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Loving OT life, PROUD of you Alexis

Hope Kids event Aug. 2007 with Half Pint and Oscar

Welcome to Alexis' Web Page. Alexis was diagnosed with Leukemia on Halloween of 2003. Alexis was 3 years and 4 months old. She has a sister, Rachel, who turned 1 in Dec. of 2003. Then there is Mom and Dad (Karen and Jeff) and Alexis has a new baby BROTHER, Trevor. Please feel free to sign her guestbook (especially if you come more thatn once) as it helps knowing you are thinking of her.

The Chosen Mothers
by Erma Bombeck

Most women become a mother by accident, some by choice
and a few by habit. Did you ever wonder how mother's of
children with life threatening illnesses are chosen?

Somehow, I visualize God hovering over earth
selecting His instruments for progagation with great care and
deliberation. As He observes, He instructs His angels
to make notes in a giant ledger.......

"Armstrong, Beth, son, patron saint Matthew"
Forrest, Marjorie, daughter, patron saint Cecilia"
Rutledge, Carrie, twins, partron saint Greard."

Finally, He passes a name to an angel and says, "Give
her a child with cancer." The angel is curious. "Why this
one, God? She's so happy."

"Exactly," smiles God, "Could I give a child with cancer
a mother who does not know laughter? That would be cruel."

"But, does she have patience?" asks the angel,

"I don't want her to have too much patience or she will
drown in a sea of self-pity and despair. Once the shock and
resentment wears off, she will handle it."

"I watched her today," said God. "She has that feeling
of self-independence that is so rare and necessary in a mother.
You see, the child I'm going to give her has it's own world.
She has to make it live in her world and that's not going to be easy."

"But Lord, I don't think she believes in you," said the angel.
"No matter, I can fix that. This one is perfect. She has just
enough selfishness."

The angel gasps, "Selfishness? Is that a virtue?"

God nods. "If she can't separate herself from the child
occasionally, she'll never survive. Yes, here is the woman I will bless
with a child less than perfect. She doesn't realize it yet,
but she is to be envied. She will never take anything her child does for
granted. She will never consider a single step
ordinary. I will permit her to see clearly the things I see....ignorance,
cruelty, prejudice....and allow her to rise above them."

"And what about her patron saint" asks the angel, his pen poised in mid-air.

God smiles and says..."A mirror will suffice."

Here are some references for lab numbers to help you understand what "normal" is for healthy children.

WBC- white blood count 5.5-14.5
RBC- red blood count 3.9-5.3
Hemoglobin (found in red blood carries oxygen) 11.5-13.5
Platelet- Blood clotting 150-450
ANC-immune system 1.260-8.680

"If you think of cancer like a tree growing above the ground, REMISSION is when we cut off the tree at the ground level and we can no longer see the tree. We continue the treatment to make sure we kill the roots and the tree can't grow back."

God sent to me an Angel

God sent to me an angel,
It had a broken wing.
I bent my head and wondered,
"How could God do such a thing?"

When I asked the father
Why He sent this child to me,
the answer was forthcoming,
He said, "Listen and you will see.

"My children are all precious,
and none is like the rest.
Each one to me is special,
and the least is as the best.

I send each one from Heaven
and I place it in the care
of those who know my mercy-
those with love to spare.

Sometimes I take them back again,
Sometimes I let them stay.
No matter what may happen
I am never far away.

So if you find an angel
and don't know what to do,
remember I am with you
Love is all I ask of you.

--Author Unknown

Did you know that...

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

by Kathy Cawthon, Survivor

"The big "C" I heard someone call it,
Another just whispered the word,
That we don't even dare to say "cancer" out loud
Gives it power it doesn't deserve.

So I'm giving that letter new meaning
And refusing to give in to fear
By reclaiming the power for you and for me
And by saying these words loud and clear:

Let the "C" be for "Cure" and "Compassion"
Let it stand for the "Candles" we light,
And a "Chorus" of voices shouting, "You Can!"
To all who will take up this fight.

Let the "C" be for "Cash Contribution"
("Credit" or "Check" will work, too)>
Let it stand for "Committment" and
Checkups" and "Cheer",
And for the "Children" "Counting" on you.

Let it mean that we know our "Creator" is beside us each step of the way,
And remind us to "Call" on His strength and His love,
And to "Celebrate" every new day.

To everyone facing this "Challenge",
I say it's a fight we can win.
Tell all who will listen that, starting today,
The "C" is for "Courage", my friend.

Little Children, Big Problems

There is a very special place
I have within my heart
It holds the little children
Who know what REAL PROBLEMS are.
I know we all have problems,
We all have a cross to bear,
But I'm talking "bout the little ones
With a GREAT BIG world of care.
A world of pain and treatments,
And a fear of the UNKNOWN
Sometimes these little children
Call their hospital room "home."
They often suffer daily,
But they rarely will complain
About the treatments they endure
Which cause most of the pain.
Sometimes these treatments are much worse
Than the sickness in itself
And can cause some complications
Which could jeopardize their health.
Although these little children suffer
And are often ill from drugs,
They always have a smile to share
And they give the BESTEST HUGS.
So, next time you have a PROBLEM
which you feel you cannot face,
Just think about these LITTLE ONES
And try to have just half their FAITH.
written by Rachel's mom, Susan!

This is a link (copy and paste for now) to a video made for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. It is very moving and made up of the online support group kids. It was made by 2 ladies in the group. Please take the time to watch it, it is very moving.



Tuesday, November 29, 2011 4:23 PM CST

One more final entry. Alexis is doing great and this Dec. she will see her Oncology team for the last time. She is going to be transfered to the Long Term Care Team.

We went to Florida in June and went back to Give Kids the World Village. It was a great visit. We did the Disney thing also and Universal, Harry Potter World is there. Alexis is a HP fan.

I am blessed that Alexis is doiong great and is an amazing young lady. I am so proud of her and love her so much.

Alexis you are the best daughter a Mom could ever want.


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Hospital Information:

Patient Room:

Children's Hospitals and Clinics -St. Paul


http://www.gktw.org   a amazing place for family's to stay while on a Make-a-Wish tirp to Florida


E-mail Author: jandkstern@connections-etc.net


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Site Sponsored by:
Children's Hospitals and Clinics (Mpls and St. Paul)

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