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apex <apexhackers4187@gmail.com>
moscow, moscow russia - Thursday, July 20, 2017 10:08 AM CDT
Miss you every day Gage.
Dad <radioed_2000@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, September 18, 2016 0:50 AM CDT
Continue to think of you and our boys... doesn't seem possible that it has been six years!

Angel Mom Hugs

Julie Mattson <rmattson272@centurytel.net>
Cameron, MO USA - Wednesday, July 6, 2011 9:48 PM CDT
Thinking of you all today. Missing all of the kids we've met along the way. Hope you are doing well.
chillicothe, oh usa - Monday, June 20, 2011 11:57 AM CDT
I know Gage has no pain living with Christ in heaven.
Juan Gonzales <Kristyhazel@gmail.babe>
my, home Gageville - Thursday, October 14, 2010 10:28 AM CDT
Hi Edwards Family,
Thinking about our little buddy today and missing his hugs and smile but I bet he is having a great Birthday today.
Hoping Beau's leg is doing better. Hugs from Colorado.
Love, The Cohen Family

Mary <czbrat@specialtyenterprises.com>
- Monday, August 2, 2010 1:43 PM CDT
Happy birthday Gage!

Tell Mamie and Jesus I love them.


Mamie's Daddy
Huntsville, AL - Sunday, August 1, 2010 9:06 PM CDT
Hi Edwards Family,
I thought about you guys the other day and decided to check in. It was so long ago that we met Gage while my Sean was going through treatment at the same time. Of course, it seems like yesterday! I am sad to hear you are having a rough go!!! Your family touched my heart and I will send some serious happy-times wishes your way!!
Dani (Sean Fogg's momma)

Dani Hicks <dani.hicks@gmail.com>
Lakewood, CO - Thursday, May 20, 2010 5:46 PM CDT
I was cleaning Tanner's room today and put the curious george bear you made him on his shelf and thought of you....
I hope Beau gets feeling better and you figure out what's going on.
with love and hugs, Megan (tannersmom)
carepages.com tannernielsen

Megan Nielsen <megannielson@msn.com>
Layton, UT USA - Thursday, May 6, 2010 2:22 AM CDT
Hey there Gage. Been thinking about you a lot these past 2 days. It has been a very long time since I have left a message on your site. I am writing a message to ask you to help a little girl named Danika Huston. She is 2 and has been diagnosed with AML yesterday. She has a wonderful family and needs as many prayers as we can give her right now. P.S.- Any favors from the "Big Guy" would be ok too. Talked with your mom yesterday and got information on Brents Place for Danikas family. Thanks again!
Jamie <bjquick5@charter.net>
- Wednesday, March 31, 2010 11:28 PM CDT
Heather and Family... Thinking about you, as always, just doesn't seem fair that we have to deal each day without our little boys, but we have to remember they taught us so much. Weddings are tough, graduations are tough... I don't think that will ever change, and the family you met just drives that home more. If you haven't read "Roses in December" by Marilyn Willett Heavilin I recommend it... I am not much of a book reader but enjoyed this one a lot, have read it twice now in the past two years. Keep hanging in there, our boys would want nothing less! Cancer Sucks!
Julie Mattson <mattson@northmo.net; caringbridge.org/mo/spencermom, caringbridge.org/visit/robmattson>
Cameron, MO 64429 - Thursday, October 8, 2009 6:52 PM CDT
Hi Heather, Justin & Beau,
A late heavenly b'day for Gage!!
Hope the shoulder is soon free of pain Heather.
From Stockville Letha & Marlin

Letha Perks
Stockville, NE USA - Tuesday, August 4, 2009 7:24 AM CDT
Just checking in with you guys to let you know we are thinking about Gage today on his birthday. Sounds like you guys are staying busy. Your trolls sound really cool, good luck. You are so creative Heather!!
Love you guys
The Cohen Family

Mary Cohen <mary@specialtyenterprises.com>
- Sunday, August 2, 2009 3:30 PM CDT
Happy birthday Gage!

It's rainy here, so I couldn't see the angels light your candles. I wonder if you know what kind of ice cream you'll have at your party - my guess is that the cake will have pieces of each child's favorite, but the ice cream will be a brand new flavor no one has ever tasted before. That's how I picture birthdays in Heaven, but maybe children prefer spinach and yogurt when they get there. Whatever it is, it will be wonderful and exciting - that much I know.

I hope lots of people gave blood. Mamie has memorial blood drives, too.

Tell Mamie and Jesus I love them.


Mamie's Daddy
Huntsville, AL USA - Saturday, August 1, 2009 11:20 PM CDT
Thinking of you . . .
L. Parker
Duvall, WA USA - Friday, June 12, 2009 9:55 PM CDT
Thinking of you extra today. Today is Rob's birthday so one sure thing I'll never forget Gage's angel day... I'm sure our boys are having a blast, just wish it was here with us! Take care and keep busy.
Julie Mattson <mattson@cameron.net; caringbridge.org/mo/spencermom>
Cameron, MO USA - Friday, June 12, 2009 12:00 AM CDT
Edwards Family,
It was good to see you guys last weekend. I know the kids had a good time at camp. Did you see 9-News? As you know, Gage made a huge impact on our family and we think about him daily. Can't believe another year has flown by. We love you guys! See you in a couple hours at camp.

The Cohen Family <mary@specialtyenterprises.com>
- Friday, June 12, 2009 8:57 AM CDT
Hi Gager! It's hard to believe that another year has went by! There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you! I know that you are in a better place, but we miss your hugs and smiling face! Please help your mom through this hard time...I can't even begin to imagine what she is going through! I truly believe in angels and I know that you are one of them!

We miss you and love you,

Micki, Clay, Kaitlyn, Shaylee, Jenna, and baby Kaci

Mic Messersmith <messer@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, SD - Wednesday, June 3, 2009 9:26 PM CDT
Hello Edwards family,
thinking of you on this Mothers Day. I know it is hard when all of our children arent present with us. But am greatful for the time we had them. Love you and hope you had a nice Mothers Day,
Love Laura

Laura Flanagan <ljflangirl@msn.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Sunday, May 10, 2009 11:20 PM CDT
I just wanted to stop by and say I was remembering Gage this morning. I am on my way to meet a friend's new baby who they've named Gage and it made me think of each of you. Know that his life, and the way you shared it, continues to touch even those he never met. Take care,

Shelly VanB <jsvanb@sasktel.net>
Saskatoon, SK Canada - Thursday, April 9, 2009 12:13 AM CDT
Hey guys! Heather I love reading your pages as always. I know Gage can hear you in heaven. We sometimes talk about Gage in CCD Class I know he meant alot to some boys. He meant alot to us all, you had one special hugger that is for sure I swear he could tell if I was having a day he would come right over and ask to give me a hug and boy did I feel better after those special hugs! I won't forget taking the Cubs over to say their goodbyes and he told us that Fish joke everytime I hear that I think of Gage and how he loves that joke anything for a boy to cuss huh? I know what you mean about living in a small town lots of hurts and alos lots of joys too. I was happy to hear that the child donated so much so in a sense he still loves on not only through memory but also the gift of helping someone live. YOu are always in my thoughts, everytime I go by I still honk, and sometimes I stop to get Buddy off the road! That silly puppy when I was reading how you all couldn't find him my heart just sank to my tummy I had that oh no feeling. But am happy to hear he is great and doing well! Whew. Take care!
DeEtte <dwalters@bbc.net>
- Monday, March 23, 2009 9:01 PM CDT
Think about you often... amazing the things that trigger tears, some days I find myself angry because the tears come over apparently nothing and then I just tell myself that I have earned the right to tears... we have recently lost a couple of little ones in our community as well... to SIDS, so then I have to be grateful for all the days in the hospital and the doctors appointments and the time I did have with Spencer... like the poem says... the dash... our boys accomplished so much on their dash. Keep your head up... spring is coming!
Julie Mattson <mattson@cameron.net; caringbridge.org/mo/spencermom>
Cameron, MO USA - Friday, March 13, 2009 8:05 AM CDT
hello my name is rebecca perez you made a beautiful bear for me last year after my 4 year old son angel passed he had leukemia, it means so much to me. i lay with it every night on the side angel would have slept on and hold it as i cry myself to sleep at night.i read your journal entry and it brought me to tears i so understand what you write as i feel the same putting on a mask for the world around you and allot of times the mask does not hide how we feel inside.i have thought about you and your beautiful son something was nuging me to go on tonight and i am so glad i did i just want to thank you so much for the gift you gave me( my bear hugs bear)you are so wonderful i also have a website to give you it is called people against childhood cancer www.curechildhoodcancer.ning.com it has lots of information on there also lots of groups you can join one of them is one i made for anyone who has lost there child to cancer its called " our angel warriors" www.curechildhoodcancer.ning.com/group/ourangelwarriors there is also a petition site www.thepetitionsite.com/1/curechildhoodcancer
thank you so much.

Angels mama " rebecca perez" <babygirlx3perez@yahoo.com>
moorhead, mn USA - Tuesday, March 10, 2009 11:31 PM CDT
I still check Gage's page. You're still in my thoughts. I'm glad Buddy is okay. That would be scary.
- Saturday, March 7, 2009 8:18 PM CST
Hi guys! Hugs from Rapid! Hope you have a better week ahead! I'm always thinking about ya! Take care and keep in touch! Look me up if you're ever in Rapid!!!
Love ya,

Mic Messersmith <messer@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, SD - Saturday, March 7, 2009 6:38 PM CST
H-E-L-L-O...Edwards Family....

Been so Long since I visited, but I lost the site. I have lost a lot of them and haven't been able to figure all of them out again.

Hoping all are doing good and just wanted to let you know I still think of all of you and wish you the best. Lenzie is doing well as is all the family. We did move her site to a different one because of rude people.

Have a good weekend.


Love, Lenzie Butland's Nana Sue & Family

- Friday, February 20, 2009 6:29 PM CST
I was reminded of Gage this week, our friends named their new son, Gage. I told her I loved the name and he'd probably be a very good hugger! Then I told her a little about your son and she was very happy that they share a name.
Know that I was thinking of you,

Shelly VanB <jasonshelly@sasktel.net>
Saskatoon, SK Canada - Friday, January 30, 2009 10:52 PM CST
Hi Guys,
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Every time I think about calling it is during the day and I assume you are at work or sleeping. I will try to call soon in the evening. Kids are doing well, really enjoying this warm weather. They play outside until it is dark. Can't believe it is 2009 already, what happened to 2008? Talk to you soon.

Mary Cohen <mary@specialtyenterprises.com>
- Wednesday, January 21, 2009 2:47 PM CST
Hello Edwards family,
just stopping in to say hello from Colorado
Think of you often as Sean's bear sits in his room, and has had lots of hugs and tears....
Knowing our boys are together and content. miss them....
Love you all so much!!!

Laura Flanagan <ljflangirl@msn.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Monday, January 19, 2009 5:20 PM CST
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas! Still check in on you guys & think of you often.
Boni Edwards <edwards@nque.com>
North Platte, NE - Wednesday, December 24, 2008 8:20 AM CST
Hey guys its been forever since I have gotten on and check my pages! Glade to hear things are going well. We are doing ok ourselves. We have had some hard times but are learning new ways to deal with things and finding the correct paths to follow with help from God. I hope you all have a Joyous Christmas! Email me some time when your not busy! Im still wanting a bear but now want 2 one for each of my daughters to keep. Maybe this year will be the year to part from Cams cloths and get one made. Hugs to you all!!!
Jamie Carey Angel Camerons mom <jamie.carey1@yahoo.com www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
WW, OK - Tuesday, December 23, 2008 2:54 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving guys! We think of you often! Hope you are doing well! Take Care! Love, Micki, Clay, and girls
Mic Messersmith <messer@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, SD - Thursday, November 20, 2008 9:14 PM CST
I'm trying to find Sue Gardner. I recieved an e-mail from her that we could keep in touch through this website. I'm not sure whats going on in her life right now. She didn't tell me. I'm hoping that everything is going to be OK.
Nancy Severance <antnance1975@hotmail.com>
Mechanicville, ny saratoga - Thursday, October 9, 2008 6:02 PM CDT

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Chili’s Grill & Bar® announced the kick-off of their fifth annual Create-A-Pepper to Fight Childhood Cancer campaign. Now through September 30, Chili’s restaurants around the country and, for the first time, in Puerto Rico, are marking National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month by inviting people to get creative and raise funds to help St. Jude find cures and save children with cancer and other catastrophic childhood diseases.
Guests at participating Chili’s restaurants can contribute to St. Jude in multiple ways:

- Make a donation to St. Jude and receive a Create-A-Pepper chili pepper coloring sheet designed for display at restaurants during the month.

- Purchase Create-A-Pepper T-shirts that can be customized with permanent marker.

- Buy a customized Create-A-Pepper key that can be cut for use at home or the office.

- Eat at Chili’s on Monday, Sept. 29, when Chili’s will donate 100 percent of profits from participating restaurant sales to St. Jude.

Visit www.createapepper.com and to make an online donation.




Cindy Choi
Miami, FL - Monday, September 15, 2008 10:31 PM CDT
Sending Hugs your way....Happy Belated 12th Birthday Gage-I know that there was some Celebrating going on:)

Hugs to everyone
Angel Haley's family

Patti <www.haleym10@windstream.net>
Panama, Ne - Tuesday, September 9, 2008 4:26 PM CDT
Hello Edwards family,
just stopping in to say hello. I know even as time goes on, it isnt easier. It gets harder because we are afraid to forget. I have found this with us too. The memories are not as clear, but I trust the Lord will give us what we need when we need it. I know our boys are in heaven with Jesus and we will spend eternity together. But this time without them is so hard as we miss them terribly.
I pray the Lord will ease some of your heartache.

To help life keep going is awesome. Blood is the life source of the body.
We love you so much!
Love Laura

Laura Flanagan <ljflangirl@msn.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Sunday, August 24, 2008 9:58 PM CDT
I know it's technically august 3, but since I haven't gone to bed yet, it's still the 2nd to me!
Happy Birthday in Heaven Gage.
Love and hugs, Megan (tannersmom)

Megan Nielsen
layton, ut usa - Sunday, August 3, 2008 2:23 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Gage,
Your Mom is so sweet, she reached out to me because my little guy has the same sick disease you had.....

I am thinking of you all today, and praying for comfort, and good memories to come to you today.

with love,
Jenny Rodacker - Tommy's Mommy

Jennifer Rodacker <jenniferrodacker@yahoo.com>
Mather, CA - Saturday, August 2, 2008 6:29 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Gager! You are missed and loved by many people! Thinking of you always! Love ya, Micki, Clay, Kaitlyn, Shaylee, Jenna and baby Messersmith
Micki Messersmith <messer@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, SD - Saturday, August 2, 2008 9:09 AM CDT
Have thought about you extra this past week... doesn't seem possible that three years have passed... and some times I wonder what I've accomplished in that time... but I guess just surviving is a lot for what we've been through...

Take care of yourselves... all continues to move a long in Missouri.

Julie & Rob Mattson <mattson@cameron.net; caringbridge.org/mo/spencermom>
Cameron, MO USA - Monday, June 16, 2008 11:20 AM CDT
Thinking of you all today. We hope you are able to find peace today. You are in our thoughts and prayers as always.
The Davis Family <davisbr@lmsd.org; www.caringbridge.org/pa/trey>
Media, PA - Thursday, June 12, 2008 11:03 AM CDT
Hello Edwards Family,
Thinking of you today! We love you guys! See you tomorrow at camp.
The Cohens

The Cohen Family <mary@specialtyenterprises.com>
- Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:36 AM CDT
Justin, Heather, and Beau,
Thinking of you today and always and wishing you peace in your hearts! I'll get a hold of you this weekend!

Love you,

Micki, Clay, Kaitlyn, Shaylee, Jenna, and baby

Micki Messersmith <messer@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, SD - Wednesday, June 11, 2008 10:43 PM CDT
Hi Gage.

Another year is no big deal for you, having experienced the first moment of eternity in Heaven. Another year closer to joining you is a big milestone by Earthly standards.

I suppose Mamie has already invited you to her birthday party. She'll be ten a week from tomorrow, but, again, that is by our calendars down here.

For now we will have to be content with knowing that you are experiencing non-stop glory where there is no pain, fear, or sadness.


Mamie's Daddy <george.f.adams@us.army.mil>
Huntsville, AL USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2008 9:30 PM CDT
Hi to you all from Rapid City! Hope everyone is doing well! I think of you guys all the time! I know the next couple of weeks will be especially hard for you! I miss Gager so much and think of him all the time! I don't know if you heard or not, but we are expecting another little one in December! I'm still trying to get used to the idea, but I have been finally feeling better the last couple of days! Just wanted you to know that we are always thinking of ya! We'll be in town for the car show next weekend! Love ya, Micki, Clay, Kaitlyn, Shaylee, Jenna and Baby !
Micki Messersmith <messer@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, SD - Saturday, May 31, 2008 9:17 PM CDT
Hi to you all from Rapid City! Hope everyone is doing well! I think of you guys all the time! I know the next couple of weeks will be especially hard for you! I miss Gager so much and think of him all the time! I don't know if you heard or not, but we are expecting another little one in December! I'm still trying to get used to the idea, but I have been finally feeling better the last couple of days! Just wanted you to know that we are always thinking of ya! We'll be in town for the car show next weekend! Love ya, Micki, Clay, Kaitlyn, Shaylee, Jenna and Baby !
Micki Messersmith <messer@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, SD - Saturday, May 31, 2008 9:17 PM CDT
Hello to all of you. Haven't written for awhile but check on you often. Are you going to be able to come to Curtis for the dinner on Sunday? I think I heard Justin's mom and dad are coming. They had lots and lots of rain down there this past week.
Boni Edwards
North Platte, NE - Thursday, May 29, 2008 9:33 AM CDT
Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day full of wonderful things and happy memories.
Lincoln, NE - Sunday, May 11, 2008 6:17 AM CDT
Hello Edwards Family. Just stopping by to say hello. Sounds as if all is well. Also wanted to let you know we came across a new CPC child. His website is www.caringbridge.org/visit/thomasrodacker. You are never far from our thoughts. Take care.

The Davis Family <davisbr@lmsd.org; www.caringbridge.org/pa/trey>
Media, PA - Monday, May 5, 2008 8:12 AM CDT

Do hope all had a Happy Easter!!!

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Hoping your family had a very niceand Blessed Easter Sunday......Sorry Haven't signed in awhile, but still think of you guys...

Much Love Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family..

Sue Jeffries
FL. U.S - Monday, March 24, 2008 0:06 AM CDT
Hi Heather,

I want you to know I think of you often and always check on Gage's site.
I tried entering Talia's site, but it is password protected. So if you are able to get in, please pass along my prayers!!
God Bless

Lincoln, NE - Thursday, March 6, 2008 10:36 AM CST
Hi Heather, I just read your last entry, BLESS YOUR HEART... I am praying for you and Justin and Beau. I also wanted to say that you were and still are a wonderful mother, and a great person. Your story has made an impact on alot of people, including me. Next time I come home to NE I hope I can meet you; I would love to see the rock garden too. (I sent a rock from Kentucky). You take care and know that alot of people are thinking about you and praying for you.
Lana Flood (Hart) <onamission1965@yahoo.com>
Bardstown, KY USA - Friday, February 22, 2008 12:24 AM CST
Hi Heather, Justin, and Beau! It has been so long since I checked in on you all, so I figured I better get on it and here I am. Don't get on line to much these days, i do think of you all often...I will have to get on here and get caught up on your journal entries one of these days. Take Care! Love, Brandi
Brandi Carlbom <jb_carlbom@yahoo.com>
Great Falls, Mt - Thursday, February 21, 2008 1:41 PM CST
Heather - It's always great to read your thoughts and I do check them often. Not always signing in but today when I read this last entry you mentioned it's been three years and I almost fell off my chair. Doesn't seem right but then I began to think - my dad has been gone a year and a half. Wow what a concept! Yes - time does more forward but my heart is still not so sure as I'm sure you know the feeling. Do take care of yourself and hopefully we can find a way to get together sometime.
Always in my thoughts and prayers!

Tammy Davies <tldavies00@comcast.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO - Thursday, February 21, 2008 10:41 AM CST
Thanks for visiting Mamie's guestbook. You said you thought you had been there before, and that's correct - you signed in October.

Also thanks for letting us know of CaringBridge families who need special prayers. Those you listed in your latest journal were all in my CB address book, but I had not visited them for a long time.

Praying for your joy in remembering Gage and in knowing we can all be together again some day and stay forever.


Mamie's Daddy <george.f.adams@us.army.mil>
Huntsville, AL USA - Saturday, February 9, 2008 11:27 AM CST
Just a note to let you all know that we check in often (although I forget to sign) and to wish you a happy 2008. I think of Gage often and we keep your family in prayer always. God Bless.
The Wargo Family <gcwargo@aol.com>
Longwood, fl usa - Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:12 PM CST
Our New Year’s Reflections

As we look back on the months gone by,
And as a New Year starts and the old one ends,
We contemplate what brought us happiness and joy,
And we think of our loved ones and our friends.

Recalling all the joyful times,
And remembering how our lives have been enriched
We reflect upon who really counts,
As the Bright New Year arrives.

True we've had bad things in the past,
But we know in our heartsYthat these will not last.

If we try our best to be simple and pure,
There's nothing our hopes and dreams cannot cure.


Hoping the New Year brings you guys much happiness and takes away some of your sorrow......

Hope you guys had a nice Christmas...


Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. US - Monday, December 31, 2007 5:16 PM CST
Just checking in to Say Merry Christmas,,, I pray your family can enjoy some of it,, its hard not having our loved one with us..but I do check in now and then.. take care and have a holiday as great as you can
Jean Eggers <jeaneggers@sio.midco.net>
Sioux falls, sd - Saturday, December 22, 2007 10:31 PM CST
Merry Christmas Gager! We are always thinking of you and missing you! Love, Mic, Clay and girls
Micki Messersmith <messer@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, SD - Wednesday, December 19, 2007 10:56 PM CST
I still check in weekly. Glad to hear things are going ok. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. God Bless
Lincoln, NE - Tuesday, December 11, 2007 1:05 PM CST
Glad to see the update, time does fly and I do so understand it gets difficult to update... isn't it amazing how many people still check websites... I too remember thinking, "why do I do this, so few check the site"... then I found out people still check very regularly, just don't leave so many messages. Anyway, you keep updated your site and I"ll update mine... take care and keep busy... the holidays are so hard!
Rob & Julie Mattson <mattson@cameron.net; caringbridge.org/mo/spencermom>
Cameron, MO USA - Monday, December 10, 2007 12:43 AM CST
Was glad to see the Santas on your page today. I still check often! I was wondering where you were working Heather. Figured it out though. Kids always seem to know which ones are the most vulnerable to being picked on. I don't know why that has to be. Thinking of you through the holidays and wishing your whole family PEACE!
Vicky Elder <jvelder@bbc.net>
Hemingford, NE USA - Saturday, December 8, 2007 8:21 AM CST
Good to hear from you! Things sound hectic, but like you said, you prefer them that way. I think we do as well. I think it is because our lives were so hectic when we were battling cancer with our little ones that we became accustomed to that pace and associate with them. Despite the battle, we made the most of every minute and Trey and Gage brought us so much happiness. I think a hectic pace makes us feel connected to them in some strange way. If that makes any sense. So just keep on moving. Enjoy the Holidays. We think of you all and Gage often.
The Davis Family <davisbr@lmsd.org; www.caringbridge.org/pa/trey>
Media, PA - Friday, December 7, 2007 9:23 AM CST
Thinking about Angel Gage and your family, missing my Princess Elizabeth.
Thank you for your kind words months ago, Heather. Aren't holidays the worst? I wonder if our angels have come across each other in Heaven yet...

Emilie Hill <eahill88-blogger@yahoo.com>
Sun Valley, CA US - Tuesday, December 4, 2007 10:49 PM CST

QUILTS OF LOVE ANGEL"ANGEL REBECCA"rebecca perez <babygirlx3perez@yahoo.com>
moorhead, mn unitedstates - Sunday, November 25, 2007 0:18 AM CST

Halloween comes the same time each year
It s a day filled with ghosts and goblins
And other monsters we fear, but also beauty from Angels that are dear. I could see you now contemplating what to be, But one look at you and it's plain to see with your beautiful eyes and dark hair
You would be the furthest thing from a nightmare
You radiant smile and fat little cheeks
Those are the qualities that make you unique
You allured us with your, charm and sweetness
It will be awfully tricky to make you look freaky
What ever you decide to be on this fun filled day above in the heavenly skies. There are just a couple of things that I want to say. With all those stunning characteristics that you possess. I am sure you will do nothing but impress. Since the day you were born it wasn't difficult for you to sell, The fact that you were an Angel right from the very start!

Happy Halloween ~j~Gage~j~!!!

Happy Halloween to you to Beau.....


Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10:24 AM CDT
Hi Edwards Family, Happy to see that everyone seems to be doing well. I guess Beau is just a boy. Maybe he will start turning them papers in on time...

Wishing him a Happy Halloween!!!

Wanted to leave this for everyone and please do this for all our children. Emily Ransom's Family has this in her journal update and wants everyone to pass it along to others. We need this Bill passed. Thought it would interest you Heather....Email or call your Senator....

Dear Childhood Cancer Advocate,

The Conquer Childhood Cancer Act S 911 is moving forward in the Senate. We need your help today to keep up the momentum to successful passage of this bill. The bill is scheduled to be ‘marked up' by the Senate Health, Education Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee on November 7th. This is an important step on the path to success. Today, we are reaching out to the cancer community in the following list of 11 states: Lamar Alexander is on this committee, please contact his office. The script is written for you, it only takes a minute.

Call the US Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121
Ask for your Senator's office
Ask to speak with the person in charge of Health Issues for the Senator - if not available to leave a voice mail with this person.
'I understand the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act - S. 911 will be marked up on Nov. 7th by the Senate HELP Committee.
Please know this bill is important to me because ---.
Thank you. Your name and the city and town where you live.


Also here is the site to read about this bill.


Copy and paste this in an email to everyone you know to write an email to there senator's about this bill S911

Thanks to everyone for continuing to support and fight against this beast.


Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Tuesday, October 30, 2007 2:32 PM CDT
Thinking of you all.
Kathy (AJ's Mom)
Chillicothe, oh USA - Saturday, October 13, 2007 2:34 AM CDT
Hi Gager! Just missing your smiling face and your sweet hugs! I think of you all the time! Miss you lots! Love, Micki :):)
Micki Messersmith <messer@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, NE - Tuesday, September 25, 2007 9:44 PM CDT
Awesome video! Except that it beaks my heart. Too many children in pain and not able to live life as children should. I continue to follow several families on Caringbridge. Take care and know that I think of you often and pray for your peace.
Vicky Elder <jvelder@bbc.net>
Hemingford, NE USA - Saturday, September 8, 2007 6:35 AM CDT
Glad to hear the new job is going good... busy is a good thing. So glad to hear Beau is loving school... my school year has began as well, busy, busy, but that is a good thing. Isn't it amazing to see classmates of the boys and look up at the sky and just wonder what they would look like, what they would be doing, and how many gray hairs they would be giving us... never a day goes by that I don't wonder! Two butterflies spent the day in my yard Saturday while I was floating in the pool... I told Gage and Spencer hi! Take care...
Julie Mattson <mattson@northmo.net; caringbridge.org/mo/spencermom>
Cameron, MO USA - Monday, August 27, 2007 7:36 AM CDT
Hi Heather and Family, Just wanted to stop by for a hello and letting you know we are thinking of you guys. Hoping all are doing well.....

Love, lenzie's Nna Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Monday, August 20, 2007 7:35 PM CDT
Thinking of you...
Julie & Rob Mattson <mattson@cameron.net; caringbridge.org/mo/spencermom>
Cameron, MO USA - Monday, August 6, 2007 7:33 AM CDT
thinking of you
Robyn mom to
Nicole and angel PJ

petawawa, - Friday, August 3, 2007 7:45 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Gage!! We love and miss you deeply
The Osborns <annamosborn@hotmail.com>
Alliance, ne USA - Friday, August 3, 2007 2:06 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Gager! We are always thinking of you in Rapid City! We love you and miss you dearly! Love, Mic, Clay, Kaitlyn, Shaylee and Jenna
Micki Messersmith <messer@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, SD - Friday, August 3, 2007 2:03 PM CDT
A Birthday In Heaven
~Written by Kris Smith

I heard you crying yesterday
And felt your heart-sent love
So I’m sending you this message
Now, from Heaven up above.

You’re wondering if I’ll celebrate
My birthday (way up here)
I know you’re missing me today
I feel your essence near.

God planned a special day for me
He told me with a wink
He’d ordered me a special cake
(It’s Angel food, I think)

I’m getting lots of hugs from God
He’s really good at that
And every time that I walk by
He gives my head a pat

Balloons will fill the streets for me
They float up through the clouds
And we have lots of clowns up here
That make us laugh out loud

There is a birthday carousel
Jeweled horses ride the wind
With music playing oh so sweet…
The magic never ends

I’ve made so many friends, you see
We laugh and play and sing
We ride our bikes and play jump rope
And sleep in Angel’s wings

We’ll have our cake and ice cream
And open gifts, surprise!
But we don’t blow out our candles here
Instead, they light the skies


I meant to get back by yesterday and leave this poem and forgot, so leaving it for today.....

Have a nice weekend...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Friday, August 3, 2007 11:57 AM CDT
Happy Birthday to Our Sweet Angel Gagel
We sang to you today and all of the Kids shared story's and Great memmories That we all shared.,

We Miss You so Very Much - Buddy

We love you all

The Cohen family

Dave Cohen <dave@specialtyenterprises.com>
westminster, Co 80234 - Thursday, August 2, 2007 9:55 PM CDT

I came here from Lenzie Butland's site. I hope the blood drive was a success and you are having a nice trip. Gage is sure a cute sweet looking little fellow and I know you must miss him terribly. You are a wonderful person in making bears for so many others who have lost there child are for a sick child.


Michele S
- Thursday, August 2, 2007 8:30 PM CDT


I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and ^Gage^ today. I know ^Gage^ is having a wonderful birthday in Heaven with all his angel friends! I hope the blood drive in honor of ^Gage^ is a huge success today. Thanks for all you do Heather!

Much Love,
Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mommy)

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Deatsville, AL United States - Thursday, August 2, 2007 11:25 AM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ~j~GAGE~j~!!! I know you will have a beautiful Magical celebration with all your ~Angel~ friends today!!!

Heather and family thinking of you guys and hope your having a nice time in Montana....

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your Delight........

Rest assured that in his dying, and in his flight through darkness toward a bright light, he held his family in his arms and carried your closeness with him. And when he arrived at God, your images were imprinted on his Joy-Filled soul.......

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue, Mom Kelly, Bryson, Tori, and Little Miss Lenzie......

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Thursday, August 2, 2007 9:35 AM CDT
Happy Birthday, Gage!

I'll bet Mamie has the archangels blowing up balloons getting ready for your party. We can't imagine what a wonderful time every day is in Heaven - I guess lots of children are having birthdays every day and Jesus makes the cake go around for everyone like He divided the loaves and fishes here.

I'm praying that your blood drive will be a huge success.


Mamie's Daddy <george.f.adams@us.army.mil>
Huntsville, AL USA - Tuesday, July 31, 2007 10:42 PM CDT
Hi Heather and Family, Just wanted to stop by to say hello and let you know I was thinking about you guys. Have fun in Montana and I hope the blood drive goes well with lots of people coming out to give in Gage's Honor on his Birthday.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAGE!!!! I know it's alittle early but wishing you a great Birthday up in heaven above and I know you will have a magical one there with all your ~Angel~ Friends...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Thursday, July 26, 2007 3:13 PM CDT
Oh my goodness! I wish you would of told me you guys were in DC, I would of loved to meet you guys. Maybe another time. I hope things are going well with you and your family. We think of you all often.
The Pleasant Family <tmp2624@yahoo.com www.caringbridge.org/md/taliapleasant>
Joppa, MD - Thursday, July 19, 2007 8:48 PM CDT
Glad to see an update! So sorry to hear your job didn't go so well. It is definately THEIR loss! You were so good with your clients. (The ones I met anyway.) Sounds like you are getting to enjoy summer, though.
Vicky Elder <jvelder@bbc.net>
Hemingford, NE USA - Tuesday, July 17, 2007 2:41 PM CDT
Just stopping by to say hello. Hope all is going well with everyone and that you're having a fun summer. Your family is never far from our thoughts. God Bless.
The Davis Family <davisbr@lmsd.org; www.caringbridge.org/pa/trey>
Media, PA - Friday, July 13, 2007 3:58 PM CDT
Heather and Family,
We wanted you to know that are thinking about you guys and Gage! Although we didn't know Gage, he has touched our lives in many ways through you! Thank you!
Love from one of your Make A Wish Families,
The Intermills

Cathy Intermill <lcscinter@starband.net>
Alliance, NE United States - Thursday, July 12, 2007 1:49 PM CDT
I think of you often, I just don't say hi. Sorry!
I'm thinking of you extra with Gage's birthday coming up. Tonight I started thinking about what I could do on August 2 to celebrate the birth of an amazing person. From reading the journal I know that Gage was someone extra special. I'm going to give out extra smiles this next month just for him. :)
Love and prayers, Megan (tannersmom)

UT USA - Saturday, July 7, 2007 11:23 PM CDT
Love the Poem Heather.... You are an amazing Mother and never forget that. It's been awhile and wanted to get by to say hello to all of you and I hope you are enjoying your summer. It's been really hot here. I will be going to Kelly's in the morning as they sold there house and are moving into there new one and needed to get by before I left to let you know I was thinking of all of you and sorry it's been so long since I stopped by, but I think of all our CB friends and only wish them the best....

Happy July 4th!!!!

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family.....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Wednesday, June 27, 2007 5:24 PM CDT
Just thinking and praying for all of you on this day. May God comfort you today. You are a wonderful family.
The Varner's
Allliance, NE USA - Wednesday, June 13, 2007 0:49 AM CDT

love the poem

Gage your mom is amazing...always keeping your memory alive and i am sure she wouldn't have it any other way:) we sure miss you..sending love and big hugs to you in paradise...

y'all have a super week! prayers love and big hugs...

mumzy heidi

heidi budd <numberonemumzy@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, June 13, 2007 0:01 AM CDT
Dropping in to let you know that we have been thinking of you all today. The kids were pretty happy cause we got to see a rainbow tonight. ~~Love you lots Gage~~ Sending you all great big hugs.
Doug, Tiffanie, Matthew, Destiny, Jewelia, Spencer, and Hayedon <dtaylor@bbc.net>
- Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:10 PM CDT
Just wanted to let yah know we were thinking of yahs!! And a hi to my gorgeous and great big squeezes up in heaven we miss and love you kiddo!!!
Rona, Dennis, Daniel and Kyra <B2607@MSN.COM>
- Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:24 PM CDT
As lucky as you were to have Gage, he too was lucky to have such a loving family. Thinking of you . . .
Liesel Parker <motionartifact@gmail.com>
Woodinville, WA USA - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 8:10 PM CDT
Hello Edwards Family. Just stopping by and I loved the poem Heather very fitting for today. I am hugging my boys extra and tellin some jokes in honor of Gage. Thinking of you all today and everyday. We still honk as we go by! Elijah just thinks it is funny when we do that! Take care and May God give you peace and comfort on this day and everyday.
- Tuesday, June 12, 2007 5:03 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know we're thinking of you guys today!
Boni Edwards <edwards@nque.com>
North Platte, NE - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 5:03 PM CDT
That poem has such a good message. Easier said than done, sometimes, I'm sure. Hope it helps to know that lots of people still care.
Sandy Parker <spinlv04@earthlink.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 4:41 PM CDT
I have been checking your site for the past few years and continue to have your family in my thoughts and prayers!
Mandy Duncan
gardner, ks - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 4:27 PM CDT
I know I dont sign the book that much anymore, but please know I am still here praying for you all. I think about you all often. I thought today I need to stop by and see how things are going. Then I realized what today was. Im glade I did!!!! I wish I was going to Colorado again this year and we could chat again. But since im 7 months pg I dont think that is going to happen this year maybe next! Hope you make it through the day with only happy thoughts..

Jamie Angel Camerons Mommy Forever <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
ok - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 3:53 PM CDT
Hi Heather, Justin, and Beau,

Just wanted you to all know that we are thinking you all of you on this difficult day! Take Care and keep in touch! Mic

Mic Messersmith <messer@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, SD - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 3:53 PM CDT
Hi Guys,
I loved the poem. We will give out extra hugs today in Gages' honor. We think of him always and what a sweetie he is. Glad Beau and the girls got to go to camp. I think they all had a great time.

Love, The Cohen Family <mary@specialtyenterprises.com>
- Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:51 AM CDT
Thinking of you today and always but even more today!! We will always remember Gage!
Julie Mattson <mattson@cameron.net; caringbridge.org/mo/spencermom>
Cameron, MO USA - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 8:37 AM CDT
Think of you all today and Gage as well.
The Davis Family <davisbr@lmsd.org>
Media, PA - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 7:57 AM CDT
What a beautiful poem! Thinking of you especially today.
Vicky Elder <jvelder@bbc.net>
Hemingford, NE USA - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 6:29 AM CDT
May God hold you close today as you embrace your 2nd anniversary without Gage. Thinking of your family and remembering how special Gage was.
Chadron, NE - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 6:23 AM CDT
hello gregory, i hope that you remember me i am linda i played bingo with your mom and with you once. i will continue to visit your site often.
linda adams <gmom110557@yahoo.com>
spring lake, nc United States - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 5:31 AM CDT
Dear Edwards Family,

Just signing in to let you know that I read your updates. You will be in my prayers on June 12th. Can't imagine what you are going thru.

Joyce www.caringbridge.org/mo/jillsjourney <stjudemom@tranquility.net>
Columbia, MO - Monday, June 11, 2007 9:17 PM CDT
hey guys

o i know Heather how the boredom is gettin to these kiddos. trev says it atleast 5 times a day...wish the weather was nicer to warm up that pool and get them in it!!! i hope the camp adventure was a happy and fun one!! ya know every time Jr and Z have go to visit Gage it is always locked...maybe one of these days it won't be! welp i hope you enjoy your weekend and get some relaxin in...sendin prayers love and big hugs.....

mumzy heidi

heidi budd <numberonemumzy@hotmail.com>
- Friday, June 8, 2007 2:10 PM CDT
Thinking about you all extra as June 12th approaches... it is so hard to believe that it has been that long... some times it seems to be getting harder to be without our guys, but then it passes once again. One sure thing, they are never far from our hearts, thoughts and memories. Take care, glad things are working out with your job and with Beau.
Julie Mattson <mattson@cameron.net; caringbridge.org/mo/spencermom>
Cameron, MO usa - Friday, June 8, 2007 10:50 AM CDT
Hope you guys had a good memorial day. Hope Beau is all better now since the surgery and all. I stop by and read your updates often. Sounds like your keeping busy with the new job. Have a great one!
Patty <taylor@bbc.net>
Alliance , ne usa - Monday, May 28, 2007 11:52 PM CDT
Hi Guys,
Just checking in to see how Beau is doing. Hopefully fully recovered and done with school. The girls are looking forward to camp. See you soon.

Love, The Cohen Family <mary@specialtyenterprises.com>
- Tuesday, May 22, 2007 9:50 PM CDT
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsand a great weekend...Beau I hope youmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Lots of Prayers Love and Big Hugs...

mumzy heidi

heidi budd <numberonemumzy@hotmail.com>
- Friday, May 18, 2007 3:34 PM CDT
Hi Heather, Its been forever since I have been on your site, I was just thinking of you and wondering how your Mothers Day went, I know how hard any sort of Holiday is, just wanted you to know your family was in my thoughts and prayers, Wishing you a blessed day and always!!!
Sherri Alvarado-Stackenwalt <sherridawnmail@msn.com>
Alliance, Ne - Wednesday, May 16, 2007 12:24 AM CDT
hey guys so glad that the surgery went well for you mr Beau. you are a toughie, not wantin any pain meds...way to goooooooo:) congrats on catchin that fish...but sorry that you are not feelin great...i know zo was in pain for awhile after her surgery. Heather that smell of the breath is nasty...it made me feel the same way...

ya know i miss havin scavenger hunts they are way fun my mom used to do them on our birthdays...the kids worked hard on gettin those items for Brent's Place in such a small amount of time!!! kudos to them....

happyMothers Day Glitter Graphicsbelated you are amazing...have a super dooper kinda week and sendin lots of prayers love and big hugs...


heidi budd <numbereonemumzy@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, May 15, 2007 2:04 PM CDT
Always thinking of you...
Happy Mother's Day!
Love and prayers, Megan (tannersmom)

Megan Nielsen <megannielson@msn.com>
USA - Sunday, May 13, 2007 8:29 PM CDT

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com

Miss Shannon & Miss Samantha "Froggy" <humphity@gmail.com>
Always Missing & Remembering *Gage* - Sunday, May 13, 2007 8:35 AM CDT
Sorry it's been awhile since I signed, but I think of you guys all the time. Gosh Beau no pain medicine. I heard that is a painful surgery and you breezed right through it like it was nothing. I wish I could take pain that well.

Heather Happy Mother's Day!!!
Leaving you a poem.....


You filled my days with rainbow lights,
Fairytales and sweet dream nights,
A kiss to wipe away my tears,
Gingerbread to ease my fears.

You gave the gift of life to me
And then in love, you set me free.
I thank you for your tender care,
For deep warm hugs and being there.

I hope that when you think of me
A part of you
You'll always see.

~Author Unknown~

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Friday, May 11, 2007 1:39 PM CDT
Glad to hear everything went well today. Hope it stays that way. Been thinking about you all day!
Vicky Elder <jvelder@bbc.net>
Hemingford, NE USA - Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:23 PM CDT
Thinking about you today. We can only imagine all the memories that must be flooding back. We hope they bring more smiles than tears. Hope all goes well with Beau. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
The Davis Family <davisbr@lmsd.org; www.caringbridge.org/pa/trey>
Media, PA - Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:07 AM CDT
Praying for both Beau AND Mom today! I am sure Gage will be sending down lots of love to help you both throughout the day.

Vicky Elder <jvelder@bbc.net>
Hemingford, NE USA - Thursday, May 10, 2007 6:41 AM CDT
Hi Beau,
Just wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow. Lots of Hugs from Colorado (as I know you love our hugs wink wink) We are thinking of you and eats lots of ice cream for me. The girls are excited for Camp.

Love, The Cohen Family <mary@specialtyenterprises.com>
- Wednesday, May 9, 2007 9:02 PM CDT
Hello, I haven't written for awhile, but wanted you to know we're still thinking of you guys! We saw Justin's mom and dad this week (haven't seen them for quite a while!) and his Grandma Wilson.
Boni Edwards <edwards@nque.com>
North Platte, NE - Friday, May 4, 2007 5:21 PM CDT
hi Edwards Clan

the tree sounds beautiful....that is so kool about the blue egg....Angel Gage certainly gives you alot of special touchings:) oh Beau not the dreaded surgery...but hey just think you can have all the popsicles you want not to mention the pudding!!! Heather i pray that the test comes back with good findings...i had to laugh at the bandaid, that would suck,lol!!! well you keep hangin tough all...have a joyous weekend and sending ya prayers love and big hugs...

mumzy heidi

heidi budd <numberonemumzy@hotmail.com>
- Friday, May 4, 2007 5:14 PM CDT
ok i meant to say i hope they can get him started on something to help with his apnea....not being a good proof reader!!!!
heidi budd <numberonemumzy@hotmail.com>
- Friday, April 27, 2007 4:19 PM CDT
finally getting some answers on mr cutie...hope they can get to the bottom of it soon....oh the tonsils and adnoids are not fun to say the least...zo was in so much pain and that was two months before we found out she had the horrible monster...anywho....can ya slow down a lil bit you make my head spin, lol, you are always on the goooooo!!! WISHIN YOU A HAPPY WEEKEND:)

"The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up."
-- Mark Twain

Because I Care:)!!!!!!



heidi budd <nuberonemumzy@hotmail.com>
- Friday, April 27, 2007 4:15 PM CDT
Hi Heather,

Oh my, I'm so sorry Beau is having a hard time! My Jordan had 5 different sleep tests, and I have some very, similar pictures! Jordan was not a happy camper to say the least. I must admit, I had to laugh when I saw Beau's face, Jordan has the exact same picture!!

Jordan also had so many arousal's as well, the doctors were shocked. My son's is caused from a movement disorder.

Praying you will get to the bottom of this.

God bless you Heather as you continue to journey on!

With lots of love and many hugs,


Jordan <Susan2956@yahoo.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:24 AM CDT
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicssending prayers and big hugs your way!!! mumzy
heidi budd <numberonemumzy@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, April 21, 2007 3:54 PM CDT
hey guys i hope heather that you are not in to much pain, i know all to well how that back pain is...the work that you have put in is too much for me, lol. the dollhouse sounds kool, you have such an awesome mommy:) the waterpark i looked up on the net how kool...looks like alot of fun. might have to go there sometime...when we have the funds. Beau how about that sleep study, wishin for a good outcome on that and hoping you are feeling better. sending lots of prayers love and big huge hugs....myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmumzy heidi
heidi budd <numberonemumzy@hotmail.com>
- Friday, April 13, 2007 4:54 PM CDT
Just stopped to visit CaringBridge this morning - and clicking on Gage's smiling face brings great thoughts of your family. That of an Angel he is - good thoughts for a good day.
Tammy Coward <rntcoward@charter.net>
Alliance, NE US - Friday, April 13, 2007 9:55 AM CDT
Just stopping in to say hi! Glad things are coming together for you at work. I know Hadley will be happy to have Beau back in school at Hemingford. It has been very trying for him (and his parents) this year also.
Vicky Elder <jvelder@bbc.net>
Hemingford, NE USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 5:49 PM CDT

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com

Miss Shannon & My Baby Bunny <humphity@gmail.com>
Always Missing & Remembering *Gage* - Sunday, April 8, 2007 7:35 AM CDT
Sky Bunnies

The sky is full of bunny clouds
So soft and fat and white,
I wonder if they're hiding eggs
For stars to find at night.

Because it's Easter Eve, you know,
And there's no reason why
There shouldn't be an Easter hunt
In the meadows in the sky.


I know it will be a difficult Easter without your ^Angel Gage^ and we are thinking of you. I know ^Gage^ will be hunting eggs and having fun with all his ^Angel^ friends in heaven with the Easter Bunny in the sky.

Happy Easter to all of Gage's Family to!!!

I do hope that Beau gets some help soon...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., - Friday, April 6, 2007 9:33 PM CDT
"Here Comes Peter Cottontail"

Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail,
Hippity hoppity,
Easter's on its way

Bringin' ev'ry girl and boy
A basketful of Easter joy
Things to make your Easter
Bright and gay

He's got jelly beans for Tommy
Colored eggs for sister Sue
There's an orchid for your mommy
And an Easter bonnet too. Oh!

Here' comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppity
Happy Easter Day

Look at him hop and listen to him say,
"Try to do the things you should"
Maybe if you're extra good
He'll roll lots of Easter eggs your way

You'll wake up on Easter morning
And you'll know that he was there
When you find those choc'late bunnies That he's hiding ev’rywhere, Oh!

Here' comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppity
Happy Easter Day.

My Favorite:) Have a Super Hoppy Weekend.......Lots of Prayers Love and Big Hugs

Zooozeee and Clan

heidi budd <numberonemumzy@hotmail.com>
- Friday, April 6, 2007 5:17 PM CDT
stoping by to say hi....Happy Easter...:)
Ozzie <ovieira@hartz.com>
Harrison, NJ - Friday, April 6, 2007 2:32 PM CDT

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com

Irish Sammi & her Irish Mommy <humphity@gmail.com>
Always Missing & Remembering *Gage* - Saturday, March 17, 2007 11:17 AM CDT
Have a Super St. Paddy's Day:)

May your troubles be less
And your blessings be more.
And nothing but happiness
Come through your door.

With Prayers Love and Big Ole Hugs

Zozo and Mumzy

Heidi Budd <numberonemumzy@hotmail.com>
- Friday, March 16, 2007 4:44 PM CDT
My Four Leaf Clover

I once had a four leaf clover,
So beautiful, tiny and rare,
I looked at it with wonder and delight,
It gave me all the joy I could bear.

So delicate and fragile it was,
So special and full of life,
I truly loved my four leaf clover,
To lose it would cut like a knife.

It meant more to me than life itself,
The days of joy it gave,
I would hold it close to my heart,
And then happiness filled my days.

But like most four leaf clovers,
It was picked way too soon,
I was heartbroken and lost,
My days were filled with gloom.

You see this special four leaf clover,
I had looked into it's tiny face,
It was my beautiful little Gage,
And he can never be replaced.

Happy St.Patrick's Day!!! Being Kelly and the family will be here tonight I might not get by tomorrow so wanted to go ahead and send you this poem and wish you a good day and weekend. I will be thinking of you and "^Gage^".

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:08 AM CDT


Heidi Budd <numberonemumzy@hotmail.com>
- Friday, March 9, 2007 7:30 PM CST
Hi Guys. Sounds like you all are very busy. Great to hear about the Fit Kids Program! Hope it all works year around! Heather I was thinking it might even help to talk to Fr. Jim. He is so kind and very understanding. He can explain alot adn really make sense to the little kids. Or even try your Pastor worth a shot maybe. Just a thought. I really miss not seeing Beau when I get Elijah from school. He always said Hi and asked me what I was up to for the day! Of course you know I love his red hair so he is pretty special in my book. Take care and know we think of you all often!
DeEtte <dwalters@bbc.net>
Hemingford, NE USA - Friday, March 9, 2007 9:04 AM CST
Just checking tin to see how everyone is doing. Things sound busy but in a good way. Take care and best of luck with the adoption.
The Davis Family <davisbr@lmsd.org; www.caringbridge.org/pa/trey>
Media, PA - Monday, February 26, 2007 11:29 AM CST
"Never Be Forgotten"
I’ll always see your face,
The corner of your smile,
And all the little things that no one will ever know.
Like it was yesterday, won’t ever fade away,
Goodbye is just a word that I will never say.

You will never be forgotten.
A million days could pass us by,
But what is time but just a dream?
Oh, I still feel you here with me.
You’re more than just a memory.
Oh, you will never be forgotten.

I can‘t hold your hand
Or look into your eyes,
And when I talk to you,
It just echoes in my mind;
But If hearts are made of dust
And if we fell from the stars,
I would look up tonight and know just where you are.

You will never be forgotten.
A million days could pass us by,
But what is time but just a dream?
Oh I still feel you here with me.
You’re more than just a memory.
Oh, you will never be forgotten.

And the world just keeps on going;
It has no way of knowing
That you’re gone.

You will never be forgotten.
A million days could pass us by,
But what is time but just a dream?
Oh, I still feel you here with me.
You’re more than just a memory.
Oh, you will never be forgotten

This is song Lyrics and I thought its such a beautiful song and of course I wanted to send it to you as your Sweet ^i^Gage^i^ will never be Forgotten. ^i^Jacob's^i^ mom has it playing on his site with the Lyrics there if you would like to listen to it. His site: www.caringbridge.org/me/jacob
The song is by Jessica Andrews and not sure if you have ever heard it. I think you will like it even though it can bring the tears flowing. You might have already been to ^i^Jacob's^i^ site and heard it, but wanted to stop back by and leave it as its just so beautiful and so true we will never forget our ^i^Angels^i^.......

(Ganglioneuroblastoma and OMS)
Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Thursday, February 22, 2007 12:52 AM CST
Hi Heather, I sure hate that Beau is having such a rough time and I can understand him not wanting to cry or have tears in front of his class and It would be nice to have a book of answers for all the questions. ^i^Gage^i^ was an Earthly Angel from the start and we are all blessed to have walked the same earth as all these little Earth Angels that are now Angels in Heaven. Thinking of you guys and wishing you a lovely day......

(Ganglioneuroblastoma and OMS)
Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Thursday, February 22, 2007 7:32 AM CST
I am sending the package today. And there is a red rock inside. Praise God!!! Valerie
Valerie <petra4all@adelphia.net>
Lincoln, Me USA - Tuesday, February 20, 2007 2:34 PM CST
Just stopping by......hope some how God can give you all the answers. I must admit, I often think the same thing Beau does, why........My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope time can heal the pain. Sounds like your new job is very interesting! And you have some great ideas in the brewing!!! Good Luck, hope you can get that exercise thing going! It sounds like a great thing!!!! Take Care
Patty <taylor@bbc.net>
Alliance, NE usa - Friday, February 16, 2007 8:49 PM CST
Hi All,



Heidi Budd <numberonemumzy@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, February 13, 2007 8:43 PM CST
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

I feel bad that I haven't been by your page in awhile.Lots going on here.But that does not mean that I don't think of you for I always do.I do stop by your page to see and read the updates just haven't had time to sign your guestbook.

Valentines...... To Heaven

This Valentine is not of the ordinary kind,
Its still filled with love...and blessings inside;
But mine has to be sent on the wings of love...
You see its destination is the Heavens above.

Its not being sent to my parents so dear,
For they are still with me each day of the year;
Its being sent to my child...who left earth so soon,
Who's now in the Heavens with the stars and the moon.

The message is the same as your valentine,
"I love you...my sweet precious child of mine;
My love is still deeper than the ocean is blue,
And its sent with hugs and kisses...from me to you."

"I know you are with me each and every day,
You listen as I talk to you...and hear what I say;
For that is one thing that disease cannot do...
...you'll always be apart of me...and me a part of you."

"I know God did not give you the awful disease,
Thank Him for His comfort He gives me...would you please?
I dont know what I would do without His undying love...
Sent to bereaved parents from the Heavens above."

"I know you are in the best of care,
But it's so hard for us left on earth to bear;
Could you put in a request from us left behind...
For God to send the knowledge..so a cure we can find."

"So that no other family has to go through this pain,
Our lives without you will never be the same;
When I get lonely I will look to the sky at night...
And see you shining down your big bright light."

**~Image Hosted by ImageShack.us BRENDA~**MY LOVING DAD'S SITE WITH A NEW YEAR ANOTHER ANGEL <brurka@shaw.ca>
****Edmonton~Alberta~Canada****, - Monday, February 12, 2007 8:45 PM CST
I am very happy to send a rock from Maine. And my husband work for dept. of Transportation here. And when I told him a red rock he looked high and low for one. And I am sending it out today. Gregory has to have the cat scan done again. They did not take pictures of his neck. So, my husband is taking him today. Cause, I am an asst. teacher and have to be to work today we have a busy day on wednesdays and thursdays!! Hope all is well with you. Take Care and God Bless I also blog on my myspace page. www.myspace.com/petra_parties_4_u I am in a partnership with St. Jude on there too. And there is a lot of people who have been through what you have too. So it is free to join let me know if you do. VAlerie Ketchem God bless
VAlerie Ketchem and Greg and family <petra4all@adelphia.net>
Lincoln, Maine USA - Thursday, February 8, 2007 6:44 AM CST
I'm with you. I hate February too. Sending only positive thoughts and prayers your way.
Mary Lou Thomson
Exeter, ON Canada - Friday, February 2, 2007 7:15 AM CST
I was just thinking back to the day last spring when I first found Gage's page. I was so touched, and I was such a dork, and called you, and ended up bawling. You were so sweet. I have admired you from the first day I came to Gage's page.
We love Tanner's Curious George bear, thank you for doing that for him.
We love you!

Megan Nielsen <megannielson@msn.com>
- Wednesday, January 31, 2007 9:55 PM CST
I was going to send a Maine rock to you guys. Heidi got ahold of my sons Cancer page here. I got a red one just like she said. I just need a address to send it to. If you could email me at petra4all@adelphia.net or youc an visit my sons page www.caringbridge.org/visit/gregorysmartjr and leave a message in guestbook. Thanks so much and God Bless Valerie ketchem
Valerie Ketchem <petra4all@adelphia.net>
Lincoln, Me USA - Wednesday, January 31, 2007 6:27 AM CST
Hope St Agnes goes well for Beau! I hear only good things about it. I know Hadley will miss him, but you must do what is best for Beau. The family involvement is definately one of their strong points.
Vicky Elder <jvelder@bbc.net>
Hemingford, NE USA - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:23 AM CST
Heather, I'm so glad to hear you have decided on St. Agnes for Beau. I put my two boys there when the public schools did all their "re-arranging" and I only wish we had STARTED them there in the first place! They LOVE it and so do we. Beau will get a great education, the teachers are
wonderful and will look after your little guy!
WELCOME to St. Agnes
Daneen Anderson

Daneen Anderson <foreAz@msn.com>
Alliance , NE Box Butte - Monday, January 22, 2007 11:42 AM CST
Hi ^i^Angel Gage^i^ and family, just stopping in to let you know I'm thinking of you guys. ^i^Gage^i^ I'll bet you love all your rocks from all over. Leaving a few lovely quotes for you guys and wishing you a nice week ahead.

Even if Happiness forgets you alittle bit, never completely forget it.

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Sunday, January 7, 2007 6:24 PM CST
You guys continue to be my inspiration and Heather, your entries from May and June 2005 are carrying me through right now, especially since Elizabeth has now turned that corner for the worse. Thank you for continuing to share your strength and experience with the rest of us who are just starting down that long terrible road of the worst cancer has to offer. I remember thinking that there was no way I could do it if Elizabeth wasn't going to make it back when you guys were told the same about Gage. And now I know that we'll do the best we can and that life will go on after, however painful. Thank you so much for being a wonderful example for me.
Emilie Hill, Princess Elizabeth's mommy <eahill88-blogger@yahoo.com>
Sun Valley, CA US - Sunday, January 7, 2007 5:20 AM CST

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