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Thursday, February 28, 2012 07:37 PM CDT

Each year that comes and goes, reminds me of God's healing and how grateful we are to have our son Kyle with us.

Kyle is in high school this year! He started the year off playing goalie on the high school team. He was accepted to an honors high school and is learning about "time management"....this year is definitely a learning experience. He attended homecoming and experienced his first date. :) He will be attending drivers training in the spring. He has continued to be part of the church youth group and went on his first mission trip with the crew last summer. He also just returned from London, England where he and his grandma Lois experience life in the UK with the high school marching band.

He continues with Relay for Life and Camp Quality, two organizations that have affected our lives deeply. Cancer was part of our life, part of Kyle's life but without it we would have missed out on so many blessings.

Words cannot express how proud we are of Kyle, and how blessed we know we are.

Until Next Time, May God Bless You!

Beth Heath

Monday, February 28, 2011 11:39 PM CDT

We are grateful for another year of good health for Kyle. He is in the 8th grade this year and doing wonderful. He has continued to play soccer with AYSO and enjoys youth group at our church.

I started Graduate school in the fall and have had fun juggling work, school and family again. When Kyle was sick we received so much care and support from friends and family but had countless support from professionals who through there work, helped our family. I hope to be someone that makes someones struggle a little lighter, and have a career that makes a difference.

If you have found Kyle's site because you are looking for answers because of your child's illness. Please know there is hope for your child.

Until next year! :)
God Bless you and your family.
Beth Heath

Sunday, February 28, 2010 8:57 PM CDT

Another year gone by and things have been great for Kyle. 7th grade has been busy for him. Band, Boy Scouts, football and track. He has been Mr. Independent...so motivated and focused on his goals. Pretty cool.

His health is good and today marks 7 years since his dx. We are so grateful. When he was dx we all felt so hopeless, praise God for his healing.

One thing we did this winter was re-visit Give Kids The World (GKTW) and it was really cool for Kyle to remember his Wish trip. He was sentimental and really enjoyed reminiscing. He even participated in "Village Idol" with the current wish kids...so fun!

I recently graduated with my BS in Counseling and look forward to Graduate school in the fall. I believe my experience with Kyle's illness and other life experience's have brought me to this place in my life. I hope that what ever I end up doing, I can help people better there lives. As far as the rest of the Heath's all is well, life is good.

I look forward to my yearly update on caringbridge. It allows me to share my HOPE for a cure for Wilm's.

Saturday, February 28, 2009 0:22 AM CST

Another year! We are so grateful to God for his healing hands. It has been SIX years since Kyle's diagnosis and he is doing great! I could have never imagined that time would go by so quickly and that we would be living life "almost" as if Kyle never had cancer. Almost because it never really goes away. It is always lurking in our minds but we trust the Lord each day that He has done his work and try our hardest to live life to the fullest.

Obviously, Kyle had clear scans and blood work again this year!!!! He will continue to be followed by his oncologist annually. The testing will be determined by what the current protocol for wilms tumor is at the time. The longer there has been childhood cancer survivors the more information is learned about their health post treatment.

Kyle is doing wonderful in middle school and he loves it! He has made the honor roll each marking period and plays in the school band. He plays the bass clarinet. He also plays the guitar at home. He has an electric and a new acoustic that Grandma and Grandpa gave him over the holidays. He took lessons for about a year and now just practices on his own. He takes the music he learns in band and converts it to the guitar. The U of M fight song sounds awesome on the electric!

We continue each day to thank God and pray for continued good health for Kyle...in every way. Please feel free to pray for him as well.

May God bless you and your family!
Beth and Craig

Thursday, February 28, 2008 10:38 AM CST

Today is a very special day. At one point and time I couldn't imagine saying this date in history to be special but today it is.

Kyle was diagnosed with cancer 5 years ago today...

About this time Craig, Kyle and I were waiting to be transported from North Shores to Detroit. I think we were both numb with shock. Kyle sat in his hospital bed eating Popsicles and watching his favorite movie at the time called the Iron Giant. A nice nurse went to the video store to rent Kyle anything he wanted while we waited for a bed at the bigger hospital. How fitting for Kyle to be recently hooked on a movie about an Iron Giant who fights to stay alive. I also remember it was RSV season and St. John Detroit was packed with ill children some fighting for their lives because of this virus that goes bad. Amazingly even though we were beginning a fight for our sons life we so easily listened and shared with others going through different yet similar things. Our babies were sick and we would do anything to make them better. I remember now that it was only days before we went to "WAR" with Iraq. But all of that didn't seem to matter to us. We just wanted Kyle healthy and all of this to go away. The staff at St. John were amazing, giving it their all to help us all get through this in our own unique ways. I needed facts....give me all the data and I will believe. Craig needed to hear confidence in the doctors voices and at times took the quiet patient wait of faith. I began to have faith over time.... it is amazing to me that through that time Jesus carried us through it. People would say you guys seem to be holding up great, if we were I would have to give God all the glory. The Lord gave Kyle all of the strength a 6 year old would need to get through surgery, radiation, chemo and all the pokes and pulls given to you during such an illness. I pray always to keep in perspective what we prayed for...life. All the nonsense that comes with major illness is secondary and small stuff compared to the cure. Kyle is an amazing young man today. Even when we had a scare about a year and a half ago, Kyle was afraid but really felt he was going to be fine. He has such inner faith, wise like a person much older. Happy and determined to do well in school and make good choices for himself. We are so proud of him and more importantly he is proud of himself and it shows! This morning I got up and grabbed Kyle did a little dance with him singing do you know what today is..... He rolled his eyes like any other 11 year old and said of course I do, although I think he enjoyed the chance to celebrate with me. With a big hug and kiss we reminded each other of the simple things in life and today we praise God again for his healing. So for the record....

The docs say 5 years cancer free = CURE!!!!!

Blessings and Prayers to anyone is fighting for a life. Through God all things are possible.

Sunday, October 7, 2007 8:10 PM CDT

Four years ago today Kyle completed treatment! Yahoo! We decided to celebrate and we took the boat out for an evening spin and went to dinner on the lake. We went to a resturant that had sailboat lights hanging from the ceiling. Ofcourse we sat under the one named "Kyle". We are so grateful each day that Kyle is here with us; healthy and happy. We are truly blessed.

Kyle and Bryan finished up the first half of soccer. Bryan team has finished last (Although Bry doens't seem to care, Bry says my Coach always says it's not whether we win or lose its if we had fun! He is so darn cute.)and Kyle's team is in third. Kyle really has done a great job this year. We are so proud of his efforts and can tell he is proud of himself. Which is much more important. :-)

I also want to take this time to thank Grandma Lois for taking Kyle on his special outing Saturday. That was very thougthful of you. We are very lucky to have such great parents and such a great sister in Pam. You all have been there for us through so much. Not sure if you still check in on the site or not but if you do I just wanted you to know how much you are appreciated. We could never get by without you.

Love and Hope,

Monday, September 17, 2007 11:16 PM CDT

Howdy Y'All! Cattlebarrons was awesome. Craig and I enjoyed the food and music. The event raised over a 3/4 of a million dollars and will stay right here in Metro Detroit! The live auction was amazing to watch; $50,000 being bid for a golf foursome with a big executive and retired Tiger. Tens of thousands were earmarked for childhood cancer survivor scholarships as well! The photos of Kyle and I were everywhere,(A girl might get a big head. he he) along with the other represenatives photographed. Craig tried to steal a banner but was caught red handed, Lol. I guess they were quite costly and will be used at Strides on Belle Isle next week, trainings and future Cattlebarron Balls. They did promised however, that some day we will get one. I am grateful to the past work of the society and the future advancements made for the good of all of us.

To read about Hope, Progress and Answers with the American Cancer Society cut and paste the following link....

Continued prayers for Matthew in Canada. He has been fighting reoccurent wilms tumor since toddlerhood and the cancer has been becoming more painful. He has an amazing spirit and also has written a wonderful book about a Knight who slays a Dragon. Quite the metaphor for his journey....To visit Matthew's site go to


Monday, September 10, 2007 7:41 PM CDT

Hi Everyone!

Kyle enjoyed Camp and enjoyed getting to know his new companion Darren. As always camp has been a wonderful part of Kyle's childhood. It is nice to have Grandma and "Aunt" Sandy invovled too. Lots of memories have been made.

Kyle is recovering tonight from oral surgery. Together with his Orthodonist we are trying to extract all the extra teeth to possibly prevent the need for braces. He did great and didn't give me any crap. Lol. He was able to pick out a new DS game.

Both the boys are in school and doing well. Kyle loves his new teacher and is happy to be back to studies. Believe it our not Kyle loves to do projects and homework. He is pretty smart and very motivated. Bry on the other hand enjoyed summer so much he didn't want it to end. He is however enjoying his new teacher and friends once he settled in.

This Saturday is the 5th Annual Cattlebarrons Ball being held at the Michigan State Fairgrounds for the American Cancer Society. Craig and I are invited however, Kyle will have to stay home with Grandma Lois; its just for us old folks. www.CBBDETROIT.com

Time to tuck the boys in. Take care and I will post soon.
HOPE and Blessings,

Sunday, July 15, 2007 8:42 PM CDT

Hi! Not much to update on other than the boys are having a nice summer. Swimming pretty much everyday at our house or Grandma and Grandpas house. Catching a couple of Tiger games has been fun too.

Craig has been working a ton with his powerwashing and I have my usual crazy hours in wholesale. It will be nice though to get away at least once this summer before the kids head back to school. We're hoping to go to Silver Lake again, maybe this time bring the boat. :-) I would guess we are at the half way point today before summers over so I better get planning.

Kyle will be going to camp again and Grandma Lois and Sandy will volunteer. Kyle is really going to miss Jeff his companion this year. He and Katie (also a companion at camp) got hitched June 23 and took a long honeymoon to Fiji. So, I guess they didn't feel like camping with a bunch of kids. Lol. Whomever they pair him with should be great, I just hope they have a lot of energy and like frogging.

I am looking forward to my family reunion next weekend. It has been a long time since I have seen many of the extended family. I heard my cousin from Alaska will be in town. It should be fun for everyone. I am the youngest out of 36 cousins and we all have children now...so our kids have a blast too! I am hoping to see others from Texas and Tennessee.

Take care, I hope everything is well with you and yours.


Sunday, June 3, 2007 9:48 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! I thought I would post the results the 2nd annual Relay For Life of Chesterfield. I happen to be the chairperson for this event and I feel very proud today to be part of something so wonderful with such wonderful people in my community.

The event overall total was $58,310.00!!!! Which is amazing because when we found the event only a short 9 months ago we had raised $33,000! I am in awe....the economy is hurting but people care about cancer research. My family team "Cruisin' with Kyle" did almost twice what we did last August. We raised $16,753.46!!!!!! We brought the trophy back home again for another year as we defend our title as Most Dollars Raised Team. We also brought education and advocacy to our community this weekend reminding women to get their mammograms and for everone to get screening for colon cancer. I believe had by mother been screened in time she would be here today. Lung, Colon and breast cancer are the countries leading cancer killers. Are you doing everything you need to do to stay healthy?

One more thing Sunday, June 10th our event is going to be highlighted on the cover page of the community section in the Detroit Free Press. Be sure to check it out.

So, I am all done bragging and preaching. I am pooped out and am going to turn in. Feel free to visit our site at www.hopeinchesterield.org for more post event details and photos.

By for now...Hope and Cure.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007 9:04 PM CDT

Hi Everyone, Just a quick not to report CLEAR SCANS! Everything looks good. Kyle is coming up on 4 years off treatment. It is amazing to me how the time flew by.

I also want to remind everyone about our Relay For Life of Chesterfield this weekend. Come on out during the day on Saturday if your local. A great schedule of events are planned we just need the weather to cooperate. Keep you fingers crossed. I will report how much is raised this year. I believe as of today we are at around $22,000....;-)

Anyhow, Just thought I would update and let everyone know things are going well.

Happy Summer,
Beth & Family

Friday, May 11, 2007 12:01 AM CDT

Things are going well for the Heath's. Busy but good. Our trip to Tennessee was wonderful. We stayed in a cabin in the Gatlinburg area for 6 days then Nashville for 3 more. The Smokeys were gorgeous and we absolutely love the Nashville area. Needless to say it was hard to come home. But we had too. :-)

The evening we came home we had a new family member waiting for us. Nash; our new Maltese/Shitzu puppy. He is absolutely adorable. We are having such fun with him. Otis can't be bothered but Nash sure likes to bother Otis. Nash had been ready to come home 2 weeks earlier. But with our trip planned we asked her to keep him for us until we returned. Our neighbor Jackie picked Nash up the day we were do back and had him waiting in our kitchen. The boys had no idea. Boy were they surprised. Kyle is so sweet with him...Bryan is a little more "rough". Like when he pushed Nash down the slide! Nash goes down all on his own now; Bry just has to help him up! What's one more boy to the gang. Speaking of boys, Jake or snake has escaped.He has been missing since May 4th. We keep hoping to find him in a shoe or something...at least before Nash does. Lol.

We had our casino trip. We raised some great $ for team "Cruisin with Kyle" but had a ton of fun too. We had 2 charter buses filled with friends and family. We (Craig and I) didn't win any money but I felt like I had hit the jackpot. Upon returning home I realized my wallet was gone. I called Greektown Casino security...someone had turned it in. Everything intact. There are still good people out there.

Well, I wanted to update and report back on how our trip went. Kyle had his scans on Tuesday. I will report the findings when I get them. I am sure they are A-OK. But it is always a little scarey. I guess that will never get easier.

Love and Prayers,
Beth and Family

Monday, March 5, 2007 12:37 AM CST

Hi Everyone!

The photo in Western attire of Kyle and I was taken through the American Cancer Society for the Annual Cattlebarrons Ball. It was quite the honor to be chosen as the faces of Survivorship and Relay this year. The photo will be used in the invites and our words and photos will be enlarged as the guests enter the Michigan Fairgrounds Stadium. Each year the Ball raises over 1 Million for research, education and services for Michigan. Not bad for one evening!!!

Things are going well for the Heath family. Kyle is invovled in Science Olympiad again and is playing indoor soccer with his AYSO coach and teammates. They will resume outdoor AYSO season I believe in April. Both the boys are interested in baseball again and they are signed up with our township leauge again. We are planning a family trip to Tennessee and can't wait to see how the Southern Folk live. Our cabin is atop of Bear Mountain and has an amazing view of the Smokeys. We just can't wait!

Relay is approaching fast...we have a date now... June 2 & 3 at L'Anse Creuse Middle School East again. Our Relay Kick-off Party is next Monday, March 12 at Boulder Lakes. We are expecting a big turn out and hope to see many more new faces take part in our communities relay. It is not to late to get involved. (Update we had over 50 people attend and received new sponsors and new teams! Kyle was the speaker and he did a wonderful job! Everybody couldn't believe he was only 10 years old.)

Kyle and Bryan got a snake a few months ago from our friend Mike Brophy with Reptiles Inc. His name is Jake. He is pretty cool. Literally....lol. Bryan says he and Jake know how to communicate with one another. I asked him how and he said, "Well, I say sssss.... and he says ssssss.... and we just know what eachother is saying!" Kids say the darndest things.

Please support Kyle's team and donate online if you can't participate in person. Click on www.hopeinchesterfield.org then click on donate now. You can scroll down to Kyle's team "Cruisin with Kyle" and give what you can for a great cause! (Fundraising Update: We will be hosting a Casino Bus Day Trip in May for Kyle's Team any questions call Craig at (586)929-4201)

I will update again soon. Kyle's next oncology appointment and scans is next month so as always pray for continued remission.

Love and Blessings,

Monday, January 9, 2007 12:00 AM CST


Thanks to all of Kyle's loved one who are stopping by to wish him birthday blessings!!!! I am so proud of my Kyle! Even though he has been through so much in the last few years he has remained so happy and full of good humor. He is always laughing and joking. Trying to give the comeback that will get the biggest reaction or laugh. Tonight while tucking him in he asked me if we could go to Hollywood someday. I told him sure we could...he said seeing all the stars would be so cool. I think he secretly would love to be on one of those sitcoms he watches.

We went to Texas Road House tonight for dinner. Something we do every year for Kyle's birthday. They always send him a free birthday meal postcard. Anyhow, Kyle was sooo chatty with the waitress and he told her that he had come to the Road House right before he was dx with cancer and when they drew attention to him for the "birthday yeha" that he had cried. He then went on to tell her that now he's 10 and it's been 4 years since he had cancer. He also said he's not afraid of the "birthday yeha" anymore. He also went on about his ipod, his school, science olympiad etc etc. I think he was kind of sweet on our waitress! What are we going to do when he turns 13!!!!

Well anyhow, I sure hope everyone had a great holiday and everyone has a very happy and healthy new year. Thanks for stopping by!

Love and Blessings,

Monday, November 27, 2006 9:28 AM CST

Hello Friends!

Here we are Thanksgiving is over and the holidays are in full swing. I hope to enjoy the holidays with family and friends. Keeping them simple and remembering the reason for the season.

This Thanksgiving we expressed how we are extremely grateful for Kyles' continued remission. At the same time we feel deep saddness for the loss of a dear friend. Michael Peter Gjonaj passed away October 18, 2006 at his home after fighting neuroblastoma since February 2005. Michael celebrated his 14th birthday with his family and friends just weeks before his passing. I will always remember fondly the day I met Michael. I was thrilled to learn he would be camping with Kyle at Camp Quality. Kyle looked up to Mike and they easily became friends. Michael was a very kind and caring young man. He will be deeply missed by many. Please continue to remember his family in prayer.

Love and Blessings,

*** Please pray for Zoe ***
Please remember Zoe in prayer as she has a pet scan on Tuesday to rule out a return of neuroblastoma. The doctors are not super concerned but are erring on the side of caution. The Bergens will take Zoe to her doc at U of M with the results for a full check up. Zoe has done remarkably well and we know in our hearts she will continue to do so. Feel free to follow her link below to send her and her family continued prayers. www.caringbridge.org/mi/4theloveofzoe

Friday, September 8, 2006 8:27 AM CDT

Happy Fall! Things have been busy around the Heath home. School has gotten off to a good start. Kyle is so happy to be back with his best friends every day. He is even excited about homework even making up his own extra credit on his first assignment. Bryan loves kidnergarten and wants to do everything like his big brother. Kyle is doing a great job showing Bry the ropes.

Kyle played his first soccer game last night. They won! Craig said Kyle played great defense. So far Kyle has had the luck of being on winning teams with great coaches. Last soccer season their team took 1st and with baseball this summer their team tied for 1st! It makes it fun for Craig. He loves to watch a good game. Whether they win or lose; Kyle is out there learning teamwork and having fun. Bry decided not to play soccer again. Maybe baseball in the spring for him. He can really hit em'.

Please remember our friend Michael in prayer. Micahel is 13 years old and is quite the fighter and has been through so much. He has been on a ventilator at UofM for 2 weeks. He has neuroblastoma and has not been able keep the beast at bay. This last epidsode caused his counts to go to zero; causing a life threatening nose bleed. His parents Peter and Christina, his sisters Elizabeth and Stephanie need your prayers as well. This has been incredibly difficult for all of them.

HOPE and Love,

Monday, August 7, 2006 7:44 AM CDT

Good Morning! It is the day after relay and I am pretty rested now. We all came home by noon on Sunday and showered and crawled into our beds. I swear my bed never felt so good. The event was a complete success! We had sunshine and at times a cool breeze. We had so many people from the community come out and support our cause! It was amazing! We raised near $32,000!!! We came out and honored surviviors and remembered those who we lost to this terrible disease of cancer. This morning I feel grateful. Grateful to have people with the same passion as we share.
"Cruisin with Kyle" took home the trophy with raising nearly $9,000!!!! Unbelievable! My mother in law rec'd the trophy for most individual raising in the amount of $4,700 !!! My sister in law rec'd the "Life Saver" award by turning in her list of phone calls she made to friends asking them to recieve their mammograms. We even had our cousin Miki's boyfriend take home the "Mr.Relay Crown". Thanks Jay for being such a great sport! So, we as a team were victorious! We as a community were victorious! Visit the website to check out pictures of the event. This website will continue all year.... www.hopeinchesterfield.org
Thanks and Love,

Monday, June 5, 2006 1:11 AM CDT

Dear Friends, Today marks the 13th anniversary of my Mom's death to colon cancer. I remember the evening before she passed like yesterday. Nobody had prepared us for what the end would be like. We had no hospice, no home care of any kind. Mom was discharged 10 days prior;sent home to die. As a family we had not prepared for her death, nor even talked about it for that matter. Inside I knew my Mom was terminal...words like inoperable, metastize and anemic didn't sound promising. I guess the words were to painful for her to say to her children. What a terrible feeling it was to sit by her side so helpless. I prayed that night for God to take her home to Him. To stop her pain and give her peace. Mom, I know you found peace with Him. I love you and miss your very much. Thank you for watching over me and my family. For being Kyle's Angel and taking such good care of him.

Love and HOPE,
************************************************************Scan Update: Kyle's last set of scans were clear once again!!!! Praise God! We did however have quite the scare. His routine ultra sound came back with a negative report. Stating that there was an enlarged area on his kidney. His doc called us and said we needed to follow up with a cat scan. He said it could be a shadow, a cyst or a tumor. They wouldn't know until after the ct. We worried for only a day before Kyle had the scan and hearing the results. They said it must have been a shadow. That scared us sooo much! Thank you to Rose and everyone at St. John ct for getting us the good news so quickly!!!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:27 PM CDT

AUGUST 5th and 6th, 2006.
"Relay for life heals hearts and offers HOPE for a cure!"
-Beth Heath

Saturday, May 13, 2006
Doors Open at Noon
Live Performance at 1:00 PM
Meet and Greet your favorite Bed Bug after the show.
Cameras are welcome.

Joseph M. Carkenord Elementary
27100 24 Mile Road
*Located at the SE corner of 24 Mile/Chesterfield Road in Chesterfield Township

Bed Bug merchandise will be available for sale.

Ticket Cost: $5 each (Cash or Check payable to American Cancer Society)
Tickets can be purchased M-F Between the hours of 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM at
Milestone Motors (Beginning the Monday after Easter)
48470 Gratiot Avenue
Located on the east side of Gratiot between 21 & 22 mile in Chesterfield Township

All proceeds from this event will benefit
the American Cancer Society.
This event is a fundraiser for the Relay for Life team "Cruisin with Kyle" for more information visit our website at www.hopeinchesterfield.org

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:27 PM CDT

AUGUST 5th and 6th, 2006.
"Relay for life heals hearts and offers HOPE for a cure!"
-Beth Heath

Saturday, May 13, 2006
Doors Open at Noon
Live Performance at 1:00 PM
Meet and Greet your favorite Bed Bug after the show.
Cameras are welcome.

Joseph M. Carkenord Elementary
27100 24 Mile Road
*Located at the SE corner of 24 Mile/Chesterfield Road in Chesterfield Township

Bed Bug merchandise will be available for sale.

Ticket Cost: $5 each (Cash or Check payable to American Cancer Society)
Tickets can be purchased M-F Between the hours of 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM at
Milestone Motors (Beginning the Monday after Easter)
48470 Gratiot Avenue
Located on the east side of Gratiot between 21 & 22 mile in Chesterfield Township

All proceeds from this event will benefit
the American Cancer Society.
This event is a fundraiser for the Relay for Life team "Cruisin with Kyle" for more information visit our website at www.hopeinchesterfield.org

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 4:18 PM CST

Wow. Today is really a celebration of healing. Kyle was dx 3 years ago today. I realized this while talking to a man while marketing the new Relay for Life event in Chesterfield. I was overcome with emotion. I can't believe how quickly you can be brought back to "that" moment in time. When all I felt was fear...no hope.

Because of Kyle's treatment success all we feel is hope now...very little fear. To trust in God and the medical community is easier now with this time under our belt.

We are making great strides in the new event. Which will be August 5th and 6th. The likely event (contigent on a board meeting vote in our favor) will be at Pollard Park. We are also having amazing support already from the business community. Strawberry Fields in Chesterfield had been doing a chili cookoff this entire month to benefit the ACS. We are glad to offer them the Silver sponsorship package for the new event. Also, Giuseppes in Chesterfield has offered Kyle's team the support of a pasta dinner fundraiser and we are also planning the Bedbug Show at Carkenord May, 13. Amazing, amazing progress in such a short time.

However, WE NEED YOUR HELP! We cannot do this alone. We need walkers, teams, sponsorship and committee members.
Call me 586-948-1908 or email me at CRUISINWITHKYLE@aol.com for more details. Pass it on....Share the excitement and hope for a cure!

Love and Blessings,


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 4:18 PM CST

Wow. Today is really a celebration of healing. Kyle was dx 3 years ago today. I realized this while talking to a man while marketing the new Relay for Life event in Chesterfield. I was overcome with emotion. I can't believe how quickly you can be brought back to "that" moment in time. When all I felt was fear...no hope.

Because of Kyle's treatment success all we feel is hope now...very little fear. To trust in God and the medical community is easier now with this time under our belt.

We are making great strides in the new event. Which will be August 5th and 6th. The likely event (contigent on a board meeting vote in our favor) will be at Pollard Park. We are also having amazing support already from the business community. Strawberry Fields in Chesterfield had been doing a chili cookoff this entire month to benefit the ACS. We are glad to offer them the Silver sponsorship package for the new event. Also, Giuseppes in Chesterfield has offered Kyle's team the support of a pasta dinner fundraiser and we are also planning the Bedbug Show at Carkenord May, 13. Amazing, amazing progress in such a short time.

However, WE NEED YOUR HELP! We cannot do this alone. We need walkers, teams, sponsorship and committee members.
Call me 586-948-1908 or email me at CRUISINWITHKYLE@aol.com for more details. Pass it on....Share the excitement and hope for a cure!

Love and Blessings,


Sunday, January 29, 2006 6:15 PM CST

Dear Friends, Hoping you holiday season was special. We enjoyed ourselves. Making Christmas memories with family and ringing in the New Year with dear friends.

Kyle had a great 9th birthday. Insisting on another bowling party. I think this made the 3rd one he has had. This time he was able to bowl with his very own ball. He was so proud of this present he showed every friend that arrived. He even shared it with all his friends that day so it was broken in right. :-)

RELAY UPDATE! This year the American Cancer Society added a new Relay in Chesterfield (with our with out us) So, "Cruisin with Kyle" decided to be supportive and be the founding team. Anchor Bay Relay will now be referred to as New Baltimore. All our Anchor Bay Teams will be missed and hopefully in the spirit of the true cause we will supoort one another. So...HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP! Needed: Committee (aka planners) Sponsors and Teams. LOTS AND LOTS OF HELP!We are not confirmed on the actual dates yet (Looking at end of July early August for the first year!) and we are planning on Lanse Cruese Middle School East to lend us the field. I will be posting later with the final choices.

Anyhow, Things are great with the Heath's and we hope things have been good with you and your loved ones. Can't believe Kyle was dx 3 years ago next month (2/28/03). Where has the time gone. Praise God for his continued healing.

With Love,
Beth, Craig, Kyle and Bryan

*Please continue to pray for our Zoe (Done with all treatment with no evidence of disease! Yahoo!)
*Prayers for Michael our Camp Quality friend (Clear bone marrow, on to surgery and stem cell transplant next)
*Prayers for Jessy and Matthew (Our in Canada who are batteling multiple relapses with Wilms)

Thursday, December 15, 2005 8:48 AM CST

During this time of year when everyone (The Heath's included) are shopping, baking and squeezing in all the "extras" that go along with the Christmas season in America. I find it is so easy to forget what the season is all about. It is a celebration of our Savior being born. I believe His birth represents one simple thing. Jesus is all about LOVE in every shape and form. This season I hope we all can continue to see LOVE in everything. Our blessings that God has given us. The ones we see easily and the ones we might not know we have yet. This time of year I sometimes feel obligated to my ears. May I remember why I do these things for others....LOVE. May I remember to be grateful for the Christmas' past I had with my parents and not dwell on the ones I have without them. (I've been doing that lately.) I have to remember it was with Gods LOVE that I had them and with his LOVE that they are with Him now and they are at peace with Him. Because of Jesus' birth and death and resurrection I know I will see them again. It is during this season that sometimes it hard to see what it should be all about but if I keep it simple and remember his LOVE in everything I do this season will be a beautiful time for myself and the others I LOVE.

May each of you and your families have a blessed Christmas season full of LOVE.
Beth and Family

Sunday, November 13, 2005 4:23 PM CST

Hello Everyone!

KYLE WAS GIVEN THE ALL CLEAR AGAIN!!!!! PRAISE GOD. It never gets easier waiting for results. After all of the halloween candy the boys have been eating we had some tummy aches. Which tend to FREAK US OUT which I guess is not surprising. We feel extremely blessed.

Kyle did miss school a couple of days this past week. He had strep and is finishing up an antibiotic for that. Craig and myself have had some kind of other bug this week. Bry is just fine though (so far, so good).

Both boys had conferences at school and are doing good. Bry's new teachers just love him and him them. Kyle is also loving his multi age experience. His teachers say Kyle is kind and smart...kind of impulsive though. Hmmmm...not my Kyle. Lol. As I type he is in the bathroom above me singing out loud. Alleluia...Alleluia... LOUDLY. He is a nut that kid.

Kyle had a great time catching up with friends at camp reunion last week. I will post pictures from camp soon. The yearbook is so fun they give each year. Kyle and our friend Michael are all throughout this years book. A guess they must be the camp hams. Lol.

Friend Update:
Remember our friend Michael in prayer. He is going through some tough treatments lately and could use some more prayer sent his way. Zoe is having some trouble with her central line. Hoping they figured it out and there is nothing to invasive to correct it. Otherwise she is doing good. 4 of the next 6 weeks are inpatient for Zoe. I do think that she is close to the end of treatment for this antibody therapy though.

Well, that's all I can think of. We are headed out to see Chicken Little. The boys are soooo looking forward to that.

Love, Beth

Saturday, September 17, 2005 11:24 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! Especially, Danielle! I have been catching some grief for not updating lately. D is like....You haven't mentioned camp, school, soccer! Sooooo here I go...

Things are going very well. Kyle had a blast at camp. I swear he comes home a different child! It's like he grew up over night. When he did return we had a huge surprise for him. Craig and I did a mini makeover in his room. Craig built a loft bed (totally awesome!) and we changed the border and paint. He was so surprised! He is still asking friends in the neighborhood..."Have you seen my room yet?" Bry's room in next. He said he wants it just like Kyle's. Go figure.

The photo taken of Kyle in Lake Michigan was from our trip to Muskegon and Michigan Advertures Amusement Park. I was trying to get the boys to walk toward the sunset hand in hand and Bry wouldn't go for it. Suddenly, without planning Kyle faced the sunset and showed his strength. I absolutely love this picture! He is so STRONG! In so many ways :-)

The boys also started soccer. They are doing well. I was a little concerned about Kyle never playing before and being in the 3rd division now. However, he is holding his own and having alot of fun. We love his coach and the families are awesome. I must say I am hooked on soccer. I hope Kyle is too. Now Bry on the other hand....he does great one on one but put him on the field with the "clustering effect" the U6 group does and he can't focus. I know that will improve and we don't notice all the other children that are leaving the game mentally. We just notice ours! Lol. Bry is really good about repeating what team gets the throw in though. He is like "Green team!" "Blue team!". Maybe reffing is more his style.

School is good for both boys. Bry just started last Wednesday. He likes his new class. Kyle also likes his and is doing pretty good. He is in a unique class at school. It is a multi age program with two teachers and two grade levels 3rd & 4th. He enjoys being with the 4th graders and the whole concept is like the one room schoolhouse. The teachers are strict and I absolutely love that about them. Kyle will know exactly what is expected from him.

Quick Zoe update...She is doing well and in the second treatment of her antibody trial. She spent her 2nd birthday in patient but had a nice party before checking in at the house. This trial is the cure we all have been praying for. Our other friend Michael who is in treatment for neuroblastoma has entered another round of chemo prior to his stem cell rescue. He and his family need extra prayers during this time.

Also, remember in prayer all the people of Katrina...especially those children displaced from there treatment centers with cancer. We know of 2 families through our wilms site that have gone to other states to continue treatment. I have had to take a break from the tv. The only updates I get are online of my news screen. We are so small in the scheme of things and it is hard to sit by and watch powerless.

In God's Hands,

Thursday, August 4, 2005 11:27 PM CDT

Hello everyone.
I just had to do a quick entry today. The other day the phone rang and it was Kyle's new soccer coach telling us when the first practice was. The following day he called again and ask "Did your Kyle have cancer?" I guess his wife looked at the roster after he got home the night before and recognized Kyle's name from the cancer center and the cb page. Anyhow, in a nutshell...Kyle's coach is the Father of a child we know who had cancer. Baby Shanna had a donor bone marrow transplant the year Kyle was in treatment from her brother. I guess she is doing great! Then I call to tell Danielle (We do that call eachother for every crazy detail chick thing sometimes. Anyhow, then D told me that her Ryan was also on the same team too but had moved him because of transportation issues. (She didn't know Kyle was on the roster at that time.) Crazy huh? God sure puts people in our lives. Out of all the combinations of children and areas to play and coaches. The kids end up on that team. Hmmmmm. Coincedence? I think not.

Another God thing happened tonight at work. A man and his son came into membership (In case you didn't know...I returned to Costco about 6 mths ago.) Anyhow, the young man was wearing a cap. I hesitated but then decided to ask him if he was in treatment. He said yes he was and that he had neuroblastoma. Long story short...He is going to Camp Quality this year! We exchanged numbers and Kyle is going to send a hello his way before camp. I also was able to give his Dad Danielle's number. His son Michael also has to have a stem cell transplant like Zoe. Hmmmmm. Coincedence? I think not.

Please remember both Zoe and Michael in prayer for there complete healing from this terrible cancer.

"When children's eyes are smiling 'Tis God's love that's shining through With glints of joy and laughter What good medicine for you!" Margaret Fishback Powers

Love, Beth

Monday, July 25, 2005 1:13 PM CDT

Hello Everyone! Summer is going by quickly. Everyone is doing pretty good. Bryan is in his last week of the SPOT program at the hospital. It is for speech, pysical and occupational therapy. He likes it and we are extremely grateful to everyone at St. John North Shore for his scholarship to take the summer program. Kyle finished up Kids Kicking Cancer in June and the photo I posted is from the belting ceremony. I wouldn't mess with him! He is very powerful....and cancer is not!

We just got back from our annual canoe trip with the Bergen gang. This year we had all kinds of new campers. We had a ball! Kyle's grandma and grandpa even came out. I think they might be a little sore though. They tipped the canoe twice! Ummm...we've never seen that before. Oh, and the couple they brought Steve and Sandy....they dumped theirs too! Hmmm.....Does anyone else see the similarities here???
The only other crazy thing that happened on the river that day was Paulie Bergen eating a live crawfish! Danielle was sick from watching and I am kind of glad I missed it. Would he have done that pre-Fear Factor??? Nobody will ever know. Lol.

Kyle goes off to camp in August. He is so looking forward to it. I kind of feel bad though for Bryan. Maybe next year he will be able to attend a camp of his choice.

Take care.

Sunday, June 19, 2005 7:09 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! I wanted to get back sooner to tell everyone about Relay but as you can see Craig's sister Pam was married yesterday! The week between Relay and Pam & Scott's Wedding was crazy.

First, Relay was a huge hit! The heat worked against us a little bit but it cooled down in time for luminary. All in all the Relay raised $72,000!!!!! Wow. "Cruisin' with Kyle" raised $8,350!!! Not bad....Better yet "Kimo Therapy" raised $14,000!!!! It is amazing how when people set there mind on something great things can be accomplished! I have so many people to thank for the entertainment. The guys and girls from the 501st and Jay Shimko, Michael Brophy and Family with Reptile Inc., Chad at Healing Hands Massage School, Jasen Magic, Karen with MY TRAIN, The Teen Band, Chelsey and Family for DJing, Chicken Shack, Sinacori Landscaping, New Baltimore & Chesterfield Police, Fire and Parks & Recreation, Cloggers, etc. etc. If I have left anyone of the list I a do apologize. I am writing of the top of my head without Relay notes. Next year will be even better!

As for as the wedding. We had a ball! Everything was gorgeous! Front row from left to right is Amanda, Shianna and Scottie (Scott's Children), Bryan, Kyle. Back row from left to right is Me, Pamela(The Bride, Scott (The Groom), Craig and Kelly (Scott's Brother. Thank you Debby Hunter for making the gorgeous flowers! You saved my hiney! I will post more pictures later. Kyle was very proud of his title of "ring bearer" and he took it very seriously. At the reception Kyle and Shianna danced during the bridal dance. What a ham Kyle is! He said, "Chicks Dig Me!" As you can see...both my boys are pretty handsome. Bryan is lucky he is so cute...it is the only thing that saves him most of the time.

Love and Blessings,

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 2:08 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,
First of all let me post that I spoke with Nurse JoAnn today from the oncology office...CLEAR SCANS! We are always happy to hear that kind of report! Praise God!

Happy June...As you can see (I am sure you can't miss it!) we have posted the event schedule for the Relay for Life. There may be some additions or changes...I will keep you posted. Have you visited our relay site? Hmmm...just in case www.acsevents.org/relay/mi/anchorbay Then click on "Cruisin With Kyle".

We went and spent the day with the Bergen's out in Ann Arbor on Memorial Day. Zoe is doing well. Today she will start receiving her stem cell. She is sooo strong. Post her a get well message. www.caringbridge.org/mi/4theloveofzoe

Please keep Grandma Connie (Kyle's Great Grandma) she is at St. Johns for some tests. She hasn't been feeling to well lately.

I can't think of anything else right now. Just spread the word about RELAY. If you don't live by us...find a relay by you. I guess there is as many Relay's as there are WalMarts. I don't think we should stop until there are as many relays as there are McDonalds!

Anyhow, Thanks for checking in. Love and Blessings.

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 2:18 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,
First of all let me post that I spoke with Nurse JoAnn today from the oncology office...CLEAR SCANS! We are always happy to hear that kind of report! Praise God!

Happy June...As you can see (I am sure you can't miss it!) we have posted the event schedule for the Relay for Life. There may be some additions or changes...I will keep you posted. Have you visited our relay site? Hmmm...just in case www.acsevents.org/relay/mi/anchorbay Then click on "Cruisin With Kyle".

We went and spent the day with the Bergen's out in Ann Arbor on Memorial Day. Zoe is doing well. Today she will start receiving her stem cell. She is sooo strong. Post her a get well message. www.caringbridge.org/mi/4theloveofzoe

Please keep Grandma Connie (Kyle's Great Grandma) she is at St. Johns for some tests. She hasn't been feeling to well lately.

I can't think of anything else right now. Just spread the word about RELAY. If you don't live by us...find a relay by you. I guess there is as many Relay's as there are WalMarts. I don't think we should stop until there are as many relays as there are McDonalds!

Anyhow, Thanks for checking in. Love and Blessings.

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 2:18 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,
First of all let me post that I spoke with Nurse JoAnn today from the oncology office...CLEAR SCANS! We are always happy to hear that kind of report! Praise God!

Happy June...As you can see (I am sure you can't miss it!) we have posted the event schedule for the Relay for Life. There may be some additions or changes...I will keep you posted. Have you visited our relay site? Hmmm...just in case www.acsevents.org/relay/mi/anchorbay Then click on "Cruisin With Kyle".

We went and spent the day with the Bergen's out in Ann Arbor on Memorial Day. Zoe is doing well. Today she will start receiving her stem cell. She is sooo strong. Post her a get well message. www.caringbridge.org/mi/4theloveofzoe

Please keep Grandma Connie (Kyle's Great Grandma) she is at St. Johns for some tests. She hasn't been feeling to well lately.

I can't think of anything else right now. Just spread the word about RELAY. If you don't live by us...find a relay by you. I guess there is as many Relay's as there are WalMarts. I don't think we should stop until there are as many relays as there are McDonalds!

Anyhow, Thanks for checking in. Love and Blessings.

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 2:08 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,
First of all let me post that I spoke with Nurse JoAnn today from the oncology office...CLEAR SCANS! We are always happy to hear that kind of report! Praise God!

Happy June...As you can see (I am sure you can't miss it!) we have posted the event schedule for the Relay for Life. There may be some additions or changes...I will keep you posted. Have you visited our relay site? Hmmm...just in case www.acsevents.org/relay/mi/anchorbay Then click on "Cruisin With Kyle".

We went and spent the day with the Bergen's out in Ann Arbor on Memorial Day. Zoe is doing well. Today she will start receiving her stem cell. She is sooo strong. Post her a get well message. www.caringbridge.org/mi/4theloveofzoe

Please keep Grandma Connie (Kyle's Great Grandma) she is at St. Johns for some tests. She hasn't been feeling to well lately.

I can't think of anything else right now. Just spread the word about RELAY. If you don't live by us...find a relay by you. I guess there is as many Relay's as there are WalMarts. I don't think we should stop until there are as many relays as there are McDonalds!

Anyhow, Thanks for checking in. Love and Blessings.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 0:16 AM CDT

Hi Friends, I tried to update earlier this week but some how I lost it when I went to post it. Arrrgghhh! To say the least I was quite annoyed and didn't feel like re-entering it all again.

Our friend Danni from the cancer center lost her 16 year battle with luekemia last week. What an amazing young women she was. Danielle and I viewed a beautiful slide show put to music at the funeral home. After being dx at age 5 Danni and her family endured so much. Sadly, the Reinhardt family is in need of extra comfort while they begin a new chapter of what cancer does to families.

I spent an hour at the Bergen's tonight over coffee and conversation (oh, and peanut butter cookies, mexacali dip and Grandma Sharon's strawberry shortcake). I had to come out and wish them well. Tomorrow they head off to U of M for Zoe's stem cell transplant. Extra prayers are needed at this time. Oh Zoe is sooo cute though. She planted another one of those adorable kisses on me tonight. She sure knows how to work a crowd. :-)

Kyle had his scans on Friday...I haven't heard from St. John however, No news is good news. We aren't expecting anything but an all clear. I will post when we know for sure. It was kind of nice seeing Zoe at the office. Kyle just loves her...he always has been. He kind of dotes (sp?) over her. He always wants to pick her up. She is getting much to big for that kind of thing though. D drove him home cuz I had to head of to work and she said he was funny talking with Zoe in the back seat. They will always have a special connection I think.

Ok, Relay is less than 3 weeks away. Entertainment and activities are going to be awesome. I happenend to be lucky enough to hook up with some people that know the Star Wars Stormtroopers and Darth Vadar. I am not giving you any more info than that. You'll have to come out and check it out for yourselves. HAVE YOU PLEDGED OUR TEAM YET? Here is the link to do so... Thanks!
www.acsevents.org/relay/mi/anchorbay (then click on Cruisin' With Kyle to pledge our team)

Love and Blessings, Beth

Saturday, April 23, 2005 11:01 pm

Well, Kyle did it! He made his First Communion today! He was so proud of himself. The children began the mass with a beautiful hymn called "The Table of God". I wasn't surprised I cried. I have so much to be grateful for...I sure felt it in my heart today.

The day began with Kyle waking at 7am and wanting to put the suit on! I convinced him to wait until no earlier than 9:30am. Handsome....Well, you can see for yourself.

We kept things pretty small afterwards. Having Grandma & Grandp and the Godparents to our house afterwards. Aunt Pam joined us too. We enjoyed ourselve especially the shirmp coctail. I treated Kyle today. Yes, he loves seafood! The more expensive the more he likes it. Lol.

Zoe is at St. John completing her last round of chemo before she head off to UofM for her stem cell. Please continue to pray hard for Zoe. She is soooo beautiful. We also would like to add our young friend from the cancer center. Danni to the prayer list. She has relapsed with Leukemia again. This time things are really bad. She turned 21 recently and would like to go to Vegas. Last year Dannie and Gail, her Mom, joined us at the Anchor Bay Relay. I hope they will be able to come out again this year. Even just for the company. ;-)

Well, I can't think of anything else right now.
God Bless, Beth

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 3:27 PM CDT

Well, lots to update you all on.

My dear friend Abby passed away on Friday, April 8. Shortly after 1:00 pm. Her family had the funeral home Saturday and Sunday and the funeral was yesterday. It was extremely sad. Please continue to keep her husband Tom, children Wyatt and Maria and Father, Johnny in your prayers during this difficult time. She will be missed by many.

Zoe had her surgery yesterday. They removed "2" tumors and her adrenal gland. She is doing well now after a tough night where she was put in icu. I do believe things have improved. She will have chemo Monday...then off to U of M soon for the stem cell transplant.

Lastly, Bryan saw his neurologist again yesterday. He is recommending more speech therapy and now occupational therapy. Otherwise, things look pretty good.

I will stay in touch about Zoe. Kyle is doing great.

Love Beth

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 3:27 PM CDT

Well, lots to update you all on.

My dear friend Abby passed away on Friday, April 8. Shortly after 1:00 pm. Her family had the funeral home Saturday and Sunday and the funeral was yesterday. It was extremely sad. Please continue to keep her husband Tom, children Wyatt and Maria and Father, Johnny in your prayers during this difficult time. She will be missed by many.

Zoe had her surgery yesterday. They removed "2" tumors and her adrenal gland. She is doing well now after a tough night where she was put in icu. I do believe things have improved. She will have chemo Monday...then off to U of M soon for the stem cell transplant.

Lastly, Bryan saw his neurologist again yesterday. He is recommending more speech therapy and now occupational therapy. Otherwise, things look pretty good.

I will stay in touch about Zoe. Kyle is doing great.

Love Beth

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 11:15 PM CDT

I wanted to update you on my dear friend Abby's condition.
She is in her final hour/days. She has a staphe infection on top of everything else. This infection is resistant to the strongest antibiotics made. The vent has been doing 100f the breathing for her for several days and her kidneys are shutting down. The docs told them on Sunday morning that without the vent she will not live. If the Lord does not take her home with Him by the end of the week Tom is going to have her taken off of the vent and let her go to the Lord. I pray that the God intervenes and brings her home to Him first.... that sort of choice for Tom must be dreadful. The docs said had she made it out of the hospital her reoccurent cervical cancer is in the end stages. God must know this is the best outcome for their family and his child Abby. Someday we will see the reasons for all of this...maybe not.

Please continue to pray for Abby and her family. This is so difficult to accept.

Blessings, Beth

*** Zoe update - Thursdays scans (first since dx at Thanksgiving) show a 75eduction in the primary tumor in the adrenal gland!!! Danielle and Dave meet with Dr. Dahman tomorrow about next weeks surgery to remove it. Pray for strong blood counts...Delays would be a bummer for them. After surgery Zoe will head off to U of M for the stem cell. Dont' forget to post a message of HOPE to the Bergen's. www.caringbridge.org/mi/4theloveofzoe

***Please keep in prayer a fellow wilm's child, Gabe. Gabe's mother Donna shared with us all today via email that Gabe has relapsed to both lungs. This news comes shortly after Gabe was hit by a car and received a head injury. Here is the article his mom shared with us about the accident below. Please continue to pray for Gabe and his family.

SUV Fractures 3-Year-Old's Skull When He Runs Into Street
SAN DIEGO -- An SUV driver tried to stop when a child ran into the road in Tierrasanta on Wednesday, but the boy was hit and badly hurt.
San Diego police said the 3-year-old boy ran into the road on Taussig Street just before 4 p.m. According to officers, the child ran out from behind a parked car and didn't give oncoming truck any time to stop.
"The driver says he was aware of children in the area and was driving slowly," said Sgt. Todd Jarvis of the San Diego Police Department. "The kid came out of nowhere. He really had no chance to brake until after the collision."
The boy, who is being treated at Children's Hospital, has a fractured skull and other head injuries.
Copyright 2005 by NBCSandiego.com.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 2:39 PM CST

Please pray for a very dear friend of mine, Abby (DeLisa) Slovey. Abby was dx with aggressive cervical cancer last summer. After treatment of chemo and radiation everything looked good. Confirmation 3 weeks ago that the cancer had returned in the abdomen and lungs. Yesterday an MRI was done to see if the brain is now involved. Ab's husband Tom (another friend from school) called me yesterday to tell me it did not look good. Tom had called 911 on Good Friday after a poor respondse to her first chemo round. So, Natalie and I went to the hospital to visit Ab yesterday. She is in ICU with pneomonia and on a vent. Heavily sedated she is coma like. She is so very sick. Abby and Tom have two children. Wyatt (9) and Maria (5). They also live in Abby's childhood home with her Dad, Johnny. Please keep them all in prayer. If it is Ab's time....so many will be devastated. Including myself.

You take it for granted that a dear friend will always be there to talk to. Ab and I have always been able to pick up like we had spoken yesterday. We met in high school when I was 15 years old. Our Mom's had cancer at the same time and died within months of one another. We were married weeks apart from one another and both have enjoyed being Moms. Many an hour has been spent sitting at her kitchen table...talking, sharing, laughing. She is much to young to have her life cut short.

Love, Beth

I hate cancer.

***Update spoke with Tom. MRI of brain looks good. No sign of cancer in brain. Praise God!

Monday, March 21, 2005 0:52 AM CST

Good Evening Everyone.

Things are pretty good here. We went to the Bergen's tonight for some strawberry cake that Grandma Sharon made for Craig. It was delicious! Zoe was so cute too. She came home today from the hospital after a late night admit Friday evening. She received blood and some antibiotics and is doing well now. She is going to have surgery the first week of April. Then one more round of chemo prior to her stem cell transplant at UofM. I just know she is kickin this cancers a--! I helped Danielle add some pictures to Zoe's website (You can actually view them the same day you upload them, Lol...Just Joking Danielle) Check em out at www.caringbridge.org/mi/4theloveofzoe

Please remember Jessy in prayer he is a young man that has again relapsed with Wilms and has fought this beast off and on since 1994. He is 16 now and needs prayers. His site is www2.caringbridge.org/canada/jessy
Sadly, his story reminds me of two other boys that lost a lengthy battle with Wilms, Hunter and Brock.

Kyle and I spoke the other night about "cancer". It was brought up because of Emerald's death. I guess some kid in SACC told Kyle, "I am glad you are ok after your cancer cause my friend died from hers." Then Kyle said, "Mom do you know who he was talking about?" (With anger.) I said, "Who?" He then yelled "Emerald!" Even though that was probably meant to be a comforting comment from the young boy it freaked Kyle out. Losing 4 camp friends since November and Zoe's dx I think Kyle has had a different reality than any of us do. He asked me if his cancer will come back and I said with faith, "NO!" He asked what if it comes back in the other kidney? I told him if his other kidney ever got sick...we would get him a new one. I then gave the example of our next door neighbor who gave a kidney to her brother. Both people are under 30 years old. Kyle smiled (Cause he knows how healthy Miss Stacy is) and then said oh...I thought you would get one from the street our something. I then said, that would be the last kidney I would want if we found it on the street. We both laughed out loud. I then explained to him that Emerald, Olivia and DiAngelo could not have there cancer taken out because of where it was in their bodies. He seemed to be comforted a little. I think every step of the way as Kyle grows he will confront his fears differently. I pray and have faith that he will do it step by step as a survivor!

Thanks for the long read. I had to share tonight.
Love, Beth

John 3:16

Saturday, March 12, 2005 10:19 PM CST

Dear Friends,

I just wanted to let everyone know our Emerald earned her wings this evening shortly after Ten in the evening.

Please remember her in prayer as well as her family. Her Mother, Kimberly. Her Father and her siblings.

To visit her site. www.caringbridge.org/mi/emeraldisle

E went to Carkenord with Kyle and was in the 5th grade. Kyle also went to camp this past summer with E. Sadly, this is the fourth Camp Friend Kyle has lost since November. Nobody should have to go through this. I feel for each of the families that have lost their beautiful children to this illness. It is soooo sad.


Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:14 AM CST

Hi Everybody! I thought I would post a new picture of the boys. Kyle and Bryan were treated to Nemo on Ice by Grandma Lois. They had a blast. The picture proves it. :-)

I just want to add that we need prayers for our fellow Carkenord Elementary and Camp Quality Friend Emerald. Emerald has a spinal tumor that was 95% removed right after Christmas at John Hopkins. Unfortunetly, it has returned with a vengance and her Mother Kimberly has brought in hospice. Please visit E's site at www.caringbridge.org/mi/emeraldisle to post a message of love and faith. There are also details of a fundraiser for the family on Sunday in Harrison Township.

Many of the children are discussing her situation at school. I feel protective of Kyle's feeling at this time. Kyle has lost 3 other camp friends since November, Zoe's diagnosis and now Emerald I worry about his fears and reality of this disease cancer. I volunteered in Kyle's class today and the kids starting talking about E. Kyle said nothing but looked uncomfortable with there conversation. I just added that many people can be helped with medicine who have cancer. Sadly our friend schoolmate Emerald is very sick and has a really rare type of illness. The school sent home letters yesterday to each household preparing the children for E's passing. Letting everyone know that there will be support available for each child if needed. I know I will be watching Kyle and his behavior to see if he needs to talk to someone. Death is never easy for children to understand...I wonder though if Kyle knows a little more than his average classmate.

Tonight is the Anchor Bay Relay for Life Kick Off. I am the "Caregiver" speaker. Kyle is coming with me but said he doesn't want to say anything. I hope to have a huge turnout for such a personal and needed cause. Want to attend?? Boulder Lakes Golf Course at 6:30pm. Want to get involved give us a call. Send us an email at CruisinWithKyle@aol.com

Love Ya and Thanks for checking in!

Sunday, February 27, 2005 9:16 AM CST

Hello everybody!

Thanks for checking in. Things are going well here. Kyle had an oncology appointment and checked out Aok. He will have scans in a couple months but I am sure they will remain clear.

I just want to post some prayer requests. As always we are asking your prayers for Little Zoe and her family. Her website is www.caringbridge.org/mi/4theloveofzoe
Zoe is doing okay. She just came home from an extensive stay in the hospital and will go back on Tuesday, March 1st for more chemo. I think surgery is planned to remove the primary tumor sometime after that. Then more chemo then the stem cell transplant at U of M. Prayers for healing, strength and faith go out to our dear Bergen's.

The next request is for a fellow Carkenord Elemetary/Camp Quality friend. Her name is Emerald and she has an aggressive spinal tumor. She has fought very hard for many months and has began a new fight. The medical community has offered some hope but our prayers need to be heard. Her mother Kimberly is in need of prayer and she cares for Emerald and her two younger siblings. E's website is

We also have another Carkenord Elementary Alumni/St. John patient who need prayers as she approaches the end of her treatment for bone cancer. Her name is Tina and her website is www.caringbridge.org/mi/rosey

at Anchor Bay Middle School.

Questions call me or Jennifer Schulte (ACS Coordinator) at 248-483-4304. Watch for the link to donate to the American Cancer Society later on this site.

Love you guys.

Friday, February 4, 2005 8:24 AM CST

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to thank everyone that came out to help our friends the Bergen's. The "Bowling for Zoe" event was a HUGE success! Over 500 people came out to show their love and support for Zoe.

Zoe is doing well after recieving blood products this week after chemo. She is home and enjoying her family. I do believe she goes back for more chemo on Tuesday though.

Danielle's Mom, Pat is in the hospital with what the docs think is congestive heart failure. Almost 8 years ago Pat was dx with a brain tumor. After chemo, radiation and surgery she was doing great. She later took a bad fall and has some speech problems and is in a wheelchair as a result of a head injury. Please remember her in prayer as well. Like Danielle has said in the past...we have a long line of fighting women!!!! Remember to post a message for Zoe. www.caringbridge.org/mi/4theloveofzoe

Otherwise things are good at the Heath home. Just staying busy....busy...busy. :-)

Love, Beth

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 12:19 AM CST

Dear Friends, Here we are half way through January already. Time sure flies. Kyle turned 8 years old on the 9th. We sure had a good time. He and a group of friends went to the movies to see "National Treasure" and then back to our house for icecream cake. He had a great time.

Things are going well with Bryan. His speech is really improving and he enjoys pre-school. People are always commenting on his heighth. He looks like a 6 year old! My dad was 6"4" so I suppose that has a factor in his size. He is going to pass his brother up for sure.

Things are going well with the "Bowling For Zoe" event taking place on January 30th. We have sold out all the bowling spots but are encouraging everyone to still come out. The bowling alley has a resturant and bar. With all the raffles and silent auction happening it should still be a good time. Zoe is back in the hospital today for her third round of chemo. She also had a successful stem cell harvest last week at U of M. I think she is a tough little cookie and is doing good. All things considered. Please continue to pray for the Bergan Family and Zoe. If you would like to check out Zoe's website it is as follows: caringbridge.org/mi/4theloveofzoe

We've begun to planning this years Relay For Life; the second week in June. I am not sure we have the time to pull off first place again but "Cruisin' with Kyle" will definetly return for a second year. Anyone interested in being part of the team or starting their own team just email me directly and I can fill you in on everything.

Well, Hope everyone is beginning the New Year off right and it is full of good things for you. Hope you are sticking to your resolutions (I am struggling with mine, Lol) and making sure God is a part of your every day.
God Bless You, Beth

Monday, December 20, 2004 11:42 PM CST

Hello Friends.
I thought I would take a minute to update on things. We got good news this morning. Danielle called to tell us that Zoe was coming home today. Since Zoe was dx with neuroblastoma Thanksgiving weekend they have not been home. They have all been through so much. If her counts stay good she will have to go in on the 26th of December for another 3 day stay for chemo. Danielle said home health care will come tomorrow to check her blood. I hope they are blessed with wonderful home care nurses like we were. Having caring competant staff makes all the difference in the world. Please add Zoe Bergen to your prayer list at church.

The Bowling For Zoe Fundraiser is under way. If you are interested in participating don't delay. We have already sold out about half of the event. I have yet to post the info so here it is: January 30th (Sunday) Check in at 11:00 am and bowling is from Noon to 3pm. The cost is $20 pp including shoes, two games, pizza and pop. We will also have 50/50's, raffles and a silent auction. If interested please email me at. FriendsForZoe@aol.com. We have also been questioned about general contributions...they are welcome. Just contact me for our address and make all checks payable to: Zoe Bergen.

We attend the funeral for our dear friend Lauren Shuttle this past week. That was extremely difficult for both Craig and I. Please remember the Shuttle family in prayer as well. Lauren was a very bright child...wise beyond her years. We will miss seeing her beautiful smile.

"Sit, listen, chase your dreams;
life won't come to you."
-Lauren Alyssa Shuttle

Blessings For A Merry Christmas!
The Heaths

Sunday, December 5, 2004 3:08 PM CST

Hi Everyone, Until Dave and Danielle start there own CB page I thought I would continue to update on Zoe.

She recieved her central line and began her chemo today. She will undergo an aggressive treatment for many months. This will consist of chemo, stem cell transplant, radiation, surgery and more chemo. She is on pain medication and doing okay. Please remember them in your prayers.

As far as fundraising info...We are looking into the end of January to have a bowling fundraiser. Many of us are planning and will have more info to give later.

Lastly, I received a phone call this morning from our friend Sharon. Her grandaughter, Lauren Shuttle passed away this morning peacefully at her home. Lauren has fought wilms tumor since her first dx in September 2002. We were blessed to get to know her and her family after meeting them at the cancer center when Kyle was dx. She and Kyle became buddies seeing eachother at events and camping together this past summer at Camp Quality. Prayers are with her family at this time.

Lauren Shuttle
November 29, 1993 - December 5, 2004
As her Grandma Sharon said recently,
"Lauren was the miracle."

Blessings to each of you.

Monday, November 29, 2004 10:17 PM CST

Hello Friends,

I just have some updates on little Zoe. She has neuroblastoma. It began in her tummy in a nerve (I am sorry I can't recall the exact name...it is located above the left kidney.) and metastized from there.....Danielle told me today that they said it is an aggressive type, stage 4. I guess they know from the bone marrow they took today. Danielle also said that it is NOT in the brain but in the bone, spine and bone around the eye (this is why the tests "looked" like the brain was involved.) Danielle said they are going to treat it aggressivly and do not want to wait to long to get started. I will report more as I hear. Just prayers for the Bergen family and Zoe.

They are blessed with family and friends. I know we could not have gotten through Kyles illness without support from our loved ones. Craig and I have put the word out that we would like to start some type of fundraising plans....I am talking with Danielle's sister, other friends, etc. I will post as we find out more.

I just can't believe this.


Monday, November 29, 2004 0:38 AM CST

Hi...It is late and I can't sleep. Our friend Lauren is 11 today. I spoke to her Grandma and she isn't eating and is drinking a little but she did have enough energy to sit with her friends at a bowling party on Saturday for her birthday. Sharon said she was smiling and laughing. Please continue to pray for her and her family.

I have another sad thing to share. My dear friends Danielle and Dave Bergen (One of the couples who hosted that wonderful fundraiser for Kyle when he was dx) learned today that there youngest child, Zoe has cancer. They are unsure what kind at this point...they know it has metastized to the brain though. Zoe is 14 months old. I just can't believe it. My heart aches for them. Zoe at this point is at St. John Detroit and will have the same docs that Kyle had. I told them they are very good. If the dx comes back rare or aggressive...they may want 2nd opinions who knows. I pray that it be a non aggressive cancer and that the medical community has a handle on. Like my Kyles. Danielle and I shared with one another tonight....what are the odds of two close friends children both be dx with cancer???? Danielle was by my side every step of Kyle's cancer...even months later...even this month when I was freaking out over nothing. She has been a great friend to me and I hope I can be there for her. I am so scared for them. Please pray for Baby Zoe and her family. Dave, Danielle, Ryan and Owen. I will post more once I know more.

Love and Blessings Friends.

Thursday, November 18, 2004 12:11 AM CST

Hello Everyone!

It has been a long time since I have updated. Things are going well here. Kyle had a chest xray and blood draw last week that look good! He also has an ultra sound scheduled for November 23rd. I am sure things are fine. Craig and I had a bit of a scare last week. Myself, Bryan and Kyle were all sick over a period of 10 days. Kyle's symptoms were a little different though. He kept running high temps (up and down), vomiting and had enlarged nodes in his neck. His temp got as high as 103.8 one night! We gave him medicine and brought it right down. Craig and I both felt like history was repeating itself. The Christmas before Kyle was dx he and I both had the flu. Well, hind sight I had the flu he had cancer. It took until the end of February for us to find the mass. Never knowing there was a risk of cancer. The xray we had last week helped ease our minds and I am sure the ultra sound will do the same. Kyle is one year off treatment and his one year ultra sound will prove that this is behind us. We usually do not doubt that however, the situation brought back memories. Painful ones.

My brother in law Dave has angels with him. He and my sister Sue went to give blood after church and the Red Cross Nurse said. "your blood pressure is up." Dave told her, "I am on medication" and the nurse advised he see his doc for an adjustment. Knowing this and the fact that when he runs he had been having chest pains he made an appointment right away. (Dave is only 45 and runs 3 miles a day! He has for years.)Well he ended up having bypass surgery last week. 4 were done (one was the left ventricle)and he is home now and doing well. He has a family history of this and even in good physical condition and good diet it wasn't able to dodge this one. The docs said he is good for another quarter of a century! Thank goodness.
This was only 4 months after we lost our Dad after bypass surgery. I know my Dad was up there helping oversee things :-)

One last entry...Please remember friends of ours in your prayers. Lauren (our friend with reoccurent wilms) and Olivia (our friend with a second brain tumor) are both using hospice. We are saddened that a cure has not been found for them and are stilling praying for a miracle. My heart aches for them and their families.
UPDATE! Sadly, our friend Olivia passed away on the 18th of November. I learned of this shorty after updating this site. We attended the memorial on the 21st and it was a fitting tribute to a tough little girl. Prayers remain with her mom Wendy, stepdad Keith and brothers Noah and Jackson. Also, I spoke with Lauren's Grandma Sharon, last night. Things are day by day now. I don't know what else to say....this just sucks.
If I don't get a chance to update soon. You all have a Happy Thanksgiving! You all are one of the many things we are grateful for. I probably don't have to list the others. They go unsaid.

Love and Prayers,


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 10:51 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!

I am soooo sorry I haven't updated in what seems like forever. The first important report is that Kyle once again has CLEAR SCANS!!!! We told Kyle that his scans were clear and then Craig asked Kyle if he worried about them. Kyle replied , "No." Craig said, "Not at all?" Then Kyle replied with a touch of sarcasm and his brow and forehead frowned, "I don't really care!" Then Kyle went about his play and left the room. Craig and I looked at one another surprised and laughed. Another lesson learned from our young children. Take it easy, let go let God!

Kyle had to miss the entire first week of school. We discovered a rash on his hands minutes before the bus arrived on the first day of 2nd grade. He had the virus, hand-mouth-foot, a contagious virus that usually hits children under 10. He had what I think was a bad case of it. His hands, feet, mouth and throat were loaded with sores and blisters. He also had them on his knees and elbows and a large rash over his buttocks and thighs. Randomly, he would have a sore here or there all over his body. Bryan got it as well but only had them in his mouth and throat. Later he did have a mild rash on the tops of his feets but never any blisters. I got it mid week in my mouth and throat but now where else. We also chose to stay home from our Labor Day weekend trip. We all were just not tip top and we didn't want to risk infecting others up north. Oh well, a perfect end to a cruddy summer! Good riddens to the Summer of 2004!

Kyle did start school yesterday. He is my big 2nd Grader! He likes his teacher and knows quite a few students from preschool days and kindergarten. He did tell me when he got off the bus that he failed! I told him he couldn't have failed..he said that the teacher talked to fast he couldn't keep up! (I guess he missed out on the transition time last week, Lol.) I asked him if he raised his hand nicely and asked Mrs. Bauer to repeat her self? He said, "No, but I did tell her I must have not gotten enough rest last night." Craig and I laughed and said "Kyle, you went to bed at 9pm! Maybe we should make it earlier tonight." His eyes got huge like a deer in the headlights. The older Kyle gets the more he realizes he backs himself into corners. We continued to poke fun at him and caught up on all the first day funnies.

He mentioned he has his 1st field trip Thursday, to an adjoining neighborhood for social studies. Sadly, I had to tell him he would miss it. I had to schedule his appointment with the surgeon who will remove his mediport. Big bummer. Soon as he has his surgery...this missing so much school stuff will be behind us. Dr. Rector insisted Kyle keep his mediport in for a year off treatment because of his advanced dx. Kyle is going to be one year off treatment in October and everything is going to be behind us. Prayers and God will insure that.

Bryan is doing good too. Speech has regressed a tad due to his therapist being on maternity leave. However, he is talking more just not as clear. He starts school on the 16th of September. He is ready to...I will be getting them both off to school at the same time in the morning. Then I won't have to be to school until Noon (I get to pick Bryan up and bring him with me again!) But, Craig will be picking both of them up from me now at 4pm now that he is on days!!!

Grandma Lois and Aunt Pam are staying with the boys in early October for Craig and I to go on a cruise. Craig surprised me for our 10 year anniversary. Providing no major hurricanes..I guess we are going! :-) We need the RR time alone. We are actually leaving the day after what would have been my Dad's 73 birthday. Tough times..behind us. Good things ahead of us!

Love ya all and thanks for all of your support this past year and a half. Blessings, Beth

***Update: Shortly after posting today. I took a sad phone call from a friend. Sharon, Grandma to our special friend, Lauren Shuttle. Sharon shared the news that Lauren relapsed with Wilms for the 2nd time. Please remember her in your prayers. Lauren underwent a stem cell transplant in late winter after relapsing in December. Lauren had clear scans only 3 months ago. But this beast called cancer came back stronger than ever. Lauren and Kyle have the same doctor. She and her family have been fighting this illness off and on since September 12, 2002. She was Kyle's first friend at the oncologist. She sweetly showed Kyle the ropes. Please add Lauren Shuttle to your prayer lists at church.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 11:18 PM CDT

Dear Friend and Family,
Today I am writing with sad news. My father passed away this morning after suffering from complications after heart surgery. It had been 5 weeks today that he had the surgery and his body could not fight any longer.

Thank you for your prayers and support during his illness. Please continue to pray for our family and my Father, Lawrence Frank.

I have to tell you an out of the mouth of babes story. My Dad had been at the VA in Ann Arbor which is about 80 miles one way from our home. Knowing I wouldn't be home to real late today. I told my husband Craig to go ahead and tell Kyle and Bryan about Grandpa when he got home from work without me. Craig sat the boys down and told them the sad news. Kyle laid his head down in his arms and then looked back up at Craig. Craig then asked Kyle, "Are you feeling anything Kyle?" Kyle quickly replied, "Dad, I have to put this behind me and go on with my life." Kids...you gotta love em. My Dad would have gotten a kick out of that.

Kyle is suppose to have scans some time in July. I will update as soon as we hear back from the docs. We do not expect to hear anything but continued good news.

Thanks again. Blessings and Hugs.

Loving Father, Grandfather and Friend
October 9, 1931 - June 13, 2004

Monday, July 5, 2004 9:30 AM CDT

Hoping everyone enjoyed the 4th of July. We sure did...we spent the day at Craigs families home. Barbecue, swimming and sparklers.

Everything else is good here. I just wanted to do a quick update on my Father, Larry. He has improved quite a bit since my last entry. Yesterday when we visited they had him sitting in a chair. I guess they have hydulic lifts to move the patients who can't walk on there own. His nurce Melinda said that sitting in a chair would help strengthen some of those muscles that have not been used for over the past 3 weeks. He is stilling receiving percussion therapy on his lungs, antibitics and suction. The pneomionia is tough to beat. About every other day they have extracted a 1 pint of fluid of his lungs which help with his recovery. They said when he does get discharged he will stay at the hospital in a sort of after care program. With pt and ot. They suggested he might not come home until the end of September or so. Which is good. He needs any support he can get to get strong. The other day was the first day that I know he knew who I was. He is still very confused and really only saying yes and no. But I think we are heading the right way now. After having my mom pass away from cancer and Kyle's illness. Heart surgery and its complications are a whole new story. He was so sick...it has been pretty scary.

Monday, June 14, 2004 9:51 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

We held the Anchor Bay Relay for Life over the weekend. It was a huge success. The event more than doubled its' money raised, $64,000! "Cruisin' with Kyle" raised $9,200! Pretty awesome huh? We brought home a huge trophy delcaring us the champions! It feels so good to know we are helping with cancer research.

On a sad note...my Dad is not doing well. Prayers are needed for him to return to good health after a 5 bypass surgery last Tuesday. He has aspiration pneomonia and also has the start of renal failure. They said that he has a tough road to go. He is in a medicated coma and on the vent again. They often see them get worse before they get better. Let's pray for my Dad and his returned good health. His name is Larry Frank and I would appreciate it if he could be added to your prayer list at church. I know with Kyle prayers helped so much.

Well, I am tired I just wanted to update and share all the goings on.
God Bless,

Tuesday, June 8, 2004 10:32 PM CDT

Hello Everyone, Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Things have been busy preparing for the end of school and the relay. Kyle is doing great and we look forward to raising a ton of cash for the cause. We had the garage sale and car wash and did very well at both events. I think McDonalds could have been better. However, good weather may have interferred. Either way we sure are trying our best.

On a serious note. My father, Larry had to have heart surgery today. He ended up having 5 bipasses. He was quite serious. They referred to his condition as left aorta disease. His left ventricle was 99% blocked as well as another arterny. The remaining ones that had to be bipassed we're 80-85% blocked. The doc said there are several miracles here. The first that he is hear..the second that he has no apparent damage to his heart...and finally that he had virtually no symptoms. Crazy....He sure gave us all a scare. He needs to take it easy and I am sure his recovery will be tough. However, I know God has big plans for him. Please remember him in your daily prayers.

I will update more on his condition later. Until then peace and love. Beth

Saturday, April 24, 2004 4:34 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! Lots to say today. We got great news...Kyle's scans are clear! Awesome news...even though we are not expecting Kyle to relapse the chance is still there. Keep those prayers coming for continued remission.

Also, Kyle had his oral surgery yesterday. After 2 hours of surgery and a ton of dental work...Kyle is doing great. Dr. Makowski was quite surprised at the amount of work to do on Kyle. However, he is convinced that the chemo or illness played a huge part in the dental problems. We had been concerned that a lack of something we had been doing was to blame and Dr. Makowski said that "care" of Kyle's teeth isn't an issue here. Kyle ended up having 4 crowns, 4 mini root canals, 3 fillings and 7 teeth extracted! The extractions are because of crowding and the big teeth should drop quickly now that the little guys are out of the way. Also, the 3 fillings we're in teeth that have only been in for 6 months, the back permanent molars. Crazy huh? Being a mom I am a little worried about how he will be treated by other children. I told Kyle to say, "You should see the other guy!"

Finally, We are still looking for any help at all for the Relay for Life June 12-13. If you or anyone you know can help in ANY way give me a call. Entertainment, food, activites are all things we could use help on. Not to mention money donations too! Let me know. We hope our team "Cruisin' with Kyle" is a huge success and brings in a ton of money.

Well. Take care for now. Blessings,
The Heath Family

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 12:49 AM CDT

Hi Everyone! It has been awhile since I have updated the sight. I had attempted a couple of times but for some reason when I tried to upload the new journal it wouldn't let me. So here I am with a ton of stuff to tell you all.
Kyle has been doing great. He is expected to have scans sometime this next week and I will post the results when I get them. Bryan is doing good too. Speech therapy is helping a ton. He never stops talking...sometimes I can't understand what he is saying but most times I can. Things are good we are looking forward to Easter time. We are ready for warmer weather too.

I am not sure if I had posted lately about our two friends with wilms that passed away. Prayers for Brock and Savannahs family. Both families have offered words of strength to our family during Kyles treatment. May God speed there healing hearts. I will add there websites if you would like to post a message or read about their brave journey. caringbridge.org/in/brockbarnard and caringbridge.org/il/savannah

Also, I am inviting everyone to help us with Kyle's Relay for Life Team in Anchor Bay on June 12th and June 13th. We are looking for anyone and everyone to support our cause for cancer research. Whether you would like to be a team board member, walk/fundraise or donate. Just let me know. We are also looking for anyone who is interested in being part of our survivor lap that kicks off the race Saturday morning.

Thats all for now. Love and Prayers. Beth
Happy Easter...Praise God.

Monday, March 1, 2004 12:33 AM CST

Hi Everyone! I couldn't wait to update this morning. Last month Make A Wish had called us and asked if Kyle would be interested in going to a Red Wing game. Ofcourse we said yes. When the tickets arrived the letter enclosed also stated that donator also wanted to treat Kyle and his guest to dinner at his resturant. The owner, Tom Brandel of Tom's Oyster Bars was the businessman who so generously donated the tickets and dinner. After having a delicious dinner they then rode the shuttle to the game. Another wish child was there and mentioned to Craig and Kyle that is Tom Brandel says to wait by section 121 after the game then that means your going to the locker room. Hoping that the young man was right. Craig purchased Kyle an authentic Shannahan jersey in the Joe Louis store. Well, the game was great. We won, I believe 4 to 2 and afterward the boy was right. Tom came over and escorted them to the locker room! Kyle and Craig spent an hour meeting Red Wings from past and present. They came home with both jersey signed like crazy! Pam, had loaned Craig her Yzerman jersey....I think we'll have to pry it out of his hands to give it back! Lol. Afterward when arriving by shuttle back to the Bar. Tom invited them in for a drink. Craig and Kyle we're able to meet the head coach and one of the asst. coachs (I think). What a dream come true. Tom Brandel said that he has been volunteering with Make A Wish for many years and each time he see a wish childs happiness meeting the players, he feels so good inside. What an awesome person! If I left anything out (which I am sure I did). Or misreported anything.(which wouldn't surprise me either). Just give Craig a call. I am sure he's talking about the experience right now!

The only thing I regret is I couldn't be a fly on the wall to see the happiness on my Kyle's face. (Dad's too!)

Bye for now,

Monday, February 23, 2004 12:14 AM CST

Hello Friends, We had a wonderful winter break. Caught up on all kinds of things. Had some fun with friends and even spent the night at a hotel one evening. I am sorry to see it end. In another 6 weeks we will have Easter break. Planning already....

Anyhow, Kyle's oncology appointment went well. He will have scans next month. His broncitis is still lingering. I think I will try to phone the oncology office today. Friday when he was there they said his lungs we're clear. Hopefully there was no changes. We will always worry when Kyle gets sick. When wilm's does relapse it seems to show up in the lungs. We need to turn it over to God. I am sure he is just fine.

This Saturday, February 28th is the year anniversary of his diagnosis. We can't believe what we have endured, overcome and experienced this past year. I am not sure Kyle even realizes what has happened. He seems to have just plowed through it and is like any other child his age. It is the adults that love him that have had such a tough time moving on. Jesus said, "Come to me like little children." There is so much to be said for that statement. I pray we can continue to put faith in him...as easily as children do.

Prayers for two families we care about. The Barnard Family in Indiana lost there child Brock last week to reoccurring wilms tumor. Brock battled wilms from the age of 6 until the age of 16. Like our friend Hunter, these cases are unusual and so sad. Also, our friend Lauren Shuttle from Eastpointe has relapsed from wilms and is at U of M in Ann Arbor. She will be there for 5 weeks to 6 months after a stem cell transplant. Lauren and Kyle share the same oncologist. This will be a tough trial for her and her family. Extra prayers to the Shuttle Family.

Until next time. Thank the big guy for today.
Love, Beth

Sunday, February 8, 2004 11:31 PM CST

Hello Friends,
Things are going good around here. We went up north this weekend skiing. Camp Quality (the camp Kyle went to for kids with cancer this past summer) hosts different reunion weekends. This weekend it was up in Boyne and held at a place called Challenge Mountain. Challenge Mountain is the only non profit ski facility for special needs persons in the country. Every year they host this "snow weekend" for the campers. Victories Casino and Hotel helped sponsor and we stayed there both Friday and Saturday evenings. We had a great time. Kyle enjoyed seeing his friends from camp. Some didn't recognize him...he has a full head of hair now and is at leat 10 pounds heavier. It was nice for all of us to get to know one another. Craig and I enjoyed getting to know some of the parents as well. Kyle had no problems and can't wait to do it again. Bryan did pretty good but hung them up after a couple tries on the itsy bitsy bunny hill. Craig use to ski pre marriage...and enjoyed the day with the boys too. I tried and did the hill once...hmmmm...maybe next year...maybe not. What is truly amazing is the fact that Kyle not even a year after dx is skiing and hanging out with friends. God is good!

Take care, Beth
PS Kyle has a check up on Friday with his onc...I will update later.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:55 AM CST

Hi Everyone, It had bee a little bit since I updated. I just want to say again that Kyle's first post treatment scans came back clear. We had been concerned because he has complained of a tummy ache off and on since Christmas. We are very relieved. I heard it gets easier...his next tests will be in April. Things are going well.

Both boys are doing good in school. Bryan has been working with a speech therapist twice a week in addition to his PPI class 4 days a week. He seems to be making some great strides lately. It is very frustrating at times that he can't talk well. Most time we still can't understand him...but he is a master at panomime. I say that positively. I am glad he can get his message across any which way he can.

Kyle had been seen at the dentist a couple weeks ago again. After several attempts prior to treatment, during treatment and now post treatment to fix some cavities (between low counts and Kyle just no cooperating). We are going to the hospital to have it done. Because of this opprotunity the dentist had an orthodonist take a look in his mouth. They are recommending 7 possibly 8 teeth to come out. All because of crowding. However, they also have a lot of other work to do. I did read that kids post chemo sometimes are riddled with cavities due to the lack of salivia. I don't know if that the case with Kyle however, I do know that back in November his mounth didn't have half the decay it does now. I overheard the ortho say to the dentist "I worry about the self esteem issue and removing so many front teeth....." My ears perked up and I later inquired. The dentist said how I offered the situation to Kyle was perfect and often kids in the first and second grades are missing so many teeth too it won't matter so much. I had told Kyle that if he has 8 teeth removed the tooth fairy comes and takes them all at once! That did it..every time he mentions this he smiles big and says but the tooth fairy comes and takes them all at once! The dentist said he is going to be under for 2 hours. That kind of freaks us out however, we really have no more options. I will update when I have a date for surgery.

Until later, God Bless You.

Thursday, January 8, 2004 12:49 AM CST

Well, We wanted to post some good news. Kyle's first post treatment scans came back clear. We had been concerned because he has complained of a tummy ache off and on since Christmas. We are very relieved. I heard it gets easier...his next tests will be in April.

I also had some good news this week. I took a position in the boys school district with more hours. Currently I am a Noon Aide (aka, lunch mom) and starting next Monday I will be a Assistant Teacher in the Child Care Program. It is more hours and more respondsibility. What makes it extra nice is when Bryan gets done with his program he will be bussed to my class. Then Kyle will finish school and be right across the hall from me. I have been able to go back to work and not sacrafice why I quit in the first place. To be with my children more. I will continue to work at St. Joan of Arc....between both jobs I will be working 34 hours. That's plenty for now.

Anyhow, thought I would update with some happy happenings.
Take care.

Thursday, January 1, 2004 10:52 AM CST

GOOD BYE 2003.....WELCOME 2004!
Well, we made it through the worst year of our lives. We welcome 2004 ONLY if it is full of health and healing for our family.

New Year's Eve ended up being a great time. We initially didn't think we would be doing anything. However, and old neighbor decided to put together a last minute party at there new home. We had a great time ringing in the new year with the Lentz's, Genords and Angal's. We played the game pictionary (wow..that's a blast from the past!) and the wives one! We felt extra blessed at midnight. Kyle has been sooooo sweet lately. He came over and gave me the biggest hug and kiss then he hugged his best friend Joey. I do believe that Bryan thought we all lost our minds at midnight! At first he just stood there looking at everyone throw confetti and yell our heads off. He did join in after awhile...he's a quick learner.

I just opened an email from one of our Wilm's families. Alicia whose son Jacob finished treatment for Wilms' in January 2003 just learned her 9 year old Hanna has tumors on her kidney's. Hanna goes in for surgery tomorrow (January 2nd) please remember her in prayer. Both children have a sydrome called beckwith-wiedemann. This is an overgrowth sydrome. I have been concerned about my children showing many signs of this however Dr. Beckwith returned my email and said most likely not. These overgrowth syndromes have a high chance of childhood cancer. What is cancer but rapidly growing cells. I can't imagine the pain there family is feeling right now.

For all our friends and family. Happy New Year! May this year bring only good health and happiness.

Hugs and Kisses, The Heath's

Thursday, December 25, 2003 9:19 PM CST

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Late Tuesday evening Bryan had gotten sick and was running a high fever. He and I stayed home Christmas Eve from Grandma & Grandpa Heath's. He seemed to being feeling better late Christmas Eve. Kyle, Bryan and I had checked Santa's location on radar via internet. It was pretty easy getting them into bed...Santa's pretty close and won't stop if your awake I said.

Well, Santa did end up stopping at the Heath home. We had a wonderful morning...Kyle was so sweet helping his lil' brother Bryan with his presents. Kyle picked up the last present under the tree and said, "this one is for some one extra special....my brother Bryan!". Then Kyle reminded us...."We didn't sing Happy Birthday to Jesus yet!". (Kyle has been earning lots of points with Mom being so loving.) So, we lit a candle on top of a frosted brownie and did our family tradition. This year I felt as if it meant so much more. We are so grateful to Jesus Christ for the healing Kyle.

Later in the afternoon we headed off to Great Grandma Heath's home. We enjoyed a prime rib dinner and Nana's famous Boston Creme Pies. Just came home and then Bryan got sick again. We thought it was over. Nope! Hopefully, he doesn't run the high temp again. He was at 102'yesterday. That always scares me. Hopefully the rest of us stay well. We had lots of visiting planned for the holiday break.

Well, We hope everyone enjoyed there holiday with family and friends. We sure did. If I don't update prior to the New Year...may you have a healthy and happy 2004. I know we can't wait to kiss 2003 goodbye.

Love, The Heaths

P.S. Kyle and his Dad had a great time at the North Pole. They took lots of pictures and even have a sweatshirt that says, "Trip to the North Pole!" Kyle said the flight was smooth except when our friend Lauren felt sick during the landing!

*We recently lost two long distace friends to Wilm's. Both Martine and Cameron fought this cancer with strength and courage. Please remember there families in your prayers.

Tuesday, December 9, 2003 0:08 AM CST

Hope everyone is doing well. We have been lucky enough not to have had that nasty flu. We all went last week to the health department and were given flu shots. It looks like we made it in the nick of time. Shortages are being reported everywhere. Kyle and Bryan are suppose to go back for booster shots in January. I guess because they are under the age of 9 and this was there first time receiving the flu shot. I hope they have some left by then. Hmmm...maybe I will make a call to the doc.

We are looking forward to the holidays. Kyle, my niece; Deanna and myself truly kicked the season off right by seeing the play; A Christmas Carol at the local college. I arranged to take the church program I over see. It was a great time and the kids had fun helping we with my special students. Truly I think everyone enjoyed themselves.

Next week we keep the holiday fun rolling. Kyle especially, has a ton of stuff going on. The best surprise for him is going to be his trip to the North Pole to see Santa. Northwest Airlines Flight Attendents arrange this special day for the pediatric oncology kids in the area. They will be eating lunch on the plane while they take the flight to the North Pole. Now I know most of us have never been to the North Pole so keep in mind that this is a magical flight. They will be on the plane for 1.5 to 2 hours and nobody will know the exact location of Santa because they will have the blinds pulled down. Then Santa will meet them at the North Pole airport. I think the whole day total is from 10 until 3. Craig took a vacation day and the two of them are going to have a ball.

Please remember our internet friend Martine who lost her battle with Wilms November 29, 2003 at home in Norway. She was 4 1/2 years old. If you would like to read her story her mother Marianne does have part of the site in English as well. http://home.no.net/redz/
Prayers are with Marianne and her family at this time.

Anyhow, I really talked along time tonight. I hope everyone is enjoying there holidays as well.

Blessings, Beth

Saturday, November 29, 2003 0:36 AM CST

Hello Friends & Family, We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We sure did. We went to Craig's parents home, Lois & Tom. Everything was delicious and we enjoyed the visit with family. Afterwards Kyle spent the night and then helped Grandma and Grandpa decorate the tree. I noticed that he came home with "extra" Disney ornaments. Kyle sure knows how to turn on the charm. Kyle has a table top tree that he puts up in his room. They will be a great addition.

Kyle has a check up a port flush on Tuesday. Then I suppose we will get the papers for his 3 month scans. They will be in January already. I think we all are doing pretty good post treatment. I've heard other parents say that the anniversary of the diagnosis is a tough time. I'm sure that specific dates will stand out and maybe bring on some strong emotions. However, I know nothing will ever be as tough as the diagnosis itself.

Last week we attended a special party hosted by the oncology office. It is held annually and they invite all patients, current and survivors. It was a great time. We even got to visit with Kyle's surgeon Dr. Rector. Unfortuently, Dr. Rector recently retired due to "mini strokes." We wish him the best. Craig and I both feel tremendous gratitude towards him. We were told that there was a good chance Kyle was inoperable at initial findings. Dr. Rector saw otherwise. We believe that a suregeon with less experience or less confidence would not have operated on Kyle. We believe that Dr. Rector is a huge part of God's healing for Kyle.

Please add the following friends of ours to your prayers. Brock, Savannah and Lauren on battling re-occuring Wilms and Jackie who is being treated for Rhabdomyosarcoma.

Again, Thanks for all of your support. Enjoy your holidays.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003 0:03 AM CST

Things are going pretty well here. It's been tough adjusting to being home from Florida. We sure had an amazing time. Craig and I both agree the hardest thing to except is that we can NEVER go back to Give Kids The World Village. This is where we stayed during Kyle's Wish Trip. It is ONLY for Wish Children. Craig tried time and time again to convince them (GKTW) to let us move in permenately but they just wouldn't budge. LOL. I am not sure what Kyle's favorite part of the staying at the Village was. He was able to eat ice cream at the parlor (pretty much the FIRST and LAST thing he and his dad did each day!) riding the carousel, getting picked up by the train at the villa or being tucked in by Mayor Clayton. Please follow the link provided below....visit the website and imagine the magic we experienced.

As far as doctor stuff...Kyle did check in on November 4th. Dr. Lorenzana agreed with the surgeon about the mediport....he said Kyle was advanced and it would be a good idea to leave it in for awhile. (That's tough to think about.) I did ask him what the relapse numbers were and he said approx. 1 out of 10 Wilms Kids relapse.

A week before Kyles last scans we were going into church and Kyle burst into tears right in the parking lot, saying my tummy hurts. I immediately felt paralyzed...it was amazing how I was brought back to February 28th immediately. Craig told be that he had complained the day prior as well. It took everything I had not to burst in to tears. But since we were in church at that point....I just prayed that it be nothing. The scans did come back clear and I learned a lesson in faith. Kyle will continue to have scans every three months. Until then we need to learn how to not get excited about every ache or complaint.

Tomorrow is a big day...conferences. For both boys, Bryan at noon and Kyle at 12:30. We have a lot to discuss with Bryan's teachers, we are quite concerned about his language delay. Bryan does love school though. He is so proud to get on that bus each day. Kyle's report card was very good. His teacher Miss Jenkin's said that Kyle is one of her top readers and he is excellent in Math. We are expecting her to tell us Kyle needs to work on...raising his hand and indoor voices. That's a given.

I am asking everyone to pray for our friend Jackie Carter. She is having procedures done this week than a lengthy chemo stay. Also, our friend Lauren Shuttle who we heard recently relapsed from Wilms. Please keep the special girls in your prayers.

Saturday, November 1, 2003 10:20 PM CST

Hello Friends and Family, We came hope from a spectacular trip to Florida just this evening. For those who may not have known Kyle's wish was granted to go to Disney World with the family. What a trip it was. There is far to much to discuss in one entry but I will add that the boys loved flying, going on some rides and enjoyed themselves every moment at Give Kids The World Village in Kissimee.

We met so many wonderful people during the last week. Volunteers and guests from the village combined. We especially want to mention our friend the Carter's from Florida. We had a great time visiting and laughing with them. Please keep them in your prayers especially little Jackie their twin daughter. She has had a tough year and could use extra prayers.

I will write more each day about the trip and post some photos when they come in. I think I took over 250 pictures for sure!

Going to bed for now. Exhausted but full of love in our hearts! Criag, Beth, Kyle and Bryan.

Wednesday, October 8, 2003 11:39 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! Sorry I hadn't updated in a while but there was not much to report. This week has been busy and we have some good news. KYLE HAD HIS LAST CHEMOTHERAPY TREATMENT ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 7TH!!!!!!! YES, THAT MEANS WE CAN SAY HE IS "OFFICIALLY IN REMISSION"!

I think every time I say the word remission it gets a little easier. Six months ago we could not imagine an end to this awful situation. However, we think its time to enjoy the news and learn to deal with this new phase of Kyles illness. We hope we can stay in "today" and not project into the future. We pray that we continue to put our trust in the Lord as he heals our son.

We saw Dr. Rector this morning(Kyles surgeon). He feels Kyle is doing well...and just wanted to stay in touch with us. We discussed the removal of the mediport and like the oncology team he prefers to leave it in for awhile. Our friend Kevin who also is in remission for Wilms had his for one entire year after treatment. Most relapses occur with in the first two years of remission, with the highest percentage the first year. As far as Kyle is concerned it can stay in forever. In the meantime it will be flushed monthly at his monthly check up. Kyle will continue to have scans every three months for awhile.

We just picked up the orders for his end of treatment scans. We hope to have them scheduled and read prior to us leaving for Disney.

Thanks again for everyones prayers. Please know that they are working and please don't stop remembering Kyle daily. We have several years ahead of us before he is considered cured however, I think we are off to a good start.

God Bless You All,

Wednesday, September 24, 2003 3:30 PM CDT

Hello - Not much new to report. Things are going well with Kyle. He is adjusting to school and back in his programs for fall. Kids Kicking Cancer (KKC) is tonight. He enjoys seeing friends and learning the martial arts. There is a new several new kids since last session. One is actually a fellow classmate of my nephew Andrew's. His name is Jesse and was recently dx with Lymphoma. This world is so small, I can't believe it sometimes.

Bry is doing well in school. He loves the bus but is tired and cranky when he gets home. At least God doesn't give me both kids tired and cranky at the same time. I think by Christmas the Heath Household will be rested and adjusted to a new busy schedule. lol, he he.

I had to resign from Costco over the weekend. This decision wasn't easy to make. My leave was already 3 months longer than they usually allow and I still am not ready to leave my children. Costco is a great company and I had 2 1/2 years with them. Down the road if things change they said I can always reapply and come back.

Things will work out, they always do. I still have my position at church for 10 hours a week, I began working at Kyle's school for 8 hours a week and I started selling my Cookie Lee Jewelry more consistently. Hopefully, that will be enough. However, between I will be with my kids, when they need me, whenever they need me. God bless, Beth

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 9:59 PM CDT

Hi Everyone. Things are pretty good at the Heath home. Kyle's blood counts were good so he was able to get his chemo today. His oncologist is going to audit his chart and make sure what has been missed. He thinks there may only be 2 to make up. Which would mean only 6 more weeks of chemo!!!!! So, when we go on Kyle's Wish Trip to Disney we will really have something to celebrate! I will probably know more next week on our finish date and what post treatment is all about.

Bryan started school today. He was so cute waiting outside with his Spondge Bob back pack on. (He had to have it!) He is in a program called PPI (Pre-primary impairment) because of his speech and language delay. The experts say that 80% of children in these classes are there for speech and language stuff. Out of 12 classmates there is 2 girls and 10 boys. Crazy huh? Poor Mrs. Nowak, we should all say a prayer for her. He He. The only let down today was that the bus didn't show to pick Bryan up...(well, not on time anyhow, Craig waited 30 minutes past the scheduled time then drove him in.) However, Bry did get to ride it home. He was one proud 3 year old! He even let me take his picture next to the bus. (Which is a big deal, Bry usually will not pose for a photo.) I said to him, "Hey Bry how was your first day of school?" He replied with a huge smile, "me do dat!" I am so happy that he has something special for himself. My big boy.

Well, I really can't think of much else. Just trying to simplify our lives a little. Things can get pretty crazy around here lately.

Take care, Beth

Tuesday, September 9, 2003 4:47 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Kyles counts were okay this week. We would not have thought so though. He has been tired and cranky. We are going to talk to his oncologist about how much is to much. Maybe 8 hours at school is to long for him right now. It has never crossed our mind that he wasn't ready to go back until he went back. Last year was half days in kindergarten and he did okay. But, he also did not go every day. We'll work it out to be a good schedule with his best interest in mind.

Everything else is going okay. My heart feels heavy this week. The reality of reaching the end of treatment and fears of the future got me down. Please say an extra pray for me today. I need it. I wish I could give my children complete happiness and good health. But I just don't have that much power. Only he does.

Take care, Beth

Tuesday, September 2, 2003 11:54 PM CDT

Hello Everyone! Just a quick update. Kyles counts we're back up from last week. Which was good news. We kept him home from school today because he looked flushed and felt warm. Even though his temp was only 99 degrees. He just looked pooped! He has been having a tough time with adjusting to the school day. Given his situation it is hard to say if its' typical adjustment or his treatment. Today we decided to air on the side of caution and kept him home. We'll see what happens tomorrow which reminds me his afo's are working terrific. He actually likes wearing them. The Prostetic Tech said he would. (I didn't believe him.) Tomorrow will be the first day he wears them to school. Yikes....Thank goodness he's in 1st grade and not 5th! I think all the kids will really dig the spiderman logos on the back!

Kyles wish granters were here from Make A Wish Foundation. We will be going to Disney World in Florida the last week in October. We can't wait! Trick or Treating in Disney or the Village (where we are staying) will be memorable in itself. Grandma Lois will be going with us. Make A Wish so generously included her for us. It will be nice to have that extra set of arms for Bryan. Craig, Kyle and myself can keep going if Bryan poops out. We are so grateful as a family to have all the positive experiences that have been given to us during such a difficult time in our lives.

Well, I am going to turn in. Its' to late for me to still be surfin'. Love ya, Beth

Monday, August 25, 2003 8:16 AM CDT

HOWDY ALL!!!! Kyle had an awesome time at Camp Quality. I guess his favorite thing to do was archery. But he also participated in horseback riding, frog catching, and hot air balooning! The theme was Native America so he even took a road trip to the Fort in Mackinac City. It was a great experience and we are so very grateful to everyone at Camp Quality, especially Kyles' companion Jeff.

We had a great time in Petoskey as well. Bryan turned 3 over the weekend and we celebrated with Grandma Lois and Aunt Pam in Mackinac. Bryan saw his Thomas the Tank Birthday cake and shouted, "Happy, Happy Choo Choo!" As far as coming home....we all we're a little sad. It is a beautiful part of our state.

Kyle was off to his first day of school this morning. First grade, can you believe it? He has a ton of neighborhood friends in his class, I think we should have warned the teacher. He he.

Anyhow, I will be picking him up today and then its' off to chemotherapy. We're almost through and then we will really celebrate!

I know this was a long entry...I had a ton to share. God bless and keep those prayers coming!
Love, Beth

Friday, August 15, 2003 6:44 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! Thank God I was able to check my e-mail before we went up north. As Craig says, "Now that the power is on you can check your life line." We had a great time swimming, grilling and visiting with neighbors during the Blackout of 2003. Bryan wanted to go inside last night and couldn't understand why the lights wouldn't turn on. Craig thought if the power didn't turn back on he would have to stay home to keep emptying the water pump in the basement. The power is up and now we are just glad that we all can go up north together.

Kyles' counts are a little low, which is expected and his scans all came back CLEAR!!!! Yeeaahhh! We will now take a much needed break from it all and be back on the 24th of August!

Until then, take care. Love, Beth

Wednesday, August 6, 2003 1:48 PM CDT

Hi Everyone, Well we survived our family canoe trip! It was a great time. Both the boys were so good. Bryan wasn't really thrilled with canoe trip but tolerated it. Our next family get away is Petoskey and Camp for Kyle.

Kyle received both drugs at chemo yesterday. They gave the vincristine (the culprit for foot drop) at half dosage. Unfortunetly, his neuropothy has not improved much. But, he has to get back on protocol. Kyle had an echo cardiogram on his heart yesterday. The pediatric cardiologist said everything looks normal. For those who don't know the heart can be damaged from the chemo drugs and the radiation he received. He will have to have heart tests periodically throughout his life. Friday he will have an ultrasound of his abdomen and an xray of his lungs. Say a prayer that everything comes back clear again.

Well, take care for now. I will let you know what the results are as soon as I know them.
Love, Beth


Wednesday, July 30, 2003 11:04 PM CDT

Hey Everyone, I hope this posting finds everyone well. Things are good here. Kyles' counts we're up on Monday. So we will be going canoeing up north this weekend. We went last year and had a blast. There will be around 100 people. All families from the area. We have the entire campground booked for our group. We weren't going to be bringing Bryan but plans changed and hes' going with us. We're not sure how that will go but what the heck. He'll be 3 next August 23 how bad could it be???

We took Kyle to Troy to be fitted for his AFO's today. Not UFO's, AFO's. (The braces for his foot drop.) They will have a hindge at the ankle so he can flex and squat. He can do everying but swim with them on. Even though our little amphibian asked if he could! The orthotech and PT person both feel he has improved but would benefit from the added support and safety. They will be ready just in time for his camp.

Speaking of which. We went to the Tigers with Camp Quality on Sunday. We we're able to meet Kyles' companion. (This will be his buddy 24/7 for the 6 day stay.) His name is Jeff and he seems awesome! Jeff and his girlfriend Katie have been volunteering for 5+ years now. Jeff graduated from U of M last year and works for Deloit and Touche downtown. He is very outgoing and friendly. Craig and I feel at ease and Kyle sure liked him. He also said Kyle will have the time of his life and will be talking about camp well into the school year. Which by the way, I think starts the day after we get home! Time sure flys.

Take care & God Bless. Beth

P.S. Please keep my mother in law, Lois in your prayers Friday morning she will be having surgery to remove her gall bladder. May she have an easy time of it and a speedy recovery.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003 2:57 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Well, things are going better for Kyle and his foot drop. He seems to have much better overall balance. I think the physical therapy has helped with that. The nerves must be regenerating as well. As far as his blood counts go they are pretty low. His nurse Karen called..usual instructions no crowds, etc. If he shows any signs of illness or fever we have to call. Hopefully, they come up on there own.

One thing I have never shared on this site is that I have met many "Wilms Families" through the use of pages like this. It has been a wonderful connection to others that know what we have been going through. We also are inspired by successful stories and even struggles. The families we've met have had such a strong faith. Even when there has been reoccurence. One family in particular is the Atkinsons from New York. Hunter has fought this battle for eight long years. Yesterday Hunter could fight no more. He passed away at the age of 13. I would like to post his site. This week many people celebrate his life. He shared a wonderful message to thousands of cancer families across the world during his battle. In the end Hunter requested that he be cremated and his ashes sent up in a rocket. He also wants everyone who attends his memorial to where tie dye and bright colors. Both requests will be honored. I love what Hunter and his family represent. God bless them all.


Yesterday I spoke with a woman in Chesterfield whose son was diagnosed the same year as Hunter. Jonathon is now 13 and doing well. Why Hunter couldn't share the same story we will never know.

Thanks for listening, Beth

Tuesday, July 15, 2003 10:31 PM CDT

Hi Everyone!

Just thought I would give a quick update. Kyles' counts came up and was able to recieve his chemo. Only Actino D, not any vincristine though. Dr. L said that Kyles' foot drop is severe and would like to give the nerves more time to regenerate. Kyles' physical therapist, Jeanette suggested braces for his legs. Dr. L wrote the script today so I guess we'll start the process of getting him sized up. Craig and I are concerned about the length of delay of the vincristine. Dr. L said that we can never know for sure if delaying this drug will have an impact on his cure. Dr. L said medically he has to weigh the "pros and cons" per say. He feels that Kyles nerves need more time. Lets' hope and pray that the vincristine that was done the first 12 weeks in combination with the other two drugs did the trick. Kyle will recieve the delayed doses later to meet required dosing overall. OH TO HAVE NO CONTROL...This is truly a test for us to turn it over to God. Please keep Craig and I in your prayers as well.

On a happier note. The American Cancer Society was at the clinic today. Kyle and other children from the office had a pizza party and made ceramic tiles. The children drew a picture on paper than traced the pattern onto clay. Kyle drew himself playing Army. The tiles will then be fired and painted. They are using them to decorate the walls at the new Providence Cancer Center in Novi. They also will be used to make a table for auction. I guess a center in Texas auctioned one off and fetched $8,000 for the ACS. The kids really enjoyed themselves and we all know its' a worthy cause.

On another personal note. Craigs' father Tom had another heart attack over the past weekend. They went in Friday evening and put a stint in. It had only been 8 weeks since his double bi-pass. He came home on Sunday and is doing very well. Please keep him and Lois in your prayers.

Well, my quick update suddenly doesn't seem so quick.
Take care and Thanks for being there for us. Beth

Thursday, July 10, 2003 7:48 AM CDT

Hope everyone had a great holiday. We sure did. July 4th we went to the VFW in New Baltimore and Kyle was first in line to ring the "Liberty Bell". It was wonderful. Wow, were the tears flowing. Craig and I both were moved by Kyles' actions and the entire holiday dedication. Later, we all went into the hall to enjoy lunch. There had to be over 200 people. The Grand Commander had Kyle stand and introduced him as the posts special friend. Kyle stood up and waved to everyone. (Like he was a politician or something. HA!) Kyle just loves those people...I really do think they did what they set out to do. Make Kyle feel special, brave and loved. Way to go friends at the VFW.

We also had the opprotunity to interview with the local paper. A beautiful article about Kyles brave journey ran yesterdays Voice and in several local cities. The article talked about his Award for Bravery from the VFW's and about his journey against this disease. Thank you Jeff Payne for achieving Kyles' strength in your writings. The only thing that was hard to read was the title. Even though Kyle said that phrase that awful morning...its' hard to look at it on paper. Kyle thought it was pretty cool that we were in the paper. The article will be a wonderful keepsake for him to show his children someday.

As for Kyles' health. He's doing well. However, his counts we're pretty low Monday. Nurse Karen was paged from the lab that day. She called us and said to take extra caution. So, like we've been doing hand washing, making sure no one is ill around him and no crowds. She said they will go up on their own. Hopefully, he'll be able to have chemo on Tuesday. He has already delayed a couple treatments. Kyle also started physical therapy this past Saturday. She is working with him to improve his muschle tone. The muscle also is compromised after the nerves are deaded. Kyle seems to like her alot. She makes it fun..kicking balloons, hop scotch. Kyle never new he was working out.

Well, I have to go and take Bryan to pre-school preview. Thank goodness...I couldn't wait til this program started.
This lil' guy needs something of his own.
See ya later, Beth

Tuesday, July 1, 2003 8:45 AM CDT

Good Morning!

The whole family is up and about except Bryan. Which is not ususual. Bryan will definetly be the teenager who is being pulled out of bed at noon. Guess what we have planned for today. You guessed it, swimming.

Last week Kyle and I interviewed with our associate editor from out local paper, The Voice. Jeff says, the article all about Kyle will be running in tomorrows paper or next Wednesday, July 9. I would bet the 9th instead because we had our annual festival in New Baltimore last weekend and there was probably alot to cover. Anyhow, if you live locally check it out. Our hopes is that it helps some one else. I left it up to Kyle and he wanted to do it. (Even though he said very little during the interview...) Plus, Kyle will have a keepsake of his ultimate heroism.

Speaking of Kyle and his bravery. Home care came out yesterday and drew blood from Kyles arm. I didn't even have to hold him. Even Karen our nurse said, WOW, Great job Kyle. He continues to constantly amaze us. Since chenmo last week Kyles' foot drop has continued...so Karen our nurse is going to be calling Dr. Lorenzana to request physical therapy out of the home. Dr. L said we just have to call when we we're ready for it. I think that with the swimming will help a great deal.

We are staying home for the coming up weekend. Kyle has been asked to the VFW to ring the liberty bell out front at noon on the 4th. Afterwards we're going to Grandma and Grandpa Heaths for a barbecue. Even though I think Kyle will want to hang at the post all day. Last Friday the vetrans who awarded Kyle had the three of us up for dinner. They played pool and video games for an hour with Bryan and Kyle. Kyle now thinks he can go any night. "But Mom they said I am welcome any time I want..." I tell hime I understand that but we have to give it a few days at least, ha. Its' like the vetrans have adopted him. Its' been pretty cool, Kyle sure loves it.

Well, Each one of you have a safe and happy 4th. We will talk soon. Thanks for all of your postings and support.
Lets enjoy our Life, Liberty and Happiness, Beth

Monday, June 23, 2003 9:38 AM CDT

Hello Folks!

Kyle, Bryan and Craig are outside swimming as we speak.. Karen our home care nurse will be by soon to draw blood and put a temporary line in Kyles' port for chemo tomorrow. They don't want him in the pool on days his port is accessed. So Kyle won't be swimming until Wednesday. He wanted to sleep in his bathing suit last night so when he woke up he would be ready to just jump in! Remember the part fish thing...anyhow he is bumming that he is a fish out of water for a few days.

Hopefully, his counts remain good and can recieve chemo tomorrow. Every time he doesn't get it he has to make it up at the end. He is doing well overall and even the "drop foot" doesn't seem so bad.

Craig and I had a terrific evening without the kids and yes we came home. A person can dream a little can't they??? Dinner was fabulous.. Ask Craig how much it costs to add an extra tail??? The kids had a blast with Grandma and Grandpa Heath. They have a pool too. Kyle was in his glory. I think Bryan doesn't care what he's doing as long as he is on an adventure. They we're so cute rolling their suitcases down the driveway to Grandma's car.

So, that's it for now... thanks for all your postings. Feel free to share Kyle's site to whoever...He loves reading his guestbook.

Love, Beth

Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:01 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!
Well summer is here. We have a pool and we have been swimming for the past 4 days...I think Kyle is part fish.

We had home health care out of Monday..Nurse Karen.(We love her!!) She does all the necessary stuff like blood pressure, weight, temp and blood work. Kyle also gave blood for the first time out of his arm instead of his mediport. He did pretty good. Next week he'll have his port accessed and a line put in so he will be ready for chemo on the 24th. Dr. Lorenzana says' that he only wants the port accessed for chemo now...this will reduce the risk of infection. For many of you that might not know, a mediport sits on his sternum under his skin and goes directly to his heart. Anyhow, every two weeks it will be his arm then every third will be his port. I am sure he will get use to this just like he has everything else. This is much better for swimming because he wouldn't be able to swim on days his port is accessed. This is very important to someone who is part fish.

Everything else is going good. Bryan is partially potty trained and doing okay. He thinks he can potty anywhere though.. I MEAN ANYWHERE. I'm sure we will work that out by time he goes back to school.

Craig and I are actually going to go away for a night for our anniversary. Thanks to Lois for staying with the kids!!! Adult time is the best present we could have. Craig needs some TLC he has been working so hard with his regular job and his powerwashing business. Anyhow, if you don't hear from us thats' because we decided never to come home. Thanks Lois!!!

See ya sometime, Beth

Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:22 AM CDT

Happy Fathers Day to all those dads.....Kyle, Bryan and Craig plan on swimming all day today. Friends of ours the Genords (Tressa, Ed, Kayla and Brandon) plan on coming by for a dip too. Then it is off to Lois and Toms' (My inlaws) for more Dads Day Fun.

Kyle finished school on Thursday....Craig and I volunteered at carnival and did face painting. (Did't know we we're so talented did you?) Anyhow, we had a blast. I couldn't hold back my tears when it was time to say goodbye. THANK YOU MRS.TREBILCOCK, MRS.WOOD, MRS.ALEXANDER and MRS.O'HARA. I've said it to all of you and I will say it again. This years burdens we're made a little easier because of the love and support we received from the Carkenord staff. You are our extended family now and we love you. Also, THANK YOU KYLES' CLASSMATES and FAMILIES..... you all are such good friends to one another...you should be very proud of that. Many of the families called, sent letters, emails and offered prayer and we are so grateful.

So for now we are going to keep doing what we are suppose to medically and try to have a really, really fun summer. Filled with fun, sun, family and friends! The way it ought to be. Then in the fall its' pre-school fun for Bryan and first grade for Kyle. Time sure flys...
God bless you guys, Beth

Monday, June 9, 2003 8:52 AM CDT

Hi Everyone! Lots of people checking out Kyles' web page...Pretty cool huh? We notice on the counter lots of visits to the site but not everyone is signing the guestbook, PLEASE SIGN GUESTBOOK, we really enjoy reading them. :) Kyle is doing pretty good since his last chemo. I would say a little tired and cranky but it is Monday morning!

Saturday, June 7, 2003 Kyle received and award for bravery and a complete military uniform (embroidered with his name and filled with authentic patches!) it was awesome! The VFW post in New Baltimore did a wonderful job. Thanks to everyone who was able to come by and check it out... those who couldn't pictures will post later this week. Craig and I we're so proud, Kyle stood up there with a big grin...just waiting for his honor. Lil' Bryan also was given a hat and t-shirt that say "airborne". People are so caring! Our neighbors Jim & Marie are the spearheads of this and we can't thank them enough.

We will write soon and let you know how things are going.. So far so good. Love, Beth & Bryan (Lil' guy insists on sitting on my lap while I type)

Thursday, June 5, 2003 8:48 AM CDT

Hi Everyone! Well, Kyles counts we're good enough to get chemo on Tuesday. He will be given two kinds of chemo each visit the doses we're increased and he only goes every three weeks with blood work weekly. I know it has been getting to us having to go back and forth so often. We all look forward to the break. Kyles "drop foot" has increased and we requested physical therapy... but they said it will not help and it should start to improve gradually. We hope so because it is pretty bad. He stumbles constantly and he says his legs and ankles hurt. Even though this stuff is temporary its hard to watch. We know Kyle has been doing very well overall and we are truly blessed but it still sucks! Craig and I allow Kyle to say "sucks" only when to refer to his cancer and its treatment! Suprisingly it has not been over used. He is a trooper!

On another personal note...today is the 10 year anniversary of my mothers death. She died from Colon Cancer in 1993. Wow, ten years....she would have loved all of her grand kids. My Bryan makes 10. Mom only knew Andrew and Ryan was born just 3 weeks after her death. (Both my sister Suzannes boys.) Alot has happened since her death.. all pretty positive. She would be proud of her family. I would like to think of her as Kyles angel...looking out for him. Understanding what he has been going through. Anyhow, just thought I would take a moment. Oh yeah, Cancer Sucks!

Love to all of you until later. Beth

Thursday, May 29, 2003 8 AM CDT

Hi! Thought I might post a quick entry. Kyle is doing okay. He has been experiencing "drop foot" because of his Vincristine Chemo. It cause him to stumble and fall at times. The only good news about that is he won't be getting vincristine as often anymore and that side effect will ease up. He was suppose to have chemo yesterday but his counts we're to low. We will try again next week. I didn't ask what would happen if they did not improve but I would imagine... a transfusion? Well, where not there yet so I should probably just handle today.

Kyle did go to Kids Kicking Cancer (Karate) today. He is really getting comfortable with the group. What they learn is so amazing. Craig and I are very proud of him. On the 11th of June he will get an award and the class will break for summer. If Kyle wants to continue through the summer we can drive him to Childrens Hospital or they will come to our home for one on one. We may consider once a month ... so he doesn't lose his comfort level and have to start all over in the fall.

Kyle will also graduate from Kindergarten on the 6th... and be given an award for bravery from the VFW in New Baltimore on the 7th. We will need to build a showcase if this keeps up! Ha!

Kyle is also going to Camp this summer. It is called Camp Quality. Kids with cancer or who are in remission can go and spend one week near Petoskey, MI doing whatever.... they can dream of. I've been told it is the Cadillac of Cancer Camps. We went and rented a room at a near by lodge for the week. Some how 4 hours away makes me a little nervous. If he needs chemo that week...they can just give it there. It has a full staff of doctors and nurses...full fledged and students. Kyle will also be given a "buddy" to be with him every moment. He is pretty excited about this opprotunity and remarkably didn't hesitate at the chance to go.

Bryan is doing great too, speech class is going well and he is all set for school next fall! He will be 3 in August and unlike his brother at 3, Bry has no problem leaving mom and dad. Sometimes he doesn't even look back.

Until next time. Blessing, Beth

Monday, May 19, 2003 0:13 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!
Sorry I hadn't updated in a few weeks... things are kind of crazy. Kyle is doing good. He had his feeding tube removed last week and is pretty happy about that. He also returned to school. He is morning kindergarten and is only there for around 3 hours. Thats' plenty for him. His doctors have encouraged us to have him get back to as "normal" as a routine as possible. He just loves school. We got to go on field trip to the humane society and he had a blast. All the kids in his class seem pretty supportive. Kids can be so care free about stuff. We adults should take there lead..

For those of you who do not know, Craigs dad had a heart attack and double bipass on April 28th. He is doing great. Kyle has tried to teach him meditation from Kids Kicking Cancer to handle pain and fear! Can you believe it? It has been nice that Kyle and Grandpa Tom have been able to talk about there scars and stuff.

I had said to a good friend of the family while Tom was in surgery, "What should we be learning through all this?" and he replied "Stay away from the Heaths!" Even though at times I would have to agree...two things I know for sure...tell your loved one "I love you" as often as you can... and make the best of today. Until later, Beth

Tuesday, April 1, 2003 9:15 AM CDT

Kyle came home on Sunday. He is doing so much better! Thank goodness. Home health care comes each week and when we need them. He has a pump for his feedings. He is recieving 8 cans of pedisure a day and is doing great. They say as the effects of the radiation wear off he should regain his appetite back. We'll have to see. Craig and I are so happy! Kyle seems much better to. He has chemo today and like to see Nurse Joanne she lets him bring home playstation games! That is one way to get brownie points.

Friday, March 28, 2003 5:50 AM CDT

Well, Kyle was put in the hospital on Wednesday. He had asked to go see the doctor because his tummy hurt. So, Craig brought him in the morning of the 26th. He had lost almost 17 f his body weight! They admitted him to place a feeding tube in and get his weight back up. We are so grateful, nothing is worse that your child not eating when you know they need to terribly! Oh and his tummy is fine.

He is doing okay and should be coming home by Monday. They think it could stay in for at least a month. Whatever works is what Craig and I say.

Monday, March 24, 2003 9:00 PM CDT

Yesterday friends of ours Dave & Danielle Bergen and Ed & Tressa Genord hosted a fundraiser event they planned for Kyle at Premier Lanes. WOW! Craig and I cannot believe how many of you came out to show your support of Kyle and ourselves! We are so blessed and grateful to each of you. Many of you have come forward in sooooo many ways to show your support and we are so grateful. Words cannot express how we feel.

Kyle is doing okay. He is still not eating or drinking very well and he is getting terrible headaches. We think it is because he is dehyrdated. We feel so bad for the little guy! Not much we can do for him. We hope he will turn around and start eating soon. Especially start taking fluids.

His chemo is going okay. Not to many side effects. I think mostly radiation is rearing its ugly head. Craig and I are doing okay with everything. Craig returned to work today. That must have been difficult for him. I sure will miss his support in the evening.

Friday, March 20, 2003 10:00 PM CDT

Kyle is doing alright so far. His surgery to put in his mediport went okay, he was pretty upset about having to go back for surgery. I don't think he really trusts anyone. Including us. They gave him chemo in recovery and he was suppose to get another radiation but they let him add a day on at they end. His last radiation was today! Thank goodness. He wanted to take his form home (he calls it his boogie board) so they let him. The staff at St. John Radiation we're awesome. Especially Ms. Debbie. She really one Kyle over. She is the first one through this whole thing that has cut him any slack. Thanks to everyone at St. John radiation! Way to go Kyle you are so brave!

Friday, March 14, 2003 5:23 AM CDT

Kyle came home yesterday. We are trying to get use to things. He will have surgery to put in his mediport on Monday, March 17th. We are pretty nervous about having to bring him back for another surgery regardless how routine they are. For now we hope to have a good weekend. It is great to see Bryan! He came home yesterday too! He has missed his brother. Yeah, its' good to be home.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 4:59 AM CDT

After arriving at St. John Detroit on Friday and having more tests and consults it was determined Kyle would have surgery on Monday, March 3 to remove the large mass on his right kidney. The doctors explained that they would have to stabalize Kyle prior to Monday morning. His temp was 104 and his blood pressure was extremely high. During that time they we're able to learn more about the position of the mass. Which proved to be invaluable for the surgery. Dr. Rector was able to carefully plot his removable of this mass. He prepared us that the scar would be "quite creative". Monday morning came and Kyle was stable for surgery. Away he went.

Dr. Rector joined us in the waiting room some 6 1/2 hours later. He explained they we're able to remove 99.9% of the mass and the right kidney. The mass had grown up and back behind his liver which had helped to conceal its 4 pound size. Yes, I did say 4 pounds! Craig and I we're shocked! Dr. Rector went on to tell us they removed 1/3 of his diaphram, part of his liver and some lymph nodes. The mass also had grown veins that we're growing into the inferior vena cava toward the heart. This would cause tremedous blood loss. He recieved 6 pints of blood and a pack of platlets. They we're concerned at one time about a small 1mm spot they showed on his lung during a cat scan however, this never showed again on further xrays. The tumor was then sent to pathology.

Kyle stayed in the PICU unit til Friday. We learned that the histology of this tumor was favorable. This is a very good thing. It means that the cell itself is not aggressive and should respond well to chemo therapy and radiation.

He began chemo yesterday, on March 10th and will begin radiation on Thursday, March 13. Radiation will continue for 7 days and chemo for 6 months. If all goes well he will go home by the weekend.

Monday, March 10, 2003 3:06 AM CST


January 9, 1997 at exactly 5am Craig and Elizabeth Heath gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Kyle. He weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long! We later made Kyle a big brother when we gave birth to Bryan on August 23, 2000.

February 28th, 2003 at 9:30 in the morning our lives as we new it changed forever. An emergency room doctor at St. John Northshore named Dr. Shaw told me he didn't have good news. Our son Kyle who had just turned 6 the previous month had a large tumor on his kidney. I felt my legs weaken as I listen to those words. Craig came up right away and we discussed the transfer to St. John Detroit. Prior to arriving at Northshore Kyle actually had said to me "Mommy, I have a lump in my belly." Our little guy has continued to be so brave each step of the way.

Saturday, March 22, 2003 2:52 AM CST

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