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Monday, January 19, 2009 8:56 AM CST

OMGoodness! Im such a slacker! LOL! I have been laidback in updating and for that I am sorry...but I think I need to update this page there is a new program with Caringbridge that alerts you when this page is updated...

Linda is good!!! I always say that no news is good news...She is alternating several antibiotics right now and they seem to be working. The "miracle drug" no longer works...but that would be expected considering she was on it for two solid years...So as of right now shes holding steady...and shes gaining weight and shes active so I have no complaints!!! We are still vising Houston about every 3-6 months they are keeping close tabs on us...

Diana and Josy are good both are working on science projects...Diana is pruny skin?...permeable cell membrane in science jargin...and Josy's is moisture in popcorn? uh H20 within the kernal...LOL! They are all growing up so much...I feel a bit older and more reserved each day LOL!

Aagh! I will be thirty March 22... And I am still in school...my plans have been delayed yet again...not cause of Linda but because I havent taken any math courses in 3 years. The rule is you have to retest to be placed and were talking x=5x 8...what is x? Uh yea I have to take developmental so my deadline for nursing school is Feb 11, 2010. You can apply for nursing school two times a year and you have to have all prerequisites out of the way before applying...And I lack college Math which once I take the developmental course's the fall 09 is when I should get into that course...but I do have all of my undergraduate courses out of the way and all other prerequisites...So nursing and clinicals will be my only focus once I start uppergraduate courses.

W've been busy and active...and just plain living life without worry or sickness...I want to say to we were so blessed for Christmas!!! We were taken care of...and this started the year off with humbleness and gratitude of how the Lord thinks of you before your needs are requested...It is amzing to think of all that was done this Christmas how the spirit moves to all and the thoughts of man is not self but others...

Prayer Request:
Thankfulness and Gratitude for good health and good times!

Friday, December 5, 2008 2:07 PM CST


Were home as of November 20th...She came home with good health...but the Saturday after she got fever...not even 48 hours after being in the hospital on iv antibiotics for 15 days...On the 25th we went back to the clinic to tweak her antibiotics it worked but this Tuesday she got a slight fever...So I have to say were very up and down right now...Linda has missed quite a bit of school...And myself work...

On top of all this...the demands of just plain life are still upon me... I have a final exam for microbiology this coming wednesday...aaaaaagh!!!! Trust me I get tired and stressed but keep on pushin on...Knowing to hold on to hope and realize I am doing the best that I can with what Ive got. I stand showin my girls to not give up but to push past difficult circumstances...

I will keep this page updated and see where we go from here...we go to Houston for follow up this month, working out arrangements now...so transplant is still very much part of the plan just delayed until docs feel its time...

Prayer Request:
Good health- Linda
Diana and Josy- understanding

Thursday, November 6, 2008 2:57 PM CST

Well Were back! At Childrens...I havent updated because I have been so busy and Linda hasnt been hospitalized...you know what they say no news is good news!
The past month she has been border line ill...feverish but not ill...shes complained now for weeks she just doesnt feel good...Her antibiotics seem to keep the illness at bay...and without them she really gets sick...
Linda was admitted yesterday so we shall do a two week run of iv antibioticas and round tha clock treatments...i will definately keep you posted...
Other than fever and the usual increased cough she is herself always!

Prayer Request:
Strength to endure
good health
my girls!

Friday, July 25, 2008 10:42 AM CDT

Linda finally kicked fever this Tuesday but still having vomitting. she coughs for hours still, so docs changed antibiotics...she is back on the antibiotic that is effective...if that doesnt work they will put her on steroids. Which helps with inflammation...which is the body's way to protect itself from infection.

She has even lost some weight...she hasnt had a real good appetite and we have to remind her to drink cause she is not thirsty either...Other then these things shes is everybit herself happy and opinionated as always...LOL!

This visit has been discouraging because health improvement has been slow and the hospital visits always seem long...I was actually spoiled with Lindas good health and we actually got to live a normal life doing regular things without the worry of sickness...If she does show improvement she may get to be discharged next Tues.

Since the beginning of June Linda has been sick...compared to almost a year with no illness...It has been difficult for Josy and Diana. And with it being summer too they feel the weight of this hospital stay.

I continue to always hold on to hope knowing that their is a plan bigger then we can see or even understand...Dont get me wrong I still feel the weight and burden of all this suffering but push past our circumstances for the sake of the girls...I have to be strong for them...

Prayer Request:
Strength & Endurance
My Girls
Renewed Health

Friday, June 20, 2008 11:32 AM CDT

Linda has been admitted again...yeaterday Tues the 15th...She just got out the 27th of June...On the 4th of July she got fever again...Then the following Friday the 11th she got sick again but this time virus...gastronitis the docs said... she was vomitting everything, her meds too so now were back to lungs again...
Diana & Josy are with me & Linda at the hospital cause everybody (mom,grandma,aunt) is sick with this stomach virus goin around...There at VBS right now...they missed Mon & Tues cuase Linda was sick...

I wonder at Gods timing and the message we should receive when trials come...Heavy on my heart is a good friend and I ask for comfort for her right now...But I still stand and hold on to hope without doubt that HE is in control and that the situations we go through is for good not evil...also that what we are subject too is not in vain...and that endurance produces faith...

Were on the 7th floor...its newer than the 6th but think well move down at some point...The view is nice...so if you call I put the main # down... not sure where wll be...

health & understanding
endurance and strength

Thursday, June 12, 2008 5:08 PM CDT

Linda is doing better. The docs switched her back to linezolid on Saturday (the strong antibiotic) within 24 hours no fever...shes definately not coughing as much and getting restless...She will still have to stay here for another 8 days because they do a round of 14 days of intravenous antibiotics...

I have been more exhausted this visit...probably cause we havent done this since August...

Rest & Sleep

Friday, April 11, 2008 8:50 AM CDT


Hey everybody...well all is good...girls growing too much if you ask me...Josy will tryout for cheerleading this Sat for Richardson football team... a community league...she is super pysched! She the one with the cheerleader personality!

Diana is doing well and super intelligent...I tell her she keeps it up she could get scholarship for college...and shes smart on her own I dont put any pressure on her ...the rule is do your best!

Linda is well... still on heavy antibiotics which are working for her...she has a normal life as well as her sisters...nothing has hindered us...we do as we want and not as the disease dictates...freedom of health! Docs worry about resistance but at this point what works is what will do...w'll cross that bridge when we get there...Docs predict that CF patients lose 3unction in the lungs per year...that is without illness...They think if she keeps up her health she wont need the transplant for 7 years...Docs try to delay transplant as long as possible because a transplant would cut short her life...When Linda gets a transplant according to docs statistics she may have ten years to live...I realized that my daughters life is not in hands of docs but in Gods so I will continue to trust in Him...my goal is for Linda and Diana and Josy to have the best lives possible...That is our hope! Ok enough medical stuff...I want to invite yall too......



Well as for me I am applying at TWU this month so I can apply for Nursing Uppergraduate Program deadline Feb 2009...The goal is to begin in the Fall of 2009. It seems far away but under college timing its not! Its crunch time! Talk about stress lol! I have alot of loose ends to tie up, transcripts, application, etc...to get in order. Where does time go??? If you have the answer let me know cause I am having trouble managing it LOL!

Your probably thinking how can she possibly go to school and care for her girls and on top of all that manage Lindas healthcare...Well what I have learned is this disease stops for no one...life does not stop...CF has tought me to be tough yet compassionate...strong yet empathetic to those who our going through something difficult in their lives...But the most important CF has tought me to hope! Hope for better health...hope for a better quality of life...hope for something so great that it is not yet seen and that is a cure! I trust in God for this...

Prayer Request:
Diana, Josy and Linda
Strength and Dignity
Finals on exams coming up! aaaghhh panicked!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008 8:30 AM CST

I am sorry I havent updated...I just have so much going on...and I have been having digital issues...LOL! Well I come with whats new...Linda made the Dallas Morning News...last Thanksgiving a danceworkshop was done in her honor at Kitty Carters nieces dance studio in Rockwall...but the story is not all about her, its about the amazing Noel who started this charity called Girls Reaching Out...Noel met Linda in the hospital a few years ago whos cousin has CF as well, when she heard about Linda needing a lung transplant she was moved to do something on her own! She is in highschool! Dont under estimate teenagers! The link is below and I have posted the pics that made the paper...if you cant follow link
Go To:Dallas Morning News.com
Click: local news tab
Under Search type:girls reaching out rockwall
the story will come out

Linda is doing very well, the docs predict that if the meds keep working as well as it has been...she may not need a transplant for 7 years...lets hope! Us girls are definately jumping back into the swing of things...I had to take some R&R from all...You know with all that is going on I have just been plain exhausted...

Diana and Josy are good, growing like weeds, turning more and more into young ladies everyday...Diana is doing peer mediation at school... she learns to act as a neutralizer in the he said she said drama at school...Josys B-day is May 15th and she is already making plans and asking for early gifts...ha!ha!ha! I am trying to concentrate on getting through this day and shes asking me for her birthday gift...talk about stop in my tracks! What day is it????LOL!

I am taking A&P 2and US Goverment online (this is the greatest option ever!) so my days have been busy...The goal is to finally apply for nursing school at TWU 09 Spring to start in the Fall of 09. Once this semester is over I have all of the prerequisites done and all my undergraduate courses out of the way...so I will only focus on nursing and clinicals...Pray for me!

I am going to add a paragraph for my family...My nephew whos almost 2 was burnt on 2/22 from a cup of scalding hot Ramon Noodle Soup in the cup...He has 2nd & 3rd degree burns...his arms are healing well and the docs say no surgery...accept its very painful...his arms have to be cleaned twice daily and bandaged...he also is going to have to do physical therapy for 30 days at Parklands burn unit...so I do ask for your prayers for my sister that she may have strength to endure...and for Isaiah that he will heal...I will add a pic when I get one...He is soooo cuuuuute!

I have found that the Lord is faithful and even though hard circumstances come it can be used for good...This is has brought are family together even more...especially me to my sister...me and my nephew have a bond since it was I who did the 1st weekend round of cleanings talk about break my heart! & I have the stomach for it)...I never had a son...but my nephew is enough!

Prayer Requests:
Continued Good Health
Endurance & Grace
My Family

Friday, January 25, 2008 8:40 AM CST

Hey Everyone!

I am so sorry to have not updated sooner but I have really tooken advantage of laying low...no pressure! We have really needed some R&R, especially me...

The girls are doing well...Linda especially...we had an antibiotic change and she did her decline again but not to the point where she was admitted...The docs put her back on her "miracle drug" and she is back to normal...She had to miss the whole week coming back from winter break at school but she is better...
We visited Houston in December, the good news is they will not list her as of yet...She has consistently given 50% for her PFT's(pulmanary function test) the norm is a 100. It can measure lower airways and upper...Her lower are the worse numbers but because of this new medicine she has done really good. Her numbers were in the 30's which is when they will actually consider doing the transplant...she has more energy, she coughs less, she is sick less...The transplant docs say if she continues as she is she will probably lose 3% of her lung function every year and probably wont need a transplant for 7 years...Because Cystic Fibrosis is a progressive disease meaning that her illness gets worse over time...it will be a matter of time when she will in fact need a lung transplant...

What does this mean for us? Well we keep on keepin on...I have found in light of this disease life does not stop...The pace keeps going with you or without you...I am still in school taking A&P 2...I am determined to finish no matter how long it takes me...I am also determined to live this life to the best of my ability...loving my girls and making the best possible home for them...Not making excuses because of our shortcomings but learning to strive with joy no matter what the obstacle...I hope all are well and hope our lives can offer hope in the shadow of difficulty...

Thank You for those who continue to pray for our family...knowing this alone has given me great strength... more than you know...

Prayer Request:
Continued good Health...
Strength and Grace

Wednesday, November 21, 2007 12:24 AM CST

Hey Everybody!

I am so sorry not to update page but I have been so busy with classes that I cant wait until Dec 10 the Final Exam! Yeah!!!...We are all doing well especially Linda...She is still on full blown antibiotics and other meds...We go to Houston Dec. 13 to see transplant docs they are keeping her on antibiotics indefinately...and there is always worry that resistance will occur but for the most part that hasnt happened.

Linda has been invited to a dance workshop in her honor so the girls are very excited...it is this Friday...We are preparing for Thanksgiving tomorrow and are looking foward to all that food...

I hope all is well and Thanksgiving can be a time of gratefulness and fullness of life...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007 9:52 AM CST

Were doing ok I will update soon...havent had time to update class is killing me...LOL!

Monday, October 1, 2007 10:25 AM CDT

Hey Everyone!

Just wanted to let yall know all is well...usually if theres no news it means good news...We return to Houston in December...Linda is on full blown antibiotics with no breaks in between...a couple make you very sensitive to the sun so she is very rosy in the face...Also she is on steroids which usually puffs you up so she is very cheeky...no major side effects other than these...

Dianas birthday is November the first, I want to do something special so I will keep you posted...Josy is good, shes losing teeth...and shes expecting cash! School is well...studyin hard and stayin at the gym...excercise is good for all of us...there is a new video of Lindas accomplishment...on my space, you have to check it out!

Prayer Request:
Peace for this pace of life...
Continued health improvement...

Friday, September 14, 2007 10:00 AM CDT

Hey Everyone!

We went and returned from Houston yesterday...All is well...They will keep Linda on antibiotics indefinately...of course call for any illness or changes...I am glad cause good health is a privelage that I dont take lightly...I am grateful for good days and estatic when we can remain normal and as stable as possible...

I got to speak with a family that was just transplanted a week ago...and it was very encouraging...the surgery went well, it took ten hours and they were on the waiting list 5 months so it was a process the mom told me...We spoke more about how we as moms get by day to day and where our strength comes from and we both said FAITH...knowing our hope lies in Him! I needed the voice of someone who has been where we are going to let me know what I already knew,it was confirmation!

Diana and Josy are doin well...we are going to have to work hard on homework and time management...They tend to delay homework at right at bed time and I am not the friendliest that close to bed time, LOL! So we are workin on this right now...Me too cause classes have begun, my 1st exam is next Thursday, YIKES! But it is ok I finally know what I need to get the information and retain it...a prayer the day before an exam is not gona cut it...ha!ha!

I have been stayin focused on health, diet, and excercise...makin it part of the routine...it is my focus, since going to Houston last month I have lost 11 lbs! Waiting in a hospital room can get restless and tiresome and draining, physically and mentally so I said then I would commit to losing weight not gaining... I have tried to burn in my head these habits...
Eat when I am hungry-physical hunger...
Saying only a lil is enough- portion control.
Stayin active and at the YMCA at least 3 times a week- regular excercise.
Knowing it will take time- so not beating myself up if I fail...Which is daily!
I say I am in training- to psych myself out, ha!
I lost the weight last time with these habits so I need to get back on it and stick to it no matter what else is on my plate...Know one else will give me this time so I have to give to myself...It is not a chore it is ME time! LOL!

Prayer Request:
Continued good health...for all of us...
This school year- time management
Strength and Grace

Friday, September 14, 2007 10:00 AM CDT

Hey Everyone!

We went and returned from Houston yesterday...All is well...They will keep Linda on antibiotics indefinately...of course call for any illness or changes...I am glad cause good health is a privelage that I dont take lightly...I am grateful for good days and estatic when we can remain normal and as stable as possible...

I got to speak with a family that was just transplanted a week ago...and it was very encouraging...the surgery went well, it took ten hours and they were on the waiting list 5 months so it was a process the mom told me...We spoke more about how we as moms get by day to day and where our strength comes from and we both said FAITH...knowing our hope lies in Him! I needed the voice of someone who has been where we are going to let me know what I already knew,it was confirmation!

Diana and Josy are doin well...we are going to have to work hard on homework and time management...They tend to delay homework at right at bed time and I am not the friendliest that close to bed time, LOL! So we are workin on this right now...Me too cause classes have begun, my 1st exam is next Thursday, YIKES! But it is ok I finally know what I need to get the information and retain it...a prayer the day before an exam is not gona cut it...ha!ha!

I have been stayin focused on health, diet, and excercise...makin it part of the routine...it is my focus, since going to Houston last month I have lost 11 lbs! Waiting in a hospital room can get restless and tiresome and draining, physically and mentally so I said then I would commit to losing weight not gaining... I have tried to burn in my head these habits...
Eat when I am hungry-physical hunger...
Saying only a lil is enough- portion control.
Stayin active and at the YMCA at least 3 times a week- regular excercise.
Knowing it will take time- so not beating myself up if I fail...Which is daily!
I say I am in training- to psych myself out, ha!
I lost the weight last time with these habits so I need to get back on it and stick to it no matter what else is on my plate...Know one else will give me this time so I have to give to myself...It is not a chore it is ME time! LOL!

Prayer Request:
Continued good health...for all of us...
This school year- time management
Strength and Grace

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 8:59 AM CDT

Linda finally broke fever Monday! I was losing hope there for a second and thought she was going to have to be admitted...Linda returned to school on Tuesday-yesterday...
Although Linda has been with fever it is usually only once and in the morning, its the roughest in the mornin for CFers anyways, cause they wake up and usually have to clear the airways after layin still al night...

We have kept on going regardless...We went to 6 Flags on Saturday after her fever broke...it was hot this day and humid, so we made sure to stay cool...We stayed till they closed so it was fun!!!

The one thing that is stressed with CF is Quality of Life...the docs and CF team encourage to stay as normal as possible which we have done...through excercising at the YMCA, through going to church, throguh me getting my degree...Yes it has been tough, yes it hasnt been easy...some days are harder then others but I have focused on keepin Lindas quality and Diana and Josy's quality of life as normal as possible...

We go to Houston Thursday for a one month follow up...we shall see what they have to say about Lindas recent illness...

Prayer Request:
Docs-Wisdom & Direction
Continued Healing
School Year

Friday, September 7, 2007 11:33 AM CDT

Hey Everybody...

Linda is sick...it began with stomach problems this past Sunday, we had to go to the ER and got before and after x-rays...they ended up doing an enima, awful awful awful! I cried and I dont cry...try not to anyways...we were released in the mornin...I thought for a minute she was having a bowel obstruction like when she was three and needed surgery...

But since Tuesday she has had fever...we went to clinic Thursday and they decided not to keep her since Diana was sick two weeks ago flu like symptoms...then I have been sick this week but allergies...so DR. P decided to double up on antibiotics and if she doesnt break fever by the weekend they will admit her...We are suppose to go to Houston next Thursday for one month follow up...

Diana and Josy are in school and doing fine...but they get scared when Linda is ill...I have started classes and am juggling work and school and kids and home...its all just too much especially when Linda is sick...It weighs heavy on my heart at how unfair this disease is and how much she suffers...I am doing the best that I can with the limited amount of help and resources available, but the one thing that has kept me going is my faith, this is where my hope lies...I keep on keepin on knowing He will strengthen me especially at my weakest...and at Lindas weakest...

Prayer Request:
Grace and Strength

Thursday, August 23, 2007 11:42 AM CDT


Well we have been home a little over a week...and Linda has been doing well...no fevers Thank God!... as long as she is on antibiotics she is functional...We are getting back in to the swing of things...Getting ready for school on Monday (Diana 4th grade, Josy 3rd grade Linda 1st grade)...Me too! arrrgh! Deadlines again...

We go to Houston September 13th and I will know Lindas game plan then...Diana and Josy will not be with their father he has proven to be unstable and unreliable...At this point my girls need absolute stabilty since Lindas future is unknown...I realized when we were in Houston how much they missed us...I think at this point I need to keep my family together...Diana & Josy are much apart of Lindas illness as I am and to take them away from what they know is too hard for them...

I will update soon...

Prayer Request:
The coming school year...
Lindas health...
Wisdom & direction for docs...

Thursday, August 23, 2007 8:56 AM CDT


Well we have been home a little over a week...and Linda has been doing well...no fevers Thank God!... as long as she is on antibiotics she is functional...We are getting back in to the swing of things...Getting ready for school on Monday (Diana 4th grade, Josy 3rd grade Linda 1st grade)...Me too! arrrgh! Deadlines again...

We go to Houston September 13th and I will know Lindas game plan then...Diana and Josy will not be with their father he has proven to be unstable and reliable...At this point my girls need absolute stabilty since Lindas future is unknown...I realized when we were in Houston how much they missed us...I think at this point I need to keep my family together...Diana & Josy are much apart of Lindas illness as I am and to take them away from what they know is too hard for them...

I will update soon...

Prayer Request:
The coming school year...
Lindas health...
Wisdom & direction for docs...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 2:57 PM CDT

Hey Everyone! We get to come home today!!!

The docs have switched Linda to oral antibiotics so there is no reason we stay til wednesday. We will be on two antibiotics and one we havent used before. Tomorrow the team still consult regarding Linda's plan. She has been seen by more than a handful of pulmonologists...All with different experience and view...At this point a lung transplant will not be done...since she showed improvement compared to last visit, although she got a fever...

As long as she is on the antibiotics she functions normally...it is without them she doesnt...The docs have given many things to think about...One is seeing Linda on a regular basis that is every month compared to every 3 months...So maybe moving to Houston is something to seriously consider...They want to keep her on antibiotis that treat her for however long it takes...(just a side note...isnt funny how taking care of something causing such havoc can be the simplest...Like praying,ha!) Maybe this will give Linda a couple of years before considering transplant again because there is significant lung damage...Again they want to delay transplant as long as possible since going through with a transplant actually shortens life span and since now seeing how quickly she deteriates without antibiotics, staying on them proves a good solution...

In one docs opinion going for lobe removal may prove risky since so much lung damage already...an incision would be made at the rib cage and that part would be removed, but after surgery a tube would be placed there for a couple of days to remove liquid which can be very painful, also when cutting the nerves the body forgets to cough which could do more damage to the lungs...This doctor (Dr.Mallory) went to school with the doctor that follows us (Dr.Prestidge) in Dallas who I love!, so I trust both their opinions...

Funny story, Linda wouldnt speak when Dr.Mallory was in the room and when he was about to leave she flashed him her port. Where she gets iv antibiotics it is implanted in her body...like a central line but Lindas is at her lower left rib...so you have to lift her shirt to access...I said to her playing... "are you flashing Dr.Mallory?" She told him yes, "I do speak!" In her only Linda way...then she comes over to me and lifts my shirt to flash, I scream in horror and she laughs! Dr. Mallory wears bow ties if this gives you a picture of him...he laughed and went on his way...So all I could do was laugh too...since it was only my belly, thank goodness!

So right now we will come home and in a month we will return...I am confortable going home with antibiotics because I have seen them work, but the taking them away because of resistance, then her getting sick, then getting back on, I dont think is healthy...It is scarry as a mom to see her get sick so fast...I am a pre-nursing student so I am not affected by all that goes on I can say I am pretty tough and with the years of experience around nurses, docs and hospitals I have pretty thick skin...but this happening over and over again is discouraging...

Please know that if you prayed with me how grateful I am...it has meant the world, the support and encouragement I have received has been overwhelmingly humble! My perspective is extremly hopeful and have seen how the Lord does work and things workout...Please know they always get better no matter how dark the problems seem to be...

Prayer Request:
Praise for such a simple solution...Prov 3: 4-5
Direction and Wisdom as the docs get together and consult...because my daughters life is not in docs hands but ultimately in His...Job 12:10

Sunday, August 12, 2007 12:19 AM CDT

Well it is Sunday, and Linda is still feverish...The doc came in today and said a few more days I expect us to be here at least 7 to 14...Fourteen days is our usual in Dallas...Wednesday the docs will get together as a team and consult regarding Linda, he wants to discuss maybe doing a lobectomy... That is removing the part of the lung that has the most damage which is the lower lobes...especially the left...this may give Linda a few more years before considering transplant...The goal here is to prolong life and the transplant is very risky, the statistics are not hopeful...Timing is crucial...

Linda is in good spirits...She is getting steroids to help with inflammation so she is cheeky! The doc came in today and said a side effect is hyperness, not like she already is...ha!ha! Without a fever she keeps on keeping on...So I must to...I have wireless internet in the room so I have been connecting I heard the sermon on KCBI stream today... and when I can going for walks to relieve some of the stress and just weariness I feel. This room can be very restless especially when your waitng to get better...

This hospital is a good place to try and recoop they really focus on the family and patients...Volunteers circle the floor everyday with something to do, whether a craft, snow cones, books, or prayer...This hospitals is huge you have to walk everywhere to get something so believe it or not I have lost 6lbs in a week...I have lost my appetite too, so that is good way to burn some fat...ha!ha!

I got my USB so I was able to update pics, more on myspace...

Prayer Request:
Direction and Wisdom for the team consulting on Wed..."Medical Board Review"
Hope, Grace, Strength...

Saturday, August 11, 2007 12:52 AM CDT

It is Saturday and Linda has been feverish for 4 days now, they will change antibiotics to a stronger version and see how she responds. I was told today this hospital does not allow linezolid to be given...Which I was told by another doctor that it is their "big gun" The reason this med is so effective is becasue Linda has MRSA the bacteria which causes staff...So now we wait and see....

Wed the docs will meet and consult together and come up with a game plan regarding health and future...We will be followed more closely from every 3 months to every month...because again TIMING is the main thing right now, they dont want to list Linda until the right time and determining that is confusing because from the outside she looks fine...and as long as she is not feverish she plays and responds...her oxygen saturation is good...PFTS were better this time, I think she has perfected the technique so the numbers are b/w 40-50 compared to the 30s...

We received a care package from the 8 am preschool class, and we both were happy, it was a pieace of home! Nathale wrote "I LOVE YOU. GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU. I THINK YOU GONNA FIL BER" SOOOOO SWEET! I cried happy tears, at this encouragement....They hang proudly in our room...which by the way they moved us so that info has been updated...

Diana and Josy are doing well and happy. They miss us of course and so do I...this is a hard time for us all seperation is never easy...

My request is this...just remember us when you pray and know that my heart longs for home and good health and rest and right now none can be found....

wisdom and direction for docs...
grace and strength...
for lindas fever to break...

Wednesday, August 8, 2007 7:03 PM CDT

Well we finished are final eval today and to much dismay Linda has been admitted to TX Childrens Hospital....She finished antibiotics, the "miracle " Monday and by today Wednesday morning she had fever and more coughing and of course PFTs were down- this measures pulmonary function...But better than last visit so docs are hesitaing now to list Linda....

As of right now Linda has not been listed, they plan to keep us until fevers stop and watch us closely since they have never actually seen Linda do her downward decline within 48 hours....They will determine a long term plan next week Wed when all the docs are in town and at clinic, they werent for this visit...My impression was we would be listed from the last visit, but this is not how it works....So now we wait.....some more.....

The main concern right now is not listing her so soon, but these docs definately go by statisticas and the numbers are depressing...The ones who actually survive post transplant are few....so to go through with surgery could very well mean Linda not being alive within five years,,,So TIMING is of essence when listing her....But at the rate of her decline what do we have to lose I say...But not only that I know my God is in control, for a purpose she has this disease and her suffering is not in vain....I stand on this hope that which cannot be seen but I am convinced is there....

I will update when I can, and from last journal I forgot to bring my USB connection of my phone which holds all my videos and pics....so I will get them on the pages soon...

This hospital is impressive! Huge I am at the computer now and I can see the horizon and what looks to be downtown Houston as the sun is setting...while there is an actual live radio broadcast going on down the hall...I am on the 16th floor where this whole floor has been designated for the patient and there family...Linda has MRSA and is on contact so she cant come up here....But I am impressed...Not that I am partial to Dallas Childrens Hospital that is our home away from home but it looks now we have a third home away from home....for the time being.

Diana and Josy are with their father and are well...

Prayer Request:
Wisdom for Doctors
Direction for the Doctors
Strength and Grace...

Sunday, August 5, 2007 7:42 PM CDT

Hey Everyone!

Well we are in Houston! Made it in and I am updating the page, but forgot to bring my USB connection for the phone so I could upload photos and video to my labtap! But hey things could be worse!!! So give me a week and you will see new stuff...

The s are with their father, they couldnt be happier!

I have to say that my heart is heavy weighing what our future holds, but the encouragement from my family and friends have meant the world, I cant say how overwhelmed I am...

We came on Southwest and because of Lindas "special needs" we couldnt pass through security, no problem I am in total support of our goverment checking what needs to be checked, the amazing thing is that the lady checking are bags saw all the stuff Linda had to have, she stopped and prayed for her, I almost cried, she didnt know we are going for lung transplant...but what this showed me is God is in control and he goes before us and after us preparing the way...Even if they are strangers....

Prayer Request:
Hope and Strength
Dignity & Grace

Friday, July 27, 2007 1:04 PM CDT

Just want to Update! I will keep short and sweet!

Linda is well...We leave for Houston August the fifth, aggghhh! That is 9 days...I am starting to lose sleep, seriously! I thought I was calm but my mind is on double time...

Diana and Josy leave the 4th with there dad to Nashville. I promise to get you the address so if you want to be their penpal they would love it!

Martha in preschool Ministries is still collecting donations for us which is awesome! I cant express enough gratitude....

I want to update Lindas myspace with video journals, so please keep checking it...

The BBQ is still on for tomorrow, Sat the 28th at 5 pm...

So til the next update!

Prayer Request:
The Lord is in control!
My girls, the weight of missing them is heavy now...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007 10:41 AM CDT

Well just an update of where we are at...Linda was taken off her antibiotics about 3 weeks ago on a Tues...She began her quick decline...On Sat I called docs oncall and they put her back on antibiotics...By Monday I thought shes worse and needs to be admitted. On Tuesday I guess the meds kicked in and she was not the person she was over the weekend so she was not admitted. This all happened the week of VBS. This medicine aka "miracle drug" is very very good and expensive...It right now is keeping Linda stable without it doctors say at this point anything could happen...and need to be aggressive...

By doctors advisement we were told to bump up the Houston appointment so we are going earlier than first thought...August the 6th. August the 9th we will know what exactly will happen for us to be listed...I am assuming they will give us a few days so I can return home get my car and wrap up loose ends...

Diana and Josy will go with there father the last weekend of this month...I will be having a BBQ on Saturday the 29th , At my home, (address and number at the bottom of this page) a send off and last gathering of our family and friends for quite some time...Most likely we will miss the holidays with family since we will have to be in Houston either waiting for an organ or recovering from surgery, what a thought! Whoever reads this and would like to come please come, you are very welcome...I ask that you bring a plate of your favorite food because the BBQ will be sort of Potluck...We will be playin volleyball and basketball, and racketball...anything ball!ha!ha!

Martha from VBS called me and said Preschool Ministries wanted to give the VBS offering to us which I am very very grateful and honored...Please know if you gave or prayed or coordinated how eternally thankful I am, and can say in times of need there are those who will stand by your side. I have seen the hand of God with timing, planning and coordinating all that is to take place...I am very humbled at those who have just been such an encouragement this alone has made me strong...

Prayer Request:
Linda's Health and stability...What she will Endure...
Peace that passes all understanding...Family & Friends
Our time of seperation...Diana and Josy
Doctors and Donor...The Lord is sovereign and in control...
Strength and Grace to bear it all...Me
That our suffering and experience would be a testimony and a witness...and offer hope!

Sunday, June 24, 2007 4:48 PM CDT

Well I come writing today a journey...and to share what the docs in Houston have decided...

A timeline of our journey:

May 2006- Linda was recommended by the pulmonologists at the CF clinic to see lung transplant docs in Houston. I had heard of this option for some Cystic Fibrosis patients, just I didnt know it would be ours... and was caught quite off guard and not prepared...how do you prepare mentally for the possibility of a lung transplant...

Oct 2006- Flew to Houston for a 3 day evaluation. That was 3 days of doctors visits, so lots of waiting...Lots of tests, and alot of well... evaluation...At this visit the docs did not consider Linda for transplant, they felt she was not ready...I received a lot of information, what was to be expected from surgery to living arrangements, trading one disease for another, instead of treatments 3 times a day it is now immune-suppressants medications...complications, you name it it was discussed...I realized that the destiny of my child was not in docs hands but in Gods alone...

Nov 2006- Went on the Kidds Kids Trip to Walt Disney!!!!Good times, Linda not sick...

Jan 2007 - A three month check up. The only dtermination is that antibiotics perscribed, called a "miracle drug" has been effective and kept her out of the hospital since July 2006...

April 2007- Linda was hospitalized for 18 days, after 9 months of being well. She had been on antibiotics the "miracle drug" for 7 months consecutively and out of the hospital 9 months, which is a long stretch for Linda...Docs worried about resistance, but at Linda's stage in the illness she does not function normally without antibiotics...

June 2007- Went for another check up. Linda did a CT-scan which showed more damage then the first, in Oct 2006. Compared to the previous it did have less mucus and junk...But showed more holes in the bronchial tubes. When this occurs there is no repairing the damage. The organ tries to breathe as much as possible and if it cant , it creates the holes...This visit the docs have decided to start the lung transplant process...We will return to Houston in September for a 3 day full evaluation, final analysis you can say. This information will be given to the Medical Review Board for transplant approval and then Linda will be put on the waiting list...Linda and I will move to Houston where I will not be able to work and must stay by Linda's side throughout the whole process...I have juggled most of it for a long time, but for this, Linda will be my only priority, no school, no working, and Diana and Josy will go to Nashville to stay with their father...

Today- I have much on my mind and heart. Not stressing just trying to sort out the details. We will have to move to Houston in 3 months...Diana and Josy will go to Nashville before the school starts which should be mid-August...I do have to consider living expenses since I will not work and insurance will not cover...The docs did say I need to start fundraising, which yikes! I have never done before, I dont even know where to begin...

My words of encouragement are that I know and have seen great things from my Lord...He has never failed us throught this journey of CF , divorce and seperation, raising three girls, working, and studying to be a RN, and all the while holding on to my Christian faith...I can say that these things in my life have made me stronger and each and every situation has drawn me closer to the Lord...My hope rests in Him, His word says Fear not that He is with me, I will not anxiously look about, knowing He is my God and surely He will send His right hand to strengthen me...Iasiah 41:10 (my translation)

Prayer Request:
Wisdom and Direction for all the details to sort out...
That His timing will pass and endure...
That peace that passes all understanding I will have...
For Linda to be healed...
Wisdom and Understanding for Diana and Josy...
Psalm 139 (with me always and perfectly formed Linda)
James 5:15(pray offered for the one who is sick can heal)
2nd Cor 12:9 (In our weakness He is strong, His power dwells in us)
Job 12:10 (he hold Lindas breath)
Iasiah 40 & 41 (very rich)

Monday, June 11, 2007 9:39 PM CDT


Well Linda is doing well, the past week she has complained she doesnt feel good, but the weather hasnt helped any. The humidity and pollution hasnt helped her breathing and in the summer she sweats more salt, so she probably feels weak...Another affect of the illness... We have a follow up appointment this Tues and we go to Houston on the 21st for another visit, this time for a CT scan...Get this in the lung transplant book they state they try to expose your child to radiation as less as possible, so going and taking this pic makes me feel warm all over, ha! The picture is more accurate and reliable so we will see before and after pics...Hoping for the best...Especially not much radiation exposure...

The girls are going to Summer Daze at our home church for the break and the girls are having a blast. I have changed my hours to later hours since the girls are out for the summer. I am taking one course over the summer but taking it easy...We are doing alright I can say...We have much to be grateful for!

Yesterday was the 15yr Reunion for Kidds Kids at the Ballpark in Arlington. We were invited and got to eat see all the 106.1 djs and watch a game, not that we did much watchin, ha! Us girls dont watch sports...But we did socialize, we got to catch up with other families who went on the Disney Trip.

Kidd interviewed Linda, and asked if she had seen any of the djs and her reply was no! quite sacarstically... I laughed, she not knowing she was talking with THE main dj that made it possible for us to go to Disney...
She also rolled her eyes at Kidd for every simple question he asked, she is too much! But she knew attention was on her, so I say it was her alter ego, ha!!!
We got to see Atom Smasher and we got to meet his wife, they are expecting...very cool nice people...

My tip for the summer, take in R & R!!!! Seriously!

Prayer Request:
Continued good health...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:57 AM CDT

Well we are home....YEAH!

Linda is doing better but if you know her she still has her cough. When she went in she took a PFT test (measures pulmanary function). It is a computerized small machine and basically you blow into it, and it takes the particles and force of air blown and spits out a number. Which can be 0 to 100. 100 being the best. Linda is usually between 40-60. When we arrived she was sick and blew a 33. After a week she blew a 57. On the Monday on discharge day she was a 44. So it can be discouraging seeing you've been in the hospital for round the clock ivs, back to back treatments, and not see the results in numbers...

Linda and her sisters were happy! We went to the splash park across from Lake Highlands Highschool we stayed into the water got tired,ha! Linda needed a splash day you know... We had a picnic and it was a sweet day!

The girls will finish school on the 24th, I finished last Thursday, YEAH! So this summer we will concentrate on rest and good health, me included, ha!

Please know those who keep up with our family and journey has been are privalage. I have been humbled and amazed at some of the encouragement I receive. Our family has inspired others and I feel I havent done anything extrodinary...We take each day as it comes...Keep life as normal as possible regardless of how awful and routine this disease can be. I found out early on that life does not stop for you no matter what your going through...I found that laundry still has to be washed...therapeutic in a way, maybe cause I am a woman, ha! But I found it soothing to just to the regular everyday task with humbleness and humility...

Prayer Request:
Continued Good Health
Stength Grace and Endurance
Summer R & R

Tuesday, May 1, 2007 8:55 AM CDT

Hey Everyone!

Linda is improving. She did get a fever yesterday but her cough has improved. Her PFTs(tests lung function) also improved so that is good. She is still very much her self, active and playing acting as if nothing is wrong...ha! She loves all the nurses and the attention.

She did have a rough night on Sunday, she refused treatment but it was after 12 midnight and she was asleep. It is difficult at the hospital although so routine. You get no sleep because of round the clock ivs, and vital checks. Then in the day there are so many people that check in on you, docs, nurses, RT's(respitory therapist's), social workers, child life(they make sure she plays), chaplain, housekeeping, room service, visitors, and if any special testing, them as well...So on many levels performance is expected. But for a five year old who is not getting enough sleep,a hissy-fit is going to be expected.

Her personality is once shes decided there is no changing her mind, so it is best to back off, give her space and time to adjust...We did have a heart to heart about how she speaks to others and responds when asked to do something...I coached her in how one should respond and how asking before screaming is always appreciated, so we will see how she does in the next week....I will let you know of any improvement on her side...ha!

Diana and Josy are doing well too, they get to spend the night with Linda's k-teacher so this is a special privelage for them...Mrs. Sornsen offered and I accepted. This can be difficult for them because usually they are passed off to family members, and sometimes dont get to see Linda, also if they come to the hospital they have to be confined to the room, and if you know my girls that is not them. They like to be at the nurses desk, be in other patient rooms that we know...they are very social, so keeping 3-girls still is difficult....ha,ha!

I am in the last segment of the semester. Taking finals and finishing last minute deadlines so the pressure is about to be off...

I keep this in mind that the Lord has a plan for us, although difficult and at times hard to bear this journey is for a reason and not in vain, I have been able to connect with others, and able to share our struggle. Dr. Mac once said that through suffering God uses as a platform for ministry, it is so true...Our journey has been shared with many families and I have been able to share our hope in Him...

Prayer Request:
Strength & Grace
Diana and Josy wisdom and understanding
For Linda always continued healing...

Thursday, April 26, 2007 7:34 PM CDT

Hello Everyone!

Well it has been since July 28th since Linda was in the hospital,(9 months) but today we had a visit and Linda was admitted. Most likely we will be there for 10 days or more. She finished her antibiotics last thursday and she began to get fever with increased cough. Her PFTs (test lung function) were 63ast visit and were 30his visit so it dropped quite a bit.

We have been doing the usual she had been going to school but the nurse had to call me Tuesday cause of fever. Last night she had a rough night coughing throughout it. I know that you all well keep us in your prayers...The girls will stay with mom and I will stay with Linda.

I will keep everyone posted, Linda has lost her first tooth so you will have to see that pic...I dont know what room where in yet, but we will on the 6th floor, I posted the hospital number so the operator can direct you if you would like to cheer Linda up...

Prayer Request:
Peace, Strenghth and Grace...
Diana and Josy: wisdom and understanding...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 8:07 PM CST

ALoha!!! Wish we were in Hawaii!!!

It is Spring Break and just now I have a chance to update! Linda is doing well, she has been having antibiotic changes and has been a little up and down. But she is stable...You know July 28th was the last time she was hospitalized I cant believe it...Thank God for good health!!
We had an appointment with the docs in Houston on the 8th and they are very pleased with her health. They said she has improved on all levels compared to the first visit in Oct 2006. The linezolid (antibiotic) has worked wonders for her, only when she gets off she goes down hill fast. The docs worry about resistance to the antibiotic so we will have to see how Linda does...

Diana and Josy are well. They are all on spring break as well. Diana has a hamster now, so we are on a new cycle of life, instead of receiving care they are now giving it,ha! Independence that is the goal right!!ha!

We have moved into our new home, and loving it! It is 3 blocks from the girls school so this house for us is such a blessing. For not only the girls and I but for my whole family. The girls walk or ride there bikes to school, this is fun for us. We are also 4 blocks from the Lake Highland YMCA, so all the more reason to hit the gym since it is so close. No pain no gain...

I think of all of you often and count my blessings. I have hope that all will be well..The Lord has been faithful and can be trusted to provide for your needs. I hope that you all will think of the Lords goodness today...

Pray Request:
Continued good health
Strength and Grace
Rest and Peace

Saturday, December 30, 2006 12:24 AM CST

Well this year has been good. Linda has been able
to stay out of the hospital since July 28th! She
got to go to Disney, be honored in a parade and
spend Thanksgiving and Christmas at home. We have
been very blessed! Diana and Josy are doing well,
I am not sure if it was just my girls but the closer
we got to Chrismas the more excited and louder they
got, and finally as the day arrived they are
clam again...Ha!!

The parade was funny by the time she got to us,
she was tired and ready to be done. She had her
head covered with the blanket they gave. She was
in a white convertible with Mya a cartoon character
from PBS kids. She was cold and probably just a
little too young to understand the honor in it. But
it was funny! We should be getting a copy of the show.

We visited Houston earlier this December. Since the
first visit (Aug) there Linda has been on two
antibiotics that have really worked for her, which
has been a total of 4 months. My thoughts were they
would wean her from the meds (I was right), and
within 2 weeks she began to show her illness
symptoms. Increased coughing to the point of
vomiting, increased mucus, sleepless nights, fever,
so they put her back on the meds to get her
through Christmas and New Year. So we have
an appointment Jan 2nd and we will see where we
go from there.

The doctors worry that if she continues to take
the meds she will grow immune, but at this point
she doesnt do well without antibiotics (my opinion
from what I have seen), So its all ify...

I continue to trust the Lord throughout all of
this, because I know my daughters life and destiny
is not in doctors hands. So my hope is in the Lord
knowing that Linda's breath is in His hands,
Job 12:9. I stand on the the assurance of what
is unseen and that is ultimate healing and a cure,
Hebrews 11:1. I know that Linda is perfectly
and wonderfully made, Psalm 139:14 God made
no mistakes. I am a mother and human and fear
and worry but Isaiah 40:10 says...

"Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you,
for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you
with My righteous right hand."

So my thoughts are these, when things dont go the
way they should He can be trusted...We have been
honored and blessed more then imagined...I am
thankful to all of those who have been so loving
and giving...I continue to pray and keep all you
on my mind and heart...I challenge you to think of
all that has happened this year and consider all
the good the Lord has done! Happy New Year!

The Trigueros Family

Saturday, December 30, 2006 11:26 AM CST

Well this year has been good. Linda has been able to stay out of the hospital since July 28th! She got to go to Disney, be honored in a parade and spend Thanksgiving and Christmas at home.We have been very blessed! Diana and Josy are doing well, I am not sure if it was just my girls but the closer we got to Chrismas the more excited and louder they got, and finally as the day arrived they are clam again...Ha!!

The parade was funny by the time she got to us, she was tired and ready to be done. She had her head covered with the blanket they gave. She was in a white convertible with Mya a cartoon character from PBS kids. She was cold and probably just a little too young to understand the honor in it. But it was funny! We should be getting a copy of the show.

We visited Houston earlier this December. Since the first visit (Aug) there Linda has been on two antibiotics that have really worked for her, which has been a total of 4 months. My thoughts were they would wean her from the meds (I was right), and within 2 weeks she began to show her illness symptoms. Increased coughing to the point of vomiting, increased mucus, sleepless nights, fever, so they put her back on the meds to get her through Christmas and New Year. So we have an appointment Jan 2nd and we will see where we go from there.

The doctors worry that if she continues to take the meds she will grow immune, but at this point she doesnt do well without antibiotics (my opinion from what I have seen), So its all ify...

I continue to trust the Lord throughout all of this, because I know my daughters life and destiny is not in doctors hands. So my hope is in the Lord knowing that Linda's breath is in His hands, Job 12:9. I stand on the the assurance of what is unseen and that is ultimate healing and a cure, Hebrews 11:1. I know that Linda is perfectly and wonderfully made, Psalm 139:14 God made no mistakes. I am a mother and human and fear and worry but Isaiah 40:10 says...

"Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you,
for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you
with My righteous right hand."

So my thoughts are these, when things dont go the way they should He can be trusted...We have been honored and blessed more then imagined...I am thankful to all of those who have been so loving and giving...I continue to pray and keep all you on my mind and heart...I challenge you to think of all that has happened this year and consider all the good the Lord has done! Happy New Year!

The Trigueros Family

Saturday, November 18, 2006 10:36 PM CST

Oh my gosh!!! We had such a blast! The trip was awesome...there was a gate party, we were cheered on and off the plane, when we got to Orlando, we did not have to go inside we were directed straight to buses, almost got to walk under the belly of the plane, walked right by the jet engine, huge! Oh I almost forgot we were welcomed by splashing of water by firefighter engines on the window of the planes in Orlando. The most awesome was the pilots flew on the way home with the cockpit doors open.....now I knew then we were special, I think they were confident of no terrorists on this plane ride...ha! I felt like the president, so so so cool. We were treated with such respect and honor for one weekend I knew what it felt to be a VIP!!!

They had every detail worked out, the hotel was beautiful, the food was great, the rides and Disney just so cool, so much to absorb! They gave us gifts and souveniers at every turn, even Disney dollars, just like cash to spend! I have so many stories and memories to share, I will cherish this for a lifetime, Kidd is doing a great thing, and the good thing is its for a lot of families, there were 45 families total plus siblings and parents...We met some really cool people, many with illness's and such, but everyone was so great and happy!

Linda bonded with Atom Smasher the new DJ on kiss, he placed some photos on the website of his if you want to see, http://1061kissfm.com/pages/atomsmasher.html
You can see more pictures on www.kiddkraddickinthemorning.com

They are going to make a video of the trip and all the families so when I get it I will have to do a viewing party, I want to share with all of you, I wish everyone could have the experience we had because it was so amazing!!

The more exciting news is Linda will be in the Adolphus Neimun Marcus Parade on Dec. 2nd at 10 am, they said they broadcast this all over the world... millions of viewers...It will broadcast on channel 8 if you cant attend, she will be in a convertible so look for her!

Linda's health is doing so good, we go back to Houston in December so we will see what they have planned...Diana and Josy are doing good too, Diana has been an A honor roll student, on her own, she studies like crazy and because she wants to, Josy is an A and B honor roll student, both are equally good, I am so proud of all my girls...

I am taking classes online this semester and it will be coming to a close in about three weeks. I am doing well but I will love it when the pressure of deadlines is off of me. I have been working and just going going going...But I cant complain the Lord has granted me grace and strength...Life is good right now...I can say He is so faithful and just good!

Please know that I keep all you on my heart and in my prayers...I am so grateful for the blessing our family has received, I am so happy and appreciative for this webpage, and technology so that I can share a piece of our lives with all who are so encouraging...

Prayer Request:
Continued good health...
For all the holidays that all would be blessed and well...
Praise to the Lord for He is good...

The Trigueros Family

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:48 PM CDT

Hello! Hello!

Well we are doing so good!!! Praise the Lord! Linda, Diana, and Josy are well! No illness or sickness thank God!
We go back to Houston in December so we are just focusing on the Lord and church and just being thankful, and humble throughout how the Lord is blessing us!

We leave for Walt Disney on the 9th, 3 days to go!!! We were invited to the studio and they broadcasted us on the radio today, a friend heard and called me. They will broadcast live from Disney on this Friday and the following Monday, who knows there might be more air time for us...ha!ha!

We have even more good news! Linda was nominated by the Child Life Department at Childrens Hospital to be in the Adolphus Neiman Marcus Parade on Dec 2nd at 10am. She will ride with a volunteer and we will get to sit in the family section and then go to a post parade party, woah!!! I am so honored and humble and grateful and so appreciative that Linda has been chosen for such an honor. Linda has missed many birthdays and holidays because of the illness over the last two years. Last year she was hospitalized when the parade was going on so to be in the parade this year is just an honor in my book.

I say it is the Lord's timing because Linda is doing so well, medically. Throughout all we have been through and will go through I know that every good gift is from above. The Lord is our shepard, our refuge in time of trouble, He can be trusted, and is so so faithful. In Him will I continue to trust throughout this life, that is so fallen and hard. He is my hope and in Him I have hope...Praise with me His wonderful deeds...!!!I know you will rejoice with me and I pray for you and know that without the encouragment and help we have received we would not be where we are at right now. We did not arrive to this place on our own. We were prayed for, cared for, thought of, walked along with and just encouraged in the Lord! For that I am grateful and thankful...

Prayer Request:
Praise for good health!
Continued good health...
Safe journey...
To be a witness and to give His name glory!

The Trigueros Family

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:48 PM CDT

Hello Hello Hello!!!! I have exciting news! We were recommended for a trip to Walt Disney by Kidds Kids charity from 106.1fm. We are going to be on the radio Thursday between 7:45-8:45 am. Yall have to listen! Big Al came to the house and interviewed us and of course the girls gave him his money's worth, they took his mike even jumped on his back and left him speechless...

They tricked us and said that we would be interviewed because they had a hard time choosing, yeah right, I should have knew better, and right when Big Al came down the hall to our apartment, I heard his voice before he got to the door...Ha!

We will go to Walt Disney November 9th until November 13th. We will stay at the Dolphin Hotel which online looks like a dream. Daisy Gonzales at the CF clinic sent in our nomination, which I am so grateful to. This I never expected. It just shows me the Lord has His hand on all things because Linda is doing very well right now. Her disease has always showed me you have to keep going...

Ive decided to keep them involved with church until otherwise. Their in Awanas, Choir, and of course regular worship. I even have us all swimming three days a week. I wake up everyday and just thank the Lord for good health. It is different... Linda has lots of energy right now, she has only missed school for docs appointments. The girls havent missed any.

Just know how much I thank God for all of you, just the encouragment I receive from everyone is overwhelming, I am blessed and can say through good times and bad we will praise Him and thank Him for whatever may come our way! He is good!!!

This scripture I have held on to and know the Lord is in control...

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and I will bring you back from captivity." Jeremiah 29:11-14

Dr.Mac said you either are going in to a storm, are in a storm or coming out of one, and I can say we are out right now, but regardless of which point we are at, the Lord is our hope, and in Him and because of Him we have a future, whatever Linda's destiny my hope is in Him, I pray the same for you!

Prayer Request:
Continued good health!
Walt Disney-safety and unity(we all girls you know)
That the Lord would be glorified through us on radio and when we meet others.

The Trigueros Family

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:48 PM CDT

Hello Hello Hello!!!! I have exciting news! We were recommended for a trip to Walt Disney by Kidds Kids charity from 106.1fm. We are going to be on the radio Thursday between 7:45-8:45 am. Yall have to listen! Big Al came to the house and interviewed us and of course the girls gave him his money's worth, they took his mike even jumped on his back and left him speechless...

They tricked us and said that we would be interviewed because they had a hard time choosing, yeah right, I should have knew better, and right when Big Al came down the hall to our apartment, I heard his voice before he got to the door...Ha!

We will go to Walt Disney November 9th until November 13th. We will stay at the Dolphin Hotel which online looks like a dream. Daisy Gonzales at the CF clinic sent in our nomination, which I am so grateful to. This I never expected. It just shows me the Lord has His hand on all things because Linda is doing very well right now. Her disease has always showed me you have to keep going...

Ive decided to keep them involved with church until otherwise. Their in Awanas, Choir, and of course regular worship. I even have us all swimming three days a week. I wake up everyday and just thank the Lord for good health. It is different... Linda has lots of energy right now, she has only missed school for docs appointments. The girls havent missed any.

Just know how much I thank God for all of you, just the encouragment I receive from everyone is overwhelming, I am blessed and can say through good times and bad we will praise Him and thank Him for whatever may come our way! He is good!!!

This scripture I have held on to and know the Lord is in control...

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and I will bring you back from captivity." Jeremiah 29:11-14

Dr.Mac said you either are going in to a storm, are in a storm or coming out of one, and I can say we are out right now, but regardless of which point we are at, the Lord is our hope, and in Him and because of Him we have a future, whatever Linda's destiny my hope is in Him, I pray the same for you!

Prayer Request:
Continued good health!
Walt Disney-safety and unity(we all girls you know)
That the Lord would be glorified through us on radio and when we meet others.

The Trigueros Family

Please note I corrected link to kiddskids...sorry, typo just excited...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 9:14 PM CDT

We have good news! No transplant or surgery at this time! YEAH! When we went to Houston the last time they perscribed some antibiotics that are stronger and new to Linda. One they are calling a miracle drug, and only infectious disease control can perscribe. They have kept her real well. Her PFT's even went up, which measures lung capacity.She is a different person. She is bouncing with energy which I am not use to.
So when the docs saw her bouncing all over the room they said no for now. She will remain on the antibiotics for the next three months. We will return to Houston in 3 months to see how things are going.
Unless anything changes like a another hospitalization then we may have to go sooner. But for now we our enjoying good health for which I am grateful for, more than words can express.
We have started kids choir, and will start Awanas. So we will continue this routine until otherwise. The normalcy is a change from what we have been use to.
Diana is in 3rd, Josy is 2nd, and Linda in kinder. I am taking online classes, which is easier & less stress, and my schedule at work is while the kids are in school, which is good. A little earlier than I like but better that I get out sooner. More time spent with the girls!
Know how grateeful I am for your prayers and encouragment, they have been relished and appreciated.

Prayer Request:
Continued Health

For Him,
Patty Trigueros

Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:03 PM CDT

I dont know how to begin this journal today...My heart is heavy...

We have made it back from Houston with a lot of info, more than can possibly imagined...I am barely updating because the dates of this trip were changed. We went this Mon-Wed for Linda's evaluation. At first docs were most likely going to say no to being put on the list, because Linda is active and playing she looks normal...The statistics on a lung transplant were staggering, only about 50 transplants are done on children a year, and Texas Childrens does about a 1/3.

A decision was not made on this visit, although her lung disease is extensive for her age. I was left with two options given that the team of docs are not in agreement as to Linda's future. One option is a lobectomy, that is a piece of Lindas lung will be removed(the left lower lobe) which has the most extensive damage.It may take away the fever and infections that she keeps getting, but no guarentees. Or waiting until they get to know Linda more and then putting her on the list. We will go back to Houston in a month for a one day visit.So we will be in contact with these docs...

The visit was emotional and tiring, a lot of overwhelming info was given and I must pray as to the decision I will make for the best interest of Linda, knowing that the Lord had brought us to this point. I know that the destiny of my child is not in human hands, I trust the Lord and know He will direct our path...He will show me the way.

Diana ansd Josy will not be able to go to Houston with us, Lindas care will be too much. The waiting time could be up to 8 months then 3 months post-op. So the girls will stay with mom, and their father will be helping. The stay in Houston will not be permanent just temporary so I will be preparing them for what is to come. Regardless of future plans all three will start school on Monday. Linda in kinder, Josy in 2nd and Diana in 3rd. So we have that to deal with right now...

What I have learned from Linda's disease is that life keeps going, laundry still has to be washed, the girls still argue, I still have to teach boundries and disipline to my children, also how one must treat others. So we take it day by day...

I have hope in Him knowing that the Lord has a plan for us, not to harm us, but to give us a future and a hope...We will call upon Him and pray, and He will listen. Those that seek him will find Him when they seek with all their heart... Jeremiah 29-11-14

Please know that I have been so encouraged and it has meant more to me than you know...,it has been those that have reached out to us in our time of need, and praying when we need it the most, and those who have just lifed me up that has me going and looking up and not down, please know how much that means,, even the slightest kind word has mattered to me, and for that I am grateful...

Prayer Request:
Lindas Health...
Strength and Wisdom...
Diana and Josy, understanding...

Monday, July 10, 2006 6:42 PM CDT

We have a date for Houston...July 31-Aug 2nd. I am finally glad that we know when we go...It will be out patient so we wont be hospitalized there, I will know more then, as to Linda's future wether we will be put on the waiting list for a transplant...

Linda is doing well right now, she has been without fever and able to sleep during the night without her cough disturbing her, but she has had to have oxygen during the night, which they say is not uncommon for CF patients...Getting her to keep the tubing in place on her nose and ears is another story, but she adapts always...I have to give my child credit, she does all without much complaint, I wonder if I would be as willing, ha! Much has been required of her throughout this journey of CF...

I would not trade what I have learned through all our trials, I have felt the Lords hand throughout all of this, and have relized the support and encouragement has been the most important in keeping sanity, ha! I have been blessed throughout all of this...The Lord is faithful and does not abandon you in your suffering...No matter what is required of you it always points back to the Father...

Prayer Request:
Houston and Healing
Strength and Grace to endure...

Trigueros Family

Thursday, July 6, 2006 2:33 PM CDT


Linda is rehospitalized for fever, and cough, she does not do well withoout antibiotic. We will be here for two weeks and we will be scheduled to go to Houston a few days after discharge. Diana and Josy are still in Nashville, forever missing Linda and I, me too!!

I am amazingly calm knowing where my hope lies and know this too shall pass... Regardless of illness we still have to do the regular things everyday... watch how we speak and treat one another. Linda and I had a difficult morning, we were at each other because I wanted to show her how to do a procedure called PFT's and she refused to listen. I was frustrated she wouldnt, and she was frustrated with what she had to do,her thinking was getting it done and over with...but not the right way...

Self will is hard to relinquish, mine or hers, I am older and should, but at the same time do I allow her to go without discipline because of her illness?
Would our heavenly Father allow us to be as we are to live in our error, and not know right from wrong? Is that love to allow no boundries or rules? I think not...we cooled off and she said sorry and I had more grace in my voice and tenderness...

I know the Lord is tender with those who see the error of their ways, I know that the Lord awaits to pour His grace on us no matter what our situation, he has a plan and a future to give us hope in the midst of our trial...In the midst of our arguement the plan was to do the procedure the right way...That is His way with us...

I pray and hope this reaches you, I hope that you are encouraged as I am in the midst of our trial...I thank you and am grateful that I am allowed to share part of our lives and know that we are prayed for and encouraged...

Prayer Request:
Healing and Houston(wisdom)
Strength and Grace to endure not just the difficult things but the little things too...

Trigueros Family

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 6:44 PM CDT

Hola Friends and Family!

I hope everyone has started their summer better than we have ours. Linda has been released from Childrens, on Monday. She is feeling better, coughing less, and highly energized. This run was 15 days. I have definately learned to be humble and content throughout these past few hospitalizations.

Diana and Josy are in Nashville for the summer, Linda would liked to have been there, but she has to be here for now, she saw pics of them both and cried...but I assured her all would be well soon. Lindas birthday was Saturday we celebrated it on Friday, she had a blast...

We will go to Houston within a month or before the end of the summer. I have been amazingly calm and peaceful, knowing I am not in control of our future. I know I can make certain choices but what will become of Lindas health, I cant say...I long for good health, and definately count our blessings, I choose to have a good attitude and stand firm in my faith knowing where my hope lies...

I have been fortunate to meet parents who have a child like mine, all from different stages of the disease, and I have been encouraged by their journey, just to sit and share and know you are not alone in this journey of CF has been good...The nurses and docs have all been good to Linda, all who have met Linda take to her quickly...

There is a song from Casting Crowns that has encouraged me... "I'll we praise you through this storm" the lyrics are powerful, know that I have been encouraged by everyones help and prayers, I am blessed to have those who will reach out to us in our need...thank you!

Prayer Request:
Continued renewed health...
Strength, Endurance, Grace...
Diana and Josy...

Trigueros Family

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 12:09 AM CDT

Hola friends and family! Linda is still at Childrens, today is 10 days, she will be discharged on Saturday which is her birthday, June the 10th, she will be five going on 50... ha!
She is doing better, she has been without fever now for two days, and her cough sounds drier which is better. She is resting, eating, and playing...

Diana and Josy are with their daddy in Nashville, Linda was jealous but unfortunately she cant go just yet...She misses her sisters, but this will be a good break, she'll have me all to herself, and the girls will be away from everything being about Lindas illness, they sense the attention on her and are only human and feel jealous at times, so I am glad they will be away for the summer and get time with their daddy. I must say their daddy has stepped up, and is helping more, my prayer is it will be on his heart to be part of the girls lives...

I was encouraged today by a family and their friends and their prayers...I have learned this disease is emotional but their is hope. I have learned to be humble and content no matter what you are going through or where you are at. Linda teaches me daily how to live and she always is inspiring to me and to others. I often ponder Jobs life not that we can compare to his misery, but we can relate to his illness. I often pray for good health but wonder what do you do when that is not granted?... I keep hoping and know that what we go through is not by chance, the Lord has positioned us and knows exactly where we are are at, and has not left us alone... I have been encouraged by this scripture and this shows me that this illness is not in vain...


Prayer Request:
Peace that passes all understanding...
Grace to endure...
Renewed health...

Trigueros Family

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:28 AM CDT

Linda is back in the hospital, she got a fever on Saturday and the minute she woke up her cough was back. She was readmitted on Sunday. The docs have her on IV antibiotics so hopefully whatever is going on with her body she will improve. The docs said that they need to find an antibiotic plan that works for her, so I pray for wisdom.

This disease is difficult to understand the constant illness takes a toll emotionally as a mother. I cant even fathom being the patient. Linda is always herself happy and in character always. So she shows me I must be.

Diana and Josy will go with their father this summer. They are excited and happy. They have never been gone that long so they will be missed, Linda always misses them and always wants to know when they will come back. She cant go with her father because of her illness, he does not know how to care for and lives in Nashville, Tenn. Maybe when she is older...

I do know and hope in the Lord to bring us to a point of good health and know this is where the Lord has us, His ways are not mine, His plans are not mine, but His ways are higher then mine, so I will trust in Him. We have been put in place where most wont want to be but we are still here to encourage and shine our light, which is hope in Jesus Christ.

Our only need right now is prayer...

Prayer Request:
Strength and Endurance

Trigueros Family

Monday, May 22, 2006 7:01 PM CDT

We are home! YEAH!! YEAH!! YEAH!! YEAH!! YEAH!!

It has been 23 days since Linda was admitted. She still has a cough but that is expected, now it is time to keep her active and moving this summer to help her with loosening the mucas... Exercise does wonders for us all.

The girls are doing good, it is hard for them because they see their sister at the hospital, and the Child Life Department will give prizes for all treatments and meds done, and you know kids say " hey, thats not fair, I didn't get one..." or they see I have to give more one on one attention with Linda, and children see the difference...you know, how much time is spent, the tone in your voice, all the the little things you think dont matter.
I have talked to Linda and Diana about their differences and always tell them to be grateful for one another, and how would they feel, vice versa...As a parent you are constantly teaching and explaining things on their level, amazingly Diana, Josy, Linda do well considering the challenges they face.
The docs are in no hurry to send us down to Houston, which I am now realizing this is a process, so maybe June or July they said...We have been recommended by Lindas docs, but it is up to the docs in Houston to evaluate and put on list. The list is not first come first serve, but according to need. Which I am praying for wisdom and direction for that team.
I do ask for healing and quick recovery, but unfortunately that is not an answer to prayer, I do trust that the Lord can do all things, and have no doubt to His infinateness, but unless I hear the call, and see a burning bush, or am led by the Holy Spirit to end all docs orders we stay under their care. I do realize that the Lord is who has given us such knowledge and science breakthroughs, that within the last decade has blown my mind and cant comprehend all that is possible in the medical field, but at the same time be so limited in healing... (I hope you understand what I am trying to type)
It is the Lord who has the last say, and who we must ultimately rely on, be completely dependent upon Him...that is what this life has taught me. Linda has taught me life keeps going no matter what your going through, but I know it is the Lord who has positioned us. A powerful statement I have read and dont know who wrote is, " If the Lord brings you to it, He will will bring you through it." I can say the Lord has brought me through and continues to do so.
Please know that I am so grateful to put these words to computer and be able to share what is so personal to me, and that those who receive this will pray for us, Only heaven know how truly effective prayer has been for us.
For that I am eternally grateful...
Our needs:
Please know that our only need right now is groceries, we havent been home in so long we are bare, and the girls can eat, if this is laid on your heart to help...

Prayer Request:
Strength and Understanding

Trigueros Family

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 1:42 PM CDT

Today has been a rough day, the week has been rough...We were admitted here at Childrens on Thursday and by Friday Linda was poked over 7 times, they thought to do a different procedure so they can have access to give her meds, but that did not fall through, but on Friday they were able to get an IV which lasted until Sunday. She was poked trhee times Sunday with no success. The plans were to do a pic line (sophisticated IV) which has to be scheduled, between a nurse team and a doctor, this did not fall through either. All the while Linda has been with fever off and on and needing the meds.
So today if she was without fever for 48 hours they would put a more permanent IV called a port, it is a form of a central line. It is implanted beneath the skin and has a needle that goes straight to a working vein. It was done in surgery today with sucess.
Linda did get a fever though and she was suctioned out during the procedure so this helped some of the coughing.
Linda will not have to be poked on her arms again, I praise the Lord at this thought, although routine for us it is difficult to bear watching and having to make your daughter be constantly poked knowing a moment of pain has a greater outcome.
I now wonder at the thought of God the Father allowing Jesus to suffer for us... and how God the Son took on our infirmities, carried away our diseases and by His wounds we were healed (Isaiah 53...)This is an amazing thought to me and how very real our God is, and how the simple basics of this wonderful gospel can minister to me in my time of need...
Diana and Josy are doing well, sticking to routine, school and home. They do miss Linda alot as well as Linda misses them, but sometimes it is easier and less chaotic if they are not here during the first few days since these are the roughest here at the hospital.
I am sorry for just now writing but time has not allowed me to be near a computer. I have an exam Friday and a final Monday so for me my schedule will end and I will have rest, it so needed... I know that ya'll will be praying and I appreciate the support and encouragement from all, I am so thankful for all the God sents...Also I am amazed at the hand of God throughout all our trials...

Prayer Request:
Patience and Endurance
Grace and Strength
Diana & Josy for understanding beyond their years...

Trigueros Family

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 1:42 PM CDT

Today has been a rough day, the week has been rough...We were admitted here at Childrens on Thursday and by Friday Linda was poked over 7 times, they thought to do a different procedure so they can have access to give her meds, but that did not fall through, but on Friday they were able to get an IV which lasted until Sunday. She was poked trhee times Sunday with no success. The plans were to do a pic line (sophisticated IV) which has to be scheduled, between a nurse team and a doctor, this did not fall through either. All the while Linda has been with fever off and on and needing the meds.
So today if she was without fever for 48 hours they would put a more permanent IV called a port, it is a form of a central line. It is implanted beneath the skin and has a needle that goes straight to a working vein. It was done in surgery today with sucess.
Linda did get a fever though and she was suctioned out during the procedure so this helped some of the coughing.
Linda will not have to be poked on her arms again, I praise the Lord at this thought, although routine for us it is difficult to bear watching and having to make your daughter be constantly poked knowing a moment of pain has a greater outcome.
I now wonder at the thought of God the Father allowing Jesus to suffer for us... and how God the Son took on our infirmities, carried away our diseases and by His wounds we were healed (Isaiah 53...)This is an amazing thought to me and how very real our God is, and how the simple basics of this wonderful gospel can minister to me in my time of need...
Diana and Josy are doing well, sticking to routine, school and home. They do miss Linda alot as well as Linda misses them, but sometimes it is easier and less chaotic if they are not here during the first few days since these are the roughest here at the hospital.
I am sorry for just now writing but time has not allowed me to be near a computer. I have an exam Friday and a final Monday so for me my schedule will end and I will have rest, it so needed... I know that ya'll will be praying and I appreciate the support and encouragement from all, I am so thankful for all the God sents...Also I am amazed at the hand of God throughout all our trials...

Prayer Request:
Patience and Endurance
Grace and Strength
Diana & Josy for understanding beyond their years...

Trigueros Family

Friday, April 28, 2006 3:42 PM CDT

Linda has been hospitalized again... On Thursday we had a regular check up and Linda had been on oral antibiotics for a month with no improvments, the docs think it was keeping whatever infection at bay.

She is in good spirits playing and eating when not feverish. She has been poked more than 8 times in the last 24 hours, but with her arms she has no good veins to put an IV in, she will get a pic(sophisticated IV) on Monday. She will be under sedation, which can affect breathing, so please be in prayer for us... I am not sure wether we will still wait to go to Houston at the end of May or if they will send us down while we are here...

I know that God is the Master Physician and He will be with us what ever our trials...

Prayer Request:
Renewed Health
Wisdom & Strength...
Peace & Understanding...
Grace to endure...

Saturday, March 11, 2006 6:11 PM CST

Linda is home! She was discharged today... The docs thought to keep her till the first of the week, but Linda made this comment to the docs, "How many more years do I have to stay here." So with that the docs knew she was feeling better.

We will be traveling to Houston at the end of May for the evaluation to see about being put on the transplant list. I know that you will be in prayer for us... I am confident of the Lords hand and timing throughout all that is taking place. I have found that when the Lord takes you through suffering you went in empty, as He has brought us through we are full!
Full of His grace and strength and ever more faith in Him!

Prayer Request:
Discernment and Wisdom
Strength and Peace
Diana and Josy
Linda's Health

Monday, March 6, 2006 7:39 PM CST

Hello Everyone Again!

First Linda is doing well she is being herself throut all that is taking place. We will be released sometime early nextweek.
This is where we are at, I dont know if all were able to view the webpage before I updated again, but here is the news...
Our doctors have made us aware that they want to recommend us for an evaluation for a lung transplant in Houston. Due to an exessive fever that was out of control and a very serious catscan image of the lungs.

The process is this...
We will go to Houston for an evaluation for up to a week, admitted in their hospital where different tests and evaluations will be made. These docs will decide if it is time for and if Linda is qualified for a lung transplant.
If they say no then we keep returning every six months for an evaluation due to CF being progressive.
If they decide that it is time for Linda to receive a transplant we will have to move to Houston for at least 6 months. From there we wait for a lung to become available.
Regardless of which two occur Linda still has CF and is at risk of infection and illness.
This is definately a process of time, energy and evaluations. There will be many things to consider, Diana and Josy, my job, school for me will be put on hold, Linda cant be alone so I will not be able to work during this time. I am definately going to be in prayer and ask that you will petition for us before the Lord.
I was so strengthened Sunday by everyones prayers and just being in His house that throughout all of this I have had peace. This will be a time definately for me, a time to really seek out the Lord over all that is taking place and or will take place. My faith and hope is in Him and I trust that all is in His hands which ever way life takes us.

Prayer request:
Strength and Peace
Wisdom and Disernment
Diana and Josy
Linda's health.

Patty Trigueros

Saturday, March 4, 2006 6:32 PM CST

Hello Everyone!

Well this has been a difficult day and week thus far. Linda was admitted on a Thursday for already having fever for 8 days, she had fever for another 5 days, making a total of twelve days. She received a pic line(better IV, less pokes for her)on Tuesday. This was the last day of fever. But because of all the test results that showed negative the docs opted for a catscan to see what was going on with her body.
I have seen the pictures, which the docs say is extensive damage in the lower bases. In an x-ray or test as the catscan, the inner parts of the lung should show black, meaning clear, but Linda has extenive white, which is the mucus that is caused by CF. The docs have decided to go for more testing, possibly for a lung transplant.
I have many questions to ask that I have prayed and cried about, I dont know the details of all that will take place. But I know this, I will hold on to Jesus and rely on Him for understanding and strength. I know my God is not suprised by anything I have found out today.
I know that those who will receive this email our comitted to my family through prayer and the common bond of our heavenly Father and Saviour. Please pray for me I ask through all this...
Linda is looking her best, playing, and loving as only she knows how to do, with regard to today not tomorrow...Diana and Josy are well too, they always are happy and excited when we are at the hospital.

James 5:15
"...the prayer offered in faith can heal the one who is sick..."
Prayer Request:
Strength and Peace
Understanding and Wisdom

Patty Trigueros

Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:49 PM CST


Well as the saying goes, "no news is good news". I did not write as to not flood you with emails but I unfortunately have bad news. We are here yet again at Childrens Hospital. Linda has had fever for 8 days now and her cough has grown bad as the days have past.

I know I can count on you for prayers and support...I am discouraged in that this is my ongoing struggle, I dont wish to become bitter or complain. I heard a verse today from 1 or 2 (I cant remember), Cor 13 that love is long-suffering. May I be longsuffering, I pray that His name would be glorified throghout all of this chronic illness.

I met with a nurse today who is a Christian and she came along side me ane encouraged me in the faith!
Although this experience is all routine it is still difficult and at times hard to bear.

I ask for your prayers...James 5:15
renewed health
grace to endure
Diana and Josy(understanding for their age)

Sister in Christ
Patty Trigueros

Thursday, December 29, 2005 7:15 PM CST

Hello Everyone!

Well I hope and pray all had a Merry Christmas! We have been so blessed this Christmas, beyond measure! Truly, it is a delight to give and receive and know that it is not because of you, but because of Him!
Linda is doing well full of energy, ha! She is in, I think the best condition yet compared to this past year. We all are! Thank the Lord!
Well I pray for a very blessed New Year and know how much I have appreciated the support and prayers of my church and friends, plus family, too!

Prayer Request:
Continued health improvement.
Grace and a Thankful attitude for the New Year.

Friday, December 9, 2005 10:11 PM CST

Hello Everyone!

Linda was able to come home on Thursday. She is definately feeling better. Her cough is not nearly what it was. She is bouncing with energy and is excited to be with her sisters again, and home too.
You know, we haven't been home really in about a month, always going back and forth getting only what we need and running back to the hospital. Truly I can say what it feels to live out of a suitcase, ha!
I'm so overjoyed that my family is together and home, I can truly be thankful for my bed, my home, and my family. Oh I thought you'd like to know, Children's Hospital had a tree lighting ceremony, and guess who was there? The brass section of our own First Baptist Church Dallas Sanctuary.
I was proud to know my church family was there in the midst of our struggle!

Prayer Request:
The Trigueros Family, strength, good health, and peace.

Wednesday, December 7, 2005 8:45 PM CST

Hey Everybody!

Linda will be getting out tomorrow or Friday. She is definately feeling better, she has been busy with energy. Her cough is still there, but not so hacky or icky. The doctors have had her on three different antibiotics, running during all shifts... She has her days and nights mixed up...
This visit has been the hardest by far, in that the way I have felt has really raged within me, from confusion, frustration, to discouragement. I will say that my faith is always tested when we are here... and I can say His word has not failed me, my feelings have not out weighed His truth...
Thank You as always, I can certainly turn to all of you and receive encouragement and am able to see the bigger picture. Also that we all are part of a bigger picture regardless of my own struggles, we all have our valleys in which the Lord will conform us to His standard...reveal His-self to us and draw us near to Him!

Thank You Always!
Prayer Request:
Trigueros Family for good health, strength and peace.Amen!

Monday, November 28, 2005 7:22 PM CST

Hey Everybody!

Linda is still here at Children's. She has not shown any sign of improvement. In that she still has fever, a hacky cough, and she's begun to lose her appetite. Trust me when I say she has not lost personality...ha!
I do not doubt the Lord is still god, and His sovereign hand is upon us. I will trust in Him through whatever valleys we go through, life, death, sickness or good health. For I know that in our weakness He is strong.

Prayer Request:
Linda's health. Psalm 139
Diana and Josy, understanding beyond their years.
Me, strength.
That throughout all our struggles the Lord will be shown through us...

The Body of Christ
Patty Trigueros

Tuesday, November 22, 2005 1:20 PM CST

Hello Everyone!

Linda is being re-admitted. Sunday we went to the ER to get checked because her cough was so severe. We were sent home with antibiotics, her lungs were clear. But it has now been three days, she has had fever and her cough has worsened.

I write to you to keep you posted and to ask for your prayers. I have prayed that the Lord will have His hand upon her. To strengthen me in this moment. It is said that when I am weak He is strong in 2 Cor. 12:9-10, and that power is perfected in weakness right... I do not doubt the Lord in these times of suffering. In Isaiah it says that the Lord does not grow weary or tired as I do... Isaiah 40-28-29. In James 5:15 it says that the prayer offered in faith can heal the one who is sick. I am asking for you to pray for us...

There was a man blind from birth. Jesus healed him which caused a stir, of course. When the diciples asked who sinned to cause this man to be blind, Jesus's reply was that so that the glory of God may revealed through him. Well I dont doubt God knowing that Linda has been diagnosed since birth and he has worked through her to draw me nearer to Him and my family as well. She is a light and witness to all hospital staff and she continues to show me things to teach me about God. I have seen the change in my life and others through her...

If you would like to help us you can by getting microwavable food there is a kitchen we can heat food and store food in the fridge, food can get expensive at the hospital. Or you can buy parent cards in the cafeteria so one can order from the room a hot meal for 5 dollars. Most likely we will be their 10-14 days. Please understand I ask for prayers more than anything...but some have asked in what they can do for us... and here is how.

Prayer Request:
Linda's health. Psalm 139
Strength to endure. Isaiah 40:28-29
Diana and Josy wisdom beyond their years.

The Body of Christ,
Patty and the girls...

Monday, November 7, 2005 6:47 PM CST

Hello to Everyone,

Linda will be re-admitted today, we were in the ER Sunday to check her out and we were sent home her lungs were clear and her breathing as stable, we received antibiotics and she stayed home with me Monday, but it has been three days since then and she still has fever and her cough has worsened.
I send this to keep you updated. I haved prayed that the Lord will have His hand upon her, and to strengthen me now. My faith and trust our in Him and I know that when we are weak he is strong, for power is perfected in weakness right... it says it in 2 Cor. 12:9-10, I also know that the Lord does not grow weary or tired as we do...Isaiah 40:28-29.
I call upon you for prayers as in James 5:15, the prayer offered in faith can heal the one who is sick. I ask for faith through your prayers so that Linda may be strengthened.
If you want to help us in any way, microwavable food would be helpful. Food gets expensive their. There is a small kitchen that we may heat up food or store in fridge. Most likely we will be in another two weeks.
I do question Gods purpose through Linda's suffering, I know that it is not in vain. Jesus healed a blind man from birth he was blind and when the diciples questioned who sinned Jesus replied that it was so that the glory af the Lord may be reavealed through him.(Linda has been diagnosed since birth.) Linda has done so much for me and my family bringing us closer together and most of all closer to Him!

Prayer Request:
Linda's health.Psalm 139
For me strenghth to endure with grace. Isaiah 40-28-29
Diana and Josy wisdom beyond their own understanding.

The Body of Christ,
Patty and the girls.

To get room number call # below and ask for Linda Trigueros. The direct room number will be the # below and the 3 digit room #.
Example 214-456-7000=214-456-7652.

Saturday, November 12, 2005 8:45 AM CST

Linda is home!
She was discharged Thursday. I am just now writing because my Linda is very demanding! She is still coughing and stable. In a better mood definately. The hardest thing about CF for me is the cough,it never goes away and it makes you stop what you are doing. But the prayers and support from all is humbling and encouraging. This side of heaven you will not grasp the impact you have had in ones life through prayer.

I would like to mention that I typed only part of James 5:15 and when I went to correct,the webpage didn't allow.

It was Nathan Wells from FBA who shared scripture with Linda through a card.
"and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick,and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him." James 5:15

Prayer Request"
Strength throughout the night, Linda is a night owl.
Grace and patience to administer to my family's needs.
Restored health for Linda.

The Body of Christ,
The Trigueros Family

Monday, November 7, 2005 6:47 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to give an update at where we are at. Linda is still in the hospital possibly b/w Thurs or next Mon she could get out, the docs have not said. Linda is on steroids intraveneous once a day, so they have tapered down from twice a day. She is receiving 80 mg of bactrin 3 times a day intraveneous among other oral meds.
She is doing well always herself, with spunk! She is definately coughing less but very productive.

Diana's b-day was on the 1st, so I asked the hospital if there was a room to do a small party. The hospital opened their playroom, bought a cake, and gave us so many helium filled baloons that even I the grown up got excited. It meant a lot to us to throw a birthday party for Diana here at the hospital because she is the most sensitive of my girls and feels looked over. This showed her that the hospital is not only about her sister Linda, but the whole family. I know this is a b-day she will never forget.

Where am I? Well juggling, work, classes, the girls, the hospital...Trust me when I say the Lord gives me strength, and he will not give more than I can't bear, right?... We received cards from Paul Boones class, which covered the wall. Diana read one by one to Linda which she in turn hung on the wall. I have received emails and cards from church family which I am truly grateful, the encouragment means alot even though one might think their card or encouragement is insignificant.

FBA student gave me this scripture.
James 5:15
A prayer offered in faith can heal the sick. James 5:15
Prayer Request
Linda's renewed health.
Diana and Josy wisdom and understanding beyond their years.
Me, strength to endure with grace.

The Body of Christ,
Trigueros Family

Thursday, October 27, 2005 10:38 PM CDT

Hello Everyone!

I am the bearer of bad news... Linda has been hospitalized. She had an appointment today because her cough had increased. She has been well as far as the normal things she does from day to day, but at the clinic her oxygen level in the blood was 91, the docs like it to be 96 or above.
I have updated photos so you may see how she looked this weekend, good! Just remeber us when you pray and know I have all of you in our prayers as well.
I will keep you posted on how things are, with CF this is a routine visit so she will probably be in for 2 weeks. Tomorrow she is scheduled for a pic line(a better IV) less pokes for her. She will be under sedation. Since she has been poked so much she has lots of scar tissue on the outer skin so it is more difficult for even the best nurses to get a good IV.

Prayer Request:
Linda's health and renewal.
Diana and Josy to have understanding and wisdom beyond their years to cope.
For me strength to endure.

The Body of Christ
Trigueros Family

Sunday, September 18, 2005 12:35 AM CDT

Hey Everybody!

I just thought I'd give you an update at where my family is. We have all come down with strep throat except for Linda, Thank God! I have been in the valley of the shadow of misery! But antibiotics have been administered to us, Linda had already been on antibiotics for a slight cough.

On Sept. 17 she had dental surgery, where she got crowns on all 4 top front teeth, also two silver caps on the back two molars. With all the medication she has had to take it has been deteriating her teeth, for the past 4 years.

I have been to church when we have been well. Since this year has been so rough Linda has had seperation anxiety. She has been difficult in that she screams and cries to be with me, considering all shes gone through this year, there is no need for explanation.

I am still in school, slowly but surely I will get to my goal. The idea of going to and finishing college has been planted in my mind, back since I can remember. I dont know if I have shared this but I am the first in my family to graduate highschool, and the first to enter college out of many generations, and I know this of the Lord, not of myself. The Lord has brought me far!

Diana and Josy are doing well, they do get a little jealous not understanding at times why I cant be with them in there Sunday school classes, but when they act like little mamas to Linda, it puts things in perspective. The hard days are not compared to the good days, you know...

Well just know all of you are on my mind and my heart, and know that I am praying for all of you as the Lord puts you on my heart!

Sister In Christ

Monday, August 1, 2005 4:16 PM CDT

Hey Everybody!

Linda is home! She was discharged this morning. She is doing much better, bouncing with energy. She will be getting a vest, that literally shakes you to help loosen the mucus, this will be new at home. She did this therapy in the hospital, Linda says it hurts her stomach, my prayer is the Lord will strenthen her tolerance to endure all the treatments and meds she has to get. But the Lord has given her wisdom and understanding so I know she will adapt.

We were able to listen on the radio to Sunday's services. Although we were not present in the physical we were present in heart and in spirit. What a powerful service Sunday night, my only regret was not to be there in the flesh, how awesome it must have been to be in house of the Lord on that special night!
I will be going to pick up Diana and Josy maybe Saturday or Sunday. So my family will be together again, soon. With all that has been going on, I was grateful for the rest. I feel renewed and strengthend, and desire to be at church with all of you soon. When you are away, you long to be in the fellowship again. I thank all of you that I may share all that has happened and will happen, thank you for all the pryers you have prayed for my family!

Prayer Request:
Praise and give thanks to the Lord!!
For Linda to endure.
Safe travel for Diana and Josy coming home.
Upcoming school year.

Thank You!
The Body of Christ,
Trigueros Family

Saturday, July 30, 2005 5:57 PM CDT

Hey Everybody!

Linda is still here at the hospital,and is doing better, she still has a cough and you can hear when it loosens up. Since we have been here she has been getting her CPT, chest physical therapy with a vest that blows up like a life jacket, then it shakes you. Linda complains towards the end, and says her stomach hurts. She has done amazingly well, and is always joyful, she does get frustrated at times. With all that is going on I expect it.
Diana and Josy are still with their father, and they are having a good time. Rest from the all three is good.

My Prayer Request:
For Linda- for good health.
For Diana and Josy.
Myself- Endurance aand Strength.

Sister In Christ,
Patty Trigueros

Sunday, July 24, 2005 12:08 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!

We are still here at Childrens, Linda is doing better. Her appetite is not strong. The Hospital staff listen's to her lungs and say she has few crackles. The doctor has said that she will be here at least until next Sunday. So we are probably looking at Monday August the first, when she may possibly be discharged. Linda is still herself at times her alter-ego shows up, but to the nurses and staff, she is a hoot, and a delight. A nurse was feeding her and half way through the meal, she looked at her and said, "you know I can feed myself."
I was able to make arrangements with their Dad, and he is keeping Diana and Josy. He lives in Nashville so the girls are out of town, Ha! They may see their father once a year or around the holidays, so they were excited. It will be a big help not having to juggle for at least two weeks, because school will be starting soon.
I want everyone to know how much I appreciate your prayers, although this time seems difficult, I feel strengthend and brought closer to the Lord when I am here. This scripture came to mind...
And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness."Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Prayer Request
Lindas health, Psalm 139
Diana and Josy, a time of rejoicing with their father.
My self, strength to endure.

Sister In Christ,

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 10:48 AM CDT

Hey Everybody!

Linda is coughing as of right now, usually in the morning making her turn red and causing her to be weak and bringing tears to her eyes. She got a pic line in the afternoon yesterday, and begaan getting antibiotics about 7pm.
We have changed rooms, because the ac did not work. So we are in 655.

Prayer Request:
Lindas health, Psalm 139
Diana and Josy, wisdom and understanding beyond there years.
For myself, strength to endure.

Thank You all!
Sister in Christ
Patty Trigueros

Sunday, July 17, 2005 5:36 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I have unfortunate news, Linda is sick. She had a coughing attack today at church and I brought her to the ER. She was admitted, she had an x-ray done and her left lung appears to have infection.
I write to you knowing that you are faithful in prayer. I ask, that you would remember us, I will keep you updated, and most likely Linda will be here for at least a week.
Her attitude has not demeanered, she is still herself, regardless of her illness, she has witnessed to me, to be joyful always!

Prayer Request:
Linda's health recovery.
For Diana and Josy understanding and wisdom beyond there years.
For me Strength to endure.

Thank You All!
Your Sister In Christ
Patty Trigueros

Sunday, July 17, 2005 5:36 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I have unfortunate news, Linda is sick. She had a coughing attack today at church and I brought her to the ER. She was admitted, she had an x-ray done and her left lung appears to have infection.
I write to you knowing that you are faithful in prayer. I ask, that you would remember us, I will keep you updated, and most likely Linda will be here for at least a week.
Her attitude has not demeanered, she is still herself, regardless of her illness, she has witnessed to me, to be joyful always!

Prayer Request:
Linda's health recovery.
For Diana and Josy understanding and wisdom beyond there years.
For me Strength to endure.

Thank You All!
Your Sister In Christ
Patty Trigueros

Tuesday, July 5, 2005 0:04 AM CDT

Hey Everyone!

I thought I'd share that Linda is doing well. Her doctors visits have gone well. We are staying very busy for the summer, trying to stay cool, ha! You all have been on my mind and heart. My prayers are with you all!
I pray and hope all is well and safe! Thank You all, I cant say enough thanks for all the love and support! I have updated the pictures.

Prayer request:
Give thanks to the Lord!

Your Sister in Christ

Sunday, June 26, 2005 7:06 PM CDT

Hey Everyone!

I just want to let all of you know, how well we are doing. All of us are in good health. Summer is rapidly passing me by and I just want all of you to know that I am praying for all of you, and giving thanks to God for all. Just know we are well and have a joyful summer!

Prayer Request:
Give Thanks to Our Lord!

Friday, May 6th, 2005

Hey Everybody!

Linda is home! She was released Wednesday, but until now I have not had time to email. She is doing better, she has a slight cough, but is on antibiotics at home. She is sleeping all night, praise God! Her sisters are excited to have her home.

I still can't say enough how thankful I am to have encouragement and support from friends and family, it is truly appreciated. I am humbled and honored to know that we have been so loved and prayed for!

Please Pray For:
Linda's healing.
For Josy and Diana to have understanding beyond there years.
For strength and endurance to run the good race.

Again I thank you!

Your Sister-n-Christ
Patty Trigueros

Wednesday, February 2, 2005 6:34 AM CST

Linda is doing fine, watching Barney a minimum of 15 times a day. The antibiotics and treatments are going well. With a pic line the IV stays well connected with small incisions , thus keeping Linda at a minimum of being poked adn probed.

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