe going to the zoo next week to see the lights.

Jordan and Joel are both doing well. Stuart (our puppy) is growing so fast. He is going to puppy classes, he loves it, he even has a girlfriend and little yellow lab. They love to play together.

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season, think snow!!!

love - The Cadys

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 8:30 PM CST

Hi - I realize it's been over month, sorry for the delay. I guess as time passes, I am having a harder time coming back to this place. I sometimes just want to forget.

We are forever grateful for all of your prayers and support Jacob continues to do well. He looks wonderful, when you look at him, you would never know what lies behind those beautiful brown eyes, what he has been through. Does it haunt him as it haunts me? I really don't know. We remember things we did during that time, sometimes he sees pictures, but he talks about it as if it was no big deal.

Jacob has to have labs this week and he had his physical and flu shot last week. Dr. Mills says he looks great!

Baby Joel is cutting a bunch of teeth, he has had a terrible cold, not sleeping well, cranky and has thrown up 3 times all over his bed this past week. Ok most people would think, my child has a cold, or virus, not me I am thinking the worst. I feel somehow robbed, I want to be that innocent mom again who thinks oh just a cold not oh my god does he have a low grade fever, is he sleeping more, why is he throwing up that's not normal must be cancer - please don't miss understand, believe me I realize I am so blessed, at least I can have these worries, my children are still with me which I am eternally grateful and thank God for everyday.

Jordy is doing well too. The kids are both busy tennis, basketball, scouts. Jake is great at basketball! The kids had off school a couple of days last week, they had sleepovers one night and then Friday papa took us to breakfast then we went to the zoo with Grandma Jane. We had a nice time, I love the zoo! Can you believe they don't serve ice cream during the winter??? The kids were shocked, they eat ice cream all year round, almost everyday.

Well, thanks for stopping by! Take care and God bless!

love - The Cadys

Sunday, October 8, 2006 3:40 PM CDT

Hello Everyone - School's in full swing and fall has certainly arrived (although you wouldn't know it today, it is really warm out - I wish we still had the pool open).

Jacob continues to do well. He had routine MRI - abdomen, chest CT and Xray and labs not too long ago - mid Sept. Everything looked good!

The kids are busy with school and their activities. Joel is growing so fast, he says a few words now, doggy, momma, dadda, jakey, hello, I think he says papa too. He is adorable. We also have a new addition to our family. We got a golden doodle puppy last week. Golden doodles are a cross between a golden retreiver and a poodle - they are extremely smart, low shedding and great temperament. The kids adore him, he is 9 weeks, his name is Stuart (after Stuart Little (Disney character). He is very sweet! We will have pictures soon!

That's about it, just keeping busy with everyday stuff! Thanks for stopping by!

Take care and God Bless
The Cadys

Tuesday, September 5, 2006 9:28 PM CDT

School has started, the end of the summer is almost upon us. I am torn, I like having the kids home and being able to do things on the spur of the moment, but I also have found that I like the structure of the school year. Jordy has scouts and tennis, Jacob has tennis and soccer they go to school at the same time everyday and come home at the same time.

I will miss the lazy days of summer but am looking forward to jeans and sweaters, pumpkin bread and cool nights. The kids are going to miss the pool. We swam almost everyday, sometimes only for an hour, but we got good use out of it this year. We had a wonderful summer.

Jacob is doing well, we have labs next week and MRI and CT. (just routine)

He started 1st grade, I have been a little worried about him being in school all day. I think the first day was hard, he came home tired and complaining it was too long. Each day has gotten better and today he actually said he likes school and had fun. Of course, he also says he has a new girlfriend too.

Jordan seems to like 4th grade and I think baby Joel is enjoying our one on one time, I know I am.

We managed to go to Florida the week before school started. The kids had a great time, we stayed at the Nickelodeon Hotel in Orlando, went to Universal Studios one day and headed to the Gulf, St. Pete's Beach for a day and a half. I love the beach! I am drawn to the ocean. We loved St. Pete and may go down there for Spring Break next year. It's a great area.

Ron's tennis team won state champions in their league, they went on to regionals in Indy but unfortunately lost. They had a good run though.

I guess that about sums it up, September is going to be just as crazy as August, we have Jordy's birthday, football season, the kids activities and Ron and I actually have a number of things on our social calendar, without the kids, believe it or not.

Hope everyone had a safe and wonderful summer!
Go Buckeyes!

God Bless
love - The Cadys

Friday, August 11, 2006 8:56 AM CDT

Well, per my last update, Jacob's friend Jackson and his mom and sister spent the afternoon with us a couple of weeks ago. The kids had a great time, they haven't seen each other in two years but it was like they were never apart.

What have we been up to?? Just keeping busy around here, we went to Chuck E Cheese one rainy afternoon, the zoo the other day, had friends over last Friday to swim. Trying to enjoy the last of the lazy summer days. I can't believe school is going to start soon. We are no where near ready. I am just not in school mode yet, all of the preparation and everything.

Last labs were good, next labs will be in September we graduated to every 8 weeks now. MRI had to be rescheduled for Sept., oncology checkup and Cincinnati visit will be then as well. Jacob is doing really well. You look at him and you'd never know, unless he has his shirt off. He is strong and healthy.

Hope everyone is having a great summer! Thanks for stopping by, don't forget to sign the guestbook, we love hearing from everyone.

We have some great new pictures, we'll try to update those soon.

love - The Cadys

Monday, July 24, 2006 7:51 PM CDT

Hi All - It's been a busy summer! We took the kids to Cedar Point and Great Wolf Lodge last weekend, it was nice to get away. We all really enjoyed ourselves. Jordan had never ridden a roller coaster before, her first one was the Raptor. We should have started slow like the Blue Streak, maybe. She loved it though.

Friday night we went to a Mud Hens game. They won, Go Hens! Saturday I went for a girls overnight at my friends parents house on Lake Diane. We had a wonderful time, stayed up late talking, played Trivial Pursuit (wow am I bad at that game - maybe it was the wine) and played cards. It was so beautiful there, came home on Sunday. Even though I was away about 24 hours, I still missed the kids.

Jake had labs on Wed. Prograf was good and liver #'s stable. So now we graduate to labs every 8 weeks. Yeah! MRI is in August then Cincy and oncology check up in September.

Baby Joel spiked a fever today, hopefully he's just teething. I can't help but worry though. No one will be able to have a fever in this household without me worrying.

We have a new babysitter, the kids love her. She watched them today for a bit, took them to the park. They can't wait for her to come over again.

Jacob's friend Jackson is coming in town this week. We hope to see them. Jacob is really excited!

Hope everyone is having a great summer.

Take care and God Bless!
love - The Cady's

Saturday, July 8, 2006 3:02 PM CDT

Hello - Summer's in full swing. We have been really busy. The kids have tennis camp and Ron and I are both playing TAIL. Our good friends Jill, Julia and Andrew were in town a couple of weeks ago, we took the kids to see Over the Hedge and then swam at our house afterwards. We had a wonderful visit. We went to Putt Putt one night, that was fun, Jordan and Jacob tied for first place. Lynnie and her family were in town this past week and came over for our July 3rd party. It was great to see them, except we missed little Logan, our visit was much too short though.

Last night we built a fire and camped out in our tent in the backyard. The kids loved it. We will have to take them real camping one of these days. We haven't been since before Jacob got sick. He was too little to remember.

We are planning to go to Delaware in August to visit the transplant team at DuPont, hoping to stop in Hershey to see our friends Lynn and Jessie.

Of course our summer hasn't been completely uneventful. Baby Joel came down with a chicken pox oubreak a couple of weeks ago, we had to have Jacob stay at friends and grandparents for 4 nights. It was one big slumber party for him.

Last labs were the beginning of June, everything was fine. He had an oncology check up, all good. Next labs are mid July. MRI in August and Cincinnatti for transplant checkup in September. Jacob is stronger and healthier than ever. His growth continues to amaze the doctors.

He is having a great time playing with friends, his brother and sister. Swimming a lot!!!!! They are in the pool every day. Even those cold days we had.

Hope everyone is having a great summer.

Take care,
love the Cadys

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 5:16 PM CDT

This past Friday, baby Joel turned 1. We had a birthday party over the weekend. He had a wonderful birthday celebration and is enjoying his new gifts! Hard to believe he a year has passed.

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. The weather was wonderful, the kids got a lot of swimming in.

The kids are really looking forward to summer. The countdown is on, 6 days til schools out! Jacob will play baseball, they will both do a tennis camp, and Jordy will probably take an art class.

Jacob continues to do well. He has labs this month and oncology clinic check up coming up as well.

Thanks for checking up on us.

God bless,
The Cadys

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:52 PM CDT

Yes, it's that time again, my now monthly update. I didn't intend for it to take so long, but things are status quo. Jacob is doing well, no appointments or labs til June, next Cincinnati visit for transplant follow up is in August.

Unfortunately I am sad to report that we had to put our dog to sleep about a week and a half ago. She was a yellow lab, 12 1/2 yrs. old. She was breathing funny and her couldn't stand on her hind legs at all. She has had a lot of problems with her legs and other health issues, it was her time. The kids miss her, Jordy especially. I think baby Joel even misses her, I think he was saying something that sound like dog - gogga? Anyway, he would lay on her and bury his face in her fur and laugh. He loves soft things.

The kids are excited to get out of school. I can't wait either, I love having them home and the laid back pace of summer.

Well we had our opening swim on Mothers Day, the water temp. was a frigid 62 degrees. We didn't turn the heat on because we had no anticipation of anyone swimming, finally the chemical levels were good and the cloudiness had cleared up so the kids were so excited they wanted to swim. My family was over to celebrate Mothers Day, so all of the kids went in. Even Grandpa accidentally went in, but I am not supposed to tell everyone.

Hope all of the moms out there had a great Mothers

Thanks for checking in and keeping Jacob in your thoughts and prayers. Many people ask me how he is doing and tell me they pray for continued health for him. We will never forget the generosity of our family, friends, community and of course Tom and his famiy.

Take care and God Bless
The Cady Family

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 8:10 PM CDT

Great news, Jacob's scans were clean. His spleen is slightly enlarged but has not changed from last scans. I guess just something to keep an eye on, no one is too concerned at this point. So I think the next scans will be in 6 months. We don't go back to the clinic until June and next labs are next week.

What beautiful weather we are having. We are finally having spring. It seems the last few years it has been cold and dreary right up until June. We have been taking full advantage of this glorious weather. The kids are outside all of the time. We are working on teaching Jake to ride a two wheeler. He got a new bike for his birthday so now all we need to do is teach him to ride it. He started soccer yesterday, Ron is the coach. He really likes it (he hasn't played since he was 3, right before he was diagnosed). Still playing tennis too. On Saturday we rigged the hose up on the slide so the kids could have a water slide, they had a ball! Everyone is asking when we are going to open the pool. Maybe earlier this year.

Baby Joel and I have been getting out and walking, he really enjoys being outside too. Some days he just stands at the window and stares out. He has 5 teeth in and two more on the way, today was a rough day for him, he was a little cranky which is totally uncharacteristic of him and slept a lot. Must be the teeth.

Sissy is doing well, she enjoys tennis and has been playing outside a lot. She had a really good report card, we are very proud of her.

Well that is all for now. Take care and God bless!

love - The Cadys

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 9:45 PM CDT

Hi There - I know it has been over a month since I have updated. No news is good news these days! Jacob had his annual at Cincinnati Childrens, all his tests were good. He was a trooper, so we treated him to BW3's on our way out of town (1 of his favorite restaurants). So labs move to every 6 weeks now, yea! Oncology check ups are every 3 months.

This week, Thurs., he will have his MRI and CT to check liver and lungs. Just routine follow up.

We had the opportunity to go to Florida for Spring Break. We went to Disneys Magic Kingdom for a day and spent the rest of the time in Cocoa Beach. The weather was glorious, 85 - 90 each day and clear skies. We spent a couple of days at the beach, played miniature golf and went to the zoo. The kids loved the beach, even baby Joel loved the ocean. I held him at the waters edge and the waves would crash at his feet and he would just laugh. My parents met us down there, it was really nice to be able to spend vacation with them, the kids loved it. Baby Joel was so good the whole time, despite not sleeping well. He is making up for it now though. He is cutting his 5th tooth, crawling everywhere, pulling himself up on things and I am sure will be walking any day now.

Jacob turned 6 this past Sunday. We had birthday cake in Florida and will have a family get together for him this weekend. Next weekend he is going to have his friend birthday party at the soccer center. He is so excited.

Next week Jacob starts soccer, Ron is coaching. Jordy is still playing tennis and just finished up acting classes and baby Joel is being a baby. He is the sweetest little thing. We will post new pictures soon I promise.

God Bless everyone, have a wonderful Easter weekend.

I will update again soon with MRI results.

love - The Cadys

Thursday, March 2, 2006 9:06 AM CST


Two years ago today, a miracle was performed on our little Jacob,(not so little anymore I might add). It would not have been possible without you Tom. As you know words will never be able to convey what we feel, for giving our precious son such a gift. We love you!

Jacob is doing well. He has had some headaches as of late but we made a few changes and I think it is helping, like limiting Game Cube, eatting something little before taking meds. We are scheduled to go to Cincinnati Childrens for his annual transplant checkup. He will have labs done, doppler ultra sound and GFR. MRI and chest CT will be done here at St. V's next month. We couldn't coordinate it for Cincinnati. On the 20th he will have his next oncology appt. and an echo (routine). Needless to say we have a busy month. We are also hoping to travel to Delaware for their Transplant Day celebration which is March 18th. And at the end of the month we are going to take the kids to Disney World for a day and then on to Cocoa Beach for Spring Break. Ron and I decided that after Jake's illness we needed to take a break once in a while and take the kids on vacations. Until his Make A Wish trip we really never went on vacation, once in a while we would do some weekend trips but thats it. We realized for lack of a better phrase, that life's too short, and we decided we wanted to create some great family memories for the kids.

As I have said before, as I reflect back sometimes it seems like a lifetime ago and other times just like yesterday. I often wonder how I managed to get through it. I never thought about tomorrow, which I think helped. Treasure the moments!

Joel and Jordy are doing well. Joel is getting so big, I started giving him some Rice Krispies and mashed bananas, he loves it. He is 9 months now and crawling everywhere. He has been pulling himself up on his knees and today he pulled himself up to his feet. I am not ready for him to walk. I want him to be a baby a little while longer. Jordy is busy as ever and enjoying sleepovers with her friends on the weekends. Jacob too, he loves to have friends spend the night. He has been playing tennis and has developed quite the swing. He plans to play soccer this spring and keeps asking when are we going to open the pool.

Well, one last thing, I just want to say thank you to everyone for your love, prayers and support. We would not be where we are today without it. It means so much to us and so many people have reached out to us and touched our lives. We will never forget and will always be grateful.

Much love and God bless you all!
The Cady Famil - Chris, Ron, Jacob, Jordan and Joel

Monday, February 13, 2006 8:47 PM CST

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! My little valentines are tucked snuggly in their beds. I can't wait til tomorrow, I am going to bake them a chocolate heart cake while they are at school and do a little treasure hunt in the house for them, they love this and will be so surprised!

Jacob is doing well, as many of you know, he has not been without his share of bugs this winter. Seems like every week there is something wrong. I am trying not to worry about it though. Had labs today, we'll see how they were. His annual for transplant is next month, at Cincinnatti Childrens. He will have his MRI there as well, so it will be a two day trip. March 2 will be 2 years post transplant. Time has flown by, next thing I know I will be 50. Oooh, I don't even want to think about that.

My trip to Jamaica was fabulous, I missed the kids terribly though. I really enjoyed not having to cook or clean and just read and talked with my girl friends. I had a 60 minute massage, manicure and pedicure, it was great! I was on my own time, I didn't have to be anywhere or do anything. It felt great not to have any obligations, and to just lay on the beach all day. I saw a whale really early one morning, I had gone to work out and the fitness center wasn't unlocked yet, so I walked out onto this rock pathway I saw something really large moving across the surface, breaking the pattern of waterflow and then I saw it's tail come up out of the water, just a little, but enough for me to see it. It was neat. In Jamaica everything is no problem mon! and time is never of the essence. They do things whenever they get around to it.

The big fundraiser we have been working on was a great success and a lot of fun. We still have one more event though. Johnny Rockets at Levis Commons will host a fundraising evening for Erin's Medical Fund. She just found out she is in remission, yea!!! The event is on 2/16 btw 4-8p, anyone interested please contact me, you will need a flyer, 20% of the proceeds will be donated to Erin's fund.

The kids are well, Joel is growing like a weed, crawling everywhere. He has 2 teeth and has 2 more coming in. He will be 9months at the end of Feb. He is the sweetest little thing. I love getting him out of bed in the morning, he is so excited when I walk through his bedroom door. Jordy is well, she has been doing a lot lately, sleepovers, tennis, acting (Childrens Theater Workshop) she loves it, it's right up her alley she is a little dramatic. Jake and Jordan are playing tennis, Jake will also play soccer. They both are excited about our spring break trip to Florida and can't wait til spring so we can open our pool.

Well I have rambled enough.

Take care and God Bless
The Cadys

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 7:58 PM CST

Hi Everyone - Hope this new year finds you and your families all happy and healthy. Back into the swing of things now that the holidays are over. Jacob enjoys school, at home we just started plusses (as he calls addition), he is really excited about this. He loves to ride the bus enjoys seeing his buddies. He is playing tennis again, 1 - 2 times/wk. We had a clinic appt. earlier this month, pretty uneventful, he was supposed to have scans at the end of this month but we are going to try to tie it in with his annual transplant visit in March so that we don't have to go to have a seperate hospital visit. In March we go to Cincinnatti Childrens, on March 2nd will be his 2 year transplant anniversary. So he will have to tests done there too. Labs were good this month.

Joel just cut two teeth and has two more coming down. He is also crawling everywhere and getting faster by the day. He is the sweetest little thing. He has a bad cough/cold and ear infection right now so is not his usual happy self. Although I almost got him to laugh this evening.

Jordy is taking acting classes, she loves that. It's right up her alley, she is a little dramatic. She is doing well in school and playing tennis twice a week again. Last Saturday, she played in her first tennis match. It was fun to watch her. Afterwards we went to dinner with my parents and then on to Maggie Moo's for ice cream and the fundraiser for Erin she's a freshman at Perrysburg High School. She was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma in Oct. 2004. She is a great kid. Shores and Steele, the K100 morning show guys were there and London Mitchell, the newsguy. They were great. Harvey Steele had a liver transplant and we had Jacob's picture taken with him. It was a great fundraiser. Maggie Moo's was awesome!

In other news, I am going to Jamaica for 3 nights with some of my girlfriends. I am a little nervous being away from the kids for so long. I will miss them terribly but am really looking forward to 85 degree weather. As it was snowing today and I was trying to find a store that had bathing suits in already, I just kept thinking about the warm sun and the beach. I am really excited.

A womens group I am in, Friends of Perrysburg is holding our annual Fundraiser Feb. 11th this year proceeds will benefit the Erin Puhl Medical Fund (the young girl I mentioned above). If anyone is interested in attending email me, ccady@bex.net, and I will email you a reservation form. This years theme is Be My Valentine Sweetheart Dance and Silent Auction. We have TONS of great auction items!!!!

Take care everyone, again, if you interested in the fundraiser I mentioned above please call or email me.

God Bless,
The Cady Family

Tuesday, January 3, 2006 3:59 PM CST


Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. The kids had a wonderful time. They headed back to school today, I must say I was sorry for them to go. I enjoy having them home. I think they were secretly glad to go back so they could see there friends regularly.

Another year, December was the 2 year anniversary of Jacob's diagnosis, March will mark the 2 year anniversary of his transplant. In some ways it seems like a lifetime ago and others, only yesterday. I still remember many conversations with doctors, word for word. I am reading a book written by a very special mom who led us to Dr. Casas and DuPont. Our paths crossed in cyberspace, there is a greater plan. Things must happen for a reason. It is about the journey of her son who was diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma and was written to make people aware of the symptoms and warning signs of childhood cancer. I admire the strength of her and her family.

Jacob is doing well. He did have a stomach bug on New Year's Day and yesterday, but is fine today and went to school. Next up for him is labs in about a week and a half and then oncology visit at the end of the month. He is supposed to have another MRI at the end of this month, hasn't been scheduled yet.

Hope everyone is doing well, don't forget to take the extra time to hug your loved ones.

Please pray for Tasha and her family, her mom is ill and they are going through a difficult time. We all know the power of prayer, look at Jake.

Take care and God Bless
The Cadys

Monday, December 26, 2005 3:35 PM CST

Ahh, the aftermath. The last two days have been a whirlwind of family,laughter, joy and fun, not to mention, cooking, cleaning and wrapping. What a wonderful holiday season we have had. The kids enjoyed decorating cookies, wrapping presents, making presents for Ron and I, parties, Santa and each other. It was so great to see them opening their gifts from Santa. Baby Joel's favorite thing was the bow on top of a present Papa gave him, he enjoyed all of the paper too, but the bow was his favorite, I think. I am not sure what Jacob's favorite was, I think he said Mario Party 7 - of course, Jordy's is her American Girl doll. Although they truly love all of their gifts and thanked everyone for their presents. They also loved passing out presents to family members.

I am enjoying a rare moment of peace and quiet, Ron has Jordan and Jacob at his parents, and baby Joel is here with me, sleeping.

The kids are doing a 3 day tennis clinic this week and are asking to have friends over. They are happy to have the week off from school. I enjoy them being home.

New Years Eve we are going to our friends for a party, they live close.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Have a happy and healthy New Year!!!

love - The Cady's

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 7:17 PM CST

Hello Everyone - Jacob is doing well, his labs were good this month. So we will go again in Jan., he is supposed to have scans again then (still every 3 months, 1 more time) then every 6 months after that. We are a little leary, CT scans are radiation, I can't even tell you how many he has had. The more you are exposed the greater your chances of developing cancer, how ironic. I am feeling a little cinical this past week, forgive me. The worry over every stuffy nose, stomach ache, nausea is starting to get to me. How can I not worry???

Despite that, we are enjoying this holiday season. The snow has been great, the kids have played outside a lot. We love to look at the Christmas lights as we drive through the neighborhood. Jordan and Jake are so excited for Christmas! They have asked Santa for quite a bit, we'll see. Baby Joel is just as sweet as can be, he loves his big sister and brother very much and watches them intently.

Today was the last day of school before Christmas break. I was able to attend both kids parties, we had such a great time. They are really happy to be on break now and are planning on staying up late tonight. We'll see. They are busy singing Christmas Carols right now and making paper gifts for everyone in our family.

I will check back in a couple of days. Hope everyone is having a wonderful, healthy, holiday season!

love - the Cady's

Thursday, December 8, 2005 8:21 PM CST

Hello Everyone - Jacob continues to do well. He has had the occasional bug but nothing major. Upcoming labs next week.

The kids are excited for Christmas. The house is decorated, the tree is up. Christmas lists have been written, now they just wait oh and be good, which at times seems tricky. Looks like we may even have a snow day tomorrow, yea, 4-8 inches.

We had Christmas pictures taken, the kids all did so well. Baby Joel is getting so big. He is 6 months now and weighs 16.5 lbs. His hair sticks straight up, he is sooo adorable and has brought so much joy to our lives.

Not a day goes by that I realize how lucky I am to have my 3 beautiful children in my life. I can't help but worry about the sniffles, or occasional tummy ache but I am ever so grateful to have that opportunity to worry and to hug and kiss my babies each day. We have so much to be thankful for.

God Bless and Have a Wonderful Holiday season!

Love - The Cadys

Thursday, November 3, 2005 12:08 AM CST

Hello Everyone - Sorry it has been almost a month since my last update. October was a crazy month and pretty much the rest of this year will be much of the same. We have a lot of birthdays in my family this time of year, kids have had quite a few doctors appointments, everyone is fine though, kids playing tennis, work, etc. Just normal everyday things.

Jacob's labs were good this month. He was supposed to have scans mid October but he came down w/the flu after getting his flu shot so we cancelled and he was scanned last Thurs. Everything was clean, yea!!!!!!

The kids had a blast for Halloween, Jacob was Spider Man, Jordan was a vampire and Baby Joel was Winnie the Pooh honey bee. The were adorable. The kids had a parade at school and I helped out with Jacob's class party. I also volunteer in his class room once a month, he really likes having me come to school and showing me things.

For Ron's 40th birthday, he and I went to Cleveland for the night, I had planned a surprise get together with some of our friends that live there, with the help of one of our dear friends. He was so surprised, it worked out great. We went to Nemo Grille in Avon, excellent food.

Our 10th wedding anniversary is coming up, tomorrow actually. We are going to go out with a couple of friends, the kids are so excited because their cousin Jessica is coming to babysit. They are happy we are going out.

Thats all for now, I will try not to wait so long between updates. Thanks for keeping Jacob in your prayers.

love - The Cady Family

Saturday, October 8, 2005 8:38 PM CDT

Hello Everyone - Jacob is doing well, his Cincinnati was pretty uneventful. That Friday, I believe it was the 23rd, he ended up having a bone scan, because when he had his oncology visit that Monday he complained of neck pain. He has complained a little on and off over the past couple of months so Dr. Jasty just wanted to be safe and check it. He did really well and all was clear. Friday the 14th he has his 3 month MRI and CT scans of the abdomen and chest.

He really enjoys school and is growing like a weed. He is at the top of the growth chart for his age. He loves riding the bus and being a big boy. He even told me has a girl friend, she lives around the corner from us and is in his class. He did say he tried to kiss her in the library but I am not sure how true this is. I hope he is just making that part up.

Jordy is doing well, they had pet mealworms in science class, she got to bring them home last week. Joy. I told they are going outside but she seems really attached, so I will give her a few more days, then they will go out in the yard. They are so gross!! They are in a little container though.

Joel is doing great, he is rolling over in both directions now and is getting so big. He smiles and talks to us. He is so sweet. He and Jacob and I take walks in the morning and he loves to be outside.

Not much else happening, Ron is going to the Browns game tomorrow, I may take the kids and go hang out at my moms house for the day.

That's it for now. I will check in next weekend and let you know the results of his scans. This is always an anxious week for me, leading up to scans.

Take care and God Bless
love - The Cadys

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 3:45 PM CDT

Whew - Time flies! We have been really busy these last couple of weeks, gone are the lazy days of summer. Jacob started school on Sept. 7th, he loves his kindergarten teacher and really enjoys the bus ride. I am a little sad, I really missed him this afternoon. He had an oncology check up on Monday and routine labs, everything looks good. Wednesday we head to Cincy for routine transplant appt.

Thursday we go to school to have lunch with sissy and then we will go to the book fair after lunch. Speaking of Jordan, she just turned 8 last week. She had some school friends over on Fri. evening, we went to Paintin Plates (you paint pottery), it was great. Then family party on Sunday.

The kids are playing tennis again, Jordy goes twice a week now. Jake is in a different clinic, he really likes it.

Baby Joel is getting so big, he is 16 weeks now. He is filling out, talking a lot and smiling. He is so sweet. He came along at the perfect time, with Jakey starting school, if not for baby Joel I would really be lonely. Although Kumon keeps me pretty busy.

Hope everyone is doing well. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks for stopping by!

love - The Cadys

Sunday, September 4, 2005 1:17 PM CDT

Another summer is coming to an end. It's been wonderful. Jacob is doing really well, he has labs in two weeks, we have a checkup in Cincy the third week of the month and he has an oncology visit on the 19th. He had kindergarten screening last week and starts school this week. He has the same teacher Jordan had, which I am very happy about. She is very sweet, Jordy loved her.

Jordan started school this week she really likes her teacher, I think she is happy to see her friends everyday.

Friday evening we went to Cedar Point, the kids have never been there. Yes we are depriving them. They really enjoyed themselves and want to go back for a full day.

The kids had a slumber party last night, Jordy spent the night at our neighbors and her little brother spent the night here with Jake. They had a good time.

What a beautiful weekend, we couldn't ask for better weather. Our families are coming over tomorrow to swim and cook out. We are looking forward to it.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday weekend.

Take care,
The Cadys

Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:16 PM CDT

Another busy week. We've been getting ready for school. Jordy starts next week, Jacob starts after Labor Day. He is so excited to take the bus. We got a lot of his school supplies Spider Man, he loves it. Once school starts the kids will be busy with tennis, Jordy also has CCD and Brownies too. Yikes!

Labs were good this month. His monthly checkup won't be til next month because there was no one at the receptionist desk when I was in last and I forgot to call to make an appt. I called yesterday and the only day I could get in before Sept. 19th was the day he starts school and I can't do that to him. So Sept. 19th it is. They aren't concerned though. We also head to Cincy on Sept. 21st for transplant follow up.

I am so sad the summer is coming to an end. It was way too short. The next thing we know it will be Christmas. The kids will probably be swimming til October though. Jordy has a birthday coming up, Sept. 15th. She is already planning her party, she wants to go to Paintin' Plates. I guess that is just around the corner isn't it.

Hope everyone is well. Happy back to school!

Take care - The Cadys

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:56 PM CDT

Hope everyone is doing well. Jacob had clean scans last month, yea! We will go again in October. They decided to scan at 3 month intervals for the next 6 months, then we will drop to every 6 months. I'm a little leary due to the high amount of radiation in CT's that he is exposed to (they say it can cause cancer, how ironic). Labs tomorrow.

What a wonderful summer we have had. The kids have really enjoyed the pool. Jacob is swimming without his floaties now. We are heading to the zoo tomorrow. We went to the Mud Hens game on Sunday with the Dusza's, the kids got to run the bases.

I can't believe school is going to start soon. I am so not ready. I think the kids are though. I love having them home.

Baby Joel is getting so big he will be 12 weeks this Thursday, he is so cute, he is starting to talk and smiling alot. I think he may have green eyes like me, at least one of my children has to look like me.

Take care and thanks for stopping by.

love - The Cadys

Friday, July 29, 2005 4:50 PM CDT


CLEAN SCANS!!!!!!!!!

The radiologist said the liver looks so good that you can't even tell it's a transplanted one. Tom (the donor), I know you and Deb read the updates. The whole journey has been a miracle. You have been perfect friends and Tom; you gave Jake a perfect liver! His numbers have been perfect since he received it, it held up to 4 rounds of chemo post transplant, and Jake has had (knock on wood), no side effects from any of this. 95th percentile in both height and weight. Perfect hearing and eyesight. We have been truly blessed. We can't wait to see both of you and the boys.

God Bless.

The Cady's

Friday, July 22, 2005 4:08 PM CDT

Just got Jacobs labs his Prograf level was good and his liver numbers are stable, w/in normal range. We are good til next month.

I guess the throwing up episodes were just a bug?? this week we are dealing with diarhea. Otherwise he is fine. No other symptoms, I am sure this to will pass. MRI and oncology checkup are scheduled for Friday the 29th. Honestly I will feel much better once we get that done.

We are having a wonderful summer, Jacob has been playing coach pitch baseball, he really likes it. Jordy is doing a tennis camp. They and baby Joel are keeping us busy. Joel is up to 10 lbs now, he is 8 wks.old. It just dawned on me that summer is half over.

Tomorrow we are going to Vermilion for a pig roast at the Norton's lake house. We are so looking forward to visiting w/friends.

Take care and have a great weekend everyone!

love - The Cadys

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:43 AM CDT

Hello - Everyone, sorry it's been awhile. The kids are keeping us busy! Hope everyone had a great 4th of July holiday! The kids enjoyed the fireworks, lighting sparklers and playing with friends. We had a great view of the Maumee - Perrysburg fireworks from our backyard.

The kids are turning into fish, they are in the pool everyday.

Jacob had his checkup at the end of June, everything seems ok. July 8th was his one year anniversary off chemo. He was sick about 4 wks ago, vomitting, diarhea, fever. Then the day we went to the clinic he was throwing up again, couldn't keep anything down that day, (which was about a week and a half from the 1st episode). Then yesterday evening he fell asleep on the couch, woke up and threw up last night. He said his stomach hurt as well. I have a call in to the doctor, I don't even know who to go to anymore, oncologist, gastro, or pediatrician. I prayed all night that is nothing. Next scans are scheduled for July 29th, I will not rest until then. (although I am not resting anyway because baby Joel wakes up twice a night to feed)

I wanted to acknowledge the last guestbook entry, from Lara. What a small world that one of Jacobs doctors, Dr. Camillo, met another family with a child that has a similar diagnosis. Lara - I hope things are going well for your son, Nicholas. Dr. Camillo is a wonderful doctor, we will miss him very much. You guys are in good hands.

Another beautiful sunny day here, so I must go and enjoy it with the kids.

Take care everyone and God Bless!
love - The Cadys

Thursday, June 23, 2005 9:04 AM CDT

Goodmorning - It is a beautiful summer sky, not a cloud in it. Kids are doing well. Jacob had a stomach bug last week, vomitting and diarhea, but he is fine now. He had labs on Monday, his liver numbers remain good and med level is within range.

We have been very busy taking care of our new baby. Baby Joel is 4 wks. old today. He is very sweet, still in the sleeping a lot phase but is starting to stay awake a little after feedings. He was up to 8lbs. at his appointment last week.

Jacob has had Safety Town over the past two weeks, he just started baseball yesterday. Jordy starts tennis camp next week. The kids still manage to find time to swim though. I think they have been in the pool almost everyday since Memorial Day, even on the chilly days they swam, Ron just cranked up the heat. They may have skipped one day when it was cold.

Jacob has his monthly oncology visit next week and his next scans will be the end of July.

Jordy and I are doing some gardening this morning, so I need to get back to her.

Take care and God Bless -
love - The Cady Family

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 1:03 PM CDT

I'm back...well sort of. The kids are great, they adore their little brother. My blood pressure medicine was doubled this past Friday, it seems to be helping my blood pressure is more normal 140/90 and yes I can finally see some ankle bone. I am feeling much better this week.

Joel is so precious, he is a wonderful gift. Not sure if Ron wrote about the delivery but once again God has given us a miracle. I went into to the hospital because of my blood pressure and water retention but showed no other signs of toxemia, liver and kidney function both good. They started inducing the next morning, by 6p baby Joel had dropped a little so they decided to break my water, shortly after my blood pressure dropped dramatically I felt as though I would pass out, Joel's heartrate dropped 3 times w/in minutes so I had an emergency C section. He was tangled in the cord. It was loosely around his neck and around his arms. Our doctor told us if I had been at home and went into labor normally, Joel probably would not be here today. We are so blessed.

The kids love to help out, Jordy likes to feed him, Jacob gives him kisses all the time. We went to the pediatricians this week, baby Joel was crying, Jacob was so cute he just started singing to him and Joel stopped crying. He is a wonderful big brother. We have been calling him baby Joel, I think Jacob came up with that and it's just stuck. Of course we will have to drop the baby part in a year or so, but it's cute.

Jacob had his oncology check up on 5/24 I think that was the date, all is well. We have labs this month and I believe scans at the end of this month as well. I have lost all sense of time lately.

We are off to a great summer! The kids have been swimming a lot. Jacob has Safety Town this month, will start t-ball soon and tennis. Jordy will be playing tennis twice a week now and possibly doing gymnastics.

Hope everyone is well, thanks for all of your prayers!

love - The Cadys

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 8:36 AM CDT

Newest addition to the family. Meet Joel Thomas Cady Weight: 7lbs 4oz. Height: 20 3/4''. We selected Thomas as his middle name in honor of what Tom Dusza did for our son Jacob, risking his safety, to give our precious boy a second chance. Sorry I did not post sooner but Joel was delivered more than a week ahead of schedule and we've been getting his room into shape etc.

Chris has had a horrible time with her blood pressure the week before birth and it continues post delivery. She continues to retain alot of water and is on meds, but hasn't really helped as of yet.

Gotta run Chris to the doctors...

God Bless...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 3:03 PM CDT

Jacob had his monthly oncology check up today, all is well. One of the oncologists that sees him is moving to another state, we are sad to see him go, they have done so much for Jacob.

The last couple of weeks have been busy, school field trips, getting the baby room ready, etc. Last Friday we went to the zoo with Jordy's class, the kids had a great time.

No baby yet, believe me I am more than ready! Will keep you all posted.

Take care and God bless!

love - The Cadys

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 8:22 AM CDT

Finally spring is here, we have been in the 80's the past couple of days, yea!!!

The past two weeks have been really busy for us. Lots of field trips and school events, Jordy made her First Communion last weekend, it was beautiful. We had a family party afterwards, she really enjoyed herself. She is my little princess.

Jacob continues to do well. He will have his monthly labs on Monday and then the following week will be our monthly clinic appt.

We are counting down the baby, 3 1/2 weeks to go. The kids are excited, the baby room is almost done.

The kids and Ron have been playing tennis alot. They really like it. I can't wait til I am able to play again.

Hope everyone is doing well, enjoy the beautiful weather!

Take care and God Bless,
love - The Cadys

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 7:14 PM CDT

Hello Everyone - Jacob had scans on Monday he did great. We had our monthly oncology check up today and got the results of his scans, they are clean. Dr. Jasty is very pleased with his progress. He will continue to be scanned every 3 months until the end of the year. Then we go to 6 month MRI's only. We will still have monthly labs and monthly clinic check ups for now.

The kids are both doing well. Jacob had a few school friends over on Friday, a belated birthday party, it was fun.

Jordy makes her First Communion in a week and a half. She is really excited. Today she was asked to carry the offertory gifts up, she is very proud.

I just can't get over how grown up they both seem to me lately. It's happening way to fast.

Approximately 5 weeks til baby. We are working on his bedroom right now. Painting is almost done, we just need to do a few touch ups and my brother is installing a chair rail. We are going to a different hospital then where we had the other two so we are going to take a tour this week so the kids will know what to expect.

Hope everyone is happy and healthy!

Take care - love The Cadys

Sunday, April 17, 2005 6:07 PM CDT

Oddly enough I updated Jacob's website the other day and just realized it didn't update. Not sure what happened there, maybe I just dreamt that I did it. Anyway everyone is doing well. I think Jacob has finally licked the sniffles and lingering cough he had, Jordy had a fever and sore throat for a day, Ron has a sinus infection, me I am just tired.

Jacob had an awesome birthday party. The kids had a great time. The pinata was a big hit. This Friday he is going to have a few friends from school over, he is looking forward to that. He is always wanting to have someone come over.

We have been really busy lately, each week I keep promising myself I will slow down, but there is always something, the kids are playing tennis twice a week, school stuff, birthday parties etc.

We are counting down the baby. We still have a little ways to go yet, the kids can't wait. We are hoping to paint the baby room next week.

Tomorrow Jacob has labs then on the 26th he had his 3 month scans.

Hope everyone is enjoying the wonderful weather!

Thanks for stopping by, love - The Cadys

Saturday, April 2, 2005 7:50 AM CST

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Things are going well here.

Jake ended up having a stomach virus the Thursday before Easter, he threw a couple of times and came down with another nasty cold. As far as the throwing up he was fine by the next day and wanted to go to tennis. The kids had a great Easter, they enjoyed their baskets of candy and the gift the Easter Bunny bought each of them. The kids were adorable in their Easter outfits, we went to church and then to my moms for the day. After that we went to Ron's parents, where the Easter Bunny left a Huge basket of candy.

This past week we went to Cincinnati for a couple of days to have Jacob's annual check up and port removed. We incorporated a few fun things into the trip. My parents went with us and kept Jordy while we were at the hospital for Jacob's appts. and surgery. We headed down Tuesday morning and went to the Cincinnati zoo. It was a lot of fun, a beautiful day, sunny and warm, in the 60's. I was just so happy to be in warm weather. Then Wed. morning Jacob had his GFR (kidney function test), liver and abdominal ultrasound, annual check up we were there for about 5 hours on Wed. but back at the hotel by 2p then we headed to the Newport Aquarium across the River. That was really cool. I think we had a couple of favorite exhibits, the shark tank was really cool and the penguins were hilarious. We could have stayed all day and watched. There were the aquarium was a long the river it was a cute area with shops and restaurants so we stayed there for dinner and sat out on a patio. Another beautiful day, lots of sun and very warm, 75. Thursday was his port removal, we arrived at the hospital at 6am, everything went smoothly and we were back at the hotel by 10am. Jacob did wonderfully, he was under general anesthesia and they also gave him a local anthestic at the site of the incision which was to last 8-10 hours. He did not complain of any pain and was a little sore on Friday, which we treated with Tylenol. He still has some remnants of the cold from before Easter, a little cough.

We are just going to take it easy this weekend before the kids go back to school on Monday. Jacob's 5th birthday party is next Saturday, yea! He is so excited, we picked out his pinata yesterday, SpongeBob of course.

Next on the agenda, is labs in a couple of weeks, these will continue to be done monthly. Then we have his 3 month scans at the end of April and monthly oncology check up. We don't have to go back to Cincy now for 6 months. Jacob keeps meeting his milestones with flying colors!!!!!

Hope everyone is happy and healthy. Take care.

love - The Cadys

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 1:42 PM CST

It's been a little over a week since my last update. I didn't mean to go so long without updating. Everyone is doing well. Jacob has labs again this week and next week we go to Cincy for three days. He will have a couple of tests done and also have his med port removed. I am really excited that he will get that thing out but also nervous about him having surgery, he will be put totally under.

He went to a friends house after school last week and had a ball. This week he is having someone come home from school with him. He has been really active and is doing great. He is getting so big. Amazing the difference a year makes.

Hope everyone is healthy and happy!

love -The Cadys

Sunday, March 13, 2005 7:51 AM CST

Jacob is doing well. He continues to amaze us daily with the things that come out of his mouth. He is so happy and smart and enjoys each day. One of my favorite things is when we are driving in the car and both Jacob and Jordy are singing with the CD player at the top of their lungs of course. I can't help but chuckle. There is one song in particular from the SpongeBob Movie soundtrack, "The Best Day Ever", they love this song and sing almost everyday. Each day is the best day ever. Sometimes, even after everything our family has been through, I need a little reminder. Each day with my two sweet babies (they get mad when I call them babies) is truly the best day ever.

We had a good week. The kids enjoyed their tennis lessons and Ron hit balls with them on Friday evening. Saturday night they went to Grandma Phyllis' where they had fun hiding Easter Eggs, playing games, coloring. Ron and I went to the Home and Garden show, and out to dinner with my parents. We went to Jim Jackson's Lounge and Grill (I think thats what it is called (the NBA player). It was great! They had live jazz and the food was wonderful. It's a small restaurant in downtown Toledo but a lot of character. It was nice to get out.

Congratulations to our friends Tom and Kathy on the birth of their beautiful daughter Faith. Lots of babies being born this spring!! Darla and Pat, are due the 15th, Tasha and Kevin are going in today, Lori and Randy are due in April. Me, of course I am the last, June 4th. The kids are getting excited already, Jordy is making all kinds of plans to help out. Jacob is just planning on enlisting his brother to torture Jordan. He is already telling us that it will be 3 boys against 2 girls (he has included Ron and I in this analogy).

Hope everyone has a great week. Think spring, it is coming up!

Thanks for all of your continued prayers and support.

love - The Cadys

Wednesday, March 9, 2005 12:51 AM CST

We had a great weekend, the weather was wonderful. Can't wait for Spring.

On Saturday we went to the Firelands Red Cross Chapter Hero Breakfast. Tom was honored for donating part of his liver to Jacob. It was a very moving ceremony. We are so grateful to Tom and are so happy that he was recognized for this selfless act. We then went to the Dusza's and hung out there for a while and then went to dinner in Sandusky with them. It was great to visit and catch up.

Monday Jacob had labs, all is well as far as those go. Labs again in two weeks and then we are off to Cincinnati.

Hope everyone is happy and healthy.

Thanks for stopping by.

love - The Cadys

Wednesday, March 2, 2005 10:34 AM CST


Two days of updates in a row, I am on a roll. Today is a very important, very special day in our lives. It was one year ago today that Jacob received his new liver from Tom. I am overwhelmed by emotions today. I thank God everyday for Tom and his gift to Jacob, how selfless he is to have done this and how wonderful his family is to have supported his decision. I thank God everyday that my two precious babies are here today with us. I pray everyday that the little one inside of me is healthy and selfishly pray that God will let me keep my children on earth with us. When I look back over the past 16 months some things seem a lifetime away and other memories are just as vivid as though they were yesterday. I must admit when Jacob was first diagnosed I wasn't sure he would be here with us today but with the Lords guidance, the support of Ron, all of the research we did, the support of our families and the wonderful doctors we were working with and of course Tom, I quickly went from helplessness and hopelessness to hopefullness. I began to believe and pray like I have never prayed before that Jacob would beat this thing. Look at him today. For those of you who know Jacob personally you know what I am talking about. He is a beautiful, energetic little boy, so full of life. Some days it all seems like a bad dream but the daily medication, monthly oncology visits and lab work remind me it is very real. Those things don't matter though, the only thing that does is that each day is a new day with my wonderful and loving family and I treasure each one of them.

There is a local family in need of your prayers, I learned of another child diagnosed with a rhabdoid tumor, imagine my shock and I would imagine the doctors shock as well. Such a rare diagnosis and two within 16 months of each other in the same city. Does this mean something? Anyway the little girl is not doing so well, she is 18 months I believe. I don't know much but have offered to help in anyway I can, (I have asked the oncology social worker to pass along my phone # - sometimes it helps to talk to someone who has been through a similar ordeal), but I do know that they need as many prayers right now, as they can get. We have had such a wonderful support system through this entire journey and that is why I ask you to keep this family in your prayers.

Thank your for all of your prayers and support over the past 16 months. We could not have gotten through this with out you. We will never forget any of it and will always keep you in our prayers as well.

Love to you all - Chris, Ron, Jacob and Jordan

Tuesday, March 1, 2005 12:58 AM CST

Sorry it's been a week since my last update. It's been a really busy week.

Jacob had clinic on Friday, everything went well, he did have a slight ear infection so he is on antibiotics for that. He needs to get labwork done next Monday. He's feeling better this week, his cold is almost gone, still has a little stuffy nose.

The kids are keeping us busy, Ron has been taking Jordan to hit balls a couple of times a week, in addition to the kids tennis lessons. She really likes it. Jacob enjoys it too.

Jacob has a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese this evening. He is excited but also a little leary, he loves Chuck E Cheeses but doesn't like Chuck E. Everytime he sees him, he runs to me and hides.

Thanks for your continued support.

love - The Cadys

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 8:30 AM CST

I know I said I was looking forward to a long weekend last Friday and it was a long one indeed. Jacob ended up getting sick on Saturday, the nasty cold I thought he was over returned, along with a fever. This is the second fever he has had since being off of chemo, the first one was back in October, 2 days after he got his flu shot so I am sure that is what caused that one. The thing with fevers is that he was experiencing, unexplained low grade fevers before he was diagnosed - with no other symptoms. Low grade fevers are one of the symptoms of cancer, in children at least. Thankfully his fever was up to 102( not low grade) degrees but we still worry. On top of that he started saying his legs hurt. I think he was just weak from being sick. Imagine what is going through our minds though. He slept all day Sunday by Monday the fever broke and now he is left with this nasty cough and stuffy nose. Needless to say he is home from school today.

Lynnie came into town this past weekend, we only got to see each other for an hour, but it was great to visit with her and her family. The kids are adorable.

Busy week ahead, I have to go to Cleveland two days for meetings, I can't bring myself to spend the night away from the kids though. So I will drive back and forth. Am I crazy? This Friday we head to the clinic for check up and IV meds. Jordan has her last painting class for this session this week and they are having an art show, she is really excited about that. Not sure about Ron, he is always busy though.

Thanks to all for your prayers and support.

love - The Cadys

Friday, February 18, 2005 6:03 AM CST

The kids are doing well. Jordy is off of school today (Jake doesn't go to school on Fridays) and they are both off on Monday. Looking forward to a long weekend.

We heard some great news this week, Tom Dusza is being honored in his hometown as a local hero for donating part of his liver to Jacob. We are so thrilled that he will be acknowledged for this act!

Next on Jacobs agenda is his monthly oncology check up and IV med. next Friday.

Please keep my brother and his wifes family in your prayers. Many of you know Tiffany, her father passed away suddenly on Monday night. He was such a kind, caring man and will be greatly missed.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Thanks for stopping by and for your continued prayers and support.

love - The Cadys

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 5:04 AM CST

The Tropical Escape Fundraiser was a big success! Thanks to all who coordinated and supported this effort. We had a wonderful time and are so grateful that Jacob was chosen as the benefactor this year. He wanted to go to the "party" but was satisfied with going Friday night and setting up. The kids had a ball running around and playing and made a few new friends.

Jordan spent the night at the Zoo on Saturday night with her Brownie troop. She had really enjoyed it! I was a little nervous about it since I was unable to attend but she had a ball. She ended up calling me around 12:30am, we had gotten home around 11:45p from the fundraiser and I was already in bed and asleep when she called. She is in 2nd grade, is this a taste of what is to come??

The kids are doing well, they have kicked their colds from last week, me on the other hand, I can't seem to shake it. I lost my voice for 3 days, the kids got a kick out of that. I am feeling a little better this morning maybe I will be able to talk today, I know imagine me unable to talk. Now if only I could sleep, pregnant ladies need their sleep.

Next on Jake's agenda is his oncology checkup at the end of Feb. and IV antibiotic. Then we get labs twice in March and our Spring Break will be spent partially in sunny...Cincinnati??! For annual transplant follow up, a slew of tests and port removal.

Hope everyone is well.

Thanks for all of your support.

love - The Cadys

Saturday, February 12, 2005 3:52 PM CST

Jacob's labs came back good, liver numbers stable and Prograf fine. We are on track to get his port removed in Cincy on the 29th of March and he will have his annual for transplant follow up then, we will be down there for two days.

Kids were ok this week, they both had bad colds which they passed on to me, but they had a delay one day and snow day the next so I think the extra rest really helped.

Jordy moved up a to the next level in tennis and Jacob started new lessons. They really enjoy it. In fact we have one of those hit a way things like for baseball only it's for tennis, it is set up in the basement and the kids come down everyday to play.

Friday we went to the Carronour Club and helped set up for the fundraiser, the kids had a ball running around with the other kids there. The event is tonight. Jordy helped me paint my fingernails and toenails as I can't reach my toes very well. So I painted hers, it was fun. Everyone dresses in summer clothes, we are really excited. Although somehow Ron hurt his back and I have larengitis and a terrible cold.

Looking forward to a great night at the fundraiser.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support.

love -The Cadys

Tuesday, February 8, 2005 12:58 AM CST

We had a busy weekend. The kids enjoyed going to tennis on Saturday. Jacob started coming down with a cold on Sunday night, sneezing, cough, sore throat. He is not eatting much but drinking lots of liquids.

Sunday night some family and friends came over to watch the Super Bowl. The kids all had a ball, they pretty much took over the basement.

Monday we had labs, haven't gotten the results yet.

This Saturday is the big fundraiser, we are really looking forward to it!

Busy week ahead though.

Hope everyone is doing well! Thanks for all of your prayers and support.

love - The Cadys

Friday, February 4, 2005 3:04 AM CST

Jacob had his surgical consult yesterday which resulted in removing that thing on his side, right then and there. I can't remember what they called, they must have told me 10 times, but it was such an obscure name I just couldn't retain it. Normally I remember every detail of everything that happens with him. Pregnancy is really starting to affect my brain. Basically they said it was nothing to really worry about, they would so a biopsy on it just to make sure though. I will know the results early next week.

For those who aren't aware, Jake had this thing that started as what looked like a tiny blood blister on his right side and then became this growth about the size of a pea, which occasionally bled. They numbed it snipped it off then cauterized the area, it was quick but definetely not painless. He cried for a while and I just held him the whole time I felt helpless all over again. At least it's done.

The kids are both well, I have insomnia and Ron is busy as usual. They have been playing really well together all week. Jordy made her first Reconciliation on Tuesday we took her out to dinner to celebrate. I asked her what she talked to the priest about she said she couldn't tell me because it was secret between her and the priest. I just wanted to know what sins could a 2nd grader possibly have to confess?? Next up for her is First Communion in May.

Speaking of spring Jacob is already planning his birthday party. He wants to go bowling and have a pinata.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, enjoy the Super Bowl.

Don't forget about the upcoming fundraising event at the Caronour Club in Perrysburg on the 12th. There are some great items that will be auctioned off. It will be a great time! Ron and I are attending. You can email me directly for a reservation form, ccady@buckeye-express.com.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support.

love - The Cadys

Monday, January 31, 2005 8:43 AM CST

Kids are doing well. The official report is that all is clear with Jacob's scans. His thymus is still somewhat enlarged, but unchanged from Oct./Nov. scans so not worried about it. (This was a rebound effect of chemo). This week we have a surgical consult for the little skin tag on his side.

Yesterday we went to my niece Jessica's birthday party. They kids had a ball. They did not want to leave, typical.

We spent most of the weekend rearranging things, Ron moved his office back to the basement. He had to paint, it was a big job. Now I can finally have some peace and quiet. Just kidding.

Hope everyone is doing well. Looks like we may have somewhat warmer weather this week. I hate to see it but I am already getting spring fever.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support.

love - The Cadys

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 7:59 PM CST

Just wanted to let everyone know, the preliminary results of Jake's scans and MRI are negative. Yea! I knew that they would be clean however the anxiety in waiting for the results is sometimes overwhelming.

He was such a good little boy today. We were at the clinic and hospital all day the only thing that really bothered him was by noon he started getting a little cranky because he was unable to eat all day. Finally at 3:30p after he awoke from sedation he was able to eat, his choices were chips, chocolate chip cookie and cheez its. I did have a Nutri Grain bar in the selection but of course he wouldn't pick something healthy.

So we are able to breathe a sigh of relief and thanking God for blessing us with these wonderful results.

Next step will be a surgical consult for the thing (skin tag) on his side. The good news is that it is not attached to anything growing on the inside, but they don't know what it is. It will have to be removed, it is about the size of a pea. In fact tonight he rubbed it against the couch accidentally and it was bleeding. We go Feb. 1.

Jordy is doing well. We went to my cousins house tonight for a jewelry party, Jordy had a ball. Our cousin Tracy makes beautiful handbags and clothing and she made Jordy a purse. It is adorable! Jordan was so excited. On the way home she said mom I really love my new purse.

It is getting past my bedtime! Good night all and thanks for all of your prayers and support.

love - The Cadys

Friday, January 21, 2005 5:31 AM CST

Don't you just love the new picture? Ok maybe I am partial.

Anyway not a whole lot to report, everyone is doing well, just your typical busy week. Not forgetting to take time to appreciate our two little precious gifts.

We started something new last week, the kids have weekly chore (for lack of a better word) charts and everytime they do something they get a sticker. They love it, they don't forget to brush their teeth, they feed the dog everyday, help each other set the dinner table etc. and they really do like it, they never complain. Jordy, always the business woman, after about a week and a half asked what they get for filling the chart, I said a kiss from mom but that wasn't enough (can you believe it!) so I agreed to give them each a dollar if they complete their chart each week. It's been fun.

Wednesday Jacob has his scans, of course we won't know anything til Thursday at least (waiting is always the worst part). Please pray for clean scans!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Anyone interested in the Tropical Escape Friends of Perrysburg Fundraiser for Jacob on Sat. Feb. 12th, see Fundraising information above. I also have an email version of the reservation form, tickets are $25 per person you can email me for that form at ccady@buckeye-express.com.

Thanks for all of your support!
love - The Cadys

Monday, January 17, 2005 3:47 PM CST

We had a nice long weekend. Ron was off today so we took the kids bowling and out to lunch. They had a ball, they love to bowl. Jacob wants to have his 5th birthday party at the bowlling alley.

Jacob has been singing a lot lately. He went through this phase when he was really sick and he didn't want to sing nor did he want anyone to sing to him, or sing at all for that matter. If I was singing to the radio he would yell at me, I know I have a bad voice, but do kids know the difference?? Anyway it just warms my heart to hear him and sissy sitting in the back seat of the van singing. Today they were just making up songs, playing off of each other, it was so sweet.

Not much else to report. Everyone is doing well. The baby is moving around a lot. In case anyone missed my update during the week, we are having a BOY!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Thanks for all of your prayers and support.

love - The Cady's

Friday, January 14, 2005 2:47 PM CST

We actually have had a little excitement over the past week, some of it I have kept out of the journal entries so as not to cause any panic. My blood test from the triple marker test came back positive for Downs Syndrome but as you may know those tests are often, quite often, inaccurate. Me however, I did not know that. Once we got the info, we anxiously waited for Wednesday to arrive, to see the fetal specialist. Good news, he did a level 2 untrasound and checked a number of physical markers for Downs and found everything to be normal, so the baby IS healthy! In addition to this info. we also found out we are having a BOY!!!!!! His name will be Joel or Jude, Ron likes Joel, I like Jude, we'll see who wins.

In other news, Jacob had this little blood blister looking thing on his right side in December. Since then it has turned into a type of growth?? It is about the size of a pea, hanging on his side and kind of pinkish looking. I took him into the oncologist today they did an exam and felt that it needs to be removed, however first we need to make sure it is not attached to anything inside of his body. It doesn't hurt and Dr. Camillo checked his entire abdomen area and did not feel anything. So more than likely it is nothing. We have an appt. scheduled for Feb. 1st, for a surgical consult depending on how the scans read. Scans are on Jan. 26th.

Never a dull moment around here.

Thanks for your prayers and support.

love - The Cadys

Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:34 AM CST

Jacob's lab results came back good. His liver numbers are steady and w/in normal range, and his Prograf level was good 8.3 (he has to be between 6 and 12). He has graduated to monthly labs instead of every two weeks. Yea!!! I think he will miss Miss Yvonne though, she is very good to him.

Next up his monthly oncology appt. and scans at the end of the Jan. Please pray for clean scans!

The kids are on a delay today because of the freezing rain?? Looks ok out there to me, but I don't mind the delay, I would keep them home with me all day if I could.

Have a great week and thanks for stopping by!

love - The Cadys

Sunday, January 9, 2005 3:14 PM CST

Jacob has had a good week. He is back to his normal self, no napping or diarhea, I think he just had a bug. Jordy's cough is still lingering though. I took her into the pediatricians on Wed. since they were off of school, they put her on an antibiotic and singulair. She is still coughing a little though.

The kids both enjoyed the snow days this week. Then Saturday morning who expected that? The kids were out at 8:30am helping dad to shovel (our snowblower broke down - not a good day for that). They love playing in the snow.

When we stayed at the Ronald McDonald House in Delaware we met a wonderful young lady named Casey who worked at RMH. She played with the kids, Jordy especially loved visiting with Casey, they would make things and play games, it meant a lot to Jordy when she was with us in Delaware to spend time with Casey. We lost contact with her after we left and we just came across her email. The kids emailed her and she wrote back they were so excited. They have been making pictures to send her over the past couple of months. Like Casey, so many people have touched our lives throughout this journey with kindness and prayer. We will never forget.

Jacob has labs on Monday, then scans in two weeks.

By the way there is a fundraiser (silent auction, food and dance) here in Perrysburg, details above in case you missed them.

Hope everyone had a good weekend and enjoyed the snow!

love - The Cady's

Tuesday, January 4, 2005 1:02 PM CST

Hello Everyone - We had a really nice New Years. We took the kids to Chuck E Cheese on New Years Eve. Of course the kids loved that, it was fun, not too crowded either. We went with the Hefner's and then we came back here and played cards and waited til midnight. Jacob fell asleep around 11:30, he just couldn't stay awake, we actually tried to wake him up but he was out. Jordan and Morgan had a great time though, they went out on the front porch and blew their blowers and yelled.

The kids seemed to be glad to be back in school. I think they missed their friends. I kind of missed the routine ( I think they did too) although I wish the kids could stay with me all day. Although I have plenty to do to keep busy.

Jacob will have labs this coming Monday and then his next scans are at the end of this month, coordinated with his monthly appt. and IV antibiotic. That will be a fun day.

Things seem to be going well, I was a little concerned over Christmas break, Jacob seemed a little more tired than usual, he looked pale and his eyes were dark, he also had diarhea on and off for a couple of days so maybe he had a touch of the flu?? He seems ok now. Ron was sick for a couple of days around Christmas so maybe he caught it from his dad. What should be normal flu bug type symptoms turn into concerns for us. I am not sure if I will ever be able to get past it.

There are so many children to pray for these days, the sick kids, the children who are orphaned because of the tsunami, the neglected and abused children - it is so sad that bad things have to happen to innocent children.

Take care and God bless!
love - The Cadys

Friday, December 31, 2004 10:30 AM CST

We've had a wonderful week, relaxing, playing with the kids new games and toys. One of Jacob's favorites is his Slimecano, yea it's a little messy but what can you do. Sissy's favorite present is her Bratz ski lodge, believe it or not that is messy too, it has these little snow pellets that of course are everywhere and stick to everything but she has had so much fun with it. The holiday break has flown by - I can't believe it's New Years Eve already.

Yesterday I took on the task of labelling our home video tapes, so I had to watch them. Not a good idea for an emotional pregnant lady. It was very difficult to see the tapes of Jacob with his distended belly at the beginning, bald pale face and then the worst was when he was on steroids - he was so puffy. Last year at Christmas time, we thought it may be his last and as I look back and all of the emotions came flooding back I realized how lucky he is and we all are. He took everything like a champ, sure he had his ups and downs but it could have been worse. His little body has been through so much, it truly is a miracle how far he has come. For this we thank God. This was the best Christmas ever. People often say wow you have had such a tough year, or a bad year, but actually it was a good year because we fought for Jacob's life and he is well on the road to recovery. And we learned the most important lesson of all that time is precious and not to take each other for granted.

Jacob had labs done this week, everything remains stable. Next big appointment is the end of January, he gets scans and MRI done.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2005.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support over the past year.

love - The Cadys

Sunday, December 26, 2004 8:38 AM CST

Every Christmas has that one special memory that makes it stand out from previous ones. Looking back, it seemed unlikely the Jacob would be here with us to celebrate Christmas this year. The fact that not only he is, but is doing so well, made this particular one the sweetest of all. This was a Christmas that we will remember forever, as we took time to give, to reflect, to believe, and to cherish family, enjoying every minute that we are surrounded by those we love. Throughout the past year, we have had ample opportunities to recognize what is important in life.

We received our greatest Christmas present on March 2nd this year, when Tom Dusza donated a portion of his liver and gave our Jacob another chance at life. It was the ultimate gift; one that can not be wrapped, bought or charged on the credit card (something Chris likes to do).

Thanks to all of you, including the medical staff, our community, friends, family and even strangers and ultimately Tom for what you did for our little boy and for all who have continued to pray and support us during this journey.

We have truely been blessed this holiday season.

Love-The Cady's

Sunday, December 19, 2004 6:58 PM CST

Friday was Jake's clinic day. His check up went well. He received his IV antibiotic. We talked about next scans, which will be the end of January. We just hung out, wrapped presents and watched a Christmas movie.

Saturday I was feeling a little under the weather, battling a 2 day headache and stuffy nose. I was in bed by 8p. I tried to watch a movie with sissy but fell asleep pretty much instantly. Ron and Jake stayed up for a while I guess.

Sunday we had a family Christmas party on Ron's side at his Aunt MaryAnn's. Santa comes, the kids really enjoyed that. We had a nice time visiting. Then the kids and I went to church, Ron had a tennis match this evening.

I am still working on my Christmas cards, in case any of you are wondering. I hope to get them out tomorrow.

Well it's the week before Christmas, what else can I say. Slow down and enjoy the moments with your loved ones.

Take care and God Bless you all!

love - The Cadys

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 7:43 PM CST

Jacob had labs on Monday, his liver #'s are good as well as his Prograf level. We have our monthly oncology appt. this coming Friday, check up and he gets his IV antibiotic.

Some of you may recall the Dec. 12th - 14th marks the one year anniversary of when I took Jake to the pediatrician last year and was sent immediately to the hospital for tests. The 13th was actually the day we found out he had a malignant tumor. The past couple of days have been filled with mixed emotions. I am so happy and grateful that Jacob is doing well and with us today, however I can't help remember the heartbreak and anxiety of last year.

Jacob and Jordy are both doing well, they each had their Christmas programs today. It was fun, they both sang, I was surprised, Jacob seemed to know all of the words. Jordy got to go Christmas caroling tonight with her cousin Jessie and Papa with Jessie's class from school. They went over by OLPH. Jordy said she really liked it. She loves to sing.

So is it cold enough? I know it is just starting. I don't mind the winter but I would prefer more snow,less wind and a shorter time frame, say maybe 2 months.

Almost done with Christmas shopping and just finishing up the cards. We have a couple of parties this weekend, I hope to get to the zoo lights soon though. After that fateful weekend my whole family and Rons parents went to see the zoo lights last year, all other things were put on the back burner so everyone could go to the zoo with Jacob and us. It was a very special, memorable occasion. The kids really enjoyed it and they can't wait to go back this year.

Hope everyone is doing well, don't get too wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the season. Take time out for family, friends and yourselves.

Thanks for your continued prayers!

love - The Cadys

Saturday, December 11, 2004 11:50 AM CST

Hello Everyone - Jacob has had a great week. We went to Winter Wonderland on Wednesday with his class. Ron was out of town a couple of days so we ate dinner at Grandma Jane's one night.

Jordy is still battling a bad cold, it has been about 10 days at least, thankfully Jacob hasn't caught it. The kids are very diligent about washing hands as I have brain washed them into it. We are constantly telling them.

Last night I went to Tasha's for our annual cookie exchange, it was a great evening full of laughs. Nice to get out for a while, by myself no less.

Morgan is over playing with Jordy today. The kids are going to go to Ron's parents tonight so we can finish Christmas shopping. Not much else going on.

I was so excited when I saw the dusting of snow this morning! I missed it at Thanksgiving. Jacob wanted to build a snowman, not quite enough for that.

Hope everyone is having a happy holiday season!

love - the Cadys

Monday, December 6, 2004 6:59 PM CST

We had a great weekend. Saturday we got our Christmas tree, it is perfect! Sunday morning we got up early to decorate it. Jordy had a ball, Jacob helped a little, it is absolutely beautiful. We then went to our friend Hannah's birthday party at Ohio Skate. Both kids roller skated, they loved it. Andrea helped them as I was not able, being pregnant. They want to go back soon.

The kids are doing well, Jordy still has the sniffles, Jacob is fine. Next up for him is labs next Monday.

I am going to go Christmas shopping tomorrow, I am just starting so I hope to get a lot accomplished. Ron and I will go together one night in the next week or so and get all of the kids' gifts, we usually do that in one shot.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers, you are all in ours!

love - the Cadys

Saturday, December 4, 2004 6:29 AM CST

We had quite a busy week this week, Ron was in Dallas for 3 days for work, we had labs - all #'s are good, I got to spend the morning with Jacob's preschool class on Monday morning - one of my absolute favorite things to do, headed to Cincinnatti yesterday for transplant follow up - Dr. B says everything looks great, Jake looks great, he will be seeing Dr. Dunn soon and will let him know (Dr. Dunn and Dr. Casas were the transplant surgeons. Last night we went to my moms to make Christmas cookies and hang out.

The kids are still talking about our trip, Jordy wants to go back. Aren't the pictures great, Jacob looks so good, when you compare pictures of him from this time last year he looked so pale.

This morning Jacob is sniffling a little, hopefully he is not coming down with anything. Ron was sick while he was away, Jordy stayed home yesterday she has a bad cold, sore throat and tummy ache. They are dead set on going to play tennis this morning because there is a Christmas party afterwards.

We are going to get our tree today, yea! I love the smell of fresh Christmas trees. So we will probably decorate that tomorrow. The kids also have a birthday party tomorrow at Ohio Skate, they are looking forward to that as well.

That's it for now, may God bless you all this holiday season. Let's pray that everyone remains healthy.

love - The Cadys

Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:15 AM CST

Good Morning - We are home. What a wonderful vacation we had. The weather was perfect, it only rained once and that was overnight. Now I know why people go there for the winter. We were welcomed by cold and rain as we stepped out of the limo. The kids had a great time, we spent 2 days at the Magic Kingdom, went to Epcot for a little bit - for our lunch with Mickey Mouse, spent a day at Universal, saw the new Spongebob Movie, spent Thanksgiving with the Dooley's - Darla cooked a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and the kids got to swim. We also went to Tampa to visit Mike Dixon and then headed to the beach, we got a tour of Tampa and the shoreway it is sooo beautiful. By the time we got to the beach it was about 5p, we had no intention of swimming, it was only about 72 degrees that day and the Gulf was I think they said 67, but we wanted to see it, wade and collect shells. So we did just that, got some great pictures and watched the sunset. I think that was the highlight for Jordy, as we were walking she said to me "this is my best day ever". Of course we swam at Mikes house as well, when we first got there and then when we got back that night. The kids loved the theme parks, but they kept wanting to swim, you know our dilemma with that, Jake can't go in public pools so we are so grateful to our friends for allowing the kids to do just that. They liked the parks but I think they liked swimming better. Ron took them on Splash Mountain, that was there favorite ride, because they got wet.

We have tons of pictures so we will try to get some up soon.

Today we are going to get the Christmas decorations up. This is my favorite time of year, I love decorating. Last year I couldn't wait to take everything down and pack it away, I didn't want to see it anymore, it was a tough time for us. I have some mixed emotions but just want to focus on the present, not the past, nor the future, just right now. This year I am looking forward to it, the kids are excited, we have so much to be thankful for, what a difference a year makes, we have been truly blessed with Jacob's good recovery. I know we aren't out of the woods yet but things are going really well.

This week we have labs Tuesday because Monday I get to go to Jake's school for the day. Friday we head to Cincy for transplant follow up.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and great holiday weekend.

love - The Cadys

Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:11 PM CST

Tomorrow is the big day! The kids are so geared up for Disney. We are finally all packed, the bags are waiting by the front door. Just got directions to the Dooley's, we are going to spend Thanksgiving with them. We are very excited to see them! So we are all set. A limo will pick us up at 9:30am, we should be in Florida by 2:30. Yea!!!

What a week, hence the lack of updates. Did anyone see Santa Clause 2? Charlie told his dad to quit saying hence. That cracked me up, because I say it a lot. Anyway, things are going well, Jacob had his monthly check up on Friday and seems to be fine. His chest CT results came back, the thymus is unchanged which is ok, they didn't expect it to shrink yet but wanted to make sure that it wasn't growing or compressing his airway and it isn't. So everything is status quo. Our next visit will be labs on the 30th, another flu shot for Jake, since this was his first one ever, then on Dec. 3rd we head to Cincy for his 3 month check up there.

Sissy had an eye dr. appt., routine, everything is fine.

How about those Buckeyes! What a great game!

Sorry for the short update, I am exhausted. Thanks to everyone for all of your support and prayers.

love - The Cadys

Sunday, November 14, 2004 4:51 PM CST

Hope everyone had a great weekend. We went to my parents house for dinner on Friday night, the kids had a ball playing with all of their cousins. Saturday they played tennis and then Jordy had a birthday party to go to. Other than that we had a pretty low key weekend. I am trying to get things ready to go to Disney. We leave a week from today. The kids talk about it all the time, they are so excited.

Friday afternoon I had my first ultrasound, Ron and Jacob went with me. Jacob was very concerned that I was having pictures taken with the cold jelly (which he doesn't like), he kept kissing my arm while I was laying on the table. The baby was very active, we could see he or she moving it's arms and legs. My due date was moved up to June 4th, yeah! Since Jake saw the baby he has been asking when it is going to come out. I think that made it a little more real for him. I hope to take Jordy to the next ultrasound, she really liked seeing the pictures and was carrying them around for a while.

Over the past week, Jacob's energy level has noticabley increased. He has been more active after school and in the evenings. This week he will have labs on Monday and on Friday we will spend most of the day at the clinic, for check up, IV antibiotic and another chest CT. He has an enlarged thymus, probably a result of being on chemo, not sure if I mentioned this in past journal entries. Anyway, it should start to go down and they just want to keep an eye on it and are not worried about it.

Thanks to everyone who has purchased the cookbooks for Jacob.

God bless you all!
love - The Cady's

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 3:16 PM CST

What a beautiful morning we had today. It started out a bit chilly bit really warmed up by early afternoon. Jacob and I went on a field trip to Seven Eagles Lodge with his preschool, for those of you who have never heard of this, it is by no means a "lodge" as we know it. It is a really neat place, very primitive where they have reconstructed life as it would have been for the indians living in the area, 300 yrs. ago and also the pioneers of the 1800's. The kids really enjoyed it and we learned a lot of interesting things.

Jacob's labs came back good, we have to repeat labs this Monday because we will be leaving for Florida on the 21st and will be skipping labs that week.

Busy week as usual, I had a birthday yesterday, I won't tell you how old I am, but I went and worked out in the morning and then played tennis in the afternoon. Was I trying to prove something to myself? I am exhausted today and think baby needs a little nap this afternoon. Friday I have my first ultrasound, can't wait.

Hope everyone is well.

Take care and God bless...

love - The Cadys

Sunday, November 7, 2004 6:57 AM CST

Hello Everyone - The kids are well. We have had a really busy week, parent/teacher conferences, Brady's 3rd birthday party, labs etc. Jacob's Prograf level remains a little on the low side, we increased his meds by .5mg, so far so good. Before when we have had to increase his Prograf (antirejection med) he has experienced some side effects, shakey hands, crazy sleep patterns and decreased appetite. So far nothing though, knock on wood. So this means labs again tomorrow.

Our wish granters stopped by this past week, the kids were really excited but Jake fell asleep before they got here (he had a cold) and was a little unsociable. But the kids are both so excited for Disney. We leave in 14 days. I am excited too, I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when we get there and when Jacob meets Mickey - we'll have plenty of pictures to share.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support.

love - The Cadys

Monday, November 1, 2004 7:14 PM CST

Great news! Jacob's MRI and CT are clear. There were a few little things noted, but nothing to worry about. He has an enlarged thymus, it is located in front of the heart, part of the endocrine system (I think) sometimes becomes enlarged with kids coming off of chemo and usually shrinks back to normal size within 3-5 months post treatment. They will do a CT in 3 weeks to monitor it.

What a relief, I worried myself sick all weekend. Jacob ended up spiking a fever on Saturday night and slept a lot that day. He thought he may throw up but never did. The doctor said it was probably due to the flu shot he had. I find myself looking for a reason for everything.

Halloween was great. The kids had a ball, they looked so cute. We went out for about an hour, then came home and helped pass out candy. We will post pictures in the next couple of days.

Hope everyone is doing well, thanks for keeping Jacob in your prayers.

love - The Cadys

Saturday, October 30, 2004 4:08 PM CDT


The cookbooks put together by family and friends are now available. It is a compilation of recipes from the many family, friends and supporters that we have. The proceeds go to Jacob's COTA account (a 501-C3 account established to be used for Jacob's medical expenses),your purchase is tax deductible. The cookbooks are $9.00 each. They turned out great and have a wonderful picture of Jacob and Tom Dusza on the inside. Anyone interested in purchasing a book can call her: 419-867-0935.

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to the cookbook production especially Lori Behnfeldt and Francis Shook. We appreciate everything you have done.

Saturday - Just a quick update I do not have any results from the MRI and scans done yesterday. So looks like we will have to wait until Monday. Jacob had a rough night, he couldn't get to sleep last night, I think possibly because of the sedation yesterday, he was asleep for about 3 hours, during the afternoon. He went to tennis today and was fine, but complained of not feeling well afterwards and fell asleep as soon as he got home. He loves tennis, talks about it all of the time and probably would play even if he didn't feel well. I went to a baby shower this afternoon, got home around 3:30 or so, he had just woken up and within about 20 minutes he was back to his old self, happy, playing, talkative. Who knows, I am really having a hard time not worrying about every little thing, that is wrong or different with him. Some days it just gets the better of me.

The kids are so excited about Halloween tomorrow night. Hopefully we will have good weather! Hope everyone gets lots of treats tomorrow and has a great time! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Thanks for all of your support!
love - The Cadys

Thursday, October 28, 2004 11:38 AM CDT

Hello Everyone - Wednesday the kids got their flu shots. Jacob did really well, he didn't cry, just said ouch. Jordy on the other hand started crying as soon as she saw Jacob get his. I thought it would help her to see him go first because he is used to pokes. Well it backfired on me, I actually had to hold her down.

Today was Jacob's Halloween parade at school. The kids were all so cute. They sang a couple of songs for the parents. Jake and I were reminiscing about last years parade and talked about Jackson his buddy he met in school last year, who moved to the Boston area. Jake misses him.

Tomorrow is the big day. MRI and scans. He has been off of chemo 3 1/2 months now, my how time flies. I am hoping to get a preliminary reading tomorrow. We'll see.

Take care and thanks for all of your prayers and support. God Bless you all!

love - The Cady's

Monday, October 25, 2004 7:11 AM CDT

Hello Everyone - Sorry for the lack of updates, I have been really sick. Guess it comes with the territory.

Jacob's Prograf (immunosuppresant) level was better last week so we can get labs done every 2 weeks now. This coming Friday we have MRI and scans.

The kids are getting excited for Halloween. Not sure if I mentioned this yet, Jacob is going to be Mickey Mouse and Jordan will be a witch.

We are on a 2 hour delay due to fog today so we are having a relatively easy morning. Today is Ron's birthday so we are going to bake his cake before the kids go to school. Their favorite part is cracking the eggs.

Thanks for stopping by and continuing to keep Jacob in your prayers.

love - The Cadys

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 8:47 AM CDT

Hello All - Jacob continues to do well. We had labs this morning because he had pictures at school yesterday and I didn't want him to be late. Friday he goes for his monthly check up and his pentamadine drip (antibiotic). next week we have flu shots and MRI.

Yes, the rumors are true, I am 7 weeks pregnant. So if I look a little green you'll know why. Everyone is excited. Jordy wants a baby sister, Jake wants a baby sister too because a baby brother would get into his stuff he says. Me, I just pray for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.

Normally this is my favorite time of year we have a lot of family birthdays so we get together with my family a lot, plus the holidays are right around the corner. This year I am a little leary as I reflect on last year at this time, this is when I think Jake may have started getting sick. He started napping again, on Halloween he had a tummy ache and I had to carry him 2 blocks in the pouring rain to trick or treat. Mid November, low grade fever no other symptoms, occasionally waking up with tummy aches, thought it was constipation. Thanksgiving, noticed the hemorhoid took him to the doctor Dec.1st for that. 11 days later back in pediatricians office due to bump under rib cage and of course you all know the rest from there. I must admit I can't wait to have his MRI and scans on the 29th, I will feel so much better once I see that there is nothing there.

The countdown to Disney is on, we leave November 21st. The kids can't wait! I am excited as well, we haven't had a vacation since our honeymoon.

Thats it for now, thanks for checking in on Jacob and our family. May God Bless you all.

love - The Cady's

Thursday, October 14, 2004 7:13 PM CDT

Hello Everyone - The kids have had a good week at school. Jacob's Prograf continues to be a little low, so we will have to have blood work done next week again, if still low, they will increase his dose. His liver #'s are great though. Next Friday we have our monthly clinic appointment here at St. V's. I am actually looking forward to it, I miss the doctors and nurses, they were/are such a big part of our lives.

Finally the pool is fixed and functional, just in time for winter. Ron actually took the kids in this afternoon, I cranked the heat up to 90, they loved it.

Everyone is doing well on our end. The kids are loving tennis, they go every Saturday with Ron. I have to work so am unable to go, I don't mind because I really enjoy Kumon and working with the kids there. We have a few things going on this weekend, but too too busy.

Take care and God Bless!

love - The Cadys

Sunday, October 10, 2004 7:36 PM CDT

Hello Everyone - What a beautiful day it was today! We took the kids to MacQueen's, we picked apples and got some pumpkins. The kids climbed in the trees a little, most of the apples were out of our reach so we had to hoist the kids up on our shoulders to get them. Jacob and I would start laughing so then I would have to put him down for fear I would drop him and then we would start all over again. It was such fun. The kids went on a little pony ride. They really enjoyed themselves. I think Jacob's favorite part was the apple fritters though! Jordan actually climbed a tree and picked a couple of apples on her own, she was very proud of herself as was I.

Tonight we carved two baby pumpkins, the kids couldn't wait. We are saving the big ones for Halloween though. They decorated the house over the weekend, making pictures, signs and spider webs. They are so excited for Halloween. Jacob is going to be Mickey Mouse and Jordan is going to be a witch. (I tried to talk her into Minnie Mouse, but she didn't want to, how cute would that have been???)

The kids are off school tomorrow, Jacob has lab work in the morning. Not much else going on this week, for a change.

Thanks for stopping by and continuing to keep Jacob in your prayers. God Bless

love - The Cadys

Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:29 AM CDT

What a beautiful day it is! Today I met Jacob's class at the 577 Foundation for a field trip. We made cider with an old fashioned apple press. The kids really enjoyed it! At the end, the kids put on their bee costumes they had made and sang a little song. I was so proud of Jacob and so happy to have the opportunity to be standing there. And so happy that Jacob is able to attend school. There are so many less fortunate children who are too sick to go to school, on field trips even to just be outside enjoying the warm sunshine. My heart breaks for those children and their families and I will forever keep them in my prayers. I remember when Jacob was in the hospital in July, it was beautiful out and I was so angry that he and we were stuck in that hospital room, but we were only in for 8 days that time. In the grand scheme of things 8 days isn't that long at all, we got through it.

Today at school Jacob was presented with 2 beautiful gift baskets, one for himself and one for Jordan. I stopped in at the office to pick them up after school. There was a note that Jacob's tuition for the entire year has been paid for. I was so overcome by this generous gift, I felt myself tearing up. The family that did this for us wished to remain anonymous, but I hope you check this website because I want you to know how grateful we are. The note that was in the baskets really touched me too, ok that made me cry. It mentioned Jacob's strength and courage and yes he is a very strong little boy. He is so brave for all of the suffering he has gone through and today he is such a happy kid. We are so lucky this hasn't had a negative affect on his personality. Thank you for the wonderful gifts.

We had labs on Monday, his liver #'s are good, but his prograf level was just a hair under. They did not change his dosage though and we repeat labs again this Monday.

We are looking forward to a relaxing weekend, no weddings or other functions to attend.

Take care and God Bless all of you.
love - The Cadys

Sunday, October 3, 2004 5:58 AM CDT

Hi - Sorry it has been almost a week since my last update. Jacob is doing well, he had a little cold this week but seems to be getting over it. He got to do two field trips at school this week. The kids went to the church (his building is right next to the church) and he also went to the 577 Foundation. He was very excited about both and told me about all of the things he learned. He also made me a necklace at school which I have been wearing.

Labs again on Monday due to the med increase. They just want to monitor the level for a couple of weeks to make sure it is within the range it should be. Then we will go back to labs every other week. He has scans the end of October.

I love this time of year! The air has been crisp the past couple of mornings, it smells like fall. I was driving home from Detroit the other day and all of a sudden I noticed how many leaves have already started changing. It is like it happened over night. It's so beautiful.

Jordan is doing well. She had school pictures this week. She received some money for her birthday and she decided she wants to get her ears pierced with her money. So we are going to try to get that done this week.

Yesterday Amy and Jeff got married (Ron works with Amy and we have become friends with them). It was a beautiful service and great reception! We took Jordy and Jacob to the ceremony, they know Amy and Jeff. In fact Amy cut both of their hair (before Jake got sick). The kids were really good and both liked the wedding.

Ron plays tennis on Saturday mornings, so he took the kids to the kid group lessons after his. Jordan is doing really well and Jacob played too. We got him a racket a week or so ago because he kept playing with Jordy's. They both had a lot of fun. Maybe tennis will be Jacob's sport! That would be great a nice non contact sport, tennis or golf maybe.

Well hope everyone has a wonderful day! As always thanks for checking up on us and keeping Jacob in your prayers!

love - The Cadys

Monday, September 27, 2004 7:10 PM CDT

Hello Everyone - We had to have labs done again today due to Prograf (immunosuppressant) level being low last week, it was low again today so they increased that medication. His liver function is good though. Could be because he is eatting better, gaining a little weight, it may affect the absorption rate of the medicine. He received Pentamediene which is IV antibiotic once a month to replace the Bactrim and he also had a check up which was good. He has developed a little cough and runny nose though. I guess it was inevitable.

Scott and Chris Hirth were married in Lorain, OH on Friday so Ron and I went to their wedding. The kids spent the night at Grandma Jane and Pappa's they had a lot of fun. We have another wedding this weekend, our friends Amy (works with Ron) and Jeff. So we have been able to get out a little more.

The kids are going to be Mickey and Minnie Mouse for Halloween this year. Let's hope this one is a little drier than last year.

Thanks to everyone for all of your prayers and support, we appreciate everything!! We have such a wonderful support network, we couldn't have gotten this far without you.

Have a great day! love - The Cadys

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 5:49 AM CDT

Hello Everyone - Another busy weekend! Princess Jordan had two days of birthday partying, a slumber party on Saturday night and family party on Sunday evening. The kids had a great time and Jacob wanted to be right in there on all of the fun.

Monday we had labs before school. Jacob was pretty good about going there first, before school. He has really been enjoying school. Each day he tells me something new he has learned. For example I think it was last Thursday he said "Mom, did you know that butterflies taste with their feet?" It was really cute. He tried to tell Jordan but she wouldn't believe him (she learned that tidbit from Mrs. Bechtel as well, but she must have forgot). They have puppets in the classroom and Jacob is always telling me stories about them. It is so great to see him enjoying himself! He has been more tired though, if he doesn't nap he falls asleep early. School is tiring for little ones.

Jordan started CCD at St. Rose yesterday afternooon. She goes every Tuesday. She enjoyed her first day, her teacher is Colleen Mackley (not sure of her married name), we went to grade school together. We haven't seen each other in a while and it was good to see her. She immediately asked about Jacob which reminded me of how many wonderful people out there are following Jacob's journey and praying for him and our family. It warms my heart, to know so many people care. Many we don't even know.

We went swimming yesterday, it was beautiful day out, looks like the next couple of days will be great.

Take care and enjoy each day!

love - The Cady's

Friday, September 17, 2004 7:16 PM CDT

Today we went to Cincinnati Childrens for a check up and routine ultrasound. The ultrasound showed the blood flow through the hepatic artery and the liver is good, the size of his liver is good and there doesn't appear to be any fluid around the liver (there was a very small amount near his liver shown on his MRI in July). He got a thumbs up today from Dr. Bucuvalas. Our next appointment in Cincy will be in December. He has an MRI at St. V's the end of October, checking for cancer. And we continue to do labs every other week for the next month, then drop to once a month. Jacob is making tremendous strides.

What a relief, I am always anxious before he has tests done, I guess the anticipation of the results sometimes gets the better of me.

We have another big weekend this weekend. Jordan is having a slumber party tomorrow night for her birthday with her girl friends and then on Sunday we have a family birthday party for her. I wanted her to enjoy some attention!!!

Hope everyone is well! Thanks for checking up on us and for your continued prayers and support.

love - The Cady's

Tuesday, September 14, 2004 7:23 PM CDT

Hello Everyone - We had a busy weekend. Sunday we took my parents to the zoo for grandparents day. My whole family went, the kids had a great time! I think the biggest attraction may have been the ice cream! It was pretty hot out. We of course got some swim time in as well.

Both kids are really enjoying school. We are settling into a routine, something we haven't seen for a while.

We head to Cincinnati Friday for an ultrasound and monthly check up.

Jordan's 7th birthday is tomorrow but we will celebrate it this weekend. She has been counting the days! I just can't believe she is 7. I remember the first night we brought her home from the hospital, I was so scared to have this little tiny baby with no one else around but Ron and I. She wouldn't sleep and just kept crying, I rocked her, cuddled her, sang to her nothing worked, finally I remembered stories of babies being lulled to sleep by different household noises like vacuum cleaners so I turned on the fan to the stove and held her and swayed back and forth. She fell asleep immediately, the noise lulled her to sleep. After that she was the perfect little angel. Time flies...

Speaking of counting the days, Jacob received a countdown to Disney calendar from his Make A Wish wish granters. He has been x-ing out the days. We are going at Thanksgiving time.

Hope everyone is doing well, have a great week!

Thanks for keeping Jacob in your prayers.

love - The Cadys

Saturday, September 11, 2004 5:44 AM CDT

Jacob finished his first week of school, last night he was very restless and woke several times with a stuffy nose. I guess that it's inevitable but I was hoping he wouldn't get sick so soon. I am not sure what to expect, I know the immunosuppressant makes him more susceptible to bugs but will it be worse and take longer to recooperate? He is no longer receiving chemotherapy and that was the case when he was on chemo due to low blood counts he would get hit harder than most people. I guess we'll see.

Everyday when I pick Jacob up from school the first thing he does when he gets in the car is show me all of the pictures he drew for me. He handed me about ten pieces of paper one day, described what each one was for me and as he gave me a blank piece of white paper he said there are no marks on this one because it's a ghost. I couldn't help but chuckle and of course tell him what a great ghost it was!

Jordy is doing well in second grade, she really likes her teacher. She has homework/study assignments everynight, not much of course. We finally got her involved in outside activities, it was difficult to commit to anything while Jacob was undergoing treatment, I never knew when we would end up in the hospital and with running to the clinic 2-3 times per week there wasn't enough time for much else. She started art class at the Y last week and tennis yesterday. She loves both. Jacob is mad he wants to play tennis too.

Yesterday was a beautiful day, Jake was in and out of the pool all afternoon/evening. He is totally loving it. Looks like we are going to have a great weekend as well!

This coming Friday Jacob and I head to Cincy for transplant follow up and ultrasound (routine) of his liver and hepatic artery.

Thanks for checking in on us and for keeping Jacob in your prayers! Have a great weekend!

love - The Cadys

Tuesday, September 7, 2004 11:56 AM CDT

Hello Everyone - Today was Jacob's first day at preschool. We were a little late, he had to have his labs drawn first thing this morning, so we had to make a quick trip up to the outpatient lab at St. V's. It didn't phase him though, he went to school and had a great time! He talked about playing with Claydough (it's like Playdoh), he really liked the snack and the puppets came out to visit them today. I was a little sad and thought about him the whole two hours he was away from me. I wondered what he was doing, how he was interacting with the other kids, did anyone say anything about his hair (although it is growing in really well, it almost looks just like a buzz cut) and I really missed him. I guess I could have kept him home this year, but in my heart I know it would be for me, not for him. He loved school last year and was so sad when he had to quit. He was so happy to day to go back.

We had a full weekend, the weather turned out great! The kids swam a lot. Jacob did have an outbreak of hives on Sunday at Giant Eagle, but he has been ok since. This whole hive thing is very bizarre.

Sunday Jordy and I went out to Geisler's, Ron had to stay home, he and Loren were working on the fence, plus Jake was napping. Monday my family and Tom and Cathy came over for a cookout and to swim. The kids had such a great time.

Thanks for keeping Jacob in your prayers!

love - The Cady's

Thursday, September 2, 2004 8:08 PM CDT

HAPPY 6 MONTH ANNIVERSARY TO JACOB AND TOM! It has been 6 months since Tom gave Jacob the most precious gift of all, the gift of life. 6 months since two surgeons Drs. Casas and Dunn performed the miracle of saving Jacob's life. I can't believe it has been that long. As time goes on his chances of rejection decrease. In that time, each kiss and hug are relished, each smile treasured, the sound of laughter forever ringing through our ears from both of our precious children!

They celebrated today in our new pool! Finally it is swimmable. They had a great time. Jacob also went to school today for parent/child orientation. He was very comfortable right off the bat, we sat down and played with play doh, traced our hands and then joined Mrs. Bechtel for circle time. Jacob participated really well, I was so proud of him, he has come so far. I was a little overwhelmed myself, it felt like a new beginning. He has come a long way, even though we never talked prognosis with the oncologists, we were only told his prognosis was poor and we did not ask any further, (we didn't need to, the research we had done spoke for itself - it didn't look good) but we never believed that Jacob would be one of those statistics he is going to be the survivor!

Once again thanks to everyone your support, prayers and donations have been so generous, we appreciate everything!

love - The Cady's

PS Jacob's Make A Wish trip was approved and we head to Disney the week of Thanksgiving! He has been carrying Mickey with him everywhere, since he found out. He puts Mickey and Scooby in his Jeep with him and drives all over the yard.

Wednesday, September 1, 2004 5:46 AM CDT

Hello Everyone - Jacob is continuing to do well. His hair is growing back he looks a little older to me and a little wiser. I remember when he was little baby, someone said he looked like a little man, wise beyond his months, maybe a foreshadowing of what was to come. As I look back, he has really taken everything so well, a lot of control was taken away from him when he got sick but we always tried to give him as many choices as possible in other ways, he didn't have a choice wether or not he got poked but he was given the opportunity to flush his line (a syringe w/saline) he also got to choose the band aid that went on after getting poked, or taking medicine when he didn't feel like it but he could choose the treat afterwards. He didn't have a choice that toxic chemicals were running through his body but ... well lets face it during treatment he pretty much got whatever he wanted. He has come a long way since last December and is once again looking forward to starting school this year! He was sad when Jordy went to school on Monday and he wasn't able to go yet. He starts next Tuesday.

So Jordy started school on Monday, my big girl is in second grade now. She really likes her teacher and is excited to have some of her friends in her class. I miss her during the day and wasn't ready for school to start. I love having the kids home with me. Summer just started for us, I would say mid July when Jacob's counts started climbing back up and he was feeling better.

This past Monday Jacob went to the clinic for his IV antibiotics, labs are every two weeks now so we go next Tuesday for that. Sept 2 will be the 6 month anniversary of Jacob's transplant. I feel so blessed that he has come this far. He is our miracle.

Thanks again for all of your prayers and support!

love - The Cady's

Thursday, August 26, 2004 8:37 PM CDT

Hello Everyone - What a week. Last Saturday Jacob broke out in hives and his hands and feet swelled up, we spent the day in the ER. Of course, my first thoughts were sheer panic but once I got to the hospital I was ok. He had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics he has been on. So he will receive IV antibiotic once a month at the clinic.

His labs were good on Monday, we have reached a milestone, we drop to bloodwork every other week. Yea!!!

Tuesday and Wednesday we stayed with my parents at a cottage they rented up at Round Lake. The kids had a ball. Jake couldn't swim but had fun none the less (I told him the water was really dirty so he wouldn't want to go in.) My mom and I took him out in the paddle boat though and he enjoyed skipping rocks on the water, from the dock. We played baseball, freeze tag and card games, some of Jake's favorite things to do these days. It was nice to get away for a few days! I got to see a beautiful sunrise on Wednesday morning.

We are hoping the pool will be done this weekend, they are still working on it, the rain last week has delayed things. The kids can't wait to swim, they ask everyday if they can swim yet.

This Monday we head to the clinic for the IV antibiotics and one more check up then oncology checks drop to once a month. We head to Cincinnati mid September.

Thanks for keeping Jacob in your prayers! Don't forget to sign the guestbook, we love to hear from you!

Have a great weekend!
love - The Cady's

Friday, August 20, 2004 10:34 AM CDT

Jacob continues to do well! Yesterday, his new neighbor friend Sam saw Jacob with his shirt off and asked? "How did you get that big cut on your stomach"? Jake explained, "It's from when I got my new belly. My dad's friend, Tom Dusza, gave me a new belly".

His appetite and energy level has been great. He's been eating like a horse lately. If only we can get him to eat healthy like you, Tom...

Thanks for continuing to check on Jake and for praying for our family. We will never forget it.

The Cady's

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 7:09 PM CDT

Hello Everyone - Jacob had labs yesterday, everything looks good. WBC is close to normal and platelets are getting there. He had a check up as well and everything looks good. He has been given the green light to start pre school this year and is so excited.

We met more new neighbors today and Jordan met another little girl who lives around the corner. Jordy loves to make new friends.

We took a bike ride today, just around a couple of the cul de sacs, Jacob got tired. I borrowed my brother Tom's bike that has been sitting at my parents house for a while. It was so fun, I haven't ridden a real bike since Jordy was born. The kids thought it was great that I was riding with them.

Still waiting for the pool to be completed, maybe by this weekend?????

Take care, enjoy the beautiful weather!

love - The Cady's

Saturday, August 14, 2004 8:58 PM CDT

Jacob continues to do well. He is getting his eyelashes and eyebrows back, along with a little stubble on his cute bald head. It's hard to remember what he looks like with hair, it has been so long. His appetite has increased, a result of a decrease in one of his meds. He still needs to take breaks during the day, he pushes himself and needs to be reminded to slow down. He loves his new bike and rides it every day!

Seems like summer is slipping away, I hate to see it end, ours just began. We are slowly starting to get ready for school, earlier bed times, new back packs, school supplies. I am not ready for them to go back, I like them being home. Jacob is very excited, he will have Mrs. Bechtel for preschool who he knows as Jordy's teacher. I am a little nervous but he loved school last year and was so disappointed he had to quit when he got sick.

Not much else going on, the pool was started on Thursday so the kids are enjoying the new mountain of dirt in the backyard. They both can't wait to swim! Hopefully the weather will start to cooperate a little better. It's been so cool, it's like fall. I of course love it though!

Thanks for your support!
love - The Cady's

Tuesday, August 10, 2004 6:40 AM CDT

Hello Everyone - Jacob had labs Monday, his WBC is up to 1.9 and platelets are 121000. His liver numbers continuing to be within normal range, so things are looking good. Yea!

It's a beautiful morning outside, the kids are sleeping in a little.

The past couple of days have been filled with playing, playing and more playing (as it should be). Jake got a new bike on Sat. night and he was up bright and early Sunday morning ready to ride. He is so happy to finally have a someone his age to play with, Sam lives right next door to us. They play every chance they get. Jordy has two new friends as well, Mickey and Moira.

Yesterday after our trip to the lab we went to lunch with the Hefner's, the kids had fun singing and laughing. Jacob enjoyed chewing Zak's ear. I don't think Zak minded though, Jacob looks up to Zak and talks about him a lot.

Today we are going to visit our new baby twin cousins. Jacob and Jordy are excited to see them.

Thank you keeping Jacob in your prayers! Your generosity is truly amazing. Please pray for the Hastings family (Delaware) they just lost their son due to liver transplant complications as well as for the Brady famiy (Delaware) their sweet little girl is not doing well with her battle against cancer.

love - Chris, Ron, Jordan and Jacob

Saturday, August 7, 2004 6:24 AM CDT

Jacob has had a good week. His white blood cell count dropped again to .9 by Monday but docs feel this is due to the heavy chemo he has received over the past 7 months, it has a cumulative effect and is just causing his body to take longer to recoup, nothing to worry about. His monocytes are good so they feel he is not at risk for infection. Platelets are still on the rise 80000, yea!

Jacob has enjoyed playing with his cousins a lot this week, my sister Patty went into the hospital on Tuesday and had the babies on Thursday, a boy and a girl, Donovan -5.6lbs, Delaney - 5.14lbs. They are adorable of course. Shannon, Kennedy and Jessica have spent a lot of time at our house over the past couple of days.

Last night we all went to the Mud Hens game with my parents. The kids had a blast. They enjoyed seeing Muddy and Muddonna.

Enjoy the beautiful weather and have a great weekend. Thanks for your continued prayers and support.

love - The Cady's

Monday, August 2, 2004 7:47 PM CDT

We had a fun weekend, as Jake really has seemed to turn the corner! He's running around all the time, eating well and getting in trouble with Jordan. We had a blast at the Norton's annual Pig Roast, as Jake got to visit Tom Dusza (the liver donor) and his family. It was great to see them!
Thank you for contiuing to keep our family in your prayers.

God Bless, love - The Cadys

Saturday, July 24, 2004 6:51 AM CDT

Jacob had labs yesterday, platelets are up to 54000, not w/in normal range yet, but at least they are heading in the right direction.

After going to the clinic we spent the entire day at the zoo. We ran into friends, Colin and Aiden and had lunch with them. And we met our friends Ronnie, Riley, Abby and Morgan and spent the day with them. Jacob really enjoyed seeing the boys. We took a train ride, rode on the carousel, ate ice cream, saw baby Louie and had a wonderful time. A memory I will treasure.

Today we are having a rough start, I woke up to an early phone call, my Uncle Larry (my moms brother) passed away late last night. They were vacationing out west visiting friends and he had a heart attack. Once again I am reminded of how precious life is. Please keep his family in your prayers!

Thank you for visiting Jacobs site and for continuing to pray for his full recovery.

love - The Cadys

Wednesday, July 21, 2004 8:09 AM CDT

Jacob is feeling good, eating well and sleeping through the night finally! We had a nice quiet weekend, except for Ron's 20th high school reunion on Saturday night. It was the first time Ron and I had been out together in a very long time, we really enjoyed ourselves but missed the kids.

Jacob had labs on Monday, his counts are good, except the platelets. They are only 40,000 which is down from 60 last Friday. So we will head back to the clinic this Friday again just to make sure they are going in the right direction.

Next week will be a busy week, we have routine MRI and CT's scheduled for Monday, then Friday we head to Cincinnati for other tests and liver follow up. Aside from those things we plan to have lots of fun and enjoy the summer!

Thanks for keeping Jacob in your prayers as he continues his recovery and please keep all sick and suffering children in your prayers.

love - The Cady Family

Saturday, July 17, 2004 1:14 PM CDT

We have hopefully turned the corner! Jake's belly no longer hurts; he is eating like his old self again, and no longer has to have the nightly shots, as his counts have rebounded. He is also done taking steroids from the transplant and we have cut one additional meds from his required daily lineup. The weekly clinic visits are now monthly with scans every 3 months going forward. He has stubbles of hair starting to come back in, is full of energy and is very happy that he feels better.

As I see how great Jacob is doing, I also have met families whose children are current waiting liver transplants or who's children's cancer spread, so transplant was not an option. This really brings into perspective what a tremendously selfless act Tom Dusza did for our little boy. It is something we will never forget, something we will never be able to repay and something we will always feel, saved our son's life. You're the best Tom and Deb.

We now must pray for clean scans going forward, as the odds for recurrence decrease dramatically at the one year mark, and he would be "technically" considered cured at the 5 year mark.

God Bless.

The Cady’s

Thursday, July 15, 2004 8:33 AM CDT

The roller coaster ride continues. Labs Monday revealed that Jacob needed platelets and his WBC dropped more, .4 despite resuming shots over the weekend. Not sure why his WBC dropped so much again, maybe due to his meds, he is not eating a lot and the absorption is affected by his food intake. Plus he is on an antibiotic which can also have an effect. So Monday we spent all day at the clinic and hospital. Then they repeated labs Monday afternoon and it appeared that his hemoglobin dropped. Could be due to just having received platelets, the sample was a little diluted. The alternative though could be a sign of internal bleeding. Dr. Jasty requested we come back Tuesday morning for labs. Ron and I were afraid to go to sleep that night.

Tuesdays labs revealed his hemoglobin was back up, so it must have been diluted due to transfusion and his WBC is .7, still neutropenic but at least headed in the right direction. We continued with shots and head back to the lab for counts on Friday.

Jacob has been having belly pain on and off all week, keeping everyone up at night as well. Side effect of vincristine, could last another week. He hasn't had much appetite his staples consist of bread and butter and hot chocolate. I think we may have turned corner this morning though, he had Special K with bananas for breakfast and has not been complaining about his belly as much.

Thanks for keeping Jacob and our family in your prayers. Please pray for all of the Caring Bridge children.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy the beautiful weather!
love - The Cadys

Sunday, July 11, 2004 8:41 AM CDT

Friday afternoon we went down to the clinic once again to check platelets before the weekend. Good news they held at 34000 so no transfusion, yea! Once they stop dropping, they will start to increase, normal is 140000-160000. Unfortunately along with the good news about the platelets we learned that shots have to resume over the weekend. In a day his WBC and ANC dropped requiring us to do the shots again. We will head back to the clinic Monday for weekly labs, I suspect by then we should be able to discontinue the shots.

I had to cancel the Cincinnati trip on Friday, Jake just wasn't up for it. So we will reschedule soon. They weren't too concerned because we speak at least once a week and they get copies of all of his lab work. Everything looks great!

Jacob's appetite is slowly improving. His latest thing is bread and butter. He ate two pieces for dinner last night and a Flavor Ice. This morning he is mixing it up a little, coco wheats and bread and butter. He is still complaining a little of belly pain, but not like he was and only once in a while. We are assuming the belly pain was from the vincristine.

By the way, the golf outing is being postponed until September. I will update with more details as we get them.

Have a wonderful, Sunday and thanks for stopping by!

God Bless you all! Love - The Cadys

Friday, July 9, 2004 6:22 AM CDT

Sorry for the lack of updates. We waited and waited and waited all day on Wednesday for the verdict and finally at 7:30pm we were told they would start the discharge process. So two laters we were heading out the door. Yesterday our internet was down.

So, Wed. we arrived home about 10pm and climbed the stairs with two sleepy kids all went to bed, our bed yea! We are all extremely happy to be home.

Thursday took Jake down to the clinic for a finger poke, results of the blood tests are no more shots his ANC are up and WBC is rising as well. He was doing a happy dance. However, his platelets dropped again, so we will head back at 3p today, they would like to see if he needs a transfusion before the weekend. The out patient lab is closed on weekends and it's a lot easier to go thru them then to have to go to the hospital on Saturday. He laid around a lot, took a long nap and hardly ate much, his liquid intake was good though. Still complaining of belly pain though, probably caused by vincristine he received on Tuesday. That was the final, final dose of chemo. Around 8pm last night our new neighbors, Mickey and Sam came over and Jake finally got to meet them. At first he wanted to go out and play, then he said his belly hurt too bad, but a few minutes later he shuffled over to the back door and said I am going out. He managed to muster up enough strength to play outside with his new friend for a little bit. Children have amazing strength! Jake continues to amaze me and his resilience keeps me going.

One of my dearest friends Lynnie has been in town all week and we finally got to see each other last night, not for very long though because I had a major migraine and could barely keep my eyes open, even the hair on my head hurt. But she brought flowers, apple bread and headache medicine, I feel much better today! Thanks Lynnie, I love you!

So that brings us to Friday, Jake awoke a number of times in the middle of the night, thinking he had to go potty, false alarms. Of course he was up bright and early this morning 6:50am. My first orders of the day were a snack, Jacob wanted freezer pops, no there is no nutrition in those, me, I am just thrilled he is actually asking for something instead of having to badger him for 15 mins. about what he would consider eating then stand in front of him waiting for him to open his mouth. Next he wanted coco wheats, so I made those, of course they have to cool so while they are cooling, Jacob wants green chips! What Jacob wants he gets, for now at least. So he is eating and most importantly wanting to eat. Not a lot at one time, but it's a step in the right direction. He seems to be in pretty good spirits this morning. Pray his platelets are holding and haven't dropped anymore.

Thanks for checking in and for continuing to keep Jacob in your prayers. Please keep all of the caring bridge children in your prayers!

love - The Cady Family

Monday, July 5, 2004 12:12 AM CDT

Hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th! Jacob is still in the hospital. Last night we got to watch the Toledo fireworks from the hopsital walkway between the hospital and the clinic it goes over Cherry St. The kids really enjoyed it! Jacob's favorites where the rainbow colored ones, they looked green, blue, orange and purple. He fell asleep by the time we got back to the room though.

Saturday night, I took Jordan home and we got to watch the Perrysburg fireworks from our backyard, it was a beautiful display, Kris and Loren came over w/Morgan (Jordy's friend) and Jordy's new friends (new neighbors right next door) came over to watch with her, she thought she was having a party. Jordy had a lot of fun, I really missed Ron and Jacob though.

Jacob seems to be doing a little better today, when he has been awake he has been talking a little more, but still in pain, everytime he swallows even just his own saliva he scrunches up his face and whimpers. He has been sleeping most of the day so far more than likely because his platelets are really low and he needs a transfusion which he will be getting shortly. Hopefully this will perk him up a little. He is still getting Tylenol w/codeine regularly and morphine as needed for pain. He hasn't eaten since last Wed. so last night they started him on TPN (IV nutrition, fat and lipids). Dr. Jasty says that his mouth is looking better it is starting to heal, yea!!!! His white blood cell count is up from .1 to .2 which is a great sign that it is turning around, now it should only be a matter of days til he is doing better. They may consider sending us home tomorrow, we will just have to see what tomorrow brings. He really hasn't complained too much about being in here this time, of course he has slept the days away though.

Hopefully this will be our last hospital stay! I feel like this is a milestone for us. NO MORE CANCER! NO MORE CHEMO! We are almost at the end of this chapter, and I can't wait to turn the page! Jacob has a life filled with hope and promise ahead of him, thanks to his wonderful oncology team, his spectacular transplant doctors and their staff, all of our family and friends and most importantly the power of prayer.

Thanks again for your continued prayers and support for our family. Please see below for golf outting information.

love - Chris, Ron, Jordy and Jacob

Here are the details on the golf outing for Jacob:

What: Jacob Cady/ COTA Golf Scramble

When: Sunday, July 25, 2004
1:30 PM Shotgun Start

Where: Whiteford Valley Golf Course
7980 Beck Road
Ottawa Lake, MI

Entry fee: $80 per golfer ($320 per foursome) includes 18 holes with cart and cookout dinner immediately following golf. (Non-golfers may attend the post-round cookout for $15 per person.)

Please register your team by July 16, 2004 by contacting:

Jeff Schaaf 419-215-7240 jschaaf@buckeye-express.com
Michelle Buehrer 419-893-8372 mbuehrer@buckeye-express.com

There will be prizes, betting holes, and more!

Thanks for your continued prayers.

The Cady's...

Saturday, July 3, 2004 2:35 PM CDT

Jacob perked up a little last night, he played Game Cube for a while, watched a couple of movies drank a yogurt and ate a few bites of banana. He doesn't seem to have anymore belly pain it is just in his mouth, they have gotten worse, affecting his gums and roof of his mouth. He started complaining last night that his heel hurt on his right foot and wouldn't put pressure on it. It looks red and inflamed. They ran some blood tests, check the clotting in his blood and so far everything has come back ok. He will get an xray done of his foot today to check for osteonecrosis (bone deterioration) from the steroids.

Dr. Jasty doesn't seem to be too concerned but is keeping him on antibiotics that cover a broad spectrum of issues including staff. Jake will be in the hospital for a few more days probably until we see his counts on the rise, we don't want to take any chances.

Thanks for checking in! Hope everyone has a Happy and Safe 4th of July weekend!

God Bless you all - love The Cadys Here are the details on the golf outing for Jacob:

What: Jacob Cady/ COTA Golf Scramble

When: Sunday, July 25, 2004
1:30 PM Shotgun Start

Where: Whiteford Valley Golf Course
7980 Beck Road
Ottawa Lake, MI

Entry fee: $80 per golfer ($320 per foursome) includes 18 holes with cart and cookout dinner immediately following golf. (Non-golfers may attend the post-round cookout for $15 per person.)

Please register your team by July 16, 2004 by contacting:

Jeff Schaaf 419-215-7240 jschaaf@buckeye-express.com
Michelle Buehrer 419-893-8372 mbuehrer@buckeye-express.com

There will be prizes, betting holes, and more!

Thanks for your continued prayers.

The Cady's...

Friday, July 2, 2004 6:09 AM CDT

Good Morning - Jacob is still in the hospital, he is complaining a lot of pain in his mouth and belly. An abdomen xray yesterday showed everything to be fine in there. So we are thinking the belly pain could be sores as well, the sores can be in your mouth down your throat and into your stomach. He did not sleep well Wed. night and I held him most of the night and all morning on Thurs. At one point I thought he was asleep and I was talking to him softly and as I cradled him in my arms I told him he was my sweet little baby, he heard me and emphatically stated he was not a baby he was a big boy. I had to laugh, then he got mad because I laughed. He cried and slept restlessly on and off all day so we ended up allowing them to give morphpine, late afternoon. He also received a red cell transfusion yesterday. I had Kumon yesterday afternoon but by the time I got back up there Thurs. evening he was feeling better and talking and playing Game Cube (always a good sign)!

No news as to when he will be discharged, he is still not eatting and drinking very little on his own. So of course he is receiving IV fluids as well. We'll just take it day by day.

Please pray for a very special little girl named Haley that we have come to know through the Caring Bridge family and DuPont, she is not doing very well and her family needs all of the prayers possible.

Thank you for checking up on little Jake and for all of your prayers and support. Words can not express how grateful we truly are...

love - The Cadys

Here are the details on the golf outing for Jacob:

What: Jacob Cady/ COTA Golf Scramble

When: Sunday, July 25, 2004
1:30 PM Shotgun Start

Where: Whiteford Valley Golf Course
7980 Beck Road
Ottawa Lake, MI

Entry fee: $80 per golfer ($320 per foursome) includes 18 holes with cart and cookout dinner immediately following golf. (Non-golfers may attend the post-round cookout for $15 per person.)

Please register your team by July 16, 2004 by contacting:

Jeff Schaaf 419-215-7240 jschaaf@buckeye-express.com
Michelle Buehrer 419-893-8372 mbuehrer@buckeye-express.com

There will be prizes, betting holes, and more!

Thanks for your continued prayers.

The Cady's...

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 2:53 PM CDT

Jake has a slight fever and since his WBC is near 0, we will be spending the next couple or few days in the hospital, as the oncologist does not want to take any chances. He's been doing well and is ticked that he has to stay over once again. We remind him that we can see the finish line, though.

That's about it for now. Thanks for all of your prayers and support. See below for golf outting info.

love - The Cadys

Here are the details on the golf outing for Jacob:

What: Jacob Cady/ COTA Golf Scramble

When: Sunday, July 25, 2004
1:30 PM Shotgun Start

Where: Whiteford Valley Golf Course
7980 Beck Road
Ottawa Lake, MI

Entry fee: $80 per golfer ($320 per foursome) includes 18 holes with cart and cookout dinner immediately following golf. (Non-golfers may attend the post-round cookout for $15 per person.)

Please register your team by July 16, 2004 by contacting:

Jeff Schaaf 419-215-7240 jschaaf@buckeye-express.com
Michelle Buehrer 419-893-8372 mbuehrer@buckeye-express.com

There will be prizes, betting holes, and more!

Thanks for your continued prayers.

The Cady's...

Monday, June 28, 2004 7:50 PM CDT

Hello Everyone - I can't believe it has almost been a week since I have updated his site. I am so sorry, I really intended to update more frequently.

Unfortunately Dusza's weren't able to come in town this past weekend but we hope to get together next weekend possibly. We would like to get a picture of Jake and Tom and our families for the UT Alumni magazine article on Jake and Tom.

Since my last update Jacob has done pretty well. He had a few days were he didn't feel well, but if he didn't feel well when he woke, by the evening, he would be running around outside with Jordy swinging and playing baseball. His appetite is light but at least he's eating and no sign of mouth sores yet (knock on wood)!

This weekend we went to a fundraiser carnival this weekend for our friends daughter, Hope Burkin. The kids had a ball! Then on Sunday Tom and Cathy Bierley brought Amanda down to play and we cooked out. So the kids had a full weekend.

Today we had labs and Jake received Vincristine (chemo drug administered in the clinic through a syringe) and we were heading home by 11am. The kids spent much of the day at my parents. Jake did pretty well he took a good long nap and got to play with his cousins, Gabby, McKenna and Brady this evening.

That's about it for now. Thanks for all of your prayers and support. See below for golf outting info.

love - The Cadys

Here are the details on the golf outing for Jacob:

What: Jacob Cady/ COTA Golf Scramble

When: Sunday, July 25, 2004
1:30 PM Shotgun Start

Where: Whiteford Valley Golf Course
7980 Beck Road
Ottawa Lake, MI

Entry fee: $80 per golfer ($320 per foursome) includes 18 holes with cart and cookout dinner immediately following golf. (Non-golfers may attend the post-round cookout for $15 per person.)

Please register your team by July 16, 2004 by contacting:

Jeff Schaaf 419-215-7240 jschaaf@buckeye-express.com
Michelle Buehrer 419-893-8372 mbuehrer@buckeye-express.com

There will be prizes, betting holes, and more!

Wednesday, June 23, 2004 6:07 AM CDT

Hello Everyone - Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and great fathers day! We took the kids to see Shrek 2 over the weekend and on Sunday the kids got to play with their cousins, running through the sprinkler and having a ball!

On Monday Jacob's counts were good enough to start his final round of chemo. Things went pretty well, he slept through it on Monday and did end up throwing up once later that night but that was it. On Tuesday, he was fine. He ate fairly well, played in the playroom during the afternoon and his last dose of chemo was at 4pm. Following post hydration, we were able to come home on Tuesday night around 8:45p and Jacob ran from the garage into the house and out the patio door to our backyard. He ran around for a little while and played on the swings. He was happy to be home.

The nurses on the 6th floor at St. V's Mercy Childrens have been so good to Jacob and our family. Yesterday, Nurse Renee made him a chocolate shake which he sucked down instantly. She always makes Jake laugh. We are very grateful to all the nurses for the care they have given Jacob and our family. From the very beginning, everyone was very comforting and caring. Karen and Joanne were the first nurses we encountered on that first weekend he was admitted back in December. They were so compassionate and good to us. We missed Nurse Ellie, she is on vacation Jacob vows to beat her again in the Chapstick races though. He was a little disappointed he didn't get to show her how many spatulas he can get on his SpongeBob video game, but he showed Nurse Sheri who stopped in to visit. We hoped to see Nurse Julie, one of the night nurses we had everytime we were in before the transplant, she always brought us extra pillows and one night in the middle of the night brought me a comfy chair to sit in and hold my baby and was always willing to lend an ear in the middle of the night. Nurse Leticia took care of us Monday and Tuesday she is always so kind and gentle with Jacob. Everyone is always pleasant and it is a great comfort to me to see familiar smiling faces when we walk onto the floor.

So our plans are to get two more doses of Vincristine in the clinic the next two Mondays. July 9th Jake goes to Cincy for a follow up and some routine tests. July 26th he has his next MRI and CT scans. He will be scanned every 2-3 months to check for recurrence. As time passes his chances for recurrence lessen. The first year is the most critical both for the transplant and recurrence.

We are excited because the Dusza's may come in for a visit this weekend! Jacob can't wait to show the boys his Game Cube, of course. We are planning to go to the zoo. Unfortunately the Mud Hens aren't in town this weekend but we may head downtown just to check out the stadium. Tom is doing really well.

Thank you for continuing to pray for Jacob and our family. You and your families are never far from our thoughts and always in our prayers. We are forever grateful.

see below for Golf Outting Fundraiser Info.

love - The Cadys

Here are the details on the golf outing for Jacob:

What: Jacob Cady/ COTA Golf Scramble

When: Sunday, July 25, 2004
1:30 PM Shotgun Start

Where: Whiteford Valley Golf Course
7980 Beck Road
Ottawa Lake, MI

Entry fee: $80 per golfer ($320 per foursome) includes 18 holes with cart and cookout dinner immediately following golf. (Non-golfers may attend the post-round cookout for $15 per person.)

Please register your team by July 16, 2004 by contacting:

Jeff Schaaf 419-215-7240 jschaaf@buckeye-express.com
Michelle Buehrer 419-893-8372 mbuehrer@buckeye-express.com

There will be prizes, betting holes, and more!

Thursday, June 17, 2004 11:45 AM CDT

Hello Everyone - Well the past few days have been pretty uneventful, just the way we like it. Jacob is doing well, he had a couple of his friends over yesterday, Ronnie, Riley and Abby Seely. He really enjoyed playing with them. Later that evening we stopped by Colin's house, the boys played for a little while, then on to the Valentine's. Jordy spent the night at her friend, Camryn's house. Ahh, normalcy.

We are planning to make the most of this weekend, since Jake will probably be admitted this upcoming Monday for chemo.

God bless you all!
love - The Cadys

Here are the details on the golf outing for Jacob:

What: Jacob Cady/ COTA Golf Scramble

When: Sunday, July 25, 2004
1:30 PM Shotgun Start

Where: Whiteford Valley Golf Course
7980 Beck Road
Ottawa Lake, MI

Entry fee: $80 per golfer ($320 per foursome) includes 18 holes with cart and cookout dinner immediately following golf. (Non-golfers may attend the post-round cookout for $15 per person.)

Please register your team by July 16, 2004 by contacting:

Jeff Schaaf 419-215-7240 jschaaf@buckeye-express.com
Michelle Buehrer 419-893-8372 mbuehrer@buckeye-express.com

There will be prizes, betting holes, and more!

Monday, June 14, 2004 11:16 AM CDT

Just a quick update, I just got home from the clinic, Jacobs counts aren't high enough to start chemo. His white blood cell count is only 1.9 and his ANC (absolute neutrophil) was too low as well. So we bought a few more days of freedom and it is beautiful outside. Jake just put his swimsuit on, he is ready for the sprinkler.

I must admit I am torn, part of me just wants to get on with it and get it over but part of me wants to enjoy him as he is right now and never go back to the hospital.

So we will go back in at the end of the week and see how his counts are then.

Enjoy the beautiful day! Thanks for keeping Jake in your prayers!

love - the Cady's

Here are the details on the golf outing for Jacob:

What: Jacob Cady/ COTA Golf Scramble

When: Sunday, July 25, 2004
1:30 PM Shotgun Start

Where: Whiteford Valley Golf Course
7980 Beck Road
Ottawa Lake, MI

Entry fee: $80 per golfer ($320 per foursome) includes 18 holes with cart and cookout dinner immediately following golf. (Non-golfers may attend the post-round cookout for $15 per person.)

Please register your team by July 16, 2004 by contacting:

Jeff Schaaf 419-215-7240 jschaaf@buckeye-express.com
Michelle Buehrer 419-893-8372 mbuehrer@buckeye-express.com

There will be prizes, betting holes, and more!

Sunday, June 13, 2004 8:15 PM CDT

What a wonderful weekend. Jacob has been back to his old self, playing outside, running through the sprinkler, swinging, playing with his toys, squirting his Uncle Tom with the squirt gun. It is so good to see him like this, it kills me to take him to the hospital tomorrow, I am trying to keep things in perspective though and hold on to the fact that this will be his final round of chemo. He will get VDC again so will just be in for 2 days.

Today we went to Side Cut for a picnic with my mom and dad, Tiffany's parents (my sister in law), my brothers and sisters and there families. It's my brother Dan's birthday, we had a great time. Afterwards everyone came back to our house, the kids ran through the sprinkler and played. Jacob was so happy to get to play with his cousins, several of whom he has not seen since we have been home because of the kids being sick and timing. I was happy just to relax and hang out on the patio and visit, something we haven't done in sooo long. There is hope yet that things can get back to normal for us at some point.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Thanks for signing Jake's guest book and for keeping him in your prayers.

We'll update soon to let everyone know how chemo is going. See below for information on the upcoming golf outting fundraiser!

love - The Cady's

Here are the details on the golf outing for Jacob:

What: Jacob Cady/ COTA Golf Scramble

When: Sunday, July 25, 2004
1:30 PM Shotgun Start

Where: Whiteford Valley Golf Course
7980 Beck Road
Ottawa Lake, MI

Entry fee: $80 per golfer ($320 per foursome) includes 18 holes with cart and cookout dinner immediately following golf. (Non-golfers may attend the post-round cookout for $15 per person.)

Please register your team by July 16, 2004 by contacting:

Jeff Schaaf 419-215-7240 jschaaf@buckeye-express.com
Michelle Buehrer 419-893-8372 mbuehrer@buckeye-express.com

There will be prizes, betting holes, and more!

Saturday, June 12, 2004 6:27 AM CDT

Jake needed a platelette transfusion, which was a suprise to us, since he has been in such good spirits and so strong. Anyway's, he got the "red fuel juice" as we call it, and is now back home, and doing great!

We have gotten some call's about any additional fund raisers that are being held to help pay for Jacob's medical care not covered by insurance. Below are the details on the upcoming golf outing. Please pass the word on to your friends/co-workers who you think might be interested in playing. We would like to personally thank Jeff Schaaf and Michelle Buehrer for organizing this event, and while we are at it, every single person that has continued to attned the COTA meetings and helped out. It has enabled us to spend all of our available time with Jake while he goes through his final month of chemo; something we will never forget. Thank's so much!!

Here are the details on the golf outing for Jacob:

What: Jacob Cady/ COTA Golf Scramble

When: Sunday, July 25, 2004
1:30 PM Shotgun Start

Where: Whiteford Valley Golf Course
7980 Beck Road
Ottawa Lake, MI

Entry fee: $80 per golfer ($320 per foursome) includes 18 holes with cart and cookout dinner immediately following golf. (Non-golfers may attend the post-round cookout for $15 per person.)

Please register your team by July 16, 2004 by contacting:

Jeff Schaaf 419-215-7240 jschaaf@buckeye-express.com
Michelle Buehrer 419-893-8372 mbuehrer@buckeye-express.com

There will be prizes, betting holes, and more!

Friday, June 11, 2004 9:25 AM CDT

Jake continues to do unbelievably well. No more mouth sores or pain of any kind. He's all set to begin his 4th (and last) round of post transplant chemo on Monday, so we look forward to having a fun week end until then.

On a sad note, we had been told in Delaware that Jake would not be able to swim (forever unfortunately) in any ponds, lakes or public pools due to the transplant. After checking with Cincinnati, they concur. We are sad about this because it is absolutely Jakes favorite thing to do in the summer hands down.

We are looking into having a small in ground pool installed as a result of this, as we refuse to let the cards we were dealt takeaway from the things he loves anymore than they already have.

Thank you for your continued prayers and kind words on this websight. They mean so much...

The Cady's

Tuesday, June 8, 2004 7:39 PM CDT

Jacob is doing much better this week, what a difference. His next and final round of chemo will be next Monday and Tuesday, VDC again, hopefully he won't get the mouth sores again. No shots or anymore clinic visits this week either, yea!!!

Despite the heat the kids were outside most of the day. They played in the sprinkler and then Jordy got to go to the pool with her friend Morgan, she had a ball. Jacob did not even mention Game Cube til about 3:30 this afternoon, when he woke up from a little nap. I am so happy summer is here!!!! Everything is much easier.

Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather! Thanks for keeping Jacob in your prayers.

love - The Cadys

Sunday, June 6, 2004 6:34 PM CDT

Hi everyone. Check out the new pics we have added.

We had a nice day today. Jacob is slowly recovering from the 3rd round of chemo, but still has a tummy ache (one of the side effects of Vincristine). We took him to the zoo today and he enjoyed it long enough to see some of the animals, eat ice cream and ride the train. He then fell asleep in the wagon. As long as he is recovered fully, he will begin his 4th (and last) post transplant chemo round, Thursday and Friday of this week. It's been a long road, but we keep reminding him that he has made it 6 months so far and he is on his final month. He smiles when we tell him this. The University of Toledo Alumni Newsletter is sending a writer over this Tuesday for pics and an article on Jacob and Tom, so we went to the bookstore and got new UT shirts, hats etc. for the occasion.

God Bless.

The Cady's

Friday, June 4, 2004 5:17 PM CDT

Hello Everyone - Jacob was discharged on Wednesday afternoon. Since then his mouth has improved, still a little sore though and now his legs hurt. Leg pain could be from Neupogen shots, chemo, who knows. He has been sleeping quite a bit today and will only eat pudding with whip cream on top. Drinking lots of fluids though. He may end up needing a hemoglobin transfusion this weekend he was on the border today. We'll see.

In retrospect, Jacob has done fairly well. It's just that since we now live in the moment, things don't seem that great when he is feeling under the weather. Compared to a lot of other children we have met and learned about, Jacob has not had many of the problems other kids have had with chemo. He is, and we are forunate for how well he has taken everything in such a short period of time (6 months). From a transplant point of view, knock on wood, he is doing great!

Thanks for all of your prayers and support and for checking in. God bless you all!

love - The Cady Family

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 10:05 AM CDT

Well we didn't meet my goal for no overnights in the hospital til next round of chemo. Jake was admitted yesterday, despite my efforts to get him to drink water and pedialyte, it wasn't enough. He was slightly dehydrated so they admitted him and he needed platelets as well. The sores seem to be clearing up in his mouth, but he is still complaining when he swallows and seems to be in quite a bit of pain. He hasn't eaten much today, yogurt, ice cream and water, he is going to try soup for lunch though.

We will probably be discharged this afternoon, his kidney numbers are good today. We have to phone in tomorrow and update on his intake. And we head back to clinic on Friday for blood work and possibly another shot of vincristine (chemo, not what caused the sores though). We are going to be talking about the 4th round of chemo as well, Ron and I are worried and don't want to put him through this again. It seems with each round of chemo there are new complications and he takes longer to rebound, how much more can he take? There is not much they can do for the sores, no way to prevent it, only to attempt to relieve the pain with codeine and the magic mouth wash. These things are only temporary fixes, everytime I go to give Jake his next dose, he cries and says he doesn't want to take it because it isn't working. Of course I have told him he has to take his medicine, it will make him feel better. What 4 yr. old understands that the pain relief wears off and you have to keep taking more???.

OK so now he is up to 9 meds a day, some twice a day. It isn't always easy getting him to take everything either. Sometimes we end up having to bribe him, dollar bills work well for him, also threatening to turn off game cube.

We'll keep you posted, thanks for checking in and continuing to pray for our little guy!

love - The Cadys

Monday, May 31, 2004 8:02 PM CDT

Hello Everyone - Jacob has had a rough weekend. He hasn't hardly eatten anything since Friday night. He developed sores in his mouth and possibly his throat a side affect of the adriamycin he received in this past round of chemo. He has been in a lot of pain, very restless at night and sleeping a lot during the day. Ron and I have been taking turns holding him a lot. Sunday afternoon we managed to get him outside for a little while we took a long walk and he and Jordy rode in the wagon, then he helped water the flowers. This evening we took a little walk as I had to carry him. He is taking magic mouth wash (a concoction of lydicaine and several other things I can't remember, used by many doctors for these sores, chemo patients get) for the sores, which pretty much numbs his mouth and he can have Tylenol w/codeine for the pain as well. He did eat some jello this evening and I am trying to get him to drink Pedialyte. He has been drinking plenty of water though, I have been on top of that because the last thing we need is for him to get dehydrated. I hate seeing him in pain and can't wait until he is up and running around again.

We head to the clinic tomorrow for blood work and Dr. Camillo wants to see him as well, due to the weekend developments.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Take care and God bless...

love - Chris, Ron, Jordan and Jake

Friday, May 28, 2004 4:18 PM CDT

Today was a clinic day. Jacob received a shot of vincristine (chemo) today and also needed a hemoglobin transfusion. I was a little surprised about the transfusion, but as I looked back over the past couple of days he was napping longer and a little short tempered. So we spent the entire day at the hospital, but are now home and glad to be home! No overnights until the next and final round of chemo. His white blood cell count is in the toilet again, .1, so we will probably stay home all weekend.

Hope everyone has a relaxing holiday weekend! Thanks for checking up on us and thanks for all of your prayers!

love - The Cadys

Sunday, May 23, 2004 6:20 AM CDT

Hello Everyone - Jacob is doing well. He was discharged at 8:30p on Friday night. He tolerated this chemo really well, no issues with his liver and he is eating, not a lot but that's ok. He played outside quite a bit yesterday, helping dad clean up the garage, swinging and playing baseball. Jordan is good, she is happier when we are all home. The two of them have been playing together so well.

Monday morning we go to the clinic for lab work. Then back again on Friday. The next two Fridays he will get a shot of vincristine, they just administer this in the clinic so he will not need to go to the hospital. Hopefully we can stay out of the hospital until the next and final round of chemo.

Hope everyone has a beautiful Sunday! God Bless!

love - the Cadys

Friday, May 21, 2004 8:40 AM CDT

Jacob was admitted yesterday for the 3rd round of post transplant chemo. He is receiving vincristine, doxarubicin (adriamycin) and cytoxan (cyclophosfamide). He took it really well yesterday, his liver enzymes are normal. They will monitor the liver levels closely as sometimes the adri can be hard on livers and there is no published information on giving this drug, although our oncologists have talked to a number of other physicians and most everyone feels it will be ok. He will receive one more dose of adri this evening and then we will go home. Hopefully around 8:30p or so. As usual he slept through most of the chemo and played game cube. He has maintained his appetite, taking his meds (with a little bribery) and hasn't complained of nauseousness. So far so good.

Jake's gastroenterologist from Cincy saw Dr. Casas at a conference last weekend and remarked how great Jake looks. That was wonderful to hear.

He played outside alot this week. His endurance is improving. It is so awesome to see him so happy and enjoying all the things kids should enjoy. He's been swinging (he can pump his feet now and is very proud of that), riding his jeep, playing soccer, freeze tag and watering flowers for mom. And we are enjoying every minute of it along with him.

Thanks for all of your prayers, we couldn't get through this without them. We keep everyone in our prayers as well. I do also want to thank all of the wonderful nursing staff on the 6th floor at St. V's for taking caring of Jacob and us while we are in the hospital. Jacob is waiting for Nurse Ellie to visit today so he can beat her in a chapstick race. Everyone here has been very kind and helpful throughout the past 6 months that we have been coming up here. Of course we don't want to be in the hospital but the friendly faces always make us feel welcome and we appreciate it!

love - The Cady Family

Monday, May 17, 2004 7:13 PM CDT

Jacob is doing well today, his platelets are on their way back up. He may start his 3rd round of post transplant chemo on Thursday, we will head to the clinic to check his platelets again if they are better he will be admitted that day. The oncologists have decided to switch to VDC (vincristin, doxarubicin (adriamycin), cyclophosphamide. This is the same chemo he received 2nd round pre transplant. He tolerated that much better then, so I am hoping it will be the same now.

He will get one more round of chemo after this, VDC again and then that will be it. I am so relieved, I finally feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. He will still be followed closely for a while by the oncology team, scans every 2-3 months and blood draws as well. Of course it is not over yet, for the rest of his life he will have the transplant to contend with but I have such a good feeling about everything. I know that we have done the best that we could for Jake and have gotten the best care possible for him. As I look back I just can't believe it was only 6 months ago he was diagnosed. So much has happened in such a short period of time. I recall on Christmas Eve when we first got the diagnosis of rhabdoid, Ron and I were devastated, crying so hard as we placed presents under the tree, but Christmas Day we were given a gift of hope by our oncologists when they had a little bit of info for us and decided to start treatment immediately.

For 6 months now, I have lived in the moment and day to day. It has been a blessing though because I feel that I have come to treasure the moments with family and friends and appreciate each day so much more.

Thanks to all from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers and support.

love - The Cadys

Saturday, May 15, 2004 9:14 AM CDT

Hello Everyone - The past couple of days have been a little hectic. Jacob had a bone scan, chest CT and MRI of his liver and abdomen. We haven't gotten the results yet, these were just routine follow up so I don't expect there to be any surprises. We also went down to Cincinnati to meet with the gastroenterologist for follow up with Jake's transplant, they were great! We were very pleased, we needed to find someone a little closer in the event of an emergency and Cincinnati Childrens is an excellent institution.

Jacob and I headed to St. V's for blood draw bright and early this morning. His platelets were really low on Thursday and they suspected he made need a transfusion over the weekend. So we are home for a couple of hours, awaiting the results. If he does need platelets, we will go back down to the hospital for a few hours, no overnights though. Yea!

Monday we have a meeting with the oncologists to figure out how to proceed and what the next two rounds of chemo will be. I am hoping that we will not be continuing with ICE, it seems to be taking a toll on his little body. Each time it gets harder and harder.

On the up side of things, Jacob's white blood cell count is back up so we hope to maybe do something fun this evening. Tomorrow he will go to a birthday party and see some of his buddies.

Take care and thanks for checking in on us. God bless.

love - Chris, Ron, Jacob and Jordan

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:13 AM CDT

Good Morning - Jake was discharged on Sunday afternoon, just continuing w/oral anitbiotics for a week. We had a really nice afternoon, as soon as we got home the kids ran out back to play. It was a beautiful afternoon and a great Mothers Day. Jordan sang me a song she learned at school it was very sweet and gave me a plant in a pot she decorated herself. Of course I got lots of kisses and hugs from both of the kids as well.

Tuesday I headed back to the clinic, Jacob was crying for 45 minutes, complaining of leg pain. X rays revealed nothing, blood work showed enzyme levels ok, the pain is in his right thigh. Could be due to steroids, could be chemo taking it's toll. He is doing better but complaining on and off throughout the day, still he managed to get outside and play a little, buy ice cream from the ice cream man and drive his little jeep. Thursday we go for routine tests, bone scan, MRI - liver, chest CT and head to Cincinnati to meet with a gastroenterologist at Cincinnati Childrens, for follow up with regard to the transplant.

Hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for checking in with us! God Bless you!

love - The Cadys

Saturday, May 8, 2004 6:30 AM CDT

Sorry for the lack of updates, this week was pretty uneventful (great, for a change), up until Friday that is. We went to the clinic yesterday for blood work and a check up. Jacob has a habit of picking his ear, the corner part above the ear canal. He picked it until it bled and now has an infection. His white blood cell count is in the toilet so he has no defenses against infection. The doctors were worried it could be staff or turn into staff so they decided to admit him for a few days of IV antibiotics. When I told Jake this he really cried. He usually never reacts that way, it made me sad. Once we got to the floor I told Shirley the admissions gal to just pencil us in for room 629 every weekend. We literally have been in the hospital every weekend since we have been back from Delaware, except Easter. Hopefully he won't be in long.

Hope everyone has a Happy Mothers Day, treasure the moments with your loved ones! I am so happy to be with my two little pumpkins, no matter where we are.

Take care and God bless!
love - The Cadys

Monday, May 3, 2004 8:54 AM CDT

Jacob returned home around 4:30pm Sunday from the hospital. He is doing really well. He is so happy to be home! He received his last dose of chemo on Saturday and actually took it better, he was a little nautious but never threw up. On Sunday morning he wanted eggs and bacon (only the kind mom makes would do) so Jordy and I took him scrambled eggs with a slice of cheese on top and bacon. He was so happy. All morning he kept telling everyone how good his eggs were. He is such a happy boy despite everything he has been through, this in itself keeps me going.

I would like to thank everyone who attended and supported the bowling fundraiser yesterday. It was truly an amazing experience. The fundraiser raised over $6000.00! Ron and I are so eternally grateful to everyone. Sue and Tony Valentine did an awesome job putting everything together. The volunteers that helped out, registering bowlers, setting up, cleaning up, provided food are truly appreciated and of course many thanks to the folks at Timbers Bowling in Maumee for providing a place for us to do this and for helping out as well.

Jordan and I went to the fundraiser around 2:30 pm, things were already in full swing. I was so moved to see many of my cousins aunts and uncles I haven't seen for awhile, my own family and nieces and nephews, Rons aunt and uncle and their friends, former co workers and friends, and friends of family and friends that we hadn't met before. That is why many of you saw tears in my eyes, it was truly a moving experience to know how much our family is loved and cared for. We thank you all so very much!!!!!

God Bless!
love - The Cadys

Friday, April 30, 2004 6:07 PM CDT

Jacob has done ok the past two days. He has been pretty sleepy and has napped quite a bit, still managing to get to the playroom though both yesterday and today. He is eatting but only certain things, yesterday it was hot dogs all day, today ravioli's for breakfast and lunch and Gino's Pizza for dinner (it had to be Gino's). Well so much for the pizza, that just came up.

Ron is spending the night tonight with Jake so I can get a good nights sleep at home. It's really draining be up here all of the time, not to mention difficult to sleep. I can only imagine what Jacob thinks of all of this. He did tell me today that he is "tired of taking all of this medicine all of the time", and that he wants to go home. I feel bad leaving Jacob though but I know Jordy needs me too. Jacob is happy that Ron will be here, I think I miss Jake more than he misses me.

Only 1 more day of chemo to go and hopefully we will be home sometime Sunday afternoon. Jordy and I are planning on stopping at the bowling fundraiser on Sunday, it's been a rough week for Jake so he won't be able to.

Thanks for everything and God Bless you all!
love - The Cady Family

Wednesday, April 28, 2004 9:19 PM CDT

Jacob's first day of chemo, yesterday, went well. Jake napped through chemo but maintained his appetite and played when Jordy came up in the evening. Today I think it started to get to him a little. He was a little cranky during the day but still ate some. Tonight though, he refused his meds, gagging and spitting them up. He is usually really good about taking them at home, so I know he doesn't feel well. 3 more days to go. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier.

Thanks for your prayers and support
love - The Cadys'

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 12:40 AM CDT

Monday morning we went into the clinic for blood work, to everyones surprise his platelets were up. So Jake was admitted to the hospital this morning (tuesday) for round 2 post transplant chemo. He will receive ICE, which is the 5 day course, they decided to do ICE because up to this point they have not found any doctors who have had experience giving Adriamycin (Doxarubicin) to liver transplant patients. They will continue to look though.

Yesterday we had a great afternoon, Jake and I had a picnic lunch on the patio, flew a kite in the backyard and rode his big wheel. We also stopped by the Mud Hens stadium, Jake loves to see it, and stopped in at the Swamp Shop for a Muddy hat. We tried to make the most of the beautiful day we had outside, knowing he would be stuck in the hospital for the next 6 days.

He is in good spirits when I told him yesterday that we would have to go the hospital today, he just said can I take game cube, I said yes and that was that. It was so funny this morning he did not want me to come in with him while his port was accessed, he's a big boy now. Then when we got to the hospital the first thing he did was take off all of his clothes and hop in bed. Then he demanded to have Game Cube set up. On the one hand it is funny and on the other hand it is kind of sad, 4 year olds are supposed to be afraid of these things and need their mommies. Maybe all of this will make him a better person, or better yet, maybe he won't remember.

Thanks again for your continuous prayers and support!!!

love - The Cady Family

Friday, April 23, 2004 9:25 PM CDT

Jacob had an appointment at the clinic today. They discontinued his antibiotics so he doesn't have to wear the pump anymore, yeah! His white blood cell count is good, no more shots, yeah! His platelets are still pretty low, we aren't sure if he will be ready for chemo on Monday or not.

We had a really nice afternoon and evening. It was beautiful outside, the kids played, Jordan had her friend Morgan over. We cooked out and later Patty and Tim came over with Shannon and Kennedy (Jake's cousins) they were all happy to see each other. Kris (Morgan's mom)stopped over to visit later and Morgan is spending the night. Jordan, Jake and Morgan are all in Jordan's bed, having a slumber party and wathching Scooby Doo. Seems like things are almost back to "normal", at least for a little while today, anyhow.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy the nice weather on Saturday! Thanks again for your continued support.

love - Chris, Ron, Jordan and Jacob

Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:33 AM CDT

Sorry we got a little behind on updates. Jacob was discharged Monday evening but he still needs to receive the antibiotics for the bacterial infection thru this Friday. His port (med port in his chest were most of his chemo and IV meds are administered) is accessed and he has a little pump in a fanny pack that infuses his antibiotics every 8 hours. Every 24 hours I change the "cassette" - the thing the antibiotics are in and the battery on the pump. A small price to pay I guess for being allowed to come home, Jacob is much happier at home.

His white blood cell count is on the rise but not back to normal yet, so 2nd round of chemo is post poned til this coming Monday. It looks like they will do VDC, which is what he had 2nd round pre transplant. It is administered over two days, not as hard on his body, yet still effective.
Our oncologist had the opportunity to speak with the oncologist from DuPont as well as one of the pediatric liver experts from UCSF at a conference, they agreed that we have the edge on Jake's cancer and we need to keep it that way so they want to take an aggressive approach and do a total of 4 rounds of chemo post transplant. Ron and I agreed.

It is so good to be back home. Thanks to everyone for all of your continued support!!! We will never forget it!!!

love - Chris, Ron, Jordan and Jacob

Friday, April 16, 2004 6:15 PM CDT

Jacob is doing much much better today. What a trooper. His side is not hurting anymore and he has his appetite again. He is currently on antibiotics for tifflitis or colitas an infection in the bowel, as that could not be ruled out immediately. It can be fatal if not treated right away with antibiotics when someones white blood cell count is so low (like Jacobs - neutropenic), which is why we decided to give them to him right away. The downside is the antibiotics last 7 days, so we will not be home until Tuesday at the earliest (he started the antibiotics as soon as we were admitted on Wednesday). If his counts rebound by then, he will start round 2 post transplant chemo next Tuesday, which would mean we would not be discharged at all and stay for an additional 6 days for the chemo, which would place us home next Sunday.

Love Ron, Chris, Jordan and always Jacob

Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:49 PM CDT

Hi everyone.

Chris is still at the hospital with Jake. More tests today, but we still do not know what the side pain is from. The great news is the doctor say's it is not critical, they are just being very thorough in going down the list and eliminating any possibilities. He didn't throw up today either which is very encouraging. He did get a hemoglobin transfusion today, which really helped his disposition. He has really perked up and sounded much better when I talked to him on the phone tonight. He asked me to bring him donuts from Fort Wayne when I return from my sales trip tomorrow. Hopefully we will be able to come home soon…

Ron, Chris, Jordan and always Jacob

Wednesday, April 14, 2004 5:30 PM CDT

Back in the hospital today. Jake started complaining yesterday that his side started hurting and he walked hunched over. He had a CT scan and chest X-Ray and everything came back fine!! It's just another example of our new life. Every little ache and pain, you have to wonder about and to a certain extent, act upon. We will be staying for one more test tomorrow but they are not concerned it's anything serious. Sorry so brief, but I have to go pick up our taxes from our accountant. While you are praying for Jake, pray that we get a nice tax return as well...

Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:47 PM CDT

We had a great 1st day back home. Jake's white blood cell count is near 0, but you would never know it! He is running around the house like a mad man, has great appetite and energy. We get labs done Monday at St. V's, as we have decided to have Jake receive his 2nd round of post transplant chemo locally since he did so well with the first. We will have to go to Cincinnati once a month at first, then less frequently, as it's the closest GI Doc affiliated with a transplant center, that is willing to administer follow-up care being prescribed by duPont. It is also the closest GI doc that is Cigna approved. Those trips, combined with a one time per year return visit to Delaware are a small price to pay on Jake's road to recovery. A road, by the way, that was made possible by Tom and Deb Dusza. They wrote in the guest book that we are an inspiration to them. We feel the same way about both of them 1000 times over. I still tear up when I look at Jacob running around and know that he could still be on the national waiting list waiting for a compatible liver, had Tom not done what he did. How can you ever return the favor of life? We are still trying to figure that one out...

Happy Easter everyone! I hope everyone has a special day. I can tell you this; it will be our best one ever...

Ron, Christine, Jordan and always Jacob


Timbers Bowling Fundraiser
Location: Timbers Bowling in Maumee, on Sunday, May 2nd, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Additional information or to register, call Sue Valentine at (419) 893-3582, cell (419) 344-7668 and e-mail: suzette@surfree.com. There is room for 100 people to bowl, so we'll take the first 100 registered. The cost is $15.00 per person and includes three games and shoe rental; however we're asking that everyone collect pledges, whether it's a per-pin donation or a flat amount. For those raising $75.00 or more in pledges, the bowling fee will be waived. The afternoon will also include food, door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. A cash bar will also be available.

If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate, here are 3 ways you may do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Jacob's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "J" for Jacob
d. click on "Jacob Cady's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2.. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: COTA for Jacob C

For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes.

4. Go to any Fifth Third Bank with funds payable to: COTA for Jacob C Account # 0074539818

The only difference with this option is you will not be provided a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes, since we will not know who contributed, when and at what branch. It is still deductible, you will simply need to save a copy of your cancelled check, verifying your payment to Jacob's 501C3 account.

Thursday, April 8, 2004 6:29 PM CDT

WE ARE HOME!!!!! Oh happy day! Check out the new pics...

Jacob continues to feel much better today, which is a blessing since it's his 4th birthday and we can't think of a better present than to be home and to have him smiling and happy!

Thanks for everything! God Bless you all!

love - the Cadys


Timbers Bowling Fundraiser
Location: Timbers Bowling in Maumee, on Sunday, May 2nd, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Additional information or to register, call Sue Valentine at (419) 893-3582, cell (419) 344-7668 and e-mail: suzette@surfree.com. There is room for 100 people to bowl, so we'll take the first 100 registered. The cost is $15.00 per person and includes three games and shoe rental; however we're asking that everyone collect pledges, whether it's a per-pin donation or a flat amount. For those raising $75.00 or more in pledges, the bowling fee will be waived. The afternoon will also include food, door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. A cash bar will also be available.

If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate, here are 3 ways you may do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Jacob's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "J" for Jacob
d. click on "Jacob Cady's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2.. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: COTA for Jacob C

For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes.

4. Go to any Fifth Third Bank with funds payable to: COTA for Jacob C Account # 0074539818

The only difference with this option is you will not be provided a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes, since we will not know who contributed, when and at what branch. It is still deductible, you will simply need to save a copy of your cancelled check, verifying your payment to Jacob's 501C3 account.

Wednesday, April 7, 2004 9:20 PM CDT

What a roller coaster ride. We had a wonderful day yesterday, went to Jake's favorite restaurant, McKenzie's, then to the mall to sit on the Easter Bunny's lap and had pictures taken, then after an afternoon nap, we ended the day playing at the playground.

Today on the other hand was not as much fun. Jake threw up a number of times throughout the day and slept the majority of the time. I got in contact with his oncologist here, this evening and he said he wasn't surprised and reminded me that ICE is a very hard chemo, he gave me a perscription to help. I gave it to him around 7:30pm and within the hour he was feeling better and went down to the dining room, he wanted to eat, but once he got his toast, he couldn't do it. That happens sometimes, things sound good to him, but when he gets it in front of him he can't eat.

He has ended the day on an up note, he took all of his meds and was able to keep them down and played Game Cube for a while with sissy, tonight.

Tomorrow morning we hed to the hospital for blood work. This will determine if we are able to come on Friday or not.

Again thanks to everyone for seeing us through this ordeal.

love - The Cady Family


Timbers Bowling Fundraiser
Location: Timbers Bowling in Maumee, on Sunday, May 2nd, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Additional information or to register, call Sue Valentine at (419) 893-3582, cell (419) 344-7668 and e-mail: suzette@surfree.com. There is room for 100 people to bowl, so we'll take the first 100 registered. The cost is $15.00 per person and includes three games and shoe rental; however we're asking that everyone collect pledges, whether it's a per-pin donation or a flat amount. For those raising $75.00 or more in pledges, the bowling fee will be waived. The afternoon will also include food, door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. A cash bar will also be available.

If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate, here are 3 ways you may do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Jacob's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "J" for Jacob
d. click on "Jacob Cady's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2.. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: COTA for Jacob C

For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes.

4. Go to any Fifth Third Bank with funds payable to: COTA for Jacob C Account # 0074539818

The only difference with this option is you will not be provided a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes, since we will not know who contributed, when and at what branch. It is still deductible, you will simply need to save a copy of your cancelled check, verifying your payment to Jacob's 501C3 account.

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 10:30 AM CDT

Jacob rebounded, as he has through this whole ordeal, so we were discharged last night at 7:00 back to the Ronald McDonald House. His recovery has been remarkable to this point; we have been truly blessed. The Doctor was in today and said, "you are doing so well, we want to keep you". We are now waiting to see if we can return to Perrysburg at the end of this week, or whether we have to stay through the weekend. We should know soon. Chris also talked to Tom Dusza (forever our angel) and he continues to do great! He is already jogging the neighborhood. Not only did Tom's selflessness to donate allow us to move quickly, but the liver he donated was flawless, absolutely unaffected by the first round of ICE chemo that Jacob has received post transplant.

Thank you for your continued prayers, gifts, and kind words. We will never forget it...

The Cadys


Timbers Bowling Fundraiser
Location: Timbers Bowling in Maumee, on Sunday, May 2nd, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Additional information or to register, call Sue Valentine at (419) 893-3582, cell (419) 344-7668 and e-mail: suzette@surfree.com. There is room for 100 people to bowl, so we'll take the first 100 registered. The cost is $15.00 per person and includes three games and shoe rental; however we're asking that everyone collect pledges, whether it's a per-pin donation or a flat amount. For those raising $75.00 or more in pledges, the bowling fee will be waived. The afternoon will also include food, door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. A cash bar will also be available.

If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate, here are 3 ways you may do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Jacob's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "J" for Jacob
d. click on "Jacob Cady's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2.. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: COTA for Jacob C

For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes.

4. Go to any Fifth Third Bank with funds payable to: COTA for Jacob C Account # 0074539818

The only difference with this option is you will not be provided a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes, since we will not know who contributed, when and at what branch. It is still deductible, you will simply need to save a copy of your cancelled check, verifying your payment to Jacob's 501C3 account.

Sunday, April 4, 2004 9:00 PM CDT

Jacob and Jordan enjoyed playing with each other in the playroom in our unit on Saturday. Jacob did well with his chemo Saturday evening and still maintained his appetite as he ate 3 pieces of pizza last night.

Today was a little rough. His appetite was diminished a little at breakfast, he ended up throwing up from some of his meds this morning as well. He was shakey and seemed sleepy this afternoon. Jordan was here but he didn't even want to go to the playroom. He threw up a number of times this afternoon and has been sleeping since 5pm (waking to go to the bathroom). His vitals are good, the vomitting could be from chemo, I thought maybe his immunosuppressant level might be too high (due to the tremoring), just not sure. His chemo was just started, which was later than originally planned, so we probably won't be discharged until later in the day on Monday.

Ron is flying home early in the morning and Jordan is staying on with Phyllis and I. I am so happy to have her with us.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Love - The Cadys

What: Jacob's Fundraising Campaign Volunteer Meeting and Kick Off
When: Monday, April 5th, 6:30-8:30
Where: Maumee Branch of Toledo-Lucas County Library - Meeting Room
Why: Training provided by Children's Organ Transplant Association
(COTA) and opportunities to sign up for various fundraisers including
dinners, auctions, golf outings, and cookbook committees. Chairmen are
needed for the various fundraisers as well as the committee persons.
RSVP to Lori Behnfeldt at loribehn@yahoo.com or 419-891-6980.
Light refreshments will be served.


Timbers Bowling Fundraiser
Location: Timbers Bowling in Maumee, on Sunday, May 2nd, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Additional information or to register, call Sue Valentine at (419) 893-3582, cell (419) 344-7668 and e-mail: suzette@surfree.com. There is room for 100 people to bowl, so we'll take the first 100 registered. The cost is $15.00 per person and includes three games and shoe rental; however we're asking that everyone collect pledges, whether it's a per-pin donation or a flat amount. For those raising $75.00 or more in pledges, the bowling fee will be waived. The afternoon will also include food, door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. A cash bar will also be available.

If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate, here are 3 ways you may do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Jacob's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "J" for Jacob
d. click on "Jacob Cady's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2.. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: COTA for Jacob C

For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes.

4. Go to any Fifth Third Bank with funds payable to: COTA for Jacob C Account # 0074539818

The only difference with this option is you will not be provided a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes, since we will not know who contributed, when and at what branch. It is still deductible, you will simply need to save a copy of your cancelled check, verifying your payment to Jacob's 501C3 account.

Friday, April 2, 2004 9:49 PM CST

3 down, two more days to go. Jacob is really taking the chemo well. We are still on track to be discharged on Monday back to the RM House. He spent the day playing Game Cube of course, playing in the play room (there is an air hockey table just like we have at home) watched tv and played cards. A typical day when you can't get out.

Thanks again for all of your support and donations. The Chocolate Shoppe fundraiser was a big success, we are so grateful to the owners of the Shoppe and the MOMS Club of Perrysburg for putting this on and for all those who attended. You are all great people.

Many of you have asked about volunteering for fundraisers, there will be a meeting on Monday, April 5th. Please see below for details.

Don't forget to take a moment out of your day to stop and smell the roses, tell your loved ones how much they mean to you, and to give your kids the biggest bear hug. Time is precious.

Take care and God Bless
love - The Cadys

What: Jacob's Fundraising Campaign Volunteer Meeting and Kick Off
When: Monday, April 5th, 6:30-8:30
Where: Maumee Branch of Toledo-Lucas County Library - Meeting Room
Why: Training provided by Children's Organ Transplant Association
(COTA) and opportunities to sign up for various fundraisers including
dinners, auctions, golf outings, and cookbook committees. Chairmen are
needed for the various fundraisers as well as the committee persons.
RSVP to Lori Behnfeldt at loribehn@yahoo.com or 419-891-6980.
Light refreshments will be served.


Timbers Bowling Fundraiser
Location: Timbers Bowling in Maumee, on Sunday, May 2nd, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Additional information or to register, call Sue Valentine at (419) 893-3582, cell (419) 344-7668 and e-mail: suzette@surfree.com. There is room for 100 people to bowl, so we'll take the first 100 registered. The cost is $15.00 per person and includes three games and shoe rental; however we're asking that everyone collect pledges, whether it's a per-pin donation or a flat amount. For those raising $75.00 or more in pledges, the bowling fee will be waived. The afternoon will also include food, door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. A cash bar will also be available.

If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate, here are 3 ways you may do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Jacob's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "J" for Jacob
d. click on "Jacob Cady's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2.. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: COTA for Jacob C

For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes.

4. Go to any Fifth Third Bank with funds payable to: COTA for Jacob C Account # 0074539818

The only difference with this option is you will not be provided a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes, since we will not know who contributed, when and at what branch. It is still deductible, you will simply need to save a copy of your cancelled check, verifying your payment to Jacob's 501C3 account.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:16 PM CST

Jacob did really well last night with his chemo, he slept through it, aside from having to get up very frequently and go the bathroom. Xray of his knee came back fine. He has osteopenia of his knee (weakened bone), possibly due to steroids or chemo but it should just be temporary and we can help it by increasing his calcium intake and getting more physical activity (which is difficult when you are in the hospital all of the time and just had major surgery). Just a quick note because I knew people would be wondering today how things went.

TUESDAY Hello Everyone - Just a quick update to let you know how grateful we are for your generosity! The outpouring of love, prayer, support and good will we have received from family, friends and the community has been truly uplifting. We are so thankful for the donations from St. Rose, the awesome turnout at The Chocolate Shoppe this evening as well as the individual donations to Jacob's COTA account. Many thanks to the owners of The Chocolate Shoppe and the MOMS Club of Perrysburg for providing this fundraiser for Jacob's care. We are truly blessed to have you all in our lives.

Jacob is receiving the first of three chemo drugs right now. He is sleeping soundly, of course it is 11:30pm EST, so far so good. He was in good spirits all day today, we started the morning off bright and early with a game of Old Maid. He knew we had to go the hospital today and was fine as long as we were going to take Game Cube. We ended the day watching Scooby Doo and singing the theme song together, I felt so lucky, he never used to let me sing with him.

Most of my days are spent taking care of Jacob (meds, appointments, checking blood pressure), playing with him, hugging and kissing him (which he does get annoyed about at times, I can't help myself) and treasuring each and every moment. I can't wait to see Jordan and Ron this week and am counting the days when we can all come home and be together in our real home and back with all of you, where we belong.

Take care and God Bless!
love - The Cadys

What: Jacob's Fundraising Campaign Volunteer Meeting and Kick Off
When: Monday, April 5th, 6:30-8:30
Where: Maumee Branch of Toledo-Lucas County Library - Meeting Room
Why: Training provided by Children's Organ Transplant Association
(COTA) and opportunities to sign up for various fundraisers including
dinners, auctions, golf outings, and cookbook committees. Chairmen are
needed for the various fundraisers as well as the committee persons.
RSVP to Lori Behnfeldt at loribehn@yahoo.com or 419-891-6980.
Light refreshments will be served.


Timbers Bowling Fundraiser
Location: Timbers Bowling in Maumee, on Sunday, May 2nd, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Additional information or to register, call Sue Valentine at (419) 893-3582, cell (419) 344-7668 and e-mail: suzette@surfree.com. There is room for 100 people to bowl, so we'll take the first 100 registered. The cost is $15.00 per person and includes three games and shoe rental; however we're asking that everyone collect pledges, whether it's a per-pin donation or a flat amount. For those raising $75.00 or more in pledges, the bowling fee will be waived. The afternoon will also include food, door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. A cash bar will also be available.

If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate, here are 3 ways you may do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Jacob's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "J" for Jacob
d. click on "Jacob Cady's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2.. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: COTA for Jacob C

For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes.

4. Go to any Fifth Third Bank with funds payable to: COTA for Jacob C Account # 0074539818

The only difference with this option is you will not be provided a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes, since we will not know who contributed, when and at what branch. It is still deductible, you will simply need to save a copy of your cancelled check, verifying your payment to Jacob's 501C3 account.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:35 PM CST

Hello Everyone - Sorry it has been a few days. We had a wonderful weekend with Jordan, Ron and Grandma Phyllis visiting. Grandma Phyllis stayed, and will be here with Jacob and I until the we go home. Jordan and Ron are coming back this Friday evening and Jordy will stay on because she will be on spring break next week, until we leave here hopefully on the 9th.

Jacob is doing well, we will be admitted tomorrow for chemotherapy, our next hurdle. Please pray that all goes well. Jacob has been limping a little, he says his right knee is bothering him. Could be joint pain due to the steroids or result of one of the chemo drugs he had before. We will have it x ray'd tomorrow.

If anyone is interested in participating in volunteering for fundraising there will be a meeting on April 5th, please see below.

***Also please note that the Bowling Fundraiser date has changed to May 2nd, time and place are the same.

Thank you to everyone for all of your love, support and prayers! We will never ever forget your generosity!!! God Bless you all!

love - Ron, Chris, Jordan and Jacob

Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:09 AM CST

I am so happy for the warm weather, I hope spring is here to stay! On Friday, my mom, dad, Jacob and I went to Brandywine State Park and had a picnic lunch. Then we walked up and down the HUGE hills, played frisbee, blew bubbles and kicked the soccer ball around a little. It was a beautiful day, got up to 70 degrees. Jacob had a great time he laughed and tried to run he was so happy. The park is beautiful, very hilly, babbling brooks, wooded, very picturesque. He took a nap needless to say but wanted to go to the playground just before supper so we headed to the playground at the hospital, he swang a little (not too high of course) and climbed on the jungle gym (we were very careful, I tried to hold his hand and help him as much as possible, but he is so independent).

Ron, Jordan and Grandma Phyllis arrived at 12:45am last night. We were so happy to see them. My parents stayed at a hotel last night, so I got up early and took Jordan swimming there. They are driving back to Toledo today. I am sad but am so grateful they were able to spend the last two weeks here with Jacob and I. We had fun and made some great memories for Jake.

Jacob is doing well, he usually needs a nap in the afternoons, but as each day passes he pushes himself more and more, running, he jumped off of the second to last step on the stairs yesterday.

We bought a kite and may head back to the park today. It was raining this morning but looks like the sun is trying to peek through.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day today.

Please continue to pray for Vincent and Jack. Also for Princess Lauryn who starts radiation this upcoming week I believe.

God Bless you all
love - The Cady's


The Chocolate Shoppe in Perrysburg Fundraiser:
MOM’s club of Perrysburg is sponsoring a fundraiser on 3/31/04,from 7pm-8:30pm, at The Chocolate Shoppe in the Farmer Jack Plaza on Rt. 25 and Eckel Jct., in Perrysburg. 20f all proceeds will go directly to Jacob Cady to help cover medical costs.

Timbers Bowling Fundraiser
Location: Timbers Bowling in Maumee, on Sunday, April 25 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Additional information or to register, call Sue Valentine at (419) 893-3582, cell (419) 344-7668 and e-mail: suzette@surfree.com. There is room for 100 people to bowl, so we'll take the first 100 registered. The cost is $15.00 per person and includes three games and shoe rental; however we're asking that everyone collect pledges, whether it's a per-pin donation or a flat amount. For those raising $75.00 or more in pledges, the bowling fee will be waived. The afternoon will also include food, door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. A cash bar will also be available.

If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate, here are 3 ways you may do so through the COTA account we set up for any of Jacob's medical expenses not covered by insurance. COTA oversee's the funds to see that they are used for this purpose only. Here's how:

1. Donate through the COTA web sight:
a. Go to www.cota.org
b. click on "patient campaigns"
c. click on "J" for Jacob
d. click on "Jacob Cady's campaign"
e. click on "make a contribution"
f. type in contribution amount
g. enter personal information/method of payment

2.. Call COTA at 1-800-366-2682 and provide your contribution information over the phone.

3. Mail a personal check/cashiers check/money order directly to COTA to the following address:
Childrens Organ Transplant Association
2501 COTA Drive
Bloomington, IN. 47403

Make check payable to: COTA for Jacob C

For payment methods 1-3, COTA will provide a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes.

4. Go to any Fifth Third Bank with funds payable to: COTA for Jacob C Account # 0074539818

The only difference with this option is you will not be provided a tax receipt letter for tax deduction purposes, since we will not know who contributed, when and at what branch. It is still deductible, you will simply need to save a copy of your cancelled check, verifying your payment to Jacob's 501C3 account.

Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:05 PM CST

Wednesday we spent the day at the hospital, blood work, CAT scans and check up with the oncologist. Jacob will be admitted for 1st post transplant chemo on 3/31. If all goes well Dr. Casas says we can go home on April 9th, which is Jacob's birthday, what a great gift that will be!!! I am pretty sure we will do second round of post transplant chemo in Toledo now, as long as Jacob does ok for the first one here.

Today we got the results of Jacob's scans, everything looks good. All in all a pretty uneventful day, ran errands, went for a walk and just hungout.

Please pray for 2 very special little boys, Vincent who is two and has leukemia, we met his family here at the RM House. The other little boy is two as well, Jack who was just diagnosed with nueroblastoma and is the son of two of Lynnie's friends in Atlanta.

God Bless, love - The Cady Family

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:12 PM CST

Monday we went to the hospital for blood draw, ate lunch at Jacob's favorite restaurant here, McKenzie's, he likes the pizza and the Maryland Crab and Brie bisque (we share it), then just did a little exploring locally.

Today was awesome. The sun was shining, it was a little chilly but we drove to Rehoboth Beach, I wanted Jacob to see the ocean. It was spectacular and I couldn't help but shed a few tears while there, the view was breathtaking. I sat and looked out over the ocean in awe of the beautiful scene and thanked God for the miracle he has given us in Jacob and for guiding Tom in his generous gift of life to our beautiful little boy. I felt like a little kid myself enjoying the simple pleasures: collecting sea shells, kicking up sand with Jake and putting my hands in the water. The air was so fresh and crisp. It was a day I won't forget.

Tomorrow we will spend most of the day at the hospital, CAT scans, blood draw, med infusion and an appointment with the oncologist. Won't be as fun as today I am sure, but I guess you have to take the good with the not so good.

Take care and God bless you all
love - The Cadys'

Sunday, March 21, 2004 8:43 PM CST

I am sitting here with my little Jacob sprawled across my lap. He is begging for gold fishies. He has gotten quite an appetite over the past few days from the steroids he is on and quite a temper too.

We had such a nice weekend, I was so sad to see Ron, Jordy and Grandma Phyllis leave today. Jacob and I can't wait to come home. We have been talking about swinging out back and walking around the neighborhood, riding bikes, and playing outside with sissy. We miss everyone so much.

We head to the hospital tomorrow just for blood work, then we will have the rest of the day free to do whatever we want. We may get out and do a little exploring this week. My parents are staying with Jacob and I, they have been here since last Monday and are staying through the upcoming weekend. I am so thankful they are with me, I would have had a tough time getting through this without them.

I hope this entry finds everyone happy and healthy. Please pray for all of the innocent little children in the world afflicted with terminal illnesses.

God bless you
love - The Cady Family

Saturday, March 20, 2004 10:45 AM CST

Jordan, grandma Phyllis and I got in at midnight last night. The first thing Jacob and Jordan did was give each other a big hug, as they have not seen each other in 2 weeks. It was priceless! Jacob had Pizza and a piece of toast for breakfast, as Dr Casas, after looking at his belly said he could go off the low fat diet already!

I am amazed that less than 3 weeks ago he was laying on an operating table getting his liver removed. If you saw him today, minus the shaved head, you would have no idea any of this happened to him. We have been truly blessed so far!

Chris went with Jordan this morning to have some girl time together (swimming, shopping), so Jake and I could be left alone to play ball outside, then watch hoops later on.

We met with the oncologist at duPont and he actually worked at U of M and knows the surgeons that left the sponges in Jacob. (small world). He said he has a University of Michigan hat hanging in his office and he was embarrassed. I of course offered to burn it for him, as this whole episode has given me one more reason to dislike the University of Michigan.(he he). He also has worked with our oncologist in Toledo, (together at U of M) which will be very helpful in coordinating Jakes post transplant chemo.

I talked to Tom Dusza yesterday, and he is doing great! Back to work weeks earlier than "the transplant manual" suggests. (I hope no one from Cigna is reading this). Tom, you are the greatest!

Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers and kind messages. We check the sight daily (hourly at times), and your messages keep us going.

The Cady's

Thursday, March 18, 2004 10:13 PM CST

Hello evereyone! Update:

We have been dischgarged from the hospital, back to Ronald McDonald House and will stay there until the first round of chemo begins around Monday, 3/29. The docs were in and said his belly was nice and soft, the drainage lessened and it looks like his body is passing any fluid build up through, so they gave us our walking papers!! (He does not have to wear a mask either).

We have met with the transplant team regarding post discharge activities, once we return to Ohio. After the 2 month mark, there are no real restrictions to his activities. He will be able to play T-Ball, play outside, ride his bike etc. The steroids he is taking are really making him hungry all the time and affecting his temper, but we can deal with and manage those issues. He will only be on them for 6 months at the longest, so we are not worried about any long term effects. Continue to pray that Jake handles the 2 rounds of chemo post transplant as well as he did the 3 before it. We continue to be blessed as to how Jake and Tom have recovered from this major surgery.

The Cady's.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:27 PM CST

Jacob has been going to physical therapy the past two days, just because he was in bed so long due to the second surgery. He is doing well and walked up several flights of stairs to get back to his room. It lasts about an hour and wears him out, but he seems to enjoy it. Today he got to ride a bike!

Today the last drain was removed from his right side. It was still draining a lot, but he is on a low fat diet to help keep the drainage clear and the hope is that his body will absorb the fluid and the lymphatics will start to heal over.

Jacob and I both miss home, he has started talking about going home and swinging on our swingset in the backyard and playing with our toys and riding his Jeep that he got for Christmas, outside.

Looks like chemo will not start til March 30th, which is 4 wks. post transplant. Dr. Casas wants to give his liver a chance to grow a little first. We are looking at being home somewhere around April 10th at this point. I am counting the days!

Take care and God bless!
love - The Cady's

Monday, March 15, 2004 9:59 AM CST

Good Morning! Sorry we were unable to update yesterday, the hospital was having phone problems and we didn't have internet access all day.

Jacob got out a little more yesterday, walked the halls several times and seems to have more energy each day. Justin, Jenny and Tom left yesterday morning, Jacob really enjoyed their visit. Dad left yesterday too, when Jake woke up this morning he must have forgot. He told me to call Dad and have him bring food (nothing specific, but he is somewhat refusing to eat the hospital food so we have brought things in for him).

Jacob is doing good today. His drain (from right side) continues to drain fluid, this is from the lymph nodes, they usually heal themselves after surgery but seems like it is taking Jake's a little longer to heal. The doctors aren't worried about it at this point. We walked down to the playroom but it is closed til 2pm so we stopped in the transplant department offices to say hi, everyone was happy to see Jacob up walking around.

We finally got a good nights sleep last night, he only woke up twice!

Thanks for your continued prayers and support.
love - The Cady Family

Saturday, March 13, 2004 11:44 AM CST

Hi everyone.

Jacob continues to do great. All of his vitals are normal, liver function is great and he is recovering beautifully from the 2nd operation. He can now eat and drink whatever he wants. The only thing he is hooked up to at this point is one remaining drain, which is continuing to drain fluid from the operation and his port is accessed to draw blood from daily and to give some of his meds through. He is doing good taking the rest of his medicine by mouth, that he has to take. Since he is mobile, we got him up and walked the halls of the hospital today. He is getting a little bit stronger each day but still seems to be in some pain during the evenings, which Tylenol has been fixing. Jake's cousin Justin and Aunt Jenny and Uncle Tom, from Ohio are visiting this weekend. Jacob is happy to have someone to play with.

Jake also got a visit from a friend named Jessie from Pennsylvania who had a nearly identical story to Jacob's (same type of tumor, size, diagnosis and treatment) who is now 3 years post transplant and doing great! It was really neat to see the two interact. There were times that Jacob and Jessie would just stare at each other and smile for extended periods of time, as if they were communicating on a different level, having gone through the same thing. Chris talked to Tom Dusza yesterday and he is already walking the neighborhood and running errands back at home. Tom and Deb, you are an incredible people and we will never forget the magnitude of your gift.

I am sad today, knowing I have to leave Jacob and Chris and return to Ohio tomorrow for work. The great news is I will be able to see our daughter Jordan, whom I have not seen in a week. I also will not have to negotiate for TV time to watch March Madness college hoops next week, as I have had to with the college basketball conference tournaments this week. I will really miss Chris and my little buddy, but Jordan and I will drive back to see them every weekend until we all return to Perrysburg together.

Thanks to everyone who has continued to check on and pray for our little Jacob. We will never forget it. God Bless...

Ron, Chris, Jacob and Jordan

Thursday, March 11, 2004 11:00 AM CST

Check out updated photos, click on view photos at the top of the page.

Yesterday Jacob got two special deliveries a package sent by Loren and Kris Hefner from the Cleveland Indians there was an autographed picture of Omar Vizquel, very cool, Jacob loves baseball and asks when he will be able to play tee ball again. And the other package was delivered by a family, the Cheesemans, Ron and I met them in the waiting area during Jacobs transplant, one of their children was also having surgery, they were so kind and offered their phone number if we need anything while we are staying here (they live in the area). The gift bag was full of activities for Jacob, like Jimmy Neutron Game Cube game (we had told them Jake loves video games) and a whoopee cushion, which Ron and Jacob had a great time with last night. It was so awesome to hear him laugh, (I think this is the first time since the day of his sugery). We were very touched as we only just met them.

Which brings to mind all of the kind things that everyone has done for Jacob and our family: prayers and support, cards, meals, gift cards, gifts for the kids, we are so greatful to each and everyone of you, your support has been tremendous and we couldn't get through this without you.

Last night Jacob was again asking for a hot dog, but because he threw up yesterday afternoon, he was not allowed to have solids yet. He was in a great mood none the less and he talked on the phone for about 1/2 to his sister and his cousins who were all at Grandma Jane's last night. I did manage to pry him away from Game Cube for a while to play Old Maid.

Dr. Casas stopped by early this morning said things are looking good and Jacob could have solids for breakfast, of course he wanted a hot dog, but settled for a chocolate donut which Dr. Casas went and got for him. He was so happy to eat! He is eatting his hot dog for lunch right now. He has been in good spirits all morning, laughing and smiling.

He walked a little right before lunch, by himself. :)

Thank you for your prayers and support,
love - The Cadys

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 9:23 AM CST

Jacob is doing well today, the doctors were just in and he is starting clear liquids now and will hopefully be able to eat by this evening (hot dog w/ketchup no bun). The results of his urine culture are negative, :). He is sitting up on my lap, as we speak. I would hold him all day if he would let me.

We will also probably be moving out of ICU today, as long as their is a private room available (due to the immunosuppressants).

Jordan was happy to go back to school. I miss her alot. Ron will bring her back a week from this Friday. Rons parents and my parents are all helping to take care of her, she is loving the attention, I am sure. Tonight she is going to my moms for birthday dinner for my sister, Jenny and my brother, Tom. She is excited to see everyone.

Jacob is teaching Ron how to play Pac Man, it is pretty funny. That he is even letting Ron do the 1 player game is an accomplishment in itself, he usually doesn't let us play, unless we are playig two players.

Thanks for all of your prayers and continued support.

God Bless you all,
love - The Cady's

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 7:10 PM EST

What a difference a day makes! We can tell just by looking at him today that whatever wronged him yesterday was fixed. Jake is alert, hungry and talking today. The operation to correct his leaking bile duct did the trick. He is asking for water, hot dog's(no bun)with ketchup, and sprite. He smiled a few times today, which was great to see after yesterday. He has been urinating frequently in small amounts, so they are going to check a sample just to make sure everything is ok there, but he has no other problems currently. He should be able to eat tomorrow and we should be able to walk him around the halls as well.

We have been emailed by numerous people asking for Tom's address to send cards to: Here it is: Tom and Deb Dusza 505 Bald Eagle Drive Huron, OH. 44839

Thanks for your continuous prayers and support.
God Bless,
The Cady's

Saturday, March 6, 2004 5:54 PM CST

Tom was discharged today!!!! He is doing really well, he and Deb are staying with his cousin in Baltimore and he will come back to the hospital on Monday to have his staples removed, he may even be able to return home on Monday. Yea!!!

Today was an emotional day for me needless to say, I am so happy for Tom and thrilled that he is doing so well. On the other hand I am sad because my mom and dad, Phyllis and Jordan went home today. I will miss them so much. They have been a great support for both Ron and I. I will miss Jordy terribly and have started counting the days til Ron brings her back for the weekend (10 days).

Jacob has been quiet today and complaining that his belly hurts. He has been dozing on and off all day. I held him for a while this afternoon, but he just wasn't comfortable. I did have him stand for the first time since tuesday morning. Around 5pm we got him out of bed and sat him in the rocking chair surrounded by pillows. He did well for a little while but had qiute a bit of gas so we put him on the toilet and he had his first bowel movement since Monday. Hurray!! He fell asleep right afterwords, it was a big day for Jacob. He may be able to eat tomorrow.

We'll have more for you tomorrow. God bless you all!
The Cady Family

Saturday, March 6, 2004 5:54 PM CST

Tom was discharged today!!!! He is doing really well, he and Deb are staying with his cousin in Baltimore and he will come back to the hospital on Monday to have his staples removed, he may even be able to return home on Monday. Yea!!!

Today was an emotional day for me needless to say, I am so happy for Tom and thrilled that he is doing so well. On the other hand I am sad because my mom and dad, Phyllis and Jordan went home today. I will miss them so much. They have been a great support for both Ron and I. I will miss Jordy terribly and have started counting the days til Ron brings her back for the weekend (10 days).

Jacob has been quiet today and complaining that his belly hurts. He has been dozing on and off all day. I held him for a while this afternoon, but he just wasn't comfortable. I did have him stand for the first time since tuesday morning. Around 5pm we got him out of bed and sat him in the rocking chair surrounded by pillows. He did well for a little while but had qiute a bit of gas so we put him on the toilet and he had his first bowel movement since Monday. Hurray!! He fell asleep right afterwords, it was a big day for Jacob. He may be able to eat tomorrow.

We'll have more for you tomorrow. God bless you all!
The Cady Family

Friday, March 5, 2004 9:25 PM CST

We both got to hold Jacob today for the first time, which was awesome. Today was a great day for both Jacob and Tom. Jacob has been freed of all lines except his central line and drain. He is now able to drink water and juice, which has helped lessen his complaints about being thirsty. It was also a "reality check" day, as we got to see in person, Jacob's actual removed liver and the @#$#@@$$ tumor that tried to kill our son. Tom and Jacob were given T Shirts from the transplant team that are given to donors and recipients. Jake's says, "I've got you under my skin; transplant organ recipient". Tom's says, "I recycle; do you? I am a living organ donor". We also have been contacted by Delaware's local newspaper and they would like to do a story.

Tom had 2 friends fly in from Huron to pay him a surprise visit; Chris Jenson and Mark Myers. What great friends, to come offer their support for Tom. Tom was able to walk a lot today, including a surprise visit down to Jacobs’s room this evening. He looks great and is moving well and is still thinking he will be discharged Saturday. Having seen him, I think he will. If not, almost certainly Sunday. Knock on wood, but to this point both Jacob and Tom have gone through this faster and better that we could have hoped for.

Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers and kind journal entries. We are truly blessed to have so many people praying for both Tom and Jacob. Our prayers are being answered!! God Bless…

The Cady’s

Thursday, March 4, 2004 3:56 PM CST

More great news! We just got a preliminary pathology report on Jacob's tumor and the tumor was all dead; no live tumor cells. This means that the chemo regimine we followed worked.

There is still a chance that microscopic cells, unable to be detected, could be floating in his body that haven't attached themselves to anything, so he will still need to have at least 4 rounds of chemotherapy, post transplant. However the fact that the tumor cells on his removed liver were dead is a good indication that any cells floating in his body are dead too. We just can't be sure, but we feel like the odds are in our favor, which is a good feeling. The tumor was located inside of his liver, involving the vessels and his bilyrubin was elevated which meant that the tumor was starting to have an effect on the functioning of his liver thus transplant was the only form of treatment that would ensure getting all of the tumor out with clear margins (we were fortunate enough to get both).

Jacob continues to do very well. When he is awake, he continues to ask for pringles (the green kind), ice cream, doughnuts, a hotdog and the only healthy thing he wants is yogurt. Since he can not eat for a few more days, the hard part for us has been trying to explain to him why he can't have any of these things yet. We have been able to feed him ice chips, which has helped. He did have a little bit of energy this morning to play Game Cube but it must have taken a lot out of him he has been sleeping most of the afternoon, when he wasn't trying to pull his NG tube out. Which he did succeed in doing, so they had to put another one back in.

Tom and Jake have not seen each other since the transplant. Tom called this morning and they talked on the phone (Jacob insisted). Jake told Tom "thanks for the new belly" and spoke to him more today then he did to Ron and I. I am sure we will both cry when they see each other for the first time (probably tomorrow).

Everyone has been so concerned about Ron, Jordan and myself and how we are holding up. Jordan has been such a trooper, the first time she saw Jacob after the surgery, she walked right up to him and said hi and asked if she could kiss him, then of course asked a number of questions, but she was never scared, only concerned. As for me I am heartbroken, as I have yet to be able to hold my baby boy and it is so hard to see your child in discomfort, hungry and in pain (he does get medication for the pain). I know Ron feels the same way and has done so much to try to distract Jake and keep his mind occupied when he is awake. With Gods guidance, we will get through this and so will Jake. He will persevere.

We met with a representative from COTA today and they have advised us to move forward with a fundraising effort and 501C3 account, as it is important to help out with his current expenses as well as longterm care, because a transplant effects the rest of his life. The lifetime prescription costs alone can well exceed $100,000. If anyone is interested we will have more information posted to our website as we decide what to do and when. COTA is a great organization, they manage the funds and ensure the funds are being used for Jacobs care that is not covered by insurance like co-pays, deductibles, prescriptions, long term care (Jacob will have blood work every month,initially 2 times per week, to monitor his new liver, effects of the meds and frequent checkups, etc.) The 501C3 account will also cover any post transplant costs for Tom, that our insurance would not cover. It is a non-profit organization so donations are tax deductible. We will be setting up a local account through Fifth Third.

Tom is determined to walk tonight and his short term goal is to be discharged on Saturday. Ron and I are going to cheer him on while he takes his first steps. He got a good nights sleep last night and is feeling better today. Each time we see him we are confronted by the magnitude of what he and Deb have done for Jacob and our whole family. We will never be able to thank them enough. They are both truly selfless and remarkable people.

Ron also contacted the University of Toledo's Alumni Association and shared this story. Ron, myself, Tom and Deb are all UT graduates and if there ever was a story that belongs in the Alumni Magazine, it's this one. They agree, and as a result, will be putting the story in the fall edition.

Thanks again to everyone for your prayers and words of wisdom and encouragement, you have played a major part in the success of both Jacob and Tom's surgery.

Love - The Cady Family

Thursday, March 4, 2004 0:16 AM CST

Day One Post Transplant: Jacob passed the next big hurdle, which was the ultrasound to make sure the vessels, arteries and veins maintained good blood flow and they have. The surgeons, doctors and nurses have all mentioned that he is doing remarkably well. All of his counts, vital signs, and liver numbers are great! The breathing tube came out ahead of schedule and he already is asking for water, snacks and his game cube when he comes in and out of consciousness. The surgeon told us that he would not want to eat anything for days after the surgery, so it was very surprising to hear him ask for food 12 hours after the transplant. I think this speaks to his toughness. He’s got a IV lines, ports, drainage bags all over him and he wants to eat and play; unbelievable!! He was mad because I left game cube at the Ronald McDonald House. I was told to bring it tomorrow.

Tom’s room in the ICU last night and today was next to a baby that has cried continually, so it’s kept him awake more than he and Deb would have liked. They moved him out of ICU this evening, which is the good news. The bad news is that he is sharing a room with a 17 year old. Deb called down and said that it was quiet though, so he should be able to get more rest. Tom is going to try to walk tomorrow (Thurs). He was able to sit up for a while today, which is the first step in getting him comfortable moving and key to his getting better.

Continue to pray for Tom and Jacob’s speedy recovery!

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 7:15 PM CST


Pre party Monday night consisted of water, pretzels and the final episode of Average Joe Hawaii.

First I would like to thank God, Tom, the entire transplant team at AI duPont Hospital and all of our friends, family and everyone praying for Jacob. It had been a long day but Jacob made it through the first hurdle. Tom has given Jacob and us the greatest gift anyone could possibly give, a second chance. He and Deb are now a permanent part of our family. Sorry we weren't able to update sooner, we had no access to a phone jack where we were waiting.
Tuesday morning, bright and early Tom donned his lovely white stockings (Jobst hose to prevent blood clots), I must admit they were very becoming on him. He was taken down to preop at 7:20am. His inscision was made around 9:30am, nurses updated every hour as to how Tom was doing and the progress of the surgery. Everything went off very well. He was closed up around 1pm. Deb was able to see him shortly after in ICU and has been by his side since. Ron and I visited him to update them on Jake around 3pm, Tom opened his eyes and said R.O.N. (college joke) and gave us a thumbs up. When Deb asked how his pain was on a scale from 1-10 he indicated it was a 7, he was given pain medication and is also able to control additional meds if needed.

Jacob was taken to preop around 11:15am, he played GameCube right up until they came for us we had to tear him away. He was taken in to OR around 11:45am, he was very comfortable with leaving Ron and I, the anastheseoligist was great with him. Jacob gave Ron and I hugs and kisses, topped off with a couple of high fives and was wheeled away. As they took him, he gave a couple of the nurses high fives as well. He was in good spirits! First update was 2pm prep was done. 3pm it was determined that two sponges were left behind from his biopsy performed in December at St. Vincents, his body had encapsulated them and they didn't cause any major damage however it did alter the surgery as they had to remove part of his abdominal wall and colon because the sponges were stuck to the wall, colon and liver. We did know that there was something there, thought to be sponges, just weren't sure until the surgeons actually went in. This will hopefully not cause any problems however he may have some issues with bowel movements at first and will be put on a stool softener. 4:35 his liver was removed and immediately sent to pathology along with the souvenier sponges. 6pm new liver in and vessels were connected. 7pm Tom's liver working inside of Jacob, looked pink and had good blood flow, closing procedure began. 7:45pm Drs. Dunn and Casas were done and came to talk to us about how the procedure went. They indicated the tumor appears to be contained inside the liver, which is why it was not resectable. There does not appear to be any cancer in the Portal Vein and they didn't have to touch the Vena Cava. Jacob only needed one unit of blood at the end, no platelets needed, docs indicated he did well throughout the surgery. Tomorrow they will do an ultrasound to make sure the vessels arteries and veins to ensure good blood flow.
It is now 8:40pm and as of yet we have not seen Jacob, he had to be taken to Xray. Ron and I are just anxiously awaiting his arrival in the PICU.
We love you all - The Cady Family

Monday, March 1, 2004 5:37 PM CST

We had a really nice weekend, the weather was wonderful. On Sunday we found a beautiful state park not too far from where we are. We ran up and down the hills, then went to the playground and finally took a drive downtown to the riverfront.
We were admitted to the hospital this afternoon. Jacob is doing much better this time around, his disposition is much more pleasant and he has been very cooperative.
He will be taken to surgery around 10:30am or so, it will take about 2 hours to prep him, the operation will start around 12:30 or 1pm and they will be wrapping up around 5 or 6pm. We will get updated every hour that he is in surgery as to how things are going, thankfully.
Please continue to pray for our little guy, tomorrow is a very big day for him. And pray for children everywhere.
love - The Cady Family

Friday, February 27, 2004 3:50 PM CST

Hello everyone!

Jacob is doing great. His white blood cell counts rebounded as expected and everything is in place for the transplant next Tuesday. He actually started acting like his old self Wednesday, and has been bouncing off the walls ever since. If the transplant had been scheduled a day later than it originally was, it would be done by now, but everything happens for a reason, and it was just not the right time last week. If there is anything we have learned, it's to take things day by day and not to get too upset with any one dip in the roller coaster ride we are on. We just feel terrible that Tom's family schedule has been inconvenienced due to the two trips. Tom said "after coming this far, I would not miss this for anything", after being told he would need to return next week. Just another example of the kind of person Tom is, and Deb has been right by his side the whole way; two of the kindest people you would ever meet. Jake and Jordan have taken over the game room of the Ronald McDonald House and have made some friends in the process. One little boy, who is in a wheel chair, is named Dane. He is from Louisiana and his family drove him here because after searching, duPont offered the best care options. With the families we have met, whatever the disease, it seems like there is one common thread; many families have come here after being told “there is nothing left we can do” by their previous doctors/hospitals.

Back to Jacob: His tumor has continued to shrink; the latest measurement at 4.5 x 5.8 x 4.2. This is a 54% decrease in size since diagnosis! There is also a good amount of necrosis visible on the tumor, which means the chemo is continuing to work. The transplant still offers the best chance for complete removal with clear margin due to the current location and the size (even though it's shrunk, it's still a decent sized tumor).

Here is the link that I mentioned about Dr. Casas performing the living donor transplant that made the CBS morning show.

God Bless...

Tuesday, February 24, 2004 7:58 AM CST


Jacob's white blood cell counts were taken yesterday evening as a precaution before the transplant, and his white blood cell count (the cells that fight off infection) are still too low for the transplant to happen today. We are not really surprised, based on how Jake acted on the trip in and yesterday was really rough; he wasn't his normal self.

As a result, it has been re-scheduled for next Tuesday, 3/2. Tom and Deb are being discharged today and will come back next Monday. Tom has been unbelievable through the whole ordeal. He has all the nurses and our entire family laughing in a pretty stressful time. Jacob is being discharged today as well, and we will be staying in Delaware at the Ronald McDonald House, as duPont has actually had 3 cadaver livers become available for Jacob, but upon inspection, ones they chose not to use. There is still a slight chance he could get a cadaver liver, which is why we have to remain in Delaware.

The surgeon came in and talked to us this morning and said that she is not concerned of the tumor spreading in the next week; it is definitely suppressed, and his numbers are on the rebound, but with an operation of this magnitude, they need to be completely rebounded to proceed. Having now met the entire transplant team, they are unbelievable! We just read an article about a story that was on Good Morning America and Today about a new born baby that went into liver failure, no one in the immediate family could donate, so a high school friend of the dad flew into Delaware to serve as living donor. Living donor’s are common place here. It’s really unbelievable.

Continue to pray...

Monday, February 23, 2004 9:13 AM CST

All of Jacob's CT scans came back clean but the tumor is not resectable, so the transplant will happen tomorrow (Tuesday). Tom goes under at 7:00 and Jacob at 10:00. Jacob actually thanked Tom for "giving him a new belly". They are actually sharing a hospital room tonight for last minute bonding!

Thanks again to everyone for all of your prayers. We will update tomorrow.

The Cadys

Friday, February 20, 2004 9:14 AM CST

Hi everyone. We will be leaving for Delaware Sunday morning and should arrive early evening at the Ronald McDonald House of Delaware. I will post the address and phone information once we get it. Toledo Parent has contacted us, and is doing an article on Jacob and Tom in their April edition, so look for that. Dr. Casas contacted us, and even though the tumor has shrunk nearly in half, it is still towards the center of his liver and surrounds the blood vessels, so it really appears that this is coming to transplant this Tuesday. Please pray that there are no complications for both Jacob and Tom. We know we found the best surgeons in the country to do this, so we know they are in good hands.

We also want to say a special thank you to Ben and Brenda Norton, who donated their frequent flyer miles to fly Tom and Deb Dusza out to Delaware. In addition, Jacob and Jordan would like to thank the managers and employees of Friendship Food Stores, for the boxes of gifts they have been sending. Angels continue to fall upon us with each passing day.

Jacob continues to act like nothing is wrong. I have to think that he will go down as the “healthiest appearing” 3 ½ year old going into transplant. The encouraging news there is, usually, the healthier someone is going into the surgery, the quicker the recovery time after, so pray for this! We currently have a group of friends working on 4 different fundraisers. 1.Golf Outing 2.Bowling Event 3.Cookbook 4.Dinner. As details become available, we will post them on the sight.

God Bless….

Christine, Ron, Jacob and Jordan

Wednesday, February 18, 2004 5:46 PM CST

Big News today, Tom Dusza is confirmed as Jacob's donor! We are so relieved and ever so grateful to Tom, he has been dubbed Jacob's guardian angel.
Jacob is doing pretty good, he has complained of being tired quite a bit today and some belly pain, but he is still eatting like a champion. His Make A Wish sponsors stopped by and brought his favorite pizza, Pizza Hut thin crust cheese only (not picky at all is he), along with a giant chocolate chip cookie.
We head to the clinic to check blood counts tomorrow, Jacob continues to be on Nuepogin which he will stay on more than likely til we leave for Delaware, it is possible he may need platelets tomorrow. Wish us luck.
Thanks again to everyone for prayers, meals, kind words, and gifts for the kids! I feel like I can't say it enough.
God Bless you all, love the Cady's

Sunday, February 15, 2004 6:47 PM CST

Well, we came home from the hospital as planned yesterday around noon. Jacob is doing well, it's hard to believe there is anything wrong with him. We had pizza for dinner last night which he also ate for breakfast this morning.
Yesterday afternoon, Toni Medaglia-Fuerst called to drop off a Valentine gift from a large group of our neighbors. She stopped by with her family, the Cassanova children and the Junkins girls to deliver this phenomenal gift to our family. This was a very large basket filled with 21 cards and all kinds of gifts as well as a monetary donation, Ron and I sat with Jordan and Jacob as they opened everything, while we read all of the cards. Tears came to our eyes, we were so overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness of everyone. A beautiful book about the angels all around us was included, we have been touched by these angels - all of you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and God Bless you all. love Ron, Chris, Jordan and Jacob

Friday, February 13, 2004 3:41 PM CST

Hi again from the hospital. Jake is on day 5 (the last day) of his ICE chemo and continues to do unbelievably well. He has begged to go down to the playroom, so we did on two different occasions today. I tear up every time we walk down there, as Jacob insists on pushing the IV machine himself all hooked up, with the bags of chemo hanging from it, having no real idea of what is going on. I continually think about all the families that are currently going through or have gone through this journey, and my heart breaks. Jake has handled this so well, that he gives Ron and I the strength to keep truckin’ along.

We got to see Jacobs latest scans, and not only has Jakes tumor shrunk, it appears to have moved away from the portal vein a couple of centimeters, which is very important. We still will not know if the tumor is resectable or not until we go to Delaware, but Tom will be there with us, if it is not, to proceed with transplantation. We have also been contacted by two people whom we have never met, who, if needed, want to serve as living donors for Jacob, after reading his story. It has become very clear to us, that earth is full of angels, these two individuals being an illustration. We get to go home tomorrow (Saturday), and will be spending time beginning preparations for our trip to Delaware.

Here is a quote that our online friend Janine Bryan has posted on her son Matthew’s website. Her son lost his battle with Hepatoblastoma but not without a story to tell. Treasure every moment you have with family!

“...I hold my children with more tenderness than I used to and I'd like to think that some of the people around us, who saw how suddenly and drastically a family's life can change, hold their children a little dearer as well"
(Janes-Hodder & Keene, 1999, Childhood Cancer).

God Bless…

Christine, Ron, Jordan and Jacob

Wednesday, February 11, 2004 8:50 PM CST

Just a quick update from the hospital. duPont got Cigna to agree to pay for the Life Ambulance if needed, which is great news! A special thanks to Sue and Tony Valentine who found us an air ambulance if needed through her brother. Tom Dusza, our living donor, got the go ahead to get the CT scan done (the last hurdle). It's the furthest point we have gotten to this point in the donor process, which gives us positive vibes. Jacob is doing great. You still would not know anything is wrong with him. He's handling the chemo perfectly. I will update as any new news comes available. Details to follow on fundraisers...


Christine, Ron, Jacob and Jordan

Monday, February 9, 2004 7:15 PM CST

Hi everyone. Writing this entry from the hospital. Jacob’s ANC blood counts were back up, so he was able to start round 3 of the chemo (ICE) today. He has handled day one of five beautifully. Has not complained one bit, until this evening when I made him turn off the Game Cube for a while. He has played it so much, being cooped up in the house and hospital, that he wore the skin right off his thumb.

The oncologist felt his tummy upon admission and says she can’t even feel the tumor on his left liver lobe anymore so we continue to pray that means it’s still shrinking. We are still moving forward with the living donor (Tom Dusza), as everything looks good so far. AI duPont called today, to discuss logistics in the event a cadaver liver becomes available for Jacob, before the living donor transplant date of 2/24. If that were to happen, we would have to be in Delaware in 4 hours from the time of the phone call. It looks as if at this point that our insurance will not cover that type of Air Ambulance, and the cost would be at minimum $10,000. duPont is still negotiating this with Cigna, (they have been outstanding in negotiating on our behalf with Cigna a large number of things that would not have been otherwise covered) but they mentioned we might want to put the word out on our web sight that if anyone knows an owner of a small plane, who might be able to fly us out there if we get the call from Delaware, on very short notice, we would be forever indebted. Again, this is only if a cadaver liver becomes available. The chances are slim but they have seen it happen before very quickly when least expected, and suggested we had a contingency plan in place if we need to use it. If one does not come available and we go the living donor route (we pray it is Tom; 3rd time is a charm, we hope), then we will drive out to Delaware. There will be a fundraiser at The Chocolate Shoppe in Perrysburg at the end of March (details to follow), as well as a Bowling fundraiser (time and location to be announced). We are also looking into various other options to raise funds after we return from Delaware. Cigna is covering a good portion of the transplant, but we will still incur significant costs. I will be here at the hospital, all week through Saturday, with Jacob. The direct phone number to our room is 419-251-8120.

Thanks to everyone for checking in and continuing to pray for us. Also, Jacob would like to say a special thank you to all his fellow preschoolers who gave him the wonderful gifts! Chris Burkhart brought them over on Saturday.

Christine, Ron, Jacob and Jordan

Friday, February 6, 2004 12:20 AM CST

The roller coaster ride continues...We were sent home earlier today and could not start chemo because of Jacob's blood counts. We start Monday (hopefully). On what appears to be a positive note, we received an email from A.I. duPont with respect to the type of cancer Jacob has. Remember, the original diagnosis from U of M was Hepatoblastoma (Anaplastic) but because of the rarity, they sent slides to Texas, where it was diagnosed Rhabdoid Tumor of the Liver. A.I. duPont’s pathologist requested slides to run additional tests because of inconsistencies with Rhabdoid. The email we just received mentions that they are waiting for the results from 2 additional stains at this point, but irregardless of those results, the pathologist will NOT call Jacob’s tumor Rhabdoid. They are currently calling it an undifferentiated tumor leaning towards Rhabdomyosarcoma. The 2 stains they are waiting on should provide certainty in that diagnosis, but the fact that it appears NOT to be Rhabdoid is a good thing. There is a much better long-term prognosis for Rhabdomyosarcoma than there is for Rhabdoid. “Greater than 70 percent of children with localized Rhabdomyosarcoma enjoy long term survival”, a much higher percentage than Rhabdoid. As you might imagine, we have spent the entire evening researching Rhabdomyosarcoma and we are still dealing with an aggressive tumor that grows and can spread quickly. The chemo drugs we are using will remain the same, as they are working. The same chemo drugs he has been getting are listed as protocol for Rhabdomyosarcoma. The difference will be in the post-transplant chemo given, based on the different diagnosis. This does not change the current path we are taking to get Jacob better either. The tumor in the liver location is just as aggressive and rare and as a result, still needs to come out sooner rather than later. The good news here is simply there is a better long-term outcome. If they do not feel they can get all of the tumor, we still need to transplant. It still needs to shrink away from his portal vein more than it has to be considered resectable. Jacob’s guardian Angel, Tom Dusza has proceeded with a good portion of the testing he needed to do and we should know very quickly whether he is able to donate. Jacob continues to act as if nothing is wrong, and we continue to pray he remains to be pain free and as happy as he has been the past couple of weeks. Please continue to pray for us. God Bless…

Wednesday, February 4, 2004 8:21 PM CST

GREAT NEWS! Jacob's tumor is continuing to shrink. Unable to bear the anxiety any longer, I phoned the nurse around 3:45pm and left a message, she got back with me shortly after. The results of his MRI, Chest CT and X rays are that the tumor has shrunk from 8 x 5.2 x 7.3cm to 6.8 x 4.3 x 5.5cm. Prior to any chemo, upon diagnosis the tumor measured 10.6 x 9.1 x 7.1 cm. All of the prayers are certainly working. There is no metastisis either.
I took the kids up to Southwyck this evening to ride the carousel and throw pennies in the fountain, this is one of our favorite things to do, and something Jacob has asked to do recently. They really enjoyed themselves, then we stopped by his friends Colin and Aidan McGann for a brief visit, the kids enjoyed playing, of course.
Take care and God Bless you all, please continue to pray for our little guy, he has been through so much already and we still have a long way to go. We enter the hospital on Friday for next round of chemo, we'll be in for 6 days. We let Jake know he has to go back, as long as he can take his Nintendo Game Cube he's ok with it.
Again thanks for your continued support!

Tuesday, February 3, 2004 7:20 PM CST

Hello Everyone - Jacob had a really good weekend, Saturday we took the kids to see Brother Bear, Sunday: Tom, Kathy and Amanda came over for the Super Bowl, the kids had a great time playing. I took Jake to the grocery store with me, he loves to ride in the car cart (ahh, the simple pleasures in life). On Monday, Jake's buddy Jackson, from school, came over to play, Jacob was so happy to see him. (check out the pictures in his photo album). Today on the other hand wasn't very fun for him. He couldn't eat anything past 7:30am due to sedation for MRI and CT scheduled to begin at 1:45p, this is difficult for a strong willed 3 yr. old to understand. Good thing he took a little nap while we were waiting. In addition to the MRI he had X rays and an EKG done today as well. He was a little cranky when he woke up from the sedation, I offered him 4 of his favorite snacks but he was really mad when he realized I didn't bring the WHOLE can of Pringles with me, I had just brought a few in a bag, oops! The sedation for me is the worst part, it's hard to see Jacob under like that. No matter how many times I have had to do this now, (Jordy had urinary reflux, corrected through surgery, but had to be put under for tests a number of times as well), it doesn't get any easier. Hopefully we will have the results of his scans by tomorrow afternoon, we are very anxious to find out how much more his tumor has shrunk.
We had some bad news today, this evening we found out that Tiffany will not be able to donate part of her liver. So Tom Dusza is beginning the process for screening. Please pray that he is able, the anticipation is getting to all of us I think.
On Friday, the 6th, Jacob will start his 3rd round of chemo, ICE, we will return home next Wed.
Again thank you for all of your prayers and support, we love you all, God bless each and everyone of you!

Friday, January 30, 2004 7:58 PM CST

Hi Everyone - Jacob really had a great day yesterday, we were able to keep him away from the video games for a good part of the day, we played traffic jam on our road map rug, Jacob and Jordan were dancing to music, Jordy tried to teach Jacob how to skip and he played games with Grandma Phyllis.
Today we went to the clinic, Jacobs counts are up, we can stop giving the nupegeon shots (increase production of white blood cells), no platelets today either. Jacob did receive a dose of Vincristin (chemo drug). Our oncologist believes the monster, I mean tumor is continuing to shrink. Jacob asks our nurse at the clinic, Marcy, to take his blood pressure, he likes to help flush his line and walks with Marcy to take his blood to the lab. Today he gave her a hug and kiss, which is really generous because he is so stingy with his kisses.
We went to my parents this evening, Grandma Jane and Papa Lou, my dad retired today (I am putting him to work around here first thing Monday morning). Jacob had an awesome time playing with his cousins. Most of them, he hasn't seen since before Christmas, because he was either too sick, or everyone else was.
We are still not 100ure Tiffany is approved as the donor, she still has to complete bloodwork and CT scan. Tom Dusza has offered to help out in the event that Tiffany is unable, words cannot express how grateful we are to both of them.
I am often asked how Ron and I are doing. Our faith in God, the time we spend with our two wonderful children, and knowing how many people care about Jacob and our family is what gets us through the days and the long sometimes sleepless nights. Thank you again for all of your prayers, I log onto this site every morning and see who has written, it is truly inspirational and a great way for me to start the day. Take care and God Bless you all.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004 4:42 PM CST

Hello everyone. We just got Jake’s blood counts today. They were o.k. so he did not need a transfusion. He goes back to the clinic Friday for possible platelet’s and a Vincristine IV push. Jacob continues to seem fine. He's eating well and drinking fluids, running around the house, as if nothing is wrong. The only time he gets upset is each night at 7:00 when Dad has to give him his shot. He goes back to St. V’s for round 3 of chemo on Friday, February 6th (5 days of ICE). Things are progressing with the Transplant Hospital as well. A.I. duPont called today and has scheduled Jacob’s resection/transplant for Tuesday, February 24th. We will be going to Delaware a few days prior for additional testing. We will be staying at the Ronald McDonald House right across the street from the hospital, and will be in Delaware 4-6 weeks. The plan for surgery is this: They have scheduled it assuming his aunt’s liver will be compatible. If it is not, we will look to other potential living donor’s that have contacted us, and try to get testing done to still keep the 2/24 surgery date. The reason they are scheduling it so quickly is due to the tendency of this cancer to spread quickly and it’s tendency to stop responding to chemo. Our oncologist has consulted St. Jude’s and an expert in childhood liver tumors at UCLA, and the consensus is removal or transplantation after 2 to 3 rounds of chemo. We have been told that the only chance he has for long-term survival is for the surgeons to get complete resection (removal) of the tumor at the time of the surgery. We are still praying for a miracle and if the Doctors feel it is resectable based on the MRI, they may attempt to take out the tumor with part of his liver, but if they can’t get a clean margin, they will close him back up and we will transplant closely thereafter. The living donor (we pray it’s Jake’s Aunt) will already be in Delaware ready to go in case it comes to that. We are told that this is unlikely due to the position of his tumor to the portal vein and the fact that the tumor is centrally located, but we continue to pray for it. Please do so as well. Jake will actually get his 1st round of chemo in Delaware 2 weeks after the transplant and then subsequent rounds back in Toledo. His belly, to the eye, looks so much better, and to the touch is much softer and it is very difficult to even feel any tumor. We can only pray that this means that it is continuing to shrink. Thanks to everyone for your kind words and continue to pray for us. It is working so far!

Friday, January 23, 2004 5:27 PM CST

I want to first start by saying thank you to everyone for your prayers and support. I have heard from so many people, some I haven't seen or talked to since I worked at American Identity and some are family, friends and friend of friends whom we don't know personally, who are praying for Jacob and our family. The support, prayers and love we have received are truly awesome!!!!! With that being said, Jake is doing well. He had a checkup at the clinic today, which is where we spent most of the day. Our oncologist feels that his tumor is continuing to shrink, of course we can't say for sure until he gets his next MRI done on Feb. 3. (it takes about weeks for the body to complete the process of cell breakdown of the tumor, if it is indeed being affected by the chemo) which is why we have to wait to get the MRI. Today he received a dose of the Vincristine (chemo drug) and a red cell transfusion, which we were allowed to remain in the playroom in the clinic (office) for, rather then having to go across the street to the hospital. He took a two hour nap on my lap through most of it. Jake and I were both happy to remain in the clinic, our oncologists, the nurses and social worker are wonderful and always make us feel comfortable and welcome. We just returned from the video store armed with snacks, candy and 7 videos and are getting ready to settle in, in front of the fire for a long winters nap... I mean for a quiet night with the kids.

Thursday, January 22, 2004 7:16 AM CST

Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers! Jacob had a really good day yesterday. If it were not for the patchy shaved head, you wouldn't know anything is wrong with him. He is becoming addicted to Nintendo Game Cube and would play it 24/7 if we allowed it. We did, however, learn some more disappointing news yesterday. Ron's liver is not compatible and as a result, he cannot be a living donor for Jacob. Ron is the only B blood type in the family, but we have a brother in law who believes he is type O (getting typed today) and sister in law who definately is type O (which is compatible for transplantation), and they both are willing to donate a portion of their liver for our little Jake. I cry when I think of the selflessness of these two family members that would do this for us. They are both starting the testing process as we speak. If Jake has to wait on the cadaver list for a liver, he has a PELD score of 36, which puts him high on the list, due to the aggressiveness of this type of tumor, which is good. The bad part is that B is so rare, that there could be potentially less cadaver donor's in the pool. Keep praying!

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 7:58 PM CST

I guess it makes sense to begin at the beginning. On Dec. 12th, 2003, I took Jake into his pediatricians office because I noticed a small bump protruding from his right side, just under his ribcage. They sent me immediately to the hospital. In a blur of tears I rushed out of the office and immediately called Ron and told him to meet me at St. V's. Blood tests, X rays and cat scans were done that day. By the end of the day we knew he had a tumor, but did not know wether or not it was malignant. We spent a sleepless night, (the first of many), praying that it was benign. After Jakes MRI on Saturday the 13th, we were informed that he had what appeared to be a large malignant tumor, (our worst nightmare had come true), most likely hepatoblastoma.

Jake's biopsy was on the 12/18. Doctors still think it is hepatoblastoma, but aren't sure. Original pathlolgy came back hepatoblastoma anaplastic (rare form), our onclologists decided to send the biopsy out for a second opinion. During this time, Ron spent countless hours on the internet searching for treatment and cure for hepatoblastoma anaplastic, in his search he came across Dr. Adela Casa at AI duPont Childrens Hospital in Delaware. She has had a lot of expereince with hepato and has done a number of pediatric liver resections/transplants. We contacted her immediately and were so thoroughly impressed with her knowledge, compassion and experience, we have since been pursuing surgical treatment there. They have the best success rate with transplantation and have had the most experience with living donor transplantation (btw Ron and Jake have the same blood type and Ron has been undergoing addl. testing to see if his liver is compatible, please keep praying that it is, so that if it comes to transplant Jacob won't have to wait on a list).

On Christmas Eve we were still awaiting the confirmation of his diagnosis, when at 7pm the phone rang it was Jacob's oncologist. Agonizing over the phone call she knew she had to make to us, our oncologist informed us Jacob's tumor was actually Rhabdoid of the liver, so rare they weren't sure how to treat it and due to the holiday we would probably have to wait til the 29th to start any treatment. Unfortunately cancer doesn't take a holdiday and Jake was getting sicker, spiking low grade fevers and having tremendous abdominal pain from the tumor pressing on his stomach. Ron spent the next 6 hours frantically searching the internet for information only to come up with nothing. Rhabdoid of the liver seemed to be virtually non existent. He found some information on rhabdoid of the brain and kidney all with poor outcomes.

On Christmas Day, our oncologist called because she had found two cases at St. Jude's where they had some success with a certain chemo regimen, which we decided to use for Jake, (we now have hope, this was the best Christmas present we could have ever asked for). So on the 26th (we were so relieved to be moving forward and not having to wait til the 29th), we headed to the hospital for his first round of chemo. Our oncologists have been in contact with several other pediatric liver tumor experts from other parts of the country and one in Canada, they have agreed with the chemo regimen Jacob is on.

His first chemo regimen was ICE (Ifosfamide, Carboplatin, Etopiside for 5 days as well as Messna and Zofran to help counter act the side effects of the chemo drugs. ICE is extremely toxic and as one nurse put it these are the "big guns". This was tough, Jake cried and slept thru much of it, this was very difficult for Ron and I because anyone who has children knows that to see your child sick or suffering is the worst thing in the world. We returned home on New Years Eve, the first thing he did was walk quickly to the Christmas tree to play with his toys, he was so happy to be home (as were all of us). Needless to say, we were all in bed by 10pm. Over the course of the following 2 weeks we returned to the hospital twice for two platelet transfusions and 1 blood cell transfusion. At first, his energy level was low and appetite was poor but this was to be expected. He gradually regained both.

His latest MRI on 1/13/04 revealed that the tumor shrunk from 10.6cm x 9.1 x 7.1 to 8cm x 5.2 x7.3. We are so thrilled with this news as we have been told that his tumor may not respond to chemo.

We entered the hosptial on 1/16 for a second round of chemotherapy. He received VDC (Vincristine, Doxorubicin, Cyclophosphamide), for 2 days, again recieving Messna and Zofran for the side affects. He seemed to take it fairly well, he slept through most of it. We came home on Sat. 1/17 at 9pm. On Sunday the 18th he enjoyed playing with his friend Colin. He has been eatting not a lot though and only soft foods, one of the drugs can cause jaw pain, his energy level is fairly good but he wants to be carried up and down steps. Who am I to refuse? I love to be able to hold him in my arms with his arms wrapped around my neck!

Ron and I plan to update this site regularly to keep everyone informed of Jake's progress. In parting I would like to say thank you to everyone for all of your kindness, your visits, presents to the kids, meals and your generous prayers. Please continue to pray as Jake has a long road ahead of him. And please treasure each day with your children and loved ones. God Bless you all.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 6:55 PM CST

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