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Welcome to My 7 Angels Web Page. This page is about, and in honor, of our 7 beautiful children Annette, Joshua, Trayvon, Marriela, Cody, Sergio and Ethel. Annette is our 20 year old adopted daughter. She was born very prematurely and had a host of medical complications. She also has an immune deficiency called IGG SUBCLASS DEFICIENCY. She has been very sick in the past. She has developmental delays, physical difficulties, used to use a g-tube and is definitely every bit a teenager! Joshua is our 15 year old homegrown child. He was diagnosed March 4, 1998 with an EPENDYMOBLASTOMA (brain tumor). He underwent 2 surgeries, 6 months of high dose chemo and a stem cell transplant, he then had 6 weeks of 3-D conformal radiation. He is now more than 12 years cancer free. Joshua still struggles with drop seizures, GI issues and hearing loss, but he is a loving, happy WWE lover! Trayvon is our adopted 12 year old son. He was born with HETEROTAXY SYNDROME. Heterotaxy syndrome consists of severe congenital heart defects, malrotation of his intestines and several other internal issues. He has undergone multiple surgeries including 3 open-heart, to correct his various conditions. Though he is a happy, robust boy he continues to have significant heart related issues that are now taking us on the road to getting a heart transplant. He is also the owner of one powerful imagination and wants to be a Superhero! Marriela, 8 years old, comes from Boston and is such a bundle of energy. She was an extreme preemie (26 weeks, 1lb 12oz) and spent her first 3 months of life on a ventilator. She has asthma and developmental delays. Most recently she was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder of childhood as well as severe ADHD. She is the source great joy and yet keeps us on our toes constantly! Cody is our 5 year old homegrown son. He was born on 9/9/05 (despite the fact that we truly thought I was completely incapable of becoming pregnant again!). He has overcome a speech delay and is now a very happy and active little boy who NEVER slows down. Sergio, 4 years old, was born at only 24 weeks and spent over 7 months in the NICU. He also has Chronic Lung Disease and required oxygen around the clock until just recently. Sergio is diagnosed with a mitochondrial disorder that has significantly impacted his ability to tolerate any food. He is now fed TPN (liquid nutrition)through a central IV in his chest. This disorder will have life long implications and, although devastated he has it, we're going to work hard to be sure it doesn't "rule" his life. Sergio also has severe global developmental delays. Yet, despite all of his challenges, Sergio has a smile that can melt your heart, has a laugh that would lift any depression and a spirit of determination unlike any I've ever seen before. And last but not least Ethel. Ethel was 13 months old and was born 4 weeks early yet weighed in at 10lbs 6ozs! She had a difficult time since birth, but at 3 months old, she developed Bacterial Menengitis. This terrible infection caused severe disabilities, but with love, support, and dedication we had hoped she would make slow but steady progress. Ethel was only with us a short time before she made it clear that her time on earth was limited. After a hard 13 months of life, she was set free to fly with the angels and we all await the day we get to see her running and playing in heaven.

All of our children inspire us, motivate us and bless us every day. WELCOME!!!!!
We ask you to PLEASE sign the GUEST BOOK so that we can tell the children who has seen their page. I love to see new names too :-) So take a moment and say hello!!


Saturday, June 23, 2012 6:05 PM CDT

Hi everyone!! I just wanted to let you know that we have transferred out site over to one of the new caringbridge sites. Our new address is:


Look forward to seeing you over there!!

Hugs and love to all!!


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E-mail Author: Rcurk@aol.com


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