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Hello, my name is Michael
and I'm just a little guy
I'm getting bigger everyday
cause you see that I am five

I've had many obstacles in my path
running the race since I was born
Proven to everyone I am a survivor
struggles for me are a daily norm

Sometimes I am a little bit slow
and I can't get things done real fast
But if you'll have love and patience
with help and time I'll finish the task

Did you know I love SpongeBob
I think he's such a funny yellow guy
And football, YES, I also love football
it makes me smile to see the ball fly

I am so happy that you came to visit me
to read all about the days in my life
When next, I am just a little bit slow
it's just me Michael fighting the fight

Copyright ©2006 Island Princess

Welcome to Michael's website.
I have set it up to keep
everyone updated on how he is doing.
It includes his NICU stay with surgeries/test/procedures and medications he had done while there, Surgeries/tests/procedures after he was out of the NICU, and his other diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy.

Michael Scott House

Born: September 6, 2000 @ 11:22am

Weight: 1 pound 7 ounces Length: 11 3/4 inches

Michael was born at 24 weeks gestation due to me having Diabetes, Preeclampsia, and chronic placental abruption. His birth weight was 660 grams which is 1 pound 7 ounces.

At birth Michael had decreased heart rate and respiratory effort. He was intubated and transferred to the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). His Apgars were 3 and 5 at 1 and 5 minutes respectively.

Michael's NICU stay was 5 1/2 months. During this time he was at both Pitt County Memorial Hospital in Greenville, NC and at Duke Medical Center in Durham, NC.

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During this stay Michael had the following:

5 Platelet Transfusions
17 Blood Transfusions

Surgeries were:
1. Oct. 25, 2000 he had Exploratory Laparotomy with bowel resection and ileostomy for NEC.
2. Broviac IV's
3. 2 eye surgeries on his right eye
4. 2 eye surgeries on his left eye
5. Feb 14, 2001, surgery for bilateral hernia repair
6. Jan 30, 2001 Reanastomosis

Procedures Performed:
1. Endotracheal intubation
2. Umbilical Artery Catheter
3. Umbilical Venous Catheter
4. 4 Echocardiograms
5. 2 Peripheral central venous catheter
6. 2 Peripheral Arterial line
7. Renal ultrasound
8. 2 Cranial ultrasounds
9. Suprapubic bladder aspiration
10. Subclavian peripheral venous catheter
11. Barium enema
12. Ileostomy
13. Broviac's
14. Multiple chest x-rays
15. Multiple abdominal x-rays

1. Survanta for his lungs
2. Dopamine
3. Dobutamine
4. Indocin for PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus)
5. Ampicillin
6. Gentamicin
7. Vancomycin
8. Liposomal Amphotericin-B
9. Nystatin for skin rash
10. Flagyl
11. TPN
12. Lipids
13. Imipenum
14. Siloxane ointment
15. Prednisolone ointment
16. Fentanyl
17. Nembutal
18. Lasix

His test and procedures after he was out of the hospital.
1. Feb 2002, Surgery for Hypospadious and circumcision
2. He was diagnosed with Sensory Integration
3. He was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.
4. He was diagnosed with Failure to Thrive and had the following procedures/test done to find a cause. No cause has been found yet. We are still seeing a gastrologist at Duke for this.

1. Leukocytes checked
2. blood checked (Albumin, calcium, IGA, phosphorus, T4, TSH, CBC with Diff., Endomysial IgA, Glaiadin IgA Antibioties)
3. Serum amino acid test
4. Urine for organic acid and a urine analysis
5. Stool tested for Pancreatic elastase 1
6. Upper Endoscopy procedure with bopisies of small bowel, gastric antrum, gastric body, and distal esophagus (done to rule out celiac disease)
7. OVA and parasites X3 Cultures
8. sweat chloride test (pilocarpine iontophoresis) done to check for cystic fibrosis

His NICU stay at PCMH from Sept 6, 2000 to Feb 16, 2001

Respiratory: Michael's first initial chest x-ray revealed clear, well expanded lungs. He received Survanta 3 times for his lungs. He remained intubated and ventilated for a total of 69 days. On day of life #11, he required high-frequency ventilation secondary to respiratory acidosis, poor oxygenation with x-ray findings consistent with pulmonary interstitial emphysema and over expansion. He remained on high frequency ventilation a total of 10 days, tolerating transition to conventional mechanical ventilation. Treatment with caffeine was initiated on day of life #65 to facilitate weaning from ventilator support. It was discontinued after 12 days of therapy when Michael was stable on a nasal cannula without episodes of apnea or bradycardia. He received 3 days of nasal-prong C-PAP therapy, 10 days of a nasal cannula therapy. He again required to be intubated and ventilated on Nov 27, 2000 secondary to probable sepsis and was successfully weaned off to 30% Oxy-Hood. On day of life #145, he had to be reintubated for his Reanastomosis surgery and Broviac IV. He remained intubated for 4 days. On day of life #160 he was reintubated again for his bilateral inguinal hernia repair and was very quickly extubated.

Cardiovascular: Michael required a volume expansion with normal saline and packed red blood cells for hypoperfusion and hypotension, and was started on Dopamine and then Dobutamine. They were weaned slowly and Dobutamine was discontinued on day of life #7 and dopamine was continued until day of life #10. He required additional treatment with Dopamine postoperatively, ileostomy for a total of 6 days. Echocardiogram on day of life #2 did not show a PDA but was repeated on day of life #5 due to him having a persistent murmur with labile blood pressure and it revealed he did have a moderate PDA. It was treated with Indocin.

Infectious Disease: Due to Michael being premature, sepsis workup with a CBC, differential and blood cultures was completed at admission and he was started on ampicillin and gentamicin for 4 days until cultures proved to be negative. On day of life #11 he was started on vancomycinand gentamicin. Blood cultures were negative but tracheal aspirate was positive for Klebsielle and urine was positive for Candida albicans. A renal ultrasound showed echogenic foci resembling fungal balls. He had an elevated vancomycin and gentamicin levels due to decreased urine output and increased creatinine. THe vancomycin was held off and the gentamicin was continued for a total of 6 days. He received a total of 16 days of Liposomal Amphotericin-B. He also received 10 days of topical nystatin to a monilial skin rash. On day of life #31, he developed significant thrombucytopenia with a shift of CBC and required a platelet transfusion. He was again started on vancomycin and gentamicin. Blood cultures from both central line and peripheral samples were positive for coagulase-negative Staph. He was treated with vancomycin for a total of 10 days. On day of life #40, he was again started on vancomycin and gentamicin and Flagyl for suspected necrotizing enterocolitis. They were discontinued after 3 days when cultures showed negative. He was treated with antibiotics preoperatively and postoperatively for ileostomy. Sepsis workup on day of life #56 revealed negative blood cultures but tracheal aspirate positive for Enterobacter cloacae and urine positive for coagulase-negative Staph. He received 12 days of gentamicin and imipenum. On Nov 27, 2000 he required re-intubation and ventilation for numerous apneas, bradycardias, and desaturations.

Fluids, electrolytes, and nutrition: At initial birth, Michael was maintained on D5W, started on total parenteral nutrition on day of life #2 for 77 days. Minimal enteral feeds were initiated on day of life #22 via continuous ND tube and advanced slowly. After several episodes of feeding intolerance and increased abdominal girth and residuals, a barium enema was done revealing small bowel stenosis. He underwent Exploratory Laparotomy with bowel resection and ileostomy on Oct 25, 2000. He started back with breast milk slowly. On Nov 20, 2000 his hourly feeds was decreased secondary to increased ostomy output. On Nov 28, 2000 they stopped feeds altogether secondary to sepsis and started receiving TPN with intralipids via Broviac IV. After arriving back at PCMH, Michael was having an increased ostomy output and a significant prolapsed stoma. A Gastrografin enema was done on Dec 20, 2000 through the stoma into the ileum which showed no significant strictures, no obstruction of flow to the stomach, and gastroesophageal reflux. A second Gastrografin enema was done on Dec 21, 2000, per rectum which showed no evidence of stricture or obstruction. They switched his formula to Pregestimil 20 cal per ounce. They attempted to increase calries and volume which he did not tolerate it which showed by evidence of increased ostomy output. He had a central line placed to administer TPN to maximize nutrition. On Oct 19, 2000 an incidental finding on x-ray revealed bone changes and was followed up by skeletal survey which revealed metabolic bone disease with healing fractures of the 7th rib on the right, right ulna, right humerus, and the left 8th and 9th ribs.

Hyperbilirubinemia: Michael received a total of 6 days phototherapy.

Neurological: Michael's initial cranial ultrasound on Sept 12, 2000 revealed symmetrical ventricular enlargement. On the follow-up cranial ultrasound on Oct 5, 2000 showed mild asymmetry of his frontal horn with no evidence of intraventricular hemorrhage. A brainstem auditory evoked response was performed and revealed normal findings.

Opthamology: Michael's initial eye exam indicated mild ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity) in both eyes. With follow-up eye exams they appeared to be worsening. On Nov 28, 2000 it showed an increase tortuosity and risk of detachment. On Nov 29, he was sent to Duke University Medical Center and there he had two laser eye surgeries. On Michael's eye exam on Jan 2, 2001, it revealed his right eye with re-detachment of posterior pole, and his left eye remaining attached. On Jan 3, 2001, he was rushed back to Duke Med to have another eye surgery. There he had 2 more laser eye surgeries.

Michael has since his hospital stay had more procedures done. He has also been diagnosed with FTT (Failure to Thrive) which is where he eats but don't gain. He is now 7 years old and weighs 33 pounds. He also is legally blind in both eyes due to him having ROP. He has been wearing glasses for this. Michael is still having procedures done and is also getting physical therapy, Occupational therapy, and services for the blind.

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March of Dimes

Designed by Jamie

Michael was Featured Child (December 2004) on Bridge of Dreams
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Michael was Featured Child (February 2005 on Hugs and Hope
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Michael is Featured Child (October 2005) on Tumbleweed Foundation
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Michael is Featured Child (October 2005) on Vista Foundation

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FLY AWAY by Tim McGraw


Tuesday, September 28, 2010 8:56 PM CDT

Oh my! It has been sooooooo long since I have updated Michael's page. He has been doing pretty gooed. He is in the 4th grade now and just turned 10 on Sept 6th.

He is still in a self contained class but does go to a regular classroom some. His IEP meeting is tomorrow but I am sure not much will change sice last year.

Michael still is having the screaming outburst which I still have no idea how to deal with that. I am thinking of tryng a few different things with Michael though such as the Gluten Free and Casien Free Diet also the multivitamins (without those things) and Super-Nu Thera. I really have no idea how to even get started with the GFCF Diet.....Michael loves cereal with milk and spaghetti with meat sauce. He eats those things several times a day.

Anyway I just wanted to check in since it had been awhile

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Hospital Information:


Greenville, NC


http://www.caringbridge.org/nc/emily   His sisters site


E-mail Author: sherry_house2001@yahoo.com


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