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Friday, September 11, 2009 7:17 PM CDT

Today was grass cutting day and boy did Travisman cut the grass with mommy. He loves to ride the riderlawnmower. Of course with me, he's not up to doing it just yet by himself. Not on my rider that is. He would love to, that I do know. When we got done today, "OH,MY BUT", his little tush hurt from the bummpy ride.
Tomorrow it will be a parade in town. We went and saw the the clydsedale horse yesterday. got a picture with the horse, but the butt end was more present than the front of the horse in the picture. Guy didn't take the best picture.
But we are for sure to have a good weekened the kids look forward to getting lots of candy. I hope that every body has a great weekened.
Leanna is to be in the parade with her gilrscout troop and Mekenna is going to be selling popcorn with her troop.
Travis is sleeping right now and the girls are just hanging with mom bumming tonight.
Kilee is at work washing her little heart away. Can't get her to do a dish here. Jess is out fishing with Brock, see who catches what. Thanks to the use of Lea/Mek's new poles from the fishing trip we had at RendLake. But there big sis swore to bring them back and clean.
Travis has been doing pretty good. We have been doing the homeschooling thing. I have my moment's that I think I am doing wrong and should let him go to the school for him, but then I see him fall asleep 4 hours after he has gotten up because he is wiped out just from the meds and the things that we do. When I see him get all flush in the face when I know that he has not had that hard of a day. It scare's the stuff out of me. Like today, asked him what he would like on his sandwhich and went and made it for him and by the time I got it made and give it to him he was asleep watching the Great Pumpkin, he woke when I moved stuff and went down for a little nap.
Today his nap wasn't long but he is in bed tonight before 8. He will probably wake up shortly by 11 today, I am not sure why he is having the sleep patern today, but its Friday and if that is all I have to overcome then so be it.
We will be returning to Memphis in Oct. hopefully it will be good weather and all good.
Godbless to all, I am going to join the girls and relax.
Remember all the other's that need your prayer's for all the little angle's out there in this great big world.

Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:24 PM CDT

Well, it is nap time and we are late at that.
But we had a busy morning. We got to do a bit of science.Yuky science at that. Travis got to meet the guy that works on our septic. Finding out were the water and poop goes seemed to be interesting to my son. Of course all men should no where there poop goes.lol...
We aren't backed up anymore i told him. I on the other hand am very thankful for that.
For a clean aspect of our morning we went and picked apples too. That was fun, watching him pack his front pocket full of apples and then telling me he was to heavy to walk.
Travis thought that we could come in and make applepie right away. Pie crust I told him and he thought that i said something else. Anyway, we also took our trip to the store in town(Wal-Mart).
But we have a choice of two games to go to after school. Leanna's first or one for Kilee. I do believe that we will try to make it to Leanna's first game. It is away, but not far from home. Kilee is the first game for her too, but I have made it to games for her in the past.
Wish there was more than one of me and I am just glad that Jess doesn't have a tennis match today.
Mekenna start's girl scout's next week and Leanna is to juggle that too.
I have to get off here and get to my homework. it is already 2:30 and I wont get to much done. but i have to finish by Dec. so have to buckle down when I can.
God Bless and all have a good day. rainy here, but we make the best of it all.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 11:42 AM CDT

Well school is back in session and trying to get the girls back into the swing of things. Travis is wanting to go to school too, telling him that I am home schooling him is not understandable to him. I am looking into a special needs school that is about 1/2 hour from our house and we will see. If they allow two hours or so of him going.
We are at the library right now and he is on the comp doing a winnie pooh game right now.
I have to tell you that yesterday he measured and baked a loaf of banana bread. We did numbers of flashcards with elmo and his friends this morning and we will have lots more to do.
We already have a field trip set up. If all goes acording to plan, we will be fine.
The girls will be having lots of games for us to attend. With Big sis Jess being in Tennis and Kilee being in Volleyball and Leanna too in Volleyball. Mekenna in GirlScouts. We will be plenty busy this year.
Well have to go,
God bless Travis is ready to change his choice of activity.

Monday, August 17, 2009 10:50 PM CDT

Well I have to say that i think i just had about one of the BEST weekened(sun-tues) of my life with three out of five of my children.
All thanks to a bunch of people, most of all Brigid O'Donoghue!!!! She is the Wonderful Lady that emailed me out of the BLUE and said you need to bring Travis and the family to Rend Lake for three days this Aug. Well we are here and I just ran out to the van to get my camera battery charger, so I can REVIEW all the great pic's from today. We are here thankyou to her and all the fishermen that gave Travisman his FIRST Boat ride and the time of his life today on Rend Lake. It is BEATUIFUL here. I am still feeling like I am on the lake. It has been about 20 yrs. since I have been on a boat. My Mekenna and my Leanna went TUBING. YES, TUBING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't believe it. To see them on the tub in the DEEP water and having the time of their lives. Smileing and giving the thumbs up as they were holding on. It was AWESOME!
Of course they are tucked away and sleeping right now. But as I said being out to the van, I ran across the computer in the lobby and had to jot this all down.
I have such a smile on my face. The people that put this on were and are amazing.
I have seen the signs but never in my life did i ever think that it was like this.
Big sissy Jessica and Kilee had to stay home and miss out on all this excitment tho. The joy of sport and practice. Brigid wants us all to join her next July in Wisconsin at her place and I hear that it is gorgeous and hudge. The kids will love that.
Plus al the fishermen that took care of the children. So many names and i feel really wavie still so I will have to return to give all the names.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 3:06 PM CDT

Well here we are and the summer is almost over. We have been trying to keep our heads up with the weird weather we have.
I have to say that i really need to get the pic thing figured out again. right now i have no internet access at home and it hurts. but the good ole library works to.
I will be here with Travis thru alot soon. Homeschooling I know that there is alot and the library is one of his favorite spots. Lot to learn here. And for those that worry there will be alot of social interaction of various age groups. I am not going to try to change all that Travis has worked for in his life because of a school system. One that doesn't realize it all. The whole "Holland" things rings a bell.
He is doing great. We are going to Memphis in Oct. that will be a short rushed stay, but we are liking that because we dont want to be away from home and at st.jude. we love everybody there, its just lets keep our home the first and that the second. Right, I think there are very many of you that can relate to that feeling.
Home is Home!!!!!!
Travis rode a Mech.Bull this month, he thought that was cool. Dont freak out, it was only a matter of seconds.
He was loving the merrygoround this past weekened.
This week he is to go fishing with his big Sissy Jess.
She has been pretty busy this summer and she wants to take her baby brother fishin'.
We are trying to plan a trip up to chicago, to go see some friends, and to visit the BigTreeHouse in Barrington. It will be great to go back to my old neighborhood. DesPlaines that is. My 20yr reunion.WOW!!!!
School starts soon so not sure when we will fit it in but the TreeHouse is a must for Travis. It was built thru a great org. for children and adults for an adventure in a tree house they are all over the US and Barrington in Il. is the place for our state.
Sports and all sorts of activities for me and the kids soon to be. Well 2 days. I know alot of schools have already went back. God Bless the children as they endure the heat in the classrooms. And the teacher's.
Travi wont make it thru a day of 6am to 3pm and later. there is so much that he can do, but there is alot that will tire him easy.
Well have to go, God Bless to you all.
Travis loves to hear the messages you send. He loves Life and all of it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009 2:08 PM CDT

Happy fourth to all......
We are in the rain right now, so the kids are anxious and wanting to see the fireworks tonight and not sure if they will go on. Oh, well we will see them some time or another. Hope all is well and safe with everyone.
We are doing good here. Travis' seizure's have come back down to the only one or two a day and when he first wakes up or when he is sleepy. That I can handle. I dont want that activity either but I know what that is about and the change I dont want to have to worry of.
sorry to see that there is another message left from Travis' father and he is complaining. Well i wont go there. I could complain. but being a daddy is not just about saying that you made a baby with somebody, its when you put yourself behind and put your baby first.
Well Travis is doing good and we have started July, things were really HOT here in June for a week and by the time I got the airconditioner's in the window we were welcoming that cool air. Now I have the window's open again due to the coolness that we are having. High of 70 maybe today. Weather here is crazy.
Corn is growing tho.
We will go to clinic this 10th to see what his levels are with the seizure meds and to also give his shot. We are to go to memphis the 20th. we are going to go to relatives for a day or so before we get to St.Jude. then we will be there for his return MRI and endocrine and bone imaging.
god bless to all for today is to be a happy celebration of this great country we live in.
have to clean up playdough now. one of Travis' favorite pasttimes.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009 6:53 AM CDT

Morning, I am really nervous of today. Travi sure has been starting to either become a full boy. Meaning being a littel defiant.(sp?) He just seems to be fighting me more on things, but that I am use to with his sister's so maybe it is rubbing off. I just have so much on my mind of why these seizure's are doing what they are doing.
Plus we haven't done a MRI here and yesterday they try to tell me that they wont use his port to use the contrastdye because it would not work. WHAT is all that about. Memphis says why wouldnt they be able to usse it. Last time they tried to peripheral stick him it really was not good. Even when he was asleep, he woke wondering about the bruises.OF COURSE! I dont want this to be different for him and change the trust that he so much has for the docs. and nurses. I know he is tired of taking all his seizure meds that is for sure. It is starting to be a fight with that.
Just noticing changes and I am not really sure. I need to pull all my thoughts together. It just gets so frustrating at times. I found myself crying yesterday walking out of therapy with him. Just because he was telling his pt, that he was ready to go night/night and the girls were like oh, it's not night night time yet. c'mon you can do this. He was done, we left and he wanted to go to the store. We did as much as he wanted to and it was a full cart of grocery's. So he did all that after therapy and he was hungry and we ate. We got home and he helped mom and Jess bring in the groceries. Not all, of course. then he went over to the swing, too muddy and he sat at the picnic table just sitting after about 15 he was ready to take a nap. Not one min. later he was out.
for about 3 and half hours. I just hate the game we live with cancer. It Sucks.....................
Well I have to get into the shower, get one of the girls out first.lol...Travis is still asleep not for long and Handy Manny will be coming our way.
I vented, sorry I could of been worse, but if you have an extra prayer available today, can you please send it our way for today i am worried of this outcome, and all.
godbless thankyou.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 6:54 PM CDT

Ok i am trying to do the new, go to visit/travisman on the new page for further updates. iwant to get that going for him. maybe it will bring in good luck. a new start of a website.
only hoping for the best.
thankyou and godbless.
i updated it earlier for today.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 10:42 AM CDT

Well we are here and missed therapy today. for speech and ot. Travis woke again, with a seizure. they are getting to be stronger. I am waiting for neuro dr. to call us. When we returned in Jan. to Memphis the emphasis on the tumor being part of the reason for the increase in seizures was not NOT the case. We got him started on the Topomax and the seizures seemed to have slowed and I wasn't really seeing any signs of them. Now in the past 3-4 weeks that has changed. we have him on a higher dose and I just dont understand. How the right side of the brain that died can have such a part in the seizure. Science, hard to understand.
So, I wanted to scream this morning and just make it stop but all I could do was lay there and talk to Travi. after 10 min. it gets hard. then he was out in the tv land watching HandyManny and I saw that he was having seizure activity again.
Calling Memphis, well it all goes to Neuro. and they have not called me yet.
Oh, I hate all of this, the thought of losing to seizure after HE has been so strong thru all the rest.
Travis of course in the morning kept telling me pictures, pictures of his head that is dr. George. that is the dr. he see's before he is off in lala land and he knows they're taking pics of his head.
i just tell him not yet, we aren't to go back until July, this is our four month out. we dont have to and he insist's. I want to take that as a sign of him hating the seizure's not that he is right and we should.
Travi went and got his hair cut yesterday, he is such a sensitive head too. With the pressure from the water hose he was in tears. Kristen wasn't to sure on how to react, but we got thru it and he was smiling, with a sucker inhis mouth for the moment. He is such a cutie.
well time is up and we have to get.
godbless and thankyou all.
have a great day.

Sunday, May 17, 2009 0:05 AM CDT

Well we had a great day today. Fri. was a wet one, it rained the whole day on our parade of things going on. We went to Peoria, had to get Travis his shot and just access his port. It sure is deep 1 1/4 in. needle to access and that is deep for him. but we say red and that is all good. thanks to our sweet Wendy at clinic, she seems to be the one that has given Travi more of his shots, poor women, i know she hates to do it. Travi always forgives her for it. Needle is so d. big I hate it and until he is old enough to handle it i wont give it to him.
we told dr.Al of how the seizures have changed in the past month. Now Travi is on his topomax even higher than Jan. 4 in the morn and 4 at night.
but today was our Leanna's 10 birthday bash and it seems to have been a great one. four girls extra sleeping in the house tonight. just like having more daughter's. i can handle it and i know travis doesn't mind.
they are all in bed now and i am heading the same direction. i will try to get more updated pic. i am going to get the new webpage going, will let know when ready.
thankyou for all the support, it gives me strength to be the mom that i am to my children and i am very proud to be their mommy.

godbless and goodnight.
once again i can and will take off anything that i dont think is appropriate to be put on Travis' website. If you want to talk to me about an issue, do so.
this is to be a postive page, and i am wanting to keep it that way, i will have the book made of all of this and i dont want anything less for his memories that i have put here and recieved here for him.

Thursday, April 30, 2009 12:38 AM CDT

Well we went and got the port accessed today over at St.Margarett's. We didn't want the drive to Peoria just for that. I am changing venue due to the fact that when someone in the medical field can tell you a procedure to your son is ok and you know that it is not it is time to stop going to them for the help. You dont stick a child with a needle in a port that is direct access to the heart and tell me it is ok to take the needle out if you fail the first time and with the same needle place it into his chest again. NO! I think there is such a thing as airborn pathogens. And my son is not a ginnypig for their mistakes or that sort of belief. I just wish after all this time they could just let me access him just to run the heprin thru.
Any way the Travisman is napping. I thought that I would quick update and back to my homework.
He is doing great. I am getting all the sorces that I need for him together. We are trying to get ready for some birthdays and Prom and 8thGraduation. Lots to do in this house.
But Travi and naps are good. He still needs his nap and if anyone deserves one it is him.
On another outlook please keep a prayer for a little friend of ours. Gage, he is one yr.older than Travi and they share some of the jpa experiences. Gage is going thru radiation right now and it is pretty scarry stuff as I recall.
caringbridge.org/ky/gageburi you can go and send a prayer to him.
God bless to all and remember to be close with your children and love them and be a mommy or daddy or a big sister or big brother and let them know you care. Be there for others rather than just yourself and all your selfish wants and needs. children are treasure!!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009 3:16 PM CDT

Hello to all.
Hope everyone had a blessed Sunday. Easter, or some may say Happy Reserection Day. I still go with the Happy Easter. I DO remember what it is really about. Actually I was disgussing it with the children over the past week.
We are down to the last day of vacation for the kids. The weather wasn't the greatest of vacation time, but we all had a great day yesterday. I am going to try to post new pics here and work on the new website. TRY!!!
I am very greatful that our last trip to Memphis has brought us to a four month out. Travis is doing really well. We have gotten him down to three meds now for his seizures. I am happy to say that I think the Topomax has really made a difference in the seizure's. I really dont see anything like we use to. I just have to make sure that I have the vanilla pudding in the house twice a day to give it to him. I dont think Travis is ready to swallow pills.
He is napping right now. So I am going to put up some new pics.

Thursday, March 26, 2009 2:58 PM CDT

Hi well after an early morning I can come tell all that the prayer's have been heard and that Travisman is in the stable area. The tumor is STABLE!!!!!!!!!!
We are screaming with happiness. He has tomorrow to go to endocrine and then we will be off to go home. I don't think we have anything other than that.
Mekenna and Leanna are being great BigSister's. They are a little restless with having to be here. But they are good, we will go to the RMH later. Travis is napping right now. I thought of the Zoo but not today. Travis was ready for a nap when we were eating at lunch. So, we will do like at home, our laundry while he sleeps and I got to come down to let everyone know the great news. Leanna is doing her homework and up with Travis.
Iam so happy....I got a new I love St.Jude t-shirt and Travis said mine, he has one darkblue, and I think we are going to have to replace it with a new one and give the blue one to one of his big sister's. So a handme-down to one of the older sissy's. lol....
He is my boy, and growing to fast but ya know he is still the cutest in the world to me. Of course, my blue eyed blonde hair like his mommy now and of course all around great looking.
WE are so thankful for all of the prayer's sent out for him.

Thursday, March 26, 2009 8:39 AM CDT

We got here. Travisman is under for his MRI right now. Our trip yesterday was nice and sunny. of course with the 70 in mo. we made great time. cruised all the way here. Travisman was anxious to get his pictures. of course he wanted Dr.George last night and I had to tell him he was at his home and would be here this morning. He loves Dr.Picazzi(george). Of course he was here bright and early we were in for 6:45. Me, Leanna and Mekenna went for breakfast. the girls are really in awe of the newness all around St.Jude. we have to go to eclinic at 11 for follow up . not sure if they will have the results
I will check later.
Please keep a prayer for my Travisman. I know that it is in the hands of God to keep him safe from any change.
I ask that a prayer be given today for a little boy that we have known since Travis was diagnosed.Gage,he is one year older than Trav. He to has an MRI today and we pray that there is no progression for him.www.caringbrige.org/visit/gageburi

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 1:10 PM CDT

Well let me tell ya, I think it is much easier to just bake a cake and go out and by the little figures any more. What a mess it kinda was. Travis didn't get his little Einstien's on his cake like he thought. I think I was more mad than he was. They gave me a cake with babyeinstien's on it and that was wrong. Plus they wanted 27.99 for it. not for 24 cupcake's and it wasn't the right character's nohow. Well needless to say that my sister had picked up the cake payed for it and then called me. Bless her for picking it up on friday for me. it was a crazy day all the way around. We did get refunded and then they said just keep the cake's. they weren't all that good. but it was a mess and travis got Mickey on his cake. by the time he got his mickey cake he didn't care. he was happy. of course!!!
Friday he did not get his EEG due to the fact that we got a flat tire, a defective tire and it was a mess. But needless to say now the tire is replaced, both of them to be exact and higher priced due to the fact that was all they could give us. Somebody up there continues to watch over us. it could of been a bigger mess with the tire than it was. i am just thankful it happened here near home and not in the next three day's.
So, the birthday was a great day. Travis loved it all.
Now we had the EEG yesterday, more boy walked into the room that Sandy the tech. took him to with me. And he walked right back to the door when she showed him the bed and he saw the spag.wires. it was not fun. Travis has such a sensitive head, he screamed, and screamed. the one nurse thought that they would restrain him. no way!!! no need for that just let him holler and it was done with and he wound up saying thankyou, when she was done putting on all the wires. then it was the light's and then blowing the spinwheel, and we were out for a while. the test was 2hrs.
Dr.Z came in and said that there was no great change in where the activity was coming from. I thank God for that.. so now he will review the test more and go over his levels of the meds and decide from there if we are going to wean him off the clonazpam. The seizure activity has slowed down and with what I have witnessed in Travis is very small compared to a month ago.
Now he is napping and I have to get our stuff together. Now before tonight so I can get some ZZZZ's.
God Bless and Please say an extra prayer for us on our trip down to memphis tomorrow. and for the week. Im not sure when we will return, we may stop and visit with family.
not sure.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 11:02 PM CDT

Hi, well tomorrow is the Big Day. Travisman is turning the big SIX, I can't believe it. He has been anticipating it all week, all month acutally. Travis wants to have Little Einstien's on his cake. Well that is it, I searched all over close to home and came up with a woman at Hy-Vee, she said that they had discontinued Lil'E's, but she would order it for Travis. I called today to make sure and she got for him. Yippie. My family will come and say hi on Fri. tomorrow it will just be us and that is good. I have a cake to bake, we will do it in the morning and I got him a surprise, Handy Manny and tools for his cake tomorrow. Yes it may be crazy for the two cakes. But it is my boy's birthday and he is not going to wait for nothing.
We have the balloon's of course. I bought him a bag a month ago and we just now thru away the last of them yesterday. Travis loves to blow them up and watch them fly. Or make the crazy noise. I have to usually blow them up first to stretch them for his little lungs. But this time these balloons were hard. It has been fun.
I have to take all his pictures down off the dinningroom wall that he has colored to put up his happybirthdaytravis. I will be blowing up balloons by myself tonight. I got him a mixture of all his fav's.
HandyManny,MickeyMouseclubHouse,Lil'Ein's,and Pooh and Friends. Plus all the streamer's hanging all over for him.
I know he is going to be six. Age wise he is not there, but he is so strong and smart.
Last night he grabbed his box of alphabet cards and said c'mon mom, i got all of them out and he was sitting there telling me that he is ready. A was a and so on with repeating me. But when we got to the J he pointed to it sitting next to me, Mommy, without me saying a word to him. Except for in the past I have told him of J being for mommy. It was cute, cuz then I went on to say the K was for Kilee and the L was for Leanna and M for Mekenna, he said where's Jessie. Well now he know's that Jessica has a J just like mommy.
Today he taught two nurses the sign for six. He is so proud to show and say that he is six. Six in sign is pinky to your thumb with the index,middle,and ring finger extended. It was hard to try to get him to be able to put up all five and one from the left hand.
Well please keep a prayer for our Travisman that all goes well for his EEG on Fri. I believe the test it self will, I just hate having to hook him up. I do feel pretty okay with the girls that do put on the electrodes. They are the same nurses that were there when Travis' father and I took him for his first EEG in Peoria. Well same place too, they remember Travis when he was two. The last EEG he had was over 6mnths. now. It is just so many wires, and the hard part is keeping him up until 12am and then getting him up at 4am, we will have to leave at 5:15 to get there by 6:45. After we will go to St.Jude affiliate and to go and get his shot. We wont have to get accessed, cuz he already had to do that today for his lab work. So, just a shot and out the door. He will be so sleepy. At least the affiliate is right there.
We have met alot of people along this journey and I have to say that it is devistating for me to see and read of a child and to see how fast things can change.
I know this already, but with the good in health with Travis I still find myself taking life for granted. Forgetting that time is not always an option and it goes by so fast. You can loose so much with in an instant.
Just do it, whatever it is try to just do it. Dont procrastinate. I try to tell myself and all the girls that. Life really can be short.
I try to call people to let them know certain things in life. But words aren't always easily said.
Apologies, aren't always taken and then you just dont know where to go with life.
I have made alot of mistakes in my life, but just know that I am human and I am trying to give my children all that I can.
I know that I have had help in many way's. but let's not forget that I did in the past try to work. I have worked to take care of all my children. It just is not easy to have just any body watch my son.
Respit care, I have thought of, I am not complaining and really none of my kids reallydo. they know how life is in this house and why things are tough at times.
but Greatful, i know they are. I am!
Six years has gone by and I didn't think this would be the way it would be six years ago.
I do have to say that in the six years i have had with my son, it feels great not to see him have a seizure. Since he has gotten to the full dose of his meds. i haven't seen one. I just hope the eeg shows the same thing.
when he was two and we put him back on the seizure meds i never knew what i do now of all of what has become and what can become. I am greatful in many ways. to God and to all of you that have prayed for me and my family.
Thankyou for all that has been given to us. I am speaking of the strength to go on and go forward with so much and so little.
I am rambling, my hands are freezing and I am tired.
So goodnight and godbless. I will post new pics soon.
check out the one from nov27,2007 with Miley.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 11:52 AM CDT

Hi, well we are back to cold temps here. Travis and I are staying for the day. We were gonna go to the YMCA for the therapy pool today. Scratch that idea. Not with me loosing my voice and I don't want to take him in the warm,warm water and then out in these cold temps. He is watching HandyManny right now and soon we are going to read and do some handwritting.
I actually am going thru his toys too. I have to let go of some of them. He does have quite the many and out with the old and in with the new. We will have a sale in the summer. I think this time with all the toys that sell we will give to a charity. I know we have the hospital to give to. But we also have cbtf. to give to. For those that don't know cbtf. that is for Children'sBrainTumorFoundation. There are so many more out there that I have learned of. One in particular is the oraganization that is doing research on JPA's.
Well Travis is on the move and we have lot's to do this afternoon here at home.

Monday, March 9, 2009 5:43 PM CDT

Well it has been a long awaited entry. Travisman is doing good like usuall. He has been on his Topomax now. He is on his full dose of three sprinkles in the morning and three at night. I was hiding it in his cakes or in his pudding's. I have decided to stick to the pudding. With one quick swallow he doesn't even know they are there. I did make the mistake of trying to put it into his hotdog one night. It was a thought, until my brain thought of the fact that he is chewing and one look at his face he knew. They are sour if chewed. I just went in and got the pudding and came back and sat in front of him. Told Trav that I was sorry and that I would never put any of his medicine's in his hotdog's ever, ever agian. I did however tell him that he needed to take the three bites of pudding. With that being said I told him it is to help control the seizures, to try and stop them. Travis of course is so strong that he doesn't hesitate. I do beleive that the Topomax is helping. Along with the three other meds he is still on.
His EEG is set on the 20th. The day after his sixth Birthday. It is bad enough that i have to give him a shot on his Birthday. We are going to get lab results on the seizure meds and see where they are all at and then hopefully we can ween him off of the clonazpam. That is the one that Dr.Z did not want to change, rather try the Topomax and take him off the Clonaz. The Clonaz if given higher has the ability to change a child into mean and moods and behavioral. All of the above not wanted.
I do hate any and all of these meds. But I hate the SEIZURES even more.
We are going to drive this time to Memphis I do beleive. We are going to take two sissies along with us. Please pray for good weather. Long trip, but bad weather to add to it is not good.
So, for his birthday, Travis is totally into HandyManny right now and Travis seems to really like to watch the Little Einstien's. Mickey Mouse ClubHouse is a great favorite too. Travis will show you the sign for his soon to be new age. Put your pinky to your thumb extend it and it looks as though you are saying 3 if you hold them up straight. but extend the finger's and it is 6. I am trying to teach him to hold up five and his thumb on his left hand. It is hard though.
We are all waiting for the warmth. I swear we need to move south. We all dont like the cold.
Travis I know longs to be out side and be above 50 degree's.
Please keep a prayer that his EEG goes by easy. The sleep deprevation thing isn't all that easy. The last test in Peoria was smooth. Thanks to the nurses that work for Dr.Z. Know what they are doing.
But the procedure still is harsh.
Travis is doing well with getting over the cold first then the flu as well. If I didn't mention that. He scared me but it was totally the flu. It spread thru the house. I just hope it is gone for good. Clorox spray and Bleach, Laundry non-stop and just prayer's to get over it all for all of my children. We are better nowaday's.
Have to go.
P.S. now that I have finally figured it out I will put new pic's up often. Since we can only place up 3 at a time and until I can get someone or do it myself help to do the ones with the slideshow....

Thursday, February 19, 2009 5:55 PM CST

New journal. Well Travisman is doing well. He has had to start a new seizure medicine and I am really starting to not like the way it is affecting him.
I mean earlier I had what you call a moment. I was in tears of the thought that he has come so far and now the seizure meds are gonna mess with my son. I hate all of this. Making him tired, I know all of that to well. I have been able to cope with the fact that he takes a pretty long nap. With all that he has gone thru in his short little life, I give him all the space in the world to want to nap. I just worry to much. But the thought that he is acting different. I know to well that I am not alone in the world of seeing your child change due to meds. I am grateful everyday of what I do have with Travisman.
Travis has recieved his glasses now. He put't them on and off. The doc in Memphis said that he need not wear them all the time. When reading and doing up close work or when he wants to.
The homeschooling info has been pouring in and that seems to be the route that we will take until the seizure issue and all else is more in the clear. We go to Peoria in the morning. His shot awaits to be given and he needs just to have his port accessed. I am not ready to give him his shot, the needle is just to darn much for me to have to give to him.
I know that he is ready for it to be warm outside. Aren't we all. With warmth in mind we may be going on a retreat. somewhere warm and that will be a nice(GREAT)getaway for him again. For all of us. We all have been fighting off the cold. Travis was coming down with the runny nose and voice sounding different. But in three days. Two days ago I stopped giving him cold med's. just after only taking it for two days. He is great. I stopped cuz I was concerned of the cold meds. with the seizure meds. The Neuro doc wants to do another eeg in March. Just before we go to memphis. I really like his neuro doc in Peoria, but I dont understand what in the world that is going to be found by the test. We know the seizures are there. I am worried of the afteraffects of the radiation and the damn stroke affects. The side of his brain that is changing due to the deadning. I am rambling due to the fact of not understanding and hating what I see. I mean I feel like a creep. I am hiding the fact that Travis is even getting another seizure medication. Hiding it to Travis I mean because I have to open up two pills in the moring and sneak it into his food and two in the evening and then in two days it will increase to two in the morning and then three at night until he is three/three. I hate all of the meds and the worries of how it is all affecting him. I medication period. I pray that God would just let it go, take it all away and let him be the brave little boy that he is in other ways. Not being brave for all the needles and taking all the meds and dealing with all cancer.
I want him to be brave to be able to jump off the curb and actually see my son due that little task and no worries of losing his balance.
I have to go. supper is in the oven and all the chittlen's need to eat, and I need not to dwell on this.

Please say a strong Prayer for my baby boy,bigboy, that all will stop and he can go on without all of this crazy.

Thursday, January 8, 2009 9:47 PM CST

It may seem weird but my boy loves to watch a certain movie over and over and over. This week well since yesterday it is HocusPocus. Yes I know it is a Halloween movie. But he saw it at the second hand store we go to and he wanted it. Go figure it was only a dime. Tried to get him into the Flinstones Movie, he laughed at that for a while.
Besides movies, a Happy New Year to everyone. Now that the holiday's are here and gone. It is back to reality for many of us. We still have to take down our decor, tomorrow for sure. Life has been a blessing.
Travis and all of his sister's had a wonderful Christmas. He got the one and only thing that he asked for from SANTA. Well he got more than one thing. But Travis had only one thing that he wanted and he got them. His BALL ZIP UP FLEECE PJ'S. He loves them. We have to adjust the footies for him, but he saw the pj's in the drawer from, well there is a picture of him in his old ball pj's on the site. He went to Target shopping with us and fell for the new pj's. I will have to get a new pic on here. that is work in progress of me learning how(yes STill)
Travis has been doing lots of talking. His vocabulary is expanding and he is learning so much. We are working on alot of things. WE just went and bought some new pre-k books to work for homework at home. He wants it all. But dont most children.
We are to go back to the good ole'south soon. We will be leaving for Memphis on the 21st. of this month. Only a Wed.to Fri. trip. I pray that all is going to say the right words and we will be back at home within no time.
Travis has been having seizures. They have seemed to be a bit stronger when he has them. So we are doing what are neuro doc say's and uping one of his meds to see how that helps.
But he is so happy watching his movie and he got to talk to an old friend tonight. Auntie Marilyn, who we all love and wish we could see more of. He was being the bashful babyboy like always on the phone. He is what she has always said, HER, ChunkyMonkey. We love you Marilyn......

Well it is late and our time for bed is now.
GodBless and GoodNight.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 2:41 PM CST

Hi to all....
Travis is napping right now and we are to get I hear 2-4inches of the white stuff. I have to say Travis loves to play in the snow. But he thinks of course why cant I go out in it all the time. Until I say ok Mr. go open the door and if you think it's warm enough we will. When the wind hit his cheek's he said nope. We have built a snowman and he was out there with the rest of the crew building a fort. Of course that is all melted with our hot day last week. So, when we were driving back from his therapy today he said that he wanted to make a new snowman. I told him as soon as it is warm and if we have the right snow.
If that makes any sense to him. Travis has been doing pretty great. Seizures everyday just like before. He was given a suitcase of choice, the boy loves these things. But he has gotten all three out and has them packed regularly for us to go on the plane. Telling him that we dont have to leave for about 5 weeks. Is not understandable to him.
Nor the idea that we have to wait until Santa comes to open present's. He opened up one gift to him of course from Leanna. Buttttt, he put it back in the box before she got home and we rewraped it. But Leanna could tell. Oh, well, one is better than all.
I really hope that Santa can just get the one thing he has asked for. Ball PJ's. with the zipper. He saw the ones in his drawer that I had gotten him when he recieved radiation and wanted to put them on. Of course they are to small for him, so I told him maybe Santa would bring them. I just hope the right size fits for him.
Just thought I would drop a line to tell that he is doing great and that anticipation for the man in red to come is here in this house.
God Bless to all and be careful in this crazy weather.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:35 PM CDT

Hi, well to all that are interested in how my baby boy is, here goes.
He is fast asleep right now. He is doing great. I take him to therapy and we go to school, we work hard at home. He is growing and getting smarter every day.
He is a boy, Fast note, there was another ball happening. ONE, he for some reason, was sitting there watching a movie. Got up and went into my room and went into my dresser drawer and took a ball that was in there on the tray and said"mommy ball pictures!!!!" I said what, yea we did picture's and that all are gone now. Well I had found a ball in the toy chest and thought that it was okay to keep inside my top dresser drawer. Well, Just goes to show you that my son was snooping in MOMMY's stuff.
He sure as heck did just that again. One ball in xray the other day we were in Peoria.Monday I believe. So, now that is not the funny thing anymore. I had to remind our sweet nurse's that it was not funny or cute anymore. Ball's in the belly are bad. Not like I am keeping real food from him but he got his picture taken again and there it was.
We leave for Memphis in about four weeks and we will have to make sure to have a xray prior to MRI. that would not be good, if it was still there. Hopefully it too will pass, and it should it was in the same spot were the three last once were in picture's.
But we are going to be busy around here. With going to school and therapy and some day's just school. I am going to try to go back to work. I have to until I can get my course complete and be able to work from home.
My typing on here I may never work from home. I am really tired.
But I am going back to work and see how this will all work out. Have to make that all mighty dollar. Life as we all know.
I just hope I can do it all. I am nervous but hey, I have been with him and things are not going to change for the bad but for the good. Oct. is going to be a great visit and we will move forward even more.
I wish I could really beleive that.
I hope for that. I pray for that.
Well all is asleep in the house and I was falling asleep on the computer doing my school work and need to get to sleep.
Goodnight and Godbless.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:25 PM CDT

We went to school today. Travis had a really full day. We got to school and he put his belonging's in his locker and went straight into the class. Getting his stuff back into his cubby and then picking out a new book to bring home. You know the pre-k routine. Today MissMichelle came for music and the kids all enjoy that. Travis has his special chair to sit in. One for him so that he doesn't have to get on the floor and up and down. That is hard for him with his brace, even without his brace it is hard. But today he wanted to sit criss-cross applesauce with Miss Michelle. He just love playing with the bell's. I am gonna have to look those up for him to get.
Travis helped extra at making cookies in class, rolling out the sugarcookie dough. They made handkisses, cutout hands with hershey's kisses on them. Everyone enjoyed. He is still up right now and watching WONKA, of course. I am surprised that he is up. Only because we were in Wal-Mart tonight for at least 2-3hours shopping with the sister's. Well 3 out of 4 shopping. I found some pull up pants that are big enough in his size, JEANs too. Of course I am gonna have to hem them up. Alway's new there was a reason why I have a sewing machine.
After we got home from school today then we came in and made lunch. We finished eating and outside we went. Had to go and swing. Then we walked over by the apple tree's. We did manage to get one good apple off the tree. There has been a total of maybe 6apples that we have been able to eat off the tree's this year. The yucky bugs got to the tree's.
Travi took his nap and I did school work on the computer. Like I should be doing right now. I'll get to it. I dont have much time left before my class is up.
Well tomorrow is picture day and all are in bed except us. Kilee is checking out her new clothes and Travis is looking outside right now. Trying to figure out some noise.
I better get off, get my lil'man to bed for the day.
We have to get up extra early to make all handsom for his picture's.
God Bless....

Monday, September 8, 2008 8:27 PM CDT

Hi, to all. well, the Travisman is asleep. He didn't really eat much, kinda been a picky eater lately. Imagine that. We went to sister Kilee's game tonight. They didn't do so hot today. She was kinda on the mad side when we were on our way home. I said I love ya kiddo and that it was just a game call it on acount of the rain we are having. The weather is a funny thing. I just closed up all the window's that we up and said BURRRRRRR. Tonight it is to get chilly.
Have to pick up Jess from work here in a bit. Her DQ day's are almost up for this year.
Travis had his therapy today and we go again tomorrow. We haven't been to school yet, the timeing with his therapy and the timeing that he goes to class is hard sometimes. We will make it on Wed.and Thurs. of this week. He really likes to go, but I am trying to figure it all out for the future. That is work!!!!
I have to say that I really didn't realize all the work that I have to be devoted to for him. NOT, complaining, just reality. He is getting bigger and older and smarter. But the role I have as his main provider. Yes, I know the I am there all the time, and nobody else will be able to understand him.
The letting go and letting other's do my job is alright. I just wish I wasn't playing this every 3 mnth. game with life too.
Okay day by day or maybe hour to hour. Because our day's that are planned do change at hour's at a time due to one reason or another.
Okay, I am rambling.
Travis is doing good, getting over his cold that he started last sat. The blister's are almost healed. He does still have a nasty cough and he hates the phlem. Oh he try's to spit it all, but ya know the muscle tone is not there all the time.
About five and half weeks and we are to go back to memphis for his follow up scan's. I need to ask for those prayer's for my lil'man. That all is the same or shrinking. That would be a word to shout about really scream to hear. But the prayer that we are to come back and continue to live to the fullest. I know it is all in God's hands, but I sure hate the trying to figure on which way our rollercoaster is headed. sometimes dropping out of the sky is not so fun.
Anyway, have all a good night, I need to do some school work before having to pic up the oldest.

Friday, August 22, 2008 11:48 PM CDT

Well almost all is asleep in my house. I am awake of course, been looking up info on the comp.
He has done it, he finally passed two of the three left. Now I just have to see if he get's one more out. I didn't even give him too much of the laxative.
Today was a muggy day, had to go and get the rotor's fixed on the van. Crazy considering that we have only had it for three month's now. Oh,well, it is done and all better. I have jeff to thank for that one.
So, the new's is that we are still waiting for the dentist to return a call on when surgery to remove the teeth. Now for the bigger news my baby is getting his big teeth. But the worry is that it is coming in behind his lower front tooth. Maybe that one will get pulled to and then it will work out for him.
His teacher MissKathy, came by today. Travis was outside on his swing when she pulled up. I told him that somebody was coming to see him. But just not who. He was happy to see her. All day today he was carrying around his book bag. Ready to go, but he didn't have school today. Not until Tues. We are going to go to pre-k again this year, but I am keeping him in the rehab service's that he has and go from there. He gain's more from them then what they can give him at school. I think, as far as ot,pt and speech go. I am thinking of using the transit vehichle. where they come and pick us up for his appointment's. I am having a hard time finding a job and being able to pay for the gas. We all feel that pain. I have to do what I have to do for him, I dont see why he cant qualify for the use of getting rides from the transport.
we will see....he will like the rides anyway. I wont but it's not about me.
I should be working on my school work. that is about me for the kids and me.
ending here for now it is 12am and I need to hit the pillow.
We are going to go swimming tomorrow and picnic and shopping for some shoe's.
full day, hopefully all fun. but first have to get up in the am to do some cleaning.
God Bless and thankyou for the prayer's.
We need them and we welcome all,

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 6:59 AM CDT

Hello everyone who joins in our little Travisman....
Well we had a trip to Peoria yesterday. Went to clinic, just to get Trav's port flushed and to talk of his surgery for his teeth and then it was the talk of the ball's. Well two had passed in these past few weeks. Now for the rest of the story. Three of them are still just sitten there. So now it is time to start the laxative, due to the fact that the 3 little (heavy)balls have to go up before they come down. Ya know that last little bit in the big intestine's, the up row then it's all down and out from there. Well, they are just sitten there together. So, let's pray that he drink's this powder stuff in his juice or whatever and then he can poop all day for the next two day's or so and out they roll. Otherwise I hate to think of the procedure that will be done to remove them.
I was telling his auntMary all about it,and I said that I was trying to do just that, imagine the next step. She said why do that. I have for the past 41/2yrs. always made myself prepare to be able to handle some of the outcome. Really the procedure I am talking about is the teeth being surgically removed. Not the outcome of the ball's. That I am hoping just to have a runny son for a few day's. LITERALLY.....
It's been said that they already gave me antibiotic's for him to take 1 hour before the surgery for any infections to stay clear of the port. When the whole thing is going to take place. I am not sure of that. I just know that it amount's to three teeth. I do beleive. I have to call the dentist cuz i ain't heard from them. GGGG....Travis is wanting to go to TOWN. I think that we all know what TOWN is..Wal-Mart. He has always called it that. We are out of milk, and we must go. Ceral tastes so much better w/ milk.
Jack Frost is in the vcr and we played money monopoly already. Travis' version, and he is calling from the bathroom for me now.
Give us a good prayer that it all comes out.
A crazy request, you can giggle at this one to, but(BUT) i just hope it works out the easy way for my baby's sake. And that he never does this again. BOY'S.....
Thanks, GodBless

Monday, August 4, 2008 8:38 AM CDT

Hi to all. Well I have to say having a boy is a new journey all in it's own.
Travis has been doing the crazy stuff, I never adventured with my girl's. He put a pink tiny beed into his nostril, a couple of week's ago. That was a crazy sight. And I almost didn't even see it because it was lite pink. It came out okay and I asked if he put any more in he shook his head no and said no as it came out and I really dont think he enjoyed it coming out.
Now for the crazy thought. Travis had said in the past when playing with his little magnet's with the stick's ya know and the ball's that attache. Well he had made the comment to me in the past that one was in his belly. Hoping that it not be true. I did come across the same kind of ball in the toliet. Now Travis is potti trained and has been he just get's help with wiping his bottom. Seeing the ball in there I left it alone, the speech, cuz he never said anything. Well, yesterday the kids had the silver balls on the marble track game.
Travis said stit's mommy, stits. He wanted me to play with him and I told him just a minute, I was putting the laundry in the dryer. Okay, now one of his sister's was sitting right next to him and watching a movie.
Well before I was done, Travis is in by me and telling me glump, the noise you make when you swallow. I said what did you swallow. He say's BALL'S. Okay, I go in the living room and all the balls are gone, he patted his stomach and said glump, he swallowed them.
Now I know they too shall pass. But it just scare's the heck out of me. Never a dull moment, but I gave him the lecture and now I have gone thru the house again to see what might he do next.
OH, also called ER and asked good ole' George what he thought, maybe an xray just to see what is in there. Well sis had the van at work, so have to call the doc, this morning to see what he thinks. Travis sure has been tooting. I told him yea it might not feel to good when you do have to poop.
Other than that he is up and in to all, wanting to do all. Like normal.
We went to Peoria to see the dentist Sat. and he really had a great, I say GREAT, experience this time with our new pick of the dentist's. Dr. Rick, they got the xray's and he got treated with the gloves being flavored.Cherry.
Travisman is definately going to be put under for surgery to remove a couple of teeth.
I wish I was imformed of all the medical critieria at St.Jude. Mayber I was and didn't remember. The law is that if not on treatment the dentist there can't see you.
Not ever knowing during all his treatment all his life from 8mnths.old and on until after radiation. GGGGGGGGGGGGGg, ya think with the exam's in clinic at the hospital and knowing that his teeth had decay that one of our doc's would of mentioned that. But GGGGGGGGGGGGGgg, I am his mommy and I should of said more. So, I am to blame.
Now I have to worry about all the after affect's that can occur after the surgery. Like him not healing fast. All of the above on that aspect.
God never give's us more than we can handle. Right...????
Okay, so we are on Monday and we shall see what this week is like.
Hope you all have a great day.
Thankyou for the prayer's and GodBless.

Monday, July 21, 2008 10:58 PM CDT

Hi to all, Well the news is that his tumor is stable.
That is great....I am very happy, more than I can say in words. Travis is doing great and I am at loss of words towards the doctor's. I even have said to our nurse are they sure that the scan's weren't misread in March to say that there was a small mesurable amount of growth and give me the decision to do chemo or not to do chemo and I went with their thought's. ThankGod for that!!!!
Because to that if I had decided to go and do anything other than live life with Travis and let him be the kid that he is. My baby.... I may have made a wrong decision and it seems as though if I had possibly it could of been a big mistake, I think. Because of the fact that the tumor is stable right now.
LIVE LOVE and LAUGH. That is what I want to do with my kids.
With this news I am hoping to take the kids to the retreat that we have planned down in florida in October. Now the problem of course is do we go or not go. Who(I cant)really afford the price of gas. Cuz I have to provide the transport to the retreat.
but we all need to live and go on with it all. this is why I am still trying to accomplish my schooling. Right. to get the job and make things a little easier.
Hey, the news is great, I have to go,

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 6:48 PM CDT

We are here. In Memphis, We got off to a good start. Pizza was here and balloon's for Travis. That made a great entrance and now the car game is working and he is on the road. We haven't even been up to our room yet. He walked all the way from the luggage area to the Tenn.CarrierVan. He wanted to walk.
Of course my allergy meds. have worn off. and I am sneezing like crazy.
Time to go to our room.
Be back to let ya know how Travisman is doing

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 9:08 PM CDT

Well the trip to the creek was cool..and the water was cool. the water was moving pretty fast,current wanted to take us down stream. Travis was loving it although he was calling the crick a pool. Not quiet. We definately have to invest in some life jacket's. Travis was great, we walked back and forth, with the current, the water never got up to his waist were I took him but he sat on his rump and rolled around. Travis was enjoying the time in the water. We held him under his armpits and let him flow out with the water.
He brought home plenty of rock's. All of the kid's did. We will probably spend some quality time there. As long as the kids enjoy it.
We are to go to therapy with ms.amy and mr.jim tomorrow. He will love that. He is just the bigboy there in the spotlight. Especially with all the ladies. What a flirt. I think with growing up with all the girl's here in the house plus all the nurses he is use to it. Know's when to ham it up.
Travis got to see Miss Valerie today at the park in Princeton. She is one of his Teacher's. Of course he tried to play the bashful boy when she came to get a hug.
Me and Travisman planted. We dug up the ground first of all and then he helped me place some pumpkin seed in the right spot. And the spot's where he wanted them to be. It may be too late, but with the way the weather has been. I thought we could still try.
I know the corn isn't growing the way it has in the past.
We signed big Sis,Kilee up again for CornDetasling. They say they expect to start maybe by July 10, not to sure on that. She did it last year so she is up for it again this year.
Jess, she is still working at DQ. She is already spending her first paycheck of course.
Mekenna is busy reading and trying to clean her mess in her room. Leanna, she is not sure of what she really wants to do this summer.
I can't believe that it is already July.
We may be taking a trip down south, but it is too early to tell. a family retreat that we are hoping to be able to go to.
But I also see the price of gas has gone up in our hometown again. I can't handle all that, I know none of us really can.
The price for life, and we don't seem to get any pay raise for the jobs that we have either. But everything else is up and up.
Well, we just looked at a froggy out our front door. He hoped away to the yard. Kid's and I all ate and then had a scoop of icecream.
The Bee movie is on right now, and we are all (kids)getting ready for the pillow.
Me I still have to work on my homework.
I really enjoy it and for those of you that thought I could not do it. Ha I'm getting it done. I have to.
Well, goodnight and godbless to all.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 10:28 AM CDT

Well, it is almost the end of June already and were has the time gone.
Travis is doing well, we had a moment this past Sat. Travis had thrown up but it only happened one time, so I am leaving it to the heat. The past has me worried of the event of him throwing up but he has been fine since. He took a great long nap and woke up fine.
He want's to go swimming today. I am going to go and invest in a sprinkler and maybe a small pool for him. I dont really have the time to do the big pool thing. All the kids would love it,but our water out here is really hard and rusty and I don't look forward to the price of the chemical's to keep it clean again.
So we will see. To me I know that it is June and soon to be July, but I think we are a month behind. To me this is the weather we should of had in May. But what do I know.
The kids are all happy and we are making plan's for events for the rest of the summer.
We don't have to be in Memphis until July15-19th. So we still have plenty of time to play in the sun. We are going to fly. I thought of driving but I really hate the drive and the price of gas and all so I just figured that I would leave the van at the house for Jess to make sure she has a way for sure back and forth to work while grama is at the house.
So, for today we might hit a crick or two. Creek, crick all depends on where you live and how you talk.
God Bless and Have a Wonderful day!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 11:38 PM CDT

Hello. Well we went on our trip to Michigan and it turned out to be a wonderful adventure.
We got there in a short time, probably about four hours and we were ahead of the really bad storms. The rain was there and we did have to do the slow motion driving, it was deep in area's as the water splashed up on to the windshield from the ground. Especially when the big boy's would pass. But soon we saw the clearing and all was good and we were at the BaymountInn.
We had connecting room's so the kids loved that. Travis was happy to see a great big box waiting for him to open. Out came a great big PoohBear for him to be buddies with. And other treat's for him and all of us.
We checked in and went to see the site's of the town. We drove down by where we would be for the horse's. WindSong Stables. It is a real beautiful place, Sandy is really great donating her place to Camp Casey.
We then were off to the pool. Yes there was a pool and that was a great hit of course. Travis just still think's he can do all. He is of course Travisman.
Trav kept pushing me away and thinking that he was just going to walk the length of the pool with no problem.
He did get a mouth full every now and then, he would put his finger's on his nose and count 1,2,3 and then dunk his head in the water. Sometime's there was no warning for me and he would just go ahead and dunk.
The boy keeps me alive. Soon enough is not fast enough for us to get to the Y for swimming. If we can only get the real warm weather here to stay for more than one day.
Anyway, we went for dinner after there swim.
It was to Ole'Country Buffett, thanks to Molly from CampCasey. That was one of the many gift's that they had given us for the weekened. We all enjoyed that. We do not have to many of those around Princeton.
Then we went for a ride, site seeing. It was a beautiful ride up there and to see the town. You know why? There was not one site of corn feild any where. No Corn!!!!
Tree's, I am jealous. But I can't imagine how cold it is up there compared to here.Burr.........
So, Sat. morning came and we were all ready, early even. For the seven of us that is unreal.
We were greated by many volunteer's. We were to be in the group of the Mustang's.
First the kid's were to make a ti-dye shirt with CampCasey color's, Green and Purple. The kid's liked that, or should I say the kid's were given CampCasey t-shirts to go and change into. Of course there are green one's and purple t's.
After we were to make a bird mask, for the bird lady was coming and we wanted to show how we would look if we were a bird. It was a sticky and glittery time.
I have to say that Travis did get to go and have his fav's a doughnut. He ate and checked it all out.
Soon after the kid's did a scavenger hunt and the first clue, well Travi had picked it up off the ground earlier and we thru it away. I thought it was just a card they may have been reading when we first got there to the volunteer's. OOPSSSSSSSSS, my bad. But the kid's found it and carried on with the first clue.
I just have to go on. The kids got to ride on the horse's of course. They all came out for our Mustang's. Before this time Travi was in the stall's checking out all the horseies, and Trav seemed to have his eye on Bru. That was the horse that Travi wanted to ride. (for all that don't know, when you ask Travis what is your name, he blurt's out-Travi)ok, so yes Big Bru came up to the stand and they got Travis on and he seemed so happy. Well he got about half, a little more than half way around the arena and he wanted off and said it was hurting. I do believe that it was due to his left hip bothering him. That is alot of pressure to turn his hip straight.
Well I have to stop the baby boy of my life has just woke up.
To say I will tell more later. We are home and ready for our next adventure of our garage sale. It goes up and down on hwy.34.
God bless to all, have to get Travi what he want's. The best he beleive's Strawberry Milk, still. 1%,nowaday's.

Thursday, May 29, 2008 8:40 PM CDT

Well today was the picnic at the park. Travis' last day to share picnicing with his friend's from school. We took our cold salad and went to share all the fixen's.
Travis played for a while on the playground, and he had a great time. He recieved his certificate for completing pre-school. We will miss all the friend's and some we have said we will get together over the summer for play-dates. Alot of the children are going on to Kindergarten. Which Travisman wont be, but he might be going on his own next year. I know he would love to ride the bus, but we will have to see what scan's tell us in July.
Travis love's his teacher's. It really is a blessing that Ms.Kathy lives right down the road from our house. So close that we can practically hear each other's home's. We can here the noise across the field.
Well, it is one week from tomorrow and we are off to Camp Casey for the weekened. Michigan here we come. It is going to be a great way to start of the summer. Now we pray for the warm weather to get here and stay for a little bit longer than just a day here and there.
Even tho Travisman is watching SantaClause as I type this. He is a big fan of HotCocoa too. I am waiting for him to say the saying whooooooo-Santa's feeling a lil'buzzed. Ya, know the movie with TimAllan.
Anyway, our trip is going to be great. We will check in on Fri. and return home on Sun.(6th-8th)
Now that we have our awesome van we will put here to the roadcruise test. It should be a breeze, she drive's just perfect.
Well, the rest of the kid's still have school and go back for their report card's.
Travis has to go for his EEG on Monday, Sunday should be real fun. Trying to keep him up until 12am and then rewaking him at 4am, until we get to Peoria, the test is the worst of them all. I hate the thought of having to do this all again, but we need to do it. Seizure's are not what I want to lose to. If you know what I mean.
Then on Thurs, we are of to the dentist. Boy I hope it all goes softly, I know he is Brave, but I wish I could just get rid of all the pain for him and be done with.
I just want my son to be free, and live life with a great smile everyday, more than he normally does. With no worries that is it. No More Pain.
No more..................
Well, I thankyou all for the prayer's and will update again later.

Monday, May 19, 2008 9:52 PM CDT

Well today was a very blessed day and eventful one I do have to announce to everyone.
We are all very excited here in the house we got our new van today.
YES, I said we got a new van!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We all woke up early to start our day off and we are ending in high joy with the van in the driveway. I didn't tell the girl's until I drove it up into the driveway.
Travis was a champ today with all that he had to sit and wait for this fax and this paper to be signed and more call's to be made and then the drive of course from here to there and all over. But we did it.
I have to say that big sis' Jess new before the other girl's cuz she had to drive grama's lil' car back and go with me to town to get the van.
God is blessing us with many new road's to travel. Now if the price of gas would just ease up a little so you don't have to work an extra job just to drive to work.
We went for a little drive, the first stop was at Ms.Kathy's house. She was just getting home and we had to show off our new wheel's.
Travis of course was so excited. He was jammin in the back seat. He still scooted to the right side of the van to get out forgetting that there was a door on the lft. side.
We have to thank God that there still are some great people out there in this big ole' world that are still willing to give other's a chance when all seems to have fallen.
To end to the excitement of our day then our oldest, Jessica was called in for an interview for maybe her first job. Then she recieved another call shortly after and was asked if still interested in another job.
My BABY is really starting to grow up. Not ready for this one. Well, I knew it was coming.
Kilee is next, she is already Top A Honor Roll and looking forward to recieveing all of her award's for sport's this year. Volleyball,Basketball,Speech,and then the sport that really has her motivated is TRACK. Run, that's all the girl think's about anymore, I feel like running. And next it is going to be Softball, my fast pitcher. Look out the girl has an arm.
And now she want's her application for her corn detasseling job, again this year.
13 going on 20.............
I do have my hand's full, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. My children are my world.
I thank god for all that he is given me and I do beleive that he won't give me more than I can handle. I do feel pushed to the limit at time's. Alot..but that is life. We only live once and everything is to be for a reason.
I can't try to figure it all out anymore.
Just leave today as a great memorable day. A new van alway's make's a family feel great.
Cuz the breakdown's really stunk, although the last one with the tire we have to laugh at the way it just slowly happened and we thanked God that it happened the way that it did.
So with that I say a Prayer for all the people out there in this crazed world that have been there for our family.
Thankyou all and GodBless.
I'm pooped and need to catch some shut eye before the day start's all over again. But it's alway's a great adventure and never a dull moment.

Monday, May 12, 2008 11:16 PM CDT

Well today is almost over. All of my youngen's are in bed. Including my older two.
Travis was of course the last to go to bed tonight. But that is okay. He of course had his good nap in the afternoon.
Well, we went and found that the tumor is still the same size as it was on 3-27-08. We did the MRI early due to the wondering(worrying)of the headaches. If any one has the right to complain of a headache I guess Travis can.
So, we came home right away.
We will go back on the 16th of July for our next scan's.
Travis was a little different on the way home. Well that maybe wrong of me to say. It was the redness in his right cheek that I do see more than I want. The redness in his earlobe and then he is just really sluggish.
I wound up taking picture's of him this time and I called the doc and I will show them of course they are going to tell me nothing. I was asked is his eye happen to be druupping(SP)????
Yea, his eye has a drup since the stroke, but he really looked like hell on the plane for a bit. I dont understand it.
It happen's more often than I would like it too, without any explanation for it.
Boy I'm getting tired.
Travis is going to school tomorrow and he is going to go on his field trip this week too. TRAIN ride!
The big long ride from Princeton to Mendota, I do believe.
I think I am going to go wipe off the bed and hit the pillow's myself.
Yea cuz I cant type and I forget what I was gonna say.
GodBless to all, and thankyou.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008 4:43 PM CDT

Well we went from snow to maybe finally getting to be spring. Weird weather, but what do we expect, it's Illinois for ya. All over I know has been different.
Today was a different day for us, not bad just different.
Travis got up about 3a.m. and had a terrible seizure but really it was no different than the usuall. But he came out of his bedroom and I was asleep, of course, I caught him in time trying to walk. The seizure's knock him off balance sometime's so hard. I grabbed ahold of him and sat him next to me in bed. He layed down, it lasted for a couple more minute's. He went back to sleep and he woke up with the rest of us in the morning about 6:30. Got him into the shower and he was getting all ready to go to school to see Miss Kathy and Miss Valerie and all his friend's.
School has been a real blast for him. I know that he missed due to all reason's but he is progressing here at home with us when he can't make it to school.
Today we were bright and early, he like's to be the first one there. I think he like's the alone time to see the teacher's first.
But it is where are my friend's, I tell him their coming.
It was breazy out today at the bicycle's but we made it. It sure made for an eye opener.
Travis was riding on the back of the bike seat with Little Jackie peddling around the garage. Travis was leaning on Jackie, she didn't seem to mind, but he got here rythm messed up a little when he was helping by pushing with his feet.
Then came the wagon, I think today Olivia got a muscle workout, she said her arm was getting weak. So then Travis got a pull by Tatianna, that was a full pull around the garage too.
Michael said right away he was to heavy for him to pull Travis.
Then we went in, we did carpet time and went thru that whole routine, it was time to go in the other room for our story and Travis said he was ready for night,night after he sat on the carpet.
Out at his locker, Miss Brenda said he was holding his head and saying night,night.
So it was about 9:30 or so and we said GoodBye for the day to all our friend's and we came home.
Travis wanted to go to town(Wal-Mart)of course, but the car is acting up again and we can't go that far. But instead I said you left cuz you wanted to go to sleep, yea he said.
I made us some peanutbutter and Jelly sandwhiche's and we had ricecakes and some milk and it was time for bed.
He took a good 2hour nap.
We were watching Barney for a bit and then we went outside for a bit. Made some Brat's and had lunch.
Sister's came home and we had to go and pick up Kilee, she was back at the school from her track meet, so Travis got out of the house again, for his ride in the car.
We all know the boy like's to go,go,goooooooooo.
Once we drooped off a friend at his house and got back to our house, Travis is down for another nap.
It has probably been about an hour so far.
Just the weather,right?
I am getting that thought that I hate to get, the pre-MRI, thought by now I could handle it.
There is no cure!!!!!!!!!!
We leave Sunday at 10 for our flight, we have to go to St.Paul and then down to Memphis, I really can't complain but I can't stand Nrthwst.flight's. They are different and Minnesota's airport is boring I think.
Crazy to go up there and then down, but hey were gonna get there.
MRI is Monday, as far as I know we will be there for a couple of day's.
Well, I need to get to my schooling now, while I still have the chance.
God Bless.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 10:47 PM CDT

Well all are in bed and it is time for me to follow.
Travis has had a couple of odd moments, seizure wise. He had one on sun.morn.4a.m. that I noticed. It was different for me to see his eye movement to go back and forth. Not just the way to the lft. deveation that I am so use to. It was dark but I could tell that it was different for him as well. At school on Tues. he had a seizure that I could tell was starting as he was sitting at the table and it came on but he was still talking and was wanting to go to the bathroom. We did and as he walked down the hall I had to help. I asked if he wanted to wait and he said no,kinda a stupid ? for me to ask, if ya gotta go,go.
But by the time he was washing his hands the seizure had stopped.
I talked w/ Dr.Nick today and told him of the difference that I had seen on sun. that is the only time that I noticed it that way. But Travis has been complaining of headaches more often. Not long lasting. Some complaints, then a nap follow's the complaint.
That's when I pace the floor in the house.
He pushes pressure on the right side of back behind his ear.
I'm not a doctor but I do beleive that to be in the pressure area of the 7/8th nerve that they were so concerned of where the tumor is growing.
I have a real hard time beleiving that the growth isn't going to be there in June.
Of course the doc asked me if he had been throwing up?
No, if he was I'd be on the plane.
But do I really have to wait that long to figure it all out. I don't think so.
I do have to tell that the past three day's at school has been very good for Travis.
It was playground time in the Morning this week on arrival. It was so sweet to see Travis talking and being understood. He was playing with the wagon. What was cute that he was giving Abby a ride in the wagon, pulling her around and then it was his turn. Abby is no where near as big as my Travisman. I need to take the camera more often, but I still need someone to show me how the heck to put the pic's on here. Then he had this lil'guy Christian pulling him, now he is tinyyyyyyyyy and they were just going. What wheel's can do for ya.
Then of course the lawnmower was spotted, so him and Lee went round and round, of course stopping for gas ups.
It was hard last week going to the Airport in Peru and not getting on any of the planes. That was a field trip that the class got to take.
We all know how plane crazed the boy can be.
Of course that is all he ask's for. Plane,Plane....
It has been a week of all about Plane's in class too.
It was cool hearing him tell the other kid's in class today when he was asked of all the different stuff you see in a plane. Travis know's it.
Next week we are to go to the Marina Boat's, that is going to be the next new thing.
I have to say that living where we live is good, Travis get's to see so many Tractor's he can't wait for Jeff to bring the Tractor to the house.
Tommorow unfortunately we have to wait for the fedex guy to get here with his med's. That could be all morning, and mom has to sign for it.
But my house is completely quiet, next to my dog snoring, so I best get myself into bed.
Thankyou all for the prayer's, greatly needed and appreciated.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:14 PM CDT

Hi to all...
Wow, all I can say is that I feel like when I first did with the waiting game. Just looking at the home page of Travis' site, had to go back home and wait the first four weeks. Now we are on week three almost of the time since the finding and I have so many thought's running thru my crazzed mind.
We are to go back on the 3rd of June for his next MRI. Since we have been home I have done some research and plan on doing more and more. I have to say thankyou to everyone out there that have been helping me and my family get thru some of these rough times.
Someone very dear to me in my heart signed Travisman's site and it made me cry with a smile. We are blessed in so many ways and I don't want to take any of it for granted.
Travis is asleep, had to watch Wonka, one of his favorite's lately. Got that from TinaSanta,she is a good one to, she spoiled me and the kid's.
Travis is doing well, once again one of the sister's is sick. I have to say that this year my children have been sick more than usuall. Except, Travisman hasn't really been to sick. It's more the girls than him.
Thank God, he has enough going on, right.
Tomorrow he has to get his injection shot, in the rump. He say's in my buttt.
We were in Peoria last week and all his labs came back great. Now we will go back there in 3wks. to reaccess his port. With it being new and all, I dont want to mess with it here in town, not just yet.
I still am very leary of the port situation, with all that has happened in the past.
Travis is ready for the warm weather that is for sure.
He was laying out on the deck today with the cat. She was drinking some of TRAVIS' cereal milk and he was laying there watching her. I told him it would be good for the cat cuz she has babies in her belly. HUH....He was so full of wondering thought's to that.
I just want all to know that Travis is doing well right now and we are living to the fullest at home and we are planning on alot of adventures for this summer with all the sister's and hope I can make all his dreams come true.
I guess I really dont need to ask for anyone to keep him in your prayer's, I know that so many of you do.
Thankyou for so much, and God Bless.
I need to get to bed, 6am comes very fast for me.

Sunday, March 30, 2008 9:51 AM CDT

hi to all, not gonna be to long Travisman is on the run. he is playing the race car game right now. we had breakfast and all is raining outside.
we found out our news on thursday from the scans. the fact is that the tumor has gone off vacation and is returning to grow. there is not a big signigicant amount of growth, but enough to change everything once again.
we were going to take out his port on friday and put a larger one in except for the problem that being masked to be put to sleep and then to try and find a vein for an iv to give him the real sleepy meds. they got a vein except for the fact that travisman started to have irregular heart beats, so they canceled the thought of doing the surgery.
also that his potassium levels were on the low side and not understanding why that is. my son eats banana's all the time. anyway he was put inpatient and monitered. we will find out more on monday. yes we were to go home saturday so all is changing.
i have to run, travisman is out the door.
god bless

Tuesday, March 25, 2008 8:17 PM CDT

Hi to all, we made it. Finally, a few hour delays here and there due to the windy weather. It is really gorgeous here in Memphis. Travisman has already eaten his manly PIZZA, he said Grizzly House on the shuttle and Pizza was the next word out of his mouth.
Now we are in the game room and off he is driving the car game. So I am ready to hit the pillow's he is wide awake and rareing to go.
We just got the call to be over at the hospital at 7 in the morn. well out the door he is going.
God Bless and will check back later.

Monday, March 24, 2008 4:56 PM CDT

ThankYou to everyone,
Travisman had a Great B-Day. Travis got to school on Thursday last week. We wound up not having to make cupcakes, his teacher, Miss Kathy had already made a cake for class. The story in class involved a Birthday Cake as well, so we had two reason's to have cake.
We hope that everyone had a nice Easter. This was a different Easter for our house. I didn't cook a big Ham or big dinner event with outside the family to the house.
I have a Teenager who isn't into holiday's but is in to friend's, and it was a sad day for us because we lost a little friend early that morning.
She was three years old, Jazzie, she was away for the weekened with her daddy and I have to say that a bad judgement call was made and she had complication's and now she is up in Heaven with the angle's.
Jazzie is actually a lil'friend more to my nephew and who is also three years old. How do you tell a three year old that his lil'girlfriend is not here anymore?
With that question at mind, I have to tell the story of my nephew saying the same night(early Sunday morning), of how he kept waking my sister to tell her that he couldn't wait to go to Jazzie's B-Day party. In the middle of the night she only thought to say go back to sleep honey, Yes,Jazzie is going to have a party soon.
Now go back to sleep. After waking later, he, my nephew had told his sitter that he was in his bed and angels were around him,flying in the air and that an angle tickled his belly.
Do children see things that we don't. I believe.
It made me take a long hard look again at the life around me. How I am so lucky to have the children that I have and Thank God for all that he has given me.
All of you that check in on us from time to time and read my silly paragraph and leave a message. I do read to Travis and all the kids the messages.
I will update again later this evening. Just to continue, of what is up and tell the Easter story. Travisman is napping right now and it is late but we have had a full day already, and tomorrow we are due to get on the plane for Memphis.
I am sleepy,perhaps I will join him, only for a few winks.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 10:21 PM CDT

Travisman is out, so is the rest of the house.
I found out that his order is in Illinois and he should be getting his CarClogs tomorrow. Yippie............
I was hoping that he would get them for his Birthday.
We bought him a pair, almost 2 weeks ago, but they were really to small for him. Luckily, when I went back to Target I saw that they had a size 2 on their shelves just not any in stock. So, I ordered them online and found out just a bit ago that they should be here in the morning.
I really cant believe that he is five. Well soon, I dont want my baby boy to grow so fast. But I thank God for him every day and I thank him for giving Travisman the strength to endure all that he has in his short lived little life.
I sure thank him every day for giving me the strength to take care of him with all that he has had to go thru.
I thank God for alot of things he has helped us with.
I just want all of my children to be safe and happy but most of all I want them to be healthy.
I will say that I think that I have a Great bunch of kids in my house.
Poor Travisman though, all this female stuff sure makes it hard to figure what he is to do and not to do.
I am trying to make sure he is the superman of the house. He is my hero.
Hopefully we can go to school in the morning, I am not too sure with the sicky in the house though.
If not maybe by Thursday, then it will be spring break. But we will be in Memphis most of the time, which really wasn't what we wanted to happen.
But GramiPam is going to come and stay with the girls while we are gone.
They will be busy and have alot of catching up to do. They haven't seen much of her lately.
I just hope it gets warm around here for the kids. Warm and dry.
This wet muddy stuff is enough.
I have to get myself to bed, 6 a.m. get's here offley quick.
God Bless to all of you that stop by and we thank you all for all the prayer.
There are many out there that are thought of more often than we get to tell.
Birthday Power Tomorrow......GodBless.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 11:30 AM CDT

Hello to everyone,
Well one more day and the Travisman will be 5 years old.
I like to see all the messages.
But we all know that I am the only person that types in the messages and I am usually the only one that reads these. Next to all that come and view Travisman's site.
I do have the right to delete entries that are put on to Travisman's site.
I do share with Travisman all of the news. If any one wishes to email me, my address is right on this site. That to me should be the way to leave a personal message to me. Especially messages that are just trying to be spiteful of my decision's in life that I have made for Travisman.
I do enjoy to read his site. That is why I still, have chosen to keep his site.
Travis and I will be leaving for Memphis on the 25th, we will be going for his 4mnth checkup. Maybe after it will be 5mnth's.
Hold that thought, Travisman is asking for his lunch. Ok, I'm back.
I have to say that we celebrated Travis' birhtday on Sun. He was just trying to cut into his left over cake. I told him to go back and finish his lunch first.
I am still trying to get to the point of being able to get new pics up here on his web site. Maybe in the next coulpe of days.
It was just me(mom),Jeff and all the sister's and Travis and My two sis's and their family came to celebrate with Travis.
Grama Pam was sick, so she will see him tomorow.
We got him his cake with tractor's on it like he wanted. Travis got some new cool tractor's too, and some really cool toys from Aunt Mary and Uncle Ed,(Triston and Decon), and Aunt Kelly and Aidan and Haley got Travis some cool dreds. Jean shorts and a killer shirt, he loved and had to put on right away.
Which reminded me just now of his shoes that we ordered for him should be here by now.
But all in all travis has been waking up to grabbing his tractor's and pulling his ELMO balloon all over the house with him. Jeff got him this great big ELMO balloon. Yep he still loves the red furry lil'man.
We had to stay home from school today cuz, Mekenna has strep throat. Found that out yesterday, NO fever with the strep, what a difference that is.
Travisman is fine.
He is playing with his fishing pole right now. I know him and all of his sister's can't wait until it is nice enough to go actually fishing.
Just an example of how fast things change in life, this morning looking out of my window at the girls as they went off to the bus, I saw the GingerBread House that the kids made out in the yard, we put it out there for the birds.
I just looked out the window now and the house is totalled. Our dog is in the house so, she isn't the coulpret.
Well, Travis is wanting to blow bubbles now and he needs some help.
Plus I have school work I should be working on myself.
God Bless to all
and again thankyou for all the entries, and I hope to email some of you back with messages of my own to you personally.

Monday, March 10, 2008 9:45 PM CDT

Hi to every one,
Well it is soon to be Travisman's 5th Birthday.
I really can't believe how we have come this far and I am grateful for every moment that I have to cherish.
There have been alot of curvy roads. That is putting it nicely too.
Travis just popped a Balloon now. He is doing just fine. Travis is full of alot of doing!!!
My son never really wants to stop and I dont believe that there is anything that will stop him.
Not a BRAIN TUMOR not even a STROKE. Now while I am on here trying to do this quick update he just decided that he is opening a can of ROOTBEER. NOT....ok, now that I took that.
Only 9 more days and he will be the BIG 5.
He is so into tractor's and he loves balloons and he is all about trucks and cars and he is just a true boy.
I cant wait to see his face when he gets his shoes in the mail. Jeff bought him a pair of clogs that were the car, Lightning McQueen(sp?) but he loved them, except for the size 1 is too small and of course they were all out of 2's.
But I just ordered them online and that just makes me happy. I had to do running for three of his sister's tonight and I asked him if he would stay home with one of his big sister's and I would get him a surprise if he was good. OK, he said. Well, I got him a new SPIDERMAN Ball and he liked it but he said "SHOES", yep he thought that I meant that I was bringing him home a new pair of shoes like we did Sat. night for him. I am so glad that I could order them, like I said I cant wait to see the look on his face when he gets them in the mail.
Well I will get back with an update again soon.
It's late and have to get him to bed.
God Bless,
Julie(Proud Mommy)

Friday, February 22, 2008 2:10 PM CST

Hi to everyone out there that still visit's Travisman's site.
Travis is taking a nap right now so I am taking the advantage to do this.
We went to Peoria yesterday. We went to do a normal checkin, we hadn't been there since last April. Well we got Travis all set up to see a Dentist that Sandy hooked Travis up with. We had gone to a dentist last year and we were set to go to a dentist in Rockford. But for some reason I just think one affiliated with St.Jude makes me feel a whole lot stronger in taking Travis there.
Travi is going to be set up for his eye appt. too. Memphis said he needed to wear eyeglasses. We have the prescription but not the insurance. Although the Lions
Club would be willing to help us in this circumstance, but I would like him to go to an eye doc. recomended by the clinic.
And we are on the right road to see Dr.Zalae again. In due time. The seizure's are still of an issue and being the case we need to see someone here closer to home.
Travi is doing very good. We have put on a few extra pounds that we need to take off. And here at home we are trying to change eating habits for us all.
I am set and waiting to start my school classes. I am going to train in the field for medical transcriptionist. I am registered and just waiting for the online school to get ahold of me. I am actually taking the course thru IVCC. I am really siked for this. It will be something that I would really like to do and have wanted to do. I can't really attend school. Due to being home with Travi, so this is a real motivator for me.
I will tell more after things get into motion.
"Travi", that is how he tells his name to all. And it is the nickname he has made me come to. But the S comes out in many ways. He keeps me busy. All of the children do.

Well, he is doing very and we will be returning to Memphis after Travis' 5th birthday. The last week in March. General checkup, MRI and we will get to meet our new doc, finally. I cant really say his name,yet.

God Bless All and have a Great Day.

Sunday, February 3, 2008 7:48 PM CST

Hi to everyone. Well the holidays are well on the way and the superbowl is in role right now. 3rd quarter I believe. Travis was out in drawing on his easil. He has achieved the letter T. down and across he says. Travis knows his name by site and he is learning how to write his name at home with me.
We have had a bit of bad luck, I have, with our van. but next week we will make it to school.
it is time for a new van. but that takes money and i just cant do it yet.
A new battery and all is tight on it, the van is alive again. Now the shifter is going out. the linkage i assume.
it is pretty cruddy out today, it was lightning, just a bit ago.
weather is wild. snows and the it melts
iam really glad that we made the move out here. there are alot of people out there that really are kind and still do care. not just because of the holidays.
well all is looking good here. Travis is doing really well. we are living life. i wish i could just get some of our pics updated. i need to learn this.
God bless to all. I need to get kids settled for bed,school tomorrow.

Monday, January 14, 2008 10:23 PM CST

HI TO ALL..........

Tuesday, December 4, 2007 3:52 PM CST

Hi to all. Well we made it back home. The weather was tricky. Thought that we were going to stay at O'Hare but we got to Peoria and drove home. The drive was okay. But the closer to home that we got the harder of course.
Then we were without power for about 12 or so hours. Got to about 54 degree's in the house and at 7a.m. the power returned. During the dark night there was lots of ice. Then Leanna and Mekenna had to start with the flu. On sunday night Jess,Kilee and lil'Travisman started. So we are home. Hurraaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy.
The cold and the flu. But we are good.
Travis and the girls are recouping hope that It stay's away from me.
Not another trip to Memphis until March. They actually sent me his sched. already. But it is on his Birthday.
So I called to get it changed I hope.

We hope that all of you have a Happy Holiday and A Great New Year.
God Bless.

Thursday, November 29, 2007 6:37 PM CST

Well, I called clinic today and got the news after his MRI this morn that the tumor is stable again.
That is all great. Not what i was hoping for.
but i know that the good lord is watching over my son and he is giving him life.
and it has been one year almost complete from radiation and we are here. that is the news and he is off and running out of the room so i am very happy with that answer today.
now off to catch up with travis because he left the play room.
godbless and thankyou.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007 10:45 AM CST

Hello again,
Well today we are only doing labs and an eye exam. Not much of anything. We are ready set to get the MRI done. Of course that is the main thing that I want to get.
Travis wanted to go back on the plane right away.
He got his PIZZA last night.
Mom played hide and seek with him n the grizzly house. He had fun doing that. Then it was bath time and out he went.
Travis is playing the driving game again.
well now he is done.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007 9:11 PM CST

Hi to all that know us. Know that we dont update enough.
No computer at home still.
Travis and I are at the Grizzly House. He is driving the car game right now so he told me compuuuuuuuter. Ok. We are here for the rest of the week.
Hope that all had a Happy Turkey Day. We were at home and it was sweet. The kids and I made and ate lots of goodies.
So we are here for the MRI of after being home for 3 months. This is when I wish and hope and Pray that they tell me on Thurs. that it is shrinking more still and we will soon be on the 6 mnth. routine.
Well Travis calls be back

Thursday, August 16, 2007 9:23 AM CDT

Hi to everyone,
Hope all has had a great summer.
Yes, it has been a lonnnnnnng time since we've updated.
Well, Travis has been at home since last MRI being all of a boy wanting to learn, play, and have to say be very adventurous.
If my son was not comprimised on the left side, I think I would never sleep.
Travis is doing well. Seizures are still an issue. He is on 3 kinds of meds as of last week for them. They are still very mild though. The 3rd med seems to be helping out even more. He is my trooper, Travis takes all with NO complaint.
Travis is in MRI right now. Yes, We are in Memphis. Got in last night and so far we are off to a good start.
I went and got some food and Prayed to God that all of this is going to tell us all Great news before the week is over.
So, I dont have time for alot and I need to get back down to hear for them to call.
To be short and sweet, Travis is growing,smileing and we thank GOD everyday for everyday that he is giving us with Travis.
I need to say Thankyou to all that have helped with the Prayer's that we need for our lil'Travisman.
God bless and have a great day.
I will return with the news of the MRI.
Now for a real quick note, due to Travis wanting to play.
We were told today that the tumor is shrinking.
For the FIRST time in FOUR years have I finally heard that word.
Thankyou God.

Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:33 PM CDT

We were given the news that Travis' tumor is stable.
Travis is doing very well. He is growing like a weed and he is trying out all in life.
That is all that his mommy will let him.
Travis is definitely all boy. He is in to all and has NO FEAR what so ever. Does not surprise me.
The news that the tumor is still stable is and has put me into a great thought of our life.
I watched him in disbelief this week of seeing him walking onto the shuttle bus and him wanting to walk thru the hospital.
Of course walking to go to the radiation dept. to see Dr.P. It is always that direction since radiation.
Maybe Travis feels something that we dont. Well I know he feels so much that I have NO clue, No idea as of to what is really going on with him.
Travis is growing and I have to let him. I have ALOT to deal with. I have to let go of him everyday to grow. But than I see when Travis still needs me.
BUT....Travis has come a long way, Travis has overcome so many trials and tribulations.
I do believe in Miracles and he has always been the first to make me believe.
This short trip in Travis' Journey has left me with a lot of questions and has given me alot of reality checks.
Travis, his sister's,Jeff, my family and a whole lot more has gone thru this brain of mine.
I am really ready to go home.
I am proud of my son.
Thankyou all again for all of the prayer that is thought for Travis and all of my family.
Thankyou isn't enough.
I cant even begin to type how I feel right this minute.
Travis is watching a young girl behind me driving a car game and they are conversing and Travis is saying No like he knows it all. NO,NO....oh,ohhhhhhhhh...stop. He is so cute sounding like he has driven so many of these games.
yellow, red is yellow. He is everything.
All five of my children. I thank GOD everyday for helping me see so many different and new things thru there eyes.
I also sit here regretting so much of what I should of and could of and should not haves.
I am trying to tell myself, move forward.
Dont stay in the past and dont stand in the same place either. Move go forward, LIVE!
Well it is Travis' turn.
Thankyou and GodBless to all.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007 6:03 PM CDT

Hey to all.
Well, Travisman and I are in the Grizzly House. We got in today and will be here til Fri. afternoon.
Our flight today was sweet. 2 small flights and we got here in four hours. We went over on the shuttle and then we went to our room and unpacked.
We found a few notes packed in out suitcases, cuz noone back home wanted us to leave.
Have to go, Trav wants to go to the room. we have played hard.
More later.
God Bless to all

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 2:23 PM CDT

Hey to everyone,
I have no fast access to the comp.
So right now I will make this real short.
As of Feb.22, the tumor is STABLE so they tell us.
That is the best news in 6 mnths.
Travis came home and we celebrated with him on his fourth birthday.
We got him his AMTRYKE (thanks with help from Bear Necessities.
Travis really loves it. It is a bike that is like a tryke for him to be able to peddle and move with the handle bars. The chain is attached to the handlebars from the peddles. He loves it.
I will get pics up soon as possible.
As of right now today Travis and Jeff are down in Memphis. He had to get down there for EEG VideoImaging, to get a real grip on the seizures he is having. This is something that he has had since the stroke, but he is on high dose meds. and they seemed to go away after the radiation with the help of the meds. But 2 weeks into Jan. they started up again.
They are at Lebohner for this because St.Jude doesn't have all the tech that they have to get this taken care of.
So, Trav has 20some electrodes on his tiny head and is covered like a mummy, bandaid as he will say.
He is doing good right now.
Jeff said that he is sleeping alot since yesterday.
They gave him some Adavant yesterday and after that it really knocked him to sleepy land. Then they took him off one med to get the seizures to happen. this is to determine where they are coming from and all of this is to determine what to do where to do it and all of the above.
I hope they are home by this Fri.
I will update again.
Travis has been recieving alot of mail from his chemoangles still and he loves all of that.
We do alot of therapy at the Y and he loves that too.
The pool is great therapy for him.
The reason of me being here and them being there is that crazy thing called Spring Break. Spring, it feels like winter right now. The girls are all home. Me Im going crazy because I'm not there and It really is tearing me up but I know he is in Great care and I talk to him all the time.
Please say a prayer for Trav.
I have learned so much from him in the past four years.It really is a tear jerker for me when someone stops me and the kids in the store and says"excuse me, is that Travis?" yes, I pray for him everyday, we all do, in this woman's family and it made me cry. I said thankyou and what more can I say. I feel as tho our prayers, your prayers are the soul to Travis being so strong.
I have to go, the girls and I are going to the movies, so we must eat and get going.
God Bless to all.

Monday, February 19, 2007 9:05 PM CST

Hi to everyone.
We are back at the Grizzly House. Travis and Jeff and I got here this afternoon.
We will be here until Sat.morning.
Tommorow Travis has to (suppose to) have an 8 hour eeg. This is going to be hard.
Travis has been really having alot of seizure activity. His meds are higher than ever prescribed. So they want to do this and check the med levels. His MRI is on Thurs. morning.
I am nervous, because of the "what if" game and how things have been with the seizures.
The waiting game stinks.
But Travis is doing very good.
Him and Jeff are next to me trying to figure out the 007 game on the Xbox down here in the teen room.
We flew in the 6 seater. It was a nice flight in. Not an all day fly, 1hour and 15min flight.
Figures the week we come all our snow back home will be melting and it was finally getting warm enough to let Travis go out and play.
The sleds have been out and Travis loves it.
All of the kids and the Biggest (JEFF) love to sled, even I got my but out there to sled with them. Our dog Candy chases the sleds,well gets in the way sometimes.
She is in heat when we left. The girls are all at home with my sister and her fiance and my nephew.
Tommorow is a long day, if it can be done. I remember the last time we did this it was not as long and it was not easy for the tech to even try to put the electrodes on Travis and his head is so much more tender right now that I am not thinking it will go smooht in the morning. So we will see.
We still dont have internet access at home so that is why I haven't updated.
Just to say thankyou to all that still keep Travis and my family in Prayer. God Bless to all that are there for us.
Travis is still the boy that is full of life.
The one difference is that with age he is starting to show the shyness.
Yea, Travis shy. I laugh as I type it.
I will update again this week.
God Bless to all.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007 12:43 AM CST

Hey to all. I had to make a stop at my sister's so I grabbed the keyboard.
Well, we had a good ride home. No Deer. Just a trooper in MO. that just stopped to see if we were all right and we were just my big but up in the air to switch seats with Jeff. Of course I was just climbing into the driver seat and Jeff had just got in. The trooper was laughing cuz I sorta screamed cuz I didn't know he was standing next to the door. He laughed and went back to his car. He probably thought that we were a bunch of Hillbillies with the way the van was so packed and thought just to let us be.
Travis got to play in the snow the week after we got home.
I took pics and will get them all up real soon.
Christmas was good. Rough for me I wound up with having strep on X-mas Eve. So we all put it on hold with the rest of our family.
But it was Beautiful. WE were home and all were healthy, and Santa was Great to all the kids.
We got a Computer from Santa. It was a rebuilt(GREAT)comp. given to us. But we have no internet service. NO landline at the house.
Hopefully soon.
Travis is doing very well. I have to say this week is a little different. He has been more tired. Yesterday he really slept alot. Travis has also had to have his Seizure meds. higher. A week went by,good they seemed to stop. But 2 days ago he had a couple.
For today I took him to Mcnonalds. As he call's it.
His appetite changed a little too. So he really is doing good. Wanting to go out and play in the snow again but he can't it is tooooooooo cold to play in the snow.
Above 30 degrees and we can.
Every one else all the girls are doing good too.
I will try to update again sooner.
Thankyou to all and godbless for all the prayer's.

Thursday, December 7, 2006 9:15 PM CST

Hey to all. Well it has been a very crazy week.
I have to say God guided me in many ways. Today he let me be a little on the boring side. I liked it.
We went to the hospital, 7:45 schedule. Of course the older girls did not want to get up.
I am ready for bed now, but I thought I would like to update on the past four complete wild and crazy days.
Travis did not take a nap today, he was a Trooper again.
We got there ready for radiation and of course he checked in and had to talk with Miss Helen at the checkin desk.
Then we were off. His two Big Sis', Leanna and Mekenna were there to give him the kisses he needed for his return.
We went back and Travis know's his way. He know's the routine. Travis has become very fond of Dr. Picazzii(sp?)he was there today finally and that made it all the better to go and see Sponge Bob. I can't believe how much he is talking lately. I know, I know there is more to come.
Go,Go,Go..he always tells them all. He is ready to see SpongeBob and he is ready to push the infusion of his sleepy meds.
This whole experience with the radiation has gone so much smoother, easier because of my son. Travis is the one that has given me the strength to go on with this and give me the faith.
I have to really sit and find myself in the small time that I have and to go the right direction for my children, for myself for our lives.
6 weeks and tomorrow will be his last day of radiation. We are not to come back until maybe 6 to 8 weeks from then.

Okay, on Monday I said I should of stayed in bed with the whold elevator on my dropping the Kroger card.(found)
Tues. the parking level drama of having to wait for some French speaking dad to come and move his van so I could pull the Excursion out of the spot and go. (Now we all know how much Trav wants to gogogogo....)over an hour wait there, but we got out.
Wed., now that was a blessing from God. We me and the five children had a angel with us from the time we left the hospital to go to Target.
In the Excursion, it was Trav and Nenna in the way back, Jess and Lea in the middle and Ki up front with me.
I turned back at one time as we went to drive on and said to the last row put those seat belts around you the correct way, over your chest's.
Okay, to the point, our shopping adventure was short and sweet. We got to Watkins and we were mile or two from the Horrock's House and HELLO.
BAMBI decided to run out in front of me. In 20 years of driving in IL. nontheless, have never hit BAMBI.
Well on Dec,6,2006 I did. And in the Excursion...two days before are to go home. CRAZY.........
Noone was hurt at all. Thankyou to God and our Angel.
BAMBI I have to say is gone. I litteraly called him stupid. I saw that it was a buck before I hit him. I no other choice. I did say 20 years of driving, I new better than to swerve. It was all I could do.
The crazy, and will be, was funny now were the two (intoxicated smelling)guys that pulled up right behind the Deer.. they were definately there for the food.
They were looking to see if it was still hot and how badly I hit the deer. Ha. Then another passerbyer pulls over. (Mr. Steve) He was generally concerned to see if I and the kids were okay.
When he knew we were and I had Jeff on the phone with me and Help was coming, he was going to leave.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....I mouthed to him with the other two strangers behind me, PLEASE STAY. Mr. Steve caught on right away and he did indeed stay.
The thing was that I had told the first two men that my husband was on his way. When Mr.Steve pulled up they thought that was the man and started to ask, "Can we buy the deer from ya?", He and I said I'm not the husband. Mr.Steve said it's not my deer, I said right away it's mine and my husband is on his way.
The two men after trying to ask Mr.Steve again said ok, then were rambling on about needing work. No Sale, so they finally left. Thankyou God, for another angel.
Mark Horrocks pulled up and I went on to explain and said Jeff would do what he needed to do.
So needless to say, Mr.Steve followed us and brought the deer to the Horrock's House. Jeff did his job of what all hunter's no best.
So that was enough for 3 days and that is why I say today was a day off.
I layed low and played it safe. Just joking.
Today was a great blessing. All is Great with Travisman and we are to get up in the morning and be his last day of Treatment. Hurrrrraaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
We will be taking the Big Boy home Sat.
So with all that I need to say goodnight and I will update tomorrow night and give Mylissa and Mark back there lappy.
I know it might be a little inbetween at home for an update. We are not with computer at home. But I will keep in touch to srpead the word.
I am sleepy now.
Thankyou and Godbless.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:40 PM CST

Today was good. Found the Kroger card. That is a great thing. I guess one of the maintanance guys just happened to look up and there the card was stuck against the wall of the elevator shaft.
So we got that taken care of.
Well, Travisman is sitten here watching????? Yes, you guessed it, SantaClause. All the girls are in bed and he was but came back out. Asked for Santa and is playing with his little Slinky. I can't bleive the words Travis has picked up. He is saying so much more.
Everyday, he is amazing.
Today we had pt and then just radiation. Well, we also got to see Dr.Kuhn. We had a nice visit with him. Made sure he said Fri. was the last day of Radiation. At first he wanted to say it was Tues. and of course I said WHAT. No,No, he said you are right it is Fri.
Thankyou God.
I also saw a pic. of the scan from Sept. I hadn't really before and I wanted to get a visual before I see the next one in weeks to come and be completely surprised.
I know it can be months before I really get to see any good change. Due to the swelling that can happen from the radiation.
We are to expect some fatigue from Travis weeks after we get home. I can handle a slow down for a day or so.
Travis is full of life that is to be the only truth there is and to be said no other way. Travis is full of life.

Very true and we, I will hold on to that thought now and forever.
Please keep a prayer for Travisman for the rest of this week to go smoothly and to be able to finish this and go home. That our journey home will be smooth, safe and fast to get back home.
Hope, Faith, and Belief is what I am holding on to and also holding on to my family.
GodBless to you all.

Monday, December 4, 2006 10:55 PM CST

Hello. Well today wound up being a short day.
All went well. Except for me good ole' mommy should of stayed in bed.
Would of been best. I was gonna stay home anyway.
We were at the hospital and Travis went back for his radiation.
I have to tell this story from the begining.
It started with our daughter Mekenna last Fri. We were in the elevator and she wound up screaming when we first went to get off. Of course I thought the worse. It was for her, but only because she had dropped her little cosmetic bag down the elevator shaft.
So, yes, that was bad. No way of retrieving that.
Well today I was getting into the elevator after getting our Kroger card and a woman was coming off the elevator and trying to walk pass, holding the door open and all that and there goes my Kroger card thru the crack.
Of course not tracable and no refund. That's a 100 gone without a trace.
The maintnance guy said he looked, but no Kroger card. I had just walked away from getting it. Just my luck.
BUT...they found Mekenna's lil'pink purse.lol...

So, I should have stayed in bed.
Travis on the other hand was ready to get up this morning and be on the go.
He knows the routine. No Banana's today!
All is going great for him. 4 more days. That's it.
Then we get to go back home. Back to the great cold,snow. The kids are all ready for it. They can't wait to get back home and get on a sled.
I really cant wait to get home and see them doing it.
It has been a really great stay. The Horrock's have been so outgoing to our family. To be able to be here all together.
I dont want to and I dont have to think of what it would of been like to have to be here with out them.
Because we are here and we have gotten thru all of this. Travis has not had any trouble's really.
He is growing like a weed it is so hard to size him for pants. We went to Target tonight to take back the jeans we thought would fit him.
I have to say that yesterday that We were very proud of him, that he went into the bathroom and pulled down his sweats and went potie and pulled them back up all by himself.
So tonight we bought a couple pairs of those and two others. Except on those I will have to pull out the sewing machine once we get home.

With all this today the kids sound like they are all asleep and we have an early start in the morning.
Please say a prayer for the rest of the week to go as planned and the trip home, well that is another story.
thankyou to all for everything.

Friday, December 1, 2006 10:05 PM CST

Reall Quick note.
Tomorrow is the Marathon. Jessica will be running in the 5k for St.Jude in the morning.
She has been such a great support for her baby brother. Since the day he came home to Pee in her face. She still loves and adores Travis so much.
Thanks to Mark and Mylissa Horrock's with helping Jeff and I to tell her that she really can do it.
She bragged about how she loves to run, how Jeff taught her how to do the hurdles back home in track. I'm suprised he isn't running with her.
Maybe the next one. I know I'd be walking. I have to say that I've put on the pounds and I should be the one running.
But please say a Prayer for Travis' Big Sis Jessica for her strong run tomorrow. Or I should say for her Bright and Early Run.
Besides all of that Jeff will be taking Travis in tomorrow for his makeup day on TurkeyDay, for Radiation. Then he can run and play for the weekened.
I have to tell all that he is talking so much. Travis even tried to say Mylissa tonight. I heard it.
I am so proud to say that We have five Beautiful children here to push us in the direction that we should be going.
The girls have gone thru alot to be next to their Brother's side.
I have to Thank God for all of them and thank him for blessing my life with all of my children.
Travis is doing well. He had a short day today. I just smiled, because the thought of my Travisman is so cute.
That I have all the right to brag about.
Pray for a Blessed day tomorrow and we pray that all of you have the same.
I ask for so many to pray for my family, just to know I have alot of Prayer's I send out myself for alot of you out there.

Friday, December 1, 2006 10:05 PM CST

Reall Quick note.
Tomorrow is the Marathon. Jessica will be running in the 5k for St.Jude in the morning.
She has been such a great support for her baby brother. Since the day he came home to Pee in her face. She still loves and adores Travis so much.
Thanks to Mark and Mylissa Horrock's with helping Jeff and I to tell her that she really can do it.
She bragged about how she loves to run, how Jeff taught her how to do the hurdles back home in track. I'm suprised he isn't running with her.
Maybe the next one. I know I'd be walking. I have to say that I've put on the pounds and I should be the one running.
But please say a Prayer for Travis' Big Sis Jessica for her strong run tomorrow. Or I should say for her Bright and Early Run.
Besides all of that Jeff will be taking Travis in tomorrow for his makeup day on TurkeyDay, for Radiation. Then he can run and play for the weekened.
I have to tell all that he is talking so much. Travis even tried to say Mylissa tonight. I heard it.
I am so proud to say that We have five Beautiful children here to push us in the direction that we should be going.
The girls have gone thru alot to be next to their Brother's side.
I have to Thank God for all of them and thank him for blessing my life with all of my children.
Travis is doing well. He had a short day today. I just smiled, because the thought of my Travisman is so cute.
That I have all the right to brag about.
Pray for a Blessed day tomorrow and we pray that all of you have the same.
I ask for so many to pray for my family, just to know I have alot of Prayer's I send out myself for alot of you out there.

Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:22 AM CST

Hi to all. Week five and almost done. This morning Travis beat me tho. I was in the shower and he wound reaching and pealing a BANANA. So, that put him back to 3p.m. today instead of 8:45. The earliest yet so far and we had to come all the way back to the Horrock House.
It is raining here and the temp is going to drop. Cant imagine what it will be like at home when we get back there.
Probably snow and all.

Travis is doing well. He has been on a different eating pattern. That's to be expected. All else you can't imagine that he is actually going thru all that he is.
His sister's have played a Great Role in his life to make him feel the way that he does with all that he is going thru.
It has been rough. But it could be worse. 8 more days of radiation for Travis and we will be back to our house.
Have a blessed day and thankyou for all the prayer's asked out for me and my family.
I know God does listen.
Here we change to Santa. He loves to watch Santa. He loves to where his hat and say HOHO. Hopefully I can get a pic of him in his Santa hat.

Saturday, November 25, 2006 7:11 AM CST

Good Morning to all.
Well we are at the end of week four.
We hope everyone had a Great Thanksgiving. We have lots of left over's.
Well Travis is up and eating a Banana. He has requested for Pancake's of course. This is a diversion so I can wake up just a bit before I start his Pancakes.
Travis is talking so much. Alot in the past four weeks that we have been here.
This week was a little different. On Monday he woke with his runny nose. By Tuesday the doc's used Robenol and Litocaine to dry him up. On Wed. he was very swollen in his glands around his neck. Making it impossible for them to clamp down the mask. They had to make marking's on his head for the radiation.
It all went good though. But Trav came home and gave me and Jeff a kiss and said go. He was going back to sleep. And he wanted noone to bother him.
He woke on Wed. about 4 hours later.
Feeling better. He woke on Thurs. feeling alot better.
We had a very good day all together on Thanksgiving.
For yesterday Travis went in for his radiation and all was back to good. The mask went on just fine. He had speech in first and then the radiation and our day was finished.
So that made for a very sweet Friday.
Right now he is on his second Banana and watching Santa. He is getting this Santa thing into perspective. He loves to see him and he walks around with his Santa hat on and says HOHOHO.
Not sure what is in store for us this weekened.
Please keep an open Prayer for Travis that the rest of this two weeks goes smoothly.
The biggest prayer that I keep asking for is that the radiation gets the tumor under complete controll. Kills it!
That is the big thing that I want.
We all want.
Have a Blessed day.

Monday, November 20, 2006 8:03 PM CST

Well it is the end of 3 weeks of radiation for Travis and on to his fourth week. This morning he woke up with a runny nose. No fever. He had a short day.
We came home and the girls and I went to Toys R Us to find a Little Bear replacement but nothing. Not one hint of Little Bear anywhere.
Travis and Jeff stayed home to take a nap. By the time we got back my babyboy was sitting watching his show but feeling much worse. Travis has a bad cough to go with the runny nose.
Alot of us know how when it hit's it can hit real hard and real, real fast. NO Fever. Thankyou God.
Please say a prayer for Travis that he can pull thru this like he has all the other's.
He is laying behind me on the couch and I think I hear a hint of weasing.
It may turn into a long up down night.
He is peacefully sleeping, I dont want anything to bump him down.
He is strong. I know God is watching over my baby.
I dont know what else to say. I just want to cry to see him feel this way. I know it could be worse.
I do know this. But I cant handle anymore worse.
Not for Travis.
His radiation is scheduled for 9:00 in the morning. We are to see Dr.Kuhn first so we will find out what he thinks as far as sedation tomorrow.
Please keep a prayer for Travisman to have extra strength and get thru this cold and keep it only to that.

Well to come back and say. Travis is awake and wanting to watch SantaClause2. We took the kids to see the Escape Clause the first weekened we were here.
Travis woke and wanted to watch SANTA he is starting to talk so much more.
Yesss, he is very horse sound in his cough. Nose still running but no fever. Putting the nose stick on that and puffs plus, and more Robotussin.
He is helping his Big Sis Jess, with a puzzle.
More pieces, he thinks she should have it done already. He taps the pieces in for her.
Travis as such energy.
Tissue, he is blowing his nose. Travis always asks for a tissue. He is so loveable.
Just look at his pic with Little Bear. You can see it all.

Sunday, November 12, 2006 2:23 PM CST

It is week two over already.
Travis is doing well. Besides a lil'bowel change, he is great. And that can just be a boy thing. Right.
We have had a nice weekened off.
Travis got up and ready this morning and the next thing I know is that my Travisman is greeting me at a the door on Miss Sioux. That is Mylissa and Mark Horrocks House Horse.
She (Sioux) has been a real pleasure, especially for Jeff. Horses is one of his most famous pasttime.
Jeff does have the love of a horse. Myself I kinda stand and watch and listen. It's all good.
So all the prayer's that everyone has said for our family are being heard.
Please continue them, I am hoping for no change. Except for the best. The best being that when all said and done that the radiation is and has done what we all want.
We got the chance yesterday to go to a horse arena,Rodeo,(Coyote Run) with the Horrocks. We met Miss Victoria who does runs for St.Jude and the rest of her crew. Forgive me for not remembering all their names.
It was something me and the kids never really expeierenced before. Maybe Jess, and Jeff I know.
It was really neet. Travis got into watching the horses compete, go in circles he probably thought. But he enjoyed the time we spent there.
Travis has a way of being a BIG FLIRT.
He knows how to get a girl's attention, then be bashful to that or (them)person.
We went over to the RMH last night and we ate supper there. The Pittman's served a Great supper there. And sitting at the table, sure enough Trav got all the girls attention. They even gave him two Beanie Babies.
That's my lil' Travisman. He's so cute how can you resist.
Then we went back to the Horrock's House.
I do have to say that I have been thanking God for making this all possible.
I could sit here and say so much but we all know how God works things. We dont always get it, but one way or another.
Travis and his two sister's, Mekenna and Leanna are playing school right now. Plus have the Disney channel on. Of course.
Life is GREAT! I am with all of my children. We are all here together. I can't and don't want to imagine what it would of been like again with being seperated.
So with that please remember to live love and laugh.
We all must do that and not take life for granted.
It is so fast even though we think 1 minute is a very short time. Really in reality it can be a lifetime.
God Bless and thankyou all who have been there for my family. I appreciate so much, I can't begin to thank so many enough.

Monday, November 6, 2006 9:28 PM CST

Hi to all...Well we are on to week two. Today was an earlier day. We actually got in at 10:30 appointment but we were late due to triage. But it still turned out to be an early day for us.
Travis is in the spot now that when we go back to meet (SpongeBob, go back to be sedated for radiation, I put him up on the table he will say a few words than kinda just sit there and wait for the meds to hit him.
He usually will grab hold of whom ever it is that he chooses to hold and will slowly fall asleep.
My Sweet Son.....
Today Jeff and I watched as Travis recieved his radiation. It was a very hard thing to actually stand there and watch him, the table move, the screens with the monitor's on with his breathing and bloodpressure. All of it was very overwhelming.
The part with my son having a mask over his face, locked down and knowing he is recieving HIGH DOSE RADIATION that is still like a blur to me and I can't stand it to be honest.
Due mainly to the fact that TRAVIS has no idea of what is going on. Why he is being acessed for everyday and put to nap and not at home.
Why he is starting to have some pain in the back of his head. WHY,WHY,WHY????????
Not that he ask's WHY it's that he has NO idea of it all.
He is my miracle baby.
And with all that maybe it is a good thing that Travis does not actually know what is going on, I sometimes beleive that God is helping Travis in that sense. That GOD is giving Travis Strength and Courage, not knowing but being able to survive. To keep living and showing us all that GOD is there for him.
I do BELIEVE that, that he has been there for Travis thru this all and will be and this is how Travis has that Sweet persona and we all ask, how does he do it? "How does Travis go thru all this like it never has happened?" That to me is GOD. I know he is there for Travis and Me too.
Just the other day on my way out of the house, out to see the kids enjoying the Horse and that Travis was napping.
I thought WOW, in four months Travis will be 4 YEARS OLD.
I find that to be so AWESOME.
Please keep a strong Prayer for Travis and for all his sister's as he goes thru all of this.
They too are not understanding alot of all of this.
Including me and Jeff.

And in another thought, Please keep a prayer for all the other St.Jude families that are going thru a rough time right now and wish them all a prayer to give them Strength for at the time of all the Holidays that are coming soon.
Thankyou all with love.
God Bless

Friday, November 3, 2006 5:05 PM CST

Well....Where do I start. I really haven't had the time to update but I am now.
We are back in Tn. now and Travis has started Radiation Therapy. He started it on Oct.30th and he has completed his first week course. We are here to complete 6wks of radiation and that is what its all about.
They the doc's have tried all the chemo's that are possible to try on Travis and have knowledge of what they are using. There are other trial chemo's out there but that's just it they are trials.
Then again all of this is a trial.
It's all just research.
I do know that most of all it is GOD. God is the one that will decide it all. This is all his decision.
I believe that God is here and has been for a very long time to guide us thru all of this. I believe that God will carry us thru all of this. That God will carry Travis thru all of what he is going thru and all that he has gone thru.
God has already proven that to me because Travis has gone thru so much already and I am still watching him play with his favorite toy right now.
Bear. He has had a "Little Bear" since this all started and without Bear Travis is not happy.
Right now Travis is pushing a stroller thru our house with Bear in the front seat.
I really do mean "Little Bear", there are many childrens books, the cartoon show. I think any one can catch on to who Bear is now.
Ok and I say the house. We are currently staying in the House of Hope. The Habitat for Hope House.
We are in Millington,Tn. If anyone knows us they know that there are more in this family that RMH can house.
There are 7 of us and we all need to be together at this time in life. Not Me and Travis here and his sister's at home in Il. or half here and there.
No, I refuse to live that way anymore. I asked God for help and thru a good friend, (angle of God herself(Miss M.M.) showed us the road to Mark and Mylissa Horrock.
They have brought us to the House of Hope,Habitat for Hope House. They have a Daughter and Two son's.
They have opened up this house to help family's like our's in a situation where we are in need of Help.
It actually opened in June of this year. The house was in Fla. But Mark and his family decided to bring it to Memphis.
For more info, Please look up the site mark@habitatforhope.org. This is a really great, well it's more than great. This place is a blessing from above. We all know he (GOD) works in mysterious ways. I have felt like the first time coming to Memphis. It is hard to believe that there are people out there that are completely strangers, but are willing to help out other's.
This is the exact enviroment that I feel will make it alot easy for my family to go thru this hard time.
Please keep a prayer for Travisman. He is doing well for his first week of Radiation.
It is saturday now and I am trying to finish this update.
We took the kids to go and see the movie Santa Clause 3.
It was really good. All of the kids loved it.
We went to the new movie theater towards Atoka.
So we went out for a ride and Mylissa and Mark had already told us of the whereabouts of the theater.
We then went over to the RMH for supper tonight. We all had to say it was a wonderful filling super.
This may be one thing that i am noticeing, is that Travis' appetite is changing. For the lessor. He hasn't been as hungry the past two days.

Please,say a prayer for my Travisman, he is a trooper.
I know they (the doc's) say that this is the next phase of treatment. 6 weeks of radiation. Well I also still and always will believe that GOD is the one who is watching over Travis. I do know that there are still many angles by his side. Mine too. Trying to guide us in the right way. I dont always go the right way.
But I do LOVE my son and I will do my best to make his life the best possible.
Thankyou all for support in the past and present.
Iam not very good, actuallly I am terrible at sending out thankyou's and all that. But I do appreciate all that everyone in our lives has done for our family.
I Thankyou GOD for all that you have given me.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 9:58 PM CDT

Hi to all. Well today was our consultation and it was very scary but at the same time encourageing. I say that because the Doctor gave me more news that was not so horrific to our ears. Radiation is a horrifying thought to me. Dont get me wrong. The side affects and how it might affect Travis is all the scary things I worry about. What it might do wrong and what I Pray that it will do right for Travis.
I was told that the radiation may make Travis slower in processing things. I was told that the Radiation should not take any value of his life away. That it should not take away his eye sight and it should not take away his ability to walk like he does and it should not take away his ability to keep all that he(TRAVIS) has worked so hard for in his life.
With saying that the Radiation may make it harder for him to process things in life. Well,yes, that is taking away alot from him. But I am trying to keep the strong faith that I still have and believe that with all the love from his family and all the people that love Travis he will overcome this problem if it arises.
I have to keep the Faith and Hope that I still have in my heart and mind. Because if I don't Travis won't.
Point blank. He is the miracle, with all my other children that gives Me Life.

Tomorrow we are to go thru the process of imaging for his mask and to get things moving in the right direction.
We will be in clinic at 11:15a.m. and we will talk with Dr.Fouladi and then go on to the imaging after.

In Possible question. The Dr.'s have all been in group and have decided that with Travis having all the 4 major chemo's that have been used on his type of tumor, that this is the next step. There are however other studies out there. That's just it studies. I know all of this the shabang is all a study. Everything is a study. All Research. But the studies that we have been told of now they really dont have much info on how they could benefit Travis. And I have to just call them studies because they (the doc's)don't even have names for them yet. Or whoever gives the name. Don't yet.
So I have listened, I have questioned and of course still have plenty more questions.

On the end Travis is in great spirits.
I have to end now. Travis waiting.
Thankyou and GodBless, Please keep our Travisman in your Prayers.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 11:55 AM CDT

Well, it's said that we are to go back to Memphis on the 16th for the 17th for consultation with the Radiologist. I am very scared of course. Who wouldn't be. We have to figure out all the good and the bad that can or will come from radiation. I hate all of this. It's not fair.
Travis on the other hand is doing very well himself right now. He is very full of life and whatnot's. He is into all and wanting to do all.
Please keep a prayer for him.
I will try to update. Thankyou to all that are in our life everyday and are there for us thru everything.
God Bless and thankyou.

Friday, September 29, 2006 1:57 PM CDT

Well Travis is full of energy and this is going to be short.
We are in the midst of leaving for home. We aren't in the best of luck. Tumor is growing still. Even with VinBlastine. Now we are home with a waiting game and trying to figure all aspects out.
I dont have the time. Just when I get the call I will try to let all know.
Please pray for my lil'Travisman. He is such a fighter and I feel as though I am at the begining again with him.
For one reason I wont let there be an end.

Sorry so short, we must get to the airport.
Julie and Travis.....

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:53 AM CDT

Hi to everyone. Travis and I made a trip over to grama Pami's house. So, I thought I would say hi real fast.
Travis is up at 6am, every morning and on the go. He loves to go out and play and anything to do with going somewhere.
I called Memphis this morning bright and early and talked with our nurse(Elizabeth). Asked a few questions about my concerns of keeping with the Temodar since Trav didn't get the extra doses sent to me in the past when he thru up immediately after just getting it (the chemo) into his mouth. We would just continue with what we had and go on. like he only got 4 doses instead of 5 like was to be if he thru up right away. It wasn't until 2 months ago that they sent me extra doses.
I was never told, even though I always said this was happening to Travis. I was never told that they would send me another dose. If it was after 20 min.,and he thru up, No, they would not want me to give another dose.But if it was right away when he thru up I could give him another dose. But the past two months of me giving him his chemo, I got the extra doses to try again. With success. So, with that thought what if I continued and he got the extra doses and then he would be getting it.
I feel in the beggining of all this like in Sept. and November and Dec. and Jan. what if I would of gotten this extra dose like they just told me that i could do was done and maybe there wouldnt be any growth. I know I cant go back but he has kept up his health with this why not continue and moniter closer.
I have to say giving Travis the 170mlgrams, was not easy. I was trying everything. Most of the time I could get it down him. With all the premeds, but even then it didn't work with him. I know it was very strong, and it changed the taste.
I am at this point and have been wondering if I should keep the Temodar. But with no way of knowing.

Oh, I just hate all this and I do hate the fact that this was all put on my shoulders. Because with the growth and all my doubts, I blame myself. Oh..............
I cant go back.
Just today on the phone,I asked of why we aren't scheduled an MRI for when we return. It was asked for but there is no opening yet. Well I was persistent and I think they will find an opening.
Because I know how much growth there was just from last June to August. This was happening with no chemo for those two months. So I cant walk away with the past four weeks with no chemo not seeing if there is more growth since May 1.
Especially with the mishap of the reading and finding more growth.

Ok, here comes trouble, I mean Travis. He is ready to do something, who knows what. So I must get off here.
Please keep the prayers.
God Bless, and love from our family.
P.S. we will be changing pics. Finally.
OH, P.P.S....Travis is on some of the donation flyers,his 11 mnth.old picture is on it. Someone sent me some of them to show us.

Have a Blessed Day.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 12:51 AM CDT

Well Hi....
I dont have a computer to do this as often as I need and want too.
Travisman and I took our short lil'trip to Memphis and had his MRI done on the 2nd and we were told on the 3rd that there was very minimal growth and we were to continue on with the Temodar. Emphasize on "were" in that sentence because with a fast phone call on Thurs. after we got home I got a call from Dr.Fouladi that she was WRONG. That in their regular meeting on Wed. that the man that read the scans actually saw a 28% growth.
So..........now we are at home still and we have to wait 'til the 1st of June. Travis and I will go back. Of course the one time I dont request to see the scans this happens. So I will review the scans completely and ask to see the 'ole Mighty chart, completely.
Now there is crazyness in all this, because for 2 months I had the thought of radiation was to be the next step.
On the same Wed. Dr.F. said "I know you had asked bout radiation." The thing is, is that NO NO, I had never asked I was told that was the next option.
On that same day with the good news Dr. F. brought up the name of RAD001 medicine, but for me not to worry to much about that med. because we were going to continue with the Temodar and keep it the same way we were going.
Well with the phone call on Thurs. the next day, nothing was said of RAD001, instead Dr. F. said the next step is to try VinBlastine.
So, with all that, that is what the plan. To try this chemo.
On the first we will sign consents all that jazz.\

Despite all, Travisman is doing great. Just like always. His counts are up, which never really have gone down. He is growing and talking more and more. Wanting to get into all and loving life and living life with his family at home.

I hope that fills in some questions, and I am sorry to all that I told was good news to hear this now.
I know you all understand that I dont even want to type this cuz I dont want to believe it.

Please keep up the prayers for my son and I do thankyou all.

P.S. I will put in a short story and will have pics to show of this short story soon.
With all that of the radiation in my mind with the growth from March's scans. I decided to do A Wish for Travisman. I had always wanted to wait 'til he could say what he wanted. With that, I know he still can. But I asked to take him to D. World. I dont have time for details today but I will soon
In a short, Travisman had a WONDERFUL time. Ask him if he saw Mickey and he sure will shake his head YES.

Friday, March 3, 2006 8:58 AM CST

Hey to all... I know been really bad about updating. No computer makes it hard.

We are in Memphis right now, but we are leaving today to return to home in Ill.
Travis is eating an apple, one of his many favorites, with his sister and Jeff right now.
Travis had his 2 month check up with MRI and the results were in. There has been large growth since August is what they have told us. Yes they, the docs had told me the tumor was stable since Nov. The growth apparently has been very minimal. The word was 5 to 10% growth since the last MRI.
We are going home to resume on the chemo and we will be back in May, I do believe. For another MRI.
Of course I am to be the "SUPER EYE", and watch for any changes that could be of something gone the wrong way. I think that is said enough to understand.
I will let all know that Travis' counts are extremely high and he is doing well, very well.
Travisman is well, my great strong,stubborn,bullheaded beautiful baby (littleman)boy.

I do have to say the reallity call is in. I do not see the growth stopping. In two months, in our return, I have been given the words of option to be "RADIATION".

6 Weeks of straight, 5 days on and the weekeneds off. Meaning alot of change again and oh man I dont know.

No other chemo is available and the docs say that this would and will be the course to try to go in and kill this monster. Typing all this is hard cuz I haven't had time to sink it all in yet. So, if Im not making sense again or the type is wrong, forgive me.
Due to the stroke there might be a good chance that this, the radiation wont take away any more from him because of that side of the brain being gone.
oh, I have to go eat with the kids.

Sorry, I will update again, I promise. I just cant do this right now and Travisman is calling for mom.

We have our long drive home.
Please keep a prayer for my boy, I know so many of you have and still do and i thank you all.
Love and have a great day.
Julie and Travisman

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:37 PM CST

This will be short and sweet. Hope everyone had a great Holiday. I have to say that we did that I was home with all the kids and loving it.
Travis is doing well. We will start his 5th round of chemo today and do that for the next five days then be of for 23 again.
I hope that this time round is as good as last month. I will give it to him in yogurt again. That has been the best bet yet.
The tumor is stable as of our MRI in Dec.
Travis and I will be flying back to Memphis for some testing with endocrine next week for a couple of days.
Make sure Travis is not going to start growing to fast for me now. He is my lil'hoss.
He is napping at home right now and I took the chance to come to our home town library to update.

Well, its short but he is doing great and all else is life.
Thankyou and please keep a prayer for him.

Sunday, December 25, 2005 4:48 PM CST





Tuesday, September 13, 2005 11:24 PM CDT

Hi, Well today was a day. We all got up, the sister's all had to get off for school. Then it was me,Travis,and the dog.
We ate, Travis ate eggies and my yogurt and then it was time to get dressed. He wants to take off out the door as soon as he wakes up.
Mom had to go get a sticker to be legal. Damn, the costs of driving now adays. Can't afford it.
Then we went back home, we had a friend stop by and that was fun.
Mekenna got home and the 4 of us went for a ride. Meaning the dog(Candy)too. She is just as demanding as the kids. We love the moose.
Travis and Mekenna were eating lunch and Travis was having a slite seizure. Slite meaning that He was looking to the left and this time turning his head more to the left today. I only noticed this once today. Then he fell asleep on the couch for about 2 hours or so.
He played alot today in and out, alot more out than in the house.
They are all in bed right now and it is quiet.
We had a friend, Baby Mark join the angles yesterday.
He was the same age as Travisman, also a St.Jude Baby.
Well, it was, has been kinda a hard day for me today.
I've been crying, I keep hearing think the positive. I know, it's just really hard at times. But I want to thank all that are looking out for my family.
Thankyou for all the support, I wont say I wont or dont need it because I do. I'm strong but man, I just dont know sometimes.

Please keep us in your prayers,
It's starting to storm and I'm gonna go to sleep.
Tommorow when we wake it will be a new day.
God Bless,and to know I still have faith and hope.
With Love and Thanks....

Monday, September 12, 2005 8:32 AM CDT

Well Travis has completed his first full dose of Temodar.
He is doing just fine. It got easier by the last dose. Actually his last dose was good, he took it after a full day of a parade and playing and he went right to sleep.
Now of course we have to WAIT and watch. We were told it will probably be in the 3rd week that his counts will go down.
His runny nose is better. Why he had the fever I have no idea. There hasn't been any thing else. Knock on wood!

He is just plain onory(sp?)just like any other 2 year old. Travis is talking alot more. More words. Travis keeps us all on our toes. He goes and goes. He is the Incredible Travisman. Growing Bigger and Stronger every day.
I look at him and I can't see how he can have anything growing inside him that is not good for him.
He is stubborn. I love to take all the credit for that but Kevin is pretty darn stubborn tooooo.
Good thing, so he has that on his side.
Once again he is trying to help me type. So don't mind the messup's.
Travis just doesn't understand why he cant get into the tv with Elmo. He keeps bumping up to the tv with his but .
Well, Travis has been up since 6 this morning and we have started our day. His sister's are all in school. At least until 11:15 when Mekenna get's home from PreSchool.
I have noticed maybe a little bit of him resting more.
But nothing else, Travis is wonderful. My little handsome bubby.
Please help me in prayer for Travisman, to help fight this mean Tumor to stay. I just dont know how much I can handle to see him go thru anymore.
Ok, have a great day.

Friday, September 9, 2005 10:08 AM CDT

NO, No, NOoooooooooo....This is Travis' new word today. It is so cute to hear him say this. Travis says so many other things but this was just said in the past 2 seconds. It took longer for me to type the good news.
Ok, our lappy is up and connected. As long as the phone can stay connected. Ha.
Sorry if you didn't understand the last update. Wasn't a good day.
Travis and I never went to Memphis, because they called and told us to go to clinic in Peoria instead due to the Big Ole' Hurrican mess.
So, we went and signed forms and Travis started Temador, Temazolimide, chemo. 5days and 23 off. Lots of work here. Have to open the capsules and mix in juice and try to give to Travis. We are going to be doing our 4th dose today. Tuesday in clinic he thru up and that night he wound up with a 102.5 fever. But he had a runny nose when we started. Yesterday was harder than Wed. he thru up again but only a little. I think it has more to do with the gag reflex thing.
I am going to have to do more update on nap time.
Travis is doing well, he is very playful and full of 2 year old stuff,never a dull moment.
I will return, he is just very demanding of mommy's time. He says thats enough get off the computer mom.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 5:31 PM CDT

Well, Travis' surgery went well and we were went home about 10 days after and have been home since. Until yesterday that was. We came in last night to Memphis for his 2 month MRI checkup.
So, we had been swimming alot this summer and being a family and trying to go on with our lives like told to do so.
I on the other hand was (am) bad for not letting all that we know in on the situation and I apologize. Not that I have forgotten, its just, well, kinda doing the no St.Jude thing, was different. Only had to give Travis seizure meds. 2 months without any doc's is a first since all this started. It was like I was trying to think it was all gone. Please understand that me as his mommy, I know it isn't all gone. It was just really nice trying to think that way. Ya know the so so normal life.(yea) The only time was on the 17th of July and that was a flush of the port. Other than that I was really in denial, kinda, trying to think it had all ended.
Ok, Travis has grown, he is still the handsome devil. Stubborn like we know and keeps getting stronger.

I have to apologize with this. Today was his MRI and now I have to tell all that we know the rest of the story.
I wish for once I didn't. Because the last time wasn't good.

First off my lappy is being fixed, that's another reason for no updates. May be lame, but just been doing the normal living no tumors. OK.

Back to today....
The tumor is growing back. Dont ask what size cuz I dont have it. It just is. Not a little, its not back in a ball form it is branching out and I hate it.

Travis to me, in the past few weeks I will say has been having seizure activity again. Slight, and to all that know him probably wouldn't have even noticed. It's that mommy thing. It is like when it started up in march befor they put him back on seizure meds.
Today Neuro Doc uped the seizure meds by 100 mlgs.

The seizures again are very lite. Meaning hard to tell if you dont know what I know. The every day mommy staring at your son thing. Ok.

Branching out I mean in the area that the tumor was. Not growing in a ball maybe like a branch that will shift into a circle.

Temador.(sp?)and yes there is another long T word for the chemo that they have given me lit on. Tommorow I go to talk to someone about Radiation. Only talking about it.
Chemo is most likely the option I will go with at this point and our Neuro doc talked with me about that today.

So it is in the air, with shockwaves written all over it at this moment. Ok, I will be back with updates. If not i will have a messenger on the job.

I haven't told his sister's yet, I have, we have to go home first to do that. Which we will be going back home tomorrow as of right now.

It was the waiting game, and now , well now this. And I dont know and I dont have too many answers. Sorry.

I have to stop here..
Love and thankyou's to all....

Friday, June 3, 2005 6:52 AM CDT

WEll, it's not good. But I know first hand it could be worse.
Travis did not get his last dose of chemo due to the fact of finding a cyst in the tumor. I say in because of the fact it is in the place where the tumor was taken out.
The fluid, whichever the fluid is, don't know yet, has built up and closed up. Growing, putting pressure.
There is no pressure on the ventricle's, that is very good. We were to leave today, but I'm not sure that we are going to.
I know that the docs still have to talk and have to talk to dr.sanford.
All of this hit me hard and still is. But to tell all and smile, Travisman is sitting on my lap right now and he is eating one of his fav's, an apple.

Please send out as many prayer's as possible, for many different reasons.
All this time and now this, it's not

fair at all. Our Travisman is strong, I wish I was as strong. I will be back with more news.
Love julie and travis

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 5:24 PM CDT

Wow, it really has been to long.
Last time I spread any gossip about our son. April 12th it was.
Well, we, me(julie)and Travisman are down in Memphis today. We flew in last night. We were ready to get off the planes. Just long and boring.
Well, today Travisman had his nuclear injection, then we were to get Travisman off for his MRI. Well, that was 2 Hrs. behind. But we got it done and now I have a lil'Travisman that is passed out. He did eat after a long,long,longggggggggggg...wait.
We got the pleasure of a visit while we were here today from my Aunt and Uncle, Bobby and Peggy. It was really great of them to come and share the day with us. They live 2 hours away from Memphis.
AnyWho, Travisman wasn't happy before his MRI. Let me tell the gossip on our son.
The kid's, staff and whomever were all in on the "SillyStringSpray" today. Travisman didn't want any part of it. None! Whatsoever.
But he did want to play some of the games.

So, Tomorrow will be the last dose of Chemo that Travisman is suppose to endure. His 18mnth. protocol will be done.
And for all that have been there for me and my family over the past 2 years of all this madness. We are hoping to have a celebration. Celebration for LIFE at our house.
12p.m. to whenever.
Fun all day for the kids in the yard and laughter and more fun round the fire pit at dark.
I hope the weather allows for it and that we can have fun,fun,fun and more fun. We all need that in life, especially kid's.

So, We are going to go back to the room and sleep. I will let ya know more later. I promise.
Keep praying for our Travisman, we haven't the result's from the scan yet and all the rest.
Thankyou and lots of love, sorry I didn't update sooner.
Try 5 kids and all that jazz by yourself...hehehe...

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 4:37 PM CDT

Well, Travis and Kevin made it home Fri. I was so anxious to see the both of them. I know I was paceing back and forth at the airport.
They came in and I was so proud. Daddy and his lil' boy were home.
Travis had a good trip. He did get sick the night after chemo a lot sooner than would of thought of. It had only been 5 hours or so since his ondansatron thru his port.
It really mad Kevin sad. It tore him up, he took good care of Travis tho. I knew he would. Kevin adores his lil'Travisman even tho he looks just like his mommy now.
Well it was a warm day to come back home to as well. All weekened the kids played outside.
Today is a different story tho. Travis got very mad that he couldn't go out.
But we did go to therapy today and he enjoyed that. Then I treated the kids to happymeals.
So, all is good with lil'Travisman. He is taking his medicine for the seizure's. He does the little shake when he swallow's, but it all goes down. I haven't seen any seizure activity since we were in the hospital.
Thankyou all that come and visit Travis site.
I appreciate all that is given in Prayer. All the loving thought's that go out for our son is just such a godsent.
Thankyou all for the encouragement.
OUr comp is still down, so I will try to get back later this week to the library to update again.

Loving and cheerishing every minute of everyday.....

Thursday, April 7, 2005 11:36 AM CDT

Hi well they are almost done with Memphis.
Travis is in the medicine room right now and Daddy is ready to bring him home.
They were up early with an EEG this morning I know for Travis. I do not know how things went with that. But, Kevin and Travis sounded much alive when I spoke with Kevin earlier.
We sure do miss you guys here at home. Bring back some warm weather.
Remember, next month is Travis' last dose of this 18mnth. protocol for chemo.
Then it is the waiting game of every 3 mnth.
So, please pray for the guys that all is well with Travis and they are to come home tomorrow still.

God Bless.

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:17 AM CDT

Hi, Well I'm missing my men.
Travis and his daddy (Kevin) are in Memphis right now.
Got them off to the airport yesterday.
It was sweet to see them off, but I'm wishing they were home already.
I hear it is warm and muggy down there in Memphis.
I packed Travisman with shorts and more shorts.
They are to be there until Fri. they will fly back home.

Well, maybe Kevin will update for us and let us all know what is going on. That's if Travisman will let him.

Saturday, April 2, 2005 1:16 PM CST

Hi to all...
Just a quick update. Travis is doing well. He is playing and being the big boy we all love.
He will be going to Memphis with daddy(kevin). They will fly out on Tues. wont be back until Fri.
This will be the first time Kevin has flown with him. He actually get''s the easy way out. Travisman is big enough for his own seat now. HEHEHE...
He is the big 2!!
But the meds for the seizures is working and he is doing well.
SpringBreak is almost over and it is time for him to go back to Memphis already and it is hard for me to leave the girls. Even tho Kevin is trying to find work he is going to go with Travis.
May will be the last month of his protocol chemo.
So we will see..
But the kids are calling and I have to get off.

Sunday, March 27, 2005 11:47 AM CST

Happy Easter to all.....
Well, Travisman is haveing and has been having seizures.
He is in the OSF Hospital today and is not himself. Not due to the seizure's themselves. But due to the Dilantin.
We came in for the EEG and the neuro-doc was in the room and saw his test's that were going on and he wanted him admitted emidately.
So, we are here and I am praying that the meds will get this all under controll and he will get to go back home in a day or two.
Tomorrow is the next set day for another EEG to see how the meds are doing. It was ssaid to be from the activity near the scar tissue. Right now I have a strong headache and I dont want to go into detail.
But this can give you an idea. I wont go into the fact of the problem's again of feeling as tho I was getting the run around, not being listened to.
It will only make my head hurt more.

We wish you all a very HOPPY EASTER and will update again soon.

One last note. I got to put Travis into a wagon and pull him around. Oh,Boy. Cuz, he hasn't been able to ride in the one he got for his birthday(from BearNeccesities(sp?)).
So, he is not wanting to get out of the wagon now.
He did fall asleep and the nurse said he was good.
Thankyou all and please say a prayer for that these seizures will be put under control.

Thursday, March 10, 2005 5:34 PM CST

Hey there,
Well after a long morning at the hospital. Travis is taking a nap. A long awaited nap too.
He showed the doc's and all how he is really trying to walk. He gave mommy a workout too.
The results from the MRI were in and yes the tumor is still sitting there. I really wasn't told of much shrinkage of course. I am going to get a cd with some pics to take home for the keeping and show.
The tumor isn't doing anything, but Travisman sure is.
I am very happy with the doc's telling me of this great news. I just wish I knew the whole story. I'm not going to dwell on it.
So tomorrow is chemo and then we go home on sat. morning. We are to get back home around 2:30, thankyou GOD.
I have done alot thanking him lately.

Come to find out news back home Travis' lil' sis Mekenna has gotten hurt. While at play. It is said to be a hairline fracture on her foot. By her big toe.
Called home, like always and Daddy is bored stiff and his sister Jess, and Kilee are too. The three of them are at the house. Leanna and Mekenna went with their dad while we are here.
So, Travisman is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know he is bored. He had me walking out the front doors today at the hospital and did not want to go back in for nothing. He knows whats going on and he seems to be ready to get back to home too.

Our Miracle and our lil'Man is so strong.
I will update more later. I'am sleepy. So I think I will join him in a nap.

Thankyou and lots of love to all that help us in our prayer for Travis to keep on fighting.

Wednesday, March 9, 2005 1:04 PM CST

Well we made it on the plane. We finally got in about 7:30 last night. Travis was a perfect baby on the plane. I should say planes. Add on another adventure for us to share on the planes. The first one out of home base he got to sit in his own seat. A couple of more weeks and he wont be a lapbaby any more.
The 2nd plane was full and he sat on my lap. We had the pleasure of sitting next to a very nice couple that were coming back from the Bahama's. Michale and Casandra. He is a Minister so he asked if he could say a prayer for Travis.
Of course, that was very comforting.

Travis is very grogy right now. Just done with his MRI, and his hearing test. So like the saying from the past he looks and is acting like he's a lil'drunk.HEHEHE...
So he is done for the day.
It is raining here and we walked over. No big hurry for us to just go and sit in the Grizzly House.
Can you tell I'm wishing this was all done and we were back home. Missing Daddy and sissy's.....

So, all is well right now. I will update again.
Please say a prayer for Travisman that his MRI comes back with GREAT news. I am trying not to worry. But I think too many of us know and hate the waiting game.
Well it is almost 7pm and Travis has decided to join me. He has woke up and he is still a little on the drunk side being so goofy and silly.
Watching me type like what ya doin?
It is so late and cant make it back to the cafe' so we will hit the vending machine. When it decides to let us swipe our card. It is busy. Doing what I have no clue. It is a vending machine for goodness sakes. So, now our nite will be about Travis and to see just how much the Phyntinal (sp?) has worn off. NOT MUCH!!!!!
He is so cute.
Love and thanks to all......

Tuesday, March 1, 2005 5:47 PM CST

I know it has been a long time since an update. Travis got his chemo in Peoria in Feb.
Well next week it is off to Memphis for his MRI and his chemo and eye exam.
We will be there from the 8th until the 12th.
Travis and Mom are going to fly this month.
Travis is doing well this month. We need to get his labs tomorrow just to be on the safe side and will tell if any thing is not right.
Our computer hasn't been working but I am in the public library right now and giving a brief update.
Hard to come here with Travisman to do this.

I did check out some other babies alot of us know and my heart aches to read some of the things on their websites.
I am so lucky that Travis' battle eased up on him last Jan.2004.
I thank God for giving me this time and once again I see how short of time we do have.
Thankyou to all that stop and leave us messages.
Thankyou for all the prayers.
Travis has his MRI next week please help me with prayer for our son that things can continue the way they have.
I say I see how precious time is but I have wasted so much of life.
I cant really say all I want,
But thankyou again.
love Julie (just Jessica,Kilee,Leanna,Mekenna, and Travisman's Mommy)

Tuesday, February 8, 2005 11:22 AM CST

Hi, to all.
Well, Travis went thru alot last month and he seems to be doing much better since getting platelettes.
Just seems like everyone around him has had a cold and been sick. Keeping Travis strong has been a battle.
But he loves to be on the go and not sick. Stuborness, it does good. Sometimes.
We will be staying home this month and get his chemo in Peoria. Actually they wanted us to do it today but Big Sis Jessica is still home with a fever and we had to reschedule for Friday. He wouldn't have gotten it until Thursday in Memphis.
Please help us in praying that this month after his chemo he can go back to the way he use to be. No blood or pltlts. this time. Just some puck meds and be my happy lil' Travisman.
We thankyou for all the support and love and the prayer's for our family. I do know all of this has been hard on his daddy and I.
Life is full of ups and downs. I know so many other families out there that know exactly what I am saying.

One thing Travis is still trying hard to walk. I was talking about getting him a walker for him. Today he is acting like his leg is bothering him. I hope not I will keep an eye on him.
Thankyou all for the support.
Have a great day and now that I got the comp to turn back on I will try to leave it on again. It got unpluged by little people and it has taken this long to get it turned back on.
So, I will try again.

Monday, January 31, 2005 10:52 AM CST

Well, 10 day's since I got to update.
Let's see, Travis is at home. He got to come home on the 22nd. He did recieve a unit of blood and then we got to go.
I have to say while we were in the hospital, Travis had an unexpected visitor, we all did. My sister had her baby boy, Aidan Tyler. So, in our hospital stay I became an auntie.
Travis was doing good at home except for his counts still didn't want to work on the up side. He had to go back to the hospital for Platelett's. Since he recieved them his body is working back on the right track.
Also he is working. Working on walking. He has learned that holding on to his toys can help him along.
He is a pistol. Even with his counts low, he is full of it.
Things back at home are doing much better for Travis.
Now if I can just get myself and the rest of the girls to stay healthy.
By the way Travis is fastly learning the word NO. Learning to mock me that is. NONO. He just wants up into everything I do.
Which dont get me wrong, I love every minute of it.
If you know me you know that to be so TRUE. lIKE RIGHT NOW HE IS HELPING ME TYPE. OH PLEASE

Friday, January 21, 2005 3:18 PM CST


Wednesday, January 19, 2005 9:07 AM CST

Well, Travis started yesterday with a fever.
Again, I don't know why. I took him over and more blood culter's from the port and periphial(sp?)stick. Travis got another dose of Rocephin.
He ate when we got home and he was ok, a little fussy but to be expected.
Just as I was putting him to bed though he got sick.
His fever had gone back up. At 4:00pm I gave him some tylenol, our doc from Memphis said to go ahead. Not liking the fact that it was only 6 days since chemo. Not wanting his fever to go up to fast and possibly start a seizure.
I waited a while after he got sick and tried to give him some more tylenol. Being 9pm, it would be alright. His fever was 102.3 again. But it didn't work out he got sick again and shortly after fell asleep.

He loves his strawberry milk, and I wasn't thinking it would be the best thing for him. Boy did he shun away the Gatorade I gave him.
I waited and went ahead about a half hour later and gave him a few ounces of his favorite.

He woke up earlier today, about 6:30 and he was a little warm, he layed right back down. So I let him be.
So I am asking for a few good prayer's for little Travisman to get over this fever thing already and be my smileing baby boy again. Not lil'Mr.Fussy.
Not knowing why he has a fever is tiresome.
Here his sister's went to school yesterday. Not to come home with the fact of me having to leave to take Travis back to the hospital,again.
Being by myself with the kids, I feel as too much pressure is put on my older girls and well I know there are way to many families that know this story. So I will stop.
Please pray that when Travis wakes back up this morning that he will be loaded with smiles.

Smiles, thats what he is all about.

Monday, January 17, 2005 6:57 PM CST




Monday, January 10, 2005 10:17 PM CST

Hi to all,
Travis is on his way to Memphis with his daddy and gramaDonna and one of his big Sister's,Kilee. They got off to a late start tonight about 8pm. Travis recieved his last dose of Rocefen today about 6pm, and then we went back home and off they were set to go.
They have a short visit this week. Only on Tues and Wed. So, now I feel really weird here at home with only 3 of my children.
Please pray for them that they have a safe trip.
Also that all goes well while they are there.
I will say that Travis looks so Great compared to last Tues. He has color back into his face.
I just dont think he will ever have a norm at the docs when something has to wrong it has to be crazy.
Our poor lil' Travis still has a pink bracelet on.
It's from the darn allergy bracelet. Go figure, he is allergic to that too. Not just clear plastic tape, anything like that.
He was taking a few steps today on his own also.
That is the awesome news of today.
He took his steps in the middle of the floor, not going towards anyone or anything.
Boom, he fell down. But not a sound. Plus he landed on a stuffed Elmo.
His Auntie Kelly got him this Elmo for Christmas, its as big as him.
Since another Auntie Marilyn, and our superheroAaron, got Travis hooked on Elmo.
He still and I know will always love the red dude.
Speaking of his Aunt Kelly, could we get a few Prayers for her, for Kelly is my lil'sis and she is going to have her first baby and she is BedRidden, right now. Hateing it,but her blood pressure is an issue and toxemia. She is due in the next 7 weeks. (suppose to be a handsome boy)

As soon as I here whats the news I will let ya know.
Please say a Prayer for our lil'friend BretBrady, he is haveing a hard time this weekened. A prayer for him and his family would be greatly appreciated.
He is another lil'bub that I look up to for Travis.
Bret was there trying to help Travis at a very hard time.
He is so little but such a Big Heart.
They all are.
I do know that God does work Miracles at times and I am praying for Bret that he will show us another Miracle.
Please Pray for the Brady family.

Will sign on as soon as I hear from lil'Travisman, he does love the phone.

Satfrday, January 8, 2005 4:11 PM CST

Hi to everyone.
Thankyou for the wonderful pics. That's to PBL,Vickie. I finally have my phone hooked back up.
Now today is a day of being at home.
Travis just spent the last few days in the hospital here at home. Last Sunday he came down with a fever, I waited like we are to do. Watching for signs,but nothing showed up. I wound up taking him to the home town hospital, first calling to the hospital that is 20 mles away, where we have our reg. doc and they said couldn't access Travis' port. So it was set, we called the home town hospital here in Princeton and sure enough this is where he was accessed. We went into the ER and and got him accessed and they took his blood and gave him a gram of Rocefen.
This was Tues night. Wed. Kevin came and told me our doc called and said to get Travis to the doc's office.
A bacteria was found in the blood.
So lil'Travisman spent all week in the hospital. He was good but needed to take some more blood and run another culture. We got hime accessed. This time there was someone there at the hospital,the hospital that we go to that first told us they couldn't access him the nite before.
Anywho, doing this Travis was a super trooper thru all of this, of course.
But once again Travis doesn't do the norm. The UNUSUAL happened.
On being at the hospital with him, about 11pm I went to touch Travis, in finding his chest on the left side to be swollen.
Long story short the needle had to have come up. Only to be in the skin and not in his port. Of course I screemed and said take it out now.
Travis was feeling fine, He just had a boobie bigger than his mommy. The fluids absorbed and he was good.
Allthough on that nite they had given him a very strong antibiotic. Vancomyosin(sp?) With this they scare of it having an affect on his skin. Well it never did. Thankyou God, I said.
But I also said, how much do you expect Travis to take. I asked God to let up on our son. I seen enough, I wanted to just break down. But life is full of ups and downs and in looking into Travis' eyes I knew it was going to be alright.

So no more Vanco, was given. Only Rocefen. So we blew that popcycle stand and came home last night. I have to take him back for Rocefen today and tomorrow. Another dose on Monday as well. He is doing great.
Travis is to be in Memphis next week as well. Not sure who all is taking him just yet. But we will be there.
Gets his Nuclear testing on Tues.,Dentist,Neurologist Visit,and chemo.
So, with all that blablabla...Travis is doing great. He is such a ham.
I am very thankful to PBLady for getting updated pics of Travisman on here for us. Thankyou thankyou....
Well I have to get Travis ready to go.
Wish us luck cuz, ya know some know the port and some dont. I am just glad that I do pay attention.
Really honestly, I cant wait til the day comes I can go to school myself for Nursing.
But we will update more often, got the ringer on and that is so great.
Please keep a prayer for Travisman...I know that they have all helped.
love julie and Travisman

Wednesday, December 29, 2004 4:37 PM CST


Well first I want to say Merry Christmas to you all.
I did update in Memphis. I know I know your saying no its not there Julie. Well there remember we have the 30 min. thang. Well, those who know me know that I dont always watch the clock. So it was one of those that I did sit there and try to type and tell all, and BAM!!! There it all went with the screen saying your time is up. DUH...
Well, Kevin and I and Travisman traveled to Memphis.
We got there to do his MRI.
In which the doc told us the same. The tumor is sitting there. Not getting smaller but not getting any bigger either. So, all in all it is GREAT. Because......
Travis is getting bigger and stronger and the tumor is just laying low.
Doc said in room, Gee..I love the enthusiasm. Well I told her I was just hoping to hear that it was shrinking or something of that kind. But what I told her and I will say to you all.
I am so ever greatful of all the angels and prayer's that have done so much work in helping keep all the way it is.
I am so ever greatful to God for giving us the life we have with Travis.
I dont understand why it is the way it is but I am coping with it and living for the moment of the seconds we have to live, the minutes, the hours,the days,the weeks, the months, and the almost a whole nother year to live our lives with Travisman.

Now, enough of the mushy stuff.
Travis and his sister's had a GREAT Christmas TOGHETHER this year.
This was his 2nd Christmas but it was their first together. I do believe that we will have many many more to come.
I would love to tell all of you that we are Very Greatful for all that you did for us at Christmas time this year too. THANK YOU ALL....for helping me make sure that all of my children had a wonderful Christmas at home.
AGAIN....Saying that with the memories of last year at this time. I just kept saying that no matter what, we are home this year and that alone was going to make our families Christmas GREAT.
We would like to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year.
It has been one heck of a ride for the year 2004...
I have so much to say about that but I am at the public library and I've wiped to many tears already.
Because there are tooooo many people I miss...there I go again crying so ok

Travis is doing Great...chemo still on for the next five months... then I dont know. I ask whats next and I kinda get the run around on the subject.
I know, I know " the waiting game"...we all know that game really has bad rules.

Next month we are to see the neurologist, and go to the dentist and chemo. Next MRI should be in March.
And guess what else March is..????? Travisman will be a whole big 2!
Jan.10th we will have to get on the move to get Travis to Memphis again. It will be a 5 day trip this time .
Now I have broken promises this year. About updating. I hope everyone can look at it this way. If I haven't updated it means the kids are driving me somewhere and I cant get here. Sounds good to me. Kilee, Travis' 10 year old sister just gave me a look for that one.
But Me,Kevin,Jessica,Kilee,Leanna,Mekenna and Travis are doing allright back at home.
And we thank all of you from our hearts. So many of you have touched our lives. I for one will always be in debted to you for the support in so many ways.

I will try to get to the comp at least once a week to update. No promises, I will try.
Happy New Year and live love and laugh......

Julie and Travisman and his daddy and all his sister's.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:12 AM CST

Hello, to all.
Well Travisman is in Memphis today. He left yesterday with his daddy(Kevin)and his grama Donna.
Yes we were scheduled to fly out but there is alot going on with Travis' sister's and I needed to stay home with them and Daddy needed to go with this time. So the three of them drove down. Today is his renal scans then chemo tomorrow and an eye exam and a visit over at the endo clinic.
Travis will be getting his next MRI next month. The waiting game.
I do have to tell all that in Travis' waiting game he is playing it very well. He is being watched over and all the prayer's I do indeed believe are helping.
Travis got his first hair cut by the barber this month. We took him to Franklin's and Daddy sat him in the chair and of course Travis did not like getting his hair cut. But he is my baby boy, and he needed it.lol...
Grama Donna got pics.
I know I said that I was going to update his pics I just dont know how and I dont have a phone due to our outrageous bill. So, it is hard.
Things are getting better tho. I am getting back to work,Travis will stay with his daddy or grama. Plus Kevin hopefully will be starting a new job. Please help pray that he gets this job.
Travis on the view, he is growing like crazy. He thinks he is just gonna take off and walk. He wants to so badly.
He is walking across the room holding onto the furniture with his right side. He has yet to turn and hold on with his left tho.
Please keep the prayer that he will regain the strength in the left arm and hand. This is the hard part for him.
Kevin said to me that its almost like he was reborn after the surgery to stop the bleed.
It's almost as if he is 11 mnths. now and still moving forward, even tho he is 20 mnths.

Having the no phone with out the internet is what is keeping me from being able to update all the time. I will just keep trying.
Please keep the prayers coming and we thankyou all for all your support. God Bless You All.

Thursday, October 28, 2004 2:30 PM CDT

Well Travis got his chemo in Peoria and he did just like before. Give him the Ondansetron and he is just fine.
But, right now he has come down with a terrible cold. Kinda just like what everyone else is getting. He is still running strong tho.
We are at the library and he is scooting all over the place.
So all is well. Travis and Kevin have to carve there pumpkins tonight. Travis was sleeping when me and the girls did ours and Kevin was working. So it is there turn to get all that gunky gooey stuff on them.

So everyone have a fun filled Halloween.
I will try to get back to comp when I have more time to tell of Travis.

Please keep all the prayers coming for our family. We really love them and thankyou all for the support.
Yes I still have to get the news pics on here.
We have to go. will return soon.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 5:37 PM CDT

Hi to all...
Travis is doing great. We are still at home and we will be going to Peoria this time for his chemo. We have lots to do here at home with all his sister's and it is hard when we leave them each month for a week at a time.
So, we are going to get his chemo tommorow. We will however go back down to Memphis in Nov. we will leave around the 15th and be there for that week.
We wont miss any holiday's with the family this year!!!
No Way!!!

Well, I got pic's back from the photo shoot and I will try to figure out how to put some on here this week. Plus we will be sending out pics to bunches of people's we love and thank.

I am at the library at home here doing this and I need to get back home.
Things at home haven't been easy, but we are all together.
And I have been reading alot and praying alot. More than I ever have in my life.
I know there's reason's and there is a purpose for all.

When I figure it out I will let all know.

Please, forgive the long pause in our journal.
Please keep a prayer in mind for Travis.
He is great, he still is trying with the physical therapy. He isn't walking, doing the scooting thing still. Lots of babble going on too. He understands all.
He is the Hulk...keeps on getting bigger and stronger every day.
His Aunt Marla and Uncle Wayne got him an outfit for his first B-Day with the Hulk on it and it said just that. I will keep the outfit forever.

So, gots to get back home.
Love and thanks....
Julie, Travis',Jessica's,Kilee's,Leanna's and Mekenna's

Monday, October 4, 2004 8:54 AM CDT

ok I have to make this a quick note.
I am sorry not telling the news of Travis right away.
The results of the MRI was that the tumor is not doing a darn thing. That is great in the meaning that it is not growing but in the other meaning is that it is not getting any smaller and it really did not seem to be of in a dieing stage either.
But with all that I have faith. I look at Travis every day and thankyou all for the prayers and I thankgod for all he has done everyday.

We will probably be going back to memphis around the 20th of this month.

With the news of the MRI I have to say our lil'Travisman is doing really great. He is getting into everything just like a normal lil' boy should be doing.
Travis isn't on any med's at all at this time except for pentamidine once a month. Instead of taking the septra all the time.

Travis and his sisters are trying to get ready for Halloween.

Thankyou all for still visiting Travisman's website.
Please keep all the prayers coming and soon we are to have our disc with pics on it of Travis from the photo's with Laura at St.Jude.
Cant wait to show you all how he has grown.
Love and Thankyou from
Julie Kevin Travisman,Jessica,Kilee,Leanna,and Mekenna

Thursday, September 23, 2004 9:28 AM CDT

Well here we are again. The question of where are we.
I do so apologize for saying I would not let it go this long to update and it happened again.
It's been hard at home financially.

TRAVIS, He is great. Right now he is in MRI and then he has an ABR test. Then we are thru with all here this visit.
Travis has been doing very well. This info will put a smile to all. He pulled himself up to a stand for the first time, last Thurs. nite. He did it again last nite in the med. room in his crib. Boy did I jump. Put the rails all the way to the top. He is determined.
I came across some info from the Amer.Stroke Assc. and I am going to try and further his help other than what PT and OT he gets at home.
Travis still scoots across the floor. The little bit that he has done as far as the standing is so miraculous to me. I am trying to think positive always and think he will walk. You know there is a BUT in my thought.
Because I do have to be realistic. He may need other assistance for that. I wont say no more.
Travis and I went and picked out 5 photo's from his photo shoot last time we were here.
So, as soon as I get the disk I will update his pic on here so I can really show all how he has grown.
He still has a head full of BLONDE hair. It really lost the redness like his daddy has.
He looks like me now.(hehehe)

Travis has had a very good summer and we are going to be getting ready for whatever else we can do while we still have the warmth in Illinois.
We are to fly out today to go back home. BUT, we may just drive home with two of our favorite people. Aaron Hunter and his mommy, Marilyn.
They are going back home and we live 1 hour from each other. I dont have Arron's link on here so go check out our Lil'Super Hero. Caringbridge.org/il/arrondhunter.
I can't and wont leave without Travis' result's from the MRI either so that is the main factor. If they can't get that to me by the end of the day we would have to stay until Sat. cuz of no planes available on Fri.
We have been very fortunate.
Travis has been doing so well. Looking at our son you would not be able to notice any health problems.
I haven't gone back to work yet and this may just be the one test that will determine that.
But my biggest problem is finding daycare for Travis.
Some have said to me that it is just me that is keeping myself from returning to work yet. Well when I have been the one to be there for Trav and I wont put him into a DayCare again it is hard to return.
If anyone can find me a nanny that I can afford be my guest to send them my way. ETC......

No more on that subject.
Travis is Great and I want to let everyone know how I will always be greatful for all the support and love and especially all the Prayer's you have given me and my family. All of my family

Running out of time on comp. I will return with the news of his MRI. TODAY!!!!


Thursday, August 26, 2004 2:44 PM CDT

Hello to everyone,
Thankyou for coming and seeing Travis even tho I have not been able to update.
I will never again let it go that long without an update.
Please forgive me.
Travis is doing GREAT, really he is. We had a short visit the last time we were here and we got home and had a very good time. Travis had no problem after the last chemo what so ever.
We are here til' tomorrow and Travis had his nueclear test yesterday and he came thru with colors of gold showing that his kidney's and all are still working very well. Filtering out the chemo with no hesitation.
Travis is still only recieving Carbo and he is tolerating that very well also.

You can look at our son and not ever be able to tell thru his eyes that there is any sign of tumor ever to have been there.
I so wish that was the truth, BUT, Travis is going to beat this tumor and Travis is going to have a great life watching his Mommy and Daddy and Grama's and PaPa's grow old. Oh and all his Auntie's and Uncle's tooooooooo. ETC.... Travis is going to grow to be able to terrorize his big sister's when they (grrrrr) bring there boyfriend's around and all that good stuff that lil' brother's are suppose to do.
Travis is getting his chemo today and tomorrow he has a few appointments and at 12:00pm he is going to go get his picture taking with his Big Super Hero Arron.

I will get home and work on updating pictures of Travis for all to see. Because I cant just tell you how big Travis is any more, I need to show it.

I will update again before the day is over. So Thankyou for all that have come to visit but no new news was posted. I apologize again.

God Bless All of You. Please keep your prayer's in for My lil' Travisman. Without all your words left here in our guestbook I do believe our time going thru all of this would of been harder.

Love Julie, Travis,Jessica,Kilee,Leanna and Mekenna's Mommy.....

Friday, July 30, 2004 7:24 PM CDT

To Everyone that thinks that I just might not be on top of things. I just haven't had access to a comp. Since our phone is off at this time.

But we are in Memphis right now and finished w/ Travisman's chemo and I have to tell all that he is doing GREAT!!!!!!

Honestly I was a lil' scared this past week because he has been acting a little more tired than usuall.

We are positive that there are no worries of any problems with the tumor. So we can all be rest asured of that thought.
Now we just need to pray and ask for this round of chemo to work hard on doing what we ask for it to do.

Travis and I will be going home in the EARLY morning hour. Try like the cab will be here to pick us up at 4:00 a.m. So, we will be getting back over to the Grizzly House and packing.
Our flight leaves at 6:20 and we will have one stop and be home at 10:00.

Sorry to everyone who has been wondering. After our last visit to Memphis we got home and had to finish moving.
Things are really rough for me at home right now. But I have my children and we have a roof over our heads and we are all together. Me and all 5 of my children.

I just want all to know Travis is doing really well. His sister's are waiting anctiously for us to get home.
I will be updating soon after we get home.

We are to come back to Memphis on the 25th of Aug. already for a 4 day stay this time.

We love so many and miss so many.
I was touched with some very upsetting news when I first got here this week and it is hard to say anything else.

But please....Hold on to every minute you have with your children and cherish each one FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To all thankyou for your support and prayer's...

Good nite for now...
I'm taking Travisman home to his crib.....
Love Julie, Travis' mommy.

Wednesday, July 7, 2004 1:58 PM CDT

Hi to all...
Well we returned home on the first. Our trip home was a success.
Our trip to Memphis was good too.
Travis got his MRI, the docs said the tumor is just kinda sitting there. Which is great that it is not growing, but at the same time it really stinks that the docs cant tell me that the chemo is doing a really good job and killing off the tumor. We have the "waiting game". Not at all the way that I want to live with my family. I know that alot of us play the waiting game. We all hate it.

Travis is sitting on the floor right now and getting into the video's. Naughty boy. HEHEHE...

But Travis is doing really good. I have to take him back to Memphis on the 28th and 29th of this month for his chemo.
So I want to say thankyou for all the prayer's. Please keep them coming. To alot of familys that we know out there to tell you that we are praying for you all to. For many and many different reasons. Well its off to unpacking and trying to keep my strength.

lots of love and hugs...
Travis' mommy

Wednesday, July 7, 2004 1:58 PM CDT

Hi to all...
Well we returned home on the first. Our trip home was a success.
Our trip to Memphis was good too.
Travis got his MRI, the docs said the tumor is just kinda sitting there. Which is great that it is not growing, but at the same time it really stinks that the docs cant tell me that the chemo is doing a really good job and killing off the tumor. We have the "waiting game". Not at all the way that I want to live with my family. I know that alot of us play the waiting game. We all hate it.

Travis is sitting on the floor right now and getting into the video's. Naughty boy. HEHEHE...

But Travis is doing really good. I have to take him back to Memphis on the 28th and 29th of this month for his chemo.
So I want to say thankyou for all the prayer's. Please keep them coming. To alot of familys that we know out there to tell you that we are praying for you all to. For many and many different reasons. Well its off to unpacking and trying to keep my strength.

lots of love and hugs...
Travis' mommy

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 1:04 PM CDT

Well we were in clinic and got the news that the tumor looks stable and not growing.
It really is not getting smaller, I did not see it this time but it is not growing and chemo is doing the job from letting it go anywhere.
We did the cortizole test today. Checking his Pittuitary Gland. I wont really get the result's from that til' we get home.
This test will decide on whether or not Travis has to take a Cortizole (Dexamethazone) all the time or just when he needs it when he is stressed.(stressed,meaning under a virus or any such thing,the body working to hard and the Pit.Gland not working enough)
I am praying that he is only on for when he is stressed!
Please help me with this. Anyone.
I dont want my son to be put on Dex, for to many of us know how it changes who our children REALLY are.
We are waiting to do chemo. It is going to be another long drawn out day.

RUMOR HAS IT...That Steven Segal has had an unfortunate visit here with us all with our children.
RUMOR SAID...that his daughter has been found to have Leukemia.
Give a prayer that this is only a RUMOR.

Thankyou all, and please keep the love and support that we recieve coming. Off to the medicine room.

lots of love and hugs...

julie and travis

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 10:36 AM CDT

Hi to all...
Well we are doing great so far. Hot here, somewhat cloudy tho. Travis is getting so much smarter. He has been looking around as to, why am I here, kind of look.
Today we go over to the endrocronologist, then at 1:15 we are off to get Travis his MRI done.
Keep those prayer's coming so this time maybe just maybe we will see a huge difference. Meaning that the scans will show nothing. I know that is alot to ask for. It's worth a shot. Nothing being of any tumor in sight.

Travis is playing the drop it mommy pick it up game. So I will be back later today to tell more.

Thankyou all and we love you for all the support and let it be known that Travis' mommy does pray alot and I am so thankful that the big man God is listening to me.
Thankyou God.

I just have to listen to alot more things in life and maybe they would work out easier.

Lots of love and hugs...
Julie and Travisman

Well it is 2pm and we are still waiting to get in to MRI this is the first time we have ever had to wait. So thought we'd tell ya'll we're just waiting.

Poor baby Travis is hungry.
Me too.

OK, at 3:10 I walked away from putting Travis under the med's. He is out and ready and getting the MRI underway.
I'm praying that all is well and I do know God is listening.
Please help with the prayer's.
love and lots of hope,
Julie, Travis' Mommy
He is out now and did well, he acted and looked like a silly drunk. hehehe...
He drank some of his bottle and is out. Thankyou and good nite for today.

Sunday, June 27, 2004 8:53 PM CDT

We're here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We left today from home was on the road at 1p.m. got to the airport and off to O'hare we went. Flight was good. We didn't have to walk far for the next terminal. We got on our next flight and we got here at the Grizzly House bout 8:30.
We just met a new family, and we shared supper with them. Now our belly's are full and we gonna walk over to the hospital. BUT, it's raining....
So we came in here to tell all we are here. And we are in room 2003.
I thank god for our safe trip. We will sign in again later. Travis sat on mommy's lap both flight's and he slept. He is such a trooper. No Benadryl either.
Well he wants to go.

Love and thankyou all.
We love it when you sign in and leave a note.

Darn it sorry we missed you again Brett and Kelly.

HEY... I have to say this Travis started playing Patty Cake.
He actually pats his left hand and he really love's the part of put it in the belly just as fast as you can. He starts to rub his belly before I can get to that part.

love and lots of hugs..
Please keep the prayer's in for our family.
I do believe they are listened to and answered as well.
Thankyou God...
We miss you all back home already.
love Julie and Travis

Monday, June 21, 2004 4:57 PM CDT

Hello to all...
Well soon Travis and I will be on our way to Memphis again for his MRI and eye exam and his chemo. We will leave on the 27th,Sunday, a new ride for us. We will leave out of Peoria like always. But then we will be flying to O'Hare. I grew up there we just haven't gone that way yet. So another journey our son is putting me thru.
Travis is doing well. Great actually. He is playing on the floor. He is reaching for any and everything.
I have to get new pics up, because so many of you will be amazed at how he has changed.
His grama said he need a trim. I don't want to cut his hair. But you can barely see his scar.
I always said he was stubborn.

On the other hand we have another house. Now it is just the money part that goes along with the move. Not one thing it's another. The house is smaller. By much, but ya have to do what ya have to. Plus there is no washer dryer hook up. Don't get me wrong it is a nice house just the way the owner fixed it, he didn't put the hook up in.
He said I could do it, I just have to pay for it. Well, that is kinda a stinker considering it's not my house. But with the five children and myself. I do laundry every day. So hopefully that will work out some how to.
The rest of the chlidren are good. Today it rained so it has made for a TV day and being bored.

Thankyou for all the prayer's and words of faith.
We need all the extra we can get.
So it's off to packing.
Lots of love and hugs of thankfulness from this family...
Julie,Kevin,Travisman, Jessica,Kilee,Leanna, and Mekenna.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:22 AM CDT

Well it is Wed. and I have to say that all is good. Travis started to have a running nose. But it has turned out to be nothing. Maybe just the a/c. I know that for me on the other hand I sounded almost like Mickey Mouse. Travis' daddy,Kevin, hasn't felt the greatest either. But nothing a little cold med. cant help.
We were just making sure Travisman didn't get sickie.
Other than the sniffle's Travis is doing real good. He is actually sitten here with his big sissy Mekenna,and trying to pull a puzzle out of her hand. When she say's no, he puts his right hand over his face. That is the usuall for Travisman. If he is getting into something he will put his hand over his face. Or he will wave with his right hand.
We are still doing phys.therapy w/ trying to gain strength on his left side. He is alot stronger in his left leg. But I do have to say that he still doesn't use his left arm. At times I see him move it. But if we are repitious with it he will again use his left side. I have faith, because he is so strong willed.
Ya know people look at Travis and say you would not know there was anything wrong with him just by looking at him.
That is how it has been since all this started. Looks are decieving and I hope that the people in the medical feild have opened their eyes to just that.
You can't jucge a book by it's cover!
If they haven't figured that out yet they need too. Because I know that our son was looked at by the docs and they would look at me and say "oh, Travis is fine he is a beautiful baby boy, there isn't anything wrong with your son."
Makes ya wonder what they(people in the medical field) think when they have mistaken and sent you home and there IS something wrong.
I know how I feel as a mother.
And yes I KNOW that we are all human and make mistakes. But.....
I will stop there and tell how greatful I am for all the times when someone did listen to me.
More than words could ever say. Because we are to learn from mistakes too. That I have done. In doing so it has made me a stronger mother in many ways.
I have so much more to learn tho. To be strong every day is a fight in it's own.
I am greatful, because Travis is still here with us and is strong enough to pull at me and I can feel the strength he has in that pull to stand up.
That in itself is hope and alot of pride right there. That makes for a very good reason to fight every day and not give in to any mistakes. To keep on going with the thoughts of life is alive. To cherish every moment of it!
Now if any of what I just typed made any sense. Because I know that I have made mistakes in typing this and hehehe,maybe noone will see them. Good thing for backspace.
Like taking a step back and seeing the mistake, fixing it and moving on with more strength than when first started.

Ok, enough of my babble...
Travis is stuck, in his walker and is pushing to go the other direction, with a lil' help he will be on his way across the room again.
So, I hope all has a good day.
Oh, We will be going to Memphis on the 27th til' the 1st of July.
He will get his next MRI done and chemo there and make up the appointments we missed on the first of this month.
So, when we get back we can really enjoy the fireworks with a real blast of joy.
I have faith that things are working in Travis' favor.
With all the help of all the prayer that have been said. We thankyou for all that you have said.
And yes, we have found a house. It is smaller than the one we are in now. But we will emprovise. Now it is just the fact of coming up with the amount to put on the deposit's for everything. Our money tree is not growing very good.
I ask for more prayer's to keep everything going in the right direction.
Wish me luck on my moving sale. I am going to try and sell some of my belongs to try make some of the money needed to do our move. I saw how long I was away from things and there just that things. Material to me anymore. I know what really matters in life. But I need a roof over my children's head's.
Well somebody is getting hungry I do believe. Travis sure doesn't look like he did when this Journey started and that is a good thought.
Have a great day and cherish every minute you have. God Bless.
Love and lots of Hugs from Julie,Kevin,Travis,Jessica,Kilee,Leanna, and Mekenna

Thursday, June 10, 2004 1:15 PM CDT

Hey to all.........
Well I have to say that Travis is doing really well. I will also say what ever it was that his sister Mekenna had with the fever it went away.
With giving both the kids the meds they needed they are both good. I was a little nervous with her being sick right after Travis had gotten his chemo.

Travis is sitten here with me on the floor right now. He is playing. Growing by the day. Starting to be like any other 15mnth. old.
He is not crawling yet. But he is making up for the loss of his left side in many different ways.
Kevin and I cant figure out where he get's this stubborn streak from. No clue!! hehe...

We are doing the next MRI on July 30th I do believe. We are to be in Memphis. The scheduling is a little messed up but we have to do what we have to do.
I still have not found a house for us. Unfortunately it seems as though I may have to move out of the school district that the girls have been in. I just am not having any good luck.

Well Travis is fussy right now and I need to tend to things.

I do ask for some extra prayer's for us all. Please.
lots of thankyou's and love
Julie,Kevin,Travis,Jessica,Kilee,Leanna and Mekenna

Friday, June 4, 2004 7:28 PM CDT

Hi to all........
Well let me tell you all, this isn't the first update since Travis got his chemo. I lost the first one and said, urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
So, I will tell all again. Not to lose it this time.
Travis recieved his chemo yesterday in Peoria. It went well. He was accessed easily and good blood return. That is always a plus. Considering the past.
Well Beth was Travis' nurse and she said she wanted to do everything the same way they did it in Memphis.
First she only had said Cortizone and ondansitron. No Benadryl. I said why and right away she made sure Travis had it.
I could see Travis fighting his sleep caused by the Benadryl. He shortly fell asleep. Things went great. He did good and I am giving his meds. so he hasn't gotten sick again this time. Thankyou God for that.
Travis is laying on the floor playing right now and is in good spirit's like he alway's is.
Travis, by scale, weighs a whole womping 28 lbs. WOW!!!
That's right wow. He is longer toooooooooo.
I am requesting that when we go back for our missed visits that we get the mickey button out.
A wise man told me that we always dont get to do things the way that we want and we just have to go do it and grin and grit our teeth. That's just what I did and we made it in Peoria.
It's not easy getting to Memphis all the time. I am however greatful that we live close to the affiliate.
I have said I didn't feel comfortable in Peoria after all that I had gone thru with Travis. But again I am greatful it is there and Travis.
I think all that know us I don't have to explain any more.
Right now Travis is great. He is a little quieter than ususall. Considering he is good.
But....Now his sissy Mekenna has come down with a fever today. Out of the blue. I dont know why she if feeling lousy. Noone else is. Or has. I'm giving here some motrim and gatorade.Alligator as she call's them.

So, now I just have to find out about the rescheduling and all in Memphis.

I am still in need of finding a home for us to live in. My lease is up in July. So hopefully the good lord will guide me in the right direction of a good home. The cloud that keep's following me needs to breakup and disappear.
Please help us and pray for my family that things will work out the right way. Thankyou all so much.
We hope all have a great weekened. The sun was shining today and it was another good day.

Lots of love and hugs....

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 8:02 PM CDT

We got it fixed to go to Peoria tomorrow. We will be there early in the morning to get the chemo for Travisman.
He is really doing well. Sitten here eating mashed tater's right now. With a spoon. Yes he started doing that the other day. I didn't know that he could feed himself but hey he is a smart cookie.
Travis is doing really strong. He won't let anything get in his way. He is fighting so hard every day. I wish I could be as strong. He is my hero!
Our lil' Miracle....

Well I haven't found a house for us yet. Still looking and praying that this will all work out for the best.
The family is doing well. Meaning all his sister's are on summer vacation. His daddy is doing good. Just keeps looking for more work.
Oh,man! Travis is in need of a bath now. TaterMan!
I dont know much from Memphis as far as the other appointments are to be rescheduled. But I will find out.

Please if you can give a prayer for me and the kids. On our house hunting. One for Travisman to have success with chemo tomorrow.
I will say thankyou for all the prayer's now. Because I do realize how many are out there doing so for my family.

Well, it's bath time. Goodnite to all and we send lots of love and hugs to all.

Julie,Kevin,Travis,Jessica,Kilee,Leanna,and Mekenna :)

Sunday, May 30, 2004 3:55 PM CDT

Well we are not going to be able to make the trip to Memphis. I may have already said that. But we will be ok. Travis will see the eye doc and the Neurologist will speak with me on a different schedule and it will all work out.
We dont see any problem with doing the chemo in Peoria. I am assuming this today because I was told that it should be no problem by a nurse in the med. room in Memphis. That I should just call Rebecca on Monday that she will be in the Med.Room and let her know my situation.
There is always a reason for everything I have been told so with the feeling I have and the reason's of us not going it is the way it is to be.
Right now Travis has like a slight prickly rash on his belly and around his head. You would think it was prickly heat rash. Except for it hasn't been that hot here. I am thinking maybe Roseolla like type. He did have a fever for a day or so last week. Meaning this past week.
I gave him some Benadryl and he is sleeping right now.

I took some great pics of him yesterday and as soon as somebody show's me how to put them on the site I will. I have them on the comp in a file. Now I just have to figure out the rest.
I am just cleaning and going thru mine and the kids stuff. For I am getting all ready for a sale and for our move that we have to make. Wish me luck on making money from the sale. For we all know moving is not cheap. Even in town. But I need the extra prayer's for our family to find a house.

Please say a prayer for a lil' superhero we know. Aaron Hunter. We were hoping so much to see him and his mom but we can't make it. His website is wwww.caringbridge.org/aarondhunter. He is in the hospital with a high fever that they dont know from what yet. Thankyou.

Well it started out here in this house for all to wake today with a tornado siren. Not good!!!!
We are still here tho. It was no where near us really. It was raining and looks as tho it is going to start all over again. So, I better get off here for now.
I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekened. Have a safe rest of a Monday off.

love and hugs, and lots of thanks.....
Julie,Kevin,Travis,Jessica,Kilee,Leanna and Mekenna

Sunday, May 30, 2004 3:55 PM CDT

Well we are not going to be able to make the trip to Memphis. I may have already said that. But we will be ok. Travis will see the eye doc and the Neurologist will speak with me on a different schedule and it will all work out.
We dont see any problem with doing the chemo in Peoria. I am assuming this today because I was told that it should be no problem by a nurse in the med. room in Memphis. That I should just call Rebecca on Monday that she will be in the Med.Room and let her know my situation.
There is always a reason for everything I have been told so with the feeling I have and the reason's of us not going it is the way it is to be.
Right now Travis has like a slight prickly rash on his belly and around his head. You would think it was prickly heat rash. Except for it hasn't been that hot here. I am thinking maybe Roseolla like type. He did have a fever for a day or so last week. Meaning this past week.
I gave him some Benadryl and he is sleeping right now.

I took some great pics of him yesterday and as soon as somebody show's me how to put them on the site I will. I have them on the comp in a file. Now I just have to figure out the rest.
I am just cleaning and going thru mine and the kids stuff. For I am getting all ready for a sale and for our move that we have to make. Wish me luck on making money from the sale. For we all know moving is not cheap. Even in town. But I need the extra prayer's for our family to find a house.

Please say a prayer for a lil' superhero we know. Aaron Hunter. We were hoping so much to see him and his mom but we can't make it. His website is wwww.caringbridge.org/aarondhunter. He is in the hospital with a high fever that they dont know from what yet. Thankyou.

Well it started out here in this house for all to wake today with a tornado siren. Not good!!!!
We are still here tho. It was no where near us really. It was raining and looks as tho it is going to start all over again. So, I better get off here for now.
I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekened. Have a safe rest of a Monday off.

love and hugs, and lots of thanks.....
Julie,Kevin,Travis,Jessica,Kilee,Leanna and Mekenna

Sunday, May 30, 2004 3:55 PM CDT

Well we are not going to be able to make the trip to Memphis. I may have already said that. But we will be ok. Travis will see the eye doc and the Neurologist will speak with me on a different schedule and it will all work out.
We dont see any problem with doing the chemo in Peoria. I am assuming this today because I was told that it should be no problem by a nurse in the med. room in Memphis. That I should just call Rebecca on Monday that she will be in the Med.Room and let her know my situation.
There is always a reason for everything I have been told so with the feeling I have and the reason's of us not going it is the way it is to be.
Right now Travis has like a slight prickly rash on his belly and around his head. You would think it was prickly heat rash. Except for it hasn't been that hot here. I am thinking maybe Roseolla like type. He did have a fever for a day or so last week. Meaning this past week.
I gave him some Benadryl and he is sleeping right now.

I took some great pics of him yesterday and as soon as somebody show's me how to put them on the site I will. I have them on the comp in a file. Now I just have to figure out the rest.
I am just cleaning and going thru mine and the kids stuff. For I am getting all ready for a sale and for our move that we have to make. Wish me luck on making money from the sale. For we all know moving is not cheap. Even in town. But I need the extra prayer's for our family to find a house.

Please say a prayer for a lil' superhero we know. Aaron Hunter. We were hoping so much to see him and his mom but we can't make it. His website is wwww.caringbridge.org/aarondhunter. He is in the hospital with a high fever that they dont know from what yet. Thankyou.

Well it started out here in this house for all to wake today with a tornado siren. Not good!!!!
We are still here tho. It was no where near us really. It was raining and looks as tho it is going to start all over again. So, I better get off here for now.
I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekened. Have a safe rest of a Monday off.

love and hugs, and lots of thanks.....
Julie,Kevin,Travis,Jessica,Kilee,Leanna and Mekenna

Saturday, May 29, 2004 4:07 PM CDT

Well Travis is napping right now and doing better than the past few days. He wasn't feeling to good. Don't know exactly why but I'm wanting to say it is due to his teeth. It is Saturday and well I have decided Iam going to try and have a sale. Try to sell some of the things that I really dont need. We need the money and I know that we are not the only family that has gone thru this kind of rough spot.
I am not sure that we will make it to Travis apt. down in Memphis. Things are really messed up for me right now with having to try and find a place to live and my vehichle being kinda crazy. The timing of the kids and nobody being able to help me watch them this month. I think we will do the chemo in Peoria.
As much as I dont want to go to there, and that I feel more comfortable, more safe in Memphis doing it. I know other families go there and are safe. It's just a run of the bad timing for Travis before and it's hard to forget. But I know my son need's his chemo and I will get him that.
I can reschedule the other visit's they had planned for us and try to make it to where they schedule it in a better way to work for me and the kid's.
So it is very rough right now for me and kids.

I ask please if you could say an extra prayer for me and the children this week. I greatly appreciate it.

I will add that Travis is coming along way from his stroke. He is so strong and trying so hard. I just wish I could make it easier for him.
I cant imagine what it feels like to have once used boh of my hands and arm,legs,feet. Not to be able to use both now. I love my boy so much. I hate seeing all this.
Well I know it could be worse, but please no more.

Thankyou all, I will stop here, cuz it is not a very good moment for me to be sending a messsage.

Love and hugs from Travis....
and family.

Sunday, May 23, 2004 2:22 PM CDT

Hi everyone....
Well it is Sunday and we have made it thru another week. School is almost out and then Travis will have a whole summer of his sister's. Which is great!!!!!!!!!!
Travis is napping right now. He has a belly full of mommy cooking up breakfast for all. Eggies and bisquit's and he also had sausage. But he still doesn't want to drink out of a cup. Travis would rather stick his hand into the glass than put it up to his mouth. Magine that!
Travis is doing really good. Being active in everyway. We still do our phys.thrpy. We wish we could see more. I should say I so do. It's just hard for me his mommy. To go from seeing my baby using and then going thru his terrible ordeal to not be able to. OK, enough of that. That's somebody trying to creep into my thoughts and I wont let it happen.
Travis is doing great. And WE all know that God is on his side.
Well tomorrow is another birthday here in this house. Travis' sister Mekenna will be turning the Big 3yrs.
This is the last week of school for the older sister's
The timeing on when I have to take Travis back to Memphis is not right. But we will make it thru all of this.

Well I hope all has had a Great weekened. We have just been here at home and that is Great for us.
Thankyou for all that sign and leave us a word or too. It really means the world to me. It gives me hope when I read all the words from everyone.

Thankyou and to all the St.Jude families we send our prayer's of life,love,hope,happiness,rejoice and much more. One is the prayer of family. That is a very strong issue. Iam very thankful every day for just that.

Well Iam starting to sound mushy. So just remember to SMILE today. We are here and it is another day we get to look at our loved ones. Im smileing.

love and hugs from us all.
Julie,Travis,Kevin,Jessica,Kilee,Leanna and Mekenna

Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:46 PM CDT

Hey to all.
Well we are still house hunting. No luck as of yet.
Travis is doing really well. He is eating pork chop and fruit and some of a hotdog. Travis is doing really well. I am going to talk to the doc's about his mickey button coming out. We used it thankfully when he had the mouth sores. But he hasn't used it since. I don't know.
Travis becoming stronger every day. Know's what he wants.
We will be taking Travis to Peoria tomorrow just for labs. Which I think that this time again he has done superb. He never got sick at all.
So, it's busy round our house like alway's. Now I have called for boxes. Packing is okay, but it stinks not knowing where I am headed with my children.

God will be there I know.

Hope all is doing greaat.
Please keep the prayer's for our family coming.
We greatly appreciate them.

With deepest thanks....
Love Julie,Travis,Kevin,Jessica,Kilee,Leanna and Mekenna

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 10:14 AM CDT

Hi to everyone....
Travis is doing superb! He just got done eating his breakfast with Leanna and Mekenna. Now they are playing and relaxing. It stormed here last nite. Not too bad the two younger girls of course were up and down. Travis he slept thru it all. That's my boy.
We are to return to Memphis the first week of June. I believe that we will be flying again. It just is hard cuz the two older sister's will just be ending school.
Im still house hunting. No luck yet.
Thankyou for all that are praying for me, for us. I do try to keep my good faith. It has been hard but I am trying.
Thankyou again.
Well Travis is great and the girls are good. Im ok and Kevin is doing good trying to work and find more work.
Will log in later.
Thankyou all.
Lots of hugs and kisses from Travisman.

Sunday, May 16, 2004 6:25 PM CDT

Hi to all....
Well Travis has been great since we got home. Things for Travis health wise have been very good. You would not and know that there was anything wrong with him by his looks and his attitude. He is my sweet baby boy!
All is good with all of his sister's. We just celebrated Leanna's 5th birthday and Mekenna's is up and coming on the 24th of this month.
Travis is sitting in his highchair right now eating spagehtii.oh no there goes the plate.

The only problem in our lives right now at this point and time is that we have to move. I was told by my landlord that we have to move. The problem with that is that i dont feel like he is being very honest with me as to why. I dont know what i will do. It is very hard to come across a house big enough.
We have only been in this housse since last July and really considering the fact of just moving, working then finding out what all was going on with Travis with the tumor and being gone. Really I haven't til' recently gotten into living here.
Plus it is of course the issue of the money to move with deposit and all that you have to do.
Please help with an extra prayer to help me get thru all of this.

I am just glad to report that Travis is doing very good!
Hope all is enjoying the spring time weather.
God Bless To All, and lots of love.
Julie, Travis,Jessica,Kilee,Leanna and Mekenna's Mommy.....

Tuesday, May 11, 2004 8:19 PM CDT

Hi to all.
Well we have been home now since Fri. and Travis is doing well.He is sleeping right now.
Travis is doing this butt scoot and buggy. If you know Travis ya know him well for the shake it baby or some may still say rocken,rocken. He gets going and wants to crawl instead you see his but scooting cross the floor. Sure cant just put him in a diaper. Cuz it gets all tatered on the bottom. HEHEHE... Travis will turn himself completely around on the floor. While sitten on his but.
He is still wanting to roll around on the floor. Travis is wanting to stand on both of his feet more and more.
The one new, the most adorable thing that Travis is doing with all of us here at home is playing PeekABoo.
The other day Travis and Mekenna were watching Stanely and on the show they were talking to birds, one being the peek aboo bird. He kept playing peek-boo-with the TV. It was so sweet. He is so smart like his sister's.
I tried to get his daddy to go to the site and add a day journal. Well he seems to think it's just for me to do. I dont know. Anyway, Travis and his daddy have spent good time together just to let every body know. Just because it is always me coming here. k!
Travis is doing real well. So the only thing I can really say to you all today is that all is great. Travis has his beautiful smile and his great laugh. His sense of humor is still there. He is tough. Stuborn like his daddy. HeHe...
I will say this and it may come as surprised to hear me say.
We came home from Memphis with the words of the MRI scans looked good.
The other thing was that the tumor looks as tho it may have gotten smaller.
Ya know I am not real convinced I come home and I think of what I saw and the size of the tumor. Dont get me wrong. I know that Travis is doing good.
Its just hard sometimes because I start to think of what is instore for Travis furture and I cant look at life like that. I dont know what to think. The tumor looked hudge to me. I couldn't see the comparison. I just saw the latest scans.
I know he is getting chemo. But even after the chemo. I dont know the story of radiation. I know that we were told that radiation was completely out of the picture. I do believe it is because of where the tumor is located. That it would basically fry my son. That's the way it was put to me.
So the only conclusion to me is to try and live life to the fullest with my little guy.
We have to have his vision looked at again.
This I was told last doc visit last week. That's just it, the size of the tumor or talk of the tumor was brushed to the side with talk of his eyesight and then of the stroke and how he has improved. That the tumor subject was that of just not knowing anything about the tumor.
Well ya know I think I have vented tooooo much tonight. I am playing Monopoly with my daughter and now they need to get to bed. So i am going to end today here.
Thankyou to any one that has stopped buy and said a prayer. If it be for Travis, my family. Thankyou for any prayer's sent my way.

Goodnight to all and I hope you all have a blessed day tomorrow whereever you may be.
said with love and thanks to all....
julie, Travis, jessica, kilee, leanna and mekenna's mommy.....

Sunday, May 9, 2004 8:15 AM CDT

First off Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's in the world.
I woke to my children to all of my children telling me Happy Mother's Day to me.
I recieved a very special bouquet of flower's. My flower's are made of candy. They are so sweet!! I recieved my first charm bracelett. I am so greatful GOD for giving me life and for letting me give life to the children I do have.
Travis is doing great. He hasn't gotten sick at altl this time. Thankgoodness for ondansetroun. He is very playful and smileing all the way. Getting stronger every day.
Please keep all the prayer's coming in. We still have a long road. I am just praying that his journey is a much more peaceful one and Travis will live a long, healthy,happy and prosperous life.
It is my honor today to be the mommy I am to Travis and to all his sister's.
My children mean the world to me.
Hope everyone has a great day!
love and hugs,
Julie,Travis' mommy

Saturday, May 8, 2004 8:29 PM CDT

Hi to all...Well Travis has done very well. I have been giving him ondansatroun and he hasn't gotten sick from his chemo. Knock on wood.
Today it was great outside, we didn't do anything fascinating. We were just all together.
Travis was so happy to see his Daddy and his sister's. The minute we got into town we got over to daddy's house. He was busy at work and the sister's Jessica and Kilee were up at his daddy's apt. When Travis saw Kevin he was just shaken his thing and bounceing the way he does. If you know Travis ya know what I mean by shakeing his thing. Bouncy,bouncy,bouncy....
Daddy had to get to work and so we went up to get the two sister's. Man was he happy!

Then it was off to go get Leanna and Mekenna and we all went out for super. Kevin had to work so he wasn't with. Any way we went out for super and I should of took pictures but had no way too.
Travis had his first chicken leg. He chewed on it,and not only one chicken leg. Try three! It was soooo funny.
He is getting older that's for sure and know's what he
likes and doesn't like.
Now today the kids and I spent time outsside. Travis even got into his lil'baby pool that his sister Jess, got for him. Of course they filled the pool with sink warm water. He loved it.
So we all had a great day.
Thankyou I say to God for giving me my life with my family. I am so greatful for what I have. Iam very fortunate to have all my children with me. I am trying not to take one second for granted.

Thankyou again for all the prayer's.
Things are great, but they are getting hard here at home not working. My finances are strapped. I have a very hard desicion to make. Do i put Travis in daycare and go back to work or do I not.
I've always heard the phrase "everything happen's for a reason."
I yet to find all the reason's for it all but I'm trying.
I am fallling asleep and have a day to fill tomorrow.
With lots of love and hugs....

Julie, Travis' mommy

Friday, May 7, 2004 8:53 AM CDT




Wednesday, May 5, 2004 11:41 AM CDT

Hi to all!
Travis is doing his plasma clearance testing today. We are just waiting around til' 1:pm for the last blood draw. I just called and asked for the result's of the MRI and none yet.
Travis is doing great tho. I will be back to tell the rest as soon as we get the news.

Keep praying....
love Travis and his mommy

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 1:15 PM CDT

Hi to all! Well we made it here. Travis and I made it into Memphis about 5:30 or so yesterday. Got all checked in at the Grizzly House at about 7p.m.. We ate some supper and then we visited here with some friends.
We went to our room. We had a good nite and Travis slept thru this morning til' 7:30.
Travis is sound asleep right now. He came out of his MRI feeling quiet well. He fought it really hard this time. He didn't want to go to sleep. But they got him thru it and now we wait for the results.
I am not going to be able to wait tooo long. That's for sure.
So, we made it and we will be here til' Friday and well it is gorgeous outside and warm.

I will update as soon as I hear the news of the scan.
Thankyou to everyone who comes and signs Travis' guestbook. It really truely means the world to me.
Thankyou and keep the prayer's coming...
Love and lots of Hugs...

Travis and His Mommy....

Thursday, April 29, 2004 :46 PM CDT

Hi to all. Travisman is doing good today. We had a decent day. He is in bed right now sleepen for the nite.
He had fun at the school watching his sister Kilee perform. She sang and played her recorder. It was nice to be able to be home to see that. Considering how much we missed while we were in Memphis.
So now we will be flying to Memphis on Monday. I couldn't get a rental car. So luckily I got to get the plane tickets.
We will be in Memphis at about 5 pm. So out come the suitcases again.
Just to let all know that I have updated about 3 times before this and I have had bad luck with my comp. Im not to sure about virus' but something happens.
So, this is it for tonight.

Travisman is great....
Thanks and lots of hugs from Travis.
and Travis' mommy.....

Monday, April 26, 2004 1:27 PM CDT

Hey Travis made it. With lots of prayer and patience, he has bumped this mouth sore thing and is starting to feel much better. He has started to eat again and is. He ate a waffle this morning no problem. I just hope this isn't a reoccuring thing.
I started to get it. Even tho they called it a virus the doc's were able to give us med. Now sister Kilee is kinda in the same boat but none as bad as our lil'Travis was.
Any way he is doing much better and we will be going back to Memphis as planned. I know this sounds terrible but I am just not sure how. I wanted to drive and I still do its just that the van I really dont think would make the trip. I have wheel bearings going out. But not enough money coming in to pay to fix them. My tree is pretty dry.
But I will fravis figure something out. I know, I know, I could fly with Travis, but I would not be able to bring my two younges girls with us. There are issues of what I have to do with my other children when it is time to take Travis back to Memphis.
I'll figure that out too.
Travisman is up for his MRI, he is gonna kickbutt and I pray that the tumor is still. Or smaller. I keep praying. Actually last night I think last night Travis and I both werer praying to GOD. I started to pray and Travis started babbling right along with me. lol....
So things are looking good. Been doing really well here at home.
I have to get some stuffs done around here and go out to get meds. Its in the mid day so I can't really be on the comp..
Thankyou all for leaving an entry and very much so for all the prayers that you all give to our family.
love and lots of hugs,,Travis'mommy

Thursday, April 22, 2004 8:46 AM CDT

Hi to all, it has been awhile and there is good reason.
I have been caught up in Travis and the Girls. Travis became sick last Thursday and we have been in a battle since. He has mouth sores and it has not been fun. Not at all. Travis has meds. This being that he started last Thurs. with all this I realized the sores and asked if they are from the chemo. We never have gone thru this kind of thing so it has been a battle. We will make it thru this tho. Travis has gone thru harder I dont want any more but this is easier. I think you all understand!!!
Right now Travis is playing on the floor with his sister's. And our day is just beginging. So i might check back later and tell all a new story.

Thursday, April 22, 2004 8:46 AM CDT

Hi to all, it has been awhile and there is good reason.
I have been caught up in Travis and the Girls. Travis became sick last Thursday and we have been in a battle since. He has mouth sores and it has not been fun. Not at all. Travis has meds. This being that he started last Thurs. with all this I realized the sores and asked if they are from the chemo. We never have gone thru this kind of thing so it has been a battle. We will make it thru this tho. Travis has gone thru harder I dont want any more but this is easier. I think you all understand!!!
Right now Travis is playing on the floor with his sister's. And our day is just beginging. So i might check back later and tell all a new story.

Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:40 PM CDT

ok, I am starting all over cuz the comp that i have just shut down. duh...
Well what I did type was alot and one thing I said was how good it was for us to be here at home and flippen thru the channels and seeing the Nashville Star Show. The one were they are competeing. That isn't just it, it was to see Miss Corena and all the other children on TV. AND, to see me and my children for the split second. Seeing Travis bounceing on my knee while we were watching them perform. Before I forget they said they raised at there rainy day cookout 10,103.01 dollars. That was just to great to hear. What I said earlier too was that it was a nice site to see Kilee,Travis' sister, react when she saw us on tv. Her and Jessica were with us. That to me just makes if even more of a memory for her and them to share. The rest of the children are asleep.
Travis has had a rough few days. We went to the hospital and we made it back home. BUT, he is teething so badly, and I have had 5 children but never have I gone thru all this before.
Travisman has just not been himself. He is fussy all day and nite. He has gotten sick a couple of times, he hasn't wanted to eat much either.
Today being so nice out and all I had high hopes of us doing alot. Well, we left this morning for me to get my grays covered and that was done.
We got back and I laid down with Travis. Well being the cuddler that he has become with me. We both fell asleep and I woke up at 3. WoW, I said it can't be. It was. Well, I was glad he took the nap that he did. But I couldn't get him to eat tho. He was fussy almost all day.
I did talk to a smart freind and she asked if I was giving him any ondansatroun? No, I said. Well she got me to thinking. Use it. So I did and I also have given him some Benadryl to try and help him. Beside's his tylenol. Just to make sure, his fever is and has been slite. Now remember the doc's told me he is good. So it has to be his teeth right. So I am hoping that it helps.
I am going to have to stop because he has awoken as I try to type. So I will update in the morning.

Thankyou to all for the prayer's. Please put in an extra word of work to help us get thru this time of fussyness. To put smiles back on Travisman's face.
love and hugs to all...

Friday, April 16, 2004 3:21 PM CDT

Hi there for people whom think I haven't updated in a long time.lol...Well, needless to say I did do a journal the other nite sitting on the couch and I fell asleep while doing so. And the thing is that I had a full page.
Anywho, yesterday I had a little freak. I had been out with the three youngest. We were having a great day and I even got my taxes done. Well we went home and when I got Mr. Travisman out of the van he started to get upset. He was crying and I tried to lay him down and see if that would help. Nope, he cried harder and we walked. Then he went on to puke up in the dining room. So, me trying not to get upset tried to calm him down. After 10 min. and I couldn't calm him down. He didn't throw up again but was just crying and I got worried.
Long story short. Went to the hospital and it was hours of waiting and then I drove to Peoria and we spent the nite for observation. In that waiting they did a cat-scan at our home town hospital. They had no other way but to fax the scan's to memphis. So today at Peoria they got them and compaired to memphis and all was good. We are now at home and Travis is napping.
So really I have been told to just right this one off as just upset tummy. Which is good to me. Better safe than ANYTHING else.
It is Fri. and in the 80's here, so pllllllllllllllll. to all those down south in the warmth we have it too. All weekened I do believe. Im not to sure what we will be doing around here. But I am not going to be in the house as much as possible. So I will probably checkin at nite.
But Travis is doing ok. He does have his mollar's coming in and maybe that is all the problem. I hope you all to have a good Friday nite.

Thankyou to all those that I have metand tell that they visit Travis' site, I see that some don't sign. But thankyou for coming. (Tara)

lots of hugs from Travis. He is turning into a lil'hugging T-Bear than a long and lengthy girrafe anymore.

lots of love and thanks for all the prayer's.

Today my sister Mary took all my girls out for breakfast and before doing so they all prayed for there lil'bro and nephew to come home and to all be fine. Well once again someone listened. I LOVE IT!

julie, Travis' mommy...

Friday, April 16, 2004 3:21 PM CDT

Hi there for people whom think I haven't updated in a long time.lol...Well, needless to say I did do a journal the other nite sitting on the couch and I fell asleep while doing so. And the thing is that I had a full page.
Anywho, yesterday I had a little freak. I had been out with the three youngest. We were having a great day and I even got my taxes done. Well we went home and when I got Mr. Travisman out of the van he started to get upset. He was crying and I tried to lay him down and see if that would help. Nope, he cried harder and we walked. Then he went on to puke up in the dining room. So, me trying not to get upset tried to calm him down. After 10 min. and I couldn't calm him down. He didn't throw up again but was just crying and I got worried.
Long story short. Went to the hospital and it was hours of waiting and then I drove to Peoria and we spent the nite for observation. In that waiting they did a cat-scan at our home town hospital. They had no other way but to fax the scan's to memphis. So today at Peoria they got them and compaired to memphis and all was good. We are now at home and Travis is napping.
So really I have been told to just right this one off as just upset tummy. Which is good to me. Better safe than ANYTHING else.
It is Fri. and in the 80's here, so pllllllllllllllll. to all those down south in the warmth we have it too. All weekened I do believe. Im not to sure what we will be doing around here. But I am not going to be in the house as much as possible. So I will probably checkin at nite.
But Travis is doing ok. He does have his mollar's coming in and maybe that is all the problem. I hope you all to have a good Friday nite.

Thankyou to all those that I have metand tell that they visit Travis' site, I see that some don't sign. But thankyou for coming. (Tara)

lots of hugs from Travis. He is turning into a lil'hugging T-Bear than a long and lengthy girrafe anymore.

lots of love and thanks for all the prayer's.

Today my sister Mary took all my girls out for breakfast and before doing so they all prayed for there lil'bro and nephew to come home and to all be fine. Well once again someone listened. I LOVE IT!

julie, Travis' mommy...

Sunday, April 11, 2004 9:39 AM CDT


Hippitie Hoppitie, Look At Peter Go....
Well we made it home. Rained all the way up until southern IL. I have to say it really stunk! The Van was on it's best behavior.lol..there and back. The prayer's for that act really came thru.
We saw (I) saw an accident right in front of us. 3 cars in front of us. It was just a 1 car incident, thankfully. I saw brake lites, the next thing I saw was an SUV going off into the median and spinning completely around. And stopped! Thankyou God for the stopping part.
Then not even a mile ahead I see this big ole' sopping wet dog on the right side of the road. Just standing there. Poor thing.
My passanger neighbor was too into her brother to see the accident or the dog. The dog part she wanted to see. Same goes for the backseat passanger.(I am talking of my daughter's of course) Jess up front at the time and Kilee in back.
Well, Travis did excellent.
I will have to tell that on our way out to the van and just getting him seated into his new car seat. He got sick. We wound up going back up to our room that we just checked out of and giving him another bath and all ready to go again.
This time with a little help with some
ondansetron. Travis was a super trooper the whole way home. He didn't get sick again.
Travis had a bit of an attitude about 1/2 hour from the house. But we made it and needless to say I was right in my thought's as of to why he was starting to get fussy. Yep, you guessed it too.
That said it all. We got in and changed him and he was good to go.
We got in about 11 pm. We actually got on to the road at around 2pm yesterday. To me with 3 kid's in the van, that was pretty darn good timeing.
So now Travis has awoken for the morning and doing so he was back in his crib and played with his great mobile(That he got from a very special mommy back in Mississippi(Amy P.)) and he just play's with it and then he did the normal, tryed to pull himself up with his right arm.
Then after the frustration set in he look's my way and waves. Ok mommy I need some assistance here, please. I love it.
Seeing him get so mad and determined.

Well the Easter Bunny has hidden the Egg's. This I know because I seen a very pretty egg. Somewhere, I can't tell. So Travis is waiting for his two sissy's to get up. He keep's seeing me eat something out of a basket and look's at me like hey where is mine??.. (Jelly Beans of Course)
So Travisman is great and we are going to have a Beautiful Day today. We hope you all do the same. One sissy has awoken. Now we just wait for the other. Travis' other two sister's (Leanna and Mekenna) are with there father, for it is his holiday. So we wait for there return as well.
lots of hugs from the huggable Travisman...
He is rolling around the floor right now..
playing peekaboo with me.

Thankyou for all the support and prayer's. We greatfully appreciate them. Love to everyone. And I hope you have a joyful day.
love and thanks,
Julie and Travis and all his sissy's

Friday, April 9, 2004 10:15 PM CDT

Hey to all. It is so great to know that we have so many following us. Thankyou!!!
Well Travis is GREAT he got his chemo today and it went smooth. He got all the meds he needed and he slept thru most of it like before and no sicky. Not as of yet and if he is lucky he wont get sick like the last month.
Keep those prayer's coming and we will all help in kicking that tumor.
We have had a nice stay at the Grizzly House. It has been great seeing alot of faces we know but in a way I wish we never saw any of you again. Here that is. Put in terms, of we would never need to bring our children here again. I am forever greatful, let me tell ya.
The look on so many faces of, "That's little Travis?" Yep, he ain't so little any more.
Travis is at his 120th%tile. of his weight. That is cool.
OH,OH, just to let all know. This is a lil' something. Today when we were in the med.room and chemo was going I was holding Travis. There are the light's on the pumps. Well the green one was lit and Travis reached for the lil'green lite on the pump with his "LEFT HAND"!!!!
Two times.....it made me smile. He had just woke up and to see him reach for the lil' green lite 2 times. Just gave me such hope.
Well it is late and we have a big day again tomorrow.
We love all the prayer's and notes of Hello. Thankyou to all and we hope you have a Beautiful Easter.
love and lots of hugs from Travis to everyone.
Julie and Travis

Thursday, April 8, 2004 11:32 AM CDT

Hey, We made it. We got to Memphis about 11pm last night. Travis is having his ABR right now as I type. He was funny with the Demerall(sp?). Travis is just like me. In LaLa Land with that stuff. Soon he was out. No worries on that part for him. I am pretty sure that Travis can hear all just fine.
Well our trip was good. We only ran into a small rain storm. It rained hard and from all direction's. I think we all know that's not good. So I finally got us away from the hail and all. We weren't the only one's pulled over, some people are crazy tho. Backing up to get under a bridge. Risky.
Anyway the weather is great and we will visit with some friends.

I will let all know how evereything else goes later.
love and hugs!! Travis saw his lil'buddy Brett and he just didn't want to let go. He just wanted to keep giving the hugs.

so, love and lots of Hugs.
Julie and Travis

Sunday, April 4, 2004 11:44 AM CDT

Hello to all,
Travis is doing good he is still trying to pull himself up and get's frustrated. So you know he is determined and he will be doing so in short time.
Travis has been rolling around the living room floor more and more so I can't walk away from him for too long. He is traveling. lol...
We went to the Moose Lodge here in our home towm for a bit of fun of the kid's chacing for Easter Egg's. It look's like the kid's went trickortreating. So much candy. Dentist here we come.
Friday we did regular labs in Peoria and all was well.
The plan is for us to still drive down to Memphis on Wed. of this coming week. Hoping that the van runs smoothly. We have chemo and an ABR test to do.
We should be there for only 3 days and will return on Sat. That is to be the plan.
Well it is beautiful out today and me and all the children are going to find something to do.
love and thanks,
julie and Travisman

Thursday, April 1, 2004 10:33 PM CST

Well Travis is sound asleep. He has been doing really good. Travis has been venturing on the floor more and more.
I put him down on the floor and let him play sitting. Travis is never really left alone. Not with his two sister's. Especailly his 2 yr.old sister, Mekenna. I can see it in his eye's that he want's to follow her everywhere. Alway's at 3:30 when all of his sister's are in plain site he really has a hayday of who he would love to follow.
Back to the venturing thing, Travis has been rolling around the living room. Like he did before the surgery and all.
Travis is starting to develope a temper nowadays too. Changing his but can be a challenge sometimes.
Today in the grocery store a lil'boy said "he's big mom" to his mom. Jessica, Travis' sister was with him and she told the lil'boy that "he's my chunky."the lil'boy say's "chunky, what's a chunky, he look's fat to me". lol...
yep and we love it that way. Travis is a chunkamunk alright. We are all loving it. Soon i will get some recent pics up to show you all.
We needed a pic of him with daddy back up there and that was the only one i could get up at the time. But we will get new one's up soon.
Easter is coming soon, can't wait to show Travis the EasterBunny.
We will leave on the 7th to go to Memphis. But we will leave to come back home on the 10th. We are going to drive down. Only chemo and a hearing test this time.
Please keep a prayer in mind that the mighty mazda doesn't brake down. knock,knock.
Well I am going to go shut my eye's like the rest of the chitlin's are doing.
Early rise and shine!!!
love and thankyou to all for the prayer's. Thankyou to all that sign. It lift's my spirit's.
Julie and Travis and Family...

Monday, March 29, 2004 10:44 AM CST

Hi there to everybody.. Well I only have a lil' bit of time to chat and tell all what Travis has been up.
Travis is still keeping his weight on and adding to it bit by bit. That's a plus. He is sitting next to me chanting in his lil' tounge. Well, maybe chewing on the remote to.
We had a pretty nice weekened. It was nice out and oops he hit a button, anyway, we didn't do anything out of this world but we were all together.
One of his sister's did have a spring fling for here school. so we got to go to Met, that's were we get to go swim.
We were in the pool for a couple of hours and boy did Travis and his sister's have a great time.
He was kicking his legs and just relaxing.
All his counts and all are great nothing to report in a bad tone.
So that is a plus.
We are just haveing a simple Monday today too.
I see a couple entry's from some new people. Thankyou for signing.
It may sound weird, I wish noone else signed telling me that one of their children have the same thing as Travis. But it is nice to here of someone having the same thing and being 8yrs. old or older. Because Travis being so young I have wondered how old he will grow to be. I hope no one thinks wrong with that statement. We dont know how old any of us will grow to be. Health problems or no health problems. I only like to think anyone and everyone understands my thinking that way.
Anywho, Travis is sitting here and kicking his foot up higher and higher trying to get my attention. Of mom your ignoring me and i don't like it. lol...

To all have a blessed day and thankyou for all the prayer's. keep them coming.
Love and thanks to everyone.
julie and travisman

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:09 PM CST

well i have say that not to many visitor's have been out there to Travis' page. I hope there isn't any bad reason why.
Travis is doing good today. we got him set up for his physical thereapy today. Actually the lil'man is sitting here next to me and he is getting mad that he cant pull himself up. there he goes. Travis seem's to be trying to move toward the crawling wanta be doing thing He is very strong willed and i believe soon he will be moving around more and more.
Today he scooted on the floor more than he has before.
Travis is still his happy spirited lil' guy and he loves all that he meets.
We are going to eat supper with his sisters.
Travis got to see alot of his daddy today. That made it a lil'easier on mom today and it really has just been a laid back day.
hope we see more visit's and i hope that everyone has a great day and evening.
I will be getting new pics on soon.
Thanks to all and love.
Julie and Travis

Monday, March 22, 2004 7:37 AM CST

Well Travis is a whole one year old now. He had his first birhtday cake on Sat. I ordered him an Elmo cake, and the bakery said with a first birthday he gets his own lil' cake. Chocolate of course. I put a #1 candle on it and Daddy gave it to him. Him and Daddy already have this thing of loving flame. Travis just stared at it for a few and then grabbed for it. He got the candle of course and mommy just grabbed his hand and stuck it in the cake. He was happy. Kinda confused I think as of to where did the pretty flame go and now why is my hand all full of this sticky but good tasteing stuff.lol..We all sang Happy Birthday to him. I was so proud. I can say with out regret. I think we all were so proud.
Travis began to dig right into his lil'chocolate cake. He even shared some with his Daddy. Not with ma, he grabbed ahold of my arm instead to get me full of chocolate. He knew that Daddy had to go off to work.
Then we gave him his Elmo cake. I let him take the toys off of that then we all got a piece.
Travis really didn't need any toys of course. But Grama Donna, couldn't resist and got him a toy Giraffe with blocks thats musical. Being a Giraffe mommy couldn't argue.lol..
Then Grami Pami and Aunt Kelly come in with more Balloons after the house is all filled with Balloons. But once again mommy couldn't say any thing. They have the cute lil'Giraffe on them. lol..
Thankyou all of you for sharing the day with us for Travis' First Birthday!
Aunt Marla sure picked out the perfect lil' outfit that had the Baby Hulk on the front of an orange outfit(mommy loves the color orange and red for Travis) but on the front of the outfit under the Hulk it says,"getting stronger by the day".
That sure fits Travis to a T. He is getting stronger and bigger every day. Thanks Aunt Marla&Uncle Wayne. Uncle Wayne made it in from off the Truck. That was a treat for Travis to see him too.
We know that Travis has a day to spend with one of his other Aunt's that couldn't make it. Aunt Mary and Uncle Parker had to go out of town and couldn't make it Sat. with work and all. Travisman understands. Not like they don't spoil him just on any ordinary day. lol..
Travis was glad that his Aunt Kristy wasn't to sicky to come over and be with him. No more hospital for her.
Thankyou Jessica,Kilee,Leanna and Mekenna for helping mommy get all the stuff ready for Travis' day. Thankyou girls for being so wonderful to your brother. I think Travis is very happy to be home with all of you.
So, Travis made it thru the cake part and then he became very sleepy. He did eat alot of cake and was awake for most of the afternoon. He wound up falling asleep and everybody had to go.
I went to put Travis down for a nap but he cryed everytime i went to put him in his crib. So mommmy just held him. He woke a few times. And every time he did he wasn't happy.
I wondered if it was cuz everybody left or what. lol.. Well, this went on thru the night and even after all the big sister's went off to bed.
Then his Daddy came back after work and out reached Travis' hand and he went to his Daddy and he calmed down. Daddy changed his diaper and they layed around and played and Travis went fast to sleep. So maybe that's what it was he knew that his Daddy had to go to work and had to wait to spend time with him tell he got done.
I think maybe it was that and a mixture of tooooo much Chocolate Cake.(hehe)
So, allinall Travis had a very Happy Birthday being home and being able to celebrate his day with all of his family at home. I know that I (mommy) am very greatful to have been home and not away in the hospital. I have seen to many lil'faces that had to be in there instead of at home for their very special day. It just isn't the same. I think we all know that.
Hey thankyou Dilan and Autum for coming over and playing with me too Travis say's.We need to see more of you two too. I was glad that they recouped from being the lil'sickies they were the week before.
Travis had a good day and MOMMY is really glad that all the burgers were cooked all the way thru on the grill. Thankyou Grampa Monty for helping ma out at the end with the rest of the grilling out that had to be done.
To Uncle Bobby and Aunt Peggy, who are back in Tenn. thankyou too. The dumptruck is just Travis' size and he like's to play with it. I forgot to get out one of the bib's tho. I know they weren't intended for the first cake eating time. Right! lol..
All the clothes he got are just in time. They all will work just great.
We had a pretty good rest of the wknd at home. It was warm on Sat. but it got cold for Sun. So a day at home was good.
We still don't have our van back. It will be a few days and they are working with me on the payments for the fixing so that is a plus. If anything else goes wrong with that darn van I will scream. (even louder)
We hope everybody has a good day today.
Travis is sleeping right now and so are his two lil'sissy's, his two older sissy's are at school. Iam gonna do some laundry. How fun. tata for now.
love and thanks,
julie and travis

Friday, March 19, 2004 5:29 PM CST

23.6 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 4:39 PM CST

Happy St.Patrick'sDay to all. We are all wearing green. So no pinches here. My daughter Leanna just said i guess i can't pinch mommy. Nope nota one. Well we didn't make it to clinic yesterday in Peorian like we wanted to but that really is a good thing considering that my van is broke down in the driveway as of yesterday. I need to take it to the shop tomorrow. Yes to everyone that knows us knows that we just had it worked on 2x since Jan. Hoping that it is just a radiator hose and not the headgasket like it may be . I cant afford this van.
Well anyway Travis is doing great we will make it to clinic on Friday no matter what. Only to get his counts checked. Travis has been in good spirits and is playing on the floor right now with his sissy Mekenna.
We will be going back on the 8th of April for chemo again. I believe in May 4th, he will have another MRI done.
Because we aren't gonna need to do it sooner cuz Travis is not going to have any more troubles. Gots to beleive that.
Well 2 more days and Travis will be a whole one year old. To me we are celebrating more than just Travis turning 1 year old. That he has made it thru all the hard times. We are celebrating life. All of our life that we get to be with Travis and then that he is getting older.
Thankyou to all that keep us all in your prayers. We greatly appreciate them. Keep them coming.
We are going to have the good ole'cornbeef and cabbage. We hope that you all had a great green day.
We are all together and at home thats great for me.
Love and Thanks to all.
love julie and travis

Sunday, March 14, 2004 5:19 PM CST

Hello to all. Well last week came and went. Travis flew to Memphis and got his chemo on Thursday and all went GREAT. No reaction to the chemo. He is doing great at home right now. We got back in yesterday and Travis is sitting here with me right now and playing with his sister Kilee. All the other sisters are busy this weekened. But they are all good. Daddy is working. He and Travis slept in this morning.
Travis has a special day coming up next week. It will be his first Birithday. We plan on celebrating it real big too. I just have to get the house organized.
We will be going to clinic in Peoria for his blood work and that is it. Just to check all levels and then we will go back to Memphis in one month for chemo.
I think the next flight we take will be out of Peru. With Lifeline Pilots. Hopefully, never been on a four seater before. I heard if not windy it will be good. Kinda tired of the trip to Minn. that makes for a very long day. So three hours is much better.
Well Kilee is now changing a poopy boy and I better get supper started and finish with all. Never a dull moment here.
We are so glad to be home.
We were home before but now its not right back to Memphis.
Thankyou to all that keep sending us notes and for all that keep us in your prayers. We still have a long road ahead of us. I just hope there aren't any more bumps in the road to slow us down any more.
love and thanks to all our family and friends.
love Julie and Travis

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 9:50 PM CST

Hi to everyone. Well it is already time for Travis and I to go back to St.Jude for his chemo tomorrow. We have to leave the house at 5 in the morning our plane leaves at 6:08am and we are to return on Friday of this week at 9:10pm. I hate the lay over crude. Oh well. I am praying that we are there the three days as planned and all goes well.
I once had a wise woman, well a couple of good moms tell me don't ever just pack for a few days cuz ya know ya could wind up longer than planned. I know that to be the truth and I know to well that to many of you will agree.
So I have to pack and well, the suitcase never really got unpacked all the way. lol...
Travis is doing good he played with his sister's tonite and wiggled and giggled sitten on the floor.
Travis is getting so big and we aren't even doing the feeds. Travis hasn't used his "Mickey Button" since the first Thusrsday after he got out of ICU from surgery.
Travis likes that pediasure.(yuk) But he is starting to be picky on the food part but hey we all do that.
The first plane ride was good and I hope the 2nd will be the same.
I had to take his little sissy's to there dad's house. they didn't want to go. His 2 yr. old sis,Mekenna says "are you gonna be gone forever again?" That is one of the harder things. But we will return in three days.
Well I have to get bags packed and Travis is sleeping and Jess and Kilee plan on going with to the airport and they are still sitting here chatting at me and we have to get up at 4 inthe morning.
So we love to recieve all the prayers. Please keep all of Travis'sister's in mind in the sense cuz it has been so hard on them being without us when we are gone.
Love and Thanks to all.
Love Julie and Travis

Sunday, March 7, 2004 9:36 PM CST

Hello! Ok, first off Travis is really goood and he is loving being home. He told us so himself.lol...
One thing I have to let be known is that I have gone to Aaron Hunter's web and signed the guestbook and I just went to JoeyWynn's and until you can tell me if you got the note from us I am not gonna try to rack my lil' brain to see if it worked. Cuz, I ain't seeing it in your books. So, mom's if you got the notes please let me know and I won't think that I am completely computer illiterate. Just a little.
Well it is Sunday nite and here at the home front all the chitlens are in bed. Travis is not tho. Imagine that! But he is asleep. He just fell asleep pulling mommy's hair and laughing. He said hiiiiii, tonite on the phone. I swear he said it. I wish I had a comp. camera. Cuz if I did I would be using it all day and nite. If ya know me I would probably shoot pics while all the babes were sleeping even.
It has been really good being home. It is hard trying to get on the right track and all then having to leave. But after this time we will be home for a longer period of time. 3 weeks, instead of less than 2. We needed this. I needed this to get back home to Travis' sisters. I dont ever want to go thru this again to where we aren't with them and the rest of our family.
I know alot of you know exactly where I am coming from and what I mean.
St.Jude's is great and so is and everyone at the Ronald M.House, but...it isn't so great when you have to leave behind the rest of your family due to how many cant be with you.
Hopefully now we will only be going down once a month if I haven't already said this. But Travis is only getting his Carboplatin and not the Vincristine.
That's why we are going down to Memphis for the carbo. Is to make sure nothing unusuall goes on with the chemo. It has been quiet the rollercoaster ride of my life.
Where we (i) have gotten the strength for all this is beyond me. I really don't know. My son, is the only thing I can come up with.
Anywho, things are going good and they will get better as time goes on.
Travis is great and when we are back in Memphis I am to pick up his pics from the photoshoot we did at the hospital and cant wait to seee those pics. Travis is not camera shy that is for sure. He loves to have his picture taken. He is convinced!!!lol
Well since all is silent here, I am going to go straighten up and get to bed myself.
So thankyou all for all. Keep those prayers coming in for our lil'Travisman. We still have to fight this battle full force.
love to hear from you all.
Julie,Travis,Kevin and all sissy's....

Saturday, March 6, 2004 11:58 PM CST

Hello to everyone! We are at home since last Sunday. It sure is great to be back home and to try to get back into the swing of things. I will have to say the early rise and getting off to school is the one thing to wiggly back into that i didn't miss. But we are all doing good.
Travis is sleeping right now and he is still the ham ever. Just different now cuz of the weight gain. Pretty soon it will be his first birthday. March 19th....I can't wait except for i dont want my lil'man growing to fast. He has been thru so much.
We are to return to Memphis on the 10th to only be there for Carboplatin dose. That is the only chemo he is recieving. And i am hoping and praying that it will only be a 3 day stay at the most. We will be flying out at 6am and getting there about 12noon. Then to return on the Fri.the 12th.
I just know that GOD is not going to let us go thru what we did before and things are going to be alright.
Just like the lil' lady we met at he w.Memphis Wal-Mart on the Fri. Before we left. She told me that she pretty much had the same thing that Travis had.
She was found when she was 8yrs. and now when we had the pleasure of talking with her she is 19yrs. old.
Brenda I believe(?) It was like an angel was sent to us to show us that Travis is going thru this ordeal, but look how beautiful she is and that travis is th same. I was touched the nite we met her.
Any way Travisman is doing great and still eating and stil smileing
I will do more of this tomorow.
I am falling asleep
Thankyou all for the prayers and I am starting to dose off with comp in hands.
love julie and Travisman

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 10:26 PM CST

hey to all this is going to be all in small letters. travisman is on my lap and it is not that easy.

I feeling alot of gratitude towards alot of people. i cant even begin to express my thanks to any of you for all that you have done.
i have met alot of people since we first took travis to memphis.so many people have touched our lives. so many people have made me a stronger person.
all of my children have really been the main inspiration in my life. travis is stong and brave and courageous. But there is one(excuse me 4) other reason's that have made this journey in travis' life so much easier.
travis' four sister's. for they all have been so strong and brave and sharing. not selfish in any way.
for they have understood that travis needs there mom to be there with him. he has four loving sisters. so loving that they still love travis and dont get mad at him for taking me away from them in his time of need. because they too have alot of reason to need me and think the world of my girls for that. not to be with your mom when you need her is very hard. especialy when it has been me there for them for most of there lives. never being away from me for months at a time. now having to deal with all just that.
things are kinda touchy with my girls and i because of all they have been thru.
all of my children have blessed me and i know that they have blessed so many others.
there are so many families out there that i think know just exactly what i am saying.
travis is doing great and he is eating good still and he is very happy. is very happy to be home with all his family.
thankyou to all his family that travis hasn't even gotten the chance to meet yet. travis will has the time and he will someday soon.
we will be changing pics soon and try to do so often.
i got travis' pics done at st.jude before we came home. i am hoping to get them when we go back to memphis. cant wait to get them back. travis is quiet the ham for the camera.
but hey i am pooped and travis is wiped out on my lap. so i think i am going to try to sleep myself.
i willl return tomorrou,with more.
love and thanks.
julie and travisman

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 8:25 PM CST

Hey there! It has been a little crazy here tryingto get back into the swing ofthings. My house is in complete disaster state and i dont know where to start crazy.
Well Travis is doing good. I think he may still be adjusting. He is happy to be home. The joy he has from his sisters is overwhelming. We do have to be back on the 11th of this month and we are going to fly ..no way am i driving this time. we are only to be there the 2 to 3 days and i will not think it to be any other way.
no way!!!! no replay's.
So we are all good and trying to get things in order here at the house.

Thankyou all so much for all your support and love. All the prayers are the best support of all. Thankyou each and every one of you. Ihaave to go tTravis is fussy.
love Julie and Travis

Sunday, February 29, 2004 7:57 PM CST

Well, I tried to surprise everyone at home by coming home unexpectedly. Well it workde for the kids but a certain loving friend told a few people.ummumm....I love you Marilyn....
We made it hoome and things are ok. We will have to return to memphis by the 12th. well things are crazy here and i will try to come back at a later date and time.
travis is so happy to be home.
me toooooooo........
love julie and travis

Saturday, February 28, 2004 2:23 PM CST

Hey! I can't scream outloud to all you loud enough,
"WE GET TO GO HOME!" Our doc called us today around 1pm and told me that the mri looked great and that we can go home. Everything is good the tumor isn't growing or doing anything (being there is bad enough)but it's an ok for us to go home and fight this tumor with our family. All of our family! I am so excited and Travis is so sleepy.hehe..
He just ate a hotdog and cookies and mac&cheese. Now he is sleeping while Iam telling ya'all this wonderful news.

Exactly when I can't say what day we will be home. I have to get to CapeJerardo(sp?) that is where my van is and it's fixed I just have to get to it. It's a good 3 hr. drive from here. We do have a few people saying we could hitch a ride but not until Sun. or Mon. We will see. ]\

I am just so glad to go home. We will have to return on the 11 or 12th of March tho. So the first stay home won't be that long. But we won't be here. So it's all good!!!!

So that is that and now to go clean and pack .
Thankyou all again for all the prayer's keep them coming cuz Travis still has a long road ahead of him to kick this tumor out and gone for good.
He has his mommy and daddy's blood and stubborness, he ain't gonna give up. No Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We love you all and will let ya know what's happening.
love Julie and Travis

Friday, February 27, 2004 12:14 AM CST

Hi to all! Im sitting here in the library waiting on Travis to get done with his MRI. Hopefully it will be complete by 1:30 and the real thing that I need is that the docs tell me the results today. I really think they will. We never have really had to wait before.
Travis did have a wonderful morning tho. Considering he couldn't eat anything. We got our buts dressed in time to go downstairs where they were still having the Radiothon at Ronald McDonald House. I spoke last night for a short time telling a lil'something of Travis' experience's at the House and at St.Jude.
Travis was in very high spirit's this morning, very playful and happy and full of energy. He went fast to sleep with so far no problems. Because they haven't called me over head.
Ya know half of the problems arise from having to do so much damn waiting for results.
It's like we are at the top of a very high mountain and this is the part where we get to figure out how we are to come down. If we are going to plumet or if we will have a nice stride down.
So we hope everyone else is well that we haven't been able to talk with. We miss everyone back home so much.
I "will" be back with the results of today later

love and thanks to all!
Julie and Travis

Thursday, February 26, 2004 1:33 PM CST

Hello Everyone! Well first off as of today Travis has 2 more lbs. on to his last weight 6 days ago. The docs are giving him some medicine to take off some of the retaining water. They think. I just think he's starting to look more like his daddy did when he was a baby. "Lil'ChunckaMunk". So today he is all dressed up and Laura the photographer here at St.Jude is going to have the pleasure of taking Travis' picture for us. So as soon as we get them we will post them.
I say pleasure cuz anyone who knows Travis they know how much he loves the camera.
Travis has his MRI tomorrow at 11a.m. if all goes as scheduled. He still has a cough but he sounds good. So lets keep our finger's crossed so that we get it done and get the result's back and can get the heck out of here with the ok to go back home for a while.

Well we have to get to pics.. Don't know if I will be back later due to the Radiothon the comps at the house are off and our lappy isn's set up right. There's a glitch in the system it came from. Darn thing.

Thankyou all and miss everyone back home and cant wait to see you all again. Thankyou all for the prayer's keep them coming because I believe and Travis just say's it all.
Love to all,
Love Julie and Travisman

Monday, February 23, 2004 4:33 PM CST

Well, Hello to all this will be short and sweet..
Travis is at a womping 19.2lbs hip hip horray!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told ya he was getting to be a lil' piggy. Today we didn't do much but he ate of course. Went over to get his sodium lvls. checked. We didn't stick around to see what they were. I was sure if they weren't right that they (the nurse) would call and tell. Right now we have messes to clean and we want to go and play and see everybody. Were suppose to go to B side for supper with other families. Hehehehe....
So our day was a smooth day nothing really going on. But we are spending time together.
We may come back later and let ya all know how our dindin went.

Thankyou everyone for all your love and support.

Julie and Travisman

Sunday, February 22, 2004 6:58 PM CST

today was a beautiful day! we went outside today at 11a.m. to see what it was like and it was great. We had a big lunch today hosted by a church. terrible me i dont member the name. but they sure did put on the feast for lunch and we got stuffed like a turkey on thanksgiving. lol...
then mommy pushed me around and around and around and around. oh' heck, i was sleeping cuz i ate so much so i didnt even notice. but she did walk around the ronald mcdonald house about 10hunndred(lol)times with marilyn today.
if any of you know ronald mcdonald house you know how them mommy's of ours say my but getten' big sitten all the time and all the food in the house don't help. lol...

then mike, devon's daddy had thrown a turkey on the grill early this morning. before we went outside. and a pork loin. it was for our supper so before i ate my lunch supper was already cooking for us. (hehehe)

mommy and i went to the kroger with marilyn to get potatoe's and for the potatoe salad. mommy made mac and cheese. plus my one of my fav's baked bean's.

you know what they can make you do? (toot)hehe!
so we all pigged out and boy was it all good. and i am well sleepy........so i'm falling asleep..hope you all had a great day. i gave kisses today too.hehe!
mommy will probably tell ya all more later. lol
love travis

Saturday, February 21, 2004 7:36 PM CST

hey to all guess what????????????
Travis reached with his left arm to grab at his plate to get a "green bean". Yippie,yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Travis is getting stronger every day and he is full now and i am so smiley.

love all

julie and travis

Saturday, February 21, 2004 11:39 AM CST

hi to all!
Travis is very full and very asleep and it is beautiful outside today. We are doing alright here. We aren't in the hospital and mommy got a lil'bit of sleep. and we aren't in the hospital..lol...that says alot. well we are only doing the carboplatin(chemo)once a month now and that is due to the fact that the docs think his sodium levels were the way they were due to the vincristine. his levels yesterday were 137 so that is really great.

we wait to see if we are able to do his mri this week. hopefully we can on thurs. or fri. so we may get to go back to our real home and come back again for chemo..
this time we stay for only 2 days. were not gonna have anymore problem's i pray...
so we hope everyone has a great weekened..
love ya all....thank you for visiting our site.
love julie and travis

Friday, February 20, 2004 5:34 PM CST

hey all,
well, we are out of the hospital as of yesterday.
Travis got his stitches out today and his scar dont look half bad. Travis is feeling much better and we were loving the weather outside. it is really warm today.
we will be here for a short time. we have to do the mri and his hearing test next week. now we are only doing the chemo med that is carboplatin.
the docs think that the reason his sodium lvls. went crazy is due to the vincristine..
so no more of that right now.
well travis is napping and i have to get back to him.
so all have a great weekened.
type more later....
julie and travis

Thursday, February 19, 2004 1:43 PM CST

hi all!
We are waiting to go back to Ron.Mac.House.. We were on our way out. I was packing our stuff and noticed that Mr. Travisman, was all pink looking and I had the docs come in and look at him. Short version, they gave him some Benadryl and his color was starting to come back. Even before they gave him the medicines.
The only thing that bothers me is that this is the kind of thing that I had seen before Travis had hemoraged. Let's not think that way. But its the mother bear instinct in me. Growwwwwlllll... pay attention, right.
Travis did not make it to his M.R.I. this morning either. Well I should say that they did not go thru with it because of the cold that he has. We're not taking any chances with asperating. Ya know!!!
So, he was napping again and I thought I would try to come and update.
Only have 2 min. on library comp any way..
Type more later.

hey all we made it out of the hospital and back at the ronald house. its dinner time and travis is fussy and i have to tend to him will be back later. as he is saying
"mamamama" lol hehehe i love it
daddy on the other hand says "say dada"
of course. love u all

love Julie and Travis

Wednesday, February 18, 2004 6:11 PM CST

hello to all! well we thought that we were going to be discharged today.. but...we were told that travis' sodium levels had gone down again today (this morning) and that he is off his sodium drip and he "can" eat anything he wants. we (mommy and daddy) are making sure we put a little bit of extra salt on his foods. lol.. but we just drew blood to check his levels again at 6pm and i really am hoping they come back in the 130's. we were also moved to a different room at the same time with the bad news of his levels. moving us because of his cold and the fact that i (mommy) have the same crud. im not too bad. but travis is still recieving his breathing treatments about every 4 hrs. it is doing him good. i dont want anyone to think that he is in real distress, its a lil' weaze going on and i try to catch all as soon as it starts so he's doing good. just a darn cold like we all have gotten and this is travis' first cold.
well like i may have said he has his m.r.i. tomorrow bright and early. so we will be staying the night here again. cuz it wouldn't make any sense to pack it up and worry bout his breathing treatments and be back in the morning. better for travis.
so we are all here and thankful for all of the prayers i know that travis has been given. we sure are greatful!

so we will tell all later of results.
love julie and travis

Sunday, February 15, 2004 9:28 PM CST

hey all! its later and travis is now on to 1oz. of pediasure every 3 hrs. his sodium lvls. could be going goofy for many reasons. one because of chemo and the other because of his tumor(not whaat the docs think) and because he is flly filL;L FULLY LOADED WITH FLUIDS and wELL i really am not sure. they are holding at 128 though and it is to be in the 130s to 140s and so we will see. my typing is in the hands of mine and some
assistance from travisman himself. so forgive our typing.
lolbut we have ot get going. goodnight .
love julie and travis

Sunday, February 15, 2004 9:36 AM CST

it is morning and the nurse came in to tell me that they have to make travis npo. again. his sodium levels last night were ok. that was at six and now after eating last night and thru the night his levels are low again and i don't have an answer as of to why. i am asking for them not to put off a scan if its a thought or reason for the levels to be off if there is swellling in his head. so i hope we will find out. i will tell more later.

he still has his sweet nature. that's my travisman!

Saturday, February 14, 2004 7:17 PM CST

hey all! we are still inpatient. the doc said that his sodium level was low. well as of right now travis is ok. the have to check it again at midnight.
travis had to go the whold day without eating. so tonight at six he gobbled up some raviolli's and crackers and a 4oz. bttle. he is happy now and napping.
travis was happy all day. his fever had broke yesterday night and he hasn't had one since. i think it was just from the chemo.
so were still inpatient, but we are just taking it easy and laying around. time is low on the comp. here at the library and will log on later.
thankyou all again for all the support!

Saturday, February 14, 2004 1:37 AM CST

well all i am going to tell you a little. cuz it is very frustrating to me cuz i just lost everything i typed cuz i didn't save it.
well travis is back in memphis and we came on the 22 of jan. for chemo. instead a wrong turn came at him. we found out that his tumor was bleeding and they schedulesd emeregency surgery for the following tues. well i am only going to put it in short story for now.
travis didn't hold out until tues. the tumor had hemoraged and they did surgery on mon. and the surgery came thru good. except there was a lot of bleeding and he had to have 2 units of blood given and they took out 40% of the tumor. travis was in icu for 1 week and half and we are at st.jude.
due to lack of blood flow to the right side of the brain travis had a stroke making his left side paralized.
he has fought a long road and is doing very well. we did chemo yesterday and he had to have meds to make sure there was no reactions. went well (his chemo being carboplatin and vincristine)

the thing is that travis woke with a very hight fever. today they put him in patient and he is doing ok. no big worries here and i will update it more tomorrow. have to get a comp . of our own and not only have so much time.
thank you all for all the prayers.

Monday, January 19, 2004 11:18 AM CST

well travis is doing the same...good as ever. loving the fadt that we are home and with his sisters and all the other people that we were away from for so long. it is mighty cold here back home. yesterday was our first day of real coldness..burr........

we went to peoria,il. for travis's chemo and it went well. the vincristine. it is only a push for travis. not that much. we had to wait longer than it took to give the meds.

the one thing that i am working on hard is to get travis some weight on him and to do the things that a normal 10 month old could do.
travis is not sitting up on his own yet. he doesn't pull himself up yet to a sitting position and he is not crawling yet. i know he will soon.

his feed tube feedings are ok . he did get sick on friday while he was hooked up. so i am frazzled with that part of our situation.
travis is well and smileing like always. 10 mnths. old today to be exact. yippie!

Thursday, January 15, 2004 9:10 AM CST

hello everyone!!! we are finally home. we got back home on the 9th. we had to fly into minnesota before we could actually get home. our flight was good. both of them. considering that we were on two planes. i do have to say that peoria airport is not all that. not what i am use to growing up by o'hare.

anyway, travisman is doing great. we will go to peoria for his chemo on friday . he hasn't really gotten sick, he is holding food down and happy as he always is.

different being at home but this is were he needs to be.
our journey home was exciting because none of his sisters new that we were coming home. so, yes, that was a big surprise for all of them.
he was glad to see daddy when he got to the airport to . travis loves his daddy! we got home and had our christmas all over again with our family. it was sweet.
travis has been out to the store and been around town and enjoying it all .
by looking at out little travisman you could never tell of his brain tumor. and soon with all our prayers it will be gone and he will never even remember any of this.
now travisman is napping and i need to get some house work done and we do have errons to run.
daddy came home last night and said he got a new job, full time painter now. so we have to go get the painter outfit, ya know the white shirts with the white carpenter pants. ya know the look!!!!

nap time now and we will be back this evening. tata for now.

Thursday, January 8, 2004 1:13 PM CST

hello to all!!!! today we are waiting to recieve chemo right now. vincristine today, that is just a push it takes longer for the medicine room to get the medicine then to give it to travis.

i (julie) found out about creating this web for travis just late last night. so we will get more on it in the future.

we woke this morning after another successful feeding thru the night.
travis has a g-tube for feedings and it was a long tube connected into his stomach for 6 weeks. as of tuesday jan.5th,2004 it was made into a "mickey button", that is to where it was shortened and now it just looks like a small button on his stomach. much easier for him and i both.

travis has , so far, not thrown up in the past 3 days. that is a great thing. it was hard for him in the past. seems like his gag reflex is very sensitive.
we also found out he is a whole 15 and half lbs. now. that was the scale reading yesterday. yeah............

today we are waiting to make sure that we are going home in the morning.
iam running out of time on the comp. at the hospital.. iwill return later.

Wednesday, January 7, 2004 9:51 PM CST

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