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Remembering our little angel.
Aunt Geri
- Thursday, April 11, 2019 4:00 PM CDT
Dear Frankie,
Although another year has passed without you in our lives, you are certainly in our hearts.

Aunt Geri
- Wednesday, April 11, 2012 8:23 AM CDT
God brought you to my mind today. Praying for you.
Barbara Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Tuesday, February 7, 2012 9:51 AM CST
I still check on you all and think of you often. You will always be in my heart. With love.
Cheri Constantino <chericonstantino@hotmail.com>
Seattle, WA - Friday, December 30, 2011 11:32 AM CST
I still think about Francesca and your family often. I pray all is well.
Debbie Johnston <pebblesjohnston@aol.com>
Grand Island , NY - Saturday, December 11, 2010 8:26 AM CST
It was nice seeing you at the Y the other night. Rocco is getting so big!
Julie Kline <tani_meezer@hotmail.com>
Mogadore, OH USA - Friday, November 5, 2010 5:51 PM CDT
Our loving memories of you are never forgotten.
Geri Ann
- Monday, August 30, 2010 11:39 AM CDT
When Time Stands Still
by Debbie Hilton-Kamm

It starts with news impossible to hear
It conjures up your every fear
It's when they say your child is ill
That's when time just stands still

In that moment, that suspended time
A thousand thoughts run through your mind
Will he ever laugh and play?
Will I see his wedding Day?

All the planning, the hopes and dreams
Are put on hold-- just what does this mean?
His crib is empty, his toys alone
For now, the hospital will be his home

This is a place where time stands still
Where the void's too large to ever fill
For in a hospital's intensive care
Children lie, some unconscious, some aware

And time is measured by a new yardstick
Every second marked by a monitor's tick
Noting every breath the child takes
And every beat his tired heart makes

Just a moment of watching a child writhe or strain
In sedated confusion, or fear, or pain
Or pleading for a drink to which you can't oblige
Seems like far more than an entire lifetime

And the children who live far too long
In hospital gowns, trying to be strong
They have old souls, that's what they say
Because in each moment they've lived a thousand days

For those who say time goes by too fast
Sit with an ill child, and see just how slowly time can pass

C <C@gmail.com>
- Wednesday, June 23, 2010 4:58 PM CDT
I haven't checked the website for a long time,
but I still think of your family often. I am
glad that things are going well for you.

I will never forget Frankie. She touched my
life as well as countless others.

May God continue to blees you and yours.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, April 27, 2010 8:38 PM CDT
Jean: I will never forget Frankie's Mass. Seeing you all on the altar, the kids speaking and then your powerful words will be with me always. May God continue to bless you all and watch over you. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Love to everyone, Linda and Sam
Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Friday, April 23, 2010 6:41 AM CDT
Jean, It was a beautiful service. I remember thinking how loved she was and how deeply her life had impacted others. I was amazed at your strength and courage that day. Purple tulips always remind me of that sweet little girl.
I pray your memories of Francesca bring you smiles.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com>
Grand Island, ny - Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:11 PM CDT
Thinking about you - praying for you!!
Barbara Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Monday, March 29, 2010 6:55 PM CDT
It was great to see you all at the fish fry on Saturday! Rocco is adorable!
Julie Kline <tani_meezer@hotmail.com>
Mogadore, OH 44260 - Sunday, February 21, 2010 2:48 PM CST
Happy New Year Jean - hope it is relatively uneventful!! (in a good way!)
Elena <elljazz@gmail.com>
- Monday, February 8, 2010 10:01 PM CST
So glad to see an update. I gave up for a while
and decided to check again.
Glad to hear that both boys are doing well after their surgeries.
I think of Francesca and you all often. I miss seeing everyone at F&CS but really love my retirement. Living on social security is hard but being with Fred is more than worth it.
May God continue to bless and keep you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, January 18, 2010 10:17 AM CST
Jean: So happy to hear an update although it sounds like you had your hands full! Sorry I haven't written in so long. Our third grandbaby was born on January 4th. Little Carter weighed in at 9 lbs and was 21.5 inches long. All are doing well. Miss Savannah is 4 months old today and Anthony will be 22 months at the end of the month. Sara is doing her Peds clinicals at Childrens and really likes it. Will do her 120 Practicum hours at Akron General. 15 more weeks and then she will graduate along with Brittany who is majoring in Accounting. Mom is well - fiesty as always!! Sam and I are great. Hugs and kisses to everyone!

Love, Linda

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Tuesday, January 12, 2010 7:59 AM CST
Hi Jean,
I think of Francesca and you and your family often.

I sent you an email. Perhaps it went to your junkmail? Would like to ask you about something.

I'm glad the surgeries went well and pray you'd all have a great new year.

Debra Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com>
Grand Island, NY United States - Monday, January 11, 2010 9:09 PM CST
Oh my golly, things just never stop in your household!! Two surgeries right before Christmas....wow. Dr. Fleissner is awesome - he did Gianna's broken femur/hip spica cast two years ago and we loved him. So glad to hear the update. I totally know what you mean about being too busy to see people. I was just thinking today how I know that I have friends, but I don't really see them much. And when I try to talk on the phone to them, the interruptions are just unending. A friend of mine called this morning, a young mom with six girls ages seven and under and she was really tired from being up all night with her four month old and then having to try to do school with the others and just maintain life. I was trying so much to give her a listening ear and shoulder to lean on, amidst all the chaos going on around me with school, laundry, etc. But when we hung up I felt like I hadn't really given her what she needed because I was so distracted. It is such a delicate balance: managing our families and households while also giving and receiving support from friends. If you ever find the answer to the balance, let me know!

Miss you a lot....maybe when the weather breaks we can do something with the kids.

Teresa Giorgio <ggiorgio@roadrunner.com>
Sharon Township, - Thursday, January 7, 2010 8:04 PM CST
Praying for you today - Happy New Year!
Barbara Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Sunday, January 3, 2010 8:18 AM CST
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all the Frisones,
May your holiday be blessed.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, November 25, 2009 7:55 AM CST
Very hard to believe you are a man.
No longer a teen ager!
This adult life can present many challenges.
Always remember your advocate, Frankie, God
would agree she is a force to be listened to.
May you be blessed through this whole year.
Love you, Grandma

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
Kent, Ohio United States - Sunday, November 22, 2009 9:09 AM CST
May God continue to bless and keep you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, November 16, 2009 8:06 AM CST
Hi Jean,
Just thinking about you and wanted to say hello. I would love to see you and the kids.

Jane Martin <jeffjane99@windstream.net>
Hudson, OH USA - Sunday, November 8, 2009 11:58 PM CST
I haven't checked on you in awhile, but I continue to pray for you and your family.
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Saturday, October 24, 2009 7:26 PM CDT
Thank you for the update. It is never boring. We all
love to hear about all the doings in your busy household.
The kids all seem fine and busy. That certainly makes the time go quickly.
May God continue to bless your family and keep you in the
palm of His hand.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, October 15, 2009 6:34 PM CDT
Great to see an update Jean. I still click over a couple of times a week to see if you have any new news. Loved the update on the kids....not boring at all, and now you've saved yourself making a letter at Christmas time!! The weather has been crappy for the hikes on Fridays and we've skipped the last two, as I assume you have. I do hope to catch up with you at one of them before the season ends.

Can't remember if you like horses or not, but this is prime riding time. Both of my horses have been doing well for me and the kids, so if you want to get out with me once this fall for a trail ride I'd love it! I know we both have tight schedules, but it would be a breath of fresh air to get out in nature and enjoy some peace (I know, what's that?!). I'll try to call you soon to see if you're game - or call me if you want to.

Always, always, your family is in my prayers.
Lots of love,

Teresa Giorgio <ggiorgio@roadrunner.com>
Sharon Township, OH - Thursday, October 15, 2009 6:19 PM CDT
Jean: So glad to hear from you. All the kids sound like they are doing great. I bet little Rocco is getting big! Hope to see all of you at the Brunch Bunch on Thanksgiving (which is just around the corner!). We are all fine this way. Our Anthony is 18 months old, our little Savannah is a month old and our little Carter is expected January 1st. Sara can't wait for school to be over and start her career as a nurse. It will be here before you know it. Please be sure to give everyone big hugs and kisses from us.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Thursday, October 15, 2009 6:55 AM CDT
It has been a while since I've been on the site. Prayers are being lifted for Anthony. Any update? Please let him know that we're thinking and praying for him. I can't imagine being so far away when a medical emergency like this comes up. It sure makes one grateful for family and friends who step right in and help. With prayers and blessings, Mary
Mary Rodenbucher <sportsmom@neo.rr.com>
Randolph, OH - Tuesday, October 6, 2009 2:54 PM CDT
Jean- I just saw a brochure at work about caring bridge today and remembered your website. So much has happened! Congratulations on your baby boy- you are amazing! And please update on Anthony....I just keep picturing that feisty 2 year old and can't imagine the grown man he's become. I'm holding your family close to my heart!
Love, Cheri Constantino <chericonstantino@hotmail.com>
Seattle, WA - Monday, October 5, 2009 8:23 PM CDT
Jean: Just a quick note to say "hi" and hope that all is going well over at the Frisone household. Everyone is okay this way. Sara is doing her Critical Care and Community Health clinicals this semester. Can't believe she will be graduating in May!! Our little Savannah is doing just fine. She lost some of her birth weight but is now 8 lbs. 4 oz. Be sure to give everyone hugs and kisses from us.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Thursday, October 1, 2009 6:17 AM CDT
Jean, Amazing sometimes the unusual medical problems that you have to deal with. Even with your medical background, these are beyond the ordinary nurse and Mom concerns. I will be continuing to pray for your sons and their medical teams to have the wisdom and skills to help their recoveries. I miss our visits and conversations about how to help Frankie learn and grow.Sending prayers and strength your way, Barb
Barb Moledor <Barbm@portagemrd.org>
Ravenna, OH USA - Thursday, September 17, 2009 3:15 PM CDT
So sorry to hear about all Anthony's health problems.
What a way to start a college experience.
My thoughts and prayers are always with you and yours.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, September 16, 2009 10:34 AM CDT
Extra prayers coming your way today. Hang in there.
Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
Kent, OH USA - Wednesday, September 16, 2009 8:26 AM CDT
I'm praying for everyone and hope everyone feels better soon.
Natalie Roarty <NMarie2428@aol.com>
Akron, Ohio - Tuesday, September 15, 2009 8:41 PM CDT
Jean and Mark: We are so sorry to hear about Anthony's illness. We pray that all will be well. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. We do have some good news - our little Savannah Rose decided to come into the work 5 days early and was born on Saturday, Sept. 12th at 5:36pm, weighing 8 lbs. and was 20-1/2 inches long. The family is doing well. Hugs and kisses to you all.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Tuesday, September 15, 2009 9:37 AM CDT
My prayers are of gratitude.
Not only for Anthony being OK
But for the countless prayers and
acts of generosity to the Frisone's.
The pilot who flew them down.
Uncle John and Jess who stayed with
Anthony through it all.
All those helping with the kids,
especially Betty Lou for the way she
cares for Angelo. Geri, the dog
For all Mark's coworkers who are
always on the front line ready to
do anything.
For the countless prayer warriors!
I don't know anyone who has such vast
I will express my thanks by praying
for each of you and all your intentions.
Grandma Rita

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
Kent, Ohio United States - Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:41 AM CDT
Mark & Jean; Will you keep you in our thoughts and prayers that Anthony makes a very speedy recovery.
Anne Marie <amm0750@gmail.com>
Ravenna, Oh - Saturday, September 12, 2009 8:24 PM CDT
Prayers for all of you, especially Anthony.
Cathy Weber
- Saturday, September 12, 2009 10:09 AM CDT
Jean and Mark
We are praying for Anthony!!
All of our Love

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Ohio - Friday, September 11, 2009 5:23 PM CDT
Dear Jean and family,
5years! How fast time goes. I remember the day
Frankie was born and all the agency prayed for all
of you. I remember all the prayers over Frankie's
life and simce her death. Praying for you and your family has become a daily event.
I'm sure the flower garden on her grave will be awesome.
just as she was.
Thank you for sharing your brother's wonderful words
with all of us.
What inspiration we all get from this website.
May God continue to bless you and your family.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck12311@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, August 29, 2009 10:32 AM CDT
What touching thoughts your brother writes. So heartfelt and yet so true for other families as well.
Julie Kline <tani_meezer@hotmail.com>
Mogadore, OH 44260 - Friday, August 28, 2009 10:16 PM CDT
Thoughts and prayers from North Carolina
Matt Lawrence and Family <mtlawrence@gmail.com>
Clemmons, nc USA - Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:38 AM CDT
Jean: What beautiful words your brother has written - thank you for letting us all share in it. Hope all is well - I know yesterday had to be hard for all of you. Hope Anthony is adjusting to college life!! Be sure to give everyone hugs and kisses from us.
Love, Linda and Sam
P.S. To Frankie-Happy Birthday - just go to my Dad and he'll give you anything you want.

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:34 AM CDT
Remembering a special little girl
with beautiful dark Italian eyes
and a big smile--
so full of love
Happy Birthday Frankie!
Love and prayers to you all

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Oh - Wednesday, August 26, 2009 10:25 PM CDT
Remembering Frankie-Doodle on the anniversary of her birth. Each day was a gift, each memory cherished.
Geri Ann
Canal Fulton, Ohio USA - Wednesday, August 26, 2009 5:36 PM CDT
I guess no news is good news. Hope things
are well with you and yours.
Still praying for your family.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, August 16, 2009 4:33 PM CDT
Jean, Someone told me you had a new baby, so I had to get on here and read about your last year. Congratulations! I just wanted you to know that I still pray for you every day. I finally found some purple tulips and have added them to my landscape in honor of Frankie. You are such an inspiration to me. Blessings, Teri Steveson
theresa stevenson <rnrnx2@gmail.com>
akron, oh usa - Thursday, August 6, 2009 8:52 AM CDT
We all know Frankie's love for babies.
Nothing captured her total attention more
than the sweet innocence of a baby.
Rocco Vincenzo, has each of you to
love and nurture him and his greatest advocate
in his sister, Saint Francesca Jordan.
Blessings on you one and all,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
Kent, Ohio United States - Thursday, July 30, 2009 11:21 AM CDT
Jean: Hope all is well the Frisone way. I saw Anthony on Friday when he was helping Kevin. His swagger and mannerisms are just like looking at a taller and YOUNGER Mark!!! We are all well our way. Today is Sam's and my 7 years mark of being together. It just gets better with each day. Yesterday was Tina's baby shower and she looked great. She's gained 26 pounds but is carrying it well. Be sure to give everyone hugs and kisses from Sam and I.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Monday, July 27, 2009 6:29 AM CDT
Jean: It was great hearing from you - I missed your updates but understand with all that has been going on. Be sure to give everyone hugs and kisses from Sam and I.

Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Monday, July 13, 2009 12:42 AM CDT
Jean, It was so nice to see you and Rocco at the festival. What a precious little boy! Please know that even though I don't write often, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy the rest of the summer. Mary
Mary Rodenbucher <sportsmom@neo.rr.com>
Randolph, OH - Monday, July 13, 2009 7:02 AM CDT
Jean, Hello, Congratulations on your new baby boy and I am glad to hear things are going well. I was just sitting up on m40 thinking of you and your family and wanted to send a little hello, sorry I do not get to write often, but you all are still in my thoughts, Denise RN M40 CCF
Denise Costanzo <denroot@aol.com>
Parma, OH USA - Sunday, July 12, 2009 2:38 PM CDT
How wonderful to hear from you! It
sounds like you are having a busy summer.

God is wonderful indeed. He brings us
through many hard times and then blesses us.
Keep the faith and may God continue to bless
you and yours.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, July 9, 2009 3:10 PM CDT
Jean: It was wonderful seeing you yesterday and Sophie and Rocco. He is adorable!!! It was nice talking to Mark's parents also. You look great and I hope all is well your way. Hugs and Kisses to everyone!
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Thursday, July 9, 2009 6:19 AM CDT
Continueing to pray for you and your

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, July 5, 2009 2:08 PM CDT

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
Kent, Ohio United States - Friday, July 3, 2009 4:30 PM CDT
Jean: Can't wait to hold little Rocco!! Hope you enjoyed the DVD of the shower. Sorry it took so long to get to you. I'm not very good with the "high tech" stuff on the computer!! Hugs and Kisses to you all!

Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Monday, June 22, 2009 6:26 AM CDT
Hope you and Rocco are doing well.
Am keeping you in my thoughts
and prayers.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, June 18, 2009 1:38 PM CDT
Congratulations!! A beautiful baby boy! How wonderful. How blessed you all are. Gina, you did a terrific job! You are a wonderful big sister. What a happy house-hold with the lusty cries of a new baby boy! Mark you must be so proud!!!!! June is my birthday month too. A beautiful month. I am so honored to share it with Rocco. Be blessed Frisones.

Jacqui Dewey-Smith <rsvpofsc@yahoo.com>
Canton, Oh USA - Monday, June 15, 2009 11:46 AM CDT
Congratulations! So happy to hear the good news! Praise God!!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Sunday, June 7, 2009 7:27 PM CDT
LOL! Birth as wonderful and horrible!! - yep, describes all 7 of mine!! Great job Gina and congratulations to the Frisone family - well done!!!
Elena <elljazz@gmail.com>
Akron, OH USA - Saturday, June 6, 2009 7:40 AM CDT
You did a great job describing the birth of Rocco.
Blessings to all of you in this happy time.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, June 5, 2009 6:01 PM CDT
Thank you for the update Gina!!!! You made my day! I am so excited for all of you and hope you post a picture soon. Love and hugs to all of you!
Deb Pfleiderer <nursedeb72@aol.com>
Rootstown, OH USA - Thursday, June 4, 2009 9:33 PM CDT
Congratulations Jean, Rocco, and all the Frisone family. I am so happy to finally hear this great news.
Gina, you are such a responsible and grown-up young lady!! You have all been and will continue to be in my prayers. Hope to see him and all of you soon.

Love & Blessings

Angie Mudd <nanange733@aol.com>
- Thursday, June 4, 2009 3:30 PM CDT
CONGRATS! Can you use some meals or anything?
Julie Kline <tani_meezer@hotmail.com>
Mogadore, OH USA - Thursday, June 4, 2009 9:25 AM CDT
Gina, As the president of your fan club,
it is so good to hear your account of Rocco's
birth. You left out the part where the midwife
let you reach under his arms and guide him
gently into this world.
Cutting the cord is a big deal. Something you
will come to appreciate as you grow in wisdom and
age and grace.
Congratulations to the Frisone family in bringing
us our new ambassador for Peace and Justice.
I Love You,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
Kent, Ohio United States - Thursday, June 4, 2009 9:13 AM CDT
Mark, Jean and Family - Congratulations!!! Hope you are all doing well.
Debbie Heeter <dheeter@neoucom.edu>
- Wednesday, June 3, 2009 1:47 PM CDT
Hoping all went well with the delivery if it happened.
Keeping all of you in my prayers.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, June 3, 2009 1:38 PM CDT
Checking in to see how the delivery went - I'm hoping no news is good news!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Wednesday, June 3, 2009 7:58 AM CDT
Mark and Jean and all the kids - HAPPY BABY!!!! So glad that all went well. Can't wait to see you Jean and the baby!! Take care. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Wednesday, June 3, 2009 6:14 AM CDT
Congratulations, Frisones!!! Way to go Mom and Gina!
Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
Kent, OH USA - Tuesday, June 2, 2009 10:13 AM CDT
Jean: Know that all will go well with the delivery either way. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to see the newest Frisone!!! Congrats to Anthony!! Sorry we missed the party - had 20 people at our house.
Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Monday, June 1, 2009 6:46 AM CDT
How exciting Jean! Praying that your little boy cooperates and settles into position. Sounds like this little guy is going to be awfully hard on your furniture in the future LOL!
Elena <elljazz@gmail.com>
AKRON, OH USA - Sunday, May 31, 2009 10:38 AM CDT
Praying for a peaceful delivery!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
- Saturday, May 30, 2009 9:14 PM CDT
We will say a prayer for you and that active little boy!
Julie Kline <tani_meezer@hotmail.com>
Mogadore, Oh USA - Friday, May 29, 2009 3:58 PM CDT
Hope that the newest little Frisone male settles down,
gets in the right position
and stays there.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and Hugs

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, oh - Friday, May 29, 2009 1:34 PM CDT
You go, Jean! My prayer today is that baby stays "in place" until Monday morning. Will be keeping you in my prayers as always.
Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
Kent, OH USA - Friday, May 29, 2009 9:11 AM CDT
Hi Jean,
Just a quick note to let you know that you are in my thoughts. Can't wait to take my dad to see Frankie's memorial stone. He is still in a rehab hospital, but may get to go home in the next couple of weeks. I am so encouraged by your journal entries. I hope to see you again soon.
Hello to your children from me and my boys
Jane Martin

Jane Martin <jeffjane99@windstream.net>
Hudson, OH USA - Thursday, May 28, 2009 8:52 PM CDT

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
Kent, Ohio United States - Saturday, May 23, 2009 4:31 PM CDT
What a busy but wonderful update. Wow, only 3 weeks
until the baby comes. What did you decide to name him?
If you posted it I must have missed it.
I look forward to seeing Frankie's headstone and all the purple flowers you will be planting.
May God continue to bless and keep all of you safe and
happy with the birth of your new son.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, May 18, 2009 8:51 AM CDT
Jean: WOW - the Frisone household is always on the move!! You are a wonderful and amazing mother and woman. Sorry to hear about Mario and his tonsils. Hope he is feeling better. All is well this way. Mom's party went well and this Saturday she will offically turn 90!! Sara is working this summer at Robinson and loving it. I can't believe that this time next year she will be a nurse.
Hugs and Kisses to you all.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Monday, May 18, 2009 6:47 AM CDT
Jean, Glad to hear things are going well and to see the great updates on the kids. Sounds like life is the usual, never a dull moment, always lots happening, for you. Hope all continues to go well with your pregnancy. Barb
barb Moledor <barbm@portagemrdd.org>
Ravenna, OH USA - Tuesday, May 12, 2009 2:48 PM CDT
Purple Tulips are everywhere. Usually, I notice, they are smaller than the others. Reminders of sweet little Francesca and the mark she left on my heart. I pray for you, Jean and your growing family. Your new baby will grow up knowing all about Francesca.
Debra Johnston www.caringbridge.org/visit/gabrieldavid <thejohnstonvi@msn.com>
Grand Island, NY United States - Saturday, May 9, 2009 4:11 AM CDT
Thank you for being Mom to my beautiful Grandchildren.
May you be blessed with grace for the journey!
How gifted I am to be your

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
Kent, Ohio United States - Thursday, May 7, 2009 8:15 AM CDT
You are in the home stretch! Can you believe this pregnancy went so fast.....well, at least for me it did, because I'm not the pregnant one :). I wish you could feel like you are coasting downhill at this point, but I realize this is such a busy time of year. What great things the other kids have going on, with sports as well as moving on in life to other things.

Thanks for getting those dresses to Marie. She actually just wanted the one satin blue one, and in the end she didn't think it looks good one her. I thought it looked fabulous. But of course she's 18 and thinks it's not her style. I am happy to return any of them to you that you may want to use in the future. I wish we had fairy Godmothers like Cinderella who could help whip up beautiful, flattering, modest dresses for us when we have a "ball" to go to, don't you? In our dreams.....

I'll be keeping you in my prayers as the time gets closer, and I'll touch base when we're back from vacation to see what I can do to help.

lots of love,

Teresa Giorgio <ggiorgio@roadrunner.com>
Sharon Township, OH - Wednesday, May 6, 2009 9:46 PM CDT
Still praying for you all! Glad to hear your pregnancy is humming along - we will also be having a party on the 24th -to celebrate my husband returning from a year in Iraq! Praise God!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Wednesday, May 6, 2009 3:25 PM CDT
It is wonderful to hear that great things
are happening in your family--
you are all very special.
We all know how Mark has a tendency
to exaggerate at times
so you are probably smaller then he says
but as long as you and the baby are healthy,
happy and feeling good-that is what counts
You are in my thoughts and prayers
Love and hugs,

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Ohio - Monday, May 4, 2009 1:23 PM CDT
I so enjoyed the update. Your life seems so full and busy.
After the new baby comes there will be a time of rest and
I still hold you and your family in my thoughts and prayers
daily. I check the website daily and anxiously wait for
the updates.
May God continue to bless and care for you all.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, May 4, 2009 9:57 AM CDT
Jean: It was wonderful seeing you last week. You look great and radiant!! Tina is feeling good - they found out they are having a girl. So little Savannah Rose is on her way!! Sounds like the kids are very busy!! Can't believe that Anthony is graduating!! Hugs and Kisses
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Monday, May 4, 2009 8:42 AM CDT
Jean, it was great to see you yesterday. You look absolutely radiantly fantastic! I am looking forward to seeing the newest Frisone addition!
Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, OH - Wednesday, April 29, 2009 5:49 PM CDT
Thinking of you all and keeping you in our prayers.
Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
Kent, OH USA - Wednesday, April 29, 2009 11:00 AM CDT
Thinking of you all and keeping you in our prayers.
Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
Kent, OH USA - Wednesday, April 29, 2009 10:58 AM CDT
Jean I have been meaning to write you. I have heard you guys are expecting a little one-congrats! I miss talking to you and mark and the rest of the kids. I think of Frankie-she is now an angel looking at after all of us. Please keep in touch and send pictures of the new little one. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!
Nancy Benson <bensonn@ccf.org>
parma heights, oh - Saturday, April 25, 2009 10:21 AM CDT
Just wanted to tell you that I think of you often. Feel so guilty that I haven't written. April 10th came and my heart felt the ache. I said a special prayer for all of you. I read back over your last few entries and was reminded of how much I miss your crazy household...and the inspiration I felt seeing you deal with it all! This new baby is going to be such a joy for all of you. Can't wait to hear the announcement that he has arrived. Love and prayers, Debbi
Deb Pfleiderer <nursedeb72@aol.com>
Rootstown, OH USA - Tuesday, April 21, 2009 9:36 PM CDT
Jean: Hope your Easter was a nice one. We are all fine this way. Just found out on Sunday that we will be grandparents again as Sam's daughter is pregnant. She will be due in December. Tina will find out this month if it's a boy or girl. They have picked the names of Savannah Rose or Luka William (Brian is Croatian and he wanted a strong male name!). Sara has finals this week and then will officially be a Senior in college. She will be working more at Robinson this summer and will actually do her Critical Care Clinical at Robinson this fall. Hope you will all make it to Mom's party.
Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Tuesday, April 21, 2009 6:23 AM CDT
Dear Jean and Mark,
When my first purple Crocus bloomed this year I immediately thought of Frankie! Soon, my purple tulips will be blooming along with hundreds of others in Frankie's honor. We cannot even begin to imagine the glorious colors of flowers in Heaven, but will see them someday. I cannot believe that it has been two years for my Patrick either. The grief comes so suddenly ahd without warning that it takes my breath away,as I am sure it does for you too. They are so happy where they are and, yes, we still struggle through the daily trials of this earthly life. I and many others look forward to your new baby with great anticipation. Patrick's daughter will give birth to a second son in late July. He will be so pleased!
Prayers and blessings to you all.

Jacqui Dewey-Smith <rsvpofsc@yahoo.com>
Canton, Ohio USA - Saturday, April 18, 2009 2:03 PM CDT
Jean, just wanted to let you know that you and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, especially at this time of year. So hard to believe 2 years have passed. Hope things continue to go well for you and the newest Frisone. Wishing you all a blessed spring full of butterflies, purple flowers and all things warm and wonderful. barb
barb Moledor <barbm@portagemrdd.org>
Ravenna, OH USA - Tuesday, April 14, 2009 3:07 PM CDT
Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
The purple flowers of spring are forever a
reminder of Frankie and all the lives she touched
in her short life.
May Gos continue to bless and keep all of you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, April 14, 2009 9:54 AM CDT
I love the idea of the tattoo! What a loving brother to think of such a thing.

I hope you and your family have a blessed spring and that your new little one fills your home with special joy. His big sister in heaven will certainly be his special advocate.

Elena <elljazz@gmail.com>
- Monday, April 13, 2009 8:27 AM CDT
We've been keeping your family in prayer all week, especially yesterday. When we were venerating the Cross on Good Friday, I couldn't help but think that you've been kissing the cross all year long, for several years. I pray this Easter is filled with the hope of the Resurrection and the joy of knowing that when you've embraced the cross, you will also reap the joy that Christ gives.


Teresa Giorgio <ggiorgio@roadrunner.com>
Sharon Township, OH - Saturday, April 11, 2009 9:04 PM CDT
Jean and Mark,

Think of both of you and all the kids today.A smiling photo of Francesca is on our family room picture wall. It is so nice to see her beautiful face and smile each and every day.
Sending prayers and love from New Jersey!!!

Melissa, Larry, Samantha and Isabella Paige <melissarobinbennett@comcast.net>
- Friday, April 10, 2009 7:37 AM CDT
Special blessings and very special prayers to the Frisone family today. God bless!
Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
Kent, OH USA - Friday, April 10, 2009 7:26 AM CDT
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers, and remembering Frankie.
Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, oh - Thursday, April 9, 2009 9:07 PM CDT
Thinking of you and remembering Frankie.
Love,Hugs & Prayers,

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, OH - Thursday, April 9, 2009 6:16 PM CDT
It's hard to believe it's been 2 years since we lost Frankie. With the spring comes the purple flowers that will forever be a reminder for us. Love and Hugs, Geri Ann
Geri Ann Frisone
Canal Fulton, Ohio USA - Thursday, April 9, 2009 10:08 AM CDT
Keeping you and your family in my prayers as Francesca's anniversary into Heaven approaches.
Debra Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/visit/gabrieljohnston>
Grand Island, NY United States - Thursday, April 9, 2009 5:19 AM CDT
Jean: Thinking of you and hoping that you are feeling well. We had a Mass said in Frankie's memory this past Sunday at St. Joseph's in Mantua. Know that we are always thinking of you and the family. Hugs and Kisses.

Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Monday, April 6, 2009 6:59 AM CDT
The Frisone Family,
As we enter this Holy Week we hold you all in our thoughts and prayers.
I Love You,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
Kent, Ohio United States - Monday, April 6, 2009 4:42 AM CDT
Hi Jean,
It's been so very long since I've written here. It's been quite a year so far! My dad has made gradual improvements and was finally moved to Select Specialty Hospital (within Mercy Hospital) in Canton this week. He was at the Clinic since Feb 16th. It will be good for my mom to have him so close and it was a big psychological boost to leave the Clinic. His recovery, God willing, will be measured in months and not weeks. I am going to print out all your journal entries since his admission and catch him up on the Frisones. He logged on to your site every morning. He was glad to hear that Frankie's grave stone is coming along.

Jean, it is so wonderful to hear how you are healing little by little. It would have been so fun to see Frankie in action with her baby brother.

I'll call you soon to catch up.

Jane Martin <jeffjane99@windstream.net>
- Saturday, April 4, 2009 9:16 PM CDT
Jean and family....it has been way too long since I have written. As Francesca's anniversary approaches, I find myself thinking of all of you. Jean, congrats on the pregnancy and glad to hear you are feeling good. Well, we have something in common because I am having my first baby in August...its crazy. Well, just wanted to give a hello and hope everyone is doing well, till next time, Denise CCF M40
Denise Costanzo <denroot@aol.com>
Parma, OH USA - Sunday, March 29, 2009 7:10 AM CDT
Hi Jean, just wanted to tell you what a good time we had today at the fish fry with your mom & the kids! I bought Sophie chips but told her she had to share with Mario. They were talking about the books they like to read. It was a fun after noon with them. You mom really liked the wine cake. Told her that's what I do each week. Hope you have a safe trip back from Cinci!
Julie Kline <tani_meezer@hotmail.com>
Mogadore, OH USA - Friday, March 27, 2009 7:30 PM CDT
Jean: I can't believe Gina is going to be in High School! I don't know where the time goes. Our grandson, Anthony will turn 1 on the 28th of this month. We will all be leaving for Florida this Friday (Sam, me, Sammy, Abby and Anthony). Sam and I are thinking of it as an adventure - we haven't traveled with a one year old for awhile!! Glad to hear all is going well with the pregnancy. Be sure to give all the kids a big hug and kiss from us.
Hugs and Kisses,
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Monday, March 23, 2009 6:40 AM CDT
I'm so happy to read the pregnancy is going along well - I continue to pray for you!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Saturday, March 21, 2009 10:45 AM CDT
Dear Jean,
I am so happy about the baby! He will bring so much joy!
My Grandaughter, Laura, is expecting her second child at the end of July. My son, Pat , who went on before us would be his grandfather. I know he would have enjoyed this baby as he did Alexander who will be 3 1/2 soon. But someday we will all be together NEVER to be parted again.
My prayers are with you and your family everyday.

Jacqueline Dewey-Smith <rsvpofsc@yahoo.com>
Canton, Ohio USA - Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1:36 PM CDT
Dear Jean,
How nice to hear the updates at last. I am
so glad to hear that things are not as bad as
they were for you at work. Time has a way of
softening the blows.
It's hard to believe Gina is going to Hoban.
She will do fine. She is a special girl, as
all your children are.
When is the new baby due? I don't think I heard.
Will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, March 16, 2009 8:32 AM CDT
Dear Frisones,
Although I haven't written for awhile, you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Jean you have come so far and are still an inspiration to all of us. It is hard to believe that Anthony and Susie are graduating this year! Where did the time go? I'm sure Gina will do well - she's had a great foundation thanks to you and and Mark. Rest assured that Frankie is watching over her siblings and will be a special angel for the new baby. We'll all be thinking of Frankie as spring brings forth new life and purple flowers.

Mary Rodenbucher <sportsmom@neo.rr.com>
Randolph, OH - Monday, March 16, 2009 8:02 AM CDT
Way to go, Gina!!
Jean, you continue to inspire me. Prayers for you all keep coming from our home to yours. Have a great day!

Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
Kent, OH USA - Monday, March 16, 2009 8:00 AM CDT
This morning in my devotional reading this
jumped out at me and I had to share it with

We can be sure that a God if infinite love
never causes our tragedies and losses. But
God is always the God of another chance. God
is faithful to create order out of chaos,
goodness out of tragedy, resurrection
from our most agonizing crufifixions.
by Scott Walker, Daily Guideposts 2009

Please know that I still keep you and your family
in my thoughts and prayers.
I love retirement.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 13, 2009 9:00 AM CDT
Glad to hear your pregnancy is going so well - I will continue to pray for you!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Monday, March 2, 2009 6:35 PM CST
Hi, Jean. It's been a while since I've visited the page. I think of Frankie often. Congratulations on the pregnancy. I'm in my 34th week myself. My 4th boy. I guess I'm trying to catch up with you.

Always praying for your family,

Kendra, Jaysen, Justin (Ebstein's Anomaly) & Joseph Briscoe


Kendra J. Briscoe <briscoekj@yahoo.com>
Jonesboro, GA USA - Monday, March 2, 2009 9:47 AM CST
Jean: Hope all is well the Frisone way!! The big news this way is Tina and Brian heard the baby's heartbeat yesterday. She couldn't believe how fast it was! I told Tina that is what she sounded like! Her official due date is September 17th.

School is going well for Sara. Pretty soon she will be a Senior and graduating and taking the NCLEX. Time just flies by anymore!

Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Tuesday, February 24, 2009 1:34 PM CST
It's so good to hear about your your kids and all they are into. You are an amazing mom! I am so excited about your pregnancy. Frankie is always with you and I believe her joy is far greater than we could ever comprehend in this life.

A collage for each child....hmmmm....why didn't I ever think of that? I think I'm on to a new project.
Praying for your family,

Debra Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/visit/gabrieljohnston>
Grand Island, NY United States - Tuesday, February 24, 2009 6:11 AM CST
So glad to hear that all is going well.
I continue to keep you all in my thoughts
and prayers.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, February 20, 2009 8:03 AM CST
Happy Birthday Gina,
14 years old!
Hard to believe!
You have grown into
such a beautiful young lady.
You are a wonderful blessing!

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
Kent, Ohio United States - Thursday, February 19, 2009 12:07 AM CST
Praying for continued health with the pregnancy & patience for all the "normal" mis-haps of life!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Thursday, February 12, 2009 9:19 AM CST
Jean: Sorry it's been so long since I've written. Don't know where the time has gone. We were all sick last week with some type of intestinal bug - Yuck!! Mom is doing better and finally started driving again this week. Look out Portage County!! Glad to here all is going well with the pregnancy. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Speaking of babies, Sam and I will be grandparents again in September as Tina and Brian are expecting. We are very excited!!

Be sure to give all the kids a big hug and kiss from us. Tell Mario once the weather turns nice we will be over on the Harley!!

Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Thursday, February 12, 2009 6:54 AM CST

I am in DC at a meeting, taking an extended lunch break and thought I'd check your blog. I can't even imagine having the patience to deal with what you came home to! You are a better woman than I in so many ways. Thank you for continuing to be an inspiration to us women. I too, want Amazing Grace played at my funeral...probably because I KNOW what a wretch I can be, or if you ask Mark, the wretch that I AM!
Keeping you and this new bundle of joy in my thoughts and prayers! Looks like Mark will be coaching for a "few more years"!!

Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, OH - Sunday, February 8, 2009 11:32 AM CST
Oh, you are such a great woman to laugh instead of just totally lose it when all those things go wrong in one day!! I laughed out loud when I heard of Sophie's question....we're all wretches now and then, aren't we? It reminded me of how often, while on our drive to confession, I ask Gary to help me remember my sins so I can make a good confession. I'll hear a voice pipe up from the back of the van, "Remember mom when you called me a *#*$%**? You'd better tell Father that one." Oh, from the mouths of babes.(And sorry if I'm scandalizing anyone reading this....as a fellow mom of 9 I know Jean will get it :)).

Sounds like you're doing real well - you go girl, on the exercise. Hope the vein issues aren't too painful this time around. Remember....Nine more months, One more time. What a blessing. Praying daily for you and all the Frisones.

Lots of love,

Teresa Giorgio <ggiorgio@roadrunner.com>
Sharon Township, OH - Saturday, February 7, 2009 1:37 PM CST
Jean, so glad to hear all is well with the baby. What an energetic person you are to balance work, family, and all else you do and then add the exercise regime into the mix.Hope the pregnancy continues to go well. I think of you and your family often, Barb
barb Moledor <barbm@portagemrdd.org>
Ravenna, OH USA - Friday, February 6, 2009 3:01 PM CST
So glad everything is well with the new little one...

Your kids crack me up!

Elena <elljazz@gmail.com>
- Thursday, February 5, 2009 5:32 PM CST
So glad to hear that all is going well.
So glad that you are able now to laugh
at life's bumps and move on.
May God continue to bless you and your

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, February 5, 2009 8:31 AM CST
PRAISE GOD!!!! We are delighted to hear about another Frisone! Frankie's life will always be a part of all of our stories; her place in our hearts will always be treasured as a special gift from God. And even this new little one will be taught about his big sister and how God used (and continues to use) her. Every memory of Frankie takes each of us closer to God....and I know that this new little Frisone will be created with a special place in his heart to love Frankie, too. May God continue his healing. We rejoice in this amazing new addition to His grand design. With Love and prayers
Mary Jo McGuire <rehabed@integrity.com>
Akron, OH USA - Wednesday, January 28, 2009 11:39 AM CST
Remember-- I told you that "HE" would be
a new "little blessing" in your life.
I'm so happy that you both are doing so well!
Love & Prayers,

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Oh - Saturday, January 24, 2009 10:19 PM CST
I am so sorry that my cell went out!!!! That darn cell battery!!! Anxious to talk more about the u.s... I am thrilled to hear all looks well and no abnormalities are seen!! Thank you, Jesus!! I didn't care that I let out a shriek of excitement in our already loud hospital cafeteria when hearing you are having a BOY!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo excited for you!!!!! I know Mario must be a little pleased to know he will have a little brother to play with!~ Oh, Jean! I am so happy! You can count on my continued prayers for you Mark and the kids! As well as a healthy pregnancy!~ It's funny that mom and I were just talking about the fact that nobody took the name Deno from Grandpa Melucci yet... That's my vote!!! Baby Deno Frisone!! Lol! Thank you and Gina too for sharing the news!!!
I love you guys!!!!!!!!

Christie Hamilton <tmagrace@aol.com>
Grove City, OH - Friday, January 23, 2009 2:14 PM CST
Jean: So glad to hear that you are feeling good. Boy, you sure are motivated. How about doing a few laps for me!! Hope you all got through the cold spell we recently had. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you.
Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Thursday, January 22, 2009 7:34 AM CST
You and your "Little Blessing"
are always in my thoughts and prayers!

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, OH - Sunday, January 18, 2009 10:39 PM CST
Praying for you, Jean, to meet every instance of your children's grieving with God's grace. What a mom you are!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:04 AM CST
When you are holding Mario,
you are being held.
Not just by Mar, but by all
those who love you and are praying
for you.
You are always an example to me
in how you
Keep the Faith,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Thursday, January 15, 2009 8:16 AM CST
Jean: Any loss, no matter how short or long of time it has been, is always hard. The kids will always remember Frankie and have her in their hearts and there is nothing wrong with crying when you feel like it. Your routines will start again and before you know it, a new little one will be added to the group! You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam
P. S. Sara started her OB/GYN clinicals and Med/Surg II clinicals this week at Akron General.

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Wednesday, January 14, 2009 1:48 PM CST
Poor Mario! I know children are resilient, but it must be so hard for younger kids to come to grasp this kind of loss - that it is forever. Your strength, love, and hope for the future will help your children. Thank you so much for sharing your Rememberance Day talk - very insightful and inspiring.

We continue to hold you in prayer each and every day.


Teresa Giorgio <ggiorgio@roadrunner.com>
Sharon Township, OH - Wednesday, January 14, 2009 9:44 AM CST
Your talk moves me to tears.
I know how much strength and courage it took to
grow to this day and stand with the other parents
in Hope.
I Love You,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Monday, January 12, 2009 6:48 PM CST
Sincere congratulations! I will be praying for a healthy, peaceful pregnancy!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Monday, January 12, 2009 11:36 AM CST
Congratulations to all of the Frisone family. I just wanted to know, when you told Mark's parents, which one fainted first? May this baby (GIRL!) bring you much deserved happiness! Love and hugs, Debbi
Deb Pfleiderer <nursedeb72@aol.com>
Rootstown, OH USA - Saturday, January 10, 2009 6:04 PM CST
Gina, It has been so long!
How fitting you bring GOOD NEWS!
Mom continues to move with focus
and strength. Maybe it is partly
due to the fact that you are her
right hand, and sometimes the left
as well. I know it is really
due to her Faith.
Ashley, it was so good to hear from
you. I had tears in my eyes when you
said Sawyer came running. It seems like
yesterday we were in the same room, praying
for eachother. Everytime I see Sweet Tea,
I think of you. Blessings to you and your
Blessings on the Frisone Family as you prepare
your hearts and home for New Life.
I Love You,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Thursday, January 8, 2009 3:22 PM CST
WOW Frisone Family!!! Congratulations! So happy to hear such wonderful news! I will be praying for a happy, healthy, uneventful pregnancy.
Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/visit/gabrieljohnston)>
- Thursday, January 8, 2009 6:50 AM CST
congrats to all of you! I often think of Frankie when she was spunky at CCF. She will be one child that we will not forget. I hope this New Year brings all of you joy and happiness!

Tera Casenhiser

Tera Casenhiser <tcasenhiser@roadrunner.com>
- Wednesday, January 7, 2009 9:28 AM CST
Jean and Guest Writers Gina and Dominic: Happy New Year to all of you. Congrats on the new bundle on the way!! If there is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to call us. Our continued thoughts and prayers are with you all. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Wednesday, January 7, 2009 8:33 AM CST
Oh my gosh!!!!! Y'all I'm just soooo excited for you. Man, that's just awesome. I know I haven't signed in a while but I just HAD to this time. That was totally not what I expected to read. I just totally screamed when I read those words and Jason came running!!! It was so funny...he was like " what the crap are you screaming for?" I then told him " the Frisone's are having another baby". He just smiled really big and we are both so happy for all of y'all.
I know we have only met each other for a short time while both of our little ones were roommates but that short time has forever kept a memory. I think of Frankie often (more than you know) and I pray for God's grace to comfort all of you. Just reading that your expecting again is just awesome.
Anyways, I am just so happy for you guys and I can't wait to read about how your pregnancy goes. All the milestones and such are going to be so fun to read about.
Always know that even though we're miles away your our true heart friends from up north.

Heart hugs,
Sawyer's mommy

Ashley Tolbert <sawyer50@bellsouth.net>
asheville, nc - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 10:21 PM CST
Dear Frisone Family,
What wonderful news, a new baby!
May God bless you all.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, January 6, 2009 4:15 PM CST
Jean, Mark, and family, Conratulations on the pregnancy and upcoming new Frisone. Hope all goes well! Barb
Barb Moledor <Barbm@portagemrdd.org>
Ravenna, OH USA - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 3:11 PM CST
Wishing the Frisone family a calm, peaceful and happy new year.
The Kline <tani_meezer@hotmail.com>
Mogadore, Oh 44260 - Friday, January 2, 2009 4:43 PM CST
Dear Frisone Family,
Wishing you all the best of health and happiness in 2009.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, January 1, 2009 9:15 AM CST
Dear Jean,

Thanks for sharing your memorial service. It is priceless.

Susan Johnston

Susan Johnston
Canal Fulton, oh stark - Wednesday, December 31, 2008 6:44 AM CST
Happy New Year - may God continue to show His compassionate face to you each and every day during 2009!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Tuesday, December 30, 2008 6:56 PM CST
Dear Frisone family,
May the blessings of Christmas last all year long.
May your New Year be glorious and happy.
May God continue to bless and keep you now and

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, December 26, 2008 10:23 AM CST
Merry Christmas Frisone's! Hope it was joyous! Love and hugs, Debbi
Deb Pfleiderer <nursedeb72@aol.com>
Rootstown, OH USA - Thursday, December 25, 2008 6:34 PM CST
Jean, You made my Christmas!!!!
Some people have sugar plums dancing in their heads.
We all have your multiple variety of home made pies.
We could not decide, pumpkin, pecan, banana crm, choc, cherry,lemon merange, so, perfect solution, you made
us sampler platters, YUM!
Blessings on you as you make Christmas majic for so many.

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:49 AM CST
I am sure the holidays are always hard when you've lost someone...I know they are for me. I hope your Christmas is truly holy.
Larry Bartlett <eljaybee63@aol.com>
Modesto, CA - Monday, December 22, 2008 4:14 AM CST
I'm praying for a peaceful, joyful Christmas for you!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Saturday, December 20, 2008 1:39 PM CST
I am so awed by your words at Children's Memorial
Service. You are such an inspiration to all of us.
God bless and keep you always.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, December 17, 2008 8:39 AM CST
I am so awed by your words at Children's Memorial
Service. You are such an inspiration to all of us.
God bless and keep you always.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, December 17, 2008 8:39 AM CST
Dear Jean,
I think of you almost every moment of the day.
You move in Faith solid as a rock.
Mary knows what you are feeling,
I pray to her to touch your heart.
I Love You,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kento, ohio usa - Monday, December 15, 2008 11:11 AM CST
Dear Jean,
Thought of you at 6am while watching the news ( before work) all by myself. Someone from OHIO bought the 12 million dollar winning Power Ball ticket. I was praying that it was you or Mark. Wishing you and the whole family a Happy and Healthy Holiday season. Love, Melissa, Larry , Samantha, and Baby Bennett

BENNETT FAMILY <melissarobinbennett@comcast.net>
CHERRY HILL, NJ - Saturday, December 13, 2008 7:21 PM CST
Dear Jean,

I am so glad you are sharing the words you spoke to the 500(!) on Tuesday. I had been hoping that you would post that. Though it makes me cry all over again to read it and relive that time with you, it reminds me of how far you have been able to come, to pull out of that pit of despair and fog that covered you (and that would have been the state any of us would've been in). You are such an inspiring one to speak to the crowd; your strength, tenacity, and faith are certain to be an inspiration to others who have walked a similar path.

I hope to see you soon, but if not, have a great Advent and Christmas season. Lots of love and prayers,

Teresa Giorgio <ggiorgio@roadrunner.com>
Sharon Township, OH - Saturday, December 13, 2008 5:58 PM CST
Jean - I had no doubt that you would be able to send a message of hope to all those parents who have lost a child. You are truly an amazing woman and I am honored to know you. As always, our continued thoughts and prayers are with you all. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Friday, December 12, 2008 9:44 AM CST
God's purpose for your life is obvious. I look forward to reading more and I know you will not mind if I send this to other grieving parents.

Debra Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Friday, December 12, 2008 6:29 AM CST
Jean, In reading the entries from those parents who heard your talk it is apparent you touched many and were able to reach those grieving parents. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind you would have the passion and strength to reach out to them. God Bless You for sharing your story and giving them the hope you once struggled for.

Gina is a trouper...just like her Mom!

Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, oh - Wednesday, December 10, 2008 6:36 PM CST
Dear Jean -- I was so moved by your talk at the Remembrance service last night. I know that your words helped many parents that are just beginning their journey. Joyce Swords who started the mentoring program was there in honor of her daughter Angie. She wanted to met you and let you know how much your comments meant to her. Unfortunately she had to leave while you where talking with someone else. I am in awe at your courage and perseverance. The work of grieving is difficult, but made easier with the support of others who have gone before you. Thanks for sharing your story.
Judy Doyle <jdoyle@chmca.org>
Medina, OH USA - Wednesday, December 10, 2008 10:15 AM CST
It was nice seeing and talking to you today at school! It's funny how Buzzie & Sophia are! They are two peas in a pod! Even though Buzzie wants to dress the girlie part, she would wrestle too! She wanted to do ice hockey!
Julie Kline <tani_meezer@hotmail.com>
Mogadore, Oh Portage - Tuesday, December 9, 2008 2:05 PM CST
Jean: So sorry to hear about Gina's accident. Thank God it didn't require surgery. Give her an extra hug and kiss from us. Don't worry about tonight - you always have the right words. Frankie will be right beside you helping you along the way. Those parents are quite fortunate to have you speaking to them.

Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Tuesday, December 9, 2008 11:59 AM CST
You know how you feel when you look in the eyes of
one who has lost a child. As these parents look in your eyes, hear your words, feel your strength,
your dependance on the Lord. You will encourage
the broken heart and give hope to the grieving.
May you feel the power of the Spirit who will be
present in the words you speak.
I Love You, Mom

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Tuesday, December 9, 2008 10:40 AM CST
I'll be praying that your words echo God's heart and help these precious parents.
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Tuesday, December 9, 2008 9:06 AM CST
I'm sorry about Gina's thumb, but so glad her tendon was not too badly cut. I pray for you, Jean, that the Lord would give you all the right words to speak to the hearts of others. Praying that you and your family would feel God's love and blessings this season as we celebrate the birth of Christ.
Debra Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Tuesday, December 9, 2008 6:49 AM CST
Jean, I saw Guiseppe's picture in the Tallmadge express.Great that the season went well. Congrats on the $ brought in by your dinner donations to the Brunch Bunch. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and your family and hope the holiday season is a most blessed one for you. barb
Barb Moledor <Barbm@portagemrdd.org>
ravenna, OH USA - Friday, December 5, 2008 2:58 PM CST
Praying for you today, Jean!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Wednesday, December 3, 2008 8:50 AM CST
Thinking about you-
You are such a caring,loving person
and a great Mom.
Love, Prayers and Hugs,

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamiies.org>
Kent, OH - Tuesday, December 2, 2008 9:37 PM CST
I'm so glad that you had a Happy Thanksgiving.
You have come such a long way. You should be
proud of yourself.
We went to Minneapolis, Minnesota with our oldest
daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren (17 and 13)to see our 3rd daughter.
We had a wonderful time, just hectic. We left Wed morning and returned at 4 AM Sunday morning.
Families are the best.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, December 2, 2008 5:28 PM CST
Jean: It was wonderful seeing you and the kids on Thursday. Hope your Thanksgiving was great. I love the thought of Sophie wrestling!! I have no doubt she beats the boys!!! Hugs and Kisses to you all and remember that you are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Monday, December 1, 2008 8:05 AM CST
Your days are busy,
your hands always full.
Everything you do gives
hope and pleasure to others.
I love that you are going to the
Y with the kids. So good for
everyone. I love the times we
have together.
You are a treasure,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, November 30, 2008 5:28 PM CST
Beautiful, Jean, just beautiful! I can just picture you with those 20 football players in your home, eating a delicious home cooked meal. You are awesome to do that. It seems like that is where you really shine....opening your heart to others, and feeding them amply.

Too funny about Sophie and wrestling! Why am I not surprised that she's beating all the boys :).

I miss seeing you now that the hikes are over. Marie is loving the cooking classes, and the stromboli she brought home was woofed down quickly - delicious. Maybe you and I can just get together after Christmas some school day and cook with the kids. Or send the kids to play and just cook with the two of us! Let's just do something to get together, okay?

Happy Thanksgiving to you and the whole family. As always, I keep you in my prayers.


Teresa Giorgio <ggiorgio@roadrunner.com>
Sharon Township, OH - Thursday, November 27, 2008 2:48 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to all the Frisones. Jean, special prayers to you as you complete the work for your talk on Dec. 9. God bless!
Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
Kent, OH USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:50 AM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to the Frisone family!
We are going to Minnesota tomorrow morning
for Thanksgiving with our youngest daughter.
God be with you and yours.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, November 25, 2008 9:31 AM CST
Jean, it has been too long since I have written, but lately I find myself thinking about the Frisone's! Well, it started when Sue called me from the remembrance ceremony, I was so sad I had to work and then found out you were there, I am sorry I missed you guys. Wishing you happiness for the holidays, And my goodness, I havent visited the site lately, but your household is crazy!! Talk to you soon, Denise from M40
Denise Costanzo <denroot@aol.com>
Parma, OH USA - Monday, November 24, 2008 7:28 PM CST
Praying for you today! Happy Thanksgiving - may it be a wonderful, happy family event for you!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Monday, November 24, 2008 6:09 PM CST
Birthday month in the Frisone family.
Happy Birthday Angelo, Maria and Jean.
We celebrate the unique gifts you each
bring to our family.

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, November 23, 2008 11:09 AM CST
Jean: Sorry it's been so long since I've written. We are in Florida right now. Will be coming home this Sunday and to all the snow!!! Yuck!!! I will bring the wedding pictures to the Brunch Bunch. How proud you must be of the boys and their football talent. I look forward to seeing them all on Thanksgiving. All is well our way. Our little Anthony will be 8 months old on Tuesday and is pulling himself up and walking around the furniture. He'll be off and running before too long. Please be sure to give everyone big hugs and kisses from us. You all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Friday, November 21, 2008 1:37 PM CST
How far you have come. I am sure that God
will give you the words to say to bring comfort
to those who have lost children.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:25 AM CST
Today is Tuesday, so all my daily efforts are offered
for each of you.
So enjoyed our Thanksgiving, birthday gathering.
What an effort for all of you plus two, to travel south.
So good for us to be together. I am so grateful for the
gift of family. We are blessed indeed.
I was helping Marissa get ready for school.
In the front of her notebook, is Frankie with her arms
outstreached, and her button picture.
Frankie continues to inspire us all.
I Love You,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Tuesday, November 18, 2008 10:20 AM CST
Praying for you today, Jean!
Barbara Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Monday, November 17, 2008 10:48 AM CST
So glad I clicked in here to catch up with you! Although my family is not as large, I feel like there is no time for me right now, especially to catch up with you. But I also know that in the future there will be too much time for me, so I continue to enjoy the insanity. I love being a mom to these great kids!
I can't believe how well Hoban is doing in football, SO COOL! Top 4, that is amazing, so glad I joined you at the football field this year. Abby is doing Search this weekend, so not sure if I can go to this game but I do think of the boys! We had a surprise 16th b-day for Abby. Kids are all doing well, I have to tell you all about our dental adventures. Praying for you, I think of Frankie and ask her to pray for me when I am losing it, thanks Frankie!
Talk to you soon.

Mamie Wilson <gwilson@wyseadv.com>
Medina, OH - Sunday, November 16, 2008 8:33 AM CST
Woo Hoo!! Celebrating the boys win over Mayfield.
Can't wait till Christie and I come to
cook with you. That will be great fun.
You do not realize how much you accomplish
every day. It's like a master juggler at work.
Looking forward to catching a few of the balls
you have in the air.
We are so blessed!

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Saturday, November 8, 2008 10:38 AM CST
I'm happy to hear that you are having some better days!
Thinking of you!
Love, Hugs and Prayers,

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Ohio - Wednesday, November 5, 2008 7:45 PM CST
Your entry moved me to tears, I'm so glad you feel you have made progress. I know you never thought you would ever be able to write those words, let alone feel them! May you continue to be stronger each day. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Anne Marie <ammann0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, OH USA - Wednesday, November 5, 2008 6:34 PM CST

Think of you often. So happy to read some good news about your feelings. Glad that Anthony is feeling better.

Melissa, Larry , Sam and Baby <melissarobinbennett@comcast.net>
Cherry HIll, NJ USA - Wednesday, November 5, 2008 3:20 PM CST
Jean, good to hear of your update. Hope each day brings a little more sunshine into your lives and a little easier time dealing with all life's surprises. I continue to think of you often and keep your family in prayer. Barb
Barb Moledor <Barbm@portagemrdd.org>
Ravenna, OH USA - Wednesday, November 5, 2008 3:07 PM CST
How far you have come. Keep on keeping on.
Linda Lauck

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, November 5, 2008 1:13 PM CST
This entry made me cry. I continue to pray for you and your family.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Wednesday, November 5, 2008 5:24 AM CST
Dear Jean,
You said it all so well. It just takes time. It will be two years in 5 days for me and is still difficult, but not as bad. God bless You.

Jacqui Dewey-Smith <rsvofsc@yahoo.com>
Canton, Oh USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2008 1:42 PM CST
So very good to hear from you, Jean. You remain daily in my thoughts and prayers. What a joy it is to hear that your grieving has turned a corner and that you have the grace to recognize that. Enjoy the sunshine!
Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
Kent, OH USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2008 7:32 AM CST
Jean: So sorry to hear about Anthony's illness. Give him an extra big hug and kiss from me. I'm glad to hear the encouraging words you wrote. Each day makes you stronger and you are a survivor. I haven't forgotten about sending you pictures from the wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony and day - sun shining, perfect temperature, beautiful leaves changing colors. Tina looked gorgeous and Brian handsome. The whole weekend was fantastic!! Hopefully we will see you at the Brunch Bunch.
Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam
P.S. Sara successfully did 20 "sticks" and can now draw blood when working at the hospital. I'm very proud of her!!

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Tuesday, November 4, 2008 6:47 AM CST
It does not seem that long ago that Mike
was working for Amber Gardens while in school.
It was a 102 degree summer day.
They were working on a project at the Stow Cemetary,
The Christmas Box Angel Memorial.
I took fresh ice water to the workers.
The shrubs were little and fresh.
The bricks were placed with expert care.
There was a spirit of honor as Mike and the
workers created a place for those who lost a
child, to come and remember.
Today, I stood with many who came to place the
name of their child beneath the angel.
Little did Mike know that the work of his hands
would make a place for Francesca Jordan Frisone
to be remembered.
This day brings the reality that "there is a time
for grieving".

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Monday, October 20, 2008 2:27 AM CDT
Thinking of you, Jean, with the changing of each season. Praying that with each new season you are feeling the hope of brighter tomorrows, and the sweetest memories of precious Francesca.
Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Friday, October 17, 2008 5:21 AM CDT
Praying for you all.

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Thursday, October 16, 2008 9:00 AM CDT
Jean: My little bodyguard, Anthony cannot be looking at colleges!!! Yikes!! Always remember that WE never get any older only the kids!! If he does decide to go to a college by Cincinnati, Tina and Brian live in Anderson Township just outside of the city - he'll always have friends there. Saturday is the big day and I find myself reflecting on Tina's life. She was just a baby and now almost a married woman. How time flies by! I will be sure to send you some pictures of the Wedding. Hope all is well your way. You all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam
Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Thursday, October 9, 2008 6:24 AM CDT
Mmmm makes me want some chocolate milk.
Angelo and I got to welcome Uncle Joe home with
tortelini soup. It was Aunt Cindi's birthday,
so kisses all around.
Angelo is such a good worker. We got SO much done!
Had great fun too.
Love to one and all,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Thursday, October 9, 2008 1:53 AM CDT
Just a quick hello before I am off to bed. Can't wait to share the chocolate milk / Confirmation analogy that Fr. Winslow shared with us at Catholic Scripture Study on Tuesday. Okay, here it is. Don't we get the Holy Spirit when we get baptised? Why do we need Confirmation? Yes, of course we receive the Holy Spirit at baptism. Imagine a glass of white milk...that's us before baptism. When we receive the Holy Spirit at baptism it is like someone adding chocolate syrup to the milk. Now imagine the spoon coming into the milk to stir so that the milk is now chocolate through and through. Well, Confirmation is the stirring of the Spirit not the adding of the Spirit. Say hi to all the little kids for me. I miss you and them.

Jane Martin <jeffjane99@windstream.net>
- Wednesday, October 8, 2008 11:25 PM CDT
Jean-It has been along time since I wrote to you but I think of you always.I,m amazed how you do it all and with such grace and ease.You are truely a wonderful woman and I can only say great things about you.I cant believe Anthony is 18.Where did the time go?And you and Mark just celebrated your 20th.I hope this will be the year you and the girls will come and visit us.All my best to you and your family.Much love Chrissie
Christine pape <chrissie@55southst.com>
middlebury, ct usa - Tuesday, October 7, 2008 8:36 PM CDT
Praying for you and yours.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, October 7, 2008 1:08 PM CDT
You are truly amazing, pairing socks at a soccer game.
Why not. (Hint: Pin the socks together before you wash them and you'll never have to pair them again.)
Am continuing to pray for all of you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, October 2, 2008 11:49 AM CDT
Praying for you! Especially praying that you actually have socks that pair up - mine never do!!! :)
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Tuesday, September 30, 2008 6:53 PM CDT
Jean - Or should I say "Super Jean"!!! If men had to run the household, nothing would get done!! Women can multi-task beyond belief. Hope the game went well and Hoban won. All is well this way. Yesterday we saw our little Anthony (he turned 6 months old) and he is amazing!! Two week from this past Saturday, Tina will be a married woman. Sara and I went down overnight on Saturday and helped with last minutes things. As always, we have you all in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Monday, September 29, 2008 6:31 AM CDT
How very valuable is the work that you are doing.
The love and sacrifice mom's give to their children
reminds me of Mother Theresa's quote.
"Where there is great Love, there are great miracles"
We may not see the fruits of such a labor of Love.
I know matching socks is not one of your favorite things.
But watching Maria's athletic ability on the field, must
be a great distraction.
Look forward to seeing you today,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Sunday, September 28, 2008 9:58 AM CDT
Hi Jean!! Haven't forgotten your crazy household....had to laugh at your multi-tasking! I have actually thought of taking my laundry to work since we have a washer and dryer there! I had a nice reunion with nurse Cindy last week. It's only the 2nd time we have seen each other since your house. We vowed to stay in touch for sure this time. We need to book some time to see you, hopefully you will have a free hour somewhere! We could just come over and sort socks!! Love and hugs.Debbi
Deb Pfleiderer <nursedeb72@aol.com>
Rootstown, OH USA - Saturday, September 27, 2008 8:30 PM CDT
...and of course above all, Jesus is Love!

Oh, Jean, I had to laugh...talk about mutitasking! So that's how I can catch up on the laundry? We've been living for too long out of the baskets. Aren't wrinkles in?

A friend of mine, another busy mom, pulled out the iron one day and her 4 year old said, "Mom, what's that and what are you doing?"

Have a blessed day.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Saturday, September 27, 2008 5:19 AM CDT
I continue to pray for you and your family.
Enjoy these beautiful fall days with the children.
Time marches on so quickly.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, September 25, 2008 10:46 AM CDT
Jean, sorry I haven't written in a while, but wanted to let you know you and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. New challenges continue to arise, I especially think of Frankie when another student with major heart concerns comes in or when a student has heart surgery. Frankie was truly an inspiration to all of us. Her picture is on my bulletin board and a reminder of her enthusiasm for life. You also were always such a great Mom, always looking for ways to help her progress and so good at asking great thought out questions about her motor skills and following through with suggestions.Wishing you wisdom and strength to continue on, barb
Barb Moledor <Barbm@portagemrdd.org>
Ravenna, OH USA - Thursday, September 25, 2008 9:40 AM CDT
Jean: Sorry to hear about Anthony's recent hospital stay especially on his 18th birthday. My Brittany has had problems with her tonsils since the 4th grade and just had them removed on August 19th. In her case, it was the best thing to do. I can't believe that Anthony is 18!!! Hope all is well your way. Mom is back to herself - got her cast off on Friday, September 19th. Sara's clinicals this semester are at St. Thomas for Psych and Aultman for Med/Surg. She is really enjoying it but as you know, it is very stressful. Be sure to give everyone bit HUGS AND KISSES from us. Love, Linda and Sam
Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Thursday, September 25, 2008 6:44 AM CDT
It's Tuesday, this day is for you and all your intentions.
I Love You,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10:56 AM CDT
Hoping that this week will be as problem free as it could be with a big family.
Praying and thinking of you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, September 22, 2008 7:51 AM CDT
Dear Jean,
It's been a while since I signed in as life's journey takes us through storm after storm. Those whose eyes are on the Lord will NOT be defeated. Francesca's site gives me the inspiration I need to plow through the day. You stand strong in the Lord through each blow.

Recently I attended a friend's funeral. The pastor said something that really touched my heart..."Grief is Love not wanting to say good-bye."

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
Grand Island, NY - Monday, September 22, 2008 5:22 AM CDT
Praying for you!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Friday, September 19, 2008 8:43 PM CDT
How awful that Anthony spent his 18th birthday in the
hospital. But how wonderful that surgery was avoided
and he is on the road to recovery. You are such a good
mother and your children are so lucky to have you as
their mother.
As the Bible says a good mother's children will rise up and call her blessed.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, September 19, 2008 9:03 AM CDT
Jean-So sorry to hear about Anthony... I will include him in my prayers today.
Julie Kline <tani_meezer@hotmail.com>
Mogadore, OH USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:14 AM CDT
I'm so sorry to hear that Anthony
is in the hospital--
and on his birthday -not fair!
I hope he feels better very soon.
Happy Birthday Anthony!!
Love, Prayers & Hugs

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Oh - Tuesday, September 16, 2008 10:19 PM CDT
Hope you are home soon to enjoy the celebration.

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Tuesday, September 16, 2008 8:55 AM CDT
There is no "normal grieving" in life. Each person makes
their own. It is unique for each person. Please don't
be so hard on yourself. Grieving is 1 step forward and
6 steps back for a long time. Then one day you will realise
that you move 3 or 4 steps forward and 1 or 2 steps back.

God will see you through this. He never promised us a
trouble free life. But He did promise to be with us in
troubles and get us through.

May the love and mercy of God fill you and may His arms
surround you on dark days.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, September 12, 2008 2:38 PM CDT
Hope you are all feeling better.
Love and Prayers,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Friday, September 12, 2008 1:45 PM CDT
Thinking of you!!
Love & Prayers & Hugs

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Ohio - Thursday, September 11, 2008 11:09 PM CDT
Praying for you today.
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5:20 PM CDT
Hello Jean,
As I've learned over the last months, there's no book to explain your suffering. You are writing your own story of healing...trailblazing of sorts.
You are loved

Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
- Wednesday, September 10, 2008 11:26 AM CDT
Jean: Keep the words of that song close to you and HE will help you through, along with all the love and prayers from all of us. A dear friend of ours, Adam passed away on Sunday and now Frankie has another wonderful person to take care of her. Hugs and kisses to you all.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Wednesday, September 10, 2008 6:36 AM CDT
Hello Jean,
Just thinking of you and wanting to say hello. Still loving that little Frank and thanking God for allowing me to know her. If there were any way to relieve your sorrow, I would do it in a heartbeat. I will continue to pray for healing and that all the Frisones may feel the sure arms of our Heavenly Father holding and loving them. Love you,

Jane Martin <jeffjane99@windstream.net>
- Saturday, September 6, 2008 0:14 AM CDT
Mrs. Frisone, I miss you and the kids incredibly. I hope you guys are doing alright. I think about you daily. I would really love to get together and talk sometime soon. Lately, I have needed your wisdom. Please give the kids my hugs and kisses.
Kaylee <crishub3@aol.com>
akron, oh united states - Thursday, September 4, 2008 10:14 PM CDT
Jean: Thanks for the update. It's hard to believe that Angelo is already graduated and Anthony and Joey are in High School. Pretty soon Gina will be joining them. And Mario in Kindergarten!! I wonder if he is teaching all his classmates the Harley Wave!!! Please give all the kids a hug and kiss from us. Mom is all mended after her fall last month. She is counting down the days until the cast comes off and then look out Portage County - she will be able to drive again!!! Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam
P.S. Sara is now doing her Psych and Med/Surg clinicals.

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Oh - Thursday, September 4, 2008 6:17 AM CDT
Continuing to pray for you!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Wednesday, September 3, 2008 1:43 PM CDT
Please make yourself take family pictures.
Someday you will regret not doing so. I am
sure it is hard, but you are still a family.
Granted, your family has a huge hole in its fabric,
but a family nonetheless, just different.

Please know that so many of us still pray for
you and your whole family. We care a lot about all
of you and wish you the very best that life can bring.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, September 2, 2008 12:40 AM CDT
Jean -
Thanks for continuing to share Frankie with us. I pray for you and your family daily.

With heart hugs,
Kendra, Jaysen, Justin, & Joseph Briscoe

Briscoe <briscoekj@yahoo.com>
Virginia Beach, VA USA - Sunday, August 31, 2008 2:58 PM CDT
What wonderful poem!
Dear Frankie, I know you had a wonderful birthday in heaven. Please pray for your family and your friends still here who still miss you and love you desperately.

Elena <elljazz@gmail.com>
- Thursday, August 28, 2008 7:41 AM CDT
The Frisone internet has been on the fritz.
So Jean has been unable to check your wonderful
messages and Birthday wishes.
Mario went to St. Joe's for an hour of orientation,
and Jean spent that hour at Frankie's grave site.
I wish I could have been there with her.
But all of us held them in our hearts and prayers
all day.
Many blessings on all of your dear hearts,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 9:03 AM CDT
Thinking and praying for all of you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, August 27, 2008 7:11 AM CDT
Dear Mrs. Frisone,
I was just thinking of all of you today and then I ended up behind you at the light in Suffield on my way to coach volleyball at St. Joe's. I miss all of you a lot and I hope that things are going well. Give me a call if you ever need anything, I'm busy but I will ALWAYS have time for you.
much love,

Josephine <josephineland@aol.com>
Mogadore, OH - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 8:26 PM CDT
Thinking of you all today.
Jenn Matlack <jmatlack01@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, August 26, 2008 2:30 PM CDT
Thinking of you especially today.
I'm sure that the two "Tonys" are
holding Frankie on this special day.
"Hugs" until I can give you one in person!!
Love and Prayers,

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Ohio - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 10:59 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you on this day.
I know in my heart that Frankie is celebrating with
the angels in heaven. I'm sure that she is thinking
about you and the rest of the family.
May God bless each and every one of you and hold you
in the palm of his hand this day.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, August 26, 2008 7:58 AM CDT
Happy Birthday to our angel Frankie up in Heaven. She is surrounded by so many who are looking out for her - my Dad, Mr. Missimi, Mr. Schubert and Sr. Jordan. Know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers today and always.
Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 6:29 AM CDT
Dear Jean,
Just wanted to remind you that I am praying for you tonight and will hold you in prayer tomorrow especially on Frankie's 4th birthday. I also wanted to let you know that our conversation Saturday about school was VERY clarifying for me. Thank you so much for your thoughts on the subject. Speaking with you encouraged us to take the steps we need to and we met with the admissions director today. If it is God's will, the doors will open so Monica can be in the best spot; if the door closes, we'll know that's His will. I'll fill you in more later. Again, though, thanks for your thoughts - you gave me the courage I needed.

Can't wait to catch up with you in person, girl!!

Teresa Giorgio <ggiorgio@roadrunner.com>
Sharon Township, OH - Monday, August 25, 2008 9:16 PM CDT
Thinking for you and praying that you will find
strength and comfort as yet another anniversary
for Frankie comes and goos.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, August 25, 2008 8:17 AM CDT
Jean; Just a note to let you know you and the family are in my thoughts as Frankies Birthday approaches. I'm certain she is having a great party in heaven with all of our loved ones who have departed. I'm sure she is sitting on Jordan's lap with that huge smile of hers.

Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, OH - Sunday, August 24, 2008 2:34 PM CDT
Sooooo Good to hear your voice this morning... Really thought that the kids would answer your cell and not our mother!! It was awesome to talk to you both... Been thinking and praying for you alot lately... I told someone recently of your "awesomeness" in the homeschooling arena and made me feel again how special I am to have you for a sister... I will look forward to getting boys football schedules and girls soccer schedules... We will see if we can make it up to the Rubber Bowl game and Anthony's birthday...
Love you...

Christie Hamilton <tmagrace@aol.com>
Grove City, OH - Friday, August 22, 2008 2:03 PM CDT
What a beautiful and inspiring poem. Thank you
so much for sharing. God has certainly provided
you and your family with wonderful people who
inspire you and keep you going.

Please know that I pray for you every day and for
your entire family.


Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, August 19, 2008 11:13 AM CDT
Jean: Sorry I haven't written. Mom fell on 8/10 and broke her hand, nose and left cheekbone. She has been with us recouperating. She is doing quite well, able to get herself dressed, pour her coffee, etc. The only things she cannot do is drive (for 4 weeks and it is really ticking her off!!) and shower by herself. She will be going back to her place this Saturday and I will be checking on her each day. Hope all is well your way. Hugs and kisses to you all. Love, Linda and Sam
Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Monday, August 18, 2008 5:48 AM CDT
Dear Jean,
I spoke to Mark yesterday at the In-Service. It was good to see him.
As I read this offering by Marianne I dissolved in tears (again). It is all so true, and brings back memories that seem like yesterday , not 21 months ago! I miss my Patrick more now than ever! It is true that our losses
are tragic, but we must believe that they came to do the special task that they had to do, then went with the Father from whence they came. That doesn't make our grief or pain any less. We just have to move through it and endure it for awhile. Photogtraphs, memories, a song, can move us to fresh grief, and we ask if it will ever be over, but it does get a little easier as time goes by. Our other children grieve in their own ways, and need us to help them through it. Keeping busy even though you may not enjoy what you are doing or your heart is not in it, or it doesn't mean as much anymore, is still the best remedy. I am confident that the day will come when we will say, "I walked through this fire and finally came out on the other side still whole and ready to help others deal with their grief." It is difficult to believe that it will happen, but God will not let us suffer forever. Please know that others see us as courageous, tenacious, and willing to listen to others burdens and cares even though we carry such a heavy one. Let's just keep on being an example to others as we share our loss. You, Mark and the children are in my prayers daily.
May God bless you all.

Jacqui Dewey-Smith <rsvpofsc@yahoo.com>
Canton, Ohio USA - Saturday, August 16, 2008 2:14 PM CDT
While on vacation, we stopped in South Bend, Indiana and visited Notre Dame University. What a treat this was for me! I had the privilege of visiting Lourdes Grotto. What a spiritual movement for me. I lit a candle in Frankies memory and prayed for your continued healing and strength. Peace be with you.

Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, oh - Friday, August 15, 2008 11:36 PM CDT
What a beautiful poem. I love the last line, "...I still walk with you." Francesca will always be there with you in spirit. Praying for you, Jean, as well as your family.
Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Friday, August 15, 2008 5:49 AM CDT
Praying for you today, Jean!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Wednesday, August 13, 2008 6:35 PM CDT
Just a quick message to let you know
that I am praying for you on this Tuesday.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, August 12, 2008 10:14 AM CDT
Today is Tuesday, so this day is for you and the family,
and all your intentions.
With love and special prayers for each and every one.

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Tuesday, August 12, 2008 2:43 AM CDT
How wonderful to hear from you! I was getting very worried. I am glad that you are motivated to get
things done. That does help to ease your mind and spirit.
I continue to pray for you and yours.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, August 5, 2008 10:16 AM CDT
Jean: It was so nice seeing you Friday night at the party. You look wonderful!!! Don't worry about getting everything done - it will happen. Please be sure to give all the kids hugs and kisses from us.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Tuesday, August 5, 2008 6:46 AM CDT
As the summer winds down and school starts up again,
I hope that this year will be easier and less hectic.
Still praying for you and yours.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, August 4, 2008 1:20 PM CDT
Thinking of you and praying that your summer is a good one and that the memories of Francesca bring more smiles than tears.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Sunday, August 3, 2008 6:08 AM CDT
Praying that things are going well with you.
My thoughts and prayers are constantly with you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, August 1, 2008 8:22 AM CDT
Jean: Hope there is nothing wrong and your internet is just having problems because of no new updates. I hope you and the kids are enjoying your summer. School is just around the corner!! Our continued thoughts and prayers.
Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam
P.S. Sara received a scholarship from the Robinson Memorial Hospital Foundation. I'm so proud of her and she really enjoys her job at the hospital. Can you believe the twins are now JUNIORS in college!!!! Tina's wedding shower is this Sunday along with Twins Days on Saturday. Quite a busy weekend for us gals over here!!

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Thursday, July 31, 2008 6:42 AM CDT
I pray for your heavy crosses to be lifted now. (In the words of Johnny, "Seriously"..) My heart was heavy as mom shared with me when we were in Sedona together what is transpiring... Count on my love, prayers and support for you, Jean! I am so happy to hear of your house boat get-away... How refreshing it can be to take a breath every now and then... You are a woman of faith and I know you will take all troubles to the foot of the cross...
I love you...
P.S. I know mom told you about the "Frankie rock" she picked up in her hand for me at the Grand Canyon on my birthday... Can you even believe that!! It's beautiful and shaped like a heart! How precious that will be for me...forever and ever!!!
Talk soon! Hang in there...

Christie Hamilton <tmagrace@aol.com>
Grove City, OH - Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:32 AM CDT
Praying for you!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Tuesday, July 29, 2008 8:21 PM CDT
The kids are growing so fast!
Sure enjoyed our "tennis".
Summer is so enjoyable, I don't
want to see school start again.
Today is Tuesday, the day I offer for
all of you.
Many thoughts, prayers and love are with
you every day.
Love you,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Tuesday, July 29, 2008 10:25 AM CDT
Continuing to pray for all of you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:18 AM CDT
Jean; I'm so glad you had the opportunity to get away and enjoy yourself for a bit. Please keep a little girl named Ally in your prayers. She is 7 and they just discovered a bone tumor on her leg. She will be having surgery next week to determine if it is malignant and what the next step for treatment will be. I know prayer is powerful and this family can surely use it.
Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, OH - Monday, July 28, 2008 9:44 PM CDT
Hi Jean,
Just thinking about you and wanted to say hello. I need to bring the Pilgrim Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe back to you. I want to keep her after the miracles we've had since she's been here but there is another family who needs her I'm sure.

Your crosses are too heavy to bear alone. I pray that you will support each other and call on Jesus and His Blessed Mother. I think of Frankie with such gratitude and love since it was she who inspired us to pray, really pray when she was an infant.

With much love,

Jane Martin <jeffjane99@windstream.net>
- Monday, July 28, 2008 7:54 PM CDT
Hea there, can't wait to hear about the houseboat trip and all the things you guy have accomplished this summer. I can't believe how fast it is going. It makes me want to move to southern ohio, raise chickens and homeschool. I just can't believe how fast life is moving. We are on our way to FL for vacation and I was thinking of you. I miss seeing you and sharing about the Lord. I need to come see you and get my dose of "Jean". Love you!
Mamie Wilson <gwilson@wyseadv.com>
Medina, OH USA - Monday, July 28, 2008 9:51 AM CDT
I am praying today and every day for you and all
your family.
Have a blessed weekend.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, July 25, 2008 11:53 AM CDT
Thinking of you.
Love & Hugs & Prayers!!

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, oh - Thursday, July 24, 2008 9:31 PM CDT
I am praying for your entire family today!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Wednesday, July 23, 2008 11:23 AM CDT
Dear Jean,

Thank you SO MUCH for keeping me in thought and prayer. You don't know how much I appreciate that! Today I will pray that you and your family find peace in the very small things and in the knowledge that Francesca is now that perfect angel watching over you all. God bless

Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
Kent, OH USA - Tuesday, July 22, 2008 10:09 AM CDT
How wonderful you and most of the kids
were able to go on the houseboat.
Have you to taken the kids to grief
counseling? Sometimes it takes a while
for these things to come out into the open.
Everyone questions why me or why my family.
May God guide you to say the right things and
give you enough faith to help your family heal.
God bless.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, July 22, 2008 7:35 AM CDT
Jean: I'm so happy that you were able to get away with the kids. Sam and I and his brothers have talked about renting a houseboat - I'll have to call you and talk to you about it. Time will heal all of you and you know that Sam and I are only a phone call away if you ever need anything or if the kids would like to come over. You are all in our thoughts and prayers always. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Monday, July 21, 2008 6:27 AM CDT
Jean and 7 of the children have been on a house boat. Mark is home with Anthony and
Guiseppe. They will be home this evening, can't wait to
see you all.

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Friday, July 18, 2008 2:32 PM CDT
Still praying for you.
Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid>
- Friday, July 18, 2008 7:18 AM CDT
I pray that no new info is not a sign that you
are not doing well.
I pray for you daily that you may come to a turning
spot in your life.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:44 AM CDT
Miss you all, can't wait to see you.
Love Mom

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:43 AM CDT
Dear Jean,
Keeping you in thought and prayer. Blessings on
all of you,

Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
- Wednesday, July 16, 2008 1:43 PM CDT
I so enjoyed the moments we shared together at moms. The fam time with everyone was just so awesome wasn't it!! When I was done massaging Riss's feet thurs nite, I really wanted to do yours too!! But I hope to get you next time!.. Listening to Mike talk to your sons was an awesome gift as well.. Your big boys never cease to amaze me with their deep insightful thought processes. Their faith journey is a very special one and you are amazing in doing everything you do to help direct their path.. And how is it that our baby brother is the wisest ever and has THE GiFT to give to our children in the way that he does..You can see just how just how passionate he is in his sharing as well as listening..Listening to him and your boys was incredible.. They could have went all night!! I want to thank you so incredibly much for all of your hard work BEFORE all the hard work that weekend... The stromboli that I was trying to resist on thurs nite was unbelievable!!! You once again made our tummies happy and we all appreciated it imensely!! I treasured the talks we each would have with eachother as we worked..PRICELESS!~ I loved ours in particular when stripping wallpaper in the laundry room. Do you rememeber when it was called the mudroom?.. :) Flashbacks of rubber boots and things trudged thru that room when growing up pop into my head.. Our talk was awesome and I can't wait to spend a T-time with you and mom next IN THE KITCHEN!!! Woo-hoo! Rachel Ray watch out! I would love to have Gina, Maria, and Sophia there too.. Of course Frankie's spirit will be with us too... I still remember the complete ham she was in your kitchen when we made raviolies! Well..she's in heaven's kitchen with Grandma Melucci!
Didn't you love it when Jeff wanted to know how the walls talked in OUR room! How many memories it truely has...that room of ours... We were the bestest of best friends as well as sisters in that room...sharing secrets and hopes for our future...Now as we stripped wallpaper again in that room with EVVVERYONE crammed in there laughing and carrying on...brought back soooo much... I think of your girls too and the memries they are creating now with eachother... Having a sister is the most wonderful blessing ever....and our times in the past present and future mean the world to me... We have experienced eachothers pain in the toughest heartaches and celebrated with eachother in the most highest of highs experienced in this rollercoaster of life... I am praying for you. Always. I can't wait to spend more time with you and the kids! I put in V-time for the week of August 10th...Does that work to get together then?.. Maria mentioned canoeing again...I would looooove that! I could use a little trail time too! Let me know what you think... We could finish little unfinished things at moms too...Thanks for all you do for our family...I love you!

Christie Hamilton <tmagrace@aol.com>
Grove City, OH - Monday, July 14, 2008 5:06 PM CDT
I continue to pray for you. I hope that all is well.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, July 14, 2008 9:27 AM CDT
Jean - Praying with - and for - you today.
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Thursday, July 10, 2008 8:11 AM CDT
Saw Sophia yesterday here at Oakwood and
she is so cute and so grown up. All of
your kids have the nicest smiles
and are so pleasant and well behaved.
That is surely a sign that you are an
awesome mother.
I continue to pray for you and your family.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, July 9, 2008 3:29 PM CDT
Jean - Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and that Joey had a great 16th birthday!! Congratulations to Sophia and her award from school. She sure is a cutie!! All is well this way, Sam's folks are up from Florida and we are enjoying spending time with them. Hugs and kisses to you all. Love, Linda and Sam
Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Monday, July 7, 2008 1:39 PM CDT
Thanks for all your hard work, great cooking and baking,
but most of all, your presence. We worked hard, but it
sure was fun being together.
My prayers continue as you face the many challenges each
day presents.
I Love You,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, OH usa - Monday, July 7, 2008 8:47 AM CDT
I am still praying for you and thinking about you

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, July 7, 2008 8:26 AM CDT
I am praying for you Jean - the prayer you entered today was beautiful. I pray that God will continue to strengthen you and give you the wisdom you need.
Debbie Brumfield <dbrumfield@neo.rr.com>
Akron, - Friday, July 4, 2008 8:39 PM CDT
Jean - Hope you had a nice time down in Cincy. It was great seeing Joey at the Watson's yesterday. He will always be "Joey" to me!! Heard that you will be getting a new member to the family. Have fun with that new puppy!! All is well this way. Tina tried on her wedding gown for us (me, Mom and Aunt Barb) and she looked beautiful!! The wedding is only a few months away.
Hugs and Kisses to you all. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Monday, June 30, 2008 7:04 AM CDT

It's good to do for the first time, in such a
long, long time, something so wonderful.
You and I, by ourselves, in our bathing suits
(OK, maybe not all wonderful). Swiming together
was rare and so good. Thank you for taking
precious "alone" time.
I will bring clothes Monday.
Have fun in Cincinnati. I will be thinking of
you all,
Love to one and all,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Saturday, June 28, 2008 4:38 AM CDT
Dear Jean,
I am reading the same book! It is one of the best I have read. I hope that you continue to feel better, and know that you will have "those" days. Lots of activity helps, and REST.
Prayers and love to all.

Jacqui Dewey-Smith <rsvpofsc@yahoo.com>
Canton, Ohio USA - Friday, June 27, 2008 2:52 PM CDT
Oue internet has been down too.
I still thought about and prayed for you anyway.
Remember, the kids grow up and leave home and the
housework is forever. Maybe take one day a week for the heavy housework and the rest of the week use only a few hours. The most important thing is the chikdren.
They will not always be small.
Have a great weekend.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, June 27, 2008 10:12 AM CDT
Thank you for telling me about this book. Unfortunately, I have a few friends who have lost their children and can use this book. May the Lord continue to bring you comfort and healing.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Friday, June 27, 2008 4:44 AM CDT
Seeing Sophia, asleep in the car gave me
the feeling, we should do all those little girl
things together, now. She will be Gina's size soon.
They are all growing up before our eyes. You will,
before you know it, be in my shoes, looking back at
all these precious days, with a much different lense.
I pray for you and your intentions with every thought
of you.
I Love You,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 12:03 AM CDT
I've been praying for you today, Jean!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Tuesday, June 24, 2008 6:17 PM CDT
Jean: Don't worry - all those projects will get done. Spend time with the kids and enjoy the summer. We all have projects around the house and we could drive ourselves crazy trying to get them done. Enjoy each day as the work will always be there. Tina and Brian are coming up from Cincinnati on Friday and Tina is bringing her wedding gown with her. I am so excited!!! In four months she will be a married woman!! How time flies!
Hugs and Kisses to you all. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Monday, June 23, 2008 6:50 AM CDT
Thinking of you!
Love and Prayers,

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Ohio - Sunday, June 22, 2008 11:06 PM CDT
Thinking of you this morning, Jean, and all you have been through. I am praying that the Lord would ease your pain and that memories of Francesca and thoughts of being reunited with her one day would make your heart glad.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com>
- Sunday, June 22, 2008 5:48 AM CDT
Just a note to tell you how much
I appreciate you.
I know this journey is not easy.
You remain focused and faithful.
Know that many thoughts and prayers
are with you.
I Love You,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, OH usa - Friday, June 20, 2008 7:40 PM CDT
I haven't written for a long time but I do read your entries often. I just wanted to let you know that I think of you often. You are such a beautiful person - your love and devotion to God is an inspiration and encouragement. Love, Karen

Karen Pippin <knursed@yahoo.com>
Louisville, Oh - Thursday, June 19, 2008 2:16 PM CDT
Jean: Just a quick "hello". Hope all is well your way. It was wonderful talking to you the other day even though it was brief! We are all great my way. Sam's parents will be up for the 4th of July and we are anxious to see them. Will see our little Anthony tomorrow - it's great being grandparents!!! Hugs and Kisses to you all.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:44 AM CDT
Still praying for you and sending good thoughts
your way. Hope that your heart is not so heavy
today. May God comfort you and heal both your knee
and your heart.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, June 18, 2008 9:33 AM CDT
Jean, I have not written in awhile, but wanted to let you know I continue to check Frankie's corner regularly, and keep you and the family in prayer. Hope your knee is healing well and that you have some good PT to speed up the process. The picture of the kids in the RC from the picnic was great. I do miss our visits and think of you often. Know that your words and reflections continue to be touching so many lives. Praying for your strength and faith to continue, Barb
Barb Moledor <Barbm@portagemrdd.org>
Ravenna, OH USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2008 3:25 PM CDT
It was so good to be at Aunt Mary Ann and
Uncle Bill's, to celebrate Grandpa Guy's
New Life. Seemed like old times, only the
"little kids" are now all grown up, bringing
their little ones to the water.
How fun! I am so grateful for your good
baking and pulling things together so quickly,
so we could spend some good family time together.
Blessings as your knee heals,
Love you,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, OH usa - Thursday, June 12, 2008 8:46 AM CDT
Reading the words from your heavy heart brings me down on my knees, asking the Lord to comfort you and continue to carry you through this painful season of grief. Hold tight to God's promises. He loves you. So do I.
Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com>
- Wednesday, June 11, 2008 6:45 AM CDT
I'm glad we got to have a real hug Friday -not emailed.
Love and Prayers and Hugs!!!

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, oh - Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:37 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you every day.
I can never even imagine the loss and pain you feel.
I can however tell you that I am here for you and
hold you close in my prayers every day.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, June 10, 2008 3:59 PM CDT
Jean: How proud of Angelo you must be!! Congrats again to him. Mom told me she saw all of you on Friday and she couldn't get over how big the kids have gotten. They sure do grow up fast!! Hope you enjoy the summer with the kids. Hugs and kisses. Love, Linda and Sam
Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Monday, June 9, 2008 11:33 AM CDT
Dear Jean,
Your grief tears at my heart and I sit here with tears running down my cheeks for you, for me, for our children who are gone. Ellen Mitchell's writing struck my heart. It is as if she were writing just for us who still grieve. We WILL get through it because we have to. My prayers are with you and all of your family daily.

Jacqui Dewey-Smith <rsvpofsc@yahoo.com>
Canton, Ohio USA - Monday, June 9, 2008 9:55 AM CDT
Praying for you tonight!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Sunday, June 8, 2008 7:04 PM CDT
How proud you must feel about Angelo's award.
I know that you are proud of all your children.
Continuing to pray for you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, June 7, 2008 10:24 AM CDT
My prayers for you continue.
Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com>
- Friday, June 6, 2008 9:37 AM CDT
Sending love and prayers for all the Frisone's.
I did not mention, Angelo got an award for most
outstanding student in his class.
Way to go Ang!
I don't know if I will ever get used to all of you
towering over me.
And now Gina, my oldest granddaughter is almost as
tall as grandma. What a responsible, resourceful
young lady!
Love you all,

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Wednesday, June 4, 2008 10:13 AM CDT
Jean: Congratulations to Angelo on his graduation!! It was just yesterday he was walking me to the bank in Kent as my "bodyguard"!! Please be sure to give him our best. I hope that you are feeling better and enjoying the nice weather (except for today!). Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam
P. S. Tina got her wedding dress!! I can't believe she will be getting married, she was just a little girl!

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Tuesday, June 3, 2008 6:42 AM CDT
What a milestone, Angelo is graduating! Now
you are the mother of a man. What a new experience.
The first of many, many more. They grow up so fast
amd move away from us.

I continue to pray for you and yours.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, June 1, 2008 1:11 PM CDT
Angelo is graduating!
and entering the work a day world.
Great accomplishment!
Congrats Angelo and all who have
encouraged you on your journey.
Way to go!

Rita Warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Friday, May 30, 2008 12:41 AM CDT
Praying for you!
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Friday, May 30, 2008 7:56 AM CDT
Dear Jean,
Continued prayers for healing and peace.

Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
- Thursday, May 29, 2008 11:04 AM CDT
I was good to see you last week.
Still praying for all of you.
Hope the knee is better every day.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, May 28, 2008 12:04 AM CDT
I hope your knee is feeling better and you are able to get outside with the kids. Prayers for you continue.
Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Tuesday, May 27, 2008 8:52 PM CDT
I know Frankie has welcomed Maria Sue Chapman.
Our prayers are with the Chapman family.
May the thousands of families touched by their
music, storm heaven for the grace they need to
be carried through this tragedy.
I remember us going to Child of the Promise, and
being so inspired by the beautiful message for the
season. One of the most fun things we have done together.
Hope the holiday week end brings time to enjoy the
Love you,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Friday, May 23, 2008 9:45 AM CDT
Dear Jean,
Hope you have a wonderful weekend and can enjoy outdoors time. I'm savoring all the purple flowers in our yard and praying for all of you daily.

Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
- Friday, May 23, 2008 8:05 AM CDT
I'm sorry you had to go through knee surgery. I will pray for a speedy recovery. In the meantime, keep enjoying the time you are forced to sit still and read with your kids. Sometimes it's so hard to just stop and spend a big chunk of time with the kids when a long and urgent to-do list lingers in our minds. God bless you and your family. Thank you for praying for Gabe.

Debbie <thejohnstonvi@msn.com>
- Tuesday, May 20, 2008 5:26 AM CDT
Glad to hear that you are healing well. Glad
also to hear that you are enjoying the
time with the children. These are the
memories that they will cherish all their lives.
Take care and take it easy.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, May 19, 2008 8:10 PM CDT
It was fun to go to awards night at Hoban.
Anthony sure has done a good job!
We do have so much to be thankful for.
Continued prayers for Gabriel David and his

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Monday, May 19, 2008 12:40 AM CDT
Jean: Hope you are feeling better. Take advantage of the help offered and relax and enjoy your reading. All is well this way, Mom will turn 89 this Friday. She's a spitfire!! Sara started at Robinson two weeks ago and loves it. Be sure to give the kids a hug and kiss from us.
Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Monday, May 19, 2008 7:03 AM CDT
Hope your knee is healing well. Knee pain is so very
painful. Please take care of yourself. You must take
care of yourself first in order to take care of others.
Others need to feel needed. By allowing others to care
for you you give them the gift of feeling good when helping others. That is not always easy but remember how
good it feels to help someone. By allowing others to help you they are able to have that feeling also.
Take care.
Love, Linda

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, May 18, 2008 11:00 AM CDT
I just came back from Uncle Joe's graduation at
I trully believe that Frankie watches over all
those who carried you through the past years.
I hope everyone experiences the same boundless
love she had for you on earth, increased in the
grace and advocating she does for you today.
Walking into graduation, there were several
vases of purple flowers, as a reminder of her
presence and that of the Communion of Saints.
If she acts so in the lives of her Aunts, Uncles,
Cousins, Grandparents and Friends,
How much she must hold her parents close.
Continued healing,
I Love You,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Sunday, May 18, 2008 10:33 AM CDT
It's time for you to be "Queen for a Day..make that a week" and let everyone take care of you. Sometimes we need to sit back and just let go and enjoy. I hope you can do that for a few days! Thoughts and prayers are with you.

Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, Oh - Wednesday, May 14, 2008 5:51 AM CDT
Jean: Just a quick "Hope you're feeling better" note. Heard about the knee surgery yesterday. Let everyone take care of you for you deserve it!!! Hope all is well.
Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7:08 AM CDT
Thank you for again sharing the things that are special
to you. You are so thoughtful and they are always very

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, May 12, 2008 6:42 PM CDT
Jean: Happy Mother's Day to you also!! Hope your day was a good one - any runny eggs, blackened toast and dandelions? You were in my thoughts and prayers yesterday as you are always. Hugs and kisses to you all.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Monday, May 12, 2008 1:21 PM CDT
Thought of you several times on Mother's Day. I hope it was special. I know just sitting with my kids made the day special. I think of Frankie often, hoping that she is watching over all of us. There are days when I can really use it. Thanks for the birthday wish. I love you!
Mamie Wilson <gwilson@wyseadv.com>
Medina, Ohio - Monday, May 12, 2008 11:19 AM CDT
Well you just brought big ol' tears to my eyes when I read your message on Sawyer's site. You will NEVER know how much that meant to me! I promise you that there is not a day that goes by that I don't come visit Frankie's page. At times I just stare at the big picture of her on the welcome page. As long as I live I will never forget your sweet little girl. Although we were only able to meet in the hospital for a few weeks you and your family AND FRANKIE will have a special place in my heart forever.
Please know that we think of you often!!

Sending you big hugs from N.C.!
Your favorite roommate,

Ashley <sawyer50@bellsouth.net>
Asheville, NC - Sunday, May 11, 2008 10:54 PM CDT
Thinking of you and hoping this
will be a bettter week for you.
Love and Prayers,

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Ohio - Sunday, May 11, 2008 10:37 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day! Hope the day brings
you all the wonderful things you deserve.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, May 11, 2008 2:37 PM CDT
I am praying for you tonight - that you would have a special Mother's Day with your dear children.
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Saturday, May 10, 2008 10:03 PM CDT
You were the first one to call me "Mom",
and I have been never been the same. As
the blessing of Motherhood and being a
Grandma multiplies, I cherish the example
you give, the unconditional love you share
with me, and the many lessons life brings of
holding on and letting go.
Grandparents Day with Sophia was so nice.
She sure enjoyed being surrounded by her Grandparents.
Picking weeds and pruning the tree was great fun.
Anything we do together becomes fun.
I thank God for Motherhood and the way you trust
that God will give you the strength you need for
this most important job.
Embrace the beauty of the day,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Saturday, May 10, 2008 4:22 PM CDT
Hope that things look brighter for you today.
Praying for healing and comfort.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, May 10, 2008 9:54 AM CDT
I'm sorry for the hurt you are feeling. I am asking the Lord to lift your sorrow, to fill you with the joy that only He can provide.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Friday, May 9, 2008 6:28 AM CDT
God puts the right people in front of us to remind
us that we are not the only ones who suffer. You will
have good and bad days for a long time. My heart goes
out to you.
Today would have been my oldest sister's 83 birthday.
She has been gone for 12 years and I still miss her
every single day. She was like a mother to me and I
miss her so.
My second sister was 80 last Saturday and I feel very
fortunate to still have her. I thank God every day for
her. She volunteers at the agency and we get to see
each other every day. I really value her. She is my
last living sibling out of 6.
I continue to hold you and your family in my thoughts
and prayers. You are never alone. Many of us love and
pray for you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, May 8, 2008 7:45 PM CDT
Jean: Sorry to hear you were having a bad time. It is reality that you will have those days, but you are a strong woman and will forge ahead. Know that you are always in my thought and prayers. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Thursday, May 8, 2008 6:54 AM CDT
Dear Jean,
Trust me, better days are ahead. I too see all kinds of suffering all around me, and how well people cope. I count my blessings every day. The deep sadness and greiving will let up more and more as time goes on, and you let her go. You know that she is supremely happy and looking forward to the day you are all reunited. But remember, there is no time in Heaven as we know it and it will be as if no time has elasped for her when she sees you all again. I try to think of my Patrick as being busy and happy and helping us in whatever way God has allowed him to, while he plays with our dog Smitty and my cat Gabby and spends time with grandparents whom he never had a chance to meet here, as well as those he did know. I am sure that she is with Sister Jordan, and relatives she never met here, too. She is probably the darling of Heaven! Keep on, keepin' on, Jean mo matter how difficult it is.
I have several lavendar tulips blooming!
Love and prayers,

Jacqui Dewey-Smith <rsvpofsc@yahoo.com>
Canton, Ohio USA - Wednesday, May 7, 2008 5:04 PM CDT
How inspiring that poem is! It is so true.
No matter what we face we must pick ourselves
up and go on. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Continuing to pray for you and your family.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, May 5, 2008 8:52 PM CDT
What a beautiful poem. It brought tears to my eyes as I think of my little Gabe. His hip problems cause him to fall often, but he picks himself up and keeps going full speed, always trying, but never succeeding, in keeping up with the others. Still he runs with a smile and never stops trying. What a great lesson here. The enemy wants us to give up when we fall. With God on our side, we can get up and keep on going. If we're doing our best, that's good enough. Jean, it's amazing to see how you have managed to pick yourself up after Francesca's passing and do all that you do, even though you feel it's 'not enough.' You are a true inspiration. I say a prayer for you and your family each morning when I look out the many shades of purple in my flower garden. (I understand the flowers in Heaven are a thousand times more beautiful than the ones here on earth.}
Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid>
- Sunday, May 4, 2008 10:38 PM CDT
Jean; It was great to see you and the younger kids at the office the other day. My, how big and mature they are getting! You look wonderful! Keeping you in my daily thoughts and prayers.
Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, oh - Sunday, May 4, 2008 6:32 AM CDT
HI Jean!
Just wanted to tell you how well behaved Sophia was at the field trip yesterday. She sat next to Buzz at the play and both were perfect. It was funny, when we got back to school she let me out first so she and Buzz could walk in together. I told her to be careful we might have to call her Buzz 2 since they are two peas in a pod!

Julie Kline <tani_meezer@hotmail.com>
Mogadore, Oh 44260 - Friday, May 2, 2008 1:40 PM CDT
Jean: Happy Birthday to your uncle and friend!! My Dad always said that a true friend is man's greatest asset - how true that statement is!! My wish for you is to have a wonderful day and try to take some "Jean" time. Hugs and Kisses to you all. Love, Linda and Sam
Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Thursday, May 1, 2008 6:40 AM CDT
Thinking about you and your family.
Praying for all of you too.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 30, 2008 7:45 PM CDT
Dear Jean,
As always, keeping you all in my prayers every day. May our Father's love touch you in a special way today.

Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
Kent, OH USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 10:31 AM CDT
Jean: Good Morning to you all!! Hope all is well the Frisone way! Life is good our way. Sara will be starting at Robinson on May 5th and is quite excited. Already has her scrubs!! We will be going down to see our grandson this weekend (Sam and Abby live west of Zanesville) and he is a month old today. I bet the kids are getting excited for school to be ending. Be sure to give them all a hug and kiss from us. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Monday, April 28, 2008 6:52 AM CDT
Dear Jean,
So great to see you Friday night! Wasn't it fun - just to be with the other friends and laugh a lot! That's why I enjoy our once a month get togethers so much....we can just take a deep breath, exhale, and enjoy some conversation with other moms. I am so glad you made it.

Hope to see you again soon....maybe when we're back from vacation we can have a day when you and the kids come over. They could ride the horses, jump on the trampoline, and just have fun together.
Talk to ya soon,

Teresa Giorgio <ggiorgio@roadrunner.com>
Sharon Township, OH USA - Saturday, April 26, 2008 9:18 PM CDT
Last year I had only a very few purple
crocuses. This year they are everywhere.
I also have purple hyacinths.
Francesca's memory is alive all over.
Everywhere I go there are predominately
purple flowers.
May God continue to send you purple flowers.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, April 26, 2008 1:10 PM CDT
The purple tulips and other purple flowers are blooming. Reminders of precious Francesca. We continue to pray for your family.
Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid>
- Saturday, April 26, 2008 7:03 AM CDT
What insight you experienced.
Without neglecting your family,
of course you could make a difference
to other parents who have lost children.
You could be a mentor to another family,
or write a book, or simply pray for other
families in crisis situations.
God surely has blessed you through all that
you and your family have gone thru and I
know you have a lot to give to help others.
May God continue to bless and guide you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 23, 2008 1:35 PM CDT
Thinking of you and praying for you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, April 21, 2008 6:44 PM CDT
Jean: Sara was so surprised to see you all at church on Sunday. She can't believe how big the kids have gotten! Hope all is well with you. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Monday, April 21, 2008 7:41 AM CDT
Wishing you and your family sunshine
inside and out.
Enjoy your weekend.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, April 19, 2008 11:48 AM CDT
Hoping you all can get out and enjoy the sunshine today.

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, oh usa - Thursday, April 17, 2008 9:16 AM CDT
What a wonderful way to spend Frankie's
Anniversary. I'm sure it meant a lot to the
staff of the Clinic as well.

How much you have grown this past year. How
strong you are. You, your family and especially
Frankie have touched so many lives in such a
positive way.
Thank you for sharing this past year with all
of us.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 16, 2008 8:16 PM CDT
How wonderful that God would send you a rainbow! He loves you. Your fiesty Frankie is still with you and will always be.
"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken..." Isaiah 54:10

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid>
- Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:41 AM CDT
Thinking of you
and sending you Love and Prayers!!

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Ohio - Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:45 PM CDT
Jean: Just a quick "Good Morning" to you all. Hope all is well. We remembered Frankie this past Sunday at 8:30 Mass at St. Joe's in Mantua. Some parishioners were asking who she was and believe me, I told them all about her! She was and always will be very loved. Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam
P. S. If you would, keep Mom in your prayers. She was in the hospital last week. Her heart was out of normal rhythm and they had to shock it back in. She's feeling better but I can tell that she still isn't 100%.

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Tuesday, April 15, 2008 7:22 AM CDT

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, oh usa - Sunday, April 13, 2008 10:23 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers continue to be
with you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, April 11, 2008 7:28 PM CDT
Your in our thoughts and prayers
Todd and Jillian <jlr@usa.com>
- Friday, April 11, 2008 4:44 PM CDT
Dear Jean and Family - Our thoughts and prayers are with you on this special day for Francesca. I see her surrounded by family, friends, tulips, sunshine, cool breeze and angels. Jean, I'm glad to hear that you had a couple of days with the ladies! You need that break! Take care - love ya!
Mary Ann Lovell <llovellma@aol.com>
Kent, Ohio United States - Thursday, April 10, 2008 10:01 PM CDT
My sister (Debbi Pfeiderer) were talking about Frankie this morning and how much we still miss her. It is hard to believe how one sweet child could touch so many lives in her short time here on earth. She truly was an Angel sent from God. Unfortunately he wanted her back a little to soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today and everyday.
Patty <pjrace24@hotmail.com>
Herdlick, OH USA - Thursday, April 10, 2008 9:55 PM CDT
As this dreaded day comes to a close, I pray that you felt all of the love that was sent your way, to feel the hugs we wish we could have been there to give. God bless your entire family. Love, Debbi
Deb Pfleiderer <nursedeb72@aol.com>
Rootstown, OH USA - Thursday, April 10, 2008 9:46 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you always, but especially today.
Larry Bartlett <eljaybee63@aol.com>
Modesto, CA - Thursday, April 10, 2008 5:57 PM CDT
I just wanted to let you know that you and yours are in my prayers on this anniversary. God Bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, Amen.
Ukok (Debbie Scalise)
Stoke-on-Trent, England - Thursday, April 10, 2008 5:05 PM CDT
May you take comfort in the many loving memories you will always have to cherish.
Geri Ann
- Thursday, April 10, 2008 4:24 PM CDT
Jean, Just wanted to let you know that you and your family are especially being prayed for on this special day. Barb
barb Moledor <Barbm@portagemrdd.org>
Ravenna, OH USA - Thursday, April 10, 2008 3:29 PM CDT
Praying for you.
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Thursday, April 10, 2008 11:19 AM CDT
Thank you for continuing to be a witness to all of us.
My thoughts are with you today. I hope your visit to the hospital is helpful and inspirational. Mass was said for Frankie today, I know she was there to celebrate!
Love you!

Mamie Wilson <gwilson@wyseadv.com>
Medina, OH USA - Thursday, April 10, 2008 10:05 AM CDT
You are all in my thoughts and prayers today. I miss your little girl just as much today as a year ago. When I woke up this morning, all I could think about was how you were going to get through this day. You have gotten through because you had to keep putting one foot in front of the other....and because you had the faith to be carried when you could no longer walk. I had my tears this morning and I know there will be tears for a long time to come. If there was never a Francesca, this pain would not be here. Can you even imagine not ever having this special little girl? Hang on to those special memories and thanks for letting others share in them. God bless you and the little angel, too. Love, Debbi
Deb Pfleiderer <nursedeb72@aol.com>
Rootstown, OH USA - Thursday, April 10, 2008 8:40 AM CDT
Dear Jean,
You are in my heart and my prayers all day today... I looked at Frankie's sweet face in the picture today and it brought me peace... Her smile in that picture is the cutest ever and her little hands folded together is such a precious sight... She is praying to Jesus and the angels for you... You held her up at her weakest moments and her lively fiesty spirit is with you today as you go to Cleveland Clinic to visit everyone who cared for her there... How wonderful that mom and Maria get to share this experience with you!~
The love everyone has for Francesca is so palpable and let help give you strength to get thru a day that is held with such emotion... I treasured our girl time together over the weekend. Please know how much we all love you and support you in still difficult challenges you face in your life... I would love to have this opportunity to connect with the Woman of Faith in our fam every year in honor of Francesca...She continues to bless us with her wonderful spirit...
I love you big sister of mine...

Christie Hamilton <tmagrace@aol.com>
Grove City, OH - Thursday, April 10, 2008 8:25 AM CDT

I feel blessed that we were able to have
time together last weekend. Sitting on
the floor and talking with you was the
perfect ending to my day. It makes me
imagine what it would have been like if
we would have been sisters by blood.
Instead, I'm thankful that we are sisters
by love and I thank God that I'm a part
of this family. I said an extra prayer
for each of you today and I know that
God will hold you extra close to Him.

I love you,

Debbie Melucci <joedeb5@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, April 10, 2008 6:51 AM CDT
Praying for you today.
Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com>
- Thursday, April 10, 2008 6:39 AM CDT
Blessings on all those who love Francesca and have supported her family.
The beauty of Spring is so appropriate for the
celebration of her Spirit.
Prayers for all the Frisones this day,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Thursday, April 10, 2008 6:19 AM CDT
Jean: I am so happy for you that you had special time with your Mom and "sisters". You have all made it through this first year and I'm in awe at your strength and faith. There are always thoughts and prayers coming your way but especially today. As I sit here at my desk at work, I'm looking at Frankie's picture, a picture of the twins with Angelo, Anthony and Joey and one of Terri, Mark and I taken at Frankie's first birthday party. A lot of memories right here at my desk - great memories, fun memories - ones that will never be forgotten just like Frankie. We are sending so much love to you all! Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Thursday, April 10, 2008 6:18 AM CDT
Dear Jean,
Special prayers coming your way today. You HAVE all come a long way. And we're still here beside you as the journey continues. You are an amazing woman!

Linda DeFrange <timlin@neo.rr.com>
Kent, OH USA - Thursday, April 10, 2008 6:04 AM CDT
How wonderful you had such a marvelous weekend.
You have grown so much over this last year.
Your mother is a wonderful person and you are
so lucky to have her. How thoughtful she is
to plan a weekend with your sisters.
God has surely been good to you in giving you
all the wonderful people you have in your life.
May He continue to bless you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 9, 2008 8:48 PM CDT
Thoughts and prayers are with you. I have my "Frankie" button sitting here, she warms my heart and reminds me to count my blessings!
Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 9, 2008 6:13 PM CDT
I had a wonderful time with you last weekend! I'm so thankful that everything worked out so well! I'm up for making dinner at P.F. Chang's a regular tradition! :-D Mike and I are thinking about you and the family and praying for you all the time. We love you all!
Jules and Mike
Columbus, OH - Wednesday, April 9, 2008 4:58 PM CDT
Dear Jean,
Thinking of you all this week. Deb and I talk often of you and I am so glad you got to spend time with her this past weekend. You are in my prayers...
Jen Estep (Deb Melucci's friend)

Jennifer Estep
Wheelersburg, Oh USA - Wednesday, April 9, 2008 11:39 AM CDT
We're wishing you strength and sending your family prayers at this hard time. I can not imagine what you've been through over the past year. I can only hope you find comfort and strength in all the positive thoughts people are sending you.
Julie Kline <tani_meezer@hotmail.com>
Mogadore, OH USA - Wednesday, April 9, 2008 9:40 AM CDT
Sending you Love, Hugs and Prayers!!

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Oh - Tuesday, April 8, 2008 9:08 PM CDT
I pray that God will give you and your
family the strength to Get thru this difficult time.

Francesca is free of pain and the problems of this
troubled world. I know that you wanted to keep her
with you longer and miss her terribly.

I pray that you may find peace in the faith that saw
you thru so much a year ago.
May God continue to bless you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, April 8, 2008 6:44 PM CDT
Tomorrow will be Francesca's one-year anniversary in Heaven. I don't think one day has gone by that I have not thought of what a loss this is for you. Yet you have battled through your grief, inspiring so many others with your faith. You have stored up your treasures in Heaven along with your most precious treasure, Francesca. Each day I pray that the Lord would comfort your achng heart.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com>
- Tuesday, April 8, 2008 6:43 AM CDT
As the week progresses my thoughts and
prayers continue to be focused on you and
your family. God surely walks with all
of you and He will see you thru this.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, April 7, 2008 7:37 PM CDT
Jean, Please look deep into the eyes of your other children, as there you will find the meaning for your existence. You cannot bring Francesca back, but you can inspire your children to remember her with love and go on to live memorable lives to honor her memory. It will be 20 years April 8 that we lost our precious 8 year-old Kristen to brain cancer. We think of her daily; her pictures are still everywhere; we remember funny family incidents; we talk about how she might look at age 28 (impossible to know!) We will never forget her... We have taken it upon ourselves to serve others as often as we can in her honor. It helps to ease the pain...Please contact me if I can ever be of the slightest help to you on your healing journey. Love, Flip Eavenson (330-995-6268) I will keep your entire family in my prayers, especially at this anniversary time.
Flip Eavenson <jfkacres@aol.com>
Aurora, OH USA - Monday, April 7, 2008 5:11 PM CDT
Thinking of you
and praying for all of you
especially this week.
Know that you are always
in our thoughts and prayers
and that you are loved.

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, oh - Sunday, April 6, 2008 10:10 PM CDT
I am keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
May God bring all of you peace and comfort.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, April 6, 2008 1:05 PM CDT
Jean, thoughts and prayers are with you, I am at a loss for words. May HE bring you peace and comfort as the first anniversary approaches.
Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, OH - Sunday, April 6, 2008 12:51 AM CDT
I was thinking of you today - and praying for your peace.
Barb Furner <teamfurner@gmail.com>
Harwich, MA - Sunday, April 6, 2008 9:06 AM CDT
Keeping you and your familiy in my thoughts
and prayers.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, April 5, 2008 5:52 PM CDT
Jean: Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Friday, April 4, 2008 12:31 AM CDT
My prayers go out to your family this week and next as
you live through the first anniversary.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, April 4, 2008 10:44 AM CDT
Jean -
Memories of a year ago are flooding my mind and heart. I cannot even begin to know the suffering you are still enduring. We still have the ticket from the parking garage in the truck from that fateful day we rushed to Childrens hospital. It serves as a constant reminder.
It's remarkable the little things that trigger our memories - or perhaps it's signs that Frankie is indeed watching over us. Today I noticed that both the calendars I have in my office have purple flowers as the photo for the month of April...coincience?
Love & Hugs,

Geri Ann
- Friday, April 4, 2008 9:14 AM CDT
I was thinking of you today.
Jenny Boyden <jennyboyden@gmail.com>
- Friday, April 4, 2008 8:06 AM CDT
It is overwhelming to think of these last days
with Frankie.
May we pray for eachother,
gather in her honor,
and keep thinking of beautiful thoughtful
ways to carry on her legacy of love.
With prayer and heart felt care,
I Love You,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Thursday, April 3, 2008 12:09 AM CDT
May the coming days bring God's plan more clearly to you. As so many of us await the purple crocusses/tulips in our yards, may we be ever more open to God's undying love for us and may we be just a little more willing to show that kind of love to others. You remain a great inspiration to me! God bless in a special way this day.

Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
- Thursday, April 3, 2008 9:21 AM CDT
Jean: Thinking of you this morning and sending lots of love your way. I know this is a difficult time for all of you but remember that all your friends are with you in thoughts and prayers. Sam and I will be having a Mass in Frankie's honor on April 13th. Please be sure to give the kids a hug and kiss from us. Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam
Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Wednesday, April 2, 2008 6:37 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Mark, and your children in the week ahead. I pray that God will
see you through it. I know He will as He promised
that He would not forsake you in times of grief.
I will keep you all in my prayers.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, April 1, 2008 8:06 PM CDT
THINKING of all of you as always. Our front yard and side yard garden is just starting to show the green leaves from the 100 purple tulip bulbs that we planted for Francesca in the fall. We (and the rabbits who love to eat them)are looking forward to seeing the beautiful purple color to remind us of Francesca . PLease say HELLO to your Mom. She is so wonderful. I see were you get your kindness from.

MELISSA, LARRY and SAM ROSE BENNETT <melissarobinbennett@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, April 1, 2008 7:48 PM CDT
My thoughts are with all of you at this difficult time of the year.
Jenn <jmatlack01@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, April 1, 2008 2:46 PM CDT
Your words bring tears to my eyes.
As we find meaningful ways to celebrate
the gift of her precious life,
our prayers remain with the family that
gave her life.
In "The Word" reflection is written,
"Jesus loves to comfort us, especially
when we are anxious or frustrated. All
we have to do is come to Him, and He will
minister to us."
May His peace and grace fill you,
I love you,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:03 AM CDT
Jean: I know the first anniversary of Frankie's death is coming fast and you can't help but wonder "what if". I found myself doing that with Dad - could have we done something else to have him here longer, are the doctors sure of what they are telling us - you can go on and on with this frame of mind. In the end, what has happened has happened. You lost your precious Frankie and the hurt will always be there but the thought of her being in Heaven helps to ease the pain. Losing someone you love with all your heart is never easy but as I told you before, your memories of that person will help you through. I find myself thinking of Dad and all the funny sayings he would say and the stories, oh boy there were a million of those (who can forget the one about Angelo and the key ring!!) and I have to laugh and remember that some day he will tell me those stories again in person. In the meantime, love gets you through and the love and friendship of those around you helps you also. I think of Frankie everyday as I look at her picture on my desk and my prayers and thoughts are always with you, Mark and the kids. Know that I am here for you no matter what you need. Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam
Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:33 AM CDT
I wish I could take your pain away,but I
can't. All I can do is pray for you, and
of course I will. I pray for you daily.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, March 26, 2008 4:46 PM CDT
Thinking of you and praying for all of your family. I pray that the hope and the reality of Heaven and the knowledge of being reunited with Francesca would encourage your hearts today.
Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Tuesday, March 25, 2008 7:13 AM CDT
Hoping that your family enjoyed a glorious
I can just imagine Francesca in Heaven
playing with all the other chikdren and
celebrating Easter with Jesus.
She is in a wonderfully glorious place.
I know you want her to be here with you,
but that wasn't in God's plan. Her pain
and suffering are gone now and she is happy.
Hoping that you can find peace knowing she
is in Heaven and you will see her again some day.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, March 24, 2008 8:16 AM CDT
Jean: Just a quick hello and wish to all of you for a blessed Easter. Please give the kids a hug and kiss from us both. Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam
Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
MANTUA, Ohio - Friday, March 21, 2008 5:54 PM CDT
Dear Mark, Jean and Family,
A blessed Easter wish for all of you! You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I am praying that the knee pain lets up soon. We can appreciate our Blesssed Mother's grief and pain as she stood beneath the Cross that awful day so much more than ever before. What a wonderful Easter our children are enjoying with our Father, His Son, the Holy Spirit and all the legions of angels this year!! Though we miss them terribly, we can REJOICE with them. We can remember the good and sometimes painful days we spent with them here and look forward to the wonderful time without end that we will spend with them in eternity.
Much love,

Jacqui Dewey-Smith <rsvpofsc@yahoo.com>
Canton, Ohio USA - Friday, March 21, 2008 2:45 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your
family this Good Friday. Remember that God lost
His Son to save us from our sins, even for a brief
moment. He understands your pain as the anniversary approaches.
May God continue to walk with your family and sustain
you the next few weeks.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 21, 2008 9:16 AM CDT
You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Mark had Dominic at the office yesterday, wow, he sure is growing and that killer smile! May HE continue to give you strength and heal your knee. A Blessed Easter to you.

Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, OH - Friday, March 21, 2008 7:20 AM CDT
Jean, As we observe good friday, moving towards Easter Sunday, I was thinking of Frankie's service and the "Good friday and Easter moments of our lives. Hoping that you and your family have a most blessed Easter, and all stay healthy, barb
barb moledor <barbm@portagemrdd.org>
ravenna, Oh USA - Thursday, March 20, 2008 3:08 PM CDT
As Easter draws close,
do all the feelings bouncing in your heart and mind,
remind you of how Mary and all those who loved Jesus
must have felt?
We feel the pain of Good Friday as we do our very best
to have an attitude of gratitude for all of our blessings.
We know it is normal to feel pain at the lost of our
sweet baby girl,
and know she is not lost at all.
My heart aches for you all,
I offer for you, my efforts to live life in a way that would make Frankie smile.
Remember the reflection of Uncle Phil's about our
Good Friday and Easter Sunday experience?
We live this reality every day.
Confusion could capture us, but we must keep the faith.
There is no confusion about the power
of Jesus and our little one
who has gone before us,
her fullness of life,
her ability to advocate for us,
her everlasting love.
Today, on the first day of Spring,
may we reflect on
all the purple tulips waiting to surprise us.
I Love You Very Much,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Thursday, March 20, 2008 6:18 AM CDT
Thinking of you! Hope that your knee is better!
Love and Prayers,

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Ohio - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 10:30 PM CDT
Hey Frisone family,
I just wanted to stop in and let you all know that we were thinking of you. Just the other day Sawyer and I were talking about how Frankie lives in heaven with Jesus.He pointed up to the beautiful sky and said "she lives up there". It was really sweet. Sawyers cousins STILL pray for Frankie even though they know she's with Jesus...it's pretty hard for a 3 and 5 year old to grasp that I guess :) So I just had to take a moment to let you know that Frankie is not forgotten in this house....she'll live on in our hearts forever. Although we were only able to cross paths for a while you all share such a special place in our heart. Even thought we're hundreds of miles away you all are still part of our HEART family :)
I hope ya'll are having a wonderful week and things are going well. Even though I don't sign the guestbook alot I ALWAYS check in every week.
Sending you a BIG HEART HUG from N.C.

Your favorite roommate forever:)

Ashley <sawyer50@bellsouth.net>
asheville, nc - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 10:05 PM CDT
Thanks to the friend who shared about Jesus living in the heart!
How true! How humbling to think that one of these little
suffering lambs is here perhaps to bring one of us who has
strayed from His flock back. God truly weaves a rich, complex tapestry that is sometimes difficult to appreciate
until we can see it with Heavenly eyes.

Jane <jeffjane99@windstream.net>
- Wednesday, March 19, 2008 5:00 PM CDT
Jean: Well, a week off from work just isn't enough!! Back to work today and playing catch up!! Hope all is well your way and your knee is healing. Can't believe that Easter is this Sunday already. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Monday, March 17, 2008 7:10 AM CDT
Hope work went well last night,
and that your knee is coming along.
Spring will soon be here.
Can't wait till our get away,
Love you,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Sunday, March 16, 2008 9:23 AM CDT
Jean: So glad to hear that Maria is feeling better but not so glad to hear about your fall. Take it easy and let people wait on you!! This snow STINKS!! Our flight to Florida was cancelled Sunday morning and they couldn't get us out until Tuesday. We said forget it and got a refund. Sam and I have been enjoying the museums up in Cleveland and eating out everyday!! I'm on vacation and refuse to cook!! Tomorrow is the Great Lakes Science Center. Hugs and Kisses to you all. Love, Linda and Sam
Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Wednesday, March 12, 2008 3:53 PM CDT
Glad to hear you had a cozy weekend.
Not so glad to hear about your knee.
Hope all will be well soon.
Once again, thank you for the song.
Theyt are always so inspiring.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, March 12, 2008 7:39 AM CDT
Read this on Sawyer Tolberts CaringBridge site...quite moving so I thought that I would share.

The Heart

'Tomorrow morning,' the surgeon began, 'I'll open up your heart...'
'You'll find Jesus there,' the boy interrupted.
the surgeon looked up, annoyed
'I'll cut your heart open,' he continued, to see how much damage has been done...'
'but when you open up my heart, you'll find Jesus in there,' said the boy.
The surgeon looked to the parents, who Sat quietly. 'When I see how much damage has been done, I'll sew your heart and chest back up, and I'll plan what to do next.'
'But you'll find Jesus in my heart.
The Bible says He lives there.
The hymns all say He lives there.
You'll find Him in my heart.'
The surgeon had had enough.
'I'll tell you what I'll find in your heart. I'll find damaged muscle, low blood supply, and weakened vessels. And I'll find out if I can make you well.'
'You'll find Jesus there too. He lives there.'
The surgeon left.
The surgeon sat in his office, recording his notes from the surgery,
'...damaged aorta, damaged pulmonary vein, widespread muscle degeneration. No hope for transplant, no hope for cure. Therapy: painkillers and bed rest. Prognosis:
here he paused, 'death within one year.'
He stopped the recorder, but there was more to be said. 'Why?' he asked aloud. 'Why did You do this? You've put him here; You've put him in this pain; and You've cursed him to an early death. Why?'
The Lord answered and said, 'The boy,my lamb, was not meant for your flock for long, for he is a part of My flock,
and will forever be. Here, in My flock, he will feel no pain, and will be comforted as you cannot imagine.
His parents will one day join him here, and they will know peace, and My flock will continue to grow.'
The surgeon's tears were hot, but his anger was hotter. 'You created that boy, and You created that heart. He'll be dead in months. Why?'
The Lord answered, 'The boy, My lamb, shall return to My flock, for He has done his duty: I did not put My lamb with your flock to lose him, but to retrieve another lost lamb.'
The surgeon wept...
The surgeon sat beside the boy's bed;
the boy's parents sat across from him.
The boy awoke and whispered,
'Did you cut open my heart?'
'Yes,' said the surgeon.
'What did you find?' asked the boy.
'I found Jesus there,' said the surgeon.

Author Unknown –

praying for you & your family
Parma, OH - Tuesday, March 11, 2008 10:26 AM CDT
Just been thinking about you a bunch, wishing I could get over there but feel torn between seeing you and my family needing me. These school projects might kill me. We have 2 more assigned this week. One about Egypt, I quickly thought of you. I am hoping to come over on a Friday soon, I miss seeing you and talking. Not much new over here. I laughed when I read about "Mom, Mom, Jean.." I remember Frankie doing that. I said an extra prayer for you and her today, her anniversary is coming up and I am getting very sad. I guess why I feel the need to see and talk to you.
You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Many prayers for Maria and "the man who is not sick". Love, Mamie
P.S. What is wrong with your knee?

Mamie Wilson <gwilson@wyseadv.com>
Medina, OH USA - Monday, March 10, 2008 10:30 PM CDT
Jean, I know your computer is down,
but I still look for your reflections.
I am still enjoying the inspirations from
the concert. Hope your knee is healing.

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Monday, March 10, 2008 5:54 PM CDT
Hoping all is well with you on this snowy Saturday.
We have over 12" here in Edinburg and it's still
These are the kind of days I loved when my kids
were small. We'd go out and play in the snow and
then come in for hot chocolate and wrap in blankets
Hope you and your family can make some warm fuzzy
memories today.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, March 8, 2008 9:15 AM CST

My mommy is a survivor, or so I heard it said. But I can hear her crying at night when all the others are in bed.

I watch her lay awake at night and go to hold her hand. She doesn't know I'm with her to help her understand.

But like the sands on the beach that never wash away...I watch over my surviving mommy who thinks of me each and every day.

She wears a smile for others...a smile of disguise. But through Heaven's door, I do see tears flowing from her eyes.

My mommy tries to cope with death to keep my memory alive. But anyone who knows her, knows it's her way to survive.

As I watch over my surviving mommy through Heaven's open door...I try to tell her that the angels protect me forever more.

I know that doesn't help her, or ease the burden she bears. So if you have a chance, go visit her and show her that you care.

For no matter what she says or feels, My mommy has a broken heart that time won't ever heal

- Thursday, March 6, 2008 7:25 PM CST
Glad to hear that Maria is doing better.
Also glad to read that you and the kids went to
the concert. I am so glad that they have decent
concerts that you can take kids to. I listen to 95.5
myself. It is a wonderful station.
Keeping all of you in my prayers.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, March 5, 2008 6:00 PM CST
It's good to hear that Gina is getting stronger and I'm so happy that you had a nice time at the concert. Keeping your family in my prayers.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com>
- Tuesday, March 4, 2008 8:46 PM CST
Jean: So glad that Maria is feeling better. She is a sweetheart!! Glad to hear that you had a chance to get away and do something with the kids. The concert sounds like it was just what you needed. As always, you all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam
Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Tuesday, March 4, 2008 6:37 AM CST
Thank you Jean, I got Matthew West in the mail.
About the time you were writing your entry, I
was listening for the first time.
"Save a Place for Me" is one of my favorites.
Pulls at the heart strings.
You nor I would have gone without T's encouragement.
Thanks T.
We will fit in more times like this.
Have a good Tuesday,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Tuesday, March 4, 2008 5:47 AM CST
What a glorious, sunny day this is.
It makes one glad to be alive. How
wonderful is our Lord and how wonderful
is His glory.
May He watch over you this beautiful
day and always.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, March 2, 2008 3:39 PM CST
Sure hope the dinner went well.
Was so fun to be together.
You are one of the hardest working people I know.
I loved reading Josephine and Geri's entry.
As we stood in the kitchen, thinking of Frankie
toddling into the room, I am aware, that all your
days are full of reminders of her. May you find
some comfort that so many people remember and
are with you in this journey.
God Bless your daily chores and activities,
know how much love you generate from your job
well done.
I Love You,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Sunday, March 2, 2008 4:30 AM CST
Hi Jean-
It has been forever since I wrote a message. So sorry about
that. I do read the journal at least once a week and am glad you still write in it. Please know you are all still in my thoughts and prayers.

Alysa Fetters <afetters25@yahoo.com>
Chicago, IL - Friday, February 29, 2008 6:01 PM CST
Dear Mrs. Frisone,
I don't really know what to say, but I just wanted to let you know that you do an AMAZING job as a mother. I have always wanted to raise my children like you have raised yours. You have always been the person I have tried to emulate, whether it was in my daily activities or when I was watching your children. You are an amazing woman and I love you and your whole family so much. I am sorry that I have not been around lately, I have been really busy this year. Somehow things just pile up.
I miss Frankie a lot, especially lately. I drove up to Cleveland a few weeks ago to visit Amelia and when I drove past the Cleveland Clinic I was flooded with more memories of Frankie. She was so amazing. I really love her and all of you.

Josephine <Josephineland@aol.com>
Suffield, OH - Thursday, February 28, 2008 10:48 PM CST
I think of you and the kids often. It feels like time moves so slowly on some days...and so quickly in retrospect. The other night Frankie was in my dream. She was giving me her ornery smiling. When I awoke I felt sure she had visited me and asured that she is in fact the angel looking over all of us.

Geri Ann
- Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:31 AM CST
Look forward to time together Friday.
How fun to work together.
It is so good to hear you reflect on
Frankie's powerful advocation for you
and all she loves.
Our hearts and minds relive these days
of one year ago.
We must keep in mind, she has acheived
what we are all striving for.
Blessings on your important tasks of the
day, nurturing the hearts, minds and souls
of your children.
See you in the morning!

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Thursday, February 28, 2008 6:44 AM CST
Thank you for all the updates. Praying
that Maria will regain her strength and
health. You sure do have a lot of things
to deal with. But I imagine that comes with
a big family. The most important thing you
have is LOVE. What a wonderful family you
I continue to pray for all of you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, February 27, 2008 1:56 PM CST
Jean: I will definitely say extra prayers for our sweet
Maria. Thank you for updating us as always. I sure do
remember having those snow days and the girls being home.
Yesterday they closed Walsh Univ. and the twins had a
snow day. Sara called me all excited about it!!! Some
things never change!! Hugs and Kisses to you all.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Wednesday, February 27, 2008 6:30 AM CST
Jean: So sorry to hear that Maria isn't feeling well.
Please be sure to give her a hug and kiss from Sam and
I. Saw Mario yesterday in Mark's office - what a trip
he is!! We talked about coming over again on the Harley
and his eyes got as big as saucers!! He still remembers
the Harley wave and I crack up everytime I see him do it.
Hugs and Kisses to you all. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Tuesday, February 26, 2008 6:32 AM CST
Jean and Mark,
I am sorry about the recent health concerns with your family. I do not wish to add to the stress going on in your lives. Please accept the offer to reschedule the dinner. That is the last thing on the priority list at this time. Before you purchase and prepare the food reconsider if this is a good idea to do at this time.
Please call me at (330) 678-2239. I await your decision.
Jane Gwinn

Jane Gwinn <jgwinnaps@Yahoo.com>
Kent, Oh USA - Monday, February 25, 2008 5:01 PM CST
So enjoyed our time at the concert.
Sure was worth overcoming all the obstacles
to get there.
It is impressive how these gifted artists
use their talents to inspire
I thought Gina's arms were going to fall off
from dancing. Some of that time she danced
with Sophia on her back. Dominic sure did
not stand in the shadows. Thanks T. You
always have the best plans, we would not
have gone without your planning.
Prayers continue for Maria. We need her
full strength sweetness.
I Love You,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Monday, February 25, 2008 12:19 AM CST
Hello Jean,
I am planning on being there on Tuesday. I am anxious to hear about Maria. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Jane Martin <jeffjane99@windstream.net>
- Monday, February 25, 2008 9:33 AM CST
I continue to hold you in my thoughts and prayers, along with your family.
May God continue to walk with all of you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, February 25, 2008 8:04 AM CST
Thinking of you and sending you
and everyone lots of prayers and love!!

Happy Birthday Gina!!

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, oh - Saturday, February 23, 2008 10:37 PM CST
Jean: Thinking of you and the family and sending lots
of love your way. Gina is a very mature 13 year old and
I'm sure she understands if things didn't turn out the
way you wanted for her birthday. Glad to hear that
everything is okay with you-know-who!! Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam
P.S. Sara went for an interview at Robinson Memorial
on Thursday for a Patient Care Assistant. Keep your
fingers crossed!! She's very excited about it!

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Saturday, February 23, 2008 4:56 PM CST
Happy Birthday Gina!! Jean, make sure you are taking time for YOU...even if it's a few minutes each day. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, - Saturday, February 23, 2008 11:41 AM CST
You know your family is always in my heart and prayers.
You have been through so much in the past 3 1/2 years.
Remember what I said about anniversaries. Sometimes a
person reacts to them without knowing they do. Perhaps
that is what is happening now. Men especially do not want
to be thought of as "weak" by admitting they are not able
to handle things.
PS: Gina is a very advanced girl who will realize that you can't help what happens to you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, February 22, 2008 1:22 PM CST
I'm praying for Mark. Chest pains
are never to be taken lightly. I'm
so glad you got him to the ER.

Hey, birthdays are over rated. She's
got a great mom. Keep being who you
are. From what I've seen and heard, you
have done an awesome job mothering her.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com>
- Friday, February 22, 2008 11:36 AM CST
I miss you so much little girl!~
It has been so cold here lately...This morning, as I was starting my car to go to work...it didn't start right away...The cold seemed to make just even starting the jeep a very difficult task....When I couldn't make it turn over...I just sat there...thinking of what I would do next...my eyes went to the corner of the window where I was sitting, where it meets the dash...where your picture was... Edges curled so much.. I pulled the edges straight so I could see your sweet face again... As I was sitting in the extreme cold, frustated, because I had to get to work on time, thinking of what to do...I saw your sweet smile...and all seemed to be right with the world!~ You were in your shorts...pink shirt...a smile on your face... and I was thinking of how sweet it must be for you right now with Jesus and the angels all around you... Francesca...we were so entirely blessed with the gift of you in our lives... Thank you for beng you... Your fiestiness...your strength...your smiles....the way you taught us all about being a true fighter....the love you showed to each of us in your own way... The memories of our happy times together will be forever ingrained in my mind and in my heart... Remember what a ham you were when we all made raviolies together??... We all laughed at you when you were at your silliest ever!!!! Do you know how much your sisters love you??... Today, as we celebrate Gina's birthday....you are very much a part of her heart.... Your sister loves you so very much...I know your spirit is with her today...
Thank you for being with me today...in the few minutes....in the cold....calming me...bringing a smile to my face...letting me know that "everythings gonna be alright"....bringing things to prospective for me....and then.... my jeep started!.. Amazing...
I love you baby girl!!~ Pray for me and all of our family here on earth...and kiss everyone in our family in heaven....
Aunt T

Christie Hamilton <tmagrace@aol.com>
Grove City, OH - Thursday, February 21, 2008 7:58 PM CST
Thank you for sharing the things that you read
with all of us. It is very meaningful. It is
very hard to love one's self all the time.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It seemed like only
a few months ago we had a party for
you at Gougler for your 12th birthday.
You are becoming a beautiful young lady.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, February 21, 2008 5:25 PM CST

Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Thursday, February 21, 2008 8:49 AM CST
Today Gina becomes a teenager.
It is my joy to wake up with her sweet face still
resting. Her giggles and her delight bring me such joy.
I remember so vividly the time of her birth.
You were redoing your recipe cards.
Mike was sitting beside me, coing his homework.
In just minutes, we were hearing your response to
seeing your first daughters beautiful face.
Last night Gina listened to the account of each
moment leading up to her birth, as if it was the
first time she heard it.
From that moment on, all the nurturing,
singing, reading, teaching, praying,
your beautiful motherhood has, with the grace
of God, brought us to this moment. We can gaze
into her beautiful eyes, delight when we see
her dimples appear, and be amazed at the ever
growing mind that baffles us.
Wisdom beyond her years, and sweet innocence
Remember our first outing with her?
We went shopping for the lace and fabric
for her beautiful Baptismal gown.
We took turns holding her and selecting just
the right vintage treasures.
We stood at the counter when the clerk
gave us the total and our eyes locked in
shock. Then did as we have since, adjusted
to what was cut and done. Before her baptism,
you hand crafted a family heirloom.
I thank God for the gift of Gina,
I thank Him for the grace He has given you to be
a Mom that leads her in the ways she should go.
I Love You,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Thursday, February 21, 2008 3:48 AM CST
Jean, Your entry today touched me deeply.
Thank you; for taking the time to share
the inspirations that help you.
How blessed I am to have you for a daughter.

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Tuesday, February 19, 2008 6:34 PM CST
Jean, My father passed away last Tues. and today when I went to frankie's site and read your last days' entries, they really helped. You may not realize how much in sharing your grief and journey through so many different authors, books, articles, songs, poems, or prayers,that you are influencing so many people and helping others who are reading your entries. You and your family continue to be in my prayers. Barb
Barbara Moledor <Barbm@portagemrdd.org>
Ravenna, OH USA - Tuesday, February 19, 2008 3:30 PM CST
Jean, I SO appreciate the wisdom you shared today. It speaks to me as well in a very strong way. Keep hanging on!
Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
Kent, OH USA - Tuesday, February 19, 2008 11:51 AM CST
Jean: Just like the Beatles sang "all you need
is love" and love will conquer all. All us Moms
do for everyone else and we never really embrace
who we are. It's time we did!! Sure, we may not
look the way we want or weigh that perfect weight,
but we have to love who we are and once we do, all
around us will feel it and it will spread to
everyone else. You have been through alot this
year but you will survive. Hopefully you will
feel the love we all have for you and it will
help you through anything that comes your way.
Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, OH - Tuesday, February 19, 2008 7:21 AM CST
You know I need to get up at 5:00, so I can have my peaceful/prayerful time before waking everyone. Last night, Angie was sick, so we spent the night downstairs where there is no alarm clock. Needless to say, I missed my morning motivational reading. Waiting for the printer to spit out what I needed for the school day, I went to Frankie's site to read your journal entry. It was exactly what I needed to hear! You did it again, Jean! What would we do without you?! We're praying for you!

Kathy Lofreso <kmtlofreso@msn.com>
- Tuesday, February 19, 2008 7:11 AM CST
Blessings and peace to you on this
Lord's day.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com,>
- Sunday, February 17, 2008 4:22 PM CST
What insights you have discovered.
My thoughts and prayers are always
with you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, February 15, 2008 5:28 PM CST
Dear Jean,
It has been over a year since I lost my Patrick, and it does get a little better. The grief bombs don't come as often, though they are just as strong. I am remembering some of the good times now and can even laugh a little with my other children when remembering some of the silly things we used to do! It is just so hard to believe that he is really gone, and I know that is how you must feel too. We just have to keep thinking how happy they are now and what joy and peace enfold them. I am sure that there are many things for them to do and experience that they can tell us all about when we see them again. In two of my desk drawers at home I have one full of Pat's writings, etc. and one getting full of yours. Frankie has impacted so many lives that we cannot even begin to imagine! My prayers are with your family daily.

Jacqui Dewey-smith <rsvpofsc@yahoo.com>
Canton, Ohio USA - Friday, February 15, 2008 2:19 PM CST
Jean; Thoughts and prayers continue to be with you as you travel your road of "firsts". Keep the faith and if you only knew how much of your strength is generated to those who read your postings! I am one of those recipients!
Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, Oh - Wednesday, February 13, 2008 10:24 AM CST
Jean: Just a quick "Good Morning" to you.
Hope your day will go by fine. Heard Maria
was sick with the flu - give her a hug and
kiss from me. Hope you all faired okay
yesterday with the weather. I'm ready for
Spring!!! Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam
P. S. Last week Sara gave her first injection!!

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Wednesday, February 13, 2008 6:18 AM CST

THANK YOU for the " THANK YOU". I love the Francesca Stationary. My pleasure to send a little "help". Thinking of you and the whole family. Spring is right around the corner. Can't wait for the blooming flowers to remind us all of Francesca.

LOVE, MELISSA, LARRY and SAM ROSE <laurence.bennett@comcast.net>
- Monday, February 11, 2008 5:26 PM CST
Thinking of you today, as everyday. Hope you got some sleep today with the big kids home! Check your email, I sent you something. Love and prayers, Debbi
Deb Pfleiderer <nursedeb72@aol.com>
Rootstown, OH USA - Monday, February 11, 2008 5:23 PM CST
As always, you are in
my thoughts and prayers.

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, oh - Sunday, February 10, 2008 11:00 PM CST
You find the most perfect songs and writings.
Thank you so much for sharing them with us.
Blessings to you this Lord's day.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, February 10, 2008 4:50 PM CST
Jean: Sorry for not writing the last few days.
I came down with a sinus infection and bronchitis.
It has knocked me off my feet. Will return to work
tomorrow but really don't have much energy. Hope
you are all well. As always, you are all in our
thoughts and prayers. Hugs and kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Sunday, February 10, 2008 2:22 PM CST
I just found this. I have no idea who wrote it
but it touched me. I hope it will you too.

We complain about the cross we bear but don't realize
it is preparing us for the dip in the road that
God can see and we cannot.

Whatever your cross, whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine, after the rain....
Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall;
But God's always ready, to answer your call....
He knows every heartache, sees every tear,
a word from His lips, can calm every fear...
Your sorrows may linger, throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish, by dawn's early light...
The Savior is waiting, somewhere above,
to give you His grace, and send you His love.


Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, February 9, 2008 12:08 AM CST
Keeping Linda, Angie and you all in my prayers.
May the Lord bring healing to Linda and Angie.
May the Lord continue to guide you on your grief
journey. You have come a long way.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, February 9, 2008 11:30 AM CST
Jean --Thank you for the kind words and prayer request for my mom, Angie. When she doesn't see your family,I know she misses them as much as she misses her own. --Many blessings, Gina
Gina Bryan <gbryan2@neo.rr.com>
Green, Oh - Friday, February 8, 2008 8:35 AM CST
Asking the Lord for His loving
grace and mercy upon Angie and
Linda during this difficult time

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Thursday, February 7, 2008 5:23 AM CST
I will pray for Angie and Linda. I will
also keep you and your family in my prayers.
You have come such a long way! You can be
proud of yourself. Many people never get
to the point you are at. What revelations you
have experienced in the last few months. You
are going to be fine because you understand that
each day is different and holds it's own trials.
Some days are good and some days are bad. But
every day is it's own to cope with.
Keep up the good work!

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, February 5, 2008 7:18 PM CST
Jean: I will definitely keep Angie and Linda in my
thoughts and prayers. You, Mark and the kids are
always in my prayers and I send lots of love your
way. Yesterday was three years since Dad passed
away - I miss him so. Please be sure to give the
kids a hug and kiss from Sam and I.
Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Tuesday, February 5, 2008 6:20 AM CST
Thank you for sharing the readings.
I'm sure that you will find solace
in all the reading that you are doing.
Know that I keep you in my prayers daily.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, February 4, 2008 6:56 PM CST
Dear Jean,

It was so great to see you today! What a breath of fresh air for me - to look up at mass and see you with the kids. I am so glad we had a bit of time to catch up over coffee and donuts, and your girls were delightful here with mine.

I have loved the quotes you've posted from Anne Morrow Lindbergh....I enjoy her writings very much. I cannot imagine the pain she and her husband suffered when their son was kidnapped and then murdered - unbelievable. I have enjoyed her book "Gift from the Sea", a small book comparing the shells she found on the beach to the stages of life in a family and marriage relationship. I am sad to see you go through the ups and downs....thinking back to what was happening a year ago, wondering if the outcome could've been different, etc. I know you have to go through those things, I just wish I could do something to ease your pain. Just know that each day I hold you in my heart and prayers, and I pray that our Lord holds you in His arms for comfort.

You are a great friend...I enjoy your company so much! Hope to see you again soon.


Teresa Giorgio <ggiorgio@roadrunner.com>
Sharon Township, OH - Sunday, February 3, 2008 8:10 PM CST
Jean: Just a quick "Good Morning" to you.
Hope you are well. Sending lots of love
your way. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam
P.S. Can you believe the twins will be
20 tomorrow?!?!?!

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Thursday, January 31, 2008 6:56 AM CST
I know this is very difficult.
You have to go through the storm
to heal. There is no way around it.
You relive all the events from one
year ago. You are brave enough to
face them and I believe the Lord
will see you through. I pray for
you often, that each day will bring
you renewed strength and hope.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com>
- Wednesday, January 30, 2008 7:28 PM CST
Hoping your days are peaceful and

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, January 30, 2008 5:58 PM CST
Glo is a good nick name for Gloria.
You always glow when you talk about her.
Prayers are with her and her family as
Ally heals.
Hope work is going OK

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Wednesday, January 30, 2008 0:20 AM CST
How thoughtful you always are. You think
of others even though you are going through
a hard spell. I will pray for the Gmerek
May God continue to hold you and your family
in the palm of his hand.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, January 29, 2008 5:18 PM CST
May the Lord's hand
continually uphold you.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com>
- Monday, January 28, 2008 6:17 AM CST
Many times we are reminded of how vast are the needs
of others.
So many we know offer their most challenging times
for your family.
We do the same for Luke, Gabe, Sawyer, Linda, Ally,
Gloria, Ruth Ann and all others in need of
our prayer and sacrifice.
An offering creates miracles.
Not just for those we pray for
but in our hearts as well.
I Love You,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Monday, January 28, 2008 5:52 AM CST
Hi jean; sorry I haven't called you. So much going on here. Ally is in Ann Arbor now. Surgery is over. She is ok so far.Not great, but ok. Hope things are looking brighter for you soon. Summer is almost here. Flowers, birds singing, brighter days ahead. For both of us. miss you, glo
gloria gmerek <mom5glo@yahoo.com>
akron, oh summit - Sunday, January 27, 2008 3:30 PM CST
Good Morning. What a beautiful snowy
day. Sending you thoughts and prayers

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, January 27, 2008 7:38 AM CST
Jean: Sorry I haven't written in over a week.
Just don't know where the times goes sometimes.
I understand completely the "grief bombs" which
are hitting you. February 4th will be the 3rd
anniversary of my Dad's death. February 2nd
would have been Mom and Dad's 64th wedding
anniversary - how I wish he was here. I miss
him something awful and don't know how to handle
the grief. I guess remembering the good times
and laughing at the funny ones helps to ease it
a little. I do take comfort in knowing that Dad
is with Frankie. He will take care of her until
you see her again. I can just see her sitting on
his lap! My heart goes out to you, Mark and the
kids. Know that I am only a phone call away.
Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Saturday, January 26, 2008 7:35 PM CST
Sending thoughts and prayers your way.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, January 26, 2008 6:52 AM CST
Hi Jean,
I made your salad again tonight...I think I'm addicted. I love what Dominic said on Tuesday about how your salads always taste better than his even though he uses the exact same ingredients as you do. The truth is you put love into every little and big thing you do for your family, even making salad. I just love being with you and your children. Can't wait to see you all again.

Jane Martin <jeffjane99@adelphia.net>
- Friday, January 25, 2008 11:22 PM CST
Dear Jean
My strongest Frankie memory was watching her in your arms at her big birthday celebration. You held her like the prized possession she will always be. She was blessed to be your precious child. Prayers for you today and throughout the coming weeks.

Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
Kent, OH USA - Friday, January 25, 2008 9:11 AM CST
Praying that you find comfort and peace.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, January 24, 2008 6:58 PM CST
Jean, Sorry I haven't written in a while. There are so many Frankie memories in such a short time with her. I still often think of her curiosity and how excited she was to finally show me the big room and the christmas tree. She always had her way of guiding our therapy sessions in the direction she planned and I would follow along. You were always so good to encourage her and then back away until the end of our session to make sure she did her best. You always had such great questions and were always interested in new suggestions.
I also agree with you about the chicken soup books. I have enjoyed reading many of these. Know that you are always in my prayers. Barb

Barb Moledor <barbm@portagemrdd.org>
Ravenna, OH USA - Thursday, January 24, 2008 3:26 PM CST
Dear Angelo,
It is Miss J. It was so nice to hear from you, though I am sad to hear that things did not turn out the way we had all been hoping for. I never got the chance to meet Frankie, but I can see that she has had an impact on so many people, and that is a tribute to her, and the family who surrounded her with such love and caring.
When we experience a loss, the healing seems to go so slowly. Some days it seems like we are wounded all over again. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers, that you enjoy the good days, and know God's comfort on the bad days.

Miss J
Akron, OH USA - Wednesday, January 23, 2008 12:37 AM CST
I have enjoyed the Chicken Soup for the
Soul in the past. But watching some of the
DVD's with you, opened up awareness that
I would have never discovered without you.
I'm so glad you introduced me to these

Frankie memories are so sweet.
So good to hear others reflections.
At St. Matthias, she seemed to know
she was amoung some of those who prayed
for her with expectant hearts. I loved
the visits we had there and the warmth
of the people who exuded an awareness that
God is good, all the time.
As I reflect on moments with Frankie,
I will always remember those who loved her
and prayed for her so faithfully.

One day, she was in a "time out" in her
crib. I used the time to do some necessary
tasks. She took great advantage of my busy
distraction and reached for and hiked up the
heat. The first indication I had that some
thing was wrong, was her tell tale "look"
With her head down, her eyes looking up,
an a serious grin, I knew she was up to some
thing. With a little time she told on herself.
Fiesty is a reference that often follows
Frankie. A most endearing, life giving quality.
She gave me a deep appreciation for the gift
of the moment. Holding her was always a reminder
that the present moment is grace for the journey.
She taught me to keep those lessons alive each day.
As the pains of reliving her days at this time
last year, I want to cherish and live out
all she taught me.
I Love You,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Wednesday, January 23, 2008 7:58 AM CST
How good you sound today. I have long read
the "Chicken Soup" books and they are great.
So many times it seems they speak right to me.

I am sure that you will be able to do whatever
you want to do in the future.

All the memories of Frankie are so special. She
was a very special and inspiritional child.

Blessing on you and yours and may God hold you
all in the palm of his hand.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, January 23, 2008 5:59 AM CST
My (and so many other parishioners') memory of Frankie -

The very smiley, VERY ACTIVE, very cuddly, very grinning, and VERY CUTE little princess, who Father Phil carried
around during Christmas eve mass.... and she was just as "at home" in that church in a crowd of total strangers
as she could have been anywhere.

She was very careful to spin and twirl just the right way so you would notice her very "princessy" dress,
but just enough tomboy to make sure you knew you better not try to touch it!!

She made everyone there laugh or smile, even the majority of us who knew her by reputation only!
She was dressed like a princess, she was in church with Jesus, she was happy and she knew she was loved...
she had not a care in the world, and we could ALL take aa lesson from Frankie!!!

Prayers for you always, especially when I hug my August 26th baby,

a St. Matthias Parishioner
OH - Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:40 PM CST
I wish I had more memories of Frankie.
I only saw her two times. One was her
first birthday party. The other was the
Kent Fest in 2006.

I remember both of those occasions. She
looked wise beyond her years. She looked
like she was taking it all in. She was a
very beautiful and smart little girl.

Please remember that my thoughts and
prayers are with you daily.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, January 21, 2008 6:18 PM CST
Jean, I have so many memories of Frankie it would be difficult of say which is my favorite. One I will always cherish was visiting the hospital when she was only a few days old and you offering for me to hold her. Holding and rocking her was so special for me - I still have the picture to remember. Then, there was Rick's birthday party that you, Mark and Frankie came to. Frankie's (2nd) and Rick's birthday, both on August 26th. She was such a big hit and loved carrying around the balloons in our backyard. We'll never know how much joy she brought to so many lives. I pray that somehow you will pull through this most difficult time - one year ago on January 16th was her surgery in Michigan, so may firsts for you to endure. Love,
Terri Clough <rectlc@windstream.net>
Aurora, Ohio - Monday, January 21, 2008 9:36 AM CST

Hi Jean, One of my favorite
memories of Frankie is when
I visited her before you guys left
for Michigan for her surgery. She
was getting her immunizations, and
the syringes were sitting on the coffee
table. She pointed to them and said
"Sophie's shots" shaking her head up
and down the whole time for confirmation.
I cherish that visit everyday. I imagine
part of your saddness is due to this time of
year. How can you not think about all the
misery of last January, and the months
that followed. I know that all of us who
loved Frankie started
thinking more and more of her as
soon as the middle of
January approached. Thanks so much for
the Christmas
picture and note. I am missing you
all very much
and will call to get together soon,
or call me We
have alot to catch up on.
Please know you are always
in my prayers, and I wish you
and you whole family
a HEALTHY and happy 2008. Love Patti

Patti Kraynack <PAK4881@yahoo.com>
Stow, Ohio USA - Sunday, January 20, 2008 4:48 PM CST
I remember how much she loved to see Mary Lou come.
She would be delighted with the toys she would bring.
She loved her babies. We could get some unpleasant
tasks done with the names James and Connor.
I would be amazed at the wisdom and sense of knowing
she attained at a very young age.
I do believe it is because of what Deb Johnston said.
She knew she was cared for, loved, and protected constantly.
Prayers and Love being sent your way,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Sunday, January 20, 2008 5:29 AM CST
A memory I have of Francesca
is of the day you prepared to
leave the Cleveland Clinic with
her for the first time after she
was born. She looked beautiful and
comfortable, all dressed in pink girlie
clothes. We talked by her bedside as
you busily and expertly adjusted her
medical paraphinalia. There was never
a need for you to wait on a nurse for
most things, you took care of whatever
she needed immediately. She looked like
the coziest baby I'd every seen, cradled
in soft blankets, perfectly positioned by
her loving mother. I remember her beautiful
complexion. She looked too perfect to believe
anything was wrong.

I remember how much I wished you
lived next door to me to help me
care for my own complicated baby.
Francesca received the most love and
care a child could ever possibly receive
from a parent. God knew what he was doing
when he placed Francesca in your care.

I pray and I believe that this time next
year, you will find that the intensity of
your grief will lessen. You are still in
the valley, but the Lord promises that you
WILL walk THROUGH the valley.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Sunday, January 20, 2008 4:49 AM CST
I have no words to lessen
the pain of the "grief bombs"
or the pain of looking at the
calendar and remembering--
I only have love and hugs
and prayers to offer.
I pray that the pain does not
overcome you or
dim the good memories that
you hold in your heart of Frankie.
I pray that you are given
the strength to not let
grief keep you a prisoner and
the courage to share your
love and goodness.

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Ohio - Saturday, January 19, 2008 11:14 PM CST
I have no words to lessen
the pain of the "grief bombs"
or the pain of looking at the
calendar and remembering--
I only have love and hugs
and prayers to offer.
I pray that the pain does not
overcome you or
dim the good memories that
you hold in your heart of Frankie.
I pray that you are given
the strength to not let
grief keep you a prisoner and
the courage to share your
love and goodness.

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Ohio - Saturday, January 19, 2008 11:14 PM CST
I have no words to lessen
the pain of the "grief bombs"
or the pain of looking at the
calendar and remembering--
I only have love and hugs
and prayers to offer.
I pray that the pain does not
overcome you or
dim the good memories that
you hold in your heart of Frankie.
I pray that you are given
the strength to not let
grief keep you a prisoner and
the courage to share your
love and goodness.

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Ohio - Saturday, January 19, 2008 11:14 PM CST
Dear Jean, I am so sorry that you are feeling so sad. You wanted a Frankie memory, there are so many but I still get a smile out of her vocabulary. I remember how she wouldn't speak and they started with her signing. Then, all of a sudden, as soon as she learned the word she was saying it. After that, she talked non stop. Remember the day she wanted your attention so she signed HELP? It took her forever to say Mom, then she quickly learned that if you didn't respond quick enough, she would yell Jean! Pappy came out early on, but she would not say grandma. That's because being of Italian heritage, she was able to use the Italian word for it! She seemed to learn peoples names the best. The first time I heard her say Guseppi, I about fell out! I still can't believe when we did the flash cards of animals, she only missed about 4 out of 40. Well, we were quickly done with that! She could say "samich" among just about every other food, even though she had little interest in eating. That's the Frankie I always want to remember. The little girl that gave us all such joy and made us forget sometimes how sick she was. She grabbed on to each and everything in life and made the most of it, an amazing and inspiring feat for a two year old. She didn't know she was so sick, she just knew that she was special and so truly, truly loved. Love and prayers, Debbi
Deb Pfleiderer <nursedeb72@aol.com>
Rootstown, OH USA - Saturday, January 19, 2008 10:37 PM CST
"Each year will be less and less awful."

Jean, I really think this is true. Next year will be much better than this one. I think the first year out is a year of perspective and adjustment. It lessens with time. I'm praying for you!

Elena <elljazz@gmail.com>
Akron, OH USA - Saturday, January 19, 2008 2:33 PM CST

Linda is so right, everyone experiences grief in many different ways. None of us can feel what you are feeling, that is your right. While the memories will never be gone, in time, the pain will ease, the grief bombs will subside. A very dear friend of mine lost her 17 yr old son 2 years ago today. He was the captain of the baseball team, colleges were scouting him. One of the ways she honors his memory is through scholarships to high school students (baseball players). He always loved balloons, so on his birthday and the anniversary of his death, they release balloons. I remember the day her daughter got married, it was 6 months after his death, we were on the patio at the reception and I looked up in the sky and there were balloons....I showed her....I said "look, Jeff is letting you know he's watching over". Just as Frankie is watching over you. I know you will continue to be an incredible inspiration and help to others, many of whom you have never met. Thoughts and prayers as you continue the journey of "firsts".

Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, OH - Saturday, January 19, 2008 12:15 AM CST
You are perfectly normal. The first anniversary
of Francesca's death is approching. You are going
to have a lot more grief bombs ahead of you. For
many years ahead you will remember the last awful
months of her life when she fought to live.
Each year will be less and less awful.

When I worked with MADD victims the anniversary
of the injury or death was always traumatic. I
could always tell when it was approaching because
there would be changes in their ability to cope,
more depression and more grief.

Even my own two daughters can tell every year at
the end of June that the anniversary of their
crash is approaching. Especially my youngest
daughter as she was more severely injured and
more emotionally traumatized. It will be 21
years in June and they still have flashbacks.
My oldest daughter thought her younger sister
was dead because she was unconsious at first.
She still remembers that. My youngest daughter
was blind at first when she came to. Then she
regained her sight slowly as if she were in a
tunnel. They had been picking wildflowers and
when she woke up she had flowers all over her
face and she thought she was dead and in heaven.

If this happens after serious injury of course
a death would be 100 times worse. Especially
losing a child. That is the utlimate grief.
We always know that we might lose our parents
and siblings, but we never expect to lose a

No one can truely understand how you feel,
even another parent because your grief is your
own. Never worry that other people have it
worse than you do. They feel the same way you
do. Each person's grief is their own. And
no matter what they are going through, you can
feel emphathy but not their grief. Nor can
they feel yours.

My heart goes out to you during this stressful
time. Please know that I still pray for you
every day.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, January 19, 2008 11:25 AM CST
Hi Jean,
It was so good to be with you and your children on Tuesday. Thank you for your friendship. You all mean so much to me. The little ones are getting so big.

My prayers are with you as you relive last years journey to Michigan.

Jane <jeffjane99@adelphia.net>
- Thursday, January 17, 2008 11:12 PM CST
May God send His comfort and healing to you.
Would that you could turn back the clock, but
you can't. So you must try to make some sense
of what happened a year ago. You will probably
never have the answers you seek.
The love of all who care about you and have remained
on this site will be with you forever.
God bless!

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:24 PM CST
Dear Jean, I remember so clearly the emotional pain you were in leading up to this day one year ago. You wanted to give Francesca what you always strived for, the best quality of life possible for her. Who could ever know what the sad outcome would be. Someday that answer will be given to you. I pray for comfort for you today and I, too, shed tears....for you and with you. I know you are getting lots of extra prayers today from all of your friends that love and care for you and your entire family. Sending extra hugs today, Love Debbi
Debbi Pfleiderer <nursedeb72@aol.com>
Rootstown, OH USA - Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:30 AM CST
We cannot help but think back to a year ago.
We had no idea what the outcome would be.
We do not understand and struggle with the
absence of our sweet Frankie.
We have a Saint.
What we are all striving for,
she has achieved. In her own
fiesty way, she will be advocating
for us all, untill we are together again.
That does not take away the pain,
but it gives us hope and strength for
the journey.
My prayers are with you as you relive the
day to day, moment to moment struggle for
her life.
I Love You,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Wednesday, January 16, 2008 8:21 AM CST
Jean: None of us can go back (although at times
we wish we could). We need to look forward while
all along remembering the love and memories we
cherish until we meet again. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Wednesday, January 16, 2008 6:21 AM CST
Our internet service was messed up twice last
week due to power outages on our road. I also
missed 4 days of work with a bad cold and sore
throat. I missed the Holiday Party as well, the
first time in the 7 years I have worked for the
agency. I was looking forward to seeing you.

Praying that all is well with you and yours.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, January 15, 2008 6:00 PM CST
Jean: How wonderful it was to see you on
Saturday night at the party. I hope you
enjoyed yourself. Thanks for the words of
wisdom about Sara. I know she will make a
fantastic nurse! Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Monday, January 14, 2008 9:26 AM CST
I really enjoyed our time to talk
together Saturday night.
You have so much to share--
love,caring,faith,knowledge and wonderful hugs.
I'm so glad that you continue
to share through this journal.
You are truely a special person and
a great Mom!
Love and Prayers,

Debby Missimi <dmissimi@portagefamilies.org>
Kent, Ohio - Sunday, January 13, 2008 10:57 PM CST
A late New Year's Eve story I wanted to share with you. Another verification that Frankie is always with us. I offered to keep my grandson, Jacob, so my son and his wife could go out. Trying to key him down, I said let's go upstairs and get some books. He loves his books like Frankie did. He started pulling books off the shelf (it looks like the Frisone book shelf!) and he pulled out"All By Myself" and said "This is my favorite". I am sure you remember this book. It's that little animal with the cute face book by Mercer Mayer. Frank was stuck on that one for a long while. I wasn't sure I would get through it but I decided we would read it like Frankie and I did. I read a part and she would do the 'allbymyself', just that way, running it all together. She always got a kick out of the little mouse and always had comments on every page (mad, mean, jammies). So with Jacob's help, I got a Frankie moment that felt so comforting and a reminder that she will never, ever be forgotten. I know January 16 is coming and you have so many days etched in your mind that are more difficult than others. You will be in my prayers even more on that day. Love and hugs, Debbi
Deb Pfleiderer <nursedeb72@aol.com>
Rootstown, OH USA - Sunday, January 13, 2008 7:02 PM CST
Being a good neighbor
I came home from work to find
the lamp post by the sidewalk,
bowed it's head to the wind.
I came home another day to find
it so sturdy and head upright.
My next door neighbor had, in his
peticularly expert way, taken apart
and put back together the broken light.
The bright light is a fitting
symbol of the neighborly light Pete
and Dolly have been on Dayton Avenue.
When our home was overflowing like the
lady in the shoe,
on the day of our house fire,
where we found shelter,
to today, the way
they watch over me and my safety.
I told you their son in law, Rick,
plows my big drive every time it snows.
I thank God when I pull up that drive,
that you were able to have this wonderful
witness, in this neighborhood.

All of these thoughts on the importance
of those who know how to "Love Thy Neighbor"
came with the reflection of Gabriel's Mom.
Gabe was Frankie's first neighbor.
How a life long friendship of prayer partners
would form between families.
Look at all the connections across the country.
Those we still keep in prayer. Some of the
families you know are walking in your shoes,
you remember and pray for them.
Some are relying on the prayer for the next vigil
over their childs wellbeing, you pray for them.
You are a good neighbor.
You learned well from the best, our Dayton Avenue
You are a strong and courageous person.
You are seeking the voice of wisom as you journey
a territory none of us wish to travel.
Keep the Faith,
I Love You,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Saturday, January 12, 2008 9:11 AM CST
You are such a boost to my faithlife! Keeping you all
in prayer each day. Hang in there.

Linda DeFrange <ldefrang@kent.edu>
- Friday, January 11, 2008 8:24 AM CST
I remember those weeks too well.
Dr. Mee's torn retina when we depended
on him for our son's complexities.
I remember seeing the empty ICU
room next to Gabe's and being told
that a baby girl was born that day,
but she was not expected to survive her
surgery. Then I remember lots
of people gathered in her room and
could feel your joy and excitement
over that tiny, brand new baby. I
remember the walks back and forth
in the step-down unit to the beloved
coffee pot and passing you so many
times during those trips.I
remember the day Gabe was struggling
and preparing for another risky surgery
which would need to be done at the most
risky period for him, yet feeling a
bright ray of hope as you were packing
up Francesca to take her home. If Frankie
could pull through against such odds, then
maybe Gabe would as well. I remember coming
back to Gabe's room to gather our things for
the ICU and finding a beautiful card and gifts
from you and Mark and wondered how you could
have so much compassion for another family
while bearing your own heavy crosses.
Your friendship has been a blessing. I share
in your sorrows and pray for you often.
Your entries continue to inspire me.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Thursday, January 10, 2008 0:03 AM CST
Jean -
I have passed the link for this site onto a new friend named Andrea.
Andrea lost her child the week before Christmas, and she was almost exactly the same age as Frankie.
It is my hope that your strength, faith, openness in sharing your journey,
and your beautiful heart will help her in some way that only a woman who has
"worn the shoes" can do so.
Continuous prayers for you and your family,

A St. Matthias Parishioner
- Wednesday, January 9, 2008 3:24 PM CST
Jean, To read your words and relive those
first moments of Frankie's life, brings me to
Kathy and Sandy came to the house that day to
to be with the kids and I. They brought meals
but most of all the presence of care and friendship.
I remember your first call. You got up off the
delivery table and accompanied her to surgery and
rarely left her side again. I am moved by your
courage, strength and faith.
You will know how to honor her best, for you have
done so from the moment you knew she existed.
There are so many Debbie's, Jane's, Linda's, Melissa's,
Eileen's, relatives and friends who are like angels to
surround and protect your family.
That has not changed.
We have had the blessing of seeing heaven touch earth
in the most desperate of times.
It is no wonder you want to be that light for others.
You will be inspired for the fitting tribute, this day,
and in the years to come.
I Love You,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Wednesday, January 9, 2008 9:12 AM CST
Your writings inspire me and help me more than you know. My father is very ill, and as I watch him decline and prepare for heaven, your writings help me through the pain of this journey. Thank you.
I check on you all often, even though I don't sign in much.

Cathy Weber <webercath@juno.com>
Akron, OH - Wednesday, January 9, 2008 7:42 AM CST
Jean: You so inspire me and I thank you
for that. All our love to you and the
family. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Wednesday, January 9, 2008 6:37 AM CST
Dear Jean,
Just wanted to say hello.
All the best,
Linda Albers Serotta

Linda A. Serotta <lindaserotta@comcast.net>
Cherry Hill, NJ - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 7:40 PM CST
Praying for you and for Mario.
Praying that 2008 will be
a good year for your family.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Tuesday, January 8, 2008 1:22 PM CST
Jean: So glad to hear that Mario is feeling
better. Be sure to give him a great big hug
from us and tell him that once the weather
gets nice, we will be over on the Harley and
maybe with your permission, give him a ride
down your street. You all continue to be in
our thoughts and prayers. Look forward to
seeing you this Saturday at the Agency Holiday
party. Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam
P.S. Sara will probably start some of her
clinicals this semester. Had her first
MicroBiology class yesterday - yikes!!!

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 6:26 AM CST
Hi Jean,
Just thinking about you. Thank you for sending the Christmas picture.
I guess I am thinking about last year at this time as I am sure that you do often. The ugly shoe story is heartrending.I am so sorry you have to wear those ugly shoes, that anyone has to wear them.

I remember the very first day I came to your house. It was in December of 04. She was so little. I was afraid of her or rather afraid of hurting her at first but you put her in my arms at one point and my fears went away.
I remember some time after gastro feeding tube surgery she started to gain some weight. One day, all of a sudden, she had some chunkiness on her legs. You were so heroic in caring for her and seeing those rolls on her thighs was a small victory after all the trouble she had eating.
I remember once later on all the kids were eating cookies and Frank wanted some. She took the smallest bit, more like a lick really, but still she was having what the other kids were having. The week before she died I held her (and her oxygen tank) and swayed with her in my arms. She was having such a hard time getting comfortable so when I found a comfortable position for her, I was going to hold her that way for as long as I could. She patted my back with her little hand.

My boys and I miss you and your family. Frank was like a bit of glue that brought us together. I treasure the time we had and the opportunity for friendship. I hope in 2008 we can see each other more.

Love, Jane

Jane Martin <jeffjane99@adelphia.net>
- Monday, January 7, 2008 10:53 PM CST
I am so glad that Mario is improving.
You would make a wonderful volunteer
in the waiting room for parents of
children having surgery. You would
certainly be able to emphazise with them.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Monday, January 7, 2008 5:07 PM CST
Jean, I am so glad that Mario is feeling much better. I firmly believe He keeps us on our toes at all times and I work very hard at believing He only gives us what he feels we can handle. (but there are truly times when we all have our doubts and questions).
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Anne Marie <amm0729@yahoo.com>
Stow, OH - Sunday, January 6, 2008 12:19 AM CST
Praying that this Lord's Day finds all of you
well. Thank you again for keeping this site open as we all feel so connected to you.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, January 6, 2008 11:12 AM CST
Just a reminder
that you are loved by so many.
All who love you
are prayer warriers.
Call on that grace during
your busy, challenging days.
You are a good pure soul,
and a beautiful child of God.
Your strength, selflessness,
faithfullness are so inspiring.
I want to right all that is
wrong and troubling. But I must
have faith and hope in you and
God. I ask Him to uphold you.
May His angels surround and protect
Keep your focus on who you are
and who's you are and you will see
the true Peace you long for.
I Love You,

rita warner <keepthepeace13@yahoo.com>
kent, ohio usa - Sunday, January 6, 2008 5:44 AM CST
Jean - All that you have done for Frankie and your family and all that you have unselfishly shared with all of us has helped us to grow, learn, be more open to the lives of others, and most importantly, has shown us what love is all about. I can't thank you enough for allowing us to share in your journey. You are truly remarkable. Much love to all - Donna
Donna Patno <Donnacnm@windstream.net>
Hudson, OH - Saturday, January 5, 2008 8:47 AM CST
You already have...
more than you'll ever know.
God Bless You.

Debbie Johnston <thejohnstonvi@msn.com (www.caringbridge.org/ny/gabrieldavid)>
- Friday, January 4, 2008 9:03 PM CST
Praying that you have a good weekend.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Friday, January 4, 2008 7:25 PM CST
Jean - If your goal is to honor Francesca by helping others, then I think you've already met that goal - your openness about your struggles has helped me in so many ways. I pray 2008 will bring you peace.
Barb Furner <teamfurner@verizon.net>
Arlington, VA - Friday, January 4, 2008 11:10 AM CST
Jean: Happy New Year to you and the family.
Sorry I haven't written this past week. I
was off work and did all those projects I
have been meaning to do. Rest assured though
you were in my thoughts and prayers.
If anyone can empower others it is you. This
first year is difficult but you are strong and
so many love you and will help you through.
Hugs and Kisses. Love, Linda and Sam

Linda Anderson <elmo12458@yahoo.com>
Mantua, Ohio - Wednesday, January 2, 2008 7:44 AM CST
What a wonderful attitude you have.
I know that indeed you will make a
difference in many lives.
Praying that 2008 will be all that
you want it to be.

Linda Lauck <l_lauck1211@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, January 1, 2008 8:44 AM CST

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