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Wednesday, March 2, 2005 9:44 AM CST

Tuesday, March 1, 2005 6:54 AM CST

Our sweet Ali finally got her wish to go home. She passed away at 12:01 this morning in her bed surrounded by people who love her dearly. It was peaceful and quiet... like she took a breath and jumped into the arms of God. I cannot really explain it but last night when I laid down I got an overwhelming sense of her spirit and it calmed my heart. I will give further details as they become available on the Caringbridge page. Thank you for your love and support during these many months. God Bless You



Visitation: Thursday, March 3, 2005
2-4 p.m.
5-8 p.m.

1212 West Plymouth Avenue (SR 119)
Goshen, Indiana 46526
(574) 533-9518

1202 W. PIKE ST.
(574) 534-7625

Tuesday, March 1, 2005 6:54 AM CST

Our sweet Ali finally got her wish to go home. She passed away at 12:01 this morning in her bed surrounded by people who love her dearly. It was peaceful and quiet... like she took a breath and jumped into the arms of God. I cannot really explain it but last night when I laid down I got an overwhelming sense of her spirit and it calmed my heart. I will give further details as they become available. Thank you for your love and support during these many months. God Bless You.

Friday, February 25, 2005 4:18 PM CST

Well, my dear, sweet Ali has stopped communicating since Wednesday night. Yet another loss. I was starting to get used to her whispers. She has stopped drinking and her breathing is labored and shallow. I am not sure what else to say. It is a painful thing to watch.

THANK YOU for your messages in the guest book. We check them frequently... they lift our spirits.

Monday, February 21, 2005 4:11 PM CST

There has been a change in Ali although I can't really pinpoint it. Her breathing has changed and she seems very peaceful. She has talked a little more in the past day and a half. There are times when she is very clear and other times where she speaks in a whisper... like she is talking to someone that we can't see. She talks alot about going home.

While most of the time she is asleep, last night she asked for a chocolate malt--which Megan made for her and she promptly drank.

We believe that the time is fairly close... although Ali has fooled us before. Thank you for your prayers and for signing the guest book. It lifts my spirits greatly to see how much Ali is loved. God Bless. Lori

Friday, February 18, 2005 6:20 PM CST

Hi Everyone. Thank you for your continued prayer. It is an emotional time...to say the least. Alison Haley is astounding the nurses. We all knew she had a big heart,but it is apparently very strong as well. She does sleep most of the time and does not recognize a lot of people. She is pretty frail. My continued kisses are annoying her a little... that she managed to tell me. :) I'll try to keep you informed of any changes. God Bless You.

A friend of Ali's wrote this as part of an essay for school...I thought that I would share it with you. This Caringbridge Page has been a community of wonderful people and we appreciate it. Here is the essay:

Because birth and death seem unavoidable, the most important stage of life is the one you live between life and death: the quest for companionship, friendship, and love. We have some control over this part of life. Though we may not be entirely aware of our doing so, regularly taking time out of our days to catch up with each other, whether through a simple "Hi how are you?" while passing an acquaintance in the crowded school hallway or late night heart-to-heart talks with your girlfriend. These bonds or connections we develop in this period obviously are at different levels of importance and certainly would not have a balanced scale when you weigh a loved one against just an acquaintance. Although they are very different relationships, both play a key role in the quest for companionship and our human desire for community. Due to this, we should make an effort to expand our community and aim to be more socially active by living that middle stage between birth and death to its fullest.

Thursday, February 10, 2005 9:38 AM CST

Hi Friends and family... nothing new to report really. Ali sleeps almost all of the time now. She has difficulty recognizing people and doesn't know where she is a lot of the time. She has someone sitting with her all of the time because all of a sudden she will bolt up and want to do something... forgetting that her legs no longer hold her up. I'm not sure how she continues to go on with no food in her system for nearly three weeks... but she is tenacious. Megan has been so good with her...kind, gentle, and helpful. Sometimes Megan is the only one who can calm her down. I'm very proud of both of my daughters.

Thank you for your continued prayers. Thank you for standing along side of us as we take this on one day at a time. Winston Churchill said, "When you are going through hell... keep on going." Sounds like good advice to me. God Bless. Lori

Friday, February 4, 2005 10:01 PM CST

Alison Haley never stops surprising us with her strength and spirit. Monday she was barely able to stand or talk... She hasn't had food for two weeks and is living on pain medication. Tuesday evening she asked for Gaby... who came right over. Before we knew it she had Gaby fixing her hair and putting on make-up. Ali was speaking very clearly and had it in her head that she was going to get out of the house. She insisted that I dress her... very specifically picking out what to wear (no surprise) and told me to take her to the Crossing.

To say I was hesitant is an understatement... but she was so determined that I couldn't say no. Kayla stopped by and the four of us headed to the coffeehouse... very slowly. On the way out of her bedroom door, Ali stopped at her vase filled with beautiful yellow mums from Max and had me pick one which she put in her hair.

I'm going to write the rest of this in my blog... because I cannot do it justice here. It was an emotional and triumphant event. I will never forget it.

Today, she has slept a lot. She is very disoriented but her pain is being controlled. Max stopped by and spent time with her. She drank a slurpy. Thank you for your comments. I continue to read them to her and they lift my spirits greatly. There are so many people to thank... but I want to especially thank Ed and Beth, Karl and Danielle and Alyssa for being so amazing and helpful--what would we do without you??? and to the St. Mark Youth who had a fundraiser for Ali... I was speechless (hard to imagine isn't it)... WHAT AN INCREDIBLE HELP. God Bless You. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and gestures of kindness... they mean so much. Love, Lori

Saturday, January 29, 2005 12:41 AM CST

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful comments... I'm going to keep reading them to Ali. She is about the same. She is on very high doses of pain medication but has moments where she is very clear. I must say, she says some very amusing "Ali-like" things. I have learned among other things that: I am not good in a crisis, If I weren't so doggone lazy I would get her her medicine on time, I suck because I did't want to give her a shower at 1 a.m., she speaks an inordinant amount about coffee and Diane Keaton is a terrible dresser.

It is a bittersweet time and I am coveting your prayers.Pray for my beautiful Megan who has been strong and brave and so tender and helpful with Ali.

Her dad has been here nearly all the time as has GrandmaJo.
We are still limiting her visitors because she is confused and it agitates and upsets her. It is a blessing to know that Ali's smile and joy will go on in the hearts and memories of her friends and family.

Thank you to the wonderful people at St. Mark Missionary Church (I hope some day to thank you all individually, but let me say I am overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity), Pastor Karl, my neighbors, Aunt JoAnne and Grandma for the beautiful SPRING flowers, the people at Hospice, the nurses at Memorial, Ed, Beth, Alyssa, the kids at the Crossing for their lovely book... Jodi, Pam Carlson who has been amazing and raised an amazing son in Max who we love. Gaby and Kayla who have been here for Ali from the start...Jan Folkmier who I cannot wait to hug, my wonderful family who has gathered around me and lifted me up (special thanks to Lisa and Doug without whom I would have lost my house, my self-respect and my sanity. And thanks to Craig and Luke who love me and say and do the sweetest things.

Every minute we have with Ali is my greatest gift and joy.

God Bless You all.

Sunday, January 23, 2005 6:39 PM CST

My heart is heavy as I write this. Ali's health has deteriorated rapidly over the past week. She is no longer eating and is barely able to walk. In addition she is on very strong pain medicines which keep her comfortable but not coherent. She has moments of great lucidity, however, and continues to amaze us with her wit, grace, bravery and selflessness. We have worked through some tough and emotional issues this week with a lot of tears being shed. Ali has said that she is ready to go.

We are limiting visitors... not because we want to but because we need to. I know so many of you have expressed a desire to see Ali and we very much appreciate your love and support. For now, though, we are keeping things to a minimum for Ali's comfort.

God Bless each one of you. I will never be able to thank you enough. Please continue to pray that we would have strength as we face this personal tragedy. Please continue to pray for your amazing friend Ali.

Thursday, January 20, 2005 0:00 AM CST

It is overwhelming to read such wonderful comments about my amazing girl. Thank you... from the bottom of my heart. Ali has had a rough time of it. Her pain is FINALLY being controlled but she has been nauseous and tired. Chemo has been on hold until we can figure out the source of the nausea. She hasn't been up to company but I think she has had more than her share of family time and is ready to get out of bed. Please pray that these symptoms can be controlled and Ali feels good enough to get up and out for a while to lift her spirits.

Megan G., you made me laugh and cry all at the same time thinking about Ali running into open car doors to get a laugh...

Thank you (so very much) to everyone who has sent prayers, cards, food and financial help. I am hoping to get to thank you notes soon... in the meantime, please know you are appreciated.

Monday, January 10, 2005 7:49 AM CST

Hi everyone. Well the good news is that the MRI showed that the cancer has not spread to the brain. Unfortunately, Ali is in a great deal of pain and has not slept well for days. We are working with the doctors and have decided to try a morphine pump which should work much better for her but she has been hesitant to use. We will be starting an oral chemo today to hopefully slow down some symptoms and growth. Thank you for your messages and your prayers.

Sunday, January 2, 2005 2:25 PM CST

Unfortunately, we did not get the news that we had hoped for on the PET scan. The cancer has spread into the bone marrow which is why she is experiencing pain in her legs and hips. Because the disease has continued to progress despite chemo, radiation, surgery means that with the exception of an honest to goodness miracle there is no way to stop the cancer. Ali has opted to take some chemo to hopefully slow the progression of the disease. We will be having an MRI tomorrow to see what is causing the jaw numbness.

Ali as usual reacted with amazing strength. Will keep you up to date. Please keep her in your prayers.

Sunday, December 26, 2004 4:37 PM CST

We will be going to Chicago on Tuesday for a PET scan and perhaps a CAT scan. Ali has developed pain and numbness in her chin and teeth. Please pray that the tests come out well and she is still cancer free. We will keep you updated. Thank You and hope you had a Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 7:50 AM CST

Hi Everyone... Well here is the plan. First of all we will be having another PET Scan either this week or the week after Christmas to make sure she is still cancer free and ready to go for the stem cell transplant. So please pray for a clean slate there.

We are going to Chicago on January 5th where Ali will begin a 5-6 day regimen of very intense chemo. It will give her terrible mouth sores and throat sores, she will feel very sick and probably won't be able to eat...along with a list of other side effects. They will give her a lot of drugs to keep her comfortable but it will be rough for her. Her bloodcounts will drop to virtually nothing... meaning she will be susceptible to all sorts of infection.

About the 15th they will start the Stem Cell transplant. She will be in the hospital approximately one month and then home and down in bed for another 4-6 weeks or until she is feeling better. The goal of course is to wipe the cancer out forever... or at the very least for a long period of time. Please continue to keep Ali in prayer (and Megan also as she will be alone much of the time). Pray that the cancer might be erradicated forever.

The good news is that we will be home for Christmas and New years and we are planning to have a great time together. There are a couple of foundations that have given us gifts for the holidays... extremely, extremely generous gifts that have made out holiday very wonderful and allowed each of us to buy presents for one another... which has brightened our spirits as the joy is in the giving. The kindness of strangers (and our friends as well) is overwhelming. God is good.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy and HEALTHY 2005. Thank you for being there for us yet again... we love you. Lori, Megan and Ali

Friday, November 5, 2004 6:50 PM CST

Well, we had the PET scan two weeks ago... and after TWO days of waiting received the results: no sign of cancer either under her arm or anywhere else. PRAISE GOD I AM TELLING YOU! This was all His doing. Had the cancer returned already... it would not have been good and we would not have been able to proceed.

THe plan is this... she is finished with radiation and did not suffer any terrible blisters like last time (thanks for your prayers).

Ali didn't make counts for chemo on Monday so we are waiting until she is ready. This could push back the high dose chemo but I'm not sure.

She looks great, feels great... but now that we are getting down to it... we are all feeling just a bit nervous. Please remember us in your prayers. Probably won't update until then. LOTS TO BE THANKFUL FOR DON'T YA KNOW! LOVE LORI

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 2:10 PM CDT

Well, just this very second got an email that the PET scan camera is broken and we will not be able to scan until next Wednesday the 27th. I'll keep you up to date. Love Lori

Saturday, October 2, 2004 6:14 PM CDT

Well, we are continuing with radiation. So far so good.

Ali and I are heading to Chicago tomorrow for a PET scan and to meet with her Doctor to get the plan for the High Dose Chemo and Stem Cell transplant; both of which are quite serious. It looks like it will all happen right before Christmas. We are trying to decide whether or not to wait until after Christmas but there are also risks in that. We should have some additional information tomorrow. Ali is of course very frightened. Please pray that the PET scan will show no new growth, wisdom for our medical team, strength for our family and a sense of peace for Ali.

God Bless you.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:06 AM CDT

Wow, it's been almost a month since I've updated...
As I've said before, that is usually a good thing because it means that we are at home and enjoying being in our own environment and spending time with those that we love. That is indeed the case.

As far as an update... Ali starts radiation this week. We will pray that the treatment does not cause her the terrible, terrible burns that resulted the last round. So, five weeks or so of radiation with some chemo interspersed. Then the plan is for the high dose chemo and stem cell transplant. Seems funny to say because at this moment... she looks great! She has gained some weight back, has worked a little bit and has spent a lot of time with her friends.

Please keep praying that we will beat this cancer once and for all. God Bless. Lori

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 9:58 AM CDT

Hi Everyone. God is good. A visit to the surgeon yesterday revealed that they were able to get a clear margin around the mass that was removed from under Ali's arm. :) This means that pathology revealed no cancer cells in the area around the mass that was removed so it appears that we were able to get it all. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!! Due to the aggressive nature of this particular cancer... we will still be doing the Radiation and High Dose chemo as planned... but this is definitely the best possible news of all of the scenarios regarding the surgery. As I mentioned earlier (I think) the PET scan also revealed no new cancer growth. It has been a good week.

Please continue to pray for Ali... it is how we gather our strength. While we were there a little boy about 2 or 3 came in just diagnosed with leukemia... I would like to find out his name so we can keep him in our prayers but God knows who he is in the meantime. Life is uncertain... it is best not to waste a minute of it. God Bless. Lori

Friday, August 20, 2004 1:57 PM CDT

hi friends and family and friends of friends and family...
little sleep... i'm sorry :) well we have returned this afternoon from Chicago where Ali had a two hour surgery to remove the tumor. She is really feeling very good but needless to say-- sore. The PET Scan showed her axillary (under her arm) to be the only sight of the cancer activity and it also showed the tumor to be 80% smaller than the first PET in May. Still they had ALOT to remove and took all that they could without her losing the use of her arm. Still waiting to see if there are any stray cells but radiation should kill those if there are. Let's all pray that we got them because that is the best possible scenario. Waiting on a plan from Dr. Nachman... Ali says that he ducks when he sees me because I ask SO MANY questions... having a plan to shoot for is my sanity... what is left of it anyway.

Ali and I stayed up late into the night and had lots of GREAT girl talk. We had a wonderful time actually. Occasionally while drugged she would say things that I could use against her but I'm saving those for just the right time. Between the AMAZING TEAM at SB Memorial and the great staff at U of Chicago hospitals we are so blessed. They give us strength and hope and humor. So, I will be nursemaid for the next few days. Thanks for checking in. Lori

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:35 AM CDT

Hi everyone. Well, it has been a nice extended time at home... such a gift. Ali has been feeling great and going out with her friends. Everyone is starting back to school this week so that's a little sad. Ali will be attending a school where she can take classes via the computer and catch up from her Sophomore year at her own pace... hopefully within a month or two.

The last medicine we tried did not further shrink the tumor. Because of Ali's trouble in recovering her platelets she won't be able to have too much more chemo. So, it has been decided that we would do surgery to remove the mass. We are heading to Chicago in about an hour to meet with the surgeon. Ali (and her parents) are happy about this decision, as it was not done the last time.

Surgery and a PET scan will be THursday. Please continue praying for Alison. Our prayer is that once we are done with this round of treatment... the cancer will never return. Thanks again to EVERYONE at Northwood Church of God for your faithfulness and your EXTREME GENEROSITY. You will never know how much it has meant to us. By the way... MY FAMILY IS INCREDIBLE!!!


Tuesday, August 3, 2004 9:18 AM CDT

Well Glory Be! We get to go home today... a day early. Ali's infection is gone and her counts are recovering... still having some problems with those nasty platelets... but, as I said... we get to go home! So, down come the posters of the cute boy models and the coffee maker is packed up. Three trips to the car should do it.

Everyone is wonderful here but it is ever so nice to be in our own beds... and open the windows! It's all about the simple stuff folks.

Thursday, July 29, 2004 1:39 PM CDT

hi. well to update, Ali's infection has cleared up nicely however her counts are in the toilet. The combination of the infection (which as it turns out was e-coli based) and her inability to fight the infection will keep us here until NExT Wednesday! very discouraging and needless to say, boring. She is actually feeling good other than the depression of being here.

Should you care to contact Ali, we are at
Memorial Hospital Room 620.
615 N Michigan Street
South Bend, IN 46601

Have a nice weekend and we'll touch base again next week.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:26 AM CDT

hi. we are in the hospital (Memorial South Bend) this week. ali developed an infection and was in lots of pain. she is feeling better but we will be in here for a while to be on antibiotics and pain meds. she is in good spirits and we've had some really nice talks. she continues to amaze the nurses with her tolerance for pain and her good attitude. we are hoping that there won't be any fevers and that her counts don't drop so we can have some time at home. If it aint one thing it's another. :)

Sunday, July 25, 2004 11:07 PM CDT

Hi to everyone. Well, we are done with chemo for the week. Ali is in a lot of pain at the moment so we would appreciate your prayers... we will be heading to the hospital tomorrow. (monday) and may be admitted for some antibiotics. We appreciate all of you so much. Will keep you up to date. God Bless. Lori

Thursday, July 22, 2004 12:11 AM CDT

Hi everyone... well, we are doing chemo in South Bend this week... OUTPATIENT! So, we are home in the evenings and that has been completely wonderful. This chemo has not really made her sick... just a little tired... so that's also wonderful. AND as long as we are talking WONDERFUL... MANY, MANY, MANY THANKS to Pastor Dave and the AMAZING people at Northwood Church of God in Toledo (my mama's church). Pastor Dave also struggled with cancer... so he knows whereof we speak. They had a spagetti dinner for Alison and had a tremendous turnout and lots of community support. Alison was loved on all night and the love and caring was overwhelming and we will never, ever forget it. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU. They are also busy making Ali's Angel pins... U R AWESOME and I'm running out of superlatives.

MRI results have shown that the tumor continues to shrink and is now quite small...our prayer is that this cancer leaves her body FOREVER MORE. PLEASE KEEP PRAYING and ask others to as well... I don't feel bad about being greedy for prayers :) ALSO, if you would, please remember Megan in your prayers... she is trying to find a job and a direction for her future. She is a great daughter and keeps me young in spirit.


Finally, thank you Craig, I love you.

Thursday, July 15, 2004 10:10 AM CDT

Hi everyone. Sorry that I haven't updated recently... I've been trying to catch my breath and take care of some other issues that are looming on the horizon. Well, Ali is doing terrific. The stem cell harvest is complete, her catheter is out and she has been home for a rare 1-1/2 week period where she is feeling good,hanging out with her friends, laying by her dad's pool, and doing what girls do in summer. A nice change of pace. We will be in Chicago on Monday the 19th for a series of tests to see what is going on with the cancer... shrinking, etc. Then we will have chemo in South Bend the remainder of next week... hopefully outpatient so we can enjoy sleeping in our own beds at night. Please don't worry if I don't update regularly... it just means we are "doing life"... a no news is good news kind of thing. Hope you are enjoying your summer... we love you and you keep us going day to day with your thoughts and prayers. God Bless, Lori

Friday, July 2, 2004 4:34 PM CDT

Hi... Happy Independence Day Weekend... God Bless those Patriots. Well, day two of the stem cell harvest and we are still here. We believe that we will need a day three and then HOPEFULLY!!!! we will get to go home as we are bored and tired of this place to the point that we are both bordering on grumpy. No child should be stuck with her mother for so long! But, thank God that we are able to harvest them and get this girl better. We stayed at Rondal McDonald house last night but are back in the hospital tonight... we didn't get the "Big" room again... so we are living in cramped quarters... but we won't get selfish. My greatest wish is that by tomorrow afternoon we will be munching on hamburgers and hotdogs and lounging in the sun. Take care.

Thursday, July 1, 2004 7:03 PM CDT

Well, we are back in chicago after a 24 hour stint at home. Ali's stem cell count was still rather low... but they pulled some anyway. We will back at it tomorrow for another four hours and possibly Saturday also (I'm hoping NOT). She is tired and ready to be home... but at least we have gotten started on this part of it. I'll keep you up to date. Have a GREAT 4th!

Monday, June 28, 2004 6:19 PM CDT

hi everyone... still up at the hospital... day 4. Ali is feeling better although still in a little bit of pain. We are catching up on alot of movies and have had some nice talks. No stem cell harvest yet... perhaps tomorrow. Then she gets almost 2 weeks home! We are all looking forward to that. Thanks for your nice notes and your prayers.

Friday, June 25, 2004 8:32 PM CDT





Monday, June 21, 2004 10:15 PM CDT

Hi everyone... thank you seems so little a word for such wonderful friends and family. Thank you to the "mystery" people from Bethany who are cutting my grass...you are angels! seriously it is such a relief for me. The financial assistance has also been SO helpful... more than you will EVER know; it has been a lesson in humility and pride yet I am awed by your generous and caring spirits. I cannot tell you how much it has meant to me that you would sacrifice in such a way for us. Crossing Girls... you are AWESOME! We especially appreciate your prayers and we would appreciate you passing on Ali's situation to anyone who would be willing to keep her in prayer. Thank you Northwood Church of God... you have been incredibly wonderful in every way. You are a blessing to us 120 miles away!

To update: we are currently home from chemo... she is actually feeling pretty good right now. She is spending lots of time in her new room. We are trying to fatten her up a bit as she has lost quite a bit of weight. We will be heading back to Chicago this weekend to be on call for the stem cell harvest. The stem cells are located in the bone marrow... so she is not having a bone marrow transplant per se... but a stem cell transplant... semantics I guess. Her counts have to be just right for that to occur. It will take perhaps two days once the procedure actually begins. So, we could be there two days or six... depends on how her counts do.

Thank you for your prayers and God Bless.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004 6:35 PM CDT

Hi. Well Alison is home from Hawaii... looking tanned and beautiful as ever. She had a wonderful time and is lamenting the fact that she is back. She loved her room. It is like an old Paris studio apartment. It is totally Ali. Thanks so much to Deb and Christine our wonderful Make-a-Wish volunteers.

We are currently at U. of Chicago for chemo. We will be home tomorrow and back late next week for her Stem Cell harvest. I want to share with you that we had an ultrasound today and the tumor has shrunk significantly. This is a very good thing as it means that it is responding to chemo and we are on track. Thank you SO MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS. As you may know the tumor responded to chemo the last time but came back... so while this is good news the ultimate challenge is to stop it from recurring once it is gone. That is the reason for the radical nature of the therapy that will come in the following months. But, this is definitely GOOD NEWS!

The people here are wonderful. Ali is sleeping right now from her nausea medication. She will share about her trip and her room later. We love you. LORI

Thursday, June 10, 2004 8:25 AM CDT

Aloha... as Alison would say now that she is practically a native. Well they arrived safely and are having a great time. Been to a luau and she and megan were offered surfing lessons by a cute surfer type... but she assures me she is coming home! I miss them!

The room is coming along and will hopefully be done for her return. I will try and download pictures of the trip and her room.... but be patient as I am technologically challenged.

Will keep you up to date. Aloha.

Sunday, June 6, 2004 4:50 PM CDT

Hi. Well, Alison and Megan are off to Hawaii for their dream vacation. I have not heard from them yet but will update you as soon as possible.

In the meantime... the AMAZING people from Make-a-Wish are starting her room re-do and when Ali returns home her newly re-decorated room will be unveiled.

Special thank you to the entire staff in Pediatric Oncology at South Bend Memorial. They are like family to us and are some of the most wonderful people I've ever had the privilege of knowing.

Ali will be returning a week from today and we will head to Chicago for the next round of chemo.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, June 1, 2004 7:23 PM CDT

Hi... thank you for your prayers... we are finally home! What a long week. Ali's counts shot up beautifully overnight and just her platelets are a little low. So... she is resting up and getting ready for Hawaii on Sunday.

On a sad note... we are looking for a new home for our two Schnauzers Rudy and Fritz. They have been together forever and we would like to find a place where they can be together. Fritz is about 11 and is a standard schnauzer. Rudy is about 4 and is a minature. They would probably be better suited for someone without children... or with older children. We are gone too often to be able to take care of them. It was a really hard decision but one I feel we musst make. They are people dogs and very good watch dogs so it's just not fair to leave them alone so often.

Other than that... plans for Ali's new room are under way and she is eagerly anticipating the unveiling. It will be a wonderful retreat for her. Thank you Make-a-Wish.

God Bless all of you-- you amaze us!!! we love you.

Monday, May 31, 2004 10:35 AM CDT

hey guys,
still in the hospital today, i have mostly been sleeping while i am here to try and make time go by faster, we didnt know i would be here this long so i didnt pack much to do .. This morning we found out most of my blood counts are going up but my platelet counts are still going down, so they are definately taking their time!! Last night dad got me a big steak to try and get me strength back = ) Megan should be here later to spend the day with me. thanks again for your prayers and saying hi Love, ALI

Sunday, May 30, 2004 7:49 AM CDT

Hello Everyone~ Well i am still in the hospital = ( I cant go home until my blood counts are high and i haven't had a fever for 24 hours. Right now my blood counts have dropped again and i am keeping a fever of 102, so we are thinking this is gonna keep me here at least until monday night. I would really appreciate prayers so that i will be fine to leave for hawaii next sunday. Today megan is coming up to hang out with me in the hospital. Congradulations megan on graduating and thank you for making that touching speech. To all of my friends i miss u very much. love ~ ali

Friday, May 28, 2004 1:53 PM CDT

well...we have learned nothing if we have not learned to be spontaneous. we are back at South Bend Memorial after a brief 12-hour reprieve. Alison developed a fever of 102.3 at about 1:00 a.m.... which means an immediate trip to the hospital. While her fever is high... her bloodcounts are still low... especially her platelets and WBC. This is very normal from the 10-14 day following her chemo. She is having difficulty getting the platelets to stay at a good level... so that could be a matter of prayer. She should be rebounding shortly and counts could kick up very quickly and she will be back to normal. It's the kind of thing that could happen in a day even. She is disappointed (more aptly put... ticked off) because she wanted to go to Grand Haven over the weekend... but we will obviously be playing that by ear. She is on antibiotics and is sleeping most of today.

AS a side note... but certainly an important one... Megan graduates from High School on Saturday. Megan has had to fend for herself a great deal in the past year and she has shown a great deal of responsibility. Luckly God has blessed her with a very independent spirit which first came to our attention in the 5th grade when she called up the school districts transportation office to report her bus driver. :) I've always known that Megan can and will do anything she sets her mind to. This quote is in Megan's Honor but I imagine would serve us all well. Congratualtions Megan... we are proud of you!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?  Actually, who are you not to be?  You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve the world.  There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.  We are all meant to shine, as children do.  We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.  It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.  And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.  ~Marianne Williamson

Thursday, May 27, 2004 7:38 AM CDT

Hey everyone. Well we are at South Bend Memorial where we spent the night last night. Nothing huge... but Ali needed some transfusions. Her platelets are still low so we are hoping those go up today so we can go home! She is feeling better today and hopefully we will be home tonight.

I would like to take a minute to thank Jodi Riester who has been cutting my grass... it has been such a weight off of my shoulders. Jodi... you are wonder woman! Also thank you to our "Crossing family" for saving up your hard-earned tips--you overwhelm me.


Hello Everyone~ thanks for all of the nice messages you have sent me, it is fun hearing from everyone. Thank you so much crossing girls for giving up your tips for traveling money, you're awesome. And thank you to my class for giving me and extra $25 bucks for fun. =) i had bw3's . And thanks for stopping in and saying hello = ) Thank you SO much to my aunts and uncles and grandma for helping dad buy my BEAUTIFUL new wig. I love it! Alsoooo i wanted to thank my grandma judy's church who has set up prayer chains and have sent cards and are now raising money for our expenses. That is very amazing. So thank you to everyone. I LOVE YOU !!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004 8:25 AM CDT

Hey everyone. Well we are at South Bend Memorial where we spent the night last night. Nothing huge... but Ali needed some transfusions. Her platelets are still low so we are hoping those go up today so we can go home! She is feeling better today and hopefully we will be home tonight.

I would like to take a minute to thank Jodi Riester who has been cutting my grass... it has been such a weight off of my shoulders. Jodi... you are wonder woman! Also thank you to our "Crossing family" for saving up your hard-earned tips--you overwhelm me.


Hello Everyone~ thanks for all of the nice messages you have sent me, it is fun hearing from everyone. Thank you so much crossing girls for giving up your tips for traveling money, you're awesome. And thank you to my class for giving me and extra $25 bucks for fun. =) i had bw3's . And thanks for stopping in and saying hello = ) Thank you SO much to my aunts and uncles and grandma for helping dad buy my BEAUTIFUL new wig. I love it! Alsoooo i wanted to thank my grandma judy's church who has set up prayer chains and have sent cards and are now raising money for our expenses. That is very amazing. So thank you to everyone. I LOVE YOU !!

Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:59 PM CDT

We are home from a long week in Chicago. Ali is feeling a little better today... her first request was for McDonalds and her second for Flavor Freeze before we even got home. She will probably be irritated that I divulged that information. She is resting and watching Friends. Thanks for checking in.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004 8:01 PM CDT

Ali has been hospitalized since Monday for chemo and tests. We hope to be home on THursday, May 20th although she had a really rough day today. We have had good news in that the cancer has not spread to any organs or to the bone marrow. We have changed Doctors and are now under the care of Dr. Nachman at the University of Chicago. We love him! He is great with Ali and has a positive, fighting spirit. Ali will be recovering at home and preparing for a trip to Hawaii compliments of her grandma and grandpa Track. She is also having her room redone for her Make-a-wish Wish. Ali appreciates your correspondence and your prayers. Please let us know if you or people you know are praying for her and where you are located. I want her to see that the prayers are as numerous as stars in the sky.

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