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Kira's Page

Last Updated 12/7/2005

Kira Grace Schrock

Born: 4/17/2004 at 3:00p.m.

Weight: 7lbs 15 1/2oz. Length: 20 1/2 inches

We would like to welcome Kira Grace Schrock to our family.


Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:53 AM CST

Well, it has been several months since I last updated this website. There's not a lot to report, medically speaking. Kira continues to grow and develop like a normal 19 month old! She terrorizes her big sis and sometimes even her grandma JoAnn and her mama and papa. She is quite a busy-body and likes to run, climb, and do anything else that will very likely end in "ouchies" (she's not very coordinated). She also started saying "please" but now does not say "thank you" - go figure!

She is on Lisinopril once a day for her blood pressure. We discontinued her in-home nurse and now get her blood pressure taken at the pediatrician's office about twice a month. All of her pressures have been excellent! Her Lisinopril dose is low for her body weight (which is closing in on 24 pounds) so she continues to outgrow the medication. We will see her nephrologist again in March.

We haven't seen her cardiologist since March and won't see him again until this coming March. I talked to him yesterday regarding Kira's habit of holding her breath when upset or mad and subsequest turning bluish-purple and passing out. I was only concerned because it doesn't seem to take long before she turns purple. Since her last echocardiogram showed her heart operating almost completely normally he doesn't think there is anything to worry about. She will have another echo done in March.

She is still on Zyrtec for her eczema (since the end of June) and we still don't know what's causing it. She had some blood work done in July to try to help determine what is causing it but everything that was tested for came out negative - including milk! So she's been on regular dairy since July, which is a blessing. Eventually she will be able to have some more conclusive testing done for the eczema but right now she is too young.

That's pretty much the update for now. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: NICU MODULE 1

Clarian Health - Riley


E-mail Author: schrocky@earthlink.net


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Clarian Health - Riley

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