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I refuse to believe you will leave me! Especially to move across the world! Stop talking shit
Lindsey <Lindseyalbinski@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, January 9, 2007 9:16 PM CST
Glad to see you're doing so well Tianna. Wishing you a happy and of course, healthy new year!
Best wishes always,

Bronx, NY - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:26 PM CST
Dear Tianna Sweet,
As near as I can tell your last bitch session was in May,
How about telling us about your trip to Eamon's home?
Huh? No bitching. Just tell us all how the trip went,
the good (and bad if any). And what else is new?
Ya all must know that all of us have you in our prayers
every day, even if we don't say so.
Did you get the pix I sent of my grand-munchkins?
Love, Uncle Hardy

Uncle Hardy <steinrp@att.net>
North Coventry, PA USA - Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:09 PM CDT
Hey Tianna, Im so glad to hear your doing sooo well. Good for you! You look great w/ your new hair-do... Thats just the way i remember you. Have a great time in Ireland. If you happen to go through ballyconnell, Stop at the Molly McGuires Pub for a pint.. My Fathers family owns it. Well, have a wonderful time... i must say im a little jealous but very happy for you. Keep in touch. Love ya, Vivien
Vivien Lyons <babydoll7277@yahoo.com>
Middletown, NY USA - Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:34 AM CDT
I should be doing my final presentation right now, but you had to go and update your website. Thanks for allowing me to procastinate a few minutes longer. PROCRASTINATION RULES!!!

P.S. I sent the email for the tissue typing.

Tracy <christracy@frontiernet.net>
- Wednesday, May 10, 2006 2:21 PM CDT
Hey Tianna! Happy Spring. I just created a new section on my blog, where I made a link to your site and others. I hope this is okay.

Stay well. :)

Bronx, NY USA - Saturday, April 29, 2006 8:19 PM CDT
Well i finally got a chance to breathe so I figured i could check out your site. It was great to see you at lisa's birthday party. We all had a great time. Next time we will have 3 bottles of goldshlager so maybe we can all get a gold bracelet or maybe make some earrings. Well glad that everything is well. The next big party is taylors hope to see you there. See you soon
Love ya

cyndi <amador97@frontiernet.net>
- Friday, April 7, 2006 8:34 PM CDT
I just bought Melissa Etheridge's new CD and the song, I run for life reminds me of you...makes me cry every time I hear it. And it makes me want to do a cancer walk, who's with me?
PS. What happened to the picture of me? :)

Lindsey <Lindseyalbinski@hotmail.com>
Wading River, - Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:55 PM CST
Congratulations on ONE YEAR of REMISSION!! You go girl ... celebrate how ever you want to ~ you deserve it!!

Angel hugs,

Sharon Lohan <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, OH USA - Saturday, March 11, 2006 9:01 AM CST
Tianna, Sweetie,
Ya know, I'm In a New York State of Mind, and
although I am not The Piano Man, I know a nice
Italian Restaurant, around the corner and I Like
You just The Way You Are because you are The
Uptown Gurl but just rememeber that Only The Good
Die Young.
Enjoy your trip, and send postcards?
Love, From Uncle Hardy

Uncle Hardy <steinrp@att.net>
North Coventry, PA USA - Monday, March 6, 2006 8:48 PM CST
I love Billy Joel! long live Uptown Girl! Stop whinning and start studying, you pussy.
Lindsey <Lindseyalbinski@hotmail.com>
wading river, NY - Saturday, March 4, 2006 4:56 PM CST
That was you running around the stage coach at recess. And this whole time I thought it was just some freak of a kid.
John Anderson <taco10963@yahoo.com>
Milford , PA - Wednesday, March 1, 2006 11:28 PM CST
Hi Gurl!,
Don't think that because people don't write you everyday that they are not thinking of you. I can assure you that they, and me pray for you everyday. By now I know that you
are counting the days, weeks, months into "The Cure" and
enjoying each day as best as ever and betta.
As you know I write poetry, and I promise you to send a
poem when the inspiration comes. I love ya sweetie.
Love, Uncle Hardy

Uncle Hardy <steinrp@att.net>
North Coventry, PA USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:48 AM CST
Happy Valentine's Day!!!! Loving you! xoxoxoxox
And your sexy Eamon Too!

Lindsey Albinski <Lindseyalbinski@hotmail.com>
Wading river, NY - Monday, February 13, 2006 7:53 PM CST
What Allyson wrote is very touching. It really puts things in perspective and makes you realize how much we take for granted.
Lindsey <Lindseyalbinski@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, February 1, 2006 8:55 AM CST
Hey Tianna. Thanks for your post on my blog recently. You're such an inspiration. It's so wonderful to hear from you. I just want to thank you for checking up on me and I'm so thrilled that school is beginning and going well. Please feel free to contact at my e-mail address directly. Your words give me such a boost of strength. You're truly amazing.


Bronx, NY - Sunday, January 29, 2006 9:36 PM CST
Tianna, Love,
Hooray for going back to school. Fun, isn't it?
You will do well, I am sure. Don't worry about
the little days or hours of depression. I have them
too, just as I think everybody does. You have much
to be thankful for. I still have much pain from the
surgery (needles in my hand nerve) but I have learned
to live with it. Remember that a lot of people are
praying for you. You lucky gurl!
Love, Uncle Hardy

Uncle Hardy <steinrp@att.net>
North Coventry, PA USA - Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:53 AM CST
I can't help it if I'm a slut- St. Johns is a catholic school!

Lindsey <Lindseyalbinski@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, January 26, 2006 0:46 AM CST
I am going to school...I graduate in May F.Y.I. And my degree is in Anger Management! Haha! Yeah right! Have you ever seen that movie with Jack Nicholson? Funny movie.

Anyway, I know why you want Tianna to take the sculpture class...so she can make a sculpture of you NAKED. I know your motives, you can't fool me. You SLUT.

Tracy <christracy@frontiernet.net>
- Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:30 PM CST
Tracy, will you stop it! It took me 45 mins to talk her into that. Tianna can handle 4 classes.(Especially since one of them is introduction to sculpting) If I can do it she can too so I won't hear any whinning from her or any from you about it either. That whats you have to do it you want to graduate. Eyes on the prize, ladies.

In fact I think Tracy should go back to school too.What do you want to do? Anger management specialist :)

Lindsey <Lindseyalbinski@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:20 PM CST
Okay so who's the fool that told you to take four classes all at once. Oh yeah, it was that crazy one Lindsey. Just so you know, Lindsey, if Tianna goes crazy from taking four classes...I'm suing you.

I remember John signing that song. And we used to walk by him and think, "Yeah, we're really not going to school, we are going to see how many days we can skip school and get away with it." Man, those were the days. Thank god we got good grades or mommy and daddy probably would have killed us.

Do you know if there are any support groups for siblings of cancer survivors because I think I am depressed too. A lot of days I feel fine, but there are those days as well that I think about a possible relapse and cry to myself. I can't cry to Chris because he would think I am stupid and I don't want to cry to you because I don't want you to get upset. I think I need to call EAP. I haven't truly stuck to any normal exercise routine for at least six months. Why don't I tell you this stuff over the phone or in person...probably because I am in denial and would rather not talk about it.

I don't know.

Sorry for such a downbeat post, I guess everyday can't be rosy.

Tracy <christracy@frontiernet.net>
- Sunday, January 22, 2006 2:48 PM CST
Hey,Hey, Hey,Hey....Looking good.
John <taco10963@yahoo.com>
Milford, PA - Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:00 AM CST
Hi Tianna,
Angel Sharon here! I still check in pretty frequently and love to hear how you are doing! Congratulations on starting school - I'm excited for you. And I can totally empathize with your insomnia, mood swings and sometimes anxiety ... hang in there ... it sounds like you are doing all the right things to make the most of your "new life"! Your healthy lifestyle hatbits (eating better, exercising, etc.)are such a good example of how to take care of yourself ~ keep it up!!
You remain in my thoughts and prayers,

Angel Sharon <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, OH USA - Friday, January 20, 2006 7:57 AM CST
Just read today's entry, I'm wondering, are HOT POCKETS on the weight watcher's plan? And i loved your poem!
Take care and GOD Bless!

Shelly <lilmama@ptd.net>
pa - Thursday, January 19, 2006 12:07 AM CST
One of my favorite and most helpful person I've ever met. You're always given me good advice on the HB (Hodgkin's Board). That would be a cool show, right? NEXT WEEK ON "HB", CANCER GETS LOST IN THE WOODS WITH LASSIE... Anyway, wishing you all the best. Bald or with hair, you're gorgeous.
Matt Kaplan
NY, NY United States - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 2:27 AM CST
You are truly an inspiration, loved the poem. Glad to hear you are doing well and I wish you the best.

Roberta De Motta, Big Island - Hawaii <demotta@aol.com>
- Monday, January 9, 2006 7:35 PM CST
Just read your poem about "Good Cancer".

I like it! I want to use the ending for my response to people who say that to me. I am from the NHL side of the boards.
Yeah, it's the good kind.... you want some?

Upstate, NY - Sunday, January 1, 2006 0:04 AM CST
Tianna, Sweetheart,
I can't walk in your shoes, but almost.
Sorry that I am so long in answering.
In October they cut my belly open in order
to replace a big part of my aorta with
plastic to fix an aneurysm. I never thought
I could feel so bad. I had tubes coming out
of every part of my body. My left arm is still
in excruciating pain from all the needles.
They stapled my belly together.
Girl, I am better now and you will be too, I
pray for you every day, and drink one for you
each day. Someday I hope we can share a drink
Love, Uncle Hardy

Uncle Hardy <steinrp@att.net>
North Coventry, Pa USA - Saturday, December 24, 2005 4:21 PM CST
You look great by the way! I like your picture
Bronx, NY - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 11:13 PM CST
Hi Tianna! Thanks for your comment on my blog (http://journalofaprizefighter.blogspot.com). I agree with you so much about the need to spread the word about bone marrow/stem cell donors. It's so simple to register but yet there's such a lack of registered donors out there. I just thought that I could use my experience with HD to inform my family and friends about the great need of transplant patients. To those who are reading this, if you're interested in becoming a donor please check out: www.marrow.org

Best to you Tianna! And I bookmarked your website!

Bronx, NY USA - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 11:11 PM CST
holy crap...
this thing is still on.
i thought after the remish... we could forget about you.
the new picture looks awsome.
hope to see you soon biotch.

coatesville, pa - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 9:38 PM CST
Came across your site while looking around in Hodgkin's websites. I am a HD survivor and have been in remission for something like 8 or 9 years now. I am glad you are doing better! It sounds like you are EXTREMELY active for someone who has been through so much recently! It took me like two years to completely recover form the effects of my chemo and radiation treatments! Good luck, and I hope that 27 treats you better than 26.

Holly <lasirenabonita@hotmail.com>
St. Thomas, VI US - Saturday, November 26, 2005 8:06 AM CST
Your new picture looks even better on the website than the one you sent to me. It is great to read so much good news in your journal. Maybe 27 will be ONE of the best years of your life. I think is great that you have the chance to exercise everyday. Most people do get more energy from exercising, but like you said you just had Chemo six months ago. I don't think you are working too hard, but you should just rest when you feel like resting. The biggest thing that scared me when I first lost weight was, "Oh my god, if I miss even one day, I'm gonna gain it ALL back!" Well that didn't happen and I have been really slacking lately. So just do what you can handle and no more.

Now that described your apartment, I can't wait to see it. It sounds very nice. The kids miss you and Eamon. So they will probably be little terrors this weekend. Ha, ha, ha.

- Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:45 PM CST
I LOVE the new picture! You look wonderful!

Take Care,

Angel Sharon Lohan <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, OH USA - Wednesday, November 16, 2005 2:12 PM CST
You've been on my mind lately and I hope that you are feeling well and staying positive. I hope you enjoyed your birthday (whatever age you decided it should be for;-)
Please know that you made an impression on me and I continue to follow your website because your positive spirit encourages me and inspires. Congrats on your Light the Night walk (I feel similarily about Relay for Life ~ it's a great thing for me to focus some energy on and "give back".)
Take Care,

Angel hugs and continued prayers, Sharon Lohan <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, OH USA - Thursday, November 10, 2005 12:24 AM CST
Hi there. You left such an endearing comment on my blog (http://journalofaprizefighter.blogspot.com/) about 2 days ago and I want to thank you for the support. Thanks for the link to http://forums.webmagic.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?Cat=&C=1
I had no clue about it, so I'll check it out. I will visit your wonderful again. I wish you the absolute best as you enter remission. Stay well and positive! We will beat it together!
Best wishes always,

Bronx, NY - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 7:57 PM CST
Hope you had a happy redo 26th birthday! You are so old!

Lindsey <Ruleof the world@irule.com>
- Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:09 PM CDT
Thank you for your sincere words that you wrote on my son's caringbridge website. As you have heard we have been busy with him since his liver transplant, but he is doing well and God continues to be with us in our journey.

As I told you after your last chemotherapy tratement, YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION to me and (obviously by all the guestbook entries) OTHERS as well. Your light has truly shown bright through your darkest of nights. You are a resilent woman filled with and surrounded by love! Dr. Sara has updated me on how well you are doing, may God continue to bless you on your path!!!

With much adoration....Marie, NP

Marie K. Marte <mm1mami@hotmail.com>
Forest Hills, NY USA - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:11 AM CDT
You really do look great with short hair. Who would have guessed!xoxo
Hey Tracy, Howyoudo'in

Lindsey <Lindseyalbinski@hotmail.com>
- Friday, October 7, 2005 5:32 PM CDT
That is awesome news about the clean scan and also not having to have another one for six months. It has been such a relief to know that you are in remission and will soon be deemed cured. I know a day doesn't go by that you don't think about cancer, but I hope that will soon pass for you and it will all be a bad faded memory. But if there is one thing that you should remember is how Freakin' good you look with short hair! And the new picture really says it all.
- Wednesday, September 28, 2005 6:14 PM CDT
Love the new picture. We are just so good looking I can't believe it! I mean Damn could we get any better looking? xoxox
Lindsey <Lindseyalbinski@hotmail.com>
Li - Sunday, September 25, 2005 4:29 PM CDT
Tianna - I enjoyed reading your update (we just updated my site today too!!). Congrats on your new home - I'm very happy for you and Eamon (and your cats ~ they'll figure it all out soon enough :-) Thanks for continuing to update - I like to know that you're doing so well. Stay well and happy!! You have my prayers!
Angel Sharon Lohan <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, OH USA - Thursday, September 8, 2005 12:52 AM CDT
Hey, Tiannagirl! Congrat's on the new digs -- you are deserving of that washer drier! LOL I am really happy for you both.

And I love your "Things I Know" list -- good stuff, and I can relate to a lot of them....including that f*ing ABVD weight gain! Blah.

Sending you love and big squishy hugs ~


P.S. Go for the chemistry, girl. Just do it.

Sarah <slhawthorne@comcast.net>
Baltimore, MD - Thursday, August 25, 2005 12:06 AM CDT
I'm glad you're keeping up the site. I know you don't think you are, but you really are an inspiration for the rest of us mere mortals. We've been busy with birthday(s)...wish you could have seen the babies. I sent a hug home with your Dad--did you get it?
Love, Jen (and all)

Jennifer (Stein) Flocco <n.flocco@att.net>
Pottstown, PA - Monday, August 22, 2005 3:28 PM CDT
Love the new picture. I showed it to all my buddies at work. I just got back from the shore. Had a great time. I will call soon.
Tracy <christracy@frontiernet.net>
- Friday, August 19, 2005 3:41 PM CDT
Horray I am so happy for you. Enjoy your summer and trip to SC.

Love you
Debbie & Edgar

Debbie Thorpe <ethorpe2@hvc.rr.com>
Middletown, NY USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 7:40 PM CDT
I think it's great that you continue with your page even though you're in remission. Pages like this give me hope that things can and will get back to normal at some point. I was just diagnosed 7/12 so I have a long road ahead. :)
Maggie Boykin <maggiecorby@yahoo.com>
San Diego, CA US - Thursday, July 21, 2005 10:27 AM CDT
I thought you weren't updating this site anymore? Now you made me look bad, cuz I haven't been checking it. I should have known that I always gotta keep my eye on you little sister!
Tracy <christracy@frontiernet.net>
- Monday, July 11, 2005 7:14 PM CDT
It was so good to see you at taylor's party. You look great. I have to say that the car is cool my favorite color of course. Maybe Marco will let me paint the Durango Purple. Highly doubt it but it is a thought. Again it was so great to see you. See you soon.
cyndi <amador97@frontiernet.net>
middletown, ny - Saturday, July 9, 2005 8:50 PM CDT
I am so glad its all over.
I was getting tired of having to check this journal
every day just so i could be your prespiratin.

I wish we had a cancer book we could all keep in touch
with but it wasnt about cancer...you know what i mean.
like you could go on and talk about what stressed you
out that day....and then someone could say yeah
i hate when people do that...and shit like that.

is that gay...not that theres anything wrong with that.

over and out <pajunkmail71@comcast.net>
- Monday, June 6, 2005 5:50 PM CDT
i KNEW IT ALL ALONG! No body but no body can take on my Backle. She will always win. Hey girl enjoy your ti,e in Florida because its back to work for you now. Does this mean you won't be sleeping every time I call?
Love Mom

Laura Stein <deadend13@frontiernet.net>
Otisville, NY USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 2:37 PM CDT
Dear Sweet Tianna,
So you beat it. Cancer I mean. Still much to go,
I know. You will get there gurl. I prayed for you
everyday, now it is your turn to pray for me.
They say that you are only as old as you feel.
I am soon gonna be 70 y.o. and I feel like I am
going on 70 y.o. But I won't give up life easily,
just as you did not.
I wanna see you and Eamon as soon as you can come my way.
My house is your house.
With Love, from Uncle Hardy

Uncle Hardy <steinrp@att.net>
North Coventry , PA USA - Saturday, June 4, 2005 9:20 AM CDT
I'm so happy this chapter in your life is over and you can proudly say that you beat cancer!!!! I know you don't want to be considered an inspiration because of this, and that you think MOST people would've done the same thing...BUT I think you're under-estimating the amount of courage and emotional stength that facing a life-or-death battle takes. None of us really know what we'd do if the same thing happened to us. I can only imagine it and the thought of it is terrifying. The truth is that you have had to endure REAL fear and pain. I don't care what you say, you are amazing! And i admire your strength!!! Seriously, Tianna, I know you very well and you're not foolong anyone...you love to be worshipped!!! This humble act your putting on, I'm just not buying it!!
Anyway, now you can get back to what's really important in life, and that is partying!!! I can't wait until the next time we can get together to really celebrate.

your buggest fan, Jessica <jessicalovitch@yahoo.com>
Montgomery, NY - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:08 AM CDT
CONGRATULATIONS, Tianna! Thanks for sharing your story with all of us through this website ... you say you are not a good writer, but I know I have looked forward to your updates and reading your words has made me feel more like I know you (even though we've never met)! It has been my sincere pleasure being your ChemoAngel and I would like to keep in touch with you. Continue to do good things ~ like the Cancer Walk and maybe becoming a ChemoAngel someday. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers,

Angel Sharon Lohan <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, Oh USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 8:48 AM CDT
go kick cemo ass girl.
i wonder if this cemo stuff gives you super powers...
like when that boy got bit by that radio active spider
and became spiderman
who knows...don't go tryin to fly yet...ill have to read up
on it...
i cant belive you cant tuff out this last treatment and
come see me this weekend.
its very selfish of you.
i guess ill get over it.
i will have to put up with tracy and those bratty kids of
hers....oh did i say that out loud...
i mean i cant wait to see her...them.

ethan <pajunkmail71@comcast.net>
coatesville, pa north america - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 5:16 PM CDT
hi kiddo - sorry that i have been absent from your site. i finally remembered to send the link to me when i was at your ma & pa s. it was so good to see them - lacking with the visiting there as well. i think about you all the time and pray for you (that is me praying). wish i had been following your journal, then i would have known that you were in otisville recently. i love you and i miss you very much. you have always been a bright shine-ing star. i will visit your page again.
debbie <debbie.hanson@kmbs.konicaminolta.us>
washingtonville, ny usa - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 4:08 PM CDT
well tianna,here it comes,the end of your journey through the painful ,emotional and discovering part of your life,discovering that nothing can get the better of you,is almost worth getting cancer for,because now you know what sort of a person you really are,you can go through the rest of your life with no fear.well done girl.thursday night is when margaret and i usually go out and i am going to celebrate your landmark to the full,margaret will see i get home alright (i think)!!I feel great already,heres to the future,i,m sure i will be drinking that toast a lot on thursday
god bless

seamus mccormick <seamusmac@ntlworld.com>
belfast, - Sunday, May 22, 2005 5:47 AM CDT
Dear Tianna, Sweetie Puss,
You sound so upbeat, you can almost make me feel good on
a down day. Most of my days are down days because I am ill.
One thing I tell all my family and friends, is don't ever
wish away time!!! Since I am retired now, time passes only
too fast for me. I wish I could buy back some of that
time. I can afford it.
Enjoy now, today, and don't wish for tomorrow, it will come
only too soon.
Forget about work, although I know you are anxious to get back to work. I have been retired since 1998 and I don't miss work at all. I fall asleep too, at least three times
a day. I think they say that is due to old-age.
Tianna, I pray to God, Jesus and Mary everyday for you.
Please pray for me too. I love you.
From Uncle Hardy

Uncle Hardy <steinrp@att.net>
North Coventry, PA USA - Friday, May 20, 2005 10:26 AM CDT
So close now. One week till the PICC line is out. I feel like you need some kind of award ceremony or something (Eamon too) I'm so proud of you. Hang in there, only one week and then you can take your life and body back!
Loving you.

Lindsey <Lindseyalbinski@hotmail.com>
- Friday, May 20, 2005 3:39 AM CDT
Woo hoo!!! You are coming up to the finish line!! Cant wait to see you back at Avon victorious after your grueling battle! You are awesome! Hang in there!
All the best, Maria

Maria <maria.kyriakopoulou@avon.com>
- Wednesday, May 18, 2005 12:43 AM CDT
its good to see your are keeping (mostly) busy.
anything to make this last month to go as quick as posible.
again....we didnot see all the breakdowns and the crying...
(would have made a good lifetime movie though)
instead you remained strong for all of us.
you are a true insperation to us all.
because of you i had the strength to get those fillings
i had been putting off....thank you.

next time anyone gets a serious illness....please..
keep it to yourself.
i dont need the stress.....i kid...i kid.

seriously...congradulations ...i cant wait to see you.
whenever it is.

love your bro....snif.

pardadice, of confusion big - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 7:00 PM CDT
Tianna...well, if there's one thing that this guestbook has proven is that you have many, many people in your life who are quite crazy...about you, of course, not just in general!!!! No, Tracy, I'm not calling you crazy because I'm scared of you!!! But everone else is plain loony!! In a good way!
And as for this whole raising money for cancer research endeavor, I'm sure you'll be breaking records with all the money you raise. If I ever needed someone to pimp-out a cause and raise money, I'd definately choose you!!! You're a great little hooker and that always means a strong head for business!!! So get out there on your favorite corner and raise some money!!
I'm proud of you sweetie. If I haven't said it to you lately, I can't imagine the pain and the complete terror you've had to endure over the past six months or so. I still have to ask myself how you're able to do it!! You've got to know that everyone loves you and would do anything for you....I'm only a phone call away!!! And I love you Baby...you're my girl!!! I don't have many chances at getting the type of friendship I have with you (you know how I don't like many people)! So know that even though I'm not right there with you, my heart always is!!!! You are awesome and I love you!!!

JESSICA LOVITCH <jessicalovitch@yahoo.com>
MONTGOMERY, NY - Monday, May 16, 2005 11:20 AM CDT
Fourteen more days...that's just two teeny tiny little more weeks! I just feel like running through the streets screaming "Two weeks, two weeks, two weeks!" But then people would know just how crazy I am and I try to keep that a secret. Maybe when it's all over, I'll come down to the city, get real drunk, and then run around screaming like a maniac. People don't pay as much attention to lunatics in the city.

Eric Clapton made the perfect song for how I feel..."I'm so glad, I'm so glad, I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad..."

Okay, enough of my babbling. See you soon.

Tracy <absolutely@insane.com>
- Thursday, May 12, 2005 2:13 PM CDT
Got a little teary eyed reading those quotes. Stop making me emotional damn it! I'm trying to walk with strength over here :)
Love you

Lindsey <Lindseyalbinski@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, May 11, 2005 3:10 PM CDT
thank god you have made it through this. it takes a very strong willed person to go though what you have gone through. you are simply, without a doubt amazing!! god bless you tianna...god bless you.
Melissa (Schwartz) Gushin <kbmom2@hotmail.com>
Port saint Lucie, FL - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:27 PM CDT
quit your belly aching....
don't you know there are children starving in affrica.

just kidding....maybe not a good time for that kind of joke.

anyways...that took guts tellin us like it is.
we forget how tuff it is for you.
for us its just a journal now and then.
for you it every second of your life.
especially now that its getting warm.
people arent traped in their homes in front of the
computer....not that thats a good excuse.

how about tracy speekin up over there....i got scared for
a second... ill still kick her ass though.

today i cried watching "finding neverland" with that
johny depp fellow, you know....21 jump street....very good.

i hope you will be being able to make over to me at the end of this month....i will be understanding if you don't.

how bout that run away bride....she had some funny looking eyes. i think she needs a guest book....

if it helps i am suffering a little.
it is hot right now and susan wont let me turn the ac on
and i can't sleep in the heat.

who else
home of 1 of the 1st steel mills, pa this one - Monday, May 9, 2005 9:33 PM CDT
Did you realize that on the Friday the 13th you will have 13 days left until no more chemo? With all the 13s in our family that are associated with good things, you know that's got to be good luck.
- Monday, May 9, 2005 2:24 PM CDT
Tianna, I think it is perfectly normal to want to be in control of your body and life again. There is only so much one person can take and you've taken more than anyone should have to in the last 6 months. And if you want something your way than damn it you should have it (just like Wendy's :). Do whatever you need to make yourself as comfortable and happy as possible. Let me know how I can help.

And last time I saw you, you looked sexy and not just sexy for a Chemo girl, you look great.


Goddess <goddess@olympia.com>
- Friday, May 6, 2005 3:15 PM CDT
Tianna, hang on any way you can until the moment they take the PICC out. THEN have a well-deserved breakdown. Look how far you've already come! It won't be long before you can say YOU WON.
Look for a care package--I sent you something that always helps me get through hard times. What you're going through is an entirely different definition of 'hard times', but I hope it helps, even just a little.
Love, Jen, Nick and the twins

Jennifer (Stein) Flocco <n.flocco@worldnet.att.net>
Pottstown, PA - Friday, May 6, 2005 10:43 AM CDT
well tianna,
feel better now? a little blowing off of steam is a great thing ,now go for the full eruption,you are entitled to,and you have no one better than eamon to be around and pick up the pieces when its all over and calmly get you back together.do not worry what we would think if you go off the wall now and then,after all,it is all part of the healing process.so now tianna,look to the future,because you do have one
god bless,seamus & margaret

seamus & margaret <seamusmac@ntlworld.com>
belfast, ireland - Friday, May 6, 2005 10:42 AM CDT
Tianna, you just worry about getting through this however you can. You've been asked to carry and incredible burden. No one can carry it for you, you must figure it out for yourself. The right way is what works for you, no one else. No one said it would be easy, we said YOU were stronger than it. You're on the right track. Gandhi was right.
your Guardian Angel
- Friday, May 6, 2005 8:47 AM CDT
Hey Tianna

I've just read your latest journal entry and then read what your sister has written. She is absolutely right. The hardest part of a race is the last few metres. That's when you need your supporters cheering you on from the Stands.

Don't ever forget that you have a team of supporters cheering you on all the way from Ireland and we're always there for you


Pearse McCormick <mccormickp@belfastcity.gov.uk>
- Friday, May 6, 2005 7:02 AM CDT
Where is that great support that everyone was giving my sister in the beginning of her journey??? She updated her home page yesterday and not one comment of support??? You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves. She has finally allowed her true feelings to break free. Which I say, it is about time. No one can be a strong as she has been for the past six months without hitting a wall sooner or later. But if we all get together and support her as much as we can, then we should be able to help her get back up again. So lets go...I wanna see some posts in this questbook. Don't make me get mad :)
Tracy <christracy@frontiernet.net>
- Thursday, May 5, 2005 1:19 PM CDT
Its a good thing that you all write to one another otherwise, this person here would never know whats going on since I seem to live in another world- anyone wanna visit me- take the 3rd left past the last planet and keep on going. Anyway love to everyone especially you you little brat. I think I would like to see those bird islands too. Or are there cat islands...
Laura Stein <deadend13@frontiernet.net>
Otisville, NY USA - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 10:53 AM CDT
God bless you.

We are missing you. Hope to see you soon.

Licinio Moreira

Licinio Moreira <licinio.moreira@avon.com>
Sao Paulo, SP Brazil - Saturday, April 30, 2005 5:25 PM CDT
whoops,just realised i made a slight mistake when i said we where in fuerengerola,we were not even in that country!!,no, we were in fuerteventura in the canarys,its just as hard to spell! and you must understand i have a bit of drying out to do yet,it may take a few days before i am back to what is laughingly called normal

seamus mccormick <seamusmac@ntlworld.com>
BELFAST, sober almost - Thursday, April 28, 2005 7:22 AM CDT
hi tianna,
margaret and i have just got back from our spring holiday in the canary islands,fuerengorola to be precise,it was great,all that sunshine and good food and great nights in local bars,and then we had to come home to RAIN,RAIN and more RAIN.We are going back as soon as possible!!!I hope you and Eamon have just as great a time when you go on your vacation,i,m sure you will,after all that you have gone through recently,a vacation in the sun is just what you both need,so ,go, enjoy, and for a little while at least,forget

seamus mccormick <seamusmac@ntlworld.com>
belfast, gods country - Thursday, April 28, 2005 6:28 AM CDT
Say Hi to Mickey for me, have a great time......isn't great the end is in sight
Aunt Rosie <microe@citlink.net>
Middletown, ny usa - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 2:40 PM CDT
Whoa, did you see how I spelled they're? (there) Oops, you'd swear I never went to school.
- Tuesday, April 26, 2005 8:27 AM CDT
Wow, only ONE month until your last chemo! Remember when you had 12 to go and everything was upside down? It felt like it would never be over, but here you are, almost done. I'm sure things are still upside down, but there getting better. Go to the lung specialist...what's one more doctors appointment?

By the way, how's your car?

- Tuesday, April 26, 2005 8:24 AM CDT
Well I just want to say how proud I am of Demi. Way to rob the cradle! As soon as my husband realizes he's way too good for me and leaves me, I intend to do the same thing. She is really and inspiration to us all!!!
Lindsey <me@hotmail.com>
- Monday, April 25, 2005 9:37 AM CDT
Ethan, are you sure that you are not taking Noah's prednisone. Cuz you are acting pretty crazy right now. I think that the Demi, Ashton thing has been going on a little too long for them to be punking everyone.

You nutjob.

- Friday, April 22, 2005 8:19 AM CDT

i just want to go on record to say that i think that
ashton is punking us with this whole demi pregnant married thing.

me <pajunkmail71@comcast.net>
coatesville, pa look it up - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:54 PM CDT
your nephew Noah takes prednisone for his asthma.
they said it would make him a little hyper but it
does not.....hope it works for you....beeeotch.

me <pajunkmail71@fcc.net>
coatesville, pa look it up - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:50 PM CDT
Oops, I meant Canary Islands ... I guess either would be good, eh?!?

Angel Sharon <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, OH USA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:57 PM CDT
Tianna, So glad to hear that you're enjoying this Spring weather ... these are the kind of days that hopefully you get lots of use out of those giant pink sunglasses I sent you :-) If I could figure out a way to send you a balcony or even a piece of the Grand Cayman Islads (actually, I wouldn't mind some of that!!), I would do it in a heartbeat. Thinking of you constantly and am so thankful that these last few chemos have been easier on you.

God Bless!

Angel hugs and prayers,

Sharon Lohan <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, OH USA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:55 PM CDT
any body else know about ashton and demi getting married....and she is pregnant!!!

i just found out over the weekend....holy cow.

oh yeah...hope your feeling ok tianna.

you know who <pajunkmail71@comcast.net>
you know where, - Monday, April 18, 2005 7:34 PM CDT
Please do not feel bad for Debby, as you did not want anyone to feel bad for you in the beginning. Like you told all of us, we need to be strong for Debby and everyone else LIVING with cancer. Please let her know that she is in my thoughts and that I hope she has as wonderful a support team as you do. Let me know when you and Debby do the Avon walk...I will donate to both. Be well.
Tracy <christracy@frontiernet.net>
- Saturday, April 16, 2005 9:23 PM CDT
hi tianna,
just read your latest entry in your journal and i feel a little guilty,not having wrote to you recently.I guess i took the news of your remission as if all your worries were over,and of course they are not.I hold my hands up and confess that my prayers for you were not as much as usual,and i forgot about all the other things you have to deal with.As usual you are dealing with them in your customary fashion,staring them straight in the face and daring them to get the better of you.My prayer level for you and your new friend Debby has been upgraded to the urgency level.Our affection for you does not need upgrading,God bless,and love to you both

seamus & margaret <seamusmac@ntlworld.com>
belfast, Gods country ,eire - Friday, April 15, 2005 10:22 AM CDT
Hi Tianna - I was wondering how you were doing just yesterday. Since I had a moment today, I decided to check your Guestbook. I am sooooo happy about your remission and that you last day of Chemo will soon be here. I'm sorry you weren't well enough for Prince Charles' wedding; I'm sure they would have wanted to see you there :).

All here is busy as usual, but not the same without.

See you soon and don't let that cat aggravate you -- you need your rest.

You are always in my prayers,


Gloria Rivera <gloria.rivera@avon.com>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 9:37 AM CDT
Tianna Sweetheart,
Sorry that I haven't gotten back to you in a while.
Sounds to me that you are making a lotta progress.
I am slow in giving you support because I have my
own medical problems. I have an Abdominal Aortic
Aneurysm. I need an operation pretty quick.
Ask your father about the details.
I believe that Mother Mary is looking over us and
we will survive by Her Grace.
With Love, from Uncle Hardy

Uncle Hardy <steinrp@att.net>
Pottstown, PA USA - Monday, April 11, 2005 12:55 AM CDT
Hi Tianna just wanted you to know we were really happy to hear about the remission. That was the best. Sorry I haven't written to you before this but I have been praying for you ever since your mom & dad told us about the cancer. Also, I am walking in the Relay For Life walk that the Cancer Society hosts. It is being held in Grahamsville on June 4th & 5th. We are all thinking of you and can't wait to see you when you feel up to it. Keep those positive thoughts going.
Ed & Carrie <carebare@warwick.net>
Ellenville, NY USA - Saturday, April 9, 2005 4:36 PM CDT
Tianna...the car is so cute! I'm sure Eamon picked the color! I 'm happy the "light" at the end of the tunnel is getting closer and good things are happening once again!

And about this ativan prescription...As someone who is employed in the healthcare field, I happen to know it is also used for alcohol withdrawl symptoms!!! HMMMMMMM...I think we know what's really going on here, don't we!!! Well, I guess this means your not drinking enough and you should pop into the pub if you're having trouble sleeping!
And Tracy...MY GOD WOMAN! 3AM!

Jessica <jessicalovitch@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 12:37 AM CDT
Tianna, just wanted to let you know I still check in on your site ... Congrats on your car ... I've sent you a little something for your new addition!! lol!

Angel hugs, Sharon

Sharon Lohan <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, OH USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 11:34 AM CDT
Tianna -call me !! xoxox
Lindsey <Lindseyalbinski@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, April 5, 2005 9:01 AM CDT
I am glad you came into work, Tuesday and I saw and got to chat with you for a bit. You look good, seem energetic and bright. Also, thanks for telling about the website www.chemoangels.org. I will tell my aunt about it. Hope to see you again, soon! We will chat more. Take care.
Mabel Kwan <cutie4real18@yahoo.com>
Astoria, NY United States - Monday, April 4, 2005 6:42 PM CDT
Cute car Tianna. Just remind Eamon that Americans drive on the right.

Eamon has been known to be a little reckless behind the wheel so get him to be careful. This is the guy who drove into a shopping trolley which had been left in the middle of the road. And this was in Belfast where we're used to dodging barricades!!

Pearse McCormick <mccormickp@belfastcity.gov.uk>
- Monday, April 4, 2005 10:07 AM CDT
Tracy, how the hell do you get up to exercise at 3am! that is just not normal!!!
Tianna I love you and you can call me whenever you want...But from 2am-6am please try Tracy 1st xoxoxo

Lindsey <Lindseyalbinski@hotmail.com>
Wading River, - Sunday, April 3, 2005 5:41 PM CDT
So glad to here things are looking better. Well I know you have limited time so when you cruise to tracys maybe you can give us a call and we could hear your voice. Well i have to say that the car is perfect even my favorite color. Remeber i had that purple cavalier I miss that car. Enjoy that new car good luck with it. O.k so now that you have a ggod car we will except no excuses why you cant make to see us after you are all done with chemo and dont have chemo brain anymore. We miss you and maybe we can have a go at collecting our court dues haha. Feel better see you soon.
cyndi <amador97@frontiernet.net>
middletown, ny - Saturday, April 2, 2005 1:11 PM CST
If you have anxiety at 3am, call me. I need to get up an exercise anyway (I haven't been motivated lately). A phone call that early in the morning should get me going. But seriously, you know that if you need to talk it doesn't matter what time it is, I'll be there. And I am sure mommy, Lindsey and Jessica feel the same way. Don't go crazy by yourself, take someone else along for the ride ;)
Tracy <christracy@frontiernet.net>
- Friday, April 1, 2005 1:15 PM CST
I love the car. It will be very funny to see Eamon driving a purple car! But he is sooo sexy that I think he can pull it off. Speaking of Superman, Eamon better be careful. He is making all the other men look bad. There might be some kind of backlash.

I'm so excited that you are coming to see me. Now what is this about you dropping your phone in the toliet. Did that really happen or are you just avoiding people?

Lindsey <Lindsey@supermodels.com>
- Friday, April 1, 2005 9:12 AM CST
I'm not sure if "get behind thee satan" came from Lisa or Cyndi, but I do remember it came from Orange cty. good luck with the car, I know your mom wanted one. Let her drive it once at least.And you guys keep up the good health, hopefully we'll get to see you when you come to the sticks or maybe you can pass by the house and honk......Love Ya Aunt Rosie & Uncle Mike
Rose Force <microe@citlink.net>
Middletown, ny USA - Thursday, March 31, 2005 7:50 PM CST
every body loves eamon

ethan <pajunkmail71@comcast.net>
eat, my shorts - Monday, March 28, 2005 9:30 PM CST
Eamon, Eamon, Eamon! I'm sorry, sweet Tianna! Everyone seems to have forgotten that it is YOU who the universe revolves around! OF COURSE Eamon does all this for Tianna! She is the bomb! She's sexy, brilliant and all-around fabulous! And don't forget, she's a bitch!
So..."Get behind me Satan" (whatever that means, Tracy!)
Lindsey and I have obviously been left out of this story, so I will use it like I know what it means!

jessica lovitch <jessicalovitch@yahoo.com>
- Monday, March 28, 2005 1:36 PM CST
Since everyone is on a "how good Eamon is" kick, let me tell you exactly how good Eamon is. He does everything for my sister. He gave her shots when she needed them, he changes her bandages, he takes her to doctors appointments,he does the dishes, he lets her bite him when her arm stings from the antiseptic (I think he likes her biting him), he washes her so she doesn't get her PICC line wet (I know she likes it when he washes her), and he just really cares about her. Don't ya just love Eamon...I know I do.
Tracy <christracy@frontiernet.net>
Godeffroy, NY USA - Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:24 AM CST
I love reading all the little notes I read in this site- even though I may not write all the time but I read it almost every day- hard not too. I have been on such a high since hearing about my baby girl's remission that I almost feel like its my own- so keep it up leetle girl- I want to go on vacation - oops. I didn't say that. Love to everyone here there and over there- Love ya later Bye Bye.
Laura Stein <deadend13@frontiernet.net>
Otisville, NY USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 6:51 PM CST
Dear Tianna: I so apologize for not writing sooner for you but just wanted you to know that I am wishing you all the best best best in the world and know how strong you are inside and out and will be a 100% whole healthy person again!

Stay strong kiddo! I need you at the next 25 Year Club Dinner to hang out with!

Barbarann <Barbarann.Rodriguez@Avon.com>
NY, NY US - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 1:37 PM CST
Tracy is going to have to explain the "get behind me Satan" thing next time I see her! and Ethan is right, Eamon is Chock full of goodness (and sexy accent, too)He's a great guy, You did good Tianna:)
Lindsey the magnificent <LindseyAlbinski@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 23, 2005 7:05 AM CST
Way to go, girl! Hopefully, knowing that you beat it will make the last half of chemo a little bit more bearable. (Well, that and having the port problems behind you--holy cow!) What an inspiration you are!
You're in our thoughts every day.
love, Jen and Nick, and the twins

Jennifer (Stein) Flocco <n.flocco@worldnet.att.net>
Pottstown, PA - Monday, March 21, 2005 8:42 AM CST
Tianna ~ What little green shamrocks?!? Wasn't me; must have been a leprechan - they sure are sneaky this time of year :-) Thank you for your kind words on your site about me ~ right back at ya!! You don't have to have had cancer to be a chemo angel (anyone can sign up to be one!); but I did find out about the organization while undergoing my own treatment and had my own angel assigned to me and I was so happy to be able to become an angel after fighting my battle. It is such a pleasure to send a little encouragement and to get back so much inspiration from people like you, Tianna. Here's the chemo angels website, in case anyone wants to check them out: http://www.chemoangels.com/
Hope you have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!
Angel hugs & prayers, Sharon

Sharon Lohan <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, OH USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 12:38 AM CST
Hey "T"
So happy to see things are looking up for you. it will get better, you just have to keep believing and stay strong. have a wonderful St. Patties day. hope to hear from u soon. im praying for u. i love u girl!!

Vivien Lyons <babydoll7277@yahoo.com>
Middletown, NY USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 6:34 PM CST
Hey blondie locks, how's going? Had i known you knew vivien and i could get in touch with you i'd have said hello sooner!! I'm glad to hear your in remission, and sad to hear about the cancer. I love and miss ya!! and if you want to say hey just write to vivien's e-mail. Be good, stay strong, and say hello to mom & dad. love always, Edgar (Hector)
Edgar Thorpe <babydoll7277@yahoo.com>
Slate Hill, NY USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 6:30 PM CST
thank you, eamon for sticking by my sister through all
she has been thru.
anybody could have easly said..."bag this"..and took off.
you are chock full of goodness....
at least from what we can see.
i would like to send my best wishes to your family and friends too.

thanks again.

pa - Monday, March 14, 2005 9:37 PM CST
Thank heaven. We all knew deep down that you would beat this nothing can hold back such a strong willed person but most of all a such a positive person. Well now that you are in remission hopefully after all the chemo is done you will come up and hang with us so we can go out and celebrate. Then we can come down to you and make a night out in the city. talk to you soon love you.

marco cyndi taylor <amador97@frontiernet.net>
middletown, ny - Monday, March 14, 2005 5:17 PM CST
What did I say about your mom, now we all know that she didn't raise no wimp........great news. Whatever gets thrown at you, you've fought hard, don't stop now. With all the strenght that has been sent your way as well as the power of prayer you'll get stronger & stronger, and if no one has taken the time to say THANK YOU ALL for every word of encouragement that you have sent to my niece, then I THANK YOU, as I know my sister & brother-in-law have done. And E-man what can I say, God bless you and bring more good things your way.....Love Ya Aunt Rosie & Uncle Mike
Rose Force <Microe@citlink.net>
middletown, n.y. U.S.A. - Monday, March 14, 2005 6:10 AM CST
Excellent news girl.........you stayed positive and strong throughout and now you have been rewarded........
xx Celine

Celine Treanor <celine.treanor@amey.co.uk>
- Monday, March 14, 2005 5:21 AM CST
Fantastic news Tianna. The relief here in Belfast was tremendous so I can imagine how great it was over there.

As your strength in beating this has been inspirational could you pass some of it on to a lady by the name of Julia Campbell. She's my mother in law and is just about to start Chemo following discovery of breast cancer. She's not very technical and thinks computers are just another thing to be dusted but I'm sure she'll gather strength from knowing that, through prayer, the support of family and friends, and sheer bloody mindidness, anything can be overcome.


Pearse McCormick <mccormickp@belfastcity.gov.uk>
- Monday, March 14, 2005 3:13 AM CST
so happy to hear your news girl thank god for your strong will and all the prayers from everyone joey says its time to party the city see ya soon love all of us
joe dar kids <jamfc2001@yahoo.com>
middletown, ny usa - Sunday, March 13, 2005 2:14 PM CST
Fabulous News, Tianna!!! Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you and your family and friends! (Doesn't it feel great to have made soo many people's days with your news?!?!) I will continue to pray that the joy and peace you feel from this news will sustain you as you complete your remaining treatments and for continued blessings on you. Angel hugs and prayers, Sharon
Sharon Lohan <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, OH USA - Sunday, March 13, 2005 8:06 AM CST
Brilliant news! The best!! I've never been so happy for someone I've never met! Hope that changes one day too. Love the photos. Stick in there, and just laugh off the rest of the treatment.
Hey, my ankle's kinda sore and I have a football match tomorrow. Can I get some of those prayers and wishes - they seem to work a treat!

Kieran McCormick <kieran.mccormick@openandirect.com>
Belfast, - Saturday, March 12, 2005 10:12 AM CST
Tianna - you and Ethan will know what I mean when I say this:

It's not thanks to your bitchyness, it's not thanks to Ethan, and it's not thanks to "Get behind me Satan" that you beat cancer, really...

"It's all thanks to my dog matix!"

Tracy <christracy@frontiernet.net>
State of bliss, NY - Friday, March 11, 2005 5:09 PM CST
Your brother is wrong Tianna... he didn't cure your cancer, you scared it away!!! You have single-handedly "bitched-out" that bastard we call cancer!!! Cancer was driven away by the bitch that you are!!! I feel lucky to have a friend who is so powerful and I fear nothing and no one because of your ability to kick cancer's ass!
I am now wondering who would win in a fight???? You or Superman? We know Superman has a weekness--kriptonite(sp?). But YOU don't seem to have a weekness!! Except for your weekness for Avon products....has everyone seen Tianna's bathroom? I think Avon exploded in there....she's all over those shower gels!!!!

Jessica Lovitch <jessicalovitch@yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 11, 2005 3:01 PM CST
Congratulations on the fantastic news i knew you could beat that horrible thing, the prayers must have helped but most of all was your strength and courage to fight and not give up. You go girl!!!! And not forgetting you bro in all this im so happy for you and will have a wee celebration here for you both also. lots of love and XOXOXOXO Carolle

Carolle mc Cormick <carollemccormick@ntlworld.com>
Belfast, - Friday, March 11, 2005 2:38 PM CST
joy = your wonderful news
joy = believing that prayers do work
joy = what i wish the both of you for now and forever

seamus mccormick <seamusmac@ntlworld.com>
belfast, gods country - Friday, March 11, 2005 10:38 AM CST
Hi Tianna

I read the wonderful news. May the glory be to God for your healing. We will continue to pray for your comfort during these next 6 chemo sessions. I am happy for your joy and peace.

New York, NY - Friday, March 11, 2005 9:22 AM CST
You see Tianna all the "GET BEHIND ME SATAN" 's I have been doing worked! I never doubted this outcome. This is the best news!!!! Hang in there kid. I see the light, do you?
lisa <lisa56@citlink.net>
mdtn, ny - Thursday, March 10, 2005 11:39 PM CST
Lindsey <Notthebitchiest@Tracyis.com>
- Thursday, March 10, 2005 9:25 PM CST
remission?.....isnt that when you have to ask your
parents if you can borrow the car..... again.

i just want to say i single handedly cured your cancer.
yup...i prayed they would give you kemo....they did.
no thanks needed though.... its what i do.

i just want to thank all of you who wrote comments and
prayers and cheers and just stuff...in this forum.

i am sure she would still be ok but...(haha, i said but)
it made the pain and other stuff more bearable.

dont stop there though...she still got more of those
stinkin treatments...so lets keep it up.

oh and from what i understand your all the bitchyest.
(in reference to earlier entries)

i am also starting the tianna foundation.
so send me your money and ill make sure she gets it....

DMD is dead.....the code is cracked.

look at the stars...see how they shine for you...and
everthing you do.....

p.s. kelly clarkson rules......whose high pitch?

the end.

emo <me@ifyouthinkthisrealyourdumd.com>
yo mama, pa - Thursday, March 10, 2005 7:02 PM CST
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I am so happy for you!! I knew you had your scans today so I figured I would check your website for an update. When I saw the word "remission" I was estatic!! I have had you in my prayers. Go out and celebrate..you deserve it and again I am overjoyed for you!!!!!!! :) :) :)
Cathy (Pugaboo)
Hawthorne, NJ USA - Thursday, March 10, 2005 6:41 PM CST
Thinking of you today and praying and hoping for positvie results so that you can CELEBRATE and move on forward with your next 6 rounds of chemo. Angel hugs, Sharon
Sharon Lohan <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, OH USA - Thursday, March 10, 2005 12:05 AM CST
Sending good luck your way for the PET scan and CT scan today. I hope you are feeling positive because that really makes all the difference.
Tracy <christracy@frontiernet.net>
Godeffroy, NY - Thursday, March 10, 2005 9:19 AM CST
I love the pictures! You did a great job. Can't wait for the PET scan. It will be very nice to hear some good news.

Lindsey <LindseyAlbinski@hotmail.com>
Wading River , NY 11792 - Saturday, March 5, 2005 7:38 AM CST
Hi Tianna

Great pics. Eamon has a kinda Woody Harrelson vibe going in a couple of them. I've sent you a pic of him and his adorable sister Carolle when they were kids. Should give you a laugh.

Pearse McCormick <mccormickp@belfastcity.gov.uk>
- Thursday, March 3, 2005 3:26 AM CST
Hi Tianna and Eamon, just a few lines to let you know im thinking of you both all the time. Hope you get good news next Thursday, love the pictures there great (sound abit like tony the tiger there) checking your journal for updates all the time ta ta for now be in touch soon. Lots of love Carolle, Eamon and Caoimhe. xoxo

Carolle mc Cormick <carollemccormick@ntlworld.com>
Belfast, - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 4:22 PM CST
Tianna, I LOVE the pics!!!!(pictures, that is, not PICC line) I'm especially fond of the pictures of me!!!

Jessica Lovitch <jessicalovitch@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, March 2, 2005 2:59 PM CST
great job on the montage,just proves what a clever girl you are,keep it going girl,it feels as if we are there with you
all the best,seamus

seamus mccormick <seamusmac@ntlworld.com>
belfast, ireland - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 11:59 AM CST
Tianna, Tianna, Tianna.....never a dull moment! Once again, i must say your never-ending quest for attention is mind-boggling!!! How 'bout you just stop messing with all the little gadgets in your body! And Lindsay,it's not Eamon who enjoys giving the shots, it's Tianna, that masochist, who enjoys the torture!!!!
JUST KIDDING!!! Seriously, the amount of crap you have been dealt these last few months is unreal!!! And you just keep persevering...one day at a time!!! I will NEVER be able to complain about the GYNO again (well, not to you, anyway!)
Always thinking about you!!!!!!
Always loving you!!!!

Jessica Lovitch <jessicalovitch@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, March 1, 2005 11:00 AM CST
Hi Tianna,

I Just wanted to say "hello" and to let you know that I am thinking of you and praying that this is all over soon. Hang in there your almost there!

We all miss you!!

Barbara <barbara.zajac@avon.com>
New York, NY USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 3:14 PM CST
Hi Tianna and Eamon. Just a quick hello, and to let you know we're checking your site regularly to see how you're getting on. So much surgery, but you're getting through it rightly!
All our love
Kieran and Celine

Kieran McCormick <kieran.mccormick@openandirect.com>
Belshaft!, Ireland - Monday, February 28, 2005 11:37 AM CST
dearest tianna,how brave of you to take the time to update your journal,i wish i could share some of your pain to ease things for you,but of course i cant,but now that you are almost in the home stretch,i pray harder that your pain and suffering will lessen.Once again,all my love and affection to you both,Margaret xoxox p.s.i have to use seamus,s email as i have left work and cannot use the email address i had there
margaret mccormick <seamusmac@ntlworld.com>
belfast, ireland - Sunday, February 27, 2005 12:34 AM CST
Tianna ~ Sorry to hear that you are in pain, but I am glad that your "deportation" surgery went well! (Your sense of humor is infectious :-) You are always in my thoughts and prayers (and I check your site often for your updates). Look for a new package and letter this week ...

Your ChemoAngel,

Sharon Lohan <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, OH USA - Sunday, February 27, 2005 7:28 AM CST
Hey girl I'm sorry to hear about your problem again. So you are going to get your pet scan soon. What kind of pet are you? I would have to say that you are a frisky kitten. Maybe those kitties of your have rubbed of on you. So since you are getting a pet scan can we all pet you? Ha Ha Or maybe a Pit Bull Would be a good call because you are as strong and tough as one. Keep your head up. Hey look at it this way all those good drugs you get are legal and you can get a buzz and not get in trouble. Stay strong love ya. Oh yea ever woman should have a wonderful and loving man like eamon.
cyndi <amador97@frontiernet.net>
mdtn, ny - Friday, February 25, 2005 9:12 PM CST
oh I forgot, the movie the hitchhikers guide to the universe is coming out this summer.
lisa <lisa56@citlink.net>
- Friday, February 25, 2005 8:53 PM CST
Hey Tianna,
I know it has been sometime since I have signed your guestbook, but I often find it hard to gather all my thoughts and what needs to be said to you into some kind of comprehensible sentence. So I guess I will just say that you are by far the strongest person I know. The level of support that I see on this website is a true measure of the type of person you are. You truly touch everone you meet.

Love Ya!

Lisa <Lisa56@citlink.net>
Middletown, NY - Friday, February 25, 2005 8:51 PM CST
I read your journal entries and guestbook regularly. I am so impressed by your positive attitude that you have maintained, regardless of the number of obstacles that you have encountered throughout your treatment. Your perseverance is not only amazing, but also an inspiration to others who may be fighting the same illness. I enjoyed your joke about being de-ported. Your sense of humor and inner strength will get you through this. David sends his regards as well.

Amanda Sokoloff-Stivers <asokoloff16@yahoo.com>
Suffern, NY USA - Friday, February 25, 2005 8:37 PM CST
Hi Tianna

Thanks for the update. We miss you. I continue to thank our heavenly Father for your healing and comfort.

Find some funny movies to watch.

Jessica Gibson
New York, NY USA - Friday, February 25, 2005 5:34 PM CST
Hi Tianna! You are such an inspiring individual. I have so much respect for you in that you are staying so positive during such a trying time. I think about you often and we miss you here at Avon!
Take care,

Annemarie Saya <annemarie.saya@avon.com>
Rye, NY USA - Friday, February 25, 2005 8:36 AM CST
Hi Tianna - what problems; I feel so bad for you. But, you are strong and will get through this. You better. They really need you over here with these conferences!!!

Take care, and remember, you are always in my prayers.

P.S. - Have you received any of my other e:mails??


Gloria Rivera <gloria.rivera@avon.com>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:55 AM CST
Such trouble. That port is jinxed. It's been nothing but bad luck since you got it! I'm glad to hear you are getting deported. And I also think that Eamon likes giving you those shots!! Sick Bastard:)
Lindsey Albinski <LindseyAlbinski@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, February 23, 2005 6:48 AM CST
Hey Tianna!!!
Hong Kong Calling - hoping things are going well and thinking of you all the time.
Hang in there -and remember every chemo session you go through means there's one less to endure.
Email my wife, Pat, on patricia_kane@hotmail.com if you want any input on the drugs they're giving you - she's a healer and because of what she went through knows a lot about this stuff.................

Meanwhile, keep in touch, and make sure that Chemo continues to kick butt!

All my best to you

Stephen Kane <stephen.kane@avon.com>
- Wednesday, February 23, 2005 4:10 AM CST
Hey girl glad to see that you are still so strong and positive. Soon those bumps will be over. Maybe when you are all better all of us can get together and maybe take a trip someplace warm were we can all party and celebrate YOU and YOUR OUTSTANDING STRENGTH. Feel better the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter everyday! stay strong
love ya

cyndi <amador97@frontiernet.net>
mdtn, ny - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 6:13 PM CST
Hi Tianna it's taylor here. I just wanted to say hello and hope you are feeling o.k. ya mon. I just came back form jamaica. all they said all the time was ya mon. feel better love you

taylor <ttcat96@frontiernet.net>
mdtn, ny - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 5:59 PM CST
hi tianna,seamus here.Well,a great cloud has descended on the mccormick household.Margaret wants to know who the hell Marianne is,i knew i should not have belted the whisky into me that night!So i have told her,i will tell her about Marianne when she tells me about Paddy,(clever or what)!so this could go on for some time,unless of course there really is a Paddy!!!Anyhow,no news from you in your journal for a few days now,so,as they say ,no news is good news
all our love and affection,seamus,margaret,and now paddy and marianne(apparently)

seamus mccormick <jamesmac29@ntlworld.com>
belfast, gods country - Sunday, February 20, 2005 2:59 PM CST
T - After reading your guestbook, I'm so very impressed with (and I'm sure you are inspired by) the support and thoughts of your family and friends. I know your inner strength, ability to perservere and sense of humor will get you through your remaining treatments. I think of you often, at least no more of those friendly calls about OC schedule formatting. Take care. My best always!

Dave Males <david.males@avon.com>
- Thursday, February 17, 2005 10:53 AM CST
Hey Lindsey...we now know that the ultimate test of sexiness is after you shave your head bald! And the award goes to.....Eamon, I, I mean, it goes to Tianna. (NO, Tianna, I am not secretlely hot for your man!) YOU are the only "baldy" who holds a special place in my heart! Besides, I hear Eamon has a thing for bald chicks!

And Tracy, I truely hope you can forgive me for forgetting about your absolute rule over the title of "The Biggest Bitch"! I did ride the bus in complete fear of you for many of my middle school years...hoping each day for you AND Tianna to not be on the bus so I could ride to school in peace...without fear of getting bitched out or beat up for liking New Kids On The Block!
I love all you guys!!!! And I agree with Lidsey's last entry...Tianna, you are the strongest! I envy your strength and ability to get through each day. I feel honored to be a part of your life! I thank GOD for each day you get through the never-ending poking, testing, and pain you must endure to beat this!!!! I am so happy(and excited) that you are almost halfway done. And I continue to be amazed that you somehow stay so positive. I hope the next half feels as quick for you!!!! You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Forever Loving You...Jessica

Jessica Lovitch <jessicalovitch@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, February 16, 2005 11:06 AM CST
Tracy- you definately have me there. You are the queen of bitchiness. I don't know what I was thinking. You are right, I concede. I quess I'll just have to settle for being the sexiest:)....That is excluding Eamon of course!
Lindsey Albinski <LindseyAlbinski@hotmail.com>
Wading River , NY Suffolk - Wednesday, February 16, 2005 10:39 AM CST
Halfway already? Man that went by fast! I know that's easy for me to say, but it has been a long road for me as well. I sat up many a night wondering and worrying and crying. I can't wait for your pets to be scanned either, but I don't think it will tell you why Nummy and Nushka are such crazy cats. But seriously, I hope that the PET scan shows good news.

By the way, Tianna, Lindsey & Jessica - I don't know why any of you think you can hold a torch to my bitchieness. You all know I am the reigning Queen of Bitchieness. Ask Tianna, I went to school for it.

Lindsey - you are right, Tianna is extremely sexy bald.

Hang in there Tianna, now you can almost see the sun at the end of the storm. Love you.

Tracy <christracy@frontiernet.net>
Godeffroy, NY USA - Wednesday, February 16, 2005 9:05 AM CST
GREAT.....now you probably got someone fired.

let me tell you what.
i have spent the last 4 days trying to set up my
2 computers onto a network so they can share the internet.
i am pooped.

i was changing ip adress info and all
that DNS stuff. all i had to to was turn stuff on in a
special sequence at it worked without all that bs.

i just want to say how proud i am of you to come this far.
you and zenon have been thru alot. you should go and parachute out of a plane or something.

if i could switch places with you....
you know like that movie along time ago when that lady could touch people and she would get there sickness
for a second and the other person would get healed.
but then i probably could'nt wear watches...
that would'nt be good.

i guess its not like the old days when you could....
"just walk it off"

i wish you luck with the second half..do you get a
button like in A.A.?

keep it real in the field.


pa this - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 6:45 PM CST
You will all have to excuse Jessica for her open hostility, you see she was married about 6 months ago and I'm afraid the sexual furstration is begining to show :)And this is of course no reflection of our true feelings for one another!

And just to clear it up, I am aware that I am the bitchiest of the three of us and I'm kinda proud. It's true that I was in denial about this whole situation until we reached the point that we couldn't pretend that it was something else. I cried very hard that day and I'm not going to do that again for another 3 months and 1 week, when I can cry because this is all over. So I've been trivializing it since that day,cause that's the only way I can deal with this. I've been friends with tianna for 16 years now, she is like a sister to me and I realise that I've taken it for granted that I will always have her friendship. What I mean to say is that I was blindsided by this and it's been a very hard slap in the face. But just like I know that I am the bitches and Tracy is the craziest and Jessica is the worst drunk( you deserved that :) Tianna is the strongest, always has been, always will be. I've no doubt that she will get through this and one day will we'll all look back on this as the time when we realized that we love her and need her more than we ever knew. And that we also never knew how sexy she would look bald.

I love you, Tianna and your courage really does amaze me everyday!

Lindsey Albinski <LindseyAlbinski@hotmail.com>
Wading River , NY - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 11:12 AM CST
Tianna ~ Wow! The first thing I noticed when reading your website is the amazing support system you seem to have. Enjoy and appreciate that - let people be there for you - and your strength and courage will be an inspiration to them! I am honored to be your ChemoAngel and hope that I will be able to become a part of your support system too. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Angel hugs,

Sharon Lohan <lohan@ncweb.com>
Perry, OH USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 10:03 AM CST
In reading the notes sent to my youngest child, I realize (again) that my family is absolutely CRAZY. Hey Babble- Eamon's side sounds almost as bad as us'n's so lets keep them ok? Guess what Daddy did? Love you and miss you- why is it that 80 miles seems so far? Hope you have fun with Lindsey- you deserve and need it. See ya later, bye. Mom

Laura Stein <deadend13@frontiernet.net>
Otisville, NY USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 6:43 AM CST

ethan <paethan71@fcc.net>
somewhere, pa ? - Monday, February 14, 2005 5:34 PM CST
Tianna....OK...so finally I was able to get into this guestbook to write you a message(excuses, excuses...I have many!!) Anyway, I can't even begin to describe my feelings about this whole situation you're dealing with. I never imagined this would've been a part of your life. Even when you were first dealing with the possibility of cancer, I didn't really think it was going to happen to you. Lindsey and I completely blew it off as an impossibility. I know it was a shock to everyone (especially YOU), but you are really handling this struggle beautifully! I know you have your days when things are really hard, and I have NO idea what HELL you must experience, physically and mentally!! I can't imagine having to go through this myself. I wonder if I'd be as strong...and Eamon has been a real insipation, as well, for being your partner through all of this. I'm so happy you have someone like him in your life. Especially since you can be a bit difficult to deal with at times, Ya' know what i'm saying, Eamon!!! (Joking, of course!) Everyone knows that Lindsey is the biggest bitch out of the three of us. But don't tell her I said that because she has difficulty dealing with the fact that you and I are nicer than her!!! (Once again, just joking)
So I guess what I want you know is that I love you and you are one of the most special people in my life. Obviously, a lot of people feel that way! And I hope you didn't need this silly guestbook to know that!!! I'm always just a phone call away...and a short drive if ever needed!!!!

And keep in mind that our booty-shaking days are NOT over. I cannot shake it alone!!! And Lindsey really has trouble with the rhythm, so I desperaltely need you! (Again, I am completly joking)

And not that this a contest or anything, BUT, my entry is much longer and heartfelt than Lindsey's. And, not that it really matters, BUT I think we all know who loves you more!!! (and that was not a joke)


Jessica Lovitch <dlovitch@msn.com>
The Hood, NY USA - Monday, February 14, 2005 11:15 AM CST
great to read that you and eamon are having something approaching a normal night out,blast it out girl ,every day is different,there is always tommorrow.Have to let you know,that you are my 2nd choice for valentines day,you almost made it to no.1,but,(1)margaret would kill me (2)eamon would kill me (3)marianne would kill me(dont ask!!!)on that note ,goodnight and god bless
p.s.i think i,m pissed

seamus mccormick <seamusmac@ntlworld.com>
belfast, gods country - Saturday, February 12, 2005 7:04 PM CST
hi tianna,just read your latest add on to your journal,and couldnt help but wonder at your attitude to all this,it really is amazing that you can still have a pragmatic approach to your suffering(just finished reading a dictionary)!!!Anyhow,without your updates,i would be imagining all sorts.so sorry for you that treatments are not so straightforward and comfortable as you had hoped they would be,but each day is another day closer to your recovery.its easy for us to say"keep battling girl",but at the end of the day,thats all you can do.Candles still burning,prayers still going strong,its the least we can do.love,seamus&margaret
seamus mccormick <jamesmac29@ntlworld.com>
belfast, ireland - Saturday, February 12, 2005 1:14 AM CST
Tawanna, just writing to say hope you had a pleasant day today. When you get a chance, i'm gonna need my Guns & Roses Appetite for Destruction CD back. Thanks. We're sending our love you should get it like right now. And ohyeah, you should do a reality TV show. UUumwha.
Howells Gang <jamfc2001@yahoo.com>
Howells, NY - Thursday, February 10, 2005 7:42 PM CST
Very nice site...you did a great job!!! I'm fighting colon
cancer and have been for about 2 years. Now I need a Chemo. change which requires a port. The port is scheduled for 2/15 and I'm scared out of my wits!!!!! But we gotta do what we gotta do!!! Keep up the great site, get well, and God bless...Ed

Ed Gogola <egogola@juno.com>
Schroon Lake , NY USA - Thursday, February 10, 2005 2:09 PM CST
Hi Tianna.

Firstly, you're far too good looking to be with a baldy git like Eamon. Has he ever shown you photos of himself with hair!?

I've been meaning to get in touch to say hi, and it's to my eternal shame that it's taken something like this to get me off my ass to do it.

You're in my prayers and I'm sure that you have the strength to get through this(if you have the strength to stick with Skids for all this time I'm sure you can beat anything life throws at you!!)

I'm sure he's told you but Eamon has just become an uncle again, to a wee boy that we've named Conleth. He looks just like his Dad so Eamon can tell how good looking that makes him. When he's a bit older he'll be expecting the call to come visit his Auntie and Uncle in the Big Apple.

Pearse (Eamons' big brother)

Pearse McCormick <mccormickp@belfastcity.gov.uk>
- Thursday, February 10, 2005 8:59 AM CST
ooh yeah...well i am getting a muller pulled tomorrow.
how about that.

i wonder if the tube not staying has anything to do with
you not being able to wear watches...do do de do.

i hope you and alkaline are getting along thru all this.

is this like having your period and you snap at him
for breathing thru a stuck booger too loud?

i went to a baptisim like 2 weekends ago.
and people were allowed to stand and ask for you to pary
for someone...well...i chickend out....sorry.

how about that brad pit and that chick from friends
breaking up.now i hear he has been seen with angalena joli.
NO! i don't know how to spell her name.

"napoleon dynamite" will cheer you up. rent it.


Ethan <paethan@fcc.net>
your moma, pa - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 5:04 PM CST
hey girl! when this is all over we are going to have to have a big party with lots of excitiment maybe even a court hearing so whomever owes dues can pay up!!!! Keep your head up fell better LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!!!
cyndi <amador97@frontiernet.net>
middletown, ny - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 11:46 AM CST
Hey Tawanna,
Holy shit I cant believe they didnt give you a live chat room with all this comotion going on. Everybody says Wh'd up. Unca joe, Aunt darlin,little joe,Princess Olivia and the tough guy in the blues. Keep your chin up. At least until the swelling goes down. HaHa just kidding.Love you

Unca joe , Aunt Darlin, little joe, princess Olivia and the tough guy in the blues <jamfc2001@yahoo.com>
Howells, ny - Monday, February 7, 2005 5:02 PM CST
Hi Tianna

I want to echo Harriet's comments that I also visit your site to know how you are doing. I am glad to hear that the doctors now know the problem and that they are properly treating it. We miss your positive personality and bright smile. You are in our prayers. Keep the faith and keep writing to us. Do you read James Patterson? He has a new book in paperback. Warmest regards, Jessica

Jessica Gibson
New York, NY USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 3:54 PM CST
Dear Tianna, I just wanted to let you know that I've visited your site and will continue to do so. Your radiant smile and winning attitude are missed at Avon but I know these things will also give you strength in the coming months. My best wishes for as smooth a time as possible. Love, Harriet Edelman
harriet edelman <harriet.edelman@avon.com>
ny, ny usa - Monday, February 7, 2005 7:57 AM CST
Dear Tee, uncle Mike says, he knew that he should be afraid of the women in our family,cause they are so strong,but he never realized how strong,starting with the our mother's then us and now you,so whenever anything is thrown at us we come back fighting harder than ever, so fight girl...I'm sending you my strenght can you feel it whammmmmmmmmmmmmm
Love Ya Anut Rosie & Uncle Mike Middletown, N.Y.

Rose Force <microe@citlink.net>
Middletown, n.y. usa - Saturday, February 5, 2005 9:43 PM CST
So sorry you have to go through all this stuff. I'm glad you have Armond.
And as for your brotha, this is the most we've "talked" in 15 years! I feel so close to you now Ethan.
Talena, keep up your good spirits...but don't drink any.

love, aunt tetnus
cornwall, ny usa - Friday, February 4, 2005 5:10 AM CST
blood clot hugh...

I think thats what uncle mikey used to call me.

you know...when i would get spagetti on the fishing
pole or swallow gasoline when trying to syphine it
from the truck to the generator or almost blowing
our(me, dadoo, and mikey)heads of when the 22 bullet got stuck in the chamber....i got over it.

sometimes blood clots turn out all right.

dont piss raymond off. hes got the needle...
thats what you should be worrying about.


tilt...you suck...just kidding.

rent this movie...NAPOLEON DYNAMITE...if its the last thing
you do...all of you.

get the ball please.

ethan aka emo
pa - Thursday, February 3, 2005 11:53 PM CST
There may be days
when you get up in the morning
and things aren't the way
you had hoped they would be.
That's when you have to
tell yourself that things will get better. Keep your life focused on believing in yourself
and all that you are capable of.
There will be challenges to face
and changes to make in your life,
and it is up to you to accept them.
Constantly keep yourself headed
in the right directions for you.
It may not be easy at times,
but in those times of struggle
you will find a stronger sense of who you are,
and you will also see yourself
developing into the person
you have always wanted to be.
Life is a journey through time,
filled with many choices;
each of us will experience life
in our own special way.
So when the days come that are filled
with frustration and unexpected responsibilities,
remember to believe in yourself
and all you want your life to be,
because the challenges and changes
will only help you to find the dreams
that you know are meant to come true for you.

You are an amazing woman. The strength you have is a beautiful thing. Love ya

outside the club!!! Court dues

cyndi <amador97@frontiernet.net>
middletown, ny - Thursday, February 3, 2005 7:04 PM CST
Wishing you the absolute best! Many hugs and prays!
Elizabeth <ewentzel@willcare.com>
Middletown, NY USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 1:55 PM CST
I thought that picture was of your hot sexy sister Tracy and your brother David Letterman. Oops, sorry Ethan, we still love you!

love, Auntie Tilt
Cornwall, NY USA - Sunday, January 30, 2005 12:39 AM CST

where is my photo.
i see you and ipod and you and tracy....no me.

thats messed up.

how do they get peoples marrows out of them anyways.
that sounds like it hurts?
do you get money for it?
and if the alcopoco(hispanic) marrow is rare......
can you get more money for it.

ANYways. i will talk to you TOMARROW...LOL!!!!

ethan aka emo
pa - Friday, January 28, 2005 3:19 PM CST
Hey T,
If Cyndi owes $1300 then I owe a million!!! Hey Ethan, Tracy, Tianna, and Cyndi, parliament smokes at the mini pits.

Outside the club!

lisa <lisa56@citlink.net>
middletown, ny usa - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 5:18 PM CST
T, Stay Strong,I'm thinking about you. "If god brings you to it, he will bring you through it." I Love Ya!!
Vivien Lyons <babydoll7277@yahoo.com>
Middletown, NY USA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 3:19 PM CST
hello thinking of you i sent you a email video but just in case you didnt get it remember club cherry bomb court dues! court dues! you said i owe $1300.00. When you feel better and can come up we have to watch the video you will laugh. take care for now. love ya
cyndi taylor marco <amador97@frontiernet.net>
middletown, ny - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 6:32 AM CST
tianna,seamus again.ok ,if this what you can do when you have "chemo brain",imagine what you,ll be like when you are back to your old self.hang in there girl,we know you will come through.all our love
seamus & margaret

seamus mccormick <seamusmac@ntlworld.com>
belfast, ireland - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:37 PM CST
when do we get our avatar's.

tianna, tianna, tianna.

i told you to stay away from pocorn and roman noodle soup.
no could would come of it.

sometimes i forget what your are going thru cause your
far away.i just go on with my life free from fear and sadness.i know i aint that far away but it aint like i can
walk out the door 5 blocks and say WUZUP!
when your up to it, i would like you to call me.
i need to hear how things are doin. i need details.
i am writing a book(kidding)

its nice to see you have so many people in youe corner....
cause i heard you can be a real "biotch"

be strong...you are my favorite sister.
i never liked that tracy anyways.
she was (is) a real trouble maker.

outside the club.......



get well soon cause i aint thru terrorisen you yet.
our childhood was just phase 1.

ethan aka emo <paethan@fcc.net>
pa usa - Monday, January 24, 2005 11:37 PM CST
Hey Tianna, I haven't known you too long, but from what I've seen, you are truly a strong person. I know you have a long road ahead of you, but look how far you've come. Just take it one day at a time and know that so many people are thinking of you and wishing you well. You are always in my prayers.
Grace Hierro <grace.hierro@avon.com>
New York, NY - Monday, January 24, 2005 1:52 PM CST
Yaaay, I am so glad your surgery is over and done with!! Both of us have now officially completed round 3...that's 1/4 of the way done!!! Chemo brains killin' me so I'll be in touch again soon. Take Care

- Saturday, January 22, 2005 7:02 PM CST
Tianna: You know from Day #1 my thoughts, prayers and well wishes are with you daily. I've hugged you - always as a sign of "Hang Tough" ... I hope my hugs linger ... You and your family are my inspiration. Be well, I'll be back to work on Monday after a car accident on Monday evening.


What a neat site ... love that picture of you!

Evelyn <evelyn.picciano@avon.com>
New York, NY USA` - Friday, January 21, 2005 11:48 AM CST
My good wishes and prayers are with you. I know that all will go well for you and you'll be back at work before you know it. I've know 3 people who have beat Hotchkins and you'll be the 4th. I'll look forward to checking in with you and hearing about your progess. Take care, Jo.

Jo Constantelos <jo.constantelos@avon.com>
valley stream, NY - Friday, January 21, 2005 11:33 AM CST
Dear Tianna, It was great seeing you today. Your attiude in the face of this enormous challenge is frankly unequalled. you truly are an inspiration to us all. I have no doubt in my mind that through your strength and the grace of God, you will beat this. I will continue to pray for you.

PS. I think you still look lovely with you hair shaved - take it from me, this whole having hair on your head thing is overrated anyway.

Harold Odame-Labi <Harold.odame-Labi@avon.com>
NY, NY USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 11:32 AM CST
Glad to here everything went well. I used to work at Lenox Hill Hospital, I got to see Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick leave the hospital after they just had their baby. I was screaming Ferris out the window and I think that he actually turned to look at me. Anyway, hope your feeling good.

David Stivers <electrodave2000@yahoo.com>
Suffern, NY 10901 - Friday, January 21, 2005 10:24 AM CST
hi tianna,seamus here,the new photo of you looks great,everyone here sends there love and prayers to you,and because of the way you are fighting this thing,not one negative thought has crossed their minds.great to read that you have the same sense of humour as eamon and i,get him to tell you about Spike Milligan!!until the next time,love to you both
seamus mccormick <seamusmac@ntlworld.com>
belfast, ireland - Friday, January 21, 2005 5:34 AM CST
Tianna, your strength and courage is amazing. I have no doubt you are strong enough to beat this. And you must, because you haven't met your new cousins yet. We were at my Dad's couple weeks ago, looking at old pictures, and I came across a picture of you as a very small child. I was struck by the thought that this is what Sofia will look like at that age! I can only hope that when she grows up, she will be as beautiful as you are. She already has the same hairdo! ;-) Hang in there and give us all an example to live up to. With all our love, Jen, Nick Corinne and Sofia
your cousin, Jennifer <n.flocco@worldnet.att.net>
Pottstown, PA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:56 PM CST
Hi T - I think about you everyday. Keep fighting! All my love, Joelle
Joelle <joelle.kovanic@avon.com>
- Thursday, January 20, 2005 3:13 PM CST
How can you stand there and give everyone you know a gift of inspiration and strength and positive energy? Are you from Mars or something? You are an amazing person, or Martian, but I'm blown away by you. There, didja feel that? I squeezed ya.
Love, Aunt Tilt
Cornwall, NY USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:14 AM CST
I saw this poem on a website i wanted you to see it. What Cancer Cannot Do

Cancer is so limited-
It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot corrode faith
It cannot destroy peace
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot suppress memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot steal eternal life
It cannot conquer the spirit

cyndi <amador97@frontiernet.net>
middletown, ny - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 8:59 PM CST
I saw your pic with the same hair do as mine. I don't know about you but Low maintance and the money you save on shampoo is a plus. Hope everything is well. Love marco
marco amador <amador97@frontiernet.net>
middletown, ny usa - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:24 PM CST
Tianna,I only recently learned about all you are facing and have already faced and overcome. God bless you and your family! You are an inspiration to all.

Pamela Britt <pamela.britt@avon.com>
Rowayton , CT USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 10:17 AM CST

You truly are a VERY strong woman!! I know you will fight and get thru this! I miss our "gab" session! My thoughts and prayers are with you now & always!
Get well soon!

Jennifer Strazza <jennifer.strazza@avon.com>
Port Chester, NY 10573 - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 4:07 PM CST
Hi Tianna & Eamon, This is Rudy & Vicki K. in Florida. Jessica sent us your website. We are pulling for you and all our friends here are including you in their prayers. When you are through all the chemo and need to get away please know we would love to have you. Come on down and just relax in the warmth. We love you and God Bless.
Victoria Kanzinger <kanzing1@juno.com>
Apollo Beach , FL Hillsborough - Monday, January 17, 2005 7:56 PM CST
Tianna, Sweetie,
Today I went to visit my twin grand-daughters,
Corinne Celeste and Sofia Nicole. They remind me of
you, the prospect of a long and delightful life.
You must come here and see them when you are betta,
you will love them. Did you get the pictures of them
that I sent you?
Love, Uncle Hardy

Uncle Hardy <steinrp@att.net>
Pottstown, PA USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 12:49 AM CST
Before I start- don't hit the back button! I lost my entry. I spent the day with Tianna on Saturday after her Friday surgery- and if anyone thinks that this has changed my crazy daughter in anyway- don't you beleive it. Tianna has always been a strong willed person and I think this is making her even stronger. Aside from the itchiness, she is still the girl that likes to get giggle attacks. Tianna was telling me yesterday about some of the costs associated with having Hodgkins Disease, but the one that suprised me the most, was the one NOT with an expense attached to it. It seems that because people of Spainsh descent are so under represented that the testing and donation of bone marrow has no cost attached to it for the person giving of themselves. Look into your heart and see if this is something you could do- afterall, the life you might save could become a member of your family someday. Tianna has brought into our world another part of the world and after meeting Eamon and some of his family and friends, I am glad to be part of her world. They fit-what else can I say?

Laura Stein <deadend13@frontiernet.net>
Otisville, NY USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:34 AM CST
Hey there. Iam glad to see the great support that everyone is giving you are a really amazing strong willed person. I think that you are a great inspiration to people. Eamon is a wonderful man im glad that you have him. stay strong and always remember we are here for you whatever you need we will help you in any way possible. So please call on us for anything you need.

Love you marco and cyndi

cyndi <amador97@frontiernet.net>
middletown, ny - Saturday, January 15, 2005 7:45 PM CST
My mommy told me about your cancer. I hope you feel better soon. I saw the picture of you and eamon you guys look so cute. Feel better soon hope to see you soon.

Love your cousin taylor

Taylor <ttcat96@frontiernet.net>
middletown, ny - Saturday, January 15, 2005 7:38 PM CST
I spoke to lisa who told me about what you're going through. its been a while, i miss you and you look great i know i couldnt pull off a baldie :) im praying for you everday. i love ya!!! someday when you're feeling better we've got to get together. Love Always, An old friend

Vivien Lyons <babydoll7277@yahoo.com>
Middletown, NY - Thursday, January 13, 2005 6:16 PM CST
I talked to your Aunt Venetia today. She doesn't
have a computer, but she sends her love and knows
that you will overcome all and she can't wait until
you are betta and she can see you again.
Love From Aunt Venetia and Uncle Hardy

Uncle Hardy <steinrp@att.net>
Pottstown, PA USA - Thursday, January 13, 2005 4:07 PM CST
say it.....

every time your lying there getting cemo.
say it.

it will give you the...POWER.

PA - Thursday, January 13, 2005 3:45 PM CST
Hi Tianna,

Just wanted to chime in and say how fantastic I think you are. I am thinking of you alot and missing you here in finance! You are one strong woman and I have no doubt that you will come through this challenge stronger than ever before. Go Tianna! Let me know if you need anything. xx Maria

Maria <maria.kyriakopoulou@avon.com>
- Thursday, January 13, 2005 3:23 PM CST
T, I'm thinking of you all the time
Marc <marcl18888@aol.com>
- Thursday, January 13, 2005 11:12 AM CST
Hey Tianna and Eamon! Tee, I have always envied your incredible ability to cope with and conquer anything that has been thrown your way. You continue to amaze me with your strength. Thank you Eamon for your unmeasurable support. Tianna is truly blessed to have you in her life. I love you Tianna, Stay strong girl.

lisa dibble <lisa56@citlink.net>
middletown, ny - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 7:29 PM CST
Hi Tianna and Eamon its Carolle here (Eamons little sister) dad has just shown me your web site and i think its amazing how strong you both are. My thoughts and prayers are with both at this time just remember to keep those beautiful smiles on your pretty faces. Lots of love and best wishes from us to yous.

Carolle mc cormick <seamusmac@ntlworld.com>
Belfast, Ireland - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:34 AM CST
Tianna, Gurl, hang in there. I pray for you everyday.
It may seem a long time, but it will go fast.
I am looking forward to the day when you and Eamon will
come down to visit me in Pennsylvania.
With Love, Uncle Hardy

Reinhardt P. Stein <steinrp@att.net>
Pottstown, PA USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:16 AM CST
Hey Beautiful, I am so proud of you. All that you go through each day is only going to make your stronger and tougher, not that you really need to be. I'm feel bad that this "thing" is trying to attack your body, I know it will never attack your soul. Keep that beautiful smile. It's like a charger for a flashlight, it just lights up the world. I also am happy to know that you have such a strong man and family to support you at this time. I will be thinking of you every single day.

Sylvia Duke <sylvia.duke@avon.com>
Poughkeepsie, NY USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 7:35 AM CST
Tianna & Eamon
Firstly can we say from the outset, that we genuinely apologise that it has taken this event in your lives, for us to even say hello! But with that said, we send our deepest and warmest wishes, from the other side of the world! We look forward to dropping you a line, from time to time, over your journey ahead!
With Love,
Martin Major & Family ...
(Eamon's cousin in Australia!)

The Major Family ( Melbourne, Australia ) <victoryway@hotmail.com>
Frankston, vic oz - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 5:40 AM CST
I cry in joy to read all the support that is on this website. I couldn't ask for anything more for my sister than hope and caring in your time of need. You are strong and with support and love and hope, I know you will continue to be strong. Tianna, I love you. Hang in there, you will beat this and you will be stronger from it.
Tracy Stein <christracy@frontiernet.net>
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:19 PM CST
hi tianna.
i am eamons aunt teresa, seamus told me about your website and i was touched by your strengh keep it up.
and like seamus your are in my prayers.
lots of love teresa.

teresa major <jmajor@vtown.com.au>
melbourne , victoria australia - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:49 PM CST
My best wishes and prayers are always with you.

I have not spoken to anybody in a long while and did not know what you were going through. I understand it must be painful and disheartening, but you are a very strong and cheerful person. I am positive you can fight and overcome this, like every challenge you have faced in life.

Jinesh Gosalia <jinesh.gosalia@avon.com>
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:01 PM CST
We wish you the best Talena and we hope to see you and Timon soon!
Aunt tet & Uncle Art, & Kimi & Dan
Cornwall, NY USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:26 AM CST
Tianna - You are such an amazing person and I am so sorry that you have to face these struggles, but I know that you will overcome them. I wish you all the best as you go through chemo over the next several months and you conquer this cancer. You are in my thoughts and prayers, stay positive and keep smiling :)
Andrea Keating <andrea.keating@avon.com>
White Plains, NY - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 10:22 AM CST
Hi Tianna,
The cancer may make your body weak...but you are stronger than you know! We all miss you at Avon and our prayers will be with you and your family.

Kim Hendryk <kimberly.hendryk@avon.com>
Stamford, CT U.S.A - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 10:09 AM CST
Hi Tianna, this is Celine – Kieran’s girlfriend. First of all may I say how pretty you look in your picture. As Kieran has explained I have a 24 yr old friend from home(Co.Tyrone) called Siobhan. Siobhan has been living in London for the past few years with her now fiancé Amor.

In June/July of last year she too was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease. Since then Siobhan has undergone intense Chemo and Radiotherapy and is now on the other side of her treatment. Unlike you, she was suffering the symptoms for a long time before the lump in her neck appeared and waited nearly a month after it appeared to do anything about it. She told me that she was very sick and weak throughout her chemo and had good days and bad days.

After she finished her chemo she had a scan which showed that 50% of the cancer was gone (she was told this is about right) as the radiotherapy zaps the rest. She now has to wait until the springtime before she has her final scan – and we are all very hopeful that her cancer will have gone.

Siobhan was home at the weekend for the first time since diagnosis and she is now looking very well so soon after her treatment has finished. Her hair is growing back and she is starting to eat properly again. Although she can’t wait to start back proper on the beers! She has had a very tough time but has had the great support of her friends, fiancé and family and a very positive mental attitude towards her illness, something that has carried her through the hard times.

I am hoping to give her your email address so that she can contact you. She may be able to help you with any concerns you have better than anyone, as she has been there herself.

I hope you too are strong and have a positive attitude to help you through the bad times and you are lucky to have Eamon there to support you as you will need him, your friends and family, now more than ever. Your website is a great idea as sometimes it is good to share your thoughts. I wish you well and will say a wee prayer for you and Eamon.
xx C

Celine Treanor <celine.treanor@amey.co.uk>
Belfast, Ireland - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:41 AM CST
my dear tianna,how i miss you,now in your hours of need i wish i could be back with you and eamon,but i know you have what it takes to come through this.your many,many friends will see that you want for nothing,least of all,their prayers.you have ours constantly.all our love margaret & seamus
margaret mccormick <m.mccormick@smucb.ac uk>
belfast, ireland - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:33 AM CST
keep something beautiful in sight,even if it's just a flower in a jelly glass...you come from a long line of strong females,and by far you are the strongest.I know you'll come out on top,my sister didn't raise no wimp.......
Love ya aunt Rosie, uncle Mike...

Rose and Mike Force <microe@citlink.net>
Middletown, n.y. orange - Monday, January 10, 2005 6:05 PM CST
Charles, your dad, and I are first cousins. Hardy Stein, my first counsin, keeps in touch via e-mail. Jesus and Prayer are #1 in our lives. Your name will be on our daily prayer list and with our church. Colon cancer was diagnosed in the early stages six years ago with me. Thanks to my wife, Betsy, I went in for a thorough check-up and going through 5 doctors in the past 5 1/2 years. Recently, my surgeon said "you do not need to see me anymore." What a blessing and may God watch over you with his blessings!
Bill and Betsy Janiak <bjaniak@bellsouth.net>
Miami, FL USA - Monday, January 10, 2005 4:33 PM CST
My thoughts are with you...I'm sure you are as beautiful without hair as you are with. Much love and good wishes to you!
Your cousin Danica <danicas@baymoon.com>
Poultney, VT - Monday, January 10, 2005 3:10 PM CST
Hey I offered you my bone marrow but you turned me down! :)
the website looks great.

Lindsey <LindseyAlbinski@hotmail.com>
Wading River , NY - Monday, January 10, 2005 7:11 AM CST
Hi, I'm Liz, a friend of your Mom. Your courage is inspiring and your upbeat attitude will help you through. Writing is therapeutic, so keep at it. I will keep you in my prayers.
Liz Van Steenburgh <xmasbaby@frontiernet.net>
Middletown, NY USA - Monday, January 10, 2005 7:10 AM CST
Hi Tianna, this is Kieran – Eamon’s brother. I told Eamon that my girlfriend Celine has a friend (Siobhan) with the same illness as you. Siobhan is home from London at the minute and we saw her just yesterday. As soon as I saw her I thought I would have to let you both know as soon as possible, and I hope she won’t mind. Siobhan is at the end of her chemo and radiation treatment now, and as difficult as that must have been on her, she looks absolutely fantastic! We couldn’t believe how well she looked when we saw her. She’s still wearing a bandanna, but her hair is growing back already. Mostly though, the thing about Siobhan is how positive and upbeat she seems, especially after all she and her fiancé, Amor, have endured and I ‘m sure that the positive attitude and energy is something which has helped her through. I know my brother will support you in every way he can through this, and I hope you two can be as positive as Siobhan and Amor. One day both you and Siobhan will have this behind you. Until then you’re in all our thoughts daily.
Kieran McCormick <kieran.mccormick@openandirect.com>
Belfast, Ireland - Monday, January 10, 2005 5:39 AM CST
I am a friend of the McCarrons who are currently in Port Hedland, WA. My own daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of years ago when she was 35. She is OK at the moment, thank God. I think its very courageous of you to be so open about your suffering. God Bless you.
Hazel deRosario
Perth, WA Australia - Monday, January 10, 2005 1:02 AM CST
I am a cousin to Margaret & Seamus.I am sending you this greeting from Port Hedland Western Australia.Seamus sent your photos, I thought of Delta who now has all her hair back and looking as beautiful as ever, so goes to show time will heal and hair will grow, please God. There are a number of people here in W.A. praying for you and thinking of you. Stay brave and positive and all will follow.
Celine McCarron <mccarronq@bigpond.com.au>
Port Hedland, W.A Australia - Sunday, January 9, 2005 11:24 PM CST
I hope you keep this up and your courage too. Sounds like you have the push and the shove to go on.
This is from a hot iron ore town in the North West of Western Australia.

Hugh McCarron <hugh.mccarron@bhpbilliton.com>
Port Hedland, W.A. Australia - Sunday, January 9, 2005 10:31 PM CST

My prayers go out to you. You hang in there girl. We love you

Debbie Thorpe <ethorpe2@hvc.rr.com>
Middletown , NY USA - Sunday, January 9, 2005 6:34 PM CST
leave it to tianna to try and get all the attention.....
Good luck...sounds like it sucks real bad.
but the fact you have the courange and energy to share your
crap with us is awsome.

let us pray........

Ethan aka EMO
PA - Sunday, January 9, 2005 5:50 PM CST
This is your cousin cyndi I saw the pic your mom had of you with no hair girl you look beautiful!!! Keep up that positive outlook we love you. Cyndi marco and taylor
cyndi amador <amador97@frontiernet.net>
middletown , ny usa - Sunday, January 9, 2005 12:43 AM CST
This is Tianna's mom- thanks for all the good thoughts.
Laura Aponte Stein <deadend13@frontiernet.net>
Otisville, NY USA - Sunday, January 9, 2005 12:34 AM CST
this girls attitude to a very difficult situation is an inspiration to us all.
seamus mccormick <seamusmac@ntlworld.com>
belfast, ireland - Sunday, January 9, 2005 12:28 AM CST

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