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Thursday, November 3, 2005 4:49 AM CST

Hello to all!
It, again, has been a long time since our last update. Where does the time go? Here are a few things that have been happening in our lives in the last few months.

Our home addition is well underway. The basement was dug in September. The framing and shingling is complete. We plan to get started on wiring the electrical in the next week. We are in the process of replacing all of the windows currently in the house. It has been a lot of fun watching and participating in all of the different stages of construction. We have been taking pictures and video each step of the way. I often run through the house with the video camera after a change has been made to a room. Then, I play it back on the TV so dad can see what we have been doing. He has been doing very well through the noise and mess. He enjoys watching the construction crew work on the house. He continues to maintain his sense of humor. After dad’s brother Steve finished framing up the new north wall, dad opened up the sliding glass and said “Hey Steve, I need you to move the door about two inches to the west.” Steve responded with a gesture letting dad know that wasn’t going to happen. Dad got a huge laugh out of it and still does every time he tells the story to visitors!

So many people ask how dad is doing. Dad has slowed down a bit physically. They HO (calcium build-up in his bones/joints) has caused a lot of pain in his knees. It is painful for dad to stand let alone walk. Many people ask what we plan to do about his knees. Until the HO has stopped, there isn’t much we can do. Surgery will not help until the HO gets under control. According to medical doctors, the HO is a brain injury medical mystery.

We do continue to walk in hope that dad will someday walk again. Dad, too, has that hope. Dad is on a pretty strict diet (low sugar and low sodium). Ice Cream was always one of his favorites before the accident. We told him that when he walks around the entire house, he can have the biggest bowl of ice cream. He is holding us to our promise!

We have a praise…dad’s insurance company approved to pay for medical equipment that helps dad to get in a standing position. We should be receiving the machine this month. It was manufactured in a company out of Morton, MN. Dad tested it out at the Redwood Falls Hospital. It allows him to transfer into a chair and strap himself in. It has a handle that dad can maneuver to manually pump himself up into a standing position. While standing, he is completely strapped in with cushioned pads and belts. Once in a standing position, the machine has a glider mechanic that allows dad to move/exercise his arms and legs. We are so excited to get this machine. It will replace much time that mom and dad spend every morning with physical therapy.

We know a sales rep, Sandy Smith, for the company that manufactures that machine, Ultimate Medical. Some people from Ultimate Medical, including Sandy, went to the RWF hospital during one of dad’s therapy sessions and video taped dad getting in and out of that type of equipment. They plan to use it in training/marketing videos for that product. It was pretty exciting. The filming went well. Dad gave it his all. After finishing, he was exhausted and slept the entire way home!

Mom continues to take awesome care of dad. She is an amazing lady. This week, she was very busy in the shop preparing for a big Home Interior Open House sale. We called it our “Under Construction Sale”. Mary Heiling, dad’s sister, has been out here several times this week to help mom get ready for the sale. The sale is scheduled for this Saturday (Nov 5) morning. We hope it is a wonderful success! If you are in our area that day, please stop by!

We finally have pictures from Amanda and Cody’s and Johnny and Ann’s weddings on our smugmug website, as well as pictures on the home addition. Click on the link at the upper part of this page to check them out! The website is www.franks.smugmug.com.

We home all is going well in your life and that the Joy of the Lord be your strength (Nehemiah 8:10)

God Bless You!

Monday, September 12, 2005 3:14 PM CDT

Hello dear friends!!!!

I am very ashamed at how long it has been since we last updated this page. Please forgive us…it has been a very busy summer. Here is a recap of our summer and spring…from what I can remember:

In MARCH, after much prayer and faith, Brett and I put our house on the market. We spent two months living in cardboard boxes up to our ears and hosting open houses.

In MAY, we accepted an offer on the house; played in Captain Dan Memorial softball tournament...threw bridal showers for sister Amanda...BLUR…after five full horse trailer loads, we moved our belongings to Wabasso and closed on our house in Owatonna…BLUR

In JUNE, Brett and our family attended his sister, Trisha’s wedding on June 4th. On June 11th, us girls dressed up in beautiful cornflower blue dresses for Amanda and Cody’s wedding…BLUR…not a dry eye in the church when Johnny pushed dad’s wheelchair down the isle so dad could hold Amanda’s hand and give her away to Cody AND when Cody played his guitar and sang a song, written by his dad, to Amanda during the service…BLUR…an enchanted evening…touching moment when Amanda sat on dad’s lap, with her arms wrapped around his neck during their father-daughter dance as they moved around the dance floor in his electronic wheelchair…BLUR…BLUR…On June 18th, another mixed couples softball tournament…BLUR…and bridal showers for Johnny’s fiancé, Ann…FUN…BLUR…next weekend…ANOTHER softball tournament!!!!

In JULY, time to put away the blue decorations and start creating orange masterpieces…BLUR…another softball tournament…BLUR…BLUR…BLUR…the week of the 23rd the weather men forecasted a heat wave and were correct!..BLUR…On the 23rd, us girls got fancied up again, but this time in burnt orange dresses for Johnny and Ann’s wedding!…BLUR…Hot Day…BLUR…huge wedding party…BLUR…Hummer Limo with failed air conditioning…BLUR…REALLY HOT day…BLUR…30 people crammed in a non-air conditioned vehicle having a blast…did I mention it was a HOT day? (nearly 100 degrees!!!)…BLUR…FUN…FUN…FUN!!!

In AUGUST, sleep?…BLUR…put away the orange decorations and started planning cousin Drew’s wedding and decorations…BLUR…MORE softball!!!…BLUR…BLUR…BLUR!!! Celebrated cousin Drew and Wendy VanLoy’s wedding over labor day…Fun!

Well, I think that about sums up our summer. It went so fast and was so full that SOME of it was “blur”.

God has been blessing our families in so many ways this summer. I will take the time in the future to share them with you. The girls will be home from school soon and I promised mom I’d help her with more wedding decorations for this weekend (for Brandon Ourada and Sandy Jenniges). So, I better close for now. Thank you, so much for your continued love and prayers!

God Bless You!!!

Friday, July 29, 2005 9:54 PM CDT

Hello! Hello! Hello!
We made it!!! We successfully and enjoyably made it through Johnny and Ann’s wedding on July 23rd!!! What a wonderful day…and hot (nearly 100 degrees!)!!! Now five out of the six of us children are married. Mom and dad should have a nice break before Kayla (age 14) gets married!

This week has been much slower than the past eight. Mom even took the time to rest a few minutes in a couple of afternoons this week.

We are trying to find our “groove” on the farm. It was hard to get in a routine with all of the wedding preparations. Each day seems to get a little better for everyone to adjust to combining our families and home.

Our kids enjoy the farm. During the blessing at the dinner table, Carter often thanks God for the John Deere Tractor and the lawn mower. The girls love to have Kayla do their hair and make-up. They are missing her right now because Kayla is spending the week in Fargo with Johnny, Ann, Cody and Amanda...getting spoiled, no doubt! :)

Dad continues to work hard with his therapy. Mom is an amazing lady. She is so faithful with helping dad with his exercises and stretching each morning. Dad has a long road ahead to get walking again, but he has the will and determination to do it. We are going to do all we can to help him reach that goal.

We are so excited to celebrate dad’s birthday on Saturday, July 30!!! Dad turns 54!!! We are so happy to have him home with us to celebrate the day with him.

Thank you for checking in on mom and dad and our family. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers for us all.
May God bless you this week and always!

Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:02 AM CDT

Hello Dear Friends!
I can't believe it has been months since we last updated dad's website. This is Nikki. Many of you know that Brett, I and our three children, Alison, Emily and Carter moved in with mom and dad Memorial weekend. We are hoping to help them out with bills and up-keep on the farm. We are slowling settling in. We plan to add a large addition on to the house this fall to add more space for our two families.

We celebrated Amanda and Cody's wedding on the 11th of June. It was a beautiful ceremony and a wonderful day! We are very happy to have Cody as part of our family. I hope to get pictures of the wedding out on our "Smug-Mug" website later this month.

We are looking forward to Ann and Johnny's wedding on July 23rd! As you can probably guess, it is a very full and busy summer for our family.

Dad continues to work hard with his physical therapy. He goes to Redwood for therapy three times a week and to Burnsville once a week. He and mom also have a routine of excercises that dad does every morning before getting out of bed.

I am short of time. Before I go, I want to wish mom and dad a happy 32nd anniversary today! Happy 1st birthday to baby Johnny on the 21st and happy 2nd birtday today to Melanie and Tom's son Will!

Enjoy your day and live for Jesus!

Friday, March 25, 2005 8:04 AM CST

"For ye are bought with the price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Corinthians 6:20

Hello everyone! This is Melissa signing in to give you a quick update on dad's progress. It is always an amazing sight for me to witness how mom and dad work together each and every day to get through their daily routine. From extensive therapy to medication to extremely healthy meals and most importantly, their strong love for one another, they accomplish what God has laid before them. Their desire and true love for one another has given me a new meaning of life. My constant thoughts of what my parents encounter each day and "how" they stay so strong as a team helps me "keep things in perspective" as I go back to my busy lifestyle. Mom and dad are amazing people and I thank God for giving them the strength to overcome the challenges.

Here is some information to bring you up to speed: On February 14th, dad had surgery on his left knee to correct a fracture. Three screws were inserted during surgery to hold the fracture during the healing process. Last night mom showed Linda (mom's sister) the x-ray and Kayla jokingly said that those screws look like they came from dad's shop. She said she should have just brought dad out there to drill them in herself to save a few bucks. We all laughed while dad called himself the "6 million dollar man!" :) Well, next week dad should hear from his doctor whether or not he can put weight on his left knee. His hope is to begin using the walker very soon. For therapy, dad could do leg lifts but was very limited to other strengthening techniques. Dad's attitude has remained very positive while he focuses on his goal of walking. His mind continues to sharpen as he is remembering more things each day. It has been exciting for me to witness dad's working progress and how he has chosen the road to recovery while keeping spiritually lifted as God guides him along on the journey. Way to go dad!

As most of the family has come home for Easter, we have quite an agenda to complete. As the "boys" are outside completing duties that dad put on a list, the "women" are inside assembling wedding invitations. Both Amanda and Johnny are getting married this summer so tis' the season to prepare for the big celebrations. :)

One prayer request that I have for you is to keep Jack Fischer and his family lifted. Jack and his family are from Wabasso and are very good friends of the Frank family. Jack experienced a stroke one week ago from today and has been hospitalized in Sioux Falls, SD. We're counting on you, Prayer Warriors. We truly know how important prayers are during a time like this.

Thank you for your continued support.

"Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our maker, for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the sheep under his care." Psalm 95, 6-7.

Remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season! Happy Easter!

Friday, February 4, 2005 9:45 AM CST

Hello Everyone!
This is a very quick note from Nikki. I just want to update the website to let you, our beloved prayer warriors, know that we have not forgotten the website, and we especially have not forgotten you!!!

Many of you are so faithful to come to our site and pray for mom and dad. Thank you. We appreciate and "feel" your prayers! We are so sorry that it has been such a long time since we last updated this page.

Mom and dad continue to do well and live one day at a time. Dad's knees are causing him a tremendous amount of pain. Because of that, his walking has slowed down immensely. They had an MRI done on his knees. There is still calcium build-up on them. His left knee appears to have a torn "something" (ACL??). Mom couldn't remember what the nurse told her. Mom and dad are going to meet with their orthopedic doctor on Tuesday to determine a game plan. Please pray for wisdom for all of them to make the best decision for dad.

God performed MAJOR miracles on dad by keeping him alive and healing him. I believe He performed those miracles because of our faith and full-hearted prayers. Even though dad is no longer balancing between life and death like he did in those first weeks, we should not waiver or minimize our faith for continued healing. God still has more miracles to perform on dad, his body, our family, our community, etc.

I have the date of "8-23-03" written in my bible next to Ephesians 6:10-20 (The Armor of God). That was a week after dad's accident when there was so much unknown. The only thing we knew was that God was in control and that He was with us every minute of every day.

We had people praying for dad across the world 24 hours a day. As prayer warriors, we made sure we were dressed spiritually every day and in all circumstances. To be spiritually dressed, we put on the full armor of God! Ephesians 6:10-11 start as: "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes...." The armor consists of: The belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. Verse 18 goes on to say: "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests..."

We are studying the armor of God with the young children (ages 4yrs old to 5th grade) in Cross Training. It has been a wonderful reminder for me on how I did dress spiritually in 2003. It's amazing (and human) how quickly those days have become faint memories and my armor has gotten dusty from sitting in the closet.

My passion in telling people about our family's journey that began August 16, 2003 is to give God the Glory!!!! It brings me so much joy to share about God's goodness and grace and most importantly, His SALVATION!

I made a decision to dust of my armor and not save it for the hard days. I'm going to wear it everyday! I want to encourage each of you to do the same. Prayer warriors, friends, family, all people, dust off your armor of God. Each morning before you leave your home or even get out of bed, dress yourself spiritually! Parents encourage your children to do the same. Part of your morning questions can consist of, "Did you brush your teeth?" "Are you spiritually dressed today?"

It is time to pray faithfully for miracles in all lives. Prayer warriors, raise your shields of Faith high and do not fear or waiver. Being dressed in your armor of God, there is no way you can loose the battle...because God will fight for you!!!

Have a wonderful day and as I tell my children each morning, "Live for Jesus!"

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 4:00 PM CST

01/05/05 Happy New Year! We want to send our prayers and condolences to the Gary Raangard family. Gary went to be with Jesus on Friday, December 17th after his battle with cancer. Please keep his family in your prayers. Gary's daughter, Lorri, is married to Char's brother, Dan Heiling.

It's been some time that we have updated. Lots has been happening.

First we would like to wish everyone a holy and special time this christmas season. One filled with great memories to talk about in years to come.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to our dear friends who are going through so much in the loss of their loved ones. Their lives are truely a testimony of faith and hope. May God bring peace and comfort to you today and everyday.

Last weekend we enjoyed our children and grandchildren. Everyone arrived Friday night, and went home Sunday late afternoon. We laughed alot, played games,opened gifts,and had lots of great food. Nikki's Carter and Melissa,s Drew are at the age of "it's mine" the two actually were duking it out. We laughed so hard at them two. One of our biggest challenges is to get family pictures taken. It's our tradition. Invision this eight children ages five and under trying to make them pay attention and smile. Finally I just started singing Barney's song, "I love you,you love me" They stopped fussing ,and we quickly took the pictures. It takes alot of patients, right daddy's!!!! We will be going out to the Frank farm christmas for noon lunch then onto the Heiling farm for evening supper. We look forward to seeing everyone then.

John ,I and John's therapists are continuing to work hard to get Johns legs to work. We've had some up and down days,but were're not giving up. John has pain in his knees,so we are focused on working the knee caps and the tight areas around the knee. John's attitude remain good, I thank the Lord for that.

Last month I wanted to update the journal to let you know how our trip to Sacramento went. Thanks to my sister Arlene and Her husband EJ we had the time of our life. They pampered us ,the memories we have will be cherished forever. We went to the game at Cal Davis, and the Bison kicked butt. That was Johnny's last college football game. Right now he is going through some withdrawl emotions. Amanda and Kayla were along too , we all had a wonderful time. The flight went smooth,John transfered from his wheel chair to the seat just fine. The transfer on the trip home was a little tough on John,his knees buckled on him and he had pain that was breath taking. After some time everything settled down and the rest of the trip went just fine.

We will be very busy this next year,along with getting John better, we have Johnny and Ann's weddding July 23rd. Amanda was engaged this month and will be married June 11th to Cody Kittelson from Velva N.D. We are so happy for both couples. We are all working hard on the plans to make both wedding days special.

Again John and I are ever so greatful to everyone for the help that contiues to come our way. We are truly blessed! The new bed is awesome,thank you to all who helped make that possible.

In closing , may your Christmas and new year be filled with peace, happiness and love!

2nd Corinthians 9:15 "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!"

Saturday, November 27, 2004 11:51 AM CST

This journal entry is the hardest we have ever written. Today our hearts go out to our dear Robinson family. Last night, sweet Carl, our messenger of hope, became our angel of hope. Carl went home to be with Jesus on Friday, November 26th, after two years of battling cancer.

Please keep Kelly, Tom, Bryan, Sydney and Sam Robinson in your prayers. Carl's website is www.caringbridge.org/mn/carcar

God Bless each of you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:50 AM CDT

Hello Dear Friends!
Wow…I can’t believe it is the last week of October! It was around this time last year that five of dad’s six children (plus in-laws and mom) stood around his bedside at Bethesda. Dad looked up at them recognizing each child, smiled, mouthed “I love you” and cried…as did each person in that room. That was an emotional day for each child and one they will never forget. It was around that time, that dad started coming out of his coma. It’s sad the things we take for granted…like a parent looking into your eyes and saying “I love you”. Those words can get you through so many things. A parents love is absolutely priceless. Knowing the magnitude of my parents’ unconditional love for each of their children has helped me grow closer in my walk with the Lord. Mom and dad love us kids through ALL circumstances (good and bad). That is just a very small portion of the greatness of God’s love for me and ALL of his children. Oh what a comforting thought. I know that God looks at each one of us and smiles and says “I love you” just like dad did that day at Bethesda. His love is unchanging and unconditional He loves me through ALL things…thank goodness. I’m grateful that on days that I don’t even like me…God does!!! What saving Grace!!!!!!

Mom and dad made a trip to the cities yesterday. Their appt with Dr Troy was uplifting. Dad has gained more strength in his right shoulder. He is now able to straighten out this right elbow (something he has not been able to do since his accident). The doctor sent a machine home with mom that will help stimulate his colon and digestive system. He also sent them home with more homework…therapy…therapy and more therapy!!! Then off to Bethesda in St Paul…what an awakening for mom and dad! Although dad is doing well, the Dr said that dad needs to do much more therapy on a daily basis. He needs to stretch his muscles 4 to 5 times a day in order for dad to be able to walk again. This is so important to do because dad’s muscles are slowly shrinking. Although it is going to be painful for dad, it is doable. Please pray for mom and dad to be able to get on a schedule to do his therapy on a regular basis.

Your prayers are wonderful. Thank you for your faithfulness and your love and concern for our family. We are all grateful for each and every one of you!
May God Bless You and your day!!!!!

Friday, October 15, 2004 12:07 AM CDT

Hello All!
This is Nikki writing in from not-so-sunny Owatonna! Despite the cool, gloomy weather our families’ spirits remain bright and full of the “Son”!!!!

As always, I’m short on time, but want to share with you mom and dad’s last couple of weeks.

Dad continues to do great. He doesn’t walk around as much as he did in the winter. His knees cause him a tremendous amount of pain. The calcium build-up in his joints is still active. Pray for that to end so we can move forward with options on helping dad with his knees.

To many people’s surprise, mom and dad joined the tailgating crew in Brookings, SD for the SDSU-NDSU “Rival of the Dakotas” football game, on the 9th. The weather was beautiful. Our cousin, Holly, worked with SDSU’s athletic department to be able to get mom and dad to sit in their vehicle near the field for the evening game. They were able to park in the corner of one of the endzones. Despite NDSU’s defeat, it was a wonderful time being together and cheering on the Bison!

They made a trip to MPLS for a follow-up visit on dad’s hip. All looks good and seems to be healing nicely. He can apply more weight on his hip.

On Tuesday, mom and dad got a new bed! (An early Christmas gift from many caring friends and family members.) We hope that dad will be able to sleep more comfortably. It is a dual adjusting king size bed. Now, they are able to sleep in the same bed again.

They were in Willmar yesterday visiting with dad’s neurologist. Dr. Chang had great things to say about dad. He hopes to get dad in a sleep study. Dad doesn’t sleep well most nights. We are hoping this will change through the study. Dad agreed to do it only if mom stayed with him in the hospital to sleep! :)

There was a nice article in the Fargo In-Forum paper (10/15/04) about dad and Johnny. If you have time, please check it out: In-Forum

As always, have a wonderful day in the Lord!

It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ,…he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone. Ephesians 1:11 (Msg)

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 8:10 PM CDT

Hello everyone!

This is Melissa signing in from Olivia.

So much has happened since the last journal entry. On the weekend of September 18th, the Frank family had special visitors from Kentucky! Judy Hester and Brackstan and Tonya Duncan made the trip up to Minnesota for a nice visit and also to catch one of Johnny's Bison football game. All of us piled into an RV on Saturday morning and traveled to Fargo in time to tailgate before kick-off. We were so excited for this big event as it has been 1 full season plus a few games this season since dad has been at one of Johnny's football games. Tears were shed as dad and Johnny hugged after the game. Dad was the proudest fan in the entire stadium!

Thank you all for the extra prayers asking God to give dad the stength and endurance to attend that game. What a special memory for all of us to share. Thank you Judy, Brackstan and Tonya for making the long trip to Minnesota. We love you dearly and we appreciate your friendship!

Yesterday, September 27th, dad and mom traveled to the Twin Cities for two doctor's appointments. Well, their trip ended up being a pretty interesting adventure. Mom said the van started "acting up" while driving down Interstate 35W. The power-stearing started to go out. Mom said she was pretty scared as she had to react so quickly to the unexpected event. She was able to exit off the interstate and then find a gas station to pull in to right as the power stearing went out totally. Mom's prayers were answered.

Unfortunately, dad missed his first appointment with Dr. Robinson. Dad's hip was going to be evaluated at this appointment. A rescheduled date has been set for October 11th. Thankfully, mom was able to reach Tami Heiling to come rescue them at the gas station. Tami was their "taxi driver" the rest of the day. Dad did make it to his second appointment with Dr. Troy. Dr. Troy was very pleased with the strenth that dad had in his right leg. He shared very encouraging words to mom and dad before they left. Dad was also given more therapy exercises to do when at home. Dad has another appointment with Dr. Troy next month.

My family has so much to be thankful for. It's hard to believe one year has passed by and how many different experiences my family has had as a result. The roller coaster ride that we've been on; the happy days and the sad days, the hugs, the kisses, the tears, the pain, the helping hands and the encouraging words have all been unforgetable moments for us. Through all of this, God's presence has been everlasting.

Thank you all for your continuous thoughts and prayers. God has taught us how to become so humble during this time. Your generousity is much appreciated.

This is a quote that I read in my Guidepost magazine: "When you help someone else up the hill, you are closer to the top yourself." I truly believe that God rewards those who reward others. What a great blessing to all of you!

God Bless all of you.

Saturday, September 11, 2004 3:52 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,
Dad is happy to let you know that he is now home from the hospital!!! He came home Friday afternoon. I talked to him this afternoon. He sounded great. I asked how his hip was doing. He said it doesn’t hurt him at all. The only pain he has is in his knees. He can do very little without his knees causing him tremendous pain.

His body is still building calcium in his joints, which cause the joints to stiffen and bring dad discomfort. Mom and dad ask for your prayers that the calcium build-up in dad’s body will stop.

They are going to listen to the Bison football game over the Internet tonight at 6:00. They are hoping to make the trip up to Fargo next weekend. Pray that all plans will play out as we are hoping and that dad’s health is well for the big trip. We are all anxious to have mom and dad together at one of Johnny’s games (especially dad and Johnny).

Thank you so much for checking in on mom and dad. Your love and prayers are greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful day in the Lord!!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2004 9:52 AM CDT

Hi All!
I got off the phone with mom to get a "dad" update. Dad had a good day yesterday. He did everything he was asked to do during physical therapy. He is still very sore.

Dad had a very special visitor that made his day and probably his week!!!! Dad's "Messenger of Hope" came to visit....Carl Robinson. Carl was in the hospital for his own health reasons and he and his dad stopped by to visit dad. Mom said they had a wonderful time visiting with the Robinsons. We have a link above to Carl's website, please check it out and keep Carl in your prayers.

We are on a new "mission". We are trying to track down some type of handicap accessible van to borrow or rent to take dad up to some of Johnny's football games in Fargo. We would like the kind of van that dad can sit in his wheelchair and stretch out his legs.

I'm out of time...thank you for your continued prayers!
God Bless You!

PS...our NDSU Bison football team can be seen on Fox Sports Net (North) this Saturday at 3:00pm (CST). Watch for Johnny #45 (offense) and Amanda's boyfriend, Cody #44 (defense and special teams)! Go Bison!!!!!

Monday, August 30, 2004 9:49 AM CDT

** Tuesday, August 31st

Hello prayer warriors, Nikki called me (Melissa) this morning to update you on dad's recovery. It sounds like dad will be discahrged from Fairview Hospital this morning. One of the requirements was for dad to sit in a chair for 2 hours yesterday. He was able to do that but he was in a large amount of pain. Please pray that God will relieve that horrible pain in dad's body to give him comfort he needs on a daily basis. Also, we ask that you lift mom and dad up in prayer that God guides them back to Redwood Falls Hospital safely and comfortably. Mom will be driving him to Redwood Falls so pray that she will remain relaxed and focused during the long drive.

Thank you all for your commitment on this faith filled journey. Prayers are needed so much at this time. Dad feels discomfort and helplessness right now and we know that God is in control and will build trust and confindence in dad's mind for complete healing. Also, continue to pray that mom finds strength and guidance from God as she cares for dad and that God's healing hands are working through her.

Mom and dad...we love you so much. You are the rock of our family and we know that God's plan is remarkable for every one of us. We are here for you always.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

Hi everyone,
I’m short on time but want to fill you in on dad’s recovery. First of all, congratulations to the NDSU Bison team in their 52 to 0 victory Saturday night. Mom made the trip to Fargo and surprised the kids. We had a great time!

I talked to mom briefly this morning. Dad received 2 units of blood yesterday. He ran a low grade temp. The nurses said the temp is common to get after surgery. They are getting dad on his feet at least a couple of times a day. It is a long slow and painful process for dad. It takes at least two people to help him to his feet. He can stand for about a minute and needs to sit back down.

Mom asked for you to please lift dad up in prayer. Dad has been very emotional over the weekend. The surgery, pain and “stepping back” in his long-term recovery has been very heavy for him. Mom too asked for prayers for herself. When dad asks for mom to help him move or sit up, she’s too scared to help him and they have to wait for a nurse. Mom is nervous to move him because she doesn’t want to do it wrong or hurt him.

We are not sure when dad will be discharged from Fairview University Medical center. They mentioned Tuesday at one time, but it may be later than that. We’ll keep you posted.

Prayers are what has gotten them through this last year, we know that it is those same prayers that will get them through this year.

Thank you again for your love, support and prayers. You are all so wonderful!!!!
Continue to praise God in all things!!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 1:05 PM CDT

08/27/04 update (from Nikki)
AHHHHH...my power of brain washing is finally taking affect!!!! Can you tell we love to keep the humor in our lives? If you don't keep things "light" life will weigh you down!!! I talked to mom this morning. Dad looked a bit pale, but his spirits are up and wonderful. He is very sore and continues on quite a bit of pain meds. We are so proud of mom and dad and are very pleased that everything went well. Please continue to keep them in your prayers. I'm guessing surgery was the easy part with dad's hip replacement. They have a long road ahead with his recovery. We know God will protect them through all things just has He has been!
Have a wonderful day in Christ!!!!

*** New Update on Dad's Surgery!
Hello, this time Melissa gets to be the author of the day! AJ, I caught up to you now! :) Here's a hint for you next time AJ.....you may want to include my name on the list of who your "coolest" sister is! :)

I just received a phone call from Nikki and mom and they said that dad's surgery lasted just over 2 hours and the procedure went very well for dad. Dad will be recovering for a few days in the Twin Cities before they transfer him to the Redwood Falls Hospital. Dad is doing well and we all know that his number one goal is to walk someday so please continue to ask God to give dad the energy and strength to fulfill another miracle. My dad is a man with desire and I know that God will guide him to conquer another battle.

Thank you all for the continued support and prayers! It has been one year of spiritual and emotional growth for my family! God continues to bless us each day.

"There is none like Thee, O Lord; Thou art great, and great is Thy name in might." Jeramiah 10:6

A Daily Blessing for everyone:
"I ask the Father in his great glory to give you the power to be strong inwardly though his spirit." Ephesians 3:16

Hello Everyone!

This is Amanda writing....I figured it was about time to write the journal. I'm usually good about once every six months! I hope this journal finds everyone in great health and happiness =) Right now, Nikki, mom and dad are in Minneapolis because dad is scheduled to have his hip surgery tomorrow (Thursday, August 26th). So- in preparation, they are all attending a class at Fairview hospital, as well as meeting Dr. Troy in Burnsville to make sure dad is in-line (kind of like a chiro appt.) After that, they have plans to pick up Kayla at valleyfair and head back to the hotel for a good nights rest. Dad is scheduled to be at the hospital tomorrow morning at 5:30 am and will undergo surgery at 7:30 am. The procedure is going to be approximately 1-3 hrs. long. We ask that you keep dad in your prayers, as well as the doctors who will be with dad....That God may guide them every step of the way. Before I close- I would like to wish the Bison Football team the BEST OF LUCK this weekend for their opening D1 football game!!!! AND....a very Happy Birthday to my brother Johnny, who will be 23 this Saturday also! We couldn't be any prouder =)

Dad- it's been a while since I could pray this over you at night (this was johnny's prayer for you while you were in the hospital last year)
"Those who live in the shelter of the Most Hight will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty....Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor fear the dangers of the day....If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you...for He orders his angels to protect you wherever you go..."
Pslams 91

God Bless-
Amanda Joy

PS....I might add that my oldest sister Nikki is the coolest! she must have brain washed me to write this! haha

Monday, August 16, 2004 10:03 AM CDT

Hello Dear Friends,
One year ago was the day our lives were forever changed. It’s hard to believe that a year has gone by since dad’s accident. I talked to mom yesterday about how fast this year went. She agreed! Everyday we think about the journey we are walking. This weekend and today, mom, dad and our journey is even more on our minds.

Mom asked me to add a few things out here today for her and dad. It’s words of love, thanks and appreciation. I will not do justice to write mom’s words as beautifully as she spoke them, but I’ll try:

A year ago today we began a new kind of journey. Many times in that journey, we didn’t know what tomorrow was going to bring let alone the next minute. God paved the path for us with no alternative routes. We trusted God through all days, bright and not-so-bright. Mom had a vision the first week of the accident through the days of the unknown. Her vision was our family walking down a path. There was only one way to go (no alternative routes). We were all holding hands…mom first, then each of us children following and Jesus was leading us. This vision brought us all peace and hope. We knew God was is in control and was leading us all.

One year ago we began this journey. We want to thank each and everyone of you for your love and prayers for our family. For, it was your love and prayers that helped get us through those “rough paths” and it was the same love and prayers that shared in our rejoicing on the smooth surfaces and sun-shining days! We are so grateful for each and every one of you. We wish we could tell you each individually. We know that we will have that opportunity when are dancing together in heaven!!!!

Today we begin the second year of our journey. We know that it will be filled with all different types of terrain, but with your continued love and support it will also be filled with blessings. We praise God that even on the rockiest roads, He always has a few beautiful flowers for us to see and smell and give thanks for!!!!!

I’m out of time. But want to thank you again for everything!
God Bless You!!!! And may you always see the flowers on what ever type of road you are traveling!!!!

Saturday, July 31, 2004 11:08 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
We celebrated a very special occasion on July 30th! Dad celebrated his 53rd birthday!!! Between phone calls and visitors, the birthday party started at 8:00am and ended at 10:30pm. What a great day! Dad says, “Thank you everyone, for your calls, cards and visits!”

The kids and I came home for dad’s birthday and to watch Kayla in her part in “Hello Dolly” which is this summer’s Redwood Area Theatre production. Kayla did great…what talent!!! Mom and dad saw Kayla perform Thursday night. They are very proud of their little actress!

Dad continues to see a neurologist/chiropractor/nutritionist, Dr. Troy, in Burnsville. His visit with Dr Troy on Thursday went well. They worked with his right shoulder and neck area. He gave dad encouraging words with regards to his hip surgery and how they’ll be able to expand the therapy possibilities

As I’m typing, mom is working with dad to raise his right arm higher than usual. She is massaging a tight muscle in his shoulder and it is painful. He’s threatening to punch her with his left hand. Mom knows what’s best for dad, so she just dodges the punches and keeps on with his therapy. We keep telling dad to focus and breathe…it’s just like labor! It’s painful, and not a lot of fun, but it doesn’t last forever! Poor dad isn’t getting a lot of sympathy from us women with his therapy. We just tell him to “suck it up”! It gets a smile out of everyone! :)

Dad will get his first injection of SYNVISC in his knees for pain relief. He will get three injections in three weeks. According to our SYNVISC documentation, “It is like lubrication for your knees. It also acts as a kind of “shock absorber” to cushion the knee joint. It can reduce pain in the knee…” Right now, dad’s knees cause him a lot of pain, especially when moving from sitting position to standing. He said they don’t hurt him too much when he walks. He is not able to walk as far as he used to because his knees are so stiff.

Mom, dad and Kayla got three new additions to the family last weekend. We brought three little kittens to their house. They have brought so much joy to everyone. Mom said she often catches dad laughing at the kittens through the window several times in a day. Champ, the dog, is even adapting to them…and they to her. Dad and Kayla put their heads together and named the kittens. Dad came up with names for the black one, “Midnight”, and the dark grey one, “Rudy”. Kayla named the light grey kitten in memory of best friend, Samantha, who went to be with Jesus last summer. “Sammy” the kitten always follows Kayla around the farm.

Well…all of you website followers…we managed to update this in less than a month’s time…how’d we do? Thank you so much for following mom and dad’s journey. In spirit, we know that you are holding their hands every step of the way with every thought and prayer. We are so grateful for each and every one of you.

I hope that you continue to start your day with thanks and praise to God above. How awesome are His works…how amazing is His Grace…and how GREAT is His Love!

Hmmm…I was just paging through the bible to find a verse to end with. I found the one I was looking for, but while looking, I found another one that fit in PERFECTLY with our journal on dad’s knees and arm stretching therapy…how powerful is God’ word: “Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. “Make level paths for your feet.” So that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.” Hebrews 12:12

The verse I want to end with is also one to hang on to…in ALL seasons of life’s journey: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

Monday, July 19, 2004 9:51 AM CDT

Has it really been a month since we last updated the website? Wow! I wish I could tell you where the time has gone. I also wish I knew the key to slowing it down!!!

I’m limited on my time right now, but will try to add more throughout the week. I also have a picture of the three Johns and will add that to the main page this week.

Dad continues to do great. We are all so very proud of him! Mom really pushes dad to do more standing and walking as much as possible. Moving up to the standing position is very painful in the knees for dad. But he endures the pain because he knows that it is good for him to frequently change positions.

He has been lying flat on his stomach to stretch his back and legs. I think I mentioned before that dad’s body is slowly forming to his wheel chair, so these stretches are incredibly important as is him standing and walking more.

We are excited and anxious to announce that dad has his hip replacement surgery scheduled for the morning August 26!!! The surgery will take anywhere from 1.5 to 3 hours. We are so excited and hopeful that this surgery will allow dad to be able to some day walk with a cane and maneuver up and down steps!

We celebrated baby Johnny’s baptism on Sunday. All went well and we had a wonderful time sharing the afternoon with our family and Ann’s family. We enjoyed the sun and warm breeze while the guys grilled for us. Between mom and Ann’s mom, Peggy, we had a feast!!!! We are so grateful that we are able to share these special times together as a family. We often go back to August 16, 2003 and how are lives changed in a second. We thank God for healing dad and continuing to heal dad. We are still learning that it’s in God’s time…not ours. We believe that dad will someday walk again and gain his strength…all in God’s time!!!!

Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers. We are grateful for each one of you. May you have a wonderful day in the Lord!!!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2004 8:34 PM CDT

June 21, 2004
John and Charlene Frank along with Doug and Peggy Stern are very proud to announce the birth of their new grand baby!!!

Johnny and Ann are the proud parents of a bouncing baby BOY!!!!
John Douglas was born at 11:40am this morning weighing 7lbs 12oz measuring 19.5" long. Johnny says Little Johnny has blonde hair and big blue eyes. Labor and delivery went well. Mommy and baby are doing great...and daddy is as proud as can be!!!

Hello Everyone!

It's been a busy two weeks since we last journaled. John came home Wednesday June 2nd from the hospital. The Dr. ordered oxygen to be used while John sleeps,for two weeks. John says it helps and he is refreshed in the mornings. Thank you for the prayers,Johns lungs are clearing up.

We continue to do therapy daily. We are working on stretching Johns upper leg muscles, also to get John to stand straighter we are having John lay flat on his belly for fifteen minutes at a time ,everyday. It's not an easy task ,it takes much effort and energy . John says it's a workout that makes him suck air and sweat.

John did get shots in his knees last week, we will know in a week if it's helping the pain. All in all John is in good spirits and expresses daily all he is thankful for. That means each one of you , who reads our updates . Thank you for the messages you leave us, the notes that are sent, and the many blessings that come our way . We couldn't do it without your help. John's family and mine are always on call,they are to our aid when ever we need them. One thing I need to mention is when John or I have a down day, God always comes through with someone to encourage us. Thank you for your faithfulness!!!!!

We will be celebrating my parents 50Th wedding aniversary this weekend. We are so excited to see everyone. Our home will be filled with fmaily over the weekend. We are also waiting for Johnny's Anne to have their baby. She was due on the 11th of this month. As soon as we find out we will head to Fargo to meet our new addition. I'll let you all know as soon as we know.

Please keep our sweet little Carl in your prayers. I know that every prayer and encouragement helps Tom and Kelly and their family. stop by Carls web page.

Until next time enjoy the sun but mostly the preciousness of life! Have a great day in the Lord.

Luke 11:28 He replied," But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice."

Tuesday, June 1, 2004 5:05 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,
Today's journal entry is a prayer request. Dad was admitted to the Redwood Falls Hospital on Saturday night with pneumonia. I talked to mom this morning, and they are going to keep dad again tonight. Mom said that dad is in pretty good spirits. It’s such a tough thing to go through. It’s hard for all of us to see dad go through so many hard and painful things.

Last week they had two visits with doctors in the cities. Dad was sad with the news the doctors gave. They told dad that he needs to do more things (like walking) during the day. Dad’s knees have been causing him a lot of pain, so he hasn’t been walking as much as he did back in January. Therefore he has been sitting more. When he stands, his posture is bent…both in his back and knees. The doctors recommended dad lay on his stomach at least fifteen minutes a day to try to straighten out his posture. It’s very painful for dad to move around, so you can imagine how disappointed he was to hear that.

Mom and dad share some down days, but they always do a wonderful job encouraging each other and cheering each other up. Having the “entertainer”, Kayla in the house helps to keep things light and fun too! Keep it up, Kayla!

Please continue to pray for dad’s health, both physically and emotionally. Also, remember mom in your prayers. She is doing an AMAZING job taking care of dad, herself and her family. I love watching the two of them interact. The love they share is so beautiful! They are two very, very special people.

Always remember to fill your days with praise and adoration to God (our provider and our HEALER)!!!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2004 8:49 AM CDT

Hey Everyone! This is AJ…..the stranger from Fargo =)

I finally had the opportunity to write a journal entry. (And Nikki was getting on my case to update it, those older sisters sure know how to boss us younger one’s around!)

First, I would like to start off with this: “It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ,…he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.” Ephesians 1:11

I felt that this message was very fitting, especially through all of our family experiences here. Right now, dad is doing great! He is working hard everyday towards his goal of a full recovery. I see my dad as a living miracle and he has opened up many eyes to the miracles that God can perform. This, I feel, has been God’s plan for my dad’s life. Through this journey, we are all finding our purpose in life and finding answers to all of our questions as to why certain things happen.

As for today, I’m just “chillin” with my dad. Mom is out in the shop working because she has an open house for her Home Interiors. The family was all home this weekend for Ann’s baby shower last night (which was great!) and for our family birthday parties tomorrow. So far, it has been a great weekend of laughs and memories. I’m definitely enjoying as much time as I can at home due to my busy summer. I just started in my Respiratory Program this past week and will continue with schooling until June of 2005. My dad has been my inspiration for this profession…his accident has really prepared me for the care I need to give in a hospital setting =) Other than that, I pray that everyone has a wonderful and safe summer. Dad says “Hi!” too. We’ll make sure to keep everyone updated.

One more thing before I sign off. Please keep Tanya Ausk in your prayers. Her friend, Jodi, is in my Respiratory Program and has been keeping me updated on her progress. We have included her link here. Check it out and feel free to write to her family. I know that our family appreciates the support we had through everyone’s journal entries.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 9:53 AM CDT

Okay, mom and dad are super busy day and night, so I’ve decided to jump in and do a little e-babbling…(this is Nikki). Mom and dad came to our place last Thursday. I had a Home Interiors party with mom. Dad hung out upstairs during the party. He enjoyed watching the History channel and TV Land. I came up a few times to see how he was doing. One time, Emily was sitting on his lap, filling dad full of stories. His sister, Lori came and took advantage of sitting with dad one-on-one to visit. I think they both enjoyed that time.

I have told mom and dad many times, that they have come to my house more in the past year than they have since Brett and I have been married. It’s definitely unfortunate that it took a horrible accident to get them here more often…but it is very true to say that MUCH good can come from bad circumstances. Therefore, we will take all the good we can get from this unfortunate circumstance.

People often ask how dad is doing. Being on the “outside, looking in”, I think dad is doing great!!!! His memory seems to be getting better each day. His memory takes a “hit” when he has a seizure, but in time, it comes back.

Here are a few examples on dad’s memory: After his accident, he remembered Melanie being pregnant. He did not remember her having the baby (Will, born on June 23…mom and dad’s 30th wedding anniversary). I believe he also thought he was married for 29 years. Maybe it only felt like 29 years! :) As he gets stronger and “exercises” his brain, he remembers more. Now he can remember baby Will’s birthday!

When they were visiting, we were talking about our mixed couples’ softball team and team name. Dad thought we were called “Hank’s Cranks”. That was our name two years ago. It was Fugy’s last year. I filled him in on some of our softball highlights from last year. I brought out a picture of our team after winning a tournament in Lucan (Captain Dan’s tournament). He spent over an hour studying that picture. Later, I asked him what he was thinking about while looking at the picture. Dad answered, “Winning it!” We all smiled!!!!

We are playing in that same tournament this weekend. Dad said he may not be there to play, but he will be there to watch and cheer us on. I’m going miss not seeing his homeruns and him proudly jogging around the bases, not to let his son-in-laws show him up. I’m going to especially miss it because I batted ahead of him. All I had to do was get on first base, from there, I was guaranteed to have him hit me home!

My time is up…it’s time to get back to work.
As mom would say, “Have a wonderful day in the Lord!”
God Bless You!!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2004 11:19 AM CDT

Just a quick update. Last Friday John had two seizures two and half hours apart. We did take him in to see a doctor, and they put him on valuim for the weekend to help him rest. We don't know exactly what set them off, but we will see the neuralogist on Thursday of this week. There are many things that could have set them off. The scar tissue in the brain, too much activity adding stress to John or blinking bright lights, it's a guessing game. But they want to get his meds regulated so that the seizures will decrease or just stop. Please pray that the seizures will stop and the Dr's will know what the best med will be for John.

We were a little upset that our trip to Fargo to see Johnny's spring game didn't work out. I think I cried for a couple of hours,just knowing how John wanted that trip ,made me so sad. We did plan also to celebrate Kayla's birthday after the game. But with the great family we have {Kayla's aunts} planned a birthday party for Kayla on Sat. night. Many of her friends made it out for the party. It was wonderful!!! Thank You Thank You! So we sure are learning the ups and downs of life these days. One day at a time, and with the Lords help we'll get through it all.

We have several friends here at Wabasso who are going through some tough times dealing with cancer. Please lift up this community in prayer.

My brother Dan from Arizona came to see us Sunday night. We had supper together, and a wonderful visit. He was at mom & dads setting up an asembly line and giving instructions. This is a job of putting some parts together to eventully be apart of a brake system on cars being pulled by an RV. It is great for even John is able to get involved in putting these parts together. Tonight John striped the ends of electrical wire, while I put some adaptor ends on the wire. { Dan I hope you don't laugh at how I'm explaining this.} I'm not good at remembering the name of the product. Thank You Dan for the therapy John is getting, it truly makes him feel needed.

I will leave you with this verse , and have a great day in the Lord! "He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." 2Corinthians 1:4

Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:00 AM CDT

More on last Wednesday night’s time at Cross Training:

I’m back…it’s amazing how quickly time goes by. Back to Wednesday night’s time with the Cross Training kids. Mom and dad got to the church at 6:30 to worship with the kids. They then followed Ally’s class to the activity center for fun and activity. The kids were playing with balls. A few came by dad, so he picked them up and threw them back to the kids. Next we were back in the Sanctuary for story time. Doug Hanson’s aunt, Brenda, provided the story. We then visited with Brenda for a few minutes.

By 7:20, we were off to the lower level to get ready to speak to the kids and leaders. Four year olds to sixth graders and adult leaders filled a large room. You could have heard a pin drop when we began speaking to the kids. They all listened so intently. Earlier that day mom, dad and I, we prayed for God to fill our mouths with things that God needed the children to hear.

I started by sharing a high-level overview of dad’s accident and how serious and life threatening his injuries were. Mom shared on how we felt God’s presence through every good and bad circumstance. She read a journal entry that we kept at the hospital. (We filled two or three notebooks with letters to dad and prayers to God. They are truly priceless!) She shared Philippians 4:4-7 “Rejoice in the Lord Always…Do not be anxious or worry…but with prayer and thanksgiving, present your requests to God…” (paraphrased).

I read a letter that I wrote to dad two nights after his accident. I wrote it in the waiting room of the hospital where I spent the night (next to the homeless and drug dealers…everyone else was back at the hotel). Mom and I have talked many times on how we miss things about the HCMC days. I told mom that even though we were in the middle of crime, violence, etc. I have never felt as safe as I did when I was at HCMC. We spent countless hours reading our bibles searching for God’s truth and promises. God’s presence filled every room we entered and covered us with peace and security. It was amazing!

Dad shared with the group how things have been for him. He thanked them over and over for their faithful prayers. The highlight of the evening was when dad shared what happened in his life on January 1, 2004. That was the day dad asked Jesus to be the leader of his life. We ended the evening holding hands in prayer and thanksgiving to our awesome God and appropriately filled the room with beautiful voices singing “Our God is an Awesome God!!!!”

Friday, April 16, 2004 9:53 AM CDT

Hello All!
I (Nikki) told mom I’d add a new journal entry for her. It’s been a long time since I have done this.

We had the privilege of having mom and dad spend a few days with us over the last two weeks. The “Kentuckies” came to Owatonna on Tuesday the 6th and stayed through Friday. We had a blast and enjoyed their company! Thanks again Brackstan and Tonya for staying with us!!!

Mom, Dad and Kayla came Thursday night through Saturday afternoon. We played musical beds, but made room for everyone! All of our guests went to St. Paul on Good Friday to watch Amanda play softball for NDSU. After the first game, the “Kentuckies” headed south for home. Mom and dad got back to Owatonna around 5:45pm Friday night, just in time for our Good Friday service. It was so wonderful to have them in church with us and worship God together! That was dad’s first time back at our church since his accident. Mom and Dad were greeted by many people after the service with hugs and hand shakes. So many people said how happy they were to see mom and dad and that they have been praying for them. It was an emotional time, to say the least!

Our almost 5 year old daughter, Ally, goes to “Cross Training” on Wednesday nights at Church. Since the first day of Cross Training, ALL of the children and leaders have been praying for dad. On Wednesday, the 14th, mom and dad went to Cross Training to speak to the kids about their journey. Mom and dad extended their appreciation to everyone for their faithful prayers and encouraged them to always remain faithful and prayerful…God hears ALL of our prayers!

My time is short. I plan to continue my story about Wednesday night later.
Have a wonderful day!

Monday, April 5, 2004 8:11 PM CDT

04/15/04 Hello! Thanks for checking in and you patience on the time lapse between updates. I (Nikki) plan to update the journal tonight...so stay tuned and have a wonderful day in the LORD!!!!

2 Corinthians 8:2-4 "Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints."

This update comes with much love from John and Char's friends from Kentucky, Tonya (and Brackstan). Nikki's little girl, Alison, calls us "The Kentucky's". I now have a new respect for Char and others who have left journal entries....the words don't come easy! It's a little hard to get started. I know why it sometimes takes her all day to get one finished. Melanie says for ya'll to read this the way I'd say it!!!!!

We arrived in Minnesota on Saturday around noon and were overwhelmed with joy to see John's improvement. (The last time we saw him was at HCMC in September.) It is so wonderful to see him getting around so well and in such good spirits. He was outside enjoying the sunshine on Saturday and actually went to the shop to get power steering fluid for their van. He is still thinking of those little things that need to be done around the house. Char even says that he is always finding little things for her to do outside. He is staying right on top of things. Brackstan, Tom (Melanie's husband) and John actually did the dishes after supper tonight. I was sure to get pictures of that!!

Brackstan went to therapies with John today at Redwood Falls and he said that John answered things that he (Brackstan) wouldn't have even been able to answer! His legs are still pretty stiff but that should improve in time. He has perfected his transfer from his wheelchair to the van. He does it all on his own. It's really amazing to see his determination. His goal is to do something new each day. We definitely admire John for his strength and motivation. I asked him yesterday if he needed anything. He said, "I just need to walk again and go to work again". WOW! I KNOW with an attitude like that, he WILL do those things again.

He is in his chair right now resting from the last 3 busy days. I told him that if he has a setback from our visit, I'd have to come back up here and spank him! We are so thankful that he and his family have let us share in this journey with them. It has brought us so much closer to each other, our kids and especially to The Lord. We strive to be like John and Char. The Christian examples they have been through this trial has made us admire them even more.

John tells me to thank everyone for their continued prayers and support. He is just in awe of what everyone has done for him. He is VERY appreciative.

Thanks to John and Char, Nikki and Brett, Melissa and Daren, Mel and Tom, and Kayla for making our trip so special. This is definitely the most special visit we've had with you guys! We can't wait to come back the next time! Until then, please know that you ALL are constantly in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. WE LOVE YOU!

Sunday, March 28, 2004 0:28 AM CST

Dear family and friends,

We have been kept very busy these past ten days. Sorry it took me so long to journal. The appointment went well with Dr.Troy. We are doing some unique therapies to strengthen Johns weak right side. Dr.Troy specializes in nutition,and has put John on some great vitamins.Already I see an energy increase.

One therapy is holding a mirror for John to look into while John points his left big toe forward with all his strength,then with his right leg he lifts straight up then down for fifteen lifts, four times in a row or until he gets tired.{This is to help the brain send messages to the right toe to do what the left toe is feeling}. I hope I'm explaining it clear enough for you to understand. Another one is that he listens to mozart in his left ear for ten minutes three times a day. Plus the many other workouts, John has to stretch and strengthen his upper part of his body. John's attitude remains upbeat. He has set some goals for this spring. John said he wants to try something new each day.

John has mastered getting into the van by himself once in a standing position by the van door. Plus he can go from his walker to the motor chair without help. It's wonderful to see John get so excited when he succeeds.

I was able to hold an inhome {home interior} show last weekend with the help of Mary my sister-in-law. My hostess Sue was amazing with all the efforts put into having a successful show. I'm so grateful to them ,it was so much fun to be out doing what I love to do. I'm planning about doing two or three shows a month to keep in touch with my bussiness,and will provide some extra income . John was well taken care of while I was out working.The girls and Johnny were home with John watching the Wabasso girls basketball team take first at state. Wow what excitement!!! Way to go girls!! We ended the evening with a slide show of the first years of our marriage. It was alot of fun hearing the kids comment on our hair and clothes. Not good!

In my last journal I asked for prayer for our friend Clete. He goes in Monday for some more tests, then on Wed. Clete will have the surgery. Please keep him lifted in prayer, Plus the many others linked to our web page.

It's been great reading the guest book entries. Thank you to all of you out there that tell me your still checking daily the journal, plus the guest entries fill us up with your love and with encouragement. It's wonderful, God bless you all!!!!!

"I give you thanks,O Lord,with all my heart; I will sing your praises before the gods. I bow before your holy Temple as I worship. I will give thanks to your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness,because your promises are backed by all the honor of your name. When I pray,you answer me;you encourage me by giving me strength I need." Psalm 138:1-3

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 10:15 AM CST

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the ressurection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade-kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice,though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith- of greater worth than gold,which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise,glory,and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him,you love him;and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,for you are recieving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 1Peter:3-9

Hello Family and Friends!

It has sure been a while since I've journaled. The days sure fly by when there is so much going on.

John is doing much better since last Friday,he had another siezure. I did call the ambulance to come out and help. I called the ER at Redwood , and they said to bring John over. We chose not to go by ambulance,so John's brother Mike helped me take John over to Redwood. They took some blood and checked his Ditantin level.{the med John takes for his siezures} Found out his level was low and also his sodium level was low. We went back on Monday for more blood work,found out levels were still low so they uppped Johns ditantin Med once more. Kayla was home when John siezured and it was very scarey for her. I was so proud of her though, she helped me make phone calls she was very brave. We sure hope this is the last of those siezures.

Last week we went to our appointment with DR.Troy . We were excited on his possitive words. With the testings on Johns senses Dr.Troy concluded that with time, nutition and therapy we should see many improvements. We go back to see Dr.Troy tommorow.

The things John has been doing in therapy are working on dressing himself using tools to grab his clothes and shoes. Wow what a task ! It sure makes me think of the many things we do daily that I take for granted. Today John was thrilled to get onto a motor seat{handi cap scooter} that he will use outside or if we travel some where he can use it. To see his smile when he was driving it was worth a thousand words. He truly felt he had accomplished something today.

Today we are sending another Wabasso team to state. Our girls basketball team did awesome and will play their first state game at the barn where the MN.gofers play Thursday at 3:00. They are so excited!!! Good Luck at state girls!!!! We are proud of you!!!1

On a more serious note, I have asked Clete our dear freind if I could put out a prayer request for him. He has given me permission. Clete has been doing so many extras for John and I since John's accident, now he has alot more on his mind . Clete has been told he has prostate cancer. He will decide soon wether to have surgery or to go with chemo. Pray for a complete healing for him and that the Drs. have wisdom in what ever Clete decides to do in Jesus name.

Keep on praying for all our dear friends for strength and a peace to get through their daily trials.Until next time have a great day in the Lord. Praise the Lord for all he provides us with!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2004 11:07 AM CST

A Good Saturday Morning !!!!!

The sun is shining,and feels wonderful.
John had some visitors this morning. Bruce Wegner, Chandra and Dan came out to show us their new addition to the family. Her name is Harley {a breed of bulldog family} she's so cute in all her thick skin, pug nose and druppy looking eyes. She certianly is in the puppy stage, wanting to bite and investigate everyone and everything. We just sat and let her entertain us. Thank you Bruce for the smiles!

John had me busy today,I filled in the holes that Champ made under the play house. She dug holes trying to get her a great rabbit meal,when John was in the hospital,and I forgot to feed her for two days. Then on the phone to call John Vanloy to attend to our water heater. It was burning real funny so it was time to clean it out. So a huge thank you to John for going the extra mile.

Most of the afternoon was spent listening to the Wabasso wrestlers championship match. The boys came up in second place, which is nothing to hang their heads about , they did better than they thought they would do. The final score was 24 to 28. They did so well representing our town at state. Congratulations Boys!!!!!

Well it took me all day to finish this journal. It's now 7;30pm and John and I need to finish Johns therapy for today. We wish you a great day in the Lord!

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 3:03 PM CST

Dear Family & Friends!

Today is a great day for John. Thank you for the prayers,to regain the strength in John's legs. John is back walking with his walker again, going four times the length of our kitchen and diningroom. John is making that walk four times for sure a day.The length that adds up to is about 100 feet.

As I journal John is doing his OT . He is using a pully system that is hanging from one of our doors in the diningroom. It's to work on the streching of the right arm, we will together work on more stretching exercises when I finish the journal for today.

This morning we had an appointment with Dr.Chang a neurologist. This was our first meeting with Dr.Chang as a follow up to HCMC. The past history of John was given to Dr.Chang before he met with John and I today. When he entered the room he was so surprised to see that John could talk and answer questions on his own. Dr.Chang said "truly this man is a miracle!" He said "after reading his report I pictured a man to be non responsive to me and more crippled." It just put my mind back to the days we spent at HCMC and all what John did go through to make it this far. WOW,WOW! Yes we have so much to Thank God for.
Back to Dr. Chang,we are very pleased to have him following Johns case. Dr. Chang talked about the fact of getting John weaned off some medications, and looking at the nutrition side to things. This is so cool for that is exactly what we have been thinking, and have acted upon with Dr Troy Spurill(Health and Healing Center). Together they will make a great team.

Just to update you on this past weekend. On Friday night Johnny and Ann came home in time to put John to bed. It was so funny though, Johnny told John to keep it a secret to the time he would be getting home. Me the mom,Johnny thought it would be fun to see my face when he arrived home at 9:30 pm. verses 4:30am. John got such a kich out of keeping that a secret. I was surprised but totally relieved not to have them on the road so late. Sat. Nikki came home with Emmy and Carter,so I could have a few hours away from home. Nikki stayed and cared for John the entire day. Johnny, Ann, Emmy, Carter and I went to watch Kayla's basketball game. The team lost but had a great time playing. Then off to regional wrestling at Marshall. We made it for the final rounds. The whole gym was taken over by rabbit fans, the noise level was incredible. The final result is that 10 out of the 14 weights are going to state. Today infact the boys left at 11:00 am. What a fun time that will be, the team took first in their region so Thursday they will wrestle at 10:15 am.as a team. John and I will stick close to the radio,we have three nephews on the team. Way to go Rabbits!!!!

On Sunday we were able to attend our grandson{Will's} baptism. He was like an angle not a peep was heard out of him. To Mel and Tom's home for a chicken dinner,that was out of this world delicious. John said for Tom to call the movie theater to see if there were tickets available for the Passion of Christ movie. There were tickets available, so we went to the 2:00pm. matinee."Wow", how moving,I would recommend everyone to see it, we are so glad we went. We did take Kayla ,she will be 13 in April, she said she was glad we took her. Every child is at different maturity level, and we knew Kayla would be fine. Yes we were moved to tears, what suffering Christ did for us all. Thank you Lord for being obiedient and faithful, so that we may have eternal life!

Have a great day in the Lord, until next time , Keep praying for all in need.

Love John and Char

Friday, February 27, 2004 8:55 AM CST

Hello Family and Friends,

We are back home! We did get home Wed. at 11:30 am. John still has pain and is moving around slowly. We are hoping to see John back to having the strength that he had in December within a week of therapy.

Yesterday we went to the cities to a Dr. apt. for health and healing. We are so excited about this. Dr.Troy is going to get the toxics out of John's system, and put him on a srtict nutritional diet. This will build John's immune system.
John did very well for the hours we were on the road. The ankles were some what swallen. So in his lift chair we went to get his legs elevated. John's sleep has been better these last three nights. We are back with therapies today. The most that can be done at this point is to keep stretching the legs and right arm. Hopefully the walking will improve with the walker very soon. With the siezure and this episode with cellulitus they were two bumps in the road that gave some set backs. But John and I are along with therapy are ready to get going again.

With all that, we continue to keep on keepin on in the Lords strength. Please continue to keep John lifted in prayer. I thank you all so much. We do feel the power of prayer . Please keep little Carl, Gary, Doug, Becca, and Alexa in your prayers.

PS. I haven't yet seen the Passion of Christ movie, I do plan on going though real soon. I did get three phone calls yesterday from Nikki, Amanda, and Johnny, they all were moved deeply by the movie. There are so many oppinions out there, but I believe when you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, the movie will move you and touch you in a way beyond words. To experience the depth of what great Love God has for us all. "No greater Love than for a man to lay down his life for another!"

Have a great day in the Lord!!!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2004 12:05 PM CST

02/25/04 Quick FYI to let you know dad should be coming home from the hospital sometime today. His spirits are much better than what they were this weekend.

***Just a quick update for you...
Dad will be in the hospital until at least Wednesday. His temp seems to be back down to normal. The disease is not caused by his hip...that is just the location of the rash and pain. Dad was pretty "down" on Sunday, but seemed to be in better spirits this morning.

Please continue to keep mom and dad in your prayers.

Hello Prayer Warriors!

Nikki just called me (Melissa) to say that the medical staff at Redwood Falls Hospital did find the source of dad's pain in his leg. Dad has cellulitis. Cellulitis is a bacterial infection in the skin. His infection is extremely painful for dad. He is being treated with antibiotics to reduce the pain and hopefully eliminate the source. To find more out about cellulitis, go to www.mayoclinic.com and search for this category.

Mom and dad have asked us to tell you that your spiritual support is greatly needed. Please continue to pray for God's healing power on dad. We have been involved in an emotional battle dealing with the unknown and uncertainty of dad's overall health. Pray that God will remove this terrible pain that dad is encountering and bless him with strength to continue on his upward journey to heal completely. Also, please, please pray that mom can find peace in this situation and that God will provide the physical and emotional strength that she needs each and every day. Mom is an amzazing women and has taught us so many lessons of true faith as a wife, mother and friend. Thank you for keeping her lifted in prayer as well during this difficult time.

Dad will be staying overnight at the hosipital to be monitored by the medical staff. As mom and dad are both very tired and emotionally drained, we are hoping that they have uninterrupted rest. Thank you for your consideration and endless support. God Bless all of you.

Friday, February 20, 2004 11:26 AM CST

I just got off of the phone with mom and she and dad had a very rough night. Dad's fever was still present and he was in horrible pain (left hip area). Mom noticed some redness in that area and took dad to the Redwood Falls hospital.

They ran several tests in Redwood, then transported him up to Wilmar for more tests. The did rule out a blood clot, praise God. They brought dad back to Redwood and kept him overnight there. They are trying to find the source of the fever, etc. They did put dad on morphine to keep him comfortable.

In asking what I can do to help mom, she said, "pray". It tears her apart to see dad in so much pain. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and medical staff to properly care for dad...and to find the source of the pain/problems. Pray for dad to be strong through all of this. Also, please keep mom in your prayers. She is such an amazing woman.

If you're wondering what you can do to help, I'll give you the same answer mom gave me...PRAY! God has been doing wonderful things in our lives and is healing dad...in HIS time. Pray for all of us to keep our faith strong in the Lord as we endure these "bumps" in the road. (1 Timothy 5? "Fight the good fight of faith".)

God bless you!

Thursday, February 19, 2004 8:35 PM CST

"Give all your worries and cares to God,for he cares about what happens to you." 1Peter 5:7

Hello prayer warriors,
I thank God for all he is doing to care for each one of us. Again there is needed prayer for so many. Keep little Carl, Gary, Doug, and John in prayer.

John needs prayer,that we can figure out why he is in such pain. John was mostly in bed today. It's hard for him to put pressure on his left side, so stretched out is the most comfortable position. Tonight around 6:30pm John started running a fever again. Last night every two hours I kept waking him up to check his temp and give him meds to reduce his fever. So I will do the same tonight. Pray for wisdom, and energy that I know always what to do for John. Thank you all so very much. We cna't do this with out you and Gods divine help.

"As your name deserves, O God, You will be praised to the ends of the earth. Your strong right hand is filled with victory." Pslam 48:10

Wednesday, February 18, 2004 2:00 PM CST

Dear prayer warriors,

I'm asking prayer for John. He is having a lot of pain in his left hip area. We think it's a muscle that is tight. But he is not resting, and as far as night sleep it's not going so well. Pass the word. I know prayer works, and God cares for John. Thank You!

"The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made." Psalm 145:13

Saturday, February 14, 2004 10:01 PM CST

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
And now these three things remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7,13

Happy Valentine's Day!

Let's pick up where we left off...
Following the benefit, John and I ventured back to our home. To fall into bed was relaxing after all of the excitement that day. We were prepared for several overnight guests. There were people sleeping on every floor of our home (after they all decided it was time to rest...like 4:00 a.m.!) It was great to be surrounded by so many that care.

Johnny and Amanda brought many college friends and teammates home for the benefit. Salfer's was on call...as I was ready to feed the crew of football and softball players! Betty Crocker & Martha Stuart (AJ & I!) began cooking at 8:00 a.m. and continued until approximately 11:00...but that was just breakfast! They ate in shifts according to how late they stayed up. (Pow-Pow...sorry you couldn't indulge because of those goofy football rules; next time!) It was a blast. Thank you for making our weekend special.

And the cooking continued! We celebrated January-March birthdays, so another feast was prepared! Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup or Chili?!? We had a great time watching our little Drew dig into his 1st birthday cake (he turns 1 March 15th). Lots of singing and dancing and laughing, it was a memorable day.

Tuesday's trip to the cities took us a bit longer due to "unpleasant" road conditions, but we made it there and back safely. John's first appointment was with the hip doctor (Orthopedic surgeon). He reviewed the CT scans that were taken a week ago Friday and the results stated that the calcium build-up is still quite active. We will go back in three months for more scans, but surgery will not take place until the build-up comes to an end. We went to St.Paul for our follow-up visit with two of the doctors there and again, we'll be back in three months for another visit. John will remain on the meds he is currently on.

And that brings us to today, Valentine's Day. We had the most enjoyable, relaxing and pampered day. Dana, Brian, and Craig Bowen from Olivia (friends of Melissa and Daren) specialize in Message Therapy, Chiropratic care, and Acupuncture. They came to our home and pampered us with three wonderful hours of care. It was relaxing, yet energizing...thank you Dana, Brian, and Craig. You truly went the extra mile. God bless you!

We hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day filled with lots of love. Have a great day in the Lord!

Monday, February 9, 2004 10:14 PM CST

"I will thank you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of you, I will sing praises to your name,O most High." Psalm 9:1&2

Hello Family and Friends!

I do need to tell of the marvelous things. Our weekend was incredible, awe inspiring, and so unbelievable. Saturday started with excitemant, and anticipation. As John and I talked over our feelings, and how do we begin to say thank you? John asked for paper so he could write some of his thoughts down. When he finished an hour later, he asked one of the girls to type it up for him. I couldn't believe my eyes as to how much he had written and how well it was put. God is working a true healing with Johns brain. We were then ready for the big day.

Family and friends started to come around 1:00 to our home. Wow did the time fly. Melanie called us to hurry and come to the center, for there were lots of people to see John. We did get to the center at 4:25, Johns family had a special area reserved for us to greet the people. We felt the love and care from each person. It was so amazing. The multitude of people flowed steady from 4:00 to 8:00 without a break. We did get John up to strech, thanks to his therapist Heidi. She was so very thoughtful.

We had the privilage to meet little Carl and his loving family. Wow what a monent that was. Words can hardly describe the emotion, and feelings. It was powerful! We call John and little Carl's, knowing each other, divine. God works in so many ways. God used Carl as a messenger of hope to our family, when John was so very sick. If you have never read the past journals on Carls' web page, you need to check it out. I believe it would be the 1st part of October. You have to check out the guest book of the latest entries of John's web page. Much is said about the benifit.

We were so excited to see John Valentine { John's boss} come to the benifit. That was an emotional moment as well. The two Johns' in their wheel chairs side-by-side embracing each other. WOW. Not a dry eye.John Thank you for being there, and for all the help you gave in planning the benifit with John's siblings.

The food , raffle , music were so well planned and prepared. Thank you from the depths of our hearts for the fantastic job. We will never forget what all you wonderful people have done for John and I. The work and planning of this bennifit had many endless hours to the preperation. Well done !!!!! We are in awe!!!!!!

I will conclude with John's thank you tonight, that he said at the end of the night Sat. I will share more in a couple of days. John and I are heading to the cities again tomorrow for three Dr. appointments. Big day, have to leave at 6:30 am. So I need to get some shut eye.

I would like to thank all of you people that came and supported our family since my accident. This benifit means so much to us. I knew you people were so special as I worked here. My years of working at the LP gas plant have been special and rewarding. Thank you so very much.

Oh, by the way... I almost forgot! I'm very thankful to our Lord for giving me this chance to add onto my journey.

A very special thanks to my wife, Charlene, for the extra duties she has taken on. She has made this change and has done so well. I couldn't do this without her. I Love You!

My family has done so much I never thought raising them could be so rewarding. I couldn't be prouder! I love them very much!

Now a very big thank you goes to my parents, Wilbur and Joan and Charlene's parents, Gene and Sharon. We come from big families and what a supprt team they have shown. I couldn't be prouder!

The doctors and nurses couldn't get over the crowd that showed up. I needed that support team there.

Thank you all for the prayers and support during these past five and half months. Every day has been a blessing.

Finally I would like to thank my sisters and brothers,their families, my boss John valentine and the crew for the endless hours they put in to making this day possible.

TO be continued.....

PS. glad all you college kids made it home safely. Some traveled four and half hour to come to the benifit. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday February 5th 9:55pm

Hi everyone,
Char asked me (Brett) to update everything today since I went with her and John yesterday to meet with an Orthopaedic Doctor from the University of Minnesota
who specializes in hip/pelvis injuries and reconstruction.
The doctor was very nice and explained things very well to us during the consultation. Essentially, Johns hip cannot heal correctly on its own due to the vast amount of excess bone growth around his left hip. He will have to have hip replacement surgery at some point in the future for him ever to walk well and in order for him to be able to go up and down stairs. The doctor feels that is it necessary for John to ever become independent and mobile like he wants to be. However, they do not want to do the surgery until this bone growth slows down or stops which can take anywhere from 6-18 months following the injury. The doctor took x-rays of John's knees to be sure that the same type of effect wasn't causing the problems and pain in John's knees. While there was a little bit found, it was less than what the doctor expected. They also took a blood test checking for the presence of an enzyme which will help them detect the rate at which the bone formation is occuring. They also set him up for a detailed CT scan of his pelvis and a bone scan test both of which can be done at Redwood Falls this Friday. These tests will help them set in course a plan of action over the next 6-24 months for Johns hip and legs.
John and Char will travel back to the UofM next week Tuesday to go over the results of the tests and then will likely follow up periodically on these tests to track the progress that will likely lead to a synthetic hip surgically inserted at some point in the future.
The doctor also called Johns physical therapist in Redwood Falls to give his recommendations on the types of therapy that will best help John throughout this period.
Just a reminder to everyone about the benefit this Saturday from 4-8 at the Wabasso Community Center. John is very much looking forward to seeing all of his family and friends on Saturday.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers while John continues on his long journey.

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8

Thursday, January 29, 2004 9:37 PM CST

**Hi All, Just a quick note to let you know, mom and dad made it to our house safely last night. We had a wonderful time together. John and Marcy Fenske stopped by with their boys and dad and mom shared their experiences with them. We all spent time together in prayer. It was very special! Dad slept fairly well last night. Emily crawled in with them around 4:00am and cuddled with Nana! Brett drove mom and dad up to MPLS this morning. Dad's dr appt for his hip is at 8:45am.

"So I pray that God,who gives you hope,will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Hello Everyone!

John's sister came out tonight and asked me to add more information about the benefit. She didn't want anyone missed who have been apart of this journey. First this is very humbling,and amazing how a small community comes together to help.
There will be a benefit for John on Saturday,February 7th at the Wabasso Community Center from 4:00 to 8:00pm. Snow date will be Sunday February 8th. This is a free will supper of BBQ pork, hotdogs,potato salad, beans, coffee and juice. Take outs available. Raffles and matching grants from Catholic order of foresters, Modern Woodman of America, and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Due to the generosity of donations there will be additional raffles the day of the benefit, including a leather chair & ottoman/autographed Harmon Killebrew and Torii Hunter bats/Ken Griffy Jr. jersey and more.
We want to say thank you to all who are making this possible. God bless you !

John's therapies are going well this week. We are staying in the house,and using his bed for the mat,way too cold out there in the garage where we have his mat. John's legs have been a little weak after the stretching,so we haven't used the quad cane the last two days.
John is still on thickened liquids,but he does fine with coffee. John doesn't seem to mind. But it will be great to not have to mix the thickners with his drinks.

John has a second oppinion on his hip at the University on Tue.Feb. 3rd. We are going to Nikki's in Owatonna Mon. night after therapies. We'll stay overnight, for we will need to be on the road at 7:15 am. Keep that in prayer,John's alittle nervous not having his bed.

I hope all you prayer warriors have checked in on the other links. Carl's mom added a neat picture presentation, and has some praise reports about Carl. Plus Gary ,{My brother Dan's father in law} has some praise reports. Please keep praying unceasingly for them. Thank You!

Keep Warm!!! "Every word of God proves true." Proverbs 30:5

Sunday, January 25, 2004 10:19 PM CST

"During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission." Hebrews 5:7

Dear faithful friends and family,

As I was searching for a verse for tonights journal,I came across this one and my footnotes read: Have you ever felt that God didn't hear your prayers? Be sure you are praying with reverent submission, willing to do what God wants. God responds to his obedient children. Again it's a focus for me. With reading other web pages on caringbridge, and the need for much healing out there,I feel we can't let up lifting these people in prayer. Keep on prayer warriors.

It's Sunday night and the snow is here. I talked to my kids in Fargo and by noon they had recieved 8 inches of snow. They said the roads were bad. Johnny helped his landlord out with snow removal at their apartment building.
More snow today for them as well as into the night. Kayla's already for a snowstorm!

John and I had a great weekend here with family and freinds stopping by for a visit. Thursday and Friday with Pt John worked with the therapist on a four point cane. That is walking with a cane that has four little legs towards the bottom of the cane . That will take awhile before John and I feel comfortable to try that one. Also John worked out on the mat getting up on on all fours. Then in that position went back and forth three times as if to sit back on his legs. It streched the back of his thighs and his back. Then John did three pushups with his upper body, keeping his knees firmly planted on the mat. Wow what a work out for him, he came in exhausted.

John wanted me to ask all of you to keep his cousin Tom Miller in your prayers. Tom has been under going cancer treatments, and had a heart attack this week. Tom is a fighter, but we still need to keep him in prayer. Thank You!

Stay warm,and rejoice in the Lord always!!!

'Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice,O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones." Isaiah 49:13

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 10:48 AM CST

"Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Matthew 7:24
Jesus also pointed out that God's blessings comes from obeying the truth, not just knowing it. He said,"Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." John 13:17

Hello Family and Freinds!

My goal is to update more than once a week. It has been hard to get this job done with the taxes needing to be done, and some unfinished bussiness that needed my attention. If this journaling came easy to me I would be able to journal daily. My talents are with my hands not my brain, just kidding.

Today I chose the scriptures from my devotional "Purpose Driven Life". It goes on to read It's our human nature to resist change, so applying God's word is hard work. It helps to have words of encouragements when your trying to do your best in change and then have a down out day. I keep reminding myself that there is so much in the world others are dealing with,and you wonder how are they doing it. John and I have been keeping all the prayer request part of our evening prayers.

John has been doing very well this past week, his strength is back now after the seizure. John is so patient and understanding when it comes to his healing. It's just going to take time. The one issue we have is the muscle tone. After being stretched out, the muscle tightens up within the therapy hour. Keep that in prayer. We go the 10th of Feb back to St.Paul for a check up. My hope is that we don't have to increase any meds for the muscle. I hope the natural way of exercise will do the trick. You'll all love this one, in SP John is reading articles of world events, and then he reports to his therapist what he reads . Well he said he found a short article so he didn't have so much to remember. We both just laughed. We both agreed that he needed to start where he felt comfortable. For me to see John sit at the table and read with such consentration, brought back memories of the days before his injury. It was a great feelig.
John gets in on counceling sessions with Kayla and me. Some times Kayla hates what I have to say, so John helps out by helping Kayla to understand. With raising five daughters Johns good at knowing what works with girls. A hug , a listening ear, and saying "I love you" and "it will all work out."

The kids were home over the weekend. It was just great, the boys made pork chops on the grill, and the girls made salad and cheese potatoes. The grandchildren of corse were our entertainment. Never a dull moment. John just glowed with excitement. Thanks family for a wonderful treat.

Keep praying for all those in need, and don't forget to have a great day in the Lord!!!!

"Remember what Christ taught and let his words enrich your lives and make you wise." James 1:22

Wednesday, January 14, 2004 8:54 PM CST

"I will sing of you above the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth." Psalms 108:3-5

Hello family and freinds!

It's great to be back on. Thank you Nikki,for keeping everyone updated. John and I are getting back to a routine. After the seizure John was tired and weak for a couple of days. Today John was back walking the distance with his walker,right where we left off last Wednesday.

John had Pt and Ot today. The therapist's are streching John to get his range of motion better with his back and right hip. John keeps me on my toes. I just sit back and laugh at him. He is always finding things for me to do around here. {like feed the squirls, turn off the lights,check my schedual} I find myself thinking how I have taken for granted all John did before the accident. Wow, so much I'm learning. Now I know about all the little details that made life go smooth because John was a detailed kind of person.

We owe so much to our families, they are making sure the jobs get done,and John and I are doing ok. Thank You all!!! Again it's great to be apart of a large family on both sides.

Kayla is loving life,she's back to school with her friends,playing basketball, and entertaining John and I with her acting skills. She loves to make up dance moves to music,then we become her audience. Life would be dull without her. Kayla makes sure John's food and drink are suitable for him,so she has to have a thickened drink along with her dad! She fools around with her dad's wheelchair,John calls out to her "KAYLA GET OUT OF MY CHAIR!!!!!" She can't get away with anything. John keeps her in line.

WE plan to get a study going,using the book "The Purpose Driven Life". By the end of this week I hope to be caught up on my home interior bussiness. I still need to put together florals from August shows. I truly have the most kind and patient hostesses to wait this long. Thank You!!!

Again,we all keep praying for one another, and give thanks for Gods goodness!

Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endured forever.
Psalm 111 2-3

Monday, January 12, 2004 9:27 AM CST

Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the Lord delivers him in times of trouble. The Lord will protect him and preserve his life; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes. The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness. Psalm 41:1-3

I have “8/21” written in my bible beside those verses. That was the day dad was placed into the Pentabarb coma and things didn’t so look good. We continually searched the bible during the days of the unknown for God’s promises (like Psalm 41:3) and clung to them. We were filled with such peace after reading those verses. We often inserted dad’s name in those verses and read them to dad, for example “The Lord will sustain dad/John on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness.” And that is exactly what God has done and is still doing! How awesome are the works of our God!!!! How worthy He is to be praised!!!

Mom and dad had a great weekend. Melanie and Tom took the piano to their home in order to make room in the living room for the computer. We thought it was fitting for Mel to have the piano for all of the years of lessons and honors concerts she participated in, but Amanda will argue that one! Mel has one more thing on Amanda…she has a house and room for a piano!

Mom is very excited to have the computer on the main floor. They booted it up for a short time, and showed dad the website. That was dad’s first time viewing the “real thing” versus printed pages. The speech therapist has a few programs that she plans to run on the computer for dad’s therapy. They are all excited to use them.

Dad was still pretty tired this weekend. His new meds (to prevent seizures) make him drowsy. Melanie said dad was much slower when walking, even his left side was slower. Some of that may be because of dad laying in bed most of Thursday and Friday. Overall, dad has slowed down because the seizure took a lot out of him. We continue to pray for God to restore dad from his bed of illness (Psalm 41:3).

I pray that your day will be filled with God’s love, blessings and purpose. I will end with a verse that mom gave me that she and dad read yesterday: “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9

Thursday, January 8, 2004 10:11 AM CST

Hello Friends,
Today's journal entry is a prayer request.

As part of their normal morning routine, mom was helping dad stretch before getting out of bed. Around 8:30 this morning, while still in bed, dad had a seizure (symptoms/signs say it was a seizure). Dad is at the hospital having a CT done. I talked to mom. She said that dad is responding. We hope to know more after his CT.

Mom asked that we send this message out for all of our prayer warriors. She asks that we all stop and pray. Please lift mom and dad up in your prayers. Pray for answers to this morning's episode. Pray for guidance and wisdom for the doctors to properly diagnose what happened and what may be wrong with dad so that proper treatment can be administered. Pray for peace for the family to endure this time of the unknown. Remember to close with praise and thanksgiving.

I hope to find out more in the next couple of hours. I will update the website later today with what we find out.

God Bless You!


1/8/04 11:39am

We have an update on John's status. He is stable but very tired and sore from today's events. The CT scan did confirm that he did have a seizure. He is now waiting to see a neurologist in order for the doctor to do a more thorough exam of John and the CT scan before anything further is done.

Continue to pray that this is nothing serious and he is home again soon and that answers are found to what caused this.

01/08/04 1:00pm
I just talked to Melissa. They are still waiting to hear from the neuorologist. They are keeping dad overnight to monitor his health. The doctor said that dad is very tired and stressed that it is VERY important for dad to get as much rest as possible. Therefore, the hospital staff requests that dad have NO visitors during his stay. Mom will be with dad...resting too. Thank you for understanding the importance of dad's health and needed rest as well as for your continued prayers. We will keep you posted.

Update 01/09/04 9:46am
Just a quick note for you. Dad spent the night at the Redwood Falls Hospital. Mom stayed with him. The nueorologist consulted with the doctors at HCMC about dad's seizure. This did not surprise the HCMC docs. You are apparently at a higher risk of having a seizure due to the severity of his August injury. Dad will be on medication to help prevent having another seizure for at least six months to a year. I assume dad will be discharged from the hospital sometime today, but am not 100ure. I'm guessing they will want little to no traffic at home this weekend in order for dad to get more rest.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.” Jeremiah 29:11-14

Tuesday, January 6, 2004 8:28 PM CST

Taken from “31 Days of Praise” by Ruth Myers (Day 5): “I magnify You, O Lord, I exalt Your name, for You are great and highly to be praised. I praise You for the glorious splendor of Your majesty and the power of Your awe-inspiring acts. Your power is unlimited…absolute…beyond imagining. You are able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or dream of. “There is nothing too hard for You.” Who is like You, “ majestic in holiness, awesome in praises, working wonders”?

Hello to all!
Thanks for checking in and for your patience and understanding on our lack of updates. Mom has been very busy trying to get into a schedule at home with dad. Even though neither of them are working with their jobs, their days are always full!

Here’s what dad has been up to:
First, mom’s brother, Jeff, built a platform that is 20 inches off the ground with a mat on it that dad uses to stretch his back, hip and knees for his physical therapy. Mom and dad love it!

In OT, dad has been working on strengthening his shoulders and loosening his back muscles. In ST, his therapists have been working him hard with problem solving puzzles. Mom said they are quite involved with thinking and planning and dad is getting better at them.

Overall, dad is doing remarkably well. He is very patient and ever so happy to be home! I talked to him on the phone tonight. His voice sounded a bit stronger. He is starting to sound like the dad I remember. He was also quicker with his responses and his speech seemed more articulate. Dad is doing great!

In time, we will get on a schedule for updating the journal. Until then, we thank you for your understanding and your continued prayers.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.” Jeremiah 29:11-14

Thursday, January 1, 2004 1:07 PM CST

Jeremiah 29:11-14 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord.

A special new year to everyone! We pray that the new year brings you all many blessings as it has to us already. As dad has been reflecting these past few days, he has been filled with gratitude and has been expressing it often. He has reminded each of us everyday how much everyone's support, prayers, and care has meant to him. Through all of this, my dad has realized that God has shown us a miracle. Just this morning, my dad decided to recommit himself to the Lord, it is because of Him that my dad made it though all of the battles and hardships. We thank God each day for our dad, he is definitely an inspiration. We would also like to share a piece that my mom and dad put together that says it all, and also an insert from my dad's family.

"Our Journey"

On August 16th, 2003, all of our lives were changed forever.

Forty-four days at HCMC
the unknown, the waiting!
In God's hands we gave John,
And our trust you see.

The unknown, the waiting, what struggles!
For John, only God knew the outcome.
Doctors, nurses, family, friends all were a part
of the needed warriors for the battle won.

Amazing support, love, and selfless giving
it was comforting one another, prayers and coming together.
Faith in God taught us more the values of life,
and one life worth living.

A miracle, God's healing power!
It was much needed help that was showered.
With grateful and humble hearts, We John, Char,
and children say....
You are a part of our journey, God would have it
no other way.

"And we know that God causes all things to work
together for good to those who are called
according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

From the depths of our hearts we Thank You!
We wish you a year filled with building precious
relationships and memories, and years filled with
God's blessings!
John, Char, & Family

In this season of giving miracles, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks for the miracle we received of being able to celebrate Christmas with our son and brother, John. This was the most precious gift we could have received, to have John back with us.

First of all, we would like to thank God, for healing John and listening to our prayers. Thank you to all the prayer warriors, for the power of prayers was ever so strong. Thank you to everyone for your comforting words and support during these last four months. Whether it was a hug, a card, a phone call, a visit, or an inquiry about John, it sincerely touched our hearts. It has been a great blessing to live here and have Wabasso and all the surrounding communities help us through this emotional journey. Thank you to everyone who responded on John's web-site and still do. It is such a comfort to us. We would also like to thank John's boss and co-workers at Meadowland, who very generously gave of their hours of vacation and sick leave to John. Your help and friendship is much appreciated. Please continue to keep John and his family in your prayers. He has many, many months of rehabilitation to go, as we have witnessed, with all your help and support, John will continue to improve. With sincere gratitude and heart-felt thanks.
Mom and Dad Frank
Brothers and Sisters and their spouses

Monday, December 29, 2003 3:39 PM CST

Happy Holidays!
Love and Blessings to you, dear friends!
I know many of you are anxiously waiting for an update on dad and our Christmas together. This holiday season was so special and memorable for our family.

Dad continues to improve. He uses his walker to go from his bed to wheelchair and wheelchair to reclier, etc. We usually walk beside him when he's using his walker, but do not hold on to him or help him. He does it on his own!!!

Our Christmas was wonderful. We had a couple of hours where mom and dad and all of us girls sat around the table and remembered how our lives changed on August 16th. We talked about where we were when we got that fateful phone call and all of the thoughts and emotions that ran through us during those dark days. Oh it was so special! Many tears were shed...praise God, they are now tears of joy!

Mom and dad gave each one of us children a precious ornament. It had 15 seconds of dad's voice! He shared a special message for each one of us kids. There were many tears shed receiving our gifts.

That night, mom got dad ready for bed and tucked in. All of us kids (including spouses, etc) went into their bedroom and stood around dad's bedside. We all joined hands, standing around our dad, just as we did in August and shared prayers and praise. Just as we also did in August, we closed our prayer by singing "Our God is an Awesome God". How wonderful it was to have dad sing that song with us. Our weekend was filled with much praise and thanksgiving to God!

Dad also made it out to his parents and mom's parents homes for Christmas. It was so wonderful to watch dad WALK into each home. We all applauded as dad entered the homes to be with us. It is so GREAT to have dad home!!!

Dad is still QUITE stiff. There is still a significant amount of calcium build-up in his joints and muscles which makes it difficult for dad to move around. Please continue to pray for the build-up to break down. Mom and dad both look forward to getting into a schedule. Pray that they can find a schedule that works well for them...for appropriate "excercise" times, remembering when to take dad's medication at the correct times, etc.

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas. May God Bless each one of you!!

Jesus said to his followers, "Go everywhere in the world, and tell the Good News to everyone." Mark 16:15

Wednesday, December 24, 2003 9:50 AM CST

Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below!
Praise Him above ye heavenly host!
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!

Hello dear friends.
Just wanted to send a very quick message to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

We apologize for our lack of updating the website. Mom and dad have been incredibly busy getting settled in at home. Mom hopes they will get on a schedule after the holiday season which would include time to update the website. Until then, thank you for checking in and your patience on our timing of updating this page.

Mom and dad are doing great! Dad will have three therapists come to the house five days a week for different types of therapy.

Monday and Tuesday were spent with mom and several family members cleaning out the garage and installing cupboards that were taken out of the bathroom. Slowly, the house is coming together for dad to get around.

We are all so excited to be home for Christmas and to have mom and dad home with us. What a special Christmas this will be! This will be the first time since June that EVERYONE of us will be together...how wonderful that will be!

Thank you all for your continued love and prayers. You are all so very special to us. I can't put into words the gratitude our family has for the support shown by all of you.

May your Christmas be filled with love, joy and celebration of our savior's birth!

Love to all from the Frank Family!!!!

Thursday, December 18 2003 10:19PM CST

He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 (Please read 2 Corinthians 12:1-10)

Following daily devotion is taken directly from “Our Daily Bread”:
WeÂ’ve been taught that when we ask God for something through prayer, His
answer may be yes, no or wait. We’re told that even no is an answer, though obviously not the one we may want. It certainly wasn’t the answer Paul wanted when he begged God three times to remove his “thorn in the flesh” (2 Corinthians 12:7-8).

Whatever Paul’s thorn was, it weakened him. Because he wanted to be strong in his ministry, Paul asked God for deliverance. Although God didn’t grant his request, He answered his prayer! He said to Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (v.9). The all-sufficient strength of Christ became Paul’s new boast.

Author J. Oswald Sanders summarized Paul’s attitude about his thorn like this: “At first he viewed it as a limiting handicap, but later he came to regard it as heavenly advantage.” Paul could therefore testify, “I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses…For when I am weak, then I am strong” (v.10).

Have you prayed for deliverance form something that weakens you, but deliverance hasn’t come? Remember, God’s grace is sufficient for you. He can transform your limitation into your “heavenly advantage.” - Joanie Yoder

Hello dear friends,
Thank you for checking in! Have you ever just sat back and thought about GodÂ’s AMAZING GRACE? He offers us so many wonderful gifts. Christmas is always a time that we focus on gifts...buying and receiving. Can be a bit stressful at timesÂ…agreed? All too soon we forget about the most important gift of all. The gift given to us from GodÂ…Jesus Christ! Jesus is our most precious gift. Can you imagine giving your life for someoneÂ…even when that person doesnÂ’t deserve it? That is grace and mercy! And that is a gift from God! By Jesus dying on the cross, he took away all of our sins so that we could be made perfect through Him. And thatÂ’s called SALVATION. For more info on how to accept the gift of salvation, read momÂ’s journal entry from yesterday. Salvation leads to eternal life!!! How can you not want that!?! During the hussle and bussle of this holiday season, please do NOT lose focus on itÂ’s true meaningÂ…ChristÂ’s birthÂ…our gift from God!

DadÂ’s final days at Bethesda full of intense therapy. The therapists are pushing dad hard and he continues to do remarkably well! He and mom are counting down to Friday afternoon! Wow, I tear up thinking of those dark heavy August days, not knowing if I would ever be able to tell my dad that I love him and hear him tell me that back. I canÂ’t describe the overwhelming joy I feel inside knowing my dad is coming home. It is because of GodÂ’s love, faithfulness and power that dad is healing and is with us. I just canÂ’t help but sing Praises to my Awesome God for His goodness!

Please continue to pray for family and friends that are going through difficult times. Thank you so much dear friends for your love and your faithful prayers for your family!

I would like to add to this journal some highlights of today.
John was saying his goodbyes, and thank you's to the team at Bethesda. At times it was with tears, tomorrow will be more goodbyes.
His PT,SP,OT,and TR people presented a t-shirt to John that says "Bethesda rehab graduate." And all his therapists signed his shirt. It ment so much to John.
Tonight we had my brother Dave and his wife Tami, MicKayla and Matt their children. It helped make time pass, and we went over the last four months. Wow, God sure is good!!!!
John's nurse Nagasi helped put John to bed, and when he finished he said to John "I need to give you a hug and wish you the best." Then before he left the room he told John he would continue to pray for him. John has had such wonderful care at Bethesda, we will miss our new friends. It's truly a bitter sweet.

I need to let you all know, we are going to continue with the web page for sure till August.

I will update Monday mornig to let you know our new schedual and how the weekend went. Have a great weekend!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2003 7:48 AM CST

"For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved." Romans 10:9&10

Good Morning Faithful Family and Friends,

"Jesus is the reason for the season! This year is so special to us all. God has shown us his mercy,grace,and healing power. Did you ever think you had to pay back God in order to go to heaven by your works for all he gives you? I know I did at one time think that, until I read the book of Romans. I thank God daily that he gave his son Jesus, so that I may be made right through him and have eternity. It's by God's grace and Love , it's a gift. If you have never recieved this gift, all you have to do is ask and believe, and it will be given to you. It's only by this gift that I'm able to continue in faith . That gives me strength for each new day and HOPE.

Yesterday John did so well in his therapy. In PT John worked on 7" steps going up and down, with rails on both sides of him. John was puffing after the work out. In OT John worked on his upper body stretching and strengthening. They put 50#'S of weight on the machine for John's work out.
In Sp John was working with attention activities and sensory therapy for Johns tongue, gag reflex and swallow. They go into John's mouth with a swab soaked in lemon juice, and work on certain parts of John's tongue and back of throat. Then they use a metal scope {what a dentist would use to look at your teeth with} that has been in ice water, to stimulate the back of his throat and sides of his cheek.

Last night John and I went to the chapel, and John led us in prayer and praise for where we are today and what God has instore for us when we get home. That was truly a blessed time with God. It's count down here at Bethesda, four more days.
Prayer requests for our three Johns continued recovery, for Carl Robinson and his family, Cindy Wiest{our Amanda's boyfriends mom},to be delivered from cancer and restored back to complete health, for our servicemen's safety. And also for the many who have lost loved ones this year that they be comforted.

Have a great day in the Lord!!!!!!!

Praise God! "Every word of God is pure; He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him."

Monday, December 15, 2003 8:01 AM CST

Acts 16:31 "...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house ."

Greetings Prayer Friends!

We had the most wonderful weekend home. Thank you to our Family, they worked endless hours preparing our main floor to make it easier for John to get around. Our bathroom has been gutted out, we now have a new bathroom, and WOW it is fabulous. John also slept through the night, rested through the day when he needed to, and loved all the visits. Family and friends ,thank you for the clean home after the remoldling, also for the delicious food. John and I are truly blessed. We love you all and thank you !!!!

John and I have a new nephew this last week. My brother Dan and wife Lorri had a baby boy , they called him Braden Micheal Heiling. He weighed 5# 4oz's. Keep little Braden in prayers, {because he was early}for his breathing, and that he will be able to join his family real soon at home. What a true miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank You Lord!

John is on his last week here at Bethesda. We are looking forward to Johns recovery at home. We are told it could be a year to two for the healing of John's brain and his walking with therapy, so with Gods strength and help we keep on keeping on. And put our trust in God totally! Leaving Bethesda is a bitter sweet, we will miss the wonderful dedicated nurses, and therapists. God bless them!

Until tomorrow, have a great day in the Lord! I'll keep you informed on John throughout the week.

"I've got that Joy JOY Joy Joy down in my heart, down in my heart. Down in my heart. I've got that Joy Joy Joy Joy down in my heart. Down in my heart to stay!!!!!!"

Thursday, December 11, 2003 7:53 AM CST

Hi Everyone! Just want to include a quick note to thank everyone for your prayers and checking in on dad. With the busy weekend ahead and mom and dad spending another weekend at home, we will not be updating the journal until Monday. For people planning to visit them this weekend, we want to thank you in advance for being respectful of dad's resting time and stopping in only during the visiting hours as they are in the hospital. God Bless you!

"God has restored our relationship with him through Christ, and has given us the ministry of restoring relationships. 2Corinthians 5:18

Hello Prayer Friends!

In my devotional {APURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE} on day twenty, it talks on restoring relationships. It gave me some insight, It says "if you want God's blessings on your life you want to be known as a child of God, you must learn to be a peacemaker. Tell God your frustrations. Cry out to him. He's never surprised or upset by your anger, hurt, insecurity, or any other emotions. So tell him exactly how you feel. Most conflict is rooted in unmet needs. Some of these needs can only be met by God.
If you have a chance go to the guestbook and read what Aunt Mary wrote using scripture. Gods word is powerful. Thanks for that Mary, it was so perfect for yesterday.

Yesterday was filled with lots of emotion and phone calls. I know I felt helpless,and frustrated, not knowing the right decision to make with John's future therapy. With the help of several people and John's social worker it is working out. It was so wonderful, John's social worker said for me to go pray about it. Thats what I needed to hear in the mist of what I was feeling. So I gave it to the Lord, went to a movie with John and his TR team. And when I got back John's social worker had everything set for our leaving next Friday. Praise God!

John had a good day yesterday. After the meeting, John asked me if he heard right,"Did they say the 19th for my discharge?" I said you heard right. You sould have seen his face, he had the most wonderful look on his face with the largest smile!
They did cancel the swallow test for Friday, because in Sp John was tested on thin liquids, and did caugh. That told Andy that John was not ready. Hopefully that won't be long before John has his strength back in his swallow.

Tomorrow John will be in regular morning therapy, then in
the afternoon their group will go to the capital. For Saturday we will be on the same schedual as last week end.

I will leave you with Isaiah 40:29-31 keep this in your hearts this holy season.

"He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted,and young men will give up. But those who wait upon the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not get weary. They will walk and not faint."

Wednesday, December 10, 2003 8:04 AM CST

"Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul, and body be kept blameless until that day when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God who calls you, is faithful; he will do this." Thessalonians 5:24&25

Greetings on this winter day!!!

Today, I'm just adding to the journal I wrote yesterday.
John again did well in all his sessions. The one thing that sticks out from yesterday, is how he is remembering things on his own. He wears this eye patch, and has to switch it every two hours, to get his weak eye to move side to side. John is doing that and it's so exciting for me who is with John everyday.
Today we will have a family meeting with the social worke,r Drs., and terapists. We will talk about John's progress, and find out how plans are going for home therapy. Friday will be the swallow test again. Pray that John's throat muscles do what their suppose to when he swallows.
One last thing , this is the kind of person John has always been, he made sure I left early from the hospital because of the weather, and that I needed to call him when I arrived to my apartment

I want to tell you, everyone at Bethesda knows about our weekend! If it wasn't John it was me, that shared about our wonderful home coming. John is so excited to come home again this week end. The final touches are being made,Family you are so AMAZING, we can never THANK YOU enough for all your doing. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was a surprise to the PT and myself, John made progress by walking with the walker alone. The other therapies we worked on , were bathroom transfers, and thought organizing. BY 6:00 PM John was ready for bed. He fell to sleep by 7.15. Only woke up for his 9:00pm meds. It was good to see John get his rest.

I do have some prayer requests, continue to pray for Carl Robinson & his family, and for two men and their families as they prepare to defend our country overseas. They are Bill Klaers, who has a wife and two children, he is a teacher at the Wabasso high school. Justin Frank {19},son of Steve& Janel Frank {our nephew}.May God protect them everyday,give them wisdom , and bring them and the many others home safely to their families in Jesus name Amen.

I would like to close with this: FAITH & HOPE
Faith is a sense of basic trust. Hope is the expectation that good things will hapen. It means living each day expecting the best. The presence of Faith and Hope empowers self determination and promotes recovery. May your Hope and Faith be in Christ Jesus our savior! have a great day in the Lord!!!!!!

Ps : I would like to tell our family and friends who called us while we were home Thank You. For the phones calls I never returned as I wanted to, I'm sorry, the time got away from us. Your all so caring , and special to us.
"All heaven will praise your miracles, Lord; myriads of angels will praise you for your faithfulness." Psalm 89: 5

Sunday, December 7, 2003 9:34 PM CST

"I will Praise the Lord at all times!" Psalm 34:1

Hello Faithful Friends!

Well it's time to let you know how the week end went. John and I arrived home Saturday at noon. As we slowed down to turn into our driveway, John looked to his right and seen our driveway was lined solid with vehicles. He looked at me and asked if I knew any thing about this? We turned into the drive way and were greeted by horns, waves , smiles, welcome home John, hand shakes, bows on the poles that line the drive way. And for John it was an emotional time with tears of gratitude.

Once we were up the drive way we went into the garage, where we unloaded John into his wheel chair. John was greeted by family, friends, and co-workers . Wow it was a moment in time that will never be forgotten. Thank You everyone for the welcome, hugs, food,flowers, and help in figuring everything out. All the way back John would mention the the weekend was so perfect. I would have to agree.

We attended church Sunday and again the reception was so heart felt. The many people who greeted us, Thank You so much for helping us feel the specialness of a small home town. " There is no place like home!" Again John and I want to say Thank You from the bottom of our hearts!

We are back, and safe here at StPaul. We couldn't do this without all of you, and most importantly ,without our heavenly Father knowing what we need. He is a good God!
Have a great Monday in the Lord!!!!

"For the word of the Lord Holds true, and everything he does is worthy of our trust. He loves whatever is just and good, and his unfailing love fills the earth." Psalm 33:4&5

The visits from everyone ment so much. God BLess YOU!!

Thursday, December 4, 2003 9:56 PM CST

" I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears. Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. I cried out to the Lord in my suffering, and he heard me. He set me free from all my fears. For the angel of the Lord guards all who fear him, and rescues them." Psalm 34:4-7

Hello Everyone!

Please spread the word for lifting little Carl and his family up in prayer! Click on Pray for Carl, and read his journal. Thank You! I talked with my daughter Amanda today. Cody's mom Cindy Weist {Amanda's boy friend's mom},went for more tests at the Mayo. We need to praise God for she won't have to go through a brain cell transplant. God is healing her, God is listening. Keep praying Warriors!!!!!!!!

I need to up date you tonight, for John and I will have a busy day tomorrow. I will go to John's morning workouts {PT &SP}. Then Johns off having fun while I pack my suitcase and his. But I don't mind, it's so exciting to go home Saturday morning, and be home over night. We'er thinking on being back Sunday night around 8:00 pm. to Bethesda. John and I are excited to see family and friends. We will treat visiting hours like stated at the top of the journal, I think that will work out, because John would be so disapointed if no one would come out to see us.

The visit to HCMC went welll today. The ortho DR. canceled John's Jan apointment. The hip has fussed, so his range of motion on the left side is going to be about what it is right now. They will wait to let him get stronger, then deside where we go from there. He'll have an apointment in 3 months from now.

Everone enjoy your day, breathe in the fresh air, and keep a smile on your face to share with others!!!!!!!

"The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted: he rescues those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:17&18

Thursday, December 4, 2003 7:33 AM CST

"Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise! Let the fields, and their crops burst forth with joy! Let the trees of the forest rustle with praise before the Lord! For the Lord is coming! He is coming to judge the world with righteousness and all the nations with his truth" Psalm 96:11:13

Greetings Prayer Warriors!!

Today I and my son-in-law are going to take John to HCMC for more exray's in his hip. If we would have had the hospital van pick us up the cost would have been $500.00 out my pocket. With the help of our social worker and the head nurse they helped me work out the trip. I think this is so crazy, but oh well it all worked out.

Yesterday the only thing different, was in PT the therapist trained me in helping John walk with the walker. It took a little time, and John's trust in me to be comfortable.

John had some of the board members of Meadowland come up to see him. That was really great, because John knew them and was so pleased to see them. They said the had seen John Valentine and reported that things are moving right along for John. He is also in therapy, walking with a walker.
Ken and Joanne Zwach {our cousins} came to see John. Joanne is amazing, she had a brain aneurysm a couple of years ago. It too was very critical for her, and she under went months of therapy. She had so much to share with John and understood him as he was sharing his thoughts with her. Thank you Ken and Joanne for your love and support. One prayer request Joanne's twin brother Joe underwent a brain stem transplant Please pray for his healing. Thank You!

Until tomorrow keep praising the Lord for the many blessing , protection, and his Love he gives. Have a great day!!!!!

"For you, O Lord are the most high over all the earth: you are exalted far above all gods." Psalm 97:9

Wednesday, December 3, 2003 8:30 AM CST

"I love the Lord because he hears and answers my prayers. Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath!" Psalm 116:1&2

Good Day Family and Friends!

Yesterday was a good day for John therapy went smooth in all areas. It basically was the same as previous day.

I asked John what should I put in the journal for today? John answered me with,"Tell everyone I'm so gratefull for the support and Love I'm recieving. The prayers are evident and I feel them coming. The help we have recieved from many people for so many areas of our life, is so amazing. Thank You ,I and Charlene appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. We couldn't have gone through this alone without your help. Thank You!!!"

Today is a day to get caught up on papper work! Thats were I need prayer and help. I wish for everyone to have a Great Day in the Lord!!!!!!!!

I Give You Praise and Glory Lord for Your Love and Help in times of my needs! "Everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory." Romans 11:36

Tuesday, December 2, 2003 8:13 AM CST

"Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Neither let the mighty man glory in his might, Let not the rich man glory in his riches; But let him that glorieth glory in this, That he understandeth and knoweth me, That I am the Lord that exercise Lovingkindness, Judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: For in these things I delight, saith the Lord." Jeremiah 9 23,24

Happy Tuesday All!!
John had a productive day in PT yesterday. It's mostly in the morning that John struggles to straighten up and walk. In the afternoon John walked using the walker with asistance one hundred feet. Besides that John was not breathing as heavy, after the work out. That was exciting!!!
In OT John did very well doing sit ups. His legs are over the edge of the bed, he has a triangle mat behind his back, he lies back on the mat and sits up from there. John is doing much better in his bending at the waist. He could not do this a week ago. WOW! RIGHT?
In SP John worked on attention exercises. This is where John holds a little black box, that he pushes a button and it buzzes. The therapist goes through a list of words with out stopping, and John has to pay attention, he can only buzz when he hears words starting with the letter B. It gets tricky but John did very well.
In one of his group therapies John and the group planned their outing for Friday. They go to the science museum for the afternoon. John told me two guys were kicked out because they started to say bad things about the whole plan.John said "I know enough to keep my mouth shut". John does like the plan.

Thursaday John will be going back to HCMC for hip exrays, then again in Jan on the 6th with a follow up on that hip.

Today I would like to wish Pa Frank a big "Happy 80th Birthday!" from John, I and our family. Have a great day with all who come over to be with you on your special day! God bless you Wilbur with a year of good health and lots of great times with friends and family!

Food for thought, this was in the footnotes of the scripture verses that I picked for today: God puts a higher priority on knowing him personally and living a life that reflects his justice and righteousness. What do you want people to admire most of you? Oh Lord I want people to see you in me!Have a great day in the Lord!!!!

I have requests for prayer, Carl Robbinson, and Cindy Wiest. Both are battling big things in their lives. Father build their cells up, give them complete healings in their bodies. By your stripes Jesus I claim their healing. Give wisdom to the doctors. Give strength to Cindy, Carl, and their families in Jesus name.

"Bless the Lord all my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:1&2

Monday, December 1, 2003 9:00 AM CST

"Victory comes from you, O Lord. May your blessings rest on your people." Psalm 3:8

Good morning!

Thank you to family and friends who made our weekend perfect. It's such an amazing thing to see the Love and excitement in your eyes and actions. Thank you for all the help at home to prepare for John's homecoming.

Our weekend out with our children for Thanksgiving went very well. John said over and over how happy he was. Little Jordan [our grandson] had a couple of rides on papa's lap. John actually helped Jordan onto his lap. The day at the hotel was filled with eating, swimming for the kids, and great reminising of our journey so far. Sunday we attended services at the StPaul Cathedral. Wow was that grand! Little Alison our four year old granddaughter said to Nikki " How did they build this place anyway? Our transfers went smooth. I had lots of help with Johnny and my son in laws , Thank You!!!!

"Oh Lord, our Lord, the majesty of your name fills the earth!" Psalm 8:1

Saturday, November 29 2003 4;51AM CST

I give you thanks, O Lord, with all my heart; I will sing your praises before the gods. I bow before your holy temple as I worship. I will give thanks to your name for you faithfulness, because your promises are backed by all the honor of your name. When I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me the strength I need.

The last day has been busy, I would like to add a note to up date you. John's brace worked perfect. We do want to watch it closely for pressure point areas, that become red.

John and I are excited for today. We will be with our children for the day at a hotel. It's close to the hospital. This will be great for the little ones,they will be able to swim. I hope John slept , I sure didn't. I don't know if it's all the excitement, or that I ate too much before I went to bed. I decided to get up and hand it all over to the Lord,to calm me down. Would you please keep the sleep part for John and I apart of your prayers?
Amanda and Cody, and Ann we will miss you today , take care , we are thinking of you. We Love You!!!!
To the Heiling family have a great day today, sorry we can't be there. We will be thinking of you. We Love You!

"May God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace." Phillippian 1:2


John and I have so much to thank our Lord for, Johns life, our children, grandchildren, family, friends, this web page. And for showing us such a big picture of God's hand in everything . We have gained and learned so much through this journey.

Yesterday the therapy went well, in PT John did get casted for his brace. The brace shoud be here on Monday. John and I were trained on doing chair to bed transfers . Things are coming right along, John's upper strength makes the transfers alot easier.
OT- John had worked putting on his slacks, socks and shoes. Because he has a hard time bending at the waist, he is using a long devise that he squeezes the handle and it helps hold the clothes while he gets the clothes partly up for him to reach and finish the task.
SP- John did his testing on memory and attention for this therapy. The next step will be drills for organizing thought. Friday they will do a swallow video again to see if John could go the last step in swallowing liquids without thickener.
TR- is one therapy I don't remembering saying much about. It's a therapy that the therapist works with John on his thinking skills. They play alot of board games, and cards. I find this so funny because John never liked playing board games at home, nows your chance Kayla to get him to play the games with you, he can't say no now!

Last night was a very special night Janice ,Johns sister,Clete Altermatt, Perry & Jodi Hansen came to visit. Again we had a fun night. While they were there, I had a meeting with our social worker and she went through Johns progress with me. The last part of the meeting was to find out if I had started the work at home to prepare for Johns home coming? She told me our trial run would be next weekend. We will go to our home and have a whole weekend to see if we are ready to leave Bethesda hospital. Then the projected date is Dec. 20th to go home. John will have a year or up to two for rehab in order to be walking on his own. This was very emotional for John when I told him, you could see it was tears of graditude and excitement to finally go home. It's just great to have family and freinds who care so much, they told us not to worry, that the work would get done by next weekend. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Again have a very special Thanks Giving with the people you love. Take care, Love John & Char and Family!!!!!!

"Not to us, O Lord, but to you goes all the glory and thanks for your unfailing love and faithfulness." Psalm 115:1

Tuesday, November 25, 2003 10:05 PM CST

"Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life." Revelation 2:10

Greetings Prayer Warriors!

Here are some footnotes about the scripture for today : "The message to the Smyma church was to remain faithful during suffering because God is in control and his promises are reliable. Jesus never says that by being faithful to him we will avoid troubles, suffering, and persecution. Rather we must be faithful to him in our sufferings. Only then will our faith prove to be genuine. We remain faithful by keeping our eyes on Christ and on what he promises us now and in the future" [philipians 3:13, Timothy 4:8]. Do you feel frustrated somedays, and want to just throw in the towel? I do at times , but as I was reading my devotional today it talked about surrender all of myself and what I'm dealing with to God, then total freedom comes. God is pleased, and things start to work out. It's then that God is able to show His grace, love, and wisdom.

PT- was definitly a work out. John walked with a walker with the help of the therapist. The new step here is that John had to use his upper strength to push himself out of the chair, then grab hold of the walker. Also tomorrow John will be casted for a brace to be used on his right leg , to support his ankel.
OT- again was a repeat of yesterday, John did rolls side to side in a laying position, and practised getting to a sit up position on the bed with his legs over the edge of the bed,touching the floor.
SP-the therapist went over the testing John did yesterday. This tells the therapist what area the focus needs to be. The memory is one area, organizing thoughts is another. Please keep praying for the entire memory part of Johns brain to work 100%
Tonight after supper John and I did our evening stroll down to the chapel. Lifting up our requests, praying for our family and friends. We gave thanks for all the help and blessings God has given us this far. There is a young girl, her name is Sarah from Burnsville, Mn, who was in an accident last week. My Melissa knows Sarah's father through her work. Melissa said she is at HCMC ,is very critical. What we know at this time is that she has head injuries. Please pray for her and her family.
We had company tonight, they were Scott&Debbie Lensing, Gina Mathiowetz, and Stephanie Prokosch. They are our daughter Melanie's friends, and what a wonderfaul, happy visit we had. They filled our night with laughter. When they left John asked me if I had fun, I said it was a great time, he said he had such a fun time ,they sure added spark to our day! When I was leaving [Moji} the head nurse asked if that was our room that was whoopping it up? I said Yeap, and she laughed and said I thought so.
Have a great day in the Lord remember to smile and laugh today, it will make your day and someone elses worth remembering!!!!!!!

" I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are discouraged take heart. Come , let us tell of the Lord's greatness; let us exult his name together." Psalm 34;1-3 Read the rest of psalm 34 it's a good one!

Monday, November 24, 2003 8:54 PM CST

God smiles when I trust him.

"The Lord is pleased with those who worship him and trust his love." Psalm 147:11

Hello family and friends,
This is the rest of what the writer adds to this scripture in {The purpose driven life}. What God looks at is the attitude of your heart: Is pleasing him your deepest desire? This was Paul's life goal: "More than anything else, however, we want to please him, whether in our home here or there." 2Corinthians 5:9 When you live in the light of eternity, your focus changes from "How much pleasure am I getting out of life? to "How much pleasure is God getting out of my life?" God is looking for people like Noah in the twenty-first century- people willing to live for the pleasure of God. The Bible says, "The Lord looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who are wise, who want to please God." Psalm 14:2

It was a full and wonderful day for John.
PT- was more added walking, this time John walked the parallels with the help of the terapist 4 times. The second session of PT John practiced pushing up from his chair to pivit over to the bed. Again this is with the terapist helping him.
SP- John was tested, in memory , visual, and organizing ability. The results will be back tomorrow. This test helps to focus on what part of the brain needs more therapy.
OT- John did alot of stretching on his right upper side. Plus worked on rolling to one side, then to the other.

The devotional reminded me of Johns nature and his love to please God. He is so calm and patient. I worry about the kids and not able to be with them when things come up. Tonight was one of those times, and John said lets go to the chapel, and pray about it. That was refreshing and peaceful. Thank you Lord for today, and for taking care of us all.

One thing I have to tell you before I end this journal. Yesterday I started working on wedding flowers for a Dec. wedding in our home town. John also got involved, He snipped the wire for me , and held the bouquets as I finished the floral tape on them. We had a great time doing that and it passed the time.

"The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." Numbers 6:24-26

Saturday, November 22, 2003 7:54 AM CST

"Do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord, no matter what happens. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurence is what you need now, so you will continue to do GOD'S WILL. Then you will recieve all that he has promised."

Hello Family and Friends!

I was reading, and looking up scriptures on faith. I came to this one , and because my bible has foot notes I was able to read more, this is what is writtten. "The writter encourages his readers not to abandon their faith in times of persecution but to show by their endurance that their faith is real. Faith means resting in what Christ has done for us in the past, but it also means trusting him for what he will do for us in the present and in the future.[ see Romans 8:12-25; Galations 3:10-13] I need to be reasured again, it gets hard at times when so many decisions come your way,when things don't work out the way you want them,or you just feel like quiting. Good news John and I are not quiting, for with God's help we will keep on keping on, and the rest of the business will work out.

Yesterday was a great day! John had only morning therapies and went on the outing to the movie 'Elf". I asked John what he thought of the movie, he said" It was a good one , I enjoyed it ." John came back around 3:15 and the Dr had John put into his bed. Then the Dr explained the procedure of removing the PEG. That is what the feeding tube is called that is directly into his stomach.] Well to our surprise the tube came out quickly and with little bleeding. The DR. said it was going to hurt and sting for a while. John handled it very well, he is one tough man. Now John is tube free!!!!!!

John had a nice surprise after that procedure,his mom and dad plus Diane & Jim Guetter, and Mary Heiling came to visit. WE all had a wonderful time. Pa and Ma Frank brought John a window christmas bell that ligts up, so this week we will get it suctioned to the window and enjoy. When it was time for supper we took John and his tray of food down to the cafeteria so we all could enjoy a meal together. John showed the family the chapel, then we returned to his room. It was hard on everyone to say good night, see ya! The tears of emotion are good ,but it's hard to end such a great day with family. Hope you had a fun and safe trip home to Wabasso!

Today John and I have some paperwork to catch up with,and hopefylly we will get some company. With the weather forcast that might be a rather thin thought. John only has therapy for an hour today and it's from 1 to 2pm. It's so great to read the Web page today , as it is everyday. Thank you all for your messages you write us. That is such an encoragement to John and me. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE wish for you all a great day in the Lord!

"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen." Jude 24-25

Thursday, November 20, 2003 11:37 PM CST

Psalms 62:1-2 I wait quietly before God for my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken. Read the rest chapter 62...it’s AWESOME!!!!

Today was another busy day for mom and dad. Brett got to sit in with mom in dad’s afternoon therapy sessions. Dad’s therapy sessions consisted of tasks such as:
SP: He worked on multiple skills and memory. He had a list of five items and had to sort them from heaviest to lightest or largest to smallest, etc.
OT: He worked with hand weights on a table, moving in different stretching motions to work his upper arms. He put pegs in a board with holes using one hand, putting one peg in at a time while being timed and then would switch and try with the other hand. He
tried sneaking in two pegs at a time to go faster...but was “busted” by mom and his therapist!
PT: Dad, mom and Brett practiced the wheelchair to van transfer. It was successful. Now that Brett is fully trained, he will be put in charge to help dad transfer in and out of
the vehicle Thanksgiving weekend. We are hoping that dad will get an afternoon pass to spend a few hours away from the hospital with his family. He used parallel bars to work
on sitting to standing up straight and walking with help from his therapist.

Mom had a meeting tonight so I was honored to join dad in attending BINGO down in the cafeteria. We had a great time! Dad got a BINGO in the second game and won a 10lb turkey, and I won a cherry pie! Before BINGO, we spent time in the chapel praying to God and thanking him for all of the wonderful blessings He has provided for us.
Before mom and I left for the evening, we read our daily devotions and sang a couple of blessing songs.

Dad may be getting the feeding PEG out tomorrow. He will have a few therapy sessions in the morning and ELF, the movie in the afternoon.

During our visit together, dad mentioned several times how grateful he is for all of the wonderful support he has. He is amazed at the outreach of the website and how people
around the world are praying for him. We praise and thank God daily for His
faithfulness. Now, everyday is thanksgiving day for our family. Dad said it’s too bad that we took so many things for granted, in the same breathe, he told me to love my
family. Mmmm...what great heartfelt advice!

Romans 10:9-10 For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth
that you are saved.

Psalm 61:8 Then I always sing praises to your name as I fulfill my vows day after day.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003 11:37 PM CST

"God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out." 1Corinthians 10:13

Greetings Faithful Friends!
It's been a full day with the therapies, meeting with the social worker, and phone calls. John did awesome in stretching and walking with the help of the walker and two therapists. The new thing today was that John straightened his knees more and stood taller with his butt tucked in. It's a very difficult thing to do when you have pain. John does what he is told , and never complains.

John worked on problem solving in OT. They use a map, and directions in sentence form. He has to follow directions ,and fill in the answer. He breezed throuth that one.

SP - John again put the sentences in order to how they happened. Thats working on organizing thoughts and memory.
John was placed into another group therapy, for communicaton skills,and going on outings. They like to see how John will do in the adapting to other suroundings. Friday's outing will be going to the movie "ELF". That should be fun,I'm not able to go. Thats ok there are alot of things I could catch up on.

Until tomarrow, have a great day and enjoy all God has given you!

" Blessed are those who endure when they are tested. When they pass the test, they will recieve the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12

Tuesday, November 18, 2003 9:55 PM CST

"Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope. May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages. Amen." Ephesians 3:20&21

Hello All!
In the book I'm reading, it uses this verse in day three. The writer has a paragragh on hope. It is so good, I need to share it with you. "Hope is essential to your life as air and water. You need hope to cope. Dr.Bernie Siegel found he could predict which of his cancer patients would go into remission by asking, "Do you want to live to be one hundred?" Those with a deep sense of life purpose answered yes and were the ones most likely to survive. Hope comes from having a purpose." I hear John saying that word a lot. By telling himself that, it gives him such a focus, to keep on even when it hurts.

The day went so fast, the most exciting thing John did today, was to transfer from the wheel chair to the van, then back to the chair. John did it twice, what a victory. John's first outing will be close to the hospital, because he's not able to go far with the pain in his legs. Keep praying for the tone to work right and the knees to stop hurting. The rest of John's therapy sessions went as yesterday.

Today John's OT filled us in on some of the preparations we will need to make in our home, to make John's homecoming easier. One of coarse is a ramp to get John into the house, and a few bathroom adjustments. We certainly are not thinking permanently, this will be just temporary untill John's healing and rehab is complete.

I do need to tell you two more things before I finish the journal. Tonight a gal came and knocked on John's room door. She introduced herself to us, and said that the Dr.'s and nurses from HCMC told her that her husband's injury was similar to John's and that her husband was in the same bed as John Frank. They said for Barb to look us up at Bethesda. Rick, Barb's husband is at Bethesda now on 5th floor, still in a coma, and is doing better each day. Barb was in tears as she looked at John and said she was so encouraged to see how John was after waking up out of the coma. Barb and I shared our stories of the roller coaster ride, and the many sleepless nights, and most importantly giving our Faithful God the Glory and Praise for the miracles we have witnessed. Please keep Rick, Barb's husband, in prayers. They're going to say bed 5 is the anointed bed at HCMC, right?

John wanted to call his mom and dad tonight, we did, and was that ever special. His dad said to John "now I have to walk down and get my mail, your not here to deliver it to me." John was choked up for awhile. It is so great because, John's brain is working, and not forgetting people and things from before the accident. Have I ever said to you Ma and Pa, thank you for my husband? Well I want to say thank you for raising such a loving caring man. You can count on me to be there for John. I Love You!

"But I will keep on hoping for you to help me; I will praise you more and more. I will tell everyone about your righteousness. All day long I will proclaim your saving power, for I am overwhelmed by how much you have done for me. I will praise your mighty deeds, O Sovereign Lord. I will tell everyone that you alone are just and good." Psalm 71:14-16

Monday, November 17, 2003 9:46 PM CST


Sometimes procrastination is a legitimate response to a trivial task. But because love is what matters most, it takes top priority. The Bible stresses this repeatedly. It says, "Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone." Galatians 6:10 "Use every chance you have for doing good." Ephesians 5:16 "Whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it. Never tell your neighbor to wait until tomorrow if you can help them now." Proverbs 3:27 Why is now the best time to express love? Because you don't know how long you will have the opportunity. Circumstances change. People die. Children grow up. You have no guarantee of tomorrow. If you want to express love, you had better do it now.
Knowing that one day you will stand before God, here are some Questions you need to consider: How will you explain those times when projects or things were more important to you than people? Who do you need to start spending more time with? What do you need to cut out of your schedule to make that possible? What sacrifices do you need to make? The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now..... This is from a book I recieved from my dear friend [Judy Hester-Kentucky} It truly spoke to me and helps me put things into perspective. The book is "The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren"

Hello Faithful Friends,and family,

I tried to get you a journal yesterday, but I had a mouse problem. It's a long story, so on with John's report of the day. John started off with a slow day, things were a little mixed up with his memory, John said he didn't sleep well the night before. But by the end of the day he did much beter.
PT- John, with the help of two therapists, and the padded walker on wheels, (it's a height for John to rest his arms on the padded part,and grasp the handles infront of walker, as he pushes) made a complete round, going down a hall of fifty feet. It seems by the end John has run a marathon, it truly wipes him out.
OT- went well, worked on strengthening his right shoulder and arm.
Sp- John had the swallow video test today. It shows where John's liquids are going, and what consistancy he is able to do well with. John made it to syrupy thickness, an upgrade from honey thickness. Andy said it would be maybe two weeks before John could drink liquids without thickening. Try this one, John has to do 100 chin tucks laying flat in bed 2X's a day. (Bringing head off bed a almost touching chin to chest) That is to strengthen John's swallow.
We ended our day, by calling Melissa,(our daughter) and wishing her and Jordan (her son) a happy birthday. "We Love You," I'll never forget 2 years ago when she went in on her birthday to have her son. When she called us she said, I have received the most precious and perfect birthday gift anyone could ever receive."
I would like to congratulate Matt and the Velva Aggies for winning state in class A team of North Dakota, at the Fargo dome last Friday. Matt Kettleson is Cody's brother. Cody is our daughter Amanda's boyfriend. Hey kids John and I miss you, hang in there at school and work. We Love You! Have a great Tue. in the Lord!

2 John 1:16 Love means living the way God commanded us to live. As you have heard from the begining, his command is this: Live a Life of Love.

Saturday, November 15, 2003 7:27 AM CST

Habakkuk 3:1&2 This prayer was sung by the prophet Habakkuk; I have heard all about you, Lord, and I am filled with awe by the amazing things you have done. In this time of our deep need, begin again to help us, as you did in years gone by. Show us your power to save us. And in your anger, remember your mercy.

Good Morning Warriors!
I have a bible that has foot notes to the scriptures. The one I picked for today reads - Habakkuk praised God for answering his questions. Evil will not triumph forever, God is in control, and he can be completely trusted to vindicate those who are faithful to him. We must patiently wait for him to act. Sometimes it seems forever to see the results when you pray. But I have found in all of this it's in the waiting that God speaks to me and gives me more than I could of ever hoped and prayed for. The support of wonderful friends and family, God's Word how it has strenthened me, and the knowledge obtained being around the Dr's, and nurses, and also a big one, a deeper love for John.

Johns therapy sessions went well yesterday, despite the pain, John gives his best. In PT Terri [Johns therapist} stretched Johns back and legs out, in the afternoon she put him in a chair braces him in at his knees to the front of the chair-like devise, raises him up with a lever. After she gets him up she adjusts the front of the chair to brace the upper body,now at this point John is in a standin position. This was for stretching out the legs, and straightening out those stiff knees. OT- John worked on painting a picture frame, it looks great, all our guests thought so too. In SP John tried drinking liquids without thickner in it. It went well, John only cleared his throat once, and coughed once. Which means John goes in Monday morning for a swallow video, where they observe the swallow . If he passes John will be eating and drinking like the rest of us.Yeah!! Dr's notes have it they will be pulling the PEG tube from his stomach next week Wed.

John and my family came yesterday after the football game to visit. the boys lost, but nothing to hang their heads over, great job to make it as far as they did. The family had John laughing alot,and his memory is getting so much better. Jeff and Mary took me out to eat, while John knapped. Thank You! You see John doesn't like me to leave these days ,for John to consent to me going out for dinner was big. John had me call Johnny last night to ask if it was ok for me to stay with him today instead of Johnny's game. Ad of coarse Johnny loves his dad deeply, and said it would be ok. Johnny good luck today, I will miss all the excitement at the dome and our after the game special hangouts. Do good, I love You. Cody Amanda, and Ann have a great day! To everyone on the web page today I bid you a special day !

Habakkuk 3:18&19 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in God of my salvation. The sovereign Lord is my strength! He will make me surefooted as a deer and bring me safely over the mountains.

Friday, November 14, 2003 7:18 AM CST

Ephesains 1:12-14 God's purpose was that we who were the first to trust in Christ should praise our glorious God. And now you also have heard the truth, the Good News that God saves you. And when you believed in Christ, he identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit whom he promised long ago. The Spirit of God's guarantee that he will give us everything he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people. This is just one more reason for us to praise our glorious God.

Hello Christian friends ! Thank you Melissa for the rescue, you touched my heart. I praise God for all of you, the time you all take for this journal, and for the support we have received and are still receiving. Amazing!!!!!! God is so good to us!

Yesterday John worked very hard in PT therapy. He walked with this really tall padded walker on wheels, and with the help of two terapists. John walked about 15 feet with their help. He definetly was tired after that trip!
SP- John was working on finding the right groups of letters to complete a word. (Example on one side of the column was a part of the word twe, then mixed on the other side were the finished parts to the word, not in the same order as the first column, so he had to find the ending of twe, which was nty.) That session was to work John's brain on organized thinking skills. It still is incredible, what works, to get the brain retrained. In OT again John worked on grooming skills, and did memory work. With this memory work, the therapist worked with him about 3 weeks ago, and scored the number of correct information. Yesterday John went up 10 points in that work out which is huge.

Last night, the fans started to arrive for the football game. GO RABBITS, FIGHT, WIN. they play at 10:30 this mornig, that sould be a very exciting game. The fans are John and my family. Diane, Jim & fam., Chris, Mike, Jimmy, Clete, Janice & fam., Vicki, Mary, Jeff, Margaret & girls. It was great to see them, John was happy to visit them. He stayed awake till 9:30 pm. The nurse did have to kick them out! She told John he would suffer at therapy today if he didn't get his rest. John just smiled.

Everyone have a grat day in the Lord! "This is the Day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 Lord, let me welcome each new day as a gift from You, and help me live it for You. Let me make each day count, for each is precious.

Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:21 AM CST

“Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone, especially to our Christian brothers and sisters.” Galatians 6:10

“For I say, for the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.” Romans 12:3

Hello Christian Friends! Thank you for your daily prayers and your continued support to my family! Although, the journey has been and will be long, your divine faith in the Lord never ceases! Keep the faith that God will continue to heal dad, answer our prayers and bless YOU for your commitment to HIM!

In my conversation this morning with mom, she told me that she was having “technical difficulties” and lost her journal entry that she wanted to share with all of you. I told her not to worry and I’ll update the page for her. I can always take time out of the day for this even when my athletic office is a crazy zoo! Here are the details of the meeting that mom, dad and the medical staff had yesterday. The therapist, doctors, psychologist, social worker, mom and dad were all present. Each person took their turn to report on dad’s current status and also what the next step is for his therapy.

A. The occupational therapist reported that dad is mastering the area of grooming himself. He is doing very well with math computation and problem solving skills too.
B. The physical therapist mentioned that this type of therapy has been a very difficult and painful experience for dad. The beginning steps of just working and strengthening the muscles and getting used to moving around is tough. He said there is a long road that lies ahead; however, he is very confident that dad will walk again someday. Thank you Jesus!
C. The speech therapist used the word “speedster” to describe dad’s progress. He is focusing on the areas of strengthening, swallowing and completing multi-tasks with dad, for example, he will be asking dad to read information, retain it and then tell someone what he has just read. The multi-task sessions will be very intense as dad will be working to improve his short-term memory.
D. Another report was that dad’s feeding tube will hopefully be removed out of his stomach next week and that dad will be able to drink liquids without the doctors thickening them.

After each of the therapists reported on dad’s progress, the doctor stated to mom and dad that he feels dad will be able to go home in approximately four to five weeks and will have to continue out-patient therapy at a local facility. Praise God! This will be the best Christmas present our family will ever get…our dad at home with us! Please continue to pray that dad will continue to heal in every way so he CAN come home soon!

He also mentioned that dad will be restricted to drive and go to work for one year and he will be restricted to intake any type of alcoholic beverages for the rest of his life as there is a high risk of seizures and other medical concerns that could occur.

When the meeting concluded, mom asked dad what he thought and he said, “I’m ok with anything, I’m just excited to go home!” Mom said, “What a guy!” She is so thrilled to see dad so positive and motivated to reach each daily goal! She knows it’s going to take one day at a time and one prayer at a time.

I want to take the time right now to extend my love to my mom! She is an amazing person and has so much strength from God each day. Mom – I know that dad is where he is today because of God and because of you! Your gentleness, love and compassion to him are remarkable! It takes a special person like you to be by dad’s side each step of the journey, to continue to have patience, to have sincerity, and to have God’s presence always. Thank you for modeling faith, hope and love to all of us! I love you!

“I will praise you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever. I will bless you every day, and I will praise you forever. Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise! His greatness is beyond discovery! Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts.” Psalm 145: 1-4

Wednesday, November 12, 2003 8:54 AM CST

Exodus 23:25 " And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee."

Good Day to All !

This is from my devotional. Proverbs 4:20-22 tells us God's Word is life to us and health to our bodies. That word health in Hebrew means "medicine"God's Word has life in it.It is actually spirit food. As you feed on it, you become strong spiritually and physically. When you read the Word of God meditate on it. It's a process. You can't just read the healing scriptures once and then go on about your business. You must continually feed on the Word of God to keep healing in your life. When you do that, you'll be walking healed everyday! You'll be walking in divine health.

John had another progressive day yesterday. A quick run down: PT - John walked five steps with the help of two therapists. SP - John did well with sentences, and clearity, plus eating regular food. The bread made him cough, and liquid with out thikening, this will take some time. More work to strenthen the swallow. OT- Johns working on washing himself , brushing his teeth, plus many other daily things we do. GT- Group theropy works on the memory and communicating skills.

We would like to have specific prayer for Johns hips and knees. There is bone build up in the muscle, and quite painful. And for Johns short term memory. God please heal these areas of Johns body to perfect health in Jesus name.

We have an update on John Valintine {Johns boss} surgery went well. Still in ICU. There is feeling in legs. Waiting for the swelling to go down around the spine to relieve the possible pinched nerve. Johns in good spirits. We are praying for you John. John knows and cares for you ,praying for your recovery to be one hundred percent.

Today we will have a meeting with Johns Dr.'s and therapist. We will talk about any concerns, what John has acomplished, and what direction were heading. Have a Great Day inthe Lord!

Psalm 139:14 I will praise thee, for Iam fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003 8:36 AM CST

Psalms 103:1-5
Praise the Lord, I tell myself; with my whole heart, I will
praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, I tell myself, and
never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all
my sins and heals all my diseases. He ransoms me from
death and surrounds me with love and tender mercies. My
youth is renewed like the eagles!

Hello Everybody,
This is Kayla, my mom said I could write the journal today.
Something new, right!?! Well praise God it was a
wonderful day yesterday.

Yesterday in therapy dad was in-between the parallel bars
and the therapist helped him to stand up and guided him to
walk. He took four steps which was a HUGE thing!

Later on that day, Dr. Fletcher told dads nurse (Negasi)
that he could discontinue dads tube feeding. They will keep
the PEG until he passes the test of swallowing all liquids.
When this happened mom, I, Dave and Tami Heiling
shouted with joy!

Dads’ sense of humor is still a hundred %! Yesterday mom
was telling me to do my homework and I said, “Just hold
on.” Then dad said, “Yeah Charlene!” Mom said, “OK
whatever.” Then when mom wasn’t looking dad was
making faces at her. It was so funny!!

Last night before we left, dad led us in prayer, it was so

Well I tried my best to write this, so if you like how I
filled you in, you can tell me and I will write more often!

Psalms 96:1-4
Sing a new song to the Lord! Let the whole earth sing to
the Lord! Sing to the Lord; bless his name. Each day
proclaim the good news that he saves. Publish his glorious
deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing
things he does. Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of
praise! He is to be revered above all the gods.

Thank You and God Bless
*~Kayla Marie~*

Monday, November 10, 2003 8:21 AM CST

Jesus said , “I will come and heal him.” Matthew 8:7

Good morning to all!

These last few days have been filled with excitement, emotion,and prayer. We did have a victory on Friday as many of you probably have already heard. We had the CT scan for John on his veins, and with praise and thanking Jesus, the blood thinner med will be discontinued this Tue because the blood clot in John's head has dissolved!

Off to St.Cloud we sat in excitement, it was end of 4th quarter and the Bison were tied 30 to 30 with the Huskies. So overtime we entered into. The Huskies get the ball first, and work themselves to a field goal. The score is now 30 to 33. The Bison work hard and fall
short of scoring. It was a tough and sad ending for the Bison. Last game of the season is this Sat at the Fargo dome. We are excited the Wabasso rabbits will be playing at the metrodome this Friday. We congratulate you, and wish you luck at state!

Saturday John had a great day with some of his siblings, their husbands, wives, nieces and nephews. John enjoyed every bit of their time with him. Thank you all for your support and Love it means so much to us. I and the kids came from the game and we kept John up til 9:10 pm. When we arrived Sunday morning, John was very sluggish and tired. By mid afternoon he was back with smiles and a strong voice. We had the most special prayer service yesterday. Our friend Carol Pelzel {Toots} came to John's room with communion, a service filled with prayer and totally a room filled with Gods presence. I will never forget that time it was so annointed. John is doing well with his soft foods, it
will take a couple of weeks for the weaning of the feeding PEG.

Nikki Called us yesterday with the news of John Valentine. Please check with yesterday's journal for more information. John fell from his deer stand on Sat. he injured his back,
and was operated on yesterday. Please prayer warriors lift him up, and pray for a complete recovery.

We’ve known for some time now about Amnanda’s boyfreind {Cody}, his mother Cindy Weist is battling cancer, she has been through so many treatments already.
You would all love Cody’s mom she is caring, kind, and courageous. She is the mother of seven children, three of the seven are at home. She has a wonderful husband Greg. We know God hears our prayers and through the stripes of Jesus she is healed. Please believe this with me and pray without stopping for her life. We love her so much. May Cindy have strength for each day for overcoming every obstacle that comes her way. We ask that God heals her completely, IN JESUS NAME AMEN!!!

We will keep you informed this week on everything. Have a God serving week!

Show me the path where I should walk. O Lord: point out the right road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me. for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. Psalm 25: 4-5

Sunday, November 9, 2003 10:13 AM CST

Hello Dear friends.
Thank you for checking in. I will update you on dad's health later today.

We have a prayer request that we want to get out to all of our wonderful prayer warriors. Yesterday John Valentine fell from his deer stand and is now up at North Memorial in Robinsdale, MN. John is dad's boss and friend. He is from Lamberton MN. At this time, I don't know John's status. I don't want to state what I heard as to not mispeak and end up sending out invalid information. I hope to hear more on John's health this afternoon. I will let you know at that time. Until then, please lift John Valentine and his family up in your prayers. Pray for divine healing and also for wisdom and guidance for the hospital staff.

***It is my understanding that John injured his 12th vertebrae. He went into surgery this morning and should be out of surgery later this afternoon.

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Friday, November 7, 2003 0:31 AM CST

Hello all dear friends!

Proverbs 18:10 " The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it and is safe."

It's been a full week going back and forth to HCMC. We went today and had Johns' hip exrayed. It took alot out of John. By the time we got back to Bethesda he was ready for bed.

All therapies were canceled for the day. So far what we know is there will need to be surgery down the road for Johns hip. The fracture and the build up around the bone will make John misserable if left that way. The one good thing came out of this is that the therapist have a go for John to bear weight on both legs. We will find out more in four weeks as to what type of surgery John will need. Keep praying for John to stay emotionally and physically strong to handle all what lies ahead.

At 7:00 am Kayla and I will be back with John heading to HCMC. This CT scan will see if the clot is gone , and they are able to discontinue the blood thinner.

Good luck Rabbits and Bison on your games ,stay warm!!!
God Bless , and have a great week end.

Thank you Tami Heiling for your help tonight with my show. Also to Mary Heiling and all you wonderful family and freinds who are keeping my bussiness going. You are all so amazing. John and I thank you !!!!

To God be the glory!! I keep thanking and praising Jesus for the continual healing ,being done in Johns' body and mind. In your time Lord. I need to keep telling myself that ,plus remembering all His promises,so I will not be discouraged.

3John 2 "Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."

Tuesday, November 4, 2003 1:00 PM CST

Psalms 108:1-5 My heart is confident in you, O God; no wonder I can sing your praised! Wake up, my soul! Wake up, O harp and lyre! I will waken the dawn with my song. I will thank you, Lord, in the front of the all the people. I will sing your praises among the nations. For your unfailing love is higher than the heavens Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. BE exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May your glory shine over
all the earth.

Hello again dear friends!
Today has been an amazing and emotional day already. Any one interested in hearing how dad’s visit to HCMC went? No? Okay...I’ll fill you in on it tomorrow! :)

HaHa! I wouldn’t dare do that to you! I stayed with mom and Kayla last night because of the early morning we had. Our day started when our alarms went off at 5:00am. We got to the hospital by 6:15 to meet dad who was already in the hallway waiting for us.

We arrived at HCMC at 6:30am. He had a CT on his arteries at 7:15am. From there we went over the Surgery Clinical area to have dad’s follow-up visit with the neurologists. We were so hoping we’d be able to see dad’s former doctors. (A few of them are now working in different areas of the hospital.)

Each doctor was paged (Dr. Trish...six times during the lecture she was attending). Each doctor came in and met dad today. It was a beautiful reunion!!! Many tears were shed,
especially from dad. He shook each of their hands and thanked them over and over. They were amazed at his progress! They refer to him as a super star and a miracle! Some of the doctors refer to dad’s story to current patients’ families that are going through the same thing that dad/we went through for encouragement and hope. It was so wonderful and therapeutic for all of us (mom, dad and I) to see each doctor and personally thank them for their dedication and compassion they had to help heal dad.

We also went down to the SICU and showed dad bed #5 where he was first cared for. We got to see many of the nurses that wonderfully cared for dad. Many of the words we heard were “WOW” and “You look great!”. What a wonderful reunion we had today!!!!

As we were waiting for dad’s transport to come and pick us up, we got a call from dad’s case manager. It was a “thumb’s-up” report! Dad has been pre-approved to be moved down to fourth floor! Praise the Lord!!! Sixth and fifth floor are designated for
respiratory rehabilitation. Fourth floor is for brain injury rehab. Dad may be moving down to fourth floor as early as this afternoon! We expect a much more intense rehabilitation schedule for dad. We are so excited for this move. Thank you for your
prayers concerning the red tape.

Dad is starting to ask more about his accident. He asked if we took any pictures of him while he was at HCMC. Sadly, we didn’t take very many. He doesn’t remember anything from HCMC. He continues to say that it’s all so amazing. At dad’s request, we
went down to the chapel last night and he led us in prayer and thanksgiving. What a special time we had.

On Thursday, dad heads back to HCMC for more x-rays. One is for his hip. Pray that God has completely healed dad’s hip appropriately and that there will be no need for re-breaking or replacing it. His other x-ray will be for the veins in his head. This will be
to verify the status of dad’s blood clot. Pray that God has completely broken down the clot so there will be no more need for the blood thinner.

Dad had two soft meals yesterday and lunch today (soft meaning baby food like texture). The PEG is still in dad’s stomach. They are weaning him off of the PEG by decreasing the feeding tube “formula” and increasing his “real” food in-take. What amazing
progress dad has been making! We are all so proud of him. Dad is determined to be healed. A goal we share is that dad will WALK out of the hospital when it is time to go home! Pray for dad to continue to be encouraged and determined to reach that goal.

2 Corinthinans 4:18 So we don’t look at the troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have no yet see. For the troubles we see will soo be over, but the joys to come will last forever. (NLT)

2 Corinthinans 4:18 We look (faith looks) not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. (KJV)

Sunday, November 2, 2003 7:23 PM CST

Psalm 150:1-6 Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness…Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

Hello dear friends. Thank you for checking in on dad.

First of all, congratulations to the NDSU Bison for their 35 to 3 victory over USD. Mom called dad’s room after each touchdown so we were able to cheer along with the crowd. Dad was very proud with each call, but emotional at the same time. It very hard for dad to be “cooped” up in a hospital while his son is playing football. We continue to keep November 15th as a goal to bring dad along to Johnny’s game to watch his last regular season game at Fargo! Dad is very determined to be well enough to leave the hospital for a day.

Yesterday was a very special day for me (Nikki). I had one-on-one time alone with dad. I don’t recall the last time I had my dad all to myself. Dad and I both agreed that its unfortunate that it took an accident like this to get us together one-on-one. I arrived at the hospital a little before 10:00am. Dad was dressed and up in his chair. Before we went down to OT, I shaved his face. We also took fifteen minutes to just hold hands and visit.

Dad initiated many of the conversations. He talked about how crazy all of this is…the accident, his health, etc. He mentioned how amazing his journey (healing, health, miracle, God’s faithfulness, etc) has been so far. He doesn’t remember much in the past two months. I told him that was okay. He wouldn’t want to remember some of them if he could.

He had OT and they worked on his right side (shoulder, arm, wrist, etc). He is getting much stronger with his right side. Then it was off to PT. Dad’s joints and muscles are quite stiff, tight and sore. It is painful for him to have his legs stretched out straight. His therapist, Jeff, helped dad to stand up. That was so exciting to see. He was told to only put pressure on his right leg when standing. Dad understood the instructions and followed them. He is not to put pressure on the left side until the doctors at HCMC take new X-rays and determine its status.

Dad meets with the HCMC neurologists for a follow-up visit on Tuesday, the 4th and with the orthopedics on Thursday the 6th. Since dad’s trach is out, he will be able to ride in a van! Hurray! Another goal set and met by dad. Dad is amazing doctors and nurses left and right. I’m so proud of him. I told him that he will be WALKING out of the hospital when it’s time to go home! Dad smiled and nodded. I know he has it in him!!!!

Dad mentioned that he has a lot of support from so many people. He got quite emotional when we talked about how blessed we are to have all of you in our lives. Dad is so grateful for your constant, heart-felt prayers as are the rest of us. Thank you, so much, dear friends for your love and prayers.

Our journey these past couple of months has been amazing. God has been ever faithful and ever present. I’ll close in a verse that is so fitting for this unforgettable journey. Because from the start, we gave it all over to God…dad’s health…his life. God knew what we as a family could endure. Because we turned to God’s word and promises, we knew that He would lead us through the paths we needed to take.

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

Friday, October 31, 2003 7:46 AM CST

10/31/03 Special Prayer Request:
Dear Friends, thank you for your devoted prayers for mom and dad. Mom has a special prayer request today. Pray for the "Red Tape" of the insurance be cleared. Dad cannot be moved to 4th floor until it is okayed by his health insurance provider. Please do not panic about our finacial situation, we have "Top" people working on dad's case. We know God is in control and He knows what is best for dad and our family. Pray specifically that the red tape can be cleared and we can continue moving forward with dad's rehabilition. Thank you!

Good Morning Dear Freinds & Family!

Since God chose you to be the holy people whom he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhesrted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Colossians 3:12 ( read the rest of chapter 3 it's really a good one)

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. 1Peter 2:9

I praise God he chose John and I for his purpose, there is so much we don't know or understand. And if I try to figure things out on my own my head goes into a spin, only God knows the out come of this journey we all are on. When I fill up on Gods word, and am encouraged by the support of all of you praryer warriors , we are so lifted up and at a peace,and protected. John and I are learning the patience, humility, gentleness, and tenderhearted mercy to wear daily.

John did get the trach out yesterday in the afternoon. Wow I was so surprised to learn that they pull out the trach tube, put a patch on and it heals over with in a day. John had a little slower day yesterday. His memory was on and off through out the day. I think he didn't have a good night sleep. You can lift that up in prayer for every night a good sleep. Today the therapist meet to decuss the plans on Johns move to 4th floor and the extent of adding more therapy. Also by Monday night they hope to feed John a soft supper. Last night I went back to my apartment by 10:10pm. If John had his way I would be sleeping in his room. I told John I loved him ,but I did need a good night rest in a soft bed not chair. Then he said it was ok for me to go home.

Hopefully the weather holds good for travel for everyone. The Wabasso Rabbits play today at the Fargo dome. GO RABBITS!!!! Then Johnny is so pumped to have so many family members staying over to go to his game on Sat. Johnny has been practicing tail back this week. Oh I hope I hve this correct. He said he will be running the ball some. He is so excited, and I'm so proud of him. GO BISON!!!! Nikki, Diane & Jim Guetter, and Lurpy& Nancy Frank will be up Sat. to visit John while I'm at JOhnny's game. Everyone have a great weekend , God Bless You all!

Praise God for all he has done!!!
" Blessed be the Lord....according to all that He promised; not one word has failed for all His good promise..." 1Kings 8:56

Thursday, October 30, 2003 7:36 AM CST

Jesus lives in me. He is my hope of Glory. Colossians1:27

Hello Christian Friends!
Today is a wonderful day in the Lord. I made it home yesterday to pick up winter coats, bring Kayla back to get caught up with school, and pick up some homeinterior business. I was so glad to make it back to St Paul safe. I was a little concerned about the weather, when I was home for two hours it was like a mini blizzard. I only enjoy winter through a child's mind.

Today will be a little different. Last night when I got back to the hospital, John was sitting up in his chair waiting for his guest to arrive. I walked in to the room, and John said I'm so glad you're here I've been expecting you . I told John I was happy to be back to be with him. He asked me how my day was, who I talked to(did you call any of my fam?). I asked him how his day went, he told me the Dr. came and talked to him, and told him he was doing an outstanding job. The Dr. gave orders to take out the catheter last night. So John is on his own, with help to the comode. Not something you want to tell the world, but this is huge. Plus today sounds like the day they will close the trach hole up. After that we move down to fourth floor. That means total focus on PT. We are so excited.

Then I recieved a book from a christian freind (a daily devotional) and I made a comment that I needed to read it daily and absorb all I can so I can all for Jesus, because I'm so grateful of the miracle he gave us! And John said I've been thinking of that too. When it was time for me to head to my apartment 10:30 pm. I told John I would be updating the journal so many of our friends and family will know what's going on, that John has so many wonderful people who care. I asked John if there anything he would like to say to you, and with tears in his eyes, he said "yes. "" I would like them to know I'm thinking of them, and I appreciate everything they have done for me." Again John mentioned work and our home, and Champ the dog. I told him not to worry for everyone is helping out and it is being taken care of. God bless you for everything you all are doing for us. We are deeply grateful!!! Have another great day in the Lord!!!

The Lord is on my side. I do not Fear. Praise Him with shouts of Joy. Psalm 118:6

Wednesday, October 29, 2003 8:41 AM CST

Good Morning Dear Freinds!

But you dear freinds, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you eternal life. Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, not let the sin contaminate you. To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy- to the only God our Savior to be glory , majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. Jude 1: 29-25

John again had a productive day. The therapies are working him hard, but we are seeing improvements. The right arm is able to go 50% of the total range of lift. In speech John is doing smiling exercise to strengthen his right side for a stronger swallow. Plus they have him stick out his tongue and hold it for three seconds, then the tongue out side to side, also tongue out curl up then down. Hey try this it's amazing the work out you get. The respitory therapist told John he was her star patient on sixth floor. John's trach has been plugged for a day now which is great, because he has been breathing through his nose and mouth. The next step will be closing up the trach hole. Pray for continued strength for John's total body. Have a God inspiring day!!!!!

I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, O Sovereign Lord; I will proclaim your righteousness, yours alone. Since my youth, O God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. Psalm 71 :16&17

Monday, October 27, 2003 9:58 PM CST

Hello dear friends. It has been weeks since I have added a journal entry. Tonight I am going to do something a little different. Rather than write to each one you, I have decided to write a letter/prayer to Jesus.

To Jesus, my Lord, my Savior, my FRIEND. Jesus, I love to speak your name. For your name is holy, your name is love, your name is healing, your name is power and your name is SALVATION. Thank you Jesus, for your everlasting love. I can’t help but praise your name constantly! A beautiful hymn that has been in my head for the past week is ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness’. I am learning and understanding the part that says “All that I needed thy hand hath provided.” (Philippians 4:19) Lord, you so faithfully supply my needs…thank you!

Your faithfulness is amazing! You have been so faithful to our family through our trials. Even at that darkest hour, walking the through the lowest valley, you were beside us…ever-present. You carried us through many difficult days.

Jesus, I pray for continued healing for my dad. I pray for his lower back, for it brings him much discomfort when sitting in a chair. I pray Proverbs 3:24 over dad, that when he lies down, he will not be afraid and his sleep will be sweet. I pray that dad allows you to fill him with peace and comfort through his recovery. Thank you for protecting dad from depression. Dad continues to be positive and is working hard in his time of healing and therapy.

Forgive me for being anxious, wanting dad back 100 percent...right now. For when I stop and remember those first few weeks at HCMC, I can’t help but praise and stand in awe of you for the miracle of healing you have blessed dad with. I also remember that first day praying over dad, asking you to heal him: each time I said, “Lord, heal my dad”, you responded to me with “In My time.” My days are filled with Joy knowing that You are healing dad in Your time. Hmmm…there is no better time, than Your time!

Jesus, I thank you that dad is to the point that he is being tested on the types of foods he can eat. Today he tried chocolate pudding, applesauce and cranberry juice. Although he struggled with some of them, you are making him stronger and soon, he will have that mastered. Jesus, I’m thankful for my dad’s voice. It melts my heart to hear him speak. I pray for dad to continue to gain strength in his throat to handle swallowing food and liquids. I also pray for continued strength in dad’s arms and legs.

Jesus, I am so thankful for all of the things you are teaching me. I am also thankful for the wonderful people you have placed in our lives through this website. I pray that each one of them opens their hearts to you and allows you to bless them and to fill their lives with peace, love and JOY!

I pray these things in your precious name. Amen

Thank you dear friends for sharing this prayer time with me. We are so grateful for each one of you and your love and prayers. Dad continues to do great. He is always so gracious and thankful to staff. They asked if he was always that way and we said YES!!!! As I said above, dad is starting to try different foods with a softer consistency. He is gradually getting better at swallowing them. His therapist, Andy, said they are going to keep working on it and trying different things each day.

Mom shared with me the special night they had. Mom took dad down to the 1st floor and they went into the chapel. She wheeled dad up towards the alter and mom prayed out loud. She ended it by saying ‘I pray in Jesus’ Name’. And dad finished by saying “Amen”. Later on, mom helped dad get ready for bed and tucked in. She cuddled in beside him and he put his arm out to Kayla. When they were all together, dad led them in prayer. He asked Kayla if she had any prayers to add. She said that dad already said what she would have said. So they all ended by singing the “Blessings” song (May the Blessings of the Lord be upon you, we bless you in the name of the Lord….) and “Thank you Lord for loving me, thank you Lord for saving our Souls”. Oh how beautiful that must have sounded!!!

Please lift mom’s uncle, Don Frericks up in prayer. Don had heart surgery today. Also pray for mom’s sister-in-law Lorri Heiling. Lorri is 30 weeks pregnant and now on full bed rest. Pray for protection over Lorri and the baby during the pregnancy.

Thank you again, dear friends, for your continued love and prayers. May God Bless you!

Friday, October 24, 2003 8:39 AM CDT

“It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night, to the music of the ten-stringed lyre and the melody of the harp.” Psalm 92: 1-3

Prayer Warriors, your daily prayers of praise have been much appreciated! Please continue to thank God each and every day for the blessings he has shared with dad as well as all of us! We can never say “thank you” enough to Him for his mighty works! As dad continues to grow stronger each day, we will continue to praise the Lord and ask for more healing on dad. Through this God’s promise is “when thanksgiving and praise becomes an integral part of your life, you will find that your attitude toward life will change.” Praise God!

Yesterday dad had his five daughters visiting him and we had such a wonderful time with him. Dad’s voice is growing stronger as he is communicating more and more with it. All but one of his grandchildren were there too so he was able to witness the laughing, crying, fighting, screaming, running, and once in a while, sitting quietly just like before. The kids were quite entertaining at times. Dad would just sit back and smile at each one of them. He tickled the babies toes, gave high fives to the older girls and shook his finger and said, “No, No” to Carter. Dad’s personality and humor is wonderful! Seeing dad do and say things the same way before the accident makes us so happy and we THANK GOD each day for that!

As dad was sitting in his chair, he was very, very uncomfortable. He would ask mom to place rolled up towels by his lower back area to release some of that agonizing pain. Mom, you are so wonderful to dad, so comforting to his needs, and so compassionate to his feelings! Thank you for your tender-loving care on dad and for your patience! God has given you a gift of love and you have shown us what true love is all about!

Before we prayed as a family with dad, Nikki asked him what specific thing he wanted us to pray for and dad said in one word, “Healing.” We did exactly that and sang the blessing song over dad. Prayer Warriors, please grant dad’s request by praying for God’s constant healing over him – inside and out! Dad wants to come home soon and we all know this is in God’s timing! Thank you and may God continue to change your life each day!

Family and friends who plan to visit dad, the Bethesda medical staff made a request to communicate this information to all of you: Starting on Monday, October 27th, each of dad’s daily therapy sessions will be more lengthy and intense. Consequently, they will have very strict visiting hours each day for dad and the available time to visit will be from 6:30 – 8:00pm each night. They are making this change for the benefit of dad. They feel he needs more quality rest in between the therapy sessions. Thank you for understanding and respecting the medical staff’s decision!

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.” Psalm 95: 1-2

Thursday, October 23, 2003 7:38 AM CDT

My heart is confident in you, O God; no wonder I can sing your praises! Wake up my soul! Wake up O harp and lyre! I will waken the dawn with my sog. I will thank you, Lord in front of all his people. I will sing your praises among the nations. For your unfailing love is higher then the heavens. May your glory shine over the earth. Psalm 108:1-8

Oh I do praise the Lord for all he is doing! Gods word is a light unto my feet. Gods word is my strength when I am in trouble, or feeling sad ,down ,or hopeless. Gods holy word is life and is my weapon to fight off the fiery darts satan throws at me. I would be nothing without Jesus as my Lord and savior. In Jesus name , and by the blood of the Lamb John has victory in healing. Thank you Lord for all the answered prayer not only for John Frank but also for the many this web page has reached.

Yesterday was amazing. When Kayla and I arrived at the hospital we met him at his thearopy session. She was working on stretching the arm muscles. After that wwe took John to his room. We were talking to someone and they asked if the trach was going to be changed. John spoke up and said they did it . Kayla looked , and said Yeap mom the number reads 4" . I was just taken back first thatit was done already and second that it was John that told me. John passed the blue dye test. Now they will work on some foods.(baby food) They will see how all the swallowingworks. John , Kayla, and I played yatzee Last night and of coarse Kayla beat her mom and dad. We went on a date last night. Kayla John and I went to floor c to the cafeteria, where there was an african musical group there playing some diverse music . It was educational John seemed to enjoy it. I know I did. I had to laugh at Kayla though, I think she expected rap music.

I will ask for specific prayer for Johns back. The strenghth needs to come back for John really gets erritated sitting to long. We go back for check ups with HCMC on Novemer 4th and 6th. If he doesn't have the trach he can ride in a van. If not we have to go by ambulance. So we'er hoping John is weaned from the trach before then. And so far so good that John is totally protected from depression. I praise God for the makings of John God has given John such a great sence of humor. I'm excited for today. Nikki, Melissa, Amanda, plus some of the grandkids are coming today to see John. Until tommarrow Gods blessings be upon you.

Jesus replied " what is impossible from human perspective is possible with God!" Amen

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:57 AM CDT

God is life
Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ child of God,And everyone who loves the Father loves his childern too . We know we love God,s commandments, and really, that isn,t difficult. For every child of God defeats this evil world by trusting Christ to give victory. And the ones who win this battle against the world are the ones who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. 1John 5:1-5

For the most part yesterday went well. I should say John had a great day, it was Kayls and I, the home work thing was a little stressful. Plus Kayla fell in Love with some toy palmaramion puppies. Kayla went pleading to John for one of these little puppies to make their home with us. John said no, and Kayla was very sad......
John was given a blue dye in his mouth to see where his saliva was going. If it properly goes down the right tube they will be able to down size the trach again. I will find out this morning on the details. Today John talked to Melissa and Amanda for a few moments. It was so very awesome.
I hope you all hang in there with me ,my spelling of words without spell check is not so good. Again thank you all for the wonderful messageses on the guest book. It is inspiration for us . It helps to release ,and be totally in the presence of God thanking Him for where He brought us.

Shout with Joy to the Lord , oh earth! Worship the Lord with Gladness. Come before him with singing with joy. Psalm 100:1&2

Tuesday, October 21, 2003 7:25 AM CDT

In Christ and through faith in him we may approach God with feedom and confidence Ephiesians 3:12
I grow up in every way and in all things into Him by walking in love. Ephiesians 4:15

Hello Christian Wariors !

Lots to catch you up with. Sunday we did get the doctor to give us permission to take John outside. It was absolutely heavenly out. John had to squint his eyes because it was so long ago that he had been out doors. Bethesda has a beautiful park in front of the building, that has paved walking trails, which makes it easy for the wheel chair. Johnny and Ann, his girl friend came Sunday afternoon ,John just lit up . Then we took John out for the second time. And of coarse Kayla was our little entertainer. She did a dance for John, did cartwheels, and did alot of crazy actions to get John to smile.

Yesterday went so fast. Kayla and I went shopping for shorts for Johm. Well time escapes you when your in a store, ( well I guess it would be a girl thing) right girls?When we got to the hospital John was already wiped after theorpy. When he woke up he asked how I was and held out his hand for Kayla. Kayla has such a way of making John laugh. She kept bugging him if she could go to California, my sister Arlene asked her to come out some time. Any way he responded with a no. ( mouthing the word NO, shaking his head NO, and writing the word No.) Do you think she can go to California? It just makes you laugh at precious times like these when John understands whats going on. The short term memory is a little frustrating right now for John. You tell him the day of the week and date and then a half hour later ask him ,he struggles with that. So that is what I'm asking today to be lifted up in prayer. I could go on and on with little conversations that get Kayla and I going with John. But I want to leave with one more incredible thing that happened last night. We were out in the family room and decided to call Brett and Nikki, Brett answered the phone, Kayla asked John if he wanted to talk to Brett, at first John said no, but Kayla put the phone in front of Johns face. John took the phone from Kayla with his left hand and put it up to his left ear. John said hello to Brett, answered all the questions Brett was asking . At the end of the conversation John told Brett to say hi to the girls. You will all have to ask Brett what he felt at that moment. Kayla and I were in shock, first we thought we would listen close to the conversation and answer for John. Second we didn't realize John could get loud with his voice. That truly was a God praising moment.

I would like for all you prayer wariors to keep my sister Arlene lifted in prayer, she will be undergoing surgery today on her female parts she has a sist sitting on one of her ovaries, the size of an orange and lots of small ones. Its 11:00 am our time. Heal her from the inside out dear Lord, By Your stripes she is healed in Jesus name.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephiesians 1:3

Sunday, October 19, 2003 11:38 AM CDT

“For this reason, I fall on my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth receives its true name. I ask God from the wealth of his glory to give you power through his Spirit to be strong in your inner selves, and I pray that Christ will make his home in your hearts through faith.” Ephesians 3: 14-17

Prayer Warriors, continue to be strong in your faith as Christ urges you to do so. He has promised to make his home in your heart and what motivation that should be. He has made His home in dad’s heart as dad shows us how God works miraculously to heal as well as provide truth in each of his promises. Our God is truly AWESOME and through him ALL things are possible!

Let me say this again…..God is AWESOME! “Wow” is the word of the day today! Mel and I brought our babies, Will and Drew, to see dad yesterday. When we walked in his room, the respiratory therapist was working with dad’s trach to adjust it in a way to allow air to his voice box. The therapist wanted us to hear dad’s voice. She asked dad to tell her our names and he named each one of us using his voice! His voice is faint at this time but as dad continues to strengthen, so will his voice. Mel held Will next to dad and asked him what “other special event” is on Will’s birthday. Dad said his anniversary and he also told the therapist how many years he and mom have been married! Praise God!

The therapist told us she was going to leave dad’s trach set where it was so when mom arrived, dad could surprise her with his voice. When mom arrived with Kayla that evening, the therapist stood by the door and said, “John, I have a surprise for you. Charlene is here.” Dad turned his head to the door, looked at mom and said, “Wow!” Mom went over to him, gave him a kiss on the forehead and dad then asked, “How was your day?” This brought tears to our eyes. Before the accident, Dad didn’t let one day go by without asking this question to mom. After mom told him how her day went, dad told her, “I’ve been thinking about you.” Wow is the perfect word for describing this testimony! Thank you Jesus for your healing power over dad. Dad will be your example and we will be your witnesses! Through dad, your mighty works will be displayed!

Continue to pray for dad to gain strength in his voice and also on the right side of his body. We all know that dad will work 100o heal on the inside and out so we all need to give 100o the Lord by praising and praying for his mighty healing power on dad! You will be blessed immensely for your commitment and compassion! Thank you!

“I will always thank the Lord; I will never stop praising him. I will praise him for what he has done; may all who are oppressed listen and be glad! Proclaim with me the Lord’s greatness; let us praise his name together!” Psalms 34: 1-3

Friday, October 17, 2003 9:20 PM CDT

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. As you make your requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. Pray this way for kings and all others who are in authority, so that we can live in peace and quietness, in godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, for he wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and people. He is the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone.” 1Timothy 2: 1-6

Prayers Warriors, continue to pray as the Heavenly Father urges you to do so. He has chosen to let us help him change the world through our prayers. The Lord promises that our “earnest prayers will have powerful results”! We all have been witnesses to this promise that He as made. Dad is being healed because of our strong faith and prayers of praise and healing! John Frank is being healed in the name of the Most High! Thank you Jesus for listening to our prayers and saving John Frank!

Dad continues to become stronger physically each day. He is now able to use his right forearm and hand to push mom’s hand forward. Mom has been so dedicated to dad during his healing process. She continues to assist the therapists each day and works with dad to provide comfort and support. Mom, you are so inspiring to thousands of people. Thank you Jesus for giving mom the strength and faith that she needs each day to guide dad along the straight path of recovery. We love you!

The speech therapist has now shortened the “trach” in dad’s neck. The length was shortened two inches; therefore, Dad is one step closer to using his voice independently. The therapist also placed a telephone along the side of dad and asked dad to punch in (dial) his home phone number. HE DID IT! Dad also remembered other phone numbers that the therapist asked him to dial. Praise God!

Another reason to praise God is that dad is completely out of the moderate to near coma state! The medical personnel who are specialized in this area said the drug is completely out of his body! The staff commented on how pleased they are on the progress that dad has made in such a short period of time! Thank you Jesus for your power of healing on dad and we ask that you continue to work those miraculous miracles each day!

Please continue to pray specifically for dad to remain patient and calm as he becomes more aware of the situation. Pray that our gentle and caring Lord will continue to take away dad’s burdens, wash away his fear, and build up his inner-strength to improve each day!

“Shout with joy to the Lord, O earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” Psalm 100: 1-3

Thursday, October 16, 2003 10:15 AM CDT

***Hi All! I did not know mom already updated the journal. So, I'm going to include BOTH my entry and hers. Keep in mind, I have not talked to her at all today and please note the first sentences of each of our entries. God is good and so amazing!!!!

Nikki's Entry:
“Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing! Power and majesty, PRAISE to the KING!…”

Hello dear friends!
This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! Thank you so much checking in on dad. His health continues to strengthen. The Bethesda staff is so pleased and amazed with dad’s progress. Just two and a half weeks ago, dad was in a moderate coma state, only moving the fingers on his left hand by command. Today, dad holds his head up on his own, does a secret hand shake with Kayla, wiggles his toes, blows kisses and teases mom!!! He is wiggling his fingers and moving his wrist on his right hand…praise God!

Alison and I brought Kayla back up to be with mom last night. Dad was in his wheelchair when we arrived. We took him for a walk up and down the hallway while the two girls ran and danced in front of him. When we were stopped and standing around dad, Kayla, with her drama background, began entertaining dad. We laughed at her and I said, “She is soooo weird…I wonder where she gets it?” Within a second, dad pointed his thumb towards mom!!!! We all laughed so hard, including dad! That is the response I was hoping to get from dad. It was so wonderful to see. He used a TON of his “old” facial expressions, just like he did two months ago.

He put together a six-piece puzzle on Tuesday. Yesterday he had several pictures of a person making a phone call and had to line them up in the order that they occurred. He passed with flying colors!!!! He mouthed a few things to us. Kayla asked who all visited him this weekend and he started mouthing a few people. He is still quite weak, so it is a bit difficult to read his lips. But that will come in time. He counted to ten for Kayla.

He was quite wiped out by 7:30. He gets pretty overwhelmed with people asking so many questions. Although it is difficult seeing my dad in a hospital bed or wheelchair, my heart leaps for joy knowing how far he has come and that God HAS healed him. I am more ecstatic knowing that God is going to restore dad’s health in HIS time!

They have not shortened the Trach in dad at this point. His doctor is very thorough and does not want to rush things. We are grateful for the compassion God has given dad’s doctors, nurses and therapists. We are speculating they will shorten the Trach within the next couple of weeks. It is about eight inches long at this time (I think). When it is reduced to four inches he will be able to use a machine to help him talk until the Trach is completely gone. Please know that I do not have a medical background and have not had a chance to talk to dad’s doctor, therefore, this is only my understanding and it may not be 100ccurate. After the Trach is completely removed, dad will be moved to a different floor and work with different people on the rest of his rehabilitation.

Our specific prayer requests for dad is obviously for continued improvements and strength. Pray that dad can stay upbeat and encouraged. It is frustrating for him to not be able to move around or communicate with us. I pray that any type of depression will be REBUKED, for it is NOT from God, but from Satan. Pray that God will fill dad with peace, comfort and joy beyond comprehension!

Also, please remember to pray for our friends, sweet little Carl (www.caringbridge.org/mn/carcar) and John Swenson as well as their families.

2 Thessalonians 3:3-5 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one…May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.

Char's Entry:
Good Morning to All!

"This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it!"

"Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you wll be strong in character and ready for anything." James 1;2-4

WE HND A MOST WONDERFUL DAY YESTERDAY! John had such a great sense of humor . Nikki and Kayla came to see John. Kayla was being a little crazy and weird. Nikki asked John where she gets that from, then he pointed to me (Char) , and smiled. When I leaned over John to straighten out his lift belt,John tickled me in my ribs. I get so excited for this because it gives the hope that things are coming back to Johns memory. The voice thearopy was a little stuggle yesterday, but thats ok,its just going to take time.

We need prayer for Johns strength to return to his legs and right arm. His right shoulder is real stiff and pains him when being lifted in thearopy.

I have our oldest grandchild Alison to spend the day with papa John. He just lit up when he saw her.She held his hand so gently,and John rubbed Alisons hand it was a precious site.

I will close with a reflection from my devotional,And I pray that you all have a special God anointed day!
God I praise You for your sovereignty over the broad events of my life and over the details. With you nothing is accidental, nothing is incindental, and no experience is wasted. You hold in Your own power my breath of life and all my destiny. And every trial that You allow to happen is a platform on which You reveal Yourself, showing Your love and Power, both to me and to others looking on. Thank You that I can move into the future nondefensively, with hands outstreched to whatever lies ahead, for You hold the future and You will always be with me, even to my old age... and through all eternity.

There is none like Thee, O Lord: Thou are great, and great is Thy name in might. Jeremiah 10 ; 6

Thursday, October 16, 2003 8:58 AM CDT

Good Morning to All!

"This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it!"

"Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you wll be strong in character and ready for anything." James 1;2-4

WE HND A MOST WONDERFUL DAY YESTERDAY! John had such a great sense of humor . Nikki and Kayla came to see John. Kayla was being a little crazy and weird. Nikki asked John where she gets that from, then he pointed to me (Char) , and smiled. When I leaned over John to straighten out his lift belt,John tickled me in my ribs. I get so excited for this because it gives the hope that things are coming back to Johns memory. The voice thearopy was a little stuggle yesterday, but thats ok,its just going to take time.

We need prayer for Johns strength to return to his legs and right arm. His right shoulder is real stiff and pains him when being lifted in thearopy.

I have our oldest grandchild Alison to spend the day with papa John. He just lit up when he saw her.She held his hand so gently,and John rubbed Alisons hand it was a precious site.

I will close with a reflection from my devotional,And I pray that you all have a special God anointed day!
God I praise You for your sovereignty over the broad events of my life and over the details. With you nothing is accidental, nothing is incindental, and no experience is wasted. You hold in Your own power my breath of life and all my destiny. And every trial that You allow to happen is a platform on which You reveal Yourself, showing Your love and Power, both to me and to others looking on. Thank You that I can move into the future nondefensively, with hands outstreched to whatever lies ahead, for You hold the future and You will always be with me, even to my old age... and through all eternity.

There is none like Thee, O Lord: Thou are great, and great is Thy name in might. Jeremiah 10 ; 6

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:37 AM CDT

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12: 2

Prayer Warriors – during this time, the Holy Spirit is renewing, reeducating and redirecting our minds to be free of the unpleasant thoughts and worries. Let Him work through you to “be conformed” and you will find comfort!

We continue to rejoice in the Lord always as dad continues to heal inside and out! Yesterday, the speech therapist, Andy, decided it was time to “test” dad’s ability to speak using his voice. The procedure that he used was that he covered the open area where his tracheotomy was to direct air through the passage way to his voice box. The therapist asked dad to talk to mom and he did! As mom heard dad’s voice, tears immediately strolled down her cheeks! Thank you Jesus for allowing dad to use his voice to communicate to mom! The therapist said, “Char, his voice box works!”

During this session, the speech therapist asked dad to recite the months of the year, what type of vehicle he drove to work, and the “make” of the vehicle which is a “chevy”. The therapist told dad what month and day it was then paused and after the pause he asked dad, “What is the date today?” Dad responded with the correct answer, in fact, he responded correctly to all of the questions! Until dad becomes stronger, however, he will only be able to use his voice to communicate during these therapy sessions. Praise God for allowing dad to keep the information stored in his short-term memory and communicate the information using his voice!” Continue to pray that the therapist uses the most effective procedures for dad to gain the strength that he needs to use his voice on daily basis.

During dad’s occupational therapy session, he worked on sorting objects by putting a puzzle together. The therapist was pleased with dad’s ability. Again, this area is testing dad’s eye-hand coordination.

Mom also mentioned that dad graduated from a plastic razor to an electric razor! Mom continues to take great care of him each day! She jokingly told dad that if she continues to shave his cheeks twice a day, his skin will be as soft as a baby’s bottom! Dad smiled at that one! Mom is now able to stroll dad down the halls to take him on short walks. She said she’ll have to have Kayla walk in front of them to entertain the two of them to make the walk full of excitement! Dad smiled!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers! The Word of God is our strength and we have to give all the glory to Him! He is the one transforming our minds to bring our feelings at peace! Remember that you will always find comfort when you “stop and pray”. We will be protected by His words and His marvelous promises!

Another testimony to God’s promises is this: John Swenson, mom and dad’s good friend, came out of surgery and the family was informed that he does have lymphoma, however; it is treatable with the procedure of chemotherapy. Another positive note is that the diagnosis has improved! Praise God for John’s faith in the Lord!

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12: 21

Monday, October 13, 2003 9:59 PM CDT

Greetings family and friends,

Then Jesus said, "Come to me ,all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light."
Matt 11:28-30

Well today was another great day from our Lord. John made my day, he reached his left hand to my shoulder and gently messaged it. I told him thank you,and also that I loved him then he mouthed back to me I love you too. I was so touched to tears. I was able to stroll John down the hall a few rounds. John also looked out the window at the majestic view of the capital at night. I asked him if he could see the capital ,he said yes and pointed to it. Wow!,

Please lift in prayer for his legs and arms to be strenthened,so he is able to move more on his own. He gets so sore in same position for to long. His hip still seems to bother him. We are unsure what they will do with the fracture. Pray for that as well.

Continue to keep Carl and John Swensen in your prayers. As soon as I get the up date on John I will inform you. Take care and keep praising our Lord for the healings!

Praising God for all he is -savior ,loving father, healer , provider. May God bless you with his special favor and wonderful peace as you come to know Jesus, our God and Lord,* better and better. 2Peter1:2

Sunday, October 12, 2003 4:53 AM CDT

“Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him! The Lord builds us Jerusalem; he gathers the exiles of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147: 1-3

How pleasant and fitting it is to Praise God ALWAYS for his healing power on dad as well as the many people who have given their lives to him as a testimony of their faith! Thank you Jesus for working these miracles daily and using other people like Carl to prove how AWESOME you are and how your word is the TRUTH and a PROMISE. Prayer Warriors, continue to share the outburst of praise of God with others; this is God’s way of using you as a messenger to “open the eyes of one’s heart”!

What a perfect time to Praise God and that I did! Daren and I brought our little Jordan up to see dad on Saturday and tears of joy were shared when we witnessed something pretty special. I have to share a little history on dad’s relationship with his first grandson, Jordan. When Jordan was old enough to talk, dad taught him how to respond to the question, “What does Papa say,” and Jordan was taught to say, “No, no.”, while pointing his finger and shaking it. Well, Jordan mastered that and the next lesson was to give Papa a bump. Dad would make a fist and Jordan would too, then bump dad’s fist pretty aggressively. Oh, that always brought the biggest smile to dad’s face. Of course, Jordan thought he was “cool” entertaining the rest of us. Daren and I knew that it was time to bring Jordan do see his Papa and how awesome it was! When we brought Jordan in dad’s room, we told him we had Jordan along and Jordan said, “Hi Papa, I love you Papa!” I told dad that Jordan wanted to give him a bump and dad immediately made a fist with his left hand and Jordan gave him a good, solid bump just like before! Praise God!!! You should have heard Jordan’s giggle! Dad, you touched his heart immensely and filled ours full of joy!

While we were visiting, dad had a session of occupational and physical therapy. The therapists invited the family down to watch both sessions. During occupational therapy, dad worked on his eye/hand coordination. The therapist was very happy with what dad accomplished! Daren and Tom were very motivational coaches! This was the first time this therapist met dad so she was asking him questions about his personal life to get to know him. Remember, dad is unable to speak through words with his voice, however, he is communicating non-verbally – nods, gestures, or “mouthing” the words. Dad aced the test when the therapist asked him how old he was, where he lived, how many sons he had and what baby Will’s name was as Mel held Will closely by dad’s side. We could read dad’s lips! Thank you Jesus and continue to help dad communicate verbally so we can hear his gentle voice again!

Before dad’s rest time, Mel and I went in to say our good-byes to him. We both told him how much we love him and thanked him for a great day! Mel said, “Dad, tell us you love us before we leave.” Dad looked at both of us, held our hands, and we read his lips saying, “Love you.” This is a moment that we will cherish forever.

Prayer Warriors, continue to Praise God daily for his miraculous deeds and ask for continuous healing on dad’s hip area and speech. God is certainly present and hears every request that we have for Him!

“Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend our works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds. They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.” Psalm 145: 3-7

Visitors of dad: Please continue to wear gloves every time you go into his room. Also, the medical staff requests that no contact is made on dad’s lips as the bacteria is still present and there is still a high risk of receiving more quite easily. (Mom, God is working on this as quickly as possible just for you!) Also, please honor dad’s quiet time for resting. His therapy sessions are quite intense so his rest is as equally important to fuel up for the next session. If you see that dad is tired, just ask him to rest and your quiet presence will be just as comforting to him. Your prayers are much appreciated as well! May God continue to comfort you and answer to every request that you have! God Bless!

Friday, October 10, 2003 10:45 AM CDT

Lift your hands to God and sing with me: Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above Ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Hello dear friends!
Before I forget, please note in the previous journal entry that our website may be down for up to 72 hours this weekend.
***And, we added a picture of dad at Bethesda in the "Photo Album".

Also, a special little boy from Franklin MN has neuroblastoma cancer. This is a very rare type of cancer and he has undergone extensive chemo treatments. Carl is his name and he is three years old. His family has a link to dad’s website from their main caringbridge page. They have been praying for our family. Please make time to pray for Carl and his family. Carl has never met dad, but he had some AMAZING things to say about dad and his accident. You can find that story on Carl’s website go to the past journal entries site and look for Wednesday, October 8 at 9:47am. WOW, it’s amazing how God shows things to other people (especially children) to encourage us and remind us that He is ALWAYS present! Little Carl, I know you have Jesus in your heart. What a special boy you must be! I hope to meet you some day! Our love and prayers are with you! Carl’s caringbridge website is: www.caringbridge.org/mn/carcar

Dad continues to get stronger by the day! It had been four days since I last saw dad. WOW…it’s amazing how much stronger his is and how much has done in those four days! At home, dad often, in a loving voice, tells the grandbabies “No, no!” while shaking his finger. I brought all three kids to see dad last night. He reached out with his left hand and touched each one of them. When I brought Carter up by him, dad shook his finger at him as to say “No No!” just as he did at home! Later that night, we asked Carter, “What does Papa say?”, and he shook his finger “No No!”

He held each of the girls’ hands and squeezed them so tight. He kept rubbing their hands and fingers with his thumb. Ally got very sad. But dad in a gentle way, shook Ally’s hand as if to say, “Don’t cry, it’s going to be okay!” He even brought his left hand up to his mouth and blew her a kiss. Oh, our hearts melted!!!!

Dad is using more facial expressions. I asked if his head or trach hurt and he said no. I asked about his hip, but he didn’t answer. Pray for healing in dad’s hip and that he can be comfortable. I’m amazed at what he all does with his left hand. He kept trying to tug at his gown. He wanted it off so he could pull out his PEG. He does not like the cords and needles in his body.

He wiggled his fingers on his right hand…on command!!! Praise God! Remember that that’s how he began with his left hand. Each week they try to shorten the tube in his trach. I believe it’s around 6 to 8 inches long now. When they get to 4 inches, they hope to use some type of machine/microphone for dad to start speaking.

Continue to pray for dad’s healing. Pray for his hip to not cause dad pain. Pray for the communication to continue to increase. The therapists may bring up some type of dry erase board for dad to try writing on today. Pray that dad is strong enough to be able to write (with his left hand…even though his is right-handed) and express himself.

Oh God is so amazing and so faithful. It’s beautiful on how far dad has come in almost 8 weeks. Ally was telling the nurse that her birthday was coming up (“April” is coming up when your are a four year old). The nurse smiled and said, “Your papa will be home for your birthday!” How wonderful that day will be when our papa, daddy, husband, son, brother and friend comes home!

One of my favorite bible verses. This is a great one to have memorized!
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-7

Wednesday, October 8, 2003 7:13 AM CDT

You give me your shield of victory, Oh Lord, and your right hand sustains me ; you stoop down to make me great. Psalm 18:35

Good morning family and friends!
It's another good report. It will take time for John’s brain to get totally healed, but he is making progress. A prayer request is that John will be able to be consistent on his responses to questions. Also that the speech will soon come.

Last night was really tickling for Kayla. She has her nightly ritual…she takes five minutes alone with John to say her good nights. (I think they planned this.) When I came back in the room to say good night, Kayla said, “Kiss dad” and she puckers up her lips as if she is going to kiss John, then John responded just as Kayla did. Then I decided to ask for a kiss as well and said, “John I love you, kiss”? He shook his head no to me. I gave John and Kayla a bad time, in fact I slugged Kayla’s arm. Well, let me tell you, John got a huge charge out of that one, he had a smiling smirk on his face. “I will find a way to get even” I told them. They both smiled at each other. It was worth a million! All vital signs remain good and stable. Daily his body gains strength. We are so happy of the progress. We give God the Glory!

Thank you, God, for the past victories You have won in my loved ones' lives-for progress and growth and answered prayer-and for the victories we will yet to see in the future, to the glory of Your Name. I praise You that as time goes by, in new ways You will show us Your goodness in the land of the living.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Wednesday, October 8, 2003 7:13 AM CDT

****10/10/03: Sorry for the lack of updates. Dad is doing great! I visited him last night and have cute stories to tell. I will share them with you later today as time permits. Also here is an FYI from Caringbridge. Bottom line is that this site will be unavailable Saturday afternoon. Therefore, do not panic if you cannot get to this site.

CaringBridge is moving to a new web server on Saturday, October 11, 2003 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST. The move is necessary to update the technology to better serve you.

What does this mean for you? First, it will not change how you use CaringBridge for your day-to-day updates and/or viewing. Second, the CaringBridge Web site will not be available for use on 10/11/03 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. It may take up to 72 hours past the move date for you to be able to make updates. You will know the server change is complete once you are able to update your page with new journal and guestbook entries. Watch this page for the latest news on this change.

***If you have time, check out caringbridge's homepage. It is a nonprofit organization. It has been a blessing to our family. We plan to donate money to caringbridge when dad comes home. If you have been touch by this website and God has put it on your heart to donate to caringbridge as well, click on the link at the bottom of this page. God Bless you and have a wonderful day!!!****

You give me your shield of victory, Oh Lord, and your right hand sustains me ; you stoop down to make me great. Psalm 18:35

Good morning family and friends!
It's another good report. It will take time for John’s brain to get totally healed, but he is making progress. A prayer request is that John will be able to be consistent on his responses to questions. Also that the speech will soon come.

Last night was really tickling for Kayla. She has her nightly ritual…she takes five minutes alone with John to say her good nights. (I think they planned this.) When I came back in the room to say good night, Kayla said, “Kiss dad” and she puckers up her lips as if she is going to kiss John, then John responded just as Kayla did. Then I decided to ask for a kiss as well and said, “John I love you, kiss”? He shook his head no to me. I gave John and Kayla a bad time, in fact I slugged Kayla’s arm. Well, let me tell you, John got a huge charge out of that one, he had a smiling smirk on his face. “I will find a way to get even” I told them. They both smiled at each other. It was worth a million! All vital signs remain good and stable. Daily his body gains strength. We are so happy of the progress. We give God the Glory!

Thank you, God, for the past victories You have won in my loved ones' lives-for progress and growth and answered prayer-and for the victories we will yet to see in the future, to the glory of Your Name. I praise You that as time goes by, in new ways You will show us Your goodness in the land of the living.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Tuesday, October 7, 2003 7:00 AM CDT

Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. Psalm 113:2-3

Hello to all, dear friends!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of you love and prayers and especially for lifting those praises up to God! Our days have been filled with so much praise over the past seven weeks that we could add another chapter to the book of Psalms!!!

I talked to mom and Kayla last night and Monday was another great day!!! Thank you Jesus!!! Dad is nodding his head to communicate! It’s wonderful! He even does it when spoken to as if to let you know he is listening and understanding what you’re saying. Oh, Praise God! He is getting stronger and stronger each day! He sat in the chair for a longer period of time yesterday. He’s been lifting his left arm up a lot even on commands. He lifted it all the up to his shoulder to scratch it. He even lifted it up when Kayla asked so she could give him a high five!

Kayla said he was squeezing his right hand for her and mom today…on command! Little by little God is restoring dad’s health. Oh, God is so faithful. He loves us all so much. No matter what we are going through or the paths we take, He is near and loves us beyond comprehension. What a comfort!!!!

Dear friends. Thank you again for your continued prayers. You have been such an encouragement to our family. Words will never express the gratitude we have for your faith and support. In my prayers, I thank God for each of you. Even the people that do not list their names, God knows your name and blesses you. I want to encourage each of you to continue to keep your faith high and trust in God through all trials, no matter the size. We will all rejoice together as one on the day that we see our loving Savior’s face!

For now, we will continue with the same prayer requests: communicating with dad and getting him to completely wake up out of the coma. Wow, I know God is hearing and answering them!

He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hop are in God. 1 Peter 1:20-21

Monday, October 6, 2003 8:19 AM CDT

The beginning of an awesome song…sing it with me: “How good and pleasant it is when we live together in unity, and praise the Lord! And Praise the Lord!”

Hello Christian Soldiers!
First of all, congratulations to the NDSU Bison for their victory over the USM Mavericks on Saturday! Johnny had quite the fan club cheering him on at the game. The weather was beautiful and we all came home with sunburns!

On Sunday, dad’s room was filled with TONS of joy, love and praises to Jesus!!! Five out of the six of us kids plus spouses, friends and mom went up to the hospital Sunday morning. As soon as they got there, they surrounded themselves around dad and said they were all there to see him. They named off their names and said how much they loved him. As they were greeting dad, he began to weep!!! Oh how beautiful. There was not a dry eye in the hospital room in that moment!!! As they wept with dad, they began praising God! God has been so faithful. He hears and answers our prayers!

Dad looked great! He is lifting his left arm up and wiggling his fingers. While sitting up in a chair yesterday, dad raised his left arm up and touched his left cheek!!!! WOW!!! He has been getting stronger each day! As he listened to stories of the family and grandbabies, he smiled! It’s been over seven weeks since we have seen our dad smile. We all left the hospital filled with such joy and encouragement.

We were able to get a “thumbs-up” from dad! WOW! We rejoiced and dad smiled again. You could tell he was also excited! As we were telling dad how much we loved him, before we left, dad raised his eyebrows as if saying ‘I love you too’. He is such a special man and we are all so proud of him!!!!

Thank you, dear friends, for all of your beautiful prayers. We will continue to list specific prayer requests for dad and his health needs. Our requests are the same as Saturday. That we can develop a means of communication with dad. The “thumbs-up” was hopeful. Pray that dad can consistently express himself in a way that we will be able to understand. Dad seemed to be more awake and alert yesterday. Continue on with that prayer that did will completely wake up out of the mild coma that he is in. Remember in all of this to continue PRAISING GOD!!!! Start and end each day with praise and thankfulness. Fill your days with love for each other just as God wants us to and of course, praise, praise, PRAISE!!! Did I mention to PRAISE? :) God is good dear friends and He is present! Take comfort in knowing that you are His precious child and He will NEVER abandon you!

For God so loved the world (that’s us!), He gave his only son. Whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life! John 3:16 (What an awesome promise! How can you not smile knowing that we are loved and are given such beautiful promises?!)

Saturday, October 4, 2003 7:50 AM CDT

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death. Psalm 68:19-20

Hello again dear prayer warriors!
This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice in it and be glad! Did any of you have a chance to see the sunset last night or the sunrise this morning? What beauty! This time of year is filled with such beautiful and majestic colors. God is an amazing artist! I can only imagine what heaven looks like. How wonderful that day will be when we see our Savior face to face!

Dad remains much the same. The doctors assessed him to be in a moderate to near coma state. Dad ran a temp yesterday. The fever has been on and off throughout the week. He still responds to commands by squeezing his left hand. He extends his legs out like he’s stretching them. He moves his left hand/arm up over his abdomen area and chest. The doctors and nurses are very encouraging, but they said it’s going to take a long time and we will all need to be patient.

Please, dear friends, continue pray for dad’s health and recovery. Specific prayer requests: To develop a means of communication between dad and others. (For example squeeze once for no, twice for yes…a way to understand dad.) One of the questions the therapist asked dad was, “John, is your wife in the room.” He squeezed his hand! :) Another request is that dad can get out of the coma state and become totally awake and alert. Your prayers are wonderful and greatly appreciated!

Today the NDSU Bison take on the MN State Mankato…in Mankato!!! We are pulling dad’s grill and plan to tailgate and cheer on the Bison! Go big green! Fight, fight, FIGHT! Bison Win TONIGHT! (This afternoon) :)

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

Wednesday, October 1, 2003 9:50 PM CDT

***I apologize for the lack of updates. Please know that no news is good news. I plan to update the journal entry late this evening (Friday, Oct 3). I did however post a "Thought for the Day" in the Guestbook.****

Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. Psalm 115:1

Hello dear friends, thank you for checking in on dad’s status and more importantly, for praying for his health. Dad has spent two full days at Bethesda and remains well. He has been very tired since the move. They have been working aggressively on dad’s rehabilitation. He has the ventilator off through much of the day. They continue to vacuum out his lungs to keep the mucus from building up. They have begun physical therapy by stretching his arms and legs, etc. He did run a temp yesterday.

We have heard over and over that brain injuries take a long time to recover from and that we must be patient. That’s not so easy some days. The days we get anxious, we need to stop and pray…don’t forget to rejoice and give thanks. You’ve heard me speak this verse many times…for a refresher, read Philippians 4:4-7. In your time of prayer for dad’s recovery, pray that he will “cooperate” with the doctors during times of therapy. As I said before, he has been quite tired these past few days, so he hasn’t responded to a lot of commands.

For people thinking about visiting, Bethesda has strict visiting hours from 11:00am to 8:00pm. Also, be aware of postings that may be on dad’s door. The staff will post whether or not it is quiet time for dad based on his strength. Mom and Kayla are doing great. Their apartment is very nice and is only two miles from the hospital.

How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people. Psalm 116:12-14

Monday, September 29, 2003 9:45 PM CDT

***Dad is doing well, I will provide an update after lunch (Wed 10/01/03)***

Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing praise to his name, for that is pleasant. Psalm 135:3
We’ve posted Psalm 139 before, but it’s so wonderful, that it needs to be posted again. Please read all of Psalm 139. It talks about how God is all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere present. God knows us, God is with us, and his greatest gift is to allow us to know him! The first four verses go as follows: O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; You perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord. Psalm 139:1-4 Make time today to finish reading the rest of chapter 139.

Dad is now at Bethesda Rehabilitation Hospital in St. Paul, MN. According to mom, the transition went well. Mom said that dad looked really good today and had very nice color. He was off of the ventilator for over 24 hours!!! They put him back on it tonight and will start with rehabilitation therapy tomorrow. Weaning dad off the ventilator will be a top priority. Dad has his own room. We still need to “gown” up to be in his room with him. Mom is doing well. She is happy with the Bethesda staff that she has met thus far. She continues to find comfort, peace and encouragement in reading the bible…God’s Word.

“Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” Mark 11:22-25

Here’s a verse for all of us to memorize this week:
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Monday, September 29, 2003 12:55pm CDT

Just a QUICK note to let you know that dad will be moving to Bethesda (by ambulance) TODAY at 3:00pm. Please pray for a safe and successful transition!

Be Joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1Thessalonians 5:16-18

We are so excited to give you the latest update. For the last three days, each day, John has been breathing on his own for eight hours. They have been putting him in a chair for four to nine hours at a time. Also his left eye is opening wider the last two days. John has been responding to comments by squeezing your hand with his left hand. He is tracking more with his eyes when he hears voices.

Tomorrow will hopefully be the big day...Bethesda here we come!

It is so great to have family fill in at the hospital so we are able to attend Johnny's football game. Yea...Bison's won and Johnny almost caught a touchdown pass, but the defender tapped it away from him. Go Bison's!

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock , and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. Psalm 62:5&6

Friday, September 26, 2003 12:15 PM CDT

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. Psalm 29:7

Another great hymn: "Great is thy Faithfulness!" Sing it with me today as you praise God for all that He has done and IS doing!!!! Oh, how awesome it would be if we could all gather together as one and sing all of those beautiful hymns of praise! Since we can not sing together today in each other¡¦s presence, let us join in together in spirit. Sing like you have never sung before! "Great is thy faithfulness, Oh God Almighty! Morning by morning, our song shall rise to thee!"

Oh, that's right, you're checking in on dad's progress. As I search the bible each day for God's word and encouragement, I get consumed and want to share all of it with you! It's amazing how searching for peace and comfort through God can bring such amazing JOY. Our family is learning so much these days. It wasn't until August 16th that I understood what it means to turn things over COMPLETELY to God. The blessings have been flowing in abundance. God's peace and comfort has surrounded our family. The anxiety and fear has been replaced with LOVE and JOY! Thank you Jesus. It is beautiful soaring on eagles' wings versus being trampled on through the storm. :)

Dad remains well! They decided to wait until next week to transfer him to Bethesda. They prefer to not transfer someone so close to the weekend. They are making these decisions for dad's benefit and for that, we are grateful. Dad continues to respond to commands. Hurray! They take him off of the ventilator at least once a day for several hours at a time. He's also sitting up on a daily basis. Yesterday they took him off of the drip as required before moving to Bethesda. They also replaced the Heparin (blood thinner) drip with a shot. Soon dad will be "dripless"? :)

This weekend, mom, Kayla and I will be traveling to Fargo to cheer on the NDSU Bison and spend quality time with our college students. Mom will be staying at a housing complex provided by Bethesda for the couple of months. It is two miles from the hospital. She is excited to be able to be close to dad.

We cannot thank you enough for constant love and prayers. Reading the guestbook entries is such an encouragement to our family. Someday soon we will all gather together and sing praises upon praises to our awesome God, who is bringing us through this journey.

I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:13-14

Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. Isaiah 58:8-9

Thursday, September 25, 2003 9:52 AM CDT

I love this song and sing it often. Join me:
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all creatures here below. Praise him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Amen!"

Hello again Prayer Warriors!
I visited mom and dad last night. What special time we had holding dad’s hands and praying over him. Dad’s day was much like Tuesday. Dad blinked his eyes and squeezed his hands when mom asked him too! It was AWESOME to experience!

Dad no longer uses the vibrating vest for his lungs. Sitting up in the chair has been doing wonders. He had the ventilator off for several hours in the afternoon. He was pretty tired when they turned it back on, but did great. He’s down to 35% oxygen on the ventilator and his SATS remain at 100%…praise Jesus!!!! Dad had great color yesterday and looked very good. Mom trimmed up his mustache just as he always keeps it. The nurses do a great job keeping dad’s face shaved too.

Mom is going to tour the housing facility for families at Bethesda today. It sounds like they have an apartment available for mom for the next two months. It is quite possible that dad may move to Bethesda on Friday! Although we are going to miss the wonderful staff at HCMC, we are very excited for the move!

Continue dear friends with your prayers and your PRAISE. God is moving mountains. He has many more mountains to move, we just need to have faith and BELIEVE…he’ll do the rest!

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come. Revelation 4:8

You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being. Revelation 4:11

Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:17 PM CDT

Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him! Psalm 147:1

Hello, dear friends in Christ. This is the day the Lord has made and what a wonderful day it was!

Dad had another great day! I rejoiced with mom today as she reported on dad’s progress. Oh God has been so good and so faithful! As far as mom knows, dad did not have a temp at all today. He had several good coughs and was able to loosen up a lot of the build up in his lungs. Thank you Jesus! AND…dad responded to the nurse’s commands TWICE by moving his fingers on his left hand!!! Oh, God, you are SO good! Mom, and dad’s sisters, Mary and Diane, were there to witness it too! AND mom talked to Dr Trish today and received more positive news. They ran another CT on dad. The first week of his accident, they found a blood clot in a vein in dad’s head. According to today’s CT, blood appears to be moving through the vein. I wonder if the blood is running as rapidly through dad’s vein as the joy is through my heart! At this point, they are going to continue with the blood thinner to prevent additional clots.

Oh, dear friends, God hears us when we pray. He is providing dad with His precious gift of healing. In times like this, I can’t help but think of His most awesome gift of all and that is the gift of salvation. And He wants to give it to each one of us. It’s our choice whether or not to accept this gift. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23) To receive this gift, we must confess our sins, and invite Jesus into our lives as our personal Lord and savior. He is waiting at the “door” of our hearts for us to let Him in. ‘Jesus said, “Here I am! I stand at the door, and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in…”’ Revelation 3:20

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17

That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. Romans 10:9-10

Tuesday, September 23, 2003 7:28 AM CDT

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Psalm 146:1-2

Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him! Psalm 147:1

God’s Blessings to all, dear friends!
I received an update on dad from mom last night. She thought he was more awake yesterday. “Awake” means eyes open and hearing us speak. Dad has not communicated through speech or gestures at this time. He is still quite weak and tired. They have recently started feeding him through the PEG that goes into his stomach. The original delay of using the PEG was because of the pancreatitis concern. Once they confirmed the pancreas was fine, they began using the PEG. This will help provide dad with extra nutrients and fat…things needed to gain strength.

Dad needs to be off of a particular “drip” before he can be moved to Bethesda. Pray that the nutrients provided through the PEG will compensate for the drip and that the weaning of the drip goes well. 100.5 was dad’s highest temp yesterday. Overall dad’s status is much the same, but continues to slowly progress toward the positive direction! Thank you Jesus!

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Psalm 143:8

Sunday, September 21, 2003 8:51 PM CDT

Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Psalm 105:1-4

Hello to all,
According to the nurse, dad’s health remains the same. He opens his eyes but doesn’t always track with them. He was in the chair for a couple of hours today. They have been working with strengthening his lungs by having him breathe on his own. He continues to be stable. His temp ranges from 99 to low 100.

Dad did seem to respond to Johnny, Melanie and Melissa this weekend. He turned his head toward Johnny when Johnny talked to dad. He opened his eyes to Melissa when she talked to him. He continues to move his arms and legs when stimulated. After the doctor ran her tests by stimulating dad to move his toes, he continued moving them even when not stimulated. That’s great. The doctor said that means he’s starting to gain more strength when he moves on his own.

Dad may be moving to Bethesda this week. Pray for God to be in complete control over all decisions made. God has blessed us with wonderful, compassionate doctors and nurses at HCMC. We will miss them! Please pray that God will, again, place compassionate, caring doctors and nurses in dad’s care at Bethesda. Continue lifting dad and our family up in your prayers. God has been so wonderful. He has completely held us in his peace and comfort since the accident. Even through these difficult days, God is present and has been filling our lives with amazing Joy.

We are thankful for each one of you; for your thoughts, concerns, prayers and love for our family. We pray that as you seek God’s face, you will also find comfort, strength and joy beyond beauty!!!!

“ ‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

‘Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” Mark 11:22-25

Friday, September 19, 2003 3:35 AM CDT

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. Psalm 29:7

Hello dear friends,
Dad’s status remains much the same as it has this past week. Wednesday night dad’s temp was 102. It was around 99 Thursday. During Thursday night-Friday morning’s night shift, his temp is 99 or below. His blood pressure continues to be great! Praise God!

Dad is localizing ALL of his extremities appropriately with stimulation. Thank you Jesus! He is still not responding to commands, but fear not…dad is being healed in God’s time! “I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” –Psalm 27:13-14

God has been revealing promise after promise to us through His word! What a comfort it is to know that God is in control and He hears our prayers. Make time today to read Isaiah 38. Hezekiah was extremely ill and to the point of death. He immediately turned to God. God responded to his prayer, allowing Hezekiah to live another 15 years. God responds to fervent prayer! “’This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life….’” –Isaiah 38:5

Continue, dear friends to put your hope in the Lord.

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, September 17, 2003 10:15 PM CDT

Jesus, your name calms my fears. Jesus, sounds so sweet to my ears. And, oh, just speak the words of your name that is above all names! You are Emmanuel. Faithful and true are you. You are the Prince of Peace the rock of my salvation. Your name we praise! JESUS!

If you ever have a chance to sing this song, don’t sing it quietly. There’s such beauty in this song. There is such beauty in Jesus! Sing it with your hands to heaven in thanksgiving and praise. Mmmm, Jesus! Thank you Jesus!!!!

Hello again, wonderful Christian Soldiers!
It will be four weeks on the 18th that we have been communicating through Caring Bridge. What a blessing this website has been. Thank you dear friends, for your love and concern for our family and especially dad. Words will never fully express the gratitude and appreciation we have for you and especially your prayers. God is listening. And God is ANSWERING!!!! Praise God!

Dad remains well. His abdominal CT went well. The doctors said that dad is a bit of a mystery. The “count” from the cultures or blood tests (I’m not sure which) point to the pancreas. However the CT had shown NO signs of pancreatitis!!! Hmmm…God does work in mysterious ways you know. J

On Tuesday, they found two “bugs” through the culture tests and caught them right away via antibiotics! Hurray! Kind of makes you want to cheer…Go doctors….Go nurses…Go Jesus!!! His Wednesday chest x-ray looked good. Keep smiling…keep SINGING!!!

We hope that next week dad will be well enough to be transferred to Bethesda Hospital in St. Paul. Mom toured the hospital today. The rest of dad’s health remains the same. He opens his eye(s) when stimulated or talked to. He periodically tracks with them. The majority of the time he does not focus, as if looking off into the distance. Recovery from brain injuries takes a long time. He will be at Bethesda for months if not longer. It’s very reassuring to know that God is in control and that he will heal dad completely in HIS time. During this time of healing, we will continue to sing praises. We look forward to the day when dad will join us in our songs of praise!

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 6:13 PM CDT

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I PRAISE you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you. Psalm 139:13-14, 17-18

Hello dear friends in Christ,
Today’s journal is filled with specific prayer requests. Tonight at 6:00pm, dad is going to have a CT done on his abdomen. He has a low-grade temp and the doctors think his pancreas may be acting up again. Pray for protection over dad during the CT. Pray that God will make the infection known to the doctors and give them the wisdom and guidance they need to properly treat the infection.

It sounds like as soon as dad’s health becomes stable, he is going to be transferred to Bethesda Rehabilitation Hospital in St. Paul. Bethesda specializes in respiratory therapy. They will work with dad to wean him off of the ventilator. We pray for a smooth and safe transition for dad. Also, keep mom and Kayla in your prayers through this, that God will provide them with housing that will be close to dad.

Continue to praise God through all of this. We know He is in control. Thank you Jesus for covering us with your peace and grace!!!!

Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men, for not everyone has faith. But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command. May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance. 2 Thessalonians 3:1-4

Monday, September 15, 2003 12:08 AM CDT

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!!

Today is a day to rejoice, for it is the day the Lord has made. What's even better is that, God is ever present and IS in CONTROL! How can you not sing and rejoice? God has filled us with His love and promises. We are standing on the promises of God!!! I can't remember the exact words to that song. Please sing it for me if you know it..."Standing on the promises of God!"

Dad continues to be stable...another reason for songs of praise!!! He is opening his eyes. He turned them toward Arlene and Kayla. His fever is gone...thank you Jesus!

When you read the versus that Jesus heals people, you read that He does it with compassion. God has filled dad's doctors and nurses with such wonderful compassion. Jesus has so much compassion for dad that He wants to and IS healing dad!

A friend sent me the words to a beautiful song: "Jesus, Be the Center. Be my hope, be my guide, Be the fire in my heart, be the wind in my sails, be the reason that I live,
be the strength in my song, My Jesus." It is an awesome and powerful song. It's amazing the peace Jesus brings when you allow him to be center of your life. Although this journey is difficult, it is filled with beauty beyond imagination!

Thank you friends for your continued thoughts and prayers. Keep up the unceased prayers. Don't forget the beautiful songs of praise...for our God is awesome and worthy to be praised!

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leavs are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." Jeremiah 17:7-8

Sunday, September 14, 2003 3:59 PM CDT

Praise the Lord. Praise God in his santuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness...Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord! Psalm 150

Hello to all on this beautiful day created by the Lord!
Dad had many visitors today. (It was wonderful seeing each of you.) He was sitting up in a chair this afternoon with the ventalator OFF!!!! He's been able to tolerate breathing on his own for at least four hours at a time! Praise the Lord!

Dad is slowly gaining strength. You can see it in his breathing. He is awake a lot in the day, although sitting up in the chair does wear him out. The doctors believe that dad can also see us when he opens his eye(s)! It's so wonderful to see his beautiful blue eyes! Dad's left eye lid seems to be getting stronger. He can open that about half way and the right eye all the way.

Pray that as dad gains his strength, he will start to respond to commands by wiggling his toes and squeezing his fists...or by jumping out of bed and saying, 'Char I love you, let's go home!' :)

God has been ever present and ever faithful! We continue to give Him the glory. We know that He is healing dad from the inside out and the outside in. And we continue to praise God daily for His love and faithfulness. I can't say it enough....Our God is an AWESOME GOD!

A special thank you to the NDSU athletic department for making our day and the football game special. You are so generous and thoughtful for helping our family out. Words cannot express the appreciation we have for you. Dad will LOVE having the signed football and softball...how special!

Prayer warriors and Christian soliders, never take off your full armor of God and keep on keeping on. Let us continue to sing praises to our faithful, loving and compassionate God while he destroys the enemies of dad's illness.

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by FAITH in the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

Saturday, September 13, 2003 8:10 AM CDT

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death. Psalm 68:19-20

Hello dear friends in Christ,
Dad has been doing well the last couple of days. Dad is opening his eyes more during the day. And, he has done some tracking with his eye as well, praise the Lord. He responds to mom...it's beautiful. This is evident in the change in his breathing and heart rate.

They have been working more on weaning dad off of the ventalator. Each day, he seems to get a little stronger. Because he is in isolation, he's in his own little room and has a tv. Mom turned the channel to "TV Land". So, now he is listening to his favorite old time shows!

We give God the glory on dad's progress and health. Continue to lift him up in prayer. God is awesome and He is doing miraculous things in our lives, both physically (in dad) in spiritually (in all)! Thank you Jesus, for your love and promises and especially your gift of SALVATION!!!!

Today our entire family is heading up to Fargo to cheer on Johnny and carry on dad's tailgating traditions! Go Bison!

The Lord replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Exodus 33:14

"Praise be to the Lord, who has given rest to his people Israel just as he promised. Not one word has failed of all the good promises he gave through his servant Moses" 1 Kings 8:56 (Read the verses that follow...they are great!)

Friday, September 12, 2003 7:06 AM CDT

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, becasue you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:7-11

Hello all dear "faith-walkers"!
Dad had a great night according to his nurse. They did a routine head CT this morning. There seemed to be no major change but it looks good.

Dad opens his eye when stimulated. He is not, at this time tracking people with his eye, but is aware when people are in the room. He has begun the weaning process of the ventalator. They did a routine that makes him do more breathing on his own. He tolerated it for about 30 minutes. It helped to exercise his lungs. They will contune with the weaning process. His temp remains low grade, which is good.

Our faith journey contiunes on. Some days are slower than others while others, but each day is beautiful because it is God's day. Continue your prayers filling them with praise to our awesome God!

"Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation." Psalm 91:14-16

Thursday, September 11, 2003 6:39 AM CDT

Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious! Say to God, "How awesome are your deedes! So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you. All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing praise to your name." Psalm 66:1-4

I encourage you to read the last few versus of Psalm 66 it talks about keeping praises on our tongues and that God hears us, including our prayers!

Dad had a good night again. He continues to open one eye and withdraw his lower extremities to pain. This is called localizing. Dad has yet to respond to commands. He is no longer on sedatives, only pain medication. His temp maxed at 99.6 last night. Therefore the antibiotics are keeping the bacteria level under control.

These baby steps are good. We contiune to praise God for all that he has done. We are at peace knowing that God is in control and that in His time, dad will be well. Please continue to pray for dad's recovery. Some specifics are dad waking up from the sedation and responding to commands and the bacteria level remaining LOW. Another is dad working with the respirator and gaining enough strength to be able to be weaned from the respirator. Thank you, dear friends, for all of your love and prayers. Keep on keeping on! :)

Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me. I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished sin in my hear, the Lord would not have listened; but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me! Psalm 66:16-20

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 7:28 AM CDT

Come, join me by starting your day with signing: "Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing! Power and majesty, PRAISE to the King! Mountains fall down and the seas will roar at the sound of His name! I sing for joy at the works of His hand! Forever I'll love Him, FOREVER I'll stand! NOTHING compares to the promise I have in Him!!!!"

Let your day be a song filled with love, joy and praise!!!

Dad had a great night! Thank you, Jesus!!!! He had NO temp! He has been "PEGged" and that went well! :) There have been many questions on dad resisting the antibiotics. What that meant was, the bacteria was growing so rapidly in dad's body that they couldn't get rid of it right away with antibiotics. So, they moved dad into isolation to protect other patients and dad. They are treating the bacteria aggressively with antibiotics.

I'm going to end in a verse that I have written before. It's one our family claimed over dad and our family when he was in surgery the night of his accident. It tells us not to worry or be anxious about anything. If you begin to feel anxious, worry or fear, than STOP and pray!!!! Remember, God is in control. No sense making yourself miserable by worrying over things that are out of our control. STOP and PRAY!!!!

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-7

Tuesday, September 9, 2003 6:48 AM CDT

Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. For the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy in his dwelling place. 1 Chronicles 16:23-27

Greetings Christian soliders and prayer warriors!
Dad's health remains about the same. His BP was good, however his HR was quite high through the night. They tried giving dad a paralytic drug hoping that would slow his heart rate, but that only worked for about five minutes. Please pray specifically for dad's heart rate and the protection of his heart.

Dad's fever was down to 100, which is better. When stimulated, he does withdraw his lower extremities (legs). He is on the schedule today to get a PEG. Pray that all procedures done today are smooth and successful.

Continue to keep your prayers loud and strong and in ALL things remember to PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE!!!!! God hears all!

But now, this is what the Lord says..."Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through thte rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior." Isaiah 43:1-3

Monday, September 8, 2003 4:20 PM CDT

"Hear, O kings; give ear, O rulers! I--to the LORD, I will sing, I will sing praise to the LORD, the God of Israel." Judges 5:3

Hi all,
News from HCMC is as follows. Dad is resistant to one of the antibiotics, therefore they moved him into a more isolated area. This was done to protect him and his health. Therefore any people wanting to visit dad will need to dress in a gown and gloves. They are working on switching the antibiotics and get one that dad is "less" resistant to.

Dad is not yet ready to be completely off of the sedatives. His HR and BP are not stable enough when the sedatives are low.

The nurse said that there are still "rumors" on dad getting a PEG (feeding tube) in his lower stomach and getting a ventricle put in. These are plans, but plans change based on the urgency of dad's health over other patients (and doctor's schedules).

Again, do not be discouraged in your faith, praise and prayer. God is present and hears all!

No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their vindication is from Me," declares the LORD. Isaiah 54:17

Monday, September 8, 2003 6:35 AM CDT

Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among the nations. Psalm 96:1-3

Happy Monday to all dear Christian soliders.
According to dad's nurse, dad had a pretty good night. They took his ventricle out around noon yesterday because it was non-functional. They will replace it sometime today, therefore they turned off his blood thinner (Heparin) last night to prepare for this procedure today. They will turn the Heparin back on after the procedure.

Dad's lungs are doing pretty good. He continues to use the vibrating vest. Our nurse calls it the rock and roll treatment. The vest seems to be working well for dad. They are able to get a lot of "stuff" out of his lungs after running the vest. His SATs remain well. He is down to about 40% oxygen!

His temp continues to linger. It is at 100.6 this morning. There is rumor of dad getting the feeding tube put in directly to his stomach today. That will all depend on his stablity and pancreas.

Dad was well taken care of last night. He had his hair shampoo-ed and his face shaved and is dressed for a celebration! :)

Yesterday, dad opened his right eye much of the day. He also moved his eye toward the people talking to him. Praise the Lord!

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

Sunday, September 7, 2003 10:33 PM CDT

"Therefore I am well content with weeknesses, with insult, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong."
2Corth 12:10

Hello from Arlene and Char,
we are back at the hotel, and we left John in good hands. Nurse Scott is back with John . Johns statis remains the same as Nikki reported. Keep on praying tonight for Johns lungs and brain pressure. John needs to wake up soon,so his body will be free from the seditives.In Jesus name Amen

Thank you that I can trust you to remove or change any of my weaknesses and handicaps and shortcomings the moment they are no longer needed for your glory,and for my good, and for the good of others people....and that in the meantime, Your grace is sufficient for me, for Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Amen

Sunday, September 7, 2003 8:47 AM CDT

2 Chronicles 20:21 "Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever." (Check out the verses 20 and 22 as well. It talks about praising God for the spendor of his holiness while God takes on army of his enemies. We should do the same: Praise God while he takes on the army of dad's illness.)

Psalm 13:5-6 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me.

Dad's nurse said dad is about the same. He is back from his CT. Apparently, it looks a little worse today. There seems to be a little more swelling, fluid and bleeding on the brain. They are going to be replacing his ventricle this morning. He is on a small amount of sedatives to remain calm. His fever continues to be high. Oh, there are so many prayers needed.

This is where we walk by faith and not by sight. Continue your praises and prayers and don't let satan discourage you with this report.

Isaiah 30:18 Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!

Saturday, September 6, 2003 9:38 PM CDT

2 Corinthians 4:17,18

"For your present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever!!! So we don't look at the troubles we can see right now; rather we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever."

Good Evening family, friends & loved ones!
It's Char & Ann, your reporters tonight :) John had another stable day. We have nurse Scott taking care of John. He was so excited to get back to work from vacation--he's a father with children! He's so sweet. Anyhow, he promised us he's going to have John shaved, washed, and looking sharp for us in the morning...but he couldn't promise us a tux.

Hey you prayer warriors....some specifics to pray for:
John needs your prayers to continue reducing the swelling in his brain. The cranial drainage tube has been clogging. In the morning they will do a scan to see where the problem is. Pray for the wisdom of the hospital staff so things will be clear for them. Because John was agitated, they did sedate him once again to keep him calm and comfortable.

For all you Bison fans...There was a VICTORY tonight!!! Score 25-24 with an amazing comeback! Way to go Bisons!! We are PROUD of YOU! When we told John about your win his breathing increased...Alot! :) Char did well at calming him down. We know he hears us.

Psalm 71:21,22

"You will restore me to even greater honor and comfort me once again. Then I will PRAISE YOU with music on a harp because you are faithful to your promises, oh God." AAAAAAAAAAMMMEEN! Go God! We are proud of YOU! YEAH!

Goodnight all!

Saturday, September 6, 2003 8:39 AM CDT

You all know this song, please sing along!
"This is the day! This is the day that the Lord has made! The Lord has made. I will rejoice. I will rejoice and be glad in it! And be glad in it!...." (Keep on singing!)

This is the day the Lord has made and what a beautiful day it is INDEED!!!!!!!

Dad had a pretty good night. They shut off his sedation around 8:00 last night. Dad seems to be working more with the ventalator versus fighting with it like the other times. Praise God! God hears each and everyone of our prayers! Continue to pray for dad as the sedation wears off of dad that he continues to work with the ventalator and stay calm as he wakes up.

On Monday, dad is going to get a PEG. That means they are going to put the feeding tube in directly to the stomach versus through the mouth, down the throat, etc. Pray that the pancreas will be better by than so they can do the procedure and that did will handle those changes just fine.

Thank you, dear friends for your love and prayers. GOD IS GOOD...ALL THE TIME. Today I'm going to end with scripture verse most of us memorized when we were three and four years old...a special one for all Christians!

For God so loved the world (that is you and I) that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

I want to encourage each of you to get your bibles out and continue reading past John 3:16. God has a LOT of promises and truth in His word! May God bless each of you today and every day!

Friday, September 5, 2003 5:40 PM CDT

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. Psalm 136:1

Hello friends,
According to our wonderful HCMC nurses, dad had a pretty good day. Nothing significant changed. They are in the process of switching to a different type of sedative. The new sedative will metabolize a little differently than the other.

His vital signs remain stable...Thank you, Jesus! He continues to battle his fever. It was high, but certainly not as high as in the past. They now think the temp is caused by pancreatits, which was most likely caused by the feeding tube. At this time, dad does not have the feeding tube. They are "feeding" him via IVs. He is receiving some antibiotics as well. They hope it will go back to normal within a few days.

Our family enjoys reading each of your journal entries. Thank you so much. I know dad is going to LOVE reading them too! When dad is home and well, we will print off all of the entries and read them every August 16th and anytime we begin to take life and/or each other for granted. I want us to NEVER forget about this, especially all of the AWESOME things God is doing in our lives!!!

How Good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! Psalm 133:1

But now, this is what the Lord says - he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. Whe you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, Your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior... Isaih 43:1-3

Friday, September 5, 2003 7:20 AM CDT

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifiice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess his name. Hebrews 13:15

Happy Friday!
Dad's report card remains well with a few "dips", or should I say "drips". His CT looked pretty good last night. There is still a little swelling on the brain.

They turned off the paralytic and sedation (more drips) last night. They had to turn just the sedation medication back on because of dad's breathing. As he starts to wake up, he tries to breathe too rapidily which causes his HR and BP to shoot up. The doctors said that each patient reacts to the venatalator differently when waking up. Pray that dad slows down and takes steady control of his breathing the next time they reduce the sedative.

Dad has been "localizing". That means he retracts his legs or opens his eye when stimulated with pain or such. When dad opens his eye, he doesn't necessarily look or focus on something/one. At this point he is not responding to commands. That will hopefully come as he awakes more.

Thank you for all of your wonderful words of encouragement and prayers. It's so awesome to know God is in control of this whole situation. We are truely learning what it means to walk by faith and not by sight. As always, keep the prayers coming!

Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:7-8

Thursday, September 4, 2003 4:13 PM CDT

Acts 2:25-28 David said about him: "I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence."

Thank you Jesus!!! Yes, I'm (Nikki) back! :) Thanks mom and Tami for filling in...you did a great job! And also happy 30th birthday to our brother-in-law (Melissa's husband) Daren!!!

Praise the Lord, dad had a stable day. He was off for a CT head scan when I called (usually done on a daily routine when patients are stable). He is still battling that fever (around 101.9). His ICP have been fine, the ventricle has not been draining much, which is good too.

The ultra sound confirmed it was not the gall bladder causing the temp. They are speculating some type of sinus infection. Remember, that's pure speculation. Hopefully they'll know for sure some time soon.

Overall, it sounds like dad had a pretty good day. How awesome! God is healing dad from the inside-out and the outside-in! Oh...I can only imagine the Godly wisdom dad will have and share with us when he is well! I look forward to that day!

1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesues, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

Thursday, September 4, 2003 9:22 AM CDT

I'm in awe....I don't know where to begin. I think the support from family, friends, and people we don't know from this web page has been an inspiration beyond words. When you feel you can't go no more, and then look at what's written in these journals, it gives us the strength to sore above the storm. God IS our strength. I give glory to Him! Just knowing of all the many people who we know who have experinced such tragedy and pain, I pray that through this journey, this will be a healing source for the depth of your pain and that you can come and sore above your storm through Christ Jesus.

Everybody have a great day and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAREN SAGEDAHL!!!!!! We love you!!!!!

John had a stable evening. The drip for his blood pressure was eliminated and the BP remained stable. ICP has been 10 and under which is great. The fever is there but under control...the highest it has been was 101.3.

We will update you on the results of the ultrasound when we talk to the doctor this morning. It sounds like it may not be the gullbladder after all...don't you love this rollercoaster ride??? Weeeee, hang on because there's more to come!!!

Okay, did you figure out that this is not Nikki writing the update???? Yes, you have Char and Tami trying to do this!!!! God be with us and help us!!!

And all God's people said AAAAMMMEEENNN!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2003 10:15 PM CDT

Do you ever catch yourself humming or even singing a tune while at work or play? One song has been coming to my lips often these past weeks. Please sing along if you like:

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below!
Praise Him above Ye Heavenly Hosts!
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!

God continues to bless our family. Mom and I came to Wabasso to prepare for my sister-in-law, Kersten's wedding, and we were blessed over and over by family and friends' love and generosity. Thanks to everyone how helped us, fed us and cared for us. You are all wonderful! Mom is now back in the Minneapolis with dad. It sounds like dad had a ton of visitors while mom was back home. Thanks to all of you for being with dad and praying over him in our absence!

According to the nurse, dad had a busy day! He had problems with his ventricle (the drain in his head)...it kept clogging. So they tried to replace it, but was only successful for about 10 minutes. After doing a head CT ("cat-scan"), they saw that it was not positioned properly. They took that out and tried with another one. That one is in and working great.

Dad is "fighting" with the ventalator. He's trying to do too much on his own. Therefore, they put him back on a paralytic and heavier sedative. Now the ventalator is taking over.

As of 4:30 this afternoon, they had not done the ultra sound but still planned on getting it done before the end of the day. By doing the ultra sound, they hope to diagnose the problem with the gall bladder. I did hear two different options with dealing with the gall bladder (if it is diagnosed as being the problem). One is treating it with medicine and the other is by having it surgically removed. The problem with the gall bladder is most likely caused by the feeding tube. Therefore, they temporarily removed the feeding tube and are giving him nutrients (TPM) via IVs.

With the help of a cooling blanket, dad's temp did get down to 99. His SATs were good. He's still at 60xygen. We breathe in 21so we'd like to see the 60o keep moving down. The higher level of pure oxygen that a person breathes in, the harder it is on the lungs. Speaking of lungs...dad didn't use the vibrating vest for a couple of days. He should hopefully start using it again tomorrow.

As always, keep those prayers loud and strong and, of course, praise, praise, PRAISE!!! Even in times of trials, God is Good. When dad is well and comes home, we are going to FEAST and share with you how God has been working in our lives through this time. Many good things have come from these trials.

John 14:6-13 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me...I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."

Wednesday, September 3, 2003 8:26 AM CDT

Hello all,
Dad had an okay night last night. Early last evening, his temperature reached 103.6. We talked to the doctor this morning and they found a new source to his fever. Dad has an inflamated gall bladder which is most likely caused by dad's feeding tube.

They are going to do an ultrasound on dad today to take a look at the gall bladder and will also work with general surgery. Bottom line is that the gall bladder has to come out.

Dad's respiratory system continues to be a large concern. They continue to use the vibrating vest to loosen up the fluid build up in his lungs.

Strong prayers are, as always, needed. Prayer for guidance and wisdom for the doctors and nurses while needing to make surgical decisions. A special prayer for dad to be strong through the surgery and recovery. Decisions and plans for surgery most likely will not be made until late this afternoon.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We are very grateful to have such wonderful family and friends. A special Minnesota welcome goes out to our dear Kentucky friends, Brackstan and Tonya, that drove up to be with dad yesterday and filled in for mom so she could run home to get Kayla back in school.

John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Thank you, Jesus, for your word and promises!!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2003 1:26 PM CDT

John is having some issues with his breathing today. The doctors contemplated putting him back on the pentabarb coma drug but decided against it. They are instead putting him on a drip sedative which is not quite as strong as the pentabarb drug. This is being done to prevent him from trying to breathe too much on his own soasto regulate his breathing more consistently. By him being more sedated, it is less likely for him to have sporadic breathing at this point. His fever continues to be up and down and the doctors are doing blood cultures as well as a spinal fluid culture to try to find the source of his fever. His ICP's have been pretty good and fairly steady at this time.

Lamentations 3:24

"The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!"

Sunday, August 31, 2003 7:31 PM CDT

Romans 4:19-21 "Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead - since he was about 100 years old - and Sarah's womb was also dead. Yet he did not waiver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strenghtened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully pursuaded that God had power to do what He had promised"

Today was another day filled with blessings from visiting families and friends. Thank you Janice and Clete and all for bringing the delicious tatortot hotdish, salad, vegetables and desserts...what an awesome treat!!!!

Dad's health remained the same today. His BP and HR jumped around a bit so the nurses constantly looked over dad trying to reach a good balance with medications and sedation to keep dad comfortable and stable. This afternoon dad's SATS were in the 90's at 80% oxygen. They kept dad heavily sedated today because of the ups and downs of his HR and BP. Dad's fever also continues to linger. The staff continues to search for the source of the infection. It's quite possible that it's caused by the lungs. On the positive side, dad's ICPs (pressures in the head) remain low and are doing well.

Our family has a favor to ask of you. As you pray for dad, please claim all healing scripture versus over him. Although you are not here with us physically, you are spiritually. As you pray healing words of God over dad, invision laying your hands on him or over him as if you were standing right next to him. Speaking the Word of God is POWERFUL. Throughout your day, speak God's healing word, unceasingly. Don't forget to praise Him. Like the battle of Jericho, march while praising God and SOON the "walls" of dad's illness will come tumbling down!

Joshua 6:2-5 "Then the Lord said to Josua, 'See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men. March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days. Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams' horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets. When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have all the people give a loud shout; then the walll of the city will collapse and the people will go up, every man straight in.'"

Sunday, August 31, 2003 9:05 AM CDT

1 Chronicles 29:10-13 "Praise be to you, O Lord, God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the gory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name."

Good morning to all. The Fargo group arrived in Minneapolis around 3:00am. They stopped into see dad before arriving at the hotel at 4:00am! NDSU won their game 27 to 7. Feel free to check out their STATS (not SATS) at www.gobison.com.

Last night around 9:00pm, dad had a tracheotomey (I apologize for the spelling, I do not have my medical terms-papers at hand). Rather than having the breathing tube go into dad's mouth, all the way down his throat into his lungs, a hole is cut at the bottom of dad's throat and the "trach" goes through it and down into the lugs. The tube is reduced from (approximately) 5 to 7 inches down to only about 2 inches. This is better when it comes time to wean dad off of the ventalator.

Dad opened his eye when requested by the doctor and when mom prayed over him and spoke to him. He has also moved both feet. His left eye has yet to open. The doctor speculates there was some injury done to the part that controls the opening and shuttig of the eyelid.

Dad has made a lot of great progress over the days, however his lungs continue to be a MAJOR CONCERN. Please continue to pray heavily for dad's health. The battle is not our but it is God's and we claim victory over dad's life and health!

Isaiah 49:13 "Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones."

Saturday, August 30, 2003 10:38 AM CDT

Psalm 57:11 "Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth."

Psalm 92:1-2 "It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night"

Happy Saturday to all, dear friends. Melissa, Drew, Melanie and Will arrived last night. Lis, Drew, Mom and Kayla will be heading to Fargo this afternoon for Johnny's football game tonight. Go Bison!

The nurse said dad was a "stinker" last night. His HR and BP were high. His SATs on the other hand, were great. He was "ventalating" well. His ICPs were a bit high but the nurse thought it was from extra activity in the ICU from the doctors, nurses, etc. He hasn't woken up much. He did retract his foot slightly when stimulated.

We have prayed for dad to wear the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20). Now, chrisian soliders and praayer warriors (all reading this website and praying for dad), it is time for ALL of us to put on the FULL ARMOR OF GOD so we can take our stand against the devil's schemes. For it is satan that fills us with doubt, fear and anxiety. No more! We walk by FAITH and not by sight.

"Therefore [dear friends,] put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of TRUTH buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of PEACE. In addition to all this, take up the shield of FAITH, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of SALVATION and the sword of the SPIRIT, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests..." Ephsians 6:13-18

Saturday, August 30, 2003 1:48 AM CDT

Psalm 57:9-10 "I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies."

Did you know that the word "praise" is in the bible TWICE as much as the word "prayer"?

Dad is slowly coming out of the coma. The doctors and nurses continue to try to find a balance of medication to keep dad comfortable and stable. Dad's lungs are still a big concern. His SATs were around 94 at 60% oxygen. We'd prefer 50% or lower. His temp was up and down throughout the day. As dad comes out of his sleep, he is breathing more on his own. Pray that as dad continues to wake that he and the ventalator work together.

We had "angels" come into our hotel room tonight and write a special message on our mirror. It said: "By the stripes of Jesus, John is healed!" AMEN!!!! Thank you special angels, for your message, your prayers, words of encouragement and especially your friendship! :)

Psalm 68:28 "Summon your power, O God; show us your strength, O God, as you have done before."

Friday, August 29, 2003 9:55 AM CDT

Psalm 75:1 "We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks for your name is near, men tell of your wonderful deeds."

This morning we woke up with praise on our lips and rejoiced in the day the Lord as made!

We called in to see how dad's night went. The nurse said he had an okay night. Dad's temp was up to 102.7. The nurse brought it down to 101.9 by giving him an alcohol bath. Dad's ICPs were a little high (18 to 20) and they are hoping it's temperature related. She said the lungs were okay. His SATs remain well at 60% oxygen. Because of the high fever and ICP, they did not use the vibrating vest this morning. Hopefully the numbers will come down so they can use the vest soon.

They lowered the pentabarb coma drug this morning and hope to eliminate it tonight around 6:00pm. We are excited to be with dad when he starts to wake. Soon we will be able to look into his beautiful blue eyes...soon! :)

Psalm 28:7 "The Lord is my strength and my sheild; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song."

Friday, August 29, 2003 1:08 AM CDT

Isaiah 25:1 "O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago."

Greetings to all! Today we experienced God in everything we did. He is present and IS an awesome God!

Dad remained stable today. Before we left the hospital his ICP was down to 2 and 3! Praise Jesus! All of his other numbers also look good. Dad is a strong man.

Matthew 9:22 "Jesus turned and saw her. 'Take heart, daughter,' he said, 'your faith has healed you.' And the woman was healed from that moment."

We had a very special night tonight for we laid hands on dad and prayed for God's healing. I truley believe that God WILL heal my dad for it is written in Matthew 8:13: "Then Jesus said to the centurion, 'Go! It will be done just as you believed it would.' And his servant was healed at that very hour." And Jesus, I BELIEVE!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2003 3:43 PM CDT

Matthew 18:19-20 "Again I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

While mom and I sit in the hotel room eating a delicious greek salad (thank you Tami Heiling), we both agree that reading the guestbook makes for the perfect dessert. Our family cannot thank you enough for the beautiful words of hope, inspiration and love. Thank you!

Dad continues to remain stable. All of his "numbers" look good. They will be reducing the pentabarb coma drug by 50% this afternoon. Dad's SATs are in the mid 90's at 55% oxygen. The doctors expressed that one of their biggest concerns are dad's lungs. He is back to using the vibrating vest to keep things loosened up. Dad seems to respond to it well.

Another need for prayers is for dad's pelvic bone. He has a fracture in the joint. They have not been able to treat it thus far because of his incredibly fragile/unstable state. Depending on dad's stability, there is a small chance that they could work on it via surgery on Tuesday. If dad is not well enough to handle surgery, they will have to wait months before fixing it because the body will already begin the healing process. Pray for wisdom for the doctors when making the necessary decisions. Also pray for God to work on dad's hip so it heals properly.

Thank you again for all of your love, support and prayers. Thank you also for the beautiful cards. The people that deliver the mail are in awe daily on the amount of mail dad receives. We are grateful. As we said before, keep on keeping on! We love you all!

Mark 11:22-26 "'Have faith in God,' Jesus answered. 'I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your father in heaven may forgive your sins."

Thursday, August 28, 2003 8:11 AM CDT

Hello to all!
First things first, let us rejoice in the day the Lord has made!
Psalm 148:13 "Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens."

Next, HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY to our brother and son, Johnny Brackstan. Johnny, we hope God fills your special day with love and joy. Take comfort in knowing that we are celebrating your day with you in prayers and spirit. We love you!

Mom and I, for the first time in a week, spent the entire night at the hotel. Believe it or not, the hotel beds ARE much more comfortable than the hospital couches and floors. :)

We called dad's nurse, Janette, that was with him last night to find out how he did. She said he had a pretty good night. They took him completely off of the paralytic drug because his SATs were bouncing around a bit. They are now around 93 at 60% oxygen. His fever was back up. She gave him Tylenol around 6:00am and was going to turn his cooling blanket back on. The cooling blanket is a mat that dad lays on and cool water runs through it to cool him. She did say that there were no set backs last night.

Sometime this afternoon they plan to reduce the pentabarb coma drug by 50%. They will do the same in another 24 hours and so on until the drug is down to nothing. The doctors and nurses are doing a wonderful job taking care of dad. We are so grateful for their, knowledge, passion and especially their COMPASSION. We think of them as family. We even get on the doctors' cases about their eating habits. :)

Make your day another day filled with praise and prayer. We are so grateful for your love, concern and especially your prayers. When dad comes home, we will have a FEAST and celebrate life and the oneness we have in God!

Jeremiah 29:12-14 "'Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord, 'and will bring you back from captivity.'"

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 7:16 PM CDT

Psalm 63:4 "I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands."

Hello all. Today was another busy day for our family. Kayla and I caught up on our sleep and did a little school shopping, to get ready for 7th grade that starts on Tuesday, while mom stayed with dad at the hospital.

Because I was not at the hospital much of the day, I don't have a lot of details on dad's health. I do know that the doctors decided to put dad on a very light dose of the pentabarb coma. This is purley precausionary. From past experiences, it was not uncommon for patients' ICP levels to rise when taken off the coma drug. Therefore, the doctors want to take this very slow.

Dad started to wake a little today. Mom was at his bedside when he was in and out. She told him that she was there and he opened one eye as if he wanted to see her. :) Dr Matt also saw a little movement in his toes! What a joy to see progress!

I promise to provide you with more details the next time I journal. Kayla and I want to hurry back to the hospital to be with mom and dad.

Prayer warriors, keep your full armor of God on and continue to pray and PRAISE!!!!!

Kayla picked out tonight's bible verse:
Psalm 5:11 "But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you."

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 9:27 AM CDT

Psalm 66:20 "Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me!"

Good morning prayer warriors! Mom and I just finished reading the guestbook...WOW! What incredible words of comfort and support. It's no wonder that we slept so well last night. We saw the times of the entries and saw that dad was being prayed for around the clock! Thank you!

Dad had a great night. His temp dropped down to 99.0. It was up to 100.3 around 7:00 this morning. They got rid of a lot of "drips" (nurse lingo) last night. "Drips" means medication. He is no longer on paralytic, sedatives or coma drugs. He remains in a deep sleep.

He is beginning to breath a bit more on his own. We anticipate him to be on a ventalator for quite some time (weeks?). Dad starts the breathing and the ventalator helps him finish. This is common due to the amount of sedatives still in dad's body. His color looks good today. The nurses do a great job cleaning and shaving him.

His SATS are around 97 at 45% oxygen. BP and HR are awesome. His ICP is great. He is no longer using the vibrating vest, instead uses a machine (looks like a hand held sander) that vibrates on his chest to continue to loosen up his lungs. They are going to remove the EEGs from his head today (wires that monitored brain activity). This is not needed since he is no longer receiving the coma drug.

We continue to pray for positive progress. Keep the prayers loud and strong. From the depth of our hearts, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!!

Romans 8: 24-25 "For in this hope, we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 3:12 PM CDT

Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"

I just can't help by starting today's journal entry will shouting of joy and praise! We, again, have had many friends and family visit today. We prayed together and spoke of God's holy and awesome word! Five diet cokes cannot compete with the "high" and energy I receive from God's word...thank you Jesus!

Okay, okay...dad's status. :) The doctors started reducing the pentabarb coma drug last night to 60 Dad fought the changes a little bit. His heart rate and blood pressure were a bit unstable.

Today they reduced the coma drug to 0yes, that's a zero)! His BP and HR seem to be taking the changes well. His ICP is in the middle teens...I did see a 12 today, praise the Lord!!!!!!

They stopped the paralytic, sedative and coma drugs. Many of these drugs collect in body fat, therefore it takes three to five days for them to leave the system. Therefore, even though dad is no longer receiving the drugs, it will still be several days before dad wakes up. It's one step closer to dad waking up, whether it be a baby step or a giant step, we are so happy they are steps! :) Dad's temp has been between 101 and 102...a little better than last night.

We are pleased with dad's progress. A doctor even commented on it as being miraculous! It's a God thing! Even though dad's progress is "good", please remember that he is still VERY critical and to continue to pray for all.

Phillippians 4:13 "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."

Isaiah 53:5 "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are HEALED."

Monday, August 25, 2003 6:38 PM CDT

Our intentions were not to keep you on the edge of your seat anticipating an updated report on dad's status today. We had a busy day visiting with family and friends, shopping for bibles and sending our college kids back off to Fargo.

Dad remains stable. His ICP ranged from 12 to 26 today. It generally moved between 16 to 22. They slightly reduced the amount of blood thinner, but still need it because of the blood clot in his brain. The vibrating vest has been great for his lungs. They run it every four hours for about 40 minutes each time. His ICP generally increases at that time, but go down after each process. His SATS are 96 - 97 at 45% oxygen!

Dad's fever continues to be a concern. It's been anywhere from 102 to 103.5. Johnny helped the nurse by placing alcohol-water soaked rags on dad to help reduce the temp. Johnny was so happy to help and the temp did drop a bit with his help! :)

They started to reduce the paralytic drug. Their hope is to start reducing the pentabarb coma drug tomorrow. We are so excited to start this process. The coma drug stores itself in the body fat, therefore it takes at least two to three days for it to completely leave the body. As they decrease the coma drug, they will icrease the sedative drug. The sedative has a quicker "turnaround" time with leaving the body. That way when it's time to start reducing the sedatives to run tests on dad, it won't take as long as the coma drug.

To sum up the above babbling, they are going to start changing the types of drugs dad is on, but will most likely not see "results" for several days. I anticipate the next several days to be much like the past few.

The days are long and yet they pass by quickly. We came to the hotel for some wonderful stew made by Tami Heiling (Thanks Tami, it's GREAT!). What a better way to have dinner than to do it while reading dad's guestbook. Thank you EVERYONE for your letters of thoughts, prayers and encouragement. While some letters brought tears, others smiles, they all brought HOPE! We are at a loss for words trying to explain how much we appreciate your love and support. Thank you,thank you, thank you!

It's time for mom and I to shut our eyes so we can be ready to pray dad through the night. As always, continue to pray for dad, the doctors, the nurses and our family. And just as importantly, through all of this, continue to give God the Glory! "Praise Him from whom all blessings flow..."

Hebrews 4:16 "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

Monday, August 25, 2003 2:19 AM CDT

Dad's night time prayer warriors are wearing the full armor of God and are ready to pray, pray, PRAY!

As I'm typing, Johnny is at dad's bedside reading Psalm 91. We will all have that Psalm memorized soon...including dad!

We (mom, Johnny, Amanda and I (Nikki)) arrived at the hospital at 1:15am. Dad's numbers still look good. Johnny is getting good at reading the nurses charts. He said he saw ICP (caranial pressure) of 12...OH...Praise God!!!! His blood pressure and heart rate looked good. His SATS were 97 at 45% oxygen! We repeatedly sing "Our God is an Awesome God!"

Dad's temperature was 102.7. Please continue to pray for his temp to come back down and for the source of the fever to be destroyed.

As always, continue to lift the doctors, nurses and medical equipment up in prayer. God has blessed us with wonderful, compassionate doctors and nurses. We have met many wonderful people here. We share our faith and God's glory with all.

It's time for me to get back in our prayer group. There are so many bible verses to read and so many prayers to be said. Praise the Lord that he knows what I'm going to say before the words are formed on my tongue! What a wonderful, merciful, faithful, loving God we have!

Keep those prayers loud and strong!

Johnny picked tonight's verse for the journal:
Matthew 21:21-22 "Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

Sunday, August 24, 2003 9:25 PM CDT

Today was the Lord's day and what a day it was!

Dad remained stable all day...praise the lord! His temperature fluctuated much of the day. As of 8:00pm it was around 102.2. It did get down to around 101.

His caranial pressure has been between 16 to 22. Normal pressure is 8 to 10. We will rejoice in the day when his pressure is back to normal!!!!

We were blessed with many visitors. And were surprised with a HUGE and delicious Sauer Kraut lunch! Thank you David and Terrie!

We have been taken care of by so many family and friends. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love and generousity. We will not forget all that you have done for us and neither will God!

Psalm 61:7-8 "May he reign under God's protection forever. Appoint your unfailing love and faithfulness to watch over him. Then I will always sing praises to your name, as I fulfill my vows day after day."

Sunday, August 24, 2003 12:37 AM CDT

Dad has been weaned completely off of his blood pressure drug. And in the process of weaning another drug. We found out the source of the fever from the blood cultures. The sputum cultures show a positive sign of bacteria. They are now treating that with I.V. antibiotics. That takes a couple of hours to start working, then we should see the fever reduce.

All of his other numbers remain stable. Continue to pray for his ICP numbers (pressure in the brain). Although they are not as high as two days ago, dad still needs prayer for the pressure to come down further.

Please continue to lift the hospital staff up in prayers. We ask God to intervene in their behalf to be continually alert of the status of his changing conditions. Keep praying for positive progress.

Mom has been able to get periods of "quality" rest. We have been claiming Proverbs 3:24..."Sweet sleep for mom." Her faith has been strong and her spirits are uplifted. She's an amazing Godly woman. God is with her. Thank you and continue to pray for her.

We can't say it enough, pray, pray, PRAY. Oh, you prayer warriors, be strong. And for you night time prayer warriors, we have been claiming Psalms 91 (especially verse 5) "...we will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day..."

Again, thank you for your love, concern and prayers. Your messages are very uplifting for our family. Mom read ALL of your messages to dad last night. We will continue to read them to him.

Isaiah 58:11 "The Lord will guide you continually..."

Sunday, August 24, 2003 4:15 AM CDT

We visited with the doctor. Dad is remaining stable. There is no plan to change treatment throughout Sunday. Dad's nurse is doing a wonderful job balancing medications.

Dad's temp continues to be high (102.9). Pray that the cultures from the blood test will reveal the source of the fever, so proper treatment can be administered.

SATS were 96 to 97 at 50% oxygen. That's great. His color looks good.

The doctor's plans for today are going to be much like yesterday. His goal is to keep dad stablized for another 24 hours. At that time they will reevaluate the situation for any change in treatment.

As you continue to pray for dad and our family, remember to also lift up the doctors and nurses in prayer. Pray for God to give them wisdom and knowledge beyond their years.

James 5:15 "And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven."

Saturday, August 23, 2003 11:37 PM CDT

Dad's temperature is 102.7. The nurses are icing him down. Every four hours a vest is put on dad that vibrates and loosens up the build up in his lungs. This usually helps increase his SATS (blood/oxygen count). For you medical people, dad's SATS are between 92 - 94 on 50% oxygen (room level oxygen is around 21%). He was at 60% oxygen on Friday. The doctors are pleased to see 50%.

Dad's hemoglobin was down so they gave him another unit of blood. His color looked better after given the blood.

The drug induced coma is supposed to reduce the brain activity. Reducing the brain activity is supposed to keep the caranial pressure down. Dad's brain activity is higher than expected with this amount of the drug and yet his pressure is not increasing! :) The pressure remains stable, but we are looking forward to the day that it comes down to normal.

We are pleased that dad remains stable. We continue to focus on God and His healing power. We have prayer warriors here tonight. We have set up camp in the waiting room. We are constantly in the bible seeking God's word.

We enjoy reading your notes of encouragement. It is so comforting to know we are being prayed for across the nation. Continue, our prayer warriors, to pray dad and our family through this!

Deuteronomy 3:22 "Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God himself will fight for you."

Saturday, August 23, 2003 4:05 PM CDT

Hello all.
The majority of dad's "numbers" remain good (stable). The doctor said the numbers are stable and dad is fighting hard!

Right now dad is still fighting a fever. An hour ago it was up to 103 degrees. They are giving him an alcohol bath to reduce it. It is now down to 102.1...praise the Lord! Most likely the fever is caused by the pneumonia.

They started weaning the drug that controls his blood pressure. The tube that is to suction out his stomach was not functionig properly. They got it working again and suctioned out a lot of blood which caused his blood pressure to drop. Therefore, they increased the drug to get his blood pressure back up.

As far as we know, the blood clot in dad's head is still present. They are using a blood thinner to prevent the clot from getting bigger.

If dad remains stable, our hope is to wean him off of different drugs. We hope to start reducing the "pentabarb" coma drug on Monday. It will take two to three days for the drug to completely leave dad's body.

We have wonderful support from family and friends. Although this time is incredibly difficult for our family, we completely trust God and know that He is in control! As always, continue to pray unceasingly for dad!

Romans 5:3-5 "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. AND HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT US, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us."

Saturday, August 23, 2003 10:00 AM CDT

Thank you to everyone who participated in the “prayer vigil” last night at 10:00 pm. CDT. We KNOW God hears our prayers!!

John had a good night last night. (When they say "good", they mean that he remained stable throughout the night). It seems the lungs are slowly getting better. They have put some sort of vibrating vest on him to help the lungs drain. They use this periodically.

The pressure on John’s brain goes up and down. At this point, it is down a bit.

John’s blood pressure is still up, but they want it that way for now, to keep the blood flowing. Eventually they will wean him off of this medication.

They continue to try to get his temperature down.

John got a different bed yesterday. This new bed elevates and can move around. This relieves some of the pressure on different parts of the body and will help to prevent bed sores.

John's heart remains strong.

Charlene encourages everyone to share on the journal board if there is something on your heart that you feel like sharing. Thank you, again, to everyone, for continuing to hold John up in your prayers.

Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Friday, August 22, 2003 4:53 PM CDT

I just talked to Nikki and she gave me an update on how John is doing. She said the doctors have done everything medically that they can do. They are just trying to keep him stabilized at this point. His fever is up a little bit, again. They are still concerned about the fluid on his lungs because of pneumonia.

At this point, John's life is in the Lord's hands. We just have to trust in Him and continually offer our prayers.

"For God has said, "I will never leave you; I will never abandon you." Heb. 13;5

Friday, August 22, 2003 10:06 AM CDT

How to show your support...

You are more than welcome to send cards to John, but what the family needs most are prayers. Please know that flowers and balloons are not allowed in the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital and should not be sent. Cards may be addressed to: Hennepin County Medical Center, Attn: John Frank, SIC #1, 701 Park Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55415. Additionally, a fund has been set up for the family at the Wanda State Bank. Donations may be made to the Wanda State Bank, c/o John Frank Fund, P.O. Box 278, Wanda, MN 56294-0278

The family is very appreciative of your prayers and support, and wish to thank you from the bottom of their hearts!

Friday, August 22, 2003 1:44 AM CDT

Currently John is in a pentabarb (chemically induced) coma due to higher cranial pressure, which is caused by increased brain swelling. The doctor said this condition could last for a few days.

The neurological checks remain strong. There are no indications of a stroke. John’s color remains good! His fever is down.

The family remains strong through God’s strength. Jesus is the center. He is near and He will do good.

PLEASE continue strong in your prayers.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Thursday, August 21, 2003 7:59 PM CDT

As most of you know, John Frank was in an accident on Saturday, Aug. 16th. He is currently at Hennepin County Medical Center in Mpls, MN. So many people have called to find out how John is doing, and to extend their prayers. In order to keep everyone updated, we decided to do this web page. We will be updating this to keep you informed.

As of today, Thursday, Aug. 21, it has been a “roller coaster” day. Literally, things change hour by hour. The swelling in his brain had gone up a bit this afternoon, so they had put him into a deeper “chemically induced” coma. Later afternoon, the swelling went down, so that is a good sign. John also developed a fever, and has pneumonia in one of his lungs. We will update the website as soon as we hear more news. Again, thank you for your prayers, and please keep them coming!

Ephesians 3:20-21 “Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.”

Thursday, August 21, 2003 9:56 AM CDT

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