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Sunday, March 16, 2008 10:17 PM CDT

HE SKATED!!! Our Bear roller skated today!! Who would have ever thought?! And he loved it.

God is good!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008 9:43 PM CST

Today Brian and I took Matt to see a new Developmental pediatrician, Dr. Moore. Our former specialist had moved on to another clinic that is out of our insurance network. Janet has been Matt's autism specialist for 4 years, and we will really miss her. She has a quiet and gentle personality, and Matt loved her. I wish her the best in her new job!

I think we're going to like Dr. Moore, too. He had some fresh ideas to try with Matt to improve his conversational speech. Matt's receptive and expressive language has become so much better in the last year, but he still struggles to stay on one subject.

Dr. Moore told us we were doing a great job with Matt which was really good to hear, because we do have those days where we wonder if we're doing everything possible, and doing everything right. Matt weighed 60 lbs and he's 4 feet tall today ~ our kid is a brute! LOL

He encouraged us to look into horseback riding therapy. Matt is extremely active and jumps up and down a lot - it's been bitterly cold out lately so he hasn't been able to play outside and work some of that energy off. We have one of those little jogging trampolines in the house, but he can't bounce high enough. Horseback riding would give Matt the continuous bouncing motion that he seeks out all the time. There's a riding stable just north of us that I'm going to check into tomorrow. Brian and I go horseback riding up on the North Shore, so this might be something fun for our family to do!

That's about all for today! It's late and we're all going to bed. Thank you for your continued prayers! We see and feel the work of God around Matthew.

Saturday, March 1, 2008 8:17 AM CST

Hello everybody!

Thank you to those who have been coming to see Matthew's site! It makes me feel so good that so many people care about him. I love reading the guestbook entries, too, and I look forward to the day when Matt can read them on his own. And I know that day will come.

I stopped updating because Matt was making good progress at his autism canter. I thought this would be a good time to start again, because he is now in school and started a new program.

Matt is 7 now, he'll be 8 next month ~ where does the time go? It seems like yesterday he was a tiny baby, but as Brian and I look back and remember all of the things Matt has been through and challenges he has overcome, it seems like forever.

He is now in school ~ in possibly the best autism program in Minnesota. The teachers and therapists there are just amazing to say the least and we are seeing huge improvements in our son. His speech has taken a big leap in progress, his physical abilities have improved to the point where he is now climbing the rock wall in Gym! Early on, we had our doubts that he would ever get to enjoy just doing the usual "boy stuff". The doctors are amazed - his prognosis was guarded because of the problems surrounding his birth. I remember very clearly our first family conference with his NICU docs and nurses after the CT scan. They told us that he would survive the acute condition he was in at the time, but his long term prognosis was guarded as far as physical and mental abilities. They even mentioned possibly putting in a G-tube if Matt didn't start to eat on his own.

We have been very blessed. Both Brian and I have supportive families and friends.

Monday, August 21, 2006 12:33 AM CDT


It's been a long time, hasn't it? I'm sorry about that, I've kind of gotten out of journaling for awhile. I decided to do an update while we're at Gillette waiting for Matt's appointment ~ we've been waiting for 45 minutes, and you know how ot goes ~ as soon as you get busy doing something, they'll call your name! I've been on for 5 minutes and it hasn't happened yet.

I wonder if they forgot about us out here? Waiting is my biggest pet peeve!

Well, a lot has happened since the last time I updated.

There..see? They called Matt's name. Brian's bringing him back, I better follow!

More later!

Sunday, February 5, 2006 5:48 PM CST

Aw, shoot
I went down to feed Matt's little goldfish this morning, and found him belly up.

I gave the goldfish to Matt for Valentine's Day when he was 3, right around the time we were pretty sure he had autism and were just waiting for our appointment for the school system to do the testing. He watched the fish for a few minutes, and then didn't want anything to do with it. Guess that pretty much confirmed my suspicions of the diagnosis, didn't it? LOL

About a year after that, after he had seen Finding Nemo(which he loved), we got an 80 gallon salt water aquarium with many of the fish you see in Nemo, even that shrimp, Jacque. We even named our shrimp Jacque! Matt loves that fish tank! He just never liked the goldfish, so I ended up keeping Goldie in my office.

I have no idea what happened, because he was fine last night, he's not extremely old for a goldfish, and the cat doesn't look guilty.

Well, I'm logging off, Matt wants to have a whistling match and I have to make dinner. Chili tonight.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006 6:23 PM CST

Not much going on today, and I'll take a boring day! Matt finally had his first day of Sunday school last Sunday and he loved it! I'll post some photos as soon as I get them downloaded. He got his own little box of offering envelopes. We'll give him $1 every Sunday to put in his envelope. Then he'll get a receipt from the church for taxes.

Just kidding, I'm sure it'll go on our receipt. Image hosting by Photobucket

Everybody is well here now and recovered from the flu. Daddy and Matt built a snowman after school today, I'll have to get a picture of it tomorrow. The last snowman melted already! You never know in Minnesota, it can be 40 one day and 20 and snowing the next, so you build snowmen while you get the chance!

The neighbor kids on the next block had a snow/ice sculpture in their yard this year ~ I can't even mention what it was on here. I'll just say it was giant and looked "phallic". And, no, I'm very sure it wasn't meant to be a snowman. At first we thought it was funny until we had to drive by it every day to get to the freeway. Image hosting by Photobucket

Music therapy tonight, so I better run! Thanks for all your prayers and we really love the guest book messages! Keep 'em coming!!


Saturday, January 28, 2006 12:31 AM CST

How do you like the new border? Ugh. It pretty much represents how everyone has been feeling around here for the last week and a half. Matt got the stomach bug first, probably from another kid in school, and he missed his first day of Sunday school and a couple days at PIE. Then I got it and missed some work and my second sewing class. Now Brian has it. We were wondering when something would sneak up on us since we were all healthy last fall. I lost 6 pounds through it all (wheee!!), but I'll probably gain it back next week.

So, I have to get this house back in order, because I can't think straight in this mess! And it WILL take the entire weekend, and I'm also scheduled to work for Buffalo for 8 hours. Thank God I work from home, what a blessing that is. I want so badly to cut down my hours!! I can't now, though, because we're changing to a new medical record system at Mercy that involves a lot of training, and we're going to need all the help we can get to keep caught up with coding. Even vacations are being put on hold until late summer. Besides, we need a new roof and something is wrong with our water softener. And our fridge still sounds like a spaceship ready to take off. Somethins is always breaking in this house, and it all takes money, doesn't it?? We have friends with brand new homes with problems, too ~ it doesn't matter how old or new your home is, there's always something to fix!

We took Matt to the dentist on Thursday. He decided to just do the x-rays, cleaning, etc under general anesthesia since it would be less traumatic for him. We agreed, although, anesthesia still makes me nervous. So all he did on Thursday was count Matt's teeth and give him a new toothbrush and toothpaste! And told us we were doing a great job taking care of his teeth! Matt really liked this guy, so we're off to a good start. His appointment is for April 20, and he needs a physical that same week. It works out great, because Matt needs his 6 year check up right around then anyway. My baby will be 6!! Where does the time go??

Well, I have to get moving. Should I wake Brian up or let him sleep? Image hosting by Photobucket

Matt's at grandma and grandpa's today, so I'm going to make good use of my time while I have it!!


Sunday, January 22, 2006 0:02 AM CST

Well, it's been crazy busy here!! Kind of a good and not-so-good mixture of busy! I'll soon be writing a long update to catch you up on how Halloween and the Holidays went, and everything in between.

As for the the past week, Matt has been doing really well down at PIE. We've been driving him back and forth quite a bit lately because of the transportation company having staffing shortages, but I always enjoy driving Matt down. I'll grab a bunch of CD's and off we go! He loves any kind of music, so he listens to anything I put in the player. Sometimes I'll sing to him part of the way down. He always tells me "Sing Mommy!". The best thing about it is it gives me another hour with him each day!

Matt has been sick since Friday though, he started throwing up (sorry!) on Thursday night, so I was up all night with him, and kept him home on Friday. He just ran a low grade temp of 100.4, but he couldn't keep his medication down, including tylenol, so I kept a close eye on him all day. No seizures though!!! I put in a call to Dr. Burstein (neuro), and the nurse didn't seem too concerned
about the missed doses. By last night he was able to take his night dose, and he's now caught up and bouncing off the walls! I wish I bounced back that fast after being sick. I always feel like I need rehab at a nursing home after having the flu.

He starts Sunday School tomorrow! Another big milestone! We've already met his teachers and saw his classroom, and they're really excited to have him in the class. So the only person left to please is Matt!! lol He'll be fine. The first few times might be tough, but Brian and I will up in church, so we can always take turns checking on him.

We saw Dr. Burstein last Tuesday, and that went very well. He's really happy with Matt's progress, and Matt didn't fuss at all with the exam. We're keeping Matt on his current dose of Trileptal (6cc's 3x/d) and Keppra (4cc's 2x/d). Then we'll see Dr. B in another 3 months ~ if Matt is seizure
free, then we'll decrease the Trileptal. Which makes me nervous. We've done this before with another med, and he had a seizure a few days later.

I didn't tell you why we started the Keppra. About 2 months ago, Matt had an appointment with Dr. Burstein, and true to form, had a seizure a few days afterwards. It was an awful seizure, one of the worst he's ever had. It scared the hell out of me. It was about 6:30am, Brian was already at work, so we were alone. I woke up, and Matt was laying beside me, and he was curled up in a fetal position, and I couldn't bend him AT ALL. I was trying to get him to lay on his side, but he wouldn't "unfold", so he would only lay on his back. I had no idea how long it had been going on, because it had obviously started before I had woken up. What I know is that 10 minutes had passed from the time I glanced at the clock and the time he started coming out of it. Typically his seizures last about 3 to 5 minutes. I had the Valium ready, the phone in my hand....his skin was pasty white and he was blue around the lips, this also scared me. He usually maintains his color well. Within an hour he was fine, up and watching Spongebob.

So, the usual protocol, I called the Peds neuro office and talked to Tracy, she talked to Dr. Burstein, and he recommended Keppra to use in addition to Trileptal. Which I'm not fond of because it can cause liver problems, but he gets blood draws to check his LFT's. So far, so good! I worry so much because he had liver failure as a newborn, but Dr. B assured us that was over and done with. Let's hope so. Matt's already gone through enough.

Well, it's late and we have early church tomorrow. I'll take lots of pics of first day at Sunday School!!

Sweet Dreams,


Sunday, January 15, 2006 2:34 PM CST

Hi everybody! Please hang tight, I'm working on updating Matt's site with new pictures, graphics, etc! Keep checking back!


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:16 PM CDT

I have to get back into regular journaling, I've been slipping up lately! Matt is doing new things every day and I have to write about it so I don't forget!!

Matt and Daddy are at music therapy tonight, well Matt is ~ hopefully Daddy is grocery shopping. I just got in from putting the recycling down at the end of the driveway. We cut up a ton of boxes last weekend that have been sitting in our garage, is that ever a lot of work!! We've been doing a lot of yard work and getting the house and cars ready for winter. This is stuff we love to do together, and Matt has a great time running around outside while we work! It was beautiful out today, around 75 degrees, very warm for a Minnesota October! We could use a few more days like this! We raked the entire front yard, too ~ and wouldn't you know, just like every year, I strained the muscle between my neck and right shoulder. I do this every single year, I will never learn. I get going on raking, and we have so many leaves ~ I don't feel the pain until the next morning.

Matt had his 6 month check up today with Dr. Burstein, his neurologist. We always look forward to seeing him, because he's the kind of Dr. who just makes you feel like everything is going to be okay when you're at a point when you're about to tear your hair out. Matt has been having seizures again. The last one was last Friday, on the way to school. Linda was driving him, and he was napping in his car seat. His seizures always occur during sleep, and about 5 or 6 in the morning. The only difference in this one is that it happened at about 8:45 am.

So Lily, the lady who owns the transportation company who drives Matt to PIE, called me, and told me that Linda was stopped at the side of the road about 2 miles from PIE. I told her to just have Linda drive him the rest of the way to PIE once the seizure was over. I felt AWFUL for Linda having to go through that ~ I have to remind myself to type up instructions for the drivers to follow in case he has a seizure. I never even thought he would have a seizure in their van, because they typically occur very early in the morning.

Anyway, Linda handled it very well, she took him the rest of the way to PIE, and I went down and got him. He slept the rest of the day and was fine by late afternoon. Dr. Burstein decided to change his Trileptal dosage from 8 mg twice a day to 6 mg 3 times a day, so he will be getting a more consistent dose throughout the day. Today he said if this dosage doesn't knock these seizures out, we'll up the dosage one more time. After that, we can switch to Keppra, which may cause Matt to have a behavior change. This would not be good ~ he is so sweet and good natured!! If not Keppra, then Depakote. Both are good drugs. Oh, yeah, Keppra can cause liver failure. Great ~ he has already had liver failure from loss of blood flow at birth, so right away I asked Dr. Burstein about that, and he said not to worry ~ whatever Matt's liver went through then is over and done with, there would be no risk with the Keppra now. Still, I'd be nervous.

I asked him about seizures and flying, because I'm planning on taking a trip to Norway next year, and taking Matt with me. He says that of course there's a risk of him having a seizure on route, but just take the Diazepam with. Once we get to Leif and Elsa's, there's a hospital nearby. It's just the 9 hour flight that I'm worried about. Anybody out there have any experience with flying with a child with Epilepsy? Feel free to email me! :)

Everything is going well!! Did I tell you we finally dumped that lemon of a truck?? LOL!! Yes, we traded in the old box for a white 2004 Grand Am, and we LOVE it!!! The only thing I miss is the built in thermometer and the extra hauling space. Other than that, the $1500 car repair bills we had been getting every 6 months for the last 2 years, the $5000 engine in 2002, the knocking in the engine ~ let the dealership figure it out!! We're happy with monthly car payments and a SAFE car!! :)

Well, back to the garage!

Prayers are needed for Jacob again, he had to go into the hospital and needed surgery ~ www.caringbridge.org/fl/jacob

Please pray that he gets yet ANOTHER miracle!!



Sunday, October 2, 2005 11:47 AM CDT

Hello everyone!

It's been a long time, I know. I'm so behind on my journaling, and I have lots to tell!! Matt is doing great! He is still going to Partners in Excellence (aka PIE) and is now being prepared to transition into kindergarten next year. So he'll be spending 1/2 day in kindergarten and 1/2 at PIE. He's loving the group stuff - circle time, singing, learning about the weather, days of the week, etc. They are teaching the kids how to take turns raising hands, lining up, everything you need to know as a kindergartner. He's doing super!!! He's also lost his first 2 teeth on the middle bottom - we have no idea where they went to, he probably swallowed them in his sleep. :(

He's still in music therapy, and he's doing so well that Vicki video taped him to use in her presentation! He has learned the names of many instruments - most of which I've never even heard of! He loves going to music therapy and does real well. When he's a little older we'll start him on piano lessons.

My mom just got back from a 2 week vacation in Norway, she loved it! We have relatives in Norway, they come here to visit us too. I've been there once, in 1995, and I really want to go back next year. I would definitely take Matt with! So I think I'll get going on our passports since it takes a while to get them back.

Has anyone been keeping up with our little friend Jacob? I mentioned him in my last journal entry. He is a little miracle man!! Go see!! www.caringbridge.org/fl/jacob

Well, gotta get going! I promised Matt we would put up Halloween decorations today! He's pretty excited!!



Thursday, August 25, 2005 11:29 PM CDT

I know it's been 2 months since my last update, but things are much better here, Matt is doing fine. In fact, he just lost his first baby tooth last night.

But right now, I ask you all to please go visit our little friend, Jacob's, website, and lift this precious little guy and his family up high in prayer. Like a little warrior, Jacob has fought cancer since he was 3 years old (he's now 5). Two days ago, after a rough 3 weeks of trying a last resort treatment to save Jacob's life, they received the most devastating news that they only have a few days left with their precious son and brother.


Love and prayers,


Sunday, June 19, 2005 11:07 AM CDT

Well, it's been a very trying last few weeks. I'm writing this in tears.

I often wonder if Matt will ever get better. I don't know what to do anymore. He spits constantly, we don't know why. He throws toys around the house, to the point where he's put holes in the walls. Yesterday he deliberately threw a soccer ball into my mom's face. And he's very strong, so we have a hard time restraining him. My sister mentioned putting him into a home. How can I do that??? He's 5!!

And I'm still feeling responsible for this whole mess, and not being more aggressive with my OB when I was trying to tell him about not feeling Matt move as much during the last 2 weeks during my pregnancy. I know now that there was more I could have done.

Well, I'll write more later. Matt won't let me have a minute to myself and Brian is sleeping (of course).

Thanks for the ear...


Monday, May 23, 2005 6:55 PM CDT

Matt's watching Fantasia and Brian is napping, so I'm getting on here for a quick update.

Matt is much better, whatever bug he had was gone by Friday evening, and he went to my mom and dad's from Saturday to Sunday. But now I have the bug and took the day off of work today, hopefully I'll be able to work tomorrow, I have zero vacation time left, LOL!!

He had his follow up ENT appointment today and Dr. Sidman said he looks great and has healed beautifully! He said something really weird though, he said "I'm sure I'll see you guys again." I have no idea what he meant by that, and I didn't want to put him on the spot by asking him. Maybe he meant ear tubes later? Matt does get ear infections very often though.

Dad brought Matt to the Epiphany church carnival on Saturday and he won 2 little plastic snakes in a duck game. One of those games where you take the duck out of the water and whatever color is on the bottom of the duck determines what prize you get. He's been carrying those snakes around since Saturday, LOL!! Cute!!

Well, gotta go, Matt wants fruit snacks, LOL!!

More in a few days!!

Please pray for my dear friend Suzi, it sounds like she may be having problems with her TMJ pain again.

Please pray for me too, with my weight loss. I have gained so much weight and I'm so uncomfortable. I've joined Weight Watchers and I HAVE to take this weight off, my health is depending on it. I hurt all over.

THANK YOU all for the guest book entries, they mean so much to me!!



Friday, May 20, 2005 7:54 PM CDT

Matt was sick this morning with a stomach bug (throwing up), and had a very mild seizure. I was sleeping next to him, it was about 7:30, and I heard some gurgling, and looked over at him, and sure enough!! He seemed conscious through it, though, and it didn't even last a full minute.

I called Dr. Burstein's office and he bumped up Matt's Trileptal from 6 to 6.5 mg twice a day. This is the first seizure in quite a while, so I hope this will work. like I said, it was a very mild seizure, with just the facial twitching rather than entire left sided twitching, eye deviation, so this medicine IS working better than the last one he was on.

He's fine now!! He just ate some chicken from Wendy's and so far is keeping it down. Sometimes he gets a bug and is only sick for the day and by night time, he's ok. Weird.

It's been very cold here, but today it warmed up a bit. It's supposed to be 85 tomorrow, a little too hot for me!

Well, I'm going to try to get some work done here, so I'll update more later!!



Saturday, May 14, 2005 10:52 PM CDT

WOW ~ I guess it's time for an update!

Not much going on! Matt has healed really well from his tonsillectomy. The Sunday after we came home, we had to take him back into the ER because he wasn't wetting his diapers, so they gave him a bag of IV, and that did the trick! Daddy took his IV out the folllowing Tuesday and he was back to school on Thursday.

Matt's voice is a lot clearer now, you can really tell a difference. And he's not snoring at all! That's what we love - instant results, LOL!!

He has started seeing a music therapist for an hour a week, and he LOVES it!! His teacher is so nice an has a ton of patience! We are blessed to have found her!

Matt is doing well in school, he's learning to dress himself. He still gets a little frustrated, but it's getting a little less each time.

Right now, we're dealing with some tantrum issues. He has been having terrible tantrums about twice a week where he kicks and screams. I always have to leave the room to laugh, because it's so FUNNY!!! Those legs are so long, and when he kicks, they circle in the air like a ferris wheel gone crazy. It only lasts a minute or two, though. We haven't even figured out what triggers them, but we think it might be because of being in the hospital, and not feeling in control of his situation. The tantrums didn't start until after he came home from the hospital. Makes sense!!

Anyway, he is saying sentences, and is very, very polite!! If he bumps into someone, he says "excuse me", or "I'm sorry, are you OK?" He says please and thank you all the time without fail. Such a sweet little boy we are blessed with here!

Well, I promise to update sooner next time, won't leave everybody hanging like I did before, LOL!!!

Sweet Dreams!!


Ann, Brian, and especially Matt

Saturday, April 30, 2005 11:37 AM CDT

First of all, I want to thank everybody for your support and well wishes! All of the guestbook entries, phone calls and emails mean so much to us! Thank you so very much from the bottoms of our hearts!!!

Well, we are HOME!!! We came home at 2pm yesterday. The doctors gave us a choice to stay or go, so we went! A little nervous and a little relieved! We could tell that Matthew was VERY happy to be home. Auntie Shawna and cousins Leah, Sarah, and Anna came to see him with a huge bouquet of balloons, and he was so thrilled!!

He started drinking just a little bit last night, and today he's drinking A LOT ~ so he'll be fine! Brian will pull his IV tomorrow. The pain is under good control, but his doctor warned us that in about 7-10 days out from surgery, he might be sore again from the scabs coming off. We'll be ready, though!

Today is me and Brian's 6th anniversary!! We had been up only a couple hours before we even realized it, haha!!! Not that it's not important to us at all, just a lot of other things going on here the past week. My mom and dad are coming tonight to watch Matt so we can go out for awhile. It'll be good to get out together, just the two of us, this is a rare treat!!

Well, I'm off to straighten the house for my mom and dad tonight!!

Thanks again for all your prayers!!


Brian, Ann and Matt

Friday, April 29, 2005 12:04 AM CDT

The docs have left it up to Brian and I whether we wanted to go home or not, so we are going home! Matt is still not eating/drinking very well, but I think we'll have more success at home. If not, then we'll bring him back. They are leaving his saline lock in, so in case we come back, they won't have to restart another IV. If we stay at home, Brian will just take it out on Monday. Matt is doing well, still sleepy with his pain meds, but he is up and about, and excited to go home!!

Our roomate has kidney problems, and has been here since April 6th. I just couldn't imagine.....

More later tonight...



Thursday, April 28, 2005 11:33 AM CDT

Hello all!

Matt is doing very well, he's up and about, still on an IV but he's still refusing to drink anything. So, we are now inpatient, and will stay over another night. We're still in the Short Stay unit, but we will be moving up to 6th floor today.

Last night went well, Matt woke up at 3am, and had some pain meds. He does take his medication fine, but just refuses to take fluids. So we really need to work on that today so we can go home. He had a dry diaper all day yesterday, and this morning, he woke up in a FLOOD. His sheets were wet, he was wet. So we know his kdneys are working! I was getting a little nervous yesterday with the dry diapers, haha!

I'll update more tonight. Better get back to Matt!!



*** I just added new pics in the photo section. ***

Daddy is up at the hospital with Matt tonight. I came home to straighten up the house and take a shower, check my emails, and then I'm going back down there for the night. We moved up to 6th floor today. Hopefully we'll be able to go home tomorrow!


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:52 AM CDT

Matt's in surgery now, I'll update when he gets out. Thank you for all your prayers and guestbook entries!



We're staying overnight here, it just hurts too much for Matt to swallow, so he's not drinking. And he's having a hard time waking up, too. Surgery went
really well, though!!

More tomorrow...


Sunday, April 24, 2005 11:32 PM CDT

~*~WOW~*~ It's been quite a long time since my last update!!! Not much has happened here, Matt has been doing fantastic in school, and comes home with glowing reports!

Brian and I have been busy with yard work, and fixing things in the house. We're going to be doing some landscaping outside with some new rock, and we're hoping that will prevent water getting in our basement! I'm going t0 plant 2 flower gardens (imagine that!), one for me, one for Matt. He just loves to water plants, and Grandpa makes him a flower garden every year at his house, they really love doing that together.

Matt is also scheduled to get his tonsils out this Wednesday, and we're hoping he can stay well this time!! Tomorrow he gets a haircut, and Tuesday he goes to see Dr. Mackey for his pre-op physical. Then Wednesday is his surgery! Please say a prayer that he comes through OK. Anesthesia has always made me nervous, especially with his seizures.

He also started music therapy with a super sweet lady named Vicki. He went for an hour last Tuesday and really loved it! He got to play some instruments, and this lady has the singing voice of an angel!! I was just in awe!! This will be a great thing for Matt because he loves music SO much.

Well, it's getting late, and I'm off to bed!!! I'll update more on Wednesday from the hospital!!

Sweet dreams!


Saturday, April 2, 2005 3:57 PM CST

WOW. What a 2 weeks it's been! Here it is in a nutshell.

Matt had a fantastic birthday party! He got a lot of nice gifts, and had a huge Hotwheels cake. All of his little friends came, and he loved it!!!

We gave him the Grow To Pro basketball hoop, and he is so thrilled! He plays a lot of basketball at school, and from his reports, he is pretty good at it too! We're going to set it up outside today, it's really nice out now!

He was scheduled to have his tonsils out last Monday, but lo and behold, he came down with a high fever Sunday evening. So we rescheduled for April 27th. Hopefully he'll be healthy for then. His fever just finally broke yesterday. I took him to see Dr. Mackey and she is pretty sure it's his tonsils harboring infection again. They are so huge they are actually touching each other in the midline (called "kissing tonsils"). He had absolutely NO seizure activity during this illness! NONE!!!! Praise God!! I think we've finally gotten it under control.

The garage sale is next week, so we are still hauling stuff out of the house for that. I still have to price everything, too.

Way too much going on here, but we like to keep busy, so we are thriving (at least I am. Brian would probably be happy to rest more.).

We just found out that Matt's neurologist, Dr. Burstein, is leaving his practice to teach at the U of M. Even though we are sad to see him leave, we are so happy for him and know that he'll be an awesome teacher! We've certainly learned so much from him over the last 4 years, and we are so grateful to this kind man.

So we need to find another neurologist, and we think we'll go back to Dr. Brenningstall. He saw and evaluated Matthew when he was a newborn, and we really were pleased with him. Like Dr. Burstein, he has a kind, gentle manner, and you can tell that he just loves Matthew.

Ok, so I'm off to the gargage. Talk soon!



Saturday, March 19, 2005 11:02 PM CST

Ok, time for an update!

Matt is doing super! His sinus infection has cleared, diaper rash is clear (thank you to those who have emailed me with some great tips)!! His 5th Birthday party is tomorrow! I can't believe my baby is 5 already, where has time gone? It seems like he was just born yesterday, but when we think about everything he has been though, it seems like a lifetime. He really is a miracle baby, and we are SO proud of him!

I have to share with you what he did today. Mom and Dad took care of him all day today while Brian and I ran around getting ready for the party. Matt had asked for a glass of water, so Grandpa gave him a cup of water. Matt took a couple of sips, and spilled the rest on the floor. So what does he do? He walks over to where my mom was standing, points to my dad and says, "He spilled the water!". What a stinker!!! He sure comes up with some funny, cute things to say.

He's doing really well in school, moving right along! He's in OT now, and learning how to put his shoes and socks on. He's also working on self-dressing, and he struggles with that, but he'll get it, just like everything else he's learned. Yesterday he was playing ball with another little boy, and somehow one of the bulletin boards fell down off of the wall and onto Matt's head. He had a big goose egg on the back of his head, but he just kept playing! Jody called me all worried, and I told her to just watch him, he's probably OK.

We count our blessings every day! Matt is progressing so well, he has a great sense of humor, and a sweet little personality! God is shining down on us for sure!!

I'll let you know how the party goes and post a few pictures!

Sweet Dreams!

Brian, Ann, and Matt

Wednesday, March 2, 2005 1:06 AM CST

Quick update before I collapse into bed!

Matt did super in school today! He's doing really well in all of his programs! He gets a glowing report almost daily, and we are so blessed! Thank you, Lord for helping our sweet little boy! Thank you for your guidance for Brian and I so we can give him the best life possible!

Healthwise, though, his diaper rash is SO nasty. I went out tonight and did something I was determined I would never do ~ I bought cloth diapers. It's the last thing I can try. Matt is so sore and tender, and the nurse and I felt that his Pampers could be another irritant to his bottom. He looks so cute, though in a cloth diaper and plastic pants ~ just like the "old days"!

I also made an appointment for him to be seen at the clinic tomorrow. He really does need to be seen, his sinuses are still draining really thick yuck, and he can't breath through his nose. This is even after 2 weeks on Omnicef. So, we will be seeing Dr. Anderson as Dr. Mackey is doing hospital rounds this week. Please pray that we can get his troubles cleared up!

I'm making some changes to the website, kind of playing around. I added a song that Matt loves - MMM Bop by Hansen! Turn up the music and enjoy!!

Sweet dreams!


Monday, February 28, 2005 11:15 PM CST

Well, time for an update!

Thank you so, so much for all your prayers!! Good news on Matt's EEG ~ NO seizures! We are so thrilled! Dr. Burstein says those staring spells are most likely daydreaming. Which is probably true, Matt is thinking all the time. I'll post photos of the EEG getup as soon as I download the pics from my digital camera!

His sinus infection is back, though, and he's been on antibiotics for 2 weeks. Which is causing diarrhea ~ which causes a severe, raw diaper rash. Matt cries and cries when we change him, because it's so painful. We've tried every butt balm on the market, including this stuff that Dr. Mackey prescribed called Poop Goop. That's the name of it! But it's like candle wax, and it hurts so to put it on, so we're not using it. Needless to say, potty training has gone right out the window because of the diarrhea, so we'll have to start over when he's cleared up.

We have an appointment on 3/22 with an ENT doctor for his sinuses and snoring. His adenoids are enlarged, and he's had a few bouts with tonsillitis now. I bet that's why he's sick all the time ~ I remember when I was 10 or 11, I missed so much school from being sick with tonsillitis, and when they were taken out, I was healthy again.

Prayers for tonight:

Please pray for my new friend Suzi and her family as they start down a new path without their little son, Bracken. Brian and I went to the visitation last Thursday, and felt so welcome, and I was so glad to meet Suzi and Kyle. I gave them each a big hug, and I could just feel their pain. I am in awe of their strength and attitude through the entire thing, but Brack is in a better place where he is happy, healthy, and best of all, with his little sister. Please pray for more strength for this dear family.

Please pray for Melody and her family as she is getting ready to earn her wings.

Please pray for Ben's parents and big brother Eli, and they prepare to say goodbye to him.

Sweet dreams!


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 1:34 AM CST

First of all, before I do our update, I ask you to please take a minute and say a prayer for my friend Suzi and her family. Little Bracken passed away last night at 5:03pm. He is no longer sick and is dancing with the angels and his little sister Mearan. Brian and I are trying to make arrangements to drive up to Brainerd to attend Brack's visitation. Please keep this dear family in your prayers.

Well, no news from Dr. Burstein about Matthew's EEG yet. Isn't no news supposed to be good news? Let's hope so! Jody, Matt's primary therapist, called today and said that Matt's arm was twitching constantly and he suddenly fell asleep. He does have occasional twitching, but never for any real length of time. The twitching is normal, part of the CP. But this is a change, and I called Dr. Burstein's nurse about it. I'm sure they're getting tired of hearing from me all the time.

Matt starts taking a new transportation service to and from school tomorrow, and I am very nervous about this. I know everything will be fine, but I'm still worried. I hope he does OK. Brian and I told him tonight that he's going to start going to school "on the bus" again, and he seemed to understand. They always say that the parent has a tougher time than the kid when it comes time to try something new!

Well, I am very tired, everything is catching up with me. I'll write more tomorrow.

Sweet dreams,


Thursday, February 17, 2005 11:34 PM CST

Boy, are we all happy to have those electrodes off of Matt's head (Matt is especially relieved)! All went very well, he just had one episode at PIE today while on the swing. I guess he just zoned out for a few seconds. The girls at PIE say this is pretty common for him when he's swinging.

He slept last night, and played all day at school today, and nothing came loose, and now we know why. When Brian and I finally took the wires off, it was just like plaster holding them onto his head. It was awful stuff to wash out of his hair, and the poor little guy just cried so hard. I don't think it was painful, he is just very sensitive on his head and face, and the tugging just got to him. We loved him up and told him how brave he was! He soaked it right up!!

Brian will get the monitor down to Children's Hospital tomorrow, and we'll wait for Dr. Burstein to read it. We are praying for no seizures!

Please pray for our little friend Bracken. He is suffering from a very rare, severe degenerative disorder called SCA7. He is having some tough days here, and he and his family need prayers. The link is at the bottom of this age. Please also pray for Melody as she gets ready to earn her wings. She is a cute little red-headed girl with a brain tumor. Her parents are trying to make the best out of her last days. Her link is also at the bottom of the page.

Early day tomorrow! Sweet dreams,


Wednesday, February 16, 2005 5:19 PM CST


Today went really well, Matt played just fine without the electrodes coming loose. We've decided to let him go to school tomorrow. We'll get a good reading then, because we think he's having some of these episodes at school. He has missed so much schoold from being sick anyway, and he's wanting to go back! He is still progressing quickly and steadily through his program, and we are elated! He has so much fun there, and they really love him there. He is a fun little boy to play with!

Right now, he is in bed asleep, and that is probably where I should be, too.

I'll update tomorrow or Friday!

Many thanks for all your prayers!


Well, it's been quite a while since I've updated on our little guy! A lot has been happening, and we need prayers. Matt has been pretty sick with tonsillitis and a sinus infection that won't go away. He's missed a lot of school.

I took him in to see Dr. Mackey, and she referred us to an ENT doctor. His adenoids seem enlarged, and with the tonsillitis and getting sick all the time, maybe he needs his tonsils out.

Matt has also been having "spells" where he sits and stares, or "spaces out". We have no idea if these are seizures. Dr. Burstein ordered an ambulatory EEG, so we took him down to Noran clinic, and they have him all hooked up! It's cute, he looks like a biker (or a surgeon). He has a teddy bear backpack that holds the monitor. This stays on until tomorrow, and then Brian will take it off at home. I'll post some photos tonight!

I'll update later!


Saturday, January 22, 2005 9:52 AM CST

WHOO!!!! You should see all the snow here, it must be a foot deep!!! Brian is out blowing the driveway out right now

We're taking Matt out to play today, we can finally use our new sled!

He had a good day yesterday at PIE, and is progressing very well. It took us 3 hours to get home, though, because of the snow storm. We were so glad to get home!

Have a great day!


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11:25 AM CST


Matt is doing OK, no more seizures! He probably has a stomach bug. He's drinking water and eating soup, so he should be ok by tomorrow! I'm keeping him home from school one more day, though. I don't have a car anyway, so we're stuck!

Our truck needs a catalytic converter. $640 is better than $1000 , so I won't complain!

Thank you for all your prayers for our little Matthew. God is surely blessing us richly!

I'll be updating photos real soon here, so check back!



Hi there, sorry I haven't updated in awhile.

Matt has been having seizures again, the last one was this morning. I called Dr. Burstein, and he increased his dose of Trileptal to 5 mg twice a day (he was on 4.5 twice a day). I think Matt has a stomach bug, because he threw up this morning about an hour after the seizure. He's snoozing peacefully right now.

So, we're laying low today. Which is OK, because it's mighty cold out there!!

Our Blazer is in the shop, too, with transmission problems.

When it rains, it pours.

I'll update later tonight!


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 11:02 PM CST

Well, gee, do you think it's about time for an update?? I can't believe it's been this long!

Christmas was wonderful!! We saw both Brian's and my sides of the family, and had a great time. Matt received a gigantic helicopter from Uncle Rick and Auntie Shawna, and he hasn't let the thing out of his site since. In fact, the batteries were fried by the time the sun went down on Christmas!

So...since he sleeps with us, we get to sleep with this giant helicopter. Good thing we have a king sized bed.

New Years Eve was quiet and warm. We had originally planned to go out to eat and to a movie "Meet the Fockers", but Matt happened to have a seizure at school that day, so we needed to keep him in and keep a close eye on him.

So, yes, he is having breakthrough seizures on his new medication. He was conscious through this one, and normally he isn't, so this was a change. Brian said it sounded like he had a partial seizure, and maybe the new med kept him from having a full blown seizure. Which is a good thing, of course, but our goal is to be completely seizure-free.

At any rate, I called Dr. Burstein, and he bumped up his dose to 4.5 mg twice a day (he was at 4 mg twice a day). We see Dr. Burstein next Wednesday, so we'll talk more about it then. Matt is just fine though, it didn't slow him down one bit! He layed down for awhile, and his therapists said he was back to playing in no time. I went to pick him up early, and he didn't want to leave!

Well, guess what our little trooper can do this week that he couldn't do last week?? Here's what his progress report says:

1) Follows instructions to touch one of three objects

2) Imitates gross motor movement (imitates what the therapist does - clapping, rubbing head, etc)

3) Selects objects from a field of three, and appropriate labels in NET (I need to remember to ask what NET means)

4) Push a Little Tikes lawn mower around ( Matt never had interest in push toys before now)

5) Matching identical objects using a matching game.


Needless to say, we are ecstatically PROUD of our little guy!! Everybody says he is doing just wonderfully! He'll be starting OT very soon, so his days will be expanded.

Let's see, what else? I got a sewing/embroidery machine for Christmas, and I am extremely happy! Now to find the time to learn to use it. I've wanted one for a long time. I haven't used a sewing machine since high school, but I know I can do this. My first project will be a pair of feet pajamas for Matt in a Snoopy print.

People to pray for this week:

* My dear friends Deanna and Jon, who lost their 5 year old son last July. They are having a rough time, understandably. Please pray for comfort for them in their time of grief. I know what it's like to be told that your child may not survive, but actually losing a child, I cannot imagine. There are just no words.

* The people who are going through the Tsunami crisis, that they can get through this awful tragedy. Please pray also for the safety of the people who have gone over to help.

* For my mom. She is going through a rough time with acute depression right now, and needs prayers badly.

* For Matt, that he is seizure-free! We'll get there, it'll just take some time and patience.

Sweet Dreams,


Tuesday, December 21, 2004 11:05 PM CST

Could someone slow the week down a little, please? I have way too much to do before Friday and it's already almost Wednesday!!!

Matt doesn't care, though, he's too busy seeing if all of his toes will into the vaccuum cleaner hose. (see new picture above)

Daddy was off today and brought Matt to school this morning and picked him up, Matt really enjoyed that! His teachers said that he was "noncompliant" today though, I get a kick out of the terms they use to describe naughtiness! Eventually he did whatever it was they were trying to get him to do, but our little angel is VERY stong willed, and I bet he put up a fuss first!

All is well here, jsut busy getting ready for Christmas!! We all get haircuts tomorrow so we at least look human for our families.

Sweet Dreams,


Monday, December 20, 2004 9:14 AM CST

WOW, it is a BIG sheet of ice outside!! Oh, the joys of living in Minnesota, there are so many!!

We had a great weekend!! Brian worked all weekend, so it was just Matt and I, and we played the entire time. I can already tell by just playing with him that he's improving!

We saw Janet, his autism specialist, at Children's Hospital on Friday, and she is happy with his progress. She pointed out how his language is progressing, this made Brian and I very happy. I asked her about the escalation in autistic symptoms Matt has been having (hand flapping, spinning, etc), and she said that his autism isn't getting worse, he is just finding more ways to calm himself. She told us to let him flap or spin, whatever he needed to do, and it'll go decrease as he matures.

She also told Brian and I to "go out on dates" more. I got a real hoot out of this!! Really, though, we need to get out more, even if it's just to go grocery shopping together. I can't remember the last time we saw a movie, but I am plenty content staying at home with my family. :)

I decided to keep Matt home from PIE today, the sleet is coming down, there are accidents all over the place, and I'd rather be safe than sorry! So he is happily watching Sesame Street and playing with his Fisher Price parking garage.

So we are staying in today!! I'm hoping to get presents wrapped, the house cleaned, cookies baked, ect. Dream on, huh? haha, I'll probably get 2 gifts wrapped and that'll be it!

**** Please keep my Grandma in your prayers, her hip is infected, which will slow her recovery down. I am still worried about her. At least now we know why she is having so much pain. I'm praying that she'll be on the road to recovery soon here!

Have a great day!

Brian, Ann and Matt

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 10:19 PM CST

It looks like I left you all hanging after my last entry, sorry about that! Things can get so busy around here, it's a wonder I get anything done...

Matt is doing just fantastic in school! They are working with numbers, alphabet, matching games, etc! They're keeping him really busy and he's loving every minute of it. I added a new photo to the photo album ~ this is how he usually looks when he falls asleep in the car on the way home ~ tongue hanging out, glasses crooked on his face, he's just plain tuckered out! And he wakes up when we drive up to the house and he's ready to play again!

Now that I'm feeling better, I'm cramming for Christmas. We still have to get Christmas pictures done, so our cards will be last minute this year. My sister, niece and I have a cookie baking class on Saturday that we're really looking forward to! We're going to Shawna's for Christmas Eve and to Brian's parents on Christmas Day. Brian's sister, Jan, is in town from Cheyenne, it'll bo great to see her! We're hoping to make a trip out there in the next couple years.

My grandma is in rehab now, and she's doing well, but it's going to be a long haul for her. She's very strong willed. She's 93,and has always taken care of herself, so she's not used to all the attention. I think that's what's going to get her back home though. I pray hard for her, and I think she'll do just fine.

What else, what else? Not a whole lot to tell right now, just enjoying the season without any snow! It's pretty mild here, too. Some snow would be nice for Christmas, though. In Minnesota, we never know when we'll get dumped on, though, hopefully we'll get a nice break from the weather this year!!!

More tomorrow!


Saturday, December 11, 2004 5:30 PM CST

Happy Saturday!

Sorry for not updating sooner, I have been so sick!! I've just about had it with this cough. Thursday I developed a fever and increased congestion, so I went to the ER. Turns out this is viral, so it'll have to ride itself out. The doctor prescibed some stronger cough medicine for me, but I'm still coughing.

I was going to bake for Christmas this weekend, but obviously, that would ba a BAD IDEA!!!!

MATTHEW is doing great!!! He just ended his official first week at PIE on Friday. Remember, he was sick the week before, and only went to school twice, so they decided to just make last week his "first" week. We are already seeing changes! He is asking for things in complete sentences, and seems very content. They warned us, though, that his mood might change when they start putting expectations on him, which starts next week.

We have a meeting with his new occupational therapist Monday so she can assess his needs.

Ok, gotta go for now, Matt is needing my attention right now...more later tonight!


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 11:30 PM CST

Hi everyone, just a quick update before I go to bed.

Matt did **AWESOME** at PIE yesterday and today!! He just c, let him do what he wants, and put no expectations on him. Next week, they'll start the "real thing"!

One of our big concerns right now is that Matt has a very limited diet. He will only eat chicken mcnuggets and french fries, applesauce, mac and cheese, waffles, and fruit snacks. We have been trying to introduce one new food per month, but it just hasn't been going real well at home here. So they are going to start him on a feeding program to introduce new foods. They said it's a great program that gets good results, so we are really excited about this!!

My Grandma is doing very well after a shaky couple of days. She was overmedicated and snowed, so she had problems with confusion, but she is going to rehab in the morning. Please keep praying for her recovery so she can get back home!

As for me, my doctor told me that I have "walking pneumonia", whatever that is. To me, pneumonia is pneumonia. I feel just crummy. I am on antibiotics, and taking cough syrup with codeine, which I can't take until night time, because I have to drive all day long and obviously need to be alert. So I cough and hack all day long, sometimes I feel like I'm going to cough up a lung. Ugh, I hate this, and I have NO time for it!! Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon, I just started them yesterday.

Well, I'm off to bed! Early day again tomorrow to get our little bear to school tomorrow!

Sweet dreams!

Ann, Brian, and Matt

Saturday, December 4, 2004 11:51 AM CST

Happy Saturday!!!!

Today is "reaming out the house" day here!! EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! Haha, just kidding, but a LOT has to somehow find it's way out of this house. So I am gathering stuff up, and taking it to the Goodwill. Pretty soon we'll need a shovel just to get through the front door! It's hard to believe how much you accumulate with a child. We have every toy you can imagine here.

When Matt was around a year and a half, we started noticing that he wouldn't play with his toys. He had no interest in toys at all. His favorite "toys" were a Tupperware cover and some small plastic cookie cutters. He wouldn't play with any of his toys. They meant absolutely nothing to him. Of course, this is before we knew he has autism, so I kept buying different toys to until I found something he would play with.

Needless to say, we have a basement full of brand new toys, because nothing interested Matt. Now, he's able to play functionally with some toys, but he's outgrown all of the baby toys, so out they go! I'm sure somebody else will enjoy them. Some I took to "Once Upon A Child", but they only take certain things.

Being told that Matt "didn't know" how to play just broke our hearts when we were given his diagnosis. Playing is how a child learns, isn't it? So Matt wasn't learning? What about all the work we had been doing with him ourselves? By age 1, he could recite the entire alphabet and count to 10. He couldn't stand or walk yet, but he sure knew how to count! And he was reading certain words by age 2.

This is one thing that is so mysterious about autism. Your child seems to not be truly aware of what is happening around him, but the intelligence level is way up there. I think that is why Matthew gets so frustrated. He is considered above average in intelligence, but he doesn't understand pretend play, or any play for that matter. He is beginning to play with his Hotwheels cars, though, and has always made the engine noises. He likes to stack blocks, and draw on his Magnadoodle. So he is learning to play, and we are elated!! :O)

Well, I am off to clean cupboards. I caught Matt's cold, so I have no voice whatsoever (which is probably why this journal entry is so lengthy).

*****My Grandma is doing just fine!!! Surgery went well, and she is comfy, Praise God and her Guardian Angel!!

Have a great day!!


Friday, December 3, 2004 0:32 AM CST

Hi everyone!!

I know it's late, so this will be short. Matt is getting much better on the antibiotics already. His cough isn't so harsh, and he seems almost back to himself. He's still clingy and needs extra hugs, but he's better, so I think I'll take him to school tomorrow. He's so bored around the house, and it was too cold to play outside today. This morning, it snowe big fluffy snowflakes, and he loved watching it snow!! I can't wait until there's more snow and he's feeling good, so we can take him sliding. We bought a 3 person toboggan, so that will be fun.

******* Please keep my Grandma in your prayers. She fell and broke her hip last night and had surgery this morning. She is 93. She is close to my heart, and I am so worried about her! I wanted to go up to Fargo this weekend, but my Dad said she'll be fine and to stay home, I have too much on my plate, he says. So I'll take a trip up within the next few weeks, by then she'll be out of the hospital and in rehab and feeling better (I hope). She has always been so terrified of anesthesia, I wonder how she felt this morning! She did well in surgery, though, bless her heart!

I'm off to bed! We have an early day tomorrow!

Sweet dreams,

Ann, Brian, and Matt

Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:13 PM CST

Aaahh. My chance to update. It'll be short tonight.

It's been a day, to say the least! We took Matt in to see Dr. Mackey this morning, and she put him on an antibiotic. She diagnosed him with a sinus infection, and his lungs sound junky, but she didn't think he had pneumonia. I'm keeping him home from school again tomorrow and possibly Thursday so he has a chance to get back on his feet. Brian got some time off of work to go in with us, that is always a big help! Please pray that Matt is feeling better soon. He wants to play so bad, but he gets up and starts playing, and then needs to lay back down again.

He's content now, lounging on his Spiderman sofa watching "Maizey", playing with the color controls...Maizey goes from living color to black and white.

Tomorrow I think I'll do some cleaning around the house. It's been tough keeping up with the housework, so now's my chance! Then I can decorate for Christmas this weekend! maybe talk Brian into putting the tree up!

Sweet dreams to all!

Ann, Brian, and Matt

Monday, November 29, 2004 10:27 PM CST

Hello all!

Just a quickie update before I'm off to bed here. All went well at school today, Matt ~*~LOVED~*~ it!! For the first week, they are just going to let him play without any expectations from him, just to allow him to adjust. How cool is that?? He went into each cubicle to check things out, and settled on the ball pit, no surprise there! Jodi took me on anouther tour of the place, and I'm even more amazed than the first time I saw it. Matt actually has his own little room with a little table and chair, white board to keep track of all of his activities. Just a nice little place that he can call his own. He even has his name on the outside! It looks just like one of those cubicles you see in an office. Only this is the only office I've seen with a box of toys in the corner.

He seemed fine on the drive down this morning, but when his day was over, he was coughing like nobody's business. I'm taking him into Dr Mackey tomorrow, I think he has a sinus infection. He's so stuffed up that he can't even suck his thumb, so that means he can't sleep. He came down a couple of times already tonight.

As for me, I signed up at "It Figures" next door to PIE, it's just like a "Curves", but better! It has a treadmill, tanning bed (yeah, right, if there's anybody who can't tan, it's me), a Nordic Track, and they also offer a diet program for an extra fee. Then I went to Target and stood there contemplating the different types of LeapPads again.

Should I get the regular, old Joe LeapPad, or should I get the new fangled one with the writing skills included? I guess it's a toss up. I think I'll just pick the one with the nicer colors. :) Brian says to just go all the way and get the one with the writing.

I gave Matt a fold out Spiderman sofa with the built in sleeping bag today, he loved it! Unfortunately, so does Mason. He takes up the entire thing so there's no room for Matt to sit, and if you try to move him, it's like trying to move a cement block. Good thing the cover zips off and I can toss it in the wash, because I can just see the cat hair coming. Poor fat kitty, he gets kicked out of every chair he tries to take over!

I'm off to bed!!

Sweet Dreams!

Ann, Brian, and Matt

Monday, November 29, 2004 0:09 AM CST

Hi All,

Well, it's Matthew's big day tomorrow!! First day at his new therapy! I hope he'll feel well enough to go, he still has an awful cough. I set the vaporizor up in our room (he sleeps with us), and that has helped a lot. I really think he had a touch of croup, because I sat in a steamy bathroom with him last night, and his cough was much looser today (sorry, yuck).

Thanksgiving was great! We went to my sister's, and had a great time! I love seeing my nieces, I don't see them nearly enough. I get to be Sarah's mentor for her confirmation, I'm really looking forward to it. Those girls are getting SO tall, Leah and Sarah are both taller than me already, and Anna's not too far behind.

Yesterday I did some Christmas shopping, and I'm almost done with Matt. He's really liking Spiderman lately, so I bought him some Spiderman stuff. We also want to get him a LeapPad this year, but I'm still deciding if I should buy the LeapPad or the Fisher Price Power Touch. The LeapPad has more programs to choose from, and you use a pen to point, which would be great for Matt's small motor skills. If anybody can give me a testimony, please do!!

Ok, I'm off to bed. I'll post some new photos tomorrow if I can find the cord that goes with my digital camera. It's probably with my lost keys somewhere.

Sweet dreams!

Ann, Brian, and Matt

Friday, November 26, 2004 11:18 AM CST

Hi everyone, hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Matt is sick...again. We were up all night with him last night. When he finally settled down to sleep at 4am, he had a seizure. Ugh, it seemed like it lasted so long, too. Brian gave him a dose of Valium, and that helped. His temp was 99.8, and since he wasn't awake to take anything by mouth, I couldn't give him any Tylenol. So I have a call in to Dr. Burstein for some rectal Tylenol and a refill on the valium. He finally was able to take some Tylenol and Pedialyte when he woke up a little. Poor guy, he cried so hard because his throat is sore.

He seems fine, now, he's just sitting here watching Barney. His voice is hoarse, but his temp is down.

I'll update more tonight and tell you about our Thansgiving!


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 0:28 AM CST

I thought the flu shot was to keep you from getting the flu? Well, Matt got his shot 2 weeks ago, and now the poor little guy is sick! He must have caught it from me. He's running a 100.4 fever and is throwing up. He's all dosed up with Tylenol and is sleeping sweetly. We were all set to go shopping with Grandma at Rosedale tomorrow morning, so we'll just have to go another day.

Since Matt is running a temp we'll need to keep a close eye on him for seizures, as he almost always has a seizure when he's sick. Even when his Tegretol level is therapeutic, he'll have a breakthrough seizure. It has gotten to the point where his neurologist, Dr. Burstein, ordered rectal Valium for us to keep on hand. I've only had to administer it once, but it knocked Matthew out for an entire day! He sleeps between Brian and I, and we both sleep with one eye open when he's sick. Sometimes it warrants a trip to the ER, depending on the duration and severity of the seizure. He's had about 25 seizures in his 4 1/2 years, but it still scares the daylights out of me. Brian happens to be an EEG technician, and has witnessed hundreds upon hundreds of seizures, so he takes it better than I do. But, when it's his son in trouble, he gets pretty nervous. Please pray for a seizure-free night for little Matt!

It was Matt's last day at school today! His teachers are so sad to see him go. I was talking to his Special Ed teacher on the phone yesterday, and we were both in tears. I promised her that we would visit every so often. I sent treats to school with Matt today to share with his little friends. I think he understood that it was his special day (could the fact that Mommy was standing in the shadows with a video camera be a hint?). When it came time to leave, he wouldn't put his coat on and started to cry. He's usually very cooperative about putting his coat on at the end of his day, but today was a different story. I felt awful. I felt like I was taking him away from his friends, his familiar environment and the teachers he so trusted and loved. They gave me his artwork that was hanging on the wall with everybody else's artwork, and that is when I broke down. As I was looking through all the various adorable paintings and crayon drawings of Thanksgiving turkeys and pilgrims, I came to a page that had multi-colored painted dots, all perfectly uniform, as if they were done with a stencil roller. On the bottom of the page was written "Painting with corn". I stopped crying and started to laugh. Painting with corn? Now, that is just one of a million reasons I love his teachers! They come up with the greatest ideas for artwork for these kids. The imaginations of these teachers no doubt rub off on those kids! I asked Matt if it was he who made the corn artwork, and he said, "Yes, corn!" Sounds like the project was a hit!! What they did was brush the corn cobs with paint and rolled them across the paper. Maybe we'll make some more corn paintings when I get tired of looking at the Indian corn hanging on our front door! :O)

When Matt came home from school, I took him to Menards to look at all the pretty Christmas tree lights. He was in awe of those lights! It makes me want to put up our tree early this year so he can enjoy Christmas a little longer than usual, and because he seems to understand Christmas better this year. I'll have to see what Brian says. He is the Lord of the Christmas Tree in this house, since he's the one who does all the work of hauling it up from the basement and putting it together. He's a good husband and Daddy!

We also went to Target, and I let him pick out some new CD's to listen to on our commute to Burnsville every day. He picked out a Disney CD with all of the classic Disney songs. He also picked out the new Clay Aiken Christmas CD (good choice, Matthew!!). He still listens to the Christian lullabye CD's I played for him before he was even born, so we are all set!! Now Mommy just needs to find something to do down in Burnsville to pass the time while Matt's in school (preferably something that doesn't drain my bank account). There is a Curves right next door in the same building as Matt's school, so I'm going to sign up on Monday when Matt is in school. Now I will have NO EXCUSES to not get there!! I need to get back into an exersize routine so badly. I feel like an 80 year old in a 36 year old body. Not good for someone with a job, a busy family life, and going to school for a second career on top of it all!

Brian and I talked tonight, and even though Matt's going to have a big adjustment to make, we are confident in our decision. We truely believe that God has led us down this path in helping us give Matthew the best life he can possibly have.

Thank you, Lord, for trusting Brian and I to parent this precious little boy. Thank you for his healing, and thank you for answering our prayers for your guidance. Amen.

Sweet Dreams,

Ann, Brian, and Matt

Sunday, November 21, 2004 9:58 PM CST

Well, Daddy and Matt just went up to bed, so I have some time to chat! I haven't been able to journal yet as I have been spending so much time working on the front page.

Everybody is doing great here, we all had a good day, except that I'm sicker than a dog, so my Mom and Dad took Matt for the day. Brian went to the Vikings game, so I was home alone, which is so rare, I didn't know what to do with myself! I just slept, trying to get rid of this bug.

Those of you who know me know that I tend to RUN RUN RUN and overdo until I wear myself down completely and finally get sick. And I know that this is nobody's fault but my own. I'm known to have the worst timing with everything, and I typically get sick right around Christmas, which kind of puts a damper on the holidays. Since I'm sick earlier this year, maybe I'll be okay and feeling great this Christmas! I sure hope and pray so, I love Christmas, and all the fanfare that goes with it.

Matt starts his new school a week from tomorrow, and he is SO excited! We are so blessed to be able to have him attend this school. Matt has always loved to learn, so he is going to thrive, I just know it! :O)

The school is called Partners In Excellence, and they offer Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for children with all levels on the autism spectrum. I've done my own research on this type of therapy, and found it to be very affective, so we had nothing to lose! Matt will also be getting his OT, PT, and speech there. He has been getting all of these therapies at Mercy hospital for more than 2 years, so this will be a BIG change for him.

I had to tell Karmen, Matt's OT, last Friday that Matt won't be going there for therapy anymore, and I was actually in tears (you didn't notice, did you Karmen??). Matt's therapists have given him so much love and encouragement, and have done a fantastic job with him. They helped him achieve milestones that the doctors told us he would never achieve! We thank God for them and their compassion. Karmen, Sarah, and Theresa, we promise we'll visit every once in a while!!

Matt would sleep over at my mom and dad's every Thursday night, and Dad would take him to therapy Friday morning, they are really going to miss that. We'll find time, though, so they can spend time with Matt. It won't be hard, thank goodness we live pretty close! They think the ABA therapy will be wonderful for Matt, so they think it's a good trade-off. :O)

Well, I am off to bed! God Bless!

Ann, Brian, and Matt

Monday, November 8, 2004 11:22 AM CST

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