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Sunday, December 20, 2009 1:50 AM EST

"I love snow, snow, and all the forms of radiant frost." --Percy Bysshe Shelley

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update to let you all know I'm doing okay. Not great health-wise - dealing with fatigue and kind of the usual things and trying to figure out ways to get better sleep. I'm tolerating the IV Clindamycin and new treatment schedule okay and just finished up the first 2 weeks of it. This weekend is a Flagyl weekend and I'm handling that okay, too, although I had forgotten that it does take a lot out of me so I'm a bit worn out.

And things with Eric are really good. We're spending a lot of time together and yesterday we went to see the Boston Holiday Pops and got to meet the conductor (Keith Lockhart) which was really cool and the show was great. And then we went to his family's Hanukkah party (his father is Jewish) which was a lot of fun. They are really making me feel welcome and I was surprised that most (if not all, I didn't keep track) of them gave me gifts. It was just a really nice day, but busy so I'm pretty worn out today. Today we're pretty much snowed in so it's a quiet day of wrapping presents and possibly making it out to a holiday party this evening if the roads aren't too bad.

I only have two more days of work before it's our winter vacation (well, one and a half days since Tuesday is an early release day at 11:15) and I'm really looking forward to the break and being able to relax, do some serious baking of cookies (and maybe some other things), and have my brother and his fiance home for a while.

Well, that's pretty much it. I hope you're all having a good weekend and if you're in the northeast I hope you're weathering the snow/blizzard well! Thanks so much for stopping by to see how things are going and don't forget to sign the guestbook.

Peace and healing, Annie

Wednesday, December 2, 2009 5:16 PM EST

"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with others; and along those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects."
--Herman Melville

Hi Everyone,

This update may be a little brief but I wanted to post about a few things, especially to update about how the appointment with Dr. H went on Monday.

So, here's the basic rundown on the appointment. We're adding another antibiotic, Clindamycin, to my pulsed treatment. We're also juggling around when I do the Flagyl so that I'm not having to do Flagyl, Doxy, and Clinda all in the same day. So, my three week cycle will be like this. Weeks 1 & 2: Saturday & Sunday - Flagyl twice a day; Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Clinda twice a day and Doxy once a day (and Glutathione). Week 3 is off of Flagyl, Doxy, and Clinda but I still do Glutathione MWF (it's just an IV push so it's easy to do). And of course my 2 liters of fluids with all the stuff added to it everyday. I'm okay with adding the Clinda and I think it might be a good change and push me towards more improvement.

We also discussed going to see the doctor in D.C. and it looks like if it's at all possible, I really need to try to do it. I'm not thrilled with this for many reasons but I do really want to get to the point of getting off of as many IVs as possible and this doctor may offer some new options in treatment that could eventually get me better to the point of being able to do that. However, there's the issue of my needing the IV fluids everyday that makes it unclear whether I'll be able to be totally IV-free and port-less anytime in the near future which is really what I'd like to be. Or maybe not port-less, but not relying on it on a daily basis and to be able to leave it de-accessed most of the time. Last week I ended up skipping a day of the hydration and it really wasn't good - I was feeling pretty awful until I got some into me so it's things like that that both tell me that I do still really need the fluids everyday but also discourage me a bit because I so want to have some more freedom from infusions! Okay, whining and complaining is over...for now.

I think that's pretty much it for the appointment. I go back in mid-January (about 6 weeks away) when I've done about 2 cycles of this treatment and then we'll see where things stand. I'm also in need of a new GI doctor so we're trying to figure that out.

In other news, I'm trying really hard to not get sick but right now my boyfriend, Eric, is pretty sick. I'm not sure what he has - might be the flu, could be something else - but he's really not feeling well at all and could use some good thoughts, prayers, energy, whatever you can do to help him get better. So far I seem to have avoided catching whatever he has and I'm trying to keep it that way so I'm taking it easy today - napping, watching some movies, and generally laying low.

That's it for today. I hope you're all having a good week so far. Thanks so much for stopping by to see how things are going with me!

Peace and healing, Annie

Saturday, November 28, 2009 3:36 PM EST

Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road.
--John Henry Jowett

Hi Everyone,

I'm a little late wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving but better late than never, I guess. I hope you all had a great day with your families, friends, or whoever you got to spend it with. I had a really nice, although long and tiring Thanksgiving day. Eric came to have dinner with my family which was really nice and then we went off to his family's house to have dessert and visit with them for a while. I've gotten to spend quite a bit of time with his family this week - we spent all day Wednesday cooking with his mom (and later in the day his brother and sister-in-law got there and helped). And yesterday (Friday) we spent the day hanging out, watching movies, generally not doing a whole lot because we were all pretty wiped out from Thanksgiving. But it was fun and it's been really nice to get to know his family. I must say, though, that I'm quite worn out from being out and about so much and not resting as much as I usually do so I'm going to have to try to catch up on some sleep.

Health-wise things are so-so. I'm worn out and some things haven't been terrific but overall things aren't awful (not the best words there but they seem appropriate). I think I have an appointment with Dr. H on Monday (I don't have my calendar with me right now, I need to find it though - it's somewhere in one of my bags at home) and I think we'll have some decisions to make as to whether the pulsing is going to work to continue and whether we'll switch antibiotics and/or add another one in. Also how important she thinks it would be for me to go see the other doctor she recommended I think about seeing who is far away and quite expensive. In some ways I'm not really looking forward to the appointment because I feel like it's a decision-making time, but I could be wrong. It might just feel like that to me because I'm not feeling great right now and to me it feels like something needs to change, although the not feeling great can be attributed to not taking care of myself as well as I should be (I know, tsk, tsk, shame on me). I will update after the appointment, whether it's good or bad, and let you know what changes will be coming.

Well, that's it. I hope you're all having a good weekend and enjoying the very end of November! I can't believe it's almost December - crazy how fast time flies. Thanks so much for stopping by and please take a minute to sign the guestbook so I know you were here.

Peace and healing, Annie

Saturday, November 21, 2009 9:04 PM EST

"It's practically impossible to look at a penguin and feel angry."
--Joe Moore

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to update briefly tonight on how things have been so far here in New Orleans. Today I went to the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas which is right near our hotel. They have a penguin exhibit with two kinds of penguins - African penguins and Rockhopper penguins. I also saw sea otters, sting rays, lots of fish, an huge alligator, parrots, and many other great creatures. Here are some pictures from today:

Yesterday I went and walked around in the French Quarter a bit which was cool and I'm going to go back there either tomorrow or Monday to walk around again and get beignets and cafe au lait at Cafe Du Monde. I'm also planning on going to the New Orleans Museum of Art where they have an exhibit on Disney art which should be cool. So I'm having a good time.

Health-wise things could be a bit better. Mostly I'm just worn out and tired. I'm surprised at how tired I am with how little I'm doing. But I guess things have caught up with me and my busy busy schedule over the past month or so has just been too much. The trip to the aquarium today really tired me out so I came back and slept for about an hour. It's not usual for me to actually sleep during the day. I might rest a lot, but I don't usually actually sleep so for me to actually sleep meant I was really exhausted. And now I'm exhausted again. So I'll just try to rest as much as I can while I'm here while still enjoying being here and doing the things I really want to do.

It's interesting for me to kind of compare how I've been health-wise on each of these trips with my dad. They are annual trips always in November so it's not that difficult to see changes from year to year and trip to trip. The first of these trips I went on with him was in 2005 to Baltimore. For that trip my mom and younger sister were supposed to come, too, and I was in pretty bad shape health-wise and actually bought a wheelchair to use on the trip. But I didn't end up using it, partially because I didn't have anyone to push me in it because my mom and sister didn't end up coming and partially because by the time the trip came around I had been on a good IV treatment for long enough so that I was doing well enough to be able to walk around on my own.

Between that trip and the next one in 2006 to Montreal, a lot of stuff happened, the biggest one being that my GI system totally crashed. I remember walking around in Montreal with my dad talking about how far I had come in the last year and how we weren't sure I'd be well enough to make that trip, but I did and I did well on the trip and really enjoyed it. I probably enjoyed that one more than any of the others because of how much there was to do in Montreal and how much I enjoyed all the places I visited. Then in 2007 we went to Milwaukee which I believe was right after I had had an endoscopy and botox injected into my pylorus which I had trouble recovering from so my stomach wasn't in great shape, but other than that my health wasn't too bad.

And then there was last year in Tampa Bay. Those of you who have been following this page for a while or know me in person probably remember the circumstances surrounding last year's trip and how close I came to not making it. I was literally in the hospital until about 12 hours before we had to leave for the airport. But I was completely determined to make the trip, and I did. I got out of the hospital after being there for 10 days with all kinds of tests, procedures, port removal surgery, PICC line placement, IV antibiotics and fighting a staph infection and turned right around to hop on a plane and fly to Florida for 5 days. And I managed really well considering the circumstances. I think that trip (and my infusion company, who is based there and took me out for some really good meals) was responsible for kick starting my eating again after not eating much at all for the 6 months since the fevers/staph infection started.

And now this year. A lot has happened since last November, both health-wise and in the rest of my life. I tend to mostly measure the health stuff when it comes to these trips but there really is a lot of other stuff that has changed in the last year. I switched jobs, moved back home, I have a boyfriend now...it seemed like more things but I guess it's just that they are big things. And health-wise things have been quite a roller coaster. I had my new port placed in February and I've been through some treatment changes, trying some new supplements and things, exploring other options, etc.

But what I'm thinking about the most as I sit her writing this tonight is how frustrated I am right now with my energy level, how fatigued I am, how that is still such a huge part of my daily life. How much it affects what I can and cannot do. In December it will officially be 12 years since I was diagnosed and I know I do talk about it from time to time but it's just frustrating to still be dealing with so much stuff. Yes, I'm better than I've been at other times. But I can imagine my life being so much better, so much easier. I don't know, maybe it won't ever be that much easier, maybe this is "good" for me and I should just be happy to have it, and I am happy to be as good as I am and doing as much as I'm doing. But that doesn't mean it isn't still hard.

Well, that got a little off topic and long. Oh well. I hope you're all having a good weekend! Thanks so much for stopping by to see how I'm doing. And I would really like it if you could sign my guestbook so I know who all is visiting!

Peace and healing, Annie

Thursday, November 19, 2009 2:31 PM EST

"Compassion isn't some kind of self-improvement project or ideal that we are trying to live up to. Having compassion starts and ends with having compassionf or all those unwanted parts of ourselves, all those imperfections that we don't even want to look at."
--Pema Chödrön

Hi Everyone,

This is going to be quick(ish). I know I often say I'm going to write a quick update and it doesn't end up being quick, but right now I'm sitting in the Atlanta airport waiting for a connecting flight to New Orleans so it will really be short. I just wanted to write something quick, though.

First of all, I have some good (non-health) news. I've been seeing someone since the end of October. Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook may have already heard about it (through the relationship change on my profile) but I wanted to just post really briefly about it here. His name is Eric and I'm really enjoying spending time with him.

As for more health-related news, there isn't a whole lot to report. I'm still doing the pulsing of the Doxy and Flagyl that I've been doing and tolerating it okay. My port is giving me a little bit of trouble which is annoying and a bit worrisome. Yesterday the right lumen of the port (I have a double lumen which means there are two chambers to put needles in so I can infuse two things at once without them mixing) wouldn't really let fluid through easily and was leaking Doxy back out. So I de-accessed (after just having accessed the night before) and tried to access again but there was still trouble so I got saline and heparin into it and de-accessed and I'm leaving it that way until I need it again which will be when I'm back on Doxy. I have one more day of Doxy this week but I'll just have to stop my hydration to infuse it. Hopefully the port will decide to behave itself when I go to use it again. If not, I'll probably end up having to call the surgeon who put it in to see what I should do about it.

I've been kind of overdoing it lately and not getting enough sleep so I'm overtired but looking forward to catching up on sleep over the next week and a half of being on vacation from work, first in New Orleans (until Tuesday) and then at home for Thanksgiving.

I'm still dealing with the frustration of trying to get my Nexium covered. I won't get started on that, though.

And, lastly, I'm fighting off a bit of a cold/cough which I know is just a cold/cough but it makes me nervous because this time last year I had just gotten out of the hospital and was recovering from the staph infection which had involved my lungs and resulted in a bad cough which went on for weeks. So when I start coughing a lot, I get nervous. Hopefully over time I'll stop being nervous when I cough. I guess that hospital stay has really affected me and it's been difficult to completely get over it. The port acting up also makes me nervous because it was a year ago that I lost my old port and the new one isn't a year old yet (it will be a year old in February). I don't want to have major issues with it yet!

Well, I better go. My flight leaves in about 40 minutes. Hope you're all doing well and thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I'll update later this week/weekend with some pictures from New Orleans! Have a great week!

Peace and healing, Annie

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 10:51 PM EST

"Refuse to fall down. If you cannot refuse to fall down, refuse to stay down, lift your heart toward heaven like a hungry beggar, ask that it be filled and it will be filled. You may be pushed down. You may be kept from rising. But no one can keep you from lifting your heart toward heaven-only you. It is in the middle of misery that so much becomes clear. The one who says nothing good came of this is not yet listening."
--Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Hi Everyone,

I keep meaning to post an update but things have been really ridiculously crazy busy lately so I haven't had a chance until now.

I realized the other day that I'm in the midst of the time when I was in the hospital a year ago (November 5th to 14th). It's strange to think back to that time and in some ways it feels like such a long time ago but in other ways it feels like just yesterday. That was a really hard hospital stay and thankfully I have been lucky enough to not have many to compare it to. So it's been a year since those horrible fevers ended. It's been a year since I lost my first port (Winnie-the-Port). It's been a year since I felt that complete loss of control of pretty much everything that is unique to that kind of situation. It's funny how losing control of so many things makes you cling to the control you still have. I remember how filling out the menu to order my meals became important, even when I really didn't want to eat anything. So, it's nice to be a year out from that hospitalization and nearly a year since being released from the hospital. And it also means that it's almost time for my annual trip with my dad to go along with him to a conference. This year it's in New Orleans and we leave a week from Thursday for almost 6 days. I'm SO looking forward to that trip and even more looking forward to not having it come right after being released from the hospital (it wasn't much more than 12 hours from being released to leaving for the airport).

Now, for the actual update. First, here's the picture of the jack-o-lantern I carved for Halloween.

It turned out really good but was a lot of work. I'll definitely do another challenging design like that again next year, though! It makes pumpkin carving fun again since just carving eyes, a nose, and a mouth tends to lose it's fun when you get older.

First, the health update. Things have been going okay. I'm still struggling with some things but I'm managing alright. I finished the three week treatment cycle and I'm now in another cycle with this being week 1, meaning I'm on IV Doxy and IV Flagyl Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I don't know how well the new treatment is working so far but it's nice not having to do as many infusions as I used to do and it allows for more flexibility with my de-accessed time (time without a needle/multiple needles in my port). I also have a new pump for my daily hydration because my old kind of pump was really loud and after dealing with it for a long time (a few years, I think) I had just had enough and asked about getting something that might be quieter. I LOVE the new pump and I'm so glad to not feel as self conscious when I go out while infusing.

I'm still fighting with my insurance company to get my Nexium covered. Thought it was all set when I did the couple of weeks of Protonix but apparently my doctor has to jump through a few more hoops before they'll cover the medication I've been on for a few years that we know works much better than anything else to control my reflux. Frustrating.

I'm also dealing with a cold right now which I hope doesn't last too long. I'm mostly just drained and past the sore throat stage, now on the stuffy/runny nose and a bit of coughing stage but it's not horrible.

Work is okay but very busy. It's progress report time so we've been busy getting those ready. Tomorrow there isn't any school because of Veteran's Day so I'm going to spend the day finishing those up and catching up on other things. My kitties are also going into the vet to be spayed/neutered so I have to be up just as early as if I was going to work to get them over there for 8am. And they're not too thrilled with not having anything to eat since breakfast, but I"m sure they'll manage just fine.

The rest of this week will be a bit busy. I'm doing lights this weekend for a production of "Uncle Vanya" at the Art Center (where I teach my theater classes and I'm involved in a lot of other stuff) so I have to go to rehearsals for that tomorrow and Thursday nights and then the shows Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. On Friday I'm going to have lunch with my college advisor, Maya, who I haven't seen for almost 2 years so that will be nice. And I have full days on both Saturday and Sunday. (I said things were busy!) I'm really looking forward to the trip to New Orleans with my dad when I'll hopefully be able to rest and relax and have a little vacation!

Well, I'm heading off to bed now with the two kitties. If you can keep them in your thoughts tomorrow that their procedures go well I'd appreciate it. I'm sure they'll be fine but in some ways it feels like my children are going into surgery and it's hard to think of them being there without me. (Yes, I realize they are not my children and I'm trying really hard not to be labeled a "Crazy Cat Lady" but the truth is what it is. I've been assured tonight that on the scale of craziness, I'm within a reasonable range.)

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week so far!

Peace and healing, Annie

Friday, October 30, 2009 2:01 PM EDT

Walk in the rain, jump in mud puddles, collect rocks, rainbows and roses, smell flowers, blow bubbles, stop along the way, build sandcastles, say hello to everyone, go barefoot, go on adventures, act silly, fly kites, have a merry heart, talk with animals, sing in the shower, read childrens' books, take bubble baths, get new sneakers, hold hands and hug and kiss, dance, laugh and cry for the health of it, wonder and wander around, feel happy and precious and innocent, feel scared, feel sad, feel mad, give up worry and guilt and shame, say yes, say no, say the magic words, ask lots of questions, ride bicycles, draw and paint, see things differently, fall down and get up again, look at the sky, watch the sun rise and sun set, watch clouds and name their shapes, watch the moon and stars come out, trust the universe, stay up late, climb trees, daydream, do nothing and do it very well, learn new stuff, be excited about everything, be a clown, enjoy having a body, listen to music, find out how things work, make up new rules, tell stories, save the world, make friends with the other kids on the block, and do anything else that brings more happiness, celebration, health, love, joy, creativity, pleasure, abundance, grace, self-esteem, courage, balance, spontaneity, passion, beauty, peace, relaxation, communication and life energy to...all living beings on this planet.
~~Bruce Williamson

Hi Everyone,

I'm about to take a nap but just found the above quote and wanted to post it and a mini update. I just love what this quote says and how it reminds us to LIVE. It's apparently from a book called It's Never Too Late To Have A Happy Childhood but I think it speaks to everyone, whether you had a wonderful childhood or a horrible one. When we grow up, so many of us lose the sheer joy of living, experiencing the world, and loving the little things. I have the mixed blessing of working with young children. I see the joy they have at seeing the seasons change, telling a silly joke (that may or may not make sense), acting like an elephant, reaching for the sky on the swing, dressing up like a fire fighter or princess or doctor. The pride they have when they have created something on their own, when they have succeeded in writing their name, when they have learned something new. I think these are joys and accomplishments we all need to remember. We need to get in touch with that part of ourselves and maybe we'll all see and enjoy the world a little better!

I think it's important for me to write this today more than any time before because this week has been one of the most difficult weeks when it comes to working with kids because they have just been off the walls crazy. With halloween coming up so soon and a full moon on Monday it has just been insane. But ironically it's during these times that I can dig down and find the most joy in working with kids. The child we believe is autistic has had a very difficult week but I have had more one-on-one time with him as we've had more parent volunteers in the classroom and I've seen the joy he's had in some of the activities we've done. We went for a nature walk yesterday and I walked with him, keeping a tight grip on his hand the whole time. He wasn't necessarily "with it" but he enjoyed seeing the colorful leaves and crunching them under his feet. It's things like that that make all the insanity easier to handle. But I'm so glad the week of work is over and I can rest. And hopefully the kids will calm down a little bit after Halloween, although I've learned that they continue getting crazier through the fall as we get closer to the rest of the holidays so I'm not too hopeful they'll calm down much.

As for how I'm doing, I'm managing. That's kind of the best I can say, I'm managing. The new pulsing treatment schedule is going okay and it's nice not being hooked up to antibiotics everyday but it honestly doesn't make THAT much of a difference with my infusion schedule since I still do my 12 hour hydration infusion everyday. Next week is an off week from treatment so I'll only have to have one of the lumens of my port accessed which will be nice.

That's it. I'm going to take a nap and then carve a pumpkin a little later on. I'll post a picture of it when I'm done. HAPPY HALLOWEEN to everyone!

Peace and healing, Annie

Monday, October 19, 2009 9:51 PM EDT

Hi Everyone,

At some point I need to write a long(ish) update about a lot of things going on both medically and not-so-medically (although mostly medically) but I just don't have it in me to write a lot right now. So this short update will have to suffice for now.

I saw Dr. H last Wednesday and a few things came from that appointment.

1) I'm stopping the Rifampin (oral antibiotic) since I've been on it a good long while and, while it did some good and helped some Bartonella symptoms, I haven't seen further improvement in the last few months.

2) We're changing my treatment around a bit so that I won't be on antibiotics 7 days a week as I have been. Instead we're going to be pulsing on a rotating schedule that basically has three different weeks to it. Week one consists of IV Doxy and IV Flagyl Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Week two is the same but without the IV Flagyl. And then week three is a break. I'll be doing this for the next six weeks and then I see Dr. H again and we'll see how it's going.

3) The low protein level probably has to do with my body not being able to break down protein from food. Dr. H thinks it has to do with not leaving enough acid in my stomach with all the acid reducers I take for my reflux but it's probably also just the way my digestive system works (or doesn't work). Since my protein level isn't that low it's not really a concern but I'm going to try out some amino acid powder mixes to see if there's one I can tolerate that helps bring the level back up to normal.

4) Dr. H wants me to consult with another Lyme doctor. I'm not going to write a lot about it here right now but this is something I'm struggling with a bit since it's a doctor who is quite a distance away and would require a lot of planning but I'm willing to do if it's possible and would work with my vacation schedule. Dr. H wants to try new treatment protocols and this doctor treats in a different way than the norm (and has success) so it's worth a try since the way we've been doing things doesn't seem to be really getting me better.

I think that's pretty much it from the appointment. I'm not going to write anything else tonight because I need to switch over some infusions and head to bed. I've been experimenting a bit with having a more continuous dose of IV Zofran infusing when I'm able to be hooked up to it and it's been working pretty well - reducing my nausea and allowing me to eat a little more of a normal dinner so that's been good but it means more things to be hooked up to during the day. At times I'm hooked up to 3 different infusions with pumps and everything in my backpack. I guess when I carry the infusions around like that it doesn't matter so much how many are going at once, I still have to carry around the backpack if more than just the IV Doxy is running (the Doxy isn't done with a portable pump anymore, it comes in this little ball that pumps all on its own and is disposible - it's really cool).

So, anyway, I guess that didn't end up being that short but it was the easy stuff to write. I'll write more about everything else hopefully later this week. Thanks so much for stopping by to check in. I hope you're all having a good week so far.

Peace and healing, Annie

Friday, October 9, 2009 11:56 AM EDT

A catless writer is almost inconceivable. It's a perverse taste, really, since it would be easier to write with a herd of buffalo in the room than even one cat; they make nests in the notes and bite the end of the pen and walk on the typewriter keys. ~Barbara Holland

Hi Everyone,

Wow, two updates in one week! Amazing! I found the above quote very appropriate since my kittens are constantly trying to walk across my computer keyboard, or settle down to sit on it, and if I try to write something by hand, Trillian is constantly trying to bite the end of the pen or pencil which makes it quite difficult to write. This morning I went downstairs to make some breakfast and when I came back up, I found Trillian sitting quite happily on my computer keyboard apparently sitting on some button, making the computer make constant noise. She looked quite happy, I guess since the computer was warm, but I wish they would learn not to try to walk across or sit on the keyboard, especially while I'm trying to use the computer! Nevertheless, they provide constant entertainment and love so I'll put up with their more annoying (or maybe it's endearing?) behavior.

Anyway, enough about the cats. I've spoken to Janice, the nurse at Dr. H's office again and more or less figured out the prescription situation. We're forgetting about the Alinia, a new med that Dr. H wanted me to go on instead of the IV Flagyl to get at the cyst form of the Lyme. My insurance company wouldn't cover it because it is not considered to be a treatment for Lyme disease and it's not worth fighting for it when we don't know if I'd tolerate it or if it would work. So I'm stuck with the IV Flagyl. And as far as the Nexium goes, I dug out my GI medical records and found the info of my past reflux treatment. I was on Prilosec (at a higher dose than my insurance was going to have me go on for 2 weeks) for more than six months back in 2006-2007 but have apparently not been on Protonix, at least as far as the records indicated. So I relayed that info to Janice and they're sending me a script for Protonix which I'll go on for 2 weeks and then we'll switch to Nexium unless the Protonix magically works (which I highly doubt).

Also, in my last update I forgot to mention that I did labs at the end of September. Overall things look okay. My GGT is a bit high but my other liver numbers look fine. The only other thing is that my total protein is low. It was low when I did labs last in July but it's dropped more since then. The odd thing is that I feel like I've been doing better with eating protein than before so I would think it would go up, not down. But it's not that low so I guess we'll just keep an eye on it. I see Dr. H on Wednesday so we'll talk about things then.

I've been pretty worn out lately, having more fatigue, headaches, etc. It's frustrating to be struggling to work even LESS than I was working last year. I mean, the situation at work is stressful for many reasons so that doesn't help anything, but I wouldn't think I would be struggling so much. It makes me nervous that the treatment I'm on isn't working as well as it was before.

While looking through my GI records I was struck by a few things. My GI doctor wrote on a number of occasions early on about the possibility of my having an underlying metabolic disorder, specifically a fatty acid oxidation disorder. For a long time I've had a suspicion, that I think I've mentioned before, that I have an underlying metabolic disorder but I have never been fully evaluated and tested for one. I had basic labs done when I first started with my previous GI doctor which were more or less normal and that was it. But I have this gut feeling that there's something to it. I could push to have further evaluation, Dr. H and I have discussed it a bit from time to time, but I am so reluctant to see a new doctor, deal with all the stress of going through my whole medical history and records, and have to go through all kinds of testing which may or may not show anything that results in a diagnosis. But on the other hand, if there's something else going on that we could possibly do something about - not cure, but have some kind of treatment to help it, even if just a little - I'd hate to be going on NOT addressing it. So, I'll bring it up again with Dr. H on Wednesday, probably bring copies of my GI records since I'm not sure she has the complete records, and see what she thinks.

That's it for today. I'm so glad to have a four day weekend, I really need it! I'm hoping to get some laundry and a few quick errands done today, then my dad and I are planning to go up to Maine for the day tomorrow, Sunday I have church and a meeting in the afternoon, and Monday is totally free to rest and/or get some things done. I also have to finish reading a few plays to choose one for my advanced theater class, type up their script with any editing I need to make, type up the script(s) for my younger theater class, and get them put together for next week's classes. Oh, and hopefully get a chance to watch one of my Netflix movies and catch up on a few TV shows On Demand. So, I have quite a weekend planned!

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a great end of the week and that you have a great long weekend (if you're in the US).

Peace and healing, Annie

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 11:08 PM EDT

Hi Everyone,

I don't have the energy to find a quote to post with this entry and this is going to be short - just wanted to get some kind of update posted before too much of October slipped by!

First thing's first - I got a new (used) car! I got it on Friday and it's a little Chevy Metro.

I had a Geo Metro before so it's basically the same car, just newer and with some slight differences. It's so nice having my own car again and I'm sure my dad's glad to have his car back to being his own car!

So that's the good news. In other news, I'm dealing with some big frustrations with my insurance about getting two of my oral medications covered. One of them is Nexium which I've been on for a few years to control my reflux which can be pretty severe. Apparently my insurance company is "requiring" me to go on Prilosec for two weeks and prove (I guess by my doctor stating) that it doesn't work for me, then go on Protonix for two weeks and again prove it doesn't work for me, and THEN they will cover the Nexium. I've been on Prilosec before - doesn't do a whole lot for my reflux. I think I've been on Protonix before, although I can't remember clearly about that one. So I have to go digging through my medical files, find my GI records out in a box in the garage where a bunch of my stuff from my apartment still is, and get back to my PCP about when I was on the other meds so she can write to my insurance with that info. In the mean time I'm taking over the counter Prilosec to have SOMETHING that MIGHT help but it really isn't doing a whole lot (even at a high dose). So that's just frustrating.

And work is stressful and frustrating still but I won't get into that tonight since I'm exhausted and need to get to bed. I just wanted to write SOMETHING up, though, since it's already been a week and a half since my last update. I hope you're all doing well and having a good week!

Peace and healing, Annie

Saturday, September 26, 2009 1:55 PM EDT

"A soul in tension that's learning to fly
Condition grounded but determined to try
Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I"
--Pink Floyd

Hi Everyone,

It is beyond time for me to write an update. Sorry it’s been such a long time since my last one! This is just going to be a quick overview of what’s been going on and I’ll try to get back to doing more regular updates.

So, my last update was while I was in Maine. I had a good time and got to stay a few extra days with my dad and uncle since my uncle was coming up for two weeks right after us. And my dad and I went back up at the end of my uncle’s vacation for one night which was nice.

I’ve started my new job which is going okay although it’s been stressful. It’s been hard trying to figure out how things are done at this new preschool and it seems that there isn’t as much of the kind of support from the director that I was used to at my old preschool. And we have one student who has something going on – possibly autism – and we were not aware of any issues before we met him so it’s been really hard trying to help/handle him with 15 other kids and only 2 teachers. He is going to be observed on Wednesday and then hopefully he’ll get some services or something to help him (and help us). I like the job but the way some of the things are done don’t seem to be working to me and I think the way I’m used to doing them would work better and be less chaotic but I’m trying to give it a chance.

Health-wise things are so-so. I came down with a cold after the first week of school so I’m dealing with that. I’m back up on the higher dose of the IV Doxy (antibiotic) so that’s also taking a bit of a toll on me but I’m managing with that okay. I’m spending a lot of time resting and trying to combat headaches, nausea, weakness, etc. which I’m sure is partly related to the stress of the new job, partly related to going back up on the Doxy dose, and partly just the up and down nature of chronic illness. I hate that I struggle so much to get simple things done sometimes. I only work Monday through Thursday so I always have plans to start getting things done on Friday but I just end up crashing all day. I’m still not done moving out of my old room downstairs and moving the rest of my stuff up to my upstairs “apartment” (maybe I should call it a “suite” instead?) but it’s just so hard to have the energy. And things like doing laundry often seem like too much. I guess it still surprises me how much working totally exhausts me. I can manage through the hours I’m there but as soon as I leave I crash.

The kittens are good. Crazy and entertaining and cute. They went to the vet last Saturday and they’re both doing well and getting bigger, although Trillian is still really small (she was 1.9 lbs when I got her, now she’s 2.8 lbs). They really keep me company when I’m resting and like to sleep on top of me, usually Trillian sleeps on my chest and Leo sleeps on my legs or feet but this morning they both slept on my chest which made it hard to try to do anything on the computer (I originally started typing an update then but it wasn’t going to get very far very fast). I’ll post some new pictures soon.

Well, I’m going to try to take a nap. Hope you're all doing well and thanks so much for stopping by! Don’t forget to go visit my new CB site.

Thursday, August 27, 2009 1:24 PM EDT

What do I want to take home from my summer vacation? Time. The wonderful luxury of being at rest. The days when you shut down the mental machinery that keeps life on track and let life simply wander. The days when you stop planning, analyzing, thinking and just are. Summer is my period of grace.
--Ellen Goodman

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update to let you all know I'm enjoying Maine. Spending time with family, hanging out with my kitties, enjoying the sunshine and warm weather, going swimming and boating (although I haven't done either very much), and just relaxing and enjoying the end of the summer.

And kitty #2 has a name - Trillian Luna. If you know Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy you'll know where Trillian comes from and I wanted her middle name to be related to the moon so I debated between Luna and Selene but Luna won out. (Leo's middle name is Zephyr which means a warm breeze.) They're both doing well and Trillian seems to be settling in okay, although she's still startled easily and you have to approach her with care or she'll run away. But she likes to be held and petted and has been playing and eating well and everything so overall she's doing well.

As for me, I'm doing okay. Kind of tired and just dealing with all the regular stuff. But it's not too bad and I'm just glad to be here and have great weather! And this is actually the first time I've come to town to go online so I'm doing well with getting away from the world.

Kitty Pictures:

I love this picture - she was watching the rain fall through outside.

Leo sleeping with his paw tucked up under his cheek.

And a few other pictures from Maine:

My brother's cat, Clawdius, who has gotten SO BIG.

Sun shining through as it starts to set after a rainstorm.

My brother on the island before going swimming.

I hope you're all doing well and enjoying some nice weather!

Friday, August 21, 2009 5:40 PM EDT

"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to do a quick update to say that I brought kitty #2 home today! It's a girl and I don't have a name for her yet but I should decide on one sometime this weekend - I'm waiting to see what name seems to fit her. She's a tiny little thing - only 1.9 lbs. which is about half the size she should be for being 4-5 months old. She makes Leo look huge, and even he is small for his age! She's mostly resting and has all the same medicine that Leo is still on so nothing new. She couldn't get her rabies shot because of how small she is but she got her other shots and I'll take her back in 3 weeks for another round of shots and hopefully she'll have put on some weight by then so she can get her rabies shot then. Here are some pictures of her and some of Leo from the last week. They're from the same litter and were living and playing together until I brought him home on the 10th (not even 2 weeks ago) but I don't think he's sure what to think of her yet.

Kitty #2 - She's so tiny!

She and Leo

Leo and I hanging out - he likes sleeping on my pillow.

I think he might consider it more his than mine, but that's no surprise - he's a cat and he's in charge after all.

Leo likes my computer, too!

Tomorrow my family, the kitties, and I head up to Maine for a week which I'm looking forward to, although trying to litter train kitty #2 and reinforce it with Leo is going to be a bit of a challenge away from home. And I have to be sure I bring all their stuff and medicine with me - just a few extra things on my packing list. I'll probably update at some point while in Maine and post some pictures. I'm looking forward to relaxing, resting, spending time with my family (especially my brother and future sister-in-law who live a few hours away) and all three kitties that will be there (my two and my brother's 6-month-old kitty, Clawdius).

I hope you've all had a good week and enjoy the end of the summer! Please take a minute to sign my guestbook so I know you were here! And also please check out my newer CB page if you haven't already.

Thursday, August 13, 2009 10:22 PM EDT

"As I throw my hands out,
That's life I suppose.
How could there be such glorious highs
Without those woeful lows?
Just realize what's hurting you
And begin to have an end.
Lie low within the furrows of the wind."
--Michael Troy

Hi Everyone,

A few quickish things to update about. First of all, I found out yesterday that my disabled dependent status for insurance was approved so it's all set. A big relief! Now we just have to get the insurance cards so it's actually usable!

I also saw Dr. H yesterday and overall not a whole lot is changing. At the beginning of September I'll go back up to the higher dose of IV Doxy (when the sun isn't as much of an issue). I'm going to be starting IV Glutathione to see if it might help. I'll do it 2-3 times a week and see how it goes. So, not very much changing.

The kitty is doing well. I've chosen a first name for him - Leo! I'm still trying to decide on a middle name. He LOVES being petted, he rolls over to have his belly scratched, and he has been following me around whenever I get up to get or do something. Really cute and sweet!

Tonight I'm feeling pretty cruddy - headache, nausea, fatigue, etc. So I'm going to watch some TV and head to bed soon. Hope you're all doing well and thanks so much for stopping by! Don’t forget to go visit my new CB site.

Monday, August 10, 2009 7:52 PM EDT

One small cat changes coming home to an empty house to coming home.
--Pam Brown

Hi Everyone,

Please don't forget that I have a newer Caringbridge site. Take a minute to check it out if you haven't already and let me know what you think!

One of my two kitties are home with me! I only have one because when it was time to go to the vet, the other one wasn't around (they're feral cats that live in the garage and outside around the house of a friend from church). So I have one of two and he's settling in. He's sitting here next to me on the fouton watching me type and kind of sleeping. He is on a bunch of different meds right now (ear drops, antibiotic, amino acids, and an eye salve) so I'm going to have to juggle around giving him all of them. It's good I have my own meds relatively under control so I'm not struggling to remember my meds, too! He's about four months old (probably born in April) and I haven't named him officially yet but I have a few names in mind. I'll share more pictures and his name when I decide. And I'll certainly post pictures of the other kitty when I get him/her (hopefully in the next few days). Here are some pictures of the one I have already:

I'm still in the process of finishing moving in upstairs at my parents' house but I'm settling in pretty well.

The heat today made me feel kind of gross and I'm trying to recover from that. I was de-accessed today (and still am) which was good because I got to shower a few times since I was literally dripping with sweat after trying to get some things done in the upstairs bathroom (installing a handheld shower sprayer, putting up my new shower curtain, cleaning the tub, etc.) but it also means I haven't gotten my hydration yet so I'm feeling cruddy from that, too. So I'll access tonight and run the hydration overnight and hopefully feel better in the morning.

I see Dr. H (PCP/Lyme doctor) on Wednesday and I have a number of things to talk to her about. I also might be interviewed for a segment about Lyme disease and "Under Our Skin" on Boston WGBH on Wednesday night. I just got a call today about it and I'm waiting to hear back with the final details. I'll update with details when I find out more.

This past weekend I got to go out to Provincetown (out on the tip of Cape Cod) to spend some time with Lexie and her family which was great. We went to the beach, went swimming in the horribly freezing water (it physically HURT for about the first five minutes in the water, then you just go numb), had some great food, and just got to hang out which was really nice.

Okay, I'm going to go take another shower, access my port, get my infusions going, give the kitty the rest of his meds, and then it'll probably be respectable bedtime. I hope you're all having a great week so far. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and please take a minute to sign the guestbook!

Thursday, August 6, 2009 1:11 AM EDT

"When I find myself fading, I close my eyes and realize my friends are my energy."

Hi Everyone,

Yes, it’s after 1am and I’m writing an update because I’m not feeling well and can’t sleep. I’ve been struggling lately with the waves (well, more than waves since they last for a few hours) of fatigue and now it seems that I’m having similar waves (maybe “tides” would be a better term) of nausea, the worst of which hits in the evening and gets bad when I’m going to bed. I don’t know why. I thought it was from IV Flagyl since I’m doing my week-long pulse of it this week but I didn’t do the night dose tonight and I’m still really nauseous so I don’t know what to think. Although, it just occurred to me that I switched my oral zinc to take it at night so that might have something to do with it. Hmm…definitely need to talk to Dr. H about that next week. I do need the zinc because before I started taking it my alkaline phosphatase level was always low and the zinc brought it up to normal so hopefully Dr. H can just add more zinc to my IVs. I’m hoping she can maybe add some of my other supplements to my IVs, too, or something because I’m really tired of taking so many pills and my stomach would like a break, too. And I need to talk to her about the Rifampin as well since that is starting to upset my stomach. Keep in mind that all this nausea is WITH taking zofran every 6-8 hours (sometimes IV, sometimes oral) and phenergan when I really need it. I really need to call to try to get in to see the new GI doctor that Dr. H has told me to call. I’ve been dreading this because I just don’t want to have to go to a new doctor but I think it’s necessary and I better call and make an appointment since I may have to wait for one.

I had a great time in Connecticut visiting some wonderful friends and hopefully I'll post a few pictures in the next few days when I get them onto my computer. It's so nice to spend time with friends who understand what it's like to deal with chronic illnesses (they both have some of the same illnesses as I do) and to just hang out and have it be okay to not do much.

Okay, I need to stop looking at the computer screen and typing because my head is hurting and that’s making the nausea worse. Hopefully I’ll fall asleep soon! Thanks so much for stopping by to see how I’m doing. I hope you’re all having a good week. And please take a minute to check out my new site where you can sign up for journal update notifications. I’m posting to both sites for a while until I decide if I’m switching over for good.

Friday, July 31, 2009 10:32 PM EDT

"Our minds have the need to “know.” When we don’t know, we make assumptions - they make us feel safer than not knowing. And we are pretty much always making assumptions. We assume that we know how someone is going to react to us. We assume that our efforts will or will not be successful. And not only do we believe our assumptions about what other people are thinking, but then we end up taking those assumptions personally and even end up resenting the person. To avoid assumptions, ask questions. It takes courage to trust the present moment, to allow other people to be exactly who they are, and to let life unfold according to its own plan… and it avoids a great deal of suffering."
--Don Miguel Ruiz

Hi Everyone,

I'm not sure how much I like my new CB site but I'm giving it a good trial run before I decide whether to keep it (and stop posting to this site). In the mean time, I'm posting to both sites and I'd really like to know what you all think of the new versus old sites so please sign the guestbook and let me know your thoughts!

Okay, now for the update. First of all, today was my last day at the preschool I've been at for the past 2 years. It was kind of bittersweet - on the one hand I'm excited about my new job and it's been a long couple of weeks of commuting up 3 days a week so I'm glad it's over. But of course I'll miss everyone there and it'll be strange not to be there everyday. So now I kind of have a bit of a break for the next month. I'll be babysitting, probably for Morgan, the girl I've been sitting for in the summers for 10 years now, as well as Elijah, the 4-month-old I've been sitting for 2 afternoons a week. But the schedule with Morgan isn't set up and I'm not sure how much I'll actually end up sitting for her. I miss our days at the beach together so hopefully we'll get to have at least a few days there before the summer is over!

Health-wise things are a bit difficult right now. I've been really tired and it seems to come kind of in waves of severe fatigue at certain times of day. I'm not sure if it has something to do with medications making me more tired at certain times or if it's something else. It seems to be worst around 10/11am and in the mid-afternoon. Unfortunately those aren't times when I can usually take a nap (and even if I could, I tend to have trouble trying to nap during the day) so I just tough it out and try to push through. I've also had a pretty bad headache for most of the week that just doesn't seem to want to go away. Hopefully some extra sleep tonight will help. (I get to sleep in tomorrow! Yay!) And I'm working a little harder than usual to keep the nausea under control and having to take phenergan during the day sometimes which I hate doing since it makes me so tired (and no, that's not the reason for being so tired overall and during those particular times in the day that I mentioned).

So, overall, health things are a bit rocky but I'm hoping that the preschool camp being over will give me some more time to rest and hopefully get things under control better soon. I do wonder if some of this has to do with the decrease in the Doxy dose earlier in the month and/or starting the Rifampin a few weeks ago. I see Dr. H (PCP/Lyme doctor) in a few weeks and hopefully she'll have some ideas. It's possible I'll end up going back up to the higher dose of Doxy earlier than expected but I'd be okay with that since I can stay out of the sun more easily now that camp is over.

Tomorrow is when the insurance change happens so I won't have my primary insurance until the whole things with the disabled dependent status is all set which hopefully will only take a few weeks. I've done everything I can to make it as easy as possible to deal with not having that primary coverage. I refilled ALL of my oral medications as well as my IV Zofran (that I've been getting through my mail order prescription plan) so I'm all set on those for a month. My infusion company has sent me a whole lot of supplies to last me 3 weeks as far as medications go and 3 months for other supplies. And those are the two areas that are affected the most by not having my primary insurance so hopefully things will be figured out in 3 weeks when I need more IV medications shipped!

A few other quick(ish) things that are non-medical. I'm catsitting for the weekend for a church friend's cat (the picture at the beginning of this update) who is so sweet and just wants to be around people. He's very low-key and I love having the company. I'll be bringing my two new kitties home within the next week so that's exciting. Tomorrow my sister moves out to her new apartment so I'll begin the process of moving all my stuff upstairs and setting up my "apartment" up there which I'm really looking forward to, although things are a bit stressful with my sister right now due to her anxiety and anxiousness about moving. And on Monday I'm going to Connecticut for a few days to visit some friends which will be really nice (and low-key) so I'm looking forward to that, too.

Okay, I need to get to bed but my Doxy is still infusing so I guess I'll just try to stay awake until it's done, although I may end up falling asleep at some point. I took phenergan this afternoon and I'm dealing with the side effects of that. It seems like the bad fatigue I get from it needs to be slept off and until I can take a nap or go to bed, I'm just dragging and tired. So even though I took it about 7 hours ago I feel like I'm still feeling the side effects from it. It's weird but at least it helps some with the nausea that the zofran doesn't entirely take care of.

Thanks so much for stopping by to see how I'm doing. And please do take a minute to sign the guestbook and let me know you were here. Even if it's literally just to say hi! I hope you've all had a good week and that you have a good weekend.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 9:39 AM EDT

"Any change, even a change for the better,
is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts."
-- Arnold Bennett

Hi Everyone,

I’ve made the decision to switch over to one of the "newer" Caringbridge sites mostly because I like that people can sign up to get e-mail notification of updates. This is kind of a trial run to see if I like it and want to totally switch over, although I’ll always keep this site up for the history. For a while I’ll update to both sites so you can visit either to get updates. The "newer" one has some drawbacks to it which is why I've been reluctant to switch (mainly that it’s less customizable – with this page it’s much more open to make it look however I want) but I want to give it a try and see how I (and YOU) like it. So, you can visit the new site here (it's visit/annieg instead of ma/annielyme). I hope to start updating more regularly (at the very least on a weekly basis and hopefully more often than that) so please check it out and sign up for the e-mail notification – it’s really handy!

Now, for a little bit of an update (which I’ll also put on the other site). The big news is that last night I went and picked out two kittens to adopt! Some friends from church have some outdoor cats that they take care of that had kittens around April and they need to find homes for them. And since I was planning on getting a kitten when my sister and her dog move out (which is this weekend) it was perfect. Yesterday afternoon I went and spent some time with the kittens and chose two of them. I don’t have pictures yet but I’ll be taking them home probably at the end of next week so I’ll get some pictures to put up then. I’m trying to think of names but we’re not totally sure if they’re boys or girls. One is probably a boy so I’m mostly thinking of boy names for him but the other one could be either so I’m thinking of a bunch of options. I’ll probably wait to actually name them until I’ve had them for a few days and get to know them a little bit and know their personalities a little better. It’ll probably take a little while for them to adjust to being inside and around people since they’re not used to that and right now they don’t like to be held but they’re young and one that was already adopted by someone else has adjusted really well so I’m not worried. Just excited! The other thing is that my sister moves out on Saturday which means that I get to move on upstairs and set up my little “apartment” which I’m also really excited about. I’m so looking forward to getting into a bigger space and not tripping over things as I am in my current small room.

Health-wise things are okay although I’ve basically spent the last two days resting. I’ve been tired and not feeling great but it’s nothing too bad. Just kind of the usual stuff.

Today I’m off to visit my old camp (where I worked the past 10 summers), then go to Petco to get some things for the kitties, and babysitting this afternoon. Only two more days left at the preschool which is hard to believe and kind of bittersweet. Friday will probably be a long day since we all have to stay until 3pm cleaning and putting everything away from camp but it will hopefully go fast. Thanks so much for stopping by to see how I’m doing. I hope you’re all having a great week! I’ll try to update again this weekend and get some pictures of my garden up soon – there are some vegetables almost ready to be picked!

Thursday, July 23, 2009 8:42 PM EDT

"And all will be well
Even after all the promises you've broken to yourself
All will be well
You can ask me how but only time will tell"
--The Gabe Dixon Band

Hi Everyone,

So I’m finally getting a “real” update done and posted. Sorry for the delay, but things weren’t too interesting for a while and now I’m just not feeling up to writing much when I have the time (and things aren’t really any more interesting). Health stuff first, I guess.

I’m feeling pretty cruddy and I have some ideas as to why but some pieces of it are a bit confusing. I upped the dose of the Rifampin (oral antibiotic) about a week ago and I’m tolerating it okay but I’m definitely more nauseous, have very little appetite (which really never came back after stopping the Tigecycline), I’m really tired, and just generally not feeling terrific. But at least I’m keeping the Rifampin down – better than when I was on it last time back in 2002. I’m probably experiencing some kind of herx from it as well as just dealing with regular side effects.

I’m also battling worse nausea at certain times which seems to coincide with taking some of my oral medications and supplements. I’m trying to figure out which one is causing the nausea and change the time I take it if possible so the nausea isn’t as bad (most likely change to taking it at bedtime). I think it’s likely that it’s the oral zinc I take which I didn’t used to have trouble with but I used to take chelated zinc which I think was easier to tolerate. I do get some zinc in my daily IV hydration and if the nausea does turn out to be from the oral zinc and it continues, I might just ask my doctor to add more to my IVs so I can stop taking it orally. In fact, I’m going to talk to her about what of my supplements might be able to be added to my IV to reduce the number of pills I take since it’s hard to tolerate many pills at once with the worse nausea from the Rifampin and anything we can do to ease that would be great. I also have a few other specific things to talk to my doctor about when I see her in a few weeks (the 2nd week of August, I think).

I’m doing well with the IV Doxycycline and now that I’m on the lower dose (200mg/day) I have no increased sun sensitivity. To the point now that I can be out in the sun with no sunscreen on and not get burned. So, I’ll be playing around with the dose and seeing if doing 300mg would be okay with the sun.

I saw my doctor very briefly when I was there at the office on Monday to pick up some medical records to send to my insurance company (more on that in a second). She asked how I did with the Tigecycline and I told her I didn’t tolerate it that well. She still thinks we should see about getting it covered and trying it out for a longer period of time, but most likely pulsing it in 3 days a week (she said you need to do it for 72 hours to get at the Lyme so I couldn’t do less than 3 days a week). I’m very open to doing this as long as a) I can still function at least on the days when I’m NOT doing it, b) we can get it covered by insurance, and c) I see some improvement after a few weeks to a month. The side effects suck but I’d do the infusions over the weekend which would give me crummy weekends but hopefully allow me to work during the week with limited issues.

Now, the insurance stuff. We were going through the process of getting everything submitted to my insurance to have my disabled dependent status renewed for another year (we have to go through this process every year). We had gotten some stuff submitted but I was going to need to request more stuff from my doctor when my dad found out that his company is switching insurance. He only found out with about three weeks notice! So, now we’ve been scrambling to get everything together and submitted to the NEW insurance, which is actually the insurance we had before our current one, and the change goes into effect on August 1st. At this point there is basically no way to avoid a lapse in coverage for me so I’m scrambling to get my prescriptions refilled before the end of the month (six done, still have probably four more to refill but I can’t do it until next week since I refilled them last at the beginning of this month). It’s just added stress that we didn’t need. But, my doctor filled out the new form, I got more complete records from the last year, and copies of everything have been sent off to the contact person at the company that handles all the insurance stuff for my dad’s company. She’ll act as kind of a liason between us and the insurance company and hopefully she’ll make sure that this happens as fast as possible. My infusion company kind of freaked out when I told them about all this and they’re sending me a ton of supplies before the end of the month to keep me covered for months on everything but my hydration which they’ll send three weeks of. Good insurance thoughts are greatly appreciated!

Onto non-health stuff…I’ve been working. I’m back at the camp at the preschool on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for the last three weeks of July and then camp is over. I’m also doing some babysitting for the 4-month-old son of one of my friends from church so that’s been a nice addition, although my arms got quite tired and sore last week. And I’ve been spending a lot of time in bed resting when I can. I’m really looking forward to moving upstairs where I’ll have more room – two rooms and a bathroom – since my current room is pretty crammed full of stuff right now. My younger sister is moving out on August 1st and then I’ll be able to move upstairs. And once she’s moved out I’m getting a kitty! I’m so looking forward to both these things.

Oh, and I almost forgot (I can't believe I almost forgot). I cut my hair! My sister cut it a week ago and chopped off two braids, both about 11", to donate to Locks of Love. It's really short but I like it and it's so much easier to take care of now, which is really good considering my limited energy and showering restrictions because of my port. Here are a few pictures:

Before the haircut

And after!

Okay, I need to get something to eat since I’ve had very little to eat all day and once my Doxy infusion is done I’m going to head to bed (probably in about an hour). Thanks so much for stopping by to see how I’m doing. I hope you’re all having a great week! I'd really love to see who still visits this page so if you stop by, please leave a quick message in the guestbook so I know you were here! Part of why I don't update all that often is that I'm not sure many people still visit, but I'm sure people don't visit because I don't update often.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 10:06 PM EDT

Hi Everyone,

I'm working on a "real" update and hopefully I'll get it done and up by the weekend. I was hoping to finish it tonight but I'm not feeling very well. I came home from work pretty nauseous, took some phenergan, and passed out for a few hours. I'm still not feeling very well. I don't know exactly how to explain it, it's kind of a restless/tired/twitchy feeling along with a headache and nausea and all that other fun stuff. So I'm finishing up my Doxy infusion and then I'm heading to bed.

Hope you're all having a good week so far. And I promise I'll get a real update soon. I'd really love to see who still visits this page so if you stop by, please leave a quick message in the guestbook so I know you were here! Part of why I don't update all that often is that I'm not sure many people still visit, but I'm sure people don't visit because I don't update often.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009 3:46 PM EDT

”Heed not your sorrow, look forward to your hope.
Don't mourn for paradise, just take each day and cope.
Build up the future each day with your own hand,
Keep on walkin' to the Promised Land”
--Bob Franke

Hi Everyone,

Things are going okay. I’m slowly recovering from the rough week last week with the Tigecycline. This week I’m ending up not really doing much of anything. I’m not working at the preschool (last week off from there until August) and it turns out that my babysitting for Morgan, the girl I sit for every summer, will be pretty scattered. She’s 11 now and doesn’t really need me as much since she can ride her bike from the camp she goes to to the beach if friends will be there with their parents or someone to keep an eye on them once they get there. I’ll still be sitting and probably more so in August when she’s not in camp anymore but it just won’t be as regular as in the past. But, something else has come along which I’m excited about. Elizabeth, a friend from church, has a 4-month-old baby and needs some help with him so she and her partner can get things done around the house and things like that so I’m going to help her. I’ll be able to kind of do it as much or little as I want/am able and I think it will be a great compliment to my summer schedule. I’ll go for the first time on Monday so I’m excited about that.

Health-wise things are going okay. I’m glad I’m able to lay low this week and rest a lot. I started back on the IV Doxy on Monday on the lower dose (200mg) and I plan to start on the Rifampin (oral antibiotic) tomorrow morning. I also did labs yesterday and they look okay overall. My protein continues to be slightly low (ongoing problem since March) and my BUN is slightly low but other than that things look surprisingly stable. I’m still not eating a whole lot but I’m working on that and at least I’m not as super nauseous as I was on the Tigecycline.

Okay, well I need to go take a shower, change the sheets on my bed, and then I’m going to spend the rest of the afternoon trying to catch up on some Netflix movies now that I finally have a working DVD player hooked up. Mine broke a while ago and I have my brother’s now but couldn’t get it to work right for a while but finally (about an hour ago) figured out the last few things I needed to figure out so it’s working! I have a few movies from Netflix - Seven Pounds and Bedtime Stories - a drama and a comedy – so I have a good afternoon ahead of me.

Before I go, a few pictures of my garden. It’s starting to have blossoms and little tiny tomatoes! Exciting stuff! The pictures were taken with my cell phone so they’re not great quality, but they’re not too bad.

Squash Blossoms

The beginnings of tomatoes!

Thanks so much for stopping by to see how I’m doing. I hope you’re all having a great week!

Saturday, July 4, 2009 9:40 AM EDT

Hi Everyone,

I'm feeling a bit better today. I decided to stop the Tigecycline as it's just not worth it. I was feeling so sick, not eating, and in bed all the time and it's not worth going through that for six days of the antibiotic that probably won't help. So in total I got half of the six day course. It sucks, but that's what it is. Last night I did manage to eat some plain white rice and that helped my stomach a little bit. I think part of the nausea was from not eating so that didn't help anything. So today I'll try to see how my stomach does and eat a bit more and hope that things get better. And I'll try to have a decent birthday.

I'm off to spend my birthday (and tomorrow, too) at a folk festival near us. And we're having my (and my brother's) birthday dinner tomorrow night at a Mexican place (my choice) so I'm hoping my stomach is good by then! I think it will be okay to eat something there since it's feeling okayish today.

Alright, I hope you all have a great fourth of July and enjoy the wonderful weekend! Hopefully the weather will hold out and no one will get rained on. We finally have sunshine, but of course I have to cover up and be really careful of the sun, but oh well.

Thursday, July 2, 2009 6:13 PM EDT

"It is in moments of illness that we are compelled to recognize that we live not alone but chained to a creature of a different kingdom, whole worlds apart, who has no knowledge of us and by whom it is impossible to make ourselves understood: our body."
--Marcel Proust

Hi Everyone,

Still not feeling well, but as long as I don't eat much of anything at least the nausea isn't too bad. And IV Zofran helps, too, so given the circumstances things aren't too bad. I did start back on the Tigecycline this morning and the nausea and stuff isn't worse at least so that's good. And I'm attempting to at least eat some crackers, goldfish, and cup-a-soup to get something in but I can't eat too much or the nausea gets worse. I'll manage the best I can and hopefully I'll be feeling a bit better by my birthday on Saturday.

I want to share a video that I can't help but keep thinking about. It has affected me pretty deeply and is really heart wrenching but beautiful. It's about a girl who has a very severe case of Lyme disease. I encourage ALL of you to take the 10 minutes to see it.

Lyme Disease: Victoria's Victory

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 2:02 PM EDT

"People are like stained-glass windows.
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in,
their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within."
--Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Hi Everyone,

First of all, I’m officially moved out of my apartment! Thank goodness that’s over. Things were just so frustrating and difficult with my roommate for…well, almost the last 5 months. It’s hard to deal with people, especially in the kind of situation that living together forces, who think they know exactly what is right, that you’re wrong all of the time, and exerts their control in every situation possible. But it’s done now. And I don’t have to deal with her anymore.

Okay, on to other things. The end of the vacation in Maine was nice and it was hard to come home but we go back at the end of August for another week so I’ll look forward to that. Last Thursday I got a call from Dr. H’s office saying that they had some of a new IV antibiotic that Dr. H has wanted me to try for a while for them to give me to try. This happened in April, too, but it didn’t work out because it had expired by the time I could get in to the office. So, on Monday afternoon I went into the office and got the first infusion of Tigecycline. The first infusion went okay so I took the rest of the small supply with me to continue at home. In total it’s only 6 days worth but it’s worth trying to see a) if I tolerate it and b) if I respond to it in that short a time to see if it’s worth really pursuing to get covered by insurance. Well, I’m having some side effects from it – mainly nausea, loss of appetite (not that I had much of one to begin with), and last night when I tried to eat a little something I got extremely nauseous and ended up with a vomiting episode. Lovely. So I’m resting today, I’m giving my body a rest and didn’t do the morning dose and I’ll see how I’m feeling when it comes time to do the evening dose. If I manage to do all the rest of the doses on schedule, I’ll finish up this course on Sunday night, then take a day or two break, and go back on the IV Doxy at the lower dose for the rest of the summer to try to reduce the sun sensitivity. And once I’m feeling stable with the Doxy, I’ll add in the oral Rifampin and hope I tolerate it okay. I’m nervous about starting that because when I was on it before I got really sick but it might have been more from the oral Doxy I was on with it. I’ll take it slow and start at a small dose to see how I do with it.

I have this week and next week off from the preschool but I’ll probably be starting babysitting next week. I have to call to figure out what the schedule might look like this summer as far as babysitting goes. I am babysitting tonight for one of my preschoolers (which means driving up there but that’s okay, I need the money and like the family). And tomorrow morning I’m meeting up with the teacher I’ll be working with in the fall to talk, plan, and go over to the school to look things over. I’m looking forward to starting this new job! And I’ll be spending this week and next week trying to sort through all my stuff and get things organized here at my parents’ house. My current room here is really small but my younger sister plans to move out in the next few months so I’ll move upstairs and have a lot more room so I’ll be able to settle in more then. For now I’ll just deal with a cluttered room and having a lot of my stuff in the garage. I made sure to label all my boxes pretty well so I should be able to find anything I need relatively easily.

Okay, before I go, here are some pictures from the end of the week in Maine:

On the dock on the one nice, sunny day of the week.

The island out in the lake.

Thanks so much for stopping by to check in. I hope you’re all having a good week. And if I don’t update again before this weekend, have a great Fourth of July Weekend! My birthday is coming up on Saturday – I’ll be 27. Nothing big planned for it but I’m hoping my brother will be able to come home to visit for the weekend. His birthday was yesterday so we’ll have a combined birthday dinner when he’s around.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 2:55 PM EDT

”Cats can be cooperative when something feels good, which, to a cat, is the way everything is supposed to feel as much of the time as possible.”
-- Roger Caras

Hi Everyone,

Quick(ish) update with some pictures. I’m really enjoying the time here in Maine, of course. The weather has been pretty crummy, although not really raining as much as it could be, just cloudy and cold. But my brother and his fiancé have their new kitten here and I’ve been having a lot of fun playing with him and having him take naps in my lap. He’s so cute and playful! I really miss my cat and having a cat in general. My living plans for the fall are basically to stay at my parents’ house provided that my younger sister ends up moving out as she is planning. When she moves out it will leave the whole upstairs (two rooms and a bathroom) free so I can essentially have a little apartment there and it will be VERY nice to have a break from the stress of paying rent for a little while. So, once she moves out and there isn’t a dog at home anymore I plan on getting a cat. My parents are pretty much fine with it. I wish I didn’t have to wait for the dog to be gone but it’s probably best to do it that way.

Health-wise things are going okay. Since it’s cloudy I’m staying on the full 400mg dose of Doxy until I go home so that’s the up side of the weather being crummy. I haven’t started on the Rifampin (oral antibiotic) yet but I’ll probably do that later this week. I have to look up some information about it first because the bottle says not to drink alcohol while taking it and while here on vacation we tend to have wine with dinner so if it’s really bad to have alcohol with it I’ll wait to start it until I go home but if it’s just a precaution I might go ahead and start it. I’m going to start it very slowly. The pharmacy didn’t have enough of the 300mg capsules to give me so they gave me 150mg capsules so I’d have to take two per dose but that works out better in the end because then I can start with half the dose and work up and if I have trouble I can more easily back off on the dose without having to completely stop it.

Okay, so here are some pictures, mostly of the kitten, and a video of the kitten, too. Enjoy!

Friday, June 19, 2009 10:21 PM EDT

"What do I want to take home from my summer vacation? Time. The wonderful luxury of being at rest. The days when you shut down the mental machinery that keeps life on track and let life simply wander. The days when you stop planning, analyzing, thinking and just are. Summer is my period of grace."
--Ellen Goodman

Hi Everyone,

At about 1:05pm today at work, I looked at one of the other teachers and said, "I'm officially on vacation!!" SOOOO nice to say that. I'm off from the preschool for three weeks but I'll be babysitting for Morgan, the girl I've been sitting for every summer for a VERY long time (this will be summer number 10) some before I go back to the preschool. I'm pretty much all packed up and ready to head up to Maine tomorrow for a nice week of rest. The weather isn't supposed to be very nice at all, but that's okay, I'll enjoy being up there even if it rains the whole time (of course I hope it doesn't rain the whole time). The plus side of the weather looking cloudy and rainy is that I can stay in the higher dose of the Doxy until I get back.

I'm also working on organizing and packing up my room at my apartment and it's getting there. My dad came up on Wednesday and took a truck full of big furniture home and I have a number of boxes in the process of being filled up. When I get back from Maine I'll have three more days to finish moving before I'm completely out of there.

Tonight I had to go get a new digital camera because my old one (which was quite old - at least 4 or 5 years old) pretty much stopped working. It had been on its last legs for a few months so it was only a matter of time. So now I get to spend the vacation playing around with a new camera which should be fun!

Last night as I was packing (or maybe procrastinating from packing) I had to scan something to e-mail and ended up scanning in a bunch of pictures from when I was younger that I had lying around nearby. So I put together a little slideshow. I tried to put them in chronological order but some of them were a little iffy (there weren't dates on most of them).

Okay, I'm going to go hook up my infusions and head to bed. Hoping to head out by about 10am but it all depends on my mom (and dad) and how early they're ready. I'm sure I'll update on a rainy day when I want to get out of the cottage and spend some time a the bookstore cafe downtown.

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Saturday, June 13, 2009 11:45 AM EDT

”But they that hope in the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall take wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

I know it’s a bit shocking that I have a quote from the Bible up there, but the part about walking and not fainting is what I wanted to have there. I like the version I have here because it uses the word “hope” instead of “wait”. According to the site I found it from it’s from the Douay-Rheims Bible.

Okay, so now that the explanation for the quote is kind of done, let me get to what I wanted to write about. I hate Lyme disease! I hate Lyme and I hate Dysautonomia and I hate everything else that makes it so that I’m here lying in bed instead of on my way to a church choir party. I hate that the seemingly simple act of taking a shower can be so devastating to my body that it can leave me with no energy and unable to stand up without feeling like I’m going to faint. Now, this doesn’t happen every time I take a shower, although I don’t shower as often as most people because of the restrictions with my port (can’t get it wet while it’s accessed so I usually only shower once or twice a week and just wash my hair in the tub once or twice between showers if it needs it) but as the weather starts to get warmer I have more and more trouble with showers. This morning was not a good morning to take a shower apparently. It’s not that warm out, but my body just couldn’t handle it.

I de-accessed my port yesterday morning and took a shower without a problem but I had been hydrated through the night before so I was feeling okay. I really should have re-accessed last night to run hydration, Flagyl, and Doxy but I wanted to be able to take another shower this morning before accessing so I put off the hydration and skipped my nightly Flagyl and Doxy (which is okay to do once in a while). The added stress of not being hydrated enough (not that I think I was particularly dehydrated) was enough to send my body over the edge. This morning I had trouble getting up but that’s pretty normal when I can’t sleep until I naturally want to get up. I got up and made some tuna noodle salad to take to the choir party and later to the pot luck dinner (yes, two church events today), and took a shower. I was a bit overheated after the shower but nothing too awful. I went to access my port and through that process with wearing the mask and gloves I started feeling worse and worse to the point where I was so lightheaded and dizzy that I felt like I was going to pass out. I managed to get everything done, slap the dressing on it, and lie down immediately with my feet up as I took the gloves and mask off.

This has happened before but everytime it happens it makes me want to scream, hit something (if I had the energy), cry, do something because it makes me so mad that a shower makes me feel so awful. So now I don’t know if I’ll make it to the choir party at all and if I do go, I’ll get there at least a few hours late. I do have to make it to the pot luck dinner and then the annual meeting at church tonight since I’m on the Parish Committee so that’s my priority but that’s not the fun event of the day, that’s not the one I’d choose to go to if I had to make a choice. It’s just so frustrating! Right now I’m so exhausted that lying in bed here I feel this heaviness and total lack of energy in my arms and legs and even my head if that makes any sense. It’s weird. So I’m hooked up to fluids and pumping them in (as well as my morning Flagyl infusion, which probably won’t help me perk up but is necessary). I should probably try to eat something, too, but that’ll have to wait until I feel a little better.

If I had any question in my mind about whether my body needs the fluids that I currently get intravenously everyday I guess it’s gone. At least most days my body has trouble functioning very well without the extra fluids and when I skip a day (like yesterday) it sets me back. I’ll probably bounce back and be feeling okay tonight if I rest all afternoon, but (and forgive me for sounding like a two-year-old) I DON’T WANT TO REST ALL AFTERNOON!! It’s just not fair! And I know fairness had nothing to do with it, there is no fairness when it comes to life and I think people shouldn’t use that term (except in certain situations like when someone gets a bigger piece of cake, lol) but I really don’t want to be stuck in bed. I would be fine being stuck in a chair at the choir party, not expending a lot of energy on kayaking or whooping it up (not that I really think there will be a whole heck of a lot of whooping going on there, although we can be a lively bunch) but when I feel like this, the act of getting from my apartment to my parents’ house and then to the party is just too much.

So I’ll wait it out. I’ll wait for the fluids to kick in (please kick in soon!) and I’ll do my best to get to the party for a little while to mingle before I have to scoot off to the Parish Committee meeting, pot luck, and annual meeting. Then I have to do some baking either tonight or early tomorrow morning, although if I’m not feeling well I’m sure I can get out of that. But I want to be able to bake and help the kids with their efforts to help our neighboring church. It’s just so frustrating! Illness sucks! Lyme sucks! Dysautonomia sucks! I would say that IVs suck but right now that’s what’s helping me keep going so I’ll say that IVs are really a Godsend. I just wish they worked a little faster.

I hope you’re all having a little bit of a better weekend than I am. Thanks for stopping by! Hopefully I’ll be feeling better the next time I update. (If you missed the update about my doctor’s visit, go to the Read Journal History link at the bottom or click on that link.)

Friday, June 12, 2009 10:27 PM EDT

Critics who treat "adult" as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adults themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence.... When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
--C.S. Lewis

Hi Everyone,

I don't think this will be too long but I wanted to write something before the weekend got underway since it's been more than a week since I last updated. On the medical front, I saw Dr. H on Wednesday and it was a good appointment. We're cutting down on my dose of IV Doxycycline because of the sun sensitivity so I'll go from 400mg/day to 200mg/day and hopefully that will make enough of a difference to still do some good but not cause the sunburns and issues that I'm having on the higher dose. I'm also starting on oral Rifampin, another antibiotic which, in combination with the Doxy, will treat both Lyme and Bartonella. Hopefully I'll tolerate it okay. I was on it once before along with oral doxy and it caused a lot of nausea and vomiting but we're hoping that since I'm tolerating the doxy fine IV that I might tolerate the Rifampin orally by itself. I'm also stopping the Mesosilver but continuing on all the other supplements - there are just so many and without feeling like the silver was helping we just figured we could stop it for now at least.

As for how I'm feeling...I'm not entirely sure. Sometimes I feel okay and other times I feel so worn out and exhausted that I think I could fall asleep if I just had a moment to close my eyes (I nearly did fall asleep for a nap this afternoon but then got busy working on a few things and that opportunity passed). I haven't been getting to sleep early enough but I only have one more week left of working five days a week at camp, then I have three weeks off from camp (which starts out with a week up in Maine on vacation - oh, how nice that will be!), so I'll be able to sleep more and catch up on the sleep that I've been missing out on. I'm also doing my week of IV Flagyl right now which is going fine (I'm missing tonight's dose because my port is de-accessed and I want to take a shower in the morning before accessing it again). I don't go back to see Dr. H again until August because she'll be gone a bit this summer but if I have trouble with anything I'll call and we'll figure things out.

In other news, I'm packing up my stuff at my apartment and starting to move things home when I make trips down there. I'm looking forward to being out of here but then again I'm going to miss having the independence of my own place. I'm going to be living with my parents for the summer and may end up staying into the fall (indefinitely) if my younger sister ends up moving out which would vacate the whole upstairs (two rooms and a bathroom). It would be so nice to have a little break financially and be able to take care of some things that I probably wouldn't be able to if I was having to pay rent, too - like getting a new computer (this one has its ups and downs but even during its up times it's still a pain). So we'll see how those plans go. But I'll definitely be happy to be away from my roommate and not have to deal with her insanity anymore! I just hate moving - it's such a pain and so much of my stuff is just going in the garage at home.

So, this weekend I have a lot of church-related things - a choir party tomorrow afternoon, then a pot luck dinner and the annual meeting at church in the evening, and on Sunday I have to come up with something for a bake sale the kids are putting on to help a neighboring church that recently had a big fire. And I have to do a little more packing in the morning before I drive down to my parents', make things to bring to both the party and pot luck tomorrow, etc. Busy morning for a Saturday! But I only have one week left of work. A week from tomorrow I will be up in Maine and after the week up there I'll have two more weeks off from camp when I'll be doing some babysitting for Morgan (who I babysit for every summer - this will be my 10th summer sitting for her - wow!), and then three more weeks at camp just Monday, Wednesday, and Friday without as many early mornings although I'll be commuting from my parents' house. And then all of August the preschool/camp is closed so I'll be babysitting but mostly have it off. I'm hoping to take a trip up to Montreal for 4 or 5 days (hopefully with my brother and sister) just for fun, go visit some friends around the northeast, possibly go down to Tennessee to visit friends. I'm not totally sure yet but I plan to take it easy and slowly overall (although people don't tend to believe me when I tell them that - they think I'll just end up taking on things anyway!).

Okay, I'm going to get ready for bed and call it a night. Thanks so much for stopping by to see how I'm doing. I hope you've all had a great week and that you have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 4, 2009 8:22 PM EDT

"There are so many contradictions,
And all these messages we send (keep askin')...
"How do I get out of here?
Where do I fit in?"
Though the world is torn and shaken,
Even if your heart is breaking,
It’s waiting for you to awaken
And someday you will
Learn to be still..."
--The Eagles

Hi Everyone,

I'm heading to bed in a minute but realized it had been a while since my last update and I should write something. I'm doing okay. Work is kind of crazy and tiring this week but I'm managing pretty well with it. I'm working more hours than I was during the school year (until 3pm 3 days a week instead of just until 1pm) and we're outside a lot but it's going okay. The biggest issues I'm having is the sun. I'm slathering on sunscreen and covering up the best I can (most of the time anyway) but I'm still sunburned. My hands, feet, and face are pretty red and at times painful. I do have a big hat that arrived on Monday along with some sun protective gloves that I got for driving but I'm ending up wearing at work sometimes since sunscreen doesn't seem to be doing the trick on my hands. As for my feet...well, I guess I just can't wear flip flops and sandals if it's too sunny out which really sucks. I see Dr. H on Wednesday and I'm going to talk to her about stopping the Doxy at least for June while I'll be out in the sun a lot at work and maybe for the rest of the summer if we can figure out an alternative. I know we can come up with a plan B and I'm just having so much trouble dealing with the sun sensitivity! It's just not worth it! It wouldn't be so much of a problem if it weren't for the fact that I'm working at the camp at the preschool for three solid weeks but even without that, I babysit at the beach a few afternoons a week during the rest of the summer so I'd have to deal with these issues then anyway.

This week I haven't been going to bed as early which is good and bad. It's good because it's a sign that my sleep is somewhat better and I'm not conking out so early. But it's bad because I'm not getting enough sleep and I'm having more trouble getting up in the morning. And it's catching up with me tonight which is why I'm about to go to bed.

I'll try to do more of an update with some pictures tomorrow after work when I have a chance to decompress from the week. Thanks so much for stopping by to see how I'm doing. I hope you're all having a great week!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 7:53 PM EDT

There are only two lasting bequests we can can hope to give our children.
One of these is roots; the other, wings.
--William Hodding Carter, Jr.

Hi Everyone,

I'm not feeling great this week. I'm just glad it's a short week since we had Monday off for Memorial Day. I spent the weekend pretty much doing two things - sleeping and cleaning. As I said in my last update I slept until almost noon on Saturday and then spent the afternoon cleaning my apartment bedroom which was good. On Sunday I went to church, went out to lunch with some people from church, went home (to my parents') and crashed for a little while before we had a little graduation celebration for my brother's fiancé, Maria, who just graduated from college. On Monday I slept until almost noon again and again spent most of the afternoon cleaning, this time my bedroom at my parents' house. It was good to get to clean it a bit since I'll be moving back there at the end of June and it was a bit of a mess but I definitely wasn't feeling very well after a few hours. If I can spend another day (or weekend) cleaning and organizing my room there before I move back home I think I'll be pretty good to move back.

This week has been pretty crazy at work with a lot of stuff to get done before the last day of school - FRIDAY! I can't believe it's almost the end of the school year. Most of the kids are coming for at least some of the summer to our camp program but not all of them and the program changes so it's a bit different once the school year is over. We had a puppet show yesterday morning followed by a special ice cream sundae snack. Today we ended up staying until after 4:00pm finishing up the end of the year books for the kids but now those are done. So we just have to finish cleaning and putting things away which we will be able to do tomorrow and Friday and then we set up for camp on Monday! I'm working five days a week for the first three weeks of June and then eight days in the last three weeks of July. And I'm babysitting for Morgan, the girl I've been sitting for every summer for...well, this will be the 10th summer I've spent with her. Wow! I think I've decided not to try to do a theater class unless I'm asked to do it because I'd rather not take on something else and just take it easy this summer. I might take on some extra babysitting or something but not a whole lot else. I want to try to take some little trips here and there to visit people and maybe go visit some places, too. Overall I want to ENJOY the summer!

Health-wise...well, I'm not feeling great but I'm managing. I've been trying to go to bed really early and I think that's been helping somewhat. I notice that when I manage to get to bed before 10pm I'm better able to get up when I want to get up (around 6:30am). I've been really tired lately so I've been starting to head to bed pretty early. I think tonight I'm going to get ready for bed as soon as I finish this and try to get some extra sleep. The Doxy is still going along alright and I need to do my week of Flagyl starting probably on Friday, although I may delay it until next week since I'm going up to Maine with my dad this weekend to visit my uncle and there may be champagne or wine involved at some point. My stomach has been off with the changing weather and I'm trying to get that to settle down with some easier foods. I'm finding that I'm better off bringing something with me to work in the morning than trying to eat something before I go so I'm trying to do that.

Alright, well I'm going to try to eat a little something before I start getting ready for bed. Thanks so much for stopping by to see how I'm doing. I hope you're all having a great week so far!

Saturday, May 23, 2009 10:24 PM EDT

"People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost."
--H Jackson Brown, Jr.

Hi Everyone,

I had a pretty productive day today beginning with sleeping until almost noon. That might not seem like being very productive, but it was sleep that I really needed! I pretty much stayed in bed until the mid-afternoon when I decided to get out of my apartment for a while and take a walk. I was just going to take a quick walk but ended up walking for a little over an hour so that was nice. When I got back, I thought I would end up just taking a shower (I was de-accessed for the afternoon) and going back to bed but I decided to get some laundry done and to do that I had to fold some clean laundry so I decided to organize my dresser a bit and then ended up spending a few hours cleaning and organizing my room! It was time well spent and since I got so much sleep last night I was able to manage it pretty well. I did get the laundry in the washer eventually and now it's in the dryer so I'll be able to grab it in the morning before I leave to go home for church. And I also did take a shower which might have actually taken more out of me than the cleaning but it was nice anyway.

I'm all accessed again and hooked up to my Doxy for the night. Both of the lumens of my port are actually giving a blood return right now. *Knock on wood* The left lumen has been pretty good for the last week or two but the right one still wasn't behaving itself but when I accessed it tonight it drew back. I don't know how long it will last, and I'm not doing labs every week anymore so it doesn't matter quite as much if I get a blood return, but it's just nice when the port works the way it's supposed to!

Okay, I'm going to head to bed. I don't have to be up too early tomorrow (around 8am) but I'm going to church and then out to brunch with some people from church, then a cook-out at home for my brother's fiancee's graduation. And sometime in there (well, either tomorrow or on Monday) I need to go out on the hunt for a big hat. And I have to actually go ahead and order the sun protective things and the cooling vest before too much time goes by! Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Friday, May 22, 2009 5:31 PM EDT

"I believe in fairy tales
And dreamer's dreams like bedsheet sails
And I believe in Peter Pan
And miracles, anything I can to get by
And fireflies..."
--Lori McKenna

Hi Everyone,

Things are continuing to be difficult this week. The weather has been really nice the past few days but really hot so that has been throwing my body way off. I've been exhausted from it and just having a rough time dealing with it. So I'm ordering a cooling vest for the summer as well as some sun protective clothing. I'm glad the week is over finally! The art show and everything went well and now I'm glad to have a nice long weekend ahead of me.

It's interesting to think back to this time last year. It was Memorial Day weekend last year when the fevers started - those infamous fevers that caused so much trouble and lasted for about six months. I missed pretty much the whole last week of school last year because of them and only made it to the very last day because I was too stubborn not to be there (and my fever did let up for long enough for me to make the decision to go, although it returned later that day). While I don't anticipate anything like that happening again this year (*knock on wood*), I can't help but hold my breath a little as I go into this weekend. And I'll really enjoy all the end of the year activities next week, too! We have a class picnic, an all-school picnic, a puppet show, and other things here and there so it will be a busy, fun-filled four days.

Okay, I'm not feeling great so I'm going to settle in to bed with a movie and maybe take a nap for a little while. Hopefully the temperature outside will cool down a bit over the weekend so I won't feel quite so cruddy. In the mean time I'll just try to rest more, get in my fluids, eat more salty snacks (unfortunately the heat makes me really nauseous so eating ANYTHING is difficult), and stay cool when I can. At least over the weekend I don't have to go out in the sun if I don't want to (it's hard during the week to be at work when it's 90* out with no AC).

Thanks so much for stopping by to see how I'm doing. I hope you've all had a good week and that you have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 8:25 PM EDT

"All of the bright colors that live inside of me
Are now just tiny little pieces of who I used to be
And it just feels like confetti."
--Lori McKenna

Hi Everyone,

I'm having a bit of a rough time right now. I've been really exhausted lately which I think is just the past few weeks catching up with me plus getting used to the higher dose of Doxy combined with being in the sun (it causes sun sensitivity) so I'm trying to do what I can to rest and deal with everything but I'm struggling a bit. Plus my alarm clocks either hate me or love me but in loving me hate me. I'll explain. On Sunday my alarm didn't go off so at 9:17am I woke up, looked at the clock, thought, "It can't possibly be 9:17." Then thought, "Oh no! I was supposed to be at church two minutes ago!" And proceeded to jump out of bed and resemble a bit of a tornado as a threw myself together and got to church a half hour late. The issue that morning was that my cell phone (the alarm I use when I'm at my parents) was set for PM instead of AM which has happened before. Well, yesterday morning my alarm didn't go off again but it was a totally different alarm that didn't go off for a totally different reason but had a very similar result. I woke up at 7:57am, looked at the clock, had that same thought that I couldn't possibly be seeing the time right, jumped out of bed, called work to let them know I'd be late (since the kids for early birds would be arrive in three minutes), and threw myself together and got to work less than 20 minutes later. It's actually impressive how fast I can get myself ready but it makes for a very unhappy day and I don't feel connected to things. So that's contributed to my exhaustion this week. My conclusion was that my alarms hate me but someone else thinks that maybe they love me and want me to get more sleep. If that's the case, they have pretty bad timing.

Tomorrow morning my preschool class has their art show which everyone has been working very hard on so that's been a lot of work but should be a lot of fun. Then the rest of the day will just be kind of a free for all...to a degree. Lots of time at the playground and just time to do whatever they want after all the hard work they've put into the artwork. And after that things will be pretty calm until the end of the year! I'm really looking forward to the long weekend this weekend with virtually nothing to do - just church and a few other things on Sunday.

Oh, and last weekend I planted a garden! I'm excited about it and looking forward to some yummy veggies from it. I planted cherry tomatoes, yellow squash, zucchini, cucumbers, and banana peppers. Not everything is in the ground yet but everything else will get planted this weekend. My dad took a picture of me with the newly planted garden but it was on his camera so it's on his computer but I'll try to get it to post at some point.

Okay, I'm going to get ready for bed (even though it's only 8:25). It takes me about a half hour to mix up my Doxy and get everything hooked up to go to bed so if I start now I can actually get to bed at 9 which is what I'm aiming for this week (and probably next week). Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you're all having a good week!

Thursday, May 14, 2009 11:30 PM EDT

You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.
--Franklin P. Jones

It's late and I really ought to go to bed but I'm not feeling great and felt like doing a quick update. I went searching for a quote about children to try to...I guess remind myself of endearing qualities of kids. I'm getting pretty worn out and stressed out at work for a few reasons. We have our class's art show coming up next Thursday and that is becoming quite chaotic with a good amount of miscommunication (or just lack of communication). And lately there have been way too many kids staying for lunch. Parents have the option of signing their kids up to stay until 1:00pm (through lunch), 3:00pm (lunch, rest, and playtime), or to leave at noon when the regular school day ends. Yesterday I had 18 kids in one room for lunch - the 1:00 crowd - and five of those kids were from the 2-year-old classroom. We usually have a lot of kids on Wednesdays but nowhere near that many and it was just above and beyond. There were three teachers in the classroom with the kids, but it was really only myself and one other teacher really paying attention and taking care of the kids. It was pretty awful. And apparently this is how the lunches are going to be for the next few weeks until the regular school year is over. If that's the case, don't be surprised if you read about me having a nervous breakdown and running out of the school screaming one of these days! We have some days where the lunches are relatively big normally and I always seem to be with those lunches (the 1:00 kids and 3:00 kids eat in different rooms) - that's what I get for doing a good job I guess. So, my patience is being tried, I guess. And I don't feel I can say anything right now because the director in charge of this is dealing with a family medical emergency so I don't want to load anything else onto her. Just two more weeks of regular school, though!

And I officially either have allergies or the beginnings of a cold. I'm not sure which to wish for but either way I hope it doesn't get too bad and passes quickly.

Okay, I'm going to get some sleep. I hope you're all having a good week and thanks for stopping by to see me!

Monday, May 11, 2009 9:13 PM EDT

Whatever we learn has a purpose and whatever we do affects everything and everyone else, if even in the tiniest way. Why, when a housefly flaps his wings, a breeze goes round the world; when a speck of dust falls to the ground, the entire planet weighs a little more; and when you stamp your foot, the earth moves slightly off its course. Whenever you laugh, gladness spreads like the ripples in a pond; and whenever you're sad, no one anywhere can be really happy. And it's much the same thing with knowledge, for whenever you learn something new, the whole world becomes that much richer."
--Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update. The longer I let it go on without updating, the harder it is to sit down and write one.

First of all, my youngest theater class and oldest theater class had their performances last week(end) and they went really well. The little kids did "Queen Midas" and "The June Bug and the Flea" and they did a good job. I also had four of my oldest kids come and help out with their performance which was really nice, although they were a bit more wild than I would have wanted them to be if I'd been able to really sit down with them and talk to them about my expectations. I'm so glad to have them get involved in the younger classes and as long as they want to help out I'll provide them with the opportunity! And then the oldest class had their production of "Beauty and the Beast" on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. It went really well and, while there were of course mistakes and dropped lines and issues here and there with various things, the kids as a whole handled everything really well. I was doing the lights and sound so they were in charge of everything backstage and did a good job overall. While I was able and willing to prompt them with lines if necessary, it turned out that I didn't need to because they would just manage along when someone would forget a line. They might not have always improved the way I would have told them to, but they did a fine job and I was pleased and proud of them. All those improv games pay off in the end! And before the show on Saturday I talked to the kids about options of things to do next year and we all decided that we'd love to take on the task of writing a play together. So next spring we're planning on doing that, either just with the group from this class or with additions of other kids depending on how many others there would be. So I'm looking forward to that and hoping I get all these kids back in the fall, too! I don't often get kids in my classes once they hit junior high (7th grade) but the kids who are in 6th grade this year have all said they want to come back so I hope they do!

And here they are:

And being silly:

I don't have a picture of the little kids but that's okay. The middle class has their production of "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" this Saturday and Sunday with their final rehearsal this Thursday. Their rehearsal last Thursday was...well, pretty awful so they better be working on their lines A LOT!

In other news...work is busy with end of the year stuff. We're down to less than three weeks left before the official school year is over but then camp begins and for the first three weeks of camp my schedule is essentially the same, the feel of things just changes somewhat and classes are different. I'm looking in to taking a curriculum planning class over the summer but I'm not sure if that will work out. I'll also be babysitting this summer and I'm hoping that it will work out for me to teach a theater class since I've had a lot of my theater kids ask me if I'm teaching, I just have to talk to Wendy (kind of my boss at the art center) about it.

Health-wise things are okay. I saw Dr. H (PCP/Lyme) last Wednesday and it was a good appointment. There are a few things we're going to be changing around/trying out in the next few months. First off, we're juggling around my headache meds since I'm having some trouble with my current preventative meds. So we'll give that a month to take effect. Then we're probably going to either add oral Rifampin (an antibiotic) along with my IV Doxy or try adding Diflucan to get at the cyst form of the Lyme. I've taken both of those before (not necessarily at the same time) and had trouble with the Rifampin, although I was also on oral Doxy at the same time and was really sick in part because of that, but tolerated the Diflucan pretty well so that might be a better thing to try first. We'll see...

Okay, I'm going to get ready for bed, hook up my hydration and Doxy, and head to bed. I've found that running my Doxy slowly overnight works out really well to a) minimize side effects like nausea and b) cut down on time hooked up to things during the day. So it's working out pretty well. Thanks so much for stopping by to see how I'm doing. I hope you're all having a good week so far and I'll try to be better about updating more regularly!

Friday, May 1, 2009 8:35 PM EDT

"The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn."
--David Russell

Hi Everyone,

I’m having major frustrations and issues with my roommate. We’ve been having big problems for a number of months and things are getting worse rather than better. I’m counting down the days until I move out – 2 more months (until the end of June, although I’ll be away the last week of June). It’s getting to the point now where it seems she’s purposely doing things to make life difficult for me. But I’m trying to just deal with it, not lash out back at her since that gets me nowhere (believe me, I know from experience with her, it just fuels her), and look forward to living on my own when I get my next apartment. I have to live at home (with my parents) at least for the summer to save up for a new car but that will be okay. At least I’m done paying rent now – June is paid for already – so I can start saving with my next paycheck!

And I have some good news (maybe I should have led with the good news but I was too frustrated). I have a new job starting in September! I think I mentioned that I had an interview at a preschool literally right around the corner from where I teach my theater classes which is about 10 minutes away from my parents. Well, I went back yesterday (Thursday) morning to spend time in the classrooms for a more hands-on second part of the interview process. I think it was more for me to see what things are like there and to spend time in each class (they’re looking for someone for each of the two classes) to decide if I wanted to work there and which classroom I’d want to be in. It went really well and it was fun being in a different school. As much as I love the preschool I’ve been at for the past two years, there are a number of things that just drive me nuts about it. So, I liked it and they were thrilled when I said I would love to take a job there! Both of the two lead teachers (one from each classroom), both of whom I know from other things (one was my Spanish tutor in high school while I was homeschooled and I went to junior and senior high school with the other one’s son), wanted me in their classroom but I decided to take the job in the Pre-K classroom (four- turning five-year-olds – the same age that I’m with now). I’m really excited about this and the way it all fell into place is just amazing.

On the health front, things are okay. I’m doing my pulse of IV Flagyl now and this time I’m doing it back up at the dose I was originally on which means dosing it every 8 hours instead of every 12 hours but so far it’s going well. I’m just a bit worn out from it. Apparently there was a bit of a lack of communication about getting the other (newer) IV antibiotic and it’s not going to work out so it’s back to the drawing board, sort of. But I have noticed one sign that I’m doing a little better. On my trip to Oregon and back I was able to READ. Now, it’s not like I wasn’t able to read before, it was just very difficult. I had trouble concentrating and comprehending what I was reading so that I ended up staring at the same page, trying to read it over and over and never really able to get very far before getting frustrated and giving up. It’s only really been difficult for about the past year – since about when things went downhill last May and the fevers and all that stuff kicked up – before that I was doing better with it. I’ve had trouble with this for a long time to some extent but there are times when it seems much better. Anyway, while on my trip I read three books in their entirety and started a fourth, and one of those books was the last book in the Twilight series which is really long. Now, they weren’t really difficult books (the others were James Patterson and John Grisham books) but that doesn’t really matter since I was having trouble with pretty much any book. So this is encouraging! Otherwise I’m doing alright and just trying to finish recovering from the lack of sleep this week as I’ve been getting used to being back at work.

One last thing before I finish this up and crawl into bed to watch a little TV. This Sunday I’m going to be doing The Walk for Hunger. I’m close to reaching my fundraising goal and I’d love to reach it by Sunday morning when I go into Boston to walk with a group of people from my church. If you have a few minutes to look at the website, please do, and if you’re interested in helping me reach my goal you can go to my walk page.

And here are some pictures from the last few days of my trip:

Alright, I’m going to settle in for the night. Tomorrow I plan to catch up on some things around my apartment and get some things done for my theater class performances which are next weekend and the weekend after. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you’ve all had a good week!

Monday, April 27, 2009 1:56 AM EDT

I'm home after about 17 hours of traveling and few delays of flights. But I'm home nonetheless. And now I'm going to bed so I'll be a little bit rested when I have to get up for work in 5 hours. I'll do a real update tomorrow afternoon with pictures from the rest of my trip.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 10:05 PM EDT (7:05 PM PDT)

"Looking for and enjoying beauty is a way to nourish the soul. The universe is in the habit of making beauty. There are flowers and songs, snowflakes and smiles, acts of great courage, laughter between friends, a job well done, the smell of fresh-baked bread. Beauty is everywhere."
--Matthew Fox

Hi Everyone,

I don't know if I can adequately put into words what it's like to be here with my sister and brother-in-law (and Friendly Bear - you might remember him from my last visit here when he was very interested in my birthday cake), in the sunshine and fresh air (how is it that the air seems so much fresher here?), going for walks in the neighborhood, baking up a storm trying out all kinds of vegan recipes (Sarah Kate and Matt are vegans), sitting on the deck reading, taking it easy, and basically having an amazing week. While I'm here I feel totally at home, like I belong, and I really don't want to leave. This is how I feel everytime I come out here. And each time I become a little more determined to move out here...at some point. During this visit, though, I'm really thinking through the reasons why I feel like I can't move, at least not right now. And the biggest thing I keep coming back to is that annoying fact of my health and doctors. If I could just transplant Dr. H (PCP and basically my doctor for everything right now) here or be assured that I'd find someone equally as good out here I think I'd have much less hesitancy to just take the plunge and move. Of course there are other reasons not to move - family, friends, church, etc. - but there are easier answers to those kinds of things and they don't feel like as much of a solid reason to be tied down to the northeast. Anyway, it's kind of frustrating to kind of feel held back by something so out of my control (at least relatively out of my control).

Well, rather than rambling on about things, I'll just post a bunch of pictures and let them speak for me.

My bag of oral meds and supplements. I thought it was kind of impressive, especially considering I have a number of meds I get IV in addition to the orals.

On the plane on Friday.

A view of...some state from the airplane.

Those are snowcapped mountains somewhere between Chicago and Seattle (I think).

Clouds and such from the plane.

Kind of an impressive moss-covered tree on our hike on Saturday.

Stream on the hike.

The tea bag tag says, "Let things come to you." Good advice.

Infusing and relaxing on the deck.

Fat Free Vegan Brownies - believe me, they're good!

Vegan Pumpkin Scones

Vegan Cinnamon Swirl Muffins and Chocolate Chip Cookies

I'm sure I'll do another update while I'm here, hopefully with pictures (although maybe not so many - sorry if it slowed down the loading of the page!). Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a great week!

Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:37 PM EDT (7:37 PM PDT)

Well, I made it here! It was smooth sailing...err, flying, for the most part and everything was on time which was nice after some not-so-good experiences with delayed flights the last few times I've come out here. The weather has been really good so we've been taking advantage of it. Yesterday we had some yummy waffles for breakfast, hung around for a while and then went out to a greenhouse so my sister (Sarah Kate) and brother-in-law (Matt) could look at some plants for their yard. And Sarah Kate and I took on the all important task of grocery shopping. I ended up pooping out just before dinner and actually took a nap (unusual for me) and then fell asleep on the couch again right after dinner. This morning I slept in pretty late - almost 10am pacific time so if I'm still on eastern time it was into the afternoon. But it was nice to sleep. It's so nice to have a break from work and be able to rest and sleep and not be rushing from one thing to another.

Today was another beautiful day so we went out for a little hike (after banana chocolate pancakes for breakfast) which was nice but I'm pretty worn out from it. We all took naps afterwards and I feel like I could fall asleep again now, which may happen for a bit before dinner.

So, things are good here. I have some pictures that I'll post soon, probably tomorrow if I make it out to the cafe nearby for better internet access (it comes and goes here). And I'm sure I'll have more pictures as the week goes on. No big plans for the week - I'm going to sleep, read a few books I've been looking forward to (I managed to pretty much read a whole book on Friday on the planes and in the airports - it was a good John Grisham book), go downtown a few times, take some bike rides and walks, sleep some more, do some baking, watch some DVDs, etc. Overall a nice relaxing week!

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you've all had a great weekend!

Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:01 PM EDT

"There is no where to go. What you are looking for is right here.
Open the fist clenched in wanting and see what you already hold in your hand."
--Oriah Mountain Dreamer, "The Call"

Hi Everyone,

Well, I'm pretty much packed up and early tomorrow morning I will head to the airport to fly out to Oregon to visit my sister and brother-in-law. I'm really looking forward to this trip and can't wait to be out there, be able to rest and relax, and just generally enjoy myself! I have to be up in less than 7 hours in the wee hours of the morning but hopefully I'll sleep on the plane.

Things since my last update have been okay. Nothing earth shattering - just kind of the same old same old. Oh, but I did get a call from my PCP today. It seems there's a way for me to get some of the newer antibiotic that she (and Dr. B) wants me to try! It's really expensive and I wasn't sure if it would be possible to get it but now I'll at least be able to try it for a little while. So that's good news. I have to call her back and set up a time to go have the first dose in her office (it's an IV antibiotic).

Okay, I'm going to get ready for bed and call it a night so I'll be somewhat rested in the morning. Thanks for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week! I'll try to update when I get to Oregon tomorrow or at least at some point over the weekend.

Monday, April 6, 2009 9:33 PM EDT

"Sometimes the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected. You gotta wonder why we cling to our expectations because the expected is just what keeps us steady; standing; still. The expected is just the beginning. The unexpected is what changes our lives."
--Grey's Anatomy

Hi Everyone,

Okay, so it seems like a lot has happened since my last update but I'm not ready to talk about some of it yet so I'll just give an overview. First of all, the trial I'm on the jury for is still not over. We got through the rest of the witnesses and closing arguments today but didn't have time to start deliberating so it's back to the grind tomorrow morning for deliberation. There's a TON of evidence so depending on how much we want/have to go through, we may not be done deliberating by the end of the day tomorrow and have to go back AGAIN on Wednesday - not what any of us want. Having to be there in court everyday for more than a week hasn't really been fun, I've missed and had to reschedule a lot of things, I miss work and my kids and everyone else there, I think I'm getting more run down and worn out than I would usually, and I've gotten pretty sore from sitting in the chair in the jury box for such a long time. BUT, it hasn't been all bad. All of us on the jury get along really well and we have a good time while we're not in the courtroom. I feel like I have made some friends during this trial and, while I can't say if I'll stay in touch with any of them when the trial is over, it's been kind of fun to spend time with them. We laugh a lot and last week the judge poked her head in and (jokingly) told us we were having too much fun. So, there's pros and cons to the whole experience. But I'm ready for it to be finished and get back to my "real" life! It's been hard not being at work - I miss the kids and I'm sure things are a bit chaotic there with subs and another teacher has been out sick so it's just been a rough time. But I don't have to be in court until 9:30 or 10am tomorrow so I'm going in to work for about 45 minutes in the morning to see the kids, the teachers, and get a little work in! The state does pay a bit for every day past the first 3 (employers are required to still pay for the first 3 days but not after that) but it's not what I usually make at the preschool so, even though I'll be at work for less than an hour, it's something! And I've been having a good time baking muffins for everyone on the jury. On Thursday I made pumpkin muffins and today I made banana muffins (well, made them yesterday but brought them in for today). And for tomorrow I made blueberry bread (I don't have good muffin tins at my apartment and couldn't find any at the grocery store) and a couple of people are going to bring some coffee for everyone so we should fair relatively well.

As for all the other "stuff"...well, it has to do with my roommate and suffice it to say that the living situation is not very good. I have three more months in this apartment and, while I'm hoping things will get better, I'm expecting to just have to hunker down and survive until I move out. Not an ideal situation, but it is what it is and at least I have a lot of support to help deal with it.

Health-wise things are okay. Jury duty has put off starting the Flagyl but I want to get the week of it done before I go to Oregon a week from Friday so I'll wait until Wednesday and regardless of whether the trial is over I'll go ahead and start that. I also see Dr. H on Wednesday if I'm not still in court. I never made it over to get the other supplements she wanted me to start and the one that I did get while I was there, I haven't started. It's just been too much to try to manage this past month but I need to get everything in order to start on these things and make sure that I have everything for my trip. I have to get a list together of IV supplies I'll need shipped out there (quite an undertaking), get an inventory of supplements I'll need to get more of, and make sure I don't have any oral meds that I need refills on. Once the trial is over I'll be able to focus more on the trip.

As for the rest of the week, I'll get back to work eventually and then Friday is a holiday so there's no school but I have a job interview at a preschool down by my parents on Friday morning (rescheduled from last Friday) and a meeting in the evening of a young adult group from church. We've been meeting since...January I think and we're putting together a service for the 26th which I unfortunately won't be here for since I'll be flying home from Oregon that day but I'm still involved in planning the service and I've written something for it (actually a compilation of two poems that I wrote in the last few years). Our group was nameless for a while but at our last meeting (a week ago) we came up with a name - Inter-Generational Gathering of Youth (IGGY) - so if I refer to IGGY, you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about. Then on Saturday I actually have a day totally free from any plans! A good time to catch up on things and catch up on some much-needed rest.

Okay, I'm going to get ready for bed and watch some TV until my Doxy is done infusing. Thanks for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week so far!

Monday, March 30, 2009 6:32 PM EDT

No quote for this quick update. I just wanted to say I'm struggling with a lot right now - trying to keep up with jury duty while still keeping up with everything else (especially theater classes) and now major roommate issues/arguments added to the already complicated life of a Lyme disease/chronic illness patient. If you could send some good energy and thoughts my way I would greatly appreciate it. I'm going to need a lot of extra strength to get through the next week...and then the next 3 months until I move out of this apartment. Thank goodness for my brother-in-law who talked to me for a while this evening. Thank goodness for people who know and understand me (and validate that I'm a good person!). It's just a lot all at once and I have no extra energy to deal with any of it.

Monday, March 30, 2009 6:32 PM EDT

"Weekends are a bit like rainbows;
they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them."
--John Shirley

Hi Everyone,

Okay, this won't be a really long update but if I keep putting off updating I'll end up having to either write a novel or glossing over a lot of stuff (not that there's anything too important to update about). Okay, first of all, I had jury duty today and, joy of joys, I was picked for the only jury they were choosing today! This is my second time being called (I was called when I was 18 or 19) and second time being chosen for a jury so hopefully the next time I'm called I'll avoid it. I tried to be exempt because of my medical stuff and specifically my IV schedule but the judge didn't go for it, said the court would be able to work around my needs. The judge said the trial will be a week and a half long but the court officer said they often overestimate so I'm hoping to be done with it by the end of the week. But I'm in it for the long haul, however long that might be. I'll have to figure out what to do about my theater classes (I have to call Wendy, the director of the art center, either tonight at home or tomorrow on my lunch break from the trial), I'm obviously not going to be at work at the preschool all week which stinks, and worst of all I have to try to reschedule a job interview I have this Friday afternoon at a preschool in the same town where I teach my theater classes. I won't go into the details of how I found out about the job and all that, but I have a connection (my old Spanish tutor works there) and the job kind of fell into my lap. So, I have to try to reschedule the interview and I may end up leaving work early some day to have an easier time rescheduling it.

Last week was kind of a crazy week at work with picture day on Wednesday and our all-school unit (the theme is SPACE) which is continuing this week. The kids are all pretty wacky and bouncing off the walls a bit lately and the rainy weather off and on hasn't helped anything. As much as I hate dealing with jury duty, it's not horrible to have a little break from the kids. But I'm sure I'll miss them a lot by the end of the trial! I also had my staff evaluation on Friday which went well. The first thing the directors said was, "We've come a long way this year!" It really started out rocky with my health so rocky but now that the staph infection is behind me, we all think the year has gone well and my classroom is working well. My theater classes are going well and I'm adding a second short little play to the one my little kids already have because they did so well with the first one. This session just seems to be going well as far as everyone seeming to be happy with the plays and excited about them instead of complaining and unhappy.

Health-wise things are okay. I'm finishing up a week of an oral antibiotic for Bartonella that I'll be on for a week every few months. I've tolerated it relatively well but forgot that it causes increased sun sensitivity when I went out for a long walk in the sunny weather on Saturday so my nose and cheeks are a bit red, although people are telling me I look really good with a little color in my face so it's not all bad! I'm just glad I was wearing a baseball cap or I'd be much redder. I'm plugging along with the IV Doxy and doing pretty well with that and I'll be starting my week of Flagyl at the end of this week so I have a chance to recover from it before I go away to Oregon on April 17th (not sure if I've mentioned that trip before, but I'm really looking forward to it). I was going to start the Flagyl earlier in the week but since I'm just finishing the oral antibiotic and don't want to overload my body (specifically my liver) along with the complication of jury duty, I'll opt to wait and at least avoid as many complications as possible. I'm supposed to see Dr. H on Monday but I'm going to have to reschedule that because of the possibility that the trial will still be going on. I'm having some minor (at least I hope they're minor) issues with my port - mainly that I can't get a blood return from either lumen which is a pain but if it's still working alright (which it seems to be) I can manage with getting my monthly labs drawn at Dr. H's office, especially if I can just have the nurse there draw the labs and send them off in my normal lab-in-a-box kit to keep things as consistent as possible (and make sure that my infusion company gets a copy of the labs which they then pass along to me). When I call to reschedule my appointment I'll also schedule the labwork appointment, hopefully for at least a few days before the regular appointment so Dr. H has the results by the time I see her. Oh, and I still have to go pick up the new supplements but I don't anticipate that happening this week.

Okay, that's it for now. I'm going to go make some dinner and I plan to make it an early night. I'm really worn out from kind of a busy weekend. I really enjoyed going for a long walk on Saturday but it took a lot out of me and I'm quite sore. (I walked almost 5 miles so that's to be expected!)Thanks for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week so far!

Thursday, March 19, 2009 10:21 PM EDT

"A soul in tension that's learning to fly
Condition grounded but determined to try
Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I"
--Pink Floyd

Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since my last update - more than two weeks! I didn't realize it had been that long. This won't be too long, though, so I'll try to be concise with what's been happening in the last two weeks. First, the non-medical stuff. Unfortunately my car is a goner. After it died on me last Monday, I had it towed to a garage up by my apartment (an unknown garage to me - I don't have a garage up here). Almost $450 later I picked it up and it wasn't back to normal. The check engine light was on and it wasn't driving well. So I took it back in a few days later and they didn't have good news - it would take at least a few hundred more dollars to fix it and given the age of the car (it's a 1994) and the miles it has on it, it seemed unwise to keep putting money into it. My dad took it in to our regular garage at home for a second opinion and they gave us a more final answer as to whether it's worth trying to fix. Not only would it (supposedly) need this part replaced in the engine (they didn't do a diagnostic on it - apparently they can't hook my old car up to their computers - so they couldn't say for sure that it needed it), but the tires are really worn down and would all need to be replaced and there's a leak in the gas line (possibly caused by the work done on it at the garage up here). So their diagnosis was, "You need a new car." I was pretty much expecting this but it was still hard to hear. I know it's just a car and it wasn't going to last forever and it has so many things wrong with it (largely just convenience things like the tape player not working and not being able to roll down/up the driver side window) so I'm not that upset with the idea of a new(er) car, but this was my first car, it was a good car, and I really loved it. I appreciated it for its simplicity - it didn't even have power steering - and it got such amazing gas mileage that helped me weather the high gas prices. I got much more than my money's worth out of it and it lasted me for about 6 1/2 years so I'll just keep that in mind. I just wish I didn't put this last hunk of cash into it if it was just going to be done for. I have my dad's car for right now and this weekend I have to sit down with my parents and figure out how we'll manage to finance a new (used) car since I have no extra money and won't be able to start saving until I'm done paying rent for this apartment (this apartment literally sucks up all my money, it's annoying). I have my eyes on other cars similar to mine - two door manual hatchbacks with good gas mileage - and there are some decent ones on craigslist (from dealers) so I'll probably be able to find one when we have the financial aspect figured out.

Okay, health stuff - I saw Dr. H last Monday (in the midst of my going back to her office for labwork after my appointment is when my car died) and we're adding a few new supplements and we have some new options (well, they're just new to us, not really newly discovered or anything) that she heard about at a conference she went to a few weeks ago. It's nice that she's trying hard to find things we haven't tried that other doctors have had success with. I had labs drawn to test for Bartonella (at two different labs) and a different strain of Babesia (from a third lab) and depending on what those show my treatment my change. I think regardless of the labs, I'll be doing Bartonella treatment soon but nothing is really decided on yet. I'm also up to 400mg of IV Doxy but I haven't been able to do the full dose everyday consistently for various reasons so I'm just trying to get it in most of the time. I've been worn out and kind of struggling to keep up with everything and not really sleeping enough but I'm managing and not doing terribly. Hopefully this weekend I'll manage to get a little more sleep. On Saturday I have a hot stone massage at the massage place where my sister works (as a receptionist, not a massage therapist) - she gave everyone gift certificates for Christmas and I'm redeeming my second one. So that should be good. And I plan to rest a lot, watch some movies, hopefully get a few things done for my theater classes, and maybe run a few errands. Nothing too exciting. Oh, and reformat my computer's harddrive since I'm having more and more issues with it.

Okay, my Doxy is almost done so I'm going to head to bed. Thanks for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week so far!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009 9:41 PM EST

"Laughter is the shortest distance between two people."
--Victor Borge

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. There isn't a whole lot to update about. I had my February vacation from work which was nice. I went to visit my aunt and uncle for a few days, went skiing with my brother one day, went to celebrate a friend's daughter's baptism, and tried to take it easy. Last week was very long and it was hard getting back into the swing of work and getting up early and all that stuff. And then this week we got hit with a big snowstorm on Sunday night/Monday and had a snow day! So that was nice.

Health-wise there are some rough areas but I'm managing alright. Headaches and skin/muscle pain is a bit worse, air hunger is pretty bad (wondering if I'm still dealing with Babesia despite negative tests and extensive treatment over the summer). I see Dr. H on Monday but I'm not expecting anything drastic to come of it. I've increased the IV Doxy to 300mg/day and this week I'm also doing IV Flagyl and tolerating it alright. Once the week of Flagyl is over I'll up the Doxy to 400mg and hang out there. And if all that goes alright then the one week of Flagyl each month may be increased to two weeks. I'll do labs either tomorrow or Friday to see where things are but I don't expect anything to be too out of whack.

Before I sign off for the night, I wanted to share a video I came across tonight on YouTube (where I seem to be spending a lot of time lately) that just made me laugh so I wanted to share it. Those of you who know my love of penguins will appreciate how much I love seeing a combination of penguins and muppets!

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009 10:56 PM EST

"We may never find our reason to shine
But here and now this is our time
And I may never find the meaning of life
But for this moment I am fine"
--Rob Thomas

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update tonight. I had a really bad night of insomnia last night and didn't get to sleep until about 5am. And I didn't exactly sleep in to make up for it - I was up a little before 10am - so needless to say I haven't been feeling at my best today. But I had my massage and it was really nice and relaxing. I'm going back for another one next month (my sister gave me two gift certificates for Christmas). My dentist appointment yesterday went fine.

Overall I'm feeling worn out, my stomach is having some ups and downs but not too bad, I've been having some vertigo/dizzy feelings today (more so than my norm), and I'm just generally feeling a bit under the weather. But I still have 4 more days (I can't believe it's only 4 more days) off before school starts again. Tomorrow I'm going to head to my aunt and uncle's in CT for the rest of the week, then either Friday or Saturday I'm hopefully going to go skiing with my brother, and on Sunday I'm going to a friend's daughter's baptism.

Okay, I'm going to get ready for bed and hope I'm able to get some better sleep tonight! I really can't afford another sleepless night. Oh, and I've posted a few things to My Blog, including a short video of some of the preschoolers having a ball sliding around on the ice. Thanks so much for stopping by to see how I'm doing. I hope you're all having a good week so far!

Monday, February 16, 2009 9:56 PM EST

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
--William Shakespeare

Hi Everyone,

Okay, first off, I'm officially on vacation! It's so nice to have almost a week ahead of me without work. Granted, it's not going to be a week totally free from scheduled things, but it's relatively schedule-less. Tomorrow (Tuesday) I have a dentist appointment (just a routine cleaning) so I have to get myself packed up and head home for that and to stay for a few days. On Wednesday I have a hot stone massage scheduled - my sister works at a massage place (as a receptionist) and gave me two gift certificates for hot stone massages for Christmas so I'm going for my first one this week. And my tentative plan after that is to head to Connecticut to visit my aunt and uncle on Thursday and stay there probably until Sunday. My brother and I are hoping to go skiing/snowboarding on Friday but it looks like the weater might be better on Saturday so we'll have to see. Even if we don't manage to go skiing, I'm sure I'll go visit him and/or bring him to my aunt and uncle's to visit. And that's it as far as plans go. I have a bit of a to do list in my head but it's mostly mundane things like laundry, cleaning my room at my parents', going shopping at BJs, and doing some baking. I'm very belated in sending out cookies to my sister and brother-in-law for Christmas and my sister's birthday and now my brother-in-law's birthday, too! So I need to get that done this week and send them a nice box of goodies. And I'll probably take some to my brother, too.

I've been going out walking/jogging (last year I was calling it wogging but it's really much more walking than jogging) and trying to get out for at least a little walk everyday. It wears me out but it's nice to get out and get some exercise so I'm enjoying it. And I've found that I can walk to three different grocery stores - Trader Joe's, WholeFoods, and Shaw's - as well as Dr. H's (PCP) office. I'm also trying to make some other small changes and hopefully they'll help me feel a little better.

I had plans to go visit my friend in Connecticut this past weekend but that didn't happen because her brother had a bad cold (which turned out to be the flu) and it didn't seem like a good idea for me to expose myself to that. So my dad and I went to Maine on Saturday which was nice (I'll try to post some pictures later - I didn't take any so they're all on my dad's computer).

Health-wise things are...well, a little iffy right now I guess. Sometimes I'm feeling a little bit better and sometimes I'm feeling pretty sick so it's hard to really say how things are. I have two things I have to do in the next few weeks as far as my treatment goes. I have to start increasing my IV Doxy dose - I'm at 200mg now and I have to increase to 300mg and then 400mg. And I have to do a week-long pulse of IV Flagyl which I'll probably do next week and when that's done then I'll start increasing the Doxy dose.

Well, my Doxy infusion just finished a little while ago so I'm going to get ready for bed and get some sleep. It's amazing how much more sleep I get when I don't have to get up early in the morning for work! Last night I got about 10 hours and I'm sure there will be some nights when I sleep more. It's not necessarily the most restful sleep but at least it's more sleep so there's more of a chance at getting some quality sleep! Tomorrow I have to leave by about 11am to get home and off to the dentist. Thanks for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week so far!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 8:14 PM EST

"People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost."
--H Jackson Brown, Jr.

Hi Everyone,

I'm so thrilled to be PICC-less for the first time in almost 3 months. It's so nice to have my arm back! Tonight I got to take the dressing off that was put over the site when it was pulled. The insertion hole (for lack of a better word) will take a little while to fully heal but otherwise my arm is back to normal. Such a relief to be done with that! And it'll be so nice not to have to worry about scheduling nursing visits around everything. The one thing I have left to do that I'm really looking forward to is taking a nice, long shower later this week when I de-access my port.

Today I am unfortunately not feeling very well. I've been having a lot of air hunger/shortness of breath which is pretty exhausting so I've been really worn out. Tonight I'm also really nauseous and having really bad reflux/heartburn and a bad headache. I'm going to bed now, though, because I'm just so worn out. Hopefully I'll feel somewhat better tomorrow. Just two more days until February vacation!

Thanks for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week so far!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 10:38 PM EST


Monday, February 9, 2009 9:13 PM EST

"Trying to run away is never the answer to being a fully human being.
Running away from the immediacy of our experience is like preferring death to life."
--Pema Chödrön

Hi Everyone,

Finally this is my last LAST night with the PICC line! I'm more than ready to say goodbye to it. I accessed my new port (have to come up with a name for this one) tonight and have my infusions running through it now. It's nice to be back up and running again! And I'm going to take a nice long shower or bath sometime soon (after the PICC is out) which will be so nice. It's been almost 3 months since I've had a shower without worrying about getting things wet! I have some pictures of the new port that I'll put up at the end of this update along with some others from the past few weeks.

Today I had an appointment with Dr. H (PCP) which went well. I told her that my goal is to be off all IVs or at least greatly cut down on them in a year. She was a little surprised by it but agrees that it's a good goal and that having a goal to work towards is good, even if we can't totally meet the goal in the time period I've set down. We're trying to find me a new GI doctor and explore the possibility of getting a j-tube to help with my fluid and nutrition intake to help me get off the PPN/IV hydration. We have to make sure my intestines work better than my stomach before this would happen (and of course the first thing is to find a new GI dr.) but it's an option I'm ready to explore. I'm going to be slowly increasing the dose of my IV Doxy to eventually get to double what I'm on now but I got the okay to just do it in one infusion a day rather than 2 divided doses which makes life a little easier. I'm also going to be adding back in IV Flagyl for one week a month and if I tolerate that well we will try to extend the time on it to at least 2 weeks at a time. And I'm talking to my infusion company about the possibility of getting a new IV antibiotic for a month. It's really expensive but works in a way that the other antibiotics don't so it's very possible it could offer significant benefit even if I only got it for a month. And Dr. H talked about kind of cycling it in periodicially if I tolerate it well. Umm...what else...well she knows I have this GI bug and I just have to ride it out. And I only have to do labs once a month unless there's a problem so that's nice, one less thing to worry about. And of course we're being vigilent about noticing any fevers or anything that might send up red flags about problems. I think the length of time that my fevers went on before we figured out it was basically sepsis scared her so I have a feeling she'll tend towards overreacting now if I have any problems. I think that's pretty much it as far as the appointment went. I'm also probably going to be starting on a new supplement to help boost my natural killer cells and help my immune system. I'm basically pushing to try anything that might offer hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. It's so hard to be in the midst of all of this and not see any end in sight. While having the goal of being off IVs in a year might be somewhat unrealistic, I think it's something I need to have right now so that I can have something to work towards. It makes it easier to deal with what I have to deal with now.

After my appointment, I went around doing some errands. I filled some prescriptions at CVS (not my normal pharmacy but it's the one nearby - my normal pharmacy is back home) since I wanted the EMLA cream to use for the accessing tonight, I went to fill my prescription of Domperidone which I've been bad about taking regularly lately (I've been a bit lax when it comes to all my oral meds and supplements - I need to get better about that), and did a little grocery shopping for some easy-to-eat things that might be easy on my stomach while I fight off this GI bug. Yesterday and today I've just been feeling really nauseous and queasy and close to throwing up a lot of the time but I'm managing. Tonight I kind of tolerated a baked potato and some cooked veggies which seemed to sit okay for a little while but now I'm feeling really sick. So I'm going to take some Zofran and Phenergan and head to bed as soon as my Doxy infusion is done. Just four more days of work until I'm officially on vacation! I don't have anything big planned but it should be a nice week off.

Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks before I sign off for the night:

Snow falling after church last month. (That's not my church in the picture, it's another one across the street from mine.)

The Chinese Dragon from our RE (Religious Education) class last week.

The port site yesterday - kind of bruised but healing.

And the port tonight after being accessed.

Just hanging out on the couch at home a few weeks ago.

Thanks for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week so far!

Saturday, February 7, 2009 3:23 PM EST

After a while you learn the subtle difference
Between holding a hand
And chaining a soul.
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
And company doesn't mean security.
And you begin to learn
That kisses aren't compromises
And presents aren't promises.
And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head up and your eyes ahead
With the grace of a woman or a man
Not the grief of a child.
And you learn to build all your loads on today
Because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans
And futures have a way of falling down in midflight.
After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you ask too much.
So you plant your own garden
And decorate your own soul
Instead of waiting for someone to buy you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure
That you really are strong.
And you really do have worth.
And you learn. And you learn.
And with every failure you learn.

Hi Everyone,

Well, things with the PICC removal didn't really go according to plan and it's still in. I spoke to my nurse on Friday morning and discovered that she needs a written order from my doctor to pull the PICC line which does kind of make sense but it would have been really nice if she'd mentioned that when we were talking about it last week! So, since my PCP's office is closed on Fridays, there was no way to get the order to have it pulled. My nurse came out and did a dressing change since I was a few days overdue for it and since the PICC is still in, I'm waiting to use the port until next week. The plan is that I'll access and start using the port on Monday and then she'll come on Tuesday and pull the PICC line when I'm down here for my theater class. I'm frustrated that things have been delayed and delayed in a way that was avoidable if I'd known what needed to be done, but there's nothing I can do about it now so I'll just deal with the PICC for a few more days and celebrate it being gone on Tuesday! And my port is healing pretty well. Still tender on the incision (which the nurse measured to be 3" - bigger than the incision for my first port but that makes sense since this is a double lumen so it's bigger) but the swelling right around the port itself has pretty much gone away and I can now feel the division between the two chambers on the port so that's good - makes me less nervous about accessing it on Monday.

I'm not feeling great today. The bit of a stomach bug I started with on Wednesday night (well, that was bad on Wednesday night, I think it actually started on Tuesday because I wasn't feeling great then either) is still causing some problems but I'm doing my best to deal with it and just rest as much as I can today since I'm able to. I've been in bed all day pretty much watching stuff on my computer. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love that there are so many TV shows and movies available to watch online and combined with everything on YouTube it really can keep me occupied for a long time! I have managed to do some laundry today and my two other goals are to take a shower and change the sheets on my bed and since I don't really want to do one without the other I think I'll manage to get that done. We're also having a family dinner to celebrate my mom's birthday (which was on Tuesday) - my brother's cooking something - so hopefully I'll feel a little better by then. For now I'm going to try to take a nap since I'm pretty tired and didn't sleep very well last night.

Thanks for stopping by to see me. I hope you all had a good week!

Thursday, February 5, 2009 8:37 PM EST

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
--Mother Teresa

Hi Everyone,

Okay, so last night was a pretty rough night. It's a very good thing I had already decided to take today off work instead of just yesterday as I'd originally planned because there's no way I would have felt up to spending the day at work. Yesterday the actual surgery was okay - not totally pleasant but not too bad - and I seemed to be recovering fine afterwards. They gave me some gingerale and toast while I was in recovery, they took a chest x-ray to make sure everything was okay, and then I was discharged and off on my way. I had a script for pain meds so my dad and I went and filled that and then picked up some Chinese food (my choice for dinner). By the time we got home, I was feeling pretty nauseous and the local anesthesia was wearing off so my chest was starting to hurt some, but it was the nausea that was worse. I gave myself some IV Zofran which didn't seem to really help (usually it does help) and I tried to eat a little bit, thinking maybe I was nauseous because I really hadn't been able to eat much of anything all day since I was NPO from midnight the night before. But the food didn't help and I was feeling worse and worse until I eventually started throwing up sometime around 9pm. I felt better after throwing up and feel asleep on the couch for a while before finally going to bed. But I didn't sleep well at all. I was in pain, had trouble getting comfortable, and I was still nausous and woke up very frequently thinking I was going to throw up or just feeling gross. I did throw up a few times during the night and finally this morning I was feeling a bit better in that area anyway. I don't know if this was a response to the anesthesia or if I caught the stomach virus that my roommate came down with at the beginning of the week or some of both. When I had my wisdom teeth out I had a bad stomach reaction to the anesthesia but it hasn't happened any of the other times I've had it so I really don't know what to think.

This morning I was able to go out for breakfast with the minister from my church (we had planned it) and felt well enough to eat a pancake and some tea and tonight I had some mashed potatoes and I just had some sherbet so my stomach seems to have settled down a bit but when this kind of thing happens usually it takes me weeks to fully recover so I'll just take it slow. I'm going back to work tomorrow but thankfully it's Friday and I just have to make it through the 5 hours at the preschool and then come back home to my parents' house. Since the port has been pretty sore I decided to wait to start using it and have the PICC line removed so I'll most likely do that tomorrow afternoon/evening (I have to call my nurse in the morning). I have a double lumen port and I'm a little nervous about accessing it the first time because I can't really feel the middle edges of each lumen to know the boundaries and where I can stick the needle so I might have my nurse help me with it the first time and then pull the PICC. And then I'll have the weekend to get used to it and recover further and hopefully be feeling more like myself for next week! I can't believe next week is the last week before February vacation!

Okay, so that's the whole port update. I'm really happy to be back with a port but miss my old port (Winnie the Port - I'll have to come up with a new name for this one). It was such a good port and I was so used to it but I guess this will just take a little bit of a readjustment. Now I'm just going to rest for a while on the couch and finish watching Ugly Betty and then at least start watching the Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice crossover episode (not sure if I'll make it until 11pm when it will be over). I'm staying at my parents' tonight because I don't feel great still and figure it's better for me to be here if I'm going to be sick. So I'll be getting up really early to drive up to work, stop by my apartment afterwards, and then back to my parents' for the weekend. I'll try to post some pictures sometime soon! Thanks for stopping by to see me and I hope you're all having a good week.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 8:07 PM EST

I'm not feeling very well. The surgery went fine, although it was later than scheduled. I got a call a little after 11am saying the surgeon was running late so they'd call me when they were ready for me to come it, which ended up being about 2pm. I seemed to be recovering alright afterwards but I've been really nauseous since leaving the hospital. I gave myself some IV Zofran but it didn't seem to help that much so now I'm just lying somewhat quietly and trying not to make it worse or throw up. Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 10:37 PM EST

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest times,
if one only remembers to turn on the light."
--Albus Dumbledore

Hi Everyone,

It's (hopefully) my last night with a PICC line! I have a hospital arrival time of noon, which isn't what I was hoping for since I have to be NPO after midnight and an arrival time that late means I probably won't be home until 3 or 4 or later. But that's all okay because finally the port surgery is happening and things can get somewhat back to normal for me. If they don't take the PICC line out while I'm at the hospital, I'll have to get my nurse to come out either tomorrow evening or on Thursday at some point to take it out. Even if I have to wait until Thursday that's okay. It might actually be better to give the port a day to heal before using it (although it can be used right away) but I'll wait and see how things happen. All week the lead teacher in my classroom at the preschool was asking me how I was doing, if I was getting nervous about the surgery, and all I could say was that I wasn't nervous at all, I'm just excited to finally get it done! It's hard to explain to other people about it being my normal to have this thing under my skin in my chest with a needle sticking out of it most of the time, and that I'm excited to finally get back to that instead of having a much more cumbersome and annoying line in my arm. To most people neither of these things is normal and I think it's hard to really understand it without having dealt with these things. Back when I had my first (and only other) PICC line in 2002 for 6 months, I don't think I could have imagined how much I'd hate them later on after getting used to a port and loving it. It's weird to think back to that time when I lived with a PICC for more than twice as long as I've had this one (it's been in for 2.5 months). Anyway, I'll update after the surgery to let you know how it went.

I'm going to head to bed soon and the one plus to not needing to be at the hospital until noon is that I actually get to sleep in! Thanks for stopping by to see me and I hope you're all having a good week.

Sunday, February 1, 2009 9:13 PM EST

"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."
-T. S. Eliot

Hi Everyone,

Okay, I wanted to update but I'm about to go to bed since I have to get up very early to drive from my parents' house up to my apartment/work so this will be short. Let me just say that I'm doing better. Not back to myself by any means but taking steps forward which is all I can hope for. And I'm really looking forward to this week because I'll be getting my new port put in and get rid of this stupid PICC line!! It's been in way too long and I'm more than ready to have it gone and be somewhat back to normal (for me anyway). I think the thing I'm looking forward to most is taking a real shower/bath which I'll be doing just as soon as I can after the port surgery. And it will just be nice to not be dealing with a line in my arm and all the annoyances that come along with it. Just a few more days and then it will be gone! I'm not sure if they'll take the PICC out while I'm at the hospital or if my visiting nurse will come out on Thursday to remove it, but either way I'll be finished with it by the end of the week.

That's it for tonight. I plan on writing a more thorough update tomorrow afternoon when I'm resting after work. Thanks for stopping by to see me and I hope you've all had a good weekend.

Sunday, January 25, 2009 8:55 PM EST

"You can never plan the future by the past."
--Edmund Burke

I'm hanging in there. Things seem to be a little better from time to time but still a struggle. Tonight I'm dealing with a bad headache on top of everything else so I'm heading to bed (later than I was planning on because my roommate came home and there were some issues). We had a snow day today which was really nice. I just stayed in bed all day and watched TV/DVDs and rested. Tomorrow is pajama day for my class so I'm looking forward to that (I have some penguin pajamas picked out to wear) and then theater classes so one of my long days. And Friday evening we have our staff "holiday" dinner where the directors take all of us out to a pretty fancy dinner but unfortunately they chose a place where it looks like I really won't be able to eat much of anything. I'll try to figure something out.

Thanks for stopping by to see me. I'll try to update again before the end of the week and do something a little more thorough. I see my counselor on Friday so hopefully I'll have some more things figured out and be ready to put some things into words. I hope you're all having a good week.

Sunday, January 25, 2009 8:55 PM EST

"Say not always what you know, but always know what you say."

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to figure out how to put things into words but it's a struggle. I feel like I can only handle little spurts of this and for the most part it is difficult enough to be feeling things without trying to explain them since I really don't know the full extent of what's going on with me right now. I do know that everything seems to be more difficult than usual. Every day is much harder to get through. Every conscious action takes much more out of me. It is difficult to be awake. And maybe the hardest part is that I really don't know what is going on or what to do to make things easier on myself. I did end up going home yesterday afternoon because I just couldn't be here at my apartment anymore, not that there's anything really wrong with things at my apartment it's just stressful for me to be anywhere right now and when I'm one place feeling awful, I sometimes feel like it would be a little less bad (I can't say "better", just "less bad") to be somewhere else. In reality, wherever I am I end up locking myself in my room and at least here at my apartment I have my TV, DVD player, and more comfortable bed. But it's hard to be here at my apartment with my roommate (and the dog) around and know that if I leave my room I might have to interact with her (or deal with the dog) which is really not something I want to have to do. After I got home yesterday afternoon I just spent the rest of the day in bed watching some TV shows and stuff online (I love that so many shows are now available online since I seem to never stay awake through shows anymore). This morning I got up (with some difficulty) and went to church and from there headed back up to my apartment where I have been resting in my room since I got back. And tomorrow the week starts again. I feel like I just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and hope that the days go by fast and that I start feeling better, or at least more like myself, soon. I really don't know what else to say tonight so I guess I'll just leave it at that. Oh, except one good thing - I've just made my plane reservations to go out to visit my sister and brother-in-law in Oregon for my April vacation from work. I'll miss one day of work (Friday - the last day before vacation starts) and be gone for 10 days (including 2 days of pretty much just travel). So that's something to look forward to.

Thanks for stopping by to see me and I hope you've all had a good weekend.

Friday, January 23, 2009 7:15 PM EST

"But is there someplace far away, someplace where all is clear,
Easy to start over with the ones you hold so dear.
Or are you left to wonder, all alone, eternally...
This isn't how it's really meant to be,
No it isn't how it's really meant to be..."
--Sheryl Crow

Hi Everyone,

Well, I've made it through the week. Now I have to make it through the weekend. I highly suspect I may end up calling out sick from work at some point next week if I'm still feeling this badly but I'll wait and see how things go. My theater classes will be in full swing - the Thursday classes started yesterday and the Tuesday class starts next week. Right now I am ready for bed (already) and I'll occupy myself with some TV until I can fall asleep. I may not go home (to my parents') at all this weekend. While I don't want to be there, I don't want to be here at my apartment either. I don't want to be anywhere where I might have to deal with people...or dogs. But for now I will just try to fall asleep as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by to check on me and I hope you've all had a good week.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:53 PM EST

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.
We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."
--Barak Obama

Hi Everyone,

I'm doing a little bit better overall. Still struggling but feeling a little less hopeless and starting to figure a few things out. I saw my counselor this afternoon which was helpful. And I have finally gotten my port surgery scheduled! First it was scheduled for next Thursday but a) I have my theater classes in the afternoon and I really can't cancel them or get a sub very easily and b) it's pajama day for my class at the preschool and I will not miss pajama day if I don't absolutely have to. So I called and was able to get it rescheduled for two weeks from today - February 4th. So I only have to live with this stupid PICC line for a few more weeks and then I'll be able to get back into my normal port routine. Now I'm going to take a nap while my doxy runs (or maybe just rest in bed) and go to bed early tonight. Tomorrow my theater classes start again so I need to conserve energy. Thanks for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week so far!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 8:37 PM EST

"Pain, you just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on its own, hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions, no easy answers, you just breath deep and wait for it to subside. Bost of the time pain can be managed but sometimes the pain gets you where you least expect it. Hits way below the belt and doesn't let up. Pain, you just have to fight through, because the truth is you can't outrun it and life always makes more."
--Grey's Anatomy

Hi Everyone,

I know I keep just saying that I'm struggling but I really don't know how to explain it and all I wanted to say tonight is to ask for some thoughts, prayers, healing energy, whatever you'd like to send my way. I don't usually like asking for things like this for myself because there are so many people who need them, but I am having a very difficult time right now, mainly emotionally, and need some help in getting through it. Thanks and I hope you're all having a good week so far.

Monday, January 19, 2009 6:40 PM EST

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Hi Everyone,

I'm still really struggling with things and just don't want to be around anyone or talk to anyone. I'm upset, sad, angry, frustrated, and just sick and tired of dealing with everything. I would really like to just call in sick to work tomorrow and have a day off, although it wouldn't really be a day off since I have to get a dressing change on my PICC line, go over to the art center to help clean up a few things, and go to choir rehearsal, although I may skip choir if I'm still feeling the way I'm feeling now. The cold I have isn't very pleasant and I'm just exhausted in general. I plan to go to bed very shortly (yes, I know it's very early). I hope these clouds I feel around me will lift soon and I'll start feeling a little better. It's possible it's part of a herxheimer reaction from re-starting antibiotics, but I don't know. Right now I just feel overwhelmed and all I can think about is making it through each day and making it to the end of the school year when things will be easier, at least for a while when it comes to work.

Thanks for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week so far!

Sunday, January 18, 2009 8:26 PM EST

"Dark of winter, soft and still, your quiet calm surrounds me
Let my thoughts go where they will; ease my mind profoundly.
And then my soul will sing a song, a blessed song of love eternal.
Gentle darkness soft and still, bring your quiet to me.

Darkness, soothe my weary eyes, that I may see more clearly.
When my heart with sorrow cries, comfort and caress me.
And then my soul may hear a voice, a still, small voice of love eternal.
Darkness, when my fears a-rise, let your peace flow through me."
--Shelley Jackson Denham

Hi Everyone,

I don't know how long or detailed this update will be but I really need to write something. It's been way too long since my last update. To sum things up right now all I can say is that I'm struggling. I'm struggling physically to continue going to work because I am just exhausted so much of the time and my headaches, cognitive problems, and muscle/skin pain are all worse along with various other symptoms. And I'm struggling emotionally to deal with everything. Part of me is just about ready to throw in the towel and give up because no matter how far I seem to come, something always comes along to set me back and it's like I'm constantly struggling to keep going. And sometimes I'm not sure if it's worth it all. I am back on IV antibiotics (Doxycycline) as of Tuesday morning. I saw Dr. H (PCP) on Monday and it was clear to both of us that I need antibiotics again. I was off them for 6 weeks and at first I was doing okay, feeling good after finally getting rid of the staph infection, but I eventually started getting worse as always seems to happen. And I'm waiting to hear back from the surgeon about getting my new port put in. I'm more than ready to be rid of this PICC line and back to "normal" with the port.

I really don't feel like writing anything more tonight. I wrote kind of a long thing about how I'm struggling today and posted it on my blog, although I'm not sure if I should have posted it at all since it's my deeply personal feelings but they are my feelings and I guess sharing them is okay as long as people treat the blog entry with care. There is a link to my blog at the bottom of this page if you care to go over and read it. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you've all had a good weekend. I'm looking forward to an extra day off work tomorrow and then the big day on Tuesday when we (finally) have our new president in office!

Sunday, January 4, 2009 8:35 PM EST

"Sometimes the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected. You gotta wonder why we cling to our expectations because the expected is just what keeps us steady; standing; still. The expected is just the beginning. The unexpected is what changes our lives."
--Grey's Anatomy

Hi Everyone,

Well, this is the eve of the last day of vacation for me which is too bad. I really feel like another week of resting and generally not doing a whole lot (and catching up on things) would be nice but I guess I just have to look forward to having some extra afternoons free for the next few weeks until my theater classes start up again and plan for February vacation. The break has been good and I've done a lot of...nothing! My days largely consisted of hanging out on the couch in the living room on my computer and/or watching TV and movies. I've been fighting off a cold since the last week of school before break and that has really worn me out which is apparent to me by my inactivity since usually I get restless and go out just for the sake of going out, but lately I've really needed the time on the couch taking it easy. I think part of the fatigue is also due to my continuing anemia as well as the beginning of going downhill when it comes to Lyme since I've been off antibiotics now for just over a month. At my last appointment with Dr. H (which I don't think I ever updated on) she wanted to "wait and see" how things went for another month (which is really frustrating and hard to be patient about) before we talk about restarting antibiotics. She also wanted to see how the anemia does - if it hasn't improved by my next appointment in a few weeks then I'll most likely go on to see a hematologist. And she gave me the green light to get another port placed but I've kind of wanted to bury my head in the sand and ignore the medical world so I haven't made an appointment with the surgeon yet, but I'm more than ready to be back to "normal" (for me anyway) and not have to deal with the PICC line and everything that goes along with it. So I'll call this week to get an appointment to see him and hopefully get everything figured out by the end of the month. I also see Dr. B on the 19th so I'll see what he has to say about everything.

As far as how I'm feeling...well, I can slowly feel things getting worse which is frustrating. I'm more fatigued, my concentration and memory are getting worse, my sleep isn't great (although I think part of that might be because of the bad sleep pattern I got into over the break), I've had some slight vision issues at times (blurry/double vision mostly), and other little things. I wish it was easier to know what's causing what but I guess there's no way to know for sure, just have to make educated guesses and try different things until things get better. Oh, I also have to make an (overdue) appointment with the pulmonologist from the hospital to get repeat chest scans and PFTs. I really would just like to take a vacation from everything medical - be able to be IV-free and feel okay, take showers when I want and not worry about getting things wet, not worry about doctor's appointments, etc. - but I guess the best I can do is take things as they come and try not to get overwhelmed when it feels like there's too much to deal with.

Well, I've packed up all my stuff and I'm going to attempt to fit most, if not all, of it in my car and head back up to my apartment. Ugh, I don't want to go back to work tomorrow...but at least I have the afternoon to rest and relax. Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you've all had a wonderful long weekend!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 8:26 PM EST

One small year
It's been an eternity
It's taken all of me to get here
The hands of time
They pushed my down the street
They swept me of my feet to this place
And I don't know my face

One small year
I wonder where I've gone
It shouldn't seem so long or so weird
And I was always here
It's just one small year
--Shawn Colvin

Hi Everyone,

Happy 2009 to everyone! I can’t believe 2008 is over and as I look back at it, I realize just how much I have gone through and it kind of amazes me. But even with all of the difficulties I experienced and the obstacles I faced, I wouldn’t consider it a bad year. Because it’s these complications that offer us the opportunity to grow. If everything was easy and we didn’t go through these more difficult times, I don’t think we would really appreciate everything around us and we would not be pushed to live life to the fullest when we are able to.

I’ve begun writing this a few days before the official end of the year because I know this will be a process and I’ll need the extra time to really say what I want to say and reflect on the eventful year that is coming to a close. In this past year, the words that come to mind are change and release. Bear with me here as I try to get my words to display the meaning behind them.

If you know me very well, you may know that I tend to have trouble dealing with change. When things are good, I want them to remain that way and I cling to traditions and tend to be at least a little upset when things do not happen as I feel they are supposed to. A good example of this is our Christmas traditions which really have not changed much over the years except that we (the kids in my family) don’t get up at 5am and eagerly watch the clock as the minutes tick by to 6am when we were allowed to get up and open our stockings and presents from each other. I love our traditions. It’s difficult to not have my older sister here with us for the holidays. I generally have a hard time coming to terms with changes – whether it’s people, events, traditions, or whatever it may be. I think all of this has to do with needing stability, things to count on being a certain way, when other areas of my life are completely out of my control. This year has included a lot of change, especially when it comes to people in my life. At church, the music director, director of religious education, and accompanist have all left and new people have stepped into all but the last role and it’s been difficult for me to warm up to them at times. And at the preschool, not only did I start out the year having to get to know and work with two new teachers, but the other assistant teacher left after only a few months and I have had to get to know another new teacher. And then, of course, there is the loss of my wonderful cat, Elise. There is a wonderful quote from the miniseries Taken that seems appropriate. "How do you let someone go? How do you understand that that's alright, that everything changes? How do you find a way to make you feel good about life instead of breaking your heart? The hardest thing you'll ever learn is how to say goodbye."

The other aspect of this past year that stands out is the ways that I have had to learn to release, to relinquish some control, to let go of the expectations I have for myself, and to go a little easier on myself for the things I simply have to do in my best interest. Of course, the main thing I’m thinking about here is my leave of absence from work this fall. I was always so resistant to calling in sick, unwilling to take the time off because a) I only had so many sick days and b) I didn’t want to make things harder for the other teachers at work. I felt guilty when I would call in sick but there were days when there was just no choice. But I would let it get to that point before I would “give in” and make the call so I could take care of myself first and foremost.

Looking back to the end of May (boy, that seems like such a long time ago) when my “fever journey” began and thinking through everything that happened until my hospitalization in early November, it amazes me that I was able to drag my body around for so long in the awful shape I was in. But in the end, I was left backed into a corner with my body finally falling apart to the point where all I could do was lie on the couch. Moving was difficult because it took so much energy. The fevers had taken so much out of me that I just could not keep going and it’s a shame it had to get to that point before someone finally realized that something was very seriously wrong and I really needed to be in the hospital. But when that day finally arrived, I was somehow totally unprepared for the reality of it and giving up control was not an easy thing to do. All that was going through my mind when my PCP called and told me I needed to be admitted was, “No, I can’t go into the hospital now, I have my theater classes!” But things like this don’t usually wait until it’s convenient and our schedules allow an interruption to take care of ourselves.

I have had to let go and float along with the rough waters because fighting against them just doesn’t work. Fighting the current takes too much energy and living in denial of the reality of the situation only leaves you unprepared for the day when you can no longer ignore it. After being on leave from work for more than a month, taking a day off here or there doesn’t seem like a big deal.

Maybe the biggest thing 2008 has given me is more perspective on my own health situation. I’ve seen how bad things can get if I don’t stand up and scream that something is really wrong when I first realize it. For months I knew something wasn’t right, I was getting sicker and sicker, the treatment I was on for Babesia wasn’t working, and it seemed like my doctors just didn’t know what to do or didn’t think anything drastic needed to be done (more often it seemed more like the former). And when things get bad, it’s possible (maybe probable) that you’ll get to a point where you lose control and have to just let go, and sometimes that’s okay and necessary in order to recover.

I’m still recovering from the staph infection and trying to get my body back on track, figure out what treatment I’ll need to go on next, and get a handle on my anemia. Who knows how long these things will take to figure out and how long it will be before I’m back to where I was a year ago. Comparatively, I was doing pretty well a year ago and I believe I’ll get back there; it might just take a while.

So here is to a happy and healthier 2009! It’s been snowing pretty hard here for most of the day so we have a white New Year and I have no intention of leaving the house until next year (not that I had planned to go out tonight anyway). Tonight I will ring in the New Year with my family – apparently my siblings, their significant others, and I are going to hang out, play some video games, and just spend some time together as the year comes to a close. I hope you all celebrate in your own way and I hope you all ring in the New Year with people you love (and a little bit of champagne is always nice). And here’s a look back at some of my pictures from 2008:

Thursday, December 25, 2008 3:26 PM EST

"Christmas! The very word brings joy to our hearts. No matter how we may dread the rush, the long Christmas lists for gifts and cards to be bought and given--when Christmas Day comes there is still the same warm feeling we had as children, the same warmth that enfolds our hearts and our homes."
~ Joan Winmill Brown

"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more."
~ Dr. Seuss

"Christmas is a day of meaning and traditions, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends."
~ Margaret Thatcher

"This is the message of Christmas: We are never alone."
~ Taylor Caldwell

Hi Everyone and Merry Christmas! I've had a good Christmas so far with a nice relaxed morning of opening presents with my family followed by a nice brunch and some down time. We'll leave to go to my brother's girlfriend's house in just a little while to have dinner there which should be good. I have some pictures from the day so far that I've put into a slideshow for you. Enjoy!

And I want to share with you what was inside the Christmas card from my older sister. She re-wrote "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" for me so here it is!

'Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the house
Animals drank eggnog with brandy
And were getting quite soused.
Things were spirited and rowdy,
In good Christmas cheer,
When quick as a wink,
Who should appear?
Why, Cedric the bear
All the way from North Pole!
Hibernating he wasn't
Rather, gifts were his goal!
Birds, deer, and 'gators
All gathered 'round
The jolly polar bear
None making a sound.
"Christmas!" exclaimed Cedric,
"It's all about love!
My gift to you this year
Is a sleighful of HUGS!"
As he passed them out freely
The room began to glow,
Hugs multiplied everywhere,
They even melted the snow!
Love spread out the door
And throughout the town,
Filling hearts with Christmas joy
Until no one was down.
As Cedric bounded off
Over hills fluffy and white,
He said, "Merry Christmas to all
And to all a good night!"

Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:47 AM EST

All my gifts are wrapped and under the tree, my stocking is hung by the chimney with care, I had a busy day of baking and going to two churches (mine and my mom's) and singing at both of them, and I'm ready for bed. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and I'll be back with a "real" update, complete with pictures, later this week or this weekend.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:38 PM EST

In the bleak midwinter
Frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,
Snow on snow,
In the bleak midwinter,
Long ago.
--Christina Rossetti

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the lack of updates. And this one won't be a real one, I just wanted to post that I'm hanging in there, survived my three weeks at work and now I'm on vacation until Jan. 5th, my theater classes are over and their shows went well, and I'm looking forward to Christmas! Tomorrow I'll be spending the whole day baking until I have to leave for church. Things health-wise are okay but I'm fighting off kind of a nasty cold so that hasn't been much fun.

I'll do a more thorough update later this week with some pictures! Thanks for continuing to check in on me and I hope you're all having a great week and enjoying whatever holiday you may celebrate!

Monday, December 8, 2008 8:01 PM EST

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest times,
if one only remembers to turn on the light."
--Albus Dumbledore

Hi Everyone,

Okay, I'm due for an update but I'm pretty low energy (or high fatigue, depending on how you want to look at it) today so I'm going to keep it short and to the point. The labs I had done last Monday showed some improvement in my white cells, neutrophils, and liver function and I went in and had them drawn again today to make sure they're continuing to improve (maybe even normal by now?). I was able to draw through my PICC line - it's very fickle with the blood return so I can't count on being able to draw labs from it but today it was a good little PICC line and allowed me to avoid being stuck. I'm also being retested for Babesiosis to make sure that I'm not still positive for that. Also on a medical note, I developed a body rash on Friday - the same rash that I had back in August from the Claforan (or at least that we attributed to the claforan). Dr. Hubbuch took a quick look at it and said it's possible it's a delayed reaction to the Vanco. It's always something with me! So I'm itchy but it's not as bad as when I had it the last time and I have a prescription antihistamine (which doesn't help that much) so I'm managing alright. I also had a long visit from the admitting nurse from the VNA I'm with now that I'm up at my apartment on Friday. I really didn't like her, from the moment that she came in and had the gall to ask me to turn the heat up. I wasn't feeling great (tired, a little hungry, annoyed) so I wasn't that friendly but I just couldn't bring myself to be very friendly when she was treating me like I didn't know much about dealing with IV lines, infusions, etc. She was here for about 2 hours - way overboard - and spent a while talking to the pharmacist at my infusion company (who gave her a little bit of a lesson on Lyme disease which I was thankful for), talking to a few people at the VNA, and generally just doing way more than was necessary but at the same time not listening well enough to get a good picture of my history and experiences! Frustrating! But she's just the admitting nurse, my regular nurse will be out on Friday afternoon to change the dressing (possibly sooner since there's some dried blood around the entrance site - I have to call about that tomorrow to let them know).

Umm...in non-medical news, I'm now in production-mode for my theater classes. This weekend will be the performances of The Frog Prince by my intermediate class and then next weekend, after a lot more work and a few more rehearsals, will be the performances of Little Women by my advanced class. They have a lot of work to do and I hope they pull it together, but if not, oh well! It's kind of out of my hands at this point. I'm really trying to focus on not getting stressed out about the productions. They'll be what they are and I can't control the kids or force them into studying their lines as much as they need to so at this point I've done what I can do and I just need to guide them, I guess. If you're in my area and want to come see one of the shows, send me an e-mail and I'll give you the details. The shows are cute and the kids do a good job but it's not a professional production so you just have to keep that in mind. Oh, and my little kids have their performance of Goldilocks and the Three Bears on Thursday afternoon - they're the ones I'm least worried about!

Okay, believe it or not I'm actually going to get ready for bed now. I'm tired and don't have a reason to stay up much longer (I need to do a few things for the theater classes before I can actually go to bed). It's going to be a long few weeks but I only have 9 more days of work before I'm off for 2 weeks for the holidays! Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you're all having a good week so far!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008 10:07 PM EST

"I will shatter and I will break
And I'm usually the first one to make a mistake
Oh but God only gives us as much as we can take, I bet..."
--Lori McKenna

Hi Everyone,

This will be very short but I wanted to post something since it's been quite a while since my last update and there are some things to update about. First of all, I started back at work yesterday and so far it's going alright, although I'm definitely getting tired out and will have to be careful and pace myself. But it's definitely good to be back there and with the kids, no matter how crazy they might be sometimes.

On a not-so-good note, there are some issues with my labs - basically my white cell count is in the toilet and my ANC was critically low on Friday. Both have come up a bit as of yesterday but still aren't good. Just in time for me to go back to work and be around germy kids! Perfect! So, since this could be caused by the Vanco, I've been taken off of it, for now anyway. I was almost done with the 4 week course of it but it worries me a bit to have had to stop early. But I saw Dr. H (PCP) yesterday and she spoke to an ID doctor at Mass General and together they decided to draw blood cultures (mostly because I had a few fevers last week), test for a few other things, and wait and see. If I get another fever, Dr. H will be pulling the PICC line and then...I really don't know. But if things stay okay, I'm hopeful that when I see Dr. H in a few weeks we'll be able to come to an agreement about when to get a port. And I imagine I'll be getting labs again either this week or the beginning of next week to make sure my white cells are coming up further. It's frustrating to have more issues, especially when it seemed I was doing alright. Oh, and I can't get a blood return on either lumen of my PICC line and one of the lumens is kind of sluggish but no one will do anything unless I stop being able to infuse. And I refuse to go back to Mass General to have it replaced unless it becomes necessary and there are no other options of places to go (basically, I won't go back there ever if I can help it).

Alright, that's it, I'll update more as I know more and/or as I remember more things to add. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week!

Saturday, November 22, 2008 1:16 PM EST

"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel
until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow."
--Lin Yutang

Hi Everyone,

Okay, a bit of an update and then my pictures from Tampa. First off, I'm doing alright, although I'm pretty worn out and needing to take this coming week to rest as much as possible so I'm ready to go back to work on December 1st (a week from Monday). I'm getting annoyed at my PICC line and missing my beloved port. I've been more than 2 weeks now without a fever! Woohoo! The vanco seems to be doing a good job and I have only 2 weeks left of it. I saw Dr. B (Lyme) yesterday and filled him in on all that happened in the hospital and everything (he had heard nothing about it which didn't surprise me). He wants to wait and see what my labs look like and how I'm doing when the vanco course is done before deciding what to do next. And he wants to see what the repeat Babesiosis testing shows, too, which seems reasonable. So, health-wise I'm plugging along and slowly (sometimes very slowly) regaining strength and feeling better.

The trip to Florida was nice and it was hard to return to the frigid northeast but I'm adjusting alright. I'm at my aunt and uncle's now with my dad and I'm taking it easy as much as possible (I'm still in my PJs!). I think I need a nap this afternoon. So, Florida was good. I made it to the Florida Aquarium on Thursday and it was nice although I was disappointed to find that the penguins aren't out for people to see all the time, just during their penguin promenade shows which only happen 3 times a day. So I went to one of those shows and sat just feet (or maybe just a foot at times) from two penguins so that was cool. Without further adieu, here's a slideshow of pictures from Florida as well as some videos from the aquarium.

Leaf Dragons (pretty cool)



More Fish


Hope you enjoyed those! Well, I'm going to go get dressed and maybe take a little mini nap until my aunt gets back with lunch from D'Angelo's for all of us. I'm either going home tonight or tomorrow morning and then I have a theater rehearsal (for The Frog Prince, my middle group) in the afternoon. Then I have to head up to my apartment for an appointment with Dr. H (PCP) first thing on Monday morning and hopefully I'll get to pop in at the preschool for a little visit! I have a bit of stuff lined up for this coming week but it shouldn't be too bad, just a little bit of a preview of what things will be like when I get back to my "normal" routine, as normal as it can be. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you have a great rest of the weekend!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 3:34 PM EST

"One small cat changes coming home to an empty house to coming home."
--Pam Brown

Hi Everyone,

I'm not going to do an update on me today because I have the sad news to report that my beloved cat, Elise, passed away yesterday. She was 14 and had been sick for quite a while with FIV and then with probable lymphoma in her brain and on her kidneys so it wasn't entirely unexpected, but that doesn't make it easier to deal with the loss of a loved one. We got her (well, she was originally my cat) when I was in 7th grade and I still remember those first few days and months with her very clearly. My favorite memory is from the first night that she was with me. I was worried she would get lost in my room so I had her in my bed with me for the night. She slept for the first half of the night and then I was awoken to her down at the foot of the bed under the covers playing with my feet! She was spunky and sometimes had a bit of an attitude, but that was just who she was. I think I'm having a harder time dealing with this since I was in the hospital and then only home for about 12 hours before leaving to come here to Florida so I really didn't get a chance to spend any time with her for the last few weeks. But perhaps that's how it was supposed to be and how she wanted it to be. I did get to say goodbye to her over the phone as my mom drove her to the vet's office and she will be cremated with her ashes returned to us. I plan to spread most of them around the cottage in Maine and possibly keep a little bit but I haven't totally decided about that yet.

Here is a slideshow of Elise from the last few years. (I don't have any pictures of her from when she was a kitten on here because that was before we had digital cameras.)

I'll do an update on me in the next few days but I won't have many pictures since I found out that I left all my computer connection cords for my camera and cell phone at home so pictures will have to wait until I get back home. Thanks so much for stopping by. If you have pets, give them a hug and appreciate them while they're here. Have a good week.

Sunday, November 16, 2008 1:06 PM EST

"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
--Hans Christian Andersen

Hi Everyone,

Well, I'm updating from sunny Florida!! I made it!! It's kind of hard to believe the whirlwind of things that have happened over the last two weeks and it's pretty amazing that I made it here at all so I'll just soak up the sun, enjoy the getaway, and take this time to do some healing and regain some strength. Amazingly just 48 hours ago I was in the hospital waiting (and waiting and waiting) for interventional radiology to call me to go down for my PICC placement and I was so frustrated and didn't think I'd ever get out of there. But here I am! I have to say that the nearly 10-day stay (I went into the ED (Emergency Department) at 6pm on Wednesday and was walking out around 5pm on the following Friday) made me appreciate nurses so much. It's interesting to think how important nurses are to the patients and how you can get attached to certain ones who are really nice and do everything they can to make you more comfortable in what they know is not a great situation. While I was in the hospital I got 2 stuffed animals - a cow from the preschool and a frog from my mom. I named the cow Maria after my last nurse who was so nice and really worked hard to get me out of there (and seemed so sympathetic and upset when things kept going wrong). And the frog is named Raj after the infectious disease medical student I had who was really nice and I really liked. It's too bad all the doctors weren't nice - I didn't like most of them and there are certain ones I hope I never see again in my life. And I'm just glad that the whole experience is over!

So, now I'm in sunny Florida after kind of a drawn out trip down here. Our flight was delayed about an hour taking off and arrived about an hour and a half late so we didn't get to the hotel until about 10pm and I still had to do my Vanco infusion (2 hours) so it was a late night. But I have time now while I'm here to relax, nap, and just take it easy. My two goals are to (1) get to the aquarium which is right around the corner and which has penguins and (2) to meet up with some of the people from my infusion company - it's looking like that will be for breakfast sometime. Anything on top of that will just be icing on the cake. I'd love to go to the Florida Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg and also the Salvador Dali museum (also in St. Petersburg) but I'm really not sure that will happen. It's just nice to have a change of scenery and be away from home and the hospital! It's a weird adjustment from hospital life where everything is done for you (which is frustrating for me since I want to be as independent as possible) and the "real world" where you can do things for yourself. Like take your own medications, hook up your own infusions, choose where and what you want to eat much more than the limited options in the hospital (or even in the cafeteria). So I'm adjusting and getting used to the real world again but loving being free!

As far as how I'm feeling - I'm tired and get worn out easily, I'm trying hard to eat more but that makes me feel sicker so I'm not sure how long that will last (it might just be a response to getting to eat non-hospital food all of a sudden), I'm getting used to the PICC line and really missing my port, and I'm generally just having to take it easy and slow but still no fevers and I'm generally doing pretty well! I really am not liking having to deal with the PICC line, especially trying to change my clothes while hooked up (tonight I may just unhook for 10 minutes go get in my PJs). But it's really nice having a double lumen line and when I'm done with this course of Vanco and get to go see the vascular surgeon (same one that placed my port) about getting a new port I'm going to explore my options of a double lumen port to help simplify my life a bit. With the single lumen I could infuse 2 things at once since I had y-connectors that kind of made it 2 lines, but the 2 things had to be compatable and a number of the antibiotics I've been on aren't compatable with my PPN mixture. (I'm going to start calling it PPN instead of TPN or hydration since it really is PPN - Partial Parenteral Nutrition.) I still have a sore wrist from one of my IVs and I have sticky tape residue in various places. I'm hoping to manage some kind of shower tomorrow - I brought garbage bags and packing tape! I ordered a PICC shower cover but it won't arrive until tomorrow to MA, not here, so I'm stuck with other means of covering it until I get home.

Okay, expect some pictures from Florida with my next update. I can't get internet in our hotel room because it's only wired internet and for some reason my computer won't connect properly so I'm using my dad's computer here in the room and I'll be able to (hopefully) get wireless in the lobby so I'll update next from there with pictures from the hotel and the surrounding area. For now I'll leave you with a picture I got online.

Thanks so much for coming by to see me and I hope you're all having a great weekend!

Friday, November 14, 2008 9:47 AM EST

"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on."
--Winston Churchill

Hi Everyone,

The most basic of updates this morning. Still in the hospital. Waiting to get the PICC placed, get a chest x-ray, and get out of here! I've been waiting for the PICC line placement for about the past 36 hours and I'm getting very frustrated and impatient since that's the last thing I have to have done before I can go home. Things are getting set up with my infusion company and then with a visiting nurse to do the dressing changes at home.

Oh, wait, the PICC line guy just came in. I'll update when that's all set!


No luck with the PICC insertion at bedside which I was afraid would happen. He could only get the guide wire in up to just before my shoulder and then it wouldn't go any further so that was it. And since I've had this problem before with my PICC insertion back in 2002, he didn't even bother trying the other arm. So now I'm on the list with radiology to go down and have it placed down there. They say it should happen today and my thought on it is that it had darn well better happen today or I'm going to escape somehow! It's just so frustrating and I'm trying to keep my cool and stay positive and everything but I'm so sick of being here and to have something so seemingly small holding up my discharge is just so frustrating. I guess frustrating is the word to describe most of my stay here. Frustrating and waiting. I'll update when I have more news about things.


PICC line is in. I'm just waiting for the paperwork to be finished so I can get out of here! After I get out my dad and I will go to my apartment so I can pack up what I need from there (including my suitcase) and hang out for a little while and then we'll go over to the airport to pick up the shipment of my medical supplies coming up from my infusion company in Florida. And then we're on our way home! I'll be up late packing and doing my Vanco infusion since the flight it's coming in on doesn't get in until 10pm but that's okay. I'll update again from sunny Florda!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:47 PM EST

Listen to the lapping waves
Forget about your wants and craves
Just drift into the wind
Let your soul and mind begin anyway…

Don’t worry ‘bout the twists and turns
The little things that cause the hurt
Don’t dwell upon the past
You know paradise never lasts anyway…
Oh anyway…
Oh anyway…
--Patrick Giddings

Hi Everyone,

Okay, not a whole lot to update on but I figured I'd do an update. Apparently (according to the regular team, not the pulmonologist) the TEE didn't show any infection so that's good. Not sure what the enlarged side means but I'll wait and ask pulmonology, I guess. I did PFTs this morning and I think they were normal but I haven't gotten the final word on that yet. I'm having a TB test done so they injected the stuff under my skin on my forearm and it'll get read on...Friday I guess/hope. But that won't keep me here. Still waiting for the 72 hours to go by for the blood culture. As of this morning it was negative so that was 48 hours - getting there. They want a sputum culture but my cough is dry so they tried to induce my coughing something up with a nebulizer treatment but that didn't work so I get to have that re-done at about 5am tomorrow - tons of fun to get to wake up to. My roommate was discharged today so the other side of the room is empty right now (they're cleaning it) and it seems so much bigger without the curtain dividing it up and without someone else in that other bed. I'm hoping (probably falsely) that I'll be by myself for a little while. At the very least, I hope my new roommate, whoever it is, is quiet and easy to deal with. My last roommate was pretty crazy and a little difficult to deal with. She was having a loud and very rude conversation this afternoon while I was trying to talk to Dr. H (PCP) on the phone so that was a little difficult.

In exciting news, I took another shower today. And in even more exciting news, I'm allowed to have my parents take me down to the cafeteria today! So when they get here around 5pm we'll do that. It will be so nice to get out of the room and possibly get some better food. They (the doctors on my "general" team) seem concerned about my limited eating but think that it will miraculously get better. One of the doctors (one I don't like very much) said that one of the things that has to happen for me to go home is that I'm eating better. I said, "That's not going to happen. This is how I eat." She doesn't seem to get it. And she is adimently against my getting any kind of IV nutrition. She just doesn't understand what it is that I get at home in my IVs and thinks of it as TPN rather than hydration with some nutrition added in. And she seems to be under the impression that the team will be following me when I leave and doing the orders for hydration and that stuff. Thankfully I got to talk to Dr. H (PCP) this afternoon and filled her in on everything - she had had no contact with anyone since Thursday afternoon so she didn't even know about the infection being identified. So I filled her in on everything the best I could and told her the frustrations I'm having when it comes to the nutrition stuff here. And she said, "Well, when you go home I see no reason why you can't just get your normal stuff through the PICC line," which was always my plan and is what I told the doctor this afternoon when we were talking about all this. And Dr. H was going to try to get in touch with the head doctor on the team to get filled in and just touch base. I wish she had been more involved in things up until now and included more with the team but since she's not here at Mass General they just don't care about keeping her informed, I guess. I'm frustrated with it. Back to the nutrition stuff, today they're having me record what I eat and my nurse, Jen, who is so sweet, made me this little booklet that says "Annie's Food Diary" on the front. I just asked for a piece of paper to record things on and she made the little booklet. I've had her most of the days I've been here (except for 3 days I guess) and she was on the night I came in so I've had the most consistent contact with her and that's been good since I like her the best.

So the plan from here is just to wait for the 72 hours to finish, assuming the cultures are negative (which everyone expects them to be) I will have the PICC line placed tomorrow sometime, and then I'll be discharged either tomorrow or Friday. The doctor (the one I don't really like) said it's 50/50 whether I'll go home tomorrow or Friday. But it was obvious I wouldn't be home in time for my theater classes tomorrow starting at 3:30pm so I called the art center about that and someone will cover for the classes and do games and stuff with the kids so at least they'll have class. Oh, and Dr. H is fully supportive of my going to Florida and thinks it will be really good for me so that's nice. So hopefully I'll have a day or two to get myself together at home, pack, and head off to sunny Tampa Bay! It's supposed to be mostly sunny and in the mid-70s the whole time I'll be there so I'm really looking forward to pulling out some warmer weather clothes to pack for the trip. I've been working on my packing list for the past few days and just want to get to the actual packing at this point! I'll have to go to my apartment to get some things (including my suitcase) and finish up the packing at home where my clothing supply is growing. So hopefully in...72 hours I will be at the airport with my dad awaiting our flight (or possibly on the plane, I'm not 100�ure when our flight is but it's sometime in the later afternoon)!

Well, I'm going to rest a bit and watch something on my computer (not sure what yet). I watched some episodes of "The Muppet Show" earlier today - my brother gave me the first season for Christmas and I hadn't had a chance to watch any yet so that was fun. And I'm waiting to get some IV Zofran on board for some nausea left from lunch. Originally I was going to get some phenergan because it was too early to get zofran again but the pharmacy has taken such a long time that it's now time when I can get zofran so Jen said she'd just give me the zofran instead since it works better (and is IV so it helps faster). I hope you're all having a good week and thanks so much for stopping by to see me! I'll update again tomorrow or the next day - at the very least I'll update when I know when I'll be getting out of here.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 8:01 PM EST

"When I find myself fading, I close my eyes and realize my friends are my energy."

Hi Everyone,

Just a quickie update tonight. The TEE (Transesophageal Echo) was done today at about 1pm after some confusion as to whether it would happen or not because I took my morning oral meds but they worked it out (thank goodness) and it didn't have to be rescheduled again. Then I got to take a shower since the dressing was taken off my port site. So the shower was a big excitement but it was a lot to do right after having the TEE done with the sedation they used so by the time I was finished with the shower I was ready to throw up and fall asleep. Zofran helped with the former. Some food and just lying down in bed helped with the latter. Then I had a visit from the pulmonologist I saw yesterday plus another one (that's higher up on the doctor ladder, I gather). He (the new one) asked some questions and I found out, among other things, that the TEE showed that one side of my heart is enlarged - not a great thing but it's all so unknown that no one is willing to say for sure that it's related to the infection. And no one is willing to say for sure that the spots on my lungs are related to the infection, either, but they did say that the spots aren't serious and overall my lungs are normal. So that's good. But I get to do PFTs (pulmonary function tests) tomorrow so that should be tons of fun. I thought I was done with those kinds of tests but I guess not. Oh, and earlier in the day today the nutritionist that I saw yesterday came back to talk some more. She asked about whether I'd be open to the idea of trying enteral feeds and my response was that, yes, I'd be open to it but I'm not open to anything that will lengthen my stay here right now. So I guess it's kind of up in the air as to whether GI is going to come by and see me while I'm here. In some ways I think it would be good to be evaluated by someone else who understands the trouble I have eating and how few calories I get in on a daily basis because Dr. R (GI) doesn't seem to be that concerned about my nutritional status...ever. So being evaluated for the possibility of enteral feeds is something I really am open to but not necessarily on this visit. They basically don't want me on TPN or PPN or anything like that if they can help it. And I'm obviously not getting what I need from my food. They have put me back on fluids (D5) after a "trial" day yesterday off of them during which I didn't do very well. So now my evening Vanco is running and I'm going to curl up with a DVD or something for a while and maybe doze a bit off and on. I really ought to go for a walk down the hall since I haven't done any walking today and I seem a bit antsy (my foot won't stop shaking) but I don't know how likely that is to happen.

Anyway, thanks so much for stopping by to see me! I'm still hoping deep down for a release tomorrow but know that realistically Thursday is more likely. I just really want to get out in time to make it down to my theater classes in the afternoon so think good "out of the hospital by 1:30pm on Thursday" thoughts and good "negative blood culture" thoughts tomorrow morning for me. Hopefully tomorrow will go smoothly! No more NPO nights!! I hope you're all having a great week so far.

Monday, November 10, 2008 9:23 AM EST

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
--Ambrose Redmoon

Hi Everyone,

I just wrote a whole update and then the nurse came in and things have changed so I'm updating the update. The weekend went okay. I haven't had a fever since starting the antibiotics on Friday night! So I'm 3 nights fever-free which is a very good sign after many weeks with a fever every night. Nothing happened yesterday and today I was supposed to have the transesophageal echo (TEE to make it easier to type) today but just got word from the nurse that both the nurses that do the echos are sick today so all of them have been cancelled. I was NPO for it but I'm not anymore so my nurse just ordered me some breakfast. So it will happen tomorrow and I'll be NPO again from midnight tonight. I just wish things would happen the way they're supposed to for a change!

I'm getting blood cultures taken - one set was taken at about 4am but she couldn't find another vein to take the other set from so I'm waiting for the IV nurse to come try to find a vein. I'm becoming more and more protective of my one good vein in my right arm - everytime they use it I get nervous that I'll lose it. I lost a vein in my left arm when I had cultures drawn in the ER and I just can't afford to lose any veins! So think good sterile blood thoughts that these cultures won't grow anything so I can get the PICC line on Wednesday and get out of here hopefully that same day!

Okay, I'm off to send a few e-mails and then watch some TV shows online and maybe read a bit - I'm trying to balance out my TV watching with some reading now since I do have 2 good books with me. I hope you all had a good weekend and thanks so much for stopping by to see how I'm doing. I'll update again when something happens or I just feel like updating.

Saturday, November 8, 2008 8:32 PM EST

"And sometimes I don't have the energy
To prove everybody wrong.
And I try my best to be strong
But you know it's so hard,
It's so hard."
--Dixie Chicks

Hi Everyone,

Just an update to say that the port is out. I finally got taken down at 6pm after not being able to eat or drink since midnight (I was more frustrated with the not drinking than not eating, although I was getting hungry and would have liked to have snacked on things). They got it out alright, but I think it had pretty well become part of my body and attached itself in there so they had to work a little to get it all out. Now I kind of have a day off with mostly just labs and blood cultures tomorrow. Then NPO (nothing by mouth) again after midnight tomorrow for the transesophageal echo on Monday (hopefully early on Monday) and then we just wait for the cultures to NOT grow anything before I get to get the PICC line and think about going home! There's a little concern that they saw some nodules on my lungs in the CT scan they did last night but they're not doing more testing or anything, they might just talk to pulmonology and see what they think and if they want to send someone in to consult.

I'm probably here until Wednesday - not the Monday I was hoping for but I'm coming to terms with it. I'm finally able to eat and drink so I'm finishing up a little something for dinner so I better get back to that. I'll update again when there's more news!

Friday, November 7, 2008 7:03 PM EST

"Do what you can with what you have where you are."
-Theodore Roosevelt

Hi Everyone,

Okay, here's the latest update. I won't go into too much detail. Basically after a few days of being here they found that my peripheral blood cultures (drawn from my arms, not my port) grew staph. Not a good thing but a diagnosis so that's good. What it means is I have to have my port taken out because, even if the cultures don't grow the staph themselves, the infection is there in my blood and most likely in my port, too. So that will happen tomorrow. Tonight I'll be started on IV Vancomycin for the infection. I just had a peripheral IV placed in my left hand (the IV nurse got it on the first stick - very good since I have awful veins!) which I'll have to rely on after the port is taken out until my blood is sterile, which I'm hoping will happen very quickly. Then I'll get a PICC line put in and go home to finish the month-long course of antibiotics. Oh, and they'll do testing to see what antibiotic this strain of staph is most susceptible to and switch me if they find it's more susceptible to another antibiotic. And after the month of antibiotics, I can get another port put in. I may decide to get a double lumen port but I really don't know. So that's the plan.

I've also had two cardiac echos done, I have to have a CT of my chest and abdomen done tonight, I'll have a transesophageal echo done sometime, and I think that's it for those kinds of tests. And a ton of bloodwork. Seriously, I don't know how many tubes they've drawn. And I had 2 peripheral blood cultures taken in the ER and then 2 port blood cultures taken while I've been here - so that's 8 bottles of blood...yikes! So lots of blood work. Don't know if any of it showed anything other than that I'm still anemic and my platelets and white cells are borderline low (just what the doctors told me) and probably ruled out a bunch of stuff.

I'm not feeling too bad at the moment. No fever right now (fevers the past 2 nights, though) and I slept pretty well last night. My appetite is even worse than normal since I got in here and I haven't been getting my usual little bit of IV nutrition (amino acids and vitamins and minerals that are added to my hydration) since it took Nutrition until this afternoon to come up and talk to me and figure things out and they can't do anything resembling TPN without Nutrition taking care of it first. But I should be getting it tonight (I hope). After a bit of a struggle I'm getting pretty much all my regular medications but no supplements which isn't great but, oh well. I've been able to get my IV Zofran which is fabulous - I mostly need it in the morning when I'm most nauseous and have the hardest time eating it seems. I've been kind of frustrated and I'm annoyed that I'll be in here longer than I had hoped and planned (I was figuring on getting out by tomorrow - Saturday - but now it's looking like Monday is what to hope for). Unfortunately I have a not-so-great roommate that complains a lot and can be quite loud with her complaints - kind of a "the world is out to get me" mentality. But I'm dealing with it the best I can by putting on headphones and listening to music or watching DVDs or just tuning her out.

On an up note, the preschool sent me a beautiful flower bouquet and a stuffed animal cow! I was really surprised to get it this evening and touched that they thought about me and wanted to send me something. I love the cow - it's really cute and I'll have to come up with a good name for it. It's so nice when you're not expecting anything and then something shows up to cheer you up!

Okay, well the IV in my hand is stinging a little so I'm going to stop typing. Hopefully the CT will get done soon and I'll get a good night's sleep again tonight. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. And think good "getting out of the hospital on Monday" thoughts for me and just generally that things will go smoothly from here on out. I hope you all had a great week and have a fun weekend!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 3:47 PM EST

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm headed into the hospital for a few days. I saw Dr. H this morning and after my appointment (which didn't really bring about anything new) she spoke to an infectious disease doctor at Mass General who thinks I need to be admitted since this has gone on far too long and I need a more thorough work-up. So hopefully it will only be a few days and I'll be out by the weekend. And hopefully they'll actually figure something out and be able to get me feeling better!

Also, I'm officially taking the month of November off from work. A difficult decision but I think it makes sense since I'll be gone for a week in Florida (week after next) with my dad and then there's Thanksgiving week and everything. So I just hope I'm feeling well enough to get back to work by December 1st!

I'll update once I'm home and (should) have some answers.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 10:56 PM EST

"Sun rises, night falls, sometimes the sky calls.
Is that a song there, and do I belong there?
I've never been there, but I know the way.
I'm going to go back there someday.
Come and go with me, it's more fun to share,
We'll both be completely at home in midair.
We're flyin', not walkin', on featherless wings.
We can hold onto love like invisible strings."
--The Muppet Movie

Hi Everyone,

Another quick update tonight - election day - I voted and I hope you did, too! I'm back up at my apartment for the night because I have an appointment with Dr. H (PCP) at 8:30am tomorrow. Dr. H called and left a message for me yesterday saying that she talked to Dr. B (Lyme) and they're both very concerned about my situation and the continuation of the fevers. They think it's time to consult with an infectious disease doctor to see if we're missing anything and get another opinion. So she asked around and got the information for a doctor at Mass General who apparently specializes in tropical diseases (Babesia is a Malaria-like disease) and she was trying to get in touch with him before I make an appointment but she hadn't when she left the message for me. So it looks like I'm headed for another doctor (ugh!). I'm also supposed to make an appointment to go see Dr. R (GI) but I'm putting that off until everything else is a little more settled down. So my appointment with Dr. H tomorrow morning should be interesting and hopefully we'll make some headway. I need to talk to her about my anemia and how badly I feel from it. If we can boost my counts (through medication or a transfusion) I think I'd feel a lot better! After my appointment with Dr. H I'll probably go get some breakfast at the little diner I like and then I have to go over to the preschool to talk to one of the directors about things. I want to go back to work on Monday and I think my body would hold up for it alright (especially with help for my blood counts) but I may have to fight to be able to do that - fight the director, not fight my body. I really want to get back, I miss the kids, I miss the teachers, I miss being there. But at the same time, I need to decide what is best for me and my health so I'll talk to Dr. H about it all tomorrow and see what she has to say about it.

As far as how I'm feeling - I'm tired and my appetite is very low. Yesterday I had a fever pretty much all day - from about 11am into the night when it either continued on or morphed into my usual nightly fevers. It got up high in the afternoon/evening and went over 104* so I spent the whole day on the couch sleeping most of the time and generally not feeling well. Today I'm at least fever-free (*knock on wood*) but expecting to have my usual nighttime fever and night sweats. My shortness of breath and cough are still pretty bad - another thing to talk to Dr. H about tomorrow.

Well, I'm going to get ready for bed soon (my roommate and I are watching an episode of Law and Order right now, though, so I might stay up to finish watching it - or I might fall asleep watching it). Thanks so much for stopping by to see how things are going. I hope you're all having a good weekend so far! I'll try to update after my appointment with Dr. H.

Saturday, November 1, 2008 11:05 PM EDT

"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope."
--Martin Luther King, Jr.

Hi Everyone,

This is going to be a quick(ish) update because I'm worn out and just not feeling great. Okay, so medical stuff first. I did labs on Thursday and got the results yesterday and they are...well, the worst they've ever been as far as anemia is concerned. Red cells down to 3.29, hemoglobin down to an at least somewhat scary 9.3, and hematocrit at 30.4 down from 34.8 just two weeks ago. So these labs are scary and frustrating but support how I'm feeling. I saw my homeopathic nurse practitioner this afternoon (I really am doing everything I can and seeing everyone I can - SOMEONE has to get it right at some point!) and she was concerned by my labs and by my whole medical prediciment. We talked for a while, I filled her in on things the best I could and she's treating me with a homeopathic remedy based on the malaria-like symptoms including the anemia. So I got a dose of that in her office and I'll check back in with her in a week and let her know what my labs are like and how I'm feeling. She's hopeful that this will make a difference in a week and at this point I'm ready for anything that could work! She also strongly urged me to take some more time off of work because I'm not feeling better and my labs are so bad. So that leads me to the semi-medical topic of work. I talked to one of the directors of the preschool on Thursday and said I was feeling a little better (wishful thinking - I felt like I must feel better after a week of rest!) and would be back on Monday. But given my labs, the fact that I really am not feeling any better (in fact possibly worse in some ways), and my NP's urgings, I'm taking another week off of work. I really didn't want to do it but I honestly don't know how I'd manage to go back feeling the way I'm feeling. I don't know how I plugged along for so long before this crash and time off.

That's it for tonight. Don't forget to turn your clocks back an hour tonight! (It's nice when we gain an hour in the night but not so nice that it will start getting dark earlier.) Thanks so much for stopping by to see how things are going. I hope you're all having a good weekend so far!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 11:15 PM EDT

"It isn't how it's supposed to be
Living on a rollercoaster
The valley's too low and the hill's too steep
It isn't how it's supposed to be"
--Michael Troy

Hi Everyone,

Yes, it's late and I should be in bed and that's where I'm headed as soon as I'm done with this but I wanted to quickly update tonight. This week seems to be going well - I'm spending pretty much all my time on the couch watching TV/DVDs, reading some, sleeping, etc. It's nice to be able to relax, sleep in, and just have a good break for my body. Tomorrow (Wednesday) I have an appointment with my mom's chiropractor since I'm home and it seemed like a good time to get in there. I was going to try to get a massage there too but we found out their massage therapist isn't there anymore.

Sunday was kind of a long day with church and then a trip up to my apartment to get some more things (mostly that I'd forgotten when I went up on Friday). At church, I shared a little about what's going on with me and I was amazed at the outpouring of support, love, and offers to help. People I didn't even know came up and gave me hugs. It was one of those times when I'm reminded that I'm accepted no matter what. That it doesn't matter if I'm working or not. That it doesn't matter if I support myself or live with my parents and rely on them. It's all okay and I'm supported and loved just for being myself (that sounds more corny than I was going for but the sentiment is there). And today I had my advanced theater class (the Little Women class) and I'm really struggling with some of those kids just feeling like they can do whatever they want. I'm going to have to do some brainstorming before next Tuesday to figure out how to handle it.

Health-wise I'm still having fevers, mostly at night - high ones the last two nights. And my night sweats are a major issue that wake me up throughout the night and make me so uncomfortable. I'm starting to take little mini-showers most mornings (using the hand sprayer) since I can't take full showers because of my port. And I wash my hair. That makes me feel a little refreshed and less gross from the sweats.

Okay, time to go to bed. I'll try to update again before the end of the week (I certainly have the free time!). Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you're all having a good week!

Saturday, October 25, 2008 7:00 PM EDT

"We are more than what we do...
much more than what we accomplish...
far more than what we possess."
--William Arthur Ward

Hi Everyone,

Okay, I figure I'm due for an update. Especially after such a frustrated one last week. Unfortunately things aren't any better. I saw Dr. H (PCP) on Wednesday and I'm really frustrated with how little she's doing about this. I wish she could live in my shoes for a few days and see what it's really like before deciding what to do. But I can't really put all the blame for my not getting better on her since the treatment options basically suck! The treatment I'm on is the better of the two treatment options, I'm on high doses of the medications, but (and this is almost a direct quote from Dr. H) I have a "resistant strain". Grrrr! It's so frustrating to have a doctor say that but then not really figure out ways to try to treat it better! So, still having fevers (although the past few days they haven't been scary high - they've stayed below 104*), having horrible night sweats, my breathing and coughing seems to be worse, and generally I'm just feeling awful. I have read some about a treatment option for severe cases (which I think mine qualifies as) so it's something I have to read a bit more about and bring up with Dr. H when I see her (or talk to her) next time.

So, that being said, on Thursday I was feeling awful and just totally exahausted - like my muscles weighed a hundred pounds and it was just too much work to move them or stay upright. I went to work, managed to drag myself to my theater classes (after having to wait for AAA to jump my car since I apparently left the lights on from my short drive to work that morning - grrr), and got to my parents house where, within about a minute I had dumped my stuff, taken off my shoes, and curled up on the couch on my way towards sleep. I slept off and on all evening and pretty much decided that night that I needed to take Friday off work to sleep because I had hit that breaking point I knew I was headed towards where I just couldn't ignore my body anymore. So I called in sick on Friday morning and slept until a little after 11am (about 12 hours after going to bed) but of course it was far from a peaceful night's sleep since I wake up a lot, a lot of the time because of night sweats which have been awful. If you've never had night sweats, let me just say that when it's bad you wake up drenched in sweat and have to change your clothes and get a different pillow (and if I was more with it and had more sets I would change my sheets, too). I hate them even more because I can't just get up and take a shower and feel better because of my port. At least at my parents' house I can wash my hair in the tub with the hand sprayer and wash off a little better than at my apartment, but it still makes me feel awful. And they're so draining.

Okay, so back to work. So I made the decision to take Friday off but didn't have enough stuff with me to spend the rest of the weekend at home so I had to drive back up to my apartment yesterday afternoon. I had spent the whole rest of the day in my pajamas on the couch and then taking a shower (which was really tiring) but the drive wasn't too tiring and I got almost everything I needed to get. And I made the difficult decision that I have to take some substantial time off of work to rest and try to regain some strength because I've bottomed out. So, I'm taking all of next week off. I wrote and sent the e-mail to the directors and another one to the lead teacher this evening and hopefully it will be okay and go over alright. I hope they've been able to see how awful I've been feeling and, in some way, knew this was coming. I think I knew it was coming, I was just hoping it wouldn't be so sudden. It was really hard. It was hard to decide to call in sick yesterday because I hate to have to give up parts of my "normal" life. Each little bit I give up feels like a step backwards. But if I take this step now, hopefully it will help me avoid even more serious decisions later on. So I'll mostly be at home (my parents' - well, just my mom's since my dad is away all week) this week, sleeping a lot (it's been 12 hours each night the last 2 nights), spending a lot of time on the couch with my pillow and blanket and DVDs, and if I'm feeling up to it perhaps a little bit of baking but I'll have to wait and see about that. I do have to go back up to my apartment tomorrow after church because there are a few things I forgot (like my second pump and a lab kit and my Little Women script and a few other odds and ends) but hopefully that will be quick and I can return to my spot on the couch. My week now is looking pretty restful. Nothing on Monday, Little Women theater class on Tuesday, appointment with my counselor on Wednesday evening, 2 younter theater classes on Thursday, and nothing on Friday or Saturday.

Now I'm off to lie down again and rest some more and maybe have some dinner in a little while. Thanks for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good weekend!

Friday, October 17, 2008 4:17 PM EDT

"Live to the point of tears."
--Albert Camus

Hi Everyone,

First of all, I want to mention something about the quote I chose for today's update. I know the meaning behind it is supposed to be to live life fully, but it seems to have a different meaning for me as I struggle so much everyday and just want to dissolve into tears most of the time. Right now I'm literally living to the point of tears. I'm struggling so much. I'm so used to being able to just put on that happy, healthy mask and go about my day, pushing through the pain and exhaustion and frustration. But lately, that mask has been getting thinner and thinner and people can much more easily tell how things are going and how I'm feeling. When I start getting a fever at work (often brought on by going out when it's a little too chilly for my body, apparently), people say I get really pale. People are worried about me, some of them have a tendency to hover a little bit and try so hard to do anything they can to help make things easier for me, and I appreciate that but it's hard for me to give these diseases that much ground. It feels like every little thing I give up in order to deal with what I'm dealing with is giving the diseases that much more, taking steps backwards towards that "old life" that I had before last year when I jumped into this "new life". If I'm totally honest with myself, I don't really feel up to be doing most of what I'm doing. I drag myself around to the preschool, to my theater classes, to church, to run errands, and it takes its toll. I'm fighting so hard but I feel like I'm just trying to swim against a current too strong to make any progress with. I've had enough of this Babesia. I'm just so sick of it, so frustrated, so exasperated, so exhausted, so...I can't even find a word for how mad I am that I'm still dealing with it after so many months. It's been 4 1/2 months of fevers reaching up over 105*. I don't even see how I'm still going, how I've managed all these months. But I'm at a breaking point and it's so hard to deal with.

Okay, enough of the venting, here's a quick update on how I'm really doing. As you might have guessed by the venting, the fevers are still rampant. On Thursday I increased the treatment (doubled the Meprong, increased the Zithromax, started to increase the Artemisinin) and I kind of walked on eggshells all weekend as I seemed to not be having those really high fevers. Although, when I took my temp at various times, it was high (as high as over 102*) but the fevers weren't my typical fevers. I spent the weekend resting, relaxing, running errands, and generally taking it easy the best I could. It was a long weekend with Monday off so it was nice to have the extra day. Work on Tuesday was okay but it was a really long day since I stayed at my parents' on Monday night and had to leave at 6am to get back up here in time to get to work on time and I went to choir rehearsal which went until 8:30pm so I didn't get home until about 9:30pm. And that night it caught up to me and I had a high fever during the night - up over 104*. And that repeated itself on Wednesday night, after I took a 3 hour nap in the afternoon and tried my best to rest and recover from the fever. And it happened again last night (Thursday night). So needless to say I've been really exhausted and running on fumes pretty much for the past few days. And today it caught up to me even more as I got a fever while at work from going outside in the slightly chilly weather - my body apparently can't handle being slightly cold. I stopped at Starbucks on the way home from work and got myself a little coffee treat (trying to cheer myself up after the sucky week), came home, ate some lunch, and stayed in bed for a while. Apparently something I ate or drank wasn't good on my stomach and a few hours ago I threw up everything I'd eaten and drunk for lunch and possibly breakfast. I'm sipping at some coke and not eating anything for now and of course it was nice to be able to give myself IV zofran right afterwards. I don't know if the vomiting is related to the fevers but it's not the first time I've been throwing up during a fever, this time it was just a heck of a lot to throw up. Sorry, it's gross, I'll move on. I left a message for Dr. H (PCP) yesterday giving her an update and she left me a message back saying a week is a little early to worry that the fevers aren't gone but they should (hopefully) be gone in another week. I see her on Wednesday next week and something is going to happen then, I just don't know what.

I really just don't know what to do, how to handle this with what limited reserves of energy I have (which are very close to empty). At work, the lead teacher in my classroom is worried about me and trying to make accommodations to give me a break whenever she can which is nice but makes me feel like I'm not pulling my weight. One of the directors is really concerned and is trying to do what she can to make things easier for me and give me a break but, again, it's nice but it makes me feel kind of bad because I don't want it to seem like I can't do what I'm supposed to do. I'm just so sick of it all and would be so happy if I could just get back to where I was last year. I didn't appreciate it enough while I was there but I guess that's what happens with hindsight.

I've blabbered enough. I need to pack up a few things, go pick up my Domperidone refill, and head home for the night. My cat (Elise) goes to the vet in the morning so please think some good cat thoughts for her. She's doing okay but not really improving from the antibiotic treatment she's been on so we'll see what happens at the appointment. Then I'm borrowing my sister's truck (I hope - haven't talked to her about it to finalize it) and coming back up to my apartment to go pick up the couch and loveseat for my living room with my roommate. I really hope I'm feeling up to that. If not, I guess we'll have to put it off a week or two. And then back home at least for church on Sunday if not on Saturday night and I'll swap back to my car and hopefully have some time to rest in there! Thanks for stopping by to see me and thank you so much to those of you who have signed my guestbook recently - the messages have lifted my spirit a little bit and reminded me that there are people out there who are dealing with similar things and are there for me if I need them. So THANK YOU! I hope you've all had a good week and that you have a great, restful weekend.

Saturday, October 11, 2008 2:01 PM EDT

"I believe in fairytales and dreamers' dreams
like bed-sheet-sails
And I believe in Peter Pan
And miracles and anything I can to get by.....
and fireflies."
--Lori McKenna

Hi Everyone,

Okay, I have a bit to update on and hopefully I won't forget anything. I'm actually writing this from the Art Center (where I teach my theater classes) as I fill in for the day at the desk. It's just from 10am-2pm and I'm getting paid to basically go online, read, etc. but it's a little strange to be back here at the desk after about a year and a half away from it. It's not so bad and I've killed time pretty well what with so much to do online. Anyway...the update on things.

So I saw Dr. H (PCP) on Thursday morning and here's the deal. She agrees that these fevers need to be stopped and that therefore the Babesia treatment needs to be increased. So now the Mepron (aka "yellow paint") dose is doubled (meaning I get to take 2 teaspoons of this wonderful yellow paint twice a day), I'm supposed to try to increase the IV Zithromax to 500mg instead of the 400mg I've been doing, and I'm working on the artemisinin (an herb) dose to get up to 3 capsulse 3 times a day. I'll get back in touch with Dr. H in a week and I see her in 2 weeks (well, now it's more like a week and a half). If all of this stuff doesn't work...I don't know what we'll do but I'm hopeful that we'll finally get a handle on the fevers and everything else with this more aggressive treatment. Not a lot else happened at that appointment. She really wants me to go on this new IV antibiotic that sounds like a good option but is really expensive so I have to have some conversations (or e-mails) with my infusion company about the likelihood of insurance covering it and whether it might be possible to do it for a few months. It's one I haven't tried before and she thinks it would be better for me to try this one than just go back on the ones I've been on before (because I pretty clearly need to be on another antibiotic getting more at the Lyme in addition to everything else I'm on).

I've had some scary-high fevers in the last few weeks. I had one on Sunday evening that got up to 105.6* at one point and one on Wednesday that actually sent me home early from work because I had full-body chills and I was feeling awful. I'm so sick and tired of them and at how they're affecting things in my life so much. At the preschool, I'm having trouble because I just don't have the energy to put into the things I have to do and I really struggle to keep up with things (and the kids). I'm just not myself and the directors (well, one in particular - there are two of them) has really noticed that I'm struggling and offered to get coverage for some of the early mornings ("early birds") that I currently work to give me some more time to rest and just have a little later morning. So now on Wednesdays and Fridays I don't have to be at work until sometime between 8:30 and 9am so this will give me a little bit of a break. And it's temporary which is nice - I've struggled with the idea of having to cut back on my days there and taking the (currently open) part-time assistant teacher position that is only 3 days a week but that would mean being in that position until the end of the year and I don't plan on being this sick until the end of the year. I don't plan on being this sick until the end of the month! Wishful thinking...but maybe that will help. So, anyway, I'm run down and just feeling pretty bad most of the time.

But I have a long weekend (no school Monday) which I'm very happy about and I'll have a chance to rest, clean out my room at home a bit more, and run some errands (and perhaps do some baking!). My brother is home this weekend, too, so hopefully I'll get to hang out with him some. Oh, and my younger sister just got a puppy - a puggle (cross-bred pug and beagle). As I've said before, I am NOT a dog person and I'm kind of mad that she went ahead a got the dog even though our parents had not said yes (she still lives at home). My parents' house was my "dog free zone" but now I guess there is no such thing for me anymore. The puppy is cute, but cuteness only gets her so far - she's still a dog and I prefer cats. Speaking of which, my cat is pretty much the same which is good.

Well, it's time to close up shop here and go run some errands for a few hours. I'm trying to collect a few more things for my apartment and need to stock up on some things from BJs (wholesale store). Hopefully my energy will hold up for a few hours! Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a great weekend. And I'll try to update in the next week with how I'm doing. Think good "fever-free" thoughts for me!

**Addition: 7:42 PM** Just got my lab results from this week and they aren't good. My hemoglobin is down to 9.6 - the lowest it's ever been - red cells and hematocrit have also dropped, BUN is low, total protein is low. Basically the labs don't look good. I know it's the Babesia wreaking havoc on my red blood cells and they should get better as the treatment does its job, but it's so hard to watch the numbers drop week after week and feel helpless to do anything about it. It's no wonder I'm tired being so anemic! Here's hoping the increase in medication works and my labs look better next week!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008 4:38 PM EDT

"Don’t tell me how wonderful things will be . . . some day.
Show me you can risk being completely at peace,
truly okay with the way things are right now in this moment,
and again in the next and the next and the next. . ."
--Oriah Mountain Dreamer, "The Dance"

Hi Everyone,

Well, things are not going very well. I don't want to write a completely downer of an update, but that may be what comes out today. One good thing is my apartment/roommate situation which is good after a bit of a rough patch this past week (about my roommate, Melissa's, dog). I think we have to go through rough patches with people (and places) and get to the other side to see the connection grow and become more comfortable. So hopefully this will be a good step forward for me and Melissa. I also got a nice rocking chair for my room since I had space for another chair and felt I needed one. I got a used Bentwood Rocker which our friends down in Tennessee have and I've always liked it. It fits well in my apartment but I only got it on Friday afternoon and soon after, I headed home so I haven't had a chance to really get a feel for it.

Now, for the not-so-good things. Things at work are not good. The lead teacher (I'll call her "J") is very difficult to deal with and I feel that I'm viewed as a helper to her instead of more of an equal teacher. The other assistant teacher ("H") and I have talked about it when we've had the opportunity and we both feel the same way but she is really getting burnt out because she's in grad school and has a nannying job so she is giving her notice next week (it's either 4-weeks or 1 month written notice). I'm sad about that because I like her and like working with her but perhaps if she's able to talk candidly with the directors, they will see that there are issues and try to do something about it. Work is not fun. I don't like going in most days. I am worn out but I also just dread dealing with J.

Crossing the work/health line is an issue that I've been mulling over for the past week or two - the possibility of cutting back on my days at the preschool at least for a little while. I don't know if it would be possible for me to only work 4 days a week, and I know it would be a big struggle financially with my needing a lot of help from my parents to make ends meet, but right now my health is pretty much in the toilet and not getting better with the way things are. It's possible that, with H leaving, I could take her position as a part-time teacher and only work 3-days a week, but then I would be locked into that for the whole rest of the year and that would be a huge struggle financially - I just really don't know how I could manage that and I would hate to be having to rely on my parents for so much again. But needing to take care of my health and cutting back on work has been brought up by my counselor, my holistic health counselor (kind of a nutritionist), and my parents so I guess it's something I can't ignore. I'm waiting to talk to my PCP on Thursday about it and then I'll decide whether or not to meet with the directors and discuss my options. This is a really difficult decision because it feels like taking a step backwards from where I was last year. It is so frustrating to have been doing pretty well and staying relatively stable through the school year last year and now be dealing with so many debilitating things that are literally sucking the energy out of me and making it really difficult to keep up with my life.

So, as for straight health stuff, the fevers are still raging and being as draining as ever. They are coming every few days still, getting up high (usually over 103* and often up to 104* or 105*), and being incredibly draining. On days when I don't have to work in the afternoon (most Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays), I usually go home (to my apartment) and fall asleep for a few hours which is really not like me. My body is just so depleted that it can't operate well and I'm having trouble keeping up with my commitments. And as it is, I am not making ends meet financially (can you tell that's a stressful issue for me?). I came home (to my parents') last night and a fever started coming on when I was about halfway home so by the time I got home I was feeling pretty awful. So I dragged my stuff in and immediately crawled into my parents' bed where my mom was lying down resting (she had a procedure done this week - more on that in a minute). I felt freezing and my mom got to see first-hand what my full-body chills are like and how long they last (about an hour last night, I think) and then I fell asleep for more than an hour in her bed. Today I'm feeling exhausted from that fever and it only got up to about 103.6* that I know of, so it wasn't even one of the really really high ones. It's so frustrating to be doing the treatment but not seeing improvement! It makes me wonder if the stuff I'm putting into my body is doing anything at all and if I need to try another treatment (there aren't a whole lot for Babesiosis). I've had it with the fevers, but what can I do? I feel so helpless against them and this disease which is even worse after finally feeling like I was on top of it. And there are questions I have about the kind of damage these high fevers could be causing. My aunt brought up the question of them affecting my brain, and who knows what else it could be doing. I'm definitely weaker than I was, my eating is not very good and, although my weight is staying relatively stable right now, it's a low normal for me. I'm really just at my breaking point and Dr. H (PCP) better have some suggestions, answers, magical cures, something when I see her on Thursday!

Okay, enough about me, on to other members of my family. My mom had a nuclear stress test on Monday which showed one of her arteries was blocked so on Tuesday she had a cardiac catheterization and had stent placed in the artery. She stayed overnight and is recovering at home but is feeling better. She'd been having trouble with her breathing and chest pain since last spring so it's a relief to hopefully have it taken care of. Elise, my cat, has perked up and what we thought might be a final visit to the vet this morning turned into a check-up. She is starting back on an antibiotic (that I've been on before) for toxoplasmosis which she was diagnosed and treated for in the late winter/early spring and got a lot better on, so it's worth trying it to see if it will help. She's eating a lot, has gained back some strength, and seems more alert and the vet feels she's definitely got some spunk left in her so we're not giving up on her yet. My brother called home this afternoon and apparently is having trouble breathing (and his roommate - who has a car - has left for the weekend) so he spoke to a nurse at the university health clinic and he's going in there to be checked out which he is nervous about. He may have pneumonia or something like that so please send a little good energy to him. No news on my uncle but he could still use some thoughts and prayers for healing.

Okay, that's it for today. If you think of it and could send me some good thoughts/energy on Thursday morning around 9am when I see my PCP I would appreciate it. We need to figure this out to stop these horrible fevers and get me back on my feet!! Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a great weekend so far. I'm off to run a few errands and then take a nap before dinner (if I'm up to eating - just had lunch a few hours ago so I'm not sure how hungry I'll be). Everyone enjoy the fall weather and take care of yourselves!

Saturday, September 20, 2008 9:37 PM EDT

"Once I dreamed I was a butterfly,
and now I no longer know whether I am Chuang Tzu,
who dreamed I was a butterfly,
or whether I am a butterfly dreaming that I am Chuang Tzu."
--Chuang Tzu

Hi Everyone,

Just a really quick update tonight since I'm so exhausted from a fever for most of the day. I'm at my aunt and uncle's in CT (got here yesterday) and today I went up to pick up my brother in Amherst and see his apartment and bring him down to their house. And my dad came to pick up some clapboard that they had lying around (my parents are doing some work on the house). But in the early afternoon, as we were eating lunch, I got those telltale chills and eventually went outside to sit in the sun to warm up a bit (not really a good idea but I was going for comfort instead of trying to keep the fever to a minimum). So during that time it shot up from 99.9* to over 103* and I've been battling it to some extent all day. It's exhausting to deal with it and I pushed myself to stay up while my brother and dad were here but when they left (my dad took my brother back to Amherst) I went and took a 2 hour nap. And since getting up from that, I've still been totally exhausted. I feel a little bit like my cat who is having a lot of trouble walking (and has a ton of other things wrong - mainly she has FIV: Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) and ends up veering off course into the walls or falling over while she walks. I've been feeling that way this evening and walking around is interesting.

I just wanted to update to let you all know that I'm hanging in there and enjoying my weekend here at my aunt and uncle's. Tomorrow (Sunday) I have to spend most/all of the day working on editing and typing up the script for "Little Women" for my advanced theater class. That will be quite a project but I'm hoping I'll be up to doing it since I really want to have the scripts for the kids on Tuesday. Thank goodness I can submit files to Staples online, order the number of copies I want and how I want them bound, and then just pick them up! Such a lifesaver when I don't have time to bring it anywhere to be copied/printed. So that's my day tomorrow.

And then on Monday morning I see Dr. B (Lyme) which I'm hoping will be a good visit. Things are generally not good right now what with the fevers still an issue, not being able to do the Claforan because of the rash it gave me a few weeks ago (I still have blotches on my skin from it), and I'm just generally having a hard time. There are some other things going on, too, that I need to talk to him about but I'm going to wait to post anything on here until I've talked to him and gotten his opinion. I really need some good ideas of what to do! And I don't know what my labs were like this past week because I drew them yesterday and haven't gotten the e-mail with the results yet (hopefully I'll get it by Monday morning before I leave) but I hope my liver is happier since I've been off the Flagyl for a week and a half.

Before I sign off and go collapse in bed, I want to ask for some thoughts, prayers, good energy, whatever you can send for my uncle. I've mentioned him before, I think, but I want to ask for you to keep him in your thoughts because he just had surgery for his bladder cancer yesterday and he's in a lot of pain from it (although he doesn't really admit it), pain medication doesn't really help him much and he hates taking it. And he is also re-starting chemo because he was able to find out that the only chemo he can tolerate, which he thought wasn't available at all anymore, is available in lower dosage vials so he's able to get back on it (he just has to do like 8 vials of it but insurance approved it so it's fantastic news). Please just help me to send him healing energy and the hope that the chemo will keep the bladder cancer under control and not cause too many side effects. He also has a lot of other health problems and it's sometimes hard to hear about how things are going with it all because I don't want to lose my uncle. So just think of him, pray for him, send him good energy, etc. Thanks so much.

Okay, I'm off to bed (only about an hour later than I was aiming for, but I can sleep in as late as I want tomorrow - yay!). Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you're having a good weekend! Enjoy the nice weather while it's here!

Monday, September 15, 2008 8:25 PM EDT

Refuse to fall down.
If you cannot refuse to fall down,
refuse to stay down.
If you cannot refuse to stay down,
lift your heart toward heaven,
and like a hungry beggar,
ask that it be filled,
and it will be filled.
You may be pushed down.
You may be kept from rising.
But no one can keep you from lifting you
from lifting your heart
toward heaven -
only you.
It is in the middle of misery
that so much becomes clear.
The one who says nothing good
came of this,
is not yet listening.
--Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to do a quick update tonight. Things are...well, a little rocky right now. I'm worn pretty thin, pretty tired most of the time, struggling more than I'd like to be, and just having kind of a hard time. But let me back up a bit. First of all, good news on the insurance front - I was approved as of last Tuesday so the first thing I did (a few days later) was to go and fill my Mepron so I'm now back in business with that and getting it covered by insurance again (no more paying huge amounts out of pocket for that!). So that's a big relief. But of course when there's good news there's always something bad to go along with it (although not always related). On Tuesday when I got the good news, I also had a really bad flare of what I assume was Lyme arthritis that mostly affected my hands and wrists and got worse as the day went on so that by the end of the day I could hardly use my hands. They were painful, stiff, and weak and after I made it through everything I needed to get through on Tuesday, including my first theater class, I went home to my parents' house and just collapsed. I stayed over there that night and called out sick from work on Wednesday since I didn't know how I'd drive myself back up for work and I knew I'd be very little use if I made it to work since I couldn't really do anything with my hands. So, as much as I hated to take the sick day already, it was necessary and I spent the day on the couch with my cat, Elise, watching some TV and just resting.

With other medical stuff, things are rocky with my labs lately. My liver isn't happy and my GGT, AST, and ALT have all been elevated so I've had to stop the Flagyl after only about a week (supposed to be 2 weeks) and I took a little time off of the IV Zithro, but I'll re-start it tonight or tomorrow and I'll see what my labs look like at the end of this week. Dr. H (my PCP) isn't that concerned and thinks it might just be from the Babesia which is possible since my red cells, hemoglobin, and hematocrit are all low (indicators of a flare of Babesia) but Dr. B (Lyme) is more concerned and wanted me to basically stop all medication, including the Mepron, and see what the labs looked like this week. But I'm not stopping everything and going more with what Dr. H wants me to do than Dr. B. But I do see Dr. B on Monday so we'll talk about it then, I'm sure, and hopefully figure things out a bit. We also have to talk about and figure out the no Claforan thing and think up a plan B (or by now it might be a plan N or O).

As for how I've been feeling...well, I'm struggling. I'm really worn out and taking naps in the afternoon when I'm able to (basically everyday but Tuesday and Thursday when I have theater classes). I'm getting frustrated with the fevers which seem to let up only to come back again full force a week or two later and stay for a few weeks at least. Everything has just been hard and I've been kind of close to a break down for the past few weeks. It's hard to keep pushing forward when so much is a struggle and I really just want to curl up under the covers and hide from the world, but so far I'm managing alright. This weekend I'll get to go to CT and see my aunt and uncle and then see Dr. B on Monday (so another sick day taken). I'll have 4 day weeks for the next few weeks with taking the day off next Monday, then the following Tuesday off for Rosh Hashanah, the following Thursday off for Yom Kippur, and then the following Monday off for Columbus Day! So hopefully that will help me get through the next month.

I'm getting settled into my apartment, slowly unpacking things and getting organized. It's nice to be up here but a part of me really wishes I was still living at home, not working so much, and able to take this year "off" from some of the stress that my life seems to have building up. But I'm also happy with what I'm doing and where I'm living and everything. I'm going to have to do some hard thinking about next year. I'm definitely leaving the Boston area because I just can't afford to live here anymore - it's way to expensive. And I'm hoping now to move up to Maine for a year or two but if my health is as rocky then as it is now (which I really really hope it isn't) I may need to decide to stay closer to home for another year which will push me to decide to either move back home or find a less expensive area to live in (and probably find a new job). I won't plan too much right now but it's there in the back of my mind.

And, before I sign off here, here is the slideshow I promised with pictures from the last few days in Maine as well as earlier in the trip. (I'm having some trouble with the slideshow so it doesn't look exactly the way I wanted it to but I can't figure it out right now.) I'll have more pictures to post when I get some off of my dad's computer so I'll probably be posting some more in a week or so. For now, enjoy the slideshow!

Alright, well I have to see if I can get myself to eat something and get to bed relatively soon since I'm so worn out today. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week so far! Oh, and I've given up on NotifyList for now and I may start up my own mailing list at some point but for now you'll just have to check in every once in a while to see if I've updated (I'm trying for once a week at least and I'd love to get in the habit of doing it more than that but we'll see if I have the time). Have a good week!

Friday, September 5, 2008 6:18 PM EDT

"When I find myself fading, I close my eyes and realize my friends are my energy."

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the lack of updates. This will be quick as I'm waiting for my dad to come get me to head up to Maine for the weekend to visit my uncle which will be nice, even if it rains the whole weekend! So, to catch all of you up a bit - things aren't great with me. Last Friday morning I developed a rash on my torso that I could pretty much link right to my morning Claforan infusion. The rash was itchy, red, blotchy, and generally not fun to deal with. I stopped the Claforan after that morning dose and managed to get in to see Dr. H (PCP) on Tuesday and she diagnosed it as a medication reaction after looking at me for about 10 seconds. By that time the rash had spread down my arms, hands, legs, and was on the tops of my feet. She said to expect it to last up to 2 weeks (1 more week to go) and that I could take antihistimines if I felt really bad. So I've been taking Claritin during the day since Benadryl really knocks me out and I'm taking a prescription antihistimine at night and between the two of those it's pretty bearable. It's slowly getting better and hopefully it will be gone early next week. However, this throws a wrench into the plans we had going since I now cannot be on Claforan. It was such a good set-up with my mail-order prescription plan but we'll figure something else out. For now I'm still on the IV Zithro, I just started my 2 weeks of IV Flagyl on Wednesday, I've gotten back on Mepron (having to pay $300 out of pocket for a week of it!), and of course I'm on all my other regular medications and IVs.

I've also been having fevers again, some getting as high as 105* which is scary. It's pretty amazing that even when I have a 105* fever, I'm more functional that one would think I could be. I don't know what the deal is, but I suspect that part of the fevers are due to the Babesia and part of them are due to my Dysautonomia getting worse. I'm not sure why it's getting worse - maybe the change of the seasons is harder on my autonomic nervous system than I realize - but going from warm to cold to warm to cold (like going in and out of air conditioned stores) seems to bring on a fever, sitting in the sun for too long brings one on, suddenly having the temperature drop (like mistakenly opening up windows thinking it's warmer out than it is) can bring on a fever, hot showers can make fevers worse or possibly bring them on, etc. It's frustrating but for now I'm just trying to run extra fluids on days when I have fevers or when I'm feeling worse and just hoping it gets better soon.

Work started this week but the school doesn't officially open until Monday. We've been setting up the classrooms, going on home visits to see new students, getting to know each other, we had a parent orientation last night and a student open house this morning, and hopefully we'll be ready to go on Monday! Everyone at work has been so understanding about the fevers, especially since they (well, the ones who were there last year anyway) know how long these fevers have been going on and how frustrating it must be to deal with them. I was sent home from work early yesterday to get some rest since I had a fever over 102* and today I had shortened hours but by the time I left, I had a fever approaching 103* and I was dealing with chills.

I also had the great opportunity to spend a few days (well...more like nights) with my great friend Heather which was a lot of fun. I stayed with her at the hotel she was staying at and it was nice to get to see her for more than just one spurt of time. I'll have a picture of us to post soon.

Okay, my dad's here so I have to go. I'll post a slideshow with pictures from the last week of Maine next time and try to update again soon! Please keep thinking good insurance thoughts for me. Thanks so much for stopping by and I'd love it if you would sign my guestbook. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 12:19 PM EDT

"Without the dark, we'd never see the stars."
--Bella, twilight

Hi Everyone,

Well, as promised I'm updating again with some pictures. I have to warn you, though, that some of the pictures were taken with my cell phone camera so, while they are relatively good quality, they aren't as clear and nice as my usual pictures. But my phone is handier a lot of the time than my real camera. It was funny, last week there was a perfect kayaking day and I went out for a little while just toodling (not sure on the spelling there, not even sure if it's a real word - I suspect it isn't) around which was nice but while I was out there I was texting my friend, Kat, about a message she left for me the day before. It was just weird being out there in the middle of the lake in my kayak, with my legs hanging out on either side of me so my feet could be in the water (my favorite way of kayaking), texting on my cell phone. I guess you just can't get away from technology but in some ways it's nice to be able to stay connected so easily.

So, things have been pretty quiet here. We went swimming a few times last week which was nice. I got to use my new goggles to swim a few laps but I didn't last very long. It's a lot harder to swim laps when there aren't walls to really clearly mark where the lap begins and ends like in a pool but it was still good. I may go swimming later today but I'll have to see what the temperature is like to be sure I really want to swim since it's such a pain to de-access and re-access my port. Okay, not really that much of a pain, more that it's a pain to have to try to squeeze in what I want to do between doses of different IV meds. But if I really want to swim, I'll swim. On Saturday we spent the day in Camden. My dad, brother, sister, and her boyfriend went hiking and my mom and I walked around in town and did a little shopping. I got a few things for my apartment including to nice wooden salad bowls which I'm excited about trying out. We went out to eat after the hiking group had made it back to town and the place we ate at was nice but I was frustrated with the menu (or maybe just with myself) because I couldn't east most of the things on it. They did have a chicken sandwich but it came with all sorts of things on it and on a croissant so I would have had to ask for it completely differently and didn't feel like doing that, or really like eating chicken, so I ended up with a plain cheese quesadilla and a (not very good) side salad. Needless to say I didn't eat very much and didn't feel great afterwards. This brings up the frustration of trying to go out to eat and find things on the menu that I can eat and actually want to eat, quite a difficult task. I'm...kind of a picky eater. I used to be very picky when I was younger and I've gotten much better but I'm still kind of picky and with all the restrictions on my diet - both self-imposed (like not eating red meat or pork) and imposed upon me by my GI problems - it can be quite a drag to go out to eat sometimes. And I usually leave restaurants feeling sick, but sometimes it's worth it. I don't think last night was one of those times.

One of the nice things I've been able to do is spend some quality time with our cat, Elise, who was diagnosed with FIV (the cat form of HIV) in the early spring. She has very weak back legs and is now an indoor cat (and can be very whiny about it sometimes) but is really sweet and has taken to sleeping on my bed here which is nice. I have unfortunately accidentally push her off the bed with my leg a few times, and not just push her off but push her off on the inside side of the bed so she was stuck between the wall and the bed but I quickly rescue her and she always seems fine...perhaps a bit in shock but otherwise fine. So it's been nice getting to spend time with her, especially since I head off to my new apartment when I get home from Maine and won't see her on a regular basis. I think this year will reinforce the fact that I'm a cat person, not a dog person, since I'll be living with a dog and missing my cat.

I've also been doing a lot of reading. I finished the last book of The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants series which was good. I really like Anne Brashares (the author) and I read another book by her a while ago called The Last Summer (Of You and Me) which I absolutely loved and recommend to anyone looking for a good book to read (it's more targeted towards girls, I think, but guys might enjoy it, too). I also started and finished (within probably a 3-day span) twilight which I borrowed from my brother's girlfriend. I absolutely loved the book and when I'm done here in the bookstore cafe I'll be going into the bookstore to buy the second book in the series. I'm currenty reading a James Patterson book called Jack and Jill which is good (I really like James Patterson and have 4 of his books with me here, one of which I bought at the used book store earlier in the week). My days pretty much consist of reading, eating, napping, a little kayaking and swimming, going into town for various things, infusions, medicine, and spending time with various family members. But now everyone else (except my dad) has left and it will just be the two of us until Saturday when my uncle comes up for the beginning of his 2 weeks here. My dad and I will stay until Sunday to have a little visit with him which will be nice and then we'll return home which I always kind of dread. I used to say that going home meant returning to the real world but my dad has said that maybe this is the real world and everything else is something else - an interesting thought. I love the time spent here and even now as we're doing laundry and I'm here in the cafe sipping on an IZZE Sparkling Blackberry drink it's just perfect. I'm again considering my plans for next year and thinking that before I make the big move 3000 miles away to Oregon I might want to take that year (or 2) to experience life up here. It would also be kind of a test as to whether or not I can be farther away from my doctors without being that far away from them. We shall see what happens with all of that...

Health-wise things are okay. No fevers in...well, at least 4-5 days (*knock on wood*) so that's good. Hopefully this flare is over. Some insurance issues (well, further insurance issues) - the insurance company says they didn't receive the copies of my medical records which I KNOW Dr. H (PCP) sent over to them a week and a half ago so I called her office yesterday and spoke to the receptionist. Apparently Dr. H is away until Sept. 2nd (a week from today) and she told the receptionist which records to copy and send (apparently mailed by snail mail, not faxed as they really should have been) and then she put the records back together with no information saved about what parts of the records were sent! So, if indeed they need to be re-sent, it won't happen until Dr. H gets back in a week because the receptionist seems to be unable to do anything by herself (which is very frustrating). We're trying to have my status as a disabled dependent renewed and the insurance company is certainly not making it easy or doing anything in a timely manner which is really frustrating since I need expensive medications, including the Mepron to treat the Babesia! Dr. H told me that I can't stop the Mepron but I decided to take the rest of this week off since I've run out of it and wait until I get home, give the insurance company and Dr. H's office another week to get things together, and deal with it when I get home - either paying for it out of pocket or, hopefully, having insurance coverage again by then. If we pay out of pocket we'll get reimbursed once the insurance stuff is figured out, but it's still a burden for the time being since it's really, really expensive. So if you could think some good insurance thoughts for me, that would be great! My labs last week were better than the week before. My red cells and hematocrit came back up to normal range and my hemoglobin, while still low, is higher than it was. However, my MCHC (Mean Corpsucular Hemoglobin Count) is remaining low and actually dropped more so I'm not totally sure what that's all about. But everything else is in normal range so I'll take it!

And here are some pictures, as promised. The first 5 were taken with my phone, the rest with my camera.

My dad and brother working on a puzzle


Damariscotta River

My sister, Margaret (aka Meg) and her boyfriend, Doug

Margaret and her "other boyfriend", the Pirate outside the Seagull Shop at Pemaquid Point

A storm cloud coming in yesterday

Well, I better get this posted, go buy that book, and go check on my dad and the laundry. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you're all having a good weekend! And if you'd like to sign up to receive notification when I update here, sign up for Notifylist below. Also, please let me know if you've signed up but are having problems with it or have been unable to sign up - my parents say they've had trouble so I'm trying to figure out if it's just them or if others are also having issues. Thanks!

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Thursday, August 21, 2008 1:20 PM EDT

There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and whilte,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the pepperming wind.

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the dark street winds and bends
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends.
--Shel Silverstein

Hi Everyone,

Sorry it's been so long since the last update but I guess there hasn't necessarily been a whole lot to write about. Let's see...I'm not able to go online as I'm writing this (no internet at the cottage in Maine which is fine) so I don't know exactly when I last updated, but I'll just do a general catching up of the past few weeks. I spent a nice weekend at my friend Heather's house just relaxing, watching TV, and hanging out. It's nice to have a chance to just do nothing with a friend who understands the value of doing nothing (and the inherent need for it - she is also chronically ill). So that was nice. The weekend before that was the moving weekend and we moved most of my big things into my apartment. Unfortunately it rained on Saturday so we put it off until Sunday (since we were going to use my sister's truck to do the moving) and then on Sunday after we started up it started to rain! And my dad and brother were driving the truck up and didn't have a tarp to put over everything so my stuff ended up getting wet (they did stop and get a tarp but by then things were already wet). Everything is okay but one side of my mattress is discolored but thankfully nothing else seems to be wrong with it. I spent the night up at my apartment for the first time last Thursday and it was nice to be there and start to get some things unpacked and assembled. My bed is now all set up and I started putting things away in my closet (which is so nice and big I can't begin to describe how happy it makes me to have a big closet - not because I have a lot of clothes necessarily but because I like having the extra storage space). And I hung some pictures up and stuff like that. I think it will be a lot easier to settle into this apartment than my last apartment where I really didn't feel at home for most of the time I was living there.

I finished up my last few weeks of work at ArtStart (formerly Art Camp) which was kind of bittersweet knowing that this was the end of an era for me - 10 years of working there and this was officially my last summer. It's a little scary to think I won't have that to fall back on next summer but I think it's good in a lot of ways - it will help push me off to do other things or be more likely to pursue my hope of moving. My theater class had its performance of Fairy Tale Courtroom: Witch on Trial on Friday which went really well. The play was really cute and the kids did a good job with it. It's sad thinking this was my last summer class (although, there is kind of still a possibility that if I really wanted to teach next summer, I could). And I finished babysitting which was probably the hardest job to think of not going back to. Morgan, the girl I babysit for, is now 10 and I've been babysitting her every summer since she was 2. She was in diapers that first summer and now she's becoming an independent pre-teen (scary to think of her as a pre-teen but she's heading in that direction). I've become attached to her and I think the feeling is mutual. She apparently asked her mom if she'd be too old for a babysitter next summer and her mom said yes, but that she obviously can't drive herself to the beach so she'd still need a sitter. I'm hoping to at least be around at the beginning of the summer to have an opportunity for a little bit of beach time with her and she'll be in one of my theater classes this fall so I'll still see her. It's been amazing seeing her grow up and I feel I've had a rare opportunity to consistently care for one child and really see her development as an individual.

And now I'm up in Maine, in the middle of the first of two weeks here. My brother arrived on Tuesday and my sister and her boyfriend, Doug, arrived early early this morning (about 3am) so we're all here now. It's been nice although a bit windy and not really as hot as I'd like to feel like swimming but I'm hoping to feel like swimming this afternoon. I bought some goggles so I could do some lap swimming so hopefully I'll get a chance to use them. I've been reading a lot, taking naps, baking (I've made 2 batches so far of cinnamon rolls which are made with bisquick and have kind of a biscuit/scone consistencey but are really tasty), and enjoying being here.

Now, as for the health front of things. The fevers were better for a good 3 weeks but they came back about a week and a half ago while I was at Heather's house and that first one got up to at least 104*. I kept getting them to one degree or another pretty much everyday since then but yesterday I didn't seem to get one (although I was feeling awful because my stomach was in bad shape last night) so hopefully they're letting up (*knock on wood*). I saw Dr. H (PCP) last Thursday and we talked about the fevers which we both feel are from the Babesia cycling and kicking up for a while. So it's possible this will happen every month or so but I'm hopeful that as the treatment goes along they'll become less and less common. My labs last week were bad again which seemed to be expected with the fevers. My red cells, hemoglobin, and hematocrit were all low so the Babesia was obviously doing something to my red cells. I'll do labs again today and hope that they look better or at least not worse this week. I've also been having more headaches and generally feeling worn out but I'm trying to sleep more since I'm on vacation and just doing what I can. My stomach has also not been good. I still have very little appetite and eating just a little bit fills me up for hours. I'm finding that if I eat much of anything for breakfast I can't really eat again until dinnertime if I want to be able to eat dinner. So I'm just not eating much and hoping it doesn't cause other problems. If I try to push myself to eat more (or make the mistake of snacking very much) I end up feeling awful so it's just better to not eat much.

Alright, well I have to go get dressed and ready to go into town to post this and mail some things off, including mailing my Claforan vials down to my infusion company so they can mix them up and send them back up to me next week (complicated). Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you're all having a good week! I'll try to update again soon with some pictures (I haven't taken many yet). And if you'd like to sign up to receive notification when I update here, sign up for Notifylist below. Also, please let me know if you've signed up but are having problems with it or have been unable to sign up - my parents say they've had trouble so I'm trying to figure out if it's just them or if others are also having issues. Thanks!

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Monday, August 4, 2008 11:25 AM EDT

"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to put up a quick update to let you all know that so far things on the medical front are relatively stable. I’m tolerating the Babesia treatment (IV Zithromax and oral Mepron, aka “the yellow paint”) and I have officially been 9 days without a fever!! Yay!! (*knock on wood/unjinx myself*) So it seems that the treatment is doing its job and I can hopefully put the fevers behind me. No idea how long I’ll be on this treatment, I’d guess at least 3 months, possibly longer, but we’ll see how it goes before making any decisions on that front. I’m also tolerating the Claforan and loving the fact that it’s just a 5-minute IV push three times a day instead of an hour long infusion. It’s kind of freeing to just have to do this syringe of medicine instead of a whole bag. I can’t believe that in the 6 years since my first IV treatment I’ve never been on an IV push antibiotic before, but I guess I was just never on the certain kinds of medicine that can be done that way. I’ve also been utilizing my IV Zofran more in the last few days than I had been and that’s been good, I’d forgotten how much that can help to keep the nausea under control. I try to use it sparingly so it will last as long as possible and use oral Zofran when I don’t need the IV and I hope to find a good balance before the end of the summer. So everything on the medical front seems okay. No news on my labs from last week yet but my infusion company (I get my lab results through them) has been a little crazy for the past week or so with a few people out because of a family emergency. So I’ll cut them a little slack for not getting me the results as quickly as they usually do.

In non-medical life, things are okay, too. Only 2 more weeks of work until vacation! Woo hoo! Tonight my project (as far as work goes anyway) is to write the last script of the summer for camp based on the story that goes with the game Candyland (which is our theme for this session). It will be easy to write since the story is right there with the game so I’ll add some things to it and have the script in hand for the first day of the session which is unusual. My theater class is also going well and we have 2 more weeks until our performance (which is Friday the 15th). There’s quite a bit of work to do in our final 4 classes (today, Wednesday, and next Monday and Wednesday) but I think it will all come together well. I need to spend some time in the costume closet to get some things together but it should be a good show. We’re doing a cute play called The Fairytale Courtroom: Witch on Trial and the kids seem to be enjoying it. And my babysitting has been going well.

Everything is kind of bittersweet this summer, knowing that I probably won’t be here working next summer. I have made the decision for sure that I won’t be coming back to camp next summer (a hard decision but this is my 10th summer there so it seems like a good time to leave) and everything else depends on if/when I’ll be moving. The hardest thing to think about is not spending the summer with Morgan, the girl I babysit for. I have been sitting for her every summer since she was 2 and she is now 10 so I have literally seen her grow up, changed her diapers, and spent a good amount of time taking care of and hanging out with her. I’m hoping to get to spend some time with her during the school year – invite her up to my apartment and to spend the day (or possibly stay over) and go out and do some things, maybe go into Boston, stuff like that. And she’s in one of my theater classes so that’s good, too. It’s just hard to think about moving so far away from her and not seeing her continue to grow up. But I’m sure I’ll stay in contact with her even if I’m that far away, it will just take a little more effort.

Alright, well I have to get ready to go pick Morgan up, have some lunch with her, and head over to the beach with one of her friends and then go off to theater class. I can’t believe the end of the summer is so close but I guess that’s just how it goes sometimes. I hope you’re all having a good week and thanks so much for stopping by to see me. And if you'd like to get e-mail notifications when I update this page, please sign up through the notifylist link below.

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Friday, August 1, 2008 10:21 PM EDT

"Live, live, live, live, as close to normal. This is fundamental for all carriers of chronic diseases. Because if you lose your life goal, at that moment, you die."
--Pandemic: Facing AIDS

Hi Everyone,

This will be quick (I think) because I need to get to bed but I realized it's been quite a while since my last update so I better post something! Things have been busy but I now have begun the short two-week countdown to my vacation in Maine for two wonderful, glorious, relaxing weeks. Two weeks from tomorrow morning I will be heading up there with my family (or some of them anyway) and I really need that vacation. I did have a nice kind of mini-vacation last weekend at my roommate, Melissa's family's lakehouse which was nice but not quite as relaxing as I take things in Maine.

On the medical front, I have been on the Babesia treatment now for just over a week and tomorrow morning I will officially be a week without a fever (*knock on wood & unjinx myself*). But, last Thursday was probably one of the worst days as far as the Babesia stuff goes. I started with a fever in the late morning and by the time I went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned in the early afternoon I wasn't feeling very well. And things went downhill from there with my temperature reaching a scary and astounding 105.2* in the mid-afternoon. By the time my mom got home from work it had gone down below 105* (still pretty high) and I did put a call in to my PCP who said take motrin and tylenol and go ahead and start the IV Zithro and Mepron (Babesia treatment). The fever came down with the motrin and tylenol and I was comfortable by the evening, went to bed earlyish, and was okay the next day and determined to make it to the lake house. I had another fever on Friday night (not as high - only a little over 103*) into Saturday morning but nothing since then that I know of. So I'm on the Zithro and Mepron and so far, so good. The hardest thing with the Mepron is eating it with fat but I'm doing my best. And with the Zithro, I'm just infusing it really slow (over 4 hours) and I'm finding that I get really tired after about the first hour and end up falling asleep for a while so as long as I plan for it, it's no big deal since I run it in the evening when I'm usually home resting anyway, it's just not usual for me to fall asleep like that. I also just finished up my 2 weeks of IV Flagyl which I'm glad is over. And when I saw Dr. B on Monday (wow, it's been a long week) he gave me the go ahead to start the IV Claforan so I started it that night and that's been going well. So for a few days there I was on IV Zithro, IV Flagyl, and IV Claforan - quite a busy schedule to juggle. But now without the Flagyl it's easier. The Zithro is only once a day over 4 hours and the Claforan is three times a day but it's only a 5-10 minute IV push so it's really easy compared to other things I've been on. My labs last week had some things off on them but I didn't actually see the results and I haven't seen this week's so I'm not sure where things stand now. I'll update when I get the results if anything is weird.

Nothing much else to report right now. I'm going to be spending the majority of the weekend moving stuff up to my new apartment and I'm going to stay up there tomorrow night which will be nice - a little time spent with my roommate and a start to settling in. Of course I still have 2 weeks here at home so not everything is going to be moved, but I have another bed to move into my room here when I move mine out so that's going, I have the clothes I'm likely to need piled up so that my dresser can be moved, and a lot of other stuff is still out in the garage from when I moved everything home. So hopefully the moving will go smoothly with both my dad and brother around to help.

I hope you’ve all had a good week and thanks so much for stopping by to see me. And if you'd like to get e-mail notifications when I update this page, please sign up through the notifylist link below.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008 9:44 PM EDT

I just wanted to let you know that I've posted the talk I gave at church here on my blog. I also posted the story of Penguini: The Penguin Who Longed to Fly on my blog (there's also a link to it within the talk posting). I hope you have a chance to read it at some point!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 7:12 PM EDT

"Be where you are; otherwise you will miss your life."

Hi Everyone,

This is a very long overdue update. I had written a good chunk of an update yesterday and then my computer had an "episode" and shut down, and of course I write my updates in WordPad where it doesn't automatically save them (I'm now doing it in Word in case this happens again). This is going to be long so settle in, get something to drink or snack on, and catch up on my crazy life.

I’ll start out with the medical side of things. First of all, the fevers continue. I had a break in them for 8 days from the morning I got back from Oregon until the day after I got back from the DYNA Summer Chill when they came back with a vengeance. It seems they’re coming more often than they were before, with lower fevers in between the really high ones (one actually got over 104* one night). They are very draining and dehydrate me even more than I am usually so I’m requiring even more fluids on the days I have a high fever. I really want to get rid of them for good! But, we are pretty sure it’s Babesiosis causing the fevers. I’ve probably had it for a long time, I’ve been treated for it on and off since 2001 (probably 5 or 6 times at least) but I’ve never had symptoms this bad. When I saw Dr. B a month ago he drew labs to test for Babesia but didn’t start treatment for it. But since the fevers are so bad, Dr. H (PCP) didn’t see a reason to wait with treatment so I’m just waiting for the IV Zithromax to get to me so I can start on that along with the wonderful yellow paint (Mepron – an antiprotozoal). Hopefully I’ll tolerate the treatment alright. I’m going to be on a lower dose of Zithro than the normal dose because I have had trouble with it in the past, so hopefully this time it will be okay! I also have another new treatment to start (that I actually have already) – Claforan (an IV antibiotic) – which I won’t start until after I see Dr. B on Monday.

My labs have been all wacky for the last month or so. It shows increasing anemia with dropping red cell counts, hemoglobin, and hematocrit but this further indicates Babesia being the culprit of the fevers because it affects the red blood cells. (It also doesn’t help that I’m not eating much at all.) Also my liver numbers have been off here and there. Last week my alkaline phosphatase was actually high! Usually we’re trying to keep it up in the normal range but it went from a normal of 68 to a barely high 106 (normal goes up to 104). So I’m not sure what that’s all about. I guess my liver just isn’t happy! And I hope it gets happier! It’s probably because I’m on my 2 week pulse of IV Flagyl right now and that can be a little rough on the liver, but the pharmacist at my infusion company assures me it should return to normal once I stop the Flagyl. I also saw Dr. R (GI) last week or the week before but there’s nothing new there.

And as far as health stuff in general…well, my appetite isn’t very good at all and I’ve lost a bit of weight but it’s not dropping very quickly so it doesn’t seem to be a concern right now. And I get more nauseous than usual when I try to eat and the food just sits heavier so it’s a struggle to try to get in enough nutrition but I’m doing my best. I have some liquidy stuff and I’ve made some smoothies so I’m working on it the best I can. I’ve been really exhausted which is probably a combination of the fevers just taking everything out of me (and me not resting when I have the fevers – I gotta keep going and do what I have to do, can’t call in sick every other day!) and the anemia which I’m sure doesn’t help anything. It’s so frustrating to be feeling so…blah and just not myself. I hate it! I just really hope the Babesia treatment works for the fevers and the Claforan brings some improvement from the Lyme. Right now I’m just on the IV Flagyl until I get the IV Zithro later this week (hopefully tomorrow) so it’s a bit of a break for me. Oh, and the good news about the IV Claforan is that it has to be infused every 8 hours (that’s not the good news) but it’s a 5-minute IV push instead of a regular infusion that would take an hour or more! That’s great and I’m so glad to be on something that won’t take a long time to infuse and I can just fit right into my schedule wherever I am!

Okay, now for non-medical stuff. Since my last update I came home from Oregon which was kind of a crummy night of traveling because I had a fever (not too high, thankfully – just around 101.5* or so) but I made it home okay and managed to sleep most of the flight from San Francisco to Boston. I went up to see my apartment later in the afternoon the day I got home (after sleeping for a few hours). The apartment is really nice. Here are a few pictures of it:

The front of the building

The windows in my room – including a stained glass window! How cool is that?

And a little nook of my room that I think is really cool

I’m looking forward to moving in and I’ve taken one (light) load of boxes and stuff up there. The big move will take place during the first weekend in August so I have some work to do until then getting the things that are actually in my room here at my parents’ house packed up and organized and going through some boxes I brought from my last apartment to weed things out. And of course going through the kitchen stuff to figure out what I can take (and what we need) and going out and getting the other little things that we’ll need. I’m really excited and it’s cool to be looking forward to living with my roommate instead of my experience in my last apartment where I dreaded running into them. And I’m sure I’ll get used to her dog – a pug named Fenway (in reference to the Red Sox for those of you who may not know). He sheds a lot and gets easily excited (and likes to give kisses which I don’t really enjoy) but he’s sweet and I just need to get a little toddler gate to put up in my doorway so I don’t have to keep my door closed all the time to keep him out.

My family and I celebrated my birthday on the Monday morning after I got back by going out to breakfast which was fun, and then we did cake, ice cream, and presents that night when my sister got home from work. It was a nice little celebration and I got some cool presents, including a really nice bag (totebag crossed with a messenger bag…sort of) from my brother’s girlfriend, Maria, and some cute frog salt and pepper shakers from my brother.

Work started…blah blah blah. Then on the 10th I headed down to the DYNA Summer Chill for the weekend which was great. I got some rest, got to see some of my great friends from all over the country (and the world – one girl there was from Australia!), and just got to hang out with people who really understand things. It’s surprising (well, sort of) how many people have Lyme and Dysautonomia and how much we all have in common. So that was a lot of fun. I drove back with my friend Heather and her mom and then my parents came and picked me up at her house so I’d be back to babysit on Monday. But Morgan, the girl I sit for, wasn’t feeling well and I’d had a fever in the night and was still fighting it so we cancelled after I brought her home from camp at 1pm. But I went onward with another week of work and finished up the first session of ARTSTART (formerly known as Art Camp – we’re all having trouble with the name change) and the first few weeks of my theater class. And this past weekend I had my service at my church about rejoining society after having been sick for a long time. It was called Learning to Fly and it went really well. I’m posting the “sermon” (I hate to call it that but there’s really nothing else that describes it well) on my blog (I’ll post a link to the actual posting once it’s up).

And now I’ve been working again! No babysitting yesterday because it wasn’t a nice beach day which was just as well since I was going to cancel – I had a 103.2* fever for much of the morning and a fever through the afternoon that was at least slowly going down. And I have a fever again today – right now it’s 101.2* which, given how high my fevers can get, doesn’t seem too bad to me. I’m guessing today’s fever (which I think just came on in the last hour or so) is from being out in the sun at the beach today. I got sunburned on the backs of my legs because I didn’t think to put sunscreen there (I was sitting up when I put it on) but then ended up lying on a blanket on my stomach reading for a while. And this was right after I had told Morgan that I hadn’t had a sunburn yet this year! Stupid jinxing! I really have to learn the unjinxing thing (if Heather is reading this you’re possibly the only one who will understand that reference – really, we have to figure that out – a goal for my next visit).

And looking towards the near future – I work for the rest of the week, possibly babysitting on Friday since yesterday was a wash. My car goes in to have the brakes and wheel bearing fixed on Wednesday (it’s sounding pretty terrible). I have a dentist appointment on Thursday and I believe I have a cavity in a strange part of one of my back teeth so I may need to schedule a filling (ugh!). And on Friday afternoon I head off to my roommate (it’s cool to call her that) Melissa’s family’s lakehouse for the weekend for a summer birthday extravaganza!! That will be fun but I have to figure out what I’ll be able to eat and do a bit of shopping (I’m sure I’ll pack far too much food but I always need a lot of options so I can find something based on how my stomach is doing). And on Sunday evening I head to my aunt and uncle’s house for the night before heading to Dr. B (Lyme dr.) on Monday morning and then zipping back home to teach my theater class at 3:30pm! Busy day! And then another week of work begins leading up to the big move weekend!!

Boy, this update turned into a novel! I have to get ready to head out to dinner with my mom, brother, and brother’s girlfriend and then off to the Verizon store to hopefully pick out new phones. We just renewed our family plan so we’re eligible for new phones! I’ll take a picture of it when I get it (I think I want a Chocolate phone – no, it’s not made out of chocolate).

I hope you’re all having a good week so far and thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I’ll try really hard not to go so long between updates (and not to write huge novels). And if you'd like to get e-mail notifications when I update this page, please sign up through the notifylist link below.

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Monday July 21, 2008 9:32 PM EDT

I just wanted to let you know I'm working on an update. I didn't mean to go so long without posting something new but I haven't been feeling very well and I've been busy with work and some more traveling. I'll be starting some new treatment this week for Babesiosis to hopefully finally bring an end to these stupid fevers! And my labs have been wacky but I'll write more about all that in my real update. Look for one in the next few days.

Hope you're all having a good week and thanks for stopping by!

Friday July 4, 2008 9:03 PM EDT / 6:03 PM PDT

Hi Everyone,

I'm at the Portland, OR airport and there's free WiFi here (and I have quite a bit of time to kill) so I'm doing some things online. I've had a pretty good birthday, although the time to spend with my sister and brother-in-law and celebrate was too short for my liking. We went out to breakfast which took a really long time (they were really busy and there were some issues in the kitchen) but it was really good. I finished packing my things up and we had some birthday cake - a really good cake that was lemon pound cake with blueberry mousse and fresh blueberries in the middle and on top (picture of that to follow). Then my sister and I left for the airport. It's always so hard to say goodbye to her and the visits always come to an end too soon. But this trip has really got me thinking about moving out here sooner rather than later so I'll have some big decisions to make over the next year.

Really not much else to report but I have a bunch of pictures from yesterday and today.

The Willamette River

Flowers by the Willamette River

Sitting for a while down by the Willamette River

My birthday cake with Friendly Bear looking on (he was very interested in it)

With the candles lit

The birthday girl! I wasn't feeling great so this was the best picture I could manage (taken here at the Portland airport)

And one last picture - the tail of a plane I saw through the window at the airport here. You can probably guess why I had to take a picture of it!

Well, that's it. When I leave here I head for the San Francisco airport for another few hours and then straight home to Boston where my dad will pick me up with my plane gets in tomorrow morning. And based on how I'm feeling I'll either crash for the whole day (probably what I should do regardless of how I'm feeling given that the fevers seem to come after I do too much) or I'll go to some of New Bedford Summerfest or I'll go have a look at my new apartment which I'm quite anxious to do (since I've seen to pictures of it and really want to know what it looks like). I'm really not feeling great now so I think I'm going to head back to my gate (I've wandered quite a bit away) and find a place to curl up and read or watch a DVD. I really hope this isn't the beginning of a fever (which is what it feels like but so far my temp is okay). I'll post again sometime when I get home and I've recovered a bit from the travels. Thanks so much for stopping by to see how I'm doing and I hope you all have a great 4th of July! Celebrate and be safe!

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Thursday, July 3, 2008 2:11 AM EDT
(Wednesday, July 2, 2008 11:11 PM PDT)

"Compassion isn't some kind of self-improvement project or ideal that we are trying to live up to. Having compassion starts and ends with having compassion for all those unwanted parts of ourselves, all those imperfections that we don't even want to look at."
--Pema Chödrön

Hi Everyone,

Really quick update while I finish up my infusion before heading to bed. I wasn't going to do an update but then I checked the counter (at the bottom of the page) and I'm only 51 visits away from hitting 100,000 hits! So, if you visit, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and if you are number 100,000 be sure to leave a message in my guestbook letting me know!

As for other news, I've had a busy time here in Oregon. My sister and I ended up being able to go to the Olympic Track and Field Trials on Saturday here at the University of Oregon. It was pretty cool and that comes from someone not so much into the whole track and field area of sports. And on Monday we went swimming for a while at the pool and I swam laps which was nice (makes me want to take advantage of the pool at the Y more often for myself versus for my swimming lessons). And today (Wednesday - it's still Wednesday here for another 45 minutes or so) I biked downtown and did a little shopping and looking around which was really nice. And then we went to the Emeralds (baseball) game with their 4th of July fireworks at the end of it which were pretty cool.

Health-wise things are kind of up and down. The fevers are still coming every 2-4 days and today I had a high one - up over 103* - so tomorrow I will force myself to remember to call Dr. H (PCP) and let her know what's going on with all of that. I'm trying to keep a log and keep track of what I was doing that day or the day before to try to figure out if there's a trigger but there seem to be a few different possible triggers. So we'll see what comes of that. My labs this week don't look great - red cells and hemoglobin have dropped more so it wasn't just a momentary dip, it seems I actually am anemic again even while taking iron pills everyday. Otherwise the labs aren't too bad - some dips here and there but things that usually right themselves after a week or two (I hope).

Okay, well I'm really worn out so I'm going to head to bed. I'll try to update with some pictures either before I head home or when I get home. Oh, and for those who might not know, Friday is my birthday! I'll be celebrating with my sister and brother-in-law until I head to the airport to fly back home and then we'll have some kind of celebration at home this weekend (I don't get home until Saturday morning). Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week and that you have a safe and happy 4th! And if you'd like to get e-mail notifications when I update this page, please sign up through the notifylist link below.

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Friday, June 27, 2008 9:38 AM PDT / 12:38 PM EDT

"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."

Hi Everyone,

Okay, I have very little energy but I'm going to chip away at writing an update and hopefully get a decent one written. First up is the story of my travels out here to Oregon on Wednesday. It was quite the day and I was basically traveling for 23 hours which is ridiculous to think about. I got up at 1am, left the cottage in Maine at 1:30am to get to the airport for my 6am flight. Got to the airport at 4:30am and said goodbye to my dad and then went in to find out that my 6am flight to San Francisco was canceled as were a number of other United flights. So I waited in the very long line for an hour to get re-booked and got on a 10:30am flight to Denver, then a flight to San Francisco, then to Oregon and I was supposed to get in at about 7pm. So I had almost 5 hours to kill at the airport in Boston and early on in the wait finished the only book I'd brought in my carry-on luggage - The Alchemist which I recommend to anyone and everyone looking for something pretty profound - so when I'd finished that book I went off to see what books they had available at the little shop in the terminal (the terminal was a pretty dull one unfortunately). I found a John Grisham book which looked good and throughout the rest of the day proceeded to read more than half of the 400 page book so I guess it kept me occupied! The flight to Denver was fine, then I had to kind of rush to get the connection to San Francisco but made it and that flight was fine. Then came the delayed and delayed and delayed flight from San Francisco. We were supposed to leave at 5:23pm but I don't think we left until after 7:30pm and I finally got in at 9pm pacific time (midnight eastern time - 23 hours after getting up) and got to my sister's house around 9:30pm. I slept a bit here and there on the planes and in the airports but that kind of sleep is never of good quality so I was pretty exhausted by the time I got here but I still stayed up and talked to my sister a bit so I ended up being up for about 25 hours I think. Crazy! So, needless to say I'm taking it easy today and I'll be sleeping a lot off and on. At least they didn't lose my luggage as they did the last time I came out here to visit!

Yesterday (Thursday) I mostly rested, got to spend some time with my brother-in-law (Matt) which was nice and last night we went out to a great dessert place to celebrate Matt getting a job which is really exciting. Yesterday afternoon I had another fever (not fun) although this one didn't pass that awful 103* mark. When I was feeling better I decided to walk down to the little market nearby and pick up a few things and it ended up being quite the difficult trip. I was okay walking there, although feeling really low energy but when I got there and started walking around I was feeling really lightheaded and dizzy and started seeing spots and eventually my vision started going black almost completely. Now, this doesn't happen to me except in very rare extreme circumstances (one of which was the tilt table test). So while walking around in there I kept squatting down looking at things to help get my vision back and feel a little better. It was bad, though. I was really afraid I was going to pass out in there and I was probably relatively close to it which doesn't happen to me. I get a lot of pre-syncope (pre-fainting) symptoms but I don't generally pass out. So, once I had checked out I got as quickly as I could to a chair outside, put my feet up, and waited for my vision to come back and to feel a little better. I got to feeling better and started back but I ended up having to stop every half-block to sit down on the curb and rest. I did eventually make it back, though, it was just a longer than usual walk back. I think it was brought on by a few things - I hadn't hooked up my hydration yet and hadn't been drinking that much during the day so I was probably dehydrated and with the fever that afternoon I wasn't feeling that great to start with. But I hooked up my hydration as soon as I got back and laid on the couch for a while and was feeling better after a while.

In an exciting piece of news, it seems Melissa (my friend and soon-to-be roommate) has found an apartment for us! It sounds really nice and she's going back today to take some pictures so I can see what it looks like. The only downside to it is that it's a July 1st lease so I'll be having to pay rent for an extra month than I was thinking I would have to but I'll manage it since it sounds like a great place and it will give me a chance to move more slowly which will be nice. I filled out the application and everything yesterday and scanned it back into the computer and e-mailed it off to the realtor and today I have to go off and mail a check to Melissa so she can write the check for what we have to pay when we sign the lease. It's a little annoying that all this is happening while I'm 3000 miles away and can't look at the place or be doing these things in person but that's okay, I trust Melissa so I think it will be good.

Okay, health-wise now things aren't great. I keep getting fevers every few days and they're draining but they come and go relatively quickly so from start to finish they only last 3 or 4 hours. My stomach and appetite are still bad but I'm doing my best to eat what I can. My labs this week don't look that good unfortunately. My red cells and hemoglobin are both low even while I'm taking iron supplements everyday. And my total protein is low as well which isn't a huge surprise since I'm not eating much. Oh, and my BUN and MCHC are also low. So things are wacky which is understandable given everything that's going on but it's frustrating. Dr. H (my PCP) is out of the office all week so I'll talk to her on Monday I hope and maybe get things figured out a little better. I'm going to take it easy again today, just pop out at some point to mail off the check to Melissa (which may require finding the post office - didn't think that through all the way, maybe I won't mail it until tomorrow).

I'll try to update again sometime this weekend, hopefully with some pictures. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you all have a great Friday! And if you'd like to get e-mail notifications when I update this page, please sign up through the notifylist link below.

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Monday, June 23, 2008 3:42 PM EDT

What do I want to take home from my summer vacation? Time. The wonderful luxury of being at rest. The days when you shut down the mental machinery that keeps life on track and let life simply wander. The days when you stop planning, analyzing, thinking and just are. Summer is my period of grace.
--Ellen Goodman

Hi Everyone,

Just a very quick update to let you know I'm up in Maine now until Wednesday when I leave (at about 1:30am) for Oregon until July 5th when I return home. I'm still not feeling good, had another low-grade fever yesterday and feel like I'm going to have one later this afternoon (the chills started a little more than an hour ago) so I'm not happy about that but I just hope that I'll be feeling alright on Wednesday and won't be feeling cruddy for the whole time in Oregon. I can handle a little here and there (though of course I'd prefer not at all) but just not the whole time. So if you can send good thoughts I'd appreciate it.

I re-started the Primaxin on Wednesday and now have a new plan on how to do it. I'm starting out with a week of only 250mg three times a day and then I'll do a week of 500mg three times a day and see how that goes. I'm supposed to be on 750mg three times a day but that just seems like way too much for my body right now. I'm also trying to do my 2 weeks of Flagyl at the same time but that may be too much so we'll see if I last too long with that (I've done a week so far which is okay).

Maine is nice, although the weather isn't good today. Before I sign off, though, I do want to leave you with some pictures of a rainbow I saw on Friday on my way back from the Beach BBQ on City Hall Plaza in Boston. This was stretching across the sky as I got off the T and it was gorgeous. Hope you enjoy it, too!

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I'll try to update again when I make it to Oregon (keep thinking those good travelling thoughts for me!). I hope you all have a great week!

Monday, June 16, 2008 5:55 PM EDT

"Do not judge from mere appearances; for the lift laughter that bubbles on the lip often mantles over the depths of sadness, and the serious look may be the sober veil that covers a divine peace and joy. The bosom can ache beneath diamond brooches; and many a blithe heart dances under coarse wool."
--Edwin Hubbell Chapin

Hi Everyone,

Okay, this is going to be quick(ish) because I'm really tired and don't know how coherent I'm going to be or how long my brain and fingers will be willing to work together and write words correctly. The appointment with Dr. B was okay today. He had talked to Dr. H earlier today (as had I - she called to check up on me and was really glad I haven't had a fever since Thursday morning *knock on wood*) so he was filled in a bit on what was going on. He was confused as we all are but is glad that things seem to have calmed down. He gave me the go ahead to re-start the Primaxin in the next few days and to go ahead with the Flagyl as well which I'll start tonight. So we'll see how that goes and I'll see Dr. H soon after I get back from my travels and then see Dr. B at the end of July. Hopefully things will stay calm and I'll do alright with the Primaxin. And before I leave for Maine on Saturday I'll get the mail-order Rx paperwork together to send in the script for Claforan so hopefully the vials will arrive by the time I get home and I can then ship them off to my infusion company to attach to the bags of saline and I'll be good to start it by the time the Primaxin runs out. Other than that, no changes right now.

The driving today really wore me out. I'm so exhausted lately - more exhausted than I think I've been in quite a while and it honestly scares me. When I crash I get so worried that this is going to be a big crash, that it's going to be one of those crashes that I can't pull myself out of. Those tailspin crashes are so scary and looking back to 2 years ago as I was beginning to pull myself out of probably the worst tailspin crash I've had reminds me of how far I could fall from here. I'm doing my best to take care of myself but it's hard to have the time to get the sleep I need, remember to take all my meds, try to eat the best I can (that seems to be a losing battle lately), and do whatever else I need to do to give my body what it needs. The food thing is getting a little scary and tiring. I know my body's exhaustion is partially due to not getting the nutrition it needs but at the same time I'm at such a difficult point of trying so hard to eat but being in so much pain and so nauseous after trying to eat most things that I just can't force myself to do it very often. Hopefully the weight loss will stop soon and I'll get back on track but it gets scary when I step on the scale at a doctor's office and see the loss from the previous visit (Dr. B didn't look at the weight or at least didn't say anything about it so he's not worried). Thankfully right now I have some extra weight so it shouldn't get too bad but it still worries me.

Okay, that's as much as I can manage to write right now. I hope you're all having a good week so far and thanks so much for stopping by to see me. Remember that if you want to sign up to receive notifications when I update my page, sign up for my notifylist in the box at the end of this update.

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"Yesterday was plain awful.
You can say that again.
Yesterday was plain awful.
But that's not now, that's then."

Sunday, June 15, 2008 11:31 PM EDT

Hi Everyone,

Really quick update. No fevers since Wednesday night/Thursday morning when I had another high one over 103*. Since then it's been pretty normal with some blips up over 99* but nothing over 100*. So I'm hoping things are calming down in that area. Maybe the Augmentin is doing what it needs to do and the infection - whatever infection it is/was - is getting kicked in the gut. I'm still feeling cruddy, though. Really tired (dark circles under my eyes most of the time) and still not eating much although it's a bit better than it was. I got to spend yesterday in bed for most of the day which was good but I could use a few more days like that!

This weekend was busy with four shows of Annie (hence the quote at the top of this update) which went well but it was a busy weekend. I'm glad it's over but it was a lot of fun to be involved in. The kids were great and I think a bunch of them are going to do my theater class in the summer (and hopefully fall) which will be terrific!

Tomorrow I go to NY to see Dr. B (Lyme doctor) and then to CT to see my aunt and uncle for a few days. On Tuesday afternoon I have an appointment with a Holistic Health Counselor that my aunt sees, too, which should be good. I'm not looking forward to the drive to NY but I'm using my dad's car so it shouldn't be too bad (my car's having a few problems). I'll update after the appointment. I'm hoping to get the go ahead to re-start on the Primaxin and hopefully Flagyl, too, since I'm overdue for my two weeks of that. For the past three weeks I haven't been on any IV antibiotics and it's hard to tell if I'm feeling cruddy because of that or because of the fevers or a combination of things. So I'll see what Dr. B says and hopefully he'll talk to Dr. H (PCP) and we'll figure some things out.

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I'll try to get some pictures up here soon! I hope you've all had a great weekend and that you have a wonderful upcoming week!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 8:10 PM CDT

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting -
over and over announcing your place
in the family of thing.
--Mary Oliver

Hi Everyone,

Okay, time for a proper update on how things are going. First of all, the fevers continue, off and on, and I can't really see much of a rhyme or reason for them. They're usually not going up past 102* but there are still the occasional (usually middle-of-the-night) spikes up as high as 103.5*, and this feels even higher for me since my "normal" temp runs around 97.5*. I've been in touch with Dr. H (PCP), spoke to her yesterday after my test at Mass General (which went alright - more on that in a bit), and ended up turning around and going back to Newton (where I had just come from) for an appointment with her. It was good to sit down and try to rule things out and figure out what could be causing these weird fevers. She knows me pretty well (she's been my PCP for a while and is one who really listens) so she knows this is very unusual for me and she's concerned. So, the main things we're trying to do is figure out if it's my port which I really hope it isn't but given the fact that there's no other explanation and the fevers sometimes seem connected with when I infuse (start rising when I start an infusion) I'm pretty worried that's what it is. I went to the hospital and had blood cultures drawn along with a few other standard labs to see if they show anything. And Dr. H is also running a urine culture to see if anything's going on there (which she's pretty sure is not the problem since I have no symptoms of a UTI or kidney problem). So we're still stumped but at least the cultures have been drawn and now we have to wait it out and see if anything grows from it. If the port is infected, I'm looking at hospitalization for IV antibiotics to treat it and of course the possibility of ending up losing the port (please send some good thoughts that it won't come to that!). And Dr. H said that if we find no answer but the fevers persist, I may end up in the hospital for IV antibiotics anyway. Despite the fevers, I'm still going to work (the camp program at the preschool has started and I'm working there this week and next week - and commuting from home which means an hour and a half to two hour commute in the morning because of traffic) and so far no major fevers have happened at work. Yesterday early in the morning I had a really high fever (over 103*) but since I know now that they do go away, especially if I can stop them with motrin (they tend to not come right back when it wears off) I felt okay heading off to work with some motrin in my system and the cold air on in the car on the way up to work. And of course the fever was pretty much gone by the time I got to work and my temp stayed pretty normal until the evening when it went up just a little bit. Tonight, however, I'm dealing with a higher fever (not up as high as the other night but getting up there). I can tell when the fevers are coming on because I feel flushed, my ears get hot, and usually I get chills and body aches followed by feeling really hot. And now I'm carrying a thermometer with me everywhere and monitoring my temp closely. My stomach is still not good and my appetite just isn't there so I'm still eating very little but trying really hard to find things I want to and can eat.

Okay, enough about the fevers. The test at MGH yesterday went okay. The actual test was more unpleasant than anything else and I still have a sore throat from having the probe down my esophagus. But the testing apparently didn't show any major problems with my esophageal motility which is good but doesn't explain why I have trouble with things getting stuck in my throat and feeling things come back up. Oh well. I see Dr. R next Thursday (just a check-up after I start the low dose SSRI) so I'll find out some more details then and hopefully have a good visit with him.

In non-medical news...well, work is pretty good but I hate the commute. I kind of wish I hadn't signed on to do these two weeks of camp because it would be so nice to just have these two weeks off. But the extra money will be good (make up for missing three days last week which were unpaid) and it's kind of nice to see what the camp is really like. I may end up subbing at points in the summer, too, but not sure how much that will happen. And it looks like we (me and my future roommates) may have found a house to live in! It sounds great and Kat and Melissa are going to look at it on Monday (unfortunately I can't go because I'm at the preschool until 3pm and then off to the last day of swimming lessons) and hopefully it will all work out! One of the possible deciding factors will be if the move-in date is negotiable (it's down as July 1st move-in but we would like August 1st or at least mid-July) but if it looks as good as it sounds and the move-in date is firm, we'll probably still figure out a way to make it work.

Okay, I'm going to try to eat something and go to bed early tonight. It's nice to be (mostly) moved back in at home but my dresser still isn't in my room and there's a few more things I need to get set up before I really feel like I'm set for the summer. I just wish I could eliminate the traffic on the commute to work! Oh well, just 7 more days of that and then I have a nice break with vacations (to Connecticut, Maine, and Oregon) before my "real" summer jobs start. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I'll do my best to update when I have more news about the fevers and everything. I hope you're all having a great week! Oh, and if you'd like to get e-mail notifications when I update this page, please sign up through the notifylist link below.

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Monday, June 2, 2008 11:08 PM EDT

Hi Everyone,

Very quick update on what's going on. The fevers are coming back in the afternoons (except for today, but I had taken some Motrin for a headache earlier so that might have affected it) and there doesn't seem to be an explanation for it. My labs last Friday were fine - white cells normal which was a surprise, I figured they'd be high or low and give a hint as to what's going on. My liver functions are a bit high but not any worse than they've been occasionally in the recent past. I've talked to Dr. H (PCP) - well, talked to her through messages today - and the plan is to have cultures done of my port just to make sure it's not an infection there (which I really don't think it is) and possibly some other labs. I'll hopefully talk more with her about it tomorrow. My stomach is also still really not good, I'm not able to eat much and what I do eat tends to cause pain and more nausea than usual so I'm trying really hard to find things I can eat but it's hard. Hopefully that will get better soon!

Tomorrow I also have my esophageal manometry testing done tomorrow afternoon at Mass General so hopefully that will go well. And I'm officially moved out of my apartment and home at my parents' house for the summer although I still have to move some things in from the garage (where most of my stuff currently is). So this week and next week I'm commuting up to Newton to work at the preschool and it's going to be interesting but hopefully not too bad.

Alright, I need to get to bed, it's way past my bedtime and I have to be up by 6am to get on the road no later than 6:30am (it took me almost 2 hours to get to the preschool this morning - a drive that's usually only 1 hour - so I'm planning extra time for traffic). Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you all had a good Monday!

Thursday, May 29, 2008 11:56 AM EDT

Hi Everyone,

Okay, so whatever I had was really a nasty thing and hard to kick. I had a fever going up as high as almost 104* on Tuesday (or rather the equivalent of 104* since my normal temperature is about a degree below "normal") and I was pretty miserable. I was up in the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday throwing up which wasn't fun either but thankfully that was it for that and I was just nauseous and not eating until last night when that started getting a little better. Today my temperature is pretty much back to normal and I'm feeling much better so tomorrow I'm planning on being back at work (finally!). Just in time for the very last day of the regular school year. So now I'm going to just keep resting, get some extra fluids in, and probably watch some movies.

Thanks for stopping by to see me. I hope you've all had a great week so far!

Monday, May 26, 2008 10:00 PM EDT

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update to say that I had a great weekend in Maine visiting my aunt and uncle but for the past 48 hours I've felt achy, more nauseous, and generally fluish. Came home to find that I have a fever (didn't have a thermometer with me in Maine - won't make that mistake again) so it's no work for me tomorrow which sucks because it will be an unpaid sick day. But there really wasn't any question about the decision. I just hope I'm feeling better tomorrow morning and the fever has at least gone down if not gone away! This all could be a herxheimer reaction (just started on the Primaxin (new antibiotic) on Friday night) but there was also a kid who got sick at school on Thursday with a fever and throwing up so we're hoping that's not what it is. In the mean time, I'm at my parents' house and will get lots of rest tomorrow and hope things improve for the rest of the last week of the school year!

Hope you're all doing well and had a great Memorial Day weekend.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 10:40 PM EDT

"I believe in fairy tales
And dreamser's dreams like bedsheet sails
And I believe in Peter Pan
And miracles, anything I can to get by
And fireflies..."
--Lori McKenna

Hi Everyone,

Boy, what a week I've had since my last update. The majority of the stuff has to do with the production of The Secret Garden for my advanced theater class this past weekend. First, one of the girls wasn't at the last rehearsal on Thursday night and the other kids said she had the flu (not specific with any details, just "the flu") so after the rehearsal I called her house to see how she was doing and found out that she ended up having appendicitis and had her appendix taken out and was in the hospital! They said it was possible she'd be up to being at the performance on Friday but it was very unclear. The back-up plan if she was unable to make the performance was that I would have to fill in for her with a script on stage as well as handling everything backstage. It turned out I had to do that because she wasn't feeling well enough to make it to the performance. I told her she was allowed to use the excuse of having her appendix out just once - she better not try it again! So this was already stressful but this isn't the end of the story. She was feeling better on Saturday and was able to make it to that performance. But it got to be 1:30pm (performance at 2pm, kids supposed to be there at 1pm) and the girl who was playing Mary - the lead - wasn't there yet and that wasn't like her. So I called her house - no answer. The director of the art center (Wendy - kind of my boss) went driving around looking for her after some of the kids said she has softball on Saturdays and maybe she got the time wrong. Wendy found her at her house and the message I got was that her whole family was really sick but she was okay and Wendy was bringing her to the art center. She got there and got ready but didn't look good. Apparently she wasn't okay, she has been throwing up all morning, and she said she almost didn't come but she put on a brave front and tried her best. Unfortunately it was short-lived and after 4 or 5 scenes she was crying backstage because she felt so sick so we took an early intermission, rallied in the kitchen, and figured out what to do. She was obviously really feeling awful so she decided she really needed to go home and Wendy took her home. I was about ready to cancel the rest of the performance but the kids jumped in and the girl who was assigned to be the understudy for Mary (but hadn't really learned the part) said she could jump in and play Mary with her script and the girl playing the Nurse said she could take the lines that the Doctor was supposed to say (the understudy was supposed to be the Doctor) and the play went on! Of course it wasn't the play it was supposed to be, but it went on and I'm very proud of the way the kids banded together and really rose to the challenge presented to them. And because neither performance was done the way it was supposed to be done - with the full cast - we're having an extra performance next Thursday with a rehearsal on Tuesday to refresh their memories. So it's not over yet! Hopefully everyone will be healthy and on their game for this final performance.

In other news, we had our art show at the preschool on Monday and everyone loved it - parents and kids alike. It was fun. Work is going pretty well and the school year is almost over - next Friday is the last day! Then I'm working the first two weeks of June at the camp there, then a week off with next to nothing scheduled, a few days in Maine, a little over a week in Oregon, and back in time for my summer jobs!

Health-wise I'm worn out and having some bad headaches but not crashing as much as I could be after the really busy few weeks I've had. I'm trying to catch up on sleep and keep up with basic things like eating and getting out to walk a little here and there. And trying to take some time to watch some DVDs I've had building up for a while. If only I could find my netflix DVDs! Oh well, in packing up my stuff I'm sure I'll find them. This week I'll be starting the IV Primaxin (switching from the IV Doxycycline) so hopefully that will go well. I saw Dr. H (pcp) yesterday and nothing much new to report there. Next week is my only week with no medical appointments for the next month. I go in for the esophageal manometry with Dr. R (GI) on June 3rd, an appointment with Dr. R on June 12th, and an appointment with Dr. B (Lyme) on the 16th.

Well, I need to get to bed. I'm overdue for posting some pictures so look for a picture-full update soon! Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you all are having a great week!

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:42 PM EDT

"Whatever we learn has a purpose and whatever we do affects everything and everyone else, if even in the tiniest way. Why, when a housefly flaps his wings, a breeze goes round the world; when a speck of dust falls to the ground, the entire planet weighs a little more; and when you stamp your foot, the earth moves slightly off its course. Whenever you laugh, gladness spreads like the ripples in a pond; and whenever you're sad, no one anywhere can be really happy. And it's much the same thing with knowledge, for whenever you learn something new, the whole world becomes that much richer."
--Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth

Hi Everyone,

I'm finally getting around to writing a real update but it may be kind of short since I have a lot to try to get done tonight for the final rehearsal of "The Secret Garden" tomorrow. So I won't really go back and drag you through things that aren't really important. First I'll give a little health update. I'm wearing myself out but the end is in sight - after Monday I can breathe easier and rest and actually have my Tuesday and Thursday afternoons back and the end of school will be just around the corner. I can just focus on packing up and moving back home which will be nice since that's really not that stressful (easier moving out than moving in, I think). My labs are back to normal so I'm not sure what the deal was with my liver. I did take a little break from the IV doxy so maybe that made a difference, who knows. Just glad it's back to normal so I can breathe a little easier in starting the Primaxin next week once things calm down a bit. I was supposed to see Dr. H (PCP) yesterday but thankfully was able to reschedule for next Tuesday when I'll have a much easier schedule and not have to squeeze the appointment in between rushing from one place to another. I've been having more trouble eating - just not being hungry and feeling more nauseous whenever I eat almost anything. But I'm trying my best.

And kind of a big thing to report is that today for the first time I went into work at the preschool hooked up to my backpack. It was just getting to the point where it was necessary and it did seem to help me make it through the day easier. And the kids really weren't phased by it at all. They asked why I had a backpack on and instead of going through the whole explanation (like I do with my theater classes when they ask) I just told them, "Because I want to." And they really didn't ask anything more than that. I was surprised how few of them noticed the tubing from the backpack up under my shirt and the ones that did notice weren't really phased by it - they just accepted that it gives me medicine. Of course I had the few kids who ended up trying to hold on to the tubing without really noticing what they were doing but overall it all went well. And this is a big weight off my shoulders knowing that I can go into work while infusing and not have it be a big deal. Makes life quite a bit easier and less juggling to get all my infusions in!

Let's see...what else...well, I guess I've just been spending a lot of time working on the theater productions ("Jackie and the Beanstalk" went well last weekend) and the preschool art show, all of which will be over in less than a week. Tomorrow is the last rehearsal for "The Secret Garden" and then Friday and Saturday are the performances. All I have to say is the kids better be living with their scripts glued to their hands because yesterday's rehearsal was horrible with most of them having major issues with lines. So they better be better tomorrow and even better for Friday! This show will be a test of whether they can handle difficult plays. I want to do "Little Women" in the fall but if they can't handle this show, I just don't know if I should even attempt that. But I'll wait and see how they do during the performances and then make up my mind.

Okay, I need to go finish up a few things, finish up my infusions, and hopefully get to bed around 10pm. It's a goal anyway! I'll try not to let too much time go by before another update. Hopefully I'll have some pictures of the play this weekend to share and maybe some other pictures if the weather is nice. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you all are having a great week so far!

Monday, May 12, 2008 10:40 PM EDT

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
--Marie Curie

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the lack of updates in the last week. I have been so busy and stressed out and, frankly, exhausted that I can't take a minute to think let alone sit and write much of anything. My intermediate theater class had its performance of "Jackie and the Beanstalk" this past Friday and Saturday and did a good job. My advanced class is getting ready for their production of "The Secret Garden" this Friday and Saturday. My preschool class has its art show a week from today. And things are...well, difficult in some areas that I'm not going to get into right now. Maybe I'll feel I can talk about it later (at least I hope I can). Things at my apartment aren't great and I'm busy getting things packed up and starting to move out (thank goodness, although the moving process is going to be a pain).

Health-wise things are...well, I haven't really taken the time to figure out how things are health-wise. I'm seriously close to a meltdown but I'm keeping it at bay for a while at least. I'm just so exhausted, spending every free moment doing something for the plays or the art show and not really taking any time for myself. So I'm getting really worn out. And speaking of that I better clear my bed off and get some sleep. This is going to be a very long week. I'll post again later this week (or at least sometime soon) with some pictures, possibly including some of me with some beautiful face paint on that my friend (and fellow preschool teacher) Kat did when I helped her out by being a model for some pictures for her website. Forgive me if this update doesn't make as much sense as usual or isn't written as well as usual. I'm really tired.

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week so far!

Monday, May 5, 2008 11:24 PM EDT

"Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead.
Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow.
Just walk beside me and be my friend."
--Albert Camus

Hi Everyone,

It's late but I wanted to put up an update before the week got away from me. A lot has happened in the last week. I had an appointment with Dr. R (GI) on Thursday that went okay but I'm not entirely happy with the direction the treatment is taking - almost like he's changed his mind about what's going on and close to giving up on really fixing things. But I'll write more about that later if I feel like it. Then I had a very busy weekend with "Jackie and the Beanstalk" rehearsal on Saturday and many extra hours spent at the art center getting set pieces and props and costumes as ready as possible. Then I drove back up to my apartment Saturday night so I could head to Boston Common first thing on Sunday morning for the Walk for Hunger. The whole walk is 20 miles and I didn't expect to make it the whole way but I did make it to my goal of the major check point at 10.5 miles. I walked from Boston Common past my apartment and beyond by 3 miles - an accomplishment and one that I'm proud of but may be paying for for a while. I'm not as sore as I thought I might be but I'm definitely worn out.

With that said, it's way past my bedtime so I better get to sleep. This week and next week will be way too busy and stressful as production weeks always are for me with my theater classes but I'll make it through them somehow. And then it's so close to the end of the school year I can almost see that light at the end of the tunnel! And I just got my plane tickets to go out and visit my sister and brother-in-law at the end of June which will be so nice. But off to bed I go. Thanks so much for stopping in to see how I'm doing. I hope you're all having a great week so far!

Saturday, April 26, 2008 10:18 PM EDT

One of the greatest gifts
That life can give to anyone
Is the very special love that families share...
As years go by,
It's good to know that there will always be
Certain people in our lives who care.
For there are countless things
That only families have in common
And memories that no one else can make...
And these precious ties that bind a family together
Are bonds that time and distance cannot break.
How fortunate we are
When we have relatives to love us,
It makes the world a happy place to be...
Few gifts in life
Will last as long
Or touch the heart as deeply
As the very special gift
Of family.
--Craig S. Tunks

Hi everyone,

I don't know that I really have much to say but for some reason I felt a need to write something tonight. As school vacation comes to a close and I see the end of the year on the horizon (only 5 more weeks!) and I've had a few nice, quiet days at my aunt and uncle's house to relax, I've been thinking more about what I want to do and what I need to do to get there. So I'm writing my bit "to do" list so it's out there. Maybe not on paper but out there in the internet world. Because it's one thing to have our dreams and hopes and wishes and keep them to ourselves where it's somewhat safe if they never happen because at least no one else knew we wanted to do great things (maybe we just wanted to have the exact life we're living) and it's something completely different to put those big wishes out there into the universe in whatever way we may do it. This just happens to be the way I feel like doing it tonight.

So these are pretty concrete things, not the things like "I want to be happy" or "I want to make a difference". Of course both of those things are wishes of mine but they're not what I'm focusing on tonight.

My biggest and possibly most important wish is to be able to spend more time with my family over the summer - both the family I'll be living with and the rest of my family: my aunt and uncle, my sister and brother-in-law.

Then come the wishes that have to do with where I am physically in the world. I want to live in Maine, in this particular town (where we go on vacation for part of every summer) where I'll rent an apartment downtown in one of the brick buildings that overlook the river with the shops on the first floor. And I'll have a cat to keep me company and to wait in the window to see me walking home from work everyday. I want a simple life there. I was close to jumping into that life for the upcoming school year but decided to wait a year, partly for health reasons (to stay closer to my doctors) and partly for my theater classes and, to be perfectly honest, partly because I'm scared of making this dream a reality and finding that maybe it's not as great as it seems in my head. But I guess that's the danger of wishes coming true - they might be a disappointment but if we just accept things for what they are then how can anything really be a disappointment?

I want to be out in Oregon with my sister and brother-in-law when/if they have kids so I can see my nieces/nephews grow up and have them know their Aunt Annie. This is something I feel strongly about but I also feel torn because the rest of my family (for right now anyway) is on the east coast. But things can change quickly so who knows...

And then there are the other dreams that I just hope to do someday but maybe aren't what is most important in my life. I want to take a tap dancing class. I want to travel around Europe and go to Australia and many other places. I want to write a book - a memoir of my life (so far). I want to spend a summer on an island (Monhegan Island is the one that I have in mind, but really any small(ish) island would do). I'd love to learn how to paint. I want to drive across the country and see all the beautiful things there are to see. I'm not going to keep going because I could go on for a while about all the little things I have a desire to do, and some other big things that I don't think I can really write about right now. But I felt like I needed to get some of these things out in order to make them a possible reality. Some of this I know is coming from the "Day of Soulful Nurturing" I went to today but some of it is just coming from my muddled brain, overtired and not looking forward to going back to work on Monday. It's in these times when I'm wanting time to slow down a bit so I can enjoy it more that I tend to dream the most, create these wishful plans in my head and live in that world for a little while.

It's time for bed. If this doesn't make much sense to you or you think I've just gotten a little strange with all this, don't think much of it or read into it. It's there more for me (and the universe) than anything else. But maybe it will encourage you to think of your dreams and deepest wishes. And maybe it's about time I started making some real plans to make these dreams become reality!

Friday, April 25, 2008 5:15 PM EDT

"May every sunrise hold more promise, every moonrise hold more peace."

Hi Everyone,

It's amazing - I'm back updating twice in one day! Things with Dr. B went well today. We're going to do what I figured we'd do. First of all instead of doing the IV Flagyl three times a day for three days every other week I'll be doing it twice a day for two weeks and then a four week break (confused?) because there's some evidence that one needs to do it for two weeks at a time to really get at the cyst form of the Lyme. (I tried to find a website with basic info on the cystic form but my tired brain couldn't find a good one.) I'll be stopping the IV Doxy because of the sun sensitivity it has (not good during the summer obviously) and I'll go back on IV Primaxin for a month. Only a month because of insurance coverage stuff, more than a month becomes very iffy as far as getting it covered well enough to be able to get. Then after the month I'll see Dr. B again and probably go to IV Claforan for the summer (not that the drug names mean much to the average reader). If you've been following my story for a while you might remember that Primaxin was kind of my magic drug - the one that brought me improvement when nothing else seemed to help. I'm hoping (and so are my doctors) that a month of it will be enough to give me a boost and then the Claforan (which I can get through my mail-order Rx program) will either bring more improvement or at the very least keep me stable. We shall see...

So that's pretty much all the important info from the appointment. I go back at the end of May (which will require a lot of driving but hopefully no missed time at work) and we'll go from there. Next Thursday I see Dr. R (GI) and then a few weeks after that I see Dr. H (PCP) so hopefully in the next month or so things will be under control! I just hope I can get to feeling better than I have been. Not that I've been really sick, but I want to see more improvement than I've gotten so far instead of just remaining stable. We all hope that someday I'll be able to stay stable without the antibiotics but in order for that to happen I have to be better than I am now and have a working immune system!

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. And I hope you're all having a great week! I'll be back later this weekend or next week to post some pictures from this week.

Friday, April 25, 2008 8:15 AM EDT

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."
--Albert Camus

Hi Everyone,

This won't be a full update, just a little one. I'm at my aunt and uncle's house and will be heading off in about an hour for my appointment with Dr. B. It's so nice to be here where it's quiet and beautiful and to have the chance to spend time with my aunt and uncle who are so supportive.

This week has been pretty crazy. I had some adventures trying to go into Boston on Monday (bad timing resulted in a long time on the T (subway) and not getting very far until I was just feeling so sick that I had to get off) as the Boston Marathon ended and the Red Sox game let out! Like I said, bad timing. But on Tuesday I managed it much better and got to spend a wonderful afternoon with Heather. I know I said this after we last got together at the end of October but it's amazing to be out in the "real world" (i.e. Faneuil Hall) with someone who has these same medical things going on and, even more amazing, has their own backpack with infusions going on and tubing coming out from under their shirt. It's something that I so wish could happen more often - seeing people that are like me and not being alone in getting weird looks and stares and giving me a chance to feel a little more "normal". I don't view all my stuff as that weird after such a long time of dealing with it (next month it will be 3 years since starting on the IV hydration and in July it will be 4 years since getting my port) but the rest of the world just doesn't know what to think of it. Anyway, I had a great time hanging out with Heather and her dad just walking around, window shopping, getting some dinner (we had the same thing we had back in October - chicken noodle soup and frozen yogurt), and just hanging out and chatting. I wish we could get together more often! But for now I'll just have to wait until her next visit to Boston.

Okay, other than that, I've run a lot of errands this week, had a somewhat disasterous Secret Garden rehearsal on Wednesday (in one hour of rehearsing we got through 9 pages because some of them just didn't know their lines for big parts of it - not good at this point), ran more errands, spent a few minutes at the beach (I have some pictures which I'll post once I'm home on my own computer), drove to Connecticut, and now I have to get ready to head off to Dr. B's in a little bit. I finally think I've found a good backpack to fit all my infusions (now that I have more hydration (2 liters instead of 1) I've had trouble fitting everything into my backpack) - a Starfish hydration pack that I found at the L.L.Bean outlet nearby. Seems to be perfect so I hope my search for a bigger backpack is over (although I'll probably always be on the lookout for others).

Okay, I'm off to get dressed. I'll try to post a quick update tonight with the details of my appointment with Dr. B (among other things we're going to be deciding which antibiotic to switch to for the summer) but if not tonight, then later this weekend. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a great week!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11:15 PM EDT

"Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten."
--Cree Indian Prophecy

Hi Everyone,


Just posting with some pictures from Maine on Saturday. An update will come later this week about everything else going on.

At the cottage

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse

The waves

And me (I played around with the picture a little so it's not really that grainy - I made it look like it's on sandstone)

That's it tonight! Hope you're all doing well and thanks so much for stopping by to see me!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:25 PM EDT

"When I find myself fading, I close my eyes and realize my friends are my energy."

Hi Everyone,

Very quick update to let you know that I am now officially on vacation until Monday the 28th! So happy to have made it to April vacation in one piece and looking forward to the next week of sleeping in (well, what I consider sleeping in now isn't what I used to consider sleeping in, but it's still great!), taking some fun little trips, relaxing, watching some movies, and just having a nice break from work! I did end up scheduling a rehearsal for The Secret Garden on Wednesday afternoon but I think that will actually reduce my stress level rather than add to it because I'll just feel better about the state of things with the extra rehearsal. Other than that my week is looking pretty good. Tomorrow I'm going to Maine with my dad for the day (he's picking me up at 7am which means getting up around 6am - yikes, I better get to bed SOON), Sunday is church and Annie rehearsal, Monday I'm either getting together with Heather or just vegging out with nothing to do, Tuesday I will possibly go to a training thing at the YMCA in the morning, then a meeting with my (hopefully) future roommates and current co-workers in the afternoon and choir rehearsal in the evening, Wednesday is The Secret Garden rehearsal in the afternoon, Thursday I'll drive to my aunt and uncle's in Connecticut, Friday I go to see Dr. B (Lyme doctor), Saturday is "A Day of Soulful Nurturing" with my aunt, Sunday I relax a bit at my aunt and uncle's and then head back home. Seems like a lot when I write it all out but it will be much more relaxed than my week when I'm working and rushing around from place to place all the time!

I just got back from a wonderful dinner with Kat, one of the other teachers in my classroom - her birthday is on Sunday so this was a birthday dinner at a wonderful sushi restaurant. I don't like fish but I love vegetable sushi and they have a great selection at this place. Really good! But I'm very full and will probably have a stomachache tomorrow, too, but it will be worth it. Now I need to get myself to bed (not bothering with my evening infusions since I'm too tired - I'm not even going to bother accessing Winnie (my port - haven't called it that in quite a while) until the morning because I'm too tired to feel competent doing that. So it's off to bed with me! I'll post this weekend with some pictures from my trip to Maine tomorrow!

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you've all had a great week!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:25 PM EDT

Just had to come on and ask for good energy and thoughts for my wonderful friend, Lexie who has an MRI tomorrow. We're hoping for STABLE! So think some very good stable thoughts for her tomorrow! I'll get on here and do an update sometime later this week. Oh, and Happy Tax Day (a little sarcasm there, I'm not a fan of tax day).

Saturday, April 12, 2008 8:57 PM EDT

"There is no waiting for something to happen,
no point in the future to get to.
All you have ever longed for is here in this moment, right now."
--Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Hi Everyone,

I'm having a bit of a rough time these last few days. It's like I've reached that point where I know I can't keep pushing and pushing and my body is starting to show me that it can't handle everything without a break. This happens sometimes and I feel worse, and exhausted, and just feel like I'm dragging myself around (and sometimes my liver isn't happy as reflected by my labs this week). I just have to nip this in the bud and stop it from becoming a full crash. I just wish I had more time to rest! This past week seemed really long and tiring, maybe because I didn't have Wednesday afternoon off to rest and recoup like I usually do. Instead it was the appointment with Dr. H and then the meeting at the Y, both good and important things but still things to be out doing instead of home resting or catching up on things. Then Thursday I had my usual long day with the preschool and theater classes with dinner at home afterwards (I did actually get an early start back up to my apartment which was good). And on Friday I had preschool with a lot of cleaning afterwards (I didn't leave the preschool until about 2:30, but on Fridays I'm technically done (with the kids anyway) at 1pm), a quick break for a little snack and snower, and then my Friday swim lessons. Only one more Friday of lessons left! Although I do have to admit I'm going to miss my Friday kids, even if I don't know that they'd be the same next session. I took myself out to dinner last night just to reward myself (in a way) for making it through the long week. I just went to the diner I like down the street but it was nice, nice to just sit and have someone else make food for me and enjoy being out of my apartment (where one of my roommates happened to be having a get together - I hate when I come home and am surprised by a lot of people there). And on Thursday night I also had to be making phone calls to reschedule the extra Secret Garden rehearsal that was originally scheduled for Sunday afternoon but had to be changed to Saturday because of a band thing that half the class would be at (which was later rescheduled for sometime in May but that didn't happen until yesterday afternoon so it was too late to schedule it back to Sunday). So instead of having a nice Saturday off to catch up on errands, go around collecting props and costume pieces, and just having some time to relax I had to squeeze in a lot of errands (mainly Salvation Army and Savers this morning to get as many costume pieces as possible) and get down to the art center for rehearsal from 3-5pm (and have time beforehand to organize things). Then I ran more errands afterwards and got some nice clothes (I don't seem to always fit into my current size of jeans because my belly doesn't seem to always be the same size based on how well my stomach is working so I got a new pair of jeans that fit and a few spring-y things - a skirt, a pair of capris, and a pair of shorts). So needless to say it's been a very long and tiring day. Partway through my errands this afternoon while I was in Target I felt like I just had to get out of there and needed to lie down. From time to time I've been having dizzy spells where I just kind of feel like things spin but they haven't been too bad, they just surprise me when they happen.

So, my body is exhausted and believe it or not I'm going to head to bed right after I finish writing this (hoping to be in bed by 9pm). Tomorrow I have to be at church at 9:30am for choir rehearsal and then more errands probably and then Annie rehearsal from 4-6, a quick dinner (or maybe not depending on how my stomach is doing), and back up to my apartment to prepare for the last week of school before vacation! Yipee! I can't wait for that week off even though I'll still have things to do (including at least one or two mornings of training at the Y which I hope will help me feel more confident in my swimming instruction). It will just be good to have a break from work, be able to sleep in, be able to do some serious work getting together the rest of the props, costumes, and set pieces for the plays (can't believe I'm currently involved in 4 plays, maybe that's too many at one time!), and maybe have a little time to do some fun things! I know I'll make it through this week, it will just be long and I'll have to do a little more work on balancing things.

Health-wise things don't seem too bad. My labs the past few weeks have shown some elevated liver numbers but when I saw Dr. H on Wednesday she said she's not concerned about them right now. When I saw her I also found out that my vitamin D levels are great now after being on high dose vitamin D for the past 3 months so now I can go from taking it twice a week to just once every other week (yay! less pills!). As I said before we're also trying to figure out what to do treatment-wise for the summer since I can't stay on the doxy while I'll be out in the sun so much. Unfortunately one of the strongest possibilities is one that is infused three times a day which is harder to manage with my busy schedule and days spent (de-accessed) at the beach. But the good news is that I can get the vials of it from my mail order prescription pharmacy so I know the drug itself will be covered and not cost too much to get! But I'll have to see what Dr. B says when I see him in 2 weeks (at the end of April vacation week).

Okay, I'm off to hook up my hydration and head to bed. I'm so exhausted that I just wish I could curl up here on the couch and go to sleep but my bed (even if it's an air mattress) will be more comfortable. Looking forward to being able to get 10 hours of sleep! Yay! And I'm hoping to be feeling a little better tomorrow. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you've all had a good week and have a good weekend!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008 10:23 PM EDT

"It is good to have an end to journey toward,
but it is the journey that matters in the end."
--Ursula K. LeGuin

Hi Everyone,

Just a really quick update to say I recovered from my flu (although not entirely) and only had to take one day off of work (unpaid unfortunately). I didn't have any more fevers after Sunday night but the weekend was pretty rocky, having to push through feeling awful and do what I had to do. Things have been very busy with work, theater classes, swimming lessons, Annie rehearsals, extra theater stuff, and of course sleeping and eating and those basics that sometimes just seem to get in the way of everything else! I saw Dr. H (PCP) today and we're trying to come up with a good game plan for the summer since I'll have to switch antibiotics because the one I'm on has sun sensitivity as a side effect (not great when I spend at least a few days a week babysitting at the beach!) but we have some ideas. I'll discuss them with Dr. B in 2 weeks. And there was a staff meeting at the YMCA about the next session of swim lessons. I made the decision to continue teaching but to drop the Friday afternoons and just teach on Mondays which I think is a good compromise between continuing with so much and dropping it completely. So now I'll have part of my weekend back! Yay!

Okay, I need to sign off and head to bed (it's getting too late and I'm getting into the bad habit of staying up quite a bit later than I should). I hope you're all doing well and having a good week. And thanks so much for stopping by to see how I'm doing!

Monday, March 31, 2008 7:57 PM EDT

"Come to the edge", he said.
They said, "We are afraid."
"Come to the edge", he said.
They came.
He pushed them, and
they flew...
--Guillaume Apollinaire

Hi Everyone,

Well, I'm sick. This time it went from what seemed like a cold to the flu. I had been fighting off the cold for a little while and then on Thursday night I started having chills and those telltale aches and pains but I was hoping it was just because I was overtired (which I was and I'm sure didn't help anything). I didn't feel great on Friday but managed alright with work and swim lessons. Then on Saturday morning I thought to take my temperature and found I had a fever, surprise surprise. I still went to a CPR training class with two people from work (required for the preschool), drove home, and crashed for the afternoon. I tried going out to see a play with a friend from the art center but the play was sold out so I just crashed some more. And yesterday was church (where I was a greeter, sang with the choir, and started teaching the spring session of Religious Education - yikes!), crashed for a while at home, went to Annie rehearsal, and then crashed for the rest of the day. Because of the flu and the fever and everything I stayed home sick from work today and I'm feeling better overall - less chills, less aches, my appetite is coming back a little bit but I still have a bad headache, stuffy nose, horrible coughing fits, exhausted, etc. I'm planning on going back to work tomorrow. I'm still running a bit of a fever but it's low-grade and I don't really feel feverish (most of the time) so I should be able to manage work. So, needless to say I'm struggling a bit health-wise right now. It seems like this whole school year has been one cold after another, I've never really been cold-free, which I know is to be expected when starting out working with little kids so closely and I know having a compromised immune system just makes it worse but I really didn't think it would be this bad! And I'm planning on doing it again next year! I just hope we can get my immune system in a little better shape so I'm not constantly sick for another year.

Last week was alright. I had my evaluation at work on Friday which went well and I'm definitely staying on for another year but hopefully with a slightly different schedule (8am-1pm M-F instead of different hours each day) which will allow me to either have some afternoons off (when I don't have theater classes) or find something else to do in the afternoons and have a little more flexibility with what I can do. I've decided to stay on with the swim lessons until the end of the school year at least. I'm finding I do enjoy them, it's just the rushing around and crazy hours that I don't like so maybe I'll be able to handle it better next year with a different schedule at the preschool. This past week I also found out that my theater student that I had been working with one-on-one did really well at her audition and an agency in Los Angelos wants to represent her! Very exciting!

Well, I'm feeling pretty crummy now after getting myself together and driving back up to my apartment. It was nice being at home and having my mom there to make me something to eat when I just couldn't handle getting out from under the covers and just being in such a comforting place but it is nice to be back in my own bed now (sleeping on an air mattress, while not entirely uncomfortable, is definitely not as comfortable as a real bed). I'm going to finish my doxy infusion, hook up my fluids, give my boss a quick call to let her know I'll be at work tomorrow, take some NyQuil, and call it a night. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me! I hope you all had a great Monday!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 9:57 PM EDT

"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel."
--Carl W. Buechner

Hi Everyone,

This is going to be very short. I meant to update sooner but just didn't manage to. So...HAPPY SPRING! HAPPY EASTER! I'm managing alright most of the time but struggling a bit this week just to make it through. My labs are pretty good but some of my liver numbers are a little elevated so we'll keep an eye on those (they tend to fluctuate and as long as they don't go higher it's probably okay). And I'm starting to make plans for the fall with some good changes (apartment-related) and some hopefully good things that will be staying the same (job-related). I'll write more about all that later when I have a chance and as things are becoming more definite.

I'm really enjoying the spring days we're having from time to time. Today after work I went to a workshop with some people from work (I needed to attend a special needs workshop to meet my requirements for the preschool) and had a good time with Melissa (the lead teacher in my classroom) who has become a good friend this year. I probably see her more than anyone else in my life after all! (And I will be living with her (and possibly Kat, the other teacher in my classroom) in the fall although nothing is written in stone yet.) The workshop was good and it's always nice to get to spend time with friends outside of work. It made me so excited and happy to know that in the fall I'll actually be living with people I like and can hang out with and enjoy being around (not that the people I live with right now are bad, they're just not good matches for me). And when I got back to my apartment it was still bright and sunny out and a warm day so I went for a nice walk. Just being out in the sun and fresh air was so nice (especially after not being able to go out all day - it was picture day so there was no outdoor time knowing the kids would get messy if they went outside). The walk wasn't anything out of the ordinary - just around the block and to Walgreens to pick up a few things (they had a great sale on supplements so I stocked up on some of those) and back home - but it was nice being out there in the spring sun and warmth. And as I was walking back home I went by an ice cream place and when I got to the corner and turned around there was one of my preschoolers with her dad and younger sister popping out of the ice cream place to say hi to me. Apparently she saw me go by and just wanted to say hi which was really nice.

And that brings up a...I guess it's a concern of mine. When I'm out there for a walk or running errands in the neighborhood/community (in other words, outside of work) and I'm hooked up to infusions with my little backpack on, I have concerns about running in to "my kids" in case they notice the tubing and ask questions. I've already had kids ask about my port when they catch a glimpse of the dressing or the needle and I never go into it in detail (why bother when it's really not necessary?) but it's harder to just brush it off if they were to see tubing coming out from under my shirt. So far it hasn't happened, but living less than a mile from the preschool with most of the kids living pretty close by it's bound to happen at some point. I know how I deal with it with my theater classes with kids that are close to the age of my preschoolers (although I don't have any kids in kindergarten this term, I do have one preschooler in my youngest class and I had kindergarteners in the fall) but somehow being in a different setting makes it easier to know what to do. And it probably helps that at the art center (where I teach my theater classes) I feel more comfortable and in charge with more flexibility about what I do and talk about with the kids. I guess in some ways I'm afraid of what the directors of the preschool would think about me having a conversation with one of our kids about how I get special medicine through a needle in my chest. This is all just turning into ramblings, not what I intended it to be when I started writing but it's getting late and I'm getting very tired so I guess it's not too surprising.

Perhaps I'll write more about this later. I need to call it a night. I'm so glad it's almost Friday! But this weekend won't be that restful with a CPR class on Saturday morning, probably going to see a play on Saturday night, church on Sunday (choir is singing, I'm a greeter, and I'm starting to teach religious education for the spring session - yikes!), and Annie rehearsal in the afternoon. Hopefully I'll have a little time in there to rest and get some things done! Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you're having a good week!

Sunday, March 16, 2008 9:35 PM EDT

After awhile you learn
the subtle difference between
holding a hand and chaining a soul
and you learn that love doesn't mean possession
and company doesn't mean security.
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts
and presents aren't promises and you begin to accept
your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead
with the grace of an adult not the grief of a child.
And you learn to build your roads today
because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans
and futures have ways of falling down in mid-flight.
After awhile you learn that even sunshine
burns if you get too much so you plant your
own garden and decorate your own soul
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure
that you really are strong
and you really do have worth
and you learn
and you learn...
--Veronica A. Shoffstall

Hi Everyone,

This will be a really quick update because I'm falling asleep here and really have to go to bed asap (I'm staying at home ("home home") tonight because I was too tired to drive back up to my apartment so I have to get up at 5am to head back up by about 5:30am - ugh). This past week has been really tiring and I'm definitely feeling the affects of being so busy. Too busy as I'm realizing. I haven't been getting enough sleep and it's all catching up with me. Just a few more weeks until April vacation at least and at that point I can cut back or eliminate the swimming lessons if I decide it's too much (I'm sure I'll at least be cutting back - probably to only 3 classes on Mondays and keeping the 3 classes on Fridays but we'll see, maybe just Mondays with 6 classes would be good, allow for a better schedule of being de-accessed). So a quick re-capping of the week. Well, first of all, after reminding all of you to turn your clocks ahead last Saturday night, I forgot and that resulted in my not making it to church but that was okay - I had a more relaxed morning. The week was full of preschool, swimming lessons, theater classes, choir rehearsal, a nice breakfast out at the diner down the street yesterday (yummy french toast!), resting when I had the time, and just general crazy busyness. I managed to get some laundry done at my apartment for which I'm pretty proud (I haven't done much laundry at my apartment, mostly I bring it home with me just because it's easier to do it at home). Health-wise I'm run-down, tired, having headaches, my knees are bothering me, my stomach hasn't been great - I guess just overall I'm not at my best. But my labs this week were good. I had an appointment with Dr. H (PCP) on Thursday which went well. We're talking about switching around how I do my IV Flagyl, changing it to 2 full weeks on and 4 weeks off instead of just doing it 3 days every other week. She says there's some evidence that it's needed for at least 2 weeks at a time to be affective against the cyst form of the Lyme bacteria. But I'd be able to just do it twice a day instead of three times which would make it easier to tolerate. I'll talk to Dr. B about it next month and go from there. We're not changing much, but Dr. H (as many other people) is concerned I'm overdoing it.

I think a lot of the time I work so hard trying to convince everyone, including myself, that I can handle everything I want to do (or need to do in some cases). I work so hard to act the part, to push through and manage with everything, and it's catching up to me. I'm realizing just how much I'm struggling and how hard this year has been. I'm fighting to keep up with everything and I know I'll be able to do it just because I'm so stubborn. But even stubbornness won't help me if I crash and burn. So I'm going to be working on some things and trying to figure out how to balance things better and be good to myself while still doing what I want/need to do. And right now I need to go to bed to take care of myself (I really should have gone to bed a while ago but I can't go back and change it). Oh, and I won't go into it now but I'm having issues with my roommates (again) but I know I'm only going to be there until the end of May when I'll move back home until at least the beginning of August. I'm going to be finding an apartment with at least one of the other teachers from the preschool (who will probably not still be working at that preschool in the fall) which I'm really looking forward to. Imagine living with someone you actually get along with and like hanging out with!?! A novel idea! I can't wait and I just have to tough it out and make it through the next few months living with these people I really am having trouble sharing the space with right now.

I hope you all had a great weekend! I can't believe a week from today is Easter, it's so early and seems to throw me off a bit but I'm looking forward to having a (somewhat) long weekend with no preschool on Friday (although I still have swim lessons).

Saturday, March 8, 2008 5:35 PM CST

"Healing may not be so much about getting better as about
Letting go of everything that is not you,
All the expectations,
All the beliefs,
And becoming who you are.
Not a better you, but a realer you.
We need to let go
To throw away everything that isn't us
In order to be more whole."
--Rachel Naomi Remen

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the lack of updates this past week. I always have the intention of updating more frequently but I am so exhausted when I finally get home that there is no energy left for much of anything. A lot of the time I simply feel like I am doing too much and I have a feeling I'm going to have to seriously think about whether I can continue with the swimming lessons after this session is over in the middle of April. I'd like to continue with it because it's fun and something different and it's nice getting into the pool (even if I'm not really doing a whole lot of real swimming) so maybe just cutting back on the number of classes or spreading them out over more days would be good. I'll just wait and see how the next month goes and make some kind of decision when it comes time.

So, let's see...first of all - Happy March! I can't believe it's March already but I guess February really is a short month, especially considering there's a week of school vacation in there. This month will be long - only one day off of school (Good Friday) and I still have to teach swimming lessons that day so I really don't have any days off (other than Saturdays). The past week has been pretty busy and it started with a busy weekend (which I'm now having trouble remembering). Oh, now it's coming back to me. On Saturday I had a great time. I went out to breakfast and to the Garment District with Kat and Melissa, the two other teachers in my classroom. It was a great time and breakfast was so good - I had blueberry and banana pancakes which had real slices of banana in them and some excellent turkey sausage. And I found two skirts (well, a skirt and a skort) and a cute cardigan sweater at the Garment District for cheap so that was great, too, and it was just fun to spend some time with friends from work outside of the preschool. After that I rushed off to see Peter Pan at the Wheelock Family Theater with my advisor (well, she's not my advisor anymore since I'm a graduate) and then out to dinner with her. It was a lot of fun, Peter Pan was great, and dinner was really good. We went to a Cambodian/French restaurant near Wheelock that I'd been to once before but I think I enjoyed it more this time since I've become a less picky eater since I was there last (probably about 7 years ago). So that was a very busy day and I was still fighting off the two colds and had very little voice and a really sore throat. On Sunday I decided to attempt to sing with the choir at church and I managed pretty well for not having much voice but I definitely wasn't able to enjoy music Sunday as much as I would have liked. We had a lasagna lunch after the service to raise money for the choir and music which was good.

And this past work week was busy, too. Long day on Monday with preschool and swimming lessons. Long day on Tuesday with preschool and theater class (I opted out of choir rehearsal and came back up to my apartment early so I could get some rest). Not-so-long day on Wednesday with just preschool until 3pm and then errands and such in the afternoon. Really long day on Thursday with an appointment downtown with Dr. R (GI) first thing followed by two theater classes, "theater tutoring" with one student, a quick dinner with my sister (eaten at the desk at the art center), and then taking tickets for and seeing the "grown-up" play (that's how I refer to it to my theater kids to differentiate between their plays and the ones that are put on by and for adults more than kids) which was good but by the time it was over I was totally exhausted. I stayed at home ("home home") and got up early yesterday (Friday) morning to drive back up and go to work at the preschool. I also had an appointment in the afternoon and finished up the week with my last three swimming classes and opted to go out for dinner since I didn't want to fix anything for myself but felt I needed to eat more of a real meal than I could throw together. So I went down to the diner down the street and had a great turkey burger but ate too much and felt sick afterwards. Sometimes it's hard to know if it's worth it when I know I'm going to feel sick but I guess that's a question without a real answer. Today I've been doing some serious resting (but can resting really be casual? hmm...) and I've been in my pajamas in bed all day which has been nice. I'm going to pop a movie in when I finish this and probably make some dinner in a little while (I have some veggies and turkey so I'm thinking I'll make a pasta salad thing that I like to make and eat - mmm...I just have to work on feeling less exhausted and nauseous before I go for making and eating dinner). I've opted to not go home (again, "home home") tonight as I had been planning since my brother is home for the weekend (although I hear everyone is a little under the weather) and there's something at church tonight that I wanted to go to but I'm just too tired and it's been pouring rain all day so I think I'm just better off staying home in bed and resting some more.

To back up a little bit to my appointment with Dr. R on Thursday - this was a long overdue appointment (I was supposed to see him 4-6 weeks after my botox injections at the end of October - oops!) and basically at this point we're trying some new things to try to help with my stomach and mainly with my nausea. What we're going to try first is Periactin, a medication that's mainly used for allergies but has also been found to relax the stomach and allow for better food intake. What I'm unsure about with this is whether I'll just end up having more food sitting in my stomach for a long time if my stomach isn't emptying at a normal rate but Dr. R says that won't happen (not sure why, but I'll just hope for the best!). If this doesn't help then we move on to trying low-doses of SSRIs (antidepressants) and see if the nausea might be because my nerves are either overly sensative to the sensations or sending the wrong messages to my brain and making me more nauseous than I should be. So we have a few things to try and right now I go back to see him at the beginning of May but if this medication seems to be working I can push that appointment into the summer. We also very briefly talked about the possibility of needing some other kind of intervention to help with my reflux if we can't help it by working on my stomach. But we'll cross that bridge when (and if) we get to it. Overall it was a pretty good appointment.

Health-wise I'm hanging on but I worry that a crash may not be too far off if I keep going like I'm going. I just have to force myself to rest more when I have the chance and get to bed early. It's hard, but if I don't take care of myself it's not going to be good. I'm having more headaches which aren't much fun and they bring extra nausea with them but with the help of IV Zofran and oral phenergan I'm managing to keep it relatively well controlled most of the time. My legs have been bothering me with quite a bit of pain in my knees and thigh muscles but that's not really too new, just worse the past few weeks than usual. My voice is back which is good but I'm still fighting off the ends of these colds so I'm coughing a bit, sniffling and blowing my nose a bit, and just feeling run down. At least my throat doesn't hurt much anymore, that was pretty bad for a while and swallowing was really painful. I don't know what my labs were this past week (one person is out of the office at my infusion company where I get my lab results faxed from and I think she's the one who faxes them so they're not making their way to me) but I see Dr. H (PCP) on Thursday so if anything is off I'll find out then and we'll figure things out.

Alright, well I'm going to put on a movie, curl up in bed (maybe with a cup of tea if I feel like going downstairs to make one), and enjoy this rainy day! I have another busy week next week but I'll manage. I'll try to update during the week if I have the time and energy! Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you're all having a good weekend. And don't forget to turn your clocks ahead tonight! (I hate losing an hour.)

Friday, February 29, 2008 11:18 PM EST

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest times,
if one only remembers to turn on the light."
--Albus Dumbledore

Hi Everyone,

I apologize for the lack of updates for the past week. I've started writing updates numerous times but only get a few sentences into it (if that far) before I either decide I don't have the energy or get distracted doing something else. Let's hope that doesn't happen this time. I'll keep it short.

First off, I not only have the cold I've been fighting off for the past 3 weeks but now I have another cold on top of it. I was okay on Tuesday night and then woke up Wednesday morning with a bad sore throat which is usually the first sign for me that something is brewing. And then I realized that I also didn't have much of a voice! I have to say having no voice and working with kids don't mix very well. Kids don't tend to really respond to croaking or whispering when they're busy having fun and being generally crazy. So on Wednesday I tried to take it easy and after work I ran a few errands and then rested. Yesterday (Thursday) I had work and then two theater classes plus the one-on-one tutoring with one of my theater students so it made for a long day and a lot of talking so my voice wasn't doing too well by the end of the day. And this morning it was almost completely gone and really didn't get any better for the rest of the day. The hardest part was teaching three swimming lessons (more on those in a minute) with no voice but I managed alright, just had to struggle a bit to talk loud enough for them to hear me. So now I'm trying to rest my voice as much as possible, drink a lot of fluids (including lots of tea with honey), and almost continuously sucking on some kind of cough drop or hard candy to keep my throat lubricated. All in all it's not fun and I guess I never realized how much I rely on being able to talk loudly and clearly until I suddenly couldn't!

Okay, backtracking a bit - my appointment with Dr. B on Friday was good. He's happy with how things are and isn't changing anything for now. It's so nice to go to an appointment with him and not have a new thing to figure out or a new wacky something-or-other to try to balance out. The only thing that he's having me do is take vitamin C (kind of a mega-dose) and taurine before going in the pool to teach the swimming lessons which I completely forgot to do on Monday but remembered to do today. Getting to see my aunt and uncle was really nice. And the day of skiing with my brother was a lot of fun and we're definitely going to go skiing/snowboarding again soon, probably to a different place since the one we went to was kind of small but good for us since neither of us had been skiing or snowboarding in quite a while. Neither of us had any bad falls, just some small spills, so it was a pretty successful afternoon on the slopes. And it was great spending the day with my brother. I miss him and I know he's been a little lonely at school as he tries to settle in.

Let's see, that brings us to Monday - my very long day. Going back to work after being on vacation for a week was kind of rough and I think all of us felt the same way. But we settled back in and I was glad to see the kids again. I left work at the preschool at 3pm and headed over to the YMCA for my first afternoon of teaching swimming lessons. I had six half-hour classes split up with three, then a 45 minute break, then 3 more. They went alright but I really felt like I didn't know what I was doing. But now I'm slowly getting the hang of it and it's getting easier. By the time I got home after stopping by WholeFoods for some milk and a few other things I was really exhausted. Mondays are going to be interesting. Tuesday was a long day, too, with work, my advanced theater class, and choir rehearsal. And Wednesday was when this second cold hit so that wasn't a fun day but it was my short day of work (it's interesting how now 7:45am - 3:00pm is a short day!) so it wasn't too bad. Yesterday (Thursday) was pretty long with preschool, two theater classes, and my theater student followed by a quick dinner at home and then heading back up to my apartment. And today was a long day and I really wasn't feeling great for most of the day. Sometime in the late morning a headache started setting in that Frova (my migraine medicine) doesn't seem to be helping so now I'm just hoping I'll feel better when I wake up tomorrow.

This weekend will be busy but a lot of fun. Tomorrow (Saturday) morning I'm meeting up with the two other teachers from my classroom for breakfast at a supposedly wonderful place in Somerville (just outside Boston) and to do a little browsing in the garment district. Then I'm meeting Maya, my advisor from Wheelock, to go see Peter Pan at the Wheelock Family Theater and then go out to dinner. So I have a full Saturday with lots of fun stuff! And Sunday is Music Sunday at church and the choir is singing (although it doesn't look like I'll be singing - I can barely talk and if I were to try singing I would most likely hinder the choir more than help it) followed by a luncheon to raise money for the choir/music at church and then the plan is to work with my theater student but it looks like I forgot about the play going on at the art center this weekend so we're going to have to reschedule or something (wish I'd realized this sooner).

Well, it's late and I need to get to sleep! I was close to going to bed at 9pm but got distracted with one thing or another. Now I'm really exhausted and just need a good night's sleep. I hope I wake up feeling a little better, at least without a headache! Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you've all had a great week!

Friday, February 22, 2008 8:46 AM EST

"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Through the unknown, unremembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.
Quick now, here, now, always—
A condition of complete simplicity
(Costing not less than everything)
And all shall be well and
All manner of thing shall be well
When the tongues of flames are in-folded
Into the crowned knot of fire
And the fire and the rose are one."

--T.S. Eliot, "Little Gidding"
from Four Quartets

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to do a quick update since it's been a while since my last one (time certainly has been slipping by quickly this week). I'm doing alright overall. Still fighting off this stupid cold but having the week to rest has been good. My car is out of comission right now awaiting a part to fix the rear control arm that basically holds the wheel onto the axel (not good when it's broken) so I'm using my dad's car which is really nice but I miss my little green frog (what I call my car). So this week has been somewhat occupied with talking to the garage, figuring out what was wrong, trying to find the part, etc. - extra stress that I really didn't need much. But this week has been nice - a nice break from work and an opportunity to sleep in and do a lot of nothing when I have the chance. But I've still had things to do.

On Monday I got together with my wonderful friend Alice (Lexie's mom) which was really nice - it's been such a long time since we got to sit down for a little while and just chat. And then on Tuesday I had a little session with the theater kid I'm kind of tutoring, getting her ready for a big audition in March. And on Wednesday I had to pop up to my apartment and back and get ready for going away for the weekend. Yesterday I drove to my aunt and uncle's house in CT and today (Friday) I head to NY to see Dr. B (Lyme doctor) which should be a good, relatively easy appointment. Then back to my aunt and uncle's for tonight and tomorrow (Saturday) I'm heading up to Amherst to my brother's apartment and then we're going skiing! I'm looking forward to that and having some time to spend with my brother. Hopefully the skiing won't completely wipe me out! But I have Sunday to recover before heading back to work on Monday and starting up my new job of teaching swimming lessons that afternoon. I can't believe vacation is almost over!

Health-wise things are okay except for this cold and everything that it's doing to me. My stomach is a little bit better and I'm able to eat a bit more but still not back to my "normal". And I've been having some more headaches but I blame the cold for those, too. So hopefully once I get over this cold I'll start feeling better overall. But, really, even with the cold I've been doing alright.

I'll update again tonight when I get back from my appointment with Dr. B. I don't have this week's lab results yet to see if they've improved from last week (I guess I didn't post about those but my white cells were low (to be expected with a viral infection), and my liver is apparently not happy since my AST and ALT numbers went up a bit, but hopefully it's just all due to the cold). Thanks so much for stopping by to see me! I hope you've all had a great week.

Friday, February 15, 2008 9:32 PM EST

"Nothing happens by itself... it all will come your way, once you understand that you have to make it come your way, by your own exertions."
--Ben Stein

Hi Everyone,

This week has seemed very long, probably due to a combination of me being sick with this stupid cold/flu and knowing that February vacation would be here when the week was over which always seems to make time tick by even slower. But of course once vacation actually gets here it will just go flying by. So now I'm on break from work until a week from Monday and I fully intend to take advantage of the vacation. I don't have any major plans - sleeping, watching movies, I'm going home from Sunday until Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, then back up here until Thursday, then to CT to my aunt and uncle's before heading to NY to see Dr. B on Friday, and skiing with my brother to finish off the week. I'm sure it will go flying by but it will be so nice if I just focus on the moment and getting some things done, like getting my car fixed (it goes into the shop on Tuesday) and getting the plays for my theater classes squared away.

Today was pajama day in my preschool classroom which was a lot of fun (and my kind of special day!) and we had a diner set up with one of the teachers making pancakes for the kids. It was a lot of fun and I got to be the waittress and serve the kids the pancakes, syrup, and drinks (chocolate milk seemed to be the most popular). And getting to be at work in my PJs was great. And then this afternoon I went and shadowed three swimming lessons at the YMCA where I'll be teaching swimming lessons right after school vacation is over. It's exciting but a little scary since this isn't something I've done before and it will require me to juggle my infusions around to allow for me to be de-accessed on Mondays and Fridays. More than anything else I just hope I can handle the extra hours spent working. I'll have very long Mondays - going from 7:45am when I go to work at the preschool pretty much right up until 7:30pm when I'll finish with my last swim lesson, but of course I have some breaks in there to eat and take a little rest. It will be interesting seeing how things go as I adjust to the new schedule. One thing I know for sure is I have to be strict about getting to bed early - 9pm is my bedtime now on work nights so we'll see how well I do with that!

Health-wise I'm not doing so great due to the cold/flu (I can't really figure out which it is because I have all the achiness that would make me think it's the flu but no fever (thank goodness) and lots of congestion and coughing). It also seems to be affecting my GI system so that I have very little appetite and significantly more nausea. I don't know if it's from something on top of the cold or if it's related to the cold, but whatever it is it's not making for much fun. I've been sticking mostly to oyster crackers/saltines, gingersnaps, toast, mushy bananas, sorbet, and occasionally something more abitious but nothing too great. I need to take it easy over the next few days and hope I start feeling better soon!

On a more contemplative note, it's amazing to me sometimes the things that have come across my path in the past year and the way these things have changed my direction, offered me new opportunities, and created an ever changing new life. I have learned more than anything else that it's important to leave myself open to new possibilities that I may not have originally thought of. Like this job teaching swimming lessons - I would never have thought to apply for something like this but I went out there and posted on Craigslist looking for child care opportunities a few afternoons a week (for extra income, not because I need to be spending my little bit of free time doing more work!) and got a reply from the YMCA swim director asking if I might be interested in a job there. And now I'm doing this new thing that is new and exciting and could lead to more other opportunities - who knows! Maybe this will lead to another place to teach theater classes or maybe it will just lead to a few sessions of teaching swimming lessons and then I'll move on. But the fact that I didn't just shut off to the possibility of doing this thing because it's different is important. I'm trying so hard not to make my mind up about things before I've really allowed myself to be open to all the options. It's certainly made for an interesting year so far and who knows what else lies in store for me!

With that, I will say goodnight and switch over my infusions to my hydration and head to bed. I hope you've all had a good week and have a great weekend! Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. And Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:24 PM EST

"And sometimes I don't have the energy
To prove everybody wrong.
And I try my best to be strong
But you know it's so hard,
It's so hard."
--Dixie Chicks

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update tonight. This cold is really getting the better of me. The worst of it is the cough which has been pretty bad and makes me short of breath at times. My stomach also doesn't seem to be handling it all that well (or else hasn't recovered from whatever the stomach problem was over the weekend when I threw up) - I'm having more nausea that is thankfully somewhat controllable with zofran and I don't have much of an appetite so for the most part I've been snacking on oyster crackers/saltines and ginger snaps and trying to get in some soup and other things when I feel up to it. At least I'm able to drink a bit better now than at the beginning of the week when I was hardly drinking anything but a few cups of tea through the day. So I'm not happy about this cold but I'm trying to ride it out. It will be interesting to see what my labwork looks like this week (I drew them today).

Otherwise the week has been going alright. I was sent home from work at 1pm on Monday to get some rest since I wasn't feeling well at all (and must have appeared to be really worn out). And then that afternoon I had a meeting at the YMCA with the swim director about getting a job there teaching some swim lessons. It looks like it will work out well and I'm looking forward to doing something different (and the free membership to the Y is a great bonus). So I go in on Friday to shadow some classes and then start after February vacation! Yesterday was a long day with preschool, theater class, and choir rehearsal and then driving back up in the beginning of a snow storm. But we had a 2-hour delay this morning which was nice. It poured rain all day and I had to go out a few times, ending up very wet but I accomplished what I needed to and I'm home warm and dry now. Tomorrow will be a pretty long day - preschool, two theater classes, a quick break and then a one-on-one meeting with one of my theater kids to work on a monologue (she has a big audition coming up that is pretty exciting), maybe a stop at home and then back up here for the last day of preschool before February Vacation! I'm so looking forward to the break.

Well, it's early but I'm exhausted and need to go to bed so I'm going to turn in. I think my body is struggling to deal with this cold but hopefully some extra sleep will help me get through the rest of the week! Please continue to keep one of my preschoolers in your thoughts - he's recovering but still in the hospital and probably will be there for a little while longer. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you're all having a great week!

Sunday, February 10, 2008 5:41 PM EST

"Have compassion for everyone you meet, even if they don't want it.
What appears bad manners, an ill temper or cynicism
Is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen.
You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone."
--Miller Williams

Hi Everyone,

Well, I'm sick. Bleh. I have a cold, hacking cough, I'm exhausted and spent most of today resting/sleeping on the couch (I'm at my parents' house), and last night I was up in the middle of the night throwing up all the nothingness that was in my stomach. It seems like I go through bouts of vomiting every few months, it happens once (in the middle of the night always) and then my stomach is more sensitive for a while and eventually gets back to my "normal". So today I had to skip church (I was croaking pretty badly when I got up and as much as I wanted to be there for Jazz Sunday I knew it wouldn't be much fun to be coughing and unable to really sing). I spent the day on the couch, sleeping on and off, watching TV on and off, sipping at some Coke and nibbling on saltines and ginger snaps. And I just have to say I'm so grateful now to have my IV zofran. I think that helped a lot in the middle of the night as I was sitting on the bathroom floor sure I was going to keep dry heaving and throwing up stomach acid (sorry if that's too gross for some of you, I'm so tired that my mental filter isn't working to full capacity). I wish I had more sick days because I'd call in sick to work tomorrow but unless I'm violently ill I'll still be dragging myself to work. It just might be a difficult day. And I've made it a longer day than usual, I have to go over to the YMCA after work, but let me explain that a little bit.

I posted an ad on Craigslist looking for afternoon/evening childcare opportunities and got an e-mail from a woman at the YMCA asking if I might be interested in teaching children's swim lessons (after being trained). The schedule works great with mine (I can work Monday and Friday afternoons and Wednesdays, too, if I want to) and while the pay isn't amazingly good, I'll get a free Y membership, too, which is perfect since I've been wanting to join a gym for a while! So it seems like a great opportunity. The only issue I'll have is trying to schedule my de-accessed days and infusions around the teaching (since I can't teach swim lessons while my port is accessed) but I'll manage that alright, especially if it's just Mondays and Fridays. So I have a meeting with the director tomorrow afternoon and I'll watch a few swim lessons and then we'll decide whether it seems right for me or not. That will make for a long day tomorrow but I think it will be fine.

Other than that, let's see what's going on. I found a bigger mini fridge (also on Craigslist - it's a great site and has been wonderful for me) and my brother went with me to pick it up yesterday and bring it up to my apartment. I don't know how I would have gotten it up the two flights of stairs to my bedroom without him. I got it plugged in and turned on so it will be ready for me to put everything in it when I get back up there today and be able to unplug and defrost and get rid of my smaller fridge (I'll possibly give it to my little sister if my parents are okay with that - mostly because of the extra electricity it uses). My new bigger one turns out to be exactly the same one that my brother has which is neat. It will take a little while to get everything changed over and moved around but hopefully I'll be up to doing that tonight. I'll have to see when I get back up there. Now I'm packing up my stuff and finishing up watching a movie on demand that is really good. It's called The Doctor and if you ever get a chance to watch it I recommend it, especially to people who have dealt with doctors a lot.

Okay, I'm off to finish packing up (I don't have that much stuff, mostly laundry to get folded and put together). I have about a half hour left of the movie so I'll probably be heading out soon. I hope you've all had a good weekend and have a great upcoming week! I'm really looking forward to having my February school vacation next week and being able to rest and relax more. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me!

Friday, February 8, 2008 10:17 PM EST

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have."
--Margaret Mead

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update tonight. I had a great dinner tonight with all the teachers from the preschool - the directors took us all out to a really nice dinner and I have leftovers to last me at least a few more meals! It was great to get to spend some time with all of them, although about half of us are sick with colds of various varieties (I'm one of them). Apparently sharing is something we take very seriously in preschool, I just wish it didn't include sharing germs! So I'm fighting off a cold, in the early stages of it after waking up with a bad sore throat this morning with a cough that doesn't sound great and my head has been hurting pretty badly off and on. So I'll try to rest up over the weekend. Just one more week of school until February vacation! Yay!

In health-related news, I got my first shipment of the new bags of hydration (which are now being referred to as TPN by my infusion company because they include the saline, amino acids, and vitamins) and I have to say the bags are really big and I'm scrambling to get a bigger mini fridge to hold them all (I don't keep any medical supplies in the main fridge in my apartment because...well, I don't feel comfortable doing that and don't really trust that they'll stay as separated from food as I'd like them to be). I have my mini fridge stocked full of them and it only holds about a week's worth - I'm getting two weeks at a time so I have the rest of them still in the cooler box they were shipped in with lots of ice packs. I believe I have found a fridge through craigslist that I can pick up tomorrow that will be big enough to hold the "TPN" (it's weird referring to it as that) and hopefully also a few drinks. And that will mean I can give my current mini fridge (which is pretty small) to my younger sister who I'm sure will appreciate it. Anyway, hopefully it will work out or else I may end up going to buy a new bigger mini fridge this weekend because I really don't know what I'll do otherwise! I'm going from not having to refrigerate more than the bags of amino acids and syringes that hold the vitamins/minerals that I add to the hydration to now having to refrigerate 14 two liter bags at a time! Oh well, it will all get figured out.

That's it tonight. I'm exhausted after a very long and tiring week (not to mention the cold my body is struggling to deal with). I'm going to curl up in bed while I finish my evening Flagyl infusion and then go to bed with the rest of my "TPN". Before I go, though, I'd like to ask for you to keep one of my preschoolers in your thoughts. He is currently in the PICU with some kind of pretty serious infection and, while he's expected to be fine and out of the hospital within the next week, I'm sure it is very hard on his family and a very difficult thing for him to be going through. I won't give more details to keep the confidentiality but please send some healing thoughts, good energy, prayers, whatever you do to this little boy.

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you've all had a great week and hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008 8:15 PM EST

"The winter's cold
But the snow still lightly settles on the trees
And a mess is still a moment I can seize until I know
That all will be well
Even though sometimes this is hard to tell
And the fight is just as frustrating as hell
All will be well"
--The Gabe Dixon Band

Hi Everyone,

Well, today was a very busy day at work. It was "Beach Day" which meant one classroom was set up as the beach with sand on the floor, one room (our room) was set up with pools for the kids to go swimming in, there was a room for "fishing", and it all entailed a lot of set-up and clean up and a lot of craziness with all the kids together for much of the day. So I'm very worn out and had to go to bed for a few hours after work and anticipate an early bedtime tonight (hopefully). But it was fun and the kids had a blast. The rest of the past week has been busy with my theater classes getting underway and lots of other things to juggle. On Saturday I got out for a long walk/jog and ended up going almost 5 1/2 miles! I walked to Dr. H's office (about 2 1/2 miles away) and around in a loop back home. It was nice but my knees don't really like it since they have been pretty painful this week (although the rain we've been having may be part of the problem).

Health-wise things are a little rocky with a little more nausea and just being worn out but I'm managing alright. I think the fatigue is at least partially due to having to juggle everything with the theater classes starting back up again which is a lot to handle. It was nice having my Tuesday and Thursday afternoons free but I do really enjoy the classes, I just wish I could eliminate the hour plus drive each way! I've been working with my infusion company to figure out the extra hydration and fortunately they've been able to combine my hydration and amino acids and vitamins all together into one 2 liter bag which will reduce my overall number of infusions everyday, but of course the bag will be bigger and heavier (and unfortunately I can't start the bag before going to bed and let it run half or more of it overnight to make it lighter for during the day since I'll have to start it when I get home from work and finish it up overnight). I'll get my first shipment of the 2 liter bags on Friday so hopefully it will work out well. My labs from last week were good so things are remaining stable there and I'm taking everything else in stride.

Well, I'm not feeling great (probably from the tiring day at work today) so I'm going to forget about trying to have dinner (it seems like a losing battle at this point) and go curl up in bed with a movie or something until my amino acid infusion is done and I can go to bed. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a good week so far!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008 9:34 PM EST

"Have you been half asleep? And have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name.
Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same
I've heard it too many times to ignore it
It's something that I'm s'posed to be...
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me."
--Kermit the Frog

Hi Everyone,

I can't believe that January is almost over! It feels like the month few by but at the same time New Year's seems like such a long time ago. It's certainly been a busy month, although I'm just now getting back into my full schedule with my theater classes just starting up. The past few days have been alright overall but very busy with a lot of rushing around. Yesterday (Tuesday) I actually had a good morning - got up with more than an hour before I had to leave for work so I had a "real" breakfast (oatmeal) and got to just kind of relax for a while. After work I stopped at my apartment quickly and got my stuff together for my theater class before heading over for my appointment with Dr. H (PCP). The appointment was good and more or less uneventful. My thyroid test was okay so for now no thyroid medication but we'll keep an eye on it and probably re-test every few months. We talked about the added hydration and since it seems to be helping me I'll be continuing with the 2 liters per day (and I'm hoping to be able to get 2 liter bags instead of having to switch between liter bags and arrange my sleep schedule around it somewhat). And the other thing we discussed came up when we were talking about my hypoglycemia and how that seems to be. I told her about an "episode" (for lack of a better word) that I had last week and have had before where I get really shakey, dizzy, nauseous, and just feeling awful after having to use a spurt of energy for something like carrying a box up the stairs (which I have to do every 2 weeks with my heavy saline/IV antibiotic shipments). When this happened last week I had to lie down for a while after carrying the box upstairs, I tested my blood sugar and it was okay, my blood pressure was relatively okay, but I was feeling really sick in a way that would make me think I was either hypoglycemic or hypotensive. Anyway, the biggest possibility that Dr. H brought up is something with my mitochondria. I have had this suspicion in the back of my mind for quite a while now that I could have some kind of underlying mitochondrial disease that could explain a lot. So with this conversation with Dr. H, I think I'm more compelled to go forward to see a specialist and get further testing. Just what I need, more doctor's appointments to try to schedule around my already busy schedule, but I feel it is important for me to do. Oh, and today I got the shipment of IV Zofran from my mail-order prescription pharmacy but can't use it quite yet because I need to get syringes for it from my infusion company. It's weird - the IV Zofran (well, generic zofran) actually has a lower co-pay and supposedly costs less overall than oral (generic) zofran. Doesn't make sense to me but I'm not about to question it if I can get it in IV form! I just hope it proves to be a little better for me than the oral, and at least provide faster relief when I need it.

And now it's almost 2 hours after I started this update and after getting distracted by various things, I need to call it a night so this is ending up being a short update. I'm looking forward to a later morning tomorrow morning (Tuesdays and Thursdays I don't have to be at work until 8:30am versus 7:45am the other days) and the second meeting of my intermediate and beginner theater classes in the afternoon. I was really enjoying not having to drive so much but I do enjoy teaching the classes so it's worth it (and the extra income is pretty much necessary). I'm still struggling with choosing what to do for the fall but that's a whole other post that maybe I'll explore more at some point, but not tonight.

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you're all having a good week!

Monday, January 28, 2008 8:42 PM EST

"You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this."
--Henry David Thoreau

Hi Everyone,

I can't believe it's been almost two weeks since my last update (okay, more like a week and a half). I think of updating pretty often but never seem to manage to do it. And it doesn't help that my computer has been giving me issues lately. Anyway, the past week and a half has been busy but okay overall. I had a good weekend visiting a friend in Connecticut the weekend before last for the long weekend. We didn't do much but it's nice to just have the chance to hang out and do nothing but have company doing nothing (if that makes sense). It's just nice being with someone who understands everything and there's no explanation required for being foggy or tired or nauseous. And then on Tuesday I got together with Elizabeth, the former intern minister from my church, which was really nice and we'd been trying to get together since I moved up here so it was long overdue. And then on Saturday I went home to help move my brother in to his apartment on campus at UMass Amherst where he's starting as a transfer student (he completed his Associate's Degree at a community college in May). It was nice to see where he's going to be and getting to help settle him in and say goodbye but it was kind of sad to leave him off there and know I won't see him for at least a few weeks, probably longer. My brother and I have been really close basically since I got sick which was when I went back to homeschooling (not because I was sick, I made the decision before that happened but it was amazingly lucky that I was homeschooled since I would have missed a ton of school that year otherwise). We've definitely been through our ups and downs but now that we're both adults (although I use the word loosely) I feel like we appreciate each other more and it's definitely going to be strange having him living so far away. And I'm sure it will take some time for him to settle in and adjust to being so far from home but I hope that he's happy there and feels at home soon!

Health-wise things are mostly okay but still dealing with worse headaches and having some trouble getting to sleep as well as various other issues but nothing too bad. Doing the extra liter of saline everyday has been helpful overall, I think, although I hate the increased time hooked up to infusions (basically from the time I get out of work until I get up and go to work the next morning I'm hooked up to fluids and various other things). But when it comes down to it, if it's something that will help me feel better and keep me more functional I'll do what I have to do. I got my vitamin D prescription filled and started on that twice a week (just one dose so far). My labs have all been fine and tomorrow when I see Dr. H (PCP) again I'll get the results of the thyroid tests I had done last week which will help determine if I need to go on some thyroid medication and what kind might be the most helpful. Not much else to report there.

Well, I guess that's it for me tonight. I'm going to have a little something to eat and then curl up until my infusions are done and I can switch over my hydration and go to bed. I hope you're all having a good week!

Thursday, January 17, 2008 10:05 PM EST

"It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life.
Where you stumble, there lies your treasure."
--Joseph Campbell

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update on my appointment with Dr. H (PCP) today. I got the results of my vitamin D level and it's very low so I'll be starting on prescription vitamin D when I can get the script filled. It will be interesting to see if it makes a difference in how I'm feeling and if so, in what way. My CD-57 (a specific type of natural killer cell that has been linked to Lyme disease infection) is also really low and really not much better than it was 3 years ago when I had it tested last - not what I was hoping for but with the length of my infection it's not entirely surprising how low it was. Nothing to do for that but wait and hope continued treatment helps get the infection lower and bring the number up. Something else on the testing I had done also shows borderline iron deficiency even with the 30mg I take daily but at least it's not bad enough to do anything about right now, just shows I have to be on the iron or else I'd be in pretty bad shape. For the next little while we're also increasing my hydration to 2 liters a day to see if it helps with GI stuff, autonomic nervous system problems, energy, and various other things. While I do hope it will help with these things, I'm not entirely sure how I'll fit the extra liter into my schedule on the days when I work until 3pm but I'll figure it out one way or another. And I may have to increase my neurontin dose if my headaches continue to be increased and I keep having more trouble sleeping but I'd really like to avoid that because I think it's responsible for making me more tired in the mid-morning. Oh, and I'll be getting my thyroid re-tested when I do my next labs because it has been low and I'll probably end up going (back) on some kind of thyroid med when I see Dr. H next in a few weeks.

I think that's about it from the appointment. I'll update again soon and post some pictures of the snow from the other day. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and I hope you're all having a good week (and tomorrow is Friday! Yay!).

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 6:49 PM EST

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
--Mother Teresa

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick(ish) update tonight since it's been a little while since my last one. I keep having the intention of updating sooner but I get busy doing something else or I'm just too tired or I sit down to write and don't really know what to say. That last one is probably the most frustrating - brain fog at work I guess. I have words floating around in my head but somehow when I try to write them down they get all messed up and I can't figure out how to say what I want to say. But I'm writing other things sometimes when that happens so at least words are coming out in one way or another. So let's see, what has been going on since my last update on Saturday. I made it home for church on Sunday and then went out to dinner with my family to celebrate my younger sister's 18th birthday (which was officially Monday). I can't believe she's 18 now. She's the baby of the family and it's just strange to think that we're all so grown up! I'm sure it's strange for my parents, too. Monday was also my older sister's birthday (don't know if that's come up before but my two sisters were born on the same day 11 years apart) so we all talked to her on Sunday night. She's 29 now - almost the big 3 - 0! I didn't end up leaving to come back up to my apartment until after 10pm but it was okay because around 9pm I got the call from one of the preschool directors that Newton made an early decision to close schools for Monday because of the snowstorm moving in! A great call to get! So I slept in on Monday, stayed in my pajamas for most of the day, went for a little walk (in the snow, yes), went out to dinner at the diner down the street, and just had a relaxed day which was so nice. I could use a few more of those! But of course everyday can't be a snow day (and those few snow days or delays we have make me happy to be a teacher - definitely not a perk other professions get!) and it was back to work yesterday but it was a short day for me - out of work at a little after 1pm. Then we had a music workshop at the preschool in the evening so after being home for a few hours it was back to work I went and I was really tired by the time I got home but the workshop was fun. It was also interesting to go there hooked up to my IVs (necessary given my IV schedule). Some people asked what the noise was (my pumps are a bit noisy) but other than that they didn't seem weirded out by it, or at least they didn't say anything that made me think they were. They also didn't ask any questions about it but that's okay, I think they were just trying not to make me feel self-conscious about it. I was glad to have the opportunity to have them see what it's like when I'm hooked up to my IVs so that they know a bit more about what my life is like when I leave work. And today was a long day. I had trouble getting myself up this morning (I haven't been good about going to bed early lately - shame on me) and was half-asleep for most of the day. I'm starting to think that one of my morning meds makes me tired because about halfway through the morning I just feel so foggy and exhausted and just like I need to curl up and take a nap (and that I could fall asleep at any moment if I had the chance). But I managed and went for a walk this afternoon down to the WholeFoods to get a few groceries. I'm exhausted now and debating whether making some food (and eating it) is worth the energy and very possible nausea and pain as a result of eating it. I'll give it a little while longer and probably curl up and watch a little tv, maybe sleep a little bit, and then figure out what I want to do about that.

Health-wise things are okay - not fantastic but really I can't complain much about things. I'm mostly just really tired, more tired than I had been, but it's okay, I can handle it if at least part of it is the kind of tired you get from being busy with things. I've been having more headaches lately, too, and my reflux has been pretty bad but I can partially blame myself for eating things I shouldn't (like minestrone soup for lunch today that was tomato-based - big mistake). I did finally call and make an appointment to see Dr. R (GI) who I was supposed to see back in November but at least I finally did make the call, although the appointment isn't for a month and it will require me to figure out something with my Thursday theater classes (it's for a Thursday afternoon) but I'll manage with it somehow. And today I was having some bad neuropathic pain in my left foot but it seems better now. Anyway, overall things are okay.

The rest of the week looks busy but I have a long weekend to look forward to (Monday holiday). Tomorrow after work I have an appointment with Dr. H (PCP) and I have a bunch of things to talk to her about. Then I think my brother is coming up to have dinner with me but I have to talk to him about that to confirm. And on Friday after work I'll get my stuff together and head to Connecticut to spend the weekend with a friend there which will be really nice. My theater classes start next week so I have to gear up for those, too, and get out a mailing to all my theater kids (just a matter of addressing and stuffing envelopes and getting to the post office - which I'll hopefully manage to do tomorrow). And I'll also be doing some one-on-one work with one of my older theater kids because she was chosen from a whole big group of kids to go to a two-day session with casting agents from big companies (Disney, Nickelodeon, etc.) and she has to have a monologue to perform for that. It's really cool that she's doing it but a little nervewracking for me to feel the pressure to help prepare her, and it's kind of bringing up my insecurities when it comes to teaching acting (that I'm not that sure I know what I'm doing even after having been invovled in it in one way or another for 17 years!) but I'm sure it will be okay and give me something fun to work on. But for now I have to find a monologue at least so I'll be spending some time looking through my books of monologues and trying to find a few to give to her to consider.

Alright, I'm going to go take some meds, rest for a bit, and hopefully get a few things done before I completely crash tonight. I hope you're all having a good week!

Saturday, January 12, 2008 7:09 PM EST

"All in all I fare the same
Wishing on an airplane
As calling stars by name
A lonely song of freedom rings
In hope of someone listening and
So I send my feeble flare
Through the silent arctic air
Heading anywhere
Until at last I've finally found
A place to lay my anchor down."
--Anna Nalick

Hi Everyone,

I keep trying to start writing something and get distracted by something. But now I'm finally getting to sit down and write. It's only been a few days since my last update so things haven't changed much since then but I am dealing with some kind of intense things and struggling a bit with them. I don't want to go into detail on here because I'm never quite sure who will read this but suffice it to say it's not really fun but very necessary.

This past week was kind of a long one - maybe it felt long because it was the first full week back at work after the winter break (only one more full week before the long weekend). It was a relief to get to Friday but it turned out to be a very chaotic day at work with just a lot of things happening to cause changes in plans. I guess it just goes to show how important flexibility is, especially when working with kids. In the end, though, it was an okay day despite the rain pouring down and the chaos at work. Life has a tendency to throw chaos at us at weird times, maybe to remind us not to get too stuck in our ways and leave room for changes when necessary (and sometimes when not entirely necessary but needed). Last night I had trouble getting to bed and ended up staying up until after midnight which used to be a normal occurrance but since starting my "real" job I'm usually in bed long before then. So it was kind of a rough night and I let myself sleep in a bit this morning - until 9am when one of my pumps woke me up with the French ambulance beeping (if you've ever had a CADD Prizm pump you know what I'm talking about) because the battery was dead. Of course it wasn't sleeping straight through until 9am, I had to wake up at 6am to hook up my morning dose of Flagyl, and then again an hour later to switch to the morning Doxycycline dose. Thankfully I got back to sleep pretty easily after waking up each time. It's frustrating to have to juggle the schedule of IV stuff and try to get enough sleep in around it all. And it's hard to know that the people I'm around on a daily basis now know little or nothing about this whole aspect of my life. The other teachers at work don't realize that when I leave the preschool I come home and I'm basically hooked up to various IVs until I get up and leave for work the next morning. My roommates don't really know anything about my health, which is not too surprising considering I see them so rarely and when I do see them it's for very short periods of time so we don't really talk. But when it comes right down to it, I don't really mind that much that none of them really know what's going on. I mean, in some ways it's uncomfortable to feel like there's a whole aspect of my life that I really don't talk about but after 10 years of dealing with it and talking about it a lot and it being such a central part of my life, in some ways it's freeing to not have it be a big thing in some aspects of my life. I don't really know what I'm trying to say here but maybe it will make sense to some of you. I'm feeling like I'm rambling here so I'll cut of this train of thought.

Today has been a pretty good day and I feel like I've accomplished a lot. This morning I rested a while, stayed in bed and watched some DVDs, and then I got up and went out for a walk/jog - yes, that's right, I actually managed to jog for short spurts and in total I walked/jogged (maybe I should make a new word? wogged?) about 3 1/2 miles which is quite an accomplishment for me. It felt so good to be able to do so much but of course I was pretty wiped out by the time I made it back home. But I didn't rest (maybe I should have 'cause now I'm feeling pretty zonked and foggy), instead I did some cleaning in my room, reorganized some of my IV supplies, put up a little shelf I hadn't had a chance to put up yet (or just wasn't sure where I was going to put it), unpacked some pictures and things to put on the shelf, and finally took a shower and accessed my port to get hooked up to my amino acids (which are running now). It was quite a day but it's nice to feel more and more like I'm settling into my room here. I'm enjoying being here, I like spending the weekends here and having time to just relax and go out and do things if I want to. I was considering going out for lunch or dinner at the diner down the street that I've come to really like (they serve breakfast all day which is really nice) but seeing as it's 7:00pm now I don't think that's going to happen. So now I need to go make something to eat and probably watch a movie or something tonight (I'm being pretty good at watching my Netflix movies quickly for a change!). Tomorrow I'll get up and go to church and then my family is going out to dinner for my sister's birthday (which is actually Monday). She's turning 18 which is strange - she's the baby of the family so I guess we're all pretty grown up! I'm toying with the idea of getting up early to go out for a walk before going to church but I'm not sure that will happen. It seems when it comes right down to it sleep wins out over a lot of other things. Oh, and my labs this week were good (better than last week). I find I'm always waiting for things to suddenly go downhill and get nervous about my lab results each week but I guess I should just get it through my head that things are stable right now and that I should stop worrying!

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a great weekend! And I'd love it if you took a minute to sign my guestbook.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008 8:07 PM EST

Refuse to fall down.
If you cannot refuse to fall down,
refuse to stay down.
If you cannot refuse to stay down,
lift your heart toward heaven,
and like a hungry beggar,
ask that it be filled,
and it will be filled.
You may be pushed down.
You may be kept from rising.
But no one can keep you from lifting you
from lifting your heart toward heaven -
only you.
It is in the middle of misery
that so much becomes clear.
The one who says nothing good came of this,
is not yet listening.
--Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the lapse in updates but a week between them isn't too bad. This past week has been...long I guess is the word that comes to mind. I can't believe that just one week ago today was the first day back at work after vacation - it seems like such a long time ago. But at least now that we're into the second half of the year it's more evenly broken up - just one more full week after this week and then a long weekend, then just three full weeks before February vacation, and then eight weeks until April vacation, and then we're in the home stretch with just five more weeks until the preschool is done for the year! Okay, it's still a long time, but at least there are more breaks in the second half of the year than the first half which will be nice. Work is going well but it's been tiring. I can say one thing, I've realized that I actually end up being MORE tired (or at least a different kind of tired) when I'm on a wacky sleep schedule like I was when I was on winter break - going to bed whenever and sleeping until whenever - than I am when I'm on a more regular schedule of going to bed around 10pm and getting up by 7am. Ideally I'd be getting to bed closer to 9pm, and I do some nights, but usually even if I'm in bed at 9pm I'm not asleep until at least 10pm as it seems to take me about an hour to wind down and for the meds to kick in that help me sleep (perhaps I should try taking them earlier?) and I'd love to get up a little earlier to have time to have a cup of coffee before heading to work instead of grabbing some on the way (or not).

I'm happy to say that I've been walking to work most days which is really nice and I love being able to do it. I've only drive twice since going back to work - last Wednesday and today - and in addition to walking to work I've also been walking other places and just walking around. I've gotten in the habit (well, I don't know if it's a habit yet, it's only happened two or three times so far) of walking about a mile down the road to the Whole Foods Market to do a little grocery shopping and then walking back with a backpack of food. It's nice to be able to do that, both because of where I live and because physically I feel up to it. It's been wonderful discovering that the extra ankle support of my snow boots or ankle braces makes a big difference when it comes to walking so that I'm able to do more of it!

Health-wise I'm doing alright. I've been having a number of headaches recently but they're not too bad, I'm tired (which isn't anything new), having aches and pains and stuff like that, but overall I'm pretty stable. I've had a cough for a little over a week which isn't horrible but it's the kind of cough where sometimes I'll go to take a deep breath and there's rasping and rattling in my lungs and I just have to start coughing and it doesn't sound great. But I'm not coughing all the time or anything so it could be worse. My labs last week were okay - everything in the normal range at least so nothing to really be worried about. I'll just wait and see how they are this week (it's always a kind of watch and wait thing and I'm never confident enough to feel like they'll stay normal but I guess I should realize they're pretty stable lately and that I can stop worrying!). My stomach hasn't been great for the past week or so and got worse on Monday. In the morning I started having abdominal pains that would come in waves every 5 or 10 minutes and were pretty bad but they let up for a while in the afternoon only to come back that evening and keep me up off and on throughout the night. So I've been more careful about what I've been eating and I've been sticking to mostly liquids (having a stockpile of Ensure and other liquid nutrition drinks comes in handy and tonight I'm enjoying a tasty smoothie from Fresh City) and hopefully it will get better if I just take it easy for a while.

One of the areas of my life right now that isn't great but that I'm kind of learning to deal with is my living situation. My apartment itself is nice, I love the location I'm in (being able to walk most places is so great), but I'm having issues with my roommates. I don't see them that often, I don't really know them very well, and there seem to be some issues that maybe are just me being weird about boundaries but things have happened like other people putting their toothbrushes in my toothbrush cup which is just not cool with me. Maybe if they knew more about my health situation and the fact that I have (to some degree anyway) a compromised immune system they'd be more aware of things like that, but I just don't want to make things a big deal. Other things have happened like my food disappearing when I know I didn't eat it and again I don't want to make it a big deal but it bothers me. Anyway, I'm not sure why I'm mentioning it here, just to mention it I guess since it's on my mind. I'm trying to decide what I'm going to do in the fall but I know one thing for sure - I need to live on my own without roommates. That unfortunately means that I don't have the option to stay in this area since I could really never afford to get an apartment here on my own but maybe that's a good thing as it will push me to really make a change. The most likely thing to happen right now is a move up to Maine and most of the time I really know that's what I want to do but then every once in a while I waver and have doubts. But the other teachers at the preschool are urging me to just go for it since this is the time to go live wherever I want to and if I wait I may never get to do it. So it'll be interesting to see what I decide in the end.

Okay, I'm going to watch a little TV while my infusions finish running and then hopefully head to bed early. Just two more days 'til the weekend and tomorrow and Friday are short days for me (get out of work at or close to 1pm) so hopefully I'll get some extra rest in and maybe some nice walks if the weather holds up. We've had some rain but unusually warm temperatures which is good because the snow that we've had for weeks and weeks has finally mostly melted away (it was getting pretty gross and annoying piled up on the sides of the road and blocking parts of the sidewalk) but bad because my autonomic nervous system doesn't like big swings in temperature and was making that known last night when I was running a low-grade fever off and on. Today it's been okay but it's best for me to avoid too much time outside when the temperature is going all over the place (I actually prefer to take walks when it's colder out).

Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I hope you're all having a great week!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008 10:11 PM EST

Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on,
with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.
~Hal Borland

Hi Everyone,

Okay, so I'm a day late on that happy new year (well, almost 2 days late) but it's still the new year, right? This will be short as I'm heading to bed in hopes of getting back on a semi-decent sleep schedule (vacation was wonderful but brutal on my somewhat well established sleep pattern). Vacation is over which is good and bad. I loved having the time to just hang around, rest, sleep, knit, watch some TV and movies, and just hang out at home and do all the things I wish I could do more often! But being back at work means something to focus on, something to get up for each day which is kind of cool, and getting to see the kids again, although today I seriously wanted some of them to just disappear (they seemed a bit wound up after the long vacation, not what I was expecting). Health-wise I'm doing alright. I'm really tired (go figure, tired out from all the resting I did) and having headaches and more dysautonomia issues but I'm getting my IV fluids overnight so hopefully that will be a bit better in the morning. My labs last week were good - everything in normal range so I'm happy!

Alright, I'm off to bed now. I'm tired and I have a worsening headache so I hope it will go away by the time I wake up. I'm so glad this is a short week (one day down, two more to go until the weekend) and there isn't that much time until the next long weekend and then a week-long school vacation and before I know it I'm sure it will be the end of the year and I'll be asking where all the time went! But for now, sleep is in my near future. I hope you all had a wonderful new year celebration (mine consisted of watching movies all night and flipping to watch the last 15 seconds of the ball drop with my mom and dad - not too exciting but it was fine) and that you're having a good week so far. And if you're in the northeast (or elsewhere in the country that's getting a chill) stay warm!

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