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Dropping by tonight to wish you a "HAPPY NEW YEAR"!!

Love you Susan.


Jordan's Site <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy......................................, - Monday, December 31, 2007 8:43 PM CST
Wishing you peace & blessing in the new year...


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Monday, December 31, 2007 1:55 PM CST
Amazing - I am so happy to hear about the joys of doing laundry, for I know one day I will miss my 6 loads a day. Yikes!
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I keep Timmy in my thoughts a lot and even with the picture of the red nose, he so reminds me of my Luke! Crazy huh.
Blessings to you and yours

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Sunday, December 30, 2007 7:18 PM CST
A New Years Prayer
May God make your year a happy one!
Not by shielding you from all sorrows and pain,
But by strengthening you to bear it, as it comes;
Not by making your path easy,
But by making you sturdy to travel any path;
Not by taking hardships from you,
But by taking fear from your heart;
Not by granting you unbroken sunshine,
But by keeping your face bright, even in the shadows;
Not by making your life always pleasant,
But by showing you when people and their causes need you most,
and by making you anxious to be there to help.
Gods love, peace, hope and joy to you for the year ahead.
Numbers 6:24-26
24 "The LORD bless you
and keep you;
25 the LORD make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
26 the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace."
With Love and Prayers MJ/Angel_Wings

MJ/Angel_Wings <marijeighn@gmail.com>
Orlando, Fl - Sunday, December 30, 2007 11:20 AM CST
Love to You
By: Anonymous

I've nothing else to offer,
So, to you, it's love I'll send.
It's nothing that I borrowed.
And it's nothing that I'd lend

It has no dollar value,
And it can't be overused;
It isn't fragile, so it can't break,
Though, often, it's abused.

I've given it to others,
But each time it's unique.
It's meaning's always different;
It depends on what you seek.

It's something you can store away
To feel when you're in need,
But never is it on display;
It's beauty can't be seen.

I'm giving it "no strings attached",
No costly warranty.
This love that I am sending
Has a lifetime guarantee.

Sending Angel_Wings Remembers hugs and prayers.

Polly from Angel_Wings Remembers <polly1511@gmail.com>
Rolette, ND USA - Thursday, December 27, 2007 5:55 PM CST
Big kisses and Hugs for you Susan for your strength and generosity during this very difficult time.. This is ^^Timmy^^'s 2nd Christmas as an ^^ Angel ^^ and of course I know your heart is still trying to mend- - But look at how much you and your family have accomplished.. To donate such a large amount for Pediatric brain cancer research is Tremendous but you also volunteer and keep us all in your lives.. You are a Beautiful person and every entry I am more and more convinced of how truly proud Timmy the Red-nosed Angel is of his SuperMom!
God Bless and May the New Year bring more triumph for Pediatric Research, not only in the donations but that each day brings doctor's closer and closer to the cure until that fateful day where we no longer have to bury our young ones because of cancer..
Jenn d/o Martha

Jenn Perez <nubuz23@hotmail.com >
SARASOTA, FL 34237 - Wednesday, December 26, 2007 2:32 PM CST
Dearest Susan,

Oh, thanks so much for that update! I'm so blessed you had Jason and Andrew home for the holidays, and you got to do your motherly duties!

With boys, cooking and washing...yep, that's just want they love and need.

I pray today was not to difficult for you, and now with the new year coming you can start focusing on your tasks ahead.

I loved the picture of Timmy! How precious...

I'm so proud of you and your family and all you have done and continue to do to help find a cure.

I'm also so blessed you found a place to share all your love, the RMH. I know the parents there must love you so much.

I'll be back soon...

Love you!


Jordan's Site <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy......................................, - Tuesday, December 25, 2007 8:39 PM CST
dear Susan, just wanted to stop by to wish you a peaceful night, filled with beautiful memories of your beautiful Angel! You are always in my thoughts & prayers, & especially at this time of year. Be gentle with yourself!
I laughed when you said how you enjoyed doing the boys' laundry!! I understand! It's the simple things...
Merry Christmas in Heaven Angel Timmy! Give Mommy a big hug tonight!!
Thinking of all of you always, with love, Kathy Hall

Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, December 25, 2007 7:35 PM CST
Thinking of you at Christmas, remembering Timmy and James. I love the picture - James would have found that nose funny too. It's the second Christmas for us too. It doesn't seem to get easier. You have done a great thing for the children, raising so much money for research - and helping at Ronald MacDonald House as well. Love from Sarah
Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Tuesday, December 25, 2007 11:43 AM CST
Dear Susan,
Sending prayers & thoughts & wishes for peace this Christmas...I'm so glad Jason & Andrew are home.

Genna loves Woody's music...we saw him one day in the playroom when we were stuck in-house.

I am supposed to be finding out how to cook prime rib (buying it I realized why I usually buy chicken! holy cow that is one --well, 2-- expensive pieces of meat!)...but I had to come and wish you a blessed Christmas, I am so sorry it is how it is...


Kristin & the Camiolo crew <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Monday, December 24, 2007 12:49 AM CST
Last night while I was trying to sleep,
My son's voice I did hear
I opened my eyes and looked around
But he did not appear.
He said "Mom you've got to listen,
You've got to understand
God didn't take me from you, Mom
He only took my hand
When I called out in pain that night,
The instant that I died,
He reached down and took my hand,
And pulled me to his side.
He pulled me up and saved me
From the misery and pain
My body was hurt so badly inside,
I could never be the same.
My search is really over now,
I've found happiness within,
All the answers to my empty dreams
And all that might have been.
I love you and miss you so,
And I'll always be nearby.
My body's gone forever,
But my spirit will never die!
And so, you must go on now,
Live one day at a time.
Just understand-
God did not take me from you,
He only took my hand.
All my Love and Prayers

MJ/Angel_Wings <marijeighn@gmail.com>
Orlando, Fl - Monday, December 24, 2007 10:05 AM CST
Thinking of you tons today, praying for you always.


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, December 21, 2007 10:18 PM CST
Hey Susan,

Just stopping by to say hi, and let you know you are never far from my thoughts and prayers, especially NOW more then ever.

I saw this poem on some one's page, not sure if someone has already sent this to you. I thought it was so beautiful, and just to imagine this is going on:

This poem was written by a 13 year old boy who died of a brain tumor that he had battled four years. He died on December 14, 1997. He gave this to his mom before he died. His name was Ben.

I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below
With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow
The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear
For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring,
For it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart
But I am not so far away,
We really aren't apart.

So be happy for me, dear ones,
You know I hold you dear.
And be glad I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift,
from my heavenly home above.
I sent you each a memory of my undying love.

After all, love is a gift more precious than pure gold.
It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other
as my Father said to do.
For I can't count the blessing
or love he has for each of you.

So have a Merry Christmas
and wipe away that tear

I am spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

Missing your sweet Timmy, and always remembering,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, December 21, 2007 6:51 PM CST
To my dearest Susan,

Just dropping in to say hi, and let you know how good it was to hear from you. Thanks so much for letting me know how you were doing.

I pray you are safe and warm, I'm sure it's really COLD and ICY where are.

I found this neat quote on some woman's blog. It's taken from a book I'm going to get. It's the story of a man who on the way home from getting some ice-cream with his family, got caught in a flash flood, and lost his wife and 3 children. His entire family all at once... Just unimaginable...

These stories always amaze me, as I see people continue on after such great loss. Well, the quote reminded me of YOU and what you began doing while Timmy was sick, and went on full force after Timmy graduated to heaven.

"It was as is my misery was being turned into a ministry. By focusing outwardly on the needs of others rather than inwardly on my own pity or grief, I could heal much more quickly and completely. Like steam spewing out of a teakettle, I released my sorrow through the act of caring for others. I know I had to pour myself out, or else I might drown in the well of my own tears."

I know this is what keeps you going Susan, pouring out your heart, and life for others.

I'll continue to keep you in my daily prayers as this holiday season brings so many painful reminders of your greatest loss.

Remembering Timmy always,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Saturday, December 15, 2007 5:05 PM CST
An Angels Kiss
by: Peggy Bouse

We go through life so often,
Not stopping to enjoy the day.
And we take each one for granted,
As we travel on our way.

For in your pain and sorrow,
An Angel's kiss will help you through,
This kiss is very private,
For it is meant for only you.
We never stop to measure,
Anything we just might miss.
But if the wind should blow by softly,
You'll feel an Angel's kiss.

A kiss that is sent from heaven,
A kiss from up above.
A kiss that is very special,
From someone that you love.
So when, your hearts are heavy,
And filled with tears and pain.
And no one can console you,
Remember once again...

About the ones you grieve for,
Because you sadly miss.
And the gentle breeze you took for granted,
Was just an Angel's kiss.

Polly/Angel_Wings: www.groups.yahoo.com/groups/AngelWingsRemembers <polly1511@gmail.com>
Rolette, ND USA - Tuesday, December 11, 2007 6:51 PM CST
Susan.. We Lit a candle ALL day and an extra one in the evening..
hugs.. Jenn

Jenn Perez <nubuz23@hotmail.com >
SARASOTA, FL - Monday, December 10, 2007 12:05 AM CST
~ Susan & family ~

Lighting a candle for TIMMY tonight and all the children............

God Bless and keep you,


Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Sunday, December 9, 2007 8:39 PM CST
Thinking of you and lighting a whole bunch of candles in memory of such amazing warriors.

With all our love and friendship.

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Sunday, December 9, 2007 2:21 PM CST
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To my dearest Susan,

Oh, it was soooooooooooo good to hear from you. I've been praying so hard for you these days.

I will be lighting my candle tonight and remembering your beautiful blue eyed little boy, whose smile lite up the world.

Blessings to you my precious friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, December 9, 2007 8:22 AM CST
Dear Susan, my candle will be burning brightly for your Angel Timmy!! May Timmy's love keep you warm on Sunday! Thinking of you & all of your beautiful boys, every day, especially now, in the Christmas season. With love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, December 7, 2007 11:16 PM CST
Hey Susan,

Just stopping by tonight to say I love you, and I've been thinking of you a lot these days.

I know the holidays are difficult for you.

Please drop me a line when you get a minute and let me know how you are doing...

Missing you my friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Thursday, December 6, 2007 10:27 PM CST
Hi Susan - Thinking of you and your family during the holiday season.
Love and Hugs,

Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Thursday, December 6, 2007 5:32 PM CST
Dear Susan,

I read the words about grief - I don't know what to say, it seems it will never end - I am managing OK for a while and then so sad again. I went to a day of discussion in Helen House about spirituality and bereavement and one thing the priest mentioned was that faith doesn't make things easier, he talked about Jacob struggling with God - I felt I should maybe struggle more, I tend to distract myself with activities. My older boys are doing well like yours, Tom is a barrister now (though still some training to do) and Ben is teaching in a Chinese university and really enjoying it - Rose is also a little better and has a job, but Anna is now worrying me. I'm sorry, this is boring - I'm thinking about you and Timmy, even if I don't write often, and I have your mother and child figure on my shelf. Love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Friday, November 30, 2007 2:05 PM CST
I swear I'm not just following Susan A. Every Time!!
but I've been thinking of you...

thanks for rooting for G, it means a lot.


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:45 PM CST
To my dear precious Susan,

Oh, I've missed you my friend, and still am. I miss your updates. Please let us know how you are doing, how's things at the RMH, your sons and life in general.

I know this season is another painful reminder of Timmy's absence. My heart breaks to think of the pain you endure daily.

I pray for you each day, and ask God to continue to comfort you, uphold you, and bring happy memories of your sweet Timmy to you.

You will never know in this lifetime how many lives you and Timmy touched, and are STILL touching each day.

Sending lots of love and many hugs to you this day Susan.

Your friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Thursday, November 29, 2007 9:02 AM CST
Hi Susan,
Just wanted to drop a note to say hi and let you know I thought of you the whole holiday weekend. I wish there were more that the people who've come to know you through this journey, could do to alleviate some of the heaviness in your heart this time of year. You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Tatiana R.
Denver, CO - Monday, November 26, 2007 3:44 PM CST
Hello My Dear.. we havent heard from you in a bit.. i can imagine that the holidays are a rough time.. despite it all, i hope you had a good Thanksgiving and that Timmy wrapped his angel arms around you, your hubby and sons and that you were able to feel his embrace..
Lots of Love..

Jenn Perez <nubuz23@hotmail.com>
Sarasota, FL USA - Friday, November 23, 2007 5:56 PM CST
Susan & Family,

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Happy Thanksgiving

God Bless you always,

Kris & Family

Remembering Timmy


Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2007 9:51 PM CST
Susan: I know the crash feeling. The pain, the grief, we would do things that Wm would want us to do like support our local kids group, and come home, and that sinking empty. At first I would look to avoid it, run from it, try to counter it, but it seems to have found its own balance. Don't know if that makes sense. Your Timmy is there celebrating the magic moments and rubbing your shoulder in your quiet ones.
Maria, Wm's mom http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/williamjames <willjim95@hotmail.com>
Springfield, MA - Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:19 AM CST
I know you're not here much now, but like Susan A. I just have to keep coming back to say hi to Timmy.

Thank you for checking in on us. G loves "Timmy's Mom", and it means a lot that you are there for her.

This week we are thankful for many things...one of which is the blessing of knowing you, even though it's for such an awful reason, a terrible bond, we are so grateful for you.


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, November 17, 2007 9:16 PM CST
An Angel kissed my tears away
today when I was sad
I wasn't feeling quite myself
my day had been so bad.

I felt a warmth brush by me
that quickly dried my tears
A gentle, kind, and loving touch
that seemed to hold me near.

Immediately, I felt so much better
and the day seemed brighter too
I guess that's just the way you feel
when an Angel comforts you.
~~ Anonymous

Polly/Angel_Wings Remembers <polly1511@gmail.com>
- Saturday, November 17, 2007 12:18 AM CST
Hello my sweet Susan,

Well I can't leave town with telling one of my dearest friends good-bye.

We're going to Disney for a week. Oh, so much preparation, I EXHAUSTED and the fun not even begun.

I'm really feeling my age these days. I think it's time I get into some SHAPE!

I'll have my laptop, I'll be back next week to check up on you.

Blessings to you my precious friend,


PS Timmy is never more than a thought away...

Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, November 16, 2007 11:53 AM CST
Nineteen months in heaven... While I was in Wal-Mart the other day I ran across a set of Lincoln Logs, Timmy and I used to play with those all the time. Miss you buddy!

Jason Pauxtis <jpauxtis@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL USA - Sunday, November 11, 2007 3:04 PM CST
Just checking in to get a look at Timmys beautiful smile. He has such a captivating face. I come to your site often and just look at his pictures. I wish I had known him.
With much love from Michigan.

angela warne <anji@comcast.net>
- Saturday, November 10, 2007 4:07 PM CST
Thank you for this post. You are ministering to others, thank you. Ohhh that clinic at CHOP, way too crowded, way too busy, way too needed. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to see that onco clinic phased out, no more children getting that awful diagnosis??? Thank you for your efforts for all the children. Praying for you and all who love Timmy.
Debbie Grace's MomMom
Cape May, - Thursday, November 8, 2007 4:14 PM CST
To my dearest Susan,

Just stopping by today to let you know how often I think of you and Timmy and pray for you.

I know you're not updating much, but that will never stop me from coming over here to check up on you and let you know how much you mean to me.

I pray you are feeling well, and holding up. The know the holidays are right around the corner, this is such a bittersweet time for you.

Sending lots of extra hugs for today,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, November 7, 2007 9:49 AM CST
Dear Susan,
It was so great to see and speak to you last week. I feel like I have known you for years. I hope you are feeling alright and staying busy.
I will write soon.
Love, Karen

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
Ramsey, NJ - Tuesday, November 6, 2007 5:31 PM CST
Susan - Hi, I've been thinking about you and wondering how hard yesterday must have been for you. I'll bet Timmy was enjoying cheesecake instead of candy. I remember how much he liked eating cheesecake.

I am so glad the fund raiser was a huge success. I wish I could have been there. All my best to you and your family. You all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and Hugs,

Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Thursday, November 1, 2007 5:12 PM CDT
Hello Susan,

I have been thinking a lot about you lately and haven't squeezed in the time for a proper email, but I had to stop by today on Halloween and tell you I will be thinking of you tonight. It must be getting just about dark there. So hard. I am staying late at work today just to delay going home. I hope the candy is flowing in abundance in Heaven tonight.

What is your most memorable halloween for Timmy? I remember for Jacob's first halloween, he was only a month old. He wore a cute little onesie that said "For a Halloween trick, check my pants" Don't know how memorable it was, but it made me chuckle today.

Love you and wish for a peaceful evening...
Jacob's mom

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Wednesday, October 31, 2007 4:52 PM CDT
Hi Susan,
Just want you to know I am thinking about you.

I was talking to someone the other day and she was talking about a friend who had cancer and went through treatment that ended a few months ago. Her friend said it seemed like a lifetime ago and a different life. I think everyone deals with things differently, but I also think that all of this....cancer and grief....is so different when it is your child. It isn't supposed to happen to our children and that is what makes the whole grief process so much harder. I can only imagine what you are going through. What I do know is that you are an amazing person. Please keep us posted as much as you can. We are thinking about you always.
Take Care! Take some time for you.

Reca Thomasson <rmthomasson@cableone.net>
- Sunday, October 28, 2007 11:32 PM CDT
Thinking of you so much, figuring the aftermath was tough...quiet is tough.
Hooray for the gigunda pile of money for research. Your efforts WILL make a difference.

I'm glad to "hear" you here...I worry, you know! (newsflash!). The passages from that book are so profound.

My girls are arguing about whether the little matchbox cars LIKE to be raced or not (one says they ONLY like to be raced, the other is weeping that her cars don't want to race)...better go intervene.

Wishing you peace,

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, October 27, 2007 2:22 PM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

I've been praying for you, and I knew in my heart you were having a hard time.

Timmy's Tour de Shore kept you busy, driven and focused. It was a good thing, but I knew it would take more out of you then you thought.

Thanks for taking the time to share what you are learning in Grief Therapy. I continue to learn so much from you Susan.

One of the points that stood out to me was:

----It may seem as if youll never feel truly happy again. But be assured that you will and your joy will have a richness and a depth that come from your having known profound pain and profound healing.

I know this will happen for you Susan, and has already begun.

"We cannot fully imagine what you must have gone through, or are now dealing with. But Christ can. He was tested in every way like you are. Therefore he is a great and sympathetic High Priest. He is able to stay beside you and understand and feel what you feel and give you everything you need. He will never leave you or forsake you. He will be with you to the end of the age. All authority in heaven and on earth is his. And he is infinitely wise and good. We pray that your faith in him will be unshaken and strong. (by John Piper)

I'm here for you, ALWAYS!


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy Always........................................., - Friday, October 26, 2007 1:45 PM CDT
I'm not surprise that Tour de Shore went well. I spoke to Vivian Palmer the other day & I asked her if she went to the Tour de Shore & she was surprised that I knew about. I told her I've been checking on updates for Timmy.
Eileen Wong <elwong87538@peoplepc.com>
Flushing, NY USA - Friday, October 26, 2007 10:01 AM CDT
Dear Susan, my heart just breaks a little more each time I read your eloquent words. While, I cannot really understand what you are experiencing, the very thought is unbearable. I am so happy the ride went so well! I had no doubt about it! I can imagine Timmy telling everyone "that's my MOM", all of your boys must be so proud of you! I know how very proud you are of them as well!! Not a day goes by that I don't think of your family & say a prayer that God will guide you all to a peaceful place. Remembering your Angel Timmy with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Thursday, October 25, 2007 10:49 PM CDT
Thinking of you a lot...
hang in there,

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 23, 2007 8:50 PM CDT
Good Monday Morning my sweet friend,

I've been missing you! I hope you are finally recouped from Timmy's Tour de Shore, and life is settling down for you.

Now, I know that can be good/bad. You've been on my heart these days.

Praying for God's love, comfort and His amazing grace to continue to carry you each day. I pray He surprises you with joy, and fills your heart with peace when you need it the most.

I pray for many blue skies, and for Timmy's precious spirit to be all around you each and every moment of your day.

Sending big hugs your way today,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Monday, October 22, 2007 6:52 AM CDT
Hi Susan
What a wonderful day and a great success!! Timmy's Tour was fantastic and everyones hard work was very evident! Thank you for letting me share in such a special day with you and your family! The BLUE skies were looking down on us all!
Much love

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 8:31 PM CDT
thinking of you tonight, and a lot generally...

And I do find it funny, that in ALL those pics my girls manage to make goofy faces in most of their appearances. Our Christmas picture is a Major Production each year, and that's just to get all 3 kids to smile at the same time and not in a "HI CAMERA!" deer in headlights kind of way.

: )

hope you are doing ok, getting some rest after all the busy, finding peace in your days.


Kristin, G of the Giant Frozen Smile's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ US - Monday, October 15, 2007 10:30 PM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

Oh my, I'm just sitting here with tears in my eyes as I viewed every single picture from Timmy's Tour de Shore.

You must be so exhausted, and yet still flying HIGH from such a "PERFECT" day.

I just don't know HOW you did this Susan? You never cease to AMAZE me. I'm so grateful all those who participated and for those who helped out.

What an amazing out-pouring of love for such a worthy cause and for a child whose life continues to IMPACT so many lives.

I feel so HONORED to have been a small part of the most amazing journey...Timmy's life.

Thanks for sharing HIM with all of us, and for being so real, so caring, so giving, and so WONDERFUL to countless moms out there who are still battling brain cancer.

I love you Susan, you are so special to me!

Hope this note finds you laying on some beach getting lots of rays as you dream of your blue-eyed angel.

So grateful for you,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Thursday, October 11, 2007 4:40 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
Wow, I am awestruck by the support you had on Sunday! People are incredibly giving, aren't they? You worked so hard and did such a wonderful thing. I am really without words. It just all looked so beautiful and such great weather! I know all our angels had a hand in that. It was a job well done! Kudos to everyone who helped you and Jay bring your dream to a reality.

You are right, now it is time to have some 'Susan' time. Take care of yourself and I know you will find your answers.

Love, Lisa
forever Jacob's mom

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Wednesday, October 10, 2007 6:12 PM CDT
I just wanted to say hello and thank you for a great day yesterday. I came with Andrew Camiolo so that he could do the challenge ride - thank goodness (say my legs) we got there too late! :) It was an honor to be part of something so wonderful. See you next year?! :)
Genna, Andrew, and Rosie's Aunt Rita Brown <auntrita7@aol.com>
Stirling, NJ USA - Monday, October 8, 2007 6:19 AM CDT
Dear Susan,
Just thinking about you and wishing I could have been there today. I just read Kristin's update and it sounds like it was all wonderful. I am so proud of you for all you are doing for awareness and money raising too. Keep up the great work!

I saw Family Practice too and was crying right along with you. I thought to myself, that would so be me. I am always the one who tries to hold it together, to be strong. I think if the worst happened to one of my boys I would be "counting the tiles" and I don't know if I would recover.

You are so strong, but don't feel like you have to apologize for your sad feelings. I appreciate that you share and are so honest, I'm sure others do too.

Take care and great job on the event today.....maybe someday we'll get out there! Until then, we are with you in spirit.


Reca Thomasson <rmthomasson@cableone.net>
- Sunday, October 7, 2007 11:10 PM CDT
To The Pauxtis Family...
What a feeling! Such energy! So many beautiful people there today to make a difference in the future of brain tumor research. There was that gentle, smiling Timmy feeling in Sandy Hook today! We were proud to be part of it with you. It was AWESOME!!! Thank you...with love & prayers...

The Harringtons <mph317@yahoo.com>
middletown, NJ USA - Sunday, October 7, 2007 8:32 PM CDT
Dear Susan and Jay,
It was awesome!
Which I know you know, but really, it was so wonderful. Andrew and his buddy Sebastian rode like maniacs all over, Genna & Rosie (and Cocoa Sparkle Princess) did really well with the 2 mile loop...and as another non-rider, I must say the jog was very scenic too!

So congratulations...and thank you so much for doing so much work to honor Timmy & to continue the fight for my little girl and all the other kids who will benefit by the research today's funds will support.

Genna meant to compliment you on the flatness of the course, she hollered back to me (as we passed the lighthouse) "Mom, I have to tell Mrs. Pauxtis this is SO FLAT! I won't tip over At All!"...but she chose the barging in hug at the end...

anyway, thank you for letting us share this special day!


Kristin, Genna's no longer anonymous mother <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, October 7, 2007 7:40 PM CDT
Susan and Jay,
What an incredible day, I am so glad we were able to be there and share it with you. The outpouring of support and love could be felt everywhere. Congratulations on a great job and beautiful tribute to your precious boy.
The Lysenko Family
Stan, Romelle, Stan Michael, and Scott, who was riding with us today

Romelle Lysenko <rlysenko@patmedia.net>
Somerset, NJ USA - Sunday, October 7, 2007 7:07 PM CDT
Susan & Jay,

What a Great Day!
It was my honor and a pleasure to be able to attend such a special day today. Even though I did not ride ( I don't even own a bike) I would not have missed such a special event. There was never any doubt that the sky would be "Timmy blue" and to watch all the bike riders(young and old) lining up to ride for such a special cause really made be feel like I was a part of something special. Just being in "Timmytown" I feel different. As soon as I cross that Middletown border. I mean "Timmytown border" I feel as if I have crossed over into one special town. Susan, I want to thank you for helping me once again realize what is truly important in life. I hope other parents also get the message, take the time to spend with your family whether it is a Sunday morning bike ride, or just sitting on the beach, life is short and your normal everyday hussle and bussle will always be there when you get back. A beautiful day planned by one beautiful family. With one beautiful angel watching down from above!

Connie Davis <connie.davis@kjmail.com>
Carteret, NJ USA! - Sunday, October 7, 2007 6:28 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
It was perfect! What an amazing feat orchestrating such a wonderfully successful event! The sky was Timmy blue, the sunshine his radiant smile, and the beautiful breeze let us know he was there with us. Timmy is certainly the proudest Angel in Heaven today! Congratulations on an incredible job! Your love for Timmy will now give hope to all those other children fighting for their lives -- the best tribute to everyone's hero, courageous, sweet Timmy!
With our love and admiration,
Sami, Matt, Lisa, & Bob

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Sunday, October 7, 2007 3:47 PM CDT
Dear Susan,

I know that Timmy's Tour is in full swing by now, but I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you all today. What a heartwrenching, yet exhilarating day it will be.

A friend left a message in Jacob's CB guestbook talking about the 'Jacob shaped hole' left in our hearts. I hope that days like today will begin to fill the Timmy shaped hole left in yours. It will never be completely filled, yet it will forever remain in the shape and honor and memory of Timmy.

Love, Lisa
forever Jacob's mom

PS - Another funny similarity between Timmy and Jacob is their fondness of Walkie-Talkies. He loved to talk to the neighbor boys and set up times to go 'meet' them and play.

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Sunday, October 7, 2007 12:25 AM CDT
That article is wonderful....

peace today, tomorrow will be SO AWESOME!!


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, October 6, 2007 12:44 AM CDT
Dear Susan,
The weather will be great but maybe a little warm! I wish you all the best with the Tour de Shore. You have 300 students praying for a great day for you and your family.
Hoping to get there-
Love, Karen

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
Ramsey, NJ - Saturday, October 6, 2007 9:15 AM CDT
Hi Susan! Less than 48 hours to go, eh? Hard to believe the big day is almost here. I'm thinking of you and sending lots of good thoughts and positive energy your way. I think of you everytime I see the Tour de Shore magnet on my fridge. May you have good weather and angels watching over you.
Tatiana R. <anon@anon.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, October 5, 2007 9:32 PM CDT

~ Susan ~

Thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers as

The Timothy Pauxtis Foundation Tour de Shore bike ride

becomes a realty this Sunday...................I'm sure Timmy is Proud

of His Mom & Dad

Rooting you on from California

God Bless you,


Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Friday, October 5, 2007 9:20 PM CDT
To my precious Susan,

Whew, I know you are so BUSY right now, and your mind is racing in all kinds of directions.

Just want you to know I'm praying already for that "perfect day" tomorrow.

There are just no words to express how grateful I am for your family's, "labors of love" to make this day a reality.

I know your love, and your great passion for this cause has given you the fuel to venture out in such a B-I-G way!

Please know I will be there in spirit for sure. Maybe I will have the privilege of attending it next year! Wow, would that not be fun? Yep, I'd stay with you, and get to meet Kristin and her family too. I get excited just thinking about it!

Let me pray for you now;

Lord, I thank you for the gift of friendship I have found in Susan. I also thank you for allowing me to be a part of Timmy's amazing journey here. I have learned so much from this 10 year old boy, things I could of never dreamed of. Be there with Susan, and her family tomorrow and all the many other riders. Place your angels around them, and let the most special one be felt by everyone on that tour!

Thank you Jesus for Timmy Pauxtis, my life will never be the same. Continue to give Susan the strength, comfort, and grace to keep pressing on for the cause.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Love you so much,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, October 5, 2007 1:02 PM CDT
Hi Susan..
.. As the days near for the Tour de Shore I Pray for nothing But Success and tons of awareness for Pediatric cancers.. and of course for the wonderful reunion with your son who will be flying down..
I missed the Practice- im actually a Grey's Anatomy fan but i usually start on HW Wed. nights and I completely forgot- but they have an encore performance tonight which i will try and catch.. I am glad that they used that example so people understand more about brain tumors- honestly before our experience with my mom i had no idea how common they were and how devastating they can be, especially to a child- it just doesnt seem right..
Keep on Getting Louder my dear and Best of Luck with the
Tour De Shore!!
We'll be waiting for another update!!

Jenn Perez <nubuz23@hotmail.com >
SARASOTA, FL 34237 - Friday, October 5, 2007 12:11 AM CDT
Thinking of you a lot, praying for all those last minute details. We must check the weather channel about 6 times a day, the kids keep asking...

And I don't watch medical shows anymore (except House, because it's procedural not personal), I just can't...but I have heard a lot about that episode, maybe more people will join the fight for a cure.

Looking forward to seeing you,

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, October 4, 2007 7:20 PM CDT
You are going to have wonderful weather and a perfect day of life. I wish we could join you but we will be there in spirit.

Funny you should mention that Private Practice episode, it had me gut-wrenched too although I thought, wow, maybe that will reach someone...

Love to you all and kudos for your Tour de Shore.


Nicole <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA 1 - Sunday, September 30, 2007 7:57 PM CDT
Just checking up on you. You are always in my thoughts and prayers as is sweet Timmy.
With much love from Michigan.

angela warne <anji@comcast.net>
brighton, mi usa - Saturday, September 29, 2007 12:00 AM CDT
Hi Susan,

Oh, it was so good to read your update! I just wish more then ever I could be among those riders.

I'm so excited for you and nervous too... I just know everything will be just "perfect" that special day.

I was so happy to hear Jason will be home too!

There is a song that keeps playing on the radio lately and everytime I hear it I think of YOU. It's your testimony of your great love for Jesus.

When you get a chance please listen to this:


Love you!


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Thursday, September 27, 2007 9:20 PM CDT
I too thought of you last night while watching the show. It was heartbreaking.

I know next week will be a great success.

Sheila Houston <shouston7@verizon.net>
Lincroft, NJ - Thursday, September 27, 2007 6:50 PM CDT
Susan - I am so sorry that I will unable to attend Timmy's event next week. Circumstances with my husband have made it impossible to ride as a family. I thought I could do it alone with my daughter but I don't feel comfortable riding with lots of people. She is a fairly new 2-wheel rider and is scared when other are around us. I'm sure the day will be a big success. If I am able to make a donation, I will.

All the best to you, your family and the participants on such a special day. I'm sure Timmy is smiling from above.
Love and Hugs,

Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Thursday, September 27, 2007 5:04 PM CDT
Hi Susan I did see that show last night & thought of Timmy (who I never met). Hope your Tour de Shore is a success. May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Maureen <mbodiford@si.rr.com>
staten island, ny - Thursday, September 27, 2007 2:49 PM CDT
Good my morning my precious friend,

Just stopping by to steal a glimpe of Timmy's big blues, and let you know I was thinking of you.

I know "busy" is good, but I hope things are not too stressful for you. TAKE CARE OK???

Sending lots of love,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Thursday, September 27, 2007 9:01 AM CDT
Dear Susan,

I had sort of a hard day today and have been 'surfing' the many caringbridge sites tonight thinking of all the beautiful kids who are not with their families tonight..and of course I thought of Timmy. I so hope Timmy and Jacob are together and having fun. I KNOW they will be with you on Timmy's Tour. I wish I could be too. You all are raising a huge amount of money to help beat this cancer down. I am so awe struck with how hard you are fighting to help other little kiddos overcome it.

Fall has come, albeit temporarily, here on the west coast.... the weather is great. I hope it is the same there.

Thinking of you always,
Love Lisa
Jacob's mom

PS - Random side note- Who is Dr. Butler? :)

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Tuesday, September 25, 2007 11:24 PM CDT
Hello--I've been stalking the site again, figured I should actually say hello here...

We can't wait to see you in a few weeks, we are praying every day for good weather and for smooth sailing (er, biking) on all fronts!

Thinking of you always,

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Monday, September 24, 2007 6:33 PM CDT
Dear Susan, just want to let you know I'm thinking of you & all of your wonderful boys! hoping Andrew & Jason are doing well in school! Always remembering & praying for Angel Timmy! with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, September 24, 2007 7:07 AM CDT
May the angels keep you till morning.
May they guide you through the night.
May they comfort all your sorrows.
May they help you win the fight.

May they keep watch on your soul.
May they show you better ways.
May they guard you while you're sleeping.
May they see you through your days.

May they show you new hopes.
May they still your every doubt.
May they calm your every fear.
May they hear you when you shout.

May the angels keep you till morning.
More than this I cannot pray.
And if the angels ever fail you.
Then may God be there that day.

~~ Author: Anonymous ~~

Polly/Angel_Wings www.groups.yahoo.com/groups/Angel_Wings
Rolette, ND USA - Saturday, September 22, 2007 7:40 PM CDT
We think of you often and am so thrilled to hear of the great progress for the Tour. I wish we could come and join the fun but we will be in Maine at that time. Nevertheless, we will be sending wonderful thoughts, love and friendship and prayers for wonderful weather!
Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Friday, September 21, 2007 5:53 PM CDT
.. I am so happy that you are keeping so busy with all of your projects and the Ronald MC Donald House- TIMMY's Legacy will live on.. and on.. and on.. Amazing how deep and far love can take us- that is the best part, the part that cancer could never ever touch- the love that you had for each other and the love that you showed all of us.. the love that pours out of this site.. so when i log on and see his wonderful smile- i know he's smiling in Heaven, because he was and IS Loved.. in the end that is ALL that Matters..

Jenn Perez <nubuz23@comcast.net>
Sarasota, FL USA - Thursday, September 20, 2007 7:31 PM CDT
Hey Susan,

Just stopping by to let you know I was thinking of you tonight. I just watched Timmy's "My Life" video again...don't know how many times I've watched it.

Each time I do, I'm so touched, and I can't imagine your life without him.

I'm just so blessed to know, you will be with Him again, and his precious little spirit lives on in "all of our hearts" FOREVER.

Sending some EXTRA hugs tonight,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
So blessed to call you my friend............................, - Wednesday, September 19, 2007 8:48 PM CDT
eddie davis <daviseddy2@aol.com>
shawsville, va - Saturday, September 15, 2007 7:17 AM CDT
Good Morning my wonderful friend,

Ahhh, I just read Jason's message, how sweet... Now, as a sibling of a lost brother, he will NEVER stop missing Timmy. (sorry) But as the years go on, Timmy will only get "BIGGER" in his mind and in his heart. He will never forget, ever.

Susan, I continue to pray for you. I love what you shared about still being so close him and him to you. It's all so true. My mom never lost any feelings or memories of my brother. In time they will ONLY bring nothing but pure joy.

I'm so excited about all the plans and preparations for the "Tour de Shore", I'm getting so fired up, heck, you would think I was going to be there. Too bad you can not video this and stream it "LIVE" the day of the event!

Maybe one of you son's could figure that out? Please, I know they could put some of it on You~Tube! Can you tell how much I would LOVE to be there?

It was so good hearing from you. I pray my feet won't hit the ground ever. God is so good, even when we don't see or understand HIS ways.

Thanks for continuing to pray, care and encourage so many. It's people like YOU, that give us moms so much HOPE.

Have a blessed weekend my friend,

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, September 14, 2007 6:53 AM CDT
I was so touched by your message. The words carried a lot of love and courage. I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Remember you always have Timmy in your heart. Have a great sememster at school and I hope the skies are clear for you today.

From a crazy lady you don't know but who knows your pain,
Jacob's mom...forever 10

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Thursday, September 13, 2007 4:40 PM CDT
Thinking of you!!!
Tatiana R. <anony@anony.com>
Denver, CO - Thursday, September 13, 2007 4:36 PM CDT
Chers Sue et Jay
Au jourdui, j'ai crit dans un grand livre la cathdrale de la Notre Dame Paris:TIMMY PAUXTIS, il tait un jeune fils, seulement.
If the Lord is anywhere, I am certain that he/she lives in Paris. Timmy's name is now here.
Greg Pauxtis, MD

PARIS, FRANCE - Wednesday, September 12, 2007 6:37 AM CDT
Seventeen months in heaven Tim...I miss you so much.

Do me a favor though and make the weather sunny down here so I can go flying=]

Jason Pauxtis <jpauxtis@fit.edu>
Melbourne, FL USA - Tuesday, September 11, 2007 8:21 PM CDT
I hope you are well, I worry when you are quiet for a long time...

Thinking of you lots this past week especially. We have some friends joining us for the tour, we are very happy!


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Monday, September 10, 2007 9:20 AM CDT
Thinking of you so much...up at the lake, the sky was so insanely blue, not a single cloud--made me think of Timmy.

G told me today she is Going To Be Ready! for the Timmytourdeshore (she says it as all one word)...as she pedalled around the driveway. She fell off and laughed, which is a HUGE step forward (if still a wipeout!).


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, September 5, 2007 6:55 PM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

Oh my, I can't BEGIN to tell you how "excited" I was to read about all these awesome events that have happened recently.

I'm just thrilled. When you are happy, I am happy too!

God sure is blessing all your hard work for Timmy's Tour de Shore, I can hardly wait until the BIG day finally arrives. I know one little angel that will be BEAMING in heaven. You are such a great mom.

I can't believe you got a call from your Mayor, how special. Susan, I sure you had NO idea how many lives would be touched by your very special son. He continues to make an impact on so many. His spirit truly LIVES ON!!!

I bet you really enjoyed meeting Mary Alice, she's so sweet, she is another person I'd LOVE to meet! She has always been so helpful to me and everyone on the PBT list. I hope you took some pictures!! (hint...)

Well sweetie, I just wanted to let you know how often I think of you, pray for you, and give THANKS for your special friendship. God has been so good, even in the midst of so much pain and suffering.

I pray you are having a great week.

I'll keep Jason in prayer, now that flying stuff, hmmmm, it makes me very nervous! OK, I'll have FAITH!

Love you,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., HOT LOUISIANA - Wednesday, September 5, 2007 4:42 PM CDT
Hello Pauxtis Family,

Thought I'd swing by and see how things where going with the foundation and the boys back at school. Sorry to hear someone tried to break into your home, I suppose no one is really safe these days...

Wishing you the best today, thinking of you ALWAYS, with much love!


Kelsey Pauxtis <kpauxtis@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR USA - Tuesday, September 4, 2007 4:06 PM CDT
Dear Susan,

Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you today. School is getting ready to start here. So sad. So hard. I hope this year as the school bus drives down the street, you will feel a little less raw than last year. I guess that's what time does, even though it never takes it away.

I am SO happy Timmy's Tour is going so well. It sounds like the registration went great! You have so many wonderful people working to help stop cancer in kids. They all must love you very much.

Wishing you more days of happiness and satisfaction. You deserve it.

Love, Lisa
mother of Jacob...forever 10

PS...thank you again for the beautiful bracelet. It has brought up many wonderful conversations where I have been able to share Jacob with others.

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Sunday, September 2, 2007 8:00 PM CDT
Hi Susan!!
.. I am SOOO glad to hear all the good news and all of the fundraising that has been so successful!! That is fabulous!! The florida heat is something to get used to, but i could never imagine living back up north again!!
I know Timmy wants you to be happy-- so don't feel guilty-- he is in a place much more wonderful and cancer free.. So I bet that everytime you smile- so does he!!

Jenn Perez <nubuz23@hotmail.com>
Sarasota, FL USA - Sunday, September 2, 2007 3:52 PM CDT
Dear Susan- I'm glad to hear that you have kept busy with RMH. I remember the day two years ago when Timmy and I took a ride on the bike. I got lost in your neighborhood on the way back and he had to navigate for us. I don't remember who had the bigger smile when we got back home, me or him. God bless and stay safe. - Rich
Rich Knochel # 5286 (NJSP) <knucks66@aol.com>
Atlantic Highlands, NJ US - Saturday, September 1, 2007 11:19 PM CDT
Hi Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
What an amazing week! We couldn't be happier for all of you and for all those funds for research. Thrilled at the well-deserved honor the town is presenting you. Glad to hear Jason is flying and has some terrific destinations.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Friday, August 31, 2007 9:02 AM CDT
Dear Susan,
I am SO GLAD the registration day & golf outing went so well...I think Timmy must be so happy to see you happy, he loved you so much.

Today Genna asked if she could ride her trike down the street. She is doing great! I jogged with her (she has a bad habit of turning her head to chat with anyone she passes...thus turning her arms, too, but she doesn't STOP, it gets a little wiggly in the middle of the road)...she didn't need my help except maybe once, she was actually trying to pedal fast so I'd have to run (and Dave is the runner, Not Me!).

But I was so happy...and everytime she practices, she asks about how long the ride is at the Tour de Shore, and we should pray for good weather, etc. etc.

Thinking of you so much...

We will be ready!

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, August 30, 2007 5:21 PM CDT
Hey Susan,

How are you? I hope you got your home secured and you are feeling better now.

How's the weather? I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot of "New Orleans" on the news tonight, it's our 2 year anniversary of Katrina.

Our great city has a L-O-N-G way to go!

How's things going at the RMH?

I'll look forward to your next update.

Love you!


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy Always........................................., - Wednesday, August 29, 2007 5:47 PM CDT
Susan, I have been thinking of you lately. My Michael started middle school 2 days ago and anytime he reaches a milestone like this I think of Timmy. I wanted to let you know Michael thinks of him as well. He will mention Timmy from time to time and ask about you and your family. I know the start of school will come quickly and painfully I'm sure ( I'm sorry for that ) but I just wanted to tell you that you are in our thoughts and that Timmy's absence is felt even by those who never met him.

Erin Sullivan <erin@brighterideas.com>
Durham, nc usa - Wednesday, August 29, 2007 12:59 AM CDT
Dear Susan, good grief!! Can't believe what you came home to! I am so sorry you had to deal with such a thing.Thank goodness it wasn't worse. Unfortunately, I guess you can't share so much with us anymore. It is nice to hear that Jason is settleing in, I wish him well! Andrew, also! What great boys you have! I hope you are doing Ok adjusting to yet another new way of life! Please know how much I think of you, & your beautiful boys! Especially Angel Timmy! with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, August 28, 2007 9:19 PM CDT
Just a note to say high and hope that all is well with and your family.
It has been awhile and you were on my mind the other day.
I will talk to you soon.

BG Chaz Harvey (ret) NJARNG <Chaz.harvey@us.army.mil>
Fort Dix, NJ US - Tuesday, August 28, 2007 3:15 PM CDT
Hi Susan... long time no sign guestbook! I've been busy moving to Denver and start class in two weeks. I have Timmy's cranes hanging on my fridge along with the magnet you sent. I LOVE it!

So glad to hear your house is safe, but sad to know you're going to have to curtail some of what you share with us via the web. Thankfully, the people who care for your family by far outnumber the twits in the world who feel the need to do stupid things. And never mind large canines - I suggest tigers and lions and bears....


Tatiana R.
Somewhere, Over the Rainbow - Saturday, August 25, 2007 0:20 AM CDT
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Welcome Home Susan!

Hi Susan, it's soooooooooooo good to have you back again! You have been missed my friend.

Sorry you had to come home to such a scary situation. Can you imagine?? I'm with Kristin, start talking about that NEW DOG you have there!

So blessed the trip went well and Jason is settled in. I know you are going to miss him and worry. Guess what, no matter how OLD they are, you still worry! I know God is watching over him, truly His in the BEST hands...

I'm really excited about everyone that is helping out with Timmy's Tour de Shore. I wish more then ever I could be there, I will "in spirit for sure"... Can hardly wait.

I'm sure you were missed at the RMH, and they are waiting for your return.

Well, let me finish packing. Could not leave without checking in with my precious friend.

Have a blessed weekend!


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy Always........................................., - Friday, August 24, 2007 10:30 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
Glad to hear the boys are all settled and that you are home safe. We were very busy this summer, a cruise and we took our daugthers to Las Vegas but now I am getting ready for school to start.
I check in often to read all the good news about the Foundation.
You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Have a nice weekend and I'll be sweating this weekend as we bring our daughter back to college in Pennsylvania.(Figures the weather will be really HOT!!!)
I'll write real soon-
Love, Karen

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
Ramsey, NJ - Friday, August 24, 2007 4:59 PM CDT
Hi Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Glad to read about your trip, and Jason and Andrew! Not glad at all to read about the attempted breakin. Thank goodness all is safe. Hope some of that FL sunshine arrives here very soon. The fundraising does seem to be increasing every day!!! Talk to you soon.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Thursday, August 23, 2007 6:37 PM CDT
Good Lord! I'm so glad nobody got in...you just have to start writing stuff about your new pet Rottweilers. Or your Ninja housekeeper. Or your Uncle Tony from Bergen County...Good grief, that's awful...

Glad you are home safe, and I think maybe it's getting warmer here...it's really been nasty. But I saw one speck of blue sky today...

I've only been checking in every 2 minutes to see if you were home ok...good luck with all the Tour plans, G is getting braver on that trike every day!


Kristin, Ninja Mom to Genna <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, August 23, 2007 3:07 PM CDT
Thinking of you a lot this week...sorry you had to come back from sunny Florida to this awful soggy chillfest here! We need some sunshine, really need some.

G is doing a little better on the trike...looks like Dave & I will be on foot for the Tour, just to keep our girls going in straight lines! (better start having shoe trauma now!).

Thanks for checking in on us. I should be saying woohoo, but...well, just but, I guess. It's kind of like a war of attrition, just slogging away in the trenches hoping nothing really scary comes over the wall. G, of course, is thrilled to get 3 months off from CHOP.

I bet with some sunshine I'd be happier! : )

Anyway, I hope your trip south was peaceful, and that your homecoming was ok. Your boys will keep making you proud...

must go wash things, laundry waits for no mom.

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, August 22, 2007 9:56 AM CDT
I lost my mom almost a year ago to small cell lung cancer. I can't say that I know what you are going through because I haven't gone through it. I've only been on the sidelines. I can say what bravery and courageousness I saw in my mom. Don't give up the fight. I would not trade a minute of the time I had with my mom. You are in my prayers.
Catherine O'Donnell <momzateach@tds.net>
Knoxville, TN USA - Tuesday, August 21, 2007 5:36 PM CDT
Tiny Angel

Tiny Angel rest your wings
sit with me for awhile.
How I long to hold your hand,
And see your tender smile.
Tiny Angel, look at me,
I want this image clear...
That I will forget your precious face
Is my biggest fear.
Tiny Angel can you tell me,
Why you have gone away?
You weren't here for very long...
Why is it, you couldn't stay?
Tiny Angel shook his head,
"These things I do not know...
But I do know that you love me,
And that I love you so".

Author Unknown

Polly from http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/Angel_Wings <polly1511@gmail.com>
- Monday, August 20, 2007 11:57 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, and Jason,
I realized that since I see you and speak to you so often now, I hardly have written here, although we always check in. We are excited for Jason as he starts college in beautiful FL and for Andrew as he starts his Masters! We are glad you are down in FL setting Jason up and relaxing (hopefully) too. Jay too. We are looking forward to Oct 7th!!!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, August 20, 2007 3:53 PM CDT
Hi Susan,

Don't know if you're back home or not? Waiting for your next update, can't wait to hear about your trip to Florida.

I know it was "bitter~sweet" to say the least.

Love you, and miss you so much,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, August 19, 2007 10:54 PM CDT
Hi Susan!

Thinking of you.

I was checking in to see how the tour plans are coming along. I've been spreading the word here. Holding a registration day is such a great idea!

Wishing you all a safe trip to FL and hoping all goes smoothly for Jason as he settles into school.

Love, Marianne

Marianne Loose <mloose@rcn.com>
Easton, PA - Saturday, August 11, 2007 6:42 PM CDT
To my dear sweet Susan,

Oh my, the poem, OK, I should have "KNOWN BETTER" to come here with make up on! It was soooooooo beautiful, thanks for sharing it. I felt your pain, if only briefly, and I wanted to hug you and say, I will never forget or stopping saying Timmy's name!

I will be praying for a SAFE trip down to Florida for Jay and Jason. I'm so blessed you will get to spend a few days down there with him to help him settle in.

Then Orlando. Enjoy those beautiful beaches...take some pictures too!

I can't believe Timmy's Tour de Shore is only 6 weeks away, WOW! Oh, I wish more then anything I could be there. Maybe next year FOR SURE. Now you know I'm going to get to meet you Susan!

My sisters and I are talking about a trip to NY sometime early next year. If this happens, I can FINALLY get to meet you! Oh, what a day that will be... OK, I'm not going to get over~excited, just yet.

Looking forward to hearing all about your trip to Fl. We'll all be hear waiting on that update.

Sending lots of love, and praying for many blue skies ahead.

Your friend forever,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, August 10, 2007 12:38 AM CDT
Susan....I must have needed a good cry because that poem had me gasping for air...it really strikes home- doesn't it? Thank you for sharing it.

I'm so glad you updated today, I was getting ready to put on the caringbridge police cap and ask for an update. :) I think we are all worried about you. So much happening. So many changes. Hang in there...day by day.

Thank you also for sharing Jacob with your caringbridge family. It was a rough week, but watching those balloons float up towards Heaven gave me so much peace and even a little happiness. It was something Jacob would have really loved to do - of course he would have wanted to keep at least one balloon to play with. It is amazing how fast and how painfully slow a year can progress when you are grieving your baby.

I'm glad you are going to squeeze in a short 'vacation' while taking Jason to college. You and Jay need a break - time away. Take care of yourself.

Love, Lisa
Jacob's mom

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Thursday, August 9, 2007 10:42 PM CDT
Thinking of you a lot...I finally managed to make the G-Force! page for Timmy's Tour de Shore, I have to post the link on our page...and G needs a LOT of practice on the trike, her legs and arms seem to have some trouble working in tandem. But she is VERY excited about the Tour.

Sending prayers for the upcoming move for Jason. Annie & Elizabeth (my sisters & frequent babysitters) move out next week & the week after...it will be too quiet here. We will pray for peace for you all, peace in the quiet moments.

hang in there, and good luck at the registration day, it sounds like fun!!

Kristin, Genna's mom http://www.active.com/donate/timmystourdeshore/Gforce <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, August 9, 2007 3:39 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
I know just what you mean about your brain not having accepted it yet, I feel the same. I still can't really believe James has gone. Do you know, I had a car crash as well last week, a lorry pulled out behind me in the motorway and hit the back of my car, I swerved all over but luckily no-one was hurt. I'm sorry I haven't written for a while, I'm finding things hard. Love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Tuesday, August 7, 2007 11:56 AM CDT
Just thinking of you in HOT NJ today...
praying for all of your endeavors & for your boys (ok, and Jay too!)...and for Lisa.

hang in there...


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, August 4, 2007 6:53 PM CDT
Hi Susan, just thinking of you & hoping this week was a better one for you!! I know how busy you must be with so much going on! I pray for you & all of your beautiful boys every day. Take care of yourself, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <Hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ Usa - Friday, August 3, 2007 10:30 PM CDT
To my dear sweet Susan,

Sorry it's been awhile since I dropped by. Please know you are never far from my heart or thoughts each day. I still pray for you and your family DAILY.

I went to Lisa's page, and oh my, what a beautiful testimony of her son's last days. I know God sends his angels to bring our children home. It gave me the chills...

Hope things continue to go well with all your planning for Timmy's Tour de Shore. I'm glad you are busy, busy.

I read this quote today, and I thought of you immediately:

“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

I know this is one of the keys to your survival Susan!

Hope you have a nice weekend. Hey, you should be heading down our way soon with Jason.

With lots of love,


PS Be on the look out for something in your mailbox!

Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, August 3, 2007 10:23 PM CDT
Still thinking of you and praying for peace. Every time I see Timmys picture it just breaks my heart again. There is something so special about him. I have two sons of my own and somehow they had a way of trying to comfort me when I was down even though they were only children themselves. Sons have a special relationship with their mothers that I hope lasts forever. My sons are older now - 21 and 23 - but they still hug me and look after me if I'm a bit down. I know Timmy would have been such a son to you and probabley still is even though you can't see him. I'm sure you can feel his presence when times are tough. I think of you and Timmy often and keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
With much love from Michigan.

angela <anji@comcast.net>
brighton, mi usa - Sunday, July 29, 2007 5:48 PM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

Oh my, I'm so sorry to read about your car accident, I'm just so BLESSED you are OK!!!

It's hard to beleive Jason will be leaving for college, I know you will miss him so much! Well, at least you have a nice "warm sunny place" to visit now. Hopefully you will stay and enjoy your selves while you are down helping him settle in.

Susan, I'm so blessed you can go to Timmy's school, and find comfort there. That was his world, and a part of him will always be there. Yes, you can contiue to imagine Timmy running and playing, because he is! One day before we all know it, we will be together again.

I really like the idea of the group of women you met "Clipped Wings". How special. I'm just so happy you have found your place at that RMH. I just knew it was meant to be.

I'll continue to pray for Timmy's Tour de Shore! I can hardly wait till the time finally arrives!

Take care of your self Susan!

Sending lots of love your way,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, July 27, 2007 6:49 PM CDT
Thank you- Thank you....with tears streaming down my face i can only imagine. We lost our sweet Henry, age 6, only 6 weeks ago. I found your site from Jack Jordans....what a blessing for me. Like your Timmy, our Henry fought like a champ for 4 years, batteling leukemia....we fight now to go on. Thank you for your site...i will be back and will spread the word of your sweeet angel....I love his pics and i love his sweet smile....such remindres of our HEnry. He always smiled!
Michelle Tucker <tucker@tctc.com>
crawfordsville, in usa - Friday, July 27, 2007 11:13 AM CDT
Dear Susan,

Thank you so much for thinking of me. As we get closer to Jacob's first anniversary in Heaven, it is bringing me out of my numb stage and right into the mad, sad, overwhelmed stage again.

I am so glad that you are ok. Accidents are horrible.

Our Big Boys are about to leave us. I really can't believe it. How many hugs and kisses will Jason tolerate in the next weeks? Hopefully lots. And our Little Boys are in Heaven, running and playing and tumor free - Thank you God for that.

Well, my friend, be good to yourself and thank you again,

Love, Lisa

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Thursday, July 26, 2007 8:53 AM CDT
That opening sentence is enough to make you want to start the week over!
Glad you are alright; we will pass the word about the Tour de shore and I am sure you will have tons of registrants 8 weeks from now.

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Tuesday, July 24, 2007 5:54 PM CDT
Yikes, so glad you're ok!
Thinking of you a lot...my sisters go to college for the first time, a lot of the same preparations are happening at my mom's house...good luck to Jason, I know he will do so well.
And sending you an extra hug...I've been telling all my friends about the Tour de Shore, I hope we can bring down a small contingent!

Just thinking of you so much...

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Tuesday, July 24, 2007 1:29 PM CDT
Hi Susan,

Just stopping in before I go to bed tonight. Been thinking of you these days. Hope you are staying busy, and enjoying the warm weather.

You are such a blessing in our lives. Just wanted you to know.

Missing you,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Monday, July 23, 2007 10:32 PM CDT
Susan and Family,
I am so happy to revisit this site and give Timmy a few hugs and read such a peace in your latest entry.
I think of you often and I feel Timmy in the stars and rainbows. I am so happy that he rests in the shade of a tree! I am so proud of you as you move on with the Tour and your work at Ronald's House. I know that Timmy is smiling on his Mommy!

Laura Petersen
Orange County, CA USA - Monday, July 23, 2007 7:37 PM CDT
just thinking of you today...

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, July 22, 2007 3:49 PM CDT
Dear Susan, thinking of you today & everyday, praying for you & remembering your sweet Angel Timmy always! with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Sunday, July 22, 2007 9:06 AM CDT
Hi Susan,

I'm up late, and wanted you to know I stopped by. I pray things went well at the Lemonade stand today. I was thinking of you.

Hope it isn't "too hot" up there!

Sending a great "big hug tonight", and one for tomorrow too. Praying for a blessed day.

Keep holding on to HOPE,

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, July 18, 2007 11:40 PM CDT
Susan.. i think that you are doing incredible.. it may not seem so but look at all you have accomplished in such a short amount of time.. you have opened your home and heart to us.. everyone that checks timmy's site religiously.. You lend out your heart to the Ronald Mc Donald house and also to Timmy's foundation.. its amazing and inspiring.. The good that you are doing is filling your heart and hopefully the pain of Missing Timmy (because i truly beleive you didnt lose him.. you're just separated for a while) will get a little less sharp on your heart..
Thinking of you always..

Jenn <nubuz23@hotmail.com >
SARASOTA, FL - Wednesday, July 18, 2007 3:28 PM CDT
Hi Susan,

Sounds like you are keeping busy, doing a wonderful job on the tour! It will be fabulous! You are doing a great job updating us still, better than me- I will attempt an update too today, it just hasn't been in me lately, but you have inspired me as usual! Thinking of our boys always!

Lisa, mom of Matthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2007 5:34 AM CDT
Dear Susan,
I think it is great all the good things that are finally happening for the Tour de Shore!!! It makes me happy to read your updates and how much you continue to help others. I did think of you and your family on the 11th. Timmy has blessed and made better people of so many through the lives he touched.
Enjoy the week off and take some much needed time for Susan. I'll write soon.

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
Ramsey, NJ - Monday, July 16, 2007 8:08 AM CDT
Thinking of you, and always of Timmy...the blue skies we saw this week made me think of him.

And Good Lord it's hot here.

The Tour de Shore stuff sounds so awesome...I have to officially sign up, and then see if I can remember how to ride a bicycle. I'm not sure I believe that "you never forget" business.

sending a cyber hug, since in this awful heat that's almost preferable to the real thing! : )


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, July 15, 2007 4:07 PM CDT
What a wonderful thing to happen, memories are now more often those that bring smiles. Praying that your mind is flooded with memories that just bring one smile after another. What a great boost to the bike ride, a hospital on board! Wow. I will go check the site, I am really hoping that I can come up the day of and be of some help.
Debbie Grace's MomMom
Cape May, - Friday, July 13, 2007 7:37 PM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

WOW!!!!! I'm just so EXCITED about the new donation from the "The Childrens Hospital at Monmouth Medical Center"! Oh my goodness, this is fantastic!

OK, as you can see I'm thrilled. Now I wish I could hug you again, this time to share tears of JOY!

Susan, you and Jay have been so faithful to fight for this cause and it seems like God is BLESSING everything you do. I see Timmy's "fingerprints" all over this Tour de Shore!

I love your stories of how you continually meet others out at Timmy's grave site, I know God has you there many times to offer words of comfort and hope. Once again, you amaze me Susan...

I'm going to Timmy's other site now to check out the good news!

Rejoicing with you today,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, July 13, 2007 8:59 AM CDT
Dear Susan,
I just spent an hour catching up on Timmy's page and remembering all the important days that have past in the last few months. Your wonderful family has had so many sad and joyful moments to share-your strength and love amaze me. I am so proud of Andrew and Jason for all they have acomplished while struggling with the loss of their dear brother Timmy. Jason's message was so powerful-thank you for sharing it and the beautiful pictures. You and your family are always in my heart,

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, July 11, 2007 9:06 PM CDT
I'm missing my friend....

Hope all is well, (well, as well as can be well)

Let us know how your 4th of July was, and how things are going. We need an UPDATE!

Love you Susan,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Tuesday, July 10, 2007 3:48 PM CDT
Hi Susan,
Just stopping by to say "HI"! So glad you are having good dreams about Timmy. I hope you are having peaceful days, as well as nights. You are always in my thoughts!

Lisa, mom of Matthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Sunday, July 8, 2007 6:45 PM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

Oh boy, I needed this update! I've been missing you girlfriend...

Your trip sounded great, I'm so blessed you went and had some fun.

I can't "imagine" sunny skies and 60 degrees, sounds like "heaven" to me!

Oh my, that RMH is absolutely GORGEOUS!! I've never seen one that nice before, ever. I know you are touching so many lives over there.

Praying things go smoothly over these next 3 months for Timmy's Tour de Shore.

It's late, but I just had to drop you a line and let you know I was here, and I'm blessed I came by tonight.

OH...the dream, what an answer to my prayers, I always ask the Lord to give you dreams of Timmy. I pray you have many, many more! (Thanks for sharing it with us!)

Love you Susan, and OH, Happy Fourth of July!


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 11:03 PM CDT
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Hi Susan,

I just wanted you to know I still stop by daily to see Timmy's smile

and his Bright, beautiful blue eyes

Think of you and remembering Timmy always..................

Love from California,

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Keeping this precious Family covered in prayer and wishing you a

Happy 4th of July!


Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Tuesday, July 3, 2007 10:52 PM CDT
Thanks for all you do for our kids. Having an "I hate cancer so very much" kind of day, which makes me appreciate even MORE all your efforts.

It IS gorgeous here today, so blue and crispy; a perfect day for Timmy to visit you in a dream! I'm so glad...

better run, but you are always in my heart.

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Monday, July 2, 2007 3:24 PM CDT
Came by to give you a big hug today lady...
Thank you for sharing the pictures of Jason and Andrew! Way to go boys!!!! Susan they are beautiful inside and out. As is Timmy. And I know he has got to be smiling in heaven at all you are accomplishing and doing...and sending you his very special love. I cant even imagine how hard all of this is for you Susan. And I am so glad you are meeting friends who understand...who help you to get involved in different aspects of life, that arent so painful right now. I hope you won big at the Borgata and had a beautiful time.

You are always in my heart and in my prayers...Even if I dont get on my computer very often to let you know in writing - - please know I send you love every day...

Laurie <fantasia550@comcast.net>
TIMMYTOWN, NJ USA - Monday, July 2, 2007 5:54 AM CDT
Hi Susan,
Just wanting to say hi, I hope you had so much fun in Atlantic City. We went to Las Vegas once, luckily my husband won a little bit when we first got there......so I felt like we weren't gambling "our" money. It made me nervous! (I'm the daughter of an accountant....) Anyway, take care and know I am thinking about you. You are an amazing person!

Reca Thomasson <rmthomasson@cableone.net>
- Friday, June 29, 2007 11:06 PM CDT
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I asked God to bless you
As I prayed for you today
To guide you and protect you
As you go along your way....
His love is always with you
His promises are true,
And when we give Him all our cares
You know He will see us through
So when the road you're travelling on
Seems difficult at best
Just remember I'm here praying
And God will do the rest.

by B.J.Morbitzer

Thinking of you today and praying always,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, June 27, 2007 5:07 PM CDT
Hi Susan,

Hope you a GREAT time away with the girls! Sounded like a much needed and deserved break! Fill us in OK?

The pictures were "GREAT", your sons are so HANDSOME! (Thanks for sharing them!) I know you are so proud of them, and SHOULD BE!

I love hearing how much you are enjoying the RMH, I just KNEW that job was for you. I'm so blessed in God's perfect time he opened those doors for you.

As much as you needed to go there to bless and care for others, they needed someone "just like you" to come and care for them. There's nothing like "experience", I know you a ray of "HOPE" for these struggling moms.

Can't wait to hear about your trip. Still praying for you Susan, it's a long, long, lifetime journey. Keep holding on Jesus, He's right there beside you and Timmy is still so alive IN you, forever.

Your friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, June 24, 2007 4:29 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
I hope you have a wonderful few days at Atlantic City. I only went there once, when I was really too young to appreciate it (and I had been camping...a 21 year old in bike shorts & a huge t-shirt & with a rather bedhead like ponytail, I got carded practically before my foot hit the carpet of the casino...but I walked out $3 richer than when I went in with $7, so the whole thing was a success, I guess! : ) ). I hope you have laughter, good food, lots of sunshine, and more than $3 worth of luck!

thinking of you lots...we went to the beach last week and hollered a hello when we drove by Middletown. You are always in our hearts, and I hope we can make it to the Tour de Shore (planning to, just haven't registered yet--I get nervous committing to things more than 3 months out, a habit I'm not sure I'll ever break now). But we really hope to be there, I have given out some magnets (and Rosie lined up the others on our fridge!)...and the kids were brainstorming folks to invite today...

I wish you peace tonight...

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, June 23, 2007 8:35 PM CDT
Dear Susan, thank you for sharing these special milestones with us! Your boys looked so handsome at their graduations & prom! I can imagine how proud you & Jay are! I am glad to hear that you are going away,even for a night, enjoy, relax & good luck! Thinking of Timmy every day, & keeping all of you in our thoughts, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, June 20, 2007 11:01 PM CDT
Hi Susan, I haven't been on the website for quite a while. Glad to see you still are keeping it going. I think of Timmy often. Whenever I drive near or in Middletown, he is the only one on my mind. Timmy and your family will always have a place in my heart and my prayers. My thoughts are with you often,
Coleen (old PT from Bayshore)

Coleen Baquero <coleenpt@yahoo.com>
Morganville, - Wednesday, June 20, 2007 8:02 PM CDT
Hi Susan,

Stopping by to say hi, and let you know you were on "my mind, and in my heart today...

I read this scripture this morning and thought of YOU:

"But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. . . ." Jeremiah 17:7-8

Susan, you have truly been a great example of someone who has made the Lord their "HOPE", and their "confidence". I know He is carrying you day by day.

Hope you had a nice Father's Day weekend. I'll look forward to your next update.

Your friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:18 PM CDT
Hi Susan,
So glad you're not stopping writing in the journal. It has been for me and is for you very cathartic. No one says we ever have to stop writing in here. I know I'm not ready to stop writing. I'm gald you came back.

What a wonderful poem and memory to keep from Jason. I hope he is doing well.
I'm sure today was a hard day for Jay. I hope he was able to have a nice day.

I didn't know about all of the policemen and everything that Jason wrote. That was amazing!

Let's connect for Saturday's walk.

Kristen Gillette (Angel Kortney's mom) <soccrmom3@aol.com>
Oceanport, Nj USA - Sunday, June 17, 2007 8:16 PM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

How silly of me, to even "think" I could drop by quickly to check up on you, and leave for the day, (wth my make up still on?)

OK, once again, you've touched such a deep place within my heart. I cried tears of "joy" because of all the love that was shown to our sweet Timmy. The yearbook dedication, the star hanging, the teachers staying after, and the roses waiting out at his site. OK, I was sooooooooo CHOKED up just reading about it, can't imagine "being there".

Then tears of "sorrow" for you. Yes, all the "would have been"...the pain of watching the children go on without Timmy. See why my make up is ruined?

Susan, you never claim to know the bible, and you have expressed many times you want to learn more, even attending those classes soon after Timmy went home.

Well, you sure have "lived out" many scriptures for me. You have been such a example, and I continue to learn more and more as I watch you on your journey of HOPE.

The scripture that came to my mind as I read your update is found in PS 126:6, it says:

"He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow,(all the many ways you serve others, your deep compassion, and all you are doing for the cause of finding cures for pediatric brain tumors), will return with songs of joy,carrying sheaves with him."

Susan, you have been loved, blessed and Timmy has been so honored. I believe as a direct result of all the love you have sown into so many lives, causes, and of course Timmy!

One day, you will return with songs of JOY, and I think you'll need help carrying your sheaves!!

Love you so much,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, June 15, 2007 10:11 AM CDT
SUSAN... I cant beleive ive missed the last few journal updates.. and I am so very glad that you will keep this site up, even if you cant update as frequently..
Your sons essay was absolutely beautiful and heart warming.. I am glad he got his well deserved A.. It is wonderful that Timmy is remembered in every way and his school is wonderful for the beautiful tribute.. I send you a big kiss and look forwards to your next update..

Jenn Perez <jenina23@comcast.net>
Sarasota, FL - Thursday, June 14, 2007 3:50 PM CDT
Dearest Susan,
Sending a hug for all these milestones...knowing especially that Jason will always have his angel brother watching over him.

My sisters recently graduated from high school... they have an angel in their small class, too. He went to heaven when they were all kindergarten kids, but the class always carried John Paul in their hearts, even to their high school graduation...I am sure Timmy's classmates will carry him the very same way.

Congrats to Jason, and good luck with all of the Tour de Shore prep...we are always thinking of you.


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, June 14, 2007 2:17 PM CDT
Dear Susan, I am thinking about you! What a nice tribute to your Timmy to have the yearbook dedicated to him! I'm sure Timmy's friends will carry him with them to middle school. I'd like to congratulate Jason(& his parents!) on his graduation tomorrow! It will be another bittersweet day, I pray that you will feel your Angel Timmy beside you. You must be so proud of all of your boys!! Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers, always, with much love, Kathy Hall

Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, June 13, 2007 10:50 PM CDT
Hi Susan,

Just stopping by to get my "Timmy~Fix", needed to see that sweet smile and those gorgeous blue eyes. OK, I'm feeling better now.

So...how are you my friend? Thinking a lot about you these days. I'll try and send an email sometime today.

Meanwhile, I hope you feel this great big hug coming your way,

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Love you,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:32 AM CDT
Dear Susan,
I hoped you be back and I was so happy to see you posted that BEAUTIFUL essay. I, too rely a lot on the stars after this year we just experienced. I can relate to Jason and his thoughts of the stars. They do give me peace that all our loved ones that have gone are definately watching us at night. I hope all is going okay with you.
I will write soon.
Love, Karen

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
Ramsey, NJ - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:01 PM CDT
I could hardly bear to read your entry but am so glad that you decided to share it with us. I hope to-day went well and will continue to pray that you may find some peace here on earth. Every time that I look at Timmys picture it breaks my heart I can't even imagine how you must feel.
With much love from Michigan

Angela <anji@comcast.net>
brighton, mi u - Monday, June 11, 2007 9:52 PM CDT
Susan - Welcome Back. Beautiful, just beautiful. What a story. I am so glad you shared it.

Love and Hugs,

Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Sunday, June 10, 2007 7:57 PM CDT

I felt you needed a timmy hug. I love you.

I love Jasons essay and I love each word you write. Writing helps in healing honey. Keep those fingers moving. You have so much to say to the world. And we will always be here to read it.

Big hugs and so much love sent to you today!

TIMMYTOWN, NJ USA - Sunday, June 10, 2007 7:52 AM CDT
I'm so glad you're back. so glad...

Even if Jason's beautiful essay has tears pouring down my face...you know you have 3 beautiful boys...

I'm so grateful for your friendship, and your support...if not for Timmy & Genna I never would have met you, and I am so blessed to know you.


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, June 9, 2007 9:26 PM CDT
Beautiful and touching essay, Jason.
Glad to have you back, Susan.

Martha <marthie@triad.rr.com>
Oak Ridge, NC - Saturday, June 9, 2007 4:44 PM CDT

It was a pleasure meeting you at the KRF dance on June 1. Now I have a face to put to the name. What a wonderful essay by Jason, I had tears streaming down my face. May your summer be peaceful.

Melissa Parker-Combes

Melissa Parker-Combes <parker.combes@comcast.net>
Oceanport, NJ - Saturday, June 9, 2007 11:27 AM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

Just thought I'd pop in, say I love you, miss your updates, and B-A-M, was I surprised!!!

I sat here reading Jason's essay with tears flowing down my eyes... Susan, I think, no I know he has your "gift" of writing and expressing his deepest feelings. Your life has so affected your children's in so many positive ways.

I know Jason's teacher must of been deeply touched, and will cherish that paper for years and years to come. Timmy left a mark on so many hearts.

My favorite line Jason wrote was the last:

"When you lose everything, you start to realize what is really needed in life-- love, family, and friends-- nothing more."

Wow, what wisdom and revelation from such a young man! I can hardly wait to hear how Jason does in college and what his future will bring. Don't ever worry about your son EVER forgetting those "bright blue eyes" that turned the world around.

So blessed I came by today, please give Jason a big hug from me, he just stole a part of my heart today.

Sending lots of love and hugs all the way to NJ today,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy Always........................................., - Saturday, June 9, 2007 9:49 AM CDT
Dear Susan, what beautiful words from quite an amazing young man. I'm sure Angel Timmy is rightfully bragging in Heaven about his brothers,& his Mom & Dad! Jason is right, Timmy will always be smiling down on him! Thank you for keeping us up to date, please know how much I pray & think of you & all of your boys!! with much love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, June 8, 2007 11:07 PM CDT
Jason, Your essay is beautiful.
Kathy Lou Colmorgen <colmorgenk@middletownk12.org>
Red Bank, NJ USA - Friday, June 8, 2007 7:53 PM CDT

You've made your brother proud.

With Love,

Mrs. Griffin

Sue Griffin <jgastro29@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ - Friday, June 8, 2007 12:51 AM CDT
Oh my, the essay. That a young person can express so much of what we feel but haven't been able to put those thoughts together. No wonder Timmy smiled so much, he knew what it was to be truly loved. A is just a grade, but these words are a picture of love.
Debbie Grace's MomMom <deecee421@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, June 7, 2007 8:04 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
What an incredibly touching, beautiful essay, Jason. We had tears in our eyes reading it. We know you will go on to honor Timmy in everything you do, as will Andrew. Just as you were blessed to have Timmy in your lives, he was blessed to have two caring, loving big brothers to look up to.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Thursday, June 7, 2007 7:46 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing, I still go to this site everyday to pray for timmy, Jasons paper has brought me to tears..once again thank you for sharing timmy with the world....we all need him, love michele
michele lally <cooker722@aol.com>
matawan, nj usa - Thursday, June 7, 2007 4:26 PM CDT
Hi again...
like Susan Amato, I'm back...I am so accustomed to checking Timmy's page, my fingers just type in timmyp automatically...you are much in our hearts.

Rosie got a bike for her birthday last week, and we ordered a trike for G this past weekend...Genna wants to ride in October, she is so excited. So even if you don't post here, we'll keep peeking in, checking in, thinking of you all so much...and looking forward to seeing you (if all goes well on this end) in October.


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earhtlink.net>
Warren, NJ usa - Monday, June 4, 2007 9:07 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing Timmy with people who did not know him or your family. Every week it was inspiring to read your updates. I will always keep your family in my prayers and not forget you. I will look forward to reading your new website.
Sheila Houston <shouston7@verizon.net>
Lincroft, NJ USA - Monday, June 4, 2007 7:56 PM CDT
I've just returned from a visit to England and read your last journal entry. I want you to know that is has been an honor to be part of your journey and I will miss checking up on you. I will of course continue to follow your progress with the foundation and will always keep Timmy in my heart.
With much love from Michigan

angela <anji@comcast.net>
brighton, mi usa - Sunday, June 3, 2007 10:25 AM CDT
Good bye and Good luck with the foundation.
You have two wonderful sons to enjoy on this earth and one to remember with love.
May God continue to keep you in his strength.

australia, - Saturday, June 2, 2007 6:38 PM CDT
Good Morning Susan,

OK, as you can see, I'm having a hard time with your decision. I KNOW you will be around and very busy, but I have this "habit" of coming to Timmy's site, OFTEN. (So, I'll keep signing in...)

Will you just leave it up and running and not update? Well, no matter what you do, I'm behind you all the way.

Praying things are going well with the foundation. I'm sure you will journal there, so I need to start checking that page more often.

I read this awesome quote late last night. It was placed right in the middle of an article on "gratefulness". That is something I've witnessed in your life since the day I met you. I believe it is one of the many ways you continue on.

"Yet the real miracle comes when you can look back at even the most painful experiences in your life and find the good that God has brought out of it. Until you can see the work of God in the worst of circumstances you have not yet begun to see your life from the eyes of God. When gratitude does its greatest work within us, we are able to celebrate who we are becoming even when we have passed through experiences we would wish on no one. No tragedy or hardship can rob us the joy that is always before us when our eyes remain on Jesus." ~ Erwin McManus"

Watching you being transformed day by day,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Saturday, June 2, 2007 8:40 AM CDT
Those words sting because this page has helped us all feel connected to you and to Timmy. But, I know that you are busy with the new foundation and the website and activities to which that is focused. I celebrate that with you and know that we are never far apart. Timmy lives in us all -- as we have followed this story and many more of those like Timmy.

I too prescribe to the belief that you must grab hold of the life you can control. Make the most of each day no matter how long or how short. Change what you can, fix what you can, and when given lemons, attempt to make lemonade. I thank you for your courage and strength. I thank you for sharing your lives so openly and honestly. I thank you for Timmy and for taking the memory of Timmy and making it a driving force to help others by funding research to find a cure.

We are right along side!
Nicole Ronco

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Friday, June 1, 2007 10:09 PM CDT
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To my dear sweet Susan,

Oh my, I received that precious card in the mail and the cranes, ahhh, I wanted to break down and cry as soon as I saw them!

You are so kind...everything you do is done with so much "LOVE and EXCELLENCE"!! I was so impressed!

Yes, this is the beginning of a new chapter in your life, and I'm just so excited to see and share with you all the plans God has for you and your family.

Keep holding on to HOPE,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Forever Loving Sweet Timmy......................................, - Thursday, May 31, 2007 6:11 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
I'll miss "hearing" from you but I understand you feel it's time to close this chapter. Thank you for sharing your life with us. None of us will ever forget sweet Timmy. May God be with you and your family through these days. Please know that your Caringbridge Family will always be here for you (in case you decide to come back). We love you and will always remember our Angel Timmy. Take good care of yourselves.

Martha <marthie@triad.rr.com>
Oak Ridge, NC - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 8:46 PM CDT
Dearest Susan,

Thank you my friend for sharing your Timmy with us. I've said before how much it helped me. I felt an instant connection with you and Timmy. I learned that I will be ok, because you are ok. You helped prepare me to watch my Jacob leave this earth. For that my soul will be indebted to you forever.

I know that this is not the end, only a beginning.

Loving you and thinking of you and your family,

Mother of sweet baby boy Jacob...forever 10

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 6:44 PM CDT
Dear Susan,

Thank you for sharing so much of yourself over these years - for allowing us to walk with you and pray for you. You have been such an encouragement to me, and I pray that one day we will meet (even if not on this earth).

You are so loved!

Celeste Welch m/o Valerie Grace www.valeriegrace.com <candcwelch@yahoo.com>
Archer, FL USA - Monday, May 28, 2007 9:55 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
We will miss your touching updates and heartfelt words, but we know Timmy's legacy and your message will continue and thrive through the foundation. Thank goodness we live close enough to be a part of your ongoing mission in honor of your precious angel. Angel Timmy is forever in our hearts, as is his loving and devoted family.
With love & hugs,
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, May 28, 2007 8:38 PM CDT
Susan - Thanks so much for sharing Timmy and your life with us. I will miss your updates a great deal. I am certain you are looking forward to the new chapter in your life. Timmy will be right by your side all the way. Your other children need you, your husband needs you too. You are an AMAZING woman and I applaud you for all you have done and are doing for pediatric brain tumor research.

I am looking forward to meeting you in October at the Tour de Shore. My best to you and your family.
Love and Hugs,

Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Monday, May 28, 2007 3:51 PM CDT
Susan, thank you for sharing so much of yourself during the hardest time anyone could ever imagine. I know you may not have felt like it often, but you have shown yourself to be a strong courageous lady. I will never forget Timmy's story and his beautiful family and I will continue to follow your other site, the site that celebrates hope and a cure and all of the love that Timmy has brought to so many people. God bless you all, Chris

chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
temecula, ca usa - Sunday, May 27, 2007 7:41 PM CDT
Thank you Susan for sharing your son Timmy with me. Although we are "strangers" and have never met, your story has touched my heart and I will always remember it. I wish you lots of luck with Timmy's foundation and I will follow that web site often! Stay strong and know that memories can never be taken away from you. Enjoy your life and best wishes to your sons and husband....With thoughts of you all~
Shannon Tarentino <buttrrkupp@verizon.net>
Clark, NJ USA - Sunday, May 27, 2007 6:55 PM CDT
Oh Susan,

Tears of sadness, I will miss your beautiful words so much here. But also there should be happy tears, knowing that you are ready to continue your journey in another way, to end here is only to go on in another way. I often wonder too, when I will stop writing. I guess you know when it is time, you felt it in your heart. I hope that in some way I can continue on this path with you, or beside you in any way that I can. You are a great soul, follow your heart and may peace be with you always!

Lisa, mom of Matthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Sunday, May 27, 2007 4:09 PM CDT
Dearest Susan,

Well, it looks like I better keep visiting this site often, I'm already missing coming here already...

I could not sleep tonight, so I decided to stay up and pray for you and my many wonderful friends.

I read something tonight by Nancy Guthrie who wrote the book "One Year Of Hope" and wanted to share it with you. I could not help but think of YOU as I read each word:

"While David and I have often wondered about the purposes of God in our lives, we have confidence that our pain has not been wasted, and this has made our loss bearable. God has used our sorrow to mature our faith, demonstrate His own faithfulness, and enlarge our compassion for hurting people around us. Out of His kindness, God gives me something He is not obligated to give glimpses of how He is using our loss in the lives of people we havent even met. In each fellow sufferers story I hear or letter I receive, I hear God whisper, See your pain has not been wasted. Im using it for good."

Susan this is exactly what I've witnessed this past year as you journeyed through Timmy's battles and final victory. Thanks for all you have taught us, for all the compassion you've shown and now all the ways you are helping to find a cure!

You are simply amazing...

With lots of love for one very special friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Forever Loving Sweet Timmy......................................, - Sunday, May 27, 2007 3:50 AM CDT
Are prayers are with you get well soon.
Craig vickie hanson <vickieh07@yahoo.com>
peterson, mn us - Saturday, May 26, 2007 8:56 AM CDT
Dear Susan, THANK YOU! for sharing your journey with us, I have learned so many valuable lessons from you & your beautiful little boy! You both will always be an inspiration to me, you are an amazing woman & mom! Your updates will be missed, but you have to move on, I know you & Jay will be so busy with the foundation. I will continue to follow you on the new journey Timmy will take you on. It really is not a surprise that Andrew & Jason will do well, look at their role models! Your family will forever have a special place in my heart, may God bless all of you! With much love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, May 25, 2007 10:22 PM CDT
Please reconsider it being your last post. Timmy's life continues to touch others through you. Your strength amidst the storm is an inspiration for others who are walking in your footsteps through the journey of their child's illness. God Bless.
Christa <Im5kidsmom@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA - Friday, May 25, 2007 9:24 PM CDT
I am truly blessed that you let me and my family into your life and that you gave us the opportunity to "meet" your remarkable family. I hope you can truly appreciate just how many lives you have touched. You have forever changed my outlook on life and have definitely made me a better parent. Always remember that we will never forget you, your family and little Angel Timmy. I know somehow Timmy watches over all of us. You will never be forgotten and our prayers will always be with you.
Dawn Goodwin & family <gwin213@optonline.net>
RIver Edge, NJ - Friday, May 25, 2007 9:17 PM CDT
Dearest Susan,
It is sad to think of this site stopping...but we will follow in whatever path you make in honoring Timmy & in advocating for a cure. Your heart, as shown through your words here, has inspired me, given me strength, and taught me how to handle things with dignity and grace.

We will always remember, and we can't wait to see what The Timothy Pauxtis foundation will achieve in honor of your beautiful blue eyed boy.


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, May 25, 2007 7:49 PM CDT
I have never met a woman braver and stronger than you . .I know that you and I will stay in touch. I am better for knowing you, Timmy, Jay, Jason, and Andrew.
Roseanne <roseanne531@gmail.com>
Howell, NJ USA - Friday, May 25, 2007 3:36 PM CDT
Dear Susan,

You will be missed. Your words are always so hopeful, even during uncertain times. You have remained strong, always encouraging, and I know Timmy is sooo proud of you.
I have heard such WONDERFUL things about you from my mother-in-law, Susan Amato.
You and your family are in my prayers.

Love, Kristin

Kristin Amato <kma0405@bellsouth.net>
Covington, LA - Friday, May 25, 2007 11:10 AM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

Wow, talk about hit me where it hurts... Gosh, I know our friendship will continue on, but there is just something so SPECIAL about this site, hmmmmm, I'm just NOT happy. (sorry)Image hosting by TinyPic

I was so THRILLED to read about Andrew's Cum laude! I just can't begin to imagine what that felt like, for him and for you and Jay. After all this young man has been through. Simply amazing.

I pray Jason has a wonderful time at his big Prom tonight, I'd love to see a picture of him and his date, (if you don't post it, please email it to me!!)

Yes, what a journey it's been Susan. I'm just so THANK-FUL for the day I first visited Timothy's site. He captured my heart in an instant, and will FOREVER be a part of our lives.

Yes, your sons will carry Timmy with them where ever they go. And I had to laugh, your boys NEED their MOM!! ALWAYS...

I'm so excited about the Tour, the site is just incredible, well worth waiting for, please let Jay know how GREAT it is and how much it's appreciated.

Let's stay CLOSE in touch my precious friend, our friendship is only "just begun..."

With more love then words can express,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy Always........................................., - Friday, May 25, 2007 10:30 AM CDT
I am so sad to read this is your last entry. It has been an honor to read you updates for last year. You are an a amzing woman & MOM. Your boys are very lucky to have you as there mother. Thank you Susan for letting all of us be a part of your world even if it was for just a short time. May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Maureen <mbodiford@si.rr.com>
Staten Island, ny USA - Friday, May 25, 2007 7:23 AM CDT
Thinking of you, Susan. The websites (foundation and tour de shore) are amazing.

love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Friday, May 25, 2007 2:53 AM CDT
Hi Susan,

Can't wait to hear about your trip! Wanted you to know I was thinking of you tonight...

Miss you,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, May 20, 2007 10:24 PM CDT
Hi, Susan & Jay

Just catching up on your posts-Congratulations on Andrew and Jason's graduations! They are wonderful young men, that is such a tribute to you as parents. And congrats on winning the battle with Sea Bright for your Tour de Shore! "Right" beats "might" there, for sure. So glad it went your way, it's going to be a glorious event!

Take care,

Joy Rothman <joyar@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ - Saturday, May 19, 2007 11:38 AM CDT
Dear Susan, congratulations to Andrew!! I hope you & Jay enjoy the weekend. You & your boys are always on my mind & your Angel Timmy will forever be in my heart. Take care of yourself, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, May 18, 2007 9:41 PM CDT
Hello, Please tell both Andrew and Jason that I send my congratulations on their graduations. I thought of Andrew today because I found a "western expansion newspaper" that Andrew's class had written when he was in fifth grade. It brought back memories of that class. Kathy Lou
Kathy Lou Colmorgen <colmorgenk@middletownk12.org>
Red Bank, NJ USA - Friday, May 18, 2007 7:34 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Congratulations to Andrew on his college graduation!!! Have a wonderful weekend celebrating him!!!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Friday, May 18, 2007 7:15 AM CDT
Dear Susan,
Thank you for sharing our happy day...we are so blessed by your love & encouragement, Genna always thinks of "Timmy's Mom" in her daily prayers.

We can't wait to see the new website. You and Jay have done such a wonderful job already with the Tour de Shore prep, it looks to be an awesome event.

hang in there, we are always praying for you--
and congrats to Andrew on graduating!!!

peace,Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, May 17, 2007 2:21 PM CDT
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Hi Susan,

Great update. So blessed you got your "hug" for Mother's day, and also some "retail therapy" in there too! Yes, it is a GOD~SEND to me many times!!

I know how busy the cemeteries are on Mother's Day, we used to go faithfully after my mom died and also my brother, for many, many years!

So you have Jason and Andrew graduating, two "MAJOR" milestones. Susan, you have 3 awesome sons, you must be very, very PROUD. I pray your trip is a good one, and I'm so excited for your mom will get to see Andrew graduate! She will be beaming I'm sure.

Looking forward to the new website. Thanks for faithfully keeping us updated. I still pray you seriously consider writing a book one day. It would bring so much comfort, HOPE, and help to many others who have walked down the road you have. You have such a "gift" with words, and expressing your deepest feelings.

Well sweetie, just wanted to stop by and check up on you. I'm sending you a GREAT BIG hug right now....

I sure wish you could take a quick detour through Louisiana to bring Jason to college, wow, that would be sooooooooo NEAT. One day, I know this is my heart's desire to meet you. We'll just have figure out a way!

Love you,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Thursday, May 17, 2007 1:20 PM CDT
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Just wanted to let you know I read your son's story. What a brave little man.
Ebony's story


Perth, W.A Australia - Thursday, May 17, 2007 2:25 AM CDT
Dear Susan, I hope that the words of that poem where a comfort and the fact that so many people are thinking about you and praying for you everyday.
Sharon Lotito <pop21@verizon.net>
Red Bank, NJ USA - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 1:07 PM CDT
Hi Susan,

Thinking of you tonight...Hope today was not too painful for you.

The poem was beautiful!

Sending extra hugs,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, May 13, 2007 10:19 PM CDT
Thinking of you Susan on this Mother's Day.

Donna Obssuth (Genna's Aunt)

Donna Obssuth <DonnaObssuth@aol.com>
Wayne, NJ USA - Sunday, May 13, 2007 8:33 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Thinking of you and your family.
Love, Karen

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
Ramsey, NJ - Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:53 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day, dear Susan...

may the day be peaceful for you, today is a Timmy-blue sky...

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, Nj USA - Sunday, May 13, 2007 12:57 AM CDT
Thinking of you today and wishing you a peaceful day. May you feel the loving arms of your precious Timmy around you throughout the day.
Scott's mom

Romelle Lysenko <rlysenko@patmedia.net>
Somerset, NJ USA - Sunday, May 13, 2007 10:21 AM CDT
Great minds think alike! Your message came across as I was updating. I love the beautiful poem someone sent you. Such a thoughtful gift, written especially for you. I looked and looked for a poem,but couldn't find the right one. I put some of Jake's mother's day school things up. Every little thing is precious, isn't it? I hope you have a day of peace. Missing Timmy so much. Happy Mother's Day dear friend. Lots of hugs....Lisa

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Sunday, May 13, 2007 9:52 AM CDT
~ Susan ~

Thinking of you tonight and keeping you in my prayer's

Remembering Timmy along with you on Mother's Day!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Love & Hug's form my heart to yours,



Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Saturday, May 12, 2007 11:48 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Your special calling and extra-special Angel put you in the right place at the right time to be there for that young mother. What a comfort you must have been for her! So glad RMH has become the perfect place for you to share your love, strength, and courage, and the blessings of Timmy. Can't wait to see the new website! Wishing you a beautiful Mother's Day filled with many special moments.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Friday, May 11, 2007 9:54 PM CDT
Remembering Timmy and missing his smile. www.groups.yahoo.com/group/angel_wings
David Melton angel wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Friday, May 11, 2007 10:42 AM CDT
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

To my dearest Susan,

Oh, I must admit I had a great BIG SMILE across my face as I envisioned you serving the hordeoveres!! You continually amaze me. I know I keep saying this, but it's so T-R-U-E!

I continue to learn so much from you Susan. There is a scripture in the bible that says, "It's more blessed to GIVE then to receive", and you live this out each day of your life.

No matter what pain you are enduring, it never stops you from giving, caring and carrying so many people's burdens on your tired and weary shoulders... I'm so honored to know you.

I'm so blessed you were there to cry with that young mom, she needed you like no one else, and there you were... What a beautiful picture of such great love and deep compassion. I got choked up just reading about it...

Well sweetie, I know Mother's Day is about to be here. I want you to know I will be thinking of you, praying too. Enjoy all your special men, and just be queen for the day! You sure deserve it. And know someone who still lives within you is only a heartbeat away sending his love too.

Keep holding on, and I'll keep praying you through,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., LA - Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:23 PM CDT
Thinking of you...thank you for the encouragement, and the prayer call, you know we'll take them. Scan day is awful. Even when things seem good...well, I'm not going to go there. Thank you for having the faith I so often lack, that G will be ok...that means so much.

Thinking of you a lot this weekend...and onward. I can't wait to see the new website (you all are so computery).

must sleep, but you all are so much in my thoughts.

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, May 10, 2007 9:02 PM CDT
Susan... Im always thinking of you.. wether i sign in or not.. i check in on you.. I am glad that you are still keeping yourself busy.. still volunteering and touching lives with both Timmy's foundation and the Ronald Mc Donald house... I do agree that you cant ever get over the loss of a child but I hope the pain hurts even the slightest bit less as time goes on..
jenn d/o Martha

Jenn <jenina23@comcast.net>
Sarasota, FL 34237 - Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:02 PM CDT
Susan, as always your website is so uplifting. While I have not written in a while, I check weekly your updates. You still amaze me. I wish you the best on Mother's Day.
Sheila Houston <shouston7@verizon.net>
Lincroft, NJ USA - Wednesday, May 9, 2007 7:24 PM CDT
Remembering Timmy and glad the Tour de Shore was a success. www.groups.yahoo.com/group/angel_wings
David Melton angel wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, May 8, 2007 12:14 AM CDT
congratulations on the great news. I wish I could be there with you but I'll be thinking of you as always.
With much love from Michigan

angela <anji@comcast.net>
brighton, mi usa - Tuesday, May 8, 2007 7:59 AM CDT
Congratulations on Tour de Shore
Eileen Wong <elwong87538@peoplepc.com>
Flushing, NY USA - Friday, May 4, 2007 11:24 AM CDT
Hi Susan,

Way to go, yeah!!!! So glad you got the ok for the bicyle tour! And also so glad that Jason is doing better. And last but not least-HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! Such good HAPPY news all around, so happy!!!!! You just need some good through all the bad, YES!

Lisa, mom of MAtthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Friday, May 4, 2007 9:35 AM CDT
Yeah! Way to go, Susan! I'm so glad you and your family and friends will be able to honor Timmy with this great bike tour. Happy anniversary to you and Jay.


Stephanie Thompson <skt@ttranslations.com>
Yorktown, VA USA - Friday, May 4, 2007 9:08 AM CDT
Congrats on fighting and winning the debate with SeaBright! That's so wonderful and you will make that town proud. Your perseverance and hard work will pay off, as your boy smiles down on you.

Oh, and Happy Anniversary!

Tatiana R.
Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan - Thursday, May 3, 2007 3:12 AM CDT
Dear Susan, it's easy to see where Timmy got his strength & determination from!! I am so happy that Sea Bright "officials" finally gave the OK. Looks like many happy days are coming your way! You must be so proud of your boys! Hang in there, Jason! I wish you & Jay a very happy anniversary! I continue to think of all of you everyday & keep you in my prayers, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 10:15 PM CDT
We are thrilled to read the great news! Congratulations!!!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 9:24 PM CDT
Congratulations on getting Timmy's tour de shore going!! You are truly an inspirational family, and although I only know you from your web site...your strength, courage, love and determination is ever so inspiring!! Keep up the good work! And Happy Anniversary!!
Shannon Tarentino <buttrrkupp@verizon.net>
Clark, NJ USA - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 9:22 PM CDT
Way to Go, Pauxtis Family!!!
I am SO VERY GLAD that Sea Bright made the right choice, and is willing to support the Tour de Shore. Phew! I know beyond a doubt that you WILL make this an event they will be so glad they opened their town to!

That is the grammatically most awkward sentence ever, but you know what I mean...

Timmy lives on in our hearts, and we are so excited for the Tour de Shore!

again, thank you for coming the other night...the Children's Prayer song at the end was for Timmy, but I couldn't say it, I got so choked up ...(the song my dear friend & my sister in law sang)...


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 5:46 PM CDT
Way to Go, Pauxtis Family!!!
I am SO VERY GLAD that Sea Bright made the right choice, and is willing to support the Tour de Shore. Phew! I know beyond a doubt that you WILL make this an event they will be so glad they opened their town to!

That is the grammatically most awkward sentence ever, but you know what I mean...

Timmy lives on in our hearts, and we are so excited for the Tour de Shore!

again, thank you for coming the other night...the Children's Prayer song at the end was for Timmy, but I couldn't say it, I got so choked up ...(the song my dear friend & my sister in law sang)...


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 5:46 PM CDT
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Hi Jay, Susan and family,

First off, a great big 'CONGRATULAIONS' on getting those votes for Timmy's Tour de Shore!!! Tears of joy, that is all I can say!

Susan, you handled this all so well, and God HONORED your great patience, even though it was so difficult! I know Timmy is jumping up and down too! Just like that picture, it's truly going to be "alright mom".

So, 26 years, I'm so excited for you guys, you look like a very cute "young" couple in LOVE.Image and video hosting by TinyPic I hope you don't just grab a bite, but have a nice long romantic dinner tonight as your celebrate your love and all you've gone through during these years.

I pray for 26 more, keep making them count!

Your friend who wishes she lived in N.J. many times,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 5:41 PM CDT
YEAH!YEAH!YEAH!YEAH! I am so happy it passed.
Michele P
- Wednesday, May 2, 2007 3:02 PM CDT
Good Morning Susan,

Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you early this morning. How are you? How did the meeting go?

I'm surrounding you with LOTS of prayer and sending many hugs today.

Look forward to your next update.

Keep pressing on my friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 6:49 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Hoping it went very well tonight!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Tuesday, May 1, 2007 9:14 PM CDT
thinking of you tonight...

Kristin,G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
warren, NJ USA - Tuesday, May 1, 2007 8:40 PM CDT
Remembering Timmy. www.groups.yahoo.com/angel_wings
David Melton angel wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, May 1, 2007 11:33 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Wishing you success tomorrow night!!! Your energy, dedication, and persistence will hopefully enlighten them. It was great to see both of you Saturday night - nothing better than a great cause with great friends (and great cookies as a bonus.) Hope you are enjoying the beautiful day today.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, April 30, 2007 8:42 AM CDT
Dear Susan,
Thank you so very, very much (and Jay, too) for coming to our Coffeehouse...it was a bit longer than we thought, and I was more all over the place even than usual, but seeing you there meant so much (I found you in the crowd right at the beginning, and that really helped me, I get so nervous...).

Genna was so happy to see you...she told me she didn't recognize you at first (her visual memory isn't so good)...she is a bundle of love and affection, and your moment brought tears to my eyes (and Dave's too).

thank you so much for your support, and for coming all the way to our St. Mary's to join us...

You are always, always in our hearts...

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, April 29, 2007 8:30 PM CDT
I visit a lot but don't always sign. Just thinking of you!

Danielle www.caringbridge.com/pa/jordan <twxee@aol.com>
Norristown, PA - Sunday, April 29, 2007 3:06 PM CDT
Sending a hug to you, and to Jason...seeing what brain tumors do to siblings makes me want to scream. But love and talking to someone help much more than me screaming...

We will pray extra hard for that Sea Bright meeting...

thinking of you so much, always--

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, April 26, 2007 10:31 PM CDT
Thinking of Timmy and missing his smile.
David Melton angel wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, April 26, 2007 1:50 PM CDT
Dear Susan, my heart goes out to Jason, it is so hard for him, to deal with this. How do we help explain to our children, when we don't understand? I hope & pray for him. I continue to be inspired by you, I think of you & all of your boys everyday. Keeping you close to my heart, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:26 AM CDT

Thinking about you often (sorry I don't write more). Continuing to lift you up in prayer, and I will be praying more regularly for the rest of your family.

You are a treasure!

Celeste Welch m/o Valerie Grace www.valeriegrace.com <candcwelch@yahoo.com>
Archer, FL USA - Wednesday, April 25, 2007 10:01 PM CDT
Hi Susan,

I just read a really neat quote, and I immediately thought of you:

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow." Mary Annne Radmacher

This is what I've seen you do time and time again! Praying for the upcoming Borough Council meeting in Sea Bright.

Believing for a good report.

I'll be back!

Love you,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, April 25, 2007 8:58 PM CDT
Dear Susan,

I just stumbled upon your site for Timmy and just want to say how very sorry I am for this trial. Losing a child is the most difficult cross a parent could ever carry. But we know God loves these children more than we could ever know!

I also noticed that you wrote about losing a journal entry. I see this all the time and always want to offer some advice--hope you don't mind! If you have any type of word processing (Word, WordPerfect, etc), you do not ever have to lose a journal entry again. Type your journal in the word processing program and simply cut and paste into the journal entry page when you update your CB site. I even have a boilerplate document that I use over and over because I have paragraph headings (which require HTML tags) in my journal entries with different fonts/colors. I would never have time to type the HTML tags everytime so using a boilerplate saves LOTS of time.

Again, hope you don't mind the advice. I'm very sorry for your pain.

God bless,

The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, * Saint Gabbie * and Noah

Monica Paquette <mj.paquette@att.net>
Minneapolis, MN - Wednesday, April 25, 2007 4:48 PM CDT
Hi Susan,

Looks like Kristin and I are on the same wave length, we are BOTH thinking of you tonight!

See how loved you are? Sending many hugs, and thanks for all you continue to do to help raise support for families like ours. I'm just so grateful.

Praying for your whole family also!

Love you Susan,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, April 22, 2007 10:37 PM CDT
thinking of you tonight...
we got some spring, finally!

always holding you in my heart--

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, April 22, 2007 10:23 PM CDT
Thinking of you as always and praying that you find some peace.
With much love from Michigan

angela <anji@comcast.net>
brighton, mi usa - Sunday, April 22, 2007 9:03 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
What a truly beautiful memorial you created - a perfect tribute to your perfect angel. Our hearts go out to Jason and he is in our prayers. Congratulations on the success of the two events for the TPF!! What magnificent support from all your friends and neighbors! With all the sadness and tragedy this week, when we bring up the site and see Timmy's smiling face and thumbs up, we smile too!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:44 PM CDT
Dear Susan and Jay,
What a wonderful event Hoops for Health was. You could feel the love. Village will never forget Timmy. It was a great turn out!

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:11 PM CDT
Have Jason look at your journal dated 11/08/05, to remind him of what a great big brother he was to Timmy. It probably won't make him hurt any less, but at least he will
be reminded of the happiness he & Timmy shared that day!
Wishing God's blessings to precious Timmy's whole family.

Susan Penny <spenny@jchh.com>
Rensselaer, IN Jasper - Wednesday, April 18, 2007 6:20 PM CDT
Hello Susan,
I am thinking "Ain't no mountain high enough", way to go! You have had success, no wind, no rain could stop you!!!!You will make a difference, one day at a time, one step at a time, you are. Timmy is doing his part, he is in everything that you do. I am glad that I met you, I am so proud to call you my FRIEND!

Lisa, mom of Matthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Wednesday, April 18, 2007 6:05 PM CDT
dearest Susan,
I've been checking in so much, hoping that you all did well this weekend, in spite of the horrendous weather. I am so very glad that so many people slogged through the nor'easter to honor Timmy...

know that you are NEVER far from our thoughts...we carry you all in our hearts, every single day.

wishing you & all your family peace, and praying that spring gets to NJ soon, this gray soggy coldness is hideous.

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:01 PM CDT

I am soooo happy you had sunshine on Thursday. I thought of your family and Timmy many times throughout the day. What is there to say that might bring comfort, only that you are not alone and that you are loved.

Be kind to yourself,

Love, Lisa

Jacob's mom

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Tuesday, April 17, 2007 10:43 PM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

Sitting here thinking of you, remembering Timmy, and wishing I lived a lot closer...

I pray this week is a better one for you. What a journey you have been on, and yet, your light and love continues shine BRIGHTLY.

I know where Timmy learned how to be so loving from, his mom.

Keep holding on to your HOPE my precious friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Tuesday, April 17, 2007 6:12 PM CDT

Sending Hug's from my heart to yours.............Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Praying for you,



Remembering Timmy : )

Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Tuesday, April 17, 2007 7:53 AM CDT
I have had Timmy on my mind since mid March. Knowing that this anniversary was approaching. I have tried not to think about it. Timmy is someone I only saw in a hallway at CHOP. But for some reason he touched my heart. And my heart still hurts. I do not have words to take away your pain, because of the story of Timmy through this site and your endless love I know that the world has lost so much. Beautiful blue eyes, a smile that glows, promise of a caring human being. I feel this world does not want to look at the world of childhood cancer. It can hardly stand a glimpse, but those who have been forced to make eye contact---well we are now challenged to make all see. Praying for you and all who love Timmy.
Debbie Grace's MomMom <deecee421@yahoo.com>
Cape May, - Sunday, April 15, 2007 1:25 PM CDT

Your LOVE for Timmy Image and video hosting by TinyPicshines brightly in your remembrance of Him.
Simply beautiful.............Thank you for sharing your heart and your beautiful alt="Image and video hosting by Timmy with us...
Love & Hug's

Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Saturday, April 14, 2007 7:17 AM CDT
Susan and family.....beautiful first anniversary tribute to a beautiful blue- eyed little boy.....the video is beautiful, I could not help but notice the blue sky, the music brings tears.... Matthews moms poem ...touches me too...I have not posted but I have been here..I lost my mom in January...and again I am lost in the darkness of grief.... Sincerely Vince ..daddy of angel Vincie
Vince ......dad of angel Vincie <Vinncenti@aol.com>
Schaumburg, Il - Friday, April 13, 2007 3:36 PM CDT
Dear Susan , Jay & Family, What an incredible tribute to your Timmy. Thnak you so much for sharing this amazing journey of yours. As I wipe the tears from my eyes, I feel honored to have been brought into your world and have experienced the love of a family like yours. Although we have never met, I will never forget this journey!Blessings to all of you now and always...
Shannon Tarentino <buttrrkupp@verizon.net>
Clark, NJ USA - Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:29 PM CDT
What a beautiful tribute to Timmy. Thank you for sharing your day with all of us.
Alberta, Canada - Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:10 PM CDT
What a beautiful video We were thinking of you and your family.
cathy <perry67@aol.com>
dingmans ferry, pa - Thursday, April 12, 2007 5:44 PM CDT
What a beautiful tribute for Timmy. I am sure he has gathered all the balloons up into a big bouquet in Heaven! Thank you for sharing.
Connie Powell
West Monroe, LA - Thursday, April 12, 2007 8:53 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,
Yesterday was a beautiful tribute to a wonderful little boy. Timmy was certainly looking down and smiling, seeing all the love that was there for him and your family. As we continue down this path of grief I want you to know that I'm so happy that I have you as a friend.
Love and Hugs,

Sharon Nesbihal
Middletown, NJ - Thursday, April 12, 2007 7:55 AM CDT
Thinking of you all today-thank you for sharing the video. Hugs,
MD - Thursday, April 12, 2007 7:49 AM CDT
Dear Susan, what a beautiful tribute for Timmy's 1st anniversary in Heaven! The sky couldn't have been bluer, I could almost see Timmy & his Angel friends running & laughing to catch all the love sent to him in those balloons! Keeping you & all of your boys in my prayers & in my heart, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Thursday, April 12, 2007 6:51 AM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

Just thought I'd pass by before I went to bed, and oh what treat, the video was so BEAUTIFUL!

Thanks for bringing me there today with you all.

Sending a great big hug to you tonight.

With more love then words can express,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 11:02 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
The celebration of Timmy's Angel Anniversary looks like it was as special and beautiful as the precious one it honored. The blue sky was brilliant and the sun so bright, just like Timmy. Hope the love of all, inspired by Timmy, helped bring you comfort, strength, and hope today.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 9:39 PM CDT
Hi Susan,
Thinking of you today, the video is beautiful.....and of course brought me to tears.
Take care, we are sending lots of hugs from Idaho.
Andrew's mom

Reca Thomasson <rmthomasson@cableone.net>
- Wednesday, April 11, 2007 9:20 PM CDT
Dearest Susan,
Here is what I could not read today;


I will always be there for you Susan, your are an inspiration to me! My love goes up to our boys today and always.

Lisa, mom of Matthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Wednesday, April 11, 2007 8:39 PM CDT
The sky was blue and the sun was shinning on this day to remember our angel Timmy. My thoughts were with the Pauxtis family today. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures. I will see you on Sunday.
Much Love,

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 8:21 PM CDT
My heart is with all you today. I'll say an extra pray for you and I've already sent my love to Timmy. I had to talk to someone while David had surgery and Timmy seemed the best. Love you all. Hugs to all.

Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 6:41 PM CDT
Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,
Thinking of you and Timmy today ((((((HUGS)))))). God Bless you all.

Love and Hugs,

Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 6:03 PM CDT
Susan and family, Always in my prayers especially today. Chris

chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
temecula, ca usa - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 4:40 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
We are thinking so much of you all today...a beautiful stained-glass looking candle glows on my windowsill for Timmy. You are always in our thoughts and prayers, and I hope you get through today ok...

with tears & a hug,

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 4:13 PM CDT
Dearest Susan & family

I have been thinking of you all day today sending my love and prayers from Iowa. Thank you so much for your note on our anniversary date of Trents going home on the 6th. You have been an inspiration to me as you have set out to help so many others who face childhood illness while on your own journey of grieving. I know there must have been many days this last year when you felt paralyzed with sadness, missing your Beloved Timmy. But thank goodness God provides stretcher-bearers~~our family and friends along with this awesome community of support through the Caringbridge family. Doesnt their motto just say it all? Caringbridge Be There! We are there with you today and always as you celebrate a beautiful life of an angel on earth.Timmy. Came across this little saying and it spoke to me Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal

May your healing just always continue as your grief changes with the hope and knowledge that the wound will only be completely healed when our purpose here is fulfilled; when we enter heaven and are greeted in glory by our Lord and an excited voice of our sons saying Hi Mom! Wont that be awesome? Until then, I pray the sting and pain of the wound of your heart be quieted by the fragrance of continually blossoming buds~your sweet memories of Timmy.

Colossians 1:3,5 We give thanks to God because of the HOPE that is laid up for you in heaven.

God Bless the entire Pauxtis family!!

Trent's mom

Joelle Miner <jobells56@aol.com>
Perry, Ia USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 3:37 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,
You are in our hearts and minds today. May God grant you peace in your knowing how gentle and caring your journey with Timmy was as a loving family.
Margaret, Great Aunt Mary and all your Briody cousins

Margaret Briody, OP <mkbriody@optonline.net>
Hicksville, NY USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 2:13 PM CDT
Dearest Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,
My thoughts and prayers are with you all today. May you find peace in each other and comfort in the knowledge that so many of us keep you in out thoughts daily.
With Love,
Elizabeth, Joe, Amanda & Christopher

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 2:00 PM CDT
Thinking of you all today. The Press tribute/poem was beautiful.
The Burns Family Sue, Pat, Emily, Hilary, and Sean Patrick <psehburns@verizon.net>
Middletown, NJ - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 1:28 PM CDT
Thinking of you today. The poem in the Asbury Park Press was beautiful.

Love, Tristan

Tristan Nelsen <tmnelsen@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 12:07 AM CDT
You are all in my thoughts and prayers....
Judi Cetnar <Cetnarj@middletownk12.org>
Middletownk12.org, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 11:53 AM CDT
I was thinking of you today. May you be blessed with peace and comfort as you remember the precious moments you shared with Timmy. Memories live forever.
Christa Daniel <Im5kidsmom@aol.com>
Fairfax , VA USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 11:24 AM CDT
Dear Susan,

I know today will be an extra hard day for you. I am praying for peace for you and your family. I hope beautiful memories of your precious Timmy will comfort you. I hope you receive some signs from Timmy today!

With Love and Hope,
Mom to Angel Trey - forever 5

Lorilee Thomas <dandlthomas@shaw.ca>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 9:19 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew & Jason, Just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayer are with you all today. You are doing a remarkable job with Timmy's Foundation and he would be so proud of his family. Susan, I don't sign your guestbook that often anymore, but I still check weekly to see how your doing and think of you and Timmy often.

Donna Obssuth (Genna's Aunt)

Donna Obssuth <DonnaObssuth@aol.com>
Wayne, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 8:52 AM CDT
Thinking of you today (and wearing blue again). xxx
Miranda <nostalgic.one@gmail.com>
London, England - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 8:44 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Thinking of all of you today and sending you our admiration and love. Wishing you peace, strength, and hope as you celebrate your precious Angel.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 8:12 AM CDT
Thinking of you

and remembering Timmy along with you..................

praying you feel the comfort only the Lord can bring this day.
Love & Hug's,

KrisImage and video hosting by TinyPic

Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Wednesday, April 11, 2007 7:36 AM CDT
Good Morning Dear Susan,

Wow, what a beautiful face to behold as I scrolled down to see sweet Timmy's beautiful smile! Thank you for sharing that picture with us.

I'm praying for you already, and remembering what a BRAVE, BRAVE young boy Timmy was. We all learned so much from him, and my life will be forever impacted.

Thank you Susan, for sharing your journey of HOPE with us. Your love for Timmy touched me deeply, and I've also learned so much from you as well.

In PS 34:18 it says: "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed"

I pray you feel how close God is to you now. May you get a glimpse of how wonderful heaven will be just knowing Timmy is there waiting for you!

I'm going to burn a very special candle now in memory of my hero "Timmy Pauxtis"! Keep shinning brightly Timmy, we love you...

Susan & Jordan

Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 7:31 AM CDT
Thinking of your family and Timmy today.
Conyers, GA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 7:31 AM CDT
Hi My dear friend Susan,
Thinking of all of you today! A beautiful sunny day! Timmy is shining down on you!!!! That to me says he's doing OK and letting you know!

Even I cannot find the right words to say to you today! Just know that I'm thinking and feeling of and for you and all your family today.

Kristen Gillette (Angel Kortney's Mom) <soccrmom3@aol.com >
Oceanport, NJ 07757 - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 6:46 AM CDT
Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason:
Keeping all of you close in my heart today. May the love you shared with Timmy bring you closer and make you stronger.
Wishing you peace, sending you love, praying for your continued courage,
Scott's mom

Romelle Lysenko <rlysenko@patmedia.net>
Somerset, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 6:42 AM CDT

Laurie Fantasia
TIMMMMMMMYTOWN, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 5:23 AM CDT
Thinking of you on this day.... It's so hard to believe it has been one years since heaven gained such a special blue-eyed angel. You've done so much to establish his memory and advance the pediatric brain tumor cause, in the interim. I'm sure Timmy is smiling down from heaven on you all and is so very proud.
Tatiana R.
Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 4:44 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Jason and Andrew,
I am sure Timmy is smiling his biggest smile on you all today! It is a hard day for you but Timmy is in a place we all strive to get to someday. Thinking of you all with love and many prayers and yes,I will light a big candle that will burn in the memory of how he made us all better people by his being TIMMY!!!
Love, Karen

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
- Tuesday, April 10, 2007 10:49 PM CDT
We think of you often, and even more so at this time. May you have a peaceful day tomorrow.

Kelly Jarego
Alberta, Canada - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 10:44 PM CDT
Thinking of you tonite-praying for you all-and remembering sweet Timmy. Hugs,
MD - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 10:22 PM CDT
Dear Susan, I will keep all of you close in my heart tomorrow, please know how much I wish I could ease your pain. Your beautiful Angel Timmy is never far from my thoughts! My candle is burning bright & proud for Timmy! May God give you strength & bless all of you! Much love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 10:14 PM CDT
Susan & family Timmy & all of you will be in my thoughts all day tomorrow.
Maureen Bodiford <mbodiford@si.rr.com>
Staten Island, NY USA - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:49 PM CDT
Dearest Susan,
I will be praying and holding you all in my heart tomorrow...I hoped I could get to the Mass, but I don't think I can make it, so I will try to hide and take some time at noon to pray for all of you and your beautiful boy. Thinking of you so very much...

so many of my friends & family think of you all so much, we are all remembering with you, especially tomorrow.


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 8:31 PM CDT
Thinking of you,

love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:30 PM CDT
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~Morning Susan ~

I wanted you to know I will be praying for you

I will find a very Special candle to light on Wednesday to

"SHINE BRIGHT" Image and video hosting by TinyPic

in Honor and Memory of sweet "Blue Eyes" TIMMY ............Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Sending LOVE, HUG'S and many prayers from my heart to yours............

I ask The Lord to Bless your day,

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Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:55 AM CDT
Timmy's Angel Day ... what a beautiful way to remember that date ...I still see him in my classroom sometimes ... he will never leave my heart ...

Sending you all much strength, hope and love ~

Kathy Lettieri <LettieriK@middletownk12.org>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 6:40 AM CDT
Susan, I've been thinking of you, your family and Timmy so much this weekend. I'm sure you will make Timmy's Angel Day very special. I won't be home on Wednesday but wanted to let you know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers this week, especially on Wednesday.

I also wanted to let you know that my husband, daughter (6 yrs old) and I will attend the Tour de Shore 3 mile event. It took all of 5 minutes after the training wheels were removed to steady herself on 2 wheels. I am really excited to be part of something so amazing for Timmy and all the children suffering with cancer.

Have a gentle week. Love and Hugs,

Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Monday, April 9, 2007 5:53 PM CDT
Dearest Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

Sending Easter Blessings to you - thinking of all of you with love. I will be proud to light a candle on Wednesday for Timmy. I will be at Mass in rememberence of beautiful, sweet and brave Timmy. My heart is filled with thoughts of Timmy and the love he gave and received from his wonderful family during his short and meaningful life on Earth. Indeed, he walks with Angels now. Heaven is a far more beautiful place because of his presence. Sending loving thoughts and hugs to all of you.


Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown,, NJ USA - Sunday, April 8, 2007 10:07 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
I hope your Easter was peaceful & blessed...it was so cold here today, so very cold.

You are much in our thoughts this week especially...we will have a beautiful candle for Timmy.

When Dave was in grad school he took some research class and had to write some 50 page paper on 501(c)3 corporation stuff...I was the typist, yikes, I think I typed that about 42 million times. I'm glad that came through, and we will pray that Sea Bright does the right thing this week.

sending a hug & a prayer,

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, April 8, 2007 9:31 PM CDT
thinking of you all this week...did not realize the date...seems like both no time, and so long. Much love,
mary Alice dorschel mom of Lizzie, age 14, germ cell BT <jay.dorschel@verizon.net>
Suffolk, va - Sunday, April 8, 2007 7:44 PM CDT
Dear Angel Timmy,
Happy Easter in Heaven!

Sami Kennedy <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:39 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Wishing you a blessed, happy Easter filled with love, hope, and joy!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:32 PM CDT
Happy Easter to one of my favorite families. I know it will be hard, but you will make it through this. I will lite a blue candle as soon as I get home for Timmy. I bet Easter is great in heaven. I will be thinking of your baby the 11th and he will watch over my son as he goes through his first surgery. Take care my friend. I am sending you a big hug. I will talk to you soon.

Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Saturday, April 7, 2007 11:28 PM CDT
Dear Susan, my candle will be proudly burning for Timmy! I am thinking of you & all of your boys, keeping you in my prayers, may God bless you now and always, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Saturday, April 7, 2007 10:27 PM CDT
Dear Susan and family, I have been thinking of you so much these past few weeks. Michael turned 11 and I thought of you and how lucky I am. I have been very aware that this must be a particularly difficuilt time for you and I am so sorry that it has been so hard. I will remember you in my prayers and hope that God's strength will be with you. May you find some joy at this special time of year.
Sharon Lotito <pop21@verizon.net>
Red Bak, NJ USA - Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:20 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
I wanted to wish your entire family a Happy and Blessed Easter. Hopefully, spring will arrive soon and stay. This cold weather and cloudy days aren't good for anyone's spirits.
Keep the faith and I'll talk to you soon.
Love, Karen

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
- Saturday, April 7, 2007 4:33 PM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

What can I say, you are simply AMAZING to me! No matter what you are going through personally, you always MAKE time to be there for others. You continue to give, to pray, and to bless us all. Thank "YOU" for being such a faithful friend. I'm just so grateful and so changed because of you.

So, you got to spend time with Mary Alice, hmmmm, I'm jealous! That was so neat you got to do this with her. I can't wait to hear how it went.

I'm still praying for Timmy's Tour de Shore and of course I know it's getting closer and closer to his Anniversary. Sending so much love and many prayers to you.

Oh, I just LOVED the quotes you shared Susan, thanks so much, and now I have one for you:

"The best we can hope for in this life is a knothole peek at the shining realities ahead. Yet a glimpse is enough. It's enough to convince our hearts that whatever sufferings and sorrows currently assail us aren't worthy of comparison to that which waits over the horizon."
- Joni Eareckson Tada

Yep, one day sooner then we all can imagine we will see what awaits us all "over the horizon", and just think, Timmy is already there waiting for us!

Happy Easter my precious friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Saturday, April 7, 2007 2:23 PM CDT
I wish I could be with you on the 12th but please know I will be thinking of you and sweet Timmy and praying for comfort.
With much love from Michigan.

angela <anji@comcast.net>
brighton, mi usa - Saturday, April 7, 2007 10:06 AM CDT
HAPPY EASTER TIMMY, SUSAN AND FAMILY, Your ALWAYS in my prayers ...... and in my heart. Love always, Jane
Jane <elysees4@verizon.net>
- Saturday, April 7, 2007 9:59 AM CDT
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I pray you feel the Gods love this Easter and each day....

Thinking of you and remembering Timmy along with you...

many, many Hug's being sent your way...

Love ,


Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Saturday, April 7, 2007 1:05 AM CDT
Thinking of you all a lot lately. Butterfly huh -- lovely!!
Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Friday, April 6, 2007 7:50 PM CDT
Thinking of you so much...
Sending a prayer & a hug, the parallels between this week and all the stuff bt parents face have kind of staggered me. A heavy, heavy cross...but the promise of joy to come.

hang in there, supermom...

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, April 6, 2007 5:46 PM CDT
I just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you, I love your idea for a tattoo too.
Take care, you are an amazing person!
Andrew's mom from PBT

Reca Thomasson <rmthomasson@cableone.net>
- Thursday, April 5, 2007 11:16 PM CDT
Dear Susan, I hope that you can continue to find comfort in the wonderful memories of Timmy. You have proven to be a very strong "mom", and I have learned to appreciate thngs differnetly now since I have followed your journey. You should be proud...of yourself and of your family and friends. Let April be a month of celebrating...celebrating the strength you have shown and the love you have for your son Timmy!! You are an amazing woman....Many blessings to you all....
Shannon Tarentino <buttrrkupp@verizon.net>
Clark, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 4, 2007 1:39 PM CDT

Kudos to you on your tattoo! I can't wait to see a picture of it. I think it is such a great way to remember Timmy. Keep strong these next few days. You will get through it. I'm so sorry you have been having hard days. I will be lighting my angel candle for Timmy on the 11th.

Love, Lisa
mother of baby boy Jacob...forever 10

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Wednesday, April 4, 2007 8:14 AM CDT
Been thinking of you so much honey...and sleeping later these mornings so I havent been online much. As soon as April arrived, I just keep remembering last year and the day by day battle you faced, wondering when and why. Its like it was yesterday...And I know it has been such a hard year sweetheart. But you did it, you are doing it, and Timmy is no doubt so very proud of his mommy. NO DOUBT.

So I stopped in today to give you a big HUG! I LOVE THAT YOU GOT A TATOO! I know Timmy would think that is just the coolest. So Im not the only mom in Middletown with one now! ; )

Joanne has been keeping me posted on the Tour de Shore. I know you have run into obstacles but DO NOT LOSE HEART! As soon as things are set in stone, I have spoken to Ryan and he is going to bring the details to the Key Club Advisor at MAST. As long as the date works for the teacher/advisors they can provide alot of help too as Sandy Hook is their home base : ) They hosted Alex's lemonade stand and the diabetes walk...so they are old pros!

Im gonna try and give you a call - the boss is in Mexico this week and my boys are in Colorado!

Love you tattooed lady!

Laurie Fantasia
TIMMMMMMYTOWN, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 4, 2007 5:01 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Meant to post after we spoke yesterday, but forgot - must have been you telling me about the tattoo - which was an absolutely wonderful idea. Sami thought it was awesome when I told her. A beautiful tribute that is now a part of you forever! Thinking of all of you.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Tuesday, April 3, 2007 6:07 PM CDT
You are in our thoughts, we have not progressed as far as your family, we are 2 months into our loss and we miss our Kate so very much. How can we not miss our kids, they were such a huge part of our lives.
We will pray for peace in your minds. Pray for us also.
One thing I always think...I cherish the 6 years that we had Kate, the lessons that these brave kids taught us.
Always in our hearts.
Angel Kate's Grammy

Pat Angel/Wings www.caringbridge.org/visit/katehrischuk <denimlover@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, April 3, 2007 11:39 AM CDT
Hi Susan. The tattoo sounds just beautiful! I'm looking forward to it healing, so that you can put a picture up of it. I'm praying for you, and for your family, as you approach the one year anniversary of precious Timmy becoming an angel.

Ann Watts/Angel Wings <bubbasoldlady@cebridge.net>
Jacksonville, AR USA - Tuesday, April 3, 2007 11:26 AM CDT
I'm praying for you Susan. Hang in there.
David melton angel-wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, April 3, 2007 10:41 AM CDT
Hello Susan,

I know this is a difficult time for you, to say the least. I want you to know that I am always here for you,you are always in my thoughts. Matthew would have been 6 this month, so it is not a good month for us either. I love the beautiful words in your last entry! I will see you on Wednesday, I will be there to support you and honor Timmy.

Lisa, mom of Matthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Tuesday, April 3, 2007 9:01 AM CDT
Cody and I couldn't be happier that you got your 1st tattoo in memory of Timmy! Every tattoo always has a special meaning but this one has an even deeper meaning. We've always believed they are a special sign of what a persons been through, a story book of their lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, as always. Lots of love! xoxo Cody & Kelsey Pauxtis

Kelsey Pauxtis <kpauxtis@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR USA - Monday, April 2, 2007 1:37 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
My prayers are with you.
I bet your tattoo is awesome. Timmy would probably think it was pretty cool...
thinking of you so much, Genna asks almost every day in her little old lady way, "So, Mom, how is Timmy's mom doing?"


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Monday, April 2, 2007 12:09 AM CDT

Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and your precious Timmy! I know it is such a hard time for you and I just went through it myself. It is very difficult.

With Love,
Mom to Angel Trey - forever 5

Lorilee Thomas <dandlthomas@shaw.ca>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Sunday, April 1, 2007 10:41 PM CDT
~ Susan ~

I stopped by to tell you I'm praying for you as Timmy's Angel Anniversary Mass nears on the 11th of April.

I pray that all the Beautiful Memories you hold within your heart

will gently guide you through each day,each moment every step of the way.

Praying for Timmys Tour de Shore.............sending Love from my heart to yours.

Bless you,



Send this eCard !

Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Saturday, March 31, 2007 10:54 PM CDT
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To my dear sweet Susan,

Just stopping by tonight to let you know you are never far from my thoughts.

Hope you had a nice time at the RMH the other night. I'm still praying about Timmy's Tour de Shore. Please let us know what's going on with that.

I wish more then ever I could be at Timmy's mass. I will however be there in spirit, always.

Sending hugs tonight,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Living Strong....................................., - Saturday, March 31, 2007 9:13 PM CDT
Thinking of you as always...
sending prayers & a hug.

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, March 31, 2007 2:31 PM CDT
HI Susan, I just wanted you to know that you are still very much in my thoughts and prayers, sorry I don't post very often, I check in often, and then don't post. I have been thinking about April 11th for you and your family for weeks now. It is also the 7th anniversary of my mother in law passing away, and we will be doing a family dinner and remembering her (and Timmy). Praying for you and your family and hoping our paths will cross some day, Blessings, Chris

Chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
Temecula, CA usa - Friday, March 30, 2007 8:40 PM CDT
Thinking of you as you finalize all your details for your event and fingers crossed the plan works out as you have envisioned.

My heart and friendship is with you for the 4/11 Mass in spirit if not in person.

Love to you all

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Friday, March 30, 2007 1:55 PM CDT
Thinking of you this morning. I read the article that you posted on the site. It was very well written and it seems to me that you and Jay weren't the only ones who left disappointed that night. Great work. I love it when the "squeaky wheel" gets the oil!! I wish you both only success and fulfillment with this important work. You are in my thoughts each day as the weather turns to spring. Thinking back a year ago brings me sadness and joy all at once. Sadness because of what Timmy's difficult journey caused you all to endure and joy because Timmy's life and love touched so many in such a profound way. I'm proud to have been one of those touched.

Sending love,

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, March 30, 2007 8:16 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
So glad you are feeling your Angel all around and are filled with hope. How nice of this man to come forward to support the Tour with SB! The article hopefully will help too! The Conquer Childhood Cancer Act 2007 website is wonderful -- it was extremely helpful in taking their "points" and writing your own words around them to compose a direct, passionate note to one's reps in Congress. Thinking about all of you and Angel Timmy always.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Friday, March 30, 2007 8:01 AM CDT
Sue...I think of you and your family so very often, and most especially as this month of April is around the corner. God's peace be with you. love, sylvia

Sylvia <smp75@msn.com>
Allentown, PA - Thursday, March 29, 2007 7:53 PM CDT
Hi Susan..
.. I always think of you and Timmy, and I visit the site often although some times I'm at a loss of words.. I always look at the video that was created for Timmy and it always chokes me up and sends tears streaming down my face.. so I know that I cant even begin to imagine what it must be like to be the mother of an Angel and I am so sorry that you have to go through that path.. I see what my Mother goes through and for me its unimaginable, but to be so young and the younger they are the braver I find that they are and that is so sad but humbling at the same time- maybe children know that there is a better world out there waiting for them, I'm not sure.... and I know that there has to be a better place than earth and that there Is a Heaven because that is what all of the brave souls deserve, not just the ones who have battled cancer but all sorts of illnesses or misfortunes.. I remember the first time I came across this site and I saw the pictures and read the journal.. I didnt work much that day, this site captivated me, made me cry and love and filled me with so many wonderful emotions. All of your emotions are reflected in your eyes because i remember one of the pics with you and Timmy after he was sent home- in the picture your eyes are filled with love and a deep sadness and it made me feel a pang in my heart.. I do hope that one day your heart can heal and i truly pray that Timmy gives you little signs constantly until that day comes..
lots of love and a big Hug..
Jenn d/o Martha

Jennifer Perez <jenina23@comcast.net>
Sarasota, FL - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 3:11 PM CDT
I am so glad your my friend. Know that you and your family mean the world to me. I love you!!

Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 9:35 PM CDT
I am praying for Gods comfort, peace, and love in this time! May God be with you!!
Praying for a cure,

- Monday, March 26, 2007 2:44 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
Thinking of you so much...patches of Timmy-blue sky are peeking through today, I hope they are in your corner of NJ, too.

I am praying for a solution to the Sea Bright woes (argh), and for peace in every day for you. Your giving spirit is such an encouragement for me...


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, March 25, 2007 10:16 AM CDT
Remembering Timmy and praying for the success of the timmy Pauxtis foundation.
David Melton <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 23, 2007 1:18 PM CDT
Dear Susan

Thank you so much for the lovely message you left on Bethany's website last week and for the message you left for me on the 15th. You are such a caring person, you seem to have so much love to spread around.

I hope you are well.

Kim x

Kim <lolly150@yahoo.com>
UK - Thursday, March 22, 2007 3:12 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Checked in earlier and left a message on the foundation site. All the wonderful ways you honor Timmy are amazing - no matter exactly when, where, how you show this love, it will continue to touch so many, helping everyone in a different way, from those of us whose lives his journey has impacted to those whose own courageous fight will be made brighter by his foundation's work. Loved spending time with Jay and you! Thrilled you loved the M&Ms as much as we did when we discovered them!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 9:21 PM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

Oh, I've been praying, and "hoping" things went well at the Town Council meeting with Sea Bright, please let us know how things went.

I was so blessed to read you are finally seeing signs of spring Susan. All this new life is what you need. Although it is also close to the time of Timmy's One year in Heaven, just think, he is also enjoying his "new life" too. One free of pain, free of cancer, he is running and playing finally FREE!

Susan, you have such amazing friends. That was so kind of Mary Pat to come with you to the RMH and not only bring her children but bring those wonderful treats too. I'm sure the families loved them.

You do stay so busy, and truthfully, I just don't know "how" you do it? Grief is such HARD WORK, yet you keep giving and giving. I know your love for Timmy keeps you going, that is the only explanation I can think of. And of course the Lord giving you strength.

Well sweetie, just wanted you to know I was thinking of you today. I'll be back soon!

Your friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:59 PM CDT
Hi Susan,

It's late, but I wanted to stop by and let you know I was checking up on you. Hope you are staying warm.

Just wanted you to know how often I think of you and sweet Timmy. Praying you'll keep getting signs...

With lots of love tonight,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, March 18, 2007 10:38 PM CDT
Thinking of you today--

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 10:53 AM CDT
Dear Mrs.Pauxtis,
Hi this is Lucie and Sarah. We just wanted to say that we are always thinking of Timmy and go on his website. Dont stop writing! hi It's sarah komjathy. i wanted to say hi and to tell you that i dress timmy the monkey almost everyday.:)

Lucie and Sarah <juliemullen@mindspring.com>
- Saturday, March 17, 2007 1:00 PM CDT
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An Old Irish Blessing
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Thinking of you, praying for you and remembering precious Timmy............Alway's

Loads of love and warm California Hug's coming your way,


Keeping you and your family in my prayer's

God Bless you,Image and video hosting by TinyPic



Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:57 AM CDT
Thinking of you on this icy icy night, hope you are warm and snuggled inside...


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:57 PM CDT
Dear Susuan,
I was thinking about Timmy, you and your family. I wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you and praying for you and Timmy.

Anita Hicks RN/ CHOP nurse 4 south <ummhadith@msn.com>
Philadelphia, Pa, - Friday, March 16, 2007 3:26 PM CDT
Dear Susan,

Thinking about you. It's nearly a year for us too, and I still look for James at times, especially if something takes my mind off things - I read a novel last night and when I finished it I expected to see him in bed next to me. I tried to do some of your cranes but I'm having trouble, I must have signed up for paypal once and now they won't seem to let me use the credit card without it but I've forgotten the password and when I asked for a new one the link was expired, I'll sort it out soon.

Thank you for thinking of us. The infirmary was that hospital we went into when you were here, it seemed all wrong to see it locked and chained shut - it's been a hospital since 1770.

love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Thursday, March 15, 2007 7:09 AM CDT
Dear Susan,
Thinking of you so much...hoping for success on the bike front--I'm with Ori, I can't fold cranes (mine don't even look like triangles, sort of mushed paper), but I can talk and write for our kids.

So glad Timmy is sending lots of hellos & I Love Yous from Heaven...

peace always,

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 3:07 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
What awesome signs from Timmy to warm your heart and bring a smile to your face! The gift from Village School for the scholarship fund is wonderful - what a terrific way to honor Timmy's journey by helping a special senior have the opportunity to pursue a healthcare career. RMH seems like it is the perfect match for you - so glad you love being there. Always praying SB comes through and does what is right to help the fight!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:25 AM CDT
Susan, If Jay's speech didn't persuade those people I swear I will take a red eye flight out and show them that they WILL change there minds for Timmy!! I'm having a bad year already and am really looking to release some anger.
See the crazy lady has reared her head. lol I miss you guys so much, you need to let me know how I can help from all these miles away. I'll sponsor Jay, one of the boys or you...Just let me know how. I mean it let me know how I can help....just not crane folding...I can't fold a crane it comes out looking like a triangle. Send me a e-mail and how and who to sponsor in the big bike ride any and all raffles. I love you guys like crazy...I miss your baby too!
Hugs sweetie~
The crazy lady has returned....hehehhe

Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Monday, March 12, 2007 11:15 PM CDT
Oh Susan,

I'm sending a great big hug to you tonight...

I'm so blessed you are feeling Timmy so close around you, and all those beautiful little signs. God knows what you need, and when you need it the most.

Praying for the resolution for Timmy's Tour de Shore. I sure wish I could be there...one day, yes one day I'm going to believe I will get to come up and visit you.

Keep holding on my precious friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Monday, March 12, 2007 10:19 PM CDT
I'm sorry I haven't visited Timmy's Caring bridge site recently. I love the photos of his baby picture and his 8 year birthday photo. They make me cry. What a handsome boy he was. I love the candle. Who made the plate? That is a really nice idea. You know I am right there with you. Very hard times right now. I guess no time is a good time for our child's birthday but both of us were slammed by them. Kortney's at Thanksgiving and Timmy's around the anniversary date. I just think that Kortney threw him a great birthday party with the help both of her grandmothers. So don't you worry he's being well taken care of up there by many members of my family. I know this really doesn't make it better but maybe we can find comfort in the fact that you and Lisa and I found each other and you can bet that our kids did too and are playging together as we speak.

Kristen Gillette <soccrmom3@aol.com www.caringbridge.org/visit/kgillette>
Oceanport, NJ - Monday, March 12, 2007 4:35 PM CDT
thinking of you a lot...sending a hug. Looks like maybe we'll get some springiness this week, hooray!


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, March 11, 2007 9:48 PM CDT
"But the blue butterfly is not gone,
It is still flying,
higher and higher,
nearer the sun.
Blue against blue.
For now and forever."

Good Morning my dearest Susan,

OH...I just love that poem, and I love knowing Timmy is not really gone, it's just blue against blue! The poem was wonderful, and TRUE!

I'm praying for you and your family as you await the news for Timmy's Tour de Shore. God will make a way, just watch and see.

Hope you have a nice weekend Susan. Praying extra hard as Timmy's one year anniversary is coming up.

Keep holding on to your faith, love and HOPE,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Saturday, March 10, 2007 8:51 AM CST

Thank you for sharing your beautiful butterfly poem on Jake's caringbridge. What a peaceful vision. I need to try and frame it. Of course, BLUE being the favorite color of our blue-eyed boys gives it extra special meaning. I'm so happy Timmy's birthday went well, what a blessing to have so many close friends to share the day with, on top of your family. The balloon release sounds so peaceful as well.

I hope you have a great weekend.
Love, Lisa
mother of sweet baby boy Jacob...forever 10

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Friday, March 9, 2007 7:17 PM CST
Just stopping by to say "hi".
Shelly Bilotta <blondeswede@msn.com>
Arden Hills, MN - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 1:27 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Hope all went very well tonight!
Thinking of you & your Angel,
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 9:51 PM CST
Hi, Susan...
thinking of you so much, we'll be praying extra hard for your meeting tonight...not much of a beach day today, is it? (more like Arctic Ocean than Atlantic!)


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 3:31 PM CST
hey! I was just thinking of Timmy today and wanted to say hello to his family. I know it's a few days after his birhday, but I wish him a happy one. I'm always thinking about him a night and sometimes go onto this site when I really miss him. Hopefully, he's happy in Heaven and celebrating his birthday.

Liz Gulino <lizzter409@aim.com>
middletown, nj usa - Monday, March 5, 2007 6:32 PM CST

Sending Love, thought's and prayer's to you as you continue to share your beautiful memories.

Timmy was, Timmy is and Timmy always' will be a inspiration to us all....

Keep holding onto Jesus........sorry I'm late in sending my

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for Timmy's 11th Birthday.

God Bless you,



Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Monday, March 5, 2007 3:20 PM CST
Dear Susan, thinking of you, always, praying for you, always, & remembering your sweet, precious Timmy, always, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Sunday, March 4, 2007 11:05 PM CST
Hi Susan,

Just stopping by to say hi, and let you know I was thinking of you tonight. Hope your weather stayed nice. It was cold for us today, (in the 50's, and I was FREEZING!!)

When we finally meet, let's do it somewhere it's nice and WARM! (Hey, I pray that WILL happen, one day soon!)

Hope your day turned out well, I'll be back to hear "all about it".

Love you girlfriend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, March 4, 2007 7:00 PM CST
What lovely pictures of Timmy. Just checking to see how his birthday went. I think of you often.
With much love from Michigan.

angela <anji@comcast.net>
brighton, mi usa - Sunday, March 4, 2007 12:34 AM CST
Hi Susan and family, just checking in to see how Timmy's birthday was for you all. The candle is so beautiful, very special and the pictures of him as a baby are so precious. Thank you for continuing to let us know how you are doing. Blessings, Chris

chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
mckay, ca usa - Saturday, March 3, 2007 3:08 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

Sending loving thoughts your way...I thought of Timmy yesterday and prayed the day was gentle on all of you. Happy Birthday in Heaven Timmy - Your smile shines bright in the hearts of so many here on Earth.

With Love,
Elizabeth, Joe, Amanda & Christopher

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, March 2, 2007 10:55 PM CST
Susan - I wanted to come and visit Timmy on his birthday but we ended up at the vet with my bird. I was thinking of you, your family and especially Timmy yesterday. I hope you had a gentle day.

Love and Hugs,

Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Friday, March 2, 2007 7:59 PM CST
Susan.. I know that yesterday was filled with bittersweet memories for you and I hope your Family went through it okay.. Your plans for yesterday soumded beautiful, and that Candle and plate is gorgeous.. Timmy was so cute when he was born and as he grew.. Just like his mom!
Hugs and a Big Kiss..
Jenn d/o Martha

Jenn <jenina23@comcast.net>
sarasota, FL - Friday, March 2, 2007 8:44 AM CST
I know Kyle and you are celebrating together tonight. How Kyle loved parties, but you know what he did not like chocolate cake, but I am sure he is not going to tell you that. He would only give Tess a hard time about that! Don't you two party too hard tonight............your mom and I love you both so much.................

Joan Kerpan <Kerpana@verizon.net>
Lafayette Hill, Pa 19444 - Thursday, March 1, 2007 9:02 PM CST
I know Kyle and you are celebrating together tonight. How Kyle loved parties, but you know what he did not like chocolate cake, but I am sure he is not going to tell you that. He would only give Tess a hard time about that! Don't you two party too hard tonight............your mom and I love you both so much.................

Joan Kerpan <Kerpana@verizon.net>
Lafayette Hill, Pa 19444 - Thursday, March 1, 2007 9:01 PM CST
You have been so much in my heart all day today...
the pictures are so beautiful.
I hope your day was peaceful, and that your cake was delicious. It sounds delicious...
Happy Birthday, dear Timmy.


Kristin & all the Cams <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 8:59 PM CST
Happy Birthday Tim my little angel. We miss you every day especially today. Susan enjoy all the good memories today.
Love The Castaner family

Maryalice <ozooma@aol.com>
- Thursday, March 1, 2007 4:58 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Sweet boy!

You are special and you are loved . . . .

Roseanne <roseanne531@gmail.com>
Howell, NJ USA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 4:57 PM CST
What a beautiful boy...I am sure you are so very lonesome.

Happy Birthday Timmy...celebrate like you never have before!

Lisa Leger


Lisa Leger <lisamarieleger@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, March 1, 2007 3:23 PM CST
Happy Birthday Timmy.
Maureen Bodiford <mbodiford@si.rr.com>
Staten Island, NY USA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 2:39 PM CST
Happy Birthday Timmy
Conyers, GA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 2:16 PM CST
There is no way that we would forget this special day.... So yesterday Kelly asked what Timmy's favorite cake was and thanks to your update I was able to fill her in, and don't you know when I arrived home last evening a chocolate cake was on the counter with a note "please do not eat until 3/1
and Kelly also released a balloon this morning from our driveway with a note that said "even though I did not know you long I knew you and that's all that matters Happy Birthday and tell my grandma I said hello". All these things are proof of how special Timmy was to everyone he met no matter how long or how often. My thoughts are with you today and everyday and please know that Timmy lives forever in our hearts...

Connie Davis <cdavis@arbee.net>
Carteret, NJ 07008 - Thursday, March 1, 2007 12:45 AM CST
Happy Birthday Sweet Timmy! I bet the party up there is great! We love and miss you sweet boy!

Susan and Boys ( Yes Jay that means you too) My prayers are with you today. We all miss your baby and I know you miss him the most. With love and hugs,

Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 11:48 AM CST
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To my dearest Susan and family,

Just wanted you to know how special today is for us too. We will celebrate right along with you for the gracious "gift" Timmy was to the world!

Oh...the pictures are just precious, I know seeing them can only bring the most beautiful memories. He brought so much joy and sunshine where ever he went.

My life has been so impacted, so touched and changed because Timmy was born!

Thanks for sharing him with us all Susan. I know he is celebrating his birthday now in a way we all would LOVE to down here! Can you imagine the party Jesus is throwing for his special little boy??? Hmmmmm...

Meanwhile, I'm going to lite a candle right now, and keep you in prayer all day.

Sending more love then words can say,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Thursday, March 1, 2007 9:01 AM CST
Just wanted you to know I stopped by and looked at Timmy's pictures. Happy Birthday Timmy, may all of you feel his love today.

Romelle Lysenko <romellelysenko@yahoo.com>
Somerset, NJ USA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 8:44 AM CST
Just wanted to let you know that I am dressed all in blue today (even blue socks!) in honor of Timmy.
Miranda <nostalgic.one@gmail.com>
London, England - Thursday, March 1, 2007 6:07 AM CST
Hi Timmy,
Happy Birthday!
Hugs to Heaven,

Sami Kennedy <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 5:53 AM CST

Dearest Susan,
Remebering the day that you gave birth to one of the most beautiful children I have ever had the blessing to know.
A boy who touched and changed my life in so many ways...
I will be praying for you today and imagining Timmys birthday up in heaven. I hope my mom is there to have cake with him....In fact - I KNOW she will be. Perhaps my grandma may even bake something. She was famous for her cakes :)

I love you bunches honey...send my love to Jay and the boys.

Laurie - Angel Wings
TIMMMMYTOWN, NJ USA - Thursday, March 1, 2007 4:41 AM CST
I am remembering your wonderful Timmy. I am praying for all of you as you celebrate his birthday. I will release a balloon from here in AR tomorrow in loving memory of your sweet angel.
God bless you dear Susan.

Lis Geoghegan <liveinspirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 11:36 PM CST
Dear Susan,

Thinking of you so much as Timmy's birthday approaches. I think what you have planned sounds wonderful! I am sending you peace. I hope you feel Timmy's warm hugs around you and that beautiful memories fill your thoughts and heart! Happy Birthday Timmy!

With Love,
Mom to Angel Trey - forever 5

Lorilee Thomas <dandlthomas@shaw.ca>
White Rock, BC Canada - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 10:28 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

You are never far from my thoughts. Even though I haven't written lately, I have been checking in on all the wonderful things you have been doing. I can only imagine how hard it must be to see others heading down the road your family so bravely travels. On this special night, I wish you the sweetest of dreams and a smile in your heart for the angel on your shoulder. Wish him a heavenly birthday from us. Peace to all of you.
Love, Dana, Joe, Alex and Nia

Dana Deliso <Dana_Deliso@hotmail.com>
MIDDLETOWN, nj USA - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 10:18 PM CST
Happy birthday Timmy! Happy Mom's Day to you Susan!
Georgetown, SC - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 10:02 PM CST
Dear Susan,
Just wanted to send some special thoughts to you, Jay, Jason and Andrew tonight.
You are all always in my prayers.

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
- Wednesday, February 28, 2007 7:45 PM CST
Hi Susan,
Thinking of you today. I know how much you miss Timmy. I do understand unfortunately. I just read your update and forgot you went to CHOP. That parking garage! That was the hardest part for me! I'm glad you felt welcomed by Dr. Phillips and had a positive feeling when you left. That should help you resolve some of those feelings you've been carrying. Together we will make a difference. We have to!!! Your pal in the fight against brain tumors!!!

Kristen Gillette www.caringbridge.org/visit/kgillette <soccrmom3@aol.com>
Oceanport, NJ - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 6:46 PM CST
Dearest Susan,
You have been so much in my heart this week...and tomorrow we will be praying extra for all of you.

I think in heaven they have an extra huge Feb. 29 party EVERY year, just because they can. But I'm not sure the cake will be as good as yours...

We are all praying for a peaceful day, one full of happy remembrances.


Kristin, Dave, Andrew, Genna, & Rosie Camiolo <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 6:34 PM CST
Thinking of precious Timmy and remembering that
beautiful smile and loving little boy who so touched
my heart and my life and praying his birthday celebration
in Heaven is glorious beyond words.I love you my friend
and i am holding you ever so close in my heart and my prayers..

Trish/Angel_Wings <Kngboyer@aol.com>
Kingston, TN USA - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 7:53 AM CST
I'm thinking of you Susan, and remembering a very special angel who will have a birthday in Heaven tomorrow. I'm praying for you.

Ann Watts/Angel Wings <bubbasoldlady@cebridge.net>
Jacksonville, AR USA - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 7:51 AM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Thinking of all of you and Angel Timmy, especially today and tomorrow. From the start, his leap day of birth made him unique, and he only became more special from there. We know you celebrate him as a true gift from God, and we hope you all feel the love, admiration, and hope being sent your way by those he touched forever.
Happy Birthday in Heaven Timmy, sending lots of hugs!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 7:45 AM CST
Hi Susan,
I woke up this morning February 28th and thought of Timmy. I don't believe in coincidences and when I looked at the calender I remembered Timmy's leap year birthday. My next thought was to you and your family. It sounds from your entry that you are still a very strong family holding on to the wonderful memories of your special child. I will keep you, your family and especially Timmy in our prayers

Christy Weil <Breakof99@comcast.net>
middletown, nj usa - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 7:12 AM CST
Hi Susan...it seems like just yesterday the drive was on for birthday cards for Timmy and I could not wait to send him one from Maryland...always remembering Timmy and honoring you, his wonderful Mommy forever on this day...wishing for a memorable celebration! Hugs,
MD - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 2:51 AM CST
Hello Susan,
Thinking of you and Timmy tonight. I wish you many happy thoughts on Timmy's birthday, it sounds like you will have a beautiful day together with your family,although bittersweet. Way to go with the cranes, amazing!

Lisa, mom of Matthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Wednesday, February 28, 2007 2:11 AM CST
Happy Birthday Dear Timmy, Happy Birthday to you!!!
Mrs. Gibadlo

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 10:00 PM CST
I always feel happiest on my children's birthdays for I remember the wonderful pleasure of carrying them and the amazing day they were born. They truly are awesome gifts. I hope you enjoy the day together.

Happy Birthday Timmy.

Love Nicole

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 5:29 AM CST
Good morning my sweet Susan,

Just popping in real quick to let you know I was thinking of you and praying for you this morning. You are never far from my thoughts or heart.

I'm always here if you need me!

Thanks for being such a major BLESSING in mine and so many others' lives.

With lots of hope, hugs and prayers,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Monday, February 26, 2007 8:40 AM CST
Hooray! The hugs have reached 1.6 million now!
Miranda <nostalgic.one@gmail.com>
London, England - Monday, February 26, 2007 4:20 AM CST
Dear Susan and Family-I am remembering our trip to Fort Dix a year ago, and how happy Timmy was when the Soldiers lifted him up and into the M1 Abrams battle tank. Timmy brought out the best in all of us and touched many lives. Through this journal, he continues to do the same. You guys and Timmy are always in our prayers. Stay safe and be well.
Rich Knochel # 5286 (NJSP) <knucks66@aol.com>
Atlantic Highlands, NJ US - Sunday, February 25, 2007 10:42 PM CST
Hi Susan
I know that Timmy's birthday is coming, so wanted to send special thoughts and prayers from one angel's mum to another.

Sharon m/o angel Dani-Ella <richardsharon@aapt.net.au>
Maryborough, Qld Australia - Sunday, February 25, 2007 10:38 PM CST
Thank you susan for saving our children.....
michele lally <cooker722@aol.com>
matawan, nj usa - Sunday, February 25, 2007 9:26 PM CST
thinking of you tonight...looks like we're finally getting some real snow, hope you are warm and cozy tonight.


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, February 25, 2007 8:19 PM CST
Susan and family, I just wanted to let you know BIG prayers are being said for you and your family this week as Timmy's birthday approaches. I pray that something special will come your way from Timmy this week as you are missing him. Thank you so much for your continued fight for all of our kids in an end to brain tumors! Big hugs to you all from California!

chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
temecula, ca usa - Sunday, February 25, 2007 3:42 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you as Timmy's birthday approaches.


Miranda <nostalgic.one@gmail.com>
London, England - Sunday, February 25, 2007 1:49 PM CST
Hi Suasan and Jay: It was great talking to Jay the other day. I look forward to helping with the Timmy's Tour de Shore in October. Going back to CHOP for the first time must have been very hard. Asking whether you did everything you could have for Timmy must have been harder. I knew the answer without even knowing you or Timmy or being there when Timmy was in the fight. It was a resounding YES. Thats why you formed the Foundation for other kids in the fight, because you want to them to have the ability to fight with MORE than Timmy ever had. You can only do that with money and research. I'm sure Timmy is very proud of both of you. Glad to help with the Foundation where needed. Just a call away. God Bless you both and your family too. God Speed Timmy. Peace today and always...
Sean Doherty <cchmooch@aol.com>
Freehold, NJ USA - Saturday, February 24, 2007 11:36 AM CST
I'm praying for you Susan.
David Melton angel_wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Friday, February 23, 2007 11:58 AM CST
~ Susan ~

I wasn't going to spend much time on line today

I wasn't going to sign CB sites today............only take a quick visit and

check on all my special CB friends...........pray for each one and call it a day

from the Internet world ( where I have spent way to much time someday's).

This all changed as read your journal Susan, my heart ached for you as I read on.

As you shared memories of Timmy and how deeply you miss him.

I can't imagine how difficult some days, moments or even seconds can be for you.

I can only pray and then pray some more and ask Our Heavenly Father to hold you,

guild you and continue to lift you up each step of the way.

Anyone who knew or visited Timmy before, during and even after are blessed by the

love that was, the love that is and the love that remains.

Thank you for sharing Timmy with all of us Today, tomorrow & Forever.

Sending many HUG's from my heart to yours,

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Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Thursday, February 22, 2007 4:35 PM CST
Dear Susan

Congratulations - I know how emotional going back to the hospital must have been and I'm glad you got to ask your questions and that it was helpful. The walk from the car park up to the ward was a big thing for James too - he used to complain how long it was when he felt so tired.

Love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:42 AM CST
Good Morning Susan,

Thanks so much for the update, even when you're "spent", you continue to GIVE! How touching...

So blessed to read how well things went, and I'm so happy you did get to really "talk" with Dr. Philip's, you really needed that.

Praying you will feel so much love tonight at that special dinner. You are making a difference for so many, and we all have sweet Timmy to be thankful for that! So, a great big thank you Timmy.

With lots of love,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Thursday, February 22, 2007 6:59 AM CST
me again...I had to check one more time before bed, just to see how things went...

Timmy obviously got his courage from his mom & dad. Thank you for all you do in his name to help all those kids on the 4th floor of the Wood Center, or 3rd floor inpatient. I hope your sleep tonight is refreshing and full of sweet dreams of your beautiful boy.

peace & a hug,

Kristin, G's persistent and worrying mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 10:29 PM CST
Dear Susan and Jay,
Thrilled to read about your day - your strength amidst the difficulty, the productive meeting, and your determination to help others through the spirit and love of your precious Angel. Have a peaceful night and a wonderful dinner tomorrow - you deserve it and more!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:49 PM CST
You have been in my thoughts all day...
And you checked in on US, on this tough day...I can't even say how I appreciate that...
Anyway, praying that the meeting with Dr. Phillips went well, and that traffic wasn't too horrible. Mostly, I pray you had special Timmy grace today to get through a very difficult return to CHOP.

peace, dear friend,

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:08 PM CST
Hi Sweet Susan,

Well, as I write this little note, you are on the way or already at the hospital meeting with Timmy's doctor.

"Lord, I pray you go before Susan and her husband today. Give her your grace and strength as she has this meeting. Father, you know how difficult this is for her, but her love for Timmy continues to drive her to help others out.
Fill her with your peace and your comfort. Give her the words to say, and give her the "peace in her spirit" to know and confirm the goals of Timmy's foundation.

Thank you for Susan and her beautiful family. Be glorified today O Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

I'll be waiting to hear "all about the meeting"...

Sending extra hugs today,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving & missing Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 12:28 AM CST
Dear Susan and Jay,
Wishing you well tomorrow. We're sure you will handle the meeting perfectly, and emotion is certainly part of that. Just being yourselves, and Angel Timmy right by your side, along with a wonderful dedicated doctor who cares for so many, will certainly lead to just the right idea. Looking forward to hearing/reading all about it.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Tuesday, February 20, 2007 9:59 PM CST
Dearest Susan,
I am glad I checked in before your meeting with the doctor. You are so amazing to do this - I think even a few tears couldn't possibly overshadow the mighty task at hand. You are so precious and brave. May you draw on the beauty and strength of Timmy and his bright and warm memory. Good luck this week. I'm thinking of you - Always.
Sending love and hugs,

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, February 20, 2007 7:58 PM CST
Hello Pauxtis Family, I've been thinking of you often...please know your always in our thoughts and we love and miss you all! Enjoy the snow before you know it, the sun will soon be here! xoxo
Kelsey Pauxtis <kpauxtis@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR USA - Saturday, February 17, 2007 5:25 PM CST
Susan...you call that snow??? Ha take a look at Gabbie's new pictures on her page. That's snow!! All kids yell when they get a snow day. No matter what the age!! Good for him for getting a snow day. Mine got 3....oh Lord help me please. We are chugging along. David get's tubes put in his ear as it turns out he's allergic to almost ever medicine made. This should be a nothing except a few days off from school...I am sure he won't mind and is happy to get the tubes so his ears stop hurting. Your doing great stuff. I'm proud of you!! Love you a ton! Hugs~

Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Saturday, February 17, 2007 3:09 PM CST
To my dearest Susan,

Boy have I MISSED you!! My Internet was down, and well, I've been sooooooooo busy, still trying to get settled in.

I've been spending lots to time at doctors, dentists, school stuff and well, I'm not home often. Image hosting by TinyPic

But you were NEVER far from my thoughts and my heart.

Now, I just can't imagine it being sooooooooooo COLD, burrrrr. It's in the 40's here now, and I'm FREEZING! Please stay warm and bundle up.

When I read your last update about closing this CB page, I was very, very SAD...Image hosting by TinyPic You have to promise us all, you will faithfully journal on Timmy's new Foundation Page. PLEASE...

Susan, I'll be praying about your visit back at CHOP. Gosh, that would be so hard. You continue to amaze me, all that you are doing. Your love for Timmy continues to drive you on. You have such a HUGE tender heart, still caring so much for so many others. I'm just so honored to be called your friend.

Well sweetie, I promise to never be gone this long, ever again.

I'll be back soon to check up on you!

Lots of love and some warm hugs coming your way,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, February 16, 2007 8:06 PM CST
Check on you regularly. Loved the snow photos as we are hot and humid here in Australia. Take care
Australia, - Friday, February 16, 2007 2:53 AM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,
Wherever a beautiful soul has been...there is a trail of beautiful memories. Thinking you and especially your precious angel Timmy. May Timmy surround all of you with his love and comfort you in your need. I'm always thinking of your wonderful boy and your family. Hugs to you! Love, Sharon

Sharon Nesbihal
Middletown , NJ USA - Thursday, February 15, 2007 8:15 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, Jason, & Angel Timmy,
Wishing all of you a loving Valentine's Day. Thinking of you, Angel Timmy, and all your Angel friends, and the love you and your families have shared with all of us.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 7:27 PM CST
Dear Susan,
Sending you a Valentine's Day hug from all of us Camiolos--thank you so much for all your care for Genna, it means so very much.

I will especially be praying for your visit to CHOP...memories associated with certain parts of the building leave me ughed, I can only imagine that it's exponentially worse for you all. Thank you--to you & Jay-- for doing that hard thing for all of our kids.

Hope you are snuggled up and warm, today was a mess and a half. My kids were rejoicing at NO SCHOOL! too.


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 5:51 PM CST
Dear Susan, just wanted to let you know how much I am thinking of Angel Timmy on this Valentine Day. I pray that you can feel his love surrounding you today! Keeping all of you in my prayers & heart always, with much love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 9:56 AM CST

I love you sweet lady. One minute at a time honey...let God help you over these peaks and valleys and start each day anew. Take each minute for what it is, and take a deep breath and start again. I will pray extra hard for you honey...remember Im a phone call away and can come and give you a bone crushing hug day or night!

Love to all,

TIMMYTOWN, NJ USA - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 7:06 AM CST
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~On this Valentines day and always'

wishing you all the LOVE your Heart can hold~

Keeping you in my prayer's



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Remembering Timmy

Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:14 AM CST
Still thinking of you and the fundraiser.
David Melton angel_wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
Wichita, KS - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:12 AM CST
I wish you all the best success for the fundraiser Susan and for Timmy's foundation.
David Melton angel_wings` <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Monday, February 12, 2007 11:16 AM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Thinking of all of you. When you transition to the foundation website, we will be following you!!! Hoping for some sunshine for you!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, February 12, 2007 9:19 AM CST

Thinking of you tonight. As I've just finished having a few really hard weeks, I know right where you're coming from. It's so hard, isn't it? The weather must be a big factor right now. That snow! I seem to be at a loss for words tonight but just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and Timmy.

Our tree planting ceremony went well. It was so hard to see all the boys in their baseball uniforms. It was a nice celebration, but also a reminder that life goes on, even without our babies.

Love, Lisa...mother of sweet baby boy Jacob...forever 10

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Sunday, February 11, 2007 11:15 PM CST
Dear Susan,
You are much in my thoughts, these days...and you know, we'll just follow you on over to the other site whenever the time comes!
Sending a hug, and a wish for peace and sunny days with the promise of spring.

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, February 11, 2007 3:34 PM CST
Thinking of you.
Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Sunday, February 11, 2007 12:24 AM CST
Dear Susan,
Just thinking of all of you and hope things will be better. May God bless all of you and know that Timmy is still smiling down on you.
Love, Karen

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
- Sunday, February 11, 2007 10:13 AM CST
I understand why you will be devoting more of your time into the foundaton site, but please always remember how many lives you have touch & blessed through you journal entries. Timmy now lives on in all of us because of you and your words. The foundation website is awesome. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Your family will never be forgotten. Our thoughts & prayers are always with you.
The Goodwin Family <gwin213@optonline.net>
River Edge, NJ - Saturday, February 10, 2007 12:00 AM CST
Dear Susan, my heart just breaks for you! It is impossible for me to imagine your pain. Please be gentle with yourself. Timmy's new site is great! I will miss your up-dates, but you will be very busy! You & your boys are always in my prayers & forever in my heart, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, February 9, 2007 10:28 PM CST
Dear Susan and family, I just visited Timmy's Foundation website. It is obvious that you have as a family put so much heart and soul into it. I am sure that it will be a great source of help and information for so many. Your constant strength is always amazing. I hope that your time at the McDonald house is as rewarding as you had hoped. The families there are so lucky to have you.
Sharon Lotito <pop21@verizon.net>
Red Bak, NJ USA - Thursday, February 8, 2007 1:23 PM CST
Dearest Susan,
The Foundation website is truly remarkable...it's beautiful, and informative...and so BLUE...I love it. I know it's Timmy's favorite color, and mine too!!! It's a wonderful tribute to him and also to you, Jay, Andrew and Jason. Your continued love and family values radiate throughout it. I'll keep checking back because I'd love to participate in the bike ride later in the year. I know this Foundation will reach out to many people and make a positive difference in their lives, thanks to you and your family. Keep warm...spring will be here soon.
Love and hugs, Vicki

Vicki Uccio <blueyedangelrn@yahoo.com>
Millstone Township, NJ Monmouth - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 4:28 PM CST
Susan.. I am SOOOOO happy for you and SOOO very happy that You have Finally Gotten your Foundation Up and I am so very very Happy for you!!

Jennifer Perez <jenina23@comcast.net>
Sarasota, FL - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 11:06 AM CST
To my dearest Susan,

Oh my, Timmy's Foundation is just "incredible". I can't tell you how IMPRESSED I was. You and your entire family continue to AMAZE me. I know why Timmy was so special, he had such a LOVING and GIVING family that surrounded him daily. He was just a direct reflection of you all.

I loved that poem Kris sent, this describes you perfectly:

But it is also possible to be enlarged, to find new direction, and to allow the memory of the beloved person who has died to live on within us... not as a monument to misery, but as a source of strength, love and inspiration.

Yes, your love for Timmy has become your source of strength, hope and GREAT inspiraiton. His legacy will live on forever. Lives will be forever touched by his. Mine has.

Keep holding on my friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 9:19 PM CST
Hi Susan, just checking in on this site as well and wanted to say again how wonderful your new site in honor of Timmy is. I see SO much potential the site has for others for healing, information, making a difference. You are helping in such a big way to find a cure, it will be found, it is only a matter of time, and everything each one of us does together speeds that time up. Thank you for all that you are doing to create awareness and find a cure. Chris
chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
Temecula, ca usa - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 9:08 AM CST
Dear Susan, the new site is wonderful! You continue to amaze, turning your grief into something so positive! I know it will be successful,you family has touched so many, I know I am one of them. Thank you, I will keep checking, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, February 5, 2007 10:19 PM CST
the new site is gorgeous.
thinking of you, always.

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Monday, February 5, 2007 8:42 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
The Foundation and its website are fantastic! Just left a note over there too. Congratulations on creating this phenominal tribute to Timmy that will benefit so many and touch even more!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, February 5, 2007 11:07 AM CST
The Timothy Pauxtis Foundation....

OUTSTANDING................... Susan you and your family have and are turning grief into something positive.

Your HOPE is living on in all the difference you are making in bringing awareness to others about

pediatric brain tumors and childhood cancer.............Your Love for Timmy lives on in the HOPE you are

spreading through your Love.............Many blessing's to you!




The Gift of Grief
Author Unknown

"Death takes away. Thats all there is to it.
But grief gives back.
By experiencing it, we are not simply eroded by pain.
Rather, we become more compassionate, more aware,
more able to help others, more able to help ourselves.

Grief is powerful. It plunges us into the depths of sorrow
and forces us to face the finiteness of life, the mightiness of death, and the meaning of our existence here on this earth.

It does more than enable us to change: it demands it.
The way we change is up to us.
It is possible to be forever bowed by grief.
It is possible to be so afraid of one aspect of it that we become frozen in place, stuck in sorrow, riveted in resentment or remorse, unable to move on.

But it is also possible to be enlarged, to find new direction,
and to allow the memory of the beloved person who has died to
live on within us... not as a monument to misery,
but as a source of strength, love and inspiration.

By acting on our grief, we can eventually find within ourselves
a place of peace and purposefulness.
It is my belief that all grievers, no matter how intense their pain,
no matter how rough the terrain across which they must travel,
can eventually find that place within their hearts."

Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Monday, February 5, 2007 9:31 AM CST
Good work on the new site. I love it. Do you mind if I change the link in Gabbie's area to the new site? Asking first before I do it. Gabbie's new med's are helping with the pain. She is working on sending you the rest of the kitty lullaby...hehehe. The 12th we were supposed to go to CHOP but now we are heading to the "best of the best" Dr for her ovary issue. I'll send a real e-mail to you soon. I just wanted to let ALL of you know how wonderful Timmy's new site is. I'll be there all the time. Love you all.


Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Sunday, February 4, 2007 9:19 PM CST
Dear Susan,
Sorry I have not written in awhile. I have been so busy with school and all the other things life brings our way.
I was glad to see you went to the concert and had a good time. I was there that night also. It was a great performance. The last time I saw Barry in concert was when I was 19 and had lawn seats for $8.00 at the Garden States Art Center. Thirty years ago!!!
The RMH is so fortunate to have you and I am sure Timmy smiles that big smile of his everytime you go to work.
Can it get any colder? This week will be brutal and I know I do not want to go outside.
Take care and please send my best to Jay and the boys. I will write soon-
Love, Karen

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
- Sunday, February 4, 2007 2:11 PM CST
Thinking of Timmy.
David melton angel_wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Friday, February 2, 2007 11:11 AM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
We are looking forward to hearing more about the foundation and seeing the new website! With all the love you have all put into it, it will be perfect! Sounds like the RMH families were in for a nice treat, thanks to you. We hope you had a great night there. Hoping for at least beautiful sunny days, despite the cold, for you to visit the cemetery. How did you get more snow in south jersey than here in the north!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Friday, February 2, 2007 10:30 AM CST
Good morning my precious sweet Susan,

Gosh, I've MISSED you so much!! Funny huh? We get so connected here in cyberworld! I'm so blessed to finally be up and running.

"Who can so softly bind up the wound of another, as he who has felt the same wound himself"

I just loved this quote, and yes, it perfectly describes what you do, "softly bind up the wounds of others". Your love and compassion for others just abounds. My life has been touched by your love.

So...how did your visit go last night? I'm sure the people there were so grateful for that awesome meal you prepared for them. I looked forward to those home cooked meals when we stayed at out RMH. You are so kind (and generous) to do this.

I pray you are staying warm...and you FINALLY get Timmy's site up and running. Oh my, I just know already it's going to be AWESOME!!! Your sons are so amazing.

Love you Susan,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving & missing Timmy........................................., - Friday, February 2, 2007 8:37 AM CST

I think Kristin is following me or I'm following her. We are holding our own here. I am foaming at the mouth and the family has decided Mommy needs to go out for a night. Yeah right, what are they going to do throw me out of the house in lounge pants.

Thank you for your words, that meant so much to me. It seems like your pushing me now....THANK YOU!! This is a bigger bump then I imagined. I'll just stop think and build a bridge...somehow. I think Gabbie is e-mailing you so if you get something from an e-mail address that starts crabgab it's her. She is missing Timmy and Kyle so much these days. Would you send her a picture of Timmy to hang in her room? She wants one so bad to put up with all her other pictures. I missing Timmy too. I'm praying for you and I can't wait to see the new site. I miss you and love you.

Hugs and Love,
Ori and Gabbie

Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
KINGSLEY , PA - Thursday, February 1, 2007 9:20 PM CST
Dear Susan,
Thinking of you...geez, you all got way more snow than we did, we had less than an inch here! I can't wait to see your new website; and I'm sure the folks at the RMH are so grateful...having not hospital food is a grace beyond all.

so thank you, as always, for the many ways you softly bind the wounds of others; and thank you for the request for prayers, I'm trying not to be like a deer in the headlights of a fast approaching scan. So thank you--

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, February 1, 2007 8:16 PM CST
Hi Susan,
Just dropping by to check in and say hi. I unfortunately understand exactly how you feel. Even though a year and half gone by....it still just really, really hurts. As relapse February approaches I can't even try to control my tears. How we wish we could just wipe away the bad memories and only let the good ones come through. Sending you big angel mom hugs from Nebraska.
Gage's Page,

the Edwards <hinteriors@yahoo.com>
Alliance , NE - Wednesday, January 31, 2007 8:45 PM CST
Thnking of you and sending love, I am working through last year's memories too. Sarah
Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Wednesday, January 31, 2007 12:28 AM CST
I got chills reading your post; remembering how glued I was each day to your website posts -- praying with you for that miracle.
My heart aches for you still but you have risen above this incredible grief and are about to launch something amazing. Timmy's love is all around --

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Tuesday, January 30, 2007 8:14 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
How we wish we could make all your memories the happier times, not the difficult times. I know we can't, so just know our hearts are with you. What a wonderful idea to share Timmy's favorite games with other very special kids! Yes, that was a long-ago life, but thank goodness it was or we would have never met (more importantly, of course, Jay and you would have never met)!!!!!
Love & Hugs,
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, January 29, 2007 8:47 PM CST
Dear Susan,
happy Monday.
Just thinking of you, thinking you're right, a chocolate restock in in order. Sending a hug, as always--

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Monday, January 29, 2007 12:49 AM CST
Dearest Susan, I just read your last update and it made me smile [thru tears] seeing you in my mind with a wet,muddy bottom , sitting there talking to Timmy. The children at the Ronald McDonald house are so lucky to have you there, you always have so much love to give. You are an amazing woman, Susan. Love and hugs to you, alway's Jane xxoo
Jane <elysees4@verizon.net>
- Sunday, January 28, 2007 8:50 PM CST
Dear Susan, I still visit this web site everyday and pray for timmy and you and all timmy's family. I still cry everytime you write, I'm am writting today just so you know that timmy has not been forgotten, he is still very much in everyones heart. sending you my love and my tears, hoping this, lets you know everyone you and timmy have touched, is still being touched.sending you and timmy love and peace love michele lally
michele lally <cooker722@aol.com>
matawan, nj usa - Saturday, January 27, 2007 9:04 AM CST
That smile is so precious and it's so wrong that he's not here with us.
thinking of you here in Michigan.
With much love.

angela <anji@comcast.net>
brighton, mi usa - Friday, January 26, 2007 9:27 PM CST
Grief is like a window, opening whenever it wants. But, soon you realize it opens less & less. Then you wonder where it went. This was in a fiction book I read. It is so true. Finally the grief turns into warm memories. I wanted you to hear that. I pray it doesn't make you mad. Because I realize the grief is so new & real to you.
I lost my Mom almost 2 years ago, but it really is true. Sometimes the pain is so close & hard, then I realize it is getting easier. She will always be with me, but the pain is not as bad. She was my best friend.

NC - Friday, January 26, 2007 8:21 PM CST
Thinking of Timmy and praying for Kyle, genna and the other people with brain tumors.
David melton angel wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
Wichita, KS - Friday, January 26, 2007 11:44 AM CST
Dear Susan,
Hi, me again...I figured you might be updating.

This time of year is so hard.

I think that was the last time I saw all of you at CHOP, up in the Connelly center where I was finding a video for G (and Timmy had on very nice sneakers, he just smiled at me when I admired his snazzy footwear). But it was so brutally hard, and I will never forget, ever, what you said to me that day in front of the princess videos, and what you absolutely lived out: you loved Timmy into this world, and if it was required of you, you would love him into the next. Those words touched my heart in a way I can never fully express.

Dear Susan, you are so much in my heart--and you have shown me so much about how love makes you strong even when you feel like mush.

Sending a warm hug (good Lord it's cold today!)--
and thoughts of peace--

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, January 26, 2007 8:32 AM CST
Just dropping in to say " I LOVE YOU!!" Miss you more.
Take care of yourself. I'll be posting more on Gabbie lately. Some may not be great but hey, Maybe I'll get a shock and we'll be OK.
Hugs from my computer because we live to far apart.

Love to all of you and a hug to heaven for Timmy!!

Ori the crazy lady and Gab's who can't remember her real hair color <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Thursday, January 25, 2007 11:33 PM CST
To my dearest Susan,

No, I could not pack up this computer without coming to say hi and check up on you! I know it will only be a few days, but geez, I'm missing you already!

I wanted to cry when I read about you sitting out there in the cold visiting Timmy. I just know I would do the very SAME thing. Gosh, I just can't imagine.

I do agree with you about Timmy being closer, but in a different way. I feel that exact same way about my mom. I know she's with me always.

I was so touched to read you brought some of Timmy's PlayStation games to the RMH. You never cease to amaze me Susan. You have the most tender and giving heart. I know where Timmy got all his sweet ways! He was truly a direct reflection of you.

I was blessed to read the boys are doing well in school. I know they must miss Timmy too. Just remember, he will always be their little brother, he will be part of all their thoughts and lives, FOREVER. And I won't be surprised one day in the future you will have a grandson named "Timmy", just watch and see!

Well sweetie, thanks for being such a faithful friend. I look just as forward to hearing from you, it's always a delight. Thanks for your prayers, and words of encouragement.

As soon as I'm up and running, I'll be back to check up on you. Hey, you sure are keeping us in suspense with the new website, I just can't wait!!

Love you,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:19 PM CST
Dear Susan,
Just checking in this morning, hoping you are well and staying warm (tomorrow is supposed to be Way Too Arctic for NJ). Just thinking of you a lot...

And I should perhaps clarify...fortunately/unfortunately (depending on who you read below : )!) the ONLY Barry Manilow song I know is CopaCabana, and that's from the Muppet Show (I think with Liza Minelli dancing with a big puppet guy)...of course, using the Muppet Show as a measure of my cultural Hip-ness is likely not the best idea either...

(and now again I'll be humming about our beloved doctor all day, argh!) : )

sending a hug,

Kristin, Genna's mom, who has no golden feathers in her hair and certainly NOT a dress cut down to there <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, January 25, 2007 9:45 AM CST
Susan...just checking in to see how you are doing. I am so glad that you had such a good time at the concert. I do like his music. Just was thinking about you and Kristin today so I thought I would pop in. Glad to hear that the RMH is working out so well for you. I would love to do something like that someday. Hang in there my friend and know that I am thinking about you. Love, Aimee
Aimee Disney <Briannaashleysmom@yahoo.com>
Aldan, PA USA - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 8:19 PM CST
Hi Susan, I think about you often and continue to pray for you and your family. I just did a 1/2 marathon and again, mile #10 is Timmy's always. I was really struggling, because the holiday's were not good for me to train with all of the eating, and partying. So I paid for it on race day, but praying for you and your family through mile #10 kept me going. What a blessing it is for the families at the RMH to have you there! Take care, Chris

chris <chrsitinemckay@gmail.com>
temecula, ca usa - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 10:46 PM CST
Continuing to pray for you - so thankful for you.


Celeste Welch <candcwelch@yahoo.com>
Archer, FL USA - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 7:36 AM CST
I am so glad to hear of such a wonderful dream when you needed your boy so close to you. That is beautiful.

Love to you today

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Monday, January 22, 2007 7:14 AM CST
I so glad you had a Timmy dream. A wonderful Timmy dream. I told you so...sticking my tongue out at you. I'm half crazy, I'm losing hair and yet I still act like a 2 year old. I just want you to know that I am so happy you got your dream. They seem so real. I love you my friend and I can't wait to get you a tattoo. lol
Love and Hugs~
P.S. Sorry My mother turned me off "Barry" along time ago when she tried to sing, but I think we can keep Kristin's song going if we tried.

Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Sunday, January 21, 2007 8:43 PM CST
Hi Susan. I am so happy to hear that you dreamed about Timmy! I know that must have brought you so much comfort. He was letting you know that he OK, and feeling better than before the cancer. I've been praying that you would be able to have some sweet dreams of Timmy, and God answered with a YES. I hope that next time you can remember every word he says to you.
I think it is so awesome the gift that you are giving to all of these families by volunteering at the RMH. I know that you are making a difference in so many lifes right now with your outreach to them.
And Barry Manilow in concert! With good seats! Too kewl! I used to listen to a lot of his songs. What an awesome performer. I'm glad that you got to go and enjoy it so much.
I love the new pictures you have posted too. What a beautiful smile! When I was looking at them, a thought struck me. Timmy had such a beautiful smile on earth. Can you just imagine the smile he has in Heaven! I'm looking forward to seeing that smile face-to-face some day.
Thank you for sharing the pictures with us. They are truly awesome!
I'm praying for you.

Ann Watts/Angel Wings <bubbasoldlady@cebridge.net>
Jacksonville, AR USA - Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:31 PM CST
To my dearest Susan,

Oh my, I'm just sooooooooooooo excited about that DREAM!!! Yes, what a MAJOR answer to prayer. I've been praying and praying God would start giving your "sweet dreams" of Timmy. Now I'll pray that they will keep coming and you will remember exactly what he says.

I'm sitting here with a big grin on my face. I read what Kristin said about making a song out of one of Barry Manilow's songs. Is she a riot or what?? You've had the honor of meeting her, one day I would love too. She is so funny!

Now, I just ADORED "Barry Manilow", he was definitely "my speed"!! I'd love to go hear him in concert. I'm so blessed you had a nice time out with your friends.

I'm also blessed things continue to go well for you at the RMH. Just keep spreading your love and your kindness all around, Timmy would be so proud of his mom!

Hope you are staying warm, enjoy that snow, snow, what is that???

Hey, say a prayer for "dem Saints" tomorrow OK? A big game.

Love you Susan,


PS Thanks for sharing those precious pictures of Timmy, oh my...

Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Saturday, January 20, 2007 7:10 PM CST
Hi Susan,

Timmy is just beautiful in those pictures. It is funny, today I found some pictures too that I haven't seen in a very long time. I am still always thinking of you and hope to see you very soon.

Lisa, mom of Matthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Saturday, January 20, 2007 6:59 PM CST
I remember Barry Manillow although I must admit I was never a fan of his. I'm more of a rocker myself. An old one at that! Just checking up on you and getting my dose of Timmy pictures. I just want to hug him. He is so precious. I'll be back soon.
With much love

Angela <anji@comcast.net>
brighton, mi usa - Saturday, January 20, 2007 4:33 PM CST
Missing Timmy.
David Melton angel wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, January 20, 2007 3:24 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
What a phenominal dream, just when you needed it and weren't expecting it. Angel Timmy taking care of you and smiling! Barry Marilow and all those classics - beautiful music, a great performer, and your special friends - so glad you had an awesome night. The pictures are so heartwarming - to see Timmy enjoying himself with his special trooper friend - looking so handsome and happy. Coming upon these pictures is surely another sign and another reason to smile from him. Glad RMH has become such a special place for you and you a special person for them.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Friday, January 19, 2007 9:01 PM CST
Hi Susan,
Nice chatting today. I definitely believe that all three of those incidences were Timmy. I have had similar experiences that I believe are Kortney telling me she is near. I have to hold onto that, it's all I have. It's how I keep her alive. Glad to hear you're hanging in there and keeping busy. It sounds like you have so many positive things going on in Timmy's memory. That's great! I am in awe of your ability to work at the Ronald McDonald House. I really am. Talk about a selfless act. How could you not talk about Timmy. Many times after I tell someone I wish I hadn't too because I can see the pain it causes them and then I feel like a freak because I just devestated someone who was until then having a normal day. It's weird!
Let's get together soon! Good luck with all of your planning.

Kristen Gillette www.caringbridge.org/visit/kgillette <soccrmom3@aol.com>
Oceanport, NJ - Friday, January 19, 2007 8:51 PM CST
Oh yeah I remember Barry Manilow. But with this post about the dream of Timmy I hear your HEART singing and that is beautiful music. One year ago next week I saw you at CHOP with Timmy. And the first time I came upon his web site I knew instantly---those blue eyes. The skies that he looks down through cannot compare. And I thank God that this dream has been such a blessing to you.
Debbie Grace's MomMom
Cape May, - Friday, January 19, 2007 7:06 PM CST
HI Susan.. How wonderful to hear that finally after 9whole months Timmy visited you in your dreams.. I think when you are not trying to remember what he said and your mind is fresh and clear .. the words will come to you.. that I am confident about!!
The volunteer work you are doing at the Ronald Mc Donald house sounds so very therapeutic for you and I am happy that you are happy there!!
Hoping for many more visits from Angel Timmy to His Mommy
Thinking of you..

Jenn <jenina23@comcast.net>
sarasota, FL - Friday, January 19, 2007 8:26 AM CST
Hey Susan, I am so thrilled that you had this wonderful dream about Timmy. I know good dreams stay with you for so long, and hopefully this one just envelopes you with Timmy's love and presence for a long time. And then seeing Barry Manilow, holy cow...that's almost as good as the dream, lol. I saw him a few years ago at PNC and, you're so right, he is such an entertainer. I went with Jim, and another couple, had to drag the guys with us...they admitted to us that he was good, but to no one else. And yes, the snow is beautiful this morning, pure and peaceful. Enjoy its beauty and have a great weekend.
With much love and a great big bearhug, Vicki

Vicki Uccio <blueyedangelrn@yahoo.com>
Millstone Township, NJ USA - Friday, January 19, 2007 7:36 AM CST
What a beautiful dreams of your beautiful boy. I got teary just reading about it. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing that with the rest of us. It's so amazing how vivid and real dreams are to us... including even hearing his voice again. That is such a gift. Anyhow, I've been thinking of you alot this week. I hope you are able to have more moments which bring you closer to his spirit.

Tatiana R.
Okinawa, Japan - Friday, January 19, 2007 0:59 AM CST
Hi Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

Checking in for updates tonight. I am drying my tears of joy over your beautiful Timmy dream. I am so happy that you woke with peace, you deserve at least that my friend! I hope Timmy comes to your dreams often. I love the pictures of Timmy on the motorcycle - he looks so precious (and small on that huge bike!). Thanks for posting them, it was so nice to see Timmy's smile tonight!

I'm glad you enjoyed Barry Mannilow. I'm pretty sure we talked about you not mentioning your attendance at this particular concert to anyone - I'm sorry but, being a Barry Mannilow fan just sucks the cool right out of you!!! Seriously, I'm delighted that you enjoyed your evening, music has the same impact on me (okay, I need to be very clear here, NOT Barry Mannilow for me!!!). I think there should be some sort of restriction...a person can't be both a John Denver fan and a Barry Mannilow fan...it is almost too much lame for me to bear!!! Okay, I love you and I'm going to let you get away with it - but ONLY for you would I make this special consideration! Just do me a favor, don't you dare get tickets for an Air Supply reunion tour or I might just faint!!!

Sending love and hoping to see you tomorrow!

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:51 PM CST
Dear Susan,
Hooray for happy dreams, and those adorable pictures. And snow, even if it's only a few flakes...

And now I will be singing Copacabana for a year...do you know you can fit so many names to that tune? The nurse & secretary at G's school are two of my favorites for doing this...you need a 2 syllable first name and a 3 syllable last name (I hate to do this, it will be stuck in your head for a year...but Doc-tor, Doc-tor Be-las-co...it fits so perfectly).

Now when I'm up half the night humming this, I will know who to thank! : ) I'm so glad you had a good night out.

And the folks at RMH are so blessed to have you there...
anyway, just checking in (I think I did about 12 times the past few days, you've been so much on my mind). We pray every night with G to all our angel & saint friends...I know Timmy is looking out for her. Thank you, as always, for letting us know your beautiful boy.


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:38 PM CST
I know I haven't posted in a long time ... but do not mistake my feelings ... Timmy is ~ and forever will have ~ a large place in my heart as will your entire family ... You are such an angel yourself, Susan ... a tower of strength to those parents who need someone, anyone to help them through their darkest hours ... and you get it ... thank you for wanting to give back to Ronal McDonald House ...
I am looking forward to being an active participant in Timmy's foundation ... I hope you can keep me informed ...
Sending you and Jay and Jason and Andrew so much love, as always ~

Kathy Lettieri <LettieriK@middletownk12.org>
Middletown, NJ USA - Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:05 PM CST
Your messages are always very uplifting. You are such a gift to Ronald McDonald House. All of those parents have to go through such difficult times and they have your full understanding. What an asset you are.
Sheila Houston <shouston@comcast.net>
Lincroft, N.J. USA - Thursday, January 18, 2007 4:13 PM CST
Just checking in today; in friendship & love,


Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Thursday, January 18, 2007 12:45 AM CST
Susan...was thinking about you today and feeling so bad that I haven't been here to check on you more often lately. I'm sorry. I am so happy to hear about the RMH. When you said that you were going to do that, I thought, well, that's just perfect. Please know that I think of you often and you are always in my prayers. Thanks for the messages on Jim's page too. Here is a huge hug from me, Jim and Brianna....Love, Aimee
Aimee Disney <Briannaashleysmom@yahoo.com>
Aldan, PA USA - Thursday, January 18, 2007 7:40 AM CST
Hi Susan,

Up late, and was thinking of you tonight. So, I'm sending you a great big cyber (((((HUG)))). Hope you felt that.

I'll be back soon!

Lot of love,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 10:40 PM CST
Hello Dear Susan..
.. I think it is good that you express yourself and that you Always speak of Timmy.. Yes it is sad, and it does bring tears to you (of course) and even throughout the miles of people that never met you physically.. By you being at the Ronald Mc Donald House and speaking your mind and letting the tears flow, you put yourself in a position where the parents and children can approach you because they know How hard it is to go through what you went through and to Give back and to start giving back so very soon says a very lot about you.. I think you should Always speak of Timmy and how special he was, keep his memory alive and give others a piece of him to know.."Words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels" and You and this journal and Timmy have all enlightened my soul..

Jenn <jenina23@comcast.net>
sarasota, fL usa - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 3:57 PM CST
Image and video hosting by TinyPicSusan,

I just had to share with you that I stop by Timmy's CB page Everyday!

Honestly, I love to look at his adorable smile and Big Bright eyes......oh how they sparkle and brighten my day!

I've not left messages because sometimes I simply don't what to say.

Each time I come by I pray...........I Pray and ask our Heavenly Father to please Bless your Heart......

Too Please comfort you and show you the way on earth until the day you

yourself will return Home with our Heavenly Father and your Beautiful Timmy..........

this bring's a peace to my heart to know you will someday be reunited......

I felt lead to share this with you today and to remind you that your Beautiful Timmy lives on

in the hearts of many......God Bless you and continue holding you each step of the way!



Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Wednesday, January 17, 2007 10:42 AM CST
Hi Susan. What a beautiful entry, and what an amazing way to honor Timmy's memory, by giving your time and self to helping others at the RMH. Susan, I'm sure that you didn't make anyone there feel uncomfortable, and that they will all be seeking your help more knowing that you have been in their shoes with your own son, and will understand their feelings. You are truly an angel on earth.
I'm praying for you and your family.

Ann Watts/Angel Wings <bubbasoldlady@cebridge.net>
Jacksonville, AR USA - Tuesday, January 16, 2007 7:31 PM CST
Hi Fam~
I miss you all so much. You all have been on my mind and heart so much lately. Never stop talking about Timmy!! I still talk to him :) He is the brightest star. He was a great comfort to me when I had my surgery. Shh don't tell but I was SO scared. I put on my brave face but I was talking to him and asking him to make sure the Dr did a good job and when I woke up it was with such peace instead of pain. In my heart your son was making sure the Dr was good. I made sure I thanked him and GOD. Now I thank you for your wonderful caring son. He touched so many hearts. My light keeps flickering as I write to you. I think Timmy is saying Hi MOM and I love you Mom. OK flickering stopped. Message delivered. Your a wonderful Mom and I can't wait to get together again. I think I am going to get a purple butterfly with a blue banner that says "Save Our children" Yeah..tattoo party. As you may know, We are going to Philly...I am so scared. We haven't been there in so long. Wish me luck. Also Thank you for all the wonderful work your doing at RMH. You rock..I to am so jealous. Give my hugs and love to all and tell Jay next time leave his glasses on for his picture. Men are so vain...hehehe. Love you so much!! Mega HUGS~

Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, nj - Monday, January 15, 2007 9:04 PM CST
I check up on you on a regular basis but I have to say it is hard to do. Once in a while a child touches your heart so deeply that it becomes painful. Timmy is one such child. As soon as I saw his picture I knew this would be the case. I had to force myself to read your journal And my heart was broken When it reached the inevitable conclusion. I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel having lost such a precious boy. I will continue to check up on you and pray that you may find some peace here on earth.
With much love.

angela <anji@comcast.net>
brighton, mi usa - Monday, January 15, 2007 8:08 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

Sending love your way this afternoon. Hope you are well. It certianly sounds as if you are busy. Every life that you touch with your generosity and grace is a little piece of Timmy. People are saddend to hear Timmy's story but it is a beautiful story of strength and courage that needs to be heard often. You need to tell it and the people you share it with are better for having heard it. You are doing the work of an Angel now and as such, you will always know the right thing to do.

Looking so forward to hearing more about Timmy's Foundation. You are all in my thoughts.

Sending love,

p.s. Hoping to see you Friday!

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown,, NJ USA - Monday, January 15, 2007 12:04 AM CST
I think it is more then wonderful how you are helping others. Working for awarness and better living for the families whos children are sick is great. Timmy I am sure is looking down on you. Smiling from ear to ear. That is my Mom I told you she was the best! Stay strong. One day you will be with Timmy again
BeckyWhittington <BeckyWhittington@adelphia.net>
WV - Monday, January 15, 2007 7:40 AM CST
Susan, I am a friend of Jordan and Susan Amato. Missing your precious youngest son must be the most difficult thing for you to live with, but your working at the RMH is a wonderful way to honor Timmy. Your experiences have given you insight into what many of these folks are going through. Your compassion and caring will be very sensitive and your words so helpful to those you serve at the Ronald McDonald House. You are doing a courageous thing by serving this way!

I am praying for you and your family each day.

In the love of our Lord.

Mrs. Fay <thomasx@suddenlink.net>
Bastrop, LA - Monday, January 15, 2007 7:37 AM CST
My dear friend Susan,
Your beautiful son's story of courage needs to be told again & again. HE IS a very large part of who YOU are. We all know that everything you do comes from that beautiful part of you that only belongs to Timmy. I do belive that he's holding your hand through this journey. God bless you for the precious work that you are doing with the strength that Timmy gives you and God bless your beautiful family. With lots of love & prayers always...

Mary Pat <mph317@yahoo.com>
Middletown, nj usa - Saturday, January 13, 2007 9:27 AM CST
Hi Susan, Lots of luck with your new foundation. The family of a child I used to treat also started a foundation for their son (who became an angel a few years ago) and they had their first fund raiser also this past October...it was a huge success! I look forward to learning more about it and contributing in any way I can. Have a nice weekend.
Shannon Tarentino <buttrrkupp@verizon.net>
Clark, NJ USA - Friday, January 12, 2007 10:03 PM CST
To my dearest Susan,

Oh, I just can't begin to imagine how much you are missing your sweet Timmy! But I love knowing you can still feel his love surrounding you, Timmy's spirit is just as alive now as it ever was, that never changes!

I can't tell you how blessed I am every time I read about the RMH house. Susan, from the first time you "mentioned" this idea, I KNEW you were destined to be there! They needed you just as much as you needed them. I think it's great you shared about Timmy! His story is one you will FOREVER be PROUD to share! A story I could hear over and over...

Now, you're teasing us real good about his Foundation, hmmmm I can hardly WAIT to see the new website and see what you've got planned! I know it will be AWESOME!

Well sweetie, I pray you have a nice weekend. Keep warm!

I'll be back soon.

With lots of love always,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, January 12, 2007 9:27 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Talking about Timmy, and him and his journey being the love and motivation behind your work at RMH was definitely the right thing to do! You are such a gift to those RMH families, able to provide them some comfort from totally understanding their situations. Thrilled to hear that Timmy's foundation event is scheduled!!! Can't wait to hear more!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Friday, January 12, 2007 6:34 AM CST
Dear Susan, just checking in to say hi, I think of all of you everyday. The pictures are really beautiful, you all looked so great, I hope it was relaxing. The RMH seems to be working out for you, I know you are an asset to them, you will help so many parents. Glad to hear a firm date, I will keep reading for more info. You take care, praying that you feel your Timmy all around you. with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Thursday, January 11, 2007 11:01 PM CST
Hi, me again.
And please, never stop talking about Timmy. He shines through all you do, to not speak would be impossible, like sitting on a lamp (which actually sounds more painful than impossible, I am not being successfully metaphorical here).

And I will mark our calendar...!!

I'm so glad you can help out at RMH, your experiences are a great asset to them...because you really KNOW what families are going through. Thank you.

much love (and some jealousy, we got NO snow here!! : ) ),

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, January 11, 2007 5:04 PM CST
Hi Susan,
Been thinking about you alot lately. We haven't spoken since Christmas. We must get back in touch. I hope you are doing ok. I want to hear all about the cruise.

Kristen Gillette <soccrmom3@aol.com>
Oceanport, NJ - Thursday, January 11, 2007 7:11 AM CST
Hi Susan,

Just stopping by tonight to let you know you were on my heart. I pray you are doing "OK". Yes, taking one day at a time, baby steps, feeling the love and comfort of God and your many friends.

I'll look forward to your next update.

Love you girlfriend!


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:53 PM CST
Dear Susan
I was so happy to read about your wonderful cruise. Everthing was SO Blue-that has to be a sign!!I hope you did truly relax and enjoy life for a while. I was touched to see Timmy's "Buddy Bear" along with you on the trip. I remember the day I gave it to him and that wonderful smile of his. Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and our angel. I did visit him over the holidays-the tree was beautiful!
Much love to all,

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos @aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:40 PM CST
thinking of you today, seeing the crispy blue sky (freezing, but so blue!)


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:12 AM CST
If that ocean and sky isnt the color of Timmy's beautiful baby blues then I dont know what is! I am so glad you found some peace out there Susan. I found myself staring at all the clouds in the pictures : ) Im going to have to look through again (you know me!!!)
I am so glad that Christmas at RMH was wonderful. The families are so very blessed to have you there for them honey. I pray that the peace and healing you bring to them fills your heart with peace and healing as well...

Please continue to keep us posted on Timmys foundation - you KNOW im here to help in any way that I can and Im a phone call away...

Love to all!!!

TIMMYTOWN, NJ USA - Sunday, January 7, 2007 8:57 AM CST
Good morning sweet Susan and family!

"Welcome Home", officially!

I just sat here looking at all your pictures from the cruise, oh my, they were fabulous!! Yes, this was such a good decision, and hey, you make want to make it a new "tradition"!

Everything was so beautiful, including you! I loved the picture of you in your formal, and you looked so cute sitting down in front of , well, you know? Your sons are so HANDSOME!! Gosh...isn't it nice to be the queen of your home? I've have always been the "only girl" for so long in our family.

And the pictures of the desserts, OK, that is my weakness. I know I would of spent lots of time standing there, drooling...

I was so excited to read how well, the Christmas dinner went at the RMH! I knew you would make those families feel so loved, that is your "speciality" for sure! Susan, you continue to AMAZE me. You give out of your deepest pain. I know the Lord honors all the special things you do for others. I'm just so grateful to know you!

I'll be anxiously awaiting the new website with all the info on Timmy's foundation! I know many lives will continue to be blessed all because of him! That is so beautiful.

Well sweetie, don't want to leave an epic in your guestbook. Thanks also for all the prayers and tender words of kindness and love concerning Brent. You know the road Tonya is on now.

Sending lots of love and many hugs to you today,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, January 7, 2007 8:41 AM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Thinking of you today. The cruise pictures are beautiful - we love your boarding photo with the Timmy bear. We look forward to hearing more about Timmy's foundation!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Saturday, January 6, 2007 7:59 AM CST
Hi Susan,

Just dropped by to let you know I continue to think about you and hold your family up in my prayers.


Celeste Welch <candcwelch@yahoo.com>
Archer, FL USA - Friday, January 5, 2007 6:43 PM CST
Hi, me again.
I am so glad to hear such peace in your "voice"...so glad that you found some healing...and I'm so excited to hear what will be happening with Timmy's Foundation...!!!

thinking of you, sending a hug,

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, January 5, 2007 1:41 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

Happy New Year to all. May you each be blessed every day of this year! I am very much looking forward to learning more about Timmy's Foundation. I hope every day that your work with the foundation and your work at RMH helps heel your battle wounds. We all pray for research that will help cripple this awful illness once and for all. I am so saddend each time I read the name of another Angel Family who suffers and another baby who has to fight so hard. I will keep you all in my prayers.

Thank you for sharing those beautiful vacation photos. The cruise looked just wonderful...a perfect Christmas getaway. You all look very tan and rested. While your family portrait is lovely, I couldn't help but get choked up when I saw it. You were all very brave to take it...I'm glad that you did. The photos of "Heaven" were my favorite. I don't know which one of you is the photographer but you always manage to get just the perfect nature shots. Maybe it's because the energy of your little Angel is what is coming through...those shots of the clouds are among the prettiest I've ever seen. Hmmm...I'm reminded at this moment of Timmy's eyes and smile...yep, forget the photographer...it's the work of Timmy for sure. Sorry, but you've got to give credit where it is due!!!

Thinking of all of you,
Sending love,

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Thursday, January 4, 2007 10:30 PM CST
Thinking of you today, wishing you a wonderful new year...


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 4:23 PM CST
Susan.. I can imagine that the trip is bittersweet, especially with the Loss of Timmy being so recent and the pain still so raw.. But I am glad that you and Jay are still able to enjoy yourselves at least to a certain extent and get out.. I am also happy to hear that Andrew and Jason are enjoying themselves and I think it was a Wonderful Idea to go on the Cruise, Im sure the holidays would have been much harder at home..
Im sure that Timmy is in a Wonderful place.. full of those turquoise beaches and smiling down on you!!
lots of Hugs and Love!

Jenn <jenina23@comcast.net>
Sarasota, fl - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 1:42 PM CST
Dear Susan,

I'm so glad to see that you are all enjoying your cruise. I have always believed that just being around open waters is restorative for the soul. There is such a quiet tranquility to the seas...

It is my wish that 2007 brings wonderful things for all of you-peace, love, and new hope. Keep treasuring each other!

Love, Joy

Joy Rothman <joyar@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, January 3, 2007 9:07 AM CST
Hi Susan, Happy to hear that you and your family are having a wonderful time together. I can't wait to see the photos you post. Praying for your continued strength and peace in the New Year.

chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
temecula, ca usa - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 6:10 PM CST
Dear Susan, I wish you, Jay,Andrew & Jason a peaceful 2007. I am so glad you could relax a little & see the beauty around you during this very difficult Christmas season. You truly are the most amazing Mom I've ever known. Thank you for continuing to inspire me with your updates. Always know that you, your boys & your precious Angel Timmy are in my thoughts everyday! One day at a time... with much love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, January 1, 2007 11:36 PM CST
God bless you for seeing the beauty of His creation while on your healing trip. I am so glad you've had some tender and joyful moments. You continue to amaze us all with your ability to confront your fears and work through them. I'm sure Timmy is in full approval with your choice to spend Christmas on the sea! God bless you all & much peace in the coming year.
With my love & prayers always...

Mary Pat <mph317@yahoo.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, January 1, 2007 1:41 PM CST
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I wish this Beautiful family

a Blessed and Happy New Year!

Keeping All of you in my Prayer's as you begin 2007


HOPE, FAITH and LOVE.......

Blessing's to all,


Remembering Timmy with gratefulness in my heart............


Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Sunday, December 31, 2006 10:41 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with love, peace, and hope, and the beautiful beginning of Timmy's Foundation honoring your precious Angel by spreading his gifts of strength, happiness, and love to others. We know it will be an exciting year for Andrew & Jason with their upcoming graduations and new academic endeavors, and we wish them all the success, adventure, and love they so much deserve. We know you will be blessed by your Angel each and every day, and we will be blessed and inspired by all of you.
Love & Hugs,
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Sunday, December 31, 2006 6:27 PM CST

To my dearest Susan and family,

Wow, the cruise sounds AMAZING! This will be on my "to do list" one of these days!

You are so right, it was the RIGHT thing to do this Christmas.

I know Timmy never leaves your mind, and he is in your heart every single second of your day and night. He's with you Susan, ALWAYS.

I'll look forward to the pictures!

Praying for your New year ahead, "May the Lord bless you and your family, may he protect you all, and may the Lord always smile upon you, and be kind." (Numbers 6:23 & 25)

And I pray He will comfort and heal your broken heart.

With lots of love,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, December 31, 2006 12:53 AM CST
(the latest "Timmy Tag - I've finally gotten some time at the computer)
I cant believe you posted again crazy lady! :)
You have been in my heart and my prayers every day...
Day by day honey - you can, and you will get through. You have Timmys love and spirit to push you along.

Love you Susan! Hope to see you soon!

TIMMYTOWN, NJ USA - Sunday, December 31, 2006 7:48 AM CST
Thinking of you and your family, sending love and prayers
Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Sunday, December 31, 2006 6:04 AM CST
Dearest Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

So glad to read your update this evening. It is so nice to know you are relaxing and taking in beautiful sights. Yummy cocktails are always a welcome thing for me! I am thinking of all of you and sending warm wishes for peace in the new year. I hope the extra time to reflect proves to have healing qualities, even if not at first.

Sending love and giant hugs!

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 9:12 PM CST
Hi Susan,
So glad you were able to enjoy the cruise. It was good to get away, wasn't it? It was for me too. Don't know when you're returning, but give me a call and we'll get together.

Kristen Gillette <soccrmom3@aol.com>
Oceanport, NJ USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 9:03 PM CST
Dear Susan,
I'm so glad you've had such spectacular weather...and time to rest...and have yummy drinks!

You know you are always in my thoughts (addled though they be) and prayers...for peace in the midst of your pain and sorrow. Sending a big hug...

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 5:42 PM CST
I am glad that your cruise went well. You are surronded by ocean and sky and all that blueness is a hug from Timmy. Just like that old Sinatra song goes; "How much do I love you?. . . How deep is the ocean? How high is the sky?"

Roseanne <rosanella@hotmail.com>
Howell, NJ USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 3:32 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,
Glad you have had a wonderful cruise and great weather. All your Briody cousins were thinking of all of you at this most precious and difficult time. Your Timmy now has the pleasure of taking care of all of you.
Cousin Margaret, Great Aunt Mary, Catherine, Patrick and all of us.

Margaret Briody, OP <mkbriody@optonline.net>
Hicksville, NY USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 3:00 PM CST
Thinking about you, and praying for you. I hope that you have a wonderful time on the cruise.

Ann Watts/Angel Wings <bubbasoldlady@cebridge.net>
Jacksonville, AR USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 7:41 AM CST
Dear Susan and family, I am so happy that you are all able to find some joy this time of year. You are all so deserving.
Sharon Lotito <pop21@verizon.net>
Red Bank, NJ USA - Thursday, December 28, 2006 10:56 PM CST
So glad to read your website and that you are having a good time with your family. I have thought of all of you over these Holidays.
Sheila Houston <shouston@comcast.net>
Lincroft, N.J. USA - Thursday, December 28, 2006 9:22 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
We are happy to read you are all enjoying the cruise and your special time together! Glad you are surrounded by love and your precious Angel.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Thursday, December 28, 2006 8:21 PM CST
Merry Christmas. p.s. I know about the slow computers on the cruise ship. do they want you to waste your money?
The mullens
Middletown, NJ - Thursday, December 28, 2006 2:09 PM CST
My dearest Susan,
I was so happy to see a new entry from you. You've been on my mind and in our prayers this Christmas. I'm glad to hear that things are so beautiful where you are. I'm not surprised that another beautiful person found you, gave you a tight hug and shared your love for Timmy. God bless Timmy for sending you a hug! Please send our love to Jay & the boys. My love and prayers always...

Mary Pat <mph317@yahoo.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Thursday, December 28, 2006 8:54 AM CST
Dear Susan,
You have been so much in our thoughts and prayers this week. I'm so glad your cruise is so peaceful (and hey, I could work on a tan for a year and get nowhere except sunburn land, only my last name is Italian, my skin is not!) Hope Jay survived the hammock flip! : )

prayers for a continued time of rest and rejuvenation--

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 8:15 PM CST
Dear Susan,
I check in on your site everyday and continue to pray for peace and comfort for you and your family. At this bittersweet time of year I hope you find joy in remembering the beautiful memories you cherish in your heart of Christmas's past and know that your special angel is shining down brightly on you today.
Love Cathie

Cathie Donnelly <kitcat2164@aol.com>
SI, NY - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 6:34 PM CST
Glad that you had some good holidays and making more memories with your family. I am sure Timmy was with you every step of the way...



Lisa Leger <lisamarieleger@yahoo.com>
Eunice, LA - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 11:24 AM CST
I'm so glad that you updated during your cruise! I've been checking daily to see how it all was faring. May the rest of your holidays go well and be filled with precious memories of your beautiful little boy. Thinking of you always....
Tatiana R.
Okinawa, Japan - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 4:40 AM CST
Hi Susan,

Oh, thanks so much for taking the time to give us a quick peak into your cruise, it sounds wonderful!!!

I thought of you all day yesterday, and said a prayer for you and your family.

I'll look forward to your next update.

Can't wait to officially "Welcome you Home"...

Many hugs to you Sweet Susan,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 6:31 PM CST
Dear Susan,
MERRY CHRISTMAS!! It was good to hear you are enjoying the cruise so far. Please send my best holiday wishes to the boys and Jay. I am sure Angel Timmy had a great time in heaven on Christmas!
God Bless-

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
- Tuesday, December 26, 2006 6:03 PM CST
Susan i hope you are having a wonderful time
on this cruise..I've thought so much about our Timmy
and your family with the Holidays coming up and held each of you extra close in our prayers..I'm thrilled to hear
about the foundation you have started and please do keep
us informed on how things are going with it..I love you
my friend Sending you an extra special hug..

Trish/Angel_Wings <Kngboyer@aol.com>
Kingston, TN USA - Monday, December 25, 2006 4:15 PM CST
Never far from my heart...

Merry Christmas
Mrs. Griffin

Sue Griffin <jgastro29@verizon.net>
Middletown, NJ - Monday, December 25, 2006 8:54 AM CST
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Thinking of all of you today - I just know Timmy is up there smiling down on you all from heaven - and perhaps visiting someplace where theres SNOW TOO! Amazing the magic of heaven :) Wishing you peace and comfort. Hope to get to see you and hug you after the holidays
Love you very much,

Laurie <fantasia550@comcast.net>
TIMMMMMYTOWN, NJ USA - Monday, December 25, 2006 6:49 AM CST
Dear Susan, it's Christmas Eve, & I can't stop thinking of you & your Angel Timmy. I hope you & the boys are enjoying the trip! I hope you feel Timmy's presence all around you! I hope the new year brings peace for you all. And I know the foundation will soar! Keeping you & all of your boys in my heart & prayers, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Sunday, December 24, 2006 1:51 PM CST

Each Christmas I remember
The ones of years ago;
I see my Parents and Grandparents with their Santa glow.

Each Christmas finds me dreaming
Of days that used to be,
When we hid presents here and there,
For all our family.

Each Christmas I remember
The smell in the air,
Of roasting turkey, pies
And cookies everywhere.

Each Christmas finds me longing
For Christmas now past,
And I am back in childhood
As long as memories last.

From our family to yours.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!

Beckywhittington <BeckyWhittington@adelphia.net>
- Sunday, December 24, 2006 10:13 AM CST
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Get Gifs at BestCodez.com

Love From Our Home To Your's

God Bless you


Kris and Family


Remembering Timmy........Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Kris <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Saturday, December 23, 2006 10:31 PM CST
Dear Susan & family~
Wishing you all peace, love and happiness as you enter the New year. May the blessed memories you have of Timmy continue to give you strength. Have a great time on your cruise...this Jersey girl is jealous!!Merry Christmas ....

Shannon Tarentino <buttrrkupp@verizon.net>
Clark, NJ 07066 - Friday, December 22, 2006 9:36 PM CST
Oh Susan,
Thank you for visiting Matthew's site! I thought you were gone already. What you say means so much to me! Have a good trip, I will see you when you get back!
Lisa, mom of MAtthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Friday, December 22, 2006 5:30 PM CST
Thinking of you this holiday season. I hope you enjoy your cruise.

Love, Tristan

Tristan Nelsen <tmnelsen@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, December 22, 2006 1:52 PM CST
Have a quite X mas Our family we be thinking of yours. Have a safe trip , We are waiting for timmy bear to come back this year, so far no sign of mother and cub, but it's been warm they have not denned up yet.
cathy <perry67@aol.com>
dingmans ferry, pa - Friday, December 22, 2006 1:42 PM CST
" What we have once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us'

Helen keller

Jenn <jenina23@comcast.net>
Sarasota, FL - Friday, December 22, 2006 12:02 AM CST
Thank you so much for checking on T.J's website. It means alot to me. I hope you and your family have a wonderful time on your cruise. Timmy is looking down at you and wishing you a very Merry Christmas. You are a very strong women and I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and your family. Have a Merry Christmas
Love Denise

Denise Paar <dolfin705@comcast.net>
Toms River], NJ - Friday, December 22, 2006 9:38 AM CST
I do hope that you are able to enjoy your trip atleast to some extent.. It sounds like there was a lot of yummy food at the Ronald Mc Donald house, and its a wonderful charity.. My company has a giving tree every year- we help a charity called Mothers Helping Mothers and I was very happy to participate, it feels good to the soul. This year they had two full van loads of gifts for children, so I hope that made their Christmas..
.. I know it is hard without Timmy but I think that although you can't see him, he is still there. I have another friend that lost her daughter (28yr old Janet) to GBM right after Thanksgiving and they see signs all around.. www.caringbridge.org/visit/janetmatrochano
I hope you enjoy your trip and that Timmy gives you some sort of sign that he's okay.. I wish you Comfort and Send my Love all the way from Florida..

jenn <jenina23@comcast.net>
Sarasota, FL - Friday, December 22, 2006 9:21 AM CST
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Hi Susan and family,

Just stopping by one last time before Christmas. Hope you get this message before you go...

I'm praying for a wonderful, relaxing trip ahead. I will be thinking of you guys and giving thanks for the the most wonderful gift of your "friendship"!

Susan, I'll look forward to hearing all about your cruise. I pray you feel Timmy all around you, because he is.

With hope, and lots of love,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, December 22, 2006 8:10 AM CST
Dear Susan,
Thinking of you and Timmy tonight. It's been a hard day. Trying to force myself to get packed for our trip, I'm already very tired but looking forward to the change in routine. So happy to hear that the RMH is working out so well, all because you knew you could do it and you didn't give up! I think of Timmy everytime I read my Christmas from Heaven ornament. Jacob and Timmy are watching us and are so very proud!
Have a wonderful trip,
Love, Lisa

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
CA - Thursday, December 21, 2006 9:28 PM CST
Dearest Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

I'm thinking of all of you tonight as you prepare to travel for what I hope will be a relaxing and comforting trip. I'm hoping that Wednesday night at RMH was very produtive and enjoyable for all of you involved. I am happy to know that you are establishing a foundation in Timmy's honor, what a wonderful tribute for such a very special boy. He is so very proud of his family, I'm sure of it!

We will be thinking of you over Christmas and we will be remembering Timmy and his magical and beautiful smile. May that very smile greet you each day by way of glorious, warm, sunshine.

Sending love and hugs,

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown,, NJ USA - Thursday, December 21, 2006 8:51 PM CST
I hate that CAT!! I bought and gave it to her and who does it beat up? Me!!! I was hoping that it was a baby it would grow to like all of us..guess not. I glad to hear about your foundation. What a wonderful way to honor your baby. I miss him so. I wish I could escape...any room in your bags? I'll try to be good. Yes, I can't wait for are tattoo reunion. It's going to be the best!! Have fun on the cruise...oh wait I can't go....I get sea sick!! I hope you feel the love of Timmy with ever ray of sunshine and twinkle of every star. I love you all and Merry Christmas.
Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Thursday, December 21, 2006 2:13 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Congratulations on Timmy's foundation - it will bring hope, comfort, and love to so many. Tonight at RMH must have been great - what a wonderful idea it was to bring extra joy, love, and homemade food!! to these special families. We wish you a blessed Christmas and a relaxing cruise filled with peace and hope. May your hearts be warmed by the light and love of your precious Angel.
Love and Hugs,
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 10:37 PM CST
I hope you have a wonderful cruise!
Miranda <nostalgic.one@gmail.com>
London, England - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 3:54 PM CST
Hi Susan,
So glad to hear you have the foundation! It will be great, something to be busy with and to help others! I know it will be great to get away from all of this, I hope you enjoy the cruise. I look foward to seeing you when you return to hear all about it!

Lisa, mom of Matthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Wednesday, December 20, 2006 5:54 AM CST
Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much for continuing to update the journal. It's been nearly a year since I first heard about Timmy and started visiting his website... I have come to look forward to "hearing" from you.

Before I started following Timmy's story, I really hadn't heard much about pediatric brain cancer. My husband's grandmother had brain cancer, but she was 80+ years old at the time... I didn't know that children were struggling with this awful disease.

Unfortunately, this past week I learned of another boy (seven years old) who lost his battle. We went to church with his family six or seven years ago, when we lived in Oklahoma. I first heard about his diagnosis last April... right around the time that your Timmy gained his angel wings. Of course, they have hope in the knowledge that their little boy was also their brother in Christ, but you know so well that the pain is still very real. Please add the Potter family to your prayers... I know they would appreciate it.

I'm sorry to leave you such a sad post today, so close to Christmas, but I couldn't think of anyone else who would truly understand.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful time on your cruise. Have a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year!

Patty Mullins <cPatty4CM@cableone.net>
Biloxi, MS USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 4:14 PM CST
Susan, I haven't been here is so long. Trying to get ready for the holidays, shopping, being sick, computer being sick, etc a lot of time has passed.

I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas! This year will be the hardest but at least you won't be at home. Being in the sun will make it feel like July instead of December (let's hope anyway). I'm sure you will feel Timmy's presence everywhere.

Our first Christmas we went to the movies to see "You've Got Mail" and ate Chinese food. We just needed to be alone with out thoughts and memories. Just a short seven weeks before life couldn't be better - now it couldn't get worse.

I'm glad you got to attend a candle lighting. I know you didn't care for The Compassionate Friends and I didn't realize CH had a similar service. Mike, Caitlyn and I have not missed a year since 1998 (caitlyn since 2001).

Please try to enjoy the time with your family for the holidays. I will be thinking of your family and Timmy.

Love and Hugs,


Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:51 AM CST
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Sending lots of love your way...

Merry Christmas Pauxtis Family!

Wow, I'm just so excited about the "The Timothy Pauxtis Foundation"! Susan, you continue to amaze me.

I can hardly wait to hear all about the lives that will be touched because of this great gift of love. Timmy's memory will be honored forever, thanks to such a loving and giving mom.

The dinner at the RMH sounds delightful! It makes me hungry just reading about it. When we lived at our RMH we looked forward to those dinners people lovingly prepared for us. I know these families will be so blessed by your labors of love Susan.

I'm so excited about your cruise too. What a perfect idea, I'll be thinking of you and your family all Christmas day. I'll look forward to hearing all about it.

Thanks Susan for teaching us all how to truly "live". You are the most giving person. My life has been so enriched by knowing you.

With so much love and admiration,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Monday, December 18, 2006 10:43 PM CST
Dear Susan, I am thinking of you & your angel Timmy all the time. I am glad you are going away, making new memories for the holiday this year. My wish for you is peace & some sort of happiness for the up coming year. You have honored Timmy in so many ways, I know he is so proud of you & all you have accomplished, & all that is to come. I will continue to hug my boys just a little bit longer, while remebering Timmy! Praying for you to feel Timmy around you this Christmas & always! Enjoy this trip, may God bless you & all of your boys, with much love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 9:37 PM CST
Dear Susan,
That is wonderful, all the work for Timmy's foundation...when Dave was in grad school, I typed for him, and I think I typed 501 (c) 3 about 2 million times for some big research paper...! What a generous thing, to share Timmy's wonderful legacy with so many others...any nurse benefitting from that scholarship will always have a special angel guiding his or her work.

Many prayers coming for a peaceful, sun-drenched, relaxing cruise. You are so much in my heart this week especially.

have fun at the RMH food fest (mmmmm)...that sounds like a great night, too.

with much love,

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 7:57 PM CST
Dear Susan
Thinking of you and our angel tonight. I will be visiting Timmy this week and pray that this holiday season brings you more joy than pain.

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 5:28 PM CST
Hi Susan and family,
I was visiting another Angels site and found this...

An Angel's Christmas Wish

I looked through the clouds and what did I see,
The face of my mother, and her thoughts were of me.
Her eyes filled with tears and her face looked so sad,
My wings fluttered softly and I felt so bad;
For I could do nothing to change how she felt,
Nor could I alter the hand fate had dealt.
My tears fell like raindrops, my heart felt so tight,
I lifted my face to heaven and told God of my plight,
For I can never be free just to fly,
As long as there's one lonely tear in your eye.
My years on earth were spent to please you,
And though what has happened was not my own choice,
The plan, my mother dear, came from a much higher voice.
As the birthday of our Savior and Lord draws so near,
I have a small plea I would like you to hear,
Remember me, Mom, with happiness and smiles,
And know when you do my soul will soar miles.
My wings will be light, and my heart will be free,
In the brightest sunshine is where you'.. see me.

~written by Sandy Siewers

Peace be with you and your family throughout the holiday and may God Bless you..

Vince ...dad of Angel Vincie.. forever 17 months old <Vinncenti@aol.com>
Chicago, Il 60193 - Sunday, December 17, 2006 10:00 PM CST
Thinking of you and Angel Timmy as Christmas approaches.
Miranda <nostalgic.one@gmail.com>
London, England - Sunday, December 17, 2006 5:16 PM CST
Susan and family, just checking in to see how you are all doing. I know you must hear this alot, but you are all still in our prayers, especially as the holidays approach, praying that you will find joy in this season as you remember Timmy and all the special memories you hold dear to your heart. Thank you for sharing your candelight evening with us all, and for being so brave to attend. Merry Christmas to you and your family, The McKays

Chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
Temecula, ca usa - Sunday, December 17, 2006 0:21 AM CST
You will continue to be in our prayers - praying that you all have a joyful holiday. I can only beging to imagine how much you miss Timmy - please know that there are many of us out here continuing to pray for your family- for strength and God's peace
Love, Celeste Welch (m/o Valerie Grace - www.valeriegrace.com ) <candcwelch@yahoo.com>
Archer, FL USA - Saturday, December 16, 2006 9:43 PM CST
Hi Susan, I'm thinking of you right now, and stopped by to visit your precious little boy. Scott and Timmy are the stars in heaven, shining down on us to let us know they are happy. I am thinking of you and sending prayers for your strength during this difficult holiday season. Send my love to Jay too.
Wishing you peace, sending you love, praying for your continued courage....

Romelle Lysenko, Scott's mom <rlysenko@patmedia.net>
Somerset, NJ USA - Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:44 AM CST
thinking of you tonight...

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, December 15, 2006 10:26 PM CST
Susan...I saw your posts and Jim's page and I came here to check and see how you are doing. What a beautiful tribute to all of the angels. I am sure it was a difficult night for you and Jay but it looks like is was a wonderful event to honor your angel and the other angels from CHOP. You are an amazing woman and I am so proud to call you my friend. Thanks for the support. I know that you know how much it means to me. I will be thinking about you and Timmy as I always do when I go to CHOP on Thursday. I remember the last time that I saw you, Timmy and Jay. I will always remember that day. Hang in there my friend. I can only guess how difficult these days are for all of you. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Aimee
Aimee Disney <Briannaashleysmom@yahoo.com>
Aldan, PA USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 7:34 PM CST
What a beautiful poem! I hope the evening brought you some peace.

So many children lost . . so many bright candles snuffed out far too soon. My heart aches at the thought. God Bless each little angel in heaven and each grieving family.

Roseanne <rosanella@hotmail.com>
Howell, NJ USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:59 PM CST
Dear Susan and family, What a beautiful tribute to so many sweet innocent children. I can only imagine how many tears were shed by all in attendance. Please take care and know that we will keep Timmy's memory alive this season as we appreciate all that we have.

Sharon Lotito <pop21@verizon.net>
Red Bank, NJ USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 3:45 PM CST
Dear Susan,
I am so glad that the evening was such a beautiful tribute to all the angel children.

We met Woody in the oncology playroom back in January, and he played some songs and gave Genna a CD, which is a favorite here. He has such a heart for the children...

And the poem is so beautiful...
sending hugs and always peace,

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 12:09 AM CST
I like the thumbs up "I"m fine" picture too. I can see in the pictures Timmy was a sweet precious boy who was fun to be around. I miss him and any other chances to take more pictures of that smile and full of life face Timmy had.
David melton angel wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:26 AM CST
Wow -- what an amazing evening I am sure full of a spectrum of emotions.

Love and peace your way.

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:06 AM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
What a special, touching tribute. Glad that you all felt the strength to attend, and join in honoring the love, courage, and light of all the precious Angels. The poem is beautiful. Thinking of all of you.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, December 11, 2006 10:32 PM CST
Oh Susan,

Thanks so much for sharing that beautiful update... I know one star that was beaming extra bright last night!

The ceremony sounded so touching, and the poem was awesome. I'm so blessed you now have a yearly tradition to remember sweet Timmy and all the other special angels out there.

I was thinking of you at 7:00 and wondered how you were doing. I believe in time you will get stronger and stronger Susan. You've already done so many things I know you would of never dreamed you could do a year ago from now.

I'll continue to keep you covered in prayer, and I'll keep remembering that blue eyed little boy who touched so many lives!

Sending a great big hug,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Monday, December 11, 2006 9:10 PM CST
Dear Susan,
I love Timmy's tree! I will be by to add an ornament and visit him. I had a candle burning on Sunday night. My thoughts of Timmy are on going! Love to all and thanks for being my friend.

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, December 11, 2006 5:43 PM CST
Dear Susan,
I was thinking of you all so much last night...and our gingerbread candle was burning for all the angels. I hope last night went ok.
prayers, hugs, and peace,

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Monday, December 11, 2006 1:24 PM CST
Good Morning Susan,

Just stopping by before I leave for the day. Wanted to see if you had updated.

I thought of you last night, and prayed also. I hope you felt all the love that I was sending your way.

I'll be back!

Love you,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Monday, December 11, 2006 8:32 AM CST
I am thinking of you and your family tonight...returning to
CHOP is a big, big step.....even being able to do so is an indication that you ARE healing even if you dont feel that way at all...

I got my candles lit for our angels and all the little angels I have come to know though CB..... little Matthew....Kortney..... Kyle...Jake R...
....James...the kids are smiling down on us...I can just imagine them all giggling .. pointing and
shouting out ...LOOK!! OVER THERE... there's MY candle!!

Prayers and comfort and peace to all the families of the precious angels....

Vince ....dad of angel Vincie...forever 17 months old <vinncenti@aol.com>
Chicago, Il - Sunday, December 10, 2006 7:08 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
We lit our candle at 7, and prayed for the special Angels and Angel families. We hope all the Angel families there tonight, and elsewhere, felt each others strength, the love of their Angel, and all the prayers being sent your way.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Sunday, December 10, 2006 6:55 PM CST
Thinking of you tonight and knowing you are on your way to CHOP.....you are so brave. I have my candles for Timmy and Kyle. I love the Timmy Christmas tree. It is so pretty. Your such a good Mom. My heart is with you. We love you and sending you a big hug!!

Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Sunday, December 10, 2006 5:13 PM CST
We just got back from our memorial service - there's a candle buring for Timmy in Dorchester Abbey near Oxford, I lit him one as well as James. I hope going back to the hospital wasn't too difficult for you,

Love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Sunday, December 10, 2006 1:49 PM CST
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To my dearest Susan,

Lighting a candle tonight in memory of our sweet Timmy. He will FOREVER have a place in my heart. His smile is etched there.

Praying for you also tonight. I pray you find comfort as you gather with all these parents.

Love you Susan, wish I was there standing next to you!

With hope,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, December 10, 2006 8:49 AM CST
Though we'll be away overnight, my candle is packed in
my bag and will be lit tomorrow at 7. The world will seem so bright for that moment tomorrow for all of us!
With Love and so much Faith,
Your friend,
Peggy B.

Peggy Biebel <biebels4@msn.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 10:52 PM CST
Dear Susan,
The tree is wonderful!!! I can feel your pain as we approach this blessed season. Yes, I also think of that special poem as a sort of comfort to all who lost a very special person this year. My sister told me about it in November and yes, we did order ornaments for my 6 siblings to have a special rememberance of my mom and dad. What a year!
Now for some nice news, the students of Saint Paul's decided to have a Toy Drive and to donate the toys to CHOP in the memory of their favorite angel, TIMMY and also because a cousin of two of our students is currently being treated there with a brain tumor. I'm sure Luke's family could use some extra prayers these days.
Keep the faith and all our prayers will be answered.
I'll write soon,
Love, KAren

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
- Saturday, December 9, 2006 11:33 AM CST
Hello Susan,
OH....So beautiful the tree is. I too made one for Matthew, I wonder if it withstood the wind last night. I am glad you have Marianna, that is so speacial. I am going to post about the candle lighting on our site as well. Chop sent us candles, I couldn't go back there so soon, I do not know how you do it. It is your love from Timmy, I do know that. Sending you a huge hug this morning!

Lisa, mom of Matthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Saturday, December 9, 2006 4:38 AM CST

I have thought of you so often in the last few weeks. I got both packages off in the mail last week, so they should be arriving soon. Thanks for helping me find families to do that for. I think you are so amazing and brave to have gone to Kyle's memorial service and still be able to reach out to others at RMH. Your entire family are our thoughts this holiday season. Oh, and I love the Christmas tree. It's perfect.

Tatiana R.
Kadena AB, Japan - Saturday, December 9, 2006 0:38 AM CST
Dear Susan,it is hard to put into words how much your journal has meant to me. You have certainly taught me not to take anyone for granted! I can't let my boys leave for school without just one more hug! (& when I see my son in college,I can't stop hugging him!) You are truly an angel on Earth, I know your Angel Timmy is smiling down on you, telling all his friends, "that's my mom!", so proudly. I will have my candles burning brightly on Dec.10th for Timmy & all the children lost too soon! Keeping you & all of your boys in my thoughts & prayers, with much love & hugs, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, December 8, 2006 11:06 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
We will certainly honor all the Angel children by lighting a candle too. Sharing such a special time with Marianna was a fantastic idea and we are so glad it brought you happiness and joy during this difficult time. The Timmy tree is a beautiful way to have your Angel near, and Timmy's place is so full of love and caring. Thinking of all of you and your Angel.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Friday, December 8, 2006 10:00 PM CST
Dear Susan,
We will light a candle on Sunday, a special candle for all our angels. Too many...

The tree is lovely, the blue is perfect.

I have no good words today, just tears for how hard this season must be...I'm so sorry, and I wish I could send a real hug instead of just a cyber one. But you are always in my thoughts and prayers, and Genna is always so impressed when you post on her site, that "Timmy's Mom" cares so much that she checks up on her...that means a lot.

anyway, wishing you peace and solace,

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, December 8, 2006 7:16 PM CST
Dear Susan,

We have a memorial service with candles on Sunday as well, and we are going back to the hospital for the first time on Friday. I'll be thinking of you on Sunday, the tree is beautiful.
Love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Friday, December 8, 2006 5:13 PM CST
Stopping by to send you lots of hugs Susan. Timmy's tree is beautiful and I know many will leave a special ornament for him.
I will be thinking of you Sunday at 7 and light a candle at that time also.

Kim <ak825@ptd.net>
Stroudsburg, PA USA - Friday, December 8, 2006 4:01 PM CST
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart. Helen Keller

Hi Susan,

Oh, I love that quote so much, really one of my very favorites. Yes, the most beautiful things (like your deep love for Timmy) can not be touched, but only felt. Coming from Helen who did not have the advantage of sight or hearing, gosh, I believe she was able to tap into things many of us have never experienced!

So glad your visit at the RMH went well, and it was so nice to hear what a special time you and Marianna had. Ahhh, I'm sure she adores you Susan, what a blessing!

She will learn from you what it truly means to give out of your heart.

I'm so glad you decided to put up the Timmy Tree! This will always serve as a reminder of the things he loved. The tree by his grave site is so pretty too. I know it will fill up before you know it with ornaments.

Please don't feel bad about being sad this Christmas. I know you know the true meaning, and for that you are grateful, but even Mary knew from the beginning her baby boy would one day grow up and die for us, in the midst of her joy I'm sure there was great sorrow too.

OK, I better stop here, sorry for this rambling.

I'll be thinking of you on Sunday night!

With hope, and always LOTS OF LOVE,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, December 8, 2006 1:37 PM CST
Stopped by to give some hugs straight up to heaven to your sweet Timmy. I was thinking about you and your family Susan..... I was having those sad feelings....holiday time is so hard.... The Christmas poem brought tears to my eyes... it was so touching.... also that music from your journal page... that flash presentation... I am Not Gone by Terri McPherson...it is too beautiful for words...I seek it out over and over and over.... it comforts me...and its so true

Susan.... Timmys tree is so beautiful!!! Blue huh... big grin here......it's reminding me of those sparkling blue eyes I have seen in his pictures!

My family is planning to participate in the candle lighting on Sunday at 700.......we will light one for ALL the special little Angels .....one for our little Angel and one to represent all the precious Angels I have become familiar with here.....Timmy.. Matthew C.....Kortney.... Jake R ..Kyle... we will also send prayers up for all the kids and their families still fighting the fight..Jordan...Brent...

Susan.... you are a remarkable person...thank you for continuing to give of yourself in this journal...you are such a comfort to others that have to walk this difficult path....

Timmy is with you always and I bet he is bragging about you up there right now! May God bless you

Vince... father of Angel Vincie.. forever 17 months old

Vince Annerino and family <Vinncenti@aol.com>
Chicago, Illinois - Friday, December 8, 2006 1:28 PM CST
Hello Susan,

Thinking of you and Timmy this morning. I love your new poem! I hope to see you soon!

Lisa, mom of matthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Friday, December 8, 2006 5:41 AM CST
Hi Susan,
You continue to be an inspiration by the strength you display through these journals. You are doing an incredible job honoring your son and helping so many people around you. May you and your husband and sons find a "special" kind of peace this holiday season. Thank you for continuing to share your journey, and although we do not know each other, I respect all you have done and the feelings you have shared...Wishing you all many blessings this holiday season...

Shannon Tarentino <buttrrkupp@verizon.net>
Clark, NJ USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 9:09 PM CST
Susan- We are thinking of you and your family during this holy season and you are in our prayers. We miss Timmy but know that he is watching over us. Stay safe.
Rich Knochel # 5286 <knucks66@aol.com>
Atlantic Highlands, NJ US - Thursday, December 7, 2006 5:04 PM CST
Dear Susan,

Thinking of you this morning with love. I am so pleased to know that you look forward to your evenings at RMH. May those evenings continue to bring strength and the continued hope of healing. Sending loving hugs.

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown,, NJ USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 9:38 AM CST
Remembering Timmy and praying for Kyle. Keep the faith.
David melton angel wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, December 6, 2006 11:48 AM CST
"I love you all dearly
Now dont shed a tear
Cause Im spending my
Christmas with Jesus this year"...

To my dearest Susan,

Oh, the poem was so beautiful and so true. As sad as it will be for you and all of us that Timmy is not with us for Christmas, he will be spending his first one in Heaven! Can you just imagine what a celebration he will experience?

Susan, I love the idea of the "Hoops For Timmy", what a creative way for the kids to raise money and something positive for Timmy. You are always thinking of ways to bless others Susan.

I was also blessed to read about another special friend the Lord has brought to you, Peggy. Yes, someone else on the journey you are on to come along side you. I know you will be just as much of a blessing as she is to you.

I'll look forward to hearing how Monday night went at the RMH. I'm just so happy knowing you are there. You are one amazing woman Susan.

I hope you are doing too much, grief is a lot of work, please take care of yourself.

Sending lots of love to you tonight from a very chilly Louisiana,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:11 PM CST
Hi Susan,

Thinking about you and continuing to pray for a peaceful holiday sprinkled with joy.

Love, Celeste <candcwelch@yahoo.com>
Archer, FL USA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 7:40 AM CST
Dear Susan,
What an angel you have become to so many families.
Sign us up for Timmy's scholarship fundraiser. The girls and I will bake.

Ginny Smith <ggckc@yahoo.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, December 4, 2006 7:04 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
The fundraiser sounds fantastic, and the kids will feel great participating and giving to help other children in honor of Angel Timmy. It is wonderful that you went to Kyle's celebration, knowing how hard it would be. The strength and support you give to one another is priceless. The poem is so beautiful and uplifting. Hope you have a beautiful night at RMH.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, December 4, 2006 8:34 AM CST
Likewise Susan.

Your hug gave me hope and strength through your heart of love and your precious Timmy.

I am so glad we got to see each other again, despite the circumstances.

Keep us posted on the fundraiser -- awesome idea!

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Sunday, December 3, 2006 10:13 PM CST
Dear Susan,
The fundraiser sounds like it will be so much fun for the kids, and such a great event all around.

And yikes it got cold here today...I kept moving from one hot beverage to the next, I still have a scarf on and I'm inside (and yesterday the kids were nearly in summer clothes!).

Know that you are always in our thoughts & prayers,

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, December 2, 2006 8:42 PM CST
Oh Susan I am so sorry to read about Kyle. I am glad his mom has you in her corner love. Bless you for driving all that way - it had to be so painful for you and Jay. :(

I just wanted to stop by to say hi and I love you. I am glad RMH is getting busier and you are enjoying your time there. If there is anything you need for Timmys fundraisers honey, please do not hesitate to call on me! I know Im not home during the day, but I'd love to help in any way I can.

Always here for you and always praying for you - especially through this very difficult season. I hope to see you and give you big hugs soon...

TIMMMMMMYTOWN, NJ USA - Saturday, December 2, 2006 6:33 AM CST

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Hi Susan,

Dropping in today to let you know you were on my mind! I pray this finds you keeping warm, and surrounded by all the love you continue to give away.

How's things at the RMH?

I was so sorry to read about Kyle, another angel that will be waiting to greet us one day. Heaven must be the most beautiful place, it's filled with so many precious children!

I pray you have a nice weekend...I know this season is going to be so hard for you Susan. Just remember, Timmy is always close by.

With lots of love, and many hugs,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, December 1, 2006 12:08 AM CST
thinking of you today, sending thoughts of strength & peace...


Kristin, Genna'smom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:36 PM CST
Thank You for checking in on my mom, good to hear from you. Yes, this disease is horrible and it affects so many without discrimination.. scary, very scary for me and everyone else.. Thank You for All, you have really touched me. I remember first coming across Timmy's Site and reading every journal entry.. I was in tears, smiling and sad and more tears. But he has a wonderful mother, especially when you decorated the entire house for Timmys Homecoming, that touched my Heart. I have no doubt in my mind that You and yours made Timmy very happy and made him feel loved; which unfortunately not all people have and That is very important, especially for someone who is battling anything in their life.. So I am Glad to have "met" you too and I hope that you continue to drop in, as i will to this site..
PS... I think its a Great idea to get away for Christmas, being that it is usually the hardest holiday to deal with..
Lots of Love..

Jennifer Perez <jenina23@comcast.net>
Sarasota, Fl - Thursday, November 30, 2006 3:15 PM CST
I'm praying for you Susan.

Ann Watts/Angel Wings <bubbasoldlady@cebridge.net>
Jacksonville, AR USA - Thursday, November 30, 2006 8:25 AM CST
Dear Susan,
Does the heart breaking news ever end? I am so sorry to hear about another victim of this dreadful disease. My heart is with you and Kyle's family.

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 8:30 PM CST
Susan.. Thinking of you and decided to drop by and see how you were doing.. I did drop a note for the other moms like you suggested and am filled with much sadness at the lost of so many little ones but glad that you have found a few ladies that can relate and that you can talk to..

Jennifer Perez <jenina23@comcast.net>
Sarasota, Fl - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 1:31 PM CST
Hello Susan,
Thinking of you this morning. How horrible that we have all these days to get through, I hope you find comfort in all the people that care about you and your family. Hold on to your faith and may you find peace in the love that surrounds you!

Lisa, mom of Matthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:04 AM CST
I am so sorry to hear about Kyle. I know that must break your heart. I have been reading your website constantly and just have not written. Please know that you and your family are always in my prayers. You have many firsts coming up and so glad to read that you will be going on a cruise and also glad to hear about working at the Ronald McDonald House.
Sheila Houston <shouston@comcast.net>
Lincroft, Nj USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 7:36 PM CST
Remembering Timmy
David melton angel wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, November 28, 2006 12:59 AM CST
Thinking of you, Susan.

Love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:12 AM CST
Dear Susan, hard to believe how a moment can forever change your life. One of my boys once asked me,"wouldn't it be great if we had a rewind button in real life?" How I wish!! You, Jay Andrew & Jason, & especially your beautiful boy, your Angel Timmy, are always on my mind & forever in my heart. With much love, & hope, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 1:01 AM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

On this heartbreaking anniversary I wanted you to know my thoughts are with your beautiful family. In just two years, lessons have been taught and learned, battles have been won and lost and lives have been forever changed. Your precious baby has taught me so much, his smile and goodness are with me, always. I wish you peace tonight and always, I pray as well for Angel Kyle and his family.

I think that traveling for Christmas is such a wonderful idea. I have been told it is very wise to change the traditions on the holidays to help move through them. I am sure that your family's love will help sustain you through the season.

I continue to think of all of you and pray for your strength and comfort.

Sending love,

ELizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, November 27, 2006 9:28 PM CST
Dear Susan,
On this anniversary day, my tears & prayers are with you & Jay & Jason & Andrew. And as always, I'm so sorry. So very sorry...

I know that Timmy was waiting for Kyle, welcoming him to a big welcome party...full of joy and freedom from pain.

may you have peace tonight,

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Monday, November 27, 2006 7:52 PM CST
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To my dearest Susan,

I've missed you, and I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to get to sign Timmy's guestbook...

There are just no words to express how sorry I am about Kyle, and for all the many memories you have now on Timmy's anniversary of his dx.

What a journey this has been indeed.

Susan, I just love your outlook on life. Your two gifts are so precious, "Faith and Hope". I know you possess them, and you so generously share them with all of us.

Thank you for showing me what faith and hope look like.

I'm sending lots of hugs your way tonight my friend.

With so much love,


PS I just love the song playing!

Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Monday, November 27, 2006 7:24 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Thinking of all of you today. Glad that the ALPHA classes were such a blessing. Hope the beautiful weather, fundraising activities, and RMH lift your spirits. It was wonderful spending time together!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, November 27, 2006 8:08 AM CST
Susan can I hide in your luggage? I promise to be good!! It's good for you to get away, I think of you so much lately and wish I lived closer. Thinking about selling my house and buying a motor home so I can be where ever "super crazy Mom" is needed. hmmm are you laughing at me or with me? I love you sweetie.....don't ever forget that!! Hugs to you and praying like mad for our KY! I'm going to go bribe your son with a full year college tuition paid for a photo of you "having to much fun" if you now what I mean.
Love that smile......priceless!!!

Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Sunday, November 26, 2006 4:57 PM CST
Hi Susan, stopping by to say hi and checking to see how your Thanksgiving was. Always keeping you and your family in prayer, especially through the holiday season. Will check back in soon, Chris

chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
temecula, ca usa - Sunday, November 26, 2006 9:57 AM CST
Dear Susan,
You were much in my thoughts yesterday...and thank you for rejoicing with us in Stable. Your love and generosity of spirit are such a blessing to everyone who reads here...

I hope you have a fabulous cruise with lots of drinks involving pineapple & paper umbrellas.

and we are praying so hard for Kyle, too...

too many little ones...
anyway, good luck as you unveil your first project!

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, November 24, 2006 10:13 PM CST
Dearest Susan and family,I am sending you the biggest hug! I miss seeing you and your family, you are ALL in my heart, as the days go by so fast with work and every day life not a day goes by without me missing that beautiful smile of Timmy's.Please know that you are loved so much, Love Jane xxoo
Jane [rehab] <elysees4@verizon.net>
- Friday, November 24, 2006 6:21 PM CST
My dearest Susan,
You always manage to let us know where you are in your journey and then lift us up with something beautiful. I honestly feel that writing is in your future. You have a beautiful way of letting us into your heart and comforting us all at the same time. I'm so glad that the day after Thanxgiving is here for you and I'm thrilled that you felt Timmy at your table yesterday.
With my love and prayers always...

Mary Pat <mph317@yahoo.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, November 24, 2006 5:46 PM CST
Dear Susan, sending lots of love, hope & prayers to you & your family on this difficult day. I know as a mom the thing I am most thankful for is my boys, may all of your boys surround you with hugs this day! Wishing you peace today & always. Happy to hear you are doing well at the RMH. You have so much to offer those parents. You continue to be such an inspiration to me! May God bless you, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Thursday, November 23, 2006 8:01 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Thinking of all of you today and Angel Timmy. May your loving Angel bring you love, strength, and hope today and always. He is a blessing to all of us and we are forever thankful to have all of you in our lives.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Thursday, November 23, 2006 11:51 AM CST
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
My dear Susan...when I light the candles at dinner today, I will be sending you all of my love and my big hugs. I pray that you feel Timmys loving, gentle presence today with you all and that it gives you beautiful, lasting peace. He is okay mom and he is ALWAYS with you. This is our third thanksgiving without mom...and finally this year I am not overcome with grief stricken tears. As you walk along your journey, I pray that your tears will become lighter as will that feeling in your heart. I know your angel Timmy is whispering right in Gods ear to help in your healing. Praying so very hard for you today...

I love you honey,

TIMMYTOWN, NJ USA - Thursday, November 23, 2006 7:50 AM CST
Susan my dear friend, I know you are feeling blue this Thanksgiving, I can feel it all this way. Tomorrow will be hard but I know Timmy, your baby is watching his Mommy and family and he is proud of all of you. your doing good work at the house that love built, and we are all proud of you for that. Take care and tomorrow say a toast to our little guy who we all love and miss and tell him we are so proud of how brave he was. And I am proud of you and I am glad we got the chance to meet. Hugs and love to all. I thinking and praying for you.
Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:30 PM CST
Thinking and praying for your family. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

BeckyWhittington <BeckyWhittington@adelphia.net>
WV - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 9:54 PM CST
Dearest Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

I am thinking of all of you this evening. As I was preparing food today I thought of the beautiful photos of Timmy you posted last year. He was helping you prepare food for Thanksgiving dinner. I was struck then and now by his sweet, loving and bright eyes - even in the midst of such a hard battle. I will be thinking of all of you tomorrow, especially our HERO. I send to you the blessings of family's unending love and the hope of healing.

I haven't been able to check in lately - things here are the same. I was so pleased to learn tonight about Jason's wonderful news. Great job Jason!! I have to tell you, I knew you'd do it all along (easy for me to say!). How wonderful to have such a bright and exciting future ahead. I do hope to hear those very words, "Ladies and Gentlemen...this is your captain, Jason Pauxtis..". You will be the first pilot I know, that's cool!!!

Susan, I am so happy that RMH is making you feel good. It is such a beautiful and generous way for you to honor Timmy and truly help families whose jounrey you so understand. May you find peace and fulfillment each time you enter. You are a wonderful woman.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I hope the day is filled with gentle memories that swell your heart with love and pride. You are on my mind and in my heart.

With love,
Elizabeth, Joe, Amanda & Christopher

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middlteown, NJ USA - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 9:18 PM CST
Dear Susan & Family,

Sending many prayers for comfort

on this Thanksgiving.....

Your in Our Hearts, Thoughts and Prayers.

Love and Hug's,

God Bless you,

Kris & Family

Remembering and Loving "Timmy"

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Danny <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Wednesday, November 22, 2006 6:59 PM CST
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Dear Susan and family,

Just stopping by tonight to let you know I'll be thinking of you all tomorrow. I will be praying too.

Susan, you never cease to amaze me, I know your dinner will be filled with so much LOVE and Timmy's presence will be there with you all.

Always remember this promise when you think of Timmy:

1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV

"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him"

Timmy is experiencing what we all would only dream of now. He is in the best and most loving hands.

Giving thanks for you,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 6:32 PM CST
Dear Susan and family,
I hope that you enjoy being together - your family is your strength.
Wishing you blessings on Thanksgiving and always. All of you will be in our thoughts and Thanksgiving prayers.


Roseanne Silvertein <silversteinr@middletownk12.org>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 8:43 AM CST
Hi, I am friends with Lisa, Matthews mom, and I heard of your website through her. Please know that I now pray for you and your family. I pray for you to find the strength and courage to get through this especially tough time of year. I am glad that you three have found eachother. It must help to have people to talk to who truly understand what you are feeling.
Peace to you,
Eva Scimone

Eva Scimone <eva3girls@aol.com>
Manalapan, NJ - Tuesday, November 21, 2006 7:16 PM CST
Hi, Susan...
Looks like I'm following Donna here...thank you for all of your prayers and support this week. Every night when we say Genna's prayers she makes sure we don't forget to ask Timmy and Justis to ask Jesus to help her to get well. I am grateful for all of your prayers, and for being happy with and for us.

This got kind of rambly, but I am always thinking of you. Have a blessed Thanksgiving...we are certainly blessed for having gotten to know you & your family.


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Tuesday, November 21, 2006 6:20 PM CST
Dear Susan and family, Please know that I still check your website several times a week to check and see how your all doing. Just wanted to let you know that your in my thoughts and prayer this Thanksgiving. May you have a peaceful day.
Donna Obssuth (Genna's Aunt)

Donna Obssuth <DonnaObssuth@aol.com>
Wayne, NJ USA - Tuesday, November 21, 2006 2:40 PM CST
hoping you and your family have a wonderful thanksgiving....
bob anstey <bobanstey@austin.rr.com>
smithville, tx usa - Tuesday, November 21, 2006 8:42 AM CST
Hi Susan,
I am Lisa C.'s niece, and Matthew's proud big cousin/godmother. I am so sorry for your loss, what a handsome boy Timmy is, like our Matthew. This is a terrible time with the holidays coming up. Like I wrote on Kortney's site to Kristen, I am so thankful that my aunt has found some nice friends to talk to who have been through the same tragedy. I hope you can all be there for each other and keep one another strong, to make it through to the new year. Hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving- buffet sounds like fun!- Liz Caputo

Liz <lizziered1120@aol.com>
- Monday, November 20, 2006 9:56 PM CST
Sounds like your keeping yourself busy, and finding lots of awesome ways to honor Timmy!!! That is really great! I love hearing stories about people making a difference.

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Wishing your family a wonderful "Thanksgiving" filled with lots of family, friends, love, and good food!!! :)

We are always keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers.

Hugs, Sammy Nichols & Family

Desiree (Sammy's Mommy)
Gordonsville, VA USA - Monday, November 20, 2006 10:01 AM CST
Hi Susan,
I just wrote a wonderful guestbook entry and it got lost. I don't know what it is with me and these Caringbridge sites lately? Anyway, I'll try again...

I just wrote in Lisa's guestbook that Kortney is getting her birthday party planned and of course Timmy and Matthew are invited. I figure because she will have more boys than usual she will probably stray away from the Bratz theme and go with an animal theme.

You made me cry with the thought of Jason flying close to Timmy. That is such a wonderful thought!

I'm glad you find working at the Ronald McDonald House helpful. I'm sure your group of friends will come up with some great fundraising ideas for the scholarship. Please let me know when your first function is, I would love to attend.

I want to say have a nice Thanksgiving, but I don't feel it's appropriate. Just know I will be thinking of you and Lisa that day as we will all be in the same boat, missing our children.

Love Ya,

Kristen Gillette <soccrmom3@aol.com>
Oceanport, NJ US - Monday, November 20, 2006 8:31 AM CST
Hi Susan,
Wow, you got me crying again-love the new song. I am glad you had a good night brainstorming Friday. That is so amazing about the hat and the note left for Timmy! A buffet sounds great, I just bought the smallest turkey, just us. I am glad that Andrew is home with you this week, the more company the better.

Lisa, mom of Mattthew, forever five

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Monday, November 20, 2006 5:20 AM CST
......I am gald I was finally able to visit. I will make it a point every time I am in town from now on. Please find peace and stength this holiday season.
Dan Wilbert/www.caringbridge.org/va/matthew <Teachguns@aol.com>
Yorktown, VA USA - Monday, November 20, 2006 5:14 AM CST
Thinking of you, Susan. The silly dancing reminds me of my James. I'm happy you are enjoying the volunteering. I just had a lunch with 5 or 6 other parents who lost children, sad but they are people who know how you feel,

Love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Monday, November 20, 2006 1:59 AM CST
Dear My dearest Susan,

Oh, as always, I look forward to each update. Sorry I have not been around this week... It's been crazy.

I was so blessed to read you had another good night at the RMH house once again. I was so touched to read Ceil made the effort to stop by and visit with you! Susan, you make such an impression on everyone you meet.

And then, I was so blessed to read about that special lunch you had with Kristin and Lisa. Isn't that beautiful how the Lord arranged for you all to meet? I know you will continue to bond and grow strong together as the time goes by. This is healing for you Susan.

The wine and cheese party sounded like a success. I can hardly wait to hear what ideas you finally come up with!

And finally, I like the idea of the buffet for Thanksgiving. Timmy will be there as your honored guest, ALWAYS. His sweet spirit and presence will be so strong as you gather together. Timmy was a part of all of your lives.

I'll be back soon. Love you Susan!

Keep holding on to Jesus and to each other,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, November 19, 2006 10:14 PM CST
Hi Susan and family, It is good to hear that you got your wish to volunteer. I know you are going to help so many people in the months and years to come. It sounds as if you may have helped someone already. I am so happy that your boys have managed to accomplish their goals despite everything life has thrown at that them. You and your husband must be so proud. If you need any help with fund raising for Timmy's scholarship please let me know. As always take care and know that you are thought of often.
Sharon Lotito <pop21@verizon.net>
Red Bank, NJ USA - Sunday, November 19, 2006 5:18 PM CST
Hi Susan
I sent you an e mail tonight-I hope you got it. Let me know. Thinking of you today and everyday!

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Sunday, November 19, 2006 5:05 PM CST
Hi Susan, just stopped in to tell you I was thinking of you and your Timmy today....I watched his "My Life" video ...what a beautiful little guy he was!
Hope your work at RMH went well..we have 3 here in the Chicago area ...I may look into getting involved in some of the fund raising for a particular home....most likely the one that serves Children's Memorial Hospital...
I hope you have a busy weekend..preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday...I think that is a great idea to honor Timmy by setting a place for him and lighting a candle...My prayers are with you and your family as you get through yet another difficult first without Timmy.... he will be there in spirit with his bluest eyes and beautiful smile......take care and may God bless you and yours..... Vince

Vince ...dad of Angel Vincie <Vinncenti@aol.com>
Schaumburg, Il - Saturday, November 18, 2006 11:56 AM CST
Susan, Thank you so very much for signing my moms page.. Very much appreciated. I tried to see Timmy's Video yesterday but I dont know if it was the fact that my tears didnt let me think straight or the computer was not working but today I was able to view the video, and what a Gorgeous Child he was!! And the beginning, the Butterfly.. Amazing because that is my mother's favorite and she has a pin that she wears when she is in good spirits and a Turtle pin when she's sick or down... Seeing that brought chills.. I read the complete journal today, and the pictures of you and Timmy.. you have the kindest eyes and I thought it was wonderful how you decorated your home w/ dozens of balloons for his arrival.. I hope you are doing well!
Please Keep in Touch..

Sarasota, fl - Friday, November 17, 2006 3:01 PM CST
By the way.. Timmy IS A LEGACY.. from up North to Down south.. all the way around!! And so are You my dear!!
Jenn <jenina23@comcast.net>
Sarasota, Fl 34230 - Thursday, November 16, 2006 2:10 PM CST
Susan, I came across your page from many other wonderful pages. I am so deeply sorry for your loss, even though I dont know you or your little angel, My heart breaks for you and I hope that slowly but surely the sadness would fade away and nothing but wonderful memories of Timmy surround your thoughts. I am glad the RMD House is so Lucky and was so smart to add you on to the team of Parents and children alike who would need a compassionate person. I can see the love in your eyes through the pictures, even the sadness.. Timmy was a Great boy and had a Great family...
Love, Peace and HUGS - i gave timmy a few hugs and One BIG ONE for you!!!

Jennifer <jenina23@comcast.net>
Sarasota, FL - Thursday, November 16, 2006 2:08 PM CST
Susan....it's been a while. I am so glad to here about RMH. You will be wonderful. I am sure that today will go smoothly and I hope that you find comfort in helping others. You are an amazing woman and a true inspiration to people like me. I have missed you and wanted you to know that I am thinking about you. Sending lots of love and hugs your way tonight. Love, Aimee
Aimee Disney <Briannaashleysmom@yahoo.com>
Aldan, PA USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 6:16 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Hope tonight at RMH went smoothly. Again, our congrats to Jason and now added congrats to Andrew!!! Hoping your brainstorming session is very productive - it will be wonderful for you to be surrounded by so many caring friends who want to help!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 6:16 PM CST
Thinking of you today, as always. I know you'll do great tonight at RMH, and I look forward to hearing how your brainstorming party goes. You really do inspire me.


Kristin, g's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 12:06 AM CST
Way to go JASON. I'm so proud of you!!

Susan how did all go? I have to take David to wrestling practice. Gee the never give up on giving me gray hair. I know you will be out there shoveling your path. Your still a Mommy!! I know with Kyle this is hurting you so much and I wish I could fix that. We will one day win the battle of the tumor boogers!! I plan on stepping a few myself. Until then my friend one day at a time. I miss you all. Lots of Love to all of you. HUGS

Ori the crazy lady and Gab's who can't remember her real hair color <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 4:10 PM CST
Thank you for sharing the slideshow with all of us. It says so much!!
I began reading your caringbridge site quite some time ago, and check on you regularly. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers daily.
Thank you again!!

Meg <megoonie99@yahoo.com>
Go Bucks!, OH - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 1:43 PM CST
Hi Susan,
Wanted to let you know I was thinking of you! I am looking foward to Thursday!
Lisa, mom of Matthew, forever five,

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
- Monday, November 13, 2006 8:42 PM CST
Hi Susan...I wanted to thank you for the info you posted about the ABTA in your journal ..I forwarded a link to a good friend whose sister was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor in the beginning of Oct.....let me introduce myself..
My name is Vince and I have lost a 17 month old boy many years ago..I found your sweet precious Timmys site when linked to Jake R 's site on a message board on AOL..
I have been reading about your Timmy for about a month now..and have been so deeply moved. I love his thumbs up picture and oh those eyes and smile! I am truly sorry for your loss .....I have been visiting a few sites of other angels and want you to know that your Timmy will never be forgotten.. I think one of the hardest things was how people around me didn't want to talk about my boy ..thinking that it would somehow hurt me.....but the hurt cant get any worse then when he was NOT acknowledged....... Caringbridge is such a good way to not feel so all alone...
Life and God has been good to me since...I have been blessed with 4 children since I had lost my first one....time does heal the awful hurt but all the love remains..and oh the memories are still so crystal clear of all the good times...your child remains in you and with you always.... GOD Bless you and I am praying for you and your family for the strength to get through the early days of grief..it DOES get easier....Timmy is holding your hand every step of the way........take care

Vince Annerino proud daddy of Angel Vincie <Vinncenti@aol.com>
Chicago (Schaumburg), IL - Monday, November 13, 2006 12:30 AM CST
Dear Susan,
Congratulations to Jason on his acceptance!! You must all be so proud of him. Thank you for sharing that website. Your dedication to finding a cure is so admirable! Good luck with the RMH! Stay strong....

Shannon Tarentino <buttrrkupp@verizon.net>
Clark, NJ USA - Sunday, November 12, 2006 10:33 PM CST
Congradulations to Jason!!! What wonderful news!! Way to go!! I am also so glad to hear you are starting at Ronald McDonald House, Susan. You have a gift to share with others. Timmy will guide you every step of the way. I will be in touch with you before Thanksgiving.
Love to all,

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Sunday, November 12, 2006 7:58 PM CST
Tell Jason that I said congratulations. His acceptance to the college that he wants is fantastic. I am thrilled as are probably all of you are. Kathy Lou
Kathy Lou Colmorgen <colmorgenk@middletownk12.org>
Red Bank, NJ Monmouth - Sunday, November 12, 2006 7:34 PM CST
Hi Susan,
Just dropping in to say hello. Think of you often. Look forward to getting together on Thursday.

Kristen Gillette <soccrmom3@aol.com>
Oceanport, NJ - Sunday, November 12, 2006 2:47 PM CST
Dear Susan,
I know yesterday was 7 months...just wanted you to know you were much in my thoughts, I just couldn't get to my computer...but I prayed for you.

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, November 12, 2006 12:05 AM CST
Congrats Jason, and to all of you...Team effort
Just thinking about you all and wanted to say "Hi"

Michael A. Ambrosio <AMBO4940@AOL.COM>
Freehold, NJ USA - Saturday, November 11, 2006 8:37 PM CST
WAY TO GO JASON!!!!!!!!!!You have worked so hard in such tough times and I am so very happy for you! May blessings like this keep coming your way Susan. Your boys are ALL amazing. Just look at their parents though : )

Love and huge hugs to all!

TIMMMMMMYTOWN, NJ USA - Saturday, November 11, 2006 5:21 AM CST
Dear Susan, what wonderful news for Jason & his family!! I, too have never seen such a personalized letter of acceptance, some impression he made! Good for him, I wish him all the luck in the world! You all continue to be in my prayers every day! Take care of yourself, especially in the coming months, much love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, November 10, 2006 10:19 PM CST
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YES!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Jason!

Oh Susan, I'm just so proud of Jason, and so excited for you all. You have raised such awesome young men. What a beautiful reflection of you and Jay's love.

I know someone else rejoicing and that's sweet Timmy!

Please send our congrats to Jason.

Love you,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, November 10, 2006 10:18 PM CST
What a Brave and Amazing boy.A wonderful page dedicated to his memory.
Thankyou for sharing his story.
Michelle. Ebony's Page

Michelle kelly <nedshell@dodo.com.au>
Perth, w Australia - Friday, November 10, 2006 8:18 PM CST
Many congratulations to Jason! How wonderful to get such a personalized acceptance letter. I've never seen one like that before.
Miranda <nostalgic.one@gmail.com>
London, England - Friday, November 10, 2006 7:23 PM CST
CONGRATULATIONS, JASON!!!! What a proud thing for the whole family, and a great accomplishment!!
I am so happy for you, I know this was his first choice...woohoo!

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, November 10, 2006 3:28 PM CST
Congratualtions Jason!!! You are a very special young man and I know that you will reach all your goals.

Congratualtions to the proud Mom and Dad - you have great sons!

Roseanne <rosanella@hotmail.com>
Howell, NJ USA - Friday, November 10, 2006 1:38 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
CONGRATULATIONS JASON!!! We are so so happy for you! What a lovely letter - you must have really impressed them! Susan, we hope you had a special night at RMH this week. The beautiful weather and blue, blue sky make us think of your handsome Angel. Always in our thoughts and prayers.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Friday, November 10, 2006 9:43 AM CST
Again I am left in tear by your amazing love for Timmy, the abiltiy to have to be so open and honest with yourself and share your vulnerability with us. Thank you Susan. Timmy is so proud of his mother and you strengthen all of us each day with your words.
With love

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Friday, November 10, 2006 8:53 AM CST
Hi Susan and Jay...Just wanted to drop a quick note to say hello and let you guys know that you are always on my mind in my heart. I thinks its a great thing what you are doing at the Ronald McDonald House, they are lucky to have you there. We are up here and available anytime you need a hand. God Bless your family.
Rich Liguori <rliguori57@hotmail.com>
Mahwah, NJ - Friday, November 10, 2006 5:06 AM CST
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Hi Susan,

Oh, I was so blessed to read what a nice time you and Jay had when you went to Peddler's Village! I know you must of really enjoyed seeing your friends again. There is such a bond that is formed with those we go through with treatment. You become family for life. I know it was bittersweet for you Susan...

Your doctor sounds wonderful. I know hearing that Timmy was not in pain is something you could hear over and over again. I'm just so blessed you have that reassurance and you can always know this. He was surrounded by so much love, and covered in so much prayer.

Hope your second night at the RMH was a good one. Can't wait to hear all the details. I'll keep you in prayer as Thanksgiving approaches. I know Timmy will be there with you all.

Sending lots of love your way tonight,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Thursday, November 9, 2006 6:54 PM CST
Up early today stopping by to send you big hugs and love.
I hope your second night at RMH went well honey. Your thanksgiving idea sounds wonderful - on my moms first thanksgiving in heaven we had an extra place at the table and I didnt plan it that way : ) I know she was there in spirit, just as I know Timmy will be with you. He is always with you Susan - always.

I love you girl,

Laurie Fantasia
Timmmmmmytown, NJ USA - Thursday, November 9, 2006 4:37 AM CST
Dear Susan,hoping tonight went well, thinking of you & your beautiful boys all the time! With Thanksgiving coming so quickly, then Christmas, my heart goes out to all of you.I pray that you feel your Angel Timmy's presence all around you, giving you peace & comfort. God bless you, stay strong, always in my thoughts & prayers, with much love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 10:50 PM CST
Remembering Timmy. Keep the faith. And still praying for Kyle.
David Melton angel_wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, November 8, 2006 10:16 AM CST
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~Susan ~

I think of you everyday

and keep you in my prayer's..........

I ask God to hold you in his arms as you continue on this journey.

Thank you for allowing all your CB Family to continue on with you as

we all Carry Timmy in OUR HEART'S everywhere we go ! ! !

Many HUG'S from My HEART to Your's,


Danny <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Tuesday, November 7, 2006 10:15 AM CST
thinking of you today...

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:42 AM CST
Susan, Just wanted you to know we are out here, still reading, and remembering your Timmy and your family. Sounds to me the Holy Spirit is strong with you, maybe you dont need a blast, ....your work at the RMC, your strength, you are not alone..just more quietly in the spirit maybe...
anyway, know we think about you.

mary alice dorschel pbt list, mom of Lizzie, age 14, germ cell BT <jay.dorschel@verizon.net>
Suffolk, - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 7:30 AM CST
Susan - I am so excited you are at RMH in training. You've wanted this for so long. I hope this helps you along in your grief. I know for sure you will be tower of strength for these families in need as you were for Timmy. Your faith, hope and determination is going to help so many families.

Jason paid his brother a huge tribute dressing like an army man. Maybe it can be a family affair next year. :-)

Always thinking of Timmy. Love and Hugs,

Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Monday, November 6, 2006 6:31 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

Thinking of all of you tonight. Hoping you are well. I thought of Timmy today during the Veterans Day Parade. I knew he was looking down on all of those soldiers and smiling. Each time I think of Timmy, he always makes me smile and remember what is really important in life. Giant impact for a little person -- His memory lives on...

Sending loving hugs,

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Sunday, November 5, 2006 10:14 PM CST
Timmy's family is in my thoughts and prayers!!
Dorine McNary
Williston, ND - Saturday, November 4, 2006 9:55 PM CST

I think that is so wonderful what you will be doing at Ronald McDonald House! Timmy is very proud of you! We spent two months at the RM House in Loma Linda. Everyone was so very nice! What a great way to give back! I get a lot of strength from you! Just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and Timmy!

Take good care!
With Love,
Mom to Angel Trey - forever 5

Lorilee <dandlthomas@shaw.ca>
White Rock, BC Canada - Saturday, November 4, 2006 6:47 PM CST
I can say the same...Look who's gotten her second wind! Sounds like you are moving along with the scholarship. That is great. I like that you will be giving it to a nursing student. That is such a great idea as the nurses do really help the child and parent get through the worst of everything.

I like the story about Jason and you sitting at the gravesite discussing what Timmy would've been for Halloween. That's cute that Jason wore the army garb that was given to Timmy. I'm glad Halloween is over. Glad your first day at the Ronald McDonald House was rewarding. Sorry you had that moment in front of Monmouth Medical. I think it's so wonderful what you are doing volunteering there. You are a strong woman with wonderful gifts and you give to others without even knowing it. You don't need to know the date you got the spirit (or whatever you said)...you already have it. All of us who lost a child and go on living give everyone who knows us a gift. Talk to you soon.

Kristen Gillette <soccrmom3@aol.com www.caring bridge.org/visit/kgillette>
Oceanport, NJ - Saturday, November 4, 2006 7:09 AM CST
Hi Susan,
I am glad you are moving ahead with the scholarship and the fundraising. I really hope to be able to do things for Matthew like you and Kristen are. I am just too tired to think these days. I guess it will come to me in time. I hope the weekend is good for you, I think of you often. I think you are great! I can't wait for our lunch.

Lisa, mom of Matthew, forever five


Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
Manalapan, NJ - Friday, November 3, 2006 8:34 PM CST
Dear Susan,
Just when I think you have done it all....you go and do one more wonderful thing. I check in from time to time and enjoy reading the updates. I think of Timmy and your family often. I wish for many calm and sunny days for you.

Love Lorraine Masi
P.S. I just put a card in the mail for Gabrielle.

Lorraine Masi <LM300@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, November 3, 2006 4:07 PM CST
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Loved hearing about all the beautiful ways you are honoring your Timmy. He was the certainly the proudest angel in Heaven on Halloween seeing his Mom at RMH, Dad making all the trick-or-treaters happy, and Jason in his army outfit! How loving of all of you to do all you did on, I'm sure, an incredibly difficult day. Always in our thoughts and prayers; always feeling Angel Timmy's blessings.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Thursday, November 2, 2006 8:34 PM CST
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To my dearest Susan,

As always I look forward to your wonderful updates! Have you ever considered writing a book?

I'm so blessed you were able to keep real busy for Halloween. One holiday now behind you. I think it was so funny that Jason dressed up and went trick a treating! My kids hating giving this up! To be honest, I missed it more, I loved going through all that candy and sorting it out...eating it too!

It seems like yesterday Timmy went to Fort Dix. I remember crying when you shared those pictures. I even had my son in the military read that update and look at the pictures.

Your ALPA class sounds so interesting. I know this has always been your hearts desire Susan, I'm just so blessed you continue to dig in and learn more and more about the Lord and now the Holy Spirit. You never cease to amaze me.

The RMH sounds really beautiful! If you can take some pictures, I'd love to see some of those murals. I'm glad it's quiet at night, a nice way for you to "ease in" over there. I know we will be hearing so many stories soon about your encounters with these families.

I will keep Kyle and Matthew in prayer, and pray extra hard for little Gabbie. I know this just breaks your heart.

Thanks for taking the time to share your journey with all of us. We love you Susan and your beautiful family.

Keep holding on my friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Thursday, November 2, 2006 2:26 PM CST
Dear Susan, you should be so proud of yourself, to help others on Timmy's first Halloween in heaven. It must have been very overwhelming for you! Be gentle with yourself, I am sure this journey will not be an easy one. Remember those baby steps. How proud Angel Timmy is smiling down at his brother trick or treating in his outfit! Hang in there, always thinking of you & praying for you & all of your boys, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 10:15 PM CST
Hi Susan. I just read about your voluteer work at the RMH, and I wanted to let you know that I think that is just beautiful, and I know that Timmy is smiling down from Heaven, and telling all the other angels up there, "That's MY Mom!" You are such a beautiful person. I think of you often, and I continue to pray for you.

Ann Watts/Angel Wings <bubbasoldlady@cebridge.net>
Jacksonville, AR USA - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 9:47 PM CST
My dearest friend, I am writing to you from my laptop watching my baby get IV fluids as she is so dyhydrated (spelled that wrong) and throws up everything she puts down. She isn't in CHOPS we couldn't talk her into that we are in our hometown trama hospital and this is where she agreed to come. Thank you for putting out the word for cards for Gabbie. Her "Fred" is on mail duty. He is to bring all her mail to her and hopefully they will find out what is wrong with her belly area and fix this. Your a great friend and am sending you hugs. I love you all and will do my best to keep Gab's page updated.
Ori the crazy lady and Gab's who can't remember her real hair color <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 4:39 PM CST
Dear Susan,
We said a special prayer for you yesterday...and today, Timmy celebrates his first All Saints Day in heaven! In our family we talk a lot about how today is probably one gigantic party up there, a huge fest.

and it's awesome that Jason wore Timmy's army stuff...

Susan, the way you touch so many hearts through your words is a work of the Holy Spirit...and we'll be sure to send something to Gabbie, we know the NF thing all too intimately here in Camiololand.


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 3:41 PM CST
Dear Timmy,
Happy 1st Halloween in Heaven!
Hugs to Heaven,

Sami Kennedy <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 2:34 PM CST
Dear Susan,

What a wonderful way to spend Halloween - making those RMH kids happy is a special gift only Timmy's mom could give! Love to all the Pauxtis' ! Dana and family

Dana Deliso <Dana_Deliso@hotmail.com>
MIDDLETOWN, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 8:11 AM CST
The Ronald McDonald House and the families of all the sick children in Monmouth County are luck to have you on thier side! Timmy's proud of you!


Sue Griffin <jgastro29@verizon.net>
Middletown, NJ - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 6:26 AM CST
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I had to make a graphic for YOU! I am so proud of you lady, words cannot describe it. What a blessing you will be. You created such a house of love for Timmy - you could just feel it when you walked in. What a perfect place for you to be - "in the house that love built". What a gift you are giving these families. I will be thinking of you on your first day today and sending you all of my love. I love you lady!

Laurie Fantasia - Angel Wings
TIMMYTOWN!!!!!!!!, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 5:17 AM CST
Hello, Susan!

It's been a while since I've signed in and thought it was about time to let you know that I am still thinking of you often. I LOVE the song that is playing on the website right now! I've been a fan of Mark Harris' since 4Him released there first album in the early '90s, but I haven't heard much of his solo stuff yet. That song is wonderful.

Congratulations on the great RMH news! I know you're going to be such a blessing to the families there!

It looks like you had a perfect day for the race. The pictures are great. I love Timmy's artwork! I'm so glad you're still finding little treasures.

Have a wonderful day!

Patty Mullins <cPatty4CM@cableone.net>
Biloxi, MS USA - Monday, October 30, 2006 2:56 PM CST
Dear Susan,

I was just so happy to check in and see that Friday went well for you. I wish you luck this week. We can all see what an abundance of love and support you have in you to share. I think this is much bigger than "baby steps" and RMH now has a new Angel and HERO on thier team. Who wouldn't want such incredible company on thier side? Keep us posted. Thinking about you.

Sending love and hugs,

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Sunday, October 29, 2006 9:01 PM CST
Dear Susan,
I haven't written in awhile but be assured I check the website every few days.The kids at school still ask how Timmy's family is doing. I tell them you are all coping. They were so touched about all the notes Timmy left you.
It is so great for the RMH to have you with them. You will now be an inspiration to all those families. They will be blessed by having you there for them. I know how much this means to you.
Continue to do what you want each day and enjoy the boys and Jay.
I'll write soon.
God Bless all of you.
Love, Karen

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
Ramsey, NJ - Sunday, October 29, 2006 6:36 PM CST
Dear Susan,
I'm so glad the interview went well! And yes, you will be perfect at RMH, I am so happy for this step for you!


Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, October 29, 2006 4:42 PM CST
Good for you, Susan. I am proud that you are doing such a wonderful service for others. I am sure that angel Timmy is smiling down at you!
Roseanne <rosanella@hotmail.com>
Howell, NJ USA - Sunday, October 29, 2006 2:06 PM CST
That is such wonderful news--you will be a huge blessing to Ronald McDonald house and to the families staying there--God bless you and may he continue to keep you and your family in his care. . . Its so great for you too, you are much stronger than you think you are--I really think you are so amazing--thank you for being such an inspiration. Timmy was so lucky to have you as his mom!
Suki Blumenstock
West Caldwell, NJ U - Sunday, October 29, 2006 12:35 AM CST
Dear Susan

That's so great about the Ronald Macdonald House, you will be wonderful.

Thinking of you every day

love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Sunday, October 29, 2006 4:51 AM CST
Dearest Susan,

Image hosted by TinyPic.comOh, I'm just THRILLED about this awesome news! I just knew this was going to work out for you!

Can't wait to hear all the details. Susan, I know there are some very special little girls and boys, and mothers over there that can use a friend like you.

Sending a great big hug, and a high five your way tonight!


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Saturday, October 28, 2006 8:15 PM CDT
I am so glad for you Susan. I know that your caring heart will do wonders for others.
Donna Kennelly <carrington98@msn.com>
Lincroft, NJ USA - Saturday, October 28, 2006 6:06 PM CDT
My dear sweet Susan,
GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!
You definitely have your son's perseverance! You kept on trying & you got what you wanted. That was a BIG GIANT STEP! Your sensitivity & openness will surely give others the well-needed support they so deserve. Timmy continues to do his work here. I'm sooooooooooooooo happy for you!

With lots of love & prayers always......

Mary Pat <mph317@yahoo.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Saturday, October 28, 2006 11:45 AM CDT
Dear Susan,that's wonderful news! you will be an asset to the Ronald McDonald House, you have so much to share, your compasion, hope & strength. You are such an inspiration, I know you will help so many, & Timmy will be with you, helping you every baby step of the way! Best of luck with the training, thinking of you keeping all of you in my prayers, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, October 27, 2006 11:17 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
Congratulations - I'm so happy to read about your great day at the RMH and that you're starting this coming week! Way to go - we knew they would love you!!!

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Friday, October 27, 2006 9:26 PM CDT
Hi Susan, I think of you often and am still praying for you and your family. The Great Race looks like it was a perfect event. The first thing I think of, every time I sign onto this site as Timmy's picture comes up is, how much you must long to see, talk and touch Timmy and not just look at a photo.
Then my next thought is "what if that were my child" and the pit in my stomach makes me quickly change my thoughts. Then I scroll down to see what you have written about your new life and challenges, and it makes me feel Hope.
Hope for you and your family, for others that may have to walk down a path that you have to do, and for all of us still in the fight. From the days of your posts where your days are filled with gladness, to the lowest days....it is all good. Good in the sense that it is a reminder that we will all still keep going, keep supporting, keep up the fight for our children.
To quote a very deer friend of ours suffering from NF and uncountable tumors.."never raise the white flag of surrender". Keeping you close in prayer, Chris

Chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
Temecula, ca usa - Friday, October 27, 2006 10:15 AM CDT
Just thinking of you today...
Sharon m/o angel Dani-Ella <richardsharon@aapt.net.au>
Mary borough, QLD Australia - Friday, October 27, 2006 2:16 AM CDT
Dear Susan and Jay,

It was so very nice to see both of you tonight. It's wonderful to share smiles and laughs with great people.

I am so happy to know that you are finally getting in to meet with the folks at Ronald McDonald. I'm hoping the experience brings you exactly what you are hoping for. "Baby Steps" are so effective, I think you have made so many already. I am in awe of the spirit and the strength you show. You are a wonderful woman and I believe you will know exactly what is right for you and when it's time to try something new. Believe in yourself -we all do!

I too loved Timmy's drawing. I was imagining what must have been going on in his sweet little mind to have hearts floating around the two of you. Obviously he was thinking about how much he loved you...and how much you returned his love. How wonderful that Jay found these "masterpieces" now. Isn't it amazing how well your precious little Angel can communicate with you already? Thank you for posting the drawing and the pictures, they made me smile.

Sending love and hugs,
Hope to see you soon,

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:15 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
How wonderful to have those pictures that Timmy drew! Your story continues to inspire me. I look at my children now with different eyes, and although we never met, your story will forever stay in my mind and heart. Continue to be strong...Enjoy your family and find strength in those wonderful memories. Have a great week!!

Shannon Tarentino <buttrrkupp@verizon.net>
Clark, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:58 PM CDT
You boy knows just when you need to hear from him! That precious child continues to shower his family with so much love, the sun shining in those pictures is amazing! Timmy is in so many hearts, both those who knew him & those of us that are lucky to know of him through you & your beautiful words. I will certainly think twice before I throw another drawing away. Keeping you & all of your boys in my thoughts & prayers, with love & admiration, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:41 PM CDT
WOW -- It is amazing the connection Timmy is keeping with you. I love the picture with the hearts floating. He is so amazing!!
Love and friendship!

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:44 PM CDT
How great were those photos! I cry once again. I am glad you have such a great deal of support. Finding the note and drawings are precious, I too was about to throw an old magazine out yesterday and out fell 2 pictures that Matthew made.I hope to see you soon!
Lisa c

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
Manalapan, NJ - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:39 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
Always thinking of you...it is a "California Dreaming" kind of day (leaves are brown & the sky is gray...etc).

I hope that interview goes well for you, and that whatever is the best thing to do next becomes clear. I am so very happy you found more notes from your beautiful boy.

Rosie is ransacking, I better run...

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 12:46 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
I'm glad you are feeling Angel Timmy all around you, and that the walk went so well. Wishing you well on your interview Friday. They would be lucky to have you - such a valuable asset you are to other families. Good luck to Jason - it must feel good when the paperwork is done, but the waiting is always tough. I believe you know what is best for you - baby steps are great - you'll know what is right for you - you're so open to opportunities, "it" will certainly come along.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:31 AM CDT
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To my dearest Susan,

Oh, those pictures, I have tears in my eyes as I type this now.

And then those love notes from Timmy, gosh, talk about tear your heart apart! I think this is NO CONCIDENCE! I believe the Lord set all this up just for you Susan.

Timmy will forever send you messages of love, and you will always feel his presence surrounding you.

I can see Timmy now, and like the words of this song, I believe he would say:

"I'm ready to live, ready to breathe, ready to take in everything, ready to love, ready to shine, ready to live this life of mine, I'm ready to jump, I'm ready to fly for the first time!"

Oh, just to think of this brings joy to my heart.

I'll be praying really hard for the interview this coming Friday. I know many families will be so blessed by your love, your comfort, and getting to know what a brave warrior your Timmy was.

Keep holding on my friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:54 PM CDT
Sweet Susan,
I wish we lived closer - I would love to sit down with you at the Melting Pot or somewhere yummy and just chat with you. I have learned so much from you just online, and thank you so much for your honesty and openess.

Much love and continued prayers,

Celeste Welch <candcwelch@yahoo.com>
Archer, FL USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 9:14 PM CDT
Dear Susan
Beautiful pictures, beautiful day, beautiful tribute to Timmy! Sleep well tonight thinking of the lovely drawing with the floating hearts! You are loved by Timmy and all those who loved him.

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 8:24 PM CDT
Dear Susan,

Wow, you have such a talent and special touch on your updates. The pictures, the music, the beautiful heartfelt journals are all a wonderful legacy. They celebrate Timmy, his life and your family. You have so many people who love and cherish you.

Your sister in grief,
Mother of sweet baby boy Jacob, forever 10

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 6:52 PM CDT
Hi Susan and family, Many things have kept me busy and unable to write. Just wanted to let you know that I check in very often to see how you are doing. Timmy will always have a special place in my heart. Love, Coleen
Coleen Baquero <coleenpt@yahoo.com>
Morganville, NJ - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 5:51 PM CDT
just checking in, thinking of you...
and drinking WAY too much coffee, it got so freezing here!

sending a hug--

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 4:53 PM CDT
Still remebering Timmy. Praying for you and Kyle too. Keep the faith. We're still on your side.
David Melton angel-wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
Tulsa, Ok - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 1:17 PM CDT
The crazy lady is in the house!! Sweetie, I know you are hurting and ripping yourself apart with what if's. Don't, Timmy wouldn't like you beating yourself up. You did everything you could. I heard that team Timmy was a huge turn out, I am sorry I couldn't be there. I'm working on something CRAZY that needs some fine tuning to make NF and brain tumors made more aware and raise some funds for them. I'll let you know when I get it all worked out. People to talk too and fine tuning of a crazy diffrent kind of fund raiser. I love you all. HUGS
Ori the crazy lady and Gab's who can't remember her real hair color <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:35 AM CDT
Your decision on treatment was correct. As you say, we can never know what might have happened otherwise, but God entrusted Timmy's life to you and was watching over you when you had to make the choice. "Might haves" and "could haves" are of no use. You did what seemed best and there is no evidence that anything else would have had better results. The results "might have" been different, maybe even more pleasant at the time, but not necessarily better.

Timmy is fine now. Mamie is fine now. Perhaps they were seeing into the future when they told people they were fine.


Mamie's Daddy <george.f.adams@us.army.mil>
Huntsville, AL USA - Monday, October 23, 2006 9:52 PM CDT
Hi Susan
What a nice turn out at the Great Race!!! Every ribbon was worn and "Team Timmy" was outstanding. I sat on his bench today, with a few of my students and thought of our angel.
Sending you love.

Susan Gibadlo <gibadloss@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, October 23, 2006 6:39 PM CDT
Dear Susan & Jay...
I'm sorry I missed the Great Race yesterday, but I was there in spirit...as always I continue to pray for you and your family...much Love to you all..Lori Murray

Lori Murray <Lorri928@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ - Sunday, October 22, 2006 7:58 AM CDT
Remembering Timmy, what a special young man.

Prayers for you each day to give you strength and comfort.

Praying for Kyle.

Kathi (Angel Wings) <klscroggins2000@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, October 22, 2006 6:34 AM CDT
To my dear friend,
I havent been on my computer much at all lately as you know but I had to stop by and see what you have been up to here. I was wondering if you had made the decision not to continue. And here you are teaching as usual. I am so proud of you lady...
Always remember Susan that you are on an unknown journey - with twists and turns and ups and downs, peaks and valleys. Some days you will need to just rest and be alone, and somedays you will want others with you to hold your hand. And you are walking tall honey - I am so glad you decided to keep this going. I know you want to do something in your life to honor Timmy - please know that you are already doing it. Sharing your world, your heart, your grief - is not an easy thing. And you my sweet Susan are helping so many. You are giving of yourself in countless ways by doing this. Oh how Timmy must be smiling.
As far as that article you read honey - the same thing happened to me about six months ago. I read of this new surgery for esophageal cancer that was helping so many and I just lost it. The what if monster came crashing through my door - did we do the right thing? use the right hospital? what if she could still be here. And then I remembered - God is in control, and if she could have been her beautiful, whole and wonderful self and still be with us on earth - she would be. Please Susan I know its hard to realize - but you did all that you could and then some. Push those thoughts away. Timmy is healed, he is whole and he loves you so very very much. He IS love. Not a day goes by when I dont see those smiling eyes - not one day. And you gave that to all of us Susan - through your sharing. The sharing that you continue, even through your sadness. I am sorry I havent been here these past weeks of chaos here, but I hope you always feel my loving wishes sent your way...Because I have a permanent standing request with my angels to watch over you : ) Thank you for your beautiful wedding card and for thinking of me and Bobby with all YOU have going on. I love you so very much,
I love you sweet Susan,

Laurie Fantasia (Mrs. Card) <fantasia550@comcast.net>
TIMMYTOWN, NJ USA - Sunday, October 22, 2006 5:32 AM CDT
Dearest Susan,

So sorry we were not present at The Great Race today. We had every intention of joining - the wind yesterday caused utility trouble here. We were stuck at home waiting for service techs to help solve the problems! We are sure many walked in memory of our brave HERO - we were with you in spirit, as always.

It hurts me so to think of you second guessing your choices. You and Jay were faced with the most impossible choices. It was so evident that your decisions were just perfect in the time you made them. Please try hard to remember the correctness of the time. This grief is unbearable enough without the demons of doubt looming. Timmy was blessed with the most loving and intelligent parents who only did what was best for him with each heart wrenching twist of this journey. May God Bless you and hold you closer still.

You are in our loving thoughts,
Elizabeth and Joe LoMonaco

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Saturday, October 21, 2006 10:35 PM CDT
Remembering timmy and praying for Kyle.
David Melton angel_wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
Tulsa, Ok - Saturday, October 21, 2006 10:16 AM CDT
To my dearest Susan and family,

Just dropping by tonight to let you know I'm thinking of you and praying always.

Tommorrow is the "Great Race", I know you will walk proudly as you honor your brave warrior. Go Team Timmy!

I wish more then ever I could be there walking right there beside you Susan.

I'll look forward to hearing how it went, and hope to see some pictures too!

I enjoyed chatting with you this week, I'll write back soon.

Keep holding on my precious friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, October 20, 2006 10:09 PM CDT
Susan,Jay,Jason and Andrew,
I know it's only normal to second guess your decision on Timmy's treatment, but please just know that you did everything in your power for your handsome angel. I look at Timmy's pictures and see so much love in his eyes. I pray for strength, guidance, comfort, hope, peace, and love, for Timmy and your family everyday.
I'll be thinking of you all tomorrow and I know Timmy will be right by your side.
Much love, Sharon

Sharon Nesbihal
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, October 20, 2006 7:18 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
The Hope poem is such a beautiful way to end your entry. With all the ifs and questions, always remember the most important definite - the love between Timmy and all of you, and how that love guided all you did and still do, and how it touched others, then and now, near and far. Your love was the basis of all, and therefore, can never be wrong. The scholarship will be a wonderful tribute to Timmy and the incredibly superb profession of nursing. Wishing Team Timmy a great day on Saturday. Always in our thoughts and prayers.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Friday, October 20, 2006 7:40 AM CDT
Praying for you all. I think satan loves more than anything to put doubts in our minds about something we might have "missed" - something we should have done differently. You all love Timmy - God loves Timmy. Just as you read the cancer flyers stating the high level of survival (I look at these too and want to know - where are these kids??), you could just as easily have chosen the experimental chemo and have read that article about how successful it is and be saying "that was not our experience". I have never seem such love from parents as I have from my new fellow BT moms and dads. Praying that God helps erase any doubts or regrets from your mind. You showed love to Timmy like no other mom could - a love so beautiful it brings tears to my eyes.
I am so thankful that you are here for Joan - keeping their family in our prayers as well!

Love, Celeste <candcwelch@yahoo.com>
Archer, FL USA - Thursday, October 19, 2006 10:29 AM CDT
Dear Susan and Jay,
I read that article too and thought of Timmy and your family, hoping you didn't see the paper that day. Strangely enough, I read the article because of Timmy and didn't toss it on the recycle pile. A week later, I called my cousin in D.C. - we hadn't talked since July - and she happened to mention a friend of hers who she was so worried about. This 45 year old mother of two has a brain tumor and my cousin felt helpless as we all do when a friend is battling a relentless demon. I remembered the article and gave her the doctor's info to share with her friend. I don't know how things will turn out. All I know is that your little angel was sitting on my shoulder when I read the paper, when I made the long overdue call and when out of the blue my cousin mentioned her friend. There are no accidents in life - Timmy has a purpose and is strongly present with anyone who had the privilege of knowing him. I feel truly blessed to have been introduced to your wonderful family. You inspire hope in all of us. I know you doubt your decisions, but they were made with love. Never doubt the love. Nia will be at the 3:30 race - I will look for you and Timmy's ribbons. She hasn't taken off the CHOP bracelet since February. He is always in our hearts. Bless you and your guardian angel. Dana and family

Dana Deliso <Dana_Deliso@hotmail.com>
MIDDLETOWN, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 11:53 PM CDT
Oh, Susan...I'm so sorry it's so rough right now...
I can't make the questions go away; I know nobody really can. I do know that avastin is brutal stuff, and we know kids who have become angels even on this...you made decisions for Timmy out of your unquenchable love for him, and he knew he was loved.

I hope your walk is fabulously successful, and that every member of Team Timmy wears their ribbon with great joy at the honor it is to represent such a wonderful boy.

know that we are thinking of you always, and praying for peace.


p.s. thanks for the update on Kyle, my computer's been acting up and I haven't been able to visit his page...

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 11:05 AM CDT
Hi: It's been a while since I've visited, but something pulled me back to check on Timmy's family. This may be not helpful, but every day since Wm passed, I've said I'm sorry to him, more or less starting each day with sadness, but the pain of that isn't fresh, there's been more than that I feel, the love, our bond. I had told him he would be a survivor, although at the same time he loved talking about heaven and his relatives there. He was ready to meet them long before I was ready to let him go (heck, I still haven't let him go--!)Here's the silly point I wanted to make. We weren't allowed to stop the inevitable. I think about what-ifs, but then I think that date was William's day, July 29, 2005. It doesn't feel right, they were real, here, and with it, even with all the effects from the strife they had here, they were so strong! They don't have to deal with that stuff anymore. Think back before Timmy was diagnosed, I feel that's exactly how they are now.
Maria Sansalone, Wm's mom http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/williamjames <willjim95@hotmail.com>
Springfield, MA - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 7:22 AM CDT
Checking in and sending hugs - you know I worry about our decisions as well, but we all did the best we could and no-one knows what the outcome will be. Maybe if you'd done the Avastin/CPT-11 it would have made him really sick and not worked anyway. I always find it hard when something we didn't try seems to be doing well. But we did the best we could with the information we had at the time.

love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 2:10 AM CDT
Hi Susan, checking in and sending you and your family big hugs and continued prayer.

chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
temecula, ca usa - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:39 PM CDT
Dear Susan, I know I would be questioning myself too, but you have to know in your heart that you & Jay made the very best decisions for your beautiful boy! The love you have for Timmy comes through so strongly in all of your words. You did everything in your power that you could have possibly done, and still had the strength to share you precious son with us! I will not pretend to imagine what you are going through, I just pray every day for you & all of your boys to be strong. May God bless you with peace, love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:10 PM CDT
Hi, Just read this last entry. You cannot beat yourself up for any decisions that you made. You chose the right ones with the information available at the time that you made them. Things happen as they were meant to happen even if we do not understand the reasons for them. Hope to see you at the Great Race. Kathy Lou

Kathy Lou Colmorgen <kcolmorgen@aol.com>
Red Bank, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:20 PM CDT
Gosh, how I wish I could give you a hug. You made the right decision and the best decision you could have made at the time for Timmy. Your family was faced with very difficult decisions and you can't beat yourself up for the choice you made. If I didn't give my Brianna her DPaT shot I wouldn't have buried her at 4 months of age. I beat myself up for the longest time and here I am 8 years later still wondering what would have been. I have some answers but they still don't make sense to me.

I am very fortunate for being able to have another child to love. Of course, I would love to have them both in my arms but that is not possible. One will be in my arms and the other in my heart always. I am thankful that I learned what vaccines are made from and the damage they do. If I knew there was a chance of death I never would have been a statistic.

If you knew Timmy would have been given a longer leash by choosing another med you would have let him have it. You are supposed to give him everything and that you did. Timmy had a short life but filled with love, hope, faith and courage. Timmy taught adults what the important things in life are. Timmy always kept his chin up when the chips were down. Please don't judge yourself and your decisions - you did EVERYTHING YOU COULD! You would have moved a mountain to save Timmy. Timmy knows that, we all know that.

The unfortunate thing is we all learn from choices and decisions we make in life. There are new choices each day and the choice we make today could have had different consequences 6 months ago. This is all part of the grief process - please don't beat yourself up.

You are always in my thoughts - Love and Hugs,

Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:18 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Thinking of all of you and Angel Timmy today. Hope love and hugs are filling your days.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 9:47 AM CDT
Tommy always thinking of you. Many prayers for you and your family. Tommy keep us safe down here!
mike leonardi <mikeleo6413@yahoo.com>
stewartsville , nj us - Monday, October 16, 2006 1:48 PM CDT
so many hugs to heaven!

and so many hugs to you, susan, as you get through this time as you can...

for me, i see timmy's smile and bright blue eyes over every rainbow as he sends love to us all especially his dear mom...

laura petersen
timmytown, ca usa - Sunday, October 15, 2006 6:06 PM CDT
To my dearest Susan and family,

Oh, I just LOVE the song you have playing! The words are so beautiful. I also loved the poem.

Susan, I know Timmy is proud of you and will always be. Grief is so much hard work, and yet, you still take time to bless others with your love and great encouragement.

I know in time you will see what God has for you to do. Meanwhile just try and receive all the love that is coming your way.

I'm going to put the words to the new song I told you about, be looking for the CD this week. This song is based on this scripture:

Cor. 2: 9 "However, as it is written "No eye has seen,
no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"

I Wish You Were Here...

I wanted to tell you how closely I've kept
The memories of you in my heart
And all of the lifetimes that we have had to share
Live even though we are apart

But don't cry for me
Cause I'm finally free...

To run with the angels
On streets made of gold
To listen to stories of saints new and old
To worship our Maker
That's where I'll be
When you finally find me..

Now don't you be weary cause waiting for you
Are wonders that you've never known
Just hold on to Jesus, reach out for His hands,
And one day they will welcome you home.

And that's when you'll be
Finally free
Finally free

To run with the angels
On streets made of gold
To listen to stories of saints new and old
To worship our Maker
That's where I'll be
When you finally find me..
I wish you were here, I wish you were here.

And all of the dreams that you treasure
Will soon come together
And that's when your sorrow will find
And you will rise again.

To run with the angels
On streets made of gold
To listen to stories of saints new and old
To worship our Maker
That's where I'll be
When you finally find me..

I wish you were here...

Yes, I believe with all of my heart Timmy is singing this song to you!

Keep holding on my precious friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, October 15, 2006 2:34 PM CDT
Dear Susan, that poem brought tears to my eyes, how true are those words! Sending you many,many hugs!! Remember all the wonderful hugs from your angel Timmy & feel them now. Always thinking of you & your boys, & praying for peace for all of you, with much love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Sunday, October 15, 2006 10:57 AM CDT
Susan....just checking in on you. Jim is finally recovering and out of the hospital but we are still in Omaha. I have some time now and wanted to see how you were doing. Please know that my thoughts and prayers have been and will continue to be with you my friend. I can't believe that six months have passed. It just doesn't seem possible. Hang in there and please let me know if there is anything I can do. Maybe we could meet for lunch when I get back. Love, Aimee
Aimee Disney <Briannaashleysmom@yahoo.com>
Aldan, PA USA - Saturday, October 14, 2006 1:16 PM CDT
Please pray for this precious little girl.


Emmaus, PA USA - Saturday, October 14, 2006 10:04 AM CDT

Pardon my error in my last posting...The Great Race is not today...it's next weekend...wow, I must start to write these things down...we will see you there...xoxoxo

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Saturday, October 14, 2006 9:30 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

Happy Belated Birthday Andrew - wow, 22, I can't believe that you and I are the same age! I am thinking of all of you this morning, hoping to see you later at The Great Race. Chris woke up a bit under the weather today, so I'm playing it by ear for now.

The pictures are just precious and the poem about mom's "white lie" is so powerful. All you can do is reply "fine" when people ask "how are you?". Coping seems the only choice. Moving on to do purposeful work in Timmy's honor is such a beautiful idea. I know in my heart that the time for that will come for you. I believe that every step before is of equal importance. That is what amazes everyone about you. You are taking the time to move through every step carefully and thoughtfully. You have been faced with the hardest journey, be gentle with yourself in taking time and making decisions. YOU are amazing and so very loved!!!

Sending love and hugs, today and always.

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown,, NJ USA - Saturday, October 14, 2006 9:24 AM CDT
I have visited this site and wanted to write before but what I really want to do is call and I will next week. I think I need some encouragement and wisdom to find the strength to go on. You have an amazing will, and your Timmy looks so much like my Matthew did from the steroids I can't believe it. I just read your latest poem and I am crying for the millionth time this week, everything so fresh still.May peace be with you and your family!

Lisa C- mom to Mattthew, forever five, forever in my heart and soul. www.caringbridge.org/visit/matthewc1.

Lisa Cirincione <Lisacirincione@optonline.net>
Manalapan, NJ USA - Friday, October 13, 2006 9:25 PM CDT
stoping by to say hi.......

God bless

Ozzie <ovieira@hartz.com>
harrison, NJ - Friday, October 13, 2006 2:20 PM CDT
Here is a huge hug for both of you! See you soon.

Sue Griffin <jgastro29@verizon.net>
Middletown, NJ - Friday, October 13, 2006 6:20 AM CDT
Susan...still checking in and praying for you and your family. I am sorry I haven't posted in a while, I need to get better at that because how will you know I as here!? Things are going fine for us, Carly is getting stronger each day off of chemo, I am going to be a basket case in a few monthns before her next MRI. Thank you for always updating your site on how things are going for you and your family. I am still praying for your continued strength in missing Timmy. Carly had balett today, her nerves are damaged from the chemo, she can't hop or skip as the other kids to, and she sometimes falls when she is trying to balance on one foot, but she never gives up. I watch the other parents look at her and compare, as we all do, to the other kids who dance around with so much ease in the class and might think to themselves that she is very uncoordinated. If they only new that only a year ago she had trouble going up and down stairs and had to crawl them sometimes, and often fell for no apparent reason...they wouldn't see the little girl who can barely keep up with the class, rather they would see the most amazing dancer and be grinning from ear to ear as I do!
Have a great day Susan!
Chris www.carlysteam.com

chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
temecula, ca usa - Friday, October 13, 2006 1:20 AM CDT
hello susan we all still love you and check this web site everyday....our hearts are broken with you and for you... yes make us proud, as you did taking care of timmy....we all look up to you ,,,you give us strenth thank you
michele lally <cooker722@aol.com>
matawan , nj - Thursday, October 12, 2006 3:58 PM CDT
Sending you a hug....I am sure Timmy is looking down and smiling upon you....Lisa


Lisa Leger <lisamarieleger@yahoo.com>
Eunice, LA - Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:49 PM CDT
Always keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. Many many hugs for you.

Kim <ak825@ptd.net>
Stroudsburg, pa USA - Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:48 PM CDT
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

~*~ SUSAN ~*~


Prayer's....... Love..........


Big Bunch's of HUG'S To You!

Love & Hug's from California,


Remembering Timmy...................Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Danny <ccougarfan@aol.com>
- Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:36 AM CDT
My dear sweet Susan,
Timmy was in my mind & heart all day yesterday. I know he sends huge hugs for you through all of us. We all miss him so much too. We draw from his strength & courage to be here for you whenever you need us. May God continue to bless you with all of those beautiful moments you remember with your beautiful, loving, smiling boy.

With tons of love in my heart for you, Jay, Jason & Andrew, Mary Pat <mph317@yahoo.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:15 AM CDT
Susan ~ Sending you extra hugs and prayers tonight...
- Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:52 PM CDT
Thinking about you this evening. Praying for all who loved Timmy.
Debbie Grace's MomMom
Cape May, - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:51 PM CDT
Here is a extra big hug!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers. I miss you all. Gabbie is sending you a hug and a kiss.
Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:46 PM CDT
Susan - Thinking of you today.
Love and Hugs,

Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:36 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, and Jason,
For now, sending all of you a cyber hug! (Actually, a cyber bear hug.) The poem is beautiful, and we all had a huge Timmy smile on our faces as we read and visualized the last phrase! Proud of you all - Timmy and all his/your fans are and will always be proud of you, no matter what!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:28 PM CDT
Thinking of you today...
Rosie was singing a song yesterday, "God loves Timmy, God loves Timmy"...you are always so much in our thoughts.
And yes, he will be so proud of your journey, and all the ways you honor him...

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:26 PM CDT
I am sitting here in tears. I just watched Timmy's "My Life" video. That is such a beautiful tribute. How did you do that? I loved the song and everything. What a loss! I haven't heard from you. Been thinking about you every day. We never made our walk. We should get together soon. I would love to make a similar tribute for Kortney. It's just so touching and really gives you a feel for Timmy's personality. Hang in there~!

Kristen Gillette <soccrmom3@aol.com>
Oceanport, NJ - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:00 PM CDT
Susan, consider yourself hugged!


Stephanie Thompson <skt@ttranslations.com>
Yorktown, VA USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:59 PM CDT

Know that Timmy will always be very proud of you!

Glenn Luciano <gluciano@humed.com>
Harrington Park, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 11:29 AM CDT
Dear Susan, not a day goes by that I don't think of you & say a prayer for you & all of your boys.Thank you for sharing the pictures of Timmy, He has the most precious face, just beautiful! I wish Andrew a happy & peaceful birthday, funny how they get older & we stay the same! May God bless you, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:26 PM CDT
Dear Susan and family, I am so glad that you are able to look back at photo's of Timmy and remember everything about him. I know that your heart will never totally heal but it seems that you have certainly started the process and understand what that process is. Your friend Michelle is a neighbor and friend of my good friend and I am so happy that she has been able to help you. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sharon Lotito <pop21@verizon.net>
Red Bank, NJ USA - Sunday, October 8, 2006 7:22 PM CDT
I love the pictures, of course they remind me of James on the steroids as well, Timmy looks so thoughtful in the first one.

Laminating is a good idea, I put James's pictures and writing in an art folder with pockets to slip things in, but laminating sounds better.

It's so sad, that his drawings and writing was so ordinary and every day, and now, no more ever. I just found a huge drawing with captions that James did with his brother, a year or so ago it would have been nothing special, now it's treasure.

love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Sunday, October 8, 2006 1:05 PM CDT
I love the quote and the pics are great. He was such a cutie...I am sure you are missing him terribly. Praying all the time...Lisa


Lisa Leger <lisamarieleger@yahoo.com>
Eunice, LA - Sunday, October 8, 2006 9:48 AM CDT
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

"Each one of us is born for a specific reason
and purpose, and each one of us will die
when he or she has accomplished whatever
was to be accomplished. The in-between
depends on our willingness to make the
best of every day, of every moment, of every
opportunity. The choice is always yours."

To my dearest Susan,

Wow, what an awesome quote! We all know what purpose and reason Timmy was born. He came to teach us how to love, to live, how to fight, and even how to depart from this world with peace! I'm just so grateful I had the honor of getting to know one very, very special little boy!

Happy Belated Birthday to Andrew! I hope you all had a great weekend together.

Susan, I'm so blessed you have met Sharon, it's so neat how the Lord brings others into our lives, just when we need them to most. I pray the car wash was a success, and Luke's scholarship fund will be met.

I'll be thinking of you on your "Great Race" and the whole team for Timmy. I'll look forward to seeing pictures of that.

Oh, thanks for sharing those priceless pictures of Timmy. When I think of Timmy all I can see is one happy little boy running, playing and then resting in the lap of Jesus!

Keep holding on my friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, October 8, 2006 9:36 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
The pictures are so precious. Happy Birthday Andrew!!! Have a wonderful family celebration.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Saturday, October 7, 2006 2:09 PM CDT
me again--
the pictures are so beautiful...

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, October 7, 2006 11:57 AM CDT
Thinking of you today, (like always), hoping you are well, and not freezing, yikes it was cold today.


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, October 6, 2006 7:13 PM CDT
I agree the cooler weather seems to be good for all of us; for me it helps me think a little clearer.

You remain in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad you are taking time for yourself. You need to decide what is best for you at this time; no guilt!
Thoughts and warm feelings sent your way

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Friday, October 6, 2006 7:02 AM CDT
Thinking of you.
Danielle and Jordan <twxee@aol.com>
Norristown, PA - Thursday, October 5, 2006 10:06 AM CDT
Hi Susan & family. I still check your journal everyday since 2/22/06 (the first day it was sent to me). You are never ever far from my thoughts & prayers. GO Quinnipiac I hope yoor son is enjoyong it as much as he can in these time. God Bless all of you & again May God Hold You in the Palm of His Hand
Maureen <mbodiford@si.rr.com>
Staten Island, NY USA - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 9:47 PM CDT

Wanted you to know I was thinking about you. The movie Susan sent you is beautiful. It made me cry! Sending you hugs!

With Love,
Mom to Angel Trey - forever 5

Lorilee Thomas <lorilee_thomas66@yahoo.ca>
S. Surrey, BC Canada - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 6:43 PM CDT
Hi my dear friend. I just had to check in and see Timmy's face. Please know that I keep you close in my heart.


Romelle Lysenko <rlysenko@patmedia.net>
Somerset, NJ USA - Monday, October 2, 2006 9:28 PM CDT
Seeing Timmy in the bright blue autumn sky ... forever in my heart ...

Sending you all much love, as always ~

Kathy Lettieri <LettieriK@middletownk12.org>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, October 2, 2006 1:16 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
The movie Susan sent is lovely and so soothing. Please continue to do what you need to do, in your way, in your time. Only you know what is best for you at any given moment. Always thinking of all of you and Angel Timmy.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, October 2, 2006 10:09 AM CDT
Hi Susan,
It sounds like you've been keeping busy. You have such great support. You are very fortunate! I love what you did with the "I Love You" notes. I can sooooo relate to how you have been feeling the last two weeks. You just put it all into words for me. Five months. I can't believe it! I liked reading about the spiritual advisor in detail. Interesting about her saying that that was your near death experience to prove to you to live each day to the fullest. I think about that all the time. That we have learned that each day is precious and we shouldn't squandor it, but right now...You know! Would love to talk or get together again.

Kristen Gillette <soccrmom3@aol.com>
Oceanport, NJ - Monday, October 2, 2006 8:20 AM CDT
Dear Susan,

The film you downloaded is beautiful. I hope it brings comfort to so many who question and struggle with loss. I am thinking of all of you tonight. I can't imagine anyone not understanding your need for time for reflection now. I am sure those who love you will forever understand. We will be at the "Anyway 2k" and we will proudly wear a gold ribbon for Timmy and all of his brave HERO pals. If you need any help putting ribbons together, just say the word. As always, know that we're thinking of you.

Sending love and hugs,

Elizabeth <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:15 PM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

As always I look forward to your updates. In many ways it keeps us feeling close to Timmy, as we hear from you! It brings comfort...

I'm so blessed you are enjoying your class. I know there are so many questions we will all will have when we stand before the Lord, and I believe it will all make sense once we are there with Him and reunited with our loved ones who have gone before us.

On of my favorite passages in the bible is found on Ecc. 3, (this was a song we all grew up with!)

1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

And my favorite part is when Solomon said in verse 11, "He has made everything beautiful in its time."

One day we will see and understand, meanwhile we just have to keep trusting Him.

Don't worry about your friends Susan, I believe they will be more then willing to give you the time and the space you need. This is a new journey for you, just take it one step at the time.

Sending lots of love your way,


PS I'm so honored to be called your friend!!!

Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Sunday, October 1, 2006 7:07 PM CDT
Lifting you up in my thoughts and prayers!!
Dorine McNary
Williston, ND - Saturday, September 30, 2006 9:59 PM CDT
Hi Susan,
just wanted to let you know my letter to the editor did get published in our local newspaper "Daily Press." I don't think it's available online, though. Thanks again for inspiring me to do at least a little part to raise awareness about childhood cancer.
Nina had her last chemo treatment yesterday. It's a wonderful but also a very scary new chapter in our lives. Thank you for the sweet message you left on her site.


Stephanie Thompson <skt@ttranslations.com>
Yorktown, VA USA - Saturday, September 30, 2006 9:09 PM CDT
Thinking of you--praying always for peace and strength for you as you inhabit this new place, this grief.
I'm so glad you have pumpkins for Timmy...especially the kind the chipmunks won't find delicious!
we are praying for you...

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, September 30, 2006 8:56 PM CDT
Suausan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,
Just checking in to say i am still thinking about and praying for you all. If you ever need anything we are still here 24 & 7.

Michael A. Ambrosio <AMBO4940@AOL.COM>
Freehold, NJ USA - Thursday, September 28, 2006 10:15 PM CDT
Dear Susan,Jay,Andrew &Jason,
Please know that I think about you often and check in...the framed notes are absolutely precious...it gave me such a warm feeling in my heart for all of you...thank-you again for sharing Timmy with us...I will continue to pray for all of you...much love....Lori Murray

Lori Murray <Lorri928@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ Monmouth - Thursday, September 28, 2006 9:33 AM CDT
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To my dearest Susan,

Sorry it's been a while...

So glad to read you have been keeping yourself busy, and feeling so close to Timmy! That put a great big smile on my face tonight.

I'm so blessed to read about the course you are now taking. I know you have been searching, I pray this will open up a whole new world for you. I love your heart, and I know God does too! Here is a special promise for you:

"I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me." Prov 8:17

I was so excited to read about the responses you got from the article you wrote Susan, it was so heartfelt! I believe it has made a difference!

Oh...I just love what you did with the love notes Timmy wrote, how creative!

Well sweetie, I'll continue to pray for you and your family.

Sending a great big hug your way tonight,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 9:30 PM CDT
Thinking of you tonight Susan, and praying for you.

Ann Watts/Angel Wings <bubbasoldlady@cebridge.net>
Jacksonville, AR USA - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 9:29 PM CDT
~ Susan ~

Growing in Love of Timmy with all you share from your heart!

The memorial plaque at the dedication is

Beautiful.........and the.............

I love you's...................like Timmy ......... are priceless!

I come by everyday to see the Thumb's up smile and the Sparkle in Timmy's eye's!

Thank you Susan for sharing " your " Timmy and God's Love for all of us to witness..

Love & Hug's,

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Danny <ccougarfan@aol.com>
Ca - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:48 AM CDT
Dear Susan, what a beautiful idea, Timmy knew you would know what to do with the notes he left for you! I am sure it makes all of you smile when you look at them. I know he will continue to give you reminders of how much he loves you! You & your boys are always in our thoughts & prayers, with love, the Hall's
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:44 PM CDT
I just saw your article in the newspaper. My daughter also died of cancer. The cancer didn't beat Timmy- he won! He is a beautiful Angel floating free of all pain and cancer. The cancer died-he didn't. (Although I would like to grind my daughter's tumor into the ground, spit on it, jump on it and set it on fire-it didn't win because it died when she became an Angel.)Sending many prayers for you, Meg Crossett

Meg Lawless Crossett
Centreville, Va USA - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 8:52 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
Just stopping by to say , "HI!"
I love the post it note project! What a special rememberance of Timmy's love for all of you.
I am back to school and a bit crazy. I hope you continue to feel better.
Love, Karen

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
Ramsey, NJ - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 8:28 PM CDT
The "I love you" notes are wonderful. They will be a lasting memory for all of you.

Let me about the Alpha classes. I had thought of attending a similar classes at my parish - but just couldn't find the time.

Thinking of you always.

Roseanne <rosanella@hotmail.com>
Howell, NJ USA - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 3:27 PM CDT
I havent ever posted here before, but i have been reading Timmys's website since last year. I just have never known what to say. I really like what you have done with the notes from Timmy.
I have a angel son in heaven too(he went when he was 2 years old), and when ever i feel down something reminds me of him and makes me feel better. He would have been 13 this year. He had a heart problem.
I just felt it was time to write.
God Bless you for keeping the site going. I didnt have a computer back then so i didnt have a website to keep in touch with other people. You dont know this but you help other people cope too.
Thanks Vicki in Michigan

Vicki Hartman <vickijo@hotmail.com>
Mi - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 1:02 PM CDT
My dear sweet friend, Susan,
Only you could think of such a sweet & creative way to bring Timmy's "I love you" notes to life! My heart is warm with love for all of you. I'm so proud of you for all that you do through this difficult journey. You find new & beautiful ways to "feel" your boy's love. Thank you for sharing and giving us some of his love too! We all wish you more comforted days.

With lots of love & prayers.....Mary Pat <mph317@yahoo.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:18 AM CDT
What a beautiful project...there is so much love in everything you say & do, Susan...I wish you could know how your words, even the hard ones, minister to so many (at least to me...I draw great strength from your love for Timmy...and from his love for all of you).

have to go buy bread for the hungry masses,
peace, my friend,

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 8:46 AM CDT
Susan....I love what you have done with the "I Love You Notes". I am sure that you will treasure them forever. Thank you my friend for your notes on Jim's page and for all of your support. I have been here checking in but haven't been leaving many messages. We will be leaving for Jim's surgery next Tuesday. I will be thiking about you my friend as I go and hope that I have a quarter of the unbelieveable strength that you have shown me throughout this whole journey with your precious Timmy. You are an inspiration my friend. Love, Aimee
Aimee Disney <Briannashelysmom@yahoo.com>
Aldan, PA USA - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 7:35 AM CDT
I love what you did with the I LOVE YOU NOTES I have not post in awhile , but i check everyday. We are waiting to see if the baby cub come back to our den this year . If they do i will send you some pictures.
cathy jauch <perry67@aol.com>
dingmans ferry, pa - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 6:45 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

Thinking of you tonight. I too, just love the project you've made with Timmy's "love" notes. It is so perfect. It fills me with joy just looking at a photo of it. I know it has already found a place of honor in your warm and loving home. I'm thinking that finding those notes when you did was certianly a "sign" from Timmy. I imagine he is very proud to have sent it so clearly and thrilled that you can enjoy it over and over again and share it with everyone. Yep, I'm seeing those beautiful blue eyes twinkling and beaming with "thumbs up" pride right now.

I hope that Jason's college selection process goes well. What an exciting thing for him to be focusing on. You and Jay must feel like pros at this process by now, I'm told the second time is easier, no?

I'm glad the days have been more gentle with you. We are all thinking of you with love and prayers. We are here.

With Love and Hugs,

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, September 25, 2006 10:27 PM CDT
I'm praying for you Susan. The newspaper article was very well written.

Ann Watts/Angel Wings <bubbasoldlady@cebridge.net>
Jacksonville, AR USA - Monday, September 25, 2006 6:51 PM CDT

I LOVE what you did with the I Love You notes. That is the best idea!!! It is adorable. What a special gift he left you, and what a wonderful way to remember the love between you guys.
Best to you and your entire family!

Okinawa, JP - Monday, September 25, 2006 8:23 AM CDT
The pictures are beautiful. Once again thank you for sharing with all of us.
Sheila Houston <shouston@comcast.net>
Lincroft, N.J. USA - Sunday, September 24, 2006 9:37 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
I read your letter to the editor and was so touched. My son left Oregon on September 8 riding his bicycle to Manasquan to raise money for the ACS.I told him your story. Timmy's name is on Drew's bike now and making the trip with him. You are a courageous person yourself and one tough Mom.

Laurie <mrspufffish@hotmail.com>
Freehold, N.J. USA - Sunday, September 24, 2006 9:29 PM CDT
I love the framed post-its Susan, how creative. I also thank you for your kind words about your friends in the last posting. We truley love you back.
your friend

Maryalice <ozooma@aol.com>
middletown, nj - Sunday, September 24, 2006 7:14 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, and Jason,
Love your framing of Timmy's precious notes - what a wonderful idea for all of you to have his special message right there always! Glad to read of all your doing to move forward in your healing and that each is bringing you some comfort. Good luck to Jason - may the process go smoothly! Always thinking of all of you and Angel Timmy.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Sunday, September 24, 2006 6:13 PM CDT
Your entries continue to inspire!! What a beautiful project you created with those notes. A wonderful memory and tribute to the love you all share. Glad to hear your week went well. Keep smiling.

Shannon Tarentino <buttrrkupp@verizon.net>
Clark, NJ USA - Sunday, September 24, 2006 6:03 PM CDT
My Dear Friend,
I know there are days when sadness just seem's to envelope us we miss our children so much and please know you are
never far from my thoughts and always in my prayers.I love you my friend..

Trish/Angel_Wings <Kngboyer@aol.com>
Kingston, TN USA - Sunday, September 24, 2006 10:47 AM CDT
I am praying for you.
Lis Geoghegan <liveinspirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Saturday, September 23, 2006 9:49 PM CDT
Hi Susan,
I am so sorry I haven't wrote sooner, but as you know it has been an awful month for us. I also wanted to share what a special boy you HAVE, you already knew that though. He will always be with you in some way just not as a body on earth. Your son touched my heart in a way that only my own kids could of done. He made me see the wonder of simple things, like getting lost and going over the bridge. If I hadn't gotten lost I would have never seen that bridge and how wonderful the view was. I will always remember Timmy and his wonderful family. I made a wonderful friend because of him. I thank God at night for that special gift. I still laugh about the time we plotted to switch your coffee with decafe and how he showed me you would go through with withdrawels. I laughed then and it still makes me laugh today. Rainy days always bring us down but the rainbow later is wonderful. I bet he's up there making the biggest rainbow for you, just keep looking for it. I love you my friend. Thanks for being there for me when I needed you and I will be here if you need me.

Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Saturday, September 23, 2006 1:59 PM CDT
Hi Susan...I know I have not sent you a message in a while, but I do check the site quite often...Everyday when I open my locker at work to put on my uniform, I see Timmy, I have the bookmark with his communion picture hanging up next to my mirror. He is a guardian angel looking over all of us that put on the uniform everyday.
Rich Liguori <rliguori57@hotmail.com>
Mahwah, NJ - Saturday, September 23, 2006 3:34 AM CDT
Just stopped by to say HI and let you know I am thinking of and praying for you and yours .
I ache so much for you my friend.You are facing a journey that NO mother should ever have to be on .I pray for some peace and rest for you.
Know that Timmy will ALWAYS be your little angel.He has made a difference in SO MANY lives .Mine included.
All my love to you my friend .
Regards and God Bless

Carol A Spadea <FiberDiva@adelphia.net>
Moscow, Pa USA - Friday, September 22, 2006 9:41 PM CDT
Susan I feel fortunate that we were put into each other's lives even if through the worst of circumstances. I can't imagine not having someone else who "speaks the same language" as I do to share this painful time. Know that I am here for you and just a phone call, an email or a 10 minute drive away. We will get through this! I can tell by reading your journal that Timmy and Kortney would've been friends on earth. I am positive they are swinging on swings together up in heaven. Wow, do you see what our lunch yesterday did for me. I just made a connection to what Kortney is doing in HEAVEN! Timmy did that for me!(tears)Both of our kids had unbelievable spirits and we have to honor that by doing all we can one day at a time here.
Kristen Gillette <soccrmom3@aol.com>
Oceanport, NJ - Friday, September 22, 2006 7:14 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Just wanted to let you know how much I think of you & your boys. I check in all the time, you are so strong, even if you don't think so. I think you knew everything Sara told you, but I am glad that she confirmed it for you. Your Angel Timmy will be with you always,I pray for peace for all of you, keeping you in my thoughts always, with love, Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 11:12 PM CDT
To my dearest Susan,

Just stopping by tonight to let you know I was thinking of you. I pray you had a good day today, filled with many smiles as you thought of your sweet Timmy.

You are on the most difficult journey any mother could ever take, I pray for God's strength, His grace, His comfort, and for many, many angels to surround you with their love.

You are an angel to me!

Keep holding on my friend, we are all here for you,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9:52 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
I think God chose you to have an impact on the rest of us. Your words and thoughts bring me to tears one minute and a smile the next. What an experience you had-I'm glad it brought you such comfort. I read your article and found it very moving. You are ment to touch alot of people and share Timmy's journey with them. You are going to make a difference in honor of Timmy's short life. When I see the blue sky on a beautiful day I think of him.
Much love,

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:53 PM CDT
Read "your views" in the paper. Childhood Cancer Awareness month is important for the public to be informed and raise money for research. Another issue is for the medical profession to be aware of the symptoms of a brain tumor in a child. It is not school concerns, not because his mother had another baby, AND he is not causing the symptoms himself. Our grandson is Justin F. Benson 1-31-92 - angel 4-13-00 www.heavenlylights.homestead.com page 2. Please accept my condolences in the loss of your little boy. I know the road you are traveling every day.
carol a. benson <ohmo32@aol.com>
toms river, nj usa - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:41 PM CDT
As always, I am here praying for you & your family. Selfishly, I do not leave a message as often as I should. I am very glad that Timmy is with St. Michael. As my husband is a police officer, we all know, they need all the prayers they can get. I am happy to know that Timmy is an Angel watching over him. I think I write the same thing every time I leave a message but it's so true..I am extremely sad that you had to go through everything you did, but as a mother of 3 boys & a wife with a husband who works 2 jobs & seems to be away from us alot, your experience gives me the patience I sometimes lose more quickly than I should. It has really made me appreicate everything I have, knowing that in an instant it can be taken away. I look so forward to your new postings. I would be incredibly sad if you were to stop. I truly hope that it as therapeutic for you as it is me. You and your family are always in my heart & in my prayers.
Dawn <gwin213@optonline.net>
River Egde, NJ - Monday, September 18, 2006 10:12 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Everyone has a special gift and I am happy that Sara's gift is bringing you comfort, peace, and love. Glad that your family had a wonderful day together celebrating Timmy. Thinking of all of you and your special Angel every day!!!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 8:09 PM CDT
Praying and thinking of you often!!
Jackie Hiter <jackie@hiterfoods.com>
Mt. Juliet, TN USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 4:22 PM CDT
Honestly, there are others out there clicking away behind the scenes who have worked FAR harder on the hug-counter than I have (I'm sure they know who they are). I really do not deserve credit for it reaching 1.5 million. I wasn't even around to see that moment as I had to babysit this afternoon.

Well done everyone!!!! I'm so glad we have this way of showing our love.

Miranda <nostalgic.one@gmail.com>
London, England - Monday, September 18, 2006 3:44 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
You have been much in my heart the last week or so. I can see Timmy with St. Michael, protecting and defending everyone; Genna loves the St. Michael prayer, we say it every night together.

sending you hugs & prayers,

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 3:41 PM CDT
The counter is getting so close. Wouldn't it be nice if Susan was able to give the hug that reaches 1.5 million?
Donna K <carrington98@msn.com>
Lincroft, NJ - Monday, September 18, 2006 1:15 PM CDT
The counter is getting so close. Wouldn't it be nice if Susan was able to give the hug that reaches 1.5 million?
Donna K <carrington98@msn.com>
Lincroft, NJ - Monday, September 18, 2006 1:11 PM CDT
My dear sweet Susan........
I'm so glad that your "reading" brought you some comfort. I am one who truly believes that certain people are given a gift to help us connect. I hear re-assurance in your writing that you know that your boy is OK. I am so grateful for that. I trust that he will watch over YOU now. He knows how to love & care for you, just like you cared for and love him. Your words are always sooooo powerful for us. You paint an emotional picture for us to share with you. Thank you.

With Love & continuous prayers, Mary Pat <mph317@yahoo.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 12:44 AM CDT
Dear Susan and Family,
Thinking of you all and remembering the strength and courage of your sweet boy Timmy. Reading your journal entries give me strength as a mom of two little ones and as a wife to a husband that travels overseas during this "tough" time in our world. I have shared Timmy's story with my husband and told him to share it with the guys overseas to inspire them...so thank you for sharing your tremendous story! I have a lot of police officers in my family, so St. Michael is someone we keep close to our hearts...I believe my cousins sent Timmy some stuff from EPD (Elizabeth PD)to add to his collection. It sounds like you have an amazing support system to help you through this time. Treasure those friends and know that all of that support is a true reflection of who you and your son are!! Keep smiling and have a great week!

Shannon Tarentino <buttrrkupp@verizon.net>
Clark, NJ USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 11:35 AM CDT
I just finished reading "your views" in the asbury park press which brought me to Timmy's page. My prayers of strength,hope and love are being said for you and your family.I am sure Timmy gave and recieved many gifts in his lifetime and from your message i read today in the paper you are certainly one of them.God Bless you .. GGD
gerri grena <Gerri@bloomberg.net>
little silver, nj 07739 - Monday, September 18, 2006 9:30 AM CDT
I am glad that St. Michael is with Timmy. I have a devotion to St.Michael, (my high school in Manhattan was St. Michael Academy), and I pray to him frequently, especially for Timmy. It seems that St. Michael answered my prayers and is guarding Timmy! The feast day for St.Michael is coming up - it is Sept. 29.
Roseanne Silvertein <silversteinr@middletownk12.org>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 8:29 AM CDT
Dear Susan and family,
I did not have the honor of knowing Timmy, but I can feel the love for him throughout the Village section of Middletown. Hold on to those wonderful memories of your little boy and may you and your family have peace in knowing that he will always be remembered by those who loved him.

Jeanine Horowitz <Jeanineron@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 7:00 AM CDT
As the change of seasons surrounds us, your fresh memories seem bittersweet as they continue to change also...
but oh how wonderful to feel surrounded by timmy's love and to know he is strong again!

there are times in each day when i see things that i know would interest timmy and i hold him close to my heart..

as a cancer survivor, i know the challenge of meeting each day with fresh and renewed spirit.

nurture yourself. love those that are close and think of the blessing that so many others are.

your spirit touches many hearts susan and we give you fortitude and love in gods name to add to your strength.
may you continue to heal and broaden your daily path...

happy journey, my friend!

Laura Petersen <laura@friendsinthecountry.com>
TIMMYTOWN, CA America - Monday, September 18, 2006 5:05 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

Thinking of all of you tonight.

Susan, I was happy to learn you went for a "reading". I realize that some people don't agree with anything so unorthodox. I, however, think the energy your beautiful boy left here on Earth can be "read" by certian individuals. I've been told the same thing... that the "signs" are there for us, we just need to be open to them. I guess you must be somewhat open to these signs or else you would not have agreed to be "read". I hope what you were told offers you comfort.

I wish these days were not so hard on you. Five months since Timmy became an angel and five years since September 11th seem truly impossible. It still amazes me that one moment in time can change the course of our lives forever. That exact moment when life can only be thought about as before or after. I pray that your days lead you towards a path of healing that surrounds you with the same comfort and love that you provided for Timmy every day he was here on Earth. He is sending you love and raising you up because he needs to know that his Mommy is going to be okay -- and she will be, in time.

You remain on my mind and in my heart. I am here.

With love always,

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Sunday, September 17, 2006 8:29 PM CDT
CarolS Here..
Just stopping in to say HELLO and thinking and praying for you and yours .I want you to know that you have been in my mind SO MUCH lately .
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers .

Carol A Spadea <Fiberdiva@adelphia.net>
Madison Township, PA USA - Sunday, September 17, 2006 8:14 PM CDT
Susan and Family...

I just wnated you to know that I come here often to check in on you...I let the busy-ness of life prevent me from actually reaching out nad leaving a message for you. I can't think of a single life expereince, moment, thought that wouldn't cause your heart to break just a little more. It seems that everything would be so hard after losing your 'baby'. I'm just so sorry that you are having to grope around and find your way in yet another foreign land that was deffinitely NOT on your itinerary.

Your posts always remind me to be thankful for each day with my kiddos...no matter how hectic they are...no matter what 'news' we get, no matter how tired I am...because we just never know when it could all end. None of that will ever come close to justification...no lesson you can teach the masses will make your heart feel any less broken...but, thank you for taking the time to share anyway!

With Love to you and yours!!!

Hadley's Mama

Angela Fox <FoxiFamily@yahoo.com>
Portland, Oregon USA - Sunday, September 17, 2006 10:26 AM CDT
Dear Susan
I miss him too. I thought of Timmy as I prepared for my new group of students and felt such sadness. I know that your pain is never ending and special days and dates make it even more heart wrenching. I see his tree and bench every afternoon and always give our angel a little nod. Please know that you are on my mind and Timmy is always in my heart. I would like to have a fall "picnic" with you-or maybe just a tea break after school. I will be in touch.
Much love

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Saturday, September 16, 2006 8:53 PM CDT
That hug-counter is doing amazingly! Looks like it's going to reach 1.5 million before the weekend is over.

Love to you all,

Miranda <nostalgic.one@gmail.com>
London, England - Saturday, September 16, 2006 9:49 AM CDT

Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and sending strength and prayers your way! I am glad you are finding ways to make a difference. It is so nice you and Romelle are able to meet and help other angel Moms!

With Love,
Mom to Angel Trey - forever 5

Lorilee <lorilee_thomas66@yahoo.com>
South Surrey, BC Canada - Saturday, September 16, 2006 1:51 AM CDT
Hi, Susan...and a belated Happy Birthday to Jay (you and my dad apparently share a birthday!). Thinking of you lots, and always thinking of Timmy, too.

thanks always for caring for us; you are a great source of strength for me.


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, September 15, 2006 8:20 PM CDT
Hello Pauxtis family,

I have not forgot about you guys. I think about Timmy and your family often. I have visited Timmy a couple of times on my way to Whole Foods. I am sure he is a proud member of Saint Michaels Army and watching over us.

God Bless you

Robert Shaughnessy

Robert Shaughnessy <ryaidanshaug@yahoo.com>
Shrewsbury, NJ USA - Friday, September 15, 2006 3:33 PM CDT
It's hard finding different ways to say "I'm praying." Know that I AM praying for you right now!
Ps 18:30 As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.
The Prayer Bears Website

Lynn <aprayerbear@gmail.com>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, September 14, 2006 9:05 PM CDT
What a wonderful letter you wrote to the newspaper -- again I cried. I cried for Timmy, for Luke, for Kyle, for all the children who get cancer for reasons we will never know and for those who never win their battle or spend so much of their precious childhood fighting and fighting and fearful of it if wins.
Maybe if more people are inspired and encouraged by the awareness of September, more can be done to stop it. That is my hope!

Loving you and inspired by you

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Thursday, September 14, 2006 5:13 PM CDT
AS always thank you for inspiring me to be a better mom, teacher, and person.
I will always remember Timmy and honor him in any way I can.
God Bless all of you!

Roseanne Silvertein <silversteinr@middletownk12.org>
Middletown, NJ USA - Thursday, September 14, 2006 7:40 AM CDT
My heartfelt thoughts and sympathy to you and your family. After reading your article in the news transcript about Timmy, it made me go to the computer and read about your brave and difficult journey. Again, my thoughts are with you.
Susan <Susue1025@al.com>
- Thursday, September 14, 2006 6:50 AM CDT
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Hi Susan,

I keep seeing a commercial on Discovery Health that plays the song you have on Timmy's site. Every time I hear it I think of him, and then I say a prayer for you. It still seems like yesterday he was here with us.

I received an article in my email today, and I'd like to share something someone wrote about death, I thought it was really comforting:

"God is a good God. We must begin here. Though we dont understand his actions, we can trust his heart.

God does only what is good. But how can death be good? Some mourners dont ask this question. When the quantity of years has outstripped the quality of years, we dont ask how death can be good.

In Gods plan every life is long enough and every death is timely. And though you and I might wish for a longer life, God knows better.

Andthis is importantthough you and I may wish a longer life for our loved ones, they dont. Ironically, the first to accept Gods decision of death is the one who dies.

While we are shaking heads in disbelief, they are lifting hands in worship. While we are mourning at a grave, they are marveling at heaven. While we are questioning God, they are praising God."

I love to think of Timmy whole and healed!

I'm also looking forward to hear all the many ways God will use you to bring comfort and hope to so many.

Lots of love and hugs to you tonight,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 9:18 PM CDT
I am glad you are finding support in other women who have experienced the same thing. I believe it is so important. I also wanted to let you know there isn't a day that I don't think of Timmy. His spirit is everywhere!

PS Great Job getting back into the gym. I find a good workout helps me get my ya ya's out.

Jennifer Boudreau <Jerseyjen@mac.com>
Ocean, NJ 07712 - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 11:00 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Wishing Jay many birthday blessings today! Writing the letter was a terrific idea and it is beautiful. It is wonderful that Romelle, Kristen, and you are there for each other - sharing, supporting with others who truly, totally comprehend. Wishing you loving memories, talk to you soon,
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 6:13 AM CDT
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~ Susan ~
I came by tonight to tell you I have had you on my heart
I come by Timmy's CB page everyday to see his adorable freckled face ,
Bright Blue sparkling eyes and Joyful smile........... Thank you for sharing
your heart, your continued journey and your precious Timmy!
Love & Hug's,

Danny <ccougarfan@aol.com>
Ca - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 9:34 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

Thinking of you this evening. Your letter in the Independent was heartfelt and powerful. I am so hopeful that the level of awareness does rise for these beautiful kids with this horrible illness. It is so evident to all that your words can help others. I have always found writing to be so therapeutic, I think it's a wonderful genre for you to explore. I am so sorry these days have been so hard for you. I hope you continue to find the peaceful moments that make each day a little easier to cope with. We are here for you.

Sending love and hugs,

p.s. I hope the gym body aches subside. You know the drill, it's just awful, but it helps to keep working through the OUCH! I'll keep looking for you -

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown,, NJ USA - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 9:11 PM CDT
Hi Susan,
I have been following Timmy's story since shortly before his birthday. I want you to know that you just inspired me! My daughter is in treatment for rhabdomyosarcoma. Our governor in Virginia has declared September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and I just sent a letter to the editor of our daily paper to raise awareness. I hope you don't mind that I leaned on the format of yours somewhat. If it gets published, I'll send you the link. Thanks, Susan!


Stephanie Thompson <skt@ttranslations.com>
Yorktown, VA USA - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 12:35 AM CDT
Dear Susan,
I thought of you and Timmy on the first day of school. Our boys would have been so excited. They should be here with us. Your article was very touching and a much needed message. I believe God is preparing you for great things, all in his time. I recently read a book that talked about the deep pain we experience when we lose a loved one. The depth of our pain is equal to the depth of our love for that person. It is only with the horrible pain and grief that we create change within us. That is what you are doing now, allowing your pain to create a change that will help others. What a legacy your Timmy is leaving.

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 3:26 AM CDT
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"Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted...Matthew 5:4

Dear Susan,

Thinking of you tonight as it is now Timmy's 5 month anniversary. I pray this day was not too difficult for you.

The article you wrote was beautiful and sad, but so true. We need to win this battle!!

I'm so blessed to read about the special friendship you have made with Romelle, and now Kristin. I believe your special bond will uphold all you.

Thanks for being such a wonderful friend and support to so many others in this journey Susan. In your loss you still keep giving and giving! I know this is and will continue to be a source of strength and comfort to you. We need you Susan!

I know God is up to something, and has some really great plans for your life, you have so much to give, and there are so many who need your love.

Meanwhile, take good care of your self. Thinking of you always, and missing Timmy each day.


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Monday, September 11, 2006 10:54 PM CDT
Hello, Even though I haven't written recently all of you are in my thoughts. I think of Timmy often particularly since school began because I can see his garden from my classroom window. I know his friends miss him. There are students visiting the garden every day. Your letter to the Independent was excellent. Hang in there and remember you are thought of often. Kathy Lou
Kathy Lou Colmorgen <colmorgenk@middletownk12.org>
Red Bank, NJ USA - Monday, September 11, 2006 7:52 PM CDT
Hang in there, I think of Timmy always. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Jay and the boys always.
Michael a. Ambrosio

Michael A. Ambrosio <AMBO4940@AOL.COM>
Freehold, NJ - Monday, September 11, 2006 6:52 PM CDT
Still remembering timmy. I didn't meet him in person but I miss him.
David melton angel-wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
Tulsa, Ok - Monday, September 11, 2006 9:50 AM CDT
Hi Timmy,
I'm thinking of you today.
Hugs to Heaven,

Sami Kennedy <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, September 11, 2006 5:47 AM CDT
Thank you for writing that letter...words like that really do help people understand, help them get a glimpse of why we MUST find a cure...

You know you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I printed out your note for Genna and she was so pleased. We'll say an extra prayer for you tomorrow...I hope to get to Mass for a memorial for Sept. 11, and I will offer it especially for you too.

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:13 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
Just to let you know I am often thinking about you and Jay and the boys. I loved the Dash poem and sent it to my family. I think we all need to think about our own dash each day. What an inspiration you are to us all.
Hope you are well and I hope we can get together soon.
Love, Karen

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
Ramsey, NJ - Sunday, September 10, 2006 11:04 AM CDT
Dear Susan and family, Timmy's dash truly was special and so will yours be. I know you are going to continue to share your love and experience to help others and unfortunately there are so many parents facing what you have already been through. Between your friends and your own incredible courage I know you will be OK.
Sharon Lotito <pop21@verizon.net>
Red Bank, NJ USA - Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:39 AM CDT
Hi Susan,

It's the night before the 11th here in Japan, and I was just thinking how heaven gained a blue-eyed angel five months ago. I think of you and your family often.
Love and prayers,

Tatiana R.
Kadena AB, Okinawa,, Japan - Sunday, September 10, 2006 4:42 AM CDT
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love In Christ,
Dorine McNary
Williston, ND - Saturday, September 9, 2006 7:03 PM CDT
Still thinking of you and praying for you.
David melton angel_wings <DMelton321@yahoo.com>
Tulsa, Ok - Saturday, September 9, 2006 2:30 PM CDT
thinking of you today,

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, September 8, 2006 8:29 PM CDT
Susan, what a beautiful and powerful letter in the Independent. Your strength, grace and eloquence are an inspiration to us all, and such an amazing tribute to Timmy.
Your family continues to be in our thoughts and prayers.
The Horan Family

Kathy Horan <khoran@sbhcs.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, September 8, 2006 8:04 PM CDT
Things are busy around here but I wanted to let you know we are still thinking about you all the time. In fact, I think we are due to take a ride to New Jersey some time in the near future and spend a lunch date with you!
Hope all is well in your world and the sunshine is radiant upon you!

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
WHitehall, PA - Friday, September 8, 2006 12:47 AM CDT
Susan..Carol S here..
Just a note to tell you that I am continuing to think of and pray for all of you.Hope this note finds you a bit better .Hope the boys are doing well in school (getting used to the idea of the summer being over and time to get back to the old routine of school.)
Hope to hear soon that you have your position you want at the Ronald McDonald House .
Talk to you soon .
Peace and Love from The Poconos of Pa. Carol

Carol A Spadea <FiberDiva@adelphai.net>
Madison Township, Pa USA - Thursday, September 7, 2006 11:10 PM CDT
I think of you often...I read the website regularly and I was so delighted to hear about your trip to London--and, your smiling for the first time--
As always, you are in my prayers!

Rosanna Pollack <roepollack@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, September 7, 2006 8:51 PM CDT
I am so happy that we have one another. The circumstances are horrible, but it's so nice to have such a caring, wonderful friend. Your Timmy was also loved so much and you and your family are thought about so often. Those notes that you found made me cry. Timmy was such a special boy and there is a reason why you found them...he needed to comfort you. God Bless you and your family and most of all Angel Timmy. Much Love, Sharon

Sharon Nesbihal
Middletown, NJ Monmouth - Thursday, September 7, 2006 7:51 PM CDT
Stopping by to let you know that your family is still in my thoughts and prayers!

The Prayer Bears Website

Lynn <aprayerbear@gmail.com>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, September 7, 2006 5:00 PM CDT
Dear Susan,

Thinking of you always... Dana

Dana Deliso <Dana_Deliso@hotmail.com>
MIDDLETOWN, NJ USA - Thursday, September 7, 2006 11:37 AM CDT
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To my dearest Susan,

Oh my, what a wonderful update! Just the thought of you smiling as you think of Timmy made me happy, and now I'm smiling too!

I know you still have a long way to go, but this is just the beginning of a lot more smiles and beautiful memories. I pray you have them more and more until you can hardly remember Timmy being so sick. In time...

Susan, I was also so blessed to read how the Lord has surrounded you with such "faithful friends". You have a way with you that makes it very easy for others to feel close to you. I know it was very easy for me...

The dash article was really good, and so TRUE! If only we thought about that more, I believe we would live our lives differently.

Thanks for continuing to share your journey with us Susan. There isn't a day I don't think of sweet Timmy or you and the courageous battle that was finally WON!

Keep holding on my friend, we are all here with you,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Thursday, September 7, 2006 8:09 AM CDT
Dear Susan and Jay...I am thinking of you and praying "extra hard" this week, I wish for you many more memories of Timmy to make you smile...Good luck in your senior years Andrew & Jason! with Love, Lori Murray
Lori Murray <Lorri928@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ Monmouth - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 9:04 AM CDT
Dear Susan, I've been thinking of you all day today, as I watched my youngest boy go off to school, I wanted to run to him for one more hug. I pray that you can feel Angel Timmy's hugs & kisses that I know he is sending to you always. It is nice to hear happy memories are coming to you. Keeping you, Jay & your precious boys in our thoughts & prayers, with love, the Hall family
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ Usa - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 9:52 PM CDT
I hope you start having many more happy memories of your time with your baby. I am so happy they are starting to come for you. Take care of yourself and your other boy's. I miss you and your family and angel Timmy so much these past day's. Your in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs for everyone. Love you all.
Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 11:44 AM CDT
Wow, that hug-counter has really taken off again!

Thinking of you,

Miranda <nostalgic.one@gmail.com>
London, England - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 10:52 AM CDT
Dear Susan and Jay,

I'm thinking of you this morning, I hope this day, along with others, offers you more moments to reflect and smile about your loving and sweet Timmy. You remain in my thoughts and it pleases me so to think of you smiling.
I send you peace on this day especially.

I really loved "dash". It is so beautiful and it speaks volumes to things we tend to overlook. I keep my memories of my Grandmother so near to me daily. It sounds so corny but, I couldn't imagine a day passing without a thought about a lesson she taught me or without smiling thinking about her "dash". I truly find that it helps and I am so happy that some healing is finding you. "Baby steps" are indeed forward movement. I once again admire and commend you for your bravery in moving forward. You are a special lady, your baby is proud of you.

I am so looking forward to all of us getting together again. Nothing like getting together and just being "girls" again, I really enjoyed myself.

Sending love and hugs,

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 8:34 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, and Jason,
Loved the dash movie and its message. Timmy's dash was way too short, but oh so wide, touching so many near and far. Hope that Andrew and Jason have a great start to their senior years. Thinking of all of you.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, September 4, 2006 8:29 PM CDT
Susan, I am so happy to hear you are having some good days and enjoying things a bit more than you were. I've read the dash before but never saw the link you shared. Most people measure life by how many birthdays they had - the dash is really what matters. Timmy touched so many lives in his short 10 years than most adults will ever some close to touching. I could only dream of touching half the amount that Timmy and your family have touched in the past couple of years. Thanks so much for sharing Timmy, you and your family with us.

My thoughts will continue to be with you. This week has got to be tough with the beginning of a new school year. I'm sure you will find something wonderful to do in Timmy's memory.

Love and Hugs,

Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Monday, September 4, 2006 8:27 PM CDT
Dear Susan,

I was so happy to read that you've been smiling! I pray that you are flooded with happy memories of Timmy today that make you smile... and maybe even laugh out loud.

Patty Mullins <cPatty4CM@cableone.net>
Biloxi, MS 39531 - Monday, September 4, 2006 11:54 AM CDT
Dear Susan and family,
Thank you for continuing to share your journey of love with us! I look forward to reading your entries as your words, thoughts and stories are truly inspiring to me as a mother of a son and daughter; as a wife;as a friend; and as a person in general. I wish you and your family continued peace and may you all find comfort in the amazing stories you tell of your Angel Timmy!! Have a great week!

Shannon Tarentino <buttrrkupp@verizon.net>
Clark, NJ USA - Sunday, September 3, 2006 10:27 PM CDT
Hi Susan,

Just wanted to check in on you. One thing for sure is that no matter how short Timmy's dash was he has impacted more people in his short life then many who have had a much longer dash. A life's worth is not determined by the number of candles on a birthday cake -but by the lives they have touched along their way. So although Timmy's dash was way too short his touch is far reaching and continues on today through all who have followed his journey. Thank you again for sharing it with your interntet family.
Love, Cathie

Cathie Donnelly <kitcat2164@aol.com>
Staten Island, NY - Sunday, September 3, 2006 9:41 PM CDT
I think of your family often and always check your website for an update. You website is always very uplifting to all who read. Again many thanks for sharing your journey.
Sheila Houston <shouston@comcast.net>
Lincroft, N.J. USA - Sunday, September 3, 2006 9:09 PM CDT
Dear Susan
As I prepare for school my thoughts turn to Timmy. I know this must be a hard time for you. I stopped by to visit Timmy with my family a few days ago. His spot is so beautiful and I felt the need to give him a "Hug" from Village School. We will never forget your darling Timmy.
Hope to see you soon,

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Sunday, September 3, 2006 4:58 PM CDT
Thinking of you today, in the rain and wind...hope you're not too covered in tree debris...most of the branches down here are smallish (famous last words, I'm sure).

So glad to "hear" your smile...

And G has a gold ribbon pinned on her bookbag...we will always remember.

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, September 2, 2006 6:31 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Timmy's headstone was even more beautiful in person. The entire design portrays so much of your special angel - loving, innocence, caring on one hand; strength, power, and presence on the other. Each time I'm there Timmy's place is more perfect. It was peaceful and touching to be there with you. Hoping Angel Timmy's blessings are warming your hearts and filling them with much love and peace this weekend. Always in our thoughts and prayers; always here for you.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Friday, September 1, 2006 9:38 PM CDT
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Hi Susan,

Just stopping by to let you know I was thinking of you tonight. I'm looking forward to your next update.

I'm praying for you now to feel God's love and comfort, and peace that only He can give.

Hope school is going well for the boys!

I'll be back soon!

With Love and many hugs,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, September 1, 2006 9:08 PM CDT
Susan....it's Aimee checking in to see how you are doing. Things have been up and down for us and I am sorry that it's been a while since I checked in. I will write you personally and give you an update. Hang in there my friend and please know that I think of you often and you are always in prayers. Love, Aimee
Aimee Disney <Briannaashleysmom@yahoo.com>
Aldan, PA USA - Friday, September 1, 2006 8:45 AM CDT
Thinking of you!!
With hugs and prayers,

Krista <kristas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:46 AM CDT
Your family is still in my thoughts and prayers!
May you look to the Lord, the only true source of hope and comfort.
Ps 31:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.
The Prayer Bears Website

Lynn <aprayerbear@gmail.com>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:24 AM CDT
Timmy sounds so much like Luke -- he too is always collecting something, or stock piling his drawers with yoyos and pencils, pens, scraps of paper, things that seem completely meaningless to me. Many times I find myself begging him to purge and get organized, Luke just tells me Mom, I just need more space. Can I get some more drawers?

I guess after reading your journal today, I many have to look for those extra drawers to store those precious treasures. Thanks!!

Thinking of you all the time and praying for peace and contentment. Although difficult, enjoy the grieving journey. It is all part of life's journey and you are leading the way my friend --Timmy is so proud of him Mommy!!


Nicole <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:47 AM CDT
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"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit" Ps 34:18

To my dearest Susan,

Thanks once again for sharing another beautiful part of who Timmy was. The notes were priceless, so full of love for you. I know you will cherish them for the rest of your life. I'm so glad you discovered them when you needed them.

I agree with your therapist, grief is WORK! Please, be patient. I just know God has something waiting "just for you". ( I believe it is the RMH!)

Please know you have so many people praying for you, and missing Timmy with you. I know those kids are missing their buddy like crazy this year at school. It will not be the same without him.

I hope you are having a better day today.

Sending lots of love your way tonight,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Monday, August 28, 2006 9:32 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
I'm sure Timmy left those notes for you to find just when you needed them most. And so many of them, just to be sure you always have one, just like your loving exchange each day. We're sure you'll find the right opportunity at the right time, and then you'll know it was meant for you -- it is so wonderful you are looking into so many avenues of possibilities. What a wonderful year ahead for Andrew and Jason -- we wish each a special senior year! It was terrific, actually more than terrific, to see Jay and you, and for the four of us to be all together again. I'll see you very soon. Angel Timmy is always in our hearts, and we are always here for all of you.
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Monday, August 28, 2006 9:21 PM CDT
Dear Susan, those notes!! brought tears to my eyes, what a precious gift, your Timmy knew how much you needed to hear from him! it is so clear how much he loves his mom. I am so sorry for all you are going through. I wish Andrew & Jason well for their senior years. Remembering all of you in our prayers everyday, with love, the Hall family
Kathy Hall <hallkat75 @aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, August 28, 2006 7:17 PM CDT
~ Susan ~
Thinking of you and
remembering your precious Timmy..........
Hug's & Prayer's,
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Danny <ccougarfan@aol.com>
Ca - Monday, August 28, 2006 9:19 AM CDT
Oh Susan ... to see those notes ... a true reminder of how much Timmy loved his Mommy ... hold dear those precious thoughts ....
Always in my heart ~

Kathy Lettieri <LettieriK@middletownk12.org>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, August 28, 2006 8:18 AM CDT
Praying for you today...
Patty Mullins <cPatty4CM@cableone.net>
Biloxi, MS USA - Monday, August 28, 2006 6:53 AM CDT
I havent written in a while but I always check in. Thoes post it notes are such a special memory. Maybe he wrote them for you to have and read when he couldnt tell you anymore. He wanted to make sure he had a couple for each day. We miss your Timmy so much here!
Oh and by the way thanks to you for being such a good friend! I love you Maryalice

Maryalice <ozooma@aol.com>
middletown, nj - Sunday, August 27, 2006 10:30 PM CDT
Hello Susan, it sounds like you had an interesting time in London. Please know that Timmy continues to be in our prayers and that his photo still serves as an inspiration to all of us in our unit. We also miss him. God Bless.
Rich Knochel # 5286 (NJSP) <knucks66@aol.com>
Atlantic Highlands, NJ US - Sunday, August 27, 2006 3:05 PM CDT
Hi Susan, just checking in to see how your doing. I still check in quite often. Just wanted you to know that you and your family are in my constant thoughts and prayers.
Donna Obssuth (Genna's aunt)

Donna Obssuth <DonnaObssuth@aol.com>
Wayne, NJ USA - Saturday, August 26, 2006 7:56 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
Those notes are so beautiful...even if they make me cry. So much love in one little boy...

Thank you for the good wishes...I'm starting to think even if it's only a break until the next scan, it might be enough to give us our strength back. Thank you for always thinking of G.

I am praying for you extra hard as school starts...

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, August 26, 2006 6:38 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
I was glad that you and Jay arrived home safely. What an adventure and I really enjoyed the pictures of London!!

Finding those messages at this time must mean something really special for you! Timmy wanted you to have them now. When I went to Florida at the beginning of August to clear out my parent's home, I found a poem my mom wrote for us to find when she was gone. I was in the same drawer when she died in May and never saw the poem. HOW weird is that but I have comfort in that I found it when I guess I was supposed to. After a good cry, I sensed she wanted us to know she was alright.
Keep finding ways to be busy. I bet the RMH will contact you really soon.
You are always in my prayers and tell the boys to have fun in school.
I'll write soon.

Karen Kurtz <RMK4296@aol.com>
Ramsey, NJ - Saturday, August 26, 2006 4:26 PM CDT
Glad you all had a great trip and are safely at home. I love all the pictures. You did a great job taking them. It looks beautiful in London. I am gonna have to write that one on my wish list! :)

We are always keeping your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Hugs, Sammy Nichols & Family

Desiree (Sammy's Mommy)
Gordonsville, VA USA - Friday, August 25, 2006 8:43 PM CDT
Hi Susan

How are things? I've been feeling a bit sad and useless this week, not doing much. It was so good to see you, and the lovely carving you gave me is on my shelf, and the card.

And thank you for the birthday wishes. I think it's partly why I was sad, James was the most interested in birthdays going well, he'd have organised Anna into making cakes and presents. And each important date makes you think of the past and the future which is hard right now.

Anna's been a bit better, she was a bit enthusiastic about Paris, and about the Rolling Stones, more than she's been for ages, so I'm hoping Italy will go well, if it doesn't she can always come back.

love from Sarah

Sarah <sarahchacko@blueyonder.co.uk>
UK - Friday, August 25, 2006 2:53 PM CDT
thinking of you today, and a lot this week...thank you so much for thinking of us, it is a great comfort to Genna to know that Timmy is pulling for her in Heaven.

Hope this week was ok for you, and that you are well.


Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Friday, August 25, 2006 12:46 AM CDT
Hi Susan
I went back to read some journal entries I missed while I was away. I was so pleased to see Timmy's Head Stone. It is beautiful!! I will stop by to visit him and take a good look at it. I am sorry the meeting you went to was not helpful to you and Jay. I'm sure there are better ones out there. I'll be in touch with you before school starts. Timmy's sweet smile and beautiful blue eyes are always in my heart.

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:41 PM CDT
I am so glad you were able to take the trip and have some time for you and your husband which was sorely needed, I am sure. Once again, thank you for sharing your trip with all of us.
Sheila Houston <shouston@comcast.net>
Lincroft, N.J. USA - Thursday, August 24, 2006 7:19 PM CDT
Hi Susan, glad you had a nice trip and are back safe at home. I liked your pictures, maybe some day I will break out of my comfort zone and travel out of my area...thanks for continuing to share your journey...blessings, Chris
chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
temecula, ca usa - Thursday, August 24, 2006 6:00 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

So glad your home and had some together time. We are fine. Yes I am still as crazy as ever but have come to terms with Gab's choice. I love our kids, No matter what they make me go WOW You are the greatest!! We did a good job with them or maybe it's the other way around, they did a good job with us. Lots of hugs and love!! I'll call soon.

Ori and Gabbie <harley00@nep.net>
Kingsley, PA - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:16 PM CDT
Dear Susan, your strength & wonderful spirit never cease to amaze me! I am quite sure that all your boys are very proud of you!! I am so happy that you & Jay shared this time together. You all continue to be in our thoughts & prayers.May God bless you, with love, the Hall family
Kathy Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ Usa - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:53 PM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew, & Jason,
Loved catching up with you on the phone the other night - now, finally caught up reading here. So happy you did get to London! Glad Sarah, her friend, and you were able to share some special time together. The London sightseeing and nights with Jay sound wonderful. To venture there, and then all the adventures on your own -- all a testament to your love for Timmy in honoring him by showing all the wonderful qualities you share. Look forward to seeing you!!!
Lisa, Bob, Matt, & Sami

The Kennedys <latk@comcast.net>
Berkeley Heights, NJ USA - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:10 PM CDT
I told you that you would feel proud of yourself!!

I am so glad you and Jay had this opportunity to take such a wonderful trip ... pictures are great and I so enjoyed your "travelogue" ... I am sure you are happy to be home safe and sound ...

Thinking of you always, and missing Timmy ... with much love ~

Kathy Lettieri <LettieriK@middletownk12.org>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:48 AM CDT
So glad to hear your trip ended in a safe return home. The pictures are great -- and I am so happy to hear you saw Mamma Mia! Excellent.

Never doubt though Susan, Timmy is already proud of his Momma -- she is amazing!!

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:06 AM CDT


I'm so glad to see that you made it home safe and sound. It looks like you had a wonderful time in London. I just wanted to know that my husband and I still think of you often. Your dignity and grace throughout this process is inspiring to us all. I came across a quote the other day, which I thought was appropriate. I'm not sure if you've seen it or not, but just in case, here it is...

I loved the boy with the utmost love of which my soul is capable and he is taken from me yet in the agony of my spirit in surrendering such a treasure, I feel a thousand times richer than if I had never possessed it.

William Wadsworth, 1812

Our hearts are with you,
Tatiana and Warren

Tatiana R. <TatianaMargarita@AOL.COM>
Kadena AB, Okinawa, JP - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 0:28 AM CDT
Dear Susan, Jay, Andrew and Jason,

Thinking of all of you tonight. I'm delighted that your trip was so good. I'm sorry the security measures were as tough to get through as they were - better safe than sorry is right! If you think your pictures were not so good, remind me to never show you any of my vacation pictures! I thought your pictures were great.

I'm so happy to know that you were able to give yourself the credit you were due in pushing yourself to move forward and have new experiences. I'm always amazed about how good it makes you feel to face a new challange. "One day at a time" is the most precious motto. Look how far you all have come! Timmy is smiling down on his brave and beautiful Mom and Dad. I hope you feel it.

We are here if you need us. Sending love --

Elizabeth LoMonaco <jlomonaco1@comcast.net>
Middletown, NJ USA - Monday, August 21, 2006 9:53 PM CDT
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"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you" (I Peter 5:7)

Dearest Susan,

Wow, the pictures were great, it's so neat to see all the many places I've only read about and dreamed of seeing one day.

I'm so blessed you were brave enough to get out and take those tours, despite how you felt. I'm just so proud of you Susan, and as always amazed at how you handle such difficult things.

I'm still praying about the RMH, I want it to be perfect for you, and that includes the timing too.

Thanks for being such a great friend, even in your greatest loss, you continue to give so much to others.

Your friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Monday, August 21, 2006 6:33 PM CDT
~ Susan ~
Wonderful to come by and read that you had some time
to spend with Jay and also by yourself.

"Time to remember Timmy"

I believe your strength is God given and I feel blessed that your sharing this with all of us.

I often struggle to find the right words to express what my heart is feeling,
please know I faithfully pray for you. I can't imagine how hard this is.
and as for the" boring vacation pictures"...I think you did a wonderful job taking pictures of
your trip.

Continuing to pray God's peace for you,
Sending hug's from California
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Danny <ccougarfan@aol.com>
Ca - Monday, August 21, 2006 1:09 PM CDT
Hi Susan!
I am glad that you and Jay are home safe.
It seems like this trip was good for both of you. I am glad that you had some alone time together.
I'll see you soon!

Roseanne Silverstein <rosanella@hotmail.com>
Howell, NJ USA - Monday, August 21, 2006 10:39 AM CDT
Hi Susan and family, How wonderful that you and your husband got to spend some time alone and away from everything. You should be very proud of yourself for making the effort to go and for all the things you did alone once you got there. That isn't easy even when you have'nt been through a tragic experience like you have. You are already a much better and stronger person then I and I know you will continue to share your strength and love with others when needed. Timmy's love and strength lives on in you. I hope you hear from Ronald MacDonald House or at least find someway to use all that you have to offer to those who need it the most. Take care and God Bless.
Sharon Lotito <pop21@verizon.net>
Red Bank, NJ USA - Monday, August 21, 2006 10:28 AM CDT
Hello, Susan!

I'm so happy to hear that you had a nice time in London. I've never been there, so it was good to see your "boring vacation pictures." At least you took some... my husband was there for a week not long ago and didn't take a single photo! For a scrapbooker like me, that borders on criminal behavior... LOL!

Still thinking of you and Timmy often...

Patty Mullins <cPatty4CM@cableone.net>
Biloxi, MS USA - Monday, August 21, 2006 9:40 AM CDT
You are mighty...every step, no matter the size, is a mighty one. Timmy would be proud of his mom & dad...

thanks for the thoughts...I'm trying not to freak out, but that's pretty impossible in scan week. You are a great friend, to worry for us. Thank you.

Good luck with RMH--

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:39 PM CDT
Dear Susan,
I just got home from my cruise to Canada. I had a wonderful time wtih my sisters and 92 year old father. Your trip sounds wonderful too. I am so glad you decided to go. What a special bond you have with the other ladies in England. I went to the web sites and read about your time together. Enjoy the rest of your trip! I'm sure Timmy has been with you every step of the way!
See you when you get home.

Susan Gibadlo <gibadlos@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Sunday, August 20, 2006 7:53 PM CDT
I went to James' page today and saw that you and Sarah had met and couldn't wait to visit Timmy's page to hear your spin on the meeting. As Sarah said, it is so sad that losing your sweet children is what brought you together, but how wonderful that you could get together and encourage one another.
I pray that the rest of your trip is great and that you and Jay can enjoy some special time together. Know that you are always very close to my heart and that I will never forget your sweet Timmy.

Lis Geoghegan <liveinspirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Saturday, August 19, 2006 7:48 PM CDT
Thinking of you...glad you're home safe, hope you're not too jet-lagged. Thanks for checking in on us, this isn't the best week ever.

Always praying for you and your family--

Kristin, G's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Saturday, August 19, 2006 6:22 PM CDT
Where to start...I have not posted on here in quite some time but I always check in..I just wanted to say hello and tell you that every time I open my locker at work there hangs Timmy's prayer card with his big smiling face..I know that your pain from your loss of Timmy will never diminish...Just always know that as parents you always made the right decision for his care...There can be many selfish people in this world..What they say doesnt matter...I am privledged to have been able to meet you Susan and appreciate how you always kept us informed..If you ever need anything from us...Reach out to Trooper Shaughnessey and we will make things happen...God Bless Rich
Richard Henderson <mtbikingny@aol.com>
New York City, NY USA - Saturday, August 19, 2006 1:31 PM CDT
Hi Susan,Jay and Boys: Been a while since I was able to visit. Happy to read you are vacationing in London.Enjoy and a safe trip back home.Still remembering my Little Buddy
Timmy.My thoughts and prayers are always with you.

Ron Emanuel <chief@oradellpolice.org>
Oradell, NJ USA - Saturday, August 19, 2006 11:29 AM CDT
Wow what an amazing adventure you are having. I love how all your trips end up with great food. My kind of trip!!!

I will keep checking on your adventures and pictures. Safe travel and safe return home.

All our love

Nicole Ronco <njronco@verizon.net>
Whitehall, PA - Saturday, August 19, 2006 8:35 AM CDT
Cheers to you, sweet Susan!

Oh, what a wonderful surprise when I came to your site! London sounds wonderful.

You are so brave to get on that bus, and then go see Sarah! I think I would have to have someone with me, I would fear getting lost!

I was blessed you had a nice time with Sarah, and finally got to meet. Did y'all take any pictures together?

I know Susan, there is no place in this world you could go, and not miss Timmy. I'm just glad you are there with Jay, I think this is so good for you and for him.

I'll continue to pray you will find that place once you get home you can give all the love you have to others in need. (I'm really praying it is the RMH house!)

Anyhow, hope the play was good, can't wait to hear more! Thanks for taking the time to let us get a glimpse of London.

Your friend,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Loving Timmy........................................., - Friday, August 18, 2006 11:17 AM CDT
I'm so glad that you're having a nice time in London - it truly is another world. Your words sounded more full of life, I really pray that peace surrounds you and your family daily. Please know that so many follow your site and care for you. I peek in daily, but don't always sign. Please know we're here
Anne Payne <annepayne@earthlink.net>
Sulphur Springs, TX - Friday, August 18, 2006 0:08 AM CDT
It's a long story how I came upon your website, but unfortunately we do have something in common. My precious little girl got her angel wings in 1983 when she was only 3 years old. As I scanned through your story, I felt your pain some of which I can't even image. After 23 years there is never a day, I don't have a conversation with my little angel. I was truly frozen when I came upon Timmy's birth date of February 29! Erin's birthday was February 29,1980. I believe our angels are "buddies" and wanted us to know. My prayers and thoughts are with you.
Carol Reilly <carolreilly1@optonline.net>
Oradell, NJ USA - Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:00 PM CDT
Hey there Mrs. Pauxtis! You don't know me, but I have been following your journal and praying for Timmy and your family for quite awhile now. I was one of the people helping to make the cranes from some of the Satz students. I would just like to let you know that my prayers are still with you all, and I wish you the best of luck in every way possible. Enjoy London!

In His Name,

PS. The song "Held" by Natalie Grant has long been one of my favorites. Perhaps you have heard it? If not you can go here and listen to/watch it.

Nicole M.
- Thursday, August 17, 2006 3:45 PM CDT
Hi, Susan...
so glad you got to meet Sarah (I checked James' page, too, and prayed for you both a lot yesterday, I kept thinking of you). Glad too that you got there safely...

thinking of you, praying, sending hugs,

Kristin, Genna's mom <thecams@earthlink.net>
Warren, NJ USA - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 7:57 PM CDT
Susan, praying for a safe and fun trip to London for you! Can't wait to read your updates when you return...Blessings,

chris <christinemckay@gmail.com>
temecula, ca usa - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:46 AM CDT
I accept the CaringBridge Terms of use.
Miriam Hanson <mimhanson@gmail.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Tuesday, August 15, 2006 7:17 PM CDT
Praying for a safe trip. Hope your able to meet your fellow caringbridge friend. I have not yet had the chance to meet any of the wonderful mothers who have become my biggest support system over the past two years. I am sure if will be a memoriable experience.

Always keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Hugs, Sammy Nichols & Family

Desiree (Sammy's Mommy)
Gordonsville, VA USA - Tuesday, August 15, 2006 12:05 AM CDT
Dear Susa,n
Thank you for all your support. As you know these days have been extremely hard. This is such a new reality for us. I don't know where to begin.
How exciting to hear about your trip to London - and meeting up with Sarah! I know you will have a trip that is just right for you. Have an enjoyable time!
Love, Lisa
mother of jacob forever 10

Lisa Field <efield5@yahoo.com>
West Covina, CA - Tuesday, August 15, 2006 11:02 AM CDT
My dear friend ~

There is not a day goes by that I don't think of Timmy ... I am sorry that you and Jay had a bad experience with the group ... it is just not the kind of support you need, that's for sure ...

I am glad to hear that you are going to England ... it will be a great time ... and you will feel so proud of yourself travelling alone to meet your friend! sounds wonderful ... especially the shopping ....

Have a awesome, safe trip ... and know that you and your family are always in my heart and in my prayers ...

Much love, Kathy

Kathy Lettieri <LettieriK@middletownk12.org>
Middletown, NJ USA - Tuesday, August 15, 2006 9:12 AM CDT
I hope you have a lovely time in England. I stop by James' page on occasion also and think it is wonderful that you and Sarah will get to meet.

I'll keep working on your hug-counter while you're away!

Miranda <nostalgic.one@gmail.com>
London, England - Monday, August 14, 2006 7:14 AM CDT
Gosh Susan - I feel terrible the meeting was not was you wanted or expected. The first one I belonged to in Chatham was very good and very helpful but as time wore on we realized it wasn't what we wanted or needed. I found a lot of comfort in the Toms River group. The first time I went there had to be 30-40 people and they had a separate area for siblings to go and talk. Of course, I haven't been there since Caitlyn was born 5 years ago so maybe that has changed to.

As for London - that is awesome. You are safer now than you were before this all happened. Just pack your cosmetics, shampoo and lotions in your suitcase. It will be so wonderful to meet your friend Sarah in Oxford. You will both feel great to let those tears flow and totally understand the pain you are both feeling. It will help you both being able to share your experience with the grief process since the timing is about the same.

I hope you have a wonderful trip. I'm sure your friends will bring lots of water for Timmy's garden.

Love and Hugs,


Cathy Hroncich <cathyh823@yahoo.com>
Colonia, NJ USA - Saturday, August 12, 2006 6:45 PM CDT
Dear Susan,I am so sorry the meeting isn't what you thought it would be, I expected people to be there to help you now when you need it most, keep finding the strength I know Timmy is giving you all to find light at the end of the tunnel, & to find happiness again. I am glad to hear you are going away with Jay, enjoy the shopping!! Keeping you & your boys in our thoughts & prayers always, with love, the Halls
Kahty Hall <hallkat75@aol.com>
Middletown, NJ USA - Friday, August 11, 2006 10:33 PM CDT
Praying for a safe flight and a healing trip...you so deserve it. That group does sound awful and certainly not anything I'd want to attend again. While I don't think you can EVER get past the loss of a child, I do think you can find happiness again...a different kind of happiness I'm sure. Know that you're in my thoughts and prayers.

Krista <kristas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Friday, August 11, 2006 8:43 PM CDT

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