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It's been a long time since I visited. I have a couple of friends who are ill and have Caringbridge pages.I was going through old entries on Adrienne's guestbook and remembering other bereaved moms who spoke words of encouragement to me. I just want you to know, your little ones are not forgotten in my heart either.

Cedar Park, TX USA - Sunday, April 16, 2017 12:34 AM CDT
The greatest evil visited on the greatest number?
Well, don't overlook Monarch Programming since WW2.
Google Monarch programming and my name, Tim Baber, and any word that is you greatest concern. fear or sums up for you what is wrong in the world.
Think about that, it is fee to change it and try another word afterwards. You will.

Tim Baber <editor@msbnews.co.uk>
Ringwood, Hampshire UK GB or England - Wednesday, September 4, 2013 6:35 AM CDT
Think of you often.
Ruth Smith <smithrr@wfu.edu>
Germanton, NC 27019 - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 9:35 AM CST
Still thinking and missing you! <3 love you a bunch!!!
Natasha <tasha_russell@yahoo.com>
niceville, fl okaloosa - Sunday, November 6, 2011 2:40 AM CST
Noelle, I miss u everday and there is not a time in the day that I dont see you! Sommer reminds me a lot of you. You always made me laugh and kept me on my feet. I love you gurl and miss you dearly!!!!!
Natasha Collins <tasha_russell@yahoo.com>
niceville, fl - Friday, June 17, 2011 11:52 PM CDT
Hi there.. I've sent email to You about Noelle and Nicholas and something I could do for them for cherish their memory. I would be honoured, if You could read about my idea. Thank you. Blessings to your family.
Heidi <whereismaddie@gmail.com>
- Saturday, June 11, 2011 3:57 PM CDT
Hi Wendy & Van,
Gosh, I haven't been on this page in a while..and wandered over today. Oh my at how big your kids have gotten. Nathan graduating high school? Gabrielle in school already?

You guys are deep in my heart as this time of year approaches...((HUGS))

Jennifer Hartley
- Friday, April 29, 2011 10:21 AM CDT
wonderful family, God bless us all! don't know why we keep getting up but its the Lords Will! God Bless your bunch!
Julie, Jeffery and Joseph's mom <juliers64@gmail.com>
jax, fl usa - Saturday, January 15, 2011 9:46 AM CST
I think about the family everyday, Noelle I still have my dolphin you left me :) There is not a day that goes by that I miss you so much. I see your pictures and I look at Sommer and she reminds me so much of you. She has the same little bright up beat personality as you. I love you Noelle and miss you more than anything :)
Natasha Collins <tasha_dolphins@yahoo.com>
Niceville, FL - Monday, December 20, 2010 2:32 AM CST
Lifting your beautiful family up in prayer!
karla helm
- Thursday, November 19, 2009 9:21 PM CST
a veces no entiendo porque pasan estas cosas, no le hicieron nada nadie, no entiendo por que, realmente no entien talves dios los vio demasiado perfectos para este mundo, ahora estoy llorando por ellos y voy a prenderles uan velita
guillermo breda <zzzzlover23@yahoo.com>
turdera, buenos aires argentina - Sunday, November 1, 2009 9:51 PM CST
hey noelle, I miss you soooo much, there is not a day I dont think about the little girl that came in my room at papa's and nene's to explore and view my dolphins! I love you baby! OMG I wish you would have been here, i finally went to the gulfiuam however you spell it and the dolphins came right up to me, i wished you were there it made my day and all i could wish is that you were there beside me just enjoing the dolphins, I love you baby and i miss you soooooo very much.
tasha <tasha_dolphins@yahoo.com>
niceville, fl - Monday, August 3, 2009 10:47 AM CDT
Hello Wendy, I'm still here. I come by once in a while and well if I don't see an update I let my heart believe all is well in your family. I pray that all is well and your lives are being blessed. I don't update Jeffery's site. I just put the, This is our story, up there and left it. It's just to painful to go on updating. Your a strong woman in my book just for keeping it going as long as you did! Your a great writer too, that helps. I pray that your schooling has taken you somewhere pleasant and the children are wonderful little people! Nathan is going to be a strong man! He's been through so much. Just recently Joseph has started dealing with his brother and best friend being gone. He tried to hide from his feelings. God knows it's taking a toll on him. Pray for him to be the man God intended for him to be. Life is so weird these days. Seems we fell apart about 6mths after Jeffery went Home. Even our bodies are feeling the pain. I think its because we spent so much time taking care of our precious baby that we neglected ourselves, all of us. Our bodies are weak but our minds are strong. That brings us to the next day. Send me and email if you don't want to update the page, just for me.......ha. Peace and Prayers, 4js*4ever!
Julie, Jeffery and Joseph's mom <jsample2@comcast.net>
www.caringbridge.org/fl/jeffery, fl usa - Monday, June 29, 2009 10:21 PM CDT
The only thng worse than losing a child has to be losing two.

I have no words of wisdom...only I am so sorry, and praying for you.

Cheryl and Angel Haley <bandcvincent@aol.com>
- Thursday, June 25, 2009 4:56 PM CDT
I just wanted to stop in here and write today. I first came to Noelle and Nicholas' site years ago. I can't remember when but it's probably been about 7 years. At first I visited often and then, as with everyone, less and less so. It's been a very, very long time since I last came here but for some reason I've been thinking about Noelle and Nicholas alot lately. I had to come back here today to have another look at their precious faces.
All this to say that regardless of time passing your precious angels are never forgotten and still remembered. Hope you have a wonderful Father's Day!
God bless,

Ottawa , Ontario Canada - Sunday, June 21, 2009 10:04 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Nick.
Susan <hilltophedgies@msn.com>
Layton, UT - Thursday, April 9, 2009 1:00 PM CDT
oh you are in no way babbling...!! i had a good cry as i was typing and never expected anyone to actually read it
:'-) sometimes it feels right to vent. i just wish i did it more often... february is always a weird month for me, idk if it's valentine's or what but yow! such holidays shouldn't be so dreary. i think it stemmed from me going to target and filling easter baskets... that one missing! just WRONG... love and hugs,

tami <tamara2077@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 25, 2009 6:55 PM CDT
I will be praying for your family on March the 17th. Tell Nathan that I felt joy in my spirit when I saw him at MTUMC. What a gentleman and a kind young man he is. I am in Texas right now. Mom and Great Aunt are flying with me to NC tomorrow. I am wondering about PaPa and wishing him well. He must call when he is in town. Oh, My Goodness..Today is Noelle's birthday...I cannot believe with all that I have been doing in Texas, I just realized that it isn't midnight here and I caught her birthday...March Forth in Him, before her "1st" Birthday date ended here (just prior to midnight)...I love you guys and will remember your sweet children, forever.
Audrey B. Curtin <abcurtin@yahoo.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Thursday, March 5, 2009 0:03 AM CST
I will be praying for your family on March the 17th. Tell Nathan that I felt joy in my spirit when I saw him at MTUMC. What a gentleman and a kind young man he is. I am in Texas right now. Mom and Great Aunt are flying with me to NC tomorrow. I am wondering about PaPa and wishing him well. He must call when he is in town. Today is Noelle's birthday...I cannot believe with all that I have been doing in Texas, I just realized that it isn't midnight here and I caught her birthday...March Forth in Him, before her 1st "Birthday" date ended here...I love you guys and will remember your sweet children, forever.
Audrey B. Curtin <abcurtin@yahoo.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Wednesday, March 4, 2009 11:56 PM CST
hi Baber family! the pictures are fantastic, my how Nathan and Gabrielle have grown! what beautiful (and busy) children! hope everything is good... hugs,
tami http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/celestevidayoung <tamara2077@hotmail.com>
san jose, ca - Thursday, February 5, 2009 0:15 AM CST
Dear Van, Wendy, Nathan, Angel Noelle, Angel Nicholas, and Gabrielle,
I thought I would send my best to all of you today. I know that we saw one another this summer and that we even spoke on the phone following my last trip to Texas, in August, but since my father's passing, it has been somehow surreal. I pray that your lives are happy and blessed with God's everlasting love. I hope Nathan is loving school, that Gabrielle is as precious as always (no doubt), that Wendy's approaching employment is one filled with joy and satisfaction, and that Van's job and health are doing well,too. Send PaPa my love. In His Name, <>< Audrey

Audrey Bradshaw-Curtin <abcurtin@yahoo.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Sunday, October 26, 2008 9:23 PM CDT
Hey Baber's! I hope all is doing well. Gabrielle has gotten so big. Nathan has really grown up like Jonathan who also has his Learner's Permit. Thank you for these memories that you share. They are so precious. I also miss Noelle. It seems only yesterday when Noelle and I were playing in the backyard or watching The Little Mermaid. Thanks again for the memories! I Miss You All!

xoxo, Dani

Danielle Gerringer <Dgerringer@gmail.com>
WInston Salem, NC USA - Sunday, August 10, 2008 10:36 PM CDT
Hey Nathan its chase stehling ur little cuzz havent talked to u in bout 4 years(of somthin like that lol ) im over @ staceys and she told me bout ur up dated pics ill leave u my number and myspace. e-mail. My number is 980-241-8756 and my myspace/yahoo hollywoodstehling@yahoo.com thanks and peaceout.
nicholas chase stehling <hollywoodstehling@yahoo.com>
madian, nc usa - Friday, July 18, 2008 1:11 PM CDT
thank you so much for remembering....... it was a tough weekend but made it thru...... hugs*
tami <tamara2077@hotmail.com>
san jose, ca - Wednesday, May 21, 2008 1:32 PM CDT
Hey Wendy, Van, Nathan and Gabrielle,
Its so good to read an update. I check up on you often. I can't believe how much the kids have grown, especially the little one. She is absolutely adorable. I am glad Nathan is liking school, it sounds like he is doing great. I am so proud of you and what all you are accomplishing. You are such a great role model. I miss you and hope to see you soon. Love, Kim Jackson

Kim Jackson <irmasline@triad.rr.com>
Winston Salem, NC - Monday, May 19, 2008 9:23 AM CDT
I'm so glad you finally posted an update as I do check frequently. Gabrielle is absolutely adorable. Brittany, like Nathan, got her learners permit in the beginning of 2008. Wendy, I can't believe our babies are so grown up. I remember when they used to play together and Nathan would spend the night at our house.
Congratulations on the "almost" graduation date. I'm sure you will be relieved when school is over.
I will call you soon so we can chat (for 2 hours). It will probably take at least that long to get caught up.
We love and miss you all!

Stacey <jerseygirl969@hotmail.com>
Mount Holly, NC - Friday, May 16, 2008 10:36 AM CDT
Hope all is going well. We'd love to see an update! We have been following you guys through this website from 2001.you have such a beautiful family and your testimony is incredible and has been a real encouragement in my life, and many others as well. I usually stop by your site a 2 or 3 times a month and I love to hear how you guys are doing.
Susan P <SuePark@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, May 14, 2008 7:00 PM CDT

MySpace Dacing Comments

tami <tamara2077@hotmail.com>
sjc, ca - Saturday, May 10, 2008 5:17 PM CDT
well, just checking in... hope all is well. hugs*
tami, celeste's mom <tamara2077@hotmail.com>
san jose, ca - Sunday, April 20, 2008 3:57 AM CDT
came upon your site via friend. May the lord bless and keep your dear sweet hearts. I cannot imagine all you have survived. I pray for only health and happiness for your life.
the lawrences
- Monday, April 14, 2008 8:53 PM CDT
I haven't been by in a while. I see it has been a while since your last entry too, but I know that the longing for our children has not changed. I just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten to lift you and other bereaved families up in my prayers.
Nichelle (Adrienne's mom: http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/adrienne)
- Thursday, April 3, 2008 3:07 AM CDT
Thinking of all of you, as always. <><
The Curtin Family <abcurtin@wsfcs.k12.nc.us>
Winston-Salem, NC 27106 - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 9:54 PM CDT
Thinking of all of you. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you a blessed and comforting Easter.


Olivia Nunez <olivia.nunez@gmail.com>
Whitestone, NY - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 9:11 PM CDT
Thinking of you today!


Ruth Smith <smithrr@wfu.edu>
Germanton, NC - Tuesday, March 4, 2008 12:11 AM CST
I hope all is well..........
Jennifer Hartley <hartley1025@verizon.net>
- Wednesday, February 13, 2008 6:38 AM CST
The strengh of your family in enduring these losses is something ours will admire forever. The stories and pictures of your beautiful and inspirational children have touched our hearts and I know that many more will be inspired. I pray that these Children are enjoying their walk with God in the fullest!
Thank you for sharing your experience.

Columbus, OH United States - Thursday, January 10, 2008 4:33 PM CST
Wishing you a very gentle, yet Merry Christmas.
Have a Happy& Healthy New Year!

Jennifer Hartley <hartley1025@verizon.net>
- Saturday, December 22, 2007 10:27 AM CST
Hello Wendy and family, it's been awhile since you've updated..... I pray all is well.....Merry Christmas to you all! 4js*4ever
Julie, Jeffery and Joseph's mom www.caringbridge.org/fl/jeffery <www.jsample2@comcast.net>
Jacksonville, fl us - Friday, December 14, 2007 7:56 AM CST
Hi Wendy! It's been too long since I checked your Picture Album. Gabrielle and Nathan are adorable as can be! It must be cool to actually have conversations with Nathan. Grant is just starting to communicate sorta like a little 'guy.' Soon, I too will be initiated into the secret world of afterschool activities and hanging with the boys. I see that Gabrielle is blessed with a headful of golden curls! Oh my! How incredibly sweet she is! Sounds like things are very busy but fun, glad to know that things are moving along and that Miss Gabrielle keeps you on your toes ;)
tami <tamara2077@hotmail.com>
san jose, ca usa - Tuesday, December 11, 2007 2:25 PM CST
Hey Mrs. Wendy,
how are all of yall doing? I havent seen you guys sense Nathan was doing drivers ed! i cant wait to see you again!! please call us. love you all!!!
Hally Williams

Hally williams <hwsurfin@yahoo.com>
winston-salem, nc usa - Saturday, November 24, 2007 1:52 PM CST

Thank you so much for lookin over my little bookie. I see alot of the same things you used to do in her. I know that's why I names her after you. I miss you every day. I pray that God and you always releave stresses from everyday lives in SOmmer and I. You are truley my life. I hope you dont mind but I gave Sommer your dolphin, that you gave me and I always tell her just give it a hug and noelle will know that you need her, thats what mommy does. I always told myself when I have a baby especially a girl I hope she is awsome like you are. I love you noelle and let God take care of mommy, daddy and everyone else that hurts everyday cause your not around. Thank you again for bringing her sister, in our family's lives. Sommer had a wonderful time with her.

I love and miss you so very much.
Tasha and baby Sommer

tasha <tasha_dolphins@yahoo.com>
valporiso, fl - Thursday, November 1, 2007 7:04 PM CDT
I came across your site because I know a child with a brainstem tumor. How I wish your children had a chance to have her outcome, too. I lost a little girl due to PROM in 2001. I can't imagine that pain times two. I have four other children who are a Godsend to make me smile! Your kids are all gorgeous! I bet your two still here make you smile. I'll pray for your family, especially your son. My oldest emebers losing his little sister and it is so hard for kids to deal with. God bless you all.
Cynthia <crmejean@hotmail.com>
Cape Giraderau, MO - Monday, October 22, 2007 3:57 AM CDT
Hello, Hello, Hello, is anybody there?? Just stopping by to check on ya'll. Our lives have changed 4/ever. I didn't think we could do it, but here we are, still here, still waking up every day. We're all working now, I'd rather just sit on the couch and watch t.v. and stare into space, but they won't let me. I'll check back soon. I pray all is well!
Peace and Prayers,

Julie, Jeffery and Joseph's mom www.caringbridge.org/fl/jeffery <www.jsample2@comcast.net>
Jacksonville, fl usa - Friday, October 19, 2007 8:32 AM CDT
i have a little girl and i don't know what i would do without her. i will pray for your family and keep them in my mind you have beautiful children and they are such precious gifts from god!
velisha <tw1stdp1x1e69@aol.com>
moneta, va usa - Friday, September 28, 2007 2:58 PM CDT
i am so sorry for the loss of you children i also lost my son Cody to a Brain stem glioma it is so heartbreaking to see your child go through this and for you you had to do it twice. it will be 7 yrs on Tuesday that Cody died and i miss him so much but take comfort that he is in a better place. May God Bless you all.
Sharon Greaney <peterpan.zip@xtra.co.nz>
Oamaru, New Zealand - Wednesday, September 12, 2007 4:29 AM CDT
Just stopping in to say that your family is always in my prayers.
Jenn Hartley <ronjenn696@prodigy.net>
- Thursday, September 6, 2007 12:51 AM CDT
Sorry I missed posting yesterday, Noelle's 5th Homegoing anniversary. May you continue to know our Lord's comfort, joy and peace.
Yolanda Rogers, Mom to Anna <weloveanna@earthlink.net>
Alt Spgs, FL USA - Sunday, July 22, 2007 8:26 PM CDT
I just wanted to stop by to say hi and let you know that I am thinking of you. I hope you are all having a lovely 4th of July.

Much love,

Olivia Nunez <olivia.nunez@gmail.com>
Whitestone, NY - Wednesday, July 4, 2007 7:42 PM CDT
Hey Ms. Wendy,
How are you and Gabrielle and the family? I hope you're doing good! Jess-e-ca just left a couple days ago it's been lonely around the house without her and Reed is in classes now and is planning to move to NC State this year! I've been doing swim team as usual and I'm starting cheerleading this summer too! Well maybe if you have enough time one day you and Gabrielle can come and visit us and we will go to the pool! Hope to see you soon!!
Michelle Curtin

Michelle Curtin <Deacongirl1995@yahoo.com>
Winston Salem, NC USA - Wednesday, June 27, 2007 3:31 PM CDT
I just wanted to stop by to let you know that you all continue to be in my thoughts. I hope you are doing well and enjoying these summer months. Noelle and Nicholas continue to live on in all that you do. They will never be forgotten.

Much love,

Olivia Nunez <olivia.nunez@gmail.com>
Whitestone, NY - Monday, June 25, 2007 4:51 PM CDT
Hey, Wendy and family,
Just checkin' in to say hello. We are in the full swing of summer. Jessica is in a residential hall meeting right now as I work on your note, she moved into Western today. Michelle is home with Geoff and swimming for Chadwyck again (although Hally is not). Reed starts summer school on Monday, and is more than likely transfering to NC State in the fall. I miss your sweet voice and always kind words, but knowing that your schedule is so full this summer just know that you are always in my prayers. I still want you to get over to Serenity for some pampering, will you let me know who to ask for to set that up for you? We miss Gabrielle so much! Jess and I just looked at all the zoo pics on her computer just today. Of course, Michelle asks regularly to see Gabrielle, but this time I am going to do all of the work. You fixed supper last time, and I still feel indepted to you for all of that effort with your time so limited. I hope Van's job and Nathan's school year were both positive, Gabrielle's, too. I "lus" you all.

Audrey and Michelle Curtin <abcurtin@wsfcs.k12.nc.us>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Saturday, June 23, 2007 3:05 PM CDT
We just dropped by to check on you today.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Monday, June 18, 2007 1:28 PM CDT
Hi Wendy, I came to your site via Jeffery's site. What absolutely beautiful children you have. I cannot imagine your pain and what you and your family have gone through. That you keep the site up and running and update is really remarkable and so generous and kind. You are right, people need to connect to other people who have been down the same road, and even our very closest friends, unless they have been the journey, don't get it all. Keeping you and your family in my prayers and your darling Angels- Noelle and Nicholas.

kathy <joy2jak@comcast.net>
boynton beach, fl usa - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 5:21 PM CDT
Hello Wendy and family, it's been along couple of months.I just wanted to let you know that my beautiful (20yrs.old) baby, Jeffery went Home on March 16,2007. He fought hard for 5 years, and 2 months. Our babies are together now, waiting for us, and working for God. You haven't updated since my last post, so what's going on w/ya'll? Life is so hard right now, but I look your way when I feel like I just can't get out of bed another day. All we do is cry. I should be dehydrated by now it seems. Peace and Prayers for you all,
4/j's * 4/ever

www.caringbridge.org/fl/jeffery <jsample2@comcast.net>
jax, fl usa - Friday, June 1, 2007 0:27 AM CDT
I am thinking of and praying for you all. I love all of the new pictures you have posted! Gabrielle is growing so quickly and she has, no doubt, changed even more since those pictures were taken. Nathan is a wonderful older brother for her here and Noelle and Nicholas are with her always. She is certainly surrounded with love.

Thinking of you,

Olivia Nunez <olivia.nunez@gmail.com>
Whitestone, NY - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 3:53 PM CDT
Hi from Windsor, Uk. Picked up the link thru Heavenly Lights where my son is on the same page as your two childrem. Harry had a brain tumor too and i read your page with so much understanding of where you are and what youve been through. I shall think of you all and rememebr you in my prayers. God Bless. Sam Taylor caringbridge.org/me/harryberesfordtaylor
Sam Taylor <st120772@aol.com>
Windsor, UK, England - Sunday, May 13, 2007 4:53 PM CDT
Just stopping by and saw Nathan and Van's scouting pics. The ones of the kids at Christmas are adorable. Hope school is going well. We are nearing graduation (12th and 5th grade) but Jessica will leave June 23 for her summer academic program at Western. I'll send pics of the girls. I hope that your life, family, student status, Nathan's life, Van's job, Gabrielle's big girl school are all working well. We will see you during the summer if you're taking a break some time. I.O.U. a spa treatment from Tranquility for missing your birthday. God's Peace, Audrey
A. Curtin <abcurtin@wsfcs.k12.nc.us>
w-s, nc - Wednesday, May 9, 2007 11:50 PM CDT
Dear Baber family,
I have not been by for a very long time, but was very glad to read that life is moving along and going well for all of you.

Debbie Nagy <nagyhome@sbcglobal.net>
St. Louis, - Friday, April 13, 2007 8:38 PM CDT
Dear Baber family,
I have not been by for a very long time, but was very glad to read that life is moving along and going well for all of you.

Debbie Nagy <nagyhome@sbcglobal.net>
St. Louis, - Friday, April 13, 2007 8:38 PM CDT
Dear Baber Family,
I think of you often and check your site from time to time. The pictures of the children are wonderful. Blessings to your family during this Easter season.
Christine Wall

Christine Wall <wall622@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Saturday, April 7, 2007 7:40 PM CDT
Holding you in prayer as Nicholas' birthday approaches. Praise God that He knows our pain. Praise God that we know His Hope. May this hope in the Saviour grow jubilant in your heart as we look forward to our own resurrection and eternal life with our precious Lord and beloved children. Have a blessed, blessed Resurrection Sunday.

Yolanda Mom to Anna <weloveanna@earthlink.net>
Alt Springs, FL USA - Friday, April 6, 2007 7:15 PM CDT
Just stopping by to say hello and let you know that I am thinking of you! Thanks for visiting Amy's site occasionally....it means a lot to us. It has been 4 1/2 years now since our Amy girl left us, but some days it seems as though it was yesterday. We learn to cope better, but the hole in our heart remains doesn't it?
Rosemary Harris <Rosmaburg@aol.com>
- Monday, April 2, 2007 11:25 PM CDT
Hi there. I lost my beautiful 16yr old son, Ben, to brain stem glioma on 3rd February 2007 after a 14 month battle. My pain is unbearable and I cannot even begin to imagine how you have coped with losing two precious children. My heart and thoughts are with you. God bless you all
Julie Stevenson <d.stevenson1@sky.com>
Rugeley, England - Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:29 PM CDT
We just dropped by to check on you today.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:30 AM CDT
You and your family has been through so much. You have a beautiful family including your angels Noelle and Nicolas. You will be in my prayers. May God continue to give you strength and peace.
Love, Lori cp shelbywood

Lori Wood <woodyou@comcast.net>
Clarkston, MI USA - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 7:53 AM CDT
Always praying for you and your family. God Bless you.

Please visit Kathy and leave words of encouragement

WPB, FL - Friday, March 23, 2007 11:59 AM CDT
You are in our thoughts as we lift you up in prayer on Nicholas' Homegoing anniversary. May precious memories far outweigh the pain. May blessed hope far outweigh the sorrow.

Yolanda, Mom to Anna <weloveanna@earthlink.net>
Alt Spgs, FL USA - Saturday, March 17, 2007 2:59 PM CDT
Just sending some

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To you,

From Everyone at Post Pals

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Tuesday, March 13, 2007 7:35 PM CDT
Wendy, I am glad to see the younger ones drive the older ones crazy all over, not just here! I can never fathom the depth of your pain, esp now since my sister recently lost her son in a car accident, she will never be the same and she is lost still and in a daze. To think of going thru that twice in one lifetime is unreal...
Chris & Gooch
Share the Love.org <chrisrusso_@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 7, 2007 10:09 PM CST
Dearest Wendy,

Thinking of you always, but especially today.

With love,

Andrea Passarella <andrea@passarella.com>
Swedesboro, NJ - Sunday, March 4, 2007 7:45 AM CST
Hi Mrs. Baber,
This is Bryanne Weaver, the girl making the bracelets for Noelle. I have been ill recently with a staph infection and have gotten behind on the bracelets. I am still making them, but it will be a couple of weeks. However, I will send Noelle's birthday letter sometime this week, and the bracelets will follow a couple of weeks after. I apoligize profusely for this. I have been carrying this infection for a long time and have been in and out of the ER the past couple of weeks! But I am better now. Hope you guys are doing well. I will be thinking of you on Sunday!

Bryanne Weaver <catdogbre83@hotmail.com>
Tulsa , OK 74110 - Saturday, March 3, 2007 6:18 PM CST
I love to read your updates, Wendy,and I'm so glad that all is moving along, as naturally a possible.
Peace and Prayers to you all,

Julie, Jeffery's mom <jsample2@comcast.net>
www.caringbridge.org/fl/jeffery, fl usa - Monday, February 26, 2007 0:41 AM CST
Thinking of and praying for many blessings of peace, strength, comfort and hope for the Baber family.
Love, Debbie

Debbie Gray <debgray@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Sunday, February 25, 2007 7:29 AM CST
Hi, Ms. Wendy how are you? I'm doing good! Hope to see you and Gabrielle soon! Call me!!!
Love Michelle

Michelle Curtin <deacongirl1995@yahoo.com>
Winston Salem, nc united states - Friday, February 16, 2007 6:42 PM CST
I started following caring bridge sites last September when our friends lost their 10 year old daughter to cancer. Yesterday, my daughter came home from school with a note from her teacher. Her teacher would be out for some time because her nephew was killed in a car accident. The really sad part was that her other nephew, brother of the one just killed, had died 2 years earlier also in a car accident. I thought, 1 child is enough to bear but 2? Why Lord? Today I came across your page. You made it. It is obvious part of that reason is that you believe in God's promises. God is true to his word. You will see your children again for an eternity! I cant wait to lead my daughters teacher to your site. What a blessing and inspiration you are! In your pain you still know that God is good. Thank you!
jill young <yng56rj@msn.com>
st petersburg, fl pinellas - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 4:30 PM CST
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

I feel bad that I haven't been by your page in awhile.Lots going on here.But that does not mean that I don't think of you for I always do.I do stop by your page to see and read the updates just haven't had time to sign your guestbook.

Valentines...... To Heaven

This Valentine is not of the ordinary kind,
Its still filled with love...and blessings inside;
But mine has to be sent on the wings of love...
You see its destination is the Heavens above.

Its not being sent to my parents so dear,
For they are still with me each day of the year;
Its being sent to my child...who left earth so soon,
Who's now in the Heavens with the stars and the moon.

The message is the same as your valentine,
"I love you...my sweet precious child of mine;
My love is still deeper than the ocean is blue,
And its sent with hugs and kisses...from me to you."

"I know you are with me each and every day,
You listen as I talk to you...and hear what I say;
For that is one thing that disease cannot do...
...you'll always be apart of me...and me a part of you."

"I know God did not give you the awful disease,
Thank Him for His comfort He gives me...would you please?
I dont know what I would do without His undying love...
Sent to bereaved parents from the Heavens above."

"I know you are in the best of care,
But it's so hard for us left on earth to bear;
Could you put in a request from us left behind...
For God to send the knowledge..so a cure we can find."

"So that no other family has to go through this pain,
Our lives without you will never be the same;
When I get lonely I will look to the sky at night...
And see you shining down your big bright light."

**~Image Hosted by ImageShack.us BRENDA~**MY LOVING DAD'S SITE WITH A NEW YEAR ANOTHER ANGEL <brurka@shaw.ca>
****Edmonton~Alberta~Canada****, - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:22 PM CST
You have been on my mind and in my prayers.Praying God's blessing for you and your family. I still read the journal and go to the page to see the sweet faces of Noelle and Nicholas. It helps keep them close at heart. Thanks Wendy for keeping this web page going and sharing Noelle and Nicholas to so many.
Peggy Tolerico <ptolerico@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 5:41 PM CST
My Lord! I am an idiot! I type my entries into Word and then cut/paste & my previous cut/paste for another child copied. Noelle & Nathan are precious and my heart aches for you. You have a beautiful family. I hope peace and comfort come to you. You are an inspiration. Peace, Amy
Amy Smith
Huntsville, AL 35806 - Monday, January 15, 2007 1:33 PM CST
Dear Walsdorf family,

God Bless You! I have been reading Sam's story and my heart goes out to you. I found you through JJ Lipski's page...he is battling DPG and lives just a few minutes away. Since learning of JJ's story, I have started to read all the stories on his site. I have 3 littles ones (6 year old boy, 4 year old girl, 2 year old boy) and reading these stories has changed my life. Brave little ones like Sam have helped me to see how precious little children are and what a gift they are. We all need to slow down and rock those babies. You are all very brave and inspirational and I thank you for sharing your story. Peace, Amy Smith

Amy Smith
Huntsville, AL USA - Monday, January 15, 2007 1:21 PM CST
This is the first time I have visited your website. I saw Noelle and Nicholas' pictures on JJ's "lifted up" section. I was struck by the idea of losing not one, but two children. I just read your main page. Thank you for continuing your website. It DOES help some of us out here with our losses. We lost our 6 year old son, James, to brain cancer on Feb. 9, 2005. JJ's dad put him on the lifted up page also. You are so right when you talk about the heartbreak. It is so real, so intense. Also, your hit the nail on the head when you talk about our kids being in heaven, everything is now so perfect for them. No hurt, no sadness, nothing bad. We just have to hang in there until it is our time to be with them and with Jesus.
James' website is carepages.com and his page name is whitesell
God bless you all.
Noelle, Nicholas, and James...pray for us!
Jim Whitesell
Lake Arrowhead, CA

Jim Whitesell <whiteselljim@hotmail.com>
Lake Arrowhead, CA USA - Monday, January 15, 2007 10:24 AM CST
We just dropped by to check on you today.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Friday, January 5, 2007 4:13 PM CST

GARFIELD , NJ USA - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 12:21 AM CST
I wanted you to know that I am thinking of you. I was just looking at your photos and you have such nice looking kids with beautiful eyes. Nathan is so handsome and he seems like the worlds best big brother.
Have a wonderful holiday.

Angel Rachel's Mommy

jeanne <crowman2766@aol.com>
king of prussia, pa usa - Sunday, December 24, 2006 11:41 AM CST
We just wanted to let you know we are thinking about you through the holidays.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Monday, December 18, 2006 9:20 PM CST
Just thinking about you, Noelle and Nicholas. You all remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Debbie Gray <debgray@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem , NC - Sunday, December 10, 2006 4:37 PM CST
Dear Wendy, Van, Nathan and Gabrielle,
I hope that the holidays are joyous for such a special and beautiful family. The time since you started this webpage for your two beautiful children has been so difficult for all of you, but may God's grace and mercy bring each of you more and more peace and joy during this season each and every year. Noelle and Nicholas both possess names of the season. That must be pleasing to God as we celebrate the reason for the season. Don't work too hard at school. Once the semester is done, I hope you will relax some and enjoy the break. You all will be back at the exhausting pace in 2007. Michelle is counting on boarding Wodney at the Baber 'home for the holidays'. We will talk before our departure on 12/23. Thank you for all of your kind words of encouragement during my difficult time of loss. We love all of you and we want your Christmas to be joyous. Love and joy from our family to yours, Audrey, Geoff, Reed, Jessica and Michelle

The Curtin Family <abcurtin@wsfcs,k2.nc.us>
W-S, NC USA - Saturday, December 2, 2006 8:45 PM CST
hey wendy, i was happy to see your guestbook entry. i've been bad about updating; the last few months were really bad but things are better. gabrielle is a d o r a b l e. you have such beautiful children - all of them! i relate so much to what you say about missing the sick days. i miss those days the most - maybe b/c celeste was always able to smile and keep going. she kept me strong too. honestly, most of my happy memories come from the decadron days, aside from all the ill effects. we lost a huge part of ourselves, and our role as caregiver... everyday's a new experience for me though and i'm coping but the silence and emptiness really sink in. it' been wonderful for me to have moved. from one day to the next, i never know how it will be. hugs*
tami <tamara2077@hotmail.com>
santa clara, ca - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 0:12 AM CST
Hello Mrs. Wendy,

It's been awhile, I think our computer has been gone for about 1 1/2 years, just never enough money or time to get things done. I just wanted to stop by and see how things were going for ya'll, and I'm glad to see that the baby is growing well, and Nathan is becoming manly.....Bless his heart, he grew up quickly. I pray that you and yours can hold on to your sanity, until we all go home.

Peace and Prayers,

Julie, Jeffery's mom <jsample2@comcast.net>
www.caringbridge.org/fl/jeffery, fl usa - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 8:51 PM CST
We just dropped by to check on you today.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 0:23 AM CST
You don't know me, I came across your site from another Caringbridge site. I wanted to tell you that your children are beautiful and that my heart aches for your family's loss of Noelle and Nicholas. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Karen Anderson
Madison, AL - Monday, November 6, 2006 7:29 AM CST
I have no words of comfort. You're family and the extraordinary road you have had to travel is beyond my comprehension. Tears flow for your little ones and I Pray that someday peace is able to replace the anger (yet I can't imagine it ever would for me either).
I am honored to have met such a strong and faithful family.
In my thoughts and prayers,

www.caringbridge.com/ny/my2angles <rcurk@aol.com>
- Friday, October 20, 2006 7:47 PM CDT
This is a wonderful web page. Hello from Wendy's professor, Celia Hooper, UNCG. Those of you who know her well will not be surprised that she did VERY well in the class. It was an online class and many people commented on our discussion forums and on their exams how much they learned from Wendy. Congrats!
Celia R Hooper, Dept of Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG <crhooper@uncg.edu>
Greensboro, NC USA - Monday, October 16, 2006 10:00 AM CDT
We just wanted to drop by and say hi
and let you know we are thinking about you.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Friday, October 13, 2006 11:00 PM CDT
Hi guys,
Just stopped by and was glad to see an update with pictures. I can't believe how much Gabrielle has grown!

I know things are crazy busy...but I'm really glad that things are going well with school for both Nathan and Wendy.

We were at Denny's in Kernersville today, and I reminded Bailey that the last time we were there was that early morning shopping trip - when you told Bailey that you were expecting. I can't believe that was almost 3 years ago!

We think of and pray for you guys often..and miss seeing all of you.

Take care of yourselves..

Bobby, Lynn, Alex and Bailey <lbk3767@alltel.net>
- Sunday, September 24, 2006 7:38 PM CDT
We just dropped by to check on you today.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Friday, September 22, 2006 0:42 AM CDT
We all hope that Papa's appointment was a huge success. I was so impressed to see such a beautiful and insightful journal entry knowing how busy you are with classes. You are all always in our prayers, Audrey, Chelle and Jess-i-ca P.S. The pictures are awesome!

Audrey <abcurtin@wsfcs.k12.nc.us>
W-S, NC USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 7:38 PM CDT
I was just thinking of you guys. Was reading your last entry. You know you all are in our prayers everyday. Remember...it wasn't a goodbye to Noelle and Nicholas..but an I'll see you soon....love to you all.
The Burchettes

Missy <Rmb515b@aol.com>
- Sunday, September 10, 2006 3:02 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing...it continues to be an amazement to me the strength your family has in telling your story. Know that you are in my prayers.

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 8:51 AM CDT
farewell our freinds but not goodbye your time has come your souls must fly too dance with angels and find the sun but how we will miss our special ones
rebekah sharkey <bsharki@hotmail.com>
scunthorpe, england - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 2:11 PM CDT

I was posting this picture on Cassie's site, and thought I would swing by your page to say "hello". The photograph of Noellen holding a tiny Nicholas is so precious, thank you for sharing it with us all.

Lots of love


viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:05 AM CDT
Just thinking of you and praying blessings on the new school year. This seems more like the start of a new year than Jan. 1st, AND IT ISN'T EASY! I know that grieving our children is a life-long journey. I pray that God continues to shower us with blessings of mercy, strength, faith, hope and somehow even joy along the path of that journey.

Debbie Gray <debgray@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:07 AM CDT
We just dropped by to check on you today.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Monday, August 14, 2006 9:23 PM CDT
Wendy and Van,
As always, we talk about Noelle, Nicholas, Nathan and Gabrielle almost everyday. I can hardly believe that it has been four years since two of your little ones departed this life and entered His kingdom. When I think of where they are, I rejoice and trust in His promises of the unimaginable joy, peace and beauty of their eternal heavenly home. May we feel some of the comfort they get to know now, and may our grief be comforted by the truth that one day we will join them along with all of the other followers of Christ. Asking God to send our messages of love, rememberances, and truth to Noelle, Nicholas and other loved ones sitting at the throne of our Heavenly Father and dancing on the streets of gold. Your forever friends,

Geoff, Audrey, Reed, Jessica and Michelle <abcurtin@wsfcs.k12.nc.us>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 1:14 AM CDT
Thinking of you all often. I visit the web site to see sweet Noelle and Nicholas often. Much prayers and love
Peggy Tolerico

Peggy Tolerico <ptolerico@triad.rr.com>
W-S, NC USA - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:04 PM CDT
We just thought we would pop by and check on you today,
and let you know we are thinking about you.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 1:40 AM CDT
Coming to you a little late, but thoughts of your precious angels are never far from my thoughts. I hope yesterday was a day of precious and happy memories of your best friend...hopefully without pain.
God bless you guys...
I think of you ALOT!!!

Randa <randaleiper@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, July 22, 2006 8:35 PM CDT
Just thinking about you guys today on Noelle's 4th angelversary.

You are in my prayers.

Jenn Hartley <ronjenn696@prodigy.net>
- Friday, July 21, 2006 5:12 PM CDT
You don't know me, I came across your CaringBridge site about a year ago. I read your whole story and I am so sorry for the heartache your family has been through. I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and your family today and remembering Noelle and Nicholas today.
Kristine <Jakrissel@aol.com>
Hutchinson , MN USA - Friday, July 21, 2006 11:10 AM CDT
Remembering you and your precious Noelle and Nicholas on the eve of Noelle's Homegoing. Receive a silent, tearful hug and also a whisper of hope.
Yolanda Rogers, Mom to Anna
Alt Springs, FL USA - Thursday, July 20, 2006 7:39 PM CDT
Wendy and babers...I'm thinking of you guys always and I love yall very much! I'm always praying!
Casey <caseymegan90@yahoo.com>
Pfafftown, NC US - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:05 AM CDT
Hi Wendy,
Just wanted to let you know I continue to visit Noelle's and Nicholas' website. I know you are so busy now with school (congrats, I saw your name in the paper)... but I want you to know I think of you so often. Maybe you, Missy and I can have a girls night (or day) ~ lunch or something. I would love to visit with you.
Praying blessings on you all,

Debbie Gray <Debgray@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem , NC USA - Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:55 AM CDT
We are thinking of you.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 0:08 AM CDT
Happy Father's Day!! Just wanted you to know that you are being thought of today!

take care

angel Rachel's mommy

jeanne <crowman2766@aol.com>
king of prussia, pa usa - Sunday, June 18, 2006 9:31 AM CDT
Just stopped by to see how you all were doing and glad to read an update. I cannot imagine the pain you must experience daily. The loss of Alexandria was bad enough...two children within a short period of time is unimaginable to me. We seem to go through periods where we go to the cemetary frequently, and other times when it is just too painful. I know our Angels understand this.

Hang in there as best you can and know that people are still praying for you-

Alison Haddock
Mom to Angel Alexandria

alison haddock <alisonhaddock@charter.net>
O'Fallon, MO - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 10:42 AM CDT
i just wanted you to know that i am thinking of you all. i wanted you to know that you were right...having another baby in my house helps and keeps me real busy. take care
Angel Rachel's Mommy

jeanne <crowman2766@aol.com>
king of prussia, pa usa - Saturday, June 3, 2006 10:48 AM CDT
We are thinking about you today.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:52 PM CDT
I'm thinking of all of you on precious Nicholas' birthday, and keeping you in my prayers. Now that springtime is here and my students are a bit older, the monkeybars have become a playground favorite. So I am reminded of Noelle several times each week, although I have yet to meet a child with her determination to cross them! I wish we would see eachother at church more often...maybe sometime we could meet for lunch and you can fill me in on how all of you are doing. I hope school is going well for you. Love, Chrissie
Chrissie Norton <dcnorton@earthlink.net>
Winston-Salem, NC - Sunday, April 9, 2006 12:21 AM CDT
Guess what? I'm having a baby girl! I am going to name her Sommer Noelle Collins. I miss noelle so much and I figured since I was so close to her I should have her name somewhere in my babies! She ment a lot to me in my life and in my everyday activites, So I wanted her to have a special name! Well I love you guys hope all is well!
Natasha Collins <tasha_dolphins@yahoo.com>
Crestview, Fl - Friday, April 7, 2006 9:23 PM CDT
We just popped by to see how you were.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Saturday, April 1, 2006 1:18 AM CST
Sorry I did not post yesterday, Nicholas' Homegoing anniversary. I know how much it means to have others remember. We lift you up in prayer asking our heavenly Father in the name of our precious Jesus to pour His blessings upon you and grant you the knowledge of His presence. May you feel His comfort, His peace, and most of all, His blessed, blessed hope in a very special way.

In His Love,
Yolanda Rogers

Mom to Anna <galatians5@truevine.net>
Altamonte Spgs, FL USA - Saturday, March 18, 2006 3:09 PM CST
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

May the Grass be soft as heather
as it sways beneath your feet
May smiles so bright and so cheerful
light up every face that you meet...

May your heart be ever hopeful,
and filled with glad songs to be sung,
And may the years always be kindly
to keep you forever young!

May the Luck of the Irish be with you...always, forever and a day!



Juli Merhaut <crazygal8705@yahoo.com>
Canfield, Ohio USA - Friday, March 17, 2006 8:25 PM CST

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