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Friday, May 16, 2008 2:49 AM CDT

It’s been quite some time since our last update. Although we visit the site each day as we log onto the Internet, we just have not updated as we should. We thank you all for your continued words of encouragement. Staying in touch continues to touch all of us in a very special way.

The past year surely passed by much too fast.

Tess, the puppy that Noelle picked out 17 days before she passed away, had her first, and only, litter of 11 puppies last summer. Van considers himself a bona-fied Vet Tech as he had had to help Tess deliver her last 4 puppies due to sheer exhaustion. All puppies were healthy and thrived very well with minimal support from bottle feedings. Gabrielle thought it was neat to be a part of the event. Nathan was away at a friend’s house during the birthing process. Of course, he does not feel any remorse about not being here as he would prefer to play his PS2 than see such “gross” stuff! We ended up losing one puppy on the day of their 5- week birthday as he was stung by a wasp and simply could not recover. The remaining puppies were all sold to fantastic families who will make each of them a part of a loving home. Needless to say, one litter of puppies is all our family could handle and so Mr. Bosley, Nathan’s dog, was fixed immediately after the last puppy went to her new home!

Nathan, now taller than I, is driving with his learner’s permit. He does a wonderful job on the road and is very careful to obey all of the rules… thus far. We cannot believe that he will get his Driver’s License this summer… where has the time gone?!?!

Nathan continues to love his school and is determined to live here until he graduates. He does very well with juggling sports, Scouts, and girls all while maintaining a very high GPA. This past February he was invited to participate in a state- wide math competition in which he came in 6th place overall. Pretty awesome! This week he received an invitation to spend a week in Washington D.C. sometime during the upcoming fall semester where he would see “Democracy in action.” He would have the opportunity to debate politics with our Nation’s leaders, visit with a college counselor, take an in- depth tour of Washington D.C., interact with other kids from around the nation, and participate in many other activities. Van and I are still contemplating whether or not to pursue this one. Of course, Nathan already filled out the application and wants our signatures so he can “have a more comprehensive experience in Washington D.C. than he did this past spring on his school trip.” Should he be an attorney, or what? Boy, Van and I never had such opportunities while growing up!

Although Nathan spent the last year on hiatus from Scouts, he finally filled out his Eagle workbook and submitted his idea for approval. His idea was approved from his Scoutmaster and sent to the Council for their approval. We expect the full process to take anywhere between 4- 6 more months until he’s finished with his Eagle project. Nathan switched over from Boy Scouts to Ventures back in January… mostly because all of his buddies transitioned over. Van and I really hope Nathan decides to stay in Ventures until he finishes high school. However, with other factors competing for his attention, we’re just not sure how much longer he’ll commit to Scouting after completing his Eagle project.

Gabrielle is so much fun and a bundle of energy. She truly keeps us our toes! (Kind of reminds us of Nathan when he was her age)! She is an "Everybody's Girl." She has such a loving personality to mix in with her strong will to accomplish whatever task is at hand. It is so funny to watch her play the “Damsel in Distress” card when Van is around. He just melts to the floor and is her “Knight in Shining Armor!” Back in January she began attending Nathan’s school in an attempt to simplify our lives a bit from running back and forth from her daycare to Nathan’s school. Van and I are really anxious to see if the change makes a difference in her health this coming fall. For the past two years, Gabrielle has been sick (literally) from the beginning of September until the end of December. She had ear tubes placed and her adenoids removed this past November in an attempt to give her some relief from so many ear infections and bouts with asthma… secondary to her ear infections. Since getting tubes, we are most grateful that her hearing has returned to normal after having dealt with a severe loss for quite some time. (The MD said that the only way she was hearing in her right ear was if someone was screaming in her ear). She is to have her hearing re- checked again in June to be sure she’s still hearing normally.

Van continues to commute back and forth to Greensboro each day for work. He still enjoys what he does and hopes to see some positive changes come this year! With me still being in school Van really does a lot with both children during the busy times... which seems to be from the day the semester starts until the day it ends! He’s really become a “Mr. Doubtfire”… well almost! He does pretty much everything except make the gourmet meals, dust, and wash clothes!

I am so excited to have the summer off from classes since I’ve gone full time for the past 2 ½ years. Being off from classes does not mean that I don’t have school responsibilities, though. It just means that I’m not responsible for turning in school- work, taking exams, etc. I’ll certainly take that! “Our” Graduation is slated for December of 2008! I never thought this day would come… and still struggle to see the light at the end of the tunnel when so many sacrifices must be made. I just hope a job is open when it’s time to graduate because finding a job in December is going to be extremely difficult.

We continue to miss our Noelle and Nicholas endlessly. Gabrielle is becoming more and more aware of who they are and has talked about heaven quite a bit lately. Just the other day she asked me if she could go to heaven on July 17 to see them. She then said that she would stay in heaven to take care of baby Nicholas and send Noelle back to “you and Daddy.” Although her request was innocent enough, you could imagine how our hearts dropped when she made the request. Our advice for now was to let them visit in her dreams and enjoy their pictures, toys, etc. while we’re all here together. She prays for her brother and sister each night along with her special Great Aunt Annette who sadly passed away over the Christmas holiday. Although we immensely enjoyed having Uncle Bill (aka “Aunt Bill” Noelle once called him) here on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, there is no doubt that it would have been much more desirable to have him here under happier circumstances.

I guess that's it for now. We'll try to post another update, with recent photos from our summer adventures, before starting back to school in late August. Thank you again for visiting.

The Babers
Van, Wendy, Nathan, Gabrielle and Angels Noelle & Nicholas

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9:23 PM CST

Five years ago today my little man and I were headed to Cincinnati to get a new liver and live life as best we could... knowing that his life would be forever changed and that our sweet Noelle Brooke would get the miracle of complete healing from the nasty tennis ball size brain stem tumor that was consuming her entire being. What happened? Here we are five years later and when we think about the situation it still seems like yesterday. I've heard some parents say that they can no longer remember their child's scent or how their skin felt. Sometimes when I get busy with my life I guess I fit that mold too, but when I sit down and really remember them I can still 'feel' Nicholas's soft skin. I laugh at his sweet 'no- no's'. I remember how he smelled just after being bathed. I do remember. I remember the smell and soft touch of my Noelle's hair just after a shower. I remember how her skin felt after a bout with eczema. I remember how dry her skin was after being on Decadron for such a long period of time. I remember how I breathed her in as I leaned over to kiss her face(I'm sure bazillions of times) before and after diagnosis. As sick as she was and after gaining as much weight as she did, I don't think I could ever forget how she giggled profusely as such silly things as Daddy's infamous 'chicken dance'... that giggle truly came from her chubby little toes all the way up through her sweet pug nose. Even though I can remember... it will never change the fact that we want them back. I sometimes wonder what keeps us going. I guess we'll always have good days and bad days and days when we just fly by the seat of our pants and do what it takes just to get through another day without them here. We are thankful to have friends who support us as well as other parents to talk to who really share their 'new' life without their child. It's tough. My heart breaks every time I hear of another child who must endure the trials of bsg's or cancer in general. I hurt for their family but mostly for what the child has to endure. Hearing of the resiliency, outlook, courage, and bravery of these little ones bring back so many memories of what Nicholas and Noelle taught us while they were here.

So, where are we and what are we doing? Well, I'm still in school and enjoying it a whole lot. I'm really not so sure that I would be going in this direction had it not been for the illnesses of Noelle and Nicholas. I've told God many times that if I can't do this to serve Him then please put the brakes on because I don't want to waste His time or what little energy I have left. I always thought that the 45 minute commute each way would be tough. Other than using tons of gas each week, the time I have alone for the duration of the drive offers me the opportunity to reflect upon the past, prepare for the day, or think about our future. Since I'm not the traditional 'college student' with lots of brain cells to rely on, I have to make sure I'm ready each and every day to take in what my professors are trying to get across!

Van still enjoys his work in Greensboro. He is so ready to move to another county, however, with me in school and Nathan loving his school as much as he does, now really does not seem like the time to embark on such a task. Softball sign- ups at our church are just around the corner for Van. I think he's looking forward to his time with 'the guys' again.

Nathan... Oh, Nathan. He came home from school one day and said, "I can't see." So, two days later we took him to the eye doctor... I have to admit, I was really dreading that appointment. I must have asked him a dozen questions between the time he said he couldn't see and the time of the appointment. (Do you have headaches? Are you seeing double? How many fingers am I holding up? Follow my finger without moving your head. Put your left heel on your right shin and rub it back and forth. Close your eyes, stretch out your arms and put your finger on your nose. When we parked the car, I told him to walk the solid white line in heel/ toe fashion. You know, the typical bsg- type questions/ tests). As it turned out, Nathan's vision really was in need of being corrected. He required glasses for his daily routines as well as custom- made sport glasses. He did a great job picking out his daily glasses... I just wish the sport glasses he had to choose from would have been a bit more fashionable than they were! Nathan is still so extremely happy at his school that it's almost too good to be true. I had no idea that kids of Nathan's age could or even would talk to their parents each and every day about daily school activities. I'm sure that Nathan tells us only what is on the top of his mind at the time and what he remembers most about his day, but boy, does he talk a lot... which is totally OK; at least he's talking again! I would not be surprised to see Nathan keeping his current friends for a very long time to come... through college and maybe even beyond. Basketball season just ended and baseball tryouts are next week. We're praying that Nathan will be confident in his skills and just be himself. There is no doubt that he will make the team if he allows himself to 'have fun.' Van and I are now wondering if Nathan's hitting slump last season was a result of his eyes not focusing as well as they should have. We'll see next week. Another activity that he's beginning to "think" about is his Eagle Scout project. Can you believe that? He's been in Scouts from Tiger Cubs up til now. After the Philmont trip last summer he's been a bit 'Scouted out', but now he's ready (via my and Van's prompting, of course) to getting his paper work under way so he can be ready to begin his actual project next fall.

Gabrielle brings so much life back to our house... literally. She's a ball of energy that gives us little time to think of or do much else. We all really enjoy her so much. She's such an easy kid to love... especially when she wakes up each morning saying, "Gooood Mornnnning!," "Mommy, I love you so much," or "Mommy, I love you to the moon and back," or "Daddy, I love you thiiis biiig." When we pick her up from day care she says, "Mommy, (or Daddy) I missed you so much today." Ok, how can you not melt from that? It's kind of strange to hear her say that her Sissy and Baby Nicholas are in hea'b'en or are 'at' the cemetery. At times her facial expressions are truly of Noelle Brooke... it's almost scary. We've noticed that sh'e eternally grateful for whatever we do for or give to her. She will thank us over and over again.... just like Noelle Brooke used to do. And in typical 'little sister' fashion she knows exactly how and when to push Nathan's buttons. To see a 14- year-old argue with a 2 year-old is almost comical. Nathan tries to convince Gabrielle of certain points (all of which are way too complex for her to understand) and she just rolls her eyes at him and moves on to the next adventure at hand... which is usually calling him a not- so- nice name that she's learned from him at some point in time.

Nathan says that he does not like being home alone for long at all because he 'feels' something in the house. I tell him that if anyone is here that it's Noelle and Nicholas looking after him. That does not sit well with Nathan because when I say that, he responds with, "I just wish I could see them." (Me too, Buddy...) I can't disagree with Nathan about the feeling of 'something different' here at times. For me, it's a great feeling to sense that something is different for the moment... who knows? Maybe it is Noelle and Nicholas checking in on us.

Well, I guess that's all for us for now. We're coming up on some very important dates in our lives... I guess for us they never stop coming, do they?

February 14, 2002: Nicholas heads to Cincinnati to get a liver and be better

March 4, 2002: Noelle Brooke turns 6 while in Cincinnati... I sure wish she could have been home with her friends on her birthday

March ___, 2002: Noelle tells me that the Easter Bunny needs to come see Nicholas early because she feared that he would not be here for Easter. How did she know?

March 17, 2002: (St. Patrick's Day)... Nicholas went Home to be with His father in Heaven... how did Noelle have so much insight?

March 21, 2002: We said our final 'goodbye's for now' until we can hold our "Little Man" once again when we reunite in heaven... I only wish I had known that we would be saying 'goodbye for now' to Noelle exactly four months later

April 9, 2002: He would have been one... but never lived to see his first birthday

Thanks for continuing to drop by and offer your words of encouragement. It really means a lot to all of us.

Forever "March"ing "Forth" in Him for Them,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Angels Noelle & Nicholas, and Miss Gabrielle Mackenzie

Monday, September 4, 2006 3:55 PM CDT

Goodness, it’s been some time since we’ve last posted… Actually, Van tried to post on Noelle’s spiritual birthday but when he hit the ‘Back’ button to make corrections he lost his entire entry. He said it was a masterpiece. Maybe what he had to say was supposed to remain within his heart only to be known unto himself, God, and Noelle and Nicholas.

Our summer went by very quickly. After my two summer classes ended we thought things would settle down a bit… not exactly so. We had about two weeks of rest before our summer actually started. The kids and I went on vacation for two weeks and then the day after we returned home from our second week away Van and Nathan left for three weeks. Five weeks without the boys for me and Gabrielle was hard… but especially for Gabrielle. She was terribly confused as to what was going on in her little world. I would have never guess how badly she would end up missing Nathan. There were several nights when she would wake up in the middle of the night and call out for “Nah Nah.” One night she woke up at 2 AM and went looking for Nathan in his room. When she realized that he was still not home she her paci in the hallway. You can imagine the homecoming that she and Nathan shared upon his return.

We spent Gabrielle’s birthday and Noelle’s spiritual birthday in Williamsburg, VA. We were glad that Ms. Gina and Mr. Ronnie could join us for the week and especially happy that they got a chance to get to know Gabrielle and catch up on Nathan. When our time came to an end in Williamsburg we crossed the stae of VA and headed to TN as our second week was spent in Pigeon Forge. We were so excited to see Van for one night as he brought one of Nathan’s best friends (Zach) up to spend the week with us. Oh, the stories those two boys will share when they are my and Missy’s age… WAIT… the stories that they share NOW; and they are real and true stories! It’s great that they have such a relationship in which they can share their lives with one another. It’s so nice to see that their friendship can pick up exactly where it left off no matter how much time has lapsed since their last visit with one another. I wish that Noelle were still here to be a part of that with Nathan, Zach, and Cortney.

We decided to leave Pigeon Forge a day early as Nathan still had to finish packing for his and Van’s three week (actually 24 day) Boy Scout trip. If I thought that I did some driving with the kids during our two weeks away I was very mistaken. Van and three other adults drove across the country with 8 boys… TEENAGE BOYS!!! For those of you who are familiar with Boy Scouts, they went to the Philmont Boy Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. They hiked a total of 52 miles in 10 days. At end of their daily trek across the desert each camp they stopped at along the way offered a new and exciting adventure. I think they said that they rode horses one afternoon, raced burros another afternoon, shot skeets yet another afternoon, and the list goes on. Along their journey out west, they camped at the Grand Canyon for 2 nights, visited the Mesa Verde and then Carlsbad Caverns, rafted down the Rio Grande, and got to play at Six Flags in Texas… Oh my, they did a whole ton of stuff… their list makes my head spin. There’s no doubt that the memories in which they all share will forever last a lifetime.

Just before the kids and I left for vacation, Papa decided to take a spill down our stairs and ended up breaking his ankle in two places. So, over the past couple of months he’s spent his time recovering between our house and his house; he’s even made a couple of trips to the mountain to relax. OK, if you know Papa you know that not having the freedom to get around on his own is not ‘cool’ in his book by any means as he loves to be on the go. Please pray that he will get the OK to get back on the go at his next appt. (Sept. 13th) and that he will obey doctors’ orders. (Rumor has it that Papa takes his fracture boot off to walk some and has attempted driving on a couple of occasions… Hmmm, I was in Papa’s last appt. when the hard cast was removed and the fracture boot applied. I don’t remember the doctor saying anything about walking around without the boot on let alone DRIVING?… Papa, I hope what we’re hearing is just rumor and not fact).

I would like to ask for another prayer request. This week the former pastor of our church went to be with the Lord. If you ever heard this man preach I promise you would sit in awe. He was an amazing preacher as the words just rolled from his tongue so precisely. No matter the topic for the week, his sermon always seemed to apply to our lives in some way or another. Though we never personally knew Dr. Corts, we’ve heard that he was an amazing man of God, husband, father, friend, etc. I would like to ask that you remember Dr. Corts’ family and close friends in your prayers as there is no doubt that he will be terribly missed by many. Nathan said that he was surprised that the LJVM coliseum was not rented out for the funeral because he just knew that thousands would attend.

Speaking of Nathan… he’s begun his new school and seems very happy. Van and I are convinced that Nathan thrives best in a smaller school setting. The other day he told us that the only other thing that his school would need to be the “perfect school” is a wrestling team. Well, even though there are no contact sports in his school there is enough that can keep him busy... and safe. After Nathan’s first week in school he came home saying that the teachers are nice. OK? You mean the teacher’s in his old school weren’t nice? If Nathan is happy then we are very pleased! We are, however, cautiously optimistic as the year is still very new and realize that hurdles may come our way.

Gabrielle is doing well even though she’s still trying to adjust to daycare. She began her ‘school’ when the boys were still in New Mexico (which could not have been accomplished with the wonderful help of Ms. Audrey and Michelle… thank you both a million)! Now that we’re about a month into our new program I think we’re nearly to the ‘adjusted’ stage. We have signed up to bring the school pet, a rabbit named Velvet, home on the 15th… which should be fun!!! Gabrielle has also taken the task of potty training upon herself. We can’t believe that while at home she was wearing big girl ‘undies, full time, at just two years and two weeks old! (Where on earth did that come from)? Although she is still in Pull- Ups at school and when we go out to run errands there’s no doubt that this new adventure of hers should be complete by Christmas… at the least.

About a week before Van and Nathan returned home our house had a different feeling from within. At first I could not figure out what it was. Maybe it was the intense quite that flooded the walls each night after Gabrielle went to sleep. I quickly found myself thinking about Noelle and Nicholas and the deep, vacant hole that continues to encompass our family. Anger and guilt from Nicholas’s medical error grew and began to fill my being. Sadness and hurt soon took the rest of what was left of my body as my two precious babes are forever gone from my arms. Our house had a very strong sense of Noelle. This feeling lasted until the boys returned home and for about 1 ½ weeks afterwards. I told Van that it was a strange feeling but I would take it because for the first time in a very long time I actually "felt" my daughter. Of course, Van examined all of my feelings because he wanted to feel the same as I did. The only difference between me and Van is that though we both love to feel Noelle and Nicholas is that Van does not like to feel the sick Noelle or the hurting Nicholas because of the heartbreak that is causes. As for me, I love to feel any and all parts of both of my children any time of any day. Yes, it does cause more heartbreak but it’s an opportunity to hold them in memory since I can no longer physically touch either of them. The Noelle I was feeling at that time was the sick Noelle. She was not in the miserable phase yet rather the incredibly loving phase. She was moody from the Decadron but she still maintained her sense of humor… almost as she was while in Cincinnati and for a short time after returning home from Nicholas’s passing. My daughter... feeling her was so wonderful. It didn’t matter to me if she was sick or well… only that she came to me and I sure needed her right then and there. I sure hope that Van can feel the same way soon as I know that his love and longing for our children is as strong as mine. I then remembered that it had been been quite some time since I’d been to the cemetery. I finally went and was surprised to see that their spots were very well maintained in spite of the fall flowers that I’ve not changed since last Thanksgiving. The desire to tear through the dirt to reach my children continues to be imbedded in my heart even though my head says otherwise.

The yearning to hold my children ‘just one more time’ kind of reminds when Nicholas was in Baptist Hospital. He was in the PICU recovering from the repair surgery which they performed in an attempt to fix our son's internal organs from the terrible mistake in which Chapel Hill made on him. We nearly lost Nicholas twice during that ordeal. I remember begging God, “Please, just let me see my son’s eyes just one more time.” And while Nicholas’s kidneys were not working as they should we feared that they would shut down. We were blessed to have a very special nurse suggest doing a ‘pee dance.’ I can’t remember if anyone actually did a pee dance or not but whatever took place something worked. Guess what? My prayer was answered. Not only did I get to see my son’s sweet eyes but I also got several precious weeks with him… we got smiles and laughter in between the pain and suffering until Jesus beckoned for our little boy to come Home.

Not all of our prayers were answered as we prayed. I guess God knew what was best and answered what He saw fit. I can tell you that picking up the pieces of shattered lives from the loss of a child, and in our case two children, is very difficult. And though in different forms, anger and bitterness do exist for both me and Van… would we be human if it didn’t? There is a sense of peace and comfort as well. And of course, we still have many questions.

Nathan and Noelle often visited Nicholas when he was in the hospital. On one particular visit to the PICU Nathan pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket. After carefully unfolding the paper he said, “Mom, I wrote Nicholas a song... it's not finished yet.” I asked, “Are you gonna’ sing to him?” “No,” Nathan responded… “I’ll just read it to him.” And so he did. The song, which Nathan completed in the funeral home duing a very quiet visit to see his brother 'one last time', were the very words that he so courageously stood up in front of the many people at Nicholas’s funeral and read… without ever stumbling one time. What a special boy.

I see the bond that Nathan and Gabrielle share. It makes me hurt to see that Nathan did not get to know Nicholas as he did his sisters. It makes me hurt that Gabrielle will only hear stories of her courageous brother and sister. It makes me hurt when I think how crazy Noelle would be over her little sister and how protective she would still be over her little brother. Each time I look in Gabrielle’s eyes I see Nicholas… I only wish I could hold him…

I guess that’s it for us for now. We’re still here and pushing forward. School keeps all of us busy… we like it… we’re grateful for life’s opportunities… and we’re still hurting.

Thank you for continuing to stop by and check on our family. There are still some letters, e-mails, and phone calls from the summer that I am determined to return. I will do so as soon as I can. (Thank you for not giving up on us even when our response time seems to be less than acceptable at times)!

In Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Angels Noelle and Nicholas, and Gabrielle

Friday, May 19, 2006 10:07 PM CDT

I guess it’s time for another update. Things are going “well” for all of us. With Nathan’s sports and Scouting activities, my school, and spoiling Noelle's dog, Tess, we stay pretty busy. Business helps time pass for all of us. Nathan still keeps his feelings inside most of the time only sharing once in a while. As for me and Van, we still talk of Noelle and Nicholas but most of our thoughts remain within. It’s been over four years for Nicholas and nearly four years for Noelle and I still have sleepless nights. I guess it’s a habit now and may never pass. We are at an all time peak of avoidance. We’ve not been to the cemetery since Thanksgiving… I think fall flowers are still out. When it finally hits I hope it's not going to be a big one this time around.

The spring anniversaries were tough… as usual. As much as I tried to avoid, they came and went and still no Noelle and Nicholas… only memories. About a month ago we met another family who lost infant twins nearly 20 years ago and they say it still feels like yesterday. They push onward for the rest of the family but a part of them will forever be left behind. Left behind… that’s a good way to sum it up.

Nathan’s doing well. He had been doing very well in school until recently. His grades are slipping from straight “A’s” to mostly “A’s” and a couple of “B’s; it could be spring fever and his readiness to finish school. (Of course, "A's" and "B's" are still very good). This year school does not finish up until June 9th. In March he won a bit of college scholarship money for his outstanding academics and community service and he was inducted into his school’s Junior National Honor Society. It may sound odd, but Van and I do not think that Nathan is ready to enter high school next year. We spoke to his guidance counselor at the beginning of the year and addressed our concerns with her and she agreed with us and our decision. We were told to write a letter to the school principal in January and everything should be ok. We did… and have met nothing but resistance ever since. Even the guidance counselor has changed her mind. They say that since he’s in the JNHS and the student council representative of his class and the secretary of the fitness club that he’s ready for high school. The thing that they are not seeing is physical and emotional maturity. Nathan is one of the few children whom was not held back in Kindergarten. Nathan’s Kindergarten principal advised us to hold Nathan back by for this very reason. Now we’re faced with going back private school (something Nathan really does not want to do unless it’s a different private school than he went before), home school (which would be very difficult since I’m in school myself), or hire an attorney. I am leaning toward putting Nathan in a different private school and Van is leaning toward hiring an attorney. Nathan agrees that he should stay back a year, since the vast majority of kids in his current class are a year or more older than he. His school of choice is either home school or going to a different private school. Please keep this situation in your prayers.

Gabrielle is Gabrielle. She surely keeps us busy. We love her so very much and really enjoy our time with her. She has some very special friends and has really turned around from our once clingy little one. Her new ‘thing’ is to go up to Nathan and pop him on his arm or on his head and say, “Just-A-Kiddin’.” I think she’s going to be the one to keep us on the run. When I painted her toe nails for the first time I told her that the polish we were using was Sissy’s. She looked at Noelle’s picture and said, “Dee Dee polish?” “Thank you.” (Gabrielle calls herself Dee Dee… Nathan created that name for her when she was very young and I guess it stuck). Anyway, it still amazes us that Gabrielle really identifies with Noelle. Her facial expressions and mannerisms remind us so much of Noelle. Her energy is that of four of Nathan’s when he was little. Whew… she’s busy. It’s a good thing though. I still see Nicholas when I look into Gabrielle’s eyes. Their eye colors are different but I really see so much similarity in their eye and bone structures. And Van is so wrapped it is hysterically funny. She knows that Van will typically bend no matter what. Nathan and I just laugh.

We had to put our first family pet, Butkus, down back in March. He had lost about 9 pounds since November and out of nowhere he developed a huge tumor on his left ankle. It was literally the size of a small cantaloupe. Our choices were to amputate his leg or put him down. Talk about a sad day. Van said that if dogs go to heaven Noelle Brooke would have been the first one to welcome Butkus Home. Nathan, on the other hand, worried about Butkus. He said, “Where’s he going?” When I asked what he meant he said, “Dogs don’t have a soul and they can’t go to heaven.” Good question. Where do they go?

The day Van took Butkus to the vet for the euthanasia we were to have left-overs for dinner. I went on to school and told Nathan to be sure that Van heated up what was in the fridge. Later that night when I returned home from class I asked Nathan how his dinner was. He said, “Ok.” I asked if he ate his vegetables and he told me that they had cereal. What? I asked if he did not want left overs and he said that he heated them up for Butkus for his last meal before Van took him to the vet that night. Van had no idea Nathan had done this.

I guess I could sum it up and say that we are plugging along. Most days we’re on auto pilot. We did take time to do a family camping trip over Mother’s Day weekend. We were so tired of talking about the things we wanted to do as a family but never found time to do most of them. Going on a family camping trip has been something we have talked about doing for years and years but never did so. Finally, Van said, "Book it." So, I did and we went. Gabrielle, Nathan, and I went to the campground on Friday afternoon and Van came down later that night after work. It was so comical to see me and Nathan trying so hard to get the tent up by ourselves. We fussed and grumbled with each other. Daylight was quickly fading and we were still struggling. Two men from the site next to us came over to help but we declined because we were determined to get the tent up by ourselves before Van got there. We were very successful… after a call to Van to find out how in the world to get started!!!!

I’m in school for the first summer session down at UNCG. My classes end on June 20th then I have the rest of the summer with the kids… and new puppy. (More details will follow on the puppy situation later as the details are still being worked out). Van is working in Greensboro as he has a new job. We are considering a move but are not sure how we will mange to do so with such a short window of opportunity. We may just stay in Winston until I finish school and Nathan finishes high school… I’m sure a move is in our future though.

I guess that’s about it for now. Take care and love each other. I hope to get more pictures up soon!!!

Thank you so much Miss Audrey and Michelle, Miss Fontaine and Mary Brennen, and Casey for helping out with Gabrielle for the summer session!!! She really loves all of you!!!!

Forever “March”ing “Forth” in Him for Them,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Angels Noelle & Nicholas, and Gabrielle

Saturday, January 28, 2006 1:19 AM CST

Good days and bad days… they will be here as long as we live. I’m much better at openly sharing than Van… but we’re both feeling “it” right now. Can you tell? More anniversaries are coming up. (We’ll never escape them). More memories. More thinking, “I wish I would have,” and “If I had known then what I know now.” You know what? He’s the all-knowing. If He wanted them to be cured then they would have. If He didn’t want any of it to happen at all then we would still be same Baber family that we once were. Forever changed… yes, forever and ever changed. We have been seeing His hand in some pretty amazing health situations at church. Jealous? No. Remember… “He picked us.” (Out of the mouth of my very special babe).

Forever loved and missed… Noelle Brooke and Nicholas Matthew. Not a day goes by that we don’t remember, long for, and wonder “why?”

The other night I had a dream about Noelle. Even in my dream she was “gone.” Someone spoke of her in past tense. He said how much she impacted his life while she was here… how she fought so hard for herself and her little brother… how she touched so many lives. I want another dream.

I would take them back in a skinny minute. Selfish? I’m sure. Could I really do that to them? No. I just want a conversation… a hug… a kiss… Yes, I would even take a temper tantrum. But I could not bring them back in their sick bodies. Unfortunately, that’s how Noelle identified with herself. Toward the end, she did not like looking at herself as she “was.” She used to tell me to, “Put the old pictures away because that is not me anymore.” I remember how terrible steroids were for Noelle. She used to tell me how she knew that she was acting out but she did not know why she would do the things she did. At the age of five my daughter was able to recognize that something was going on within her body but just could not verbalize what it was. I could though, D-E-C-A-D-R-O-N!

I still have the tape recordings of her voice. I could hear her… but it’s the sick her. Avoidance… year 4… remember?

I miss my little man’s soft skin… I miss gazing into his eyes. Do you remember how he used to shake his head, “No no?” I remember how he loved his Great Aunt Joy so much. She was so amazing with my Nicholas. Do you remember how he used to take his “G-Tube” extender and shake it at the nurses? Oh, that “G-Tube”… I won’t go there tonight… it’s where I’ve been for a while now. (Let’s just say it wasn’t a G-Tube at all… it ended up being an unnecessary, toxic colostomy… Remember? I will forever know in my heart that that surgery was the beginning of the end for my little man. Just as Mommy and Aunt Joy had suspected all along. Why didn't they listen to us? He would still be here now). ~~~~ We fought for you, little man… we really did~~~~

I don’t get to visit many kid’s sites like I used to since CB cracked down on sharing site addresses. It used to be so easy to link over, especially when you didn’t have time to search out other bsg children. Anyway, please pray for Justis’s family, as he went home on January 6. He is such a doll and had to leave much too soon. His pictures remind me so much of Noelle’s journey toward the end…

Taking something bad and finding something good. Thanks, Lisa. Sometimes I get a chance to check in on certain families… you know, the precious angels you felt a special bond with? Lisa can keep me in tears and laughter all at the same time. Lost a kid? Then you know. CB families will always share a certain bond. We would probably have never “met” through any other circumstance in life but as “chance” would have it we did. One of the only things that we may share in this lifetime is the sickness (or loss) of a child… but it’s a bond that will forever last.

Ok, enough of that for tonight….

Nathan and Gabrielle are doing great. Nathan made the honor roll again. He is so blessed with a wonderful memory. I hope it stays with him for a very long time to come. Baseball sign ups are soon. We’re not sure which division Nathan wants to play in this year. The Little League Organization made an age change this season so we’ll see. He really wanted to play AAU ball this year but we won’t be able to travel as the season goes on due to Scout commitments this summer.

Gabrielle is such a mess. She keeps us on the go. She kind of reminds us of a little Nathan with a touch of Noelle Brooke. There are so many commonalities between she, Nathan, and Noelle that, at times, it scary. Nathan is Gabrielle’s hero right now. Everything is “Na Na.” For the most part Nathan enjoys the notoriety but sometimes gets tired of being the popular one. For instance, last night at the dinner table poor Nathan could not take one bite of food because Gabrielle wanted him to clap at her every sip of milk. (Drinking milk is big for Gabrielle since she does not like it at all).

Van’s doing well. He enjoys his time with both of the kids at night. Since I’m in school three nights a week they get pretty creative on their nightly activities! I’m sure that Van is ready for Nathan’s baseball season to start so they can have more outside time in the evening.

School’s going well. I’m splitting a full time schedule between two different schools. Two of my courses are so wonderful. I love taking them on-line so I can study around “life.” There’s a lot of reading in both courses but I’m really enjoying both of them. The other two courses are very interesting too, but neither are in an area that I plan to develop upon!

Thanks for dropping by.

Forever “March”ing “Forth” in Him for Them,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Angels Noelle & Nicholas, and Gabrielle

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:59 PM CST

It’s been quite some time since our last post. Though we visit the site nearly every day, I’ve just not had an opportunity to sit down long enough to concentrate and post an update.

With the Christmas season upon us I thought about posting Noelle’s last letter to Santa as I have done in the past. I guess feeling the usual knots that come in my stomach when I read her letter is something I just can’t do this year.

If I could summarize life since Noelle and Nicholas went Home, it would be as follows:

Living the first year was actually a blur. I can still remember the thick fog as if it were just yesterday. I remember being completely and totally shocked as a sense of numbness filled my entire being. I remember not being able to see in front or behind myself. I remember just existing as day turned to night and as night turned to day. I remember being content if my biggest accomplishment of the day was taking a shower.

Living in year two was somewhat similar. I could still cite every detail of Noelle and Nicholas’s illnesses. I remember someone telling me that year two would be harder than year one because people think that you are “doing well” and therefore they leave you alone. Though that did happen to some degree, God put other people in my path to help with that.

As I have been living in year three I can say that I “feel” again. The numbness is gone and reality has set in. Two of my children died and there is nothing I can do about that. I will forever long to be with them and my heart will ache eternally. I will bear the cross of Noelle and Nicholas in my heart as long as I’m on this earth. I vividly remember Noelle telling me that, “God picked us.” I’m sure I’ve shared that story many times before. Noelle asked me if kids were supposed to get sick. When I told her, “No, honey,” her immediate response was, “God picked us.” (Referring to herself and Nicholas). I often wonder how God “picks” us special parents to love His children for a short time before He takes them back Home. Of course, I wonder a whole lot of things that I have never wondered before.

I can’t believe that we’re approaching the 4 year anniversary for our Nicholas. He left us on Saint Patrick’s Day of 2002. I have found that we are making a conscious attempt to live again. Sometimes I find myself deliberately avoiding memories just so I can get through the day. Trust me, it does catch up and I still have my moments.

You may have already seen the picture of “all” of our children. We used this picture for our Christmas card this year. I really wanted a picture of all our children together in one sitting. After searching for the right photographer for a very long time we were referred to Tilley’s Photography by one of Nicholas’s All-Star nurses… Miss Angel. (The picture was posted with permission from Tilley’s). The photographer actually listened to what I was looking for and boy, did she deliver. We were thrilled with the photo. Nathan did not like the picture at first. He said there is too much black in it. Later, he told us that he does not like looking at it because it’s a reminder to him what he will never have. I told him that I needed to see what all of our children would look like in one picture. I also told him that when Gabrielle grows up that she might appreciate being in at least one picture with her brothers and sister. A couple of days later Nathan asked me if Van and I would will the picture to him. I can’t believe he is already thinking about wills.

Gabrielle is doing well. She is such a mess. She makes them and tries her best to clean them. It’s so cute to see her walk around the house with a dust rag saying, “Mess, mess.” She loves to play with Nathan so much. Each day, when Nathan gets home from school I know that I have about ten to fifteen minutes to hurry and pick up or get dinner ready. She loves shoes… I wonder who she gets that from. And she loves arts and crafts. I can paint her hands, feet, arms and she just sits there saying, “Paint, more.” We have all kinds of decorations on our back door! We finally had Gabrielle’s tear duct opened. We could not believe how fast everything went. From the time that Van handed Gabrielle to the nurses until the time that the doctor came out to us in the waiting room to say that she was waking up and that the surgery was a success was only 8 minutes and 40 seconds! Yes, I typed it right, 8 minutes and 40 seconds! Both my and Van’s mouths were wide opened. She did not require an IV or a breathing tube. We are so glad that we went ahead with the procedure. She’s not had one problem since.

Nathan is doing well. He’s 13 now and we’re beginning to see what parenting a teenager is going to be like. We are praying for him to find a good Christian friend that he can go through high school with. He is such a smart boy and still has a ton of energy. We’re hoping he can find a safe place to filter his energy and intelligence to make a positive influence on the world in some way. He’s talking to us more and more about college. I know that we still have several years before his final decision is made and I’m glad about that too. Right now he’s focused on Boston College. Neither Van nor I want him that far away from us. Nathan keeps telling us that we can just move up there with him. Maybe he’ll get his thoughts back within the NC college system by the time he really needs to decide what he wants to do!

Van started working in late June. It was a very long nine months for us but God provided each step of the way. The best blessing from Van’s unemployment was the bond that he and Gabrielle developed. They still do “projects” around the house and read, read, read. Van seems to enjoy his work but misses the interaction he had in his sales position. I’m so glad that he’s not selling anymore because it’s such a risky career now-a-days.

I have gone back to school four nights a week. Last semester everything went well and we were so happy that Van could watch the kids nearly every night. We are SO GRATEFUL to Ms. Audrey and Michelle (one of Noelle’s best friends from preschool) for their help when Van could not be here for the kids. I will start full time at UNCG next fall and I am really looking forward to the program of study I have chosen. In approximately two years I hope to be working with children who have cochlear implants.

Take a minute to see the photo of the pin and the cover page of the book that I posted. I e-mailed Rosemary Trevino about Noelle and Nicholas after they left us. She so kindly custom-made a pin in their memory. Since then, Rosemary has written a book. She asked people from her e-letter group if anyone would like to be included. I e-mailed her of my interest and she called me in October. The book has just been released and I am so excited about reading it. Rosemary sent me a copy last week and Van has already wrapped it. Rosemary: I hope your book makes the best seller list. You really deserve it as you have touched so many lives with your wonderful work. (

We wish you all a safe and happy holiday season.

Forever “March”ing “Forth” in Him for Them,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Angels Noelle & Nicholas, and Gabrielle

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 12:17 AM CST

New journal entry coming soon. Please check back!

Thursday, July 21, 2005 7:38 PM CDT

Three years ago today our lives changed forever. How could that be? Just four months and four days prior to this day three years ago our lives also changed forever. Yes, our Little Nicholas left us after just a short stay here. We only knew our little soldier for a short time before he left us with aching and guilt-filled hearts. Then, what we knew would eventually happen, did. Our precious angel was beckoned by Jesus to join Him and Nicholas in Heaven. And just like that, she was gone. I could hardly believe it happened.

How could something you try to brace for, actually happen? Does that make sense? “IT” happened. Dad-gum-it……..

I knew that today would come with many heart-felt emotions. With a toddler in tow all of the time it would be very difficult to take a moment to sit and reflect. Finally, the time is here. Poor Gabrielle was sick for her 1st birthday; which was two days ago. She is still pretty miserable with what is hopefully just a bug and is now sleeping. Nathan is gone to football camp, and Van is playing softball. So, here I sit. Just me, God, and my thoughts.

I remember the empty feeling that filled my every being on July 21, 2002. All I wanted to do was to dig my best friend up from the ground and lie beside her in the casket. I, too, felt dead. I guess in a way I was. I’m sure that a part of me will forever be dead… until we three reunite one day.

The death of a child is a pain that no parent should have to face. Here I found myself in that very situation for a second time within four months and four days. Alone. Hurt. Cheated. Angry. Confused. Wondering. Missing. Aching. They were gone. I would never hold either of my children in this lifetime again.

Missing the scent of Nicholas’s skin and the tight squeezes and silly smirks of my Noelle. How could this happen? I often remember talking to Noelle about what would one day happen. I didn’t need to say too much. She knew that she would have to go be with Jesus as a child. I remember telling her on numerous occasions that when Jesus called to… “Go. Just go. Don’t worry about me, Daddy, or Nathan. Just go.” I’m so glad that Noelle went and did not fight it. But man, oh man does it hurt. I still wish that if I could re-live, or re-do, any part of Noelle’s illness it would be her final 12 hours. Oh, how those hours haunt me to this day.

I remember asking Noelle what I was supposed to do without her here with me. Noelle would just say, “I don’t know.” Sometimes I still don’t know what I am supposed to do without her. It is still much too difficult to look at pictures or watch videos of them. I hope that one day when I am able to do those things I can “feel” my children again.

Sometimes it just doesn’t “feel” right singing Pooh songs or reading special books of Noelle’s to Gabrielle. I have to constantly remind myself that Gabrielle is here and Noelle had something very special to do with that.

Two days short of two years after Noelle left us we were blessed with our precious Gabrielle Mackenzie. I truly think it took Noelle and Nicholas two years to “custom design” Gabrielle. She is such an amazing baby. Some days I see so much of Nichols’s physical appearance in her and Noelle’s bold yet silly ways. Then there’s the Nathan in her. Oh yes, Gabrielle even acts some like Nathan… especially when she’s upset about something! Van and I are both so wrapped with our sweet Gabrielle.

Gabrielle’s vocabulary is about 15 words these days. I love to hear her say, “Dadeeeee”. She adores her Daddy so much. Then there’s the, “A Na”. Translation: Nathan. Gabrielle even looks out for Noelle’s dogs, Butkus and Tess. Every morning she goes and calls them to the back window. While banging on the window it’s, “Daw”. Translation: Dog.

I wonder what my heart is doing up in Heaven these days. I haven’t had a dream in a while. The last one was about two months ago and a very quick visit. Noelle was lying on her bed reading a book. I hollered for Van to get the camera and take a picture. Out of nowhere Butkus came running and jumped on the bed with Noelle. (How funny since we don’t let the dogs in the house). I told Van to take a picture since she would not be here for long. That’s it. She was gone and I haven’t seen her since.

It’s kind of neat that since the day we brought Gabrielle home from the hospital she has been mesmerized by Noelle’s pictures on the walls. When Gabrielle began to cruise she would always go to the picture of Noelle, Michelle, and Hally and touch Noelle’s face and say something. For the longest time Gabrielle only touched Noelle. Now we tell her that the other girls in the pictures are Michelle and Hally. It’s so cute that when we take Gabrielle outside and she sees Noelle’s picture on the wall she immediately puckers up and wants to kiss the picture. Now if we say, “Gabrielle, where’s Sissy?” Her head turns and she finds the closest picture and says, “Dis.” Translation: This. What’s also neat is that Gabrielle points at objects or people just like Nicholas did. She has a bend in her wrist identical to Nicholas Matthew. When we ask Gabrielle where Nicholas is, she lifts her arm up to her ear and bends her wrist and points to Nicholas. Yes indeed, she has all three of her siblings in her.

Gabrielle absolutely loves purses, wallets, clothes, and arts and crafts. Yes, my one-year-old LOVES to paint. She cries terribly when we have to put it away. There’s no doubt that Gabrielle was hand-picked by Noelle and Nicholas. Then there’s shopping. Believe it or not, Noelle even looked out for Van and Nathan. Gabrielle is a terrible shopper. Oh, it’s so hard when she’s with me in the store. We have to get just what we need and leave ASAP. Now that’s Van and Nathan’s kind of shopping! (How funny, Noelle!)

I want to thank each of you who remembered us either by phone call, e-mail, or card this month. You will never know what your words of encouragement mean to us. Thank you so much. To all of you parents who have recently lost a child; I know that it’s not easy. We have depended so heavily on our faith and friends. There will be some who say things that make no sense or may sound stupid. We’ve learned to smile and move on. We’ve come to the conclusion that no one could ever possibly know our hearts or begin to feel our pain. We are sure that they would never intentionally say something hurtful, even if that’s how it seems. We now look at it as at least they’ve said something. We are three years in to this grieving thing and it still stinks. We still hate every moment of it. We hope that you can find some sense of respite in your memories of your dear child. We sincerely hope that you have a support group of friends, church, and/or family. It is our deepest prayer that you may know Him as your Lord and Savior.

Thank you again for checking on us.

“March”ing “Forth” in Him for Them,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Angels Noelle & Nicholas, and Gabrielle

Noelle Brooke:
Honey, I hope you got your balloons and letter by now. You know that words could never describe how much we miss you and Nicholas, how deeply our love runs for both of you, or how heavy the cross is that we bear for each of you. Sweetheart, I remember how much you always wanted to be Mia Hamm when you grew up one day. I am so sorry that you never had the chance to see if you even liked to play soccer. I know that you’ve probably talked Josh in to teaching you everything he knows about soccer. I can only imagine how you two are wearing down the fields in Heaven. Shoot, by now you probably a much better soccer player than Mia Hamm could ever be. Noelle, when you see Josh, could you please ask him to visit his Mom and Dad? They miss him so very much and would love a visit from him, even if it’s a short one. Thank you sweetie. And just as I told you EVERY DAY of your life… I’ll always love you more and more every day to the moon and back. Thank you Jesus for my Noelle. I can’t wait to see you and Nicholas in one of my dreams… hopefully soon. I hope your spiritual birthday in heaven was super! Forever loving and missing both of you, ~Mommy~

Saturday, April 9, 2005 11:25 AM CDT

Today my “Little Man” would be four years old. Oh, I can Only Imagine the fun we would be having today. And, of course, I’m sure that Big Sister Noelle would be right in the middle of making sure all of the birthday plans were as perfect as they could be. There’s no doubt that Nicholas will have that special party today, only it will be in Heaven. And his party will be perfect in every way possible.

In one of my past entries I asked for prayer for a mom in which I worked at the same preschool with. Her 17-year-old son went to sleep one night and woke up in Heaven the next morning. (Please continue to keep this vibrant young man’s family in your prayers as they travel this horrible journey of grief.) Recently, I had the opportunity to talk to the young man’s mom. I had no idea what I would say to her. I know from our own personal experience what life is like after the loss of a child… and in our case the loss of two children. I could not walk into her house and say how challenging each day could be, especially the first year. Well, as God would have it I did not have to say those words to her… our conversation just happened. (Thank you, God.) We laughed and we cried. She told me about her son as I did not have the opportunity to know him. From what I heard though he really seemed like amazing young man. The one question I was asked was, “Do you ever feel like a caged animal?” I will never forget that question.

I had to stop for a minute and think. I had never thought of it that way. Well…. YES, I DO FEEL LIKE A CAGED ANIMAL. You see every time I go to the cemetery all I want to do is dig my way like mad to get to my children. Did you know that in the state of NC that the tops caskets (in Nicholas’s case) and the tops of vaults (in Noelle’s case) only have to be 18 inches under the ground? I had no idea until we were trying to find Nicholas’s casket last year. I remember the chief grounds keeper poking a tiny wire into the ground looking for Nicholas’s casket. I kept telling him that Nicholas was 6 FEET under the ground and that there was no way that short wire would find the casket. The grounds keeper kept saying, “No, the top of the casket only has to be 18 inches under ground.” What? What happened to the 6 feet under rule? So, now that I know my children’s remains are only 18 inches out of grasp all I have wanted to do is make my way to them. So yes, I do feel like a caged animal. All I want to do is hold them in my arms and I can’t.

Here we are three years into our new life and it still hurts immensely. Gabrielle will never know the old Mommy, Daddy, and Nathan. Will she ever feel the true sense of our old selves or see Daddy’s crazy funky chicken routine? Will she ever get to paint Daddy’s toe nails when he’s sleeping after being grumpy or dance in Daddy’s arms while he’s wearing a Rapunzel wig? Will she and Nathan ever have coloring contests or make silly faces at each other at the dinner table? Will she and I ever go shopping and when I’ve spent too much money will she be the one to come up with the idea to, “Not show Daddy everything we bought all at once?” Maybe so and maybe not, Gabrielle is her own person. She has a new us. I hurt for Gabrielle. I hurt for us. I hurt because Noelle and Nicholas are not here to celebrate Gabrielle with us. I still look at Gabrielle in amazement. She is so wonderful and has a very spunky attitude. God knew exactly what He was doing when He (and Noelle) sent Gabrielle to us. They knew that we would need a little person to keep us on our toes and Gabrielle really fills the bill perfectly!

I guess if I could describe my take of life now it would be as such: I feel that my old life is being dangled in my face each and every day… sometimes every minute of every day. I feel like I’m in a bizarre type of culture shock. You see, I’ve been uprooted and placed in a new life with so much left unsaid and undone in my old life… not to mention the pain that still lies there and has followed. I know that I can never go back to my old life. I have to accept where I am no matter how much it hurts. Since there’s no turning back I must move forward. That’s where the fear comes in. I feel that if I move forward then I’m leaving two very precious parts of me behind and, as Noelle used to say, “I DON’T LIKE IT!”

Noelle has not visited me in my dreams in a while now. She’s only come once since Gabrielle is here. I asked her what I was to do without her here. She told me to do three things… and unfortunately I only remember two of them (Be happy and love your baby). Being happy is something I am working on, loving Gabrielle is the easy one.

We’ve all heard the story about the elephant in the room. I can tell that may be what is beginning to happen with certain people in regards to Noelle and Nicholas. I’m not sure if they’re afraid to mention our children to us for fear of causing more pain. Or, perhaps maybe since they’ve moved way on with their lives maybe they think we have (or should) too. The truth is that we will live some part of Noelle and Nicholas’s life each and every day of our own life, whether we mention it to others or not. When appropriate, I still talk about them. (I don’t just run up to people and say, “Guess what?” If the situation is right and I feel comfortable I will talk to others about them). There are people who were a part of our lives from the day Noelle and Nicholas were born and some who were a part of their lives that traveled the journey of their illnesses with us... it sometimes seems that they are the very ones who treat us now as if Noelle and Nicholas never existed. You know what?

We long to hear our children’s names. We long to reminisce about them and the silly things they did. We are grieving each and every part of our children. And as silly as it sounds we even long to talk about Noelle and Nicholas when they were sick. Remember, we have to grieve every stage of their lives. We NEED to talk about them… including their deaths. So, we were blessed with four amazing children and will forever talk about them… ALL of them.

I know that moving forward is the right thing to do. Of course it is. If we don’t move on we let the cancer and liver disease win… ultimately Satan wins. We can’t let that happen. I am beginning to make plans for my future which involves going back to school. Please pray that all of details be worked out fully and completely. And please remember to pray for Van as he continues to search for a job.

Thank you for continuing to come by to visit Noelle and Nicholas's page.

Marching Forth in Him for Them,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Angels Noelle and Nicholas, and Gabrielle

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY "Little Man"! Today you are four-years-old! I know that your party is going to be the “BESTEST” ever. I wish I could give you great big hugs and kisses. I asked Jesus to do it for me again this year, but one day I will be there to do it myself. I went in Nathan’s closet yesterday and he still has some very special toys saved that he was going to give to you when you turned three. I think he’s saving them now to give to his son one day. I hope you liked your letter that Mommy sent to Heaven today. Did you catch all of the kisses and feel all of the hugs that I sent? I hope you liked your red balloon. Is red still your favorite color? I hope you will forever know that we love and miss you oh, so much. Please give Sissy a big hug and kiss from us. Take care of each other until Mommy and Daddy come to be with you forever. Then we will never ever be separated again! P.S. I hope your and Sissy’s cheeks aren’t sore from all of the extra hugs and kisses that Daddy, Nathan, and I ask Jesus to give you every day.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 8:51 PM CST


Thank you for stopping by to check on us. We are all doing well. I am so thankful that we’ve only dealt with a couple of colds this winter… so far.

It seems that this time of year is the most difficult time of year for us when it comes to remembering our Nicholas. Though he was in and out of the hospital pretty much his whole life this is the time of year when he never came home to be with us again. (He was in the hospital from January 8 until he earned his wings on March 17).

People ask us how Nathan is doing. Well, we think he’s handling things well. Of course, he’s a normal boy and really avoides hurt as much as possible. We provide outlets for Nathan and think he's working through it very well. I guess Nathan is going to be like both Van and myself, he will live 2001-2002 for the rest of his life. Sometimes Nathan will talk about the pain, but mostly he talks about what Noelle and Nicholas would probably be doing if they were here now. I hear him telling Gabrielle about her big sister and brother. I am glad to see that part of Nathan.

Occasionally, some of my keepsakes of Noelle and Nicholas disappear. Recently, I was in Nathan’s room and found our Christmas locket with the kids’ pictures inside a pillow case on Nathan’s bed. I think having pictures and trinkets from Noelle and Nicholas give Nathan some sense of comfort. So all in all, Nathan really seems to be doing well.

Nathan still loves school. It is very rare for him to come home and have had a bad day at school. He always comes in the house talking a mile a minute. Van and I have found that it’s best to just listen... and listen... and listen… then ask questions! Baseball season is upon us now which means we’ll be at the field quite a bit. We are looking forward to Gabrielle being at the games this year. Nathan is in the middle of Cotillion classes and really wants them to be finished. I guess middle school is when the girls are an inch or two taller than the boys… which makes dancing with them pretty awkward!

Gabrielle is so wonderful. Nathan just asked me today if I thought Gabrielle’s cheeks get sore from all of the kisses she gets. I have no idea but am pretty sure she will let us know if she’s tired of so much attention. Let’s see… Gabrielle has so many favorites right now. She LOVES to “talk” on the phone to her Daddy. She LOVES to screech that high-pitched girly screech… and we LOVE to hear it. She really likes our table food (even with no teeth), but will eat any (and I mean any) baby food we give her. Sometimes she will spray paint us with the food in her mouth! She’s not quite crawling yet but is well on her way. It’s so cute to see her get in “ready” mode. Then she rocks and rocks, back and forth, then drops to her belly and begins to roll. I guess she figures rolling is much easier these days and prefers that as her favorite way to get around. Gabrielle loves books, especially the ones that sing to her. Gosh… for a seven month old there’s so much already.

We would like to ask you to pray for Gabrielle’s blocked tear duct. I’ve not mentioned it on the site before because we had hoped that it would open up on it’s own. Well, here we are seven months later and it’s still blocked. We have to give Gabrielle prescription eye drops three times a day when her eye gets "junky". This is no bother to us or Gabrielle but we are aware that if the tear duct does not open by her nine month check up we are on our way to a pediatric ophthalmologist. Honestly, I think you all know we’ve been in doctors offices more than we even thought with Noelle and Nicholas. I think the usual plan of care is to put a stint in (similar to those used in heart surgery). It’s an outpatient procedure and relatively fast. Nonetheless, outpatient or not, we really want the duct to open on its own.

Van and I are doing well. He’s been home with me and Gabrielle for five months now. Actually, we’re kind of enjoying his company these days. Though he has not found employment yet, he does have a few encouraging leads. So maybe something will happen soon. I still think that God allowed Van to be here with Gabrielle to bond with her just like I have. We needed her so much. And Van really needed to grieve Noelle and Nicholas (remember he went back to work... by his own will... the day after we buried Noelle). So maybe this interim between jobs for Van is a blessing in disguise.

Please continue to pray for our CB friends. I would also like to ask you to pray for a lady I used to work with at Noelle’s preschool. Just three days after my last post her 17-year-old son went to sleep and woke up in heaven. As you can imagine her pain is fresh and sorrow immense. Please continue to pray for sweet Melody as her journey on this earth is coming to an end. Most importantly please pray for her parents. Those of us who have already traveled down a very similar path know that life after losing our children sometimes seems more difficult than life while our children are here sick.

I would like to ask you to remember Noelle’s earthly birthday (March 4th), Savannah’s earthly birthday (March 9th), and Nicholas’s spiritual birthday (March 17th… St. Patrick’s Day).

Thank you again for continuing to visit us.

"Marching Forth" In Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Angels Noelle and Nicholas, and Gabrielle

Savannah's site...

Melody's site...

Sunday, December 12, 2004 12:48 AM CST

~~~~~~ New Photos Added Today~~~~~~ (More will come soon!)

Wednesday, December 8, 2004

My, how time flies when there is a new little one in the home. I know that my entries tend to get a little long… especially when I wait so long between updates. I just hope that my attention span is still in tact when I finally get the courage to read the journal history one day.

Gabrielle is doing incredibly well. She continues to keep us very busy in a wonderful way. I love to see her smile and hear her laugh. Once her laugh fully develops it is going to be a real treat. It’s going to come from deep down in her toes all the way up to her nose! She is such a happy baby… as long as the only ones who touch her are Mommy, Daddy, and Nathan! Stranger anxiety set in very early… maybe that means it will leave early too.

Let’s see… Gabrielle is nearly five months old. She LOVES her cereal and ADORES her Daddy. Yes, a prayer answered. Van and Gabrielle get to spend a lot of time together and it really shows in their tender relationship. It is so precious when their eyes meet throughout the day. Of course, since she’s still so little there is really no contest on who she wants right now… it’s all about Mommy… until Daddy comes within “ears reach” then she’s looking for the silly man she is coming to know as her Daddy! (Watch out Gabrielle, as the years go on, you’re in for a real treat with your Daddy!) It’s already so funny to see how Van and Gabrielle “cut up” when they’re together. If they're not being silly, they’re watching sports… yes, Gabrielle’s already interested in football and basketball. UGH!

I had forgotten how wonderful it is to watch a little one learn new things before your very eyes. It seems that almost daily Gabrielle is doing something new. Bath time is a favorite for her. She is discovering her feet and tries her best to play with her toes. (OK, she kind of has Mommy’s thighs right now so reaching for her toes is a little difficult, but she tries.) She is still in her bassinet in our room and it seems that the crib will move in very soon. Van really wants her to be with us in our bed like our Princess Noelle was, but ever since Noelle and Nicholas were sick both my and Van’s sleeping habits are totally off. I sometimes wonder if either of us will ever get any decent “rest” ever again. Anyhow, I’m fine with the crib in our room with us, but I’m not up to another bed partner.

Nathan continues to adore his little sister as much as she adores him. He seems to be the one who “rescues” her with any little whimper she makes. I’m telling you, I am sure to be in trouble when he leaves for college. It’s all good though.

Nathan tried out for the school basketball team and was terribly disappointed because he did not make the team. He is, however, playing for the YMCA so at least he is getting in a winter sport. If he stays on his current Scouting track he should have his Eagle by the end of the 8th grade. He earned his Life rank over the summer and is basically waiting until he’s 14 to begin his Eagle project. All of his mandatory Eagle merit badge requirements were completed over the summer. I am so happy for Nathan because this was a huge undertaking for him... as well as me and Van. So for the rest of his Scouting career any merit badge he works on are purely for fun. Also, it’s great that he can taper off a bit on Scouting since his middle school is providing him with an incredibly busy schedule. I think Nathan wants to play football next fall. So, if that happens he will be out of Scouting for about three months while he finishes up the football season. I’ve heard that the schedule is as busy as Nathan’s baseball schedule. I guess once spring gets here we’re on full throttle until football ends.

Our house is officially off the market. It did not sell. I guess our plan was not His plan. Van and I are once again reconsidering the rental avenue. We have had a good track record with our other home so far and Van would really like to try it with this house. I tend to be the “more cautious” of the two with any business endeavor. Besides, this was supposed to be Noelle’s house and it just doesn’t seem right renting it out if it’s not for her. Just the other day my brother asked me how hard it was to put Gabrielle in Noelle’s room. UGH! It’s incredibly hard. Even with everything being completely changed around it still breaks my heart. I’ll never forget when Van, the kids, and I looked at this house with the real estate agent. I was pregnant with Nicholas and not feeling well… AND had my heart set on another house all together. The first time Noelle Brooke walked in this house she went straight upstairs and said, “This is my room.” And that was that. It ended up that the house I wanted was not conducive to our needs at the time and so we went with this house instead.

The holidays always prove to be such a challenge. I was talking to another bereaved mom last week. Her daughter died from a brainstem tumor shortly after Noelle was diagnosed. I will always remember our conversations when our girls were here. Anyway, it is so nice to be able to talk to another mom who has such similar feelings as I do. Sometimes it feels as if the grief gets harder. I know it’s only harder because I am trying to avoid it. I’ll always remember my grief counselor telling me over and over NOT to put my grief to the side…. To allow time every day to grieve… for the rest of my life. HE said if I denied myself the opportunity to grieve it would certainly come back to bite me in the future. Well, here we are… I feel completely chewed up from one end to the next. I guess that’s why I’m not posting Noelle’s last Christmas list. I totally avoid looking at any of her and Nicholas’s photos, Noelle’s artwork, listen to either of their favorite CD’s, etc. It’s just too hard. I know that I will have to one day face my grief in the face. I just can’t seem to go there right now.

We put up a Christmas tree for the first time since Noelle’s and Nicholas’s deaths. Talk about hard… it was so hard when we found the box of homemade ornaments from Nathan’s and Noelle’s preschool years. I think what was even harder were the amazingly beautiful ornaments that people gave to us while the kids were sick. Oh, seeing the precious locket with Nathan holding Nicholas on one side and a pre-diagnosed Noelle on the other. And looking at all of the angel ornaments (wearing blue dresses) just brought tears to my eyes. I have no idea who gave us those wonderful momentos but THANK YOU. Yes, the pain is immense, but that pain allows me to “feel” my children in such a special way. I would like to thank Van’s cousin Melanie for helping us with such a task. There is no way we could have gotten as much done as we did if she weren’t here to help out. We were able to “double team” Gabrielle that day, so she stayed content the entire time.

Van’s dad, Carl, had his heart surgery and all went well. In fact, it went so well that when Van would talk to his Dad’s friends about the surgery he made it sound like Carl just “had a tooth pulled”... as quoted by Carl himself! I know that the pain was intense, but Papa pushed on and healed very well and quickly. Gabrielle loves her Papa oh so much too! She was able to spend some great quality time with him during his recovery since he and Nanny stayed here the first 12 days of his recovery. I think our “Little Missy” loved all of the extra attention. I also think that the joy the kids brought to Papa helped him in his recovery. Papa was officially given his release this week at his 4-week follow-up appt. He is happy as a lark now that he has his car back and I’m sure he is feeling much better about having his freedom back too. Now that Nathan’s “partner in crime” is almost back in full throttle there’s no telling what the two of them will be in to next!

I would like to ask you to pray for a couple of different things this holiday season:
1) Please pray for the families who may be spending their last holiday with their child. Pray that lasting memories will be made and that time will somehow stand still if only even for a moment.
2) Please pray for those families who are going to be going through their first holiday season without their child here in their arms. Pray that the Lord will hold them in His arms and make them feel a sense of peace as these next few weeks will be difficult as the memories flood their hearts and minds. (I especially ask you to keep Angel Celeste’s family in your prayers… that little girl really touched my and Van’s hearts).
3) Please pray for the newly diagnosed children, those who have relapsed, those who have “new growth” after being well for so long (especially my friend Matthew), and those who are currently in treatment. Pray that God will direct their paths where decisions will need to be made. Pray that He will hold each and every situation in the Palm of His hand and protect them from further trials. Please pray for energy and strength for the child and his/her parents. Pray for discernment and wisdom for everyone involved in the decision-making of the child’s treatment plan. Pray for COMPLETE HEALING and short recovery time. Pray for the medical staff involved in each child’s care. (I could go on and on… and I do in my prayers. Please pray as you feel led).
4) Please pray for those of us who have lost our children. The old cliché that ‘Time Heals All Wounds’ is so not true so far. For us, time has only proven to make life tolerable. I’m not sure that time can heal any bereaved parents broken heart. Pray that the Lord will give us a sense of comfort and peace this holiday season. Pray that when we remember our precious angels we will somehow remember with tears of joy. That we were able to even be a part of their short lives is such a blessing in and of itself. (It’s the suffering that they endured that just kills me).
5) And last of all but not least; please pray that the Lord will direct Van to the right place of employment. Van’s last day at work was October 1. He was offered a three month severance package or an entry-level position at his former employer due to a down-sizing within the company. We elected to take the severance package as we could not have made ends meet with the entry lever position. We know that there is a time and a season for every situation in our lives. We also know that we only grow stronger with the difficulties that come our way. We truly believe that Van was to work where he did while the kids were sick and are grateful for his former company’s willingness to work with him during that time in our lives. Now that Noelle and Nicholas are no longer here I truly believe that it is time for a new beginning. I feel badly for Van though since he really thought that he would like to be with that company until retirement. I guess God’s plan for us is changing. We’re not sure if we’ll end up staying here, moving back home or moving somewhere across the US. I know that where ever we end up, it will all be according to His plan.

I heard a saying the other day on the news… “When you reach the finish line, it’s only the beginning of a new journey”. How appropriate for our lives.

Thank you for continuing to stop by. We love to read your guestbook entries. We pray that you all have a safe and memorable holiday season. I will try to post new pictures soon… if I can figure out how to download them!

Love in Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Angels Noelle & Nicholas, and Gabrielle

Tuesday, September 7, 2004 6:32 PM CDT

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEW PHOTOS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[New photos added. We wish we could add more of Nicholas but we just don’t have many of him that would be appropriate to post. (If I had my scanner hooked up… hint, hint Honey… maybe I could find a couple of pictures to scan then post). The truth is that most of the pictures that we have of Nicholas are from the hospital and shows how much pain our little fella’ had to endure. Those pictures are just too difficult for us to look at.] Lynn, Thank you SO MUCH for continuing to take and e-mail pictures. We could not post them without you!

Another long span between updates. We have certainly been very occupied over the last several weeks. Gabrielle surely keeps us busy… a very welcomed busy in our home. We all just love her so much. She has her own little personality and has let that be known. Such a sweet little spirit but a spirit of her own with some small resemblance’s of her two big brothers and sister.

Life sure is what it is… and that’s without Noelle and Nicholas here with us. Here we are, some two years later, still picking up the pieces. The puzzle just won’t go back together…it can’t… there are two very important pieces missing. I guess there’s a new picture that’s being created… we have no template to follow… we’re doing this one by trial and error… trusting that what turns out will, somehow, be beautiful. TRUST… that’s what we have to rely on. Our God will continue to take care of us. There’s no doubt. Remember, He makes NO mistakes. As hard as it is for us to “feel” it in our shattered hearts, we know this is true because He tells us this. We must believe Him, because He is perfect as is His will for our lives.

Sometimes it seems so wrong to go on without Noelle and Nicholas, but we must persevere and give Nathan and Gabrielle the life they both deserve; which includes happiness. I just wish I could give the deep down giddy happy that I once knew, but I don’t know that I’ll ever get that back again. Smiles seem to come now… sometimes they’re painted on and sometimes they are real. But will they ever be whole again? Will they ever be from ear to ear again? Will my laugh ever be complete? Trust me, when the smiles come the instant guilt still runs simultaneously. I remember how silly Van used to be with Noelle. Will that ever come back? Will Gabrielle ever get to see her Daddy’s “whole” witty personality? Van did the “Funky Chicken” the other night for Gabrielle… something Noelle Brooke absolutely loved. She loved to see her Daddy be silly. Even though it wasn’t the real “Funky Chicken”, like it was for Noelle and Nicholas, it was a great attempt. I often think of March 4th… Noelle’s birthday. MARCH FORTH… As hard as it is that’s what all of we bereaved parents must do.

Gabrielle is growing so fast. It is exciting to see her reach new milestones it seems daily. Each day we wake up it seems that one of us are telling her that she must have gained weight overnight. She still does not look like any one of our other children in particular. We remember when Noelle was born. It was as if we were looking at a newborn Nathan all over again. Then when Nicholas finally started gaining weight, he looked just like his big brother Nathan’s baby pictures.

Gabrielle is bringing joy back to our home, but it also brings a different kind of sadness. When we see her reach her milestones, especially when she smiles at us, we wonder what Noelle and Nicholas would be doing with her if they were here. What is so very hard for me still… and I’m sure for Van too… is when I lay in bed at night staring at Gabrielle. I just look at her in amazement. The mere fact that she is here is such a miracle. THEN, Satan takes my thoughts to Noelle’s and Nicholas’s last moments here with us. Oh, it just breaks my heart to even think about it…

Van had a dream of Noelle the other night. Noelle was in her sick body. You know, the last dream I had of Noelle was when she was in her sick body. It’s been a very long time since now and I am ready for another visit. I don’t want a dream… I want a visit again. I want her or Nicholas to come back to either Van or me and remind us that they are OK. We know that they are, but some reassurance would be nice.

One of Gabrielle’s favorite things is Nicholas’s fish tank. It is the exact one we took from hospital to hospital with us when Nicholas was sick. That “little man” of ours loved his fish tank. We seemed to go through a ton of “fish food”… batteries, with that toy. Gabrielle seems to like it almost as much as her big brother. Something else Gabrielle loves is Nicholas’s mobile. She is getting to where she can reach up and hit the bears. She rolls from side to side but not completely over yet. The most exciting milestone is her smiles and laughs. Gabrielle is going to have such a hearty laugh when it finally comes out.

She absolutely loves Nathan, who does so well with her. They spend a lot of time together. With everything Nathan has been through and now having the opportunity to love like this again Van and I still say that Nathan is going to really be something special when he grows up. Nathan has one of the biggest hearts that I have ever seen. (Of course, he is still ALL boy, and is starting to hit adolescence… but has a HUGE heart). It’s really nice to see that good really can come out of such tragedy. We still think that Nathan is going to do something in the ministry one day. Nathan says he’s going to be a professional baseball, basketball, or football player.

It’s kind of amazing that Gabrielle has fixed on one particular picture of Noelle since the day we brought her home from the hospital. Last week Nathan and I were sitting on my bed and Gabrielle’s eyes were fixed on Noelle’s picture. Nathan timed it and said she was “locked in on her big Sissy for 4 minutes.” There’s no doubt that Gabrielle knows Noelle but we would really love to see Noelle “Mother Hen” Gabrielle like she did Nicholas.

Van was working on his car this weekend and asked Gabrielle if she would help him when she got bigger. Nathan and I laughed and said that if Nicholas were here right now that he would be the one to sneak in the car and blow the horn in Van’s ear. We know that Nicholas would have been our “Dennis the Menace”.

Nathan has adjusted to public school very well. He LOVES his school. Occasionally, we ask Nathan if he would like to go back to his old school and he tells us “No”, that he likes where he is. We are happy for that. Our prayer is that Nathan will find a best friend who is a good Christian boy. As for grades, all is well. I have had a parent/teacher conference already just to check in and all of Nathan’s teachers say that he’s doing perfectly fine… to let him go and swim on his own. Yeah, right. Neither Van nor I are ready for that yet. Nathan asked me the other day if we were going to make him fax us his homework when he’s in college so we can check it before he turns it in! Hopefully, we’ll let go way before then.

We are scheduled to go to Kitty Hawk, NC soon. We booked our vacation back in February and have waited so long for this. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for us while we are there. Van’s father and step mother are planning to come as well. We should have a great trip. When we come home from the beach Carl has another appointment with his Cardiologist and surgeon here in Winston to schedule his next surgery. We are praying that this by-pass can be done through his ribs… if not, they will have to do another open heart surgery. Something that no one wants to happen.

I guess you all know by now that our sweet friend Celeste has left us. She sure touched so many lives… Thank you Tami for sharing her with us. I have to admit that it was very hard for both Van and me when we learned of her departure. So many of Celeste’s pictures reminded me of Noelle. I remember the first time another mother told me that Noelle looked like her daughter who had just passed of a bsg. I thought that would be impossible as Noelle had gained so much weight. But now I can see what that mother meant. I know it hit Van hard too. I remember the morning that he came and woke me up when he saw the post… He said, “She’s gone.” He did not need to say any more. I knew whom he was talking about. Van really wanted to take me up for the candle light vigil, but his work schedule would not permit. We thought of Celeste as we lit our own candle and released a balloon in her memory. Please pray for comfort and protection for Tami, Jeremy, Grant, and Ella.

We’re at the point now where we don’t look at old pictures much. I pray that we will be ready when Gabrielle is a little older. I pray that we can talk to Gabrielle about her big brother and sister without turning to mush every time. When we pray about them I can hear the quiver in our voices and see the well of tears in our eyes… it’s all about our love for them. Love… something that will never cease. One day we’ll see them again, one day…

Monday, August 2, 2004 1:49 AM CDT

PHOTO ADDED! (Thanks so much Lynn!) We will add more later. This is the baby from the dream... how amazing.

Van had hoped to update but has been quite busy with extended family. Uncle Floyd went to be with the Lord last week. While Van's dad, Carl, was helping his sister, (Aunt) Annette, make arrangements for Uncle Floyd at the funeral home Carl had a heart attack. Carl went to the local hospital and then was sent to our hospital and had a stint placed. Everything went very well and Carl is feeling MUCH better. He will need to have another stint placed very soon though.

Please keep Uncle Floyd's family in your prayers as they must now live without him here on earth with them. Also, please pray for Van's dad as he prepares for another surgery and that he will make wise choices about his eating habits.

We'll update more later.

Love in Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Angels Noelle & Nicholas, and Gabrielle

Saturday, July 24, 2004 8:02 PM CDT

QUICK UPDATE:(Van will share more soon.)

Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas now have a little sister... Gabrielle Mackenzie was born on July 19 at 5:18 PM. Although Van and I decided NOT to be induced early Gabrielle must have liked the idea of coming a little early and came on the exact day that we were offered induction. We came home from the hospital on Noelle's spiritual birthday... July 21. Gabrielle looks exactly like the baby from my dream last year... quite breathtaking.

We are all doing very well and feel it such a blessing to have this opportunity to welcome Gabrielle into our family. After a couple of sleepless nights we all are doing very well and are beginning to see a bit of a routine in the making. Gabrielle weighed in at 8 pounds 11.5 ounces and was 20 inches long. She has very little hair that is sandy blonde... exactly as in the dream. (All three of our other children were born with heads full of dark brown hair). Gabrielle has traits of Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas... unbelieveable! (Personally, I think she looks like my baby picture... I'll have to find it!)

Thank you for your prayers during our pregnancy. We hope to have pictures posted very soon... I think we put our scanner in storage since the house is still on the market. We'll have to find it soon!

Love in Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Angels Noelle & Nicholas, and baby Gabrielle

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 9:21 AM CDT

Three more MD appointments down and we’re not too sure how many more to go. Things are progressing well. Gabrielle seems to be a bit ahead of schedule according to our sonograms and measurements. My MD’s continue to watch us very closely. According to the sonogram the due date has been moved up a week or so. When I addressed this with the MD he said not to pay attention to the due date according to the sonogram machine. He said that once a due date has been given at the very beginning of the pregnancy it is not usually changed unless the baby comes early on his/her own.

We were told two weeks ago that Gabrielle is living in a bit too much amniotic fluid and yesterday’s appointment confirmed that once again. We have been told several times not to worry about that. It just puts us at risk for delivering a little early. At this time she is weighing in at 7 pounds. If we have to go the original due date there is no telling how much she will weigh on her birthday.

Van and I were presented with the option of being induced a little early. Our fear is that Gabrielle will come on Noelle’s spiritual birthday… July 21. We cannot imagine how hard that will be for Gabrielle as she gets older. If this happens I’m sure it will be hard for Van and me as well… but then again, do we tamper with God’s master plan? We all know that every aspect of this pregnancy is such a miracle. The new plan is to go to our appointment next week for our regular visit. Then, in two weeks, I will see my primary MD, who Van and I trust completely, and listen to his advice. In the meantime prayer will be our main source of strength.

Our preference, if we had one, would be to have Gabrielle AFTER Noelle’s spiritual birthday rather than a day or two before. We have lived the life of bereaved parents for over two years now and know that the circle of grief can and will hit at any time… it usually starts just before an anniversary. So, the good news: Everything still seems to be going well; The great news: There will be a baby by the end of July.

Nathan has been very patient this summer. I have felt so guilty since we’ve not done too much fun stuff this summer. Once again, Nathan seems to understand. He is on busy street for the rest of the summer though. He is going to spend some time with Van’s dad for the rest of this week. The two of them are like two peas in a pod. I love to see how close they are. When Nathan comes home he will only be here for one night then he leaves for Boy Scout camp. Once he comes home he will be here for two weeks then he leaves for church camp. And sometime in there he will be a big brother again.

I managed to take Nathan swimming one day a couple of weeks ago. My children have always been water bugs. They could be at the pool for hours and hours. We were only at the pool for one hour when Nathan asked me to take him home. When I asked him what was wrong he told me, “It sucks being an only child.” After I picked my bottom jaw up off of the ground I had to agree with him. Nathan went on to tell me that he really wants to be close with Gabrielle but realizes that his relationship with her will be much different than that of the relationship that he and Noelle had.

Other than doing a few little things this summer Nathan has been reading like crazy. He has never been so interested in books. His original goal was to read three books over the summer. Then one night he came to Van and me and said, “I’ve changed my reading goal.” We thought Nathan would say that he only wanted to read two books, but quite the opposite… his new goal was 3,000 pages. That goal was met yesterday. So, now his new goal is 4,000 pages. He is so funny.

We received Nathan’s end of grade test results in the mail. I was so nervous when I opened the envelope. I kept getting flashbacks of test day. Nathan finished every test way before time his allotted time. I remember telling him over and over to go back and check his work and that he could not talk during the test. He kept telling us that the tests were easy and he did not have to go back to re-check his work. We always knew that Nathan was a smart boy. He did VERY well on his tests. We shared Nathan’s cumulative scores with him but not the individual scores. We do not want him to feel added pressure when he goes to school next year, nor do we want him to be tempted to “share” those scores with his buddies. Our final conclusion is that home schooling really does work, even with getting pregnant and not pushing as hard at the end of the year as we did at the beginning.

We have a couple of prayer requests: Some of you may already follow sweet Celeste (see link at bottom of page). Please bathe Celeste and her family in your prayers as she has gotten more symptomatic over the last couple of weeks. It was July 3, 2002 when Noelle’s MD came over and told us that she was most likely in her last month of life. Though we did not want to believe him, we knew that we had to cherish every second we had with her. We were so grateful that he was willing enough to tell us this news. Sometimes people are afraid of hurting a parent any further by sharing such insight. In actual reality the only thing that hurts more than the news on D-Day… diagnosis day is the actual loss of your child. As hard as it was for us to hear those words from Noelle’s MD our family needed that kind of loving boldness.

Please pray for Celeste’s complete healing. We know that God is still in the business of making miracles happen. Pray that Tami and Jeremy will be given every opportunity to spend wonderful happy time with Celeste. The ONLY thing that beats a happy memory with your child is having them here with you to make more happy memories. Please pray for Celeste’s two siblings, Grant and Ella. Though they are very young, pray that they will continue to enjoy their time with their big sister just as much as she enjoys her time with them. I could go on and on about this sweet little girl, but only you will know exactly how you feel led to pray.

Also, please pray for Van’s Uncle Floyd. He was transferred to our local hospital last Sunday, Father’s Day, for difficulty breathing. It was discovered that he has one blood clot in each lung and several in his legs. The cause is unknown at the current time. Uncle Floyd was doing very well while in ICU so was transferred to a regular room. His MD’s started to run some tests to try to get a treatment plan underway. While receiving a test to find out what was causing the clots Uncle Floyd suffered a very minor heart attack and was placed back in the ICU. Due to more difficulty breathing Uncle Floyd was put in a drug-induced coma and placed on the ventilator. For the past three days the MD’s have been trying to bring Uncle Floyd out of the drug-induced coma with no luck. Uncle Floyd seems to be in a very deep sleep right now. One of the residents told Van’s aunt that, “Some patients wake up and some don’t and that’s just the way it is.” How encouraging but not surprising since it came from a resident (I have little to no time to deal with residents any longer and totally admire the staff who are patient enough to deal with them on any level… I could go on and on but I won’t).

Anyway, please pray for Uncle Floyd to hurry and wake up. We know that if it is God’s will then Uncle Floyd will wake up and come back fighting hard in his usual spunky way. Please pray for Aunt Annette’s health. We know how hard it is to take care of our own needs when the needs of our dearest loved one’s are on the forefront of our minds. Pray too, that Aunt Annette will feel comfortable enough to speak her mind about the visiting hours. She was told that they were not certain that Uncle Floyd would make it through Friday night, BUT she still had to adhere to the visiting hours. How crazy is that? You know, I really hope that Van and I are never put back in such a situation because after going through what we went through and knowing what we know there is no way anyone would ever keep us from each other or our children like that. As you can see, we ARE human and still have healing that needs to be done.

Thank you for your continued support, prayers, and encouragement.

We will update again soon… maybe with a baby next time!

Love in Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, and Angels Noelle and Nicholas

Saturday, May 29, 2004 10:20 AM CDT

Another long span between updates... Van asked me the other day when I was going to do an update. I guess between getting the house ready to put on the market and life in general, I've been a little more busy than usual.

We've had a couple of MD appts. since our last update. Everything still seems to be on track. At the last sonogram Gabrielle was about 12 days ahead of schedule. I felt some relief but will not feel totally comfortable until she is in my arms. Nicholas always measured fine during the external exams and his heartbeat always strong, but something obviously went wrong somewhere along the way. I like being able to "see" with my own eyes that Gabrielle is ok. So sonograms seem to make me feel a little better. I often wonder... even when I hold her for the first time... will I be at complete ease? Probably not. Most of us CB families know from experience that the terrible "C" word can and will strike at any age. So for now, I will continue to fight the horrible "what if" thoughts that I often have about Gabrielle's up-coming arrival. (Still a bit away yet).

I hope that when Gabrielle gets here that she and Van will have an inseparable relationship... a bond that they cannot describe. By the way Van talks we are never having a babysitter for her and we are never leaving her side. How funny... kind of sounds like someone I know when Noelle came... ME! Van continues to be so excited about Gabrielle. I am happy that he is so happy. I wonder if I'll ever feel “complete” happiness again. But for Van, I hope that he and Gabrielle have a love and bond like I did with Noelle.

I know that parents do not have favorites when they have multiple children, but we do have different relationships with each child. My relationship was so different with Noelle than with any of my other children. From the day I learned I was pregnant with our second child there was something amazing there. It lasted from that moment until this very day. The only thing that changed was the amount of growth our love had. It went from a mere seedling to a full blossom by the time of her birth. Noelle and I were so close and just enjoyed being around each other. I loved everything about her and I THINK she loved me the same way. I always wondered how it would be when she became a teenager. Sometime or another our head butting had to start. I remember when Noelle was sick she told me that all she ever wanted was to "just be a kid." That statement still breaks my heart... especially when I see how greedy and selfish well kids are. Now all I have left of that incredible love are my memories and my imagination... I always wonder what she would be doing if she were here now. How would she react to Van's silly behaviors? Would she still call him "Vannie Pooh"... Noelle's nickname for Van. Would Noelle still be travel buddies with Van... would she still steal his snacks? Would she still ooh and ah over roses that Van brought for her? Would Noelle still be "all girl" one minute then a complete tomboy the next? Would she still be "Miss Popular" at school? What kind of student would she be? Would she be the girl who goes to school just to get the latest fashion update or would she be the straight A student? How would she handle Nathan's "all about me" attitudes? Would they still be best friends? Would Noelle still defend Nathan when either Van or I reprimanded him? Would she go to Nathan with her homework questions? Would she be mother-henning Nicholas to death if he were still here? What kind of young lady would our daughter be?

I have never known a love like the love that Noelle and I shared. I truly think that everyone should have the opportunity to feel that love at least one time in his or her lifetime. I don't know that it will ever happen again... but for Van, I really hope that for him. Van sure deserves to feel that same feeling I always talk about. A love that is pure and effortless. A love that makes your heart ache if separated for more than a couple of hours. A love that is truly unconditional and natural... it's just there all of the time... it feels so right... it's so happy and safe... Always there.... no matter what… never to be duplicated or taken away… or so I wished..

We don't know what our relationships would have been with Nicholas. Though we often talk about it we never got to know him without illness. From what we knew of Nicholas there is no doubt he would have been a charmer. Nathan still insists that Nicholas would have been mean to him and Noelle but appear to be innocent and sweet to Van and me. Van still insists that Nicholas would have been his Great Aunt Joy's boy. Van says that we would have to call Roanoke just to visit Nicholas! (Do you think Noelle would have allowed that?!?!?!) And I just wonder... I wonder if his eyes were really brown. I wonder if his hair would have been blonde. I wonder if he would have been spoiled rotten. I wonder if he would have loved to be read to. I wonder if he would have had his daddy wrapped around his little finger. I wonder if he would have crawled in bed with Noelle at night after having a bad dream. I wonder if he would have been the one to write on my walls. I wonder if he would have gotten into Nathan and Noelle's rooms while they were at school. I wonder if he would have been a joy to be around. I wonder if he would have laughed that jolly laugh of his as he got older... I simply wonder.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about "how" cancer comes to be. I've always said that there is no doubt that what happened to my children was a product of them being exposed to something in the environment. Of course, the medical world says differently, but science can never compete with a mother's instinct... ever!

I still wonder what “it” was. Maybe I don't need to know because if I did and know it was something that I could have avoided... well, you know... I would beat myself up even more than I already do. I sure wish we American's would be content with what we have instead of creating and inventing more. I wish we would stop trying to be bigger and better than everyone else in the world.... could our greed be the culprit? Aren’t we supposed to be “in the world” and not “of the world”? I still think we're killing ourselves, but what's worse is that we're harming and killing our children. Just watch one child suffer then die and see if your point of view isn’t the same.

Oh well, I could stay on that subject for a very long time, so I'll move on. The house is on the market. We are in no hurry to sell. If we do sell soon we're fine with that. We have no house in mind that we want. We are looking to be out of city limits though. We have a couple areas in mind that we want to take a look at.

Last week Van and I went to a bereavement conference at the hospital. Our family was asked to be on the parent panel. We were to share our story and then tell what was and was not helpful by the medical staff while we were there. Van agreed to share our story... I knew that there was no way I could get the first word out. Van did a great job. I was so proud of him. But what I was most proud of was his ability to just let go... he felt, which was what he/we need to do more often. After Van regained his composure and wiped his tears away he went on to share the rest of our story... from his perspective. I love to hear how Van saw how our life was for that year and a half. Van managed to get in a funny Noelle story at the end.

We were honored to be asked to attend the conference. A nurse whose teenage son was suddenly diagnosed with cancer then died within weeks after diagnosis started the follow-up grief support offered by the medical staff. At the time there was no support offered to bereaved parents at all. This group has grown significantly and seems to be a great program that continues to help bereaved parents and grow throughout our community..

Our baby shower was just wonderful. I have never seen so many people at one shower... truly amazing. Though we had an idea of who was invited there were still plenty of great surprises. Thank you so very much to everyone who made sure our day was great.

The shower was co-ed and Van was so excited to see a couple of his high school buddies. Some of our friends brought their husbands and of course, it would not have been the same if Hally and Michelle were not there. (Nathan was unable to attend due to a backpacking trip with Scouts). There were balloons in memory of Noelle and Nicholas... which Van, Hally, Michelle and I released after most people left. Van gave me two dozen roses. One dozen was yellow with pink tips... from Noelle and the other dozen were red, white, and blue... from Nicholas. I had never seen blue roses before, but they all were wonderful. (What would Noelle have said to "her" getting two dozen roses?… I can only imagine).

Gabrielle is sure lucky to be so loved already. She received everything she could ever need or want. We did not open our presents at the shower. We could have visited with our friends all night. It did not hit me until we got home that one of the last times we were with so many friends in that very room of our church was when we were mourning the loss of Nicholas. Then four months and seven days later, the day we buried Noelle, once again we were in that very room eating a beautiful meal prepared by several women at our church. So, after so much sadness in that room we were finally able to get together to celebrate.

Though it would have been nice to open presents at the shower, it was nice to do it at home. Van opened each and every present... not saving one for me! He told me what to write down so that I could do thank you notes this week. I loved watching Van ooh and ah at the gifts. He was so funny. Now, there is no way he would have ever done that if we had opened gifts at the shower. So, if you came or had any part in the planning or implementing of the shower... THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! We enjoyed seeing all of you and every part of the day.

I guess that's all for now. We'll update after another couple of MD appts. We are down to the final months now. Please keep those prayers coming for a healthy and happy Gabrielle… and for ease of mind for her parents!

Love in Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, and Angels Noelle and Nicholas

Friday, April 16, 2004 4:23 PM CDT

It's been a while since we've last uupdated. Things have been pretty busy around here lately. Between getting Nathan ready for his end of grade testing and cleaing out the house we have not had much time left for anyting else... plus baseball season has begun.

I think Nathan is ready for his end of grade testing... at least he better be! We have worked very hard over the past few weeks covering new material and reviewing old. He's a smart kid. I don't think he'll have a problem with the test. I guess since this year his grade is a reflection of what he and I have done together I have been more aware of "being prepared." Next year Nathan is going to try going back to school. At first he was a bit apprehensive but now he seems ok with it.

Baseball has begun which means we are up at the field, or at some field, three to four times each week. When you add that to Monday night Scouts, Nathan is a pretty busy boy.

Cleaning out the house... We have spent A LOT of time cleaning out the house over the past week... and I mean A LOT. Before Noelle left us I talked to her about our moving to a new house. All she told me was to wait until she was with Jesus because her hody was too tired to move then. Well, moving is something that we have talked about for a very long time now. We planned to have the house put on the market by April 1... but that did not happen. So, now our new goal is to have it listed by May 15. If the house sells, great; and if not then that's fine too. We live in a very nice neighborhood and love it here but Van and I think it would be nice to start over with a new baby in a totally different environment. Van would also like to be closer to access a particular highway as well since he travels quite a bit with work. We are very realistic in knowing that our pain will follow us anywhere, but Noelle's room will always be jsut that... Noelle' room. No matter what changes we make to it I am not sure that I can go in there everyday and call it the baby's room.

Last weekend was nice. Thursday Van and I went back to the MD and had yet another sonogram. All of the baby's measurements still look good and we found out that we're having another little girl. "Gabrielle Mackenzie" will be here sometime late in July. Van is still on top of the world and I am still "cautiously optimistic". I know that 10 fingers and 10 toes really don't mean that any baby is healthy. I also know that a mother's instinct is incredibly strong. So, when I'm holding Gabrielle in my arms and feel good about her health then I may let my gurard down more.

After my MD appt. on Thurs. Nathan and I went to Roanoke, VA to see Van's Aunt Joy and Uncle Blaine. They are such a wonderful part of our family. Nathan and I got to spend some fun time with them and some of their friends. Our trip was very short though as we wanted to be home with Van to celebrate Nicholas's third birthday. So, we came home on Friday afternoon to remember our "Little Man" and what he meant to us.

We had some very special visitors again last week. Miss Audrey came by with Michelle and Hally... Noelle's two best friends. They are getting so big and both now have their permanent front teeth. It was such a delight to see them and hear their laughter. And of course, Mr. Van just "had" to pull them in the wagon again. The girls were hollaring for him to dump them out. When Van was careful to be "safe" this time they decided to dump themselves out! Hally was sure to tell me that she and Michelle are going to babysit Gabrielle when they get old enough. How fun, Noelle's two best friends babysitting her baby sister. There's no doubt that they will do a great job.

Saturday was when all of the cleaing started. We finally went in Noelle's room and took out some of her things on Easter Sunday. I wanted to be sure to get her room done in one day because I knew it would be very hard to be in there. The hardest things to look at were her PJ's, arts and crafts, and her books, of course, since she loved them so very much. There are some pictures of Noelle that Van does not like at all... all of the one's from when she was sick and swollen. I saw a picture of Noelle in her "well" body. She was in school during her first few weeks of Kindergarten. Her class was out on the playground and Noelle was standing behind her first new buddy. Her friend was doing the monkey bars and Noelle was standing there with such a helpless look on her face. That look just killed me because I know how much Noelle loved to do the monkey bars. She and her best friends Michelle and Hally started doing the monkey bars in 4-year-old preschool. They would do the monkey bars over and over. Then they would pretend to be stuck and call for Ms. Lori to, "HELP". To see Noelle look so helpless and us not know that she was so sick was just heart wrenching. From the time I saw that picture I just packed boxes and did not look at another thing. Maybe one day I'll be ready again but not now. I am sure that Gabrielle is going to love playing with her big sister's things when she gets older.

Our prayer for Gabrielle is not only her well health but that she'll have a pure love for the Lord and serve Him with a Servant's Heart. We pray that she will love unconditionally and exhibit compassion and understanding that can only come from above. We also pray that the Lord will allow Nathan and Gabrielle to have a very special bond that will last a lifetime.

It looks like we'll be busy with more packing and some minor fixing up of the house for the next couple of weeks. We'll update when we find out more about baby Gabrielle and her growth.

Thank you for your visits and constant prayers.

Love in Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, and Angels Noelle & Nicholas

Monday, March 22, 2004 7:20 PM CST

Van and I have been very honored to follow some special families as they travel the journey through the brain tumor world. With each family we get to know, we learn more and more about what true courage, faith, and belief truly are... It's easy, just look through the innocent eyes of a child.

This month has been very hard for us... well, me in particular. I continue to think about the "what if's" with this baby and the "what could have been's" with Noelle and Nicholas. Missing them never gets any easier.I know that God is in total control and I cannot do anything to change His master plan. Yesterday while at church I told someone that I sometimes still feel like a little silver ball in a pinball machine. I guess that's God's way of putting me on His path rather than my own.

As I sit here tonight to check on some of my CB friends, I can't help but to take my mind off of my own heartbreak and turn my attention to that of another mother. Please pray for Sweet Savannah. She is not doing well. I can feel Lisa's fear and pain from her journal entries.

Reading Savannah's entries takes me back July 20-21, 2002 when my own daughter was losing the fight to the terrible beast of the brainstem tumor world. In actual reality Noelle won in the long run. Having to see what actually takes place in the meantime is just heart-wrenching.

I would like to ask you to please go by to visit Savannah and offer her mother a word of encouragement... from your heart. I told Nathan about Savannah tonight and he said, "Well mom, Celeste is getting her miracle isn't she? Well, let's just pray extra hard for Savannah and she may get hers too." (Remember: the innocence of a child... Nathan believes and knows that God really does answer prayer). Nathan went on to ask me if I thought that Savannah got her birthday present from us. I am so thankful that Nathan has not lost sight of his faith even after seeing such tragedy in his short 11 years. I still think that one day Nathan is going to grow up to be in some sort of ministry or outreach. I thank God for his Servant's Heart.

Thank you for visiting and for your continued prayers.

Love in Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, and Angels Noelle & Nicholas

Monday, March 22, 2004 7:20 PM CST

Van and I have been very honored to follow some special families as they travel the journey through the brain tumor world. With each family we get to know, we learn more and more about what true courage, faith, and belief truly are... It's easy, just look through the innocent eyes of a child.

This month has been very hard for us... well, me in particular. I continue to think about the "what if's" with this baby and the "what could have been's" with Noelle and Nicholas. Missing them never gets any easier.I know that God is in total control and I cannot do anything to change His master plan. Yesterday while at church I told someone that I sometimes still feel like a little silver ball in a pinball machine. I guess that's God's way of putting me on His path rather than my own.

As I sit here tonight to check on some of my CB friends, I can't help but to take my mind off of my own heartbreak and turn my attention to that of another mother. Please pray for Sweet Savannah. She is not doing well. I can feel Lisa's fear and pain from her journal entries.

Reading Savannah's entries takes me back July 20-21, 2002 when my own daughter was losing the fight to the terrible beast of the brainstem tumor world. In actual reality Noelle won in the long run. Having to see what actually takes place in the meantime is just heart-wrenching.

I would like to ask you to please go by to visit Savannah and offer her mother a word of encouragement... from your heart. I told Nathan about Savannah tonight and he said, "Well mom, Celeste is getting her miracle isn't she? Well, let's just pray extra hard for Savannah and she may get hers too." (Remember: the innocence of a child). Nathan went on to ask me if I thought that Savannah got her birthday present from us. I am so thankful that Nathan has not lost sight of his faith even after seeing such tragedy in his short 11 years. I still think that one day Nathan is going to grow up to be in some sort of ministry or outreach. I thank God for his Servant's Heart.

Thank you for visiting and for your continued prayers.

Love in Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, and Angels Noelle & Nicholas

Thursday, March 11, 2004 1:04 PM CST

Well, we went to the MD this morning. I am happy to report that everything looked well and all measurements were right on target. I was such a nervous wreck for the past two days, and I'm sure I won't be completely at ease until the baby actually gets here and I see him/her for myself. I am now "cut loose" and no longer have to go in every week. My next appt. is four weeks away... YESSSS!!!!!

As for the gender of the baby, I think that he/she has Van and Noelle's sense of humor already... we were not able to find out. He/she had his/her legs crossed about as tight as they could be. Looks like we have another "funny one" on the way.

I told Van and the sonographer that maybe it just wasn't meant for us to know right now. Van still insists that we're having a girl. The sonographer told me that if she wasn't too busy during my next appt. she would do a quick scan to see if we could find out then. My MD and I talked about it and he agreed. I guess Van and I need to be as emotionally prepared as we can be for whatever the gender is... and we also need a boys name. (So far we only have half of a boys name.)

March is a tough month for us as we have a couple anniversaries to remember. Noelle's earthly birthday and Nicholas's spiritual birthday are just 13 days apart. Please remember us in prayer on St. Patrick's Day as we remember our "little man" and everything he meant to us during his short stay here.

Thank you all for your continued visits and we'll post again soon.

Love in Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, and Angels Noelle & Nicholas

Thursday, March 4, 2004 2:22 PM CST


Well, here we are… Noelle’s 8th birthday. What can I say? Van took the day off today so we could have some family time together doing what Noelle loved to do most…. CELEBRATE, SHOP, and LAUGH.

Our day started with a trip to the MD for my 19th week check up. All is well so far. This is such a blessing for our family. We should find out the sex of the baby next week.

After the MD visit, Van and I went and purchased a new living stone to place under Noelle and Nicholas’s bench at the cemetery. The inscription read: “Sing unto the Lord a new song.” And that is exactly what Noelle and Nicholas are doing… singing such beautiful words of praise to our Heavenly Father. After the Christian bookstore we went to buy Noelle’s balloons for the cemetery. While picking out balloons it hit me. What would Noelle be doing if she were here today? How would she want to celebrate? I could not stop the tears from falling. They seemed to come from nowhere. We left that store and headed to the floral shop. When Van and I arrived to get Noelle’s favorite flowers, pink and yellow roses, I told Van that I just could not go in the store. After all, buying Noelle roses for Noelle’s birthday was a tradition that Van started when Noelle was just one-year-old. So he went in alone and got her flowers. Van wrote such a beautiful note on her card… I could just see his heart tearing open once again. THEN off to the cemetery we went. It was such a tough visit this time. Putting our little girl’s roses and balloons at the head of her gravesite….. well, you get the idea. It just stinks.

After the cemetery we went to lunch. Van and I so wanted to celebrate Noelle’s life today. We asked Nathan several times if he wanted to come be a part of our day, but he just couldn’t do it. Maybe next year he’ll be up to it. Lunch is where it hit Van. I have NEVER seen my husband cry in public. He struggled to make it through the prayer then quietly wiped his tears away. My heart just broke for him. I know how badly he wants to hold his little girl again. It seemed that all day we saw daddy’s with their little girls everywhere around. Van and I talked and talked and reminisced like crazy.

Finally, in typical Noelle celebration style, we ended up at the mall. I asked Van why we were at the mall and he told me that we needed to go in for a bit. While we were walking around in the mall we could not help but to look at all of the little girl clothes and shoes. Before we knew it we were laughing and found ourselves having a great time. I told Van and this is exactly what Noelle would be doing if she were here. There is no doubt that we would have taken a trip to the mall to SHOP and SHOP and SHOP. Van had never been to Build-A-Bear® before. So we went in just to look around. Before I knew it we were building an adorable monkey. “Monkey” was one of Van’s favorite nicknames for Noelle. When it came time to dress the bear Van carefully selected each and every garment precisely down to Noelle’s personality. He decided to go with her “active wear” style. For the finishing touches we added a cute little babushka… a.k.a a doo-rag.

Though the pain is still there in great quantity I am so thankful that Van took the day off so we could truly celebrate the life of our sweet daughter. I am also thankful that the Lord allowed us to have the time that we did with her and continues to allow us to cherish her sweet memory.

Sunday, February 8, 2004 1:12 PM CST

The boys have gone on a ski trip to West VA to spend the day with Nathan’s Boy Scout Troop. Five AM came around so fast this morning. I was so happy to get a call from Van saying that they arrived safely. Now I await the call saying they are safely on their way home. Nathan took a friend with him and I have heard that the plan is to snowboard and ski. The problem: Nathan has never been on a snowboard before. I can’t help but be nervous. I told Van and Nathan several times to, “Please be careful… especially on the lifts.” I know that Nathan gets tired of me saying, “Be careful,” but I just can’t help myself… especially now a days.

Nathan had his annual banquet at Scouts last weekend where he was awarded his Star rank. He only has two more ranks to go and then he’s done... unless he decides to work on Scout Palms. (We’re thinking he has about two more years left.) I can’t believe that he’s been in scouting since the first grade… now he’s almost finished. Nathan was happy to tell me that he was elected to be Patrol Leader of his patrol for this year (or for the next 6 months… he wasn’t sure the exact length of time he will serve in that particular position). Van and I are very proud that he earned 13 merit badges over the course of a one-year time period. He is currently working on two more Eagle required merit badges. After he finishes these merit badges I think he's going to take a break from merit badges and just enjoy camping trips for a while.

I read an entry this week on Sweet Leilani's Site. Leilani also left this world as the result of a brain tumor. She left just four days after Noelle’s departure. Leilani and Noelle knew of each other while they were sick, but never met until they were in heaven. I am so thankful that the Lord provided such a wonderful Christian woman for me to go through the grieving process with. I love to talk to my friends about Noelle and Nicholas and I really appreciate their willingness to talk about their special memories too. However, talking to another mother who is living the pain just as I am, really helps more than I can describe. I remember when the girls first left us and Yvonne and I were getting to know one another. We e-mailed each other for pages and pages each and every day. Yvonne and her family have become a very special part of ours and I enjoy our phone conversations and visits so very much. It always seems that when one of us is down the other is up. Well, last week when I was, “What iffing,” and wondering, “Why,” as I’m sure I’ll do forever, I went over to Leilani’s site. Yvonne always has a way to make me laugh even she doesn’t realize it.

Quote from Yvonne: “You know, sometimes, when I am missing Leilani and talking to God, I say I wish I could have "my baby back"...and then I laugh and start singing the song from the Chili's commercial "I want my baby back, baby back, baby back"! I am sure Leilani is giggling in heaven when I do that.”

Thanks Yvonne for another “lift”.

So far the pregnancy is still going well. The sickness continues to be present, but not nearly as bad. We go for our 20-week sonogram in about five more weeks. I am making sure that I brace for anything “unexpected” that could come our way. I constantly wonder if the baby is growing properly. I wonder if the baby is going to be born healthy. Nathan reminded me that when we adopt a baby, if the baby is sick we are still going to love it the same. Then he asked me why I am so nervous about this pregnancy. I realize that my little “psychologist” has a point, but I would feel so guilty if we brought another baby into this world to endure what Nicholas had to….

Van went with me to my appt. this week because he wanted to hear the heart beat. We decided that the heartbeat sounded like a horse galloping… then, out of my husband’s mouth, “What if there are two in there and we just don’t know it.” Thanks honey, but I don’t think so! Van is still totally on top of the world. He is so neat to watch around the house. Currently, he is trying to think of a nickname for the baby because he had one for Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas… well he had several for Noelle and she answered to all of them!

I would like to ask you to offer support to the following families:

Sweet Celeste: Celeste is almost one year out from being diagnosed. As you can imagine many emotions are coming to her family now as it was one year ago, Feb. 19, that their world was turned upside down.

Sweet Savannah: Savannah is starting to have symptoms again. Although the cancer has spread to her cerebellum, Savannah continues to be her mom’s wonderful little “spitfire”.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers,

Wendy, Van, Nathan and Angels Noelle & Nicholas

Sunday, February 8, 2004 1:12 PM CST

The boys have gone on a ski trip to West VA to spend the day with Nathan’s Boy Scout Troop. Five AM came around so fast this morning. I was so happy to get a call from Van saying that they arrived safely. Now I await the call saying they are safely on their way home. Nathan took a friend with him and I have heard that the plan is to snowboard and ski. The problem: Nathan has never been on a snowboard before. I can’t help but be nervous. I told Van and Nathan several times to, “Please be careful… especially on the lifts.” I know that Nathan gets tired of me saying, “Be careful,” but I just can’t help myself… especially now a days.

Nathan had his annual banquet at Scouts last weekend where he was awarded his Star rank. He only has two more ranks to go and then he’s done... unless he decides to work on Scout Palms. (We’re thinking he has about two more years left.) I can’t believe that he’s been in scouting since the first grade… now he’s almost finished. Nathan was happy to tell me that he was elected to be Patrol Leader of his patrol for this year (or for the next 6 months… he wasn’t sure the exact length of time he will serve in that particular position). Van and I are very proud that he earned 12 merit badges over the course of a one-year time period. He is currently working on two more Eagle required merit badges. After he finishes these merit badges I think he's going to take a break from merit badges and just enjoy camping trips for a while.

I read an entry this week on Sweet Leilani's Site. Leilani also left this world as the result of a brain tumor. She left just four days after Noelle’s departure. Leilani and Noelle knew of each other while they were sick, but never met until they were in heaven. I am so thankful that the Lord provided such a wonderful Christian woman for me to go through the grieving process with. I love to talk to my friends about Noelle and Nicholas and I really appreciate their willingness to talk about their special memories too. However, talking to another mother who is living the pain just as I am, really helps more than I can describe. I remember when the girls first left us and Yvonne and I were getting to know one another. We e-mailed each other for pages and pages each and every day. Yvonne and her family have become a very special part of ours and I enjoy our phone conversations and visits so very much. It always seems that when one of us is down the other is up. Well, last week when I was, “What iffing,” and wondering, “Why,” as I’m sure I’ll do forever, I went over to Leilani’s site. Yvonne always has a way to make me laugh even she doesn’t realize it.

Quote from Yvonne: “You know, sometimes, when I am missing Leilani and talking to God, I say I wish I could have "my baby back"...and then I laugh and start singing the song from the Chili's commercial "I want my baby back, baby back, baby back"! I am sure Leilani is giggling in heaven when I do that.”

Thanks Yvonne for another “lift”.

So far the pregnancy is still going well. The sickness continues to be present, but not nearly as bad. We go for our 20-week sonogram in about five more weeks. I am making sure that I brace for anything “unexpected” that could come our way. I constantly wonder if the baby is growing properly. I wonder if the baby is going to be born healthy. Nathan reminded me that when we adopt a baby, if the baby is sick we are still going to love it the same. Then he asked me why I am so nervous about this pregnancy. I realize that my little “psychologist” has a point, but I would feel so guilty if we brought another baby into this world to endure what Nicholas had to….

Van went with me to my appt. this week because he wanted to hear the heart beat. We decided that the heartbeat sounded like a horse galloping… then, out of my husband’s mouth, “What if there are two in there and we just don’t know it.” Thanks honey, but I don’t think so! Van is still totally on top of the world. He is so neat to watch around the house. Currently, he is trying to think of a nickname for the baby because he had one for Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas… well he had several for Noelle and she answered to all of them!

I would like to ask you to offer support to the following families:

Sweet Celeste: Celeste is almost one year out from being diagnosed. As you can imagine many emotions are coming to her family now as it was one year ago, Feb. 19, that their world was turned upside down.

Sweet Savannah: Savannah is starting to have symptoms again. Although the cancer has spread to her cerebellum, Savannah continues to be her mom’s wonderful little “spitfire”.

Forever Loving Colby: Colby left his family on June 12, 2003. They were expecting their third little blessing in April of this year. Sadly, Baby Connor joined Angel Colby much too soon. Please pray for this family.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers,

Wendy, Van, Nathan and Angels Noelle & Nicholas

Thursday, January 15 3:50 PM CST

Christmas was “very different” for us this year. I remember a couple of families telling us that the “seconds” are much worse than the “firsts” after the death of a child.

I guess the difference is that with all of the “firsts” we were still so incredibly numb. With the “seconds” we are feeling once again and we were able to feel the overwhelming sensation of an empty house. This Christmas was so strange. We tried to continue on with some of our normal traditions, but it just did not seem right. Last year we left town for Christmas… we just did not want to be in our house without Noelle and Nicholas here with us. This year we decided to stay here but did not put up any decorations. We keep Noelle’s tabletop Barbie Christmas Tree up year-round. She asked us to never take it down… even after she was gone… and we haven’t. So, that is the tree we used to place Nathan’s presents this year. We found that was very special for all of us.

God continues to provide for us just when we need it. I received an e-mail from Aunt Joy just before Christmas. She was telling me about her decorating adventure this year. Aunt Joy mentioned how much Noelle LOVED to have parties and decorate for all occasions. I guess next year WHEN we decorate it will be with the love for life and zest that our precious daughter once had when she was here with us.

We received some very special gifts in memory of Noelle and Nicholas from some family members and friends this year. It truly touches our heart to know that Noelle and Nicholas continue to touch the lives of so many people. Van and I also were blessed to have the opportunity to honor a very precious little girl for Christmas. This helped us to reflect on Noelle and all of the “cool” things that she loved so much. I really think that honoring Celeste was the highlight of our holiday. Thank you Tami and Celeste! Nathan and I had a blast shopping for Celeste. She is a 4-year-old little girl with a brain stem tumor, just like Noelle’s.

Reading about Celeste reminds me SO MUCH of Noelle; from the dance routines in the living room, to the fancy outfits and jewelry, and even the striking resemblance… If you have a chance, please go by to visit Celeste and her family and offer them a word of encouragement. Sweet Celeste.

New Year’s Eve was quite the same as Christmas. We are known to be homebodies on New Year’s Eve and this year was pretty much the same. It was nice to bring the New Year in together. Nathan decided that he wanted to reminisce about Noelle and Nicholas right about bedtime. So, we just snuggled up and talked away.

About a month ago we got a little scare… even though we tried NOT to be scared. Nathan began to complain of headaches and blurry vision on a regular basis. If you’ve ever been a part of the brain tumor world you know that headaches and blurry vision together are not good. Van and I tried not to over react. We want so badly to be a “normal” family. Nathan’s balance was perfect… could it really have been his eyes? I called the kid’s eye doctor and made an appt. for Nathan to get checked. The week before the appt. Nathan started talking with a lisp, something he has never done. Well, we went to the appt. and was told, “His vision is 20/20… maybe he will need glasses in the future.” OK, panic mode set in. As soon as I got home I called the pediatrician and talked to him. As we talked I tried to have an open mind. I told him that I would do whatever he felt comfortable with. Then he asked me where I was on the worry chart. Long story short Nathan had a CT scan done on his brain and all was negative. Thank You, Lord. So, maybe Nathan will eventually need glasses. At least we have some peace of mind about Nathan and the possibility of brain tumors.

As for the pregnancy… we are starting our 12th week and still have to go to the MD every week. Last week we heard the heartbeat for the first time with the Doppler. This week we weren’t so lucky… the nurse that we had said that she was not the best with the Doppler. Actually, we realize that we were lucky to hear anything at all last week. As for being sick… well, I’m still pretty “green”. Just when I think it’s going to be over, I get SICK again. I figure that the sickness should stop, or at least lighten up, soon. This week the 24/7 nausea has eased up some, which is a nice treat. So as for baby Baber, so far so good!

Thank you for you stopping by.

In Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan and Angels Noelle & Nicholas

Wednesday, December 3, 2003 8:23 PM CST

I can hardly believe that we are in the month of December. How time flies these days. I remember when Noelle was sick I prayed that time would stand still for just one day. I tried my best to savor every second of every minute of every hour of every day. For Nicholas, I wanted time to hurry on. I just knew that he would eventually jump the hurdles that always seemed to come his way. (Ultimately he did, didn’t he?)

This holiday season I continue to lift up so many Caring Bridge families. I can only imagine their pain. Knowing that their child may not have much longer to live… I remember all to well. At times I felt morbid. I tried to imagine what my life would be like once Noelle was gone. I remember driving down the road with Noelle this time two years ago saying, “Make sure you look at those beautiful Christmas trees Noelle.” I wanted her to see everything and experience as much as she could while she was here with me. (How silly I was, huh? What she has now far surpasses anything I could have ever done for her or Nicholas).

Often times, I would ask Noelle what I was supposed to do when she was gone. I don’t think that anyone could ever prepare for the loss of a terminally ill child. I don’t think we will ever “get over” the shock of finding out that we even had a terminally ill child… knowing that it actually happened to US… and it wasn’t just a bad dream.

Just the other day someone asked me if Van and I were “over” Noelle and Nicholas. I told him that we will never be “over” them and that they would always be a part of who we are and what we stand for. I know that the man meant no harm by his statement and I did not feel offended by it. You see, unless someone has lived in our world they will never know how life really is. I guess it’s kind of like visiting another country for the first time. What we do or say here in America as a casual gesture/expression may be very offensive or unacceptable in the foreign country. So, for me these days I just try to understand without passing judgement. I know that the people who really matter and the people who really care, speak from their hearts and that is what a grieving parent needs most.

I would like to ask you to pray for little Savannah. She is a Caringbridge kid who also has a diffuse brainstem giloma (in laymen’s terms: brain stem tumor… just like Noelle’s)… no cure… only faith, prayers, and treatment that can buy more time.

Another family that comes to mind is the family of sweet little Jay Dog (Jared). Many of us already follow this family and are already praying for them. As they face their first holiday season without Jay Dog here with them I will continue to pray that God will put a hedge of protection around them and help them to find their way without Jay Dog here.

As for Uncle Bill (a.k.a. “Aunt” Bill): He is finally at home after a brief hospital stay. Uncle Bill went into the hospital to do some preliminary testing to see if he could be a candidate for a clinical trial that NIH is doing. Part of the testing was to remove a tumor from his body for analysis. After the surgery, Uncle Bill developed a staff infection and had to be re-hospitalized. He is now at home and has a home health nurse coming to check on him daily. As for Uncle Bill’s treatment for the lymphoma… we are hopeful that it will start within the next couple of weeks. Please continue to pray for Uncle Bill and his family as they are about to start a long journey of chemotherapy.

Nathan is planning to go to a baseball camp this weekend which five Major League Baseball players are hosting. With the weather finally getting cold around here I hope they find a way to stay warm! Nathan will stay with Van’s dad in Mt. Holly and have a weekend of just him and Papa… and baseball. I don’t think it could get any better for Nathan this weekend. Nathan had his first basketball game two weekends ago and did very well. I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to watch him grow up while homeschooling. He really is such a neat kid.

About four months ago Noelle visited me in a dream once again. In this dream she came up to me (in her old body) and handed me a nice and plump beautiful baby girl. She even named the baby for me. When I asked Noelle for clarification of the name she gave me the Decadron response, “I don’t care.” The next morning when I awoke, I told Van about the dream. He and I both laughed and went on about our day. We knew that one of the names Noelle picked out we had never even mentioned before. The second of the two names was to be Nicholas’s name if he were a girl… so that did not surprise us much at all.

Van and I had been praying for a while about loving another child again. Due to certain circumstances we did not think that we would ever be able to have another child of our own. So, about three months ago we decided that we would like to adopt. I asked Van if he thought that we could use one of the names Noelle gave me in my dream. I thought that the dream I had of Noelle meant that she already knew that we were going to adopt a girl from the Ukraine and she wanted to be a part of the adoption process.

Well, after searching for Christian adoption agencies, talking to people who have adopted, and A LOT of prayer, we have found an agency that we are working with. Currently, we are almost finished with our Home Study but have had to put things on hold for a while.

You see, Van and I “thought” that we would never be able to have another child of our own. Last week while our social worker was here for a Home Study visit I was feeling quite ill. Long story short, I took a pregnancy test and we are expecting our 4th child on July 30, 2004. (Was the dream I had a sign from Noelle that we would be having our own biological little girl? Hmmm, we are surely wondering. IF this baby is a girl you can be sure that she will have the name that Noelle picked out for her.)

Back to the details of the pregnancy. Due to a surgery I had last October I will have to go to the MD every two weeks for exam and sonograms for the first 19-20 weeks in addition to no lifting over 10 pounds. If it looks at all like my cervix is thinning out then I will have to have a minor procedure done and then be put to bed for the remainder of the pregnancy. Miscarriage is a big concern for us... in early, middle, and late pregnancy.

Van is so excited about our newest news. I have to admit that I am not quite on board (emotionally) with this yet. I guess it’s a way to protect my heart just in case we are put in the worse case scenario… once again. I told Van that I wanted a sign from God that this is supposed to be. His response, “Well we’re pregnant, aren’t we?” I guess Van is right, but I need more than that at this point. I was completely and totally ready to go to the Ukraine and proceed with our adoption process. We told our adoption agency and agreed that we should put our process on hold for a while. We are early in the adoption process and only have a couple of dated documents that will need to be updated once our biological baby comes.

When I told our family coordinator at the adoption agency she was so encouraging. I have to agree with her comment. After her huge CONGRATULATIONS, she said that maybe the babies that God wants us to have from the Ukraine are not ready yet. I have to believe that and know that this “pause” that we have now is just part of His Ultimate plan for our family. One good thing about the fees we have already sent in to the adoption agency is that they also go on hold. So when we are ready to proceed with the adoption we can literally start back where we left off.

Nathan is very excited about our newest news as well. Van and I have told him several times that there is a big possibility that Jesus may also call this baby Home too. I want to try to protect him as much as I can but also let him try to have some excitement about the possibility of having another sibling here in the home to play with. As for the adoption, Nathan wants it to happen “yesterday.” He is so ready to be a big brother again. I know he’s going to do a great job.

I guess that’s it for us this time. Thank you for your continued visits to Noelle and Nicholas’s site and mostly for your constant prayers for our family. I pray that you all will have a blessed holiday season.

In Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Angels Noelle & Nicholas

Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:47 PM CDT

It’s been a while since we’ve last posted. Thank you for continuing to check on us. We are still here and continue to push forward.

Nathan and I have been home schooling for about 11 weeks, or so, now. I can’t believe how fast time goes. I can already tell how our relationship has strengthened from the amount of time we are spending together. It is so amazing to see how my child actually learns. Within just a few short days I could tell his strengths and weaknesses. Even though we occasionally have a "bump" in the road, overall, it’s going very well. I think that there are times when Nathan misses his friends from Calvary, but he really likes being home. Nathan is already asking me what curriculum we are going to use next year. I guess he’s in for another year of being home!

Van and Nathan decided it would be best to switch Nathan back to his old Boy Scout Troop. Nathan went back about two months ago. Once we started home schooling I think not seeing a couple of good friends really hit Nathan hard. Since Nathan is back at his old troop he seems to be thriving on scouts once again. It is also good to see Van involved in Nathan’s scouting experience. Van goes to almost every Monday night meeting and has started going on camping trips. The boys’ next trip is a backpacking trip sometime in November.

Basketball season is quickly coming to add to our already full schedule. We usually let Nathan play one sport each season in addition to scouts. I have to admit that being on hiatus from sports has been rather nice lately!

About two weeks ago, Van and I had a wonderful surprise. Two of the most wonderful unexpected visitors ever came to see us. Van and I were loading our van up to go to the cemetery… and had just cut a rose from Noelle’s rose bush when we heard, “Mr. Van, Ms. Wendy.” What music to our ears. When we turned and looked we realized that Noelle’s two best friends, Hally and Michelle, were in our driveway! I have to say that every care I had in the world was gone. The girls got out of Michelle’s car and came to talk to us. They were so wonderful. It didn’t take long before the girls were climbing our pine tree in the front yard… the same tree that I have pictures of them climbing at Noelle’s fifth birthday party. Hally and Michelle were still the same sweet, fun-loving girls that we always knew they were. I always knew that my daughter had exquisite taste in clothing, but the friends she has are far better than any material item that money could ever buy.

After the girls played in the front yard climbing the pine tree, riding Noelle and Nathan’s Big Wheels, and pulling each other in the wagon, the time came when it was Mr. Van’s turn to pull the wagon. And so he did. I think Van was kind of excited, he pulled the girls “faster and faster” as they told him and before we knew it the wagon turned over and up came two giggling little girls... poor Michelle had a mouth full of dirt! After the wagon ride it was time to go visit Noelle’s two dogs, Butkus and Tess. Tess is much bigger than the girls remembered, but I think they had fun. Once we were back in the front yard I went in the house for a minute. Van and Hally came in just behind me and asked if the girls could go in Noelle’s room. Normally, we cringe at the thought of someone going in Noelle’s room. For some reason we were completely fine with Hally and Michelle going in to visit. It was so nice to see Michelle wallow on Noelle’s bed and Hally snuggle with Noelle’s stuffed dog, Candy. The girls asked questions and seemed very relaxed. They were so gentle and compassionate while they were here. I asked Hally if she noticed anything different in Noelle’s room. Hally did not pause long at all before she said, “Yes. You moved Noelle’s Cinderella costume.” I could not believe that Hally was so observant. She was right. We did move Noelle’s Cinderella costume to her closet so it doesn’t get dusty and begin to fade. Other than that everything else is the same.

Van and I really think that Hally and Michelle’s visit was a gift from above. Something so unplanned and yet so appreciated by both of us. Of course, we had to take pictures of the girls. And they took pictures of each other with Noelle’s Polaroid camera.

We still take meals to the Ronald McDonald house on a regular basis. The whole idea of doing this is so we can remember Noelle and Nicholas in a very special way. I must say that when it is our day to take a meal we really do remember Noelle and Nicholas. Remembering our time about our experience in the Ronald McDonald House in Cincinnati is very hard and sad at the same time. However, we will never forget what so many wonderful volunteers did to help ease our difficult time while we were there (and the many other families who were also there). The Ronald McDonald House is a wonderful cause. I also continue to volunteer with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, who also helped us while Noelle was sick. Because of the MAW Foundation and Give Kids the World, in Florida, Noelle was able to have her "wish" to see Pooh come true.

Van and I still attend a grief support group that is sponsored by the local hospital where Noelle and Nicholas were patients. We have been going since last January, I think. The group consists of about six couples all of whom have lost a child to cancer. The ages of the children vary a bit but the pain is just the same for a parent who lost a three-year-old or an eighteen-year-old… the bottom line is that we all hurt. Though this group was intended to be secular in nature it was evident from the first meeting that our faith is very important to all of us. It was so neat when our leader, also a Christian man, gave us handouts at our last meeting that included Bible references to look up and refer to as we grieve. God has given us each other to walk through many parts of our journey of grief. For that, I thank Him.

One of the mothers in our group summed up our “WHERE WE ARE NOW:” part of this journal entry. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind me using her words. “I’m doing what I want to be doing but it’s really not what I want to be doing.” Those of us in the support group could really identify with those particular words. All of the mothers in the group are doing different things with our lives, but it’s NOT really what we WANT to be doing, but we have to go on. Life has already proven that whether we are ready or not it’s going to continue on. We can choose to sit and let life pass us by or we can try to go on.

I can’t say for sure that if Noelle and Nicholas were still here I would be home schooling Nathan. I know that he has been asking to be home schooled since the second grade, but I really don’t know if I would be home schooling or not. I guess I could try to imagine what my life would be like if Noelle and Nicholas were still here but that’s all it would be... imagining.

Sometimes Van, Nathan, and I try to imagine what Noelle and Nicholas would be doing if they were here and what our lives would be like. We know that Noelle would be “mother-henning” Nicholas to pieces. Noelle would certainly think that she was Nicholas' mommy. Nathan thinks that Nicholas would be trashing his room and then running around the house crying out to Noelle and mommy for help. He also thinks that he and Nicholas would be having "No Girls Allowed" campouts in the livingroom in Nathan's tent. Van thinks that Nicholas would be the “sweetest” little boy in the whole world. I still think that he would be so spoiled rotten that one would just have to laugh. The one thing that we all agree on is that if Nicholas were still here with us there is NO DOUBT that he would be his Great Aunt Joy's little buddy. Van always tells me that Nicholas would ditch us in a skinny minute to go see his Special Aunt in Roanoke. Nathan and I totally agree with Van on that one.

We all still have our moments when our situation seems so unreal. We think that one day we will wake up from a very bad dream and have our old life back. But then reality hits and we know that it was not a bad dream it was and is very real. Van still can’t look at photo albums of Noelle and Nicholas. I have started but always make sure that a box of Kleenex is close by. Most of the time the intense faith that we have from our Christianity takes over our whole being and we KNOW BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that Noelle and Nicholas are so much better now and that they are safe and pain free. Then there are times when it takes all we have NOT to focus on what they went through. It’s so heartbreaking to see how many children must continue to hurt and suffer then die.

We are trying to move forward and it does feel like we are taking tiny steps in the right direction. At times we fall back to what seems like the beginning of our grief. Whether we feel like we are moving forward or feel like we are falling back we always drop to our knees asking for help, guidance and wisdom from our Father. We routinely ask our friends to pray for specific requests and the Lord proves Himself faithful and provides just enough grace to get us through. Sometimes when we feel like we are moving forward, Satan attacks again trying to convince us that it’s wrong to move on and then he trys to fill us with guilt for moving forward. But whatever Satan has for us we know that our God is much bigger and He can and will continue to provide for us.

We are SO very thankful for our wonderful friends who we can still call on in a minute’s notice. Thank you for praying when we ask for prayer and thank you for checking on us. Thank you for encouraging us and thank you for listening to us. Thank you for not being afraid to talk about Noelle and Nicholas. We love to listen to other people’s memories of them.

Some of you may remember Uncle Bill. He was one of our family members who was so helpful to us while Nicholas was so sick. Uncle Bill pulled many “all nighters” at the hospital for us… and literally stayed awake all night to watch our little man so we could be home with Noelle and Nathan. Uncle Bill did this several nights in a row and on more than one occasion. He got to know the nursing staff and made sure that everyone taking care of Nicholas knew the drill. For some reason Noelle changed Uncle Bill’s name to “Aunt Bill” shortly before she died.

This week Uncle Bill was diagnosed lymphoma. A tumor that came up on Uncle Bill's neck was checked proved to be malignant. He will be starting chemotherapy very soon. Uncle Bill has a lot of positives on his side. He is also a very strong Christian man who loves the Lord and his family very much. He is very positive about his course of treatment. Uncle Bill told me last night that he is not worried about himself but he is worried about his family. He went on to say that he has his “ticket” and will be all right no matter what happens. Van and I would like to ask you to please include Uncle Bill and his wife and children in your prayers.

Thank you again for checking on us... it really means a lot.

Wendy, Van, Nathan and Angels Noelle & Nicholas

Monday, August 11, 2003 10:08 PM CDT

Well, here we are 21 days after the anniversary of Noelle’s homegoing and the eve of Nathan’s 11th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATHAN!!! It was a little over a year ago that Noelle wanted to make a birthday cake for you. Though Noelle never lived to see your 10th birthday I know that she was looking down on you and having a celebration all of her own with Nicholas up in heaven.

Where we are now: Nathan has spent his summer coming and going. Van and I sure miss Nathan when he is gone. Nathan’s last camp was with Boy Scouts. He spent a week outdoors in the mountains working on achievements toward his next rank. Overall, I think Nathan had a good time.

Van participated in a softball tournament with our church about two weekends ago. He managed to come home with two nice bruises. Van was proud to say that the bruises were worth it because at least he got the out!

All three of us went with Aunt Joy, Uncle Blaine and their daughter, Melanie, to Williamsburg, VA last week. We all had a nice time, but I still felt empty without Noelle and Nicholas there with us.

Nathan and I start home schooling this Wednesday. I can’t believe the time is already here. I am looking more and more forward to my and Nathan’s time together. In mid-September Nathan will start going to a separate facility one day per week for his fine arts… drama, art, music, classical guitar lessons, conversational Spanish. Nathan says he is excited about his new schedule.

A time to Reflect: I can hardly believe that my sweet angel has been gone for 1 year and 21 days. We celebrated Noelle’s Heavenly Birthday by going to one of Noelle’s favorite places… a local water park. We let Nathan take a friend to allow him to “just be a kid” and to allow me and Van to reminisce as we felt led to. Then we baked a cake and decorated it just like Noelle would have. We tried to focus on Noelle’s life and her optimistic upbeat “old self” rather than the sadness that we feel each and every day that she is not here with us.

Van and I talk about Noelle and Nicholas on a daily basis. At times, we still talk about them as if they were still here with us. It is very difficult trying to imagine the rest of our lives here without them. We know that Noelle and Nicholas are so much better off where they are, but my goodness daily life is such a task without them.

Several friends who visited with us during that particular storm in our lives often said that they could not understand how we could still smile in the midst of such a trial. My response never changed. I was smiling because I still had time with my children. I was happy to have them here with me. And as tough as things got around the house… and things did get tough… I still tried to remind myself that one day I would not have Noelle here with me. I always tried to look ahead to when Nicholas got better how life would be. I knew that our storm would eventually end. Part of it I so desperately wanted to end (Nicholas’ medical error), and the other part I wanted to never end (my time with Noelle).

Watching the physical changes that Noelle’s petite 42-pound frame would endure; not to mention the many other challenges she faced was so heart wrenching. Yet still, we were happy that we had “one more day” with her. Noelle included in her prayers EVERY night, “Thank you God for the energy to get through another day.” I will never forget her sweet words in the midst of her suffering. And knowing that she was dying, Noelle said… “Thank you God…” Noelle managed to find praise even in her darkest hours. I miss her ministry to our family so much. My sweet Noelle was the one who really shone during such a dire situation.

A couple of months ago I told some people in our grief support group that our grief is like a color of it’s own. The Crayola® Company makes so many different and unique colors that many other companies cannot duplicate. Well that is what our grief is like. Even Van cannot understand/ duplicate my grief completely… but he is the only one who can come remotely close to understanding/ duplicating my grief. And the same thing goes for Van. Though I cannot totally identify with how he is feeling as a father who lost two of his children, I can somewhat come close to his feelings.

About two weeks ago our Sunday School lesson was about trials. How do we respond when we have trials in our lives? I immediately began to think about both Nicholas and Noelle and the examples that they set while they were so sick. Then I began to think about the trials in our life. I wonder… was the test watching our children die? Or, is it now? Living life without Noelle and Nicholas here with us.

Several weeks ago Nathan told a friend that he was very lonely. I have not heard Nathan talk much about his feelings since Noelle left us. Nathan was talking to a boy who lost his sister just four days after Noelle died. (Sweet Leilani died of the same type of tumor that Noelle had.)

I guess that is what life is like around our house these days… quiet and lonely. Nathan had gone from being the only child to the big brother of a sweet sister. And from that he now had a wonderful little brother. Then Nathan went back to being the big brother of a sweet (Decadron ) sister. And now he is all alone again. Talk about turmoil. I also see this with me and Van. Parents of one… then two… then three… then two… and now one again.

Please continue to lift us up in prayer as we continue to grieve the loss of two of our precious children and as we seek God’s purpose in our lives.

Friday, June 13, 2003 6:28 AM CDT


Thank you for being patient for the update. I have always tried to update on a regular basis. I guess Julie (of 4J's) has it right. At times, especially during anniversaries, it is very painful to visit the site. And since it seems that we get no reprieve from anniversaries... well it's tough. Thank you for continuing to visit the site and leave messages. You will never know how much it helps us.

Looking at the pictures on the site is sometimes bitter-sweet... a constant reminder of what we once had... a reminder of what will never be... but also a reminder of what is yet to come.

It is extremely difficult for us to go in Noelle's bedroom at times. The only time we really look at pictures of Noelle and Nicholas anymore is on the web-site. I realize that it's all part of the grieving process but it seems that life just has to be less painful at some point and time. I would love to reach a point where I can look at their photo albums and smile.

I was with my dear friend Lynn last night. She and I were talking about all of the rain that we have had lately. Yesterday we not only had rain but the full-blown storm... thunder, lightening and a total downpour. I told Lynn that when I finished shopping for food for the Ronald McDonald House I went on to my car in the middle of the down pour. I said that lightening never strikes in the same place twice. Then Lynn said, "Oh yes it does." I guess it really does. Why? We'll never know. After we began to talk about something else, I looked up to the sky as it began to darken. I told Lynn to look up and out of no where was an orange-like cloud in the shape of an angel. We could not belive it. Within seconds the angel was gone. Lynn said, "Well, there was Noelle telling you that she and Nicholas are ok." Thanks Lynn for talking from your heart and not being afraid to talk about Noelle and Nichoals.

I finally had a dream aobut Noelle... that I remembered. I dreamt that I was at the cemetery... not the actual one that Noelle and Nicholas are buried at but in the dream it was their cemetery. I placed my hand on Noelle's headstone and began to cry. Noelle suddenly appeared from the chest up... just over my left shoulder. She was so beautiful. Her smile was absolutley gorgeous and her eyes glowing. I asked Noelle if she was in her sick body or her old body. Noelle told me that she was in her old body. Oh, how I still remember that sweet voice of hers. Then I was expecting something really profound to happen... like maybe she would tell me that she knows how much we hurt, love and miss both she and Nicholas. I thought she would tell me that they are both ok or that they know how hard we fought for them. But NO, out comes words from my Decadron Noelle. She said, "Mommy, your're not fat, you're just fluffy!" Yep, that's my Noelle. Always trying to make me feel better while being so honest and trying to be sensitive. That was the end of the dream.

At first I was so upset. I could not believe that God would allow me to have that kind of encounter. That type of dream was not what I was looking for. Then I took that dream as a gift from God and I appreciated it. That was MY NOELLE. She is OK. The dream was testiment that Noelle is better now and still has a part of her sick "punchy" self. With me being human and all... I am greedy and I want more. I would love to dream of both Noelle and Nicholas together. I guess it's Van's turn for a dream though. And yes, when I seem to be a bit down, Van will say, "Mommy, you're not fat you're just fluffy." And of course, it brings an immediate smile.

I guess the cemetery thieves took Van up on his offer. While Van was in Charlotte on a business trip someone broke in to his truck and stole the owner's manual to the truck, his golf clubs and some other things. You know, that did not bother us as much as it did when the people stole from our children at the cemetery. All I can say is that whoever did this will get theirs one day. I don't think God will have mercy on them at all if they don't change their ways and their heart.

Nathan returned home from his summer camp fun. He spent a week at his usual summer-time get away and then he went white water rafting with his scout troop. Now our little scout is trying to talk Van and me to go back on the class 5 rapids with him. I think Van will go, but there is no way I will try that one with the boys! That can be a boys weekend out!

Baseball season is over for now. I think Nathan wants to play Fall Ball. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Nathan really turned into a great pitcher. He was invited to baseball camp this week. He has absolutely loved going. I have never seen Nathan so pumped about anything. He has come home every single day practicing what his coaches have told him to do. Maybe baseball will be Nathan's sport.

Things are pretty much the same at the cemetery. I have called several times to ask when Noelle and Nicholas' markers, and possibly Nicholas' casket, will be moved. Due to the excessive amount of rain we have had the maintenance crew does not want to disturb the ground. I am fine with that decision. I have spoken to someone at the cemetery each week reminding them that they are not to do any work unless Van or I are there.

The tree/ garden dedication for Noelle at her old Preschool was just amazing. There are still some people that I just can't talk to without tearing up immediately. The wonderful women at Reynolda Presbyterian Preschool happen to be among some of those people.

Our dear friends had everything all planned out to the tee. The tree was planted in the playground area and had 7 light blue balloons tied to a limb. There was a picture of Noelle's two best friends on each side of the plaque that was made. The two girls were holding hands in front of the plaque. Flowers were planted all around the tree. At the end of the dedication we released the balloons up in Noelle's sweet memory. The hardest part of being there was looking at the monkey bars. I can vividly remember Noelle, Hally and Michelle doing the monkey bars over and over again and again. Not many 4-5 year old children have that kind of coordination let alone the endurance that those girls displayed each and every day.

It touches me in such a way to know that Noelle will always live on in the hearts of so many wonderful people. THANK YOU AUDREY AND TRICIA FOR EVERYTHING!!!

Noelle's two "adopted" sibings were at the dedication. Zachery was like Noelle's big brother and his younger sister, Courtney, was like Noelle's little sister. Zach wrote a poem for Noelle. (I will post it next week).

It seemed that each time I tried to speak at the dedication ceremony tears just flowed. I guess it was that way because Reynolda is where Noelle's heart was. Though we have never attended that church as members they treated us as if we were one of their own. I can sure feel the love of God at that church. What an amazing ministry and not because that feel as if they have to, they do it because they want to. Thank all of you so much for planting the tree for Noelle and telling stories of when she was there. I will tuck the details of that special day in my heart forever.

The director of the preschool said for us to go on and be a family now. It is so hard to do that. It just does not seem right. We need to find a balance somehow. Peggy, thank you for saying those words to me. Finding a balance is the key... a key that I need to find. I can never not including Noelle and Nichoals as a part of our family. When people ask me how many children I have I still say three; sometimes I say I have one here and two angels in heaven waiting for me. I guess it will be that way for the rest of my life. When our church put out the 2003 directory I noticed that Noelle and Nicholas' names were no longer next to ours... My heart was crushed. It was alomost as if they had never existed. This was not done intentionally, I guess a secretary hits a button when someone dies and well, the name no longer appears in the directory. (Though I really want their names next to ours maybe I don't need Noelle and Nicholas'names etched in ink somewhere because they will forever be etched in my heart with love. But it wouldn't hurt to have it in ink too)!

For some reason, I cannot speak one word to Noelle's music teacher from Preschool. The songs that Noelle learned while at Reynolda touched our entire family. Noelle sang those songs with some of her very last breaths of air. I have recordings of when she could only speak one to two syllables per breath... yes, per breath and she would still try her best to sing. Noelle's heart was so full of Jesus and for that I thank the many people who helped teach my daughter about who Jesus is and what Jesus is all about.

I will post the song that was sung at the tree dedication at the Preschool. It's a song that the 4-year-old, Readiness, and Kindergarten classes sing each year at graduation. I still remember Noelle stanging up in her group singing each word as if she owned it. Noelle truly lived every word of that song. What an inspiration she was. Noelle taught so many people what true trust and faith really are.

Well friends I guess that's all for now. Please continue to lift us up in prayer. As you can tell we still have many prayer requests.


Wendy, Van, Nathan and Angels Noelle & Nicholas

Friday, May 16, 2003 7:49 AM CDT


I realize that it has been a while since my last entry. Each time I begin to journal it seems that my thoughts get so jumbled that I just don’t know where to begin. Thank you to those of you who continue to send e-mails checking in on us.


Nathan went on his first backpacking trip with his new Boy Scout Troop. After he returned home and rested a bit he told us some fun stories.

Most exciting moment: Playing in the creek

Most embarrassing moment: Falling over from the weight of the backpack

Most memorable moment: Dropping another scout’s tent with the Scout in it

Most frightening moment: Walking on a very narrow trail

The one thing that he would change if he could: Some of the older Scouts were very rude to the adult leaders (I sure hope that Nathan remembers this one because he will also be an “Older Scout” one of these days)

Biggest trick played: The older scouts “stole” the younger scout’s hiking boots and tied them up on a tree limb

I think all in all Nathan had a great time. He said that he would go back again if he has the chance.

Nathan loves Boy Scouts. He is always trying to earn Merit Badges. This week I took Nathan and one of his new buddies to the Finance Meeting downtown to fulfill one of the requirements for a merit badge. The boys were so excited when the mayor walked in. Though the boys did not get to personally meet the mayor, they did receive an e-mail from him the day after the meeting.

As for baseball… yes, Nathan still loves playing. He had the best game he has ever played when his great “Aunt” Bill and cousin Allison came to visit. Nathan pitched three innings with six strikeouts and hit a true double. That game cost “Aunt” Bill $8.00. I think Nathan and “Aunt” Bill made a little wager before the game and Nathan was on the winning end. (If you are wondering where “Aunt” Bill comes from… well, Van’s uncle… Bill is one of our family members who helped out tremendously when Nicholas and Noelle were sick. Uncle Bill pulled many “all-nighters” with Nicholas in the hospital so Van and I could be home with Noelle and Nathan. On one of Uncle Bill’s trips to see us, Noelle decided to change Uncle Bill’s name to “Aunt” Bill and so the name still follows him to this day. Uncle Bill is such a great sport about the name change… he even refers to himself as “Aunt” Bill).

Van survived the trip to Williamsburg with Nathan’s class… or should I say the class survived Van. From what I heard the groups that Van was responsible for had a blast. The night group was the luckier of the two groups though. Nathan told me that Van let all of the boys have pillow fights, jump on the beds, and even bull-dog Van. I think they had so much fun one night that the front desk had to call up to Van’s room and ask them to please be a little quieter. After the trip each boy in Van’s group wrote Van such heartfelt thank you notes. Nathan’s note touched Van in such a special way… he told Van thank you for letting me have fun and not being too tough on us.

On the way home from the trip Nathan and another friend decided that they would collect money for a tip for the bus driver. One of Nathan’s teachers told the boys that she already had tip money for the driver… but knowing how persistant Nathan can be... well Nathan and his friend persuaded the teacher to allow them to take up a collection for a tip. The teacher figured that by that time in the trip the kids were probably running very low on money and the most the boys would get would be less than $10.00. I have no idea what the boys said to the other kids but they collected over $50.00 for a tip. Nathan got up and announced on the bus intercom that the total tip for the bus driver was $136.20. After the trip the teacher told me that she had never had a class who had such an idea and she told me that she was very proud of Nathan and his friend for taking control of such a task.

While the boys were in Williamsburg I enjoyed some special quiet time. I am so fortunate to have friends who kept me busy for those three days. Thank you ladies for making sure I had my time occupied. It would have been so easy to just stay home and be sad.

Nathan finished up his grief counseling yesterday. Nathan’s counselor told him that she would always be available if he thought that he needed to go back. Nathan’s counselor really thinks that Nathan is doing well and is on track for a normal "tweenager".

Today was Field Day at Nathan’s school. About two months ago I signed up to help with his class. I received a phone call on Monday that Noelle and Nicholas’ bench would be installed today. I told the man from the monument company that Van and I could not be there when he installed the bench because we both had prior commitments. I went to the cemetery on Monday morning… as I often do… and clipped weeds around Noelle and Nicholas’ solar lights, around their flagpoles and around their markers. On Tuesday, a lady who also has a daughter buried at the cemetery called me to ask if I had taken Noelle and Nicholas’ solar lights home to clean them. When I told her that I had not taken anything home from Noelle and Nicholas' spots she proceeded to tell me that all of the solar lights in the cemetery were gone. Sharon and I tend to look after each other’s children’s sites. When I was at the cemetery on Monday I noticed that Sharon’s daughter's decorations were gone but I did not think much about it because Sharon often takes her daughter's decorations home to clean and repair them. Sharon told me that she noticed Courtney’s lights gone on Sunday… so she figured that someone must have stolen them on Saturday night. I assured Sharon that Noelle and Nicholas’ lights were there on Monday because I had just weeded around them. No other decorations were taken than the solar lights.

When I called the manager of the cemetery to file my missing item complaint the manager got very crasp. Well, when he told me, “I understand” for the second time… I kind of got upset and lost my “nice” attitude. I asked him if he had ever lost a child and when he told me that he hadn’t I went on my tangent. I told him that he did NOT "understand" what I was feeling and that he could NEVER "understand" how I was feeling. I told him that it just p*ss#d me off when people try console us with false concern for our situation to try to ease our pain. I also told him that nothing anyone would ever say or do could make our pain go away. (I cannot believe that I spoke to the manager the way that I did, but I guess Mother Bear came out in a big and fast way). So much for me being a light in a dark situation. Our “conversation” ended up turning into me shouting at the manager until he finally told me that he would have his boss call me. This is the same man who had to have his boss call me before because he would not make good on a verbal agreement from a previous manger. (I probably owe the on-site manager an apology because I really tore in to him in a big way).

The other manager did call me and he was quite nice… kind of overly nice. (You know, the fake nice). I insisted that the cemetery call the police and file a report. This boss told me that theft in cemeteries is very common and that the police get tired of hearing about this type of thing. What the manager was saying did not matter to me… I still wanted the theft to go on record because it’s more likely than not the same “losers” who stole the solar lights from our loved ones are probably the same “losers” that opened the mausoleum of the elderly lady a few months ago.

NOW AFTER ALL OF THAT I received a phone call today telling me that I needed to be at the cemetery because the man who was to install the bench was meeting some resistance from the management of the cemetery. I was told that I would only be at the cemetery for about an hour. After three and a half hours I learned that Noelle and Nicholas’ markers are not in the correct spots and I learned that the man’s marker above Noelle and Nicholas is too far down and get this… ½ of Nicholas might be buried on the WRONG PLOT! Can you believe that? The man from the monument company was just livid when he saw for himself how poorly things are run up at the cemetery. The man went on to tell me that he would be happy to help us with any other “issues” that may arise with the cemetery. He said that we had been through enough and that those people needed to stop jerking us around. The man from the monument company made the maintenance people of the cemetery measure “EXACTLY” where Noelle and Nicholas should be, where their markers should be and where the people buried around them should be. I stood in amazement just watching the man from the monument company take complete control of the entire situation. I could tell that he really did care about how we were being treated. That man knew the law and cited it like a pro. He had all kinds of documentation to back his words up and he even gave me a copy of an itemized price list to tell us what exactly we had paid for. All I can say is that the cemetery has a lot of work to do to fix all of their mistakes.

The plan: Some time next week Noelle and Nicholas’ markers will be moved to the correct spot. Over the winter Noelle’s marker has sunken down a great deal so they are going to have to lift it up some. Then they are going to see if both Noelle and Nicholas are buried in the correct spots and if not they will have to be moved. I told the secretary of the cemetery that when she wrote up the work order they are NOT to do anything to EITHER of my children or their plots unless Van or I are present.

It’s bad enough that the MD’s who hurt Nicholas are probably going work the rest of their careers without any repercussions for what they did to him and now we still seem to meet so many other obstacles with Noelle and Nicholas. I sure wish that we had our children buried on our own property then we wouldn’t have to deal with such ignorance. Even better if Noelle and Nicholas were still here (and Nicholas SHOULD still be here) this would not even be an issue. I sure hope that this issue gets complete resolution by next week. I don't think my patience will hold up with the cemetery people much longer.

There are so many well-meaning people out in the community who have heard about what happened to Noelle and Nicholas. I have begun to overlook some comments that people say. When people tell me, “It appears that you and Van are doing great.” I used to say, “What you see is a mask. We have to hold up for Nathan's sake." What I want to say is, "You don’t see us at home with the many tears that fall, you don’t see us struggle with the loss of two precious children. You don't see the uneasy feelings we have about life without Noelle and Nicholas here.” Now I just simply smile at the person and change the subject. I no longer acknowledge the comment at all. I realize that I no longer have to validate my overwhelming feelings of hurt, pain and anger. I realize that the ONLY ONE that I have to share with is my Heavenly Father.

Another statement that gets me is when people say; “Wendy, you and Van really look great.” Well, how in the world am I supposed to respond to that one? How SHOULD we LOOK after our two angels died? Should I say, “Thank you for the comment, but actually Van and I have gained about 25 pounds each since Noelle died last July and frankly we wish that we could be with both of them right now.” Or should I say, "Well thank you for saying that we look good, but we both feel just horrible." I don’t think we could ever respond to people who try to be nice to us in a rude manner, but if you only knew the thoughts that go through our minds.

I do want to thank our friends for continually being there for us and for not being afraid to talk to us about Noelle and Nicholas. Thank you for sharing your memories of Nicholas and Noelle and thank you for placing precious momentoes at the cemetery in memory of them. I make sure that we leave all of their new decorations out and I bring the flowers home and transplant them to flower pots on our front porch. Though Van and I have no idea who continues to place gifts of love out for Noelle and Nicholas, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. (And thank you to our special "Guardian Angels" for placing flowers on our front porch. Van and I don't know who you are but you sure hold a special place in our hearts). Soon, I will put out a Shepherd's hook for fresh flowers at the cemetery so we can leave potted flowers out longer without fear of the maintenance crew removing them to cut grass.

Nathan has another baseball game tomorrow then he gets to go to the Warthog Game with his team tomorrow night. The players on Nathan’s team will get to throw some balls with the Wart Hog players and they will stand in their usual positions for the Opening Ceremonies. The boys love to do this each season.

On Monday Van, Nathan and I are invited back to Noelle’s old Preschool. Noelle had gone to this preschool from the age of 17 months until she turned 5 years old. Noelle’s two best friends, Hally and Michelle, planted a tree and some flowers in Noelle’s memory. The girls still remember how much Noelle loved fresh flowers and that her favorite color was sky blue. I heard that the mothers of the two girls had a plaque made for the garden. I am so excited and yet nervous too. Noelle spent most of her life at Reynolda Presbyterian Preschool. I have not been back to the preschool since Noelle graduated 2 years ago. I just know that Monday is going to be very emotional. I feel so honored and blessed that Noelle’s friends and teachers continue to think about her and the memories that she shared. We thank all of you for doing something like this for Noelle and our family.

Earlier this week I saw the first preschool teacher that Noelle ever had. We spent some time just talking and reminiscing about Noelle and her growing years. I only wish that the people who knew the Decadron Noelle had the chance to know the real Noelle. She was such an amazing little girl. Always a leader and a trend-setter. Such a genuinely happy little girl who was happy on the inside and out.

I ask for prayer: Please pray for the person(s) who decided that they needed solar lights from the cemetery. Pray that somehow they will find in their heart that stealing is wrong, a sin and hurtful. (I agree with what Van said… tell the thieves where we live and let them come steal from our home and not from innocent people who are dead). Please pray that as we face obstacles from the cemetery that God would place the right words at the tips of our tongues so we can show Christ even in stressful situations. In regards to Nicholas, please pray that God will somehow bring to light what is hidden in darkness. Pray that the MD’s who hurt our precious Nicholas will somehow be punished for their careless follow-up care on our son. Please pray that the 2 MD’s who hurt Nicholas will hurt no more children. Please pray that the Lord will provide resolution for the many burdens that we carry deep within our hearts. (Trust me, there a many burdens that lie deep within our hearts). Please pray that we will have patience for people who seem to make the most ridiculous comments about Noelle and Nicholas and the losses that we have endured. And please pray that we will gratefully accept "words of encouragement" from well-meaning people.


As I sit here day after day… staring at the pictures on the wall of Noelle and Nicholas I sit in amazement. To think what they both went through. Noelle and Nicholas both accepted their assignments from God with such uncomplaining spirits. I guess Van, Nathan and I all have new assignments… without Noelle and Nicholas here with us. I sometimes wonder how it feels to be God. I know that I whine about and resist the parts of my life that I don't agree with… mostly about Noelle and Nicholas leaving us. God must think, “Wendy I don’t’ make mistakes. I know it hurts now, but I had to do this for a reason. You will know all of the details in full one day… just be patient” I am reminded about Noelle and Nicholas and their hearts. Nicholas and Noelle truly had hearts after God and their little spirits shone through their flesh even in the midst of their grueling pain. I then think about Jesus and the price he paid for our sins. Jesus gave his life for all of us so that we may live. That is what Noelle and Nicholas are doing right now… they are living pain free now, they are living happily now and they continue to live for the Lord. The impact that Noelle and Nicholas had on so many people is just incredible. It’s like a ripple effect... even though they are gone from us they continue to touch so many people. For that I am thankful.

Take care dear friends and have a blessed week.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:36 AM CDT

I realize it’s been a while since I’ve last written. Last week was Nicholas’ birthday. I must admit that I went in to a huge tailspin. It hit me out of the blue. I should have braced a little better, but I guess I wasn’t prepared for what feelings were to come.

A special thanks to all of you who helped us remember our “little man” in such wonderful ways last week.

One day, I’ll be able to share how I really feel about what happened to Nicholas from the result of the error that took place during one of his surgeries. And one day I will be able to share all of the facts about what happened. But for now, it must be kept between God, Van and me.


Nathan went on his first Boy Scout camping trip two weekends ago. That trip happened to be when we were having so much rain… and I mean we had a lot of rain. The Scouts were supposed to ride down an old railroad track in Virginia. The track is 17-miles long. The Troop’s trip was cut short and the boys never got to ride down the mountain due to the weather. Nathan came home with some good stories though. He told us that he got to cook sausage and cinnamon buns on a fire!

Nathan will have an opportunity to go on his first backpacking trip in a couple of weeks. I think the younger boys will hike about 6-7 miles and the older boys will go further. Nathan has to make a decision… play in two baseball games that also happen to be that particular weekend or go backpacking. (Boy, Van and I never had a social calendar like Nathan’s when we were growing up). As of now, Nathan is going back and forth on his decision. He really wants to go backpacking for the first time, but he also wants to play baseball. Either way he is sure to have fun. Nathan has to make his mind up by this Monday.

Nathan is playing baseball and still enjoys the sport. There are days when he tells us that he is losing interest. But when Nathan is pitching or playing another busy position he still loves the game. The team’s record stands at 1-1. They really do have a good little team this year.

Van and Nathan will pack to head to Williamsburg, VA for Nathan’s class trip in a couple of weeks. Van’s name was drawn to be a chaperone for a group of 5 boys in Nathan’s class. Nathan has already laid down the ground rules for the trip. Hmm… no embarrassing stories from when he was growing up, no talking cool kids talk… You can imagine all of the teasing that is going on in our house these days. This trip is going to be great for the boys and for me!

Van has not played any softball games yet. The weather has really put a damper on so many outdoor activities here. Now that the rain is gone the pollen has moved in. With Van being the Manager of Nathan’s baseball team come many responsibilities. One of which is umpiring. Van has to umpire 7 games for other teams. Van’s first umpiring duty was last Sunday. I have to admit that with Van’s schedule as busy as it is I was looking at this duty as “just one more thing to do.” All three of us went to the baseball field last Sunday. I felt so relaxed… cheering for both teams. Nathan would come and sit with me for a while then go find some kids to play with. Van did an amazing job behind the plate. (I didn’t hear any heckling parents)! I have not seen Van so relaxed in such a long time. On the way to the baseball game he was practicing his, “STRIEEEEK” and “BOL”! A good day family day indeed!

I went to my first Make-A-Wish meeting last week. It is nice to see what goes on behind the scenes for such an organization. When we were on the receiving end, the “MAGIC” just “HAPPENED”. And that is how MAW wants it to be. But behind the scenes I could not believe the amount of work involved in just granting one wish. I think this is what I need to be doing.

Van, Nathan and I take our first meal to the Ronald McDonald House this Saturday. We are responsible for breakfast. I am looking forward to this. It feels so good to be on the giving end after having been on the receiving end for such a long time.

Volunteering for both of these charities are wonderful ways for us to remember both Noelle and Nicholas.

Last week, I spoke to a mom who lives in Charlotte, NC. Her 5-year-old son has a brain stem glioma. (The exact same type that Noelle had). Without revealing too much information… please pray for this family. The Lord will know exactly whom you are talking about. (Remember: There is NO cure for this type of tumor. The only thing that treatment can do is buy more time).


Easter came much earlier last year. I remember being at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. While Nicholas was in the PICU there was a rule that no child under the age of 16 could come up to visit. (We all know why… germs). The only exception to the rule was… if a child were not going to live much longer then young children could come for a visit. One day, I told the nurse that Noelle was really missing her little brother and that she missed taking care of him. I told the nurse that Noelle HAD to come up to see her brother. The nurse came back and said that Noelle could not come up because of the “policy”. Well, Nicholas’ PICU MD heard this and came in and said that Noelle could come up as much as she wanted. That is was just as important for Nicholas to feel the presence of his sister as it was for Noelle to be caring for Nicholas once again.

So, I brought Noelle up to the hospital to spend some time with her little Turtle. I thought that this visit would be like the others. And I guess it was for the most part. I had no idea that Noelle would bless Nicholas and me with her unique gift of insight yet again. After Noelle took care of Nicholas for the morning, she “put him down for a nap.” After Noelle was sure that Nicholas was asleep, she said, “Mommy, I really think that the Easter Bunny needs to come see Nicholas early this year.” When I asked Noelle why she said, “I just don’t think he’ll be here long enough to see the Easter Bunny.”

Well, that night Noelle and I went shopping. We made sure that the Easter Bunny went to see her little Turtle the next day. The night after Noelle told me that the Easter Bunny had to go see Nicholas early was the exact night that Nicholas started doing poorly. From then on, Nicholas went down hill and he never came out of that dark valley that he was in. I know for sure that Nicholas heard Noelle read his new book. I feel certain that Nicholas enjoyed one last book from his sister. (The name of the book: I Love You T- H-I-S Much). Nicholas still has that book with him. When we buried Nicholas - Van, Noelle, Nathan and I all put a special keepsake in Nicholas’ casket with him. Noelle actually slipped several tokens of her love in… and the book was one.

Take care everyone and have a blessed Easter. Thank you all for continuing to encourage and pray for us.

I put two new pictures of Noelle in the photo album. This would be the last time she would ever color Easter eggs. (Her happy-go-lucky personality in such trying times was such an inspiration to all of us. We sure miss them.)

Friday, March 28, 2003 9:47 AM CST

I have decided to do this page a little different. For me, it would be so easy to get caught up in the sadness of our situation. I am going to try to journal the first part of our entry as: “Where We Are Now,” and the second part: “A Time to Reflect.” I surely hope that this will help with our grieving process, allowing us to share facts and feelings. (Of course, there may be times when we completely get off track. We will go where our grief takes us...).


The last couple of days have been so busy for me. Normally I try to NOT have a booked schedule because I know that Satan would love to use that for his good. However, the past couple of days have been as booked as they could be.

A friend of mine and I were privileged to have the chance to baby-sit for a mutual friend of ours on Wednesday night. I must say, I’m not sure who had more fun… the kids or we adults. My friend, Lynn, and I baby-sat for two children… a girl, age 7, and a boy, age 3. The 3-year-old boy had a liver transplant up in Cincinnati a couple of years ago. I have to admit that I watched his every move on Wednesday night… just wondering and thinking about the “what ifs” and the “what could have beens”. We just played and played. We even decorated a birthday cake and put up decorations for our friends husband… which was the whole reason Lynn and I baby-sat… so Dari could take her husband to dinner for his birthday. I surely thank Dari and Timothy for allowing Lynn and I to have a great Wednesday night.

Then, Thursday was quite the same. Morning, afternoon and evening completely booked. The highlight of the day was my afternoon. I am so blessed to have such dear friends... these women are just amazing. We had a luncheon in memory of Noelle and Nicholas. Each time we have these luncheons, they seem to get more and more meaningful to me. God really makes a way for the people that HE wants to be there. This time we did something a little different than usual. After our lunch and time of prayer, we released balloons in memory of Noelle and Nicholas. The sky was so blue and the wind just right. Watching those blue and red balloons dance through the sky was just priceless. I told my friend that it seemed as if the balloons were going in slow motion. Most of the balloons seemed to stay together as if they knew exactly where they were to go. And if the balloons weren’t enough, the ladies gave me a couple of cards. In the cards were contributions toward the cost of Noelle and Nicholas’ bench that Van and I have on order. I sometimes feel that saying, “Thank you” is hardly enough for all of the support that has been sent our way…

Van is playing softball for our church again this year, and he is coaching Nathan’s baseball team with another dad. Van’s schedule seems to stay jam-packed these days. He says that it is very difficult for him to go in Noelle’s room at this point and time. When we got up this morning, Van asked me why Noelle’s bedroom door was open. I usually keep her door open during the day while I am here then close it at night. I must have forgotten to close Noelle's door last night.

Nathan is in “real” Boy Scouts now. We moved Nathan to a Boy Scout Troop a little closer to our house. At first, we were concerned about Nathan adjusting. He had been with some of the other boys in his old Cub Scout Pack for five years. Nathan continues to show his strengths in such migty ways. He told Van and me last week that he was glad that we moved him to the new Troop and that he already has some great friends.

Next year I plan to homeschool Nathan. He has been asking me to do this since he was in the second grade. I never thought that I would be a homeschool mom, but I guess change won’t hurt anyone. I must admit that I was very reluctant at the beginning, but now I am getting more and more excited. Currently, Nathan attends school at our church. He has been there since Kindergarten. His guidance counselor called me and said that they would gladly take Nathan back if we get in a bind or things just don’t work out as we expect next year.

Since Noelle and Nicholas have died, I have wanted to do something in memory of them. So, I submitted my application with the Make-A-Wish Foundation to be a volunteer. I thought that it would be hard... and in actual reality it might. I guess the one truth that I hold deep in my heart is: When people asked me what I wanted or needed while Noelle and Nicholas were sick the answer came quite easy to me. Though I usually kept my thought hidden within my heart, the truth is all I wanted was another smile. That was it. Something to put in my memory bank to keep forever, something that no one could ever take from me, and something that would never get cancer or any other illness then die… just a smile from Noelle and Nicholas. So, my hopes are that I can be a small part of giving a big gift to another family.

A friend of mine and I would love to target terminally ill children… (On our own... not through the MAW Foundation). There are some great resources out there that we can contact for these families. People will do so many neat things for these children. I wish that I had known about them before Noelle died. She would have loved those resources. I guess this is my way of taking what could be a painful memory and trying to turn it in to something good for someone else. (This is a BIG prayer request: please pray that the right doors will open for us to get in touch with families of terminally ill children).

Then, in memory of Nicholas I have decided to take a meal to our local Ronald McDonald House one time per month. I will never forget how much the meals brought to us while we were in Cincinnati meant to every family who was there. Many of you know firsthand what the gift of a home-cooked meal means after spending countless hours in the hospital each day. I told Nathan that this would be a great service project for his new Boy Scout Patrol Group as well. (I hope even other Troops will hear about this and do the same… yet another way to keep Nicholas’ memory alive).

Sounds busy, but remember I am simply a volunteer with Van and Nathan being my FIRST priority. If I feel that things are getting too busy, I can always put the brakes on and slow down a bit.


Death is such a difficult part of life for me to understand. I feel that every time I turn around I hear that another child has died. Oh, how my heart aches for the parents and siblings of those children. I usually go to the cemetery where Noelle and Nicholas are buried several times each week. Up until recently, I only went to see my children. It became ritual: make Noelle and Nicholas’ spots look as nice as we can, plant and water grass, rake up the straw we placed, pray then look at other sites while leaving.

When I was leaving the cemetery this morning I took time to really see how many children have died. I could not believe the number. Since Noelle died in July of last year, four other children have been buried near she and Nicholas. Four too many. Then I began to look at the markers around Noelle and Nicholas. So many children, gone much too soon.

I remember Noelle telling me that God “picked” her and Nicholas to be sick. I remember Noelle telling me that, “God knew this would happen to me before I was even born.” I remember Noelle telling me, “Mommy, enjoy me now… I’m here now.”

I only wish that I had half the faith and trust that Noelle exhibited to so many of us. Please continue to pray for us as we try so hard to comprehend to incomprehensible. And please continue to pray for us as we so long to have what we cannot… our children in our arms.

Love in Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas (a.k.a. "Turtle")

Thursday, March 20, 2003 6:23 PM CST

Dear Friends:
Thank you all so much for helping us through yet another first. This was a first with no happy memories to share. (Our first year without Nicholas here with us). We serve such an awesome God. Grace was given just as we needed it. God managed to send many people our way thereby sustaining us through what could have been a very tough week. Nicholas may not be physically here with us, but as long as we have some precious memories of him, Nicholas will never be far from heart.

At times Van and I both feel that life is a matter of survival at this point. One mom described life after the loss of a child as being assigned to a dreadful roller coaster ride that no one ever wants to get on. And once you are on that roller coaster, you can never get off. The mom went on to say that as time goes on, life can be more tolerable… Tolerable… I like that word. Life will never be easy, but tolerable. I was reading a book last week and a mom said that we grieving parents can choose to “live life” or to simply “exist in life”. That mom chose to live life. I have to take baby steps, recognizing my grief and giving myself time. I am certain that if I "stuff" my feelings or ignore that those painful memories even exist, then eventually those feelings will come back to get me even worse at a later time. So, for now we look forward to Tolerable. I can see that we are getting there. We realize that there will always be peaks and valleys but as long as we hand our feelings over to God, we will get through.

I was so excited to hear the wonderful news about Elizabeth Smart. We surely need to continue to keep her family bathed in prayer as they begin their healing process. I would also like to ask for prayer for the war. Many of us are already praying for the many men and women who have left to go to the Middle East.

I always love to hear Nathan pray. From the time that Nathan was four, he could really speak words from his heart to God. Hearing small parts of his conversations with God makes me so proud of him. The standing joke in our family is… if you are hungry, don’t let Nathan ask the blessing at mealtime… of course, this is just a joke!

Last night at the dinner table, Nathan just poured his little heart out to God and he asked such a beautiful blessing. I remember his words so vividly: “Dear God, thank you for letting me live in a free country. Thank you for my family and for the rain. Dear God, please don’t let any children get hurt during the war and let our military capture Saddam. Don’t let Saddam be killed, I know You can change his heart. Please forgive us of our sins and give Noelle and Nicholas an extra hug and kiss for us and tell them that we love and miss them. And don’t let our baseball practice get rained out. Amen. Oh yeah, be with President Bush as he has to make some tough decisions right now”.

We would like to ask you to pray for Van’s cousin, Andy. Andy is 21-years-old and in the US Airforce. He returned home from Afghanistan in January and was deployed back out to the Middle East in February. From what we hear, Andy is in a pretty tough area right now.

Nathan is asking so many questions about the war and he does not want to be left in any part of the house if Van or I are not with him. Sometimes I wish that Nathan would be able to “just be 10”. Then I realize that all of my children had to grow up much too fast and Nathan will never “just br 10”… will any of our Caringbridge kids ever be able to "just be" their age?

Please pray for the family of Reese Coble. Little Reese earned his angel wings last Monday, March 10. I truly felt honored to have the opportunity to meet his family at his visitation. Please pray that God will hold this family in the palm of His hand as they grieve the loss of their little “Reesie Cup.”

I would also like to ask you to visit another site… of one of Noelle’s playmates in heaven. Leilani Fernandez earned her wings just four days after Noelle with the exact same type of tumor that Noelle had.

Thank you all again for your continued support and encouragement.

Love in Christ,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and Nicholas

Monday, March 10, 2003 9:27 AM CST

Van and I would like to thank all of you for helping us to remember Noelle in such a special way this past week. The day for us was more difficult than we expected, but God provided again... so many of you were there to help us through.

To everyone who sent flowers, we just know that Noelle was smiling that beautiful smile of hers when she saw all of those wonderful flowers. Back at Christmastime Van and I were given several special presents in memory of Noelle and Nicholas. One present that we will always cherish was a beautiful glass container filled with dried flowers. When I picked the container up there was a note inside. Part of the note said: “These dried petals are from flowers present at the services that celebrated the lives of Noelle and Nicholas. This box was prepared with love as a thank you for the impact they had on our family along with so many others.” We will always cherish that very special gift.

Van and I have decided to do the same with any flowers we receive in memory of Noelle or Nicholas from here on out. We will snip one or two buds from the flowers sent and put them in a special box. Our hope is to put the flowers in a very special glass container and give them to Nathan one day as a special keepsake. Our prayer is that when Nathan looks at the flowers he will not only remember Noelle and Nicholas, but also remember the way that God provided for us by sending so many precious people into our lives during such a difficult time.

Another special time last week was the day after Noelle’s birthday. I was talking to a friend outside when I realized that the mail had come. I noticed a box on the pavement with my name on it. When I picked the box up the return address read as follows:

FROM: Noelle Baber
777 Goldenbrick Lane
Paradise, Heaven

Inside the box was such a precious note that said:

Dear Mommy,

Hi Mommy! I love you! I miss you too.

I just wanted to thank you for bringing me into this world 7 years ago!

For six years you gave me presents, well, now that I have everything here in heaven, there’s no need for you to give me presents… Jesus gives me everything I want.

But I wanted to give you a present for my birthday. I know how much you miss me. Here’s a little something for you to hold when you think of me. Don’t worry, we’ll be together again soon!

I love you so much! I will see you soon!

Your little monkey,


PS Thanks for the balloons! Nicholas and I love them!

The note was bordered with ladybugs and at the top was a silly monkey. The presents inside the box were a blue stuffed monkey and a ceramic angelic teddy bear holding a red cardinal. Van used to call Noelle his Monkey and so he has laid claims on the monkey. Noelle and I used to look outside from our den window and see red cardinals all of the time. When we looked at the cardinal we used to tell each other, “Now when you see a cardinal, remember the blood that Jesus shed for us.” So I will keep the ceramic angelic teddy bear with the red cardinal.

A special lady who lives up in Mt. Airy sent the note and gifts to us. Her name is Yvonne Fernandez and she lost her daughter to a brainstem glimoa as well. Yvonne’s precious little angel, Leilani, left her just 4 days after Noelle left. Noelle and Leilani had never met before but they prayed for one another while they were still here on earth. I bet that Leilani is one of Noelle’s playmates up in heaven. Please pray for the Fernandez family as they sojourn with so many other parents down the difficult path of grief.

Thank you all for taking yet another day and helping us make it unique.

Thank you to the teen group at Redeemer for allowing us to come yesterday to share our testimony. You were a great group to talk to.

I do have another prayer request. I would like to ask you to pray for a little guy that I have been following for a while now. His name is Reese Coble. Reese is a beautiful little boy who has Hurler Syndrome. Currently, Reese is hospitalized in the PICU. When I read his updates I think about what Nicholas went through while in the PICU. Watching your child hurt and suffer is so hard. Feeling so helpless as a parent is just devastating… sometimes there are boo-boos that we cannot kiss away. But we can give all of our hurt to our Heavenly Father. We know that God is still in the business of making miracles happen. I have been praying for this family and would like to ask you to do the same. You can read about Reese at Please take a minute to read his history if you have a chance.

Nathan is finally feeling better. He is back at school today and ready to catch up on what he missed last week. I, too, feel much better. Thank you all for checking on us last week. We know that God continues to provide for our family as we are adjusting to our new assignments in life.

Noelle’s birthday is on March 4th. And as difficult as it is we must do just that… MARCH FORTH in the name of the Lord.

Take care dear friends and have a blessed week.

Monday, March 3, 2003 8:40 PM CST

Dear Friends:

Thank you all so much for the wonderful messages. Van and I have not been able to check the site (or our e-mail messages) since the ice storm last Thursday. We finally got power restored on Saturday. We were fine with the fact that the power company's line truck got bogged down in our backyard (mushy mess)... this was a good group to make friends with! We still do not have cable or internet service. We were told that it could be up to a week before we are up and running again. The good thing is that our house was not damaged from the fallen tree limbs. Thank you so much to everyone who offered for us to come stay with you. Your generosity will not be forgotten. (If this ever happens again, I will come by myself if I have to. If the boy's want to rough it they certainly can, but I have had my winter-time camping experience for the decade.)

We do have a couple of prayer requests. Nathan began to feel yucky yesterday and so I took him to the doctor today. He has Strep Throat. We elected to get the shot to help Nathan get on the road to recovery a little faster. I have been feeling a bit ill also. Van looked in my mouth earlier tonight and said that I have "white patches" in my throat just like Nathan's. So, it looks like I'll be heading to my MD tomorrow. I guess I thought I could beat this on my own. But since I am not feeling better, I will break down and go see what the doctor says.

Also, Van told me tonight that the management at the cemetary has changed. This is not good for us. We ordered a bench for Noelle and Nicholas last week from an outside company. The installation price that the previous manager told me would be charged is much different than that of what the new manager is saying will be charged. We were not aware that management was changing and that we had to have a figure in writing. The origonal figure that was given to me was verbally agreed upon between me and the previous manager. We had always verbally agreed on things in the past and we didn't think that this time would be any different. So, please pray for this situation. We have had frustrations with the cemetary in the past as well about other issues. I wonder how we are to adequately grieve the loss of our children when we are constantly jumping over barriers.

Van and I went to the cemetary this evening to place Noelle's flowers. We were able to find 7 blue roses. Boy, she sure will love them. We placed Nicholas' flowers as well. Van told me that we need to do something about Nicholas' flowers in the future as the ones that I pick out seem to be a little femanine.

We tied 7 blue balloons and one mylar balloon to Noelle's flag pole. We also put a Scooby-Doo miniature stuffed animal for Noelle and a Clifford miniature stuffed animal for Nicholas. It feels so strange celebrating a birthday for our daughter in the cemetary.

I just wonder what kind of celebrating is going to happen in heaven tomorrow. I bet Noelle is counting the hours until the big moment. Well, at exactly 9:15 a.m., Noelle Brooke Baber will be 7 years old. I bet Noelle and all of her new friends are going to keep all of their guardians busy tomorrow! I have to tell you that we are very sad that we aren't the ones celebrating with Noelle and Nicholas. I cannot say anything other than our hearts hurt and ache beyond description.

When I wonder "why" our prayers were not answered as we wanted them answered I am reminded that measured against eterntity, our time on earth is just a blink of an eye. Though it feels like our prayers were not answered, maybe God finished this particular chapter when Noelle and Nicholas got Home. I have to keep reminding myself that life on earth is just a temporary assignment and that what really matters is what lies ahead... an eternity with our Lord and Savior and to be reunited with Noelle and Nicholas once again.

All of this may sound "easy" but trust me, I have to remind myself on a daily basis that it is not all about "me" and my pain and brokenness. There are days that I have to fight so hard to stay on track and then there are days when I fall completely off the track. I am thankful to all of you who continue to support us and pray for us. I know that God has placed each and every one of you in our path to help us on this journey.

Please pray for us this day as we must face another "first" without Noelle and Nicholas here with us. Please pray that we will remain focused on what is important. And please pray that as grief takes us on this new journey, we will travel the roads that lie ahead with humnble hearts and willing spirits.

Thank you all again for your support and prayers.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas


I'll be watching very hard for my special message today!

Monday, February 17, 2003 8:50 PM CST

The pain that remembering brings is just unbearable at times. Yes, we have many many happy memories of both Nicholas and Noelle but facing those pivotal dates is just so hard.

This past week brought so back so many hurtful feelings and emotions for all of us. Van and I were able to talk about what we missed most about both Noelle and Nicholas. Finding our “favorite” memory was much too challenging, so we shared many.

We remembered how Noelle used to call Nicholas her "Turtle"; so this new border that Caringbridge offers fit them just right. We also remembered how Noelle used to sing the "Winnie the Pooh" song to Nicholas. Only, she changed the words from "Winnie the Pooh" to "Nicholas Matthew." We remembered how Noelle always used to give Nathan a hard time about his "girl firends." Van and I warned Nathan abbout teaching Noelle the song, "Nathan and _____ sitting in a tree." That song came back to haunt Nathan many times! We remembered how Noelle always wanted to be where Nathan was. If Nathan was outside, Noelle wanted to be outside; and if Nathan was inside, then Noelle wanted to be inside. Noelle always followed Nathan to his friend's houses to play with the "big kids." It was because of Nathan that Noelle learned to ride a bicycle. Just before Noelle turned 5, she asked me and Van to teach her how to ride a bicycle. We told her that we thought that she was too young and that maybe we should wait a while. So, when we said "no," Noelle went to her big brother. One night after dinner Van and I noticed Nathan and Noelle playing in the backyard. Before we knew it, Nathan put Noelle on his old bicycle and sent her sailing in the backyard! Van and I could not believe our eyes. After Noelle finally crashed, she got up and was laughing so hard. She got back on that bike and tried again and again. Within two days, Nathan had his little sister riding a bicycle all on her own! Before we knew it, Noelle was riding her Razor Scooter and skating around on her Roller Blades.. all because of Nathan.

Van remembered how Noelle always reminded him to eat his broccoli at dinnertime. Noelle would always say, “Now Vannie Pooh, eat that Broccoli… and chew it first!” Van also remembered how Noelle always kept track of how many “Hot Wheels” cars he had in his collection. Noelle always managed to find Van’s new cars no matter where he put them. Their favorite was a gold 1970 Chevelle with a black stripe down the side. Van and Noelle were going to re-build one for her to drive when she turned 16. (Of course, there were times when Noelle would waver a little and say that she wanted a pink “Barbie Punch Buggy.”) And Van remembered how Nicholas would just stare at his red “Hard Rock Café” baseball cap. Nicholas would reach up to Van and try to take that hat off of Van’s head. Van also talked about not being able to hold his “little man” for so long. In fact, Van only held Nicholas a few times from my birthday, January 7 until Nicholas died on March 17.

For me, I remembered so many things about my “Pink Rainbow.” Noelle and I would always play the “You’re My” Game. Of course, we made this game up. We would just lay in bed and say things like, “You’re my pink rainbow.” Then the other would say, “You’re my blue heart.” And we would go on and on with that for the longest time. I mostly remembered the “sick” Noelle and how much she had to endure. There are times that my pain is so deep… and I just can’t bear to complain about it. I remember how much Nicholas and Noelle had to go through while they were sick. The pain that I feel, and trust me there is a lot there, will never equate to what Noelle and Nicholas had to endure.

Some of my favorite times with Noelle while she was sick was when we would read together. We read each and every day. Noelle knew her Bible stories. There were times that she would correct her little story books when their story didn’t quite match up to what she had learned from the “Big” Bible. Noelle often asked me if I ever got tired of reading to her. My response never changed. I always told her, “Absolutely not.” I often told her that I would read to her until I lost my voice if she wanted me to. She would tell me that she could read, “In the day, in the night and even on Halloween!” Noelle would just grin and give me a little giggle. Boy, do I miss those giggles… and you know what? I even miss those nightmarish mood swings that nasty Decadron brought our way.

Someone told me just the other day that they wished that they could take my pain away. Though that comment made me feel good, I soon realized that I don’t want anyone to take my pain away. I am realizing that my pain is simply a reflection of my deep love for Nicholas and Noelle; I definitely never want my love taken away.

Though I hardly had any time at all with my sweet “little man,” there are so many things that I miss about him too. The way he would look at me with those beautiful gleaming eyes. I just loved the way he would flex his eyebrows at people he “really” liked. Nicholas’ soft skin and beaming smile were an amazing combination. I used to love our mornings together. When we would wake up each morning, Nicholas would already be awake lying in his crib. I would go over and pick him up and lay him in my bed. Before we knew it, the whole family was on our bed with Nicholas being the center of attention. I also miss the way he cooed and laughed. With Nicholas, we are forced to remember so much pain and suffering. He was never given a chance to thrive on life. And for that, my heart is completely shattered. There is no doubt that Nicholas should still be here with us right now.

There are times when I talk to God and I just unload ALL of my feelings. I figure that if HE is my best friend, then he will stick around through thick and thin. (And He has so far, so I don’t anticipate Him leaving ever me). I often ask God, “Why did you take two of my children?” Then I am reminded that He only took His children back Home. Noelle and Nicholas came here to complete a mission. That mission was complete much faster than most of us ever complete our mission. Now they are reaping the rewards that they have been promised. I think about how badly God must be hurting to see so many of His children straying away from Him. Each day another one of His children makes a conscious decision to turn away from good and indulge themselves in sin. God sent His Son here for us. He knew that His Son would die for our sins. And didn’t Jesus suffer a great deal as well?

I often thank God for allowing me to be a small part of Noelle and Nicholas’ life. For me, being with them was such an incredible gift that I will never forget. I often ask myself if there could be anything else worse than losing my children… and you know what, I was reminded that there is something much worse than losing my children… Can you imagine losing your child and without knowing where they were going? Now, that would be tough.

Van and I decided to go for a walk this past weekend. We fought our way through the ice and rain and ended up at the local grocery store; not a far walk at all. We walked around the store and reminisced about the things that Noelle loved to eat. After we got warm, we decided to begin our venture home. On the way out of the grocery store, I grabbed two balloons… one red and one blue (of course). Van asked me what in the world I was doing. I reminded him that Noelle never went to the grocery store without getting a free balloon. I told him that I was going to send Noelle and Nicholas a balloon in the middle of our ice shower. I wondered if Van would think that I was crazy or something. His only response to me was, “But what about the birds?” I told him that no bird in their right mind would be out in that kind of weather and that I was going to see where the balloons would head in that kind of weather. Before I knew it, Van took the balloons from me and sent them up to our angels high in the sky. I was in awe and so proud of him. Watching those balloons dance was such an amazing site. We realize how important it is not to take for granted the “small things” that life offers.

Van got Noelle her usual dozen of roses for Valentines Day. I was afraid that he would miss it, but he didn’t. Then he and I went to our church for a Valentine’s Dinner. We are trying so hard to turn our “usual” into “unique.” We tried to have a good time. We saw some friends of ours that we had not seen in a while... which was nice. But I must admit that we still have to put on our “masks” of smiling faces for that type of event.

Nathan got to spend the evening with his Papa. Van went down to Mt. Holly to get his dad so he could sit with Nathan while we were gone. Nathan and Papa cooked their own dinner and did a good job trying to clean my kitchen. Nathan finished up his basketball season this past Saturday and now we are awaiting the beginning of baseball season. It seems too cold to begin baseball.

As for Nathan’s stomach problems, he is doing much better now that I am monitoring everything he is eating. We’ll see if the symptoms come back. If they do, then we’ll have to head down to Charlotte to see a Peds. GI doctor.

I have a BIG REQUEST: So many of you continue to stop by to visit us and send us so many words of encouragement. Trust me, we REALLY need those words of encouragement. There are so many other children out there who also have Caringbridge sites, just like us. These children and their families also need words of encouragement.

There is a site that you can go to in which you can “ADOPT” a child. The only thing that is asked of you is to promise to visit the child’s site at least once a week and leave a word of encouragement. This should not take you much time at all. If you do consider participating in this, please don’t exclude a child who has already “earned his/her wings”; you see, their families need support now more than ever.

The site that you can go to is
Then click on the Caringbridge icon on the left of the page. Then you will see a list of children. If you see a child that you might be interested in "adopting" and there is already a name listed, it is ok to request that child. The goal of Chubby Chica is to have a support person for each child listed. However, please know that any family who is going through any type of illness can never have enough people praying for them. So, feel free to sign up as you can.

Thank you all so much for continuing to lift us up in prayer. We will post another update soon.


Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and Nicholas

Friday, January 31, 2003 at 09:04 PM (CST)

While sitting at my computer this morning, I realized that Van and I are literally hours away from another "first". With having the kind of year that we did last year, “first’s” seem to come so quickly. I thought that “first’s” were supposed to be happy times and not sad. Tomorrow is my and Van’s “first” anniversary without Noelle and Nicholas here with us. With surviving each day and the challenges it brings, I wonder how in the world I am supposed to be “happy” and celebrate when deep down inside, all I really want to do is sit, cry and wonder how such tragedy could happen to one family.

I couldn't get very far with my pity-party until a thought crossed my mind. I remembered how much Noelle loved to have parties. She would look for any reason to celebrate. If Noelle could make up a reason to have a party, we would have a party. So, tomorrow Van and I will celebrate… but in a new way. We are realizing that though it is difficult to go on with life as “usual”… we can change “usual” into “unique” and find a new way to make this very special “first” as meaningful as we can.

I wondered how I could include Noelle and Nicholas in our “happy” day. My hurt is so deep and at times that putting my pain into words just seems impossible. While thoughts and memories were still heavy on my heart, I came to the computer early this afternoon and wrote a letter to Noelle and Nicholas. It felt kind of strange, but I tried to visualize them away for a while; kind of like at camp, or closer... maybe like in another room of the house. (In actual reality they really are only away for a while… but it seems like forever right now). I remembered that I always write Nathan when he is at camp and so I just started typing away. I realized that through that letter I was able to express some of my pain but even more of my love.

I made sure to make each letter personal. I wrote as if Noelle and Nicholas were just in the next room. When Van came home from work today, I told him what I had done. I kind of expected him to tell me that I was kind of “strange.” But he didn’t. In fact, Van told me that he would like to write them a letter as well. So, for our anniversary we are going to put our letters in a helium filled balloon and send them up and away. We have no idea who will receive those letters. We know for sure that whoever does receive our letters, they are will certainly “feel” our love.

After we send our balloons up and away, we are going to get an ice cream cake. Noelle always loved ice cream cakes. We used to order one every year for Van's birthday. We all looked forward to it. But this year, we just could not get and ice cream cake for Van's birthday. Maybe we can make our new anniversary tradition an "ice cream cake" celebration. Who knows... we'll just take it one day and one "first" at a time.

I still wake up each morning thinking that if I say or do the “right” thing, then Noelle and Nicholas will magically appear. Oh, how I miss playing in make-up with Noelle. I just yearn to have one more opportunity to read to both Noelle and Nicholas… or get one more hug…or just hold them in my arms and squeeze them ever so tightly… never to let them go. But I realize that no matter how many “right” things I say or do, it is not going to bring them back. So, I will continue to pray for them... and remember them... and love them.

As time goes on, finding the good in tragedy is more of a daily struggle. But as hard as it gets, God continues to pull us through so much hurt and sadness. There are times when our grief seems worse than it has every been before. We are so fortunate to have such a large support group. Thank you all for being there for us and encouraging us the way you do.

I went to our first “group” grief session this week. I have been very cautious about group sessions because of the “fear of the unknown.” I was quite pleased and do plan to return again next month. We will meet for five sessions, one time each month. We were told that we do not have to commit to going each month. It is a “come as you desire” group. Van said that he plans to attend next month. Van and I have finished with our individual grief sessions. Nathan started back this week. I was very concerned with the stomach problems that he was having. I thought that maybe he was beginning to internalize his grief. Nathan’s counselor said that he is doing very well processing his grief and that he needs to schedule his own appointments with her from now on. The plan is to let Nathan have complete control over this part of his life, and in the mean time this should tell us how much longer “Nathan” feels that he needs to go. (Of course, she did tell Nathan that if he began to grow facial hair and was still scheduling appointments, then they might need to talk about it!)

Thank you for praying for Nathan and his stomach problems. We still have no definite medical reason as to the exact cause of his problem, but are highly suspicious that the grief is causing some of this. We will keep you updated.

Thank you again for keeping up with us. Please take a moment to remember someone in prayer today who is grieving the loss of a child, or who has a child that is battling a an illness of any magnitude.

Love in Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Friday, January 31, 2003 at 09:04 PM (CST)

While sitting at my computer this morning, I realized that Van and I are literally hours away from another "first". With having the kind of year that we did last year, “first’s” seem to come so quickly. I thought that “first’s” were supposed to be happy times and not sad. Tomorrow is my and Van’s “first” anniversary without Noelle and Nicholas here with us. With surviving each day and the challenges it brings, I wonder how in the world I am supposed to be “happy” and celebrate when deep down inside, all I really want to do is sit, cry and wonder how such tragedy could happen to one family.

I couldn't get very far with my pity-party until a thought crossed my mind. I remembered how much Noelle loved to have parties. She would look for any reason to celebrate. If Noelle could make up a reason to have a party, we would have a party. So, tomorrow Van and I will celebrate… but in a new way. We are realizing that though it is difficult to go on with life as “usual”… we can change “usual” into “unique” and find a new way to make this very special “first” as meaningful as we can.

I wondered how I could include Noelle and Nicholas in our “happy” day. My hurt is so deep and at times that putting my pain into words just seems impossible. While thoughts and memories were still heavy on my heart, I came to the computer early this afternoon and wrote a letter to Noelle and Nicholas. It felt kind of strange, but I tried to visualize them away for a while; kind of like at camp, or closer... maybe like in another room of the house. (In actual reality they really are only away for a while… but it seems like forever right now). I remembered that I always write Nathan when he is at camp and so I just started typing away. I realized that through that letter I was able to express my some of my pain but even more of my love.

I made sure to make each letter personal. I wrote as if Noelle and Nicholas were just in the next room. When Van came home from work today, I told him what I had done. I kind of expected him to tell me that I was kind of “strange.” But he didn’t. In fact, Van told me that he would like to write them a letter as well. So, for our anniversary we are going to put our letters in a helium filled balloon and send them up and away. We have no idea who will receive those letters. We know for sure that whoever does receive our letters, they are will certainly “feel” our love.

After we send our balloons up and away, we are going to get an ice cream cake. Noelle always loved ice cream cakes. We used to order one every year for Van's birthday. We all looked forward to it. But this year, we just could not get and ice cream cake for Van's birthday. Maybe we can make our new anniversary tradition an "ice cream cake" celebration. Who knows... we'll just take it one day and one "first" at a time.

I still wake up each morning thinking that if I say or do the “right” thing, then Noelle and Nicholas will magically appear. Oh, how I miss playing in make-up with Noelle. I just yearn to have one more opportunity to read to both Noelle and Nicholas… or get one more hug…or just hold them in my arms and squeeze them ever so tightly… never to let them go. But I realize that no matter how many “right” things I say or do, it is not going to bring them back. So, I will continue to pray for them... and remember them... and love them.

As time goes on, finding the good in tragedy is more of a daily struggle. But as hard as it gets, God continues to pull us through so much hurt and sadness. There are times when our grief seems worse than it has every been before. We are so fortunate to have such a large support group. Thank you all for being there for us and encouraging us the way you do.

I went to our first “group” grief session this week. I have been very cautious about group sessions because of the “fear of the unknown.” I was quite pleased and do plan to return again next month. We will meet for five sessions, one time each month. We were told that we do not have to commit to going each month. It is a “come as you desire” group. Van said that he plans to attend next month. Van and I have finished with our individual grief sessions. Nathan started back this week. I was very concerned with the stomach problems that he was having. I thought that maybe he was beginning to internalize his grief. Nathan’s counselor said that he is doing very well processing his grief and that he needs to schedule his own appointments with her from now on. The plan is to let Nathan have complete control over this part of his life, and in the mean time this should tell us how much longer “Nathan” feels that he needs to go. (Of course, she did tell Nathan that if he began to grow facial hair and was still scheduling appointments, then they might need to talk about it!)

Thank you for praying for Nathan and his stomach problems. We still have no definite medical reason as to the exact cause of his problem, but are highly suspicious that the grief is causing some of this. We will keep you updated.

Thank you again for keeping up with us. Please take a moment to remember someone in prayer today who is grieving the loss of a child, or who has a child that is battling a an illness of any magnitude.

Love in Him,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 08:34 PM (CST)

Van and I have been watching the State of the Union Address as President Bush speaks this evening. I think I have heard enough for tonight. Being a parent going through the grieving process and hearing some of what was said, was not right for me at this point and time.

I can appreciate the many things that Mr. Bush is trying to achieve and love to hear his high expectations for our country, but I guess I did not hear some things that I maybe had hoped to hear. I would have loved to hear Mr. Bush say that he wanted to find a cause as to why so many children here in America are getting more and more incurable illnesses. Or, I would have loved to have heard that funding would be available to doctors to make a new more "user friendly" medications for patients while cures are being found for illnesses. Of course, those are just a couple of things that "I" would have love to hear. I know that Mr. Bush has a much broader picture in mind and I am thakful for his willingness to serve our country in the way that he does.

I do have a specific prayer request. While Noelle and Nicholas were sick, Nathan started having problems with upset stomach. (And rightfully so.) After Noelle and Nicholas passed, Nathan had increased problems with his stomach, but then he seemed to feel better with the use of medications. Lately, Nathan has been complaining of severe pain in his lower abdomen and more episodes of upset stomach continue. I took Nathan back to the doctor yesterday and was told that he may have an ulcer or irritable bowel syndrome. His nurse practicioner told me that sometimes kids internalize their pain and grief and that keeps their insides upset. Nathan did have bloodwork done yesterday, which came back perfectly normal today. We are now deciding the next path to take. Please pray that Van and I will remain as calm about this as we can. And pray that whatever is going on with Nathan is something that he can get complete relief from.

I would also like to ask you to pray for the many leaders of our country. Please pray that they will prayerfully consider each and every decision that they make on behalf of all Americans. Our leaders do have a very difficult job and serve each of us in such a big way.

Please pray for all three of us as we continue to grieve the loss of Nicholas and Noelle. And pray for the many other parents who have also experienced a similar loss or who's child is in the treatment or healing process.

And as we end every prayer-we pray, "Please God, give Nicholas and Noelle and extra hug and kiss for us, and let them know how much we love and miss them."

Thank you all for continuing to check in on us. We do appreciate all of you.

Joe, thank you so much for making Noelle and Nicholas' site look so nice. I know that Noelle is looking down and smiling so big at those dancing butterflies! Thank you agian.

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 02:41 PM(CDT)

There are so many pivotal dates in Noelle and Nicholas’ medical treatment that Van, Nathan and I will always remember. The upcoming months will bring some of the most painful memories. It was almost a year ago that Nicholas had surgery to repair a prior surgery that had been done wrong at a hospital about an hour and a half from us. The error was not discovered until nearly two months after the actual surgery date, two months of pain and suffering. Now that the error was found, we were told that we needed to wait two weeks to see if Nicholas would heal on his own.

Nicholas was so sick and watching him suffer the way he did was so heart wrenching. The night prior to the repair surgery, Nicholas was getting sicker and sicker. I remember calling the resident to our room several times. I kept telling him how much Nicholas was hurting and that we needed to stop pumping his stomach full of medication. (The goal was to try to rid his intestines of everything in there to prevent any stool from leaking out during the surgery – thereby causing more problems.) After calling the resided to our room for a third time during the night, I told the resident that Nicholas needed more pain medication and that if he wasn’t willing to do it, then just call the attending at home. The look on that resident’s face showed that there was no way he was going to call the attending at home. After leaving the room for a while, he did increase Nicholas’ pain medication and he did stop the other medication from pumping into his stomach. (I still wonder what year that resident was).

What a long night that was. Nicholas’ big sister, Noelle, received permission from the hospital staff to spend the night with her little brother in the hospital that night. There was no way she was going to leave him being that sick. Noelle attempted to take care of him throughout the night… scooting a chair up to the crib, stepping up on it and making sure Nicholas had not taken off his gown or constantly wiping his forehead with a cool wet washcloth. Neither Noelle, Nicholas nor I got much sleep that night, but we were together and we prayed fervently. I told Nicholas’ surgeon the next morning what had happened to previous night and I also told him that we would be praying for not only Nicholas during this surgery, but we would be praying for him as well.

Nicholas continued to get worse as we waited to take him to surgery the morning after that horrific night. Nicholas spiked a fever of 104 degrees. It was very obvious that his body and intestines were filled with foreign substance that needed to be cleaned up. His stomach was so swollen… something needed to be done fast. On the way to the holding room for surgery, Nicholas kept looking at Van and me with a look that I will never (ever) forget. It was a look that said, “Mommy, please help me.” The look was so desperate for help. And I could do nothing but try to comfort him as I watched him try to hold on while gasping for air. We didn’t get very far down the hall before Nicholas’ sat’s began to drop very quickly. Thankfully, the nurse taking Nicholas down to the holding room asked a nurse from the step-down unit to escort us to the holding room. Nicholas’ nurse had Nicholas as a patient before and she had not seen him act this way. (Thank goodness she had intuition that worked). Little did we know, that on the way to the holding room Nicholas would need that nurse from the step down unit to bag him all the way… he was not breathing well enough to stay alive.

We got Nicholas to the holding room and it seemed that people were everywhere, just standing around and watching. I just wanted to scream out, “If you are not going to help, then get on with your work.” I knew that if I started spazzing out, then I might be asked to leave, so calm I was… quiet with tears falling. Hurting so terribly and I could not even hold my baby to give him the much needed love and affection that we both needed. I was losing my “little man” to something that could have been avoided, and I could do nothing to help him… nothing except pray… so pray I did.

The intensivest arrived and asked me and Van to leave the room so he could emergently intubate Nicholas. Van and I left the room and within a matter of minutes the intensivest came to us and said that Nicholas was intubated and more stable. The repair surgery was now going to get under way.

There are so many events that I replay over and over again. I just cannot get them out of my head. I give everything over to God and ask Him to help me with those painful thoughts. Every minute of every day is filled with many kinds of thoughts. “What else could I have done?” “How could I have helped Nicholas?” “Why did I believe what the doctors told me?” “If only I would have known what other questions to ask.” "Why didn't I insist that the doctors in our hometown do the repair surgery immediately." "Why did I settle for their reasoning to wait?" "They should have known that Nicholas' liver was not well and he would have a hard time healing anything at this point, "Why didn't I push harder?" The pain lies so deep. Not one, but two children… “Why, just why?”

Each morning I awake and wonder what Noelle and Nicholas are doing up in heaven. I dreamt about Nicholas the other night. He was crawling and smiling so big! He still just has those same 6 teeth!

I am awaiting another dream of Noelle. I remember having one about her not too long ago, I was so excited when I woke up, I could not remember much about our time together.

Each morning I awake, I look at the wall where Nicholas’ crib was in our room… only to know that I am in reality and it is not there. When I walk down the stairs in the morning, the first thing I look for is his crib in the den. Boy, wouldn’t it be nice if he was downstairs? Well, guess what, he isn’t. The next thing I look for is Noelle’s hospital bed… and you guessed… not there either. So, I listen for a bird to sing or look out the front window for a butterfly and I usually get lucky. For me, that is what I need. I hear a bird sing and remember how Noelle and I used to look out our front window and listen to the birds sing. Then, we would read her Bible books and she would just cry and cry about her “Turtle”. Well, Noelle… no more tears, no more tears.

God allowed Van and me to be a part of Noelle and Nicholas’ life; we are so thankful for that. Each day we are very thankful to our Lord for the many gifts we do have. And each day we cry our tears and share our sadness and know that the Lord will carry us on.

Friday, July 26, 2002 at 07:41 AM (CDT)

Thank you again to everyone who has supported us through this difficult time.

We will be posting one last update prior to closing out this web-page.

Van and I want to alert any of you who have received an e-mail from us in the past two days. Although we did not personally send the e-mail, a virus is being spread. We were told that if your address is bookmarked in our address book you would automatically receive this virus. We are in the process of contacting the person who forwards us mail to let him know that his mail is infecting ours and yours.

We hope that this situation will be corrected by the end of the day. Again, we apoloigize for any inconvenience we have caused. Please do not open any mail that comes from us in the next 24 hours. (If we do try to contact you, we will alert you that it is safe to open.)

Much Love,

Wendy and Van

Monday, July 22, 2002 at 02:40 PM (CDT)

Thank you all for all of your support and encouragement over the past days.

Funeral Arrangements for Noelle are as follows:

Visitation will be at Hayworth Miller Chapel on Silas Creek Parkway on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 from 7:00-9:00 pm.

The funeral service will be held at Calvary Baptist Church, corner of Country Club and Peace Haven Roads, on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 2:00pm.

Thank you for sharing in our time of grief.

Much Love,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 09:27 AM (CDT)

What a journey. So many lessons learned and so many lives touched by such a sweet little spirit. Thank you Noelle for sharing so many wonderful memories with us. It was truly a blessing to have had the opportunity to be your parents. We will always love you more and more everyday to the moon and back. And as we always told you every day of your life, "Thank you Jesus for my Noelle."

After having two wonderful days in a row, Noelle continued to minister to so many with her faith, courage, will, and determination. Never complaining of anything other than a tummy ache, Noelle was obviously getting sicker yesterday. Her breathing was getting more and more labored and her eyes began to spasm.

Van and I called her doctor and he came over to see how Noelle was doing. We gave Noelle a bolus of steroids then a dose of Morphine and she responded very well.

We had some special friends come over last night, again, with Noelle's doctor here and we were able to share some special prayer time with Noelle.

Throughout the night, Noelle tried to say some words but she just did not have the energy. I tried to give Noelle a dose of her mediaction around 4:45 am and Noelle indicated by shaking her head that she did not want anymore medicine.

At 7:00 a.m. Van and I noticed that Noelle's breathing was again much different and her fingernail beds were turning blue so we put her oxygen on and called her doctor.

It was obvious that Noelle was actively ending her journey here on this earth. She displayed such courage and was so brave, never fighting her walk Home.

At 8:50am Noelle sighed such a beautiful breath of air, she was now taking the hand of her Maker and letting go of ours.

Noelle, thank you for allowing us to be a part of your walk Home. Thank you for the many lives you touched while you were here. Thank you for being such a precious part of our life. May your legacy live on forever.

A special thank you to the people who came to pray with us at such short notice last night. Thank you to Noelle's doctor for coming to our home to help with Noelle. You have been such a witness to us. Thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you for coming to see Noelle make her way Home. And thank you to our church to the support and encouragement you have shown us. Thank you Frances for praying for Noelle as Jesus began to beckon for Noelle and thank you for staying to witness her Homegoing.

Noelle, like Nicholas went home on a Sunday. And Noelle has died on the 21st, as Nicholas was buried on the 21st. Noelle can now be with Nicholas and once again take care of him.

Funeral arrangements will follow soon.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Friday, July 19, 2002 at 07:06 PM (CDT)

Though Noelle continues to display different symptoms,we are so excited to share that Noelle has had a couple of great days in a row! What an answer to prayer!

We are able to understand Noelle a little better when she talks to us. She even seems to be able to project her voice a little more than last week. Noelle continues to lean to the right side at times, however this is not as evident as it once was.

Noelle still cannot use her right arm or foot and we continue to lift her with the Hoyer lift. This device has been such a tremendous help for not only us, but Noelle as well.

This week, Noelle has begun to use a computer that will assist her with her speech if she should lose the ability to talk. We can tell that once Noelle learns how to use the computer, she will really benefit from it.

Noelle was having a very hard time seeing out of her right eye and she could not turn her head to the right. She asked us to read to her on her right side several times this week!

We have not had to keep fans blowing on Noelle this week nearly as much as last week. Noelle's ability to maintain her body temperature seems to be much better. We are also excited to share that Noelle is completely back on solid foods this week! She had mostly been eating things such as applesauce, yogurt and milk shakes. Noelle's appetite is much better this week as compared to last week.

Noelle wanted to have her hair cut this week. She was able to sit up for the entire haricut whithout needing a break! (Thank you Cindy for making a trip to the house and for the beautiful balloons. Noelle said that Lauren's hair is very pretty and that Lauren is a pretty girl! Thank you for continuing to be there for us.)

On a couple of occasions this week I heard Noelle singing a song. Though I could not make out the words, Noelle said that it was a song that she learned in Preschool.

It was great to hear Noelle giggle this week. She actually teased me and our helper during diaper change time.

Noelle continues to ask to see her family and friends. She has had visitors for 13 days in a row! Van and I are tired, but Noelle continues to ask for more people! Thank you all for coming to see Noelle. As usual, we never know how much Noelle will talk while you are here, but she sure talks about you when you leave. (Mr. John and Mr. Steve, Noelle even talked about you both when you left. Noelle saw the lights on your motorcycles when she turned her head to the right! Thank you again for taking time to come.)

A special thank you to the wonderful people who came to read to Noelle this week. We have to keep all of the books that you left separate from ours, as Noelle reminds us that when you come back you will want to read those books again. And as always, many thanks and much love to Aunt Joy and Uncle Blaine for being there in so many ways for us during the good times and the not-so-good times. We love you both so much.

We continue to keep in close touch with Noelle's doctor and she remains at the higher dose of steroids. We are not certain how long Noelle will stay at this plateau.

We cannot begin to tell you all how happy we are that Noelle has had so much improvement over these past couple of days. We do realize that Noelle is still a very sick little girl. One thing is for sure, every moment of every day will always be deeply cherished.

Thank you all for your never ending support and prayers. Thank you for providing meals to us so we can continue to spend all the time that we can with our children. Thank you for your continued cards and phone calls. Thank you for walking with us on this mighty journey. We continue to give God ALL of the praise for each and every day with our children.

Thank you Dear Lord, for the miracles that we see every day of our lives, especially the big one this week!

We will continue to post updates!

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 06:00 PM (CDT)

This week we had to increase Noelle's steroid dosage due to another onset of symptoms. We are now at the highest dose that we can go. Since the increase, Noelle appears to be stable and seems to be feeling ok.

Last week Noelle was having a very difficult time maintaining her body temperature with terrible bouts of feeling very hot. Now, Noelle is content with her body temperature.

The choking that Noelle was experiencing while eating also seems to be much better since the steroid increase.

Noelle has begun to fill up on food very quickly. Her appetite is not at all what it once was.

It is getting more and more difficult for us to understand what Noelle wants to say to us. We all are trying to be patient with one another. We are trying to get Noelle to use a computer that will talk for her. She still wants to do all on her own.

We have no idea how long Noelle can remain stable on the current dosage her her steroids. She could stay at this point for a while or she can develop another set of symptoms at any time. At this point, we are keeping in close touch with her doctors. We continue to get help with Noelle from Hospice.

The time that we spend with Noelle gets more and more special each day. We spent most of the weekend just reading. My favorite time is our snuggling and hugging time. I still love to hear Noelle giggle when we get silly.

We are so proud of Noelle's will and determination. Her faith in God is so profound that we remain in awe of her inner strength. It is so amazing to us that when the house gets quiet Noelle just begins to talk to us about her love of Jesus.

We want to thank the many visitors that Noelle had last week. She did enjoy each and every visit. She talked to us about all of you when you left. (Miss Amber still has the prettiest hair ever!)

I did learn last week that Noelle is still "in to" cool clothes as she told Ms. Ruth. And how Noelle can read, "in the day, in the night, and on Halloween", as she told her cousin Molly. And when Ms Gwen brought her famous strawberry dessert, we heard how much, "I (Noelle) just love this stuff". We never know when Noelle is going to talk to visitors and when she is going to get upset. Thank you all for being so patient with us. And thank you for coming to visit Noelle at her request.

Thank all of you for the special treats that you have brought to Noelle. She enjoyed her milkshakes, Frosty's, cards, and care packages. She loves the beautiful blue silk blanket that a special "angel" made for her.

Nathan is up in Roanoke with Aunt Joy and Uncle Blaine. We hear that he is having a blast and staying up late at night. We know that he is in great hands. Nathan is due to come home tomorrow.

Thank you all for your continued support and encouragement. We truly covet your prayers. It is such a blessing to read your messages in the guestbook and receive your cards. Thank you for continuing to walk by our side as we continue on God's journey.

We love all of you,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Monday, July 08, 2002 at 02:16 PM (CDT)

Van and I nearly doubled Noelle's steroid dosage and it seems that she is feeling a little better. She continues to struggle with maintaining her body temperature; she is very hot one minute and then cold the next.

Noelle's speech seems somewhat better today. When talking, Noelle can get out anywhere between 2-3 syllables per breath. The Foley catheter seemed to cause Noelle a great deal of discomfort, so we removed it the day after it was put in.

Noelle still experiences back pain when we move her. Today we got a Hoyer lift to help with Noelles transfers. We also got an air matterss to help with her comfort.

Noelle continues to lean to her weaker side on occasion. She is sleeping more during the day than she had been.

Noelle's status seems to change on a daily basis. She has good days mixed with some not-so-good days. Noelle is stable right now, we have no idea as to when she may have another onset of symptoms.

Please continue to pray for Noelle and the rest of the family as we continue on this uncertain journey. Thank you for walking with us as we continue to grow with God.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Monday, July 08, 2002 at 02:16 PM (CDT)

Van and I nearly doubled Noelle's steroid dosage and it seems that she is feeling a little better. She continues to struggle with maintaining her body temperature; she is very hot one minute and then cold the next.

Noelle's speech seems somewhat better today. When talking, Noelle can get out anywhere between 2-3 syllables per breath. The Foley catheter seemed to cause Noelle a great deal of discomfort, so we removed it the day after it was put in.

Noelle still experiences back pain when we move her. Today we got a Hoyer lift to help with Noelles transfers. We also got an air matterss to help with her comfort.

Noelle continues to lean to her weaker side on occasion. She is sleeping more during the day than she had been.

Noelle's status seems to change on a daily basis. She has good days mixed with some not-so-good days. Noelle is stable right now, we have no idea as to when she may have another onset of symptoms.

Please continue to pray for Noelle and the rest of the family as we continue on this uncertain journey. Thank you for walking with us as we continue to grow with God.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 09:04 PM (CDT)

We are excited to report that we have help with Noelle. After such a long process of trying to find the right person, we were fortunate enough to have her start today.

We are very saddened to report that Noelle's symptoms are getting worse. Talking is very difficult for Noelle at this point. Just getting any word out is difficult. She still tries to eat what she wants but realizes that she may be going to a completely soft diet soon. Choking is getting more and more prevalent.

There were a couple of different possibilities as to why Noelle is having so much back pain. Without proper testing the exact cause will not be known. The most likely cause is that Noelle has sustained a compression fracture of a vertebrae. We are trying to manage her pain with medication.

Noelle is having a very difficult time sitting up straight. Her head and body seem to lean to her weaker side.

Noelle elected to have a Foley catheter placed today. The catheter does seem to cause her some discomfort and the procedure was very tiring for her. She has mentioned to us that she is glad that she no longer has to get up to use the bedside commode.

We nearly doubled Noelle's steriods last night in an effort to minimize her symptoms. If we are going to see any improvement it will be within the next 48-72 hours. If we see no improvement, we can double the new dose of steroids for 48-72 additional hours or go back to the origional dose.

It is thought that Noelle's tumor is at the later stages. No one can say for sure how much longer Noelle will be with us, but things are much worse now. And as bad as her symptoms are, unfortunately, they are very likey to get even worse.

Noelle realizes that she is getting sicker. She continues to set such an example to all of us as she stands firm in her faith. She is still very fearful of the stages that she may have to go through until she meets her Heavenly Father, but she NEVER wavers on her spiritual beliefs.

Reading christian books continue to be Noelle's favorite thing to do. She does watch television at times, but her right eye is not focusing very well at this point. She loves to listen to music. She is spending more time resting.

Noelle's courage, faith, insight and wisdom continue to keep us in awe. When the house gets quiet with no visitors here, she shares so many of her personal feelings with us. Please pray for all of us. We cannot put into words exactly how we feel. We all have so many mixed emotions. Please pray that we will accept God's will, no matter what it may be. Please pray that we will be able to make good decisions for Noelle with clear minds. Please pray that we will always keep Noelle's wishes and best interest in mind. Please pray that Nathan will be able to identify his feelings so he can express himself.

Nathan is very aware of Noelle's changing health status. He continues to help out when and where needed. He does not leave the house much to play as he wants to be with his sister.

Thank you all once again for always being there for us. Thank you for your continued support, encouragement and prayers. Thank you for walking by our side while we are on such an uncertain journey.

We will continue to post updates as Noelle's condition changes.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and little Nicholas

Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 08:39 PM (CDT)

Noelle continues to experience some of the same symptons as last week, but some of the more concerning ones have subsided. Her skin tears have completely healed. This is one symptom that Van and I were very concerned about. In fact, they had healed in just three days! This is a tremendous answer to prayer!

Noelle still experiences terrible upper back pain and has a very difficult time walking. Her mouth pain seems to have subsided. At this point, Noelle only asks for soft foods to eat.

It seems each week presents with some sort of new symptom that Noelle has to contend with. And week after week, no matter how big or small the symptom, Noelle continues to fight with such courage and faith.

Van and I are so grateful that we still see some glimpses of Noelle's old sense of humor. She will occasionally let out a "one-liner" that completely catches us off guard! For those of you who knew Noelle before she was diagnosed know how we have always treasured all of her "one-liners".

Noelle continues to minimize her world by only interacting with a few people. This is hard for us to see, though we are told this is part of the process she is going to experience.

Van and I want to thank those of you who call before you come to visit Noelle. We also want to thank you for understanding that she is not up to many visitors at this point. She is completely aware of your phone calls and desires to visit. And she is very appreciative of all of your prayers, as we all are.

It is very difficult for Noelle to write at this point. She is VERY thankful to everyone who continues to send cards and care packages.

Nathan finished up basketball camp this past Friday. He had a wonderful time learning from the "big guys" on campus. He spent quite a bit of the weekend showing off his new moves to Van. It won't be long until Van and Nathan will be playing each other at one-on-one with 100% effort.

Van and I want to thank every one who helped get Nathan back and forth to camp last week, especially for the help with the "last minute" issues that came up. The week would not have gone as well as it did without your help. We also want to thank you for continuing to call us to just check in. It really means a lot to us to know that you all are still standing by our side as we have been on this journey for such a long time now. Thank you all for continuing to loan your talents to our family in such amazing ways. And thank you for your never-ending prayers.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Monday, June 24, 2002 at 07:48 PM (CDT)

Noelle's care has been complexed by some new symptoms with her illness. Though Van and I are always fearful of what will happen next, Noelle continues to stand firm with her excellent attitude and with her faith in God. Noelle continues to show us on a daily basis what true courage and faith really are.

Noelle has begun to fall more and her gait is very unsteady. Just standing causes her right leg to turn blue. Her upper back causes her great pain upon any movement. Noelle's skin has begun to tear which is a big concern as she is now more at risk for infection. Noelle has also begun to experience extreme pain in her mouth and on her teeth. She is not able to eat a full meal without experiencing pain. Noelle continues to swallow with difficulty only at times. It is more difficult for Noelle to speak a full sentence without running out of breath. She continues to be completely mentally alert and aware of ther surroundings. Praise God!

It is so difficult for us to watch these new symptoms arise in such a short period of time. Having already watched one of our children experience such great pain and now watching another child experience such pain is simply heartbreaking. Wanting to do something yet feeling so helpless is unbearable.

Like Nicholas, no matter how badly Noelle is hurting, she always manages to find the energy to smile. Even though Noelle's symptoms have begun to progress in certain areas, we know that we are very lucky because things could be much worse.

Noelle praises God on a DAILY basis for the "energy" to get through another day. She prays on a daily basis that her mommy and daddy won't be so sad, she prays for her big brother to have fun, she prays that her little brother will get an extra hug for the day, and she prays for her dog not to miss her playing with him like she once did long ago.

God is still giving us quality time with Noelle. We get our supply of grace on a daily basis, and sometimes on an hourly basis. When we begin to feel terribly sad and even cry in front of Noelle, she reminds us of how God chose her to be sick. When I mention to her how sorry I am that she cannot get to her room to see her toys, she reminds me that I can bring what she needs to her. When I tell her how I have always dreamed of seeing her in a prom dress and watching her graduate high school and college, she reminds me that she only wanted to be a kid. So, when I get sad about where we are in this process of Noelle's health, she quickly tells me to be happy that she is still here and that I need to have fun with her. And usually at the end of our conversations, I hear, "Read mommy."

We continue to tell Noelle on a daily basis, as we have told her every day of her life, "Thank you Jesus for my Noelle." We are thanking Jesus for the many lessons that Noelle continues to teach us and for the extraordinary amount of knowledge and wisdom that she has been blessed with. We are so lucky that God continues to share His Noelle with us. We are so grateful that Noelle's light is still shining.

Nathan returned home from camp this Saturday. He had a lot of fun, as he usually does. This week he is at basketball day camp at Wake Forest showing off his dribbling skills. After that he will once again turn into a "preteen", as he call himself, and sleep in until midday.

Nathan is very aware of Noelle's changing health status and is taking an interest in helping us do the more complex care that she needs. Van and I love to hear any conversation that they have together, no matter what it is about. Nathan tries his best to keep Noelle comfortable when he can. Bringing her snacks, keeping her cool and reading to her are some of the more routine things he does for her.

Van and I will always covet all of your prayers for our family. We are very lucky that God has chosen us to be a part of our children's lives in such a special way. Though we do not like the challenges we endure and the pain we feel during the "sifting" process, we are blessed that He loves us enough to "refine" who we are, what we stand for, and the attitide we choose during such trying times.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and Little Nicholas

Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 10:59 AM (CDT)

Though weak muscles are a part of everyday life, Noelle finished up last week very well. Her speach is ok and her ability to think clearly is wonderful. We do notice some occasions of difficulty swallowing, but we are so lucky that things are not much worse.

Noelle still has such a great outlook on life and her situation in general. We continue to be amazed at her optimistic attitude. She is so sound in her spiritual growth, it has to only come from God. Noelle continues to minister to us on a daily basis.

Van and Nathan returned home from their camping trip Friday afternoon. They both seemed to enjoy the time they had together and with the other cub scouts.

Just a few short hours after returning home on Friday, Van went to Atlanta for a "boys-weekend" of Atalanta Braves baseball games. Van and some of his buddies from high school were able to spend some time together in Atlanta watching one of the Braves series.

Nathan is at a resident camp this week. He was really looking forward to going to be with his buddies and he absolutely loves the camp counselors. He says they're "cool".

We truly covet all of your prayers for our family. Please continue to pray that Van and I will continue to grow with God while on His Journey. Please continue to pray that Nathan will feel a sense of security even in such uncertain times. Please continue to pray for Noelle's tumor. She is doing so well right now, we know it is all Heaven sent! Please pray that God will protect our family from unhealthy relationships. Please pray that we will have the courage to accept God's plan for our family; whatever it may be. Please pray that we will continue to put all of our faith and trust in God on a daily basis.

Thank you all for the support and encouragement you show to our family. Thank you for walking with us through the valley.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and little Nicholas

Sunday, June 09, 2002 at 08:22 PM (CDT)

The beginning of Noelle's week was terrific again. She is beginning to tire easily. It seems that the fluid retention is slowing her down again. Noelle wanted to go out this weekend, however she only wanted to go out Sunday morning and she was very tired after just one stop. We love to take Noelle out whenever she feels that she has the energy. We are going to have to think of a different way to get Noelle in and out of our house as it is getting more and more difficult for Van to lift her.

We are making the best of the time we have with Noelle. We realize that the burst of energy that she had over the past two weeks was something that we all had been praying for. We certainly took great advantage of it. We don't know that will get the miracle that we want, but we are getting more quality time; that is a miracle within itself.

We are not sure of Noelle's exact neurological status. This is something that is difficult to assess due to Noelle's decreased mobility. We do notice that she continues to have difficulty with her peripheral vision and her left eye does not move to the left at all. Noelle is having a very hard time walking again.

With this type of tumor, the swallowing reflex is usually affected. Noelle has had difficulty swallowing on occasion. She did have an episode on Wednesday evening where she could not swallow her saliva at all.This episode lasted until 2:00 am and then she fell asleep. Though this was terrifying for all of us, Noelle realizes that she may lose the ability to swallow completely. She is trying to decide which option she will take in the event that this should happen. We are thankful that Noelle has had no more of these episodes since Wednesday.

Noelle's attitude remains unchanged. She still motivates the entire family in so many ways. We are very lucky to have her. We cannot ever complain about our situation. Noelle is such an incredible gift from God. Her spiritual awareness continues to keep us in awe. We are trying to focus on what Noelle can do rather than what she cannot do. We tell her everyday how lucky we are to have both her and Nathan and to have had Nicholas. She always reminds me that we still "have" Nicholas.

We still have no help with Noelle. We checked a couple of different of options last week and have more to check this week.

Nathan finished his baseball season today. He really had a wonderful time playing and is already making plans for next season. Nathan and Van will be camping out in the "wilderness" this week with many other cub scouts. BOTH boys are looking forward to the upcoming event!

Nathan and Noelle got to throw a surprise birthday party for Aunt Joy this past week, with the help of their Papa! We were so happy that Uncle Blaine, Aunt Joy and Papa could come to our home on the same day. Everyone seemed to have a great time and Aunt Joy liked her gifts.

Van and I continue to covet all of your prayers in the many different areas of our life. We would like to ask you to continue to pray for rest, patience and courage for both of us. We would like to ask you to continue to pray for our marriage, that we will continue to have time to "just talk", something we have missed out on for so long. Please continue to pray that Noelle will have the much needed strength to get through each day and for her many other health needs. Please pray that Nathan will continue to enjoy his summer and enjoy just being nine. He has had to grow up very fast in so many different ways. Please pray that he will feel comfortable enough to open up to us whenever he needs to talk. And please pray that we all will feel a sense of peace when we think and talk about Nicholas. Each of us have missed him so much this week. Describing our feelings and emotions are extremely difficult, but please know we all hurt terribly and miss him very much.

Thank you all for your continued support and encouragement. Thank you for continuing to send cards and care packages to the children. They really love everything you do for them. You are giving more to our family than you will ever know. We will post updates as they come.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Monday, June 03, 2002 at 11:55 AM (CDT)

Noelle had another wonderful weekend! It is so hard to believe that her new medications are working so well.

The fluid retention that was once a major concern and inhibitor is no longer so evident. Noelle's old personality is showing through more and more. She will have conversations that do not completely involve food and she is showing interest in some of the old activities she once enjoyed.

Noelle is now using her oxygen when she feels it is necessary. This is a huge step for her. She still has a hard time walking and has not decreased her steroids at all. We always have the option to adjust the dosages of her medications when we would like to. Making the best decision is very difficult, not to mention the amount of pressure this type of decision brings forth. Noelle's condition is not exactly predictable which means there is not a precise scientific approach to follow.

Noelle had the energy and desire to go out again this past weekend. She actually went out both Saturday and Sunday. This is another huge answer to prayer! Just the mere fact that Noelle even wanted to go out is amazing!

We still have no help with Noelle. The former agency that we used for Nicholas and Noelle is unable to help us. Please pray for me as I'm not sure that I have the energy or desire to continue searching for help through agencies. We have begun to widen our search by talking to our friends in hopes that we may find the right person. We hope that by taking a different approach we can find someone that will work well for all involved.

Nathan will be finishing up his regular season of baseball this week. The tournament will then follow. He is excited about the upcoming games that he will be playing in.

Thank you for continuing to pray for our family as we continue to grow with the Lord.


Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and little Nicholas

Monday, June 03, 2002 at 11:55 AM (CDT)

Noelle had another wonderful weekend! It is so hard to believe that her new medications are working so well.

The fluid retention that was once a major concern and inhibitor is no longer so evident. Noelle's old personality is showing through more and more. She will have conversations that do not completely involve food and she is showing interest in some of the old activities she once enjoyed.

Noelle is now using her oxygen when she feels it is necessary. This is a huge step for her. She still has a hard time walking and has not decreased her steroids at all. We always have the option to adjust the dosages of her medications when we would like to. Making the best decision is very difficult, not to mention the amount of pressure this type of decision brings forth. Noelle's condition is not exactly predictable which means there is not an precise scientific approach to follow.

Noelle had the energy and desire to go out again this past weekend. She actually went out both Saturday and Sunday. This is another huge answer to prayer! Just the mere fact that Noelle even wanted to go out is amazing!

We still have no help with Noelle. The former agency that we used for Nicholas and Noelle is unable to help us. Please pray for me as I'm not sure that I have the energy or desire to continue searching for help through agencies. We have begun to widen our search by talking to our friends in hopes that we may find the right person. We hope that by taking a different approach we can find someone that will work well for all involved.

Nathan will be finishing up his regular season of baseball this week. The tournament will then follow. He is excited about the upcoming games that he will be playing in.

Thank you for continuing to pray for our family as we continue to grow with the Lord.


Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and little Nicholas

Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 10:11 AM (CDT)

Last week Noelle's symptoms remained somewhat stable. We had a couple of really hard days with some of the symptoms, but this past weekend was absolutley wonderful.

Noelle began to laugh with the family and crack jokes with the Van. She asked several times to be taken to the dining room table for meals and to color. She even asked to go out to lunch and to the grocery store! Noelle has not been out of the house in about one month. What an answer to prayer!

We still have no help with Noelle but are very prayerful that it will come soon. Please continue to pray that the right person will come and that not only will Noelle feel comfortable but we will as well. Please pray that I will be courageous enough to allow someone else take my place for a few hours each day without reluctance.

We continue to be grateful that the insurance company continues to help us sort through all of the EOB's (explanation of benefits) that come in the mail. I still spend quite a bit of time sorting through the EOB's and mailing the providers checks as they are being sent straight to us. This work is very time consuming and not to mention extremely confusing.

Nathan continues to play baseball and still loves pitching. He is excited that shcool is out and has begun the fun events that summer has to offer. Nathan is very excited that he and a friend will be sleeping out in the backyard in his tent tonight. He is preparing himself for cub scout resident camp.

Last Thursday, Nathan had the opportunity to accept a Certificate of Participation on Noelle's behalf from her school during the Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony. This was such a beautiful ceremony bringing up so many differnet emotions. Holding back the tears was very hard, but they did pour out when I returned for the chapel service on Friday for the rest of the elementary school. It was such a privilige to have the opportunity to personally thank the many people who helped us in ways beyond comprehension this year.

My health issue seem much better as I have not lifted Noelle at all since I was told not to. I am very thankful for the people who have come over to help me with the lifting. While at the doctors office last week, I had some testing done and everything has come back normal. Praise God!

I have been given the opportunity to allow God to work in my life in other areas, one in which I have begun a Bible study with some of my peers in our Bible Fellowship Class. This has proven to be a step in such a wonderful direction for me as I have been pretty much isolated for the past year taking care of Noelle and Nicholas. By being in this Bible Study my heart has an immense appreciation for the many many caretakers who are out there with no opportunity of relief. I am so grateful that God has given me the opportunity and courage to take the first step to get out again. I am also glad that God is giving me such a desire to pray like never before for the other dedicated caretakers who give up, and receive, so much from the caring of their loved ones.

Van continues to work and spend time taking Nathan to baseball and scouting events. He is having a blast with Noelle since she is in her "picking" frame of mind. He is determined to work-out in the gym hard this week, as Noelle has allowed Van to participate in her favorite extracurricular activity; Eating!

Van and I have really felt all of your prayers for our marriage and are working very hard to allow God to restore the beautiful union He allowed us to have many years ago. We continue to go to our church for grief counseling on a regular basis as well as now seek counseling individually. This seems to be such a tremendous help for us.

I want to thank all of the wonderful people who were there to help us in so many different areas of our life last week, as last week was kind of tough. Thank you for allowing God to use your talents and strenghts to help us stay focused.

A special thank-you to Gina Galdstone for updating our pictures in the photo album again! As always, you have done a great job!

We also want to thank everyone who visits this web-page for all of your continued support and encouragement through your prayers, phone messages, cards and all of the other things you do to let us know you care. We hope and pray that God is your true inspiration as He is ours. Thank you for walking with us in the valley as we continue on God's Journey.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 10:11 AM (CDT)

Last week Noelle's symptoms remained somewhat stable. We had a couple of really hard days with some of the symptoms, but this past weekend was absolutley wonderful.

Noelle began to laugh with the family and crack jokes with the Van. She asked several times to be taken to the dining room table for meals and to color. She even asked to go out to lunch and to the grocery store! Noelle has not been out of the house in about one month. What an answer to prayer!

We still have no help with Noelle but are very prayerful that it will come soon. Please continue to pray that the right person will come and that not only will Noelle feel comfortable but we will as well. Please pray that I will be courageous enough to allow someone else take my place for a few hours each day without reluctance.

We continue to be grateful that the insurance company continues to help us sort through all of the EOB's (explanation of benefits) that come in the mail. I still spend quite a bit of time sorting through the EOB's and mailing the providers checks as they are being sent straight to us. This work is very time consuming and not to mention extremely confusing.

Nathan continues to play baseball and still loves pitching. He is excited that shcool is out and has begun the fun events that summer has to offer. Nathan is very excited that he and a friend will be sleeping out in the backyard in his tent tonight. He is preparing himself for cub scout resident camp.

Last Thursday, Nathan had the opportunity to accept a Certificate of Participation on Noelle's behalf from her school during the Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony. This was such a beautiful ceremony bringing up so many differnet emotions. Holding back the tears was very hard, but they did pour out when I returned for the chapel service on Friday for the rest of the elementary school. It was such a privilige to have the opportunity to personally thank the many people who helped us in ways beyond comprehension this year.

My health issue seem much better as I have not lifted Noelle at all since I was told not to. I am very thankful for the people who have come over to help me with the lifting. While at the doctors office last week, I had some testing done and everything has come back normal. Praise God!

I have been given the opportunity to allow God to work in my life in other areas, one in which I have begun a Bible study with some of my peers in our Bible Fellowship Class. This has proven to be a step in such a wonderful direction for me as I have been pretty much isolated for the past year taking care of Noelle and Nicholas. By being in this Bible Study my heart has an immense appreciation for the many many caretakers who are out there with no opportunity of relief. I am so grateful that God has given me the opportunity and courage to take the first step to get out again. I am also glad that God is giving me such a desire to pray like never before for the other dedicated caretakers who give up, and receive, so much from the caring of their loved ones.

Van continues to work and spend time taking Nathan to baseball and scouting events. He is having a blast with Noelle since she is in her "picking" frame of mind. He is determined to work-out in the gym hard this week, as Noelle has allowed Van to participate in her favorite extracurricular activity; Eating!

Van and I have really felt all of your prayers for our marriage and are working very hard to allow God to restore the beautiful union He allowed us to have many years ago. We continue to go to our church for grief counseling on a regular basis as well as now seek counseling individually. This seems to be such a tremendous help for us.

I want to thank all of the wonderful people who were there to help us in so many different areas of our life last week, as last week was kind of tough. Thank you for allowing God to use your talents and strenghts to help us stay focused.

We also want to thank everyone who visits this web-page for all of your continued support and encouragement through your prayers, phone messages, cards and all of the other things you do to let us know you care. We hope and pray that God is your true inspiration as He is ours. Thank you for walking with us in the valley as we continue on God's Journey.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 07:59 PM (CDT)

Noelle had a much better week this past week.We are having to be careful with her skin on the back of her legs because her skin is beginning to tear. We continue to watch her walking as this is a major area that she is not doing well in. We have moved Noelle's hospital bed upstairs and she uses her bedside potty. The only walking she does at this point is from her bed or potty to the sofa which is literally about 2-3 steps.

We were concerned about how to give Noelle a real bath. We didn't want to totally rely on sponge baths, so we purchased a two-ring inflatable swimming pool and put it in the den where Noelle is. Noelle seemed to love being in the water. She thought it was really cool to take a bath in the den. Of course, Van and I were praying real hard that the pool didn't spring a leak!

We are going to try another new medication that might help Noelle not focus on food so much. We are not going to be able to decrease her steroids, but we are hopeful that this medication will help Noelle concentrate on other things. This medication will take about two weeks to get in her system.

We learned this past week that Noelle has been approved for nursing care. We are so excited to have the opportunity to get some help. Please pray that the right person will come along. Please pray that there will be a mutual feeling of comfort between Noelle, the CNA and the rest of the family. We realize that there will have to be a couple of different people sent to fill the number of hours that we were approved for, please pray that the interviewing process will not be prolonged by any unforeseen circumstances.
God allowed us to know exactly when to ask for help with Noelle. We know that the approval for nursing care for Noelle came at a perfect time because I was told this week that I can no longer do any heavy lifting for the next three months. I have unknowingly experienced some health problems from the prolonged lifting of Noelle and her and Nicholas' medical equipment. It was last week that I realized that something wasn't quite right and I went to the doctor. I must listen to the doctor about not lifting because I could further injure myself and have more serious problems in the future.

Nathan had the opportunity to be a ring bearer in a wedding yesterday. He is such a very handsome young man. We can truly see him growing up before our very eyes. We continue to tell him how lucky we are to have the opportunity to be his parents.

Nathan's last day of school is this Friday. He is ready for his summer vacation to start. When we looked at our calendar, we realized that his summer is going to be very busy. This is an answer to prayer for us. We don't want Nathan to not have fun because we can't get Noelle out anymore.

With our schedule over this past year Van and I have not had an opportunity to spend much quality time together. We have realized that we have not only put ourselves on the back burner, we have also put our marriage on the back burner.

We thought that the few good things we had, that weren't visibly being attacked in a negative way, would somehow still be there waiting for us in the good shape we left it.

Van and I have been harshly convicted this week that even though we had the best of intentions, satan does not care how tired or worn down we are nor does he care about the incredible trials we are going through. After all, isn't that when satan is going to attack?

Each day we struggle to keep our family from falling in the ditch. We always wonder if we are going to wake up from a horrible dream. The harsh reality is that we are not dreaming and we are going to face struggles on a daily basis. We are so thankful that our God has promised to never leave us. We are so thankful the our God does not break His promises as He has NEVER left us for one minute, even in the midst of total darkness. We are so thankful that our Father allowed us to choose to have a good attitude about our trials. We do not doubt Noelle when she says "God chose me to be sick". We know that God chose our family to endure these trials and test of our faith. We know that God wanted to take us on a journey, we had no idea it would be to the extent that it is.

We would like to thank the many of you who have already told us that you are praying for our marriage. We would like to ask all of you to pray for us to have the strength and courage to face each new day as we face new challenges. We would also like to ask you to pray that Van and I will stay unified in each daily decision and challenge we face.

Van and I agreed today that we sometimes feel like the little silver ball in a pinball machine. We feel that we are being thrown from one bumper to the next at a very fast rate with no opportunity to rest. We are also forced to quickly make important decisions that affect our whole family. Please pray that we will be consciencious about spending more quality time together on a regular basis. Please pray that we will give every situation in our life over to our Heavenly Father.

We would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support through phone calls, cards, meals and the many other ways you are showing your love. We will always cherish all of your prayers. We want you all to know that we give God all of the Glory for every gift we receive.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Monday, May 13, 2002 at 07:48 AM (CDT)

Last week was very busy for us as well as Noelle. Noelle's care continues to get more and more difficult. We realize that most of her issues are related to the massive amount of weight she has gained over the past 7 months. It is very difficult to put Noelle on a scale. When we are able to get her on a scale her balance is not good so we are not sure how accurate the reading is, we think her weight gain is between 75-80 pounds.

Due to this weight gain, Noelle is unable to attempt going up or down the stairs. She no longer leaves the house. Walking is a very difficult task. Noelle's right side seems to have the most swelling which is the side that she uses the least. We have put Noelle's hospital bed up on the main level where she spends all of her time.

With Noelle spending all of her time on the main level, bathing is another issue. With the weight gain, giving her a sponge bath is simply exhausting.

Noelle's cognitive skills are still very intact. We can talk to her and she still understands everything we are saying and responds with appropriate conversation.

The medication we are using to help Noelle get rid of the excess fluid is still giving us some benefit. However, she continues to be swollen.

Noelle makes several trips to the bedside potty each night. For example, last night we put her on the potty every hour. She will not use anything like Depends and will not hear of being catheterized. This makes sleeping a major issue for us and Noelle. We do have medication to help Noelle rest, thankfully she can wake up when she needs to relieve herself.

We have seen no results from the new medication that we were using to help us decrease the steroids. We knew that this medication may not work for us, so we will continue to keep her steroids at their current dosage.

Noelle seems to have difficulty speaking at times. We are learning to use a small computer that will talk for her. Van and I can program this computer to say some of Noelle's most used phrases; things she needs or wants. If Noelle loses the ability to talk, we hope the whole family is comfortable using this computer with her.

We noticed that Noelle had some difficulty swallowing last week. This is another major concern of ours. Tough foods such as meat and bread are hard for her to swallow. If Noelle loses the ability to swallow, we must decide whether or not to put a feeding tube in her. It would be a tube that goes from her nose to her stomach or small intestine. These are both exactly like the ones that Nicholas had. Noelle is very reluctant to even hear us speak about this. She still insists that she does not want any tubes in her at all.

We are trying to honor all of Noelle's wishes. As the weeks go on, our decision to use any intervention is going to get more difficult. As parents, we want to do everything that we can to help her. Please pray that we will know when to listen to Noelle and when we will know to make the decision for her.

With Noelle's care getting more complex, we have had to ask the insurance company to reinstate her nursing hours. I need help with her daily care. We have not heard back from them as of yet. Please pray that we will get some help with Noelle and please pray that the right person will be sent to us.

Last time we had hours for Noelle, she did not feel comfortable with anyone except Nicholas' nurse. Last we heard Nicholas' nurse has a full time patient.

Noelle still loves to be read to. In fact, her Uncle Blaine was here last week and he taught her to read a book on her own. We also continue to do word search puzzles and kindergarten work books. She has informed me that kindergarten is too easy for her now, she is ready to move on to first grade!

Noelle has begun having us write stories for her. She talks and Van and I write what she says. Her stories are wonderful. The one thing they all have in common is that they all involve some sort of food!

Nathan is doing well. He is down to his last two weeks of school before summer vacation. He continues to play baseball and still loves to pitch. We are noticing that he is so much more interested in helping us take care of Noelle. He loves her so much and that love is now showing through in so many other ways. Just watching him mature is so wonderful. We continue to tell our children how lucky we are to be a part of their lives.

Thank you all for continuing to support and encourage us. Your prayers will be cherished forever.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and little Nicholas

Friday, May 03, 2002 at 08:39 PM (CDT)

Noelle continues to have some good days followed by some not-so-good days. She continues to have a great attitude about her condition.

This week Noelle started a new medication to help rid her body of some of the extra fluid she is retaining. We are praying that this medication will help with the swelling in her feet as well as other parts of her body. We have noticed that Noelle's feet hurt quite a bit while she is walking.

Noelle started another new medication this week that we will use in conjuction with her steroids. This medication may help to inhibit tumor growth. The side effects are minimal if any at all, and we are very hopeful that by next week we can slowly begin to decrease the steroid dosage.

It is very difficult for Noelle to get out due to running out of enenrgy very quickly and her feet hurting. She still runs out of breath easily and experiences back pain. She has said that she does not want to go out anymore. Please pray that these medications will begin to work and that Noelle will begin to feel well enough to go out once again. Most of Noelle's other symptoms remain the same.

We realize that the new medications hold no guarantee, but we continue to place our entire situation in the Lords Hands. We know that whatever He has in store for our family is all a part of His perfect plan. We continue to be grateful that God continues to show His face each and every day in one way or another.

Please pray that we will accept God's will no matter how easy or difficult it might be. Please pray that we will hand every situation in our life over to God with complete trust in Him. Please pray for us as we continue to mourn the loss of our precious little Nicholas. We know that we will never be able to hold his flesh again, but we can always hold his memory in our hearts, no matter how happy or painful those memories may be.

We are so proud of Noelle for letting a friend stay with her tonight so Van and I could see most of Nathan's baseball game together. Nathan got to pitch tonight for the first time in his career. He was so excited. He did very well, with only a few "wild" pitches. When the game was over one of Nathan's friends, who happened to be on the opposing team, told Nathan that he almost broke his promise. When I asked what the promise was, the boy said that Nathan promised not to "bean" anyone! We told Nathan that was a GREAT promise to keep!

We would like to thank all of you for your continued support and encouragement as well as all of the many other ways you continue to help us as we grow with the Lord. We will always covet your prayers. Thank you for standing by our side no matter how deep the valley may seem.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nichoals

Friday, April 26, 2002 at 07:17 AM (CDT)

Noelle continues to experience good days. We are so grateful that she has the much needed energy to get so much enjoyment from the many days in a row over the past couple of weeks.

Noelle is having a difficult time with swelling in her feet, therefore it is hard for her walk at times due to pain. Her breathing continues to be affected at times as well. She is now using a hospital bed to sleep in at night. We also have oxygen in the home for her to use if she needs it.

We are not having much success in getting Noelle to use her oxygen. She is still pushing away her medical treatment. Noelle has so much fear and anxiety about receiving medical treatment as she remembers the vivid details of Nicholas' hospitalizations. She has told us many times that she does not want to go through what he did. Hospice is doing an incredible job of working with Noelle. Their approach with her is very slow and gentle.

Noelle's oncologist and nurse came to visit her this week at our home. Noelle was very relaxed and didn't seem to mind their visit. In fact, she has already asked me when they are coming again to see her. She wants to give them some more candy to take back to their office.

Noelle's outlook is still so positive. She never takes her eyes off of the Lord. She is standing so strong for not only herself but the rest of the family as well. It is so amazing for us to see how grown up the situation over the past year has made Noelle. She is aware of how serious her condition is and she is so full of the Holy Spirit, seeing the many details of her health status through optimistic eyes.

Much of Noelle's time is spent reading. She loves to read about Jesus, angels and heaven. Noelle is not reading on her own as of yet. If there is a new book laying around the house and she is not familiar with the story, she will turn the book into a Bible and begin reading the Word of God.

Noelle is also very interested in word search workbooks. She takes her time in being very careful to find each letter of a new word she is learning to read. She never gets frustrated with the "tricks" the books seem to play on us as we may think we have the word we are looking for and it turns out that the book was "tricking" us.

Our time is very precious and valuable with our children. Noelle's daily care is beginning to get more detailed in certain areas. Please pray for strength not only for Noelle but also for me, Van and Nathan. Please pray that we will accept each new day as a gift, each new challenge of that day as growth in a positive way and each new accomplishment of that day a blessing. And please pray that we will stay focused on our Heavenly Father no matter how deep the dips in the valley may get.

We are so thankful to every one of you for continuing to offer your support through phone calls, cards, e-mails, meals and the many other things you are doing to help us. We know that God continues to hold us tightly in the palm of His hand as He is allowing us to grow.

We Love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 06:28 AM (CDT)

This week has been very good for Noelle, thereby allowing the whole family to have many cherished smiles. Noelle has had a great deal of energy and has wanted to get out of the house several times over the past week. She spent an afternoon with one of her best friends from preschool. The girls celebrate their birthdays within two weeks of each other and this year Noelle was in Cincinnati so they couldn't be together. Noelle and Hally had lunch together at Hally's house followed by their own Barbie birthday cake. Noelle is still enjoying hers! After their cake they read books and watched a Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen video. When it was time to leave, Noelle and Hally decided that Hally would come over to Noelle's house for a little while. We were so glad that Noelle felt up to such a great time. We are so glad that Hally was able to spend some time with Noelle. What a praise!

Friday Noelle went on a picnic at Reynolda Gardens with some more friends, Julia, Brice, and Blake. Though the day was hot Noelle still managed to stay for an hour enjoying fried chicken, mashed potatoes, dirty rice and of course, strawberries. When the temperature proved to be more than what we all could stand, Noelle advised us that it was time to go home and take a nap.

Even after so much excitement, Noelle has her cousin, Tasha, up this weekend. Tasha is a teenager and we are sure that she would love to sleep in on Saturday mornings, but when she heard the sweet little voice of Noelle whispering, at 6:45 am, "Tasha, it's time to get up," Tasha seemed happy to start her day. We are certain that Tasha will sleep in next weekend! Just hearing the happiness in Noelle's voice when she and Tasha are talking is priceless.

Most of our time is spent trying to allow Noelle to do the fun things that she wants to do. Needless to say, everything else seems less important when Noelle has the much needed energy just to walk to the car and get in.

Nathan seems happy that Noelle has gotten out so much this week. He continues to be there for his sister,even when it seems so hard. Nathan continues to enjoy playing baseball and he is really ready for school to be out so he can start his summer vacation.

Noelle is very aware of her condition as is Nathan. My and Van's hearts melt when we hear both children pray at night always thanking our Heavenly Father for Noelle's "energy to have fun today."

As great of a week that Noelle had, we did have to increase her steriods again. Her drooling was beginning to return and she was feeling "woozy" when she was walking. Since the increase, she has had less symptoms.

Please continue to pray for us, as we are not certain what each new day will bring. Please pray for more energy to have many many more "good days". Please pray for us as we are still experiencing many sad feelings regarding the loss of Nicholas. All four of us miss our "little missionary" so much.

Thank all of you for your continued support and encouragement as we continue our journey. Thank you for always being there for us. We would like to especially thank you all for your continued prayers.

We will continue to post updates on a regular basis.

With Much Love,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and little Nicholas

Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 08:41 AM (CDT)

This past week was proven to be such an emotional time for our family. We received news from Noelle's oncologist that her tumor is very unpredictable and her good time left is uncertain, she could have 2-3 weeks or 2-3 months. (Though we were always aware of the uncertainty of the tumor, we were taken back by the news.) The pattern of brain stem gliomas are very hard to predict. We are hoping and praying that she has even longer than 2-3 months of good time left. We are sure that her doctor's goal was only to remind us to cherish each and every moment of good time that Noelle shares with all of us.

Van and I have elected not to reschedule the MRI. Noelle has a difficult time breathing while she is sleeping. If we were to reschedule the MRI, Noelle would need to be put to sleep, thus increasing her risk of not waking up at all.

We hold close to our hearts that NOTHING is impossible for our Heavenly Father. The tumor could disappear in the blinking of an eye. One of our prayers is for a complete recovery. Another one of our prayers is that God's will be done. And a third prayer is that will be courageous enough to accept God's will, whatever it may be.

We know that God hears all of us. And our plan may not be His. We will continue to cherish every single moment we have left with Noelle. We know that God is continuing to grow us each and every day. We must share that the growth we are experiencing is very painful and yet enlightening at the same time. We are so rejoiceful that God continues to hold us tightly in the palm of his hand while we are growing.

Noelle had an absolutely wonderful weekend. She spent the first half of Saturday with Aunt Joy and Uncle Blaine at our house while Van and I attended a seminar at our church. She then rode down to Mount Holly to an alumni baseball game that Van was playing in. We were SO excited that Noelle lasted the entire game. Then she was able to go to dinner with our family and some of Van's high school friends. What an answer to prayer!

While at the baseball game Noelle spent time talking to some people, never acting intimidated at all. She actually acted like she was enjoying her time there. Of course, we're sure that it was helpful that "hot-diggy-dogs" were there as well as cotton candy, snow cones, candy, bubble gum, etc. I don't think Noelle was empty handed for any amount of time. In fact, it seemed every time we turned around someone was offering Noelle some sort of treat. She was sure to feel like a princess.

I personally am very thankful for all of the help I received from everyone at the ball game while Van was playing. Noelle felt so secure. She even seemed to enjoy talking with the various children that approached her. Thank you all for the wonderful day. This day will NEVER be forgotten. And a special thank you for turning the game into a fund raiser for the children. You all are so amazing. Van is so lucky to know such a wonderful group of people. Every one of you hold such a special place in all of our hearts. We wish we could be at the fish fry on Thursday. I don't think we have had the opportunity to attend a fish fry since we left Mount Holly.

Nathan had a blast Saturday as well. He had the opportunity to play with some of the children that he went to church with when he was just a toddler. He truly enjoyed being able to throw the first pitch of the game, announce the winners of the raffle, play with all of the children, get free food and candy, and on and on. We have heard so many happy stories of his night that our hearts just soar with excitement. He tells us that he wants to attend baseball camp there with his dads old baseball coach. (He also says that he is going to break all of his dads records that have not been broken yet!)

We told Nathan we would see about baseball camp. Of course, Papa is all for it. One full week with Nathan doing what he used to do with Van; talking about memory lane, Papa is sure to have as much as, if not more fun than Nathan.

Anyway, thank you Mount Holly for the wonderful day Saturday.

A special thanks to all of the visitors to this web-page for your continued prayers and support. We took one day away this past weekend and it meant so much to our family but now we're back home and in full swing of our daily routine. Thank all of you for your continued cards, meals, words of encouragement, help with Nathan, and on and on.

We love all of you.

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 07:21 AM (CDT)

When Van and I agreed to start this web page we agreed that we should always be very open and honest, even in the most difficult of circumstances. We have always been quiet and private people. We had our circle of friends and lived our life how we thought God wanted us to.

We never dreamed that God would use this web page to touch as many lives as it has. We never imagined that God would use all three of our children to spread and glorify His Holy name as they have. It never crossed our minds once that our family could give to anyone in our time of need.

We knew that by having a web page we could reach not only all of our family, but also our friends and fellow church members. We also knew that by having a web page we would cut down on the amount of time we spent talking on the phone and the number of times we would retell the same updates to many people. (This page has by far served its purpose.)

We realized that we would need to have prayer from many people to help us through our journey. We understood that we would have to depend on our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ for many things. We knew that God wanted to grow us, but we weren't sure how.

Yesterday, April 9, was Nichols' first birthday. Though unplanned, our day was spent remembering what Nicholas meant, and still means, to us. We know that this was another gift from God, I guess God allowed Nicholas to share another present with our family.

I want to thank all of you wonderful ladies who took the time out of your busy schedules to prepare lunch for me. I know that all of you made a sacrifice to be there. Lanie, thank you for opening your home to everyone. The decorations were great and the flowers will always be memorable. (Just remember, though Nicholas was very small, he created everlasting memories.) Thank you.

I also want to thank all of the ladies I had lunch with yesterday for the incredible scrap book you made for our family to enjoy. What an inspiration that was to me. I knew that I would not be able to read any of the cards while I was with you, in fact, I couldn't read anything until wee hours in the morning.

As I read every card and wiped away every tear I realized what Nicholas really meant to all of you. Thank you for truly opening your hearts to me; I needed that. Now I will open my heart to you. I have always admired and looked up to EACH ONE of you. I always used you as examples of godly wives, mothers, friends, and the list goes on and on. You will never know what yesterday meant to me. Each of you has been involved with our family since the beginning of our journey. I know that God put you in my life as forever Christian friends. Thank you for sharing your innermost thoughts. I thank God for the new respect He has given me for each of you.

As with all of the ladies I had lunch with yesterday, Van and I know that God put you all in our path to help us grow with Him. Thank you all for allowing God to work through you to help us. And as with all of those ladies, we know that all of you will always be forever our Christian friends.

I also wanted to thank Aunt Joy for coming once again to help us. You are always here for us whenever we need you. I am not sure our words are adequate enough to share how truly grateful we are to you and your family. WE LOVE YOU!

Van and I are still not sure how God will continue to grow us, but we know it will be good. God never makes a mistake.

Van and I have agreed that now is the time we must work on our grief. We know that working on our grief will add one more thing to our daily routine. But we know that we need to face our feelings and fears head on. We cannot sweep our feelings under the carpet. We need to reflect and feel. We need to be able to share our hurt and confusion with each other.

We have always felt that is important to ask for specific prayer requests for our children, but now we need prayer in a different sense for us. We are still physicially exhauseted and mentally drained. We know that God is not stopping. He is going to hold us in the palm of His hand while He continues to grow us. We know that we need to do our share of work even in the midst of our weakness. We are beginning to work through our feelings. We are sure to feel things that we don't understand.

Please know we are so thankful for each of you. Please know we are receiving your phone messages and e-mails. Please know that we are thankful for everything you are doing for us. We feel that the most important thing we need now is prayer. Please continue to pray for us.

We love and are thankkful for each and EVERY ONE of you!


Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 07:47 AM (CST)

Noelle's week remained somewhat "stable". She seems to have some really good days followed by some not so good days. She continues to have difficulty with urinary symptoms.

We did sign Noelle up this week with the children's division of Hospice. They will be able to come to our home when Noelle has any symptoms related to her health as opposed to loading her up and taking her to the hospital. Van and I, as well as Noelle, are all very excited about this. Noelle has had the opportunity to meet the nurse a couple of times this week and seems very comfortable with her. This is a huge praise.

Most of Noelle's symptoms seem related to her weight gain. This is hard both for Noelle and us. We have decreased her steroids and she seems to be tolerating this well, however she still carries the extra weight. Noelle seems to tire out very fast just from a short walk from the sofa to the dining room table and she has had problems with swelling in her lower extremities.

Noelle is still apprehensive about being around other people. We are trying to work with her on this but are having little success.

Nathan has adjusted to his school routine and is playing little league baseball. He is very excited about baseball. He really wants to be a pitcher. This is his first year playing kid pitch. We are very excited that Nathan has the same coach that he has had in years past. The coach seems to work very well with all of the boys and always keeps their best interest in mind.

Nathan had the opportunity to go to Raleigh on a school fieid trip this past week. He seemed to have fun while learning. Nathan was particularly excited that Aunt Joy's name was picked to go on the trip as well. After hearing about her experience, I know that everyone who went had a wonderful time. We are so very proud of the young man that Nathan is becoming. He continues to show signs of maturity each day. Even though he is in the fourth grade and will always be a boy, we are especially happy that he is showing us that he keeps the love of the Lord in his heart and close by his side.

As for me and Van, our days have a new "busy", so different than before. We are trying to adjust as best we can. We still have some loose ends to tie up with the loss of Nicholas. Each day that I think I will begin to go through his things, I put it off to another. Please pray for strength as we know that the time is soon coming for us to do this. Please pray that we will continue to put God first in every aspect of our life. Please pray that we will accept God's plan for our life with His timing and not our own.

Each day seems to bring a new challenge, thanks to all of you who have been here to help us this week. Molly, I could have never gone through all of those EOB's without your help. Hospice, thank you for taking the time to copy all of those EOB's for us. To our insurance company, thank you for being willing to take everything back to help us understand each item listed.

To our church, thank ALL of you for holding us in the palm of your hand now more than ever. Thank you for showing us your neverending love, support and encouragement.

To everyone who has called and left a message on our answering maching, to everyone who has e-mailed us, and to everyone who has sent "care packages", thank you. We will get in touch with each and every one of you. It is taking longer than we would have expected. Please know that we are thinking about and thankful for you.

Many thanks to all of you for your continued visits to our web page. Thank you for all of your support and prayers as we continue to grow with God as we walk down His path.

We have placed the final order for the tapes of Nicholas' funeral service. They should be ready very soon, and we will get them in the mail to all of you who ordered them.

Thank you again for keeping up with us. We will continue to post updates on a regular basis.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and Nicholas

Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 11:20 AM (CST)

We are happy to report that Noelle has had a couple of great days. She has adjusted to being home very well. Her UTI appears to be under control and she has begun walking around the house without assistance, although she still needs help on the stairs. We will reschedule her MRI in about another week or so.

We are all missing our little Nicholas very much. As we celebrate this Easter season without him here on this earth with us, we know that he will always be with us in spirit. It still amazes us what great things Nicholas accomplished in his 11 short months of life. Noelle has told us many times that "God picked us to be sick." We are sure that God "picked" Nicholas to spread His word in only the way that Nicholas could.

Nathan has spent his Easter vacation with Aunt Joy and Uncle Blaine in Roanoke. He seems to have had a great time. Though a lot of his time was spent making up missed school work, he still managed to mix in some fun time.

We will spend our Easter Sunday at Aunt Joy and Uncle Blaine's home. We are looking forward to special time together.

Our prayers will be with all of you as you celebrate your Easter Sunday. We will pray for safe travel, we will pray for renewed spirits, and we will pray for new beginnings.

Please continue to pray for us as we still continue down uncertain roads. We are SURE that God will not leave our side for one minute. And please continue to pray for us as we are trying to adjust to a new routine at home; one with and without Nicholas.

Thank you all for all of your support and encouragement over these past months and especially over this past week. We truly do cherish everything that has been done for our family.


Love to all,

Van, Wendy, Nathan, Noelle, and little Nicholas

Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 09:52 AM (CST)

We took Noelle to her appointment yesterday. There were some complications that didn't allow the MRI to be done. Somehow or another the needle that accesses her port-a-cath came out of the port itself, and the medication that should have made her drowsy deposited into her chest tissue not allowing the sedation to take place. Noelle complained of her chest hurting, when we invesitgated to see what was wrong, the needle fell from her chest.

Noelle was too upset to allow another try, and we weren't going to put her through anymore trauma. We do have to go back to the doctor today to flush out her port-a-cath incase there is any remaining medication. We will reschedule the MRI in a couple of weeks. We want to give Noelle a rest.

We will try to decrease her steroids again to a lower dose. Our prayers are that she will tolerate the lower dosage with no complications.

Nathan is in Roanoak enjoying time with Aunt Joy, Uncle Blaine, and Melanie. We will see him some time this weekend. We are hoping that Noelle will tolerate a trip to Roanoak to bring Nathan home.

We will continue to post updates as we know more information about Noelle.

Thank you all again for all of your prayers, support and encouragement.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 09:52 AM (CST)

We took Noelle to her appointment yesterday. There were some complications that didn't allow the MRI to be done. Somehow or another the needle that accesses her port-a-cath came out of the port itself, and the medication that should have made her drowsy deposited into her chest tissue not allowing the sedation to take place. Noelle complained of her chest hurting, when we invesitgated to see what was wrong, the needle fell from her chest.

Noelle was too upset to allow another try, and we weren't going to put her through anymore trauma. We do have to go back to the doctor today to flush out her port-a-cath incase there is any remaining medication. We will reschedule the MRI in a couple of weeks. We want to give Noelle a rest.

We will try to decrease her steroids again to a lower dose. Our prayers are that she will tolerate the lower dosage with no complications.

Nathan is in Roanoak enjoying time with Aunt Joy, Uncle Blaine, and Melanie. We will see him some time this weekend. We are hoping that Noelle will tolerate a trip to Roanoak to bring Nathan home.

We will continue to post updates as we know more information about Noelle.

Thank you all again for all of your prayers, support and encouragement.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Monday, March 25, 2002 at 06:32 AM (CST)

Once again, we would like to thank all of you for all of your support and encouragement over the past 11 months.

We would like to thank Phil Henry, Jan Morrison and the many other people from Calvary who made sure Nicholas had an absolutely beautiful service. We would also like to thank Hayworth-Miller for the sincere compassion they always showed each and every one of us. We would like to thank Uncle Bill and Uncle Blaine for carrying their great nephew one last time. A huge hug and thank you to Aunt Joy for the most wonderful eulogy we have ever heard. We are so very proud of Nathan and the wonderful song he wrote for Nicholas back in January. He put in a final thought after Nicholas' home going and pubicly shared his unconditional love for his little brother. He then exhibited his love again by helping his brother to the gravesite. Nathan's courage is truly admirable. We are sure Nicholas was smiling that cute smile of his the entire day Thursday. And as Noelle says, "No more tears."

As our healing process begins, we will never forget our "little missionary". When we went to the grave site this past weekend, we heard the birds singing again! Victory is sure to be Nicholas'.

Several of you asked us if the service was taped. At the time we weren't sure. We did find out that the service was recorded. If you would like a copy of the cassette tape please e-mail us by this Friday as we will be placing our order to the church early next week.

We would like to ask all of you for your continued prayer as we travel down uncertain roads with Noelle. She is going for an MRI this morning. We hope to know the results this afternoon.

We will continue to update the web page as we now focus on Noelle's health.

Love to all-

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and Nicholas

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 04:34 PM (CST)

Thank you all for all of your wonderful words of encouragement during this difficult time for our family.

We do have a change in the Funeral Arrangements (the newspaper should have the correct information).

Visitation: 11:00 A.M. until 12:30 P.M. in the L.H. Angell Room at Calvary Batist Church (Peace Haven and Country Club Roads)

Funeral Service: 1:00 P.M. in the auditorium at Calvary Baptist Church.

Following the church service there will be a brief graveside service at Westlawn Cemetary in Clemmons, N.C.

Love to all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and little Nicholas

Monday, March 18, 2002 at 09:27 AM (CST)

Nicholas Matthew Baber came to this world on April 9, 2001 with a mission. Even though Nicholas is no longer with us, his legacy will live on. He went Home to be with our Heavenly Father on Sunday March 17, 2002 at 11:10 a.m.

As hard as he fought, his suffering is now over. As Noelle says, "No more tears".

Nicholas: We will love you forever.

Thanks again to everyone who has keep up with us. All of the prayers, calls, cards, etc. are truly helpful. We love you all.

Funeral arrangements:

Thursday, March 21, 2002

Visitation 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the auditorium at Calvary Baptist Church in Winston-Salem (Peace Haven and Country Club Rds)

Funeral Service begins at 1:00 p.m.


Van, Wendy, Nathan, Noelle and Nicholas

Friday, March 15, 2002 at 11:23 AM (CST)

Last night was another tough night for little Nicholas. He had a hard time keeping his ventilator settings under control. His abdomen was drained of some fluid due to increased distension. Nicholas returned to a "stable" state after the draining was completed.

A doctor from each of Nicholas' medical teams met with me this morning. The general agreement was that Nicholas is not responding to the treatment that they are giving him. They are concerned that they are "doing to" Nicholas at this point rather than "doing for" him. His body is very tired and he continues to have some periods of time when he is terribly uncomfortable. Nicholas' kidneys continue to be a big concern to everyone as they are not producing adequate urine.

Van and I were given the option to try kidney dialysis through Nicholas' abdominal cavity. This will be truly experimental with no guarantees. We decided not to put Nicholas through that procedure. We do not want to do anything invasive or anything that may cause him anymore pain than what he already has. We did agree to drain his abdomen on a continuous basis at a very slow rate. Nicholas' abdomen has never been this large. (Within a 6 hour period, 550 cc was drained his belly and it is still extremely large.) The doctors are very concerned that Nichoals' blood pressure will begin to drop once the draining begins and that medications will not help his pressure return to a stable state.

Van and Nathan will come up today. Please pray for Nathan as he will be spending time with Nicholas at this uncertain time. Please pray that God will continue to use this situation only to glorify His Holy name. Please pray that Nicholas will be comfortable during this painful time of his treatment. Please pray the Van and I will accept God's will no matter what it may be. We know that God loves Nicholas far more than we ever could and that Nicholas was and is God's child first. If God calls Nicholas home, giving him back is not going to be easy. Please pray that we will remain courageous during each step we take over these next couple of days.

Noelle told me last night that she is not sad that Nicholas may go home soon because: "It's safe with Jesus and it's safe here, BUT there's no tears in heaven." Please pray for me as I try to put Noelle's words in my heart when the possibility of letting go seems so hard. Van and I will stand by Nicholas and not give up on him until the Lord says it's time to go.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. Thank you to the many people who continue to walk with us down God's path.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 11:20 AM (CST)

Yesterday proved to be a very hard day, both for me mentally and for Nicholas physically. He does seem to be in a great deal of pain in spite of being on a drip to control pain. He had a very difficult time keeping his blood pressure up as well as his heart rate. He was maxed out on all of the medications he could be given to keep his body in some sort of balance. One of the medications, Epinephrine, was given in excess to try and help his blood pressure stay up.

After a very long day with many many decisions to make, it was discovered that Nicholas' central line was leaking fluid from the incision site as well as into the vessels inside his body. This discovery warrented another central line to be placed and within a very short time period Nicholas' blood pressure and heart rate were both under control with the dosages being lowered on all of his medications.

Nicholas still looks very uncomfortable at times. The fungal infection is still in his bloodstream. The fungus was found in his urine today, which means that it is growing in his kidneys. Things are not looking very well for Nicholas. The doctors told us today that they could do a CT scan of Nicholas' abdomen to look for any "pockets" of fungus that may be "seeding". If the fungus is in an area that it could be removed, then they would remove it. If we agree to do this, there are risks involved. The fungal infection would still be in his bloodstream, and given Nicholas' current health status he may not survive such a surgery.

Van and I decided to let Nicholas have a day or so to just rest and see how his body does now that the central line seems to be working. There are so many difficult decisions that we must make very soon. We are always thinking about the treatment he is getting. We want Nicholas to be as comfortable as possible. We do not want his treatment for be for us, we want it to be for Nicholas.

The next few days will be very important for Nicholas. Please pray for him, his comfort, and all of the medical staff involved in his care. Please pray the if any of them do not personally know the Lord that they will come to find Him through Nicholas. We know that God is watching over Nicholas every moment of every day. We may not fully understand why Nicholas has to endure all he is going through, but we do know that through Nihcolas, God is being glorified each and every day. Scientifically, we know the future for Nichoals is not looking well at all. Please pray that Van and I will know when Nicholas has had enough.

Noelle had another appointment with the oncologist today. This appointment went very well. Her steroids continue to be reduced and she seems to be tolerating this well. Noelle has gained 59 lbs since being diagnosed. This weight gain is taking its toll on her body. She is in a wheelchair almost all of the time. Her vision remains a concern as well as her breathing. Her UTI symptoms are back again. She did have a urinalysis done today and we should know the results tomorrow. We contine to be happy that Noelle is still with us. She shows a lot of good "Noelle", and she remains one source of strength that we draw from regarding the potential outcome for both herself and Nicholas.

Nathan has resumed his normal schedule at home and is doing well. We have told him how seroius things are with Nicholas. He did have the opportunity to visit with Nicholas while he was here last week.

Uncle Bill returned yesterday from Maryland to help me and Grandma with our daily routine of tending to Noelle and Nicholas. We talk to Van several times each day updating him on Nicholas' status. If Nicholas stays stable, Van will return this weekend. If Nicholas continues to have problems, Van will return sooner.

We are so very grateful to everyone for making sacrifices to help our family. Thank you all for your continued support and encouragement. We are so thankful for all of the messages in the guestbook, they are really inspiring at the end of a long, draining day.

We will continue to keep this page updated as we learn more information.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 08:46 AM (CST)

Nicholas had been dealing with fevers as high as 104 degrees and a decrease in his blood pressure since last week. By using his tongue, he managed to extubate himself two different times while in the PICU. His high fevers and low blood pressure are due to a fungal infection in his bloodstream. This fungal infection is most likely due to the many days he was on broadspectrum antibiotics for his fever which was due to unknown etiology at the time. Nicholas is septic and not doing well. His liver transplant is "on hold" until he clears this infection. The doctors are very concerned about this infection. Once yeast begins to grow in the bloodstream, it is very hard to clear. At the present time the yeast is not in any of his organs or his eyes. Nicholas is having a hard time producing urine again. His abdomen is very large as well. Nicholas is in need of a lot of prayer right now.

Noelle is doing well. She has no more UTI symptoms. I will take her back to the oncologist this week for an exam and a repeat on her urinalysis. We are in the process of scheduling an appointment for an MRI as well.

Nathan and Van will leave for home today. The visit went well and seemed to go very fast. Nathan did have an opportunity to visit Nicholas while he was here. He had fun playing with Noelle.

Many thanks to Aunt Shannon for all of the wonderful help while you were here this past week.

Grandma Pat will be back this week to help again and Van and Nathan will be greeted by Aunt Joy and Papa as they resume their new schedule.

We are very appreciative to everyone for all of their help. Thank all of you for the cards and "care packages" you are sending. Most of all, thank you for all of your prayers. Please continue to pray for all of us, especially for the children. Our days seem so long and our nights seem so short. We are getting very tired.

Thank you all for always being there for us.


Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 08:46 AM (CST)

Nicholas had been dealing with fevers as high as 104 degrees and a decrease in his blood pressure since last week. By using his tongue, he managed to extubate himself two different times while in the PICU. His high fevers and low blood pressure are due to a fungal infection in his bloodstream. This fungal infection is most likely due to the many days he was on broadspectrum antibiotics for his fever which was due to unknown etiology at the time. Nicholas is septic and not doing well. His liver transplant is "on hold" until he clears this infection. The doctors are very concerned about this infection. Once yeast bergins to grow in the bloodstream, it is very hard to clear. At the present time the yeast is not in any of his organs or his eyes. Nicholas is having a hard time producing urine again. His abdomen is very large as well. Nicholas is in need of a lot of prayer right now.

Noelle is doing well. She has no more UTI symptoms. I will take her back to the oncologist this week for an exam and a repeat on her urinalysis. We are in the process of scheduling an appointment for an MRI as well.

Nathan and Van will leave for home today. The visit went well and seemed to go very fast. Nathan did have an opportunity to visit Nicholas while he was here. He had fun playing with Noelle.

Many thanks to Aunt Shannon for all of the wonderful help while you were here this past week.

Grandma Pat will be back this week to help again and Van and Nathan will be greeted by Aunt Joy and Papa as they resume their new schedule.

We are very appreciative to everyone for all of their help. Thank all of you for the cards and "care packages" you are sending. Most of all, thank you for all of your prayers. Please continue to pray for all of us, especially for the children. Our days seem so long and our nights seem so short. We are getting very tired.

Thank you all for always being there for us.


Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 08:46 AM (CST)

Nicholas had been dealing with fevers as high as 104 degrees and a decrease in his blood pressure since last week. By using his tongue, he managed to extubate himself two different times while in the PICU. His high fevers and low blood pressure are due to a fungal infection in his bloodstream. This fungal infection is most likely due to the many days he was on broadspectrum antibiotics for his fever which was due to unknown etiology at the time. Nicholas is septic and not doing well. His liver transplant is "on hold" until he clears this infection. The doctors are very concerned about this infection. Once yeast bergins to grow in the bloodstream, it is very hard to clear. At the present time the yeast is not in any of his organs or his eyes. Nicholas is having a hard time producing urine again. His abdomen is very large as well. Nicholas is in need of a lot of prayer right now.

Noelle is doing well. She has no more UTI symptoms. I will take her back to the oncologist this week for an exam and a repeat on her urinalysis. We are in the process of scheduling an appointment for an MRI as well.

Nathan and Van will leave for home today. The visit went well and seemed to go very fast. Nathan did have an opportunity to visit Nicholas while he was here. He had fun playing with Noelle.

Many thanks to Aunt Shannon for all of the wonderful help while you were here this past week.

Grandma Pat will be back this week to help again and Van and Nathan will be greeted by Aunt Joy and Papa as they resume their new schedule.

We are very appreciative to everyone for all of their help. Thank all of you for the cards and "care packages" you are sending. Most of all, thank you for all of your prayers. Please continue to pray for all of us, especially for the children. Our days seem so long and our nights seem so short. We are getting very tired.

Thank you all for always being there for us.


Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 10:33 AM (CST)

Thank you all for sharing so much support and encouragement with our family. The appreciation we have for all of you means more to us than you'll ever know.

Noelle had a wonderful birthday yesterday. She really enjoyed all of the wonderful cards and gifts. She kept telling me that she didn't realize so many people loved her so much. Van's sister, Shannon, and I took Noelle out for a special birhtday lunch and then Shannon and Noelle played some games and watched a video later on in the afternoon.

Noelle has begun to have problems with her kidneys again. We did speak to one of the oncology fellows and she is helping us with medication for now. Noelle's symptoms are not as bad as they were when this happened at home. We will be setting up an appointment with one of the oncologists to establish a relationship while we are here in case anything else happens.

Nicholas remains in the PICU on the ventilator. He had been experiencing fevers as high as 102 degrees over the past couple of days. All of Nicholas' lines were cultured for the possibility of infection, and thankfully nothing major has shown up. We are still awaiting for the right liver to come along.

Van and Nathan will be coming up on Friday and will stay here until next Tuesday. Nathan is still doing very well and seems to like his new schedule. Please pray for Nathan as it was found this week that he has strep throat for the first time ever. He is currently taking antibiotics and he should be fine to see his brother and sister by the end of the week.

We would like to ask for continued prayer for Nicholas' potential liver. Please pray for the doctors who are taking care of Nicholas. Please pray that God will be at the center of EVERY decision they make regarding Nicholas' healthcare. Please pray that when the surgery does happen, everything will go very smoothly with no complications at all. Please pray that the right liver will come along for Nicholas, pray that there will be no question about any part of the liver or Nicholas' ability to accept the liver. Please pray for the potential donor and their family, that they will somehow know how truly grateful our family is for their willingness to help our child to have a chance to survive. Please pray that the antibiotics given to Nathan will work and that he will be free of all strep by the end of the week. Please pray for safe travel for Van and Nathan. Please pray for Shannon's husband and daughter who remain in California while Shannon spends this week helping me with Noelle and Nicholas. Please pray that the medication given to Noelle will work and that she will have no other problems while we are here. Please pray that we will be patient with the whole transplantation process. And please continue to pray that we will be courageous enough to accept God's will for our children whatever it may be.

We would like to say a special thank you to everyone here in Cincinnati who continue to make us feel so welcome. Thank you for your daily phone calls, visits, and cards. Please know that we thank God on a daily basis for your presence in our life.

Thank you to Papa for helping out so faithfully with Nahtan. Thank you, and happy birthday, to Grandma for all of your help up here in Cincinnati over the past two weeks. I couldn't have done it without you. I hope you get some rest this week while you are at home. Thank you to Aunt Joy for being the stability in Nathan's life while we are away. He has such a strong bond with you that I know will stay with him for the rest of his life. Thank you to Uncle Blaine and Melanie for sharing Aunt Joy with us. Thank you to Shannon for coming to Cincinnati to help us on such a short notice. We know that all of you are making a tremendous sacrifice for us.

Thank you just does not seem enough for us to say to all of you for your neverending support and encouragement. We thank you for loaning us strength when we are so tired. We thank you for all of your prayers, as we know that God does hear all of us. Thank you for all of your phone calls and cards. It really means a lot to us to know that you are keeping in touch while we are away.

We will continue to post updates as we know more information.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 01:00 PM (CST)

Nicholas was officially placed on the transplant list yesterday at noon. He remains intubated in the PICU. His abdomen remains swollen with free floating fluid. The doctors main goal at this point is to keep Nicholas stable until a suitable match is found.

Noelle remains stable. We talk to Nathan every night. He seems to be adjusting to his new schedule. Van is here in Cincinnati with me and Noelle but plans to return home Sunday.

Please pray that we will be patient as the search process for a liver is now underway. Please pray for the potential donor and the donor's family. Please pray that God will use this situation to draw us closer to Him. Please pray that Noelle and Nathan will continue to do well as we are uncertain as to how long this whole process will take. Please pray that we will accept whatever the future holds for Nicholas, regardless of the outcome. Please continue to pray for strength not only for us but for all of those that continue to help us on a daily basis. Please pray that Van will have the opportunity to return to Cincinnati quickly once a liver is found for Nicholas.

We truly feel all of your prayers. We know that God hears us. Even though we miss the daily contact with our friends back home, we know that God led us to Cincinnati for the well being of our "little fighter" Nicholas. God continues to walk with us while we are here. We have met many Christians here who continue to take our family by the hand and guide and support us each day.

Many thanks to all of the volunteers who continue to help us in so many ways. Thank you for the prayers, phone calls, cards and everything else you are doing to help us during these trying times. We appreciate everything more than you will ever know. We will continue to update the web page as we know more information.

Love to all--

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle and Nicholas

Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 08:35 AM (CST)

Thank you all for your continued support and encouragement. We are so grateful to you for all of your prayers. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use your talents to walk with us through this valley.

Nicholas had a pretty stable weekend. His muscle biopsy showed no metabolic or mitochondrial disorders! (PRAISE GOD!) He was going to be listed for a transplant on Friday until an infection was found in his abdominal area. The infection was treated with IV antibiotics and then he was going to be reassessed this week for possible listing again.

Nicholas was having difficulty breathing and some swelling was noted in his face yesterday. This morning the breathing was very labored and he was having blood loss from his Foley catheter. The doctors moved Nicholas to the PICU where he will stay until he gets a liver transplant. Nicholas was listed as a Class 1 which means he could have a liver anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days. Nicholas was intubated again and he will probably stay intubated until he is transplanted. He is also being kept sedated.

We are not certain why Nicholas has begun to decline so rapidly again. His body is very tired. Please pray for peace, patience and calmness for me and Van as we are about to walk uncertain roads. Please pray that we will have the courage to accept whatever happens, no matter what the outcome may be. Please pray that Nicholas will put forth such strength that we have never seen before. Please pray that the Lord will hold Nicholas so tight in His hands that no source of weakness will be shown. Please pray that God will be at the center of all decisions before, during and after the transplant. Please pray that the right liver will come for Nicholas and no complications will arise at any point of the transplant process. Please pray for Nathan and all of his caretakers as they and Nathan will remain home during this time of uncertainty. As you can see we have MANY MANY prayer requests some of which are not even listed. Please pray for everyone involved in this situation.

We are not sure how Nicholas will do during this major surgery. There is nothing else that can medically be done for him other than the transplant. Please pray that no matter what, God's Will will be done.

Van will fly to Cincinnati today. Please pray for safe travel. Nathan will remain in Winston-Salem with Aunt Joy, Uncle Blaine, and Papa. We felt that his schedule needs to remain as undisturbed as possible. Grandma Pat will remain up here in Cincinnati with me, Van, and Noelle. We are so thankful to everyone who is able to walk with us as we grow.

We are thankful that Noelle still remains stable. She will be celebrating her 6th birthday here in Cincinnati next Monday. (ANOTHER answer to prayer!) She has found a friend at the Ronald McDonald House. The little girl is her age. Though their illnesses are completely different, one of the main things that they have in common is steroids. Noelle feels safe around her new friend without fear of any staring or questions.

We will continue to post updates as we find out more information about the pending transplant.

We Love All Of You,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Thursday February 21, 2002 1:33 PM CST

We are still awaiting word as to whether or not Nicholas is a candidate for a liver transplant. We should know for sure by next Tuesday. Nicholas has begun to feel bad again. His abdominal girth continues to get larger and he seems to be having some discomfort.

Each day brings forth more testing for Nicholas. He is tolerating everything very well. Nicholas has seen a neurologist, geneticist, G-I doctors, and other specialists. So far all of the exams and testing that they have ordered looks good.

Noelle's health is still holding up for us. During the day she spends a lot of time at the hospital with Nicholas and when she's not here, she is at the Ronald McDonald House with Van's mother. Noelle spends her evenings at the Ronald McDonald House with me. Noelle and I had the opportunity yesterday to meet one of the oncology doctors here at the hospital. She was very nice and told us exactly what to do should Noelle have any problems.

Nathan seems to be doing well at home with Van, Aunt Joy, and Papa. I did get a laugh from the message by Nathan's PE teacher. Thank you Sheri for continuing to pick Nathan up every day. He did not mention playing dodge ball in the dark, nor did he mention you were the target! (I think it's a conspiracy!)

We are so grateful to the members at Grace Bible Presbyterian Church here in Ohio. They have really made us feel as if we are at home. Even though we are prefect strangers, we are so united by our Heavenly Father. God has shown His face several times to us through these wonderful Christian people.

Please continue to pray that we will have the courage to accept whatever the doctors feel is best for Nicholas. Please pray that God will be at the center of any and all decisions the doctors make related to Nicholas' care. Please pray that Noelle will continue to have good health while we are here. Please pray that Nathan will continue to adjust well with our family being split. And please pray that my car will not present me with any more unforseen problems!

We are so thankful to Becky and Clark for taking Van home on such short notice. No matter what the situation or challenge of the moment seems to be, God continues to be here by our side holding us tightly in His hand.

Thank you all for continuing to pray for us. Thank you for your phone calls and cards while we are so far away. We will continue to update the page as we find out more information.

Here is the address to the Ronald McDonald House as requested by some of you:
350 Erkenbrecher Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45229.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Monday February 18, 2002 8:34 PM CST

Nicholas was moved to the High Acuity Unit on Saturday where he remains in stable condition. His abdomen continues to grow due to the free floating fluid. It is believed that Nicholas is in end stage liver disease, meaning his liver is not working much at all.

The doctors are running more tests on Nicholas' muscle biopsy. We hope to have more information no later than Monday, February 25th.

Nicholas saw the genetic doctor here today. His feelings are that Nicholas has a genetic/metabolic disorder. Depending on the type of disorder that Nicholas has will determine whether or not he is a candidate for a liver transplant.

Noelle seems to be feeling well. She is in great spirits. She was able to see Nicholas today for the first time since we have been here.

Nathan seems to be adjusting well back home. However, he has expressed that he misses us. We are thankful that Aunt Joy is able to care for Nathan while we are here in Cincinnati.

Wendy and I miss having friends and family close by. We can feel your prayers while we are here. Thank you all for the phone calls and messages on the guestbook. We are also thankful for Grace Bible Presbyterian Church here in Cincinnati for helping us adjust while we are away from home.

God continues to hold us in His hands even though the future is not clear for Nicholas. Please continue to pray that we will have the courage to accept the outcome for Nicholas even though it may not be easy.

Please continue to pray that God will hold Noelle close by His side as we still are not certain what His plan for her is.

Please pray that we will not grow weary as each day passes.

Love to all---

Van, Wendy, Nathan, Noelle and Nicholas

Friday February 15, 2002 1:38 PM CST

Nicholas and I arrived safely in Cincinnati yesterday afternoon. He seemed to enjoy being in the air. Before we left Baptist hospital he started vomiting blood as well as lose blood from his bottom. While flying, he did not have any complications.

Once we arrived to the hospital, Nicholas went to the High Acuity Unit where he started to vomit blood again. Nicholas lost a fair amount of blood when he was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit. The blood loss was critical while we were in the Intensive Care Unit. Not only was he losing blood from the vomiting he was losing tremendous amounts from his bottom.

The doctors took him immediately to have a endoscopy to find out where the blood was coming from so they could stop the bleeding. The bleed was found and stopped. The doctors are concerned that Nicholas may begin to bleed in his stomach at anytime.

Nicholas did tolerate the procedure very well and had a muscle biopsy this afternoon. The results of the muscle biopsy will determine whether or not Nicholas is a candidate for a liver transplant. We will not know anything until Monday or Tuesday.

If the biopsy shows that Nicholas has an underlying metabolic disorder or something that cannot be corrected, he will not go on the liver transplant list. We are very prayerful that he will be eligible, and that things will move quickly for Nicholas' sake.

We have to admit that we were very scared yesterday to see all of the blood that Nicholas lost. The medical staff handled the situation extremely well. The hospital here is amazing as well as the staff that we have met so far.

We would like to thank all of you for continuing to pray for us while we are here. We appreciate all of the calls we have already received as well as the messages in the guestbook. Thank you for loaning us your strength as we grow tired.

Nathan seems to be getting along well with his Papa. We have spoken to him about the severity of Nicholas' illness. Nathan is such a prayer warrior for his siblings.

Noelle is doing well. She has not had anymore symptoms with her kidneys. All of Nicholas' doctors here in Cincinnati are aware of Noelle's health needs and have offered to introduce us to the correct area of speciality for her if she needs medical care.

We will continue to update the journal as we find out more information.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Wednesday February 13, 2002 8:49 PM CST

I am happy to report that Van and Noelle arrived safely in Cincinnati tonight with no problems. Noelle seemed to tolerate the trip very well. They will stay in a hotel tonight and check in the Cincinnati Ronald McDaoald House tomorrow morning. Our reservations there was a big answer to prayer. We will stay at the Ronald McDonald House for the duration of our trip.

Please pray for Noelle as she has had some recent complications with her kidneys. We thought for the past three weeks she had been having urinary tract infections. We found out last night that she actually has something called hydronephrosis. She has an accumulation of urine in her kidneys that will not flush out, which is causing all of the UTI symptoms. Her doctors here in Winston-Salem have contacted the nephrologists and oncologists in Cincinnati where she may need consultation and treatment. Noelle's health is a tremendously large prayer request for our family while we are gone.

Nathan will remain here in Winston-Salem with family and friends. We are hoping that he will have an opportunity or two to visit us if our stay is prolonged. Thank you to Aunt Joy, Uncle Blaine, and Melanie for the sacrifice you all continue to make to help our family. And a special thanks to Papa and Molly for ALWAYS being here for us and helping in every way possible.

Nicholas is stable at the current time and remains in the High Acuity Unit. He and I will travel to Cincinnati tomorrow sometime.

Please pray that we will accept God's will no matter what it is. Please pray for Nathan while we are gone. Please pray for the health needs of Nicholas and Noelle. Please pray that we all will be able to identify the many new emotions we will be experiencing and that we will present all of them to our Heavenly Father. And please pray for Aunt Joy and Papa, who will be helping us with Nathan while we are away.

We are SO THANKFUL to ALL the staff of NC Baptist Hospital for the tremendous help you have given to Nicholas and Noelle. We will never forget any of you. We know that God put each and every one of you in our lives for a reason. Your kind tenderhearted ways and deep compassion for all of the many people you touch are such a blessing to everyone who has the opportunity to know you. You will always be remembered in such a positive way by all of our family. When we return home, we will be back to see you. Our hopes are that we will only be back for a friendly visit with a new liver! Thank you all again.

We are also very thankful to Miss Deborah, our home health nurse. You are such a wonderful person who has given so much to our family in so many different ways. We will be looking forward to seeing you once again. (Remember what Noelle said, "You're MY Miss Deborah". I guess that means your contract with her has not expired yet).

We offer a special thanks to Gina Gladstone for updating our photo album again. You are a true blessing to our family. And many thanks to all of you for your prayers, meals, words of encouragement, cards, and to those of you who made reservations at the hotel for Van and Noelle tonight. We could never thank each and every one of you enough.

We will do updates from Cincinnati as we know more information. We would love to hear from all of you via e-mail and phone while we are there. We are going to miss all of the daily hospital visits, phone calls, etc. we currently have. We do know that God lives in Cincinnati as well as Winston-Salem and He will be there for us too!

We Love You All,
Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Monday February 11, 2002 8:42 PM CST

We are excited to report that Nicholas will be going to Cincinnati this Thursday for an evaluation for a possible liver transplant.

The evaluation will take a couple of days or longer to determine if Nicholas is a candidate for a transplant. If he is a candidate, I will be tested to see if I can be the donor.

Continue to pray for our family as this is the step we were hoping to take. Pray for a safe trip for Noelle and I as we drive to Cincinnati on Wednesday. Nicholas and Wendy will be transported by the medical team via air on Thursday. Nicholas will be hospitalized at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Our initial appointment with the doctor will be sometime Thursday.

Nathan will be staying here with family.

Many thanks to everyone as the power of prayer does work. And many thanks to all of you for helping us prepare for this much anticipated trip.

We will continue to do updates from Cincinnati as we learn more information about the evaluation process.

We love you all,
Van, Wendy, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Friday February 8, 2002 7:35 PM CST

Nicholas is making such great progress. We get so excited each day to see him behave the way he once did before the surgery.

Nicholas was moved to the High Acuity Unit yesterday, where he may stay until he goes to Cincinnati. The trip may be as early as next week.

The swelling in his abdominal area has gone down a great deal, however, we still see that his liver and spleen are extremely enlarged. Before we go to Cincinnati, Nicholas may go to surgery here to remove the drainage tube from his abdomen if he can continue to absorb the extra fluid and not retain it.

Please continue to pray for our family as we have such difficult decisions to make regarding Nicholas' and Noelle's health care, Nathan's schedule, and many other important details.

Noelle continues to feel somewhat better this week. She still has difficulty standing up due to back pain and she continues to breathe quickly.

Noelle is such a blessing to our family. We are always in such awe regarding her attitude about her brain tumor. We know that the Holy Spirit encompasses her entire being.

Nathan still continues to serve his brother and sister in such amazing ways. He has a heart of gold when it comes to their needs versus his. To see him give even when it means he may do without is so inspiring.

We are lucky to have the unique opportunity to parent all three of these children. We are so thankful to God for sharing them with us. To watch children do God's will is such a gift.

Thank you all again for everything you are doing for our family. Thank you for walking through our valley with us. Thank you for loaning us your strength, support, and most of all, thank you for your never-ending prayers.

We love you all,

Van, Wendy, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Wednesday February 6, 2002 7:25 PM CST

Nicholas continues to make great progress. He does seem to have discomfort at times, but he is smiling and tracking as he did before the surgery. Our hearts are so filled with joy to see him sit up in his bed once again. When we look at him we truly see an incredible miracle that God has shown us.

We did hear today that Nicholas may be going to Cincinnati some time during the week of February 18 for a workup for a possible liver transplant. This workup could take a week or longer. Please pray for Nicholas, the doctors here and at Cincinnati, the decisions we will soon have to make, for Nathan as we will be away from him, and for Noelle's health while we are traveling and during our stay at Cincinnati.

Van and I are so hopeful that Nicholas will benefit in an incredible way from this potential visit. We have seen God work in so many wonderful ways so far, and we know that His miracles are endless.

Noelle seems to be feeling much better from her tough night Monday. We did spend some time at the doctors office yesterday. She had a CT scan of her brain which showed that the ventriculostomy is still draining well and no new changes were noted. She was given antibiotics and fliud through her port-a-cath. We are hoping that her symptoms from the other night were truly viral.

As you can see with the potential of travel in the near future we continue to have many prayer requests. We would like to thank all of you, once again, for your continued prayers, support, and encouragement. We know that God hears all of us. We also know that He is and has been faithful to us during ALL times of our journey.

We will continue to post updates as we know more.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Wednesday February 6, 2002 7:25 PM CST

Nicholas continues to make great progress. He does seem to have discomfort at times, but he is smiling and tracking as he did before the surgery. Our hearts are so filled with joy to see him sit up in his bed once again. When we look at him we truly see an incredible miracle that God has shown us.

We did hear today that Nicholas may be going to Cincinnati some time during the week of February 18 for a workup for a possible liver transplant. This workup could take a week or longer. Please pray for Nicholas, the doctors here and at Cincinnati, the decisions we will soon have to make, for Nathan as we will be away from him, and for Noelle's health while we are traveling and during our stay at Cincinnati.

Van and I are so hopeful that Nicholas will benefit in an incredible way from this potential visit. We have seen God work in so many wonderful ways so far, and we know that His miracles are endless.

Noelle seems to be feeling much better from her tough night Monday. We did spend some time at the doctors office yesterday. She had a CT scan of her brain which showed that the ventriculostomy is still draining well and no new changes were noted. She was given antibiotics and fliud through her port-a-cath. We are hoping that her symptoms from the other night were truly viral.

As you can see with the potential of travel in the near future we continue to have many prayer requests. We would like to thank all of you, once again, for your continued prayers, support, and encouragement. We know that God hears all of us. We also know that He is and has been faithful to us during ALL times of our journey.

We will continue to post updates as we know more.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Monday February 4, 2002 2:58 PM CST

We just wanted to do a quick update to let everyone know that Nicholas was taken off of the ventilator on Sunday! He is requiring oxygen by a nasal canula, however, he seems so happy to be breathing on his own.

Nicholas is giving us his usual smiles. We are so grateful to our Heavenly Father for being so visible right in the middle of Nicholas' care. It was this time last week that we weren't sure if Nicholas was going to make it. I remember our praying for just one more glance at his eyes and a smile. This is just another reminder of how strong our Lord is. He has given us more than what we asked for.

Please continue to pray for Nicholas as he still has a long way to go. He is continues to be very tender in his abdominal area and his throat seems to be very sore from the ventilator. He is working hard to get his voice back. We are still hopeful that Nicholas will come out of the PICU this week.

Please continue to pray for Noelle as she is not feeling well today. Her gait seems to be very unsteady and she is experiencing abdominal cramps.

Nathan still amazes us with his good-spirited self. He always seems to make his sister happy, even in the most difficult of circumstances. What a gift from God he is.

Many thanks to all of you for all of your prayers and support. And a special thank you to wonderful Aunt Joy for being here again. We are so thankful to her and her family for all of the help they are giving us.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Saturday February 2, 2002 6:03 PM CST

Little Nicholas continues to take steps in the right direction as he keeps showing small signs of improvement every day.

Nicholas has had a great week making progress at his own pace. The doctors tried to take Nicholas off of the ventilator today, however, he wasn't quite ready to take that step yet. They will try again sometime tomorrow.

We are hopeful that Nicholas will come out of the pediatric intensive care unit sometime next week, but we realize we are being very optimistic. We see that Nicholas looks very good physically, but we have to remember that he is still a very sick little boy. He continues to have severe liver problems as well as other problems. The doctors have spoken to us about the possibility of going to Cincinnati for a work-up for the posibility of a liver transplant. The one thing we have to see is if the liver is the primary cause of all of his problems. If it is, then we will most likely go to Cincinnati, if it isn't, then he probably will not be considered for a transplant.

We know that Nicholas' tremendous progress this week is a true gift from God. The first few days after surgery Nicholas was not doing well at all, and we were told to be prepared if he didn't make it. His kidneys had stopped producing urine, and without his kidneys working he would not have made it. We know that God is truly in control of all of the progress that Nicholas has made. We saw a huge miracle this past week, and every day, as we continue to see the progress Nicholas makes. We are not sure how much progress he will make or how well he will get, but we know that through God, Nicholas is getting his miracles. Please rejoice with us as we give all of the glory to our Heavenly Father for all of the wonderful mercies He has shown us this past week.

We continue to be thankful to Nicholas' doctors for taking small steps with him and not rushing his recovery. We also continue to be thankful for the wonderful care Nicholas receives from all of the staff in the PICU, they are all so amazing and treat him so well.

Noelle continues to enjoy being with her home health nurse. We are so grateful for Noelle's attitue. It is such a comfort to all of us to know that she is happy and content while we are at the hospital. We have noticed this past week that Noelle is breathing heavier and faster. We are not sure if this is due to more weight gain or if the tumor is manifesting itself again. Please continue to pray about her health needs.

We are not sure what God's plan is with Noelle and Nicholas. We do know that He has NEVER left our side while we are on this journey of great uncertainty, and for that, we praise Him.

Nathan played in his first basketball game today since he broke his arm. He did very well and had no complications. Please continue to pray for Nathan as he continues to have to see the many health needs of his siblings. He is so giving of himself to his brother and sister and is so understanding of our needing to be with them. We are lucky to have the opportunity to parent him.

We would like to thank you all again for all of your support and encouragement. We are so thankful for all of the wonderful things you all do for our family. We would also like to thank the pastors of our church for being so attentive to our situation last week and for being there as much as you were to listen to us and to advise us. You were all a tremendous help during a time of such heartache.

We would like to thank Uncle Bill for being here for the past 2 weeks with no break. We know that his being here was a sacrifice for him and his family, who live in Maryland. We also thank Aunt Joy, once again, for ALWAYS being here to help. She is really keeping the roads busy with her very frequent trips from Roanoake to W-S. We would like to thank Uncle Blaine and Melanie for being so unselfish and understanding.

We love you all,

Van, Wendy, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Saturday February 2, 2002 6:03 PM CST

Little Nicholas continues to take steps in the right direction as he keeps showing small signs of improvement every day.

Nicholas has had a great week making progress at his own pace. The doctors tried to take Nicholas off of the ventilator today, however, he wasn't quite ready to take that step yet. They will try again sometime tomorrow.

We are hopeful that Nicholas will come out of the pediatric intensive care unit sometime next week, but we realize we are being very optimistic. We see that Nicholas looks very good physically, but we have to remember that he is still a very sick little boy. He continues to have severe liver problems as well as other problems. The doctors have spoken to us about the possibility of going to Cincinnati for a work-up for the posibility of a liver transplant. The one thing we have to see is if the liver is the primary cause of all of his problems. If it is, then we will most likely go to Cincinnati, if it isn't, then he probably will not be considered for a transplant.

We know that Nicholas' tremendous progress this week is a true gift from God. The first few days after surgery Nicholas was not doing well at all, and we were told to be prepared if he didn't make it. His kidneys had stopped producing urine, and without his kidneys working he would not have made it. We know that God is truly in control of all of the progress that Nicholas has made. We saw a huge miracle this past week, and every day, as we continue to see the progress Nicholas makes. We are not sure how much progress he will make or how well he will get, but we know that through God, Nicholas is getting his miracles. Please rejoice with us as we give all of the glory to our Heavenly Father for all of the wonderful mercies He has shown us this past week.

We continue to be thankful to Nicholas' doctors for taking small steps with him and not rushing his recovery. We also continue to be thankful for the wonderful care Nicholas receives from all of the staff in the PICU, they are all so amazing and treat him so well.

Noelle continues to enjoy being with her home health nurse. We are so grateful for Noelle's attitue. It is such a comfort to all of us to know that she is happy and content while we are at the hospital. We have noticed this past week that Noelle is breathing heavier and faster. We are not sure if this is due to more weight gain or if the tumor is manifesting itself again. Please continue to pray about her health needs.

We are not sure what God's plan is with Noelle and Nicholas. We do know that He has NEVER left our side while we are on this journey of great uncertainty, and for that, we praise Him.

Nathan played in his first basketball game today since he broke his arm. He did very well and had no complications. Please continue to pray for Nathan as he continues to have to see the many health needs of his siblings. He is so giving of himself to his brother and sister and is so understanding of our needing to be with them. We are lucky to have the opportunity to parent him.

We would like to thank you all again for all of your support and encouragement. We are so thankful for all of the wonderful things you all do for our family. We would also like to thank the pastors of our church for being so attentive to our situation last week and for being there as much as you were to listen to us and to advise us. You were all a tremendous help during a time of such heartache.

We would like to thank Uncle Bill for being here for the past 2 weeks with no break. We know that his being here was a sacrifice for him and his family, who live in Maryland. We also thank Aunt Joy, once again, for ALWAYS being here to help. She is really keeping the roads busy with her very frequent trips from Roanoake to W-S. We would like to thank Uncle Blaine and Melanie for being so unselfish and understanding.

We love you all,

Van, Wendy, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Tuesday January 29, 2002 7:56 PM CST

Nicholas continues to head in the right direction as the days go on. He did start urinating this weekend and has continued to do so. We are so excited about this. Van and I did not want to make a decision about diuresis. God obviously made that decision for us.

Nicholas was more alert today than he had been since Sunday, January 20, the night before his surgery. His feeds were started back at 1cc per hour last night through his TP tube. Nicholas is tolerating these feeds very well so far. He had 3 bowel movements today. This is another answer to prayer. This means that the portion of the bowel that was removed and then reconnected is working properly.

The doctors are going to lower Nicholas' epinephrine to see if he can maintain his blood pressure on his own. Once he demonstrates that he can maintain his blood pressure they will begin to wean Nicholas off of the ventilator. He is still receiving blood products frequently due to the liver disease.He is having a hard time with skin break down on his face, back, and skin folds.

We are still uncertain as to what has caused to densities in his brain and are still awaiting a final diagnosis on the liver biopsy.

Nicholas still has a ways to go, however, he has come so very far. We give all of the glory to our Heavenly Father. God has always been by our side walking with us during our time of growth, and He has put all of you in our path to share our journey. Thank you for lending your support, sharing your strength and encouragement, and praying endlessly. We know God hears all of our prayers.

Noelle continues to have good days. She is staying home with Nicholas' home health nurse during the daylight hours so I can be at the hospital. (We are so excited that she is willing to stay with the nurse which makes it easier for me to be with Nicholas).

We are thankful for Uncle Bill from Maryland and for Aunt Joy from Roanoke. They have both been so helpful to us over the past two weeks. We are also very thankful to their families for being willing to share them with us.

We would, once again, like to thank all of you for your continued support. We are thankful to you for the meals you provide for our family at home and the hospital, the cards in the mail, the calls of concern, the help with the children, and all of the other wonderful things you are doing for our family. You have all offered such wonderful support for us. Thank you!

We will continue to update the web page as Nicholas continues to make progress.

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Sunday January 27, 2002 9:55 AM CST

Since the last entry--Thursday the 24th-- Nicholas is stable if not somewhat better. His blood pressure has improved and he has begun to urinate. His kidneys are working and producing at the rate that is expected.

After further review from the head scan, Nicholas does not have a copper build up in the brain. The dense areas that are present are being further evaluated at this time.

Nicholas gave us a scare earlier this morning (about 1 a.m.) when he began to vomit blood. The cause was the G-tube that had worked its way to the esophagus and irritated some blood vessels. The tube was replaced into the stomach and all vital signs returned to normal.

Continue to pray that the kidneys will function properly.

Many thanks to all those that continue to check on us daily. It is such a blessing that we have family and friends that help in so many ways.

In His love-

Van, Wendy, Nathan, Noelle and Nicholas

Thursday January 24, 2002 7:55 PM CST

Today was a very busy day for little Nicholas. He had to undergo several tests due to a seizure this morning.(EEG, CAT Scan, and brain ultrasound)

Nicholas had to have a CAT Scan of his brain this morning to make sure there wasn't any bleeding in the vessels in the brain, and there wasn't. We did find out that Nicholas has some calcification areas in the brain which may be a link to some sort of metabolic or genetic disorder. The doctors seem to think there is a build up of copper in his brain. (When many of us eat things such as iron, zinc, etc. our bodies break these metals down with natural enzymes). We are not certain what the build up of copper means for Nicholas. We will have more testing done to find out.

Nicholas' kidneys continue to not put out as they should, this is still the chief concern at this time. If his kidneys do not start working soon, it may lead to kidney failure which may mean dialysis.

Nicholas has not had any more seizures at the current time. He is getting a new medicine to increase the blood flow to the kidneys which should help him to urinate. Please pray that this will soon start working.

Please pray for our family regarding the many difficult decisions that we will have to make soon. Please pray that we will make all decisions with clear minds. Please pray that before we make any decisions we will carefully pray.

We are getting help for Noelle from the home health agency that was helping us with Nicholas. This is an answer to prayer for us. Noelle no longer has to spend long hours at the hospital and really loves her nurse, however, in the evening she has anxiety attacks if either Van or I are not here with her.

Noelle is having a difficult time in the evenings with mood swings, balance and speech. She seems to have good days yet still stays tired. When she has a good day, it is exceptionally good and when she has a tough day, it is exceptionally tough.

Nathan continues to amaze us with his constant desire to help his siblings. He is so unselfish. Nathan is experiencing so many circumstances in his life right now that we cannot understand how he continues to be so strong, yet he is.

We continue to thank God for providing for us in so many ways while we are going through such a difficult time in our life. We are so thankful for all of you and for Aunt Joy's endless support in any and every way we need her. We are also so thankful for Van's Uncle Bill for coming from Maryland to help with Nathan after school and help with Nicholas at the hospital. Van and I could never do this alone and are thankful for all of the help we are getting.

We would also like to add a special thanks to Miss Gwen for your help with Noelle at the hospital and here at our home while we are at the hospital with Nicholas at night. We realize that it really takes a special person to help with her at this time in her life, especially while she is on steroids and has her mood swings. We know that God put you in each others path because He knew that you could share so much together, especially hot dogs and strawberry pudding!

We will continue to update you all as we know more information.

Thank you so very much for your prayers and support.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Wednesday January 23, 2002 6:16 PM CST

We wanted to do a quick update to let you all know Nicholas' current condition.

As Van mentioned previously, Nicholas had a tough time prior to surgery on Sunday night and on Monday morning. He really did scare everyone. Nicholas did come through the surgery very well, an answer to many many prayers.

Since the surgery Nicholas is not doing as well as he should. His little body is so tired. He is being kept very sedated. He is receiving blood, plasma, and platelet transfustions on a very regular basis, not to mention all of the other medications. He is having a hard time maintaining his heart rate and blood pressure. The doctors are able to help maintain these with the use of medications.

Nicholas had to have a larger drainage tube placed in his abdomen last night. He drained almost a liter again.

The most serouis problem at the current time is that Nicholas is not putting out urine like he should. The doctors have given him many different kinds of medications to help him to urinate, but he just isn't putting out.

Nicholas had a test done today to make sure there is adequate blood flow to his kidneys, and there is.

We are so prayerful that his kidneys are not shutting down. If that does happen, Nicholas will most likely not survive.

Please continue to pray with, and for us and for little Nicholas. He is a very sick little boy. Van and I are hurting so very badly. For us to see our precious baby suffer the way he is, and just because of an error truly breaks our hearts. Please continue to pray for us and our family.

We are so very grateful for the care that Nicholas is receiving at the hospital. His doctors, nurses, and all staff related to his care have truly taken a genuine interest in Nicholas.

We would like to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and encouragement. The meals you are providing to the home and the hospital are wonderful. The cards you are sending to the home are so encouraging. The help we are receiving with Nathan and Noelle is amazing. We really appreciate all of the many other wonderful things everyone is doing to help us through this very difficult time. Please know that we are SO TRULY GRATEFUL for ALL of YOUR HELP.

Due to Nicholas' current decline in his condition, we have had to ask for a tempory cessation of visitors unless you have been otherwise notified. We have had such an incredible response since Nicolas has been in the intensive care unit that it has become overwhelming. We know that you all care so very much, however, Nicholas really needs his rest and Van and I really do not want to leave his bedside.

We are asking that everyone call their contact person for current updates, or visit the web-site. There may be times that we do not have a chance to do an immediate update, but we will be as current as possibe.

Thank you all so very much for being there for us when we really need it the most.

We love all of you.

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas.

Monday January 21, 2002 8:26 PM CST

Nicholas had surgery today to repair the tears in the abdomen due to the misplacement of the G-tube. He had a rough night due to fluid build up in the abdomen. His breathing was shallow and he surely was in pain. Early this morning, he also had a high fever. Wendy and I thought that surgery may be cancelled but felt that the best thing for Nicholas would be the surgery in order to relieve the pressure in the abdomen. The surgeon agreed and we headed to the operating room around mid morning. After laboring all night, little Nicholas was tired. As we prepared to go to the operating room, Nicholas required more oxygen. Once in the holding room, Nicholas began to struggle even more with his breathing. As a result, the doctors put in a breathing tube in order to stabilize his vital signs. In the moments before the breathing tube was placed, the nurses did a great job of working with Nicholas as his little body was struggling to function properly.

Nicholas came through the surgery like the brave, fighting little trooper that he is. The surgeon was able to complete all the procedures as planned. The tears have been repaired. A central line was placed (the original broviac line is still in place but not being used).

He will be in intensive care for approximately 72 hours.

Many thanks to all those that called, came by and prayed for us during this hectic day. We continue to be blessed by everyone--those that help with Nathan, those that provide meals, those that run errands, those that check on Noelle, etc. These blessings are truly from God above as our family sees them everyday. Thank you for being a part of our life.

Much Love----

Van, Wendy, Nathan, Noelle and Nicholas

Thursday January 17, 2002 3:02 PM CST

Thank you all for your continued support and encouragement. We truly appreciate everything you all are doing to help us through this valley.

We continue to be so very grateful for the excellent care Nicholas is receiving from the nursing staff at Baptist Hospital. You, too are helping us through such a difficult time in our life. Nicholas knows you all love him and we know you were put in his path for a reason. Van and I thank you for doing such a great job answering our questions and being a wonderful advocate for Nicholas.

Nathan is doing very well since his cast has been removed. He is almost back to his usual active 9-year-old self!

We did receive great news about Noelle last night. Her doctors do not feel that a shunt is necessary at this time. We have increased the dose of steroids which should help with the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Nicholas had to be moved to the High Acuity Unit at about 1:30 am due to an increase in the amount of blood and fluid drainage from his "colostomy" site. He has had a blood and plasma transfusion. He is also experiencing problems with fever (102.5).

The doctors did a study on Nicholas to see if the stomach healed as well as the back part of the colon after the G-Tube pulled through. We found out that it did not close. There is probably colon contents emptying into his stomach which could be causing infection, fever, increased work load on the liver, etc.

Nicholas is scheduled to have surgery Monday morning to close these fistulas. His docotrs elected to wait until Monday so they could get Nicholas as prepared as they can to make is as safe as possible for him.

After the surgery, Nicholas will spend some time in the ICU, though we are not sure how long he will be there. This is typically a routine procedure for most patients, but because of Nicholas' already compromised health status, there is a greater risk of bleeding, infection, and so on.

Please pray for Nicholas as he goes through this surgery. Please pray that God will give him the strength he needs to heal properly. Please pray that God will give the surgeon a sense of increased calmness as well as good judgement with Nicholas on Monday morning. Please pray that Van and I will have increased wisdom and patience with all of the difficult decisions we have upcoming. And please pray that we will be obedient servants to Our Lord.

Many, many thanks to Miss Jo for all of your help this past week with all three of the children. You really are amazing!

We Love You All,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Monday, January 14, 2002 7:53 pm

Our heartfelt thanks to all of your continued support for our family. Today was a very busy day for all of us.

Nathan was taken to the orthopaedic doctor today. His cast came off! We are all so delighted. Nathan was instructed to hold off on ALL sports activities until February 4, 2002. We know this will be very difficult for a 9-year-old boy, however, the doctor did tell him that the cast will go back on if he participates in any sports, including rough housing. Many, many thanks to Miss Becky for being so willing to help out today with Nathan's doctors appointment.

Nicholas is still in the hospital due to the misplacement of the G-Tube. The colostomy bag over the site is draining well. At one point he was draining old blood, but now it seems to be normal bowel movement and fluids.

The doctor's here in Winston Salem have taken Nicholas completely off of the Hyperal and have lowered his lipids. We are praying so very hard that Nicholas' liver can bounce back.(At last check his bilirubin was 29-- normal is .1-1.2) Nicholas' abdomen is swollen and has some fluid floating around again. He was given some lasix to help rid some of the fluid, however, his tummy is still pretty big.

Nicholas is tolerating his TP feeds and is up to 17cc per hour with minimal reflux. This is a big praise!

He is having a time with developing bouts of low-grade to regular fevers. We have had blood cultures and they are coming back negative. He has also had chest x-rays and urine cultures which are also negative. We are praying that these fevers are from teething.

Noelle had some problems with vomiting on Saturday. We were hoping that she only had a virus. She seemed to feel much better on Sunday, however, she started vomiting again early this morning.

Noelle went for her MRI today. Thanks to all of you who were praying for her to have a sense of peace and calmness today. She did very well for all of her appointments.

We were told today that the vomiting is from intracranial pressure. The MRI indicated that the tumor itself has grown some but the swelling around the brainstem itself had gone down since her last MRI in November. Her doctor isn't sure if the tissue in the center of the tumor is old, dead tissue or if the tumor is aggressively growing. As mentioned in a previous update, the only way to tell is to do a biopsy. Due to the location of the tumor a biopsy isn't an option for us. The intracranial pressure is coming from the top of the brain where there seems to be some fluid build-up.

Noelle's radiation oncologist is going to talk to her neurosurgeon tomorrow. It may be that Noelle is going to need a shunt and that the third ventriculostomy is no longer working.

Noelle is very apprehensive about having any more treatment. We have explained to her that by having the shunt, the vomiting will hopefully subside.

As you can see we have many prayer requests again this week. Please pray for Nicholas' bilirubin to get in the range it needs to be and for the fluid in his abdomen to be reabsorbed into his system. We also ask for prayer regarding Nicholas' fevers. We are praying that the fevers are truly from teething and teething alone. And please pray that Nicholas' liver will, somehow, heal. We are always asking for prayer for a complete diagnosis.

We are asking for prayer for Noelle that the tumor has stopped growing and that the tissue inside it is truly dead. We are praying that the tumor will start shrinking. Please continue to pray that Noelle will be calm about the upcoming days of doctors appointments and that the Lord will lay a sense of peace and calmness upon her.

Please pray for Nathan as he continues to give all of himself to the needs of his brother and sister. He is so determined to help out with them in any way necessary and possesses such a selfless nature. Van and I are so proud to see the young man he is becoming. We are so thankful to everyone who is helping us with Nathan. With such a busy schedule from day to day, Nathan has such a great attitude.

Thank you all for everything you are providing to our family. It really means so much to us.

And, once again, a special thank you to Aunt Joy for helping out so much with Nicholas and to her family for sharing her with us. We are so very grateful.

As you can see, even though we are going through such a difficult time with our children, God continues to bless us every day as we walk down new, uncertain roads. He is providing us with the grace we need when we need it. He has put all of you in our path to pray with and for us. And He shines His light even in the darkest circumstances. We will continue to give Him all of the Glory.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 07:23 PM (CST)

We would like to thank you all once again for making our holiday season memorable. We will always cherish everything that everyone has done for our family.

Nathan's arm seems to be healing well. The cast hasn't slowed him down at all! He really enjoyed the snow last week with his friends. Please continue to pray for Nathan as he tries to maintain a balanced daily schedule as well as deal with the many emotions that come his way with Noelle's and Nicholas' illness.

We are so grateful that Noelle is still having good days. She has spurts of energy at times and has even tried to run while outside! Praise God!

We have noticed tonight that Noelle's breathing is somewhat labored and her left eye is floating again. Please pray that this is only temporary and will go away soon. She is scheduled for another MRI on Monday, January 14.

Noelle is VERY conscious about her weight gain. This seems to bother her a great deal. It is very difficult to get her to go out in public because she knows people are staring at her. Please pray that the Lord will give Noelle a sense of peace and security and that she will not feel uneasy about being around people.

We do have great praises regarding Nicholas as well as serious prayer requests.

As we mentioned in a previous update, Nicholas had surgery in Chapel Hill on October 31. He had a Broviac line placed to provide him with nutrition because he was having a hard time gaining weight and he was having problems with reflux. He also had a G-Tube placed to put some feeds straight into his stomach. It was expected that Nicholas would somehow keep his feeds down this way with less reflux.

We also mentioned that there was a complication with the placement of the G-Tube. Nicholas' stomach was punctured and his abdomen filled with air. This complication seemed to resolve itself within a matter of a few days.

Since Nicholas' surgery, he has slowly not tolerated his feeds and we have had to stop G-Tube feeds altogether and rely totally on the feeds through his Broviac line.

Van and I have always thought that Nicholas has experienced pain, however we just weren't sure where that pain was coming from. We have questioned the placement of the G-Tube several times. The doctors have done a few x-rays to make sure it was in place. We have also expressed concern that bowel movement was leaking out of the side of the G-Tube itself.

We knew that the TPN nutrition through the Broviac line would be tough on Nicholas' already fragile liver. Over the past couple of weeks Nicholas has seemed to have a tough time keeping his liver enzyme levels stable. He had to have a blood transfusion over Christmas and again today. He was also given plasma today.

We took Nicholas to Chapel Hill yesterday for a routine 3-week check up and were told that Nicholas' liver is in failure. We were also told to go ahead and contact Hospice due to the sudden rapid decline of Nicholas' health. The docotors just aren't sure how much time Nicholas has left.

While in Chapel Hill Nicholas coughed quite a bit. He coughed so much that he pushed the G-Tube out completely. We were able to see the pediatric surgeon and he placed another aparatus to keep the site open so we still could use it for future feeds.

After doing an x-ray to make sure that the new decvice was in place, it was discovered that the origional G-Tube was actually in Nicholas' colon and not in his stomach.

When the tube was originally placed it went through his colon on into his stomach. This was a complication unknown to anyone, other than to Nicholas, until yesterday. The proper way to do this procedure is to not go into the colon or any other organ, just go straight into the stomach.

We are now hopeful that Nicholas will have quite a bit of good time left and that this misplacement of the G-Tube was the cause of the sudden rapid decline of his liver function as well as that pain that we have known he has had for a while. We are also praying that the many other problems that we've seen over the course of the past two and-a-half months will begin to get better.

We returned back to Winston late last night and went straight to the hospital here. Nicholas is at Baptist Hospital and seems to be in a bit of pain. The doctors did remove this new device that was placed yesterday and have placed a bag over the site for the to allow the colon to drain on its own. We are praying hard that this site will heal on its own with no complications. It is possible that this site will not heal and he will have this "colostomy" for some period of time.

The dodtors placed a tube down Nicholas' nose to his small intestine today. We are praying that he will begin to tolerate some kind of feeding beginning tonight.

As you can see, the last 24 hours have so full of emotions for us and activity for Nicholas. We have seen God's handiwork throughout this 24 hours. God allowed Nicholas' tube to come out while we were in Chapel Hill, He also had the pediatric surgeon on call that was right for us. When the surgeon did this x-ray he injected dye into the new device to detect the exact location. God knew that the misplacement of the G-Tube would be found yesterday.

Please pray for Nicholas as his body has has been put into such a stressful situation. Please pray that the pain will subside quickly and that he will return home and have a chance to thrive.

This was obviously very difficult for us to hear. We really prayed over how to put all of this into words. We have always promised to be honest on this site. We feel that it is very important, especially now, to know how to ask everyone to pray for our family.

We are not sure that the finding of this misplacement will give Nicholas more time. He is such a strong baby and has such will to live. Please pray that he will fight now more than ever and that his body will begin to respond to feeds through this new tube. Please pray that we will not have to call Hospice. Please pray that Nicholas liver is not so badly damaged and that it will bounce back.

Please understand that we Praise God for allowing all of these findings to be discovered yesterday. We are giving Him ALL of the glory for another one of our "daily miracles".

Please pray hard for all of us as each day as God leads us down a new path with unknown certainties.

As Nicholas' condition changes we will keep you all updated. Thanks to EVERYONE for walking through our valley with us, offering your support through all you do.

We love each and every one of you!

We also want to give a truly heartfelt thanks to Aunt Joy. At just a moments notice, she drives to Winston (and Chapel Hill) to help us with Nicholas. It is truly special to see Nicholas' reactions when he sees Aunt Joy. This is another instance when we know that God has the right timing by placing Aunt Joy in Nicholas' precious life.

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 08:19 AM (CST)

We would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year. Thank you so very much for including our family in your holiday season.
(We do apoloigize for the length of time between updates.)

Nicholas did get to come home from the hospital on Christmas day. He seems to have so much more energy since the blood transfusion.

Nicholas' doctors have mentioned to us that they would like to check his bone marrow to find out why he is not producing red blood cells like he should. This is a procedure where Nicholas would be put to sleep and a tiny chip would be taken from his hip bone and tested. Please pray that we will make the right decision regarding this test. As of now, we aren't sure what we are going to do.

Nathan seems to be handling his broken arm very well. He did fracture the arm which means he has a cast on for three weeks and then he goes back to the orthopaedic doctor. Nathan is disappointed about basketball season; this is another year of sitting on the sidelines without playing. If everything goes well, he may be able to play the last couple of games at the end of the season. He is trying to be creative with learning how to write with the cast on, since he is left handed.(He has said that maybe one of the girls in his class will feel sorry for him; that maybe they would write his work for him if he gives them the answers!)

Noelle continues to have good days, however, we are seeing some not-so-good days again. Christmas day was tough for Noelle. She was very tired and slept most of the day. We have seen several days like this. The doctors did tell us that this could happen. This is just a side effect of the radiation and should go away.

Noelle has gained a great deal of weight due to the steroids she is taking.(Thanks-a-million to all of you sho have brought clothes for Noelle to wear). She needs the steroids to help with the swelling in her brain, but it also causes weight gain, fluid retention, and mood swings. Please pray for Noelle as she is so consciencious of people staring at her. She is fearful of everything. It is very hard for us to take her anywhere due to her fears. This is another BIG prayer request.

Noelle has an appointment on January 14 for another MRI. She is determined that she is finished with all of her treatment. We try to explain to Noelle that the doctors are only trying to help her feel better. Due to steroids, we cannot reason with her. Van and I are very reluctant to force treatment upon her. We are going to take Noelle to this appointment and find out what course of treatment is next. We do know that anything else is experimental. This is yet another prayer request. Please pray that God will make the path that we need to go down so clear that there will never be a second guess on our part for all of our children.

We are so thankful that Noelle still wants to go to church. As long as she wants to go, we will continue to take her. She is so secure in her faith. Van and I literally draw our strength from her. What an optamistic attitiude she has about Jesus.

To see God's plan unfold is so amazing, yet so very hard at the same time. We can see His works every day. As we mentioned in prevoius updates, our needs are being met as they come. God is really taking care of us during our time in the valley. Please pray that we will continue to obey God in every aspect of our life. Please pray that we will set a good example for our children and never be a stumbling block to around us. Please pray that we will face our fears with great courage and not turn the other way when that seems to be the easiest route. Please pray that there is someone praying for us in our time of weakness, when we feel that we are saying the same things over and over to God everyday and we feel so tired. And please help us thank God for everyday that we have with our children. We know that every day we have is one more given from Him.

Thank you again for all of your support and prayers.

We love all of you,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Monday, December 24, 2001 at 01:52 PM (CST)

We are so thankful that Nicholas was discharged from the hospital Saturday afternoon. He seemes to be doing well. It was discovered that Nicholas has some free floating fluid in his abdomen which is causing some distention, discomfort, and a cough.

We had Nicholas' weekly bloodwork done this morning. The results came back showing that Nicholas' hemoglobin was very low. He is going back to the hospital today for a blood transfusion. We should be able to come home tomorrow morning.

Noelle is still having good days. We have not noticed any more new symptoms. Praise God! We are thankful that we only have to deal with her current symptoms.

Please pray for Nathan as well. Nathan was playing football at his grandfathers this past weekend and broke his left arm. He was taken to the hospital here in Winston and was put in a splint until he goes to see an orthopaedic surgeon this Friday. (We don't think he will have to have surgery).

As you can see this week has been very busy for us. Please pray that we are able to stay focused on our Lord Jesus Christ this holiday season.

Many many thanks to all of you who are helping to make our holiday special.

We love you all.

We hope that you all have a Very Merry Christmas. May God's light so shine before you.

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 06:48 AM (CST)

Many thanks to all of you who continue to be a constant reminder of what Jesus is all about.

Nicholas is still in the hospital. He ended up having a staph infection in his central line. If not treated properly he could have serious problems. Before Nicholas can come home he has to have two negative blood cultures; each culture takes three days to grow. The nurses draw his blood every night at midnight. We are still awaiting the results of his blood work. If we can't get negative blood cultures, his central line will be pulled and a new line will be inserted. (The doctors feel confident that this infection will respond to the antibiotics he is receiving).

Nicholas has become more dependent on oxygen while he has been in the hospital. He used to only use it at night, now he is using it 24 hours each day.Although he only requires a very small amount, please pray that he will be able to wean from the use of this.

Even though Nicholas has moments when he seems very lethargic and tired, we are seeing times when he wants to play. This is an indicator that he may be beginning to feel better.

Noelle continues to have her same symptoms. We have not noticed anything new with her. So, this is a praise. Noelle does tire very easily so she will be getting a wheelchair today to use for a while. This will also be a help to us as we will not have to carry her everywhere we go.

Nathan begins his Christmas vacation today at 2:40pm when school finishes. We would like to send a special thanks to all of you at the day school who have so faithfully helped us with his transportation to and from school over the past months. We also want to thank all of Nathan's teachers for being so understanding and loving him so much this year. This is all another way we see God's love for our family.

Please pray that Van will have a safe flight home from Atlanta today as he had to go down there for business yesterday.

Many many thanks to Aunt Joy who was so willing to come down this week to help out with Nicholas and Nathan. (And thanks to Uncle Blaine and Melanie for being so willing to share her!)

We sincerely appreciate the willingness of our friends who have helped us by spending the night with Nicholas while he is in the hospital. (Getting some rest is really a wonderful treat).

We will try to do another update as we find out more information on the status of Nicholas or if anything changes with Noelle.

Thanks again for all of your continued prayers and support!

We love all of you,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 06:48 AM (CST)

Many thanks to all of you who continue to be a constant reminder of what Jesus is all about.

Nicholas is still in the hospital. He ended up having a staph infection in his central line. If not treated properly he could have serious problems. Before Nicholas can come home he has to have two negative blood cultures; each culture takes three days to grow. The nurses draw his blood every night at midnight. We are still awaiting the results of his blood work. If we can't get negative blood cultures, his central line will be pulled and a new line will be inserted. (The doctors feel confident that this infection will respond to the antibiotics he is receiving).

Nicholas has become more dependent on oxygen while he has been in the hospital. He used to only use it at night, now he is using it 24 hours each day.Although he only requires a very small amount, please pray that he will be able to wean from the use of this.

Even though Nicholas has moments when he seems very lethargic and tired, we are seeing times when he wants to play. This is an indicator that he may be beginning to feel better.

Noelle continues to have her same symptoms. We have not noticed anything new with her. So, this is a praise. Noelle does tire very easily so she will be getting a wheelchair today to use for a while. This will also be a help to us as we will not have to carry her everywhere we go.

Nathan begins his Christmas vacation today at 2:40pm when school finishes. We would like to send a special thanks to all of you at the day school who have so faithfully helped us with his transportation to and from school over the past months. We also want to thank all of Nathan's teachers for being so understanding and loving him so much this year. This is all another way we see God's love for our family.

Please pray that Van will have a safe flight home from Atlanta today as he had to go down there for business yesterday.

Many many thanks to Aunt Joy who was so willing to come down this week to help out with Nicholas and Nathan. (And thanks to Uncle Blaine and Melanie for being so willing to share her!)

We sincerely appreciate the willingness of our friends who have helped us by spending the night with Nicholas while he is in the hospital. (Getting some rest is really a wonderful treat).

We will try to do another update as we find out more information on the status of Nicholas or if anything changes with Noelle.

Thanks again for all of your continued prayers and support!

We love all of you,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 06:43 PM (CST)

Thank you all for your constant encouragement. We appreciate all of your support.

Our trip to Disney was much needed. We have some great memories that we will cherish forever. Nathan seemed to have fun riding some of the rides and, of course, shopping.
Van and I are so proud of the way Nathan is handling the circumstances of his siblings health needs. He has been so willing to help them whenever he can and always puts their needs first, even when it compromises his desires.

Noelle did experience some new symptoms while we were away. Her gait is unsteady, again and she drags her right leg when she walks. She tires very easily. She has always been right-handed and no longer uses her right hand except when absolutely necessary. She has done very well learning to use her left hand while writing and eating. Noelle's fine motor skills have also been affected. Things that were once so simple are now a major challenge. The vision in her left eye seems compromised.

Noelle is still experiencing mood swings due to the Decadron (steroid) that she is taking. Her night terrors are back and we are noticing some slurred speech at times. On occasion, Noelle really has to concentrate about what she wants to say in order to get her words out. She has anxiety attacks related to any medical treatment she is to receive as well as any unfamiliar situation she may be in.

Though it is so very hard for us to watch Noelle experience all of these symptoms, we still try to focus on all of the positve skills she still has. We continue to have good times with her that may not have been possible without the radiation treatment the she recently finished in November.

We have spoken to Noelle's oncologist and he has told us that her symptoms are most likely from the tumor itself. He oncologist will be letting us know if she still needs to have another MRI in January. (Noelle did have an MRI 3 days before our trip to Disney and it showed that there was no fluid build up in her brain. The tumor had not decreased in size but did lighten up on the scan itself. The only way to determine what the shade change means is to do a biopsy. Due to the location of the tumor, a biopsy will not be done because it is too dangerous.)

Nicholas did very well while we were gone to Disney. He never spiked a fever, which was one of our main concerns. Since we have been back home Nicholas has had some complications. His bilirubin level has markedly increased over the past week. The cause is most likely due to the TPN nutrition he is receiving. His weight is up to 12 lbs. 8 ozs. Nicholas did spike a fever of 102.6 yesterday and was admitted to Baptist Hospital. He has an ear infection which is what we were hoping caused his fever to be so high. We found out tonight that Nicholas does have an infection in his blood, sepsis. We will not know the type of infection he has until tomorrow. He was started on IV antibiotics and will be in the hospital at least until Monday.

Van and I seem very overwhelmed at times. We would like to thank every one of you for helping us through this situation. We truly believe that God has placed all of you in our lives. Your support and encouragement help us more than you'll ever know.

Most of all, we truly appreciate your prayers. We know God hears all of us. When the children first became ill we were looking to God for an immediate BIG MIRACLE. I guess something like the dividing of the Red Sea. What we were overlooking were the daily miracles that He so graciously gives us. We are now ever so grateful for every smile, every hug, every breath, and even every temper tantrum.

God gives us the grace, trust, and faith we need to get through each day. He has also provided us with wonderful christian doctors and nurses who truly care about all of our children. He has provided us with all of you who truly care about all of us. Through you, we get encouragement from your smiles, e-mails, cards, meals, gifts, and the list goes on and on. When Noelle told us that she saw angels in her dreams and then described them, Van and I were amazed. I can now tell her that we see angels of a different kind every day; all of you.

Somehow the words "Thank You" don't seem enough to say to all of you for all you've done for our family, but please know we are so grateful for EVERYTHING you do for us.

Please continue to pray for us as we continue down God's path.

We love all of you.

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Tuesday, December 04, 2001 at 07:55 PM (CST)

This journal entry originates from Kids Village in Kissimmee, Florida. Noelle and family arrived on Sunday, December 2 after leaving Winston-Salem on Saturday, December 1 and staying the night in Savannah, Georgia. Noelle tolerated the drive well with no complications.

The Lord is really blessing our trip this week. We are treasuring our time together as a family. We have appreciated our time of reflection, comfort, snuggles, and tears. We want to thank EVERYONE who helped to make this trip possible for all of us. We treasure the smiles and giggles that Nathan and Noelle are sharing with us.

Our first day here was great. Noelle got to meet many of the Disney characters at MGM Studios. Then she swam the night away with Van that evening. After so much fun, Noelle was tucked in that night by Mayor Clayton of Kids Village. Mayor Clayton is the rabbit mascot of the village.

Our second day, today, Noelle got to swim with the dolphins at Discovery Cove. What an amazing sight. In fact, the whole family was able to participate in that event. Noelle was able to swim with tropical fish and enjoy the lazy river. We were given many complimentary photos of our day there as well as a complimentary video of our dolphin swim.(New pictures of the children will appear on this site after we get home).

The treatment Noelle is receiving is amazing here, not only at the village but also at all of the theme parks. Noelle truly feels like a REAL princess.

We have had the opportunity to meet many unique families here. It has been great sitting and talking to parents who are going through the same thing as us and who have the same feelings that we have.

Tomorrow Noelle gets to eat breakfast with POOH. She is really excited about this, and has gone to bed early in preparation for her big day. She is ready to sing to POOH!

Nathan is so happy to be here with all of us. He has enjoyed watching Noelle get to do many wonderful things. The neat thing about Kids Village, and the theme parks is that Nathan gets the same royal treatment that Noelle gets! We love seeing the glow in his eyes this week.

Though there are some medical concerns we have about Noelle, we thought it would be good to do a "positive" update, and address the other concerns when we get home; especially after we have had time to talk to her doctors.

We will, however, share some of our daily praises with all of you. We have been thankful for the following: God's grace, patience, understanding, and love; the smiles and laughter of our children; special time together as a family; energy; rest; tears of love, joy, and saddness; and all of you who help keep us going. We KNOW God put each and every one of you in our path.

We have talked many times to the people at home who are helping out with Nicholas and have heard that he is doing well. His weight is increasing and he is laughing a lot. We would like to say thank you, once again, to the special people who are helping out with him this week. Thank you Grandma and Aunt Joy. We know that Nicholas really is happy and well cared for this week. We would also like to thank all of the nurses who are caring for Nicholas, especially Miss Jo. Thank you for taking time from your family to help ours.

We would also like to thank all of you who helped get us ready for our trip. It seemed that before it was time to go, things wanted to "not go so right". Thanks to all of you who helped get our home ready for Christmas. We heard it looks great. And thanks to all of you who are making our "little angles" yours this year for Christmas.

If you wonder how we are able to make the best of trying times, it's that God put all of you in our lives to help us handle all of our daily challenges. He gives us answers only when we need them, and He provides for all of our needs when He sees the need. To us it's all about God.

Thank you all again for logging on to this web site and for all of your encouraging words.

We love you all,

Van, Wendy, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 11:13 PM (CST)

We once again would like to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers. As you all know Nicholas came home from Chapel Hill Hospital on Monday, November 12 after being hospitalized for two weeks. He was then admitted to North Carolina Baptist Hospital on Thursday, November 15 for right upper lobe pneumonia.
Nicholas was discharged from NCBH on Friday, November 16 on IV antibiotics. Please continue to keep him in prayer as he was once again admitted tonight to NCBH for continued pneumonia in the right and left upper lobes. This pneumonia was most likely caused from aspiration during his bouts of reflux. He will continue to be treated with antibiotics and hopefully sent home soon.
Please pray for Noelle as she has regretfully started having symptoms of the brain tumor again. We have noticed the unsteady gait, drooling, severe depth perception changes,etc. Her oncologist has decided to start the steroids again.
The steroids in themselves cause even more symptoms, the most noticible ones are the severe mood swings and night terrors.
Please continue to pray for Noelle and Nicholas. We hate to see them go through such difficulties and feel so helpless when they are not well.
Please pray that we can somehow enjoy the holiday season together as a whole family without being in the hospital.
Please continue to pray for Nathan as he must see and absorb all of the medical needs of his siblings. We can't imagine how he is dealing so well with this just being 9-years-old. It is hard for us to see all of our children have to grow up so fast due to illnesses.
Plese pray for continued strength for me and Wendy as we continue to make so many decisions with such little rest. Please also pray that we will continue to be optimistic for the children while being realistic.
Please pray that we will continue to seek the Lord for all guidance first and that we will be thankful for all of our daily blessings as well as the little miracles we get. We are so very thankful for each day we have with our children.
Again we want to thank all of you for your continued suupport and encouragement during this difficult time. We could not go through this without you.
Thank you again.

We love you all,
Van, Wendy, Nathan, Noelle, & Nicholas

Friday, November 16, 2001 at 09:11 PM (CST)

Van & Wendy continue to be so very thankful for all the encouragement, prayer, and continuous support being provided to them.

Please be in prayer for Nicholas as he has continues to have severe bouts of reflux and developed a fever yesterday. Van & Wendy took him to Baptist Hospital and where he was admitted. They diagnosed him with pneumonia and he has been released today after being put on IV antibiotics. On Monday Nicholas' doctor will re-evaluate his condition.

The family rejoices as Noelle has had her last radiation treatment today! She will have a scan in eight weeks to determine the condition of the tumor. This wonderful little girl is doing tremendously! She continues to have problems with falling but the night terrors have subsided greatly - praise God!

Remember Van & Wendy as they continue to be so very exhausted...especially with Nicholas' problems this week.

Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 08:57 PM (CST)

Van and I would like to thank each and every one of you for your never-ending support, encouragement and prayers. The love you all are showing to our family will never be forgotten. Thank you for standing beside us as we travel a new journey with great uncertainty. Thank you for helping us keep focused on our Heavenly Father. We also thank you for all of the bible verses you send.

Noelle continues to have good days. Her night terrors are subsiding, yet still present. She is having some bouts with falling, but this is not as bad as it once was.

She will finish her radiation therapy next Friday, November 16. From there she will be closely followed by her oncologist here in Winston-Salem. If her symptoms return, the next treatment plan is an experimental protocol. Please continue to pray that the radiation therapy has made her tumor shrink and that she can resume her normal daily activities.

Nicholas continues to recover from surgery that was done in Chapel Hill on Wednesday, October 31. There were some complications that made the surgery take longer than anticipated. We still have no diagnosis for Nicholas. We do know that the biopsies of his large and small intestines were normal. (Praise God!) Nicholas' general surgeon did tell us that his tissues and organs are very fragile, and for that reason he is not a good candidate for the Nissen Fundoplication surgery. He is still having problems with continuous bouts of reflux.

Nicholas did see a metabolic specialist, neurologist, and gastroenterologist. They all seem to think that Nicholas has a multi-system disorder that is going to be very difficult to diagnose. The doctors are willing to go the full distance with us and their patience with this situation is encouraging.

Nicholas should be coming home from the hospital this coming Monday, November 12. The doctors want us to enjoy what good time we will have with left with him. Nicholas is not expected to survive this illness. It was estimated that he could have 2-3 good months left or 2-3 good years left. Nicholas is not expected to last through the toddler years. We were told that eventually his body systems will begin to shut down one by one. It is thought that Nicholas may pass on of SIDS.

Van and I truly debated as to whether or not to put all of this information on this web page. We decided to do so because we wanted everyone to know how to specifically pray. We thought that we would go up to Chapel Hill for a diagnosis and treatment plan then get Nicholas going on the right track. You cannot imagine how numb we are feeling right now. We know that God's plan is perfect. We will always hold on to our faith and turn to Him for all of our needs. We will continue to cherish each and every moment we have with all of our children, no matter how long or short that may be.

Please continue to pray for our family in the following ways: for the health of Noelle and Nicholas; that we will use the right words when answering the questions of the children and that we may be as gentle as possible yet honest; the enormous load that our 9-year-old, Nathan, must be feeling; the incredibly difficult decisions we seem to face on a daily basis; for the bond of our family to continue to stay strong through all of the trials we are facing; and most importantly that we always trust our God.

Thank you for making our life a part of yours.

We love you all,

Wendy, Van, Nathan, Noelle, and Nicholas

Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 10:23 AM (CST)

Van and Wendy would like to express their appreciation for all the prayers, messages of encouragement and support, as well as cards that have been received. Also, they appreciate the help provided by family and friends for so many things.

Nicholas has been doing well in many ways following his surgery last week and thank the Lord for such a good day last Saturday - the sweet little guy was so happy and wasn't suffering any complications. Pray for him as he has recently had some problems with fluid retention, recently gaining 5lbs in one day (he went from 10lbs to 15lbs). He is receiving medication to control the fluid retention and his weight is now down to 11lbs 9oz. Problems with vomiting and diarrhea returned on Sunday and now continue.

Noelle continues to have good days and some not-so-good. Her mood swings are not as frequent and her speech is good. The steriods she is on to control brain/tissue swelling causes mood swings...this is her last day of steriods. Also, continue to pray for her during her daily radiation treatments. She has 8 more of which the last one will be next Friday. Of concern presently is that she has begun falling down again - she fell twice yesterday. This will be discussed with her doctor on Thursday.

Van and Wendy would like to mention the great blessing it has been for Van's Aunt Joy and his Mother Pat to be with Nicholas in Chapel Hill. This has been a tremendous help and enables Wendy to come home and be with Noelle. Continue to pray for travel safety for the Babers. Wendy is doing a lot of traveling this week and returns to Chapel Hill today.

Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 05:26 AM (CST)

Wendy and I would like to thank everyone for visiting this webpage. We could not go day to day without the love and support from all of you.

Praise the Lord that Noelle is continuing to have good days as radiation continues. Her night terrors and headaches are still present but not as frequent.

Nicholas had surgery yesterday (Oct. 31) in Chapel Hill. The surgery took longer than expected because his organs and tissues were more fragile than anticipated. The doctors were able to place the central line with no complications. The biopsies of the large and small intestines were performed. We should have the results by Monday (Nov. 5). After performing two tests on Tuesday, Oct. 30, the doctors felt that the Nissen Fundoplication was not necessary. The doctors were not able to perform the colonoscopy due to complications during the G-tube placement. Nicholas' stomach wall was punctured causing his abdomen to fill with air. The air dissipated on its own over several hours. Due to this complication, Nicholas needed to be in ICU for 24 hours for observation. As more updates develop, we will update the journal as soon as possible.

Again, thanks to all of you for your love and support during this time of growth in our life.

We love you-- Van, Wendy, Nathan, Noelle and Nicholas

Tuesday, October 23, 2001 at 11:10 PM (CDT)

Van and Wendy are so thankful for Noelle's good days. When she has good days she is like her "old self," when she has bad days, well, these are obviously difficult and the Baber's need prayer for her safety as she could injure herself when not in control. Also, severe headaches returned last week with her and in the morning she will receive an examimation while at her radiation treatment...pray that the doctor can provide some relief for her symptoms.

Yesterday, the Baber's returned to Chapel Hill to discuss findings and a plan for Nicholas. He will be admitted next Tuesday, October 30 and will be there until at least the following Monday. Some of the planned intervention will be a biopsy of both the small and large intestines, insertion of a gastric tube into his stomach, and also they will put a central line in his jugular vein to administer TPN. The central line is a very risky procedure, pray for him. His stage-three liver disease could go into stage-four in 1 to 2 months and a diagnosis is still needed for him.

Please remember Van and Wendy as they also try to manage and coordinate for Noelle's Make-A-Wish event. The "Make-A-Wish" foundation will be sending her to Disney World in December. Noelle, of course, wants her family to be with her. However, the family will most likely be divided up at this time as Nicholas' doctor has advised that it is not safe for him to travel and Wendy or Van need to be with him. Please pray also for this difficult situation.

Remember Noelle and Nicholas' brother, Nathan, as this is such an extremely trying time for him, in so many ways.

Also, pray for the Baber's in dealing with the insurance company as they will not cover costs associated with nursing assistance at home.

Thanks for prayers, support, love, and all assistance being provided by family and friends.

Tuesday, October 18, 2001 at 08:55 PM (CDT)

This initial journal entry for Noelle and Nicholas Baber is comprised of excerpts from two letters. These letters (Sept. 19, 2001 and Oct. 14, 2001) were composed by a mother of one of Nathan Baber's classmates at school, Amy Jeffers.

September 19, 2001 letter:
Nicholas Baber has been diagnosed with a rare liver disease...Van & Wendy arrange to take him to Chapel Hill for further testing and treatment. His disease is life threatening. The Baber's also learned this week that their five-year-old daughter, Noelle Baber, has an inoperable brain tumor. She has an absolutely amazing attitude about her illness and we all have a lot ot learn from her strong faith in God at this time in her life. She knows that she will be with Jesus and tells her mom that everything will be all right. God has given her strength that only He can give. Some of her symptoms have been that she has headaches, blurred vision, nausea, mood swings and she falls down a lot because of problems with her equilibrium. She has been given 6-18 months to live. This letter also mentions the Baber's plan to send her films to John's Hopkins in Maryland because the nation's leading neurosurgeon is there.

October 14, 2001 letter:
Noelle began her radiation treatments on Monday, October 8th. She wil undergo six straight weeks of radiation. Please pray for her during this time that the radiation will be effective and that she will not have many side effects, but especially that she will feel God's presence with her and His love for her through the whole thing. She has a port-a-cath that is inserted on Mondays and removed on Fridays. This has been quite traumatic for her and a great source of fear. Please pray that she will have peace about it and that she will know that the doctors intend to help her and not hurt her with this procedure. She is also having night terrors every night. Please pray that she will sleep uninterrupted and also that Van and Wendy will do the same; they are exhausted between getting up with a six-month-old and Noelle's night terrors. The Baber's took Nicholas to Chapel Hill on October 1st and had a very positive visit with the doctor there. He did not diagnose Nicholas with cirrhosis as was previously diagnosed. He does have stage three liver disease (stage four is shut down). They do not know what exactly is causing his liver to be diseased. His pancreas is also affected but they do not know which is causing which. He does not fit any diagnosis 100%. They will return to Chapel Hill on the 22nd to meet with the doctor again. They are very pleased with the doctor in Chapel Hill and they are pleased with Noelle's doctors here, so they plan to stay here for treatment for both of them. This letter also mentions that there are many expenses associated with these illnesses, that insurance does not cover the medications for Nicholas or Noelle, and also problems with the insurance company refusing to cover many necessary costs.

Please keep this family in prayer.

Thursday, October 18, 2001 at 11:24 AM (CDT)

This page has just recently been developed. Please check back soon for "Journal" entries.

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----End of History----