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Davis is 28 years old and is recovering from ACUTE LYMPHYCYTIC LEUKEMIA (ALL) T-CELL) He had masses around his heart also in his neck, and being a male - all this put him in the 15% survival range. He started this "adventure" when he was 11. JULY 17, 2001 will forever be in our hearts as a time of hell. After 3 1/2 years of extensive chemo, Davis finished treatment September 28, 2004.

Now he is in the "wait watch and see" phase which means check ups every YEAR - He made it! Tests continue to make sure all internal organs are working properly (heart, kidneys and liver). We didn't think Davis would be able to have children due to chemotherapy, but he was BLESSED to have a son, KILIAN SHAND born May 2010. MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!

Davis has 2 brothers: Darrel (30) and Brett (26)


Thursday, January 18, 2018 12:05 AM CST

279318 visitors, wow and humbling

Where does one start when its been so much time?
Is it time to end?

Is now 28 years old. Almost 17 more years then we thought we'd have with our son. Does one EVER get over their child suffering from cancer? Does one EVER get over watching their other children deal with the aftermath... even many years later.

I can't say how Davis would be as a person if he never had it. I can't say if he'd be a different person or if it would all be the same. I do believe he was changed in a way that made him a stronger more resilient person who lives his life how he wants to live it. Sometimes that is totally annoying :) but hey, I'm sure I annoyed my parents in all kind of ways haha... so, not sure I can even say that.

MARRIAGE. My son is getting married 5/6/2018 in Cancun. He is marrying his childhood friend. Now SHE is an angel! HA. What can I say? They were meant to be. Fate? Soul Mates? sure.... why not? I believe. I am proud and feel fortunate to have a woman like Kaylin be a part of the Shand family and learn to be a part of the Poole family too. They own a home in Eden prairie

Jeff will be Davis's best man. How beautiful is that?

Davis is working, part owner, of our company Shand Painting. It is a good fit and mix for us and him hopefully. Two peas in a pod, Jeff and Davis. Jeff is hoping he can partially retire one day soon. It is a hard and physical life.

What a special gift to my life. He is 7 years old, 2nd grade and lost his first 2 teeth. Davis didn't lose his teeth until very late so no surprises there! He is a ray of sunshine and smiles/laughs a lot. How he is so normal :) I'll never know. 2 family homes are never easy. He is a trooper and will be stronger for it I hope. We see him when we can, as does Davis. Davis keeps him busy with family life, fishing, road trips, cooking. How they LOVE TO COOK. I'll put this in right now, Davis is a dam good cook and I look to him many times for recipes or just have him cook and bring it.

Got married to Bekah in September and they live in Eagan in their own home. What a beautiful bride and dang handsome groom they were!. We had so much fun and it was the perfect mix of them both. It was a fairy garden wedding, which was extremely cool, and a cocktail reception. I'm equally blessed to have another wonderful woman in my life! It will be fun to have 2 different types of weddings. It so fits both their personalities. Davis exotic and off the cuff, Darrel more laid back, casual and traditional.

I'm trying hard to keep him from getting married until I am no longer broke! He bought a house, and now back to school for his teaching certificate for Geology. He is working hard to get a career he enjoys and Megan is so supportive of him and all he does. Megan passed her bar and working for the supreme court currently. She is the final female to be close to our family (can't officially say they are engaged, but I can hope, right?) She is nothing but a compliment to my son and I'm excited to have her too be a part of the Shand family one day soon I hope, well not tooo soon.

I tell you, having 3 women close is kinda fun... not so much camo anymore YEEEE HA. I even hada manicure with Bekah! A GIRL THING

I take all that I learn and hopefully pass it forward. I still cry when I think of the past, weird, huh? PTSD for sure. I held all those emotions for many years deep deep inside. I currently am a nurse and still work Cancer Disease Management. Very rewarding.. sometimes sad, but always feel like I'm making some type of difference.
We are going to Florida for a month as a sort of mini try it out and see if we like it. I'll still have to work FT, but that's ok, I was granted working from there.

Cleo is still alive and now is 9. Kenzie (Davis's lab) is also still alive and is going to be 10. Davis got a new pup, Evie, who is an Eurasier which descriptively looks like a mini wolf. I fondly call her Puffball.

I'll be interested to see if the count goes up at all. If not, that's ok because this is always therapeutic to write happiness, positiveness... and life going forward!

That is all in Shandland.... we ARE carrying on!

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Hospital Information:

Children's Hospitals and Clinics

Minneapolis, MN


E-mail Author: mleep@msn.com


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