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I just tried to send a messege to your email, but it came back to me saying that you don't have an account with yahoo. Do you no longer have the same email as at the bottom of Kaitlyn's page? I will be continuing to check.

Michele Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Monday, March 13, 2006 2:22 AM CST
Sorry that I haven't typed a note in so long. That does not mean that I haven't been thinking of you. I think and pray for you at least once a day if not twice. You and Kaitlyn gave me a whole new thought on life especially dealing with my children. Each day it seems that there is something that happens that knowing your story makes me react differently. I thank both you and Kaitlyn for that. I am so sorry that you are having to relieve some of the same feelings with Kyle's passing away. I know that you could be a huge support system for Paula though because you have been there and most of the rest of us have not. You can truly say " I know what you are going through and I know how you feel". I hope that you will be able to turn some of your current grief into great use. It would be awful for it to be a set back for you. I called my mother and asked her to please be sure to say some extra prayers for you at this time. I mentioned to her that your previous entry sounded so awesome. You sounded so happy and like you were able to start enjoying life a little bit again. It was so great to hear that in your typing! I will be continuing to watch the website for more updates... Big hugs to you!!!

Michele Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Monday, March 13, 2006 1:59 AM CST
I have been following your family for some time, you are an inspiration to all. I love your messages to Kaitlyn and continue to pray for her. I am also heart broken for Kyle's family.
We are planning a trip to disney this summer with our 3 yr old . A big hug to you and your family.

MASSILLON , oh usa - Monday, March 13, 2006 0:06 AM CST
Kathy, your posting was so thoughtful...as we know this is tearing our hearts out...we all feel love for these little ones...know I'm here for you in ANY way possible. I just want to give you a BIG hug right now. Know that I love you!
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, - Thursday, March 9, 2006 1:49 PM CST
Hi Kathy, Time to update please we all need to know how you are doing. Miss you lots here in ILL. I think of you always. I come to the site and just sit and look at Angel Kailtyns face. Hope you are all doing good and having fun in the sunny state of FL. Miss you lots hope you update soon. Give Ryan a big hug from his family here in the good ol state of ILL. Love Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Saturday, March 4, 2006 5:40 PM CST
Hey, guys just stop buy to say hi, and how much I miss all of you. Kathy keep smiling that is what Kaitlyn would want is you to pass on her beautiful smile to everyone. Kaitlyn I miss you so much. I hear you all the time. Keep listening to Allison when she reads. She loves to read to you. Bryan has been out riding his ATV he named after you. Uncle Don hasn't made his Choclate cookies since he made them for you last. He said they were only for you and know one else can have them. We all miss you, keep grandma and Trevor smiling and playing hide n seek. love You all Aunt Laura
- Friday, March 3, 2006 2:10 PM CST
We had a another last minute "Girls Day Out" with an early dinner at Applebees and some time at the mall... it wasn't the same though without you!

I hope Florida is treating you well... we miss you!

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <shawnee.krueger@gmail.com>
Oklahoma Bound, IA - Thursday, March 2, 2006 9:25 AM CST
Hi Kathy,Jeff,Ryan, Hope everyone is fine there. I think of you so often. I hope the weather is good there for you so you can take Ryan outside to play. I know that Kailtyn is smiling down on you everyday. Her smile lights up the world atleast here and there with you. Hugs and Kisses to you and the family. Keep the updates coming we all enjoy them. LOVE YOU COUSIN Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Sunday, February 26, 2006 6:06 PM CST
Hi Kathy! Sure miss hearing from you! Hope that means all is going well in FL and you just dont have time to be sitting around on the puter all day ( too bad that is my JOB! :) ) butterflies and dragonflies...today,tomorrow and ALWAYS !
The Lester Clan (Mike, Sherri, Jacob & Morgan) <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA !!!!!! - Thursday, February 23, 2006 9:58 AM CST
Hey Kathy!
Was just thinking about you guys and thought I'd check to see if you had left a recent message. Florida sounds really nice weather wise, we still have ice on the ground from last weekend. Bet you don't miss that. I miss ya lots, give everyone a hug for me and make Jeff give you a big hug from me too. Let me know when you'll be in town and we can get the boys together to play and we can catch up.
Love ya, Meagan

Meagan Whitehead <mikeandmeagan@mchsi.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Monday, February 20, 2006 4:29 PM CST
Hi Kathy and Family - we havent heard from you in awhile so i hope that means you are just busy enjoying that great weather and that GREAT LITTLE GUY ! rumor has it you will be having company this week-good luck keeping those 2 occupied ! LOL ! today,tomorrow and always...
The Lester Clan (Mike, Sherri, Jacob & Morgan) <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA !!!!!! - Monday, February 13, 2006 10:13 AM CST
Always thinking of you and your family and always remembering Kaitlyn, how can you not have these panic attacks, your world has been turned upside down, I just think in time it will get better, I am glad you love your home and that you can get through a couple of days with some peace, reading your updates gives me hope and strength, that we can get through this, I thank you for your kind words and being there, always in our prayers!!

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, February 12, 2006 9:40 AM CST
Kathy& Jeff & Ryan. Katilyn sure knows how to talk to you. I am going to go find that book. As I read along I could see Kaitlyn telling you all of that. I could see that great big smile that she has. I could also see Grandma Mary Jane right there with her laughing. Kaitlyn is SO much like you. I am glad to hear that Ryan is doing good. Give him a big hug for me, and Jeff hug Kathy for me since she is kinda of out of reach for me. Glad to hear that you are having good weather. Today is a chilly 27 and cloudy. Keep up the updates we all love reading them and even crying with you. Miss you so much and lots of love. LOVE CHRISTINE
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Saturday, February 4, 2006 3:43 PM CST
Kathy, Jeff, and family:
Hi honey! Just wanted to pop in again. I saw your newest update..and must of just missed you being online. I really miss you and your family!!! I also miss Kaitlyn so very much...even though I didn't know her very well, as we live 7 hours away from each other. (We did, before you moved.) Anyhow...you guys are always in my thoughts/prayers...ALL of you!!
I just want you and Jeff to know that I'm here...and that if you ever need to talk, or to cry, or to yell...just email me with your new home phone #, and I'll be on the phone in a shot! I AM HERE, Kathy...please don't be afraid to talk to me. I just don't want you to shut me out...
Every time I come here...I get tears in my eyes. I still feel so badly for you. You sure are taking all of this alot better than I ever would have. You really are a strong woman, Sweetheart! Same with you, Jeff...meaning you really are a great support for Kathy!! Keep it up...as you know she'll really need you for a long time!
Well guys....I love you so much...and I miss you dearly! Chins up...and I'll be back in again...to say hello. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
Love, Jayna (your cousin)

Jayna Wimer , (Husband Dallas, and kids) <jaynaw4rv@aol.com>
Hooper, NE USA - Thursday, February 2, 2006 11:24 PM CST
Kaitlyn is definitely talking to you... thanks for sharing this special story with us, it was just what I needed!

Believe in Angels as Kaitlyn is truely one!

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <shawnee.krueger@gmail.com>
Van Horne, IA USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 9:35 PM CST
Hi Kathy&Jeff, HOpe you are enjoying life in the sunny state of Flo. We sure do miss you here in chilly ILL. Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you today and everyday. Give Ryan a hug for us. Hope to see you soon. Hope the new grandbaby is doing good and growing up fast. Take care and remember we all love you back here.. Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 1:18 PM CST
Hello beautiful angel. I just wanted to say hi. You are in my heart forever and always!
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:41 PM CST
Thinking of you and your family.

Love Always,
Melissa Voss
Morale Captain
Dance Marathon 2006

Melissa Voss <mel3321@hotmail.com>
Iowa City, IA - Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:33 AM CST
Com'on Grandma you should be updating this page atleast once a week when the monster is taking a nap or something!! I dont see you very much and wanna know what's going on in your life, haha joke. We're happy your down here I know Greg is having a blast getting to see his dad and he's anticipating that golf game, maybe this weekend or something. Well just wanted to show some love to Kaitlyn and say hope you're enjoying Florida!!
Samantha <LoveSNST4@aol.com>
St.Cloud, Fl - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:01 AM CST
Just wanted you to know I was here thinking of Kaitlyn.
WOW, FLORIDA! I've heard that's a pretty nice place to be.
Glad to hear Ryan is well and happy.

Love from Colleen and Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, Western Australia Australia - Monday, January 23, 2006 8:53 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know that you and your family (and Kaitlyn, of course) are in my thoughts.
Enjoy your new stay-at-home career! I'm sure it'll be great for both of you.
I hope that your girl keeps sending you little signals.

Jenn Huston <jennifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South Bend, IN - Monday, January 23, 2006 12:27 AM CST
How is it going??? Hope that all is well and that you are enjoying staying home and being a full-time mom, your always in my thoughts and always rememberin sweet Kaitlyn!!!

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com >
- Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:43 PM CST
stoping by to say hi...

God bless

Ozzie <ovieira@hartz.com >
Harrison, NJ - Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:37 PM CST
stoping by to say hi...

God bless

Ozzie <ovieira@hartz.com >
Harrison, NJ - Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:32 PM CST
Hi Kathy hope you are getting all settled in down there in Florida. I didn't think you were moving till later in Jan. but this must have worked better for you. Hope this brings you a much happier year although I know you will always feel some pain. Just remember she can ruan and play and smile and do anything she wants when she wants. No pain not too hat or too cold -anything. I enjoyed the day I tagged along ongirls day out. Hope if you come back for a visit sometime maybe we can all get together again. Know that many of us miss you and are still praying for your family. Lorrie
Lorrie Towle <Lorrie.Towle@gmail.com>
Van Horne, Ia USA - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 9:08 PM CST
Kathy, I know we talk all the time, but I wanted to sign the guestbook for Kaitlyn. Little Kaitlyn, we are all here thinking of you...remembering how beautiful you are...it is amazing how you have affected my life. You cross my mind several times a day...while I'm interacting with David and Johnna and while I help keep your mom happy. Everytime too that I see Ryan..more so each day as he gets older...I think of you. I think as he is growing up he is looking more and more like you. I'm sure he will change so much before we get to Florida to see him again. I know you watch over all of them each and everyday and it amazes me how you can be felt in so many places at once. I know your daddy feels you too. Tell me how you are in IL, IA, and FL all at once!!! :) Just know we can feel your prescense and we all miss you. You are so special!
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 4:45 PM CST
I hope you allare enjoying Florida. Hope all is going well for you all and that you are all adjusting well. I will miss our girls day out. They were always so much fun and I learned alot about you in the car ride there and back. I hope Ryan is keeping you going and on your toes. Little boys are wild. Don't forget to come visit. I hope tp see you back for dance marathon in Feb.
Susie James www.caringbridge.org/ia/trevorwhite <s_z_james@yahoo.com>
Muscatine, IA USA - Monday, January 16, 2006 11:24 PM CST
So glad to see the new entry, and hope that Florida brings you everything you need, no one knows what you have been through and what you need, I wish you all the luck and enjoy staying at home I know you make the best of each moment. I cannot imagine what the holidays are like, but you got through, it was not easy but you did it!!! I think of you often and I think and talk of Kaitlyn often, she will always be remembered in so many hearts, god bless!!!

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Monday, January 16, 2006 5:18 PM CST
Just dropping a quick note to let you know we are thinking of you!

Kathy I miss our "Girls Day Out" already... Please give me a call if you are ever in town!

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <shawnee.krueger@gmail.com>
Van Horne, IA USA - Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:20 PM CST
Hello Kathy, Jeff, Ryan, and family:
I apologize for not having written in here for so very long. Losing a child myself, although several years ago, rakes up all the hurt and anger inside that a mother feels. Anyhow, I heard about you guys moving, and just wanted to say that I hope you are well and happy. I saw pictures of Kaitlyn's grave marker, and it's GORGEOUS!!! You guys have really proven to everyone how much you loved her!! I would think it should have taken a huge heart to have made such a beautiful and permanent tribute to Kaitlyn...but of course, always well worth it. Your Princess is in my thoughts daily! I'm always thinking about her. Such a gorgeous, fragile child, she was...and now forever will be! Although my heart breaks and aches, each time I think about her...I know she's now where the cancer no longer can hurt her! She's PERFECT now!
Kathy? PLEASE call me...or email me. I tried calling you at home and on your cell several times, before you moved. PLEASE phone me or email. I'm always around. You are my only female cousin on our parent's side. PLEASE?????

Jayna {(husband Dallas, kids- - Kaleigh, Michael, Barri, Jade, Kirk)} <jaynaw4rv@aol.com>
Hooper, NE 68031 - Friday, January 13, 2006 0:00 AM CST
Glad everything is going well...wishing you a great 2006!!

God bless

Ozzie <ovieira@hartz.com >
Harrison, NJ - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 12:06 AM CST
Glad everything is going well...wishing you a great 2006!!

God bless

Ozzie <ovieira@hartz.com >
Harrison, NJ - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 12:01 AM CST
Thank you for updating. I was getting pretty concerned about you. Thank you, Thank you God for Ryan!!! I hope he continues to keep you running and playing so that you don't have TOO much time to think. Thank you also for keeping us in touch about your moving to Florida. I am glad that the move is done for all of you and that Ryan is adjusting well. Praise the Lord that you are able to stay at home with him and just get to enjoy him. What a blessing that is! I will be continuing to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you!!!

Michele Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:18 PM CST
Kathy,Jeff,Ryan, I have known that you were moving but didn't say anything. I will miss you alot. I wish I would have seen you before you left. Would have loved to spend alittle time with my cuz. But I understand why you moved. Angel Kaitlyn had the sun shinning down on us here over the weekened after like 11 days of clouds. I wish you nothing but happiness down there. Hope you get to see Annette and Holdon. I was sooooo glad to read you'r update and yes I cried. Family is a very speical thing and life is too short. To Angel Kaitlyn keep hugging mommy like you do and play alot with Ryan. I hope you had a really good Christmas and have a happy new year. Tell Grandma mary Jane we all miss her and love you both very much. Keep that great smile you have. I will be watching for the butterflies this spring. Love Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Monday, January 9, 2006 8:44 PM CST
Hi Kathy...thanks for posting and keeping cyberland up to date! :) Well, now the holidays are behind us...I'm wishing you all a great 2006...I hope your family is happy in Florida...I wish you nothing but the best! Give Ry-Guy a big hug from me. I miss you all a lot! Thinking of you daily, Much Love!!!
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA - Monday, January 9, 2006 8:37 PM CST
Hi Kathy,
Just checking in. Hoping to hear from you soon... It has been so crazy with this nicer weather for winter. I have been cleaning and throwing stuff out. I threw out a total of 5 garbage bags of "stuff/junk" in the last week. I am going to be organized someday..I am going to be organized someday.. I just keep repeating and reading books about it in hopes that one day it will really happen. Well all for now, I need to check on a couple more caringbridge sites before finishing up some organization before bed. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday! Big hugs to you.

Michele Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Sunday, January 8, 2006 8:49 PM CST
Hi Kathy,Jeff, Just wanted to say HI and that I am thinking of you. Hope the new year has started off ok for you. I will be glad when the sun shines again. We need the sun so we can all smile again. I thank GOD every day that Kaitlyn is no longer in any kind of pain. That she can run and play and just be a kid again. Atleast she has Grandma there with her and her little friends. Well hope to see an update from you soon. I AM SURE that you have been busy. Just remember that you are SO loved and thought of often by so many people family and friends alike. We love you Kathy. Angel Kaitlyn keep smiling and keep hugging you'r mommy. Tell grandma Mary Jane that her family misses her and that we think of her alot. Give her a hug from all of us. LOVE CHRISTINE
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Friday, January 6, 2006 8:32 PM CST
KATHY, WHERE ARE YOU???? We are all still hanging out here wanting to know what you are up to and what is going on at you household. Please send us all a little messege of some sort so that we can know that you are there. Let us know if there is anyway that we can help if you need it. As I said before... I am hoping that you are just so busy with the holiday season, that you just can't find the time to put in an entry. I hope that you are at least reading our entries so that you know that you are still in our thoughts and prayers everyday! Hugs to you!
Michele Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Thursday, January 5, 2006 11:31 PM CST
Checking in and hoping you are doing Ok, I pray for much peace in 2006 or as much as you can get, we think of you all the time and never forgetting Kaitlyn love to you all.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, January 4, 2006 1:13 PM CST
Hi kathy, Just thought I would take the time to say Happy New Year. Hope this year is a good one for you, or atleast better then last year. I think of you alot. Wishing that there was some way to make you smile all the time cause you have a great smile that makes other people smile. You are a great person and great family. Just remember Angel Kaitlyn is pain free and flying high with Grandma. Well hope to talk to you soon. Thinking of you always. LOVE CHRISTINE
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Sunday, January 1, 2006 5:14 PM CST
Rumor is you guys moved to FLORIDA ? Whats up with that ?
wondering where you are at <whereareyouat@missing.com>
Aledo, IL confused - Sunday, January 1, 2006 9:53 AM CST
Hoping that you are so busy with all the holiday stuff that you haven't had the time to update! Happy New Year since I am typing this at 1:30am on the new year. Hoping and praying that this new year can bring you the peace that you need and deserve. Please let us know how Ryan enjoyed Christmas and all the other family details. We are all praying and keeping you and your family in our thoughts as the first holidays pass. Remain strong like you are and know that tomorrow is a new day! Hugs to you!!!
Michele Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Sunday, January 1, 2006 1:34 AM CST
Hello Kathy! We havent heard from you in such a long time....I am hoping that the holidays have not been totally unbearable for you...I agree with Christine...altho you miss her terribly...she is in a better place with no more pain or ouchies...eternally..you remain in our thoughts and prayers...today, tomorrow and always.
Sherri & Mike <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL 61486 - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:48 PM CST
Kathy, Well I hope you made it thru Christmas. I am sure it had to be hard on you. I thought of you all day. I wish I could take you'r pain away so you could be pain free. Just remember Kaitlyn is no longer in any pain. I know how bad you miss her but she is still with you and always will be. I bet she had fun on christmas day I am sure that was one big b-day party up there. Lots of cake and fun things to do. Well just wanted to say I was thinking of you and love ya lots. Keep smiling for Kaitlyn cause we all know that she is. ALL MY LOVE CHRISTINE
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 10:18 AM CST
Kaitlyn - We miss you so much, but hope you had a nice christmas with Jesus and your grandarents and friends. Hope you liked the xmas trees left for you. We played a movie just for you. I hope you welcome Jeff's dad into your world and help show him the way. It was a sad christmas for lots of us cause we have loved ones we miss and friends who have loved ones missed. Weknow though that you are happier and pain free and that certainly eases our pain. We love you so much Kaitlyn and will never forget you and your special smile that lit up our world. Your memory will continue to live on. Love
Grandma <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Monday, December 26, 2005 1:57 PM CST
Merry Christmas to you all, including Angel Kaitlyn!! I think of you often and hope to hear from you soon.
North Liberty, IA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 6:20 PM CST
Thinking of you this holiday season!

The Krueger Family ~ Ryan, Shawnee, Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <shawnee.krueger@gmail.com>
Van Horne, IA USA - Saturday, December 24, 2005 12:29 AM CST
I know you miss your angel terribly, but I hope that you can still enjoy the holidays with your family. I pray that you feel Kaitlyn all around you. Take care! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

"First Christmas in Heaven"

I see the countless Christmas trees
around the world below
with tiny lights like heaven's stars
reflecting on the snow.

The sight is so spectacular,
please wipe away that tear
for I am spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs
that people hold so dear
but the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you
of the joy their voices bring
for it is beyond description
to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart
for I am spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

I can't tell you of the splendor
or the peace here in this place
Can you just imagine Christmas
with our Savior face to face?

Please let your hearts be joyful
and let your spirit sing
for I am spending Christmas in heaven
and I'm walking with the King.

Jenn Huston <jennifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South bend, IN - Friday, December 23, 2005 11:47 AM CST
Hey Kathy! Long time no talk! Anyway, I just wanted to leave you a message to let you know I'm thinking about you! I wish we could be there for Christmas. I know Greg would love that! I bet you're getting lots of snow huh? Well, have a good Christmas and remember that Kaitlyn is smiling down on you so keep smiling for her! Hope to see ya soon!

St. Cloud, Fl US - Friday, December 23, 2005 9:10 AM CST
Hi, everyone. I just wanted to wish Kaitlyn a Merry Christmas and to let her know that we are all remembering her and hoping that she's enjoying her first Christmas with her Grandma Mary Jane. Also, I want to tell Kathy, Jeffy and Ryan that I think of you guys daily and you're always in my prayers. As sad and heartbreaking as this season will be for all of you, I guess we have to remember that Kaitlyn is not in pain and is running and playing. I sure wish I could take the pain away from all of you. Please know that I love you guys very much and always will!! Merry Christmas to all of you!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Friday, December 23, 2005 7:32 AM CST
Kathy and Family, I just wanted to take this time to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New year. I am sure that this season is hard on you but I am wishing for you to make it thur. I know that Kaitlyn is watching over you and hugging you all the time. Just remember that she is no longer in pain and is getting ready to be at the biggest birthday party ever. There will be lots of butterflys and angels there and of course Grandma Mary Jane.
Kaitlyn tell our lord happy birthday for me and have a piece of cake for me. Keep smiling down on you'r mommy she needs it. Tell grandma Hi from all of her family down here on earth. Glad you are pain free and happy. Merry Christmas Kaitlyn and GOD BLESS YOU'R LITTLE HEART. LOVE Christine

Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 10:18 AM CST
I just wanted to let you know that you are in our hearts right now and wish you the best holiday possible. We are thinking of you!
Brecka Putnam, Family Relations Director <studorg-dmfamrelations@uiowa.edu>
The University of Iowa Dance Marathon, - Thursday, December 22, 2005 7:41 AM CST
Thinking of you all during this holiday, wanting to send my well wishes, whatever that means!!!!! Thanks for the advice we have been doing things like that alot here lately!!! I will be thinkig of you all knowing how hard this must be but not really only you know, take care and always remembering sweet Kaitlyn.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, December 21, 2005 9:06 AM CST
Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of your family and your precious Kaitlyn, now more than ever. I hope that you are able to enjoy the holidays, though I know you'll miss her terribly. I know she'll be having a wonderful Christmas in Heaven, celebrating with the birthday boy Himself. What an honor. Take care! You're in our prayers
The Hustons - Jenn, Jason and Natalie <jennifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South Bend, IN - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 12:29 AM CST
Hello Kathy & Family! Just wanted to drop a quick line to say HI and let you know...you are still in our thoughts and prayers. It was so nice to see you all at David Crow's birthday party...and little Ryan is such a joy! I cant take away the pain that these first holidays are causing you but I hope that you are able to reflect on the great times you had with Baby Kait and that those memories will bring you some joy and happiness at this time. She was a very special little girl....today, tomorrow and always !
Sherri & Mike <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA !!!!!! - Monday, December 19, 2005 1:55 PM CST
Kathy,Jeff,Ryan, Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts. I am sure that Christmas is going to be hard. I will be thinking of you on that day. Just remember that Angel Kaitlyn is smiling down on you and hugging you so much. I bet she and Grandma are having a great time. Give Ryan a hug for all of us, And remember that you are in all of our thoughts. We all love you so much and wish we could take you'r pain away. Someday maybe it will easy up atleast I hope so. Well here is wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We love you lots. Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Monday, December 19, 2005 1:15 PM CST
Hi Kathy,
Just checking in. Is Ryan liking all this lovely white stuff? I finally got myself a pair of snowpants, so we were able to make a snowman the other day. It was a good time. I was wondering if you could please reply sometime and let me know does it bother you to hear what other people are doing with their little kids, or does it bring comfort to you to know that people are spending the quality time with their kids? I am hoping for the honest answer please. I could definitely see it both ways. Do you have a full set of plans for Christmas to keep you busy? I bet that Ryan is getting so excited. It is so neat to watch the magic through their eyes. Well, all for now. It is 1am and seems to be the only time that I can find to send a note. Hope to hear from you soon!

Michele Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:16 AM CST
Have not heard from you in a while and was hoping you were doing Ok, I think of you and your family all the time and hoping the holidays are managable. Your always in my prayers and never forgetting Kaitlyn.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Friday, December 16, 2005 6:37 PM CST
Just checking in again. It seems I either have no time for weeks to check in or I have those days in a row to check in. I will be watching for the next update to see how you are doing. I am sure that you are pretty busy though with the holidays coming up. We are continuing to say our prayers. Big hugs to you!

Michele Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Thursday, December 15, 2005 11:30 PM CST
Sorry it has been so long. I am trying to get caught up and just got done on Kyle's site and I can't quit crying. It just breaks my heart that parents have to go through all that you have been through and now what Paula and Kyle's family are going through. I just can't fathom what the purpose is unless it is a test from the devil to see if our faith can truly pull through it like he did with Job. I guess it is not for us to figure out. Sorry to vent on your web site...the nerve of some people!! Anyway, I have been continuing to say prayers for you each morning as I am waking up. I continue to take the extra time with my 4 year old daughter like you keep telling me to. We made cookies today and did some other errands. I think of you and Kaitlyn often while we are spending time together..it sure has made me realize how precious each day is. I thank God each morning for giving me another day with my family in my life. I have not forgotten about the lemonade stand money. I still have all the quarters and money in a baggie with the pictures I took. I took it into work with me the other day at the Drs. office because we were going to be seeing Grandpa Jack, but we didn't get to see him, so back home I brought it. I will get it to you one way or another. I am so glad that you were able to have a good time taking Ryan trick or treating. Not to say the obvious, but I thank God that you have Ryan to chase after... what a beautiful blessing! I will be continuing to keep you in my thought and prayers over the holiday season. Thanks for keeping us updated with you and your family. It sounds like you are doing pretty good and I'm glad that you are still sleeping with that precious Dora blanket...I can completely understand where you are coming from... I am crying again..Hugs to you!!!
Michele Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Thursday, December 15, 2005 1:05 AM CST
Stopping by to let you know that I am thinking of you.

Mandy (Angels on Earth)

- Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:26 PM CST
Hi Kathy,
Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and Kaitlyn. I hope to see you at our next "Girls Day Out." It was so nice to see you outside the hospital. I know this holiday season will be difficult without Kaitlyn...cherish the wonderful memories you have of her!

Jodi Ridder <jodiridder@indytel.com www.caringbridge.org/ia/cridder>
Independence, IA - Sunday, December 11, 2005 9:03 PM CST
Hi Kathy, Jeff, I just wanted to stop in and say Hi and that I am thinking of you oh so much. I wish I could take all you'r pain away if even for a day. It is so hard to believe that it has been 4 months since Kaitlyn got her wings and is flying high in the clouds. I hope you'r days are getting better enjoy Ryan and hug him lots. I know that Angel Kaitlyn is always hugging you. Take care and remember you are loved so very very much by so many people. Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Friday, December 9, 2005 1:27 PM CST
I check your webpage regularly though have never left an entry. I lost my mom when I was 6 and my aunt made me a plaque with the last picture taken of her and this poem on it. That was 23 years ago and I still have it and look at it often. I hope it helps you like it does me.
You cannot say, you must not say she is dead

She is just away! With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand.

She has wandered into an unknown land.

And left us dreaming how very fair.

Its needs must be, since she lingers there.

So think of her faring on, as dear in the love of there,

as the love of here.

Think of her still as the same and say

She is not dead she is just away.

Shannon Hampson <shannon-hampson@uiowa.edu>
Marion, IA - Thursday, December 8, 2005 9:54 AM CST
Hi Kathy! Today marks 4 months, another anniversary of Kaitlyns re-birth into heaven - cancer free and able to run and play ! Hooray for that ! I hope that your days are becoming bearable once again..and that you are able to remember all the happy times you shared with Kaitlyn.
Sherri & Mike <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA !!!!!! - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 10:51 AM CST
It was nice to see you, hard, but nice to see you, there are no words at times like these, but I know you know what it is like, thanks for the support and I think of all of you and will never forget Kaitlyn!!!

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, December 6, 2005 6:32 PM CST
I don't know if you've heard of this before, but some of our friends lost a daughter almost 8 years ago and we've participated in this each year since....I thought you may be interested in remembering Kaitlyn again through this during the holiday season. This is the message that my friend sent to us today.

"...That their light may always shine.....The world wide candle lighting....remember all children who have died. Light a candle in memory of Sarah and all children who have gone to meet our Heavenly Father ... on Sunday, December 11. 7:00pm around the Globe. THANKS to all who do this in honor of Sarah each and every year. We love you all!!

Barb and Bruce"

Sara Hughes <dshughes@netins.net>
Truro, IA USA - Sunday, December 4, 2005 11:20 PM CST
Thanksgiving 2005 behind you . . . So thankful you must all be to have had the privilege of sharing every moment of special Kaitlyn's time here on earth. I am thankful to have had the honor of witnessing Kaitlyn's brave life, and thankful you unselfishly shared her with the world. She was a gift from God, and our lives are more blessed today because she was in this world. She was, and still is, a blessing.
As Christmas Day approaches, I'm wondering, Kaitlyn, are you helping all heaven prepare for Jesus' birthday party there? I think you would like helping with that! Streamers of gold, billions of lights filling the endless spaces, gifts of love, kisses, hugs, tears of joy and thankfulness, hallelujah's raised in worship to the mighty King of Kings.! Lift your hands, Angel Kaitlyn, and celebrate! We remember, and we love. Yes, we love.

Gentle blessings . . .
Lori Dixon & family

Lori Dixon & family <ldixon.mcfe@thelawcentre.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 4:12 PM CST
Hi Kathy,Jeff,Ryan,and of course Angel Kaitlyn. I know that thanksgiving was hard on you but atleast you had you'r family there for you. I am just thankfull that Kaitlyn is nolonger in pain. She is smiling and having fun. I think of you always. The past few months have made me relize how short life is and that we should REALLY enjoy it to the fullest. I am thankfull that I have family like you. Remember that I am always here for you. Thinking of you everyday. ALL MY LOVE Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Sunday, November 27, 2005 6:53 PM CST
I thought about all of you alot over this holiday, not even beginning to know what it must feel like not to have Kaitlyn here, I hope that you at least remembered past holidays and had some joy in that. I pray for peace for all of you as the holidays come, Kaitlyn was so lucky to have such a loving family and you were all lucky to have such a wonderful child, praying for you always!!!

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, November 27, 2005 11:14 AM CST
Kathy, I come here to the caring bridge quite often to find out how you are doing. I think of you so much,and wonder how you and your family are getting along.I know this holiday season will be espicially hard,but I know you are strong enough to get through it. Just remember you have Ryan and your husband to help you. Don't forget your husband as I know he is grieving also, but he will also be there to help you so let him help! Keep up the journal as it also helps us to know that you are getting along with life as best you can. Thinking about you, I am Carrol
Carrol Anderson <rtexpgma@webtv.net>
Milan, Il. USA - Saturday, November 26, 2005 12:35 AM CST
Dear families...I cannot fathom the pain that must be surrounding you on these first holidays without Baby Kait. I have seen both of the monuments and they are truly works of art that show the love and care that Kait received in her short time here on earth. You are all in my thoughts and my prayers and in a special place in my heart as you face the days ahead.
Sherri & Mike <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA !!!!!! - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:47 AM CST
Angel Kaitlyn - Grandma Millie took Jennifer, Jennifer's 4 year old McKenzie and me to see your monument at the Viola Cemetery. We saw it by moonlight with flashlights. It is awesome. Daddy and Mommy did a wonderful job picking it out. Your picture lights up the whole cemetery! Cinderella, Dora, Boots, and Bear hugging you is so beautiful. On the way out McKenzie told her Mom how sad she was. Jiggs (your Daddy's dog) helped make her not so sad. Yesterday I went to the Reynold's Cemetery and saw your Dad's memorial heart bench in your honor. It too is awesome! Your pictures, your little hand prints, Dora, your swing set with bear swinging and especially your Gator are fantastic. Help your family dear little Kaitlyn during this very sad holiday season. I think of you, your family and pray for you all.
Sheryl J. Burley <sburley@thelawcentre.com>
New Boston, IL USA - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 8:32 AM CST
Kaitlyn - I think of you everyday. I hope that you are surrounded by all of your Grandmas and Trevor and all the other children. I hope your Thanksgiving is special as an Angel. I have your picture on my refrigerator and everytime I get in, I touch you and say ah, pretty girl I hope your having fun. Daddy went shopping yesterday and I think it was hard on him seeing all the kids things. I know it was for me. I want to buy you something so bad. Kathy - I hope you are staying strong. Just know that I care. Give Ryan a hug for me. Tell Jeff and Kristy Hello.
I have decided that xmas will either be a day of tears for us that we share or a day of tears that we don't share, probably some of both. I don't see anyway around it.

Millie Boney <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Monday, November 21, 2005 4:55 PM CST
Kathy, Well it is thanksgiving time. I am thankfull for the family I have. I am thankfull for having you as a part of that family. I am very thankfull that Kaitlyn is no longer in pain and is in heaven flying high. I wish I could take all you'r pain away if even for a day. Just remember that you are loved so much and so many people are here for you. Like I said before is that I wish I had you'r strength. I don't have any compared to you. I hope you have a good thanksgiving. Yes it will be hard but you WILL make it thru. Hug Ryan for me and remember call me anytime you need anything. angel Kaitlyn I wanted to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you. You enjoy lots of turkey with Grandma. Keep hugging mommy and Jeff, Ryan and Daddy to. We all miss you lots. Until we all see each other in that big playground keep laughing. YOU'R LOVING COUSIN CHRISTINE
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Monday, November 21, 2005 1:38 PM CST
Dear Kathy (and everyone who loved little Kaitlyn):
Each mother's grief is unique as is yours. It's because of the child lost- each one unique. While I have the experience of losing a child tucked away in my heart, it's not the same as yours. We only have in common the profound sorrow that will fade but never go away completely. Every event in your son's life will trigger those questions: what would my little girl look like now? What would she grow up to be? Who would she marry? And while your mourning will never completely end, it will evolve into something with meaning. You'll have compassion for others that you may have lacked before. You'll be in tune with others grief in a more intimate way. You'll know that simply saying "I'm sorry" when a loved one passes can be enough. You've probably already identified those platitudes that aren't necessarily helpful during this time and you're going to remember that always and avoid them.

At some point in time you'll get through a whole day and realize that it wasn't so bad. I can tell you now that you'll have to fend off the guilt that goes with such times. It is my hope that you come to the realization that honoring Kaitlyn doesn't mean you need to stop living - you may be there already and I hope you are. Really honoring her may mean a lot of different things like setting up a memorial -or- just living life to it's fullest. Sounds like you are already on that path and you should be commended for that. Live your best life, laugh often, love passionately. You describe a child whose qualities were these and who possessed and practiced them - even in her short time with us on earth.

My thoughts and prayers have been with you throughout this time. I was so sad to hear that Kaitlyn lost her battle with cancer. I am moved by the words you've posted. Only a mother can write such lovely things in the midst of her grief. God bless you and keep you.

Peggy Hoskins (friend of Valerie)
Richland, IA USA - Monday, November 21, 2005 11:04 AM CST
God Bless you and your family during this holiday season, with God's help, you will get through it.
Penny Treadwell (Val's friend)
Rock Island, Il. USA - Sunday, November 20, 2005 10:26 AM CST
Dear Kathy & Jeff (& Stan & Millie & Jack if you're still reading these guestbook entries),

I cry each time I read the latest update. I'm so sorry that you/we have to feel such sorrow. We all miss Kaitlyn, but I can only imagine the sorrow you must feel as you and Kaitlyn were so close. There's nothing I can do to ease your pain, but please know that I care.

Valerie Garrison

"Grandma Valerie" Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Aledo, IL USA - Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:56 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and your family quite often these days. Wondering about how you are doing since the holiday season is now approaching us. I will be praying for you my friend. Just remember she is there to lift you through each day and you will get past this time. Please if you can remember my boss in your prayers. It will also be a tough holiday season for her for both her parents will killed in a auto accident in March. But she will get thought it also, just like you with the prayers we offer you both. Take care and call sometime soon. Karen

Karen, Andy, Caitlyn Schisler <schisler1@centurytel.net>
Cherokee Village, AR United States - Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:36 PM CST
Kathy, I wish I could be half as strong as you are. You are one very very strong person. You will make it thru the holidays cause Kailtyn will help you. I think of you everyday. Just like I think of Annette and Holdon everyday. I know she thinks of you alot right now her mind is on getting her house to be live-able again. Atleast they got the roof on it so now she can get the inside dried out. Well until the next time. I think of you always and love you lots.
Kaitlyn, Keep you'r arms around you'r mommy she needs it. I hope you got lots of candy and ate it all up. Keep smiling down on us we enjoy it so much. Keep visting with Ryan he needs you alot. Have fun with grandma. MISS YOU LOTS ANGEL. YOU'R LOVING COUSIN CHRISTINE

Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 7:05 PM CST
Kaitlyn, thinking of you tonight. I found a shirt this weekend and bought it for Johnna because it reminded me too much of you. We really didn't need it, but once you were on my mind there was no way I could hang the shirt back on the rack! David's birthday is coming up and I wish you were here for his bday party. I'm trying to keep care of your mommy and Ryan. They are so special to me. Anyhow little one, I know there's lots of people down here that think of you each and every day. Keep looking down on us too, we need your guidance. You are one special angel.
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA - Monday, November 14, 2005 8:12 PM CST
Kathy,Jeff,Ryan, Just wanted to say HI and to let you know I am thinking of you today and everyday. To Angel Kaitlyn You are such a special little girl and loved by so many people. You were here for a short time but made it a great time. Be proud of Ryan he is growing up to be a great person. Tell Grandma Mary Jane that cousin Christine says HI and that we miss her lots also. Keep playing in that big playground up there. Keep catching the butterflys. Keep smiling down on you'r mommy. LOVE YOU'R COUSIN CHRISTINE
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Monday, November 14, 2005 4:05 PM CST
Stopping by to check in and see how things are going, thinking of you on a daily basis and hope your keeping busy. Would love to see you again and I'm hoping I can make one of these get togethers before the holidays, let me know!!! Paula

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Monday, November 14, 2005 1:31 PM CST
DAISY PERALTA <daisyperalta27@aol.com>
NEW YORK , NY USA - Sunday, November 13, 2005 9:39 PM CST
Just wanted you to know we came to visit with Angel Kaitlyn.
Thinking of you all

Colleen - and Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Thursday, November 10, 2005 4:14 AM CST
Glad the day out was good, maybe next time, I will make one of these outtings, please email me to let me know. Thinking of you all more than you know!!!

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, November 9, 2005 4:31 PM CST
GOODEVENING KATHY,JEFF Well another perfect day for nov. I saw alittle butterfly today and it landed on the ground infront of me and I just new it was Kailtyn stoping by to say hi. I know it was her cause I have not seen any butterflys lately. This may sound funny to some people but I said HI kailtyn and it just sat there for a while and then I said go see you'r mommy and it flew off toward you'r house. So if that was not her then I don't know what to say. But it was this perfect little white butterfly. Well I will go for now. We are waiting for a phone call telling us if we have a new great neice or great nephew on scotts side. Remember I love you lots. Keep smiling.
Angel Kailtyn thanks for the vist today you know how to make a person smile no matter what mood they are in. LOVE YA LOTS Angel. LOVE CHRISTINE

Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 9:17 PM CST
First of all, a huge big hug to you Kathy. It has been awhile since I have been able to get onto the webpage. I think and pray for you often though. Especially each day that I am ready to pull my hair out or just plain tired of hearing the word "mom", I remember that you would remind me to feel blessed that I am hearing it. That is usually a big enough kick in the butt to snap me out of my slump and jump back into the mommy role. I will be keeping you and the rest of the family in my thoughts and prayers as always with the holidays coming up. Just remember that we are all here on the caring bridge website ready to listen if you need us. You have a wonderful support system already, but sometimes I feel like that to write/type it down is therapeutic too. Big hugs to you again. You are doing so awesome just taking one day at a time and slowly moving on with Kaitlyn right in your heart all the way.
Michele Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:22 PM CST
Your Family and your Sweet Angel Kaitlyn, are in our family's thought and prayers. Looking up opon an Angel named Kaitlyn.....
Kris Schwab <krismarte@hotmail.com>
Gibbon, MN - Monday, November 7, 2005 9:39 PM CST
Hating that I am going to miss the girl's day out we are in the hospital for chemo this week and really wish I could come and have some therapy of my own, who better could I ask for than the group of women that you go along with!!!!! Have some extra food, extra bargains, and extra therapy for me, love to your family and always remembering sweet Kaitlyn!!!

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Monday, November 7, 2005 4:23 PM CST
Kathy, Jeff & Stan,

Laura showed me pictures today of Kaitlyn's headstone. It is the most beautiful one I've ever seen. Every detail that's on it, was a reflection of Kaitlyn's life.

I think of all you often and I read the journal entries you write. Kathy, you are such a strong person and I know it must be hard not to know all the answers to questions you have. But, hopefully, one day you will. Just take one day at a time like you are doing and maybe someday, somehow the pain will lessen.

Kaitlyn and Ryan are very lucky to have a family like yours. You have such an amazing circle of friends and family to lean on. I consider myself lucky to have had you as my friend. I will get with Laura and plan that get-together with our old buds before the Holidays.

Take care -- We all love you!!!!

Doreen <doreenb@charnor.com>
Orion, IL USA - Monday, November 7, 2005 1:05 PM CST
Just thinking of you and your beautiful angel and sending (((hugs))) your way!
Jenn Huston <jennnifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South Bend, IN - Monday, November 7, 2005 10:41 AM CST
Please know that my heart aches for you after looking at the pictures of your precious little angel. I have not experienced the loss of a child so I do not know that horrible feeling but I know there must be nothing else so heart-wrenching. I am a grandma who babysits my little grandson everyday and thank God everyday for a healthy baby boy. Your family is in my prayers--give God your hurts and He will comfort you.
Connie P.
Norfolk, VA - Monday, November 7, 2005 9:52 AM CST
Kathy,Jeff, I think of Angel Kailtyn alot. She smiled thru the clouds yesterday. You'r dad was right behind us at the game and we had a good time. I still can't get over the headstone. IT IS GREAT.Well hope to see you soon. Keep smiling. LOVE CHRISTINE
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Sunday, November 6, 2005 4:44 PM CST
just stopping by to say hello and let you know I will continue praying for you all.

Dawn <dawnmarshall@wowway.com>
MI - Saturday, November 5, 2005 7:23 PM CST
Sending all my prayers for your family each and every night. Kaitlyn seemed to have so much joy, the stories from past journal entries really show how adorable and loving your little girl was. I know she is up in heaven playing with all of the other caringbridge angels and her Grandma (probably still celebrating Halloween dressed as Dora).
Your family can count on a strong Minnesota support system from now on!
Much Love,

Brittany Dahlen- One of Maddie Paguyo's friends <brittanydahlen@hotmail.com>
Minneapolis, MN - Saturday, November 5, 2005 1:18 AM CST
Hello. I just wanted to say that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Allen, TX - Friday, November 4, 2005 4:41 PM CST
Thinking of you on a daily basis, especially now that the holidays are coming up, I cannot imagine Kyle or any of my children not being here for me to see everyday, so I think of you all everyday, offering up prayers, because that is all we can do. Always remembering sweet Kaitlyn and prayer for some peace each day to your family!!!

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Friday, November 4, 2005 1:51 PM CST
Thinking of you today.

Mandy (Angels on Earth)

- Thursday, November 3, 2005 2:18 PM CST
I wanted you to know that we are thinking about you in Maryland!!
Dana Cope <mom2ashn3dogs@gmail.com>
Owings, MD - Thursday, November 3, 2005 1:05 PM CST
I have been thinking a lot about Kaitlyn today. I know we didn't know each other very well or very long but I feel as if she is watching over me ever time I visit her page. I love reading about her and looking at her beautiful face. It's so amazing how many people's lives she touches just threw this webpage let alone the one's she knew in real life. Don't think you are the only one who misses Kathy, because Kaitlyn misses you just as much as you miss her! I really wish you guys didn't live so far and I could have gotten to know Kaitlyn more than I did because she was a very special little girl! You guys take care! We hope to see you soon!
Samantha, Greg & Kearstyn

Samantha <LoveSNST4@aol.com>
St.Cloud, Fl US - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 11:52 AM CST
Thinking of you. All the best.
Robin Brunet <robinb@neptune.on.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 11:44 AM CST
Kathy,Jeff, Stan, I went and seen the headstone today.Oh what a perfect one for the perfect little Angel. I got some really good pictures of it. I love the little bear on it. You guys did a great job. I loved having you Jeff and Ryan here last night for trick or treating. He looked so so cute. I hope he got LOTS of candy. I bet Kaitlyn and Grandma had fun trick or treating in heaven lots of good stuff there. All the candy a kid could ever want and not get a tummy ache.
Kaitlyn, You are one very lucky little girl to have soooo many people that love you and miss you. You'r mommy is a very special person. Tell you'r grandma that you'r cousin Christine says hi and that we miss her lots also. Keep smiling down on you'r mommy,Jeff,Ryan and you'r Daddy. He misses you lots to. Love you lots Angel Kaitlyn.

Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 9:40 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know that someone is thinking of you and your family. God Bless!
OH - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 8:12 PM CST
Kathy, I went and seen the headstone, it is a definite tribute to our little princesses. I miss her so much, it was really hard to go out there, but I am so glad I did. I want you to know to just take one day at a time, if it was meant to be it will be. I love you so much, and am so proud to call you my sister. You are an amazing person.
Kaitlyn Aunt Laura misses you so much, I hope you hear Allison she sings to you all the time, and tells me you are sing with her. Keep singing sweet angel. We love and miss you.

Laura <dlghrist5066@msn.com>
Buffalo, IA USA - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 12:08 AM CST
May God bless you and your family always!!
Thinking and praying for peace and comfort..

Estefania Pena <estefania_p5@hotmail.com>
Ecuador, South America - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 8:46 AM CST
Hi Kathy, just wanted to sign and let you know I thought of you and Kaitlyn a lot today. I know today had to be hard for you. I'm glad we had good weather so Ryan could get out and enjoy Halloween. We talk often, but I haven't been very good at signing lately either! Keep your head high my friend...you will find the right path to follow and if you don't...that's what life is about....trial and error....let your heart guide you.
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 0:09 AM CST
Thinking of you today and always. We hope you had fun with your little Ryan tonight. We hope Angel Kaitlyn is trick-or-treating in Heaven with all of the other CB Angels we've learned of and loved. We pray for you each and every day.
Fuelling's <fuellings@indytel.com>
Independenc, IA - Monday, October 31, 2005 9:48 PM CST
Thinking of you and praying that you find a little more peace each day.
Amy and Family
NE - Monday, October 31, 2005 8:44 PM CST
Hi kathy! wow i cant believe it has been so long since i signed...i have been out here..just not talking i guess ! LOL! for those of you that know me...no comments needed! Have fun with Ryan tonite and be sure to get a little extra candy for yourself ! butterflies and dragonflies...today,tomorrow and always.
Sherri & Mike <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA !!!!!! - Monday, October 31, 2005 4:40 PM CST
Stopping by to let you know that I am thinking of you! Have a Happy Halloween.

Mandy (Angels on Earth)

- Monday, October 31, 2005 1:20 PM CST
You have a beautiful daughter! I wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers. I pray that your sweet Angel Kaitlyn will give you many signs to know that she is near.
Heidi Foster <heidi_foster@yahoo.com>
Locust Grove, GA - Monday, October 31, 2005 1:06 PM CST
Thinking of you often...Congratulations on your grandchild!
Elena Ashinhurst (FOA) <elena_515@yahoo.com>
North Richland Hills, TX USA - Monday, October 31, 2005 11:27 AM CST
HAPPY HALLOWEEN, KAITLYN!!!! Hope you enjoy your peanut butter cup!! I love you and miss you!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, October 31, 2005 8:56 AM CST
Congratulations on your granddaughter! What a blessing!
I just wanted to let you know that I think of you and Angel Kaitlyn often. You remain in my prayers! I check on you often through this site. I'm sorry that I haven't been very good about signing the guestbook. BUt I guess I should so you know just how many people are thinking of you.
Take care! I'm glad that you have such a great group of ladies to have lunch with!

Jenn Huston <jennifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South bend, IN - Monday, October 31, 2005 8:26 AM CST
Hi, fav niece!! I enjoyed seeing you guys and visiting with you yesterday. Ryan is growing like a weed!! He sure is cute. Just wanted you to know that Kaitlyn's headstone is the most beautiful one I've ever seen!! It encompasses what Kaitlyn was all about. You did an excellent job on selection. The bear peeking over the edge is awesome. Made me cry, though!!!! I love you guys very much!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, October 31, 2005 6:47 AM CST
You have a beautiful little girl, and it breaks my heart to hear your story.

I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and praying for you today.

Calgary, AB Canada - Monday, October 31, 2005 0:40 AM CST
Goodafternoon Kathy and ANGEL KAITLYN, Again Kaitlyn is smiling down on us. Kathy it has been great talking to you about anything and everything. I really think that Kailtyn and Maryjane are watching over Annette and Holdon giving them good luck right now. Only family could do that. I can't wait to watch Ryan for you. Well talk to you soon my dear dear cousin. Love Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Thursday, October 27, 2005 4:16 PM CDT
Really wished I could have made the last outting with all the girls, but we were just out to Iowa City, the night before and a 2 hour drive did not seem like too much fun at the time, I think it's great to get together and I am hoping to attend soon. Always thinking about you and your family and never forgetting Kaitlyn, hope your weekend goes Ok, well talk soon!!

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, October 27, 2005 1:52 PM CDT
Hi Kathy, Jeff, & Stan,

Kaitlyn's headstone looks absolutely darling! Every little detail is so "Kaitlyn". It's beautiful! And all the little details around it look so cute too. You really did a great job!


"Grandma Valerie" Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Aledo, IL USA - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:49 PM CDT
Kathy... Thanks for sharing yet another wonderful day!

I truely believe Kaitlyn is with us always watching over our shoulders to be sure that we do indeed have a wonderful "Girls Day Out" I believe Kaitlyn thrives on your happiness and it is so great to be able to see you enjoy yourself despite all that has been taken from you!

God is love!

Stan... Please know that I also continue to think of you and how your daily life is affected as well... I can only imagine!

(((HUGS))) to all!

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <shawnee.krueger@gmail.com>
Van Horne, IA USA - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:28 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that I think of you everyday! I am so grateful you let Kaitlyn into so many people's lives! She has taught all of us to cherish those we love because you never know what tomorrow will bring. I will never forget the first time I met Kaitlyn. I ran into you at Toys R Us around Christmas time. Kaitlyn was so sweet and peaceful, sleeping soundly in her carseat. Even though she was only a baby, I will never forget the way she looked. The round cheeks, and perfect features. I believe there's a reason things remain imprinted in your mind. Kaitlyn has an unforgetable spirit and it was clear to me even then. You were so blessed to be her Mommy!! And, Kathy, you deserved to be touched by such a precious angel in your life. Every memory I have of you is a positive one. You have always been a pillar of strength and hope. You could brighten the smile on the grumpiest faces. Kaitlyn inherited that from you. And what a wonderful trait to have!! If only everyone could be so loving and caring. Kaitlyn was blessed to be brought up by someone as loving as you. She experienced more love by you and everyone you let into her life, than some kids receive in a lifetime. Now that she has entered the Kingdom of Heaven she will share that love for eternity with anyone willing to accept it. You've done a great job, Kathy!!!! You've made no mistakes. You are not being punished. I know it hurts now, and it will until the day God calls you home and places Kaitlyn back in your arms forever. Until then, you have so many people that are here for you. You are surrounded by love. God Bless You, Kathy!
I'm so glad you've started scrapbooking! I just started too (although, I'm not that good). If you ever feel like working on it together, I would love to help (maybe b/w the 2 of us we could bounce enough ideas off each other to make it look like something Ha!). Or if you want to take the kids to the park or bowling or anything else, I'm only a phone call away. I'm also here if you just need a shoulder to cry on. Take care Kathy, and never forget that God is on your side!

Christie (Bigham) Harrison <c_harrison4@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, IL - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 2:07 PM CDT
Kathy, I just wanted to stop and say "HI" I hope you are doing well! Give me a call sometime! I look forward to seeing the picture of Kaitlyn's headstone! I am sure it is as wonderful as she deserves!
Lisa <jlfinch@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, - Monday, October 24, 2005 8:17 PM CDT
Hi Kathy just me again, I think of you so ofter. Right now I am thinking of Annette and Holdon. The survived the hurrican but the house is a little different story. I know you will keep them in you'r prays and thoughts. She is really upset. But she knows she is lucky also. Well just wanted to let you know what is going on. Hope to talk to you soon. think of you always love Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Monday, October 24, 2005 4:11 PM CDT
May you feel God's presence through the difficult days ahead. There are no easy answers. There is a loving, all-knowing God who knows you and loves you, and knows and loves Kaitlyn. He has her in his arms, although it must be so very difficult not to have her in your arms.
Diane Fite
- Sunday, October 23, 2005 8:34 PM CDT
Hi Kathy, Just htought I would say HI sorry I missed you guys fri. at the game. Well Annette and Holdon are getting ready for Hurrican Wilma to hit. I am asking for people to keep them in there prayers that they come thru this safe. I hope you got to see Annette while you were in Flo. Well talk to you soon I hope. Going to go and see Kaitlyns head stone tomorrow and take my Camara so I can send Annette a pic of it. Talk to you soon cuz. Love you lots Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Sunday, October 23, 2005 5:34 PM CDT
I just wanted to say hello and am glad to see you are all doing well.
Lots of Love

Erin Rupe <erin-rupe@uiowa.edu>
Iowa City, IA - Friday, October 21, 2005 3:20 AM CDT
Kathy and Jeff, thank you for the updates and allowing the world into your private lives. I have followed the "Caring for Kaitlyn" series since Day One. You are truly an inspiration to all. Thank your for helping me see that during the day the legos CAN be on the floor and crayons CAN be scattered all over the dining room table and what's it really going to hurt if I blow off household chores to have a tea party or go the the park; the laundry can just wait. It's the time we have with them now that's important. Your story has touched me on so many levels that words cannot begin to describe. May God bless all of you.
Vicki <pinkbunny@mchsi.com>
Rock Island, IL - Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:47 PM CDT
Kathy, Dave & I stopped last nite & saw Kaitlyn & her memorial, it is VERY neat, & so full of love.The dragonfly caught my eye right away.How neat was that.I think of you guys so often, even tho I don't always sign in.We're here to help, if we ever can.Love & hugs, Shorti
Shorti & Dave Crow <jlcrow@winco.net>
Viola, Il - Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:32 PM CDT
It is good to hear you have people around you to lean on! I hope you continue to do just that for as long as you need to. Haley sent me a pic of Kaitlyn's headstone. It is just beautiful! Everyone that sees it will know how wonderful and loved she was. Thinking of you and your family,

Jessica Duncan <wltrpfan15@yahoo.com>
Round Lake Beach, IL USA - Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:57 AM CDT
Kathy, Jeff, glad that you made it back from Fl. save and sound. Tell you Kathy you know how to make people feel what you are feeling. I plan on going to see Katilyns stone tomorrow. I can't wait to see it. Hope you got to see Annette while in Fl. The thought of you being a grandma makes me feel really old since I am older then you. I am glad to hear that mommy and baby are doing good. I am also glad to hear that you have the other cancer moms to be with and talk to. Cause they are really the only people to understand how you really feel.
Kaitlyn keep grandma telling you all the stories about mommy when she was young. You are just like her. A true angel to everyone.I saw a pretty white butterfly the other day and I thought it was you flying around Aledo checking up on everyone. I had to smile knowing it was you. LOVE YOU LOTS ANGEL KATILYN. LOVE YOU LOTS TO KATHY. KEEP SMILING.
Love you'r cousin Christine

Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:45 PM CDT
I don't get the chance to sign the guestbook as often as I'd like but I think of you daily and wonder how you are! So many times I stop by Kaitlyn's page to check on you and see Kaitlyn's sweet face but I find myself at a loss of words on what to say...

My heart aches just trying to imagine what you cancer parents that have lost your child to this terrible disease go through on a daily basis! I have a hard time coping with the uncertainty of the future for our sweet Taylor and I just try to live for today... life is truely precious and Kaitlyn will NEVER be forgotten!

I'm glad our "Girls Day Out" helps you as much as it help me... it's nice to be surrounded by friends and those that you can relate to in the everyday trials of life as a parent to a child with cancer!

Can't wait to see you on Monday!

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <shawnee.krueger@gmail.com>
Van Horne, IA USA - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:04 PM CDT
I've been checking on you but didn't realize that you were going to Florida. Hope you are having a wonderful time! Did Ryan go also? Hope to hear how the trip was. All for now. Hugs to you.
James, Michele, Nathaniel and Elaina Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Monday, October 17, 2005 10:14 PM CDT
Hello Kathy,
I Know you have such a void in your heart that cannot be filled. Someone once told me after my father passed..."This is different life now." And that is soo true. However, I found peace in knowing that I WILL SEE MY LOVED ONE AGAIN, and I have to do my part here on Earth until that day comes. I still have a void in my heart, but in essence, it is sweet because I know no one but him can fill it. We all have special places in our hearts for our loved ones and it is amazing to know how much love is there. I am always thinking of you Kathy. God has showed me many numerous things in life since my father has passed. And I am going to make the best of this life He has given me, because others count on it! You are a very special person and you mean so much to many people! You are a true inspiration. Thank you.
Rachel Zimmerman

Rachel Zimmerman <Rachozim@hotmail.com>
Milan, IL USA - Monday, October 17, 2005 6:32 PM CDT
Hello Kathy! Have fun spoilin your new GRAND-BABY!!!! lol ! Stopped out to see Kaitlyn and was surprised to find her stone has been placed--AND IT IS SOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL...just like baby kait is! dragonflies and butterflies...today, tomorrow and always! Love you all.
Sherri & Mike <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA - Monday, October 17, 2005 9:53 AM CDT
Kathy,Jeff, Well I hope two are enjoying Fl. Hope you got to see Annette while you were there. Gee Kathy you can not be a grandma you are younger then me. Oh well enjoy life. I hope Annette filled you in on everything going on. Talk to you soon cuz. You'r loving cousin. Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Sunday, October 16, 2005 3:09 PM CDT

I just want you to know that you and your family are in my prayers. There aren't any words I can give you, but I am praying that God will bring peace and comfort to your heart. I know He is the only one who can.

Love, Ashlie Dellitt

Ashlie Dellitt <dellitt1@hotmail.com>
Davenport, IA - Saturday, October 15, 2005 12:04 AM CDT
Kathy, Valerie just sent me an update and I will share it with the prayer warriors who still ask about you and your family---you were so much a part of our daily living and I am so grateful Valerie has sent an update. Know we still think of you and yours-----much love and admiration for what you are doing for all those parents of children like Kaitlyn---you have so much empathy and can help them beyond measure. Know Kailtyn is still alive and WELL in our hearts.
Lynn Reffett <LLReffett@msn.com>
Moline , IL USA - Saturday, October 15, 2005 10:49 AM CDT
Hi Kathy,

I'm crying as I read your last journal entry. This whole thing is all so sad. I miss Kaitlyn too. I will cut & paste your 09-23-05 journal entry and will send it to the people on my list that I used to send e-mail updates to.

Have fun in Florida being a 30 year old Grandma. (My, my, Kathy, you somehow manage to get older every time I turn around! LOL)

I Compassionately Send My Love to You.

Valerie Garrison (AKA: <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Aledo, IL USA - Saturday, October 15, 2005 8:32 AM CDT
Kathy, Just checking in. I check in frequently but don't always have time to type something in since it is usually so late when I am able to check in. Hope all is going well. Wondering if you would be willing to meet together sometime so I can meet you and share the pictures of the lemonade stand with you? You've got my email, so send a note if you are able. We continue to think and pray for you all. Big hugs to you!
James, Michele, Nathaniel and Elaina Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Friday, October 14, 2005 11:36 PM CDT
Hi Kathy, Jeff, Well the sun is shinning bright so Kaitlyn is having a good day. She is smiling and laughing. Hope to see you at the game tonight. It is Sr. night and Ashley is a Sr. I think of Kaitlyn alot. It seems like more then ever lately. Have to talk to you in person. Alot going on that you should know about. Well I am glad that Katilyn is smiling down on you like always. She is such a special little girl. In everyones hearts. Well keep smiling you'r self. Love ya lots cousin. Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Friday, October 14, 2005 4:14 PM CDT
Stopping by to say hi and hoping all is going well, or as well as it can go, we think about you guys all the time. Thanks for checking in to see how things are going, god bless.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, October 13, 2005 12:22 AM CDT
Thinking of you
Colleen - The other Kaitlyn's mum


Colleen <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:06 AM CDT
Hey Kathy! Just wanted to let you know I am still checking in on you (no update for awhile!!!) and just remember: If God brings you to it...He will bring you through it - and he sent us (your friends) to help! xoxoxo
Sherri & Mike <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 9:48 AM CDT
Hey GRANDMA Kathy(lol), I love the site!!! I'm sure it helps you a lot to be able to read all the positive thoughts of your friends and family and I'm sure Kaitlyn adores all the time you put into this webpage too! Keep it up because I know I love reading about her!! Cant wait to see you guys on Thursday!!I've been counting down the days!!
Love Always,

St. Cloud, Fl USA - Sunday, October 9, 2005 11:48 AM CDT
Good morning, Kathy (my favorite niece in the whole world)!! I woke up this morning thinking of Kaitlyn and swore I could hear her talking to me. I think she wanted to let us know that she is fine. She's playing and watching over all of us. I know that it's been 2 months today and I doubt that your pain has lessened much. I look at her beautiful face hanging on my office door every day and think how sad it is that this happened. But, you are an incredible woman, Kathy, and I know that you will press on for Ryan's sake (plus your own and Jeff's). If you need anything, or if you just want to talk, please call me. John and I love you LOTS and want nothing more than for you to be happy. It's too bad that there are people in this world with their own selfish agenda, but enough said on that issue (they know who they are!!) Please remember that we care about what happens to you and that we would make everything right if we could. Hang in there and remember that Kaitlyn is not suffering anymore and that she's running and playing every day!! What a vision that is!! I love you guys very much. Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Friday, October 7, 2005 6:50 AM CDT
Goodevening Kathy, Jeff. Well today was a cool day but the sun still showed up. I could really hear Kaitlyn laughing today. Maybe it is the way my week has been but I heared her cute little laugh, and it made me smile. Thank you Kaitlyn you'r cousin needed that. Hope you'r days are bright and full of love and smiles Kathy. Hope each day gets better for you. Hope to spend time with you sometime. Talk to you later. You'r loving cousin Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:26 PM CDT
Good Morning Kathy...just checkin in on you and Ryan. Your in my thoughts daily!
Sherri & Mike <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, October 5, 2005 9:30 AM CDT
Kathy, I still check in several times a week to check for new entries and see how you're doing. Sounds like you are throwing yourself into your little boy. What a blessing he is to you, especially during this time. Just know that Kaitlyn will never be forgotten. Her limited time here on Earth and her struggle with cancer touched so many people and she continues to be in my thoughts everytime I go home and hug my little Patrick Ryan. You also continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless.
Rae Beth (Fell) Lower <rlower@whiteside.org>
Fulton, IL - Wednesday, October 5, 2005 8:36 AM CDT
Kathy just want you to know I still think of sweet Kaitlyn and wonder how your whole family is doing. It sounds like you are keeping busy. When you are up to it I would like to see some of the Mom's get together for a day like you had mentioned. I know the pain may still be too great but I think all of you need each others support. You are a wonderful Mom keep up the good work!
Lorrie Towle <Latowle1@netins.net>
Van Horne, Ia USA - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 7:36 PM CDT
So glad you stopped and saw Dawson and Kelli, she really enjoyed your visit. We still think of you and have you in our prayers.
Dawson's grandma, Kelli's Mom
Linda Brinkman

Linda Brinkman <ecgfs@fontiernet.net>
Erie, Il USA - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 4:04 PM CDT
Thinking about you and thought I'd stop by, I am hoping your doing well and trying to keep busy. Just know I'm thinking about you and never forgetting your sweet Kaitlyn, I know I say this all the time, but it's true, take care and I hope to see you again soon!!!

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Monday, October 3, 2005 6:41 PM CDT

I really hope this week will be better than last week for you! I'm really glad to hear that you have a great friend who has gotten you into some hobbies. I just love scrapbooking! In fact I just started my 3rd album. I'm working on my cruise pics from Mexico. Andy and I have over 400 pics from the trip. (Andy took all the pictures, I just enjoyed the GREAT trip!) You and your hubby will need to get away on one soon! It's very relaxing! I really can not believe that you are now a grandma! Wow! You are really starting to make me feel old. Especially since I'm the older one, especially in a couple of weeks! October 12th.

Well, take care my friend, and remember your best friend of the South is still remembering your wonderful, beautiful daughter. Her memory will stay in all our hearts forever. Keep moving forward, you are doing great!


Karen, Andy, Caitlyn Schisler <schisler1@centurytel.net>
Cherokee Village, AR United States - Sunday, October 2, 2005 9:50 PM CDT
Hi Kathy, Just checking in. Wanted to let you know I am still going to her site to just sit and look at that great little face and that great big smile. Hope this week was better then last week. Just think every time you smile Kaitlyn is smiling with you. Thinking of you ALWAYS. love you'r cuz. Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Friday, September 30, 2005 5:08 PM CDT
Hey Kathy! Just poppin in to say hi...looking at sweet baby kait always makes my day! She cannot be forgotten...we all love her TOO MUCH ! xoxox to Ryan ! maybe next time he sees me he wont be so shy !!! I know it has been said..but if I can do anything to help you please just let me know.
Sherri & Mike <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA - Friday, September 30, 2005 9:54 AM CDT
Kathy, It sounds like these new classes are a pretty neat thing! What an awesome memory for Ryan to hopefully be able to keep with him... if nothing else, it is the time that is spent with his special mom. I am so proud of you and think that it was nice of you to go see Kelly and Paula with their children. I bet that was hard but I was thrilled to read that it wasn't as hard as you had thought. I just smiled when I read that you had stopped by in Dawson's site. I am sure that it is comforting to see and get a hug from someone who truly understands and has been there. We all can write in the journals or give hugs, but I am sure that it is a special bond that all you cancer mom's share that brings a different kind of comfort to one another. I am so sorry that it has been hard for you lately, I wish that there was something that we could all do to make it easier for you. Hopefully it brings some comfort to you to know that Kaitlyn continues to live on in my house. We have a picture of Kaitlyn hanging up in our office on the bullitan board along with Kyle and Dawson. We continue to pray for all of the cancer stricken children with special attention to each of you. Well, all for now. Thanks for keeping us updated! Big Hugs to you!
James, Michele, Nathaniel and Elaina Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Friday, September 30, 2005 2:48 AM CDT
Kathy never should you blame yourself or question what you did for Kaitlyn, You were the best Mommy she could have asked for.God knew in advance that He wanted her and when and where. She was your gift from above to take care of for a short time here on earth and you were a wonderful Mommy to Kaitlyn and Ryan. I went to the "Light The Night" walk last Saturday to watch Shawnee,Ryan, Taylor,Sydney and the rest of the team. Unfortunately I could not participate. I was truly shocked at how hard I fought back tears seeing parents that I knew who had lost a child or who are still fighting so hard at this time - like Olivia and Doug who led the walk. A person doesn't realize how close you have gotten even when you rarely meet face to face-but those kids tear our hearts out. I can only pray that things get easier for each of you with time,I really can't imagine my life without my daughters or stepsons who are also very close to my heart. Take good care of Ryan and give him extra kisses when youtuck him in one is from Kaitlin to her little brother that she is watching over.
Lorrie Towle <Latowle1@netins.net>
Van Horne, Ia USA - Thursday, September 29, 2005 8:33 PM CDT
Reading through Kaitlyn's webpage, as well as, Dawson's & Kyle's has really touched my heart. When you think of cancer, you think of someone who is so much older than these precious angels. I continue to pray for Kaitly and your family every day and now I have added a few more children and families in my prayers. I think about these children every single day. My husband and I have 3 children: son is 11, daughters 9 & 2 1/2. I just wanted you to know how my heart aches for the children who have to go through this every day and how their parents start each morning questioning what the day will bring. God bless each of you and hold you close to his heart.
Angie Pearson <pearson4@qconline.com>
Milan, IL USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 1:10 PM CDT

"To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say.
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness; here is just eternal love.

Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I'm with you every
morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through,
God picked me up and hugged me and He said, "I welcome you."

"It's good to have you back again, you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on.
I need you here badly, you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man."

God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do,
and foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight,
God and I are closest to you... in the middle of the night.

When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving months,
because you are only human, they are bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry; it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.

I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
But if I were to tell you, you wouldn't understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is o'er.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.

There are many rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb;
But together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you too....
That as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.

If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain,
then you can say to God at night... "My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented.... that my life has been worthwhile,
Knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.

So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low,
Just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street, and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.

And when it's time for you to go.... from that body to be free,
remember you're not going.... you're coming here to me.

Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 9:30 AM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that you and Kaitlyn are always in my thoughts. I pray things will get easier for you. It is so difficult to understand the death of a child! God has a plan for each of us and we have to trust in Him, even when it is very difficult to understand. Maybe some day we will.

Jodi Ridder <jodiridder@indytel.com caringbridge.org/ia/cridder>
Independence, IA - Monday, September 26, 2005 10:07 PM CDT
Was thinking of you and thought I'd stop in and thank you for all of your support, with everything you have going on you manage to stop in and lend a shoulder. Take care this week and thinking of you always.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Monday, September 26, 2005 6:29 PM CDT
Just checking in to say "Hi"
Kelli <decap@theinter.com>
Geneseo, Il US - Monday, September 26, 2005 4:01 PM CDT
Kathy, thank you so much for making Allison's party a special one. She was so happy to have you there, as was I. I love you so much just remember that Kaitlyn is always with us. We know she would want us to smile for her. I am so proud of you. You are a terrific mom. I don't always write in here, but I talk to you enough that you know how I feel. I love you. Kaitlyn Aunt Laura loves you and sees you smiling at me. Keep grandma laughing. Love you both.
Laura <dlghrist5066@msn.com>
Buffalo, ia usa - Monday, September 26, 2005 1:58 PM CDT
Hi Kathy! I truly feel you need to read the book Talking to Heaven - Haley has it. I believe in my heart that it will answer some of the questions you have been asking yourself. And I just wanted you to know that Kaitlyn was with me on Saturday...she led me to a store where I found the dragonfly pin I have been looking for!!! and now I will wear it every day..over my heart!
Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA - Monday, September 26, 2005 1:14 PM CDT
Hey, fav niece!! I am so glad to hear that you and Ryan are finally getting some special time together. I really think that you both need each other. I am also proud of you for being able to take him to classes even knowing how much it's going to hurt because Kaitlyn is not there. As far as why she was taken, that is something that we may never know, but it certainly was not (1000% NOT) something that you did wrong!! You are an awesome Mommy to Ryan and you were beyond an awesome Mommy to Kaitlyn, and don't you EVER forget that!! It breaks my heart that you would even think such a thing!! All of us that know and love you feel this way. If there are people who don't, then they are not your friends, anyway!!!!!!!! Kaitlyn was extremely lucky to have you for a Mom and Jeff for a stepdad. You guys were there for her, you guys took care of her, and you guys did everything you could for her. So, please don't EVER EVER doubt yourself. I cannot imagine what it is to lose a child. But, you cannot blame yourself and think What if???????? Also, know that I love you guys very much and anything I can do, please don't hesitate to call. Take care, and I'll talk to you soon. Love, Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, September 26, 2005 6:53 AM CDT
Kathy, it was so GREAT to see you today at lunch. You look good. It was good to talk to you. To see you smile made me smile. It is so nice to know that people care so much. I was just reading you'r update and I was crying right along with you. I look to the sky and can see her and Grandma Mary Jane playing and laughing. Ryan is SO lucky to have you for a mommy. Even though my kids are older then you'rs I wish I could be as good as mommy as you are. I try to learn from you how to be strong. I have learned not to complaine about little things anymore. I thank god everyday for my kids and my loving husband. Jeff is a great man to you and to Angel Kaitlyn. I know everyone writes to you and angel Kaitlyn but to Jeff. Thank you so much for loving my cousin she is very happy with you. We all will have to get together sometime to have a little fun. Ryan keep painting pretty pictures for mommy and daddy. Well enough for now. You all are a special family. ALL MY LOVE. CHRISTINE
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Sunday, September 25, 2005 12:19 AM CDT
It's great to hear that you are keeping busy and getting to spend such precious time with Ryan. It is much needed for the both of you. It breaks my heart to hear you ask such questions as if you did something wrong and this is your punishment. There was nothing you could have ever done about it. Once God decided that he wanted her, that was it. He knew before he brought her to you when she would arrive and when she would leave. Besides that, a child couldnt ask for a better mother than what you were and are to Kaitlyn and Ryan. Though they are certainly not unreasonable questions, just please remember those things the next time they cross your mind. God bless you!! KAITLYN JANE BONEY -FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS!!!!!
Marybeth <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL USA - Saturday, September 24, 2005 6:06 PM CDT
still thinking of you and Kaitlyn- you are all in my thoughts and prayers as the days pass and not a day goes by that I don't think of sweet little Kaitlyn.
Tracy <pepint@siouxvalley.org>
Crooks, SD - Friday, September 23, 2005 4:11 PM CDT
Just checking in and sending some hugs your way.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.

I saw these on another site and wanted to share them with you. Sorry so long!


"To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say.
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness; here is just eternal love.

Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I'm with you every
morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through,
God picked me up and hugged me and He said, "I welcome you."

"It's good to have you back again, you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on.
I need you here badly, you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man."

God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do,
and foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight,
God and I are closest to you... in the middle of the night.

When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving months,
because you are only human, they are bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry; it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.

I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
But if I were to tell you, you wouldn't understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is o'er.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.

There are many rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb;
But together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you too....
That as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.

If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain,
then you can say to God at night... "My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented.... that my life has been wothwhile,
Knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.

So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low,
Just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street, and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in you footsteps only half a step behind.

And when it's time for you to go.... from that body to be free,
remember you're not going.... you're coming here to me.

This is a link to a mom who recently lost her son to cancer and she makes stuffed bears for parents who have lost children. She makes them out of the angels clothes or blankies. I thought it was a great idea.

I'll Be There

Daddy please don't look so sad,

Momma please don't cry,

Cause I am in the arms of Jesus and

He sings me lullabies.

Please try not to question God,

Don't think He is unkind.

Don't think He sent me to you,

And then He changed His mind.

You see, I am a Special Child,

And I am needed up above,

I'm the special gift you gave Him,

The product of your love.

I'll always be there with you,

And watch the sky at night

Find the brightest star that's gleaming,

That's my halo's brilliant light

You'll see me in the morning frost,

That mists your windowpane.

That's me, in the summer showers,

I'll be dancing in the rain.

When you feel a gentle breeze,

From a gentle wind that blows,

That's me, I'll be there, Planting a kiss on your nose.

When you see a child playing,

And your heart feels a little tug,

That's me, I'll be there, giving your heart a hug.

So, daddy, please don't look so sad,

Mommy don't you cry.

I'm in the arms of Jesus,

and He sings me lullabies.

Jenn Huston <jennifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South bend, IN - Thursday, September 22, 2005 1:12 PM CDT
It was so nice to see you today, I cannot believe you had the courage to walk through those doors, how hard that must have been. I'm so glad I got that hug from you, I know that you know what we are feeling right now, and it was a comfort to see you, I think of you always and pray for some peace each day to get through. Always remembering Kaitlyn.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, September 21, 2005 7:27 PM CDT
Thinking of you and Kaitlyn...I still "check in on her" daily....you are in my heart and prayers...
a friend in Ohio
OH USA - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 4:12 PM CDT
Kathy, Just wanted to say I am thinking of you and I love you lots. See you soon.
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 2:16 PM CDT
Thinking of you today and always... can't wait to see your scrapbooking progress and for our "mom's day out" we could meet up for lunch and a little therapeutic shopping ;)wink!

I hope that you are able to find a little peace in each passing day!

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <krueger01@netins.net>
Van Horne, IA USA - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 10:19 AM CDT
Hey Kathy, just checking in on you all. It is my sincere hope that each day is getting better for you...grief is a horrible monster to battle....but you can beat it! Love to you and Baby Kait always.
Sherri & Mike <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:25 AM CDT
Thinking of you today and wanted to stop by to see how things are going, praying for you always and never forgetting Kaitlyn.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Monday, September 19, 2005 2:15 PM CDT
Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. (((hugs)))
Jenn Huston <jennifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South Bend, IN - Monday, September 19, 2005 9:53 AM CDT
Hi Kathy, Well I hope you are still doing good. I really hope you will go to the homecoming game of Aledo's next week. It will do you good to get out. We will all be there sitting on the hill. More then welcome to sit with us. I think of you everyday. I go to the site just to sit and look at angel Kaitlyn's face. What a great face it is to look at. The song makes me cry but hey it fits her. I pray for you everyday. Miss ya lots. You'r loving cousin Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
ALEDO, ILL USA - Sunday, September 18, 2005 9:04 PM CDT
Dear Kathy and Family, I have followed your life story with your precious daughter and have shed many tears for you and your family. I come across your page and have found that very nice! It is always good to have something to do and a community that keeps you in their prayers always. I really want to thank you for sharing your personal life with us, it makes me feel like we are all family. Take care and keep going and keep your chin up!! I look forward to hearing about the activities that you are taking on....good luck in the scrapbooking. I have yet to conquer that skill!!
Mindy Miller <minder1974@mchsi.com>
Rock Island , Il USA - Friday, September 16, 2005 1:46 PM CDT
Hi Kathy I am so glad you are continuing the writings here so we all know that you are doing ok. Do Dawson and Kyle have a site here that we can check in on them? They along with you and yours are in my thoughts daily. Love Carrol Anderson
Carrol Anderson <RTEXPGMA@WEBTV.NET>
Milan, IL USA - Friday, September 16, 2005 11:32 AM CDT
I can't sleep, and I was thinking of you, wondering if you are able to sleep? Always hoping that somehow each day might get a little better, but I'm sure waking up and facing the day is hard enough, always know your in our thoughts always

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, September 14, 2005 11:09 PM CDT
Kathy, Just checking in on you, love Kaitlyn's new web page. I'm so glad you have gotten yourself into some hobbies, You Go Girl! Take care and keep pushing forward.
Love, Kelli

Kelli and Dawson DeCap www2.caringbridge.org/il/dawson <decap@theinter.com>
Geneseo, Il US - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:27 PM CDT
Thinking of you and sweet Kaitlyn often. Glad you're doing the scrapbooking. I don't do it but I've seen it done and it's awesome. It will be something you can look at in years to come and smile with the beautiful memories your princess has left you with. Hugs to you all. xx

Yvonne <yvonne.nicholson@xtra.co.nz>
Auckland, New Zealand - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 1:39 AM CDT
Hello, I have been following your precious little girl and have shed many tears during this. I have been checking on you since your loss too. I can't EVEN IMAGINE how tragic losing your daughter must be /I have a 3 yr old (ABIGAIL). I have two friends whose children have cancer and it has turned their lives inside out. You daughter is just precious and I pray for peace,comfort,strenth,and many many memories of your precious angel. We here in Ohio are with you and will continue to check on you. God Bless!!
MASSILLON , oh usa - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 0:11 AM CDT
Thanks for keeping us updated. It sounds like you are doing pretty good with keeping yourself busy. We sure hope that it helps a little. I think of you often and continue to keep you in our prayers along with Kyle and Dawson. Hugs to you!
Michele Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 10:00 PM CDT
Still popping in to see sweet angel Kait and check on you guys. We are still here if you need anything - anytime -just a phone call away. Love you all !
Sherri & Mike <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL 61486 - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 4:31 PM CDT
Hi, Just stopping by to check in. I'm so glad that you can "see" your angel. God bless, Love, Ellen


Ellen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Cape Cod, Ma USA - Monday, September 12, 2005 3:08 AM CDT
Hearing that song for just a moment brings tears to our eyes. Although we never had the opportunity to meet Princess Kaitlyn, we learned so much about her in just a short time. Heaven has very, very special and beautiful angel. We pray for you, you're in our thoughts daily.
Fuelling's <fuellings@indytel.com>
Independence, IA - Sunday, September 11, 2005 8:38 AM CDT
Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and your family and dear Kaitlyn, I can feel your pain through your words. Trying to keep busy is a good idea but sometimes I think you have to just feel that moment and get through it, maybe I'm wrong I don't know, I wish for peace in your heart more than anything and I wish I knew how to get it to you, please know that we will always remember Kaitlyn, love to all.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, September 10, 2005 4:24 PM CDT
Hi kathy, The music is perfect. I love that song. Like Annette said I still remember you dancing with you'r dad. I see Kaitlyn trying to catch the butterflys with grandma is lauging. I bet those two are having a good ol time getting to know each other. Hope each day gets brighter then the day before. Just remember Kaitlyn is smiling down on you each and every day. Telling you that she loves you. Remember you have family here that loves you lots. Talk to you soon. All my love Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Friday, September 9, 2005 8:19 PM CDT
Hi Kathy, well i seem to miss you by phone, just wanted you to know that i'm still thinking about you and praying for you everyday. The music is great touch. I remember Butterfly kisses playing when you were dancing with you Dad at your wedding to Stan, we both just looked at each other as it played with tears in ours eyes as we both were thinking of your Mom and knowing how much your heart was aching on that day. But now Mom is happy, as your heart aches again or really as it is still aching over the years. Just remember, being heart broken will make us stronger humans while we are on earth.Be strong, talk to God while you talk to Kaitlyn, and he will help ease the pain. Can't wait to talk to again. Miss ya
Annette <annettececk@yahoo.com>
Port St. Lucie, Fl USA - Friday, September 9, 2005 4:16 PM CDT
Big hugs to you! Thinking of you and praying for you.
Jenn Huston <jennifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South Bend, IN - Friday, September 9, 2005 3:42 PM CDT
Hi Honey, I wanted to stop by and tell you I am thinking of you and your Angle. Stay strong and be brave. Many prayers for you and your family.
Mindi & CamiJo
Fernley, NV USA - Friday, September 9, 2005 1:27 PM CDT
I really love to look at the pictures. If there were a hundred of them, I would look at them all. Please keep adding pictures of Kaitlyn. They are the closest thing to the feeling that she is still here, and a wonderful way to keep her memory alive. The music is a beautiful touch!
Marybeth <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL USA - Friday, September 9, 2005 10:37 AM CDT
Love the music! I just couldn't turn it off, just sat and stared at Kaitlyn's pictures and listened and listened to the music. So many thoughts running through my mind. I can't wait to bowl this weekend with you guys. We will have fun. See you this weekend.
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA - Friday, September 9, 2005 1:01 AM CDT
Kathy, I love reading what you write. I think keeping you'r self busy is a REALLY good idea. I was at the game Sat. It was good. Mom and dad always go and they have chairs that they set up so maybe sometime you can sit with all of us on the hill. I hear kaitlyn laughing with her grandma up there in heavens playground. I will check in again. Thinking of you always. You'r loving cousin Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 5:28 PM CDT
I found this on one of my parent support boards and thought of you!

My mom is a survivor

My mom is a survivor
or so i've heard it said
But I can hear her crying at night
when all others are in bed.

I watch her lay awake at night
and go and hold her hand,
she doesn't know I'm with her
to help her understand.

But like the sands on the beach
that never wash away,
I watch over my surviving mom
who thinks of me each day.

She wears a smile for others...
a smile of disguise!
But through heavens doors,
I see tears flowing from her eyes.

My mom tries to cope with death
To keep my memory alive
But anyone who knows her knows
it is her way to survive.

As I watch over my surviving mom...
through heavens open door...
I try to tell her that angels,
protect me forevermore.

I know that doesn't help her
or ease the burden she bears,
so if you get a chance, go visit her.
show her that you care.

For no matter what she says..
no matter what she feels
my surviving mom has a broken heart
that won't ever heal.

--Author Unknown

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney <krueger01@netins.net>
www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger, Van Horne, IA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 12:51 AM CDT
Bowling... sounds like fun and I'm sure it will be a good thing for you and Jeff to take the time to do as a couple!

There will be the good days and the bad and I can only imagine what life is like after the loss of a child... just keep believing in God!

Stan please know my thoughts and prayers are with you also during this difficult time... Kaitlyn I'm sure would like to see you all enyoying some happiness in life!

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <krueger01@netins.net>
Van Horne, IA USA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 10:45 AM CDT
Kathy, that is really cool about the yard sale in Muscatine. Can you post how anyone can help out? Are they taking donations?
You are doing a great job on your scrapbook...Now that you've got all your pictures sorted out, I can't wait for you to do more pages.
I also wanted everyone to know that we stopped and visited with Stan and Millie this weekend. Stan got an AWESOME tattoo of Kaitlyn. If any of you see him, be sure to ask to see it. He's pretty proud of it!!
Dawson and Kyle are in our prayers, as of course you are too. Love ya!

Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 10:28 AM CDT
Thank you so much for the update! It's unbelievable that it will be a month already tomorrow, though I'm sure to you it seems an eternity. Angel Kaitlyn is still in my thoughts every single day, and is still an inspiration to me. She will always be a part of my life. God bless!!
Marybeth <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL USA - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 9:39 PM CDT
Just wanted to stop in and say hi and let you know that you and Baby Kait are still in my thoughts every day. May dragonflies and butterflies be your guide...
Sherri & Mike <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL 61486 - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 11:51 AM CDT
Kathy, I love Angel Kaitlyns new site. You do such a great job with it. I was just at a site for a little boy named Dawson DeCap he has the same thing. I left a message for them letting them know that I was praying for him and them to be strong. He has a smile just like Kaitlyn. I hope your days are getting better. I think of you often. I look to the sky and see Kaitlyn and Mary Jane smiling down on you.Hope to see you soon. If you need anything just call. That is what family is for after all. all my love.
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Saturday, September 3, 2005 9:36 AM CDT
Kathy, I love Angel Kaitlyns new site. You do such a great job with it. I was just at a site for a little boy named Dawson DeCap he has the same thing. I left a message for them letting them know that I was praying for him and them to be strong. He has a smile just like Kaitlyn. I hope your days are getting better. I think of you often. I look to the sky and see Kaitlyn and Mary Jane smiling down on you.Hope to see you soon. If you need anything just call. That is what family is for after all. all my love.
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Saturday, September 3, 2005 9:35 AM CDT
Please say a prayer for our friend Dawson and his family who are going through transplant. His picture was in the Argus/Dispatch this morning.
Kaitlyn's Dad and Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
Reynolds, il - Saturday, September 3, 2005 8:24 AM CDT
Love the new look! We are continuing to think and pray for you often. Our children were baptized a couple of weekends ago so their grandmother was in from Florida. On the way to take her to the airport, she gave each of them $2.00 to buy something special. Our 5 year old son handed it to me and said "mom, I want to give it to Kaitlyn". So of course, my 2 year old daughter wanted to do the same thing. I thought that was so sweet! I will be sending it with the lemonade money once I get the pics. developed. I wanted to tell you that story so that you know that Kaitlyn hasn't been forgotten, even by a complete 5 year old stranger. She and your family remain in our thoughts along with all the other cancer kids. It sure is unfair... Hugs to you!
James, Michele, Nathaniel and Elaina Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
- Friday, September 2, 2005 11:36 PM CDT
The Page is beautifl just as Kaitlyn is, wanting you to know your thought of daily and Kaitlyn will never be forgotten. Hope you can feel our prayers wrapped around you.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Friday, September 2, 2005 10:25 PM CDT
Kaitlyn's page definitely reflects the little girl that she was and still is up in heaven... I'm sure she is very pleased to see that your love for her shines through her page!

Live one day at a time and know that your little Kaitlyn will never be forgotton!

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <krueger01@netins.net>
Van Horne, IA USA - Friday, September 2, 2005 9:58 AM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that Kaitlyn's "new" page is awesome. I'm sure she would think that was the coolest thing ever. I'm sure she does. Its precious! You are truly an amazing person! Kaitlyn was so blessed to have you, as you were her. God bless!
Marybeth <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL USA - Thursday, September 1, 2005 11:06 PM CDT
Hi there. I know I told you I never write in these but wanted you to know how nice it was to talk with you today. And I had to tell you that I absolutely love the web page!! Very appropriate!! Hopefully something will work out and we can get together soon. I look forward to seeing and talking to you again soon. Love ya!
North Liberty, IA - Thursday, September 1, 2005 6:39 PM CDT
Kathy & Family,
Still check here every other day or so.I'm glad to see you guys handling everything so well.You've had some hard times, but great memories to carry you along.Remember all of the good times & stay strong.We're here to help in any way we can.Hugs.

Shorti & Dave <jlcrow@winco.net>
Viola, IL - Thursday, September 1, 2005 3:02 PM CDT
I check Kaitlyns page almost everyday, I love the Dora I know I have read that was her favorite you are a good mommy to her. you dont know us but we think about you all the time, keep updating she will NEVER be forgotten.
jennifer daniel <jdaniel@qconline.com>
milan, il usa - Thursday, September 1, 2005 12:32 AM CDT
Hi Kathy, I LOVE the new look on the web page. I'm glad you are getting the chance to upgrade it...I know it is something you have been wanting to learn. I especially love the butterfly...keep your eyes open for them...Kaitlyn is with you everyday, right beside you. I love you!
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA - Thursday, September 1, 2005 11:18 AM CDT
Kathy, Hope today was alittle better for you. I bet you and Ryan are getting so close. I just wanted to let you know that I am still checking the site. I love reading all of the notes from ALL over. Hope tomorrow is better then today. Hug Ryan for us and know that I am hugging you everyday. All my Love you'r cuz. Christine
Christine Wheeler <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:36 PM CDT
Kathy, Hope today was alittle better for you. I bet you and Ryan are getting so close. I just wanted to let you know that I am still checking the site. I love reading all of the notes from ALL over. Hope tomorrow is better then today. Hug Ryan for us and know that I am hugging you everyday. All my Love you'r cuz. Christine
Christine Wheeler <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:36 PM CDT
Hi..I dont know your family but read what I could about Kaitlyn..She was a very strong little girl..I just read your update on how things are going now..Things will take time..I was driving by the day of saw all the balloons go up in the air I thought that was so cool to do..I am sure she caught every one of them too..I am going to send off a Dora the Explorer balloon for her.I hope she catches mine also..Well you and your family take care..And some fun with your little boy...Love and God Bliss..I still pray for you an your family..

P.S. I hope this letter does not hurt your feels any more then what they have already have been..If I did hurt themI am Truely Sorry.I didnt meant too

Cindi Daligee <cdaligee@hotmail.com>
Moline, IL USA - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 5:29 PM CDT
Hi Kathy ! It was good to see you last nite at the Crow's....I am hoping the days are getting a little easier to bear. Kaitlyn is always in our thoughts...and forever in our hearts. Again thank you for sharing your beautiful miracle with us.
Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, Il 61486 - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 9:41 AM CDT
Marybeth <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL USA - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 8:58 AM CDT
Still thinking of you and always thinking of sweet angel Kaitlyn. xx

Yvonne <yvonne.nicholson@xtra.co.nz>
Auckland, New Zealand - Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:39 AM CDT
Thinking of you everyday, we will never forget Kaitlyn, and we will talk about Kaitlyn. I'm praying for stength in the days to come.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, August 27, 2005 10:13 PM CDT
We're total strangers, but continue to check Kaitlyn's page daily. We always remember little Kaitlyn and your family in our prayers. Your little girl has truly touched our lives and the lives of so many countless others. We feel so grateful having the opportunity to read and learn about her. God only takes the finest. What a true Angel. You're in our thoughts and prayers always.
Fuelling's <fuellings@indytel.com>
Independence, IA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 8:28 PM CDT
To Kaitylns Family,
I heard of your story last summer almost as soon as Kaitlyn was diagnosed. Although I never knew she had a web page. My aunt workds with some relation to the family I am not sure who it is? She works at Jewel Tool? My daughter just turned 2 but when she was 8 months old when she was diagnosed with Infant Early Pre B ALL. I know what a shock it is. Becuaes not only ws I scared and upset but I had been there before. MY brother passed away from Neuroblatoma when he was younger. SO I often questioned why me? I knwow that your heart is hurting and I don't think theat there is anything anyone can say to maek that go away. The best advice I have to give is just remember her everyday as much as you can. Remeber you loved her as much as you could and you did as much as you could for her. Sometimes I don't understand why the precious little children have to become ill, sometimes I think it is to spare them from something later in life. But what I think is irrelevant. Just know that the thougths ans prayers of my family are with yours. I hope you find peace during this difficult time of grieving.
Jaci Heiser and Camble Kirkhove.

Jaci Heiser & Camble Kirkhove, www.caringbridge.org/il/camble <heiserjaclyn@yahoo.com>
Kewanee, IL USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 9:15 AM CDT
Yes, she can hear you...and she is cuddling up with you every night. She lives in your heart now. Just as my son lives in mine.
Vicki Cole <tj4ever@frontiernet.net>
Lowville, NY - Thursday, August 25, 2005 6:38 AM CDT
Kathy, Thank you for the update! What a relief it was to see that you had updated. I have been thinking and praying for you and your family for healing after your loss. I am hoping that this site may bring you a form of healing by keeping the site going. I am sure that it was very difficult to even come back to the site and make an entry but again, I am so glad that you did. What a blessing that you are getting the special time with Ryan now...much needed. All for now, I will keep checking for further updates. If it is too painful for you to keep updating, we will understand. Hugs to you!
James, Michele, Nathaniel and Elaina Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
colona, IL - Thursday, August 25, 2005 1:09 AM CDT
Thank you SO SO much for the update. I still come to Kaitlyn's page everyday to see her little face and try to let it sink in that she has passed. I wanted so badly to go to her visitation but I was so afraid that I wouldnt be able to handle it. I was also afraid that if I didnt go I would regret it because that would be the only chance I ever had to "meet" Kaitlyn, and I do. I saved the newspaper articles from the day she was laid to rest, and I still think about her everyday. Don't ever say that you are scared that you're going to forget her. You know that in a million years, that would still never be possible. Don't ever feel like you are forgeting her, or not honoring her memory if you dont think about her at certain times, or a certain number of times a day. You are not dishonoring her by not thinking of her every second of every day, and by trying to move on with your life. That will need to happen in order for you to heal. Dont be afraid or feel guilty for it. She will always, always, be alive in your heart. I know she would want you to move forward and be the same incredible mommy to her little brother that you were and are to her. I will continue to think and talk about Kaitlyn because there is just no way for me not to. You, your family, and Angel Kaitlyn are always in my prayers. God Bless!!!!
Marybeth <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 11:33 PM CDT
What precious little girl!
I am so sorry for your loss! I am praying for you & your family!
Hugs, Donna

Donna Drosche <chictexas@hot.rr.com>
Waco, Tx USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:28 PM CDT
I stop by Kaitlyn's site daily to see her picture and to check on you as well... I know I don't sign the guestbook often enough but you remain in my every thought and prayer!

Taylor started preschool this week at a christian school and is learning all about Jesus and his love for us... today she told me "Jesus loves me mommy" I hope through Jesus she is able to learn many things and share moments with Kaitlyn in her own special way!

It was so nice to talk to you last week... to hear your voice and to know you are okay... every day is going to be a challenge but you will always be mommy to Kaitlyn and Ryan!

Take care and talk to you soon...

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <krueger01@netins.net>
Van Horne, IA USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:01 PM CDT
I am thinking about you - Heaven sure has a cute new Angel and I am sure she is keeping watch over her family - our thoughts are with you at this difficult time - take care .
Eunice Johnson <e.johnson@shaw.ca>
Victoria, B.C. Canada - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 8:13 PM CDT
Kathy, I don't blame you for sleeping with her blanket I think I would do the same thing. I still think of you and her everyday. Ryan is a precious gift and will be there for you always. He has a great smile and a great laugh. Gee just like his mommy and sister. I will come over to vist you soon just giving you time with family. I know we are family but you need Ryan right now. I feel Katilyn's smile on Aledo everyday. I can hear her laughing with Grandma. Until we see each other. All my love. Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:23 PM CDT
Kathy I am just checking in to see how you are doing. I can not imagine what all af you are going through. We will NOT forget Kaitlyn she was a very lovely little girl.Continue to LIVE STRONG I know you will. You guys are truly an inspiration.
Lorrie Towle <Latowle1@netins.net>
Van Horne, Ia USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 6:34 PM CDT
Still thinking of you, your family and especially your precious Angel, who has a place in my heart. Hoping and praying that you are all ok. I can't imagine what you are going through but hope you get some comfort knowing there are people all over the world thinking of you. xx
Yvonne <yvonne.nicholson@xtra.co.nz>
Auckland, New Zealand - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:44 AM CDT
Still here, still thinking of you all, still praying, still remembering!!!

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:12 PM CDT
Beautiful, Precious, Angel, Wonderous Gift from God....Living on in our hearts and thoughts. Never Forgotten!!!!!!!
Marybeth <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 7:38 PM CDT
You all continue to be in our prayers. My children and I had a small lemonade stand in honor of Kaitlyn the other day. Needless to say, it didn't bring in the record of sales, but it was in her memory and it was doing it with my 3 and 5 year old that meant the most. I am waiting to get the pictures developed and then I will send it all to you. Kathy, as soon as you are able, we would love to hear from you.... Hugs and prayers are sent your way!
James, Michele, Nathaniel and Elaina Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
colona, IL - Sunday, August 21, 2005 10:48 PM CDT
She'll never be gone . . . her laughter resounds in the hearts of those who loved her.
Thinking of you often . . . praying for you daily.
Peace to you.

Lori Dixon <ldixon.mcfe@thelawcentre.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 9:39 PM CDT
Thinking of you all and wondering how you are doing. Update when you are able. Love to all.
BARBARA <barb1212@excite.com>
Conway, SC USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 8:13 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know we are still thinking of you and your family, I can't imagine how hard this must be, you are constantly in our prayers. God Bless

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, August 18, 2005 5:38 PM CDT
Your angel is in my prayers. I too will never be able to understand why God would allow this to happen. Your strength is amazing. I will continue to pray for Caitlin and you, her family. My daughter is 4. I very much understand how difficult your days ahead will be without her here with you. God bless you and live one day at a time.
debbie eastwood <debltandmegan@sbcglobal.net>
rock island, il rock island - Thursday, August 18, 2005 2:31 PM CDT
Kathy & Stan: I just read the last two articles you contributed to on QC Online. I just want you both to know that you amaze me. The way you both answered the questions Jason asked of you was just plain amazing. You are both kind, generous, loving people. Your love for Kaitlyn and others in your family has truly affected my outlook on life. I will forever remember some of the words written in that last article...how touching. I love you guys! Haley
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 2:15 AM CDT
I came to your page from Trenton's page in Georgia. I am so sorry to here about Kaitlyn's passing. She is a beautiful little girl. You can take comfort that her Grandmother was waiting for her at the gates of heaven to give her a great big hug and welcome her home.
Dana Thompson
Roswell, Ga USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 3:58 PM CDT
Kathy,I know this has probably been a rough week for you but hoping you find peace knowing that her pain and battle are over. We will never forget Sweet Kaitlin. I pray that with time you find peace through all of this. If you need us we are here.
Lorrie Towle <Latowle1@netins.net>
Van Horne, Ia USA - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:51 PM CDT
The angels have gathered to bring your loved one home. May God fill you with peace and you find comfort in the memories in your heart.
Joey's Aunt Jayne
- Tuesday, August 16, 2005 6:28 PM CDT
Kaitlyn- "You have slipped the Surly Bonds of this Earth..." May God be with you and your family. You are in our thoughts prayers often. May all of you out there with children hold on to them a little longer tonight when you say good night.
Tammy (Weeks) Zwalve and Family <zwalve@sbcglobal.net>
Vacaville, CA USA - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 4:04 PM CDT
"Pennies from Heaven"

I found a penny today
just laying on the ground
But it's not just a penny this
little coin I've found

Found pennies come from
heaven that's what my Grandpa told me
He said Angels toss them down oh,
how I loved that story

He said when an Angel
misses you they toss a penny down.
Sometimes just to cheer you up
make a smile out of your frown

So don't pass by that
penny when you're feeling blue.
It may be a penny from heaven that
an Angel's tossed to you.

Author Unknown

Angie <pearson4@qconline.com>
Milan, IL Rock Island - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:17 AM CDT
Hello. I just wanted to let you know that all though Kaitlyn is gone, I still click this link everyday to see her precious little face and read the guestbook entries. I will continue to sign the guestbook as long as it is up so you know that as days go by, and time passes, Kaitlyn will never be forgotten. Her memory will not weaken, even to those of us who never met her. I know how important it is to keep her memory alive. Please know that she is forever embedded in my heart and can never fade away. God bless!!!
Marybeth <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL USA - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:25 AM CDT
Thinking and praying for you....stay strong..

God bless

Ozzie <ovieira@hartz.com>
Harrison, NJ - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:45 AM CDT
Hi Kathy and family, well it is now Monday Aug.15. Hope you are doing well.The funeral was amazing. Letting the balloons go were perfect. Kaitlyn was flying high that day.I hope you are doing OK. It will take time but just remember Kaitlyn and Mary Jane are watching over you and the family. Until we see each other again. All my Love Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL mercer - Monday, August 15, 2005 2:56 PM CDT
just wanted to let you know we are still out here and still checking on you and praying for you. while saying good-bye to baby kait could not have been easy...knowing that she is no longer in pain I hope will bring you some relief. Keep your eyes and your heart open and you will see signs that she is still with you and will be forever a part of your days.
Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL 61486 - Sunday, August 14, 2005 9:37 PM CDT
Cancer is so limited

It cannot cripple love,
It cannot shatter hope,
It cannot corrode faith,
It cannot eat away peace,
It cannot destroy confidence,
It cannot kill friendship,
It cannot shut out memories,
It cannot silence courage,
It cannot invade the soul,
It cannot reduce eternal life,
It cannot quench the spirit,
It cannot lessen the power of
the resurrection.

Thinking of you
- Sunday, August 14, 2005 9:01 PM CDT
I have a 4 year old daughter and I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose a child at any age. I,ve followed your story since the beginning and have said a prayer with my daughter every night for your beautiful daughter and family. I just want you to know that since your daughter has grown her wings and flown to a happy place with no more pain or sorrow, that my daughter Katelyn and I still say our prayers for your Kaitlyn and family. Hope all are doing well and know that Kaitlyn is so much happier and peaceful place. - Love to all :)
Marcea Schutters <thegoodone77@yahoo.com>
Davenport, Iowa us - Saturday, August 13, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
I have a 4 year old daughter and I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose a child at any age. I,ve followed your story since the beginning and have said a prayer with my daughter every night for your beautiful daughter and family. I just want you to know that since your daughter has grown her wings and flown to a happy place with no more pain or sorrow, that my daughter Katelyn and I still say our prayers for your Kaitlyn and family. Hope all are doing well and know that Kaitlyn is so much happier and peaceful place. - Love to all :)
Marcea Schutters <thegoodone77@yahoo.com>
Davenport, Iowa us - Saturday, August 13, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
I have a 4 year old daughter and I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose a child at any age. I,ve followed your story since the beginning and have said a prayer with my daughter every night for your beautiful daughter and family. I just want you to know that since your daughter has grown her wings and flown to a happy place with no more pain or sorrow, that my daughter Katelyn and I still say our prayers for your Kaitlyn and family. Hope all are doing well and know that Kaitlyn is so much happier and peaceful place. - Love to all :)
Marcea Schutters <thegoodone77@yahoo.com>
Davenport, Iowa us - Saturday, August 13, 2005 10:10 PM CDT
Dear Kaitlyns family,

Here is a poem about Angels:


Angels life forever
far beyond our days on earth,
and every soul receives an angel guardian at birth.

Invisable, these angels
never leave us, day or night.
They know our fears
and whisper

They give us strength
and purpose,
keep our hope
and courage strong,
they fill our minds
with wisdom
and our spirits with a song.

And when the time
in this world comes
to reach our journey's end,
our angel walks beside us
like a kind, familiar friend.

And as we leave behind
the only place
we've ever known,
we see our angel's smile
at last and hear
"You're home...You're home."


Joyce Polfer <polferfam@aol.com>
farley, ia - Friday, August 12, 2005 10:54 PM CDT
i will remember those big brown eyes always,she truely was a gift,thank your family for sharing her with us that never got to meet her.god be with you always
gale derer <wendy_28@msn.com>
moline, il rock island - Friday, August 12, 2005 10:48 PM CDT
I am so sorry. I wish there were words.
Natalie Martin-Rak (www.caringbridge.com/fl/lina) <Natalie@Dentxllc.com>
St. Augustine, FL - Friday, August 12, 2005 5:26 PM CDT
Thinking of you today, I'm sure it is still a whirlwind. Just wanted you to know we are thinking of all of you.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Friday, August 12, 2005 4:08 PM CDT
Ferguson and Boney Families:
You do not know me but i have been following Kaitlyns story since it was published. My daughter and Kaityln shared the same birthday but one year apart. I could not imagine how it would feel to lose her at such a young age. I admire you for the strength and courage you have shown through this whole ordeal. I am deepley sorry to hear about your loss but know one thing she is safe in the lords hands from all the pain and hurt she was going through. Always remember that she is watching over all of you day and night and that she is happy and free now. Just keep her memory and laughs close to your hearts and you will get through your pain and sorrow day by day. Kaitlyn was truly an inspiration to me on how much your children count on you for support and love. I know my 5 year old little girl counts on me and her daddy when she is hurt or not feeling good and boy does it hurt when you can't help them feel better.Well i just wanted to let you know how much of an inspiration your Princess Kaitlyn has been to me. Hang in there and always remebmer she is free from the hurt and pain. God Bless your families.

Kristie Schomer <tygerma2@aol.com>
Matherville, il Mercer - Friday, August 12, 2005 10:59 AM CDT
Hello, we've heard about Kaitlyn through our friend Joni. What a beautiful child! Our prayers have been with you and will continue to be so. Take care of yourselves and blessings to you.
Julie Van Fleet <tvfakron@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL USA - Friday, August 12, 2005 9:41 AM CDT
Thinking and praying for you all....stay strong..

God bless

Ozzie <ovieira@hartz.com>
Harrison, NJ - Friday, August 12, 2005 9:11 AM CDT
Kathy, The service was beautiful. Hard to get through, but beautiful. The displays at the funeral home, the "memory cards", the video, the music, all of it was wonderful. The balloons at the cemetary were awesome. I am so proud of the way you handled it all! If only all of us could be as strong as you. Like I said before, Kaitlyn was a beautiful child, and now she's a beautiful angel!! She will live in our hearts forever. You are quite the woman, Kathy, and I could not possibly be more proud of you than I am now. I love you, and I'll love Kaitlyn forever!!!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Friday, August 12, 2005 7:22 AM CDT
I attended Kaitlyn's visitation..so many people who loved this little girl and her family. She looked so at peace wrapped in Dora blankie. What really got me was the Uno cards..I can only imagine how many games you will win in heaven. The pictures and memories were all beautiful..
Kaitlyn will be missed but her memory will live on...

Andrea <butrfly2222@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL US - Thursday, August 11, 2005 7:10 PM CDT
Kathy and Family,
I'm so sorry we were not able to attend Kaitlyn's services, we would have but unfortunatley Kyle's cancer is back and we have been meeting with docotrs on experimental procedures we can do. Just wanted to let you know we were thinking of your family yesterday and today and we will always remember Kaitlyn full of life, god be with you all in the days to come.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, August 11, 2005 6:37 PM CDT
Dear Kathy, Stan, & Jeff,

Kaitlyn's visitation and funeral were some of the best celebrations of a person's life that I have ever experienced! Kaitlyn is greatly loved by many people and will forever be missed. I am grateful to have known her and to be called her "Grandma Valerie". I will always remember and appreciate her sparkling smile and loving hugs.

"Grandma Valerie" Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Aledo, IL USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 6:16 PM CDT
Kaitlyn and family,
The service this morning was beautiful. I was so touched by the music and knew each song had a very special meaning. Especially "Hush Little Baby". I know you are with your Grandma Mary Jane now and she is laughing her wonderful laugh and enjoying you so much. You will be missed here Kaitlyn, but you will never be forgotten. Your courage and spirit will be in our hearts always.
Please hug your Grandma (my friend) for me.
Love, Arlene

Arlene Walthall <bud1@qconline.com>
Seaton, IL. USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 5:02 PM CDT
I came across Kaitlyn's site from that of Gabbie Paquette. I am so sorry for your loss! I too lost my son, Mitchell, to Neuroblastoma on New Years Eve 2001. He and his twin sister, were just shy of 2 years. There are no words that I can offer you that will make your loss any easier, except to take every day as it is offered to you. While the pain of losing Kaitlyn will never go away, it does get easier as time moves on. It has been three and a half years since Mitchell left us and yet it seems just like yesterday.

Take Care!
Angel Mitchell's Mommy

Laura Fraser <laura_john_fraser@sympatico.ca>
Bowmanville, ON Canada - Thursday, August 11, 2005 1:46 PM CDT
Beautiful baby girl, I hope you are having fun with your Grandma and all the other Angels who have fought and finally beat this nasty disease!
Kathy, we wish you strength and peace in the days ahead. Kaitlyn will always be with you, and in the hearts of the many people she touched.

Jennifer Click and Carolyn & Evan Coveney <jclick@mindspring.com>
Falls Church, VA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:34 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss of Kaitlyn. She will always be remembered as a very special little girl who was loved by everyone. She touched a lot of lives around her, including lives of people who didn't know her. I know she touched mine deeply. I hope you find peace in knowing that Kaitlyn is now in heaven with Jesus' arms wrapped tightly around her. My thoughts and prayers are now with you and the family during this time. I ask that God gives you the strength you will need today and for the days to come. I will also continue to pray for the doctors who continue working to find a cure.
Beth <bethieb38@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:14 AM CDT
Kathy-what a beautiful visitation. Kaitlyn was surrounded by love...that was so obvious by all the pictures and the video and THE PEOPLE. I am sorry that I couldnt write last nite or talk to you more...I was just overwhelmed by all the emotion.
Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 9:20 AM CDT
I am the Mam-ma of Abbigail Grace (Abbie) Hodge, Harrisville WV. She was diagnosed in Charleston WV Hospital on Feb. 25, 2004 with Neuroblastoma and all similar complications as Kaitlyn's. She was 14 months old, so like her, and so very loved, as she was. She is now 20 months old and in Cincinnati Children's Hospital receiving stem cell replacement, major chemotherapy and radiation. Until last week tests showed all tumors were distroyed, then we were told of the return in the bone marrow.

My heart goes out to your family, as I search for the strength you have found.

I am an avid daily follower of Eric's after he visited Abbie at Charleston Children's Hospital in May.

Lois A. King

www.carepages.com abbiesworld

Lois A. King <dalbranab@zoominternet.net>
Harrisville, WV USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:05 AM CDT
Angel Kaitlyn: On Monday I asked you to watch over your family and keep them strong for the trying days to come. Honey, you have done a great job. Your visitation was truly a celebration of your life. Your family helped all of us get through what was so sad and hearbreaking for everyone. People were laughing, meeting new people and reuniting with old friends. All of your pictures (hundreds), your favorite toys, books and CDs were there. A video was playing of you singing and playing musical instruments while you were in the hosital. How talented and smart you were. There were colored neon index cards for us to write a memory of you. So many beautiful flowers and Isabel Blooms were sent. You had a gorgeous garland of flowers on your head - you really did look the Angel. I know you knew all of the above because you were there, but I thought all of the people around the world who are visiting your website, but could not be there, would like to know about your visitation. Again sweet Angel, help everyone this morning when you are layed to rest. This will be the hardest for everyone. We'll all try to help your family through this day and the days to come. Rest peacefully dear Kaitlyn.

P.S. Hey Kaitlyn, thanks for opening up the Heavens and giving this draught ravished area some much needed rain this morning. As I looked at the puddles, I thought about how you can now run and splash through those puddles.

P.P.S. For those of you not from the Quad City area, Isabel Bloom was an artist who trained under Grant Wood, Iowa's most famous artist. She sculpted in cement (yes cement). Her favorite subjects were children, Angels, families and animals. All very sweet and poignant. Her sculptures range from 2 inches to 28 inches. They have come to take the place of flower arrangements. Its a memory for families to keep forever.

Sheryl J. Burley <sburley@thelawcentre.com>
New Boston, IL - Thursday, August 11, 2005 7:44 AM CDT
What a wonderful tribute to Kaitlyn's life. The visitation was a great look at Kaitlyn's life and all the fun & joy she had with her entire family. Kadie was pleased to see Kaitlyn's Gator there. We enjoyed watching Kaitlyn ride her gator around with her dad. The pictures and other special belongings that you all shared with us was wonderful.

Enjoy your angel wings Kaitlyn, run, sing & play, all without any pain!!

Tina & Kadie Klauer <tinaandsteve@winco.net>
Reynolds, IL - Thursday, August 11, 2005 7:10 AM CDT
I have just found Kaitlyn's site.. I'm am so sorry for your loss.. My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you.
Jenn Hartley <ronjenn696@prodigy.net>
Bensalem, PA USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 6:51 AM CDT
I have followed Kaitlyn's story since last fall, partially because I have a grandson two months younger than her and also because she was such a beautiful little girl. I want to tell you how much I admire the courageous way you have dealt with her devastating illness. May you find comfort in God's love.
Annette Ullrick
Rock Island, IL United States - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 10:45 PM CDT
The visitation today was a celebration of Kaitlyn's life. Yes, there were tears at the loss of her . . .but there were lots of smiles, giggles and stories shared, as well. I loved seeing the green "Gator" there, as I've seen her "driving" it and it holds a special place in my memory of Kaitlyn. I especially liked the "memory basket" placed at the front entrance where folks could jot down their memories of their time with Kaitlyn and place it in the basket to be held in the family's hearts FOREVER! Over and over I heard Kaitlyn's family members repeating "she's in a better place", and I was reminded of one of my very favorite worship songs. It's a contemporary Christian written by Darrell Evans called FIELDS OF GRACE, and it is a celebration of the joy of being in the presence of God. It goes like this:

There's a place where I love to run and play
There's a place where I sing new songs of praise
Dancing with my Father God in fields of grace

There’s a place where I lose myself in Him
There’s a place where I find myself again
Dancing with my Father God in fields of grace

I love my Father, my Father loves me
I dance for my Father, and my Father sings over me
And nothing, no NOTHING can take that away from me

Dancing with my Father God in fields of grace.

I can imagine Kaitlyn running, playing singing at the top of her lungs. I like to imagine Kaitlyn with her face lifted to the brilliant Son as they dance in God’s fields of grace where Kaitlyn can find herself again . . . where she is free of the chain of cancer that bound her to that bed for the past two weeks and NOTHING can take that new freedom away from her ever again.

I have faith that Kaitlyn is experiencing this joy right now.

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for . . .” Hebrews 11:1

Have faith, Kaitlyn’s family. HAVE FAITH.

Keeping the faith . . .

Lori Dixon <ldixon.mcfe@thelawcentre.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:27 PM CDT
We just returned from your visitation and I have to tell you what a wonderful testimony it was to Kaitlyn's life. You have packed some wonderful memories into such a brief time.

I found this online and it made me think of Kaitlyn immediately.


Now that I'm in Heaven, Lord
and life is just a dream
I don't want to hang around
eating strawberries and cream.

I'm really quite an active child
and I don't need to rest
I'll just play and do the things
You know I like the best

I'll play ball in Heaven, Lord
With my halo on my head
I'll run around the playing field
or use my wings instead.

I'll pick the players on my team
and when we win the game
I'll make the Heaven's Hall of Fame
Everyone will know my name.

I'll fish the streams and rivers, Lord
and lure big fish my way.
You know I'll put them back again
to catch another day.

I'll sail the seas and see the lands
the mountains and the plains
I'll fly the skies with open eyes
above the clouds and rain.

I'll even practice all the things
an angel has to do
but Mommy know my favorite thing
is watching over you.

Sally Thomas
Bettendorf, IA USA - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:11 PM CDT
I am so very sorry for your loss, Kaitlyn is in Gods arms now, but will always be in your heart. I will pray tonight for your peace. I will never forget her.

Gods Love,

Karen and Carly

Redeeming Grace

We sometimes stumble along the way
And cannot see the truth....
That God must have a reason
For the pain we're going through.
It helps to know we're growing
And each trial will make us strong....
And God will draw us near to Him
Because its where we all belong.
Don't let the hard times throw you
And cause you to doubt your faith....
God is just to make things right;
He redeems us by His grace.

Karen Le Grande <legrandeka@charter.net>
Sun Prairie, WI USA - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 8:33 PM CDT
Dear Kaitlyns family,

We are so sorry for your loss and hope that your family will find some peace at this difficult time.

You don't know us, but I've learned about your websight from Taylor Kruegers websight. My daughter Kaitlyn had a brain tumor last February. No one should have to see their child suffer like this.

We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time

THE Polfers
Al, Joyce, Allen, Nicole and Kaitlyn

Joyce Polfer <www.caringbridge.org/ia/kaitlynp or polferfam@aol.com>
farley, Ia - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:38 PM CDT

Your loss of Kaitlyn is not going to be an enternity! Praise the Lord! I know you will still grieve your loss of seeing her everyday, which will be difficult, but know that you have several THOUSANDS of different people praying for you and your family. I'm just amazed with how Kaitlyn's story went WORLDWIDE! Your daughter's life touch more people than you will ever know and that was done by the power of GOD! Please know I will be praying for you tonight and tomorrow during Kaitlyn services, wishing I could be there. If I make it back to Illinois this year and I will come back to see you then! Take care my friend!

Karen, Andy, Caitlyn Schisler <schisler1@centurytel.net>
Cherokee Village, AR United States - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:34 PM CDT
I saw Kaitlyn's obituary in the QC Times and it just made my heart break. You're in my thoughts and prayer. Kaitlyn is now dancing and playing pain free. May God's presence comfort you. God bless.
Nancy Lane <nancylane73@hotmail.com>
Spragueville, IA - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:11 PM CDT
Big (((hugs))) going out to you and your family, especially tonight and tomorrow as you celebrate Princess Kaitlyn's life.
Jenn Huston <jennifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South Bend, IN - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 1:45 PM CDT
You don't know me, but I feel as if I know Kaitlyn and your family as I have followed her story for the last yesar or so and my heart broke as I read that she gained her wings and is now in heaven playing and I have to say that even though I do not know you that you are some of the best parents in the world to be able to go through what you have gone through and still be strong about it with everyone else. If you need anything at all e-mail me and I will do what I can. Take care and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Tracy <pepint@siouxvalley.org>
Crooks, SD - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 12:03 AM CDT
NEW YORK, NY USA - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 10:48 AM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Love, Susan and Angel Jordan

Susan Grosclaude <Grosclaude@msn.com>
Marion, IA USA - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 10:04 AM CDT
I'm so sorry to hear about Kaitlyn's passing. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers.
Chris Norton <nrtn2@netins.net>
Eldridge, IA USA - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:08 AM CDT
im so sorry to hear about your loss. you all will be in my thoughts and prayers. (((HUGS)))
Christa Sexton <cksexton_2010@yahoo.com>
Lone Tree, ia - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
No family should have to go through what you have been through. I am so very sorry for your loss. Your family will be in my thoughts & prayers.

Sharon Marczuk
carepages.com - care page name: JamesStevenMarczuk

Sharon Marczuk <squeeks6896@msn.com>
Sugar Grove, IL 60554 - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 8:21 AM CDT
Kaitlyn's family,
May God keep you comforted in his loving arms during these difficult times. Dawson's Grandpa and Grandma DeCap

Kaitlyn's family,
May God keep you comforted in HIS LOVING ARMS during these difficult times. Dawson's Grandma and Grandpa DeCap.

Pat DeCap <decap59@hotmail.com>
Erie, Il. U.S.A. - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 11:23 PM CDT
I know that Kaitlyn is in heaven playing with Gage, Spencer and all the other angels this horrible disease has created.
A Heart That Was Touched In The QCA
- Tuesday, August 9, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
Dear Stan,
My memories of you go back to grade school and growing up in Reynolds!! I cant say enough how sorry I am for the pain you are going through. Seeing you and Kaitlyn together always brought a smile to my face becasue she was a spitting image of you. I know its hard to wonder why this had to happen to your little girl but remember she was sent here from God and this was his plan. He wanted the world to be blessed by her spirit and touched by her life and anyone that knew her is a better person. She was an angel made in heaven and sent to earth to touch all of our lives. God has a plan for all of us and her job on earth was done. God was calling her to come home and now you are left alone to grieve and for that I am sorry. I hope you are able to find peace in knowing that as she sits in heaven she is smiling down on you because she is free! She will never again feel pain and no matter what, she will always look down from heaven and see her Daddy who loved her with everything he had. I will never forget the night we sat at Nick and Alisons and all the kids were playing. Payton and Kaitlyn sat and played in the rocks all by themselves while the boys ran around like crazy. That night Kaitlyn gave me a high five when you left and was blowing everyone kisses. Her strength was overwelming and her spirit one I will never forget. Please know that I am here for you if you need anything. Although words cant truley explain my feelings, I am deeply moved by the man you are and the daddy that you are to Kaitlyn. You are a great person and I commend the strength that you have shown through all of this. If you ever need a shoulder to lean on i am always here for you.
For Kathy, Millie, Jack and the rest of the family, I am so sorry for your loss. Your little princess touched so many lives and she will never be forgotten. Although I cant truley know your pain, I pray that God gives you peace during this painful time. Kaitlyn is a true HERO and an Angel above!!!!

Dalana Bell <dalanac2001@yahoo.com>
Reynolds, IL - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 10:07 PM CDT
A Child Loaned
"I'll lend you for a little time
A Child of mine," HE said,
"For you to love the while she lives,
And mourn for when she's dead.
It may be six or seven years
Or twenty-two or three,
But will you, till I call her back,
Take care of her for Me?
She'll bring her charms to gladden you,
And should her stay be brief,
You'll have her lovely memories
As solace for your grief.

I cannot promise she will stay,
Since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught down there
I want this child to learn.
I've looked this wide world over
In My search for teachers true.
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
I have selected you;
Now will you give her all your love,
Not think the labor vain,
Nor hate Me when I come to call
And take her back again?"

I fancied that I heard them say,
"Dear Lord, Thy will be done,
For all the joy Thy child shall bring,
The risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter her with tenderness,
We'll love her while we may,
And for the happiness we've known,
Forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for her
Much sooner than we planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
And try to understand.

My heart is heavy with sadness for the loss you must endure, but know she's in a better place where sickness is no more. GOD bless you and thank you.

Shaun Rogers
- Tuesday, August 9, 2005 9:59 PM CDT
Kathy, Your still in my heart and prayers, got my flight out, coming straight from the airport to see you Wednesday,I'm so sorry that this is the reason i have to fly home to see you and the other cousins, but we talked alot last week and you know i love you and will be there for you. You and Stan were blessed with a beautiful Angel,Now it's time for Jesus,your Mother and Grandmother to spend time with her until we all meet up with her again. See you soon. Love you
Annette <annettececk@yahoo.com>
Port St. Lucie, fl usa - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 9:53 PM CDT
Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.
A Friend
- Tuesday, August 9, 2005 8:52 PM CDT
Dear Kathy,
Your loss is the greatest loss a parent can have. May you continue to have the strength that you have shown us this past year. What a great support system you are blessed with. A HUGE thanks to "grandma Valerie" and Lisa for keeping us all updated. I believe more than a few of us have checked this website more than once a day for any news about Kaitlyn. It is amazing that one little girl (a little girl some of us have never met) can become part of so many individuals lives. We've all thought, prayed, and shed tears for your little princess. God bless her.

a friend
Middletown, IA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 8:12 PM CDT
Dear Kathy,
Your loss is the greatest loss a parent can have. May you continue to have the strength that you have shown us this past year. What a great support system you are blessed with. A HUGE thanks to "grandma Valerie" and Lisa for keeping us all updated. I believe more than a few of us have checked this website more than once a day for any news about Kaitlyn. It is amazing that one little girl (a little girl some of us have never met) can become part of so many individuals lives. We've all thought, prayed, and shed tears for your little princess. God bless her.

a friend
Middletown, IA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 8:12 PM CDT
My heart grieves for Kaitlyn's passing, while relieved that her pain has ceased. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless!
Shelbe Parr <dashparr@msn.com>
Ankeny, IA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 8:04 PM CDT
I am thinking of and praying for you during this tough time. I know that nothing I can say can make this easier, but please know you and your family are in my thoughts.
Brecka Putnam, Family Relations Director, University of Iowa Dance Marathon <superbrecka@hotmail.com>
Iowa City, IA USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 5:20 PM CDT
Hello guys! Just wanted to pop on for a minute to tell you that I am still thinking of you and that my heart is broken over the loss of baby Kaitlyn. I know that nothing i can do will remove your pain right now (and believe me if i could i would)but if there is anything else i can do to help you during this time..please please do not be afraid to let me know. You are all in my thoughts. I love you baby Kaitlyn...today, tomorrow and always.
Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 4:35 PM CDT
Kaitlyn's Family: Words can't begin to express how sorry I feel for the loss you've experienced. Sometimes we can't understand why certain things happen in life. There seems to be no rhyme nor reason for circumstances such as Kaitlyn's. Nevertheless, I'm confident that as we continue to trust in our Holy Savior, all of the answers will be known unto us in God's own time; whether we are here or in our final destination.

I'm sure you know that I'll continue to pray for your continuing needs. For now, rest assured that Kaitlyn is getting angel kisses and is holding the hand of Jesus!

Blessed be our Holy God!


Sherryl Sonneville <ssonneville@sedonagroup.com>
Rock Island, IL USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 2:08 PM CDT
Kathy...Kaitlyn is now in a much better place. No more pain only joy and peace. I can't imagine what you are going through but know that you are not alone. God will be with you every step of the way, lean on him. I will pray for you and your family in this time and know that your friends here in Georgia are thinking of you. God Bless...
Melissa Green(North Ga Lift Truck) <mgreennglts@aol.com>
Rome, GA USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 1:49 PM CDT
Kathy, Kaitlyn is a beautiful angel!! There is nothing I can do or say to make the hurt go away. Please take comfort in the knowledge that Kaitlyn is no longer suffering. She's running, singing, playing, etc., and having a great time with your Mom. You know deep in your heart that your Mom will take care of her for you. Also, take comfort in the knowledge that you were an EXCELLENT Mom to her!! No one on this earth could have loved her more than you. I feel priveleged to have been a small part of Kaitlyn's life. She sure was special!! That laugh, that teasing look she'd get in her eyes!!!! Kathy, I am soooooo proud of you!! Please know that I will do anything I can for you guys, okay?? And remember, there is a beautiful little angel flying around keeping an eye on you!! I love you very much!!!!!!!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 1:38 PM CDT
Kathy, Stan, Jeff and family--Like you've heard from so many people, I'm at a loss, too, for words to help you through this difficult time. Kathy, you truly have been an inspiration to me through this past year. Your courage, strength and never-ending love for Kaitlyn has been so powerful during her illness and maybe somehow, someway, this will be a comfort to you.

Kaitlyn is in a place where there's no pain. She's in a place where there are so many people taking care of her until you can be with her again. I'm sure your mother is having the time of her life--playing with her 1st grandchild!! And, knowing Fred, he's taking care of her too. There were so many times he said to me that it just wasn't fair to have a 3 yr. old fighting cancer like he was. But like I said before, we're not to question these things. We just have to have the comfort that they are both in Heaven being our "guardian angels" now. May you find comfort each day, Kathy, and please know how very much we all love you and if you need anything orjust to talk--I'm here for you.

Doreen, Erin and Brittany and Kylee Jo <doreenb@charnor.com>
Orion, IL USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 1:16 PM CDT

AUSTELL, GA USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 1:02 PM CDT
Kathy and Family, I am so very sorry for the loss of your little princess. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Just knowing that Kaitlyn is no longer suffering is a good thing. She will forever be your angel watching over you all. God Bless you all.
Barbara Frost (Samantha Craft's mother) <Willbarb2@aol.com>
St. Cloud, FL USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 12:50 AM CDT
We are praying for your family and will look up to the heavens tonight to see a bright and beautiful new star worthy of your princess.
The Richardson family

linda <normlinda@charter.net>
mableton, ga - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 12:35 AM CDT
Another angel takes flight.

My deepest, most sincere sympathy and condolences to each and every one of you!! Kaitlyn was a fighter; there is no doubt about that! She is now pain free, free to fly in the Heavens and watch over all of you!
We lost our precious Pam on Oct. 7, 2003, so I know what you are going through. There are no words that can ease the pain.

The worst thing that can happen to a parent is to lose a child. It feels like someone ripped your heart out. You go from the unbelievable to the unbearable.

Kaitlyn is in a good place now and I'm sure Pam is with her. She just loved children so much.

I would just like to share a saying that was on the card my wife Diane picked out, and we bought for Pam:

If you were a star
That wasn’t expected back
In the universe
For a thousand years,
I’d wait.

If you were the sky
And everyone went inside
When you got sad
And started to rain,
I’d stay.

And if you were a peach
And the world decided to get rid of all peaches,
I’d pick you up,
Put you in my pocket…


I would also like to share, with you and your family, a poem that was put on Pam’s website:
God's Garden

God looked around His garden
And found an empty place
He then looked down upon the earth
And saw your tired face

He put His arms around you
And lifted you to rest
God's garden must be beautiful,
He always takes the best

He knew that you were suffering
He knew you were in pain,
He knew that you would never
Get well on earth again.

He saw the road was getting rough
And the hills were hard to climb
So He closed your weary eyelids,
And whispered "Peace Be Thine."

It breaks our hearts to lose you
But you didn't go alone.
For part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.

Below is a poem that we have on a plaque dedicated to Pam:

The Broken Chain

We little knew that morning that
God was going to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly, in death
we do the same… It broke our
hearts to lose you, you did not go
alone; for part of us went with you,
the day God called you home… You
left us peaceful memories, your love
is still our guide, and though we
cannot see you, you are always at our
side… Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same;
but as God calls us one by one,
The Chain will link again.

You are all in our prayers. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

Frank father of Angel Pam ( www.caringbridge.org/ny/pamostrowski ) <frmurato@nyct.com>
Syosset, NY USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 12:20 AM CDT

Jeff, Kathy, Kristi & Ryan,
I was so sad to hear the news and even though I didn't know Kaitlyn very well, the few times I did get to met her have touched my heart in ways I can't explain. I will never forget that trip to Disney! It wouldn't have been the same without her there! She was and still is a special gift from God. He put her here to remind us of the important things in life. I wish we could be there with you guys but we can't so just know our thoughts and prayers are with you and we miss you all very much!!
Samantha Craft & Greg Ferguson
St. Cloud, Florida

- Tuesday, August 9, 2005 11:24 AM CDT
You have been a constant physical presence in Kaitlyn's short life, and have grown so much as you spent the last year expressing your love for her and have learned to possess emotional strength . . . much more than I will most likely learn in my lifetime. I am so proud of the father you are. I work in a business where I see lots of daddys hiding from the responsibility they should take for their children and spending time with their children only when forced to do so. You, on the other hand, have embraced fatherhood entirely, and your time with your daughter was the most joyful times you ever had! As the world was so blessed by Kaitlyn's life, so Kaitlyn was incredibly blessed to have had you as a daddy. You two fit together like a pair of shoelaces . . . each one able to operate independently and separately, but when put together the fun and adventures abounded. You have been a quiet pillar of strength throughout Kaitlyn's disease . . . quietly experiencing the joy and the sorrow, the good times and the bad, the beginning . . . and the end. God Bless you, Stan. You are an inspiration to fathers everywhere.
Kaitlyn is free, and yet we are left on earth to comfort each other in a time of great loss. With my sincere and earnest prayers that the Lord will bring you and your family the comfort of His promise that Kaitlyn is playing in His big house this moment and forever will feel no more pain, only laughter, love and joy . . .

Lori Dixon <ldixon.mcfe@thelawcentre.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 11:23 AM CDT
Once again, I'm at a loss for words. I checked Kaitlyn's website first thing yesterday morning when I got to work to see how "OUR" Princess was doing----I wasn't ready for what I read. I immediately shut the website hoping if I opened it again, I was only dreaming. Sweet Baby you are pain free and with Grandma now!! Kathy, Jeff, Stan & Family--I know nothing I say can make much differance right now---but please know that Kaitlyn is a miracle from God----now she is entertaining everyone in that beautiful land up above!! Peace and Love to all of you and your Sweet Angel!!!
Marci & Cade Dinneweth
Moline, IL - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 10:24 AM CDT
Kathy,Jeff,Stan, I hope today finds you in peace that ANGEL KAITLYN hurts no more. I thought of you all night last night. I will see you tomorrow and thursday. Just remember Kaitlyn is playing in the big play ground in the sky, and is being watched by grandma ( Mary Jane ). I bet they are having a good time getting to know each other. I bet you'r mom is telling her all the stories of you as a child. GOD BLESS KAITLYN JANE BONEY. Fly high Kaitlyn you have earned it. LOVE CHRISTINE
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 9:27 AM CDT
~i~Kaitlyn~i~ You have now earned your angel wings. Fly high little angel. Keep a close watch over your family, they especiallily need you now. To the family, you now have a beautiful angel that shines bright in heaven with all of our little angels. I believe that they are all playing together and watching over us all. God bless you. You're in my thoughts and prayers. I'm from the nb angels group.

Lisa Wimberly~Angel Chyanne's Nana <lisaw@charter.net>
Jackson, TN USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 8:58 AM CDT
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your princess. I know there are no words that can take away your pain. But have peace that she has no more pain. Keep her memories living in your heart. Peace & Strength
michael - Hannah's dad www.caringbridge.org/fl/hannahbannana <madtpa@yahoo.com>
tampa, fl - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 8:57 AM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn's Family,
We are so sorry for your loss and hope that your family will find some comfort and peace from this heartbreak. We are friends of the Kindreds and heard about you through them. What a lovely little girl, I know how much joy she brought to you. We are praying for your family and wishing for comfort for you through this pain. My brother, Angel Patrick, will be there along with many other sweet souls to play with her in heaven.

Elizabeth, Kurt, Patrick and Isabella Jordan <Jord8612@bellsouth.net>
Dunwoody, GA. USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 8:42 AM CDT
kathy, Jeff, Stan, and Ryan, Bless you all. No one could have loved that little princess more than you and your family did. Take comfort in knowing she's no longer in pain and more importantly that she will always be with you - each and every day in your hearts. Our thoughts and prayers to each of you. Sue, Scott, Bri, & Ty Rice
The Rice's <sue.rice@raymondcorp.com>
Greene, NY USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 7:30 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Tracey Marshall (www.caringbridge.org/pa/alyssamarshall) <tlmmgm@aol.com>
Levittown, PA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 7:12 AM CDT
To Kaitlyn's Family,

You all have mine and my family's sympathy. Kaitlyn's life cannot be measured in years, but in the impact she has had on other people's lives. God gave you an immeasurable gift for four earthly years, but Kaitlyn's influence will have eternal repercussions for those who choose to learn lessons from her life. I hope my heart will remain grateful from everything she has "taught" me. You are all saints...continue to be lights for Christ..God bless you all.

Brenda <brenduh76@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, August 9, 2005 7:10 AM CDT
No words can describe how you must be feeling, no words can describe my sympathy to you and your family. Your beautiful daughter is now in peace and no more suffering.I will never forget that most adorable little face. I hope Kaitlyn is now happy and enjoying herself as she so deserves. I hope you will all be ok. My thoughts are with you all.
Sue Poletti <poletti@bigpond.net.au>
Munster, W.A. Australia - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 1:23 AM CDT
So very sorry, she is so beautiful! My prayers are with your angel and your family. God Bless, Love, Ellen~Seans Mom


Ellen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Cape cod, Ma USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 11:32 PM CDT
First our sincere sympathy to all of you. Then I would like to think of Kaitlyn wearing the most beautiful of crowns upon her precious head to match her "princess" status. She sure earned it! I am also thanking the Lord that you guys do not have to spend another day sitting and watching your precious Kaitlyn suffer another hour and that she doesn't have to endure any more of the treatments, procedures, pokeys, or any other "crappy stuff"! How awesome that must be for her! Thank you for keeping us all up to date on what was going on and sharing it all with us. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers.
James, Michele, Nathaniel and Elaina Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, IL - Monday, August 8, 2005 11:11 PM CDT
My heart is breaking at the news of your loss of darling Kaitlyn. She was so beautiful here on earth, and is even more beautiful in her heavenly body. I pray for comfort for you as you grieve such a loss that tears me apart just imagining.

I'm So Glad You Came
by: Jane Peterson
In memory of her daughter,
Colleen Kryder Murphy.

I'm so glad you came
For I will always know your light
In my hands;

And the power of your leaving
Was exquisite.
A kind of profound silence.
I will always be able to recall it
In a moment;

But I am so glad you came.
So incredibly honored
To have known you at all.
I will always know your light
In my hands,
And in a blink, I will see it;

Blessings & Comfort,

Terri ^Friends of Allie - San Diego^
- Monday, August 8, 2005 10:51 PM CDT
So many times I have looked at this website, sometimes many times a day to check in on Kaitlyn to see how she was doing. Many times I have wanted to write, to let you know just how much we have been thinking of her, you and your family but the words would just never come. Please know that although I wasn't able to put the words down in writing, the feeling was there in prayer. I am sorry that Kaitlyn is no longer with us, but I am comforted by the fact in knowing she is no longer in pain. She is at peace, we are the ones that are hurting now, but just as God has taken away Kaitlyn's pain, he will comfort us too. You were a wonderful Dad to Kaitlyn. We continue to pray for you and your family.

Ardith Mueller
Reynolds, IL - Monday, August 8, 2005 9:16 PM CDT
You don't know me but I'm one of Carol Jahn's friends. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I'm saddened by your loss. Carol kept me updated and showed me the pictures of Kaitlyn's birthday. She sure looked like an angel then and is one now. She will always be with you and watching over you. My deepest sympathies.
Gina <GMPRDH@aol.com>
Elmhurst, IL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 9:14 PM CDT
Just got into Kaitlyn's website and got the news. She is a little angel in heaven and free of pain. I know it is hard but just remember she is in a better place looking down at all of us singing and playing like she use to before she became so sick. Treasure all the memories and know that you will see her some day and she will be there to greet you. She will always be with you in your heart and watching over you. God Bless and prayers are with you.

Diane Smith <dlsmith84@netins.net>
Atkins, IA Benton - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:53 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Kaitlyn. May you all find comfort in one another. Angel Kaitlyn left many memories with all of you that will always be remembered. Hold onto those memories and find piece in knowing that Kaitlyn gave 110% with her battle, now she is pain free and back to her "old self" again looking down on each one of you. Once again I am extremely sorry for your loss. May God bless your entire family.
Jess Dearing <hessy60@hotmail.com>
Lubbock, TX - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:34 PM CDT
My heart goes out to you on the loss of your beautiful Kaitlyn. She is pain free and with all the other NB ANGELS in heaven with Jesus. Maybe my grandson Little Alex is playing with her and showing her around. This disease is a monster. Too many precious little children are going to heaven too soon. I pray for the Lord to give you the strength you will need to make it through the next few days.
Cheryl Renner (Mam-Maw to Angel Alex at caringbridge.org/pa/alexp) <rennerg7@AOL.com>
N. Huntingodn, PA - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:03 PM CDT
Losing Kaitlyn just breaks my heart. At least she is out of pain and in heaven. My prayers are with the family.
Jamie Millam <jjsharley_1998@yahoo.com>
Matherville, IL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 7:58 PM CDT
I pray for you all to somehow find peace in every day to come and know that Kaitlyn is amoung many beautiful angels and is living a life now with no more pokes or pain. Just remember that as you travel down this next journey in your lives. She is forever your angel!!! ((((HUGS))))
Nancy Bracy <nancybracy@netins.net>
Brooklyn, IA - Monday, August 8, 2005 7:52 PM CDT
Hoping you can find comfort in knowing that Kaitlyn is finally at peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with you today and in the days to come.

Teri Beckman
Middletown, Ia - Monday, August 8, 2005 7:40 PM CDT
I have been watching your story from afar, and I am so sorry for your loss. My heart hurts for you. I am sending all of my prayers your way, as a mother who cannot imagine losing her most precious gift. May God be with you and bring you peace.
Livingston, WI - Monday, August 8, 2005 7:33 PM CDT
We have been praying for Kaitlyn for so many months--I have notified our prayer warriors around the world of your little girl and will now notify them that Kaitlyn is now free of pain and is her beautiful self once more. I was Valerie's sub caller last year for the Moline School District and we have been in contact several times just for an update on Kaitlyn----so many of us feel she is also a part of our families. Know how many people are still praying for your family---Love and Prayers, Lynn and Don Reffett
Lynn Reffett <LLReffett@msn.com>
Moline, IL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 6:36 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Ive been keeping up on your journals. Kaitlyn touched my heart tremendously! What a couragious little girl! This has to be so incredibly hard for you and your family! Its so reassuring knowing that she doesn't have to endure anymore pain. She is with her lord and savior and has now found peace! Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as thee." Mathew 19:14, Niv. You have a tough road ahead of you, lean on the lord he will help you through this tough time! God has said, "Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid......" Hebrews 13:5-6, NIV
Your constantly in my prayers
shelley splear

shelley splear <shelleysplear@yahoo.com>
colona, Il - Monday, August 8, 2005 6:30 PM CDT
I am so very sorry for your loss of sweet Kaitlyn. What a beautiful girl!
Alison Becker <beckerali@aol.com>
Tampa, FL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 6:16 PM CDT
I come to check on Kaitlyn several times a day and even with as crazy of a morning that we had getting back from Chicago and getting ready for Taylor's appointment I managed to stop by but didn't have the time or words...

We're home now and I've done lots of thinking, I still don't have the words but I didn't want you to think that we've forgotten about you!

At about 8:30 or so last night we were still on the road coming home and I thought about calling you but something told me it wasn't the right time... little did I know that this was during some of your final moments with Kaitlyn... I'm glad I didn't interupt!

I'm filled with so much emotion right now... I'm saddened of you loss as I cannot imagine a day without either of my children and it is just so unfair that another young and innocent life is taken... but at the same time I know that cancer is out of our control and when we feel that we should be proctecting our children when cancer enters their life there isn't anything we can do but to love them even more... Kaitlyn is an angel now and will no longer have to suffer from cancer and because of this I am happy and relieved that the battle is over... Kaitlyn is a hero and she did win this battle with amazing strength!

Please know that your entire family continues to be in my every thought and prayer!

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <krueger01@netins.net>
Van Horne, IA USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 5:58 PM CDT
"Life can be the same after a trinket has been lost, but never after the loss of a treasure."

Kaitlyn Jane Boney

Rest in peace, sweet angel.

a friend
Aledo, IL - Monday, August 8, 2005 5:42 PM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. Your daughter is very beautiful. Love and Lord's Blessings~
Becky and Ashlyn www.caringbridge.org/sd/ashlyn <beckjo70@hotmail.com>
Mitchell, SD - Monday, August 8, 2005 5:38 PM CDT
My thoughts are with you all at this time. Kaitlyn is smiling down on you all.
Vicky xxx

Vicky Gartshore <vicky_2002@ntlworld.com>
- Monday, August 8, 2005 5:22 PM CDT
Please know your family is in our thoughts and prayers. We are so very sorry for your loss. If possible, try to take comfort in the thought that your beautiful princess is no longer in pain. We are so very sorry.
Rich, Colleen, Alexandra and Nicholas-still battling <pburgh804@aol.com>
- Monday, August 8, 2005 5:15 PM CDT
Kathy Stan Jeff and Family Iam so sorry for your less, yet so thankful that Kaitlyn is no longer in pain. You are all strong people and Kaitlyn knew that. Kaitlyn is in heaven playing with my Angel Trevor and her grandma. She is wathcing down on you all now. You have a gardian Angel. I have a favor to ask of someone else. I was wondering if someone could please email me when everything is set and let me know when and where everything is at. I know that Kathy and Stan have so much other stuff to do right now, so I would really appriciate it very much. Thank you. KA
Susie James www.caringbridge.org/ia/trevorwhite <s_z_james@yahoo.com>
Muscatine, IA USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 5:15 PM CDT
To the family of Kaitlyn Boney,
We are sorry to hear that Kaitlyn has passed on to be with Jesus, but are happy to know that she is no longer suffering. But we continue to keep you all in our prayers and thoughts, because we know you are going to be feeling a great loss for sometime. Stan, thank-you for sharing Kaitlyn with us in your stories and bringing her out to our house, we only got to met her a couple of times, but she was a beautiful little girl. We could always see in your eyes how very much you loved her, she was your sunshine. Please keep the faith and know that God will continue to guide you through these tough time.

Mike & Tina Randolph <randolphfarms@mcics.com>
reynolds, il - Monday, August 8, 2005 5:00 PM CDT
I am so sorry and so at a loss of words.Your family has been so strong through all of this. Kathy I can't imagine the pain you are going thru as a Mom letting go of her little Angel-But we must remember she is finally free of the pain. Jeff you have been great support to Kathy thru all of this, it is alot to take on. Stan you are truly a great Father you stepped up there whenever Kaitlin would call your name. Kaitlin you are an inspiration to all of us enjoy your wings sweetie-fly high and Watch over Mommy, Daddy and little Ryan. Kathy I pray that some of the weight has now lifted off your shoulders- now you can give Ryan the attention that you wanted to give him before may he also lift some of your pain. Do not forget all of your friends and you may call on them in your deepest moments- we have a shoulder for you to lean upon. We will continue to pray for peace to your hearts.
Lorrie Towle (Taylor's grandma) <Latowle1@netins.net>
Van Horne, Ia USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 4:47 PM CDT
Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Your little girl was an angel here on earth, I can only imagine how she shines in Heaven. Sending (((((((hugs))))))) to you all.
Natalie & Joleigh <cayennevoncajun@hotmail.com>
Tonganoxie, KS USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 4:44 PM CDT
I am so very sorry. Please know your family is in our prayers. Love, Tracy and Katia (a.k.a. "The Ladybug")
Fighting leukemia AML with a vengence!
Sharing Hope on the Wings of a Ladybug

Tracy and Katia <tmsol87@tmail.com>
- Monday, August 8, 2005 4:34 PM CDT
To All of Kaitlyn's Family,
Each & everyone of you are in our thoughts & prayers.You've been through so much,most of us can't even imagine, & selfishly, hope we never have to, but do know that we care & hurt for you guys & rejoice that "The Princess" has gone on to a better place with no pain.Please know we care, & will do anything we can to help in any way.

shorti & dave <jlcrow@winco.net>
viola, il - Monday, August 8, 2005 4:33 PM CDT
I'll Be There"

Daddy please don't look so sad, Momma please don't cry,
Cause I am in the arms of Jesus and He sings me lullabies.
Please try not to question God, don't think He is unkind,
Don't think He sent me to you, and then He changed His mind.
You see, I am a special child, and I'm needed up above.
I'm the special gift you gave Him, the product of your love.

I'll always be there with you, and watch the sky at night
Find the brightest star that's gleaming
That's my halo's brilliant light.
You'll see me in the morning frost, that mists your window pane,
That's me, in the summer showers, I'll be dancing in the rain.
When you feel a gentle breeze, from a gentle wind that blows
That's me, I'll be there, planting a kiss on your nose.

When you see a child playing, and your heart feels a little tug,
That's me, I'll be there, giving your heart a hug.
So Daddy, please don't look so sad, Momma don't you cry,
I'm in the arms of Jesus, and He sings me lullabies

~ my thoughts and prayers are with and your complete family in this time of great loss ~
I know that Kaitlyn has a few buddies in heaven already showing her around... one is our little angel Trevor.

Holly Rudolph / aunt to Trevor White <rudolphholly@allsteeloffice.com>
Fruitland, IA USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 4:31 PM CDT
Kathy, you and your family are in my prayers. May God give you peace and healing in the months to come. God bless you!
Janel Dellitt <janeldellitt@yahoo.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 4:30 PM CDT
I am sorry to hear that Kaitlyn has passed. I bet she is up in heaven jumping and singing with all them monkeys jumping on the bed. Just remember she is out of pain and in a better place.
Mindy Setser <jeffmin@mchsi.com>
Matherville, IL 61263 - Monday, August 8, 2005 4:30 PM CDT
I am so sorry...she did win her battle. I am at loss for words. Please take care of yourself.
Vicki Cole <tj4ever@frontiernet.net>
Lowville, NY - Monday, August 8, 2005 3:51 PM CDT
KAITLYN you have won the battle. but you leave behind many people who will miss you and always love you.
angel child play away to your heart content now but please watch over your mom and dad. hugs tonya

tonya cinnamon <tonyacinnamon@knology.net>
knoxville, tn united states - Monday, August 8, 2005 3:39 PM CDT

coal valley, IL - Monday, August 8, 2005 3:29 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. She's at her heavenly home now and no more suffering will she ever have to face. God bless all of you.
Kevin & Rita Schultz & family <kschultz!@gcctv.com>
Sherman, IL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 3:29 PM CDT
this was on another website that I found...but I thought it was perfect :
If roses grow in Heaven,
Lord please pick a bunch for me,
Place them in my daughters arms
and tell her they're from me.

Tell her that I love her and miss her,
and when she turns to smile,
place a kiss upon her cheek
and hold her for awhile.

Because remembering her is easy,
I do it everyday,
but there's an ache within my heart
that will never go away.

A friend
- Monday, August 8, 2005 3:25 PM CDT
i am so very saddened to hear of kaitlyn's passing and the enormous loss the world feels today as a result. i will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. kathy, from one mom to another...........i am here.........lean on me if you need to vent, cry or scream.........

angel olivia's mother, wendy

www.caringbridge.org/mi/oliviasgrace <wethomps@aol.com>
shelby, mi - Monday, August 8, 2005 3:19 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear of Kaitlyn's passing. Please know that you will be in my thoughts.
Michele <mshelez@msn.com>
New Jersey, USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 2:38 PM CDT
I am very sorry for your family. As you know she is now a beautiful angel in Heaven to watch over your entire family. Make sure to keep in good spirits and think of all of the good times you had with Kaitlyn.
Rhonda Calhoun <rhondacalhoun1972@hotmail.com>
East Moline, IL 61244 - Monday, August 8, 2005 2:37 PM CDT
I am so sad to read this update. My heart goes out to your entire family. Kaitlyn is finally free of pain and cancer.
Sara and ~Emily~ <waffle13@sbcglobal.net>
Angels on Earth, - Monday, August 8, 2005 2:32 PM CDT
We are so sad for Kaitlyns family. She will be as beautiful as an Angel as she was here on earth and everything will be perfect.
With love Grandma and Grandpa Sweet to our angel Luke Sweet. www.2caringbridge.org/oh/lukesweet

Gail and gene sweet <gailsweet@zoominternet.net>
ashland, oh usa - Monday, August 8, 2005 2:19 PM CDT
I just got on and read I am crying, I'm crying good tears because I realize Kaitlyn will no longer be in pain and you all will not have to watch her suffer anymore, but I am also crying tears of saddness at the loss of such a wonderful child and knowing how hard it will be for all of you to try and go on without Kaitlyn. We will always remember Kaitlyn and your family, our prayers are sent out to each and everyone of you.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Monday, August 8, 2005 2:07 PM CDT
In loving memory of our sweet Kaitlyn. There will never be another one like her! I would like to thank this website for providing this wonderful service to our family. It has been a great source of comfort and support. I would like to encourage people who have appreciated this website to make a donation to Caring Bridge in Kaitlyn's honor.
Love, Joanie, Sam, Justine, & Marshall Boney

Joan Boney <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Monday, August 8, 2005 1:49 PM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn's family,
It is a difficult time for you all right now I can only imagine, my thoughts and prayers are with you. The little princess is happy again and yes she is an "ANGEL"! She is pain free and smiling her beautiful little smile.
I am very sorry for all of you, but she is not hurting anymore, and that should bring some peace to you all.
God Bless

T.Wilson <tjw1966@mchsi.com>
Silvis, Il USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 1:43 PM CDT
Sending my deepest sympathy on the loss of your little girl.
Susan <susan0500@sbcglobal.net>
- Monday, August 8, 2005 1:32 PM CDT
I am so sorry.

I can just imagine Kaitlyn trying out her well deserved new wings. May God wrap you in the peace and comfort of His loving arms.

The Hardin's <hardinrt@bellsouth.net>
Covington, GA USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 1:18 PM CDT
I got on here today and decided to check on Kaitlyn as I always do. When I got to QConline and saw the headline, it took my breath away. Ive known that it was going to happen sometime, but for the past two weeks since they said she probably wouldnt make it through the week, Ive gotten on to check on her, and there she was, prooving them wrong. I expected just the same today as any other day, but it has finally come to an end. I am in disbelief. I cant believe she is gone. Ive never met her, but she is such a part of my life now and Im going to miss her, strange as it may sound. There will be no more checking on little princess Kaitlyn. Though I do know that she is in a beautiful, warm, safe, place where she can run and play and enjoy her life without pain. That is what is really important. She is in the arms of God now and will be forever happy and taken care of. Thank you for allowing me into such an amazing little life. God give you strength and bless you all!!!
Marybeth <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 12:47 AM CDT
Dear Kathy, Stan, Jeff and all of Kaitlyn's family: Our hearts are deeply saddened today by the news about little Kaitlyn. May God bless all of you and give you strength. Thank you so much for allowing us into your lives to tell Kaitlyn's amazing story to more than 100,000 readers of The Dispatch, The Rock Island Argus and The Leader. We truly appreciate all of your kindness, generosity and patience. Thanks to you, our audience understands much more about childhood cancer and how it impacts families. Few stories in our history have affected our readers and our communities as much as our ongoing series, "Caring for Kaitlyn." We all prayed so hard for a different ending, but I know one thing for sure: Our reporter Jason and photographer Dan, and all of us here at the newspaper who came to know Kaitlyn through the series, will never forget your little princess.

Russ Scott, The Dispatch <rscott@qconline.com>
Moline, IL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 12:45 AM CDT
I'm really sorry that this had to happen to such a sweet girl. I heard about her through some friends, and I have been praying for her since. Remember that God is always there for you. Even in such sad and terrible times as this.
Tara <lilproctor@hotmail.com>
- Monday, August 8, 2005 12:35 AM CDT
I don't know the right words to say. I'm sure there are no words that can ease the pain that you must be feeling. I can't even begin to imagine how much it must hurt not to have your beautiful princess by your side. At the same time, I'm sure you also feel relief that she doesn't have to suffer any more. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry. I know you'll miss her. Thank you for sharing your beautiful girl with us. (((hugs)))
Jenn Huston (I found you throught Taylor's site) <jennifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South Bend, IN - Monday, August 8, 2005 12:17 AM CDT
Kathy and Stan thank you very much for letting me be apart of Kaitlyn's life. She was a special little girl to me..she always said we were best friends forever and I didn't mind having a 4 year old as my best friend either. Thank you for letting me come up there to give support to Stan. Kaitlyn...you were very special to me, I have learned a lot from you....and loved our times together...now all I have are memories, pictures, and your daddy, but you shall not be gone forever for you live in my heart (as well as others)forever and ever. Jeff you are a good man...you were there by Kathy's side the whole time and my hands go up to you for that...you all are great and wonderful people and Kaitlyn was around people who loved her the whole time...I dont think she would've wanted it any other way. I know I didn't ask to be alone with Kaitlyn at any point of her stay at the hospital, because I knew that Kaitlyn already knew that I loved her and was blessed to have known her.
Terri Millam <tearbear02_2002@yahoo.com>
Matherville, IL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 11:54 AM CDT
I am praying for your family --
Susan Wilhelm
Houston, TX USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 11:33 AM CDT
I am sorry for your loss, It is 2 years since we lost Madison...Thinking of You...
- Monday, August 8, 2005 11:27 AM CDT
As I read your journal entry about Kaitlyn gaining her angel wings, I felt both sorrow and rejoicing. Sorrow that such a little one experienced such pain and rejoicing that she is now in Heaven with her Savior free from pain and suffering and just enjoying being a little princess. God bless you and may you find strength in family, friends, and your online friends that are holding you and your family up in prayers.
Angie <awsmgod@qconline.com>
- Monday, August 8, 2005 11:25 AM CDT
I will continue to pray for you family as you learn to live without your princess. What joy to know that she is now dancing with the angels and will never experience pain again!
Heidi Foster <heidi_foster@yahoo.com>
Locust Grove, GA USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 11:19 AM CDT
By the time the Lord made woman,
He was into his sixth day of working overtime..
An angel appeared and said,
"Why are you spending so much time on this one?"
And the Lord answered,
"Have you seen my spec sheet on her?
She has to be completely washable, but not plastic,
have over 200 movable parts, all replaceable
and able to run on diet coke and leftovers,
have a lap that can hold four children at one time,
have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart -and she will do everything with only two hands."
The angel was astounded at the requirements.
"Only two hands!? No way!
And that's just on the standard model?
That's too much work for one day.
Wait until tomorrow to finish."
But I won't," the Lord protested.
"I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart.
She already heals herself when she is sick
AND can work 18 hour days."
The angel moved closer and touched the woman.
"But you have made her so soft, Lord."
"She is soft," the Lord agreed,
"but I have also made her tough.
You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish."
"Will she be able to think?", asked the angel.
The Lord replied,
"Not only will she be able to think,
she will be able to reason and negotiate."
The angel then noticed something,
and reaching out, touched the woman's cheek.
"Oops, it looks like you have a leak in this model.
I told you that you were trying to put too much into this one."
"That's not a leak," the Lord corrected, "that's a tear!"
"What's the tear for?" the angel asked.
The Lord said, "The tear is her way of expressing her joy,
her sorrow, her pain, her disappointment, her love,
her loneliness, her grief and her pride."
The angel was impressed.
"You are a genius, Lord.
You thought of everything!
Woman is truly amazing."

Kathy...no matter what you may be going through right now you were and always will be an amazing mommy...Kaitlyn was lifted to heaven on mountains of love that were all started by you. Stan....nobody says much about the daddy but my heart is breaking for you...you made sure Kaitlyn was always #1 in your life and that is a wonderful quality..as it has been said...anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a daddy..and you did a great job.

Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL 61486 - Monday, August 8, 2005 11:07 AM CDT
My heart is broken and I have chills reading your entry that your sweet baby girl has passed.
It's so hard to believe in God's plan when this happens to your family. You wonder why some children survive cancer and why your precious child is gone. I know this: God is good. Believe in Him. Lean on him now when you need Him most desperately. He has never left you and loves you all emensely. Kaitlyn was His child first and he is rejoicing her homecoming, yet embracing and hurting for the family she left behind. He knows you are hurting. You have been amazing parents and God loves and appreciates your devotion and amazing love you gave (and still give) this beautiful angel.
God bless your family. I will be praying for all of you. I know Kaitlyn is dancing in Heaven.. pain-free and Thanking God for the amazing family He gave her.
Love, peace and strength.

Heather Tierney <heather@bestnetsol.com>
dawsonville, Ga - Monday, August 8, 2005 11:00 AM CDT
My heart is heavy today as I read your passage. I am so very sorry you had to go through such a horrible thing. I like to think of it as not saying goodbye but see you later. I feel my son is always with me although he is not physicaly there spiritualy I know he is know matter where I go. Just think you can talk to her now know matter where you are and she can hear you. You an your family are in my thoughts and prayers. May you find strength in God to get you through day by day.
Jamie Angel Camerons mommy forever

Jamie <jamie.carey@cox.net www.caringbridge.org/ok/cameronc>
Yukon, Oklahoma - Monday, August 8, 2005 10:59 AM CDT
We are sorry to hear the news.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Ronnie, Tem and Nina <sel_nina@yahoo.com>
Europe, - Monday, August 8, 2005 10:53 AM CDT
To Kaitlyn's family you don't know me but I have follow your story from the first time it was published. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Please know that she is in heaven and in gods hands. And she is know longer suffering and can rest in peace now. She was a beautiful little girl. And thank you for sharing her with us and her story.
The LeMaster Family Michelle, Dennis, Jennifer and Alex <beach06@mchsi.com>
Colona, IL - Monday, August 8, 2005 10:45 AM CDT
I never got a chance to meet this beautiful young princess but she will be in all of our hearts no matter what happens. She's in a better place now. but the memories of her will always live on. R.I.P. Kaitlyn
davenport, Iowa USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 10:44 AM CDT
Not only is Kaitlyn leading them in a dance of joy but in song. She loved to sing and was great at remembering the words to songs. She loved bible school and loved to sing.
Grandma and Papa Boney <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Monday, August 8, 2005 10:28 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. While you must find comfort in knowing that she isn't in pain, I'm sure your sadness is immeasureable. I have never met you but as I followed your story, and prayed for Kaitlyn, your strength amazed me and I could see what a wonderful gift you were to Kaitlyn to be her Mommy. Know that so many of us are praying for all of you at this very difficult time.
A friend in Pennsylvania <suesmith@aol.com>
West Chester, PA - Monday, August 8, 2005 10:16 AM CDT
All heaven is surely rejoicing as Kaitlyn leads the angels in a dance of joy for there is no more pain! She is free! The hard part is for those left behind . . . those who are relieved she is not hurting anymore and in Jesus' presence, yet so incredibly grief-stricken at the loss of her joyful presence on earth.
Kaitlyn has been and still is a blessing to all touched by her in some way or another throughout the span of her short life. I pray you will each find comfort through each other and peace knowing that her death may be the end of her earthly body, but the rest of her existence began with her last breath.

"Life is not measured
by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take
our breath away”

And Kaitlyn left us all breathless.

With love and prayers of comfort . . .

Lori Dixon & family <ldixon.mcfe@thelawcentre.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 10:00 AM CDT
Dancing in heaven, with a smile on your face because you know all the joy you brought to all during your short time with us.........God Bless.
Prior Lake, MN - Monday, August 8, 2005 9:54 AM CDT
Kaitlyn's Family:
We are so sorry to hear of your news this morning. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. I am one of Dawson's grandma's, Kelli's mom.

Linda Brinkman <ecfs@cin.net>
Erie, IL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 9:51 AM CDT
My daughters and I pray for Kaitlyn every night before bed...We will continue to pray for your strength through this time...In God's Name AMEN..
Melissa Matlick
Aledo, IL - Monday, August 8, 2005 9:41 AM CDT
Good Night Sweet Princess! We are all better people for having had you in our lives. You'll be lovingly always remember for your strength and as a great big sister.
Meagan Whitehead <mikeandmeagan@msn.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Monday, August 8, 2005 9:35 AM CDT
I can't imagine what you are all going through right now, or for that matter what you have been through in the last months. I am relieved that Kaitlyn is no longer suffering & can truly rest peacefully now. You are all in our
thoughts & prayers!

Natalie Encapera & family <babywop@charter.net>
St. Jacob, IL Madison - Monday, August 8, 2005 9:24 AM CDT
To Kaitlyn's Family:

My heart is heavy today as I read that your little princess jioned God up in heaven. I pray for your peace and your comfort during the days to come. Know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you always.

Earth has lost a sweet little princess but Heaven gained an angel.

Jennifer Hines <creative_jenny@yahoo.com>
Mesa, az USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 9:19 AM CDT
We are so very sorry to hear of Kaitlyn's passing , may God give you the strength and peace during this difficult time.
Ron and Kris Johnston <Kris0912002@yahoo.com>
Keithsburg , IL Mercer - Monday, August 8, 2005 9:06 AM CDT
Angel Kaitlyn, you have become a part of so many lives through your short life. You will be missed. Watch over your family and help them get through these next trying days.
Sheryl J. Burley <sburley@thelawcentre.com>
New Boston, IL Mercer - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:54 AM CDT
Angel Kaitlyn and family, This a psalm for the dying I hope you like it.
Relatives and friends
My last breathdid not say "good-bye"
for my love for you is truly timeless
and befyond the touch of death

I leave myself to you memory with love
I leave my thoughts, my laughter, my dreams
to you whom I have treasured
beyond gold and precious gems.

I give you what no thief can steal
the memories of our times together;
the tender love-filled moments,
the successes we have shared,
the hard times that brought us closer thogether
and the roads we have walded side by side.

I also leave you a solemn promise
that after I am in the bosom of GOD
I will still be present,
whenever and wherever you call on me.
My enegery will be drawn to you
by the magnet of our love.

Whenever you are in, call me,
I will come to you
with my arms full of wisdon and light
to open your blocked paths,
to untangle you'r knots
and to be your avenue to GOD.

All I take with me as I leave
is your love and the millions of memories
of all that we have shared.
So I truly enter my new life
as a millionaire. Thank you!

Fear not, nor grieve too long at my departure,
you whom I have loved so much.
For my roots and yours
are forever intertwined.

Kathy I hope you like this poem. It was from my other cuzs funeral. I thought it was perfect for you'r little princess. You'r little princess will be missed deeply by everyone. Even by those who did not even know her. I will see you when you come home. Until then I LOVE YOU lots cuz. You and the family are in my thoughts and prayers.


Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:44 AM CDT
I am so sorry to hear that Kaitlyn passed. You know she is dancing and singing in Heaven right now! Her pain is gone forever. Please know that we are still praying for you as you go through this grieving period.
God Bless!

Jessica Duncan <wltrpfan15@yahoo.com>
Great Lakes, IL - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:42 AM CDT
My deepest sympathy goes out to each of you this morning. You have been in my thoughts and prayers since I first learned of Katilyn's illness. I will continue to pray for you as you begin this new journey without her here with you by your side, but in your hearts.
"When the one you love becomes a memory that memory becomes a treasure." I read that somewhere and thought it was a good quote.
I know that you have a great treasure!

Virginia Slusher <slusher19072@aol.com>
Danville, IL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:32 AM CDT
With caring thoughts and prayers for peace and comfort only God can give at a time like this. What an encouragement to see how strong you were through this very difficult time. You and your beautiful princess will always be remembered, what a special place she has in many hearts. Thank you for sharing her with us, and what a blessing she added to your family. One day we will all be a part of Gods kingdom and united, the comfort in knowing we have that to look forward to is wonderful. Our prayers and Love.
michelle <klgmmg2@geneseo.net>
- Monday, August 8, 2005 8:30 AM CDT
Rest peacefully, sweet Kaitlyn...

~*~* Amy *~*~
Brownstown, MI USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:28 AM CDT
Soooo sorry to hear of your loss....I know she is in a better place....may God give you strenght and peace at these hard times...you are in my prayers....Thank you for sharing your beautiful princess with us...

God bless

Ozzie <ovieira@hartz.com>
Harrison, NJ - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:26 AM CDT
I'm sorry for your loss. Jesus is wrapping his arms around her right now. He knows what you are felling right now because He felt it himself - when Jesus' friend Lazarus died and He saw his friends' grief Jesus also wept. He knows better than anyone else what you have gone through. When you are ready, it's okay to go to him and share your feelings of grief, hurt, and confusion. Ask Him to help you understand why and heal - He will.

My coworkers and I will continue to pray for you! God bless you.

Greg Malcom
Columbia, IL - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:18 AM CDT
The days ahead will seem neverending, but remember how you were blessed with such a little princess for as long as you were. Now she is your little princess angel who will remain with you forever and never again be in pain. Bless you all.
Susie Sergeant <suz_15@email.com>
Milan, IL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:18 AM CDT
We are so sorry for your loss, but we now know that Kaitlyn is not suffering. Please let the Lord help you find the strength you need to get through things. We are sad to see Kaitlyn be gone, but glad to know she is an angel above.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

TINA, STEVE, KADIE & EMILY <tinaandsteve@winco.net>
REYNOLDS, IL - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:15 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is breaking for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your precious daughter with us all.
Debbie <jgilbride@comcast.net>
Roslindale, MA - Monday, August 8, 2005 8:06 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss!!! What a little fighter she was.....but now she can run and be free!!! We will continue to pray for your peace and comfort in this difficult time!!!
God Bless,


Heather Black <heatherblack99@yahoo.com>
Bolivia, NC - Monday, August 8, 2005 7:58 AM CDT
You are in our prayers today and forever!! I am so sorry for your loss. Kaitlyn is now smiling, laughing, and playing with all the other little angels who left this world too soon.
Naomi *Angels on Earth*
Plano, TX USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 7:47 AM CDT
So sorry to hear of the loss of your precious little Kaitlyn. You don't know us, but we are friends of Cameron Ridder and family. We have been praying for your beautiful little girl and your family for the past couple of weeks. We have learned a lot from her. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Darci, Matt and Karlee Fuelling <fuellings@indytel.com>
Independence, IA - Monday, August 8, 2005 7:31 AM CDT
Thinking of you, no words, just simply thoughts and love coming your way.
Colleen - The other Kaitlyn's mum


Colleen <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Monday, August 8, 2005 6:15 AM CDT
The good Lord above has one more fine angel to watch over all of us. Kathy, your strength has been wonderful. Kaitlyn knows how much you loved her. Stan, your Kaitlyn loves you very much,she was lucky to have you for her Daddy. She will be forever missed until we all make the final journey to the heavens above. Jeff, thank you for what you have done, she loved you too. To the family, the pain will go away for us too, just like it did for Kaitlyn. She has new friends to play with in the Lords house. Parker asked me last night if God had toys for Kaitlyn to play with, I told him God has lots of toys for little angels like her to play with. Please know that we will miss her dearly, but her pain and suffering is gone. Little angel Kaitlyn, please watch over us until we meet again, your entire family will miss you. Please feel free to call on us for if you need something. God Bless.
Nick Watson <nickrfpd@yahoo.com>
Reynolds , Il - Monday, August 8, 2005 5:42 AM CDT
I am so sorry to hear this. :( I will keep you all in my prayers...

Heaven has gained a beautiful soul...

Amy Hollingsworth <gunthrlvr2@yahoo.com>
Kailua, HI USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 3:36 AM CDT
I'm so sorry to hear that Kaitlin has passed away, but it will be better for her to be up in heaven so she wouldn't be in any further pain. So i give my consolesnces to all of the family.
jeanette ward <snet62@hotmail.com>
moline, il usa - Monday, August 8, 2005 2:36 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with your family in the loss of your precious Kaitlyn. I hope you are able to draw strength from your faith, and the support of friends and family.
Denise Ward <deniward@shaw.ca>
Winnipeg, Canada - Monday, August 8, 2005 2:34 AM CDT
With a broken heart, I send my love to you all. Angel Kaitlyn will always have a special place in my heart. She truely was a fighter. Now she is free to play in that big playground in heaven, which has just become a more beautiful place.

Yvonne - mummy to Emily & Rachael <yvonne.nicholson@xtra.co.nz>
Auckland, New Zealand - Monday, August 8, 2005 1:56 AM CDT
Kathy, Jeff, and Stan,

My heart goes out to you all and Angel Kaitlyn...

Debbie Fields Murphy, NC Tuberous Sclerosis Assn. (Olivia's Grace http://groups.msn.com/OliviasGrace) http://www3.caringbridge.org/nc/catherine_nicole/ (Tuberous Sclerosis Chat Room) http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/debbifmurphy/) <TuberousSclerosis@earthlink.net>
Snow Hill, NC USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 0:49 AM CDT
My deepest sympathy and regrets. What a great loss to all of us. If I can be of any help in the coming days, please don't hesitate to call. My love and thoughts are with you as you go through this difficult time.
Love to all,

LaRee Wells <law@mchsi.com>
Reynolds,, il - Monday, August 8, 2005 0:24 AM CDT
I am so sorry to hear that precious Kaitlyn is now an Angel. But it brings me peace knowing that she is now pain free and playing happily with all of the other wonderful Angels in heaven. May God touch your family, and help ease your suffering.
Becky ~www.blessingofachild.com~
Mattoon, IL - Monday, August 8, 2005 0:10 AM CDT

I am so sorry - I know you will always cherish the time you had with Kaitlyn, what a wonderful gift from God. I must tell you that I know she is so happy now, I know everyone talks about her seeing her grandmother, but I know that Lance is there with her too. He thought so much of you and I know he was waiting to meet Kaitlyn. I can imagine him giving her 'the grand tour' of heaven and doing all that he can to make her welcome!


Lisa Finch <jlfinch@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, IL - Monday, August 8, 2005 0:05 AM CDT
We are very sorry for your loss....but knowing Kaitlyn's up in heaven running around playing is a sweet thought :)

Kaitlyn's story touched us in a way, we didn't think possible...made us fall in love with a little girl, we didn't know...but she was sure special to us!! Thank you for letting us get to know her a bit. God bless your entire family...you are in our hearts and prayers...always.

*gentle hugs for you all*

Deanna Brown/Donna Harmon and families <dandee92@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, IL USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 11:25 PM CDT
It breaks our hearts to know that such a beautiful little girl had to leave her life here on earth at such a young age! May she rest in peace now.
Paul, Inge and Karl Svoboda <ingepaulkarl@mchsi.com>
Andalusia, IL - Sunday, August 7, 2005 11:16 PM CDT
Stan, Kathy, Jeff, Kristi, Ryan, Gerry, Valerie, and Mr. & Mrs. Boney,

I am so sorry hearing about Kaitlyn becoming an angel tonight. I am sure that she is in God's loving hands now free of pain. I am also sure that her grandma Mary Jane is so happy to meet her and is taking good care of her.

A few years back, a came across this poem. I hope that you like it. It seemed fitting to share it with you.

I wish you God's comfort to all of you. I know that it is tough to understand God's plan for Kaitlyn but please trust in Him that He knows what he is doing.

Again, I am very sorry.

Andrea Guastadisegni

The Dash

I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of his friend. He referred to the dates on her tombstone from the beginning… to the end.

He noted that first came the date of her birth and spoke with the second with tears, but he said that what mattered most of all was the dash between those years. For that dash represents all the time that she spent alive on this earth, and now only those who loved her know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not, how much we own; the cars the house, the cash. What matters most is how we live and how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard, are there things you’d like to change? For you never know how much time is left (you could be at “dash mid-range”).

If we could just slow down enough to consider what’s true and what’s real, and always try to understand the way other people feel.

And… be less quick to anger, and show appreciation more and love the people in out lives like we’ve never done before.

If we treat each other with respect, and more often wear a smile, remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.

So when your eulogy is being read with your life’s actions to rehash… would you be pleased with the things they have to say about how you spent your dash?

Andrea Guastadisegni <Guastadisegni@hotmail.com>
Grayslake, Illinois - Sunday, August 7, 2005 11:15 PM CDT
I've been thinking about Kaitlyn and your family all day and saying extra prayers for all of you. I was never lucky enough to have met Kaitlyn, but thank you for sharing her story with your Caringbridge family. I learned alot about fight and courage and strength from her. I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Kaitlyn~ I'm happy that you are no longer in pain and can now play and fly free without pain or thoughts of doctors, treatments, etc. You were a beautiful little girl here on earth and I'm sure you are a gorgeous angel in heaven. Fly free sweet Kaitlyn, fly free.

Lynnwood, WA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 11:00 PM CDT
Kaitlyn is in a much better place now....as Im sure you know. Such a sweet little girl she seemed to be, now a sweet little angel. Im sure these coming days, weeks, months will be incredibly hard for you but what strong people you are to want her to be put free of pain no matter what that meant. She is now being a normal little princess angel in Heaven while God is wathcing her play in his yard!

chassity <xochassxo@aol.com>
the plains, va - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:54 PM CDT
I am sorry to hear that your princess has passed. She is in a much better place now. She will watch over you and keep you safe.

Kaitlyn, you are such a special little girl and there are many people who love you that miss you so much already. You knew how to light up a room with that beautiful smile of yours. Watch over your mommy and daddy and your Grandma Millie and Papa Jack. We will all do our best here to watch them when we can.
You can run and jump and play dolls with all your new friends now, and even some old friends that left us to early too.
I have a friend in heaven who watches over me everyday. Her name is Jill, when you meet her, tell her I love her. We all love you so much Kaitlyn and will never forget you. You have touched so many hearts, even before you got sick.

A Special Note From Parker:
Kaitlyn, I just wanted to tell you that I love you and my mommy says that I can still play with you in my mind and in my heart. My mommy told me what happened and I know all the Angels in Heaven will take very good care of you. (My Grandma Lois taught me about them.) I sat and played with you tonight before I went to bed, I hope you like the castle we built. I love you and please remember that I will always miss you, but you will always have a special place in my heart.

Layne says he loves you too! And Hayden gave you a high 5 before he went to bed.

To the entire family:
Please let us know if we can do anything for you at all. I am here for you no matter what.

Stan & Kathy: The smile on her face was enough to make anyone fall in love with her. You raised a beautiful little girl who will make lots of new friends. I know it will hurt everyday you must wake up without her, but her memories are enough to last a lifetime. She is much happier and pain free now.

We love you all and we are here if you ever need anything.
hugs and kisses for you all!

Alison & Nick Watson and Parker, Layne, & Hayden <watsonfbi@yahoo.com or awatson5@winco.net>
Reynolds, IL USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:49 PM CDT
Kathy & family,
I am so sorry for your loss, but thankful Kaitlyn is no longer suffering and in pain. Kaitlyn will always be with you--in your heart and in your memories, watching over you from Heaven above. We'll continue to keep your family in our prayers, especially through these next very difficult days ahead of you.

Jodi Ridder <jodiridder@indytel.com www.caringbridge.org/ia/cridder>
Independence, IA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:46 PM CDT
God has seen how much each one of you has loved Kaitlyn.
Love is abounding in heaven for her--she is free of pain.
May each one of you feel His love and comfort as you deal with life on earth without your princess. Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted.
Continued love and prayers for all!

- Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:44 PM CDT
To My Dear "Little Miss Kaitlyn", now "Our Angel Kaitlyn", ...

My, my, how you've touched my heart. What I've learned from you. Thanks for sharing a part of my life's journey with me. I'll always love you. Until we meet again my dear one.

"Grandma Valerie"

"Grandma Valerie" Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Aledo, IL USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:41 PM CDT
May God Bless your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Angel Kaitlyn, may you run free and play hard from now until forever.
Janice Phillips
North Andover, MA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:40 PM CDT
Angel Kaitlyn...farewell little soul until we meet again in heaven. You will be forever in my heart.....
Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:36 PM CDT
Angel Kaitlyn, I know you will forever watch over all of your family and friends. I know you are the most beautiful angel in heaven! I love you baby girl. My mind is at ease knowing you are happy in heaven and will be with all your loved ones there too.
Kathy, Jeff, Stan, Millie, Gerry, and Valerie, I will be here for you, you can call on me for anything! I love all of you. Haley

The Crow's..John, Haley, David & Johnna <haleycrow@machlink.com>
- Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:30 PM CDT
Angel Kaitlyn - I will miss you so much but you are in a so much better place. No pain, and you can run and play and tap your angel wings at us when we misbehave. You have so many grandparents to look after you and for you to look after. I know my mother would love you as much as I do and as much as Kathy's mom does. Goodbye litte angel. I will never forget you or your sweet precious smile.
Grandma Mille <m_boney@hotmail.com>
Reynolds, il - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:24 PM CDT
God Bless Sweet Beautiful Angel Kaitlyn and hold her family in his arms and comfort them in this difficult time.

You remain in our prayers.

Sarah, Morgan and Grant Lewis
Louisville, KY USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:21 PM CDT
Kaitlyn, you sweet little princess, what a fighter you are. The world is definitely a better place with you here. Kathy, please know that God won't let her feel any of this pain. Everyone please keep strong and your heads up in these hard times. Know that you have more people then you'll ever know praying and thinking of you constantly.
I love you guys, and as always please let me know if there is anything that we can help with!

Meagan Whitehead <mikeandmeagan@msn.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:02 PM CDT

I asked the Lord to bless you
As I prayed for you today
To guide you and protect you
As you go along your way
His love is always with you
His promises are true
And when we give Him all our cares
You know He will see us through

So when the road you're traveling on
Seems difficult at best
Just remember I'm here praying

my love to you baby kaitlyn....today, tomorrow and always.

A friend
- Sunday, August 7, 2005 9:42 PM CDT
Still checking on you and praying for you. May you have the strength and comfort you need. Kaitlyn is a beautiful princess.
Aly <afoussat@gmail.com>
Provo, UT - Sunday, August 7, 2005 9:31 PM CDT
I am amazed each day when I check in, on how many great people there are out there with words of encouragement. You couldn't ask for a better support system.
Please know that you guys are in my thoughts and prayers each and every day.

Jo Anna

Jo Anna Fuhr <fuhrj@fhhlc.com>
Shawnee, KS USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 9:10 PM CDT
Thought I'd stop in and see how you are doing, Kaitlyn is such a fighter, what a wonderful strong girl. I would love to stop by again and see you all, Kyle's scans are at 2:00 on Tuesday, so we will check in after, it's amazing seeing Kaitlyn the other day, I know someone else might see her and think she looks so different, but all I see is the girl on the front of her caringbridge page, bright eyes full of wonder. We will never forget your sweet girl. Hope to see you on Tuesday, always in our prayers. Love and livestrong

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, August 7, 2005 8:20 PM CDT
Kaitlyn and your entire family are in my prayers. She is a fighter. Keep leaning on the Lord and family and friends to help you get through these tough days that Kaitlyn faces.
Cheryl Renner <rennerg7@AOL.com>
N. Huntingdon, PA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:47 PM CDT
Kaitlyn is an amazing girl! Praying for peace for her and the entire family-
In His Grip-

Kim <kas412@sbcglobal.net>
Bartlett, Il - Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:45 PM CDT
Just checking in on Kaitlyn. As others have said before, Kaitlyn definitely has your strength, Kathy! She must have a purpose in holding on. Praying for your entire family daily, my friend.
Shelbe Parr <dashparr@msn.com>
Ankeny, IA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:38 PM CDT
I heard this song and with Kaitlyn's picture in my mind I thought it was perfect..still praying as hard as ever:
A Smile Like Yours by Natalie Grant

Thought I'd seen everything
There was to see in this world
Now I'm not so sure
I've really seen anything at all
I thought life, could show me no surprises
And then you came, and showed me I was wrong

I have seen the bluest skies
Rainbows that would make you cry
I have seen miracles that moved my soul
Days that changed my life
I have seen the brightest stars
Shine like diamonds in the dark
Seen all the wonders of the world
But I've never seen a smile
As beautiful as yours,

Oh I thought I'd been everywhere
I'd climbed a mountain so high
Sailed the sea, crossed the sky
And still I was nowhere at all
Until that day, oh, you came to my senses
And your smile it made sense out of it all

A smile so beautiful, so beautiful
Come one time in a lifetime
A smile this beautiful
I never dreamed I'd ever see

A smile before as beautiful
As beautiful as yours

Andrea <butrfly2222@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL US - Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:09 PM CDT
To the family and friends who know and love Kaitlyn,
We can't truly understand the hurt and pain you are going through. We have no words to take away the pain or comfort you during this time, But reading and following your journal about Kaitlyn, there is no doubt from anyone, that this special little girl has been blessed with a family who has loved and adored her very much. In return she has touched so many lives in her 4 years. By reading the guestbook so many peoples lives will never be the same. If familys truly take time for their children, hold them a little closer and tell them they love them, then her life truly has a purpose and she is a special Little Angel from God. I know We will never look at people and life in general the same, because of her. We can't take things for granted, God only gives us today and only he knows about tommorow.Our prayers and thoughts are with you all.

Mike and Tina
Reynolds, Illinois - Sunday, August 7, 2005 6:53 PM CDT
Kaitlyn has the same strong will as her mother!! It doesn't surprise me to see her fighting. We just want to let you know that we think of Kaitlyn and everyone in her family daily. Love Jamie, Dan & Rebecca
Jamie <jktcpa@hotmail.com>
Galesburg, IL - Sunday, August 7, 2005 6:01 PM CDT
Many prayers and hugs coming your way!

~*~* Amy *~*~
Brownstown, MI USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 5:37 PM CDT
You don't know me but I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for your sweet daughter and all of your family.
sharon shields <sharonshields44@hotmail.com>
LondonE, England - Sunday, August 7, 2005 5:11 PM CDT
You are so right, Kaitlyn deserves so much more than this. Her life is so short, as was my sons life, but it is obvious that God had bigger plans for them. I just wish the suffering wasn't involved in his plan. I will never question Him...but it is hard for me to accept my son is gone, and this sweet little girl is suffering...and there are rapists, murders, and so on out there living a happy healthy life...I am very bitter about this... you are such a strong person...your road is going to be hard, but please know that I am here for you, even though we do not know each other, we have alot in common. Please hug her for me, and tell her to hug my little boy for me.
Vicki Cole <tj4ever@frontiernet.net>
Lowville, - Sunday, August 7, 2005 5:06 PM CDT
Kaitlyn, Kathy & family,
You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Wow, she is such a strong little girl to continue this horrible fight. As parents you are doing a wonderful job during this extremely difficult time. How difficult it is to watch your child suffer. I pray for peace and comfort for your precious Kaitlyn. Your whole family is in our prayers.

Jodi Ridder <jodiridder@indytel.com www.caringbridge.org/ia/cridder>
Independence, IA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 4:34 PM CDT
Kathy, well she is a sure fighter. She must be waiting for something or someone. Only she and GOD knows for sure. I pray for you and the family everyday. I go to bed at night thinking of you. I thank GOD everyday that my kids are in good health. I just wish I could take my health and giver it to Kaitlyn. I would give my life for her to have a long life. I know that there are some very important people waiting for her to show up in heaven. I know that you'r mom is waiting. She will take good care of her. Call me if you need ANYTHING. Praying for you and Kaitlyn and stan and Jeff and the kids at home. You'r step-daughter is doing a great job. Don't let her forget how much you care about her. Oh mom and dad think of you everyday. All My Love Christine
Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 4:22 PM CDT
Hi Everyone! It's Sunday and a day that I tend to cherish spending with my family. Something is different for me today though. I can't quite put my finger on it but I keep seeing Stan and Kaitlyn at the school. Not every child is as fortunate as Kaitlyn has been when it comes to parents. We all know that mothers are the ones that are always there to pick up the pieces. But what about the fathers?? I haven't met many fathers quite like Stan. Kaitlyn has been his #1 ever since she was born. Stan is one of those people who would give anything for anyone. I wish there was something I could do...like so many others I'm sure. All we can do is pray for your family. I was never much into prayer until I became a mother and almost lost my princess. It's amazing what prayer can do. We love you guys!
Meridith, DJ, & Caitlynn Wise <wisefam3@qconline.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 4:12 PM CDT
Our prayer are with you. There are some angels that God loves so much that he only shares them with us for a short time. We had a neice that he shared with us for only 11 months 2days. Then he took her back to be with him.
Tammie& Steve Trout <Tammietrout1@yahoo.com>
Aledo, IL USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 3:49 PM CDT
I know you don't know us, but we were given your site to pray for Kaitlyn. Our hearts broke as we read her pages. Please know we are praying for her and your family. God bless you and all you have been through.
Andrea , Steve, Quincy, Kori, Kyle, Kara and Tanner Kalkbrenner <kalky7@bhawk.net>
Lena, IL USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 3:15 PM CDT
Dear baby Kaitlyn....my heart is still breaking as i think of you...I want you to let go so that you can go to a place where you hurt no more!! Kathy....like everyone else who is on here I cant imagine what you must be going through and watching her fight has to be almost harder than letting her go..but I believe that it is God's will that you see this..so you know that she will be just fine when she earns her wings, how can she not...she has been so strong through all of this..that part is gonna be easy and it has helped you come to a point where you can truly say you are ready for her to go and be pain free. I cant remember a time that I have cried more or felt so very helpless. I hope that you know that even though there is nothing that we can do to take away your pain that you are not enduring this alone...baby kaitlyn has touched so so so so many lives and hearts....she truly was the miracle...and she will not be forgotten...so she will continue to shine on in all of our lives as a beacon to better understanding and as a flame to fuel the fires that make a difference to fight this and other childhood diseases. You say you were blessed by being her mommy...but we are the ones who have all been blessed in that you chose to share your joys, your tears, this fight and your precious baby girl with us. We truly love her as our own. God bless and keep you throughout this time.
Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL U - Sunday, August 7, 2005 2:59 PM CDT
Kathy & Kaitlyn:

What an amazing little girl to go through all this pain and still be here. She will let go when it's her and God's time only. Kathy, I really can't imagine what you are going through right now, other than it breaks my heart that you are going through all this pain. I have learn a valuable lesson about my life with my daughter, Caitlyn, who is now going to kindergaten in a couple of weeks to appreciate her more. You are truly THE MOST STRONGEST MOTHER, I have even know! Keep the faith, my friend and know that I'm praying for you!

Karen, Andy, Caitlyn Schisler <schisler1@centurytel.net>
Cherokee VIllage, AR USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 2:36 PM CDT
Good Morning to ya'll...just came to check on on your sweet girl. I hope ya'll have a good day!

Amy Hollingsworth <gunthrlvr2@yahoo.com>
Kailua, HI USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 1:34 PM CDT
I am sure you know this better than most of us, but it is worthy of quoting: "The decision to have a child is to accept that your heart will forever walk about outside of your body" - Katherine Hadley

My entire family is thinking of you.

The Serpa family and the Begyn family

Sally Serpa <Slant6Sally@aol.com>
East Moine, IL US - Sunday, August 7, 2005 11:32 AM CDT
Kathy and Family, May God comfort you!
Terri Freeman <tlfreeman@hotmail.com>
Bethel, MN - Sunday, August 7, 2005 11:21 AM CDT
Thank you for keeping us updated on Kaitlyn's condition.
You are all in my thoughts & prayers continually!
Stay strong & try to get some rest.
Try to rest sweet Kaitlyn!
Love & Prayers,

Natalie Encapera & family <babywop@charter.net>
St. Jacob, IL Madison - Sunday, August 7, 2005 11:12 AM CDT
Kathy and family - YOU deserve better than this , too! No parents should ever be in your position. I am so sorry for you and your truly beautiful little girl. She has touched hearts throughout the world - we are all praying for you.
Mary (formerly from IA)
Dallas, TX USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 11:01 AM CDT
Kathy and family,
Just wanted you to know I'm still thinking of and praying for Kaitlyn...

Debbie Fields Murphy, NC Tuberous Sclerosis Assn. (Olivia's Grace http://groups.msn.com/OliviasGrace) http://www3.caringbridge.org/nc/catherine_nicole/ (Tuberous Sclerosis Chat Room) http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/debbifmurphy/) <TuberousSclerosis@earthlink.net>
Snow Hill, NC USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:48 AM CDT
Stan, Kathy, Jeff, Millie, and Jack,
I think of you daily and pray that the pain all of you,especially Kaitlyn, will soon be lessened. This has to be so difficult for all of you. Your courage, strength, and love are to be commended.
Millie, my sister Kay sends her love and prayers to all of you as well.
God Bless,

LaRee Wells <law@mchsi.com>
Reynolds, IL - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:39 AM CDT
Kathy I'm just popping in to check on Kaitlin-what a fighter who would have guessed she could hold on sooo long. She is such a princess and should be spared the pain that her little body is enduring.This must be really wearing on all of you- I know how much you love her and that she is still here...
Lorrie Towle <Latowle1@netins.net>
Van Horne, Ia USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:30 AM CDT
Your beautiful Kaitlyn and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Rachel <rmoter@yahoo.com>
Dallas, TX - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:07 AM CDT
Just came across your website. What a treasure you sweet baby girl is. My son was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was 7 weeks old and survived till he was 21 months old. If you would like to talk im here for you.


Brandy Regan <Brandyregan@yahoo.com>
CA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 9:44 AM CDT
Stan and Kathy,
I think of you often and hope you continue to find the strength to get through this. You have a beautiful daughter, who it sounds like in her short life has touched so many others. I know sometimes it seems as though things are not fair, and its hard to make sense of it all. God must need a precious angel. She will be free of pain and of anymore suffering once god calls her. She will then be able to run and play as any child her age should be. Your family continues to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Dena Frederickson <Suuzeque@mchsi.com>
Milan, IL USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 9:36 AM CDT
I am new to your site and just want to say that you have an amazing daughter. I have read your past journal entries and can tell she is truly an angel here on earth. I wish there was something I can say that would make things just a little bit better for her and your family. It makes me realize that each day we have with our children are so precious; so tonight the dishes will wait, my favorite TV won't get watched so I can spend a few precious hours with my 17 month old. You have made me realize that I must treasure ever moment I have with my angel on loan! Stay strong and I am sending many prayers your way!
Chris <ChrisNCarly@aol.com>
Oviedo, FL USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 9:14 AM CDT
Lots of hugs and caring conern and prayers for all of you come with our signatures
Sheryl Plumley and Ron Brossman <catpaws@geneseo.net>
Geneseo, IL USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 9:03 AM CDT
Praying for your precious Kaitlyn...My heart aches for you.....

- Sunday, August 7, 2005 8:37 AM CDT
Kathy, Kaitlyn, I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and am so proud of you both, Kaitlyn you are such a brave little girl. Please know that Mommy, Jeffy, Daddy and Ryan will al be taken care of. We will watch over them for you.

Kathy you are the strongest women I know and am so amazed at how well you are holding through the most roughest time in your life. Remember I will always be there for you, for anything you need. I love both so much.

Love Laura

Laura <dlghrist5066@msn.com>
Buffalo, Ia usa - Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:50 AM CDT
BARBARA <barb1212@excite.com>
CONWAY, SC USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:36 AM CDT
Just a note to tell you I'm thinking of you now. That poem for Kaitlyn is so beautiful. I wish I had something to say that could put it all into perspective and make you feel better, but there is nothing anyone can say. But I thank you so much for making me appreciate the things I have in my life. I am a more loving and thankful mother because of you. God bless.
Glasgow, Scotland - Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:31 AM CDT
We learned from your family from Kyle Reed and Taylor Krueger's families. We wanted to extended our prayers to you. We think of you everyday and pray that you will have the strength to get through the day. You do show us courage also not to take things for granted, to cherish the moment and have a little more patience with our own children. God Bless you and your family.
Daryl & Julie Ties & family <jties5@juno.com>
Maquoketa, IA USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 6:27 AM CDT
Really quite unsure what to say. You know what is best for your little girl and although she is fighting i pray she is pain free soon, i dont believe any child should have to go through this. My prayers are with you all!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Vicky Gartshore <vicky_2002@ntlworld.com>
- Sunday, August 7, 2005 5:08 AM CDT
Sweet Princess Kaitlyn, what a true fighter you are. You're mummy is right, you deserve so much more than this. I am praying tonight for you and your family. You are constantly in my thoughts. You have touched my heart from afar and I wish I could give you a snuggle sweet one. I hope you are sleeping peacefully right now. Love to you. xx

Yvonne - mummy to Emily & Rachael <yvonne.nicholson@xtra.co.nz>
Auckland, New Zealand - Sunday, August 7, 2005 4:52 AM CDT
I am thinking of you and your family tonight. I will be praying that your baby girl has peace. ((HUGS)) I wish I could say more....
Amy Hollingsworth <gunthrlvr2@yahoo.com>
Kailua, HI USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 1:35 AM CDT
I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I am thinking of you. I will keep Kaitlyn in my prayers that she has doesn't have any more pain and I will pray for your peace.
Michele <mshelez@msn.com>
- Sunday, August 7, 2005 1:04 AM CDT
Dear Kathy, Kaitlyn and family,
I just wanted to let you all know that you continue to be in my daily thoughts and prayers. I don't know how you continue to watch your angel suffer. You are a lesson in faith, hope and love for everyone! May God's love continue to surround all of you.

Jessica Duncan <wltrpfan15@yahoo.com>
Great Lakes, IL - Sunday, August 7, 2005 0:42 AM CDT
What a beautiful little girl... I am so sorry to hear she is fighting such a battle.. Rejoice when she is FREE... cancer free and free to run and be healthy just as God sees fit.... She is proving just how strong she really is fighting for these last 2 weeks... Take strength from her strength..
Vickie (www3.caringbridge.com/wv/tim) <boshie5@prodigy.net>
MDSV, WV USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 0:00 AM CDT
I just learned of Kaitlyn's battle through Taylor's Web site. What a beautiful baby and what a strong spirit. I will add her to my prayers - for relief while she is with you on Earth and that her heavenly healing will come quickly if she can't have that total healing here. God bless you. It's clear Kaitlyn has had much love during her short life!
Holt, MI - Saturday, August 6, 2005 11:27 PM CDT
Thinking of your family during what is clearly a difficult time. I will be praying hard that Kaitlyn will have less pain, all these children deserve more than they are getting.

She's such a little fighter!


Anna <jarvisanna@gmail.com>
WA USA - Saturday, August 6, 2005 11:18 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers remain with your family. I don't think I have any words that will bring you comfort as you go through this, but I hope your faith continues to bring you strength.
Denise Ward <deniward@shaw.ca>
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada - Saturday, August 6, 2005 11:11 PM CDT
Kathy, Just wanted to say HI and LOVE YOU. I hope that you have been getting some rest. The poem that Donna put in from our cousons funeral says so much. I think of you and Kaitlyn everday.
Kaitlyn you are a very special person that is why GOD needs you in his house. He picks only the ones that he really needs. Just know that mommy and Jeff and Daddy will be taken care of by loved ones. So will you'r sister and brother. Kathy until we see each other remember how much you are loved and that you can lean on the family ANYTIME.
May GOD hold you in his hands thru this time and give you the strength you need. All my love

Christine <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Saturday, August 6, 2005 6:15 PM CDT
We heard about little Kaitlyn through viewing Taylors website. We are all praying for you both and hope you will find peace. It is hard to understand what you are going through. A person can't imagine it until they experience it. Take care and all the prayers are with you.
Diane Smith <dlsmith84@netins.net>
Atkins, IA Benton - Saturday, August 6, 2005 3:33 PM CDT
We made it to Chi town and are having a blast but sweet little Kaitlyn has been on my mind all day long!

I promise I will call as soon as we get home tomorrow or if I get some down time later on today!

Love you all!

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <krueger01@netins.net>
Van Horne, IA USA - Saturday, August 6, 2005 3:14 PM CDT
To Kaitlyn and her loving family,
You cannot imagine all the people who are praying for you. I have all the people I work with in Orion keeping you close and Nick's sister in Florida is keeping you in their prayers too. I only met Kaitlyn once at Nick and Alison's but I feel like I know you all from all Nick has shared with me. Your opening comment is so true Kathy, we don't know why but you will be forever changed because of all the people you have come in contact with. My thoughts and prayers are with you daily. God bless you and keep you in his care. Love Lois Watson (Nick's Mom)

Lois Watson <grammielew@peoplepc.com>
Sherrard, IL USA - Saturday, August 6, 2005 2:31 PM CDT
Hi Stan, im writing becouse my wife didnt put my name on the notes she left for all of you. she just "forgot". i want all of you to know that everyone i see will ask about you guys all the time. i keep telling them to pray for you and keep you guys in their thoughts. its not easy what you all are going through. i want all of you to know that we will be here for you when ever you need us. Kaitlyn is a very special little girl, who will have a very special place in the heavens above. hang in there and be strong.. as alison said before the boys are always asking for stan and kaitlyn to come over and play. the boys love the gator especially when she drives.. we love you and God bless..
nick watson <nickrfpd@yahoo.com>
reynolds , il - Saturday, August 6, 2005 1:48 PM CDT
Kathy, Ican not imagine the pain you are going thru right now. It is my prayer that God will bring you comfort and peace. You are in my prayers!
Terri Freeman <tlfreeman@hotmail.com>
East Bethel, MN - Saturday, August 6, 2005 1:06 PM CDT
Kathy I try to check your page every day as we pray for Kaitlin to be relived of her pain here on earth. Your families have really shown great strength in very trying times. Friday I woke up at two a.m. with only thoughts of Kaitlin on my mind-I could not sleep. I called Shawnee from work to see what was the latest on Kaitlin as I was sure she would be talking to you. I wish a miracle could happen and her cancer would just go away but I know in my heart she will soon have her wings and be in a much better place. I am sure there will be many waiting to greet her at heavens gate- grandma and many other cancer kids waiting to show her all the neat stuff. Hang in there- you have one amazingly strong little girl.
Lorrie Towle (Taylor's grandma) <Latowle1@netins.net>
Van Horne, Ia USA - Saturday, August 6, 2005 8:32 AM CDT
Your are in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong.
Milan, IL - Saturday, August 6, 2005 8:19 AM CDT
We are just heading out the door for our mini vacation but please know that you all will be in our thoughts and prayers over the weekend and I will have my phone on if you need anything, don't hesitate to call!

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <krueger01@netins.net>
Van Horne, IA USA - Saturday, August 6, 2005 5:38 AM CDT
Hi Stan, it's us again! Just wanted to drop a little note and tell you that we are thinking of you. I just wanted to remind you that you are a very special Daddy. Kaitlyn loves you very much. I admire your strength as a father and a "Daddy." You have shown so much courage over the last several months, but most of all, over the last few weeks. I have watched you when I am there to see Kaitlyn. I see you hold her little fragile hands and tell her you love her. I see you try your hardest to hold back tears as you watch your little girl lying in that bed, knowing that you will one day lose her.

I always loved to sit and watch you two play together when you were here at my house. It's so great to see the relationship that you have with her. It's not very often you can see a daddy sit and play Polly Pocket dolls with his daughter, or watch Dora the Explorer, and Strawberry Shortcake.

The waiting game is taking it's toll on everybody, that's very obvious to see. But I want to let you know that we love you and we are here for you.

My main purpose for writing this morning is to let you know I think you are a great father. I know people tell you that, but I just don't think you have heard it enough lately. I think you are a very courageous man and I hope you continue to stay strong for your little princess. We love her so much.



One small note before I leave, I thought I'd share a few little words of comfort that I learned after I met Nick.

"Anyone can be a Father, but it takes a very special person to be a Daddy."

Alison Watson & Parker, Layne, and Hayden <watsonfbi@yahoo.com or awatson5@winco.net>
Reynolds, IL USA - Saturday, August 6, 2005 3:04 AM CDT
Hi kathy and Family
My little girl ZOe Jane has leukaemia she is four. There is definetley nothing fair about cancer but the friends we have met on this side of the world are awsome too, I think you are one to add. All our thoughts and prayers are with you kaity and your family.


Sam and Zoe <mrcouriers@westnet.com.au>
KAlgoorlie , WA Australia - Saturday, August 6, 2005 2:11 AM CDT
Kaitlyn, Stan and Kathy,
Like so many others, I check you site several times a day, looking for an update and crying as I read the guestbook entries. For the past two weeks, I have tried to come up with my own entry, but the words that come just don't seem to do justice to Kaitlyn and her battle. I am sure there are many others like me, who are thinking of you and praying for you often, but can't find the right words to say.
I will never forget Kaitlyn's beautiful brown eyes. I have always referred to her as a "Little Stan" because I've never seen a daughter look so much like her father. I was glad that Camryn and Kaitlyn got to play at the school back in June. I know Camryn really enjoyed spending time with her freind. I wish more than anything that it could happen again. Stan, I know it must be killing you inside to be losing you little girl, but stay stong and know that many people here in Reynolds love you and are praying for you.
I thought I would share with you a few little memories of how Kaitlyn touched my life. At Amy's, she was always willing, and eager, to give me a hug and a kiss before I headed off to work, while Camryn chose to ignore me. Sometimes, when I came to pick Camryn up, she wouldn't want to leave, but Kaitlyn would offer to come with me. Kaitlyn always made me smile, even when my patience with my own child was gone. They may seem like little things, but that is how I will always remember your princess.
Kaitlyn is one of the sweetest children I've ever met. She doesn't deserve to be going through this, but as so many others have said "God has a reason," and he wouldn't have chosen Kaitlyn if she didn't have such a strong support system. Kathy, I admire your strength though all of this. Someday you will be able to look back and know that you did everything you possible could for Kaitlyn over the last year.
I hope that Kaitlyn is resting peacefully. I pray that she will feel no pain as the angels come to deliver her wings.
Love and prayers,
Gina, Chris, Dylan, Owen and Camryn Rowe

Gina Rowe and family <rowes@qconline.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 11:36 PM CDT
Prayers for each and every one of you that peace from above will shower over you. May you feel that peace which passes all understanding and strength as you share time with Kaitlyn. Psalms 29:11 The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace. John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Love and peace to you!
- Friday, August 5, 2005 10:44 PM CDT
My husband and I have read all of Grandma Valerie's emails via Lisa Finch. We talk about her updates every evening and can't imagine what you and your family are going through. You give new meaning to the word strength.
Joni (Anderson) Sharar

Joni Sharar <andyjoni@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 10:27 PM CDT
Kaitlyn and your family are a constant in our prayers. We pray that God take her peacefully. She has had such a hard road and stayed strong. You guys are all very strong. She has touched our lives and God has helped through little Kaitlyn, to put things into perspective for my family. We take more time to enjoy life's little things, since you never know what life beholds. Thank you for all of your inspiration. May God bless you all!!
Carrie Sauers
Greendale, IN USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 8:48 PM CDT
Dear Families of Kaitlyn,
Kaitlyn has inspired so many people including my family and friends. Our family recently went on vacation...however the only thing of importance on our minds was Kaitlyn her family. Kaitlyn's journey has opened our eyes to what is really important. It's life. How dear she is and how often we take life for granted. I must say I can't imagine in the least the emotions you all are going through, but Kaitlyn has touched us all in a big way...in a life changing way. God has touched many lives through Kaitlyn. She truly is a Blessing. Our prayers and love are with you. Kathy...I admire you. You are an amazing mother with so much love...Kaitlyn is blessed!
Love the family of Rachel O'Brien Zimmerman.

Rachel O'Brien Zimmerman <Rachozim@hotmail.com>
Milan, IL USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 8:36 PM CDT
I just want to let you know that I pray for Kaitlyn and your family each day. May God comfort her and remove her pain and worry. May God provide his mercy and blessings on you all.
John Montgomery <jrmont1526@comcast.net>
Allen, TX 75002 - Friday, August 5, 2005 6:21 PM CDT
Dear kaitlyn and your family
My heart goes out to you and your family. You are constantly in my prayers.
The lord bless you and keep you;
the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26, NIV
God bless you all!

Shelley <shelleysplear@yahoo.com>
colona, il - Friday, August 5, 2005 5:28 PM CDT
Down on my knees again tonite
Hopin this prayer will turn out right
See, there is a girl that needs Your help
I’ve done all that I can do myself

Her mother is tired
I’m sure You can understand
Each night as she sleeps
She sits and holds her hand
And she tries
Not to cry
As the tears fill her eyes

Can You hear me?
Am I getting through tonite?
Can You see her?
Can You make her feel all right?
If You can hear me
Let me take her place somehow
See, shes not just anyone
Shes the Only one

Sometimes late at night I watch her sleep
I dream of the girl that she’d like to be
I try to be strong and see her through
But God, who she needs right now is You.

Let her be bold
To face this last fear
What will I be
Living without her here
She’s so tired
And she is scared
Please let her know that You’re there

Please don’t leave her
Shes the Only one.

A friend
- Friday, August 5, 2005 4:43 PM CDT
God Bless all of you! I have been thinking of Kaitlyn non-stop. Stay strong. XOXO
Nicole Jones <mail4nikjones@yahoo.com>
East Moline, IL - Friday, August 5, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
Kathy,Jerry and all, You are all in my thoughts and prayers all day every day.
God Bless you.

Carrol Anderson <rtexpgma@webtv.net>
Milan, Il USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 3:24 PM CDT
I have had my boys (ages 5 and 3) sit down with me and I read them what was on your website. I explained to them that Kaitlyn is very sick and they need to say their prayers for her at night. My youngest looked to me and asked why Jesus made her sick. I tried my best to answer that question the best I knew how. He then looked at me and said, "Mommy, I pray that Jesus would take her to a big playground so she can have fun and not be sick." I, too, pray that she would feel no more pain. I can't even imagine the pain and suffering that all of you have gone through. You are such a strong woman! I could only pray that I could be half as strong as you if I were faced with a similar situation. Our prayers are with you and your family. Please tell Kaitlyn that my little boys are saying their prayers for her.
Angela Lofquist <lofquist@mchsi.com>
Geneseo, IL - Friday, August 5, 2005 2:51 PM CDT
Our family's thoughts and prayers are with your family and little Kaitlyn daily.
Heather (Kemble) Rockwell <hmrockwell@hotmail.com>
Rock Island, IL USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 2:45 PM CDT
kaitlyn & family; you don't know me but I a friend of sheri crow and she has been informing me of your condition and progress... my heart goes out to you and your family.. I myself have had a brother in law that passed from malignant melanoma and it was very emotional to watch his years of pain and suffering until he received his wings and went home. my prayers are with you.....
Jody Nesbitt <jody13304@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL us - Friday, August 5, 2005 2:23 PM CDT
God bless you. I hope the pray blanket from the Preemption Methodist Church has helped; even just a little bit. That blanket carries with it lots and lots of love and prayers. I will continue to pray for you daily.
Jamie Belha <jbelha@mchsi.com>
Milan, - Friday, August 5, 2005 2:15 PM CDT
Hello to all,
Words cannot express the way I feel right now. I have been reading the entries and crying the whole time. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. What remarkable people! I cannot imagine what you're going through. Bless you all!

Teri Doehrmann <tdoehr@yahoo.com>
Minier, IL USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 2:13 PM CDT
Kathy, Stan and Baby Kaitlyn....just popped in again today to tell you I love you all...
Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL 61486 - Friday, August 5, 2005 2:04 PM CDT
Kathy, Kaitlyn & family
I know that you don't know me but I was at one of Kaitlyns fund raisers. I have been praying for Kaitlyn and your family. I just wanted to let you know I have a special place in my heart for Kaitlyn and my daughter Olivia (she is 6) keeps Kaitlyn in her prayers at night. I don't really know what to say except that Kaitlyn has done what God has called her to do and her life belongs to him and that she is here on borrowed time. She is such a blessing and has touched so many lives. As a mother my heart aches for you and your family but rejoices with knowing that Kaitlyn has accomplished touching so many lives in ways that we will never fathom. She is truly a gift from God.

Tammy Markham <tammy@findingaloanforyou.com>
Eldridge, IA Scott - Friday, August 5, 2005 1:14 PM CDT
Stan,Kathy and Family, I just want to say that the girls and I are praying for you. Hang in there and if you need anything please let me know. Your friend, Tony
Tony Tharp <gocubso2@hotmail.com>
ALedo, IL - Friday, August 5, 2005 12:34 AM CDT
Dear Kathy, Kaitlyn and family~

I have been kept updated on your daily struggles and joys through Grandma Valerie and Lisa. I run to my computer everyday to see if a miracle has happened. What I quickly realized is that KAITLYN is the miracle! She is a beautiful little girl with MANY MANY people that love her dearly (I couldn't even get through all the guestbook entries that she has!). Kathy, you are truely blessed to have her in your life. My daughter, Adaline, and I pray for her everyday. We ask God to take away her pain and to comfort her family. We were looking at her picture on the website and Adaline (who's 3) said, "She's my friend, mommy." So even a little girl who doesn't know Kaitlyn thinks of her as a friend. I think it's that loving smile that radiates through the computer screen.

Kathy, we haven't seen each other in years...but just know you still have a friend in me. You have shown me that you have courage and strength beyond anything I could imagine. You are an amazing woman. We will continue to pray for you and your little girl!!

Tammy (Buck) Hiveley <thiveley@hotmail.com>
Prior Lake, MN 55372 - Friday, August 5, 2005 10:21 AM CDT
Big (((hugs))) to you! I really don't know what to say at this time except that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that Kaitlyn remains comfortable until she moves on to a cancer free place where she can play and be happy.
Take care

Jenn Huston <jennifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South Bend, IN - Friday, August 5, 2005 10:13 AM CDT
Our love and prayers are with you at this time. We have enjoyed watching your little princess grow over these 4 short years. A better place awaits her. We are neighbors to Millie, Jack, Stan and of course Aspen and Jigs! Our love to you all.
Brenda & Daryn Arnold, Lorena Castor and Sam
Reynolds, IL USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 10:06 AM CDT
Hi Guys! Just a little note to let you know that we are thinking of you guys often on this beautiful day and every day. Keep strong and know that we are praying for you. We love you and hope that you have a good day. Let us know if there is anything that we can do for you!
Meagan Whitehead <mikeandmeagan@msn.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Friday, August 5, 2005 10:01 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Each day is a new day, and one more day with her in your lives is a great gift from God. Be strong even in your weakest moments. Miss all of you and Love!
Julie Hoscheidt
Aledo, IL - Friday, August 5, 2005 9:37 AM CDT
I check your page daily. You do not know me. My daughter Tabby had a Bone Marrow Transplant a week after Taylor K. I heard of your daughter through shawnee. What an amazing strength you have. I can not imagine your grief. I pray god gives you all the strength you need to get through this time. What a precious little girl she is.


Tammy <TYeo1974@yahoo.com>
cedar rapids, ia us - Friday, August 5, 2005 9:31 AM CDT
Words cannot express the deep feelings I have for your family and the courage you show in light of your beautiful Kaitlyn's illness. You are all in my thoughts and prayers daily.

LaRee Wells <law@mchsi.com>
Reynolds, IL. USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 9:23 AM CDT
I have children of my own and my heart just goes out to you. I can't image what you are going through right now. I received this passage in an email and thought it might help. I will be praying for your daughter and your family.


Whatever your cross,
Whatever your pain,
There will always be sunshine
After the rain.

Perhaps you may stumble,
Perhaps even fall,
But God's always there
To help you through it all.

May God give you the strength and courage to bear your cross, no matter the size. God Bless you and Keep you always.

J McLean <mclean_family5@yahoo.com>
IL USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 9:12 AM CDT
God hath not promised;
Skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways
All our lives through;
God hath not promised
Sun without rain
Joy without sorrow,
Peace without pain.

But God hath promised
Strength for the day,
Rest for the labor
Light for the way.
Grace for the trials,
Help from above,
Unfailing sympathy
Undying love....

And God shall wipe
away all tears from
their eyes.

Revelation 21:4

Something I read every day that I wanted to share.

Angie Pearson <pearson4@qconline.com>
Milan, IL Rock Island - Friday, August 5, 2005 9:12 AM CDT
I've started to write something many times and I have stopped because I don't know what to say or can't fathom what you ALL are going through. I wish I had a magic wand to wave over all of you and especially that precious little ANGEL of yours. Tears flow as I type this because I don't know what to say to make the pain go away. Please know that you're all in my constant thoughts and prayers. I'll continue to pray for PEACE. My prayers will continue....God Bless and know what amazing indiviual's that you are. I just can't imagine. Love & Peace!
Marci & Cade Dinneweth
Moline, IL USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 8:56 AM CDT
Hi eveyrbody there!
Just want to say you are in our prayers.
God bless you!

Nina, Tem & Ronnie <sel_nina@yahoo.com>
Europe, - Friday, August 5, 2005 8:41 AM CDT
I check on your sight almost everyday and I say a little prayer as well. No words can express my sadness I have for you and your family. Kaitlyn is is beautiful little girl and Im sure the pain you are going through is unimaginable. I cry as I write this knowing how much this must hurt you. I truly believe Kaitlyn knows how much love you are all giving her. May God give you strength.
Rachel Fauble
Rock Falls, IL - Friday, August 5, 2005 8:36 AM CDT
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Mary and Leonard Knox
Mary and Leonard Knox <mknox@riroe.k12.il.us>
Reynolds, IL - Friday, August 5, 2005 8:28 AM CDT
Kaitlyn, You are still the most beautiful angel that I've ever seen!! I love you very much and it just breaks my heart to think of what you are going through. Please know that there are lots of people that love you and want you to be at peace. That way, you can run, jump, and play like you used to. You are an incredible little girl with an awesome Mommy that loves you more than life itself. I love you, Kaitlyn!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 8:08 AM CDT
LISA HARDEN <lmharden@henrycty.com>
CAMBRIDGE, IL HENRY - Friday, August 5, 2005 6:46 AM CDT
Sweet Kaitlyn, I bet you are still the most beautiful princess, even with all that swelling, it just means there's more of you for mummy to cuddle. I hope you're sleeping peacefully right now sweet princess. I'm always thinking of you and your family. xx

Yvonne <yvonne.nicholson@xtra.co.nz>
Auckland, New Zealand - Friday, August 5, 2005 2:39 AM CDT
You and all your family have been in our prayers for, it seems like, a very short time--but I also know to your Mommy & loved ones---it will never be long enough. We know, from personal experience, the pain, suffering and loss you are all going thru right now..and wish we could carry some of it for you ! Our thoughts and prayers go with you all.
Sally Ackerman <sandturtle@insightbb.com>
Galesburg, IL USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 0:15 AM CDT
My prayers are with you and your family.
Carol McAtee <mcateec1@winco.net>
Viola, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 11:24 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that you are all in our heart and prayers. We are a friend of Dawson DeCap and his family, who are also fighting their battle with neuroblastoma.Through you and your family and theirs we have all opened our eyes as to the wonderful moments we are blessed with each and every day, that we normally take for granted. Thank you and your family for the inspiration you have given us. God Bless All Of You!!!!
Avis Kutzman <avkutzman@hotmail.com>
Geneseo, IL - Thursday, August 4, 2005 11:18 PM CDT
Just letting you know that we are still praying...There was a saying I heard today at the Chapel at Trinity Hospital..
If God brings me to it, God will help me thru it. Wanted to share that piece of wisdom with you!
thinking of you all....GOD BLESS

T.Wilson <tjw1966@mchsi.com>
Silvis, Il USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:43 PM CDT
Keeping your family in my prayers from Louisville, KY. Your Kaitlyn is so beautiful!
Louisville, KY USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:36 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
Sue Pearson <spbboop8@yahoo.com>
Rock Island, IL - Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
Kathy , I enjoyed visiting with your families last night. Your Dad shared some nice memories of Katilin and I am sure she enjoyed hearing them also. I didn't realize she was a uno player, that sounds fun. Hold all your memories dear as we pray for her relief from her battle. I will keep all of you in my prayers along with all of our little friends.
Lorrie Towle (Taylor's grandma) <Latowle1@netins.net>
Van Horne, Ia USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:03 PM CDT
My prayers are for all of your families.........
A friend of Valerie's...Mary Jane Miller

Mary Jane Miller <mjmsm61@grics.net>
Knoxville, Il USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 9:56 PM CDT
I am praying for all of you, especially little Kaitlyn. I am a friend of Grandma Val.
Diane Fite
- Thursday, August 4, 2005 9:54 PM CDT
Kathy, This is the first time I have visited your web site. As I look at the pictures and read the guest book I am sitting here crying and thinking how fortunate we are that our only son is healthy, yet I know that could change at anytime. I hear of kids that get sick and I can't help but see how old they are. I will say to myself, "that child was 4 or 5 and my son has cleared that hurdle." (he is 6) Every night when we say our prayers I always finish with "Lord, keep him healthy, happy and safe." I am sure your story has made many people count there blessings and hug their children a little bit tighter tonight. I know I will!!
I feel terrible for what you & your family are going through.
Your daughter is a beautiful little angel!! You are all in our prayers, always!!!
Love & Prayers...

Teresa, Paul & Dalton Edmund <exhawk_2@winco.net>
Lynn Center, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 9:27 PM CDT
I was at my cousins funeral today and read a poem I wish to share with you,


When I come to the end of the road
and the sun has set for me,
I want no rites in a gloom filled room
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little - but not to long
and not with your head bowed low,
For this journey that we all must take
and each must go alone.
It's all a part of the Master's plan
a step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick of heart
go to the friends we know,
and bury your sorrows in doing good deeds.
Miss me - But Let Me Go......

Thought you might like this..... see you later


Donna <ebud8@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 9:13 PM CDT
We don't know why God takes us home when he does. Only He knows. But what we do know, is that we will see all our loved ones again one day.

You are amazing parents to an amazing little girl. Our hearts go out to you as do our prayers.

Kevin and Dana Eastin
Andover, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:54 PM CDT
I just wanted to drop a quick note and let all of you know I am thinking about you guys day in and day out. Stan keeps Alison informed and I annoy her a million times a day calling to see if and when she has heard from him. I hope you guys are keeping rested and taking care of yourselves as well. Stay strong and remember that we are here for you if you need anything. Lots of hugs!
Meridith, DJ, & Caitlynn Wise <wisefam3@qconline.com>
Reynolds, il USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:52 PM CDT
I remember when you were born and I held you in my arms. You were a little bundle of joy! You are a precious child who is dearly loved by many. Soon you will have no pain and will be able to run and play.

You have an amazing strength that I admire. I could not imagine the mental exhaustion you and your family are going through. You and your family are in my prayers.

Jen (Swanson) Miller <jenmiller00@insightbb.com>
Fishers, IN USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:11 PM CDT
Not a minute goes by that your not in our thoughts and prayers. The picture that Joanie Boney gave us of Kaitlyn with her "quarters" that we sent her is on my parents frig and brings such a big smile to our hearts. What a special little angel she is and how she has touched so many hearts is amazing. I hope you find comfort knowing she is loved by so many people as well as you and your family.
Cathi Watson and family <rclerwatson@earthlink.net>
Cameron, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:01 PM CDT
You are all in out thoughts...and prayers...always :)

*gentle hugs for Kaitlyn*

Deanna Brown/Donna Harmon <dandee92@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 5:17 PM CDT
Dear Kathy, Stan, Kaitlyn, Gerry and Valerie,and Stan's parents:
What a shame such a young person has to endure this kind of pain! I know Kaitlyn has no choice as to what's happening to her, but I think we can all learn from her example of Strength and Courage. How one learns and displays that, fights cancer and for her life, I will never know.
Many blessings to all of your families despite this awful time in Kaitlyns life. We cannot choose the time we "change our address" from earth to heaven, but we can make every minute count for ourselves and each other.

Peace to you all, I will continue with my prayers for you. My sorority chapter (online chapter) is praying for you, so please know that we care!

Lisa Swiech <nauticalgirl@verizon.net>
Temecula, CA USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 4:42 PM CDT
Praying for you
Jennifer Hines <creative_jenny@yahoo.com>
Mesa, AZ USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 4:28 PM CDT

You don't know me. I went to school with Stan so many years ago.

I have been logging in to your journal every day for the past 4 or 5 months.

I has so happy when you went to Disney World - what beautiful memories you must have from those days.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings during this very personal time.

You are such an Amazing Mom! I admire your strength and courage.

I pray for peace and happiness for your family.

Debbie (Goff) Pendleton

Debbie Pendleton (Goff) <debbiependleton@mchsi.com>
Davenport, IA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 4:23 PM CDT
Kaitlyn & Family,
I am a cousin to your Mommy's dear friends John & Haley. This is my first time of signing your guest book, as I am at a loss for words. However, you have been in my thoughts and prayers for weeks. Haley has been sending journal entries to keep me posted of your condition. You have been blessed with strong parent's and family that love you very much. I find myself thinking of you more and more each day, and just wanted to let you and you family know you are in my thoughts and prayers!

Darci Kyle <darci.kyle@countryfinancial.com>
Minier, IL - Thursday, August 4, 2005 4:07 PM CDT
I can't possibly imagine what its' like to be in your shoes. I cry every time I read about kaitlyn and hear what she's been through. It's not fair but theres always a reason. Bless her heart and make her comfortable.
Christina Rockhold <rockhold4@email.com>
Aledo, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 3:59 PM CDT
Kathy, Stan and family: Wanted to say hello and know you are in our thoughts and prayers each and every day. Princess Kaitlyn will take wings one day when Jesus wants her home. This is the way it must be. Kathy - I am so very proud of what a great mommy you are - I still think of you as my daughter in many ways. Love you!
Lynn <lynnd@charnor.com>
Rock Island, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 3:27 PM CDT
Hello again Kathy and family,
I am still praying for you all and relief for baby Kaitlyn.
She is hanging in there for some special reason that is un-seen....she only knows, but you are right..just keep telling her how much you love her (which she already knows)
The Lord works in mysterious ways sometimes, but he will soon take her to a safe and pain free place. Then you and your family will cherrish everysingle moment, every word spoken, and weep severly. I know this to be true, and I was told that I was being selfish when I lost my folks...but it still hurts and you will be able to get pass some of it in time. But even at my age, I still have moments (selfishness) not meaning too, wishing I could have them back for just one hour, but I know in my heart that they are in a peaceful and better place. Please take time for you too.....when you are settled and rested...Kaitlyn will rest and then she will know it is okay. It is so hard for me to write to you someitmes, I get at a loss for words, words that I can easily say but are hard to write. Just always know my family and I pray for you every single day. Also know that everyone that knows you and loves you, can give you advice and try and help you thru all of this...but you will do it in your own way! I will continue to pray and also for your friend Kyle. Kathy as every one has already told you...You and your family are strong and TRUELY amazing. God Bless each and everyone of you!

T.Wilson <tjw1966@mchsi.com>
Silvis, Il USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 2:08 PM CDT
Praying for you all during this very difficult time. May God's peace continue to wash over you and give you strength to get through the days ahead.

Amy and Family
NE - Thursday, August 4, 2005 2:01 PM CDT
Natalie Encapera shared Kaitlyn's story with me. Kaitlyn is certainly an amazing little girl...surely an angel on earth. I pray that the good Lord will bring comfort and peace to Kaitlyn and to your entire family.
Love and prayers,

Sue Deakos <suedeakos@charter.net>
Edwardsville, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 1:33 PM CDT
our prayers are with u and stan
bill and amy harkey <billnamy@qconline.com>
viola, il - Thursday, August 4, 2005 1:21 PM CDT
After recently going through a traumatic experience with my dad, I know how much prayers, even from strangers, help. I hope it helps a little to know that I have been praying for your family and your beautiful little girl every day since I saw your story.
Tracy Bock <bockt@firsthorizon.com>
Liberty, MO USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 1:07 PM CDT
I haven't had the joy of meeting Kaitlyn personally, but WOW what an inspirational girl. I know for myself & I'm sure others, she has really touched our lives. I'm honored to be reminded by you and her that it really doesn't matter what material things you have, but how you choose to cherish people in your life! I wish you the strength to get thru this and her the peace she deserves.
Matt, Mandy, Jada & Kylie Alcanter <mtmdytx@yahoo.com>
McGuire AFB, NJ - Thursday, August 4, 2005 12:35 AM CDT
I am praying for you and your sweet Kaitlyn that God may bless you with peace and comfort.
Lauren <dramauknow@yahoo.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 12:06 AM CDT
Stan, Kathy, Jeff & families-
Stay strong for your little angel! You are in my thought & prayers continually!
Try to rest peacefully beautiful girl!
Love & hugs!

Natalie Encapera & family <babywop@charter.net>
St. Jacob, IL Madison - Thursday, August 4, 2005 11:25 AM CDT
Hey hope your holdin up, I just wanted to let you know that the last thing you said to me on Monday really stuck, here you are with your daughter just waiting, letting her know each day how much you love her and that it's OK to go, but you care enough to say, tell Kyle to keep kicking cancers butt, that said everything about the type of person you are. I wish I had to majic word or phrase, but I don't we are thinking of you and will always think of Kaitlyn.

Love and livestrong

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, August 4, 2005 11:19 AM CDT
Kathy, Kaitlyn & family, you don't know me, but I watch your site every day. Kaitlyn is such a beautiful girl, and I'm sorry you are going through this. As you and others have said, just know that God has a place prepared for Kaitlyn. We pray for miracles, but the miracles may be different than what we anticipate. This may be one of those. I am keeping you (and Kyle as well) in my prayers. Stay strong in God's loving arms. Nancy Scott
Nancy Scott <nancy.a.scott@wellsfargo.com>
Bloomington, MN - Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:55 AM CDT
Kaitlyn & Family:
I recieved your story today thru email..Your an absolutely beautiful little girl...hold strong! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Jenny Ludwig - Geneseo, IL

Jenny Ludwig <LudwigJenniferL@JohnDeere.com>
Geneseo, IL US - Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:48 AM CDT
Kathy, I just read your latest journal entry and was very touched, but not surprised, that in the middle of all you are going through, you are asking for prayer for another family. We can all learn a lot from you! I continue to pray for strength for you and peace for Kaitlyn.
Love, Lisa

Lisa Finch <jlfinch@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, IL - Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:37 AM CDT
Kaitlyn & Family,
Just wanted you all to know I'm still checking in , & still praying for all of you.I don't have any words of wisdom for you, just heart felt caring for all of you.I hope it helps in some way to make this journey easier for you all.We all share your pain.

Shorti Crow <jlcrow@winco.net>
Viola, Il - Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:29 AM CDT
Hi Kathy, I read the update, bless her little heart. I wrote the other day and was glad to read that you wanted e-mails to keep coming...This is the best I can do for you, to help encourage and to let you know I care. The Lord is preparing a special place for kaitlyn, and he will call her home to play when he knows its time. His timing is always perfect. He wants you to continue to be strong and he knows your being blessed by others through this. We may never know why....but his promise says that in all things,he works things out for the good for those who love him. (Romans8:28) You and your family..and Kyle are in my prayers.
Love, Michelle

Michelle <klgmmg2@geneseo.net>
- Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:24 AM CDT
My prayers are with you and your family.
Phylis Dalldorf <dalldorf02@yahoo.com>
Clinton, IA USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:18 AM CDT
Kaitlyn is an absolutely beautiful girl. My thoughts and prayers and with you and your family. Even though I do not know you, I wish I could take all the pain away for your family and Kaitlyn.
Jaime <newbombs@geneseo.net>
Geneseo, IL - Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:16 AM CDT
My prayer are with you today.

Mandy (Angels on Earth)

- Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:15 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you each and every day.
Kim Mock <kimm@happyjoes.com>
Bettendorf, IA USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:01 AM CDT
Your are in our thoughts and prayers always!
Beth <bethieb38@yahoo.com>
Savanna, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 9:53 AM CDT
My family's thoughts and prayers are with you all right now. Kaitlyn - Thank you for being your sweet self to my daughter, Tenley, at Johnna Crow's 1st Birthday party. Our lives are forever touched and blessed to have met you that day! Rest peacefully baby girl!
Kati, Dean, Tenley and Dylan Sproston <sproston_k@palmer.edu>
Aledo, IL - Thursday, August 4, 2005 9:30 AM CDT
Kaitlin- You are proving just how strong you really are. You amaze me! Hang in There!
Kelly Whipps <CareBears4u5@aol.com>
- Thursday, August 4, 2005 9:08 AM CDT
Kaitlyn... you amaze me with each passing day, for I already knew your strength but you prove to be stronger then anyone ever knew! I sat by your bedside last night and like everyone else I just ache to see you this way, I can't help but question the same thing over and over again "why" God must have another plan for you, one that we may never understand but one thing is for sure... you will NEVER be forgotten!

Jeff, Kathy, Stan & the rest of the family... you too will never be forgotten! It just amazes me the friendships we have built through such unfortunate circumstances, through our children's cancers... cancer can sure change a person and teach them a lot but I just wish these things could have been taught another way rather then through our young innocent children!

Please stay intouch and know that we are here for you!

The Krueger Family ~ Shawnee, Ryan, Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <krueger01@netins.net>
Van Horne, IA USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
Kaitlyn....every day i wake with butterflies in my stomach...with hope and trepidation that perhaps today little angel you will gain your wings. I am hopeful that you get your wings because then you will have life everlasting without pain...but I also cant stand the thought of having to let a mircle slip from our hands...because that is what you are...a beautiful miracle that God lets us share with him. You can never know how many lives you have touched, how many hearts you have emblazened, how many minds you have made want to change to become better people and nothing we can write here will ever make you understand the magnitude of that. I hope that you rest easy sweet baby girl....
Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:34 AM CDT
Kaitlyn....every day i wake with butterflies in my stomach...with hope and trepidation that perhaps today little angel you will gain your wings. I am hopeful that you get your wings because then you will have life everlasting without pain...but I also cant stand the thought of having to let a mircle slip from our hands...because that is what you are...a beautiful miracle that God lets us share with him. You can never know how many lives you have touched, how many hearts you have emblazened, how many minds you have made want to change to become better people and nothing we can write here will ever make you understand the magnitude of that. I hope that you rest easy sweet baby girl....
Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:34 AM CDT
I find myself checking this website 3-4 times a day. If there are no updates, I read the guestbook entries. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I am praying for Kaityn's comfort and for strength for the rest of the family as you go through this. You have all touched so many lives. It is amazing to see all the places the guestbook enteries have come from. I went to school with Millie and Jack. Please give them my love.
Virginia <slusher1907@aol.com>
Danville, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:33 AM CDT
I am praying for comfort for Kaitlyn, and peace and guidance for your family. I can only imagine how difficult this must be. Ya'll are in my thoughts and prayers.
The Hardin's <hardinrt@bellsouth.net>
Covington, GA USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:32 AM CDT
As I was reading your web page, my 3-year old daughter came up and asked, "what's her name, mama?" I told her Kaitlyn, and she asked if she was sick. I said yes, she's very sick. Then Hannah asked if we could pray for her, so we thanked God for precious Kaitlyn, and asked Him to make her feel better. I pray for peace and rest for all of you.
Tammy, Mitch, Hannah and Jacob M. <mtmchevy@aol.com>
Omaha, NE USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:28 AM CDT
Kathy and all,
I have been receiving e-mail updates about you and your incredible little girl from my friend Haley Crow. You have all been in my heart and prayers and while we may never know the answer to "Why?" this side of heaven, please know that you have allowed God to display His love and strength through you as you support other parents and your amazing child. The only thing I can do for your family is to pray and I will do that fervently. Please give your daughter a hug for me and let her know that her strength has touched and broken hearts all over the country.

Lindsey Mayhew Stevenson
McDonough, GA USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:20 AM CDT
Kaitlyn and family...you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Every "ordinary" concern in life pales in comparison to what you are all going through...you are helping me (and perhaps many others) to keep this in perspective. Many years ago, my son was born at the U of I Hospital. I can close my eyes and, in a moment, be with you there. Kaitlyn, I wish I could hug you, but please know you are in my heart. Kathy, Stan, Jeff, and family, God is using you in ways you may not understand to reach out to others. Thank you so much for sharing your lives, hearts, joys, and hurts with all of us "out here." Kaitlyn, you are so loved....
Brenda Francis <brenduh76@yahoo.com>
Sidney, OH - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:13 AM CDT
From all your friends at Charnor who love you & those of us who have yet to meet... We are all praying for you.
Amanda <amandan@charnor.com>
Rock Island , IL - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:10 AM CDT
Kathy, I just read the update. My arms are hugging you and the family right now. Today is a sad day for us here on moms side so I am going to use you to keep me going and pass that on to the family. Give Katlyn a hug and kiss for us. Remember I am here if you need ANYTHING. Tell Katlyn it is alright to go to grandma now and be brave it is a great place she is going to. All our LOVE. Christine
Christine, Scott, Ashley, Jeremy. <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 7:13 AM CDT
To the entire Boney family: I was made aware of and updated about Kaitlyn's illness by my old friend, Haley Crow. After reading all of the postings that's she's sent me over the months I have realized that you all have an incredible ability to deal with adversity. There have been many times throughout my reading of Kaitlyn's illness that I've been inspired by your strength and dignity. Even though I, to my knowledge, haven't met any of you, I have thought about your situation often and I wish you all the best.
Kevin W. Mattingly <nightflierkm@hotmail.com>
Harrisburg, IL - Thursday, August 4, 2005 7:07 AM CDT
Checking in this morning on sweet Kaitlyn. What a strong little girl you have there. I can't imagine the agony you are going through and my prayers are with you. ((((((Kaitlyn & Family))))))

~*~* Amy *~*~ <abrant13@gmail.com>
Brownstown, MI USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 7:05 AM CDT
Sending love and prayers your way. I think of all of you so often. You are all very special.
LaRee Wells <law@mchsi.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 7:01 AM CDT
May you continue to find strength in friends. God bless all of you and especially sweet little Kaitlyn. She is so beautiful. Our prayers are continuing..........
Lynette Nickelson (Haley's cousin)
Prior Lake, MN usa - Thursday, August 4, 2005 6:32 AM CDT
My prayers are with Kaitlyn and all of you. She really is such a brave little girl. I will cry out to God for her peace and comfort. May His peace also comfort you and all your family and friends in this very difficult time. God bless.
Angie <awsmgod@qconline.com>
Moline, IL - Thursday, August 4, 2005 6:07 AM CDT
Why???? This question has been a part of my life now for almost five years. There is not an answer, but I am sure when I see Tyler again, in heaven, I will know. I am sure that he doing wonderful things up there. Hopefully, right now he is sitting on Katelyns shoulder keeping all the pain and fear away from her. I remember Tyler holding on day after day, and I couldn't figure out what was holding him back...and the Hospice nurse told me he still had something on his mind. Well, when I was out of the room, he took my fiancee at the time by the hand, and made him promise to take care of his mommy and his sister...he just needed to know that someone would always take care of me. I guess it was a very emotional conversation...but just keep telling your daughter that you will all be OK...I know you don't want to let go, I didn't either...but they do not deserve this pain either. Your heart has already been shattered into a million pieces, and it will never be whole again, but at least you will have the peace of knowing that she is the one thing making you take every breathe every day...she will live in you forever.
Vicki Cole <tj4ever@frontiernet.net>
Lowville, - Thursday, August 4, 2005 6:07 AM CDT
Kathy, Stan and families,
I pray that little Kaitlyn finds the peace she so much deserves. She is such an amazing child that has touched so many lives. You guys have to be so proud of her. The strength and courage she shows everyday definetly has come from all of you. My thoughts and prayers have been with you and continue to be with you on your journey.

Christy (Martin) Reid <cmmjmr@yahoo.com>
Columbus Junction, IA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 5:04 AM CDT
I have been checking on you and my heart is just breaking . I have a 3 yr old Abigail and I can't even imagine how hard it must be to see Katie. I will pray tonight for her comfort and peace .
kirsten casper <casper@sssnet.com>
Massillon, oh usa - Thursday, August 4, 2005 1:06 AM CDT
Kathy I was so happy to hear that you let sweet Kailyn know that you will be alright and that it is okay to go. I am a nurse and have seen many of times in working in the ICU that some patients will hold on until they know that the ones that they love will be okay. How strong and courageous of a thing for you to do! I have been following along all the time and this is all just breaking my heart. You all have been so wonderful and unselfish in putting all the things aside in taking care of Kaitlyn and making the last year of her life the best that it could be. With a 3 and 5 year old of my own, I have tried but can't even come close to imagining what you all have been going through. As others have said, it just has helped me to appreciate and love my healthy children all the more. Even on those crazy "I'm going to pull my hair out days" because it still never comes close to one of the days that you have lived in the last year. How truly blessed Kaitlyn is to have all of you with her as her support team. I pray for you all and especially sweet little Kaitlyn that she receive the peace and comfort that she so deserves. I will continue to keep praying....
James, Michele, Nathaniel and Elaina Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, IL - Thursday, August 4, 2005 0:41 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers remain with you as you travel this very difficult road. I hope that you are able to rest, and that Kaitlyn is comfortable.
Denise Ward <deniward@shaw.ca>
Winnipeg, Canada - Thursday, August 4, 2005 0:36 AM CDT
You are in my prayers during this difficult time My the Lord give you comfort in this time of need.Im a stranger I got your name from Taylors page,Buts its my prayer that God will be with Kaitlyn and comfort her.


Shannon Stogner <stognerfam@hotmail.com>
Florence, MS Rankin - Thursday, August 4, 2005 0:30 AM CDT
If you have ever asked yourself the question, which Im sure you have, "Why her, why us?" The answer is so so obvious. I pray to god everyday that I never, ever have to go through what you are going through right now. I would simply without a question of a doubt, have crumbled to pieces long long ago. God Knew that you could take this on and that you were strong enough to be by your baby's side all the time she needed you, and able to let go when it is her time. I think you telling her that you will be alright and that she doesnt have to stay here for you is simply incredible. I dont know that I could ever do it. I think I would have to be selfish and try to hold on to every last second. Though I know it must be so hard seeing her that way. Its tough to say what one might actually do when faced with such a situation, but you, I know are doing the right thing. Probably the hardest thing you have ever or will ever do in your entire life, and you do it for the love of your daughter. There is no other form on this earth of putting your child first that even begins to compare to sacrifice that you have made by letting her know that its okay for her to go. I only wish that someday I will be even a portion of the person you are. Everything happens for a reason...this is yours. God bless!!!!

Marybeth <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 0:25 AM CDT
May the peace of Jesus fill each of you as time is spent loving precious, princess Kaitlyn. Keep this verse in your heart: Deut 4:31 For the LORD your God is merciful--he will not abandon you. Know that He is with you every moment to sustain, strengthen, and give you peace.

- Wednesday, August 3, 2005 9:48 PM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn and Family,
I, too, am a stranger to you, however, not a stranger to the evil "C" illness--it affected my daughter and father and a close friend's baby--you might have heard of "Allie"--anyway--no word's can ease your pain--hopefully knowing that people all over the world are holding you up right now will help in some small way--peace to you all--hope this day will bring forth something good. Lori in Texas

Lori <lojowa@comcast.net>
Tx - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 6:44 PM CDT
Praying for sweet little Kaitlyn!
Jenny Ogan <jogan@gmrc.com>
Grinnell, IA USA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 4:21 PM CDT
I cannot stop thinking about this terrible situation you are going through. Know that the prayers of many, so many of which you've never even met, are being said for you every hour of every day. No family should have to go through what you are dealing with. May your memories of your beautiful daughter always be a comfort and I ask God to walk with you, every minute, along this journey.
A friend in Pennsylvania
West Chester, PA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 3:11 PM CDT
Kaitlyn and family:
I do not know how you feel. How could I possibly know how you feel, as I have never faced what you face. But I know it's hard for all of us to imagine facing anything like your past year. Stan and Kathy and Jeff, and all the rest of the family and loved ones gathered around her bedside . . . you are helping each other say goodbye to Kaitlyn in this earthly world. And you are all so courageous and filled with love. We are thinking of you often, praying for you always.

Lori Dixon & family <ldixon.mcfe@thelawcentre.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 2:39 PM CDT
I will keep your family in my heart and in my prayers.
Aaron Meck <armeck@gmail.com>
Warner Robins, GA USA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 2:25 PM CDT
Dear Stan, Kathy, Jeff, and Grandmas and Grandpas,
Every night when I lay my head down on my pillow, I feel so guilty knowing you are probably not resting while you are sitting vigil at Kaitlyn's bedside. I would like to take this opportunity to honor two people. First of all, to Amy, Ryan's caregiver, she has been a god send for the family through this whole thing. The second person isn't really a 'person' but Kaitlyn's precious Beary. That bear has seen as many doctors and horrible procedures as Kaitlyn has and has been by her side every step. On the last day I saw Kaitlyn, when she was feeling bad, she just clung onto Beary and said in an sympathetic voice, "Oh Beary"...
Thank God for Amy and Beary....
Love Joanie

Joan Boney <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 1:34 PM CDT
A friend of mine sent me Kaitlyn's site. I can't even begin to imagine what you and your family are going through, but I had to send my love and hugs to you all. I will keep you all in my prayers. God will never let go of any of you! Trust him! He will take good care of your precious little Angel. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Debbie <dlaier@andersencorp.com>
Balsam Lake, WI Polk - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 12:21 AM CDT
You're all in my thoughts and prayers. Kathy...you are undoubtedly the strongest and most courageous Mom that I know! Dearest Kaitlyn...I pray for your comfort. God Bless!
Shelbe Parr <dashparr@msn.com>
Ankeny, IA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 11:37 AM CDT
Kathy - hugs to you and to Kaitlyn and the rest of the family. I want to cry when I look at her sweet face in the picture. It's not fair that she has to suffer.
I'm glad to hear that she is comfortable, but sorry that she's still having difficulty breathing.
Kaitlyn, and all of you, will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Jenn Huston <jennifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South Bend, IN - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 9:08 AM CDT
I told Scott about you wondering if Kaitlyn was remembering her life. Scott said the dying people he has spent time with from his church and while doing his hospital chaplain internship, he said most of them go over their life and all they said and did. The wonderful thing about it is that they come to peace with all that was said and done and are content when the end comes. I am not sure with her short life that she has much to ponder but she has had so much love from all of you and that would be a great thing to think about. Our prayers are with you at all times. Keep strong and know that God is there with you at all times.

Laurel Minteer <laurelem@hotmail.com>
Aledo, IL USA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 8:26 AM CDT
My prayer is that you remain "strong and courageous, the lord goes with you, will never leave nor forsake you".(Deut.31:6) During this difficult time, remember God will comfort you and your family, just trust him. I pray that sweet Kaitlyn will be wrapped in his arms. We love you and your family......In Jesus
michelle <klgmmg2@geneseo.net>
geneseo, il - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 7:57 AM CDT
Just want you to know I am thinking of you all, especially sweet Kaitlyn. What beautiful entries being left in your guestbook - it shows how much your little princess is loved. xx
Yvonne <yvonne.nicholson@xtra.co.nz>
Auckland, New Zealand - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 4:27 AM CDT
You don't know me either but I came across your story reading the qconline website. I just wanted to say that my prayers are with Kaitlyn, you and your family. May God give you all strength to get through this difficult time.
Karen <magoozkid@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 1:58 AM CDT
You dont know me, I think I went to HS with Stan for like a year. I have been following this story since its inception. As a mom, I cant even fathom what you are going thru. If it was me, I would be an absolute disaster. I commend your daughters spirit, she is a force to be reckond with. I dont generally pray much but I am praying for your family and for your little girl. May the lord bless you and keep you..
Andrea (Burrill)Moffitt <butrfly2222@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL US - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 9:36 PM CDT
Your such a loving mother, I know your heart is breaking having to watch your wonderful little girl go through this. I'll keep you in my prayers, and ask God to give you the strength to indure what ever lays ahead.
Juanita White <juanita57@sbcglobal.net>
Rock Island, IL USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 9:11 PM CDT
Kaitlyn is beautiful. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers.

Love and blessings,

Becky ~www.blessingofachild.com~
Mattoon, IL - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 9:00 PM CDT
Kaitlyn and Family: I pray for all of you to find the positive, happier times to get you through the toughest hours. The Lord may only know "why" any of you have to endure this difficult moment in your life; but find, keep, and hold on to your faith, for His Will will be done. Kaitlyn, you are such a brave young girl and your family and friends love you dearly. Enjoy every minute that you all can share together. Love your friend, Toni Holland xxoo
Toni Holland <joeyiieb@hotmail.com>
Franklin, NC USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 8:46 PM CDT
You don't know me but please know that I am praying for your darling daughter. My heart is breaking for your family's pain and I think of you daily.

Tracy Griffin <meandpaul@mchsi.com>
Springfield, MO United States - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 8:31 PM CDT
Kaitlyn, I'm glad to here that you are staying comfortable. This has been my prayer for you. You are so lucky to have such a loving and wonderful family!
Marchelle Lyons <marchellelyons@charter.net>
Apple Valley, MN United States - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 8:15 PM CDT
You don't know me, but I just wanted to let you know that I think of you daily and hope that I could be as strong and courageous as you have been throughout this time. I too am a mother and I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through. Know that you and your family are in my prayers.

Kimberly <volemt@frontiernet.net>
Keithsburg, IL USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 7:35 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you
a friend <biggy_one@hotmail.com >
viola, il usa - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 5:42 PM CDT
Kaitlyn & Kathy
I dont know you, but you are in my prayers, I pray that God helps you all through this hard time.

Leann Johnson <booboobear59@mchsi.com>
Milan, IL USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 4:52 PM CDT
Many prayers are being sent.
Jonalee <jonalee@adelphia.net>
New Philadelphia, OH - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 4:38 PM CDT
Keep your head up Kathy, I know It has to be hard. Whenever I hear the song "No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed", I think of Kaitlyn. My thoughts are with you Kathy.
Mindy Setser <jeffmin@mchsi.com>
Matherville, IL - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 3:51 PM CDT
Kaitlyn and Kathy,
You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Kathy I know this has to be exhausting for you. You are doing such a wonder job. Kaitlyn is lucky to have a mother like you. She is such a precious little girl! I am so thankful we got to know you. May God continue to watch over Kaitlyn and your whole family.

Jodi Ridder <jodiridder@indytel.com www.caringbridge.org/ia/cridder>
Independence, IA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 3:42 PM CDT
Kaitlyn & Family,
May the sweet, calming peace of Jesus and His everlasting love embrace all of you during this time of need. Our Almighty Father God knows the pain of watching a child suffer; He gave His only Son for all of us. Although this time is more difficult than any of us can ever imagine, please continue to welcome the presence of our Loving Savior and to know that God will always be with our loved ones - - He will never leave us nor forsake us. Kaitlyn will soon be able to see the face of God; to walk the streets of Heaven with Christ Jesus our Lord and to never again have to experience pain and suffering. I can't begin to imagine the pain that all of you are experiencing, but I also believe that God knows your pain and will help you through it all. He is an ever-loving, ever-present God. We don't know the reasons behind why certain things in life happen, but we can rest assured that God is with us through the journey. May Kaitlyn find peace and comfort in the wonderful loving arms of Jesus, our Savior and Friend! May God continue to watch over all of you!
Sherryl Sonneville

Sherryl Sonneville <ssonneville@sedonagroup.com>
Rock Island, IL USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 2:28 PM CDT
God Bless you all. You are in my prayers.
Tonya <Suki67@aol.com>
Moline, IL - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 2:07 PM CDT
The first time I saw your picture, I thought you were one of the most precious children I'd ever seen. God must think you are AWESOME to know you could endure all this...when you get to Heaven, I hope you pray for me that someday I might have the strength God's given to you. You are precious. You are loved.

Brenda Francis <brenduh76@yahoo.com>
Sidney, OH USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 1:35 PM CDT
It's been real hard for me to get in contact with you because I feel so bad that all my kids are healthy and well and your Kaitlyn is having such a hard life. You have all been in my prayers and will always be thought of. Please give Kaitlyn a big hug and tell everyone I said "hi". I wish you all the strength to get through this and may God be with you always.
Missy Froehlich <Frmommy9@cableone.net>
Sioux City, Ia - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 12:57 AM CDT
I used to work at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in patient services, in a la carte, and I remembered seeing Kaitlyn's name frequently and wondered about her and thought of her often. When I found out she was from close to the Quad Cities, I thought and prayed about her often--even more so now for her family. I pray you are all comfortable and are being well taken care of. I am sorry for your loss.
Toni <tonimariewilson@gmail.com>
Moline, IL USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 11:36 AM CDT
Sending prayers your way....keep fighting sweetie...

God bless

Ozzie <ovieira@hartz.com>
Harrison, NJ - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 11:30 AM CDT
I have been following your story in the Dispatch & Argus. Your entire family is in my prayers. May God give you the strength and peace you need for each day.
A friend
Moline, IL - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 10:22 AM CDT
Hi Kathy, This is you'r cuz. Christine in Aledo. I think of you and the family everyday. Kaitlyn is such a strong little girl just like her mommy. Give her a BIG KISS AND HUG FOR ME. I hope you feel all of the hugs that are going out to you. Take care and remember you are so LOVED. Christine
Christine (Burrill) Wheeler <sctncrs@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, ILL USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 9:26 AM CDT
Adding my thoughts and prayers. (((((((HUGS))))))

~*~* Amy *~*~
Brownstown, MI USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 8:01 AM CDT
Stan, Kathy, Jeff & families-
You are in my thoughts & prayers continually. I hope you find comfort in knowing you have done everything you can for Kaitlyn. She is such an amazing little girl! She has been very special since the day she was born!
Love & Prayers

Natalie Encapera & family <babywop@charter.net>
St. Jacob, IL Madison - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 8:00 AM CDT
Hi Kathy,
I have been following Kaitlyn's progress and praying for all of you daily. I think of your Mom so often during all of this, and I know she has been your Guardian Angel through each day. She was such a great friend and I often look through our class scrapbook and remember all the great times we had together. I also recognize her strength and spunk in both you and Kaitlyn. I know she is so proud of you for the courage you have shown during these past 10 months.
Kaitlyn Mary Boney, you have touched so many lives. As the Lord prepares a special place for you,and when it is time for you to go there, will you please tell your wonderful Grandma, my friend, how much I miss her. That is of course after she gets done covering you with kisses and hugs.
God Bless you with added strength and peace,

Arlene Walthall <bud1@qconline.com>
Seaton, IL. USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 7:48 AM CDT
I know as the time is nearing that you will give her everlasting hugs. Always remember when the time has come we will all have your everlasting hugs. Don't be afraid to ask us for them for you deserve them. You can use us as Kaitlyn has used you for your strength. we are family and will always be family. We are as one in your plight and feel very much the heartache that you feel but in a differnt way. If I could change places with your princess, know I would. I would trade with anybody right now, to bring back their piece of life taken away. But as you well know it can't be done and we all suffer while we heal. I know my thoughts of the last two days have not been solely on Kaitlyn with the other tragedy in our lives and why things have to happen like this I will never understand. I know we could rack ours brains till days end and never have the answer we want. I just want you to know, as I'm really sure you do, that you instilled love of family into Kaitlyn and I'm sure she has returned it back in great amounts. We did not go wrong if our children learned to love family. I do not look forward to the hugs and tears we will all share, but know we will share them with all our love. We have our memories, those of us who can remember them, HA HA, and memories stay with us forever. Kaitlyn will take all of her memories with her and never forget her wonderful family. What funny stories she can share with your mom, her grandma and all the others passed before us. If only we could hear from here. I hope her battle now will be as painless and quiet as posible. I could go on and on but no need to. We love you all and will there when needed for all those hugs and kisses to share and celebrate her life as your princess.
love for now

Donna <ebud8@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, IL USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 11:05 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers remain with your family as you travel down this incredibly difficult road. I hope that Kaitlyn remains comfortable.
Denise Ward <deniward@shaw.ca>
Winnipeg, Canada - Monday, August 1, 2005 11:01 PM CDT
Dear Kathy and family, Thoughts and prayers have been with you for months. "Sorry" isn't a strong enought word to express how I feel. You have all been thru' so much and it's devastating that sweet little girl has had to suffer so much. I'm a friend of Vals' and really appreciate her daily up-dates. Sincerely, Donna Rynott
Donna Rynott <srynott@mschsi.com>
Moline, Il. USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 10:41 PM CDT
Prayers for strength, sleep, peace, love overflowing, wisdom, and understanding for everyone. I know He is holding each one of you during these moments. May you feel His love!
- Monday, August 1, 2005 9:57 PM CDT
Kaitlyn and family...we are thinking of you here in Michigan, and praying for you. Your beautiful brown eyes have touched my heart, my 4 kids all have varying shades of brown, but yours are special...
Ellen and Sammi Robertson www.caringbridge.org/mi/sammijean <Scanmom@hotmail.com>
Wyandotte, mi - Monday, August 1, 2005 8:12 PM CDT
My prayers are with you and Kaitlyn.
Carrie from Chicago
- Monday, August 1, 2005 7:42 PM CDT
Kathy my heart aches for you and I wish I would take your pain in a heart beat. Kaitlyn is beautiful and will be forever in my heart. One day all the pain and sorrow you are feeling will turn you into a rock that can wither any storm. Unfortunaly many moms will face these storms and will find strength in you and especially the life of Kaitlyn!
Kelly Mann <kellymann@grandecom.net>
Waco, TX USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 7:18 PM CDT
My thoughts are with you in this difficult time.
Jen Miller <jenmiller00@insightbb.com>
Fishers, IN 46038 - Monday, August 1, 2005 4:53 PM CDT
I am saying prayers for you and your family.
Debbie Heller
Geneseo, Il - Monday, August 1, 2005 4:05 PM CDT
I just read the last entry and I wanted you all to know that the boys and I are still praying for you. After talking to Stan this morning, I know you all are mentally exhausted, but staying strong for your precious little princess.

Please know that we pray for you daily and that little Kaitlyn has a place in my heart. I will never doubt the inner strength of a such a small child again. She is so strong and is hanging on so tight.

Kaitlyn: The boys wanted to let you know they are thinking of you. Parker is making you a picture of the Gator to hang in your room. Parker asked yesterday if he can have one more ride before the Angels take you home. Of course, most of the time it's the "Girls Only Gator" but he appreciate's the rides you let him take.

Layne is still being the "annoying little brat" that followed you around and screamed "Let me on, I wanna go to!!"

Hayden was doing a good job at keeping your daddy occupied when you weren't home with him. But right now, he is content with the visits we make to see you guys. Make sure to tell your Daddy that Hayden is waiting for his 5's!!!!!!

To the Family: You are all so strong for her and keep her going. She is a lucky little girl to have the kind of love that you give. She is a special one and I know that she has touched hearts everywhere......how can you resist that innocent little smile? She says so much with all her little expressions, no need for words most of the time, but little girls like to talk and once they start, you can't get them to stop! We keep you all in our thoughts and hope you all keep your heads high and spirits strong for your little princess.


Alison Watson & Parker, Layne, and Hayden <watsonfbi@yahoo.com or awatson5@winco.net>
Reynolds, IL 61279 - Monday, August 1, 2005 3:35 PM CDT
Stan & Kathy - I just wanted to send a note to let you know that you guys have been in my thoughts. You are amazing and Kaitlyn is a very lucky little girl to have such wonderful parents. I had the experience of meeting Kaitlyn a few years ago. She left a lasting impression on me. She is definetely one of the sweetest little girls that I've ever met. I am very grateful that I got the chance to meet her and she will always hold a special place in my heart. Stay strong and God bless your entire family.

Jo Anna

Jo Anna Fuhr <Fuhrj@fhhlc.com>
Shawnee, KS USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 3:07 PM CDT
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I have a precious little girl....I am sitting in my office in tears reading your update. May God bless your sweet little girl and your family, and keep you close.
Natalie Prentiss
Tonganoxie, KS USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 2:42 PM CDT
You're in our prayers.
Ron and LaNese Duncan

LaNese Duncan
Milan, IL usa - Monday, August 1, 2005 2:09 PM CDT
Your family has been in my thoughts and prayers since I read the first article in the paper. The courage, strength and great love for Kaitlyn you have showed the Quad Cities has been amazing. I will continue to pray for Kaitlyn and your family. Thank you for sharing your beautiful angel with us. Give Kaitlyn a hug from her "extended family". God bless each of you.
Angie Pearson <pearson4@qconline.com>
Milan, IL Rock Island - Monday, August 1, 2005 2:07 PM CDT



FRUITLAND , IA USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 1:25 PM CDT
Dearest Kaitlyn, Kathy, and family,
I just wanted to write to say how in awe I am of how you're all dealing with this terrible struggle. You truly amaze me. I find it hard to keep it together as I'm reading your journal entries and updates. I cannot imagine how difficult it has been (and undoubtedly will continue to be) to endure what you have been through. Kathy, as many before me have stated, you're truly an amazing mother and an inspiration to me as the mother of a toddler. Kaitlyn, please know that your time here on Earth, although much too short, has been filled with such purpose and meaning, more than many of us will ever know. I heard someone say once that "God only picks the prettiest flowers for His garden." And from what I've heard and read, you will certainly be one of the most colorful flowers in the bunch! It takes a pretty special little person to touch as many lives as you have in your 4 years. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. I know it is very difficult, but hopefully you can find some comfort in knowing that the struggle and the pain are coming to an end for your "little princess". She will finally be at peace. God Bless you all.

Rae Beth (Fell) Lower <rlower@whiteside.org>
Fulton, IL - Monday, August 1, 2005 1:18 PM CDT
first time in your site....so sorry to hear that your princess is not doing so well....I will keep you all in my prayers...stay strong....

God bless

Ozzie <ovieira@hartz.com>
Harrison, NJ - Monday, August 1, 2005 12:00 AM CDT
I am sending all the prayers I can your way - what a beautiful daughter you have. I am so sorry you are going through this - how unbelievable. I will keep Kaitlyn in my thoughts this week - I pray for peace & comfort for her.

Angie Hendrickson (Aunt to Ashleigh battling NB also)

Angie Hendrickson <Angie_Hendrickson@alticor.com>
Grand Rapids, MI USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 11:59 AM CDT
To the Fergusons and Boneys:
Back in November, I was talking to my mother about this strong girl and family I met and my bosses wanted me to chronicle the battles this family faced. The family agreed and the interviews and research began. My mother knew how excited I was about this story because I envisioned the final story: Kaitlyn heads off to face kindergarten after conquering cancer. While children her age are afraid to leave home and go to this strange thing called kindergarten, Kaitlyn would think the trip to kindergarten was a cinch.

My mother died in November and never got a chance to see these stories that conveyed the strength of this little girl and her family. I was proud of the stories because of how forthcoming this family was and how it was presented in print.

I have come to know all of you guys throughout the last 10 months.

Stan: I’ve tried, but I cannot fathom the pain you are going through. Your one child, your only daughter, your princess taken way too early. I loved hearing the stories of how you pretty much left all recent plans up to Kaitlyn. Whatever she wanted to do, daddy let her do. I respect you as a man, a father and for the role you play in this ~sometimes awkward~ situation.

Kathy: You’re a remarkable mother. Kaitlyn adores you and she should. As people stop and ask how your princess is doing, they can’t help but compliment and admire your strength. I hear daily how older women hope their younger daughters have the strength that you do in all of their endeavors. You’ve been very cooperative and open about your family’s battle, and hopefully the prayers and donations have helped ease the pain a bit.

Jeff: You’re a true man for entering this life with Kathy and Kaitlyn and supporting your wife through the hardest battle any woman can imagine. Yo-yo-ing back and forth to work and Iowa City undoubtedly takes its toll on a person, but you never seemed to flinch once. You’ve been there for Ryan, you’ve been a shoulder for Kathy and a role model for men.

Kaitlyn: We haven’t had much time to talk, but I know so much about you. I know about your strength, your determination, your piercing looks (that can sometimes be intimidating!) and your addictive smile and laugh. I know about Dora, Clifford and the Wiggles. I know some of the great times you had with your mom and dad and Jeffy and Ryan and your grandparents. I know God could not have chosen anyone stronger to fight through this.

As I mentioned earlier, my mother never got to hear your stories of strength, courage and (of course) sass. Would you mind sharing those stories with her? Trust me, she’ll take care of you as will the grandmother you never had a chance to meet. But neither one of them can compare to the love your mother has given to you here on Earth.

Thank you, Kaitlyn. It’s been a Blessing knowing you. You have helped me appreciate my children more. You have introduced me to parents that are demonstrative of what all us young parents should be. You have showed me that the simple joys in life (like pounding a tambourine) is something we all need.

With Love,
Jason Rodriguez & Family

Jay Rodriguez <jayrodriguez@qconline.com>
Viola, IL - Monday, August 1, 2005 11:35 AM CDT
Praying for your family
Jennifer Hines <creative_jenny@yahoo.com>
Mesa, AZ USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 11:33 AM CDT

As a mother myself, I can't even imagine what you must be going through. I admire the strength and courage you've demonstrated throughout Kaitlyn's battle. It's evident that you passed down those traits to your daughter as well. What a fighter she is! May you find comfort in knowing that your "little princess" has touched many lives in her short time on this earth. I pray for Kaitlyn's peaceful passing and for your entire family during this difficult time.

Nikki (Lower) Taylor <taylor4@mcics.com>
Aledo, IL - Monday, August 1, 2005 11:33 AM CDT
Just a note to let you all know we think of all of you daily. We are keeping you in our prayers, wishing there was something we could do. Thanks for the updates, for taking a few minutes out of your valuable time, there are so many people checking the site every day. God Bless all of you!
Tina, Steve, Kadie & Emily Klauer <tinaandsteve@winco.net>
Reynolds, IL - Monday, August 1, 2005 11:13 AM CDT
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Laura Terronez <myemmabug@hotmail.com>
Taylor Ridge, IL Rock Island - Monday, August 1, 2005 11:11 AM CDT
Kath, I just read your entry. I love you and your family so very much. I will be there again with you today. Find strength in all the wonderful guestbook entries people are leaving for you. Much love.
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA - Monday, August 1, 2005 10:14 AM CDT
Miss Kaitlyn (and family):
You are all on our lips constantly as we pray for you. We will keep doing that too!

May God bless you. I've known your "grandma Val" for a long time and she has been kind in sending us updates.


Peggy Hoskins
Richland, IA USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 10:01 AM CDT
Lots of love and prayers for a very special little girl and wonderful parents and family.
LaRee Wells <law@mchsi.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 9:39 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with your family
Annette Bartz <abartz@co.rock-island.il.us>
Moline, IL - Monday, August 1, 2005 8:57 AM CDT
I'm glad to hear that Kaitlyn is resting comfortabley. Hoepfully those are sweet dreams she is having. I'm praying for all of you. You are always in my thoughts.
Love, kelli

Kelli DeCap <decap@theinter.com; caringbridges/il/dawson>
Geneseo, Il us - Monday, August 1, 2005 8:52 AM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are still with you. Your family is the strongest I know of. It is absolutely unbelievable all of the lives and hearts Kaitlyn has touched! The power of prayer is massive. Stay strong!
Chrissi Ryner <ryner@accessus.net>
Alexis, IL USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 8:41 AM CDT
Hi to all. Kaitlyn, you are very strong and brave. I am continuing to pray for you. Kathy, Jeff, and Stan, I also am praying for strength for you guys to make it through this tragedy. I cannot believe how utterly tough it is for you guys to do this 24/7. Kudos to the 3 of you and your ability to set everything else aside and to be there for Kaitlyn like you have. Stan, I didn't mean to not hug you yesterday when I left. I didn't think you were paying any attention when I left, but I didn't mean to snub you. Anyway, I'll see all of you tomorrow (Tuesday) after work. Please give Kaitlyn a kiss for me. I love you guys!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 7:15 AM CDT
Dear Kathy~~I have not signed before. I read about Kaitlyn through Taylor K's page. It has been just a little over three months since my dearest friends lost their sweet boy Mason from the same monster neuroblastoma. Reading your entries of Kaitlyn and the things she is doing reminds me so much of Mason. Many times he would reach straight up in the air and I had such a sense it was his angels waiting for him to decide when he was ready to go. It is hard to watch as a friend, I do not even want to imagine what it is like as a mother. Just know a stranger is praying for your sweet baby girl, as well as your family. We just have to remember that God will take good care of her and that it is never good-bye, only farewell until we you meet again in Heaven!!!
Nancy Bracy <nancybracy@netins.net>
Brooklyn, IA - Monday, August 1, 2005 5:29 AM CDT
Thanks so much for the update on Kaitlyn. I check for a new one several times a day and just when I get so anxious I dont think I can stand it another second...there it is, and I can relax for a while. We all care for Kaitlyn so much. It's amazing how our humanity comes into play in anothers time of need, how people come together for a greater purpose. I've read alot of these guestbood entries and I find it incredible, the response from so many people, not just here, or even in other United States, but in Other Countries. Kaitlyn and your whole family have aquired a sort of extended family spanning all across the globe. Your little girl has drawn us all in without even knowing it. Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of her life. I know she has made a huge impact on mine, and quite obviously on many many others as well. Please make sure she knows that there is an unbelievable number of people out here that care and are praying for her. She is truly an inspiration to all!! God bless!!!!
Marybeth <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 2:29 AM CDT
Dear Kathy,

Although you don't know me well, God has embedded you in my heart. Having had our infant son die in my arms, I have had a very small taste of the heartache you are experiencing. As I pray that God eases Kaitlyn's pain, I pray also that He will ease yours. Always remember,Kathy, God picked you to be Kaitlyn's mom. And you're amazing.

Lifting you up in prayer,

(Val's friend)

Janet Hopkins <MrsHoppy1024@aol.com>
Tempe, AZ USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 1:15 AM CDT
Just read the new entry, bless Kaitlyn's sweet heart and to all of her family :) Just wanted to let you and everyone know that you are always in our prayers.

*gentle hugs* for Kaitlyn

Deanna Brown/Donna Harmon and families <dandee92@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, IL - Monday, August 1, 2005 0:04 AM CDT
Kathy, I cannot believe how strong and courageous you are. I know you would not have chosen this path, but you are an amazing mother, and Kaitlyn is fortunate to have you. What a wonderful journal entry - we continue to pray for Kaitlyn and for you, Jeff, Stan, and the rest of the family. I thank God for Kaitlyn and the joy she has brought into this world!
Lisa <jlfinch@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, IL - Sunday, July 31, 2005 11:43 PM CDT
Dear Kathy,

I just read your 07-31-05 journal entry. What a beautiful and heart felt entry. It's evident that you love Kaitlyn very much.


"Grandma Valerie" Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Moline (Soon to be Aledo), IL USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 10:52 PM CDT
To Kaitlyn "The Princess" and her entire family. I just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers. May you
find peace in the days ahead.

Julie Wildermuth <auntjx2@wmconnect.com>
Rock Island, IL - Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:50 PM CDT
Still thinking of you all the time. I hope Kaitlyn is finding comfort with all the medication so she can rest more peacefully. Kathy, I pray for your strength, I know these must be the hardest days you've ever faced.
Kelli DeCap <decap@theinter.com; caringbridges/il/dawson>
Geneseo, Il us - Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:33 PM CDT
dear kaitlyn. you are the strongest person i know. you have been through so much and still have a fight left in you. i wish i could be 1/2 as strong as you. you are truely a special girl... plus a really good uno player..


liz kerr <lizabuh12598@hotmail.com>
moline, il us - Sunday, July 31, 2005 7:04 PM CDT
Kaitly, what a beautiful young lady you are. You have given and received more love in your young life than many adults will ever know. You are a precious gift to your family and to many who have just read about you. You have given strength and determination to many and will remain in our prayers.
Don Sonneville
Moline, IL USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 6:52 PM CDT
Your family is always in my thoughts and prayers.
Valerie's hairdresser, Cindy <csshaircutter@sbcglobal.net>
Rock Island, IL - Sunday, July 31, 2005 6:45 PM CDT
Our prayers and love are with you, Kaitlyn, and your family. Your journey has been a lesson in courage, strength, and love for everyone. Kaitlyn is truly one of God's little angels.
Sally Thomas <sjtjacoba@aol.com>
Bettendorf, IA USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 6:37 PM CDT
Still praying for all of you. God be with you.
Rita Mueller Schultz <kschultz@gcctv.com>
Sherman, IL USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 5:29 PM CDT
Praying that God's peace will fill all of your hearts today and that Kaitlyn is comfortable and peaceful today.
Melissa Brown <jacabiem@hotmail.com>
Spring Hill, TN 37174 - Sunday, July 31, 2005 12:07 AM CDT
Hi Kathy, Kaitlyn and to all your family. Jamie has been keeping posted as to what is going on Kathy. Mike and I have been praying for you guys to get through this. Tell Kaitlyn we love her. If there is anything that we can do please don't hesitate to call us, Kathy.
Sally <sesp@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, Il USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 11:49 AM CDT
Good morning to you all. I hope you are getting some rest here and there. I can't imagine how you all keep going but you are finding the strength somehow. I walked in honor of Kaitlyn in the Relay for Life held in Monmouth on Friday night. There was a luminary with her name on it.
I hope Kaitylyn is comfortable. I know it was Ryan's birthday yesterday, belated wishes. May he always know what a wonderful courageous sister he has. We are thinking of you every moment.
Love Joanie and family

Joan Boney <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:45 AM CDT
Katia (a.k.a. "The Ladybug")

Fighting leukemia AML with a vengence!
Sharing Hope on the Wings of a Ladybug

- Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:02 AM CDT
Taylor's Mom had your link on taylor's website asking for prayers for your family. I have a niece who's name is Kaitlyn and she also has battled cancer over the last year, she is 4 years old. I pray for your family to have the strength to deal with this horrible disease. God Bless each of you! You will all be in my thoughts and prayers this week!
Kathy <nascar8or24@iowatelecom.net>
Worthington, IA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:56 AM CDT
Fight sweet girl! You are in my prayers, and so is your family. God Bless always. You are so precious!
Emily J
NN, VA USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:29 AM CDT
What a brave beautiful girl Kaitlyn is. I hope that she remains peaceful and painfree and I will pray for the comfort of your entire family.
Sara and ~Emily~ <waffle13@sbcglobal.net>
Angels on Earth, - Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:22 AM CDT
What a beautiful little girl you have, and so, so brave. I am praying for strength for you all to get through this, and peace and comfort for your little Princess. Thinking of you from afar and sending cyber hugs xx

Yvonne <yvonne.nicholson@xtra.co.nz>
Auckland, New Zealand - Sunday, July 31, 2005 4:33 AM CDT
I just wanted to sign your guestbook to let you know that we are thinking of you all and you are in our prayers.
Mattoon, IL - Saturday, July 30, 2005 11:25 PM CDT
Kaitlyn, you are such a strong little girl who is going through a lot. I pray for your pain to go away. You are in my thoughts daily!
Lorrie Towle (Taylor's grandma) <Latowle1@netyins.net>
Van Horne, IA USA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:41 PM CDT
you are all in my thoughts once again today, and will be tomorrow. i enjoyed talking to you last night kathy......breathe in the light, blow out the darkness. hugs and love from michigan to your whole family. i am here, whenever, for whatever. just say the word.
angel olivia's mom, wendy

www.caringbridge.org/mi/oliviasgrace <wethomps@aol.com>
shelby, mi - Saturday, July 30, 2005 9:31 PM CDT
Kaitlyn and the rest of your family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Love to all of you, Ski and Alice

Ski and Alice <klarkski@charter.net>
Moline, IL US - Saturday, July 30, 2005 7:50 PM CDT
Just stopping by to let Kaitlyn know that I am thinking of her and that she is in my thoughts. She is such a cute little girl!!
Sherry, Brandon, Michael and Emily <sherry_house2001@yahoo.com>
Greenville, NC USA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 7:43 PM CDT
You're such a tough little girl. I think of you often throughout the day. I'm glad that you are able to be such a big part of so many people's lives. Your whole family is in my prayers.
Love, Carrie

Carrie Sauers
Greendale, In USA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 7:34 PM CDT
Praying for you sweetie
Renee ~*FOA/CC/FOA-IL/Angels on Earth*~ <renee.lorck@gmail.com>
Somonauk, IL USA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 6:25 PM CDT
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers
Melissa Davis <tmjdavis@pacbell.net>
Redwood City, Ca - Saturday, July 30, 2005 6:12 PM CDT
My prayers are lifted up with many others to God for princess Kaitlyn. Jesus counts Kaitlyn as His princess also. May each family member feel the loving presence and comfort of HIM who never leaves your side. Matt 28:20 And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." NLT

Twila <twilajoy@msn.com>
- Saturday, July 30, 2005 2:58 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are for you and your family.
Bill W. <billwise@galesburg.net>
Galesburg, IL USA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 2:13 PM CDT
Kathy---just wanted to let you know we are praying for you and all involved in the care of Kaitlyn. Much love

Cheri Houchin <Bmolars@aol.com>
Washington, IL USA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:59 AM CDT
Sending prayers to you from California,
XXOO, Marey and Cali Ali

Marey, Ali's mom <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, July 30, 2005 9:55 AM CDT
Your entire family is in my thoughts and prayers.
Vicki Cole <tj4ever@frontiernet.net>
Lowville, NY - Saturday, July 30, 2005 8:33 AM CDT
Kaitlyn, Ashley and family,
You all are in my thoughts and prayers...

Debbie Fields Murphy, NC Tuberous Sclerosis Assn. (Olivia's Grace http://groups.msn.com/OliviasGrace) http://www3.caringbridge.org/nc/catherine_nicole/ Tuberous Sclerosis Chat Room: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/debbifmurphy/ <TuberousSclerosis@earthlink.net>
Snow Hill, NC USA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 8:30 AM CDT
Kaitlyn you are a sweetheart. {{{HUGS}}} to you and your family.
Becky <bslic@yahoo.com>
Lincoln, CA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 1:17 AM CDT
We continue to pray and think of you all often. Thank you for keeping us all updated even though your time is so precious. Kisses and loves to the princess.
James, Michele, Nathaniel and Elaina Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, IL - Saturday, July 30, 2005 0:38 AM CDT
Kaitlyn, your strength and courage inspires me. I will keep in you in my thoughts as I continue my journey across our country.
Eric Latham, Walk About America <elatham@walkaboutamerica.com>
USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 11:54 PM CDT
Kaitlyn,I hope you know how much you mean to all your family - and to many others who have never met you. You have touched many hearts and lives - and will be remembered by many. Be at peace - and know that you are loved. You and your family are in my prayers and thoughts.

Jean Paggen <paggenjean@mchsi.com>
Rock Island, IL USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 9:46 PM CDT
I just want to send lots of love and prayers to you. I'm thinking of you each day. Give Kaitlyn a hug from me.
LaRee Wells: One of Stan's teachers <law@mchsi.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 9:36 PM CDT
Atta Girl Kaitlyn!!!! Never give up. Miracles do happen and you have a lot of people praying for one. Thank you so much for the update. I've been going crazy since your last post wondering how she is doing. I will keep praying!!!!!
Marybeth <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 8:54 PM CDT

Just wanting to let you know that the people of the South are thinking about your Kaitlyn. I have sooooo many co-workers who are asking me how she is doing and I have been updating them so that they too can know her and pray for her and your family. You are definately a very brave and strong mommy. I hope that some day I would be just at least 1/2 as strong of a mommy as you are! You are an inspiration to motherhood! God Bless you and your daugther. Thanks for keeping me posted with this website!

Karen, Andy, Caitlyn Schisler <schisler1@centurytel.net>
Cherokee VIllage, AR USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 8:53 PM CDT
Oh little princess. What a beautiful and strong soul you have to be such a fighter. God bless you and your amazing family. May peace and comfort find you. Through Him, all things are possible.

God Bless,

Heather Tierney <heather@bestnetsol.com>
dawsonville, Ga - Friday, July 29, 2005 8:26 PM CDT
Kaitlyn is in my thoughts and prayers.
Angie <atschaaf@comcast.net>
Port Huron, Mi - Friday, July 29, 2005 8:24 PM CDT
I am praying for your family everyday. What an adorable little girl.. I have asked many people to pray for your family as well.



Tammy <TYeo1974@yahoo.com>
cedar rapids, ia us - Friday, July 29, 2005 7:56 PM CDT
What a strong and brave little girl she is!! (Her parents also!) I check on you guys several times a day. My thoughts are always with you. I can't even imagine what you are going through. I pray God gives you strength and Kaitlyn comfort.
Jodi Ridder <jodiridder@indytel.com www.caringbridge.org/ia/cridder>
Independence, IA - Friday, July 29, 2005 7:49 PM CDT
We think of you constantly every day and pray for your strength. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this, neuroblastoma is a nasty disease that choses the best for its fight. I pray for comfort and peace for Kaitlyn. I check your web-site several times a day to see if there are any changes. God Bless.

Kelli DeCap <decap@theinter.com>
Geneseo, Il us - Friday, July 29, 2005 7:43 PM CDT
Peace and love be with your whole family!
Geneseo, Il - Friday, July 29, 2005 6:08 PM CDT
What a true Hero you are Kaitlyn. You are the strongest, most beautiful little girl I have ever known. Please keep strong for your next journey. I love you Kathy, you also are a hero. You have been so strong and grown so much through this horrible thing and I am so proud of you. You are all always in my constant thoughts and prayers. I love you guys. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you. Keep strong!
Meagan Whitehead <mikeandmeagan@msn.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Friday, July 29, 2005 6:06 PM CDT
You are in my thoughts, in my prayers, and in my heart. With love,
Minneapolis, MN - Friday, July 29, 2005 5:56 PM CDT
Kathy we have been praying for Kaitlyn. Other christian friends have also joined us in prayer. We are so sorry she is going through this. Wish we could make her better. We sent cartoon bandaids to your home. Hope they bring a smile to her face. Love, Joe and Bev Guastadisegni
Joe and Bev Guastadisegni <guasticonst@aol.com>
Oak Hills, CA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 5:53 PM CDT
praying, praying, praying. when things get real tough, remember the words of my late, great daughter, olivia grace. "breathe in the light, blow out the darkness." if you want a somewhat educated opinion of what all the symptoms you described, please email me, and i will gladly talk to you about it.

angel olivia's mother, wendy

www.caringbridge.org/mi/oliviasgrace <wethomps@aol.com>
shelby, mi - Friday, July 29, 2005 5:30 PM CDT
Hey guys - just checking in...you are always on my mind and forever in my heart...love you kaitlyn!
Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL us - Friday, July 29, 2005 4:39 PM CDT
Kathy, Jeff & Stan, I am so proud of everyone of you, I have watched you go through the most painful thing anyone could ever give you. And you all 3 have been absolutly the strongest people I know.

I love you all and will be there for all of you, for anything you need.

Give Kaitlyn a kiss for me and tell her Aunt Laura loves her so much.

Laura <dlghrist5066@msn.com>
BUFFALO, ia usa - Friday, July 29, 2005 12:20 AM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn,
What a wonderful smile you have! I am a friend of Grampa Gerry and Grandma Valerie and they are sending me notes and pictures about many of the things you have been going through. It looks like you are an accomplished cookie baker! I really hope and pray you get to feeling better.

Sheryl Plumley <catpaws@geneseo.net>
Geneseo, IL USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 11:28 AM CDT
We are praying for your sweet little Princess Kaitlyn and for all your family. May your faith uphold you in this difficult time for everyone. God bless you all!
Paul and LaVelle Stewart <elavelle1@mchsi.com>
Moline, Il USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 10:41 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this difficult time. God bless you all.

Tina Sonneville <Tinams309@aol.com>
Moline, IL USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 9:41 AM CDT
I am a Minister at the Viola United Methodist Church. I have read the article in the Argus about Kaitlyn and I would like to come to Iowa City and pray with the family if that would be all right.
Thomas Wright <soulcoach@winco.net>
Viola, IL - Friday, July 29, 2005 9:23 AM CDT
Just checking in on all of you...

Thank you once again for sharing such a precious time with me the other night, it is a true honor to have known Kaitlyn and she will always be a part of my heart!

Shawnee Krueger ~ Proud Mommy to Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <krueger01@netins.net>
Van Horne, IA USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 7:51 AM CDT
Goodmorning all,
I need you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you each and every step of the way.

Linda Hayes <ldhayesthree@man.com>
Davenport, ia - Friday, July 29, 2005 7:25 AM CDT
Huge Prayers going out to your little princess. May she find peace and comfort.

Carissa <cwoleslagl@state.pa.us>
Annville, PA - Friday, July 29, 2005 7:08 AM CDT
Kathy, Stan, Jeff, Kaitlyn, Gerry, Val & family - Bless all of you and your princess. Just wanted to let you know that you are in our prayers. You are a wonderful, strong, and loving family.
Sue, Scott, Bri, and Ty Rice <srice3@stny.rr.com>
Greene, NY 13778 - Friday, July 29, 2005 6:52 AM CDT
Hi! Kaitlin I been been checking up on you to see how you are doing I have little ones myself and i feel really sad what you have been going through you been a strong little girl so i pray to god that there be a miracle that you could get better.I wanted to let you no that my little girl birthday is on the same day as yours she is 8. god bless you all.
jeanette <snet62@hotmail.com>
moline, il rockisland - Friday, July 29, 2005 0:51 AM CDT
We are praying for you all here in Kansas City. God Bless you all.
Shannon Allen <sballen@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Thursday, July 28, 2005 11:38 PM CDT
Hi kaitlin. my name is kelly whipps, and my friend elli parker and i sent u a brady's handy hospital helper a little while ago. i hope it is coming in handy with your trips to the hospital. i can tell that you are a strong girl from the notes that your mommy writes and your friends and i know that you will keep fighting. HANG IN THERE!
Kelly Whipps
- Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:30 PM CDT
Kathy,Stan,Jeff and families I feel honored that you let us visit with your families last night when your time with Kaitlin is so precious. I still remember meeting Kathy in the play room and seeing the sweetest little girl. I can not believe how strong each of you are on the outside when I can only imagine the pain inside. Kathy you are truly a work of art always in tune with Kaitlin and her needs. I only wish I could do something for you. The best I can do is some very strong prayers for her to be released of this terrible pain.
Lorrie Towle (Taylor's Grandma) <Latowle1@netins.net>
Van Horne, Ia USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:04 PM CDT
We're friends of DJ and we wanted to help pray for your little Angel. Hopefully all are prays for her will be answered. Keep the faith it will help get you though this horrible time. God Bless Little Kaitlynn! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Kenny & Kelli Mathias <kelisue60@msn.com>
Davenport, Ia USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:51 PM CDT
I am sorry to hear such bad news. I wish there was anything anyone could do. I am a 15 year old cancer survivor, I almost cried when I read such a story. It makes me thankful everyday that I am here, all thanks to my mother who noticed a lump and wouldnt take crap from any doctors, I made it through a rare and misdiagnosed cancer at age 1. I wish that your family didnt have to go through such horror. you are all in my thoughts
Cassandra Hayne <matchsetgame@hotmail.com>
fairfield, ia - Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:36 PM CDT
Kaitlyn & Family - I am a friend of Sam & Joanie's. I have heard your story from the very beginning and have been praying for you from the start. Kathy , Stan, & Jeff, I have the utmost admiration for you - I cannot imagine doing what you are having to do. You truly inspire all of us. I have 2 young kids, they are asking about "Joanie's Kaitlyn" and I try to explain how horrible this disease is. You are in our thoughts and prayers every single day. Please give Kaitlyn a kiss from us and tell her we love her.
Chrissi Ryner <ryner@accessus.net>
Alexis, IL USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:01 PM CDT
Dear Kathy,

I am so impressed with your MATURITY, COURAGE, AND STRENGTH that you've shown while fighting this hideous disease. You have been Kaitlyn's hero throughout all of this. Your love for Kaitlyn is a powerful source of loving energy. Know that as Kaitlyn passes on, she takes with her the memory of your love for her while she leaves all of us hers.

I love you Kathy, and I'm proud of you.

Valerie Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Moline (soon to be Aledo), IL USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 5:29 PM CDT
there is only one word that comes to mind when i think of kaitlyn and thats beautiful.. ever since the day i met her i knew that some way so how she would make a deep impact on my life she is the bravest most beautiful girl i have ever met sure the chemo has made her look alittle different but her soul is the most beautiful thing a girl or even a family could ever ask for there is a goodness inside of her and its not fair that she has to go but god will take care of her and she will watch us all up from heaven and maybe someday we will all join her again....i will never forget her smile the way she looked at me when she was riding her barbie jeep and when i made cookies with her and played hide and seek and all her dolls i love that little girl and she will continue as well as everyone in the family in my heart and i will never forget her
amy schroeder <cheerangle_adbd@hotmail.com>
Aledo, il united states - Thursday, July 28, 2005 2:20 PM CDT
OH... My heart just aches for you. I have 3 friends here in Ohio that have had kids with cancer. One just buried her 8 yr old in April/another is terminal too. It is so hard to understand . Our faith tells us to celebrate for she is going to a much better place, but our heart can't let go.
Kaitlyn is BEAUTIFUL!!! I said a prayer for comfort and peace. GOD BLESS!!!

kirsten casper <casper@sssnet.com>
MASSILLON , oh usa - Thursday, July 28, 2005 1:36 PM CDT
Kathy, Stan, Jeff, and the rest of the family,
I have never wrote an entry before now, so I have a lot to say. I apologize for not entering before now, the whole family knows we are here for them, so I never felt like I could. Now I have a lot to say that I need to get off my mind, so please bear with me.

Nick and I and the boys are here for you if you need us. We love you all so very much and can't imagine what's racing through your minds everyday. We love little Kaitlyn so much and miss her everyday she's not here to play. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. The boys ask when Kaitlyn can play again and it's so hard for me to tell them she can't.

As a mother, Kathy, I want you to know you are a very strong person and I admire your will to be strong for her, amd your will to be there day in and day out. You have shown a lot of strength as a wife and mother to not only Kaitlyn, but Ryan as well. They are very lucky to have you.

Stan, you are an excellent father. I know it hurt to hear her cry for her mommy when Kathy left the room, but you being there for her and holding her hand and whispering "I love you" came through loud and clear. As a mother, I know when kids are feeling well, they want their mommy.

I admire your strength as well. You have such a gentle soul and it's very obvious to me where Kaitlyn gets her personality. Although strong willed at times, you and Kathy both played part in that role. You are a great man and we love you very much. Please know that all you need to do is call and ask if you need anything.

Jeff, we all love you for what you have done. You are a great role model for your children as well. You instill good moral values and are a great man. Kaitlyn loves you very much too. Since I don't know you very well, just a little, I can't say much, I can only say what I know. What I know is you are a good man and I'm glad Kathy found love with such a wonderful person.

Kaitlyn, we miss having you here playing with the boys. The smiles you brought to their faces when you drove up on your Gator, or on your PaPas 4 wheeler. Watching you swing and run and play with my boys was a great joy after a few months of watching your daddy carry you around because your legs were to sore to walk. It's been a long journey for you and we all know that you don't want to leave your mommy and daddy, but please remember they want you to feel good again. They need you to run and jump and play and get into the mischief you know so well. They need you to be happy. They realize your are tired of doing all the "crappy" stuff. But please remember they feel your love and know that no matter what, they are there for you and will always be within arms reach at all times. We love you Kaitlyn, you will always be in our hearts.

Please know that we remember happy times with Kaitlyn. My boys miss her and ask about her daily. We think about you all everyday and love all of you.

God picks special angels and Kaitlyn is as special as they come. Your Princess will be well taken care of. No one could ever replace what we will miss in our hearts, but together we can keep her spirit in our presence by remembering all the good things about her and the good times we had.

We love you all very much, God Bless!
Give Kaitlyn hugs and kisses from all of us here.

Alison Watson & Parker, Layne, and Hayden <watsonfbi@yahoo.com or awatson5@winco.net>
Reynolds, IL USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 11:52 AM CDT
Kaitlyn is in my prayers.
Tina & Lance <lancejrmommy@comcast.net>
- Thursday, July 28, 2005 11:47 AM CDT
Kaitlyn is SO adorable, I haven't seen such a beautiful face in a long time. I will keep her and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Emily Hanks (Tammy Buck's sister) <nebhanks@msn.com>
Foley, MN USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 11:05 AM CDT
Praying for comfort and peace for your beautiful princess. God bless her and her amazing family. Praying for the cure.

God Bless,
www.caringbridge.com/ga/kyliescorner (also battling neuroblastoma)

Heather Tierney <heather@bestnetsol.com>
dawsonville, Ga - Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:50 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers have been with Kaitlyn and her family every day since I first heard about her illness.
Debbie Maynard <zwickerlaw@mcics.com>
Aledo, IL - Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:32 AM CDT
I came to your site from Taylor Krueger's, and am sorry to read that such a beast has ravaged your family's life as well. I am keeping sweet Kaitlyn and the rest of your family in my prayers.
Lauren <dramauknow@yahoo.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:27 AM CDT

Sara *Angels on Earth* <mthoroughman@verizon.net>
Seminole, FL - Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:26 AM CDT
Praying for Kaitlyn. All the best to you all during this difficult time.
Robin Brunet <robinb@neptune.on.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:40 AM CDT
She has been called from a higher power for a deeper meaning. She is desperately needed in heaven for something, whether we down here understand it or not. The Almighty has a plan for her that is bigger than herself and he knows that Kaitlyn is the perfect angel for His task. This is why he needs to bring her home. This is the only reasoning that I can even begin to come up with for why a mother must be robbed her child. I've been crying for days and have never actually met Kaitlyn, though I have been following her story for quite some time. Being the mother of a 3 and 5 year old, I can sincerely relate and feel your pain. I commend you for your decision to make her last days here as comfortable as possible by letting her be. I pray Ms.Ferguson that God give you and your loved ones all the strength you need to get through the toughest times. Tell Kaitlyn she is beautiful and is an inspiration to people everywhere. God Bless!!!!
Marybeth Bambauer <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
Moline, IL USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 3:01 AM CDT
Kaitlyn is brave and beautiful. I'll be praying for your family!
Ann Arbor, MI - Thursday, July 28, 2005 0:36 AM CDT
I learned of your site thru the Caring Crew MSN Group. I wanted to let you know that your family and your beautiful daughter are in my thoughts and prayers. May your hearts be full of joy during this horrible time, because you were the lucky ones who got to know and love this beautiful Angel. Although her time here is way to short, she has accomplished more than a lot of us can ever hope to! God Bless!
Mattoon, IL - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 11:14 PM CDT
Miss Kaitlyn and family,

I come to your website through Taylor's. Kaitlyn, you have the most beautiful eyes, your picture on the website drew me in immediately. I am so sorry to hear what you are all going through. My prayers are with you in this most difficult time. Natalie Grant has recently released a new song about the pain of losing a child--I believe the title is "Being Held". It talks about having a child taken away from you by God, and that although He doesn't promise that things will be easy He does promise that we will be held in these times. My prayers are for you and your family to be held by Him during this time. Godspeed.

Paula <pgoerdt4mk@hotmail.com>
Marion, IA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 10:28 PM CDT
What a beauty kaitlyn is. I will keep her and her family in my prayers, lyn www.caringbridge.org/nj/justinw
Lyn Wyatt <glwyatt@gmail.com>
stratford, nj usa - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 9:48 PM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn, Kathy and family,
Haley Crow has been updating me on Kaitlyn's ups and downs and I have seen what a wonderful girl she is. You have all been through so much and I pray that God will be with you during this difficult journey. Kaitlyn is such a blessing! She touches people who have never even met her!

Jessica Duncan <wltrpfan15@yahoo.com>
Great Lakes, IL - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 9:25 PM CDT
You are in my thoughts and prayers
Bonnie (FOA, Olivia's Grace) <bcaffey@gmail.com>
Suwanee, GA USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 9:14 PM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn, Kathy & Family,
In such a short time Kaitlyn has touched the lives of so many people. Just read the entries in the guestbook and you will find thousands of people who pray for you and your family and they all would do anything to help with the pain that all of you have. Kailtyn and Ryan are so blessed to have a mother like you Kathy. Love and Friends... Jamie

Jamie <jktcpa@hotmail.com>
Galesburg, IL usa - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:34 PM CDT
Kathy, Stan & Families,
I don't really know what to say...I guess it's not what you say but your actions inside that count. I think about you guys every day...and Kaitlyn reminds me so much of my own Caitlynn. I was hoping to make it to the hospital sometime this week (but don't want to intrude on the precious time you have left). I have known Stan for so long that he's practically family to me. I can't bare the thought of the pain you are all going through. I'm sure you know that HE only choses the very best and someday you too will be in heaven to see her once again. Kaitlyn has been so strong and good spirited through everything she has been through. I know (as a mother) what it feels like to watch your child suffer through tests and illnesses and not be able to help them. I prayed everyday when Caitlynn was born that she would get to come home from the hospital and my prayers were answered. I pray now that your precious Kaitlyn will be peaceful and may her memory live on in everyones hearts who ever knew her. I remember a couple months ago when Kaitlyn and Caitlynn were riding in "THE NO BOYS ALLOWED GATOR." It was so cute and they were so happy! I wish those days could live on...but for now they are only sweet memories. We love you guys and hold you in our hearts everyday~~~

Meridith & Caitlynn

Meridith Wise <wisefam3@qconline.com>
Reynolds, IL United States - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:07 PM CDT
Praying for your whole family in this horrible time.
She is so beautiful. You are so blessed to have her.

Cary, NC - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:38 PM CDT
Kaitlyn you are so precious! You are going through so much and you are doing it all with your head held high.Stan, Kathy, Jeff and Ryan: my heart goes out to you guys more than you'll ever know. I look at Shae, Chev, and Billy and think what if? Would I be able to handle it. I've stayed up at night crying for all the pain that you all are endureing and wish that I could help in some way. I wish like everyone else I had magic to take this all away. If any of you need anything or would like to talk, please feel free to look us up, DAY or NIGHT it doesn't matter.Our home # is 596-2968. My cell is 309-314-5373.
"God loves you and so do I" Please know that it is true.

Amy Harkey <billnamy@qconline.com>
Viola, IL USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:38 PM CDT
I can see why you call her your princess, she is adorable!! She will definately be a beautiful angel! I pray that she will find comfort
IA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:31 PM CDT
You are in my prayers
Katie Glass <kathryn-glass@uiowa.edu>
iowa city, ia usa - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:04 PM CDT
Your in my thoughts and prayers.
Renee ~*FOA/CC/FOA-IL/Angels on Earth*~ <renee.lorck@gmail.com>
Somonauk, IL USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 5:53 PM CDT
Sending our thoughts and prayers to all of you...God bless and keep you *gentle hugs for Kaitlyn*
Deanna Brown/Donna Harmon and families <dandee92@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, IL USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 5:22 PM CDT
Greetings from South Dakota. Please know your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Your daughter is very beautiful!
Becky and Ashlyn www.caringbridge.org/sd/ashlyn <beckjo70@hotmail.com>
Mitchell, SD - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 5:16 PM CDT
I just want to let you know that your family and especially your daughter are in our prayers at this difficult time.
- Wednesday, July 27, 2005 5:02 PM CDT
Praying that she has relief soon.
Dawn Austin <aust1427@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, July 27, 2005 4:59 PM CDT
Saying prayers for all of you.
Aly <afoussat@gmail.com>
Provo, UT - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 4:54 PM CDT
Your beautiful daughter is in our thoughts and prayers.
Angela ~Angels on Earth *- -HEATHER GRACE

natick, ma - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 4:35 PM CDT
Your daughter is beautiful. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I hope that she will be comfortable as I know how important that is right now. ((hugs))
Michele <mshelez@msn.com>
New Jersey, USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 4:25 PM CDT
I'm so sorry that you're going through this journey with your precious daughter. She is such a little sweetheart. My thoughts and prayers are with your family, that Kaitlyn be comfortable and unafraid, and that you find some peace and comfort in knowing so many people are praying for you all.
Denise Ward <deniward@shaw.ca>
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 4:22 PM CDT
i hate to take up soooo much room...but i felt this couldnt be truer...hang in there kathy...(hugs)
The Chosen Mothers - by Erma Bombeck (a wise, wise woman indeed)
Most women become a mother by accident,some by choice and a few by habit. Did you ever wonder how mother's of children with life threatening illnesses are chosen?Somehow, I visualize God hovering over earth selecting His instruments for progagation with great care and deliberation. As He observes, He instructs His angels to make notes in a giant ledger.......
"Armstrong, Beth, son, patron saint Matthew" Forrest, Marjorie, daughter, patron saint Cecilia "Rutledge, Carrie, twins, partron saint Greard."
Finally, He passes a name to an angel and says,
"Give her a child with cancer." The angel is curious.
"Why this one, God? She's so happy."
"Exactly," smiles God, "Could I give a child with cancer a mother who does not know laughter? That would be cruel."
"But, does she have patience?" asks the angel,
"I don't want her to have too much patience or she will drown in a sea of self-pity and despair. Once the shock and resentment wears off,she will handle it." I watched her today," said God. "She has that feeling of self-independence that is so rare and necessary in a mother. You see, the child I'm going to give her has it's own world.
She has to make it live in her world and that's not going to be easy.
"But Lord, I don't think she believes in you," said the angel. "No matter, I can fix that. This one is perfect.
She has just enough selfishness."
The angel gasps, "Selfishness? Is that a virtue?"
God nods. "If she can't separate herself from the child occasionally, she'll never survive. Yes, here is the woman I will bless with a child less than perfect. She doesn't realize it yet, but she is to be envied. She will never take anything her child does for granted. She will never consider a single step ordinary. I will permit her to see clearly the things I see....ignorance,cruelty, prejudice....
and allow her to rise above them.
"And what about her patron saint" asks the angel,
his pen poised in mid-air.
God smiles and says...
"A mirror will suffice."

Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 4:22 PM CDT
Just thinking of you all today...I have no words to comfort you...I can't even comfort myself...but I did find this poem that I wanted to share with you...


There is a place called memory, Where we sometimes like to roam.
Through hills of love and laughter, A place we know as home.
A place that's free from all this pain, Where our hearts are light once more.
A place that that lives forever, Where life is, as it was before.
Our children live in memory. They laugh and dance and sing.
Their lives are filled with a magic, That only heaven can bring.
They feel no hurt or anger. Their spirits are free as air.
And god's love will always protect them in times when we aren't there.
Cherish this place called memory. Geel the love that lives there.
Remember the joys, the warmth of the sun, And the bond you will always share.
Smile at happy moments, Laugh at times gone by.
Let the tears you cry be happy ones, know love will never die.
Have no fear of visiting, The joy will out weigh the pain.
Learn to treasure memory for there is much that you will gain.
And though life is not as it was before, and never will be again.
Our memories are much richer....Thank is love had never been.

I know that this may be of no comfort to any of you right now...but maybe in time. I know myself and looking at my own daughter...I sometimes see Kaitlyn and just knowing it could have been her, makes my heart weep. I am so sorry for all of you...You are in my heart and thoughts.

Jen Noppe <magic_daisy@hotmail.com>
Rock Island, il 61201 - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 4:06 PM CDT
You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sending MEGA HUGS your way from Virginia...

Desiree Nichols www.caringbridge.org/va/princesssammy <rickysammyhannah@aol.com>
Gordonsville, VA USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 4:03 PM CDT
I found you address through Dawson Decaps website and want to say how sorry I am to hear how Kaitlyn is doing. I cant imagine what you are going through. I wish you all strength through this terrible time. I will continue to check in on Kaitlyns journey. I pray Kaitlyn has comfortable days. God bless you and your family.

Rachel Fauble
Rock Falls, IL USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 3:56 PM CDT
Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.


- Wednesday, July 27, 2005 3:40 PM CDT
Thank you for being a GREAT MOM! You are an inspiration. I am praying for you. Kaitlyn will be greatly missed, but she will be in good hands. No more pain! God is with you, close your eyes, take a deep breath and you will feel him. Hold on to the ones you love, they will comfort you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful princess with us all. I will be sure enjoy every moment with my kids, even the not so happy ones. Thanks for teaching me that lesson. God bless you. Much love!

Allison <alli_loves_elvis@hotmail.com>
Monahans, TX USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 1:31 PM CDT
God must be looking for beautiful, perfect angels....we are hoping the strength of many will hold you up and we are praying for all of you constantly.
Lynette Nickelson <mrsnick@mickdude.com>
Prior Lake, MN USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 1:14 PM CDT
Kathy - Please know that I'm thinking of you and all of your family. Words can never tell you how very sorry I am that you are going through this. As a mother and grandmother, I can't imagine the pain you are going through. God will get you through this difficult time and Kaitlyn will be in HIS hands and will endure no more pain. You, Kaitlyn, and the rest of your family are in everyone's heart and praying for her to be in peace. We love you!!!!
Doreen <doreenb@charnor.com>
Orion, IL USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 1:06 PM CDT
Kaitlyn, I am praying that you are feeling relaxed and comfortable. You are in my prayers daily.
Kathy, I commend you for being such a strong mother.
God Bless you both!

Marchelle Lyons <marchellelyons@charter.net>
Apple Valley, MN USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 1:00 PM CDT
Praying for comfort for sweet Kaitlyn and peace for all of you. Cant imagine what you are feeling cant even express myself.
Lets just believe God has a plan for eacho of us.
May God bless you all and angels sorround sweet Kaitlyn.
With love,

Estefania Peńa <estefania_p5@hotmail.com>
Ecuador, South America - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 12:51 AM CDT
Kathy - I'm so sorry that your baby is having such a hard time breathing. And I'm sorry that you have to stand by and watch. I'm praying for her comfort. And yours. (((hugs)))
Jenn Huston <jennifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South Bend, IN - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 12:43 AM CDT
Lean on one another and continue to be strong.
Jess Dearing <hessy60@hotmail.com>
Lubbock, TX - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 12:35 AM CDT
Kathy, I want you to know we are thinking about you. I pray God will give peace to you and Kaitlyn at this time. We love you.
Lisa Finch <jlfinch@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, IL - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 12:23 AM CDT
I just wanted to say how much your little princess has touched my life. Just reading about her makes me feel as if I too know her. She is not only your little princess, but she is also Jesus' little princess. He holds her daily, and whispers his love for her as he promises her so much more than this world can offer her. She is one brave little girl and she inspires me with her strength. I'll continue to pray for you all.

Rhonda <rschumac@andersencorp.com>
Stillwater, MN US - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 12:19 AM CDT
Dear Katilyn, my prayers are with you and your family.

Sandy Kaul
Prior Lake, MN USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 11:55 AM CDT

Please know that you all are in our prayers. What wonderful support you all have been to Kaitlyn in all that she has been through. May you be able to find comfort in knowing that God has you all in his strong arms. "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you" John 14:18 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail" Lamentations 3:22 "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kindom of God belongs to such as these" Luke 18:16. I am at loss for words...just know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

James, Michele, Nathaniel and Elaina Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, IL - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 11:35 AM CDT
Dear Katilyn and Mom,
You are a very beautiful and special little angel.I am a nurse and take care of little children that are sick and sometimes don't feel very well.I am also a mom and a grandma. God loves you and will never leave you feeling alone if you have Jesus in your heart and believe in him. Don't forget to smile and laugh.Love and prayers to you and your mom and dad!!

Jacqueline Lee <nurse95@frontiernet.net>
Monmouth, Illinois - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 10:25 AM CDT
Oh God, I am so sorry to read your entry. I have found you through another sight just this morning, and I needed to write to give you support. My name is Vicki, and I have lived the life that you are now living. First I want to tell you what a beatiful little girl you have, and what a tragedy this is. I pray and pray that somehow, someone will find a cure for all the childhood cancers, but it never happens. I get so mad...Three years ago July 21, my sons ninth birthday, I lost him to Leukemia. I remember the docotrs pulling us our of his hospital room and telling us the same dreaded thing that you were just told. I did take Tyler home, and he was put on Hopsice. We did the same thing, just kept him as comfortanble as possible. I remember the terror of thinking of my little boy dying...in my home, and how awful was his death going to be. I will try to comfort you by saying they will keep her out of pain...and she will be peaceful. But, you on the other hand I worry about. I will not lie and say that losing a child is going to get easier as time goes on. I find every day gets harder and harder for me. I have learned to go on...but the pain will always be there. Just rest in knowing that she is going to be free of the pain...and believe in the after life. Tyler saw things...told me things that he saw, and I believe he is with me every second of every day. When you feel up to it, please email me...when you are struggling and need to hear a story that I have, I will share it with you. It will help you breathe a little easier, knowing that she is happy. You are in my prayers.
Vicki Cole <tj4ever@frontiernet.net>
Lowville, NY - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:45 AM CDT
I found your site through Taylor's. Your famlily will be in my prayers.

Zhohn Dupont <z_dupont@hotmail.com>
Moreauville, LA USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:42 AM CDT
Hi everyone...thinking of you this morning. A friend of mine told me something beautiful yesterday and I wanted to share it with you...."Remember, God only picks the prettiest flowers for his garden." I love you guys.

Haley <hcrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:42 AM CDT
I found your site from another Kaitlyn's....I am so sorry to hear about Kaitlyn. May God bless your family during this difficult time and may Kaitlyn be comforted! Like she said- no more crappy stuff.
God Bless

www.caringbridge.org/nc/nicholas NED Neuroblastoma

Heather Black <heatherblack99@yahoo.com>
Bolivia, NC - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:27 AM CDT
Kathy, Princess Kaitlyn and family,
It rained in Aledo yesterday. My mom says when it rains thats
the Good Lord crying, Even He cried for you yesterday. So did I.

Aledo, Il USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:16 AM CDT
May God Bless you and your family, I pray for your familys strength and Kaitlyns Comfort and peace. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers, I am so sorry you have to walk this path, God will lead you and hold you in his arms as u face the difficult journey ahead ...It is never easy.
Michele <TinkerbeIIe76@aol.com>
Ypsilanti, Mi USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:55 AM CDT
I've also found Kaitlyn's story from Taylor's site. There are no words which can help you, but I hope that all the prayers and support being sent your way will help you through the coming weeks. Your daughter looks gorgeous, and seems wise beyond her years. As she said - no more crappy stuff. Thinking of you,

London, England - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:09 AM CDT
Dear Kathy,

Thank you for letting me put the water from Lourdes in France on Kaitlyn's forehead tonight. It was an honor to be able to do so. (Also, thank you to Jim & Maria Cross for bringing it to us in the Iowa City Hospital.)

"Grandma Valerie" Garrison

"Grandma Valerie" Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Moline, IL USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 0:17 AM CDT
DAISY PERALTA <dape427@aol.com>
NEW YORK, NY USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 0:00 AM CDT
DAISY PERALTA <dape427@aol.com>
NEW YORK, NY USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:59 PM CDT
DAISY PERALTA <dape427@aol.com>
NEW YORK, NY USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:58 PM CDT
May God Bless your beautiful sweet angel, Kaitlyn. I found your site from Taylor Krueger and wanted you to know how many prayers are going out to you and your family. You are very brave to allow Kaitlyn the gift of comfort when you know she is finishing the fight. I will pray for her to feel the love you are blanketing her with.
Sarah Lewis
Louisville, KY USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:11 PM CDT
I also found your site today from Taylors and had to stop by and let you know that I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. I will pray for peace and comfort for Kaitlyn.
Lynnwood, WA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:10 PM CDT
Hi my name is Hannah and i found out about little kaitlyn from taylor kreuger's site just today. I am so sorry and you are in my prayers. Remember, you won't go anywhere by giving up.
Hannah <Dgott@southslope.net>
Amana, IA USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:05 PM CDT
May God bless all of you. My thoughts and prayers go out to you for guidance and answers. Kaitlyn will be remembered in your hearts and to all who have read about her, knew her, and especially loved her. She will always be an angel, whether it be on earth or in heaven.

Lori Leider
Wittenberg, WI USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 6:12 PM CDT
What a beautiful girl! My heart is aching for you. I just found this site through Taylor's site.
I'm so sorry for all that your little angel and the rest of you are going through.
I pray that she continues to be peaceful and I hope that she is comfortable.
I hope that you all find the comfort that you need.
Hugs and kisses to your little sweetie. Make every moment count, as I'm sure you will.
You will fill my thoughts and prayers.
Take care. I wish I could say something to comfort you, but I know that can't be done.

Jenn Huston <jennifer.k.huston@citigroup.com>
South Bend, IN - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 4:35 PM CDT
Praying for you sweet princess. I found your site while checking on Taylor. Stay stong beautiful family. Your daughter is so loved. I will pray everyday for peace.
Mindi & CamiJo
sparks, NV USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 3:01 PM CDT
My family and I send our prayers to you and your family. We found your site through Taylor's. We pray that you will all feel God's loving arms around you and his all surpassing peace during the difficult times ahead.

Amy and Family
Omaha, NE - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 2:01 PM CDT
My heart goes out to Kaitlyn and her family. I could not keep the tears from flowing after reading the most recent journal entry. My prayers will be with you all. Remember that God loves you and will never leave you.
Candy Terrill
ILLINOIS CITY, IL - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 1:38 PM CDT
I can't begin to understand how you must be feeling right now. As a Mother, I can not imagine having to go through this. You are all very brave, especially Kaitlyn (such a beautiful girl!) Please know that God is with you and Jesus is waiting for a special little girl to join His kingdom! We will keep you all in our prayers.
Jennifer Thompson <timjen@qconline.com>
Illinois City, IL - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 1:08 PM CDT
I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to talk to you today Kathy although I felt at a complete loss for words! I hate that your family has to go through this or that any family in that matter has to endure the pain and suffering of watching their child battle cancer especially a losing battle!

My heart aches so much right now and I just wish there was something I could do but I know in reality there isn't! I did however put out a prayer request on Taylor's page for Kaitlyn, if you want it removed for whatever reason just let me know but this was the only thing I could think to do right now!

I will call you tomorrow and hopefully will be making a visit out sometime in the evening to see you and Kaitlyn!

Our thoughts and prayers and with you and your family right now... I pray for little suffering for Kaitlyn or the rest of your family during this difficult time!

The Krueger Family ~ Shawnee, Ryan, Taylor & Sydney!

www.caringbridge.com/ia/taylorkrueger <krueger01@netins.net>
Van Horne, IA USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 12:55 AM CDT
You and your family are in our thoughts. I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now. You remain in our prayers.

Jodi Ridder <jodiridder@indytel.com www.caringbridge.org/ia/cridder>
Independence, IA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 12:38 AM CDT
The "mother" part of me can find no words of comfort to speak to any of you right now, only tears and a heavy heart. The "friend" part of me wants you to know how many hearts and lives Kaitlyn has touched the past year. . . Kaitlyn's bright smile and big eyes have touched many, and it has been amazing to watch the outpouring of love and compassion from the local communities as they came together to help in the only way they knew how . . . hundreds of people who would have never known anything about this disease that attacks little children now have knowledge and hopefully will be generous in giving of their time, money and resources to organizations working to find a cure for the future. The "spiritual" part of me continues to pray that the doctors and nurses will draw on their medical knowledge and continue to give their expert care with compassionate hearts as they care for Kaitlyn; that you will each find the courage, strength and love to continue to encourage each other through your own emotional pain, and to be uninhibited in the words and expressions of love you give Kaitlyn continually; and praying you know that Jesus loves each and every one of you.
To Millie: I love you, my friend. You have been here for me so many times, and you have been a strong and faithful caregiver to so many in your family. Your love and strength is an inspiration to me. I only pray you know there are so many, including me, who want to be here for you now at this time of pain.

Lori Dixon <ldixon.mcfe@thelawcentre.com>
Reynolds, IL - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 12:05 AM CDT
I just wanted to say that I am so very sorry that yall are all having to go through so much pain and heartache. I can't even imagine anything that yall are going through. And little Kaitlyn, bless her heart, shes gone through so much, more than most people go through their whole life. Shes a beautiful little girl and I'm so sorry she is having to go through all this. I'm glad though that she has such loving parents and family to be there with her through it all. I don't know yall but it seems to me that you are all loving and would do anything in the world for this little girl. If you ever need anything just let me know. May God be with you! Yall are all in our prayers down here in Texas.
Christen Stowers <Teeper60@hotmail.com>
Lubbock, TX US - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:41 AM CDT
May God Bless you with a healthy life and my he bless you with all they dream you want to fulfill. I will pray for you and your family and hope he will bless you!! Have a wonderful Day!
Amy Venable <Maymee67@hotmail.com>
Bovina, TX USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:25 AM CDT
Praying ultimately for some sort of peace throughout this situation. Lifting your family up again today.

Melssa in TN

Melissa <jacabiem@hotmail.com>
Spring Hill, TN - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:11 AM CDT
Stan: You have been such an amazing father. You have had so much patience and love for our precious Kaitlyn. You have been by her side every step of the way. Dad and I are so proud of your courage, stamina, strength and love for Kaitlyn. You have been an amazing Dad. You are awesome and we are very, very proud of you. Welove you very much.

Kathy as everybody has said you are an incredible mom. Your strength and love for Kaitlyn are amazing. Please keep strong through these trying times.

Jeff nobody has said much about you but I want to thank you for your part in this. You came into a situation that I am sure you never in a million years would have dreamt. You have been strong for Kathy and everyone involved and your love for Kaitlyn has shown through above everything else. Thank you.

Gramdma Mllie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:06 AM CDT
Kathy & Family....Let God give you strength in this time of need. I can only imagine what you are going through, but know that you are not alone. God will provide strength, lean on him. Kaitlyn is a special little girl, give her all the love you can. May God Bless you. My prayers are with you.
Melissa Green <mgreennglts@aol.com>
Rome, GA USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:52 AM CDT
Stan and Kathy,
My heart is breaking for you. God grant you the strength and courage to get through these last few days with your baby. I am at a loss for words- knowing that whatever I say can't possibly help you to get through this. I pray that Kaitlyn finds peace and that you find the courage to wake up each morning.

Teri (Davis) Beckman
Middletown, Ia - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:20 AM CDT
"The eternal Lord is our God and underneath are His everlasting arms." God is carrying Kaitlyn and he will also carry you through these very hard times.

Liz and Otto Zwanziger

Liz and Otto Zwanziger <ozezwan@aol.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:26 AM CDT
To Kaitlyn and all her family:
May God bring you peace in this particularly difficult time. His strength is sufficient. I will be praying for you. I have read your entries about your precious angel and Kaitlyn sounds like a very strong and determined little girl. May you find comfort in the knowledge that she will soon be pain free in the arms of Jesus, playing and running and smiling down upon you.

Angie <awsmgod@qconline.com>
- Tuesday, July 26, 2005 6:00 AM CDT
Stan and Kathy,
I have been on here several times to write to all of you, but I could never think of something to write to express all the emotions that one goes through thinking of all the experiences you all are going through. I went to school with Stan, Kathy I feel I know you through Haley and Kaitlyn and her story I have followed through websites and stories in the paper. You have a simply amazing little girl. She has touched so many lives in such a short time she is a princess that is for sure. Kathy you are a pillar of Strength Kaityn is so lucky to have you by her side. Stan I know how Daddy/Daughter relationships go an my heart goes out to you. If you need anything let me know. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Christy (Martin) Reid and family <cmmjmr@yahoo.com>
Columbus Junction, IA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 5:44 AM CDT
To all of Kaitlyn's family...
First of all I want you to know that we are all still praying for you, praying for her to go in peace and be with the angels. It saddens us all, but as you wrote in the journal..she doesn't deserve to suffer. I learned today that your mother was MaryJane...Mine too, so she will be in good hands! They will all be calling for her and she will be pain-free and never be sick again...You are always strong but not always prepared....Please no that there are MANY people to reach out to. God Bless your entire family.

T. Wilson <tjw1966@mchsi.com>
Silvis, Il USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 11:32 PM CDT
Kathy, Kaitlyn, and family; I was so sad to read your journal entry today. Our family has been praying for you forever it seems. Scott said a week or so ago when I told him the latest on Kaitlyn that he felt you should just let her go. He is a minister now and did chaplain work and saw too much. I had to remind him that when it is your child that you do all you can to save them. He understood but felt she should be in the hands of the Lord. I told him today that that is now your decision. He is praying for her peace. God Bless you all.
Laurel Minteer <laurelem@hotmail.com>
Aledo, IL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 10:28 PM CDT
Kathy, I have had the opportunity to meet you and Kaitlyn while up in Iowa City visiting Dawson. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and little Kaitlyn.
Lisa DeKezel <linmarie@theinter.com>
Cambridge, IL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 10:18 PM CDT
Kathy & Stan,
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I admire your strength and courage; you are wonderful parents and Kaitlyn will ALWAYS know how much you love her. I will continue to pray that you will find comfort in knowing that Kaitlyn will soon be free of all her struggles.

Kim (Long) Quam
Northwood, IA - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:43 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that all of you are in our thoughts and prayers. We have a little boy about Kaitlyn's age, so we can't begin to imagine what you are going through. If there is anything we can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask!!
Paul, Inge and Karl Svoboda <ingepaulkarl@mchsi.com>
Andalusia, IL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:38 PM CDT
To Kaitlyn & Family,
All our thoughts & prayers are with all of you thru this time.There's no words to let you know how much others care.

Dave &Janice (Shorti) Crow
Viola, Il USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:29 PM CDT
Kathy and family:

I really don't know what to say other than my heart is breaking for you my friend. But just know that letting her go now will be the hardest and yet the best thing you can do for her. Like you said she is through going through this "crappy stuff"! It just is not fair that a 4 year old would have to go through this, but the Lord has a purpose. It's just that my finite mind can not understand His purpose, and the thing is .....we are not suppose to question it. I know that you are more strong of a person than I will ever think of being because of this......remember I'm thinking about you in my prayers, my friend. Even though I have never got to see your daughter, I have come to learn to love her though all this. Call me sometime or email me.

Love Ya'll!

Karen, Andy, Caitlyn Schisler <schisler1@centurytel.net>
Cherokee VIllage, AR USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:21 PM CDT
I just wanted to let you all know that I admire your strength and courage throughout these tough times. I can't imagine the thoughts that are running rampant right now, but God has a reason for everything. May God bless you all.
Carrie Sauers

Carrie Sauers
Greendale, In USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:10 PM CDT
Just know that you are in our thoughts and prayers during this time.
Tracey Marshall (www.caringbridge.org/pa/alyssamarshall) <tlmmgm@aol.com>
Levittown, PA - Monday, July 25, 2005 8:51 PM CDT
Dear Kathy,
I just wanted you to know that there are people praying for you that you haven't even met. Thank you so much for sharing your story in the newspaper last fall. It did not take long to fall in love with Kaitlyn - a remarkably beautiful child. It also did not take much reading to know that Kaitlyn has many people who love and adore her very much. Your sheer determination to fight this terrible disease was very evident. We all want what is best for our children. I so admire your courage to take this "parental oath" to heart, especially now. I have faith that a power much higher than us is looking over you right now, and will give you courage and strength in the upcoming days, weeks, and months. Kaitlyn is a very lucky little girl to be surrounded by those who love her so! God Bless!

Marcie Reakes
Princeton, IL - Monday, July 25, 2005 8:41 PM CDT
What an absolute little princess you have, the most adorable little girl. This is the first time I have visited Kaitlyn's website. I found out through the other Beautiful Kaitlyn's site. I have sat here and cried for you all. I will never be able to imagine the pain and hurt you are all going through, the hardest thing you will ever have to do. I hope Kaitlyn is comfortable and not suffering. My prayers are with you and sweet Kaitlyn.
Sue <poletti@bigpond.net.au>
Munster, W.A. Australia - Monday, July 25, 2005 7:34 PM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn, I know you cant read what I'm going to say or never will. But I just want to say that I enjoyed knowing you since you were 11/2, I still remember the first time I met you was at your daddy's house and when me and your dad first met the first thing he gave me was a pic of you and him that he got taken at Christmas time, I still have it in a picture frame. And all the times over the years that we've played together and watched movies. I've had a lot of fun with you and dont forget we're still best friends forever just like you said. I've learned a lot from you and it hurts me that you are going. And everytime you've seen me cry or sad you would always pat me on the back and tell me "it's ok Terri." And that would make me smile cuz it was cute. But now its not ok. Dear Stan: Im so sorry, Kaitlyn is everything wrapped up into one person that you always wanted she was daddy's little girl. Dear Kathy and Jeff: Im sorry that I've really never gotten to know you that well, but Kaitlyn is a remarkable person. And all of you were great to her....she deserved everything she ever got from you 3. I love you all, and my Prayers are still with you.
Terri Millam <tearbear02_2002@yahoo.com>
Matherville, IL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 6:53 PM CDT
I am thinking and praying for kaitlyn and your family always!
God bless
Alyssa Lewellen, patient at The Children's Hospital of Illinois
ID: lewellen
password: beauty-kansas

Alyssa Lewellen <Aballerina5678@sbcglobal.net>
Peoria, IL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 6:40 PM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn,
Thank you for all the joy you have given our family over the last four short years. You are the light of your Grandma and Grandpa Boneys eyes. Your wit and humor have always amazed me. Your beautiful brown eyes seem to know more than they should, especially now. Your parents have been simply amazing and I felt privileged to be there last night when the decisions were made. Your Mommy, Daddy, and Jeff handled it all so well. I am so proud of all of them. You are now surrounded by them telling you how much they love you, as we all do. I am praying that you are resting peacefully.
All our love, Joanie, Sam, Marshall and Justine

Joanie <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Monday, July 25, 2005 6:28 PM CDT
Kathy,Jeff,Stan, I know it's hard to let her go, Kathy we talked about this and about being selfish and wanting to keep her here, Talk to your Mom, she is waiting with open arms,let Kaitlyn get her wings to fly up to be with your Mom, I know Mary Jane is so proud of you, Kaitlyn is an Angel in Waiting, and God is taking her home now.. We are praying for you and even everyone in our church her in Florida, It's been along time since we have lost anyone in our family and it breaks my heart that it has to be Kaitlyn. We love you and my prayers go out to you and Jeff,Stan, your Dad and Millie and Jack, I know all of you and i won't let a day go by with you out in my prayers. Love ya.
Annette & Holdon (your cousin) <Annettececk@yahoo.com>
Port Saint Lucie, fl USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 6:14 PM CDT
TO Kaitlyn and your family,

You have such awesome parents, but I am sure that is because you are an awesome little girl!!!! God has made your parents very strong, and he will be there waiting for you when he decides it is time for you to continue your life with him. I ADMIRE the love and strength that you all have. Bless every day that you have together as time is to short for everyone. God Bless you all. Continue prayers for you all.

A Mother of 3

Angie Jacobs <jdeere5@frontiernet.net>
Erie, IL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
I have been following this story for the past couple weeks. I have been praying and thinking of your family. Having three little girls of my own I can't even imagine what you are going through. I just wanted to let you know that there are people everywhere just by word of mouth thinking and praying of you and your family. My heart goes out to you. Much love and care.
Jennifer SKidmore <jstover64@hotmail.com>
Grandview, Ia Lousia - Monday, July 25, 2005 2:55 PM CDT
God does work in mysterious ways...as my heart is breaking today for you..I came across a beautiful line...and altho it wont do much to comfort you in the days to come...perhaps keeping it in the back of your mind will offer some relief : When you are down to NOTHING, God is up to something.
Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
IL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 2:52 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with your family. I have been following Kaitlyn's story through Haley Crow from the beginning. What a tough little girl Kaitlyn has been! Have comfort in knowing Kaitlyn will be pain free. May all of you comfort one another always and especially in times of need.
Jess Dearing <hessy60@hotmail.com>
Lubbock, TX - Monday, July 25, 2005 2:43 PM CDT
Kathy, Kaitlyn, I love you guys and you guys mean alot to me. Soon Princess Kaitlyn will be up in Heaven with her Grandma playing and feeling no pain at all and being Ryan's guardian angel. Please let me know what I can do for you guys!
Meagan <mikeandmeagan@msn.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Monday, July 25, 2005 1:43 PM CDT
Today was the first time I heard about your precious daughter. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. My daughter, Madeline, has also been battling neuroblastoma and I feel for you and your family. Be strong for your princess.
Julie Benoff

www.patmedia.net/benoff - Madeline's battle with neuroblastoma

Julie Benoff <jbenoff1@yahoo.com>
Hillsborough, NJ - Monday, July 25, 2005 1:09 PM CDT
We've been following Kaitlyn's story through Ardith Mueller. She has kept us informed since Kaitlyn is Leah's friend. She has been in our prayers along with all of her family. Our hearts go out to you and what all of you have been and are going through. May God be with you and help you through this most difficult time.
Kevin and Rita (Mueller) Schultz <kschultz@gcctv.com>
Sherman, IL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 12:11 AM CDT
Just know that there are people praying for your little princess in the State of TN. We have heard about Kaitlyn and your family and want you to know that you are in a lot of people's thoughts and Kaitlyn is being lifted up to God today.
Melissa Brown <jacabiem@hotmail.com>
Spring Hill, TN USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 12:00 AM CDT
My mind turns with all the things i should be saying...but the tears wont let the words through. You are in my heart..for now and for always....as a person..i am pale next to your brightness...Kathy...my heart breaks for you..and nothing I can say will make it any better for you...but dont dwell in your grief...let your baby girl be an example for how you live the rest of your life...100% to the end....with smiles and kisses
Sherri <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, Il USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 11:55 AM CDT
Hi, everyone, It is with an extremely heavy heart that I write this entry. I am sooooo sad for everyone involved. What everyone HAS to remember is that in the short time that Kaitlyn is with us, she has received TONS of love!! And, it will only get better from here for her. No more suffering, pain, tears, or agony. Please know that I'm here for all of you and I love all of you very much. Love, Aunt Karole

Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 11:46 AM CDT
I don't even know what to say. I just want to let you know that we love you, we are here for you, and we pray for peace and comfort for you. Know that Kaitlyn has made a difference in many, many people's lives. Think of all of her courage she has bottled inside of her and let that guide you through the days to come. I love you all very much.
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine , IA - Monday, July 25, 2005 11:38 AM CDT
Stan, Kathy and families,

Just a note to tell you I am praying for you all. I can't
imagine what you are going through at this time. May God
be with you and guide you and give you strength. Kaitlyn
will be where there is no suffering.

Shari - Quad Cities Kenworth <shutton@kenworthquadcities.com>
Rock Island, Il - Monday, July 25, 2005 11:27 AM CDT
I sit hear and read this entry over and over...and feel this overwhelming pain for all of you. My heart aches for all of you, especially for your little princess, Kaitlyn. I can't imagine the grief and pain you all must feel, I hurt for all of you. You are all in my heart and my prayers. Peace be with all of you.
Jen Noppe <magic_daisy@hotmail.com>
Rock Island, il 61201 - Monday, July 25, 2005 11:18 AM CDT
please be strong for one another. God will take care of your little one. take care
scott leider <blackbearhunter@yahoo.com>
wittenberg, wi usa - Monday, July 25, 2005 11:10 AM CDT
Just to let all of you know you are in my thoughts & prayers. There comes a point when all you want for someone is peace, even though that has to be the hardest decision you will ever have to make. Stan,Kathy & Jeff, you have been through so much, but have always put Kaitlyn first. As a grandparent, I can only imagine how bad this has to hurt you, the grandparents. Take comfort in knowing you all are doing the very best anyone could ever have done.
Andrea Newton <ajnew@qconline.com>
Reynolds, IL - Monday, July 25, 2005 10:24 AM CDT
Many family members as well as our friends in Kansas City are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers through this difficult time. I wish I could find the words to tell you what is in our hearts; all that we can hope for is acceptance and peace. As someone else already said, God has a reason for even the bad things.
Della Alcanter <drbhka@aol.com>
Kansas City, Ks - Monday, July 25, 2005 10:12 AM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn and family- I can not come out and say that the Lord has taken the best of you or from you, but I can say that he is trying his hardest. Dont let him take your trust, he knows that the pain you feel is real. He doesnt do what he does on purpose, just maybe he knows its for the best, and he also knows that a child shouldnt suffer as much as Kaitlyn has. Its hard to let someone go who you love so much and have given life to. I can just imagine how your hearts have been shattered just in this last week, and its only started. The Lord also knows that to take somebody who has suffered so much, from a family who loves them so much, that the person who is suffering will be at peace for the rest of there internal life and the family will one day move on from it. My Prayers to you all!!
Terri Millam <tearbear02_2002@yahoo.com>
Matherville, IL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:42 AM CDT
Kathy, Stan, Jeff
It is hard to believe this time has come to make this decision. We all talk of making the right one, but very seldom are forced to make it. Man, I don't know what to say. I hope you feel a sense of peace with the time to come. She will be happy and healthy again in her journey. Her pain will be gone and we, no , her close family will carry her pain for some time. Know that if anyone could have changed this for you any of us would have. Watchng you be so strong, Kathy, has giving me hope that when the worst has to happen for us that we can be as strong as you have been. Give Kaitlyn a kiss for us even though she doesn't know who we are and tell her we shall see her some day. Just imagine the family reunion that will be. We are her for you, Darrell, Marie, Annette, Christine, Familys and Donna and Kenny and our family. I know we will see you sooner than we want, and I can say I'm not really looking forward to it, but I will be there for you. There will be peace brought to you and your family and mostly for Kaitlyn. She is and always will be your beautiful princess. I must go for now and will be reading your entrys later. LOVE FROM ALL OF US TO KATHY, STAN, JEFF, JERRY and those who I am not familiar with.

Donna, Kenny, Jennifer, Jason
Aledo, IL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:26 AM CDT
Just know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. I was saddened to receive the email from Millie this morning letting me know how things were going for your little Kaitlyn.
Virginia Slusher <slusher1907@aol.com>
Danville, IL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:26 AM CDT
Me and a few of my coworkers have been praying for Kaitlyn and your family for several months, and are praying again for you now. God bless you guys!! In Christian Love, Greg, St. Louis, MO
Greg Malcom
St. Louis, MO USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:14 AM CDT
Please know that our thoughts are with all of you at this very difficult time. We hope that Kaitlyn is kept as comfortable as possible, please try to find peace in her comfort. I am so sorry for all that you have had to go through, but remember God has a reason for everything, even though it may not make any sense to us.

Tina, Steve, Kadie & Emily Klauer <tinaandsteve@winco.net>
Reynolds, IL - Monday, July 25, 2005 8:56 AM CDT
What can anyone say? How devastating for all of you. May you be comfortable Kaitlyn and find peace. May you all find peace and comfort in the days to come.
Sheryl Burley <sburley@thelawcentre.com>
New Boston, IL - Monday, July 25, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
I just read the entry for today Kathy I have been following this story the whole way and I cant believe it...Me and Kaitlyn have the same Birthday, she is so cute she will always be in my prayers. I have a 3yr old and this has made me realize alot. give her a hug for me.
Jennifer Daniel <jdaniel@qconline.com>
Milan, il usa - Monday, July 25, 2005 8:06 AM CDT
I am glad I had the chance to meet Kaitlyn when she came in to town to have lunch with Laura, and I will be thinking of her. I will also be thinking of her parents. I am a parent myself and still can't imagine what they are going throught right now. I hope it helps to know that so many people have them in their thoughts.
Sally Serpa <Slant6Sallly@aol.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 7:57 AM CDT
Dear Little Kaitlyn,
Rest now sweet baby, your face is such a sweet sweet picture.
Praying for strength for your wonderful family.
Love Colleen - The other Kaitlyn's mum


Colleen <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Monday, July 25, 2005 3:00 AM CDT
Dear Stan and family, we are so sorry to hear the cancer is back. Be strong for Kaitlyn and our prayers are with you.

Floyd and Jamie Millam
Matherville, IL U.S. - Sunday, July 24, 2005 9:21 PM CDT
Kathy: Our prayers are with Kaitlyn, you and your family. I got the news from my brother, Kenny late Friday night about Kaitlyn's condition right now.
Boy, I really thought she was really on the mends against this very bad disease, but unfortunately not. Just wanted to let you know that we here in Arkansas are praying for you and Kaitlyn. I'm very please to say over 100 employees of First National Banking Company have her and your family on their prayer lists at their local churchs.

Kathy: On a personal note, I was really thinking about you on your birthday and was going to try to call you....just letting you know that I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to wish you a happy birthday, but I know that you will have many happy more birthday's once you are able to have this awlful cancer behind you for your daughter. Stay strong my friend and remember you can do this. If we were able to make it through are many camping trips together, which some times was scary, you can definately do this!......Love Ya!

Karen Schisler <schisler1@centurytel.net>
Cherokee Village, AR USA - Sunday, July 24, 2005 8:50 PM CDT
Kathy, I just want to say don't ever give up. Keep fighting. YOu never know what chemo will work for Kaitlyn. I am here for you if you ever need anyone to talk to. Please please don't be afraid to call. I don't get to a computer often enough, BUT I will try to keep up on your updates. I want you to know that I know your pain right now. With lots of love. AND always remember my little ANGEL TREVOR is watching down helping Kaitlyn
Susie James www.caringbridge.org/ia/trevorwhite <s_z_james@yahoo.com>
Muscatine, IA USA - Saturday, July 23, 2005 9:13 PM CDT
Kaitlyn and family,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. I am soooo sorry to hear that the cancer is back. It just isn't fair watching your child suffer from such a horrible disease. Stay strong for Kaitlyn. We will be praying for all of you!

Jodi Ridder <jodiridder@indytel.com www.caringbridge.org/ia/cridder>
Independence, IA - Saturday, July 23, 2005 3:18 PM CDT
Stan, Kathy, Jeff, Millie, Jack and all of the family please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you! We will continue to pray for Kaitlyn, that she may get through this one way or another. Remain strong and be there for each other, we wish there was something that we could say or do to help, but there is not, other than to let you know we are praying for Kaitlyn and our thoughts are with her and all of you every day.
Tina, Steve, Kadie & Emily <tinaandsteve@winco.net>
Reynolds, IL - Saturday, July 23, 2005 9:39 AM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn's family, I am so sorry about what is happening. I lost a grandparent to cancer and it was the worst thing in the world to me and for me not to be there with her. But I hope and pray that nobody has to go through that. But like I have said before everything happens for a reason, just sometimes its unexplainable. But you cant pick at what the reason is cuz you might never find it. Its hard to fight the Lord when he is trying to take somebody from you, but you have to put up that fight for as long as you can. (Trust me I have been there.) No matter what measures rather they be little to the extreme. Best wishes and all the Prayers to you!!!
Terri Millam <tearbear02_2002@yahoo.com>
Matherville, IL USA - Saturday, July 23, 2005 8:01 AM CDT
Kathy,Kaitlyn,Stan,Jeff, 1st of all thank you for the update. When i was unable to reach you by phone i knew something was wrong. Kathy remember our conversation last fall, God is not going to give you or me or anyone somethat that we can't handle. He knows who the strong ones are.And obviously in our family there are a few of us. Please think back to our conversation. You know if you need to talk i'm here. My heart is broken for you guys, but take time to talk to God, he will help you through this, I promise. You are in my thoughts and prayers all day and all night, Use the family as support. It will help. Love you guys, from your cousins in Florida
Annette & Holdon <Annettececk@yahoo.com>
Port St. Lucie, FL USA - Friday, July 22, 2005 7:05 PM CDT
Kathy (and family),

I am so sorry to hear that Miss Kaitlyn's cancer is back. I sincerely hope that this attack you're taking will work for her. I quit Child Life when I graduated in May, and I must say, I REALLY miss being up there and seeing those sweet kiddos every week. I wish I were there now so Kaitlyn and I could do a little art project! I remember the way she really opened up to me over the course of the time we shared....from not leaving Mommy's lap to letting Mommy leave the play room. I miss our special times together!! Take care! You will be in my thoughts...

-Mariah Adams

Mariah Adams <mariah-adams@uiowa.edu>
Iowa City, IA - Friday, July 22, 2005 5:32 PM CDT
Kathy, Kaitlyn, Stan, Jeff, and family: I want to tell you that all of you are in my thoughts and my prayers. I can't imagine what all of you are going through. Yes, I went through it w/ my girls when they lost their father to this dreadful disease in April, but seeing a 4 yr. old fighting so hard just doesn't seem fair. I know we're not suppose to question God's will, but it is times like this that as human beings we do. The thing we will all need to cling too is that God will protect her and he will give everyone the strength they will need to get through this difficult time. Kathy, if you EVER need anything I'm here for you. I love you guys.........and always in my prayers.
Doreen <doreenb@charnor.com>
Orion, IL USA - Friday, July 22, 2005 3:58 PM CDT
Does anyone know or did anyone remember that today is Kathy's birthday? What a crappy way to celebrate your birthday, knowing that your child is losing their fight against this terrible disease.

Kathy, saying Happy Birthday doesn't seem appropriate to say right now, but know that I care.

Kaitlyn, you've givien your Mom a lot of love. That's the best birthday present ever, and what's better is that it lasts a lifetime ... and then some.

Stan, when your birthday comes next month, remember that Kaitlyn loves you very much too.

"Grandma Valerie" Garrison

Valerie Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Moline, IL USA - Friday, July 22, 2005 3:00 PM CDT
coal valley, IL US - Friday, July 22, 2005 2:46 PM CDT
To Katilyn's family, I am so sorry to hear this news. I will continue to pray for you and ask others to pray too. You have all come so far together for Katilyn. I just am at a loss of words, as I know I can do very little to comfort you. May you find comfort in eachother and courage to move on day by day. I love all of you guys and of course, I am here for whatever you need.
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA - Friday, July 22, 2005 2:05 PM CDT
Kathy, I feel so bad . The words,I know, will never help and be enough to relieve the presures every one there feels. Just when things look better nature throws the twist. I know there are better places for Kaitlyn where no pain and beatilful colors await her. I know what awaits her wonderful family is dark skys and more pain. I'm not in your shoes Kathy, but believe me when I say, I feel your pain along with the rest of your family and wish I could do anything in this world to change things for you. Your Mom would have been so proud to see how strong you have been. Your a beautiful person with with a beautiful family. Stay strong and use your family for support. We will all be there for you, if not physically, mentally. Just ask. I know words will never erase the agony, but maybe help the pain. Never be afraid to cry. Love be with you always and love to Kaitlyn forever. Your Cousin, Donna
Donna <ebud8@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, IL USA - Friday, July 22, 2005 10:10 AM CDT
Kathy, I feel so bad . The words,I know, will never help and be enough to relieve the presures every one there feels.Just when things look better nature throws the twist. I know there are better places for Kaitlyn where no pain and beatilful colors await her. I know what awaits her wonderful family is dark skys and more pain. I'm not in your shoes Kathy, but believe me when I say, I feel your pain along with the rest of your family and wish I could do anything in this world to change things for you. Your Mom would have been so proud to see how stong you have been. Your a beautiful person with with a beautiful family. Stay strong and use your family for support. We will all be there for you, if not physically, mentally. Just ask. I know words will never erase the agony, but maybe help the pain. Never be afraid to cry. Love be with you always and love to Kaitlyn forever. Your Cousin, Donna
Donna <ebud8@frontiernet.net>
Aledo, IL USA - Friday, July 22, 2005 10:08 AM CDT
Dear Stan, Kathy and family,
We are so sorry to hear the devastating news. I just hope there is a way to keep Kaitlyn comfortable. We are thinking of you constantly. I know Kaitlyn is not so happy when there are a lot of people in her room, so we will stay home for now. You guys need to be the ones with her now. Just know that we are here for you if needed, and we may come to Iowa City to just sit a little bit with you, without taking away time from Kaitlyn. Hang in there.
Love Joanie, Sam, Marshall, & Justine

Joan Boney <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Thursday, July 21, 2005 1:44 PM CDT
Kathy, Jeff, Stan, "Papa" Gerry, "Grandma" Valerie, Grandma & Grandpa Millie & Jack, The news that all of you received is quite possibly the worst thing ever. I am so very sorry for everything. Please know that I'm here if anyone needs anything, and I'll support everyone in whatever decision that may be made. Also know that I would change places with Kaitlyn in a heartbeat!! I love you guys very much. Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Thursday, July 21, 2005 12:50 AM CDT
Thinking of you tonight and praying for Kaitlyn and your family. God Bless, Love, Ellen


Ellen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Marstons Mills, Ma USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:01 PM CDT
Dear Stan, Kathy, Jeff, Kaitlyn, Gerry, Millie, & Jack,

At a time like this, words cannot adequately express how I feel. Please know that I care.


Valerie Garrison AKA: "Grandma Valerie" <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Moline, IL USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 7:37 PM CDT
Just remember, Never Give Up! Our prayers are with you.
Love, Kelli

Kelli and Dawson www2.caringbridge.org/il/dawson <decap@theinter.com>
Geneseo, Il US - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 2:47 PM CDT
I Love you guys. And please let me know if there is anything at all in the world that I can do for you.
Meagan Whitehead <mikeandmeagan@msn.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 2:24 PM CDT
Hi Kathy and family,
Glad to hear that she got to come home....hope that she is feeling some relief from her little belly problem!
Just want you to know that we are still praying for Kaitlyn and all of you. Always remember that prayers go up and blessings come down! God Bless and take care.

Terrie Wilson <tjw1966@mchsi.com>
Silvis , Il USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 11:36 AM CDT
I just read your update. I'm glad you are at home. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you daily. Sending you much love and hoping you all get through this bout okay. Stay strong!
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
- Tuesday, July 19, 2005 10:17 PM CDT
Kathy and Kaitlyn,
I just now learned about your ordeal. My heart is sad. I have three daughters of my own- 5,3 and 9 months. I can't imagine how this must feel. Kathy, I always knew you were a special person but now the whole world knows. You have accepted the challenge and from what I have read- YOU ARE AN AMAZING MOTHER! I will be keeping an eye on the website for updates. You are all in my prayers. What an adorable little angel you have- those are some big brown eyes!! All my love, Teri

Teri Beckman
Middletown, Ia USA - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 4:05 PM CDT
Kaitlyn I hope today is much better then the last few days have been. I hope that fever does not continue to creep up on you and that your tummy doesn't hurt anymore. I can't wait for you to feel better. I want to see you riding that bike, singing and riding with Daddy on the 4-wheeler. Keep singing Kaitlyn. We love you very-very much.
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, July 12, 2005 12:00 AM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn,
May your weekend be blessed with family and fun.

Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Saturday, July 9, 2005 12:08 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Kaitlyn. I'm glad to hear you had a good party. Your daddy sure does spoil you....okay...and probably Gma Mille and Papa too!!! :) We are always checking in on you. Happy belated!
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
- Thursday, July 7, 2005 11:30 PM CDT
Kaitlyn...I had fun at your b-day party (even though i showed up a little late), you got some really neat gifts..especially the bicycle that I helped your daddy pick out. But then again you didnt really have the best birthday in the world since your daddy had to take you to the hospital on Sunday and you really couldnt do much..but your dad and I had fun pulling you all over the hospital in the red wagon...and we knew you enjoyed that too cuz it got you out of your room. But its glad to here you got to go home!!! Talk to ya later girl!!!
Terri Millam <tearbear02_2002@yahoo.com>
Matherville, IL USA - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 5:39 PM CDT
KAITLYN: Glad you enoyed your birthday. The pinata was fun and everyone did good hitting it. I am so proud of you, you keep hanging in there girl. Sorry you didn't feel so good after the party though. Can't wait for you to come ride that bicycle Dad got you.
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Monday, July 4, 2005 3:27 PM CDT
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Dear Kaitlyn, Happy Birthday to you!!!!
We love you, Kaitlyn!

Joanie Sam, Justine, & Marshall <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Sunday, July 3, 2005 11:57 AM CDT
Hello Kaitlyn and Family

How are you doing? I hope your dad will take you to the Reynolds festival tomorrow. Are you having fun riding on the Four wheeler with your dad, Kaitlyn, and going to the park? I hope you are feeling better. I hope you will say Hi to your Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Mom and Ryan and Jeff for me. I hope I will see you tomorrow.
Your cousin Marshall

Marshall <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Friday, June 24, 2005 9:27 PM CDT
KAITLYN: Your Dad was sure proud of you at the Bible School program yesterday. You were terrific at remembering and singing those songs. You and your Dad sure looked like you were having a lot fun on the 4 wheeler and playing at the park. I just love watching the two of you together.
Grandma Boney <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Monday, June 20, 2005 3:25 PM CDT
Kaitlyn, Leah sure was glad to see you in Bible School this week. I understand you had a good time singing. I am so happy you were able to come and be with the kids.
Ardith Mueller
Reynolds, IL - Thursday, June 16, 2005 8:45 AM CDT
Hey Kaitlyn, I had soooo much fun at Adventure Land. You just kept going, going, and going. You were wearing us out, but thats alright though. That was cool though that you WON all of them really neat stuffed toys and your keychain with your picture in it. And I think you rode all the rides in the park (other than the rollercoasters) but that can wait until next year. Just that I had a blast with you the last 2 days especially when we were playing Sharky and the Dentist. HAHA!!!! Talk to you later Girl!!!
Terri Millam <tearbear02_2002@yahoo.com>
Matherville, IL USA - Monday, June 13, 2005 9:42 PM CDT
Just wanted to send a note to let you know that we are continuing to think and pray for you and your family Kaitlyn. We hope that everything is going okay. We are also hoping that you have been able to get outside at least a little bit and finally enjoy some of the nicer weather. I bet you just love that new Barbie jeep! Not only can you walk again, but you are driving too. How great is that! All for now. Hugs to you both!
James, Michele, Nathaniel and Elaina Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, IL Henry - Friday, June 10, 2005 2:38 AM CDT
I sure hope things are going well, we think about you all everyday. I am upset with Qconline as they changed their page and now Kaitlyn is not on there. I wish they would put it back! I hope that all is doing well...my prayers are still with you everyday! take care.
T. Wilson <tjw1966@mchsi.com>
Silvis, Il usa - Monday, June 6, 2005 9:32 PM CDT
Read your update, sounds like Kaitlyn is doing great, were sometimes so thankful for those extra days at home, aren't we? Have fun and enjoy the weather this week!
Kelli DeCap

Kelli DeCap <decap@theinter.com; caringbridges/il/dawson>
Geneseo, IL US - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
Kaitlyn, we have enjoyed seeing you out riding your Gator & flying kites with your dad. Kadie is always so pleased to see you outside enjoying yourself. We will keep the prayers going for you and your family. Remain strong & keep a positive outlook, is has got to help.

Tina, Steve, Kadie & Emily Klauer <tinandsteve@winco.net>
Reynols, IL - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 12:31 AM CDT
Kathy and Kaitlyn: So glad that the tumor is finally out and maybe closer to the end of the light of this stuggle for your family. My church family is continually praying for your family. If you ever get a change to give us a call, please do.....LOVE YA'LL! Karen, Andy and Caitlyn Schisler
Karen, Andy, Caitlyn Schisler <schisler1@centurytel.net>
Cherokee village, AR USE - Sunday, May 29, 2005 8:50 PM CDT
Hey Kathy, you don't know me but I have been following Katlynn's story. You are a very brave and couragous woman. I don't know how I would handle getting the news you have received. You keep being stong and know that all of our prayer are with you and your whole family. She is a great gift from God and so precious. Cherish every moment and DON'T GIVE UP THE FAITH!!!
Taylor Ridge, Il Rock Island - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:53 AM CDT
Just to let you know that you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We are so glad that you so far able to get the treatments you need but sleep in your own bed at night. It sounds like you had a wonderful Disney trip. We are so glad you were all able to share that together. How wonderful to hear that you are walking on your own Kaitlyn! That must really feel great for you! Everyone is so proud of you! You are so strong and doing a great job with your fight! Keep up the great work and give hugs to mom for all she does for you! Hugs to you!
James, Michele, Nathaniel and Elaina Hines
Colona, IL - Friday, May 20, 2005 0:48 AM CDT
I'm praying for your family today.
Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, May 17, 2005 7:01 PM CDT
Hi, Kaitlyn (& Kathy),
I know you don't know me but my name is Traci Hollerud and I am a good friend of your Mommy's cousin Mark Burrill. I have been reading your story and you are such an amazing little girl and I will keep you and your family in my daily prayers. You are definitely an inspiration to me!! Keep smiling, Little Princess, and God will see you through this! Big Hugs and God Bless! :)

Traci Hollerud <cwsfan@mchsi.com>
Andalusia, IL United States - Monday, May 16, 2005 5:15 PM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn! I'm just stopping by to say hi and let you know that I'm thinking of you! I hope you have a GREAT week! God bless and *warm hugs* ><>†<><
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Lighting Children’s Lives
Caged Kids
Raise Awareness

*Jennifer C* from Lighting Children’s Lives, Caged Kids & Friends of Allie/Raise Awareness <jenniferc@ilovetocolor.com>
Eugene, OR USA - Monday, May 16, 2005 0:02 AM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn,

Quint and I think of you often. You are a very special person and we are all blessed to know you. How was your Make A Wish trip ? If you have pictures to share, Quint and I would like to see them sometime. Give us a call sometime, Terry Roets & Quint Early 309 236-8475 309 781-8330

Terry Roets <terryroets@yahoo.com>
Silvis, ill u.s. - Friday, May 13, 2005 6:41 AM CDT
Dearest Kaitlyn, We have not met yet but I hope one day we will. My name is Rae Anne, & I own Bee All u Can Bee Karaoke. On Sunday June 5th I'm helping to put on a benefit for you. It will be a car show/auction/raffle/Karaoke contest all in honor of you.
I have been so driven to help because I have a little 4 year old boy named Ian. I figure it like this, if anything like this should ever happen to him I would hope to get help. I think and pray for you daily. If I could ask something of you. I want you and my son to go swimming together this summer. My son wants to play with you so bad.
Good Luck little darlin' and get better soon. Sincerely Rae Anne Christiansen

Rae Anne Christiansen <saymore2me@aol.com>
Silvis, il rock island - Thursday, May 12, 2005 6:19 PM CDT
Hi, Kaitlyn & Kathy, I was getting worried because I haven't talked to you for a week. Which is really unusual. I called Jeff and he filled me in. I am thinking of you. Keep your chins up things are going great. Kaitlyn thank you for going to lunch with me. I had a great time playing peek a boo with you. And I love talking to you on the phone it makes me smile every time to here you laugh and have fun.
love Aunt Laura

Buffaol, ia usa - Thursday, May 5, 2005 12:12 AM CDT
WAY TO GO, KAITLYN!!!!! What a little trooper you are. You & Mom have a lot to be proud about. TOO COOL!!!! Mom, you are an AWESOME Mommy!! I am soooo proud of both of you. Reading about Kaitlyn walking brought tears to my eyes!! I love you both very much!!!!!!!!!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Friday, April 29, 2005 6:40 AM CDT
I'm glad to read the update too...it was not at all what I was expecting...I figured transplant had already taken place. Glad to hear Kaitlyn is in great spirits..and walking. Bless her heart. I agree with the last posting Kathy...you are a SUPER mom! You are all a SUPER family!
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
- Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:42 PM CDT
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! I am so happy that you are starting to walk all by yourself again. Kathy, keep strong cause you are appearently doing the right stuff if Kaitlyn in walking again. I love ya and if you need anything please let me know!!!!

Meagan Whitehead <mikeandmeagan@msn.com>
Bettendorf, IA United States - Thursday, April 28, 2005 2:41 PM CDT
Kathy, thank you so much for keeping everyone up to date on Kaitlyns progress, we all care so much. She is always in our prayers.
(You probably don't remember me, I am your Mother's cousin).

Carrol Anderson <rtexpgma@webtv.net>
Milan, Il USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:53 PM CDT
Kathy, Kaitlyn & Family,
I was sure glad to see the up-date, was getting very worried. I will pray very hard for all of you, especially your little princess. She is the sweetest little girl and everyone who has read any of this knows that you are a SUPER mom, and that you sure love your children. Godbless and keep the faith! He really does listen!

Terrie <tjw1966@mchsi.com>
Silvis, Il USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 0:14 AM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn!

I sure miss seeing your cute little self! But you know what, if that means that you're feeling pretty well, then I'll survive! You take care and enjoy your time at home!!


PS-Sounds like you had a great time at Disney! Good for you!

Mariah Adams <mariah-adams@uiowa.edu>
Iowa City, IA - Monday, April 25, 2005 9:59 PM CDT
Just wanted to say we are all thinking of you. So glad to hear you had fun on your trip.
Lots of hugs!

Megan, Aaron, Coe, & Chase Klauer <meganklauer@yahoo.com>
Aledo, IL USA - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 12:58 AM CDT
hey kaitlyn....
its me terri. just wanted to make sure your doing ok. well at least your dad told me you were. anyways...that was so cool i got to see you last weekend at the gas station on your daddy's toy.....(you know he's starting to get up there in age so you might have to drive him around here pretty soon hehe). But of course you still look as pretty as ever you havent changed a bit...and you still have that witty personality. All the best to you and best wishes Kaitlyn...Tara, Mitch, and me miss you and wish you good luck towards the road of getting better. P.S I have a message to you from Mitch " MY DADDY!!!"

Terri Milam <tearbear02_2002@yahoo.com>
Matherville, IL USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 1:17 PM CDT
Hi, Kaitlyn! It sure was good to see you yesterday. It was fun to play hide and seek, and to see you "steal my chair"!! What a little teaser you are! It was also good to see Ryan, Mommy and Jeffy. I really enjoyed being with you. Keep up the good fight and know that LOTS of people are there for you. Mommy, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call!! I love all of you VERY MUCH!!!!!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 6:53 AM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn,

How wonderful it was to see you waving at me & to hear your squeals of delight as I pulled up into your driveway on Friday night! I loved your special gift that you wanted to save for me so you could surprise me when I arrived. To see you walking toward me as you held Papa's & Mommy's hands was a gift I'll always hold close to my heart. Your eyes sparkled with so much pride, my "Little Miss Kaitlyn". You did a great job! It was wonderful to see you walking again.

And then later, we had so much fun hiding under your covers from Mommy. She sure didn't know where we were hiding, did she? How fun it was to count to three before we threw off the covers to surprise her and Papa. What fun we had together, and what memories I will always cherish! I'm glad you were feeling good enough to play again, just like you always used to. Keep your chin up, Kaitlyn. Keep fighting this disease. So many people are praying for you. Know that I love you very much!

Grandma Valerie

Grandma Valerie <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Moline, IL 61265 - Sunday, April 10, 2005 11:38 AM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn's family,
Hi! My name is Jacque i am a sherrard High school student and i am in a current events class were we learn about keeping up with what is happening around the world and here. I have been keeping up with your daughters article since i saw the first one i have read about her since then. I am so glad that every article has a lot of showing some improvement and then not that much. But there is one thing i know for sure is that you will always have god on your side and i pray every night that your little girl will finaly have this struggle done and over with. I hope and wish you the best.

Jacque <wildthang_989@hotmail.com>
milan, il 61264 - Saturday, April 9, 2005 11:48 PM CDT
Kaitlyn - Glad you had such a good time with your Dad on Saturday. It was good to hear you giggle and laugh for so long. Hope that the next time you come over it will be overnight.
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
Reynolds, - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 12:49 AM CDT
Hello from the Northland! Kaitlyn is such a trooper. Thank you for sharing your story with the world. Who knows how many lives your little one has touched. We will keep her in our prayers and check in once in a while to see how she is doing. Stay strong!
~The Seaman family, Fort Richardson, Alaska

The Seaman Family
Fort Richardson, AK USA - Saturday, April 2, 2005 9:27 PM CST
AWESOME! I'm glad the trip went so well. I enjoyed your posting...you had me smiling from ear to ear for Katilyn. What a sweetie pie.
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
- Wednesday, March 30, 2005 0:18 AM CST
Kaitlyn, Kathy, Jeff, and Stan. The news was awesome to hear and we were sure glad to hear it. We still have the grandkids praying at school during special intentions. I'm so glad you all got to go the Disneyland too. The Make-A-Wish Foundation is awesome too. Take care and God Bless. Love, Aunt Karen
Karen Froehlich <karen_froehlich@hotmail.com>
Hinton, Ia - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 6:15 PM CST
Kaitlyn - It was so good to see you come into our house smiling and laughing again. It seems like it has been a long time since I have seen that infectious smile and heard you giggle. You made my Easter. I hope your smile affected everyone the way it did me and that you had a great Easter.
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, March 27, 2005 7:13 PM CST
So glad you had a good, fun trip to Disney. Have a nice Easter! We are having a big Easter Egg hunt with Dawson, his 2 brothers and 2 neices. Good luck when you go back to Iowa City and we are all praying for you and family.
Dawson's Grandma Linda

Linda Brinkman <ecfs@cin.net>
Erie, IL USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 11:16 AM CST
Glad to hear that everyone had a good time down at Disney World. A big thank you to the Make a Wish Foundation for their help in sending everyone there.
Grandma Valerie Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Moline, IL USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 3:14 PM CST
Hey, Kaitlyn!! I am soooo glad that you had a good time at DisneyWorld!! I think that you, Ryan, Kristi, Mommy, and Jeffy needed some time away. I'm happy that you got it! You've been such a good, brave girl that it's great that you could have some fun. I love you very much!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 2:05 PM CST
Oh I am so excited for you guys. Going to take your Princess to see the other Princesses in Disney. By far you will be the prettiest one there Kaitlyn. Mommy, Daddy and Jeffy are going to have to keep a close eye on you, Disney just might want to keep you for their own. I hope you all have a great time and I can't wait to hear all about it when you guys come home. Love you all and thinkg of you often.
Meagan Whitehead <mikeandmeagan@msn.com>
Bettendorf, IA United States - Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:56 AM CST
We hope that you had an awesome time at Disneyworld! You all have been in our prayers and frequently in our thoughts! What a brave and courageous girl you are! You are like one of the shining stars in the sky at night. I know your Grandpa Jack and also am a distant cousin of Dawson. We will continue to say our prayers for all of you.
James, Michele, Nathaniel and Elaina Hines <Ourfmly1@qconline.com>
Colona, IL Henry - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:11 PM CST
Hi I'm Amanda M. You don't know me, my teacher Mr.Mitchell is friends with your friend Dawson. You are very cute and have fun on your trip to Disney.
Amanda <amandamuller92@msn.com>
Moline, IL USA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 12:03 AM CST

Terrie Wilson <tjw1966@mchsi.com>
Silvis, Il USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 11:10 PM CST

Terrie Wilson <tjw1966@mchsi.com>
Silvis, Il USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 11:09 PM CST
I am so so happy that you got out of here and got to go on your great Make a wish trip. I am glad to hear that everyone was feeling better and got to go to. I hope that you are all enjoying it, as it is so much fun. Try to save one day just for give kids the world, cause it is so awesome. That is what we did the day before we left. I hope to see some cool pictures of you with all the charecters and at Cinderalles castle. I was tring to find you on Sunday and Monday to give your daddy some tickets. Sorry that I did not get them up here in time to give them to you. Enjoy your trip.
Susie James www.caringbridge.org/ia/trevorwhite <s_z_james@yahoo.com>
Muscatine, IA USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:57 PM CST
Hooray !!!! We are so glad you all get to go on your trip. We hope all of you have a great time, enjoy your time away & together, you all are well deserving of this! We continue to pray for your progress Kaitlyn. Positive outlook can be very powerful.

Tina, Steve, Kadie & Emily Klauer <tinaandsteve@winco.net>
Reynolds, IL - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:09 AM CST
Kaitlyn and Family
So happy to hear you are on your way to Disney World. Have FUN.
Linda Brinkman, Dawson's Grandma

Linda Brinkman <ecfs@cin.net>
Erie, IL USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 7:03 AM CST
Dear Kathy and Kaitlyn..
I am glad to hear that you are home and finally get to forfill your dreams little princess! tell your cousin Annette that I said hello...Thanks to you all I found her and we have been friends for years. Wish I would have found her in a different way though! You all have the best time ever and keep up the good healing Kaitlyn!
Love and prayers for you all....

Terrie Wilson <tjw1966@mchsi.com>
Silvis, Ilinios USA - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 10:28 PM CST
Hey Stan and Kaitlyn,
I talked to your daddy last night and the whole night we talked about you. Nothing bad, of course. He always has everything good to say about you. I havent seen you in awhile though, but I bet you still look as pretty as ever. I'm soooo happy that you get to go to Disney World, and that your daddy gets to go with you to share the happiness. He wouldnt miss it for the world. I hope that the best is made out of it. And I'll miss you both while you are gone. And to you Stan, I'll miss you as well. Just have fun and try not to let anything get to you, its not worth it. I hope to see you when you get back:)

Terri Millam <tearbear02_2002@yahoo.com>
Matherville, IL USA - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 2:18 PM CST
Kaitlyn, I am so happy you are feeling better, and going to see Cinderella's Castle. You have fun with all the other princesses down there. Now Disney will have all of the princesses there at one time. I am so proud of you for being such a strong girl. When you get home I will make Uncle Don bake his famous chocolate cookies for you. Love you much. BOOO WHOO Aunt Laura
Laura <dlghrist66@aol.com>
Buffalo, Ia usa - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 12:15 AM CST
Kaitlyn - glad to hear that you are home and starting to eat some. Hope that feeling better goes along with eating. Yeaahhhhhhh for all of the good test results. That is so awesome. Keep up the good work girl. You are still my hero.
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Monday, March 14, 2005 9:10 PM CST
Kathy & Kaitlyn; Just read through your journals looking for your progress and saw that you had some good reports and headed for the big castle. Have a GREAT time! So glad your getting to go, have been thinking of you a lot.
Kelli Decap

Kelli DeCap <decap@theinter.com>
Geneseo, i US - Monday, March 14, 2005 8:27 PM CST
HI Kaitlyn

I hope you are feeling better

Jennifer Leeds <bcl56@mchsi.com>
Erie, IL USA - Monday, March 14, 2005 5:16 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn ~ I am a close friend of Dawson DeCap & his family. Please know that you are always in our prayers as well. We can' wait to hear about your trip to Disney World! Take Care & Keep Smilin! God Bless!
Lisa Nuckles <linmarie@theinter.com>
Cambridge, IL USA - Monday, March 14, 2005 12:45 AM CST
Kaitlyn and Family
I always read your article in the paper and just wanted
you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers
We know little Dawson DeCap

Tom & Lesa Ryan and kids <onepipefighter@hotmail.com>
Erie, IL USA - Monday, March 14, 2005 10:48 AM CST
Kaitlyn and Family
I am one of Dawson's grandma's, Kelli's mom. We are praying for all of you cutie pies. Hope you get to go to Disney World. Thoughts and Prayers.
Linda Brinkman

Linda Brinkman <ecfs@cin.net>
Erie, Il USA - Monday, March 14, 2005 9:52 AM CST
Kaitlyn, WHAT AWESOME NEWS!! You are an incredible little girl! When "Papa" Gerry told us the news, there were LOTS of tears of joy!! Have a good time at Cinderella's castle and have fun meeting all the princesses because after all, that's what you are!! Keep up the good work and we'll keep praying!!! All my love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, March 14, 2005 6:32 AM CST
Hope you are feeling better Kaitlyn is feeling beter Kathy!!Well I know Dawson is doing good so far.
Jennifer Leeds

Jennifer Leeds <bcl56@mchsi.com>
Erie, IL USA - Sunday, March 13, 2005 1:53 PM CST
Dear Kathy,Kaitlyn & Family!
I just wanted to tell you that we here are still praying for the best of health for the little princess and for your entire family. The ups and downs are hard I am sure....but just think that what the results will be after she is better. I pray for that as well as everyone else, and I am a FIRM believer! Take good care..I will continue the prayers and check in on you all! God Bless!!!!!!!!!

Terrie Wilson <tjw1966@mchsi.com>
Silvis, Illinois USA - Saturday, March 12, 2005 11:27 PM CST
Hope Kaitlyn is feeling better, fever still going down I hope. We are thinking of you and are in our prayers. Dawson is doing good so far.
Kelli DeCap

Kelli DeCap <decap@theinter.com>
Geneseo, Il US - Saturday, March 12, 2005 10:33 PM CST
TO Stan, Kathy, Jeff & Kaitlyn:
WOW!! It was wonderful to hear the great news that your results from all of the tests that they took recently were all NED (No Evidence of Disease). That's terrific! Let's hope & pray that when they do the next bone marrow aspirate and the MIBG test that they have the same great results. I sure hope so.

To Kathy & Jeff: Gerry & I want to wish you both a Happy 1st Anniversary today! Enjoy your evening out. We'll keep our "Little Miss Kaitlyn" occupied while you're out celebrating. I know your first year of marriage has taken you through "sickness and health", but keep your chins up. Our prayers and care continue for all.


"Grandma Valerie" Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Moline, IL USA - Saturday, March 12, 2005 1:51 PM CST
YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy to hear that you are doing well Kaitlyn. You dont know me, but I have been following your story and reading your mommie's journal of you. Make sure that you and mommy take lots of pictures of you at Cinderella's Castle. Everybody will be anxious to see how amazing it was. Have fun little princess. You are in my prayers. God bless!!!!
MB <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 11, 2005 9:42 AM CST
Kaitlyn: Glad to hear that your counts are starting to come up and I am praying that you continue to feel better, that you get up and around real soon so that you are able to go on your Make A Wish Trip, that any tests that you have done all turn out with NED. You are a strong little girl and I love you very much.
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
Reynolds, Il - Thursday, March 10, 2005 9:13 AM CST
Hi Kaitlyn, I'm so sorry you're not feeling so well right now, but knowing how strong you are, I'm sure you're going to bounce back soon. Here's hoping by now you're feeling much better. Love, Andy
Andrea Newton <ajnewton@midamerican.com>
- Wednesday, March 9, 2005 3:05 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn,
I hope you have fun when you get to go see Cinderella's Castle. I miss you and can't wait until you can come back to Amy's to play.

Camryn <rowes@qconline.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Monday, March 7, 2005 3:29 PM CST
Dear Kaitlyn, Hope you are feeling well soon. I am sure the princesses in Disney World can't wait to me another little princess. Give your mom a big hug for me and let her and everyone know that I think of you all daily and that you are always in my prayers.
Jamie <jktcpa@hotmail.com>
Galesburg, IL USA - Friday, March 4, 2005 7:31 PM CST
Sorry to hear about Katilyn's "bug". I hope the stay isn't horribly long for you, although I'm sure every stay seems long. I too wish there was something I could do to take it all away. I pray every day for you guys and check up on you daily to make sure there isn't anything you need. Keep your heads up, you'll get through this bout! Love, The Crow's
Haley <haleycrow@machlink.com>
Muscatine, IA - Friday, March 4, 2005 1:18 AM CST
Hi, everyone. I sure wish I could take the physical pain away from Kaitlyn. I sure wish I could take the mental pain (and the deepdown physical "gut" pain) away from Kathy, Jeff, and Stan. You guys are VERY awesome to handle all of this as well as you have. I know that God has a plan for us all. But, sometimes it's hard to figure out what the plan in all of this is, especially when it involves an innocent little child. But, I guess we all just have to have trust in our faith. Sure wish I could take it all away!!!! Hang in there. You guys are the most INCREDIBLE people I know!! I love you guys, and I hope that Kaitlyn is feeling better real soon. Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Thursday, March 3, 2005 12:54 AM CST
Stan, Kaitlyn, and family, I along with many others, wish I could take the pain away for Kaitlyn. Stan, I agree with what was previously wrote, those of us who know you know you would go to any length for Kaitlyn, as would Kathy and Jeff. I can only imagine what it's like to have to sit idle while your child is always getting poked or prodded. I had to take Shae in to get a Led test done and that was hard enough seeing them stick her and her crying!You guys are strong and can get through this. Kaitlyn, you have brought a lot of people together, whether you know it or not. There are a lot of people who love you and pray for you everyday that have never met you. You have a special place in everyone's heart who have heard about what you're going through. I never used to pray much but I pray everyday for you to be 100% cured and for your whole family to be strong and be there for each other.
Amy, Bill, Billy Jr., Chever, and Shae Harkey <billnamy@qconline.com>
Viola, IL U.S.A. - Thursday, March 3, 2005 11:09 AM CST
I just want to let you know I pray for Kaitlyn everyday. I'm donating blood today - and every six weeks now. My son is the same age as Kaitlyn and I no longer take his health for granted. Your a wonderfully strong family, may god bless you.
Jamie Belha <jbelha@mchsi.com>
Milan, IL - Thursday, March 3, 2005 9:41 AM CST
Kaitlyn, I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I keep you in my prayers everyday and I know that you will get better. You are the strongest little girl I know. Love to you and your family,
Christina Kloser

Christina Kloser <ckloser@msn.com>
Lakeland, FL USA - Thursday, March 3, 2005 6:33 AM CST
Kaitlyn, Kathy, Jeff, and Ryan, Just a note to let you know that we're thinking of you at Raymond Corp. in New York and our prayers are with you. Please give the little princess a hug from us.
Sue, Scott, Bri, and Ty Rice <sue.rice@raymondcorp.com>
Greene, NY US - Thursday, March 3, 2005 6:27 AM CST
Kaitlyn, Sorry you are not feeling so good. I know you and Mommy don't like Iowa City very well. Hope your stay will be short. Hopefully I can come with your Dad tonight.
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
Reynolds, Il ` - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 10:45 AM CST
Kathy, it was good to get out yesterday and spend a little time together. I think it was much need for you. Remember you need to take care of you, so you can take care of our Princessess. I love you and tell Kaitlyn BOO WHOO, and Aunt Laura loves her. Talk to you soon
Laura <dlghrist66@aol.com>
Buffalo, IA USA - Sunday, February 27, 2005 10:52 AM CST
Hi Kaitlyn, Kathy, Jeff & Ryan!!! It is so exciting to hear about your trip to disney world. Kaitlyn please give all the princesses hugs from me & Rebecca. You and your family are in our prayers. Jamie & Rebecca.
Jamie Tharp <jktcpa@hotmail.com>
Galesburg, IL USA - Saturday, February 26, 2005 4:28 PM CST
Stan & Kaitlyn
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Wendy Swift <wendysue@qcconnect.com>
Taylor Ridge, IL - Saturday, February 26, 2005 10:09 AM CST
Hey Stan, just a few words of encouragement headed your way. You are an unsung hero in all of this. Just because stories like this focus on the mother, doesn't make it any easier for the father, especially one who isn't much for the limelight. We know you would make all Kaitlyn's wishes come true if it were possible. You have been a constant for Kaitlyn and it is obvious, she adores you. Don't let things get you down, Kaitlyn needs you now more than ever. We're so very proud of you.
Love Joanie & Sam

The Boneys <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL 61462 - Friday, February 25, 2005 1:28 PM CST
Kaitlyn is beautiful. Have fun on your make a wish trip to Disney. We did that in December of last year and it was great. Give kids the world is also a great place. Magic Kingdom was our kids favorite place. Will keep you in my prayers.

Connie Strayer (Jared's web page) http://www.caringbridge.org/pa/jaredstrayer <tinbkerbell53@netzero.net>
Carlisle, PA - Friday, February 25, 2005 6:09 AM CST
Hi, I'm keeping your little one in my prayers. Love, Ellen


Ellen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Cape Cod, Ma USA - Thursday, February 24, 2005 7:42 PM CST
KAITLYN - It is so awesome that you get to go to Disney World with Dad and Mom and Jeff,Ryan and Kristi. I am sure that it is something that you and your Mom and Dad will treasure and cherish forever. Later on when you get older and Dad or Mom take you again you will remember all the things that you did and remember how much your Dad and Mom loved you to make that trip all together.

Last night was awesome girl. It is so great to have you at our house again if only for a little while. We played tea party and restaurant and you raced me down the hall way. You showed us how much better you are getting on your feet. It won't be long and you will be running down the hall way and giggling and Dad or I chasing you. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough before transplant that you can play outside.

Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
Reynolds, Il - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 11:48 AM CST
Hey Stan and Kaitlyn,
My family and I would like you to know that you are in our prayers and we are always thinking about you. And Stan from one friend to another hang in there and be strong. I know its tuff.
Love always Angie Gordon and Family

Angie Gordon(Miller) <angiegordon03@comcast.net>
Aurora, co Arapahoe - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 3:30 PM CST
Dear Kathy , Stan, and Jeff: The story in Sunday's paper was absolutely gut wrenching. The look in Kaitlyn's eyes told me she knew there was something big going on. She is so smart. I can't imagine what that day must have been like for you all. The editor did a very nice job on the story. I just can't believe it's about my own family. We are so thankful everything went well. Thank God for her wonderful doctors and nurses. Kaitlyn's strength and courage are so inspiring. All our thoughts are with all of you.
Love Joanie

Joanie <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Monday, February 21, 2005 7:22 PM CST
Wow I hear that we just missed you guys again. WE had to come back to the hospital yesterday for a fever. Trevor had a fever of 104. We got to have his birthday party, he didn't start till after that, so we can be thankful of that. Even though he feel asleep while opening presents. Well I hope that all is goiing well for you after the chemo. Let me know what you find out about your make a wish trip. Ask about the give kids the world. It is an awesome place to stay. So much better then any hotel or resort could ever be. It is like your own little house, with tons of stuff to do. They have a web site i will try to find it for you so you can check it out.

Susie James www.caringbridge.org/ia/trevorwhite <s_z_james@yahoo.com>
muscatine, ia usa - Monday, February 21, 2005 6:25 PM CST
Hi it's me Paula Kyle's mom we met in the toy room a while ago, I'm glad to hear Kaitlyn is doing well after surgery, hopefully the stem cell harvest will go well. Your right about enjoying everthing now because you really don't know what to expect of transplant until you get there, every child is different, one day at a time is exactly what you need to do, and then you can have a huge party when she is in remission. Praying all goes as smooth as possible we will be checking in to see how transplant goes!!! Good luck and hang in there. Love and livestrong

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Monday, February 21, 2005 9:05 AM CST
Hi Kaitlyn, I just want you to know that we are still praying for you. Keep your head held high and keep the faith. Love to all.
Marcea Schutters <thegoodone77@yahoo.com>
Davenport, IA US - Sunday, February 20, 2005 6:59 PM CST
Hey there Miss Kaitlyn!

I'm so glad I found your page so that I can check in on you whenever I want! I also found your claim to fame, that big newspaper article about you. What a special girl you are!! I can't wait till the next time we get to shoot some hoops together or sing Scooby Doo....you're so much fun to play with!! Take care and I'll see you soon!

Love and hugs,
Mariah (Child Life Assistant & nursing student)

Mariah Adams <mariah-adams@uiowa.edu>
Iowa City, IA - Saturday, February 19, 2005 9:57 AM CST
Hello Sweet Baby,
I have been following your story as you make your way through, your treatments. You are a brave little girl. Smile sweet one. They always make you feel better.
Kathy I have been where you are now my chlid was 16 yrs old when we found out she had cancer, it is a mothers worst night mare take time to be good to yourself if only for a second. I will keep your family in my prayers.My daughter is a survivor and is a Mommy herself now.

Valerie Black <nana220316@sbcglobal.net>
Moline, IL USA - Thursday, February 17, 2005 4:39 PM CST
Kaitlyn and Family,
I love you all so much and hope everything goes well with chemo today. I think about you a lot. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Kaitlyn, I am so proud of you for being so strong and courageous. You give me hope for so many great things to come. You are truly one of Gods little miracles. Just remember how much He loves you, and everyone else. I can't wait to see your little smiling face again soon! We may not understand why things happen in life, but in the end it is all up to God and I know He has so many great plans for you. Keep up the good work and I LOVE YOU!!!!

Sarah Kenney <SarBear027@aol.com>
Lawrence, KS USA - Thursday, February 17, 2005 10:09 AM CST
Hi, Kaitlyn,
I "found" your page from another little child who I know. You did such a great job on your project that you painted at the hospital last time. I came to say good-bye and you were ALREADY gone!! Way to go! I'll see you next time and we can play some more!!

Kathy Whiteside <kathy-whiteside@uiowa.edu>
- Wednesday, February 16, 2005 8:45 PM CST
Hey Kaitlyn, You big strong girl. I am so proud of you and how you have handled all of this. I can't wait to get a chance to see your scar. I'm so happy that everything is going the way that you all wanted it too.
Kathy, please let me know if there is anything that we can do for you. Mikey and I would love to come and visit you any time that you needed to talk or just have another grownup around. I miss you guys and your in our thoughts and prayers.

Meagan Whitehead <mikeandmeagan@msn.com>
bettendorf, Iowa` United States - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 2:03 PM CST
Hi my name is Elli and I am one of the girls who made the Brady's Handy Hospital Helper for you. I am so glad that we can help little kids like you. So let me know how the bag is. KEEP FIGHTING!!!!
Elli Parker <ellisebp@aol.com>
New Hartford, IA USA - Monday, February 14, 2005 4:12 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn, I would like to invite you & mommy
to join our neuroblastoma support group. This is
a great group of folks that have and are walking
through this jounrey called NB.
Kaitlyn you are a beautiful little girl. Your pretty
smile will win all the doctors hearts.
If I can help you in anyway, feel free to e-mail me.
There is great hope & light at the end of the tunnal.
Faith, Hope & Cure, Lou/grandmother to Josh (12)
dx.NBIV 6/01- remission 4/02

Lou <skiptolou@juno.com>
KNOXVILLE, TN USA - Saturday, February 12, 2005 5:55 PM CST
I am so glad to hear that everything went well with surgery. We stop by to visit while we were up for scans. They said that we just missed you by 15 min. I was really hope that we I could meet Kaitlyn. I am sure that we will be seeing you around though. Trevor's scans were not very good. There is a neuroblastoma listserve. It is so helpful. You can try to e-mail it at:
I am trying to get you on the list I just am not real sure on how to go about it. It is all neuroblastoma parents. SO I hope I figure it out. It is so helpful for transplant.

Susie James (caringbridge.org/ia/trevorwhite) <s_z_james@yahoo.com>
Muscatine, IA usa - Friday, February 11, 2005 10:36 PM CST
Kaitlyn, we are so glad to hear that you are doing well. We will continue to pray for you as you go through the rest of your treatments. Prayer is powerful, Keep on smiling!
Tina Klauer <tinaandsteve@winco.net>
Reynolds, IL - Friday, February 11, 2005 11:19 AM CST
Hey there little Kaitlyn.
I know another little girl named Kaitlyn, she had the same sick lumps as you.
She's my very own little princess.
Glad to hear surgery went well sweetheart, we will be back to check on you again.
Love Colleen - Kaitlyn's mum


Colleen <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Thursday, February 10, 2005 5:55 AM CST
Hi Kaitlyn, I am so happy that your surgery went so well and so is everybody here at work. They are always glad to hear how you're doing. You're our very special little girl. Love to you and your family. Andrea Newton
Andrea Newton <AJNewton@MidamericanEnergy.com>
- Wednesday, February 9, 2005 3:10 PM CST
Ever since I read Kaitlyn's story about 2 weeks ago, I have been thinking about her and praying for her every night. As a mother of a 2 and 4 year old, I honestly dont know how you do it, and I pray that I never will. Your courage and strength are truly admirable, and it is plain to see where your little girl gets it. Keep pushing and never give up hope. God bless you all!!
Marybeth <pnkpanther15@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, February 9, 2005 9:10 AM CST
Kaitlyn, Your cousins here in Florida have thought alot about you and your family, Don't forget, you told me in December when i came to Illinois that you wanted to see Cinderela's castle, And you will now that the tumor is gone, we are waiting for you to come to Florida!
Cousin Annette Ceckanowicz (Burrill) and Holdon <Annettececk@yahoo.com>
Port St. Lucie, Fl us - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 9:10 PM CST
We are so thankful that all went well! Our 7 year old daughter wanted me to add that she also has been saying her own little prayer for your family. The Good Lord has answered for all of us. Hope and pray that the recovery is quick and pain-less! Good Luck, maybe you can get a little rest! God be with you and your family!
Terrie <tjw1966@mchsi.com>
Silvis, Il. USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 8:26 PM CST
Awesome news! We are happy to hear it! Bless you all. We will continue to pray for you at Kaitlyn's time of recovery. Thank you for keeping us all posted. We love you!
The Crow Family <johncrowfamily@bellsouth.net>
Chattanooga, TN - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 9:31 AM CST
To Kaitlyn and all of her family: AMEN!!!! We continue to pray for a speedy recovery and for continued success in beating this nasty disease.
Marty & Lisa Gray <llgray79@aol.com>
Milan, IL United States - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 8:53 AM CST
KAITLYN you were awesome today. You were being so brave. You are truly my hero. Thank you God for the surgery going well. We truly all needed that and especially Kathy who has remained so strong.

Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
Reynold, Il - Monday, February 7, 2005 7:04 PM CST
THANK YOU GOD!!!! Thank you for listening to all the prayers for Kaitlyn. Thank you (and the doctors & staff) for pulling Kaitlyn through her surgery with such GOOD news!! This is just AWESOME!!!! I love you, Kathy and Kaitlyn! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 2:41 PM CST
Dear Kaitlyn, All the little kids I take care of prayed for you at lunch today. They have a lot of questions. Most of the kids here are about your age. We have been thinking of you all morning and are anxiously awaiting news. I hope your incision won't be too painful. You are a tough cookie! We love you.
Love, Joanie, Sam, Marshall, and Justine

Joanie <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Monday, February 7, 2005 1:18 PM CST
Dear Kaitlyn, All the little kids I take care of prayed for you at lunch today. They have a lot of questions. Most of the kids here are about your age. We have been thinking of you all morning and are anxiously awaiting news. I hope your incision won't be too painful. You are a tough cookie! We love you.
Love, Joanie, Sam, Marshall, and Justine

Joanie <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Monday, February 7, 2005 1:15 PM CST
Wanted you to know that I am praying for you during your surgery today and for your family too! The Choir at St. Jerome Catholic Church in Troy, IL will pray for you this week especially also!
Love & Hugs!
Natalie Encapera & family

Natalie Encapera <babywop@charter.net>
St. Jacob, IL US - Monday, February 7, 2005 10:43 AM CST
Hey Kaityln,

Today is the day. They are going to remove to source of the whole problem. We know you will be up and around soon. The girls sure had fun playing games with you last week. We love you lots......................

Beth, Celina and Samantha <broth@thetravelbusiness.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 10:17 AM CST
Hi everyone, Just wanted to let you know Kadie was going to ask her class to say prayers for Kaitlyn this week, Kadie is in 2nd grade at Jordan. It is nice to be able to say the prayers in class, we are all praying for you & your family today, and every day.
Tina Klauer <tinaandsteve@winco.net>
Reynolds, IL - Monday, February 7, 2005 10:00 AM CST
Hi, guys. Good luck on your surgery today, Kaitlyn. I know in my heart that everything is going to be okay!! God is definitely watching over you. I'm positive that He has been listening to everyone over the weekend sending their prayers to him for you. Kathy, I know that this is the hardest thing you've ever had to deal with. I'm sure there are times that you wish you had a few moments to yourself. But, you are soooooooo strong and brave and you have to continue to be for Kaitlyn's sake!! And, I know you will!! I love you guys!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 6:48 AM CST
Hi Kathy,

I just read your latest journal entry. I can hear your concern for "Little Miss Kaitlyn" in your words. Keep your chin up, Kathy. I know this whole ordeal is so hard. I don't mean to minimize it for Stan, or Jeff, or for anyone else who loves for Kaitlyn, but ... truly, no one knows how hard this all is as much as you do because, as Mommy, you have a different kind of relationship with her and you give the majority of Kaitlyn's care.

Know that many, many people care Kathy. We're with you in spirit. We're all praying for God's highest good in all of this.

You're probably tired of hearing people tell you how strong you are, when it is all so physically exhausting & emotionally demanding. Take a deep breath, Kathy. Ask for God's strength and guidance. I know quiet time is a rare commodity for you, but try, please try to "Listen to the Quiet". You will receive God's guidance & encouragement in those precious quiet moments.

I love you Kathy. I send you a big hug!

Valerie Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Moline, IL USA - Sunday, February 6, 2005 11:26 AM CST
HOUSTON, TX USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 4:53 PM CST
My family and I will be saying prayers and thinking of you,
Kaitlyn. Hang in there honey, I know everything will be

Shari Hutton <shutton@kenworthquadcities.com>
Milan, Il - Friday, February 4, 2005 3:38 PM CST
SHELLY <swhair1@aol.com>
MOLINE, IL USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:43 AM CST
Kaitlyn I am so proud of you, You are such a sweet girl. I have so much fun with you. Your laugh is the most powerful thing in the world. BYE THE WAY BOO HOO TO YOU MISSY. I love you and you be a good girl for mommy. Kathy I had a wonderful time with you yesterday. If you need absoultly anything call me, and I will b there. I love you, your sis
Bu, Ia USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 12:00 AM CST
hay stan its floyd i hope the little one gets well.GOD BLESS HER.and thanks again for helping me to.ill see you later buddy.
Floyd millam
jacksonville, fl duvall - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 11:13 AM CST
CARROLLTON, GA USA - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 7:55 AM CST
Hey, guys!! I just read the journal entry. WHAT AWESOME, AWESOME NEWS!!!!!! For the tumor to have shrunk another 25% is outstanding! Kaitlyn, you are such a brave and wonderful little girl! Kathy, you are the BEST!! You guys hang in there. Anything I can do, let me know, okay???? I love you both very much! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 12:46 AM CST
Little Kaitlyn, You have been in our thoughts and prayers for a long time! We wish you the absolute best...there is a little angel watching over you! I know deep in my heart that you will be cured and live a long and happy life. Your parents need to truely commended for the way they all stick together in such rough times. Kathy you should be nominated for MOTHER OF THE YEAR! Your bravery and the way you are holding up~! I speak from experience on that part..It takes alot out of a person, and everyone can see that you are number "1"! God be with you all.
Terrie Wilson
Silvis, Il RockIsland - Sunday, January 30, 2005 10:01 PM CST
I have goosebumps from head to toe reading the good news! I can just see Kaitlyn doing all you write about; so many people are proud of her!!! Like you said, what a little trooper! We love all of you and pray for more good news to come. I miss you and will see you soon! Love, Haley
The Crow's <haleycrow@bellsouth.net>
Chattanooga, TN - Friday, January 28, 2005 11:35 PM CST
Kaitlyn and family,
What great news you had to tell us today! As happy as it made me, I cannot begin to imagine what it did for your family. Kathy, you do such a good job of keeping us informed on your little angel. Thank you so much. We will keep you in our prayers for the surgery next month.
God bless you all.

Laurel Minteer <laurelem@hotmail.com>
Aledo, IL USA - Friday, January 28, 2005 8:40 PM CST
Hi Katilyn and family:
I just heard about your story today and wanted to say: Hang in there, you are doing great! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and have added your page as a favorite to check in on you! Sending lots of love from Maryland!

Dana Cope <mom2ashn3dogs@gmail.com>
Owings, MD - Friday, January 28, 2005 9:42 AM CST
Hi from another NB family. My son Nathan was diagnosed with stage IV NB on April 1, 2003 when he was 2 yrs 9 months. He is off-treatment dn NED (no evidence of disease). Hang in there!

Susan and Nathan

Susan Gentry <sogren@rocketmail.com>
Colorado Springs, CO - Thursday, January 27, 2005 3:48 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn!! I'm just stopping by to say hi and let you know that I'm thinking of you!! I hope you're having a GREAT week! God bless and *warm hugs* ><>†<><

Lighting Children’s Lives
Caged Kids
Friends of Allie

*Jennifer C* from Lighting Children’s Lives, Caged Kids & Friends of Allie <jenniferc@ilovetocolor.com>
Eugene, OR USA - Thursday, January 27, 2005 3:33 PM CST
Kaitlyn You are ADORABLE! Hey wanted to say that my little boy, Connor, is treated at the same hospital as you are. We also get to spend time up at the 3JCW Hilton. Connor has ALL. We wish you Godspeed little one. Maybe we will see you in clinic one of these days.
Mom to Connor

Amy Muston <cancerkidmom@hotmail.com>
Keokuk, IA USA - Thursday, January 27, 2005 3:24 PM CST
What a beautiful girl!!! I'll be thinking of you!!!

Kelli ~~Friends of Allie~~

Kelli Marshall <pamarshalls@msn.com>
Henderson, NV USA - Thursday, January 27, 2005 2:47 PM CST
Kaitlyn~ You are such a strong and pretty little girl. Hang in there! We are praying for you and your family.

Christine, Matt, Brittany (7), Amelia (2 1/2), Noah (9 months)
Nanaimo, BC Canada - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:17 PM CST
Dear Kathy,
I am sorry I couldn't make it to the benefit this past weekend. I am sure Lucy and Karen did a fine job representing all of us. I am glad to hear Kaitlyn is doing
well. I pray for successes for you and Kaitlyn in the days
and months to come. You and Kaitlyn sure have been strong through this trying situation. Love, Frank

Frank Froehlich
Sioux City, Ia Woodbury - Monday, January 24, 2005 9:56 PM CST
Good morning, Kaitlyn, I'm sorry you couldn't be at the benefit yesterday, but everyone understands why you couldn't be. I would like to thank Jim, John, Michael and Matthew Sonneville for all of their efforts to make the benefit a success!! A special thanks to John for the wonderful slide presentation of Kaitlyn and family, even though he made all of us cry!!
Kaitlyn, you hang in there honey!! Kathy, if you need anything, be sure to give me a call. I love you all very much!! Love, Aunt Karole

Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 7:11 AM CST
Kaitlyn and Kathy,
I'm happy to hear that the hospital visits are going better. I'm also glad that you made home safely during the winter storm. I think of you guys often. And I miss hearing updates from you Kathy when we worked together. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me know if there is anything that I can help with.

Meagan Whitehead <mikeandmeagan@msn.com>
bettendorf, Iowa` United States - Sunday, January 23, 2005 11:44 AM CST
Glad to hear bone marrow was clear. I know the chemo makes them sick and it's hard to watch them go through it, sometimes I think the cure can be worse than the disease, but it's there only chance for survival, don't you just love Mary, she is the best!!!!!! Enjoy your time at home and we continue to pray for Kaitlyn.
Paula (Kyle's mom)

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, January 22, 2005 10:56 AM CST
I'm soooo glad to hear about that no more cancer cells in the bone marrow. And also glad to hear that Kaitlyn had a really good holiday season, and so did you. Take care and remember we are thinking about your family.

Karen Schisler <schisler1@centurytel.net>
Cherokee Village, AR USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 5:46 PM CST
Hi Kathy

I just heard today about Kaitlyn. I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I understand the pain of seeing someone you love going thru chemo and radiation. Remember that God loves each and everyone of his children and he will never put more on us than we can handle.

God bless and I will keep checking on Kaitlyn's progress. Melissa Green
North Ga Lift Truck
Rome, GA

Melissa Green <mgreennglts@aol.com>
Rome, GA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 12:39 AM CST
CARROLLTON, GA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 12:29 AM CST
Hello Kaitlyn and family ! I am sooo happy to hear that you are doing better and that there is no sign of the cancer in your cells ! I dont think God had much of a choice but to intervene here after being bombarded with all of our prayers for you ! We love you little one !
Sherri (John Crow's sister) <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, January 19, 2005 10:09 AM CST
Dear Kaitlyn, I am sending a special prayer for you to be placed in the Wailing Wall. You have been on prayer lists in my church and I keep you in my thoughts and prayers too. I may never get to know you personally, but you have touched my heart and I think of you often. I pray to God to place special healing power into the hands of your doctors and nurses so you can recover. Tell your mother, father and brother to watch over you and may peace be in their hearts.
Nancy Ziegler <nanceziggy39@aol.com>
Moline, IL USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11:35 PM CST
Kaitlyn and Family: So glad to hear the good news! We keep you all in our thoughts and prayers daily. Kaitlyn, you keep up the hard work - we know you're going to be fine.

Sue, Scott, Bri, and Ty Rice <sue.rice@raymondcorp.com>
Greene, NY - Monday, January 17, 2005 10:42 AM CST
Hi Kaitlyn and family. I was so glad to hear the good news your mom had about you. We pray for you everday. God Bless you and your family. Hope you are having fun with your little brother at home now. You are so special and so loved.
DeLoose Family <lrdeloose@mchsi.com>
Colona, Il 61241 - Monday, January 17, 2005 8:46 AM CST
Kaitlyn and family,
How great it was to read your Mom's latest journal entry! Not the "sick to your stomach" part of course, but the rest was just great. Keep up the good work. God is sure answering our prayers.
Laurel Minteer

Laurel Minteer <laurelem@hotmail.com>
Aledo, IL USA - Saturday, January 15, 2005 8:14 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn and family! I'm sooo glad to hear the awesome news. Keep positive and dont forget to give her the 100's of kisses and hugs a day. Keep believing and never lose faith, He is watching over your little princess.
-Love To All

Marcea Schutters <thegoodone77@yahoo.com>
Davenport, Ia US - Saturday, January 15, 2005 11:22 AM CST
Good morning, Kaitlyn. YOU ARE AWESOME!! I am so happy to hear about your bone marrow aspirate results. Now, you've made it through your 5th chemo session as well!! What a brave little girl you are!!!! I'm so glad that you are back home with your family. Kathy & Jeff, if there is anything I can do, please call me!! You guys are prominent in my prayers. I love you all very much!!!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Thursday, January 13, 2005 6:53 AM CST
Hi Kaitlyn,
I'm Kyles mom and I'm so glad to two of you got to play at the hospital and do music therapy, You are such a strong little girl and I'm glad I got to meet your mom and talk with her, I will be praying that the next rounds of chemo and surgery put you in the remission you need for your stem-cell transplant, I will be checking in on you often to see how you are doing, and hopefully giving your mom the support she needs in the long days ahead, remember mom one day at a time, or minute by minute if need be. Love and livestrong.

Paula www.caringbridge.org/ia/kyle <getwellkyle@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:07 AM CST
Dear Kaitlin and Mom it was nice to run into you on Monday at the play room. It really helped me keep Taylor occupied while her mom was busy. Kids seem to do so well up there making friends, sharing and learning new games. I also enjoyed being able to visit with you and Paula, We truly form bonds up there withstrangers who can understand what we are going through. I will continue to check this page and put in prayers for Kaitlyn too.
Lorrie Towle <Latowle1@netins.net>
Van Horne, Ia USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:31 PM CST
I'm not sure how I stumbled across your site, but I am very glad I did. I read everything on it. I too have a 3 year old daughter that was born on July 24 and could not imagine going through what you and your family are. Your daughter seems to be very brave(looking at pictures)and beautiful. I want to you know that you are in our hearts and prayers. Love to all. p.s be sure to give your Princess and great big hug and kiss at least 100 times a day.
Marcea <thegoodone77@yahoo.com>
Davenport, IA US - Saturday, January 8, 2005 2:46 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn: Way to go. Glad to hear the bone marrow aspirate came back good. I am praying that this round of chemo goes easy for you. I know you will remain strong as you are my hero. Will see you this afternoon.
Love Grandma

Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, January 8, 2005 11:59 AM CST
Hello Kaitlyn, I follow this story everyday and we pray for you all the time, I hope you feel much better. I have a 2 yr old and this makes me realize alot, keep strong and you will get better soon...god bless you.
jennifer daniel <jdaniel@qconline.com>
milan, il usa - Saturday, January 8, 2005 10:59 AM CST
Kaitlyn and Family,
I wish you all a Happy New year and wish for you that all your prayers come true. Good Luck and keep fighting!! You are very PRECIOUS!

Carrie and Gage <carebacon03@yahoo.com>
Davneport , IA United States - Friday, January 7, 2005 4:00 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn, I wanted to tell you that I put up your picture that Joanie took on Christmas Eve so everyone here at work could see you smiling & having a wonderful Christmas Eve with Daddy & Grandma & Grandpa Boney. You are so precious to so many people. We all hope & pray your New Year will be better than the last few months. Love, Andy
Andrea Newton <ajnew@qconline.com>
Reynolds, IL - Friday, January 7, 2005 3:19 PM CST
Hi Kaityln
We are friends of Joanie Boney and we wanted to say hi and let you know that your in our prayers every day. We are happy you had a nice Christmas.

Melissa and Ashlie Douglas <mldand2@frontiernet.net>
Monmouth, IL USA - Thursday, January 6, 2005 6:31 AM CST
Dearest Kaitlyn, Mommy, Daddy & Family,
May you wake each day with God's blessings and sleep each night in His keeping. You all our in our thoughts & prayers.
Please, if you need anything, just call.

Missy & Emmy Kyser <miskyser@aol.com>
Colona, IL USA - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 7:20 PM CST
Dear stan and Kaitlyn
Stan your a good man and a great father just keep doing what your doing and never lose faith. Kaitlyn is a
fighter and she'll pull through and remember the lord works in mysterious ways.

Mitch King <coveybear1980@yahoo.com>
Matherville, IL U.S - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 2:46 PM CST
My best wishes go out to our Little Miss Kaitlyn, all of her family members, and all who are keeping her in prayer.

Many of us have found ourselves wondering why this is happening to Kaitlyn.

... Maybe the question is better asked in a different way ... such as ...

"What are the spiritual life lessons we are meant to learn through all of this?" May our hearts be open to learn, grow, and evolve through it all.

"Grandma Valerie" Garrison

Valerie Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Moline, IL USA - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 10:50 AM CST
I am writing to say that I will continue to Keep Kaitlyn in my Prayers and that I will always remember how such a little doll can fill life with such joy.
God Bless all her family in their journey with her.
Love In Him,
Sandy (a Friend of Val & Gerry's)

Sandy Muse <sundaysandy@hotmail.com>
Milan, IL USA - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 8:05 AM CST
Kaitlyn, you might not remember me but I'm Shaelee, Chever and Billy's Mom. When I'd be picking up Shae at Elaine's I'd see you and your Dad and we'd talk.You have your Daddy wrapped around your finger(not a bad thing) and always will, you are his pride and joy. Kathy, your princess is doing so good due to all the love and care you give her. If there is ever anything I can do to help just give me a holler.I pray everyday for you guys, I keep thinking what if it was Shae. You are so strong to be doing all that you do but it will have it's rewards. Kaitlyn will be better and then we can all rejoice and have a BIG PARTY!!!! Our love and prayers are with you, call anytime.. 596-2968
Amy, Bill, Billy Jr., Chever and Shae Harkey <billnamy@qconline.com>
Viola, IL USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 10:59 AM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Good luck on the chemo and hopefully this is a bright start to a good New Year. I have been following this touching story since it was published in the newspaper. I don't know what I would do if my princess was going through something like this. Be strong and enjoy every minute of everyday with your princess. Take Care
Stephaine Genova <Babydol938@aol.com>
Coal Valley, IL - Friday, December 31, 2004 10:33 AM CST
Happy New Year, Kaitlyn! Today is Marshall's and Grandma Millie's birthday! Marshall is 17 and Grandma Millie is, well I better not say, ha ha.. We are taking Justine back to Chicago tomorrow. I hope we don't run into any ice like they are predicting. I understand by Grandma's entry that you are home for the New Year. I hope you have a fun time at home playing with all your new toys! Hope to see you soon!
Love, Joanie, Sam, Justine, & Marshall

Joanie <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Friday, December 31, 2004 8:52 AM CST
Kaitlyn so glad you get to stay home for the New Year. I know you will have a good time with Mom, Jeff & Ryan and Daddy.

To those of you who read this please keep Kaitlyn and her family in your prayers and would appreciate your passing this on to all you know for prayers. We need as this time
1. A safe and easy chemo treatment.
2. Any tests that are perform to show "NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE"
3. Prayers that any testing that needs to be done will be very easy for Kaitlyn and thus easier on Kathy and Stan. (and everyone)
4. Prayers that Kaitlyn will continue to be happier and healthier and once we have definitely achieved no evidence of disease (NED) that it remains that way.

Thank you to everyone who has prayed for Kaitlyn and her families and thank you to the people at both benefits who donated time, money and effort. We appreciate everything very, very much. A special thanks to Kathy's Aunt Carol, Aunt Judy and Aunt Karen for making their benefit a great success. A special thanks to the Reynolds Fire Department, Reynolds Fire Auxilliary and the Girl Scouts for making that benefit such a success.


Grandma Boney <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, December 30, 2004 9:39 AM CST
Good morning, Kaitlyn, Good luck with your next round of chemo, honey! It's a drag that you have to be there for New Year's eve and day, but it is wonderful that you didn't have to be there for Christmas. Kathy, hang in there!! You are SOOOOOOO strong and I am soooooo proud of you!! I love you both very much!!!!!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Thursday, December 30, 2004 7:01 AM CST
Hi Kaitlyn, You don't know us but we are friends to Joanie,
she did baby sitting for my granddaughter, Ashlie. Joanie is the greatest. We hear about you from Joanie, we are glad to hear you had a very nice Christmas. It is good you are feeling better. We think and pray for you and your family. Keep getting better.

Sue & Jerry Tomlin, Grand Daughter Ashlie and Mom Missy <jstomlin@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, Il Warren - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 10:31 PM CST
My prayers are with you everyday.

Jamie Millam <jjsharley_1998@yahoo.com>
Matherville, IL USA - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 9:28 PM CST
Kaitlyn and Stan,
You both need to be strong and keep your heads up. Things always get worse before they get better. All things happen for a reason, remember that. Keep looking at the glass as half full rather than half empty. It works out better that way in the end. We love you guys both and are in our thoughts everyday. Kaitlyn you better keep driving your dad crazy and on his toes, he needs someone like you to keep him in line. HEHE!!!! You'll always be daddy's little girl (his one and only) never forget that. And to Stan, your a great person and a wonderful father just keep her happy and spoil her every chance you get.

Love, Terri and Tara <coveybear1980@yahoo.com>
Matherville, IL USA - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 1:03 AM CST
Good morning, Kaitlyn, It was sooooo WONDERFUL to have you at your cousin Mark's house for Christmas Day with all of us. You were laughing, smiling, and playing like old times. I hope that you and Ryan (and Mommy and Jeffy) had a good time at Papa Gerry and Grandma Valerie's house after you left Mark's house. What a GREAT Christmas present for us all!! I love you very much!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, December 27, 2004 6:36 AM CST
Dear sweet Kaitlyn:
Finding out about the heartache that is happening in your family right now, was a very hard thing to hear. Although you may not remember me, I do remember you. Your father and I were great friends and it seems like whenever I saw him, the love he had for you was overwhelming. He used to bring you over to my house to play with my children on the playground beside my house. I know your entire family, and along with their prayers for you, I send mine. You are an amazing little girl Kaityln, and I know that you are strong also, and will make it through whatever hardships you may face. Stay strong and keep that beautiful smile on your face, and give your daddy a hug for me. Love Becky and Heather

Becky Carroll and Heather Powell <vinbec@qconline.com>
Orion, IL USA - Sunday, December 26, 2004 6:38 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn. I am so happy to hear you got spend a day at Grandma and Papa Jack's for Christmas. I know that must have made everyone's day! I'm sure your daddy was very proud and happy. We were thinking of you today, and so elated to hear your Christmas is going good. Much love sent to you and your family.
Haley <haleycrow@bellsouth.net>
Chattanooga, TN - Saturday, December 25, 2004 10:01 PM CST
Merry Christmas Kaitlyn. It was the best christmas ever to see you come in with your Dad and to know you were happy to be here. That smile was most precious. I hope you have a good rest of the day today and aren't too tired out. We all love you here Kaitlyn very much and pray that the your days will become happier and healthier as time goes on.
Grandma and Papa Boney and Debbie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 25, 2004 6:01 PM CST
Merry Christmas, Kaitlyn! Yesterday was the best Christmas present we could have ever received. To spend the afternoon with you playing and laughing like old times was unforgetable! The way your face lit up when you got to Grandma and Grandpa Boney's house was priceless. It was the gift your Grandma wanted the most! I hope we have more days like that with you because we have missed you so much! Have a fun day with Ryan! I hope you liked your matching pj's!
Love, Joanie, Sam, Justine, & Marshall <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Saturday, December 25, 2004 8:34 AM CST
Merry Christmas, Kaitlyn! Yesterday was the best Christmas present we could have ever received. To spend the afternoon with you playing and laughing like old times was unforgetable! The way your face lit up when you got to Grandma and Grandpa Boney's house was priceless. It was the gift your Grandma wanted the most! I hope we have more days like that with you because we have missed you so much! Have a fun day with Ryan! I hope you liked your matching pj's!
Love, Joanie, Sam, Justine, & Marshall <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Saturday, December 25, 2004 8:34 AM CST
Dear Kaitlyn, I think of you often. I have known your dad for many years through going to school together, and have met your mom a couple times. I know what your parents are going through because my son Adam was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma in his left forearm at 8 months old. He too had chemo at Iowa City and Dr. Loew was his primary doctor. Adam had 13 rounds of chemo every three weeks. We understand the difficulites of treatment and the seemingly never ending blood tests. Cancer can be beat. Adam's cancer has been in remission for 3 years this Spring. The cancer did take his left forearm from him, but he is now a very strong healthy and happy boy. Words can not express the admiration and respect our family has for Dr. Thomas Loew and his staff. We have gotten to know Mary Schlopkohl, and Nurse Mary Lou among others very well. I know that his straight forward approach to medical explanations can sometimes be intimidating but rest assured Kaitlyn is getting world class care at U of I hospitols. During treatment Adam too had many blood tranfusions. It really eats at me that I did not get in sooner to donate at a local blood bank, but I want you to know that Kaitlyn's story inspired my to donate for the first time at our churches blood drive a couple weeks ago. It made me feel really good and I will continue to give knowing that I, in some small way, are helping you and others in need.
In closing, I want you to know that you are in our prayers to be cured comforted. Good Luck to you, Kaitlyn, cancer can be beat. If you would like to talk or get together, my wife and I would more than happy to share our experience with you. Our phone number is 563.344.6099 we live in Bettendorf.

Jamie Julie Adam & Luke Weckel <jweckel@mcleodusa.net>
Bettendorf, IA US - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 10:08 PM CST
Kaitlyn and Kathy: I saw your story on the internet. I grew up in the Quad Cities and now live in Florida. I log onto the Quad Cities on line often to keep up with news from home. That is where I saw and read your story. Please know that your story touched my heart and I have you in my prayers. Keep on believing. Good things do happen to good people. At this special time of year I send along wishes of happier times ahead and hopes of normalcy. Bless you all!
Teresa Ballinger <tmb@tampabay.rr.com>
Clearwater, FL USA - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 12:12 AM CST
Dear Kaitlyn: Everyone here at The Dispatch & The Rock Island Argus wishes you and your family a very Merry Christmas. We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless!
Russ Scott <rscott@qconline.com>
Moline, IL USA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 2:13 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn,
This is John and Pam Krantz. We live next door to your Grandma and Grandpa Boney. We miss seeing you play in the yard with Grandma Boney and riding around with your Dad on the tractor. Hope you continue to get better. You are in our prayers.

John and Pam Krantz
Reynolds, IL USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 8:31 PM CST
Kaitlyn you are a very special little angel and God is looking down on you and smiling.I remember your Dad when he was your age and I suspect your alot like him. You are all in our thoughts and prayers daily. We are here if you need us.
Beverly and Kyle Kaiser <Kylbev1@aol.com>
Cape Coral, Fl USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 6:28 PM CST
Merry Christmas, Kaitlyn. It sounds like you are feeling much better. We are all thinking about you and saying prayers for you.
John Ashley <johnashley@aol.com>
Modesto, CA USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 1:58 PM CST
Hi, Kaitlyn!! So glad to hear that you are home. Hopefully, you will not have to go back to Iowa City between now and Christmas so you can spend Christmas at home with your family!! I sure wish you could be with all of us on Christmas, but we certainly understand if you can't. So, Merry Christmas to the bravest little girl that I know!!!! Merry Christmas to Kathy, Jeff, Kristi, and Ryan as well. I hope all of you get your Christmas wishes answered! I love you all very much!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 7:28 AM CST
To Kaitlyn's family: I followed with interest the recent Dispatch articles about your family, and Kaitlyn's flight with neuroblastoma. Earlier this fall, I met Jim Sonneville at a Walgreen's store. We were at the photo checkout, and I commented on the larger-than-life poster that he was paying for, a poster of an adorable little girl. He proceeded to tell me about the plight of the little girl, Kaitlyn, and how his sons were dedicating the football game that evening to her. In chatting with him, he introduced himself after we discovered that his sons and my son attend Alleman. After he told me Kaitlyn's story, I told him the story about my daughter and her fight to also beat the odds. In parting, I told him I understood the pain the family was going through and to tell Kaitlyn's parents that I would keep them in my prayers.

My daughter, Anna, was born in 1988 with an incurable recessive genetic kidney disease. At 3 months of age, she received a kidney transplant from my husband at St. Francis Hospital in Peoria. When Anna was almost 6 months old, she died at St. Francis after contracting a virus and rejecting his kidney. Although my story does not have the happy ending that we had hoped and prayed for, the experience left us changed for the better and with a feeling that something good resulted from it.

My heart goes out to you, as it did that day I first heard Kaitlyn's story. I understand too well some of the major decisions and sacrifices you have to make for her, and how it can be an emotional and physical roller coaster. Take comfort in knowing that you are doing everything you possibly can for her, and never give up hope. Know that both friends and strangers are praying for her and your family. There is power in prayer, and prayers can produce miracles, even if it's not the miracles we expect.

Diane Turczynski <d-turczynski@midwestengr.com>
Moline, IL - Saturday, December 18, 2004 12:06 AM CST
Kaitlyn glad to hear that you are home. Remember Kaitlyn and Kathy that you are not alone in this. You both have a tremendous support group from your Dad, Kaitlyn, and his family. Kaitlyn, your Dad can and will do anything he can for you. You will never be alone. We love you Kaitlyn
Grandma Millie <m_bony@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 18, 2004 11:08 AM CST


ALEDO, IL - Friday, December 17, 2004 3:25 PM CST
Hi, Kaitlyn! I don't know you personally but have known your Mom since she was in kindergarten with what was my "little girl" then. We have all of you in our thoughts and prayers. I can't begin to imagine what you and your family are going through. God Bless all of you.
Laurel Minteer <laurelem@hotmail.com>
Aledo, IL USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 2:52 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn, My name is Teresa and I lived next door to your Grandma and Grandpa Boney when your Dad was a little boy. I used to babysit for him occasionally. I want you to know I have been following your story in the paper and keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you enjoy and have a very Merry Christmas indeed.
Teresa <tgraham@searsseating.com>
Taylor Ridge, IL - Friday, December 17, 2004 12:13 AM CST
Kaitlyn, your girl scout troop was here tonight and sang christmas carols to me and Papa Jack. Among those girl scouts was Ashley and Samantha. They said that since they couldn't sing to you they would sing to me and I promised them I would let you know. They also gave me candy canes, 1 for each girl that was here. 11 in all.

I pray that you are feeling better tonight and will be home soon.

Grandma Mille <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, December 15, 2004 9:50 PM CST
Kaitlyn I was glad I got to spend time with you last night. You are still and will always be my hero. I am praying that your fever goes away and that you get to feeling better today. Your Daddy and Mommy are my heros also as they remain so strong for you (that includes you Jeff as I know you stay strong for them too) I pray that today is a day with no fevers, more strength and lots of laughter and love.
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, December 15, 2004 9:06 AM CST
Kaitlyn were you happier to see Santa's elves or Santa
claus yesterday. Did the elves play Candy Land with you? You and Ryan looked very cute sitting on Santa's lap or beside Santa. I'm sure Santa will bring you whatever you asked for.
Sorry that today you had to go back to the hospital. Hopefully the fever goes away really fast and you get to come home soon. That would be really cool.
It was really strange to see your picture on the front page of the paper the last few days. It is really quite shocking to see you there. Kaitlyn I pray that your fever stays gone, that you relax more with the people in Iowa City, that the bad cells in you disappear and that you will soon come with Daddy to visit Papa Jack and I real soon.

Grandma Boney <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Monday, December 13, 2004 8:44 PM CST
Sorry you had to go for blood yesterday Kaitlyn, but a necessary thing to keep you strong.
To those of you who read this site there are a lot of children and adults who need transfusions. The blood bank here in the Quad Cities is running low. Think about all those children who need transfusions and we sure want enough out there for them. Call your blood bank and give. Mississippi Valley Region Blood Center, Il = 797-3415 and Iowa - 359-5401. Pass the word on to your friends. You can tell them Becky sent you. Consider it your christmas gift to all who are in need of transfusions.

Also there is a girl Kaitlyn's age who has been in Iowa City who needs a bone marrow donor in case anyone is interested. They decided I was too old.

Grandma Boney <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, December 9, 2004 8:47 AM CST
Today was wonderful Kailtlyn. To see you smiling and standing atthe door waiting for Papa and me waswonderful. Your showing me how you could walk was also great. It won't be long now. We had a wonderful time and I look forward to having more fund time with you.

Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Monday, December 6, 2004 9:07 PM CST
Kaitlyn I am sorry I missed coming out for this treatment. I prayed that you were doing well. Daddy says you were a little out of sorts because of the steriod treatment. I will see you Monday with some Quick, and a shelf for your room
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, December 5, 2004 7:42 PM CST
I just wanted to let you all know that we are thinking about you and your family, all of the time. I can only say for you all to stay strong as a family unit, and then that strength will 'radiate' out to Kaitlyn. She seems like a tough little sweetheart, and I just know She will be home for good and soon!!! Bless her little heart!!! I love you, Kathy!!!...please know that I'm always here for you...you have my numbers. I miss you!!! Hugs and kisses to you, Stan, Jeff, and of course, Kaitlyn. (I am sorry for not writing sooner...my web browser prevented me from doing so.)

The Wimer's.....Jayna, Dallas, Kaleigh, Michael, Barri, Jade, & Kirk <jayna_wimer71@yahoo.com>
Hooper, NE U.S.A. - Monday, November 29, 2004 7:30 PM CST
Good morning, everyone. I want to thank everyone for coming to the benefit Saturday, 11/27 and for your generous donations. I would also like to thank the R.I. Moose Lodge for their generosity as well. Not only did they donate the room, they also donated 2 bartenders, $.25 per drink to Kaitlyn, as well as a monetary donation! I can't thank them enough!!! I also wish to thank all the volunteers that helped with set-up. A special thanks to Gale and Janet Wingert for placement and pick-ups of collection cans for us. Also, a HUGE thank you to Julie Levan and Peggy S. for all their help landing donations for the benefit. I couldn't have done it without them!! Plus, thank you to Valerie Garrison for buying, cooking and making turkey sandwiches!! A special thanks to Gary Sherwood and his friend for the entertainment that they provided. This benefit was a big success and I can't say thank you enough. Sincerely, Karole J. Aultman
Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, November 29, 2004 7:19 AM CST





MOLINE, IL USA - Sunday, November 28, 2004 11:35 AM CST
Kaitlyn and Family,
We wish all of you well. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We hope you enjoy the Holiday Season.
Christina, Mark, Dee and Tay Kloser

Christina Kloser <ckloser@msn.com>
Lakeland, FL USA - Saturday, November 27, 2004 1:34 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn, I found a picture of you and me today. We were dressed up as ballerinas. I really miss playing with you at Amy's, and I am very sad you are sick. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving and were able to eat lots of turkey. I hope Santa brings you lots of presents because you are a very good girl. I can't wait until you are better and can come to Amy's to play again. We pray for you to get better and put your name on our prayer list at church. Love, Camryn
Camryn Leigh Rowe <rowes@qconline.com>
Reynolds, IL USA - Thursday, November 25, 2004 10:11 PM CST
Hi, Kaitlyn, its Courtney again. I just thought Id see how you are. I relly hope to see you sometime again. I remember when you came to my old house, and you swam in my pool also.
I want you to be relly be brave when you go through your fourth round of chemo. Because if you go through all six rounds relly brave you have a good chance of getting all better. I heard you have been helping your mommy with your meds. The reason I decided to write again today is because, I just wanted to tell you that everyone in sioux city is praying for you. I ray for you when I can. Well I better let you go. I love you so so so much. God bless you Kaitlyn.

Courtney Bras <tirequslb@cable1.net>
Sioux City, Iowa usa - Thursday, November 25, 2004 11:26 AM CST
Hi this is your cousin Courtney Bras, you probably dont
remember me because the last time I saw you , you were only 1. I have been praying for you when I go to church. I have heard you are doing much better. I am so very happy for you, and your whole family. I hope you get better, God bless you, and I love you.

Courtney Bras <tirequslb@cable1.net>
Sioux City, IA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 10:38 PM CST
Hi, everyone. Don't forget the benefit for Kaitlyn at Rock Island Moose Lodge (4410 - 9th Street) on 11/27/04 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Hope to see everyone there!!! Karole J. Aultman
Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 1:00 PM CST
Kaitlyn, I am so glad to hear the good news about you. You are so brave to help mommy with your meds. I think about you every day and my grandkids in the Catholic school system pray for you every day during special intentions. I and Uncle Frank will be down for the benefit at the Moose Lodge on Saturday. I sure hope to see you and your family there. Take care and God Bless. I love you and your family a lot. Aunt Karen
Karen Froehlich <KF Bears@aol.com>
Hinton, Ia - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 8:36 AM CST
Hi Kaitlyn,

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Continue to be strong and brave!

Wendy Jo Knox <jojo972001@yahoo.com>
Aurora, IL - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 9:46 AM CST
Hi Kaitlyn,
You are in my prayers. Keep being the brave little girl you are. You are so very precious to all.
I was one of your daddy's teachers! Someday, I'll tell you some really cute and neat stories about your daddy when he was a student.
Love and Best Wishes,

LaRee Wells <law@mchsi.com>
Reynolds, IL RI - Monday, November 22, 2004 7:25 PM CST
We all hope you get better soon, and we want you to know you're in our thoughts and prayers. Have a great 1!

Amber <imfinecreations@hotmail.com>
Andalusia, IL US - Monday, November 22, 2004 6:52 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn We just wanted to say hi. And we miss you very much. And we hope you get well sooooon!!!!!!!!!!! Ryan is being a troublemaker. But that's Ok. We love you.

Andrea and Ashley <dennis55@qconline.com>
Reynolds, IL usa - Monday, November 22, 2004 4:32 PM CST
You are in our prayers and thoughts every day. We look forward to having you come over and play on our swing set with the boys again.

Kyle, Lisa, Jacob & Zachary Williams <liwilliam@riroe.k12.il.us>
Reynolds, IL Rock Island - Monday, November 22, 2004 12:56 AM CST
Kaitlyn and Kathy,
I must say you both are two of my heros. You two are staying strong and making it through this hard time. I am so happy to hear that Kaitlyn is doing better and helping you with the medicine she takes. You all are in our prayers and enjoyed seeing you on TV. What a shock while watching the news and seeing Kaitlyn's picture flash before my eyes.As I said before, if there is anything I can help with please let me know.
Have a Great Thanksgiving Day!
Love ya, Meagan

Meagan Whitehead <mikeandmeagan@msn.com>
Bettendorf, Iowa` United States - Monday, November 22, 2004 12:37 AM CST
Hey, Kaitlyn & Kathy! What a great turnout at the pancake breakfast yesterday! Just shows the kindness and generosity of people at a time like this. I hope that we have as good a turnout at the benefit at the Rock Island Moose Lodge this coming Saturday. I'm sorry that you couldn't be there yesterday, Kaitlyn. But, everyone certainly understands why you couldn't. You guys hang in there! I love you both very much! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 7:35 AM CST
Kaitlyn is in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad to see she is doing better. I know what your going through and it is tough. You just have to keep your head high and keep positive thoughts. God can do a lot for you if you just believe and think positive!! Take care of your princess and yourself!

Brittany Corbett <Britt83@hotmail.com>
Orion, Il - Sunday, November 21, 2004 10:30 AM CST
Hi Kaitlyn! I love your new home page! It is so easy to read and that is my all-time favorite picture of you! I have that same picture on my fridge! Ashley's poem put into words what we all think about when you smile. When you smile, that is our medicine! You have such special friends who all care so much about you. I hope we see you at the pancake breakfast. Maybe YOU can make a few pancakes, and show those firemen how its done!
See you soon! Love Joanie and family

Joanie <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Thursday, November 18, 2004 1:48 PM CST

I'm so happy that you're feeling better. When you feel better, everyone around you do too. You've been such a strong little girl and such a big help to mommy lately with baking and helping with your lines.


Sometimes we do not know why things in life happen, but I truly believe they happen for a particular reason. As time goes by, I think we know deep down inside of us why they do; whether it's to make us stronger or just to have us be reminded that life is so precious and we should cherish each and everyday we have with our family and friends. I want to comment that you have remained so strong through this and I admire you for that. If you ever need anything, just let me know. Thinking of you always--Doreen

Doreen Braden <doreenb@charnor.com>
Orion, IL USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 11:50 AM CST
Hi, Kaitlyn!! What a nice poem your friend wrote. We ALL love to see you smile. You are such a sweetheart and a brave little girl!! What lessons we, as adults, can learn from you!! Hope to see you Sunday at the pancake breakfast and I hope to see you next Saturday at the Moose benefit!! I love you and Mommy very much!!!!!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 6:40 AM CST
Ashley did a wonderful poem for you Kaitlyn. It is so neat and she's right it is so wonderful when you smile. You have that special glint that makes everyone happy. Love you
Grandma Boney <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 17, 2004 4:25 PM CST
Kaitlyn, it's great news to hear your blood cell counts are up and that you are feeling stronger and happier! To the family: Prayers at work! Live strong and faithful.
Lori DIxon
Reynolds, IL USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 11:50 AM CST
Kaitlyn, it's great news to hear your blood cell counts are up and that you are feeling stronger and happier! To the family: Prayers at work! Live strong and faithful.
Lori DIxon
Reynolds, IL USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 11:49 AM CST
Kaitlyn - So glad to hear that your blood counts are holding up good. It is so good to see your smiling face again. I hope that smile keeps getting bigger and brighter.
Love Grandma

Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
Reynolds, - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 9:43 PM CST

TAYLOR RIDGE, IL USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 4:14 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn! I know there were a lot of busy kitchens this past week getting ready for your bake sales!!! From what I saw Sat., it looked like a big success! I'm so happy to hear all the good updates! It makes all of us feel good to actually see the power of prayer unfold! You are so special! We send our love to all of you!
Haley <haleycrow@bellsouth.net>
Chattanooga, TN - Monday, November 15, 2004 11:12 AM CST
Hi Kaitlyn, I hope you have had an enjoyable week-end. Marshall's football team won their game yesterday! Marshall got to play and he got a tackle! Next Saturday we will play at Concord-Triopia, wherever that it. If we win that game, we will go to State!! Pretty exciting for our very first year of consolidation with Alexis. If you feel good enough, I hope you can come to our house for Thanksgiving, even if it is just for a little while. Have another good week and keep getting better everyday!
Love you lots, Joanie, Sam, Marshall, and Justine

Joanie <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Sunday, November 14, 2004 6:40 PM CST
Dear Kaitlyn,

Hi Kaitlyn, I just talked to your mommy and she says that you are in very good spirits today. It is nice to see that your test results have been very positive. I am very glad that Mr. Bear is doing well also. Becca says hello and she hopes that you are feeling better so that she can play with you again soon. She has some pictures for you that we will mail. We hope to see your smiling face soon. Jamie & Becca Tharp

Jamie <JKTCPA@hotmail.com>
Galesburg, IL - Sunday, November 14, 2004 2:55 PM CST
Kaitlyn and family,
I am a good friend of Joanie and Sam Boney and just want you to know you are in our prayers and we hope you continue to feel better. You are such a special little girl and are surrounded with love from many people. We hope you continue to feel better and get to come home soon.

Cathi Watson <rclerwatson@earthlink.net>
Cameron, IL - Saturday, November 13, 2004 9:49 PM CST
What a delight it has been to have seen our "Little Miss Kaitlyn" back to her more chipper self lately. She has been just a "chattering away" like we all know her to do. Her eyes are brighter and her face smiles with a healthier glow! We are all so thankful for everyone's prayers and for Kaitlyn's improved condition!
"Grandma Valerie" Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Moline, IL USA - Saturday, November 13, 2004 9:37 PM CST
Hi Kathy, Just checking in to see how Kaitlyn was doing
and it was great to read the glowing report. Am so glad she
is doing so much better. Laura told me all about the cookies Donnie made her and what fun she had with her last
weekend. All of you are being kept in our prayers.
Love ya lots, Judie

Judie M. <Judiem@charnor.com>
Milan, Il USA - Friday, November 12, 2004 3:36 PM CST
Hi Kaitlyn! I am so happy to hear good news about you! Grandma Millie was so happy that you had a good week, last week. Mommy says you are having lots of things done to you and what a brave girl you have been. We are so proud of you. I hope you are home as much as you can be and have many more good days. We love you lots.
Joanie, Sam, Marshall, and Justine

Joanie <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Friday, November 12, 2004 1:36 PM CST

I just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope everything goes well. Just stay strong, and enjoy every moment. I am glad to hear she is doing well, I know I didn't get to know you very well but I wish you and your family all the best. Hug and kiss her all day - I am sure you do anyway. Take care and hang in there.

Diane Farmer - Charnor <dianef@charnor.com>
Orion, IL - Friday, November 12, 2004 11:08 AM CST
Kaitlin will remain in my prayers. I am Lisa Bolt's aunt and she had her son Joey the same day and in the same hospital as Kaitlin. I remember seeing her after she was born. I grew up in Reynolds so I know the Boney family. Also, my daughter had bone cancer when she was 7and had her leg amputated. She is now 18. Your girl will make it!
Anita Sedam <asedam@riroe.k12.il.us>
Edgington, Il. United States - Friday, November 12, 2004 8:17 AM CST
Hey, Hey!! Wow, Kaitlyn, you are the GREATEST!! I just read the latest journal entry and what wonderful news!!!! This is just awesome! What a strong, brave little girl you are!!!!! I love you and your Mommy VERY MUCH!! Love, Aunt Karole
Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Friday, November 12, 2004 7:08 AM CST
Kaitlyn and Family,
I am sooo happy to hear that you're beating this. I knew that you would be strong enough to make it through this. Keep your head up and keeping fighting. We are all so very proud of you. We are also praying for all of you. It will all be over before you know it.

Barry Cranford <Barry Cranford@jefferds.com>
St. Albans, WV - Friday, November 12, 2004 6:55 AM CST
Kaitlyn - Way to go girl. Your bad cells are going away. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah. We'll keep praying that every day more go away and that every day is a good day. Hear that you get to go to school today. Another Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Won't that be fun and you and Mommy can get out and meet some of the other people in the hospital. Maybe you can pedal that bike or whatever again. Kaitlyn you will always remain by hereo and Mommy and Daddy too. Love Grandma.
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:28 AM CST
Good morning, everyone. Just a quick note to mention that collection cans that have been placed in various places around the QCA are being ripped off by some scumbags. At least, one jerk was caught on video, and the police are handling it. It's a pretty sad world when people rip off a sick little 3 year old girl. But, in the end, they will get their just rewards because I don't think that God looks too kindly on something like this. Karole J. Aultman
Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline,, IL USA - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 9:32 AM CST
Kaitlyn - I'm glad your tests from yesterday are over and hope that you have no new ones today. My prayer for you today is that the test results show no new areas and that there is no sign of any cells. My further prayer is that you and Mommy and Daddy and Jeff have a very fun and happy day and that you are not sick from the chemo treatment.
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, November 9, 2004 8:08 AM CST
Kaitlyn- You are in our hearts and in our prayers everyday. Best wishes to everyone.
Jamie, Mindy & Madison Plotts <jmplotts@theinter.com>
Geneseo, IL - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 6:41 AM CST
Upcoming Benefits for Kaitlyn J. Boney and her family

SUNDAY NOV. 21, 2004 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM
501 N. MAIN ST.

SATURDAY NOV. 27, 2004 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
4410 – 9TH ST.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2005 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
3209-60TH ST.
MOLINE, IL 61265

Call (309) 781-9520 or (309) 738-3001 or (309) 797-1829 or 309-372-8321, 309-372-4461 for more information about the benefits or purchasing raffle tickets. If you cannot attend these benefits, but would like to contribute, you can go to any branch of the following banks. Inform them that you want to contribute to the Kaitlyn J. Boney Benefit account. They will have the appropriate account numbers to facilitate your contribution.

IH Mississippi Valley Credit Union - (309) 793-6200
P. O. Box 1010
Moline, IL 61266-1010

Deere Harvester Credit Union - (309) 765-7500
P.O. Box 887
Moline, IL 61266-0887

THE National Bank - (309) 277-2265
P.O. Box 1030
Bettendorf, IA 52722

Muscaatine, Iowa or any US Bank

We hope you can attend the benefits. In the mean time, we would like to thank you for all your continued prayers and any contribution you might make.

Valerie and Gerry Garrison
Millie and Jack Boney

- Monday, November 8, 2004 9:59 PM CST
Upcoming Benefits for Kaitlyn J. Boney and her family

SUNDAY NOV. 21, 2004 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM
501 N. MAIN ST.

SATURDAY NOV. 27, 2004 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
4410 – 9TH ST.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2005 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
3209-60TH ST.
MOLINE, IL 61265

Call (309) 781-9520 or (309) 738-3001 or (309) 797-1829 or 309-372-8321, 309-372-4461 for more information about the benefits or purchasing raffle tickets. If you cannot attend these benefits, but would like to contribute, you can go to any branch of the following banks. Inform them that you want to contribute to the Kaitlyn J. Boney Benefit account. They will have the appropriate account numbers to facilitate your contribution.

IH Mississippi Valley Credit Union - (309) 793-6200
P. O. Box 1010
Moline, IL 61266-1010

Deere Harvester Credit Union - (309) 765-7500
P.O. Box 887
Moline, IL 61266-0887

THE National Bank - (309) 277-2265
P.O. Box 1030
Bettendorf, IA 52722

Muscaatine, Iowa or any US Bank

We hope you can attend the benefits. In the mean time, we would like to thank you for all your continued prayers and any contribution you might make.

Valerie and Gerry Garrison
Millie and Jack Boney

- Monday, November 8, 2004 9:58 PM CST
Hi, Kaitlyn,
I heard all about your bread baking escapades over the weekend!! I also heard that you ate quite a bit of it as well. There's not much that smells or tastes better than fresh baked bread, is there? Good luck on your third round of chemo today. Just think, after this round, you are halfway through the chemo sessions, at least!! Hang in there, sweetie!! Tell Mommy that if there is anything I can do for her or anything she needs to be sure and let me know, okay? I love you both very much!! Love, Aunt Karole

Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline,, IL USA - Monday, November 8, 2004 7:03 AM CST
The smell of bread in that house was wonderful on Friday. Kaitlyn did indeed enjoy making and eating her loaf of bread. I think she had a wonderful time with her Dad today and they went through the Toys R Us book and she picked out what she wanted for Christmas. Look out Mom you may have to open your own Toy's R Us store at your house. Kaitlyn it was really good to see you happy and talking today and to even asking me to do something for you. I could tell you were feeling better and that made me happier. I wish you didn't have to go back Iowa City tomorrow but I know that in the long run that is a must. I hope when I bring the Peanut Butter cups that you are still interested in them and not feeling yucky. You told me to bring lots. Kaitlyn you will always remain my hero.
Love, Grandma

Grandma Boney <m_boney@hotmail.com>
Reynolds, Il - Sunday, November 7, 2004 5:41 PM CST
Ahh! The wonderful aroma of fresh baked bread filled our Little Miss Kaitlyn's home on Friday. After telling Kaitlyn that I had bought her a rolling pin that was just her size, she began to look forward to baking bread together with me. On Friday, Nov. 5, 2004 our special day had finally arrived.

From start to finish, Kaitlyn & Kathy both watched and participated in every step as we each made our own loaf of bread. Kathy developed a new appreciation for the work involved in kneading and rolling out bread dough. We all giggled when, in order to get better leverage, Kathy had to climb ONTO her table on her hands & knees to better be able to roll out her dough. I think my camera even chuckled at the sight when I took that picture. It was cute.

I do believe that for one day Kathy & Kaitlyn were both able to put aside their concerns of Kaitlyn's cancer & have FUN for a change. I think for a few brief periods, Kaitlyn even forgot that she didn't feel well. (Thank you God. Mission accomplished.)

And ya know what? It's true, that familiar passage ... "It is in giving that we receive". What a wonderful day we all shared and such fun memories were made. Thank you God.

"Grandma Valerie" Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Moline, IL 61265 - Sunday, November 7, 2004 1:22 PM CST
Kaitlyn I am so proud of you. You went to see Amy and your friends at Amy's. Those kids were so thrilled to see you and you showed them how you could crawl. And you and Grandma Val and Mommy made homemade bread. The bread you made was so good. I'm so glad you had a good week finally. I wish you didnt have to have chemo on Monday but know that that is what has to be. You are my hero Kaitlyn and I love you very much.

Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, November 6, 2004 7:53 PM CST
Godspeed... We will be praying for you.
Nicole Jones <mail4nikjones@yahoo.com>
East Moline, IL RI - Thursday, November 4, 2004 2:55 PM CST
Dear Kaitlyn, Amy Harkey is my daughter. She gave me some raffle tickets to sell at work for you. I shared your story with my co-workers and we are all praying for you! You a a very beautiful and brave little girl! God bless you and your family.
Pam Anderson
Lynn Center, IL USA - Thursday, November 4, 2004 12:20 AM CST
Kaitlyn: You are such a precious little girl. I'm hoping to see you next summer and then maybe you and my little Caitlyn will be able to play together. Take care of your mother and tell her that her best friend in Arkansas is praying for her and you! LOVE YA!
Karen (Buck) Schisler <schisler1@centurytel.net>
Cherokee Village, AR USA - Thursday, November 4, 2004 9:06 AM CST
Dear Kaitlyn and family: You are the bravest, most courageous family I know today. God be with you and keep fighting. My prayers are with you.
Lori Dixon
Reynolds, IL USA - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 3:44 PM CST
Sorry that you had to go through thestem cell harvest again but am glad that you got to come home tonight. Everyone will sleep better in their own bed. You are my hero.
Love Grandma

Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Monday, November 1, 2004 9:12 PM CST
Kaitlyn you were so wonderful yesterday during the stem cell harvest. You even talked with the Nurse a little bit. I hope that they don't have to harvest more today. Did you have fun playing Candy Land? I hope the 7 day stay on antibiotic is the rule and you get to come home today or tomorrow. I know both you and your mom are ready. I wore my halloween hat last night. One little girl said I look like a witch. Hope it was just the hat. Papa Jack sends his love and kissess.
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Monday, November 1, 2004 10:37 AM CST
Hi, everybody!!
I just read the journal entry and the e-mail update from Gerry (Papa). All I can say is WOW!! Kaitlyn, what a brave little girl you are!! Keep up the good fight and get better as soon as you can. Kathy, if there is anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to call. You are also very brave! All my love, Aunt Karole

Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline,, IL USA - Monday, November 1, 2004 8:41 AM CST
Kaitlyn,your in our thougths and prayers here in Florida, Be strong and brave for your Mommy, and when your feeling better you tell Mommy you want to go see cousin Annette and Holdon in Florida and we will all go to Disney World!
Annette & Holdon Ceckanowicz( a.k.a Annette Burrill) <annettececk@yahoo.com>
Port St. Lucie, Fl USA - Sunday, October 31, 2004 9:06 PM CST
Kaitlyn Jane, Kathy, Stan, and Jeff, I just read the last entry on your website. Give your family our love and we are still praying for Kaitlyn's recovery. Thanks for keeping us up to date. Our love to all of you, Aunt Karen
Karen Froehlich <KF Bears@aol.com>
Hinton, Ia - Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:41 PM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn! I really liked the article about you in the newspaper. I was happy to see a smile on your face! We have been showing the article to a lot of our friends here and they all send their thoughts and prayers your way. One of Marshall's teachers took down the information on where to send donations and she will be sending a card. Today we are going to Marshall's play-off game. We are lucky that it is at home. I bet Grandpa Gerry is busy watching his favorites, Aledo and Alleman! We spent the afternoon with Aunt Deb at her new house in Rock Island last Sunday. She doesn't quite understand everything, but she sure misses you! I was going to bring Mommy some chili tomorrow, but I guess you are still in Iowa City. I hope you get to come home soon. I hope Ryan is okay, he is so cute! Well I better get ready to go to the game. It is so windy here! Happy Halloween! We love you.
Love Joanie, Sam, Marshall, and Justine

Joanie <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Saturday, October 30, 2004 8:41 AM CDT
Our prayers are with you Kaitlyn and we know that you are a very strong little girl! You have a wonderful family and some day soon, everything will be fine once again. Stay strong!!!
Bill & Jenny Oldroyd <boldroyd@rogers.com>
Brantford, ON Canada - Thursday, October 28, 2004 6:08 PM CDT
Hey Kaitlyn, sweetheart, we're thinking about you everyday. And you're constantly in our prayers. WE love ya. Let us know if there is anything that we can do for you Kathy.
Meagan <mikeandmeagan@msn.com>
Bettendorf, Iowa United States - Thursday, October 28, 2004 3:05 PM CDT
Kaitlyn you are such a brave litte girl. I am so proud of you and your Mommy. I ran across this poem today and just had to put it in here.
I wish I had a magic wand
that I could just wave
in your direction
and make everything "ALL BETTER."
I wish I had a sprinkle of stardust
that would erase every problem
that's come your way.

If only I could get my hands on
a magic lamp and rub it
until a genie appeared,
I would ask for an end
to all your cares
and the beginning
of great happiness for you.

I don't really have any magic,
but if deep feelings
and warm thoughts can help,
there's definitely
some wonder-working stuff
headed your way.
I hope the fever doesn't come back and the echo cardiagram (sp) was okay, I am sure that it was.
Kathy if you have a chance to read this check out the web site www.lunchforlife.org and www.sydneydungan.com. You are not alone. Everything you feel has aready been felt by some other parent with this nightmare. We all loveand support you and Kaitlyn, Jeff and Stan.

Grandma Boney <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:51 PM CDT
Hi Kaitlynn, I am so sad that you had to go back up to Iowa City, but you will be better soon, and get to come home and play with Allison again. We love you, make me some pretty pictures while you are up there. Love Aunt Laura
- Wednesday, October 27, 2004 2:03 PM CDT
I'm so sorry Kaitlyn that you had to go back to Iowa City yesterday with a fever. I am glad it was down by the time your Daddy left last night. You are a very brave little girl and I love you very much.
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, October 26, 2004 7:39 PM CDT
Kathy, I went to school with you and you graduated with my sister Stacey Teel. Haley Crow let me know about your daughter. She's very beautiful and she's definitely added to our prayers. I have a 3 year old son, Mason, and a 9 month old daughter, Emma, that I just love to pieces. All children are blessings in more ways than you can imagine. Stay strong and think happy thoughts!!!
Carrie Sauers (Teel) <big_sexy_81@hotmail.com>
Greendale, IN USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:29 PM CDT
Kaitlyn is now added to our daily prayers. It's great to hear that she's having more energy lately. I have a 3 year old son and a 9 month old daughter that I just love to pieces. I'm sure Kaitlyn knows that she is loved and thought of by so many people. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family Kathy.
Carrie Sauers (Teel) <big_sexy_81@hotmail.com>
Greendale, IN USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:20 PM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn! We're so proud of you! Shaelee can't wait to play with you again.I think about you everytime I look at Shae,I wish there was some way I could have it instead of you or make it a lot easier on you. I pray everyday for you, your Mom and your Dad. If there is ever anything that we can do to help you guys, please let us know.
Amy, Bill, Billy Jr., Chever and Shaelee Harkey <billnamy@qconline.com>
Viola, IL USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 0:17 AM CDT
Kaitlyn made ChocolateChip cookies with her Mom today. Blood work was stable for today. No trip to Iowa City, Yeahhhh. Keep up the good work Kaitlyn. We love you and think your one strong little girl.
Grandma Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Friday, October 22, 2004 6:18 PM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn! Since Grandma Boney is going to see you tomorrow, she is going to give you a big hug from me...all the way in Tennessee. I'm glad to hear your blood work came back good. I check your website every day! I just love your pictures! Lots of XOXO's!
Haley <haleycrow@bellsouth.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Friday, October 22, 2004 0:18 AM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn.
So glad your blood work was okay and no trip to Iowa City today. Yeahhhhh. Hopefully the same Friday. Tuesday is soon enough. Love you Kaitlyn. Can't wait until you can go with Daddy and come to Grandma's house. See you tomorrow

Grandma Boney <m_boney@hotmail.com>
Reynolds, Il USA - Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:04 PM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn, Stan & Kathy-
We are praying for you each week at my church Choir practice. Hope all has gone well with the current round of chemo. Your pictures are so cute!! You remind me so much of Justine when she was little!

Natalie Encapera <babywop@charter.net>
St. Jacob, IL United States - Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:01 AM CDT
Just read your last entry, so glad Kaitlyn is feeling better and hoping this round of chemo is going well. Think about all of you often & will keep you all in my prayers. Give Kaitlyn a hug & kiss for me.
Andrea Newton <ajnew@qconline.com>
Reynolds, IL - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:26 PM CDT
Hi Kath, Kaitlyn, Stan & Jeff and family--I just went in and read the journal entry from last Tuesday. I'm so happy that Kaitlyn is feeling better. All of you have been in my prayers and thoughts everyday. If you ever need anything, please let me know. Love, Doreen

Doreen Braden <doreenb@charnor.com>
Orion, IL USA - Monday, October 18, 2004 1:15 PM CDT
Hi Little Miss Kaitlyn & family....I am a friend of Joanie's & I want to wish you well and let you know that I am praying for you!!!!!!! My sister went through chemo 5 years ago and our family knows your pains and concerns. Take care of yourselves, Kaitlyn needs you to be stroung for her!!!! Julie McVey
Julie McVey <mjmcvey@frontiernet.net>
Monmouth, IL - Saturday, October 16, 2004 7:58 PM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn! I am so happy to hear that you are feeling like playing and smiling again! We have missed you so much! Now maybe you can enjoy all the toys people were bringing you in Iowa City! Your room looked like Toys R Us! I hope this round of chemo goes as well as last time and you don't have too many side effects. We love you!
Joanie, Sam, Justine, and Marshall Boney

Joanie <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Thursday, October 14, 2004 1:04 PM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn and family. Good luck on your next round of chemo. All of Sioux City is still praying for you to get well. You are in our hearts every day. God Bless. Love and kisses, Aunt Karen.
Karen Froehlich <KF Bears@aol.com>
Hinton, Ia USA - Thursday, October 14, 2004 12:43 AM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May God bless you.
Chad and Tammy Kirk <mdk0831@sptc.net>
Shallowater, TX USA - Thursday, October 14, 2004 12:19 AM CDT
I am glad to hear that Kaitlyn is acting more like herself. She is in our thoughts everyday. We will say extra prayers for her as she starts her next round of chemo.
Ardith Mueller <mouse75@winco.net>
Reynolds, IL - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 4:08 PM CDT
Joe and I will be thinking about and praying for you and your family as you begin your 2nd round of chemo therapy tomorrow. We both work with you daddy, and are both humbled and inspired by your courage.

Joe Moellenbeck and Vicki Layer <talktovicki54@hotmail.com>
Port Byron, IL 61275 - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 12:08 AM CDT
Sounds like Kaitlyn is doing as good as can be expected. Glad to hear she is smiling and playing again. She is in our thoughts and prayers. Give her a kiss for all of us!

Cindy Meyer at the Law Centre <cmeyer.meyer@thelawcentre.com>
Rapids City, IL US - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:51 AM CDT
Hi, We check for updates on Kaitlyn daily and then send them on to our kids so that know what is happening with her. Glad to hear she is feeling better, and will be thinking of her especially now that chemo is to start again.
Liz and Otto Zwanziger
Cedar Rapids, IA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 6:58 AM CDT
Good morning, Kaitlyn,
I just wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow for your second round of chemo. Hope all goes well, and know that I will be thinking of you and praying for you!! I love you!
Aunt Karole

Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline,, IL USA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 6:46 AM CDT
Hi! I am a good friend of Joanie and Sam's. Joanie has taken care of my 2 children for several years. My daughter was born with a very large Nevi on her face and has had 4 surgeries to remove it. She still has more surgeries ahead of her. It is very hard for a parent to see their child in the hospital. I hope Kaitlyn gets to spend a lot of time at home. She is precious and very well loved by her family. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Jane Shimmin <jshimmin@united.k12.il.us>
Roseville, IL U.S. - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 6:09 PM CDT
My thoughts are with you all. Know that there are a lot of people praying for you.

Michelle Longnecker
Silvis, Il usa - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 3:38 PM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn (and Family),
You don't know me and I don't know you, but when I saw your little face my heart just melted! You are beautiful! I have six children ages 20 down to 10 and each one is special and a treasure to me as I know you are to your parents. Me and my family will be praying for you here in Texas as I know there others here doing the same. I received this message from JLS in Lubbock. I'm asking for miracles for you and your family, financially, physicially, emotionally, and spiritually. God is so good and His mercies are new every morning and I know God's watching over you all. :o)

Joanie Ellsworth <toolie@Cleansed.net>
Wickett, TX USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 10:06 AM CDT
God bless you and your family.Your are such a special little girl we love you. I have called a couple of the churchs here in Monmouth and the church in Geneseo where Hailey and I are members they are all praying for you, mommy, daddy and the rest of your family.Brian says there isnt a day that goes by that all those guys at Daddy's work dont think about you. Just know you all are in our thoughts and prayers.

Tammy & Brian Nelson <btnellie@frontiernet.net>
Monmouth, Il Warren - Monday, October 11, 2004 10:27 PM CDT
Good morning. We are having a benefit for Kaitlyn and her family on 11/27/04 at the Rock Island Moose Lodge, 4410 9th Street, Rock Island Il from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. There will be a silent auction, 50/50 drawing, and several items to raffle. Food will be available. We are also selling tickets before the event for a cash drawing. If you would like to buy tickets for the cash drawing, please contact me at 309-781-9520. Please come to show your support for Kaitlyn and her family as the bills are starting to pile up. Thank you!!
Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Monday, October 11, 2004 6:52 AM CDT
Jeff,Kathy,Kaitlyn and family, We want you to know your daughter is a beautiful girl. Your family has been in our thoughts and prayers. Love, The Latimer's
Tim,Cathy,Sam,Sarah Latimer <dublats8@aol.com>
Dubuque, Ia Dubuque - Sunday, October 10, 2004 9:53 PM CDT
Kathy and Kaitlyn and family, you all are in my prayers and in my daily thoughts. If you need anything at all please let me know. If you ever need a ride to Iowa City or doctor visits or just someone to call and talk to I'm here for you. I'd be happy to watch Ryan if needed too. I love you
Meagan <mikeandmeagan@msn.com>
Bettendorf, Iowa United States - Thursday, October 7, 2004 4:34 PM CDT
Kaitlyn is adorable. I have grandchildren and my heart goes out to you. I put her name in the special intentions book at my church - that means that everytime there is a Mass those in attendance pray for her. Good Luck and try and be as strong as you can. God works in mysterious ways, we don't always know why, but he does have a plan.
Gail Thompson
Davenport, IA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 9:33 AM CDT
Kaitlyn and family,
Our prayers are with all of you during this very difficult time. May God give you strength to fight the battle and may He comfort you when your spirits need lifting.

Marty & Lisa Gray <llgray79@aol.com>
Milan, IL US - Thursday, October 7, 2004 8:28 AM CDT
I am a sorority sister of Aunt Lisa's. Kaitlyn, you and your family are in our prayers. You are such a brave and beautiful little girl, and there are so many people praying for you. God Bless!
Darby Kelso <darbybrazie@hotmail.com>
Lake Ann, MI USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 0:26 AM CDT
Kaitlyn has been in our prayers and is on the prayer request list at church. We know there are a lot of people that are keeping her in their thoughts and prayers. You have a large support group.
Don and Tina Sonneville
Moline, - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 10:28 AM CDT
Kaitlyn and family...
We keep you in our thoughts and prayers each day. It is wonderful to hear that you are back home. What a beautiful little girl you are, Kaitlyn! And so very brave too. God Bless!

Shelbe, Dave, Samantha, & Matthew Parr <dashparr@msn.com>
Ankeny, IA - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 12:35 AM CDT
We love you, Kaitlyn, and you are in our prayers. What a special blessing you are!

Dixon family
Reynolds, IL USA - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 8:29 AM CDT
Hi -- Just want you to know that you all, especially little Kaitlyn, are in our prayers. We've always felt a bond to her because she was born on our Michaela's birthday but has the same name as our Kaitlynn (our granddaugters). When your Kaitlyn is all better, we'll have to get the 3 little girls together:-) God bless you all.
Jack & Penny Youngquist <penjac@winco.net>
Aledo, IL USA - Monday, October 4, 2004 12:37 AM CDT
Im so glad to here that Kaitlyn is finally home! She is in our prayers. I work with Kaitlyn's grandma Boney at The Law Centre. Hi Kaitlyn! Hope your feeling better!

Cindy Meyer <cmeyer.meyer@thelawcentre.com>
Rapids City, IL US - Monday, October 4, 2004 11:45 AM CDT
I just wanted to let you know that we are praying for your whole family. Kaitlyn, you look like a very strong little girl and it sounds like a very loved little girl. My cousin, Haley Crow, told me your story and I had to come and visit your story. God bless you all.
Marchelle and Jeremy Lyons <marchellelyons@hotmail.com>
Apple Valley, MN USA - Sunday, October 3, 2004 12:40 AM CDT
Hi everyone!! I just thought I would let you know that you all are in my thoughts every day. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me. I will see you soon.

Aunt JuJu

Judy Burrill <michaelburrill@sbcglobal.net>
Milan, IL 61264 - Saturday, October 2, 2004 7:39 PM CDT
Kaitlyn, We are all praying for you & your family during this time. Please know that if you need anything we will do what we can. We look forward to having you play in the back yard next summer with Kadie & Emily.
Tina, Steve, Kadie & Emily Klauer <mortsptm@winco.net>
Reynolds, IL - Saturday, October 2, 2004 5:22 PM CDT
Kaitlyn Jane: Honey, keep up the strong fight and with God's help, you will win! Everyone in Sioux City are praying for you and your family. Love you lots, Aunt Karen.
Karen Froehlich <KF Bears@aol.com>
Hinton, IaKF - Saturday, October 2, 2004 7:51 AM CDT
Kaitlyn - We love you and miss your visits to The Law Centre. We miss Grandma Millie too. Get better so you can come see us soon.
Sheryl J. Burley <sburley@thelawcentre.com>
New Boston, IL USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 2:29 PM CDT
We just wanted you to know that all of you are in our thoughts and prayers every day. Kaitlyn, you are a very special little girl and you have alot of caring people from Reynolds praying for you. Take care and let us know if we can help in any way.
Dan & Janice Hofer <janicehofer@hotmail.com>
Reynolds, IL - Friday, October 1, 2004 2:08 PM CDT
Good morning, We are having a benefit for Kaitlyn on 11/27/04. The Rock Island Moose lodge has generously offered their facility. The benefit will start at 1 p.m. and continue until 5 p.m. or so. The address is 4410-9th Street, Rock Island, IL. Please make plans to attend and show our support to Kaitlyn and her family. I will post the events we are planning for the benefit at a later date. Any questions, please call me at 309-781-9520 and leave me a message. Thank you!! Karole Aultman

Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, IL USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 7:41 AM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn... I am a friend of your grandma Valerie. My prayers are with you and your family. I'm so glad you have this website. It's a wonderful way to keep updated on your progress and to know you're at home. Nancy
Nancy Roush <nancyr123@bigfoot.com>
Bettendorf, IA USA - Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:06 PM CDT
Kaitlyn and Family
We are very glad to hear you are home and will keep track of you through this web and QCKW. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Bob & Mary Lee McAlister <bigg14@mcics.com>
Aledo, IL - Thursday, September 30, 2004 10:40 PM CDT
Kathy, Jeff & Stan

My thoughts are with you through this long emotional journey. I will keep Kaitlyn in my prayers and also pray that God strengthens your will and keeps you strong so that this journey is more bearable.

Kathy, you are my dearest friend please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you!

God Bless!

Jennifer Miller <jenmiller00@insightbb.com>
Fishers, IN USA - Thursday, September 30, 2004 9:44 PM CDT
I'm so happy to hear you are home. Just want to let you know you are all in my thoughts & prayers.
Andrea Newton <ajnew@qconline.com>
Reynolds, il - Thursday, September 30, 2004 7:02 PM CDT
Hi, Kaitlyn, glad to know you are back home again. All of
my family are praying for you and your family to get through all this. May God bless you.

Shari Hutton <shutton@kenworthquadcities.com>
Milan, Il - Thursday, September 30, 2004 12:31 AM CDT
Kaitlyn and Kathy, I am thinking of you all the time. I love you both very much. Kaityln have you watched Charletts Web yet?? Love ya
BUFFALO, IA USA - Thursday, September 30, 2004 12:13 AM CDT
Hi, honey!! It's good to hear that you and Mommy are home sleeping in your own beds. Now you can be with your baby brother, too. You are such a good little girl; so brave and strong!! God is watching over you and you must have an angel on your shoulder!! You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. You and Mommy have to keep your spirits up and fight this so you can get better, and then you and I can have our "slumber party"! I love you very much, Kaitlyn. Kathy, hang in there honey! You are one of the strongest people I know!! All my love, Aunt Karole

Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, , IL USA - Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:28 AM CDT
Dearest little Kaitlyn and family: You are on our hearts and in our prayers. We pray for you on a daily basis, and on Wednesday evenings when the team meets for group prayer. God be with you.
From the Prayer Warrior Team comprised of Edgington Presbyterian, Taylor Ridge United Methodist, Reynolds United Methodist, Pine Bluff United Methodist and Illinois City United Methodist Churches

Prayer Warriors
Home area, IL USA - Thursday, September 30, 2004 9:35 AM CDT
May God wrap His Holy loving arms around you and blanket you with His Almighty Grace. I pray that He has healing mercy on your precious little body and that He comforts you and your family in this great time of need. May His ever-loving power be bestowed upon you and yours. You and your family are constantly in my prayers.

Sherryl Sonneville <smsonneville@aol.com>
Rock Island, IL USA - Thursday, September 30, 2004 8:24 AM CDT
May God wrap His Holy loving arms around you and blanket you with His Almighty Grace. I pray that He has healing mercy on your precious little body and that He comforts you and your family in this desperate time of need. May He is ever-loving power be bestowed upon you and yours. You and your family are constantly in my prayers.

Sherryl Sonneville <smsonneville@aol.com>
Rock Island, IL USA - Thursday, September 30, 2004 8:22 AM CDT
This is an awesome idea for those of us who care, are thinking of, and praying for.......
Vicki Layer

Vicki Layer <talktovicki54@hotmail.com>
Port Byron, IL USA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 1:38 PM CDT
We hope everything in your battle is quick and successful. Our family knows about the "C" word and it gets overwhelming sometimes. Just remember, everyday is closer to getting this behind you, SO just "pray hard" and we will pray for you too!! God Bless you and your family and friends
Sherrie Oshner and family <voso@famvid.com>
Quincy, Illnois USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 9:39 PM CDT
What a beautiful little brown eyed angel! Judy Burrell is our supplies sales representative and told us about Kaitlyn. Please know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers as God holds each of you in the palm of His hand and comforts your down times and laughs with you during the good. Your friends at Rosa's flower shop, Marengo, Iowa
Grace <rosas@netins.net>
Marengo, IA USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:51 PM CDT
Kaitlyn, Stan & Kathy-
You are in our thoughts & prayers! Kaitlyn is such a special little girl! I know the nurses & doctors will take good care of her & God will watch over all of you!

Natalie Encapera & Family <babywop@charter.net>
St. Jacob, IL - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:03 PM CDT
My thoughts & prayers are with you guys.Be strong.
Shorti Crow <jlcrow@winco.net>
Viola, Il Mercer - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 2:29 PM CDT

You are in our thoughts and prayers. We hope and pray that you get better soon.

Mike, Jennifer, Julia, and Mia Burrill

Mike Burrill <michaelburrill@sbcglobal.net>
Moline, IL 61265 - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:29 AM CDT
Hi, I'm LaNese, one of Val's friends. Just want you to know that you are in our prayers. I've also added you to our church's prayer list.
God bless you all.
LaNese and Ron Duncan

Ron and LaNese Duncan <lanese.duncan@risd41.org>
Milan, il usa - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:29 AM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn, I am Ashley's mommy and she is 7 years old and had cancer like you did when she was a little baby. She had the same medicine you are having and was in the hospital a lot too. Her doctors and nurses were so wonderful!! They took great care of her. She isn't sick anymore and loves being in 2nd grade!! We pray for you so many times in the day. We can't wait until you feel better.
God's blessings, Michelle, Scott, Jacob, Ashley, and Nathan Heinlein.

Michelle Heinlein <shells1465@juno.com>
Bel Air, MD USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 9:52 AM CDT
Kaitlyn, I have a small army of people praying for you. I know a little girl named Ashley who also had cancer and made it through. Know that you are loved just because you are you.
Bonnie Maliszewski <bmalisz@juno.com>
Forest Hill, MD USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 7:43 AM CDT
God bless you little Kaitlyn! We will pray for you!!!! xoxo's
Jennie, Bryce and Brytne
Galesburg, il USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 10:19 PM CDT
I hope you get well very soon. We all are praying for you.

Michael Sonneville <pinningchamp119@hotmail.com>
Moline, Ill - Monday, September 27, 2004 9:41 PM CDT
Kathy and family
My thoughts are with all of you everyday. Our prayers go out to you. We wonder why these things happen but we have to keep faith that everything will turn out great. It sounds positive at this point. Love to all of you

elaine de vore <elaineandbil@lisco.com>
columbus junction,, ia - Monday, September 27, 2004 8:13 PM CDT
Kathy, Jeff & Stan--You're all in my thoughts everyday. I know exactly what you are going through because of my own experience with Erin & Brittany's dad. Please keep your positive attitude; it goes way beyond measurement. We are all praying for you and most important keep your faith in yourself and the doctors. Kaitlyn--you're a very strong little girl. You'll get through this because everyone loves you so much. God is watching over you and you'll get stronger each and every day. Love to you all---Doreen
Doreen Braden <doreenb@charnor.com>
Orion, IL USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 12:20 AM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn! I'm not sure you remember me, but I'm your Grandma's sister, Lisa. I was at Grandma and Grandpa's house in July for your birthday party. I'm very sorry to hear about what's happening with you, however I do know that God has a wonderful plan for your life. Just keep smiling knowing that God loves you and that he will be holding your hand through all of this. There are a lot of people praying for you and your family right now. We all want to see you get better soon. I'm praying that God will wrap his loving arms around you through all of this and that you will feel his presence and warmth around you. We love you!
Lisa Swiech <nauticalgirl@verizon.net>
Temecula, CA UAS - Monday, September 27, 2004 9:52 AM CDT
Hi Kaitlyn ! kisses and hugs to you and your family !! you will be better before you know it ! I am John Crow's sister - Sherri- Stan & Kathy, stay strong for your baby...and call if there is EVER ANYTHING i can do for you !!!
Sherri (Crow) Lester <a_bear4u@yahoo.com>
Viola, IL USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 8:53 AM CDT
Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and your family. I was thinking about it on my way to work this morning. Having a 3 year old little girl myself I must say it really hits home. I hope beyond the best for you. Please let me know when everyone is up for a visit. I have a 3 year old that would love to meet Kaitlyn. They could pass for sisters! God Bless and take care! Dusty, Dani, Taylor, and Emma Kay Pratt.
Dusty Pratt <dusty@highstream.net>
New Liberty , IA US - Monday, September 27, 2004 8:33 AM CDT
Kaitlyn & Family, I am a good friend of Joanie & Sam's. We just wanted you to know we are thinking of you and praying for you everyday. We have heard what a brave and strong little girl you are - hope you can come home this week. You are loved by so many people!
Chrissi Ryner <ryner@accessus.net>
Monmouth, IL usa - Monday, September 27, 2004 8:22 AM CDT
Kaitlyn--you stay strong and keep putting up that brave fight that I know you have in you. Kathy, Jeff, Stan--You're in my thoughts and prayers always--You've got quite a prayer network around the States praying for all of you and lifting you up! Keep the Faith! Love-Marci & Cade
Marci Dinneweth <marcid@charnor.com>
Moline, IL USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 8:12 AM CDT
Kaitlyn, we want you and your family to know that we are thinking and praying for you every day. You have such a strong will and loving family surrounding you. I know you have 1000s of guardian angels watching over you right now. We will all fight this with you! You are such an angel! We send lots of hugs and love to your whole family.
John, Haley, David, & Johnna Crow <haleycrow@bellsouth.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Sunday, September 26, 2004 11:33 PM CDT
My prayers are with you little Kaitlyn!
Penny Treadwell (friend of Val's)
Rock Island, Il. USA - Sunday, September 26, 2004 11:13 PM CDT
My little grandson at age 4 was treated in Iowa City with Stage 4 rhabdomyosarcoma. He is now 16 years old. The doctors and nurses in the Childrens cancer ward are wonderful and are so good with the little children. Is Nurse Kim still there?
I know the pain you are all suffering and pray that God will keep all of you and your little princess wrapped in his healing arms.

Sandra Schaley <schaley@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, Il. - Sunday, September 26, 2004 10:12 PM CDT
Kaitlyn: I'm a friend of your Grandma Valerie and have read all about you (feel like I know you already)...everyone I know is rootin' for you big time! God must be getting lots of mail, don't you think?
Take care, Love, Mary Jane Miller, Knoxville, Il

Mary Jane Miller <mjmsm61@grics.net>
Knoxville, Illinois USA - Sunday, September 26, 2004 9:23 PM CDT
Hello, sweet little Kaitlyn. We are praying for you & your family and know you are getting the best care possible. You are a very smart, loving & brave little girl. Love, Jack, Andy & Buffy
Andrea Newton <ajnew@qconline.com>
Reynolds, il usa - Sunday, September 26, 2004 8:29 PM CDT
Kathy, Kaitlyn and family. Our prayers and thoughts are
with you each day. Aunt Karen is coming to see you tomorrow. Hopefully things turn for the better quickly.
Will all our love. Karen & Frank

Frank Froehlich <fr4rvs@cableone.net>
Hinton, Ia Plymouth - Sunday, September 26, 2004 5:09 PM CDT
Dear Kaitlyn, You are the bravest girl ever! You take all your medicine when the nurses bring it and you are teaching Daddy how to be a great nurse! We are so proud of how Mommy, Daddy, and Jeff are handling everything. Can't wait until you can come home and sleep in your own bed and see Ryan. We love you so much!
Love, Joanie, Sam, Marshall, and Justine Boney

Joanie <boney@maplecity.com>
Monmouth, IL Warren - Sunday, September 26, 2004 9:53 AM CDT

God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change,
the COURAGE to change the things I can,
and the WISDOM to know the difference.

The Serenity Prayer makes the most sense for me to pray at this time.
I am sending warm wishes of love, and best intentions for the Highest Good for all.

Valerie Garrison, Sunday, September 26, 2004

Valerie Garrison <ValerieJGBlossom@hotmail.com>
Moline, IL USA - Sunday, September 26, 2004 9:26 AM CDT
Stan, Kathy & Jeff,
I am thinking about Kaitlyn and praying for her everyday. I am glad that she is giving the nurses a bit of a hard time because that tells me she has got some fight in her and that's great! I know that God and his angels are with her at every moment. Keep up your spirits and get rest when you can.

Andrea Guastadisegni <Guastadisegni@hotmail.com>
Grayslake, IL - Saturday, September 25, 2004 11:53 PM CDT
Hi special little girl, we hope you will be able to come see the horses with Grandma and A. Joannie real soon. Love and hugs to you and Daddy and Mommy......Kenny and Ruth Hoyt
Ruth Hoyt <ruth337@winco.net>
Reynolds, , Il. USA - Saturday, September 25, 2004 5:51 PM CDT
Our prayers are with all of you. We think of you often

Aunt Liz and Otto

Liz Zwanziger <ozezwan@aol.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Saturday, September 25, 2004 10:58 AM CDT

EAST MOLINE, IL USA - Friday, September 24, 2004 2:51 PM CDT
MATHERVILLE, IL - Friday, September 24, 2004 1:57 PM CDT
Kaitlyn, Kathy and Family: My thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep strong and fight, fight, fight!

Helen Wolever
- Friday, September 24, 2004 1:45 PM CDT
Hello, again, to Kaitlyn and all her loving, supporting family. The journal entries exude the positive determination of the family to bind together and fight this disease alongside Kaitlyn, your precious little bundle. Keep on fighting! We are lifting Kaitlyn AND all of you up in our prayers for healing and strength. Kaitlyn, you are on my heart!
Lori Dixon
Reynolds, IL USA - Friday, September 24, 2004 10:42 AM CDT
We love you and keep fighting!
Scott, Kathy, Andrea & Tyler <katsjahn@qconline.com>
- Wednesday, September 22, 2004 6:23 PM CDT
Kaityln, I love you very much and I hope you start feeling like yourself soon. Keep fighting for all of us.

Aunt Beth <broth@thetravelbusiness.com>
Reynolds, IL 61279 - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 6:21 PM CDT
Everyone at Jewell Tool Technology in Bettendorf, Ia is praying for Kaitlyn Jane. Aunt Karole and Aunt Judy send their love and hope and prayers to everyone involved. We love you very much, Kaitlyn!! Kathy, Stan, and Jeff; continue to be strong for Kaitlyn's sake. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!!
Karole J. Aultman <kaultman@jewellgroup.com>
East Moline, , IL USA - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 10:51 AM CDT
I think about you everyday. You are in a great place and I know they will give you the very best.
Carol Jahn <carol.jahn@comcast.net>
Warrenville, IL 60555 - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 9:04 AM CDT
To Kaitlyn and her family: It is amazing how much strength you all have! I'm praying for comfort and healing for Kaitlyn, for strength, courage and compassion for all the family, and for wisdom and precision for the doctors and nurses caring for Kaitlyn. The Village of Reynolds and all the folks at the Law Centre are pulling for you in full force!
Lori Dixon <ldixon.mcfe@thelawcentre.com>
Reynolds, IL 61279 - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:27 AM CDT
Our prayers and thoughts are with you each and every day, so please let us know if there is anything that we could possibly do to help.
Laura Terronez <myemmabug@hotmail.com>
Taylor Ridge, IL US - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:25 AM CDT
Our prayers and thoughts are with all of you. We are thinking of you every day. Leah can't wait for Kaitlyn to get better so they can play together again. Please don't hesitate to call if you need anything.
Ardith Mueller
Reynolds, IL USA - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:16 PM CDT
Our prayers are for you Kaitlyn. Love Grandma and Papa Jack
Millie <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, September 21, 2004 5:04 PM CDT
I love you Kaitlyn, Dad
Dad <m_boney@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, September 21, 2004 5:01 PM CDT

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